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1 ( August 1, 1990 I 40th Yeer. No. 43 AVON LAKE SHEFFIELD Business \ Community Pulse And More... RJH, Jr. yut.k IIAIE. U'3 POSTAGE PAIO PERMIT NO <1 AVON LAKE. OMJO MC12 SHEFFIELD LAKE AVON A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN LQRAIN COUNTY CO YR1GHT e 1990 A..v Avon School Levy Should I'assl The Avon 4.77 mill omerganey iuvy m.-xl. week should paw.. While the r^c^ct attempt to fund*he schoo! deficit tiv ;m income lax f;iiltii. it wasn'! by IIHIL.1I- J>o many thintt^ are "t rtsl. (».,-. Th>honor society, class sizes, alhlulics [tins so much more will be shelved ahuuui tlio levy fail. (See tdilorial front pagir.j Writer Neededl I am sorry lo say our Avon writer, governmental mid schooi board correspondent AlLia SICI.LT will, be leaving the Press. Should anyone with writing experience ho in! e rusted in the position, please give tlio I'resi i\ t:u\\ today. New Dog Warden! On July J, Dennis Breeso assumed the job uf Dyg Warden - fcr tlio city of Avon Laku. Dennis would like loget a list of people who now or in the near future would like in give a good fiomt' to a dog or cut - These wculii be animals that h;ivu.1 [;c;tni ili'.j.umiimi und onus iluil have not been diiimed by anyone. There would b«no charge fur these animals. Thn only requirement : would be to purchase a dog license and Iho now owner would bo responsible for ai*y shots that would be required. A! (lie time of this writing Hennia has four dog5 and ono calico cat and two kit Ions. He U unable to keep these animals Indofinitoly so if you or someone you know might be interested, pk-asu give him a canal , or you can leave ii message ut ihe police department, Also, since taking on this job Dennis b&s received several complaints of uitt. th«t roam the noighborhood. If you own a cal that you pnrmit to go outside, you are responsible. If lie should receive u call on a cat (hat i* in somebody nlso's yard and captures it the cost to the ovraer will bo to gut the uniniiil back. This, of course, applies lo dogs alao. Magical Merry-go-round Breon Coughlin i3 all thrills and amlloc at tho St. Joseph carnival, hold last wook, as ho rides the carousel. {PRESS photos MarcKUa Grande). They got to watch Breen Couglin's uncle. Bill Chinnock, and cousin, Erin Murphy, watched and waved as Broon took a second spin on the merry-go-round at St. Joseph's Parish carnival on Lake Road. More carnival photos coming noxt wook. Full-time force in hands of voters Dy Ed Barlow SHEFFIELD VILLAGE - council voted ln.it Tuesday. July 24, to place a 4.5 mill levy on iho November 0 ballot to support a full-time police department. The special emergency meeting was called Monday night after two council members vu' ed (ikainst placing the levy on tho ballot. Council momb«r Konald RUHHO uskod Mayor Jerrod Bialko if he could chtmge his vote after council member Elmer Scott Bold ho believed iho people of this community should ba ablo to choosr See FOCUS on women section pages whother tlioy want u full-timu police force or net. "Tho easiest wuy to do something is to do nothing. It's oa,, io play politics. I would Uko to c<; us place tlio police levy on the ballot and let tho peoplo votn to see whim thny stand," said Scott. Tho special maoting wo.«called becnusc it was deturmtnod that Kusso uould not chango his volo until It uume up nt another moot Ing, iind since council will ho in recess during August and the dendiinn lor tho ordinance to reach tho Lorn in Board of Elect lonn Is August 23. the special emcrgr-i j' meotinr was culled. Tho 4.5 mill lovy will y,vnvrt>\n nij irnxtniiiloly $1J9.SUO a y««r for throti yours. Tim polici! ditparlnnsnt now hut II p.irttiiii.! nfficttis including tho pulicn <:UU:i, nil)" mservi ufficorsi wild work withmtt [i.iy iiiiri i-) (111 mixilinry nfficcrs. I'uliciT iviti'f Klisiitr KliiHiiihirn btilicvt-... 'ull-tiiim cltipiirtmtmil will liuosl imir.il'i.iiiiinii;!fi.- otfi'.crs, briiih tilioul ui.'tlcr i.itvcrai;" :ui-i i.imsistuncy nnd hi-lt'n' serve the cdmu'iinily.' If ill.) levy j*nn-mt lie phns tit him r:-') full- tiino c»fl"n:urr* s:nd «;diititmh! Id» ;*! tliir ro'iisrvtt i\nil niixfli.-iry nffirnfi. Chief, mayor, safety director support 'support' car program Dy Ed Barlow SHEFFIELD LAKE - In reaptiimf} to President of Council Donuld Hmith'.i crltisctmii of thn support cur prngruin I'dlicd ("hiof Thdinnn Schinidt.lulmiiljfd ii lulter wliicti was roue] bufoni city COMIIr.il DTI July 24. In il. Sciniiil providi'd n i.npv <>l mimit.'i tnini ii I'.iHT un:vmixii in winch (.niliirll priviidoiil.'imitii's volr w:i«in.ii ) jiir[ of!h'! iiip >firt 'Mir T*.Krtuii- Thts It'tter Mitfc's: "The support r.nr [irui'.riiin. mill c n:c:i;nlly pfopnsi'd levy wtitrh y-ni pontificiitei! udihi at -i ri.t<-nt (.uiiiicil i!ifi'ti;i(4 ih.it I ti'<l nul jillmul. show myself and many citizens of Sheffield Lnko your comments wore moda without logic, research or fact. This iu certainly no fiuprlso to me, but many of your "nock" who soom to think you spunk of fact, should know the truth. "Wlioti tho support car program was prusenlod and ncutipicd by city council in V.W7, when you wurr a Councilmon- ;it-l;irj',t', tlio rniiiu pur);(!ho was plnihunil iimplo: hitttor prrjit'ctiun for our cili/.ori* wliilfi ndhiirinn id ri.i«;nl responsibility. not "cart )iirki!(! in drivewnyfll " rim police luvy that w.is jirusenldil wits for llii! purjid^ti of nilifiiia U juvi-nllo Cctimieci an pjgn 11

2 Stop in and join the celebration with these Anniversary Specials. ailow«wedn«day, AugwH In ttiru Tueidov, Augutt 7*. _ V USDA Top Choice bottom round steak cube steak Cart) Tied Artgui B«f ovoiloble in porttcipattng itotn. ground beef city chicken chicken breast JJiJTOSfcO Lo-salt, Lo-sodium 25% fal-f baby Swiss cheese cooked salami Voder's tapioca ' LB.~; Fully cooked and ready to serve grape juice r,.. $159 chocolate milk Cherry Coke, Diet Ccke or., ;, > H B a HI H H DB m mjmjbm mmwmaammmwum on on Pride Pok icecream.. VALUABLE COUPON chocolote 9 vanillo chocolala ripple irrawbttrry r-pple rmopolilan 1 tomatoes Serving you 'til midnight - today and everydayxf 'gf Discount Couponi oil ot+o. _. Conttmtnl Food Moil Avon Lake 137 leaf Rd. Sheffield Lake 4786 Lake Rd. 453 Avon-Bo Idon Rd. Food Mart

3 Letters Vote Yes on Aug. 7 To the Editor: The Avon Schools need muncy. In past >ears. books have gono impurceiased sieif have voluntarily foregone raises in pjv, and aging buildings huvo not received needed maintenance. Drastic cuts have been made that will depth v students uf access lo staff, tquipiaont, materials, and all extra-curricular activities. In spite of what people may believe, tho statu legislature and lottery fu.ids do not give Avon a significant amount of money to run tho school system. Our schools are fundoi for the tnosf p*;rt by locally- generated taxes. Teachers are the heart and sou! ol any school system, yet Avon will Jose 11 teachers, aides, and tutors *f the low fails Our children deserve our support They cannot vote on their own educational Future. Please vote yes for them on August 7. Dave and Lyn Newman A Yes vote for our kids To the Editor The August- 7 emergency school levy will be here «fore you know IL Hue you. the dtlieas, given this any thought? I ba\e given this an enormous amount of thought.. In ordor for our wonderful community as a whole to stay as Is and improve, HO need positive votes. The school levy posing affects more than just the school itself, it Affects the value of our homes and props, 1 '** : and definitely affects the web-oerogwour community. Children that aren't "busy" with positive things io do will find djwtive things to be involved wtth.! ''. Of course, our children are the future Tor all of us: They ere very much ontitlod to the bast possible wfiu-ir^t.dod education that we as a community and parents can provide. It is the responsibility of ell of us to bnsure this is TO Jtained onj Improved.. h bard lived in Avon ell my life and I. i <b'fe«l:ponfld6nt that the community and school can count on each and every one for a Yes vale f) our vary much needed school levy. ' Patty Maloy Urges support of levy, To the Editor and people of Avon: ~ For tha last four yean, tha Avon Preschool'Parents' Club has used the Avon High--. School library for our ''.meetings and the cafeteria for children's parties. These facilities were available to '., >4ar orunlutloo for no fee. When I callad tha nigh school secretary to ask about > /using the rooms foe the year, ' fsb* told me &al it depended on whether i K or not tha school levy passn In August. ',. _ If the levy fall*, the facilities will not bo ' ' available at all for community organize V, Uons. The secretary advised me to find a "" back-up meeting place in case tho school - jcj» not available. " nr,;i spent two full days on the phone call- *ibk 31 places in Avon, Avon Lake. Sbef< jfietd Lake, and Syria trying to find an Sjivahaifnatlve meeting room. Most of the l^am:banks'do tot hava meeting rooms. yvf-tha charches have their rooms reserved -p^for perish activities or have high foes for fesouurfda groups. Our club cannot afford ^4"to:psy.Sese fees each month. Lorain ilcounty Community College has ^classrooms that can be used, but tho i ore not guaranteed because they fcj.,., B»I bo neoded for evening classes. It^Tho places I callod outside of Avon can-.#hnot ;miko their facilities available to Ipjmidents of other communities. il>this frustrating exporionce showed Dm.)-how IMPORTANT tho Avon >. r ^Schools ARE to ALL OF US In tho COM- $ MUNJTY; Tlio Avon Proschool Paronts 1 *"' justoneaxampleofanorganiza- Wtton thfct COUNTS on the uso of tho J&schoots. S8f Of course, tho MOST IMPORTANT ^trsason to vote for tho school levy Is to ^ensure a high quality education for our ^children. However, the whole comoiunl- gttg'of Avon will benefit If tho levy passes, support our community by sup- ; the school levy In August. Heidi H. Dorsey. President Avon Preschool Paronts* Club Don't let them down To lli.> Editor: '. ' On Au^tm 7 ut? wijj by ast-fc'-i. ;H vcturs. tu pass J 5-nii'l IL-^V fur our sch(»!s. Aj;ntu. us I ni^nlianed in a pluvious' let'it! n" on»" w;inis more t.i.xl'5, but tliis is J.T c-xtrunicly icipurlant levy thai nm5i ht* jjasied. Wt?. as» community, h.ive uiwayy supportlti our schools in the past. Let's tint Wt thi.-in down now, K- John liniun. D.V.M. Sue Br^un KrLstun Braun Katliy Braun Supports school levy To Iho tiilorand Fellow Graduates: Our class, the class of 1990, has an opportunity to give to its alma mater one of tho host gifts Avon High has ever received. It is a gift of sports, band, student council, prom, and many other e-ttraoirricular activities. We also nan get a good, bargain on this present»o a fund raiser wil not be necessary. AH that will be necessary is for you to vote for the, levy on August 7. For those of you that ere not awaxo of it yet. the levy will not bo based on income for this levy. Tho levy will be a property tax. This means ta&t all of us who were worried about the levy taking away from our college funds the last time we voted, can breath oasy. aud vote yea. If anyono has any questions about tho levy, there will be a mooting at the Middle School library on August Z at 7:30 p.m. A!) questions addressed will bo answered. Jason Yor'iirs Vote yes on Aug. 7 To the Editor: To the citizens of Avon, 1 stronly urge you to vote YES for the August 7 school levy. Let's show the children of our community that they are our number oce concern. Without tho passing of this levy we will lose not only itporu programs but academic program* as well Students nre counting on us for a well rounded -Jucatlon. Lei's show them we care. SUOWQUS A baby girl, Lea Susan, was born to Rob and Linda Orient of Avon on May 10, 1980 at 8:39 p.m. at Fplrvlew Hospital. Lea weighed 8 lbr. 9 cz. and measured 20 inches long. Tho proud grandparents are Ed and Fonda Tysl of Westlaice and Erna and Clarence Ortofl of Sirr.ngsvlllo, formerly of Westlako. A baby girl, Leuren Elizabeth, was born to William and Inga.Sarnum of Avon on Juno 4, 1990 at Falrviow Goneral Hospital. Lauren 'Weighed in at 8 lbs. 7 oz. and measured 21 1/4 inches long. The proud grandparents are Pat ana Rick Slander of Tampa. Florida; William and Sally Barnura of Avon Lake; Malfn Perkins of North Otmstod and Charley Perkins of Cleveland, Ohio. A baby boy, Michaol Dominic, was born to Thomas and Tori Pionoski, 4210 BolJo Avo., Sheffiald Lake on May 29, 19S0 at 0:39 a.m. at Ml. Sloat Hospital. Cleveland. Michael weighed 7 lbs. 11/2 oz. and measured 20 Inches. A baby boy, Michael Andrew, was born to Michael and Annamario Dillon of Avon Lake on Thursday, May 31, 1090, 1:18 p.m. at Falrviow Gonurnl Hospital. Michaol wilghtnl 8 lbs. 3 oz. and measurud 21 inches long. His proud grandparents oro Paul and Nona Koschalk, Avon Lake. Patricia Vinovlch. Elyrio, and Jim Dillon, Parma. If there has been a now addition to your family and you would llkt) to lot your Avon Lake ncij ibors know about It, drop us nato with tho pertinent Information. 12" LARGE PSZZAS 1 with One Hem $ wikh One Item...$ with One Item...$11.20 * Additional Hems 80 c each BBQ Chicken THERE IS NO PRICE UKEOURPRICE EVERYDAY... EVERY WEEK! rrs NOT HOW unu n corns, rrs MOW MUCH YOU can ^5708 Next To Finast-^Center of Sheffield CALL TOLL FREE *323 East LoraJn ^ ^ p Monday thru Friday 9:30-9 Sat. 9:30-6 * Sunday~12-5 VA Ib. Main Lobster $14.95 SelBago pexier / For Women And Men c Sorved DaRy, Lunch or Dinner.^: Lslui Erie Pflrcti. Canadian Plcksr*l,'otlwr SMtood served dally wtth \ sppetlzer and boum^itl salsd bar, ChsM: dnnamonran*lunch or dinner. C FULL COURSE SUNDAY DINNER *10.95 CWMn Soup, eommh* tom Bar. Ftt*i MUM OMM«M Hob, foma Ifit Pttm MM on ' EARLY DINNERS»7.9S, 4:30 tp 9 P.M. TUES. thru SAT. Includes Soup of Day, Satad Bar & Chalet Rolls.' -.. Free Birthday or Anniversary Cake, juat whisper name to Eddy,. \ RL 83 South to Center Kdgei Turn left on Center Ridge 3 mfles Eart^ LAKE EROSION. BUILD YOUR BREAKWALL WITH SOLID CONCRETE BLOCKS (wkhhoofca) 3'x3'x3 f Approx. Wt. 3,000 ea AVON CONCRETE CORP 930 Miller Rd., Avon, O. Avon: Clave.: km V'" m-jjf-w

4 Maiceita Grande, Ne«s Edicor Linda M. Hcmmcr, Advertising Connie Pjrterson, Advertising ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATE $20.00 R. j. Hemmer J-., Publisher R. I. (Dick) Herrtmer Sr., Founder S9 Undi Barnt>s t S Btf-ndj Barson, Accounting RtU Ftaim, News Manager Fred Schmidt. Courier iidc*. jtl»erliieiiir«i*» to: Box 300, Avon Lake. O., 440 li 1st Mace EfstOngbd Photograph OPEN Noon HOME GROWN BLACKBERRIES & ZUCCHINI illl MAVTON FARMS _ Avon, 2 ML South of MU(ExrM53> I: I: r!t. The Press is a Newspaper of General Circulation in Lorain County Telephone ' COPYRIGHT* 1990 Avon Wnrtviaw School All A's: NIcoIctte Circulation T2,5OO Serving Lake Erie's South Shore Since 1951 NfSKSL Lash, Tom McDonough, Jann FrietderitJc, Kevin Gonnish. Undaay Longacre, Mike Monjot Rachel Nowlio, Ryan O'Donnell, Joey Rada, Rod Wilson. All A'* wrf B's; Adam Cahill, Kevin Hay. Melissa DlaUco, Stephanie Wagnor, Robin BroadhunU Jason Hoppert, Laura Schenker, Carrie Shaw, Sarah Weaver, Sarah WestfalL Beth White. Bryan Yarham, Brynn Gelser, Amanda Schneider, V/lUiam Carpenter, Andy Tetroault, Dave Mesaenheimer, Aimea Urban, Leah Clllfcrd. Joe Kostelnik. Amanda Mclntosh, Adam Adams, Carrie Cooper, Josh Hoary. Amy Mlnnlch, Julie PalUngor, Brandt Pari*I, Lindsay Schaedler, Philip TniHX, Karen Wegryn, Evelyn Aken. Kristen CUcalo, Jill ' Cuwlea. Greg Drab, Sarah Hereno, Heather Healep, Jeni ny Mahnks, Lis» Thornton. Rosomary Woaglo. Brett [ Barry, Ryan Bi^on, Stephen Loescher, Bra Mitchell, Tun Mitchell, LynHsay Packo, Erin Robertson, Lindsey Schroyer, Katie Thompson. All B'K Dan Frochlich. Tim Skdk, Adrians Suhayda, Bill Paris). Annie Brown. Megan Tonka. Al A*r, B's and 1 C; Tom Costollo, Natalie Koltr.yfki, Andrev.' Slkora. Zad. Wagner, Dryau Gall, Mariah Hilton. Scott Paul, Trent Thornton, Jason Farmer, Shana Webber, Chris Bodzlonoy, Megan Carlson. Lindsay Kochhefsor, Lisa Kopp, Allssa Kurev. Brandon Mitchell, Lynne Spencer, Lori WeUs, StopL. Keller, Jody Relchard, Charlotte Schilons. Zach Webb. T 'VISIT OOS HEW DEALERS' Aatif ' fvnttwtm DoCa. * flmi GtBBMtaai USSOIhtnUBd. T. ~ -7T-2J1 i OTEMDJUIT FAMILY VISION (CAREE - '' '- CONTACT LEN&ES,?; ( y V ) -TINTED ^-^ ^-^ -DISPOSABLE.'«ASTIGMATIC - - DR. SCOTT H. SEIPEL r i OPTOMETRIST t (216193J8300 3Z73OWAIKERBD adg.1 ; EVENINGS AM) SAT. AVAILABLE. U,;,.'AVONLAKE.OH«CI2S :2a a 'T; t, ir f.'v hr f. Wmi Lorain Rd. Nertrt Obttted. Oh E3M * 70 S.O.M. C«niav Road : Satan, OWc t>24B-9553 NOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE IN PROFESSIONAL CONDOMINIUM MANAGEMENT SERVICES... For information regarding :..-\ our services, please call or ADr\MS PRACTICE TSb&S&gggbt OFFICE NOW OPEN Mondays... 9:00 A.M. till 6:00 P.M. Tuosdays... 9:00 A.M. till 5:30 P.M. Wednesdays... 12:00 P.M. till 8:00 P.M. Thursdays... 12:00 P.M. till 8:00 P.M. Fridays 9:00 A.M. till 5:30 P.M. Saturdays 9:00 A.M. till 1:00 P.M. 3X396 Walker Rd. Unit C Avon Lake, Ohio For Appt. Call ^ ^MEDICO 1 v? Medical Equipment & Supplies. Inc. TRAINED TECHNICIANS AT MOfcXTBA COST 21& *9 H. Rocky K-nr Dr. 8on(M(n7 24 Hour Availability Haopmlofy Equipment mt SuppDM Divt)*n Conevitratora Ugukt Syotama Sic* torn and UMteal Equipment Eniwal UnXoalcaJ Oalomy -Part 3 SUing PROMPT, FREE DELIVERY w. MadlcaW and privats Iniuranre dtthe Select FREE GIFT o p co«oro W intoi yw M atnvl how IM ii t*ntof Otm m-» Mm* and morwy at ITM Nortffc 1 M * l M W < UMOMnMl' '.oeh aparimant bawd and bccucmd otowi a mutm to Mtocl any or* of IN»fctowlnogtftc hrffh Cokf WrAton-SO teti wfin rarnm Ztnth VCB with U capoeff/ nmol* fcnsonc S*wo w*m AM/FM Ooato Cbton Moowt>»-fJ ft* capacity' gram loitead «f itu K?>«nd-itti»^-, abroach you're rsnj Yoir to^j procot* afl jw-fcfc^r>ft di llfebtnrwachaniftyoaanioiiitv^yoaraocialckntl J ' to fet eacrjimd over abont what*! - yowmoihercmiel mojt important to you. You could ItCaiway-Yainccdto'cctlBI become involvnd la art muwal and ; witbiruadwandi nimuudogldwreanivity. -;.'.'; ': -;V.»:; SCORPIO TAURUS (Apr 21.May 22) Yoo coold b*offered a it* (M'tott Of; *U1 MOI company and may *Ul ~ " " udghbonwrclattvca. Ifyou*v«evcr teal offantcd md ayhw ttobbte wanted k> get in touch with yooncu, li. b h L i i X now b the time. You might consider' tjtt'tone nuking a change in a partncotup. ; i r aboutyoi«ownr^andkwttilddall You wui be u a poetic or Misuc mood and want tofindkxnenne wltfi similar Iniertsu. GEMINI (May 23^Jim 21) You are having magnificent dreams now. If only you could pul them Into effect. You will get the cliance 10 make new friends or join a newclub. You could find youraclf Butfying an arty mbjeci, but If you Iry "cieniing" wiih a third party, it may be expensive, CANCER Uun 22-Jnl 10) You expect pertfcuon from other! but you aren't providing ihesame. Traveling, even on cuiinea, can be a blajt. You cap accompliih anything you sc t your mind k) Friday, and then vou can leave for the weekend conconed wiih nothing but plcature. LEO (Jut 21-Au JO) You couu puu uft a big but! neu deal this week. Gel away over the weekend and "recharge your b*!leriei". Yccr mirxl ij going lodoa iwiich and take off in in unknown direction. Something unexpected will happen and you're going lo (ultimately) be gtad it VIRGO (Au t Jl-S*p 22) You are looking for romance and thcre'i a goal chance you'll find u. Keep a y g y o o r t e i r for the tune bfl;ng. louwiilbocntremelycrwuve ove, the weekend j!? I ln your crtauvity??" with?^on)tonelolhke you 11 get more Inspiration. You are In a ipecnlativa mood and v coum eel hicky. Yon may ta~c«k,i doing. You could nakft MrioM '^ minake with an autbcciiy^.yoii.in:; be planaiai bow io,nako drearni come true... : '... v"f.v-iitjii CAPRICORN (Dte J>iai 17)^ You win be cramburtisto get your:>>s handi on at muchtaotrtf n possible.'*' 9 Trying to be djplomttic («omethiag;; you aren't) could on you dearly.;' You may be loouog fcr gronhds»' get a divorce. Yjur uacomctoui to extremely tuonn now and can help you do anythiny, AQUARIUS Uaa»-F<b») You are in line for anotner unc«y romance.- ; and everyone will love "heading", ^ abouiu. You have a seem enemy to ^. anorganuatfon you belong to^'the--;;: ecu could put you in chvge of an"j> ouuideobljgauoft; You may overdo;-': the phytical ihb weekend and rur»a.;:i lopaytheconicouence*.,;# PISCES.(Ptft 17-K.r 10) Vuu'r. optimum can be of great auiitanc* If?.?.* you'll uie it protessiprady,- Yootre : going tobe upieuing the statm quo and it will ute a lot of effort You' will go the chance to inowease your knowledge an tome subject. Al* Kwpu lo relax Jib weekend will be Interrupted. * i

5 Oefntxxn of some o* t the PoBce Loos OOA-Gone on Arrival (JTL4Jnable to Locate MYA-Motot Vehicle AccKJer.' B*E-GreaWno A EntwviQ BOL0-8e on me Lookout g DWt-Oming While in&xjcaiud NCC-No Caus«lor Complaint OUp- Untt-aspa-cfwd Units DUHMvrig Under the ITAMCCV JULY OAK ST.-Uotfiv^cMngv Ck OK molo LAKE RO.-9H ca* fror.i m»le. Male arrested O.C. into* & O -. persisting. O347 * EREVOV-ComcUrtt of pod' We prnwhw. un_, OUNNY-as. respononq <o trouble ; breswnc Units aufated. 2301» ROBERTS-Probtam wttftjuwrns. UTL. 231fl - WARVWCX-Mnw domestic, Ra oltfed.' 2337-^VmtORNE-Unni* male. Makamnted for asset*, aogrevafed nwoicing Areal Ing. JULY2O take RO.-ComptaM of suspldout' thicla. UTL ALAMEDA-F.D. responding to p.-ufeie oss toek. Unite assisted WARWCK-Probiern with juvtalea. : "ACMMCL - : -^1921 -LAKE RD.-R3. Tvapondngtofemale ctth ;.heart problem. Units aaabtad SADOLEWOOOCompWnt of urv.ty Jumnfe. QOA, UTL.., HARRIS RD.-CompleW of toed pst!--. AdVMMKt ; - : JULY CAWE^ffieWEW-TrafBc Stop. F«nri»»- nttmbrcul :0318- HARR&OSTEn-Tffffic step. Mate arrested tor OU31DUL O«4V LAKE QR^ZE^^FVIOALE-Tnfflc atop. Mate wrambd for 001 a DOS. '1111 BUCKEYEComcWnto.'ooabM. R^ort. J638- twwq PA«OCon*hfca of stoisn ta*. " R t p o r t < ' " "'. ' - '. - " 110S1, LAKE BfiEEZEOENNYSOH-Trane Stop. ; Mai* arntlad on-mnant out o( Ohto SW» Patrol COVE BEAO+Con*Wnt oftoodmuota. Al O118^8AD0LEW0O0-CORipUnl of loud party ROBEHT8rt=OBESTLAW»Co«npWni of *v toxfcalad moj*. Mai* arrasted for O.C. ;. rj601^'.k MLW0nr>KioiivWrtt of twd muale. 15*2 Report JULY 23 of OUNNV'R S. tevyo* "Sng lo un.-nown HARRJS HO c( loud mi 1255 LAKE RD -NBighbor probkan H«port 1618 HOlX-Comptomt al WRKJ music. ficc 1G49- EDG WATEf3-F\D responding to posa<t*> saa leak- Units aasisiod. 1G58 - EaJCKEYE-Complant oi spe«<jwb. tioa & UTL 1602 HOU.-Complaiftt of tmnr bates bwino ndd«n on sidewa&. OOA A UTL OUVER/FERNOALE-Dommttc dispute. nosotved OUVEH-Unrufy fuvenita. TransportedtoO.H. Report JULY LAKE RD.-Tratflc ttop, L *lto enwtsd fw OUI ALAMEDA-AnvRVted BSE. Report MAfiJON-Rf* DepL responding to onrbace truck lira. Unit asatatsng ALAMEOA-Fira Dept reepondbig to smote from ractdenc*. Unit aasmfng:. NCC. CM t*kyj used. 20O4 LAKE RO.-CompUirt of mate yetttg wife ho Milbouid. etwefas OK. Hwang tor rrt dog KMCKERDOCKER^leport of the house M fay a thrown object. NO damag*. 22S3LAK CteM4 dloutot LAKE RO.-Thefl Retwri JULY ROSERTS-Unrt chehdng «) persons. Check OK WARWICK/FREEDOM PARK-UnH 10-7 w/2/ms. Ctwck OK. A<Msed ALAMEOA/FERNOALEHMt has 3 JuWMa ki custody. Parents dtsd tar curfew vfo*atton COMMUNITY RO.-neport of a prowler. SOA S UTL OUVEH-RS. rmpomjng to trouble t resthkio. UnR ssstabng LAKE RD.-Compa*U offlrsss dppk)os bel.l dunoed In the dtch. Ar^oteed & dssned up. ' '> COMMUNITY RO.-Unrt srrmted mate on ou' jutstancflng tvamnt 13M - DUNW-neport of B h»» chfld. Localsd. 182J - BROCKL Y-Heloht)or comptamt. Repon. 2021:- MAPLE-Compbint of juveniles beng assaui^ed by another fjvenie. r*eport 2121 HARR13^omplakft ol tend )uv«nilob. Advised tt sent hom# LP. BLVD. Vehicle tampering. Wport WEST DR-ComphMit of narsmment. Report. "LANDINGS" CONVENIENT 4 3 Avon Belden, Avon Lake, OH - Only At This Location - RC Cola & Diet Rite zmer 12Oz./12Pk. Cans RC Cola, Diet Rite & Diet RC $339 Green Up Your Lawn ^^ - ' Greenvlew Lawn Fertilizer 15,000 sq. ft. Sale S20.SS 10,OCOsq.u. Sale * sq.ft. Sale $8.95 Flcwera That Come Back Every Year D«IUJI» Perennials Songtnrry Bird Seed With Real F'rurt For Song Birds 30(b.bea $11.50 ^ Indoor Cactus Plants Good Selection Starting At $1-19 Japanese Beetle Traps $8.99, Replacement Bait & Bags Container Grown -Nurwry Stock ;^^ '5B?-.*t*?V ^ HOMELITE *h the Mowing Season te Left, But End of RcgJ $ Sale:-/ Baggor OpUonal 2 m a 5. I Introduces Two New Sizzling Summer Specials Luncheon Salad Bar and 95 "Create Your Own Deli Sandwich & Salad" All You Can Eat Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-4p.m. I Unlowtt»sot extofniil nweut that control 1J1 ay* ara (Srectlng them to the H I M tarpet. (rte ptroeption ofdupth is greatly reduced In our.ko world. Seeing primarily length and width makmt ti dhwwn lor a young cntld to pue» a peg In hole, 11 MatTMtrsoa to thread needle or drtwr 10 pirk car Causes of depth pereepttan deflcjencien are 3-D variea. UsutBy one»ye I* not functioning because tne vyt muscles are uncoordinated; or - ki older. pen** - cataract may b* closing off tha vision In on* aye After a thorough ay* examination, the optometrw, may be atote W prescribe vwon trainingtohelp coordinate the eye rnusda* 0 they work as a team. J,0lama may be prescribed, 'too, to help aflgn the two eyes. TJito wrill Improve depth pefctptjon. If a cataract is responsible for blocking oft the vteton 10 one eye, K should be dealt wrth prornptfy. The cataract ww be removed and a contact lens or implant -Mil be Inserted 10 replace the opaque torn that was blocking vision. At any age, there are several ways to M you en oy our 3-D world of length, width and depth.. Brought to you in the Interest of.. better vision by: ROMAN BOIWKA, O.D. 515 Moore Road-Suite 3 'Avon Lake, Ot»o4i /933-EYES Early Dinner Entree Special Baked Orange Roughy Scallop Stir Fry Prime Rib Au ius Harbourtown Chicken $795 Your Choice (Save Up To S5.00) Includes - Choice of Potato or Fresh Vegetable, Fresh Garden Salad, Cracked Wheat Bread. Monday - Friday 4 p.m. -.7 p.m. Dining Room Only Not valid with any other discount or offer For Reservations 5150 Liberty Ave. (216) Vermilion (Next to Bridge) I 0 S /I

6 Phone Toll Free Phone B LEARWOOD SQUARE, 375 LEAR RD., AVON LAKE ; OPEN DAILY 9 to 10. Sunday.9 to.b.open Alt Holidays PRESCRIPTIONS ARE THE HEART OF OUR BUSINESS: Your Full Service Neighborhood Pharmacy Modern. Computerized For Efficient Professional Service Registered Pharmacist On Duty At All Times All Your Avo* Lakt Drugs Prescriptions anj Health NetJi Art at Fox_fM* Centrum Vitamins 130 ct$819 Ultra Eat 'n Lose Twin Pak 2-14 Oz, Cans $969 Kleenex Regular & Softfque 250 Tisues Family \Size $119 Huggies AU Styles & Sizes Italian Bread v0tyday Low Price y spend ages btrmdaycaid«? Fresh, Sliced EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Eck/fch 96% Fat Free Cooked Ham Swtfl Premium Hard Salami Bieiy Garden <Q 1K Spicy Cheese jb! 1 MotcM LugvGoUen Maple Ham EckrichSUdng * - Pepperonl jt»ro Our Bakery Foster Grant Sun Glasses FaHnmdWamn 50% Off Urt Prte«Fresh Baked WWRJCAN GREETINGS ^ T-- WELCOME WAGON WANTS TO VISIT YOU Just engaged? New pafent? Moved? I'd like to visit you. I'll bring useful gifts, information and cards you can redeem for more gifts at local businesses. All free to you. FOX QRUGFILM DEVaCPINQ-' 2 Prints, '. I. DAY SERVICE "OneTo.Keep. One To Share" - MONEV SAVING C0UPCW7 34 Eipowum(4S Prints), />-. IMM(ri24F>rtiiU»4>( 2nd Set Of 24 Prtnu FREE COUPON J FREE STAMP. Vfth Purchase Of Any Aiiwtm *^> \, Gnttmp C*d 3S360 CHESTER ROAD AVON, OHIO MX) ante, sit 100% sonw of' tho abfcrevtawm louvl In ifm Poftca Logs COA-Oor* On Amvai UTL-Unabto to Locate UVA-Motor Vohiclo Acodent B*&ereaWng 4 Entenrtu BOLO^e on tfxs Lookout R'D-Fiokl htsnogated DWKJnvtTg WT*s Woncatod HCCNo Cauw lor Complaint Dl«p.UnlKtepotchotJ Units JUNE of s domestic ti*xxaa on ; 0I2B - Squad (ospomino to G«ck 3d Var**#sm rpporiod on Oabte Larw Attempted mart at BFO. TTr*«K0C«C» Riming on loot UTL Sosoidous vontct* on FalrfMd Rd T1ve«year old (ena*«wandering around Moom.Rd. UTl_ tdtz rwi3hjoc-jllont.ngtowxtdcl.ok. lo&c-p-1-t hano-opca* on South Point Dr. OK Londac«pM» crmttng **t U MBor/Wafcor R Day VOngc officw Ml had i Orl b*e (too raxm IntD A.L. (ram Writer Rd.. OOA/UTL. t M7 - RMldwttal atvm on Wodgvwood. OK C/ w/1 5 from W«do«wood/Jaycox en an kmscbncnt f«? ID Londn County SO., ' hano-up cat on HwTR«nn Dr., OK Dog Wo on B«ctrtc Bvd,, ftopeft. 1B35 - Theft ot Mwflfcy from Aquamtrins LanM.' B«wrt 2054 SuDjoct en station repordno obsoww s. Report ouiwmote*xcnwafcefhd. td-19 w/is(ordus. 225O - Prowler In raar buahe* on Nomian AM.. GOAVtrrL NtxneroiM cafla about th«traffic skymi bt-. Ing oompiemy owl «t 8H B3/Wofcor Bd. Sarvtcv b F 22S0 - Subject on staflon reporting PPMVA. Aquwnarine. Report SuaokJoutt vehtd«on Newtaury- Checked OK. Avon Lake Police Log JUME 14 ooie GOA/UIL Oil? F«y pnorw ' crt. attentwa Jvrcnite* iu*n)'r< ffruvw on V»noii A«t. UTL 0229 : Avon Pwfcw O5 p o north en Law Rd. VeWc W «topp*d» Oorchwln. C/344 ammma C/24S «l*im«tfiat «h» *"> * out SHaftloW ta>wj Hofc» unrt rao«ett sssistanc* w/trtffle utt<> on Lah«T«n. O82S Cnrrwtrf mtacnm t to ywd on Tomahewk Or. PS22 - Squad mpondna *> Sunwt Hd., Atom st Movfct k'art/lmr Fkt, Ctwcked OK Minor MVA Wikar nd. w*at of Brttannaf Raport. _ Ftr» OepL (+f<x*$oq to L**wpod Or, Danwge la ««<Ui on Kartn Or.. Report. 1«5 Alarm at loctf'ienfc; Checked OK BMcfKWe nw idont advtaed ot taproperty located gvaon. *» figns CompMnt o* hkd ormng ernfl on Inwood Bhd; EUarty. CiedcsOK Loud mwto t ompwnt on Durt Dr. NCCw Sutfect on itafjon U feport iwan cndk; cards. Report, Lantfnet CoridomWome feporttng waptdbua truck. G(M Krt* I^nojn J around the pool at fha L«n-; anga-u.a*up aph up. HaH Mo eondct, tiam towards McOonafdiL. :r 2221 SquednwfondNiatoBewhparkTcMimr. 22*0 - Atorm at SMTU* Markst ChaefcUd OK HMhto M/A OH Lako Btt/Swiaet fc#9 to Day VBBO* PJ3«veflade fledlh* aoam «Mtbound. Raport ' 23OO - Va*aran*i Mem. Park dearxi of Ju-Mntes. JUNE ;.-. -,- -.., MVA on JeycoK Rd. Report Subjecti rtported to ta patead out to wrt-i da at Sparkle faarkatt. Just rleephg, movad to. Saddto fc» torttw rfow- Band rehearsals begin Awn Lakit Hlgb School Marching B«uid starts! their rehearsal schedule tcdcy. All new baud members, guides and all vaforans that can will practice from 10 a.m. to noon 6a Wednesday, August 1, Thursday, August 2. and Friday, August 3. All band member* will practice the wrecks of August 0 and August 14 from 8:30 a.m. to noon end 6:30 to 9 p.m. Scheduled bend practice for August 20, 22 auti 23 will bo from G:3n «.m. to 10:30 a.m. The public Is welcome to coma and watch tho band.. '. ', The marching band's Preview Show will bo Tuesday, August 21 tt 7 p.m. In. tho Avon Lake Memorial Stadium. Tho Preview Show Is free so mnilc this data on your calendar. Come to the stadium and watch your Marching Btnd CWtaa Hours: 'MINI STORAGE SPECIALS! NO SECURITY DEPOSrT BPEOAUZIMO IN BOAT STOfWOE 7\ HOUR ACCESS -7 DAYS A WEEK» FULL 1 UNE UWUC PEA'JEH 40: V HAPPY * r \ 1st w--/" ^ A?O^ in action. Tho will be performing nt the first away football game at Midvfew on Fridajr^/U^tut ",".. Av^ijike's 28th annual Bandarama wid be bald Talurdsy, SepL 8 at 7JO pjn. at tie Memorial StadKun. Some of the high ichool h»»wt'» to /oaks their ap pearncs'at the Bandarama am Avon,^ Avon fake, Broolcslde," Dover, Ver-,- mllion,; WdUington. and Westlaks.. > Reserved tickets wiu bn on sale starfw'p Augusta for this event The prick H^1 tickets is adults. $4 and S3 for students^ and senior,, cltzena. Call or and reserve your seat - "~" Don't forget wn do have an A.L.rLS^' Band Parents*, Block. Parents - it'' t9gehter and back your Iddr Call etrly^ to reserve your seau in the Blocsv Deadline is September 1. (^, irv- -n VV HAPPY. ^DT BIRTHDAY J"^ Christopher C /} Loesch.W i*$y Love. ^O S Mom, Dad ^, JT«V. Tert. Mike il Avon Lake - Mary Jean Garrett, Avon LaHe Qlga Schaaf, We can arrange to got togelher in your home for a brief visil. Pi 2408 Rldgeland Dr. Avcn (Nmxt to Ubrmry) 934-MORE Carry Out Only WE DELIVER Sun.-Thurs. Special 2 Large 11tem Pizzas $875 3 Urge 1 Hem Pizzas $1999 A Hour*: Mon..Ttiur«, * prt.-iljo p m. Pfl.<S«L 11 n.m.-1 mm. Sun. 4 pjn--11 p.m. (Avon. Avcn Lake, Sfwffltfd) ^LADIES CASUAL CLOTHING "Monogramming" Now Available All Summer Merchsndiso Now 3Oo/o Off M * M

7 ^ A Taste of By.Kathy Germain. R.D. 'Announcing NEW at.. 8 Question: This is one of our faforitc recipes, however, i! is ratber high in fjt. Please reduce tho Fat content o r this rocipo. B.H.. Avon Lake. Seasoned Crumb Chicktm 1/4 c margarine 3/4 c. cornflake crumbs 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1/8 tap. popper 1/2 c Parmesan cheese 1 Tbsp. parsley flakus 2 1/2-3 Lba. quartered fryer Melt margarine la microwave baking dish. Combine remaining ingredients (not chicken) in Oat dish. Roll chicken in margarine, then crumbs. face skin side ' up, thick edges toward outside in baking dish. Sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Cover with waxed paper. Microwave on high minutes until meat near the bone b no longer pink. Let stand 5 minutes. Answer: The fat extant was greatly reduced by using skialcss chicken breasts In place of the fryer. Substituting egg whites far the margarine also lowered the fat content while still allowing the crumbs to stick to tho chicken places. The revision has less than half the calories with over 60% less fal This includes about.a 25% reduction in saturated fat. The cholesterol has been towered by 2/3 and there is about 40% less sodium. Light Parmesan Crumb Chicken Breasts I 1 split chicktrti brvasts 2 f K whites 213 c. cure flakes l/z tzp. garlic powder 1/8 Isp. pepper 1/3 c. grated Parmesan 'chess** 1 Tbsp. parsley flakes Skin chicken breasts and set aside. Put egg whites in shallow dish. Combine cornflakes, garlic powdur, pepper. Parmesan cheese and parsley in a flat dish. Dip chicken in egg whites and then in crumb mixture. Place in microwave baking dish with thick edges toward the outside. Covur with waxed paper. Microwave at 100% power for 20 to 22 minutes. Turn dish after 10 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes. Serves 4. APPROXIMATE NUTRIENT ANALYSIS Original Revived Calorics' Fatfe) 20.0, 5.2 Polyunsaturuleil (g) Saturatud [gj Cholesterol (mg] 115 DO Sodium (mg) % or Calorics from fat 53% 23% I would be glad to answer any nutrition questions and welcome suggestions on topics of interut. Please sand any recipes and questions to A Taste of.nutrition, do The Press, P.O. Box 300, Avon Lake, Oh the Original Family HaircuttefS" "Fantastic Fridays" AirFQRl>-- ;iv Fridays 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. D>ug Hart 5>taza Avon Lain :_j-j-:f<i^v<> - HOURS: IT f'vvt '-I:' 1 '' fr &*»»»4 tarn* OdM* 1. UML Fn iciwf MkrtOaf. 0M tatriwfrrpnm. I *uk 11NLN m M<AiiCkMi«(te*r. So liat dfar * f*b» ^lir " H,iS Eva nti MWJ J«jMf «atcwti - ib* mi *tr ji 1ST l«*. F«a liam liw "If. BT»ifl *id U rwf kitu) icrml Mim UTUB utnit, tkniiil Htwul *' CD. Or rat ttb *»«rt kw.»i BI «ffl irtt IS rt r«" Cnt parwtf JMlutlf. ' Cone In to EST and walk away with extra money In jrour account. frtr t pal, tml tit; lltju. 1. hral tsjkn m Mit i ** CB»itli ttm «l *w jtrt *t kattf a«< EST "ill «iu IM I* r*ir itfwl Z fil 1100 «r mm uiu t *rw dtifsmi «r pukwi utwp HtM*t»< CT "Jl nh u tin SIS I* jwr ; ; dqmut. X Opra a if iwkiat KIMII >iti 1130 tr»ort. UT id drpmt umkrr IIS i»lt tkf tctwiit t. list M«ulr ttfmit lai wd imin 15 atit IfM F^T. Wm. ) II tut «t - iwl t«r loniu * w«ucmi Now earning mere money la a Kimple aa clipping a coupon. ktwk tadar It i k* Bikt lit cil try *Tff ( fur Mtrnl EST 1 - mlf Ur EST irfmlm With you every step of the way w BANK Dim Skmp t Tml Hitiml hat IMWIW AffiHtM *ttf> Flnt BuorambN d OIN fr lai i *k AfNit ta a-l BT SM UM tfl" *t ynm 11, 1{.

8 Dining & Entertainment Around and About Avon Lake I Sceuna McDowell, a favnrite of vm : and young alii*, will be featured this 1 week In the Avon Lake Cable Advisory Commission'* Concert in the Park. Soona McDowell, a native of Australia and Kew Zealand, brings folk songs from that urea as well as. from the United States. In addition to bringing music to her audience*, she also invulve* them in aljgic^ dancing, and playing instruraeula. Tba Seona McDewell concert will follow this wsek's Around end About Avon Laka. Around and About Avon Lake will br ing viewars e special treat a movio with over 75 boys and girls. The movie was mads at the Public Library as one of the Wednesday activitiesfor children who ar? In (he third grade end older. The boys and girls met coe Wednesday and received their assignment*. The fallowing Wednesday the taping took pbce. The principal characters worked both morning and afternoon. Tho uowds and tha circus performers (yea, there Is a circus in the movie) joined the prircipals In tho afternoon. The result is a television xnono'versica of Aiid; 1 and the Lion, a papular children's boof: by James Daughte./. V qiiilt ihow is. io tho works for this yew's Homecoming Celebration. The aho'w promises to bo extra Bpedai and will bring In people from throughout the northern Ohio area. Sue Beard Gerblck is thtr chairman of 'ho event, and she comes by the Around end About Avon Lake studios and talks about tho show, the quilt block challenge, and she shows the quilt which will be given away at tho show. All of this is on this week's Around and About Avon Lake which will be shown daily at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m., 0 p.m., and midnight on Channel 31 Ȧround and About Avon Laka and Concert In the Park are produced and dirocted by Bob Bolcn, The Avon Lake Cable Commission who brings ihe programs to Government Channel 31 is composed of Bill Beeraan. chairman; Bob Quintan, Scott Hemck, Paul Smith and Dotinls Collister. ZyRESTAURANT & LOUNGE A groat place for eating, drinking & dancing 5264 LAKE RD. SHEFFIELD LAKE - 7M, 945-B329 > M SM COUPON OH H ^ 1 M BBCOUPONflBl BM «Q DaBy from 4 to 0 p.m., Daily trom 4 to 9 p.m. n Buy any sandwich, ttandwich, platter or * I rijni*aa# naw*4a>l ait m-mtur nh/<* a>ru4 special al regular price and gettna dinner special at regular price and seconu second one (of (or squal jr )ess«r iess«r g g«t tn«second orw (erf qnt' or m lesser vcfuo) tor I value) tor 1/2 PRICE! IWtfj TT»E» Coupon - Exp I 1 Vz PRICE! WHh This Coupon Exp. 1 B Oak Ridge Boys at Talk about a good time-that's what you'll have at Ponderosa?erk on Sunday. August 5. whfln the guest artists 'wg b«s Tee Q& Ridge Buys'and. The Girls Noxt Door. With two of the most accomplished and enthusiastic groups in entertainment, there will be no low spots in this shaft, especially when one oj the best bands in ihe northern Ohio area. Sagecoach will also be on hand to entertain. ' ', There will be one show only at 2 p.m. Gales at the park will open at 10ftJO., so come early, and bring evp-»-boc"y with you for this ot&ftandixtg <srteraoon of pure entertainment. The Oek Ridge boys have set new treads In country musk- since 1877 when their first release on MCA (thsn ABC/Dot) "VAll Come Buck Saloon" reached 13 on the country charts and»1 in thri country fans* ^earti. Since then they've had more than a dozen '1 singles, including the platinum-felling (two-million copies) pop.smnsh "Elvira". Nine of their albums have achieved awards including five Gramrays (four, as a gospel group). The Oaks consist of lead singer Duanu Allen, Idsst member of the group, who hails from Texas and Joined the Oaks in Richard Sterban, bass singer, from Camden. New Jensy, joined In lt>72 after working as a back-up linger with Elvis Presley. Joe Bansali, the unique tenor voice. Joined in 1973 and was born In Philadelphia. Pa. Stove Sanders, the newest member and a native of Georgia, joined up id I0o7 to fill the vacancy left by William Lee Coldon. Together they farm one of the most versatile and entertaining groups in any classification of oia'ertainmant. People who don't like country. love the Oakland country fans *re crazy about there. ^ «**,< Tho The ClrJs Next Door aren't rwuty Ifia^ the gills next door', bocausajtbijr? out traveling about the country,yen taking people with theu- maatell Ouencsd, they say. by a wide ringers, all the way from Thf»l TransfertoDoBy Parton. On the other band. th*n idm next door' when it comesrtobetng? four very positive, who are all happily ing home and career. So. come outi see Cindy.DUne, Doris."" - - Richard. Joe and Stave..,.. Reserved seat tickets tpd^bm ml $15; general admission U J14; chfld^ 6-11, $5. Credit cards an accepted andj advance tickets may 3 be ordered * phoning Group to ; avallabw upon request. If ordering byi majl send check or money order toicw' Productions Salem. Ohio _... PondsroM Psrlcla Lxnted on-rotttv: 45, five miles north of Saiem.'limited^ weekend camping Is available Red Garter Saloon, a; full restaurant, is open on Friday, Saturday^ and Sunday, With live country music cn^ Friday end Saturday nights. ALPPA sponsors cruise The Avon Lake Praschool Parents.V wlatlon U sponsoring a dinner ct M on the Miss Majostlc for current "., prospective new msmbora of the ^-^anization. The cruise will Uika place,o Wednesday, August 22, departing the Marina International dock in LorsJn at 7 pm. Tho Miss Majestic will cruise Lake Erie trom Lorain to Vermilion and dock el McGarvoy's for a buffet dinner, then return «o Lorain by 11 pjn. The cost b SIS per person. Reservations must be made by August 10. Call Jtyne *t ? for more information. **, & The Avon Lake Preschool Parents- Association Is a nooproflt association j of parents of children aged newborn to six years old. The ALPPA has more Uun 150 area famulve In- their-meinbersnlp^ ; For niore tntoniiatloo ebout tolnlng the?-: ALPPA, please contact Mrs. Cindy:1OIS! win, or.mrs. Holly lki ^'(0^ Steer Burger Platter Chok» of 2 sld* dishes, v* pound ground chuck, BBQ sauce and sprlnklaa o* Cheddar ctwtsa. Hot Fudge Brownn Only Chocolate Marshnuillow Sundae Only Ddly Braskfs«t, Luncheon & Dinner Specials Sawrw Haw: Hoi - Fft 63J «ir. 11? m., Sd.ftSw. 700 am. 11 p m.. _ m. Helens Country Kitchen BREAKFAST SERVED DAILY TUESDAY - SATURDAY Chicken Paprlkosh & Stuffed Cabbage Served Daily! Daily Specials!! Hours Open: Ckieed Sunday Mo«. 11 im.-fl p.m. T-S 11 a.m.-6 p.m., 387BC Ortrott Rd.. Avon, Ot) DeAngelis Restaurant Located In Avon Lax* Shopping Canter Daily Luncheon Specials Wed. & Sat. Specials 14 Oz. Charcoal Broiled T-Bone Jfgfrtly Dinner Specials Served From 4 p.m.-io p.m. breakfast Sened 6 a.m. til 11 a.m. Dally LAKE EPJE PERCH, COD AND WALLEYE Open 8und*y (or BrMMnt and Lunch 9 a.m Lake Rd. FREE 1) WhBe SppoVl Uttle MertnaJd CX IPttft JCCMM IfflB Ueiopud flvjuw* (Nesrtaet Offloe^' flitfifi IHMJMPJ V BAY: st Place in Taste 375 LEAH RD., AVON LAKE.' LEAflWOOQ aqu*hf" ' "9 IS ENOUGH^ For The Whole Family 9 Piece Chicken Dinner We Do Not Accept Coupons on DeFmies or Specials

9 m-. \m Avon Lake Municipal Court Jaraw A. Buga Jr.. *05 Weeer Rd.. Qyria. «m fried $500 ano was awttoncad U (10 day* in ail wbh $250 of the IJrw autpendsd. He waa ordered *»»«*ve 10 days o* Bia aermoc* and Ihe ramaln-, Ing 60 days wen decorrad on condition that a - rvwaflort rw occurtormfeasttwo years. 8uaMomnllMd«SOOandswUancwlto30 psya «Jatt on a cfwpa Jf having no operator's acana* «tt) S2so d h l d oneorrdhon he provtfe proof of a Kcenae within.sk mctwtt. i; was Snad IS00 and was sntanced to 60 daps (n ;Jal on a charge p* dairying a concealed weapon ;. wwi S2S0 of tfts \aie and tfta sentanoa»uso*r * ad on condition of two years good behavior. The iwapane waretortettsdtoauthwihee. -.. ' Mtehael J. Coatln. 159 Inwood Ave.. Avon ; late, was Inod 9400 and sentenced to 60 days i In JsM on a charge of underage consumption of latoohot. He wes ordered to serva 14 days of conv,'nuafty senrscf-and tha remainder of his sentence was atapsodsdon condwon that a similar vtolahpitt not occur lor at least two yaava :-&0evfcl W. Adams Stnrsvtmy Ave.. j. EudtL waafinedssoo and sentencedtoso days ^tojal on a charge of OWL He was ordered to rmettaqtfaya of treatmenttoralcohol abuse ane* itpshalsrma of the sentence was suspended on i thai a etauar violation not occurforat.two-years. His driver's Bcense was ^suspendedforone year. Adams also was flned jsttt)torpn»aealoi i of marijuana. pdan K. Oates, 846 Wilder Ave, Byria, wa» fln- ; ad $360 and was sentencedto 30 deye In Ja» on ja.chtrgeof DWI with the aantsnee deferred on LcendBonhaiattand a thre»day ahemsttvs-«hau preoram wfthm 30 days and that he have no vtomons over two pointstora yecr. Hie driver's ~ornae;wts:suapandad tor 120 days wfth ccl4*nonal driving privosgas. Ha also was lined -John F. Haaman W. 110th St. [Cleveland, wasfined *390 and aantancadto 30 i ai JaBgn chtfgt of DWI Ha was ordarsd» * i d k W l t f t o 2" al prngrara andftebaknea of tha sentence waa '4 deferred, on condbon. ha obtain an afcono> jmtuotian wtthtn 46 days. His driver's Kcenee»M anapamtjtor120 daya wwt occupational t driving prmagaa. He atoo waa Shed $100 on a ^weaving violation.,. fcnecfey J. Ludetta Walker Dr, Bay 0*. was Snad <350 and sentencedto 30 ion a charge of OWL Lucttta waa ordered to three daya in Jan or in an afamatfv<n*hafl egeamowshlrt.ao days: The balance of the aenamoe was deterred on condition of alcohol I within 45 days and no traffic violations : teo pointstorone year. Lucletla's license ^suspended (or.120 days wwi occupational Lucfetta ahn vnsflnads100 Undreth. Jr, 2325 Hafborview torak waaflnad $200 end aentanced to days In tad.cn a charge of having no «r-s ioanea. He also waa Rned $250 for «nd wes flnad $100 each on charges of oparaaon and spanning. Kenneth J. FBak, 2827 Tuxedo Ava 4 Parmc. M mad «0torreasonable control. IXaan Beatrice West. 298S Canter Rd.. Avon, atfinediso and sentencedto 30 days In JaH on idwtie of pstrf tr^ rto Mntsra was defer- «jd on condwon of vo atmoar violationstoro Wasfrind she waa orderedtoavoid ttwpramlaea gbfusnountorug In Avon Lakatorone year. pcurtis.oomhowl 14S00 Jsntea Dr.. Uipto Halp>i,vnwBned$aOtorparWr«pronlt«onson ' i property.- FkMd $60torspeeding were O. Hofalnr, 350 Dehrood Ave.. Avon Vam M..NygaanL Eledric Blvd.. * KantoreSuiuM, 187 e Bridge St. yl. Early. 117 Htohtand Ava., Avon F. Laahy. 307 Dalwood Rd., Avon Kameth Wchard rw. 208 *" ' onuie; r apac&*t aytd ftalr fines.ware Chor 323«t Redwood Av*.. Avon Lato. $00; J JN YOUR COURTS Jrel Karen A. Huryn. 371 Det*ood Rd., Avon UK*. «40. Oew traftlc viobatrra w««j«mea J. Grtnm, 253 Moor* Rd.. Avon La**, pmlng Ores. S40: and Timothy J Weber. 155 Athwood Ave.. Avon ij*». fa*ur» to hoed a Mop sjgn. t*0. Avon Mayor's Court Matihaw'C. Thton. 117 WWhrop Dr^ Byria. WKM lined $800 and sentenoad to ttw days In J«u on a charge cf DUI wttti C200 of the Rna and the aemenca suspanded on condttion r» attend a thr9»dsy DUI program wtthin 60 days. His drivei -tficensewas eutpendadtor90 days wtth occupattofisj driving prfvhegja. Ha also *ns flnwj*66tot Sharon L. Jonas. 180 CoBege Park. Dyne, was ftied l?«00 and aenlsncedtothree days In JaB on a cnargs of physical control wwi the sentance unpendad en condkkm she attend a DWI school at Lorafn County Community CoOsg* wtthtri 60 dm. She Mbo wasflnsd $50torweaving. Mario Andraofi Eaton Dr.. Avon, wai fined SCOO and ssntsneed to three days --rtci tho sentence uapandod on condition tie atamd tho OW1 school at Lorain County Community Coltoga. He also was lined $80torfaBure to kmp an assured dear distance. Robert Montgomery Wobdviftw Dr., Ve«- muon. wasflned $000 and sentencedtothree days on a charge of physical control wtth tho sentenc* suspended on condition he attend tho DWI school at Loratn County Community Cot* lags. He atao was flnetf $260 for criminal damage, $150torobstructing official business and $100 for underage posiasiton of t**r. Fred Banning Emtfy Ave.. Lakewood. was fined $600 and sentencedtothree days In Jail on a charge ol physical control with the sentence suspanded jn condition hr attand the DWI school at Loraln County Community Cot isge. Ha also was flnsd $100tordrug abuse and $50torweaving, Fred F. Barl. 226 Hamilton Ave.. Loraln. was toed $600 and sentenced»threo dsys m fail on a charge of physical control wtth the aantence suspended en cendkton he af^nd the DWI school at Loraln County Community CoSogo. He also waafined $50 for driving left of cantor. Robert C. Mefafyn\ 2583 Shakaspesre Lane. Avon, was fined $800 and sentenced to three days In tall an a charge of DUI wlm $200 of tha Ho* and the»entsnc«suspended on condition h«attend a DUI school of his choice within 80 days. His dfiws Bcense was suspendedtor 60 dsys and he was fined $100torcontempt of court. Jamas a Otaon, 5705 Carolyn Ave.. North RkJgeviOo. was flnad $600 «nd sentenced to three days In M» on a charge of DUI with the eernance v upended on condition he attend the DWI school at Loraln County Ccnmuntty Collage,. His driver's Bcense was suspendedtor 00 day* with occupational driving privileges. He also wasfined $66 each on charges of fauurs to stay In lanes and taftretoaignal a left-hand turn. SuzsnrSL Kulcsar Main Ave.. North Rldgevtbe. was Snad $600 and aentenced to three days b JaH on a charge ef physical control wtth tha aantence suspended on condttton she atwnd tha DWI school at Lonln County Community College. She also wav fined $100 tor disorderly conduct *hme Intoxicated, $100 tor open container and $50torweaving. Martin Langer, 188 Lorein Rd.. Avon Lake. waa fined $800 and aentencedtothree days In tau on a chargr of physical control. The sentence was susponoea on condition he attend tha DWI school at Loraln County Community College. He also was fined $60torweaving. Dennis J. Uckelaon Birch Court. Loraln. waaflned $800 and sentenced to ten days In Jed o a dioros of DUI. rts sentence was suspended on condwon of good behsvtottorone year and attendance at AA mooungs. Hs IcenM wn suspendedtorsix months wtth occupational drtv- Irg privieoos. Ho also was fined $80 for speeding and $50 fcr weaving. Herman D. King Shaffer Dr.. Loraln, waa fined $800 and sentencedtoton days In tad on a cftmsft of DUI, The sentence was suaperttbd on oonsngo of good ttotwrat and iktandenc* rt AA nwsfing *titi«ntporr to the court every trre* manffa. Hutt»wjr*»icano* <*«> nj4o*-iti9(t tor 90 tisys awtr occupatonaj prmeo** Robwt M. UtOe. Cciumbus. xm tined S7S0 on a Chan* of cnrrriaj ctyneoe. He -mo urdereo to make tosoo^cm of MCw eix montrts 'o **> H«iard Lates Gotf Cuurea. Mchesl A. Cndw W. 97tn St. Ctevebmd. MM Enad SflS lor npwoitng. SSOforrttng coubl* on atemporarymotorcycle teenro. ard $30 Itr fdng rnctorcyde»rth no hetrwt. Jame«H_ Humm. 57*O M*n Aie., Ncrti. was flred $100 eacn on cnarc«s ot under suaponaicn snd an opeit cortfaner. HonryMcCmry. 1 tojml Cvawl Av».,. M I fbwl «5 for hm^ng a loose toad and S100 for eentempl of court. Kevin fur Lucss, Hosmd. Mich., forfeited a Si 00 bendtorfailuretoif«wr up on a charge of drr/ng urxhf cuapenbion. John D. McLaughPn. 206O7 1 Mcorawood Pkwy.. Rocky Rtver. wes fkied $55 tor ipekang and $50 for taluvtoheed s atoosign. Kaae F. Qtonn, i960 E. 32d St. Lordn. w*a nned $ 150 (or Muretoprove that aha had lawwy tarn*. Cofti 8. QOssple CktMnce Ave.; Lakewood. was fined $60 for epeedbig and $100 for contempt of court. WBam B. Van Thoor Femwood Or_ Cbnsted F«fc. was fined $100torhevhg no OMTBUI'S Icense: Ntahotat CaUwet, 6161 Storwy nose Rd., North RUoevIe, open con- Mner Bruce C. CUskefly, B900 Loraln Rd- Osveland. waa fined $150torhcvlng no operator'a Icenaa. Qps«derafined $60 each were Atan R. Purdy, /2 W. 37th St. Loraln: Oayte L. Oftbel. 3232(1 Stan*/ Brook Or.. Avon Lake; Robert L Trouten, Cherdon Rd.. Richmond Heights; Oaroi Morns. 125 Berkeley Dr., Byris: Karen M. Voftz. 626 Chancelor Court. Avon Lake; Joel Sot** WMemaburg Dr.. Lorain: Devkt A. Michnaf Stoane Aw.. Lakewood; Aninony S. PaMta, 1384g Thompson Or., strongsvae; TV» Trwnontana Stenoy RMae Rd., Avon: Fred M. Memi, 4004 Charleston Ave., Loraln; and Adrian T. Frederick. 337f«Rrgwnlng Dr.. LibL-ary closed Monday The Avon Lake Public Library will be closed on Monday, August 6. When the Library roopons at S a.m. on Tuesday, August 7, iill their materials will be nccusaible to the public on a new computarized catalog. ThU new Intepralmd syitom is called Gulaxy. available from Gaylord. Galaxy, complementfi the automated circulation system to use sfnea 1981, and the Library of Comgnws records available on a compact disk presently used for cataloging new material*. Hancelottii, the card catalog will not De updated so information oa materials acqulrec 1 from now on will only be accossible on Galaxy. Orientation for patrons learnuifi how to iuo Galiixy will bo held every Thursday evsning from 7-7:30 p.m. durlog August and September. In eddition, of course, librarians are available.whenever the Library l open to help with a search. The wiring for the new hardware will be done wbilo the Library is open for the first woek In August. Six terminals will be available for tho public. In addition to tho ones for clr~*iiauon and cataloging. frwd $55 each wei* Roo*rt F. 370; WKstn Court. Avon; Tbeo«k». Detroit; Robert W. Qrauvagt A>e.. Norm Rksgwvtto; Cecefca A. Smxttian. 4C0d Rberalde Or.. LorsK; AOTM tc/oema SctfM, 118 E- 23d St- Umtn: Kannett> E. KOOQW Greenwood Ave., Avon Lake; ~wxl Dons* a KwittKowsU Renwnod Dr.. Parma tkierl $50 sacti were 3h**o H. Mtr y. 1Z3 Hormam Dr.. Anan uat; nebaeca Q 8nyd« RoMb»Ce Ave., North RUgwit*; ViUant MuBns Ootioft ft)., Avon; and AMe L. FiAnec, 538 E. Btcttd St. Syria. '... Fpaeders fined $66 each were tsamu WtAasugl S. Bridge didtj. Wesaeke: Joae^h Honors, Rox&vry, 1A*.; Mam Oaydrah 771 CfMttie Ave.. Amhent: and Steven-J. Ki&U, S86O Jayeox fa. North RkjoevOa. t.nch 1 Schjeeri Oatrat ftt. 6nemb Iflhoe. wa» fcsd $86torspaodno. Other mite -tolators and Btrtr Unas were Jean C. MuHns Defro* Rdu, Avon." inpfopsr badong caunkig a motor vehid* aedbent $75: lydki Oana BeCe Aw^. Sbeffiak] Laka, Mure U keep m asturad dear CManoa cauahg a motor vehicie accident SSO; Robert A.'I*«*H. Jr., 1856 Csndtowood Dr., Avon, tmpnjparpaae- *iq.$65;.: :J..: ^ V-.'>^ t CsaeyFMda. WeBngton, peisfcig atari htersac- Iton h a fopasekio wne,$56; Ntoboan A, Breno M Topaz St. North ndaeve*. fakca to k»ep en assured dear dstance. $09;Anthony-J. Ste in, 1763 BMestt A«u Byria. no ptahu. $60; Dental L aenostaia. Ncrwafc; tabs*tokeep ar.': assured dear dstance ceusfeig a motor ventda aocttent $60: Bruce W. Schuraecfier.,377a W. 132d St. Cleveland, faluni toyieu eauabig a motor vsmde aodderrt $80: ' '..-rv^yv, Mchess M. Montpm, 2213 Garden Dr^ Attn, runnino red tght $50; Chartaa W.- Hktdat, Redwood Blvd.. Avon Laka. Muretokeep an assured dear dwence, $80; Denies.L Aaan nvsrwda Dr.. Loraki. driving Mlfi a lamporary Icarue without a Bcensed driver present, $75; and Luis A. AJvarat E. 33d St. Loraln. felure lo head a atop sign, $60. :. _-'_ ' ir This system will even print out a list of tha books. being checked out,^ to be h d ^ a«*iiist tlwse betag and implement tf MTU Get The SUMMER CLEAN-UP SPECIAL 6STEP RECONDSTIONING At WATER WHEEL CAR WASH & For All For An Size Cars Call Appointment (Mini Vans $5.00 Extra) «* *» ; IV:I M m Tarkett Sale Expires e Center Ridge Westlake Roy Bally Our vinyl, ceramic and wood installer with over 2) yrs. experience. It preserves, restores & beautifies fine car finishes Special 6 Step Reconditioning Process... 1) Rub out body 2) Clean & wax chrome 3) Glaze body 4) Completely wax: & seal finish /Mirfi**/!*** *; 5} Clean & dress tires 6) Interior cleaning included Daily Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8:30 a.m.-7 D.m., Sun. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 454 Avon Belden, Avon Lake, OH

10 y:'-r-s"zi'-''. '.-'. $ a.m.-10 p.m. a Sitndajra Country Time. Lemonade _ Origin*) or Lemonade Punch - = s Mates 6 Guyns 1.90 Buy 2 (or «*««3.93 Lets Malt-in Rsbata on Your Cow After Rebate On 2 Prices Effective thru Glad Trash Bags with stress Hex Urge Tnsh am 30 gtfon 20S4Fr««Clawta Coke, Caiuda Dry Ginger Ale, OhK Cok*. Crmny Coke, Soda, Caffeine Fra* Coke, Sprite Rosetto Ravioli Keebler Graham Cracker Crust Ready Crust 69* BWEMAT6 ftw&^&g&ss&gsi&jfriftz Finesse Shampoo or Conditioner 11 oz. all types Ideal Macaroni 2 Ib. box Hot Pockets Pepperonl Pizza or Ham & Cheese 5oz. Farm Fresh Grade A Extra Large Eggs COMPLETE-JEWELRY REPAIR,' ; ; ON THE PREMISES. ',' ' -' :>. ' C 5. Z Z -.Ttl* LANDfrJGS"" Avd^lakc, O^:r;i4 XDRUO MART VIDEO OLUD Paid For By: k PLEASE VOTE FOR THE AVON SCHOOLS EMERGENCY LEVY AUG. 7, 1990 AVON CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEtS By D.;bru Balroerl PoIovicJi Pk*;i*tt ^fnti or drop oif articles you wish lo have in this col'iniii ICJ Dt'bru Jialmi.-rl Fulnvidt. 3bTf.O Riof;ulsl)fi^«r KJ- Avon, by NOON" uu Thursday before datunf publication. Cill for more inibrmaluin. DATEMINDER Arg. 2 Little league C«naral Meeting, a p~s. Bob-O-Unt Coif Cours«Aug. 2 - Kiwaoi- Club Aug. ^ - Ve\Y Vo<A 7C35 Aug. 3 - Last day lafeetabsentee Ballut Aug. 3 - FINAL DAY Tor Soccer Sign Up. Avon City KVil Aug. 5 - Library Moka-a-tay, 7 p.m. Aug. 7 - Athlutlc Booster* Aug. 7 - Library Make-a-Toy, 10:30 s.m. Aug. 7 - Avon Schuol Levy V*ntlng Day: SUPPOPT OUR Ct'^LDREN Aug. fl-avon Purk Board FINAJ. WEEK FOR SOCCER SIGN-UP August 3 U the FINAL DAY lor Avon Soccer Sign-Up at tho Avon City Hall. Sign up during regular City Hall hours thru August 3. Any late slgn-upa wil bo charged an additional $5 for lalo tam. Openings on all teams. Any child born between will bo on tho travel teams and is required to bring a picture and a copy jf their birth certificate at tho time of sign-up. ATTENTION ALL GOLFERS August 10 Is the date for the Vr,.' Lioos Golf Outing. For more information call Bab Tunnan or Jim Kopp. AVON PRESCHOOL PARENTS' CLUB The Avon Preschool Parents' Club offers FUN and EDUCATIONAL activities throughout the year for parents and preschoolers. Wo have an exciting year planned for tho whole family. COMF along and join us In the FUN. For more information about Joining, contact President Heidi Dorsty at or Membership Chairperson Debbie Fray st , BAKE SALE The Avon Preschool Parents' Club is having a baka sale oa August 11,1090 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Fisher Big Wheel on Walker Rd. in Avon Luke. It's during the tack-ta-school sale. We're also selling M&M's. Reese Cups, and Heratiey Bars with almonds for 50 cents each. For more information about joining the Avon Preschool Parents' Club, pieawi contact President Heidi Dorsoy, S or membership chairperson Debblo roy, AVON COMMUNITY DAY Clovoland Indiana end Avon Llttlo Lea«ua have teamed up again for another fun filled gumu. Avon Little Loaguo is sponsoring tho Avon Community Day with the Tribe on Friday, August 10 at 7:3f. p.m. There will be Avon Scoreboard recognition, special AVON.-.People On the move group scaling, spec:.:* discounted tickets, ami it's "Firework* Night". Tickets are S7 (SI of which goes In Avon Little League). Tickets may be purchased at City HoU from 9 a.m.-5 pan-, al tho Little League concession stand, or from Sue Krali at Make checks payable to Avnn LitUo League. For any further information contact Sue at SJ7-M9Z. AVON UTTLE LEAGUE ELECTION N'IGHT Avon little League will be holding elections for new officers on August 2 at - tl'o BobO-Lmk Golf Course at 8 pan. This is the time lor oil parents to voice their opinions. Tho women's auxiliary will be started again and help is nuaded. ' Aisn, '..' -- -:,. -. a mother or father is needed to takeover; the concession. Please come and let's all work tosether for the children. '-,.' - LEVY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Tho Avon School Levy Committee met on July a Discussion was held regarditig the School Board's decision to close tho school buildings at 3-p.m. to all extra-curricular activities as well as ab L uurelated school activities. The committoo feou that the groups now using the r school need to bo notified now. so that - they can start nioking other.-ar-.; rangambnu for the fall - A Hotline was * institutud for anyone wishing ti^et further information or for majdng-com-: monts. Simply call the Hotline at leave your message and a;^ member of the Levy Committee will tta* -; poud promptly. ' ' ;;V ', ^, Absentee ballot request, forms are«; available at the Avon Middle SchooL Rs-^ quests have to be In to the Board of Ele<>; tions by August 3 and absentee ballot* (i have to be in to the Board of Elections by.-/;j August ; ;/ - ;,'.;/f^.^;;^; Ac informative video, "Win. Low or \> Draw", made by Avon students, will bejm aired on cable channel 38 at 7130 jpjtts,oa0_ August 3 and at 10 a-m. on August,4^vT Tho video willalso be sh6wn*t;thcin- ;,: formetion rally to be held Bt the Avott Middle School on A Winner Sharon Drum (right) of Avon Lake, received a $1,000 scholarship from Avon Lake Junior Women's representative. Joanne Splkowski 3 Michael Keams DDS Douglas Voiers DDS family 1 entistry Convenient Eyoning & Sat. Hours New Pationis Welcome Landings J Bldg WatkerRd. Avon Lake Or. Kearns Dr. Voiers Soto Pf motion** ("Qt wool*)) Avon Lake Podiatry INFANTS TO 6ENKWS Dr. Mark D. Gould Family Practice of Foot & Ankle Problems Bunions Plantar Wans Hammer Toes Heel Pain Ingrown Nails Fractures & Sprains IfoipJtal & li>-o(tke Surgery Located Ac The Landings WALKERRD..SUIT61-3. AVON LAKB MOST NMUNCI W* Acwpl txxmo UwHcm Office Hour* A l n t By Appotntmrnf CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT On Detroit Avo. between Belle & Elmwood Lakewood, Ohio Saturday, August 4, a.m.-7p.m. Sponsored By: City of Lakewood, Lakewood Chamber of Commerce & Lakewood Arts Festival, Inc. Chairperson: LucySlnagra Rain Location: Enclosed Parking Garage - Belle Avenus North of Detroit

11 Carrie Kirk Carrie Kirk wins gold Avon's Carrie Kirk won six gold medals Tor her swimming in the girls year old ago group ot tho Ohio Sports Festival Finals. She woo the 50, and 400 moter freestyle events as welt ~i tho 100 muter backstroke and tha open 200 meter backstroke events. Carrie swims wilh the Unltod Slates swim team aui of Lakewood. Ohio and wcl swim this fail as a freshman for Magnificat High School. For her next meet. Carrie will travel to Oklahoma City For' a seven state championship meet. She has quallfiod with triple A or better times in eight in- * dividual events. These include the freestyle, and backstroke evonts just mentioned. In addition to those, she'll r«wim the 200 meter Individual Medley, ind' tba 400 meter IM. Lake Erie Seniors The take Erie Seniors,fl»at, every Thursday noon at the United Church of Christ; Avon - Lake: Luncheon In served fay-novotny Catering. For '^reservations, call or;..033*7602 by Tuesday.evening.' %Thli. Thurffday, August thci August birthdays fi*ffl ba celebrated. Enter- 3f ; ttjjiment wih be provided by : the barbershop quartet I^The Retired Chord:". lnext Thursday. August.tMri.-Crooke and Mrs. ftmt will present a film ^program., -. Hope to soo you there. - Looking for 66 Thomas Packaging commits to quality rftt AVON; LAKE - Tlte Thomas Pacfcjg ing Corporation, in Pin Oak Industrial Park, cfilebraled the kicko!? of its Tola! Qualify Program, with a summer picnic last Friday. The Total Quality Program isdusijjm.hl to aasurt! continued growth and security in a future' environment of constant change and yver. nion.- thallimigin>; business requirements. The program focusus on customer satisfaction and involves a!] umptoyw.-s, suppliers ;.nd customers in the oroctfss of generating constant impi-oviiinunt. Thomas Packaging :s a raunufaclursr of graphic labeling products that aro applied to the product packages of customers in the pharmaceutical, chemical and commercial product industries. The picnic was held beiiind the vegetable Rarden on the Thomas Packag- '«8 grounds. Prior to the picnic. Tom Wassernain, prusident of Thomas Packaging, introduced a new quality policy statement which was composed by employees and approved by management. The statement says: "Thoman Packaging Is t-om milled to providing products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations. We wih fulfill that commitment by accepting that every employee is an equal partner in assuring customer satisfaction, by maintaining awareness of cu. *ent technology and by training and developing our human resources." Guests nt tho picnic luncheon included customer representatives Judy Katniaiki of afgoodrich, and John Golenlus of Ciba-Corning UtaHtiostics. who coiiveyed to Thomas Packaging etajjloyws some of tho aspects of the ijuality programs. Further supporting the implcraentaiic>u cf the new program, Dave Wesebaum was recently appointed to the newly formed position of quality manager. Pleased to be a part of Thomas v From left to right: Tom Wasserman, president of Thomas Packaging Corporation; John Getenlus. purchasing agent for CJba-Coming; Judy KamlnsKI, buyer for BFGoodrich; and Dave Wosebaum, the new quality manager' for Thomas Packaging Corp...'.V... Dewey Furniture & Carpet ^ Vermilion Company's Coming... Is The Guest Room Ready?" If you're expecting overnight guests, Dewey Furniture can furnish your room w : th a comfortable sleep sofa. More than 40 styles to choose from... immediate delivery on most styles. Others available by special order. Select savings orwggjtfg) sleep sofas byla-z-boy*' ; (A) SALE $ " trim lined queen sleeper with bolster pillows in blue/gray tweed. SALE $789" Traditional 81" style wit oak wood trim on arms. LA-Z-BOY <«SALE * Early American.79" steep sofa in blue or 'rust plaid. M David W., McCtenahan 7SSA Avon B«fcton Rd- AvonLaJta Ccilme! I have therightcoverage for all your needs. /instate* 80" channel-stitched bustle back style in steel blue veiour. (Discontinued Style) Hurry In For Best Selection

12 The 1990 Little League Champs (The Mariners) bheffieid/sheffleld Lake - The 1990 Champion Little League Team, The Mariners, won the World Series Bronco Dhresfon. From left to rigl^ starting with the'front TOW, are the'following: Coach Rick Hochevar, Justin Storer, Andy Fischer, Ken Collins ^ris Stewart. Josh Koppen, Coach Chuck Plum. Back row: Coach Tony BresnVf), Mark Davis, Brent Hochevar, Adam Bishop, Carlos hwdonado. Shannon Plum, Zack Berstling. Not shown are Mike fleith and team nw*ager Darren Reith. Women's Goff League AVON LAKE - The following is lho July 25 results of tho Women's Coif League. Low Gross, [Claaa A) - Bert Kostobryz (Class B) - Dircy Krullsky (Claas CJ - Diana Ultle Low Net (Clasa AJ - Bornlco Sitiniphuiuo.- (Class B) - Krulisky, Eloln Johnson - (Class CJ - Uttlo Law Putts (Class A) - Stutnphauzor (Class D] - Krulisky. Yvonne Berglund. [Class C)-Ruth Ansoll.Mura Bickford Play of the Day (Class A] ~ JoAnn Walnscott (Class BJ - Jean Shelby, Pal Rust (Class Q - Dot Halnes Spring Valley Women's Golf AVON LAKE - Spring Valley Women'* Toll Association held its annual Iuly flights - thrco best games out of five. Winners for tho flights were: First Flight, low gross - (an Fujka, 259 First Flight, low - - Cloria Bonbow, 217 Second Flight. low gross - Helen Dovernborger, 303 Second Flight, low net - Marcia Blumo, 218 Third flight, nw Bro3S - Dorolhy Obrock. 320 Third Flight, low nut - Ruth Ycagar, 223 Fourth Flight, low gross - Frun Blidnc. 335 Fourth Flight, low not - Puttio Bodoes, 214 Low Not (Class A) - Nan Corey. 55 (Class B)-Von Scalero. 50 (Class C) - Ana Gaul. 54 (Class A) - fullo Kolczun, 55 (Class B) - Mary Kowalald, 52 (Class C] - Joanne Akins, 57 (Class A) - Elaine Ebort, 55 (Class B) - Sheila Kloc. 53 (Class C] - Mary Alice Sandor. 60 Sports & Leisure Briefs Pastorelle places 3rd at fest Wateriest 1990 AVON LAKE - Terrie Pastorello, 13, of Avon Lake. recently clinched 3rd placo on the pars on Level 7 (12 and over). Torrie is a gymnast at Groat Lakes Gymnastics on Pin Oak Parkway. Volleyball Practice AVON - Practice for all Avon High School girla In grades 9 through 12 begins Monday, Aug. 0 In tho high school gym. Studonln in 11th and 12th grades will practice from B:30 H.m. to noon, and Oth and 10th graders will practice from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Shoremen Football AVON LAKE - Tho Avon Lako Football Shoremen Picture Day will bo held Saturday. Aug. 4 botwoen It a.m. and.11:30 a.m. at the Avon L»ko Memorial Stadium. Nautilus holds biatholon for MDA By Ed Bortmv AVON LAKK - North Coast Nautilus in Avo.i Lakii helti its fourth an^udl Uiathlun on July 21. The ihrec-purt race consists of a 5K run, a 17 mile bikn race and ends with anctner 5K hin- Sixty-seven starturs competed in tbts year's competition and plodge3 of around $350 dollars will go to the county Muscular Dystrophy Association. The over-all men's winner wa* Kevin Kurtz from Kirtiand, Ohio. His time was 80:51. The over-all women's winner with a time of 84:07 was Avon Lake's awn Kim Weaver. Other winnerc included: (Men 25 under) 1st - Kevin Kurtz, 2nd - Jim Croyts (83:21). 3rd - Todd Cory Anec (83:28), (Men 26-44) 1st - Tom Trottel (82:33), 2nd - Jack Koscians!d (02:44), 3rd Don Luscuer (83:14). (Men 45 ami over] 1st - Joe Planicta (92:53). 2nd John Rlakoraoro (98:53), 3rd - Dob Wenzolo; (103:52). (Women 25 aad under) 1st - Peggy Zuscik (9a:lBJ, 2nd - Mary Edwards (107:55). (Women 26-M) 1st - Kim Weaver, 2nd - Jeanne Potko (96:36). 3rd - Carol Kate (100:08). Sharon Dill, MDA ron sscntativo for Lorain County, was on hand at the raw. and said this Is just one way money can bo raised by businesses for MDA. Thl* year is the 25th anniversary for the Jerry Lewis TeUthon, Dill added. Thoso Interested in ralslcg money toi MDA can contact the local chapter at AVON LAKE - A new event will take placo at the Avon Lake Pool - Waturfest 1990! On Saturday, Aug. 4 games and oventa will be available for children of all agos Including a fishing pond for pre-schoolers and an obstacle course for thotto who appreciate a challenge. A $i donation is the admission. Festivities begin at 1 p.m. and run to 5 p.m. Bring the entire family out to tho Avon Lake Pool for a Fun-filled afternoon. Ventura, Smith place in meet AVON -Two Avon raon placed in tho State of Ohio Sports Festival track moot July 22 at Baldwin Wallace College In a heavy rain storm. Rick Ventura placed 3rd In the 3000 motor run in the ago group with a time of nine minutes and four seconds and won the silver medal. Jim Smith finished 8th In tbtt state in the 100 meter dasb with a time of Biathlon champion Kim Weaver looks no worse for the wear after taking the women's overea thie at tho North. Coast NautBua Biathlon:PKESSphoto-EdB*rtom _ J - '-^^^Sww\v^:li^tTaHviJii^fl^ivl^rtii* - - Major league playoffs It was the Pirates vs. the Dod?rs last Thursday In playoff games. Here, Pirate player #18, Tommy Carter, smacks one toward the 3rd baseman. The Plratec won the world series In Avon Lake major league baseball. r * :', seconds in tho 40-M age group. He'took 4th place in tho preliminaries held or.tier in July to qualify for tbo finals Matus to compete m AAU AVON LAKE - Croat Lakes Gymnastics of Avon Lake will lend six gymnasts to compete at the National AAU Junior Olympic Gymnastic Championships in St. Petoirsburg, Florida tomorrow. Aug. 2 and Friday, Aug. 3. Tho top 100 National AAU quallfiors from the United Status will bo featured. Kura Matus. 15. of Avon Lake, is ono of six irea gymnastn wbo will attend tho championships. She will be a sophnmore at Magniricat High School and recently woo rive uold moduli at tho Ohio Spoits Festival. Matus was also tho Ohio High School Stato Champion and was a national AAU finalist on bun and floor last year. At tho sports festival. *he won five first places on floor, bare. beam, vault and all-around in which sho corapoted on lovol 9-10 (agos 15-18).

13 By Ed AVON LAKE.- Two groups of summer day campers got together at the Avon Lake Community Center to learn more about each other last Wednesday. Handicamp" housed by tho United Church of Christ on Electric Boulavard in Avon Lake was formed four years ago by Nadge Htrscg, a niothor of a haudtcapped child. Her vision was to provide a fun summer progmm for raultihandicappeh children. HandJcamp is open to area handicapped children and is funded by tuitions, donations and funding from local school districts and county governments. The West Shore and North Const YM- CAc offer a summer day camp for area youth sad provide activities such as sports skill, swimming lessons, nature studies, field trips, biting, arts and crafts, drama & puppeteer classes. games, and a chance to form lasting frieodtfaips and memories. The highlight of this year's camp was the daycamp drama group working together with members of handicamp to put on it show at tho Avon Laku Community Center. Nancy Wuzitiak, tho child caro director for the North Coast YMCA, prepared hisr day campers b> introducing special books, coloring books and puzzles about the disabled to help educate the children. The campers were made aware of the various degrees of handicaps and learned that handicapped people are people, too. The day campers and handtcampors combined to present a successful show to include Bruce Springsteen (handicamper Mat Simon) and the handicamp band (Craig Freldel. Michael Telloni, Steve Kerceg. Tommy Kakos, Jenifer Bora and Dustln Mitchel). Jill Beach, WKYC Channel 3 anchorwoman, even made an appearance and wax razzcd by Raul, a streetwise puppet. Jennifer Mensen, an 8 year-old day camper, expressed her thoughts which proved the program's success, "I used to be afraid of handicapped people. I thought they wore monsters, but I'm not anymore. They are fust Iilm me." Bike path is for bikes only By EdBvtew SHEFFIELD LAKE - Tho bike path : running along Lake Road was built by the Ohio Department of Transportation. Ir was the first of i!s kind built In the statfl. and now Sheffield Lake is struggling with problems creaied by its t'^-lgn. Police Chief Thomas Schmidt *ald. "The way it should have been built was to have the road, the berm and then the -bike path but we have the road, the bike ;path»nd then a narrow benn." The bike path is marked "bikes only" but It Is used by Joggers, walkers and can Which are either parked on the path or are pulled off the road for some kind of mechanical failure.. - Council member William Griffore refenod^the^iuue-from'liis ordinance committee V to the ' safety : committee because there are questions and concorns about the right-of-way, safety, enforcement and liability to the city if an accident occurs. '. Schmidt said the city is waiting for ODCTs acceptance so the city can draft an ordinance to enforce the bikes only limit. "We are citing cars parked on tho path now, in fact, on Sunday we had cine of them moved." said Schmidt. A resident at the council meeting on Tuesday, July 24 asked what a person should do if his car breaks down or if he's pulled over by the police. Schmidt said it is a problem and that presently a car should pull over beyond the bike path and onto the berm. Safety Director Joseph Martin said. "the bike path's intended use is for bicycles only. The law stipulates bikes are tu travel with the flow of traffic; joggers and walkers are supposod to travel against the flow of traffic." show they're just one Bruce Springsteen and the Hamficatnpod Bantf 1 rock the Avon Like Community Center. Pictured are Craig Freidel on baas. Michael Tetlonf on piano glittw.'mat Simon al tho «*e with a guitar. Tommy Kakos on sax; Jenifer Bom on keyboards and Dustin Mitchel^on snare drum. PRESS Photo - Ed Barlow ^ t 9 Holes or 18 Holes. With This;,C6tipoh - NRrV^ \ I Not Valid with Any Other Discounts \ Good Monday Thru Friday ; Offer Expires '; One Person Per Coupon You're Going To Lov The Challenge at Deer Track Golf Club 9488 LeavittRd: (1 mile south of Rt. 113) Dick Deasy Three Avon Lako High School soccer ajmyen - DEVON OLIJAR. CHRIS ijpeasy and BRIAN MOSCATELLI, fbembars of thn Elite Soccer Club or ^^Northeastern Ohio, won the Gold Medal z&tnthe Ohio Sports Festival for 16 and *~ ' fulhc, team defeated Grovesport ir Club.of Columbus In the semi-.. i and the Akron Aresnai 2-0tor the ^Championship. DEVON oud CHRIS tjboth aocred goal* In the semi-final game. ijmoscatelll was a member of the fdefense that allowed only ono goal for ^iba' entire tournament. Last month tho gtemm participated against 10 teams from l.five-fltate area of Slippery Rock, Pa. ind wore tho runnoni-up In that ^tournament. 58HORT STUFF: A number of Avon llako athletes have had success at camps Ilhls summor. I've gotten word on epmo Ibrtlie baakotball players who rocolvod.^special recognition nt.camps that thoy Attended. In girls' basketball. ERIN $?SULL1VAN was tho Moat Valuablu «MpIayBr at the Miami Ualvanlty Camp- Ifud In boys' basketball. MATT imith ffand IEFF SMITH were both namod lo tbe Century ca? o Camp All-Star Team ul fmt. Union CoDo 8 o. In d<"«on il7s M SKOPROWSKl was named to tho AU-btar High School Athletic Director Tnam and SEAN DEASY received tho camp's Playraaker Award at the Mlcliael Jordan Camp in Chicago. FRANK BOLOGNIA and MIKE GERRASCH were aotocted to attend the 5-Star "exposure camp" and CRAIG BRADLEY WBS inviiod to tho Metro Index "axposura camp" in Dayton for point guards. Finally, besides having attended basketball camp as a member of the camp championship team, [ASON MEINERS was also Avon Lako High School's roprosontativo at Buys State at Bowling Green State University. JASON, a throe-sport athloto and a twosport captuln. Is a 4-point student at Avon Lake High School...Throo Avon Lako High School student trainers attended Sports Modlclno Seminars during tha summer. CRETCHEN POTTS Hnd BETH GROSS participated in classes at thti University of Pittsburgh, and JENNIFER STERN went, to a Student Athlollc Trainor Workshop at tho Cleveland Clinic Educational Foundu- (ion...scnson tlcknt holders for football aro reminded to call the Athletic Office at to confirm their soata for this your. If you tiro Inlorostod In acquiring season tickets for this year's flvo HOME Shoreman football games, cull tho Athletic Office. CHARLEY'S BOATS t.m. Thomwon 10 lbs. 29W inches ZMarkRizk 9Ibs.4ozs. 31 inches IKenNegray 8lb9.12ozs. 31 inchos 4.WayneMyrie 8>bs.12ozs. 29Inches S.OanKaroly 8lbs.60Z5. 29 Inches THE PRESS SOUTH SHORE ' WALLEYE WATCH LENNY'S BOATS I.RayWackor 2. Al Baschle IDaveKraile 4.KurtKaptur 5.NickDiviaczky,8R>s.13ozs. 8 lbs. 10i 7lbs.1402S.. 7lbs.1402S. 7 lbs. 13 o& 30 In 27 m. 29 Win. 28-5/8 in 29 En. t. Winners will be determined by the weight ol each single entry. In (he evont of a lie, longih wilt bo the tt«-tweaker. 2. Only nan caught while ranling equipment Iram the two boat rental compantm will qualify. 3. Tnp following (op three fhiios will bo awarded by each boat livery. Fourth and nth place prizes will bo awarded by the Press. 1M PlK* FfM BNt * UK* RwUi Jnd Ptow. OMMT F«Nng (M 3rd Pttn. OwM-j FWwg Rod Mn PIKT tsm tnm gu. couffiwy d Sundrlngi W«r.inoa CWet d MmWdi. twv*t«ot»ndowlta'2).counm>r 4. Rve winners nor boal rental company. 5. Contest ends al noon on September 26th, 1990.

14 THIS AD SPONSORED BY THESE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESSMEN & WOMEN KOPP*S BI-RITE Avon 914->](!'», HoutvM-F "-9;' Sufi, y-b Compliments of, DR. MARK D- GOULD -PODIATRIST BONNIE'S LAKESIDE SALON The Understanding Chair ASCICK SEAFOOD The Abbe Wood Retirement Centar 1210 Scum Abb* Road Byrfa.OWo CONSTRUCTION Kelii-rSt At-on )070 if*. A Ownm StSSON-S FLOWER* CARDS & GIFTS 69OAvu«8«-ldenRd. DeANGELIS RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 1 Wi-i L jkf Mil Avon U t J AQUAMARINE LANES -UW Miller Kit AvimUfct-**I)»2J LANDINGS ANIMAL HOSPITAL Dr;DcxuldR.fto*l«516 Avon Befdyn VAn «< trt TOML Mdutig ii a ganc-mtawimki OB. loo baam* nyrim Mt> tacmm. DM m cmotat KCMJOM wtwi wdmg w- Htl *l)wbmtmhlmd < Hi almmt» Viougn M Mag (ft* iwarifidi p«am. UMq Mr wetwww Mto CJUI and cvhtm- PAINT & PAPER? PLACE BURMQSTER-FUNERAL: SERVICE: ;. ~ O e i IGJAymSrlden- v A THE PRESS 158LiftuKil./P.O. 100 withuur Ih* Ptv\\" PINEHAVEN GREENHOUSE yi424 CMroii Ktf. Avon 9 U-5"J-18. Bid ITwv n ttyu IwtMA on«* ItM KW «Mirtwllit M ft «malnc OM't HMM fttty vmt pne**. IB WIN* Rs Mog. canamdr strwet. «pro>mt t>m(- «* tamir M Th T Nobody Treats You k -ranr, Learwood Square. Avon Laic , «RILL & DON'S SHEFFIELD INN^ 5h*ffi*U Like "* THET CHILDREN'S CENTER'; A > 1*1* Common! fy tduwfcm Certrt 337 BrCnur Blvd. AVON LAKE PRINTING Uke Rd., Avon Uke Sundty MgnMr TiattJar 13: :1-1; 7VI y WMtlnlMM*. w / 8*«2K«o«Pwkn Aeta 118 ALLEN REFRIGERATION 614 Moon? Hd/ ALJANUZZt'S. WORLD OF SHOES' GOOD SAMARITAN NURSING HOME Detroit W. Avon '., MELODIE AUSTIN'S SEA5ONS IN COLOR - and IMAGE OF SUCCESS TYLER RENTAL 82Q Center Rd. (Rt. 83) Avon 937-6B80 "All your 'handyman' needs" CAMPOS LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN CO. kflc*mpi>,o*n*f ^, O.S.U.GnduM BRE-ANN'S KAJR 144 Lear RdJ ^ - Avon Lake CEPPETTO'S PIZZA «. RIBS 375 Lew Rd. "tnfmod SOJUM" AtmULCOhto Phona SNURR'S HARDWARE &MOME & GARDEN CENTER Phana "Andman Wirdow* & Dooa" AbbrRoMLSMBddUU.r Ph. 9494U1,, Ov.Unc :AVON SUNOCO SERVICE^ MlUPbr FroprtM* RAY'S AUTO* TRUCK SERVICE /I ;.v?,i/!;; BEACHPARK FAMILY RESTAURANT Sunday BufJtt 9 *M. to 3 P.M. * (CMklNn 5 & Under Free) 33491UU M. Avon Urn LIVING WATEHS CHURCH OF OOD Sunday. JQ30 am -Wbnhb' CHRJSt EVANGEUCAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Uta.Rd.A-onLjiilof -m, AVONtAKE PRESBYTERJAN CHURCH K340ElaiBW 1 9JMaW ' *OTWQ56/,; Sender lvtt<(*)lttootun. h S I O QJuuuui Ifvu ltl p M AVOPf LAKE UNITED CHURCH OP CHRIST EUrtK fibd 933^241 Dr. K RktMRl Btny. Mrtrtv Ssvlcn; Uriurdiy &00 p.m.' CALVARY BAVnST CHURCH 32«7Eli«rtcBW..93J6328 O R Sdd MW.-1 f AOant Mw*«i Wanhp Evtnlng S«vfc«- SmaJi groups catt 933^828 far Wonwaflon. :,. W«L;&30«15 pim. AWANA Cbtw.Thi«,7:00pm Prayer Mefilng. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Suntby 10 ST. MARY of lh«immaculate CONCEPTION A,0hto AithwB.E0M.MMtM MM w* S^ p-m. Sun.8am.' 10*m. 12 noon W«d7J0pm. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH GwoW) and UJ«Und Dr.. Avon Sunliy School. AduM BlUt CUM 9-15 Wh 8 ; 10J0 im. EASY STORAGE MlnlSiongc/AllSlfM >«* *. 411 Awn, Ohio HOLY SPIRIT CHUROI 4IOLaarRd. 933^3777 > Motovtku, MMtm GREAT LAKES GYMNASTICS Pine OA Parkwar AvonUkt Mont COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICES ST. JOSEPH CATHOUC CHURCH Uk.Rd , J. NontMt Bky. MtniiUr S*t. 130 pm, Sun 7-JQn m. ft00«.m. a3012rto AVON LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH 321 Lmt Rd EVoy Halt MHMM - Sunday 9-30 «jn. F ' It tnvhnwntf - ' '. 10 a.m: undw School 11 *m. Wonhlp 6 p.m. BHa Snidy 7p.m.Wot«htp. - W«L 7:30p.m. PrvytrCiStMring ' LAKE SHORE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH QKtrte BoJwnl S W mlk (Mil ol Bout* B31 Rkhtond Drtvtl Gmrpf. Bmdtf. MJnbUi Sunmar Wonhlp S«vto 9fl0 a.m. ; Qtb. nvur;»od Mndosw*«i c««b avtiubw dumg ih«wcnhlp hour. CHRISTIAN HERITAGE ASSEMBLY OF GOD ChttW Hd, Rua. John Bunmy-. Mcsnhd Wor^Ai and CMdnn'* Church. AX and Ift45 AJ«, 1 EwM WonhB 6J0 P,A ThdFiVNW JAVON L AVON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Drtroii Bd.. Awn 93*5121 Sumby-10a.cn. W«annday Ewnlng Blblf Study NEW HAVEN BAPTIST 37B3O Cotnada IICO.jn.Ww.Ht. AUO SHEFFIELD I5MKE THE CHURCH LOVE IS BUILDING 2280KAbt*Rd. ShdfydO.SAINT THOMAS THW "^STLE CATHOUC CHURCH 715 tfarrit Ro«L SMMd Lrit* FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH JorMJLMeC«tt«y.pMlB( : Robot F. Wou, AMOC P«(or p Sun. &30 «jn.-lft30 «jn pjit SHEFFIELD LAKE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 603 ScmUv Dr Enc A. Dmq. MmKMr CHURCH OF GOD. SHEFFIELD 228KNo«h Ahbi Rd., «* 6223 n 9M 6W2 JTi^V*M JoeTi^V*w,M«J«ny LanAvt MkihlR U Voufh & MusK Sunday ScKoof 10:00 a.m. Moo*flWor^'. U.OOa.m. Sunday Ev«rt(V IVonhJp 6:00 n m. WmLUFM-TldOitm HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4792 OMtfRA 949^S20 Lton*d Suhi, Wrtn VHrto* Snvtca 9-JO a-m. LAKE BREEZE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 1430 Uk. BTMI* Hd. ShrilWd UM9W.78W SUvwt A. Gotch. PMIOT m. (410) 28^ 7412 S 0 Wonhlp tojo«in._ Vd BtbbStudv 7.00 pm. ST. CLEMENT OF UHRID MACEDONIA ORTHODOX CHURCH Frtnch Oarfc Rd.. Awn Boiko Kncovtkl, Mtmdar FREEDOM CHAPEL (NotDtnominaiional) 2573SRfcRl Aim, OH 4401 f Ph. 934*252 %4S a.m. Sunday Famly Trakiirv. t.. ; * " ' Q"f MV Mlar YouhUvton PhOpAO* H** DMODT Bmi shuow Sui, School 945 < tun. SAINT TERESA CATHOUC -J CHURCH, Abb* Hd.ShriMT, J Phora: Ednwd J. Luca, JCD, Pun BAY VILLAGE' BAY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Utw RoMf B^r Vl*g* Onb: IfaiMNnd Atfrtd Hutte ) Summw VfenNp SWVIOM Sund^rJtw 10-5«pt. 210*0 iin. Sund*y School 10OI UK' WWnidMj,Ju«U-Ati297J»pjn. WWid ^'," ST. BARNABAS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH 46»Bn>dcvRo««<alWoH Road, Bay VBaa» - 1)MRtv.mHnn Tutor, Ractot ', «Smdoy Stnico:.... i a00 am. Holy Cuwnunlon iaooa.m.,ho1ycan«wnion Sunday School Wadrwtday >.. lo^xj a m.. Holy Comnwrton 871«2O6 CHURCH OF GOD '37447 Dttnrit Rd Hw. Mad KJncatd. Mfcwur S b l 0 & 6 HOLY TRINITY ROMAN CATHOUC CHURCH Fa J*r John J. Conkk Mlrdiler IWt.flpm Sun.9a.m, 1030am. 12 Moon g5u Wadnnday ruaf y Etwrdng BtJ-Stu^iftDtoonttoo, -

15 There'* A ItlN'I-REtiO Super Market Near YWJ _ lit* l<u!w. SteillrM Ul«. QH. i li 1 Ufctrt?. Ytnailim. «U JMllVOiKl.s*^fkWVtlLi f,li» HIM «'iu«1u. Aiw Ul«. Oil till l't«frji,'j.twjpuij. PLAYTHE BROWNS' TGUCHOOWN CAME PLAN! THE FOOTBALL GAME WITH 19,000 PRIZES INCLUDING A TfttPFOR TWO TO THE SUPER BOWL, THE PRO BOWL AND THE AFC CHAMPIONSHIP! OI a jam* piece every lirr* you viiil SKo-n- Step! Valcti tfw ftrw piet«to the CMector Card ) From the Training QKtv C»T»grsmJ nd be eog**e te»in ttttious priim. Indudng; «US THOUSANDS CF INSTANT WIN FOOD PRIZES! N«Purchase Necoury Piti Up Game Cxrd At Sup-n-Shcp THE 1990 BROWMS 1 Lamb Leg Whole Fresh American U.S.D.A. Choice 1M1 L'w*rr FovUr Park [U TO FXSD VOUR NEAREST STOP-o-SHOP CALL «J-MU H l»..irw«l ii Lamb Sirloin Chops TUWMM CM* PtOMAM 19,000 PRIZES If You Did Not Receive A Copy Of Our 16 Page "Mid Summer Festival Of Food" Fail Color Ad. Extra Copies Are Available At All Stop-n-Shops... Lb. Beef Rib Large End U.S.D. A. Choice-Health Trim Semi Boneless Rib Lb. #. *«&r n»«& Fresh Produce Thompson Red or Green Seedless Grapes All V. Regular or UK Coca Cola A«ortr. Superior.Frc«"*o K urt. or Ice Cream I'nrkay Margarine c ERVICE KIND HALUE IMVERYDAY Lb

16 BRAND NEW 1990 FESTIVA BRAND NEW 1990 Sticker Price S12,445 AK >i n n Ford Discount 1000 G L 4 D R. Ford Rebate 700 Automatic -Light Group Air Conditioning Power Locks Stereo Cassette Rear Defroster Tilt Wheel Electric Mirrors Monotone Paint BRAND NEW 1990 RANGER XLT SUPER CAB 1 Air Conditioning Aluminum Wheel* S&flng Rev VAndow Power Steering 2.9t V-6 Engine SLT Package Stereo Cassette Western Mirrors Cftreme Bumper Tachotfeta -Carpeting Bear Seats 1989 FORD MUSTANG GT miles, full power options, black exterior SL5M0 $11, FORD MUSTANG GT 27,000 miles, t-top, full powv, red StS6S FORD TAURUS LX Beautiful red and silver, full power and air St5«72 $ BUICK SKYHAWK Automatic transmission, factory air, tu-tone paint = SI.5421 $2495 BaM «*ount Brand New 1990 CROWN VIC. IX STICKER $20,524 $16,480 S , $10,380 BRAND NEW 1990 TAURUS GL 4 DR. Air Conditoning Clearcoal Paint Pdwsr Drivers Seat Sticker Price $16,996 Ford Discount 700 Ford Rebate 900 Bass Discount 2,116 Steteo Cassette Power Windows/Locks Speed Contol $13,280 BRAND NEW 199C F150 XLT LARIAT Air Conditioning Power Windows Speed Control Sliding Rear Window 5 Speed Manual $11,980 Till Wheel Western Mirrors Convenience Group 5.QL V-8 Engine FORD BEDUHERS FOR $ With Pick-up Purchase PRICES MCUJOE ANY FORD CASH MCENT1YE. DEALER CONTRIBUTION MAV EFftCT CONSUMER COST. PRICES OOOD TWOUCH»» 0. QUALITY USED VEHICLES TRUCK CENTER 1984 FORD RANGER a wo. $ PLYMOUTH VOYAGER wwfcslraa $ FORD RANGER a ISHO ' $ FORD RANGER SLIM.;.$4995 * FORD AEROSTAR a.kid. $ FORD RANGER a«*«s5195 * 1984 DODGE LE CARAVAN **>.*.**& - $ GMC S-15 2tu3amfc..att5«. i.$ FORD F-150 a**. $ FORD RANGER XLT arwos $ FORD BRONCO II XLT Air.aiwu $ FORD P-150 XLT*r.aw7i $ FGRD BRONCO ** *.*st.m*.. $ FORD F-150 wiv«,*»<ahc.sussw $ FORD F-150 XLT '*«n«.*st issn -$ FORD F-150 ur*v-«.*s... $ FORD F-150 XLT >«.*,&ISM...$ FORD AEROSTAR XLT >;a wn._$ FORD AEROSTAR *,,st#«m FORD F150 Automatic, a $ > ORD AEROSTAR XL <u.suw» $ FORD RANGER XLT to»jc*s^ $ FORD RANGER 4X4 *av,a^ $9995 All wheel drive, power,'air' ;; '- SLR047 Stereo Cassette. Power Locks' Tachometer Argent Wheels Automatic Overdrive 1986 OLDS Automatic Uansmisaton, factory.air, dean. " K 'd t $ T fi Si OLDSt Must see carl Power options, factory air, :,,. SL54Z7.. " c FORDi EXP HATQHBAjGK Automalic, factory air, only 31,000 miles, Wowl St.5677 CUSTOMIZED VANS IN STOCK FORD full size starting with 1986 plus good selection of Aerostats FORD.TELEPHONE. LORAIN ELYRIA 'PLEVELAND' We Rent Cars Trucks Vans VIII I VfTIVIYYV SERVICE, AND PART HOURS OPEN UMTIL MIDNIGHT MONOAY-FRIQAV PARTS OPEN SATURDAY : :- UNTIL 4 P.M. SALE HOURS MONDAY ANO THUFISOAY UNTIL MO P.M. TUES. WEO^ ANO FWOAY UNTIL 8:00 P.M. EAT. «:«? P.M.. 3UN. SM P.M. - m I I wm

17 * Realtors Since 1903 AVON LAKE OFFICE WALKER RD GrSi SUrCAV 2-5 S/l til DORCHESTER AVON LAKH A 4 b&f. 2''i tail i;uamy*ul f a"-a>n «?.** '-»: FvvpfcKtt wswi!c besi (am '» m anl 1-wrtt; m ClKJCM b*tw««n lormal <ji»tng or iwsruj.n (Jig IH'slZ" country lutttwi Th* vauiiw cwiimg tfw Irmg mi. preview* a cftry op«nn«3a. 1st too* taundry & Vi t»tfi Tandem 3 car»«h irent and r*v entry Qaot*. S133.0CO "ThE TV OPEN HOUSE PREVIEW SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 10:30 A.M. ON CHANNEL 43 ttlijimv LorvttaKxSs OPEN SUNDAY JAYCOX RD., AVON LAKE An unusual honta Mdud*d on -94 *CTM witn a crok. 4 badroom* «fld 3 hd Mifta ownptonmntml by gtx*m«ucfwn. M bar. atrktm fayw. kxmal dnng. circutw surf-my. & MOXity tyattim. Enjoy a Xtx2? aiwad bridi prto and xcafmfeftaftaftdaca >lne. $174^00. Lorwa K»*a. KO SH CO TV Sun. at 10-JO «jn. on Ch. 43. taew. 9u* Piengn UfiUAY t-ci VANDA AVE., AVON LAKE Thin spadow * badroom ranch v» on a double bwu (t*r landscaped, e has 4 badroont* and 1VI blh bath* w«n twlura«ttutt t Inctud* Id raom wttti a com* fwvpioca. Convenrent room ia on tint Boor. Partial baaamanl, dacfc. A (had pnwwa mor* IWng an) ga spacas. tffl*,900.6ua PkAwv M1EKT: SuHd Bct>«ng C~H:-J SUNDAY HA3VE'*' PAnW.'A' 1!', AVON LAKE Spacious 3 bdrm. ranch, QuaKty construction in tnta umqua hotn*. F«atur«a Induda library, toiuium. Ig. beml/flnii*ied rooma, 2 WBrp"i, toniul Onlng. Fenced yard, and ecurlty Intern. >1Ge,000-5ut4fl ScfWItng. S OPEN SUNDAY 2-5, : BAWiBV OR. AVON LAKE * One year DU tovmhoua* ttj** condo naa y epedat upgradaa. F«aHu:aa Indud* a 3rd bedroom or den, Ztt balna. a Dortda n»m, t»m bar.toft 2% car pvaqa, and Britftoormaster aua* wtti a knmy bath. Priced SI0,000 bakm dupackhon. Corporata ovnaovlmmedlau pnwiailon. QnM houaaig value «1138,900. Cheryl Slater, B 'i i. OPEN SUNDAY FAY AVE., AVON LAKE A recant price reduction and an MJOQ itlng allowance mak» ita tovery brtch apn even more appeenngt 3 bedroomi A 2 Ml balna wtui «21'«1T private bmsy rown and fireplace wt Inaart. idcaled done to actoolf. area patki, Ihe comrnunwy pod. 4 Lake Die Buddy Gkr»«r , OHt LAKE RD., SHEFFIELD LAKE Charm A charade* abound m mia unique otdor 4 bedroom colonial. Featuea include a beautiful Mr* vtea> grand cental h*j with ctouof *<«de stain, maaanv dew4ed mcmngs, 5 eets oi Frvxh door*. large rooma, endoeed porch, wrap deck, fun A-up attc,, UKnen pantry and mudt raral AQHri: Cany CMMM jie2-00o. Kamy OXotU 03^3731 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 "V 357 WESTWNDS DB- f\von LAKE thm Wearwlnda Cocky Squfra modal leaturee upgradaa Inducing * pattpet lorer wet bar. etr«n mount)* and more, there am 4 bedrooma ft 2M batha lor your condor! and comentanoe. The country Muten haa m triple Oder axftkiq to a' beauoftrf. landeeaped and tencad fear yd. Ralai on ycty tront porch or In your private backyard) Immediate POM natal available. Agvl Uary Ban Bv« Uary AVON This acre parcel allows for many building possibilities. It's zoned high industrial, septic Installed, Avor. Lake water, gas wall tor heating, and easement for sewer line. Great business opportunity for machine shop, mtg. plant, warehouse, lawn care or other use. On Schneider east of Rt. 83 with access to Heavily wooded -horses permitted. $298,000. Betty Baxter VERMIMON Four 35'X125' wooded parcels are located on a serene street. Presently zoned R-5, can apply for zone variance. Parcels may be sold separately ( 4500 ea.) or as one lot. $18,000. Betty Baxter OBERLIN Three acres in Rrelands School District. The septic is approved, water hook-ups are needod. and horses are permitted. Close to shopping and access to I-480. Quiet neighborhood. Build your dream home nnw in Klpton. $21,120. Betty Baxter SHEFFIELD LAKE Five lots are available on the east side of Abbe Rd. south of Walker Rd. Improvements are In, there are no assessments, sr^5 it is zoned commercial. Excellent location (or a small business. Close to Ford Motor Co., 1-90 and Lake Rd. $35,000. Joanna Demos ('! WANT YOUR HOWIE TO SELL QUICKLY? Ask one of our Realtors to feature it on "The TV Open House Preview"... at no cost to you! There's no better way to reach thousands of prospective buyers for your home. For more information on how to have your home featured on television, call us at, "The TV Open House Preview" Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. on Channel 43 Realtors Since 1903 "The T* Opwi Home Pf»^tV la pojfented wdum*r/ by Smyth*. Cumor Co. Realtor*. Carol McDonald Manager Thinking of a Career Adjustment? Ctsntact: Carol McDonald, Manager,'ftsr interview, or

18 introducing 12 remarkable women... Featuring Area women Presenting 12 women of thu area who are highly appreciated for their talents, hard work and good will In the name of Ihoir families and thuir communities The PRESS (iroudly features those 12 Io its annual Foe us on Wnmen spoclal section. This year, we bring you insights on women who tany volunteer for meals on wheels acd several other community organizations. Some of them aw also wives and mothers, or they may soil real esth'0-.or they may teach horseback riding...model artificial limbs...bako delicious* Tmwoiog danishes and midt fiej.^operato a rental business. ''?$j(k This is just a taste of what,tbw:.1890*j Focus on Women lection U afl read the section to Icarn all. the detlals. ': A family is main ingredient for Jeanette Berrg By Marilyn O'Donneli Jeancttfl Berry has gome old-fashioned philosophies about life that seom to work: 1. Nothing comes easy. 2. You need to work hard for what you Want, and 3. If you're going to work hard, you 'might ss well work for yourself. There's more: The effort you expend shows; think ahead: It's important to spend time with your family. Take note, because this part-owner of two successful businesses has four 'children, ages 20.18, S and 4 who, of oil things, kiss their mother goodbye and ' tell her "I love you" even when people' are around....,..'.; Jeanette, 38, co-owns Kountry Kupboaid in Avon with bar husband Randy. They also own Memphis Garden Center in Cleveland- With four children and two buslimwmm, /oanetto iwys aiin tiaa gained respect ; far all that is involved in homemakuig. "Housewives don't get enough credit for what thoy do," says Jeunotte. "I'd lifceto bo able to cjoan my house how I wadt to, but I lust don't get the chance." " Perhaps there aro some things more Important than housecleaning such as raising openly affectionate children. Before hor oldest two children loft for their fobs at tha Garden Center, oach kissed their mother and hollered 'I lovo you,*,,..."*;' What went right? "I always try to show a lot of love," says Jeanettn. "It's important to have timo with the family because oil you're goiiig to have io tha end is memories. 1 You have to ask yourself if you wont memories of work or of yuur family." Still, she taught her children that hard work pays off. And in a family business, everyone is working toward the samo goal. "Norm of us could mako it without uba others," says teanctto. "Wo all do our part. If one person doesn't do his fob, then it's left on the shoulders of the rest." Even the youngest helps by putting labels on bags of herbs and teas sold in the store. She gets a paycheck for her efforts, too.,,.' "I want to teach them that things In,'. > don't come easy and you have to work for whet you get. I want them to work and IUVO for the things they want.". When sbo WHS IQ t JtMtneltH KOI her first Job delivering prescriptions for a drug Btoro in Avon. She made Si an hour and saved money to buy her own clothes. Although sho really doesn't sec heraolf as "artistic" sho U creative. Whulher It's baskets, dried or silk flowor arrangements or wreaths, sho puts a llttlu of horsolf In each creation. "I really try to plcaso tha peoplo," she says. Along with teas, coffees and spices, Kountry Kupboard stocks many kinds of herb*., "I believe in horbs as medicine," says Jeanutte. "Wo havo a cold cam p.m. tea m ;'? Jeanotte Berry creates one of her lovely flower arrangements for the Kounttv- Kupboard.. -» that really does help you breathe. There if also a PMS tea. Owning a business and raising children can wear a woman thin. Even though you can shut the doors to run an errand when you nood to, the bottom line to success is on tho-fob hard worfc] and long hours. 0 "We're working for our cbimren/*j sayi Icanatta. "Wo want to give them,:? something to bo proud of." ^% Marge Spatafore is glad her time is not her own Bjr Marilyn O'Donnell V Margo Spatafore works cheap. She gets her pay in smiles and thankyous. Although sho puts In more hours a weok than many "paid" workers, sho says some people still think of her as unemployed. Actually, she's juot "unpaid," but definitely appreciated. Margo hot) worked es a voiunloor for tlio Meals on Wheels program lor "more years than I can remember" and also helps the olderly at Good Samaritan Marge Spatafore dishes out hor doep concern for social welfare as a volunteer for several local programs. Nursing homo in Avon. Aii chairperson for Northeast Lomin County Social Services, Marge organtzos room than 100 volunteers to provido needed services such as emergoncy food and Meals On Wheels. Sho also arranges pienfet. outings and the annual making of tho Festival of Flowers float for tho Good Samaritan Nursing Home. Margo, 40, lives at 2000 Joseph St. in Avon, has three children and Is married to Mike. Fortunately, hor fn rally shares In her volunteer efforts and supports hor. "I couldn't do what I do without thorn," aim says. "I got my reword from being willi people and my family In perfectly happy with that." Marge nlso runs a once-a-month curogivurs support group for people car- Ing for tho invalid and agud. When an elderly or handicapped person needs to visit tho doctor, dentist or huirdresscr, Margo obliges. Sometimes sho just visits tho parson. "I'm iho only parson many of thoso people se«in a weok,' 1 says MnrRD. "When you're taking someone to Iho doctor, Uioy aro so thankful It's a good fooling to know you're aopreclatod." Other community and service work Marge performs includes vice prosidant of Avon Women's Club whore she sold Christmas candy, raisod funds and awarded scholarships. Sho belongs to Avon's Athletic Booster Club and ha«r helped at sports and school ovbnls.anh^ flho Is a member of tho Helping Hand;-' Program and Girl Scouts. - 1*7 Why doos Mnrge volunteer? "You doj it because of tho goodness In your hearty I do II bocauso I want to do it and I onfoyl thepooplo." ' ; ' ' J ~- ;.;>^ Soroo people havo a soft spat for pupploa. Marga has a soft spot for elderly "There cro a lot of peoplo In nunlrig homes who I fool shouldn't ho tbere#. bollovos Margo. "A lot of people tto«jfc$f that those who go to a nursing home anfy ready to dlo. Thet isn't so.".-,,. ^ A good day for Margo Is getting al «-._.., houso work and, volunteering dona.in $j] the samo day with timo io spare. '"' But thon, if the phono rings and i msono noods to go In for chemotherapy treatment or haye^i cataracts removed and doesn't have rido. woll. Jt'a still a good day. Bnrb Bartlomo. activities director ft Good Samaritan Nursing homos 90}- -, r M«rgo gnvo more than 500 hours ofi'ier- ^ vico at tho homo last year. - r \V-'iv^3 Sho brings in residents' favorite foous^jfj visits them when thoy're in tho hospital,'^ buys itoms for thom which thoy can't te-ili ford, providos thom with nowspaperi i- and loving individualized attention, 1^ says Bar. "She Is a person who has given; up much of hor personal llfo for tho bettermont of others." "'.

19 ;! special section:. Long hours build promising rental business Bj, Marilyn O'Donnell Tina Tyitr too* auto mechimtt,* in 1 htgb school. She also liai a bachulor uf arts degree in communications. Hc:h hejp her do her job and do it well. As part owner of Tyler Xcmul in Avon. Tina needs knowledge from both fields to deal with day-to-day business. The 29-year old entrepreneur started the business three years ago with brothers foe and Tim. Tina was chosen to run the business full-time because "she had the least to lose," she'said. "I was single, bad no children and nude the least amount of money." said Tina. "It's scary because I don't have a husband to support me if this business falls." *, Tina works about 73 hours a week leaving her little time to volunteer for Providence HOUM in Ohio City, s crisis nursery for abused and neglected children, where she used to spend much of her free time. "I used to wort there evory other week." she sold. "Now I go on holidays. It's one of the things I miss. Being three satisfied my maternal noeda." One of the things she has learned from interacting with children et Providence H'juw.- is thut!i\jrrui:g specifics ubuut.i diiiij's bjicl^ruund lefl h-*r haunted with n feeling d wnine** j;»l lwdple^sneas "H'H bt-st no: to'know." sin; -jaiit quietly. A typical diiy in ihtr rental business entail* mjintainiiik <.t uipnnmit. changing all and. basic.iiuiiitenanctt. {Tyler Ki-ntal now offers "Ujj!y H<!pair" which focuses «:i smalt engine repair by Tini Tyler). Tina keeps labs on customer requests and. if necessary, ordurs. new equipment to nifl-i dihtiand. She reviews operating instructions of every piece of equipment to ensurtr safe, efficient, handling. How do maqho men take to Tina's instruction? "Most bave a great deal ol respect for what I'm trying to do hero," she said. "Many won't let mo help to lift or carry equipment," she adds. "But I think 1 get more flack from the salesmen." Her oeven-day-a-week work schedule leaves uytle time for hobbies, cooking or social life..but she's looking at the bottom line, "Busineia Is good." said Tina. "I don't have a lot of free time. I'm usually in bed t>y 10 p.m., but they say it takes three to five years to get a business off the ground." Tina plans to fly. 1 ;.'? Tina Tyler provides much of the elbow grease at Tyler rental. Here, she maintains a piece of equipment by making sure ft has the proper fluid levels. Laura Andrews supervises mealtime for youngsters. Laura Andrews has treehouse full of tender loving care By Marilyn O*OonnaU The cots aree lined up in military fashion. Christopher hugs his cookie monster. Jamie snuggles his toddy bear. Most of tho children Bleep, but some have difficulty resting while the sun shines. Laura Andrews, 36, owner of Leure'a Learning Treehouso at Colorado Avs., seys sho hated nap time. Not her nap time, but when her class takes their daily nap. "It's boring." she says. "Soventy-fivo percent of tho children sleep, but some Just lay thero wafting for Ms. Laura to tell them it's timo to get up. I let the ones who can't sleep got up s Ilttln earlier," she confided. The cantor is opon for 6 a.m. to 0:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Children from 12 months of age tc 12 yonrn are welcome. Laura opened,the cantor in April 1080 after graduating from La rain County Community Collogo with a dogroo in early childhood education and making the Who's Who of Junior Collogo listing. "I went to school both day and night," says Laura, who hits two children, Ryan. 13 end Shonnan. 9. "I made straight A's and wnii involved in several community projects." Sho was a Brownie lender, active with Cub Scouls and Avon's VFW Christinas Party organizers and a loam mother for baseball. Shu continuoa community Involvement as Avon's park commissioner and as vice president of Loraln County Association for Young Children. "Making tho Who's Who gives you a national rafereuco," says Laura. "Going to school was a struggle, but it was worth it." After graduation in 1987, she worked in LCCC's nursery as a teacher for four yoars. "There was no advancement there." she says. "I Ukoa tho Idea of a daycare within a nursery school for children who didn't have a chance to go to nursery school otherwise." Mnny of tho chimrcn at her school wen) once her students at LCCC. My main purpose for opening thin was to (jivti kids in daycare a chance to also attend nursery school." sho explains. Tho ratio of adults to students is 1:0 at tho troohoiibo, and because of this, there in (imo for lots of hugs. "I'd keep them for free if 1 could," sho says, "It's rewarding for me when a mom comes lo pick up her child and ho doits n't want to lonve. Wu kcop them happy. Wo say: 'I lovo you' and I feel they're nil part of mine." Of course, behind many successful wornon are supportive num. Ltturtt's husband of Ifl yc«rs, Tom, is her righthand man. Ho (Joes repairs at tho cnntur, cuts tho grass, does laundry and makon sura his own nil lid ron do thnir chorus at homo. "HO'H great." says Laura. "I don't think I'd over find unybody also livn him. I'm very fortunate." r ii i i co u p o N I Specializing In: Spiral and Root Perming Open: I Mon.-Thurs. 9-8 Saturday 8:30-2 HAIRCUTS $6 7 Stylists To Serve You Sculptured Cuts S8 o nc ) ut l B8 Cut & Style 4650 Lake Rd. Sheffield Laako NAIL - " " 'PROFESSIONAL CAREFREENAIL-'CABE NAIL CLINICT NAIL CLINIC if'nail CLINIC Hi'. tos Eth Sited' DcUoitRd. ' \777 St. Cl.iir- Ave. Lofain ' AvOn93^69!»- Ci<^o Mon^Tnw^Wtd. h Thun. 9-8 pun. Professional Licensed Nail Technicians For All Your Manicuring Needs Acrylics Fiberglass Manicures Pedicures Nail Art & Designs Overlaysl Fill-Ins Jewelry I 1 I I C O u p o N I I I NEW HAILS ' H..:', 1. I- ;* " u:* '? M' u\

20 Paslry bag in hand. Annie Hostetler ices a delicious cako lor a customer. Hy Marily:i O'Uonnell Wh-iii Amiw Hu^le tier's son Kay hud a mark*.;! analysis duiw for thu «;h«upi»g plaza h«was tiuildirn; in Avon, tfit? results broukht Aniii«*s nursing carter to an eii'i. "I was a nurse* for 22 yuars," says Anme. owner of Annie's Bate Shop in Amber I'laza: "I spyr.l the!;ist!5 years working in tliu emergency room. I wa* burned out." The market analysis revealed the need for a bakery, so Annie traded her nurse's cap for a baker's apron and launched c new career. "My mother hod a bakery years ago." says Annie. "I wculd always holp her out when she got busy." The smell of baking bread seemed a soothing balm to her frazzled nerves. But Antiio is the first to admit that owning a baku rbop la not a piece of cake. "1 wish the hours ware a little shorter." she said before lunch ono day. after already working 10 hours, with another six to go. "I get up at i a.m. and come in to finish the dotiuts." she &ays. "Our commercial accounts have to bo delivered by 6 a.m." A spokesperson for Convenient Food Mart says Annie's dontils are served In many of their stores, daily. "The do nuts (ir«great and we're very pleased with tho service," he says. At nijihi. Annie's husband. Hartley, dinner lur ht:r. and she is off to hud by 7 p.m. Still, far thf long hours, she is'.iappy in her bake shop. "It allows you in be creative," she says. "I do the donuts and finish the special cakes to yu." She credits master batt-r Kan Null for his skill with pastry and dough. Although she used to bake a lot of bread at home. Annie says baking for a business is more demanding. "I used to bake six loaves every second or third day," she says. "Here, wo make 20 to 30 loaves at a time, baking two or three different kinds. She shares a baking secret: "It's all with the temperature of the water,* 1 she says of baking bread. "If it's a roal hot day, you have to use cold water. And for pie crusts, don't roll the dough too much." For owning a bake sliop, Annie has kept her trim, girlish figure. 'Ttt try things, but I'm not o big aweets eater. Vil pick up a donut and eat it out of boredom. Maybe I'm Just too tired to oat." she admits. Since opening her shop, she has ijavelope/i a loyal clientele, among them Kay Gtlles, owner of Ray's Auto and Truck Service in Avon. "I'm iii there seven days s week," be says. I go for breakfast, especially the oatmeal and cinnamon rolls. I like the varioty and Annie's friendly smile." Bffakfivfl was a brainchild of her customers. Because of their requests; she now,serves sausage, eggs and pott* cakes In the mornings. After a long day at work, she relaxes by working crossword puzzles. "If I can get two words done before I fall asleep, I'm lucky. "But I do onfoy what I'm doing/' 1 }\ We have a variety of,flexiblefinancingoptions which feature very competitive rates and terms. Central Trust programs include Onr and Three Year Adjustable Rate Mongagcs, Fixed Rate Loans as well as Fl IA and VAfinancing. Jur experienced team ofrealestate experts can match ihc right loan to your specific needs. Aloan that's affordable. WhafelmportantibUs-IsYou For details call Ken Oster or Barb Friedl (216) Member FD1C CENTRAL TRUST A PNC RANK ACCEPTING FALL CLOTHES NOW!!! WEAR IT AGAIN 1. Consignment Shop A New Way To Shop P And Emm Money Bring in your gently used clothing to sell on consignment at: Call For Appointment or Just Stop In 100'sof i/ 2 price items Detroit Road.Avon Plaza (Behind Papas Pizza) Hrs.: Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. i i i i i i i i M 1 i h J %J

21 r - ban By Marilyn O'Uunnell Shoron Livnij:>t r J:i iv;,"i.j y;v'-' - ;: >.[ ' balit.'riii,i. AilLT 1J \<-<ir~. of ilir.-,-. pointed tut.-,...n-! p, fr fi'u ;:I^. ; unnaturally!u i:.-r Hut suddenly, th«17-yi-.ir vui. %%in! achieved what nu:iy Iittiy :;:ITK oniy dream about, left the sta^l 1 and be^inu- J certified prosthetist. Now Sharon ni.sws body movement possible for those born without limbs or tvho have lust limbs from either disease or accident. "Most people don't hoar about it." she says about her field of practice. "You don't grow.up saying you want to be a proslhetist. You grow up saying you want to be a fireman or a ballet dancer.", Sharon, 28. received a bachelor of science degree in bioincdical engineering from Tulanc University and her certificate in prosthctics from Northwestern University. :jt:'.!iir-,i Ji urn* * [.'.- 'i(j*"i I:IH fi!..ul "Oiitu lin i )rest;rip!ior. is d«r.td>;d. I MM.' it ca»! t'f the palit'nt's L L^. jrin t,v.vjit-.ti'vt'r." said Sharon. "Tinrn I modify :t to fil." [Jilffrt'ii; j».i)[tli: havu different ncxii. For instaticc. «young amputee will ncud a much different limb for playing basketball than a geriatric nmputl-«whn requires the lightest wuighl limb availabk-. she- said. "Not till thai motion and spring is necu.ssary. After she modifier the limb, she delivers and fits it to the patient. Became the body is always chxiujfing, Sharon adjusts the limb when!-*;: ' : jt-arr^." sin; line. "WII-MI VUII'M- ^iili.ij'm u::.1:1 atliiici.i! ii'nb,.jl] jsjitr wt-'u'-.i is ti'jins; 'in th-it one pjrt nf ytmr LijiJ>. Thir.. c^u'itt. ihn mtiscics fi ;ptr«phy n:«i K" -iw-jy. N'«'"ali'jr h'jw i.'ianv ddjustnivnts I r;in do. it ju^t eventually 1'jsci fit."" H:id Huston. 30. ;>f Ch;igrin Falls.Hows how it fe«!s to wear a Jrj* that dimsn'i fit. He lost his lower Wg in a motorcycle accident 10 years ago. "I had gone through so many legs." says Huston. "Either they didn't fit or they hurt. The pain over the years was ridiculous. It was liko having a migraine headache every day." He thought at one time that he would never walk again. After a couple more surgeries. Dud met Sharon who fitted him with a new log. "She did a good job." said Bud. "Sh«helped mo to walk without pain. I water ski. snow ski and still ride a Harley. If it weren't for her." Jiu says gratefully, "my life would be bleak." One of Sharon's mast inspirational putients s*as a 12-year-old boy born without a lower arm. "Ik 1 was t\n\ st;inj; iuli; puberty." r>jc:.jlk Srnrcjij. "Tho-sw y«:3r>. are so diffit.ult; 4;sp*i:inlly for IKJ>S." Paiil had never worn a prosthesis. Hi; had never played sports or been involved at school, says Sharon. "I filled him u-itb. a Utah Ann. Il's a top-af-the-luiu $35,000 myo- electric prosthesis." Because of the arm, Paul started playing spurts and living his life. Sharon even appeared with him on the Children's Miracle Network Telethon., So for. Sharon says her biggest challenge was coming back to Cleveland and getting businesses to hire her. She convinced people with her engineering degree from Tulane, and by being oncal! 24-hours a day. "I workbo to 80 hours a week," says Sharon, "I love my lob." This Sept. 1, Sharon will marry Clay Kelly, who will soon complete his last yeur of residency at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland. The couple plan to have, a family, while Sharon maintains her field of practice. "I plan on doing (t purt-timp and doing it very well." sho says. :! : il Polly Bader roads a siory to youngsters. Polly Bader pays back with helping hands By Marilyn O'DonneJI, The day finds Paulino {Pollyj Bador. 66. up to her neck In work, and bain,* pulled In all directions at once. "I'm chief cook and bottle washer hero today," she tolls a man who has junl come in to the Northeast Lorain County Community Social Sorvlco Center in Sheffield Lake. Ho*s looking for help to straighton out hia medical bills. Fol!y is temporarily Tilling in for resigned director Inn Klelnberg. Tho phono rings. People are puuring in tho center for iho rummage «ale. The man is still waiting for on answer. Sho points him In the right direction. then resume* hor aeal to modestly talk about hor life. "I was a kindergarten toaclicr for about 15 yoars ond then a principal for another 15." soys Polly. "Tho kids used to rhyme my name. 'Mrs. Bador, alligator.'" Remembering this, she laughs. "They thought that was tho funniest thing." Back when she began teaching, children, fresh from the nest, who had never attended numory school, would slip and call her 'mom.' "As 1 got along in my career, it became 'grandma,'" says Polly. After retirement, she bocamo involved with children ogoin as story lady for Slopping Slono Nursery Schoo.. find then for Shorfiold Lnko Library "I mbaod p»oplo." say» Polly. I think that's why I do tho stories. It's the plun- ant parts of touching in a non- -' threatening way." Polly kseps in contact with people In other ways as welt. During the winter, she volunteers at Saint Joseph Hospital in the medical library. She Is active in her church doing everything from working at fish frys to baking apple pies. Aiid, for tho last four years, Poily has dulivured MeaU or Wheels to local eldnrly people and shut-ins. "I never had a chnnce to volunteer while I was young." says Polly. "I find it's vury satisfying." In her duliveriu*, sho meets people who inspire hor. "I'm constantly among pooplo who have infirmities, but still have a positive attitude. They're able to surmount their difficulties and keep themselves young by doing things," Polly says. She makes It a point to be dependable. She's not only there when sho's supposed to be, but she'll come In to fill tho ithoos for an absent volunteer. Because of her do-^11 kind of enthusiasm, Polly was named,toacher of the Year in tho early '00s and wiis recently a runnor-up for Citizen of tho Year In Sheffield Lake. When she is not volunteering, sho is "overhauling" her house. "I roally enjoy working wilh wood." sho Sftyn. "1 built new cupboards for the kitchen and tho ilen." As far her volunteer work, Poily sees her efforts as payment duo on u loan. "It gives mo a vury good fooling inside when I can pay back all of the nice things that hnvn hnnponed in my life." says Polly. "I hope I've made a difference." Sharon LMngslon displays an arm orosthesla she has modoled for a patient.?,- - ' 1 Linda Hotntn SMYTHE, CRAMER CO. FlMRors Since 1903 JanU Garner We share the philosophy of quality real estate service. Whether you are selling or purchasing a home, your needs and concerns are important to us... we listen! We're proud to be part of the Smythe, Cramer Avon Lake Team. _^^, Call Us Today For A Complimentary Market Value Analysis 1 3 AVON LAKE OFFICE WALKER RD /

22 - ;^.ws HOII'Q Antzenberger and her 5-year-old daughter, Usa. V JSy Marilyn O'Donmiil that handling 1.1KX) pounds of Hn:t-.- «.Uvnxth cjti b«byiti fun aad p'l&xmjt- Weekly, she Uiachc? CS students how to handle a borsit "l Lolly Hill Farm o» Kr»:bs Road in Avon Ltikts. -The most important thing about ridmg is you must know the busies and practice surely," said the 35-year old instructor. "One of the first lessens my studenu learn is how to fall off of a hurtu the right way." Much of tho knowledge aha imparts i* s»;f-taugh! from watching professionals and reading books. n] though she has trained professionally. Holly began riding ut agt* eight ownsd hor first horse when she was 10. "His name was Colonel. I got him from a racetrack. I sbowod him successfully at horac shows in the hunter/jumper circuit." she recplls. Kvpntualty. Holly met Karon Sobeu who was the trainer and manager at ihf; Mclrojjark riding stable. Holly rodo Karen's, ho.-scs ar-.d spent her weekends tnivt'iirtg to h«rs«shows while other i:'mjjrfn vw-n* tu myvies and drivo-ln -j, "That's what I wanted to do," Holly J, >jys. without '*5>irei. "I had friends in =, hijjh ^hool. and I had friends at the -* stables."' Through Kurun. Holly got "No Chains."» horse which enabled her to move up to more professional competition levels. After graduating from Avon lakit High School in Holly sold her horse 10 attend e four-month extensive course at Crabbet Pork Equitation LTjD in Sussex. England. Under the instruction of Brian Young, she received her British Horso Society Certificate. A typical day of instruction at the school started at 6 a.m. Sbs bad to "muck out" horse stalls and groom &ad r feed three horses before breakfast After.^tc breakfast, she had a one-hour ridjng" lesion. More mucking and grooming.. Next a cla«on treating horse wounds.' Lunch, followed by another riding lesson. More mucking and Brooming.' Clean tack, bed down horses. Four-o'clock tea and cookies. Cet horses ready for riding lessons. Six o'clock dinner. Review studies. Nine-o'clock bed. "They didn't let you sit for. two minutes." remembers Holly. You wow there to learn. They inspectad everything you did. When something wasn't right, it was understood that "this" was how they wanted it" Holly recalls her strict training with gratitude. "It taught me tie importance of teaching things the right way so they can be practiced the right way," she says "It was also a wonderful experience to see how people from other cultures live." Holly also trained under George Morris and Victor Hugo-Vidal. both leading professional riders and trainers. She was a 1071 queen candidate for Central Ohio Saddle Club Association and has won several 4-H awards. Other awards include championships in equitation pony/hunter division; lumper division, and regular hunter division. To date. Holly has taught more (ban students. Her two children lisa. 5, and Kimberly, 3, have also had lessons from mom. Last year Lisa won a couple first and seconds, and Kimberly has placed first and fourth. Her youngsters are not afraid of horses. The more you're around the animals, tho more comfortable you become, sho says. ; "I don't think horses are stupid," M Holly. "You have to educate them a respect them. They ere too powerful not; to." Children wanting to learn nw»; about horsemanship can call Holly ff" Farm et 933-B772. evenings. A MUBUnBT?, camp will be held at tho farm in August:/, HOW ABOUT YOU? Who takes care of your beautiful thing!*? Clothes today are expensive and you always want to look your best. Don't take them Just anywhere or trust them to just anyone. Come In and see where quality still lives. You'll love our 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. THE FUSSY CLEANERS, - '"? 116 MOORE RD MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:00 AM TO 8:00 PM SAT. 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM CLOSED SUNDAY

23 Dispatcher Konowal serves in many different capacities By Marilyn O'DonucII Toni Koaowal is a public relations person, a problem-solver end has a shoulder to cry on. As a dispatcher for the Avon police Department. I'oni n«v«r knows what the day will bring. Hut that's okay. "Every day is different," say* l»e 43-year-old mother of two. "That's what makes ibis {ob interesting and exciting." Toni also worked as a dunatchur fotne city of Oberlin for some time. In her job, she has seen, heard and had!o do lots of crilty things. 'In Oberlin there was a man who used to walk up and down tha street," she *** " Ev ry town has one. One day.! saw him walking with tree branches wrapped all around him. I yelled out and asi^a him what he wus doing. 'I'm camouflaged.* ho said, 'I don't want anyone to see me.'" Toni has taken calls ranging from ptm> pte threatening suicide to mothers delivering their babies ot home. *A little girl called once saying her mom was having a baby." said Toni. "They were the only two at homo, so w«dispatched a squad. Through all of this, the littift girl was the important one." An average day starts at 7 a.m. and enda a* 3 p.m. However, Toni constantly rattlvea calls at home. "It seems I'm on call 24 hours s day,"' she aryas. DuriB«the LUzzprd of 1978 which hut down the county. Toni wnrki'd 2% straight licur» "It wai very tedious. We wtn. 1 running snowmobiles to thu MJUUII.T.-I pnctiuii of the cuuiity.'even the cruisers weror:'! moving,' she ri'in umbers. For her efforts shu receive*! u cummundalion. Other duties involve escorting femttlu prisoners who have to be transported to tliu county jail. She believes her presence tjuflls un irate female prisoner's tumper. "Having me come in dofus«s the situation," says Toni." Sho sees Avon's -addition of a female officer (Jan->t Wicker) as a positive step. "Women ore capable of doing police work." says Toni. "They try to humanize the profession a little bit. Women swra to be able to talk with other women and children easier than men." Along with seeing the inclusion of women on the force, automation has altered the way police work is done. She remembers that as recently as the late '70s. books were used to check car registrations. "Now we're ;ible In gel inform at ton from different status concerning driving records in a matter of seconds. We're able to Lecp bettor track of people." Toni says. Perhaps her most memorable work Involved trying to coax a man. who had fired *hots at an officer, out of his homo. "He barricaded himself in tho iiouso." recalls Ton!. "I talked to him for over two Iiuiirs by phone to try to coavinte her decision to sell, real estate we:* a him to come out. Hn was upset ubout his wise, professional move. Her husb-irtd is %> Kirlfrinnd, The palicu huii Iho house a builder. en ii" "Police dispatching h agh stress Eventually, the man surrendered, job," realizes "Toni '"Reai estate 'gives c To unwind, Toni sells real estate for.. me a different outlook on things. I thick c i.<;binan jobnson of Arahtrst. She says you need that to equalise your life." <fj Avon Dispatcher Toni Konowal connects the calling party with the necessary resource. - Betty Kinsner quietly makes a difference asvoiiinteer By Mkrllyn O'Donnell : Fifteen years ago Betty Kinsner thought of herself as a volunteer. But when an elderly man to whom sho was delivering a Meals-on-WbeeU plate called her a "sanctimonious do-gooder," well, she was ready to turn tail. Batty laughs when she tolls that story now. Because the man's meals were funded by the Lorain County Board of Health nnd Mental Retardation, ho full Finding the perfect home is Carol Murphy's specialty By Marilyn O'Donnell As a mother, Carol Murphy knows what it ts like to be on call 24 hours a day. Now that her youngest child ts 18, ahe can tit back and enjoy the fruits of her labor, right? Not in her business. As a matter of fact, once a customer called her up at 1:30 aura, to strike a deal. She obliged. Carol Murphy is a reel estate specialist for Roahy One's Walker Road office. Although she'd like to have more control over the hours she works, Carol is not checking the want ads. "I lovo what I do," nho said. "It's very gratifying to know that you have assisted someone in the largest personal purchase of their life.-.whethor it's involves the first-tino buyer's $50,000 house or someone's $500,000 homo. I enjoy meeting and helping people." She began her career 12 yean ago when her youngest child was In first grade. In her first year, she grossed a million dollars In sales. " Along with selling real ostnto, Carol was president of Welcome Wagon, active in the high school PTA and Avon Lako Soccer Organization. She remains active now that her children are grown. She ts a member of the Ohio Association of Realtors President's Sales Club. Carol has served on the Program Commlttoo and tho Realtors Political Action Committee for the Lorain County Board or Roaltora-tho group which olocted her " Professional of the Year" in both 1088 and I960. Sho also serves as treasurer for the Women s Council of Realtors. Carol sponsors many community organizations: Avon Lake Soccer Organization. Mighty Goliath Playois Productions and Fraternal Order or Police. Sho Is also a past Avon Lako High School P.T.A. president ; and a Boaster or the Avon Lako High School 100 Club. "1 like being busy," said Carol. "1 think everyone ihould get Involved In their community. Everybody has a responsibility to promote civic activity. You need to be Involved to mako this {Avon Lake) a better place." Despite all of her offorts going in to many directions, Carol, for the past two yoort,she has grossed more than two million dollars In real estate transactions, for which she won awards. "That was a goal 1 had set for myself. In my business you have to set goals for yourself in order to achieve things. Setting goals sets you aside in the real estate profession." One of her present goats is to "Just keep it going." Sho wants to remain ac- Uvo In the Lorain County Board of Realtors. Another goal Is of a mure personal nature: "Someday," she said slyly. "I'd like to own a yellow BMW convertible." Carol Murphy by Uie delivery of food. When ho took out his frustration on Betty, she ran back to the Human Resource Center in tears. "I was talked into staying and was told he had no one olsa to lash out at," l4lt<t Hetty. So. with ptiace offering in hand ICtrl Scout cookies), she tried again. From than on, the two became friends nnd shared sovoral holidays fn Betty's home with her family. ' '-'-- One day while delivering a.tical. Hetty, found him dead. 'That was really traumatic for me," she recalls. "Since that timo. I've sort of distanced myself fmm the people 1 holp so as not to become too attached," shv adds. Not too attached, but nopo-lhe-iess, involved. Betty of 159 Duff Dr. In Avon Lake ts : married to lack. They have three grown daughters. Sho says her own mother years ago used to help pooplo and so! on example for Betty to follow. "When I visit my daughter I see how she takes my grandsons to visit the county homo. They will learn by example just like I did from my mother," says Botty. She serves as a board member for Northoast Lnrain County Social Services where sho does the book work required by tho federal government. Botty went beck to school to get har real estate liconso at age 59 so sho could spend time with her realtor/husband "so ho wouldn't havo to work so hard," sha says. Now, the two of them work twice as much. Betty says she'll gladly sell your home as long us It isn't on Monday mornings or Fridays. Those are tho days she, volunlocrs. In fact, aho fust won an award for giving more than 400 hours a year. "I don't keep close track of hours," sho aayn modestly. "It used to bu I did volunteer work as long as it didn't in. torforo with my family. N'*w that I'm working, wo eat n lot of meals out. Something has to go." sho figures, "but it Isn't tho volunteer work." In hor rounds, she has mot many people. Those she holps corns from all wnlks of Ufa. Llko the man who complalnod when Meals on Whools prices wont up a quarter. "Ho was so mad. that ho paid us in pennios, 1,025 of them," remombors Betty Wnsnor- Betty. Later, she learned the man died and left an estate worth In excess of $300,000. ' Volunteer work makes a difference sho says.,.. "We afford people the opportunity to stay in their homes as long as possible. Either to die at home or be the laal stop before the nursing home." Having worked with the program for a while, Bntty would prefer to soo some, changes.- Currently, Meals on Wheels'' gets its food from a catering service. It is brought In, ready to be warmed. "I'd like to see the food cuod more toward the elderly," Betty says. Sho suggosts serving recipients more soups and less friod foods." Also, sho'd like to deliver tbo weekend meals on Friday. At present, tho Friday dolivory includes a cold box-lunch for Saturday, but no Sunday moal. Howovor, a plan to include a cold Sunday moal which could be hooted is being considered. Betty's philosophy on volunteering is simple: "1 think you can't just bo taking up apace on this earth. You've got to mako It a bettor place than it was when you came. 'Cast your broad upon the water and it will come back to you four* fold,* sho btiotes from the Bible. "It really does," snw believes. "Actually, I think I get more out of this than I give." V r ir' * ; -jil t!!

24 Wcus:on women ^peeiai section > > Bonnie Repas, top sales producer/realtor doesn't have a job 1 By Marilyn O'QorncU Bonnie K«pji> rms i WJ> v.i'jt rri-jviist: things work. The 54-y.*.ir old R-JiSt:!! Realtor manager is thu end product of long hodr-s. lough. deturriinatiun and tang-atandin,; commitment. Bolii her career and her marriage attest to her fortitude. Thirty-Hint; years ago, she married Rob«rt. her high school sweetheart. They had four children. Bonnie says her marriage survived because she and Kubcri enjoy do in 5 things together. Md>b.: i: was because thuy folio wtij in C(!i>:d.'s fot: I si (.-pi jnd iitcrauy picked uj> \hu bow acci i'trow. For about 15 years, ihe Kepao family sj.h-nd most of their w1.~3vt.-uds traveling t<_> jud cotuptjtins i» archury shoots. "Wu prattired.ill the timo arid even wri up turrets in our bankyani," she says. "Both my husband and I have won gtatu. sectional and national competitions" As lh>j children grew up and went away, so did the desire to shoot archery. Chevy Power T&kes IndyAnd Daytona. rt*" JjuJv'.tj [IIWn\lV lj.-wt.titl lunrt-i"* III IN-!'+»VHIJI 'VI, 1, isnv phtniican i*"t) > tw M 1 «'!*«A"' W " '" i--. -Mn-y t* ,,. > -v.l r'i-i Most Lumina Coupe: The Most Troub!e-Free Car In Its Class! tb»c!'."> Lumlij CUupr mnkt M lh* mv liwhirttmtf in Ita!«.* turn! i says Bonnie. But it wusn'l only archery 'hat bonded husband and wife. Bonnio says it was respect. "We both respect who each of us» 1 resficct him for hi? abilities, and what ho dam. and ho does tha same for me." she oxpldins. We help each other. He even went and got his roal estate license so ho cuuld b«more of a help to mo." Honnk-'s list of civic activities and business pursuits cat-m fill a telephone direclcry. They include serving on the committee for the Building Industries Association of Lorain County's Food Drive for Hunger, various committees fur Greater Lorair Chamber of Commerce; Realtors Active in Politics; Zonla International Club: Toast masters International; Elyria Board of Education membor; con:hairpernon of Sign Committee for Don Pease, lubthw; Lorain County March of Dimes Chairman ; appointed to Ohio Dopartaiont or Education - ESEA Title IV Stale Actvbory Council ; Elyria Wsst High School Boostor Club and chartered first dub president in 1975; Ohio State PTA , h«ld ali l-.cai offices and was awarded KTo ^izziiwrpaip in 197tJ; council president and d^trlct director. Ohio PTA. Bonnie has served on many boards and committees with her invulvemont in the Lorain County Board of Realtors. In addition, she has attended many workshops, special meetings, seminars and real estate courses'. In aha was voted Lorain County - Board of Realtors Salesman of the Year, and also served as president of that, group. "1 was able to receive this sward because of my activity in local, state and. national real estate associations, my ac* tivity in the community and my number nf sales that I had. all at the same time," says Bonnie. Recently, she obtained her broker's liconso. Not long after, she was named Lorain County Broker of the Yrar. She U now being considered es a candidate for Uic Ohio Broker of the Yearl Add several sales awards Including a state award for soiling more than $2 million dollars worth of real estate. Currently, Bonnie is the Lordln Couoly Board of Realtor's Standards ChairfMirson. "I have no idea how many hours I work a week," says Bonnie. Ninety five percent of her sales come from repeat and referral business. "I work as many, as I need to." Perhaps her philosophy about success Is reflected In her perception about work. "I don't have a fob," she says. "I haven't had a job in 11 years. A, job Is something you do when youd rather be doing somttthlng else. I enjoy helping people." '. M Chevrolet: The Best-Selling Car r in America. SUPER SAVER $1,000 Rebate S60 00 Engine Credit $ Total Savings and -A CHEVY NETWORK DEALER" "YOUR HOMETOWN DEALER" Talk To Us... You'll Like What You See And Hear Miller Road, Avon Lake Bonnie Repas on tho phono speaking with one of her clients. THE PERFECT ANYTIME GIFT.-»».. ) -.-.»«. NOW SHOWING [GIVE US A HAND 1 IN STOPPING ALCOHOL I SALES TO TEENAGERS CALL UQUOR CONTROL HOTLINE ! national Theatre Corp. movie money Coupon Book S8.00 Value For $ Presumed Innocent R (No Pass) 2. Die Hard II n (No Pass) 3. Arachnophobia pq-13 (No Pass) 4. Days of Thunder PG-I3 n M<it>n«*i Daily until , p m. Tlckou Kid 30 mlrl W. lmk»ftoui. Phoo» Lotai R nattondi Theatre ---», -- - ^ n 1 W HOUR HOTUNI *AUCAUI(tSf«l J TMEOHiODePARTMEMTCTSS«flCOmnOt L'SSTSS LORDY LORDY LOOK WHO'S 40 JACKGORMANJg

25 Logat Notice PUBLIC NO HCE NOTICC Of EXAMINATION FULL-TtUE PATBOtMAN AND PAflT-TIWE PATROLMAN PURPOSE: Pua«c Rotie* a rw»ty jjtisfi c-v Vm CM 5*rvica CcimMion ci tna City of Awn, One. tof in cowv ccr>- b*t» lor ong^uj mtna lo W» poctwra e< P P in tn«avon OUALJFICAT10NS: AGE i y 7 *. but net men Ihsp ur.rn>t (55) EDUCATION: Wgrt Sctwo* graduata o.- Gcnval EtXcatton D«gfM qumbfcth. EXAMINATION: Applicant* rw;anitng a pa**r*8 grata and cornotutng tfw toojweiv ty (20) Ktx*a en B* nrrnmn - minafion wd al*o Do required to paw a ftvftial trangtft and «QiMy twat at a tol#r rial*. Upon csnsidvrato of tnptoymtu. appbcanu wiu o validation. prty*(cal antf JwychQfcXJiC*! Iwmoc- drug and ticatai Krvantng. and a pornr*^ axamlnatmn. A p>a*trtg grada lor ttltl RESIDENCY: AppDcwtt ar«rtgmrad to kvi wtthfci a«v«n (7) mj*» of the boundarisa ol Vm Dty of Avtr. to M n>g>- U t f APPLICATIONS Uay b* octainrt at tn«avon. Uumdpal BuBtflng. AMMiCMtona muat ba mada on raguar BprjUcatton lorm proirtcjwi by ma Awan CMI oanric# GonvTvanorL No otfiar totn 1 w*t bt actaplad. Appa^aoona must tx* rwumad lo me A«on Muniopat Sdhjna Datroil Road. Avon. 1 ONOL by <S0 P.M.. Monday, AuguM e.taoo. TWEAIO1PULCC OFEXAMMATKIM: WRITTEN EXAUWATON: HMO AM, SaK«day. August IB, u AMR (figh Sdmd Sterwy ndga Road. Avon. CWo. AppOcan-j rm no! ba admatai] onc«imtng h ^ bvgutt. Aopfcarti must prasant a M M ONo drtvar-a Rcana* tor Him*. etontolast. OSCELLANEOUS: VETERAN'S CREDIT: toh awoa tor tarmca In th* Armad Ftwxwi of the IMkKl Stala* of Amarka win ba to tha appbeam'a paaaino (na- F«3no mu*t ba tkacn- d to BM appflealion upon mng CREDIT POR PEACC OFFICER -CERTIFICATION OR COU GE 'CeQBEE: 13% cradrt tor Paaoa Oticar otlacation In tm SUM ot OMO er cooaoa oaorw In PoAce Sdanoo or a rateadmd wb bm add- Ppnjprtow a*** dagrw must tw» *ct*ad hi ff* ippbcatkyi upon MriQ.' APPUCATXW FEE: A tan dollar 1 (SKLOOt norvnrfundabla appllcatinn faa will b«faquuvd upon " t Notice PUBUC SOTlCt HOtlCE CF FUU-flME POIJCZ AKDFIRE DISPATCHER PURPOSE: to (ha po*non c' FuU-Titr* Pclicfl and RIB [>s(j«lcn«r wntfi lf>s A.oil Pofac» and F""» OpaflTwri QUAUF1CATION5: AGE: A! toast gh1»«n (IB) y*3.ri ol S'j-> OJI m«dam EDUCATKDM. M-gh Schoo* a" EXAMINATION iicn-fofuroln&la toe wnni oppjyviq tor wno»n aiumination A toora ot 70*4 tx hjrjh«f»1m be eonsmnnm pttuvtg gmm. IDEMT1FICATION: Apt^canta nuit p:wnl a vajul Ohio dnvar*! Ucar-aa for dmiamoo lo Mil. Appticanta nil) hot b«admrtr lad once taanng rt«= bvgurt. APPUCATIOnS: May b* omain*(l at tr>«avon Municipal Building. Apphewioni muai b*nmoaon a regular B(9p!ica- Ucn taor provwod by tm Avon CMt S«r>rlc* Commia«k>n. No odwr lotrn ma b» ccaglcd. ApptmOom mwl t» rmumwj totha Avon Mufliopai BuRding. 3S774 Detroit Hnad. Avon. Ohio, by 4:00 p-irv. UoncUy. Augutt B TIME AND PLACE OF EXAMINATION: WnrTTEN EXAMINATION- 1,00 pffl., Salurday. Aucuol IB at Awxi Higrt School Stonoy Maoa Road. Avon. Ohio. MISCELLANEOUS: CREOTT: t0*» ctwrf (or swvios in 0M Armod Forcai Of tfm Unit*) Sttlai of Amvrtca wji ba atld«d to (h«motcant't paming gratia For-ri DO214 mu*l bo rtocfwd M tha BJ> DhcaUon upon fblng THE CITY OF AVOH IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ThflAvonOvil Servtcs ComrnlMWn Oaorg* SomrnarB. Acting Chairman OaltA.HByd«n. Acting Soervtary PutXufwM ALP 7/t-., 7«8. 7/!6. 8/1. two #22379!i> Legal Noffce PUBLIC NOTICE -My c* Artirt LJ>» C Avon 5.UC 1 K. J well" rs'uiis a 'wi/j? "or 5 3> Travelogue slated Don Mayor will prcsont a narrated slidu program ubout Holland. Cermany, and Switzerland at the Autumn Kebeb meeting Tuesday. Augus114 at Thn Barn, Detroit Rd. Tfi«program will be after the catered lunch servod at noon. All mature adults in Avon and surrounding communities ate welcome: Reservations for lunch, which costs $4, arc required and should bu mar 1.!] with Sis Wurnort at by August 12. To this man custom building is the rule, not the exception. Meet Michael Manditakte. president si Ma-TdilsKia Porttolto Homes. Michael is a perfectionist and a craftsman. He bujda only custom homes ol estate tfimaraions wtti excepfeonsl c*re and quality. Ha is a n f l vision morking closery with tus clients lo crealo W-t pefloct honw. Curivnt OfDjocls Intfwdfl homos in Airon LaKo. WeslfaXa and Oreckavllle. Bofws yau maka a Uecoion ajxmt sejocting a bu;ltf:ng, talk (o Michael. Tr» dihoronco is coviaus and impreasrve. Ho will wodt with you to lu(n Ideas into malrty. MandiiaWs nas fecsnfly an-kiunc«j ttw opening ol Trw Oakoii>a, a premier community ol luxury homos in Avon H». Unlike other developments, The Osfcotu otiws large wooded lot. walking trasa and an Impressive gdtehoum ency. Pncus begin si W50.000, and Portfolio Homes h pnaeeaty offering Irae archiloctutj drawfnos and Manor dacorating cofisuttattona wtth the purchase ol a lot In the Westlake or Avon Lake subdivision. MaSca on appointment to visit the aits and to dtacuss your custom horns by calling Michael MandlUUs at 835-3*4*. or ChrttUne Watts at # } 4 PORTFOLIO HOMES 9 wmnmn wvfwvrvr if you can 'magloe it, jre cut tuihd it. "The Yorkshire" Home For The '90s it's a 5 Billion Dollar Industry. "COOKIES" Come join the extlieincm. Wlut j builnrh opponunlty. wllt;^ hljtli /l»>er. no cholcmrrot cooklci fiir appnlic control For IflfurmatJim ajxiut hiiw tu»cli and uvr thu product -»*nij *2.00 for J 2 in. Fiber CIJMIC Cookie and a flrocriurc Fiber Classic Cookies PO Box 351 N. RldgtrUle, Oil Real Estate Transactions ID* AVOH LORE lirfumidr * J Outw IV! K I O )l vlvwf O IHtfFMLO LAKE jpkunm (Mnn*n Com p J Kliwa* uinin Ctv Or J»" Uu«l*' (tuptcorwi P J WrHan no hkooo * Of l'nl.* >a l> D J6nn>*»H WnltH WftBl-U emrnrio VIUAOC (J inll Tin (W* C«tln T I. '" Ropfs design team and Schotz architects have combined their award-winning talents to produce an original" at Devonshire Estates, Kopfs pre- miere single family Westlake community. Professionally Decorated By Designworks of Denver We Recommend Living Bettor Electrically with the Add-On Electric Heat-Cool Pump in Our Gas Heated Homes. DEVONSHIRE Wcstlake'vPremiere Community at the corner ol Crocker & Milliard Roads, one mile south of 1-90 Exit in Wcstlake FOR OVER 25 YEARS "A Tradition ol Quality Cra.ltsman.ihlp" BUILDERS

26 AVON LAKE ELYRIA CLEVELAND mm CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Serving the real estato needs of people tike you in Lors'si ami Cuyahoga Counties. How may I serve you? Can V, ask lor Del. DELPETERKIN HEART SAVER-ONE FLOOR PLAN $64, Avon Lake. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home oilers what your family needs at an affordable price. Many desirable features including formal dining mid Irving rooms, eat-in kitchen and family room. See al your convenience by catting DEL PETERK1N, S. If Anyone Can - PcterLJn Can. WANTED-HOHES TO SELL With interest rates decreasing, now is the time to put your house on the market Call BRAD HAN- DY (or your competitive market analysts, TO' X 170" WOODED LOT In this nice neighborhood in Sheffield Lake, sits a wooded lot. reedy to bo deared for your home. Brand new home on property behind this lot This can be yours for only $ Call BRAD HANDY, , '.. AH AVON TREAT This custom built bulwers home features 4 bedrooms, 3Vt baths, 3 skycghts, 2 fireplaces, wood stove, Jacuzzi and much, much more. The rooms are ad extra large with a walkout basement Beutlful view of French Creek off the 16'x54' deck, and 24'x32' 3 car garage on turn around drive. Only $229,900. Call BflAD HANDY for your personal tour, r STARTING OR RETIRING! IN AVON LAKE ;«3S79.Thls 3 bedroom, 1% bath ranch has central air, a designer kitchen mcently redone. A fresmy completed full bath. The half bath needs attention. LMng room and dining room ruive a cathedral ceslng. Above ground pool has new liner. Some Andersen windows. Oarage, d*ck and - nicely landscaped. Asking $87,900. Call LAURA MURPHY, or 365-3/B1. r TWO NEW AVON LAKE USTINGSI 3 bedroom colonial-tith family room and Vi baih addition, formal dining, basement and ZVt car garage. Newer furnace, contra) air and hot water tank, hardwood floora and lots of charm. ANTIQUE LOVERS DfcUGHT Plank flooring, outstanding brick wajlod firoptaco In the 18' family room, 3 bedrooms. 1Vi baths, 2 finished rooms in basement plus "dark" room, crown molding, chair rails >n dining room. ZVz car garage and beautifully maintained yard and p*>*io plantings. Situated In tow traffic location. MARY ANN TILOEN, ROOM TO ROAM - ft 69, Just shy of 1 acre landscaped both front * back and still a little bit of woods. Located on Lake Rd. * featuring 3 ful! teveb of Irving space Including 3 bedrooms, 2V4 baths, super kitchen, living room ' family room with woodbumer. Also basement * 2 car garage. PETE TETORAKIS, BDRM.RANCH Located perfectly lor schools, church, playgrounds. * public trans. Hd. wd. floors, new kitchen * baths. Nice basement * double attch'd garage. Everything you ever wanted in Avon Lake. Reduced to $141,900 Call BROWNIE HARfJESTY, lie Luxury HomsaftM 2 CuWo-«ac Locations Prtcwdfrom $300,000 Superb Craftsmanship fl'lutiniiiccnl - Individually Deslgrwd Cedar-Sctad Brick Exteriors Ultra (Mutftr Suites Gourmet KHchons C.J. Tom Builders CONTACT CAROL MURPHY AT A CERTAIN CA3UALNESS Combined with elegant styling and gracious well proportioned rooms mcke this a truly exceptional home! Enjoy three bedrooms, 2Vt baths, "bonus" room, air conditioning, dock and much more. Price reduced to $139,900. Contact CAROL MURPHY at for > personal tour. PACE SETTING!! New as tomorrow and ready today! Handsome brick fireplace In spacious family room, family sized kitchen with bay window, 4 good sired bedrooms, 1st floor utility, and full basement Price reduced to $154,900. Phone , ask for CAROL MURPHY. CAROL J. GRESCO S Resident of Slwrfleld Lake for 19 yre. serving Lorain County as real estate ager.1 for 17 yrs. Lot my experience twv you find the home of your rrfewns, or the marketing yo» n>"d for a Quick Easy Sate of.'our Present Home. To be buttt by Wm. Gresco Homes Inc. 8y requesi. we've brought bake this lovely styled homo "only bigger" 4 bedrooms, family room with fireplace plus basemerrt on wcoded lot Pre construction sale S Act NOW and Save». Call CAROL J. GRESCO for Info., AHOMETO ACCOMMODATE FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT This untquo home hrsia large bedrooms, master suite bain, eat-in kitchen, format dining, family room, 1st floor laundry, center hall foyer, this home has flowing trafifc pattern, $139,900. Call for the other amenities. CAROL J. GRESCO, COOL LAKE BREEZES Add to the shaded, setting of th* four bedroom, 21* bath home. Fun dry basement, family room, dining room, screened deck, woodbuming brick fireplace. Only $129,900. PAUL SMITH la waiting to take you on a personal walk-through, VALUE-PACKED OFFERING , This throw-bedroom home wilt piovkte easy living at a very reasonable price as you enjoy trie front porch or back patio. Just steps to library and schools In Avon Lake, $79,900. Call PAUL SMITH to ami, COME HEAT, COME COLD You'd be cool or snug In this attractive vfnyv sided ranch with its central air arid wbbdbumlng fireplace. 3 bedroom, dining room, and enclosed 12x12 Florida room. $89,900, CaB PAUL SMITH :. ; ::- : r,:.'.'; -:..;--,-: -:-<; " ** t NEW LISTING, AVOW LAKE Beautifully landscaped'2 bedroom bungalow on woodedtel on a quiet neighborhood street First fkwr has 21x14 living rm. and 11*12 dining room both with hardwood floors, remodeled kitchen, 9*10 breakfast room with skytlght and an 8x11 den that could be en extra bedroom. Two bedrooms upstairs, large 15x26 ear deck with built-in sand box, wood deck front on- > trance, all for $72,500. Call RAY ANDERSON, V-., i Schaefer - Lewis engagement Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Schaofor of Avon Lake are ploased to announce the engagement of thoir daughter. Dell-Ann Marls Schaefor, to Ronsld Scott Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lewis of Avon Lake. Doll-Ann Is a graduate of Avon Lako Mrs. Marilyn Berg of Naples, Florida announces the marriage of her daughter. Miss Lisa Ann Vickers, to Mr. William Jay Butts, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Butts or Avon Lako, on March on Marco Island, Florida. Delt-Ann Schaefer and Ronald Sott Lewis High School and is a senior at Cleveland Statu Unlvoralty. where she Is pursuing a dual ma[or of Physical Therapy and Spnoch. and Hearing. She Li omployed at Rae-Ann Suburban Nursing Homo, WasUnko. Ohio in the Physical Therapy Department. Carmon- Aufdenkampe Engagement Pumolo Ann Carmon and Mans Norman Aufdonknmpc recently announced liiuir engagement and forthcoming marrlugu at a family dinner. Doth Pnm nnh Huns tire long timo Avon Luku residents and are employed at Woatorn Enterprises In Wostlakn. Mr. und Mrs. Joseph Carmon of Lorain, und Mr. and Mrs. Norman Aufdonkampa of Avon Lako, are parents of tho csuplo. A summer wedding Is planned at Church of tho Open Door In Klyrla. Ron Is a graduate of Avon Lako High School and. Is pursuing a degree in Business-Accounting. Ho Is employed by Lorain County Community College, Elyrla. Ohio in tho Business Office. An August 1992 wedding Is planned at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Avon Lake, Ohio wbcrtt. both are members Carmon-Aufdenkflmpe engagement

27 "THE LEABU'S" The father-daughter team ihat will get you results in all your real estate needs. Full time professionals exporienced in residential, commercial or land proper* ties, buying or selling call us. JOHN Of MICHELE, FEW LEFT New coodo offices on Walker & Moore Rd. Doctors - Lawyers Dentists - Busienss men. Enjoy the lovely office, central air. gas heat and choose your layouts. High traffic area, many nice features. Call JOHN or MICHELE LEABU to see or for details, JUSTUSTED 3 bedrm. Avon lako ranch, 1 vt baths, mud rm. Very good location, well landscaped, 2 car art. garage. Won't fast, low «0*s. Call JOHN or MICHELE LEABU to see (vacant), ACRE LOT fn Avon on Rte. 63 near Detroit Rd. Good location and a good buy. Call JOHN or MICHELE LEABU to see, HOSTESS WITH THE MOSTEST? You can bo when you entertain in your Inviting Florida room or barbecue on the extra targe patio. Plus this lovely all brick 3 bedroom ranch has a large shaded lot ideal for sumnw time recreation. An extra detached garago allows room for hobbies or a roc vehicle. Ideal home for fun loving famfry. 584,900. Call LEE BQDLER, QU HOME. AVON-S Beaut 3 bedroom expandable ranch w/2 full baths on over Vi A. Only 9 yrs. young, cedar aided, low maim., plus 2 c. atl garage. DONNA HALASY AVON LAKE ELYRIA CLEVELAND WHY PAY RENT? , When you can own. This one bedroom, LR, DR. tot. garage condo in Avon Lake is watting fcr you. Nower carpet, papered dining area, appliances Included, too. Sharp. CaJJ now to see,with WILLA DESMIT, 93M10S. BUILDING LOT - AVON LAKE Located In en area of new developments' and has the dimensions of 100x159. priced In h ' PETETETORAKIS, LANDINGS RANCH Newfy decorated, new features, add - price cut on a lovely well landscaped 3 bedrm. ranch. 2 full baths, large great rm. with. wj>. fireplace, centra] air. fuby equipped kitchen wfiii appliances, swim, play tennis or enjoy the party rm. Many features, vacant, move right in - call JOHN or MICHELE LEABU, B33-ei95. RESIDENTIAL LOT , Exceptionally pretty lot on residential street Quiet wooded street, but lot Is mostly cleared ready to build. Twototsmust be sold together. Gas, water * sewer on street. Must see to appreciate. Community Road, south of Femdale. Call RAY ANDERSON, , BEST DUY IN AVON LAKE This convenient one floor ranch home features lots of storage In country kitchen overlooking the screened porchl Family room/dining room plus 3 bedrooms * 2 hid bdths on a picturesque tot Close to everything... school*... Routs the lake... the pool... etc.i Don't miss out- Only 5111,500. HUGiCK/VCKAY VACATION ON LAKE ERIE Vacant lota on Middle Bass Island. 60ti75'wooded. dose to store, $5900; 60x135 dose to clubhouse & pool. Includes 30 ft dock, S11.900; 60x175 dose to marina, wooded, $5500; 60x140 lekefront, view of Put-tn-Bay, rinancing possible, $29,900; 76x135 paved main rd., close to store and Lonz Wlnory, $5900. Buro^jndy-Bay Associiitiofi has modem swimming pool, dub house, and boat basin. Gravel or paved reeds whh water and aewer system in most areas. Air and ferry service. For Island Vacation Properties c*j! ERNEST HK»EY, ' ' PICTURE YOURSELF HERE Capture this 4 bedroom cape with family room, 2 full baths, formal foyer, loads of storage, 12 yrs. young, $81,500. ft can b* yours! Call the Hater ADA TAYLOR, today. ANTIQUE LOVERS AND SPACE SEEKERS Older cape with expandable upstairs, on a 199x255 lot which backs to a golf course. Basement has plenty of space for arba room. Presently 3 bedrooms, 1st floor utility, separata dining, 8K48 porch which spans west side of house. $74,500. Call tho lister, ADA TAYLOR, about assumable mortgage. WILL GO ISSUE 1-COLONIAL $34,900 3 bedrooms, big living room, formal dining, eat-to kitchen, Ut floor laundry, aluminum sided. Call the lister ADA TAYLOR, BUY LOW ANO EXPAND AS YOU GROW Only $37,900 for this darting 3 bedroom, aluminum sided ranch on 100x146 lot with room to add on. Located in Vermilion, this house has a beautiful lake view and is 1 block from the lake. Call the lister ADA TAYLOR, BRICK FRONT GEORGIAN COLOHIAL^^H*}; $, Truly designed; to tempt your fdeelniifpr elegance and easy; taring. This 3 bedroom boasts ft master suite with a second wocdburrurig'fireplace.- Ltotod tf $228,600, this property has far too much to" mention. Call the Itetor AD A TAYLOR for details at' ^. '.7",rJ JUST LISTED - SELLER BUILT ONE YEAR - TRANSFERRED..r^V^ZZQ , But their toss can be your gain, because thv 4 bedroom, 2Vt cotoniaf with beautiful neutral decor.' open family room, kitchen, skylights, dramauc stair-'- case, full basement, walk-in pantry, 10*x30* deck to; listed at only SI 78,900. Call the lister ADA TAYLOR 1 today-. : - '.'/ ; v ^ - 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DUE TO MERGER-EXPANSION The laase on this professional office space at Walker & Miller in Avon Lake can be subleased sq. ft with phone system sad some furniture and equipment negotiable. $t,150 per area. Cail the lister ADA TAYLOR, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ;.V - :-,; :;= Lorain County pizza business, $85,000. Established i 16 yrs., good grow and lease, all equipment, 1116 ati.- fl. in Lake Rd. location. Can the lister ADA TAYLOR,! for details. ; -,U v 'V-/--. & 0.Horn tor Sale oomeous eaacuttw Ranch far M i* by ownar, 3*282 a% ft. a Badroom. 2 Bath «j 2.77 avaa, Lara* Baaamart. 2 1/2 M» Oaraga. Cantrtf Haal «nd Air. Many ESM. Locwad m Ceurxry Plaoa, Grafton. Mw, I1M.B90. For appoint*"*"! ca»gagsri2 4 Bfl.fUUidH, * Batfia. Covwrad Pitio Central A/C, * :AVOM LAKE SMi2 1/2 batn«,iord«ttrnty room, woodad tot on qum Mrttrt. AaUng J1SS.000. CaU tor «O- Opm. Prlnc*paia on. BANKMPO* * PHMVA. HOMES BEST DOLLAR VALUE Own your mm homo AllowiMCMU Laragoovwtha*alofavB«- am fwrrm. immon w#tc-rw. TomMcBflda CfUOUO REALTY Dayt EVM. aeo-tooo Q B\, 2-1/i taatfi Horn on Aw Lata kn. FWBKM UV dodo country knch*n. Mnnry room tofflraplcm, Dvtng njn, (fining room. «KtoMd pooh, oamri air, curtly tymfffl. attaetwd 2-car 0MC»«fw> b IMIWWMI FAlRVtEW PARK 2 Dadtoorw, 2-1/2 BUh omlnom id«d Ranch on qul«*lt l. Taatafuffy dmoralwl mrougfmit. Living rm., <flo*nq rm., library, aat-m kilcrwn, acrxntun porch, full bttamani. Oaraov. Larg* lot. SS2.B00. 4OI8WMtZI4th CBH734-S4«ftAV, 417 Bradlav. 8-«pm. fthura^nm Fumttu;*. VHstiwmtim. loscs cotoctibim. comic booha. Avon Mftto, daptmuyi QUM. VMV UM JovWry, u&o MuipL, compww, Clavaland Pma mmmmbttta ft tpueft mueh <twa. "JiOftTH OLM8TED b/ 0WM R 4 Badroom, 2 Batti CokxHal. laro«tamvy mom. Rr«pta». «W. Itt floor laundry. Larg* woodvd loi, S12B.OO0. CaH T7MITt. HOHTH 6U^STED Vi«w ot M«iro Park, 4 bdrma., 3-1/3 BUM, 2-1/2 car hoalad garags. 3 ftl. many»». Call Mr. flu*rt 33t*41T SUMMIT REALTOH3 AVON LAKfi OLtNVrtW DAjVi Moma (or aa* by owrw. CAPE COO IH, 3 batha. Krum«ri*d«rtom*. 2 impuoaa. e&jrrtry knefwn. ak condworwng. Florida room, la/ga landacapad tot. Cloaa» actools and poul. 9XM2S., westlakc by ownar, O^R, 2-1/2 I car, dack, Dlw naw. Opan SaL, Sun., I t-2pm. Ptton* *T7-B«O3, Commercial Property/Sate Oaky Slop Slora. Prloa inctudm land, building, fixturn, baar A urtna OoanM. Sunday alaa, *t 70,000. ImwHory amra. Oww nnancm avwiabto, 100,000 down. WtoUrcWn Raatty, 4747*1 or MT-I C o m m e r c Property/Leosc a I p In Tha LandMot. Can or B Real Wanted Estate HElD FIRST HOUC. Voung prot«v locul coupta tooung to purcrtaaa flftt horn*, prlcwrf bjow iflo.wo Wa *ould utio e&n»ltkj a duplai/doubt* prlcad bwlow 1^0,000- Call Uika or Lori, Industrial Proparty LOflAIM INOUSlfflAL Pi to* InduWlal Vim 2-60 acrm. WU1 MA or bund to aun. IS.OOO *q,ft. tpmck now avauum qfl. with loading docha awailabla lor MV> or toaa* bca»d adtecant to Ford Motor Co. um oil Rl2r90, lofnii. OrUo, Contact: Danny DaMareo. CaktMM ttankar Laa Draga Raalty (218) 323-1MD. 1 2 B U S ) opportunities n e s * Earn U00 or mora araaww atufllng nvalopca at homa. No «tane«nifiinry. For frav av and aafl aclrtraaaad, alantpad anvalopa to: BFC Enterprlaaa. PO Bo* 431. Flat Rlvw. U0.6M For rent North OtmatodSeA SpM. 2 bsttm, fum batamani, tntn room off family raom, Ikaptao*. 2 car garaga, bsautlm daoor. *1.100Ano. JOHN (RJ. MQMT.J BKMeOO. AVON LAKE Room In tuxury tioim on laka. tor ona only, non-amokar, laaaa. g334sk oharmtng 3BR lakatrant horn*. Nvwty rarnod>lad. leotvmo. B A-1 KINO JAUBB CONDO. Spaeloua. ldaa>-ratlra«a. All amanluaa. (Haniwd) poct-outim. Sacurlty. SMS. 1-B3M33T. 4bH execotwe COLONIAL. Flraplaea. eircandluonine, U cm oanot. it.ooo/ma. eftort larm (MM. M3-33V7. TCa d arwood. 1 badroom lofi with appllancaa, Prrvata. tannw. pool monttify (Awd*poWL77T-«r71. WCSTLAKt CONDO, 2t3tr Wamown Blvd.. 2-BR. Walk-Jn doat, garaga, pool, A/C. " *_** ^i.^ft wxif. nvw Ca%rpat Owouohoot* haat Indudad. NO pata. S496 (Mt MMy dapoar. B7f-«2S4. AVON LAKE, 2BR hours. 5400jS» utimiaa * dapotn. NO PETS, 933-W76. ivow LAko, sen, 1 \n batna. 2 1/2 car garaga. EaMn knchau phta dtnlnd araa. Haar dach and camarri dtvwray. CkiMtoachoola.parkand taka. AvaHabla la)a Auggat Sorry. 3 p ep T B * * W( r t h 3 m d»pc*tt- CaB remjm. AVON LAKlL.LAKg RDH 3BR. t 1/2 batha, apptancaa indudsd. ixmtmo. CaH «t-7151 M thru FrWay, BanKSpm. 1 5 Apartment/ HoUM/Sharw Young trpjaaai.tiat (amaja rnaa* WIN Mid plaea tn )*va In Avon, Sharnaid Late or Avon Uko. I w3l ciw«atpanaw. N«iH. qulat. MUM have non-amoltara only. Call B. 17 Vacation property BaaeH, 2 badroom. 2 bath. Waakly. S33-70O9. ' F M t i ' MCKNrOHT UOTOfMOME RENTALS t,,andnawoamajic Liuury MotOfflomM Daan f<j*f Equlppad Daya 3S-3611 EV«a MCKNIOHT MOTOR HOME RENTALS Brand Naw Oaaa A 4 C Luxury Motorhomaa Ctaan - FuNy EqolppwJ. 23K-14M Day* 18 Wanted to Rant RE VOrttMLft mantad ooupi*. no ' cnbcftvn, looking to LEASE/OPTION * Cm* or tour badroom homa ftt AwnAnn ifttt mm. Can <attonl SOOO^CSO par month. Cal anyttma, B33-917B,Mft»orLorl...-v. 19 Office Space for Rant -, <; -:: :: --:;^y.->:-. rthtaw tnsmoual FuM SacrtWtal BarviCM farancaaftmdhoi fltnaaa caniar print ahop halraalon vrlda rans* of prtoaa - tangjamaaoffleapark WM OtfiCC SPACE aah. grouns Floor, many window, drtva up p*fc- (ng n cirk Nka aadlng. 24BW Contar R&gV Mark. 83S-I810. sarvlllaot auracuvaomcalna graal location. fugra.tkt Oov* Cantar. Your prtmna offlea h*» aacratartaa at your aarvtca, ojuamy copy andtu macnnaa on ad word procmalno y pofan atonal Mmng. PrKrata parking tot. aucuni bumang, AM UOMM af at n good prlm. OoM u Doma - fual whm yotf^a tookhp kx.cab Wandy orjanaatsw-1434.

28 r 19 Office Space for ^ ^ C6H " R Rent ; HQ. C«nl«t RIOoa iloau. Worth ; ASSISTANT PLANT UANAOEH; ttcaiixi. nrm t Irnm^eiale opwfjtg to a penoti»«tn hta grewing area *02.,. -axi County BTBA Sen3 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE,! raium* to. PO BOX do-f^awn Lorain. a«w part cm.doo wj" Contact B3SG216 or Help Wanted Nowp. pa ry. y E»caliantE a t pay. Worn at Hem*. Can ToB-hw acojas33ai tarn S80O4Z.000 pt S3.O0O-M.00Q FuK-bma. tm Co. aapanflng Mo M>dw«L Ful Training. Ca«Now (216J 34*0030 APPEAR M i Y J K S Earn & ** Monay. Al Aga*. AX TypaaNsacM.NoExpantnoa.Cal 1 HJ E*L46Z Attafidoii Party Plait Sadare NMd i cnariga? Lady Ramingun Jawalry oflara (SCO U piua Comnu*- alon for your Drat 20 hrm. CaB Dorothy 1-Q0T>«S«~M32 HOSPTTALJOas Start SftJOmr. your ana. Ho tip, nscassary. For tnfo. call p-m_ 7 days. S12 phono fas. ChiWCSi Wantad torour Want aovtjng aarly Sept. M/F day brna. Our HA. hotna or your naar by O 327*783. Baimrajr X day* a wa«ft «ar iocs cfao Naar QbabaOt WVeox Scboel Araa * Cook, EvarJnga. FuMima, Brolar/Sauta, :.-.Oanaflla.. Salary, commansuram Wsau>. Apply In parson utha Unicorn FlacL «. 67. Oration YOUTH CHOtfl Dtft C?6fi Tha Avon Laka Unttad Church of Chriat la now accapttng appucaflom lor a Choir Director. Thtt poalwn ia raapontibta for iaadarahln el chftdran's choir A ymim choir. Conlaiaporary chrtsllan music A cnioran-» choir knowtsdoa ara a*. pactad atrsnglfis of lha eandklata. Our eonongbdon arovtdsa a laraa woponativa mambanhfp opm 10 tha cammatrt crvatmty. Piaaaa cafl ths church ofljca at B33324I and pmua ut wwi faaum* and co-ar Mar by wrung: Avon Laka UmtadCnurcn of Christ Elao artebha, Awn Laka, OH THE CHAilRlN.. STORE, aaaar'efsna claastc; dottwip. aaaks tawntad IndMduW for thai nidcy Rivar kxafion. FuB A- parhbna poatttona avalama. flawtbfcr hour*. Applcanta muat hav* a' daalr* to provkts xcaosnt cualormr awlatanm. Pliail cal Mr, Robart nosanthsi at 247-4J32 or vwt our Baachcllff location lor mn applcaflon.-... TYFiNG Raaumas - T*nti Papara FAX Worn PrcpsaainB - MaJng Labaai, Tapa Transcription Convaraani Bay VMsoa Incs'liofi.. ' Cal klana of Wandy NORTH COAST SECRETARIAL HEI.P WANTED - Flexible hours - Day Shift - = -Good Working '_ CondttJons;- _ : Work In AH phases of the restaurant NO PHONE CAUS Pt A3E Angelo'5 Pizza 371W Colorado Ava^ Avori, Oh ' 1WE' POSITIONS. AEondant. Wsakanda and Apply: Avon Laka Sotwo. Cornar o» Watiac ndrlu. Fid «nd paritvn* casraan rwwmd «j The Bac*^nek«r'> 5nop. V34-534S M U>. JM* lor p*rm«nam pari-bnia c(«aniria BtWm toraii*ane»fn»*tt. Transportation awi&dia- App*r al: 4S37 MJtt IndintrtaJ Parkway, rtortti R a. Ohitt. 44O39. Btywatst Nawi bvoar paycnacw? W* ara a B yaac ok) aaton. «*ry busy and growing. Our tocua la aduftscuta, pwnna and cotan. Fui and pan tmna poanon avaiaua. Cal from 12 to 8. Fantastic Saran of Fairvivw, 77S-4171, tlaststtter WAKTED FOR SW- INO SHffTS Wanlad: ^a«9ra and aflar acnocl cat a lor aacond gradar and Undargartanar. Batta M, Avon Laka. Raapond al rt*s SUMMER TIME AND THE SEWIMtTS EASY. Surnmar prooucts. phia gr*at pricaa aquata oasy monay. aaav hours 4 you ara Vm boa>.caa WT-«O1.734O143 THtfpE looking tor a w-nar to Esvar Avon achom and local JUwai.M)»anL Work vtninga, B-t2 houra par waak. Sand mum* lor Avon wrttar, PO Box 300. Avon Uka. Ohio Ann: Marty. LandJnga «TM molhar K> watsi alamantary aga girl oafora and altar atfwot. Daya only. SXHIB8. fiabyaltlar w/tranaporlatlon wantad In BIT nom* for TO vaar old bey. Waakdaya Spm tfl rnldniom. Call ft»-42s2 Monday thru Frtiy. Ftonl Oaatgnara, batoarrcountar aataa. Wamad tot parhima hoodar wortl Muat ba abia towork ab hour*. Son* knowtadga halptul. Appty- Baaa/a Ftanw Shop, Laarwood Bduar* Shopplno Caniar. NO OPTOHETERIC AS STS- PHOHECALLSII TANT RacapctanJat pan lima. *- parisnea daatrad but not fwqufrad. CHILD CA«E xpar«noad p Sand ra*urm tx P.O. BOX 300-DA. niiwj (or 1 fcfednrgarlartw»oo 1 AVON LAKE. OHIO fntant In our Avon Laka horn*. 5 ctaysrwfc, atari Soptafflbar 4th. WELDER/FITTER Fv» mw, day* 03344S3/i Minimum 3-yr. 'aipartanca waldfng talntak ataaimfcfcal alloy products! Parl4in» SECRETAflV rt«cmy axpananced naad appfy. Can inauranca offic*. Evparfanca raks batwaan KMpoi only aet7032 HAIRDRESSEA No kntowmg na«dad. FuO orparmbna. Banaltta. COM to l-«a 943-SSM. Tt«E-LANO8CA/> COUNTER HELP wantad. p i achool amdanta r.iay applyvww Ciaanan, LonUn, APPEAHIN TV COMMERCIALS Earn *xtra rnonay. An Agaa. All typaa naadad. No axparlano*. Cad now) B4XI32«<t28". Fua A Part-tima BALES HELP lor North Olmjtw] plctur* frama anop. Prior aipartanc* not raquirad, honwar appacanui ihould hav* good aanatf of oota A Oaatgn. Phono t T a T C9UL0CARE - Matura woman. Two chbdran my Bay homa. 34ay«, muat driva. MM478. STOCK/WAReHOUSE' full dm poakton for awxkmaranouaa par> aon. WH b# raaponaibla tordlapujya, rvmmna. waranouaa ft dauwarlaa. Uuat ba coftmaontloua. hav* drtvafs fteana* wflji good driving racord I. hava amctrical rapalr abolllm. Plaaa* aooy in paraon: HOUM of Lcmoa, Loran Rd, North Obnaiad. CHafiCAAE naadad atantna m Saptambar. 4 dart a waak. OwILokt Infant, my Falrvlfw Pork homan^ouf>» non^mokar prafarrad. P.O.Bo* Fatrvtaw Park, OH CHILDCARE naaoad 2-daya w«auy tor two cnhdran in Ihalr Rocky nfcar CHtLOCARE NEEDED, parhjma, 15^0 hrml 7 mo-boy. My homa pralarrad. W/hr. Bay Vlllaaa, B&O197. Maiura rawponwbi* ^ :sidual tor part-tima amptoymant m curtain A dacor atora, BEAUTICIAN Fun flma. ih U CJ* *. twotoqt TEACM H. pj i i 45O!4 MHS. WaatU*a OH MU5.! SELL THE FULL POHTFOUO i A: a»ah-l <vgrim*n<«t>v«tor th*! WuHial ot Onafta Co"^anw». offv I you* p>ok>*ct3 hrailti. lrf«.»uto &! hctna ownon niinnci, as m*u j mutual tune*. Can -y-xi qualify tor i fvt auiting ck««r7 5«nd IMUTH I to Mulual cf Omaha. cjo C«ry U.! T»ouma».2S'ii CowiiiyCluttBtvd.! Su3e 203. Nortft Dtmsted. OH 407Q Equal CVportunay Comp«n<«s. M.T. INSURANCE DEPARTMEKT rial tut tima position torchfopracbe ot- IK«. Ncrtfi Otrutad BIM. E>p«n«nc«wttn bi'ung pfjcadunra FMtorul. Cafl for inwviw. COOK DISHWASHER BARTEWER ParMW». Fu«Time CMIUCARSliaadid Ktf 2-cfWdran. Thuraday aluinoorw. in my B.V, homa bagmning AugJO S7. 6OOKS. PAkT T1UE. E KENT. ABOVE MINIMUM WAGE PAID. EXCELLENT COMPANY BENEFTTS. MEALS AN0 UNIFORM PBOVaDED. PLEASE APPLY IN PEHSON. KENNY KINO RESTAURANT. 37W1 LORAIf, RO RoSyf-uvar locaiwn. E»- parmnca prafarrad. Knowladga of ths buddigj induttry. FuO Uma. Mort-Si* Car a musl Rafaranoss. I COOK naida" waatsnto convartt. Evanfng maal. It) smars. 12 hnrwk. ClB B71-0S71. TEACHERS FOR WEST&lCt- OAV CARE. HOSPITALfZATfON. BENEFTTS OFFERED OR 77TWC71. OFFICE ASSisrAHt: ; innovalfv* datails. Sand SASE to: P.O.Box 16554, Rocky Rtvar. OH 441IS. DATA CNTRY Pwi-Oma OaU niry. MWiO 40 wpm tmqub*}. Apply m person: Urutad Conaumor Flnanctai Sorvicas. B85 Eaisatt fld., W*»Sal<*. Attnr Shlrtjy Hacka«. QENERAL OFFICE Parl-tim* panlnga. bade ctaneai akiila. Apply In parson: Unttad Conaumvr Flcandai Sarvlcas. B85 IWsaan Hd.. Waanaka. Ann: Sriirtay H«ckea. TeACKERS/CHILDCAAE baaad CMfdcan cwiwr haa Mvarol paimananl pad-llm* position a avaiabi* In mid- AuguaL Mimn>um raquirvmanta: FMoli actiool dqiloma. prafar E.C.E. daoraa. w«t contid»r good nuturing BUDB A tettbxt «* pitn*nca. Ptena batwaan PAHT-TlME PERSON to cara for qrounda Of WeMlaJto offica condomlnuni. Dutlaa to tnctuda mowfng. piunlng, faftilittng & miner nulnlananc*. Ca» * or HOIfSEViK-fe TakWMrkvt and wn cash at homa. Maka youf own noura. Call Kainy ahar 4pm. H Sales Usta AtnUHES NOW HIRtHO. FUgfJ At- andanta, Traval Aganta, Machanica, Cuaioraar Sarvtca. UMInoa. Salariaa to S106K. Ertrv lavalooaltlona.call{l eo&<87.80o6 EM.A2183. POSTAL JOBS...III.41 to UJMrtir. For aunt and application information calf Ext OH134. San>8pm, 7 daya. Can you buy Javp*. Can, 4i-Ti aind In drug rama for undar tioo.00? Can for tacts today. B0fr« DapL 027. ATTENTION; POSTAL JOBS! Start StMI/hourf For aapffeationi info caa (1)S U85. Ext. M Sam-lOpm. 7 daye.* CAIM WOO or mora waakty aturing anvalopaa at horn*. No aip*ri«nc«mcaaawy. For FREE infonratkut, and salf>add'*h*d, atampad anvalop* to: BFC Entarprlaaa, F.O.Box 431, Flat Rivar, M08MQ1. 87 Mareadaa...J Maroadaa riuatarn $50 ChooM fromlhoumanda ataitingcu. 24 Hour Raoordlna Ravaais OataUa B01-97)»029 EXLYJ152C U^. HOTLINE copyrlaht WO-OOOOm READ BOOKS " J TV Scnctl. FJ out ur««a otti. EASy Fun. sluing al hcn«. baacfi ocatons G h 22 Situations Wanted BABYSITTIKOalrnyhama 6 montns and uo. E*portenc*d. In t-aat Notham* HABT smiho in my honi*. Matura, RaUabla 34 hour S«rv«c*. PAYING TCO MUCH To haw your houm Omnod? >v«judy* ClMntng Svrvicw a Can F E 3 M Good Rwfarancea Inaurad and Hondad ERIENCED MOTHf-ft will M in my homa. waahdaym. F*ncad in play ann. «H provkta lunch. Wilcox School aioa S7O. EXPERtENCED MOTHER wd babyrtlnffiyhpm*.waalujay».piay araa In back yard. w«provkmuncn. aftamoon mack & T.L.C. Eastvtew Echool araa CHILO/MFANT CARE: Combma bast of darcara and homacar*. SnafQald Laka. Oft RL ava/ung*. Sabyttntng In ray homa. URU pick up. If ccnvanlant. (Arvas: N. RMoavlira. Avon. Avon Laka. Wncaka. N. Otmstwi) TLC and Quality tim* (pant with your cn«d. Aiao whi dtop cftudran eff lor iaaton/cporta pradlca after school <445S. HOU8ECLEANINO -Day* RMaonabla cataa. Exponcnsaft Hfarancaa. 777^438 RESIDENTIAL CLEANiNQ RaWrancaa ' IRONtNO oorw in my horn*. J.73 placa, S2.00 pickup S dwvary. Es pariancad. S CHILDCARE-N.OLHSTED, Oavcara provktad In horn* by ** pariancad motnar. Hot meal, rwaltrty inncka & Indtaduattiad atiantion lor your cmd. Toddlor opaning, cmant lafarancaa, fufl Uma oniy. Cad CHILDCARE. my homa. hour*, grandmother. Rvaaonabta, rafararwaa. WW water- only your Child. B71-8S87. HOUSE r C L a, REFERENCES. REASONABLE RATES Compuiar Data Entry., * */ nom«ibm compadbl*. htik maxmq sa>vieaoriarad BEtt CLCANiKd Honast. raiponfibkt Indtvidu* 1 to do quality daanirtg in yovt nomt-, apartmant or condo. Claanlng on ragulor t«si«or uedaf job* (walla, woodwork. «tc.) Excalhnt ratarancm, fn>a aatimatm. CaO 3M-4flai, Elyna or 38M748 MONTERSSOni CHILDCARE Exparlancad Montauorl Taachar for man group day cara in opactoua Bay VU&ga homa. CsB CHILOCARfi, my Hocky Riv«r homa. Expartancad mom,»5/wk. Cail 331-4W4. CHILD CARE 3 r** <** Opwtfnga aommwa In my hum*, fu«or pumbu, mwaayi, WW provkia braaiitdi. luneh and tnack. Ra*»ood School are* Education and Instruction PIANO LESSONS PRIVATE TUTOniNO By Marta Brunl Oraduala o( Tna Royal Com*r> vatory Montreal, Canaca. AB lavaia.chlldrm and adulta. Cail for uppoifttnwh, 3Z7-452X ' QftOUP HORSEBACK LESSONS. North Crast Equactrtan Car>tar now oflarinq group and pcvmla laaaoni, choo) hortaa. boar* dng and training. Indoor wan*. Avon Laka, t PIANO LESSONS for baginnara thru htarmadlctaa. Raaaonabty prk> f Cl 0W^l!89 ENJOY CAMPING IN COMFORT FREE SPIRIT 19 FT. TRAVEL TRAILER I Self-Contained, Sleeps 4, Excellent Condition, *4 flaflni complete with Reese Hitch for towing. *l,8uu Days Evenings 32 Personals HOSPITAUZATION INS, MAJOR MEDICAL ! WESALVEN 34 Lost and found LOST MEN'S WEDtSHQ RWG. NEAR OETrVS. PLEASE CON- TACT KEITH AT g49-80eb. PEWARD. 40 Services A-1 APPUAMCC; SALES SER- VICE; Rvrnoaraiora. rangas. wv>har«, and dryan. Wa aarvfca al JO2360» WE3T StDE CONStWJCTiON Atphatt Drtwa Saal Coaling Ctmant Ortva* ft Sktaww*" HoJobTooSmalL Call HANDYMAN 25 Vaara En>ariane«PlurnblnaTElactrtcal -Carpantry Dick Miller CLEANINO SERVICE AT ITS BEST: WhHa dtova Ctaanino with SotWao- Oon Ouarantaad. Ratoranca* Avaaabia by Pnnani Cutioman Ownar Praaant at ALL Job*. W«abo do Intanor Painting. Cat! Oalorta for a Ffaa Catinwto J4O. tf no answer laava a ma«i»0>- Compular ixad Embnklarv LafMring. Oatigm A Logos Uniquaiy Youta M JCTHOMEIMPROVCMEKTS Cuitom Indoor and Outdoor HamodaBng KUchan, Balha, Oacka A Porcha* Addnfona Fraa EaUntataa THBrVOflrTOUCH' Piano Tuning. Rapair. Bagulatkin, Accraditad Piano Twchr3d*nT Cal PHIUJPS VACUUM CL AN A CO. SALES AND SCnVtCC Now and fabujb cfanart.^guarantaad iowmt pncbe on naw pjaanars- Wa rapair al makas. warranty alora for Hoovwr and EuraU. 15ti«Oatroit fld.. Lakawooa PWw» and dauvary avatfabla. Cafl l-zzs4773a - '- BUCtt'S HARDWARE; ^079 DatnUt fid- Avon. Storm»4ndow and ^craan rapair. CaB «34-aiiB. «aad vout noma cjaanat/tfy M, cafl Ctndy a3*73as. 5 raara wxparitnem CLEAhwa SEAVICe; Owner aupanriaat avary daanad houaa. Wa at a * txal company and not af. BMatad wtih any francftlaa. Wa can daalgn a planned ragular rcaintananca proaram aa oflan a«tlva rwarkfng anyttnw n thr tha yaar or lum onn amab Mnioa floor atrlppnd, windows, ovan of ona room daanad). Wa daan naw conwructad homna A imall buainaaaas. Hoallng aocialgatharinga will bacoma a raal plauura and you'll taka prlda in tha appaaranc* of your daanhoma. (WS ARE NOT COM- PLCTELY FINISHED UNTIL YOU ARE COMPLTTELY BATISFIEOn CALL CLEAN CORNERS FOR FREE ESTIMATE, 3ZT-445S. OUOZ1AK HAuLINa. Landacaping matariat*. atona. topaoii, tand, HwduM and manurr'. Oaflvarad. Call KM WESTSHOfle CONSiRUCTtON»r Conetata drtvaways. baaamani watarprooflng A Eroalon Control, -rta aaumaiaa. Can CLEANINO. Commartlai, raaidan- 0*1. naw construction, bafora or afia* you mow, apartmanta, offlcaa, par- onabiad tarvka. Bondad A In- 1 urad. Fraa aatimatas. Atwork guaraniaad. Fov mora Information can DAY'S EASE, INO Olnaraaand you a claanlng iaam...wa sond you aarvlca. LiBBflfV H6ME JM- ROVEMENTS. Aft lypaa" ol ramodallng. Caramle Ua, Hnolaum, bathrooms, dacka. palfc*. knehans, laplaeamant windows. FREE 3TTMATES, 10 pareant dlmoum AVON LAKE WCOOWOfMJNa CO. -if M's mada of wood, wa can to Itr Bookshalvas. ublnaia, euitom closals, anlaritlnmanl &2*& FORD HOME MPAOVEMCMT. Maintananca. r«pairs * lawadafcng- Kiichsna. bainrooms, ctotats, l. porting k mora. 03>2fML' WITH UOHT lor pan-, n*w a ragm. Outdoor Cgfkttyj tykatrs by tha prntaalionah at, N1CHTLITE8. Cal for fiaa vstimal* 833^771, 1-aO(»6Z HANOVMAN OUTTEft REPAIRS X CLEAHmo. X2S * up. Abo otnar homa rapairg.cu John, WBSae, FHtC LAhCC Oftic* Support Aaaignmants Wantad: ConUaMW Buainaaa oocuoianw,, bookkaaoing, bam p maong O M Ma. manuacripia. ii raaumw. a«c. Short or fang taint fc tar OuaBty Prlntar. 20 yra. W i toval support mpartanc*. A.L. 0334*93. CARAOC DOORS,",. Opaoare." SENIOR DISCOUNTS. IT ointol* ratva. Karkofi Boot S*«lc*, WH072a4HH Sarvk*. BUSWESS - * RHIDCHTIAL TELEPHONE SYSTEMS. - Salaa, Sarvica. AddWona. Movw and Charoaa. Naw oviaad aquipnmnt avail«tj». Raatdaati«l wiring. naatonabla rataa, Laka TaHcom. fl33-btt1.ad&a2g^771 ftaftrteh FflfflE Lryfetd." x T bath A horna nddmcafionai h lof ttia handteappad. olaauad afio pbnons^ auftarlng from anhnba.- CAlXftmO HOME Wnovao9(r,s33-3>ao. ELECTRiCAL A TELXPHONC' WORK., RaaMxabl* - flaia* *63... ;... -.: haa eararnta and rnarwa tha Wt o*«r : from Mm pnolaett. W» (natal bakjw eoat.77m77s. ".':,* ' MfOMOK* MAlHTENAMCf~~ ASERVCC :,. OENERALCtEANUP : Carpata * WafM ' FL lut^l Offlcaa. A fljrtnsaa EttaWahmante (Oaay.Wtafcjy.atc.) PR&RENTAL nefurstshma (Apartmanta Stora From*, attl Marior Paining.. ugm nanon>orx LANOSCAPtHO Lawn A Shrub Can datnup' (Tads A Parking Lott) PAIHTMO, f E PtAhTEJWrO Pa*./Apt (Indua. *r» Dona R)gN ThaFdttTlma- FREE ESTIMATES Cafl Bob p.o. oeconatwo Maog Ai WafkxnwM. Aff Intarior f^jn&vj. TaAiia CaJamsptaatar. DrywiC RafMah Hardwood Rent. Stain. Gloza, Wbodgraln includiia Odd Jobs 22 VrtT&p. - Iraond WorkOu«raSa*d FREE ESTIMATES Wart i» *wt HIM FiardarT Parhapa L»k»«hOfa J EdHonal Smvtaaaeart hafp. Vra E maintain that no Job * too imal Of lafoa. Fast.' aceufajs typing for sludama>..buslima«''paopla or anyona naadlno aaaknanca wilh tha bway, wenv work amartsr. not, tonoar. Can Lakaahora eononat Sar-i^ vtoaa. Mfcoar UtL at»m»7». rt^tart PUBLIC avamabta. Oays. J B33-714S; <r% % ksnda and avanaiga. r^ri INaPAUfVlUJd/a WALLPAreRMO. Fra* aa»iwmc Inaurad,:, Varnlah'-A walpaoar rarnowal B48443S. WTTH L * HT 'y.iy nlaa ^- fwflht- '/CufiSoor Hgnting systaffia -by^th# pfoiabal&iaes stj wohtutcs. Cal tor tooaatlnwta, ,1*XM2Mm.^ - *,; O.C.POLOVKH., tinq. Oaaning. A HWt Praasurs yvashtno., cj, M^-MuO : lor^ *m Etoctrtea4 A Tatashon,..., Ucsnsad,-bond«TA -ln»wad.- J -':--*2 CERTIFIED MECHANICS. 4TH; CONDITION1NQ,- TUN6>UP«, EMISSION OlAQNOSta.-PRIN-'j TOUT, ALfONMENT, THW SALE, SATTERICS, abasonable. T0WIN0. MARATHON, yil 44M Jayoo*. Avon. ftsr-ssofl. 40 Sorvlcws T.,r~ WINCHESTER TOWING CO. Minor Repairs.. -; Atrontabi* Rates - \ v Iraurad. 833*3175 CUSTOM DECKS BUDGET PRICES CANNON BUILDERS IJL MAINTENANCE CO. Handyman Serrict Yardwork Guttan Clctanad PifrJing notoumng No Job Too Small m

29 REALTOrf Avon Lake WALKER RD NATIONAL RELOCATION CENTER Cleveland tumedlate OCCUPANCY-PRICE REDUCED ' This 3 bedroom, aluminum sided ranch in Sheffield Lake Is a great starter homo for anyonel Situated on a 50x114 lot. Fenced In back yard. This home Js a must to seel For your personal tour call: Mary Louise GameHIa or Michael Panfch at Priced at $48,500. MICHELE RAZORH Thinking ol buying or selling your home? Contact Mlchele Raxdrh for all your real estate needs lodayl Cat) 933-2S0O. OWNERS ANXIOUS! TWO THUMBS UPII bedrooms, living room with woodbuming fireplace.' eamn kitchen, dining room,' family room. Near schools and parks. Priced at $7&900. Phone Audrey Looser for more details at BRICK RANCH-JUST REDUCED This tow maintenance brtck ranch was Just reduced to $64,900.3 bedrooms, full dry basement. AD appliances stay. WoU maintained. Great for newfyweds or retired fotksl Within a mlfe of boating, golf and swimming (n Avon Lake. Contact Don Purdy for more details at TO GOOD TOO PASS UP! This exceptionally well maintained bungalow is awaiting for you. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, family room. Mint condition. Nicely landscaped. For more information call Mary Louise Gamellia at Priced at $59,900, CREEMBRIAR COLONIAL REDUCEP»$17>, Kenba7yr.young4bedroomsZWbath Colonial which also Includes a 1stfioo< den: This'lm-<j" maculate home features a sun porch, basement, 2 car ' attached garage, 102x173 lot, 20x16 family jroom.whh,.' fireplace, 2500 sq. fl, new siding. pebs. windows and r many other upgrades you can't pass upt!' Contact Debt DeChantor Ken Knauf at v;,i~.,^-y^. --. JAMES REALTY - ONLY LOCALLY OWNED COMPANY WITH OVER 25 YEARS OF SERVICE IN AVON LAKE AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES. h K 40 Services PAJKTEftS pfltoe. Ettenor or Interior PUraing. CellTony. 94l-fiifl4. 9 year* «apenenc<t. PAOftMQ A DftYWALL WORK Hang. FWehing A Patching Alto, Celling* Stippled and Wallpaper Removed Fast A Pfljfeeetortd A Chrkt Impontore Free Etttmete* Ti Tree & Lawn Service The Stump Qrtndor Complete Tree Stump Removal MULCH - STONE - 8ANO COROWOOO JUTSHAUUHO PIAZZA SOIL FARM'S Men GnrerJued Top Soil From our own Fww* Sine* 1SS T LANO&CAP llal A commercial ln maintenance, cteen-upe, mutch, riventona, and - topeoil. undacape d<aign and instahauon. seed ana endfawn*. Ire* estimate* MARY JO FEIGHAN SHORE WEST. SHORE EAST LtOOtOATOfl3 BBLUHa COttTtMTS A T: 3WC2 LAKE RO., AVON LAKE, TO*.. SAT SUN TMe horn* la large, tovefy and absolutely (Wad wrth *o much todeslreable offerings. We begin with tunning -flni-xi toom grouping, lable, 0ehair* «no breekfront, camelbeck of*, Cr.:.-* wing chair, Butleri tabi#, end table*, lamps, pictures, minor*. brate rubbings, fcft-top *»*. oak romop desk and ctv. Oiik wstft Mind, wicker rotte himpbeek ifunm rockers, *cnooi dealt, wrougrit Jroo furniture, rraw bed. dothlng. cwdren'a n-.ee., f<dsng mower 12H (I. flahug boet and motor. IBM Toyota, 1WM Chrysler LaBaron, A SAU YOU WOHT WANT TO MSB AND, AS ALWAYS, WE WELCOME YOU. THANK YOU MARY JO Attention Gardeners TroyBUt Power Equipment Warenouee devance sale on ed Utter*, ahrsdders, mcner*,. cofrv poolers and (prayer* In icck. Wa'H give a batter deal than ordering direct from tne factory. THE TRACTOR PLACE serving Normem Ohio lor over IS yeera. 1-B0O453-M RL 82. W- Raywtum SWEAT BROTHERS LANDSCAPE InetnllaUon. de*i<jn. renovation. TREC - irtmmlng, removal, ttump grinding, FwWUmg. Uorm damage. Lot dewlng and tractor work, work done by certified rborwl CantorFREE LonaultaUon Antiques Acmoue PIC CABiNer w H door>, rafmished; 0 oak t-baefced ch«ks. need reflnuring, Garage Sales MuKIFMHhH Thura.-? Birch N.R. Bid YARD SALE Biby A Adult Clothe*. Books. Much MftL. From Jury 10 to AUQ. 3 a.m. lo 4 p.m. 4U3 Jamee Ct.. NR Huge MullMamtlir yard aeie Aug. SM, B to 6 p.m.. VUtg M>. Atari 7B00. new bike and nooowr, Craftaman leaf vacuum *im tiredum ft bagger. Crarumen 10 HP riding mower, nnawarlng macmne. typewriter, poo* ludder, nitor, pump, fcimmet A much more. 475S RonaJd Dr. N.R. (oft Jaycai) Huge Mutu F«mlty OeregeSate Muchmiec. Thur>.. Aug a.m. la 5 p.m 0080 S. UarNagto, NH. Qnnge Sale Aug. 3 A 3. 8 to 4 azjoj 2nd erwy, foam-tom. Furnnurn. doning. bar»el few of variety. 333 tt Ctielhem Dr.. AL (behtnd Drug Uurl off Moore Rd.) MOVmO/MUL OARA3Z SALE. Weerarlnda. 3t«Bounty, A.L Thuredty, W. 9-tpm. New pingpong table, bench A welgma. yvd goode, kmmer coucfi. tamee. Uye. Gaby dotmng.fcflchenwaraa mucri WorH'a Latgeet 39 A H Ont Sale AndHore Picture tremea, SmaO AppHancM. Old BwAi, Record*, FurmWra. AfWqun, Oottwu. CamerB. Olauwaie, CNna. Toya. Luggage. Lamp*. OfeeUngCanJt, Lawn Uowen. Yard OooOs Jewelry, ChandDers, DWana You Name n. Wed, io Set - fl to Derh BelnbrldBeRd. Ho»tli WdgevMe Wuttl Family Oerege Sale Furniture, houee hotd good* A dothea Aug ffto B AVON 2233 OAAOEN OR-. THUR3- DAY, AUQUST 3NO, FR1OAY. AUOUST 3RD. t-4. MuUHwnity ale..jarge wtocuon of hoo*efw«nem«. adult dotfiing, ao'a. Hgnt nxlurw. country aecor. ptcf wee and frame*, much nuae. WCAfl IT AGAIN CONSlONMENT SHOP*. Bring in your gently uaed dotfiea and «hnp and aave. 26B2T Rd., Avon Plmz>. 834^000. a: Mon-Sai. toam-apm. SALE: BV Boys dotne«mlec. Dtnctte S7S; Snapper Lawrvnower (300; dining room»e< & verve r K300: Queen cotntortaf tevdrapee-cream S50; picnic tablet «S. TOMMM. GOOD NEIOHaOR THRIFT SH0P...HALF PRtCI SALE.^Auo 6. IZNoon to Bf>M. Aug to.!0em M Som. Aug. If. toam to 4pm. Cloeed Wedneedey. August Btn. UP Leer Rd., Avon Lake. MOVING SALE:i Auguet ZIHI and 3rd. 9am-4pm Lake Bnxie. 5V. Teen pw dothea, houtehold rjooua. much mieo. BACKYARD A PA11O &.1LE: Furntture, dothing, craft*, bedspreada, curtakie. knick-knacks and k)t» more. Thunder, Friday, 9-B. 204 Avon BeldenRd., Avon Lake. SALE: THURSDAY. AUQUST 2ND FREoeRICKSBERO, AVON LAKE. Crib maltrasa, high chair, Wuvieware, golf beg. IWCIM b>k*. range hood, toy*, boy 1 * dothe* 3T-1r A &-IB, lacbm dotkea and coal* and HOREm 66v Moo>a Ua, Aug 2nd thru 4th. Bam-7pm. Ladlef taalhef ackel. tytwwttw. omiectlblea, toot*. Xmaa tnm, eewmg macfime, canning (ore and mice. Rowugnot Jr. 8Mee with Tymlia btntunqm, aerro pel. Ralcrtle Bootaalte " antique Chair*; maple bedroom eat indude* tvrifi bede. venity with mirror and cheat many odda and enda; Kodak EcUeound camere A prq)*ctar; many children'* trinket Rama. ThurarJay, tem-2pm. 134 Tomchewk wirj 137 Temahawk. Bid OArUOESAXE: FunWure, dottiea. antique kma, lota of Mae.. Thuredey ID *ou out. Mark. 131 Suneet Rd.. A.L. B TAMILY YARD SALE, *OTb Stbney Ridge Hd., Avon. Thurvdey. Fnday A SmttSmf, SenvSpm. Gaterje Bete: Groan, 3 atareo'e, ' dreeeer, Sean Weaher, 2 green nuruhlns chaira end much mare. Thuraday B to 3: Prtday 9 to Outl Dr., Avon Lake. LAPOE OARAGE SALE...P*pai machine. Juke bo*, dorm refrigerator, plnball machine, dmhe*. cookwere, vacuum «weeper, amkjue cnairt. tod*, wood iuchen chili* and table, bar atool*. tnowblower, (awnmowef*. tohp S*W* tractor with brand new LHP rotemiher MUCtwnent, healer, tana, dothe*. much «Mac ThurK,, Frl., Sal. Sem-3pm. 22!2 ruddtf Avon. 7uUU0 SALE..>uguW 2 A 3, 'Mm4pm, Carriage Lane. A.L. Toy*, game*, book*, doths*. btkee. houaefiok] Hem*, much mbc. 3 Femtfy Oarage Sale..Thursday, August 2nd Bene Rd.. Avon Lake. Infant through adub (.lothing. baby Kerm, Mdow pool, pa* Move, meat tllcef, drapea. booka, bike, much more. y a*»gm Sato, Jvty Ifth ana great iwducfjona on Jtity ioth *-t2. Blkv,, lor*. JkKft, hovmhold h l d Jwma, muchh mhe. 32*44 Carrtogw l#n#. AL. 4-f AHILY SALE: 32BH Lake Rd.. Thuraday. Aiiguii 3nd. tam»4pm. OMa tfl'blkea, baby H*<A*. lo>>*, much mlm. MutB-UmHy Moving A Oarage Sale: Auguet 4th, 9-4. Ram or ehlne. SU*. re*taur*ni Meet iterr«, electronic cuh reowter*. cjotfiimj. books, houeehold mi*c., more K>" Vlnevafd. AL P bkxk* oh Uka Rd) BAY.2911B VVeMwood Rd. ofl LakB A longbaach. AygJ.344, «-3pm. AMtque*. collecublm. ckmhing A mrte.hh nanir OIANT YARD SALE Westlak* BiuKI Rd.. Aug 3-4, 9-eptn. Baby/cruldren Harm, ectutt A misc. Huff. BAY ViLLAdE. 531 Upland. Aug pm. Baby crtb A vqulpt., quilrty Infant drvie* to 3T» Couch, loveteat, chair I mots. WCSTLAKE, 922 Cahoon Hd. at Bryandale. Toy*, men'snaoman'* & kida dothea. Ktda bike*. Kenmcra washer/dryer old reconje, mwc.hh Hern*. Trur*., Aug J on*y, 10-Spm. QAAAOE SALE, a57»i BUTTEIV NUT RIDGE RD., NORTH OLMSTED. THURSDAY AUOUST 2, B-4, TOYS. BABY ftems ANO B/SEBAU. CAROS. SO eicyctos for S«leT" BOV-S tr 1 MdVcLC (Wee*) Ex. omhrtt oonawon. Caa BB3-W Farm Produce PtCKLESBt A P CK EIO«3. WoH* Long Rd., Avon. B34-«aoa. - Horn* grown Lodl AppMe NowlT Home grown peaches-soonll (Perhepa Frtday or Saturday) Can V040X. IO* Scumotter^ Orchant Walk* nd.. Avon Lake Household Goods SUPER SALE:Aatlque Oak Sideboard with daw teat and Ltona head, (0O4> 7 pc. Antique Walnut Chippendale Dining Room Set. S12O9, Oeco Vanlety and Chest. S375. New Br«M Bed OO. S39S, Mahogany Chippenddle Tabte ml a cf-irvand 2 leevee. $795. Solid Oak TaMe, 2 leave*, s chain and buffet. UK. 2 t<so-* walnut Vanletlee with Md-m minor*. S139 ee- 3 rrte- kxt Oak desks. S8SS700,2 Spinet De*ks.Sl4O«28S. MOnlahed Jenny Und Bed. $120. Outdoor Wrought Iron table A 4 tfiein, $120, 2 mahogonf kneenali <le*ka.»so-$tca, Nice 5 pc mahogany bedroom let (ikwblefsms, 20 year old a pc. dkwng room Ml with cnina cawnet. «49S, Antique mahogany 1 Ml r Bookcaae Huge. S30a 1 otd Huge Cupboard. SHOO. 1 Mfid oak artilqua rounci pedestal table, S3BS, 8 ow oak *M back crtain. S3S ea., 0 dark bentwood chair*. $33 VL. Much more furniture alao antique )M>«lry. r/iaaware. pottery, linen*, AnUque book*, picturea. etc etc. Eiperlenced Chair Caning Now Avtllabt- ROSE'S 2iat Center Ridge Rd. North MdoevlTla Just eeet afru S3. Phone.327.B74O or D. Open t <-?. aoeed Tuee. Vtaa - VMtvcwd - Otocover Hot Tulw, Mot t^*. not Tuoa Calspe. wt>ma uvgeel soa manulaclurer It holding tit annual werehoumi ctearance tale. AH tuba reduce. Cipaa fortntoor end outdoor pleasure. C«fl for pnnonal preeeniaiton wkh no obugatlorior atop by our ehowroom- The. Spa Place 11M4 Rt S3, N. Royoftot. Estate Sale...4>,^ Caee Rd., inron. Prtday tpm-tprn; Saturday Content* of home. Victorian 4 pc. Setee, cfininq room *et. trunk*. old tvm tool* and muc. Two rebuilt daftumidifier*, two' vacuum cleaner*, electric lana ^6H>VED MOTIONAL. «' X It- OVEIVALL LENGTH WTTH dleepeb, 2 TONED SEIOE TWEEO,» HI AFTER fl P.M. OUHCANPHVFC walnut Isble 3SK4S piub IS* leaf. 4<rtalr*, but. fen. 8M470t after epm. Chair, matching. oeoman.., PLA1O tea ni33ia AO&tVS FUrtNTTUAC 3W3K CENTCtt RDOE RO.. NORTH RSKieVMJUC. JUST CAST ofm>s3 Open 8 daya"«weed from i1.fi. CkwadTueadayLKlKrwnand dhv, ing roomeats. cedar chert*, gun cabinet*, lea -, carl.. ic* box, booiiceeea..->- aeoettrwieafca. We cabinet*.- comer cupboard*, dnj «**», heb eeete.'end MWea^S 1 round Ion paw pedestal table wwi several, ilyfee of cha<rs-(ram tss-tu. FABULOUS frrao, desk. $l«b3. 4 rounded <! gtase;::*tfkm. cabinst*. I29M9O.- Windsor and preasback rocfcata, S17S ach, huge neart design rockar,:s2s6. leaded guuatop bookcaaea. «285J5a fiuk 5 * e *, *», cherry, oak,- pine. and cedar. bedroom raaik'. a*' handmade ;at whoieaale txice*. jm»ny uyte* avahebte. Ak»,.CDuniryi cowehee, chair*. wingmck'tfiain, CMppen. da> couches, all NcoKhguaroerf* Ptcktmbfle and have It cujtom made. ta your order,-** weefcadeuvery time. AWHOLECATAUOQ OF FINE, OUALTTY HANDMADE SOLID OAK TO CHOOSE FROM: ISO off table. and chair*. Takes Ml week* tor datlwy.. netfcrtovar flnteh ncr* ttinm&bdl4 ttabie.newaom&raasbeds ln4 s, IS styles from S We now have selection ojtonwil cwv Ing room- iela.' l ' Indonesian m*ogertyoueenanna«lchfc»erv dale carved bmrturt ai whrjeeale prices. Ouaitty otus. All of our (urmurv Is superior quemy. Atao, antique Jewody. pottery, furntture, Unert*. and etc 10 percent off floor mod*!*. M off table and chairs, HOOoff table am: chairs wwi hutch. Just In: Mahogany Queen desk, vanity, auver, cheat, and (ewetry. Ar* moire dlacounted 20 percent oft. *ose's B o« Vis*, end Maalercard accepted. W* Duy-SeO- Trsdaor take m trad»4na. K.S tales tax ' 6 0 W a n t e d Miscellaneous wanted: Medium lame or evtre h>nie wet euh B9 after Vpm. HANDTUANTOOL COLLECTOR. looking tor used tooia. Prefenibry macrilnlfts or carpenter tool*. 633-HM. WANTINO TO BCViOld Qonet Inlns ana* accaasorlei. Call from 12 noon US p.m. WAMTlOTOMfT Old wood fumttuni, odd cheat*. draeaws A lamea, bedreom. tfmna A Utchen BekvCHrw cabinets I wood ftae standing uupboarda A tfoeeta. A«y (londhon. a-«70«..-? /

30 6 0 W a n Miscellaneous t e WAHIED: W* p«y c*»n to gu*i. ow lunuurt. oa*. cft nawiul mahogany. ( n>ng M, weftan ' and twarwxn Ms» try condition. OaU. tna CM )7r<- Ba*»b*lCa/fl*. Uona* Trams. HomM. TifUm Ljrnpa, Art GI«M. GliMmara, Siring MiiUcil IntlrunwiU. crocfmtmd. ana «* trodarvd MO*. Gvitt3, Humrrre^. DouBons. any < l gurin*i. tjitnj. perttary. watcrwa. doc1>a. tamps. i>^>w ptua and MarfL-tg sar«r n*ms. Any <tamond3. Al*l. CM miduled furntura. Abo. cu Mocfc and bena CV' and German & WctKS W«r H rrmaivy WM WE UOUIDATE ESTATES AND UOVWO. SALES OR PUTTING SO- UEONE IN A NURSING HOME OR EtDERLY RELOCATIONS. ALSO OUY OUT AFTEH YOUR SAL. AOSE-S 3Z7-C74O OH : PtEASSCALLAQAIN IF I HAVEN'T CONTACTED YOU. CM cotocmsk few HOM 62 Mtscell«n«ous (or Sale S A U U a o o In brawn and b*g» to wmowi, 2fl tocftaa W X 60 InchM U *5tV^ CM ' 25 pink 18"ta* (gray) Mtpplna tanas. ab BUM. lor wiwff. SiO41.CQa.ch. CM batw««n Bam-Spm Awn Shtn, SaSaftTBMt prtea to hmmttt M7-803J. 4* C<*na< SM* art*; 22 t/2* Wtbar KM» GriB; «nd tmt*. k BMX HyfcJ Wcyd-.» or ran AUGUST far. tt QOLF COURSE. aanzesmm nmw. oven *3M0 ;MfMro< or PttiXa AHO CASH TO BC OIYCM -A WA r. sto.- /»e» - reason covens evenrrhiha. neasrat MOW, m-ris* W fi* CM CManlna Hwip* S10O. Cow Spot M men high I S2oo Cl93>9S7O o o y S.10 art- bwl SSO or teat oftar. 7 CHEVY PVCXAIP, Svwado. Ooed eentflllon* M-P, t«8, 1/2-ton, ham duty, tuty loadad. A-I US-US2. eond mllaa. 1B.5OO. Aifl COtfNDOMCA., BG2-O826. MOO BTU Otaon, 3 yrjto. tsoo. 7T»«42ta«90 Autos for Sale 1H7 THUMDCnBIRO, Loadad, D*9tal Clock, AI Powar, Starao with b s4 K SMKI CO - VTEB wtti 8om TrtnUwn Color TV mod*; KV-Mller an4 t Panasonic tnewd Dot Matri* PrMar modal IOM> 1 so6 unk a«up but not ; WW Coal S2JOO skm, s*rtoua In- - 3M-3017 or CSUUIC &j6sk. <!»UT DUE frf DEATH. 8*v* W pareani A tnera on graaimmn A bttqu*. PaMa A nnathad ptakaa. By appt on*/ 236*579. FfkmdaJr* room AIR CONOI- THWCH, 15JW0 ttu. EzMlant con- W t O AIR CONOtfiOHEfl, KanmwaT ACOO BTU. Mod* NO23U790&1. Uaad OM Kaimar, MM ntw, S QJ14. : ;,, 6 6 H U. I c a Instnjirwnta gjocorcnm. St2S.eundyAWSn. OUnMI.<lai nandatf] 'caa'a mime SiudMiu...r«p«ir your moaical Inatfutnanto by profm' : atonate.atahonlablbpricm.ca«lor an aattmahi. 34*<337» W 72 Ho-aehold PeU AKC Blaoh A Tan O*»m n Shaphant pa.bnot HM7M A Mnrnd.' y W 7 and ai auppaaa, Looking tot aoodhonw tar mala eatenut»n.cal034^nv.. FACTUCTT, 9u.*ptua ma p amkabte. CU UU1M aftartp-m. -::« _waak ou rnttad twaad puppwf FREE to good hom*. «M7M. 74 hekt A fokv OB A k>fwi For your N«d Party or Pknlc C W l O t f a S CAMHfc SCHOOL "OP DOO OBEDCNCC praaanta Fall laaalowa of baate doa obadivnot daaua Kartlng 9*pL 4th. Call HH 1 WATCHERSto cara (or your pat wrtiba yoi J tftvar. No cagaa, no hawnaht, ratetaneaa avbhabw. Ask about our playpana tor eat cm, mawtf, 231-daaa. CWTWM Wa'r* Otara urttan you cant t>*. Cmt*r Car* often tandar, apadakrad, caring *Mtt lor your pat in your homa wtian you nova to ba away. Wa can aiao pnmo* tranaponauon lo and tram tha vat and tha croomar vrttan you nayd u*» h*<p. For fufff inaurad prdaaaionai wt raconvmandad pat ear* vmtta to your homa wmja you *ra away...t«ll ua Don A Loulaa Sundbarg»aatur«d on PJI-HaoaHn* O W«1 ba tnara whan you nwad ua. URGENT - THE LAKEW OC ANIMAL SHELTER ha% P*U morj krtwn* maiaffamal*. 2-4 fro.. afl coori, AS vacctnaad. Frvv *Ctt)fnauter coupon S dttoewi W». CeB w"*rh6h VILLAGE ANIICAL MOSf^TAL htnn laatrnfl to ttearliwnk. No wujjng tcr appamtmenn. Lock )or QU> ti»«coupon HI Ihn pap*«located < 8 pg outn o* (93 on Worivn FVjJO 82 Campers & Vans j FOfiD U LCWO CARGO VAN. goul i CWWiWKi of mafca of«r: Fr*m Se*ti JB NCWtoRf eono-tmn tntti corr&oto H»n Htcn tor icwono vahickr. (t.soacafl 935-7)46 days (»*} TO0 mningt- ' 1979 FREE SPIRIT 19ft. TRAVEL TRAILER Self-contained Sleeps 4 Excellent condition wilh Reese Hitch for towing vehicle $i,soo days evenings 64 Auto Parts & Service UUAAAKTEE3 USED taoad.flaaaonabla Ml angina* I 66 Autos Wanted WE BUY JUNK and wrackm cat* and inxxt. FREE (owing Trucks for Sale OMC IM3 rtckuptitjooor baat offiar. CaH 3SS-G448 aftar 2 p.m. CajMtW. Exeailant CondlUon. t0.4oo S27-8S0SJt no answer, 19444S4S U COUOAA War. automatic, loadad, air. point wwdowi, aumof. AM/ FU caaaatta. CT7S «H CfKmUTVICTOJSA. 4 OoorT 74A-4V42. Jf f CHCAOKEC LS«ITEO SO. black and gold, laathar Inlariar, low imraaga. loadad. tiijaoo or baal oftar.74bjio7. CHEW u CAratcectAssic WAO0H. NM angina. Not nabulr. MUSTAM OT n, C ap_ (udy kmd- d, aunroof. alarm yatam, AM/FM CaaMda whi aquafemr. low ml WJpg 3flWi38 l JCEP 74 CJS. A cyl. ttbarglaaa body, many axtrai. Cat 3«3ia7 aflarspja FWEBWO.iS OHTUC. 4 apeed ukwwflc, Vtt. T-iop. Powar Windowa, SMaring and Brafcaa, Crulaa, Some CasMtt, Alarm. KJSOO UNCOLH M CONTMEHT*L71oao> ad lo Via max. Supar daan. Muat aa» Aporadau, fa.mo. Cafl FOHO HUITANQ QT. AMomadc. 5.0 VB. Loaded. Eitand- 0 Wtt; Low Milea, 112^00. Z AAaumcoNvZn TRUX 42V anglne. naw top,near mini. txsoo. Can 32347B1 afiar iao CHRYSUA LAMA M. Loaded, new Oret, Ewsaflart Condttfon. TaHa payment*. Caf , AHC EAOLfi WA0ON M, 4 W.O., S cylinder, AM/7M Mereo. Ouiee., power, good traraportmion, Dne condkion, S3.S60. CM MAC'S AUTO CARE 4eiBLaheRd. Stoffiald Lake '81 Buick $1595 'as Ply Reliant 4 Or. $3095 '85 Dodge SW $3095 '65 Hero $3495 '67Chev.SW $3595 '79 Blazer 4 WO $2595 r 8S Chevette $2795 VSJeep $695 Free lank of gu with every car AJm'i Testlne Mcn.<Frl. 9:00»n-6:00pm - See Ken, Bob or Mac PONTIAC l\tm 2*,. AM/hU lim UHCOLM HARK VI U<M O(- far. 933-SSSS. avvnings & CA14ARO Z-2», T-K%n. 5 d. V-5, ru»>' lohded. «h«r grvy. r*a; rucecaf, tr.tm B79 POMI1AC dohneville. powwc»wi>tmno. HiriMbl* *56S6 92 Boata and Motors 15 P 35 ftp. U*rcur; atadric»urt. Ron Of tmsl o??bf CKB 355^«48 an»r 2 P "' _ Trojwi U', axe. cundtuonjaavinb tat*. SN at dock 37. lupw Oriva, Varmlllan, W7-4S77 14 FT. LONESTAfl ALUWMUti OOAT WWHP UOTOn ft AC- CE35OWCS»T0a CaM taa WC K NDEFI 1*r«.!r beam, twbi 33rip Harcruiiara wrh BSO hra., atone, retrtparaiur, head, great condition. 121,000. D*y«nt-tirn, E«ea ; n»fcaiiqi 41B-7V Call an Expert Uwiny** Glass Sarvlc* Compeny CALL ANYTIME Slorms-Sseena Bap ad 3'M MARION MARSIGLIA PICH TOP SOU. - SCREENED DRIVEWAY 81AQ, UMESTOME AVON PREZELL ELECTRIC Ucensed-Bonded-lruured KATHY'S EXCAVATING ngqaeemenl Oaaemant Wai Rep«r FoatarWorti Watar ft Sewer LJnec Drtmmty Stone, Slag or Umeaton* BACK HOE. DOZER DUMP T7WCK S-RWC S PTC TANK HEPAIH1 KEWMSTAliATIONS. 937*5020 LICENSED S BONDED looooldfiaawnh C*I! or ToU Fro* Wall Works pfwresstonal tvaffljpavfty 41 f ^ ^ V Randy Schmidt ^ ^ LOP-' Cleveland's Premier Residential Cleaning Service HOUSMOSX Thorough Consistent Quality Professional, Bonded & Insured, M. J. GRIFFITH PAVING INC. Driveways, parking lots, patching. Free estimates, licensed & bonded. Call: KEHDERA ' CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE WORK FOOTERS, FLOORS DRIVES. EXCAVATING CLEANING Commercial/Offices Residential New Construction Personalized Service Bonded and Insured Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed DAY'S EASE, INC OTHERS SEND YOU A CLEANING TEAM-WE SEND YOU SERVICE! ccblnc* ' facing Formica Cor Ion topi Creative Kitchens ^ ^ r - ^^^^^^ ^^^^^H ELVu ME fniqf RATION CLEVE-- fl71-o6t0 SALES & PROMPT 24-HOUR SERVICE 1750 MOORE ROAD, AVON, OH SAMMON FENCE CO. Year Round Installation New Fencing Fence Repairs Insurance Work 'IF IT'S MADE OF WOOD, WE CAN DO IT." ' Bootatetos * Crown MoWings * Custom Closets * Wichen Cabinets/Pantries * Entertainment Centers WocdFenoH No Job Too Larga Qt Too StntK' FTM Conultaaons «nd EstlrnatMi Ra(«raac«aAvstabta : '[ D.C. Polovlch Easy Roller Painting & Cleaning/ Power Washing: ALUMINUM. VINYL & WOOD SIDED HOMES AND TRAILERS, TRUCKS AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CAUFOfl M3WED HCIVBAACCEPTBh WINDOW & DOOR REPLACEMENT; BOWS BAYS SLIDING GLASS DOORS DOUBLE HUNGS CASEMENTS NORANDEX-NORCO / STEEL & FIBERGLASS DOORS ; v CARL THOMAS D.C. Polovlch Janitorial Sendees "Now Accepting New Customers" < CUSTOM TAILORED CLEANING SERVICES ~i FOR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL-OFFICES< ' FROM ONCE A WEEK TO 6 NIGHTS A WEEK; MORNING, EVENING OR WEEKENDS WHETHER ALmuiirr'OR A LOT OF GRIME, CALL INSURED FREE ESTTMATES ^RESIDENTIAL BONUS SPECIAL^ FIRST 30 MINUTES OF CLEANING FREE (WITH THIS AD) - MINIMUM 2 HOURS- 1JEFFCAMP0 COMPUTER IMAGE DESIGNING LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION IAWN MAINTENANCE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS MEMnBROCOHIO LANDSCAPBRi* ASSOCIATION m

31 Free Estimates PAUL'S REPAIR & REMODELING SERVICE Painting Interior &. Exterior Plumbing - New/Repsir Drywall - New/Repair Roofing Carpentry Work * Custom Decks FLORIST. GREENHOUSE GARDEN Cfctt BULK LANDSCAPING MATERIALS STONE fopsoil ORGANIC SHREDDED CYPRESS 5422 DetroH Rd. (Rt. 254) V* Mile East of Abbe Rd Open Dairy 8-6 Sunday 1(W GENERAL Calf JIM MUZZY PAINTING^ STAINING 3311 Shaker Roofs Interior/Exterior Wallpaper Hanging Any Type or Pat'.ern Call Russ Harkins ^ Free estimates^ CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Quality ftenc#.zt<onot Century Hcme* REMODELING SPECIALISTS 934-B274 x^^ PUMWG&HEATMG YOUR FULL SERVICE HEATMO A PLUUBMQ CO. KXOl FUWMX._FMJCCT DUIM wowncwa AVON LAKE RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL FAIRWEATHER 5 SEAMLESS Gum» CALL 133-ZS17 ORTOLLfREE ROOFING 'BUILD UP1OOF7 S -HOOf MAINTIFtANCC AFTER i P.M. RICK'S TREE SERVICE SEBWNG LORAiN AND CUYAHOGA COUNTTES FOfl OVER U YEARS TREE & STUMP REMOVAL TRIMMING LOT CLEARING ROOT FEEDING FULLY INSURED AKHMIST PHONE: uilders'inc. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AND REMODELING MARK OUOZIAK, PRESIDENT Waattaka. Ohk> 44 H5 BILL POOUSKA DAVE HANNA a7-2M8 BKurftr f#"» a VWiUghtod Owwd* aung* For W*» B UNIT SIZES FREE ESTIMATES siliis 5fL«10ft loftxiofl 10ft.*2Q«. 10H.»30t!. *» Hcur Vtn-6* tfloui-fiflo Otc HO«Ua*. &! TM u«^ P 908 Avon B*«#o (RL S3) A«W- Ohtt GARRETTDUBER INTERIOR - EXTERIOR WORKERS COM P. CLEAN & SHINE FLOOR CARE C«fp»i»Fon(M 31 rip ftw«m i Floors Wall WaH'nfl **»»' HARTSEL ELECTRIC Licensed-Bonded-Insured Mm Hoofs, Gutters, Chimneys Since Nobody Does It Better % Able Roofing Co S ConitxuclLon Unc. TIcensod Bonded Insured Foundations Concrete Drives-Walks Sewer & Water Lines Excavating & Grading KEARNEY CONSTRUCTION N**d an upaiaira a6dmg on a a<niiy njorn'ogang*'' For Ma/ot O> mnor f«p»-i». call tat a (> vlwnaia. S NEMETH MASONRY Since 1960 Foundation: Reseating Replacing Installation Glass Block Windows Fireplace Repair », Wet Basement? Calf... DeChant Basement Repair STANDRING'S : AUTOMOTIVE INC.. JHWYSTANORJNO.., ; Certified Technician Trpctor & Backhofl RonUls Landscaping Supplies - Driveway Stone RL 01, Top Soil - Mulch - Tie* DaHvery SNURRSHI HARDWARE Of & Home & Garden Center H ^ r Distressed by Pregnancy? Call Birthright at or FREY PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC. COMPLETE PLUMBING. HEATING AND SEWER CLEANING SERVICE NO JOB TOO SMALL! ^, ' Avon ' WcsUaka AdMtonal ftoom lltbs B/.39S411S ' GARAGE DOORS & OPERATORS- TOMCO TREE SERVICE Fully Insured Trimming Stump Grinding Removals vnodcflt J GLENN ' SUPERIOR CLEANING CO!-, INC. COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICE ' Special'*Ing In BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS Cell O*orgt it, : h«l:00 FREE ESTIMATES Cttvt. «71-n«1-S0O-7B2-9M1 ANDY'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 690 Avon Belden Rd. (Rt. 83) 933-S Quality Care Cleaning Carpets & Upholstery Dry Foam Extraction For People Who Value Their Possessions Call For Free Estimates Pnil Kowaiski 934^623$ «.: SHOWROOM 174 i»v Rd, Avon Uka. DM(M: ' ' -,V; : Ctcv* U A ''Kmargancy t.ms^ms ; '. RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM KITCHEN AND BATHS RESIDENTIAL.COMMERCIAL NEW HOMES REMODEL Authorized Dealer of MOEN WHY DO SO MANY CALL Q-EAN 'CogNEBS?,,...OWNER SUPERVISES EVERY CLEANED HOME Wt» ptrvalaty ownvd and oparstad, fwi Ihlislor) wilh any IrdnchlMi. > W«arn n <oca( company vm>riting tot our neighbors. W# un deiiq" plannod loqufaf mainlnnonce program as oft«n aa you nmtd In your homo or c'fic*. W» d«an now tonalrucl Wo can orfvr itn «i!ttn»iva cman " For Your FREE ESTIMATE, call: w«eiftpati0nn' wtoii««min»«ivtw(itoof ^IIC I PllcrJc.nDr>CD Wtppad,woodworkwatnod.windowi,ov«n. SUt LtU-WtHUEH oromroomdaarwd) WAaddattlrwparaonallouctwtioour M-«h ni^^«.,)itl <-»u!- Nofth Rldgevlllo, OhlO elaanlngln«yououiddoyoutmfl..w«arannwwd Wr»nyouar»Mllan«l.,

32 ~^ * *^?*SS335^^ SUPER SAVINGS BONUS! Meet required purchase for each item and buy at special savings! Colorado Rd., Avon Mon.-Fri. 9-9, Sat. 8-8, Sun T 'CR PLAYER (1-Day Rental) $5.99 MNIENDO VIDEO GAMES 2 Day Rentals 5150 Each Video Morie Spraab Mbi-Wed. 99*. Tton/Saa. Prices is Mafcd " 51O.OO PURCHASE * S10.O0 PURCHASE^ $5.00 PURCHASE - : :. -, > TonyPacko's i - /. Extra Chunky, Mushroom & Onion Prego Spaghetti Sauce + * * Ad Good thru Tueijsv, Au^r 6th or While Supplies last - * *, ; f CLAM BAKES STARTING IN SEPTEMBER - Fresh, Lean (Limit 10 lbs.) Ground Beef Rock Cornish Hens (Limit 5 Lbs.) Old Fashioned Bulk Bacon f Amlsh Farms Smoked Boneless Old Fashioned Smoked Picnic Hams...i [^Nfeit'Brcadcd "Eycry" Saturday Only Outdoor Bar-B Q At Smith's 12 Noon to 5 p.m. 32 Count Hamburger Patties 4oz. Pork Chops Weaver Chicken Roll GROCERY Small, t«ah Largest Hot Dog Made, New YcricStyle Kosher Beef Dogs Seven Seas Dressing i6oz Whole Slabs Pork Ribs $7.49 Halves of Bar-B-Qued Chicken $1.99 CallftiFee Lam" Ordm DAIRY Smith's Quality Chck'd 2% Milk... Smith's Quality Chek'd Sour Cream, HUIandale Farms Butter 16 oz. 16 oz. quariers Great Lakes Low Moisture Shredded Mozzarella 2 lbs. Betty Crocker (Exdwfing Angd Food} Cake Mixes... Smith's Own MaSum or Extra Hot BBQ Sauce. Hdtmarm'i Ute or Cholesterol Free Real Mayonnaise. 32«. / " 2f\$ ThreeMuskateerBars epack Peaches ib. U7 Green Onions 4/99* 3Var1cttes o' «*i **» 7Q* Klondike Bars... 6ct. Bartlett Pears ib. / " "Cook With Picnic Ham" PWs Regular or Fat Free New Cooking Potatoes. \o ib. bag $1.49 Yogurt Cabbage iibs. Cello Carrots l ib 3/99* Bullet Pops

33 AUGUST 1, 1990 ' m Howard Swindell/ Around the TRAXX is one way to vacation >jr,, Every tlmo I go on vacation-or or even a o *, throe-day y get-away gy trip p - I always y run '" ^ Up against four perplexing problems. 'Two of them ore dogs and two of thorn «rocots.. & True,- the cats aren't too bod. We've Usually been able to find samoono to coma in and feed them once or twice a day and change tho litter box. Dut the ifam another matter. that'* easy, you say. Just stick 0> > 0 nnol. l tlibt sounds good, but over the ye often come back to find that doajt not only have a bad cough that y coil* a bundle at the vet's to euro, but they also hnve brought back fleas that quickly spread to tho cats. And you knows what that means for the rest of the summer. There must be olhw way to deal with tho problom. Well, there tiro, according (a experts. Basically there aro three ways of coring for pots, specifically dogs and cat*, during vacation. They are: 7 Take thorn along. * Take thorn to a kenne!. * Hnve someone coma into tho home to care for them. Pets writer Mordecai Slegal In a pamphlet distributed by tho Automobile Club in conjunction with AIpo Pals Foocs Inc. says that most dogs and cats travel well and enjoy the companionship of their ownors even on the trail. Suggestions by Siogol include: 7 Condition your pet la car travel by taking it on short but frequent rides beforehand. * Don't leave your pat in a parked car. The extreme boat In summer and cold in winter can be lift) threatening. * Change the animal's diet two or three weeks before vacation, serving less food to get tho pot used to the notion, that "less Is better." * Check with hotels and motels when making reservations to make suro thoy will accommodate animals. Dr. Alfred Standen. co-owner of the Avon Lake Animal Clinic, also emphasizes that it in important to makn suro ynu Ioave a window open if you leave you pet In a car - especially in the South. 'Temperatures In a dosed car can get up to 120 degrees." Standen said. "Also, I often tell clients who are taking thoir pets along to bring thoir own watar supply. Animals often will got Into local, well water and It can make them sick. Sure, wo soe dogs drinking out of puddles. It Is doesnt seem to affect them, but wo tend to pamper our pats thono dnys and you novor know what will happen." Stonde.i also recommends that you keep your pets - bath dogs and cats - on a Icaah while they're outside the car. "They'll be In strunge territory, and if they get away and wander out of your sight. It can cause a real problem." Stamien also rocommtmda that thoso who travel with cats keep them in a carrier while thoy'ro in the car. "They can got very skittish, and if thoy get under the front soat, or jump up on tho back of tho driver's nock, you've got big trouble," he said. Major motel chains appear 10 be amenable to allowing pets Into their rooms, except In those states - principally North Carolina and Louisiana - that have statutes forbidding tho practlco. "We allow pets under 25 pounds In our rooms," said a spokeswoman far Red Roof Inn.1. "If tho dog Is over tho wolght limit, it would bo wise to speak to the management of tho individual motel to soo if arrangements can bo made." A spokeswoman for a local Holiday Inn said that-kemmons Wilson, founder of the chain, began hu operation because of difficulties in the 1950s in getting accommodations for his children and puts. "While I can't epeak for other motels in tho chain, ours allows pets without any limitations," sho said. Howard Johnson's Motels also allow pots without any restrictions, except at some beachfront locations, according to a spokeswoman for that chain. A spokeswoman for Marriott Hotels. and Resorts, however, said only about half the hostelrlos In bor chain accepted animals. Those that do usually restrict pets ta the lower floors, but those that do not probably will help a pet owner find a nearby konnel In which, to place tho pet during a stay. "After all. In a resort like Olsnoy World, the owners are oftan away from tho hotel for 10 to 12 hours a day," she said, "and It's beat not to leave tho animals elono." ", ',., Sho added that motels will charge tho customer for any damage dono by n pet All stressed that it would be best to mention tho pets when making roservotions. Camping areas also seem accommodating to pets. "Our only stipulation Is that tho.pct must bo kept on a leash," said a spokeswoman for Yog] Bear's TeUyatono Park Camp, a national chain that provides sites for both tents and recreational vehicles. : '.' ; Michelle Holt, marketing director for Dover Lake Park In the Cuyahpga Valley Recreational Area, said the only other caveat a pet owner needs to heed. Is to bring a pooper scooper. "1 think all parks Insist that the vacationer dean up after the pot," she said.pat Boeba, a_spokeswoman for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. said only 17 of tho 71 state parks allow pets to ' stay overnight in. the campgrounds, and none of them will allow animals In tho cabins or lodges. Pets, however, are permitted in tho porks during the day as long as they are on leashes, sho said. Standen, of the Avon Lake Clinic said it's important to isit a kennel to make suro It Is sultablo for your jwt. "We let potential customers come back to our kennel area if thoy request It," he aald. Standon said there am three- things you should look for in the kennel area: 7 Is It dean and dry? 7 Is thoro onough water? 7 Am thoro high ceilings and good ventilation "Good ventilation is an important factor In tho prevention of konnel cough," sold Standon. "Actually, the term 'ken- Coatlnued on page 2 m

34 Caprice is a lot for the money Beware. Theredvinyl monster is back and has slathered the inside of the new Chevrolet Caprice wilh his vile stuff. Actually, the interior of this bid boat is very attractive, but you can toll that red or maroon are not my favorite colors. The upper-level Classic model loaned to me by Chevrolet Division has leather seals, so I wasn't that upset. The base model is fust colled the Sedan and is priced at SI 5,995. with the Classic earning in at $17,370. It was loaded with the usual extras, bringing the total to a whopping S Included in the list of features are anti-lock braking (ABSJ, driver's side air bag, a suspension package for better handling and power systems galore. My good friend with tha old Jaguar finally broke down and bought a uew Lincoln Town Car, and by golly, it's only six inches longer than the Caprice. Not only Is the Caprice large on the outside. but the Inside should seat six handily. Of course, that means that if you own a Caprice, you're obliged to transport assorted relatives, and you know how swell that can ba. So how ebout the Caprice? It has been Chevrolet's bread-and-butter car for many a year, and underneath the new beet metal t» the tried-end-true vehicle m&oy have learned to love. The new styllag Is kind of pseudo-'50s- aero-swooplorta-jazzy-parma-hurrah, The nose has CM** new look for Stuck and suits the new remodeling. At a preview in Detroit in January, we drove them briefly, and the consensus was, "Yes, It's a nice car." Ye*, it is. The ride is toft and quiet but the optional suspension package gives the driver better control. There's still a cartain amount of highway wallowing, but it's minimal. The brakes felt Just about right, with several hard stops at 80 raph being unevantfulthe big test came last week as 1 was trying to navigate through flooded Shaker Heights, and the ABS brakes were invaluable. Actually, the water was up over tha tires in some places,, but at least I-. wasn't floating, DAVID C.LANGE EDITOR MARV BERG, HOWARD SWINDELL AUTO WRITER VEHICLE TYPE: front engine, rear- whoel drive, four-door todan. ENGINE TYPE: BO-degree V-8 OHV w/efi. DISPLACEMENT: 5.0 liter (305 cu.ic) POWER (SAE NET): 170 <S rpm. TRANSMISSION: four-speed automatic. WHEELBASE: In. LENGTH: In. WEIGHT: 3,808 lbs. EPA FUEL ECONOMY: city, 17 " mpg/hlgbwcy, 2B tepg. down Green Road. - Propelling tho almost two tons of Chevrolet Is e 5.0-liter V-8. as in days of old. Together with the four-speed automatic transmission, the Caprice proras to be a very willing performer and does so with the smoothness of nn American luxury car veteran. At first, the vastness of the cabin was somewhat overwhelming but become* very cozy after a few miles. The Instrumentation and locution of controls is neat and simple; no hunting around for the obvious. I did notice a little squeaking from the door panels. Perhaps the guy who Installed all of that red vinyl sealed himself in and is trying desperately to reach his people. Tho Caprice Is a lot of car for the money, and I'm not talking about its weight, girth or length. A comparable foreign luxury sedan would set you back about twice as much, and for those not needing a driving experience. It offers just what a lot of folks want - a practical, comfortablb automobllo that can be servicod In the middle of Iowa or the edges of Alaska. Now, if only they could make small can.. WEST TONIMUSGROVE ADVERTISING DIRECTOR A DCiyPhotojournals Publication jointly owned by WestLife, The Avon Lake Press and " The North Ridgeville/Grafton Press & Light. Car Traxx West is published Every Wednesday Advertising deadline is Friday at noon at Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville P.O. Box 89, North Ridgeville, OH CHEVROLET CAPRICE MOTORING bymarvberg \-'^Z^^ -., "-r.fii. '; 1 --;...., ; '.- - Chevrolet's bread-and-butter automobile, the Caprice, la a lot of cartor the money,: It la a willing performer wfch the emoothness of an American luxury car.^;^,^ Around the TRAXX Continued front page 1 nel cough' is a misnomer. Kennol cough. can be caused by a variety of things Including Uordatolla, stress or lust too much barking whila in a kennui. It also can be caused by factors that have nothing to do with a kennel A disease lake kennel cough has been known to sweep through a county, caused by a disease not link to kennels." Standen said It is important to make sure, that your dog has his immunizations up to dole before you take him to the kennel. ; "As for floas. woraako sure that every dog that leaves hero has a bath in flea shampoo before we turn it over to the owner." "Most of the kennels 1'vo been in around hero teem to be In acceptable shape," said Stundon, "but I'm sure there could be some in which I wouldn't want to put my pet. "Finally, thorn are sumo anlmuls that hut don't travel well. There ere dome. even. Chat don't konnol well. In those cases, tha only thing to do Is to have somoono como in and look afler your pets." Worker* in velnrinarinn's offices often will care for pets In tho home on a parttimo basis. Also available are services such. as Homewatch, & franchise* tliat provides house-sitters and home health workers as wall as pot-sitters. Homowalch workors will stay with your, pet for a few hours a day, overnight or 24 hours a day, aaid Ksthy Hart, arua managor for tho firm hare. "We reoxast a throo-doy notice and an interview with the customor so the : worker can be pot," said Hart. "Wo try to mat customer with the worker. For we have some 'cat ladles'who billy^rfti cats. About 90% of out trade, is'repad; business, and the customer,* wants and gets tha same person time."- : ';;':; :''-%:Xi:'-f:0^p Most of. HomewatchVrworJcerr _ between the ages of 30 ahdj7q.am.bothj Insured and bondud, said.hart, She adov, od thct her service Is especially suited'toi pampered pets.v..,, r ;.>'. ::^ Z$ti$tfy$& *We*vo had cot*, for instjuice.lwfab" wouldn't eat unless they:.could Ustmt to* dinner music. The worker, would in and turn on the radio so Htty coiild3 eat." ;; '. >-«: ifv-sy&zg&ggf Homewatch workers also will exercise., the animals, and give them medication.^ Hort said many of hor customer* also an pooplewith older animals thart Sf» never boea subjected to 1 a kennel-'ii^t;^ "Older animals oftan become frighten^ ed and confused In a cage, said Kartl?In such a case. Its best for the.animal tot taken cats of in famuiar surroundings tho owner can't ba there." - ' :'jt *ti% Whichever way you go," Ifs'essen that you make sure your pet's i tions are cutrent, according to, Rog of the Lakewood Animal Hosp Including UHLP, parvo, rabies antf, datclla, which helps prevent the d "kennel cough.": -'-: '-,.'> '^.;':^-:^ &z$, "It's Important that you start off; _ vacation with a healthy pot, no mattsr whether you're taking It along, loaytng In the care of someone else or taking It to a kennel," said Rog. \.'.. : ; i, ^v;t^ It's also good to leave a ^medical history and any m«dicatian ; with whoever Is taldng care omhe,-. said Rog. "If you have an animalvltlffl serious health problem, such a»x ( gestlvo heart disease or dlabetasr probably best to board tho animal with'; your, vel Most veterinarians have tomo); accommodations. Better than ever! MorePre-Owried More'Pre-Owried'$i LUXURIOUS BUYS CHOOSE FROM 4-DYNASTVSt^ '88 DYNASTY Whlta/BJue Intorlor Air, Tilt, CruiM, Sterso YOU ALWAYS HIT THIMAAKWItH THE CLASSIFIEDS NOW $8995 r i s i i LORAIN COUNTY'S^jn. DODGE AVt LOHAtN CXS'.- fell

35 New Caprice trying to tap youth market by Lew Scan Copley New* Service Caprice Jong has beun a car far petiole who liked Ite. And now it's for everyone uis«lo lite, too. The Caprice, Chevrolet's toplinc sedan, lias appealed to mature drivers who like their cars on tho heuvy side with traditional looks to mutch. But tliore has not been a major design change in 13 years, so big cosmetic surgery was needed, especially in thu face of plummeting sales. In 1972 Chevrolet sold 1 million Caprice and the almost identical Impola models. Last year, Chevrolet sold Caprices (Impala is defunct). And while tho market for large cars had shrunk considerably in recent years, Chevrolet with the 1991 redesigned Caprice is gambling it is expanding again. Tho average age of a Caprice buyer has been 62, largely perhaps because of ita dated styling. With the 1091 model much of that stodgy styling has been changed, but not all, Outside, the car looks as if it has joined the single swingers; inside It plays a lot of the same old tune. "You can got an old guy to buy a young-looking car," Stan Wilou, Caprice's chief designer, has said, "but you can't get a young guy to buy on oldlooklog car." An external softness has replaced tho old flat, hard look. Although Caprice Is built on the samo chassis as before, there.w 50 percent more window glass, much fit flusb-mounted- The windshield angle has been niked back lo 02 degreed (53 e'egrees before). and thu rear window angled to 05 degrees. 1 Tins steeply defined glass at both ends cai. (rick lbu eye. It appeared at one point tn the test drive that lliu car had been parked backward and if one were not careful it could bo driven the wrong way into a pond whore cold-bellied carp lay motionless. But generally outside looks are quite handsome. The rear end has been plumped up and given the bustle-look of a Lincoln Continental, not bad company. The car is beefier by 300 pounds, nullifying somo of the aerodynamic advantage gained in the style change. It Is a t "g car, almost pounds, but surprisingly responsive at the getaway. Maybe not so surprising when you consider the 5-litcr V-6 generals? 170 horsepower. It is just that you do not expect a cur with such heft to bo so nimble. Chevrolet hopes tho reatylud Caprice will remain the police csr of choice. It claims that cf tho 60,000 police cars extant, 60 percent are Chevrolet*. (Police departments get Caprices with higher-horsepower, hlgher-torquo engines not available to the general public.) A four-apced automatic transmission is standard and is generally easily engaged, although the shifting lover i= mounted on thu steering column. This frees up th«front seat for three-across seating. The ride is still all-america, that is, willowy, but not as soft as it used lo be. The new suspension system has larger anil-roll bars and firmer shocks Included in the recommended special towing package. Inside room, front and back. Is about as big as it gets this side of a van. The car is wider this yeur by about 2.5 Inches and longer by 2 inches. Shoulder room haj been expanded by 3 and hip room, front and back, stretched 2 more Inches. All of the doors are higher and wider than before, making the car look from the side as U it has nigh arches.. The ulterior features aro like a bride wearing something old and something new. Tho speedometer sweeps left to right, flatly, like a Philco radio. There is no tachometer., But there- is on air bag for tho driver and there is anti-lock broking and power windows and power brakes and power locks. An domino-aued ksychain device enables tho diiver to lock and unlock all. four doors and the trunk lid without a key. ', But this Caprice may be tho only car with backup door, handles Inside lite redundant O-rings in case one fails. Ac- tuoliy. there are thno door pulls: a 5 chrome device shaped like a surgeon's,5 spoon, a flexible plastic strap and a deep S depression In the armrest that con be 5 grabbed if tin others cannot be located. The redesigned windshield improves > aerodynamics but loaves a large shelf S between the bottom of the windshield and tho dashboard molding, a space Z. suited for disposal of Idle dreams but lit- ;' tie else. Standard features Include. airconditioning, intermittent wipers:, storage pockets In all doors, and lighted, covered mirrors In both sun vlaora. The Classic model tested by Wheels also has a split, reclining frcnl aoat,., The trunk, slightly smaller than hut year's, still offers 20.4 cubic foot plus a sturdy cargo net. Chevrolet is one of the few mniiu&cturora to retain center-filling fuel entry. The fuel cap Is under the license plate, meaning you can drivo up on either'fide of the pumps. Fifteen-inch wheels, added this year, improve handling snmewhat.;. But rollicking through In*: hills the car acted as If it would be glad to get past ati of those curves. There is a lot left. to admire..-but whether buyers who like the old Caprice will like tho now one Is the question.. Maybe there aren't enough of.'them around Anymore to worry about. 'A tp OIL CHANGE & LUBE ' tn MINUTES WHILE YOU WAIT IN YOUR CAR. BIG A HOT SUMMER SIZZLERS 2-CYCU OIL FormUatad lo Improv* parf«rmcinc*, tttfxt nojin* C* and rvdoca 2</ 2 GALLON GAS CAN Rust-Proof and BAA A CHAIN OH. aw spfwfcet Mt*. fnmdi ' il t d fc f_, T/. r -12 POW SERVICE INCLUDES: 1. CHANGE Oft UP TO 5 QUARTS PENNZOIL, 10W30OR10W40 '."- 2. REPLACE OIL FILTER WTTH PENMZOtL FILTER 3. COMPLETE CHASSIS LUBE 4. INFLATE TIRES PROPERLY IhM Wi tt* CMot anrf rap O* 5. TRANSMISSION FLUID 6. DIFFERENTIAL TRANS-AXLE FLUID 7. BRAKE FLUID "IT'S TIME FORA - - CHANGE' #313 MonvPl. B-7 P***- Saturday P.M. HOAPPOIHTMCNT MAffYl 8. POWER STEERING FLUID 9. WINDOW WASHER FLUID 10. BATTERY 11. AIR FILTER 12. AIR BREATHER' Mo* Cvs $2349 ANO Vffih m'ra undar jour hodmflltatftk ymck, your radmor, hachi, bvfta and HOMt. W» do not rapmr <x mptacatrwaa Kama but mean Maa yog of pomma need. *Extm cot If rwadta. COUPON^ x ^ ^ $300 OFF p October 3t, I Not valid In conjunction I with other sale ' NORTH OL.MSTED Lorain Road (Ju»t Weat of Oraal Nortrwrn QM.) FAIRVIEWPARK Lorain Road (W. 2201ft ALaraln) WESTLAKE 1220 Columbia Road (South Of Detroit Road) LAKEWOOD 1476 W, 117th Street (Jual South Of Datrolt) LAKEWOOD II Detroit Avenue (At Oarroit * Somlewtcw Ave.).' 228-6«44 CLZVCLANO HT8. PARMA FARMATOWN EASTLAKE SOUTH CUCUD EUCLID a) MCHTOn WtLLOUOHBY WDOUUHma HT8. CLCVCLAND WttT. pamcsvnx psnxe CUUVKLD HUQHT8 Catt»J-7antormtonrwtton CH/UON REPAIR MANUALS Covwao*tar can 1WD-W00 WESTWTS 1 BLECHE-WITE WHTTEWAU CLEANER agent works InttunUy wltruut rubbing Spray It onwlpe It off J99 Duty For/. Screw Cap WwU and Easy Powr FunneJ. 5 ALL BloclcJuwtsk HAND TOOLS 10% OFF STANDARD OR METRIC HU0 CHR0METRA1UR BALLS On«^pl«ca>solld>tMld«sl(n' * IK" DIAMETER V.'xlV.* Shank 2000 lbs. Cross Load ' rilumcter V.-xlW Shank 3500 lb». Cross Load 12-unu YOUR CHOICE PLASTIKOTE Sandable Primer Rwl (MM IJ34 O*y1-23S Black T-230 North Ridgeville Auto Parts Westshore Auto Part? Center Ridge Rd Center Ridge Rd. North Ridgeville, OH Weatlake, Ohio ^730 THE FIRST LETTER IN AUTO PARTS Sato EndM B4-90 BIG -ft* r! f-i\ i, vl in! fiz

36 A car's interior needs special care, attention during spring and summer proper jre o-.c: nine. lui.iiimiut: itif'.-nor Bui uimin. Dan(>tif>. Conn, the nunlitai."- turcr nt STP Sun Ui A Gun: br-inii product!, tar tinner can prcp.<te auii»- rrioir-c interior surface* :o help them ttilh»(an'j lhe*e element*-, whiic maintjining their natural beauty and shine The first step \\ lo C"mp!ele!j remove J!I the din jnd dust ttuit hai accumulated during winler. A good all-purpose automotive cleaner like new STP Son Of A Gun! Car Cleaner can be used to dean aj! interior surface*, including glau. Car cleaners of this type contain tail-act ing welting agent* and solvents to penctrutc. loosen ami lift dirt, oily r tlm and dust quietly and safely Once the car'j interior i> clcai. apply a vinyl protecum. STP Son Of A Gun! Vinyl Protectam cai: i!; brin^ out the surface's original color, restore Jo->t luster nj! tl<n an/j help prevent drying ' ca< J Io cracking and peeling. A vinyl jirulcctant aim serves as a buffer zone between interior surfaces and potcnuilly damaging elements, and can help reduce Malic electricity which is re*pcmine for art ratting dirt and du*t. Many exposed automotive surfaces can benefit from the bouutilying abilities of a vinyl pnttecunt: linen, dashboards, door panels, even tires and automotive trim. In addition, a vinyl protect ant also can be used to maintain a "jtut -cleaned ~ shine. The belt way to keep a new car's interior surfaces looking new is to conduct a regular automotive cleaning regimen thai includes using a vinyl protect am and an all-purpose car cleaner. It can be an inexpensive and easy way to enhance a car's appearance and protect the investment. And. by doing the «me for «n older car, CAR UWNEHS CAN CLEAN, AIne, MM! prrpare vtoyl d ftaed k-lheriwm^amhr an owner can help increase the car's re- interior MHacee for ummw'i wont with a Vinyl pro**rf*nl l»* SkV Sim OTA Cun! sale value and give it * inowroom shine, \ittjl ProteeUnt, whfcfa aim ean help prrwrnl vtojl frwu crkunic and pceung. Car Care Corner 'Red Flags' Signal Imitation 'Crash Paris' "KCOI«)TH>," "quality H.- ;" UM- Nwfenut f'ir 'n-i "j^f* tiuii 'if- ii-uuil-- SJ^IIijijit;iUori '.Tinh pans" haw. bi'f-n " li-qt'.-i t<i rvi'a'ir CJIII- >.-7ti damaitl" to )iur. hidv, rcplao'inetit* «nd "like kind nut! i iutitv" an.' unriik :!». "r«i t!ai,'i" UiaC will appear i]i;«t in tlie p.trt dtscriptinn* <in j'jur repair c^timatt-. lt>-uu catch th* iinilatiini ut lhi«point, >(;u11 *till hnvr innv In nuiku your pri-r«.-rene«fur j^nuine r.. pluctineat pa-tj luiown to your eniltjion repairer or innun!rice adjuster. Them are [food reasons lo br mi the luokuut. Imitations arien ore select rd by insurers lo hold duwa coltinion repair costa. tlnforlunitlay, the tjuality uf inutation-i ii in question. For pxampie. teatinij by.fan! Molor Ct^npany has shown that thp nuality tifimilaliod!"lkt>t nirlii parts i.t <iur9ti(jn3blr< in rrj;unl tnfit, finish, structural iiiu'itnty nnd corrinjiun protection And. vehicl* munnfactiiirrs* warmnlie* d^ not cover itni'.alioti parts. 1 Tho r-u! «ip*t^» tin the iiiulttfr. CHIIIHI'IH rrpitirvrit, prtfit Ui IIW S*nuine Trash parts by an overwhelming margin In a reevnt survey nf KilltJiion repairers. 90 peiecnt rstttd imilatiun eraih part* 'aomf what or much wur«e* in quality when compoml to genuine part*. And, if you are Itfce n majority of eobmumen, you prefer that genuine emuh paru be uted to repair your vehicle. A recent national cotuuraer urvey showed that SO percent felt Uwt lmlution craah part* abould ni>t be inatalted unleu the insurer received advance uthorizatioa from the consumer. And, la the aame urvey, 81 percent of respondents aaid they would nupport leffitl.ition' requiring Uicir written eomtent bvlbn URitdtiuna could be u«ed for repnim. Thai toaantotr preference t.t being heard in»u<«capital^ nruuml the country. Twentyfbur outea have enacted laws or insurance industry rejula- ' o/is requiring, at minimum. Disclosure to conaumcri that imiuition crush part* have t-«uti spetified for repain If you find a 'red flag" on your repair estimate. Ford Motor Company recommend* you take the following action*: l*t your insurance agent kiiuw yir concurna with lb«u*«of fmllatton cnuh paita in;f ask why they wereapeei* fiw (o repair your vehicle * Weigh your imurer'a explunution a^nituit the rtcotnm-jjidulion of the eclliaioci rnpuir tppciajivt WIK> will h* repairing your veh»!e " Ifyuu decide you want genuine crash part* used,, immediately report your preference to your insurance agf nl Be aware that you may be anted to payfor any differ* ence in coot between the imi- Utioii* and the genuine crash parts. If imitation crash pert* are 5*ed to repair your vehicle, immediately report any; problem* with tha part* to your insurance agent and ask' that they be replaced with genuine crash part/.. t P i Oesign«r Sonsi Power Moonrool Electronic Dash 5.0LV-8 J.fl.U Storoo F-Jty Loaded word SUMMEBI1MMJF.UN FES' REAR DEFROSTER, AM RADIO, SPORT STRIPES A I *kx M j nil MM M Uill M i Jl AFFORDABLE LUXURY "Remainder or Fflctory Wtranty" mll BLASS AVPN I GREAT NORTHERN DODGE L A K E ; J. - - ' ' ',-. '..* -;. ;... -: :.". :. - v -.-. BRAND NEW 1990 DODGE MONACO Choice of Escort 4 Or. '-Price Ineriidoi all rebafes 4 Inecnttvcs.-., /,«,, /(oiiif 'SALEHOyRS; \iprt. a.thurs. flto'pjm.' -Tuos. 4 Wed. "trlvp.m.. Fri. illgp.m. S.H p.m.' ^33450 Lake Rd., Avon Lake : r '. " c*fts»ieucm m STOCK E (HwtU. IJMJ 1H 1 mint" S Prices As Low As : $11,320 Discounts & Prices Include All Rebates SAVE SAVE SAVE ' ~ f - AB PUT.OUR 4.5% APR FINANCING GREATTMQRTHERN DODGE LORAIN RD,, N^LMSTED 323:5640 OR '

37 LAKE WILLQUbHaV HILLS \ & ' * - :' '. \ 1 l * ' " j..., - - ' ' " Car Traxx West - an automative supplement of three dominating community newspapers -WestLife, The Avon Lake Press and The North Ridgeville/Grafton Press & Light. Westlake Bay Village North Olmsted Rocky River Fairview Park Lakewood North Ridgeville Covering: Grafton Avon Lake Avon Sheffield Lake Sheffield 100 Newsstand & Dropoffs.-' 'V 1r '... "I:' 1 " ' "' - ; i 1

38 Only the best for your car "TAKING CARE OF THE HOUSE IS YOUR JOB" MUCH OF THE GUESSWORK Im been tafcn) oo» of (bitting conqwitmi Mito le*h- BlcUw, thank* In catuicatloo. The Nation*! Inrtfaute lor Automotfm Srr»k* Excclltnre (A5E)!*"* the competence of mtto, truck; and coliblon trrlmldan* in up lo htaen pecfahle*, totti M brake*, elettyfajj «y»t«, anil mrfttr irptir. Thrrw M««boal 2SU.O00 ASEMroiified iwfanlclaita ul «ork in evuy lyp* of rrp«lr facility. 5C9066I4 cars to draw enthusiasts together Tho Crawford Aulo-Aviation Museum will present Ihe 20th annual VMCCA Crawford Car Nfcct from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 12 at Hale Farm and Village in Balh. Antique, vlatago, classic and sport car Biithuaiaats will gorher from across the country to display tboir treajures In hop*«j of taldng home an award. There will bo 24 fudging categories from antiqut> (p» 1915) to.1970 production cars. - The awards ^ driye-thmugh ceroniony will be held at 4 p.m. The moot also will includo a car cor- > ral, wbero buyer can meet seller, and a^ rafflo of a 1070 Corvette. For further ln-^ formation on tha car-meet, or to pra-f rcglator your car,: call the museum at , ext ',' %r UNDER $6000 '88 PLYMOUTH GRAND FURY '85 DODGE CARAVAN '84 FORD LTD 4 DR. '86 FORD ESCORTWAGON '85 VW JETTA GL '85 LEBARON 4 DR. SEDAN '87 CHEVY CHEVETTE 2 DR. '85 CHEVY CELEBRITY 4 DR.' $2990 Prc~Owned Luxury 7 FOUR DOOR SEDAN DeVILLES Leather trim, Power windows, Power locks & much more $21^95 2 FOUR DOOR BROUGHAMS Leather trim & well equipped $23,995 1 ELDORADO Power Moon roof, Vinyl Top, Leather Trim, Aluminum Wheels $25,795 Hurry... While The Selection is Good! Certified mtf#». Sal* Prtoaa Good tlu m-. f\ CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ---»' WALKER RD., AVON LAKE OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC TAT I Ml 750 CLEVELAND ST. UihL-Jli 10U1 Center RJdgcRd. 15 mln. from Great Northern Shopping Cft*.

39 - >' t k^ Dave Varnadoe/ At the Flicks Comedy,.'crime and the court Matins far a well-rounded week at the cinemas, Warner Bros, has a good pair" 82 CamMrs A Vans «?.7t*l or mate corjdtt Hfcft tor towing va 1979 FREE SPIRIT 19ft. TRAVEL TRAILER ^Self-contained "Sleeps '4 Excellent condition with Reese Hitch for towing vehicle $1, days evenings "84 Auto Parts & Service ^ Mt-MOO. 86 Autos Wanted A-A-A Buylno UMd ft Junkad Car* numimornm orwn-oom WEBUV JUNK 88 Trucks for Sate teal Oflor. Cat 3O5444S itfmr 2 pjn. Mod 89*0828. M.S Autoo lor Sate f THUHDCJWHO, Lmdad. OaNtaAaPo. CMMtft, CtaLStoim Exult*!* Condition. M.400-WI O windows. 1 aunroof, AM/FM cuaatm. -^ IMS CROWN VICTORIA, 4 doty, iww ttm, brmkm. mufftof, shock*. air enum, landau, pewwr, AM/FM. «TK M«uM Qray. CnHMtit 15,900. McMAHANS WRECKING WE BUY JUNK CARS fttrocks FREE TOWING Guafcntecd Engines Installed - Reasonable JCEP OtEAOKU UtUTEO»oT ttfacfc and gold, bath* Interior, low Mtait, toaddd. J2t j»0 or bar* ofa3 CHCVY BS CAPACE WAOOft H««nglna, «7joo a2a>aaia tr.» ap, tmtv lows' d. aunroof. aiwm anttm, AfcvFM C Mtfi quakat. low till. JCf» , CJS. B laaw. maa a». booy, many extra. CaH 3W-S1B7 altar flpjn. «PONTIAC. 4 p e VS. T-top. POMT wtndewa, Staaring and BrakM, Cnriaa, Sterao CMMO. Alarm, S5.5OO. UHCOiW M CONTINENTAL, to«d to itw max. Sup*- Clean. Muat aa to WndMm, SS.H0. Can 277-4tr». FOftO alustano dt». Automate. 5J) VB, Lcwdad. Extondad Waranfy. Low MAM, I12JW0. CrfKOrTfe atcrdikv «9 HAftQUli CONVEB- TIBLE, 420 nglrw, na*r top, t**i mkn. C3400. Call 32347BI altar CnVOLE LASER M. I M M, now Vrat. KxaMam Condftbn. Taha ovr pwrmnti. Call 3?T-1»4, AUC EAOL WAOON M. 4 W.D., 9 cyhoctor. AMrTU twno. Crukaa, potmr. good frantpofiallon. fir* condition, 0,850. Ca» 32a-*B POHTIAC FtEAO 2JI, AI4FM n*rao, air. auto.. Uft (7. You Have We Have CailTtie with PRESUMED INNOCENT and QUICK CHANGE. Disney bow* in with the re- release of u full length animated film. THE JUNGLE BOOK. MGM, trying net to bo enticed these days, makes -Tii unexpectedly big splash with tho durk comody. DADDY'S DYIN'..AV'110'S GOT THE WILL? And if that weren't enough, ureu theater patrons may, revel in the twisted sex comedy that is heavy on drama, from Miramax Films. TIE ME UP! TIE ME DOWN I THE JUNGLE BOOK (G; all ages) Uisnoy has re-released this musical ar.lmiition festival, the last film in which Wall Disney himself reportedly still had a hand with its. development. It goes astray, however, bogging down more In unlnlerwsling songs instead of concentrating oa tho plethora of characters of jungle animals. The voiclngs are good, but this movie, which was released in iho mid-705, was largely Ignored by the yuuth of the ticno, who were suddenly aging faster than ever before* Disney was not "in" at tho time, ami this picture does not quite deserve tho designation "classic" that the company has given it Still, tho slow adventure mny warm Classifieds MAC'S AUTO CARE 4618 Lake Rd. Sheffield Uke 949^ Buick $ Ply Reliant 4Dr $ Dodge SW $ Fiero$ Chcv.SW $ Blazer 4WD $ Chevette $ Jeep $695 Free tank of gas with every car Aim's Testing Mon-Fri 9:00anv6:00pm Tara UMCOLM MArtK V. U«U oifar. B33'S5US. vnnlno* * 1IM CAMARO t-3*, T-topa, i PMd, V-8. tun* loaded, Hlvar oray, t miememr. S7.7S8. B T 1B79 PONTIAC i FW<abla, SUO. 92 Boats and Motors STARCRAFI. ti ; H 35 Dp., Morcury alactrtc atari. Wi findar. all s*my qutpmwrt. f 1,100 or ba«t oflar. CaU 3U-A444 altar 2 p.m. Tro an 2S*. w e oondltlon.laavlnb aiato. Sa* M dock 37, Mapl* Orova. Varmlll! n, S3.I00. ac74s77 14 FT. LOHESTAn ALUMINUM BOAT W/SHP HOTOfl > AC- CESa-JRieS 1700 Call KARAV M T2 1 b«am. N*i 33hp M*rcnilaara with 060 m., MOV*. rtfrtoaraior, head. OTMI onndlhon,» Daya 781^)770, EVM. 77».17t3; woakwicfa 419-7B7-Z Car Trax tofld EXI> 1M4. Spots Car. Ptamium aound. MnrocH. Cagl* BT It U0503KM9eg MERCURY MAROUIS, 197M. 2-doot, A-i in & out. Now IITM. run power. Craam A gold. Slorad winlara. Orw mnw. 54,000 ongmal mhm. 777-BZ84. TOYOTA, C UCA OTS' COUPtL, 1M4,Wu». C «p*od air cwujhukhng, 'ul>y aquippad. Oc-od coodilkvi tnllm, W S-»4(1. CADILLAC EL DORADO! 1 W4.Tourme coupa. loatm. laalhar Marlor. MUM aall. SS.SOO, bmt offar o6e CARAVAN LE IMS, air, crula>, UL Marao. 7 pa«ai>ngar, Bt,000 ma»«, A-1.»0J9K. Z2M214. some cold hearts and that can't bs all bad. [Two stars) DADDY'S DYIN'.-.VmO'S GOT THE WILLT {PO-I3; laujpiage. subject matter, sexual suggestions. UHcil dru«usuj Thu MCM ISou roar has baea p.-ilty silent, but it did whimper in with this largely overlooked film, with ungainly til!o. that turnmi out to bo one of those unexpected "treasures'* that movie r«viewers find raukes the fob so worthwbilo. 'When ono doesn't expec! too much, it docs help. But this one started to loot good right in the opening credits. Then we were In for a surprise us a superbly wou-devclopod film came off tho reel, with characters drawn so real it foeis liko they are poighbora. WiiU, not quite. Tho sotting is a tovrn in Texas. where family members hjrvo gathered from closo and faraway, an the elderly patriarch is In his final days in the care of an In law at \er borne. Despite tho title, the movie spends little time an "Daddy" or on the "will," even tliough that Is tho primary reason a couple of them have appeared from the dusty roads. lastead, in the fashion of "Climes of the Heart," we are shown a tilice of life drama, heavy with rich characters and unabashed humor. Tho performances of all in the cast are glittering, and almost all of them ere given equal screen time. The screenplay is by Del Shores, based on his play. It is easy to see haw thin had to have been a good play. Beau Bridges, appears its Daddy's greedy son, a besrieily losor of a guy who abuses his overweight wife, Marlene played by Patrikia Darbo. Tho mother-in-law, Loyce Weelis fs wonderfully done by Molly McCluro as sort of a 1990a version of Thclma Ritter. Beverly D'Angela plays a 35 year old, daughter, a floozy married six times. previously, who has a groat singing voice and a new man in tow. Hor new man, a true California "hippie," drives her ~ in, makes waves at first with his logic ("I never eat anything that has a face"), is actually the mosl centered individual In the whole bunch. While D'Angalo sputters that, "Sometimes I steal ashtrays from the motels where I commit adultury,'' a flustorod Momma Weelis warns, "Watch it," to all who swear or talk bad of others. Deupito her insistence that she lias found the right man In her long-haired lover (superbly played by Judge Roinhold), she has a wandering cyo for Keith Carradlne, who plays Clarence, a local cowpoks down at the area watering hole who Just happons lo be engaged to D'Angelo's older sister, Sara Leo, played by Tess Harpor. Amy Wright, recently a stage member of Chicago's Second City troupe, does wonderfully as the prized daughter Mirlene, a Bible thumping, straightlaced woman who is a good match for the equally' religious Momma. We are shown the quirks and doublo standards of these people. We are shown their cruelty and the hnart, but what lingers most is that we have met these people, and they are real. Catch this ono quickly is you cm. (Throe and a half stars) TIK ME UPI TIE ME DOWN1 (X rating surrendered; released with "no railng"; subject mattor, portions of ono sex Bceno, profanity in subtltlos, brief nudity] Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar, lost known for tho highly successful "Women on tho Vergo of a Nervous Breakdown," has incurred tho wrath of censors for this muchpubliclzod film. It goes to show that, with the trimming of about fivo minutes, this is standard R equivalent material. Tho fuss is largoiy centered on bocdago a'jd an act which wo don't soo on film Iiardly ovor, but thosa things aro not what tho film Is about. With English subtitles, the film stars Victoria Abril as a young woman who Tails victim to Iho amour designs of a young man, Ricky, played by Antonio Bandoraa. This ia a VERY dark humored talu, but it Is also rich In drama. Abril plays Marina, the woman Ricky has an unnatural affliction for. Ricky la the victim of a bad childhood and has fust boon released from the moniol institution for the first time. Ho thoroforo has a warped view of what llfu Is supposed to bo. His woman psychiatrist used Ricky, finding tho handsome young man to be a wondrous lover. Tearfully, she must let him go. Having boon rewarded for his Jovomakiag with Ihn doctor, Kicky seeks a woman to keep, that U, he goes out simply f J gel one, marry her. be a good husband and fix things around the house (Marina's), and have a family. With all of tho ruckus over this film, the point of it being an unadjusted man trying tu be an adjusted, loved and respected man has becorao lost in censorship gobbledygoolo Marina, for one, is a porn 01m actress. Ricky feels that the unwilling wotnan must be tied to the bed or chair In her apartment until she will deslro him.this is a tender story with rough edges, but regardless of what Ricky doeo, including risking his life to support her drug habit, fixing the washer for tbe kitchen faucet. and determining what his occupation will be is a painting of an unbridled, adolescent lovor (in effect) whose misguldings lead him to believe that this is what a man does. Tho offensiveness of tho bondage aspect is further tightened when Marina sees that there are some good reasons to love this man, espodeily with her own imperfections,and very questionable future anyway. Colorful and bright, with fine technical credits, this film Is wou^acied by tho two mala characters. (No one under 18 Is admitted). It is original enough,: with an unexpectedly plausible: resolution-'musical scoring, which is very good, but kept too quiet, is by the accomplished, Ennio Morrfcone ftho Mission"). Two hours. (Throe stars),: ',. ' -, ' ' ';>, QUICK CHANGE IK; language. «ub- Ject matter) This 88 minut* little comedy From Warner Bros, stars BUI Murray (as Grimm) and fo co-directed and coproducod by Murray. The other talent behind the scenes Is co-director: Howard Franklin,' who wrote the screenplay based on tha book by Jay Cronloy. Music by Randy Edelman, though It is rarely present. The quwrt cerebral comedy Is simple end episodic., end quietly intriguing as a black comedy like Warner's previous gem in this category)^ "After. Hours." Whilo Scorcese's lattar Dim is much batter than this one, this reviewer on joyed the unfolding of. events very much and found It to be a neat Comedy package. It Is true that it does not go much further than the basic premise, that of three peopta participating in New York City b*z robbery and then trying like the devil to get out uftintcity, but the events are cleverly.done and some of the satire of that city's people Is. delightfc!ly on target. Geena Davis pl*y» Phyllis, the girlfriend of Grimm's, who seems to have been mostly attracted to him for bis highly InteDIgant scheme. Murray's Grimm ut uncbaracterltucally' low key, a calm, calculating man who cooly overlooks the misghringai of the third in the group/ a stooge named Loomis (Grimm's brothtvj, ' who Is played well by Randy Quald. This film Isn't for overybody, but if you are looking for a comedy that Is wry and flmlrky (such as "Accidental Tourist"), this may bo tho ticket. The scene with a bus driver who demands exact change from tho escaping trio is best. Bob Elliott appears OB the wacky bank: guard and Jason Robords, who didn't originally want to do this film i>ecause he thought his part wasn't funny enough, ably plays Pollco Chief Rotzlnger. (Three stars) PRESUMED INNOCENT (R; subject matter, language, one sex scene, some brief nudity) Alan Pakula, who directad "Orphans," "Mute,"..and numerous other films, does this Jiovie of political Intrigue, forbidden. romance 'and murder with strong ability. Pakula also Is co-screenwriter, based ~- oif^wtt Turaw's boatsellins novol. Music;Is by John Williams. It's an election your In Los Angeles and prosecutor Raymond Horgan (Brian Dannohy).ts up for roeloction. His assistant prosecuuog attornlos include Harrison Ford (as Rusty Sablch) and Greta ScacchI (White Mischief) as Carolyn Polhomus, a soxy, alluring woman who will sleep with any man to further her career. Bonnie Bodelia ("Die Hard 2") plays tho wlfo of Sablch, Barbara, and the affair that hor husband had with Polhemus had.bcun out In tho open with the married couplo. Ten days before tho election. Polhomus turns tip deed in hor homo and Sablch Is arrested for the crfme.. Raul Julia smoothly plays his attorney (Sandy Stern]. Courtroom drama and plot twists galore make Ihb an audience pleaser. It's a good adult drama. If you can stand all of Ford's sneering. Overall effective. (Throo stars) \ ii

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