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1 & :is S 2$ 251$ $ 4 a 42 a; 5 e 0 0 g $. '.. a;< 4'+.. All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Complete Neu's Coverage of All the Pointes i 110mB oj the News VOLUME 22-NO. 33 Entered as Second Class Malter at the Post Office at Detroit Mlch GROSSE PONTE MCHGAN AUGUST c Per Copy $4.00 Per Year 20 PAGES - TWO SECTONS - SECTON '. EADLNE~ ul tbe '''E~K As em/piled by tbe Grosse Pointe News Thursday Au&'Ust 10 A PAN AMERCAN AR- WAYS DC-B jetliner hijacked over Mexico by a wild-eyed French Algerian returned to the United States Wednesday night and landed in Miami. The plane was hijacked over Mexico by Alberto Charles Cadon and forced at gunpoint to fly to Havana. The Cuban government ordered the plane rl!- leased shortly after it landed. Cadon was arrested and did not return with the plane to Miami. t is not known why Cadon hijacked the plane carrying 80 persons from H'luston to Guatemala. Apparently he looked insane as he pulled a gun on Capt. Carl Ballard. He mumbled something to the pilot llbout hating President Kennedy.for supporting French President Charles de Gaulle's plan for an independent Algeria. THE BG THREE Western powers will loose a diplomatic offensive aimed at an East- West conference on Berlin and German problems before Moscow can sign a separatl! peace treaty with the East. German regime nformed sources in Allied camps said Wednesday that the United States Britain No one had more fun at the whopping birthday party given at the Country Club on August 8 for TOBEY HANSEN than the popular tennis pro himself. More than 200 of his friends turned out for the ---' /0 MAlT BOX RUNED W. B. Mahoney of 251 Loth. rop informed Farms police that he heard a loud report :Jt the front of his house on Saturday August 12 and l't1shnl out to discover that someone had blown up his rural type man box with firecrackers. The mail box was found in the street.. -<.....~~ ~':..i. _ -Picture by Jim Shepperd event. MRS. HANSEN is seated between her husband and son TOBEY JR GEORGE McMULLEN chair~ man of the party is in the rear. That's MRS. ROSS HUME in the foreground. and France will shortly touch M Pl. S Go off this drive along with a ere wnts ar ilng paces lye military buildup in 'Western Europe. Plan Three FOD" Pointes Total Tal{e A CHARTERED ARLNER B D 0' $ D. Y carl'j'ing 34 British boys and onus ays.. urng ear two teachers on a holiday flight / to Norway was reported'missing h and presumed to have crashed Un~sual Val u e s to Be City wit More Than Half of Tota' Takes in $75000 in Wednesday night. Cunard Eagle Offered Next Week in /960 and Expects Gross of $80000 This Year Airlines said a land and sea d b search had been started for the Event Sponsore y More than $ in pennies nickels and dimes missing plane. The boys were Business Men's Assn. was collected during the fiscal year ending in June in all 14 years o:d and cam~ from parking spaces in four Grosse Pointe communities. the Lanfranc School in Croy- Grosse Pointe will' have Only the Shores with no metered parking spaces or atcon a London suburb. Bonus Days three of tended parking lots failed to realize any revenue from them Thursday Friday and this source. Friday Au&'Ust 11 Saturday August 2425 and The City has the greatest ~ AN OPTONAL DEATH 26. Merchants will offer number of paid parking spaces land for parking lots in Area PENALTY for airplane hijack- unusual prices on fine mer- collects the.most money. and is Number Two as soon as they ing was passed by the Senate chandise and J'ust in time the only Pom~e commumty t~at are made available. After those yesterday by a vote of has outstandmg debts on ts are completed Blondell said ".~ Meanwhile President Kennedy to get the youngsters ready parking facilities.. Because o~ its see' no need' for any further ordered armed Border Patrol- for back to school. long-~an~e parkmg planmng purchases until more stores or men aboard some commercial the City S one of the few estab- more bus'nesses come to the flights imme d. la t e 1 y H e a so There are however values lished communities in the na- area." cautioned the nation anrl mem- on merchandise 0 the r t h a n tion which has not experienced bers cf Congress against get- school wear. a difficult parking situation in During this year an ilrea will ting excited about hijacking The three days of unusual recent years. be completed between Notre and sounding off with demands values are sponsored by the Took in $75000 Dame and Cadieux and the for action against Cuba. n the Grosse Pointe Business Men's land will b~ ready for parking J ast two hij'ackings he noted n the City there are 737 by the holiday season. Association and are Poi n t e parking meters and 476 parking the hij'ackers had no apparent W1 'd e. Watch f or 0ff' ermgs m. places in attendant-supervised mr. "'.. Bonde11 sal'd th at par-. connections with Cuba. t k' G P. t "ll b d to nex wee s r 0 sse 0 n e lots. Merchants guarantee the mg revenues W e use ANT-CASTRO CUBANS try- News. City a total of $17100 a year in improve facilities until the City.{ exchange for the privilege of has the finest parking program ing to nijaek a Cuhan airliner Colorful door and window providing parking for their pat- in the metropolitan area. shot it out in the air with a~- signs are being put in the stores rons. Gross parking revenues' 1 Farms Gets $23400 ed ~astro troops Wednesda'y m this week by the many mereh- in the City totalled $75000 and The Fanns wl'th 511 parking a Wlld gun battle that killed.. three persons and wounded six ants who are bent on givng it is estimated ~hat $80000 will meters collected $23400 durit was learned today. A guard Urosse Pointers three shopping be collected 1.n After ing tlle past fiscal year. Parking assigned by the Castro regime days they will long remember. debts and mantenance were meter fines totalled $2350 was killed ~n the latest incident paid for the City had a net Revenues go into the general along with the pilot and one of Rem e m b e r the days revenue of ~36000 from park- fund for maintenance of lots. the hijackers. Thursday Friday' and Saturday ing in n the Farms there arc no spe- of next week! Parking fines which totalled cial parking agreements with PRESDENT KENNEDY with- $ in 1959 declined merchants and au of the lots drew his objection Thursday to.slightly to $4762 in and meters are paid for. allowing the nomination of Fed- S 1ool Bo(. rd According to City Assessor Grosse Pointe Woods has 344 eral Judge John Feikens. of De- C l l Neil Blo~del the City?f on-street parking meters and 67 troit to ~ie with th~ end of the ~feels Aug. 21 Grosse Pomte owes $ off-street tota..ling 'ill During CongressOnal sesson. n re- Auto Parking System Bonds. the pa!>t 'year the Wo~ds realturn Senator Patrick V. Mc- -- Various a.mounts are due each. zed $16086' of which Namara who opposed the nom- The Grosse Pointe Board of ~ear ~nhl the last payment' was net profit. The money is nation of Feikens withdrew Education will hold its regular which S scheduled for 19B1. n put into the capital improvehis proposed amendment to the monthly meeting Monday Aug- addition land contra~ts of ~97- ment fund which furnished the pending foreign-aid bill which ust 21. The public is invi'ted to b 50 0tare n ld 9 u 6 e 6 atdvla9n700ushmes original capital for the lots and would have stripped it of au e wee an. m t rs economic aid. attend. Meetings are held in the' To Buy Two Parcels e e 'Vi Remove Meters.. loard Room at 389 St. Clair i The City plans to purchase As of August 1 the W'ooC; Saturday Au&'Ust 12 and begin at 7:30 p.m. J an additional two parcels of signed an agreement with six PRESDENT KENNEDY won merchanl'l who s e establish- major foreign aid victory Fri- ments are adjacent to the day night when the Senate de- Reside1tts Refuse to Sign Hampton lot. The merchants feated a plan that would have t will pay the Cill' $40 a month all but killed his requested P k. LA' and parking meters in the lot long-range borrowing authority ar Utg ot greement will be removed 10 finance economic loans. The n the Par:c was colvote was 56 to 39 against the An amicable agreement ar- city office with an unsigned lected from parking. There arc plan. A proposed amendment rived at between seven resi- letter stating that the property 229 meters and meter fines toby Senator Harry F. Byrd (D. ' t d $3960 Oth k' Va.) was supportcd by a num. dents and.the owner of a bus- owners refrained from signing a e.' er par tng her of Republicans including ness parkang. lot las~ May 1 the agreement and the matter fines added $3540 to the city Senator flarry Goldwater. But fizzled when the residents rc- of alleviating the accumulation coffers Park merchants may fused to sgn a proposc'd agree of storm waters in back yards. make drranl'('ments 10 pay the enough GOP senators support.... ' - cit.y $50 a.'('ar in return for the ('[ the administration to dc'feat ment. fhe agreement was to was back in the hands of the tll~~~:. against Byrd wc're 10 :~~~C'ln:o~~~~~' ~h~;:i~:~~/~;s~: ~~::~~::' ~?;ht a~:~n~el~s~~~kethe i~~~~:::~~~~n~l~~~~[;~lrpl~~~~~ Republicans ami 46 D~mocrats. denls. _. Aecordin~ to the agreement.. including Senators Philip Hart.T. Kogan of Oak Kogan offered to deposit the meters in the Park ilre paid Det t owner of the Sears sum of "950 tt\ be used by the for the revenues go into the and Patrick McNamara of roo ' -;> city's general fund Michigan SuP\!orting him were Suffrm.Kroger lot abuttmg residents for the necessary 16 Demo~rats and 23 Republl- the propertic~ of the residents land fill a'nd landscaping procans. infonned the Farms council on vided the agreement was ae Monday August 7 that he ceptable to all parties con- THE ARMY WLL SEND presented the property owners cerned and provided it was ap additional t roo p s to with a proposed agreement proved hy City At tor n e y Europe n the immediate fu- clrawn up by his attorney hut George McKean. ture Army Secretary Elvis.r. the residents refused to sign The council voted to wash its Stahr..Tr. announced Friday. The lot and residential oro- hands or the matter but left MorC' men ar(' presently being perty abut at Mack and Mor. the door open for future heartrained for shipment later. Ar: 05S ings concerning the case Stahr rnadc! the announcement On.July fi Kogan submitted Aetua'ly only three residents (Continued on Page 19) a copy of the document to the (Continued on Page 2) \ ~~.<..dad" Pointe Share Of State Fund s $72452 H'way Department Begins Distribution of Highway Tax Corrections HOlUb Shelter Supplies Shown ' Three Mile Park Site Plans Given City's Approval Authorize Planting of 54 Young Trees and nstallation of. Police ntervene in Feud Grolving Out of Car Sale Park police possibly prevented a Detroit shooting on Mon. day Augm;t 7 wh('n they arrested a Detroit man with a semi-automatic rifle and turned him over to Detroit autlloritirs for invc'stil'ation Thr Park polirl' reerivl'd a f ~'ou'd likr to know whilt' call from a Wayburn avl'nue sullplic's arc nccessary for a reslrkn. who sl ated t h.1t he S.'W famly to live for two weeks in a man walking on Charlcvoix a bomb shelter take a look at between :'>lar~'land and Alter the display window of Farms road waving a ri l(' Market this week. Police Lt. Gerard Kcsteloot The display shows the various and Patroimen John Trombley canned goorls a family should Richard Conover and Walter have on hand if dis.lster strikes Paton were dispatched to the Will:.lm Moil' owner and man- area hut did not see anyone. ager of the store is commissary They conducted a syst~matic rh"irm"n of Civil Defense and search of the vicinity has afl'anger1 to have he db. ThC'y found lames Scruggs play appear in his store 51 of 2900 Alter road and his Mr.!\loir ('xpects that similar wice Prarl fio... ilung on the displays will soon appear in floor sill of their apartment windows of other area markets. house north of Charle- voix. Leaning against a wall. at the foot of the stairway of the Alter road address. was a semiautomatic 22 caliber r i fe. S<-ruggs was taken into custody without resistance 11. Krsleloot said t!jat hl' rirle contained an ('mpty shell clip. ilnd Scruggs claimed he had no shells for the gun hut one was discovered next to the gun. Scruggs told the officers that he had sold a car to a man named Clarence Malone ad dress not given ann that he and hs wife went to a.tcfferson avenue bar wherr hey heard :\!alone was and dunnc'd him for payment. :'1alone according to S('rug~5 beat him and his wife and threatened to kill them it they (Conllnued on Page 2) Populatioll Of Dh;trict Hits Woods Leads 'Nith Residents; Number of Vacant Homes Declines to 462 Play Equipment for Tots at Total Cost of $ The 1961 School Cen~us reveals that the populatlon The Park will continue beautification of its new of the Grosse Pointe School Three Mile Drive Park by adding 51 young trees and District has increased to a installing play equipment for little tots. The Park coun- total of persons. This is an increase of 530 over cil on Monday August 14 authorjzed City Manager the previous year's count. Robert Slone to appropriate up to $1000 to carry out ncluded in the school district this phase of the park program. are all five of the Pointes and The recommendation for the:;' a small f r act ion of Harper tree planti g and ifi~tallation of T S Woods All of the municipalithe play ~quipment w~ made 'tvo tores ties involved registered a gain by Councllman Charles V.~i; except Grosse Poi n t e Park chairman of a sun'ey committet.1 R -d which showed a loss of 14 indirecently appointed by Mayor est eltces viduals The biggest gain 176 Ken net h Cunningham. The was shown by Grosse Pointe other members of the commit- Bltrglarized Shores tee are Councilman John Doelle ' The population figures bro-- and City Manager Slcne gen down by municipality come Studied Possible Uses People Attending Night out this way: Park 15997; City ' The committee was primarily F b G R d G959; Fat'ms 12583; Woods.. appointed to consider possible oot a ame eturne 19282; Shores. 2477; and the uses and to recommend future to Ransacked Homes Harper Woods fraction development of the Three Jllile C ens u s enumerators who Drive Park. Two Shores residences made their count in the latter The committee accol'ding to were completely ransacked part of May found that the ves is working closely with F' number of school age children the city administration and the during the evr"ning of n- (5-19 years) had increased by Plan Commission and has in- day August 11 while their 557 youngsters. They now total speeted the grounds of the Mc- occupants were attending Of which approximately l\illian Estate and the prop- a night football game at arc enrolled in the puberty owned by the city at the Tiger Stadium. lie schools. Three Mile site. "The property t h Fewer Tots This Year surveyed is very beautiful and En ered were t e homes of the Park is fortunate in owning Mr. and :Mrs. William Sturges Pre-school ch11dren tot a a it" ves said. 76 Shore crest circle and the have declined however for the The McMillan Estate was pur- Gary Strohs 84 Shore crest cir- fifth straight year. There were chased by the Park early in cle. The Sturges and Strohs 4771 children aged 0-4 years 1960 but with the stipulation were absent from their h~mes in the district this spring as that!1l's. James McMillan be from 8 pm. to midnight. compared to 5014 last year and allowed life occupancy. A- Suspect Being Sought a high of 5~99 in th h d b h '.. {\ slight mcrease n bulldmg oug now owne y t e Cty. Sbores'pollee ere laokm.g fori aetlvty was recorded by the Mrs fcmlan win contfnue to t h h b th pay the taxes on' the property a ~uspec w 0 a~ een ~n e enumerators this year. While neighborhood se~1dg Christmas only one more residence was until her death after which the cards and wrapplllg paper for under construction than in 1960 estate will be taken over by a claimed N~ti~nal Youth Bu. (56 VS. 55); the number of The State Highway De-' the cit~~ Continue Study reau 01' a?1ehlgan Youth Bu- building permits fo: the first reau. six months of the year was up partment has started dis- ves stated that it is the de- Police Chief Fred Duemling -from 107 to 112. More than tributing s e con d quarter sire of the committee to eon- stated that so far an investiga- half of these (60) were issued Motor Vehicle Highway tinue its study of the property tion failed to bring to light one in Grosse Pointe 'Woods with Fund collections to Michi- throullhout the season and to or the other named organiza- most being in the Ferry School gan counties and incor- submit a complete report at a tions. He described the suspect district. This growth was antici.... later date However he added d porated.clt~es and Vllages. for the present the committee as being about 18 years old pat.e by the Board of Education.The Pmnte s share of the fund will make the following recom- about five feet ten inches tall several years ago and as are. \.1i'lllamount to.$72452 aeeord- mendations which the city about 190 pounds rather heavy sut a six-room addition to that t i f t d b t d '1' ht school is now under construclug 0 n. orma lon re e~se. Y council approved: se an was wearlllg a 19 State Hlghw~y Comm1sslOner Authorize the city manager blue shirt and light blue pants tion. t will be put into service John C Maek1e. to purchase and plant in the He said the youth appeared very this fall and will pro vi d e l.t d t "room to grow" for s eve r a 1 The 'W00 d s the biggest landscaped area and along the po e an nea. years Pointe will receive the largest easterly fence at the rear of Missing from the Sturges' Empty Homes Decline share; $23610; the Park will the lots on Grand Marais dur- home as far as could be deter- The number of vacant reslget $19754; the Farms $16805; ing November 34 hard maple mined was one earring value dences in the Pointe has dcthe City $9103; and the Shores trees at a cost of $425; six not known. Mrs. Sturges stated clined as compared to last year. $3lBO. honey locust thornless $72; that she attacherl sentimental S eve n t y-eight fewer empty Took n $ ~hree ~een ash $30; tw? weep. value to the item. homes were found this May al-. mg Willows $33; and SX syca- Mackie_.said that net recel.pts mores $75. The total cost of $175 n Cash Taken though the total 462 exceeds f th H h F d d the numbers found in some o e tg way un unn.g this project will be $635. At the Strohs' residence the A d J f th ' earlier years prl ay t an d t une $ S Approve Pl~y ~ Equl'pment thief or thieves had better Other highlights from the ~~a~~c~~~~~no~$9~197 ~~e; th~ Auhthorize the. city ~tanager to luck taking $175 in cash an au- census re ve a thilt Grosse.. purc ase a SX-UUl nursery tomatic.38 eaiiber seven.shot Pointe Woods continues to le:ld same perod swing set along with a nursery pistol and a diamond-emerald in most categories t has the He revealed that gross collee- swin'" gate to be erected im- ring value not known. largest number of residences tions amounted to $ med~tely along the western 1 Ch' f D r 'd children adults and of coursl' from which the collection costs boundary of the park and to 0th ere suspec 'Jems t 109 are sbem'" al severa ques total population. Harper Woods of $ Comm'ss'o's and the sha'water- e of construct ' a sand box near the t' lone. d Th e~ t 00 hob ave een ~ - has the most individuals per ways n r. swmgs and swing gate and seen in the area prior to and residence while the Farms has $186fi27 were deducted. purchase six benches for the after the burglaries wcre dis- the most adults per residence. All state gasoline and diesel area at a total cost of covered. On the average ('ach home in fuel taxes license plate fees and The over-au total cost of the the district houses 1.24 Cllt!- a small amount of miscellaneous planting and equipment instal- dren and 2.14 adults for a total fees are deposited in the ~otor ation is $9B1.75. THEF RUN'S PHONE of 338 persons. Vehicle Highway Fund. There was some debate as to A breakdown of the '\.'outh h th h. ' h While checking business doors " Jlow luoney's Spent weer t e nsta abon of t e population shows the fohowing: ' th play equipment for the tots in the Kereheval-on.the-Hill dis_ Th:re are 4771 n the 0-4 year. After de duct S distributed under Ons provsons. e ~o.ney might not detract from the t' nc t d urmg. th e mg 'h' f '" 'd L 0 L'r ay bra c k e t; are aged 5 of state law which provides that passive recr:atlon aspec~ of the August 11 Farms Patrolmen through 11 and represent the 47 per cent goes tl} the State palrk but this was descrbed. by Harold Beaupre and Earl Field (Continued on Pal;'c 2) CY' h D t t f S one as a passive recreahon llg wa~ epar men or use on activit~.. discovere'd that a thief had torn state highways 35 percent to. the state's 83 countics for culln-!here's A!'llfferencr a pay telephone from the wall ty roads and 18 percent U> 510 Actlv~ rec~eat?n was defmed of a booth next to the NEWS incorporated cities and villages as partlc?atlon m such games office 99 Kercheval and stolen for their roads and streets. (Contmued on Page 2) the coin box. Under t~is formula the State Highway Department will receive $ of the second qu;rter collections counties $ and the cities and villages $ Wa~'ne Count~"s share o[ the fund will amount to $29999GO. \ Pur~e Sllalchcl. Nets Bi~ lalll illrs. Bertha 1\1in<'1la. fiot at 21') East Grand houlevard Dr- roit. slept in her car with her head on her purse but the [lurse was snatclwci from unde' her. On Sunday August 6. :\lrs. :'>linella stopped Patrolmen Rus' se11 Allard and William En. wist!e who Wl'fe patrolin~ l\[;j.rk: ah'nue in tlleir pot ice cruiser. The woman told the offic:'!'. that she and her hushan(;..to111 ;;~. had had a f('w drinks anrl cl('cidn! to sleep t off in thrll' eal'. She' said shl' slept on the front se1t wit h hl'r h('ad on h('' purse. Sh(' said she fe'lt a tu>:: and the purse was gone. Sho got out.i the rar to look al'ound but did not see or heat' anyont'o l\lrs. :'>linellj told A'hrd and F.nwislll' that her purse eontaincd $20 in cash.1nd a Cily of DC'lroit chec'k 111:ld('out to hc'r in the amount of S~1.37. and her yellow ~()lcl diamond wedding and engagement rings valued at $750. The purse also contained the car keys she' said. H "cr1rd "trd "rlsttfddrl< & srlc"d i 11##'1 lid

2 q q-.- 'U.=C4CCCCC.c.wccuaaauaaua c _ Page twist Two The University of Michigan 127 Michigan communities this offered courses n rcal estate in )'car Your HeadqufJrters Back-lo-School Wear Latest fall fashiol/s now t'ea(/'y for )'O{lr il/spectiol/ lor Kercheval at St. Clair - in the Village SPECALS! Thurs. Fri. and Sat. SAVE ON FRST-QUALTY SHEER SEAMLESS NYLONS Save 26c Reg. 79c pro WOOL ATHLETC SOCKS $1 00 Pro ' 53C " 3 Men Guilty n Petty Theft Three men pled guilty to simple larceny at a hearing before Park Judge C Joseph Bel. anger on Wednesday August 9 who scntenced the men to pay a fille of $50 each or serve 10 days in the Wayne County Jail. Thc fines could not be paid and the jail terms were imposed. Convicted wcre Guy Boyte 40 of 1529 Lycaste; Arthur La- Rocue 48 of 1516 Lycaste; and Donald L. Gil'ens 24 of 1573 lart all of Detroit. The three men were arrested by Park Patrolmen Richard Conover and Walter Pat 0 n shortly before midnight Monday August 7. The officers were patroling Kerchevat avenue "ht'n they observed the three in a car owned and driven by Givens just as the men left the real' of Bruce \'1' igie's ptumbing store branch Kercheval. Boyle LaRocue and Givens had taken three large steam radiators from the stol'e and Pro By ADLER! Finest lambs wool - nylon reinforced at heel and toe. Sizes 'YOU CAN CHARGE T AT KRESGE'S had placed two in the trunk of their car and one on the back seat. As Cono\'el' and Paton approached the trunk of Givens' car flew open aud the police- TU GROSSE PONTE NEWS Police and Firenlen Plan Annual Field Day for (ids On Saturday~ Ali~llst 26 Metropolitan Club and ts Auxiliary to Stage 21 st Event for All Pointe Children at Neighborhood Club The twenty-first annual Police and Fireman's Field Day wi be held at the Neighborhood Club on Saturday August 26 ~'~ _ The field day which ts spon- cloll'ns and a fire h"l.lck which sored by the Mctropolitan Club \l'i provide rides for the kids. with the hel.p of Grosse!"ointe Chairman of the event is merc.ha~ts S for. all chldren. Dave Taylor of the Park fire ~dnllsslon s free Just by sholl'- department. lg a park pass. Many prizes will be gil'cn The Ladics Auxiliary of the away including bicycles tri- 1letropolitan Club is going to cycles rods ami reels jump assist agal this year. They will ropes balls and balloons. be on hand to register the kids Field events will be stagt'd for the priws to be given away throughout the morning and All children are asked to regearly afternoon starting at 10 ister at their locat fire departo'clock. ment or at the Neighborhood ~re~ hol dogs popcorn SOft' Club befnre the }<'ieldday. For drinks and ice cream wlll be further information contact any served. Pointe police or fire depart- Special allractions wlll -be ment. New Pupils Can Register Starting on August 28 The registration of pupils concerning textbooks to be new to the Grosse Pointe used this year. Publle Scholll System will bt! Secondary school students possible at all school offices desiring to make changes in durln.~ the afternoon hours of their schedules should see the the week August 28-Septem- a'ppropriate dean during afterbel' 1. noon office hours August 28- Newcomers to the school dis- September 1. The parents' trict may obtain information consent in wrtng to the concerning which elementary 'change should be furnished at or secondary school serves the same time. their neighborhood by contnct- Elementary school offices TRANNG ng the central administrative wlll be open daily beginnng men saw the radiators and stoppcd thl! men for invesligation. The officers arrested the three and took them to the station for questioning. A college man'.; higher learn- offices of the school system August 28 Families enrolling lng at this time of year con- (TU Extension 33) 389 for the first time are requested sists maint~' in learning how to st. Clair. ' 'to visit the school serving ther tackte low. Parents of new students a'l'e neighborhood during the after advised that a copy of the noon hours Monday through. pnpll's birth record is required Frday. ~ to make a complete registra " tion. n addition a record of Refused previous school experiences Gross Poin te News such as the most recent report Published every Thursday by Anteebo Publisherll nc. 99 Kercheval Avenue Grlisse Pointe 36. Michigan Phone TU Three Trunk Linea Entered ao second c1... matter al he post "fflce Detroit. l1chlgan under the act ot l:uch Subscription Rates: $4.00 Per Year by Mall ($ u t s Lde Wayne County). All News and AdvertiSing Copy Must Be n The News OUlce by Tuesday Noon Lo nsure nserllon. Address all Mall (Subscrlpllons Change 01 Address Forms 3579) to: 99 K er c h e val Avenue Grosse Polnle 36. Michigan. Pointe Screen and Sash Mack card s desirable as an aid to the school staff n' making a proper grade' placement. n the case of a senior high school student parents should also ask officials of the last school attended to send an official transcript of the student's record to Grosse Pointe High School. Students in attendance n the Grosse Pointe schools l3'st spring are a ' e a d y enrolled They will be advised later in the month by malt of the opening day activities scheduted for thelrparticuluar building. Thus l'hey wilt be able to report directly to the pmper place when c ass e s begin T h u rs day morning September 7. An orientation program for 7th gra'de students and transfer students will be held in each of the three junior high schools Wednesday Septerr- bel' 6 at 1:30 p.m. Parents are welcome. A s i mil a ' orientation for 10th graders and newcomers is planned at Grosse Pointe High School for the same date. Grosse Pointe High School students are advised that the book store will be open at 9 a.m. daily August 28-Septembel' 1. Long line-ups can be avoided if books are purchased during this week instead of waiting for clasl~s to begin Another article elsewhere in this issue gives nformation (Continued from Page 1) were affected by the accumulation of surface waters in their back yarrl~ which they blamed on the low grade eascment paralleling the wall on Kogan's property. Kogan offered to pay the full cost of leveling landscaping and planting on the casement in the interest Of good relationship. The council refused to act any further. O:le councilman said of the residents "Let them drown" and recommended that the matter be dropped unless the - residents themselves would like to bring t up again at some future council meeting. Halt Feud (Continued from Page 1) did not leave him alone. After the beating Scruggs told the officers he went home to get his rifle and was looking for Malone. Scruggs denied that the gun had been loaded or that he had any shells for t until the shell was found alongside the rifle. The informer told police on the phone that he saw Scruggs walking on Charlevoix waving the gun and at times he appeared to be hiding in store entrances peering out. Detioit police were called and they continued the investigation of the case Pal'k Plans Poputarlty is easy to acquire -just learn how to make the other feltow feel important. GAS HEAT S BEST and costs far -less! Our prices are tiw Our merchandise TOPS the Kercheval n t ;'.~ ".!i; Thursday. August ' New Minister To Give Serllion Worshippers at the Grosse (Continued from Page 1) Pointe Methodist Church on as football and baseball where- Sunday August 20th 'will hear in large crowds are ath'actcd thcil' first sermon from the lie' resulting in noise and other ac- assistllnt minister. The Revllvities. Cl'C'ld Alfred '1'. BllmsC'y as- However the council agreed sumed his duties at the ehurr:h to meet in executive session in 011 August. the!~ar future" to ~etermlne l\lr. Bamsey is a June graduwhat t wlll consder S passive ate of Ullioll Thcological Scmi- 01' ac.lve rccreatlon and to.s~t nary in New York City He was t~e ules g?verning th~ aetl~l. graduated from Albion College tics that wli~ be ~ermltted.m at Albion Mich. in He the Three Mile Drive Park. was ordained at the June session of the DelJ'(Jit Annual Conft'ren ce of The 1\1 e tho d i s t Census Church rt'cently 1\11'. and Mrs. Bamsey xre former :.:esidcnts of Royal Oak where their parents (Continued from 'age 1) continue to live. They were acelementary s c h 0 0 set; 4074 tive in the First \lt'thodist juniol' high age pupils (12-14); Chruch of that city. They will 3378 aged most of whom be living al Lake Shore would be in senior high schooi; road in St. Clair Shores "lid 2257 aged HJ-l9 a large ". portion of which ~-O\lP ~l~ 1he Rev. James D. Nxon probably graduated and gone on pastor of the church introduced to college or to jobs. The grand Mr. Bamsey to the congregation total s indil'iduals. in services last Sunday. The ~~.~~.~~ tile C.-PUS c('.~m Rev.!ll' Bamsey will have specific responsibilities in the areas of Cilristifn Education and mis- sions in add t on to other pllstoral duties shared with Mr. Nixon. Followng services last Sun. day M'. and Mrs. Bamsey wera grceled by the congregation du'ing a sepcial coffee hour in the church parlors. The first fall Family addit:onal event whereby the church welcomes them. Youl1g Execs like Wlullil1g~ W{lrdr()/;e Pllll! lets hem select a tomplele coordinated wardrobe now for business and pleasure. and they can wear he entire wardrobe while paying for it in 12 monthly installments A Whaling's traintd style counselor will help you select dolhes that are in good tasle but not expensive. Good idea? Stop in and see us his week WHALNG'S With WiiZt 520 WOODWARD 1 MLE a~ LVERNOS FSHER BULDNG.tAl? SHOP has come to the Village the ~Y-WORD in smartness and style for the Young 1\lan Come in and see the most unique and completely different ry SOP f you're you're sure to feel CAMPUS is the shop with style and appea1. Don't be asleep at the switch- Ditch that old wardrobe- Latch on to. the NEW with CAMPUS in view. Whether it's khakis corduroys shirts and sweaters for fall Go CAMPUS you'll find them all! CAMPUS SHOP -in the Village "StJ'le Center for tbe YOllng.Mall" TUxedo The fonnuiaabove points out the very obviou!> fact that 1 plus 1 always equals 2. By applying this fonnuh to your income you would find... one income S good two incomes arc better. Ask a person who owns some stock or a few bonds of some fine company. Na wonder so l'!1any good providers are using money not needed for daily living to invest in sound stock or bonds. At the station Boyle La- Rocue and Givens admitted taking the radtators. They were held for Wednesday morning court. You don't havc to be an cxpc'rt to invest wisely... but you do need experienced advice. Any of ollr Registered Representatives are thoroughly experienced in giving cornprtent advice. Why not call or stop in at either of our convcniently located offices and talk o\'('!' a second inconh'... relllcjnher 1 plus alwa~'s equals 2. Naturally there is never an obligation. Wherever people of distinction and discernment gather CadillCl-c is the one fine car so brilliantly prominent Certainly no other car speaks so eloquently of its owner's good taste good judgment and character or gives him so honored an introduction wherever he goes To the business or professional man about to purchase a luxury car there is no more respected motor car :nvcstmcnt than a Cadillac..~. MANLEY BENNETT Ml<MBElOUl NEW YORK STOCK XCH"NG[ & CO..hl 1114/"1D... h 26 WO... S-1122 Listen to WCAR-6:10 P.M-Monday through Friday- For tm latest Market News-1l10 on your dial 'u"fl.lcf Hili. Mich. JOrd." '""UO VST YOUR WeAL AUTHORZED ~~ DEALER O'lEARY CADillAC nc. 17J 53 E. JEFFERSON AVE. GROSSE PONTE _._ ~- "

3 Thursday August J GROSSE PONTE NEWS Page Three PRE. SEASON SALE OF FAMOUS BRAND TOP QUALTY YEAR-ROUND TOPCOATS-OVERCOATS BEGNNNG THURSD.t\ Y AUGUST 17:~ REG.$ $75.00 :.. NOW $49.88 REG.$ $95.00 NOW $ REG.$ NOW $79.88 REG. $ '.. NOW $99.88 AN EXCELLENT PRE.SEASON SELECTON OF TOPCOATS AND OVERCOATS... ALL SALE PRlCED! REMEMBER REGULAR SEASONAL PRCES WLL START SEPTEMBER 1961 SO SHOP NOW AN D SAVE 10 % 20/'0' 301'0 40/0! CASHMERES WOOLS HOPSACKNGS LUXUROUS BLENDS.. GRAYS BROWNS NAVY NATURAL PAiTERNS CONTN~NTALS VYS RAGLAN SLEEVES SET-~~ SLEEVES NA- TURAL SHQULDER MODELS. : AVALABLE N REGuLARS SHORTS LONGS EVEN EXTRA- LONGS! \:;\ xxxxxxxxxxxxx x "-" 1\ " " '-oi" X ". X X S.STEN&CO. X ~ ~-PM$ ~ x x x x'x x X x x X x x x x.sale PRCES END AUGUST 31! SHOP NOW AND SAVE! OPEN FRDAY AUGUST A.M. to 9 P.M. OPEN THURSDAY AND SAT' 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. VLLAGE YOUTH SHOP Back.To-Schoo'l Clearance A MOST TMELY SALE OF BRAND NEW 1961 BACK TO SCHOOL MERCHANDSE! THS SYOUR CHANCE TO SAVE ' AND SAVE ASMUCH AS 40% ON EVERY BACK TO SCHOOL CLOTHNG NEED FOR EVERYMALE MEMBER N YOUR FAML Y GROSSE PONTE/S FNEST SELECTON FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN SZES' STUDENTSSZES LONG NOW BACK TO SCHOOL SALE PRCED! NEW FALL AND YEAR ROUND SUTS Reg. $27.95 ~OW $14.88 Reg. $30.00 NOW $15.88 Reg. $27.95-$33.00 NOW $ Reg. $35.00 NOW $17.88 Reg. $39.95 NOW $19.88 Reg. $39.95-$45.00 NOW $23.88 Reg. $45.00-$55.00 NOW $29.88 Reg. $49.95 NOW $39.88 vy League Continental Models Regular Models in Soiids Stripes Plaids.. All Popular 1961 Colors. Special. Groups Hurry! NEW FALL AND YEAR ROUND SPORT COATS Reg. $15.95-$18.95 NOW $ 9.88 Reg. $16'.95-$ ' NOW $10.88 Reg. $19.95-$25.00 NOW $12.88 Reg. $19.95-$29.95 NOW $14.88 Reg. $18.95-$32.50 NOW $15.88 Reg. $21.50-$22.50 NOW $17.88 Reg. $29.50 NOW$19.88 Reg. $35.00 NOW $20.88 Blazers Wash & Wears Wools and Wool Blends. All the Popular Styles All the Popular Colors Olive ncluded! Village Youth Shop' Clearance also \ includes... Dress Slacks Sport Shirts Outer Jackets Wash Pants Sweaters Overcoats EVERYTHNG EVERY BOY NEEDS FOR EVERY OCCASON! SALE ENDS AUGUST 31. Blazers and Matching Slacks for Young Men. The Perfect Back-fo-School Outfit in Sizes to Fit Every Boy in Every Family... SALE! xxxxxxxxxxx~xx X W x x ~ x x S. STEN &CO. X ~ ~jzj~ ~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx " KERCHEVAL AT NOTRE DAME SHOP THURS FRDAY SAT ( 2 1 rl 1.. sf_.. cd C d rt d dnrl.. 0'... nd ~ ~ _

4 --'-~~~--_.---- e_.. e qllllq CC q.cl C ClllClCCCClCl.4U4.S_S 4 &.&.& &.&.&.& &.&1&. 11 _ Pa\1e Four. t's Quiet G.E. cushioned mounting cb- orbs vlbrctlof\j QS$ures quiet operaton. l'"s Quick Exclusive cutter gets job done in o{most holt the time of most djsposers. H's Quality Sleek modem styling. Overall meto' construction. Provide. kitten. Quiet operction speed strength long f. uniform. grinding cetion WTH 47 PERENCE YEARS' OF EX. WGL WLL DO A BETTER JOB FOR TON WLL BE GUARAN. TEED BY ONE Of THE BEST KNOWN PLUMBNG CONTRACTORS N THE MDWEST. YOU AT NO EXT R A PRCE. YOUR NSTALLAj Approximately 2500 students ternltles at The belong to undergraduate fra- Michigan. Compasses Wind Ship's Barometers Barographs ndiccltors Bell Clocks Radio Direction Finders Depth Sounders Synchronizers Megaphones Fire STORE."TDE END-Of-SEASON Binoculus Extinguishers Plus many other Begins August 21st Deck Chairs Na uiicill Foul Weather Cruz-O.Matic Nautical Duffle Boarding First Aid Rope Radio Water Bllgs Jewelry Books ladders Kits Phones Skis' items for fife skipper All at Substantial Discounts MODEL Fe-lS UN J LVERNOS VA KERCHEVAL SALE Gear OPEN MONDAY NGHT 'til 9 the ship's wheel Mack Grosse Pointe 36 TU ~.' fllli]. WLL REPLACE " t.' r" YOUR OLD : t ld. GARBAGE GRNDER ~ PLUMBNhHEATNG CD WTH A BRAND NEW '-"~~ GENERAL ~~/ - ~ ELECTRC DSPOSALL A WGLE NSTALLATON S A TROUBLE-FREE NSTALLATON / F YOU DON'T ALR(AOY HAV( A GARBAG( GRNO(R call Wigle for estimate at ntallotion in yow home. Bamsh garbage odors germs - make housework Quickel and easlerl Ferry School Addition ~"~) \~:;~ ~~ Progress on the Ferry School addition is inspected by the officials of the school system and the construction firm. Most of the steel structure is now in place and a beginning har been made on the exterior walls. Pictured from the left are: J. HAROLD Pvt. Davi(l C. Bryant Takes Radio Course FORT KNOX KY. (AHTNC) -Army Pvt. David C. Bryant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bryant Holiday road Grosse Pointe Woods completed the eight-week radio course at The Armor SchoDl Fort Knox Ky. Aug 3. Bryant was trained to send and receive Morse code and to operate and maintain various types of radio equipment under all conditions. He entered the Army last March and completed basic h-aining at the fort. The 23-year-old sol'die!' is a 1956 graduate of Grosse Pointe High School and a graduate of Alma College. CARPETS and RUGSBOUND 4S c :a~ FAST SERVCE McCOY CARPET & SONS COMPANY OPEN THURS. AND FRL UNTL 8:30 P.l\ E. WARREN VA Corner Lakewood GROSSE PONTE NEWS Polio Shots Bus To Visit Area Wayne County Health Department's polio immunization bus will move into Harper Woods next weekend. Shots for protect~n against polio and olher discases wili be available to all citizens of Harper Woods the Grosse Pointes and surrounding communities from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. August and 19. The immunization bus will be located at Eastland ShoPl'ing Center. Thomas S. Davies M.D. Deputy Health Officer for Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods said persons of all ages including babies Ulree months "nd over should take advantage of this opportunity to be immunized. The Wayne Cou~ty Health Department recommends this protection schedule after your first polio shot: n addition to polio protection boosler shots against diphtheria whooping cough and lockjaw will be given to those between the ages of threl! months and six years of age. Shots against diphtheria and lockjaw will also be available 0 those between six and sixteen. 2nd polio-vaccine treatment- 1 month later. 3rd polio-vaccine treatment- 6 months later. _ 4th polio-vaccine treatment- 1 year later. 5th polio-vacicne treatment- 2 years later Boosters - E v e"r y 5 ~'ears thereafter. t is up-ver too late to get started with this protective program. This schedule may' be modified by your doc'mr. f you get off schedule you need not start all over again continue where you left of regardless of the time nterval from your last treatment unlcss your doctor adivses otherwisc. Regardless of your age you need protection against polio. Mrs. Charles Bartley Wodland Harper Woods is chairman of a committee of Harper Woods Health Guild members \\'ho are assisting with the immunization services Because of the assistance of volunteer groups such as the Harper Woods Health Guild Dr. Davies said the C()st of these shots will be only oue dollar per person. Those unable to pay one dollar will be asked to contribute what they can "No one will be turned away!" the Health Officer 'mphasizcd. HUSBAND Director of Administrative Services for the schools; Architect EARL MEYER Contractor W. A. LUTZ; EDW ARD PONGRACZ Trustee of the Board of Education; and EL VEN DUVALL Asst. Superintendent of Schools. Capt. Edwin H. Lewis Takes Special Course FORT SAM- HOUSTON TEX..1 (AHTNC) - Capt. Edwin H Lewis 28 whose wife patricia) lives at 3455 Richard Ann Arbor. Mich. completed the military orientation course at Brooke Army Medical Center Fort Sam Houston Tex. July 22. Captain. Lewis received training in the treatment of battle injuries. care of personnel suffering from combat exhaustion and preventive medicine procedures used to detect health hazards and avoid epidemics. A member of Phi Gamma Delta and Nu Sigma Nu frater- nities the captain is a 1951 graduate of New Castle (P.) High School and a 1958 graduate of the University of Michlgan. He was a physician at the University Hospital Ann Arbor. before entering the Army. His '1 parents Mr. and l\'lrs. Hamilton W. Lewis live at 349 McMillan Grosse Pointe. Bl1'l'EN BY l\ouse. A tame white mouse owned by a young neighbor friend bit Linda Cushman 10 of 352 Ridgemont on the left third finger. The neighbor Jack Williams 14 of 357 Ridgemont who raises white mice will keep all of his pets confined for 10 days for observation Men's Club.. PAUL GACH CAMERA Garden to Meet The Men's Garden Clrb of Grosse Pointe will meet this Thursday at 6:30 o'clock n the Buckingham road home of James Passanante fo' a barbecue. Den Beyer will present an African film to the guests taken on his trip from Cairo to Capetown. The next meeting of the group will be 011 September 21 and the program will concern evel'greens. SALON 24.Hour ~ ::l ~ervlce Slides Movies and Black a'ld White Prints 345 FiJher Rd. TU SPECAL! Fl!mous W'W' r. rn Golf Balls by Wilson Lively rubber center Pure rubber thread. Vulcanized cover. Reg. $7.80 doz. $4 48.dVi:. $2.50 Y2 Doz. Thursday. August J Kercheval at St. Clar -i" th_ Villag 3 for $1.25 YOU CAN CHARGE la~\kresge's - Detroit~s Exc'usiv@ East Side OldslDohile Dealer.! Sold RGHT Serviced RGHT PricedRGHT... AT WHYTE'S! Whyte has the deal you have been looking for. Located only minutes from your home. There never was a better time to buy! 'VDYTE Oidsillohile Serving the Emt Side for 16 Years E. JEFFERSON VAlley A Message on Kitchens f you are thinking of modernizing your kitchen why not call the firm with the most experience in this type of work. We have plc!lnned instc!llled and past 25 yec!lrs. supervised kjtcmn insic!lllations for the Since 1~76 ~) Local Authorized NCORPORA Denier TED HARPER AVENUE Phone LA f you are moving or know of someone who is moving contact Welcome Wagon for your basket of gifts and greetings. PHOJ~E TU TU WELCOME W'AGON... ON YOUR SAVNGS? When you plan your savings program it'~ just common sense to save w~ere your account grows FASTER. That's at the nearby office of Frst Federal where you get a better-than-average 3)1% on all your savings. Your account is of course insured to $ Our people ~ake ~avmg pleas.ant for you.at any of 14 offices. Or-you can add 0 savmgs. and W1thdraw el}ttrely by ma(l if you wish-using free postage-l?ad envelopes provided free by Frst Federal. Why not open your savmgs account now-at FRST FEDERAL SAVNGS OF DETROT Kercheval near St. Clair Grosse Pointe Safe Deposit Boxe. for rent $5.00 a year up plus Fed!lol Tax Member Federal Saving.'! and Loan nsurance Corporation

5 s <at a... c_ Thursday August ' LVE FOR TODAY Eat d~'lnk and be mel'r~'. for tomorrow YOUr hei1's may blow your hard-earned shekels. Students Offered Parcnts of secondary sehoot CHET SAMPSON TRAVEL SERVCE students in the Grosse Polntc Public School S y s t e m frequently inquire conccl'ling the..~. textbooks their children.vill' have to purehase for thc new school year. As is commonly: known the school district pro'/ vidcs free textbooks for all pupils up thl'ough grade 8. However pupils in grades 9-12 must purchase privately the approved textbooks fo' the courses n whlch they enroll. ~~.~. '!olo.. ~~\ClN So." 'rr :""rb'.~ ~~. Eaeh sccondary sehool opcr. ~ >~ 1f'4VEL..~\~ ates a bookstol'c in which students may purchasc the required books. The bookstore THS SGN GUARANTEES YOU PROMPT at Grosse Pointe High School PERSONALZED PROFESSONAL will open August 28 so that TRAVEL SERVCE. as many students as possible may purchase their tcxts before Ninth Year of Sert'itlg Gl'osse Paiute classes ac!u ally begin. Accuralc ir.formatjon as to. which a~c the... _. Your Vocation Headquarters prdp! b()uk~ W' pal'leuial' courses will be available there as well as from the school offices. 100 Kercheval on the Hill TU 'B~ekuo 20% ~Ch001 DiSAii: on SALE! ma-::< grosse pointe wood. TU Footwear Gym Shoes Galoshes d TUxedo n lltjlf Kercheval Near Cadieux ~T -ill the Village PONTE kitchen center~inc. Adtice To avoid inadvertently purchasing textbooks from upper cjassmen which may no longer be in use a summation of the areas in which new tilles or new edltions of previously used texts. have been approved for use is printed here. All other textbooks as approved and used last year wjll continue to be used in the other subject matter areas. Cllrtain c h a n g e s have been approved in texts used in Grades 1-8 as well. but as indicated above these books are furnished free of charge by the school distrlct and no private purehase is necessary. Good used textbooks are nor. mally available in quantity for the early comers to the bookstores school officlals stated. Lt. Thomas J. McKey. nstructs at Center GROSSE PONTe NEWS "i~'" Work Progresses at Memorial The Board of Education after The $ addition to Grosse a prolonged investigation and Pointe Memorial Church is progressing rapidly and is scheduled for com- study by both staff members and trustees officially approved pletion early in Workmen have new texts in the followlng secondary school subject matter poured c e men t on the third floor and the bricklayers are nearly fin- areas in their June meetiug: Cii~ (G"de 9l Englih (Grade 10); French - (Grades 10-11); Spa n ish and (Grades 10 and 12); Trigonometry; Mathematics 1Va (Grade 12-acceleratedl; and Driver Edu- eation. Thomas J. McKey a senior in the University of Michigan law school is serving this summer as an instructor in the handling of dangerous cargo at the U. S. Coast Guard Reserve Training Center in Yorktown Virginia. He is a lieutenant in the Coast Guard Reserve. Mr. McKey's home is at 5295 West Mlchigan street Ypsilanti. but his wjfp and five-week-old son are spendjng the summer with him near Y"rktown. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs: Thomas J. fckey of 451 fckinley Grosse Pointe Farms. Mr. McKey has served aboard Coast Guard cutters in Miami and Honolulu and as assistant chief of naval engineerin;; for the Miami district. He is now a member of Coast Guard Reserve Port Security Unit in Detroit. Grosse Pointe Metropolitan Poice~ Firenlen & Federal 21st Annual (". - Church...) ~ J! J';'...'.... /;~l :. i.1j.~ ;: '''>/.". Children register for Field Day. at your local Fire Department. with your Park Pass Club Saturday August 26th 10:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Neighborhood Club... ~GrossePointe CLOWNS GAMES - REFRESHMENTS PRZES: Bicycfes Tricycles Rods Reels etc. The Metropolitan Club of Grosse Pointe Juvenile Program is possible through the generous support of our local merchants and patrons. We in turn hope that our residents support our merchants so that we can continue our program. Cooper Paid Honor Home Decorative JACOBSON/S _+L Shop Page By Bar Association AUGUST WHTE SALE SAVNGS! PLLOWS - SHEETS - TOWELS BLANKETS - TABLE LNEN BEDSPREADS Five Frank E. Cooper. of Ml'rri- Michigan Law School Cooper 15 weather road was named chalr- the author of "Admlnislrativc man-elect of the Administrative Agencies and the Courts" and Law sl'clion of the American other books discusslng the trial Bar Association at the annual of cases before the National eonvention in Sl. Louis. Labor Relations Board the A practicing lawyer and pro- Fedcl'al Trade Commission and f fl'ssor at the University of othcr administrative tribunals. :::: ~J~:illlllllllllllllll!J//J/ illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilU '" Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 Mon. thru Sat. ;1'~~'~.;:- \0:.:~ ~ _- ~ ': ~-:: "!'~ :.:i li "~'.~ '" {r ~.:~) ~ :: RATTAN A CONTEMPORARY SPREAD in lively sophisticated new colors by Morgan-Jones. Of sturdy cott.:>n this is a bedspread of new dimension. produced by tha!effect of inter-woven textured cords and a rich Avisco j shag border. n antique gold olive. beige willow green ~ or white. Twin or full size Bunk size 5.98 in progress! ~ ' ' riilllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllJllllillllllllllllllllllllllll11lllllilllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllillllilllllllllli1111i1111l111ll1ll1111!!llllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll EXTRA-LARGE "SOVEREGN" TOWELS of 'JXuriously thick and heavy terry in glowing Martox colors! Lavender antique gord ming turqu()ise blue mist mint green butterscotch shado... green rosebud pink lemon ice fawn bermuda blue mellon white amethyst platinum. Bath Towels 25x Hand Towel bx30".... :... :B9 Wash Cloth!3x3" 39 Bath Mat 20x34" = Cast ron and Aluminum Outdoor Furniture Our remarnlng stock of Settees Tree Benches Arm Chllirs Coffee Tables Umbrellll Tables a nd Planters GREATLY REDUCED for clearance. 20% Off Woods Mantel & Tile COMPANY Harper 7 810ds N. of 8 Mile Rd. " DR Open Monday and }>riday 9!() Tues. Wed.. Thurs. and Sal.! to = = is TWO HOUR FREE PARKNG - Tickets Validated When You Make a Purchase HEMSTTCHED RSH LNEN TEA SET Simple elegijnce for ahern"on er\terta ining this bea uti. ful 45x45" tea cloth with finely mitred corners and four matching napkins. White pink. ecru yellow green aqua. 3.98

6 - ~~ ~-----:-. -~-:-~~~ _- --q - 11"'~._-~.11114~a. C llq 4!._!'.l!U.-! ~411l1'QQ q4!e.. z.. 411blJlQS!ll. "4!l1c.z al4a"zlz21112.q~2 a". L".2a 2& 2.& ~ flood SWEEPSMAN. SON 10 DEATHN CAR-Curious resi<le~ts of Washta a. crowd onto a bl'ldge near the city where car cal''ying man and hs son was swept from the highw~' by flash flood. The car was found but the bodies of Wilson Zarr 4.3 and his son Archie 20 were not recovered immediately. HE ASKS AliMONY FROM HER-Bit actor C::et ~!:l:'sh:ill <lnj actress wife Karen Sharpe are shown in Lo~' Angeles where he asks a court to award him temporary alimony. Marshall testified that he sacrificed his own career to promote hers. And his auroney argued that since women have reached a state of equality it s not unreasonable that if the wife earns more than her husband she should pay him support. The judge ruled against Marshall's request. 1HlNKSHE'l>C01 A RECOlD-Tvnl Clv.;iJy puuld out tile!jig feed near Fond Du Lac Wis. t.hinking maybe he's got a record production. His 12 pure bree1 Chester White sows produced 160 live pigs losing only two. That's nearly 14 per....~.~...!...- lookout BEHND somebody's got a camera! t's French film star Brigitte B:lrdot getting pl<1uty of 8m at Lake Piediluco taly where she's making "Private Life." Beside her is tlle producer Mrs. Gouze Renal. ~ EASTGERMANY'SLOSS S WESTGERMANY'SGAN-Refugees from East Germany throng the Marienfelde Camp in West Berlin waiting their turn to register. These are part or the nearly who have turned their bricks on Communism this year (Radiophoto) ANOTHER 'FRST' - Judge James B. Parsons -i9 faces the camera with wife Amy in Chicago after being named a U. S. District Court judge by President Kennedy. Judge Parsons is the first Negro ever to win sur..i. a. post. J'; r. f. i. END OF A HOLDAY-A blackened mass of twisted wreckage is all tha.t remains of a chartered e\rliner carrying 34 English schoolboys and two teachers to a holiday in Norway. All the passengers and three crewmen were killed when the plane crashed in the coastal mountains southeast of stavanger. The boys 12 to 14 years of age were from thl: LaFranc School n Croydon a suburb south of London. (Radiophoto) COFFH COMPANYPLANT BLASTKWi TWO-Bodies of two trapped persons were found in the robble after an explosion destroyed a three-story building housing the instant coffee division of the Nestle Co. in Granite City ll. ( BOY KlLE:DN TRUCK-PLANECOLLSON-The b.jdy of Tommy Anderson 16 of Academy S. D. is partially visible in the cab of the truck which collided headon with a s:i'lgle engine plane on State Route 50 west of Geddes S. D. The pilot of the plane which WM using the highway for a takeoff his three passengers and the boy's grandfather were injurd and hospitalized in Plp.tte S. Do ( PARA1ROOPNG-Some of the paratroopers engaged in Exercise Swiftstrike over South Carolilla take auvantage of the lull before the drop to catch a few winks aboard a C-P'9 plane. The humidity and rough ride made many of the jumpers and part of the plane's crew airsick. Shown are members of C company. 187th Airbattle Group 101st Airborne. TO WED COMO-Miss Melanie Elaine Adams 1961 ~Miss Elkart nd and Ronald Como son of singer Perry. obtained a marriage license in Goshen nd. but did not reveal t.'leir wedding plans. Young Como is a student at Notre Dame. [''''''''''''... [" r\..._...;~.."." '... DEPRESSED AREAS-Loans grants to conmlunities. f- / BOMB JOr(E-That ntense e;q>ression on face of Kenneth' E. Partlow 26 Huntington W. Va. probably is there because he is trying to think of a way to talk himself out of a charge of perpetrating a bomb hoax as he is questioned in BinghamtQn N. Y. He told an Eastern AirLines stewardess his suitcase held a bomb authorities Baid. Actually it was loaded with pennies. ;'1 LATC\l A~mRCA AD-ehilean earthquake ulief ~l 00 million $500 mlluon for e<oncjlnic~[('b impro"ement. TAX EXTE:'lSON-Korean \\ar ("1'0 taw's corporallnll ral' '\"nelf'c] ('11<' ~ r"r. JGHWAYS-JUgher taxes 011 truck" tire.oj to keep rn i hllilrlin;:; on 'S<hrdlllc. FEED GRAN PROGK.\:\r-Pa.ymcnts to fanners who Clt l!lr.l prodllction..'j NNDU~[ WAGE-Raised gr:uhl'ly from $1 to ~l.'2;). 'TOUGHESTGAME'-Popping the cork on a bottle of champagne in the Milwaukee Braves' locker room Warren Spahn jokingly said "t was the toughest game of my carcer but deserved it." He was referring to his 2-1 victory over the Chicago Cubs his 300th win making him the 13th major leaguc:r to ever win 300 or more games The next record possible for the 40-year-old portsider is Eddie Plank's 325 victories most compiled by a chhander in the majors. SAVED HER L1Fl: - Peggy Grantz 10 gets a canine kiss (rc:n 5-year-old Duke in Chicago where Duke received the 1961 Dog Hero of Heroes award. Last March Duke saved Peggy's life by tearing off her burning clothing. He was awarded 1\ gold medal gold plated couar and teash gold plaque custom made dog blanket and a year's supply ot dog food. Peggy lives n Niles O....l. i ':-"" " " ' M.~~~Ai~~~i. ;;;. FRST ARAB REACTOR.-Arab techniclws are working on a tuhe.llkc H<'lion ol the first nll<'!('~r re"r:tor n the United Alab Repilblic. Built with Sovitt assistance the kilowatt (lcllity s (unction. tng in suburg ot cairo. HOUSNO-New rederal ~uh~fdir~ to fight DEFENSF...AulllOrity to rail up rescrves ilum!! and mprohl urban conditions. exra procurcmcnt for prrle~ and missiles. KENNEDYlEGSLATVE: BOX SCORE-Here arc! principal administration rcquests enacted nto law by Congrtss so tar. Others includc Social Security liberalization tempol'ar;v 'lncmflo~mlillt COmllWlloUOn ex~njo~.4~ l.luliodllipber (i~~ li&e!t! ~W tr..!}ll+~ NOT EXACTLYPETS- Tony Zuppero keeps his ~cs in the living room of his house in Avon 0" near Clevelancl He uses them to pollinate slle acres of berries he raises as a sideline. Zuppero built the g ass - paneled observation hve with a runway to the outside to keep the bees out ot the house UNHJACKED-The Caban C-47 "Aerovias Q" airliner which some Castro haters tried to hijack on a flight to the sle of Pines is shown on a sugar plantation some 30 mile. south of Havana where the co-pilot ditched during a. gun battle in wl1ich three persons ncluding the pilot were killed six wounded. Tle would-be hijackers got away an but the ona who was killed. A soldier guard also was killed.

7 Thursday August ' Fate of Historic Cabin Subject for Specu lotion The fatc of a log cabin at 809 Lakeshore road built 140 to 160 years ago on the property of descendants of Jean Bap. lste Vernier dit Ladoucier reo mains unccl'tain as negotiations are underway for the fmmer owners to repurchase the cabin MCHGAN BELL A SGNFCANT MLESTONE N FREE ENTER. PRSEwas reached recently when Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Polson of Wichita Kan. together became the 2OOOOOOth0\1'&1' share owner. Thus the Bell System becomes the first privately owned business in history to be owned by so many people-people from all walks of life. This is a prime example of people's capitalism in action-a dramatic testimonial to the American eco. nomic system-democracy in action. ncidentally just 10 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Brady Denton of Saginaw jointly became the AT&T share owner. WHEREVER YOU ARE this summar chances are you'll be near a public tejephonewhether it's an indoor booth or the familiar outdoor booth or the handy new Walk-Up or Drive-Up variety. Anyone of them-and there are more than in Michigan-is your "phone away from home." PRODUCNG A RABBT out of a hat is a startling feat of magic-much like the "magic" produced by Bell System scientists. A bood example is a new way to increase the capacity of transatl!ntic cables. The equipment seeks out the pauses which are a part of every telephone conve;ation and uses thelp for exl!a calls. l1tis remarkable achievement doubles the capacity of underseas cables. t's this kind of ingenuity that helps keep your phone costs low while provid. ing you with ever-improving service. c========================== NOW Choice of 3 easy ways to apply K.O. DRY for SPREADNG y~ delinr he Knock Oul puncb 10 crabgrass nd ugly l&wl weed' lhe sure way...ilh Vaughan' KO. Dump Trucking and Tractor Work GROSSE PONTE NEWS Most excuses are little whhil ~~: ~~~eol:g~~;~~ S:~rt~t~Attend Rendezvous of Power Squadrons Traffic Safety lies wrapped in cpllophane. Woods G R t _._-----_._- The cabin s loeated on old roup epor s Vernier land which the Shores '8!mC!Ml'~S y ' pur c has c d for $65000 from '! "~' Five ve'hicular trawe fatall- r ml JfmfU ~ George and Anne Parker. to " ties were repol-led in the Grosse "l. more than double the size of the ''' :' Pointe-Hal'per Woods area from ~.fla"-:o~/~ ~\l"~--;s;:'1l foa ~ Shores' ~resent lakefront park. ".~ J<lnuary 1 through luly :31 ac'_-" ~.!i1 '( ' '-;":"1 On July 20 the Parke-rs sub ~""""'\~ ~ " :"L cording to a monthlv report..-..."'"?:'-~'d~>'~~~:~~.~ mitled a bid amount undis- ; "Ti ' '!ll submitted by the Grosse Pointe.-' f closed to repurchase the cabin t~:'.t!l!!sl Traffic Safety Committee arc el'en mori': 111/ itself from the Shores. Accord- J"; '';~ '1hn'e of the i'ltalities were re- 1l'11f'!! fl NlfflPrn ROP!llonrr~ Ma~e u.s"ea~ruarte1s 'lor Kodak came~as equipme'rlt "'m ing to Shores Village Superin- ported by Harpel' Woods The tendent Thomas Jefferis the of... '~ Fal~lnsand Shor('s reported one fer was contingent on the Park- :'1;" ~~\'; each There were no fatals 'eers being able to move the cabin " ported in July onlo old Vemiel' land which ' ' '' thcy llave purchased for that ~' The numb!'l' of non-fatal purpose in Gross'! Poinle Woods '" ;{ traffic accidents (persons' re. Two Possible Sites /~ f ported injllrl'lil during last Two lots whkh the Parkers j ' month was et at 16 oc which now own are proposed sites for ~' " "j '.... ~ ' :' six occulted ill Harper Woods; the relocated cabin One is in ~" if... three in the Woods; three in the thl' 900 block of Vernier road ;...".;~~~ ~';" "~:'\'#i""""~ oj Park; thl'ee in the City; one in and the other is in Wedgewood '. f{;' / l'f:"". ~:'~~~V '~the Farms: and none in the belween Anita and Hawthorne. ~~../ _""":.-: ~ if~; "~"'''~1iiShores H..~rn:\11 r.~llcr Weeds build- From the first of the year to ing inspector. has l'uled that the he enci of July the number of. historic structure c a ln 0 t be non-fatals is gh'en as 157: 44 in moved into the Woods under the Park;. 35 in Harper Woods; he existing code ~fe said that 27 in the Farms: 22 in the City; some of the ceilings are too low 21 in the Woods; and 'ight in and that part of the wiring does the Shores not meet specifications. There are other technicalities which" There were 78 property damdeviate from the regulations he age accidenls during July; 20 in said Picl"re by Ray Pl!sbury the Park; 19 in the Farms; 17 The maller will be taken to GROSSE PONTE POWER SQUAD- ham road (left) are pictured with in Harper Woods; 13 in the the Woods Council whi~h 'will RON was represented at the summer MR and MRS. BURTON' JONES of City; five in the Woods;' and decide if the cab i n can be rendezvous of the eastern division of West King's court aboard Lt. Ray four in the Shores m 0 v e d as a non-conforming District 9 United States Power Squad- Pillsbury's cruiser "Wild Goose:' M'. The over-au total property structure if the Parkers request rons which was held at the Wyandotte Goodson and Lt. Pillsbury are both damage in the are'a durin'.! the it. So far no such request has Yacht Club August MR and members of the Grosse Pointe Power first seven months of the year bee n received according to MRS. WLLAM GOODSON of Shore- Squadron is 598 according to the com- Woods clerk Leona D. Licidk - mittee's report Wants To Live n t Of this numbel' Harpel' 1\1rs Parker told the News original logs are to be pre- Willialll (essler To Speak ere Woods accounted for 164; that she definitely wants to served. She said that since 1947 Farms 132; Park 112; City. 89; save the cabin and to live in it. she and her husoand have put William Kessler Wi-U-b-e-t--h-e--c-o-m-m-i-tt-ee the National Com. Woods 72; and Shores 28 She said that she hils been told thousands of dollars nto the _ over the telephone that the cabin and into an additional featured speaker on Sunday miltee on Housing on National Shores wil! accept her bid. A- wing All of the plumbing heat- August 20 at 8 pm at the Adult Juries acts as a critic for the Last year 8000 Univer.;ity of though it would be possible for ing ~nd wirin~ are new.and of Forum of the Grosse Pointe University of Michigan Archi- JHichigan students subscribed the structure to be moved into the fme.st ~uaht~.she sad and Unitarian church E. Jef- tectural School and has spoken to a voluntary health insurance communities out sid e of the the cabin S deflmte1y safe for. ". before the American nstitute plan offered b} the' U. Stud- Pointe she fee s that it is oceupancy as wel as being a ferson He Wll speak on Archl- of Planners and has participat. ent G a vel' n men t Council essential that it remain on orig- historical ass e t to the com- tecture: A Creative Force in ed in several rudio programs through a commercial insurance inal Vernier land for the his- mimity Mrs. Parker believes Society." concerning City Planning. carrier toric con nee t ion to be pre- that the old cabin could easily 1\'[.1'. Kessler a graduate of the - _ served stand another 300 years if it is llinois nstitute of Technology The few non. conformin~' as- not purposely demolished. and the Harvard Graduate peets of the cabm are relatively Future s Uncertain School 'of Design was recently unimportant according to Mrs. What will become of the log recorded recognition by Archi- Parker and are necessary f the cabin if the Parkers are not tectural Record for the design Wholesale Cleaners Mack Wholesale prices to youl All Work Guoron~eed SUTS DRESSES (plain). COATS (plain) BLANKETS JUMPERS DRAPES (each paned 89 c PANTS SKRTS SLACKS. BLOUSES. SWEATERS 49 c Cash a"d Corry Complete Garden Supplies C.ahgrass Kie.s o Fertilizers' Seeds.. Top SoH. Peat Moss nsecticides - Mulches Rose Food. Manures nsect Killers Garden Tools Scotts Vaughan's Sacco and Agrico FERTLZERS 7 Trucks 3 Tractors for your complete general trucking needs i~tmldrum ~i~~ '.' rj~prtat!{8" ~.lit ~u. Serving Grosse Pointe./andthe East Side Since Mack Ave FREEDELVERY. TU allowed to repurcha:e if. from of the Arthur Beckwith home the Shores or remove it to the in Franklin Hills which came Woods is uncertain Jack Wi- ocf the drawing boards of iams Village President Of the Meath' Kesslel' and Ass?ci~tes. Shores said that he "could not t was ('ne of three Michgan say" whether other bids for the h.omes }mong 20 selecled na- cabin have been received or honally. whether the Parkers' offer will Mr. Kessler is a member of be accepted the American nstitute of Archi- Williams disclosed that the teets serves on the Alied Arts Shores would not consider using the cabin in its present location as it is in "a bad spot." He would not comment on whether or not the Shores would remove the cabin in the event that it was not sold or would demolish it saying that!'that would be speculation and do not like to spec;;late" Tom Jefferis Shores Man. ager said that no further word has been heard from the Parkers since th'ey submitted their offer a month ago and that che Council has not taken any definite action. Citizens Are nterested Several groups of citizens have shown an interest in the istoric cabin t is one of five structures included in the book put out by the Lea g u e of Women Voters entitled "This s Your Grosse Pointe" The Detroit Historical Society has indicated a willingness to store the cabin or perhaps to relocate it in Palmer Park A group of citizens in the Shores is working to have the building pre. served possibly as a part of the Shores offices or as a permanent building within the expanded park Whether or not any efforts at pre~erving the landmark will be successful is uncertain So far the Shores as present owner of the cabin has never officially indieate.j t hat the structure would be saved. - REPORTS LOST WALLET 1 Mrs Frances J. Jordan. of 631 Washington called the City police on Thursday August 10 and reported that at 4:30 pm. the day bel ore she parked her car at the curb in front of her home Later she moved it into the driveway until 7 prn" when she realized that her wallet was ~missing. Th(' wallet was white with rcd trim and contained $5 i and miscellaneous papers Confidence games may have a new slitnl but they still contain the same olel angle Our technicians are well trained and experienced. Le ts check )'our rm/elma for besl recept;01j and 'ollr sel tor ")'ltrrt clear v;ewillg. Y01l'lllike our "etlwllnb!c f'rrtes. C. A. Nutting Go. Radio and Televj~jon 6353 E Jefferson LO Your earns al GAS HEAT S BEST and costs far less! CURRENT RATE money more [F)~@[FJ(k.~~ G?G@)8[Fl~[b ~&WO~@~ Wherever you may live you can save in person or by-mail at Peoples Federal and get more on your savings... :B3~~ insured up to $10000 with availability of funds. Every dollar earns for you. There are no service charges or deductions. Come in person or write for a "Save-by-Mail Kit" to open your account. We pay the postage. Start your "Higher Rate" account now. Low-Cost FHA... G and Regular Convenlional Mortgage Loans available MAN OFFCE 1201 GRSWOLD AT STATE WOM170 EAST HARPER AT OUTER DRVE la EAST DETROT GRATOT AT TOEPFER PR Page on color processing The CAMERA CENTER Kercheval Seven BROWNltSiat-mtli OUTFT Newest in flash in a complete gift outfit! Everything for indooroutdoor snopshooling! Brownie Stormitlt Camera is small in size easy 10 use! A tiny but efficienl built.in floh refleclor tha uses low-cost 'AG.l flashbulb. keeps you al. ways sella shoo!! Camero tokes black-and-white or color snap. hof and color svper.slides. 24 HOUR SERVCE TU Open Fridays till 9 p.m. "

8 ~ ~~~~--."""'.""~-"'--""'--._aq_"'4-4...' ' 11 2.' ' & Page Eight Diving Chanlpions Crovned n l\'eet at Farnls Pier Six community diving titles were decided last Sat~rday at the Farms Pier during the 3rd Annual nter-cty Di"ing Meet. Competition was keen a~ a record 20. en- ran ts t \\'isted 1111dflipped through their fancy routmes. Led bl' the Colton brothers" - the Woo'ds swept t('am hono:s Beth Pankhurst 13 and Linda bv winning t!m:(' of th~ titles WalkN 14 took se('ond and T'he strongest challenge came third spots in this el'enl. from the City whose enl!'ants ThC' dassiest dil'ing of the won t 110 championships and day as it of course should be. had t\'o l'ullll('r-lip s!lots. \.a~ turned in by the sl'nior t was Douglas Colton 10. bo)'s and ~ids. Ursel Berger \ ho starled both his family and from the Woods thrilled the tpam ont all th(' right foot as rroll'd with her beaut iful di 'ing h(' caplured first place in the from the J-meter board. n boys 12 and under class by edg- rolling up a record points iug out :llark 80el"llcr 10 from 111'S Berger pel'formed f1all'- the Farms. n the junior girls ~less forward and backward Jl2 di\'i;ion. 10 year old Cynthia som('l'saul\s Hassig of the Farms 1'0n by a Rita Press!'s "'inn!'r narrow four-t('nt~;s of one yo~nt' Shr was hard jjr?ssed by the as she scorcd _7.9 to Shella Park's equally talented Hit1 Terry1s Pr('l~~UJ ~':h~ ~('o~cd Arthur Also Wins points. On her last dive a ~~ Arthur Colton 13 followcd twist in layout position Rita his brother's good example by scored 45.6 points and nearly winning the ntermediate Boys caught the winner. Third place title for youngsters l3 to 15 we"t to 16-year-old Sue Hamycars of age. Richard Green mond of the Woods and Jack Koerber both 15 and Lynn l\1essner 25 a lifeguard from the City were se<:ond and at the City cosily won the senthird respectil'ely. iol's division scoring a point Shari Strachan. 14. from the total of Lynn was trailed City and an old hand in these by the Farms' Don Dansbul'Y meets having won a title every 17 and Tex Alexander. Divers veal' in the event's history in the junior and intermediate ~ame home in front again as divisions performed three dives she snared top honors among apiece while senior division the intermediate girls. The City "ntrants wel'e required to do completed a grand slam as foul'. Lessons GAS HEAT S BEST and costs far less! PSTOL New and Used Pistals for Sole Ammunition n All Calibres SHOOTNG MAPLE GROVE GUN SHOP 21 Mile Rood at Groliol AVE Also Skeel Trap Duck Towers and Rifle Range AMERCA'S FNEST FARM SHOW fun for EVERYONE Doily free Concerts. NORAD Command Band r."'l Pnc.".cfl K ' TV 41 ~... S"..-s. th.1e ~b.1 L'l'rltHit r.oh roof..u'l ~ 4H... 4 rfa 1..".". 'So B... -.r-... S1'"" Ont SUNRH SERVCE - Su. $ ~ H "( in By Appointment lea gue Shooting every Thursday Nite at 5:00 P.M. More people own pstols and don't know how to use them than any other arm. TWO GREAT COLSEUM SHO SEiT $1$ o.;w "om< $.~O " :t -C ;f' SEPT DCK... CLARK ;-l<:. 1C NELSON:t 1061Y lydell pi" Chubhy Ch.d" t S. 80M. 'to r.uy Co""". Shl.lk. Jo."")" a~d the H..rk.M" a.uok J.<k... Mk. Chff.d J. A Co"'pball blry La"i The V.1o i'eo ;;:::::::'X. $V". $n ML.( AUTO RACE: $2.50 u s~. 55 so -k. :" RCKY -:.~:' pl Jo y Mot... The M.. ~. Th<t... Codie S1... ~ 'Th. S.i r.rot......~ :--.._-.::t '--'-- SEPT. 1 - \ - TWCE DALY JOHN BROMFELD. Sheriff of Cochise JOE BODRE fosles' Gun Alive PEG LEG BATES - plul 6 More BiS Hit. from he World of T...iaiCNt S Farfns City Fish Rodeo Septelnber 2 Young anglers of Grosse Pointe Farms and Grossse Pointe City will be compet/ting in the Annual Fishing Rodeo held at the Farms Pier on Septembel' 2 from 8::~0 am. to 10 am. The annual affair is sponsored jointly by the Farms and City as in thc past histor\ of the event. Fishing Rodeo Chairman Of the Fal'Uls l\[ol'se DeB'abanbcr a:jd Clyde Putman Of the City arc planning vigorously to make this year'~ ('ent the larg- ('t and best el'cr hl'ld. "lust 8(' l.:uder 17 Contl'stunts must l.je under 17 i \'CJ.fS o!d ~nd :~~;".5t l.h:... 1 t:...i~ ' dent of the Farms 01' the City. Each pel'son must hook and land his own fish without physical assist ance from an adult. Evel'Yone will l'e.:eive a pl'ize at ~he award ceremonies aftel'j fisillng. flimy of last year's entrants and winners are expected to return with nell' lures and ideas to catch the fit'st and biggest fish. Such entrants as: Bob Carr Bob Hatch Bob Kenyon Charley Trowbridge and Paul Brideau all of the Farms. From the City: A Parent Greg Wicklund and Gail Parmentier. Good Catches Reported Cobo llall Gets Builders~ Show Pre-Rodeo competition began ; August 10. at the Farms Pier Detroit's largest attendance- tion on hall. b on the l~wer foj' the young residents of the drawing annual sholl' the BUil?-llevel to provide ail additonal Farms. John Lehman hauled in ers Home and Flower Sholl'. 11' square feet. 'a 15~~-ineh Sheephead and' open in Cob a Hall February 23 This will be the 44th annual Tommy Mercier latched on to a 1962 for a t~n-day run. Co~- show by the Association in 10~'2 _ inch Sheep head. Other tracts we.r~ s~?ned.july 19 Detroit. Prior to the opening catches were made by Steve!\fayor Mma.m s offlce by ~t~- of Cobo Hall the shows were Bridear and by Francis Klick. rhen T. KSh. f?r the CVC held at the State Fair buildings Pre-Rodeo catches from the City Center CommlsslO.n and W. and the Detroit Artillery A- were made by Ann Heglin with Gordon SPOOl' Chall'man of the an 18~-lnch Catfish Jim Bayes Builders Show Committee for mory. caught a l5~~-ineh Sheephead the sponsors Builders Associa- "We have been encouraged Debbie Hanson hooked on to a tion of l\etropolitan Detroit. to go on by three factors" l2-inch Bass. /F'-..:::=-...=- _ea.. ~ u i;iji;;it~~ ""nll~b$ Gregory Boat Co E.Jefh "o~ WO E. J.fl."on VA GROSSE PONTE NEWS School Calendar (Following is the official school calendar as allproved by the Grosse Pointe Board of Education this spring. Jnterested parents would be wcll.advised to.~a\'e this ehart for future reference as family trills and vacations are planned. Sehool holidays and the opening and closing dates of the Chirstmas and Sllring Vacations as well as of the ending of school next spring all art' to be found here.) Aug. 28-Sept. 1 (Monday-Friday) Registration of new pupils (1:00-3:30 p.m.) Sept. 4 (Mon.-Labor Day) All school buildings public libraries and offices closed. September 5-6 (Tues.-Wed.) Organization meetings and plannning conference. September 7 (Thursday) Schools open at l'c'gular hours fo!' all-day session. October (Thurs.-Fri.) All schools closed for teachers' cont'erences. November (Thurs.-Fri.) All schools closed for Thanksgiving recess. All school buildings public libraries hpr 2:{ and offices closed all day N ovem-. December 21 (Thursday) All schools close at end of day for Christmas vacation. December 25 (Monday) All school buildings public libraries and offices closed. January 1. (Monday) All school buildings public libraries and offices cfosed. January 3 (Wednesday) All schools reopen at usual hours after Christmas vacation. January 26 (Friday) End of first half of school year. January 29 (Monday) Second half of school year begins. April 13 (Friday) All schools close at end of day for spring vacation. April 20 (Good Friday) All school buildings public libraries and offices closed. April 24 (Tuesday) All schools reopen at usual hours after spring vacation. May 11 (Friday) All schools closed for Schoolmasters' conference. May 30 (Wednesday) All school buildings public libraries and offices closed. (Memorial Day Observance) June 15 (Friday) All schools close for the year. June 18 (Monday) Summer school and summer playground activities begin. The show drew an attendance Spoor said: Prizes will be donated by 10- Vacation Days Need Plans of in February of this "Our belie! in the future of cal merchants. year a figure exceeded in Cobo Detroit the tremendous interest Vacation days can be made Take advantage. of summer Hall history only by the Na- shown in our 1961 show by De. T 'f t ional Automobile Sholl'. There trait homeowners and the mag- Golf HOO'Q Won happier for the entire family swimming OPPOrlUl tes 1 pos- ~.. sible and see that children have will be no auto show this year nificent facilities which Cobo... f chldren and their parents. a good chance to learn water leaving the Builders an undis- Hall offers as a backgrou~d f~r By t-ray arlve plan together to make the most safety. C h i d l' en should be puted first place as attendance our '62 show; we promise t of them Dr. Joseph G. Molner taught not to go into deep water ehamp~ in the annual category. will be the best Detroit or the:. F t ' j G H _ C'tv-County Health CommiS'on- unless they are good swimmers nation has ever seen." lour een ) car o. ray a: " Todal"s contract called for well son of 1\11'. and Mrs. Erme er comments. n addition this and never go alone. They sh~uld occupancy Of the main-level Mayor Mi.riani commented: Harweil of 311 Touraine road.'.. be taught never to venture mto combined exhibit halls A B "Quite naturally the City is took top honors in the Junior Wll provde a greater learnmg strange water until they have a nd C with a total area of gratified that the Builders have Cl'tY-"'de Championship Golf experience and greater health found out about the holes or NDOOR.22 Rifii! & Pistol RANc;E Memberships Open Gro~se Pointe Sports Shop Mack TU Open 9 to 9 Steala LO.."y6 Roat' NOW THE SCREEN ACHEVES SURPASSN6 GREATNESS! Thursday. August '17 '1961' Park Fish Rodeo Pointe Yacht Club Swinl Winners Listed Team Beats Oa\:land Hills There were 205 entries in Lhe Park Fishing Hodeo held Saturday August 12. A total of 27 fish were caught from 8 a.m. until tll(' rodeo's halt at 10:15. Lpslie Bone of 1453 Way burn caught the heaviest fish of the day a H-'4-lb. Slicker. For his reat Leslie was awarded the grand pl'jze a spinning rod and reel and completely equipped tackle box. The first fish caught by a boy was a rock bass 'eeled in by David Bowerman of 1417 Buckingham. Janis 1\lorrison of 616 Lakepointe was the iil'st girl to eiltch a fish The heal'iest fish caught by a boy (excluding the one caught by young Bone) was caught by Terry Sullie of 756 Pembl'rton with a!:!-lb. silver bass. Susall 1\loorp or '711;> R~lfotlt' ":en thc honors in the hel.viest fish caught by a girl eatagory with a 1O.0z. sheephead. Paul Besmet caught the most fish Saturday as he reeled in six. The lasl fish <:aught was by David Blake of 1375 Three!\ile. h"veryone in Lhe fishing rodeo received some prize and everyone who caught a fish received a major prize. Prizes incl.uded rods reels lures bait boxes minnow bu~kets and slringers and were donated by the Park and several interested groups. n the pre-rodeo contest which goes on au swnmer sevel'al winners have been an. nounced. The heaviest game fish (bass) caught was a 4~'2-lb. one caught by Steve Lumley of 1141 Wayburn. Joel Penoyar of 1330 Nottingham caught the heaviest game fish (wall-eye) with a 3-lb. prize. The heaviest group of game fish was caught by Dan Pelep who caught five small-mouth bass totaling 11:12 bs. Grosse Pointe Park appreciates all the volunteer help contributed to make the rodeo a big success and wishes to give a special thanks to George Measel for obtaining the sowld car from the American.Au'omobile Association. ROTC Cadets Train At Fort Riley Kan. Several cadets from Grosse square feet and an op- seen fit to return to Cobo Hall. Tournament recently. benefits for your child. strong undertows. Choose a Poi n t e have completed six " f'l swimming pool or beach where k ft.. th A r Several thousand boys 14 and Every eh~ld m YOU'. az:n: Y the water s approved by the wee s u rammg at e rmy under t!ntered the tournament sh?uld be gl~en res p onslbult.les Department of Health and if Reserve Officer Training Corps which consisted of 18 holes at sul.tabl~ to hs age and capacty. possible select one where there motc) summer camp at Fort Palmer Park. All (;ntrants quali- ThiS Wll. help hi"? ~o.develop is a' lifeguard on duty. Riley Kan. fied by playing nine holes at self confdence dscpline and During this training they re- Chandler Park and by attend- pride in knowing that he is an Dr. Molner makes the to0 11'- ceived practical experience and ing classes conducted by profes- important member of the family ing suggestions: instruction in tactical technisional golfers throughout the and contributes to its well. 1. Make plans with your chil- cal and adminislrative subjects city being. His own life and that of dren so that their time is con- with special emphasis placed his parents will be easier better structively used. on the duties of a second lieu_ At Palmer Park Gray and ~- organized morp pleasant and tenant in an infantry unit. othl'l" entrant Mark Ea~on b~h safer. To fit successfully into 2. Provide children with a Cadet Ronald A. Refior 20 fi.nished the cou ~'se With wm- adl.;lt life' a child must led.rn clean and safe place to play. is a student at Western Michinmg scores of. 76. The tourna- to be a responsible person and 3. Teach them to play safely. gan University and a member ment w~s decded wl~en Gray the only way he can learn to of Alpha Phi Omega fraternity. won a sudden death. playoff accept responsibility is through 4. T~ach them never to chase. He was graduated from Grosse by shooting par on the first hole. practice. a ball mto the street. Pointe High School in A veleran of junior golf Parents sometimes make the! 5. Set a propel' example by His wife Rosanna and moth. tournaments Gray won the mistak of thinking that the crossmg the street safely and at er Mrs. Violet Marie Refior city championship of Baltimore first Few weeks of vacation the crosswalk. live in Country Club drive. Maryland in That time he should be entirely free for res~- 6. Teach them that the safe Cadet Paul V Whitmore 20 won against 3000 boys when he ing. f this happens the child rules of bicycle riding and other is a student at the University made a successful 30-foot putt may feel lost with all this new activities apply in summer as of Michigan where he is a in the playoff. He entered the found freedom and idleness. well as during the school year. member of Scabbard and Blade Detroit tournament last year after he is accustomed to the society. His mother. MfS. Paul but was unable to participate routine of school. FAMOUS CA:-TON'ESE U. Whitmore lives in Vernier because of a neck injury... CHNESE FOODS road. Some aetlvlhes should be ar- Cadet William W. Wood 22 Gray's brother Bill who is 17 ranged so that they can be Al is the son of lk and Mrs. is also a winning golfer. He re-! c~.rried out together by the HON G KONG Charles G. Wood of McMillan cently won third prize in a golf family. Gardening picnics and road. He attends the University tournament in St. Clair Shores out-of-door meals give everyone Chop Sue'y of Michigan where he is a memsponsored by the Kiwanis Club. a chance to work and play and bel' of Sigma Nu provide oppol'lunltics for close Cadet Thomas W. Seheruish family unity. t is equally im- CARRY OUT SERVCB 20. is a student at the Univer- Licut. James L. Cox portant to encourage youngsters Phone TU sity of Detroit and a memb~r of At F l Sa Houstol1 to. carry on s~me activities with Hours: Sun thru Frl.. Pi Sigma Epsilon fraternity. He or 111 fnends of ther o\l'n age. t2:30 Noon to 9 D.m. was graduated from Austin FORT SA:-! HOUSTON A c':: D'. Molner says vacation tim.e si6/12930m~oct ~;UY~;bhFr': High School in (AHTNC) - First Lt. James L' should no~ be? rat race su~fl- 2 btks. rrom Outer Dr His parents the William H. Cox 24 whose wife Sharon. cient rest S as ~m~ortant. dunng Scheruishes live in Fisher road. lives at 583 Barrington Grosse th~e sumer as t S during the P()jnte Park Mich. completed scnool year. ;.( _' ). the military orientation course Serve meals at regular times at Brooke Army :l-e'dical Cen- and make them wholesome. n tel'. Fort Sam Houston Tex. the excitement of play children July 22. may want to "grab a bite" but. '.' regular mealtime will provide ~i~uten~nt Cox r (' c e v e d adequately for their food retrallllll?. ll.!te treatmen t of quiremen~s as well as give them battle lljuncs care of person- a period of relative quiet in nel suffering from c~ll1hat e;- which to cat. lauslion and preventive medcine procedures used to detect h..alth hazards and avoid epi- c1emics. A llc'mher of Delta Sigllla Delta fraternili('s the ieuten- ant is a Hl:i4 graduate of Pon- tiac Central High School and a 1961 graduate of the University '1 of :\lichigan School of Den. tistry. His parents Mr. and!\rs. Olan L. Cox live at 82 E. Princeton. Pontial'. i _ ALL.DAY CRUSE tol1ngc in deck chair comr\'h :... l'-c ~~~~Yr.~~~~s'~~~g a king or queen for a day on 11111mag- m -Arrivo Clove nineent mu!t.milijon nollal emic ~hlr. :~.~ ~~:~o"jmni.re- FREE O"nrlTlflf :F'lo!r. ~ho'"." ArT RNOOH SAil.. ;!J.~O\l"'l Carnes. Chllrlrrn 1;; rhcs Sun. :-'l'm. rln.> room TlC'..t'l\vt' ~- DRVE YOUR rar AEOAnO i1 m. Arri\'e Clove- ::... >... ~ -Arrl\"c rcfrf""ht'd <\fht pm.. ' AUTOMOBLE CLUB OF MCHGAN. " ) ( J:. _::..)n A'.c:. - VA ~... ~ yo ~r ~ -/> ' Through the years tlw East Side's Fillest Steak House. Equally Famous for Our Chops Eobsters am Clricke1l. Serving Daily From 4- p.m. - Srmr1ay From 2 p.m. Lillie 249:1'1 Etl.~t Jeiier.~o" Slrore J.ive tit 10 l'ji/e PB Baud Qr'l tn Novel by GRACE METALOUS CrNEMASCO=3E COLOR by DE LUXE PLUS PLAYNG THRU SUNDAY HOWARD DUFF ANNE FARGE J) Televisio.n's Angel FOR LOVE n OR MONEY AUG. 22 thru SEPT seconds for the girls for the 25 Yllrds. Kathy Paddon swam the 25 yards in the eight yea'l's old and under fl'eestyle race in 17-7 seconds to take a first place Gordon Burke was second in the boys' event. Win Seven Relays Six of the seven 'relays were won by the Yacht Club. The winning rt'l~y~ were: girls' 12 years old and under 10tJ-yard medley relay (Sandy \lartin Chl'is Bal'lles Ann Whyte and Joann Couzens); boys' 12 years old and undel' 100-yard medley rctd.)t {Slc\c ~rd1)ojlj Pdt PdU" don John GehrkE' and Jim Rohde); girls' 200-yard freestyle 'elay (Patty Slttw Chris Barnes Helen Howe and Kathy Cross); hoys' 200-yard freestyle relay (Dick Gehlert. Chip Rohde Buzz Bllrtholomew. and Jim Lozelle); mixed 100-yar.l 10 years old and under freestyle relay {Pat Paddon Megan Grerory Grelehen Greiner and Bob Cleary); and he boys' 200-yard medley relay (Chip Rohde Mike Granger Jim Lozelle and Buzz Barlholomew). SELF-SLAVERY The most f r e que n t double play in this nation today is that from pay window to worker to installment house. Now Thru Saturday Jefl Chandler-Carol Lynley "Relurn ta in Peyton Color Place" Saturday Matinee Only Pat Boone in "Mardi Gras" in Color Starting Sunday -Cant;nflas- Dan Dail~-S~lirley Jone! and 35 Lucs_ Stars in 4"Pepe" in Color Sunday Doors Open at 12:45 p.m. "Pepe" at 1:05 3:55 6:45 9 :35. Week Nights Doors Open 6 :30. "Pepe" at 7 :00-9;50. E. Jefferson at Beaconsfield Grosse Pointe VA ijfiju~oo.idm.~n1ill~[r.wlr;&;ll!';"m.m~.mm9;t&1jllitw_ COMNG Wednescay AUG. 30 J By Bill Bullard Grosse Pointe Yacht Club finished its dual meet season Thursday August 10 by smashing Oakland Hills Country Club at the Yacht Club. The Yacht Club Country Club of Detroit and Loehmoor Club will be three of the 12 leams competing in tbe ntt'r-cluo championships at Dearborn Country Club on Saturual' and Sunday August 19 and 20. Preliminaries will start at 1 o'clock. Lochmoor Club \l'i11 ~une-up for the championships with its final meet of the season against Grosse lie Golf and Country Club tonight at 7:30 in the Lochmoot" pool. Victory for Loehmoor would complete an undefeated White League ~'e:l~on :m d hl'in;:; Lodmo\H"s first league championship. Third League \'ictory With its win Ol'el" Oakland Hills the Yacht Club finished its season with <t 3-2 Blue League record and a 4-2 overall record. Kathy Cross won the backstroke and bl'ea3tstroke races for year old girls.. Helen Howe took firsl place in the freestyle event and ser'ond place in the breaststroke eventin the Sa1lle age group Jim Lozell~ butlerflied the 50 yards of thl; breastslroke race in 28.8 seconds far a first place. n second place was Jim Cleary who also took a second in lhe freestyle event John Schoenherr finished first in the backstroke event in the sume class. ]n the boys' years old division Buzz Bartholomew and Dick Gehlert slammed the freestyle race. Chip Rohde placed second in the backstroke event. Girls Slam Freestyle KC. VanHamm and Patty Shaw slammed tte freestyle race in the gil'1s' years old division. Patty also pla-ced second in the backstroke event. Joan Couzens and Chris Ever- Ette \l'on the first two places in the gil'1s' years old freestyle race. Sandy Martin won the backslroke event in 39.0 seconds. Jim Rohde was first in the backstroke even and Steve Mason wa's second in the freestyle event for year old boys. n the 9-10 years old freestyle races Bob Cleary won in 16.1 seconds for the boys and Mary VanHamm won in NOW PLAYNG through Tuesday AUG. 22 B.'-~ H --_-._ Sigmund Rombergls MMORl'AL OPERETTA ROBERT ROUNESVllLE CARLA ALB RGHET in atqc ~tu~eut 'rittrc B;;oHk~OP;;10~9=Ph;.;'eRe-;:-Ei:7.0i2o T1t~.1r all. ot Grl '" O.w.town '-4~rw!ll'. Book Stores N.'tlond Eotlo." All Stars sl.r.. on" Villog. Trav. 147 P... a.. mingho ' \ ~. - ~ \ 1\- '0. hi

9 AT Thursday August Attend Luther League Parley ''he First nternational Luther LeagU! Con v en t on of The American Lutheran Church was opened 011 Tuesday August 15 at Miami Beach Florida. St. Pa:.!1Ev. Lutheran Church Chalfonle and Lolhrop Grosse Pointe Farms sent three of their young people to represent their congregation. They are }'red Bohl Chris Sigurdson and William Horvath. Davis Dar. rington the vicar at St. Paul's 'is counsellor for 8 of t'he young people from the group. These young people along with approximately 500 others from the Michigan District left Sunday August 13 by eharlered train. A special stop was made at Washinglon D.C. 'l'hey will return August 22. lly the time a man gels smart enough to watch his step he's usually too old to go anywhere. GAS HEAT S BEST and costs far less! DO YOU PREFER PRCE OR SERVCE? r.rot r.raylor~s You Get Them Both... n Abundance! TO\f Ta'Tlo. Buick!! nc. THE ONLY BUCK DEALER ON THE EAST SDE OF DETROT <'RATOT LA HERSHEY'''S~FNE MEArS Special-Thurs. Strictly Fresh Whole Beef Tenderloin' Enjoy Peace.oF.Mind Savings n All Y r 1l"torr-lJ.troJ c'c NorlA.m /to'. n.""r lz'i d pa.-" r cr c1i..b:l.nd Fri. & Sat Only deal for Outdoor Barbeque. or Rotisserie Roast Come in Every Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday ~~~Mystery Special!. savings multiply faster!. S. Ellington Quits Park Post TWO EXTRA PAY D.~YS help your savin... g.ow lasler at Dclroilli Northern. Dividonc!Jare now paid quarlorly... on March31 JUDO 30 Soplomber30 and Deoember 31. The money ij: added 10 your accoanl and atarla Nrninq MORE momy lmmodia.lel.. Open ad&- N Bavinqs accounl loday. Money n by the 10th eaml from the finl 01 tho m()llth. DOWNTOWN: Dol";' 1M N1hrll e:dl. lll Cri-.old.... 'd't 1"0".' T1l"~iY P 1\. rrid'y 9 A.M. \0 5 r.m. your nearest D { N office Mild North of Moross Road HOllrs Moo. t~'11 T~llrl. 9:30 o.m. to.. p.m. f.l. 9:JO. m. to.:00 p.m. Silrings iuumllo $10000 b/ U.5. GrD' Agl:M.1 GROSSE PONTE NEWS Pointe Visitor Loses to Thief Harold S. Ellington of 1051l William L. Leigh of Stal' Audubon resigned from the Route No.2 St. gnace Mich. Park City Plan Commission parked his automobile in the effedive immedjately. Hs res. Grosse Pointe Yacht Club iot ignation was read to the Park on Wednesday.. August 2 and council on Monday August 14 relul'l1ed on Tucsday August 8 by \la)/or Kennelh Cunning. to discover his cal' radio and ham. some tools missing from the The mayor n behalf of him. r vehle.le. self the council and the resi. Lel.gh told Shores pollce he denls of the c~ty accepted captamed a boat owne? by Mer. Ellington's l' e s g n a lion with vyn G. Gaskin of 83 Oxford deep regret stating that Elling- road for the week. ton' has the gratitude of the le said that when he enlered dllzens of the community for his car he noticed that the door his many years ot service. on the driver's side was open although he had locked t be- Elllngto~ gav~ h!s reasons fore he went on the trip. for resgnmg as bemg due to ".. other demands. He is a co- Mlssl~g LClgh said was the partner of the Detroit firm of c\~r radio valu~ not k.n~wn; six Harley Ellington Cowin and renche~ a pall' of phel s and a Stirton nc. architects and en- screw dllver.!!inn''~. The thief did not damage the - car before entering it Leigh He had served continuously said but did break off the car on the commission since his aerial. appointment in September 1948 by the late Homer C. Fritsch then Villabe CommlssJoner and as chairman of the Pian Com. mission silce he was elected at the first Plan Commission meeting October Martin Nalled Police Sergeant. The Park Police Department.n his leuer o~.resignaton for the first time since Jul; Ellm.gt.on stated: "t has been 1957 has a full complement of a pflvllege t? ser~e our lovely uniform sergeants as shut com. and progressve city and am manders with the raising in grateful for the opportunity rank of another corporal to seroffered me. The numerous gmnt on Monday August 14 and constructive deliberations Th '.' the cooperative sincere efforts e n~w sergeant S Thomas of all the fine men who have ~' Mar~m 33. of 1405 Th~el: been ~r are serving as Com- e dflve who.has been With missioners hope will have the department smce December proven helpful to the citizens ~.. and city." Martm was appomted a cor- He added that he will miss p~ral on April along his fellow co-workers on the Wth two other new corporals Commission an'ct the members Charles French and Gordon of the council and if his coun- Duncr.n Jr. whose prom?tlons se s ever ~eeded he is at to sergeants became eccechve on thejr call. August Sgt. Martm S a graduate of On a moton by Coun~llman De LaSalle High SChOOl. and Charles ves the. councl ap- had attended the University of proved a resolu~lon to be Detroit. He s single and lives drawn up by City Attorney with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Pierre HefUer and properly J. 1. Martin of the Three Mile framed be presented to Elling- address. ton as a token of gratitude for Police Chief Arthur Louwers his service to the Park. said that Martin's promotion was held up pending the return of vacationing City Manager Fortner Pointer Robert Slone whose approval was needed. s Police Chief Marlin completed his 90-hour police recruit training in A former Park police officer 51; finished a 54-hour law trainwho left the departn:ent in 1951 ing course at Wayne State Uniwas recently appointed police versity in He undertook 60 chief of Manchester Mich. ac- days of detective work assigncording to information received ment with the Park Detective by Park Police Arthur Louwers. Bureau n 1954 He completed a Basic Traffic The new chief is Jules Van Training Course at Michigan DeGinste 50 formerly of 1301 State University in 1957; and a Maryland who. resigned from Command Officers T l' a i n in g the Park depart'nent on May 15 Course at the same university 1951 after 15 years of service. in Following his resignation Van As in the cases of Sgts. DeGinste took a position as French and Duncan Chief Louchief of the plant protection at wers stated that Martin passed Chrysler Corporation's proving the Michigan Municipal League grounds in Chelsea!lHch. He Sergeanl'~ examination both later resigned' this post to be- written and oral for appointcome a deputy with the Washte- ment to corporal. naw County SheriCC's Depart- He is weli qualified by expe. ment. rience training :1l<l dedication He held this position until the to duty for his new rating for early part of July when he re- the post of shift commander lhe signed upon being appointed chief added. the new police chief of Man- There is only one relief corchester. poral remaining. Henry Coonce Van DeGinsle is a 1929 grad- of Korte Detroit who has uate of Grosse Pointe High held this rating since March 25 School. where he was a star He will have to serve a Kercheval _ in the Village football player. period of time before being con- His wife Thelma died in sidered for promotion it was TU FREE DELVERY TU 'd There are two children a sal. HOURS: Mon. thru Thurs.. 9 to 6 - Fri. and Sat. 8 to 6 son and daughter both married. The three new sergeants and ' the corporal replac!! Lt. Gerard Kesteloot who was a relief sergeant and who was elevated to unifonn lieutenant in July 1957; Sgt. Anthony Walsh who retied in March 1960; and Sgt. Hazen Hennig who retired August 1 of this year. Pmnping Station Payulents Ok'd The Park council approved partial payment of' monies owing to the city engineers and to a contractlng firm doing work at the Park Storm Pump- ng Station at Jefferson and Maryland. This action was taken on 'fonday August 14. The council agreed to pay Hubbell. Roth ancl Clark the city e'ngineers. tne slim of $;; and to the General Piping company $7524 representing 90 percent of the $8360 owing the contractor to date. City Manager Robert Slone informed the council that according to agreement with t'l!! city engineers the city must pay the engineers three percent of lhe total cost of $ for the plans and specifications drawn up by the firm. and tw() percent of th~ work done to date for inspcetlon And other fees. The city manag'er said that G('neral Piping has the compl('te c0ntract for tht' alteral ion and mprovrmcllts n the st;- lion itsel f. and the' nstalling o[ a ne\v sewcr tinder.jefferson from the slalion to a Detroit interceptor at Alter roarl. Vehicular traf ic will not he disrupted since the sewer installation is being done by tunncl. n.l<.slone added. APTTUDE TESTS Enabl~ you 10 ~arn the kind l't work n which you ran best slerr~d. he.llldies b~1 for you. For men 'Women hoy.'i and :lrh. VocaClnnal Couns~ln~ nstltule DhNl~l.. BECK. DRECTOR 722 Fox Theatre nid'. 2 Blks N. 01 Grand Clrcos 'ark Phone 86l.4355 'l" Joy'! frs.ln M~cabeu Bldl. :.:."." -.:." :: :.... ".. ";. :..... '. :~: at Page Nin The University of Michigan 1 elude's 42 social undergraduate H rr J A n E S---.J.n_te_rfr_ate_rn_ty_co_u_nC_ll_in-_f_rat_ern_it_Jes_. -.. DR. KENNETH rial Church. Cremation was on MALCOLM 1'tcCO.L Saturday August 12. following Dr. McClJ of 260 Grosse hs death on Friday at East Side Pointe boulevard died Sunday General Hospital. i August 13 in the University A iong-lime res ide n t of Hospital Ann Arbor. le was 65 Grosse Pointe Mr. MacCrone and a native of Detroit. was living at the Parkstone at An alumnus of Detroit Unl- the time of his death. He \Vas versity School Dr. McColl was 69 and a native of Dululh Minalso a graduate' ot the Unlver- nesota. There are no immediate sity of Michigan College of Lit- survjvors. erature Science and the Arts. Mr. MacCrone was a semi-reand of the University of!\lichl. tired investment banker. He was gan \ledical School. a member of the Detroit Club He was a veteran ot World the Country Cluh of Delroit War! and was an Ensign in the and the Grosse Pointe Club. Navy Air Corps. :'remorlals may be sent to the Dr. McColl was a former chief llichigan Heart Fund. of staff at Cottage Hospital and was also a former chief of staff at East Side General Hospital. He was a staff doctor at Harper Ho~nital and was ac'live in the' organization of local hospital Jlost graduale educational programs. Dr. McColl was a member of (he Ame::ican Medical Association the Wayne County Medical Society the Academy of General Practice and the De. troit Boat Club. Services will be held today' August 17 at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church at 10 a.m. nterment will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the postgraduate educational fund at Cottage Hospital. Dr. McColl's survivors include hs wife Elizabeth; a son Malcolm; anrl a sister Mrs. Henry Kuhlman Sr. RENE C. BOHNE Mrs. Bohne 62 of 630 N. Renaud died Sunday August 13 in st. John Hospital. A native Detroiter she is survived by three sons Louis James and Robert; and three daughters Mrs. Jean Soley Mrs. Delphine Travis and Virginia. Services were Wednesday August 15 at Sl. Paul's Church and burial wsa in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. EDWARD EWEN \laccroni' Memorial services for Mr. MacCrone were Tuesday August 16 in Grosse Pointe Memo- Chevrolet Model Close-Out! '61 Chevys & Corvairs All Models All Colors ncluding Demos and Officials Cars HUGE SAVNGS! Ted Ewald Chevrolet E. Jefferson VA (GrOfse Poillte's only (het'rolet Dealer) The Pointe's 898 St. Clair Ave. near Mack L..t lf ". eo... " Qnloo... DNian U- otoot Oldest Market FOODSPBCAt$ Happy Eating Ahead f Large-Fresh TU TU Thursday Friday Saturday Aug Dolly Madison Donuts Chocolate Covered Powder Sugared Granulated Sugared Nut Topped Hills Bros. COFFEE 6Sc 49~ NAM'P: ~ --.--_ (pl-prlm) ADDR"'lS _ CTT 1 lb. roan Montgomery Brand BUTTER 1 lb 69c 11'2'O. pkg. Stouffer's Escalloped CHCKEN & NOODLES 69c r 2-0. pkg. StouffH's SHRMP CURRY Home Ring Made Bologna You call alway.. be Sll/'/) of QUALTY FOODS at Verbrugge's DEr~::RY : '-. :~...:; ::::-.. Cut Chicken Breasts 55~ Legs and Thighs FREE DELVERY JON1- Jjlul1ily- 'lest a flameless electric water heater! DETROT EDSON GUARANTEES SATSFACTON OR YOUR MOHEY BACK Want a water heater that's "satisfaction guarant~d"? Here's all you do: Buy a t1ameless electric water heater that hears the H20T guarantee. Family-test it. Call on it for plenty of hot water day art~r day. Get all the hot water you naco or your money back! Whol dors "sali.q((('linn guaranteed" llu'(n!.lust thi.~-ir at any time within one year after purchase of your tlanwl~'l electric water heater YOll are oi!'- satisfieri with its performance just!('t lr know. We'll remove it. and return the full purchase price including!lny installation c:arge. This guarantee covers any Edison-approve'd electric water heater "\7('d according to the recommendations given at tight and installed in a dwelling of up to and includillg four-family in the Detroit Edison service area. This Edison satisfaction guarantee is in addition to the manufacturer'a own warranty Where to buy? That's easy too. At appliance dealers plum bing contractors or Detroit Edison offices. where you see the H20T satisfaction guara'lteed seal. Family-t~t a t1ameless electric water heater for yoursejr. Get all the hot water you need or your money back! DETROT EDSON ELECTRC WATER HEATER SiZCl\ Recommended hy Edi1'On i::;h~':~l+ ~o:. MAil COUPON FOR MORE NFORMATON = ~G~:>" u p to 4. " or '". 2 4 or? to DF.TROT 1".DOO"1. ROOM SSO 2000 SECOND AVE. DETROT ~ Micn... <md h mmo inlonn.t>on.boat ~ w.1m' H t"".nd 1M D.lrolt FA""" Satlllfoetion Gn_~... f s. _ d

10 ~.-~.~-~-~-~-~---.-_-- _- - _..q..q-=i... w~$ -. & & & _2_ Page Ten G.ROSSE PONTE NEWS Thursday. August ' (jross~ Pointe N~ws PUBLSHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO PUBLSHERS NC. ALSO PUBLSHERS OF THE DETROT WESTWARD OFFCES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL GROSSE PONTE FARMS 36 MCHGAN Enlered as second-class matter at the post office Detroit!\lichigan under the Act of!\larch Address all mail subscriptions change of address (Forms 3579) FULLY PAD CRCULATON Phone TU ~cmber \llchl~an Press A>soclalion and NaUcnal Edltorlal Assoclatlon XATO:-;AL Al\'EtT1SNG REPRES.:NTAT\'E Weekly NE\\'spltper Represenlllli\'e5. nc. 4().l Flflh Avenue. New York g l:ew York BRyant CHCAGO OFFCE 333 North Mchlean A\'enue Phone Fnancial ROBERT R. EDGAR '.. EDTOR and GENERAL MANAGER MATTHEW M GOEBEL ADVERTSNG MANAGER PATRC1A TALBOT... FEATURE PAGE SOCETY JAMESJ. NJAJ:\l N!i;WS BETTY COLLNS PEGGY JEFFS NEWS NEWS ARTHUR R. ill. YLER... ADVERTSNG i\iary LuH:\il;rl ADVERTSNG JOHN McKENZE... BUSNESS ALBERTA WLKE... CLASSFED ADVERT~[.NG FERN GREG... CLASSFED JOANNE EASON FLORA HARDNG ACCOU.\'TS CRCULATON Library Continues to Grow The Grosse Pointe Public School System has issued a report on its Public Libraries Division which deserves the attention of all residents. Because so much of this kind of material which comes by mail finds its way into the waste basket without being read we take the liberty of re-printing here some of the more important statistics which show our' libraries are among the community's most valuable assets. The Public Library completed 32 years of service to the Pointe on June 30 of this year The Woods branch was opened in 1952 and the new Central Library at Kercheval and Fisher (the gift of the late Dexter M. Ferry Jr.) in Library use has doubled since that time and circulati!jn during the past year reached a new high for the ninth straight year. The Woods branch is located at Mack avenue and the Park branch at Kercheval in the Pierce Junior High School building. The diversity of services offered by the libraries varies from readers' advisory and reference to children's programs including story hours summer movies special Christmas and Book Week programs library visits by classes. There are also book and library talks for adults monthly film programs and enlarged book film record framed art prints and tool collections. There are facilities for community meetings and a new service includes a lending library of fme music on tape. During the past year children participated in organized activities planned by the Children's Department. Public private and parochial schools sent 181 classes with 4670 students for visits for instruction and story hours. A total of attended 568 meetings held in the Central Library. The Friends of the Library now has 1130 contributing members who have made possible the acquisition of many special new books films and film rental for special programs and 2439 book gifts. Library materials circulated last year including books films records tools pamphlets periodicals and art prints totaled an increase of over the previous year. Books purchased with tax funds lost year totaled 9200 and the total book stock now stands at The list of registered users includes 9338 children and adults showing a net gain of 637 users over the year before. The figures on book circulation show that children use the library l)ooks almost as much as the adults ~s against for a grand total of books circulated during the year which ended June 30. The Pointe should be extremely proud of its library system and should be most grateful to Robert M. 01'1' the director and all of his most capable staff of fellow workers. We here at the NEWS are most appreciative of the fine contribution made in each week's issue through the column "What Goes on at Your Library" written by Miss Jean Taylor Chief of Children's Service. During the summer vacation period some of Miss Taylor's associates are guest-author" for the column. To them too go our thanks. Post Office Seeking Hel]J To Solve Costl)' Problen Maj()r business mailers were to 655 per cent Of the total Urged today to help solve the volume of mail. "biggest most serious most To mcct this problem 1\11'. wasteful and most senseless Schlegel has asked the major problem of the Postal Scl"Yicc- business mailers to schedule the wholesale dumping of bil- their mail to dvoid to the exlions of pieces of mnil.1nnual:y lent possible the end 01 the on post Mfkes at the dose of husiness day depositing of mail. the business nay." l' b'. b t h '1 Sppaking 10 a lunchpon mcct- 0 nng 11S a ou c mal - ing of 1')0mtjol' husinc'ss mai 1_ e-rs h~ve joined a Citizens Ad. ers in Dptroit. Roy D. Schlegcl visory Council to \ork in ('0- A (' tin g A.".\islant Postmaler operation with Postnlaslcr Ed- (;('neral Bureau of F;;cililics \"ard L Baker 10 plan for the said this problem has "cut do\\n rescheduling of mail and to dficicncy throttlcd our drive provide the Po~t Office n~partfor economy. and stymied our mput wllh conlmucd advice to pfforts to impro\. scrv- meet the challen?ps of a grow. lee." 'log and free soclcly.! Thc meptlng h('ld at he "cw Citing e-xamples of "hat ean ' Gpn('ral Po~t Of[i('e Ja:mched be done :-11'.8('hlegcl noted that a nationwide program with Dc- "nsurnnce companies can ~enrl tro:t one of the 300 communi- out their premium clue notices lies participating. Called :-':01- O days nhe-an of schedule and tlon"'lde mproved :'fail Service at 10 o'clock in the morning -- X:\18 for short-the program and the- company and the pus-j Ovolv(' more lhan major lome' "ill ~lil] be prote-('ted'i mai]prs \'ho orlgm1lp mol' c Dcparlmpnt slorps (an mail ltlan."0 PC' ('('nt of 1111' n:di(jn' bill~ al 12 noon in~('l) of :;' ;]nll111mdl \'olump nf G.'j hll. p.lll. Puhlishing hou-'l's ('an 11" lion pipce~. Postnwsler (;('n"ral rang'c to h;\(' their pu?li('dion~.j. Erl\lard Day pn'licip;ted in dcij\'('rcd ;1.1 SPP('Pd hour hp 1;nw( hing in Kcw York. during 1P day 1';Oll'r h;n at!fe-r(' in J)('troit the- 150 fl-ms lhe end of the ljusillc~s day." T'l'c~cnUy account for $ Mr. Schleg('l nolcd also that or 40 per cpnt of the t~tal 65 hilllon pice~s of milh llre Jo~tage receipts for the local sent llnnual!y and it is expected 1>01 offic e that hy 1970 it will reach "a Pitrt of he p'oh)c'm "s "ut. eru$hinj:: 9r> hil1fon pieces a )in!'d by :.11'. S(liJrgpl is lhat yenr." He Side! h"l llip Post 1M"t 01 1)( /dl is dc'po~il('(1offic!' kpartment w;s con- 1)('(\1"1'1'0 /)p 1i()llr~ of 4 ;nri 71' vinced tl;1t hc apjlrolch ~1~'. rf" (Jldng hll U'j('\('n 10w gcstcd the 1'l'schedulmg of mall of mail. hy the large huslness mailers n " ~llglc nay the ;weritge would resolve the problem profkw of mail tl the ]1ost. office mote e-fficiency and Jlrovldl~ belwecn 4 end 7 p.m. amounts faslcr scl"y1ce. Memorial '" Center Schedule AUGUST 17-AUGUST 24-0PEN DALY 9 AlU.-9 P.M. (SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 P.M.) ALL MEMORAL SPONSORED ACTVTES OPEN TO THE GROSSE PONTE PUBLC NOTCE: Plcase call for lost articles at the office. Thc)' will be held for thirty days. Hospital cquilllucnt availablc for free loan-crutcites wheel chairs heat lam]) and hosl)ital beds. Blood :lvuilahle to Grosse Pointe r('sidcnts in case of accident or emergcncy-free of chargc. Grosse Pointe Garden Centcr Hud Library. Mrs. Leland Gilmour on duty Tucsday Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.ll. A volunteer consultant on duty Frida~' 2 to.1 p.l. (TUxedo 1.45n4) ~ Thmsd:1Y August a.m - Welcome Wagon Club of Grosse Pointe _ Bridge and Coffee. Reservation Chairmen: Mrs. E. J. Hookanson TU 4-f1544; Mrs. R. H. Gomey TU 2-:i49? Satuday August 19 1:30 p.]11.-linda Ann Zolad-Crescel1zo P. Simonelli- 'Wedding Reception. Detroit Police After Speeders Some lighl on a dark subjecl Ry Fred Kopp R. Ph. Monday August 21 12:15 p.m.-rotary Club of Grm'se Pointe-Luncheon and Meeting. 7:30 p.m. - Grosse Pointe Nocturnal Painters - Mr. Steve Davis nstructor. " Tuesday '" August a.m.-service Guild for Children's Hospital. 12:30 pm.-senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-Buffet 6:30 p.m.-exchange Club of Grosse Pointe-Dinner and Me~ting. 6:30 p.m.-kiwanis Cluh of Grosse Pointe nc-dinner and Meeting. '" Wednesday August noon-senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-Crib. bage Group-Buffet and Cards. 7:30 p.m.-memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walrond Directors. ':' Thursday August 24 7:30 p.m.-grosse Pointe Numismatic Society-Meeting Police Commissioner Herbert "Director Polkinghorn says W. Hart this week released the that excessive speed is the fohowing slatement regarding greatest single cause of res i- speeding drivers in Delroit:- dential street accidents. "Within recent weeks the Dc- "Accordingly 1 have ordered troit Police Department has all precinct commanders to step been receiving from citizens up subslantially their scout car living in many sections of our patrols on residential streets community an increasing num- and to bring a halt to these bel" of complaints against driv- speeding drivers who arc eners who speed on residential dangering the lives of both chilstreels. dren and adults. "These complaints cannot be " have requested precinct dismissed as impulsive or capri- commanders to send me a weekcious. am convinced of their ly report of their efforts against validity because of the large these speeders. number of traffic aecidcnts "n addition radar and speed that have been occurring in 1'es- watch units which are designed idential areas. specifically to apprehend speed- :'The hazards e~ea~ed by ~ast ers will be assigned to troubledl'lvers are multiplied durlog some spots in residentiat areas. this period of the year ~eeause "Aceidenls arc still happenof. the ~reater potenljal for ing on other streets of course. child accidents. Thus have c'irected the Motor- "Let me empnasize that the cycle Traffic Bureau to concomplainl~ are not being i~dged tinue ts high level of enforcesolely agalost youthful drvers. ment against speeders and other Our investigations have re- violators on the major and vealed that motorists of at! ages through streets which these ofare guilty of fast driving in ficers patrol. ~eighborh.ood.areas. t is a cur- "We are hopeful that our OUS and rome.fact to me that citizens will obey our speed many ~ ~arent.s a.care~ul and laws voluntarily. We do not law-abldmg driver his own.... bl k b t th b t f enjoy SSUlOgtickets. We know.oc u en ecome? ~ ra. - that the great majority of our fie seofflaw when dnvlog 10 drivers are law abiding and we so~eone ~se s b.lock. believe that they and an good Speedl~g drivers 10t only citizen; want and desel"ye pro: cau.se serous and often fatal tection from drivers who flout accidents but. also are a great the speed laws. SOill(.e of nusance because of. their screeching tires roaring "'~'e mt.end to s~e t~at they motors and persistent horn receve tins protecton. blowing. We receive many complaints because of their noisy and discourteous behavior. "t is a common misconception that virtually au accidents occur on our arterial highways and other heavily-trafficked streets. This is not t.he case. "Director 'Jf Traffic William H. Polkinghorn has called to my attention that laot year more than of the city's total accidents happened on residential streets. "Two out of every three aceidcnts causing death or injury lo children occur on residential streets. know this is a matter of grave concern to el'ery parent. "Opcn intersection accidents this j'ear hove been especially high. F"talities and injuries at these intersections arc 21% higher in the first 6 monlhs of 1961 than thpy were during the same period la.t year. --'--' Ev('r wondcr why some pills corne in cl('ar tran~parent bottles while others hide hc.. hind hrown or dnrk - gr!'cn gl.1ss? 's no accident but hy r1psign Why... " Simple dn~'lighl ('an 'pri\l('e lhc poll'n ('y of SOllC' cd ications. Con sid p ' how sunshinc fo1dps a ro1yo'1prinl for ins1.1n<'c Thus where neede-d \l'c \lse clark bottl e-s not to llide anything hut to pre. serve the medical effectivenl"ss of the drug your physl. cian prescribed for you. This is but one of many precautionary mn.~urps that llre lakpn to provide ~'01l with the best in pharmaceutical 5enic'c Thl'i!' h<" fj71:-.t (f ~ scric~ <>r r:dllorlill n<lvertiscmon t_~ appearmg in hls p'per each wcck Falling Stars On This Month August is the month of shooting stars. As many as one m c- teor per minule may be seen at the peak period a University of Michigan astronomer says. Shooting slars most of them no larger than a grain of sand will be seen darling and flitting across the night skies at a hlghe"r rate than at any other ~ime of the year Assistant Prof. Hazel M. Losh reports. They will reach their peak in the early morning hours of Augusl 12. On an ordinary night about one shooting star per hour may be seell. Professor Losh says. "Although they mily appcilr in any part of the sky their paths when traccd back seem to int('rsect in the northeast where lhe constelliltion of Perseus will bc rising around 10 p.m. "A Perseid (or melcor) which flashes inlo our sky and. apppars as bright as the North S-ar. is probably no larger than the hcad of a pin. ts hrilliancy lies in the specd at which it enlpr5 our earth's atmosphere. "Thcse piec!'s of iron and slolle-. ('omin\:( in at wry high ratc's-prohably around 40 miles pc'r spconci-.nrc l'ile('kpd. and the 'psulting frielion set them burning. ;\los: of t hem burn themselvc$ oul in the plunge" lhe U-l\! aslronomer exrjains. Few Pprscids will appear before midl1i~hl the numbcr incrcasing sharply 10ward d.1wn. They have often heen called lhe "lrars of Sl Lawrence" be('ause his fcast falls on Au. gust 10 "Today \' e knoll' that C'omcts and. Jnptcors arc related" Professor Losh says. "What crcated comets is nol known but because thp'c arc comels meteors" wc have Credit 'Vllat Goes 0.1 at Yo.).- Aib.-a.-y nlnnin~ Stllie Govrl'nmrnt.. Ferndolc 20 Mich. PhonE: JOrdan "Noncthple~s we \\;1111? bp _ ~\re hal l'vpry per~on ('nlltlcc!. _ to a rc'flcclorizalion refund cr('dit gets one. To help us do the job effiei('nlly 'm urgby jealj August is the 10nth when nothing much happe!1s- 01' so we'\'e alwilys thought - sandwit-hcd as it is between July- 0111'\lsual vacation month-and Septembl'r 11'11 en everything starts rolling again. However aft(' leafing through Stanford ]\f.!l1'kin's "When Did t Happen" we'vc' decided that over the years a gl"eat deal has happened in August. t is sixty-t\\'o years this month sinee Henry Ford quit his job with Del.roit Electric Taylor Fashion Tailoring... by Alfonso propitious month for many American cities. t was on August that the city of New Orlenns Louisiana was founded and named in honor of thc Duke of Orle:lns of France. Chicago was incorporated as a village with a population of 200 just 128 years ago on August tenlh ' long have rt!er boxes been around? Boslon and New York installed their first street b:)xes for the collection of mail Company t) go into the autornohil ' l1h~in("l:::~ 'Vh" ('''n :"'~sr~s August the' far-reaching effeds of this ][ YOli arc visiting any cities decision? more 01"less unfamiliar to you Fifty-eight years ago on the this vacation there are books 31st of this monlh a Packard which will heighten y:)ur enautomobile ended a journey joyment of sllch a visit Two fro111 San Francisco to New new books about New York York. the first time an automo- wel'e received this yea '; "New bile crossed the country' unde' York: A Serendipiter's Jourits own power. The journey took ney" by Gay Talese and for the fifty-two days. distaff side "The' NClv Shop- A year late'r also in Allgust ping Guide to New York" by the first automobile driver to Elizabeth Squire. be jailed for speeding was given a five day sentence in the New As well as Cohmonuut Titov's Port <Rhode 1sland) County orbital space flight August Jail. Could this gay blade have boasts other firsts in ~peed bce~1 stepping it up to fifteen records. t seems only yeslermiles an hour? August madness day but it is twenty-nine years no doubt! ago on August 24 that Amelia Books about early automo- Earhart Putnam be'came the biles ond the men who made first woman to make a transthem make entel"taining read- eontinental non-stop f 11 g h t ing. You'll find them under lhe 2600 miles in 19 hours 5 minnumber on the library utes. Last year the story was shetve's. lold once again by Paul L. Bri- August must have been one and in "Daughter of the Sky." of Thomas Alva Edison's lucky f you were born in August months. t was on August 12 you're in good company. Among 1877 that he worked out the those who claim this month for principle of the phonograph' their birth date are Guy de and turn en his crude model of Maupassant Alfred Lord Tenthis "talking machine" over to nyson. Napole'on Bonaparte Sir- John Kreusi an assistant with Waller Raleigh Ethel Barrylhe instructions to manufacture more Bernard Baruch Prinone' for demonstration. Mr. cess Margaret Rose Alfred Kreusi was skeptical and told Lunt Frans Has and let us not the inventor "Next ~'Ou will overtook two people close to make onti to think and cat home with b i l' t h day s this suppose! But ])et you two month Dr. Elveri Duvall assistdollars Mr. Edison that it won't ant superintendent of ou:: work." When the machine was schools and Robert M. Orr.o.icompleted and Kreusi heard it rector of our libraries. work Edison the bet and reminde'd collected him of the two Who says l'lthing August? happens in dollars. Ten years later Mr. Edison received in P_ugust a patent for his Kinetoscope a machine he had devise'd to produce pictures representing objects in motion throughout an extended period of lime. Your library has a dozen different biographies of this famous inventor. Au~ust seems to have be'en a Special Travel Late "summer vacation travelers in Michigan will find plenty of special events' to capture their attention according to the August-September Calendar of Coming Events just released by the state tourist council. The calendar lists more than 85 festivals fairs sports contests and other events during the two-month period. Grand Haven presents its Art and Flower Show August and the Art Club Exhibit at Saugatuck will be open August 21 through September 2. 'Water sports during the month include the August 12 powerboat races at Coloma; the World Championship nternational no Sailboat Regatta at Bay City. Michigan vehicle ownel's who paid $' in 35-cent ref1ectorization fees on transactions can now get a credit voucher applica'ble on their 1962 car license plapte3. Secreary of Slate James 1\1. Hare announced today that refl~ctorization l' e fun d cards have he en distributed to 250 :llichigan Department of State britnch ties. offices n au 83 coun- "All that the vchicle owner who wishes to h~ve a 35c credit on hi.~ 1962 plates necd do is to fiil out a simple 7 hy 3~2 inch can a l' y. <olored card and turn it in to the nearest hranch office or mail it in to the Department of State in Lansing" Hare ~aid. The information needed is simple: The license platc number on which the credit is claimed the amount claimed and the name of the registered owner. Each card will bc c-heckcd wilh rceonis in Lansing and ir t w informa1 ion is C'orrect it will hc validaled ann 'Cturned fo thp "phicle 01\' ncr. On 01" aftpr Novembrr 1.!"Hl 'hrn ncw platcs go on.~ac the...'fund card will be good for 35c on a set of 19G2 plates. Our thanks go to the members of the library staff who carried the column during my vacation: Mr. Orr Gerda Bielitz Mary Gab 0 d a Louise Leeson Virginia Leonard and Evaline Schunk whose column appeared in the' issue before last. We regret that her name as guest columnist was omitted. Events Feature Fare in Michigan August 18-25; and the Silver Cup Powerboat Regatta on the Detroit River August 26. ' Several fairs are on tap for August including the Upper Peninsula State Fair at Escanaba August 22-27; and the Northwestern Michigan Fair at Traverse City August 29-September 2. County and 4-H fairs also are scheduled at Greenville Monroe onia Lowell Po n t i a e Goodells Ravenna Adrian Cor un n a Sandusky Belleville Kalamazoo and Manistee. Free copies of the August- September Events Calendar can be obtained by writing: Mjehigan Tourist Council Lansing 26. Offe-n.ed On License Fee No cash refunds are authorized. Hare gave an exa'mpe to show how the refund system works: a person has an auto on which the State would normally eolleet $12.05 the car owner will pay $11.90 in cash and his 35c refund card. "We weighed the advantages and clisadvantages of anumher of mcthods of refunding this money within the letter and spirit of the refund law." Hare said "and came up with this one as the most simple '_.._._ _._-- Your Suit Tailorcrl in Our Own Shop Special Fillmgs and Alterotions 01 A] Kinds Whalj Betwccn nw on.fl-l E t-111.l By Roberta AROUND THE WORLD people are talking about the Berlin crisis.. the effect of radio active fall out... how the British like the movies "The Connection" and "A Raisin in the Sun". the silliness of John Steinbeck's. "The Winter of Our Discontent". However here where the sun plays back on Lake St. Clair we <1restill involved with a deluge of new ideas.. inspired from all parts of the world. and brought together here in our exclusive shopping area... Kercheval On The Hill. At this point TUxedo and most praclica'l procedure ! 000 we are talking about the grand opening of Margaret Rice's... While-YouWait Boutique featuring maternity fashions designed to keep the lady-in-waiting well dressed. You are invited to "Open House" this Thursday Friday and Saturday. Pick up your favor and stub for a chance to win a luxurious crepe night spread elegantly trimmed in ecru Alencon type lace... this through the courtesy of that fine linen shop Top '0 The Hill. Do come. Piping hot 000 or icy cold drinks will be extra good served in these gold white and beige combinations of Thermal wear. Mugs... glasses... carafes.. ice buckets.. break and stain resistant are new at Virginia Williams Gift Shop on the hill. 000 The event women await eagerly... the one Erne in the year they can stock up on the world's most luxurious soap.. beautifully frangranced... wonderfully lasting.. so finely milled... it lathers to the la.st sliver. This event is at Trail Pharmacy where Elizabeth Arden's Blue Grass and June -Geranium bath and hand soap is on sale. A box of three bath soaps usually three fifty is now two dollars and fifty cents. The hand soap. box always two twenty-five is now one dollar and fifty cents. TU for delivery. You should 000 see the big collection of Christmas cards at the Dants if you haven't already. Remember there is a ten per cent discount on all cards ordered through September. Brother and sister 000 outfits... jumpers for little girls... shorts for little boys.. fashioned of fine whale corduroy with tyrolean trim can be found at Young Clothes right now Kercheval. 000 You will love the Baccaurat misty crystal chickadees and ducks as found in The League Shop. They arrived within the past few days as did the leaf ashtrays. decanters and bowls. Chiekadees each; ducks each. Ashtrays 5.75 each. 000 Lots of Helium filled balloons will be launched on the Hill one of these August days This event is a back-toschool promotion. Lucky you... if you find one in your own backyard. The launching date will be an-. nounced next week Look for it. lng all persons who wish this credit to send in their request card at once" Hare said. "f enough people do this in the next sixty days we will be able to absorb the work and a great deal of the cost with our present staff. f they all wait until the rush next January or Prescriptions Filled 000 February we will be forced to hire additional help at added cost to the Michigan taxpayer. "For the sake of govern. mental efficiency and economy am today urging all persons who want 35c releetorization credit to apply for it during August and September." ON OPTCANS MACK AVENUE 7 am: 8 Mile Roads HOURS: 9:00 to 5:]0 Doily - 50turdoys.9:00 to 500 " believe it only fair that the people who paid this fee ENGNEERNG & MANAGEMENT for a service they did not re- DRAFTNG_TOOL DE& MACHNEDESGN crive- should i(et a rcfund. AUTOMATON However refunding t h r 0 ugh HYDRAULC& ELECTRCOMPONENTS CRCUTS& DESGN this ('xtremcy simple method PROFESSONAL ENGNEERNG may cost the State from ten to PREPARATORY COURSEFOR STATE EXAMNATON. fi fleen cent.~ for e:lch transaction. limited Enrollment. REGSTEREARLY. One Clan Only Rc.gistration until August 24 "t is my hunch that mauy 9 of the thrce million item" will A.M. to 9 P.M. Mon. - Thur. Fri 9 tg S go uncollpctec! and remain in De/mil College of Aptlied Sc;cllce 01P (;el1cral Fund for use in i200 W. 8 Mile Road (One block west of Livernois) FASHON TALORNG bv Alfonso MEN & Kercheval VA WOMEN GAS HEAT S BEST and costs far less! 7 7 '.'.'.P.7 '.?_._?_...? S _...r..r.. _~..._. _

11 Thursday August '17 '1961' G R 0 SSE PO NT ENE W S Page Eleven -' Junior Leaguers Take a Break From Another Pointe of Viev Short and to the Pointe By Patricia Talbot WALTER R. CAVANAUGH of Provencal road has reiurned from a stay at the Greenbrier ' ' White Sulphur Springs West Several years ago a dozen matrons who had studied Va. where he was the guest of and lived abroad decided to get together for a French honor at a business convention conversation class. They were fortunate to have as their banquet. leader the late Mme Bertrand who had taught French at Liggett and the Convent. '" '" " They haxe organized a salon which meets every Tuesday for two hours of conversation and study with Mrs. Charles Bachrach. During August the group is having a sabbatical while Mrs. Bachrach returns to France. to visit her family. One of this circle Mrs. William Evans who has been painting for some years has also gone to Europe with her daughter Elizabeth this month. Among the other memhers are Mrs. Lem Bowen and Mrs. Albert Stoll both of whom speak German Mrs. George Van Ness Lothrop Mrs. Joseph Marshall Mrs. Ralph Mayer (she has composed a Franch song which may be published this fall) Mrs. Robert Smith Mrs. James Macpherson Mrs. R. H. Axsom Mrs. William Colins Mrs. Perry TeWalt and Mrs. Allan Grafflin. This Tuesday group is closed to new members for they feel a dozen is just the right number to create the salon atmosphere for French conversation. But the Alliance Francaise is organizing several conversation groups for interested language students. To Teach in Germany Katherine Mullaney will be able to learn German during the next year. She is flying to that country August 22 to teach in the U. S. Army Dependent Schools for a year. Katherine and her mother Mrs. James Mullaney of Hillcrest road have just returned from a motor tour of the West. They also stopped on their round of visits to the Grand Tetons Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon to see Dr. and Mrs. James Mullaney Jr. in Palo Alto Calif. where he is a visiting scholar at the Leland Stanford Hospital. Reunion in Stockholm The traffic between the Continent and the Pointe is growing heavier every day. an McLean is the latest to report from Europe. The University of Michigan student son of Dr. and MrS.!. W. McLean of University place left last Friday vlith a group of college students on a tour abroad. He will leave the tour in Stockholm where his mother's family live and spend three weeks visiting his relatives. Then he will sail back to New York and spend a few days with former Pointers the ~ewis M: Leising-: ers who will be settled in their new home in Huntington Long sland. Golf Tournament Lochmoor's 17th ajinual nvitational Golf Tournament is scheduled for August 24 through the 27th and this year for the first time the "shot gun" procedure will be used. This means all of the 18 holes will be played simultaneously by the golfers to allow a larger field and speed up the play. A shot gun blast each morning will signal the start of the daily matches. Because the majority of the 96 teams will have been (Co'ltinued on Page 13) The HERVEY C. PARKES of University place with HERVEY JR. CONNE POLLY JM and JOHN have le-rt for Truro on Cape Cod. With them went SBLEY JOHNSON of Rivard boulevard. '" '"... The WLLAM C. McMlL- LANS of Kenwood road and the HENRY M. CAMPBELLS of Lake court are vacationing at the Huron MouTltain Club. " '" '" Last week the JOHN OWENS of Stephens road. returned from a vacation at VLartha's Vineyard. On Sunday the'lr daughter MRS. JAMES C. FRYE of Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. arrived for a visit. Her husband will join her in lwo weeks.... '"... MARY SCRPPS has returned to her home in Loudenville N. Y. after two weeks with her grandmother MRS. LESTER F. RUWE and MR. RUWE in their Touraine road home. '" '" The EDWN O. BODKNS who have leased their home in Muskoka road and are living aboard their cruiser "Vagabond" docked at the Little Club left Saturday for Gladwyne Pa. They will visit their son-in-law and daughter the E. C. KRK HALLS and new grandson EDWARD CAMERON KRK JR. who arrived August 7. '" '" '" Former Pointers MR. and MRS. KNEELAND WELCH now of Pelham Manor N.Y. have come home to visit her mother MRS. LLOYD LEGH HUGHES and spend some time with her ;;t the family cottage at Ludington. '"... JOHN MAZER JR. son of the senior MAZERS of Loraine road is attending three weeks of musical education at Michigan State University. He was the recipient of a scholarship from Grosse Pointe High School. '" '"... :::-:": Attending the AMVETS 17th L: National Convention August in Louisvill~ Ky. will be J. C) CARROLL KAY of Wayburn Z avenne. '" '" Z Among those attending Howe Military School summer camp W are JOHN T. GALLATN. of g. Hamilton court and DAVD M. 0 Busy members of the Junior League have been working all sum. mer on arrangements for their fall fashion show to be held September 12 and 13 at the J. L. Hudson Company auditorium. Latest fashions from New York California and Europe will be previewed at "The Fashion Scope" and all proceeds will go to the support of WERNET. drive. of. '" '" Country Club '" '" '" n Providence. R.. August will be MR. and MRS. OC- TAVE P. BEAUVAS of Ford court. Mr. Beauvais will be attending the Brown University Alumni Conference.... '" '" DAVD H. PRESTON JR. who will marry JUDY HLL- NER in Haverhill Mass. this Saturday was erroneously reo ported as making his future horne with hs bride in Califor_ nia. The newlyweds wiu live in Birmingham. His parents the senior PRESTONS will mal:e their home in Excondido Calif. '" '" '" MR. and MRS. JOHN DEMO- REST of Sunnlngdale drive. left yesterday with their son BLL to spend several weeks at their ranch the Diamond D in daho. They will be greeted by sons BOB and TOM who have been there since June. and will be joined later by another son JACK from San Francisco. " MR. and MRS. WLLAl\f M. TALAFERRO. of Rivard boulevard and their daughters CEE and rary LTTLEPAGE have returned from a months vacation at Crystal Lak~ near Frankfort. MR. and MRS. GLBERT RAY ELLOTT of Vemirr road announce the birth of their second child and first son THOM- AS CARL on July 21. Mrs. Elliott is the former ANN HOFF- MAN daughter of CARL HOFFdrive. Paternal grandparents are the ERWN J. ELL lotts of Detroit. E. DAY JR" of Cadieux road announce the birth of a son JOHN PAUL. born July 30. Paternal grandparents '" '". The ROBERT BACONS. of Whittier road. and the JAMES TRACYS of Loraine road entertained at the former's home at a dinr.er dance Saturday for MRS. EDWN CLARKE of Rivard boulevard who' was celebrating her birthda~'.... '" '" For mer Detroite'r MRS. CLARKSON C. WORMER of Colorado Springs Colo. is visiting MR. and 1ms. WLLAM R. POST JR.. of Cloverly road. >j< '"... -Picture by Betty Collins the Senior Center which was founded by the Junior League. Above are left to right MRS. JOHN W. CaE chairman; MRS. HENRY E. BODMAN general ticket chairman; MRS. WL- LAM C. BEARDSLEE arrangements chairman; and MRS. KENNETH L. GOULD assistant general chairman are the senior CLARENCE E. DAYS also of Cadieux road. '" '" '" MR. and MRS. FRANK PAR- SONS HUCK of Maumee avenue announce the birth of a son ALEXANDER PARSONS on August 5. Mrs. Buck is the former AUDREY BERGES of New Rochelle N. Y. '" '". Home from a vacation at Crystal Lake are MR and MRS. EDWN J. WERNER of Rivard boulevard and sons MARK and KRK. Visiting HOWARD avenue is SCOBELL tain Tenn. '"!'ms. W. BRUCE of East Jefferson MRS. JOSAH C. of Lookout Moun- The CARSTEN TEDEMANS of Kenwood road are entertaining their granddaughters MSSY HOAGLAND of Denver Colo. and TENA DAVES of Princeton N. J '" HAROLD DuCHARME of MR. and MRS. CLARENCE Windmill Pointe drive' sailed Friday aboard his yacht Natoya with the JOSEPH S. SHERERS JR. the ROBERT E. McKEANS DR. ANGUS GOETZ and MRS. B. WCK HENRY for a cruise of resort golf courses including Mackinac sland Harbor Point Charlevoix and Les Cheneaux.... '" '" 1ms. J. DEANE RUCKER of Lakeshore road has left for the' Homestead Hot Springs Va. for the Bath County Horse Show... '" '"....:.:: GPYC Announces Boat Hop Aug. 26 Before Cocktails and Dinner Dance for Adults There Will Be a Dock Fishing Contest for Juniors; nspection of Boats Begins at 6:30 Grosse Pointe Yacht Club's third annual Boat Hop and the club's annual Dock Fishing Contest are both scheduled for August 26 and both promise a lot of fun but to vastly different age groups. The Boat Hop beginning ~-~--~._ at 6:30 p.m. and running n chan;e of the~e arrange. the gamut of visiting and men t s is the entertainment inspecting craft berthed in committee including H a for d GPYC's harbor cocktails Kerhawy chail'll1an and Thom. as C. Fox John A. Graffius dinner and dancing is Don R. :\cphail James. strictly for the grown-ups. Quello and Alihur :. Slringari. The Dock Fishing Contest from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. is strictlv B R J for boys and girls no older than ruce OCfilfje 14 years. No minimum age is W. ]? t specified and that means some e(. s zn JUS quite young lads and lassies arc likely to try theil' luck. All the young set has to do is to bring their own!ishpoles lines sinkers and small hooks. The club will furnish the bait. On hand to assist the youthful zaak Waltons will be a seasoned committee of grown-ups including Arthur J. Schultz rwin 1\1. Kunerth Wilfred P. Whyte Henry.T. Oldenkamp. Charles A. J. Koteher and Hamilton F. Kotcher. There'll be prizes too-an award for the first boy Ol' girl to catch a fish; one for the youngest to catch a!ish; a prize for the biggest fish and one for the most fish caught. Casual dress will prevail at both the August 26 eventssport clothes or casual cotton or linen dresses are mentioned as "musts" for the distaff side at the Boat Hop. and sport jackets and slacks for the men. A special note to the ladies is: No high heels please! After the "welcome aboard" and inspection of the boats which is to go on from 6:30 to 8 p.m. party-goers will repair to the' Fo-Castle for buffet dinner including steamed clams EDWARD K. HERRMANN shrimp barbecued ehicknn and son of MR. and \RS. JOHN spareribs corn on the cob HERMANN. of Kenwood court baked potatoes.. and other spewill enter the freshman class cialties beginning at 7 p.m. of Bucknell University Lewis- Weather permitting there'll burg Pa. on September 16. be' dancing under the stars from '" '" '" 8 o'clock on. Vacationing at the Bald Peak The whole evening is de- Colony Club Melvin Village signed to have the atmosphere N. H. are l\1r. and MRS. CAR- of sea and sky and the charm ROLL Vr. BOUTELL of Ton- of nautical lingo. Attached to naneour place. dock piling at each boat's berth '" '" '" will be name of owner and On Catalina sland off the' mate name' size and kind of coast of California for their craft. vacation are MRS. JAMES MOTSCHALL with PAM JM-!'lT and JONATHAN of Kenwood court. They will also visit Mrs. MotsehaU's sister :Mrs. William Connor of Long Beach. '" '" '" Vacationing in Europe is ALEX DAVLANTS of Belanger road a student at Brownell Junior High School. '" '" '" ROBB E. SMTH of Yorkshire road has been named to the dean's list for high academic standing during the spring semester at the University of Rochester. Rochester (Continued on Page 13)! Bruce McFarland Rockwell. son of the Walter Francis Hockwells. of Balfour road. claimed Patricia Bevan Coleman as his bride Saturday in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. 1\M. Lebanon Pa. The bride daughtel' of the Henry Lawrence Colemans Jr. of Bridgeville Pa. wore an heirloom gown of ivory clytrmeuse with panniers of duchess lace and pearls trimming the bodice. A band of heirloom rose point lace caught her veil and she carried white rosebuds. lilies of the valley and ivy. Barbara Lawrence Coleman was her sister's maid Of honor and the blidegroom's sister Mrs. Malcom M. Barnum was matron of honor. The' attendants were Mary King Coleman. Mary Wren Hanrahan Mary Reynolds Parke and Mrs. Hays Rockwell. They wore shell pink linen frocks and matching picture hats trimmed with fresh rosebuds and ivy. Garnet roses formed their colonial bouquets. ~.r. Barnun was his brotherin-law's best man. Ushering were Carrington Clark Jr. John D. Flynn Jr. Stephen A. Horn Robert G. sbell W. Croft Jennings Jr. and Murray H. Morse. Jr. The bridegroom's brother the Rev. Hays Hamilton Rockwell assistc'd the Rev. David R. Haupt in performing the cer(!- mony. Following a reception at the University Club of Pittsburgh the newlyweds left ior Bermuda. They will live in St. Clair Shores..; BEST & ;.:".:':. The perfect match is easy to come by when smart college-minded separates are the case in point. Hcre the shortie wool cardigan in a "shcltie mist" weave goes happily ever after with a matching nubbed wool tweed skirt Both arc in monotones of tangerine or Scandinavian buc Shortie carjl~a n in sizes.3of to Stitched.to.hip hox pleated skirt. Sizes8 to 16. '/300 Moil and phone orders fined "'~. ~~~;:. ~ '\ " <-... GROSSE PONTE-Kercheval Ave. near Cadieux TUxedo :.: Z W Q" o ".. ; '.~ Monday August 311 ~h-t.. ~acf. 21st ~Me fuk~f'" ~(Uf~ d't St.fJ.a'- "' UdElJO PEN N GL;.j~;;~.~;~""';';:i:io.L~~"i... \:<::-:O P =: N N G:... ;:):>: o." rn Ẕ Z G' /. /~~ ;;i1' (U ~! \ to" Fall scr;-cr1': ~ <ol:cctlon- SMC. t l \ W:" f'-::1q~ fro"'1'1 ""oj1c~n" ~..".. tf ~- n r~)t. (/J CrCi'n C: ro):;! b Jt \)5 makes for wardrobe versatility with our well-established high fashions low prices WRLTOn.PERCE..-_ _ _..._..._....-_ _... ~_.."-d..._~~ ~d~_~.. ~"-~_'. _-.._~ _..._..._._d" ~ ~...._

12 s tteg8 Twelve GROSSE PONTE NEWS Thursday. August Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes Pointe aux Barques Lures Many Pointers LOllis ASnl-llS Claillls Bride n S. John's E p sc 0 p a Church Royal Oak on Satur. day Louis Charles Asmus son of l\jr. and Mrs. Louis J. Thumb Resort Has Been Summer Vacation Spot For Asmus. of Loehmoor boulevard Three Generations of Local Residents; claimed Judith Priscilla Cole as his bride. Only Three Hours Aw ay The daughter of the Robert Three generations of Gros5e Pointers have become Coles of Southfield wore a.pointers of a different sort each summer. These are the white taffeta gown accented members of the resort colony at Poipte aux Barques with Alencon lace and a single who drive three hours from their winter homes to their rose caught her bouffant veil. She carried white roses and \'acation cottages. il'y. Mrs. Edward. J. Posse.lius 'S.Charles Zilch came from has been vacaton at Palllte by collage her son-l1-lall' and ~ 'f k V t b h. t ' ldl'lm 01 10nol'. ne urloes-... their vacaton lun '. s ' e. S. llce oore children now Jam ~er dur- Barbara Smith and Sue Stewing their vacation. ' M". and Mrs. Murray W. art of Dearborn. This summer she is enter- Sales and Mr. and!'s. They wore 'light golf taffeta taining the daughters of Judge Carter S~les J'. shate the cot. sheaths with oversklrts and Neal Fitgera-d Frances Karen ta!(e whch once bclon~ 'd to their headdresses were de. and E1~n and also rer daugh- ;l.jr. and l\rs. l\lunay Sales. signed of a rose and oblong ter Mrs William D. Gilbride Among the other Grosse leaf. They carried blue daisies. who spends a great deal of Pointers \\'1.0 arc also Pointe time on the 1:01f ('ourse. aux Barqu 's collage owners Thomas J. Asmus was his Two doors away from Mrs. are the James J. \JcClinlocks brothcr's best man and the Posselius her son.in.law and the Edward S.Evallses Jr... the ushers were Kenneth McDondaughter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Brace Kr<rgs. the Oscar aid Charles Liebold Ronald W. Farley have their summer Buhrs the Clayton C. Purdys Birgbauer and James Peterson collage where they are tur- tt~e Lester Molls the Nelson of Dearborn. rently vacationing with Jeff ". Schlaffs the ~. Wallace For her daughte."s wedding Mike and Kilty Toleses the Frederick Colhys r.lrs. Cole wore a blue chiffon L. D and the 'William W. Crapos. gown and Mrs. Asmus was in <lllx R<lrnll~< <'lno lq?61 daughtcr. the Alh 'rl Nal'a1To~. 01 a. a.: a e 'l"er ~.Ser s and her '" children.. n and.. grand- ha\e.'!jeel'. spen.(ljng some of maid ' " ll' B.' 1\1 1\ rs. C"ar es A. ean J'. _ and the late Mr. Dean bought mauve chiffon. their Pointe aux Barques cot- More than 63 en!(ineering Following a reception at the tage in During the years course's at The University of Rosedale Communty House she has completely remodeled Michigan involved use of eom- the couple left on a trip to her summer home" n a' near. puters to solve class problems. Canada. ~. : ; "./ ~ \.. ' \ f Mrs. tv\urray >< Dodge..:'~A~;t~'... "i.:';l;;.~~.:..~'ri :.. Pholo by Paul Gaeh MARGARET (PXE) HOLT GOODENOUGH daughter of the Daniel Goodenoughs of Lothrop road was married Saturday in Christ Church to Mr. Dodge son of the Percival Dodges of Dyar lane. From Another Pointe of View (Continued from Page 1l) eliminated by Saturday afternoon Sunday's finalists will all start on the first tee. Chairman of the invitational Jeff Welsher has appointed Fred Hood Gene Woodward Don Dykstra Chick Rutan Robert Cunningham Mel Duffy Jim Conroy Robert Batten John Brink Ned Macaddino Karl Schaltenbrand John Walton and Don Wood to his committee. On Thursday August 24 there will be a stag buffet dinner for all contestants at which time the medalist prize will be awarded and pairings and starting times for au flights announced. The steak roast and poolside dance is slated for Saturday and reservations for this party have already been made by the Frank Hydons the Joseph Wozniaks Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Atkins the Frank Wclshers and the Water Horns. Flying in from Orinda Calif. will be the John Bannisters to be the guests of the Jack Hoopers of Lake. crest Jane. Mr. and Mrs. "Pinky" Ross will come from Flint for the tournament and wi stay with the George Maghielses of Devonshire road. Vacation Arriving News August 31 to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. Omar Field Rains of Mapleton road will be his brother Col. Emil Rains of Paris Ky. and his sister Mrs. Herbert H. Bacon.of ndianapolis nd..... '" For years Mrs. Waterman Hamilton of Moran road has dreamed of driving the Alcan Highway to Alaska and early this month she realized this dream taking off with her three offspring to visit the 49th state. Tri Delts to Med Sept. r 3 in Shores The opening meeting of the Junior Group of Delta Delta Delta will be held on Wednesday September 13 at the home of Mrs. John Ziegler of 51. Clair Shores. This meeting will be for the election of new officers Any recently graduated Tri-Delt or any Tri-Delt alumnae new in Lhe are~ are encourag~d to joln'l This group works on small projects to benefit Receiving! Hospital a benefit bridge and a pansy breakfast in the spring. For more information please call Mrs. Robert We~ton. L "BEFORE YOU ialger Sheldells.On Lake Cndse The Alger Shcldens of Pro. '('neal road have been cruising Oil fhe 51. Lawrence Sl'all'uy and the Snguenay Rivel' since the fir$t of July aboard their boat il(' "Strathbelle:' " " For lhe first part of their 'q trip the Sheldens' guests were 1 the ll Lynn Piersons of Vin. ~<; ('('nnes place and the John K j Wollys of New York. '! Latel' the C. DeWolf Gibsons. '<:1 of New York and the Guido..."li.:>l. ;~a~~~~ 1!~L~:~~t:~:'o:.hel:::~ '..~.. _...~.. "'il! dol'k ~ the.!tt!e (lu!j f' Parties Susan NSURANCE H01101 E'vely Contentment is a by-product -a by-product of work well done. LO Pixie Goodenough WedsMurrayDodge Couple Exchange Vows Saturday in Christ Church With Reception Following at the Country Club; Will Make Their Home in Grosse Pointe Margaret (Pixie) Holt Goodenough daughter of the Daniel W. Goodenoughs of Lothrop road was married Saturday in Chirst Church to Murray Dodge. A reception followed the ceremony at the Country Club. The bride wore a gown of peau de soie al!d Alencon Patio Party lace desgned wlth a cummerbund wa 1St and aj To Aid Convent sweeping skirt which fell ~:oi1i'.~\'!'.;""'~.~' host a party in the gudens of '""r"r~:~~~~~;~[~~:~:;: ;~l~~:~~;; Duffield. who will marry Richard Earl Clark on Saturday at a small family cel'emony. into a chapel train. --. All "Friends of the Sick Her mantilla veil of Honiton Poor" are invited to the patid lace has been worn by several and gardens of St. Ann's Cangenel'ations of Dodge brides. vent 700 West Boston Boule- She cal'l:ied E~chllrist lilies vard' Wednesday August 23 at stephanotis and VY. 12:30 o'cloek to the last in the Elizabeth Goodenough was serics of summer luncheons and her sister's maid of' honor in benefit card parlies given by the a white organza frock sashed Dominican Slsters of the Sick in turquoise and royal blue Poor Auxiliary. The late Augchiffon. She wore a veiled ust benefit is being sponsored Susan Jane Evely bride-elect lace Cl'Own and carried white by the suburbanites and Nol"thof Jerry Dee Schuur will be geraniums and ivy. end :.Jetroiters. honored at several parlies be- The attenda~ts dressed in Chairmen Mrs. S y 1v ' St e r fore her wedding on August turquoise and royal blue chif- Theisen and Mrs: John N. An- 26. fan were Margaret Lindsay hut. They are bemg assisted by Today August 17 Mrs. John of Wilmington. Del.: Ann Mrs. Arthur D. Cronin Jr. and Kyle Worley will entertain at Graybie1 of Pensacola Fla.; Mrs. Louis H. Brdenstine ticka luncheon and linen shower n Sue Snvder of Cody Wyo.; et chairmen: Mrs. Michael J. her Merriweather road home. A Mrs. John F. McDermott Jr. Swift and Mrs. Francis A Futea and recipe shower will be of Ann Arbor' EleanOl' Spicer rary table arrangements; Mrs. given on August 22 by Mrs. of Farmington ' and Susan Lam- J erry T. Fl' amgan PU bl' C it y; Manfred G. Whitting~a~ and br~eht Mesdames Edward H. Kelley Mrs. Herbert D. Schmitz 111 the and J Clarence Grix Richard Whittingham home in Kenwood. Douglas Dodge of HartLOrtl u k' d A'ib t F C h " b' th ' b t mrowczysn l court ann. was S an er. 10 er s es B' 'ft h' h t... Th th f th oenmg gl c armen; os- George G Schuur of Kala- man. ey are e sons a ' M B d O'M.. -. p. 1 mazoo D d f Die esses rs. ernar eara 11'111 honor hs son and erclva a gcs a yar an. M H R d d 11K h.. ' h" rs. arry en ' an mrs. S fiancee at a 1'1' earsal dm- U~hermg were Hugh Foster. Lawrence Heintz' ner the eve of the wedding at of Lake Forest 1l.; Sidney T... Loehmoor Country Club. The Miller of Nell' Haven Reservations for. luncheon are prospective bridegroom is also Conn.; R 1c h a r d Kimball of being taken by Grosse Pointers the son of the late Mrs. Schuur. New York; Peter Van Boven M's. George L. VanAntwrrp Other parties which have of Ann Arbor' William Gard TU Mrs. George Jaglabeen given for Miss Evely in- James Campb~ll La u r en c ~ wiez. TU and Auxiliary elude a ~urprise rupper party Higbie E. Bernal'd Brogan. President Mrs. L. Verne TU in Ann Arbor On July 28. Frank Shelden and the bride's 4.469B. Hostesses were Mary Martha brother Daniel W. Good- Proceeds will be used for aid- Evely who wl.11be maid of.hon- enough Jr. ing the Dominican Sisters of the or.for her Sster and bnd~s. When the newlyweds left on Sick Poor n carrying on their mads Gretchen Anne Burgle a three week trip the bride missionary social service and of Toledo and Susan Lee Ben- was wearing a blue and white nursing eare among the poor at son.. printed chi f fan dress and metropolitan Detroit which is A tea ~nd kitchen showe~ at matching jacket. They will all rendered without remunerthe DetrOit Boat Club was given live in Grosse Pointe. ation. on August 12 by Mrs. Otto H... Hofman Mrs. Wilford A. Lindberg and Mrs. Clayton J. Barker. Miss Evely who is the daughter of Mrs. Aiexander P. Leete. of Lakcshore lane and the late Arthur L. Evely will be mar. ried to Mr. SchUUr n 51. Michael's Episcopal Church. A re- eeption will be held at the Detroit Boat Club. Robert G. Schuur of New York City will assst his brother as best man. Ushers will be George H. Lennon of Kalamazoo and Robert W. Richardson of Ann Arbor. The bride.elect who is working on her masters degree at the University of Michigan was Rus~ian interpreter for the University band while it was on a Rusian tour earlier this year. NSURE BE SURE OF YOUR VALUES!" ARTHUR J. ROHDE.AND OOMP.A."SY 2711 East Jefferson Detroit 7 Mich ~._ _._- ill Who is in our Registry? Our Bridal Registry is a permanent listing of all thojtl fair brides of t~ day tomorrow' and yesterday. t lists their chosen design of sterling by famous GORHAM and other silversmiths as well as china and crystal. An up-to-date re~ ord is kept showing au the pieces each bride ' has received. makes it easy for gift-givers to iselect a gift they know is of the bride's choice i one the bride needs. To the Bride. f you are not already! listed in our registry. come in today and take advantage of thi$ free service. To Fam ily and friend" of the Bride Let us solve your gift giving problems. Gifts in the bride's very own Gorham sterling start at $5.00. Shown are only three 01 the sixteen outstanding designs available in GORHAM STERLNG i 'ric. 'or 4 pc. pl... ttino ncludinll federal Tax.J." \. STARL1E BULDS THE BEST! Many years of experif'nce make 51 ARL1E t:e oldest largest. and financially most responsible pool builder in the midwest. Over 500 happy pool owners must be right! The finest quality pool construction available is yours at an honest price. MMEDATE NSTALLATON [SWMMNG N 8 DAYS) FfNANCNG AVALABLE (NO MONEY OOWN) 5 YEARS BUY NOW AND SAVE...J STARLTE POOLS Division of Swimming Pool Center nc..'src Our Beautiful Display rool at Norlhwestcrn Hwy. Southfield Jo:L 'j.hll KE Open Dally ~ nd Sundny 9 to 9 CHARLES w..warren J!WElERS AN> SLV!RSMTHS STEUBEN GLASS &COMPANY 1520 WASHNGTON BOULEVARD J)"lroil 26 :\lichig!l1- Telephone WOodward SUMMER STORE HOURS Monday through Friday 9:30 to 5:00 Closed Saturdays during August

13 Aftpr1l1('il' ~rsday August ' GROSSe PONTE NEWS Page Thirteen Woman's Page by of and for Pointe Women Pauline Yesayian Weds Mr. McNeill Pair Speak Vows Saturday in the Armenian Congregational Church; After Trip to Nassau Will Make Their Home in St. Clair Shores Pauline Joyce Yesayian daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. e;. Yesayian of Vliddlesex boulevard was married Saturday in the Armenian Congregational Church to Alexander Duthie McNeill. son of the James McNeills of Falkirk Scotland. r }'or the rites the bride Tll' bride's mothel' greeted.'..... _ :::cst.s \t the reception :it the CU:;\; a!?own 01.1a111e ta~ Sheraton-Cadill<lc in a powdel' Jcta designed Wth apph- blue ('hiffon and Chantilly lace ques of Alencon lace on the gown and a matching flowered bodice and sleeves. A pill- pillbox. 1\lrs. McNeill who flew box of faille taffet and lace.' from Scotland with her husband caught her fingertip veil of for the wed~ing wore a ma~ve illusion and she carried crepe morj(:ane gown With white roses stephanotis at chi n g accesso~'i~s. Both d.' mothers wore cvmbldlum oran nov'. chids.' "-!llrs. David Howell was her sisler's matron (.of honor in dark turquoise peau de soie with a matching bowed eircular veil. She canied white Fugi mums and ivy. The atte:ndants dressed like the matron of honor were Mrs. A(iton of Owosso. l\lich. and!lrs. William Redfield of Lake Forest ll Gordon 1\cNeill was his brother's best man and tile ushers were Patrick Duthie and Kenneth Womelsdol'f. i:~' S'PEC.AL.' Reg. $25 Plus Cut : When the newlyweds left for Nas~au and the Bahamas. the bride was weal'ing a lavender' and white bell skirted print dress with lavender accessories. They will make their home in St. Clair Shores. TME FOR WHAT? The felloll' who passes on hills and curvt!s must want to leave the impression that he is hard-pressed for time. Mon. - Tues. - Weds. Thru August Have The Season's Most Exciting' Coiffure... A Beautiful FOUNDATON WAVE To all of'our permanents we add protein units to insure a soft natural looking wave. ALL OUR PERMANENTS GVE YOU THE ULTMATE N QUALTY $15 Complete?4'-n~ ~uide BEAUTY SALON 405 FSHER Appointment TU ::Dinnerware 01 preofige BY FURSTENBERG FOUNDED N 1747 GERMANY :J)ial1u. meets foday's demand for dignified elegance and simplicity of style. The decorative motif is in loft grey which is highlighted by the trim in genune platinum d combination of complete harmony. The artistic cup is footed of course graceful in shape ane! the hancile is richly p!atinumtopped. Your table se~ting is distinctive.. with Diana. S-pe. Place Setting $ E. Vt/aran Ave. TU '-4800 Short and to the Pointe (Continued from Page 11) NY :111'. Smith was a HJ61 ~J'uduatlY of he Unil'ersit~. mjoring in Frem'h + Dl. J DALE PETlOSKY i has recently retul"1ed from.a two year tour of duty as a Dental Officer in the "al'y Dental Corps at the l\lal"ine Corps Ail" Slation at Chelry Point N.C. He attended 11idliean Stille University and the University of Detroit ~chool of Dentistl1'. and is the son of MR. and HS. J. N. PETROSKY of P['lllberlon road. SCHENCK. +.. '" The ALFRED J. DALrONS. of Ft. Lauderdale Fla. are occupying the guest house at the E. LL YWD ECCLESTONES of Lincoln road. ;\OXEY...;: MARY M('KEY. daughter of the THOMAS McKEYS of Mc- Kinley avenue is one of tile Marygl'ove College student as. sistants working on a basic cell res ear c h sponsored bv the Miohigan Cancer Foundation. The GEORGE E. SCHENCKS of Lakeland avenue have l"e. turned f!"om the Nantucke't. Mass.. summel" home of his mother MRS JOSEPH '" 1\RS. SHERWOOD REEKE of Renaud road spent the weekend at Caseville l1ich. She has becn at her cottage at the!llar- C!uette Rod and Gun Club. '".... MRS. WLLAM O'NELL KHONNER of East Jefferson awnue entertained at. a luncheon on Thursday at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. Among the guests were MRS. GREEN ESEN her daughter 1\RS. EARL EXLEY and Mrs. Exley's daughter. in -law HS. DAVD EXLEY of Rochester New York. who is here for a two we'ekb -..;~;t with her husband and their three small children. PARK NAMF:S DELEGATE LOST Open Sundays 10:00 to 4:00 WE DELVER ON FArv1ll Y ORDERS OF $5.00 OR OVER Opell TJllri aljd Fri Et'fllings Till 9:00 Slmda)"s 10 fo 4.ROSLYN MARKET Oldest in the Woods MACK at Roslyn Rd. TU Mrs. Alexander larbor. ; 1S- _~ P'~..j' ;tr:r.. D. McNeill -Plclure by fj;ejry Habomn n the Armenian Congregational Church Saturday PAULNE JOYCE YESAYAN daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Yesayian of Middlesex boulevard became the bride of Mr.. McN eill son of the James Mc- Neills of Falkirk Scotland Among the many summer vacationers f!'om the Pointe at Harbor Beach this season as for many seasons past is Mrs Jeremiah V. Jenks. Reach Popular Resort Pointers at the resort are the Francis H. Bourkes the Tmman B. Browns and Mrs. John O. Huse. Mrs. Jenks who came origin. John M. Linsenmeyer ally from St Louis to the resort met her husband there. Her Claims Bride in East fathel-in.law GeOl'ge Je'nks".. founded the thumb resort in the.john 1\1Jchael Lmsenrheyer late 1890's. 1\ks. Jenks' daugh- son of the.john Cyril Linsentel' Susan is v1jcationing with meyers. of New "Y.orkforn:erly her and expected from a Eur- of G ' 0 sse!olnte.clall~ed opean tou" soon are another Barbarann. famsh as his bride. daughter Deborah and son Saturday m the. Church of St. Other guests included MRS. Alde'n Teresa Long Hli Conn. PAUL MORELAND MRS. L. P_. The bride is the daughter of CORNWALL and her daughter 1\f-.and Mrs. D. G. MCCabe Mr. and Mrs. Alexey James BARBARA who is here f!'om?f New York the Jenks~s son- Pan ish of Long Hill. The Cypress where she has been ~n~law and ~aughter Wll also newlyweds will live in Arlingwriting for Time magazine. Jom the family group. ton Va. Also attending were MRS. The Richard H Webbers of JULUS HUEBNER and her Lakeshore road have been vadaughter ADELE. cationing at Harbor Beach for.. '" ~ many seasons. He rece'nty cele- DR. a~d MRS. RCHARD brated his 82nd birthday at the Burroughs Travel South; To See Son at Ft. Knox ROBERTS of 'Toledo 0. an- resort at a party given by 1\1r. and Mrs. Laurel BurnOl'nce the birth of a daughter: former Pointers the Hem1r H. roughs. of Hollywood road with PAMELA ANNE on July 23. Hubbards of Rydal Pa. their daughter Kay. left Friday Mrs. Robens is the former The Ellis B. Merry.; of Loth- for a vacation in Delray Beach NANCY BRUNEAU daughter of rop road al'e at Harbor Beach Fla. and to stop and see their the RCHARD BRUNEAUS of after a vacation in Canada and son Tom at Ft. Knox Ky. Champine plaee. the Upper Peninsula. Mrs. At Delray Beach they will vis Me'1'J'Y' son the Rev. Thomas J. it Mrs. Burn;ughs' sister Mrs. MR. and l\rs. JOHN C. Whitehead and his family have Vera Cooper and hel' daughters POTER of Clovel'ly road have been vacationing at the resort Jean and Sue formerl)' of MC-] )'plurned from two weeks on and ha\'e now l'eturned to Ex- 1\Jillan road. ~]al'lha's Vineyard sland l\lass. port Pa. - _ '" Mr. and Mrs. C. Brooks Begg RUSH JOB MR. and MRS. WLBER H. of Lakeland avenue are also Th~ shorter the time be. )'TACKwe're hosts at a cocktail members of the Harbor Beach tween the garden alld the canparty in their Lincoln road colon)' with Chuck Sally Bar- ning jar or f...eczer carton the home on Sunday evening bara and Cathy. Still plhe'r better the product MR. and MRS GEORGE O. JOHNSTON are back in (heir East Jefferson avenue home after spending several weeks at Manchester-by-the'.Sea Mass. " + '" MR: and MRS. ALONZO C. ALLEN of Lincoln road have returned from a \'acation at Harbor Point. At its regular meeting held on Monday Anglst J.l. the PC1rk council a;point['d Councilman Charles \"es as 01[' offici:!1 rep' i rescntative dclcgilte to the' Michigan Municipal League an- ; nual meeting-['ection at the' Grand Hotel. '\ackinar sland. i Scptember City 7lana['r Robert Slon[' \l'a~ appointe'd alternate delegate. Roberta Barker. 15 of 2000 Anila lnfont 'd Woods police thal she 10S S1.'; nl'ar the intc-rsc-ction of :llal'k and olly-; wood. on Friday. Aug\l...t. i r=.=====mc===~ Will Sing for '1. Your Supper ~ TREAT YOUR GUESTS to' folksongs and ~ r Kingslon Tri(Hryle music afrer dinner. ~ Brothers earning way through college avail. able mil September 20. References free audio ~ tion modest rates. Call TU ask for ~ Don or Dave...'.:;..=-=~-=-=.=----..;:..=-= c: == :;'::-Qo=~=-=..;:..::.:..l FNE FURS rfr:1; SNCE 1910 ~ 511s~.Annual Augrrst Fur Sale nullns FUllS 47 East \dams D"troit Our complete collection of ]\fink CoalS in all lengths and in all the desired colors. are speciall)" priced now during our All~ml Fur Sale. from 'r'l'.~" F'~ Prorltrrt< r -'lh~l~rl hy ('''trill ry ( Orr~lll Pointers Attend ](([UP Ken'wood One of he bighlights of each ' s['ssion at he camp is the running of the JuniOl' Olympics. i The boys practice on thei: i sports skills for the two-week period and on the last day the Olympics is held. There are events in shot put. log-yard dash marathon run hroad jump high jump' archery! trampoline riding. swimmingl and di\'ing. Ribbons are awarded to the! foul" winners in each event.: There are spec'ial awards given at the closing campfil"e for "!ll'. Kenwood" and his court "Mr. Athlete" m 0 s t cooperative most humorous most enthusiastic and also for those who made the 13-mile hike to Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary &nd back.. Kamp Kenwood is operated by Bernie Falk who is health education consultant for the Grosse Poi n t e Elementary Schools. The enrollment is largely made up of boys from the Grosse Pointe area. OPEN HOUSE: Thursday F-riday Saturday Do vi] f)obbin s Jfed August August /\ugust p see! 7th 18th!9th -at which time mementos in fragrance will be given in South n Cill ht Epicopal Cllun'h llan and lhe uhl'rs were (;"ry C h a 1'10 tl ('. '\. C. Saturday.\1. Underhill.Jr. Thurlow H. Karnp Kenwood. located neal' David Ashmull DObbins son of Cndl'rhill both hrolhers of the Harrow. Ontario is getting 71l'. and.\lls. l;gh Henry hl'ide; Hobl'rt B an c h a J" d 'ready to close the 1961 season. Doblli)}'; 0[ K('rb)' roild. claim- (;por~p Dl'niso!l and William The last group' of campers ar- cd S"l'ah /l(c-d \.;n del' b i i PUS(')". S d f t k daughter or 1he Garv :lladison rived (n "un ay or wo wee s. U h'. f \1' '. " (' ' '. ccldjl1~ trip lhe Thev include: Howard Stewart er j S 0. " e s ". '". ". " -. '. as lls brill... P\1) \1 eds mak.. th[lr homas Danahel ~eed W~son"!rome 'n :\lil\!l'apohs :\inn James and Mal"Vll Lanvce'l She \Ore a gll\' Jl of eill-: Hichard Kl'Oha..\ithael Adams : brrmil'l'('d oq("nc:' and ('ati..c! T.im and J('fi Jens~n: Perry and her /;"('ut grandmother's i'ory Steiners Vacation Jim Masousas Wlliam Bryan. pra) P" hook. At G t' t B h Maek and Bl1'an Melvin. Joel.. ra 10 eac Caskey George Beecher Bruce.\rs. \\ llatil 'u'c'y \1 as lla-j Kegen Brian Baich Hobert trrj (Jf liullol" and tlit' atll'lld-1 The K A. Stpil1el".-;.Jr. of and Jame~ Brown Stephen Sas- arots 'J'1"(' :\11. /loilt'l'! '11- Toul'aint' road. \'ill bl' l('a\'l~ M;'' Jen:y ruun.k.jl~ \\ diiaul i d:...:'d ;.~..). C...l.~ DiH;;d: ~ClortJy to spenu a W('CK sa!j- Acker. and ll'uce Chapman : :\ >\\ adt'o.-\d1lalllle.\a~. i illg at (;'atiot B('a(.h. TlH'Y Among' tlie boys who just completed thell stay at Kamp Kenwood are Larry Griffith Chip Klingbeil. Jack and Mike Pelty l':ddie Knights Richard ;\lalt mehard Hyde Chl'is Snyi der Peter Balames Bob Gardner Dean Formiller Brian and Raymond Fink Kenny Peat Stephen!lanteris Kevin Johnston Bart Ken n e d y Jim Graves Bl'uce Chapmun. Robert Knudtson Keith Callahan Bal"l"YConstanl and 1\like Miller. TRALER OWNER TCKETED.e and 1'elll'1ojle Plullkt'll. > h:..\c hel'll ;[ll'nding- a week.-\lan { \\"('J."H'lldwas bl'st at l'\llb's :\'OJ. your child SAFELY through the school year ~ENb. ahy~ PARENTS' """Al;;"lUlf: ~6M""' Come to-u;~';;r ~ BREAKPROOF eyeglass frames commended by Parents' Maga 4 ine and GUARANTEED NOT 70 BREAK Super. strong Univis/8ishop eyeglass frames are engineered to take the rough treatme:lt am ypung people. of active children A revolutionary new construction principle makes these frames so rugged they're guaranteed not to break - a full year's replacement guarantee _ and they have been awarded the famous Parents' Magazine Seal. of Commendation. Available in a complete range of face.f1attering styles and color combinations these reinforced frames are designed to fit well without frequent adjustments. For safety's sake. why not \'isit us today? Braced Fronl Construction-Hidden metal Braced Front the unique construction principle that rein forces these!rames from temple to lemple. resists breakage an:! assures.safety the strength secret of this line of two.tone frames. Officei' 'Villiam Waldecker of the City police found a car and trailer parked at Lakeland and Jefferson on Friday August 11. The vehicles were blocking traffic and apparently had had motor trouble. The owner had gone Make/'s of High Grllde Glasses Since 1876 JOHNSTON OPTCAL CO. out on the lake in a boat. Melvin Dal'.sherly. of Hamburg'll 87 Kercheval Ave Mack Ave. l?etroil was ticketed for the acton. 1-- GrOU2 Painte Farml Grosse Pointe Woods _ 76 KercheVAl Grosse Point9 Fnrms featuring the couture look n Maternity Clothes. On Monday August 21 st. at Four O'Clock thfough the courtesy of Grosse Pointe's finest Linen and Bath Shop TOP 0' THE Hill there w;11be a drawing for a luxur'ious crepe night spread lavishly trimmed in ecfu Alencon-typ9 lace. requests the pleasure of your company at the opening of her new and exciting WHllE-YOU-WAT BOUTQUE. d rl _ t sdnrt.. art_cr_d_. t.. zn1m+nt _--...f: &..-

14 -~---~~ ""-"'---_.4...a"_Sll4a_S_l4a 2 3 _ Page.Fourte~n GROSSe PONTE NEWS Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes 'Thursday. Augud '17 '196'1' Jean Corey Speaks Vows to Mr. Gia nelos Bride Wears Heirloom vory Candlelight Satin oown For Rites Saturday in Unitarian Church; After Trip East Pair Will Live in Cleveland Heights n an heirloom candlelight ivory satin gown Jean Corc\' daughter of the Donald H. Coreys of Kenwood court spoke her marriage vo\\'s Saturday in Grosse Pointe Unj1arian Church to James Gianelos. The gown was desig'lcd with a beaded lace yoke sorics. Mrs. Gianelos with a manclariw collar po\\'der blue sheath with white and full skirt. An heirloom ac('c~s()rj('s. Both molhers wore (\l'an"" hln<~"rn r" ":1011 ol'elllds. -":.': "p '" "0"'1 A 'ccepllon in thc church pal'_ her.fmgertlp \'el1 and she 101'5 fqllowfd he ('cremony. Aflcarried roses and steph- ('' a trip east the newlyweds will ar.ot S live in Cl!\'eland Heights. The honor atlend:llls Carol Corey of Washington D.C. and F AR:\S WORKER LL l\lrs. James Crosser. of Whittier Calif. wore mint green taffcla Fred Dansbury. 60 of 264 gowns and eanicd pale vello'' Ridgemorl. an employe of the Shasta daisics and il'\'' Farms Walcl' Filtering Plant Kathrvn and Sus~n Crosser l'!orqss and Lake Shore roads th fl' ' f k f' was taken to Bon Secourll Hose owe.r gll' s wore roc's 0 pital on Saturday August' 12 sheer whle organza over green. '. ' taffeta and carricd min green suffermg chcst pams. He was basket filled with vellow d 1_ trealed and ret~rned home to. s. a res!. Doctors sad t wal> not a 5les.... heart attack LoUS Glall(~los was lls brolher's best man. They are the sons of Mr. and l\l's. Fred GianeJos of Cleveland 0 Ushering were James R. Nesper and Richard P. Regensburger bolh of Clcve_ land and Kim Crosscr of Whittier Calif. was a junior usher.' The bride's molhcr chose a gown of beige and gold brocade with brown and beige acces- FRACTURES LEG Mrs. Mal'garet Donahue of 1053 Beaconsfield was transporled to Bon Secours Hospital on Frlda~' August 11 by Park police for treatment of a frac-. tured leg. She was injured when she fel! from a stepladder while working n her home. Can Watel' Change the Progress of Yom"Health? This simple measure-drinldng delicious M 0 u n t a i n Valle~ Water-may give surprsingly good results. For a real trial drink six to eight glasses daily fo~." "gb! ".. a. ~ ". Mounl'ill v.ny w.~: " '. combnes many beneficial effects helpng to reduce excess acdty rapidly clearing systemic ' a s t ' thrqugh the kdneys and providing a un ifonn low. salt water so pure that no chlorine or other chemical is added. Mrs. < " ' ~~... ' } ~ /)'...'J'~JK:~;i1t;;;~);;~?~:l -Picture by George Schlaepfer n Grosse Point~ Unitarian Church Saturday JEAN COREY daughter of thedonald H Corey~ of Kenwood court was married to Mr. Gianelos son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gianelos of Cleveland O. Griffiths Return Home From Harbor Beach The Albert A. Griffiths of inglon D C and Susie and Edgemere road have returned Ann. home from their Harbor Beach cottage. They have been entertainng their daughter Mrs. with Mr. Armstrong so the They all returned tq town George A. Armstrong. of Wash. couple could reunion with their Detroit friends. Theresa Walters to Wed Paul Roek on Nov. r Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Walters of Asland avenue announce lhe engagement of lheir daughter Theresa to Paul H. Rock of Beaconsfield road son of the Herman Rocks of Maybury avenue. The couple will spelik their vows November 11 in St. Ambrose Church. Mr. Roek s a policeman with Grosse Pointe Park. He was with the Marine Corps for five years. Navy League to Meet August 17 at Armory W d F till. S 1.d 23 when Mrs John Bedrosian are see l' S.~ C lllel er and her mothel' 1\(1'9. Robert W Smith of North Edgewood Do you wont to sell Your Grosse Pointe houil8? MAXON CALL A MAN fid'" He works full-time BROTH~RS rnc. Tu)(edo at Grosse Pointe real estate. GROSSE PONTE Sponsored son of the Harry W. Balleyll Jr. of Melrose Mas!. ']'1)(> scr((l1ed ten'ace and ess Mrs. Laine pink lace. drive give a luncheon and. ""<t. 1 ~ill'(iens of the W. Wilson War- Judie who'll become young!\i". personal shower. The fellow who has to ex- ::~.. 'll dc'll home in Kenwood road Bailey's bride n an Octobel' 14 plain why he didn't make good ".'t'. f \\'('1'(' aglow with colored ghts ceremony at ''he Calhedral The bridegroom-to-be is the has a mighly difficult job "'". 'j :m<l he flora of Hawaii Salur- Church of St. Paul was fn~ -;:'-:-':'-.e-l:t:-.~-~-:~-:"'-:-~-.m-~>-dm-'-.it;-f:'~-"-~::-~t-::;:-m-t-x.->~:-w-:@i;-i~-"-:%.-;:-:;ii-~-1i>~-w-l!w"i-';l-m-.@i!t-. -m-&.f '. ' day evening when the Wardells white eyelet organdy and hel'.; l :!\d 1111'. and Mrs. Virgil Laine mother Mrs. T. Tevis Sehnei.... j of East Jefferson avenue en- del' of Easl Jefferson avellue " : t('rtained about 100 guesls hon- n bluc lace. j : 'ring Jude Schneider and her An unusual louch to the i fllll('e Rogel' Kerwin Bailey. "sle of Fanlasy" almosphcre was added to the cooling drinks. Cnged tropical birds a five- n which were to be found small 1 foot-high reproduction of famcd shell!; to which seedpeads were ) "Diamond Head" and a six- affixed BON U S piece dance combo added to'. the a fresco event.?f the several other pal:lj.es beljlg planned for tile bnge- :\rs. Wardell chose emerald elect another Grosse Pointe "eo hlff" "d h" <o-h"l. mt "tll b h1d Spl"b" DAYS Thurs. Fri. and Sat. NEXT The Grosse Pointe WEEK by Business Mens Assn. Excellent for general use by everyone Mountain Valley Water is also a noted aid in the treatment of arthritis kidney and bladder symptoms. When so used your doctor... 'ill advise the correct daily intake. The regular meeting of the Detroit Women's Council of the Navy League of the United States will be held August 17 at the Brodhead Naval Armory. The program will be a report on the recent "Wings of Gold" ball. ":~ Stephani Sumner lfichigan State U1Jir.'el'sity Mountain Valley Water Co ~ratiot Ave. LO Delivered to your home at no extra charge ELECTONS' COST The Park council on Monday August 14 approved appropriation of $1500 from the Contin_ gent Fund to pay the cost of the July 25 Con-Con Pl'iJ11ary Election and to pay the cost of the September 12 election of delegates to the Con-Con Convention. Tillie Whitak~r lias/em Michigau University Carol Cawthra UlilJersi/y of MichigalJ Jean Cheetham Vestem l'rficbigan U tlivet'sity Jacobson's College Board CLOVERLY ROAD Meet the girls with the answers on what to wear there and getting there Thi~ weil loca+ed ond attractive contemporary ha. iust come on the market Reaiist:e'! priced ot ~ The first floor contains:-living room (l7'x27')-dining room r ~ ~! 5 - Lib'MY (or Bedroom) (17'x 17'6") - Bedroom (S'x 17'6 ) - one tiled B(j;ucGm with std l! shower. The second floor contains; - Two Bedrooms [13 x14) ('0')::) p'us 0 ~tlw:ng rcom or child's Bedroom (7'3 'xo'6") - Two tiled Bat~rooms w't~ ~ub <howers Two CM gorage. Gas A. C. hellt. The house is onl! five yems o'd!l"ri :r 10ed (ondition. Beoutifully land~cllped grounds (OO'x 175) with sprinkler $''e'1) frent ond rem. Living room dining room c!lnd kitchen c!lll open to lorge attrl)" 'e r'lt;c_ Shown only by appointment. (Dimensicn~ believed accurate but not We Have Many Of her Grosse Pointe Houses Our system of photographs ond small floor plans con shorten time-consuming period O' t prelimnary nspections MAXON BROTHERSlric. 83 KERCHE:VAL AVENUf: Deal with Full Time nformed Grosse Ponte Speclolists T_u_)(_e_d_O_2_.._6_0_0_0 ~ ~ '""'tt' l~.% 0;0'1 " \ Betsy Gibson Palle} Cool'ditl4Jor A111111/15 lfehbcr of College Our College Board headquarters is now open and staffed by four bright girls from America'~ leading colleges ready to due you in on the do's and don'ts the pros and protocol of c.mpus life. This is your opportunity to learn more about the school of your choice-so come in soon and visit with our college board. There will be informal modeling of all the exciting colorful apparel that is arriving daily. au so perfect for a busy college schedule. Sportswear Shop First Floor '"'"'."-:11 t.-."

15 S ' 7.11' ' Sltlh"! " Z d SlD..r.. m. zc11o C'...- ""--"--~. ~~ ~~ " Thursday August GROSSE PONTE NEWS Woman's Page by of and for Pointe Women NJURED N PARK Paul DeGrieck l~ of 1535 North Henaud suffered a sc<llp wound while playing at the Woods lakefront park on Tuesday August 8. lie was transported to he office of City Physiciln Ciarclice Candler by Woods police wherc the Wound \\'<ls trcated and thc boy released. CAR BATTERY TAKEN Mal'y Ann Zahrt 23 of 1688 Hollywood called Woods police on Tuesday Augusl 8 and informed (hem hat someone stole a six-volt battery from a car owned by her falher Hcnry 53. The 'chicle \\'S pl'ked in front of (he house dudng the l~ht Order Today Swim Tomorrow B'i1 Pals Pay Tribute To Tobey Hansen More Than 200 Turn Out For Gala Event at Country Club Celebrating Popular Tennis Pro's 60th Birthday More than 200 close friends were on hand at the Country Club last Tuesday evening August 8 to help!:;' Tobey Hansen genial t~nnis pro of the Country Club and the Tennis House celebrate his sixtieth birthday in grand style. n addition letters and _.... leleg!'c!m:; poured in from JUlul D"l~ CU) :=:O:l11JtlC~'1 75 other well-wishers who Among. the other" ho fo mally Wshed Tobey a happy could not be 10 town fol sixtieth was Mary Boyer Taylor... "'"..' ~ > ~ii~.'..'-""' k~.~ :~~_ ~~~"~{;.~":." c- ~;j! FUTURA 999 A Sensational Value with the Same Solid Construction Features found!q Estate PO)!s Priced from $4000 to $6.000 Structural Steel Supports Real California Redwood Construction 256 Sq. Ft. of Swimming Surface. Perfect Deptll for Both Safely and Sport Features the One'piece Velvet Pooiskin - No Painting Ever! ndividualized Decoralor Design Complete Fillering System. Veranda Sun Dec~ On All Four Sides. Order the Hew Futura 999 Today- SwimminCJ Pool Center. nc Northwestern Hwy. Southfield EL '-l11i KE '.4650 the t;vent. Many of these who gave Tobey a deluxe cane greet10gs were from Toby S a long-standing joke between friends in Hot Springs and them. New York where he has been a pro in past years vthers came from Charles Wright H who penned a clever poem for Tobey. and the William Clay Fords the Henry Fords the Allen W life 1'- rells the Jerome H. Hemicks Jr. Mr and Mrs. Harold Lee Wadsworth and the John Wendel Andersons. nvitations to the paliy were extended to members of the Grosse Pointe Club Grosse Pointe Hunt Club and ndian Village Tennis Club as. ~'!el as the Country Club and the Tennis House. The fete' was cooked up by a group which dubbed themselves the "Tobey Hansen Birthday Committee" headed by Chairman George R. McMullen. n recognition of his many years of service to the Grosse Pointe community Tobey was presented with a silver cigaret box and a check. A bonus pres ent was a tape recording of the whole evening's program which Tobey promptly took home and played that evening for several friends_ n addition H. Gordon Wood presented Tobey an honorary life membership in the Detroit t' Patrons Tennis Association the first to be given and a check PARKED CARS LOOTED Bela Fuerst manager of O'Leary Cadillac phoned the City police on Thursday. August 10 and reported a larceny from several ellrs in the lot. Missing were three tail light lenses from new Cadillacs valued at $215 each and two sid:! rear view mirrors from a 1957 Chrysler valued at $7 apiece ;. Betrothed ~ -Photo hy Bransh)' Mr. and Mrs Charles Bryant of Holiday road announce the lilt.. and 1\rs. John Norm<ln engagement of their daughter Petrosky of Pemberton road KAREN JOYCE (0 Nelson C. announce the engllgement of Smith son of 1111'. and 1111'S. their daughter DO ROT H Y Kenneth C. Smith of South SHELA to Frederick Wilson Ren~ud road... Dettlinger Jr. son of the senior!\lss Bryant S a JUlllor. at Dettlingers of Washington road. ~berllll <?ollege a~d 1\11'. Smlt.h S a selllor at Prwceton Ul- The bride-elect a t ten r.l e d l'ershy Grosse Pointe University School and the University of Colorado and Western Michigan University. EXTRAVAGANCE Her fiance was graduated from Kenyon College where he Trying- to keep up with the was affliiated with Delta Tau Joneses has drowned many a Delta. A November wedding is man in a sea of red ink. planned. Chairman 11cl\.fullen opened ~_-.:W>~~~~... ;.; the program and introduced i. Tobey's vife Betty and the ~ Hansen's children. Mr. and Mrs William Kohr <Betty Hansen) i. and the Tobey Hansens Jr. The program was then turned over to George M. Black Jr" master of ceremonies \vho did :. a magnificent job Ralph Me- h Elvenny Jr_ spoke as did W. "~ Matson Tobin chairman of the!'. Bride-Elect Free Concerts ";~ A t Belle.fi;le..J 'J he Detroit Symphony 01'- ';';;':''.1 ('hcslra will play fl'cc once lis. ';;'E" t~ Sunday Tuesday and T.ursday!:;;t'~ a l 8: 15 in the l\usil: Shell on /::Z; Belle sle The ('oneerts span- : ;1:'1 sored by he Department of "-');;~ Parks and Hccreation. wi 11 be: {/' 1 conducted by Vallc: Poole. './1 Tuesday's program wlll fea-..'':~ lure Symphony 'iolinist Santo ;:::ft Urso playing the first move- " '<'" Xii! m<2nl of Mozal't's Concerto No. "4~;';.:.'~f;;;(J~ 3 in G major.. ";J'tl '' h u rs day evening Shirley ';;;1'4 LOl'e mczlo-soprano will be?~.:~ ih:u t iu lill" al id FJ iu(ellllj~ qui ' commence from Saint-Saens' Samson et Dalila" and Wag- MAL BOX STOLEN L K. Silloway of 11 Provencal road complained to Farms police on Saturday August 12 that sometime during the night someone removed his rur'al type mail box from its post and had stolen it. ~ ner's "Schmerzen." J' 1~ The program will include.~;~ Tchaikc.vsky's Symphony No. 4 in F minor. "'RE DAMAGE Fire fl'om overheated grease on the kitchen slove damaged he kitchen wall and ceiling of the home of David McQueen 2139 East Eight Mile road on Monday. August 7 There was smoke damage through the lower part of the house Me- Queen had the fire out before Woods firemen arrived. TOO LATE Success is lost for the man who waits for his ship to come i in-he has already missed the boat. t Bass Weejuns Tassel - -or f Page Fifteen There is no chance for the Envy is punishment mcted felloll' who thinks there i~ no out to people for being nchance for him. fedor to their neighbors Back to School Loafers WOLTOn.PERCE =RCHEVAL AT ST. CLAR GROSSE POHT in Style 50 comfortable for bod.s or business.. ana particularly the favorite of the campus set. Bass Weeiuns now styled with the new receded toe. Also French Loafers and CO/lventional Penny Loafers MUST BE SOLD r-----' ' 1=-- ;' --~----~---~. ;".; "... ~.. One of the finest anywhere.. at any price. 'CO''. _--~l~'~_~l A::s:::..iE ~ REALTORS TU "j Cost $B4.000-Now $56500 First floor accommodations include a living room dining room family room with fireplace and oak paneled bar 'breakfast room kitchen with Disposal and dishwasher 3 bedrooms and 3 out- ' of-this-world bathrooms. On the second floor are a lovely bedroom bath and ~ttic fan. There is a full basement with terrific gar'(1es room 47'xl7' with fireplace and numerous service rooms. Other features include gas radiant baseboard heat Thermopane windows lorge garage with electric eye door opener snow dsposal coils under driveway lawn sprinkler and copper plumbing. Only the urgent necessity or on immediate sole makes such Q deal possible. PJBLC SALES Not an Auction - All tems Priced Household Fur~ishings Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jaekel 3960 Quarton Road Bloomfield Hills (W of Woodword E. of Telegroph Rd.J Saturday Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. Mrs. John H. Wilke LaSalle (North of Puritan South of 6 Mile Rood) Saturday Aug. 26 from 10 a.m. Mrs. Lola M. Roals 40 Massachusetts Highland Pork Mich. East of Woodward Sunday Aug. 27 from 10 a.m. SALES CONDUCTED BY H. O. McNierney David D. Stalker nc. WOodward Appraisers 424 Book Building 1! i f ~.! a o DAYS ROUND1luP F'UN DAYS/GAiA~GHTS [BE $NTERTA~ED;Bt=tHES''ARstr'--~ f"m'_"~'~"~~ crosbybrothers GORDON fl..nd SHELA MACRAE GEORGE JESSEL MEL TORN1E SPKE JONES HELEN O.CON NELL EVA GABOt~ AND MANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROARNG TWENTE~. NGHT 1 - MARD GRAS BALL NGHT N PARJS.. CAPTAN S BALL BARBARY COAST NGHT fbea\chcomber's BALLi POLYNESAN NGHT ;LA~t VEGAS NGHT /' PlUS SWMMfNG. GOURMET DNNG. MOVf:S DECK SPORTS i ~AMES ea... CD G fd e... e e. ~~e ~(J ~ /.. (/)) e.. ~ ALL NCLUDED N:YOUR_FARE 1."-H W. 'l T(Jt ALSO EASLY ARRANGED HAWA STOPOVERS dr AR/SEA TNERAAr"~;~ ~..' ASK ABOUT "SAL WTH trhej STARswTOURS" :~.M(f r.l ir ;.~ '~' '1 ~ 'tm r v-'.]> ;~ i ~ """" -~. t ~ ~A~ '" l!y~r:~t'-.'i:" " t~~'~i!" ~:i'.~"> :~'P~!~ '\' 1 "''': '~~'~i > ~. ' '.' ~ - ~...~..--~~~ :=- :x.' :~:n::::;j -~~---~-'-~ 2~=--~~~;:::3 -...s.;~_.~..-~~-. ~-»--'''''''Oo ~"""""'_... "...~... "...'...~._ =.-..:-.....:~... ~~~ ::=-~:::...-::::::-... ~...~""_... ~""""' 'vi ~'<JNo_~ "~.;..._ ~ ~ "'''''...(> ~«~~ -"... ""~"""''''..."..."._...'''''''-~»>.-"""""' ~"»01>''''...~'''''''l'<') -'..."'''''l<v"... '''.~...''«...".._.....".""'~~«-o.:-..._... '"." _~~... g~~:~ """'-"""'''''~ ~_N '«<_>o.. 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16 _1'!i~1itiilrilr.~ ~!.' WHAT do you say about a press li~e this new ATF Webendorfer? You stand and "gape" at it for a long long time... you soon realize that it is a new world of fine printing. t's a printer's press that calls for a master's hand at the controls... truly a "dream" press that rolls newsprint as well as enamel and turns it out with all the finesse that multi-color deserves. STARTNG with a roll of paper 35 inches in width diameter of 40 inches and weighing up to 1600 pounds a web is fed by positive control into the first printing unit which lithographs both..sides simultaneously. Then in rapid succession the web passes into the second unit into the third unit and finally into and through the fourth unit thus having four colors printed on both sides of the web. The web then passes into an oven and over a gas flame which flashes off the solvent in the ink leaving only the ink pigment on the sheet. The ink at this point is thoroughly dry but is hot along with the heat in the paper. To get the paper back to normal temperature and set the ink the web immediately passes over two water.cooled chrome-plated steel chill rollers. FROM the chill rollers the web passes into the folder unit over the former making the first fold and into the folder jaws which hold and cut the web the correct length and again make either one or two additional folds. The finished signature or newspaper delivers on ail endless belt into a stacker which automatically jogs and compr~sses the pile preparatory to tying or bundling for skids or cartons. The above sequences takes pjace while the web is traveling at abcut 800 feet per minute or signatures per hour. POST PRNTNG COMPANY BRUSH ST. At the Mus;c Hall WO One Entire Floor Devoted To All Kinds of Job Work! ASBE PRESS fhcorporatfd K RAMER PRNTNG COMPANY 1450 BRUSH ST. n the Past Bldg. 432 MECHANC ST. Attached to Post BidS. WOo WOo The "little stuff" is not neglected at Kramer... them is no job too small for us to handle for you. Our entire fourth floor is a self-contained printing plant especially designed to take care of your every need. t was necessary to departmentalize the smaller jobs so that our prices would 'be on a competitive level. While our "forte" is rolling "big stuff" all printers will understand ou'r objective in intelligently producing our customers' needs on the "little stuff." Perhaps it is only a "card" you need-if so we will give it our most earnest consideration. a' [JJersonal anvitation r:!lo You... Very soon we will be ready for you to visit our pll1nt. As nearly as we can determine we are the only plant in the midwest tha t runs multi-color roll.fed offset and "soft pack:ng" newspaper presses. We would lik e 0111' friends in the printing world to visit us... we plan to have an open house real soon.

17 Thursday August GROSSE PONTE NEWS Page Seventeen YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED CLASSFED RATES Charge Ads.12 words for $ HELP WANTED MALE and FEMALE EXPERENCED white for genel'al housewol'k and pllin cooking 5'i2 days. Live in pri1':tc roam hath "...U1CllL environment. $150 a month to start. VA RECENT WDOW with finest local character a'nd social ref. erences wishes position as companion. F:ree to travel. Reply to Box Z-15 Grosse Fte. News. NEED a baby sitter? The Sit. tel's Club. PRescott Licensed and bonded. SECRETARAL SERVCE TELEPHONE ANSWERNG MMEOGRAPHNG D'J;TO PHOTO-COPYNG Village Letter Shop 643 NOTRE DAME TU 4-'7064 Your Girl Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly Friday Secretarial Service Mimeographing Mrs. Coleman BUSNESS TU EXPERENCED man wishes housework. cooking chauffeuring. Own transportatiod. References. Walnut HOMES trimmed and painted. Window glazing and caulking. 3 VAlley WOULD LKE to find work for my hanriyman. Gardening indoor-outdoor house. Maintenance kennelman licensed driver. Honest. conscientious excellent worker. Call after Aug. 22. Mrs. Wm. E. Lane TU SA-STUATONS DOMESTC WOMAN Cash Ads-12 words for 90c A relatively new company oc- J Oc each additional word fers spectacular earning polen- Call tial opportunity for those who TUXEDO qualify. Full 1)1' part time. Call 2-5 p.m. Lakeview Trunk Lines LNER STATONS CUNNNGHAM DRUGS 16JH KprchevaJ at Nair. TU HARKNESS PHARMACY 21)313Macl; Ave at Lochmoo ''U NEWS 8!\.ES ST.'\TlO:-S DOWNTOWN AREA Grand Circus Park news Stand Majestic Bldg News Stand E. JEFFERSON TO CTY LMTS 4A-HELP WANTED Dame (Domestic) Alden Park Manor BEDROOM and kitchen privileges for woman who does Camerons Gift Shop. Waybu.rn & Jeff Park Drugs Clly Llmttll do m est i c work in Grosse Pointe in return for prepar. GROSSE PONTE PARK Miller Pharmacy. Wayburn and ing supper 5 days and house. Kercheval work in apartment. TUxedo Sullivan Pharmacy. Beaconsfteld and Kercheval Lous' Party Store on Charlevoix GROSSE PONTE CTY 5-~TJATON WANTED K~U{f\:;'~~~~::iCY. Notre Dame CARPETS laid bound cleancd Cunnlnghams Drugs. Notre Dame repaired. Reasonable rates. and Kerche. al B ff k G Notre Dame Pharmacy Nore eau 1 U wor. uaranteed. and K:erchevaJ Townsend GROSSE pain E FARMS TraU Pharmacy. Kercheval on the Hill Farms Dra:.gs Fsher Rd. and Kercheval Schettlers Drugs. Fsher Rd. and Maumee Kinsel Drugs Mack and SECRETARAL SERVCE TELEPHONE SERVCE THESS PAPERS 7-Mlle ROSEMARY GANT TU W~~ds Drugs Center Mack and NURSE available for private Bournemoulll (7 Mile Rd.} duty relief or steady. VA GROSSE PONTE WOODS or VA Grosse POlnle Pharmacy. Mack and Huntington Harkness Pharmacy. Mack and Lochmoor How...d Johnsons. Mack and 11- Mile Goronflo Mack and Anita Arnolds Oru" Mack and Haw. thorne Bob's Drugs!\lack and RoSll'l DETROT AREA Brggs Drug Store. Mack and GROSSE PONTE'S UNUSUAL Touraine Rands Medical Service Pharmacy SECRETARAL SERVCE Mack and Moran Letters Resumes Composed Blue Cross Drugs Mack and Neff Blue Hill Pharmacy Mack and Dictation Taped by Telephone D~fi~~t Drugs Mack and : ~~\~p~~~ee~:~~~~~;;aphing L ~~~drmacy. Mack and 6ea- Electric Typewriting CoDny Patent Mec1lclne Postage Meter Bulk Mailing Mack deas to Take Out ST. CLAR SHORES Arnold Drugs Marter Rd. and HESTER "WRGHT-DEAS" Jp.fferson BATCHELOR formerly at 643 Notre Dame -PUBLC NOTCE Tuxedo CTROEN CARS Menaco Motors. LOrain Detroit's WANT work as handyman; mow. only authorized dealer. ing spading. Prescott la-personals YOUNG teacher leaving for Los Angeles late August wishes woman to share driv- GUT '' E R S CLEANED new ing and expenses. TUxedo strainers $5. Roof and gutter work. Meta! decks caulking. TU TU WOMAN living alone wishes companion to stay nights Will consider woman college student. Reply Box A-10 Grosse Pointe News. 2A-MUSCAL NSTRUCTON PANO organ voice theory Pre-school through university level. Walter Mueller 482 Co. lonial Ct. N. TU CHAUFFEUR butler handyman painter gardener desires work. References. WAnut call after 5. PANO organ accordion guitar banjo classic guitar. Pro. COLLEGE junior girl desires fessional teaching staff employment to Sept. 23rd. General business experience Punch & Judy Music Studios baby sitting. Tuxedo Kercheval Grosse Pie. Farms TU Res. UN TRMMNG planting cultivat. 2B-TUTO.':NG COMMUNTY TUTORNG SERVCE MRS. LOUS MARCK DREc-. TOR. Tutoring by degree teach. ers available in all subjects for grades high school coll~ge and adult education. 339 Merriweather Grosse Pointe Farms OPENNGS FOR ~ACHERS TUxedo PRVATE 'rutor1ng N YOUR OWN HOME All subjects; all grades. Adults and children. Certified teach. ers. Call: DETROT AND SUBURBAN TUTORNG SERVCE KENWOOD ' LOST AND FOUND LOST: Ladies' dillmond white gold wedding ring. Reward. Call TU v' WO ext HELP WANTED MALE and FEMALE FUR DEPT. MANAGER Woman to manage ('xc1usive fur dcpnrtmcnl for Jacobson's ~tore in Jackson Michigan. Must be experienccd in selling quallty furs. Apply to Mrs. Huntington a cob son's of Gros~e Pointe. ing by experienced gardener. Reasonable rates. Tux e do WANTED EXPERENCED whitc woman wishes housework Monday and Tuesday. Call after 6 pm SA-STUATONS WANTED 6-FOR RENT DOMESTC (Unfurnished) EXPERENCED woman would like day wo'k cleaning office or home. WA WA GERMAN girl desires domestic work. Live in. Call after 6- SLocum EXPEREl\CED white woman wants cleaning. Best references. Monday Tuesday Friday. TUxedo HELABL~.young lady \\ ould like child care Excellent references. Valley EDUCATED young lady French and German'speaking experienced baby sitter. References. Tuxedo EXPERENCED lady desires day work 1 to 4 days same plaee. Grosse Pointe references Gladys Valley CALL TUxedo anne plrker tu offers; grosse pointe Or vicinity _ smart bachelor upper furnished or not.. adorable 2_ bedroom ranch furnished or not... 3-bedl'00m larger modern ['anch.. 3-bedl'Oom breezy complete colonial.. 4 bedrooms 212 baths colonial. BEACONSFJELD Newly decorated five-room upper. Stove ldl igl!l'alul' g<l'age gas heal. $75. Tuxedo ST. CLAR 2-hedroom duplex available August 1st. 2-car g~rage $150. Evenings TU C W. TOLES TU GROSSE PONTE PARK - 5 rooms Maryland. Gas heat disposal sepa'rale basement. Ad u ts. UNiversity EXPERENCED woman with Grosse Pointe reference wants GROSSE PONTE TERRACE days cooking or cleaning. Tyler Maumee corner Notre Dame Convenient to shopping RELABLE woman desires baby center. Decorated 3 bedroom silting da~'s or evenings. unit with gas heat stove refrigerator and garage. Open Grosse Pointe references. TU dally. $140 mtlnlh. Adults. WOodward EXPERENCED lady wants general cleaning nurse's aid LAMBRECHT RLTY. CO. work Tuesday Fridav. References. TY GENERAL house work Wednesday Thursday or full week. Grosse Pte. references GERMAN lady wants housework. TUxedo A RELABLE dependable girl Poi n t e references wishes cleaning or ironing. LO LADY wishes one two days general. L 0. e s ::hildren. Pointe references. Own trans. porlation VAlley EXPERENCED cook laundress houseworker wishes permanent work. References. WA WOMAN ten years Poinle experience desires five days housework. Call' Friday Sunday. LO GROSSE PONTE CTY 843 St. Clair-Upper newly decorated 4 rooms bath and glasscd-in porch garage park privileges. TUxedo HARVARD ROAD 4 bedrooms 2 baths fully carpeted $250 per month. Marvin Simons VAlley NOTRE Dame - Near shopping center. Lower 4-room 1 bedroom aparlment; upper 3_ room 1 bedroom apartment. Tuxedo RVARD Blvd.-Upper income heated one or two persons. Call LAKESHORE ROAD Grosse Poinle Farms garage aparlment. Large living room bedroom bath kitchen 2-car garage space $150. SWEENEY & MOORE TV: LADY wants four or five days home nights. Good references. WA " THREE bcdroom ranch near Eastland. Living room with WHTE LADY wishes day dining ell finished basement work Monday through Fri- porch in back two-car gaday $1 hour car fare. VA rage near schools $150. PR ~ COMPETENT white woman desires babysitting days or nights. References. TUxedo or PRescott SB-EMPLOYMEN.T BUREAU ATTENTON The Ridley Employment Agency is capable of filling all of your domestic nr:eds. We furnish experienced housekeepers day_ workers maids cooks and handymen No fc~ to emplo~'ers. CALL VA FOR RENT (Unfurnished) GR0SSE PONTE 1362 Somerset. Spa'dous six-room lower completely carpetcd natural fireplace. Park privileges. NEFF LANE 2 bedrooms 21 feet of closet space air-conditioned completely carpeted. Private basement g a l' age $150. No children no pets. TUxedo BEACONSFELD - 3 rooms upp~r. bath newly decorated heated. garage. Adults. TU BEDROOM brick colonial near Morass Road. Sereened terrace. carpeting dra'peries gas heat near schools. Available now. $155. WOodward CLEAN single home near War_ ren bus. $85 monthly. Five rooms two bedrooms new modern kitchen new gas fur. nace new wall-to-wall carpeting 2-car garage Owner transferred. Want couple only who will take responsible care. Valley ROBERT C. MOORE REALTOR G R 0 SSE PONTE WOODS single. Two bedrooms bath down; one large bedroom up. Carpeting in living and dining l' 0 0 m s stove refrigerator. Available Sept. 1. TU GROSSE PONTE SHORES - Large 3-bedroom 2~'2-bath Colonial. Carpeting and draperies. ;~ block from lake. TUxedo Bedroom Terrac~ on quiet street. Extra bedroom ana bath on 3rd floor. Available Sept. 15. $175 per month. TAPPAN TU Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly 6-FOR RENT- 6C-OFFCE FOR RENT ( Unfurnished) 8-ARTCLES FOR SALE AR CONDTONED OFFCE S FHE:'oC Provincial cocktail tablc marble top $125. :'\lahog- CARRAGE house ndian Vi- Modern building on Mack Ave. lage'. 2 bedrooms living Grosse Pointe. Suites 01' singl c any tiel' planter $25. Texas room kitehen with stove and offices with parking. Need ten longhorns 8 f~. $12.'; Sailfish refl"igerator. VAlley ant to take over telephone an.'i ft. $75. \1 i s c (' an e a u s 524 ALTER ROAD-Lovely up swering and some steno. ill'ms. TU or per income foul' 'ooms heat Woodward _._ Tuxedo A~r;HCAN Oriental rug 9x12' ed '{;arpeting nicely furnish -. j'easonabl e. ;\('n's clothing ed. $125 or unfurnished $100 Am-CONDTONED office 25o 42. Tuxedo VAlley sq. ft. All utilities. $100 pe ' month l\lack Avenue. 18" YRD:\AN chain drive reel NE~'!"-Upper flat nearly new )low('rs70. Tuxedo 2-:~91l. Z btdl'oolh"; g"" a.c $ RESQRT PROPERTY MAXON BROTHERS TU SHAW'S WOODLAND RESOR on beautiful Burt Lake BEAUTFUL ha 3!;z-l'Oom apllrl - vacancy week beginnin~ Au ment plenty closets employ - gust 19th and August 261h. ed party or ladies DR Modern log cottages with run GROSSE Poilte Park. Dignified ning hot and cold water and economical residence. 920 showers inside flush toilet~ Beaconsfield. Four-room upper heat furnished newl~ Accommodations for 4 gas electl'icity and boat. people decoraled disposal garage $85 per week; for 8 people beach adults $80 VA $100 per week. (Stove and refrigerator if desired). Phone Brutus 2753 GROSSE Poinle Park MalJ'- land Close Jefferson 5 room lower he~tcd garage Adults. VA PR NEFF Road Colonial flat lower. 3 bedrooms 2 baths living room dining room kit. chen $170 month. TU DELUXE cottages 3 miles south of Algonac Good swimming boating fishing golf lighted spacious lawn 200 ft. dock. $55 to $80 week. The Riverside 5745 M-29 Pe'arl Beach. SW or SW 4-:')205. APARTMENT on Cadieux between Harper and Morang LVNG QUARTERS 6F-TO SHARE Living room kitchen alcove MOTHER and daughter are willing to share Grosse Pointe bedroom bath heated hot w ate 1' stove refrigerator home. Tuxedo parking $ TUxedo LADY wishes to share apartment (Denby High School area) with same. Call evenings. TUxedo JEFFERSON E ST. CLAR SHORES BELMONT APARTMENTS New luxurious one and twobedl'o<>m units. Air-conditioned carpeted stove refrigerator car parking hot water heat $12;) up monthly. Greatest value on east side. Park privileges. See Manager Apt. 3. NEFF and Jefferson. Six modern rooms redecorated upper. Adults Radiant heat TU or TU SHARE my Grosse Pointe home with refined matured lady. Garage privileges Call PR between 8 and 12 am. 6.H-GARAGES WANTED WANTED garage near Charlevoix bus linc. TUxedo WANTED TO RENT WDOW wishes flat near shopping centel' Grosse Pointe. Village. One Or two bedrooms. TUxedo VERY PLEASANT 4-room up. per. S t 0 ve refrigerator 8-ARTCLES FOR SALE porch garage. Reasonable GROUND CO V E R S: Myrtle TUxedo pachysandras. TUxedo DEVONSHRE near Warren- Upper newly decorated 2 bedrooms carpeting draperies stove refrigeator disposal screened porch garage heated $120. Shown by appointment. VAlley A-FOR RENT (Furnished) WNDMLL PONTE - Upper two bedrooms two baths beautifully furnished. Will lease at reasonable figure. VAlley DELGHTFUL 2-bedroom. Neff Road. Lower. Available September. June. Would accept group of 4. TUxedo OWNER of spacious home will share it on a no rent basis with responsible couple am away fl'cjm the city a good deal. My children are away at college. have part time help in the house. Reply Box W-3 Grosse Pointe News. SOFAS AND CHARS Floor stock sent to our ware. house from our 4 other b"autiful stores; some slightly above cost some slightly below cost some at cost at the VAN WAREHOUSE Harper 1O-FT. upholstered bar6 stools 8-ft. back bar with mirror and lights. Trimmed in black and white'. Beautifully done. Bel-La Pizzeria East Warren ESTATES bought and sold. Complete or odd pieces. An. tiques silver china furniture Oriental rugs. Hugh C Bolan Woodward TO KEN:\ORE automatic washer $25; 9xl5 charcoal broadloom rug and pad used 6 months $60. Tuxedo Cha irs Tables Lamps All st'/les and sizes 50';;' ofl. GROSSE PONTE PARK 1011 Maryland near E. Jefferson- Next to St. Ambrose Church. VAN "AREHOUSE Second floor apartment Harper room including dining room. KNG-SZE bed sofa dishes Newly decorated. Adults. VA silver tea set miscellaneo~s 4-53l>9. items. Saturday 1 to SOMERSET 5513 Five room CADEUX ROAD- 2-bedroom University. upper. Gas heat. $85. Adults. ranch. Odober to May: TUx_ TUxedo after SX.. edo UPHOLSTERY dl'lpcry slip COvers Jolt ends. 79c a yard LOWER flat 676 Neff Rd. - 3 ROOMS and bath large cos. and up. 2 bedrooms. den. Aduks. TUxedo ets all electric ail' condition_ VAN W/\RElOUSE ed. Single f!mploycd pl'rson Harpcr GROSSE PONTE E. JEFFERSON Ncwly decorated throughout. 2 bedrooms stove rcfrigerator Tuxedo f 22" REEL Brigg-s and Strat ton CADJLLAC Blvd near power mowcr. Top condition. Jefferson. Nice:y furnished Tuxcdo 5.0fl24. 2-room apt. complete kitchen and dinette tiled bath with shower. Rent $ Available Sept. 1st. Call VA PANO SALE to see. BALDwrx GRAXD beautiful. like new walrut recon- ORGAN '. DEADLNE 3 P.M. TUESDAY 8-ARTCLF:~ FOR SALE 8 VOLUMES Horatio Alger Jr. printed 1870 collector's Lcm. Very fine conclition. TU BAR icebox $40; complete ping. pong set $20; ieathel' top cof. fee tahle S4; 2 bookcase headboards $15; child's desk and chair $10; new playpen S7. Tuxedo CHLD'S maple bookcase and KEX:.rOHE clectrlc 'ange $50. desk. TLiXc.dv ~ -G::;~D. _ TUxedo CHROME plated wire wheels T TGER EAD. hand painted on i:{:~~~ condition. $175 DR s ilk framed approximate size 19 'x22" $1250. TUxedo PRNTED chintz sofa matching i tie-haek drapel'ies. Chippen' NEW T t tt. f d dale chair. Mahogany end. oas ma~ er e ~r. nc 00 tables. Antique lamps mil'- larmer t\~o-dra\\er home rors Wood hooked rug 12'x SZ~. ~ever. J1stalled or used. 15'. Four-poster mah~gany Als~. n~w kltc?en exhaust fa~. bedroom Chestnut bedroom Attl ijetve pnces. TUxedo 0- 'th d k E t. t U i 219- \\'1 es. ec nc s ove. n- 0. vel'sity AUTO DRVERS! Only $ _ quarlerly buys $10000-$20- ANTQUE sofa perfect condi. 000 Bodily njury and $5000 tion old Viclrola records bronze ewers china glass Property Damage Liability. household itcms pictures. TUxedo Valley S-ANTQUES STORE HOURS DURNG SALE ANTQUE pine hutch top $4!}. Also antique china and glassware 70 pieces each item DETROT 5510 WOODWARD TR priced. Private home 2104 Mon.-Thurs. 9-9 Fri.-Sat. 9-5 Hampton (Woods) TUxedo OPEN SUNDAY 1 to ANTQUE SHOP pl'imitive fin. ished and unfinished. Gla'Ss china ironslone Harpel'. HORSE head hitching posts Abington Woodward TOwnsend ARTCLES WANTED BOOKS bought in any qnantily. Entire libraries bookcases art objects. Mrs. B. C. Claes 1670 Leverette WO WE BUY old gold jewelry and silver. Vogue Jewelers \1oross Road. COl\PLETE brass fireplace en. semb " ft. extension ladder BOOKS purchased for cash. Entire ibrar;es or fine single items. Midwest Book St'rvice 4301 Kensington TU WANTED OLD CLOTHNG BESTPRCES PAD FOR MEN'S SUTS TOPCOA TS AND SHOES TUlsa A telephone call will bring us to you immediateiy WANTED - Like new better women's girls' and teens' clothing furs and accessories. Wi be tastefully displayed and re-sold in new Grosse Pointe shop. TUxpdo loa-motor SCOOTERS GO-CART-Rug like new. :\ust sacrifice. TUxedo ll-autos FOR SALE CADLLAC '54 sedan all power. low mileage $575. Tuxedo '49 l\f.g.t.c. good condition. $1200. Tuxedo CORVETTE Like new. La\\' milcagc. Power - GlidE' transmission. Two lops. Valley FORD Convet1ible. Show room conclition. All power cquipme'nt Premium tires. TUxcdo 5-2H2. DART. '60 V-8 stick. white hardtop r1dio heater. like new milcs. S72.;' owl1rr. TUxedo 4-8fl28. val available soon Shown horn e privileges. Good bus ivory reconditioned guar- with attachments and O:"1ehy appointment only. Phone transport a t ion BUCK Century - White walls excellent interior automatic all power. Valley '' U xed 0 antced delivered. A go(\<1 year gu~rantc'e Ninc Werner LOraln~ huy. -.:~~e_. _R_(\a_~:_c_al_1 _~_~:~6~~ \R 'S b' h 3 b d C \ goo.. call( 1- TB.3 '59 Pril'.1te owner. A- ati scr en cd ~. " lon. 1 xc 0 - ". sh1pe extras. Scll cheap. SALE USED LOWREY HOLDAY - 8A-OFFCE EQUPMENT 2 manual spinet. With chord FOR SALE buttons. Playas spinet or chord: _ organ... One only.. TYPEWRTERS and add n g machines new rebuilt. Reasonable prices. National Of. 3 HAMMOND Organs included in sale. fice Equipment Harper MNSHALL at Bishop. TUxedo SMLEY BROS. BRl\NGHAM 115 S. Woodward l\f Daily Sat. 9:30-5:30 Fri. to 9 A PAR T MEN T refrigerator bronze-toned breakfast set living room tables chairs dinnerware miscellaneous. Valley " CHA1VBERS slainless steel top gas range $45. Miscellaneous furniture. TU BELGrAN lady artist has different size oil p:lintings; engraved pyrogravure wooden birth and wedding plates. She paints on dresses lamp shades etc. Beautiful work. TUxedo EDSON baby crib like new. Tuxedo CAMER. \S 35mm and slereo. Tripods and other miscellaneous photo equipment. Tuxedo D!STNCTVE PASTEL PORTRATS $20.00 by STEPHEN GYURCH TU J STANHOPE AVE. GROSSE PTE. WOODS FOOTPEDAL Sin gel' sewing machine. some attachments. good condition $12. Tuxedo TRADE-N sofas and chairs. All in nice condition. Reasonably pri~ed. Van Warehouse Harper. GEORGAN highboy. solid mahogany Beacon Hill sectional Oxford Kent chairs cut glass antiques and miscellaneous items furniture bric-a-brac SNGER in e:abinet. Makes d<.'- signs buttonholes monograms etc. with zig-7.ag. Pay S2.87 monthly for full cash price of $30. PR AARGOT \~ HA~SEN~ Gr<1nd Ri'el' Art Gallery HOUSE OF DlSTlXCTON Pictures-Paintings Cllstom Framing 7422 Grand River 2nrl blk. N. of Blvd. Close to Expressway 1'Y TY ' EAST V'ARREN - 5-room upper clean airy automatic heat hot water. Ncar Warren. garage park After 4 p.m. Tuxedo month. Call privileges $150 ALTER ROAD-E..effcrson WO Ex!. 43 or TU _._-_._-- attractive ') room Upper brick FVE-ROOM heated unfurnish- 6S-ROOMS FO" RENT ditioncd and guarantreri fat. Ele-ctric stove refrigcralor garage landscape serv- one-half block from Kerche- LARGE front room gentleman CABLE GRAND anlique nc\\' only.$14.95 complete cd apartment on the Hill.. G. E. vacuum cleaner. just like icc. Adnlts. $135. VAlley PECE sectional moss green. $50. Tuxedo COLORED lady wants Wednes. GROSSE Pointc Farms-i)-bed ' \[ D '\' " ACROSO"[C 'EL'RGE' \TOR -' ' room ranch newly decorated F :\" MC t ranc. e - GROSSE PONTE ~on~ole niano blond beml- ' S30""U d 1 650" day and Friday laundry or cie'anln~. WA gas heat large ~'ard. mmrdi- rooms recre on. e Bachrlor residence on la'l<e tiful condition. Pric('ri very '_ H 'PH ate possession. $ terrace.$ TUxedo one vacane-y for clul of.'il\' col- reasonahly. LADY'S 120 bass Wurillwr _~~l:~'~::... ~.--':~' ". _ Ridgemont. Tuxrdo _~::2~!.:... '. '_ lege graduate age 24 to :l6. ae-cordion. $7.'i. TUxrrio 1.1:l42. Dcal With '1'0111' Neighbor EXPERENCED capable wom- AT'COURT F D ' t Bl'fNrnces. S:\ALL dean piano sllit- _ _ an to hah~' sit days. TUxl' d0 HAHCOURT Road upper 3 f' ' a ss('x- (' ' g 1 - TV cl "lle ". for h's('nl~nt '" or re('l'~.- " C'.\ RVE!) wood eourh; matching bedrooms B-2 baths scrccned two.story teltaee Wt 1 pn. xc' 0 -. ation room drlivrl'rc! 1nll ch:dr: \01'(' seal. nrcds nl'11 TED ANGOTT porch TUxedo \'alr hasl'mrnl and de ll1x(' '--.. gual'anteed. S2g1. cover: Hawaiian guit1r elc'c:- Grosse Poin!r's Buick Salesman RSH girl wishcs day work --- -~ f('aturcs. Thrrl' brdj'ooms 6C-OFFCE FOR RENT tr'k. TUxedo ;. babysitting. Good references VERN'ER ROAD-4-room bath and two lavs. Living A BRAND NEW llaldwl:'o...._.._._.. TUxedo upper. Plenty extras. Adults. dining kif ('hen and scrl'ened OFFCE SPACE a v a i a b e ronsolc piano for as low ;s EXPF.:nENCED r'c-w e a v n g TUxedo porch. Weekdays 9 to 5. Grosse Pointe's fincst busi- $667. A1'<1i1<1bJc in walnut moth holcs burns leal's. Hea- DOMESTCS. Excellent appli Woodward 3.623~. ness location. Tracy Building mahog~ny or light (11k. sonable. Est 1mat C s Quick cants from Britain and Con. STAELENS GARDENS Kercheval. TUxedo scrvicc.pllcscott7-43b1. tincnt. Well screencd highly TERRACES farcourt UPPER. Large SMLEY BROS...._... _ qualifiecl. reasonable. For de. rooms 2 bedrooms bath _ LATF; model ~ewing machine SECRETARY FOR tails reply to Box V-12 Grossp MACK pow(lc'r room. lihrary. scrrcn. 19B1B MACK air conrlitic)fird STORE HOURS DFRNG SALE only elghl monlh.~ old. Em- REAL ESTATE OfFCE Pointe News One hedroom apartmcnt large ('rl porcll garage. Wll de-co- officcs. Good parking fadli. DETROT hmirirrs nonograms rt(' GROSSE PONTE ARE" room~ plenty 01 closet space r:tf'. $210. VAlle~' 2.4fl7l. llc~ telcphone ansll'cnng s('r- without att~chlllcnts. Fil Experienced girl for general DEPENDABLE whjte woman G.f.. equipped kitchen air-con. vice al'l1l~blc. TUxedo '>.';10Woorlll'arr1 Tn 1-t;flOO pnc'(" $49. r~yll1cnts available. work. 35 hollrs. wishes day work or wall dillonccl private parking. Call TE[lHACE unil. Four-brdroom... Mon.-Thurs. (H Fri.-Sat. 9-5 PH washing Grosse Poinle rder- Mr. Bi~s Homer Warren & Co. wilh two or tlm"e haths. S.: OFFCE spacc e-sprci111ysuit- OPEN SU:'oDAY to 5 _..._.._..... _... _ Pleasant surroundings. Mr. lie Co m'n factu 1" "cnl \\"-'[)"'N('«'[ f Birdsall. 90 Kercheval ences. VAlley WO Clair /ll Maun1re. PH al r n u. re s a" r. u... a'll VC mm etc. in building on Ken'he- ntl1\ltngljam Sak's si/.e 14. Lady's 11'001 Johnstone & Johnstone LADY desires day work cook. NEFF Upper fivc large FVE ROOMS--882 Neff Road. val- on -the - Hll. Air-eollcli- 115 S. WOOdward M sull excellent tolldition size Grosse Pointe FaTms. TU lng. Good references. Will roorr"" porch. Near tl'anspor- Fireplace jalousie p ()r c h tloned reasonable. TUxedo Daily Slit. 9:30-5:30 }'l'i. to TV 1-70A7 Thursday and stay nlghts. VAlley tation Tuxedo newly decorated. Tll :; Friday \lnlil 4. TOM ROUSSEAU BUCK Kerchcval VA PLY:\TOUTH '57 ('onve-rlible 8- POWN slee-ring POW('rbrllkE's /llllonatil' radio hrate-' \ hite sidrwalls new tor. new transmission. 5iOO. TV ~rtn () p.m. 12A-BOATS AND MOTORS ~_.~._-_._-._ FT. l.y~ra~ with ~1-h.;'l. ('e-rrie slarlinc: Evinrude mota' and t1'a!ler. A bar~aln. 657 Univel'sity P. Or dial. TU

18 Page Eighteen GROSSE PONTE NEWS Thursday. August YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED 12E-COMMERCAL PROPERTY "'lttleh-kelly 'icinily- 1\C\\' stol'e building 20'x80'. A.o 2 HiJoining lots. 20'x100' ('ach Owner TUxedo REAL ESi"ATE FOR SALE 113 ROSLY:\' Roatl-Bungdo\\'. 2'~_ car gal'age. 2 hedrooms down large bedloom Up. sc['eened tc'['racc Will ('onsider land conlrat:l. $3000 down SGO a month. TU i Live Life.. n a Lake Others Area TU Do You Can Too! Selpct your site now and plan YOllr future to include year round lake i"ing at... Lake Sherwood Select Your Custom Site Now. Flexible terms available. LAKELAND Development 11h STORY c 1 :' P boa r d building 22'x24'. May be used as boathouse stable:. storage. converted to a pool house or summer cottage etc. Must be moved from premises TU TU KENWOOD GROSSE PONTE FARMS 520 COOK RD. ~love OUT OF CTY DE:'\ANDS l\':ledate SALE Call for appointro('nt. TV 'i Corp. Dorothy P. Hart Broker E;\l U l\1u ROSLYN. New three bedroom ranch horne. Large family room 2 baths. Open Satur-. day and Sunday 3 to 5 or by appointment. Owner. TU Charming five-bedroom 41hbath Georgian colonial ideally located off Kercheval. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Three Trunk lines To Serve You Quickly annp parkpr offers: a start-or-slop st udio ranch lllijuslahit'. f1a\'orfu! easy! S 1000 down.. ill Farms - bcdl'oon:s 2'~ baths in_ tc'rcslin~ S5000 down 01'. 1\ in swap for smaller east sidc... tll WHTTER - bcdrooms :'lt.knley 2 hec!rooms LOTHROP 4 beurooms. 925 THREE MLE DRVE 3 bedrooms 910 EDGEMONT PK. - $ bedrms. mds. qtrs. 19.'i3 BRYS 2 bedrooms. C. \/V'. TOLES 74 Ke'cheval TU RVARD BOULEVARD Roomy family horne with Early American kitchen late American appliances. Step-saving GE laundry on second floor. 5 bedrooms dressing rooms 2 baths lfaster suite carpeted also first floor front and back stairs. $ TU BEACONSFELD Grosse Pte. Pf- 5-5 brick income automatic heat double insulation. Copper plumbing sprinkling system VERNER Rd. Grosse Pe. Woods brick 5.5 :2 bedrooms each 21-2 ear garage. Upper vacant. SELDON CO. TU WOOD5--Beautiful 3-bedroom l1.!-story with knotty pine family kitchen. New carpeting and dieor. Lovely Colonial styling throughout. Finished recreation room. Many built.ins. Gas heat. Low taxes. $ Owner. TU A WOMAN KNOWS McKinley bedrooms 13 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JEFF~nSOt\.ll :'lle AREA Six-room brick ranch eight room Frclll'il ('olonil!. Gas hpat boat wc'l~" i'pjllaccs. ('u'jll'!illg C'xtras Ask in 6 $19000 and $ O\l'nt'l'. 3 bedrooms H2 baths sun- COMPANY Building Maintenance Co. room recreation room mod- TUxedo Mack. Grosse Pte. Park ern kitchen 67-foot lot gas -2-1-D---l::-L-E-C-T-R--C-A TU 4.il739 TU ae. $ APPLANCES 2 FOR PHESCOTT TU SALE CAHPET LA Ylj\(; ;\EW AND OLD S aj ' C~rp 't Shiftcrl Hcpairs or All Typrs HOl THUD':!. ''ll fl.070:1 (.60n8 GROSSE PTE. WOODS Fac(' brick 1'llch 977 Hos!yn 3 bedrooms 1 L ~ haths large kit. clcn!iring room and dining cll sc'l'enl'd pol'ch. tilc'n basemc'1l1. 2-car garage carpeting Luxairc gas heal. HuntC'r fan Built block to Ferry School. Excellent condition and many exlras $ By Oll'nel" TUxedo or CALL TUxedo A-GENERAL 20% OFF CASH and CARRY CLEANERS FREE ESTJMA TES 106J5 CADEUX TUXEDO DONALD TU BLSS SERVCES LUGGAGE trunks zippers sample cases repaired. Gold stamping cwtorp buht Ul:' gage. 'l'ra\'elers Trunk Co !\lack. VaJlC'y Valley "For the unusual" call Suburban Associates Maintenance ";\0 Job s Too Small" Bathroom and Kitchen 1lodemizalion One phone call for all ho:r:e n1;}'~~1t~njncc prub.. lems Licensed 13uildet's TU PR AUTHORZED PONTE SERVCE VACUUM 'HO!~ MACK TU PANTNG AND DECORATNG CUSTOM PANTNG FNE PAPER HANGNG LCENSED and NSURED J. F. TROMBLEY Valley FOR HGHF:ST qualily workmanship plus color schemes. O. Krauss PR GEORGE S. DALLY PANTNG DECORATNG Wan washing and patch plaste ing. Serving this communit ovcr 25 years. VA FREE PCKUP & DELVERY ERNEST A. ~()CK t'ooew REBUL! PART S Painter and decorotor: Quality ond colo matching the fines t! 21~_.-CUSTOM CORSETS Served Grasse Pointe homes ;-0 10 years. SPENCER CORSETS fndividually designed light Woodmont TU! weght foundations and sur -. COMPLETE decoratng service gical gar men t s over 26 nterior and exterior pain t- years experience M a u d e ing. Paper removing an d Ban n e r t 368 McKinley. paper hanging. Wall w.lshing Gros"':! Pointe TV r Workmanship guaranteed 0 TOwnsend be the best.. For estimate call 21G-ROOF SERVCE S P E C A LZ N G in gutte 11'01'1< Ruof repair. 30 year experience full y insured low priced. Richard Willertz TU or TU SUMMER Special - Gutter cleaned new strainers instal ed $5. Gutter-roof work an melal decks. Caulking chim ney repairs. nsured. TU TU ROOF or gutters leak? Ca1 Sully 30 years same location SLocum ROOF REPARNG Expert on leaky roofs gutters decks caulking. VEnice LAkeview H-RUG CLEANNG TACKED DOWN CARPETS AND FURNTURE CLEANED LOCATON RUGS PCKED ill' AND DELVERED on PRDE CARPET AND FUHN1TURE RADKE CARPET CLEANERS - Carpets rugs lacked down or loose upholstered furniture expertly cleaned Jnd moth-proofed it your home Free estimates reasonable prices. DRexel Bf:ST CARPET CLEANERS CLEANNG DYNG REPARNG PROMPT HOME t>~rvce FREE ESTMATES NSURED TU ;.65':>6 DURACLEAN :-'ASTER CL~ANERS World's largest rug and uphol stcr~ clcanrrs since SATSFACTON GUARANTEED PANTJG AND DECORATNG AU AHOUNO painting and decorating Good l'cferences Work myrlf Wallparer fe. moved.. Jesse Page. VAlley SL De('ora10r f<~xterlor nterior 1<'1'1'1' ~;~t!ll11les 35 Ycars f) G.? EXP~:RT pamtlng paper hang. ing by mechanics free estimates. Van Assche TUxedo 4.H87. VA ' s WLLAM FORSYTHE VAlley For ~'iner Painting & Decorating s CHARRON PANTNG CO.. Satisfaction Our d Guarantee PH DR HUGHES BROTHERS paint ing and decorating wal J washing expert paper hang. ing free estimates Yorkshire TUxedo 2-f!750 or TUxedo 1-76h7. Painting and Decoratinq Besl of Grosse Pointe Keferences nterior Exterjor cree Estimates JOHN R. FORTER PR HOUSE and garage painting Refrenees. Very reasonable Free estimates Valley LEO P. KSTNER nterior painters exterior. Free estimates work guaranteed. Rates reasonable. Custom work and color. PHescott PRescott 7-585il. ~lj-wall WNDOW WASHNG WALL WASHNG Experienced f ' e e estimates reasonable rates.. VAlley LAke view WALL WASHNG PANTNG & DECORATNG REDUCED WNTER PRCES ELMER T. L\BADE TUxedo K-WNDOW G.OLMN WASHiNG VNDOW CLEANNG SERVC::; WALL WASH~G FREE ESTlMATES WE ARE NSURED VALLEY ACME Painting CLEANNG WNDOW CO. Window Cleaning Screens - Storms Awnings W<'lll Washing Completely nsured Free Estimates TUXEDO 6.1!)40 1fl3 E. Elizabcth WO CL~ANNG WALL WASHNG Scrvice on ScrE"ens and Storms B rick Washing 8xpertly Done 811scment Pamting H. E GA.GF & SON H & Decorati ng NTEROR & EXTEROR 21C-ELECT RCAl Free Estimates SERVCE Day or Night Wall Washing CADEUX-Appcaling colonial ELECTRCAL REPARS Window Washing 3 bedl'ooms l\~ baths. panel. AP'?LANCE CRCUTS BEST ed l"ecreatl'on l'ooln $2'900. PROl\PT SERVCE.. of Grosse Pte. References KENSNGTON neal' Sl. Paul- KRAUSMANN ELECTRC MOORE & STARNES SOUTH DEEPLANDS-De'.ira. PANTNG papering pape r ble French design many spe- WHRLPOOL Kenmore wash. removed. Wall washin g. cial features 4 bedrooms 31-2 ers and dryers; also roners Neat. reliable. \ltork guaran baths large activities room and au home appliances. All teed Mertens 122 Muir T U gas a.e. :~~~l e~~.pa~~ie::vi;~~:~~a~~: BARRNGTON--4 bedrooms_ 2 TU baths plus suite with bath over attached garage library H00 V ER gas heat. $ l\laxon BROTHERS TU FARMS brick ranch. 3 bedrooms recreation screened tel' r ace. Bargain $18800 terms TUxedo SOUTH EDGEWOOD n Grosse Pointe Shores - Especially designed for couples seeking quiet elegance in onefloor living. Newish 2 bedroom RANCH with excellent family room overlooking gardens. TAPPAN Vendome bedrooms 13A-LOTS COR SALE Maryland bedrooms r Berkshire bedrooms MDDLESEX BLVD. -80'x200' Balfour "6 bedrooms for sale by owner. TUxedo Bishop bedrooms or TUxedo Chalionte 324 Ranch 1 _ Lothrop Semi-ranch Moran 161 ' Semi-ranch Moran 15B... Homeslead Kingsville Ont. Cott age 326 MORAN. 4-bedroom coloni- ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN al. S1. Paul and Kerby dis- TU LO tricl. $ Tuxedo JOHN S. GOODMAN GROSSE PONTE WOODS 942 N. Brys Drive near Wedgewood. Nine year old cuslom ranch attached 2-car garage three bedrooms 11;2 bat h s large living and dining room terrace rec. area large rear yard near schools. Outstanding value HAWTHORNE charming face brick 3 bedrooms and drn 21''2-cal' garage. Take over FltA. mortgage. Open 1-5 Saturday and Sunday or call. Tuxedo :'OROSS 316-A delightful fl_ hedroom. 4.bath southern co. lonial ol'crlooking Country Club Golf Cours ' Designed by John Po1lle for gracious living in a pre."\ igc Farm<; 10' c;;lion Open daily. 3 LOTS - 104' X 125' Near Lakeshore GROSSE PONTE SHORE'S NEWEST ROAD TV TU ExceptioM! opportunity to buy an established chit- Jren's shop in the heart of downtown Detroit. For in. formation 3i)4 Da\'id Whitney Bldg. WO VAN S CHLDREN'S SHOP 16-PETS Estnblished 30 Years FOR SALE WEMARANERS. 7 'ceks in. ternational champion show and field triill stock l'uxedo {;.2099 GERi\A~ ShOl't hair pointcrs. 7 months $60 TYlpl' BEDFOHD nr. Kcrl'heval--Firsl ~-.. -._- offering 5.prdrm" :J-balh i. nmttany Spa n i e puppips. brary (('rrace f you need a ten \\ 'eks old rrgistercd largc fami ~' home ))c su rc fo A KC S:l5 "nd up. PH 8-6G26 calion this _.-~_ A LJ:'o E 1:144.Ex('cllrn! :l-hcd- 'n. ran('h. garag ' :oil'. sf'!lools ant ran~porl"tjon. Rea v<lltle :\1!lHFORD COURT _.. Cuslom hlt. ('l'ntl'1' hidl semi-ram'h 2 twill ~ize he<!rm~. family kitchen 'xpan';ion altir. Alral'. liv!' pricc. :'oil' t n D hi'fll"Oom olrj- ('1 l1omc' g"r;ge St Pa'li P..r. ish. Only $1500 tl'rlm \lany OTHEHS TU R.EAL 21A-GENERAL DRYERS ESTATE COUNTRY CLUB Six. room brick Colonial. TUxeclo WANTED DESPERATELY need threebedroom Ph.bath colonial in ST. CLARE PARSH Grosse Pointe under $ HAVERHLL from owner. Walking distance Five-room brick house two bed- Catholic school. No brokers. rooms and bath up. Large living Tuxedo room full size dining room and large kitchen down Plastered HAVE client for $50000 up and tiled basement gas hot ranch type home either in Grosse Pointe f ' i n g e area. water heat ll.! garage: window- Pointe or lakefront. Must have Middlesex Four year old ed and screened back porch. i.'\ 0 main bedrooms down with custom ranch near Lakeshore- Call for appointment. maid's quarlers up. Would Westbury. Grosse Pointe bus TUXEDO like three baths Please tele_ three bedrooms 112 baths G.E.. phone VA kitchen built-ins matching reo CADEUX ROAD 4200 ROBERT C. MOORE REALTOR frigerator 21x15' living room Near Mack. 3 bedr~oms Hi carpets drapes Thermo-pane baths familv room recreation 15-BUSrNESS type \\:indows terr~ce garage. room: fully' mode~ized 2-car OPPORTUNTES mmediate possession. Under garage. Only $ Vacant. -M-A-N-U-F-A-C-T-U-R-E-R-'S-R-e-o-r-e-se-n-- ~26OOO. Open 2-5 p.m daily. tative located in Grand MARV BOUTN ~ealtor Rapids desires reputable in- TU TU fOR SALE OR RENT dustrial line fol' Western MACK ROM::O l\lichigan. Reply to Box Y-10 GROSSE PO"'TE 'VOODS Grosse Ptl' News. n 10 acres with new ranch type ~ _ 3-oedroom home full basement PRCE REDUCED! 1\ew 3-bedroom. ranclj G.E. kitch( n 11~ baths carpeting draperies tiled basement gas heat 2.ear garage. Landscdped. $ Private sale by owner. PRescoU _ RARE OPPORTUNTY. Quality duplex on ~eff Roar!. Eileh half wi h its o\\'n screcnrd terral'c atti<' fan. forced!lotwat!'r hl'at stainless sleel ~in ks and disposals. Dcsigne<l for maximum privaey. Long t('rm tcnlnt Ownf'l"S half larger "nd has dishw".'1er and finishcr! llaspmenl Own- H. TUxedo 2.63G2. GROSSE PO~TE SHORES Bv 0\\ nl'r 3 e d roo m s 21~ 'b;l)).' (('nt 'r hall. Colonial. O('n ;nd Florida rooll largc p;dhl. :\(';'1' Shor 's p;rk 72 11;m hornf' Opl'n Sunday 2-5 pm 125 STEPHENS RD OPf<:\' SlJ~[)AY 2 to.~!n ('>.( "i('nl holll(' built n 195) ''.L1h fi-jrrnl'' 1'0(1111!lhnJl".vt fc"'. 1"( ( mod') 11 t:llchpn!) l)('dj'() Ol'rl 4' _ b;t h". r('('. room. 3. «r 1t:H h('(j gill.. gl'. fin( cilr. lipt'. EX('('l('nt c(mdil ion. 2car attached garagc glassed: in breezeway fireplace carpet. ing and drapes included. Open Sunday. Phones PLateau and PLalrau T RAYMOND JEFFS CHAMPON 81 Ku ("hev"1 T U Kercheval KE:"SNGTO:\'. L102--Al brick Z..~-PAN~.~ERV.~.._.. ccn(!'r h"ll ('oloni"l 4 twin PANO TUNNG and srrvieing. bcrlrooms dcn. all lilrgc guilranlt'ed. W"llf'r :'>Tuplicr room.~ 1(11" hcal garag('. A TUxl'rio 6- onn. "1' a f"mily hom(- Exccllcnt \'alup. St. Clare PArish CO:'>lPLETE piano ~crl'irc. Tunin;::. rp!jl1ilding. rcfini;hing d<:'-molhing. :\1'm 1)('1' Piano Tcchnil'ill.' Guild l Zcch SERVCES VENTED $ 15 Complete 5 Yrs Experience LA or TU _.. 2 lo-waterproovinq..._._--_.-. " A 11. basemrnt leaks stopped and reinforced Basement re. pairs. Sewers electrcally cleaned. GUllranteed Work myself. LO. 7.55B5. 1'- - Y Three Trunk lines To Serve You QuicklV 21P-FURNTURE REPARS 21S-CARPENTER WORK c U S TOM upholstering. A splendid selection ot deco. Additions - Alterations rative fabrics. Expert need. Kitchen Modernization lepoint mounting. Estimates cheerfully g i v e n. Ewald Kerchev'll. V A Furn;ture Piano Wood LCENSED & BONDED CONTRACTOR Driveway Replacements' Walks Floors and Footings. EXPERT PORCH AND STEP REPARS. POOLS AND FALLOUT SHELTERS. PATOS ALL TYPES. PR L. VERBEKE CEMENT CONTRACTOR All types ot cement work. Porches built or repaired. Patios a speciality. Bonded Licensed and nsured LAkeview Custom Cement Work by Dominic Leo BROADW A Y EDDE'S CUSTOM ASPl'1ALT PAVNG Cement Contracting Dri\'eways Walks Lacquering Palios Refinishing - Cabinet Paneling EDWARD RUDNCK ST. CLAR SHORES PR t.4:147 CHARS RECANED dolls reo paired. WA Q-PLASTERNG PLASTERNG perfect repairing. Have that new ceiling now! Clean guaranteed. VA VA R-CEMENT Porch Chimney Tuck Repairs Pointing Repairs l"0\' Beautitul Quality Cahinet Work Call WORK ALL KNDS CEMENT BRCK & BLOCK WORK RESDENTAL COMMERCAL Driveways Rat Walls Garages Raiseo. Cement Slabs Patios. Basement Waterproofing. Porches Re-built or Repaired. Steps Pre-cal>t or Stone. OUR SPECALTY - CEMENT REPAR Free Estimates Licensed and Bonded. NG JOB TOO SMALL Just Call FRED N.A.Y ARRO Eves.-TU OLD FASH ONED CRAFTSMANSHP ~.10DERN PRescott EASTERN CONTRACTORS Commercial MASON & Residential Building Tuck Pointing - Ma. sonry Repairs-Caulking-Build- ing Renovators - Cracked Base- ments Waterproofed - Gutters - Gutters P.lastic Coated - Roof Leaks Repaired. EDW ARD M. COOK E. 10 Mile PRescott Affiliated CABNETS RatwaJls MOORE & STARNES Building ;\!aintenancc Co. 1fl326 Mack. Grosse Pte. Park T U TU S-CARPENTER with State l\'1aterial Producers Resuriacing of Concrele Drives Parking Lots Approaches and Patchwork Also all types of Commercial Free Credit Work. Estimates Available CALL TU Walter Desmet Edw. P. Gordon WORK H. F. JENZEN BULDNG Home and ndustrial repair!;!. dditions attics completed Porch ('nc!osures recreation ro oms gmages re!paired r U TU 4-3D1 Carl Watson LA N Or Minor Repair Free Estimates Licensed Contractor FRA'K J. ST. AMOUR TU TU REPAR ser.eens fenees porches stl'ps doors windows cabinets bookcases. Goo d work prompt service. S. E. Barber Hollywood TU. <t.a051. Custom BULDNG DONG all types of carpenter work remodeling at tic rooms porches. Small or big jobs. Estimates free. TUxedo HEL.Mf:R TUxedo JM SUnON 1677 BRYS Carpenter Work Repairing & Remodeling Attics. Porches Garages.' TV Servmg he Grosse Pointe area for over 36 years Business Mochines Rubber Stamps Wedding nvitations Fine Printin~ Service GROSSE L&R Construction PONTE REMODELNG Complete Kitchens Family Rooms Bathrooms Recreation Rooms 5 complete kitchens on displa~'. See and browse at Harper PR LEE A. WALKER ROBERT M. P.A.LNAU Customcraft CONSTRUCTON COMPANY Additions and Remodeling 01 all types expertly done Family Rooms Kitchens Remodeled Recre1ltion Rooms Porches Attics Converted Dormers Gar. ages Remodeled Free Estimates and Planning Service FHA Financing. CUSTOM DEAL DRECT WTH BULDER TU MODERNZATON Additions alterations recrea. tion rooms and kitchens Free estimates THE BARLEC CO. VALLEY CARPENTER repairs' Steps porches siding roofs altera. tions. Rea son a b e. WA ADDTONS ALTERATONS Family rooms porch enclosures modern kitchens attics converted. COMPLETE LCENSED and Sales and Service WOlVERNE Typewriter Service Co. Our New Locolioft: 1313 E. JEFFERSON AVE. Next 10 the Savarine Hotcl VA MODERNZNG & NSURED CARPENTER repairs doors locks sash cords cabinet work EDw'lter CARPENTRY '1'W() jourr.p.ymen carpenters will do all types of carpentry work. Com pe t e 12'x12' addition $1185. Licensed. PRe s cot t Shoe Repail' 379 Fiahe1 Rd. Opp. High DEADLNE 3 P.M. TUESDAY 211-DRESSMAKNG EXCLUSVE dressmaking and alterations of lady's apparel. Grosse! Pointe! location. VAlle~' SEWNG alteratons ad u 1t s and children; hems zippers. plain Q1'apes. Blankets bound TU DRESSAKNG alterations slipcovers coals relined and shol'tened. Neat Se!\'er good fiter WAlnut F.XC'UTSVF. R!t<:'ration~ :>y Marie Stephens Quick se!rvice on hems (Furs). TUxedo U-PlUMBNG LCENSED mas tel' plumber. R e p a irs remodeling etc. Guaranteed electric sewer cleaning Cal Roemer. TU V-SLVER Lawn Landscaping "FOR THAT Maintenance SERVCE SHOWS" Call FOUR LANDSCAPNG Quick STAR Each job receives our specia attention... assuring you that we are working for YOUR best interest in the evaluation of your own s p e c j a requi rements. PRNTERS LTHOGRAPHERS 432 Mechanic Street WO PLATNG SLVEH & GOLD PLATNG Oxidi7.ing and Repairing Brass Polishing & Lacquering Jewelry Repairing Engraving LEEBERT SLVERSMTHS 1450B CHARLEVOX Blk. east of Chalmers VA Z-LAN DSCAP NG TREE TRMMNG REMOV AL SPRAYNG Dulch Elm disease spraying cabling. Free estimates. TU CAL FLEMNG TREE SERVCE COMPLETE landscape service. Lawn cutting fertilizing top dressing cultivating seeding rolling trimming and pruning. Spring' clean-up work $2 hour. For free estimates Julius La Quiere. PR WE WANT YOUR PRNTER KRAMER Rotary Offset Printers GUDE TO GOOn SERVCE FElectrical Repairs Appliance Circuits PROMPT SERVCE Krausmann Electrk Co. Serving the Pointe Area Grosse Pointe Cab TU Dependable TO BE TV. RADO SERVCE L. L. DACKEN Mack TU ROAD TU :.~'~'~:: ~~~ SERVCE Earle Richards Service ZG391 Mark Ave. n the Wooda /

19 Thursday August J 7 J 961 GROSSE PONTE Pointe Schneier Attends Eclipse of Moon C-"'hurch e8 N' : Business EducationPadey Due on Aug.25 ewsi Thirly-hree leaders of cur. A near total eclipse of the : Notes rlculum planning fol' secondary moon will be seen Friday _ : schools from twenty states in- August 25 The moon will slip J eluding Hawaii completed a into the carth's shadow at 8:36 PONTE nu;jllorajj Baker Eddy slates: "With one Donald!\cP. l~innie has been two-week conference on July 14. p.m. and get completely out of 16 Lake Shore Hoad Father even God the whole appoinled an assislal't cashier The conference was sponsor- it at 11:42 p.m. Sunday August 20 _ Service family of man would be brethhy ~'i'st National City Bank of ed by the Youth Education Area The lunar show will be of Worsltip and Church School ren; and with one Mind and New York. 1\11'. Finnie is the in the Department of Currlcu. generally observable across -10 am. Mr. Atwood preach- that God or good the brotherson of 1\11'. and Mrs. Haldeman lum and Teaching at Teachers most of North America accord- ing on "Shuffle Off To Buffalo." hood of man would consist of Finnie or Ellair place. College Columbia University. ing to Associate Prof. Hazcl M. New registrations for fall LOVe and Trulh and have unity.. + '" The conference was coordln- Losh of The Universlty of Church SchOOl classes (2 years of Principle and spiritual power Louis Duen'veg f 1111 ated by Prof. Mar;:e1la R. Law- Michigan Aslronomy Depart_lthrOUgh Senior High) can he which constitute divine Sel. Devonsllll'C : Grosse ' Pointe 0 Park lel ment. ma de by ca' llg the Ch urc hence" (pp director of training and com- Among. those \\ ho altended "The convenient time of eve. O~fice-'~'U Two sessions municatiolls at Detroit Edison the. lleetlllg ~vas H. Leroy Sel- ning on a weekend (Frday) in Wll beglll Sunday September is one of nine instructors from nwler Ass 1St ant Supt. of 'comfortable summer weather 10 at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. New. private industry on the facully ~chools in Cha.rge of nstrue- makes this eclipse parltcularly eomers are cordially welcome. for the executive development tloll Grosse Pomte Michigan. favorable" she adds. program at Dartmouth College. Leaders in the disr:iplines of Soon after the eclipse begins 1\11'. Duenweg has given Lhe philosophy psychology soci- there will be notlceable dimcourse n the development of o!~g}: mate~atic~ science in- ming of the eastern edge of the executive leadership since gus~csmusc history and ed. disk. "The darkened arl'a will 'l'he course S given in two-week ~""ll~u slu.thcd tront.ier t~lnk- gradually increase until midsessions-one each summer- g ther respectve flelds. eclipse at 10:09 p.m. when for completim in thl'ee years. l'luch attention was focused on only less than one percent of t s conduded by the Credit the structure of the disciplines the moon's diameter wil~ re- Research Foundation nc" edu- and on concept and generajiza- main outside this dark inner cational and research division tion development in the fields shadow. A narrow sliver of the of the National Association of n addition to concenlratio.\1 moon's surfact: will remain Credit Management. on these key \reas current de- illuminated by the direct rays Attending the session which velpoments in teaching ma- of the sun" Prof. Losh points began July 31 were 168 com- chines teaching by television out. pany executives from 30 states and testing were examined. "The moon will be located a and Canada few degrees above the southeast FRST CHURCH OF CHRST oj< oj< oj< Two Pointers AUend horizon at the beginnng of the SCENTST CARROLL J. COWLES 401 eclipse. t will be plainly visible Sunday 10:30 a.m.: Brother- Moran road has been selected nforlnation School t h l' 0 ugh 0 u t the three-hour hood will be a theme dealt with as one of 150 participants in the perod shining n a dull cop- at Chrstian Science services 40th session of the Advanced Two Grosse Ponte resdents pery-red glow for it will be i- Sunday n the Lesson-Sermon Ma\lagement Program at the attended two we'eks annual unit luminated by sun light which on "Mind" Harvard Business School. This training at the U.S. Army n- filters through the earth's at- Paul's exhortation to the Co. session of the program begins on formation School Fort Slocum mosphere being bent and re- lossians (3) will be included in September 10 and ends on 01'- New York with the 202nd fractcd into the shadow and on the Scriptural readings: cember 8. Mr. Cowles is Direc. Overseas Radio Station Net- to the moon." "Lie not one to another see. tor Pro f e s s ion a 1 Relations w 0 ' k. Headquarters USAR For such an eclipse to take ing that ye have put off the old Parke Davis & Company. Dearborn Michigan. place the moon must be in full man with his deeds; And have.. '" + They are: Ffc David J. Pet. phase and in direct line with put on the new man which is terson age Lincoln; and the earth aud sun. The reason renewed in knowledge after the Sp. 4 Arthur F. Neff age 26 we do not have an eclipse image of hm that created him: 465 Fisher. Petterson is a sales every month is because of the Where there is neither Greek representative for Weyerheau- five-degree tilt of the moon's nor Jew circumcision nor unser Company Detroit. Neff is orbit to that of the earth. Con. circumcision Barbarian Scyemployed as an accountant sequenuy tha moon in its thian bond nor free: but Christ with the Hoskns Manufactur. monthly path usually misses s all and in all." ing Company Detroit. the earth's shadow passing A correlative passage from The 202nd commanded by above or below it the U-M "ScienCe and Health with Key Maj. Mark T. McKee. is a "key" astronomer says. to the Scriptures" by Mary network station. Five other ~ "satellite" stations under the William J. Helldrlcks will be manager of the Detroit offce for the newly-formed ABC-TV National Stallon Sales accord. ing to an announcement by Theodore F. Shaker president. Since January of 1945 Hend. rcks of 616 Peachtree ~allej Grosse Pointe Woods has been with WXYZ nc. which is owned and operatec;l by Ameri. can Broadcastinll' - Paramount Theatres. oj< + oj< G. Gordon Cook has been named to ~he ne\vly-establisned position of Assistant Executive Director-Administration of the Ford Motor Co. Engineering Staff. He had been assistant controller of the company. Cook is a graduate of Ann Arbor High School and received a degree' in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan in He joined Ford n 1950 and has served as general manager of the former Hardware Division group controller of the former Hardware' and Accessories Group as manager of the company's captal investment analysis department and as controller of the Hardward and Aecessorfes Division. He lives with his wife and four chldren at 430 Rivard boulevard. oj< oj< oj< K.ryn J. Nagelkirk of 316 Lothrop road retired August after 29'years service with Shell Oil Company. A native of Grand Rapids Michigan and a graduate of the University of Michigan Nagelkirk joined Shell in 1932 ao;a clerk in the Treasury Department of the Detroit Marketing office. He has been a credit man cashier and Mchigan dvision anditor. He was named manager marketing service in 1946 and held this position until retirement. UPKEEP ADDS TO COST Upkeep is a hidden cost when!;hopping for clothing. Home economists at Michigan State University point out that a white coat wltich must be cleaned often is more expensive after a season of wear than a similar coat in a darker color. Estllblished 19/7 command of the 202nd are undergoing on-the.job training de. signed to famlllarize them with the operation of an Army broadcasting network. n the event of mobllizallon the "satel. lite" stations would form an A ' m y broadcasting network under the 202nd. Training included a tour of translation and communication fac!lities at the United Nations building New York. The reserv. ists also visited the New York Time's and the Army Signal Corps Pictorial Center long sland City. The units completed training August 6. SOCAL SECURTY REPORT At the end of 1960 more than people in Wayne County were recrivhg 'ld-age survivors and disability insurance benefits. The total benefits paid to these people for December 1960 was $ according to Francis L. Pendergast manager of the East Side social security district office. "This is an increase in the number of people receiving benefits by about four percent over the same month last year" he said. THEVES NVADE BOAT Arthur Wrock of Windmill Pointe drive nformed Park police on Saturd\y July 29 that thieves invaded his boat docked at the brea'kwall at the rear of his house during the night and stole a tool box first aid kit an electric lamp a mutor filter and several packages of cigarets. Total less amounted to $60 he said. DEATHTRAP Too much speed on the high. ways has a way of making llttle hazards turn into big ones. Meeting AHchigan State Highway Specifications DRVEWAYS- Parking lots Free Estimates Call WA or TU MDWEST ASPHALT A. H. PETERS FUNERAL HOME f GRATOT AVE. DETROT 5 MCH. LAKEVEW n m. r MACK 4VE at VERNER R) TUXEDO GROSSE PONTE WOODS 36 MCH. # _... em.. rc ~ CTY NEWS CTY OF Headlines of the Week (Continued from Page 1) he branded an unowcial mill. tary journal's report that Gen. Lauris Norslad supreme Allied commander in Europe had been rebuffed by tho Penlagon in his request lor additional troops as "'completely without foundation." oj< oj< ALL TRAVEL by East Germans into bolh East and West Berlin soon will be banned by Communist authorities reliable sources said :Friday night. The ban wm mean that no East German citizen will be allowed to WOODS PRESBYTERAN Mack Ave. at Torrey Rd. Andrew F. Rau~b lnlster Charles B Kennedy ST. MCHAEL'S EPSCOPAL Assistant Minister Sunnlngdale Park Robert L. Lucero (Near lack and Vernier) Assistant 11nlster " Saturday August 19: Junior The Reverend Ed/(8r H. Yl)oman ''"" C-l" ". ' 1 1 d - '... d. a< 'ou 11 5 an 'j Thief nvades Farlns Honte The Reverend George E. Hann White Lake Michigan begins T. ~. Berendsohn of 39 Hal" Sunday August 20: B am. today. bor Hli returned home from a Eucharist. 9:30 a.m. Choral + oj< + two-week trip on Sun day Eucharist and Sermon. Nursery Sunday August 20: 9;30 a.m. August 13 to find. that a burprovided during above service. Church School Nursery through glar had been in his houe. oj< oj< Juni?r High. 9:30 a.m. Worship Berendsohn told Farms po. Thursday August 24; (Feast ServlCe-Sermo~l theme: "Find- lice that he came home and of St. Bartholomew the Apostle) ing Rest for Souis." (One ser- found the rear door open t 7 a.m. Eucharist. 9:30 a.m. vice only during the summer.) was found that the thief gained Eucharist. entrance into the house by pry. OF ()t'n~~ell'ointe 'F'"..m~ NOTCE TO TAXPAYERS The [961 City tax is now payable at the City Office 90 Kerby Road Grosse Point~ Farms 36 Michigan. Payment WTHOUT PENALTY can be made up to and inr.:luding August As provided by City Charter a penalty of % will be added September r 1961 r and an additional V2 of 11% on the sf of each succeeding month. Pay your taxes before September r 196 r and avoid the pnalty. DORS M. DUFFY Treasurer City of Grosse Pointe Farms Published Grosse Ponte News August City of Grosse Pointe Woods Notice to Taxpayers 1961 City Taxes are due and payable without penalty through August !. As provided by City Charter a penalty of 4% will be added September 19fil. LOCKHART CTY OF GROSSE PONTE WOODS HELEN L. FOX TREASURER Re-Roofing Repairs RESDENTAL. COMMERCAL - NDUSTRAL EAVESTROUGHS AuthMlzed Dealer - Carload Buyer Bird Co. Cny Fhnt"ote.Johns-:lfanvllle ROOFNG AND SDNG CO. /; can Will Bring Sample LA Fa. Your Selection - FllSERT i F;1. n.1 (1.lro"d) (nurcd) l'r~hls TV 1-l2.~ i SERVCNG THE GROSSE PONTES FOR OVER V2 CntTURY Every stvle 01 Fence erected lor you WA ncludng Chain link A.Steel Rustic Stvles and MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO HA~PER RESDENTAL. NDUSTRAL ST. JAMES Ll1THERAN ing the screen off a rear win- ci\llllan at Kercheval dow. Several other windows Rev. George E Kurz were also open he said. Sunday: Sunday school 9:30 He sad that all that could be a.m. One service during the determined missing at the time summer 9:30 a.m. Holy Com- was $40 in English pound notes. munion will be celebrated. The case was turned over to Coffee Hour after church in Det. Sgts. George Van Tiem and the Green room Jack Paisley for investigation. FOR CHARER Day or Night FOR BUSNESS OR SOCAL ENTERTANNG OCEAN GONG 105 Ft._Steef Die5el Yacht "Helene" For Particulars - Call VA (;l'n~se')pointe f"l'tll~ SUMMARY OF M~~UTES August !\eeting was called to order at 8;00 P.M. Present on roll call: Mayor William F. Connolly Jr. Councilmen Henry E. Bodman William G. Butler Thomas K. Fisher William G. Kirby Ledyard Mitchell Jr. and Edward C. Roney Jr. Absent: None. Mayor Willia.m F Connolly Jr. presided. \inutes of the regular meeting of July were approved as submitted. The City Clerk was authorized to sign the plat on the proposed Preston Subdivision when presented in proper form and accompanied by a satisfactory bond in the amount of $ to cover the cost of the improvements together with a payment of $ to cover a fee of 2% to cover the r:ost of inspection and other related City fees. Communications from the owners of property on Moross Road adjoining the parking lot L'l the rear of the business property on the southeast corner of Mack Avenue and Moross Road and from.mr. Jay M. Kogan owner of the parking lot relative to the accumulation of wafer at the rear of the Moross Road properties were rcceived. After discussio:l no action was taken on the matter by the Council. Acting on the recommendation of the City Manager and the City Engineer the Council approved the paving of that portion of Kercheval Avenue lying northerly of Provencal Road. Consideration of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance amending the section of the ordinance havin~ to do with off-street parking requirements was deferred to October at which time the memb"rs of the Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole to consider the amendment. 14 The bid of Bell Equipment Company in the amount of $ being the low bid for furnishing a 1961 Elgin street sweeper was accepted. The Report of the Controller for the month of lune 1961 was received and ordered filed. Thl" Council approved the managin~ of the Grosse Pointes-Harper Woods Health Council by the City of Grosse Pointe Park and authorized the payment of $ the City's share of the Health Council Budget for the fiscal year The bid of Kalka Equipment and Contracting Company in the amount of $ being the low bid for the demoli. tion ~nd removal of the bull dings located at 225 Muir Road was accepted. Approval was given to cancel the unpaid water bill and the 19(>1City tax on the property at 225 Muir Road. The bid of Henry W. Moss and Son. in the amount of $ being the low bid for furnishing two Jeeps and a rotary broom was accepted. The bid of Cooke Contracting Company in the amount of $ being the low bid for the asphalt recapping of various City strccts was accepted. The City Attorney was requested to contact the Grosse Pointe Board of Education in regard 10 the renewal of leases relative to their use of the parking lot at the Pier Park lor driver.training purposes. and the use of tile property adjoining the Kercheval Avenue business parking lot hy the City for parking purposes. The City Attorney was requested to preparr aownd. mrnts lo lhr Disorderly Pcrsons Ordinancr. Alcoholic Bel'erages 1;\linor) OrdinanC'C and Traffic Ordinance. Approval was given to pay Flori.~ De:'lfeulenaere lho sum of $ as part paymc'nt on his contract for the repair of calch basln~. Approval was given to pay Flor!!!; Delleulcnarre he sum of $ as part payment on his contract lor the repair and replacement of curbs and sidewalks. Councilman Henry E. Bodman was designated to serve 8.0; the City's offil'l representative to cast the vote of thc City lt tne Annual Meeting of the Michigan Munkipal League to be held on Septemher lnd the City Manager W.1S designated to serve as altern;te. On proper motion mad~. sllpportrd and carricd the mecting adjourncd at 9:.10 P.:'>!.. WilLAM F CONNOLLY. JR. DAWSON r. NACY MAYOR CTY CLERK Published in Lhe Grosse Pointe News issue of Aug travel to either East or West Berlin without the special per. mission of authorities n his own home town. First oj< oj< oj< Sunday August 13 TUB COMMUNSTS barred East Germans from West Berlin carly Sunday in an atlempt to dam thc fjow of refugees to the Wel. East Germans will not be permitted to make the trip eith. er to work or visit. An official statement distributed by the East German official news iigency said there was no intention of interferring with movements of West DerEners Or foreigners. At the same time the Communists ordered some East Germans who work in West Bel'. jobs imme- lin to give up lheir dia(ely. REV. JAMES... '" + GROSSE PONTE METliODST CHURCH 211 Maron Road Sixth Church of English D. NXON REV. ALFRED T. BAMSEY Mnister D.etroit t710 Kercheval Ave. one block west or Alter Sunday Set"Vlce. 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sunday School _ 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening testimonial meetlng-8 p.m. Readng Room East Warren 2 bur<. west of Outer Drve Week days - 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Wednesdays 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Sundays - 2 p.m.-4:30 p.m. The Grosse Pointe Congregational Church 240 ehahonte at Lothrop Grosse Ponte. MlchJgan ~l:-n STERS Marcus WH.. m Johnson Arnold Dahlquist Johnson Summer Worship Scrv!ce a.m-warsh lp Service. Church S c h 0 a 1 for Crib Room through 2nd Grade Ev. Lutheran Church'... St. James Lutheran Church TfF; STATE DEPARTMENT announced Saturday th~t the Cuban Governmem would re- case the Eastern Airlines Elec- (' J plane which was hijacked July 24. The plane will be reo turned Tuesday a department spokesman said He also said that a Cuban naval vessel taken to Key West July 29 by ant!. Castro defectors would be 1'1" leased to the Cuban Govern. ment on the same day. + + THE KENNEDY administration battling for support of its long-range foreign aid plan Sat. urday promised to limit economic assistance to nations with "self-help" programs of sodal and economic reform. Henry R. Labouisse said that the longterm loans proposed uncler the President's five-year fund would be tied to measures "leading to socia! reform and improvement of the welfare of the people." 10 a.m.-warshlll Service Church School thru 6th grade TUxeda CHRST + oj< oj< Monday. August 14 NEW BORDER BATTLES broke out Sunday night in Bel'. lin as angry West Berlint'rs demonstrated against East German Communist troops who poured into East Berlin to slam the ron Curtain down on refu. gees with tanks tear gas and barbed wire. The Communists rushed thousands of soldiers and police into their part of the divided city and mobilized the militia throughout East Germany to enforce the new ban on travel to 'Nest Berlin. Two battle.ready Soviet Army divisions equipped with armor and artillery Were reported circling Berlin in support of the East German action. Other Ru~sian Army divisions among the estimated 20 in East Germany were reported on the move....+ THE UNT.!m STATES denounced East Germany's tr:nel 10;00 SCENTST K.rchoval.. t McMilla" TU Church anti Sllnr!<ly Sctn(ll Dllnnll S"mmor - 9:JO a.m. Kllrscry {or small child.n. Rev. G rg. E. Kul'% Pa.to. Mr. John F Allan ""tant Vernier Road at Wedgewood Drive Grouo Pointe Woad 9:30 am. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Church Worship TUxeda Page '" '" Nineteen blockade Sunday lis a flagrant volation of the four.power German oeeup~tion agreement and said it would send a vigorous protest to Russia. n a statement approved by President Kennedy Secretary of State Dean Rusk said East German authorities were trying to remedy Communist fallures "by the dangerous course of threat. against the freedom and safely of West Berlin." n London the British govern_ ment lined up solidly with the United States and also ssued a statement blasting the Communist crackdown oj<.. 'fhe NAVY ANNOUNCED Monday that it Will keep men on active duty lor an extra six to 12 month" as a part of President Kennedy's militl:ry h11hd'jp t:igg~:cd by the Ec:1in C'risis. The annvunce'ment was made as the President discussed the crisis with two of his top diplomatic advisers. First the President conferred with the United States Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson beforf! the envoy headed back to Moscow. Then he talked to Secretary of State Dean Rusk pre. ~umably for further reports on the recent Western foreign ministers' conference in Paris. The Navy's action was taken under emergency authority that Congress gave the President after Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev renewed his threats to ou~t the West from Berlin. THE WEST S CONSDER. NG applying economic sanctions against the Soviet bloc in response to the Communist move sealing off East Berlin West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer said Monday night. The penalties under consideration include a possible total East-West trade embargo The chancellor said also that the Bonn government was examining the interzonal trade between East and West Germany before deciding whether to cancel the present commercial agreement..'- The Memorial Church FRST CHURCH OF CHRST SCENTST GROSSE PONTE FARMS Sunday Servlccs 10:30 a.m. Sunday School-nfants' Room 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Testimony Meeting -._ 8:00 p.m. KERBY SCHOOL 285 Kerby Roalf at Beaupre ALL ARE WELCO~E You are nvited to use the Christian Science Reading Room Mack Ave Grosse Pointe Wood Open from 10 a_m. to 5 p.m. dally except Sunda~ and Holidays. Thursda)'s and Fridays until g p.m. First Church of Christ. Scientist. Grosse Pointe Farms Bethany Christinn Church (Dlsclples at Christ) 5901 Cadieux Road At Linville Serving Grosse Pointe.s REV KENNETH BRADY PASTOR 9:30 Church School JO:45 Worship 6:30 Youth Fellowship! Sf. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church ChalTon'. anel Lothrop TO w. n/lle You To Wo"h-p W.lh U. Summer Services 9:3() 0 m.-worhip 9:30 0 m.-sundoy School (Nursery through 12 vea rs) Rev. Chole. W. Sa""'.1< Pator Mr Davil L. Dorrlngto" Vicar." :00 nm. Momlflg Worship 11:20 a.m. Sunday School. 7:00 p.m. Evenlnl Senlce All Welcam.

20 - Page Twenty...~T-T-. r' ~. 'when the PONTE :. ~ 'UJaS ~rowin9 up 4 - ~ '"' if. it 'f il.~._... By Pat Talbot Descendant of a pioneer who came to Detroit in 1794 to guard the frontier against ndians Jam Owen of Stephen~ road is also the son of the far sighted real estate entreprenneur who designed one of Detroit's most distinguished residential areas ndian Village. The ndian iighter was Abraham Cook who mi-j grated here from New Jersey and married a Detroit girl. Jane Thorne. The couple opened a small hotel for' soldiers in Jefferson avenue but the great fire of 1805 destroyed their livelihood.!\fl'. Cook obtained more land between 1811 and 1815 far outside the fort and became a farmer. He fou~ht in the militia against the British in 1812 and lost a finger. When the British General Proetor took over the city all Detroit c~tizens loyal to the US were ordered to leave bnt Cook hit out in the woods aided by friendly ndians and was able to keep an e)'e on his farm. After the war he returned to the farm. His eldest daughter Eliza Cook married John Owen a Canadian who came to Detroit to start his career as an errand boy in a drug store. Soon he had his Own drugstore and later became influential in banking circles presijent of the First National Bank of Detroit. Eliza and John's son inherited much of the old Cook Farm and his son John Owen conceived of the idea of ndian Village. He placed 'milding restrictions at $15000 a house to insure that the area would remain a fine development. He also gave land to the city for Owen Park. Today his residential dream is threated completely.:mrrounded by the lower income dwellings although at the time he planned the Village investors felt he was taking a considerable risk that the city would not grow toward the fonner farmland. Many Pointers today were once Village property owners including Mrs. Camemn Waterman Mrs. Edsel Ford and Mrs. Allan Shelden. John Owen was also a famous amateur athlete and among the founders of the Detroit Athletic Club. n 1890 at the age of 28 he broke the world's record for the 100 j'urd dash at the New York Athletic Club. He was married that same year to Blanche Fletcher and the couple had two children John Owen and Helen who became the wife of Major H. Stevens Gillespie of Detroit. The son the third to bear the name received the Croix de Guerre while serving in the French Ambulance Corps in World War later served in the US Fourth Division. He returned to succeed his father as president of the Cook Farm Company and marry Alice Woodruff. The couple are the parents of two daughters twins Mary and Helen both of whom are married and Jive out of the state. "rho! WhC.C and whatnot by whoozit A stork four feet tall presided over the festivities Wednesday on the Harry Shorts' terrace in Harvard road. The party was a baby shower for Mrs. Russell G. Brunke and Mrs S. tran:;hnned her patio into a nursery scene in yellow and green. She provided yellow net bonnets for the guests to wear bibs napkins pinned to resemble diapers even a sound recording of a baby crying. The presents were doled out from a bassinet and the cocktails served from baby bottles. Charles Helin noted amateur photographer has been delighting Pointers for years with his films of fabulous trips around the world. Mr. H. has 101 cameras keeps them in a vault in his office. The great moment in a golfers' life was Mrs Sigge Svenson's last week. While playing the course at Blaney Park Mrs S. shot a hole in one off the sixth tee. lhrs. Ross Roy created quite a poolside fashion picture the other day. Over her black swim suit she wore a white lace cotton jacket and atop her blond curls a giant peaked black straw hat twined with white daisies... Army gener:ll to rork('t de\'('lopmcnt slnff: '" don't i ('arc nbollt the Russians! The (ucslioll is are we ahead of the Air ForcC'?". J. pert miss ell a.oda counter sighed wistfully "What 1 really crave is one of those darling foreign sports cars-with the foreign sport still in it.".. An artist commissioned to paint President Calvin Coolidge's portrait was in dispair over his suhject's granite visng-c. n an effrtrl to hring- some animation to his face he asked the PreSident "What was your first though Mr. Presidenl when YOll heard that Harding had died?" Without any change of cx)rcssillg Coolidge twanged " thought 1 could swing it." PANOS GROSSE PONTE NEWS Feature Page Pointers of nterest Just a few years ago they were in East Berlin where they saw rubble from the World War U bombings still littering the streets. Taking a bus from West Berlin across the border to the eastern sector was "like coming from sunlit room into a dark closet" commented Dr. Leek- Jider. Student of isto.y All his life the doctor has been a student of histo1')' is pri. marily interested in ~he "roots of civilization" would love to explore China if that country were open to tourists. From Bangkok to Cyprus there are few countrk's the Leckliders have n.:' vis'ted "But before we began these trips we visited everyone of the 48 states northern Canada and Mexico" they insisted When their two children were small they took them along although Dr. Lecklider says wistfully "They never seemed to get as much from these trips as did." Now their daughter Carol ls i\rs. Allan Neef of Anita road and t1eir son Court Lecklider lives in Birmingham with his family. n July the Leckliders rented a cottage in Lakeside 0. and entertained their children and grandchildren. Every Sunday when they ar~ home they invite the family to dinner. Mrs. J Leeklider is lln ardent church worker never misses services at. Grosse Pointe Memorial when they are in town. Visited Mayan Ruins Befon: the cottage vacation early in the spring they traveled to the Mayan ruins in South America Dr. Lecklider's hobby is archeology and his wife collects small native dolls as srluvenirs of their travels. At Christmas she decorates a tree with these colorful toys as a treat for her grandchildren The Leckliders' packing tips in clade many nylon garments all weather clothes and loads of rubber bands usually in short supply abroad One week from today the G & J. Eleclric CO. Jim Krausmann Owner Electrical Wiring and Repairing TU GrOJse Poillte & Ellst Side Remember..! For highest quolty workmanship pfus co lor schemes. PR Snyder's CARPET CLEANNG Work Done On Location VA Upholstering Cornice Boards Our 10th Year All Work Guaranteed j Leckllclcrs will leave for New York to celebrate their anniver. sary and see some shows. They wi be joined by the Neefs who wi be celebrating a wedding anniversary and their son-inlaw and daughter will wish them bon vo~'age as they take off on another round of countries. When they return they will have added another page to their book of priceless memories and another fascinating file of films to share with their neighbors and friends. Orchid Society To Hold Sho'tv The members of the Michigan Orchid Society are planning their firjt major orchid show in the Chrysler and mperial Salon at E. Jefferson avenue on Saturday and Sunday October 14 and 15. Admssion to the show is free. There will be someone in attendance during show hours to answer questions and discuss orchid culture. There is a one dollar registration fee for the Forum which will be held separately in the same building and will consist of interesting and educational programs on orchids and their culture. The public will be seeing for the first time in this area orchids from all over the U.S.A. and Canada. Nationally known growers \V.ill be participating lnd with the theme of "Crown Jewels of Autumn" the possibilities of showing the thousands of orchids of hundreds of varieties will be limitless. See G.ay ""1 P1.yl BURGESS GOLF.ftl/lNd -CHRON/zER1) AUDO-VSUAL nmer The Burgess Golf Swing.Chronlzer was Scientifically developed fa help yov develop a preciselyfimed swing. t enables yov fa locale and correct the favlts in your swing and roins you to unleash the full power of your swing at the pain' of impact wi'h the ball. following 'he nsfrvc'ions you'll practice swinging un'i) yov (an make the Swing.~hronizer '1igh" and 'dick' at the pain' where h. hall would be hit and you'v. got it longer more occurlltely hlf halls on every shot l. Racquet & Sport Shop 06 KERCHEVAL Orl the Hill TU ~~~~;... " ~r.' ;r.< DR. AND MRS. ARLNGTON F. LECKLDER J OF BEH.KSHRE ROAD TUNED Pano tuner and technician. Blmd able to travel anywhere workmanship guar. on lee d. Excellent references. ORCHARD LAKE REST HAYEN EM By Patricia Talbot Two or three days after their 35th wedding anniversary on August 24 Dr. and Mrs. Arlington F. Leck. lider will sail for Europe 0;:> their twelfth trip abroad. Veteran travelers there are '!' few spots around the globe by-and-arge happy contented which the Leckliders haven't people. They were allowed to visited and recorded with their take pictures almost evl.'!')'where cameras. Back home they share in the Soviet except by the their films with church and harbors and some blidges. club groups. Dr. Lecklider particularly enjoys showing film~ to veterans' organizations as he Was a member of the famous Rainbow Division in World War. On this trip the pail' will travel to Devon Cornwall. down the Dalmatian coast through Yugoslavia parts of taly and S ' i tze rlan d Majorca the Basque country and Franle's chateau district before coming home aboard the Queen Mary. luch Preparation As a prelude to each trip the Lee k i de's read constantly checking' books from both Pointe libraries "not to deplete the supply" assures Mrs. L. When they are home they spend a great deal of till)e cataloguing and sorting their films preparing small talks to accompany the slides which are in great demand by many organizations. Mrs. Lecklider's f a v 0 ri t e travel talk and favorite spot among the many they have visited about the world is the Holy Land. "A Trip Through Bible Lands" her collection of colored films is one most frequently asked for ):y church and women's groups. Dr. Leeklider prefers ndia although he has enjoyed his many tours of the World War battlefields. The Lecklidcrs believe that many more Americans of influence arc traveling these days and arc encouraged by the :roung people who tour out of the way countries to learn about culture and language. Report on Russia n 1959 the pair flew to Russia and some of the satellite countries including Poland and Czeckoslavia. Up u s s i a n sar.' quite friendly. They don't want war" said Dr. Lccklider. )\lost f 1'1.' que n t y the ('ouple were asked "How many rooms in y&ur house? Do you own a car?" When they answered the Russian man in the street accustomed to five in one room and no car wo'lld often remark "Ah you must be capitalists." But the Lcckliders are convinced that the Russians arc NEW NURSNG Jim-F; with country club atmosphere Hcgistcred nurse in ch~rgc. Rdircd conva!csc('nt enrc. Two medical doctors on staff. Photo by Eddie McGrath TU ' Goo" Tas~c Fillwite Recipes 01 Peo/Jle itj The KuollJ BOW TES Contribuled by Mrs. Norman :;. Boehm 11 egg yolks 1 whole egg :l Tb. sugar :l Tb. cream 1 tsp. salt 2% cups flour powdered sugar!lix all ngredients except flour and powdered sugar with a casual beating. Add flour reserving.half cup to use on pastry cloth. Take a small ball ot dough and roll out until tissue hin. Cut in strips 1 inch by 4 inches make a lengtbwjse slit and pull one end through. Fry in deep hot fat a few seconds on eaeh sille. Drain on paper. Dust with sifted powdered sugar when cool. Japanese Beetle Traps Being Set Nearly 1900'0 Japanese traps to detect the presence of one of the most voracious destroyers of vegetation are being set out in the state under the cooperative program between the Federal and State departments of agriculture. Work of setting out the traps was finished in July. The trap is a yellow lantem-ike metallic device that is suspended on metal rods about three feet above the ground. SUch a trap is baited with aromatic oils. The oil it not poisonous but should not be taken internally. A trap will attract a Japanese beetle within a 50Q.foot radius The purpose of trapping is to indicate the presence of beetles so that control programs may be instituted. Traps are not control devices in themselves. Director G. S Mcntyre of the Michigan Department of Agriculture says the Japanese beetle is one of the most dangerous insect pests in the middle west today. t is known to feed on 250 different kinds of vegetation including field crops lawns fruits vegetables and shrubs. The insect has a metal green head and copper colored wings. t has white dots under its wings which are positive identification. Laymen often confuse rose chafers for Japanese beetles a tho ugh there are marked differences. Many of the Japanese beete traps were placed in the metropolitan Detroit area. There also is a concentration in Monroe and Lenawce counties where for the past two years there has been aerial tl'eatment of r1zeable tracts of land to eradicate the pest. Other traps were placed in and around Flint and Grand Rapids and in the lower tier of counties adjacent to ndiana. The cooperative program is operated by the Michigan Department of Agriculture's plant industry division and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's plant pest control division. fajtnfe Counter Thursday_ August by Pat Rousseau Retirement and Group Plani Points' A Look. that is very new and dashing very versatile and practical. t's the cape look presented in solids plaids and hopsacking by Healy's. We sp~ke to Miss Hohendorf who buys the sportswear you lke so well. She said they are great over pants and ~kirts! Many of the capes are reversible and run about thrteen dollars. '".. Beal/ty. is jw/ ( fell' blocks alll"y so tllke step's ill the directiolj of LeOlJ's iutfck Avenue. Their bell/l!)' sen';ce incl"des a relaxing 1llilsage lnd facial. Col?r. ists mid scalp specialists ca/l corre~t problems. ~ very creats~e stafl will st)'le )'O1r hair llid 1111ee-"psilggestJOtJSare allall. able with 1/0 cbllrge at the popular Rellllty Bar. A shampo() and set itj The Vogue Room is three dollllrs. Cdl TUxedo for 1111 appoilltmetlt. '" '".. Clean Sweep... in the kitchen! Vou would-really be amazed at the remodeling that luutschleer Kitchens can do for you. They begin at the beginning with the design. Then they use only the finest materials. You get beautiful results along with all the work-saving conveniences. As for sh'le. you can choose Contemporary Elrly American or French ProYineial at 20!lll9 l\hck. '".;. '" Open Sesame.. on the other side of The Fashion Door (18546 Mack Avenue) you'll find the beauty magic of flattering hair coloring. However it takes talent. not sorcery to achieve the effect. Call TUxedo for an appointment with an experienced colorist. LET T DRY When you spray insecticides on rugs carpets or upholstered furniture don't walk or sit on them until the spray has dried. Pressure on the damp pile may mat it down and keep it that way for several days. SKRT LNNG A lining helps keep a skirt in good shape. Home e(;onomists at Michigan State University say this is especially true of sli~ close-fitting skirls made from soft loosely-woven fabric. REPLACEMENT Silk and Parchment LAMP SHADES W.i'Jht~ GFT AND LAMP SHOP MACK GROSSE PONTE TU 5-8B39 Choose Scribller~Jean Fresh Flowers c. FRED JEAN YOUR ACCOUNT NVTED SERVNG GROSSE PONTERS FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY 3/43 E. JEFFERSON Nea'H~~ft~1nes~ LO The Quilter Agency Homeowners and Business Property NSURANCE Thomas R. Quilter C.L.U. 300.a.M. Bldg Second Blvd. TR "-- " ~ WNDSPUN This resilient deep textured twist carpet of 100% virgrtrnyjon is made. even ~ore durable and strong wilh a specially woven back. t spot dt!ans. in a jiffy. Heat set to resist crushing.. "Windspun" offers all the JUXUt] of carpet costing twice as much. Mildew and moth.; $6 95 proof. Available in ]6 vibrant decorator colors.).sq..m University Floor Covering MACK AVE. PHONE Near 7 Mile Road TUxedo v

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