英語第 2 次口述試験 < 時間帯別問題群と模範解答 >(2006 年 ~2009 年 )

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1 2012 年度通訳案内士試験 < 第 2 次口述試験対策特別講習会 > 合格必勝資料 (6) ハロー通訳アカデミー 本書の著作権はハロー通訳アカデミーに帰属し 無断でコピー 転載することを固く禁じます 英語第 2 次口述試験 < 時間帯別問題群と模範解答 >(2006 年 ~2009 年 ) < 時間帯別問題群 > 本書は 2006 年から 2009 年までに実施された英語第 2 次口述試験の < 時間帯別問題群と模範解答 > を収録したものです 各年度の問題群数および問題数は下記の通りです 2006 年度問題群数 :4 問題数 :32 題 2007 年度問題群数 :4 問題数 :32 題 2008 年度問題群数 :7 問題数 :42 題 2009 年度問題群数 :6 問題数 :36 題 < 目次 > 2006 年度 < 時間帯別問題群と模範解答 > 年度 < 時間帯別問題群と模範解答 > 年度 < 時間帯別問題群と模範解答 > 年度 < 時間帯別問題群と模範解答 > 24

2 2006 年度 < 時間帯別問題群と模範解答 > 問題群 (1)[10:00 12:00] (1) 日本で桜はいつどこで見られるのか When and where can we see cherry blossoms in Japan? Each spring, the cherry blossom season starts in Okinawa and moves northward by degrees. Although at each place the petals fall after about a week, a person who travels north following the cherry blossom front would be able to enjoy the blossoms for nearly three months. Some examples of places where you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing are Yoshinoyama in Nara Prefecture, Arashiyama in Kyoto, Ueno Park in Tokyo, Kakunodate in Akita Prefecture, and Hirosaki in Aomori Prefecture. (2) 日本の気候はどんなものか What is the climate of Japan like? There are four distinct seasons in Japan spring, summer, fall and winter. There is also a rainy season between spring and summer. Japan s climate is influenced by summer and winter monsoons, ocean currents and topographical features. (3) 日本史で最も重要だと思う人物は誰か Who do you think is the most important person in Japanese history? I think it s Tokugawa Ieyasu, who lived from 1543 to He was the founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, which was to maintain effective rule over Japan from 1600 through With his sweeping victory in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Ieyasu became the most powerful warrior leader in Japan, and in 1603 he assumed the title of the shogun, thus succeeding in the reunification of Japan. Ieyasu established the bakuhan (literally, shogunate-domain) system, which was the political, economic, and social foundation of the entire Edo period. (4) 将軍とは何か What is shogun? Shogun is usually translated as generalissimo. It was originally a temporary title given by the emperor to the commander-in-chief of an expeditionary army. Later, it developed into the official title given by the emperor to the administrative head of the country. This shogunate system lasted until the mid-19th century. (5) どのような機会に日本人は着物を着るのか On what occasions do Japanese people wear a kimono? Today, kimonos are worn only on special occasions, such as graduation ceremonies, Coming-of-Age Day ceremonies, weddings, or celebration of New Year s Day. These days, fewer and fewer people wear kimono. One big reason is that they are very expensive. Another reason is that, when wearing a kimono, it s difficult to move around

3 (6) 日本を訪れる際に外国人観光客が知っておくべき日本の重要な習慣は何か What is the important custom that foreign tourists should be aware of, when they come to Japan? In Japan, tipping is not necessary unless you have requested some special services. This holds true for the services of taxi drivers, bellboys, and restaurant staff. Also, foreign tourists need to be aware of the Japanese custom of taking off their shoes at the entrance before they enter a private house, or when they enter a tatami room of a Japanese-style hotel. (7) 日本の子供は成長したら何になりたいのか 日本の子供の間で人気の職業は何か What do Japanese children want to become when they grow up? What are occupations popular among them? I think that many Japanese boys dream about becoming baseball players in the US major-league teams. It is because several famous Japanese players, such as Matsui and Ichiro, have served as their role models. As for girls, many dream about becoming florists or confectioners. (8) タクシーに鞄 ( 財布など ) を忘れたら どうすべきか If I left my bag (wallet, etc.) behind in a taxi, what should I do? First of all, you should call the taxi company if you know which one it was. If not, go to a police box nearby, and a police officer should be willing to help you solve the problem. 問題群 (2)[13:00 15:00] (1) 日本には城が多いが 最も有名な城はどれか Japan has many castles. What is the most famous castle in Japan? Himeji Castle near Kobe is one of the most famous ones. It is known as Egret Castle because of its white plastered walls, and is considered one of the most beautiful castles in Japan. It is also a World Cultural Heritage site as well as a National Treasure. As usual with many Japanese castles, it sits high on a hill and offers an excellent view from the top of the castle tower. (2) 日本で歴史的に重要な場所を訪れてみたい どこを薦めるか I would like to see some historical sites in Japan. Where would you recommend I visit? 1 I would recommend Kyoto, which was an ancient capital of Japan for over 1,000 years. There you can visit some of Japan s most famous historic sites such as Kinkaku Temple and Kiyomizu Temple. Kinkaku Temple is known in the West as The Temple of the Golden Pavilion. Kiyomizu Temple is built out over a cliff and is famous for its wide veranda and tall wooden pillars. 2 I would recommend Nara, which was an ancient capital of Japan in the 8th century. It has many places of historical interest including Nara Park and Todai-ji Temple, in which a large statue of Buddha is located. The city retains a serene traditional atmosphere. 3 I would recommend Nikko. It is a popular tourist site character- ized by the elaborately constructed Toshogu Shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate. Nikko has other sites of historic interest - 3 -

4 such as Futarasan Shrine and Rinnou-ji Temple. The former has a pleasant garden, and is dedicated to the gods of mountains surrounding Nikko. The latter was founded in the 8th century and is known for its Sambutsudo Hall, a large building that enshrines three 8.4m-high gold-plated wooden images of Buddha. 4 I would recommend Kamakura, a historical city about 50km southwest of Tokyo. From the end of the 12th century through the early 14th century, Kamakura was the seat of the bakufu or feudal military government. The city has many historical and cultural sites, for example, Kamakura Daibutsu (Great Buddha) and Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. 5 I would recommend Dazaifu in Fukuoka. You should visit Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, which is dedicated to Sugawara-no-Michizane. In the early 10th century, he was demoted from his position as Minister of the Right in Kyoto and exiled to Dazaifu, where he continued his scholarly studies despite extreme hardships. Today, he is deified as the god of scholarship, which is why this shrine is popular among high-school students praying to pass tough entrance exams into universities. (3) 日本の地理的特徴について述べよ Tell me about the geographical features of Japan. First, the islands of Japan are surrounded by the sea. Second, Japan has a wide variety of topographical features due to several volcanic ranges which run through the country. Third, its rivers are short and fast-flowing, and as a result, they form deep gorges in the mountainous areas. Finally, Japan boasts many places of scenic beauty and hot-spring resorts. (4) なぜ日本には温泉がたくさんあるのか Why are there so many hot springs in Japan? The number of hot springs has a lot to do with the number of volcanoes. Because Japan has lots of volcanoes, it abounds in natural hot springs. (5) 外国人観光客のどのような習慣を 日本人は無礼だと感じるのか What traits of foreign tourists are thought to be rude to Japanese? Some Westerners blow their nose making a big noise while eating at a dining table. Also, I have seen some Westerners sitting on a table or desk. These are generally considered to be rude in Japan. (6) 日本で稲作が有名な地域はどこか What part of Japan is famous for producing rice? Among the most famous rice-producing areas in Japan is Niigata Prefecture. The most popular rice variety is Koshihikari, which is produced in many areas in Japan, but the tastiest Koshihikari is said to be the one produced in the Uonuma region in Niigata Prefecture. (7) 私は娘と旅をしている外国人観光客で 娘が急に腹痛になったとします このような場合 どうすべきですか Suppose I am a foreign tourist with my daughter and my daughter has a sudden stomachache, what should I do? Let s go and get some stomach medicine at a drugstore. If she doesn t get well with the medicine, we should take her to a nearby hospital

5 (8) 日本の国技は何か What is the national sport of Japan? Sumo is generally recognized as the national sport of Japan. In ancient times, it was a sacred event to foretell an abundant harvest. In the Heian period, sumo was adopted as a court ritual. Even today, sumo includes many ceremonial elements. Today, sumo is one of the most popular spectator sports, and we can see many foreign sumo wrestlers active on TV. 問題群 (3)[15:00 17:00] (1) 日本で観光するのに どこを薦めるか Where would you recommend I visit for sightseeing in Japan? I would recommend Hakone. Hakone is a popular all-year tourist site because of its many hot-spring resorts, beautiful scenery and comfortable climate. Its easy access from Tokyo, views of Mt. Fuji, and the plentiful facilities in the district also add to its attraction. (2) 日本の夏の魅力は何か What is the attraction of Japanese summer? If you are interested in outdoor activities, you can enjoy swimming in the sea or climbing mountains. You can also enjoy viewing fireworks displays and Bon dances, throughout Japan in summer. (3) 日本史における最も重要な出来事は何か What is the most important event in Japanese history? It was the Meiji Restoration. It is narrowly defined to refer to the 1867 coup d état that overthrew the Tokugawa shogunate, but it more broadly marked the beginning of Japan s modernization. Following the opening of the country to the West in the mid-19th century, Japan had an influx of various foreign things from Western technology to the military draft system to democracy. Japan abolished its feudalistic shogunate system and developed into a constitutional monarchy. (4) 日本史に興味があるのだが どの博物館を訪れたらよいのか I am interested in Japanese history. Which museum would you recommend I visit? If you are traveling in the Tokyo metropolitan area, I would recommend two museums. One is Edo-Tokyo Museum in Sumida Ward. There you can get a brief overview of Tokyo s 400-year history through various exhibits. The other is Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Cultural History in Naka Ward, Yokohama. One of the museum buildings is a former bank built in the Meiji period, and its very modern architecture is worth seeing. (5) 畳に長時間座ることができないが どうすればよいのか I can t sit on tatami mats for a long time. What should I do? When we need to sit in the seiza position (that is, to sit on our heels with our back straight) on tatami for a long time, it s natural for our feet or legs to go numb. The trick to reduce your numbness is that you slightly cross your big toes, - 5 -

6 relax your elbows and shoulders, and occasionally switch the upper and lower positions of the big toes. But if it really gets unbearable, you can ask for permission to be excused from such a position and sit cross-legged. (6) パスポートをなくしてしまったが どうすればよいのか I lost my passport. What should I do? First, you should report it to the police. If the police weren t able to find it, then you should get in touch with your embassy or consulate, and apply for your passport to be reissued. Most likely, you can have your passport reissued in two or three weeks. (7) 今日多くの日本人はとてもよく働くが なぜ彼らは勤勉なのか Today many Japanese work very hard. Why do they work so hard? It is because of the Japanese work ethic. Japanese place intrinsic value on work itself, and don t necessarily consider work as something to be exchanged with money. That s why Japanese generally do a lot of overtime work, even when they re not paid for it. However, this work ethic is changing among the young people today, many of whom place equal importance on their private lives and their work. (8) 日本で最も人気のあるスポーツは何か What is the most popular sport in Japan? By far the most popular are baseball and soccer. Among amateur baseball events, the high-school baseball championship games are the most popular. They are held each spring and summer, and broadcast nationwide on TV and radio. Japanese professional baseball attracts fans of all ages. Soccer shares the same popularity as baseball. It is particularly popular among the young. 問題群 (4)[17:00 19:00] (1) 富士山を眺めるにはどこが一番よい場所だと思うか Where do you think is the best spot for viewing Mt. Fuji? Probably it is Lake Kawaguchi on the northern foot of Mt. Fuji. The lake is noted for its fine view of Mt. Fuji from its northern shore, where the majestic peak may be seen both in its natural form and as an inverted image on the surface of the placid lake waters. (2) 皇居はいつでも一般公開されているのか Is the Imperial Palace always open to the public? No, it is open only on January 2 for the New Year Greetings and on December 23 for the Emperor s Birthday. On those days, access is allowed as far as Chowaden Hall, where the Imperial Couple and their family can be seen. (3) 日本の気候はどんなものか 日本にはいくつの季節があるのか What is the climate of Japan like? How many seasons do you have in Japan? There are four distinct seasons in Japan spring, summer, fall and winter. There is also a rainy season between spring and summer. Japan s climate is - 6 -

7 influenced by summer and winter monsoons, ocean currents and topographical features. (4) 日本人はどういう機会に寺に行くのか On what occasions do Japanese go to Buddhist temples? Very few Japanese go to temples except for funerals or hatsumode, the first visit paid on New Year holidays. However, temples in Kyoto and Nara, such as Kiyomizu Temple and Todai-ji Temple, are always crowded with tourists. (5) 箸を使えないが どうすればよいのか I can t use chopsticks. What should I do? Don t worry. Most restaurants or dining rooms of hotels you may stay at have knives and forks available for those who are not accustomed to using chopsticks. (6) 日本人はいつから洋服を着るようになったのか When did Japanese start wearing Western-style clothes? The Japanese started wearing Western-style clothes in the Meiji period ( ). The Meiji government first adopted a European-style military uniform, and decided that officials, mailmen, and railroad workers should all wear Western-style clothes. This was because they felt it necessary to quickly transform Japan into a modern state. This expedited the spread of Western-style clothes among ordinary people as well. (7) タバコを吸いたいのだが どこで吸っても良いのか I would like to smoke, but can I smoke anywhere? In most public places you can t smoke. Places where you can smoke are very limited like the smoking corner of railway stations or the smoking area of restaurants. In some streets of large cities you can t smoke while walking. If you are caught smoking, you will be fined. (8) 日本の主たる産業は何か また それはどこにあるのか What is the major industry of Japan, and where is it located? It is the automotive industry, and its largest factories are located in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, in central Japan. Toyota Motors has become the biggest car company in the world, surpassing General Motors

8 2007 年度 < 時間帯別問題群と模範解答 > 問題群 (1)[10:00 12:00] (1) 東京から大阪へ行くのに最も良い方法は何か What is the best way to go to Osaka from Tokyo? It is by Shinkansen. The fastest type of the Shinkansen, Nozomi, will take you from Tokyo to Osaka in about two and a half hours. An airplane will get you there faster than the Shinkansen, but Haneda Airport of Tokyo, Osaka International Airport, and Kansai International Airport are not located in the center of each city. So if you take into consideration the time spent on reaching the airports from the center of the city, the total amount of time is more or less the same as the time spent in using the Shinkansen. (2) 東京から富士山への行き方を教えてほしい Please tell me how to get to Mt. Fuji from Tokyo. If you plan to take a train, use the Shinkansen from Tokyo Station to Shin-Fuji Station in Shizuoka Prefecture. It takes about one and a quarter hours. From the station, you can take the Tozan Bus until the last stop called Fujinomiya New 5th Station on Mt. Fuji. Or, if you don t want to use a train, you can take the Chuo Highway Bus from Shinjuku Station. In about two and a half hours, you can get to a stop called the 5th Station of Mt. Fuji. (3) 日本でスキーをするにはどこが最もよい場所か Where is the best place to ski in Japan? I would recommend that you go to Hokkaido. Among several ski resorts in this northernmost island, I think that Niseko, a collection of ski resorts in southwestern Hokkaido, is the best. It offers some of the finest conditions for powder skiing to be found anywhere in the world. It also offers more mogul runs and steep terrain than practically any other Japanese ski resort. It s definitely a hot spot for all types of skiers. (4) なぜ日本には温泉がたくさんあるのか Why are there so many hot springs in Japan? The number of hot springs has a lot to do with the number of volcanoes. Because Japan has lots of volcanoes, it abounds in natural hot springs. (5) 最後の将軍は誰で いつその地位にあったのか Who was the last shogun, and when did he rule Japan? The last shogun of Japan was Tokugawa Yoshinobu. He was the 15th and last shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, and ruled Japan during the period Towards the end of the Tokugawa period, pro-imperial sentiment was rising in Japan. The anti-tokugawa leaders of the Satsuma and Choshu domains proclaimed an imperial restoration, and ordered Yoshinobu to surrender the domains ruled by the Tokugawa family. (6) 江戸時代には 侍以外ではどのような人々が日本に暮らしていたのか During the Edo period, what kinds of people lived in Japan, apart from samurai? - 8 -

9 In the Edo period, there was a social class system like caste, which ranked samurai at the top, followed by farmers, craftsmen, and merchants, in the order of social importance. In addition to these people, actors, doctors, Buddhist monks, and Shinto priests also lived in this period. (7) 日本で最大の自動車工場はどこにあるのか Where is the biggest car factory in Japan? It s in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, in central Japan. Toyota Motors has become the biggest car company in the world, surpassing General Motors, and it runs the biggest car factory in Japan. (8) 日本人はどのくらい頻繁にお風呂に入るのか How often do Japanese people take a bath? Most Japanese people take a bath every day. It is partly because summers are quite hot and humid, and winters are very cold in Japan. A hot bath provides escape from both extremes in temperature. Also, Japan is said to be a highly stressful society, where people try to be polite to maintain harmony in a group. A hot bath provides them with a nice and relaxing way to unwind on their own after a long, hard day s work. 問題群 (2)[13:00 15:00] (1) 温泉では水着を着てもよいのか Can I wear a swimsuit in hot springs? No, you can t. In Japanese hot springs, it is customary for all the guests to go naked and bathe together in large and luxurious bathing facilities which some ryokan (Japanese-style inns) boast. If you are uncomfortable bathing naked in the company of other people, you can take a bath provided in your own guest room, though you have to make do with a small bathtub. (2) 梅雨とは何か What is Tsuyu? Tsuyu is the early summer rainy season which begins about the middle of June and lasts about a month. This rain is needed by the farmers at rice-planting time. (3) 北海道と沖縄の冬の気候について説明せよ Please tell me about the winter climates of Hokkaido and Okinawa. The winter in Hokkaido is generally severe. For example, Sapporo and the rest of western Hokkaido are influenced by the seasonal winds from the northwest, causing heavy snowfall and regularly cloudy skies. As for the climate of winter in Okinawa, it is generally warm, because Okinawa is a typical subtropical region. (4) 日本近海ではどんな魚が獲れるのか What kind of fish can you catch from the sea around Japan? Since the Japanese archipelago stretches about 3,000km from north to south, there are many kinds of fish that can be caught in its waters, such as tuna, bonito, mackerel, yellowtail, salmon, sardine, cod, and sea bream

10 (5) 明治維新後 日本はどのように近代化したのか How was Japan modernized after the Meiji Restoration? The Meiji period, which followed the Meiji Restoration, saw the transition from the feudal system to a capitalist economy and the modernization of Japan through various new systems. Japan imported and adopted foreign technology, a modern taxation system, the military-draft system, and the universal education system. The Meiji Constitution was officially announced in 1889, and Japan became a constitutional monarchy. (6) 夏季オリンピックを日本が前回主催したのはいつのことか When did Japan host the last summer Olympic Games? The Tokyo Olympic Games was held from October 10 through 24 in It was the 18th Summer Olympics and the first to be held in Asia. There were more than 5,500 participants from 94 nations. Twenty events were held, including newly added volleyball and judo competitions. (7) 日本語には 3 つの筆記方法があるそうだが それらは何か I heard that the Japanese language has three writing systems. What are they? To write Japanese we use three different types of characters. They are kanji, or an adapted form of Chinese characters, and two other types of phonetic characters representing only phonetic sounds, namely, hiragana and katakana. The two types of phonetic characters were both simplified from the Chinese characters, but one of them, hiragana, is cursive, and the other, katakana, is angular. The angular ones are mainly used for writing foreign loanwords. (8) 神社と寺の違いは何か What is the difference between shrines and temples? Temples in Japan are Buddhist temples and they are called tera in Japanese. On the other hand, shrines are Shinto shrines and they are called jinja in Japanese. At most Buddhist temples, there are Buddhist statues in the main hall. At Shinto shrines there are torii gateways at the entrance. A torii consists of two upright posts connected at the top by two horizontal crosspieces. 問題群 (3)[15:00 17:00] (1) 秋葉原で電気製品を買いたいが お薦めの店はどこか I would like to buy electrical appliances in Akihabara. Which shop do you recommend I go to? I would recommend big-name chain stores such as Multi-media Akiba of Yodobashi Camera, Bic Camera, and Ishimaru Denki. Since they are mass marketers as well, their merchandise is reasonably priced. (2) 台風はいつ日本にくるのか When do typhoons strike Japan? It is from early summer through autumn. Every year several typhoons hit the Japanese archipelago. They are responsible for the major share of the wind and

11 flood damage suffered by Japan, and they are particularly worrisome for rice-farmers, as it is in the typhoon season that the rice plant blooms and ripens. (3) 東京ではなぜ冬は非常に乾燥するのか Why is it so dry in Tokyo in winter? In Japan, the climate is greatly affected by monsoons. Every winter, winds from Siberia howl across the Sea of Japan drawing up moisture and dumping it along the Honshu coast. After clearing the mountains, which cover most of the island, the monsoon has lost most of its moisture and pushes dry air through the Kanto region. This is why Tokyo is dry in winter, and also this is why Tokyo suffered from devastating fires many times during the Edo period. (4) 日本史上 女性の統治者はいたのか Have there been any female rulers in Japanese history? Yes, there were eight female emperors (or empresses) in Japan. One of them was Emperor Suiko, the first female emperor, whose regent was Prince Shotoku. The last one was Emperor Gosakuramachi, and there have been no female emperors in Japan since then. (5) 演歌とは何か What is Enka? Enka is a type of music characterized by sentimental ballads of love, broken hearts, parting, and home. Like country music in the U.S., enka has a distinctive melodic and singing style. Enka is especially popular among older age groups. (6) 舞妓と芸子と芸妓の違いを述べよ What is the difference between Maiko, Geiko, and Geigi? Geiko is also called geigi or geisha. A geiko is a kimono-clad female entertainer trained in the traditional arts, singing, dancing, and conversation. A geiko serves as a party companion and hostess. On the other hand, a maiko is an apprentice geisha. A maiko trains under the strict guidance of specialists for several years in the fields of traditional dance, song, and the shamisen, a three-stringed Japanese instrument similar to a banjo. (7) 仏像の種類について述べよ What types of Buddhist statues are there? There are two main types of Buddhist statues. The first type represents the Buddha, who has already attained Buddhahood. It symbolizes the Buddha after renouncing the world, so it only wears a religious vestment. The second type represents a bodhisattva, a person who has vowed to remain in the world for the time being and who strives to reach a supreme state of enlightenment to become a Buddha in the future. Because it typifies a royal prince before becoming a Buddha, it is characterized by a lot of accessories. (8) 地震が起きたらどうすべきか What should I do when an earthquake occurs? In Japan, it is commonly advised that we should disconnect the gas to the stove in the kitchen, open the door, and get under a table. But more importantly, we

12 should always be ready for a big earthquake, by securing tall chests of drawers to the wall so that they can t fall down on you. 問題群 (4)[17:00 18:00] (1) 東京で買物をしたいが どの商業施設がお薦めか I would like to go shopping in Tokyo. Which shopping complex do you recommend? Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world, so you can find a lot of shopping complexes in areas such as Shinjuku, Akasaka, Roppongi, and Marunouchi. Stores dealing in famous brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Hermes are plentiful in these shopping complexes. In addition, large hotels have shopping arcades with stores that can send goods anywhere in the world. (2) 日本で 桜以外に人気のある花は何か Apart from cherry blossoms, what flowers are popular in Japan? There are chrysanthemums and plums. The former is adopted in the design of the Imperial Household crest and is an indispensable flower when Japanese visit their family graves to honor the dead. And white, pink or red plums are planted as ornamental trees, and they make exquisite bonsai. Azalea are also popular as bonsai. (3) 日本人はいつから洋服を着るようになったのか When did the Japanese start wearing Western clothes? The Japanese started wearing Western-style clothes in the Meiji period ( ). The Meiji government first adopted a European-style military uniform, and decided that officials, mailmen, and railroad workers should all wear Western-style clothes. This was because they felt it necessary to quickly transform Japan into a modern state. This expedited the spread of Western-style clothes among ordinary people as well. (4) 東京の観光地としてはどこを薦めるか Where do you recommend as a sightseeing place in Tokyo? 1 I would recommend Meiji Shrine, the largest Shinto shrine in Tokyo. This shrine is dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken, who oversaw Japan s entry into the modern world following the Meiji Restoration of The shrine buildings are made of Japanese cypress and built in a classic Shinto architectural style that is simple but grand. It is a special oasis in the midst of all the big-city hustle and bustle. 2 I would recommend Tokyo Tower in Minato Ward. Having been built in 1958 and modeled after the Eiffel Tower in Paris, this 333m structure is a beloved landmark in the city s landscape. The tower boasts two observatories, both of which offer spectacular, panoramic views of Tokyo. 3 I would recommend Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa. It is dedicated to Kannon, or the Buddhist goddess of mercy, and is therefore popularly called the Asakusa Kannon Temple. This temple is Tokyo s oldest and most popular one, with a history dating from 628. Its colorful Nakamise-Dori, a pedestrian lane leading to

13 the temple, is lined with traditional shops and souvenir stands, and is a great place to buy your gifts as well. (5) 伝統的な日本のお土産を買いたいが どこで何がお薦めか I would like to buy some traditional Japanese souvenirs. What and where do you recommend? If you are looking for traditional Japanese things, the Oriental Bazaar at Harajuku in Tokyo or souvenir shops at Asakusa in Tokyo are recommended. They offer a wide range of traditional Japanese things, such as fans, paper lanterns for room decorations, kimono-clad dolls, paper dolls, and happi coats. (6) 日本の現代的な品物を買いたいが どこで何がお薦めか I would like to buy some modern Japanese things. What and where do you recommend? Go to an electronics store and buy a digital camera, a portable game console, or any other computer-based product. If you are in Tokyo, such stores can be found in areas such as Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and Akihabara. If you are in Osaka, you should go to Nippombashi. In any large city, it is easy to find one or two electronics stores in the downtown area. (7) 日本の主たる工業製品は何か What are the main industrial products of Japan? Japan s main products include automobiles, consumer electronics, computers, semiconductors, and iron and steel. Additional key industries in Japan s economy are petrochemicals, pharmaceuti- cals, bio-industry, shipbuilding, aerospace, textiles, and processed foods. (8) 日本庭園を説明せよ Please explain Japanese gardens. A Japanese garden is a landscape garden composed of rocks, trees, ponds, and other natural objects. This type of garden is designed in accordance with the appearance of nature. The three most famous landscape gardens in Japan are (1) Koraku-en in Okayama, Okayama Prefecture, (2) Kenroku-en in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, and (3) Kairaku-en in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture

14 2008 年度 < 時間帯別問題群と模範解答 > 問題群 (1)(9:00 10:00) (1) 温泉を推薦して欲しい I heard there are many hot springs in Japan. Please recommend one of them. 1 If you are staying in Tokyo, I would recommend Hakone hot-spring resort. Hakone is a popular all-year tourist site because of its many hot-spring resorts, beautiful scenery and comfortable climate. Its easy access from Tokyo, views of Mt. Fuji, and the plentiful facilities in the district also add to its attraction. 2 If you are staying in Kyoto or any other place in the Kansai area, I would recommend Arima hot-spring resort in Hyogo Prefecture. Located, quite conveniently, within the city limits of Kobe, this resort attracts numerous visitors throughout the year. With a history of over 1,000 years, it is said to be one of the three oldest hot-spring resorts in Japan. Although Arima Onsen basically has a modern face today, one can still find several old buildings and some nice temples when strolling through the narrow streets of the town center. Due to its compact size, Arima resort can be explored entirely on foot. 3 If you are staying in Kyushu, I would recommend Beppu hot-spring resort in Oita Prefecture. One of the most popular resorts in all of Japan, Beppu provides more than 3,000 sources of hot water not only to the hotels and inns but also to private homes. Beppu has the sea in the foreground and mountains to its rear. This location and the variety of hot mineral springs make it a favorite vacation spot for travelers. (2) 最近地球温暖化が深刻であるが 日本はどうすればよいのか These days, global warming is getting more serious. How does it affect Japan? What can Japan do to stop global warming? As with everywhere else on Earth, global warming has been affecting Japan more seriously than before. For example, it has gradually increased torrential rainfalls, decreased agricultural water, changed the flora, and eroded some beaches. More and more people are realizing that global warming is a real threat to our lives. I think we all should start conserving much more energy, and the Japanese government should redouble its efforts to tackle global warming domestically, as well as internationally. (3) 明治維新は何故重要か 何をもたらしたか I heard the Meiji Restoration was very important in Japanese history.why was it so important? Tell me how it happened and what changes it brought to Japan? Japan realized the need to establish a modern state to cope with powerful Western countries, once it opened its doors to the world in 1854 after 220 years of national isolation. As a result of strong demands from imperial loyalists of the lower samurai class, the last shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu stepped down in 1867, and Emperor Meiji came to the throne. Thus, the Meiji Restoration took place in 1868, which included a series of drastic political, economic and cultural changes. Seeking to enrich the nation and strengthen the military, the new government promoted industrialization and modernization, through abolishing the feudal system and introducing Western culture and political systems

15 (4) 相撲取りが塩をまき しこを踏む理由は何か I saw sumo wrestlers throw salt into the ring and stomp their feet before their match. Why do they do that? Sumo is a time-honored sport, and, historically, it was done as part of a Shinto ritual as well. Purification rites are a vital part of Shinto, and, in Japan, salt is believed to have the sacred power to purify the impure. This is why sumo wrestlers throw salt into the ring in order to purify their sacred fighting ground before their match. Also, they stomp their feet so that they can ward off or placate evil spirits hidden in the earth of the ring. (5) 大名行列を説明せよ I heard that there was the procession of feudal lords in the Edo period. Please explain what it was like and what it was for? During the Edo period, there was a rule of the Tokugawa shogunate called Sankin-kotai, or the alternate attendance system. By this rule, daimyo, or feudal lords, were required to reside in alternate years in Edo (now Tokyo) to be in attendance of the shogun. A typical daimyo traveled to the capital, with 150 to 300 or more vassals and members of his household, using the main highways. This was called daimyo-gyoretsu, or the procession of feudal lords. The size of the entourage was an indication of the daimyo s status. The journeys and the overall upkeep of a daimyo s Edo estates consumed a large part of his income, so they financially weakened the daimyo and thus the Tokugawa shogunate was better able to control them. (6) あなたの好きなテレビ番組は何か 外国人にお奨めのテレビ番組は何か What kinds of TV programs do you like? What TV program would you recommend to foreigners? Of the wide variety of programs that are popular on Japanese TV, I personally like documentaries the most. But, since most foreign visitors may not understand Japanese, I would recommend they watch samurai dramas. By watching them, they can get a very good idea of what the traditional Japanese lifestyle was like, even if they don t understand the language. 問題群 (2)(10:00 12:00) (1) 鎌倉には何故お寺が多いのか Why are there so many Buddhist temples in Kamakura? During the Kamakura period, when Japan saw the rise of the samurai to power, several new Buddhist sects were established in Japan. Among these sects, the Rinzai sect came to enjoy the patronage of the upper warrior class, especially shikken, or Hojo regents. Hojo regents financially helped to build many large temples in Kamakura. This is why there are many temples in Kamakura. (2) 日本の気候を説明せよ What is Japan s climate like? There are four distinct seasons in Japan spring, summer, fall and winter. There is also a rainy season between spring and summer. Japan s climate is

16 influenced by summer and winter monsoons, ocean currents and topographical features. (3) 日本人は何故おめでたい折に鯛を食べるのか Why do Japanese people eat sea bream on happy occasions? On festive occasions such as wedding banquets, Japanese people eat sea bream, often complete with its head and tail. It is because tai, the Japanese word for sea bream, sounds similar to, thus is associated with, a Japanese word medetai, meaning auspicious. Also, sea bream is red, and the color of red has traditionally been the color of celebration in Japan because it is associated with the sun. (4) 日本の木造建築の利点を説明せよ I hear that many Japanese houses are made of wood. What are the advantages of wooden structures in Japan? Earthquakes are relatively frequent in Japan, and wooden houses are better at withstanding minor quakes. When wood is subjected to a force it may bend and warp, but it does not break easily. And when the force is removed, the wood returns to its former shape. Because wood is flexible, it can absorb seismic stresses. Also, Japan s summer is hot and humid, but wood breathes and absorbs moisture. In severe cold winters, wood is not as cold to the touch as stone. (5) 参勤交代の目的を説明せよ In the Edo period, there was a system called Sankin-Kotai. What was the purpose of it? The sankin-kotai system is known as the system of alternate attendance. It was instituted by the third shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, Iemitsu, as a means of political control. During the Edo period, Japan was divided into many autonomous feudal domains. Each lord, however, had to stay in Edo (modern-day Tokyo) every other year. Members of his family were held in Edo as hostages. One of the chief objectives of this system was to weaken the lords financially. (6) 総理大臣はどのように選出されるのか How is Japan s prime minister elected? The Japanese prime minister is elected by the Diet from among its own members. Japan has a similar system to the UK s parliamentary cabinet system, and its government is party-based. So the leader of the majority party is usually appointed prime minister. 問題群 (3)(12:00 13:00) (1) こも巻きを説明せよ I have seen gardeners wrapping tree trunks with straw mats or straw blankets (in early winter). What is that for? The practice is called komo-maki, or literally, straw-mat wrapping. Some people do this in order to protect pine or cedar trees from harmful insects. Some caterpillars or insects harmful to those trees try to live underneath the bark or dead leaves during winter. By wrapping the trunks with a straw mat about 1 or 2 meters above the ground, they can draw insects in under the mats. In early

17 spring, they remove the mats from the trees and burn them together with the harmful insects, thus protecting the trees. (2) 東海道五十三次を説明せよ Tell me about Tokaido 53 Stations. What is Tokaido-gojusan- tsugi? The Tokaido was one of the Five Routes constructed under Tokugawa Ieyasu. They formed a series of roads linking Edo, which was the seat of the military government, with the rest of Japan. Of the Five Routes, the Tokaido connected Edo with the then capital of Kyoto. The most important and most traveled of the five, the Tokaido ran along the eastern coast of Honshu, thus giving rise to its name meaning Eastern Sea Road. Along this road, there were 53 post stations, which provided stables, food, and lodging for travelers. These stations tended to be located in scenic spots or places of historic interest, so much so that a famous ukiyoe painter Utagawa Hiroshige produced a series of 55 woodblock prints to commemorate them. (3) 大政奉還の理由を説明せよ At the end of the Edo period, why did the shogun return his power to the emperor? It was because, towards the end of the Tokugawa period, pro-imperial sentiment was rising in Japan. The anti-tokugawa leaders of the Satsuma and Choshu domains formed an alliance in 1866, in order to challenge the ruling Tokugawa shogunate and restore the emperor to power. They proclaimed an imperial restoration, and ordered Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the 15th shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, to surrender the domains ruled by the Tokugawa family. When Emperor Meiji ascended the throne in 1867, the Tokugawa shogunate was overthrown. (4) 東大寺を説明せよ Tell me about Todai-ji Temple. Todai-ji is one of Japan s most famous and historically significant temples, and is a major landmark of Nara. Todai-ji was completed in the middle of the 8th century as the head temple of all provincial Buddhist temples of Japan. It houses Japan s largest statue of Buddha (Daibutsu). Also, the Great Buddha s hall of Todai-ji is the world s largest wooden structure, even though the present reconstruction of the early 18th century is only two thirds the size of the original. (5) クレジットカードにより現金を得る方法を説明せよ I have no cash and I only have credit cards. How can I get cash? If you hold a major credit card such as Visa, Master, or Amex, you can borrow money, with interest, at ATMs located across all major cities in Japan. (6) 観光バスが渋滞で止まったらどうするか What would you do if your tour bus got stuck in a traffic jam and didn t move anywhere for long periods of time? In that type of situation, it would be quite tough because you would run out of the usual things to guide about, such as places or things they can see through the bus windows. So I would try to teach them how to sing a simple Japanese song, or teach them some easy Japanese phrases or even kanji characters using drawing

18 paper. That way, the tourists could still enjoy themselves during an otherwise very boring period in their tour. 問題群 (4)(13:00 14:00) (1) 明治神宮を説明せよ Suppose you are taking a group of tourists to Meiji Shrine, what would you explain to them before entering the shrine? Meiji Shrine was built in 1920, and it is dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken, both of whom oversaw Japan s entry into the modern world following the Meiji Restoration of This shrine is a very popular place for New Year visits and conducting wedding ceremonies. Also, it is famous for its spring and autumn festivals featuring traditional performances such as Noh drama, ancient court music, and dancing. (2) 神輿を説明せよ I saw people carrying a small shrine on their shoulders at a local festival. What is it and why do they carry it? It is called mikoshi. Mikoshi is a portable shrine in which the spirit of a deity temporarily reposes during a festival held in the deity s honor. It is carried on the shoulders of 20 to 30 people wearing happi coats and shouting wasshoi, wasshoi. The carrying of a portable shrine through the community signifies a visit of the deity to all who live there. (3) 神社や寺の境内の玉砂利を説明せよ The precincts of most shrines and temples are covered with pebbles. Why is that? Does it signify something? The precincts of Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are sacred areas. So, people ward off evil and purify these grounds by scattering clean pebbles gathered from the upper reaches of some sacred rivers. Also, visitors to the shrines and temples can pacify their feelings and purify their mind, as they walk on the pebbles and listen to the sound of their own steps. With composure and a cleansed mind, obtained in this way, the visitors are finally allowed to appear before the hall of worship, where deities or sacred objects are enshrined. (4) あなたが日本史で興味のある時代はどの時代か What period of Japanese history are you interested in most? 1 I am interested in the Edo period most. The Edo period spanned from 1603 to 1867, and politically Japan enjoyed relative peace and stability for more than two centuries, due in part to the national seclusion policy. Also, it was during this period that traditional Japanese arts, which we are still proud of, such as kabuki, bunraku puppet theater, ukiyoe, and haiku, flourished. The townspeople, centering around the merchant class, played a major role in fostering this type of culture. 2 I am interested in the Meiji period most. The Meiji period spanned from 1868 to This period saw the transfer of power from the Tokugawa shogunate to the imperial court, and the transition from a system of government based on the shogunate and han domains to a unified state. This was also the period that

19 witnessed the transition to a capitalist economy and the establishment of a modern state system. In 1889, the Meiji Constitution was officially announced, laying the foundation for the political structure of post-feudal Japan. (5) 酒と焼酎の違いを説明せよ What is the difference between sake and shochu? Sake is a fermented alcoholic beverage, whereas shochu is a distilled alcoholic beverage. Sake is made exclusively from rice, but shochu can be made from rice, barley, sweet potatoes, or buckwheat. Both can be served either cold or warmed, and the alcoholic content of sake ranges from 12 to 18 percent, while shochu is from 20 to 45. Shochu is considered a low-grade liquor, but is also used as the base in making high-quality fruit liquor such as umeshu, or plum wine. (6) 除夜の鐘の意味を説明せよ On New Year s Eve, the bell of a Buddhist temple is struck 108 times. What does it signify? It is called Joya-no-kane. Joya-no-kane are the 108 chimes of the temple bell which are sounded around midnight on New Year s Eve. The sound of the bell rings out the old year and rings in the new year. It is also supposed to release people from the 108 worldly sins. 問題群 (5)(14:00 15:00) (1) オーストラリア人に人気のある北海道のスキーリゾートはどこか I heard that there is a ski resort in Hokkaido where many Australians visit. Where is it? It is Niseko, one of the major ski resorts in Hokkaido. Around 7,500 Australians visit here annually. It is because (1) many of them are attracted to the top quality powdery snow; (2) the time difference between Australia and Japan is only an hour; and (3) there are direct flights between Sapporo and major Australian cities in winter. (2) 侍は何故二本の刀を持っていたのか Why did samurai always have two swords? When two swords were carried together by a samurai, they were called daishō, or literally big and small. More accurately, they are referred to as the katana, or longer bladed sword, and the wakizashi, shorter bladed sword. The daishō were limited exclusively to the samurai, and therefore a symbol of their rank. The wakizashi was carried to commit seppuku (or hara-kiri ), or to be used in case the longer sword was broken in combat. Usually the swords were used individually, although a few samurai were trained to use them in combination. (3) 日本史上最も重要な外国人は誰か Who do you think is the most important foreigner in Japanese history? I think it is Commodore Matthew C. Perry, who used gunboat diplomacy to make Japan accept and sign the Treaty of Peace and Amity (or Treaty of Kanagawa ) in This led to the opening of two ports (Shimoda and Hakodate) to American whaling ships. This also meant the end of Japan s

20 220-year sakoku (seclusion) policy and later Japan s signing of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce under conditions favorable to the U.S. in These historical events marked the burgeoning Western influence on Japan. (4) お客さんが電車でカメラを忘れたら あなたはどうするのか If one of your foreign tourists left his camera on the train, what would you do? I would call up the nearest lost & found office of a major station on the line that the person had just used. If I weren t able to get the number or get through, I would go to a nearby police box, and a police officer should be able to help us solve the problem. (5) 日本人は何故桜を好むのか I know Japanese people love flowers. But why do they particularly love cherry blossoms? Cherry trees bloom brilliantly and lose their flowers in the short span of about two weeks. This evokes a sentimental feeling among Japanese, drawn from an ancient cultural belief, and reminding us of the short, transitory nature of human life. Also, cherry blossoms are regarded as the official signal that spring has come after a long, cold winter, so people are naturally in a cheery mood. Besides, Japanese people like to enjoy hanami, or cherry- blossom-viewing parties, with family and friends. These are some of the reasons why Japanese love cherry blossoms in particular. (6) 日本の方言について説明せよ I heard that there are some different dialects in Japan. Can you tell me something about them? Interestingly enough, although Japan is such a small island country, it has several distinctive local dialects in the Japanese language. For example, the standard Japanese word (also the word in the Tokyo dialect) for thank you is arigatou, whereas it is ookini in the Osaka dialect. Yet, people from all areas, including Okinawa, can communicate with one another in standard Japanese, which has evolved from the speech patterns used by people in the Tokyo area over the centuries. 問題群 (6)(15:00 16:00) (1) 箱根について説明せよ I want to go to Hakone. Could you tell me something about Hakone? Hakone is a popular all-year tourist site because of its many hot-spring resorts, beautiful scenery and comfortable climate. Its easy access from Tokyo, views of Mt. Fuji, and the plentiful facilities in the district also add to its attraction. (2) 紅白と白黒の幕について説明せよ I have seen two types of curtains: One was a red-and-white one, and the other was a black-and-white one. What are they? What is the difference between them? The curtain with broad red-and-white vertical stripes is used on celebratory occasions, such as entrance and graduation ceremonies at schools. On the other hand, the one with broad black-and-white vertical stripes is draped on sad or

21 unhappy occasions, such as funerals. Since ancient times, red has been the color of celebration because it is associated with the sun. Black has been the color of mourning because it is associated with night and darkness. (3) 日本庭園を推薦してほしい I want to visit a traditional Japanese garden. Is there anywhere you can recommend? 1 If you are traveling in Tokyo, I recommend Hama Rikyu Gardens in Chuo Ward, Tokyo. Hama Rikyu was the garden of a feudal lord s residence during the Edo period, and is one of Tokyo s most attractive landscape gardens. It is located along Tokyo Bay, next to the futuristic Shiodome district. Seawater ponds ( Shioiri-no- ike ), which change their water level with the ebb and flow of the tides, former duck-hunting grounds, forested areas, and a teahouse are some of the park s attractions. Also, you can enjoy the superb contrast between the traditional gardens and Shiodome s skyscrapers in the background. 2 If you are traveling in Tokyo, I would recommend Rikugien in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. It is one of Tokyo s most beautiful, Japanese-style landscape gardens. Completed in the early 18th century by shogunal official Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu, Rikugien literally means six-poem garden, and reproduces 88 scenes from famous poems in miniature. Rikugien is quite a spacious garden with a large central pond, islands, forested areas, man-made hills, and several teahouses. 3 If you are traveling in Kyoto, I would recommend Kinkaku Temple and its surrounding garden. Kinkaku, a three-story pavilion covered in gold leaf, is positioned at the edge of a pond. The structure is supported on pillars, extends over the pond, and on a clear day it is beautifully reflected in the calm waters. You can also enjoy exploring the surrounding garden with its moss-covered grounds and teahouses. 4 If you are traveling in Kyoto, I would recommend the garden at Ryoan-ji Temple. It is one of the most famous Zen-style dry-landscape gardens in Japan. Just 15 rocks are arranged in three groupings of seven, five, and three, in waves of raked white pebbles. From the temple s veranda, which is the proper viewing place, only 14 rocks can be seen at one time. Move slightly and another rock appears but one of the original 14 disappears. In the Buddhist world, the number 15 denotes completeness. (4) 江戸城は何故皇居と現在呼ばれているのか Why is Edo Castle called the Imperial Palace now? Built early in the Edo period, Edo Castle was the headquarters of the Tokugawa shogunate for over two centuries. In 1867, however, Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the 15th and last shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, surrendered to the emperor the political authority to rule the country. After the Meiji Restoration started the following year, the area enclosed by the castle s inner moat became the Imperial Palace. (5) 奈良時代を説明せよ What was the Nara period like? Tell us about the Nara period. The Nara period spanned from 710 to 784, when Nara was the capital of Japan. Buddhism flourished in this period, under the state patronage and protection of

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