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1 Katalog ugodnosti / Benefits catalogue

2 Klub Veteran Veteran Club 2 Kaj je KLUB VETERAN? To smo veteranke in veterani vojne za Slovenijo 1991 in skupina podjetij in ustanov, ki nam za svoje usluge in storitve nudijo poseben veteranski popust. Želimo, da se nam v KLUBU čim prej pridružijo tudi veteranske organizacije drugih držav, članic Svetovne veteranske organizacije. Število ponudnikov ni omejeno, skrbeli bomo, da jih bo vedno več. Zakaj smo KLUB ustanovili? Zato da se čim bolj spoznamo med seboj, da čim bolj spoznamo svojo domovino Slovenijo, njeno zgodovino in življenje. Želimo se spoznati tudi z veterani drugih držav, vse z iskreno željo po miru, kajti nihče ne more za mir storiti več kakor tisti, ki so se zanj borili. Kako KLUB deluje? Vsak član ali članica bo na sedežu svoje organizacije prevzel posebno brošuro ponudnikov in»kartico ugodnosti«, na kateri bo izpisan njegov priimek, ime in članska številka. Vsak bo lahko popust uveljavljal le s svojo člansko izkaznico in»kartico ugodnosti«, ki bo neprenosljiva. Vsi ponudniki so se zavezali, da bo njihov popust veljal najmanj za dobo 5 let. Vse spremembe in dopolnitve bodo sproti objavljene na What is the VETERAN CLUB? We are members of the Union of Veterans of the war for Slovenia 1991 (ZVVS) and a group of enterprises and institutions which offer us special discounts for their services. Our goal is that other veteran organizations from other countries, which are members of the World Veteran Federation us in our CLUB. The number of offerers is not limited, we will take care that there will be more and more of them. What is the goal of the foundation of the CLUB? First, we wish for our veterans to get to know each other and to get to know our country Slovenia and its history and life. We truly wish to get to know one another and become friends with war veterans from other countries, to get to know their history and lives all with sincere and genuine wish for peace since no one can speak about peace other than those who have fought for it. How does the CLUB operate? Each member will get a brochure of the VETERAN CLUB at the headquarters of their organization with a list of all offerers and a special»benefits card«on which will be the owners name and the membership number. Each member will be able to use discount coupons only with their»benefits card«, which are going to be non-transferable. All offerers have obliged with a special agreement of cooperation with ZVVS that their discounts will be valid for at least five years. All changes, completions and other information are going to be published regularly on

3 Uvod predsednika Introduction by the president Spoštovane veteranke in veterani! Naša domovina Slovenija, ki smo jo ubranili pred sovragom in uresničili tisočletni sen Slovencev - živeti v samostojni državi, nam nudi neizmerno bogastvo v naravi, kulturi in zgodovini. Naravne lepote bomo uživali od Alp, do toplega modrega Jadrana ter v številnih termalnih vrelcih, od Prekmurja, Štajerske do Dolenjske. Kulturna dediščina Slovencev je bogata in je shranjena v številnih muzejih in ostalih kulturnih ustanovah. Smo star evropski narod, ki je svojo visoko kulturo skozi pismenost izkazal že v brižinskih spomenikih,nadaljeval s Trubarjem in nekako dosegel vrh s Prešernom in Cankarjem. Svojo vojaško zgodovino smo pričeli pisati že v Samovi Karantaniji in jo potem v skupnosti Germanov in Romanov,dolga stoletja izkazovali kot hrabri vojščaki.v novejši zgodovini smo kot Maistrovi borci, Tigrovci, partizani v NOB in končno veterani osamosvojitvene vojne, izstopili iz podjarmljenosti in ustvarili svojo državo. V številnih muzejih Slovenije so pričevanja o uporništvu in vojaški hrabrosti slovenskega naroda. Vse to bomo lahko veterani v okviru Veteran kluba koristili v smislu utrjevanja domoljubja in ohranjanja zgodovinskega spomina, nekaj pa tudi za dušo in telo, v hribih, na morju in toplicah. Pričujoča brošura, ki je namenjena veterankam in veteranom iz Slovenije, pa tudi veteranom sosednjih držav, naj bi imela poslanstvo v predstavitvi naše domovine skozi njene naravne in kulturne lepote, predvsem pa naj bi povezovala vse domoljube, ki so doživeli vojne grozote v različnih časovnih obdobjih, da bi v teh turističnih krajih našli sprostitev in druženje, s skupnim poslanstvom NIKOLI VEČ VOJNE. Dear veterans! Our country Slovenia, which we have defended against enemy and accomplished a thousand-year-old dream of Slovenes - to live in an independent country, offers us an immense wealth in nature, culture, and history. We will enjoy in the natural beauties from Alps to warm blue Adriatic Sea and in numerous thermal springs from the Prekmurje, Styria (Štajerska) to Lower Carniola (Dolenjska) region. Cultural heritage of Slovenes is rich and well preserved in numerous museums and other cultural institutes. We are an old European nation, which expressed its high culture through literacy in Freising manuscripts and then continued with Trubar and reached its peak with Prešeren and Cankar. We began writing our military history in Sam s Carantania and then in the community with Germans and Romans we proved throughout the centuries as brave warriors. In the modern history we were Maister s warriors, Tigr s, partisans in People s Liberation War and finally as veterans of the war for independence we stopped being subjugated and we created our own country. Numerous museums in Slovenia bear witness to rebellion and military courage of Slovene nation. Veterans of the veteran club will be able to use all these in the sense of strengthening of patriotism and preserving historical memory and something for body and mind in hills, at the seaside, and in spas. The brochure which is designed for veterans from Slovenia and neighbouring countries should have a mission to present our country through its nature in cultural beauties, but mostly it should connect all patriots who have been through the horrors of war in different time periods to relax and socialize in tourists places with a common mission NEVER TO HAVE WAR AGAIN. Janez Pajer 3

4 Kobariški muzej Kobarid Museum Kobariški muzej Gregorčičeva Kobarid tel: fax: % popusta / discount 4 Kobariški muzej na stalni razstavi predstavlja gorsko bojevanje v Zgornjem Posočju in zaključne operacije na soški fronti v prvi svetovni vojni dvanajsto soško bitko od do Dogajanje v teh dneh so kasneje poimenovali kot»čudež pri Kobaridu«. Ob Soči sta Italija in Avstro-Ogrska zbrali čez vojakov, ki so v nekaj dneh leta 1917 obrnili celo stran zgodovine človeštva. Zbirka je postavljena v dvanajstih prostorih. V multivizijski sobi je s pomočjo slike in besede v 20 minutah predstavljena 12. soška bitka, eden največjih spopadov v gorskem svetu v vsej človeški zgodovini. Kobariškemu muzeju sta bili za njegovo pripoved podeljeni dve visoki nagradi: najvišja slovenska muzejska nagrada Valvasorjeva nagrada za leto 1992, Muzejska nagrada Sveta Evrope za leto Poleg muzeja lahko v okolici Kobarida obiščete kobariško zgodovinsko pot in se vzpnete na kostnico, v kateri je pokopanih 7014 italijanskih vojakov. The Kobarid museum has a permanent exhibition which presents the mountainous battles in Upper Posočje and final events on the Soča Front in the First World War the twelfth battle on the Soča River from October 24th to November 11th, The events from those days were later named»the Kobarid miracle«. Italy and Austro-Hungarian divisions gathered over soldiers who have turned the whole page in the history of mankind just in few days in the Council of Europe museum award for Besides the museum one can also visit the Kobarid historical trail and climb up the Charnel House, where 7014 Italian soldiers are burried. The collection is situated in twelve rooms. In the multivision room there is the 20 minutes presentation made with the help of the pictures and words, where the twelfth battle on the Soča River, one of the greater mountainous battles in all mankind, is presented. The Kobarid museum was granted two important awards for its narration: In 1992, the Association of Museums of Slovenia granted the museum its highest recognition, the Valvasor prize.


6 Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske Military museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske Engelsova Maribor tel.: fax: prost vstop free entry 6 Vojaški muzej je matična muzejska ustanova slovenske vojske. Njegovo poslanstvo je ohranjanje vojaške in vojne kulturne dediščine slovenskega etničnega prostora. Od januarja 2009 deluje v obnovljenih prostorih mariborske Kadetnice, kjer je predvidena stalna razstava o vojaški zgodovini Slovencev. V Centru vojnih veteranov Slovenije v Logatcu je v prihodnosti predvidena postavitev Muzeja vojne za Slovenijo 1991, znotraj letalske baze v Cerkljah ob Krki pa oblikovanje muzejske zbirke vojaškega letalstva in zračne obrambe. Stalne razstave 1. Stalna razstava osrednje slovenske tankovskoartilerijske zbirke Vojaškega muzeja Slovenske vojske v Parku vojaške zgodovine v Pivki. Informacije in napovedi obiska po telefonu , Spletni naslov: E-pošta: tank.pivka@siol.net 2. Enotni v zmagi - demokratizacija in osamosvojitev Slovenije v sklopu stalne razstave Slovenci v XX. stoletju v Muzeju novejše zgodovine Slovenije v Ljubljani. Informacije in napovedi obiska po telefonu Občasne gostujoče razstave Vojna za Slovenijo 1991 General in pesnik Rudolf Maister Štirideset let ustanovitve Teritorialne obrambe Slovenije Slovenci in vojaško gorništvo Hrumenje tišine Slovenski kontingenti v operacijah kriznega odzivanja v Afganistanu

7 Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske Military museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske Engelsova Maribor tel.: fax: ladislav.mesaric@mors.si prost vstop free entry 1991 is likewise envisaged, and in Cerklje near Krka Air Force Base, the museum collection of military aviation and air defence will be set up. Permanent exhibitions 1. The permanent exhibition of the central Slovenian tank and artillery collection of the Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces in the Park of Military History. Information and reservations , Home page: tank.pivka@siol.net Forty Years of Establishment of Slovenia s Territorial Defence (Štirideset let ustanovitve Teritorialne obrambe Slovenije) Slovenes and Military Mountaineering (Slovenci in vojaško gorništvo) Roaring of the Silence (Hrumenje tišine) Slovenian Contingent in Crisis Response Operations in Afghanistan (Slovenski kontingenti v operacijah kriznega odzivanja v Afganistanu) 7 Military museum is a parent museum institution of the Slovenian Armed Forces. Its mission is to preserve the military and war cultural heritage of the Slovene ethnical space. Since January 2009, it has been operating in the renovated premises of the former officer training school (Kadetnica) in Maribor, where a permanent exhibition on the military history of Slovenes is envisaged. In the Centre of War Veterans of Slovenia in Logatec, the installation of the Museum of the War for Slovenia 2. United in Victory the democratisation and liberation of Slovenia presented in the context of a permanent exhibition titled Slovenes in the 20th Century in the Slovenian National Museum of Contemporary History in Ljubljana. Information and reservations: Occasional visiting exhibitions War for Slovenia 1991 (Vojna za Slovenijo 1991) A General and a Poet, Rudolf Maister (General in pesnik Rudolf Maister)

8 Muzej Slovenske policije Museum of Slovenian police Muzej policije Vodnikova 43a 1000 Ljubljana tel: fax: prost vstop free entry 8 Muzej Slovenske policije je bil po dobrih petih letih ponovno odprt 14. decembra Nahaja se v Policijski akademiji v Tacnu, organizacijsko pa sodi v Generalno policijsko upravo Ministrstva za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije. Ima dva oddelka: kriminalistični in oddelek o razvoju varnostnega sistema. Odprtje muzeja poglablja potrebo po nadaljnjem zbiranju novejšega pomembnega gradiva o policijskem delu pri odkrivanju in preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj in zbiranju ter dopolnjevanju gradiva o zgodovini organov za notranje zadeve. V drugi oddelek sodi tudi stalna zbirka o vojni za samostojno Slovenijo. V kriminalističnem oddelku so prikazana kazniva dejanja v naslednjih zbirkah: krvni in seksualni delikti, premoženjski delikti, gospodarska kriminaliteta, ilegalne droge in zbirka izvrševanja kazenskih sankcij. Na novo sta postavljeni temi sprava in ilegalni prehodi preko državne meje. Kazniva dejanja so prikazana fotografsko z ogledom kraja kaznivega dejanja, tekst pa poizkuša odgovoriti na vseh sedem»zlatih vprašanj«kriminalistike z najpomembnejšim odgovorom, kdo je bil storilec kaznivega dejanja. V oddelku o razvoju varnostnega sistema je (zaradi prostorske omejitve) trenutno predstavljena vojna za samostojno Slovenijo iz Zajema čas od 1. decembra 1989, ko je bil v Ljubljani preprečen»miting resnice«srbov in Črnogorcev, ki so želeli reševati problem avtonomnih pokrajin na slovenskih tleh, dogodke pred 26.junijem, ko se je na ta dan v Sloveniji začela vojna, sklenjeno Brionsko deklaracijo 7. julija na Brionih in odhod zadnjega vojaka JLA 25. oktobra 1991 (5 minut pred 24. uro) iz koprskega pristanišča. Muzej je namenjen strokovni in obči javnosti. Za strokovno javnost je muzej pomembno učilo, ker se ob dokazanih primerih kaznivih dejanj in odkritij njihovih storilcev seznanja o novih načinih odkrivanja, preiskovanja in dokazovanja kaznivih dejanj, za občo javnost pa pomeni spoznanje o porastu kriminalitete dodatno skrb za lastno varnost in varnost premoženja, kajti s preventivnim ravnanjem lahko bistveno zmanjšamo možnost, da postanemo žrtev kriminala. Muzej slovenske policije je odprt za skupine na podlagi predhodne prijave, praviloma za polnoletne osebe.

9 Muzej Slovenske policije Museum of Slovenian police Muzej policije Vodnikova 43a 1000 Ljubljana tel: fax: biserka.debeljak@policija.si prost vstop free entry Museum of Slovenian Police was re-opened on December 14, 2006 after being closed for five years. It is settled in the Police academy in Tacen, however organizationally it belongs to General police administration of Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia. It has two departments: criminalist department and department for development of security system. The opening of the museum deepens the need for further gathering of new and more important material about police work with revealing criminal offences and collecting and completion of the material about the history of bodies of the Interior. Permanent collection of war for independent Slovenia belongs to the other department. There are criminal offences presented in the criminalist department in the following collections: homicide and sexual offences, property offences, economic crimes, illicit drugs and a collection of execution of criminal sanctions. There are two new subjects reconciliation and illegal crossing of borders. Criminal offences are represented with photographs with examination of the criminal act and the text tries to answer to all seven»gold questions«of the criminality with the most important answer of the perpetrator of the criminal act. There is a war for Slovenia from 1991 presented at the moment in the department for development of security system (due to the lack of space). The presentation captures the time from December 1, 1989 when there was a»meeting of truth«of Serbians and Montenegrins who wanted to solve the problem of autonomous countries on the Slovenian ground which was prevented, events before June 26, on the very day when the war in Slovenia began, a conclusion of the Brioni s declaration on June 7 on Brioni and departure of the last soldier of YPA on October (5 minutes to midnight) from the port of Koper. The museum is designed for expert as well as for general public. The museum is an important teaching aid for expert public since with the help of already proved cases of criminal offences and with uncovering perpetrators it acquaints about new ways of uncovering, investigation and proving the criminal offences and as for general public comprehension of increase of criminal means additional care for our own safety and security of our property since with the preventive measurements we can significantly decrease chances of becoming the victims of criminal. Museum of Slovenian police is opened for groups with previous notice, for adults as a general rule. 9

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11 Pomorski muzej Sergej Mašera Piran Maritime museum Sergej Mašera Piran Pomorski muzej Sergej Mašera Piran Cankarjevo nabrežje Piran tel: fax: muzej@pommuz-pi.si www2.arnes.si/~kppomm/index.htm prost vstop free entry V Pomorskem muzeju v Piranu sta predstavljena pomorstvo na SZ delu Jadrana in slovenska pomorska preteklost od najstarejših obdobij do konca 2. svetovne vojne. Na ogled so arheološka zbirka, zbirka morskega ribištva, zbirka ladjedelstva in zbirka pomorstva, ki poleg trgovskih mornaric vključuje vojne mornarice držav, katerih del je bilo slovensko etnično ozemlje. Posebej so predstavljeni pomorščaki s slovenskega ozemlja v vojnih mornaricah Avstro-Ogrske, Kraljevine Jugoslavije in Italije ter med 2. svetovno vojno. Poleg slikovnega gradiva so razstavljeni ladijski modeli, navtični predmeti, deli z ladij, orožje in uniforme ter drugi osebni predmeti pomorščakov. K muzeju sodijo še Muzej solinarstva v Krajinskem parku Sečoveljske soline, etnološka zbirka Tonina hiša v Svetem Petru, Zbirka ladijskega modelarstva v Izoli in jadrnica Galeb, ki je zasidrana pred matično stavbo muzeja. Imetniki kartice Kluba veteran imajo prost vstop. ons and uniforms as well as other personal belongings of the seamen. Museum of salt-making in Nature Park in Sečovlje, ethnological collection Tonina house in Sveti Peter, the collection of ship modeling in Izola and sailing boat Galeb, which is anchored in front of the central building of the museum, belong to the Museum. The holders of the Veteran Club card have a free entrance. 11 In the Maritime museum (Pomorski muzej) in Piran the maritime on the northwest part of Adriatic Sea and the Slovene maritime history from the earliest period till the end of the Second World War is presented. You can see the archaeological collections, collections of sea fishing, the collection of shipbuilding and the collection of maritime which beside the merchant marine also includes navy of the countries whose part was Slovene ethnical territory. Seamen from Slovene territory in the navies of Austrian-Hungarian, Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Italian and during the Second World War are especially presented. Beside the photographs the following are also presented: ship models, nautical objects, parts of ships, weap-

12 Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije The National Museum of Contemporary History 50% Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije Celovška cesta Ljubljana tel: fax: popusta / discount 12 Zgodovina muzeja Predhodnik Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije je bil Znanstveni institut pri IO OF (Izvršnem odboru Osvobodilne fronte), ustanovljen 12. januarja leta Po drugi svetovni vojni sta iz Znanstvenega instituta nastala Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja in leta 1948 Muzej narodne osvoboditve. Slednji se je jeseni 1951 preselil v Cekinov grad in leta 1955 odprl prvo stalno razstavo. Po obdobju triletne izgube samostojnosti s statusom organizacijske enote Inštituta za zgodovino delavskega gibanja se je leta 1962 preimenoval v Muzej ljudske revolucije ter se v naslednjem desetletju razširil z izpostavo na gradu Rajhenburg. Osamosvojitev Republike Slovenije je utrdila njegov položaj osrednje nacionalne muzejske ustanove za obdobje novejše zgodovine. Zadnje preimenovanje iz Muzeja novejše zgodovine leta 1994 v Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije leta 2003 izraža novo vlogo ter delno tudi poslanstvo državnega muzeja, ki zbira, ohranja, dokumentira, preučuje in razstavlja premično in živo dediščino s področja zgodovine slovenskega etničnega prostora od začetka 20. stoletja dalje. Na temelju poslanstva gradi zbirke, doma in v tujini pripravlja razstave ter z različnimi izraznimi oblikami predstavlja kulturno dediščino. Demokratizacija in osamosvojitev Slovenije (del razstave Slovenci v 20. stoletju)»enotni v zmagi«je naslov zadnjih dveh velikih tem stalne razstave, ki sta v dveh prostorih posvečeni demokratizaciji Slovenije v osemdesetih letih, nastanku države Slovenije in desetdnevni vojni za obrambo njene samostojnosti. Slovenija je prvič v svoji zgodovini postala samostojna in neodvisna država in stopila v svet demokratičnih držav. Osemdeseta leta so Slovenijo zaznamovala z intenzivnimi zgodovinskimi spremembami, razkrajanjem komunističnega sistema in nastajanjem civilno družbenih gibanj in političnih sil, ki so začele korenito spreminjati politično podobo Slovenije. Z atraktivnim prepletanjem besed, dokumentarnim gradivom in predmeti je predstavljeno rojevanje slovenske pomladi. Od tod vstopimo na prizorišče desetdnevne vojne med Jugoslovansko ljudsko armado in vsemi slovenskimi silami, ki so branile svojo domovino. Podoživljanje ali čustveno zaznavanje ključnih dogodkov, ki so privedli do slovenske osamosvojitve, razglasitve samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije, desetdnevne vojne in slovenske zmage v njej ter dokončnega mednarodnega priznanja Slovenije, ustvarja in stopnjuje dokumentarni film.

13 Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije The National Museum of Contemporary History 50% Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije Celovška cesta Ljubljana tel: fax: uprava@muzej-nz.si popusta / discount History of the museum The forerunner of The Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia was the Scientific Institute of the Executive Committee of the Liberation Front established on January 12, After the Second World War the Institute of National Questions and the Museum of National Liberation in 1948 arose from the Scientific Institute. The latter moved to Cekin castle and in 1955 hosted its first permanent exhibition. After loosing its independence for three years with the status of Organizational Unite of the Institute for the History of the Workers Movement it was renamed in 1962 to the museum of the People s Revolution and in the next decade expanded to include a branch in the Rajhenburg castle. After the independence of the Republic of Slovenia it strengthened its position as the centre of the National Museum of Contemporary History. The last name change from the Museum of Contemporary History in 1994 to the Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia in 2003 expresses a new role and partly the mission of National Museum which collects, preserves, documents, studies and exhibits movable and live heritage from the history of Slovene ethnical area from the beginning of 20th century onwards. Based on its mission it forms collections at home and abroad, prepares exhibitions and presents the cultural heritage in various ways. Democratization and independence of Slovenia»United in victory«is the title of the last two great subjects of the permanent exhibitions which are in two rooms dedicated to democratization of Slovenia in eighties, the formation of the state of Slovenian and the ten-day war for the defence of its independence. For the first time in history Slovenia became an independent and sovereign state and stepped into the world of democratic countries. The eighties marked Slovenia with intensive historical changes, disintegration of communists system and beginning of civil-social movements and political forces which radically began changing the political image of Slovenia. With attractive word fights, documentary material and objects the birth of the Slovenian spring is presented. From there on we enter the scene of the ten-day war between Yugoslavian People s Army and all Slovenian forces which defended their country. Reliving or emotional perception of the key events which led to the Slovene independence, announcement of the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Slovenia, the ten-day war and its victory and final international acknowledgement of Slovenia creates and enhances this documentary film. 13

14 Mestni muzej Idrija Idrija Municipal Museum 40% Mestni muzej Idrija Prelovčeva Idrija tel: fax: tajnistvo@muzej-idrija-cerkno.si popusta / discount 14 vodnim kolesom premera 13,6 metrov in rudarska hiša. Pod robom Vojskarske planote stoji Partizanska tiskarna Slovenija, ki je delovala od septembra 1944 do maja V njej so tiskali Partizanski dnevnik, danes pa oskrbnik na še vedno delujočem tiskarskem stroju natisne priložnostni letak. V Cerkljanskem muzeju v Cerknem sta predstavljeni dve stalni razstavi: Cerkljanska skozi stoletja in Pust je kriv! Pripoved o cerkljanskih laufarjih. V Zakojci pri Cerknem pa je preurejena v spominski muzej domačija pisatelja Franceta Bevka. PARTIZANSKA BOLNICA FRANJA meri zagotovila država. Na posebnem računu pri Mestnem muzeju Idrija pa se zbirajo tudi solidarnostna sredstva. Kljub temu, da je avtentična dediščina v veliki meri uničena, je treba storiti vse, da se poudari duhovno sporočilnost spomenika, ki je pravzaprav ves čas v ospredju. Partizanska bolnica Franja ostaja simbol mednarodnega povezovanja in odpora, predvsem pa dragocen pomnik humanosti, plemenitosti in tovarištva. V letu 2007 je prejela znak evropske kulturne dediščine. Mestni muzej Idrija ima upravni sedež na idrijskem gradu Gewerkenegg, kjer je na ogled stalna razstava o petstoletni zgodovini Idrije in rudnika živega srebra. Zanjo je muzej prejel nagrado fundacije Luigi Micheletti kot najboljši evropski muzej industrijske in tehniške dediščine leta Razstavo zaključuje vsebinski sklop Mejniki 20. stoletja, s katerim je prikazano obdobje italijanske okupacije, čas nemške zasedbe, obnova mesta in razvoj nove oblasti po drugi svetovni vojni ter vrh in hkrati konec delovanja drugega največjega rudnika živega srebra na svetu. Muzej skrbi za številne spomenike tehniške in kulturne dediščine na Idrijskem in Cerkljanskem. V Idriji so na ogled obnovljeni rudniški stroji in naprave v jašku Frančiške, idrijska kamšt črpalna naprava z lesenim Odporniško gibanje, ki se je razvilo v Sloveniji v času druge svetovne vojne, se je odlikovalo z dobro organizirano zdravstveno službo, še posebej pa z gradnjo skrivnih partizanskih bolnišnic. Partizanska bolnica Franja je delovala v ozki, težko dostopni soteski Pasice v Dolenjih Novakih pri Cerknem od decembra 1943 do maja V njej se je zdravilo 522 ranjencev različnih narodnosti. Silovito deževje in narasle vode so bolnico 18. septembra 2007 močno poškodovali. Odneslo je večino barak, neprecenljivo škodo pa predstavljajo tudi izgubljeni muzejski predmeti. Sprejeta je bila odločitev za popolno rekonstrukcijo spomenika, ki bo predvidoma zaključena v letu Sredstva za obnovo je v večji

15 Mestni muzej Idrija Idrija Municipal Museum 40% Mestni muzej Idrija Prelovčeva Idrija tel: fax: tajnistvo@muzej-idrija-cerkno.si popusta / discount The Idrija Municipal Museum has its administrative seat at Gewerkenegg castle in Idrija where a permanent exhibition about 500 years old history of Idrija and the mercury mine is housed. The museum received an award of foundation of Luigi Micheletti for this very exhibition as the best European museum of industrial and technical heritage in The exhibition is concluded with Boundaries of the 20th century which represents the period of Italian occupation, the time of German occupation, renovation of the town and the development of the new government after the Second World War and the peak as well as the end of the second biggest mercury mine in the world. The museum is responsible for numerous monuments of technical and cultural heritage in Idrijsko and Cerkljansko. Renovated mine machines and devices in the Francis Shaft, Idrija Kamšt - a pumping device with a wooden waterwheel 13, 6 meters in diameter and miner s house can be seen in Idrija. Under the edge of Vojsko plateau there is the Partisan printing workshop Slovenia which operated from September 1944 to May Partisan daily was printed in this printing workshop and today the custodian still prints occasional leaflets on the printing machine. There are two permanent exhibitions presented in The Cerkno Museum in Cerkno: Cerkno region through centuries and Pust is to blame! The story of the Laufarji from Cerkno. The home of the writer France Bevk is reorganized into a memorial museum in Zakojca near Cerkno. THE FRANJA HOSPITAL Resistance movement which was developed in Slovenia during the Second World War was distinguished with a well organized health service and especially with building secret Partisan hospitals. The Franja Partisan hospital operated in a narrow, difficult to access gorge Pasice in Dolenjski Novaki near Cerkno from December 1943 to May wounded of different nationalities were treated in it. Torrential rain and floods damaged the hospital badly on September 18, Most of the huts were swept away and the lost museum objects represent invaluable damage. A decision was made for a complete reconstruction of the monument which is likely to be finished in The funds for reconstruction will mainly be provided by the government. However, funds are being gathered on a special account at the Idrija Municipal Museum. Despite the fact that the authentic heritage is damaged to a high degree we have to do everything to stress the spiritual message of the monument which is actually of the greatest importance. The Franja Partisan hospital remains the symbol of international connection and resistance and above all a valuable monument of humanity, nobility and fellowship. In 2007 it received a token of European cultural heritage. 15

16 CVVS Logatec CWVS Logatec Center vojnih veteranov Slovenije Blekova vas 1370 Logatec tel: fax: , 50% popusta / discount 16 Naša ponudba v tem trenutku zajema dva sodobno opremljena apartmaja s 16 posteljami, namestitev v namenskem objektu s 60 posteljami, kar je izredno primerno za nastanitev večjih skupin izletnikov, ki v naše kraje prispejo z avtobusom. Razpolagamo tudi z opremljenim in pokritim piknik prostorom za približno sto ljudi, izposojamo pa tudi gasilske komplete miz in klopi. Obstoječa športna tekmovanj. Nudimo tudi možnost najema večnamenske avdio in video opremljene dvorane restavracije s 150 sedeži, pa tudi uporabo fitnesa in športne dvorane. Velika betonska ploščad omogoča postavitev velikega prireditvenega šotora, oziroma organizacijo večjih prireditev, razpolagamo pa tudi z večjim številom parkirišč, tako za osebna vozila kot tudi za avtobuse. Člani OZVVS imajo pri koriščenju zmogljivosti in ponudbe CVVS Logatec 50 % popusta, posebne ugodnosti in popuste pa bomo priznali tudi drugim veteranskim organizacijam in združenjem. igrišča in športna dvorana nudijo precejšnjo možnost rekreacije skupin in posameznikov, pa tudi organizacijo At the moment our offer includes two contemporarily equipped apartments with 16 beds, accommodation in a purposely designed building with 60 beds which is especially suitable for accommodation of bigger groups of tourists which come here by bus. We also have an equipped and covered place for picnics for about one hundred people and we also lend sets of tables and benches. The already-existent sport field offers a lot of possibilities for recreation of groups and individuals and organized competitions as well. However, we also rent a multi-purpose hall which is audio and visual equipped, a restaurant with 150 seats and the use of fitness and sports centre. On a big concrete platform a huge pavilion can be placed or bigger amusements can be organized there. We also have a large number of parking places for cars as well as for buses. Members of the Regional associations of war veterans of Slovenia have 50% discount when using the services and capacities of CWVS Logatec and special benefits and discounts will be offered to other veteran organizations and associations.

17 Zaklonišče Šempeter in Veteranski dom Sabotin Shelter Šempeter and Veteran house Sabotin Zaklonišče pri Pošti Šempeter pri Gorici 21a 5290 Šempeter pri Gorici kontaktna oseba: Janko Lutman tel: prost vstop free entry ZAKLONIŠČE pri Pošti, Šempeter pri Novi Gorici 21a Kontaktna oseba Janko Lutman, gsm: Že ime samo pove, kakšen je osnovni namen objekta, ki so ga dobili v začasno uporabo tamkajšnji veterani vojne za Slovenijo. V njem imajo postavljeno stalno zbirko raznih vojaških predmetov, uniform in orožja iz 1. svetovne vojne in vojne za Slovenijo, med njimi jih je veliko tudi od nekdanje Milice, ki jih z veseljem predstavljajo drugim vojnim veteranom, šolski mladini in ostalim. Skrbijo za zaklonišče in ga vzorno vzdržujejo, tako da bi lahko vedno in v najkrajšem času služilo svojemu prvotnemu namenu. VETERANSKI DOM SABOTIN Kontaktna oseba Bogdan Potokar, gsm: , bogdan.potokar@siol.net Dom je odprt ob sobotah, nedeljah in praznikih, razen julija in avgusta, ko ga odprejo samo za skupine in po dogovoru. Ta veteranski dom je preurejena nekdanja stražnica karavla JLA, ki jo je Slovenska vojska dala na razpolago vojnim veteranom. Tudi v njem je zbirka vojaških predmetov in orožja, pohvali pa se z izrednim razgledom, saj je postavljen na točki, kateri bi izletniki rekli»razgledna«, vojaki pa»strateška«. Vsem obiskovalcem z veseljem razkažejo svojo zbirko, šolski mladini in pripadnikom Slovenske vojske organizirajo razna izobraževanja in nudijo gostinsko ponudbo. SHELTER by the Post office, Šempeter near Nova Gorica 21a, contact person Janko Lutman, gsm: The name itself tells us the purpose of the building which was put in temporarily use of the local veterans of the war for Slovenia. A permanent collection of various war objects is presented, like uniforms and weapon from First World War and the war for Slovenia. Among the object there are a lot of things from the former Milica which they enthusiastically present to other war veterans, school children and others. They take care of the shelter and maintain it exemplarily in a way that it could at any time serve its primary purpose. VETERAN HOME SABOTIN Contact person Bogdan Potokar, gsm: bogdan.potokar@siol.net The home is opened on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays except in July and August when it is opened only for groups and by agreement. This veteran home is rearranged from a former guardhouse - YPA caravel which the Slovene army gave to free use to the war veterans. There is a collection of war objects and weapon in this home too. Furthermore it can boast with its beautiful view since it is placed on the spot called a place with a fine view and the soldiers would call it strategic point. They show visitors around the house within great pleasure and for schoolchildren and members of the Slovene army they organize different education and they also offer them food. 17

18 Muzej Velenje Museum Velenje Muzej Velenje Ljubljanska cesta Velenje tel: % popusta / discount 18 Velenjski grad je eden najlepše ohranjenih gradov v Sloveniji. V zgodovinskih virih se prvič omenja leta Njegovi prvi lastniki in graditelji so bili gospodje Kunšperški, sledili so jim njihovi sorodniki gospodje Ptujski, nato je postal last družine Liechtensteinskih. Potem je pogosto menjaval lastnike. Družina Wagen von Wagensberg je v 16. stoletju stavbo popolnoma prenovila: napol trdnjavsko zasnovani grad je spremenila v renesančno rezidenco. Po 2. svetovni vojni je grad prešel v last splošnega družbenega premoženja. V njem so uredili stanovanja, veliko notranje opreme je bilo uničene in stavbi je grozil propad. Leta 1957 je velenjski premogovnik na gradu ustanovil Muzej slovenskih premogovnikov, kasneje preimenovan v Muzej Velenje. Postopoma so v njem začeli urejati prve zbirke, hkrati se je začela intenzivna obnova stavbe. Stalne zbirke danes: Zbirka mastodonta Šaleška dolina med 10. in 17. stoletjem Afriška zbirka Františka Foita Zbirka sodobne slovenske umetnosti Gorenje rekonstrukcija stare trgovine in gostilne zbirka Ko je Velenje postajalo mesto Šaleška dolina med 1941 in 1945 Spominska soba v Topolšici je posvečena spominu na podpis ene od štirih delnih vdaj nemške vojske. Za Slovence se je s tem končala druga svetovna vojna (prost vstop). Velenje castle is one of the most preserved castles in Slovenia. It is first mentioned in First owners were Kunšper gentlemen followed by their relatives Ptuj gentlemen. Afterwards the castle rapidly changed owners. Family Wagen von Wagensberg entirely renovated the construction in the 16th century: the fortress was transformed in a Renaissance residence. After the Second World War the castle became part of general social property. Apartments were made, a lot of furniture was demolished and the building was falling into ruins. In 1957, Velenje coalmine founded a Museum of Slovene Coalmines in the castle, later renamed in Velenje Museum. Gradually first collections were organized and at the same time an intensive renovation of the building was done. Permanent collections today: Mastodon Collection Šaleška Valley between 10th and 17th Century African Collection of František Foit Slovenian Contemporary Art - Gorenje reconstruction of a old mixed goods store and inn (beginning of the 20th century) How Velenje Became a Town Šaleška Valley between 1941 and 1945 Memorial room in Topolšica is consecrated to the signing of one of four partial capitulations of German army. With this document the Second World War ended for Slovenians (free entry).

19 Dom frankolovskih žrtev The house of Frankolovo victimes 10% DC3 DC3 Spominsko društvo Sto frankolovkih žrtev Cesta na Roglo 13b 3214 Zreče kontaktna oseba: ga. Zdenka Kejžar tel: popusta / discount skrbnik: TIC Metlika tel: tdvigred.metlika@siol.net Otok v Beli Krajini 8330 Otok V letu 2005, ob 60. obletnici obešanja talcev v Grabnu na Stranicah, sta Spominsko društvo 100 frankolovskih žrtev in Občina Zreče odprla stalno razstavo v Muzejski hiši na Stranicah, ki je del celotnega sklopa Spominskega parka, ki se tam dolgoročno ureja. Za obisk muzeja se je treba predhodno najaviti. Spominski dom Slabe 3 mesece pred koncem 2. svetovne vojne je 12. februarja 1945 nemški nacistični okupator, kot povračilni ukrep za uboj njihovega oficirja Antona Dorfmeistra, kruto umoril 100 Slovencev. Najmlajši med njimi je štel komaj 16 let, najstarejši 64 let. In 2005, when it was the 60th anniversary of hanging the hostages in Graben in Stranice, the Memorial association 100 Frankolovo victims and the Community of Zreče opened constant exhibition in the Museum house in Stranice, which is part of the Memorial park that is under long-term construction. To visit the museum one has to call in advance. Memorial home Less than 3 months before the end of the Second World War, the German Nazi occupying forces cruelly killed 100 Slovenes on 12 February 1945 as the retaliatory action for murder of their officer Anton Dorfmeister. The youngest victim was only 16, the oldest 64. DC3 Letalo se nahaja ob regionalni cesti Črnomelj-Metlika proti vasici Otok, ki je od Metlike oddaljena 5 km. Postavljeno je v spomin belokranjskim in drugim slovenskim letališčem iz časa narodnoosvobodilnega boja. Lokacija omogoča stalen ogled, nedaleč stran pa obratuje tudi športno letališče Prilozje. V jeseni 1943 so začeli Američani in Rusi pošiljati Narodno osvobodilni vojski pomoč v orožju, obleki, obutvi, hrani in sanitetnem materialu. Sprva so pomoč spuščali s padali, konec leta pa se je Glavni štab NOV Slovenije odločil za gradnjo skrivnih letališč, na katere so potem zavezniška letala dovažala pomoč, odvažala pa ranjence v svoja oporišča v Italiji. Letališče pri vasi Otok v Beli krajini je bilo urejeno spomladi 1944 leta. The plane is situated next to the regional road Črnomelj- Metlika heading to the Otok village, which is 5 kilometers away from Metlika. It is situated there as a memory to the White Carniolian and other Slovenian airports from the time of the national liberation struggle. One can see the location any time, not far away there is also sports aiport Prilozje. In autumn 1943, the Americans and Russians began to send the arms, clothes, footwear, food and sanitary material to the National Liberation Army. From the beginning, the help came down by parachutes, by the end of the year the Headquarters of the National Liberation War of Slovenia decided to build secret airports. The allies used them to bring help with the planes and took away the wounded to their points of support in Italy. The airport near the Otok village in White Carniola was set in spring

20 Vojašnica Novo mesto Military post Novo mesto Vojašnica Novo mesto Straška cesta Novo mesto tel: fax: prost vstop free entry 20 V vojašnici Novo mesto si lahko ogledate muzejsko zbirko Teritorialna obramba in naborniška vojska. V muzeju hranimo zbirko orožij in opreme teritorialcev in nabornikov vse od leta 1968 do PEHOTNO OROŽJE pištole, puške, ostrostrelne puške, brzostelke..., protipehotne in protitankovske mine, strelec tromblonist v klečečem položaju, urejen položaj za puškomitraljez. SKUPINSKA OBOROŽITEV ZA PODPORO, PROTIO- KLEPNI BOJ IN ZRAČNO OBRAMBO del posadke netrzajnega topa na položaju, del minometne posadke na položaju, lahki prenosni raketni sistemi zračne obrambe, protioklepni raketni sistemi, ročna protioklepna orožja. RODOVSKA SREDSTVA IN OPREMA ZVEZ, ATOMSKO-BIOLOŠKO-KEMIČNE OBRAMBE IN SANITETE telefonska in radijska sredstva, zaščitna sredstva in sredstva za dekontaminacijo, sanitetna in veterinarska sredstva. ZALEDJE LOGISTIKA bojne, službene in svečane uniforme, detajl iz spalnice nabornika, mali štabni šotor kot poveljniško mesto poveljnika čete odreda na usposabljanju, kurišče improvizirana terenska kuhinja. In the military post Novo mesto you can see a collection of Territorial defence and conscript army. There is a collection of weapons and equipment of territorials and conscripts from 1968 to 2003 kept in the museum. INFANTRY WEAPON pistols, rifles, sniper rifle, sub machine guns,... anti-personnel and anti-tanks landmines, shooter tromblonist in kneeling position, settled position for machine gun. GROUP ARMAMENT FOR SUPPORT, ANTI-TANK COMBAT AND AIR DEFENCE a part of crew of recoilless guns in position, a part of mortar crew in position, light transportable missiles of air defence, anti-tank missile system, manual anti-tank weapon. RODOVSKA MEANS AND CONNECTIONS EQUIP- MENT, ATOMIC-BIOLOGICAL-CHEMICAL DEFENCE AND SANITATION telephone and radio means, protection means and means for decontamination, sanitary and veterinary means. REAR AREA LOGISTICS battle dress, service dress and full-dress uniforms, detail from the conscript s bedroom, a small headquarters tent as a commander s position of the commander of squad training detachment, a fireplace an improvised field kitchen.

21 Muzej Brežice Museum Brežice 20% Posavski muzej Brežice Cesta prvih borcev Brežice tel: fax: ivan.kastelic@guest.arnes.si popusta / discount Umetnostno-zgodovinska zbirka Zbirka novejše zgodovine: spopadih slovenstva z nemštvom v Brežicah na koncu 19. stoletja in v začetku 20. stoletja, Kozjanskem partizanskem odredu, 14. diviziji, o izgnanstvu prebivalcev spodnjega Posavja in Obsotelja. Permanent collections in the Posavje museum in Brežice Archaeological collection Modern history collection: about the dispute with Germans in Brežice at the end of the 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century, about the partisan detachment in Kozjansko, 14th devision, about the exile of inhabitants of lower Posavje and Obsotelje. 21 Stalne zbirke v Posavskem muzeju Brežice Arheološka zbirka Etnološka zbirka Puntarija: kmečki upori v letih 1515 in 1573, kmečko in orožje fevdalne vojske. Takrat so kmečki uporniki požgali utrdbo Brežice, kot maščevanje kmetov nad fevdalno vojsko, ki sta jo vodila viteza Marko in Štefan iz Klisa. Pri Brežicah sta zajela okrog 500 kmečkih žena in otrok ter jih prodala v suženjstvo v hrvaškem primorju. Ethnological collection Rebellion: Peasant rising in 1515 and 1573, weapon of peasants and feudal army. Back then peasant rebels burnt down the fort in Brežice as a peasants revenge over the feudal army which was lead by the knights Marko and Štefan from Klis. Near 500 peasants wives and children were captured and sold to slavery in Croatian coastal region. Art history collection

22 22

23 Herman Potočnik NOORDUNG Herman Potočnik NOORDUNG Občina Vitanje Grajski trg Vitanje kontaktna oseba: Srečko Fijavž tel: , info@vitanje.si prost vstop free entry Ko so v tistem času med modernimi dvokolesi prevladovali takšni z zelo velikim prvim kolesom, da je bilo že splezati nanje in skočiti z njih zelo nevarno, in ko so bili avtomobili tistega časa bolj podobni kočijam brez konj, je Herman Potočnik pod psevdonimom NOOR- DUNG v nemščini izdal knjigo PROBLEM VOŽNJE PO VESOLJU. Ta knjiga, izšla je decembra 1928, predstavlja pravi strateški načrt za prodor v vesolje, med njenimi najbolj izvirnimi sestavinami in plodnimi pobudami sta računsko podprta zamisel za geostacionarni satelit in za obljudeno vesoljsko postajo. Konstruktor raketnih izstrelkov v vesolje in direktor NASA centra Wernher von Braun je dejal, da je knjiga prelomnica v svetovni vesoljski tehniki. V njej je veliko rešitev, ki omogočajo bivanje človeka v vesolju in glede na to, da takrat še ni bilo računalnikov, niti sončnih celic, so njegove rešitve prav genialne. Herman Potočnik je v Vitanju preživel svoje najzgodnejše otroštvo. Njegovo kratko življenje, rodil se je leta, je bilo po svoje podobno potovanju z raketo, saj je po realki že leta 1913 končal tehnično akademijo v Modlingu, kjer je veljal za svojeglavega in samozavestnega, a hkrati resnega in prizadevnega študenta. Vsa vojna leta je kot častnik, strokovnjak za mostove in železniške gradnje služboval na različnih frontah in se po koncu vojne leta 1919 zaradi neozdravljive bolezni invalidsko upokojil. Čeprav upokojen, je opravil študij strojništva in elektrotehnike na dunajski univerzi in leta 1925 postal inženir specialist za raketno tehniko. Samo nekaj mesecev po izidu knjige je avgusta 1929 umrl. In those times when among modern bicycles prevailed those with very big front wheel where ascending and descending was very dangerous and when cars looked more like carriages without horses, Herman Potočnik under a pseudonym NOOR- DUNG published a book in German called THE PROBLEM OF SPACE TRAVEL. The book which was published in December in 1928 represents a real strategic plan for the breakthrough into space; two of the most original components and the most productive initiatives which are supported by calculation are an idea for geostationary satellite and populated space station. Constructor of rocket projectiles for the space and director of NASA centre Wernher von Braun said that the book was a turning point in the world space technique. There were a lot of solutions, which enabled people staying in space and since there were no computers nor solar cells his ideas were genius. Herman spent his early childhood in Vitanje. His short life, he was born in 1892, was in a way similar to the rocket travel since he, after finishing primary school, already in 1913 finished technical academy in Modling where he was headstrong and self-confident but at the same time serious and ambitious student. Throughout the war years he served as an officer, expert for bridges and railways and worked in different fronts and after the end of the war in 1919 he was invalided. Although he was retired he finished the study of engineering and electrical engineering in Wien and in 1925 became an engineer specialist for rocket technique. Only few months after the book was published he died in August




27 Terme Topolšica Therme Topolšica Terme Topolšica Topolšica Topolšica tel.: faks: Info@t-topolsica.si 12% popusta / discount Mehkobni dotiki zdravilne termalne vode, slikovita narava, blago srednjegorsko podnebje v kombinaciji z vrhunskimi zdravstvenimi storitvami in programi za ohranjanje zdravja predstavljajo idealno okolje za zdravljenje dihal, bolezni hrbtenice in sklepov, stanj po poškodbah, postoperativnih stanj na gibalih, lažjih oblik kroničnih bolezni srca in ožilja ter premagovanje stresa. Temperatura termalne vode je v različnih bazenih različna: med 29 in 35 stopinjami Celzija. Terme Topolšica so torej prava izbira za vse, ki si želite počitka in oddiha v objemu neokrnjene narave, pa tudi za tiste, ki se želijo prijetno zabavati Vabljeni torej v svet termalnih užitkov, kjer je prav vsak letni čas nekaj posebnega. A gentle touch of healing thermal water, picturesque nature, mild sub-alpine climate in combination with top health service and programs for maintaining health represent a perfect environment for treating respiratory ailments, spine and joint diseases, conditions after injuries, post-operative conditions on motor system, mild chronic cardiovascular conditions and overcoming stress. 27 Skozi vse leto lahko gostje uživajo v cenovno ugodnih in pestrih programih bivanja. Vodo zdravilnega vrelca smo ujeli v notranje-zunanji bazenski kompleks s čudovitimi vodnimi atrakcijami (topli vrelci, bazen za otroke, whirpooli, rimske kopeli...) in v Vodni park Zora, ki je s hotelskim bazenom povezan z mostičkom in je prava poletna atrakcija. Tu najdete masažne prhe, tobogan, tlakovane sončne terase, urejene travnate površine za sončenje in odlično kulinarično ponudbo Throughout the year our guests can enjoy inexpensive and various spa programs. The water from the healing spring was captured in indoor and outdoor pool complex with gorgeous water attractions (warm springs, a children s pool, whirlpools, Roman baths, etc.) and in Zora Aquapark which is linked to the hotel pool with a small bridge which is an amazing summer attraction. There you can find massages showers, a slide, paved sunny terraces, grassy areas for sunbathing and excellent catering... The temperature of thermal water is different in different pools: between 29 and 35 degrees Celsius. Terme Topolšica is thus the right choice for everyone who wants a rest and relaxation in the embrace of intact nature as well as for those who want to enjoy themselves... You are kindly invited in the world of thermal pleasures where each season is something special.

28 Hoteli Otočec mozaik nepozabnih doživetij Želite preživeti počitnice aktivno, v idilični naravi, kjer je obilo možnosti za šport, rekreacijo in sprostitev? V zeleni dolenjski krajini ob reki Krki in znamenitem Gradu Otočec lahko preživite privlačne in zanimive počitnice. Otočec je najbolj poznan po biseru srednjeveške grajske arhitekture, ki leži na otočku sredi reke. Grad Otočec je eden najprivlačnejših hotelov v Sloveniji, v njem pa se lahko predajate tudi vrhunskim kulinaričnim užitkom ali proslavite veseli dogodek. Na Otočcu je na voljo pestra izbira ponudbe za aktivne počitnice. Od kolesarjenja, pohodništva, teka, tenisa, skike-a (rolanje s pomočjo palic), obiska bazenov bližnjih term v Dolenjskih in Šmarjeških Toplicah do igre golfa na enem najlepših slovenskih golf igrišč. Po odkrivanju Dolenjske s pohodniškimi palicami v rokah ali na kolesih bo Športnorekreacijskega centra Otočec, prenočite pa lahko v udobnem Hotelu Šport****. Ugodnosti za člane Zveze veteranov vojne za Slovenijo: 10 % popust na redne cene namestitve za 5 ali več dni Hoteli Otočec, tel.: 07/ , fax: 07/ , booking.otocec@terme-krka.si,

29 Terme Šmarješke Toplice V zavetju zelenih gričev, sredi gozdov in travnikov se nahaja eno najsodobnejših slovenskih termalnih zdravilišč. Terme Šmarješke Toplice so znane po vrhunskih zdraviliških storitvah za rehabilitacijo bolezni srca in ožilja, učinkovitih medico wellness programih ter številnih možnostih za rekreacijo in razvedrilo. V Šmarjeških Toplicah lahko zaplavate v petih termalnih bazenih. Dva sta notranja, trije pa so del čudovitega zdraviliškega parka, med katerimi je najbolj priljubljeni leseni bazen, ki leži nad samim vrelcem termalne vode. Da se boste počutili polni mladostne svežine in energije, poskrbijo v Vitarium Spa&Clinique centru, kjer izvajajo učinkovite programe zdravega hujšanja in razstrupljanja s postom. Lahko pa se odločite za razvajanje v savnah, kopelih ali z raznovrstnimi masažami. Terme obdajajo številne sprehajalne, pohodniške in kolesarske poti, po katerih se lahko podate v spremstvu vodnika ali pa sami z zemljevidom v rokah. Urejene poti so namenjene tudi nordijski hoji, saj je v Šmarjeških Toplicah prvi center nordijske hoje v Sloveniji. V Šmarjeških Toplicah je prijetno in domače. Idej za sproščujoče, aktivne počitnice in pohajkovanje po čudoviti pokrajini je ogromno. Dobrodošli v Termah Šmarješke Toplice. Ugodnosti za člane Zveze veteranov vojne za Slovenijo: 10 % popust na redne cene namestitve za 5 ali več dni 5 % popust za kopanje in savne ob delavnikih (popust ne velja od petka do nedelje in med prazniki) Terme Šmarješke Toplice, tel.: 07/ , fax: 07/ , booking.smarjeske@terme-krka.si,

30 Terme Dolenjske Toplice Terme Dolenjske Toplice so eno najstarejših in najbolj poznanih naravnih zdravilišč, kamor zdravilni vrelci in prijetno okolje slikovite doline reke Krke že stoletja privabljajo številne goste. Termalna voda ima temperaturo človeškega telesa (36 C) in je najprimernejša za zdravljenje revmatičnih obolenj lokomotornega sistema ter stanj po poškodbah in operativnih posegih na lokomotornem sistemu. Nove razsežnosti razvajanja so gostom Term Dolenjske Toplice na voljo v novem Hotelu Balnea**** superior. Namenjen je vsem, ki želijo preživeti sproščujoč ali aktiven oddih v neokrnjenem okolju ob pestri ponudbi storitev za dobro počutje. Novi hotel je s panoramskim hodnikom povezan z Wellness centrom Balnea, kraljestvom termalnih bazenov, kopeli, savn in poživljajočih masaž. V Balnei se lahko razvajate s priljubljenimi programi v dvoje ali pa storite nekaj več za svoje zdravje s programi, ki temeljijo na refleksoterapiji: Miren spanec, Vitkost, Moč, Odvajanje od kajenja. Obiščite Terme Dolenjske Toplice. Za kratek pobeg od hitrega vsakdana ali daljši aktivni oddih, da si naberete novih moči in sveže energije. Ugodnosti za člane Zveze veteranov vojne za Slovenijo: 10 % popust na redne cene namestitve za 5 ali več dni 5 % popust za kopanje in savne ob delavnikih (popust ne velja od petka do nedelje in med prazniki) Terme Dolenjske Toplice, tel.: 07/ , fax: 07/ , booking.dolenjske@terme-krka.si,

31 Talaso Strunjan Na najlepšem koščku slovenske Obale z izjemno lego tik ob morju ob tisočletja starih solinah se nahaja Talaso Strunjan. Z sončnimi urami na leto je pravi talasoterapevtski center, kjer blagodejne učinke morja - zdravilna mediteranska klima, morska voda, solinsko blato ali fango ter morska sol - uporabljajo v zdravstvene in lepotne namene ter sprostitev. V Talasu Strunjan zdravijo bolezni dihal, lajšajo revmatska obolenja in težave z osteoporozo ter posledice poškodb ali operativnih posegov na lokomotornem aparatu. Čudovita okolica ponuja obilo možnosti za šport in rekreacijo. Poleg plavanja v morju ali v bazenih z morsko vodo se lahko odpravite na kolesarjenje ali nordijsko hojo. V okolici je urejenih preko 80 km označenih poti. Ob strunjanski obali gostje uživajo v prečudovitih zalivih, s prelepega Mesečevega zaliva pa v najlepših sončnih zahodih. V bližini se nahaja tudi bioenergetsko središče, zato je Strunjan pravi kraj za obnovitev energije in okrepitev življenjskih moči. Ugodnosti za člane Zveze veteranov vojne za Slovenijo: 10 % popust na redne cene namestitve za 5 ali več dni Talaso Strunjan, tel.: 05/ , fax: 05/ , booking.strunjan@terme-krka.si,

32 HOTEL HUM * * * Mestni hotel z eleganco, ki ima že dolgoletno tradicijo dobre gostinske in hotelske hiše. Vsem članom Kluba veteranov vojne za Slovenijo, vašim družinskim članom in prijateljem nudimo: 10 % popust na vse programe bivanja. City hotel with elegance has long tradition of its good restaurant and hotel accommodation. We offer to all members of the Club of Veterans of the war for Slovenia, family members and friends: 10 % discount on all accommodation programmes. Thermana d.d., Zdraviliška c. 4, 3270 Laško, Slovenija, tel: , info@thermana.si,

33 HOTEL ZDRAVILIŠČE LAŠKO * * * * Kjer se v sožitju z naravo srečajo zdravje, oddih in dobro počutje. Where in harmony with nature meet the health, relaxation and well being. Vsem članom Kluba veteranov vojne za Slovenijo, vašim družinskim članom in prijateljem nudimo: 20 % popust na vstopnice za: bazen, savno+bazen, fitnes, solarij in kombinacijo teh storitev v Zdravilišču Laško in v Wellness Parku Laško. 10 % popust na: vstopnice za kopanje+kosilo ali večerja, kopanje+pizza, savna+kopanje+kosilo ali večerja, mesečne in letne vstopnice, zdravstvene in wellness storitve v Wellness Parku Laško; vse programe bivanja ter ostale wellness storitve v Zdravilišču Laško in v Wellness Park Laško. We offer to all members of the Club of Veterans of the war for Slovenia, family members and friends: 20 % discount on tickets for: Swimming Pool, Sauna + Swimming Pool, Fitness, Solarium and any combination of those services in Wellness Park Laško and in Zdravilišče Laško. 10 % discount on: Swimming Pool + lunch or dinner, Swimming pool + pizza, Sauna + Swimming Pool +lunch or dinner, monthly and yearly tickets for Swimming Pool, Sauna, Fitness and other wellness and medical services in Zdravilišče Laško; all accommodation programmes and other wellness services in Wellness Park Laško and in Zdravilišče Laško. Thermana d.d., Zdraviliška c. 4, 3270 Laško, Slovenija, tel: , info@thermana.si,

34 HOTEL WELLNESS PARK LAŠKO **** superior Osupljiva zunanjost, sodobna nastanitev, nepozabni užitki, odlična kulinarika - in to je samo prvi vtis. HOTEL TERME WELLNESS KONGRES Vsem članom Kluba veteranov vojne za Slovenijo, vašim družinskim članom in prijateljem nudimo: 20 % popust na vstopnice za: bazen, savno+bazen, fitnes, solarij in kombinacijo teh storitev v Wellness Parku Laško in v Zdravilišču Laško. 10 % popust na: vse programe bivanja, mesečne in letne vstopnice za bazen, savno in fitnes ter ostale wellness storitve v Wellness Parku Laško in v Zdravilišču Laško. Stunning appearance, contemporary accommodation, unforgettable pleasures, exceptional cuisine and this is only the first impression. We offer to all members of the Club of Veterans of the war for Slovenia, family members and friends: 20 % discount on tickets for: Swimming Pool, Sauna + Swimming Pool, Fitness, Solarium and any combination of those services in Wellness Park Laško and in Zdravilišče Laško. 10 % discount on: Monthly and yearly tickets for Swimming Pool, Sauna, Fitness and other wellness services in Wellness Park Laško and in Zdravilišče Laško. Thermana d.d., Zdraviliška c. 4, 3270 Laško, Slovenija, tel: , info@thermana.si,


36 G RAND HOTEL SAVA ROGAŠKA & LOTUS WELLNESS CENTER Dobrodošli v Rogaško Slatino, neokrnjeno naravo in med izvire zdravilne mineralne vode. 10% popusta Za programe v Grand hotelu Sava in Lotus Wellness center Welcome to Rogaška Slatina, beautiful nature and between the springs of healing mineral water. 10% discount For packages in grand Sava hotel and Lotus Wellness centre

37 BIOTERME BIOTHERME 10% BIOTERME Mala Nedelja Moravci v Slov. goricah 34/b 9243 Mala Nedelja tel: info@bioterme.si popusta / discount Termalno kopališče BIOTERME Mala Nedelja se nahaja v prelepem gričevnatem svetu v Občini Ljutomer in je že desetletja popularno podeželsko kopališče. V objemu neokrnjene narave in prijaznih ljudi vam bo pričaralo enkratno doživetje sprostitve in užitka. Termalno kopališče BIOTERME Mala Nedelja ima 5 notranjih in 9 zunanjih bazenov s temperaturami vode med 27 in 38 C. Uživate lahko v divji reki, večnamenskem bazenu, v dveh masažnih bazenih, zalivu in otroškem bazenu. Na voljo je tudi moderni wellnes center. Samopostrežno restavracijo odlikuje odlična kuhinja, ponujajo različne jedi in pijače. Posebnost BIOTERM je termalna mineralna voda. Empirične raziskave so pokazale, da ima ta voda pozitivne učinke na nekatere želodčne, žolčne in ledvične težave. BIOTERME so začele z gradnjo hotela Hotel BIOTERME s štirimi zvezdicami. Zaključen naj bi bil v letu Hotel bo združeval nastanitev ter kulturne in naravne danosti območja, catering, wellness, medicinske in poslovne storitve kongresnega turizma. Do termalnega kopališča BIOTERME Mala Nedelja se lahko pripeljete po avtocesti Pomurka, izvoz Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici. Termalno kopališče BIOTERME so le 10 kilometrov stran. Z nami vam ne bo nikoli dolgčas. Dobrodošli! Thermal spa BIOTERME Mala Nedelja is located in the beautiful hilly land in the heart of Prlekija, in the municipality of Ljutomer, and has been a popular provincial spa for decades. Surrounded by untouched nature and friendly people, the spa will always conjure a unique experience of relaxation and pleasure. Thermal spa BIOTERME Mala Nedelja has five interior and nine exterior swimming pools with water temperatures ranging from 27 C to 38 C. You can enjoy the delights of the rapid river, a multipurpose swimming pool, two massage swimming pools, relaxation swimming pools, a bay and a swimming pool for children. A modern wellness centre is available as well. The self-service restaurant is distinguished by an excellent cuisine and offers a variety of dishes and drinks. The special feature of BIOTERME is the thermal mineral water. Empiric researches revealed that drinking this water has positive effects on some stomach, gall and urethra problems. BIOTERME started with the construction of the four-star Hotel BIOTERME, which should be concluded in mid The hotel will next to accommodation unite the cultural and natural features of the area with a top offer of hotel, catering, wellness, medical and also business services in the form of congress tourism. The thermal spa BIOTERME Mala Nedelja near Ljutomer is accessible also over the highway Pomurka, exit Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici. The thermal spa BIOTERME is only 10 km away. You will never be bored with us. Welcome! 37

38 Zdravilišče Radenci Spa Radenci Zdravilišče Radenci d.o.o. Zdraviliško naselje Radenci tel: fax: % popusta / discount 38 Legenda pravi, da so pridni škratje kopali pod zemljo in z rovi vtirali pot mineralni vodi. Žuborenje vode je bilo tako glasno, da ga je slišal tudi študent medicine Karel Henn, ko je leta 1833 obiskal Radence. Izvire je raziskal in analize so pokazale, da je voda zdravilna. V Radence se je vrnil kot priznani zdravnik in leta 1869 napolnil radensko slatino v prvo steklenico. Mineralno vodo so potem pili tudi na cesarskem dvoru na Dunaju in v papeški rezidenci v Rimu. Leta 1882 so Radence že obiskali prvi zdraviliški gostje. Zdravilišče Radenci, ki se lahko pohvali s svojo več kot 125-letno tradicijo, vam nudi možnost hotelske namestitve v dveh hotelskih kompleksih: Radin **** in Izvir ***+. Hoteli so med seboj povezani, v večnamenski avli je hotelska recepcija za hotel Radin, le nekaj korakov dalje pa se nahaja hotelska recepcija za hotel Izvir, od koder je dostop do: hotelskih restavracij in kavarne, zunanjih in notranjih bazenov, lepotnega centra, ajurveda centra in zdravstvenih ambulant, kongresne dvorane in seminarskih prostorov, teniškega centra. Termalni kompleks, ki razpolaga s skupno m2 vodne površine, vam nudi 10 različnih, med seboj povezanih bazenov z termomineralno (33 do 36 stopinj Celzija) in navadno (29 stopinj Celzija) ogrevano vodo. Tu se nahaja tudi šest različnih savn (finska, turška, zeliščna, infra savna in tilarium). V programih, ki jih ponujajo gostom, lahko najde vsak nekaj zase. Začne se pri kratkih vikend programih, sledijo podaljšani vikendi, 5- ali 7-dnevni programi, ki jih lahko obogatijo z najrazličnejšimi storitvami v Medico-wellnes centru Corrium klasične masaže, ajurveda masaže, masaže s kamni, različne kopeli (posebej znana je mineralna kopel), fizioterapevtskimi storitvami, športno animacijo. Ob sprehodu po zdraviliškem parku boste morda srečali veverice, izlet s kolesi pa bo zagotovo poln novih nepozabnih doživetij, na travnatih površinah golf igrišča v Moravskih Toplicah pa boste lahko zamahnili s palicami za golf visoko v zrak. Vinske kleti in zidanice, ki jih v okolici ne manjka, so polne dobre vrhunske kapljice. Raznolikost in velikost kongresnih prostorov omogoča organizacijo najrazličnejših prireditev (kongresov, izobraževanj, predstavitev, seminarjev), kapaciteta dvoran je v razmahu od 10 do 230 udeležencev, restavracije pa sprejmejo do 550 gostov.

39 Zdravilišče Radenci Spa Radenci Zdravilišče Radenci d.o.o. Zdraviliško naselje Radenci tel: faks: terme@zdravilisce-radenci.si 10% popusta / discount Veteran Club Klub Legend has it that the good dwarfs were digging underground and with the tunnels they paved the way for mineral water. The murmuring of the water was so loud that a medical student Karel Henn heard it while visiting Radenci in He explored the springs and analyses showed that the water was healing. He returned to Radenci as an acknowledged doctor and in 1869 he filled the first bottle of Radenska mineral water. Later it was drunk on the emperor s court in Wien and in the Pope s residence in Rome. In 1882 the first tourists visited Radenci. The Radenci health resort, which can boast its more than 125-year-old tradition, offer you accommodation in two hotel complexes: Radin **** and Izvir ***+. Hotels are linked together. In a multi-purpose hall there is a reception for the hotel Radin and only a few steps away there is a reception for the hotel Izvir. From the latter there is an access to: hotel restaurants and a coffeehouse, outdoor and indoor pools, beauty centre, ayurveda centre and outpatient clinics, a congress hall and a room for seminars and a tennis centre. A thermal complex which has altogether m² of water surface offers you 10 different but linked together pools with thermo mineral (33-36 C) and regular (29 C) heated water. There are also six different saunas (Finnish, Turkish, herbal, infra sauna and tilarium). Among the programs which are offered to the guests everyone can find something for themselves. It starts with short weekend programs, followed by long weekends, 5 or 7 days programs which can be enriched with various services in Medico-wellness centre Corrium classical massages, ayurveda massages, stone massages, different baths (especially well-known mineral bath), physiotherapeutic services, sports animation. When walking in the health resort park you might see squirrels, and trips with bikes will definitely be full of new and unforgettable experiences and on grassy areas of the golf course in Moravske Toplice you can swing with golf clubs way up high. Wine cellars and vineyard cottages which are all over the place are full of good topmost wines. Diversity and expanse of congress rooms enables organization of different amusements (congresses, education, presentations, and seminars), the capacity of the halls is from 10 to 230, and the restaurants can admit up to 550 guests. 39



42 Slovenske železnice Slovenian Railways Slovenske železnice, d.o.o. Kolodvorska Ljubljana tel.: % popusta / discount Ugodnost za potovanje skupin kluba VETERAN z vlakom po Sloveniji 42 Preživite dan v družbi prijateljev nekoliko drugače. Vlaki Slovenskih železnic vas popeljejo v številne, zanimive slovenske kraje. Tako se lahko odpravite na oddih v termalna kopališča Laško, Atomske Toplice, Terme Ptuj, Terme Maribor in Moravci ali na izlet v mesta z bogato zgodovino in številnimi znamenitostmi, denimo v Celje, Ljubljano ali na Ptuj. Tu je še slovenska obala, pa Blejsko in Bohinjsko jezero. Zanimivih krajev, ki jih morda poznate, a jih nikoli niste obiskali z vlakom, je gotovo še več. Imetnikom kartice Klub VETERAN ponujamo 50 odstotkov popusta za potovanja skupin najmanj šestih oseb, in sicer ob sobotah, nedeljah in praznikih, v notranjem prometu. Vozovnice lahko kupite v prodajno informacijskih centrih (PIC), na železniških postajah ter pri pooblaščenih potovalnih agencijah in prodajalcih vozovnic. Na progah Slovenskih železnic vozijo vlaki, ki ponujajo različne ravni storitev. Priporočamo vam potovanje z vlaki InterCity Slovenija (ICS). To so hitri, sodobni klimatizirani vlaki z nagibno tehniko, ki omogočajo večje udobje. Vozijo med Ljubljano in Mariborom, poleti pa ob sobotah, nedeljah in praznikih tudi med Mariborom in Koprom. Zanje je obvezno treba rezervirati sedež. Vlaki InterCity (IC) in EuroCity (EC) so kakovostni vlaki, ki vozijo na daljših razdaljah v notranjem in mednarodnem prometu in imajo manj postankov. Povezujejo večja mesta, gospodarska in turistična središča. Na teh vlakih vam ponujajo tudi gostinske storitve, vagoni so udobni, veliko je klimatiziranih. Za potovanje s temi vlaki je treba plačati dodatek IC/EC. Regionalni in drugi potniški vlaki so vlaki, ki povezujejo slovenske kraje v primestnem in daljinskem prometu. Namenjeni so predvsem za dnevne prevoze, v službo ali v šolo. Za potovanje z njimi ne plačate dodatka in vam ni treba rezervirati sedeža. Podrobnejše informacije o potovanjih z vlakom, voznem redu, cenah in ponudbah Slovenskih železnic lahko dobite na spletni strani po elektronski pošti potnik.info@slo-zeleznice.si, v klicnem centru na telefonski številki (01) in informacijskih centrih v Ljubljani, Celju, Mariboru in Kopru.

43 Slovenske železnice Slovenian Railways Slovenske železnice, d.o.o. Kolodvorska Ljubljana tel.: potnik.info@slo-zeleznice.si 50% popusta / discount VETERAN Club group travel benefits by train around Slovenia Spend a day in the company of your friends a bit differently. The trains of the Slovenian Railway can take you to numerous and interesting Slovenian places. You can set off for some relaxation to the Laško, Atomske Toplice, Terme Ptuj, Terme Maribor and Moravci thermal baths. Or you can take an excursion to cities rich with history and numerous sightseeing attractions, like the cities of Celje, Ljubljana, or Ptuj. There is also the Slovenian coast, and the Bled and Bohinj lakes. There are surely even more fascinating places that you might have heard of, but have never visited by train. The InterCity (IC) and EuroCity (EC) trains are quality trains that run longer distances in the internal and international traffic and have fewer stops. They connect larger cities, economic and tourist centres. Restaurant services are also offered on these trains. The wagons are comfortable, and most are airconditioned. The IC/EC additional payment is necessary for travel with these trains. The regional and other passenger trains connect Slovenian localities in the suburban and remote traffic. They are above all intended for day transportation to work or school. For travel with these trains no additional payment or seat reservation is necessary. 43 For the holders of the VETERAN Club membership cards we can offer 50 percent discount for group travels of at least six people on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays for trips within Slovenia. You can buy your travel ticket at sales information centres (SIC), at the railway stations, or at authorised travel agencies and ticket sellers. On the train tracks of the Slovenian railways are trains offering different levels of services. We recommend travelling with the InterCity Slovenia (ICS) trains. These are fast, modern, and air-conditioned trains with inclination technology offering greater comfort. They run between Ljubljana and Maribor, while during summer on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays they also run between Maribor and Koper. Seat reservations on these trains are mandatory. More detailed information on train travel, timetables, prices, and offers of the Slovenian Railways is available on the website by potnik.info@ slo-zeleznice.si, at the call centre on the telephone number (01) , and at information centres in Ljubljana, Celje, Maribor, and Koper.




47 Zemljevid ponudnikov / Map of offerrers Zdravilišče Radenci str. 38, 39 Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske str. 6,7 Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora str. 44, 45, 46 Terme Topolšica str. 27 Muzej Velenje str. 18 Muzej Slovenske policijie str. 8,9 Muzej Novejše zgodovine Slovenije str. 12,13 Herman Potočnik - NOORDUNG str. 23 Muzej Kobarid str. 4 Pot Miru str. 5 Unitur Krvavec str. 26 CVVS Logatec str. 16 MARIBOR RADENCI MALA NEDELJA BIO Terme str. 37 KRANJSKA GORA Dom Frankolovskih žrtev str. 19 KOBARID CERKLJE TOPOLŠČICA ZREČE VELENJE VITANJE ROGAŠKA SLATINA LAŠKO PODČETRTEK PTUJ Unitur Terme Zreče str. 24 Unitur Rogla str. 25 Hotel Sava str. 36 Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj - Ormož str. 22 Terme Olimia str. 35 Mestni muzej Idrija str. 14,15 ŠEMPETER PRI GORICI IDRIJA LOGATEC LJUBLJANA ŠMARJEŠKE TOPLICE BREŽICE Wellness Park Laško str. 34 Hotel Zdravilišče Laško str. 33 Hotel Hum str. 32 Zaklonišče Šempeter in Veteranski dom Sabotin str. 17 POSTOJNA OTOČEC DOLENJSKE TOPLICE NOVO MESTO Hoteli Otočec str. 28 Terme Šmarješke Toplice str. 29 Talaso Strunjan str. 31 OTOK DC3 str. 19 Muzej Brežice str. 21 Pomorski muzej Sergej Mašera Piran str. 11 Hotel Metropol str. 40, 41 STRUNJAN PIRAN PORTOROŽ Slovenske železnice str. 42, 43 Vojašnica Novo Mesto str. 20 Terme Dolenjske Toplice str. 30 Izdatelj: Izvedba: ZVVS Rojčeva ulica 16 p.p Ljubljana Potres ad d.o.o. Trg Republike Ljubljana Park Pivka str. 10 Maj 2009 Tisk: Grafika Gracer d.o.o. Lava 7b 3000 Celje



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