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2 Izjave partnera/ Partner statements Veliki uspjeh ovog projekta je to što je ovaj projekt adresirao jedan veliki problem koji moramo premostiti da bi naše obrazovanje bilo konkurentno, a to je povezivanje obrazovnih institucija sa industrijom. Uspješnost projekta djelomično leži i u tome. Bitno je da u 4 godine školovanja studenti imaju i praktično iskustvo. Dvije stvari koje sam ja vidjela da u toku školovanja doprinesu da dijete izraste u odraslu osobu su praksa i studiranje u inozemstvu. INTERA Tehnološki Park i Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru su kao i prethodnih godina tako i u godini ostvarili izuzetno dobru suradnju u različitim područjima djelovanja od sudjelovanja studenata i nastavnika na različitim oblicima edukacije i usavršavanja do pisanja zajedničkih projekata. Posebno treba istaknuti suradnju koja je ostvarena na području osiguranja obavljanja studentskih praksi za studente gdje je sudjelovalo više od 50 studenata završnih godina ekonomskog fakulteta. Studenti su imali priliku sticati svoja prva praktična iskustva u brojnim poduzećima i institucijama u Regiji Hercegovine, kao i u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku, što je vrednovano i u nastavnom planu i programu s odgovarajućim ECTS bodovima za obavljanje studentske prakse. Just like in previous years, in 2016, INTERA Technology Park and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Mostar established extremely good cooperation in various fields, from participation of students and teaching staff in various types of training and professional development to writing joint projects. We particularly must emphasize the cooperation on ensuring practical classes for students that included over 50 final year students of the Faculty of Economics. Students were given the opportunity to gain their initial practical experience in numerous companies and institutions in the Herzegovina region, as well as in INTERA Technology Park, and this experience is recognised in their curriculum through an appropriate number of ECTS credits for traineeship. Doc. dr. Jasminka Hasić Telalović, Internacionalni Univerzitet Sarajevo Prof. dr. sc. Zdenko Klepić, Ekonomski fakultet, Sveučilišta u Mostaru Professor Zdenko Klepić, PhD. Faculty of Economics, University of Most This project s major success comes from the fact that it addressed a huge problem we have to overcome in order to make our education competitive, and that s connecting educational institutions with industry. The project was successful in part thanks to that. It is important for the students to gain practical experience during their 4-year studies. Two things that I realised help a child become an adult during their schooling years are practical classes and studying abroad. Jasminka Hasić Telalović, PhD. Sarajevo International University Ovaj projekt je došao u dobro vrijeme da se uklopi u druge projekte koje provode međunarodne institucije, pri čemu mislim na kvalifikacijski okvir, znanje, vještine i kompetencije ono što će omogućiti studentima da budu zapošljivi. Fakulteti daju znanje, ali ne i vještine, ni jedan fakultet nije na tom nivou da daje te vještine-kompetencije. Studenti rade praksu u okviru nekih predmeta, rade na praktičnim iskusvima, ali to nije dovoljno. Upravo ovakvi projekti nužni su kako bi se popunio jaz između specifičnih potreba gospodarstva i radne snage koja nedvojbeno ima znanje, ali koje treba nadograditi. Prof.dr. Nina Bijedić, Fakultet Informacijskih Tehnologija, Univerzitet Džemal Bijedći Mostar This project was launched at a good time to fit in with other projects implemented by international institutions, and by those, I mean the qualifications framework, knowledge, skills, and competencies what will help students be employable. Faculties provide them with knowledge, but not with skills, no faculty is at such a level to provide them with such skills-competencies. Students do have traineeships in some subjects, they work on gaining practical experience, but that is not enough. That is why this type of projects are necessary in order to fill in the gap between the specific needs of the economy and the labour force that undoubtedly has the knowledge but it requires building upon. Professor Nina Bijedić, PhD. Faculty of Information Technologies, Džemal Bijedić University, Mostar


4 GODIŠNJAK UVODNA RIJEČ Dragi prijatelji, partneri, sadašnji i budući korisnici usluga INTERA Tehnološkog Parka, nakon što kratko prelistate ovaj godišnjak, zapitajte se što Vam je potrebno u budućnosti, što to radimo danas da bi Vašem nećaku, djetetu, unuku, obitelji, dragima sutra bilo bolje. Ispred Vas je ono što smo mi uradili u godini za bolje sutra u Hercegovini. INTERA TP na jednom mjestu nastoji koncentrirati entuzijazam mladih, ideje kreativnih i iskustvo uspješnih. Pružamo cjelovitu platformu za poduzetnički uzlet kroz stvaranje novih poduzeća kao i kroz podršku postojećim u rastu i razvoju. Cilj nam je razvoj regije, kvalitetnih poduzetničkih projekata i promocije pozitivnih vrijednosti. Naša krilatica je: INTERA Brži put do razvoja. Nastojimo identificirati probleme na tržištu rada te biti logistika za nove i postojeće poduzetnike, a sve u cilju razvoja tržišta i industrije u Hercegovini. Radimo malim koracima na razvoju opće privrede za bolje sutra. Kada osoba ima ideju, potreban joj je tim za njeno ostvarenje. Nakon što se oformi tim, razradi ideja i napravi plan, tek tada kreću problemi. Potrebno je mnogo toga naučiti, osnovati poduzeće, osvojiti tržište, realizirati zacrtane planove s obzirom na troškove i utjecaj okoline. Mi smo podrška startupima u bržem razvoju od ideje do tržišta. Kada postojeća tvrtka ili javno poduzeće stagnira, raste ili se razvija, u svim fazama potrebni su joj različiti elementi, metodologije i poslovni procesi. U svom razvoju poduzeća često koriste zastarjele informacije ili znanja što im stvara probleme. U tom kontekstu, djelujemo i kao podrška postojećim poduzećima, kroz edukacije postojećih kadrova, edukacije i praksu novih kadrova i savjete kako pokrenuti rast i stabilan razvoj, ali i realizirati konekcije i plasman na stranim tržištima. Često se kaže: ''Ima posla tko hoće raditi''. Tržište kaže: ''Posla ima za one koji znaju raditi''. INTERA nastoji pomoći onima koji žele raditi kako bi znali raditi. Velika je potražnja za stručnim osobljem, ''gotovim'' kadrovima koji su spremni za rad bez dodatnog ili uz minimalno investiranje od strane poslodavca. Mi smo centar za stvaranje kvalitetnih kadrova po zahtjevu i potrebama tržišta. Kroz programe prakse i obuka, identificiranjem potreba na tržištu, želimo u suradnji sa poslodavcima omogućiti budućim kadrovima praktična znanja. Baš kao što i mobitel star dvije-tri godine većinom nije upotrebljiv ili je na granici upotrebljivosti, tako su i znanje, vještine i tehnologije stare dvije-tri godine danas na granici upotrebljivosti. Poduzetnici, direktori, manageri, zapitajte se - tko su Vaši zaposlenici, koliko je konkurentno njihovo znanje, koliko su suvremene tehnologije koje koriste u radu, koliko su prikladne njihove metode rada te koji je njihov cilj u okolini koja je sve više globalna? Odgovarate li Vi i Vaši postojeći kadrovi Vašem tržištu, što Vam je potrebno kako bi povećali svoju konkurentsku prednost? Koje su Vaše buduće potrebe za kadrovima? Otpor napretku je uzaludan, svi koji se dugoročno ne ulažu u proces cjeloživotnog učenja, već danas počinju zaostajati. Ključni resurs svakog poslovanja su ljudi, zato želimo promovirati nužnost kontinuiranog usavršavanja za sve one koji žele opstati na tržištu. Hercegovina kao regija ima ogroman potencijal, ali bez planskog rada, ulaganja u ljude i izvrsnost nema napretka. Mi vjerujemo kako zaista možemo postati ''Hercegovina Kalifornija'' ukoliko planski i ustrajno radimo na razvoju kvalitetnih kadrova koji su predispozicija za razvoj postojeće industrije, ali i za stvaranje te privlačenje novih investicija u svim djelatnostima. Zahvaljujem se svim donatorima, partnerima i sponzorima koji su prepoznali našu pozitivnu priču te dio puta u protekloj godini proputovali s nama. Vedran Šimunović, Izvršni direktor

5 YEARBOOK FOREWORD Dear friends, partners, present and future users of services provided by the INTERA Technology Park, after you flip through the pages of this yearbook, ask yourselves what your needs for the future are, what is it that we are doing today so that your nephew, chid, grandchild, family, people dear to you, would have a better future. You have in front of you an overview of what we did in 2016 for a better future in Herzegovina. INTERA TP tries to concentrate the enthusiasm of young people, ideas of creative people, and experience of successful people in one place. We offer a comprehensive platform for entrepreneurial kick off by creating new companies and by supporting the existing ones in their growth and development. Our goal is the development of the region, quality entrepreneurial projects and promotion of positive values. Our moto is: INTERA a faster road to success. We try to identify problems on the labour market and provide logistics support for new and existing entrepreneurs, aiming at the development of market and industry in Herzegovina. We take small steps towards the development of economy in general, with a better future in mind. When a person has an idea, (s)he needs a team to bring it to life. After a team is set up, the idea developed and a plan made, problems begin. A lot needs to be learnt, a company must be established, market needs to be won over, plans need to be realised within the costs and impacts from the environment. We support start-ups in a faster development from an idea to the market. When an established company or a public enterprise stagnates, grows, or develops, it requires different elements, methodologies and business processes in all those stages. In their development, companies often use obsolete information or know-how, and this becomes their problem. In that context, we also act as a support to existing companies through staff training, training and practice of incoming staff, and we advise them how to instigate growth and stabile development but also how to make use of connections they have and place products or services on the foreign markets. We often hear: There is work for those who want to work. The market says: There is work for those who know how to work. INTERA attempts to assist those who want to work so that they would know how to work. There is a huge demand for professional staff, for accomplished professionals who are willing to work without additional or with minimum investment by the employer. We are a centre for making high quality professionals according to the market demand and needs. Through practice and training programmes, and by identifying the market needs, we wish the future professionals to gain practical knowledge, in cooperation with employers. Just like a two- or three-year-old cell phone in most cases is no longer usable, or is hardly usable, so are the two-or threeyear old knowledge, skills and technologies nowadays hardly usable. Entrepreneurs, directors, managers, ask yourselves who are your employees, how competitive is their knowledge, how contemporary are the technologies they use in their work, how suitable are their work methods, and what is their goal in an increasingly global environment? Do you and your current staff match the market demands, what is it that you need in order to increase your competitive advantage? What are your future staffing needs? There is no point in resisting progress, and all those who miss the train of lifelong learning cease to exist as we speak. The key resource of any business is the people, and that is why we want to promote the necessity of continuous professional development for all those who wish to survive on the market. The region of Herzegovina has a huge potential, but without planned work, investment in people and excellence, there can be no progress. We believe that we can truly become Herzegovina California, as in a popular song, if we work persistently, with a plan in our minds, on the development of high-quality professionals who are a prerequisite for the development of the existing industry, but also for creation and attraction of new investments in all branches of industry. I wish to thank all donors, partner, and sponsors who recognised our positive story and travelled with us part of the way last year. Vedran Šimunović, Executive Director


7 O INTERA TEHNOLOŠKOM PARKU INTERA Tehnološki Park je osnovan s ciljem poticanja gospodarskog razvoja regije Hercegovine kroz eduakciju, pružanje podrške mladim poduzetnicima, transfer znanja uporabom novih tehnologija te umrežavanje poslovne i akademske zajednice. Ciljne skupine su tehnološki orijentirana domaća i inozemna poduzeća, mladi poduzetnici i start-up poduzeća, te učenici, studenti i (ne)zaposlene osobe koje poboljšanjem svojih praktičnih vještina žele postati konkurentniji na tržištu rada. EDUKACIJA Praktične obuke iz područja suvremene obrade metala i ICT tehnologija, te promocija novih i nadolazećih tehnologija. POSLOVNI INKUBATOR Pružanje podrške mladim poduzetnicima u realizaciji njihovih poslovnih tehnološki orijentiranih ideja. POSLOVNI IZLOG Stalna izložbena postavka proizvoda svih proizvodnih poduzeća Hercegovine s ciljem promocije i poticanja izvoza. CENTAR ZA TEHNIČKU KULTURU Kreativne radionice za mlade iz robotike, elektronike, modelarstva/ maketarstva i informatike s ciljem popularizacije tehničkih struka. UREDI I DVORANE Suvremeno dizajnirani i opremljeni uredski prostori, multimedijalne dvorane i učionice za sve koji traže profesonalno poslovno okruženje. ABOUT INTERA TECHNOLOGY PARK INTERA Technology Park was established with the goal of encouraging and supporting economic development of Herzegovina region through education and providing support to young entrepreneurs, knowledge transfer using new technologies and networking between businesses and academia. Target groups are technology oriented domestic and foreign companies, young entrepreneurs and start-ups, students and (un)employed persons who wish to become more competitive in the labour market by improving their practical skills. EDUCATION Practical trainings in the areas of modern metal processing and ICT technologies, and promotion of new and emerging technologies. BUSINESS INCUBATOR Providing support to young entrepreneurs in realization of their technology oriented business ideas. BUSINESS SHOWROOM Permanent setting of products of all manufacturing companies form Herzegovina with the goal of promotion and fostering of export. CENTER FOR TECHNICAL CULTURE Creative workshops for youth and children in robotics, electronics, modelling and informatics with the goal of popularization of technological professions. OFFICES AND MULTIMEDIA ROOMS Modernly designed and equipped offices, multimedia halls and training rooms for all who seek professional business environment.

8 STANARI / TENANTS Startupi Startups Zaposleni Employees Prijave za inkubaciju Incubator applications Komercijalna poduzeća Existing companies OBUKE I NOVA ZAPOSLENJA / TRAININGS AND NEW JOBS Obuke Trainings Polaznici Participants Treneri Trainers Nova zaposlenja New jobs

9 DOGAĐAJI / EVENTS Događaji Events Sudionici Participants MEDIJI / MEDIA Članci Articles Facebook like-ovi Facebook likes Medijska gostovanja Media appearances


11 Kronološki slijed događanja The chronological sequence of events 2016

12 / Uspješno završen seminar Obiteljske kompanije od uspješnog osnivača do uspješnog nasljednika U sklopu Centra za obuke INTERA Tehnološkog Parka uspješno je završen seminar Obiteljske kompanije od uspješnog osnivača do uspješnog nasljednika, u suradnji s Adizes South East Europe (ASEE). Zanimljivo predavanje, uz mnoštvo primjera iz prakse te uz priliku za međusobnu interakciju održao je gosp. Boris Vukić, partner i suosnivač ASEE-a. Sudionici, predstavnici renomiranih hercegovačkih poduzeća, su imali priliku čuti preporuke za uspješnu generacijsku tranziciju koja predstavlja jedan od najvećih izazova za obiteljske tvrtke. Successfully completed training Family business from successful founder to successful successor Training titled Family business from successful founder to successful inheritor at INTERA Technology Park in cooperation with the Adizes South East Europe (ASEE), was successfully completed. Interesting lecture, with a lot of practical examples and interaction opportunities, was held by Mr. Boris Vukić, partner and co-founder of ASEE. Participants, representatives of renowned Herzegovinian companies, had the opportunity to hear recommendations for successful transition of generations, which represents one of the biggest challenges for family businesses. 12 INTERA 2016

13 Predstavljen INTERA TP kao Nacionalna kontakt točka Europskog centra za žene i tehnologiju U ugodnom ambijentu dvorane Europa u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku, u petak predstavljeno je članstvo INTERA-e u društvu 27 nacionalnih kontakt točaka Europskog centra za žene i tehnologiju (ECWT). Prisutne je na početku pozdravila managerica poslovnog inkubatora Meliha Gekić - Lerić. Publici se uvodno obratio i gospodin Olav Reinertsen, predstavnik Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Norveške koji se osvrnuo na osnaživanje žena i jednakost spolova kao ključne vrijednosti u današnjem društvu. Nakon njega, Janne Florholmen, predstavnica BOOST Global Innovation-a navela je primjer svog poduzeća koje se transformiralo od malog norveškog poduzeća do globalne tvrtke koja pruža usluge širom svijeta, a vode je upravo žene. Pedesetak prisutnih, uglavnom žena, o samom Europskom centru i mogućnostima koje se ovom suradnjom otvaraju za žene u tehnologijama u Bosni i Hercegovini čulo je od Eve Fabry, direktorice ECWT-a, koja se javila iz Norveške. Događaj je završio zanimljivom panel diskusijom na kojoj su o ovoj tematici i trenutnom stanju u BiH razgovarale dame koje aktivno i uspješno djeluju u ovom sektoru. Presentation of INTERA TP as National Point of Contact of European Centre for Women and Technology as the national point of contact of the European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT) among 27 other national points of contact. At the beginning of the ceremony, guests were greeted by the manager of the business incubator Meliha Gekić - Lerić. Mr. Olav Reinersten, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, also addressed the gathering to reflect on women empowerment and gender equality as a key value in modern society. After that, Janne Florholmen, representative of BOOST Global Innovation, presented the example of her company, which underwent transformation from a small Norwegian company to a global company that provides services around the world, and is led by a woman. Around fifty persons in the audience, mostly women, heard about the European Centre and the possibilities that this cooperation presents to women in technology in Bosnia and Herzegovina from Eva Fabry, director of ECWT s, who addressed the gathering via videolink from Norway. The event ended with an interesting panel discussion during which this topic and the current situation in BiH was discussed by active and successful women in this sector In the pleasant ambience of the Europe conference room at INTERA Technology Park, on Friday, 12 February 2016, INTERA was presented GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 13

14 U Održana dodjela diploma 5. ciklusa programa Moja praksa petak je u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka u Mostaru održana svečana dodjela diploma polaznicima petog ciklusa programa Moja Praksa, u sklopu projekta Partnership for Innovation, financiranog od strane USAID-a. Program je namijenjen mladima iz raznih područja, tako da su dio petog ciklusa bili studenti računarstva, strojarstva, informatike, informacijskih tehnologija, prava, ekonomije, građevine te kemije. Pored same dodjele diploma polaznici petog ciklusa su prezentirali svoje uspješno završene projekte, a dodijeljene su i zahvalnice poduzećima koja su sudjelovala u ovom ciklusu. To je bila i prilika za druženje s predstavnicima poduzeća i mentorima, odnosno budućim poslodavcima. Diplomas for 5th cycle of Moja praksa programme awarded Diploma awarding ceremony for participants of the fifth cycle of the Moja praksa programme, which is part of the Partnership for Innovation project, funded by USAID, was held on Friday, 12 February 2016 at INTERA Technology Park in Mostar. The programme is intended for young people from different fields, thus, students of computer science, mechanical engineering, information technology, law, economics, civil engineering, and chemistry were part of the fifth cycle. In addition to the diploma awarding ceremony, participants of the fifth cycle presented their successfully completed projects, while certificates were also awarded to companies that were involved in this cycle. It was an opportunity to mingle with companies and mentors, prospective employers. 14 INTERA 2016

15 Uspješno završen seminar Uvođenje sustava odgovornosti U sklopu Centra za obuke INTERA Tehnološkog Parka uspješno je završen seminar Uvođenje sustava odgovornosti, u suradnji s Adizes South East Europe (ASEE). Predavanje uz zanimljive primjere iz prakse održao je gosp. Željko Jandrić, certificirani ASEE predavač i konzultant. Sudionici su bili predstavnici renomiranih poduzeća iz Hercegovine, ali i šire. Uz primjere i interakciju s predavačem sudionici su imali priliku čuti preporuke za uvođenje sustava odgovornosti u kojem su nadležnosti, ovlasti i odgovornosti za svakog pojedinca u poduzeću. Interes za ovom temom je bio velik pa je seminar održan dva dana zaredom, 18. i / Introduction of accountability system in a company seminar ended INTERA TP training centre successfully completed the seminar Introduction of accountability system in cooperation with Adizes South East Europe (ASEE). The lecture with interesting practical examples was given by Mr. Željko Jandrić, certified ASEE lecturer and consultant. Seminar was attended by representatives of renowned companies from Herzegovina and beyond. Along with hearing about examples and enjoying interaction with the lecturer and among themselves, the participants had the opportunity to hear recommendations for implementation of accountability system which contains competence, authority and responsibility for each individual in a company. The topic garnered a lot of interest, which is why the seminar was extended to last for two days, 18 and 19 February GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 15

16 Održan Otvoreni Dan za obuku CNC operatera U petak, u INTERA TP su održana besplatna probna predavanja za obuku CNC operatera. Za obukom je iskazano do sad nezabilježeno zanimanje potencijalnih polaznika i tražilo se nekoliko mjesta više od kapaciteta centra za CNC obuku. Sudionici predavanja imali su priliku upoznati se i dobiti sve detaljne informacije o obukama koje se nude u INTERA TP-u. Također, imali su priliku sudjelovati u izradi metalnih dijelova na osnovi radioničkih crteža i uživo vidjeti i osjetiti kako izgleda proces izrade na CNC strojevima. Open day for CNC operators training organised On Friday, 4th March 2016, free sample lectures for CNC operators were held in INTERA TP. The training attracted the largest number of potential participants ever, and the CNC training centre was too small to receive all the interested. Those who attended the lecture had the opportunity to hear detailed information about the trainings offered by INTERA TP. They also had the opportunity to participate in manufacture of metal parts based on workshop drawings and see and feel themselves what the manufacture on CNC machines looks like. 16 INTERA 2016

17 Uspješno održan Product Development Training U INTERA Tehnološkom Parku 7. i održao se Product Development Training. Nakon zaista velikog interesa za sudjelovanje na treningu odabrano je dvadesetak sudionika iz 11 različitih poduzeća. Tijekom dva dana sudionici su imali priliku naučiti na koji način testirati postojeće proizvode i kako kreirati proizvod koji odgovara potrebama tržišta te koji će biti početna točka za izgradnju konačnog proizvoda sa svim svojim karakteristikama i vizualnim identitetom. Na radionici su korišteni alati poput Business Model Canvas, različiti online alati, napredni Facebook customer profiling alati, alati za financijsko budžetiranje te alati za analizu konkurencije. Trening je vodio Ivica Penić, osnivač i vlasnik tvrtke Mariviam Success Academy, koji ujedno vodi i odjel za regionalnu suradnju Newman s Business Akcelerator. Održavanje ovog treninga podržao je USAID kroz projekt Partnership for Innovation. Successful Product Development Training held On 7th and 8th March, INTERA Technology Park hosted the Product Development Training. After an exceptional interest in participation at the training, around twenty participants from 11 companies were selected to attend. During the two-day training, the participants had a chance to learn how to test existing products and how to create a product that meets the market needs and will be a starting point for building a final product with its specific characteristics and visual identity. Tools such as Business Model Canvas, various online tools, advanced Facebook customer profiling tools, tools for financial budgeting, and for competition analysis were used during the workshop. The training was conducted by Ivica Penić, founder and owner of Mariviam Success Academy, who is also the Manager of Regional Development in the NewMan s Business Accelerator. This training was supported by USAID through the Partnership for Innovation project. 67/ GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 17

18 Nastavak edukacije u sklopu 2. ciklusa Startup Akademije Iako vremenske (ne)prilike nisu nagovještavale skori dolazak proljeća, 15 odlučnih timova s ukupno 33 člana, se upustilo u avanturu zvanu Startup Akademija. Drugi ciklus Startup Akademije se provodio u suradnji s ICBL-om iz Banja Luke i BIT Centrom iz Tuzle, a u fokusu ovog ciklusa su bile žene. Riječ je o edukativno-mentorskom programu kojemu je cilj pružiti podršku ženama s dobrim poslovnim idejama, u ranoj fazi razvoja ideje. Sudionice, žene, ambiciozne poduzetnice i one koje to žele postati, imale su priliku steći znanja i vještine koje su im potrebne kao i mogućnost daljnjeg razvoja ideje u okviru ICBL-a, BIT Centra i INTERA TP-a. Obuka je započela u znaku edukacije o razvoju poslovnog modela, analizi tržišta i minimalno održivom proizvodu te istraživanju tržišta, a nastavak je uslijedio tijekom sljedeća dva mjeseca kroz obradu sljedećih tema: financije za startupe, brandiranje, te prezentacijske i pregovaračke vještine. Edukativni dio vode renomirani stručnjaci iz navednih područja. Usporedo s pohađanjem spomenutih obuka, sudionici su imali i mentorsku podršku prilikom razrade vlastitih ideja. Training within 2nd cycle of Startup Academy continued Although the weather did not promise arrival of spring any time soon, on 10th March 2016, 15 determined teams with 33 members set off on the adventure called the Startup Academy. The second cycle of the Startup Academy was conducted in cooperation with ICBL from Banja Luka and BIT Centre from Tuzla, and focused on women. It is an educational and mentoring programme aimed at supporting women with good business ideas in the early stage of idea development. The participants, women, ambitious entrepreneurs and those wishing to become ones, had the opportunity to gain the required knowledge and skills, and to further develop their idea within the ICBL, BIT Centre and INTERA TP. The training began with lectures on the development of a business model, market analysis, and minimum sustainable product, as well as market research. Over the next two months, the following topics were explored: finances for startups, branding, and presentation and negotiations. Parallel to attending the lectures, the participants worked on developing their own ideas with the support of their mentors. 18 INTERA 2016

19 Uspješno završen seminar Upravljanje promjenama Kao zadnji u zimskom ciklusu obuka uspješno je održan seminar Upravljanje promjenama, u sklopu Centra za obuke INTERA TP-a. Naš partner i ovog puta je bila renomirana konzultantska kuća Adizes South East Europe (ASEE). Zanimljivo predavanje uz mnoštvo primjera iz prakse održao je gosp. Boris Vukić, partner i suosnivač ASEE-a. Sudionici, predstavnici renomiranih poduzeća/organizacija iz BiH, su imali priliku čuti o važnosti upravljanja promjenama, ali i iznijeti iskustva iz poduzeća/ organizacija u kojima rade. Change management seminar successfully completed Successful Change management seminar was held as the last seminar in the winter cycle of trainings in the INTERA TP training centre. Our partner on the seminar once again was the renowned consultancy company Adizes South East Europe (ASEE). Mr. Boris Vukić, partner and cofounder of ASSE, held an interesting lecture with lots of examples from practice. Participants at the seminar, representatives of well-known companies and organisations in BiH, had the opportunity to learn about the importance of change management, but also to present the experience of their companies/ organisations. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 19

20 Posjeta predstavnice Illinois Technology Association INTERA TP-u Jutro u INTERA TP-u proveli smo u ugodnom društvu Nole Lazin, predstavnice Illinois Technology Association (ITA) iz Chicaga. ITA je vodeća asocijacija IT poduzeća u Chicagu, koja okuplja 500 članica i pruža usluge s ciljem povezivanja IT poduzeća, traženja i zadržavanja kvalitetne radne snage te promocije tih poduzeća. Nola Lazin je boravila u regiji u okviru WorldChicago - US Government Fellowship programa. Cilj ovog programa je prenošenje iskustava iz Chicaga u organizacije i poduzeća iz IT sektora u BiH. INTERA TP su uz nju posjetili i Zana Karkin, izvršna direktorica BIT Alliance te predstavnici poduzeća Authority Partners. Osim obilaska INTERA TP-a i upoznavanja s našim aktivnostima, gostima su se predstavili i naši startupi iz IT sektora, ukupno 5 poduzeća. Representative of Illinois Technology Association visited INTERA TP We spent the morning of 17th March in INTERA TP in the pleasant company of Nola Lazin, representative of the Illinois Technology Association (ITA) from Chicago. ITA is the leading IT association in Chicago, gathering 500 members, and provides services aimed at connecting IT companies, recruiting and keeping quality work force, and promoting those companies. Nola Lazin was staying in the region as part of the WorldChicago - US Government Fellowship programme. Its goal is to share the Chicago experience with IT organisations and companies in BiH. INTERA TP was together with her visited by Zana Karkin, executive director of BIT Alliance, and representatives of the Authority Partners Company. In addition to taking a tour of INTERA TP and learning about our activities, our guests were also introduced to our 5 IT start-ups. 20 INTERA 2016

21 Studenti Sveučilišta Stanford u posjeti INTERA Tehnološkom Parku Studenti poslijediplomskog studija Master of Business Administration, s prestižnog sveučilišta Stanford u SAD-u, posjetili su INTERA Tehnološki Park u sklopu studijskog putovanja u Bosnu i Hercegovinu i Hrvatsku. Tema putovanja je bila Learning Capitalism, odnosno razvoj država u tranziciji te tranzicija cijelog društva sa planirane ekonomije na tržišnu. Cilj putovanja je bila edukacija i kulturna razmjena s ciljem što boljeg razumijevanja globalnih izazova u svim područjima. Domaćin studenata u Mostaru je bio inkluzivni vrtić Sunčani most čijim je predstavljanjem i započeo njihov posjet. Nakon toga studentima je prezentiran rad Gospodarske komore Grada Mostara. INTERA TP svoje je predstavljanje započeo kratkim filmom Svijetla strana Hercegovine nakon čega je Mladen Kostić, tehnički direktor INTERA TP-a predstavio INTERAina područja djelovanja kao i dosadašnje rezultate i pozitivne primjere Stanford University students visit INTERA Technology Park Students of the postgraduate programme Master of Business Administration from the prestigious Stanford University in the USA, visited INTERA Technology Park as part of their study visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. Topic of their trip was Learning Capitalism, that is, development of countries in transition, and transition of the whole society from planned economy to market economy. Their trip s goal was education and cultural exchange to better understand global challenges in all areas. Students host in Mostar was the inclusive kindergarten Sunčani most, whose presentation marked the beginning of today s visit. After that, Chamber of Commerce of the City of Mostar presented its activities to the students. INTERA TP began its presentation with a short film The Bright Side of Herzegovina, followed by a presentation by Mladen Kostić, INTERA TP-s CTO, who spoke about the results and positive changes made so far. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 21

22 Održana svečanost osnivanja asocijacije Mostar Software City Dugo najavljivana asocijacija domaćih poduzeća iz sektora informacijskih tehnologija pod nazivom Mostar Software City (MSC) otvorena je svečanom ceremonijom u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku u Mostaru. Prisutnima su se uvodno obratili uvaženi gosti ceremonije: Veleposlanica Kraljevine Norveške gđa Anne Vibeke Lilloe, i Veleposlanica SAD-a gđa Maureen Cormack. Prve riječi potpore projektu uputili su upravo predstavnici ove dvije važne institucije. Udruživanje poduzetnika iste branše, a posebno software-a, pohvalio je Amir Zukić, ministar Federalnog ministarstva razvoja, poduzetništva i obrta. Da je Mostar središte u kojem se događaju mnoge pozitivne stvari, potvrdio je i gradonačelnik Grada Mostara Ljubo Bešlić. Kako je nastala ideja Mostar Software City i kako se grupa relevantnih lokalnih IT poduzeća i organizacija spojila sa ciljem i vizijom stvaranja novih prilika za zapošljavanje, rast i korist lokalne zajednice, ispričao je g. Marin Jozić, predsjednik MSC-a i direktor COX4 d.o.o. Glavna ideja MSC-a jeste podrška izvozu lokalnih proizvoda i usluga na strana tržišta, a sve to kroz jedan zajednički nastup i umrežavanje. Poslovna razvojna perspektiva u IT sektoru bila je tema panel diskusije koja je uslijedila nakon svečanosti otvaranja. Mostar Software City Association founding ceremony held The long expected association of local IT companies called Mostar Software City (MSC) was founded during a ceremony in the INTERA Technology Park. Keynote speakers were distinguished guests: Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway, Madam Anne Vibeke Lilloe, and the US Ambassador, Madam Maureen Cormack. Representatives of these two important institutions were the first to express their support to the project. Association of businesspersons from the same branch, particularly, software, was praised by Amir Zukić, Minister of the Federation Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship, and Crafts. Mayor of Mostar, Ljubo Bešlić, confirmed that Mostar was a centre with a lot of positive activity. Mr. Marin Jozić, President of MSC and manager of COX4 Ltd. spoke about how the idea of Mostar Software City had emerged, and how a group of relevant local IT companies and organisations had gotten together with a goal and vision to create new opportunities for jobs, growth and for the benefit of the local community. MSC s main idea is support to export of local products and services to foreign markets using a common presentation and networking. Subject of the panel discussion held after the ceremony was business development perspectives in IT sector. 22 INTERA 2016

23 Uspješno završen seminar Prodajne vještine je uspješno održan prvi proljetni seminar u sklopu Centra za obuke INTERA TP-a pod nazivom Prodajne vještine. Seminar je održan u suradnji s renomiranom konzultantskom kućom Adizes South East Europe (ASEE). Polaznici, predstavnici domaćih poduzeća i organizacija, su imali priliku učiti kroz brojne primjere iz prakse o prodajnim vještinama i čuti preporuke za njihovo unapređenje. U ugodnoj radnoj sudionici su imali priliku aktivno sudjelovati i iznijeti iskustva i prakse iz poduzeća/organizacija iz kojih dolaze. Sales skills seminar successfully completed The first springtime seminar titled Sales skills was held in the INTERA TP Training Centre on 13th April in cooperation with the renowned consultancy company Adizes South East Europe(ASEE). The participants, who were representatives of domestic companies and organisations, had the opportunity to learn about sales skills from numerous examples from practice, and hear recommendations for their improvement. In a pleasant working atmosphere, the participants had a chance to actively participate and present experience and practices from the companies/organisations they come from. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 23

24 / Četvrti Startup Weekend u Mostaru Završen je četvrti Startup Weekend u Mostaru u organizaciji INTERA Tehnološkog Parka. U uzbudljivom i radom protkanom vikendu mladi su imali priliku raditi u timu, razvijati poslovnu ideju, naučiti kako prezentirati pred potencijalnim investitorima, te steći nova poznanstva i neponovljivo iskustvo. Pobjednik četvrtog Startup Weekend te ujedno i osvajač KM jeste tim ScreenApp s tehničkim rješenjem za upravljanje ekranima za oglašavanje. Drugo mjesto s nagradom od KM odnio je tim Showcase s idejom 3D vizualizacije interijera, dok je treće mjesto s KM zauzeo tim Deals.ba s freelance aplikacijom. Posebnu nagradu za trud i zalaganje u iznosu od 500 KM dobio je tim IDEKA s idejom 3D modeliranja namještaja. Ostali sudionici su dobili tehnološko rješenje power bank kao nagradu za sudjelovanje. Četvrti Startup Weekend predstavljao je i posljednju aktivnost projekta Creative Mobility for Jobs CREAM JOBS koji je INTERA TP implementirao uz podršku Veleposlanstva SAD-a u BiH, u okviru Fonda Democracy Commision. Događaj je podržalo i Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Norveške kao i poduzeće Moj Taxi. Fourth Startup Weekend in Mostar The Fourth Startup Weekend in Mostar, organised by INTERA TP is over. During an exciting and hardworking weekend, young people had the opportunity to work in a team, develop a business idea, learn how to make a presentation before potential investors, and gain new acquaintances and an incredible experience for continuation of their activities. The winner of the Fourth Startup Weekend, who at the same time received a BAM 7,000 prize, is the ScreenApp team, which found a technical solution for management of advertising screens. The second place and a BAM 3,500 prize was won by the Showcase team, whose idea was 3D visualisation of interiors, while the third place, and BAM 1,500 was won by the Deals.ba team with a freelance application. Special prize of BAM 500 for their commitment and hard work went to the IDEKA team, whose idea was 3D furniture modelling. Other participants received the technical solution power bank as a reward for their participation. The Fourth Startup Weekend was also the last activity of the Creative Mobility for Jobs CREAM JOBS project, which INTERA TP was implementing with the support of the USA Embassy in BiH within the Democracy Commission Fund. The event had also been supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, and the MojTaxi company. 24 INTERA 2016

25 / INTERA TP na konferenciji 1st European Celebration of Women in Computing u Briselu Početkom siječnja INTERA Tehnološki Park postao je Nacionalna kontakt točka Europskog centra za žene u tehnologiji (ECWT) koji je 25. i organizirao konferenciju 1st European Celebration of Women in Computing. Ulaskom u društvo nacionalnih točaka Europskog centra za žene i tehnologiju pružena nam je mogućnost da nominiramo istaknute žene iz IT svijeta u Bosni i Hercegovni za European Celebration of Women in Computing (ECWC) nagrade. Nagrada se dodjeljuje po prvi put i to u kontektsu 200. obljetnice rođenja Ade Lovelace, prve računalne programerke. Ponosni smo što možemo reći da su dvije dame iz BiH bile među 10 finalistica - Marija Herceg, predavačica i studentica politehničkog doktorskog studija na Fakultetu informacijskih tehnologija u Mostaru, u kategoriji Emerging Leader Award i Dražena Gašpar, sveučilišni profesor i suosnivač softverskog poduzeća, u kategoriji ECWC Social Impact Award. Bitno je istaknuti da je upravo Marija Herceg osvojila nagradu u kategoriji Emerging Leader. Konferencija se održala u Bruxellesu uz podršku Europske komisije. Predstavnici INTERA TP prisustvovali su događaju kao jedni od članova asocijacije. Budući da je fokus konferencije bio na mladim djevojkama koje su ili započele svoju karijeru u IT-u ili im to slijedi u skoroj budućnosti, INTERA TP i ECWT omogućili su pristustvo na konferenciji trima djevojkama iz Bosne i Hercegovine: Amri Buljubašić, suosnivačici startupa giikly, Maji Jozić, zaposlenici IT poduzeća Avacom te Saldini Nurak, uspješnoj studentici treće godine Fakulteta informacijskih tehnologija (FIT) Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK INTERA TP at 1st European Celebration of Women in Computing conference in Brussels In early January, INTERA Technology Park became the national contact point of the European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT), which on 25th and 26th April organised the 1st European Celebration of Women in Computing Conference. As we joined other national contact points of the European Centre for Women and Technology, we were given the opportunity to nominate prominent women from IT world in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the European Celebration of Women in Computing (ECWC) awards. The award is given for the first time, in the context of 200 years since the birth of Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer. We are quite proud to say that the 10 finalists included two ladies from BiH, Marija Herceg, a lecturer and a student at the polytechnic doctoral studies of the Faculty of Information Technology in Mostar, who was nominated for the Emerging Leader Award, and Dražena Gašpar, university professor and cofounder of a software company, was nominated for the ECWC Social Impact Award. Eventually, Marija Herceg won the award for the Emerging Leader. The Conference was held in Brussels with the support of the European Commission. Representatives of INTERA TP attended the event as one of the members of the Association. Since the conference focused on young women who either began their career in IT or will in the near future, INTERA TP and ECWT enabled three girls from Bosnia and Herzegovina to participate: Amra Buljubašić, co-founder of giikly start-up, Maja Jozić, employed in Avacom IT Company and Saldina Nurak, an outstanding thirdyear student at the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) of the Džemal Bijedić University. 25

26 Tim Bamba pobjednik je drugog ciklusa Startup Akademije U četvrtak, u INTERA TP održan je Demo Dan drugog ciklusa Startup Akademije. Interes za ovaj ciklus, fokusiran na žensko poduzetništvo, bio je zaista velik. Od prijavljenih 28 timova, 16 ih je odabrano za sudjelovanje u programu. Komisija, koju su činili predstavnici triju centara uključenih u projekt (Inovacioni Centar Banja Luka, BIT Centar Tuzla i INTERA Tehnološki Park), imala je zaista težak posao. Za pobjednika je odabran tim Bamba s poslovnom idejom dizajniranja i proizvodnje domaćeg branda udobne odjeće za djecu te platnenih ekoloških, všekratnih pelena, s posebnim naglaskom na dizajn i udobnost. Pobjednički tim osvojio je KM za razvoj poslovne ideje, studijsko putovanje na konferenciju PODIM u Mariboru, Startup Weekend u Novom Sadu te posjetu poduzetničkim inkubatorima u Zagrebu, kao i mogućnost izravnog ulaska u poslovni inkubator INTERA TP-a. Projekt Startup Akademija provodio se u suradnji s ICBL-om iz Banja Luke i BIT Centrom iz Tuzle, a financiran je uz podršku Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Norveške u BiH. Bamba team wins 2nd cycle of Startup Academy On Thursday, 5th May 2016, Demo Day of the Startup Academy second cycle was held in INTERA TP. Interest in this cycle, which focused on female entrepreneurship, was huge. Of 29 teams that applied, 16 were selected to participate in the programme. The commission made up of representatives of three centres involved in the project (Innovation Centre Banja Luka, BIT Centre Tuzla and INTERA Technology Park) had a difficult job ahead. Bamba team was selected a winner, and their business idea is design and production of comfortable children s clothes and eco-friendly cloth diapers for multiple use, with a special focus on their design and comfort. The winner was awarded BAM for the development of their business idea, a study trip to the PODIM conference in Maribor, Slovenia, a Startup Weekend in Novi Sad, Serbia, and a visit to the entrepreneurship incubators in Zagreb, Croatia, as well as the possibility to directly enter the INTERA TP Business Incubator. The Startup Academy project was implemented in cooperation with ICBL from Banja Luka and BIT Centre from Tuzla, and financed with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in BiH. 26 INTERA 2016

27 Održana radionica za mentore u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku Jedan od ključnih čimbenika raznih programa podrške startupima svakako je mentorstvo. Istraživanja su pokazala da je šansa za uspjeh daleko veća kod onih startupa koje su mentorirali uspješni poduzetnici. Osim prilike da uče na tuđim umjesto na svojim greškama, startupi imaju mogućnost da iskoriste iskustvo i znanja iskusnih poduzetnika u svojim poduzećma. Na tragu toga, u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku održana je kratka radionica za mentore koji su izrazili želju da budu dio Mentorskog kluba INTERA TP -a. Radionica je održana u okviru Seco Enterpreneurship Programa (podržanog od strane Swisscontact-a), a trener je bio Mike Ducker Workshop for mentors held in INTERA Technology Park One of the key factors in various start-up support programmes certainly is mentorship. Research has shown that start-ups mentored by successful entrepreneurs have far more chances of succeeding. Besides getting the opportunity to learn from other people s mistakes, instead of their own, start-ups also get a chance to use the experience and knowledge of experienced businesspersons in their companies. Along those lines, a short workshop for mentors who expressed their wish to be part of the INTERA TP Mentor Club was held in INTERA Technology Park. The workshop was held within the Seco Entrepreneurship Programme (supported by Swisscontact), while Mike Ducker was the coach. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 27

28 Studijsko 10/ putovanje pobjednika Startup Akademije Osim značajnog financijskog poticaja za realizaciju vlastitih poslovnih ideja, pobjednici programa Startup Akademija osvojili su i studijsko putovanje koje je uključilo posjet značajnim startup događajima i poslovnim inkubatorima u regiji. U okviru toga, pobjednički timovi iz dva ciklusa akademije u Inovacionom Centru Banja Luka, BIT Centru Tuzla i INTERA Tehnološkom Parku proveli su tjedan na zanimljivom putovanju koje im je omogućilo razmjenu iskustava, stvaranje novih kontakata te uvid u primjere dobre prakse u regiji. Prva stanica putovanja bila je PODIM Konferencija u Mariboru, u Sloveniji. Nakon Maribora uputili su se u Novi Sad, gdje se održavao 4. novosadski Startup Weekend. Timovi su i sami sudjelovali na događaju - neki su prezentirali nove ideje, drugi su se priključili ostalim timovima, a pobjednički tim drugog ciklusa akademije iz Mostara čak je osvojio treće mjesto. Zadnja stanica putovanja bio je Zagrebački inkubator poduzetništva (ZIP). Domaćini su prezentirali način funkcioniranja njihovog inkubatora, a par njihovih startupa prezentiralo je svoje ideje. Nakon toga naši timovi su prezentirali vlastite ideje, a ZIP-ovi mentori su im dali sugestije i korisne povratne informacije za daljnji rad. Study trip of Startup Academy winners In addition to considerable financial support to implement their business ideas, winners of the Startup Academy also won a study trip that included visit to significant startup events and business incubators in the region. As part of this programme, winning teams from two academy cycles in the Innovation Centre Banja Luka, BIT Centre Tuzla and INTERA Technology Park, last on an interesting trip that allowed them to exchange experience, make new contacts, and see examples of good practice in the region. The first stop on the trip was the PODIM Conference in Maribor, Slovenia. After Maribor, they went to Novi Sad, where the 4th Novi Sad Startup Weekend was taking place. Teams also participated in the event some presented new ideas, others joined other teams, while the winning team of the second Academy cycle from Mostar even won the third place. The last stop on the trip was the Zagreb Entrepreneurship Incubator (ZIP). Our hosts presented the functioning of their incubator, and a couple of their start-ups presented their ideas. Our teams then presented their ideas, and ZIP mentors gave them suggestions and feedback useful for further work. 28 INTERA 2016

29 Interakcija sudionika i mnoštvo primjera iz prakse na seminaru Rukovoditeljske vještine U utorak i srijedu, 17. i godine u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku, u sklopu Centra za obuke održan je seminar Rukovoditeljske vještine. Partnerska organizacija i ovog puta bila je Adizes South East Europe ASEE. Seminar se zbog velikog interesa održao dva dana zaredom što dokazuje kako je tematika rukovođenja ljudima vrlo značajna i zahtjeva širok spektar znanja i vještina. Zanimljivo i dinamično predavanje održao je Hrvoje Bogdan, partner i direktor ASEE Hrvatska. Sudionici, predstavnici privatnog, javnog i NVO sektora, su kroz mnoštvo primjera iz prakse i interakciju s predavačem čuli kako razvijati svoje zaposlene, delegirati zadatke te postići preuzimanje odgovornosti. Interaction among participants and numerous examples from practice at Management skills seminar Management skills seminar was held in the INTERA Technology Park Training Centre on Tuesday and Wednesday, 17th and 18th May Partner organisation once again was Adizes South East Europe ASEE. Due to the huge interest it generated, seminar was held for two days and this proves that people management is a very important topic demanding a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills. Interesting and dynamic lecture on both days was delivered by Hrvoje Bogdan, partner and manager of ASEE Croatia. Participants from the private, public and NGO sector heard how to develop their employees, delegate tasks and achieve taking over responsibility through numerous examples from practice and through interaction with the lecturer / GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 29

30 Uspješno održan TechnoBiz meetup Digitalna fabrikacija - 3D tehnologije i predstavljen FabLab INTERA Tehnološkog Parka U INTERA Tehnološkom Parku je uz velik interes javnosti održan zanimljiv TechnoBiz meetup Digitalna fabrikacija - 3D tehnologije. Preko 100 sudionika poduzetnika, inovatora, dizajnera ili naprosto zaljubljenika u tehnologije digitalne fabrikacije imali su priliku čuti iskustva o praktičnim stranama i inovativnim primjenama ovih tehnologija u biznisu i obrazovanju, kao i o globalnom valu širenja tehnologija i znanosti među građanima kroz FabLab/ Makerspace/Hackerspace prostore. Renomirani gosti predavači iz Maribora, Zagreba, Beograda i Bruxellesa su prenijeli svoja zanimljiva iskustva i najnovije spoznaje o tehnologijama digitalne fabrikacije globalno. Ovaj događaj je organiziran uz podršku Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Norveške. TechnoBiz meetup Digital fabrication 3D technologies held, and FabLab of INTERA Technology Park presented Interesting TechnoBiz meetup Digital fabrication 3D technology was held in INTERA Technology Park, and it attracted a lot of attention. Over 100 participants businesspersons, innovators, designers, or simply digital fabrication technology lovers, had the opportunity to learn about practical aspects and innovative applications of these technologies in business and education, as well as in the global expansion technology and science in the population through FabLab/Makerspace/Hackerspace spaces. Renowned guest lecturers from Maribor, Zagreb, Belgrade, and Brussels shared their interesting experience and the latest knowledge of digital fabrication technologies globally. This event was organised with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. 30 INTERA 2016

31 Uspješno održano predstavljanje poziva za grant sredstva FMRPO-a U ponedjeljak, u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka održano je predstavljanje Javnog poziva za odabir korisnika grant sredstava tekućih transfera Federalnog ministarstva razvoja, poduzetništva i obrta (FMRPO-a). Pred više od 30 sudionika, većinom žena i mladih, predstavnici Ministarstva g. Zdravko Čerović i g. Zdenko Perić su pružili sve potrebne informacije, te ih proveli kroz mogućnosti i uvjete natječaja u 10 različitih kategorija. Successful presentation of call for grants by Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts of FBiH Public call for selection of beneficiaries of grants from the current funds of the Federation Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts (FMRPO) was presented on 6th June 2016 in INTERA Technology Park. Representatives of the Ministry, Mr. Zdravko Čerović and Mr. Zdenko Perić, provided all the necessary information to over 30 participants, mostly women and young people, and took them through the options and requirements of the call in 10 categories GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 31

32 Delegacija iz Daytona posjetila INTERA Tehnološki Park U sklopu višednevne posjete Bosni i Hercegovini, godine delegacija iz Daytona na čelu s gradonačelnicom Nan Whaley i njezinim suradnikom Mattom Josephom posjetila je INTERA Tehnološki Park. Direktor INTERA Tehnološkog Parka Vedran Šimunović pozdravio je 25 članova delegacije te im poželio dobrodošlicu. U uvodnom govoru istaknuo je kako INTERA TP kontinuirano radi na promicanju poduzetništva u Hercegovini i podizanju kvalitete radne snage. Posjetitelji su imali priliku pogledati video o mogućnostima za razvoj poduzetništva u Hercegovini i čuti dodatne informacije o INTERA TP-u kao organizaciji koja kontinuirano radi na razvoju kvalitetnih pojedinaca i uspješnih poduzeća u Hercegovini. Tehnički direktor INTERA Tehnološkog Parka Mladen Kostić predstavio je članovima delegacije aktivnosti INTERA TP-a te ih upoznao s uslugama koje nudi svojim korisnicima s naglaskom na edukacije, inkubator i najam prostora. Posjetitelji su obišli prostorije INTERA TP-a te se upoznali s radom startupa i komercijalnih poduzeća. Članovi delegacije su posjetili i CNC trening centar gdje su im predstavljene najnovije tehnologije vezane uz 3D rapid prototyping. Delegation from Dayton visits INTERA Technology Park As part of their visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, delegation from Dayton, USA, led by the Mayor Nan Whaley and her associate Matt Joseph, visited INTERA Technology Park on 8th July Executive director of the INTERA Technology Park, Vedran Šimunović, greeted the 25-strong delegation and welcomed them. In his introduction, he highlighted that INTERA TP was continuously working on promoting entrepreneurship in Herzegovina and raising the quality of the workforce. The visitors had the opportunity to see a video presenting opportunities for development of entrepreneurship in Herzegovina and learn more about INTERA TP as an organisation that continuously works on developing high quality individuals and successful companies in Herzegovina. Mladen Kostić, technical director of the INTERA Technology Park, presented the activities of INTERA TP and the services it offers to its users, with particular emphasis on trainings, the incubator, and space rental. Visitors took a tour of the INTERA TP, and got acquainted with the work of startup and commercial companies. Members of the delegation also visited the CNC training centre, where the latest technologies related to 3D rapid prototyping were presented to them. 32 INTERA 2016

33 Polaznici šestog ciklusa programa Moja praksa primili svoju zasluženu diplomu Svečanom dodjelom diploma u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka u ponedjeljak, godine službeno je završen šesti ciklus programa Moja praksa koji se provodio u sklopu projekta Partnership for Innovation financiranog od strane USAID-a, implementiranog od strane EDC-a. Akademski partner uključen u ovaj program je Fakultet informacijskih tehnologija Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić u Mostaru, a sudjelovali su studenti Sveučilišta u Mostaru i Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić. Cilj programa je olakšati studentima završnih godina, ali i mladim nezaposlenim visokoobrazovanim osobama ulazak na tržište rada. Kako bi se taj cilj ostvario, polaznici su, kroz tri mjeseca trajanja programa, imali priliku proći kroz osnove poslovnih vještina, a potom i raditi u timu na projektu iz struke. Projekte je, prema vlastitim potrebama, kreiralo 9 poduzeća kojima se iznimno zahvaljujemo. To su: Program 5, Gloria, CS nine Gmbh, Indos, INTERA Tehnološki Park, QSD BiH, Alfa Therm, IGH d.o.o. Mostar te Turistički klaster Hercegovina. Predstavnici 10 timova na svečanoj dodjeli diploma su pred mentorima i brojnom publikom prezentirali svoje uspješno završene projekte. Participants in 6th cycle of Moja praksa programme receive their well-deserved diploma Diploma-awarding ceremony that took place in INTERA Technology Park on Monday, 18 July 2016, officially marked the end of the sixth cycle of the Moja praksa programme, implemented within the Partnership for Innovation Project, GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK financed by USAID and implemented by EDC. Academic partner involved in the programme was the Faculty of Information Technology of the Džemal Bijedić University in Mostar, while both students from the University of Mostar and the Džemal Bijedić University participated in the programme. The goal of the project is to make it easier for final-year students, but also young, unemployed, and highly educated persons, to enter the labour market. In order to meet this goal, over the course of three months, the participants in the programme had the opportunity to go through the basics of business skills, and then work in a team on a project involving their profession. Those projects were created by the following 9 companies based on their needs, and we are extremely thankful to them: Program 5, Gloria, CS nine Gmbh, Indos, INTERA Technology Park, QSD BiH, Alfa Therm, IGH d.o.o. Mostar, and the Herzegovina Tourism Cluster. During the diploma-awarding ceremony, representatives of 10 teams presented their successfully completed projects to their mentors and numerous audiences

34 Dodjela certifikata polaznicima osmog ciklusa obuke CNC operatera U prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka u srijedu, godine održana je dodjela certifikata polaznicima osmog ciklusa obuke CNC operatera. Dodjeli su prisustvovali predstavnici INTERA Tehnološkog Parka, predavači i polaznici obuke, a sve pod budnim okom poduzeća zainteresiranih za ovu vrstu kadrova. Dvadesetsedmorici polaznika obuke uručeni su certifikati o uspješno završenom tečaju za profil CNC operatera nakon tromjesečne teorijske i praktične obuke koja se odvijala na najsuvremenijim industrijskim CNC strojevima. U sklopu obuke polaznici su osposobljeni za potpuno samostalno rukovanje CNC glodalicom i CNC tokarilicom, tražen kadar za tvrtke iz metalnog sektora koje bilježe iznimne rezultate u izvozu te kontinuirani rast prometa i prihoda. Certificates awarded to participants of 8th cycle of CNC operator training On Wednesday, 20 July 2016, certificates were awarded to participants in the eighth cycle of training for CNC operators in the INTERA Technology Park. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the INTERA Technology Park, lecturers and participants in the training, under the watchful eye of the companies interested in this type of specialists. Twenty-seven participants received certificates on successful completion of a course for a CNC operator following a three-month theoretical and practical training on the state-of-the-art industrial CNC machines. During the training, the participants learned to independently operate a CNC milling machine and CNC lathe. Such specialists are in high demand by metal sector companies that have exceptional results in exporting their products and in continued growth of their turnover and income. 34 INTERA 2016

35 Održan trening na temu digitalnog marketinga U srijedu, godine u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka održan je trening na temu digitalnog marketinga pod pokroviteljstvom USAID-a, u okviru projekta Partnership for Innovation. Dugogodišnje iskustvo iz područja ove, sve popularnije vrste marketinga, sa sudionicima je podijelila Ivona Jurilj, managerica agencije Degordian u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tijekom 8 sati treninga sudionicima su predstavljene tehnike digitalnog marketinga kroz koncepte poslovanja orijentirane prema kupcima te sve veća uloga širokog spektra društvenih mreža u ciljanom plasiranju relevantnog sadržaja. Na kraju treninga, sudionici su imali priliku na praktičnom primjeru primijeniti sve ono što su naučili toga dana. Treningu je prisustvovao 21 predstavnik iz 9 poduzeća, stanara INTERA Tehnološkog Parka. Training on digital marketing held On Wednesday, 27th July 2016, training on digital marketing was held in INTERA Technology Park under the auspices of USAID as part of te Partnership f or Innovation Project. Ivona Jurilj, Country Manager of the Degordian agency from Bosnia and Herzegovina shared her long experience in this increasingly popular type of marketing with the participants. During the 8-hour-long training, participants learnt about techniques of digital marketing through the clientoriented business concepts, and about the growing role of the broad spectrum of social networks in targeted placement of relevant contents. At the end of the training, the participants were given the opportunity to apply their newly acquired knowledge on a practical example. Training was attended by 21 representatives of 9 companies that are tenants of the INTERA Technology Park. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 35

36 Uspješno završen projekt Creative Mobility for Jobs Proteklih godinu dana INTERA Tehnološki Park je ugostio brojne poznate predavače, stručnjake, mentore. Bilo je i korisno, zabavno, zanimljivo jer smo uspjeli kroz projekt Creative Mobility for Jobs (CREAM Jobs) spojiti dva naizgled nespojiva, ali vrlo kompatibilna područja IT sektor i likovnu umjetnost. Projekt se implementirao u suradnji s Veleposlanstvom SAD-a u BiH. Prva projektna aktivnosti bio je trening pod nazivom Digital designer training gdje je trener Mohamed El-Zayat studente umjetnosti te ostale mlade zainteresirane za umjetnost i dizajn uputio u osnove upotrebe Photoshopa. Druga aktivnost bila je obuka pod nazivom UI/ UX Design Developing mobile applications gdje je 15 sudionika, zaposlenika različitih IT poduzeća iz Mostara, dobilo uvid u ovu tematiku od strane iskusnih domaćih i internacionalnih stručnjaka. Sudionici edukacija, ali i svi ostali zainteresirani, mogli su se prijaviti i za 4. Startup Weekend Mostar, gdje su imali mogućnost u timu s drugima, uz pomoć brojnih domaćih i stranih mentora razviti neku poslovnu ideju u 54h. Creative Mobility for Jobs Project successfully completed Over the past year, INTERA Technology Park welcomed numerous distinguished lecturers, experts, and mentors. During the Creative Mobility for Jobs Project, (CREAM Jobs), we managed to bring together two fields that at first site can t be brought together but are highly compatible IT sector and art, and this proved to be a useful, fun, and interesting effort. The project was implemented in cooperation with the USA Embassy in BiH. The first project activity was a training titled Digital designer training, during which the trainer Mohamed El-Zayat taught art students and other young art and design enthusiasts basics of Photoshop use. The second activity was training entitled UI/ UX Design Developing mobile applications, where 15 participants employed in various IT Mostar-based companies learned about the topic from experienced domestic and international experts. Participants in the trainings, as well as all other enthusiasts, could also apply for the 4th Startup Weekend Mostar, during which they could work in a team supported by numerous domestic and international mentors and develop a business idea over the course of 54 hours. 36 INTERA 2016

37 Održana probna predavanja za obuku CNC operatera Uz veliko zanimanje polaznika u petak, godine u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka održana su besplatna probna predavanja za obuku CNC operatera. Sama obuka se organizira u sklopu INTERA HTEC-a (Haas Technical Educational Center), najsuvremenijeg centra za obuku u proizvodnim CNC tehnologijama u regiji koji raspolaže modernim industrijskim strojevima, visokokvalitetnim alatima i pratećom opremom. Na samom početku sudionicima su, kroz prezentacijski dio, predstavljene obuke koje se nude u sklopu centra obuka za CNC operatere i obuka za CNC programere. Nakon toga, imali su priliku sudjelovati u izradi metalnog elementa na osnovu radioničkog crteža i uživo vidjeti i osjetiti kako izgleda proces proizvodnje na CNC stroju. Test lectures held for CNC operator training held Free test lectures for CNC operator training were organised on Friday, 9th September 2016 in INTERA Technology Park and they garnered a lot of interest among participants. The training itself is being organised in the INTERA HTEC (Haas Technical Educational Centre), the most modern centre for training in productional CNC technologies in the region, with modern industrial machines, high quality tools and the supporting equipment. At the very beginning, trainings offered in the centre training for a CNC operator and for a CNC programmer, were presented to the participants. They then had the opportunity to participate in the making of a metal element based on the workshop drawing and see and feel for themselves what the process of production on a CNC machine looks like GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 37

38 INTERA 3/4/10/ Tehnološki Park ugostio IT Girls Dva vikenda, 3. i 4. te 10. i godine, INTERA Tehnološki Park je bio domaćin inicijativi IT Girls. Jedanaest djevojčica u dobi od 13 do 15 godina tijekom četiri dana i ukupno 24 sata prošlo je kroz besplatnu obuku tijekom koje su se upoznale s osnovama programiranja. IT Girls projekt ima cilj potaknuti mlade žene da već od rane dobi počnu razmišljati u smjeru informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija, te da se više uključe u svijet programiranja i programskih jezika kako bi razvile interes za ovaj sektor i povećale mogućnosti u izboru budućih karijera i obrazovnih pravaca. IT Girls inicijativa nastala je kao rezultat najbolje ideje na natjecanju mladih zaposlenika Ujedinjenih nacija u Bosni i Hercegovini, pod nazivom Takmičenje u inovacijama za mlađe od 30 godina. INTERA Technology Park hosts a visit by IT Girls Over the course of two weekends, on 3-4 September and September, INTERA Technology Park was a host to the IT Girls initiative. During four days and a total of 24 hours, eleven girls aged between 13 and 15 underwent free training on the basics of programming. The IT Girls Project s goal is to incite young women to start gravitating toward information and communication technologies from an early age and to get more involvement in the world of programming and programming languages in order to develop an interest in this sector and expand their options in the selection of their future careers and direction of their education. IT Girls initiative was the result of the best idea for competition of young UN employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina titled Competition in Innovation for Persons under INTERA 2016

39 Seminar Timski rad i donošenje odluka oduševio sudionike interakcijom i brojnim primjerima U srijedu i četvrtak, 14. i godine u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku u suradnji s renomiranom konzultanskom kućom Adizes South East Europe ASEE održan je seminar Timski rad i donošenje odluka. Prvotno planiran za samo jedan dan, zbog velikog interesa seminar je organiziran dva dana zaredom što dovoljno govori o značaju timova u suvremenom poslovanju. Iznimno zanimljivo i interaktivno predavanje prožeto mnoštvom primjera i vježbi održao je Zvezdan Horvat, direktor i suosnivač ASEE koji je sudionike, predstavnike javnog, privatnog i nevladinog sektora, proveo kroz donošenje i definiranje odluka, predviđanje efikasnosti provođenja odluka, osnovna pravila vođenja timova, ali i osam koraka timskog donošenja odluka. Aktivno sudjelovanje i uspješno ostvarena suradnja svih sudionika, kojima se posebno zahvaljujemo, potvrđuje kvalitetu seminara i važnost ove tematike. Seminar entitled Team work and decision-making thrills participants with interaction and numerous examples In cooperation with the renowned consultancy company Adizes South East Europe, ASEE, seminar entitled Team work and decision-making was organised on Wednesday and Thursday, September 2016 in INTERA Technology Park. Initially planned to be a one-day seminar, due to the huge interest it garnered, it was organised for two days. This fact speaks enough about the importance of teams in modern business. Exceptionally interesting and interactive lecture full of examples and exercises was held by Zvezdan Horvat, director and co-founder of ASEE, who took the participants, representatives of the public, private and non-governmental sector, through the decision-making and decision-defining process, forecasting the efficiency of decision implementation, basic rules for team leading, as well as through the eight steps of decision making by a team. Active participation and successful cooperation among all the participants, whom we particularly wish to thank, confirm the seminar quality and the importance of this topic / GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 39

40 Inovacije u zelenoj industriji predstavljene javnosti u Intera Tehnološkom Parku Povećanje broja poduzeća u zelenoj industriji, odnosno razvoj čistih tehnologija i njihove primjene u praksi preduvjet je dugoročno održivog gospodarstva. Upravo je gospodarski rast, koji se postiže bez štete za okoliš, bio glavna tema TechnoBiz Meetupa Green Industry Innovation održanog u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku u petak, godine. Sudionici su imali priliku poslušati izlaganja stručnjaka iz regije i inozemstva koji su im predstavili pojmove poput zelene industrije i cirkularne ekonomije, a potom se i kroz nekoliko primjera poslovnih projekata i inovativnih rješenja iz Irske, Latvije, Hrvatske i Njemačke, uvjeriti u stvarnu važnost ovakvog gospodarstva. Tijekom samih izlaganja, ali i networking pauza, sudionici su imali priliku razmijeniti iskustva i postavljati pitanja što će, ne sumnjamo, dovesti do inovativnih ideja iz područja zelene industrije i u Bosni i Hercegovini. Događaj je organiziran u suradnji s Fondom za zaštitu okoliša HNŽ/K, a financiran je od strane Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Norveške i Ministarstva trgovine, turizma i zaštite okoliša HNŽ/K. Green industry innovation presented in INTERA Technology Park Increased number of companies in green industry, that is, development of clean technologies and their application in practice, is a prerequisite for long-term sustainable economy. Economic growth achieved without damage to the environment was the main topic of the TechnoBiz Meetup Green Industry Innovation, which was held in INTERA Technology Park on Friday, 16th September Participants had the opportunity to listen to the presentations by experts from the region and from abroad. They presented the concepts of green industry and circular economy, and then, through several examples of business projects and innovative solutions from Ireland, Latvia, Croatia, and Germany, showed the true importance of this type of economy. During the presentation and the networking breaks, the participants had the opportunity to exchange experience and ask questions. This will, without a doubt, result in innovative ideas in the field of green industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This event was organised in cooperation with the Fund for Environment Protection of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, and was financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, and the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Environment Protection of the Herzegovina- Neretva Canton. 40 INTERA 2016

41 Šesnaest timova započelo svoju poslovnu avanturu Pokretanje vlastitog poduzeća predstavlja ogroman izazov u kojem se, htjeli mi to priznati ili ne, često susrećemo s istinitošću Murphyjevog zakona. Ideja postoji, spremnost za realizaciju također, ali se zbog nedovoljnog znanja i manjka iskustva nametnu brojne prepreke. Upravo kao rješenje navedenog problema INTERA TP je razvila program Startup Akademija koji će polaznicima potpuno besplatno pružiti podršku u razvoju i budućoj realizaciji poslovnih ideja kao i osnovna znanja potrebna za uspješno vođenje poduzeća i opstanka na tržištu. Radi se o edukativno-mentorskom programu koji pojedincima i timovima s poslovnim idejama pruža podršku u početnoj fazi njenog razvoja. Program Startup Akademije financira se uz podršku Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Norveške (NMFA). Sixteen teams embark on their business adventure Starting a business is a huge challenge during which we, like it or not, often assure ourselves of the truthfulness of the Murphy s law. Even though people have ideas and are ready to implement them, due to lack of knowledge and experience, they come across numerous obstacles. As a solution to the above problem, INTERA TP developed a programme called Startup Academy, which will offer free support in developing and implementing business ideas, as well as basic knowledge needed to successfully manage a company and survive on the market. It is an educational and mentoring programme that gives individuals and teams with business ideas support in the initial stages of their development. The Startup Academy Programme has been financed with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway (NMFA) GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 41

42 Globalni poslovni trendovi predstavljeni u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku TechnoBiz Meetup Global Business Trends, održan godine uz financijsku podršku Ministarstva vanjkih posova Kraljevine Norveške u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku, omogućio je da se šira javnost upozna s posljednjim trendovima u razvoju poslovnog svijeta. Naglasak je ovaj put bio stavljen na outsourcing i freelancing procese koji su zahvatili globalno poslovanje poduzeća, ali i pojedinaca kroz posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća. Velik broj sudionika TechnoBiz Meetup-a dokazao je kako bosansko-hercegovačka javnost prepoznaje praćenje globalnih poslovnih trendova kao važan korak ka jačanju domaćeg gospodarstva. Zanimljiva predavanja renomiranih stručnjaka iz BiH i regije pomogli su sudionicima dobiti važan uvid u outsourcing i freelancing kao neke od ključnih procesa u razvoju suvremenog globalnog poslovanja. Posjetitelji su imali priliku čuti kako globalni trendovi poslovanja funkcioniraju u dalekoj Kini, kako uspjeti u BiH baveći se outsourcingom, iz prve ruke saznati kako funkcionira outsourcing prodaje, ali i upoznati se s različitim mogućnostima freelancinga te koja je pozicija freelancera na tržištu rada. Aktualna tematika potaknula je sudionike da se aktivno uključe u panel diskusiju tijekom koje su mogli čuti nekoliko uspješnih priča čiji su temelji nastali upravo u Bosni i Hercegovini što ih je, uvjereni smo, potaknulo na razmišljanje o aktivnom uključivanju u poslovni svijet. Global business trends presented in INTERA Technology Park TechnoBiz Meetup Global Business Trends, held on 5th October 2016 with the financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway in INTERA Technology Park gave the public an opportunity to learn about the latest trends in the business world development. This time, emphasis was placed on utsourcing and freelancing, popular in the global businesses and monag individuals in the last few decades. Large number of participants in the TechnoBiz Meetup proved that the public in Bosnia and Herzegovina recognises the following of global business trends as an important step towards strengthening domestic economy. Interesting lectures given by renowned experts from BiH and the region helped participants get an important insight into oustsourcing and freelancing as some of the key processes in the development of modern global business. They also had an opportunity to hear how global business trends function in China, how to succeed in outsourcing in BiH, they heard first hand how outsourcing sale functions, what are the various freelancing options, and what the position of a freelancer on the labour market is. This current topic stimulated the participants to atively take part in the panel discussion, during which they heard several successful stories initialy started in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We are certain that it inspired them to think about active involvement in the business world. 42 INTERA 2016

43 Delegacija USAID-a posjetila INTERA Tehnološki Park U četvrtak, godine INTERA Tehnološki Park je posjetila visoka delegacija USAID-a na čelu s gospođom Margot Ellis, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator USAID-a u Washingtonu te direktorom Misije USAID-a u Bosni i Hercegovini gospodinom Peterom Duffy-jem i njihovim suradnicima. INTERA Tehnološki Park već nekoliko godina uspješno implementira programe financirane od strane USAID-a uz podršku EDC-a. Prilikom posjete članovi delegacije imali su priliku obići sajamski prostor INTERA Tehnološkog Parka, HTEC centar u kojem se održavaju obuke za CNC operatera i programera, a potom i poslovne prostorije namijenjene stanarima poslovnog inkubatora. Na radnom sastanku kojem su prisustvovali, uz rukovodstvo INTERA Tehnološkog Parka i delegaciju USAID-ai EDC-a, i predstavnici akademske zajednice te Mostar Software City-a, predstavljene su dosadašnje uspješne priče ispričane u okviru programa Moja praksa i Work Ready Now tijekom kojih su mladi nezaposleni ljudi imali priliku stjecati svoje prvo poslovno iskustvo i unaprijediti svoje poslovne i komunikacijske vještine. USAID delegation visits INTERA Technology Park On Thursday, 6 October 2016, INTERA Technology Park was visited by the high delegation from USAID, led by Ms Margot Ellis, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator of USAID in Washington, and Mr. Peter Duffy, Head of USAID Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with their associates. For several years now, INTERA Technology Park GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK has been successfully implementing programmes financed by USAID and with the support of EDC. During the visit, delegation members visited the INTERA Technology Park business showroom, and the HTEC centre, where trainings for CNC operators and CNC programmers are organised. They also visited offices intended for the business incubator tenants. During the working meeting attended by the INTERA Technology Park management, USAID and EDC delegations, and repesentatives of the academic community and the Mostar Software City, successful stories from the Moja praksa and Work Ready Now programmes were presented. During these programmes, young unemployed people had the opportunity to gain their first experience and improve their business and communication skills

44 KreARTivcima otkrivene tajne brandiranja i lansiranja proizvoda na tržište U ponedjeljak, godine održana je besplatna edukativna radionica u sklopu trećeg Festivala dizajna i umjetnosti koji ove godine zajednički organiziraju INTERA Tehnološki Park i MODAMO.kreARTiva uz financijsku podršku Ambasade Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. 15 prijavljenih je dobilo priliku u Mostaru poslušati vrhunske mentore iz područja lansiranja, brandiranja i promocije proizvoda. Na samom početku, sudionicima se obratila Ana Ćavar, voditeljica projekta, koja ih je ukratko upoznala s Festivalom, ali i web shopom u izradi na kojem će pet najboljih kreartivaca s Festivala dobiti priliku predstaviti svoje proizvode i prodavati ih na inozemnom tržištu. Meliha Gekić-Lerić sudionicima je predstavila rad INTERA Tehnološkog Parka čije usluge mogu koristiti svi zainteresirani za pokretanje vlastitog poduzeća. Tijekom višesatne interaktivne radionice, mentori Arijana Miličević, Armin Alijagić i Erna Saljević s kre- ARTivcima su prošli kroz tajne lansiranja proizvoda na tržište i pronalaska kupaca, kreiranje prepoznatljivog branda te predstavljanje istog na društvenim mrežama bez financijskog ulaganja. Pozitivni komentari sudionika dovoljan su dokaz kvalitete predavanja, ali i iskaz potrebe za više ovakvih edukacija. Creative people learn the secrets of branding and launching products on the market On Monday, 10 October 2016, free educational workshop was organised during the third Festival of Design and Arts, organised this year jointly by INTERA Technology Park and MODAMO. kreartiva, and financially supported by the Embassy of the United States of America. 15 applicants had the opportunity in Mostar to listen to the top-class mentors speak about product launching, branding, and promotion. At the very beginning, the participants were addressed by Ana Ćavar, project leader, who briefly told them about the Festival, and the web shop under construction, in which 5 best creative persons selected during the Festival will be able to present their products and sell them on the foreign market. Business Incubator Manager Meliha Gekić-Lerić presented the activities of the INTERA Technology Park, whose services can be utilised by all those interested in starting their own company. During the interactive workshop that lasted for several hours, mentors Arijana Miličević, Armin Alijagić and Erna Saljević shared with the creative people the secrets of product launching and finding customers, creating a recognisable brand and presenting it on social networks without financial investment. Positive comments by the participants were sufficient evidence of lecture quality, but also of the need to have more such trainings. 44 INTERA 2016

45 FANUC Open House - otvoreni dani robotike u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku Izvrsna prilika za upoznavanje tehnologija automatizacije i robotizacije procesa proizvodnje, pružila se u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku od 17. do kada je održan prvi FANUC Open House u Bosni i Hercegovini. Posjetitelji su mogli uživo vidjeti pet različitih robotskih ćelija kojima je demonstriran rad robota u različitim primjenama zavarivanje, pakiranje, sortiranje i strojna obrada. Roboti su također demonstrirali i napredne algoritme vizualnog prepoznavanja artikala i njihovog sortiranja, a poseban kuriozitet je bio delta-robot za pakiranje prehrambenih artikala (poput kolačića) koji je trenutno najbrži robot na svijetu. Događaj su posjetila brojna poduzeća iz regije, ali i preko 700 studenata i učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola iz Hercegovine, te Sarajeva i Zenice. Inače, japanski FANUC je jedan od najvećih svjetskih proizvođača industrijskih robota, automatike i obradnih centara kojeg u ovoj regiji zastupa FANUC Adria d.o.o. Celje (Slovenija). U okviru ovih otvorenih dana, posjetitelji su se mogli upoznati i s radom Centra za tehničku kulturu Mostar koji djeci i mladima nudi kreativne radionice robotike, elektronike, informatike i modelarstva. FANUC Open House days of robotics open in INTERA Technology Park First FANUC Open House in Bosnia and Herzegovina, held between 17th and 19th October 2016 in INTERA Technology Park was an excellent opportunity to learn about the automatization and GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK robotisation technologies in production. Visitors had the opportunity to see live five robotic cells that demonstrated how the work of robots is used for various purposes - for welding, packing, sorting, and machine processing. Robots also demonstrated advanced algorithms for visual recognition of products and their sorting. Particulary interesting was the delta-robot for packing of food (such as cookies), currently the fastest robot in the world. The event was visited by numeours companies from the region, as well as more than 700 students and elementary and secondary school students from Herzegovina, Sarajevo, and Zenica. Japanese-based FANUC is one of the biggest global producers of industrial robots, automation and processing centres, represented in this region by FANUC Adria d.o.o. Celje (Slovenia). Durin gth eopen days, visitors also had the opportunity to learn about the work of the Centre for Technical Culture in Mostar, which offers creative workshops in robotics, electronics, IT, and model making to children and young people /

46 Uspješno održan TechnoBiz Meetup Next Level: (re)industrijalizacija kroz automatizaciju U prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka u srijedu, godine održao se TechnoBiz Meetup Next Level: (Re)industrijalizacija kroz automatizaciju koji se odvijao paralelno s otvorenim danima robotike FANUC Open House na kojim su posjetitelji imali priliku uživo vidjeti robotičku opremu jednog od najvećih svjetskih proizvođača industrijskih robota, automatike i obradnih centara. Meetup je okupio vrhunske stručnjake iz područja robotike i automatizacije koji su stekli iskustvo u primjeni novih tehnologija u praksi, u zemljama koje su svjetski lideri u proizvodnji. Sudionicima su predstavljeni pojmovi Industrija 4.0, robotika kao prilika za gospodarski razvoj, automatizacija u industriji elektronike, metode robotiziranog zavarivanja aluminija. Događaj je zatvoren panel diskusijom kroz koju su stručnjaci s instituta Ruđer Bošković iz Zagreba, Fakulteta strojarstva, elektrotehnike i brodogradnje iz Splita, Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje iz Zagreba i poduzeća Klimaoprema d.d. Samobor, razgovarali na temu Budućnost kroz (re)industrijalizaciju. TechnoBiz Meetup Next Level: re(industrialisation) through automation held TechnoBiz Meetup Next Level: re(industrialisation) through automation was organised in INTERA Technology Park on 19th October 2016, in parallel to the open days of robotics, FANUC Open House, during which the visitors could see live the robotic equipment of one of the largest global producers of ndutrial robots, automation, and processing centres. This Meetup gathered top-class experts in robotics and automation who gained experience in application of new technologies in practice, in the countries that represent global leaders in production. Participants learnt about concepts such as Industry 4.0, robotics as an opportunity for economic development, automation in electronics industry, methods for robotized welding of aluminium. The event was closed with a panel discussion during which experts from the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Shipbuilding from Split, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding from Zagreb, and Klimaoprema d.d. Company from Samobor, discussed future through re(industrialisation). 46 INTERA 2016

47 / Mostar zakoračio u svijet nove industrijske revolucije Uzbudljiv vikend ispunjen marljivim radom i učenjem održan je u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku tijekom CityOS hackathona. Hackathonu je u petak prethodila CityOS konferencija, koju je svečano otvorila glavna savjetnica gradonačelnika grada Mostara, gospođa Radmila Komadina, a tijekom koje je Ceco Gaković, osnivač CityOS Foundation, gotovo 100 sudionika upoznao s pojmom pametnog grada, najnovijim tehnološkim trendovima i mogućnostima koje su otvorene današnjem svijetu. Nakon konferencije, upriličeno je svečano potpisivanje sporazuma s hercegovačkim poduzećima HEPOK, Hercegovinalijek, HP Investing i vinarijom Anđelić čiji su predstavnici na prethodnim sastancima s organizatorima iznijeli svoje potrebe i probleme koje su se sudionici ovog programa obvezali riješiti. Četrdeset mladih entuzijasta u subotu je formiralo šest timova koji su radili na razvoju softverskih i hardverskih rješenja za probleme definirane od poduzeća koja sudjeluju u programu. Kroz 32 sata bez spavanja s kratkim pauzama za obroke, svi timovi su izradili gotovo potpuno funkcionalne prototipe svojih rješenja koja su prezentirali pred ostalim sudionicima, organizatorima i predstavnicima poduzeća. Svi timovi su nagrađeni ulaskom u tromjesečni CityOS program tijekom kojeg će intenzivno raditi na unapređenju rješenja uz pomoć lokalnih i inozemnih trenera, besplatno koristeći prostorije INTERA Tehnološkog Parka i svu opremu potrebnu za realizaciju projekata. City OS konferenciju, radionice i hackathon INTERA Tehnološki Park organizirao je u suradnji sa CityOS Foundation, a uz financijsku podršku Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Norveške, USAID-a (projekt Partnership for Innovation) i Grada Mostara. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK Mostar steps into the world of new industrial revolution Exciting weekend filled with hard work and learning was organised in INTERA Technology Park during the CityOS hackathon. Hackathon was on Friday preceded by the CityOS conference, opened by the main advisor to the Mayor of the City of Mostar, Mrs. Radmila Komadina. During the conference, Ceco Gaković, founder of the CityOS Foundation, spoke before an almost 100-strong audience about the concept of a smart city, the latest technology trends, and opportunities today. After the conference, and agreement was signed with the Herzegovina-based companies HEPOK, Hercegovinalijek, HP Investing, and Anđelić winery, whose representatives presented their needs and problems in previous meetings with the organisers, and the participants in the programme undertook to solve them. Forty young enthusiasts on Saturday formed six teams that worked on developing software and hardware solutions for problems defined by companies that participated in the programme During 32 hours, with no sleep and short breaks to eat, all the teams made almost fully functional prototypes for their solutions that they presented to other participants, organisers, and company representatives. All the teams were rewarded by participation in a threemonth CityOS programme during which they will work intensely on improving solutions with the assistance of local and international coaches, having free use of INTERA Technology Park offices and all the equipment needed to implement their projects. INTERA Technology Park organised the CityOS conference, workshops and the hackathon in cooperation with the CityOS Foundation, and with the financial support of the Minsitr of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, USAID (Partnership for Innovation Project), and the City of Mostar. 47

48 Uspješno održan prvi seminar o kontrolingu u Mostaru U utorak, godine uspješno je održan seminar Kontroling prodaje i ključnih kupaca, prvi u suradnji s Kontroling Kognosko, renomiranom konzultantskom kućom iz Zagreba koja se bavi uvođenjem kontrolinga prema metodologiji razvijenoj u najboljim svjetskim školama kontrolinga. Sudionici su imali priliku učiti o alatima kontrolinga, pozitivnim utjecajima kontrolinga na rezultate poslovanja, optimalnom modelu za upravljanje vrijednostima u prodaji te o načinima postizanja što boljih rezultata uz minimalne troškove. Cilj seminara je bio na praktičnim primjerima pokazati što je prodajnom osoblju važno razumjeti i prihvatiti iz područja kontrolinga kao neophodno znanje bez kojeg poduzeće gubi stvorenu vrijednost te sudionicima približiti širok spektar mogućnosti kontrolinga u prodaji. Praktičnim primjerima i svojim dugogodišnjim iskustvom predavačica mr.sc. Jasmina Očko približila je sudionicima kontroling koji se posljednjih godina nameće kao jedan od ključnih funkcija suvremenog managementa. First seminar on controlling held in Mostar On Tuesday, 25th October 2016, seminar titled Sales and Key Account Controlling was successfully held. This is the first such seminar organised in cooperation with Kontroling Kognosko, a renowned consultancy company from Zagreb that works on introducing controlling according to the methodology developed in the best world schools of controlling. Participants were given the opportunity to learn about controlling tools, positive impact of controlling on business results, optimum model for managing values ain sale, and the ways to achieve the best possible results with minimum cost. The goal of the seminar was to show on practical examples what the sales staff need to understand and accept in controlling as the necessary knowledge without which a company will lose the value created and to bring the broad spectrum of possibilities offered by controlling in sales closer to the participants. The lecturer, Jasmina Očko, MA, used practical examples and her broad experience to explain controlling as one of the key functions of modern management in recent years. 48 INTERA 2016

49 Učenici iz Mostara, Sarajeva i Moskve posjetili INTERA Tehnološki Park INTERA Tehnološki Park je u petak, godine imao čast ugostiti učenike tehničke škole Logos iz Moskve, Srednje škole Fausta Vrančića iz Mostara te Srednje mašinske škole iz Sarajeva. Moskovski učenici i njihovi pratitelji su u sklopu znanstvene konferencije DAAAM i programa CREATON boravili u nekoliko gradova susjednih država, a u Mostaru su im se pridružili učenici mostarske strojarske škole te su se imali priliku upoznati s radom Parka, a potom sudjelovati u radionici elektronike sa SparkFun kompletima pod vodstvom asistenata s Fakulteta strojarstva i računarstva. Nakon posjete učenika iz Mostara i Moskve, INTERA Tehnološkim Parkom su prošetali i učenici Srednje mašinske škole iz Sarajeva koji, u sklopu redovne nastave, organiziraju posjete poduzećima i organizacijama relevantnim za njihovo obrazovanje. Ove posjete su samo još jedan dokaz da je INTERA Tehnološki Park regionalno prepoznat kao mjesto susreta s najnovijim tehnologijama, mjesto otvaranja novih mogućnosti i stvaranja boljeg poslovnog okruženja za mlade ljude u Bosni i Hercegovini. Students from Mostar, Sarajevo and Moscow visit INTERA Technology Park On Friday, 28th October 2016, INTERA Technology Park had the honour to be a host to the students of the Logos School of Technology from Moscow, Faust Vrančić Secondary School from Mostar, and Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering from Sarajevo. As part of the DAAAM Scientific Conference and the CREATON Programme, students from GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK Moscow and their escort visited several cities in the neighbouring countries, while in Mostar they were joined by the students of the Mostar-based Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering, and learnt about the activities of the Park. After that they participated in an electronics workshop with SparkFun kits, led by teaching assistants from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science. After the visit by students from Mostar and Moscow, INTERA Technology Park was also visited by the students of the Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering from Sarajevo which, as part of its instruction, organises visits to companies and organisations relevant for their education. These visits are yet another proof that INTERA Technology Park has been recognised in the region as a place where one learns about the latest technologies, a place where new opportunities open and where better business environment is created for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina

50 stručnu 4/ INTERA Tehnološki Park drugu godinu zaredom ugostio Međunarodnu znanstveno konferenciju SFERA U četvrtak, i petak, godine u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka odvijala se II. Međunarodna znanstveno stručna konferencija SFERA u organizaciji novinsko marketinške agencije Sfera d.o.o. i Građevinskog fakulteta Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić Mostar. Ovogodišnja konferencija bavila se temama vezanim za oblikovanje i toplinsku izolaciju fasadnih zidova s osvrtom na tradicionalni i suvremeni pristup. Oba dana, paralelno s konferencijom, održavao se sajam na kojem su svoje proizvode i rješenja iz ove oblasti izlagala poduzeća poput Baumita, koji je bio ujedno i generalni sponzor cijele konferencije, ali i ostalih sponzora poput EPS Laštro, Knauf, IGM, Rockwool, Terrasit i drugih. INTERA Tehnološki Park je iznimno ponosan što je imao priliku ugostiti ovaj značajan međunarodni skup čime smo još jednom dokazali kako našim prostornim kapacitetima možemo odgovoriti na najveće izazove i potrebe naših klijenata. For second year in a row, INTERA Technology Park hosts SFERA Internatonal Scientific and Professional Conference On 4th and 5th November 2016, INTERA Technology Park hosted the 2nd International Scientific and Professional Conference, SFERA, organised by Sfera do.o. publishing and marketing agency and the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Džemal Bijedić University of Mostar. This year s conference covered the topics related to shaping and thermal isolation of facades, with a focus on traditional and modern approach. On both days, parallel to the conference, a fair was organised during which companies such as Baumit, which was the general sponsor of the conference, and other sponsors, EPS Laštro, Knauf, IGM, Rockwool, Terrasit, and others, presented their products and solutions in the field. INTERA Technology Park is extremely proud that it had the opportunity to host such an important international event, and once again proved that its office space can respond to the biggest challenges and needs of its clients. 50 INTERA 2016

51 Predstavnici hercegovačkih poduzeća usavršili svoje prodajne vještine U srijedu, godine u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku u suradnji s renomiranom konzultanskom kućom Adizes South East Europe ASEE održan je seminar Napredne prodajne tehnike - SPIN. Sudionici, manageri i voditelji odjela prodaje iz hercegovačkih poduzeća imali su priliku unaprijediti svoje prodajne vještine učeći od predavača Hrvoja Bogdana, partnera i direktora ASEE Hrvatska. Sudionici su se tijekom seminara upoznali s pojmom SPIN tehnike koja predstavlja jedan od suvremenih prodajnih alata koji može pomoći pri svladavanju najtežih prodajnih situacija. Tijekom međusobne rasprave i razmjene iskustava, sudionici su se dotaknuli tema poput razvijanja potreba kod kupaca, postavljanja SPIN pitanja, aktivnog slušanja, situacijskih, problemskih i posljedičnih pitanja te rješavanja prigovora. Representatives of Herzegovinian companies improve their sales skills On Wednesday, 9th November 2016, in cooperation with the renowned consultancy company Adizes South East Europe ASEE, seminar entitled Advanced sales techniques - SPIN, was organised in INTERA Technology Park. Participants, managers and heads of sales departments in Herzegovina-based companies, improved their sales skills learning from the lecturer Hrvoje Bogdan, parner and director of ASEE Croatia. During the seminar, the participants acquainted themselves with the concept of SPIN technique, one of the most modern sales tools that can help in controlling the most difficult ales situatioins. During the discussioin and exchange of experience, the participants touched upon topics such a developing customer needs, asking SPIN questions, active listening, situational, problem and consequential questions and solving complaints. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 51

52 Održan seminar Postavljanje ciljeva U utorak, godine u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku u suradnji s renomiranom konzultanskom kućom Adizes South East Europe ASEE održan je seminar Postavljanje ciljeva. Voditelji i rukovoditelji odjela te manageri poduzeća na seminaru su učili postavljati strateške i opće ciljeve s konkretnim komponentama, poticati i kontrolirati njihovo ostvarivanje, definirati kvalitativne i kvantitativne mjere uspjeha te dekomponirati strateške ciljeve na konkretizirane ciljeve za djelatnike i timove. Predavač, ujedno i ASEE Senior Consultant, Željko Jandrić sudionike je upoznao s vrstama ciljeva, njihovim generiranjem, definiranjem i sinkroniziranjem te s načinima postavljanja njihove strukture i praćenjem njihovih ostvarivanja. Kombinacija energije predavača i interakcije među sudionicima rezultirala je pozitivnim komentarima i ostvarivanjem ciljeva seminara. Seminar titled Setting goals hels On Tuesday, 15th November 2016, in cooperation with the renowned consultancy company Adizes South East Europe ASEE, seminar entitled Setting goals, was organised in INTERA Technology Park. Heads and managers of departments and company managers learnt how to set strategic and general goals with specific components, incite and control their realisation, define qualitative and quantitative measures for success, and decompose strategic goals to specified goals for the staff and teams. The lecturer, ASEE Senior Consultant, Željko Jandrić, told the participants about the types of goals, their generation, definition, and synchronisation, and the ways to set their structure and monitor their implementation. Combination of the lecturer s energy and interaction among the participants resulted in positive comments and achievemtn of the seminar goals. 52 INTERA 2016

53 Održan Mobile App development crash course U ponedjeljak, godine u našim je prostorijama održan intenzivan jednodnevni trening Mobile App development crash course. Treningu je prisustvovalo 20 mladih ljudi koji su učili dizajnirati i programirati mobilne aplikacije. Trener Scott L. Steward nakon treninga izrazio je zadovoljstvo polaznicima i divljenje postignutim rezultatima s obzirom da su neki od polaznika u samo jednom danu napravili funkcionalnu mobilnu aplikaciju. Trening je organiziran uz financijsku podršku USAID-a u sklopu projekta Partnership for Innovation. Mobile App development crash course held On Monday, 21st November 2016, we hosted a one-day intense training titled Mobile App development crash course. The training was attended by 20 young people who learnt how to design and programme mobile applications. After the training, the lecturer Scott L. Steward expressed his satisfaction with the participants and his admiration for the results achieved, since some of the participants created a functioning mobile application in a day. Thi training was organised with the financial assistance of USAID as part of the Partnership for Innovation Project GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 53

54 Svečano obilježen završetak USAIDovog projekta Partnerstvo za inovacije U utorak, u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku u Mostaru svečano je obilježen završetak projekta Partnerstvo za inovacije koji je realiziran sredstvima Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID). Ovaj petogodišnji projekt ukupne vrijednosti od 4.2 milijuna dolara je bio fokusiran na pružanje podrške mladima kao i poduzećima iz sektora informatičko komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT) u 5 regionalnih centara u Bosni i Hercegovini (Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Mostar i Prijedor). Više od nezaposlenih mladih ljudi je sudjelovalo na obukama i dvomjesečnim programima prakse u poduzećima dok je u specijaliziranim obukama u naprednim i globalno relevantnim tehnologijama za poduzeća sudjelovalo više od inženjera i programera iz 330 poduzeća iz svih krajeva Bosne i Hercegovine. Osim obuka, Partnerstvo za inovacije je organiziralo i seriju poslovnih konferencija s ciljem širenja domaćeg tržišta za bosanskohercegovačka IKT poduzeća kao i za afirmaciju i povezivanje domaćih i regionalnih poduzeća i klastera u cilju zajedničkih nastupa na međunarodnim tržištima uključujući i procese certificiranja na EU tržištima. Closing ceremony of the USAID project Partnership for Innovation held On Tuesday, 22nd November 2016, INTERA Technology Park was a host to the closing ceremony of the Partnership for Innovatioin Project, implements throught he funds of the United States Agency for International Developmet (USAID). This five-year project worth 4.2 million dollars focused on supporting young people and companies in ICT sector in 5 regional centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Mostar, andi Prijedor). Over 2,300 unemployed young people participated in trainings and two-month practice programmes in companies, while more than 1000 engineers and programmers from 330 companies across Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in specialised trainings in advanced and globaly relevant technologies. In addition to trainings, Partnership for Innovation organised a series of business conferences aimed at expanding the domestic market for BiH ICT companies, as well as for recognition and connecting of domestic and regional companies and clusters in order to jointly appear on international markets, including the certificatioin process on EU markets. 54 INTERA 2016

55 INTERA TP ugostila konferenciju Liderstvo u biznisu Druga u nizu od šest konferencija Liderstvo u biznisu u organizaciji Ureda specijalnog predstavnika EU održana je u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku. Konferencija je okupila više od 130 sudionika poslovne zajednice, nevladinog sektora, lokalnih vlasti i akademske zajednice. Raspravljano je o izazovima i prilikama lokalnog poslovnog okruženja, o socio-ekonomskim reformama s fokusom na uspješne priče u poslovnom sektoru BiH, kao i o pitanjima važnim za približavanje BiH Europskoj uniji te o poduzećima koja uspješno posluju ili izvoze na tržište EU i izazovima s kojima se susreću INTERA TP hosts Leadership in business conference Second in a row of six conferences entitled Leadership in business, organised by the Office of the EU Special Representative, was held in INTERA Technology Park. The conference gathered over 130 participants from business community, non-governmental sector, local authorities and academia. Discussion revolved around challenges and opportunities in local business environment, socio-economic reform, with a focus on success stories in BiH business sector, as well as on issues relevant for BiH in getting closer to the European Union, and on companies successfully conducting business or exporting to the EU market and the challenges they face. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 55

56 U INTERA TP-u sklopljen Sporazum o partnerstvu radi razvitka gospodarstva u Hercegovini U četvrtak, u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog parka u Mostaru, sklopljen je Sporazum o suradnji s ciljem uspostave Mreže za konkurentnost Hercegovine između partnera: REDAH, SPARK, INTERA, Drvni klaster Hercegovine i Turistički klaster Hercegovine. Sporazum je sklopljen u okviru REDAH-ovog projekta HIVES (High Level Innovation for a Value Driven Exploitation of a Joint S3 in the Adriatic Area) koji je odobren za financiranje u sklopu programa Jadranske prekogranične suradnje , ciljanog natječaja Europske strategije za Jadransko-jonsku regiju (EUSAIR). Cilj ovog Sporazuma je doprinijeti jačanju konkurentnosti i razvitaka gospodarstva na području cijele regije Hercegovine te jačanje Hercegovine kao gospodarske regije. Agreement on partnership for development of economy in Herzegovina signed in INTERA TP On Thursday, 24th November 2016, Agreement on cooperation, aimed at setting up the Network for Competitiveness of Herzegovina was signed in INTERA Technology Park by partners REDAH, SPARK, INTERA, Wood Cluster of Herzegovina, and the Tourism Cluster of Herzegovina. The Agreement was signed within the REDAH project called HIVES (High-Level Innovation for a Value-Driven Exploitation of a Joint S3 in the Adriatic Area), approved for financing as part of the Adriatic Crossborder Cooperation Programme, a competition by the EU Strategy for Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR). The goal of the Agreement is to contribute to strengthening the competitiveness and development of economy throughout Herzegovina, and strengthening Herzegovina as an economic region. 56 INTERA 2016

57 KreARTivci u Sarajevu i Banja Luci postavili poslovne temelje svojih brandova Korak po korak došli smo do treće ujedno i posljednje Modamo.kreARTiva edukativne radionice koja se, nakon Mostara u listopadu i Sarajeva , održala u ponedjeljak, godine u Banja Luci za lokalne kreartivce. Kao i na prethodnim radionicama, teme, koje su obrađene, vezale su se uz lansiranje proizvoda na tržište i dolazak do većeg broja kupaca, kreiranje prepoznatljivog odnosno osnaživanje već postojećeg branda te uspješno predstavljanje na društvenim mrežama bez financijskog ulaganja. Mentori Arijana Milićević, Armin Alijagić i Erna Saljević su osobe koje su svojim dugogodišnjim iskustvom na regionalnom tržištu bili idealan izbor za prijenos znanja te upoznavanje sudionika sa svim onim što ih očekuje izlaskom na tržište. Oni su bez zadrške prenijeli znanje i iskustvo predstavnicima 17 domaćih brandova koje im je prijeko potrebno kako bi opstali na tržištu ili nadogradili već postojeće temelje svog proizvoda. INTERA Tehnološki Park i MODAMO.kre- ARTiva uz financijsku podršku Ambasade Sjedinjenih Američkih Država su prepoznali njihov potencijal te uspješno organizirali radionice koje ujedno predstavljaju i uvod u treći po redu Festival dizajna i umjetnosti MODAMO. kreartiva koji će se održati godine u Sarajevu. Creative people in Sarajevo and Banja Luka set business foundation for their brands Step by step we have come to the third and the last Modamo.kreARTiva workshop that was, after being held in Mostar in October and in Sarajevo on 21 November, held in Banja Luka on 28 GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK November 2016 for the local creative enthusiasts. As in the previous workshops, the topics covered were related to launching a product on the market and reaching a larger number of customers, creating a distinguishable, or strengthening an existing brand, and successful presentation on social networks without having to invest in it. In view of their long experience on the regional market, mentors Arijana Milićević, Armin Alijagić and Erna Saljević were the ideal choice to share their knowledge and tell the participants what they can expect once they come onto the market. Without any hesitation, they shared their knowledge and experience with representatives of 17 domestic brands who absolutely need it in order to survive on the market or build on their existing brands. INTERA Technology Park and MODAMO. kreartiva, with the financial aid provided by the Embassy of the united States of America, recognised their potential and successfully organised workshops that also represent an introduction into the third Festival of Design and Art, MODA- MO.kreARTiva, which will be held on 20 May 2017 in Sarajevo /

58 Osigurana sredstva za stipendiranje učenika strukovnih škola za CNC operatere U srijedu u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku održana je svečana dodjela potpore za obuku novih generacija mladih bosanskohercegovačkih CNC operatera za tržište rada. Potporu je osigurao najveći američki proizvođač CNC strojeva HAAS Automation putem svoje zaklade Gene Haas Foundation i dodijelio je INTERA Tehnološkom Parku u svrhu praktične obuke mladih za rukovanje CNC strojevima za obradu metala. INTERA Tehnološki Park već četiri godine djeluje kao član HTEC mreže (Haas Technical Education Center) tj. kao jedan od preko 500 ovakvih centara za obuku u svijetu, i dodjeljena sredstva će najvećim dijelom iskoristiti za praktičnu izobrazbu učenika završnih godina metalskih strukovnih škola u Hercegovini. Funds ensured for scholarships for students from vocational schools to be trained as CNC operators During a ceremony held on Wednesday, 7 December 2016 in INTERA Technology Park, incentives were awarded for training of new generations of young BiH CNC operators for the labour market. The incentives were ensured by the biggest US manufacturer of CNC machines, HAAS Automation, through its Gene Haas Foundation, and awarded to INTERA Technology Park in order to practically train young people to operate CNC machines for metal processing. For the past four years, INTERA Technology Park has been an active member of the HTEC network (Haas Technical Education Centre), that is, it has been one of over 500 such training centres across the world. The allocated funds will be largely used for practical education of seniors from metal processing vocational schools in Herzegovina. 58 INTERA 2016

59 Studenti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Mostaru posjetili INTERA TP U četvrtak, godine studenti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u pratnji svojih kolega iz Mostara posjetili su INTERA Tehnološki Park. Studentima je dobrodošlicu poželio tehnički direktor Mladen Kostić te ih je proveo kroz gospodarski izlog i HTEC centar gdje su se imali priliku upoznati s najnovijim trendovima u 3D printanju i upravljanju CNC strojevima. Potom su studenti prisustvovali kratkoj prezentaciji na kojoj im je detaljnije predstavljeno djelovanje INTERA Tehnološkog Parka. Students from the University of Zagreb and University of Mostar visit INTERA TP On Thursday, 8 December 2016, students from the University of Zagreb, accompanied by their peers from Mostar, visited INTERA Technology Park. They were welcomed by the technical director Mladen Kostić, who took them through the business showroom and the HTEC centre, where they had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the most recent trends in 3D printing and operating of CNC machines. Students then attended a short presentation that provided more details about the activities of INTERA Technology Park GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 59

60 Održana 8/ radionica Razvoj poslovnog modela Osoblje INTERA Tehnološkog Parka i predstavnici Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru i Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić prisustvovali su dvodnevnoj radionici koju je održao gospodin Boris Golob, direktor znanstveno-tehnologijskog parka Sveučilišta u Rijeci STEP RI. Sudionici su imali priliku razvijati vlastiti Business Model Canvas te dobiti korisne savjete predavača kojima su mogli značajno unaprijediti svoje ideje. Radionica je održana uz financijsku podršku USAID-a u okviru projekta Partnership for Innovation. Development of business model workshop held Staff of the INTERA Technology Park and representatives of the Faculties of Economics of the University of Mostar and of the Džemal Bijedić University attended a two-day workshop held by Mr. Boris Golob, director of the Scientific-Technology Park of the Rijeka University, STEP RI. The participants had the opportunity to develop their own Business Model Canvas, and get useful advice from the lecturers, which they could use to significantly improve their ideas. The workshop was organised with the financial support by USAID within the Partnership for Innovation Project. 60 INTERA 2016

61 Dodjela diploma polaznicima posljednjeg ciklusa programa Moja praksa U petak, godine u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku održana je dodjela diploma polaznicima sedmog ciklusa programa Moja praksa. Ovaj ciklus je ujedno i posljednji ciklus u okviru projekta Partnership for Innovation, financiranog od USAID-a, a implemeniranog od EDC-a. Za sedmi ciklus se prijavilo više od 200 mladih ljudi od čega je njih 100 ušlo u program, a 81 uspješno završilo čime su osigurali dobivanje diplome. Polaznici su bili podijeljeni u 16 timova koji su radili na 18 projekata za 15 različitih poduzeća - Alfatherm, Vivantio, QSD BiH, Zalmo, Dream Studio, UNIS TŠP, Molsoon Coors, GUMA M, Talbot, Aluminij, Link, Reunion, Adonis, Finaco R i INTERA TP Diplomas awarded to participants in last cycle of Moja praksa programme On Friday, 16 December 2016, diplomas were awarded to the participants of the seventh cycle of the Moja praksa programme during a ceremony held in INTERA Technology Park. This cycle is the last cycle within the Partnership for Innovation Project that was financed by the USA and implemented by EDC: Over 200 young people applied for the last cycle, and of the 100 who were selected to participate in the programme, 81 successfully completed it, and earned their diploma. The participants were divided into 16 teams that worked on 18 projects for 15 various companies - Alfatherm, Vivantio, QSD BiH, Zalmo, Dream Studio, UNIS TŠP, Molsoon Coors, GUMA M, Talbot, Aluminij, Link, Reunion, Adonis, Finaco R, and INTERA TP. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 61

62 Donatori Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Norveške Veleposlanstvo Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u BiH Veleposlanstvo Kraljevine Norveške u BiH USAID Gene Haas Foundation Federalno ministarstvo razvoja, poduzetništva i obrta Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i zaštite okoliša HNŽ/K Fond za zaštitu okoliša HNK/Ž Služba za zapošljavanje HNŽ/K Grad Mostar Partneri Adizes South East Europe Adonis namještaj d.o.o. Agromediteranski fakultet Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić u Mostaru Alfa Therm d.o.o. Aluminij d.d. BIT centar Tuzla Centar za inovacije i poduzetništvo Univerziteta u Zenici CityOS Foundation CS Nine GmbH Dream Studio d.o.o. Education Development Center Inc. Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić u Mostaru Europska unija

63 Fakultet informacijskih tehnologija Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić u Mostaru Fakultet prirodoslovno-matematičkih i odgojnih znanosti Sveučilišta u Mostaru Fakultet strojarstva i računarstva Sveučilišta u Mostaru FANUC Adria d.o.o. Federalni agromediteranski zavod Global Boost Innovation Gospodarska komora Grada Mostara GUMA M d.o.o. HEPOK d.d. Hercegovinalijek d.o.o. IGH d.o.o. Indos d.o.o. Inovacioni centar Banja Luka Kontroling Kognosko LiNK Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić u Mostaru Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Zenici MojTaxi d.o.o. Molson Coors d.o.o. Prirodna kozmetika Gloria Program 5 QSD BiH REDAH Reunion d.o.o. SIK d.o.o. Talbot d.o.o. TEXIMP d.o.o. Turistički klaster Hercegovina UNIS TŠP d.o.o. Vanjskotrgovinska komora BiH Vivantio Zalmo d.o.o. Zinkteknik d.o.o.



Malta 23, Sarajevo 71000, Bosna i Hercegovine

Malta 23, Sarajevo 71000, Bosna i Hercegovine PERSONAL INFORMATION Izet Laličić Malta 23, Sarajevo 71000, Bosna i Hercegovine +387 33 20 46 11 061 150 553 izet.lalicic@gmail.com Sex M Date of birth 01/08/1957 Nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina POSITION

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