2015 GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK INTERA Tehnološki Park Bišće polje bb, MOSTAR Tel./Fax: Web: intera.ba

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2 Izvsne ideje koje su dočekale realizaciju. Siguran zalog napretka, uvezivanja ideja i znanja koja u praksi osiguravaju naš ostanak i opstanak. Svaka čast! Prof. dr. Ljerka Ostojić, Rektorica Sveučilišta u Mostaru Hvala vam za inspirativnoj prezentaciji - vi ste budućnost Mostara i BiH! Excellent ideas that have come to realization. Secure pledge for progress, linking of ideas and knowledge, which in practice ensure our stability and subsistence. Well done! Prof.dr. Ljerka Ostojić, Rector of the University in Mostar Izuzetno! Dokaz kako se suradnjom i inovativnošću mogu pokrenuti velike promjene. Promicanje rada, znanja, poduzetništva i suradnje kreira novi sustav vrijednosti i kulturu discipline. Ovo je iskra koja će zapaliti plamen napretka. Boris Popović, Alarm Automatika Nj.E. gđa Maureen Cormack, veleposlanica SAD-a u BiH Thank you for the inspiring presentation you are the future of Mostar and of BiH! HE Ms. Maureen Cormack, US Ambassador in BiH Exceptionally! Proof of how cooperation and innovation can launch major changes. Promoting hard work, knowledge, entrepreneurship and cooperation creates a new system of values and culture of discipline. This is the spark that will ignite the flame of progress. Boris Popovic, Alarm Automation


4 GODIŠNJAK UVODNA RIJEČ Dragi prijatelji, 2015-ta godina je još jedan korak bliže ostvarenju naše vizije centra za razmjenu novih znanja i tehnologija, koncentracije ideja u kojima se aktiviraju domaći potencijali i suradnje inozemnih i domaćih kompanija. Ponosni smo što izrastamo u rasadnik budućih poduzetnika kojima smo upravo mi imali čast pružiti podršku i logistiku za prve poslovne korake. Naš centar za obuke u naprednim CNC tehnologijama obrade metala dosegnuo je brojku od 93 polaznika koji su stekli praktične vještine, od kojih je nakon završetka obuke preko 30% pronašlo novo zaposlenje. Start up obuke i ove godine su bile na raspolaganju u sklopu naše Startup Akademije koja je obilovala novim idejama i motiviranim i ambicioznim mladim ljudima. Održali smo i dva Startup Weekend-a koja su uključila preko 100 sudionika natjecatelja, mentora, predavača i sudaca. U okviru posjeta Gradu Mostaru, posjetili su nas i veleposlanica SAD-a, Nj.E. gđa Maureen Cormack, i veleposlanik Savezne Republike Njemačke Nj.E. gosp. Christian Hellbach, s ciljem upoznavanja s našim projektima i aktivnostima na polju promoviranja i poticanja poduzetništva za mlade, ali i poslovnog umrežavanja. U sklopu otvorenih dana norveškog veleposlanstva u BiH, u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku održana je prezentacija dostupnih fondova Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Norveške u BiH te ćemo o takvim dostupnim instrumentima javnost nastaviti informirati i u narednoj godini. Nastavili smo i naše aktivnosti vezane za održavanje konferencija pa bismo izdvojili drugu po redu OPEN at Microsoft, na kojoj je predstavljena Microsoft Azure platforma, kao i Microsoftove aktivnosti u globalnoj open-source zajednici. Kod nas se održalo i finale natjecanja za najbolju studentsku ideju Bizidea competition 2015, gdje je svoje poslovne planove predstavilo ukupno 12 najboljih timova, s Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić i Sveučilišta u Mostaru. Kako bismo vam ostavili razloga za detaljno čitanje našeg Godišnjaka, samo ću još ponosno istaknuti kako smo u 2015-oj dobili i priznanje za doprinos razvoju poduzetništva na području JI Europe što nam je dalo dodatnu obvezu i motiv u našem radu. Zahvaljujemo svim donatorima i sponzorima koji su nas prepoznali i podržali, i želimo da sve naše kompanije, stanari inkubatora, budu nagrađeni poslovnim uspjehom za svoju ustrajnost i rad, te kroz buduće susrete, edukacije i obuke u INTERA TP-u nastave širiti mrežu svojih poslovnih kontakata. INTERA TP i naš stručni tim je tu zbog razvoja naše regije, kvalitetnih poduzetničkih projekata i promocije pozitivnih vrijednosti. Mladen Kostić, Izvršni direktor

5 YEARBOOK Dear friends, Year 2015 is another step closer to achieving our vision of being the center for exchange of knowledge and technologies, concentration of ideas which activate domestic potentials, and cooperation of foreign and domestic companies. We are proud to grow into a hotbed of future entrepreneurs which we were honored to provide support and logistics in their first business steps. Our center for training in advanced CNC machining technologies has reached a figure of 93 students who gained practical skills, out of which over 30% has found new employment. Start-up training programmes were available within our Startup Academy which abounded with new ideas and motivated and ambitious young people. We also organized two Startup Weekends which included more than 100 participants - competitors, mentors, trainers and judges. As a part of their visit to the City of Mostar, the US Ambassador, HE Ms. Maureen Cormack, and German Ambassador HE Mr. Christian Hellbach, visited us with aim of getting acquainted with our projects and activities in the field of promoting and encouraging entrepreneurship for young people, but also business networking. As part of the open day of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in BiH, there was a presentation of the their available funds and we will continue to inform the public about such instruments in the future. We continued our activities regarding organizing and hosting of various conferences, and we would emphasize the second consecutive conference Open at Microsoft, where the Microsoft Azure platform and Microsoft s activities in the global open-source community were presented. We also held a final competition for the best student idea Bizidea competition in 2015, where the best 12 teams from the University Dzemal Bijedic and University of Mostar presented their business plans. In order to give you a reason for thorough reading of our Yearbook, I will only proudly point out one more thing - we received an award for contribution to the development of entrepreneurship in the area of South-East Europe, which gave us additional motivation and commitment to our work. We thank all the donors and sponsors who recognized us and supported our work, and we want all of our companies, tenants of the incubator, to be awarded for their persistence and hard work with success, but also to continue to expand their network of business contacts through future meet-ups, education and trainings in INTERA TP. INTERA TP and our team is here for the development of our region, quality entrepreneurial projects and promotion of positive values. Mladen Kostić, Executive director FOREWORD


7 O INTERA TEHNOLOŠKOM PARKU INTERA Tehnološki Park je osnovan s ciljem poticanja gospodarskog razvoja regije Hercegovine kroz edukaciju, pružanje podrške mladim poduzetnicima, transfer znanja uporabom novih tehnologija te umrežavanje poslovne i akademske zajednice. Ciljne skupine su tehnološki orijentirana domaća i inozemna poduzeća, mladi poduzetnici i start-up poduzeća, te učenici, studenti i (ne)zaposlene osobe koje poboljšanjem svojih praktičnih vještina žele postati konkurentniji na tržištu rada. EDUKACIJA Praktične obuke iz područja suvremene obrade metala i ICT tehnologija, te promocija novih i nadolazećih tehnologija. POSLOVNI INKUBATOR Pružanje podrške mladim poduzetnicima u realizaciji njihovih poslovnih tehnološki orijentiranih ideja. POSLOVNI IZLOG Stalna izložbena postavka proizvoda svih proizvodnih poduzeća Hercegovine s ciljem promocije i poticanja izvoza. CENTAR ZA TEHNIČKU KULTURU Kreativne radionice za mlade iz robotike, elektronike, modelarstva/ maketarstva i informatike s ciljem popularizacije tehničkih struka. UREDI I DVORANE Suvremeno dizajnirani i opremljeni uredski prostori, multimedijalne dvorane i učionice za sve koji traže profesionalno poslovno okruženje. ABOUT INTERA TECHNOLOGY PARK INTERA Technology Park was established with the goal of encouraging and supporting economic development of Herzegovina region through education and providing support to young entrepreneurs, knowledge transfer using new technologies and networking between businesses and academia. Target groups are technology oriented domestic and foreign companies, young entrepreneurs and start-ups, students and (un)employed persons who wish to become more competitive in the labour market by improving their practical skills. EDUCATION Practical trainings in the areas of modern metal processing and ICT technologies, and promotion of new and emerging technologies. BUSINESS INCUBATOR Providing support to young entrepreneurs in realization of their technology oriented business ideas. BUSINESS SHOWROOM Permanent setting of products of all manufacturing companies from Herzegovina with the goal of promotion and fostering of export. CENTER FOR TECHNICAL CULTURE Creative workshops for youth and children in robotics, electronics, modelling and informatics with the goal of popularization of technological professions. OFFICES AND MULTIMEDIA ROOMS Modernly designed and equipped offices, multimedia halls and training rooms for all who seek professional business environment.

8 STANARI / TENANTS Poduzeća Companies Ljudi People Prijava za inkubaciju Incubator applications OBUKE I NOVA ZAPOSLENJA / TRAININGS AND NEW JOBS Obuka Trainings Polaznika Participants Trenera Trainers Novih zaposlenja New jobs

9 događaji / EVENTS Događaji Events Sudionika Participants mediji / MEDIA Stories Articles Facebook like-ova Facebook likes Medijskih gostovanja Media appearances


11 Kronološki slijed događanja The chronological sequence of events 2015

12 Javno predstavljanje i testiranje igrice Headly Deadly U prostrijama INTERA Tehnološkog parka organizirano je testiranje beta verzije video igre Headly Deadly, na kojem se okupilo nešto više od 30 zaljubljenika u video igre. Svi nazočni dobili su prigodu testirati pet razina napravljenih dosad, te dati svoje mišljenje o poboljšanjima. Ovu zanimljivu video igricu kreirao je Four Game Studio, start-up tim iz INTERA Tehnološkog parka koji čine tri kreativna mlada programera i zaljubljenika u informacijske tehnologije. Igra je, prije svega, jako dobro napravljena, s atraktivnim dizajnom, a ponajviše mi se sviđa originalnost koju su developeri ponudili s glavnim likom. Nadam se da će se ubrzo moći preuzeti da vidimo što su dodatno poboljšali, izjavio je gospodin Ivica Barbarić, jedan od sudionika današnjeg testiranja igrice. Amir Denjo, voditelj tima, izjavio je kako su jako zadovoljni današnjim odzivom i reakcijama sudionika koji su imali priliku testirati igricu. Što se tiče planova za budućnost, Denjo je izjavio kako namjeravaju igru pustiti u javnost putem Google Play-a početkom veljače. Čestitke i puno uspjeha u daljem radu momcima želi cijeli tima INTERA TP. Headly Deadly game public promotion and testing Testing of the beta version of the Headly Deadly game, which gathered around 30 video-game fans was organised in INTERA Technology Park. They all got the opportunity to test the five levels made so far, and give their opinion on potential improvements. This interesting game was created by Four Game Studio, a start-up team from INTERA Technology Parka consisting of three creative young developers and IT fans. The game is very well made, it has an attractive design, and I primarily like the originality of the main character that the developers offered. I hope it will be possible to download it soon, so we can see the improvements they made, said Mr. Ivica Barbarić, one of the participants in the testing today. Amir Denjo, the team leader, said they were very happy with the turnout and the reactions of those who had the opportunity to test the game. As for the plans for the future, Denjo said their intention was to release the game on Google Play in early February. The whole team of INTERA TP extends its congratulation to the lads and wishes them a lot of success in the future. 10 INTERA 2015

13 Učenici srednje škole Fausta Vrančića posjetili INTERA Tehnološki park U sklopu praktičnog dijela nastave, učenici trećeg i četvrtog razreda Srednje strojarske škole Fausta Vrančića posjetili su INTERA Tehnološki park. Tijekom posjeta, imali su priliku čuti što radi INTERA TP, te na koji način se i oni mogu uključiti u rad. Učenicima se posebno svidio HTEC trening centar, gdje su mogli vidjeti rad na CNC strojevima, te 3D printer. Posjet, kojem je nazočilo oko 30 učenika, organizirale su profesorice Tanja Šunjić i Nevenka Blažević, koje su na ovaj način željele približiti učenicima stvarni rad u struci, te podići svijest o novim tehnologijama. Students from Faust Vrančić Secondary School visit INTERA Technology Park As part of their practical classes, third and fourthgrade students of the Faust Vrančić Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering visited INTERA Technology Park. During the visit, they heard what the activities of INTERA TP are and how they can get involved in those activities too. The students particularly liked the HTEC training centre, where they saw the 3D printer and how CNC machines are operated. This visit was organised for around 30 students by teachers Tanja Šunjić and Nevenka Blažević, who wanted to show their students what working in their profession looks like, and raise their awareness of new technologies GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 11

14 Startup obuka za mlade Obuku za mlade, nezaposlene i studente, koji svoje poslovne ideje razvijaju u vlastiti biznis, organiziranu u razdoblju od i pohađalo je 20 mladih osoba, od čega njih 19 iz 10 inkubacijskih i predinkubacijskih timova u INTERA TP. Pretposljednjeg dana treningu je kratko nazočila i Mandana Yousefi, studentica sa fakulteta Oslo and Akershus University College iz Norveške. Posljednjeg dana, , uz BIP-ove predavače Marka Martića i Melihu Gekić Lerić, koji su i vodili čitavu obuku, nazočne su bile i predstavnice norveškog veleposlanstva u Bosni i Hercegovini, Marianne Svendsen Kofoed i Hannah Summeja Atić, koje su ukratko predstavile aktivnosti veleposlanstva i dodijelile certifikate sudionicima. Obuci su nazočili i predstavnici BIP-a, Slobodan Vulešević te Belma Hadžimahmutović, BIP biznis program manager, koja im je prezentirala BIP-ove fondove za registraciju kojima s certifikatom sa obuke imaju pristup, kao značajnu olakšicu prilikom započinjanja vlastitog biznisa. Poslovni planovi koje su sudionici završili tijekom obuke su ujedno dio aplikacije za korištenje usluga Poslovnog inkubatora u INTERA TP. Obuka je privedena kraju prezentacijama poslovnih planova koje su timovi razvili i završili tijekom obuke. Startup training for young people Training for young people, unemployed persons and students developing their business ideas into a business, was organised between 26 January 2015 and 28 January 2015, and between 3 February 2015 and 4 February 2015 and attended by 20 young persons, of which 19 come from 10 incubation and pre-incubation teams in INTERA TP. On the penultimate day of training, it was briefly attended by Mandana Yousefi, student from the Oslo and Akershus University College in Norway. On the last day, 4 February 2015, the training was, in addition to BIP lecturers, Marko Martić and Meliha Gekić Lerić, who conducted the entire training, attended by representatives of the Norwegian Embassy in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Marianne Svendsen Kofoed and Hannah Summeja Atić. They briefly introduced the activities of their Embassy and awarded certificates to the participants. The training was also attended by representatives of BIP, Slobodan Vulešević and Belma Hadžimahmutović, BIP business programme manager, who presented BIP registration funds to which the trainees have access now they obtained their certificates, and which represents a significant benefit when starting one s own business. Business plans that the participants completed during the training are at the same time part of an application for use of the services of the INTERA TP Business Incubator. This training was finalised with presentations of the business plans the teams developed and completed during the training. 12 INTERA 2015

15 Velika zainteresiranost za fondove Kraljevine Norveške U sklopu otvorenih dana norveškog veleposlanstva u BiH, u INTERA Tehnološkom parku održana je prezentacija dostupnih fondovaveleposlanstva Kraljevine Norveške u Bosni i Hercegovini. Pred više od 70 zainteresiranih, gospodin Ognjen Grujić, predstavnik norveškog veleposlanstva, pojasnio je kako se prijaviti na dva fonda - fond Veleposlanstva i fond za jačanje civilnog društva. Fonda Veleposlanstvaje usredotočen na pomirenje kroz kulturu, sport, zapošljavanje, edukaciju i slične aktivnosti, dok se fond za jačanje civilnog društva bavi reformom pravosuđa, pomirenjem i demokratizacijom, borbom protiv korupcije i transparentnošću, nezavisnošću medija i slobodom govora, ljudskim pravima marginaliziranih skupina, jednakošću spolova, gospodarskim razvojem i energija i klimatskim promjenama Huge interest in Kingdom of Norway funds Within the Open days organised by the Norwegian Embassy in BiH, presentation of the available funds of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Bosnia-Herzegovina was organised in INTERA Technology Park. Mr. Ognjen Grujić representative of the Norwegian Embassy, clarified for more than 70 persons in the audience the application procedure for two funds Embassy Fund and the Strengthening the Civil Society Fund. The Embassy Fund focuses on reconciliation through culture, sports, employment, education, and similar activities, while the Strengthening the Civil Society Fund focuses on the judicial reform, reconciliation and democratisation, anticorruption and transparency, independence of media and freedom of speech, human rights of marginalised groups, gender equality, economic development and energy, and climate changes. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 13

16 Konferencija Open@Microsoft U INTERA TP održana je konferencija OPEN at Microsoft, druga po redu konferencija na kojoj je predstavljena Microsoft Azure platforma, kao i Microsoftove aktivnosti u globalnoj open-source zajednici. Nešto više od 50 sudionika imalo je prigodu pobliže se informirati o Microsoft Azure platformi, kao i upoznati Microsoftove aktivnosti u globalnoj open-source zajednici. Open@Microsoft Conference held OPEN at Microsoft conference, second such conference, during which the Microsoft Azure platform was presented, as well Microsoft s activities in the global open-source community, was held in INTERA TP. More than 50 participants had the opportunity to learn more about the Microsoft Azure platform, and get acquainted with the global open-source community. Održana radionica Priprema projekata za Sarajevo biznis forum 2015 U prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog parka održana je radionica na temu Priprema projekata za Sarajevo Biznis Forum Pred nešto više od 40 sudionika, predstavnici BBI ViP kluba predstavili su mogućnosti sudjelovanja na Sarajevo biznis forumu, kao i prednosti koje se mogu ostvariti kroz kontakt s ulagačima iz zemalja Bliskog istoka i zapadne Europe. Također su predočeni rezultati s prethodnih foruma, gdje je naglašeno kako je samo na prošlom Forumu organizirano preko 130 B2B sastanaka između poduzeća iz BiH i inozemnih poduzeća. Preparation of projects for Sarajevo Business Forum 2015 workshop held Workshop titled Preparation of projects for Sarajevo Business Forum 2015 was held in INTERA Technology Park. Before more than 40 attendees, representatives of the BBI VIP club presented the possibility for participation at Sarajevo Business Forum, as well as the advantages of establishing contact with Middle East and Western Europe investors. Results of previous fora were also presented, with a focus on the fact that during the last Forum only, over 130 B2B meetings between BiH and foreign companies were organised. 14 INTERA 2015

17 Predstavnici INMOLD-a posjetili INTERA Tehnološki park Predstavnici poduzeća INMOLD Požega iz Srbije, na čelu s gospođom Rankom Kolarević, posjetili su HTEC centar za obuku INTERA Tehnološkog parka. Tvrtka INMOLD je također pokrenula sličan centar za edukaciju srednjoškolaca, te je jedna od tema razgovora bila i razmjena iskustava i razmatranje potencijalnih načina suradnje. Pored predstavnika poduzeća INMOLD, u delegaciji su bili i učenici trećih i četvrtih razreda srednje strojarske škole, zajedno s profesorima. Naime, u okviru ovog putovanja, srednjoškolcima iz Požege ponuđeno je da vide kako funkcioniraju drugi ovakvi centri. Representatives of INMOLD visit INTERA Technology Park Representatives of the INMOLD Požega Company from Serbia, led by Mrs. Ranka Kolarević, visited the HTEC Training Centre of INTERA Technology Park. INMOLD Company also started a similar centre for training of secondary school students, so one of the topics discussed was the exchange of experience and consideration of potential ways of cooperation. In addition to the representatives of the INMOLD Company, the delegation also consisted of the third and fourth-grade students of secondary school of mechanical engineering and their professors. As part of the trip, secondary school students from Požega were offered to see how other centres of this type operate GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 15

18 Veleposlanica SAD-a posjetila INTERA Tehnološki park U okviru posjeta Gradu Mostaru, veleposlanica SAD-a, Nj.E. Maureen Cormack, posjetila je INTERA Tehnološki park. Cilj posjeta je upoznavanje s projektima i aktivnostima koje INTERA TP provodi na polju promoviranja i poticanja poduzetništva za mlade. Na prezentaciji održanoj u okviru posjeta, prezentirani su postignuti rezultati INTERA TP. Ambasadorica se posebno osvrnula na projekt Partnership for Innovation (PI), koji financira USAID. Svoja pozitivna iskustva s nazočnima su podijelili gospodin Haris Hadžiahmetović, suosnivač poduzeća MSS (stanar poslovnog inkubatora INTERA TP-a), gospodin Vlado Rosić-Milinković, te gospodin Amir Drljević, polaznici programa Moja praksa u sklopu projekta PI. Naglasili su kako im je ovaj program, kroz rad na stvarnim projektima IT, znatno pomogao u stjecanju praktičnih vještina. Gospodin Mladen Kostić, direktor INTERA TP, zahvalio se veleposlanici na dolasku, istaknuvši da kroz zajedničke postojeće ali i buduće aktivnosti i projekte mladi imaju priliku za (samo) zapošljavanje na dobrobit cijele regije. US Ambassador visits INTERA Technology Park As part of her visit to the City of Mostar, USA Ambassador to BiH, Her Excellency Maureen Cormack, visited INTERA Technology Park. Her visit was aimed at getting acquainted with projects and activities that INTERA TP conducts in relation to promotion and stimulation of entrepreneurship for young people. Results that INTERA TP achieved were presented during the visit. Madam Ambassador particularly focused on the Partnership for Innovation (PI) project, financed by USAID. Mr. Haris Hadžiahmetović, co-founder of the MSS company (tenant of the INTERA TP Business Incubator), Mr. Vlado Rosić-Milinković, and Mr. Amir Drljević, who participated in the Moja praksa programme, which is part of the PI project, shred their positive experience with those present. They emphasized that the programme, through work on real IT projects, considerably helped them in acquiring practical skills. Mr. Mladen Kostić, director of INTERA TP thanked Madam Ambassador for the visit, and highlighted that through joint current and future activities and projects, young people had the chance of (self)employment to the benefit of the whole region. 16 INTERA 2015

19 Proglašeni pobjednici BizIDEA Competition 2015 U INTERA TP je održano finale natjecanja za najbolju studentsku ideju Bizidea competition 2015, gdje je svoje poslovne planove predstavilo ukupno 12 najboljih timova, 6 sa Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić i 6 sa Sveučilišta u Mostaru. Kako njihove ideje ne bi ostale samo ideje, studentima se kratkim predavanjem o mogućnostima i poticajima koje mladim poduzetnicima pruža Federalno ministarstvo razvoja, poduzetništva i obrta obratio tajnik ministarstva, Jozo Bejić. Nakon što su studenti prezentirali svoje poslovne planove, povjerenstvo sačinjeno od predstavnika GIZ-a, INTERA TP-a, REDAH-a i FMRPO, odabrala je najbolje radove na temelju kriterija poput inovativnosti, kvalifikacija, financija, organizacije i procjene rizika te dodijelilo vrijedne novčane nagrade BizIDEA Competition 2015 winners declared Final competition for the best student idea, Bizidea competition 2015, was held at INTERA TP. Twelve best teams, divided equally between the Džemal Bijedić University and the University of Mostar, presented their business ideas. In order not to have their ideas remain nothing but ideas, students were addressed by the secretary of the FBiH Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship, and Crafts, Mr. Jozo Bejić, who gave a short lecture on the options and incentives offered by the Ministry to young entrepreneurs. After the presentation of business plans, commission composed of representatives of GIZ, INTERA TP, REDAH, and FMRPO selected the best ones based on the criteria such as innovativeness, qualifications, finance, organisation, and risk assessment, and gave high monetary awards. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 17

20 U Održana radionica Intelektualno vlasništvo podržava inovacije i biznis u konkurentskom svijetu INTERA Tehnološkom parku održana je jednodnevna radionica na temu Industrijsko vlasništvo podržava inovacije i biznis u konkurentskom svijetu. Radionica je organizirana s ciljem podizanja svijesti o pitanjima intelektualnog vlasništva s osvrtom na inovacije i transfer tehnologije. Sudionici su imali priliku saznati više o patentima, žigovima, autorskima pravima, te intelektualnom i industrijskom vlasništvu općenito. S obzirom da je ova tema rijetko spominjana u našim područjima, teško je doći do informacija koje su pružene kroz ovu radionicu, te smatram kako je potrebno organizirati još ovakvih edukacija radi podizanja svijesti o intelektualnom vlasništvu i autorskim pravima, rekla je g-đica Sonja Vojvodić, sudionica radionice. Gosp. Samir Šupčić je dodao da je izrazito zadovoljan radionicom i pristupom predavača, te kako su nova znanja o intelektualnom vlasništvu itekako primjenjiva u industriji informacijskih tehnologija (IT). Na događaju su također prezentirani multimedijalni IP Panorama tečajevi o zaštiti intelektualnog vlasništva, koji na interaktivan i zanimljiv način pojašnjavaju važnost i načine zaštite intelektualnog vlasništva. Tečajevi su prvenstveno namijenjeni malim i srednjim poduzećima iz kreativne i IT industrije, a besplatno su dostupni na web stranici INTERA Tehnološkog Parka ( Ove tečajeve osmislila je Svjetska organizacija za zaštitu intelektualnog vlasništva (WIPO), a prijevod je uradilo poduzeće Athene Prosjektledelse. 18 INTERA 2015

21 Intellectual property supports innovation and business in the competitive world workshop held One-day workshop titled Industrial property supports innovation and business in the competitive world was organised in INTERA Technology Park. It was organised in order to raise awareness on the issue of intellectual property, with a particular focus on innovation and transfer of technology. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about patents, trademarks, copyright, and intellectual and industrial property in general. Since this topic is rarely discussed in this region, it is hard to obtain information that this workshop offered, and I believe that more trainings of this kind need to be organised on order to raise awareness of intellectual property and copyright, said Ms. Sonja Vojvodić, workshop participant. Mr. Samir Šupčić added that he was extremely satisfied with the workshop and the approach the lecturers had taken and that the new knowledge of intellectual property was by all means applicable in the IT industry. During the event, multimedia IP Panorama courses on protection of intellectual property, which explain the importance of intellectual property protection and ways to do it in an interactive and interesting manner, were also presented. These courses are primarily intended for small and medium companies in creative and IT industry, and are available free of charge on the webpage of INTERA Technology Park ( ba). The courses were produced by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), and translated by Athene Prosjektledelse. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 19

22 Žensko Žensko poduzetništvo - online prodaja - iskustva i trendovi, oduševio sudionice poduzetništvo naziv je inspirativnog panela u organizaciji INTERA Tehnološkog parka uz podršku UniCredit Banke i norveškog Ministarstva vanjskih poslova koji se održao u Mostaru i svojim edukativnim sadržajem privukao brojne sudionice. Čak šest predavačica iz Sarajeva, Mostara i Kosova, na svojim su motivacijskim izlaganjima educirale, no i podijelile mnoštvo savjeta s područja osobnog i poslovnog razvoja. Sudionice panela imale su za zadatak istaknuti snagu ženskog poduzetništva, uz osvrt na online prodaju ali i vrlo veliku važnost samog marketinga putem Interneta. Gošća iz Kosova, gđa Kosovare Krasniqi, prezentirala je projekt BalkanSpring. Radi se o online prodajnoj platformi putem koje proizvođači rukotvorina i dizajnerske odjeće mogu prodavati svoje proizvode cijelom svijetu putem interneta. Platforma služi kao prodajni i izložbeni prostor putem kojeg se ujedno sklapaju nove projektne suradnje, kombiniraju razne domene i ukrštaju platforme i usluge. U žensko društvo ušetao se i svoja pozitivna iskustva na temu online prodaje prenio i gospodin Marko Radenković iz Sarajeva, menadžer dizajn inkubatora Nova iskra iz Beograda. Sudionice su se zainteresirale za realizaciju sličnih mogućnosti lokalno, te okarakterizirale ovaj događaj kao izuzetno pozitivno iskustvo, naročito u području online prodaje, gdje su im se otvorila nova saznanja i mogućnosti, o čemu je govorila gospođica Ivana Pandža iz agencije Degordian. Poseban osvrt na modu i rukotvorine dale su gospođa Ana Ćavar s modnog portala i Internet časopisa MODAMO.info i gospođa Amela Radan, osnivačica Sarajevo Fashion Weeka i Fashion magazina, uz moderaciju gospođe Emine Pašić. 20 INTERA 2015

23 Women s entrepreneurship - online sale experience and trends, considered terrific by participants Women s entrepreneurship is the name of an inspirational panel organised by INTERA Technology Park with support from UniCredit Bank and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was held in Mostar and its educational nature attracted a large number of female participants. As many as six female lecturers from Sarajevo, Mostar and Kosovo provided training with their motivational presentations, but also gave a lot of advice on personal and business development. Panel participants task was to emphasize the power of women s entrepreneurship, with a focus on online sale, but also the major importance of internet marketing. Guest from Kosovo, Mrs. Kosovare Krasniqi, presented the BalkanSpring project. It is an online sale platform enabling manufacturers of handmade products and designer clothes to sell their products all over the world using the World Wide Web. The platform serves as a sale and exhibition area, and is also used to establish new cooperation on projects, combine various domains, and interlink platforms and services. Mr. Marko Radenković from Sarajevo joined the female company to share his positive experience about online sale, together with Mr. Marko Radenković from Sarajevo, manager of the design incubator Nova iskra from Belgrade. Participants got interested in realisation of the similar prospects locally, and described this event as an extremely positive experience, particularly in terms of online sale, which brings in new knowhow and options, as presented by Ms. Ivana Pandža from the Degordian Agency. Particular view of the fashion and handmade products was provided by Mrs. Ana Ćavar from the fashion portal and nline magazine MODAMO.info, and Ms. Amela Radan, founder of the Sarajevo Fashion Week and Fashion Magazine, while Ms. Emina Pašić was the event facilitator. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 21

24 Njemački veleposlanik posjetio INTERA Tehnološki Park Veleposlanik SR Njemačke, Nj.E. Christian Hellbach, posjetio je INTERA Tehnološki Park. Pored veleposlanika, sastanku su nazočili predstavnici Gospodarske komore Grada Mostara, INTERA Tehnološkog Parka, te poduzeća Unis Telekom, Alfa Therm i Hering. Na sastanku se razgovaralo o načinima suradnje na gospodarskom planu, te o tome kako se Njemačka može uključiti i pridonijeti pozitivnim ekonomskim tokovima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Jedna od tema je bila orijentirana i na važnost obrazovanja odraslih i stručnog usavršavanja kadrova. German Ambassador visits INTERA Technology Park Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, His Excellency Christian Hellbach, visited INTERA Technology Park. In addition to the Ambassador, the meeting was also attended by the representatives of the Chamber of Economy of the City of Mostar, INTERA Technology Park, and the Unis Telekom, Alfa Therm and Hering companies. Discussion in the meeting revolved around economic cooperation, and how Germany can get involved and contribute to the positive economic flows in Bosnia-Herzegovina. One of the topics discussed also focused on the importance of adult education and professional development. 22 INTERA 2015

25 INTERA Tehnološki park dobitnik priznanja za doprinos razvoju poduzetništva na području JI europe INTERA Tehnološki park dobitnik je priznanja za doprinos razvoju poduzetništva na području JI Europe u sklopu Regionalnog samita poduzetnika 300 NAJBOLJIH održanog u Dubrovniku. Cilj ovog skupa je promovirati značaj i razvoj poduzetništva za ekonomski i sveukupni društveni razvoj JI Europe. Žiri, sastavljen od eminentnih imena kao što su prof. dr. Boris Tihi, dr. Sandra Švaljek i prof. dr. Siniša Zarić, je među velikim brojem kandidata odabrao i INTERA TP. To je priznanje za ustrajnost i rad na razvoju poduzetništva kroz brojne aktivnosti s mladima, ponajprije kroz program poslovnog inkubatora i brojne poslovne događaje i edukacije. Trenutačno je u procesu predinkubacije i inkubacije u poslovnom inkubatoru 13 timova sastavljenih od mladih koji razmišljaju o vlastitom biznisu. Ovim priznanjem INTERA Tehnološki park našao se u društvu najboljih poduzetnika, menadžera, organizacija i institucija koje su dale svoj doprinos razvoju poduzetništva u JI Europi. INTERA Tehnološki Park receives award for its contribution to development of entrepreneurship in SE Europe During the Regional Entrepreneurs Summit TOP 3000, held in Dubrovnik on 27 March 2015, INTERA Technology Park received award for its contribution to the development of entrepreneurship in SE Europe. This Summit aims to promote the importance and development of entrepreneurship towards the economic and genera social development of SE Europe. The jury consisting of prominent experts, such as Professor Boris Tihi, Ph.D, Sandra Švaljek, Ph.D. and Professor Siniša Zarić, Ph.D, chose INTERA TP among a large number of candidates. This is a recognition of persistence and work on development of entrepreneurship through numerous activities with young people, primarily through the business incubator programme and numerous business events and trainings. There are 13 teams in the pre-incubation and incubation process in the business incubator at the moment, and they consist of young people considering starting their own business. This award places INTERA TP among the best entrepreneurs, managers, organisations, and institutions contributing to the development of entrepreneurship in SE Europe GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 23

26 Počeo prvi ciklus obuke za CNC programere U INTERA Tehnološkom parku Mostar po prvi je put održana nova obuka za CNC programere. Prvi ciklus obuke pohađa 7 polaznika, koji će kroz 50 školskih sati u narednih mjesec i pol dana imati prigodu steći nova znanja, vještine i iskustva u području tehnološke pripreme izrade metalnih dijelova uz primjenu CAM software-a SolidCAM. Uz obuku primjene CAM software-a, polaznici će moći i izraditi dijelove od metala na modernim industrijskim CNC strojevima, za koje su izradili program. Na ovaj način, INTERA Tehnološki park objedinjuje dvije komplementarne obuke CNC operatera i CNC programera, te samim tim polaznici imaju znatno veće mogućnosti u usvajanju novih znanja. First cycle of training for CNC programmers begins New training for CNC programmers was held for the first time in INTERA Technology Park in Mostar. The first cycle of training is attended by 7 participants who will, over the course of 50 school periods during next month and a half, have the opportunity to gain new knowledge, skills and experience in the field of technological preparation for manufacturing metal parts by applying CAM software SolidCAM. In addition to undergoing training for application of CAM software, participants will also have an opportunity to make metal parts on state-of-the-art industrial CNC machines for which they designed a programme. This way, INTERA Technology Park brings together two complementary trainings, one for a CNC operator and the other for a CNC programmer, providing the trainees with much better opportunities to acquire new knowledge. 24 INTERA 2015

27 ios trening održan u INTERA Tehnološkom parku INTERA TP je organizirala obuku za razvoj mobilnih aplikacija za Apple uređaje, koju je provela Akademija387 sa sjedištem u Sarajevu. Cilj šestodnevnog treninga je bio obučiti programere, uposlenike malih i srednjih poduzeća, da razviju aplikacije koristeći ios 8 i Swift (najnoviji Apple-ov programski jezik za ios i OS X projekte), u svrhu povećanja konkurentnosti postojećih poduzeća i programera. Kroz teoriju i praktični rad, polaznici su dobili sveobuhvatnu obuku i uvid u cijeli proces, od postavljanja zahtjeva za aplikaciju, preko dizajna, do gotovog proizvoda. Tijekom obuke polaznici su imali priliku napraviti nekoliko aplikacija iz različitih oblasti, od aplikacija za vremensku prognozu, igrica, navigacijskog sustava i drugih. ios training held in INTERA Technology Park INTERA TP organised training for development of mobile applications for Apple devices. The training was implemented by Akademija387 from Sarajevo. The goal of the six-day training was to train programmers working in small and medium companies to develop applications using ios 8 and Swift (the latest Apple programming language for ios and OS X projects), in order to increase competitiveness of companies and programmers. Through theoretical and practical classes, the participants underwent a comprehensive training and got an insight into the entire process from asking for an application, to designing it, to the final product. During the training, the participants got a chance to develop several applications in various fields, such a weather forecast application, a game, a navigation system, etc. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 25

28 Marketing i digitalno doba U povodu obilježavanja desete obljetnice osnutka i rada agencije Shift Brand Design iz Mostara održana je konferencija Marketing i digitalno doba na kojoj su ugledni predavači iz zemlje i susjedne Hrvatske govorili o kreativnosti u tržišnom komuniciranju, brendiranju javnog prostora kao višeslojne platforme, brandu-pravu-etici, digitalnoj apokalipsi i integraciji digitalnih marketinških kanala u strategiju. Skup je započeo predavanjima stručnjaka iz područja brend strategije koji su pojasnili što to razlikuje uspješne od manje uspješnih brendova, kako ljudi doživljavaju brendove i oglašavanje, kako digitalni sadržaj utječe na marketing, a govorili su i o važnosti dizajna te pokazali uspješne primjere iz prakse. Sudionici konferencije imali su prigodu upoznati se i s pristupom koji uspješne korporacije koriste u odlukama o brendiranju i marketingu. Marketing and the digital age On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment and operation of the agency Shift Brand Design from Mostar, the conference Marketing and the digital age, where prominent speakers from the country and the neighboring Croatia talked about creativity in marketing communications, branding of public spaces as a multi-layer platform, brand-law-ethics, digital apocalypse and integration of digital marketing channels into a strategy. The event started with experts in the field of brand strategy that clarified what distinguishes successful from less successful brands, how people experience brands and advertising, how digital contents affects marketing, and also spoke about the importance of design and proven successful practices. Conference participants had the opportunity to learn about approach of successful corporations use in decisions on branding and marketing. 26 INTERA 2015

29 Održan drugi Startup Weekend u Mostaru Na trodnevnom natjecanju, mladi su imali priliku raditi u timu, razvijati poslovnu ideju, naučiti kako prezentirati pred potencijalnim investitorima, te steći neponovljivo iskustvo za nastavak. Startup Weekend u Mostaru okupio je 45 sudionika, od kojih je bilo formirano 8 timova. Pored sudionika iz Bosne i Hercegovine, događaju su nazočili i sudionici iz SAD, Švedske i Velike Britanije, što Mostar stavlja na mapu svjetskih gradova u kojima je do sada organiziran ovaj događaj. Pobjednik drugog Startup Weekenda je tim EMERALD iz Bosne i Hercegovine, čija je ideja bila izrada visokokvalitetnih PC kućišta. Srđan Škoro, voditelj tima, izjavio je kako su izrazito zadovoljni pobjedom, posebno ako se uzme u obzir jaka konkurencija. Pobjednici su dobili nagradu u iznosu od KM. Startup Weekend, koji je do sada organiziran u više od 750 gradova svijeta, po drugi put se organizira u Mostaru uz podršku norveškog Ministarstva vanjskih poslova, te lokalnih sponzora, UniCredit banke i poduzeća MojTaxi. Second Startup Weekend held in Mostar During the three-day competition, young people had the opportunity to work in a team, develop a business idea, learn how to make a presentation before potential investors, and gain precious experience to continue. Startup Weekend in Mostar gathered 45 participants organised in 8 teams. Participants from Bosnia-Herzegovina were joined by participants from the USA, Sweden, and Great Britain, which places Mostar on the map of world cities in which this event was organised. Winner of the Second Startup Weekend is team EMERALD from Bosnia-Herzegovina, whose idea is to make high-quality PC cases. Srđan Škoro, team leader, said they were extremely happy with the victory, particularly in view of the strong competition. The winners were awarded a prize of BAM 5,000. Startup Weekend, which was so far organised in more than 750 cities across the world, was organised for the second time in Mostar with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the local sponsors, UniCredit Bank and MojTaxi Company GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 27

30 INTERA 2015


32 Konferencija Nove Tehnologije 2015 razvoj i primjena Konferencija međunarodnog karaktera, koja se po drugi put organizira u Mostaru, okupila je preko 100 sudionika iz različitih krajeva svijeta, Rusije, Meksika, Indije, Pakistana, Slovačke, BiH, Hrvatske, Slovenije, itd. Impresivan je podatak da je 140 autora i koautora izložilo preko 70 znanstvenih radova. Cilj je da lokalna poduzeća primjenom novih tehnologija budu konkurentnija na stranim tržištima kroz ubrzavanje procesa i povećanja kvalitete. Prof. Isak Karabegović je istaknuo kako nove tehnologije svojim trendovima razvoja i dostignućima mogu doprinijeti razvoju, kako malih i srednjih poduzeća tako i velikih kompanija, te na taj način razviti lokalnu zajednicu u kojoj djeluju. New Technologies 2015 development and application Conference held International conference, organised in Mostar for the second time, gathered over 100 participants from across the world, Russia, Mexico, India, Pakistan, Slovakia, BiH, Croatia, Slovenia, etc. The fact that 140 authors and co-authors presented over 70 scientific papers is an impressive one. The goal is to make local companies more competitive on foreign markets through application of new technologies, acceleration of the process and increase in quality. Professor Isak Karabegović pointed out that new technologies, with their development trends and achievements, can contribute to the development of small and medium companies, but also of large companies, and that way develop their local communities. 30 INTERA 2015

33 Uspješno okončan događaj IT u turizmu U INTERA Tehnološkom parku održan je događaj IT u turizmu, koji je okupio oko 45 sudionika iz oblasti turizma, ugostiteljstva i IT industrije. Događaj je organiziran u suradnji s REDAH-om i Turističkim klasterom Hercegovina, a uz podršku UniCredit banke i norveškog Ministarstva vanjskih poslova. Na događaju su predstavljena potencijalna IT rješenja mladih startup kompanija koja se mogu primijeniti u sektoru turizma s ciljem što boljeg predstavljanja regije turističkim ciljnim skupinama. Ovo je bilo prvo predstavljanje mladih startup kompanija i potencijalnih IT rješenja u turizmu: hotelijerima, restoranima, turističkim agencijama, turističkoj organizaciji i turističkim zajednicama u Hercegovini. Gospodin Goran Mrvoš je predstavio važnost IT rješenja za razvoj turizma i hotelijerstva, te je s nazočnima podijelio svoje bogato iskustvo u tom sektoru. Pored njega, predstavljeno je šest startup poduzeća koja su ponudila različite usluge, izradu web stranica, mobilnih aplikacija, 3D vizualizacije i sl. IT in tourism ends successfully IT in tourism event, which gathered around 45 participants from tourism, hospitality, and IT industries, was held at INTERA Technology Park. It was organised in cooperation with REDAH and Tourism Cluster Herzegovina, and with the support of UniCredit Bank and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the event, potential IT solutions were presented by young start-up companies. Those solutions could apply in tourism in order to present the region in the best possible way to the tourism target groups. This was the first presentation of young start-up companies and potential IT solutions in tourism to hotel managers, restaurants, tourist agencies, tourism organisation and tourism boards in Herzegovina. Mr. Goran Mrvoš presented the importance of IT solutions for the development of tourism and hotel business, and shared his rich experience in the industry. Six start-up companies that offered various services, from making web pages to mobile applications, 3D visualisations, etc. were also presented GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 31

34 Zajedno Završetak prve obuke u okviru projekta Dijalog umjetnosti i tehnologija IT_ART s udruženjem Kulturni kod iz Beograda, INTERA Tehnološki park provodi projekt pod nazivom Dijalog umjetnosti i tehnologija IT_ART (u daljem tekstu projekt IT_ART), a u sklopu projekta Dijalog za budućnost, koji implementiraju UNDP, UNICEF i UNESCO u partnerstvu s Predsjedništvom Bosne i Hercegovine. Projekt Dijalog za budućnost se financira sredstvima Ureda Ujedinjenih naroda za podršku izgradnji mira / Fonda za izgradnju mira (PBF). Implementacija projekta IT_ART započela je početkom svibnja godine, a usmjerena je na ostvarivanje kvalitetne suradnje mladih kroz povezivanje IT sektora i mladih umjetnika te pokretanje novih, odnosno razvoj postojećih perspektivnih malih biznisa u IT sektoru. U periodu od godine, održana je prva obuka pod nazivom Introduction to digital art with Photoshop. Zanimanje za obuku je bilo iznad očekivanja. Čak 43 zaljubljenika u umjetnost, najviše studenti Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Široki Brijeg (Sveučilište u Mostaru), Likovnog odsjeka Nastavničkog fakulteta (Univerzitet Džemal Bijedić), Odsjeka za dizajn Visoke škole LOGOS ali i studenti Građevinskog i Ekonomskog fakulteta te Fakulteta informacijskih tehnologija, kao i ostali koji se bave umjetnošću, prijavili su se za sudjelovanje na obuci. Od 30 odabranih, obuku je uspješno završilo njih 18. Kroz intenzivnu petodnevnu edukaciju, unaprijeđena su znanja polaznika o radu u programu Photoshop, čime su osposobljeni integrirati digitalnu umjetnost u svoj tijek rada. Pored navedenog, polaznici su pripremljeni za rad u različitim radnim okruženjima, poput desktop publishinga, izdavačkih kuća, studia za izradu igrica te za rad kao slobodni dizajneri (freelance designer). Najuspješniji zainteresirani polaznici ove obuke sudjelovat će u narednoj obuci, UI/UIX dizajn, a deset najuspješnijih imalo je priliku sudjelovati u studijskom putovanju u dizajn inkubator Nova iskra u Beograd. 32 INTERA 2015

35 First training within Dialogue of Art and Technology IT_ART project ends Together with the Kulturni kod Association from Belgrade, INTERA Technology Park, implemented a project titled Dialogue of Art and Technology IT_ART (hereinafter IT_ART), as part of the Dialogue for the future project implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, and UNESCO in partnership with the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Dialogue for the future has been financed by the funds of the United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office/Peacebuilding Fund (PBF). Implementation of the IT_ART project began in early May 2015, and it focuses on setting up good cooperation among young people through connecting the IT sector and young artists and initiation of new and development of current small IT businesses with a future The first training entitled Introduction to digital art with Photoshop was held between 25 and 29 May 2015 and the interest shown was beyond all expectations. As many as 43 art lovers, mostly students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Široki Brijeg (University of Mostar), Department of Fine Arts of the Faculty of Education (Džemal Bijedić University), Department of Design of the LOGOS School, but also students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and School of Economics, and the Faculty of Information Technology, and others involved in arts, applied for the training. Of the 30 selected candidates, 18 successfully completed the training. During the five-day long intense training, they improved their knowledge of working in Photoshop, which enabled them to integrate digital art in their work. Additionally, they are now ready to work in various work environments, such as desktop publishing, publishing companies, game development studios, or they can work as freelance designers.. The most successful interested participants in this training will take part in the next training, UI/UIX Design, while the ten most successful ones also had an opportunity to go on a study trip to visit the Nova iskra design incubator in Belgrade. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 33

36 Dodijeljeni certifikati polaznicima obuke Introduction to digital art with PhotoShop U INTERA Tehnološkom parku je održana dodjela certifikata polaznicima obuke Introduction to digital art with Photoshop. Podsjetimo, implementacija projekta IT_ART započela je početkom svibnja godine, a u periodu od održana je prva obuka pod nazivom Introduction to digital art with Photoshop. Od 43 zaprimljene prijave odabrano je 30 polaznika, od kojih je obuku uspješno završilo njih 18. Kroz intenzivnu petodnevnu edukaciju, oni su unaprijedili svoja znanja o radu u programu Photoshop čime su osposobljeni integrirati digitalnu umjetnost u svoj tijek rada. Zajedno s udruženjem Kulturni kod iz Beograda, INTERA Tehnološki park je proveo projekt pod nazivom Dijalog umjetnosti i tehnologija IT_ART (u daljnjem tekstu projekt IT_ART), u sklopu projekta Dijalog za budućnost koji implementiraju UNDP, UNICEF i UNESCO u partnerstvu s Predsjedništvom Bosne i Hercegovine. Projekt Dijalog za budućnost je financiran sredstvima Ureda Ujedinjenih naroda za podršku izgradnji mira / Fonda za izgradnju mira (PBF). Budući da se cilj projekta IT_ART ogleda u stvaranju temelja za ostvarivanja kvalitetne suradnje mladih kroz povezivanje IT sektora i mladih umjetnika te pokretanje novih, odnosno razvoj postojećih perspektivnih malih biznisa u IT sektoru, dodjeli certifikata prisustvovali su predstavnici nekoliko IT poduzeća iz Mostara. To je bila prilika za upoznavanje i druženje polaznika obuke s potencijalnim poslodavcima. Certificates awarded to participants of Introduction to digital art with PhotoShop training Certificate awarding ceremony for the participants of the Introduction to digital art with Photoshop training was held at INTERA Technology Park. Implementation of the IT_ART project began in early May 2015, and the first training titled Introduction to digital art with Photoshop was held between 25 and 29 May Thirty participants were selected from among 43 applicants, while 18 successfully completed the training. During the five-day long intense training, they improved their knowledge of working in Photoshop, which enables them to integrate their digital art in their work. Together with the Kulturni kod Association from Belgrade, INTERA Technology Park, implemented a project titled Dialogue of Art and Technology IT_ART (hereinafter IT_ART), as part of the Dialogue for the future project implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, and UNESCO in partnership with the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Dialogue for the future has been financed by the funds of the United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office/Peacebuilding Fund (PBF). Since the goal of the IT_ART project is creation of the foundations for setting up good cooperation among young people through connecting the IT sector and young artists and initiation of new and development of current small IT businesses with a future, the certificate awarding ceremony was attended by representatives of several IT companies from Mostar. This was an opportunity for the training attendees and potential employers to meet and mingle. 34 INTERA 2015

37 Održana dodjela diploma programa Moja praksa Održana je svečana dodjela diploma polaznicima četvrtog ciklusa programa Moja praksa, u sklopu projekta Partnership for Innovation, koji financira USAID. Program je namijenjen mladima iz oblasti IT tehnologija koji imaju priliku raditi na stvarnim projektima koje mentoriraju lokalna informatička poduzeća. Pored dodjele diploma, polaznici četvrtog ciklusa su prezentirali svoje uspješno završene projekte, a dodijeljene su i zahvalnice poduzećima koja su sudjelovala u ovom ciklusu. To je bila i prilika za druženje s poduzećima i mentorima, odnosno budućim mogućim poslodavcima. Akademski partner uključen u ovaj program je Fakultet informacijskih tehnologija Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić u Mostaru, a u programu su sudjelovali studenti Sveučilišta u Mostaru i Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić. Jedan od noviteta u ovom ciklusu Moje prakse je bio tim studenata sa ekonomskog fakulteta koji su radili analizu tržišta i marketing strategiju za PI projekt. Analizira se radila (između ostalog) i na polaznicima programa Moja praksa, njih 144 koji su ga do sada uspješno završili. Diplomas for Moja praksa programme awarded Diploma awarding ceremony for the participants of the fourth cycle of the Moja praksa programme was held as part of the Partnership for Innovation project, financed by the USAID. This programme is intended for young people in IT, as they get an opportunity to work on real GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK projects mentored by local IT companies. In addition to receiving their diplomas, the fourth cycle participants presented their successfully completed projects. Thank-you letters were given to companies that participated in this cycle, and this was also an opportunity for a get-together with companies and mentors, that is, prospective employers. Academic partner involved in the programme is the Faculty of information Technologies of the Džemal Bijedić University in Mostar, while both students from the University of Mostar and the Džemal Bijedić University participated. One of the novelties introduced during this cycle of the Moja praksa programme was a team of students of economics, who did a market analysis and a marketing strategy for the PI project. Analysis was also done (inter alia) for the 144 participants who so far successfully completed the Moja praksa programme

38 Uspješno održan SuperFounders on Tour - Meetup u Mostaru U ugodnoj atmosferi coworking prostora poslovnog inkubatora INTERA TP, pred tridesetak okupljenih sudionika održana je prezentacija prvog akceleracijskog programa regionalnog karaktera za startupe na području Hercegovine. Naime, INTERA TP s ponosom predstavlja početak suradnje sa Superfounders programom, čiji je glavni cilj omogućiti poslovni razvoj i rezultate inovativnim startupima na području Balkana koji su u ranoj fazi razvoja. Gosp. Aleksandar Tasev, jedan od osnivača SuperFounders startup akceleratora, predstavio je koncept cijelog programa i raspored aktivnosti. Pojasnio je kako će timovi koji uspješno prođu kroz program imati spremno tržište i investiciju, kao i osiguranu potporu u razvoju posla i traženju sredstava. Radi se o akceleracijskom programu za ranu fazu razvoja koja pokriva mnogostruke vertikale zasnovane na intenzivnim tematskim vikend programima i redovnim (tjednim) face-to-face mentoriranjem koje vrše lokalni mentori, kao i povremenim mentorskim sesijama sa mentorima iz ostalih gradova, specijaliziranim za pojedine teme na kojima će se raditi. Succesful SuperFounders on tourmeetup event in Mostar Presentation of the first regional acceleration program for start-ups in Herzegovina was held on 28 September in the pleasant atmosphere of the co-working space of the INTERA Technology Park. INTERA TP is proud to present the beginning of cooperation with SuperFounders programme, whose main goal is to provide business development and the results of innovative start-ups in the Balkans in early stage of development. Mr. Aleksandar Tasev, one of the founders of the SuperFounders start-up accelerator introduced the concept of the whole programme and schedule of activities. He explained that the teams that successfully complete the programme will have a ready market and investment, and secured support for business development and finding resources. SuperFounders is the acceleration program for the early stage of development that covers multiple verticals based on intensive themed weekend programmes and regular (weekly) face-to-face mentoring by local mentors, as well as occasional mentoring sessions with mentors from other cities, specialized in specific topics. 36 INTERA 2015

39 / Radionica o pripremi i pisanju projektih prijedloga na otvorene pozive EU S ciljem daljeg rada na unaprijeđenju kapaciteta i znanja radi što boljeg iskorištavanja predpristupnih fondova Europske unije, u INTERA Tehnološkom parku je 29. i održana dvodnevna radionica o pripremi i pisanju projekata na pozive EU. Radionica je ovaj put bila namijenjena osoblju INTERA TP-a, studentima koji u INTERA TP-u trenutno obavljaju praksu, zainteresiranim korisnicima poslovnog inkubatora i polaznicima programa WorkReadyNow!. Prvi dan radionice polaznici su se upoznali sa fondovima EU, s naglaskom na one dostupne BiH, s mogućnostima apliciranja kao i mjestima na kojima mogu naći informacije o otvorenim pozivima. Osim toga, dobili su i ključne teorijske naputke o pripremi i prijavi projekta te sadržaju projektne aplikacije, a poseban naglasak stavljen je na izradu projektnog proračuna i logičkog okvira. Drugog dana radionice, polaznici su zajedno s predavačem kroz praktičnu vježbu radili na izradi proračuna i logičkog okvira za projektnu ideju koju su sami izabrali. Na kraju radionice, predavač je s polaznicima podijelio preporuke za pisanje projekata iz svog bogatog iskustva. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK Workshop on the preparation and writing of project proposals to EU open calls In order to further improve the capacity and knowledge for better exploitation of pre-accession funds of the European Union, two-day workshop on the preparation and writing of projects to EU open calls was held in INTERA Technology Park on 29 and The workshop was designed for INTERA TP staff, students in the internship programme at INTERA TP, as well as tenants of the business incubator interested in the topic and WorkReadyNow! programme participants. During the first day of the workshop, participants got acquainted with EU funds, with an emphasis placed on those available to BiH, with the possibilities of their application, as well as with locations where they can find information about open calls. In addition, they received the key theoretical guidance on the preparation and content of a project application, with a special focus on making a project budget and logical framework. On the second day of the workshop, during a practical exercise, participants worked with the lecturer on the preparation of the budget and the logical framework for a project idea they chose. At the end of the workshop, lecturer shared with the participants recommendations for project writing base on his rich experience. 37

40 Počeo prvi ciklus Startup Akademije Jesen bogata raznim sadržajima namijenjenim startupima u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku dobila je svoj nastavak kroz početak prvog ciklusa Startup Akademije, koji se u cilju pružanja podrške razvoju poslovnih ideja mladih osoba u BiH provodi u suradnji s ICBL-om iz Banja Luke i BIT Centrom iz Tuzle. Program je financiran uz podršku Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Norveške u BiH, a implementira se u Mostaru, Tuzli i Banja Luci. Radi se o edukativno-mentorskom programu čija je svrha pružiti podršku mladima s dobrim poslovnim idejama u početnoj fazi razvoja. U tom smislu, Startup Akademija omogućuje mladim ambicioznim poduzetnicima i onima koji to žele postati priliku steći potrebna znanja i vještine. Osim toga, pružit će im se i mogućnost nastavka razvoja poslovne ideje u okviru poslovnog inkubatora ICBL Banja Luka, BIT centra Tuzla ili INTERA Tehnološkog parka Mostar. First cycle of Startup Academy started Autumn, rich in variety of contents for startups at INTERA Technology Park, continued with the first cycle of Startup Academy, which was organised in order to support the development of business ideas of young people in BiH in cooperation with ICBL from Banja Luka and the BIT Centre from Tuzla. The programme is financed with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway, and implemented in Mostar, Tuzla and Banja Luka. This is an educational and mentoring programme designed to support young people with good business ideas in the initial stage of development. Startup Academy provides young aspiring entrepreneurs and those whishing to become one, with a chance to acquire necessary knowledge and skills. It gives them the opportunity to continue the development of business ideas in the ICBL Banja Luka Business Incubator, Tuzla BIT Center or INTERA Technology Park Mostar. 38 INTERA 2015

41 Uspješno završena radionica Kako napisati dobar projekt za EU program Horizon 2020 U INTERA Tehnološkom parku završena je radionica na temu Kako napisati dobar projekt za financiranje istraživačko-inovacijskih programa EU HORIZON 2020, na kojoj je sudjelovalo 12 osoba. Predavač, gosp. Boško Nektarijević, naveo je kako je jako zadovoljan pristupom sudionika, te da je sasvim sigurno da ovakvih edukacija itekako manjka s obzirom na male iznose novca koje Bosna i Hercegovina povuče kroz razne EU fondove. Cilj dvodnevne radionice je bio kroz praktičan rad uz korištenje primjera iz višegodišnje prakse predavača pokazati polaznicima kako pripremiti projekt i koje su vještine potrebne za pripremu prijedloga projekta. Successful workshop ended - How to create a good project for the EU programme HORIZON 2020 A workshop on How to make a good project for funding research and innovation programmes EU Horizon 2020 was held at INTERA Technology Park, and attended by 12 people. The lecturer, Mr. Boško Nektarijević said he was very pleased with the participants approach, and that he was certain there was lack of this kind of education due to small amounts of money that Bosnia and Herzegovina gets from various EU funds. The goal of the two-day workshop was to show participants practically how to prepare a project, using examples from years of the lecturer s experience, as well as which skills are required for the preparation of a project proposal GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 39

42 Završen treći Startup Weekend u Mostaru Završen je treći Startup Weekend u Mostaru u organizaciji INTERA Tehnološkog parka. Na trodnevnom natjecanju mladi su imali priliku raditi u timu, razvijati poslovnu ideju, naučiti kako prezentirati pred potencijalnim investitorima, te steći neponovljivo iskustvo za nastavak. Pobjednik trećeg Startup Weekenda je tim RAFTMANIA s idejom online rezerviranja i dijeljenja iskustava o raftingu i lokacijama za rafting. Drugo mjesto je osvojio tim Syne s idejom za proizvodnju visokokvalitetnih futrola za laptope i online distribuciju proizvoda, a treće mjesto je osvojio tim BOOKLAND. Pobjednici su dobili nagradu u iznosu od KM, Zanimljivo je da je tim RAFTMANIA na prva dva Startup Weekenda u Mostaru oba puta osvojio drugo mjesto. Third Start-up Weekend Mostar The Third Startup Weekend Mostar, organized by INTERA Technology Park Mostar, ended on 18 October. During the three-day competition, young people had the opportunity to work in a team, develop business ideas, learn how to present it to potential investors, and gain unique experience for further activities. The winner of the Third Startup Weekend was the Raftmania team, with the idea of online booking and sharing experiences about rafting and rafting locations. Second place went to the Syne team, whose idea was production of high quality sleeves for laptops and online distribution of products, while the third place went to the BOOKLAND team. Winners received a prize of 4,000 BAM. What is interesting about the Raftmania team is that at the first two Startup Weekends in Mostar they won the second place. 40 INTERA 2015

43 Peter Corbett posjetio INTERA TP Američki marketinški ekspert i svjetski priznati mentor iz oblasti tehnoloških inovacija, Peter Corbett, posjetio je INTERA Tehnološki park U ugodnom ambijentu coworking prostora u Interi, umjesto klasične prezentacije, gost se radije odlučio na opušteniju verziju. Kroz pitanja i odgovore sa startupima je porazgovarao o vlastitim počecima i podijelio korisne savjete. Gosp. Corbett je osnivač i direktor istrategylabs digitalne agencije koja razvija rješenja za izazove koji se postavljaju pred njene klijente, povezujući svijet na internetu ali i izvan njega. Njegovi klijenti su brojna poznata poduzeća kao što su General Electric, Disney, Microsoft, Intel, Coca-Cola, Deloitte, Volkswagen, Audi, Ford, Hilton i mnogi drugi Peter Corbett visited INTERA TP American marketing expert and world famous mentor in the field of technological innovation, Peter Corbett, visited INTERA Technology Park on 23 October In the pleasant atmosphere of INTERA co-working space, instead of giving a classic presentation, our guest decided he preferred a more relaxed setting. Through a question and answer session, he talked about his beginnings and shared useful tips with startups. Mr. Corbett is the founder and director of istrategylabs - digital agency that develops solutions for challenges placed in front of its clients, connecting the world online and offline. His clients include many wellknown companies such as General Electric, Disney, Microsoft, Intel, Coca-Cola, Deloitte, Volkswagen, Audi, Ford, Hilton and many others. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 41

44 Počela obuka Digital Designer Training U INTERA Tehnološkom parku započela je obuka Digital Designer Training za rad u programu Photoshop. Obuka je trajala pet dana, od 26. do godine, a namijenjena je prvenstveno studentima umjetničkih fakulteta i dizajna te svima onima koji se na neki način bave umjetnošću, a cilj je da ih nauči svoje umjetničke radove transformirati u digitalni oblik. U tom smislu, obuka predstavlja Photoshop iz perspektive umjetnika, prezentirajući metodologije, tokove i načine rada koji omogućuju umjetnicima učinkovito koristiti ovaj program. Interes je bio zaista velik, ali je broj polaznika bio ograničen na 40. Završetak implementacije projekta Dijalog umjetnosti i tehnologija IT_ART U dvorani Oslo u INTERA TP održala se završna konferencija projekta Dijalog umjetnosti i tehnologija IT_ART na kojoj su predstavljeni projektni rezultati. Dijalog umjetnosti i tehnologija IT_ART je projekt kojeg je INTERA TP u suradnji s udruženjem Kulturni kod iz Beograda imlementirao u razdoblju od , a dio je projekta Dijalog za budućnost koji provode UNDP, UNICEF i UNESCO u partnerstvu s Predsjedništvom BiH. Projekt IT_ART je osmišljen na osnovu prepoznatih i iskazanih potreba poduzeća koje se bave informacijskim tehnologijama na području Hercegovine za profilom stručnjaka umjetničkog obrazovanja ili općenito umjetničkih preferencija koji bi bili voljni raditi s njima na kreiranju i razvoju mobilnih, web i desk aplikacija. Digital Designer Training started Digital Designer Training for Photoshop started at INTERA Technology Park. This training lasted for five days, October 2015, and was primarily intended for students of arts and design, and all those who are in some way involved in art, with the aim of teaching them to transform their artwork into digital form. Training presented Photoshop from the perspective of artists, by showcasing the methodology, processes and ways of working that enable artists to effectively use this program. The interest was huge, but the number of participants was limited to INTERA 2015

45 Implementation of the project Dialogue of art and technology IT_ART completed Final conference of the project Dialogue of art and technology, IT_ART, during which project results were presented, was held on 30 October 2015 at INTERA TP, in the conference room Oslo. Dialogue of art and technology, IT_ART, is a project that INTERA TP implemented between 1 May 2015 and 30 October 2015 in cooperation with Kulturni kod association from Belgrade, and it is part of the project Dialogue for the Future, implemented by UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO, in partnership with the BiH Presidency. IT_ART project was designed on the basis of recognized and voiced needs of IT companies in Herzegovina to experts educated in specialised art or art in general, who would be willing to work with them on the design and development of mobile, web and desk applications Uspješno završen poslovni utorak - IT u vinarstvu U INTERA Tehnološkom Parku održan je događaj na temu IT u vinarstvu, na kojem se okupilo nešto više od 40 sudionika iz informatičkog i sektora proizvodnje vina. Cilj događaja je bio okupiti sve ključne aktere iz sektora vina i vinogradarstva iz Hercegovine i informatička poduzeća i stručnjake kako bi razmijenili iskustva i zajednički identificirali područja suradnje na obostrano zadovoljstvo. Succesfully finished BusinessTuesday IT & Wine More than 40 participants from IT & Wine sector attended the IT & Wine event held at INTERA Technology Park on 3 November. The event was aimed at bringing together all the key stakeholders in wine and viticulture sector in Herzegovina and IT companies and experts, so they could exchange experiences and identify common areas of cooperation. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 43

46 Uspješno završen seminar Rukovoditeljske vještine Centar za obuke INTERA Tehnološkog Parka u suradnji s Adizes South East Europe (ASEE) organizirao je godine seminar Rukovoditeljske vještine na kojem je sudjelovalo preko 20 sudionika, predstavnika privatnog i NGO sektora. Zanimljivo predavanje kroz interaktivni pristup, uz puno primjera iz prakse održao je gospodin Hrvoje Bogdan, direktor ASEE Hrvatska. Sudionici su, među ostalim, imali priliku naučiti kako razvijati svoje zaposlenike, delegirati zadatke, uputiti kritike te postići preuzimanje odgovornosti. Seminar Management skills ends successfully In cooperation with Adizes South East Europe (ASEE), training centre at INTERA Technology Park Mostar organized a seminar titled Management skills. It was held on 11 November 2015 and was attended by over 20 participants, representatives of the private and NGO sector. Mr. Hrvoje Bogdan, director of ASEE Croatia gave an interesting lecture using interactive approach with a lot of practical examples. The participants, among other things, had the opportunity to learn how to develop the skills of their employees, delegate tasks, criticize, and achieve accountability. Konferencija Oblikovanje i tehnologije arhitektonskih otvora Prva znanstveno-stručna konferencija s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem pod nazivom Oblikovanje i tehnologije arhitektonskih otvora u organizaciji marketinške i izdavačke agencija Sfera d.o.o. Mostar, održana je 12. i 13. studenoga u prostorijama Tehnološkog parka INTERA u Mostaru. Ovo je prvi put u BiH da se organizirao ovakav sistem konferencije s ciljem okupljanja svih proizvođača i buduće komunikacije između zakonodavne vlasti i segmenta gospodarstva. Konferencija je imala za cilj preispitivanje znanstvenih, odnosno tehnoloških dostignuća i profesionalnih opredjeljenja u kontekstu proizvodnje, primjene i oblikovanja arhitektonskih ili građevinskih otvora. Conference Shaping and technologies of architectural openings held The first scientific professional conference with international participation, titled Shaping and technologies of apertures, organised by Sfera d.o.o. marketing and publishing agency from Mostar, was held on 12 and 13 November 2015 in INTERA Technology Park in Mostar. This is the first time that such a system of conferencing was organised in BiH in order to gather all manufacturers and establish future communication between legislative authorities and economy. The Conference aimed to re-examine the scientific, that is, technological achievements and professional commitments in the context of production, application, and shaping of openings. 44 INTERA 2015

47 Svečana promocija Startup Akademije u Sarajevu U Sarajevu je, zahvaljujući gostoprimstvu veleposlanice Norveške u BiH, Anne Vibeke Lilloe, održana svečana promocija projekta Startup Akademija. Startup akademija zajednički je projekt Inovacionog centra Banja Luka, BIT centra Tuzla i INTERA Tehnološkog parka Mostar, u okviru kojeg će se provesti dva ciklusa akademije u svakoj od navedenih organizacija. Program je financiran uz podršku veleposlanstva Kraljevine Norveške u BiH Cilj događaja bio je okupiti predstavnike uključenih centara te timove koji se natječu u prvom ciklusu Akademije u sva tri centra, kako bi se upoznali i razmjenili dosadašnja iskustva i prakse u realizaciji projekata. Official promotion of Startup Academy in Sarajevo Uspješno održan poslovni utorak - IT u edukaciji U prostorijama INTERA TP-a uspješno je održan poslovni utorak na temu IT u edukaciji. Cilj je bio potaknuti inovativan način uporabe informacijskih tehnologija kao nositelja pozitivnih promjena u obrazovnom sustavu. Na događaju je sudjelovalo preko 70 nastavnika i profesora iz osnovnih i srednjih škola s područja Hercegovine, te nekolicina profesora s fakulteta. Business Tuesday IT in education successfully held Business Tuesday on IT in education was successfully held on 1 December at INTERA TP. Its aim was to encourage innovative ways of using information technology as a holder of positive changes in the education system. The event was attended by over 70 teachers and professors from primary and secondary schools in Herzegovina, and several university professors. Official promotion of the Startup Academy project, hosted by Her Excellency Madam Ambassador of Norway, Anne Vibeke Lilloe, was held on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 in Sarajevo. Startup Academy is a joint project of the Innovation Centre Banja Luka, Tuzla BIT Centre and the INTERA Technology Park Mostar within which two cycles of the Academy will be implemented in each of these organizations. The programme is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in BiH. The aim of the event was to bring together representatives of the involved centres and teams who compete in the first cycle of the Academy in all three centres, in order to meet and exchange experience and practices in the implementation of projects. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 45

48 ciklus obuke CNC operatera najpoželjnije strukovno zanimanje Europe U prostorijama INTERA HTEC centra počeo je novi ciklus obuke za CNC operatere. INTERA HTEC pruža mogućnost obuke na najmodernijim industrijskim strojevima, visokokvalitetnim alatima i pratećoj opremi, a cjelovita obuka sadrži sve ono što CNC operater mora znati kako bi bio produktivan: od usvajanja osnovnih pojmova do samostalne praktične izrade dijelova od čelika i aluminija uz primjenu tehnoloških listi i mjernih protokola. Pored same obuke, INTERA HTEC Vam može pružiti i priliku da stupite u kontakt s poduzećima u regiji koja traže kadrove ovog profila, pri čemu je već tijekom obuke moguć dogovor o potencijalnom radnom odnosu. 7th cycle of training for CNC operators - the most desirable professional vocation in Europe A new cycle of training for CNC operators started at INTERA HTEC centre, located in the INTERA Technology Park. INTERA HTEC offered training on the state-ofthe-art industrial equipment, high-quality tools and supporting equipment, and included everything that a CNC operator needs to know in order to be productive: from learning about the basic concepts to practical self-developed parts of steel and aluminium with the use of technological list and measurement protocols. In addition to training, INTERA HTEC gave to participants a chance to get in contact with companies in the region seeking staff of this professional background, and there was a possibility of employment. 46 INTERA 2015

49 Uspješno završen seminar Upravljanje i naplata potraživanja Interaktivno predavanje, u radnoj i opuštenoj atmosferi, održao je gospodin Goran Nedić. Među ostalim, sudionici su imali priliku naučiti kako komunicirati s klijentima prilikom naplate potraživanja te kako sustavno započeti naplatu potraživanja i kako je unaprijediti. Uz predavanje s puno primjera iz prakse, sudionici su imali priliku za razmjenu iskustava međusobno i s predavačem. Management and recovery of outstanding debts seminar ends Interactive lecture was held by Mr. Goran Nedić in a working and relaxed atmosphere. Among other things, the participants had the opportunity to learn how to communicate with clients in recovery of outstanding debts and how to begin collecting payments systematically, as well as how to improve the process. In addition hearing the lecture and a lot of practical examples, participants had the opportunity to exchange experience among themselves and with the lecturer. Započeo peti ciklus programa Moja praksa U okviru petog ciklusa programa Moja praksa, u INTERA Tehnološkom parku provedene su određene aktivnosti. Zanimanje za program i u ovom ciklusu bilo je iznimno veliko, te je od 150 prijavljenih mladih za sudjelovanje u programu odabrano njih 70. Odabrani praktikanti tijekom programa rade na stvarnim projektima koje su za njih kreirala poduzeća uključena u program. U ovom ciklusu u program je uključeno 12 različitih poduzeća iz Hercegovine, a timove praktikanata čine studenti završnih godina te mladi visokoobrazovani nezaposleni različitih, pretežito tehničkih, zanimanja. Fifth Cycle of Moja praksa programme started Activities within the fifth cycle of the Moja praksa programme were in progress at INTERA Technology Park. Interest in the programme and in this cycle was huge, and among 150 applicants, 70 young persons were selected to participate. They were working on real projects that had been created for them by companies involved in the programme. Twelve different companies from Herzegovina were involved in this cycle, while participants were organised in teams composed of final-year students and young highly educated unemployed persons with various, mostly technical, professional backgrounds. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 47

50 Konferencija Techday 2015 okupila više od 160 sudionika iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine Završena UI/UIX design obuka Obuka je provedena u okviru projekta Creative Mobility for Jobs - CREAM Jobs, na temelju prepoznate potrebe za dodatnom obukom kadrova informatičkih poduzeća u ovom području. Sukladno tome, obuku je pohađalo petnaestak zaposlenika startupa u poslovnom inkubatoru INTERA Tehnološkog parka i drugih informatičkih poduzeća u Mostaru, te nekolicina freelancera. UI / UX Design Training completed The training was conducted within the Creative Mobility for Jobs - CREAM Jobs project, based on the recognized need for additional training of IT companies staff in this field. Accordingly, the training was attended by fifteen employees of startups at INTERA Technology Park incubator and other IT companies in Mostar, as well as several freelancers. Edukativna konferencija TechDay 2015 održana je u INTERA Tehnološkom parku u Mostaru. Više od 160 sudionika iz poslovnog sektora, kao i studenata tehničkih fakulteta, imali su priliku čuti mnoštvo kvalitetnih predavača i aktuelnih tema, a u okviru ovogodišnje konferencije, pored dva cjelodnevna tehnička treninga, održana su i dva dodatna smjera predavanja sa temama vezanim za nove Microsoft proizvode. Konferencija je kroz predavanja vrhunskih eksperata iz struke odgovorila na pitanja o novinama u svijetu informacijskih tehnologija, kako iskoristiti maksimalno resurse clouda za web aplikacije i kako proširiti datacentar. 48 INTERA 2015

51 TechDay 2015 Conference gathered more than 160 participants from all over BIH Educational Conference TechDay 2015 was held on 15 December 2015 at INTERA Technology Park in Mostar. During the conference, more than 160 participants from the business sector, as well as students of technical universities, had the opportunity to hear numerous experts talk about current topics. There were also two additional modules of lectures on topics related to new Microsoft products, and two full days of technical training organised within the conference. Through lectures by top experts, the Conference discussed the latest developments in the world of IT, how to use maximum resources for cloud and web applications and how to extend a data centre. GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 49

52 Završen ciklus Startup Akademije U INTERA Tehnološkom parku održan je Demo dan prvog ciklusa Startup Akademije. Od prvobitnih jedanaest timova, osam ih je razvilo svoje poslovne modele, a u samom finalu programa, šest timova, Chefiste, PriroDar, Emerald, Dos Rubias, kreartiva i Raftmania pred povjerenstvom je predstavilo ideje koje su u protekla dva mjeseca razvijali i usavršavali. Povjerenstvo su činili predstavnici tri centra uključena u projekt: Inovacioni centar Banja Luka, BIT Centar Tuzla i INTERA Tehnološki Park. U tijesnom natjecanju zaista izvrsnih timova, pobjedu je odnio tim kreartiva, kojeg čine Ana Ćavar i Dijana Perić. Njihova poslovna ideja je web shop za prodaju ručno izrađenih, kvalitetnih i stilski dorađenih proizvoda iz BiH, s naglaskom na izvoz u inozemstvo. Drugo mjesto odnio je tim Raftmania s idejom izrade web platforme koja će svojim korisnicima pružiti uslugu rezerviranja rafting izleta, a treće mjesto pripalo je timu Emerald s idejom dizajniranja PC kućišta za najzahtjevnije korisnike. Pobjednički tim osvojio je KM za razvoj poslovne ideje nakon registriranja poduzeća, te ulaznicu za Pioneers festival u Beču u svibnju godine. 50 INTERA 2015

53 First Cycle of Startup Academy Completed Yesterday, on 17 December 2015, Demo day of the first cycle of the Startup Academy was held at INTERA Technology Park. Out of initially eleven involved teams, eight have developed their business models. Eventually, the following six ideas the teams were developing and improving over the past two months were presented: Chefiste, PriroDar, Emerald, Dos Rubias, kreartiva, and Raftmania. The Committee that assessed the ideas consisted of representatives of three centres involved in the project: Innovation Centre Banja Luka, BIT Centre Tuzla and INTERA Technology Park. In a tight competition of truly great teams, the winner was the kreartiva team, consisting of Ana Ćavar and Diana Perić. Their business idea is a web shop for sale of hand-made, high-quality stylish products from Bosnia-Herzegovina, with a focus on export. Second place was taken by the Raftmania team, whose idea was to create a web platform that will provide easy booking of rafting trips, while the team Emerald took the third place with the idea of designing PC cases for the most demanding users. The winning team won BAM 10,000 to develop business ideas after registering the company, and a ticket for the Pioneers Festival in Vienna in May GODIŠNJAK / YEARBOOK 51

54 Zahvaljujemo Posebno se zahvaljujemo svim partnerskim institucijama, organizacijama i poduzećima koji su dali svoj doprinos da godina bude uspješna: Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Norveške Veleposlanstvo Kraljevine Norveške u BiH Veleposlanstvo Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u BiH Federalno ministarstvo razvoja, poduzetništva i obrta Global Boost Innovation USAID UNDP, UNICEF & UNESCO HAAS Automation TEXIMP d.o.o. Adizes South East Europe Inovacioni centar Banja Luka BIT centar Tuzla GIZ - Njemačka agencija za međunarodnu suradnju Fakultet informacijskih tehnologija Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić u Mostaru Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić u Mostaru Fakultet strojarstva i računarstva Sveučilišta u Mostaru Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić u Mostaru Regionalna razvojna agencija Hercegovine - REDAH Unicredit Bank d.d. Mostar MojTaxi d.o.o.

55 We thank We particularly wish to thank all partner institutions, organizations and companies, which contributed to a successful 2015: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Royal Norwegian Embassy in BiH Embassy of United States of America in BiH Federal Ministry of Development, entrepreneurship and crafts Global Boost Innovation USAID UNDP, UNICEF & UNESCO HAAS Automation TEXIMP d.o.o. Adizes South East Europe Innovation Centre Banja Luka BIT Centre Tuzla GIZ - German Agency for International Cooperation Faculty of information technologies University Džemal Bijedić in Mostar Faculty of mechanical engineering University Džemal Bijedić in Mostar Faculty of mechanical engineering and computing University in Mostar Faculty of economics University in Mostar Faculty of economics University Džemal Bijedić in Mostar Regional development agency of Herzegovine - REDAH Unicredit Bank d.d. Mostar MojTaxi d.o.o.

56 Treninzi Advanced MS Excel , , , ios training , , , , BIP training for Business Planning Introduction to digital art with Photoshop for artists BIP training for Business Planning , UI/UX Design IT_ART Guerilla Marketing Surface Protection course (JOTUN) , Project Cycle Management training Horizon 2020 workshop Startup Academy Trainings ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Digital Designer Training UI/UX Design CREAM Jobs ; INTERA 2015


Malta 23, Sarajevo 71000, Bosna i Hercegovine

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