Medical Re-Check at Health Lodge. Trip Planning at Logistics

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2 Registration Meet your Ranger at Welcome Centel Dining Hall Medical Re-Check at Health Lodge Trip Planning at Logistics Crew Photograph Trail Equipment Checkout OTHER STOPS O N D A Y ONE -News and Information Service -Advisor's Meeting -Opening Campfire -Trading Post Trail Food Issue


4 Date 2002 ITINERARY CHOICES Return to Philmont As Soon As Possible - NO LATER THAN MAY 1 Expedition # ( Please indicate your complete Exp. #, example: 714-A2) Coed Crew : Yes No Unit and no or COU~CI~ Contingent We expect to have: Youth and Adult Advisors. number number (Minimum crew size 7, maximum 12, includes adults. Small crews may have to combine.) After careful study, we selected the following five (5) different itinerary choces. Meet your R Philmont will confirm your itinerary with a postcard Adult Advisor Address City, State, Zip Phone Number (daytime) Please include your address to avoid delays in contacting you if needed Address ARRIVAL PLANS I CREW INFORMATION Mail to Philmont at least One Month Before Departure Expedition # of Council will arrive at Raton, Cirnarron or Philrnont on A.M. Or P. M Day Month Date Time Circle One with Youth and Adult Adv~sors number number We need transportation from Yes No - Raton or Cmarron Our mode of travel is by Our first meal at Philmont will be breakfast, lunch or supper Please include your address to avoid delays in contacting you if needed Signature of Advisor Ernall SHOULD THERE BE ANY CHANGES, PLEASE NOTIFY PHILMONT: Ranger Shakedown --.. q4z"k-a:.* m4i.. v - OTHER STOPS ON ONE --News and Information Service -Advisor's Meeting -Opening Campfire -Trading Post 4 a:,% lj~l i Trail Food Issue '*'

5 TABLE CONTENTS I. PREPARING FOR HIGH ADVENTURE Congratulations! Physical Conditioning Philrnont Weight Limlts for Backcountry Participation : Health and Medical Record Flrst Aid and CPR Certification Acc~dent and S~ckness Insurance Emergency Transportat~on Costs ADVISOR - CREW LEADER - PHILMONT RANGER, A WINNING TEAM Roles of the Ranger. Advisor and Crew Leader II THE JOURNEY BEGINS Tour Permlt 5 Tour D~rector 5 Transportat~on 5 Travel Etiquette 6 Mall Arrlval Plans & Crew lnformat~on 6 Famlly Accornrnodat~ons 7 Prepare Your Crew Roster 7 Backpacking Stoves 7 Exped~t~on Number 7 Phllrnont Address and Mall 8 Emergency Telephone Number at Ph~lmont 8 Crew Lockers 1 Secur~ty 8 Ill WELCOME TO THE MAGIC MOUNTAINS Ph~lmont Museums 9 Preparmg To 'Hit The Trall 9 Contr~bute to Phllmont s Conservat~on Plan 9 Ph~lmont Fleldgu~de 10 On the Trail at Ph~lmont 10 IV ITINERARIES 2002 Selectmg Your ltlnerary 10 Degrees of Challenge 10 Ph~lmont ltmerary Number 11 To Select Your lt~nerary 11 Valle Vldal ltlnerarles 12 Reserwng Your lt~nerary 12 Short Treks 13 Phllmont Web Page 13 Phllrnont Interactwe Ranger CD 13 YOUR CHECK LIST 14 ITINERARIES AT A GLANCE 15,16 PHILMONT CAMP RESOURCES & FACILITIES 16 ITINERARIES IN BRIEF SECTION MAPS NEEDED FOR EACH ITINERARY 22 "TEN ESSENTIALS' FOR HIKERS 23 USEFUL TIPS ON USING MAPS AND ITINERARIES 23 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 23 MAPS AND ITINERARIES YOUR ITINERARY INCLUDES THESE PROGRAMS YOUR ITINERARY INCLUDES THESE STAFFED CAMPS ITINERARY RENDEZVOUS LOCATIONS SPECIAL INDIVIDUAL TREK EXPERIENCES 102 SPECIAL PHILMONT FALL AND WINTER PROGRAMS 103 Cover Photo by 2001 News & Photo Staff Copyrrght Phllmont Scout Ranch, BSA. Route 1, Box 35, Clmarron, New Mexico

6 PHILMONT PROGRAMS PROGRAMS Archaeology Archery - 3 D~mens~onal Astronomy Black Powder R~fle Blacksm~thmg Burro Pack~ng Burro Racmg Cantrna Challenge Events Chuck Wagon Breakfast Chuck Wagon Dmner Contmental Tie & Lumber Company Env~ronmental Awareness (Learn About the Ph~lmont Env~ronment) Fly F~sh~ng Fly Tymg & Fish~ng, Lodge Tour CAMPS lndran Wrrtrngs Apache Spr~ngs R~ng Place Black Mounta~n Clear Creek M~randa Black Mounta~n Cyphers Mme, French Henry M~randa, Pon~l Harlan Abreu, Pon~l Dan Beard Head of Dean, Urraca Pon~l Beaub~en. Clarks Fork Pon~l Crater Lake Pueblano C~marronc~to Dean Cow, M~ners Park, Flsh Camp, Ph~lllps Junct~on F~sh Camp 12 Gauge Shotgun Shootmg/Reloadmg Harlan Shootmg/Reloadmg Sawm~ll Gold Mmmg & Pann~ng Cyphers Mme, French Henry Homesteadmg Horse R~des J~car~lla Apache L~fe Mex~can HomesteadlD~nner Mountam B~k~ng Mountam L~vln' Mountam Man Rendezvous No Trace Campmg Ph~lmont Story Campflre Rock Chmbmg Rocky Mountain Fur Company Search & Rescue Trad~ng Post & Commissary Comm~ssary (only) Wa~te Ph~lhps H~stor~c Lodge Tour Wa~te Ph~lhps Hlstor~c Cabm Tour Western Lore W~lderness F~rst Aid W~lderness Weather, GPS Technology Crooked Creek, Rich Cab~ns Beaub~en, Clarks Fork Pon~l Apache Sprmgs Abreu Wh~teman Vega Black Mountam M~randa Dan BeardiRlch Cabms Crater Lake, Pueblano Urraca C~marronc~to Dean Cow M~ners Park Clear Creek Seally Canyon Baldy Philhps Junct~on, Pon~l Ute Gulch R~ch Cab~ns Ring Place Hunt~ng Lodgmg F~sh Camp Beaub~en Clarks Fork Pond Seally Canyon R~ng Place

7 PREPARING FOR HIGH ADVENTURE CONGRATULATIONS! A once in a lifetime experience awaits your group of Scouts or Venturers as each crew conquers the challenges of a 2002 Philmont Trek. As the time draws closer to your Philmont Expedition, it will benefit you to understand the responsibility you face as the key Advisor, as well as the all important role of the youth crew leader in each crew. Much of the crew's success depends on you and your crew leader becoming a strong and cooperative team. You have received the PHILMONT 2002 COUNCIL AND UNIT PLANNING GUIDE and the med~cal forms for your group. That information along with this 2002 ITINERARY GUlDE will help your crew complete many tasks that will prepare them for a premiere mountain top adventure. The Council and Unit Plannmg Guide contains important information about requ~rements for leadership and participation, youth protection, health and medical standards, crew size, fee payment pol~cy, risks associated with high adventure, and a complete month by month planning guide Coed groups must be Venturing Crews with both male and female leadership. All leaders must be registered with the Boy Scouts of America. This year's 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE IS designed to: help your crew finalize travel plans help your crew understand Philmont's participation requirements help your crew select an itinerary that carefully matches your crew's physical ability level allow the crew to fully enjoy the unique program offered at Phllmont. help your crew bond into an efficient team that helps all crew members succeed PHYSICAL CONDITIONING For many youth and adults a Philmont Trek will be the greatest challenge in the~r lifetime. It IS both a physical and emotional experience. Everyone carries a Ib pack while hiklng 5 to 12 miles dally, at elevations ranging from 6,500 to 12,500 feet. Excellent physical conditioning is required in order to complete and enjoy the trek. Your group should be well into their conditioning program. IF NOT - PLEASE START NOW! Select a hilly area for your training. Start with a short hike and a light pack. Increase the mileage and your pack weight as your training progresses. It is important to hike often enough while carrying a pack and wearing the boots which you will use at Philmont to toughen your feet and to break In your boots Backpacking is the best way to prepare for a Philmont Trek. It is highly recommended that everyone fulfill the requirements for Backpacking Merit Badge. These include three 15 mile treks with two overnights each and one 5 day backpacking trek covering at least 30 miles. Fulfilling these requirements will enable you to enjoy a Philmont trek. The Venture backpacking pamphl& also has excellent tips on preparing for a Philmont trek. Be Prepared! 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH BSA -

8 PHILMONT WEIGHT LIMITS FOR BACKCOUNTRY PARTICIPATION Each participant in a Philmont trek must not exceed the maximum acceptable limit in the weight for height chart shown below. The right hand column shows the maximum acceptable weight for a person's height in order to participate in a Philmont trek. Those who fall within the limits are more likely to have an enjoyable trek and avoid incurring health risks. Every Philmont trek involves hiking with a Ib. backpack between 6,500 and 12,500 ft. elevations. Philmont recommends that participants carry a pack ' weighing no more than 25-30% of their body weight. Participants 21 years and older who exceed the maximum acceptable weight limit for their height at the Philmont medical recheck, will not be permitted to backpack or hike at Philmont For example, a person 5'10" cannot weigh more than 226 Ibs. The Philmont physicians will use their best professional judgment in determining participation in a Philmont trek by individuals under 21 years of age who exceed the maximum acceptable weight for height. Participants under 21 years of age are strongly encouraged to meet the weight limit for their height, and exceptions are not made automatically and the maximum allowable exception will be 20 Ibs. Discussion in advance with Philmont regarding any exception to the weight limit for persons under 21 years of age is required. Under no circumstance will any individual over 295 Ibs. be allowed to participate regardless of height or age. This limit is necessary due to liln~tat~ons of rescue equipment and for the safety of Philrnont personnel. The maximum weight for any partlapant in a Cavalcade Trek and for horse rides IS 200 Ibs. This table IS based on the rev~sed D~etary Gu~del~nes for Amer~cans from the U S Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE 2 - PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

9 Philmont does not offer a Base Camp program. Any participant arriving at Philmont who does not meet the physical requirements or any person coming off the trail because they cannot "physically make it" must return home at their own expense. Minor injuries or brief illnesses can usually be handled at the Health Lodge and the participant returned to the trail. Although, due to the many factors - where the crew is camped; weather; itinerary considerations; length of trek remaining; Philmont cannot guarantee a person will be able to rejoin the crew. HEALTH AND MEDICAL RECORD Every camper and advlsor is requlred to have a medical evaluation within the past twelve (12) months by their family doctor. The Philmont Health and Medical Record must be used. Each participant is also requlred to have a tetanus shot or booster withln ten years. If these servlces are admmistered at Philmont's medical facility, you will be charged accordingly Advisors need to collect and review each partlclpant's medical form prior to arriving at Philmont In order to be fam~liar wlth any health restrictions. The forms are to be turned in at the Hea\th Lodge during the check-in process after arriving at Philmont. FIRST AID AND CPR CERTIFICATION Philmont requires that at least one person, preferably two, (elther an advisor or a youth participant) ~n each crew be currently certified in Amerlcan Red Cross Standard Flrst Aid or the equivalent* and CPR from the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross or the equwalent Several hours may be requtred for Philmont staff to reach a remote backcountry locatlon after a message is delivered to the nearest staffed camp. First aid and CPR training will result in proper and prompt attention being glven to Injuries and/or illnesses. You must present current certification cards upon check in to verify this requirement. *Equivalent traming can include instruction by ambulance or fire department personnel, community colleges or other organizations You must have a letter Indicating length of traming, toplcs covered and participant roster. ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE Campers and advisors are covered while at Philmont, and while travellng to and from. by a plan through Mutual of Omaha lnsurance Company. For each sickness or injury, benefits in the aggregate of up to $7, are payable for medical or surgical treatment, prescription drugs, hospitalization or the exclusive services of a prlvate duty nurse (RN or LPN). Benefits will be paid for expenses incurred (subject to the Non-duplication Provision below) up to the usual, reasonable charges normally made within the geographic area where treatment is performed Non-duplication Provision - When surgical treatment or hospital care IS ~nvolved. benefits ~n excess of the first $ will be payable only for the expense shown ~n the Mutual of Omaha Campers' Accident and Sickness lnsurance booklet. which are not receivable under any other insurance pol~cy or service contract. If no other collectible lnsurance IS available thls excess provision will not apply. Advisors are urged to inform parents of the information in the Mutual of Omaha Campers' Accident and Sickness lnsurance booklet. Also, remmd parents to include the company name and policy number of their family lnsurance poky on the camper med~cal form. EMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION COSTS Scouts. Scout Leaders and Advlsors who must return home before the end of the~r expedit~on because of illness or injury, are responsible for transportation costs to the airport. The transportation fee needs to be paid directly to Philmont Crews should be prepared to pay emergency transportation fees from their contingency fund. Philmont will provide rides to Albuquejque Airport at a fee of S75 Colorado Springs Airport at a fee of $75: Denver Airport at a fee of $ ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

10 ADVISOR - CREW LEADER - PHILMONT RANGER A WINNING TEAM ORGANIZE YOUR CREW A well qualified Scout or Venturer should be selected as crew leader before training begins. The crew leader is a key person for a successful Philmont expedition and the advisor must work closely with this person. The advisor is responsible for : arranging transportat~on, overnight stops and meals en route to and from Philmont. ensuring the safety and well being of everyone in the crew addressing crew conflicts that may require appropriate discipline. serving as a counselor and coach and g ~ng appropriate guidance to the crew leader The crew leader provides leadership for. maklng itinerary selections based upon the deslres and physical abilities of the crew. choosing routes during the trek based upon the capability of the crew setting up and breaking camp establishing a duty roster. seeing that "smellables" are properly stored and other precautions are followed to avold encounters with bears and other wildlife. ensuring the Philmont Wilderness Pledge is upheld and that every campsite and fire pit is left clean. If a crew member has earned a relig~ous award in Scouting, consider asking that person to serve as chaplain's aide. A kit of worship resources will be provided for use along the tratl ROLES THE RANGER, ADVISOR AND CREW LEADER As an adult advisor, your role is to counsel your crew leader and crew. If it becomes necessary, you should be prepared to discipline a crew member, without verbal or physical abuse With the adv~ce of your Ranger, you are responsible for ensurmg the safety and well being of each crew member Insofar as possible, let the crew leader lead the crew. The more capable the crew leader, the more you should remain in the background, gwing support only when needed. The crew leader is responsible for organlzmg the crew, assigning duties and maklng decis~ons Ideally, the crew leader discusses ideas and alternatives with the entire crew to hear everyone and arrlve at a consensus before taklng act~on The Ranger assigned to serve as a resource for your crew may be either male or female You and your crew are expected to treat the Ranger with respect whatever the Ranger's gender may be. Phllmont and the Boy Scouts of America prohibit language or behavior that belittles or puts down members of the opposite sex, unwelcome advances, racial slurs, chastisement for rehgious or other beliefs or any other actions or comments that are derogatory of people. We need to lift people up for the good things they do and refrain from putting them down for m~stakes or poor judgement. The Ranger serves as a teacher and a resource for your crew and helps to coach the crew leader as well as the entire crew. A Philmont expedition is a superactivlty requiring careful planning and preparat~on. Numerous matters need your attention before departing for Philmont. The key ones are llsted as follows ITINERARY GUIDE PHIL~:IONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

11 11. THE JOURNEY BEGINS TOUR PERMIT A Local Tour Permit is needed for tours of less than 500 miles. To get one you must fill out a Local Tour Permit Application, No It is approved by your local council and a portion of it detached and sent to you as your permit A National Tour Permit is needed for tours of 500 or more miles or that cross national boundaries and into the territory of other nations. To get one you must fill out a Nat~onal Tour Perm~t Application. No. 4419A (included in the March Advisors Kit from Philmont). In addit~on to local council approval, this application must be sent to the regional service center of the Boy Scouts of America Upon approval, the permit is issued to you A tour group must have its permit in rts possession at all times and must display rt when requested by Scout officials or other authorized persons. All reservations by a tour group for overnight group camping on council properties and military bases w~ll be subject to the presentation of a tour permit on arrival. Groups are encouraged to secure the signatures of these authorzed persons on the front of the national tour permit as indications of satisfactory experiences at various stopping points. TOUR DIRECTOR Contingents may want to supplement their adult leadership w~th a tour director who has the following responsibilities: This person is a Scouter who has the responsibility for the transportation of the contmgent to and from Philmont, and is the liaison between the contingent and Philmont. The tour director handles all fiscal arrangements en route to and at Philmont. Examples are: bus schedules, overnight stops, lodging and meals, tours, final settlement with Philmont Camping Registrar and communications with the local council. This person must be physically fit, capable of, and willing to assume leadership of a crew on the trail in the event an Advisor becomes incapacitated. The tour director is part of your group and accompanies one of the crews as an additional advisor Tour directors are top Philmont promoters in local councils TRANSPORTATION THE ARRIVAL PLANS AND CREW INFORMATION CARD MUST BE MAILED AT LEAST 30 S PRIOR TO YOUR ARRIVAL AT PHILMONT. Traveling to and from Philmont is an important part of the "High Adventure" experience. Most contingents will find transportation the largest expense in the budget. Study the various travel options before making a final decision. Choose one that has the greatest appeal and is affordable. Philmont participants have found public carriers to be reliable transportation to the ranch. Consult the passenger department of any of the following carriers for scheduling information and costs. Your local travel agency can also provide this service. + Philmont does not endorse any agency or vendor listed In this publication, but provides this information to assist groups in making travel and lodging arrangements ITINERARY GUIDE -5 - PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

12 Airlines to Denver (270 miles from Philrnont), Colorado Springs (190 miles) Pueblo (159 miles), Albuquerque (220 miles) and Amarillo (220) - obtain chartered bus directly to Philmont OR TNM&o Coaches to Cimarron or Raton. Charter bus service arranged at home direct to Philmont. Amtrak Train ( ) to Raton - Philrnont bus tolfrom Raton. Amtrak Train to Denver - obtain chartered bus directly to Philmont or TNM&O Coaches to Cimarron or Raton. Thrifty Car Rental ( ) - 7 or 15 passenger vans available to rent from Albuquerque. Inquire from airlines reservations personnel about supplemental chartered alrllne services offering packaged plans with reduced group rates. Travel companies serving Philmont include the following American Tour Bus Companv ( ) prov~des charter servlce for groups from Albuquerque. Faust's Transportation ( ) prov~des charter service for groups and lndiv~duals from Albuquerque. Gray Line ( ) provides transfer service to Philmont and other charter servlces Herrera Coaches. lnc, ( ) provtde bus transportation for 20 or more passengers. inter or intrastate Pacesetter ( ) prov~des charter bus service from any point In Colorado including Denver (airport or Amtrak) and Colorado Springs. A minimum of 30 or more passengers is recommended Ramblin' Express ( ) Buckingham Drive, Colorado Springs CO Charter service and tours in the Rocky Mountain region. Rockv Mountain Coaches ( ) provides bus transportation to and from Denver. Sanchez Southwest ( or ) provides bus transportation to and from Albuquerque. Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma (TNM&O, ) Coaches provide dally servlce from Denver and Albuquerque directly to C~marron or Raton, New Mexico. World Str~des ( ) special~zing In youth groups (18 or more) and Scoirt travel All-rnclus~ve tours: flights to and from Colorado Spr~ngs. Denver or Albuquerque, bus, hotel meals and sights Exciting itineraries, quality services and enthusiastic travel professionals TRAVEL ETIQUETTE Scouts and Venturers are respected nat~on wlde because of how they travel and appear to the publ~c J Wear your Scout or Venturing unlforni proudly1 You are members of the Boy Scouts of Amer~ca, a highly regarded youth organizat~on A Scout or Venturer properly uniformed, sharp appearing, courteous and well mannered is the best medium for publlc relations. J Use the buddy system - no one person ever leaves the group alone. J Telephone ahead to your next day's stopping place. It is inconsiderate to drop In or cancel w~thout adequate notification J Do not use tobacco In public It may be offensive to those around you J Express appreciation to those who extend courtes~es to you along the way MAIL ARRIVAL PLANS & CREW INFORMATION Be sure to mail in the Arr~val Planstcrew lnformation postcard inside the front cover of th~s guide at least a month before depart~ng from home Your arrival t~me at Philmont along with the number of crews in your group are important pieces of informat~on If your group arrlves at Philmont in the morning you may eat lunch in the Philmont Din~ng Hall If your group arrives after noon, supper w~ll be your f~rst meal in the Dining Hall The Trading Post Snack Bar is available at reasonable prices for a group that fails to arrive in time for a meal in the Dining Hall. If any of the information changes after you mall your Arrival PlansICrew Information postcard, please notify Ph~lmont ITINERARY GUIDE -6 - PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

13 FAMILY ACCOMMODATIONS Philmont does not have facilities to accommodate family members of advisors or youth members who are participating in the camping programs. Several motels and trailer parks in Cimarron are available for those interested. Prior reservations are recommended. PREPARE YOUR CREW ROSTER Information on this roster is vital to Philmont's Logistics Servlces in case of an emergency, and to the Postmaster for sorting your mail. Please clearly print or type all sections of the roster and indicate your complete expedition number. Your are to bring the roster with you to Philmont. please do not mail ahead of time. BACKPACKING STOVES Philmont requires the use of backpacking stoves They will be necessary throughout your trek, particularly on wet mornings when you want to start cooking and hiking early to avoid warm afternoon temperatures Plan to bring your own backpacking stove or purchase a Coleman Peak I stove at Philmont A ratio of one backpacking stove per four campers is recommended. The proper use of stoves should be part of your pre-philmont training (see Ph11tno1~t Gu~debook to Adventure) Philmont strongly recommends and most alrllnes require, that crews transport thelr stoves without fuel. GROUPS TRAVELING BY AIR MUST CHECK WITH THEIR CARRIER TO DETERMINE IF THEY WILL PERMIT USED STOVESIFUEL BOTTLES TO BE TRANSPORTED. If not purged stoves/fuel bottles must be sh~pped to Phtlmont by flrst class or parcel post (U S Postal Service) or UPS (United Parcel Service, Ground Service Only) UPS has speclfic packaging and shippmg procedures which must be followed, and wrll assess special handhng fees in addit~on to regular rates Groups must ~nclude Exped~tion number on shlpping label and allow ample time for shlpment to arrive at Phdmont At the conclus~on of your Expedition, purged stoves/fue\ bottles will need to be sh~pped from Ph~lmont by parcel post or UPS Stoves/fuel bottles must be purged of fuel for shipping or when transported This can be accomplished by draining all fuel and leaving the tanktbottle uncapped for several hours We suggest you call the Dept of Transportation Hazardous Materials lnformat~on Center at OR Hazardous Matertals Websrte http lihazmat dot qov or http Ilcas faa qov for further ~nformatcon regard~ng transportmg backpackmg stoves White Gas and Maxl~te fuel may be purchased (commercial lanternlstove fuel) at Philmont Tradlng Posts located at Camping Headquarters, Phillips Junction, Ute Gulch Baldy Camp and Pon~l Fuel wdl also be available at Rich Cabins PHlLMONT CANNOT TRANSPORT PERSONAL OR SPECIAL FUEL TO CREWS. All liqu~d fuel contamers should be spun alurnlnum or hard plastic bottles desrgned to carry fuel A small pour spout or funnel is important to avoid dangerous splllage Backpacking stoves are used wrth adult supervrslon and never In or near tents EXPEDITION NUMBER Your expedition number IS assigned by Phllmont It IS determined by your expected arrlval date. If your contingent is to arrive July 14, your expedition number will be 714. which signifies 7th month and 14th day A letter assigned by Philmont distinguishes different contingents (for example. 714-A, 714-B. 714-C, etc.) If your contingent consists of several crews. it is your responsibility to assiqn a number after the letter to desiqnate each one. Thus, your crew's complete expedition number may be 714-A A2, etc Parents should record th.zir camper's complete Expedition!umber on the card ~nside the cover of the 2002 Guidebook to Adventure ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

14 PHILMONT ADDRESS AND MAIL Your complete expedition number is essential for mail delivery at Philmont. Incoming mail may be picked up only by the expedition advisor at the Philmont Post Office when your crew arrives and when you return to Camping Headquarters from the trail. You may send mail from any staffed camp. PHILMONT ADDRESS: Your Name Expedition Number Philmont Scout Ranch Route 1, Box 35 Cimarron, NM EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER AT PHILMONT / 24 HOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER Telephone calls to any of your group should be restricted to extreme emergencles only Srnce Philmont comprises 215 square miles of rugged mountain wilderness, ~t can require several hours to transport a participant from some camps to return an emergency phone call. If thls becomes necessary, it will speed contact when the caller has the full name ar;3 expedition number of the person belng contacted. CREW LOCKERS / SECURITY Philmont provides crew lockers and safekeeping (vault) storage service for crews. Crew lockers (2' x 2' x 3') are available for items not needed on the trail. These lockers are limited and groups traveling by private vehicle will be required to store items in therr vehicles. Crews using crew lockers will be limited to two (2) lockers. Additional gear will be stored in a warehouse. Safekeeping storage is available for valuables such as tickets, travelers checks, credit cards, etc. Items are sealed in envelopes and placed in the vault. Never leave valuables in tents or unattended. Philmont is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Ill. WELCOME TO THE MAGIC MOUNTAINS F & Arriving at Philmont is an exciting time and the processing at Headquarters can be fun and very Informative if you follow some simple steps. Upon arr~val, alert your bus driver or prlvate vehlcle drivers to watch for signs leading to the Welcome Center at Camping Headquarters. Arrange your travel itinerary to arrive at Philmont between am on your SCHEDULED arrival day. Early afternoon arrivals are acceptable and will still permit your crew to complete all Base Camp duties. DO NOT PLAN TO ARRIVE EARLY OR DEPART LATE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONFIRMATION FROM PHILMONT For example, if your Expedition # IS 627-2, your arrwal date is June 27, 2002 If you are delayed en route, please notify Phllmont by cali~ng and ask for the Log~st~cs manager A Ranger wdl be ass~gned to your crew for the initral processing through Camplng Headquarters and will gu~de you through the steps outllned In your Gu~debook to Adventure You will save tlme by carrylng all Ph~lmont materlal wlth you and by alphabetizing your medlcal forms and crew roster Plan to attend the advisor's orientation meeting from pm Chapel services are conducted each evening at 7:00 p.m. - Catholic. Jewlsh, L D S Protestant. The Trading Post and other headquarters operations are closed so as not to conflict wlth relig~ous services PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

15 PHILMONT MUSEUMS The Kit Carson Museum and Philmont Museum and Seton Memorial Library may be visited any day. Tours of the Villa Philmonte must be arranged at the Philmont Museum. No fee is charged at any of these museums. Daily bus service will be available to visit the Kit Carson Museum at Rayado. There is no fee for bus service and can be scheduled in Logistics soon after your group arrives at Philmont. PREPARING TO "HIT THE TRAIL" WE ARE PRESERVING THE PHILMONT WILDERNESS FOR THE KEW CENTURY! Philmont is a magnificent wilderness camping area w~th an immense network of trails and camps linked by roads designed for service and protectron of both campers and land. In over sixty four years of operation, more than 725,000 young people have enjoyed the great scenic beauty of Philmont's mountain terrain and experienced the unique and memorable programs of its staffed camps. A few inconsiderate participants, employing improper camping methods, can mar this magnificent land. Consequently, Philmont asks all campers and their advisors to recommit themselves to good Scout camping and genuine wilderness understandrng. Each camper and advisor will be asked to sign the PHILMONT WILDERNESS PLEDGE which declares that they w~ll do everything possible to preserve the beauty and wonder of the Philmont wilderness atmosphere and its facll~ties through good Scout camping. It is expected that Philmont campers will carry this pledge to all caniplng areas that they might visit throughout America. The major areas of emphasis involved In the PHILMONT WILDERNESS PLEDGE are: LITTER and GRAFFITI - Each camper should make sure that all trails and campsites are left neat and clean. Camping Headquarters should be left in a like manner. WILDLIFE - Respect Philmont's wildlife, including livestock Follow all guidelines regarding food handling and trash disposal. Never feed or harass wild animals. WATER - You are in a land where water is scarce and very precious. Conservation and wise use of water has been practiced since the first man entered this land. You must continue this proper use. You should never bathe, do laundry or dishes in or near springs or streams. Everyone needs water, and you should always leave springs and streams as clean as you found them. TRAILS - Pledge yourself to respect all tralls of Philmont Do not cut green boughs or trees or mark on them. Do not cut across switchbacks and do not alter or change trail slgns. CAMPSITES - Camp only in sites designated with a numbered wood block sign. Each crew is responsible for leaving a neat and orderly camps~te, whether rt be in Camplng Headquarters, staffed camps or trail camps Your campslte must be left litter free with ~ts latrine and sumps clean. Carry out all trash. Fires must be left DEAD OUT and then cleaned of debris before you depart. Leave a courtesy woodpile when possible You should respect the feelings of those crews camping near you and those that will come after you Low impact camping and hiking is the desire of everyone who enjoys the outdoors. Philmont serves approximately 20,000 Scouts and the~r advisors each year. Nevertheless. it is not the wear of so many pairs of boots that mar Philmont, it IS the carelessness of inconsiderate campers It is our slncere hope that through your commitment to the PHILMONT WILDERNESS PLEDGE, Phllmont and all other areas will always remain beautiful, clean and natural In order to enjoy outdoor adventure. We ask your dedication to the fulfillment of this goal CONTRIBUTE TO PHILMONT'S CONSERVATION PLAN Most conservation projects at Philmont consist of trail constrbction or repair. Thls is vitally important when 20,000 people use the backcountry each year ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

16 Three hours of conservation work is expected of each camper to earn the Arrowhead Patch. Ten hours of conservation work is required for the Fifty-Miler Award. The three hours earned at Philrnont can be applied - the other seven may be acquired back home. Three hours must be spent doing trail construction or other projects supervised by a trained Philmont staff member. Philmont has several conservationists located strategically throughout the backcountry. The best location for your crew to perform a project will be shared with the crew during final trip planning at Logistics. If your itinerary does not include a project area, Logistics staff will identify an alternate project. PHILMONT FIELDGUIDE The Philrnont Fieldguide will provide you with an understandmg of the animals, plants, geology, weather, astronomy and the impact of humans on the Philmont environment. The Fieldguide is available at the Tooth of Time Traders. ON THE TRAIL AT PHILMONT You are responsible for all campers in your crew and for seeing that everyone hikes closely together as a crew. A Philmont trek is a team effort with everyone working together and encouraging each other. A crew with an enthusiastic spirit can do far more than it ever dreamed possible. Keep your crew's morale high. IV. ITINERARIES 2002 Philrnont has remained a pristine wilderness, largely, because of the pre-planned Itinerary process, the wilderness ethic, and the conservat~on efforts of over 725,000 + past participants. Itineraries are carefully planned and developed to avoid overcrowding, and to enhance your crew's wilderness experience. NO CHANGES AND I OR MODIFICATIONS IN ITINERARIES ARE POSSIBLE EXCEPT FOR MEDICAL EMERGENCIES. Following your pre-planned itinerary enables Philmont to know the location of every crew for contact should an emergency arise Crews that schedule a trail lunch for day twelve (last day on the tra~l) cannot be served lunch in the Headquarters Dining Hall ~f they come off of the trad before lunch. SELECTING YOUR ITINERARY Year 2002 sees modification of several itmerar~es Please use only the 2002 Itinerary Guide when making your itinerary choices! All prevlous copies are invalid and will not be accepted. Every itinerary offers a challenging hike as well as excellent program, and - allows crews to choose itmeraries that meet the~r physical fitness capabilities enables crews to enjoy Philmont's unique program features. offers a once in a lifetime wilderness experience that bonds a crew in Scout~ng spirit DEGREES CHALLENGE The majority of crews choose a typical or rugged itinerary. Even a typ~cal itinerary will be a major physical challenge for participants not used to Philmont's high elevation Contrary to popular belief, one does not acclimatize by spending a few days at elevation. Altitude sickness. however, is usually alleviated by not sleeping above 9,000 feet for the first few nights on the trail Philmont itinerar~es are planned with this in mind ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

17 Most teenage participants are fully capable of mastering the physical challenge. Adults with sedentary lifestyles often have difficulty. Youth members should be allowed to select itineraries that meet their program objectives. Both adults and youth participants must agree on the level of difficulty that all are willing and physically able to achieve. Each itinerary is rated and the degree of difficulty is determined by mileage, ruggedness of terrain and the number of layovers. Follow the itineraries on the enclosed map. The brown contour lines represent 80 foot elevation changes; the more lines you cross on an upward route, the tougher the climb. Steep downhill trails are often tough, too. A "Typical" itinerary allows considerable time to enjoy program features. However, even a typical itinerary requires considerable exertion because Philmont elevations vary from 6,500 to 12,441 feet with many long, difficult trails covering rugged and rocky terrain. A typical itinerary can be made more challenging by taking side hikes and it provides maximum opportunity to participate in backcountry programs. A "Rugged" itinerary provides a variety of program opportunities. These itinerartes are designed to meet the needs and desires of most crews. The vast majority of crews choose a "Typ~cal" or "Rugged" itinerary A "Strenuous" itinerary should be attempted only by an older crew that enjoys lots of rugged mountain hiking and is in good physical condrtion. Smaller crews of chartered units are recommended for these treks. Strenuous and super strenuous itineraries are recommended for crews whose advisors and some crew members have previously taken a Philmont trek. A "Super Strenuous" itinerary IS the most difficult. The super strenuous itineraries are highlighted by climbing many of Philmont's highest peaks. They are recommended only for experienced crews with seasoned backpackers at least 15 years of age and should not be attempted unless in top physical condition and capable of hiking great distances at high elevations. A regular program of physical conditioning for several months prior to your arrival is imperative. Program time is limited since much of each day is spent hiking. All itineraries are tough - the difference is in the degree of toughness. Good physical condition is considered a prerequisite for all Philmont treks. PHlLMONT ITINERARY NUMBER Philmont places only two crews on the same itinerary each day. Each crew must hike independently on the trail demonstrating low impact ethics of the Boy Scouts of America. If two crews from the same group wish to do the same ~tmerary, they will need to make the same five choices and submit their cards together. The crew maximum is 12 and the minimum is 7. Each crew is required to have a majority of youth participants, and the maximum number of adults (over 21) IS four(4) per crew Take care in making your choice. The decisions will be tough because every itinerary is GREAT! The sketch maps and graphs accompanying each itinerary are designed to show the area and terrain covered on each. The graphs depict approximate elevation changes; the more up and down distance shown on each graph, the more challenging the trek will be. A happy face over a dotted line means layover for 2 days. TO SELECT YOUR ITINERARY You will need 3 basic tools in the selectton of itineraries. 1) The Philmont map -The wall map you received in this packet is adequate for planning purposes. Later you will want a "section" map used for better navigation. 2) The Guidebook to Adventure 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHlLMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

18 3) The current 2002 Itinerary and Advisor's Guide. Youth members should choose the itineraries and select five different top choices from this guide. Several methods may be used to determine your crew's choices of itineraries: 1) to have each crew member vote for the five best liked program features after studying the program list which follows the itineraries in this book. Tally the votes for each program; usrng the program itinerary chart, you can determine which itinerary includes most of your desires. 2) ask each crew member to study all Itineraries and to make five choices. When all crew members have made their selections, the individual choices can be assembled, weighed and the top five determined. 3) devise your own method for making selections Please note that available program features are ind~cated on the enclosed itineraries. Your crew is not required to participate in each and every one. Some may not be of interest to your crew and others may require waiting to participate. A few programs must be scheduled by an Itinerary Planner when you visit Logistics at Philmont. Occasionally programs may be curtailed because of time or weather constraints. Every effort will be made to deliver desired program to crews. VALLE VIDAL ITINERARIES Several itineraries offer an opportunity to trek into the Valle Vidal Unit of the Carson National Forest which has a common border with Philmont in the vicinity of Dan Beard Camp or Rich Cabins Camp. Philmont has agreed that crews trekking in the Valle Vidal will use no trace camping techniques. Each crew that chooses one of these itineraries will receive special training in "No Trace" camping techniques and backcountry navigation. A crew that plans to trek into the Valle Vidal must bring backpacking stoves and be knowledgeable of their use. The Valle Vidal offers an opportunity to backpack through breathtaking scenery and a chance to see different wildlife including elk, beaver, and raptors. The Valle Vidal itineraries are designed for crews with older youth and/or experienced Philmont backpackers There are several opportunities for cross-country travel that are challenging. Latrines, bear cables, fire rmgs and other facilities are not provided in the Valle Vidal. The scenery and opportunities to see wildlife are marvelous for crews that are adequately prepared. Each member of the crew should be very proficient with maps and compasses and should be able to demonstrate this proficiency. Each crew that recelves one of the Valle Vtdal itineraries will receive a Valle Vidal map of the area. Additional maps may be purchased from the Philmont Trading Post at a cost of S5.00 each (price subject to change) plus postage. Philmont has established three temporary staffed camps in the Valle Vidal. The US Forest Service has graciously allowed Philmont to establish staffed camps at Whiteman Vega, Ring Place and Seally Canyon. The Rich Cabins and vic~n~ty has been leased from the WS Ranch, which is privately owned. Each crew trekking into these areas is expected to demonstrate a sense of stewardship for public and private lands. RESERVING YOUR ITINERARY When the crew has determined their top five different itinerary choices. indicate them on the "Itinerary Choices" postcard enclosed ins~de the cover of this gu~de, and send to Ph~lmont promptly. ltmeraries are reserved on a first come. first served bas~s The majority of crews recelve the~r first or second choice if their choices represent a wide range of itineraries and the~r card is ma~led in promptly. Postcards should be sent by First Class mail or any other delivery servlce of your choice ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

19 In fairness to everyone, itinerarychoices must be submitted by postcard. Philmont does not reserve itineraries by telephone, fax or from previous years' itinerary books. You will receive confirmation by postcard of the itinerary reserved for your crew. Bring this card with you to Philmont. Please select your itinerary carefully as it will be your route and program for the duration of your trek. SHORT TREKS If your trek has been approved by Philmont for less than 12 days, an itinerary will be planned when you arrive at Philmont, however, your Itinerary Choices card is to be used as follows: (1) Print the number of days of your trek (i.e. 9 S) across the top of postcard. (2) List 5 top choices of program the crew prefers. (3) Complete the rest of the information requested. (4) Mail postcard to Philmont. This information will help the itinerary trip planner who will work with your crew when you arrive at Philmont. Short treks, 7 to 11 days, are scheduled on specific August dates only. PHILMONT WEB PAGE Be sure to check out Philmont's "offic~al" web page by going to The new web page is growing and should contain th~s Treks Itinerary Guide and other Philmont information. The Philmont Staff Association operates a web page at PHILMONT INTERACTIVE RANGER CD... A GREAT PLANNING AIDE Included in the Unit Planning Guide mailing and also in this packet is the Interactive Ranger Information flyer. The Interactive Ranger CD contains much more detailed information than the Treks Itinerary Guide such as: I ) terrain profiles, 2) daily distances, 3) detailed campsite information. 4) an optional GPS interface and 5) the ability to create your own d~gital scrapbook that captures the highlight of your trip. Product Ordering Information: Tooth of T~me Traders Rt. 1, Box 35 Cimarron NM Phone: x 243 Fax: toothoftimetraders@hotma~l corn 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

20 YOUR CHECK LIST Also refer to the "Continuous Preparation Plan" in the 2002 Council and Unit Planning Guide. Two deep leadership confirmed... All youth members age 14 by January 1, 2002 or completed 8th grade and be at least 13 by date of attendance... Copy of Philmont's risk advisory read andlor distributed to parents (refer to Page 18 of the 2002 Council and Unit Planning Guide) Philmont Health & Medical Records complete with physician and parenuguardian signature (collected by Advisor and held for arrival at Health Lodge) First Aid and CPR certification scheduled and completed lnformation shared with parents about Philmont's insurance coverage (family insurance policy applies first) Physical training plan developed and initiated several months ahead Advance fee payments collected and submitted (due October 1)... Final fee payments collected and submitted (due April I) Transportation to and from Philmont arranged Tour Permit Application completed and approved 30 days in advance of arrival date (Advisor bring to Philmont) Top five choices of itineraries selected and mailed A.S.A.P. but no later than May 1.. Itinerary reservation confirmed by Philmont Arrival Plans and Crew Information Card mailed to Philmont at least 30 days prior to your arrival at Philmont Bus driver(s) accommodations arranged Crew roster completed (Bring to Philmont) Expedition number given to all parents and crew members Your Philmont address given to all parents and friends Philmont's emergency phone number given to all parents ITINERARY GUIDE PHlLMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

21 2002 PHILMONT ITINERARIES AT A GLANCE 1 T Vaca Deer Lake Mesa Cimarroncito Cimarroncito Clarks Fork Black Mountain Buck Creek Apache Springs Fish Camp Abreu 2 T Anasaz~ Indian Writings Ponil Dean Cow Harlan Deer Lake Camp Sawmill Webster Parks Upper Clarks Fork Tooth R~dge 3 T Anasazi lnd~an Writings Ponil Pueblano Ute Meadow Ute Meadow Head of Dean New Dean Dean Cow Harlan 4 T Lovers Leap Urraca Bear Caves Beaub~en Beaub~en Crooked Creek Clear Creek Cyphers Mme Webster Parks Tooth R~dge 5 T Lovers Leap Crater Lake Black Mountain Beaubien Beaubien Wild Horse Mt. Philhps Cimarronc~to Cimarronc~to Tooth Ridge 6 T Vaca Devlls Wash Basm Aspen Sprmgs Cyphers Mine Comanche Peak Camp Clear Creek Porcupme Beaub~en Beaubten North Fork Urraca 7 T SIOUX R~ch Cabins Greenwood Canyon lr~s Park Rmg Place Seally Canyon Wh~teman Vega Dan Beard ~nd~an Writings lnd~an Wntmgs 8 T Ute Sprmgs Deer Lake Mesa Visto Grande Santa Claus Baldy Camp Baldy Camp Pueblano Rich Cabins Cook Canyon lnd~an Wr~tings 9 T Anasazi Old Camp Dan Beard R~ch Cab~ns Greenwood Canyon Copper Park Copper Park Baldy Skyl~ne Pueblano Pon1l 10 T Ute Springs Aspen Springs Sawmill Mt Ph~llips Comanche Camp Apache Sprmgs Apache Sprmgs Fish Camp Abreu Backache Sprmgs 11 T Ravado River ~ookout Meadow Fish Camp Apache Springs Apache Springs Clear Creek Mt. Phillips Cyphers M~ne Cimarronc~to Ponderosa Park 12 T Old Abreu Crags Lost Cabin Beaubien Beaubien Black Mountain Lamberts Mine C~marronc~to Cathedral Rock Shaefers Pass 13 T Lovers Leap Urraca Backache Sprmgs Abreu Agua Fr~a Crooked Creek Clear Creek Lamberts Mme Webster Parks Clarks Fork 14 T Lovers Leap Urraca Crater Lake Agua Fr~a Beaub~en Beaub~en Crooked Creek Clear Creek Red Hills North Fork Urraca 15 R Bent Dan Beard Iris Park Whiteman Vega Wh~teman Vega Seally Canyon Rich Cabms Pueblano Elkhorn Pon~l 16 R Olympia Toothache Springs Mmers Park Lower Bon~ta Apache Sprmgs Apache Sprmgs Crooked Creek Clear Creek Red Hills Clarks Fork 17 R Bent Dan Beard lr~s Park Seally Canyon R~ch Cab~ns Ewells Park Ewells Park Head of Dean New Dean Ponll 18 R Cathedral Rock Upper Sawm~ll Canyon Red Hdls Porcupme Beaub~en Beaub~en Agua Fr~a Crater Lake Abreu Backache Sprmgs 19 R Anasazi lnd~an Wr~tmgs Old Camp Dan Beard Seally Canyon Wh~temari Vega Wh~teman Vega lr~s Park R~ch Cabins Pon~l 20 R McBride Canyon Ponll R~ch Cabins Greenwood Canyon Copper Park Copper Park Baldy Skyline Visto Grande Huntmg Lodge Tooth Ridge 2 1 R Sioux Pueblano Head of Dean Ute Meadows Ute Meadows Upper Dean Cow Upper Bench Cimarroncito Cmarronc~to Ponderosa Park 22 R Vaca Deer Lake Camp Ute Sprmgs Larnberts Mine Mt. Phillips Porcupme Beaubien Beaub~en Abreu Miners Park 23 R Lovers Leap Urraca Abreu F~sh Camp Bear Canyon Crooked Creek Mt Phillips Sawmill Vaca Dean Cow 24 S Bent R~ch Cabms Pueblano Rums Copper Park Copper Park Upper Dean Coi:, Dean Cow Harlan Ute Spr~ngs Clarks Fork 25 S McBr~de Canvon Pond Pueblano Ute Meadows Ute Meadows Greenwood Canyon Rich Cabm Seally Canyon Old Camp Indian Wr~tings 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

22 2002 PHILMONT ITINERARIES AT A GLANCE - CONT'D 26 S Rimrock Park Urraca Miners Park Black Mountain Comanche Camp Comanche Peak Sawmill Hunting Lodge Clarks Fork Tooth Ridge 2 7 S Bent Dan Beard Greenwood Canyon lris Park Ring Place Rich Cablns Ewells Park Ewells Park Elkhorn Ponil 28 S Rayado River Agulla Mmers Park Upper Clarks FI xk Ute Sprmgs Clmarron River Black Jacks Mlranda Mlranda Pueblano 29 S Olympla Crater Lake Clarks Fork Ute Springs V~sto Grande Upper Dean Cow M~randa M~randa Flume Canyon Ind~an Wrltmgs 3 0 S S SIOUX Pueblano Ewells Park Ewells Park Santa Claus Deer Lake Mesa Clarks Fork Cyphers Mme Red Hills Shaefers Pass 31 SS Anasazl Ponil Dan Beard Seally Canyon Whiteman Vega lris Park Greenwood Canyon Pueblano Ruins Cimarron Rrver Harlan 32 S S McBr~de Canyon Cottonwood Ponll Pueblano Rums Mlranda Mrranda Santa Claus Upper Bench Harlan Clarks Fork 3 3 S S Lovers Leap Mmers Park Beaublen Comanche Peak Aspen Sprlngs Santa Claus Baldy Camp Pueblano Cook Canyon Indlan Wr~tlngs 34 S S SIOUX Dan Beard Seally Canyon Ring Place R~ch Cabms New Dean Vlsto Grande Sawnilll Thunder Rldge Clarks Fork 35 S s Bent Dan Beard Seally Canyon Wh~ternan Vega Old Camp Pon~i Dean Cow Vaca Aspen Sprlngs Upper Clarks Fork NORTHERN AREAS T Anasazi - ST S Baldy Camp-COM.TP.SH T Baldy Skylme T Bent - ST T Black Horse l D/ Black Jacks T Cook Canyon T Copper Park T Cottonwood S Dan Beard - P S Dean Cow - P.SH,E T Elkhorn T Ewells Park T Flume Canyon X French Henry - P S Head of Dean - P S lnd~an Writings - P,SH,E T McBride Canyon - ST T Maxwell S Miranda - P T New Dean T Old Camp S Ponrl - P,COM.TP,SH,E S Pueblano - P,E T Pueblano Ruins T Santa Claus T SIOUX - ST X SIX Mile Gate - E T Turkey Creek T Upper Dean Cow T Ute Meadows CENTRAL AREAS T Aspen Sprmgs T Cathedral Rock - ST S Clmarronclto - P.SH T Clmarron River S Clark's Fork P,SH EH S Clear Creek - P DTT Comanche Peak S Cyphers Mlne - P Dn Deer Lake Mesa T Deer Lake Camp DTT Dev~ls Wash Basin S Harlan - P E S Huntlng Lodge - P T Lamberts Mlne D Mount Phdllps DT Ponderosa Park - EH T Red Hills S Sawmill P SH Dir Shafers Pass - EH 3 Thunder R~dge 3 Tooth Rldge EH 3 Upper Bench 31 Upper Clarks Fork EH Y Ute Gulch COM TP r Ute Sprlngs - ST T Vaca - ST 3/1 V~sto Grande Y Webster Lake - E r Webster Lake Camp 31 3n Webster Parks SOUTHERN AREAS S Abreu - P.SH T Agua Frla DTT Agu~la S Apache Sprlngs COM P T Backache Sprmgs - E T Bear Canyon T Bear Caves S Beaublen P SH S Black Mountarn - P T Buck Creek T Comanche Camp T Crags S Crater Lake P SH S CrookedCreek-P S F~sh Camp P T Lookout Meadow T Lost Cabln T Lovers Leap - ST T Lower Bonlta S Mmers Park P SH EH T North Fork Urraca EH T Old Abreu - ST T Olympla - ST X PhllllpsJunct~on COM TP SH T Porcupme T Rayado R~ver ST T Rlmrock Park ST T Stockade - ST T Toothache Sprlngs S Urraca - P EH 1 W~ld Horse VALLE VlDAL CAMPS T Greenwood Canvon T lr~s Park T McCrystal Creek S R~ch Cablns - COM, P S Rlng Place - COM, P S Seally Canyon S Whlteman Vega - P,E COM Commrssary (Food Prckup) EH End trek by h~k~ng mto C from this camp ST Startmg camp D Dry Camp no water near camp P Program available here T Trarl camp D/T Usually dry camp water sometimes ava~lable S Staffed camp water nearby TP Trad~ng Post E Endrng Pornt, bus plckup may be from this camp SH Showers ava~lable X No carnplng 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

23 ITINERARIES IN BRIEF ITINERARY 1 Typical Towering ponderosa pine forests and teaming trout streams await your crew as you enjoy great programs in Philmont's breathtakingly beautiful central and south country. Outstanding programs offered along the trek are rock climbing, western lore, complete with a horseback ride and chuck wagon dinner, black powder rifle shooting. Apache lnd~an camp, 3-D archery, and fly tying and fishing for three days. Finish your trek with a visit to the Mexican homestead at Abreu wh~ie on the last day your crew can have a root beer at the Cantina and participate In a Mex~can Dinner. ITINERARY 2 Typical This action packed ltmerary offers many of Philmont's favor~te programs. Horse rides. branding and opportunity for two chuck wagon meals are early features followed by two opportunit~es to rock climb.30/06 reloading and shooting, 12 gauge shotgun reloading and shooting. and a victory hike over the Tooth of Time make Itinerary #2 one of the best. ITINERARY 3 Typ~cal A side hike to Philmont's towering Baldy Mounta~n, 12,441'. falls exactly In the m~ddle of th~s ~tmerary Prior to that experience, your crew w~ll enjoy archeology, western lore, complete with horse r~des and a chuck wagon dinner and breakfast Lead a burro to the Continental Tie & Lumber Company where you will relive the old loggmg days and hear the Philmont Story Campfire. Challenge events. rock climbing and shotgun shooting and reloading round out this popular itinerary. ITINERARY 4 Typ~cal Breathtakmg mounta~n v~stas and cool rushmg streams awa~t your crew as you trek Ph~lmont s spectacular south and central country Weld your crew together as you enjoy challenge events at Urraca Rel~ve the old days of the New Mex~co logging homesteadmg, mountam men, gold mmers and cowboys as you vwt f~ve of Philmont's I~vlng h~story camps where the costumed staff share the11 ~nterpretwe skrlls w~th your crew, before you hike ~nto base camp over the Tooth of Time ITINERARY 5 Typical Two sets of layover days allow your crew to participate In lots of program on this 64 m~le trek The Continental Tie and Lumber Company at Crater Lake, where you actually clmb tall spar poles w~th gaffs and a climbing belt. starts off your trek There are two opportunit~es to shoot a 50 caliber black powder rifle as you visit Black Mountain and Clear Creek camps. Western lore, complete w~th horse rides and a chuck wagon dinner. await your crew at Philmont's famous Beaubien Camp Side hikes to Trad Peak from Beaubien and H~dden Valley from Cimarroncito Camp, as well as rock climbing, make this Itinerary one of the most program packed' ITINERARY 6 Typrcal From the Cimarron R~ver. through the central and southern parts of Ph~lmont, this program packed trek is one of the most popular Rock cllmb~ng and a tour of Waite Ph~llips' Hunting Lodge start you off before you climb Thunder R~dge (10,725'). Comanche Peak (11,326'). Mt. Ph~ll~ps (11,711') and Trail Peak (10,247'). ~f you w~sh to turn this typical into a rugged hnerary After all th~s, your crew hikes to Base Camp via the Tooth of T~me ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA.-,,.-..*, -"..

24 ITINERARY 7 Typical This exciting itinerary takes your crew into some of the most beautiful and wild country in New Mexico, As you hike along the Middle and North Ponil Rivers you will be following the old route of the famous Cimarron and Northwestern Railroads. Along these crystal clear streams you will enjoy homesteading, astronomy, GPS technology, mountain biking, search and rescue and wilderness first aid. The final two days takes you to Indian Writings where you see petroglyphs left by the ancient Anasazi Indians and see the world's only known footprint of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. ITINERARY 8 Typical After Ranger training, your crew will hike over Deer Lake Mesa to Visto Grande Camp for a spectacular view of Baldy Mountain, your destination for Day 6 and 7. On the way, take time to visit the mountain man rendezvous at Miranda Camp where black powder rifle shooting is available. After the 12,441 ascent of Baldy, you will have time to take a tour of the famous Aztec mine, pan for gold and do some blacksmithing. Three more staffed camps are on your journey where logging, homesteading and archaeology are featured. ITINERARY 9 Typical This exciting 63 mile itinerary begins w~th archaeology at Indian Writings. Be sure to look for the world's only Tyrannosaurus Rex track as you hike along the North Ponil trail. Learn "Leave No Trace" camping techniques at Dan Beard and do the homesteading program at Rich Cabins. before the awesome hike up the beautiful Greenwood Canyon into Copper Park. From your Base Camp at Copper Park, you can side hike Baldy Mountain and visit French Henry Camp for gold panning and blacksmithing. Logging skills, the Philmont Story Campfire and western lore complete this excellent trek ITINERARY 10 Typical Your crew will have a great opportunity for fishing on this itinerary. You will also hike over Mount Phillips (elevation 11,711). Other programs include,30106 rifle, Rocky Mountain Fur Company, black powder rifle and fly tying. You can experience Jicarilla Apache Indian Life, 3-D archery, cant~n and a Mexican dinner. This exciting trek ends with a tour of Kit Carson's home on the Rayado. ITINERARY 11 Typical This 54 mile trek follows rushing steams hikes your crew through green mounta~n meadows and traverses lofty peaks and ridges across Philmont's south and central country. Fly tying and f~shing, J~carilla Apache life, 3 dimensional archery and black powder shoot~ng are early features of th~s trek After hiking over Mt. Phillips (11,71It), pan for gold and enjoy the "stomp" at Cyphers Mine Day 10 finds your crew at Cimarroncito for rock climbing and environmental awareness, before you h~ke into Base Camp over the Tooth of Time. ITINERARY 12 Typical Fly fishing persons will love thls itinerary as several rivers run through th~s trek Tour Wade Phillips' famous Rayado Lodge at F~sh Camp on your way to a two-day layover at one of Philmont's premiere western lore camps, Beaubien, where horse rides and a chuck wagon dinner awaits your crew. Hike along the South Fork of the Urraca to Black Mountain and experience blacksrn~th~ng, mountain livin' and blackpowder rifle shooting. Even more program IS available at Cyphers Mine where you can pan for gold and be on your way to Cimarroncito's rock climbmg camp. Your last day. your crew will hike over the Tooth of Time ITINERARY GUIDE PHILtJONT SCOUT RANCH BSA

25 ITINERARY 13 Typical This itinerary will challenge your crew at Urraca Camp, let you enjoy the cantina at Abreu, fly fish on the Agua Fria, shoot Black Powder rifles and pan for gold, toss in a little rock climbing. A horse ride and chuck wagon dinner before hiking into Base Camp via the Tooth of Time -what a great itinerary. ITINERARY 14 Typical Splendid mountain vrstas and exciting programs await your crew as you trek this south country loop. Interpretive history programs are highlighted at Crater Lake -Contrnental Tie and Lumber Company where spar pole climbrng and the Phrlmont Story Campfire are featured Next learn about fly fishing and tour the beautiful fish camp lodge On to Beaubien for horse rides and a chuck wagon drnner. At Crooked Creek you will learn homesteadrng skrlls and even get to milk a cow Your crew could elect to climb Mt. Phillips and Big Red. The last day is a spectacular hrke over the Tooth of Trme into Base Camp ITINERARY 15 Rugged Take the Dan Beard challenge and pract~ce "Leave No Trace campmg pr~or to h~king into the spectacuiar Valle Vrdal Mountain brke from Whiteman Vega to Seally Canyon camp and partrclpate in search and rescue, wilderness f~rst ard and conservation The very popular homesteadrng and Contrnental Tre and Lumber company programs are next at Rich Cabms and Pueblano camps Finish this great trek with a horse nde, a vrsit to the Ponll cantrna two delicrous chuck wagon meals and brand your boots or belt as a lastlng Phrlmont souvenrr ITINERARY 16 Rugged This trek through Philmont's south country offers many varied and mteresting programs plus the opportunity to fish In clear mountarn streams. A two day layover at Apache Springs prov~des time to view a replica of a Jicarllla Apache Indian village and learn about their lifestyle. Crews will also enjoy 3-D archery. Other programs include homesteading, rock climbing, environmental awareness. Continental Tie & Lumber Company, black powder rifle and western lore Your last nrght IS spent at Clarks Fork before a victory hike rn over the Tooth of Time ITINERARY 17 Rugged Thrs ~tmerary travels In the Valle Vldal sectron of the Carson Nat~onal Forest just north of Phrlmontl As you enjoy Ranger trainmg and challenge events you wrll view the entrre panorama of the Phrlmont mountains You wrll swing through Rich Cabins for the homesteadrng program before spending two days in the Baldy country After hrkmg the ' peak the last three days will seem easy as you partrcrpate in the Dean challenge and finally western lore at Pond ITINERARY 18 Rugged Thrs rugged but program packed itinerary has an old west flavor1 Learn to make bullets and flre a hrgh powered rrfle as you pass through Sawmdl Camp After you have mllked a cow at Crooked Creek homestead and ridden a horse at Beaubren you wrll be a westerner Next pay a visrt to Waite Ph~llrps famous f~shrng lodge tie some trout fl~es and try your luck on the Rayado and Agua Frra streams Enjoy root beer and tour an adobe home at Abreu Camp then finrsh thls excitrng trek by stopping by Krt Carson's actual home on the Santa Fe Trall This rtlnerary offers two special meals a chuck wagon and a Mex~can dmner ITINERARY 19 Rugged Trme warp back 130G ;Jears and vrsrt Indian Wrlt~ngs the ancient home of the Anasazl lndlans As you enjoy the archaeolow, xogram you wrll galn respect for these earliest Americans Cont~nu~ng along the North Ponrl Rlver traii :akes you Into the wild Valle Vldal tountry where you will enjoy search and resuce GPS, weather folk forecasting and mountaln biking Back onto Ph~lmont participate In homesteading and western lore, comple:e wrth two fresh chuck wagon meals 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH BSA

26 i ITINERARY 20 Strenuous This itinerary allows a crew to visit Rich Cabins and Greenwood Canyon in the Valle Vidal, a spectacular area. It is the only itinerary that goes into the Valle Vidal, over to Baldy, and still hikes into Base Camp via the Tooth of Time. Arise early and you may still have time to participate In homesteading, challenge events, rock climbing and western lore. Backpacking stoves are required and "Leave No Trace" camping will be practiced. ITINERARY 21 Strenuous The novel experience of burro packing is an early feature of this ~tinerary, a means of travel no longer encountered in the Un~ted States. You will also acquire some of the early day skills of logging and gold mining, visit a mountain man rendezvous and see the view from the top of Baldy Mountain Scenic trail camps will be enjoyed as well as challenge events, shotgun shooting and western lore. You will be ready for a layover day at Cimarronc~tc w~th rock climbing, environmental awareness and an inspiring side hike through Hidden Valley The last day wdl find you ascendmg Shaefers Peak and the historic Tooth of Time. ITINERARY 22 Strenuous This trek is enhanced by a night at Philmont's h~ghest camp. Mount Philllps and a two day layover at Beaubien. While hrklng by F~sh Camp, you may tour Waite Ph~llips' fishing lodge and fish for trout in the Rayado River. Other programs offered are gold mming and panning, blacksmithing. Rocky Mountain Fur Company and black powder rifle Enjoy rock climbmg at Miners Park where you will spend your last night before trekking over Tooth of T~me Ridge and into Base Camp. ITINERARY 23 Strenuous Fishing for trout in clear mountain streams and views of mystrc mountain peaks are highlights as you travel through Abreu, Fish Camp and Porcupme. You will enjoy challenge events and the Philmont Story Campfire at Urraca, a Mexican homestead with dinner and cantina. Day 6 offers the opportunity to experience our new program, 3 dimensional archery. Take time as you hike north to enjoy homesteading, Rocky Mountain Fur Company.,30106 reloading and shooting, rock climbing, and environmental awareness at Dean Cow before your last day's hike to Six Mile Gate. ITINERARY 24 Strenuous This strenuous itinerary begins In the h~storic loggmg area of the north country with program at Rich Cabins and Pueblano. From there, your crew IS off to Copper Park. French Henry and Baldy Mountain, the fascinating gold mining district where you can enjoy the mining and blacksmlthing program. You will then spend two days explormg Dean Canyon, highlighted by challenge events at Head of Dean, rock climbing and environmental awareness at Dean Cow You may also try your hand at burro racing, shotgun shooting and western lore before heading back to Camping Headquarters along the Tooth of Time Ridge. ITINERARY 25 Strenuous Seven days in Philmont's north country and three days in the beautiful Valle V~dal section of the Carson National Forest make this strenuous 70 + mile trek really unique. Western lore, Continental Tie and Lumber Company, mountain man rendezvous and gold mining are only a few of the programs offered on the first leg of this trek. Over Aztec Ridge and into Greenwood Canyon finds your crew in the Valle Vidal, where homesteading, wdderness first aid and search and rescue are featured Finish this trek with a visit to the fascinating petroglyphs and see the T-rex track ITINERARY GUIDE PHlLhlONT SCOUT RANCH, 6%

27 ITINERARY 26 Strenuous This strenuous trek starts in the beautiful south country and allows you to hike over Mount Phillips and camp at an elevation of 11,326 feet on Comanche Peak. Many programs are featured in this unique itinerary such as challenge events at Urraca, rock climbing, environmental awareness, mountain livin'. black powder rifle, Rocky Mountain Fur Company, and.30/06 rifle shooting. You will tour and stay overnight at the famous Hunting Lodge. Take a horse ride, brand your boots and enjoy a chuck wagon dinner at Clarks Fork before spending your last night at Tooth Ridge trarl camp. Hike into Base Camp over the famous Tooth of Time. ITINERARY 27 Strenuous Enjoy no trace camping and challenge events at Dan Beard before spendrng four days ~n the Carson National Forest where your crew may not see another person Actrvitres rn the Valle Vidal include conservation and astronomy at Ring Place - visit an old railroad town and homesteading at Rich Cabins Gold mining and panning blacksmithing and a hike to the top of Mt Baldy make this rugged itinerary very exciting Finrsh at Pond with western lore and two real meals a chuck wagon dinner and breakfast ITINERARY 28 Strenuous Get ready for excitement as you head north from Rayado River camp where you may particrpate in rock climbing and environmental awareness at Miners Park and western lore at Clarks Fork. You will explore the central section of Philmont and enjoy the quret grandeur of trail camps. Mountain man rendezvous. black powder rifle and the old days of gold mining will come alive in the north country. Thrs strenuous itinerary invites you to side hike Baldy Mountain You may choose to learn mining technology from volunteers stationed at Baldy. Logging skills at Pueblano will round out your itinerary ITINERARY 29 Strenuous This strenuous itinerary provides an abundance of hikrng with less trme for program activities The trek begms in Philmont's south country where you can take part in the Contrnental Tie & Lumber Company western lore, rock clrmbing and environmental awareness As you hike toward Baldy Mountarn participate in challenge events mountain man rendezvous and side hike over the foot Baldy This trek includes gold mining and panning and concludes at Indian Wr~tings where archaeologists will introduce you to the ancient history of the Anasazis In the North Pond Canyon ITINERARY 30 Strenuous This itinerary is a mountain climber's delight After climbing Baldy Mountain you will proceed south to hike some of Philmont's other major peaks including Mount Phillips, Big Red. Black Mountarn and the Tooth of Time. Much time will be spent hiking and enjoying the remote wilderness, but you may have time to participate in burro packing, mountain man rendezvous, black powder rifle. Continental Tie & Lumber Company, western lore and gold mining and panning This strenuous trek will challenge even the most seasoned backpacker. ITINERARY 31 Super Strenuous This action packed itinerary offers western lore two (2) chuck wagon meals and horse rides the very second day! Build team work at the challenge course and learn "Leave No Trace" camping techniques at Dan Beard Camp before venturing rnto the adjacent National Forest Four (4) exciting days in the National Forest gives your crew an opportunity to do search and rescue. mountain biking, astronomy and homesteading. Logg~ng skills, burro racing, and 12 gauge shotgun reloading and shooting round out this exciting new super strenuous itinerary 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

28 \ITINERARY 32 Super Strenuous This super strenuous itinerary begins in the historic north country with stops for western lore, horse rides and cantina at Ponil. Relive the days of the Continental Tie & Lumber Company and enjoy the mountain man rendezvous prior to hiking Mt. Baldy (12,441') Back in the central country, enjoy shotgun shooting and burro racing. This trek concludes with a victory hike over the Tooth of Time. ITINERARY 33 Super Strenuous A super strenuous, but exciting itinerary awaits the well prepared crews on th~s 80 + mile trek. You will have the opportunity to hike most of Philmont's major peaks, all over 10,000 feet. Included are Bonita Peak, Big Red, Mount Phillips, Comanche Peak and Baldy. A remote wrlderness camping experience is provided while hiking much of the Philmont territory Time for program opportunltles is limited. However, your crew may enjoy western lore, logging skills and archaeology on this very challengrng hike. ITINERARY 34 Super Strenuous A long, but program packed trek awaits your crew on this super strenuous rtmerary Prepare to venture into the Valle Vidal by learning "Leave No Trace" camping and doing challenge events at Dan Beard. Early program features include Wilderness Flrst Ajd and Search and Rescue, conservation and homesteading. The last four days wrll feature.30/06 rifle shooting, gold mlnlng and panning, blacksmithing, western lore and chuck wagon dinner before hiking into base camp vra the Tooth of Time. ITINERARY 35 Super Strenuous No trace camping techniques are taught early, on thrs itinerary, as you prepare to trek the Valle Vidal. Your crew will bushwhack across country to Seally Canyon for first aid and search and rescue training, then enjoy mountain biking at Whiteman Vega Camp. You will enjoy two chuck wagon meals and horse rides, followed by rock climbing, before hiking into base camp via the Tooth of Trme. SECTION MAPS NEEDED FOR EACH ITINERARY The following maps are available at the Tooth of Time Traders to assist your crew Sectional maps ( scale) of the North, Central and South sections of Philmont and the Valle Vidal are available through the Philmont Trading Post at a cost of $5.00 (subject to change). These maps represent contour intervals of either 20 or 40 feet. All itineraries may be used to quahfy for distance requirements of the Fifty-Miler Award. The Philmont wall map mailed with thls packet is for planning purposes only Central & South #19 North & Valle Vidal North & Central North & Central South & Central South & Central Central & South North & Valle Vidal Central & North North & Valle Vidal Central & South South & Central South & Central South & Central South & Central Valle Vidal & North South & Central Valle Vidal & North Central & South North, Valle Vrdal & Central North & Central Central & South South, Central & North North & Central North & Valle Vrdal South & Central North Valle V~dal South Central & North South, Central & North North & Central North, Valle Vldal & Central North & Central South, Central & North North & Central, Valle V~dal North, Valle Vrdal & Central 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

29 "TEN ESSENTIALS" FOR HIKERS 1 Map & Compass - and the ability to read a map and use a compass. 2. Sun & Insect Protection - sunscreen, broad brimmed hat, sunglasses, insect repellent. 3. Water Bottles filled with disinfected water - a minimum of 2 quarts is essential in the Southwest 4. Rain Gear - preferably a breathable rain suit with jacket and pants. 5. First Aid Kit - adequate to treat common injuries that may occur on a hike, and including latex gloves for protection from bloodbourne pathogens. 6. Matches - for building a small campfire if necessary for warmth, drying clothing or boosting morale. 7. Extra Clothing - daytime temperatures can drop to 40" F during the summer; nighttime temperatures can drop below freezing. Wool and/or polypro or other synthetic fabrics are recommended. Cotton clothing is not suitable for retaining body heat. 8. Extra Food - to provide energy and warmth 9. Pocket Knife - a Swiss army knife with several tools is recommended 10 Watch - so that you can stick to the schedulelitinerary USEFUL TIPS ON USING MAPS AND ITINERARIES The next very important part of this TREKS ITINERARY GUID~ describes the staff and trail camps for each day of an itinerary, as well as exciting programs offered at the staffed camps. The itinerary page also shows the food pickup points, i.e. commissary camps where crews are re-supplied. The bottom of this page will tell you where your bus pickup point is or if you hike into Base Camp. A routed sketch map and elevation chart are shown for each itinerary ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For the TREKS ITINERARY GUIDE, again, several man hours were dedicated to the process of itinerary changes, verifying mileage, electronically drawing the sketch maps and developing the elevation charts. Philmont is most grateful to the following fine Scouters for their new millennium good turn: Map Trails -A special thanks to Map Trails Company of Fort Collins, Colorado, for producing the maps and elevation charts. They also produce the Philmont Interactive Ranger CD. Johnny Ulibarri -Albuquerque, New Mexico, Vice-president of Scout Reach, Venturing Crew Advisor with Great Southwest Council; Retired Mechanical Designer, Sandra National Laboratory; Seasonal Director of Logistics, Philmont Scout Ranch. Frances Romero - SecretaryIAssistant Camping Registrar and 2002 Itinerary Guide Production Manager, Philmont Scout Ranch. Thanks Team! Doug Palmer Associate Director of Program Director of Backcountry Operattons Philmont Scout Ranch, BSA 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA -

30 *7 Linle Cosliil eak Itinerary ft Tra~l d~stance ml 9152fr Gar 4364 It 8280 it Cl~mb~ng d~st 7408 it 6 94 ml Descend~ng d~cl 7 11 rnl H~ghest elebatlon it fr , i L r Spruce Fir Ludge~ole 4spen L ~jiapole &+per Ft~r~derusn 4spen Ponder,ca Pondeross lun~per Jun~per 5koitgrass Pr31r1r 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

31 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 2 TYPICAL 50 - MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS CAMP Camp~ng Headquarters VACA DEER LAKE MESA CIMARRONCITO CIMARRONCITO CLARKS FORK BLACK MOUNTAIN PROGRAM FEATURES Openmg Campf~re Ranger Trainmg CREW LDR menu no I Trail Camp, Dry Camp I I I I I Rock Cl~mb~ng Environmental Awareness S~de h~ke Hidden Valley, Tour Hunt~ng Lodge Western Lore Horse R~des, Chuck Wagon D~nner Campfre Mounta~n LIVI~' Blacksm~th~ng Black Powder R~fle CH - S FOOD p~ck u D NO UG UG UG UG slgnature NONE 4UMBER ZREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN 4PPROVAL 4dult Advisor 2rew Leader tinerary Planner CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE HE. Completed BUCK CREEK APACHE SPRINGS Tra~l Camp J~car~lla Apache L~fe, Corn Grmding, 3-D Archery. Sweat Lodge P J P J Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff FISH CAMP ABREU Camp~ng Headquarters Fly Ty~ng F~sh~ng, Lodge Tour I Mexican Homestead. Cantma. Mex~can Dinner I -S I AS I Hike to Rayado, Tour Kit Carson Home Awards Campfire YOUR BUS Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at M Returns to Camping on Day 12 from RAYADO - KIT CARSON MUSEUM at M You are scheduled for a Lunch CH AS NO NONE HORSES &BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for persons bne Burro Packing on Day at fa persons hk? NO CHANGES POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION

32 Itinerary 2 Trail di:tancc 50 Dl n-ii G ain 2648 ft Cl~mbing d ~ ~ t mi Descend~ng d1.t 7 76 mi H~ghest elevat~on 9282 tt Aspen. Ponderasj Ponderora Jl~nlpel Iun~per 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -26- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

33 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 2 TYPICAL - 50 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no FOOD pick up slgnature IUMBER :REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL ixpedltlon PLAN 4PPROVAL Camp~ng Headquarters ANASAZI INDIAN WRITINGS PONlL Openmg Campf~re Ranger Tra~nmg Archaeology, Tour Petroglyphs, See World's Only Tyrannosaurus Rex Track Western Lore Cantma, Horse Rldes, Chuck Wagon D~nnerIBreakfast -- CH - -S, -B NO PONlL NONE - - jdult Advisor >rew Leader tinerary Planner 5 DEAN COW Rock Cllmb~ng, Envlronrnental Awareness PONlL ;ONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE 6 HARLAN Burro R acq Shotgun Shootlng & Reload~ng PONlL YOUR BUS t DEER LAKE CAMP SAWMILL WEBSTER PARKS UPPER CLARKS FORK I TOOTH RIDGE 1 1 I I S~de Campmg Headquarters Tra~l Camp Rifle & Reload~ng Metalk S~lhouette Shooting Rock Climb~ng, Envlronrnental C~to Tra~l Camp S~de Hke H~dden Valley Western Lore Campf~re H~ke I Dry Camp - Clarks Fork H~ke In via Tooth of T~me, Awards Campf~re Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Startlng Camp on Day 2 at H~ke Into Camp~ng via the Tooth of T~me You are scheduled for a Tooth of T~rne, I I 1 Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION M CH PONlL UG UG UG I UG NO NONE Signed by Member of Philmont Consetvation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for persons tfe Burro Packing on Day at for persas

34 Little Costill eak Itinerary ITINERARY GUIDE PHlLhilONT SCOUT RANCH, 6%

35 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 2 TYPICAL - 50 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no FOOD pick up slgnature NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL Openmg Campfire Ranger Training, See World's only Tyrannosaurus Rex Track CH NO NONE Adult Advisor Crew Leader 3 INDIAN WRITINGS 4. 1 I I PONlL 5 PUEBLANO 6 UTE MEADOW Archaeology - Tour Petroglyphs Western Lore, Horse Rides, Chuck Wagon D~nnerlBreakfast, Cantina Pick-up Pond, Contmental Tie & Lumber Company, Ph~lmont Story Campf~re Mountain Man Rendezvous, Drop off M~randa -S, -B PONlL PONlL PONlL Itinerary Planner CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE 7. UTE MEADOW S~de Hike Baldv 1 1 PONlL 1 Hrs. Completed 9. NEW DEAN Challenge Events Trail Camp BC BC Signed by Member of Philrnont Conservation Staff DEAN COW 11 HARLAN 12. Camp~ng Headquarters Rock Chmbma Enwronmental Awareness 12 Gauge Shotgun Shootmg & Reloading, Burro Rac~ng H~ke to Webster Lake, Awards Campf~re I CH I NO 1 NONE YOUR BUS Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at M Returns to Carnp~ng on Day 12 from WEBSTER LAKE M You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION B C B C HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day a for persons trre Burro Packing on Day for tm persons

36 little Costlll eak Itinerary ft T fail d~:tanre rt rril 9721 It Ga~n 5046 tt 8712ft Cl~rnb~r~p dlsl 7703 fc 8413 mi $693 ft Descendmg dlst 8 67 ml Highest elevat~on ft Ponderosa. Junipei Juniper 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -30- FHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, 6%

37 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 4 TYPICAL- 64 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK * WEEK MONTH CAMP Camping Headquarters LOVERS LEAP URRACA BEAR CAVES BEAUBIEN BEAUBIEN CROOKED CREEK CLEAR CREEK CYPHERS MINE WEBSTER PARKS TOOTH RIDGE Campmg Headquarters PROGRAM FEATURE Openmg Campf~re CREW LDR Ranger Training Challenge Events Phllmont Story Campf~re Continental Tie & Lumber Crater Lake Trail Camp Side Hlke Trail Peak, Western Lore, Campfrre Horse R~des Chuck Wagon Drnner Homestead~ng Rocky Mountarn Fur Company Black Powder Rifle M~ne Tour Gold Mmmg & Pannmg Blacksmrthlng Stomp Rock Clrmblng Environmental C~marronc~to, Tra~l Camp Dry Camp - Clarks Fork Hlke in vla Tooth of Tlme Awards Campfire YOUR BUS Departs from Camplng Headquarters for your Startrng Camp on Day 2 at M Hike mto Camping via the Tooth of Time. You are scheduled for a NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION Lunch. menu no CH - S CH FOOD prck up NO PJ1 PJ2 PJ2 PJ2 UG UG NO slgnature NONE NONE NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN 4PPROVAL 4dult Advisor 3ew Leader tinerary Planner ONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE jigned by Member of Wmont Conservation 3aff iorses &BURROS Horse Ride on Day d X persons w lurro Packing on Day X ne at persas

38 Little f ost '7 H eak Itinerary 5 ' ml Highest elekatlon 11739ft Ponderosa Jumper Juniper 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -32- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

39 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 5 TYPICAL- 64 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no I signa- NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL 1 Campmg Headquarters 2. LOVERS LEAP 3 CRATER LAKE 4 BLACK MOUNTAIN Ranger Training Continental Tie & Lumber Company. Phrlmont Story Campflre Mountain Liv~n', Blacksmithing. Black Powder R~fle NO NONE Adult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planner 5 BEAUBIEN Western Lore, Horserides, Campf~re CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE 6 I BEAUBIEN I I I WILD HORSE MT PHILLIPS 9. I CIMARRONCITO I I I S~de H~ke Tra~l Peak, Chuck Wagon Dinner Crooked Creek. Tra~l Camp Rocky Mountaln Fur Clear Creek Dry Camp - Clear Creek Rock Cl~mbing, Environmental Awareness Hrs. Completed Signed by Member of Philrnont Conservation Staff 10 CIMARRONCITO 11 I TOOTH RIDGE I I I 12 Camping Headquarters Tour Huntmg Lodge, Hike H~dden Valley Dry Camp - Clarks Fork Hike In via Tooth of T~me, Awards Campflre YOUR BUS Departs from Campmg Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M H~ke mto Camping vla the Tooth of Time You are scheduled for a NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION Lunch CH NO ) NONE HORSES &BURROS Horse Ride on Day for persons he Burro Packing on Day at fw v tme

40 Little Costitl "1 eak Itinerary 6 Br~stlecone Spruce-F;r Lodaepnlt. Ponderosa Jun~per Junlvel S pruce FII. Lodgepole..Asper? 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE

41 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 6 TYPICAL - 58 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP Camplng Headquarters CREW LDR VACA Ranger Trarning I I I I I I I DEVILS WASH BASIN Trail Camp Rock Clto, ASPEN SPRINGS Environmental Awareness, Tour Huntrng Lodge UG Mine Tour, Gold Mining & Panning, CYPHERS MINE Blacksmlthing, "Stomp" UG I I 1 COMANCHE / D~Y camp, I 1 I I PEAK CAMP 1 Cyphers Mlne CLEAR CREEK PORCUPINE BEAUBIEN PROGRAM FEATURES Openlng Campfire Hrke Mt Phillips. Rocky Mountain Fur Company. Black Powder Rifle Crooked Creek, Tra~l Camp Western Lore, Horse Rides, Campfire Program menu no CH FOOD pick up NO ] UG UG P J PJ signature NONE JUMBER ZREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL ixpedition PLAN 4PPROVAL 4dult Advisor 2rew Leader tinerary Planner SONSERVATION PROJECT SITE HE. Completed Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff I BEAUBIEN NORTH FORK URRACA Camping Headquarters Side Hike Trarl Peak, Chuck Wagon Dlnner Trail Camp Hike In vla Tooth of Time, Awards Campflre YOUR BUS Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Startlng Camp on Day 2 at M Hike ~nto Camping vla the Tooth of Time You are scheduled for a NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION Lunch - S CH P J PJ NO NONE HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day A hx persons bne Burro Packing on Day at for persons tin3

42 Itinerary mt Aspen Ponderosa Ponderosa. hn~per.j~.lntper Hlytiest alevattnn 9052 It 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -36- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, 0%

43 2002 PHlLMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 7 TYPICAL- 52 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP Camplng Headquarters SIOUX RICH CABINS GREENWOOD CANYON IRIS PARK RING PLACE PROGRAM FEATURES Opening Campf~re Ranger Tra~n~ng Homesteading Tra~l Camp CREW LDR Trad Camp Hlstorrc Ranch Astronomy GPS, Mountarn Meteorology Folk Forecast~ng menu no CH FOOD plck up NO RC RC RPI slgnature NONE NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL Adult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planner CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE 7 - f SEALLY CANYON Conservation, W~lderness Flrst A I ~ RPI 8 9 I WHITEMAN VEGA DAN BEARD I Mounta~n Blk~ng Challenge Events RP1 RP2 Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff YOUR BUS Departs from Campmg Headquarters for your Startmg Camp on Day 2 at M Returns to Camplng on Day 12 from SIX Mile You are scheduled for a INDIAN WRITINGS INDIAN WRITINGS Camping Headquarters Archaeology, Tour Petroglyphs Slde Hike Box Canyon, See World's T-Rex Track H~ke to SIX Mile Gate Awards Campflre Lunch NO CHANGFS ARE POSSlRl F TOR FOOD PICKIJPS OR RlJS TRANSPORTATION M CH I NO I NONE HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day for persons tme Burro Pack~ng on Day at fw persors tme

44 P Little Costl eak Itinerary 8 l2415ft Trail distance $1277 ft 62 a2 n ft G atn Climbing disi 7 3F, d~st 8 30 nil Highest elevation H 7863 ft 6723 I t rist econe pw~ehr Lodxpole Aspen Ponderosa Pond~rn:j Juniper Junrp~r Sp~uce FII Ludqepole Aspen Lodgepole Aspen Ponderosa ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, 0%

45 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. -8 TYPICAL- 63 MILES NUMBER EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER CREW MEMBERS -; COUNCIL CITY STATE YOUTH ADULTS ADULT ADVISORS CREW LDR TOTAL FOOD menu pick signa- TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES no U P ture EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL 1 Campmg Headquarters 2. UTE SPRINGS 3. DEER LAKE MESA 4. VlSTO GRANDE Openmg Campfire CH NO NONE Ranger Tralnlng I Trall Camp 1 IHO / 12 Gauge Shotgun Harlan Trail Camp 4dult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planner 5 SANTA CLAUS 6 7 * 1 BALDY 8 1 I 1 PUEBLANO I BALDY / RICH CABINS 10 COOK CANYON 11 1 I I INDIAN WRITINGS 12. Camplng Headquarters Trall Camp Mountaln Man Miranda, Blackpowder Rifle Side Hike Baldy Mountain, Blacksmithlng, Gold Minicg & French Henry Continental Tie & Lumber Company, Philmont Story Campfire Challenae Dan Beard. Trail Cams I IRC I Archaeology, Petroglyphs, T-Rex Track Hike to SIX Mile Gate, Awards Campfire CH NO NONE YOUR BUS Departs from Campmg Headquarters for your Startmg Camp on Day 2 at M Returns to Canip~ng on Day 12 from SIX Mile Gate at M You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION BC BC BC RC CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE Hrs. Completed Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day a hx persons tme Burro Packing on Day fcr tme at persons

46 7 Little Costill eak Itinerary 9 Trail distance nil G am 5632 It Climblng d1s1 7 - t bf: rill Descending dist 8 91 mi H~ghest elevation t Bristlecone Spruce Fir Lodgepole 4spen. Ponderosa Pondernsi Juntper Jun~per Spruce FII Loci~epole. Aspen iodgrpole. Aspen Ponderosd 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA -....

47 2002 PHlLMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 9 TYPICAL - 63 MILES NUMBER EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER CREW MEMBERS ; YOUTH COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULTS ADULT ADVISORS CREW LDR TOTAL TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES menu EXPEDITION PLAN no ture APPROVAL 1 I Carnpmg Headquarters 2. ANASAZI * 3 OLD CAMP DAN BEARD 5 RICH CABINS GREENWOOD 6 CANYON 7 (1 I COPPER PARK 1 I I Openmg Campfire Ranger Training -- lnd~an Writings, Petroglyphs, T-Rex Track, Trail Camp Challenge Events, No Trace Camp~ng Trail Camp Blacksm~thmg, Gold Mining I French Henry CH Adult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planner CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE Hrs. Cmpleted 8 COPPER PARK 9 BALDY SKYLINE YOUR BUS I I I r PUEBLANO Campmg Headquarters S~de H~ke Baldy, P~ck up Burros at M~randa Mounta~n Man Rendezvous, Tra~l Camp Continental Tie & Lumber Company, Ph~lrnont Storv Cam~fire Return Burros, Western Lore, Horse R~des, Chuck Wagon Dmner. Breakfast H~ke to Pond Turnaround Awards Campfire Departs from Camplng Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at Return to Camp~ng Headquarters on Day 12 from Pon~l Turnaround. You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION M NO / NONE Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES 8 BURROS Horse Ride on Day at br Fersons me 3urro Packing on Day ix irw! at persons

48 Itinerary 10 It739 ft T la11 distance tom8 fr rill , i; an 5207 It 8616 fr. Cl~nih~ng dl;! 7575 tr ml Ccscrnd~ng d~st 6532 rf 7 62 mi H~ghest eleval~on Ponderosa. Jur~~uer Jun~~~ec 11733tt 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -42 PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, 0%

49 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 10 TYPICAL - 59 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS l3y py y TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP Camping Headquarters UTE SPRINGS ASPEN SPRINGS SAWMILL MT PHILLIPS CREW LDR IUMBER :REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL ixpedltlon PLAN 4PPROVAL {dult Advisor :rew Leader tinerary Planner :ONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE COMANCHE CAMP APACHE SPRINGS Jicarilla Apache L~fe, Sweat Lodge PJI Hrs. Ccfnpkkd APACHE SPRINGS FISH CAMP ABREU BACKACHE SPRINGS Camping Headquarters 3-D Archery, Corn Grmd~ng PJI Fly Tymg, F~shing, Lodge Tour AS Mexican Homestead, Cantina, Mexican Dinner - S AS Trail Camp AS H~ke to Rayado, Tour Kit Carson Home, Awards Campf~re CH NO NONE Signed by Member of 'hilmont Conservation iorses &BURROS Horse Ride on Day br Persons YOUR BUS Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M. Return to Camp~ng Headquarters from Kit Carson Museum on Day 12 at M You are scheduled for a lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION Burro Packing on Day at for persxs h e

50 A Little Costltl~eak Itinerary 1 I 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -44- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA

51 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. TYPICAL - 54 MlLES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS IEY IF y ; ; TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP Camping Headquarters RAYADO RIVER LOOKOUT MEADOW CREW LDR FOOD menu pick srgna- PROGRAM FEATURES no up ture Opening Campfire CH NO NONE Ranger Training Mexican Homestead, Abreu. Trail Carno FISH CAMP Fly Tying, Fishing, Lodge Tour APACHE SPRINGS J~carilla Apache Lrfe AS Corn Grind~ng, Sweat Lodge, APACHE SPRINGS 3-Dimensional Archery I AS WMBER 2REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL 4dult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planner CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE CLEAR CREEK I Rockv Mountain Fur Com~anv. Black Powder R~fle I I PJ I Hrs. Completed MT PHILLIPS Dry Camp, Clear Creek Gold Mining & Panning, M~ne Tour, CYPHERS MINE Blacksmithing, "Stomp" Rock Climbing, CIMARRONCITO Tour Famous Hunting Lodge Western Clarks Fork, PONDEROSA PARK Trarl Camp, Chuck Wagon Dinner Camping H~ke in via Tooth of T~me, Headquarters Awards Campfire CH NO 1 NONE YOUR f3os Departs from Catnp~rig Headqtrnrtcrs for your Start~ng Camp or1 Day 2 at M H~ke into Camp~ng via Tooth of T~me You are scheduled for a NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION Lunch Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day for trne persons Burro Packing on Day at for trne persons

52 f Little Costlfl eak Itinerary 12 '3 41 nil D~srending d~st 9 41 mi Highest elevat~on 1132% It ITINERARY GUIDE

53 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 12 TYPICAL - 64 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK 0 F WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no. FOOD pick up signature I NUMBER CREW MEMBERS I YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL Camping Headquarters OLD ABREU CRAGS LOST CABIN Openmg Campfire Ranger Training Trail Camp Fly Tying, Lodge Fish Camp CH NO NONE I Adult Advisor Crew Leader 1 Itinerary Planner 1 BEAUBIEN 1 Western Lore, Campfire, Horse Rides I I I ] PJ CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE * BEAUBIEN BLACK MOUNTAIN LAMBERTS MINE CIMARRONCITO CATHEDRAL ROCK I SHAEFERS PASS Campmg Headquarters Slde Hlke Trall Peak. Chuck Wagon D~nner Mountain Livin', Blacksmlthlng, Black Powder R~fle Mme Cyphers Mlne, Gold Mnng & Panning, Blacksmithing Rock Climbing, Environmental Awareness Side Hike Hidden Valley, Tour Hunting Lodge, Tra~l Camp I Trail Camp Hike in vla Tooth of Time. Awards Campf~re YOUR BUS Departs from Camplng Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M H~ke Into Campmg vla the Tooth of Time You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION - S CH P J PJ P J UG UG I UG NO NONE Hrs. Completed Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for persons tme Burro Packing on Day at persons

54 Itinerary Br~stlecorx Spruce Fir Lodgepole 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, 6%

55 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 13 TYPICAL - 71 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS l3y py TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP CREW LDR I 1 FOOD menu plck PROGRAM FEATURES no. U P Camping Headquarters Opening Campfire CH NO LOVERS LEAP URRACA BACKACHE SPRINGS ABREU AGUA FRIA Ranger Train~ng Challenge Events, Ph~lmont Story Campfire Trail Camp Mexican Homestead, Cantina, Mexican Dinner -S Fly Tying & Fishing, Lodge Fish Camp, Trail cam^ signature NONE VUMBER CREW MEMBERS EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL Adult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planner CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE CROOKED CREEK I Homesteadins I Rockv Mountain Fur Corn~anv, ~ -,, I rp CLEAR CREEK 1 ~lac<powder Rifle PJ LAMBERTS MINE WEBSTER PARK CLARKS FORK Camping Headquarters I Gold Panning & Mining, Cyphers Mine, Trail Camo Rock Climbing, Environmental Cito, Tratl Camp Western Lore, Horse Rides, Chuck Wagon Dinner -S UG Hike In via Tooth of Time, Awards Campfire I CH NO YOUR BUS Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Startlng Camp on Day 2 at M Hike Into Camping via the Tooth of Time Your crew IS scheduled for a NO CHANGES POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION Lunch NONE Hrs. Completed Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for persons tm Burro Packing on Day at for persons tme

56 i Ltttle Costill eak Itinerary n-11 D escendlna dirt 2 50 rnl Highest elevation 11733ft 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILhlONT SCOUT RANCH, 6%

57 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 14 TYPICAL - 62 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS Z Y ID$ TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no. FOOD pick up signature IUMBER ;REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN Camping Headquarters LOVERS LEAP Opening Campf~re Ranger Tra~ning CH NO NONE Adult Advisor Zrew Leader URRACA CRATER LAKE AGUA FRlA Challenge Camp, Philmont Story Campfrre Continental Tie & Lumber Company Philmont Storv Cam~fire Trad Camp, Fly Ty~ng & F~sh~ng, Lodge Fish Camp tinerary Planner ZONSERVATION PROJECT SITE BEAUBIEN S~de Hike Tra~l Peak, Campf~re PJ1 BEAUBIEN Western Lore, Horse R~des, Chuck Wagon Dinner I PJ1 I I I I Hrs. Completed CROOKED CREEK CLEAR CREEK RED HILLS NORTH FORK URACCA Camp~ng Headquarters Homestead~ng Rocky Mtn Fur Co, Black Powder R~fle Black Powder Clear Creek, Chmb Mt Phlll~ps Tra~l Camp Trail Camp H~ke In vla Tooth of Time, Awards Campf~re CH PJ2 PJ2 PJ2 PJ2 NO NONE Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for persons YOUR BUS Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at H~ke Into Carnp~ng via the 7 ooth of T~rne Your crew IS scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION M Burro Packing on Day at for persors bne

58 Itinerary 15 Aspen Ponderosa Ponderosil.Junipe~ 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -52- PHlLMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

59 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 2 RUGGED - 62 MILES 1 EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS 4- TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP Camping Headquarters BENT DAN BEARD IRIS PARK PROGRAM FEATURES Opening Campfire Ranger Tra~n~ng CREW LDR I Challenge Events, Leave No Trace Camping I 1 Trail Camp menu no. CH JUMBER >REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL 4dult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planner WHITEMAN VEGA WHITEMAN VEGA SEALLY CANYON Mounta~n B~klng Mountain Biking Wilderness Medicine. Search and Rescue. Conservation CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE YOUR BUS RICH CABINS I Homesteadina I PUEBLANO tlktiorn PONlL Camping Headquarters Continental Tie & Lumber Company Philmont Story Campfire Trail Camp Western Lore, Horse R~des. Cantina, Chuck Wagon Dinner & Breakfast Hike to Ponil Turnaround, Awards Campfire NO 1 NONE Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at Returns to Camping on Day 12 from - PONlL TURNAROUND at M You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION M Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for persons tme Burro Packing on Day at persons for tme

60 7 Little Costilla eak Itinerary 16 Bristlecone Spruce-Fir. Lodgepole Sprucr Fir. Lodgepole. Aspen Lodgepole Aspen Por\derosa Aspen. Ponderosa Ponderusa Juniper.Juntpar 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -54- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

61 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 16 RUGGED - 63 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR nenu 10. P 1 signa- IUMBER ;REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL ,XPEDITION PLAN 4PPROVAL OLYMPIA 3 Camp~ng Headquarters I 1 1 TOOTHACHE I SPRINGS I 1 I / MINERS PARK 5. LOWER BONITA 6. APACHE SPRINGS Opening Campfire Ranger Tra~n~ng Tra~l Camp Rock Climbina. Environmental Awareness Continental Tie & Lumber Crater Lake, Tra~l Camp Fly Tying & Fish Camp J~carilla Apache Llfe qdult Advisor 3ew Leader tinerary Planner CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE 7. I APACHE SPRINGS Corn Gnndlng, 3-D Archery, Sweat Lodge Hrs. Completed 8 CROOKED CREEK 9. I CLEAR CREEK I I Flshmg In Rayado R~ver, Homesteadmg Rocky Mountain Fur Co., Black Powder Rlfle Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff RED HILLS CLARKS FORK I 1 I Carnp~ng Headquarters Tra~l Camp Western Lore, Horse R~des, Chuck Wagon Dmner Hlke In via Tooth of Tlme, Awards Campfire NO / NONE HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day perjors YOUR BUS Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at H~ke Into Camplng vla Tooth of T~me You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION M Burro Packing on Day at fa persas tme

62 i Little Costill eak Itinerary 17 Climbing dist 8 39 n-i Desceiid~ng dlst 8 15 m~ H~ghest elevation tt $143 fl if Tundra Br~stlecone. Spruce-FI~ Lodgepole Spruce-Fir, Lodgepole. Asper Lodgepole. Aspen Ponderosa Aspen. Ponderosa Ponderor* Junipei 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA - - -

63 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 17 RUGGED - 60 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no iumber :REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL IXPEDlTlON PLAN 4PPROVAL 1 2 Camping Headquarters BENT Opening Campfire Ranger Train~ng, Tra~l Camp CH Adult Advisor 3-ew Leader I DAN BEARD IRIS PARK SEALLY CANYON I Challenge Events, No Trace Camping Trail Camp Search and Rescue. Wilderness Medic~ne / RP tinerary Planner ZONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE 6. 7 I RICH CABINS EWELLS PARK Homesteading Gold Panning, Blacksmith~ng & M~ne French Henry RC RC Hrs. Completed 8 9 I EWELLS PARK 1 Side H~ke Ba~dy Mountain I BC HEADDEAN Challenge Events Timber Stand Improvements B C 1 Signed by Member of 'hilmont Consewation NEW DEAN PONlL Camp~ng Headquarters Trarl Camp Western Lore Horse R~des Cantina Chuck Wagon D~nner I Breakfast Awards Campfire YOUR BUS Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M Return to Camping Headquarters on Day 12 from Pon~l M You are scheduled for a Lunch -S, -B CH BC Ponil NO NONE HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at b persons tnle Burro Packing on Day NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION

64 Itinerary 18 Trail d~stance m~ Gam 4587 tt 8368 ft Climbing dlst 7a5 I tr 8 43 mi 6532 It Descending dist 3 82 ml H~ghest elevation 11119tt Brrstlecone. Spruce-Fir, Lodgepole Spruce FII. Lodgepole..3.spen ivdgzcscle 4spen Ponderosa Aspen. Ponderosa Ponderosd. Jumper Jumper Shortgrass Prai~ie 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

65 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 18 RUGGED - 58 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no. FOOD pick up signature UMBER ;REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL --- fxpeditlon PLAN IPPROVAL Camping Headquarters CATHEDRAL ROCK UPPER SAWMILL CANYON RED HILLS Opening Campf~re Ranger Tra~ning Trail Sawmill, Metallic Silhouette Shooting,30106 Rifle & Reload~ng, Trail Camp CH NO UG UG NONE ldult Advisor 3ew Leader tinerary Planner 5. PORCUPINE Tra~l Camp, Crooked Creek UG 2ONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE * BEAUBIEN BEAUBIEN Western Lore, Horse Rides, Campfire Side Hike Trail Peak, Chuck Wagon Dinner - S PJI PJI Hrs. Completed AGUA FRlA CRATER LAKE ABREU BACKACHE SPRINGS Camp~ng Headquarters Fly Ty~ng & F~sh~ng, Lodge Flsh Camp Continental Tie & Lumber Company. Ph~lmont Story Campflre Mexican Homestead. Cant~na Mex~can D~nner Tra~l Camp Hike to Rayado, Tour Kit Carson Home, Awards Campfire - S CH PJ2 PJ2 PJ2 PJ2 NO NONE Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day for pecsons YOUR BUS Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at Return to Camp~ng Headquarters from Klt Carson Museum on Day 12 at You are scheduled for a lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION M M Burro Packing on Day at for persons bne

66 Itinerary 19 Aspen. Ponderosa Puriderosa. Jun~ptr.Jumper 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -60- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

67 2002 PHlLMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 19 RUGGED- 56 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS 1 TREK OWEEK F MONTH CAMP Camping Headquarters ANASAZI 1 INDIAN WRITINGS OLD CAMP DAN BEARD SEALLY CANYON PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR Opening Campfire CH NO NONE Ranger Trainmg See World's Only T-Rex Track, Archaeology, Tour Petroglyphs Tra~l Camp Challenge Events Wilderness First Aid, Conservation. Search and Rescue H~ke to the Old McCrystal Place over the pass to Whtman Vega menu no pickup RP RP signature UMBER ;REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN 4PPROVAL idult Advisor :rew Leader tinerary Planner ---- :ONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE HE. Completed WHITEMAN VEGA IRIS PARK Mountain B~king RP Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff RICH CABINS Camp~ng Headquarters Homesteadmg RC Western Lore, Cantina, Horse R~des, Chuck Wagon DmnerIBreakfast -S, -B RC H~ke to Pond Turnaround Awards Campf~re CH NO NONE YOUR BUS Departs frorn Camping Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M Returns to Camp~ng on Day 12 from Ponll M You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION. HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for persons bne Burro Packing on Day for tme persons

68 ii!tle Costilla "1 eak Itinerary 20 T rail d~slance n 11 G aln F--,? 3. ii It Cllmblnq d~st 11 OS nil Descend~ng d~st 1223m1 Hlghest elebatlon It Tundra Br~sllecone Spruce Fir Lodgepole Spruce Flr Lodgepole Aspen Lodgepole Aspen Ponderosa Aspen Ponderosa Ponderosd Jun~per Jun~per 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA --

69 ~ 2002 PHlLMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 20 STRENUOUS - 65 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS CREW LDR FOOD menu pick signa- TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES no up ture 1. Camp~ng Headquarters Opening Campfire CH NO NONE 2 MCBRIDE CANYON Ranger Training Western Lore, Horse Rides, Cantina -S 3 PONlL Chuck Wagon Supper 8 Breakfast -B Ponil 4 RICH CABINS Homesteading RC GREENWOOD 5. CANYON Trail Camp RC Blacksm~thing, Black Powder Rifle, 6 COPPER PARK Gold Min~ng 1 French Henry Side H~ke Baldy Mounta~n, t 7 COPPER PARK Mounta~n Man M~randa 8 BALDY SKYLINE Tra~l Camp BC Challenge Program, Timber Stand Improvement 9 VlSTO Head of Dean, Trail Camp B C Rock Cimarronc~to 10 HUNTING LODGE Hunt~ng Lodge Tour UG 11 TOOTH RIDGE Tra~l Camp, Dry Camp UG Hike in via Tooth of Time 12. Campmg Headquarters Awards Campflre CH NO NONE YOUR BUS Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Startmg Camp on Day 2 at M IUMBER ;REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL :XPEDITION PLAN 4PPROVAL 4dult Advisor 3ew Leader tinerary Planner :ONSERVATlON 'ROJECT SITE Hrs. C omm Signed by Member of Philmont Consmation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day fa persons bne Burro Packing on Day Hike in to Camping via the Tooth of Time. You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION.

70 .ittle Costilla eak A7 Itinerary 21 Tundra Br~stlecme Spruce FII Lodgepole Spruce Fir hdgepole 4spen Lodgepole Aspen Ponderosa Aspen Ponderosa Ponderosa Juniper Jun~per 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

71 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 21 STRENUOUS - 63 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no. FOOD pick up signature UMBER :REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL --- EXPEDITION PLAN 4PPROVAL I Campmg Headquarters I Openmg Campflre SIOUX PUEBLANO HEAD DEAN UTE MEADOWS UTE MEADOWS I Ranger Training Burro Ponil, Continental Tie & Lumber Company, Philmont Story Campfire Challenqe Camp, Timber Stand Improvement Return Burros, Mountain Man Rendezvous, Miranda Side Hike, Hike Baldy, Gold Mining & French Henry idult Advisor 2rew Leader tinerary Planner ZONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE 7. UPPER DEAN COW Trail Camp BC Hrs. Completed UPPER BENCH CIMARRONCITO CIMARRONCITO PONDEROSA PARK Camp~ng Headquarters Trail Camp, Rock Cl~mbing, Environmental Awareness Side Hike H~dden Valley, Tour Hunting Lodge Western Clarks Fork, Horse Rldes, Chuck Wagon Dinner Hike in via Tooth of T~me, Awards Campfire YOUR BUS: Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Startlng Camp on Day 2 at M H~ke into Campmg vla the Tooth of Time. You are scheduled for a NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION. Lunch. -S CH BC UG UG UG NO NONE Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES &BURROS Horse Ride on Day at fa- persons h e Burro Packing on Day at for persons h e

72 M e Costill "1 eak Itinerary 22 Trad distance rm 10718ft Cl~rnblng dlit nil Descending d~st h 11 Bmtlecone. Spruce-Fir, Lodgepole Spruce Fir Lodgepole. Aspen Lodgepole Aspen Ponderosa Aspen, Ponderosa Ponderosa. Junlper Juniper 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -66- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

73 N X PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 22 h) =! - EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER z rn XI COUNCIL CITY STATE 2 N ADULT ADVISORS CREW LDR CI> c_ u rn TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES menu no. RUGGED - 70 MILES FOOD pick up signature JMBER REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL XPEDlTlON PLAN,PPROVAL 1 2. Camping Headquarters Opening Campflre I CH I NO 1 NONE I I I I VACA Ranger Training,dult Advisor ;rew Leader a -? 6. 7 I DEER LAKE CAMP UTE SPRINGS LAMBERT MINE MT PHILLIPS PORCUPINE Trail Camp Trail Camp M~ne Tour Gold Panning, Cyphers Mine, Trail Camp Dry Camp. Cyphers M~ne Rocky Mt Fur Co - Clear Creek, Crooked Creek. Trail Camp UG UG UG UG :inerary Planner :ONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE Hrs. Completed 8 9 BEAUBIEN BEAUBIEN Western Lore Horse Rides Side H~ke Tra~l Peak Chuck Wagon Dinner - S PJ P J -- Signed by Member of 'hilmont Conservation Staff 10 ABREU Mex~can Homestead, Cant~na Mexican D~nner 11 MINERS PARK Rock Clirnblng, Environmental Awareness l- Z H~ke in v~a Tooth of Tme, 0 z 12 Camp~ng Headquarters Awards Campf~re -4 cn o YOUR BUS Departs from Camplng Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M 0 C --I Hike ~nto Camplng via the Tooth of Time You are scheduled for a Lunch XI P Z NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION - S CH PJ PJ NO NONE HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day for persons trne Burro Packing on Day at for persas trne

74 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 23 RUGGED - 65 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no FOOD plck up signature UMBER REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL ixpedltlon PLAN rpproval 1 Camping Headquarters Openmg Campfire CH NO NONE rdult Advisor 2 LOVERS LEAP Ranger Training ;rew Leader URRACA ABREU Challenge Events, Philmont Story Campfire Mexican Homestead. Cantina, Mexican Dinner - S tinerary Planner FISH CAMP BEAR CANYON Fly Tying, Fishing, Lodge Tour Jicarilla Apache Life, Sweat Apache Springs, 3-D Archery, Trail Camp AS ZONSERVATIBN 'ROJECT SITE q CROOKED CREEK MT. PHILLIPS SAWMILL Homesteading Dry Camp - Clear Creek, Trail Camp Rifle & Reloading, Metallic Stlhouette Shooting P J PJ PJ Signed by Member of >hilmmt Conservation Staff VACA I Trail Camp I UG DEAN COW Camping Headquarters I I I I Rock Chmbing, Environmental Awareness H~ke to Six Mile Gate, Awards Campfire YOUR BUS Departs from Campmg Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M Returns to Camplng on Day 12 from SIX MILE GATE at - M Your crew IS scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION. CH UG NO NONE HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day a for P='s trm Burro Packing on Day

75 Mle Costill "1 eak Itinerary 23 9h97 I t G sr 5; 05 It 8676 Ir Climhg d~ct 76% rr 3 38 mi 6634 ft Descending dl91 I I L-Y 0 I0 15 L',! -.,=.',? -c a. 10 A? 50 c c, Br~stlecone Spruce-FII, Lodgemle Spru8:r ;lr Lodgep~de Pzp~erm Lodgec~csle - :r+.i Ponderosa Aspen. Ponderosa Ponderosa.Iuniprr J1.1norr 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -68- PHIiMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

76 Little Costllla eak Itinerary tt 8947 Ir I~l~rnbing d~st , 2 3: n11 Ciescend~ng dial 3 04 ml Highest elebation 12J15 ft 6636 tt Tundra R:~sllecnne : c,~..;? FII Lodge~8re Spruce FII Lc~dgepole. aspen Aspen F~,n@eror i Fc~nccros~.ilmper Jimper Lodgepole Aspw Ponderosa 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -70- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA - -

77 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 24 STRENUOUS - 68 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS CREW LDR UMBER REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES menu no. FOOD pick up signature ixpedltlon PLAN ipproval 1. 2 Campmg Headquarters I Opening Campfire I CH I NO 1 NONE I I I I BENT Ranger Training idult Advisor ;rew Leader RICH CABINS PUEBLANO RUINS COPPER PARK Homesteading Contmental Tile & Lumber Pueblano, Trail Camp Gold Panning, Mine Tour, French Henry, Tra~l Camp RC RC RC tinerary Planner ZONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE 6 7 COPPER PARK UPPER DEAN COW S~de Hlke Baldy Mt Challenge Head of Dean Tra~l Camp BC B C 8 9 DEAN COW HARLAN Rock Cl~mb~ng, Environmental Awareness 12 Gauge Shotgun Shoot~ngIReload~ng Burro Racmg BC BC Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff UTE SPRINGS CLARKS FORK Camptng Headquarters Trall Camp Western Lore, Horse Rides, Chuck Wagon Dinner Hlke in via Tooth of Time, Awards Campflre YOUR BUS Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at M - S CH UG UG NO NONE HORSES &BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for v me Burro Packing on Day Hike Into Camplng vla the Tooth of Tlme You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION

78 Itinerary 25 Trail d~slance - - i j 60 rrii G air, It Climbing d~st 11 33ml Ce~cend~r~g 31:t n-ti H~ghest elevation It 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA -

79 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 25 STRENUOUS - 73 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no FOOD plck up signature,umber ;REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN 4PPROVAL t Camp~ng Headquarters Openmg Campf~re 1 MCBRIDE CANYON I Ranger Traln~ng 1 I PONlL PUEBLANO UTE MEADOWS UTE MEADOWS GREENWOOD CANYON Western Lore, Horse R~des, Cantina, Chuck Wagon Dinner & Breakfast P~ck up Ponil, Continental Tie & Lumber Company, Ph~lmont Story Campflre Mountam Man Rendezvous, Black Powder Miranda. Drop off burros Side H~ke Baldy, Gold Pann~ng & M~n~ng, French Henry Tra~l Camp CH -S, -B NO Ponil Ponil Ponll B C B C NONE Adult Advisor 3ew Leader tinerary Planner :ONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE Hrs. Completed RICH CABINS Homesteadmg W~lderness Flrst Aid, I SEALLY CANYON 1 Search and Rescue, Conservation I RC RC Signed by Member of 3hilmont Conservation Staff YOUR BUS I OLD CAMP I Trad Camp I RC INDIAN WRITINGS Camp~ng Headquarters Archaoelogy, Tour Petroglyphs, See World's only T-rex Track H~ke to SIX M~le Gate Awards Campf~re Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at Returns to Campmg on Day 12 from SIX M~le Gate at You are scheduled for a Lunch M M CH RC NO NONE HORSES &BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for persons trw Burro Packing on Day NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION

80 Little Costill eak Itinerary 26 5i:iJE tt Llmb~ng dl:! 7 42 no D rscend~n; did 7 63 n?t highest elevat~on 1,-; -,,- xi f! 8712fv 7703 fr 66% fr Bristlecone E'piuce-FII. Lodgepc~le Ponderosa. ~ n l w Jurt~per,.- SL8r1.1ce Fir Li~dgepole P.spcr Lodgeljole i..cp~r? Fondernsa -..~en Puriderosa 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

81 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 26 STRENUOUS - 56 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK 1 2 WEEK - - MONTH CAMP Carnp~ng Headquarters RIMROCK PARK PROGRAM FEATURES Openmg Carnpflre Ranger Tra~n~ng CREW LDR REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS x=-!-r TOTAL menu pick slgnalxpedltlon PLAN rpproval rdult Advisor ;rew Leader URRACA MINERS PARK BLACK MOUNTAIN Challenge Events, Philmont Story Campf~re Rock Cl~mb~ng, Environmental Awareness Mountaln L~vln', Blacksm~th~ng, Black Powder Rlfle tinerary Planner :ONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE I COMANCHE CAMP COMANCHE PEAK SAWMILL HUNTING LODGE CLARKS FORK TOOTH RIDGE Carnplng Headquarters Trail Camp, Homesteading at Crooked Creek Rocky Mounta~n Fur Clear Creek, H~ke over Mt. Phill~ps. Dry Camp, Clear Creek Rifle & Reloading, Metallic Silhouette shooting Tour Lodge Western Lore, Horse Rides, Chuck Wagon Dinner Trail Camp, Dry Camp Awards Campf~re YOUR BUS. Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at M Hlke ~nto Camping vla Tooth of T~me. Your crew IS scheduled for a Lunch. NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION UG - S UG UG CH NO NONE Hrs. Completed Signed by Member of 'hilmont Consewation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for persons me Burro Packing on Day

82 .Me *7 Codill eak Itinerary 27 4spen Ponderosa Br~stlecone Spruce.F~r Lodgepole Pondrrocn lhmper Spr~ice FII Lodgepole Aspen Lodgepole Aspen Ponderosa 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

83 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 27 STRENUOUS - 66 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP Campmg Headquarters BENT DAN BEARD GREENWOOD CANYON IRIS PARK PROGRAM FEATURES Openmg Carnpf~re Ranger Trammg CREW LDR Challenge Events Leave No Trace Campmg Tra~l Camp Tra~l Camp menu no CH FOOD p~ck up NO RP slgnature NONE IUMBER ;REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN 4PPROVAL 4dult Advisor 2rew Leader tinerary Planner CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE 6 RING PLACE H~stor~c Homestead. Astronomy RP t RICH CABINS EWELLS PARK EWELLS PARK ELKHORN PONlL Campmg Headquarters Homesteadmg Blacksrn~th~ng Gold Panning M~ne French Henry S~de H~ke Baldy Pick up M~randa Tra~l Camp Drop off Burros Western Lore Horse R~des Cant~na, Chuck Wagon D~nner, Breakfast H~ke to Pon~l Turnaround Awards Campflre YOUR BUS: Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M Returns to Camping on Day 12 from PONIL TURNAROUND at M Your crew IS scheduled for a Lunch -S, B CH RC RC BC B C PONlL NO NONE Hrs. Completed Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day " at for persons bne Burro Packing on Day NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION

84 Trail Peak I P. 'l Itinerary 28 Climbing d~ri "-11 De~~er>din~~ d1; rrii Highrst elevation 1241: ft , e91: lr Tundra Br~stlecone Sprrrce FII Lodgeljc~le Spruce-Fcr Lodgepole..Aspen Lodgepale..4spen. Pondema Aspen Ponderosa Pnrider~xa.Juniper.lunrper 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

85 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 28 STRENUOUS - 75 MILES h, 3 EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER z rn COUNCIL CITY STATE 2 $ ADULT ADVISORS CREW LDR G 0 m FOOD menu plck slgna- TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES no up ture I UMBER REW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL ixpedltlon PLAN ipproval 1 Camp~ng Headquarters Openlng Campflre CH NO 2 RAYADO RIVER Ranger Tra~n~ng 3 AGUILA Tra~l Camp 4 MINERS PARK Rock Cl~mb~ng, Env~ronmental Awareness UPPER S~de H~ke Tooth of T~me, Western Lore 5 CLARKS FORK Chuck Wagon D~nner, Campflre Tra~l Camp -S NONE idult Advisor :rew Leader tinerary Planner :ONSERVATION 'ROJECT SITE k ' 6 UTE SPRINGS H~ke H~dden Valley, Tra~l Camp UG 7 t CIMARRON RIVER Tra~l Camp UG Hrs. Completed T - 8 BLACK JACK S Tra~l Camp Mounta~n Man Rendezvous 9 MIRANDA Black Powder R~fle S~de H~ke Baldy Mtn, Gold Mmmg & Pannlng 10 MIRANDA French Henry Cont~nental Tie & Lumber Co, 11 PUEBLANO Ph~lmont Story Campf~re 5 H~ke to Ponrl Turnaround, 0 z 12 Campmg Headquarters Awards Campflre CH NO 4 cn YOUR BUS. Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M 0 c Returns to Camping on Day 12 from PONlL TURNAROUND at M Your crew IS scheduled for a Lunch P 0 I m cn P NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION. UG UG B C B C NONE Signed by Member of 3hilmont Conservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day d fa Persons bne Burro Packing on Day at fa persons ime

86 Ltttle CostlH *7 eak Itinerary 29 Trail d~stanr e rn Gam 5692 tt Llmtting dl rill Desctnd~nq jis! 13 6 rrll Highest elevat~on tt S.;stlecone Sp~uce FII Ludgepole Spruce-Fir. Lodgepole. Aspen iodge~ole. Aspen Ponderosa Aspen. Fonde:~sa Ponderosa Juniper J~rnlper 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

87 2002 PHlLMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 29 STRENUOUS - 89 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP Camping Headquarters OLYMPIA CRATER LAKE CLARKS FORK UTE SPRINGS VlSTO GRANDE UPPER DEAN COW MlRANDA MIRANDA FLUME CANYON INDIAN WRITINGS Camptng Headquarters PROGRAM FEATURES Opening Campfire CREW LDR Ranger Trainmg Continental Tie & Lumber Company, Philmont Story Campfire Side Hike Tooth of Tlme, Western Lore, Chuck Wagon Dinner, Campfire Rock Climbing, Environmental Cimarroncito. Trail Camp Trall Camp Challenge Events, Trail Camp, Timber Stand Head of Dean Challenge Head of Dean, Mountain Man Rendezvous, Black Powder R~fle Side Hike Baldy Mountain. Gold Min~ng & Pann~ng, French Henry Pick Up Miranda at 9:00 a.m, Leave Pueblano Overnight, Trail Camp Return Burros to Ponil, Archaeology, Tour Petroglyphs, See World's Only Tyrannosaurus Rex Track Hike to Six M~le Gate, Awards Campfire YOUR BUS: Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Start~ng Camp on Day 2 at M Returns to Carnpmg on Day 12 from SIX MILE GATE at M Your crew IS scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION. menu no. CH -S CH FOOD pick up NO UG UG UG UG BC BC PONlL NO signature NONE NONE NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL Adult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planner CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE Hrs. Completed Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES &BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for Fersons bne Burro Packing on Day at icf persons ine


89 N,o 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 30 SUPER STRENUOUS - 80 MILES N - =! z EXPEDITION NUMBER rn n al < RANGER 9 COUNCIL CITY STATE - C 0 ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP Camp~ng Headauarters SIOUX PUEBLANO EWELLS PARK PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no. Opening Campf~re I CH I NO 1 NONE Ranger Tra~n~ng Burro Ponil, Continental Tie & Lumber Company, Ph~lmont Story Campfire Return Burros to M~randa, Mountain Man Rendezvous FOOD pick up signature NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL Adult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planner EWELLS PARK SANTA CLAUS S~de Hike Baldy Mounta~n Challenge Head of Dean, Trail Camp ( BC 1 B C CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE DEER LAKE MESA Trail Camp, Dry Camp BC CLARKS FORK CYPHERS MINE Western Lore, Chuck Wagon Dinner, Campfire Gold M~ning & Pann~ng, Mine Tour, Blacksmith~ng, "Stomp" -S UG UG Signed by Member of Philmont Comation Staff RED HILLS SHAEFERSPASS Campmg Headquarters S~de Hike Mt Ph~ll~ps, Trail Camp Chmb Black Mountain, Dry Camp - North Fork Urraca H~ke in via Tooth of T~me, Awards Campflre CH UG UG NO NONE HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day d for persons 0 o YOUR BUS Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M C H~ke Into Camp~ng via Tooth of T~me You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION Burro Packing on Day at for persas ime

90 Itinerary ft Tra d~slm:e 8568 t, rm 8081 fr Gar 2421 ft 7600 ft Ll~nib~ng dtrt 711bft rrt , Descending dist rnl Highest elevat~on It I / I I I I - - I 2 1 h 1 4 J -i h /t/l'ct, I IJ\Vi..I I 1 ~ I - > I8\Y 1 - lo \ I 1 l2 W --* I I C4 1: Asper~ Ponderosa Pundeiosj Jur~i~~tr Jl~r~lper 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -84- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

91 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 31 SUPER STRENUOUS - 76 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP 1 Camping Headquarters 3. PONlL 4. DAN BEARD CREW LDR FOOD menu pick signa- PROGRAM FEATURES no up ture Openlng Campfire I CH ( NO (NONE Ranger Trarnlng, See world's only Tyrannosaurus Rex Track Western Lore, Horse Rides, Cantlna, Chuck Wagon DinnerlBreakfast -S, -8 PONlL Challenge Events, No Trace Campmg PONlL NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL Adult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planner W~lderness F~rst Aid, Search & Rescue PONIL CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE WHITEMAN VEGA IRIS PARK GREENWOOD 8 CANYON 9. PUEBLANO RUINS Trall Camp Trail Camp, Rich Cabrns. Hike over Wilson Mesa Trail Camp, Continental Tie & Lumber Pueblano RP RP RC Hrs. Completed Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff 10. I CIMARRON RIVER 11. HARLAN I I Camping Headquarters Tra~l Camp 12 Gauge Shotgun Shooting & Reloading. Burro Racing Awards Campf~re I CH ( NO (NONE YOUR BUS Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at M. Return to Camping Headquarters on Day 12 from -Turkey Canyon at M Your crew IS scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION RC RC HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at fix persons tine Burro Packing on Day for tine at persons


93 2002 PHILMON T ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 32 SUPER STRENUOUS - 78 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK i WEEK MONTH CAMP Campmg Headquarters McBRlDE CANYON COTTONWOOD PONlL PUEBLANO RUINS MIRANDA MIRANDA PROGRAM FEATURES Openmg Campf~re Ranger Traintny CREW LDR lnd~an Writings, Trail Camp Western Lore, Cantina, Horse Rides Chuck Wagon DinnerIBreakfast Burro Ponil 9 00 am Contmental Tie & Lumber Pueblano Tra~l Camp Return Burros, Mounta~n Man Rendezvous Black Powder R~fle M~ne French Henry, S~de H~ke Baldy Blacksm~th~ng, Gold M~nmg & Pann~ng menu no. CH -S, -B FOOD pick up NO PONlL PONlL PONlL B C signature NONE NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL Adult Advisor Crew Leader Itinerary Planrier CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE Hrs. Completed 8. 9 SANTA CLAUS UPPER BENCH Challenge Head of Dean Tra~l Camp, Dry Camp BC B C Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HARLAN ( Burro Racing, Shotgun Shooting & Reload~ng I 1 I I CLARKS FORK Camp~ng Headquarters H~ke H~dden Valley, Western Lore, Horse R~des, Campf~re H~ke ~n via Tooth of T~me, Awards Campf~re YOUR BUS Departs from Camp~ng Headquarters for your Startmg Camp on Day 2 at M H~ke mto Campmg Headquarters via Tooth of Tlme You are scheduled for a NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION I BC UG CH NO Lunch NONE HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at For persons me 3urro Packing on Day k ine at persons

94 Itinerary 33 Br~stlecorie Spruce Fir Lodgerole Spruce-FII. Lodgepole. h pen Lodgepole Aspen, Por~derosa Aspen. Ponderosa Pondema Junpei klt!-~n~l 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -88- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

95 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 33 SUPER STRENUOUS - 84 MILES EXPEDiTlON NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK l WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu lfooo pick NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL Camping Headquarters LOVERS LEAP Ranger Tra~n~ng VONE Adult Advisor Crew Leader MINERS PARK 1 COMANCHE PEAK ASPEN SPRINGS Rock Climbing, Environmental Awareness Western Lore, Chuck Wagon Dinner, Campfire Hike Over Big Red, Trail Camp, Dry Camp - Red Hlils Side Hike Mt. Phillips, Gold Mining & Cyphers Mine, Trail Camp Itinerary Planner CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE I SANTA CLAUS Trail Camp BALDY CAMP PUEBLANO INDIAN WRITINGS Challenge Head of Dean, Side Hike Baldy, Continental Tie & Lumber Company, Philmont Story Campfire Trail Camp Archaeology, Tour Petroglyphs See World's Only Tyrannosaurus Rex Track Hike to SIX M~le Gate, Awards Campf~re YOUR BUS Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Startmg Camp on Day 2 at M Returns to Campmg on Day 12 from SIX MILE GATE at - M Your crew IS scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION. Ponil Ponil NONE Sianed bv Member of ~Glrnont bnservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day bne Burro Packing on Day at fw persans the

96 Little Costilla eak Itinerary 34 T tall didanre rill IGain 3668 tt IIl~rnh~ng d~st nil Oesnxnd~ng d~st 1443m1 Htghest elevation Spruce Flr Lodgepole Aspen Lodgepole Jspen Fonderosa Aspen Punderra Ponderosa Jun~pe~ It Juniper 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -90- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

97 2002 PHILMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 34 SUPER STRENUOUS - 76 MILES EXPEDITION NUMBER RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE ADULT ADVISORS TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES CREW LDR menu no. FOOD pick up signature NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL 1. 2 Camping Headquarters SIOUX Opening Campf~re Ranger Tra~ning CH NO NONE Adult Advisor Crew Leader DAN BEARD SEALLY CANYON No Trace Camping, Challenge Events Wilderness Medicine, Search & Rescue Itinerary Planner RING PLACE ) Tour of Famous Homestead, Astronomy 1 RP CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE 6. RICH CABINS Homesteadmg RP 7. * NEW DEAN Trail Camp PONIL HE. Completed VlSTO GRANDE SAWMILL THUNDER RIDGE CLARKS FORK Camp~ng Headquarters See Sunset Over Baldy. Tra~l Camp,30106 Rifle & Reloading, Tra~l Camp, Dry Camp, Cyphers Mme Horse R~de, Western Lore, Chuck Wagon Dmner, Campf~re Hike in vla Tooth of Time, Awards Campfire YOUR BUS Departs from Camplng Headquarters for your Startlng Camp on Day 2 at M -S CH PONlL UG UG UG NO NONE Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES &BURROS Horse Ride on Day d for persons trt-e Burro Packing on Day H~ke Into Campmg vla Tooth of Tlme You are scheduled for a Lunch NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION

98 i Llttle Cost~ll eak 5 Itinerary 35 Aspen Ponderosa Ponderosa. Jun~per Jun~pei 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

99 2002 PHJLMONT ADVENTURE ITINERARY NO. 35 N - 2 EXPEDITION NUMBER rn... RANGER COUNCIL CITY STATE < 2 ADULT ADVISORS - CREW LDR 0 rn TREK WEEK MONTH CAMP PROGRAM FEATURES SUPER STRENUOUS - 80 MILES menu no. FOOD pick UP signature NUMBER CREW MEMBERS YOUTH ADULTS TOTAL EXPEDITION PLAN APPROVAL 1 2 Campmg Headquarters BENT Opening Campfire Ranger Tra~n~ng CH NO NONE Adult Advisor Crew Leader 3 4 DAN BEARD SEALLY CANYON No Trace Camping, Challenge Events Wilderness First Aid, Search & Rescue Itinerary Planrier cb Y l * (n 0 0 YOUR BUS Departs from Camping Headquarters for your Starting Camp on Day 2 at C -4 w > H~ke into Camplng via Tooth of T~me Report to Welcome Center Z You are scheduled for a Lunch 0 I m 9 WHITEMAN VEGA OLD CAMP PONlL DEAN COW VACA ASPEN SPRINGS UPPER CLARKS FORK Camping Headquarters Mountain Bikmg Hike the boundary line to this beautiful Trail Camp Western Lore, Horse R~des, Cantina, Chuck Wagon DinnerIBreakfast Rock Climbing, Environmental Awareness Tra~l Camp Tra~l Camp, Tour Hunting Lodge Trail Camp Hike in via Tooth of Time Awards Campfire NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE FOR FOOD PICKUPS OR BUS TRANSPORTATION M RP RP PONlL PONlL PONlL UG UG NO NONE CONSERVATION PROJECT SITE Hrs. Compiebxl Signed by Member of Philmont Conservation Staff HORSES & BURROS Horse Ride on Day at for persons bne Burro Packing on Day

100 2002 ITINERARIES INCLUDE THESE PROGRAMS ITINERARY NUMBERS HIKING-Difficulty T T T T T T T T T T T T T R R MILEAGE-Approximate TYRANNOSAURUSREXTRACK WESTERN LORE X X X X X X X X X X X WILDERNESS FIRST AID X X *New Mexico fish~ng licenses may be purchased at Abreu, Fish Camp. Phillips Junction and Pond or at the Tooth of Tme Traders in Camping Headquarters 2002 ITINERARY GUIDE -94- PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH. BSA






106 2002 ITINERARY RENDEZVOUS LOCATIONS ITIN Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 1 Camping Vaca Deer Lake Mesa Cimarroncito Cimarroncito Clarks Fork Black Mtn Buck Creek Apache Springs Fish Abreu Camping Camp 2 Camping Anasazi Indian Writings Ponil Dean COW Harlan Deer Lake Camp Sawmill Webster Parks Upper Tooth Camping Clarks Fork Ridge 3 Cam~ino Anasazi Indian Ponil Pueblano Ute Ute Head of New Dean Dean Harlan Camping Cyphers Mine Webster 1 Lake Cimarroncito C~marron- Camping 6 Carnplng Vaca Devils Wash Basin Aspen Springs Cyphers Mine Comanche Peak Camp Clear Creek Porcupine Beaubien Beaubien a Camping 7 8 Camping Carnplng H Q Sioux Ute Springs Rich Cabins Deer Lake Mesa Greewood Canyon V~sto Grande Iris Park Santa Claus Ring Place Baldy Camp Seally Canyon Baldy Camp Whiteman Veg a Pueblano Dan Beard Rich Cabins Indian Indian Camping Writings Writings I I Cook Indian Camping Canyon Writings 9 10 Camping I I I I I I I I Camping Anasazi Ute Springs Old Camp Aspen Springs Dan Beard Sawmill Rich Cabins Mt. Phillips Greenwood Canyon Comanche Camp Copper Park Apache Springs Copper Park Apache Springs Baldy Skyline Fish Camp Pueblano Ponil Camping Abreu Bachache Camping Springs 11 Campmg Rayado Rwer Lookout Meadow F~sh Camp Apache Sprlngs Apache Springs Clear Creek Mt Ph~llips Cyphers Mine Cimarron- Ponderosa Camping cito Park 12 Camping Old Abreu Crags Lost Cabm Beaub~en Beaub~en Black Mountam Lamberts Mlne Cimarroncito Cathedral Shaefers Camping Rock Pass 13 Campmg Lovers Leap Urraca Backache Sprmgs Abreu Agua Fr~a Crooked Cmk Clear Creek Larnberts Mine Webster Clarks Camping Parks Fork Camping Camping Lovers Leap Bent Urraca Dan Beard Crater Lake Iris Park Agua Fr~a Whiteman Vega Beaubien Whiteman Vega Beaubien Seally Canyon Crooked Creek Rich Cabins Clear Creek Pueblano Red North Camping Hills Fork Urraca I I Elkhorn Ponil Camping Camping Camping Olympia Bent Toothache Springs Miners Park Lower Bonito Apache Springs Dan Iris Seally Rich Ewells Ewells Beard Park Canyon Cabins Park Park Beaubien Agua sawmill Hills I Fria 18 Camping Cathedral Upper I Red I Porcupine Beaubien I I ROC* I I I Apache Springs Crooked Creek Clear Creek Head of Dean Crater Lake Red Clarks Camping Hills Fork New Ponil Camping Dean


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