FSD3083. Second Home Tourism in Finland: Citizen Survey Codebook

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1 FSD3083 Second Home Tourism in Finland: Citizen Survey 2012 Codebook FINNISH SOCIAL SCIENCE DATA ARCHIVE

2 The bibliographic citation for this codebook: Second Home Tourism in Finland: Citizen Survey 2012 [codebook]. Finnish Social Science Data Archive [producer and distributor], This codebook has been generated from the version 1.0 ( ) of the data. Finnish Social Science Data Archive FIN University of Tampere FSD User Services: Aila Data Service Portal: Finnish Social Science Data Archive $ Koodikirjoitin.py :16: $

3 To the reader This codebook is part of the data FSD3083 archived at the FSD (Finnish Social Science Data Archive).The dataset has been described in as much detail as possible in Finnish and English. Variable frequencies, variable and value labels, and missing values have been checked. If necessary, the data have been anonymised. The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication. The bibliographic citation suggested by the archive: Pitkänen, Kati (Finnish Environment Institute SYKE) & Hiltunen, Mervi J. (University of Eastern Finland) & Hall, C. Michael (University of Eastern Finland) & Paloniemi, Riikka (Finnish Environment Institute SYKE) & Rehunen, Antti (Finnish Environment Institute SYKE) & Rinne, Janne (Finnish Environment Institute SYKE) & Strandell, Anna (Finnish Environment Institute SYKE): Second Home Tourism in Finland: Citizen Survey 2012 [dataset]. Version 1.0 ( ). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. FSD3083 The user shall notify the archive of all publications where she or he has used the data. The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data. The codebook contains information on data content, structure and data collection, and includes a list of publications wholly or in part based on the data, according to publication information received by the FSD. The second part of the codebook contains information on variables: question texts, response options, and frequencies. The third part contains indexes. Variable distributions presented in this codebook have been generated from the SPSS files. Distribution tables present variable values, frequencies (n), frequency percentages (%), and valid percentages (v. %) which take into account missing data. All distributions are unweighted. If the data contain weight variables, these will be found at the end of the variables list. In some cases frequency distributions have been substituted by descriptive statistics. Categorised responses to open-ended questions are not always included in the codebook. Distributions may contain missing data. The note "System missing (SYSMIS)" refers to missing observations (e.g. a respondent has not answered all questions) whereas "Missing (User missing)" refers to data the user has defined as missing. For example, the user may decide to code answer alternatives don t want to say or can t say as missing data. The codebook may contain attached files, the most common one being the questionnaire.


5 Contents 1 Study description Titles Subject description Structure and collection of the data Use of data Variables 7 3 Indexes Variables in the order of occurrence Variables in alphabetical order A naire in Finnish 209 B naire in Swedish 225 i


7 Chapter 1 Study description 1.1 Titles Titles and data version: Second Home Tourism in Finland: Citizen Survey 2012 Titles and data version in Finnish: Vapaa-ajan asuminen Suomessa: väestökysely 2012 This codebook has been generated from the version 1.0 ( ) of the data. 1.2 Subject description Authoring entity Pitkänen, Kati (Finnish Environment Institute SYKE) Hiltunen, Mervi J. (University of Eastern Finland) Hall, C. Michael (University of Eastern Finland) Paloniemi, Riikka (Finnish Environment Institute SYKE) Rehunen, Antti (Finnish Environment Institute SYKE) Rinne, Janne (Finnish Environment Institute SYKE) Strandell, Anna (Finnish Environment Institute SYKE) Adamiak, Czeslaw (University of Eastern Finland) Vepsäläinen, Mia (University of Eastern Finland) Copyright statement for the data According to the agreement between FSD and the depositor. Depositor Honkanen, Antti (University of Eastern Finland. Centre for Tourism Studies) 1

8 1. Study description Date of deposit Keywords communities; holidays; housing; human environment; leisure time; leisure time activities; natural environment; public services; second homes; transport Topic Classification Fields of Science Classification: social sciences CESSDA Classification: housing; leisure, tourism and sport Series description The data belong to the series: Individual datasets Individual datasets that do not belong to any series. Abstract The survey, conducted by the University of Eastern Finland, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE and Finnish Forest Research Institute charted second home tourism in Finland in Themes in the survey included, among others, living environment and activities for which second homes were used. The study was funded by the Academy of Finland (SA ). In addition to background variables, the respondents were first asked questions about their permanent residence, such as the type of housing, housing tenure, size of housing, years lived in the house/apartment, likelyhood of moving house in the following 5 and 10 years, and use of another apartment/house for study, work or other reasons. Further, the respondents were asked whether they had childhood experiences of spending time or living in the countryside, whether they had stayed overnight somewhere else than home in the previous 12 months and if so, where, in what kind of accommodation and how many nights. Regarding the access to and use of a second home (incl. owned summer cottages, long-term rental cottages, apartments or other dwellings used for leisure, accommodation in an allotment garden, timeshares, and travel trailers), the questions charted whether the respondents had access to a second home, how many different second homes they used per year, whether they were planning on getting a second home, and whether it was likely they were going to inherit a second home in the future. More detailed questions about the second home(s) used the most by the respondents included, among others, location, type, ownership, number of years used, type of neighbourhood, size, 2

9 1.3. Structure and collection of the data amenities, number of nights spent in the second home each month, transportation used to reach it, distance between home and the second home, and the importance of various services close to the second home (e.g. grocery shop, health care, Internet connection). Finally, living environments were investigated by asking the respondents what they regarded important in the environments of their permanent home and second home (e.g. possibility to spend time with family, possibility to enjoy nature, good connections), which changes had occurred in these environments and whether the changes were positive or negative, whether they thought spending leisure time at a second home had harmful effects on the environment, and how good a knowledge of environmental changes they had. Background variables included the respondent s gender, year of birth, spouse s/partner s year of birth, place of residence, education, economic activity and occupational status as well as the number of children in the household and gross annual income of the household. 1.3 Structure and collection of the data Country: Finland Geographic coverage: Finland Analysis or observation unit type: Individual Universe: Finnish citizens aged living in mainland Finland and the Åland Islands Collection date: Data collector(s): University of Eastern Finland. Centre for Tourism Studies; Finnish Environment Institute; Finnish Forest Research Institute Mode of data collection: Self-administered questionnaire: Paper Type of research instrument: Structured questionnaire Time period covered: 2012 Time method of the data collection: Cross-section Response rate: 29.7% Number of variables and cases: The data contain 372 variables and 1189 cases. Sampling procedure: Probability: Simple random The survey was sent to 4,000 Finnish citizens aged living in mainland Finland and the Åland Islands, who were randomly sampled from the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre. naires were mailed in Finnish and Swedish to the respondents home addresses. A reminder was sent one month after the first contact. The survey yielded 1,189 responses. 3

10 1. Study description 1.4 Use of data Data appraisal The alternative "right-of-occupancy housing/part-ownership housing" in variable q8 was categorised from the open-ended responses. For privacy reasons the variable containing information on the place of residence was coarsened into two variables: statistical grouping of municipalities and region. Additionally, postal codes of second homes and the variable "Country of birth: Other, which?" were removed from the data during archiving. Related publications Adamiak, Czeslaw & Hall, C. Michael & Hiltunen, Mervi J. & Pitkänen, Kati (2016). Substitute or addition to hypermobile lifestyles? Second home mobility and Finnish CO2 emissions. Tourism Geographies 18(2), doi: / Adamiak, Czeslaw & Vepsäläinen, Mia & Strandell, Anna & Hiltunen, Mervi J. & Pitkänen, Kati & Hall, C. Michael & Rinne, Janne & Hannonen, Olga & Paloniemi, Riikka & Åkerlund, Ulrika (2015). Vapaa-ajan asuminen Suomessa. Asukas- ja kuntakyselyn tuloksia vapaa-ajan asumisen nykytilasta ja kehittämistarpeista [verkkodokumentti]. [viitattu ]. Hiltunen, Mervi J. & Pitkänen, Kati & Halseth, Greg (2015). Environmental perceptions of second home tourism impacts in Finland. Local Environment. DOI: / Hiltunen, Mervi J. & Rehunen, Antti (2014). Second home mobility in Finland: Patterns, practices and relations of leisure oriented mobile lifestyle. Fennia - International Journal of Geography 192(1), DOI: /8384 Pitkänen, Kati (2013). Vapaa-ajan asumisen muutos nostaa esille tarpeen tarkastella asumisen monipaikkaisuutta. Hyvinvointikatsaus 2013(2), Tilastokeskus. Pitkänen, Kati & Puhakka, Riikka & Semi, Jussi & Hall, C. Michael (2014). Generation Y and second homes. Continuity and change in Finnish outdoor recreation. Tourism Review International 18(3), DOI: / X Strandell, Anna & Hall, C. Michael (2015). Impact of the residential environment on second home use in Finland - Testing the compensation hypothesis. Landscape and Urban Planning 133, doi: /j.landurbplan Updated list of publications in the study description at [Käytän ja kuvailun oheismateriaalit] Adamiak, Czeslaw & Vepsäläinen, Mia & Strandell, Anna & Hiltunen, Mervi & Pitkänen, Kati & Hall, Michael & Rinne, Janne & Hannonen, Olga & Paloniemi, Riikka & Åkerlund, Ulrika (2015). Vapaa-ajan asuminen Suomessa. Asukas- ja kuntakyselyn tuloksia vapaa-ajan asumisen 4

11 1.4. Use of data nykytilasta ja kehittämistarpeista [verkkodokumentti]. [viitattu ]. Location of the data collection Finnish Social Science Data Archive Weighting There are no weight variables in the data. Restrictions The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study. 5


13 Chapter 2 Variables [FSD_NO] FSD study number FSD study number Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 1189 minimum maximum mean standard deviation 0.00 [FSD_VR] FSD edition number FSD edition number Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 1189 minimum 1.00 maximum 1.00 mean 1.00 standard deviation

14 2. Variables [FSD_ID] FSD case id FSD case id Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 1189 minimum 1.00 maximum mean standard deviation [BV1] Are you interested in participating in a follow-up research on this same subject? Are you interested in participating in a follow-up research on this same subject? No Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q1_1] The respondent s gender The respondent s gender Female Male (continued on next page) 8

15 Q1_4 (cont. from previous page) System missing (SYSMIS) [Q1_2] The respondent s year of birth The respondent s year of birth Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 1176 minimum maximum mean standard deviation [Q1_3] Spouse s year of birth Spouse s year of birth Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 797 minimum maximum mean standard deviation [Q1_4] Number of adults in the household Number of adults in the household Descriptive statistics 9

16 2. Variables statistic value number of valid cases 917 minimum 1.00 maximum 6.00 mean 1.89 standard deviation 0.60 [Q1_5] Number of children under 18 years old in the household Number of children under 18 years old in the household Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 265 minimum 1.00 maximum 7.00 mean 1.75 standard deviation 0.90 [Q2_1] The statistical category of the municipality in 2012 The statistical category of the municipality in 2012 Urban municipality Densely populated municipality Rural municipality System missing (SYSMIS) [Q2_2] The respondent s region of residence (NUTS3) The respondent s region of residence (NUTS3) 10

17 Q4 Uusimaa Finland proper (Varsinais-Suomi) Satakunta Tavastia proper (Kanta-Häme) Pirkanmaa Päijänne Tavastia (Päijät-Häme) Kymenlaakso South Karelia (Etelä-Karjala) Southern Savonia (Etelä-Savo) Northern Savonia (Pohjois-Savo) Northern Karelia (Pohjois-Karjala) Central Finland (Keski-Suomi) Southern Ostrobothnia (Etelä-Pohjanmaa) Ostrobothnia (Pohjanmaa) Central Ostrobothnia (Keski-Pohjanmaa) Northern Ostrobothnia (Pohjois-Pohjanmaa) Kainuu Lapland (Lappi) Åland Islands (Ahvenanmaa) System missing (SYSMIS) [Q3] The respondent s country of birth The respondent s country of birth Finland Other System missing (SYSMIS) [Q4] The respondent s highest level of education The respondent s highest level of education 11

18 2. Variables Primary education Vocational school or course Upper secondary education (general) Vocational college (post-secondary) University of applied sciences or lower academic degree (B.A. or equivalent) Higher academic degree, M.A. or equivalent or higher System missing (SYSMIS) [Q5] The respondent s economic activity and occupational status The respondent s economic activity and occupational status Entrepreneur, self-employed, own account worker Lower managerial or higher managerial employee (management, teaching, research, etc.) Intermediate level employee (supervisor, office or trade employee etc.) Worker (service, agricultural, industrial, or building worker, etc.) Unemployed Student Pensioner/retired Housewife/house husband, caretaker Other System missing (SYSMIS) [Q5_1] The respondent s economic activity and occupational status: Other, please specify (open-ended) The respondent s economic activity and occupational status: Other, please specify (open-ended) 12

19 Q7_1 [Q6] The household s gross annual income (before taxes) The household s gross annual income (before taxes) Under 9,999 e ,000-14,999 e ,000-19,999 e ,000-39,999 e ,000-69,999 e ,000-89,999 e , ,000 e , ,999 e Over 140,000 e System missing (SYSMIS) [Q7] The type of permanent dwelling The type of permanent dwelling Detached house Block of flats/apartment building Terraced/row house, semi-detached house Other System missing (SYSMIS) [Q7_1] The type of permanent dwelling: Other, please specify (open-ended) The type of permanent dwelling: Other, please specify (open-ended) 13

20 2. Variables [Q8] Tenure of permanent dwelling Tenure of permanent dwelling Owner-occupied dwelling Rented dwelling Other tenure status Right-of-occupancy or part-ownership dwelling System missing (SYSMIS) [Q8_1] Tenure of permanent dwelling: Other, please specify (open-ended) Tenure of permanent dwelling: Other, please specify (open-ended) [Q9] Dwelling floor area in square meters. Dwelling floor area in square meters. Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 1148 minimum maximum mean standard deviation [Q10] How many years altogether have you lived in your present permanent dwelling How many years altogether have you lived in your present permanent dwelling 14

21 Q11B Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 1115 minimum 0.00 maximum mean standard deviation [Q11A] How likely is it that you will move away from your current dwelling in the next 5 years? How likely is it that you will move away from your current dwelling in the next 5 years? Very likely Fairly likely Can t say Not very likely Not at all likely System missing (SYSMIS) [Q11B] How likely is it that you will move away from your current dwelling in the next 6-10 years? How likely is it that you will move away from your current dwelling in the next 6-10 years? Very likely Fairly likely Can t say Not very likely (continued on next page) 15

22 2. Variables (cont. from previous page) Not at all likely System missing (SYSMIS) [Q11C] If you are considering moving, why? (open-ended) If you are considering moving, why? (open-ended) [Q12] Do you have access to another dwelling due to work, studies or other life situation? Do you have access to another dwelling due to work, studies or other life situation? Yes, because of the work of a household member Yes, because of the studies of a household member Yes, other reason No System missing (SYSMIS) [Q12_1] Do you have access to another dwelling due to work, studies or other life situation? Yes, other reason, please specify (open-ended) Do you have access to another dwelling due to work, studies or other life situation? Yes, other reason, please specify (open-ended) [Q13_1] During your youth or childhood have you: Lived in the countryside? During your youth or childhood have you: Lived in the countryside? 16

23 Q13_3 Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q13_2] During your youth or childhood have you: Visited a holiday home or a summer cottage in the countryside? During your youth or childhood have you: Visited a holiday home or a summer cottage in the countryside? Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q13_3] During your youth or childhood have you: Spent holidays or leisure time in the countryside? During your youth or childhood have you: Spent holidays or leisure time in the countryside? Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS)

24 2. Variables [Q13_4] During your youth or childhood have you: No experience with the countryside? During your youth or childhood have you: No experience with the countryside? Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q14] Have you travelled or spent a night outside of your permanent dwelling during the past year? Have you travelled or spent a night outside of your permanent dwelling during the past year? Yes No, go to question number System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_1] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Visiting friends and relatives Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Visiting friends and relatives 18

25 Q15_3 Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_2] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Summer cottage owned by yourself, your relatives or your friends Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Summer cottage owned by yourself, your relatives or your friends Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_3] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Other holiday home Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Other holiday home Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS)

26 2. Variables [Q15_4] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Timeshare Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Timeshare Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_5] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Allotment garden cottage Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Allotment garden cottage Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_6] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: A rental cottage or house Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: A rental cottage or house 20

27 Q15_8 Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_7] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: RV or caravan Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: RV or caravan Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_8] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Boat or sailing boat Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Boat or sailing boat Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS)

28 2. Variables [Q15_9] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: A hotel or a motel Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: A hotel or a motel Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_10] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Hostel Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Hostel Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_11] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Campsite Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Campsite 22

29 Q15_13 Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_12] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Cruise, cabin on a cruise Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Cruise, cabin on a cruise Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_13] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Bed & Breakfast Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Bed & Breakfast Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS)

30 2. Variables [Q15_14] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Farm accommodation Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Farm accommodation Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_15] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Wilderness hut Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Wilderness hut Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_16] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Tent or similar Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Tent or similar 24

31 Q15_17 Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q15_17] Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Other, please specify Mark all forms of accommodation that you have used during your leisure time in the past year: Other, please specify [Q16_1_1] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 1. place: Location/destination (municipality, country) (open-ended) Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 1. place: Location/destination (municipality, country) (open-ended) [Q16_1_2] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 1. place: Type of dwelling (openended) Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 1. place: Type of dwelling (open-ended) 25

32 2. Variables [Q16_1_3] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 1. place: Number of nights/year Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 1. place: Number of nights/year Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 891 minimum 1.00 maximum mean standard deviation [Q16_1_4] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 1. place: If you visit regularly, how many times a year do you visit? Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 1. place: If you visit regularly, how many times a year do you visit? Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 554 minimum 1.00 maximum mean standard deviation

33 Q16_2_1 [Q16_1_5] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 1. place: Do you own the place? Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 1. place: Do you own the place? Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q16_2_1] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 2. place: Location/destination (municipality, country) (open-ended) Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 2. place: Location/destination (municipality, country) (open-ended) [Q16_2_2] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 2. place: Type of dwelling (openended) Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 2. place: Type of dwelling (open-ended) 27

34 2. Variables [Q16_2_3] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 2. place: Number of nights/year Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 2. place: Number of nights/year Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 631 minimum 1.00 maximum mean standard deviation [Q16_2_4] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 2. place: If you visit regularly, how many times a year do you visit? Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 2. place: If you visit regularly, how many times a year do you visit? Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 320 minimum 1.00 maximum mean 6.12 standard deviation

35 Q16_3_1 [Q16_2_5] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 2. place: Do you own the place? Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 2. place: Do you own the place? Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q16_3_1] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 3. place: Location/destination (municipality, country) (open-ended) Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 3. place: Location/destination (municipality, country) (open-ended) [Q16_3_2] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 3. place: Type of dwelling (openended) Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 3. place: Type of dwelling (open-ended) 29

36 2. Variables [Q16_3_3] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 3. place: Number of nights/year Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 3. place: Number of nights/year Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 410 minimum 1.00 maximum mean 7.05 standard deviation 8.88 [Q16_3_4] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 3. place: If you visit regularly, how many times a year do you visit? Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 3. place: If you visit regularly, how many times a year do you visit? Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 194 minimum 0.00 maximum mean 4.12 standard deviation

37 Q16_4_1 [Q16_3_5] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 3. place: Do you own the place? Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 3. place: Do you own the place? Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q16_4_1] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 4. place: Location/destination (municipality, country) (open-ended) Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 4. place: Location/destination (municipality, country) (open-ended) [Q16_4_2] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 4. place: Type of dwelling (openended) Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 4. place: Type of dwelling (open-ended) 31

38 2. Variables [Q16_4_3] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 4. place: Number of nights/year Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 4. place: Number of nights/year Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 246 minimum 1.00 maximum mean 5.49 standard deviation 6.96 [Q16_4_4] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 4. place: If you visit regularly, how many times a year do you visit? Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 4. place: If you visit regularly, how many times a year do you visit? Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 93 minimum 1.00 maximum mean 6.08 standard deviation

39 Q16_5_1 [Q16_4_5] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 4. place: Do you own the place? Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 4. place: Do you own the place? Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q16_5_1] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 5. place: Location/destination (municipality, country) (open-ended) Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 5. place: Location/destination (municipality, country) (open-ended) [Q16_5_2] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 5. place: Type of dwelling (openended) Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 5. place: Type of dwelling (open-ended) 33

40 2. Variables [Q16_5_3] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 5. place: Number of nights/year Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 5. place: Number of nights/year Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 138 minimum 1.00 maximum mean 6.73 standard deviation [Q16_5_4] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 5. place: If you visit regularly, how many times a year do you visit? Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 5. place: If you visit regularly, how many times a year do you visit? Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 62 minimum 1.00 maximum mean 4.32 standard deviation

41 Q18 [Q16_5_5] Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 5. place: Do you own the place? Name five places at most, where you have stayed the longest outside your permanent dwelling during your leisure time or on a holiday in Finland or abroad during the past year. 5. place: Do you own the place? Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q17] Do you have access to a second home described above? (see transnotes file) Do you have access to a second home described above? (see transnotes file) Yes, I use it at least once a year Yes, but I use it less frequently than once a year No System missing (SYSMIS) [Q18] How many second homes do you use/visit at least once a year? How many second homes do you use/visit at least once a year? Descriptive statistics 35

42 2. Variables statistic value number of valid cases 664 minimum 0.00 maximum mean 1.45 standard deviation 1.21 [Q19A] Do you plan to get a second home? Do you plan to get a second home? Yes, in the next 5 years Yes, in the next 10 years Yes, but later than in 10 years No, no plans of getting a second home System missing (SYSMIS) [Q19B] If yes: What kind of a second home and why that kind? (openended) If yes: What kind of a second home and why that kind? (open-ended) [Q19C] If no: Why is that? (open-ended) If no: Why is that? (open-ended) [Q20] Are you likely to inherit a second home in the future? Are you likely to inherit a second home in the future? 36

43 Q21A_1 Yes, I will inherit myself Yes, someone in my household will inherit No Can t say System missing (SYSMIS) [Q21A_1] The municipality of the second home. If the second home is abroad, specify the country as well (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) (open-ended). IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A SECOND HOME, MOVE TO QUESTION Q42 The municipality of the second home. If the second home is abroad, specify the country as well (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) (open-ended). IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A SECOND HOME, MOVE TO QUESTION Q42 [Q21B_1_1] Village or district, postal code (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) (open-ended) Village or district, postal code (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) (openended) [Q21A_2] The municipality of the second home. If the second home is abroad, specify the country as well (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) (open-ended) The municipality of the second home. If the second home is abroad, specify the country as well (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) (open-ended) [Q21B_2_1] Village or district, postal code (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) (open-ended) Village or district, postal code (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) (openended) 37

44 2. Variables [Q22_1] The type of second home (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) The type of second home (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Own cottage Cottage of relatives or friends Long-term rental cottage Flat, row house flat or duplex in holiday use House or building left vacant and used as a second home Allotment garden cottage Timeshare Seasonally permanent or non-mobile caravan/rv Other System missing (SYSMIS) [Q22_1_1] The type of second home: Other, please specify (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) (open-ended) The type of second home: Other, please specify (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) (open-ended) [Q22_2] The type of second home (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) The type of second home (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Own cottage (continued on next page) 38

45 Q23A_1 (cont. from previous page) Cottage of relatives or friends Long-term rental cottage Flat, row house flat or duplex in holiday use House or building left vacant and used as a second home Allotment garden cottage Timeshare Seasonally permanent or non-mobile caravan/rv Other System missing (SYSMIS) [Q22_2_1] The type of second home: Other, please specify (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) (open-ended) The type of second home: Other, please specify (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) (open-ended) [Q23A_1] Do you own or partly own the second home? (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Do you own or partly own the second home? (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) No, go to question number Yes System missing (SYSMIS)

46 2. Variables [Q23B_1] Do you own or partly own the second home? If yes: How many years have you owned the second home (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Do you own or partly own the second home? If yes: How many years have you owned the second home (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 410 minimum 0.00 maximum mean standard deviation [Q23C_1] Do you rent out your second home? (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Do you rent out your second home? (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) No Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q23C_1_1] Do you rent out your second home? Yes, approximately _ days a year. (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Do you rent out your second home? Yes, approximately _ days a year. (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Descriptive statistics 40

47 Q23E_1 statistic value number of valid cases 13 minimum 2.00 maximum mean standard deviation [Q23D_1] Did you inherit your second home? (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Did you inherit your second home? (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) No Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q23E_1] Do you own land adjacent to your second home? (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Do you own land adjacent to your second home? (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) No Yes System missing (SYSMIS)

48 2. Variables [Q23E_1_1] Do you own land adjacent to your second home? Yes, approximately _ hectares (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Do you own land adjacent to your second home? Yes, approximately _ hectares (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 260 minimum 0.10 maximum mean standard deviation [Q23A_2] Do you own or partly own the second home (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Do you own or partly own the second home (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) No, go to question number Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q23B_2] Do you own or partly own the second home? If yes: How many years have you owned the second home (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Do you own or partly own the second home? If yes: How many years have you owned the second home (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Descriptive statistics 42

49 Q23C_2_1 statistic value number of valid cases 64 minimum 1.00 maximum mean standard deviation [Q23C_2] Do you rent out your second home? (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Do you rent out your second home? (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) No Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q23C_2_1] Do you rent out your second home? Yes, approximately _ days a year. (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Do you rent out your second home? Yes, approximately _ days a year. (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 10 minimum 0.00 maximum mean standard deviation

50 2. Variables [Q23D_2] Did you inherit your second home? (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Did you inherit your second home? (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) No Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q23E_2] Do you own land adjacent to your second home? (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Do you own land adjacent to your second home? (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) No Yes System missing (SYSMIS) [Q23E_2_1] Do you own land adjacent to your second home? Yes, approximately _ hectares (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Do you own land adjacent to your second home? Yes, approximately _ hectares (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Descriptive statistics 44

51 Q24_2 statistic value number of valid cases 28 minimum 0.00 maximum mean 8.79 standard deviation [Q24_1] How long have you been using your second home? _ years (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) How long have you been using your second home? _ years (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 660 minimum 0.00 maximum mean standard deviation [Q24_2] How long have you been using your second home? _ years (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) How long have you been using your second home? _ years (Second home 2 = The second home you use second most) Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 152 minimum 1.00 maximum mean standard deviation

52 2. Variables [Q25_1_1] The built environment around the second home: Urban (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) The built environment around the second home: Urban (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q25_1_2] The built environment around the second home: Population centre in a rural area (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) The built environment around the second home: Population centre in a rural area (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) Not mentioned Mentioned System missing (SYSMIS) [Q25_1_3] The built environment around the second home: Sparsely populated rural area (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) The built environment around the second home: Sparsely populated rural area (Second home 1 = The second home you use most often) 46

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