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2 Dobrodošli v Bohinju, spoštovani gostje! S KARTICO GOST BOHINJA VAM NUDIMO CENEJŠE POČITNICE Welcome to Bohinj, dear guest! BOHINJ GUEST CARD OFFERS CHEAPER HOLIDAYS TAJNOSTNA MOBILNOST S Kartico gost Bohinja želimo spodbujati uporabo okolju prijaznejših oblik prevoza. Avtobus, vlak, avtovlak, električna in navadna kolesa in izletniška ladja so samo nekatere možnosti, ki jih brezplačno ali pod ugodnimi pogoji uporabljajo imetniki kartice in s tem prispevajo k umirjanju motornega prometa v Bohinju in razvoju okolju in ljudem prijaznega turizma. SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY The purpose of Bohinj Guest Card is to stimulate the use of environmentally friendly transport means. Bus, train, car train, electrical and ordinary bicycles as well as the excursion boat are only some of the possibilities, which are offered to card holders, thus contributing to the reduction of motor traffic in Bohinj and to environmentally friendly tourism. Kartica je namenjena gostom, ki vsaj dve noči prenočijo v Bohinju in plačajo turistično takso. Kartico lahko kupijo tudi lastniki počitniških hiš ali stanovanj, ki plačujejo turistično takso v letnem pavšalnem znesku v skladu z določbami Zakona o spodbujanju razvoja turizma in Odlokom o turistični taksi v Občini Bohinj. Kartica omogoča brezplačno parkiranje in široko izbiro brezplačnih storitev in ugodnosti pri različnih storitvah v Bohinju in drugih krajih po Sloveniji. Ugodnosti kartice lahko gostje uveljavljajo v času neprekinjenega bivanja v Bohinju, lastniki počitniških hiš in stanovanj pa v obdobju do največ 15 dni od nakupa. Kartica gost Bohinja je na voljo od 1. aprila do 31.oktobra. Bohinj Guest Card is intended to guests who stay at least two nights in Bohinj and pay tourist tax. The card is also intended for vacation houses and apartment owners who pay lump sum tourist tax in accordance with the provisions of the Tourism Development Act and the Decree on tourist tax in the Municipality of Bohinj. The card enables free parking and many other benefits in relation to various services provided in Bohinj and other places all around Slovenia. The card s benefits can be used during the stay of guests in Bohinj, vacation houses and apartments owners can use them in 15-day period from the date of purchase. Bohinj Guest Card is available for sale from 1 st April to 31 st October. INDIVIDUALNA KARTICA Brezplačno parkiranje za eno vozilo, brezplačne storitve in popuste pa lahko uveljavlja ena oseba. Cena: 15 EUR DRUŽINSKA KARTICA (dve odrasli osebi in vsaj en otrok) Brezplačno parkiranje za eno vozilo, brezplačne storitve in popuste pa lahko uveljavljajo vsi člani družine. Cena: 20 EUR KARTICA POPUSTOV vključuje samo ugodnosti, ne vključuje pa brezplačnega parkiranja. Cena individualne kartice popustov je 10 EUR, družinske pa 15 EUR. INDIVIDUAL CARD Free parking for one vehicle, free services and discounts apply only for one person. Price: 15 EUR FAMILY CARD (two adults and at least one child) Free parking for one vehicle, free services and discounts apply for all family members. Price: 20 EUR DISCOUNT CARD only includes benefits and does not include free parking. Individual discount card costs 10 EUR, family discount card costs 15 EUR. AVTOBUSNI PREVOZI KJE LAHKO KUPITE KARTICO GOST BOHINJA / LOCATIONS SELLING THE BOHINJ GUEST CARD Bohinjska Bistrica: TIC Bohinjska Bistrica LD Turizem, Kamp / Camping Danica, Bohinj ECO hotel, Hotel Tripič Ribčev Laz: TIC Bohinj (Turistično društvo Bohinj) TIC Bohinj (Tourist Association), Hotel Jezero Stara Fužina: TIC Stara Fužina ( ) Ukanc: Apartmaji in picerija Don Andro / Apartments and pizzeria Don Andro Pokljuka: Hotel Center, Rudno polje. 2 3

3 TURIZEM BOHINJ V SODELOVANJU Z RAZLIČNIMI PARTNERJI NUDI IMETNIKOM KARTICE GOST BOHINJA NASLEDNJE BREZPLAČNE STORITVE In cooperation with various partners Bohinj Tourism organisation offers the holders of the Bohinj Guest Card the following free services HOP-ON HOP-OFF AVTOBUS NA POKLJUKO / HOP-ON HOP-OFF BUS TO POKLJUKA Alpetour d.d., t: , Turizem Bohinj, t: , AVTOBUSNI PREVOZI avtobusnega prevoznika ALPETOUR / BUS RIDES with the Alpetour buses Alpetour d.d., t: , Turizem Bohinj, t: , BREZPLAČNO / free Brezplačni avtobusni prevozi na vseh relacijah v občini Bohinj. 50% popust na avtobusno vozovnico iz občine Bohinj do vseh postajališč na relaciji do Ljubljane in v obratni smeri. Popust se upošteva samo, kadar je vstopna ali izstopna postaja na območju občine Bohinj. Free bus rides on all routes in the Bohinj municipality. 50% discount on bus tickets to all stops on route from Bohinj to Ljubljana and the opposite direction. The discount applies only if the entry or exit station is located on the area of the Bohinj Municipality. Brezplačni avtobusni prevozi iz Bohinja na Pokljuko ali v obratni smeri. Pokljuka je največja zaokrožena gozdna površina v Triglavskem narodnem parku. Neokrnjena narava in svež, čist zrak privlači številne izletnike in pohodnike. Po vsej planoti so razvrščene številne planine, na katerih se v poletnih mesecih pase živina in kjer vam pastirji postrežejo z mlečnimi dobrotami. Avtobus vozi ob sobotah in nedeljah v juliju in avgustu. vozni redi na strani 48. Free bus rides to all stops on route from Bohinj to Pokljuka and the opposite direction. Pokljuka is the largest forest territory in the Triglav National Park. Unspoilt nature and fresh, clean air attract many visitors and hikers. Many pastures are spread across the plateau. Animals graze there during the summer and the herders offer many different dairy products. Bus trips on Saturdays and Sundays in July and August. timetable on page 48. BREZPLAČNO / free 4 vozni redi na strani timetables on page

4 TURISTIČNA LADJA NA BOHINJSKEM JEZERU / TOURIST BOAT ON BOHINJ LAKE ELEKTRIČNA KOLESA / ELECTRIC BICYCLES Turizem Bohinj, t: , Turizem Bohinj, t: , BREZPLAČNO / free Brezplačni prevozi z ladjo po Bohinjskem jezeru Turistična ladja Bohinj (52 sedežev) vozi vsak dan od začetka aprila do konca oktobra. Turistična ladja Zlatorog (75 sedežev) vozi za najavljene skupine in po dogovoru. vozni red / timetable: smer / direction: Ribčev Laz Ukanc 09:30 10:50 12:10 13:30 14:50 16:10 17:30 Free boat rides on the lake Tourist boat Bohinj (52 seats) runs every day from beginning of April to the end of October. Tourist boat Zlatorog (75 seats) can be reserved for groups and in advance, the timetable is adjusted to current needs. smer / direction: Ukanc Ribčev Laz 10:10 11:30 12:50 14:10 15:30 16:50 18:10 Brezplačni najem Električna kolesa so vozila prihodnosti. Olajšajo vam vožnjo in pomagajo premagovati klance in razdalje, ki jih sicer ne bi zmogli. V Bohinju je na voljo 10 električnih koles. KOLESARSKA POT BOHINJ / BOHINJ CYCLING ROUTE Pot je speljana od Bohinjske Bistrice, po Spodnji Bohinjski dolini do Bohinjskega jezera in dalje po Zgornji Bohinjski dolini mimo Stare Fužine, Studora, Srednje vasi, do Bohinjske Češnjice. Primerna je za družinsko kolesarjenje. Free rental Electric bikes are the vehicles of the future. They make transport easier and help cyclists overcome hills and distances which they could not otherwise manage. There are 10 electric bikes available in Bohinj. izposojevalnice / hire services: Kamp Danica, Bohinjska Bistrica, tel: : TIC Stara Fužina ( ), tel: BREZPLAČNO / free Priporočamo WE RECOMMEND A cycling route runs from Bohinjska Bistrica, along the Lower Bohinj Valley to Lake Bohinj, and then along the Upper Bohinj Valley, past Stara Fužina, Studor, and Srednja vas to Bohinjska Češnjica. It is also appropriate for family cycling. 6 7

5 SLAP SAVICA - vir življenja / SAVICA WATERFALL the source of life KORITA MOSTNICE / MOSTNICA GORGE Turizem Bohinj, t: , TIC Bohinj, t: , Brezplačni ogled korit Free entrance ticket BREZPLAČNO / free BREZPLAČNO / free 8 Brezplačni ogled slapa Slap Savica velja za enega največjih in najlepših slovenskih slapov, ki vas povsem prevzame s svojo prvobitno energijo. Mogočna Savica je lepotica v vsakem vremenu in je idealen cilj za vse, ki radi združite prijetno s koristnim. Z avtom do parkirišča pri Koči pri Savici in Domu Savica pridete iz Ukanca po asfaltirani cesti, nato pa se do slapu povzpnete po kamnitih stopnicah. Če želite slap obiskati peš, priporočamo označeno pešpot iz Ukanca. Free entrance ticket The Savica Waterfall is one of the largest and most beautiful Slovenian waterfalls, which astonishes and overwhelms us with its primal energy. The mighty Savica is a beauty in every weather, and the ideal goal for those who like to combine relaxation and activity. You can access the car park at the Savica Hut from Ukanc on a tarmac road and climb up to the waterfall on stone steps. If you want to walk the entire route to the waterfall, we recommend you take the marked hiking trail from Ukanc. Korita Mostnice in dolina Voje so med najlepšimi in najbolj obiskanimi naravnimi znamenitostmi v Bohinju. Na sprehodu lahko občudujemo kristalno čisto vodo in drzno preoblikovane skale, uživamo v pestrem rastlinskem in živalskem svetu ter kulturni krajini, ki so jo skozi stoletja negovali tukajšnji prebivalci. The Mostnica Gorge and the Voje Valley are among the most beautiful and popular natural sights in Bohinj. They offer views of crystal clear pools and boldly watershaped rocks, as well as diverse flora and fauna and a cultural landscape that has been nurtured by the people throughout the centuries. Ljudska pripovedka o Hudičevem mostu / Folk tale about the Devil s Bridge: Včasih so pravili, kako so delali Hudičev most. Do večera so delali, zjutraj je bilo pa vse podrto. Je pa nekdo rekel: Hudič naj dela ta most, jaz ga ne bom. Poglej ga, je pa res hudič začel delati. So ga pa vprašali, kaj hoče za lon*.je pa odvrnil: Prva duša, ki bo šla čez most, tisto dušo mi boste dali. Zvečer so premišljevali, kdo bo tako nesrečen. Se je pa spomnil kmet, ki je imel psa. Je rekel: Jaz bom pa vzel eno veliko telečjo kost pa psa s seboj. Jo je pa čez most vrgel, pes je pa tekel za njo. Hudič pa je dobil pasjo dušo. Bil je tako jezen, tako je z repom mahal, da je vso ograjo podrl. Zapisala: Marija Cvetek (Bohinjske pravljice) *lon - plačilo People used to talk about how the Devil s Bridge was made. The people worked all day but the next morning everything that had been built was demolished. And someone said: Let the devil build this bridge, I will not build it anymore. And then the devil really started making it. The people asked him what he wanted for his efforts. The devil answered: The first soul that crosses the bridge this is the one that I want. A farmer who had a dog, got an idea. He said: I will take a big bone and my dog with me. Then he threw the bone across the bridge and the dog ran after it. The devil then took the dog s soul and was very angry and started waving his tail, and so he demolished the entire fence. Written by: Marija Cvetek 9

6 MUZEJI / MUSEUMS MUZEJ TOMAŽA GODCA / TOMAŽ GODEC MUSEUM, BOHINJSKA BISTRICA t: Brezplačni ogled muzeja Muzej predstavlja celotno zgodovino Bohinja, od prve poselitve v železni dobi pa vse do druge svetovne vojne. Obiskovalci muzeja si lahko ogledajo razstavo posvečeno 1. in 2. svetovni vojni in usnjarno Tomaža Godca, kjer se lahko seznanjajo s predelavo kože v usnje. Free entrance ticket The museum displays the entire history of Bohinj, from the first settlements in Iron Age to WWII. Visitors can view an exhibition dedicated to both world wars and the Tomaž Godec tannery where the skin and leather processing is displayed. BREZPLAČNO / free PLANŠARSKI MUZEJ / MUSEUM OF ALPINE DAIRY FARMING, STARA FUŽINA t: Brezplačni ogled muzeja V muzeju je prikazana zgodovina planšarstva v Bohinju, življenje planšarjev, sirarna in sirarsko delo na planinah, transport v dolino, značilna bohinjska planšarska naselja in planšarske zgradbe. Razstavljeno je originalno sirarsko orodje in pribor ter predmeti, ki so jih uporabljali planšarji pri svojem delu na planini. Free entrance ticket In the museum there is exhibited the history of Alpine dairy-making in Bohinj, the life of the dairymen, the cheesediaries and dairy production in the mountains, transport to the valley and the typical Alpine dairymen settlements and huts in Bohinj. The original tools and utensils used by the Alpine dairymen are illustrate their work on the mountains. BREZPLAČNO / free MUZEJ OPLENOVA HIŠA / OPLEN HOUSE MUSEUM, STUDOR t Brezplačni ogled muzeja Free entrance ticket Oplenova hiša je prikaz The museum is an interesting bivalne kulture Bohinjcev representation of the odpiralni čas za vse muzeje / museums timetable: z začetka 20. stoletja, saj so living culture of the Bohinj I II XI XII III - X vsi prostori opremljeni z population of the beginning avtentično opremo zadnjih of the 20 th Century. All the lastnikov. exhibition areas are equipped 10:00-12:00, 16:00 18:00 10:00 12:00, 16:00 18:00 with the original furnishings Zaprto: ponedeljek, 1. 1., 1. 5., , , velika noč of its last owners. Closed: Monday, 1. 1., 1. 5., , , Easter 10 11

7 PREVOZI Z VLAKOM / TRAIN Slovenske železnice, t: 1999 (6:00 22:00), , Turizem Bohinj, t: , NIHALKA VOGEL / CABLE CAR VOGEL Žičnice Vogel Bohinj, d.d., t: , -50% POPUSTI / DISCOUNT na ceno enosmerne ali povratne vozovnice za vlak iz Bohinjske Bistrice do vseh postajališč do Nove Gorice in Ljubljane (popust velja samo za vozovnice kupljene na železniški postaji v Bohinjski Bistrici). Bohinjska proga je ena od najlepših gorskih železnic. Vožnja z muzejskim, navadnim vlakom ali avtovlakom od Jesenic do Nove Gorice je nepozabno doživetje. Proga se ponaša z najdaljšim slovenskim železniškim predorom (Bohinjski predor, m) in mostom čez reko Sočo z najdaljšim kamnitnim lokom v svetovnem merilu (Solkanski most, 85 m). vozni red na strani: 49. on one-way or return train ticket from Bohinjska Bistrica to all stops on the route to Nova Gorica and Ljubljana (discount applies only for tickets, purchased at the Bohinjska Bistrica railway station). The Bohinj route is one of the most beautiful mountain railways. A ride by steam, ordinary or car train from Jesenice to Nova Gorica is an unforgettable experience. The route also has the longest Slovenian railway tunnel (Bohinj tunnel, 6327m) and a bridge across the Soča River with the longest stone arch in the world (Solkan bridge, 85m). timetable on page: 49. na povratno vožnjo z nihalko za individualne goste Vogel je zanimiv preko celega leta. Od spomladi do jeseni vam v zeleni preobleki ponuja vrsto priložnosti za aktivnosti, rekreacijo in doživetja v visokogorskem svetu in je izvrstno izhodišče za pohodniške ture. Nihalka vozi vsak dan, vsake pol ure od 8:00 do 18:00 (med in pa od 7:30 do 19:00, sedežnica Orlove glave od 8:00 do 16:00) on return ticket for cable car for individual guests From springtime until autumn green covered landscape provides numerous opportunities for activities, recreation and experiences in the mountains. Vogel is an excellent starting point for interesting shorter and longer hiking tours. Cable car runs daily every half an hour, from 8 am - 6 pm (from 18 th June to 11 th September daily, from 7:30 am to 7 pm, chair-lift Orlove glave from 8 am to 4 pm). POPUSTI / DISCOUNT 12 13

8 CENTER TRIGLAVSKEGA NARODNEGA PARKA BOHINJ, TRIGLAV NATIONAL PARK CENTER BOHINJ, Stara Fužina Triglavski narodni park, t: , MUZEJSKI VLAK / STEAM TRAIN ABC turizem, t: , Prodajna mesta v Bohinju / Sales locations in Bohinj: TIC LD Turizem, Bohinjska Bistrica in TIC Bohinj, Ribčev Laz POPUSTI / DISCOUNT na vodenje po stalni razstavi Jezero , :00-18:00 on exhibition guidance NOVO informacijsko izobraževalno središče TNP / NEW information and education centre, Stalna razstava Jezero / Permanent exhibition entitled Lake, Soba z razgledom: prireditveni prostor, čitalnica, prostočasnica / Room with a view: event space, reading room, leisure room, Trgovina s ponudbo izdelkov Bohinjsko / Shop with products of the brand From Bohinj, Hiša Bohinjka z učilnicami: kuhinja, hiša, naravoslovna soba, ustvarjalna soba / Bohinjka House with teaching rooms: kitchen, house, nature science room, creativity room, Dogodki, razstave, delavnice, izobraževanja / Events, exhibitions, workshops, training, Središče za podporo lokalni skupnosti / Local community support centre, Hiša gorskih vodnikov in obveščevalna točka GRS / House of mountain guides and Mountain Rescue information point :00-19:00 na ceno izleta z muzejskim vlakom po Bohinjski progi Preživite dan na malce drugačen, nostalgičen način. Parna lokomotiva, smaragdna Soča in zelena Goriška Brda. Vse to ob veselih zvokih harmonike in v družbi animatorjev, ki vas bodo popeljali v čas Avstro-Ogrske monarhije. on steam train excursion along the Bohinj railway Journey from the Alps to the Mediterranean along the Bohinj Railway. Experience the thrill of the steam train, learn of its rich history, characters and traditions, and of course soak up the stunning Slovenian scenery. This is an unforgettable trip, a chance for you to be part of a living museum. odhodi v letu 2016 / departures in 2016: vozni red / timetable postaja / station 8:53 Jesenice 19:37 9:07 Bled - Jezero 18: Bohinjska Bistrica 18:34 10:21 Most na Soči 17:25 11:13 Kanal 17:09 11:57 Nova Gorica 16: POPUSTI / DISCOUNT

9 AVTOVLAK / CAR TRAIN Slovenske železnice, t: 1999 (6:00 22:00), avtomatski odzivnik: , Turizem Bohinj, t: , -5% NOVO Avtovlak do Nove Gorice. NEW Car train to Nova Gorica. AKTIVNOSTI / Activities LOKOSTRELSTVO / ARCHERY APARTMAJI TUBEJ, Ravne 16, Boh. Bistrica m: , RAFTING Streljanje v 3D živali in v tarčo 3D animated animals and target archery ALPINSPORT, Ribčev Laz 53, Boh. jezero t: , m: , Popust velja za mini rafting Discount valid for mini rafting -30% POPUSTI / DISCOUNT na vozovnico za avtovlak Potniki z osebnimi avtomobili se lahko preprosto, hitro in varno zapeljejo z avtovlakom Sloveniji iz Bohinjske Bistrice v Podbrdo, na Most na Soči, v Novo Gorico in nazaj. on car train ticket Travellers with personal vehicles can drive simply, fast and safely by car train through i.e. from Bohinjska Bistrica to Podbrdo, Most na Soči or Nova Gorica and back. vozni red / timetable: Smer / directon: Bohinjska Bistrica - Most na Soči (Nova Gorica) Postaja / station * 865** Bohinjska Bistrica 9:08 11:36 14:10 16:50 21:00 21:00 Podbrdo 9:18 11:46 14:20 17:00 21:09*** 21:09*** Podbrdo 9:24 17:05 21:10 21:10 Most na Soči 9:49 17:31 21:35 21:35 Most na Soči Nova Gorica Smer / directon: (Nova Gorica) Most na Soči - Bohinjska Bistrica Postaja / station 850** * Nova Gorica 6:31 Most na Soči 7:10 Most na Soči 7:34 10:35 18:31 Podbrdo 7:58 7:58 10:59 18:55 Podbrdo 8:03 8:03 11:05 13:15 15:40 18:59 Bohinjska Bistrica 8:13 8:13 11:15 13:25 15:50 19:09 PAC SPORTS, Ribčev Laz 60, Boh. jezero m: , Popust velja pri plačilu z gotovino Discount subject to payment in cash SPORT4FUN, pri kampu Danica / at Danica campsite, Bohinjska Bistrica m: , SOTESKANJE / CANYONING OUTDOOR SLOVENIA, Gregorčičeva 22, Bled, m: , VODENI KOLESARSKI IZLETI / GUIDED CYCLING TOURS HIKE & BIKE, Triglavska c. 37 a, Bohinjska Bistrica, m: , Izleta / Tours: Bohinj MTB Adventure & Bled MTB loop Nakladanje avtomobilov v Novi Gorici Car uploading in Nova Gorica ends 15 minutes je končano 15 minut, v Mostu na Soči and in Most na Soči 10 minutes before the pa 10 minut pred odhodom avtovlaka! car train departs! The maximum number of Pri avtovlaku 850** iz Nove Gorice do vehicles for car train 850** from Nova Gorica Bohinjske Bistrice in avtovlaku 865** to Bohinjska Bistrica and car train 865** from ŠPORTNE AKTIVNOSTI / SPORT ACTIVITIES HOTEL CENTER; Rudno Polje, Pokljuka zapolnitve polovične zmogljivosti vlaka). Bikes can also be loaded on the car train. * Srednja vas v Bohinju 165a, iz Bohinjske Bistrice do Nove Gorice je število vozil omejeno na največ 14 (oz. do Bohinjska Bistrica to Nova Gorica is limited to 14 (or when half of the car train capacity). Na avtovlak lahko naložite tudi kolo. Car trains 860 and 861 rides from 23 April to Srednja vas v Bohinju, t.: , * Avtovlaka 860 in 861 vozita med in ** Avtovlaka 850 in 865 vozita 25 September ** Car trains 850 and 865 rides on the Bohinjska Bistrica Most na Soči ob sobotah, nedeljah in praznikih med in ter in Od do Nova Gorica route on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 12 June to 31 July and from NA ŠPORTNE AKTIVNOSTI vozita avtovlaka vsak dan. 3 to 25 September From 1 to 28 August *** Postanek v Podbrdu samo za vstop/ 2016, the car trains rides every day. *** Stop in ON SPORT ACTIVITIES 16 izstop potnikov. Podbrdo only for passenger entry and exit. 17

10 NAJEM STEZE ZA BOWLING / BOWLING LANE RENTAL BOHINJ ECO HOTEL, Triglavska c. 17, Boh. Bistrica, t: , IZPOSOJA KANUJEV IN KAJAKOV / RENT A BOAT PAC SPORTS, Ribčev Laz 60, Boh. jezero, m: , Popust velja pri plačilu z gotovino Discount subject to payment in cash 18 OTROŠKE DELAVNICE / CREATIVE WORKSHOPS FOR CHILDREN APARTMAJI RABIČ, Stara Fužina 217, Boh. jezero, t: , m: , IZPOSOJA / RENTAL Ustvarjanje z naravnimi materiali - po predhodni najavi redna cena 5 EUR/osebo Creating with natural materials by prior arrangement (regular price 5 EUR per person) IZPOSOJA KOLES / RENT A BIKE ALPINSPORT, Ribčev Laz 53, Bohinjsko jezero,t: , m: , LD TURIZEM, Mencingerjeva 10, Boh. Bistrica, t: , PAC SPORTS, Ribčev Laz 60, Boh. jezero, m: , Popust velja pri plačilu z gotovino Discount subject to payment in cash SPORT4FUN, Boh. Bistrica, (pri kampu / at Campsite Danica) m: , DESTINA, Ribčev Laz 41, Boh. jezero, m: , m: , Velja pri izposoji za 1 dan ali več dni; najem vključuje: kolo, zemljevid, čelado in ključavnico On rental for 1 or more days; rental includes bike, map, helmet and lock IZPOSOJA PLANINSKE OPREME / MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT RENTAL ALPE d.o.o., prireditveni prostor Pod Skalco / Pod skalco event place, Ribčev Laz, Boh. jezero, t: , GOSTINSKE STORITVE / HOSPITALITY SERVICES KAVA BAR COFFEE HOUSE PAVILJON, Ribčev Laz, Bohinjsko jezero, m: , na razne kave for various types of coffee KAVA BAR - PUB ALLO ALLO, Kamp Danica 4264 Boh. Bistrica, JPJ d.o.o., m: , e: alpik@alpik.com na razne kave for various types of coffee HOTEL CENTER; Rudno Polje, Pokljuka Srednja vas v Bohinju 165a, Srednja vas v Bohinju, t.: , OB KONZUMACIJI V VREDNOSTI 20,00 NUDIJO ENO BREZPLAČNO PIJAČO ONE DRINK WITH THE PURCHASE IN THE AMOUNT OF MINIMUM 20,00-30% -30% 19

11 Izbrana gostinska ponudba z območja Bohinja SELECTED GASTRONOMY OFFER FROM BOHINJ Znak Bohinjsko/from Bohinj zagotavlja geografsko poreklo in visoko kakovost proizvodov in storitev. Jedi in pijače s pridobljenim certifikatom vsebujejo vsaj 30% lokalno pridelanih sestavin. The Bohinjsko/from Bohinj sign guarantees geographic origin and the high quality of products and services. Certified food and drinks contain min. 30% ingredients of local origin. BOHINJ ECO HOTEL, Bohinjska Bistrica Gratis espresso ob naročilu sladice v slaščičarni Free espresso with ordered cake at the confectionery of the hotel Pod kuharsko taktirko šefa kuhinje Andreja Puhka v Bohinj ECO hotelu se lahko razvajate ob vrhunski kulinariki. Navdušuje skutna kremna juha z dimljeno postrvijo, zlatovščičin zvitek s čemažem in skuto, govnačem in ocvirki ter nebeški bio sladoled»še bi!«chef Andrej Puhek at the Bohinj ECO Hotel will pamper you with exquisite, authentic culinary delights. Taste the heavenly blend of cottage cheese cream soup with smoked trout, while enjoying local brook trout roll with wild garlic, govnač traditional specialty and Bohinj cracklings. For an elegant finish, treat yourself with the home-made, organic ice cream Še bi!. BOHINJ ECO HOTEL Triglavska cesta 17 Bohinjska Bistrica t: e: info@2864.si PENZION IN GOSTILNA RESJE / BOARDING HOUSE AND INN RESJE, Nemški Rovt RESTAVRACIJA - PICERIJA / RESTAURANT - PIZZERIA TRIPIČ, Bohinjska Bistrica Hiša vrhunske kulinarike, kjer vas kuharski mojster Jože Godec preseneti z bogatimi okusi jedi iz tradicionalnih lokalnih sestavin in divjeraslih rastlin. Dnevno sveža ponudba ali 7 hodni bohinjski meni z izbranimi slovenskimi vini, je prvovrstna izbira za prave gurmane. The house of top cuisine, where chef Jože Godec surprises you with rich flavours of dishes made from local ingredients and wild plants. The meal of the day and the 7-dish Bohinj menu with selected Slovenian wines are the best choices for true gourmets. Hotel in restavracija-picerija Tripič je odlična izbira za vse lačne gurmane. Družina Tripič svoje goste že 30 let razvaja z bogato ponudbo domačih jedi, testenin, solat, degustacijskih menijev. Slovijo po bohinjskih ajdovih krapih s kislo smetano, juho Bohinjko, bohinjsko klobaso z zasko, pa tudi s hišnim kruhom in domačimi čaji. Restaurant and picerija, owned by Tripič family for 30 years, is open every day all day. Their guests can enjoy in air conditioned restaurants and on covered summer terrace. They are specialised for local Bohinj food. na Bohinjski meni ob predhodni rezervaciji on Bohinj menu by preliminary booking Penzion in gostilna Resje Nemški Rovt 21 a Bohinjska Bistrica m: e: resje21a@gmail.com Ob konzumaciji hrane in pijače nudijo kozarec domačega soka With the purchase of food and beverages they offer a glass of homemade juice RESTAVRACIJA - PICERIJA TRIPIČ Triglavska cesta 13 Bohinjska Bistrica t: m: e: info@hotel-tripic.si

12 GOSTILNICA / MINI INN ŠTRUD L, Bohinjska Bistrica Planinska koča v dolini, gostilnica Štrud'l nudi preproste tradicionalne jedi. Privoščite si prave bohinjske žgance iz avtohtone sorte bohinjske koruze (turščice) s kislim mlekom, krompir v oblicah s skuto ter domače sire in mesnine. Za posladek pa ne pozabite na slasten borovničev štrudl. An alpine hut in the valley. The Štrud'l Inn offers simple traditional dishes. You can enjoy žganci made from local Bohinj corn with sour milk, potatoes with cottage cheese and homemade cheeses and meats. Don t forget the delicious blueberry strudel for dessert! HOTEL KRISTAL, Ribčev Laz V Hotelu Kristal so ponosni na svojo lovsko restavracijo, kjer vam postrežejo z dušeno srno in skutnimi štruklji, privoščite pa si lahko tudi bohinjsko postrv. Hišna čokoladnica skriva omamno dobre čokolade in presne torte. Mohantovo presenečenje, pehtrančki in čokolada z zaseko so le smetana na torti nenavadnih kombinacij in harmnoničnih okusov. Kristal Hotel is proud of its hunters restaurant where you can enjoy smoked venison and cottage cheese dumplings as well as Bohinj trout. The chocolate house offers delicious chocolates and organic cakes. Mohant cheese surprise, tarragon pies and chocolate with zaseka are just a cherry on the cake of unusual combinations and harmonious tastes. Ob konzumaciji hrane in pijače nad 20,00 nudijo presenečenje Surprice gift with the purchase of food in the amount of minimum GOSTILNICA ŠTRUD L Triglavska cesta 23 Bohinjska Bistrica m: GOSTILNA / restaurant DANICA, Bohinjska Bistrica -5% na à la carte storitev pri plačilu z gotovino / for á la carte services at cash payment ob nakupu čokoladnih izdelkov / for chocolate products HOTEL KRISTAL Ribčev Laz 4a Bohinjsko jezero t: m: e:info@hotel-kristal-slovenia.com Gostilna ob vhodu v kamp Danica se ponaša z izbranimi jedmi, kakovostno hrano in prijaznim osebjem. Poleg splošne ponudbe po naročilu z jedilnega lista so vam na voljo tudi posebej izbrane sezonske jedi, sladka presenečenja ter degustacijski meniji. Slovijo po pripravi postrvi po receptu Valentina Vodnika iz daljnega leta The inn at the entrance to the Danica Campsite offers many different dishes, quality food and friendly personnel. Besides the menu on offer you can also choose from a variety of seasonal dishes, sweet surprises and tasting menus. The inn is also famous for the preparation of trout according to Valentin Vodnik s recipe dating back to GOSTILNA / INN PRI HRVATU, Srednja vas V avtentični vaški gostilni Pri Hrvatu slovijo po pripravi hišnih sirovih štrukljev in postrvi. Pijana bohinjska postrv in bohinjska postrv v moki trdinki sta hišni specialiteti, ki slovita daleč naokrog. The authentic Pri Hrvatu Inn is famous for its cheese dumplings and trout. The drunken Bohinj trout and trout in corn flour are house specialities that are very popular in this area. Gratis sladica ob nakupu hrane v vrednosti nad 15,00 na osebo Free dessert with the purchase of food in the amount of per person GOSTILNA DANICA Triglavska cesta 60 Bohinjska Bistrica t: e: gostilna.danica@bohinj-info.com ob konzumaciji hrane in pijače nudijo Presenečenje Surprice gift with the purchase of food and beverages GOSTILNA PRI HRVATU Srednja vas 76 v Bohinju Srednja vas v Bohinju t: e: bslamar@gmail.com 22 23

13 HOTEL JELKA, Pokljuka na À la carte kosilo ali večerjo on À la carte lunch or dinner V osrčju pokljuških gozdov v prijetnem ambientu vam bodo postregli z okusno gobovo juho s hišnim kislim mlekom, Jurjevo kapo in sladko-slanim ocvirkovim štrukljem s skuto. With its pleasant ambience in the heart of the Pokljuka forest, here you will enjoy delicious mushroom soup with homemade sour milk, Jurij s cap and sweet-sour crackling dumplings with cottage cheese. HOTEL JELKA Goreljek 93 Zg. Gorje t: , e: info@hotel-jelka.si Izbrana ponudba z območja Bohinja High quality products from Bohinj valley... Lokalne kulinarične posebnosti z območja Bohinja so sir mohant, ki se ponaša z evropskim znakom zaoznačbo porekla, bohinjski sir (vrsta ementalskega sira), zaseka s klobaso in žganci iz moke avtohtone sorte koruze trdinke, Bohinjke. Številne tradicionalne jedi najdete v domačih gostilnah, nastajajo pa tudi nove, ki povezujejo lokalne sestavine z novodobnimi okusi. Za Bohinj značilni tradicionalni izdelki so gorjuška fajfa, ročno pletene nogavice iz ovčje volne in vezenine na platnu. Zaradi širnih gozdov se je tu razvila lesna obrt, ki se nadaljuje s proizvodnjo lesenega masivnega pohištva. Sodobno oblikovani izdelki se navdihujejo v planšarski zgodbi o bohinjskem pušeljcu, ročno izdelani spominki pa se navezujejo na avtohtono pasmo krav cik in bogastvo samoniklih rastlin, ki je tesno povezano z načinom življenja bohinjcev. Local culinary specialties from Bohinj include mohant cheese, zaseka with sausage, and žganci made from the local Bohinj corn. Numerous traditional dishes originate from the kitchens of local inns, and new ones which connect local ingredients with modern tastes are constantly emerging. The fajfa (smoking pipe) from Gorjuše, hand-knitted socks made from sheep wool and wooden basket called deža are typical and traditional products from Bohinj. Most hand-made souvenirs relate to the local breed of cattle known as cika and the floral richness, which are closely connected with the local way of life. PARTNERSKI PONUDNIKI V SLOVENIJI / DISCOUNTS AT SERVICES PROVIDERS IN SLOVENIA GOSTILNA IN RESTAVRACIJA AVSENIK / RESTAURANT AVSENIK, Begunje na Gorenjskem t: , Gostilna in restavracija Avsenik je znana po dobri domači slovenski hrani, nudijo pa tudi druge mednarodne dobrote. MUZEJ / MUSEUM AVSENIK, Begunje na Gorenjskem t: , Muzej Avsenik predstavlja Avsenikovo glasbo in Ansambel bratov Avsenik od njegovega začetka do največjih uspehov. Na ogled so številne zlate plošče in priznanja, inštrumenti ansambla, možen je tudi ogled dokumentarnega filma o ansamblu. 1 X BREZPLAČNA KEPICA DOMAČEGA SLADOLEDA 1 X SCOOP OF HOME MADE ICECREAM The Avsenik restaurant is known for its excellent home-made Slovenian food. 1 x prost vstop v muzej 1 x free entrance The Avsenik Museum presents the music of Avsenik and the Ansambel bratov Avsenik (Ensemble of the brothers Avsenik) from their beginnings to their major success. Visitors can view numerous golden records, awards, and instruments as well as a documentary about the ensemble

14 BLEJSKI GRAD / BLED CASTLE, Bled Zavod za kulturo Bled, t: , na vstopnino SOTESKA VINTGAR / VINTGAR GORGE, Gorje pri Bledu Turistično društvo Gorje, t: , na vstopnino Na mogočni strmi skali, ki se dviga 130 m nad ledeniškim Blejskim jezerom, stoji simbol Bleda in Slovenije tisočletni Blejski grad. Muzejske sobe obiskovalce popeljejo skozi zgodovino Bleda z okolico. Grajska tiskarna, klet in kovačnica ohranjajo tradicijo preteklosti, grajska restavracija pa značilne jedi postreže na sodoben način. Bled Castle, the symbol of Bled and Slovenia, stands on a mighty, steep cliff rising 130m above the glacial Lake Bled. The museum rooms take visitors through the history of Bled and its surroundings. The castle printing works, cellar and blacksmith s workshop preserve the tradition of the past, while the castle restaurant offers typical dishes in a contemporary setting. Grad je za obiskovalce odprt vse leto. / Open all year round :00-18:00 8:00-20:00 8:00-21:00 8:00-20:00 TRIGLAVSKI NARODNI PARK INFO CENTER TRIGLAVSKA ROŽA / TRIGLAV NATIONAL PARK - INFORMATION CENTER BLED, Bled Triglavski narodni park, t: , na vodenje po razstavi Info centra Triglavska roža Bled on exhibition guidance at Information CENTER Vintgar je ena največjih in najbolj poznanih naravnih znamenitosti na Gorenjskem. Soteska je dolga 1,6 km. Vintgar is one of the largest and most popular natural sights in the Gorenjska region. The gorge is 1.6km long. Soteska je odprta za ogled od aprila do pozne jeseni. The gorge is open for viewing from April to late autumn. RUARDOVA GRAŠČINA / RUARD MANSION, Jesenice Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice, t: V Ruardovi graščini si lahko ogledate železarski muzej s stalno železarsko in rudarsko zbirko, razstava pa nas popelje na pot železa - od rude do jekla. Poleg številnih eksponatov predstavljamo makete plavžev, fužin, kuhanja oglja in Pantzove žičnice, zanimiva je tudi rekonstrukcija kovačnice. na vstopnino The Ruard Mansion includes an ironworks museum with a permanent ironworks and mining exhibition, which takes you on the trail of iron from ore to steel. Besides numerous other exhibits, models of smelting furnaces, ironworks, charcoaling and the Pantz cableway are presented. The reconstruction of the blacksmith s workshop is also very interesting. Regijsko naravovarstveno Regional nature conservation turistično središče, stalna tourist centre, permanent razstava Raj pod Triglavom, exhibition Paradise below multimedijska dvorana Triglav, multi-media hall with z dnevnim filmskim daily film programme, shop programom, trgovina in and bar... okrepčevalnica... V - IX X - IV odpiralni čas /opening hours: :00 18:00-8:00 8:00 8: Zaprto: nedelje in prazniki / 16:00 17:00 16:00 8:00 18:00 8:00 16:00 26 Closed on Sundays and Holidays 27

15 KASARNA / BARRACKS, Jesenice Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice, t: , na vstopnino LIZNJEKOVA DOMAČIJA / LIZNJEK HOMESTEAD, Kranjska Gora Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice, t: , na vstopnino Etnološka razstava z rekonstrukcijo delavskega stanovanja iz obdobja 30. in 40. let 20. stoletja prikazuje bivalno kulturo in način življenja železarskih družin v nekdanjem jeseniškem delavskem naselju. V Kosovi graščini so na ogled stalne razstave o okupatorjevem terorju v letih 1941 do 1945 in o zgodovini delavskega gibanja v 19. in 20. stoletju ter NOB na Jesenicah, tu pa je tudi največja zbirka paleozojskih fosilov v Sloveniji. This ethnological exhibition, with a reconstruction of a workers apartment from the 1930s and 1940s, displays the living culture and way of life of families in the former workers settlement of Jesenice. V - IX X - IV - 10:00 18:00-8:00 8:00 8:00 Zaprto: nedelje in prazniki / 16:00 17:00 16: Closed on Sundays and Holidays KOSOVA GRAŠČINA / KOS MANSION, Jesenice Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice, t: na vstopnino The Kos Mansion displays a permanent exhibition on the terror of the Occupation during the period , and on the history of the workers movement in the 19 th and 20 th centuries, the national liberation war in Jesenice, and the largest collection of Paleozoic fossils in Slovenia. The ground floor features a gallery that hosts various art and museum exhibitions. Bogata oprema iz 19. stoletja je avtentičen prikaz nekdanjega doma in življenja premožnejše kmečke družine. V kletnem delu sta stalna razstava o Josipu Vandotu ter prostor za občasne muzejske in likovne razstave. V - IX - 10:00 18:00 10:00 17:00 Rich furnishings from the 19 th century are included in an authentic presentation of the former home and life of a wealthy rural family. The cellar hosts a permanent exhibition about Josip Vandot and a place for occasional museum and art exhibitions. Zaprto / closed: ponedeljek / Monday, 1. 1., 1.5., & KAJŽNKOVA HIŠA / KAJŽNK HOUSE, Rateče Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice, t: , V njej si lahko ogledate rekonstrukcijo opreme črne kuhinje in shrambe, razstavi o rateški noši in krajevni zgodovini, v mansardi je na ogled Jervahova mizarska zbirka, lahko pa se preizkusite tudi v»planiških smučarskih skokih«. V - X X - IV - 9:30 16:00 8:00 17:00 na vstopnino This house features a reconstructed open fireplace kitchen and storage room and an exhibition of the folklore costume of Rateče and its local history, while in the attic is a display of the Jervah joiner s collection and you can also try Planica ski jumping. odpiralni čas / prazniki zaprto / opening hours: Holidays closed 10:00 12:00, - 10:00 18: :00-16: :00 18:00 28 Zaprto / closed: 1. 1., 1. 5., & XI - IV

16 SLOVENSKI PLANINSKI MUZEJ / SLOVENIAN ALPINE MUSEUM, Mojstrana Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice, t: , KRANJSKA HIŠA, Turistično informacijski center / Tourist Office, Kranj Zavod za turizem in kulturo Kranj, t: , m: , -5% na vstopnino pri nakupu v trgovinici s spominki v Kranjski hiši on souvenirs purchased in Tourist Office Kranj Predstavlja edinstveno planinsko in gorniško središče v Sloveniji. V njem se prepletajo zgodovinska pričevanja o začetkih in razvoju slovenskega planinstva in gorništva z aktualnimi dosežki Slovencev v domačih in tujih gorah :00-19:00 Zaprto / closed: : 1. 5., , Represents a unique alpine and mountaineering centre in Slovenia. It intertwines the historic stories of the beginnings and development of Slovenian mountaineering with the current achievements of Slovenians in the mountains both locally and abroad. KOBARIŠKI MUZEJ / KOBARID MUSEUM, Kobarid t: , , :00-17:00 na vstopnino V Kranjski hiši Zavoda za turizem in kulturo Kranj se nahaja galerija s številnimi zanimivimi razstavami preko celega leta in trgovinica s spominki. The Kranj House of the Kranj Tourism and Culture Board features a gallery with numerous interesting exhibitions and a souvenir shop. 08:00-19:00 09:00-18:00 POLETNO SANKALIŠČE IN POLETNI TOBOGAN, SUMMER SLEDDING AND TUBING, Kranjska Gora RTC ŽIČNICE Kranjska Gora, t: , pri koriščenju poletnega tobogana, poletnega sankališča in pri prevozu s sedežnico na Vitranc 1 on summer sledding, summer tubing and chairlift Vintranc 1 Kobariški muzej, prejemnik nagrade Sveta Evrope za leto 1993, s fotografijami, zemljevidi, maketami, orožjem in osebnimi predmeti vojakov ter dokumentarnim filmom občuteno predstavlja najbolj obsežno. pripoved o prvi svetovni vojni na naših tleh. IV - IX Kobarid Museum, the recipient of the Council of Europe award in 1993, exhibits photographs, maps, models, weaponry and the personal items of soldiers. It also presents a documentary offering an extensive narrative about World War I in Slovenia. X - III Z vetrom v laseh in s solzami v očeh si privoščite spust po 1500 m dolgi progi poletnega sankališča»besna Pehta«ali zabavo na 70 m dolgem poletnem toboganu. With the wind in your hair and tears in your eyes enjoy the ride down the 1,500-metre-long route of the Furious Pehta summer sledge or 70-metre-long summer tube track. 9:00-18:00 10:00-17:

17 POCARJEVA DOMAČIJA / POCAR HOMESTEAD, Zgornja Radovna Triglavski narodni park, t: , na vstopnino v muzej in informacijsko točko for Museum and Info Centre Ena najstarejših domačij v Triglavskem narodnem parku (1672) / One of the oldest homesteads in the Triglav National Park (1672), Voden ogled Pocarjeve domačije / Guided tour of Pocar Homestead, Delavnice za skupine z vodenim ogledom / Workshops for groups with guided tours, Kulturne prireditve z delavnicami za otroke, kolesarska pot Radovna. / Cultural events with workshops for children, Radovna cycling route prazniki / holidays :00 18:00 VODENI OGLEDI LJUBLJANE / LJUBLJANA GUIDED TOURS TIC Ljubljana, t: , Redni ogled se prične pred Mestno hišo in se nadaljuje po starem mestnem jedru, zaznamovanem s svojevrstno arhitekturno podobo, katero sta deloma zaznamovala barok in secesija, predvsem pa stvaritve slovitega arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika. TIC je odprt 365 dni na leto / Open all year round VI - IX -30% na redne oglede Ljubljane (redni ogledi so zagotovljeni vsak dan) on the regular guided tours (regular tours are provided daily) The tour starts in front of the Town Hall and continues through the old city centre, which features a unique architectural appearance, partially characterised by baroque and secession, and especially by the creations of the famous architect Jože Plečnik. X - V MUZEJ IN GALERIJA MESTA LJUBLJANE / CITY MUSEUM OF LJUBLJANA t: , na vstopnico za razstavo Sebastião Salgado: Geneza on ticket for the exhibition Sebastiao Salgado: Genesis Ledena gora med otokom Paulet in Južnimi Shetlandskimi otoki v Weddllovem morju. Antarktični polotok Sebastião Salgado. Amazonas Images. / Iceberg between the Paulet Island and South Shetland Islands in Weddland Sea. The Antarctic Peninsula Sebastiao Salgado. Amazonas Images. Geneza - razstava enega trenutno najuglednejših in v svetu najbolj iskanih živečih svetovnih fotografov, Sebastiãa Salgada. Razstava Geneza bo na ogled od do v Galeriji Jakopič in v Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana. Ponedeljek zaprto / Mondays closed Genesis exhibition of one of the currently most reputable and distinguished world photographers, Sebastiao Salgado. The Genesis Exhibition will be open from 1 June 2016 to 31 August 2016 at the Jakopič Gallery and in City Museum of Ljubljana. - 10:00-18:00 10:00-21:00 10:00-18:00 8:00-21:00 8:00-19:

18 POSTOJNSKA JAMA / POSTOJNA CAVE, Postojna Postojnska jama d.d., t: , m: , PREDJAMSKI GRAD / PREDJAMA CASTLE, Predjama Postojnska jama d.d., t: , m: , urnik ogledov / timetable: I, II, III, XI, XII IV, X V, VI VII, VIII, IX 10:00, 12:00, 15:00 Postojnska jama je edini kraj na svetu, kjer se skozi podzemno pokrajino lahko popeljete z električnim vlakcem in si od blizu ogledate fantastičen preplet predorov, rovov, galerij in dvoran ter najslavnejšega prebivalca tega podzemeljskega kraljestva človeško ribico. 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 na vstopnino za ogled Postojnske jame na vstopnino za ogled Proteusove jame z Vivarijem NA VSTOPNINO ZA OGLED RAZSTAVNE ZBIRKE EXPO JAMA KRAS for Postojna Cave for Vivarium Proteus ON ENTRANCE TICKET FOR THE EXPO POSTOJNA CAVE KARST Postojna Cave is the only place in the world where you can take an electric train to see the underground world, which features a fantastic network of tunnels, galleries and halls, as well as the most famous resident of this underground kingdom proteus. vsako uro / every hour 9:00-17:00 vsako uro / every hour 9:00-18:00 Predjamski grad je največji jamski grad na svetu, sezidan tako vešče, da je težko ugotoviti, kjer se neha naravna stena in začne zgrajeni zid. Ta dvojnost naravnih in umetnih značilnosti je prav tako navdihujoča kot večstoletna zgodovina ter očarljiva in romantična legenda o vitezu Erazmu. na vstopnino za ogled Predjamskega gradu na vstopnino za ogled jame pod Predjamskim gradom ON ENTRANCE ticket for Predjama Castle for the Cave under Predjama Castle Predjama Castle is the largest cave castle in the world, built with such skill that it is quite difficult to see where the natural rock wall ends and the built wall begins. This duality of natural and artificial features is as inspiring as its several centuries of history and the charming and romantic legend of the Knight Erazem. urnik ogledov / timetable: I, II, III, XI, XII IV, X V, VI, IX VII, VIII 10:00-16:00 10:00-17:00 9:00-18:00 9:00-19:

19 TURISTIČNO VODENJE PO RADOVLJICI IN DEGUSTACIJA MEDENIH IZDELKOV / RADOVLJICA GUIDED TOURS AND DEGUSTATION OF PRODUCTS MADE OUT OF HONEY, Radovljica Turizem Radovljica, t: , m: , na vodenje on Radovljica guidance TOLMINSKA KORITA / TOLMIN GORGES LTO Sotočje, t: , na vstopnino v Tolminska korita za individualne goste for individual guests -5% Brezplačno vodenje vsak torek ob Vodenje poteka preko celega leta. Zbor udeležencev vodenja je v TIC-u. Brezplačna degustacija medenih izdelkov Free guidance every Tuesday at 10 am (all year round). Participations meet at the Tourist Information Centre. Free degustation of products made out of honey Turistični informativni center Radovljica: 5% na nakup spominkov 5% discount on souvenirs in TIC Radovljica Tolminska korita so najnižja in verjetno najlepša vstopna točka v Triglavski narodni park. Krožna pot nas vodi skozi korita Tolminke in korita Zadlaščice; največji zanimivosti sta zagozdena Medvedova glava, in Hudičev most, razpet 60 m visoko nad modrikasto Tolminko. The Tolmin gorges are the lowest and possibly the most southern entry-point to the Triglav National Park. A circular path leads through the gorges of the Tolminka and the Zadlaščica rivers. The most prominent attractions are the wedged rock named Bear Head and the Devil s Bridge, 60 metres high above the bluish Tolminka River. Srednjeveško mesto This medieval town has an pritegne z zaščitenim attractive old centre that in skrbno obnovljenim has been carefully restored mestnim jedrom in grajskim and protected as well as parkom ter srednjeveškim a lovely castle park. The obzidjem, v sklopu katerega original medieval walls je tudi edini ohranjeni encircle the only surviving obrambni jarek v Sloveniji. moat in Slovenia. A number V mestu je vrsta muzejev, of museums hold a rich ki ohranjajo bogato cultural and ethnographic kulturno in etnografsko heritage whilst the rows of dediščino, na dvoriščih late medieval, renaissance poznosrednjeveških, and baroque civic houses are renesančnih in baročnih venues of many varied events. meščanskih hiš pa presenečajo številni dogodki

20 INFORMACIJSKO IZOBRAŽEVALNO SREDIŠČE DOM TRENTA / TRENTA LODGE INFORMATION AND EDUCATION CENTER Triglavski narodni park, t: , PREŠERNOVA ROJSTNA HIŠA / PREŠEREN S BIRTH HOUSE, Vrba Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica, t: , na vstopnino v informacijsko središče na vodenje po Soški poti (velja od do 31.8., vsak četrtek ob 9.00 uri pri Koči pri izviru Soče) on the Isonzo Trail guidance (from 1st June to 31st August, meetings on Thursday at 9 am at the hut near the Soča spring) Multivizijska predstavitev TNP / Multi-media presentation of the Triglav National Park, Razstava o živi in neživi naravi in kulturni krajini / Exhibition of living and inanimate nature and cultural landscape, Stalna razstava Biotska raznovrstnost Triglavskega narodnega parka / Permanent exhibition entitled Biodiversity in the Triglav National Park, Trentarski muzej etnološka zbirka / Trenta Museum - ethnological collection, Ogled priložnostnih razstav, parkovna Soška pot, različni dogodki / Visit to occasional exhibitions, the Isonzo Trail, various events, Nova dvorana v Hiši trentarskih vodnikov s sodobno opremo za izvajanje izobraževalnih aktivnosti (primerno za manjše kongrese in delavnice). / New hall at the House of Trenta Guides with modern equipment for carrying out educational activities (appropriate for minor conferences and workshops). Rojstna hiša največjega slovenskega pesnika je opremljena s pohištvom in predmeti iz tedanjega časa, prav takšna kot nekoč je še danes črna kuhinja, v nekdanji žitnici pa je urejena stalna razstava o njegovem življenju in delu. na vstopnino za ogled The birth house of the greatest Slovenian poet is fitted with furnishings from Prešeren s time, and also features a kitchen with an open fireplace, while a permanent exhibition about the poet s life and work is arranged in the former grain storage room. - 9:00-16:00 10:00-17:00 Ob ponedeljkih in praznikih , , in do 3.1. je hiša zaprta. / Closed: Mondays, , , , and from to FINŽGARJEVA ROJSTNA HIŠA / FINŽGAR S BIRTH HOUSE, Doslovče Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica, t: , na vstopnino za ogled Rojstna hiša pisatelja Franca The birth house of writer vsak dan / every day vsak dan / every day Saleškega Finžgarja skupaj Franc Saleški Finžgar, 10:00 18:00 10:00 14:00 s kozolcem in skednjem together with its hayrack Zaprto od do / Closed from to predstavlja muzej na prostem, and barn, makes an outdoor ki prikazuje gradbeno in museum displaying the bivalno kulturo kajžarske buildings, lives and culture družine konec 19. stoletja na of a rural working family at Gorenjskem. the end of the 19 th century in the Gorenjska region

21 40 ČOPOVA ROJSTNA HIŠA / ČOP S BIRTH HOUSE, Žirovnica Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica, t: , V rojstni hiši jezikoslovca Matije Čopa si lahko ogledate spominsko sobo, stalno razstavo o njegovem življenju in delu ter kratko filmsko predstavitev z naslovom Dežela Prešernovega otroštva. na vstopnino za ogled The birth house of linguist Matija Čop features a memorial room and a permanent exhibition about his life and work, as well as a short video presentation entitled The Land of Prešeren s Childhood. po dogovoru / 8:00-11:00, 12:00-15:00 by agreement ABC RENT A CAR Europcar Slovenija Celovška cesta 268, 1000 Ljubljana, t: , m: , days Najemite vozilo pri vodilnem ponudniku rent a car storitev v Evropi. Najem vozil in transferji. najem vozila v Sloveniji za 3 dni - 1 dan gratis (vozilo najamete za 3 dni, plačate zgolj 2) najem vozila v Sloveniji za 7 dni - 2 dni gratis (vozilo najamete za 7 dni, plačate zgolj 5) car rental in Slovenia for 3 days - 1 day gratis (rent 3, pay 2 days) car rental in Slovenia for 7 days - 2 days gratis (rent 7, pay 5 days) Book with the car rental leader in Europe. Car rental and transfer services. PLAČEVANJE PARKIRNINE S KARTICO GOST BOHINJA PAYING FOR PARKING WITH THE BOHINJ GUEST CARD Na vseh parkiriščih, kjer so nameščeni parkomati, razen v modri coni, gost pri prvem parkiranju v dnevu vloži kartico v parkomat in dobi potrdilo, na katerem je datum parkiranja. S tem potrdilom lahko ta dan večkrat parkira na različnih parkiriščih, ki so brezplačni za lastnike kartice. Za parkiranje v modri coni, kjer je parkiranje časovno omejeno in plačljivo (pred pošto na Ribčevem Lazu), je potrebno imeti potrdilo iz enega od parkomatov izven modre cone in nameščeno parkirno uro. Prvič v dnevu je potrebno parkirati izven te modre cone. Za parkiranje na brezplačnih parkiriščih v modrih conah (v Stari Fužini) je potrebno namestiti le parkirno uro. Na označenih parkiriščih, kjer ni parkomata, gost veljavno kartico, na kateri so podatki o gostu, registrska številka avtomobila, čas in kraj bivanja v Bohinju, pokaže parkirnemu mojstru. Kartica ne velja na parkirišču pri slapu Savica in za vožnjo po gozdni cesti do planin Blato, Voje in Vogar. When parking the car for the first time on all car parks with parking meters, except in the blue zone, guest inserts the card in the meter and gets a receipt which indicates the parking date. This receipt can be used several times per day when parking on different car parks that are free for card owners. For parking in the blue zone, where parking is time-limited and payable (in front of the post office in Ribčev Laz), guests need a receipt from one of the parking meters outside the blue zone and an in-vehicle parking meter must be displayed on the dashboard. Car must be parked for the first time outside this blue zone. An in-vehicle parking meter is required for parking on free car parks in blue zones (in Stara Fužina). On marked parking lots with no automated parking machines guests must show the card, indicating the data about the guest, car registration number, time and place of accommodation in Bohinj, to the parking lot controller. The card is not valid for parking lots at the Savica Waterfall and for roads to Blato, Voje and Vogar pastures. 41



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