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1 G I U L I A N A L A S C H I EDUCATION AND TRAINING Graduation in Political Science, University of Firenze, Political Science Faculty Cesare Alfieri, 1987, April. Score: 110 with honours Ph.D. in History, European University Institute, thesis title "L'Italia e il processo di integrazione europea: il caso dell'agricoltura, ", RESEARCH TITLES, ENJOYMENT OF EDUCATION GRANT AND RESEARCH Post-Ph.D. Scholarship holder in Contemporary History, from 1994 to 1996, at the History Department of the Arts and Philosophy Faculty of the University of Firenze (Scientific Professor in charge: Prof. Paul Ginsborg). Scholarship offered by the European University Institute in order to carry out a research on the funds of the common agricultural integration, at the Historical Archives of the European Community, (Fall 1993). Scholarship offered by the National Research Council, National Committee for Juridical and Political Science, in order to carry out a comparative research on the agricultural lobbies in Italy and Spain, 1st June st May Scholarship offered by the National Research Council for a brief journey abroad, August-September 1997, Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, working group of research on the European integration. Visiting Researcher at the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l Europe (CVCE), Luxembourg, April-May SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Major funding received for research projects Research Assistant of the Project of the European University Institute: 02/10/15 1

2 "Challenge and Response in Western Europe: The History of European Integration", lead by Prof. Milward and Prof. Griffiths (1990). Research Fellow in the same project; in charge of the investigation research on the Common Agricultural Policy ( ). Research Project of the Athenaeum (ex quota 60%), University of Firenze, Studi sull Europa nel XX secolo in una prospettiva comparata, anni 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, Research Project of RFO, University of Bologna, Academica year , , , , University Jean Monnet Course in History of European Integration, at University of Firenze, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, European Commission, DG Education and Culture-Jean Monnet Action, Jean Monnet Chair in History of European Integration at University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science Roberto Ruffilli of Forlì, European Commission, DG Education and Culture-Jean Monnet Action, ( ). Project Leader of Research Europe, a civilian Power, European Commission, DG Education and Culture-Jean Monnet Action, ( ). Scientific Jointly responsible of the project Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet: Rule of Law and fundamental rights: the EU model, European Commission, DG Education and Culture-Jean Monnet Action, ( ). Member of Thematic Networks between 70 European Universities, The Network of European Studies (SENT), European Commission, Scientific team member Member of PRIN project Self determination and sovereignty. The historical itinerary of eastern europe among past legacies, socialist federations, state dissolutions and the eu external role, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in History of European Integration The European Communities and the World: an Historical Perspectives, European Commission, DG Education and Culture-Jean Monnet Action, ( ). Project Leader of Research Inclusion and Outstanding: the Complex Role of EU in the World, European Commission, DG Education and Culture-Jean Monnet Action, ( ,75). Scientific coordination of the Working Group 4 A Security Dimension as Trigger and Result of Frontiers modifications, in the framework of the project Initiative and Constraint in the Mapping of Evolving European Borders, Azione Jean Monnet, Multilateral Project, Leading partner: University of Oradea (Romania). Jean Monnet Module The European Integration Process and the Transatlantic Relationship, European Commission, DG Education and Culture-Jean Monnet Action, ( ). Project leader of research EU Model, European Commission, DG Education and Culture-Jean Monnet Action, , ( ). 02/10/15 2

3 Jean Monnet Chair in History of European Integration Different Paths of Integration in Europe after the II World War: Economy vs Politics at the root of EU, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Erasmus + Programme, Jean Monnet Action, ( ). Scientific coordination of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence The European Union in World Politics: What Power? What Leadership? A multidisciplinary approach, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Erasmus + Programme, Jean Monnet Action, ( ). Other projects of information and citizenship Project leader of Children of Europe, European Commission, Representation in Italy, ( ) Project leader of Europe Direct Forlì, European Commission, Representation in Italy, ( ). Project leader of Europe Direct Forlì, European Commission, Representation in Italy, ( ). Project leader of Parlamen-ti-amo, European Parliament, DG Communication, ( ). Project leader of Let s speak up. For improving our democratic vision, European Commission, Youth project, ( ,50). Project leader of From Memory to Europe, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Europe for Citizens, ( ). Project leader of Teach&Learn. Europe close at hand. Education towards European Citizenship, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, LLP-Jean Monnet Learning EU at School, , ( ). Project leader of EU@school. Education towards European Citizenship, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, LLP-Jean Monnet Learning EU at School, , ( ). Project Leader of Lifelong EU. Education towards European Citizenship, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, LLP-Jean Monnet Learning EU at School, , ( ). Project Leader of From Italian Teachers to European Teachers, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Erasmus +-Jean Monnet Learning EU at School, , ( ). Project Leader of The EU Teachers Community, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Erasmus +-Jean Monnet Learning EU at School, , ( ). 02/10/15 3

4 Professor Laschi s participation to a large number of Congresses and Seminars both in Italy and abroad also belongs to her scientific activity. I think it would be appropriate only to quote those in which there have been contributions of hers: Introduction of the relation "Il Green Pool e i gruppi di pressione agricoli italiani", at the Conference: "Agriculture Pressure Groups and International Politics: The Green Pool, ", Firenze, 8 th -9 th November Introduction of the relation "L'Italia agricola e la PAC" at the Conference: "Il lungo addio. Modernizzazione delle campagne italiane", Bologna, 13 th -15 th October 1993; conference organised by: Feltrinelli, History Department of the University of Bologna, Seminario de Historia agraria of Barcelona. Introduction of the relation "Cronaca di una morte annunciata: la famiglia mezzadrile in Toscana, ", at the international congress: "Mutamento della Famiglia nei paesi occidentali, Bologna, 6th-8th October Scientific Direction of the Congress: M. Barbagli, University of Bologna. Introduction of the relation "Les milieux agricole italiénne", at the international congress: "Les identités européennes au XXème siècle: diversités, convergences et solidarités", Arras, 5 th -7 th December Introduction of the relation "L'Italia e la nascita di una politica agricola comunitaria", at the Congress "L'Italia e il processo di integrazione europea: prospettive di ricerca e revisione storiografica", Firenze, 19 th -21 st June Introduction of the relation "La Resistenza sul Monte Giovi", at the congress "Un parco per non dimenticare", Acone, 12 th July Discussant at the congress Politica ed economia nelle relazioni internazionali dell Italia del secondo dopoguerra, 6 th November 1999, University of Perugia. Discussant at the congress Iniziative per l occupazione: il ruolo dei fondi strutturali nella nuova strategia occupazionale dell unione europea, Forlì-Cesena, 3 th -4 th December Co-organiser and Discussant of the National Congress Il ruolo dell informazione nello sviluppo istituzionale dell Unione europea, Institute for Research on the European Union, with the contribution of the region Emilia Romagna, 16th November Co-organiser and Discussant of the National Congress Insegnare l Unione Europea, Institute for Research on the European Union, with the contribution of the region Emilia Romagna, Bertinoro, March Co-organiser and Discussant of the National Congress Insegnare l Unione Europea, Institute for Research on the European Union, with the contribution of the region Emilia Romagna, Bertinoro, May Co-organiser and Discussant of the National Congress Insegnare l Unione Europea, Institute for Research on the European Union, with the contribution of the region Emilia Romagna, Bertinoro, March Introduction of the relation "Agriculture and enlargement in the European Union", at the international congress: "Political Space in the History of European Integration. The Enlargement of EEC/EU ", Siena, 26 th -29 th November 2003, organised by the University of Siena and the European Commission. 02/10/15 4

5 Introduction of the relation "L Europa a 25 e la PAC. Il caso della Polonia", at the Congress: "Europa 2004: l allargamento dell Unione europea. Storia, politica, sicurezza, diritto ed economia", Urbino, 7 th -8 th May 2004, organised by the University of Urbino. Introduction of the relation "L azione dei governi italiani per le politiche comunitarie: il caso della PAC ", at the Seminar of studies: "L Italia e la storia dell integrazione europea. Analisi e ricerche", Padova, June 2004, organised by the University of Padova. Introduction of the relation La riduzione del contributo inglese al bilancio comunitario: sviluppi storici, at the international congress Riforma del bilancio comunitario e della politica agricola: la proposta di Tony Blair, Roma, 29 th November 2005, organised by Laici, socialisti, liberali e radicali Rosa nel Pugno. Introduction of the relation L Unione divisa: la UE e la guerra, at the congress Iraq: radiografia del conflitto tre anni dopo, Forlì, 20 th -21 st April 2006, organised by the Faculty of Political Sciences R. Ruffilli of University of Bologna, Forlì campus. Co-organiser of the congress La politica agricola comunitaria tra continuità e mutamento and introduction of the relation Le radici storiche delle problematiche della PAC, Forlì, 18 th May 2006, organised by the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, with the support of the European Commission, Representation in Italy. Organiser of the Congress Europa, Potenza civile, organised by the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus, Punto Europa Forlì and Institut d études européennes de l Université Libre de Bruxelles, Forlì, 10 th and 11 th november Introduction of the relation La nascita e lo sviluppo delle relazioni esterne della Comunità dalle colonie alla cooperazione allo sviluppo, at the Congress Europa Potenza civile, Forlì, 10 th and 11 th November Introduction of the relation L UE: attore internazionale atipico? Una prospettiva storica, at the Congress Prospettive dell Europa a cinquant anni dai Trattati di Roma, organised by Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei and by Centro di Ricerca sull Integrazione Europea, Siena, 26 th January Introduction of the relation I riflessi della PAC nella realtà sociale delle campagne italiane and Discussant of the section Forze politiche italiane e la politica sociale europea, at the Congress L Italia e la dimensione sociale nell integrazione europea, Perugia, 9 th -10 th Mars Chairman at the fourth International Conference EU and Russia. The Challenger of a Pan-European Perspective, University of Bologna, Forlì, May Introduction of the relation La politica estera dell Unione europea, at the IX Summer School of the Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei L Unione europea a cinquant anni dai Trattati di Roma, Imperia, 28 th September Co-organiser and discussant at the congress Lo studio dell Unione europea e la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Forlì, 9 th November /10/15 5

6 Lecture Evolution of the Common Agricoltural Policy: an historical Perspective, International Conference organised by the Economic Science Institute, University of Wroclaw, th April Organiser of the Congress La Comunità europea e le relazioni esterne, , with University of Bologna, Forlì campus, Punto Europa di Forlì, Forlì, 7-8th May Introductive Lecture at the Congress La Comunità europea e le relazioni esterne, , Forlì, 7-8th May Organiser of the Congress Europa Potenza civile? Contraddizioni, ostacoli e scenari alternativi, with University of Bologna, Forlì campus, Punto Europa di Forlì and Institut d etudes européennes dell Université Libre de Bruxelles, Forlì, 30-31th May Lecture Lo sviluppo delle relazioni esterne dell UE tra interesse nazionale, identità europea e ruolo internazionale, at the Congress Europa Potenza civile? Contraddizioni, ostacoli e scenari alternativi, Forlì, May Lecture La politica estera della CEE: una prospettiva storica, at the Summer School AUSER 2008, Venezia, 26 September Lecture Le role international de la CEE, at the Congress International Seminar on European Studies, Maribor, University of Maribor, 3 April Lecture at the Congress 30 anni di elezione diretta al Parlamento Europeo, Forlì, Faculty of Political Sciences Roberto Ruffilli, 8 May Lecture at the International Seminar SENT, The European Integration Process and the External Relations, Cracovia, University Jagiellonskiego, 22 June Lecture at the Congress La Società italiana per il Diritto Internazionale: il caso del Sahara Occidentale, organized with the contribution of the General Direction on Cooperation of the Foreign Affaire Ministry, Roma, Senat of the Republic, 30 June Lecture Il Mediterraneo e l Unione: nuova governance o vecchie strategie? at the Conference L unione europea di fronte alla nuova governance mondiale, University of Catania, 1-3 October Lecture The Building of an European Political Space: Association, Adhesion and Neighbourhood Policy. From External relations to Domestic Policies, at the International Conference Historiographies politiques et territoires: la construction de l éspace politique européen, organized by Centro Interdipartimentale di ricerca sull integrazione europea dell università di Siena and the reaserach Group Frontières, acteurs et représentations de l Europe de l Université de Strasbourg, University of Siena, October Lecture at the Conference Se lo sport fa l Europa. Europa, sport e identità di massa: prospettive, rischi e possibilità, University of Bologna, Dipartimento di politica, Istituzioni e Storia e Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Bologna, 13 November Lecture The Common Agricultural policy and the EEC External Relations at the International Conference The Process of Building Europe, Università of Bologna and Master in European Studies, Forlì, 22 April /10/15 6

7 Lecture Europrogettazione, at the International Conference Dieci anni di formazione europea , organized by Centro Interdipartimentale di ricerca sull integrazione europea dell università di Siena, University of Siena, 25 October Organizer of the International Seminar From Memory to Europe, with the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus and the financing of the Europe for citizens programme, Comune di Forlì, December Organizer and introduction to the International conference The European Integration Process in the Eyes of Others: Historical Perspectives, , with the University of Bologna and the financing of the Jean Monnet Programme, Europe Direct Punto Europa Forlì, Forlì, Mars Lecture Agricultores y sus intereses en el proceso de integración.?qué política para qué tipo de agricoltura? at the International conference?quales intereses??quales actores? Reflexiones sobre las fuerzas sociales, políticas y economícas detrás de la integración europea, Centro de excelencia Jean Monnet A door to Europe, University of Bologna, Buenos Aires Campus, Buenos Aires, 31 Mars Lecture La Convenzione europea e il ruolo di Giuliano Amato at the International Conference L Italia e l unità europea dal Risorgimento a oggi. Idee e protagonisti, AUSE and Centro Studi sul Federalismo, Torino, May Organizer of the International Conference Going beyond Borders: the EU between Integration and External Relations, with the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus and the financing of the Jean Monnet programme, Forlì, May Introduction and lecture L Europa allargata: dalle sfide interne all impatto esterno at the International Conference Going beyond Borders: the EU between Integration and External Relations, University of Bologna, Forlì Campus and the financing of the Jean Monnet programme, Forlì, May Lecture Una foto ricordo: l immagine d Europa agli albori della Comunità, at the International Conference Frontiere e immagini d Europa, University of Siena, 5 th December Lecture The Enlarged Europe, at the workshop Self determination and Soveraignty. The historical itinerary of Eastern Europe among past Legacies, Socialist Federations, State Dissolutions and the EU external Role, National Research Project PRIN, University of Rome La Sapienza, Roma, 23 rd January Lecture Equilibrismo internazionale: l UE e il Sahara Occidentale, at the Workshop L ultima colonia africana: cooperazione, storia e diritto internazionale nella questione del Sahara Occidentale, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, 23 rd mars Organizer and methodological introduction at the Workshop A Security Dimension as Trigger and Result of Frontiers modifications, in the framework of the project Initiative and Constraint in the Mapping of 02/10/15 7

8 Evolving European Borders, Jean Monnet Multilateral Project, Forlì, 30 th -31 st mars Organizer of the Congress The European Union in the Economic Crisis, in cooperation with the Municipality of Forlì and University of Bologna, Forlì, 11 th -12 th May Lecture The past and present crisis of the European integration process in historical perspectives at the Congress The European Union in the Economic Crisis, in cooperation with the Municipality of Forlì and University of Bologna, Forlì, 11 th -12 th May Lecture An Enlarged Europe, two Europes, or East and West? at the Congress Self determination and Soveraignty. The historical itinerary of Eastern Europe among past Legacies, Socialist Federations, State Dissolutions and the EU external Role, Nationa Research Project PRIN, Forlì, 28 th -29 th June Lecture Una crisi fra tante? L analisi delle crisi dell UE in prospettiva storica at the XVI Summer School of AUSE, Venezia, 12 th July Lecture La PAC: una politica sociale?, at the Summer School organized by the University of Siena, Siena, 8 th -10 th October Co-organiser and lecture 50 anni fa: la PAC, at the Conference L Europa e i 50 anni della Politica Agricola Comune (PAC), Organised by the School of Economics, Management and Statistics of the University of bologna, Forlì Campus and by the centre Europe Direct Punto Europa Forlì, with the Municipality of Forlì and the Province of Forlì-Cesena, Sala Randi of the Town Hall of Forlì, 13 th December Lecture The European Neighborhood Policy in an Historical Perspective at the International Seminar Europe from Outside. The Atlantic ocean, the Pacific ocean, the Indian Ocean, organized by the University of Siegen, Siegen, 22 nd -23 rd February Speech at the Round Table Overview of project Workpackages at the meeting Digital Research Results of the project Initiative and Constraint in the mapping of European Evolving Borders, organized by the University of Oradea and by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l Europe (CVCE), Castle of Sanem, Luxembourg, 12 th April Lecture Europe s Integration Pattern and US Economic Process in the Fifties at the Conference Regionalismo e Organizaçao Política: a Europa, os Estados Unidos e a Relaçao Transtlântica (Regionalism and Political Organization: Europe, the United States and the Transatlantic Relationship), organized by the Department of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences of the University of Azores, Ponta Delgada-Azores, 17 th -19 th April Organization and Introduction of the International Seminar The European Communities and the World, organized by the Department of Political and Social Sciences and by Forlì Campus of the University of Bologna in the framework of Giuliana Laschi s Jean Monnet Chair, University Residential Centre, Bertinoro, 21 st -22 nd June Lecture élargissement contre le rideau de fer. Un outil efficace mis à l épreuve at the International Seminar The European Communities and the 02/10/15 8

9 World, organized by the Department of Political and Social Sciences and by Forlì Campus of the University of Bologna in the framework of Giuliana Laschi s Jean Monnet Chair, University Residential Centre, Bertinoro, 21 st -22 nd June Lecture Colonialismo e identità nazionale a confronto: l Italia e la politica di associazione nei primi anni della CEE at the SISSCO International Seminar Colonialismo e identità nazionale. L oltremare tra fascismo e repubblica, University of Cagliari, 25 th -27 th September Lecture The European Crisis and Italy in a Diachronic Perspective at the Conference The effects of Crisis, New Media and Social Protest on Democracy in Southern Euriope, University of Siegen (Germany), 25 th -26 th October Lecture Eu gives with the one hand and takes away with the other. The double political action in the Mediterranean area: the case of the Western Sahara at the Conference At the origins of the Euro-Med partnership. Europe, the Mediterranean and Italy form the second oil shock to the Barcellona Conference, University of Padova, 8 th -9 th November Lecture Le développement durable et l agriculture européenne. Durable dans les attentes, non durable dans la réalité : la PAC à l épreuve des faits, at the Conference Défis économiques et sociaux de l intégration européenne, Centre Virtuel sur la Connaissance sur l Europe, Luxembourg, 11 th December Lecture Elections Time: Europe and Public Opinion in Historical Perspective ( ) at the International Conference Representative Democracy and Political Participation. Towards a European Transnational Party System, Associazione Universitaria Studi Europei (AUSE) and University of Padova, Padova, 5 th -6 th May Lecture La Storia dell integrazione Europea in Italia: il peso dell attualità su un genere in estinzione at the Colloque International en l honneur de Ariane Landuyt L Europe vue des sciences humaines et sociales, University of Siena, Siena, 15 th -16 th May Organization and Introduction of the International Conference The European model : past, present and future. Interpretations, challenges, sustainability, University of Bologna, Department of Social and Political Sciences and Forlì Campus, with the financing of the LLP-Jean Monnet Programme, University Residential Centre, Bertinoro, 27 th -28 th June Speech at the Seminar L Italia e gli altri colonialism. Ricostruzione storica, contestualizzazione e comparazione, organized by Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Università di Cagliari, Istituto storico di Modena and Sissco. She spoke about Colonialismo, anticolonialismo e integrazione europea: il ruolo dell Italia nel dibattito europeo, Istituto storico di Modena, 25th September Lecture at the Conference L Italia e i Balcani tra interessi nazionali e leadership europea: il ruolo italiano nel processo di allargamento comunitario all area balcanica, II sessions Il sostegno dell Italia all allargamento: un nuovo ruolo di leadership nell area balcanica?. She spoke about Il Montenegro 02/10/15 9

10 verso l adesione all Ue: il supporto italiano, at Fondazione Circolo Fratelli Rosselli, Spazio QCR, via degli Alfani 10, Firenze, 16th October Lecture Political and cultural legacies in the European Integration: from colonialism to development policy at the International Seminar Political, Economic and Cultural legacies of the European past in the context of European Integration, University of Siegen 24th October 2014 (8 hours) Organization, introduction and Chair holder n of the International Seminar L approccio dell Unione europea alla questione del Sahara Occidentale, organized by the Europe Direct Forlì, Forlì Campus of the University of Bologna, Emilia Romagna Region with the support of the Italian Presidency of the Council of European Union, Forlì Campus, 5th December Lecture Une citoyenneté sans citoyens? Analyse diachronique et objectifs à long terme at the International Conference, Enseigner l Europe et l Union Européenne à l école: methods et enjeux organized by ESPE Aix-en- Provence, Salle de Conférences, 12th-13th February Organization and chair of the Conference Le prospettive del modello economico e sociale organized by Europe Direct Punto Europa Forl, University of Bologna and Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei, in occasion of the celebration of the European Day, Forlì Campus 8th May Organization and Introduction of the International Seminar Different perspectives on the European Integration, Residential Centre of Bertinoro (CeUB) 13th June Participation to the Jean Monnet Seminar A changing Neighbourhood, organized by European Commission, Tbilisi, Georgia. 22nd-23rd June Lecture La cultura politica italiana tra colonialismo e cooperazione at the National Seminar I Conti col passato. L Italia Repubblicana e l eredità coloniale, organized by SISSCO, University of Cagliari, 2nd-4th July Discussant at the session on Dalla Conferenza di Messina al progetto di Unione Economica: 60 anni di integrazione europea at the Annual Conference of AUSE (Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei) The European Economic Union: Economic, Social and Instutional Aspect, Venice, 17th-19th July CONFERENCES AND BOOK PRESENTATIONS Conference Il cuore verde dell Europa, Castrocaro Town Council University of Bologna- Librincontro, 9 th July Conference La politica delle pari opportunità dell Unione Europea, Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena and FIDAPA, 6 th April Invitation at the debate from the book Elezioni europee e classe politica sovranazionale by Daniele Pasquinucci and Luca Verzichelli, Firenze, Political Culture Club Fratelli Rosselli, 24 th May 2004, Organised by the Research Centre on the European Integration of the University of Siena. 02/10/15 10

11 Moderator at the Conference of Giorgio Napolitano La Costituzione Europea, organised by the Political Science Faculty Roberto Ruffilli and by the Punto Europa, Forlì, Aula Magna of the Faculty of Political Science, 10th March : trent anni d Europa in prospettiva storica, participation at the congress 30 anni di AEDE a Faenza, Faenza, 14th January 2006, organised by AEDE (Association Européenne des Enseignants), with the support of the Municipality of Faenza and of the scholastic district 41. Organiser and Discussant of the book presentation Gli allargamenti della CEE/UE , a cura di Ariane Landuyt e Daniele Pasquinucci, Il Mulino, 2005, Forlì, 31 st Mars 2006, organised by the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, with the collaboration of the Istituto di Studi per l Europa centro-orientale e Balcanica and the Municipality of Forlì. Co-organiser and Chairwoman of the Conference of the Minister Giuliano Amato Una democrazia senza Costituzione? L Europa e gli europei dopo i referendum, Forlì, 26 th May 2006, organised by Punto Europa Forlì and by the Faculty of Political Sciences R. Ruffilli of Forlì. Discussant of the book presentation: Corrado Malandrino, Tut etwas Tapferes : compi un atto di coraggio. L Europa federale di Walter Hallstein, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005, Torino, 5 th ottobre 2006, organised by the Centro Studi sul Federalismo. Conference La politica agricola comune. La prima politica sovranazionale, in the cicle of conferences A cinquant anni dai Trattati di Roma. Le istituzioni e le politiche comuni, Organised by the Centro di Ricerca sull Integrazione Europea of the University of Siena, 11 th december Co-organiser and Discussant to the Paolo Martinelli s Conference Il ruolo del Parlamento europeo nella definizione del bilancio comunitario, University of Bologna, Forlì, 20 th November Co-organiser and Discussant to the Alexander Stutzmann s Conference La politica estera vista dal Parlamento europeo, University of Bologna, Forlì, 29 th November Organiser and Discussant to the Alexander Stutzmann s Conference Come comunica l Unione europea? Il caso delle relazioni esterne, University of Bologna, Department of Politics, Institutions and History, Bologna, 30 th November Speaker at the conference Europa ed informazione: la prima tappa verso la cittadinanza europea, Cesena Municipality, 6 th December Organiser and Chairman at the round table Cinque anni di euro: bilanci e prospettive, Forlì, 10 th December Conference La Costituzione europea: innovazioni, fallimenti e prospettive, University of Trieste, 13 th December Seminar La costruzione delle politiche comunitarie in prospettiva storica: l Unione europea come luogo, attore e fantasma della decisione politica, in the cycle of seminars Potere e decisione politica: attori, ruoli, regole, University of Bologna, Department of Politics, Institutions and History, Bologna, 20 th December /10/15 11

12 Co-organiser with Maura de Bernart, University of Bologna, Facoulty Roberto Ruffilli, Punto Europa di Forlì, and President of the Conference Shoah e coscienza europea, Forlì 6 febbraio Lecture La dichiarazione dei diritti fondamentali dell uomo, Comune di Forlimpopoli, Forlimpopoli, 15th February Organiser and lecturer at the book presentation L Europa e le città. La questione urbana nel processo di integrazione europea ( ), by Laura Grazi, published by Il Mulino nel 2006, Forlì, 6th March Organiser with Punto Europa di Forlì, Mires, Istituto per l Europa centroorientale e balcanica and Koinè, and President of the Seminar Viaggio in Bulgaria. Breve immersione nella cultura bulgara: commenti, poesie e cinema, Forlì, 14th May Organiser and introduction to the Giuseppe Balducci Conference L Europa e i diritti umani in Cina: percezioni, interessi e politiche, University of Bologna, Forlì, Faculty of Political Sciences Roberto Ruffilli, 11 November Organiser and introduction to the Laura Scichilone Conference La dimensione internazionale della politica ambientale della CEE/UE University of Bologna, Forlì, Faculty of Political Sciences Roberto Ruffilli, 25 November Organiser and introduction to the Alexandre Stutzmann Conference La politica estera dell UE: il ruolo del Parlamento europeo, University of Bologna, Forlì, Faculty of Political Sciences Roberto Ruffilli, 4 December Chairwoman of the III Panel of the International Congress The EU, Russia and the global Crisis., University of Bologna, Forlì, 18 April Lecture at the Conference Aperitivo europeo: i primi 30 anni di elezione diretta del Parlamento Europeo, Forlì, Comune di Forlì, 9 May Chairwoman of the IV Panel of the International Congress Historical Perspectives on the Common Agricultural Policy, Paris, German Historical Institute, 25 May Lecture The European integration process and the External relations, at the International Conference History of European Integration: the studies in Europe, University Jagiellonskiego of Cracovia, June Lecture at the Conference La società italiana per il Diritto internazionale: il caso del Sahara Occidentale, organized by the General Direction of Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affaire, Roma, Senat of the Italian Republic, 30 June Presentation of the Book of Salvatore Giannella, Voglia di cambiare. Seguiamo l esempio degli altri paesi europei, Chiarelettere, 2008, Forlì Megaforlì, 21 July Lecture at the Conference L Europa nel sistema internazionale: leader, comparsa o vittima?, on the basis of the book of Giuliana Laschi and Mario Telò (ed.), L'Europa nel sistema internazionale. Sfide ostacoli e dilemmi nello sviluppo di una potenza civile, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009, Torino, Fondazione Einaudi, 7 October /10/15 12

13 Lecture at the Conference L Unione europea nel nuovo mondo multipolare, on the basis of the book of Giuliana Laschi and Mario Telò (ed.), L'Europa nel sistema internazionale. Sfide ostacoli e dilemmi nello sviluppo di una potenza civile, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009, University of Pisa, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, 16 November Lecture La Shoah e l Europa del dopoguerra at the International Seminar La Shoah e le responsabilità internazionali, Università of Bologna, Comune di Forlì, under the High Patronage of the Republic Presidency, with the Regione Emilia Romagna Patronage, Forlì, 24 gennaio Lecture In our Image, after our Likeness: US Economic Fetilization Process and Europe s Integration Pattern with Francesca Fauri at the Conference L Union européenne et les Etats-Unis. Processus, politiques et projets, Università Pierre-Mendés-France, Grenoble, March Organization and Introduction to the Conference of Laura Scichilone e Giorgio Grimaldi L Europa e la sfida ecologica. Storia della politica ambientale europea, Università di Bologna, Forlì, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche Roberto Ruffilli, 21 April Organization and Introduction to the Conference of Alexandre Stutzmann Il razzismo in Europa e il Parlamento europeo, Università di Bologna, Comune di Forlì, 10 May Organization and Introduction to the Conference of Elena Calandri and Antonio Varsori Il primato sfuggente. L Europa e l intervento per lo sviluppo, Università of Bologna, Forlì, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche Roberto Ruffilli, 12 May Lecture at the round table I giovani e la cittadinanza attiva in Europa, University of Bologna, Forlì, Europe Direct Punto Europa Forlì, 2 December Lecture at the round table Dalla memoria della Shoa all Europa di oggi, University of Bologna, Comune di Forlì, 28 January Organization and presentation of the book Democrazie: l Europa meridionale e la fine delle dittature, by Mario del Pero, Victor Gavin, Fernando Guirao, Antonio Varsori. University of Bologna, Forlì, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche Roberto Ruffilli, 24 Mars Organization and presentation of the book Il Piano Marshall e l Italia, by Francesca Fauri. University of Bologna, Forlì, Europe Direct Punto Europa Forlì, 24 Mars Organization and introduction to the Conference of Alexandre Stutzmann (Chief Diplomatic Counsellor of the President of the Europena Parliament) and Silvio Gonzato (Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament) La politica estera dell ue: il ruolo del Parlamento europeo, Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche Roberto Ruffilli, 28 April Organization and introduction to the Conference of Gabriele Visentin (European External Action Service) Il nuovo Servizio europeo di Azione esterna, Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche Roberto Ruffilli, 6 May /10/15 13

14 Lecture at the round table Let s speak up! For improving our democratic vision, Università di Bologna, Forlì, Comune di Forlì, 9 May 2011 Organization and lecture at the round table L influenza del Risorgimento in Europa in the frame work of the Europe Day, Università di Bologna, Forlì, Comune di Forlì, 9 May Organization and introduction to the Conference of Gabriele Visentin (European External Action Service), Il nuovo servizio europeo di Azione Esterna, University of Bologna, 25 th November Organization and introduction to the Conference of Cristina Blanco Sio Lopez (Centre virtuelle de la connaissance sur l Europe), I documenti on line del CVCE, University of Bologna, 2 nd December Book presentation: D. Strangio, Da colonie a paesi in via di sviluppo. L evoluzione dei sistemi economici dalla colonizzazione alla globalizzazione, Forlì, 3 rd May Book presentation: G. Laschi (a cura di), Memoria d Europa, European Commission, Representation in Italy, Roma, 9 th June Speech at the Round Table Il ruolo della Politica Agricola Comune nella Storia dell Integrazione europea, organized by the Representation in Italy of the European Commission at the Fiera del Levante, Bari, 8 th September Speech at the conference L immigrazione e le città with Flavio Zanonato (in charge for immigration at the ANCI), Alessandro Martelli and Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna), organized by the Faculty of Political Sciences R. Ruffilli and by the centre Europe Direct Punto Europa Forlì in the framework of Marco Borraccetti s Jean Monnet module, 23 rd October Speech at the Conference Conta o non conta? Riflettendo sulla cittadinanza europea with Alessandra Lang (University of Milano) and Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna), organized by the Faculty of Political Sciences R. Ruffilli and by the centre Europe Direct Punto Europa Forlì in the framework of Marco Borraccetti s Jean Monnet module, 6 th November Book presentation: Emanuele Felice, Perché il Sud è rimasto indietro (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013), University of Bologna, School of Political Sciences, in the Framework of Francesca Fauri s Jean Monnet Chair, Forlì, 16 th April Speech at the series of meeting organized by Political Science Department of the University of Bologna in celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the WWII Why War, Bologna 10th November Organization and Introduction of the Lecture L Europa delle donne, organized by the Europe Direct Forlì, Department of Political and Social Sciences and by Forlì Campus of the University of Bologna in the framework of Giuliana Laschi s Jean Monnet Chair, Forlì Campus, 25th November Organization and Introduction of the Lecture I partiti italiani e la nascita dell Euro, organized by the Europe Direct Forlì, Department of Political and Social Sciences and by Forlì Campus of the University of Bologna in the framework of Giuliana Laschi s Jean Monnet Chair, Forlì Campus, 1st December /10/15 14

15 Organization and Introduction of the Lecture Le relazioni politico-militari fra Cina ed Europa, organized by the Europe Direct Forlì, Department of Political and Social Sciences and by Forlì Campus of the University of Bologna in the framework of Giuliana Laschi s Jean Monnet Chair, Forlì Campus, 9th December Organization and introduction of Lectio Magistralis I problemi crescenti dell Europa unita by Professor Romano Prodi (former President of the European Commission), organised by the Punto Europa Forlì Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet, Campus of Forlì 17th March Organization and Introduction of the Dr Alessandra Bitumi Book launch Un Ponte sull Atlantico, Campus of Forlì 26th March Organization and Introduction of the International Conference Erasmus+. Internationalization begins at home, Campus of Forlì 12th June OTHER CONFERENCES, LECTURES AND PARTICIPATIONS Speaker at the conference Reti documentarie come e perché, organised by the Service of Cultural Assets of the District of Firenze, 13 th June Conference Le politiche comunitarie e le pari opportunità, for the series of conferences La voce delle donne, Firenze town council, 19 th November Conference L identità europea tra storia e pensiero politico contemporaneo, Forlì, February 2003, series of conferences on the European Union organised by ACLI of Forlì. Conference L integrazione europea dal 1945 ad oggi: storia e valori, Faenza, 19 th March 2003, organised by the Chairmanship of the Town Council. Dall idea di Stato moderno e dai nazionalismi, all idea dell unità europea: come inventare un percorso, lecture for the adults University of Rimini Giulietta Masina e Federico Fellini, within the program Una moderna idea d Europa, 13 th February Il cammino verso un Europa unita, report for the conference L identità europea fra unità e diversità, un cammino che continua, organised by the region Emilia-Romagna, Forlì, 12 th March L allargamento ad est, conference organised by Proloco e association network of Forlimpopoli within a series of conferences Europa operatrice di pace, Forlimpopoli, 30 th April Commercio giusto, democrazia internazionale, Europa. A consideration from the book La crisi di crescita by Lorenzo Guadagnucci and Fabio Gavelli, Forlì, 20 th May 2004, organised by the Cultural Association Res Publica. Conference 1 maggio 2004 nasce l europa a 25: quale futuro?, Tredozio City Council, 4 th June Una UE più grande, un ONU più forte?, Forlì, Aragosta Room Chamber of Commerce, 19 th November /10/15 15

16 La storia dell Unione europea, lecture for the open University of Rimini Giulietta Masina e Federico Fellini, within the course L Unione europea: temi e approfondimenti, 4 th February I diritti di cittadinanza dei richiedenti asilo e dei rifugiati: una questione europea?, report for the congress organised by Forlì City Council, town council hall, 24 th February Seminar Europa potenza civile, Faenza, town council hall, 4th March 2005, organised by the City council of Faenza. Participation at the meeting Una nuova visione dell Europa che cambia: l europarlamento, le città, i cittadini, organised by IDEALI-ANCI, Forlì, Chamber of the Town Council, 4 th March Conference Il ruolo dell Europa nel mondo: il peso della storia e le sfide del futuro, Imola City Council, 9 th March Conference Costituzione italiana, Costituzione europea e relazioni internazionali, Series of conferences organised by the Scuola Diocesana di Formazione of Forlì, 14 th March Conversazione sul lavoro di cura, conference in the course Eppur si muove Percorsi femminili che attraversano la vita fra memoria e sogni, Forlì, 11 th October 2005, organised by UDI (Unione Donne Italiane) Forlì. Lecture La Costituzione europea, in the course Cittadinanza sociale per la costruzione di una pedagogia della società civile, Cesena, 26 th October 2005, organised by ASS.I.PRO.V. (Centro di Servizi per la Promozione e lo Sviluppo del Volontariato) and by Association Libera. Participation at the meeting Dalla caduta del muro di Berlino alla Costituzione europea: come rilanciare il processo Costituente Europeo?, Forlì, 8 th November 2005, organised by the Municipality of Forlì. Conference Turchia: sublime porta dell UE? Possibili implicazioni internazionali dell ingresso della Turchia, Forlì, 16 th November 2005, Organised by the university student association Gocce and by OPI (Osservatorio sulla Politica Internazionale). Le nuove sfide dell Europa tra integrazione e allargamento, lecture in the Seminario di formazione politica sull Europa, Cervia, 25 th november 2005, organised by DS Cervia. Discussant in the conference Nuestra madrecita la tierra La questione indigena in Messico, tra storia, politica e tutela etno-culturale, organised by the Faculty of Preservation of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna, Ravenna campus, in collaboration with the Municipality of Ravenna and the Flaminia Foundation. Discussant at the congress Lavorare in Europa. Il dialogo sociale europeo, Forlì, 15 th February 2006, organised by the Area tematica politiche europee ed internazionali DS Forlì. Participation at the meeting L Italia nell Unione europea: posizioni nazionali e capacità negoziali, Forlì, 14 th Mars 2006, organised by the University of Bologna, Forlì campus. Introduction to the vision of the film Munich di Steven Spielberg, Forlì, 5 th April 2006, organised by UDU (unione degli Studenti). 02/10/15 16

17 Lecture on La storia dell integrazione europea nel consolidamento del processo di pace e di sviluppo, introduction to the regional seminar La pace e i diritti in Europa per la pace e i diritti nel mondo, organised by the Legislative Assembly of the Region Emilia Romagna and by the Regional Scholastic Office of the Region Emilia Romagna, in collaboration with the Istituto di Studi Federalisti A. Spinelli, Cattolica, 4 th May Participation at the opening session ( Dal manifesto di ventotene alla Costituzione europea ) of the 25th Seminar of Federalist Training ( IL federalismo in Europa e nel mondo ), Ventotene, 3 rd September 2006, organised by the Istituto di Studi Federalisti Altiero Spinelli. Conference Al primo posto in Italia. La facoltà di Scienze Politiche Roberto Ruffilli, organised by FIDAPA, Forlì, 27 th October Conference L Europa dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino. Quale futuro per la costituzione europea?, organised by the Municipalità of Forlì, 8 th November Lecture Comunicare l Europa. Temi, modalità e strumenti per comunicare l Europa nelle scuole, Regional Project INRRE of teachers training, Forlì, 4 th December Introduction of the relation Come avvicinare l Europa ai cittadini, at the seminar organised by the Municipality of Ravenna L Europa: dialogo con i cittadini e l Istituzione locale, Ravenna, 18 th January Conferences Il caso africano fra colonizzazione e decolonizzazione, Liceo Scientifico Statale Fulcieri Paulucci Calboli of Forlì, 27th February and 6 th March Introduction of the Conference Il Primo cittadino europeo, speech in teleconference from the European Parliament (Strasbourg) of the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, Forlì, 14 th February 2007, in link with twenty Italian Universities. Conference Conoscere l Europa Istituzioni e funzioni, Associazione Anna Lindh, Cesena, 12 th March Several lessons and seminaries on the international situation of the Saharawi people, fields shelter Saharawi, Algerian Sahara, 17 th -24 th March Conference Prolusione sui Cinquant anni dei Trattati di Roma, Forlì, Communal Council, 26 th March Conference Dai Trattati di Roma alla cittadinanza europea, Ravenna, Communal Council and Provincial Council, 27 th March Introduction to the project Scambio di conoscenze fra studenti italiani e saharawi, at the Conference organised by the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Bologna, 16 th April Organisation and lecture at the Round Table L Ungheria nella nuova Europa: incontro con l Ambasciatore di Ungheria in Italia, Municipality of Forlì, 9 th May Conference: In Europa: opportunità o necessità?, Municipality of Cesena, 26th May Lecture in the Conference L attualità del pensiero di Altiero Spinelli nel centenario della nascita, Forlì 12 th October /10/15 17

18 Lecture Il caso asiatico fra colonizzazione e decolonizzazione, Liceo Scientifico Statale Fulcieri Paulucci Calboli di Forlì, 28th March Lecture at the Conference L Europa e i diritti umani, Cesena, 12th May 2008, organized by Comitato Provinciale per la valorizzazione della cultura della Repubblica nel contesto dell Unità europea. Lecture The Historical stages that have taken Europe from the EEC to the EU at the Conference Europe2gether, Bologna, 9 October 2008, organized by Provincia of Bologna in collaboration with EU DG Education and Culture, Europe for Citizens Programme. Lecture at the Conference Diritti umani e pace nel Maghreb: testimonianze dal Sahara Occidentale, Ravenna, 18 February Chairwoman at the Bensoussan Conference Anti-illuminismo e la violenza di Massa, Forlì, University of Bologna, 26 February Conference Il Medio Oriente tra storia e attualità, School on political and social activities, Forlì, 9 March Conference La Turchia e l Europa, School on political and social activities, Forlì, 16 March Dall Europa del carbone e l acciaio all Europa dell Euro, Lecture for the Ravenna Adults University and of the Ravenna Province, in the course L Europa tra passato e futuro, 18 March Lecture La questione del Sahara Occidentale e il Sistema Internazionale at the Congress Deserto. E lo chiamano pace, Forlì, 21 March Lecture at the Conference L eguaglianza è ciò che non esiste tra eguali. Testimonianze da una società in continuo movimento, Cesena, 27 March Lecture at the Round Table on Il Sahara Occidentale, Forlì, 28 March Lecture at the International Seminar Gli studenti universitari italiani e l Europa, organised by AUSE, Pavia, University of Pavia, 22 May Conference Educazione civica: i valori della Costituzione, Training Cours on political and civil citiezenship, Municipality of Dovadola, Dovadola, 4 maggio Conferenza La politica: definizione e strumenti, Training Cours on political and civil citiezenship, Municipality of Dovadola, Dovadola, 11 maggio Lecture at the Conference: Il Sahara Occidentale e il diritto internazionale: contraddizioni e prospettive, Forlì, 28 maggio Lecture and presidency at the Conference in the liberty day, to remember the Berlin Wall Fall, Comune di Forlì, Forlì, 9 November Lecture The Europea Razism, European Commission -Jean Monnet Action and the Europe Direct Punto Europa of Forlì, 8 Dicember Introduction and Presidency of the Conference L influenza del nazismo sui giovani of Beyreuther, Università di Bologna, Sslimit, 27 Genuary Lecture L Europa Politica tra XX e XXI secolo, Università degli Adulti of Ravenna, Ravenna, 10 February Lecture Dal processo costituente al Trattato di Lisbona, Comune di Faenza and Association européenne des Einsegnants (AEDE), Faenza, 11 February /10/15 18

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