am One group arrives b y air to take a horseback trip An early start from headquarters corral

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1 am One group arrives b y air to take a horseback trip An early start from headquarters corral Holdup for a brehtkr and look around Many young men have a desire to take a trip on horseback. Philmont is proud to offer a real Western experience in it+ Cavalcade schedule. This is transportation about Philmont trail.. a la Western - six days in the saddle with a pack string FFrry;,-,.1 ihg duffel and gear. t,. that will go into the reconstruction of the old Kit Carson Home, sit in on some instruction sessions where you can brush up on Scouting skills. If the layover is a t Rayado, you will more than likely have the thrill of catching some trout and broiling them over the fire - the Philmont way. This is beautiful country Our Cavalcades usually arrive about nine o'clock in the morning in time for physical rechecks, a tour of the Headquarters and Big House Areas; and then, after lunch, are intraduced to the horse which is to be your mount, your and companion for the ensuing week. You will spend lots of time getting your saddle adjusted and learning how to wrangle, care for, and feed old "Peanuts" - or perhaps your horse's name will be "Tokyo". that beaver, bear, and porcupine Use as a playground. Or, your layover may be at Cimarroncito Base Camp and here you will. find a layout where you can test a lot of your Scouting skiils as well as enjoy some interesting side trips toosuch places as fl?d Soon after breakfast the next morning, you will be packing up for a most exciting and revealing trip. Your trail takes you over some of the most beautiful high points a t Philmont. Breath-taking panoramas come into view a t times when the going is toughest which enables you to forget the misery that zccompanies a "greenhorn" in the saddle. Your stopovers include a t least three of our Base Oamps as well as some of our beautiful Ranger Stations. Should you stop over a t CarsonMaxwell, you will have the opportunity to make your own bridle with which to finish the trip, perhaps make some adobe:, BE A 4 9 ' E R PLAN. Cyphers Hidden Vauey* etc., Along the way, you find out how effective o u r or&nizaticm is because the real cow-camp routine has to be done a t every place - horses cared for, meals cooked, beds made up for the night, e t ~ Some. of you will get up before daylight each day to wrangle horses and put the feed-bags on while another crew is preparing the breakfast and nose-bag lunches.,, ' Ice.. This program of six days in the saddle does not demand an ' expert horseman but some experience with horses and riding is a pre-requisite. The Cavalcade will consist of two Outfits totaling twenty-two. This is not a dude-ranch tour where you. are catered to but a mounted trip where you will live the experience. The Fhilmont cost for this seven-day Schedule is. $37.00 per camper. NOW FOR P H I L M O N T

2 A bit of that pioneering spirit that built America is recessed somewhere in our being and many of us are awaiting the opportunity to give expression to such an urge. This urge means 'building", and in Philmont's long-range plan of development there are many projects that would challenge the creative abilities of young men. Yes, the Pioneering Trek actually starts out with the Outfit building something for Philmont. The projects are determincd and in every case an Outfit should be able to finish the project in the seven days allotted. It may be the construction of a Rocky Mountain shelter at one of the base camps, putting up overnight campsite in same canyon or at some Ranger Station, it may be an outdoor chapel,or a corral, or a conservation prcject along the Urraca Canyon; and then, too, more adobe brick must be made for the restoration of the old Kit Carson Honle. If Philmont has to wait for funds and construction crews, many of these projects will be a long time in developing. Rather than delay plans, Philmont would challenge well-organized chartered Senior Units to "seal their Unit's tradition" and leave at this National Camping Area for Senior Scouts a 'monument' to their constructive skill. Following this building project, the trek moves into the Cimarroncito Base Czmp for an intensive six days of training training in basic Scouting skills, one catches the art of instructing, and several of the evenings are spent in studying qualities of good leadership. It is the design of Philmont's Administration to so effect a training program here at Philmont that young men having gone through this six-day pro-,. gram would be better prepared to return to their home Uni:s and take a more effective place along side their Scoutmaster or Advisor in some roll, of Following the training program at which time the CertiZicates of Achievement are awarded, the ~ioneerili~ Trek packs up a string of sure-footed burros with their bedding and focdstuffs and set out in company with a Philmont Guide to "see Philmont" and to put to the immediate test some of the ski& that were learned during the preceding week. Philmont trails offer the best possible opportunity for testing our abilities as ~ good Scout's. In return for the services rendered, Philmont is offering this schedule with the only charges being $3.00 per person. This $3.00 is a set charge on registration procedures that is assessed every camper coming to Philrnont. In other words, this is a two-way proposition, an opportunity for outstanding yomg men still registered and active in Scouting to help build Philmont, and an opportunity fox Philmont to improve the skilis and pervade the young men with some additional "fuel" for set up about the various demonstration areas as recommended their 'Spirit of Scouting', - encouraging them to return to 5 i by our National Scouting Services. In connection with this their. home units and be more effective as leaders.,. BE A 49'ER PLAN NOW FOR PHILMONT

3 * Ponil -- Our base camp for preparations Off we go with friend burro carrying the heavy load Time out for lunch and a breath-taking sight Here is a challenge for Explorer Posts of other chartered Senior Units. It seems that a back-pack program away in the vastness of Philrnont wilderness is a real outdoor experience that could be in every well established chartered Unit's program. Those who do the Kit Carson Treks here are unanimom in their claim that it is "the only way to see Philmont", and see Philmont is what you do because in the eight-day program you actually top-out on five of the tallest mountains here. Talk about a program that will test the physical stamina and ttie outdoor skills of an advanced Scout - we are always willing Lo guarantee there is nothing to equal the Kit Carson Trek. After a careful physical recheck and a lunch in the Chuck House, you are off to the StoEkade - a new base camp ideally located in Grraca Canyon with the Tooth of Time on one side and the Rock of Ages on the other. You are based here for three days for conditioning and acclimating. You will arrange your hikes out of this base camp in increasing order of difficulty and review some of the basic skills of Scouting which must be at your command in the next few days. Urraca Cow Camp, Crater Lodge, Miner's Park, Fowler Mesa, Trail Peak, Rincon Bonito, Rayado - these are places you may strike in the first few days. Then, you really hit the trail - Porcupine, Clear Creek Mountain (11,600 feet), Cypher's Gold Mines, and then to Cimarrorxito where you enjoy the fellowship of Scouts from across the land in this fine base camp. If you want more, you can go into Ponil Region: Mejab. Canyons, Indian Caves and Petroglyphs, the Ghost Lumber Town of Pueblano for more adventure. This is one schedule at Philmont that is in reality on the "plateau of Senior Scouting". The program is flexible, ranging from eight to thirteen days according to the inclinations and abilities of the Outfits. While the Unit size is not specified, this schedule is designed for an Outfit of eleven - an Advisor, Guide and nine campers. This schedule is really set up for crews of chartered Senior Units to come to Philmont intact under its own leadership for a unifying experience such as it can get in no other way. Just let us know how many of your Unit would like this experience and we can make arrangements at this end of the line on short notice. Philmont cost for 8 days is $17.00 per BE A 49'ER PLAN NOW FOR PHILMONT

4 Ponil -- Our base camp for preparatioae Off we go with friend burro carrying the heavy load - Time out for lunch and a breath-taking sight If Philmont is new to you, set out on a Southbound Expedition. Southbound Expeditions should arrive at camping Headquarters about nine o'clock in the morning, have physical recheck, visit the Big House, lunch at Carson-Maxwell Place, and get acquainted with the Philmont History and set-up, have supper in the Chuck House and bed down in the Rocky Mountain shelter. After breakfast the next day, a truck takes you to Ponil Base C~mp for preliminary training. Camped here in 8x10 wall tents high above the canyon floor, you become aware of a new world - trees, flowers, rocks, cliffs, mesas, meandering canyon stream, and the wild game and birds that live here with you. A Philmont Guide is assigned your Expedition to help you get acquainted with Philmont and the 'Philmont Way'. On your horseback trip, you may visit an Indian cave acd ancient picture writings in the North PoniI, then ride back through the pine forest and down Horse Canyon - all, after spending a little time, of course, learning about this strange animal under you and how to treat him in the New Mexico cowboy way. Your first meals are in Ponil Lodge - an attractive lop dining hall of satin-luster Douglas fir - thcn you try your own hand at cooking in your outdoor kitchen - each C'rew in turn cooking for the Outfit - and plan your menus for the long trip ahead. Time is also spent on Trail First Aid, Sanitation, and other Scouting Skills you will need to use. You practice packing the smart little burros that will carry your beds and chuck. A fellowship campfire with three other Expeditions in camp with you - from almost anywhere in the United States - and tomorrow you are ready to set out with your guide on the Big Hike: along the Skyline Trail down into the depths of Bear Canyon and across the Cimarron River to the Bench overlooking Ute Park with Old Baldy against the sunset; climbing Dear Lake Mesa and down Sawmill Canyon to Cimarroncito Base Camp. Here, perhaps, you will find a letter and a chance to clean up with a shower. Up to the old gold mines you go to learn of minerals and mining methods from the "Prospector" there. On to Urraca Cow Camp and then to Porcupine; here is your chance for trout fishing in Rayado Creek, or you can hike from here to the summit to Clear Creek Mountain, a vantage point nearly 12,W feet in elevation. At Rayado - a base camp supplied entirely by pack-mule, for no roads reach back here in this wilderness - you reach the point farthest south on the trip. You now turn east over Webster and Fowler Passes, spending your last night with the Ranger at Crater Lodge, then down the Urraca to Headquarters. You have hiked approximately eighty miles, cooki~g out and sleeping on the ground all the way. After lunch at the Chuck House, you head for home and Philmont becomes an experience to live in your memory. Full Expeditions consist of three Outfits (Total 33). Cost fcr these thirteen exciting days, $37.00 per person BE A 49'ER PLAN NOW FOR PHILMONT

5 a Once the pride of the Santa Fe Trail -- the old Off on the Trail to Adventure A favorite activity at Philmont -- time out Maxwell home -- our first bane camp behind the 'ole chuck. wago for chow at Rayado The Senior Training Program covers twenty-five days of adventure and training in leadership, camping skills, hiking, packing, horsemanship, pioneering. This Ranch - Mountain - Wilderness experience is conducted for groups of three Outfits, following the Scout method of "learning by doing" so that Scouts not oniy benefit personally but will be of increased value to their home unit. This program has demonstrated its worth ever since Wagon Train One rolled out of Philmont in Philmont does not take over the leadership, it provides specialists and facilities to assist and strengthen your Advisors and Guides. The first day is spent in organization, physical re-check, finding out the details of Philmont - its history, its facilities and what program can be made of it. Lunch at the Chuck House at Headquarters, then to Carson-Maxwell Base Camp for the evening meal. This old home of Kit Carson and Lucien Maxwell still radiates the spirit of the Old West along the Santa Fe Trail. Primary orientation is offered at this base camp. Amplc time is given to Horsemanship and Riding. The first few meals are served in the MaxwelI House; then follows practice in outdoor cooking and in meal planning. Other techniques reviewed here include Health, Safety, Sanitation, Hiking, Burro Packing, Trail First Aid, Axemanship, Nature Lore - so $he Scout can hike through this Philmont wonderland with a confidence and an awareness of his surroundings, and a knowledge of the wildlife neighbors he meets. On the sixth day you follow the Chuck Wagon to C"Wp Abreu at the mouth of Rayado Gorge. Three nights here, then on up-river to Rayado; no roads in this wilderness, only trails - all supplies must be brought to this camp on pack-mules. Five days in this camp would be a challenge to any Scout: Clear C~eek Mountain is ascended on an overnight back-pack trip; hikes to many points are available; the natural beauty is inspiring; the rocks of the Rocky Mountain core are intriguingly exposed; wildlife abounds and as for angling - here is a trout fisherman's paradise. The day to move comes all too soon, when with guide and burro packs the hike is made to Urraca Cow Camp, then down the beautiful Urraca Canyon and over Schaeffer's paw to Cimarroncito Base Camp. Another homeback trip; visits to Webster Park, Deer Lake Mesa, Hidden Valley, the old gold mines with their bright minerais and their hints of happenings in the gold rush days, together with memorable campfires with other Scouts in the forest-clearing bring quickly thg day of the last hike - northward to Cimarron Bench, outcamp on the way to Bent. Bent provides adventure with its mesas, canyon cliffs, and Indian writings - more horseback riding here, With the return to Headquarters come the cleaning up, reading that letter from home, the final Buffalo Banquet in the Chuck House, then off to tell friends of the wonders of Philmont. Wagon Trains are designed for groups of three Outfits, each with an Adult Advisor and Guide (TotaI 33). While we recommend a Council send a full Train, it is sometimes possible to combine one Outfit from some Council with two from another. The Philmont overall cost for these twenty-five days Of Senior Training is $67.00 per person. BE A 49'ER PLAN NOW FOR PHILMONT

6 d C-w s t work on a geology problem The Philmont Ranch is rich in Historical as well as Geological background. Cattle, gold, lumbering and economic enterprises each played their part in these mountains in a manner sufficiently thrilling to stir the imagination of every young man who - Out of the 'hogback' an igneousprotrusion 'The Tooth o f Time' try is mostly sedimentary while the balance of the ranch comes u n d e ~ the heading of Igneous f orrnations. interested in the field of Geology to have two weeks here at Philmont to study formations, Igneous Your exploration group is made up of twentytwo individuals recruited from a s many as twentytwo Councils in America. You will register in a s dc all the other campers; physical recheck is made, sight-seeing tour of the ranch proper and then with the Geologists you settle down to a period of orientation. Field work begins when you move into a campsite of your own with your objective a study of the geology of Philmont. We have enthusiastic reports from former Geological Explorations here, and the Dykes, "strikes", 'faults' as well as the many specimens of rocks and minerals that abound here. Actuzl experience is enjoyed in time spent re-establishiw pattern that former groups have set promises to off e r young men interested in this field an unusual opportunity. Should you be interested, get in touch an old gold mine and it is an actual fact that there is quite a thrill in seeing the two distinct types of geology that exist here a t Philmont. The Ponil coun- with your Local Council and they will direct yoar ap~licationto Philmont for approval. The cost of this program is $ comes our way. Perhaps the richest program that delves deeply into the roots of creation is our Gec logical Exploration which is conducted under the expert tutelage of outstanding Geologists loaned to us by the National Geological Society of America. I t is a rare opportunity indeed for a young ma;\

7 The 'home' of a grouse This fawn favors adoption Predator control aimed primarily at coyotes. In this case, thirty deer will live. Philmont abounds in wild game. The State Game Department estimates that there are 3,000 deer, some 2,000 turkey, and some 60 to 80 head of elk. We have a herd of 40 buffalo, 26 antelope, and are in the process now of restocking pheasant and Chukar Partridges. The streams are in reality 'full of trout' and there exists a need here for a Wild Game Management Program. In connection with the establishment of a Game Management Program here, opportunities will be available for some real projects the young men can enter into and enjoy. Not only would you have the opportunity to make a survey of this game but you would also have time to study some of the habits of these wary beasts. In addition to this studv and lsurvey of our game you would also have the portunity to take part in trapping predators under the direction of a real trapper. As is planned now, your last week would be in the Ponil country up some far-away canyon with a string of six steel traps and your objective to trap as many coyotes as possible. Of course, in this exploration program, you would get expert instructions for all phases of your activities from a member of the Game Department. who knows. Participating in this Exploration is on an in- dividual basis, so you are invited to contact your Lo- cal Council Office and express your desire for en- rollment in this schedule. The cost for this two-week n~rind is $32.00 per person. BE A 49'ER PLAN NOW FOR PHILMONT

8 Tihe field of Forestry includes a large range GE interests bhat point to either a career or some of the choicest of hobbies. The commercial aspects include reforestation, conservation and harvesting. Then our forests are often the olbjective of vacations where he can enjoy the scenery and the life it harbours. To be able to better acquaint Senior Scouts with the vocational and avocational opportunities o fthis field is the purpose of this schedule. Ekhilmont's exploration into the field of forestry is under the supervision of experk, members of the U, S. Forest Service. Two weeks of actual activity as a forester, learning and doing those skills that win better acquaint the camper wit.h much of this faacinating field. A "plot" is set aside near one of our base camps for study and experimentation. By the nature of the problem to be solved the last two days, the preceding activities are determined. Visits to a sawmill - to 'cutover' areas - to virgin stands. Projects in iden- BE A 4 9 ' E R PLAN tification, fire protection, conservation, cruising, surveying, cutting and reforestation, make up the interesting and educational program of this 'mansized' Exploration.. All the time, you will be livingas forester8 in a camp doing your own 'housekeeping' and operating as a well-organized unit under Ieadership that you elect. The cost for this two-week experience at Philmont is $ (It is a p o d investment because it may be just the experience p u need to help you make up your mind whether or no+ to continue your plans in this profession. You may be assured that you will become well acquainted with the forest and the forester. Even if you should decide, as a remit of this Exploration, to give up the idea of continuing your interest in careers involved in this field, you will gain a basic knowledge that will help you akpreciate more intelligently this fascinating field). NOW FOR PHILMONT

9 Time out for lunch while the 'hunter' gets the hounds off the trail of a buck Up we go to the ridge where we're sure the lion is hiding Down again -- he wasn't there A date will be picked in 1949, probably some weekend in October, for this thrilling hunt that has become traditional at Philmont. Definite dates to be announced on September 1st. The Mountain Lion Hunt is a rare privilege for 24 hard-riding - "able-to-take-it" - Senior Scouts. Wile we cannot guarantee a Mountain Lion as a result of two days' hunting, we can assure every person of a thrilling and perilous "chase" - even if we have to turn off on a Wild Cat trail. There is something exciting about arousing at 4:30 on a frosty morning in one of Philmont's beautiful mountain camps, getting breakfast, feeding horses, anti unleashing the hounds for the hard day's ride. The State Game Department sends in one of their Mountain Lion Hlunters with his pack of hounds. This hunter comes in some two or three days in advance of the scheduled hunt. He takes one of his hounds - maybe old "IKE" or maybe "Lady" -- and they do some hard hunting to pick up some Mountain Lion tracks and find out how the animal is traveling. Our hunters will come in on a Friday afternoon and make camp. Amund the fireplace that evening, the hunter tells some tall tales (many have said that this session with the hunter has been wortk the trouble and expense). Early - and we do mean early - the next morning the hunt is on. You are astride a sure-footed Philmont pony and do your best to keep up with the hounds over some rugged country (seems that we can't train the Mountain Lion to stick to our well-beat~n trails). After lunch Sunday, whether we have the lion or not, the hunt is over and some weary saddle-sore young men are on their way home. The hunt is filled from individual applications and the cost is $10.00 per person. BE A 49'ER PLAN,NOW FOR PHILMONT

10 Over tl,,., Cimarrpncito to Sawmill Canyc, "Operations 10" at Philmont is truly a winter camping experience. The "10" referred to in the title means 10 degrees below zero, and to some of us boys from the South1 and Southwest, that's cold weather. And, it takes a rugged outdoorsman to en joy any sort of program that might be devised for the Christmas Holiday season here at Philmont. The plan is to register in on the morning of December 27th. That gives most of the fellows coming in an opportunity to spend Christmas at home. More than likely, that afternoon you will make camp somewhere in the Cimarroncito country near our 'ski-run". The program calls for instructions in skiing and snowshoeing under some expert instructors and then some time having fun at these two winter sports. Philmont is certainly different in the winter time when it is covered with a good blanket of snow ; and the test that comes with taking care of yourself under these conditions makes "Operations 10" a real Scouting venture. You may be assured that you can have some real excitement on skis, and the snowshoe hikes will tax your physical ability to the limit. Hav- ing the services of some real instructors in these sports means that you will also learn the proper care of this sort of equipment. "Operations 10" is limited to forty-eight "seasoned" and registered Senior Scouts. Get in touch with your Local Council Office for special applications for this schedule. Cost: $13.50 per person. BE A 49'ER PLAN NOW FOR PHILMONT

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