Oé-Cusse A walk to remember La o hodi hanoin hikas

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1 Oé-Cusse A walk to remember La o hodi hanoin hikas Hiking and walking guide to untouched tropical nature of Oé-Cusse highlands Mata dalan hiking ba natureza tropiku iha Oé-Cusse ne ebé Fuik

2 This is a creation of the Regional Secretariat of Community Tourism, RAEOA- ZEESM TL. Pante Macassar, Oé-Cusse Ambeno, Timor-Leste Sekretaria Rejionál husi Turizmu ba Komunidade, RAEOA ZEESM TL mak halo matadalan ne'e Pante Makassar, Oé-Cusse, Timor-Leste 2017 Welcome! I would like to wish a warm welcome to all visitors that will have an opportunity to explore and enjoy our nature and our people. Oé-Cusse has rich diverse nature and much to offer including beautiful landscapes, hidden ecosystems and rich cultural heritage. We invite you to wander through the tropical forests of Oé-Cusse and explore the region with a local hiking guide and therefore directly contribute to the social economic development of Atoni communities. Our commitment is to promote sustainable community tourism for the development of Atoni people and the region. Thank you for being an essential part of the change at its early stage. Enjoy your stay and the journey! Inácia da Conceição Teixeira Regional Secretary of Community Tourism Secretária Regional para o Turismo Comunitário #travelenjoyrespect #visitoecusse Tkoenok tem! Ha'u hakarak simu ho laran-di'ak bainaka sira hotu ne'ebé hetan oportunidade atu buka hatene no aproveita Ami-nia natureza no Ami-nia povu. Oé-Cusse iha natureza furak oi-oin no mós atrasaun turístiku oi-oin bee atu oferese hanesan paizajen, ekosistema sira mak subar no patrimóniu kulturál. konvida Ita esplora floresta tropikál sira husi Oé-Cusse nia foho no pasiar iha rejiaun ho matadalan lokál, nune'e fó kontributu diretu ba dezenvolvimentu sosiál no ekonómiku husi komunidade sira Atoni nian. Ami-nia kompromisu atu promove turizmu komunitariu ne'ebé sustentável ba dezenvolve povu Atoni no rejiaun ida ne e. Rahun kmanek wain ba maluk tomak, esensiál liu ba maluk ne ebé hola parte iha faze hahu/inisiu. Haksolok iha ita nia hela no viajen ida ne'e! 3

3 About Oé-Cusse Oé-Cusse is a coastal enclave with a total population of 68,913 people and an area of 814 km2 in the western part of the island of Timor, separated from the rest of Timor-Leste by Indonesia. Formally known as Oé-Cusse Ambeno, this region played a prominent role in the history of Timor-Leste: it was in the port of Lifau in Oé-Cusse where the Portuguese first landed in 1515, thus beginning more than 450 years of colonization. During this period Oé-Cusse was an essential part of the colonial administration. In 1702 Lifau became the authorized capital of the colony until it was relocated to Dili in Today, Oé-Cusse remains distinct from the rest of Timor-Leste due in part to its geographic isolation. Its rich and unique cultural heritage create great potential for the development of community tourism in this beautiful enclave of a small tropical island. The Atoni population inhabiting Oé-Cusse is known for its strong relationship with nature in daily life. Stones, mountains and rivers have a special meaning for the community of Oé- Cusse, which lives in a complete harmony with the environment. In Baiqueno, which is the local language spoken in the region, this powerful relationship is reflected in the expression: Fautkanaf and Oekanaf, which translated to English means: the earth is our body and the water is our soul. According to Timorese beliefs: One who harms nature, harms his/her own body. In line with Fautkanaf and Oekanaf, hiking the hills streams and mountains of the region is an excellent way to get to know and understand Oé-Cusse This guide details five hikes across Oé-Cusse, which, together, will provide you with a broad overview of the landscape and terrain of the region. All of the hikes are easy to moderate difficulty, ranging from about 30 minutes to two and a half hours one way. The description for each hike includes relevant historical and cultural information, as well as logistical details about the hike. Enjoy! Kona-bá Oé-Cusse Oé-Cusse sai nu'udar enklave ida iha tasi-ibun ho totál populasaun hamutuk ema na in 68,913 no ho ninia teritóriu 814 km2 iha parte Oeste illa Timor, ne ebé tama liu iha parte indonezia nian no fahe tiha husi rai ketan Indonezia nian. Formalmente konhesidu ho naran Oé-Cusse Ambeno, rejiaun ida ne e hola parte importante ba istória Timor-Leste nian; Portugéses sira embarke iha Lifau tinan 1515, nune e hahu kolonializasaun liu tinan 450. Durante periudu nia laran Oé-Cusse sai ona parte esensial husi administrasaun kolonia nian. Iha tinan 1702, Lifau sai ona hanesan sidade kapital kolonia nian, no ikus mai muda fali ba Díli iha tinan Ohin loron, Oé-Cusse sei diferensa ho munisipius sira seluk Timor-Leste nian, tanba jeografikamente Oé-Cusse tama liu iha (Eklave) iha parte indonezia nian. Rikezas tradisaun kulturál úniku, nu udar poténsia boot ba dezemvolvimentu turizmu komunitária iha illa tropikál ida ne e. Populasaun Atoni ne ebé hela iha Oé-Cusse iha relasaun ne ebé forte ho natureza iha sira nia moris lor-loron. Fatuk, foho no mota sira iha signifikadu espesiál tebes ba komunidade Oé-Cusse nian, ne'ebé integra didi'ak ho ambiente. Tuir lian Baikenu, ne'ebé sai lian lokál/materna husi rejiaun ne'e, relasaun maka'as ne'e bele haree iha espresaun: Fautkanaf and Oekanaf, ne'ebé signifika: "rai nu'udar Ita-nia isin no bee sai nu'udar Ita-nia klamar". Tuir fiar Timor nia: "Ema ne'e bé halo aat natureza, hanesan halo aat ninia isin rasik". Tan ne'e, dalan di'ak atu hatene no komprende kona-bá istória no kultura Oé-Cusse mak La o Hodi Hanoin Hikas tutan ba fautkanaf no oekanaf, la o iha laletek no foho iha rejiaun ida ne e, dalan ne ebé diak hodi buka hatene Oé-Cusse Matadalan ida ne e iha detallu ba fatin lima loa iha Oé- Cusse, ne ebé hamutuk fornese informasaun jerál kona ba terenu iha rejiaun ne e. Dalan hirak ne e ladun difisil hahu husi minute 30 to o oras 2 ho balun loron ida. Deskrisaun kona ba hiking idaidak inklui mós informasaun kona ba istória, no mós informasaun istória, no mós lojístika kona ba Hiking nian. Hike Safe! While all of the hikes discussed in this guide are relatively safe, knowledge, preparation and a good plan are essential for safe hiking. Remember that Oé-Cusse is a tropical region, so be especially prepared for sun, heat, and humidity, as well as insects and animals such as mosquitoes, spiders and snakes. Always carry sufficient water for your hike and wear and bring loose, cool and comfortable clothing to protect from the sun and heat. A more detailed list of what to bring is below, as well as information on trail courtesy.. TIPS FOR HIKING IN OÉ-CUSSE Essentials for Your Day Pack Water: bring a sufficient amount and extra in case of emergency Mosquito repellent Sunscreen, wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses Snacks First aid kit, prescriptions, blister care and duct tape. Leave No Trace - Trail Courtesy Travel with a local guide, friend and stick together. To pass someone in front of you: slow down and let them know you want to pass. Do not store or abandon gear along the trail, it attracts wildlife. Pack out your trash. Be quiet and respect those who seek serenity. Do not damage local infrastructure, such as water pipes. Be respectful with the local traditions: some of the hikes represent sacred places for the Atoni people. Respect the environment and act as the locals do. LEGEND OF DIFFICULTY Pasiar iha Foho ho Seguransa! Ho hanoin katak buat hotu kona ba la'o sa e (hike) ne ebé deskuti ona iha guia ida ne e relativamente seguru. Iha informasaun, preparasaun no planu ne ebé di ak sai esensiál kona ba la o ho seguru. Presija hanoin katak Oe-cusse hanesan rejiaun tropikál (rai manas), tanba ne e presijamente prepara-an ba loron-matan, rai manas, no kosar nune e mós insektus no animál sira hanesan susuk, labadai no samea, Sempre lori ho bee ne ebé sufisiente ba ita nia la o sa e (hike) no uza roupa ne ebé malirin no konfortavel hodi proteje-an husi loron-matan no rai manas, Atu detalladu liu kona ba buat ne ebe atu lori bele hare iha okos: hanesan mós informasaun kona ba dalan ki ik (ain-fatin). DIKA SIRA ATU PASIAR IHA OÉ-CUSSE NINIA FOHO SIRA Buat ne'ebé importante tebes atu lori wainhira la o Bee: presiza bee natoon no reserva ba emerjénsia Ai-moruk susuk Protetór hasoru loron, xapéu no ókulu sira Buat ne'ebé atu hán Primeiru sokoru, ai-moruk sira, ai-moruk kanek nian no fita adezivu La husik hela foer - wanhira ita la o La'o ho ema lokál, belun no hamutuk. Atu la o liu ema ruma ne'ebé la'o iha oin: la'o neineik no fó-hatene uluk ba sira mak Ita hakat liu. La rai ka husik hela buat ruma iha dalan sira, ne ebé dada animál fuik sira. Lori fila Itania lixu. Hela nonook no respeita sira ne'ebé hakarak hakmatek ou buka hakmatek. La estraga infra-estrutura lokál, hanesan tubu/kanu sira bee nian. Respeita tradisaun lokál sira: ain-fatin ruma sai hanesan fatin lulik sira husi povu Atoni nian. Respeita ambiente no hala'o hanesan ema lokál. 4 5 easy moderate

4 Every year, between March and April, there are several community cultural rituals to show the spirits the respect that the Oé-Foko people have for the water as spring of life and for the nature in general. Sacred Experience in Nu u ba u - Fonte Sagrada Trail Esperiénsia fatin Lulik iha Nubau - Dalan Fonte Sagrada Tinan-tinan, entre Marsu no Abríl, iha adat barak ne'ebé hatudu ba espíritu sira respeitu mak povu Oé-Foko nian fó ba bee nu'udar fonte moris no ba natureza ein-jerál. Getting there: from Pante Macassar (Oé-Cusse) 30 minutes driving by car or motorcycle GPS start coordinates: , GPS end coordinates: , Duration: 2 hours Elevation gain: 51 m Difficulty: moderate Bá ne'ebá: husi Pante Makassar (Oé- Cusse) minutu 30 ho kareta ka motór Koordenada GPS atu hahú: , Koordenada GPS atu remata: , Durasaun: óras 2 The Fonte Sagrada, known before the Portuguese colonization as Nu uba u, is a stunning waterfall, located deep in the jungle about two hours walking from the village of Oé-Foko. For the residents of Oé-Foko, Fonte Sagrada (Sacred Fountain, in Portuguese language) is a sacred place where important community rituals and ceremonies take place. The approximately two-hour hike to the fountain is along and through a river stream. Be prepared to get your feet wet depending on the season. Locals use the river stream as a water source for everyday use as well as a walking path during periods of low water levels, using it to reach Paineno, one of the main villages located up in the mountains. Every year, between March and April, there are several community cultural rituals to show the spirits the respect that the Oé-Foko community have for the water as the spring of life and for nature in general. Take into consideration: Please ask permission from locals before entering the area of Fonte Sagrada! As a sacred place, it is not permitted for anyone to go beyond the wall protecting the fountain Be aware of the pipes and infrastructure providing water to nearby villages Occasionally, poisonous green snakes are seen along the trail What to see: the Sacred Fountain waterfall, bau (local plant), meant, communal vegetable gardens, caves, monkeys, tropical birds. Best time to visit: Dry season - April to October Contact guides: João Tani (+670) ; Crecencia Colo (+670) Link to Wikiloc Trail: com/wikiloc/view.do?id= Fonte Sagrada, antes kolonizasaun portugés nia konhesidu ho naran Nu uba u, ne ebé iha be tuda/tiris ne ebé kmook/ furak, lokaliza iha foho leet, no husi Oé-Foko la o ain to o iha fatin ne e iha oras 2 nia laran. Populasaun Oé-Foko konsidera Fonte Sagrada (dalen Portugés) nu udar fatin lulik hodi hala o ritus no seremónia importante kultura nian tuir sira nia fiar. Dalan ba bee tuda ne e bee la o iha oras 2 nia laran, atravéz husi mota laran no ita la o mós iha bee laran wainhira tempu udan/depende ba tempu. Komunidade utiliza bee ne e ba matan ba moris lor-loron nian, no nu udar dalan terik ba komunidade ne ebé hela iha Paineno, aldeia ida ne ebé lokaliza iha foho leten. Tinan tinan, entre fulan Marsu no Abril, komunidade seremónia rituál hodi hato o sira nia agradese ba Bee matan no natureza enjerál. 6 Oé-Cusse A walk to remember Foho Oé-Cusse nia aas: La o 51 m. hodi Susar: hanoin natoon hikas 7 Notas: Husu lisensa ba komunidade lokál antes hakat ba area Fonte Sagrada Nu udar fatin sagradu, la permite ita atu sa e no haris iha fatin ne e (Be tuda/tiris Fonte Sagrada) Kuidadu kanu/tubu ne ebé kanaliza bee ba aldeia no sukus ne ebé besik ba area ida ne e Dalaruma ita sei hetan samodok iha dalan ba Fonte Sagrada Saida mak ita hare: Be tuda/tiris Fonte Sagrada, Bau (Aihoris Lokál), meant, toos komunidade nian, fatuk kuak, lekirauk, Manu fuik Ailaran. Momentu di'ak liu atu vizita: Abríl to'o Outubru Kontaktu husi matadalan: João Tani (+670) ; Crescência Colo (+670) Link ba Wikiloc Trail: nl.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view. do?id=

5 Waterfalls of Kutete trail Bee-Tudak iha Kutete Following the river stream, this trail is one of the richest and most complex ecosystems of Oé-Cusse where visitors can enjoy the flora and fauna of the region. Tanba haktuir mota, ain-fatin ne'e sai riku no kompleksu hanesan ekosistema Oé-Cusse nian, ne'ebé bainaka sira bele haree animál no ai-funan husi rejiaun ne'e. Getting there: from Pante Macassar (Oé-Cusse) 15 minutes driving by car or motorcycle GPS start coordinates: , GPS end coordinates: , Duration: 2 hours Elevation gain: 174 m Difficulty: moderate Bá ne'ebá: husi Pante Makassar (Oé- Cusse) minutu 15 ho kareta ka motór Koordenada GPS atu hahú: , Koordenada GPS atu remata: , Durasaun: óras 2 The mountain of Kutete is one of the most representative historic symbols of resistance of the Atoni people. With the arrival of the Japanese in World War II and the Indonesian invasion at the end of the last century, Kutete served as a refuge shelter for Atoni fleeing from violence. The population settled in the natural caves and created the village of Kutete on the top of the mountain. Following the river stream, this trail progresses through a rich and complex ecosystem where visitors can enjoy the flora and fauna of the region. The hike detailed here covers the first portion of the complete path to Kutete, ending at an impressive waterfall. Very fit and ambitious hikers can continue all the way to the village of Kutete, where much of the population that fled in 1998 continues to live. Notes: This hike is not recommended for people with vertigo due to several spots with significant drop-offs. Beware of venomous green snake sand spiders which are occasionally found along the trail. What to see: waterfalls, rice fields, starfruit trees, pineapple plantation, monkeys, tamarind. Best time to visit: dry season - April-October Contact Guide: Mario Oematan (+670) Link to Wikiloc: wikiloc/view.do?id= Foho iha Kutete sai nu'udar símbolu ida ne ebé boot liu husi rezisténsia povu Atoni mak hatudu. Bainhira ema Japaun mai iha Funu Mundial II no Indonézia halo invazaun iha sékulu ruanulu nia rohan, Kutete sai nu'udar abrigu ba ema Atoni hotu ne'ebé halai husi violénsia. Populasaun hela iha fatuk-kuak sira no harii knua Kutete iha foho nia tutun. La o tuir mota laran, ain-fatin ne'e sai riku no kompleksu ho ekosistema Oé-Cusse nian, ne'ebé bainaka sira bele haree animál no ai-funan husi rejiaun ne'e. La o ain iha lokál iha Kutete, to o hetan kaskata furak. La o ain sira ne'ebe ambisiozu tebes bele kontinua iha dalan hotu iha Kutete neebe populasaun barak mak hela desde 1998 to'o ohin loron. Notas: Dalan ida la rekomenda ba ema ne ebé iha moras Vertigo no mós iha moras is badak. Tenki haree: samea modok, labadain sira, la rekomenda ba ema ho oin-halai tanba dalan la'ós regulár. Buat ne'ebé atu haree: Be tudak/ Tiris, Natar, ai-nanas to'os, lekirauk sira, ai-sukaer Momentu di'ak liu atu vizita: Abríl to'o Outubru Kontaktu husi Matadalan: Mario Oematan (+670) Link ba Wikiloc Trail: nl.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view. do?id= Oé-Cusse A walk to remember Foho Oé-Cusse nia aas: La o 174 hodi m. hanoin Susar: natoon hikas 9

6 It is the Easter Friday when the Bobometo community climbs the mountain and performs a ritual which includes a corn harvest. Iha Sesta-Feira Páskua, Komunidade husi Bobometo hasa'e foho no halo adat, ne'ebé inklui atu silu batar. Getting there: from Pante Macassar (Oé-Cusse) 1-hour driving by car GPS start coordinates: , GPS end coordinates: , Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes Elevation gain: 157 m Bá ne'ebá: husi Pante Makassar (Oé- Cusse) óras 1 ho kareta Koordenada GPS atu hahú: , Koordenada GPS atu remata: , Durasaun: óras 1 ho balun Foho nia aas: 157 m Susar: natoon Pais-Bisae Sunaf Trail Ain-fatin/Dalan Pais-Bisae Sunaf The Pais (country) Mountain Trail is located in the Oé-Cusse highlands, one hour drive away from Pante Macassar. According to katuas (elderly people) of the Bobometo - Oé-Silo territory, this small hill was part of Indonesian territory several generations ago until the legitimate Timorese heiress of the hill asked a Timorese compatriot to fight against the Indonesians to recover what belonged to her. The Timorese soldier eventually won the battle and the hill once again became part of Timor-Leste land. Nowadays, the local community does an annual pilgrimage on Good Friday along this trail to honor two soldiers and the Timorese heiress, whose graves are located near the top of the mountain. For the pilgrimage, the Bobometo community climbs the mountain and performs a ritual expressing their gratitude to the spirits for a bountiful harvest. The hike takes approximately one and a half hours to the summit, where hikers are rewarded with a panoramic view over Timor-Leste and across the Indonesian border. It is an excellent location to enjoy the sunrise. Notes: Beware of venomous green snakes and spiders What to see: panoramic view over Timor-Leste and Indonesia border, graves, wild mango tree, water source which supplies Oé-Silo community Best time to visit: any time Difficulty: easy Contact Guide: Antonio Ribeiro (+670) Link to Wikiloc: wikiloc/view.do?id= Ain-fatin Foho Pais lokaliza iha foho leten, atu asesu ba fatin ne e óras ida husi Pante Makassar. Tuir katuas husi Bobometo - Oé-Silo ne ebé hela iha teritório ida ne e, foho oan ida ne e uluk hola parte ba teritoriu indonezia, iha tempu bein sira-nian, no hetan lejitimasaun ba parte Timor nian wainhira, Timoroan feto mak sai erdeira husi foho-oan ne'e husu ba ema Timor-oan atu funu hasoru ema Indonézia hodi rekupera ninia territóriu. Ema Timoroan manán no foho-oan ne'e sai nu'udar Timor-Leste fali. Ohin, ain-fatin sai nu'udar dalan-lulik ne'ebé komunidade hana'i ba soldadu sira-nia rate iha foho nia tutun no mós erdeira nia rate. Iha Sesta-Feira Páskua, Komunidade husi Bobometo hasa'e foho no halo adat, ne'ebé inklui atu silu batar. Nomos, ne'e fatin ida ne'ebé di'ak liu atu haree loro-sa'e iha Oé-Cusse. Notas: Tenki haree: samea modok, labadain sira, Buat ne'ebé atu haree: haree ba Timor-Leste no fronteira ho Indonézia, rate, haas-hun fuik, fonte bee ne'ebé fornese ba komunidade Oé-Silo Momentu di'ak liu atu vizita: Tinan tomak Susar: fasil Kontaktu husi Matadalan: Antonio Ribeiro (+670) Link ba Wikiloc Trail: com/wikiloc/view.do?id=

7 Fatu-Suba Trail - The Portuguese legacy Ain-fatin Fatu-Suba - Legadu husi Portugál This short and easy hike takes you to the ruins of the Fatu-Suba prison, one of the most emblematic buildings in Oé-Cusse during the Portuguese colonial period. The prison was located high on a hill above Pante Macassar in order to allow surveillance of the sea and also served as a residence for the Regional Administrator. Panoramic views of Pante Macassar town and the Savu Sea are a reward for completing the hike to Fatu-Suba, which is also one of the best spots to watch the sun set or gaze at the stars. A statue of Our Lady the Helper was built and placed in a cave near the prison at the time of the Indonesian invasion. An annual pilgrimage hike takes place in May. What to see: view of Pante Macassar town and the Savu Sea, ruins of the old Portuguese prison, sunset, statue of Our Lady the Helper Best time to visit: year round Link to Wikiloc : do?id= Dalan ba fatu suba fasil atu asesu hodi haree Ruinas prizaun iha fatusuba, no mós iha tempo portugés nia ruinas ne e sai nu udar edifísiu ida ne'ebé boot liu iha Oé-Cusse. Prizaun ida ne e lokaliza iha foho leten area Pante Makasar nian no mós sai hanesan rezidénsia ba administrador rejional nian. Iha fatin ne e mós ita sei haree panorama furak Pante Makasar nian no tasi SAVU no ita sei hetan ksolok ne ebé nakonu iha fatusba, wainhira ita ita hetan tan fatin Getting there: Pante Macassar (Oé-Cusse) GPS start coordinates: , GPS end coordinates: , Duration: 20 minutes Elevation gain: 90 m Difficulty: easy Bá ne'ebá: Pante Makassar (Oé-Cusse) Koordenada GPS atu hahú: , Koordenada GPS atu remata: , Durasaun: minutu 20 Foho nia aas: 90 m Susar: La'e furak ida hodi hare loromatan monu no mos ita haree fitu iha rai kalan. Estatua Na in Feto Auxiliadora nian ne e, harii besik fatuk kuak prizaun iha tempu invazaun indonezia. Tinan tinan dalan ba Fatusuba sai mos nu udar peregrinasaun ba vizita Na in Feto. Buat ne'ebé atu haree: haree didi'ak ba Pante Makassar, ruina sira husi komarka Portugés tuan, loro-monu, fatuk-kuak husi Nossa Señora Ausiliadora. Momentu di'ak liu atu vizita: Tinan tomak Link ba Wikiloc Trail: wikiloc/view.do?id= Via Sacra Trail Ain-fatin Dalan Krus Located in front of the port of Lifau, where the Portuguese first landed in 1515, this short and easy route through the fourteen crosses of this Via Sacra provides beautiful views of the western part of Pante Macassar town. On Good Friday, an annual pilgrimage along this trail takes place, with massive participation by the local Catholic community. What to see: rice fields, view of Pante Macassar, fourteen crosses. Best time to visit: year round Link to Wikiloc: /view.do?id= Getting there: from Pante Macassar (Oé-Cusse) 10 minutes by car or motorcycle GPS start coordinates: , GPS end coordinates: , Duration: 20 minutes Elevation gain: 66 m Difficulty: easy Bá ne'ebá: husi Pante Macassar (Oé-Cusse) minutu 10 ho kareta ka motór Koordenada GPS atu hahú: , Koordenada GPS atu remata: , Durasaun: minutu 20 Foho nia aas: 66 m Susar: La'e Lokaliza iha portu Lifau nia oin, ne'ebé portugés sira embarka primiera mai iha 1515, dalan entre krúz sanulu resin haat iha Via Sakra ne'e oferese mos beleza ne ebé furak husi parte osidentál Pante Makassar nian. Iha sesta-feira Santa, tinan tinan peregrinus sira hili fatin ne e, ho partisipasaun másimu husi komunidade katóliku nian hodi hala o Via Sacra (Dalan Cruz). Buat ne'ebé atu haree: Natas, haree didi'ak ba Pante Makassar, krúz sanulu resin aat. Momentu di'ak liu atu vizita: momentu ruma Link ba Wikiloc Trail: com/wikiloc/view.do?id=

8 Map legend Sacred Experience in Nu u ba u - Fonte Sagrada Trail Esperiénsia Lulik iha Nubau - Ain-fatin Fonte Sagrada 2. Waterfalls of Kutete trail Bee-Tudak iha ain-fatin Kutete 3. Sunrise Experience in Pais-Bisae Sunaf Trail Esperiénsia Loro-Sa'e - Ain-fatin Pais-Bisae Sunaf 4. Fatu-Suba Trail Ain-fatin Fatu-Suba 5. Via Sacra Trail Ain-fatin Via Sakra 14 1 (Nothing (La iha buat ida)) 3 Contact numbers: Police: (+670) / (+670) Emergency: 112 Hospital: (+670) Ambulance: (+670) Fire Department: (+670) Red Cross: (+670) BNU Bank (ATM): (+670) Banco Nacional de Comércio de Timor-Leste BNCTL (ATM): (+670) Airport: (+670) Ferry: (+670) Regional Secretary of Community Tourism: (+670) Numeru montaktu: Polísia: (+670) Emerjénsia: 112 Ospitál: (+670) Ambulánsia: (+670) Bombeiru sira: (+670) Krús Mean: (+670) Banku BNU (ATM): (+670) Banku Nasionál Komérsiu husi Timor-Leste (ATM): (+670) Aeroportu: (+670) Ferry: (+670) Sekretaria Regionál para o Turismo Comunitario: (+670)

9 Regional Secretary of Community Tourism RAEOA & ZEESM TL Pante Macassar Oé-Cusse Ambeno Timor-Leste T: (+670)

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