Kako do nas? How to Get Here?

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2 Nova Gorica I Koper A Kranj LJUBLJANA Postojna Maribor Celje Novo mesto HR Murska Sobota H Kako do nas? How to Get Here? Postojna je z avtoceste prek izvoza Postojna (41) dostopna na več načinov: iz smeri Ljubljana Koper (A1), iz smeri Sežana Italija (E61 se priključi A1 na Gabrku), iz smeri Nova Gorica Italija po hitri cesti (do cestninske postaje Nanos po H4, nato po avtocesti A1 v smeri Ljubljane). Po regionalni cesti: iz smeri Ljubljane (R2-409), iz smeri Nove Gorice (najprej R2-444, nato na R2-409), iz smeri Sežane (najprej R2-445, nadaljujemo na R2-409), iz smeri Kopra (R2-409) in iz smeri Ilirske Bistrice po glavni cesti (G1-6). You can reach Postojna from the motorway via the Postojna exit (41) in various ways: from the Ljubljana Koper direction (A1), from the Sežana Italy direction (the E61 joins the A1 at Gabrk), from the Nova Gorica Italy direction along the express road (along the H4 to the Nanos toll station, then along the A1 motorway in the direction of Ljubljana). By regional road: from the Ljubljana direction (R2-409), from the Nova Gorica direction (first R2-444, then R2-409), from the Sežana direction (first R2-445, then R2-409), from the Koper direction (R2-409) and from the Ilirska Bistrica direction along the main road (G1-6). Železniška postaja Postojna je od centra mesta oddaljena približno 1 km. Prihod z vlakom je mogoč iz smeri Ljubljane (in Avstrije), Ilirske Bistrice (in Hrvaške), Divače, Kopra in Sežane (in Italije). Postojna railway station is approximately 1 km from the town centre. You can reach Postojna by train from the Ljubljana direction (and Austria), the Ilirska Bistrica direction (and Croatia) and from Koper and Sežana (and Italy). Glavna avtobusna postaja stoji blizu centra mesta. Prek avtobusnih povezav je mogoč dostop do Postojne iz večjih slovenskih mest in sosednjih občin. Nekaj linijskih povezav je tudi znotraj občine. Avtobusna postaja Ljubljana: Avrigo: The main bus station is close to the town centre. Postojna can be reached by bus from all major towns in Slovenia and from neighbouring municipalities. Some extra-urban bus services also operate within the municipality. Ljubljana Bus Station: Avrigo: Letališče Postojna (domačini mu pravijo letališče Rakitnik) je od Postojne oddaljeno 3 km v smeri jugozahoda. Namenjeno je športnim in turističnim letalom skupne mase do kg. Na letališču lahko pristanejo letala iz držav članic Evropske unije, vendar je nujen predhodni pristanek na mednarodnem letališču (Ljubljana, Maribor ali Portorož), potem pa lahko z najavo in dovoljenjem pristanejo v Postojni (Rakitniku). Postojna's airfield (known locally as the Rakitnik airfield) is located 3 km SW of Postojna. It is suitable for sports and touring aircraft of a total mass of up to 5,700 kg. The airfield can be used by aircraft from EU countries but only if they have previously landed at one of the country's international airports (Ljubljana, Maribor or Portorož), after which, having notified the airfield and obtained permission, they can land at Postojna (Rakitnik). 2

3 Kazalo Contents 6 Osebna izkaznica Občine Postojna 6 Profile of the Municipality of Postojna 8 Postojna skozi čas 8 Postojna Through Time Kaj si ogledati? ( 1 ) Park Postojnska jama ( 2 ) Skrivnostna Predjama ( 3 ) Notranjski muzej Postojna s stalno razstavo Muzej krasa ( 4 ) Majlont ( 5 ) Srce mesta Postojna ( 6 ) Čudovito Planinsko polje ( 7 ) Kozolec Toplar pri Belskem What to See? ( 1 ) Postojna Cave Park ( 2 ) Mysterious Predjama ( 3 ) Notranjska Museum Postojna featuring»karst Museum«permanent exibition ( 4 ) Majlont ( 5 ) Heart of the city of Postojna ( 6 ) Wonderful Planinsko Polje ( 7 )»Toplar«hay rack at Belsko Kaj početi? ( A ) Aktivni užitek Postoj na mestni poti Letališče Postojna (Rakitnik) Pustolovski park Postojna Jamski treking Posestvo Grad Prestranek Muharjenje na reki Unici Treking»Po lovčevih poteh«ali»po poteh rjavega medveda«opazovanje medveda in drugih gozdnih živali, fotolov ( B ) Ostale aktivnosti ( C ) Pot pod noge ( D ) Pogled od zgoraj ( E ) Začuti legende na kolesu What to Do? ( A ) Active enjoyment Follow the town trail Postojna airfield (Rakitnik) Postojna Adventure Park Cave trekking Prestranek Castle Estate Fly-fishing on the Unica Trekking»On the hunter's paths«or»on the trail of the brown bear«watching bears and other forest creatures, photo-safari ( B ) Other activities ( C ) The road beneath your feet ( D ) A view from above ( E ) Legendary bike rides 42 ( F ) Tradicionalne prireditve 42 ( F ) Traditional Events 46 Kje spati? 46 Where to Sleep? 48 Kje jesti? 48 Where to Eat? 49 Koristne informacije 49 Useful information

4 Osebna izkaznica Občine Postojna Profile of the Municipality of Postojna leži v JZ Slovenije, je del Primorsko-notranjske statistične regije stičišče primorskega in celinskega dela Slovenije lies in SW Slovenia and is part of the Primorsko-Notranjska statistical region junction of the coastal and inland regions of Slovenia cca. površina % total area naselij 270 km 2 settlements Na severu občine sta gozdnata kraška planota Hrušica in del Planinskega polja. The northern part of the municipality includes the forested karst plateau of Hrušica and part of Planinsko Polje. V osrednjem delu leži Postojnska kotlina, ki se na zahodu konča pod kraško planoto Nanos. The central part is taken up by the Postojna Basin, which ends in the west below the high karst plateau Nanos. V jugozahodnem delu občine se vzpenja razčlenjeno hribovje Javorniki. The SW part of the municipality is bounded by the hilly Javorniki plateau. Ali ste vedeli da s(m)o Postojnčani torbarji? Legenda pravi, da je v Postojnski jami nekoč živel grozen zmaj, ki so se ga vsi bali. Okoliški prebivalci so na pomoč poklicali iznajdljivega pastirčka Jakoba, ki je zmaja ukanil tako, da mu je za obrok prinesel z apnom napolnjeno telečjo kožo. Ko se je pošast po obedu napila vode, jo je razneslo. Domačini so Jakobu v zahvalo za njegov pogum sešili torbo iz ostankov zmajeve kože in vse od takrat naprej s(m)o Postojnčani»torbarji«. Did you know... that the people of Postojna are bag-makers? An old legend tells of a terrible dragon that once lived in Postojna Cave, and how everyone lived in fear of it. The local people called on an enterprising shepherd lad called Jakob to help them. He tricked the dragon into devouring a calf skin filled with quicklime. When the monster drank water after its meal, it exploded. To show Jakob their gratitude for his courage, the locals sewed him a bag from the remnants of the dragon's skin, and since that time the people of Postojna have been»bag-makers«. 6 7

5 Postojna skozi čas Postojna Through Time lega Postojnska vrata (612 m) so najugodnejši naravni prehod med Sredozemljem in srednjo Evropo v vzhodnem obrobju Alp na Postojnskem je bilo odkritih več arheoloških najdišč iz obdobja paleolitika najbolj prepoznaven je Betalov spodmol a unique position the Postojna Gate (612 m) is the easiest natural crossing between the Mediterranean and central Europe in the eastern Alps the Postojna area contains numerous archaeological sites dating from the Palaeolithic the most famous is the Betalov Spodmol rock shelter Postojna se prvič omenja v 13. stol. kot Arnsberg (pozneje Adelsberg) sredi 14. stol. se pojavi oblika imena Postoyna, ki se skozi stoletja preoblikuje v Postojna kot trg je opredeljena na začetku 15. stol., status mesta pridobi šele leta 1909 najstarejši del Postojne je Majlont pod hribom Sovič sredi 13. stol. se na Soviču prvič omenja grad, ki je konec 17. stol. pogorel kmalu so sezidali nov spodnji dvorec danes na Titovem trgu, kjer ima sedež Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU razmah furmanstva (prevozništva) lega ob prometni in trgovski poti, ki je povezovala Kranjsko z Jadranom in Furlanijo v 19. stol. (izgradnja Južne železnice) v Postojno pripelje vlak propad furmanstva in množični prihodi turistov (ogled znamenite Postojnske jame) Postojna postane v tistem času eno najpomembnejših turističnih središč v Evropi pozneje vse bolj pridobiva pomen tudi kot izobraževalno in upravno središče s sodiščem ter kot trgovsko, zdravstveno in kulturno središče širšega območja Postojna is first attested in written sources in the 13th century as Arnsberg (later Adelsberg) the form»postoyna«appears in the mid-14th century, becoming»postojna«over the course of the centuries defined as a market in the early 15th century, it is not granted town status until 1909 the oldest part of Postojna is Majlont, at the foot of Sovič Hill a castle is first attested on Sovič in the mid- 13th century but burnt down in the late 17th century a new manor house was soon built in today s Tito Square (Titov trg) where the Karst Research Institute is now based development of cart transport position along the trade route and main road connecting Carniola to the Adriatic and Friuli in the 19th century the railway reaches Postojna (building of the Südbahn or Southern Railway) decline of cart transport and the beginning of mass tourism (visitors to the famous Postojna Cave) Postojna becomes one of the most important tourist destinations in Europe later it grows in importance as the centre of education and administration (including a law court) in the wider region, as well as its centre of commerce, culture and healthcare Ali ste vedeli Did you know... da ime Postojna izhaja iz nemškega izraza za besedo»orel«(aro), zato Arnsperg lahko prevedemo kot»orlov hrib«. Postojna je hkrati drugo poimenovanje za orla belorepca (Haliaeetus albicilla), ki je nekoč gnezdil na Soviču in je tudi upodobljen na postojnskem grbu. Poimenovanje Postojna pa ima še en pomen postojáti, postati, krajši čas stati.... that the original name for Postojna derives from a German word meaning»eagle«(aro), so Arnsperg can literally be translated as»eagle's Hill«. Postojna is also another name for the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), which once nested on Sovič and also appears on Postojna's town crest. The name»postojna«also has one further meaning postojáti or postati means to stop for a brief time.. V današnjih časih ostajajo prizadevanja po še večji uveljavitvi statusa mednarodnega krasoslovnega in tudi turističnega središča. Efforts continue today to further consolidate Postojna's status as a centre of international karstology and as a tourist destination. 8 9

6 Kaj si ogledati? Park Postojnska jama Postojna Cave Park Postojnska jama Postojna Cave 1 Najbolj obiskana turistična znamenitost v Sloveniji! Slovenia s No. 1 tourist attraction! What Podzemni raj med kapniki... An underground dripstone paradise... to See? 24 km XXL 200 let / yrs 38 MIO galerij, rovov in veličastnih dvoran of galleries, passages and magnificent chambers največja in najbolj obiskana evropska jama the biggest and most visited cave in Europe leta 1818 jo je odkril domačin Luka Čeč discovered in 1818 by local man Luka Čeč navdušenih obiskovalcev z vseh koncev sveta enthusiastic visitors to date from all over the world 5 m kapnik Briljant najlepši stalagmit Postojnske jame in simbol slovenskega krasa»brilliant«stalagmite the most beautiful stalagmite in Postojna Cave and a symbol of Slovenia s karst region edina jama na svetu z dvotirno železnico the only cave in the world with a two-track railway obiskovalci lahko ob ogledu jame vidijo zmajevega mladiča človeško ribico visitors to the cave can see a baby dragon the so-called human fish 10 11

7 Pivka in Črna jama Pivka Cave and the Black Cave Pivka jama enkraten vpogled v podzemeljsko strugo reke Pivke Pivka Cave a unique insight into the underground channel of the river Pivka edini del v jamskem sistemu Postojnske jame, kjer ogled poteka ob podzemni reki Pivki the only part of the Postojna Cave system where visitors follow the underground river Pivka EXPO Postojnska jama kras razstava o krasu ter nastanku in turističnem razvoju Postojnske jame Proteusova jama z Vivarijem Postojnska jama nudi zavetje več kot 150 živalskim vrstam Črna jama velike dvorane in vodoravni rovi z velikimi temnimi kapniki, ki so dali jami ime možnost doživljajskega ogleda, za tiste, ki bi radi raziskovanje jam izkusili skozi zahtevnejše prehode in vodne prepreke The Black Cave large chambers and horizontal passages with large dark-coloured dripstones that give the cave its name option of an adventure visit for those who would like to try exploring the caves through more difficult passages and flooded sections možnost ogleda še dveh razstav Metulji sveta in Življenje v milijardah let EXPO Postojna Cave Karst an exhibition on karst, the formation of Postojna Cave and its development as a show cave the opportunity to see two further exhibitions Butterflies of the World and Life Within a Billion Years nekatere najzanimivejše lahko podrobneje spoznate v Proteusovi jami z Vivarijem Proteus Cave and Vivarium Postojna Cave offers shelter to more than 150 animal species you can learn more about some of the most interesting ones in the Proteus Cave and Vivarium Park Postojnska jama Postojna Cave Park Postojnska jama Postojna Cave Jamska cesta 30, 6230 Postojna +386 (0) info@postojnska-jama.eu Ali ste vedeli da so včasih ljudje, ko so še verjeli, da v jamah živijo zmaji, človeške ribice imenovali kar zmajevi mladiči? Prvič je bila opisana že v 18. stoletju. Je edini v Evropi živeči jamski vretenčar in največja jamska žival na svetu. Did you know that in the days when people still believed that dragons lived in caves, they thought these olms were baby dragons? It was first scientifically described in the 18th century. It is the only cave-dwelling vertebrate in Europe and the largest cave animal in the world

8 Skrivnostna Predjama Mysterious Predjama 2 Predjamski grad / Predjama Castle Edini ohranjeni jamski grad na svetu! / The world s only surviving cave castle! 10 km 800 let / yrs oddaljen od Postojne / from Postojna že več kot 800 let stoji sredi 123 metrov visoke kamnite stene perched halfway up a 123-metre cliff, it has stood here for more than 800 years v notranjosti gradu je na ogled srednjeveška orožarna s številnimi replikami orožja (sulice, helebarde, meči, loki, samostreli, oklepi) / inside the castle visitors can see the medieval armoury containing numerous replica weapons (lances, halberds, swords, bows, crossbows, armour) pod gradom, nad in za njim je zanimiv preplet kraških jam (od maja do septembra možen ogled Jame pod Predjamskim gradom) / below, above and behind the castle is a labyrinth of karst caves (the Cave below Predjama Castle is open to visitors from May to September) v Jami pod gradom živi več vrst netopirjev, velja pa tudi za enega največjih prezimovališč, zato je v zimskem času za obiskovalce zaprta several species of bat live in the Cave below Predjama Castle, which is also one of their largest hibernation sites, so the cave remains closed throughout the winter Največji jamski grad na svetu! The largest cave castle in the world! Predjamski grad Predjama Castle Predjama 1, 6230 Postojna +386 (0) info@postojnska-jama.eu Ali ste vedeli... da je po legendi nekoč v Predjamskem gradu prebival pogumen roparski vitez Erazem Predjamski, ki se je več kot leto dni upiral oblegovalcem gradu, dokler ga ni izdal eden od njegovih služabnikov, ki je prižgal svečo na oknu Erazmove sobe? To je vodilo njegove sovražnike, da so ga pozneje zasuli s kamnitimi kroglami. Erazmovo žalujoče dekle naj bi njegovo truplo pokopalo v središču vasi pred cerkvijo Žalostne Matere Božje, nanj pa zasadilo lipo, ki stoji tam še dandanes ter je poznana po svoji častitljivi starosti in votlem deblu. Did you know that according to legend a bold robber knight named Erasmus once lived in Predjama Castle and held out against a besieging army for more than a year, until betrayed by one of his own servants, who lit a candle in the window of Erasmus s bedroom? This was a signal to his enemies, who then bombarded him with stone cannonballs. Erasmus s grieving sweetheart is said to have buried his body in the centre of the village, outside the church dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, and to have planted a linden over his grave. The tree still stands there today, identifiable by its venerable age and hollow trunk. Muzejski zbirki»pri stari dami«v neposredni bližini Predjamskega gradu prenovljena hiša s čudovito kmečko arhitekturo bogata lovska zbirka ter zbirka predmetov in orožja iz prve svetovne vojne, s poudarkom na Soški fronti Museum Collections»At the Dame's House«right next to Predjama Castle a restored house with wonderful rustic architecture a rich hunting collection and collections of weapons and other objects from the First World War, with an emphasis on the Isonzo Front Muzejski zbirki»pri stari dami«museum Collections»At the Dame's House«Predjama 13, 6230 Postojna +386 (0) info@muzej-predjama.si

9 Notranjski muzej Postojna s stalno razstavo Muzej krasa Notranjska Museum Postojna featuring»karst Museum«permanent exibition Najbolj celovita razstava o krasu v Evropi / The most complete exhibition on karst in EU ogledati si je mogoče: ohranjen srednjeveški zaklad iz Predjamskega gradu surviving medieval treasures from Predjama Castle okostja ledenodobnih živali jamski medved, stepski bizon ter ostanki jamskega leva, hijene, nosoroga in celo povodnega konja the skeletons of Ice Age animals a cave bear, a steppe bison and the remains of a cave lion, a hyena, a rhinoceros and even a hippopotamus jamske živali pod mikroskopi / cave animals below the microscope analogni in interaktivni prikaz jam v Sloveniji analogue and interactive display of 11,693 caves in Slovenia kraj, kjer se lahko dotaknete kapnikov a place where you can touch stalactites Notranjski muzej Postojna Notranjska Museum Postojna Kolodvorska cesta 3, Postojna +386 (0) info@notranjski-muzej.si Zibelka krasoslovja The cradle of karstology Ali ste vedeli da je bil jamski medved pretežno rastlinojed? Majlont Majlont 3 4 staro mestno jedro Postojne, pod hribom Sovič prepoznaven po ozkih ulicah in strnjeni pozidavi skozi zgodovino je bilo mestno jedro večkrat uničeno v požarih, vendar vsakič znova obnovljeno (nazadnje med letoma 2011 in 2012) ohranja pečat slikovitega in razgibanega dela Postojne vsaka hiša in ulica Majlonta ima svojo zgodbo the old town centre of Postojna, at the foot of Sovič recognisable by its narrow streets and closely huddled buildings destroyed by fire several times over the course of history, the town centre has always been rebuilt (most recently in 2011 and 2012) it retains the stamp of a picturesque and diverse part of Postojna every house and street in Majlont has its own story Ali ste vedeli da sega po ustnem izročilu izvor imena Majlont v 19. stoletje, ko je Avstrija začela graditi Južno železnico (povezava Dunaj Trst)? Med gradnjo se je v Postojno priselilo veliko italijanskih delavcev iz Milana, ki so začeli stari del mesta imenovati Milano ali po slovensko moja dežela (moja zemlja). Nemci, ki so živeli zraven, pa so Milano prevedli v nemški jezik. Tako je nastal izraz Majland, ki se je v nekaterih različicah obdržal do danes. Večina domačinov uporablja namesto izraza Majland raje Majlond, drugi pa govorijo o njem kot o Majlontu. Did you know that according to oral tradition the name Majlont has its origin in the 19th century, when Austria began building the Südbahn (the railway connecting Vienna to Trieste)? During construction of the railway, a large number of Italian workers from Milan moved to Postojna and began to refer to the old part of the town, where they lived, as»milano«. The town s German-speakers translated this as»mailand«(the German name for Milan). Another version of the story has the railway workers referring to the district as»mein Land«, meaning»my country«. Whichever theory is correct, the resulting expression»majland«has survived in a number of variants to the present day. Most local people say»majlond«rather than»majland«, while others refer to the district as»majlont«. Did you know... that the cave bear was predominantly herbivorous? 16 17

10 Srce mesta Postojna Heart of Postojna Titov trg osrednji trg v Postojni predstavlja središče mestnega utripa tu se odvija večina javnih prireditev, koncertov, predstav in drugih javnih dogodkov na trgu je sedež Inštituta za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU osrednja ustanova za proučevanje in raziskovanje krasa ter kraških pojavov na mestnem trgu je postavljena skulptura človeške ribice na njej so navedeni pomembnejši mejniki z vidika razvoja in zgodovine Postojne Tito Square (Titov trg) Postojna's main square represents the centre of life in the town 5 it serves as the venue for most public events, concerts, performances and other public occasions the ZRC SAZU Karst Research Institute the principal institution for the study and research of karst and karst phenomena stands on the square a sculpture of an olm (or»human fish«) also stands in the square on it are listed important milestones in the history and development of Postojna Cerkev sv. Štefana blizu Titovega trga mogočna poznobaročna cerkev s klasicističnimi in rokokojskimi detajli ter bogatimi poslikavami je bila zgrajena leta 1777 posvečena je sv. Štefanu, zavetniku konj, kar kaže gospodarski pomen te vprežne živali na tem območju v obdobju, ko je bilo furmanstvo v polnem razmahu St Stephen's Church close to Tito Square the imposing late baroque church with neoclassical and rococo details and rich painted decoration was built in 1777 it is dedicated to St Stephen, the patron saint of horses, which indicates the economic importance of this draught animal in this area in the period when cart transport was booming Mestni park v njem stojijo informacijske table, ki vas popeljejo po vseh krajevnih skupnostih v občini izobraževalno in kulturno središče za različne delavnice, prireditve in tržnice igrišče za najmlajše, ki lahko na različnih igralih preizkusijo svoje spretnosti in uživajo ob igri Town Park information boards in the park offer a guide to all the local communities in the municipality serves as an education and cultural centre for various workshops, events and markets a playground for the youngest visitors, where they can test their skills and enjoy playing on a variety of playground equipment 18 19

11 Čudovito Planinsko polje Wonderful Planinsko Polje Planinsko polje velja za klasičen primer kraškega polja, zadnje tovrstno v porečju Ljubljanice po njem si utira pot reka Unica, ki izvira v Planinski jami po obilnejšem deževju je Planinsko polje poplavljeno in za nekaj časa postane jezero pomemben življenjski prostor številnih rastlinskih in živalskih vrst Ali ste vedeli da je na enem samem kraškem travniku več vrst metuljev kot v celotni Veliki Britaniji? Planinsko Polje 6 a classic example of a karst polje, the last of its kind in the basin of the Ljubljanica it is crossed by the river Unica, which rises in Planina Cave after heavy rain Planinsko Polje is flooded and for some time becomes a lake an important habitat for numerous plant and animal species Did you know... that a single karst meadow is home to more species of butterfly than the whole of Great Britain? Planinska jama največja vodna jama v Sloveniji eno največjih sotočij podzemnih rek v Evropi (Pivke in Raka) malo morje človeških ribic raznolike dvorane, številna čudovita jezera in kapniki možen ogled peš ali s čolnom po predhodnem dogovoru Planina Cave the largest water cave in Slovenia one of the largest confluences of underground rivers in Europe (the Pivka and the Rak) a little sea of human fish diverse chambers, numerous wonderful lakes and dripstones visit on foot or by boat by prior agreement Planinska jama / Planina Cave +386 (0) , +386 (0) mogsac5@gmail.com Ali ste vedeli... da je predsednik Tito v 60. letih japonskemu cesarju Hirohitu podaril pet človeških ribic iz Planinske jame? Človeške ribice so včasih prodajali kar na stojnicah, dokler jih niso leta 1922 zavarovali kot zaščiteno vrsto. Did you know that in the 1960s Yugoslav president Tito presented Emperor Hirohito of Japan with five human fish from Planina Cave? Human fish were once sold on market stalls, until the species was given protected status in

12 Ravbarjev stolp stoji v neposredni bližini Planinske jame ostanek srednjeveškega Malega gradu ime dobil po rodbini Ravbarjev iz 15. stol. včasih je bila vloga gradu varovanje pomembne prometne povezave med Ljubljansko kotlino in Primorjem mogočen okrogel stolp ima v nadstropju ohranjeno gotsko kapelo vstop v notranjost stolpa mogoč ob predhodni najavi Ravbar's Tower stands in the immediate vicinity of Planina Cave remains of the medieval»little Castle«named after the 15th-century Ravbar family castle s role once to protect the important road between the Ljubljana Basin and the coastal region a Gothic chapel survives on the first floor of imposing round tower visits to the tower possible if booked in advance Ruševine gradu Haasberg se dvigajo nad sotesko reke Unice nekoč ena najbolj reprezentativnih grajskih stavb na Slovenskem se je ponašala s čudovitim parkom, ki je danes ohranjen le deloma mogočna graščina je bila med 2. svetovno vojno požgana popolnoma so bili uničeni dragocena notranja oprema, arhiv rodbine in družinska grobnica zadnjih lastnikov dvorca rodbine Windischgrätz Ruins of Haasberg Castle the ruins rise up above the gorge of the river Unica once one of the most magnificent castle buildings in Slovenia, it had a wonderful park, part of which still survives today burnt down during the Second World War valuable furnishings, family archives and the family vault of the castle s last owner, the Windischgrätz family, were entirely destroyed Ravbarjev stolp / Ravbar's Tower +386 (0) (0) mogsac5@gmail.com Kozolec toplar pri Belskem»Toplar«Hay Rack at Belsko stoji ob poti iz Postojne proti Predjami (dobrih 6 km iz Postojne) dragocen spomenik ljudskega stavbarstva na Slovenskem etnografska zbirka več kot 200 predmetov kmečkega orodja ogled samo po predhodnem dogovoru Turistično društvo Pudgura Pudgura Tourism Association Studeno 68, 6230 Postojna +386 (0) podgura@gmail.com Ali ste vedeli da je bil najdaljši jambor, ki je kdaj koli potoval po Jamborni cesti (najstarejši prometni povezavi, ki je potekala čez znamenita Postojnska vrata), težek približno 9 t in je meril 64 m? Njegovo repliko si lahko ogledate prav pri kozolcu Toplar pri Belskem. stands by the road leading from Postojna to Predjama (just over 6 km from Postojna) a valuable monument of vernacular architecture in Slovenia collection of more than 200 agricultural implements and tools visits by prior arrangement only Did you know... 7 that the longest mast ever to travel along the Mast Road (the oldest route passing through the famous Postojna Gate) was 64 metres long and weighed around 9 tonnes? A replica of the mast can be seen by the Toplar Hay Rack at Belsko

13 Kaj Aktivni užitek Active Enjoyment A početi? What to Do? Postoj na mestni poti slikovita mestna pot odkrivanje bogate kulturne dediščine v slabih treh urah spoznate 200 let zgodovine mesta Postojna ogled možen v družbi izkušenega lokalnega turističnega vodnika izbirate lahko med tremi tematskimi potmi Follow the town trail picturesque urban itineraries discover rich cultural heritage get to know 200 years of the history of Postojna in under three hours experienced local tourist guides available choose from three themed itineraries Meščanska promenada Burghers promenade samostojni ogled / self-guided: 1,5 h vodeni ogled / guided: 2,5 h Mesto na meji Town on the border samostojni ogled / self-guided: 1,5 h vodeni ogled / guided: 2 h V središču krasoslovja In the heart of karstology samostojni ogled / self-guided: 1,5 h vodeni ogled / guided: 2 h TIC Galerija Trg padlih borcev 5, 6230 Postojna +386 (0) ticgalerija@zavod-znanje.si TIC Postojna Tržaška c. 59a, 230 Postojna +386 (0) tic.postojna.info@gmail.com 24 25

14 Letališče Postojna (Rakitnik) nahaja se v neposredni bližini avtocestnega izvoza (41) namenjeno športnim in turističnim letalom možnost jadralnega, motornega in atraktivnega letenja z oldtimerji možnost panoramskih poletov možnost ogleda eksponatov in hangarja Postojna Airfield (Rakitnik) located close to the motorway exit (junction 41) suitable for sports and touring aircraft gliding, light aircraft and vintage aircraft panoramic flights available view exhibits and hangar all activities and visits by prior arrangement only Jamski treking podoživite raziskovanje jam ogledi neturističnih delov jam, zahtevnejši prehodi, vodne prepreke manjše skupine, spremstvo usposobljenega vodnika, trije težavnostni razredi trekinga predhodna najava najmanj tri dni pred prihodom Cave trekking za vse aktivnosti in oglede je potreben predhodni dogovor Aeroklub Postojna Rakitnik 1a, 6258 Prestranek +386 (0) ali +386 (0) aeroklub.postojna@gmail.com Pustolovski park Postojna v neposredni bližini Postojnske jame find out what it s like to explore caves visits to parts of caves not open to visitors, more difficult passages, flooded sections small groups, qualified guide, three levels of difficulty booking essential at least three days before arrival zabavna gozdna avantura med drevesnimi krošnjami 5 različnih avanturističnih poti, na katerih boste premagali 73 različnih zabavnih preprek zabava za vso družino Jamski treking / Cave trekking Jamska cesta 30, 6230 Postojna +386 (0) info@postojnska-jama.eu Postojna Adventure Park located close to Postojna Cave fun forest adventure amid the treetops 5 different adventure trails with a total of 73 different fun obstacles fun for the whole family Pustolovski park Postojna Postojna Adventure Park Jamska cesta, 6230 Postojna +386 (0) info@pustolovski-park-postojna.si

15 Posestvo Grad Prestranek na posestvu (približno 300 ha) stoji grad iz 16. stoletja posestvo obkrožajo gozdovi, travniki ter številne naravne in kulturne znamenitosti nekdanja podružnica kobilarne Lipica možnost terenskega jahanja na islandskih ali velikih konjih počitniški jahalni tabori možnost ogleda posestva, v sklopu katerega delujejo tri ekološke kmetije možnost nastanitve v šestih lično opremljenih apartmajih kategorije ** možnost okrepčila in okušanja hišnih specialitet iz biogovedine Angus Prestranek Castle Estate a 16th-century castle stands on the estate (approx. 300 ha) the estate is surrounded by forests, meadows and numerous natural and cultural sights of interest once part of the imperial stud farm at Lipica trail riding on Icelandic horses and full-sized horses holiday riding camps visits to the estate, which includes three organic farms accommodation available in six attractively decorated apartments (**) refreshments and tastings of house specialities made with organic Angus beef Muharjenje na reki Unici Planinsko polje in reka Unica ena najlepših in najboljših destinacij za muharjenje na lipana in potočno postrv v Evropi ribolovna sezona traja od do Fly-fishing on the Unica Planinsko Polje and the river Unica one of the best and most beautiful destinations in Europe for fly-fishing for grayling and brown trout the fishing season runs from 1 May to 30 November Posestvo Grad Prestranek Prestranek Castle Estate Na Gradu 1, 6258 Prestranek +386 (0) ali +386 (0) info@gradprestranek.si Ribolov je dovoljen samo s posebnimi dovolilnicami, ki jih lahko kupite: Fishing only allowed with special permits, available for purchase at: Gostilna Petkovšek: Planina 99, 6232 Planina, +386 (0) , +386 (0) Zavod za ribištvo Slovenije: Sp. Gameljne 61a, 1211 Ljubljana Šmartno, +386 (0) Spletni nakup / Online purchase:

16 Trekking»On the hunter's paths«or»on the trail of the brown bear«opazovanje medveda in drugih gozdnih živali, fotolov Izkušena lovka in geografinja vas popelje na gozdne avanture... An experienced hunter and geographer takes you on forest adventures... Treking»Po lovčevih poteh«ali»po poteh rjavega medveda«po lovčevih poteh za aktivnejše, trajanje 3 do 4 ure (8,5 km), delno zahtevna steza Po poteh rjavega medveda za precej aktivne, trajanje 6 do 7 ure (15 km), delno zahtevna steza spoznajte osrčje obširnih dinarskih gozdov dom številnih gozdnih živali vodenje v jutranjih ali zgodnjih popoldanskih urah vožnja s terenskim vozilom po obširnih gozdovih vzponi do najvišjih točk čudovit razgled na presihajoča jezera, vse do slovenskih Alp malica na terenu in kosilo na turistični ekokmetiji Smrekarjeva domačija priporočamo pohodna oblačila in obutev, pohodne palice, okrepčilo obvezna predhodna rezervacija On the hunter's paths for the more active, duration 3 to 4 hours (8.5 km), partly demanding trail On the trail of the brown bear for the moderately active, duration 6 to 7 hours (15 km), partly demanding trail discover the heart of the vast Dinaric forests home to numerous woodland creatures guides available in morning or early afternoon ride through vast forests in an all-terrain vehicle climb up to the highest points wonderful view over intermittent lakes, as far as the Alps snack along the way and lunch at organic farm/farm stay Smrekarjeva domačija we recommend hiking clothing and footwear, walking poles, refreshments booking essential Ali ste vedeli da je postojnska regija obdana s kar štirimi naravnimi parki: Krajinski park Južni in zahodni obronki Nanosa, Krajinski park Pivška presihajoča jezera, Krajinski park Rakov Škocjan in Notranjski regijski park. Did you know... that the Postojna region is surrounded by four natural parks: the Southern and Western Slopes of Nanos Nature Park, the Pivka Intermittent Lakes Nature Park, the Rakov Škocjan Nature Park and the Notranjska Regional Park. spoznajte življenjski prostor največje zveri slovenskih gozdov rjavega medveda in drugih gozdnih živali ogled v popoldanskih urah vožnja s terenskim vozilom po obširnih gozdovih opazovanje poteka iz ustrezne opazovalnice (do 5 ljudi) čas opazovanja 2 do 3 ure priporočena oprema topla, nešumeča oblačila obvezna predhodna rezervacija Watching bears and other forest creatures, photo-safari discover the habitat of the biggest wild animals in Slovenia s forests the brown bear and other forest creatures afternoon visit ride through vast forests in an all-terrain vehicle watch animals from a suitable hide (up to 5 people) watching time 2 to 3 hours recommended equipment warm clothes that make no noise booking essential Forest adventures d.o.o. Ulica Vilka Kledeta 6, 6230 Postojna +386 (0) info@forest-adventures.eu Ali ste vedeli da je več kot polovica Slovenije poraščena z gozdom in da tu živi ena izmed največjih populacij rjavega medveda v Evropi? Did you know... that more than half of Slovenia is covered by forest and the country is home to one of the largest brown bear populations in Europe? 30 31

17 Ostale aktivnosti Other Activities B Pot pod noge The Road Beneath Your Feet C Guštarna prodajalna vina in živeža Outdoor City Adventure pravo mesto za vse, ki cenijo dobro vino in hrano možnost okušanja dobrih vin, penin, domačih sirov, pršutov, pancet, oljčnih ali bučnih olj in številnih drugih lokalnih dobrot Bowling Epicenter idealno središče za preživljanje prostega časa in sprostitev, ki jo ponuja bowling primeren za vse generacije priporočena predhodna rezervacija termina in steze Guštarna wine and food the right place for all who appreciate good wine and food tastings: wine, sparkling wine, local cheese, ham, pancetta, olive and pumpkin-seed oil, numerous other local specialities Guštarna Tržaška cesta 14, 6230 Postojna +386 (0) info@gustarna.com Mestna pustolovščina Outdoor City Adventure 60-minutna tematska igra po mestnih ulicah je primerna za ekipe od 2 do največ 5 igralcev igra je prepletena s številnimi miselnimi in praktičnimi izzivi: do cilja boste sledili zgodbi, odkrivali skrite namige, dešifrirali kode, reševali izvirne uganke, medsebojno sodelovali in se odlično zabavali izvirna dogodivščina je primerna vse, ki so jim reševanje ugank, treniranje možganov in aktivno preživljanje prostega časa v zabavo sprejmi izziv, zberi ekipo in se odpravi na vznemirljivo pustolovščino po ulicah Postojne obvezna predhodna rezervacija 60-minute themed game through the streets of the town, suitable for teams of 2 to 5 players the game is interspersed with numerous mental and practical challenges. To reach the goal you will have to follow the story, discover hidden clues, decipher codes, solve original puzzles, work together... and have lots of fun this original adventure is suitable for all who enjoy puzzle-solving and brain-training and spending their free time actively accept the challenge, pick your team and set off on an exciting outdoor adventure through the streets of Postojna booking essential Bowling Epicenter perfect place to spend free time and relax while enjoying bowling suitable for all generations booking time slots and lanes recommended Bowling Epicenter Kazarje 10, 230 Postojna +386 (0) bowling@hotelepic.si Creative Ways Kreativne Poti, potovalna agencija, d.o.o. Tržaška cesta 22, 6230 Postojna +386 (0) info creativeways.si

18 Jamborna cesta najstarejša prometna povezava čez znamenita Postojnska vrata nekdaj so po njej prevažali jambore in drug ladijski les v tržaško pristanišče označena trasa med Planino in Razdrtim 18 točk z zanimivimi in poučnimi informativnimi tablami kraji ob tej starodavni prometnici so več stoletij živeli od furmanstva kraji od Jamborni cesti so odlično izhodišče za številne krožne pohodniške izlete vseh zahtevnostnih stopenj The Mast Road the oldest route through the famous Postojna Gate once used to transport masts and other timbers for ships to the port in Trieste marked route between Planina and Razdrto 18 points with information boards offering useful and interesting information the places along this ancient route lived for centuries from the carting trade the towns and villages along the Mast Road are an excellent starting point for numerous circular hikes of every difficulty level Ali ste vedeli da so domačini v vasi Šmihel pod Nanosom v čast pogumnemu pastirčku Jakobu, ki je ukanil groznega zmaja iz Postojnske jame, postavili kip? Did you know that the inhabitants of the village of Šmihel below Nanos erected a statue in honour of the brave shepherd lad Jakob who tricked the terrible dragon from Postojna Cave? Ali ste vedeli... da v vasici Strane (ob Jamborni poti) raste najdebelejša in po ljudskem izročilu tudi najstarejša slovenska tisa? Glede na obseg debla bi, po mnenju gozdarjev, utegnila biti stara od 500 do 600 let. Ljudsko izročilo pa vendarle trdi, da je bila zasajena že leta 350 našega štetja. Več kot 11 metrov visoko drevo stoji pred vaško cerkvijo, njen obseg pa meri 385 centimetrov. Starodavna trasa Ancient route Pohodniški predlogi Hiking suggestions Gostilna / Inn, Restaurant Did you know that the thickest yew tree in Slovenia also said to be the oldest grows by the Mast Road in the village of Strane? Judging from the circumference of its trunk, expert foresters say, it could be between 500 and 600 years old. Folk tradition on the other hand claims that it was planted in the year AD 350. The tree, which is more than 11 metres tall, stands in front of the village church. Its trunk has a circumference of 385 centimetres

19 Pogled od zgoraj View from Above D Številna razgledišča nudijo povsem drug, zanimiv in privlačen pogled na postojnsko regijo. Numerous viewpoints offer an interesting and attractive alternative view of the Postojna region. Sovič z ruševinami gradu Adelsberg (677 m) izhodiščna točka Majlont ali Čukovica povsem nezahteven, toda zelo zanimiv mestni grič nad najstarejšim delom Postojne, Majlontom na vrhu so ruševine gradu Adelsberg in vojaški rovi čudovita razgledna točka krožna pot med drevesnimi krošnjami Borojevićeva pot (general avstro-ogrske vojske, Svetozar Borojević) trajanje: 20 min peš* Sovič with the ruins of Adelsberg Castle (677 m) starting points Majlont or Čukovica easy but very interesting hill above the town above Majlont, the oldest part of Postojna at the summit, the ruins of Adelsberg Castle and military tunnels a wonderful viewpoint circular path among the treetops the Borojević Trail (named after the Austro-Hungarian general Svetozar Borojević) duration: 20 minutes on foot* Koča Mladika na Pečni rebri (733 m) izhodiščna točka Postojna priljubljena sprehajalna pot predvsem med domačini, pa tudi med tujimi gosti čudovit razgled na Postojno in njeno širšo okolico možna osvežitev s pijačo v koči dostop je mogoč z avtomobilom, s kolesom ali peš trajanje: 30 min peš* Mladika Hut on Pečna Reber (733 m) starting points Postojna a popular walking trail, particularly with locals but also with foreign visitors stunning view over Postojna and the surrounding area drinks available in the hut access by car, by bike or on foot duration: 30 minutes on foot* Sv. Trojica (1.123 m) izhodiščna točka Postojna vzpon je mogoč po več različnih pešpoteh najbolj priljubljena izhodiščna točka je v vaseh Petelinje in Trnje pri Pivki čudovit razgled po celotni Pivški kotlini ter bližnjih vrhovih Snežnika, Nanosa, Vremščice in Planinske gore v jasnem vremenu sega pogled vse do Jadranskega morja pot ni zahtevna, dobro označena vzpon v senci borovega in bukovega gozda na vrhu je romarska cerkev sv. Trojice Valvazor jo omenja že v 17. stoletju trajanje: 3,5 ure peš* Sveta Trojica (1,123 m) starting points Postojna ascent is possible by several different footpaths the most popular starting points are in the villages of Petelinje and Trnje pri Pivki wonderful view over the entire Basin and the nearby peaks of Snežnik, Nanos, Vremščica and Planinska Gora on a clear day you can see all the way to the Adriatic Sea the path is easy and well marked and shaded by pine and beech forest * oziroma odvisno od hitrosti vašega koraka or depending on how fast you walk at the summit is a pilgrimage church dedicated to the Holy Trinity mentioned by Valvasor in the 17th century duration: 3,5 hr on foot* 36 37

20 Nanos (1.240 m) Nanos (1,240 m) na Nanos vodi vrsta planinskih poti najbolj priljubljena je iz Razdrtega various paths lead up to Nanos the most popular starts in Razdrto Nanos je velika kraška planota, ki ločuje osrednji del Slovenije od Primorja Nanos is the large karst plateau that separates central Slovenia from the coastal region najvišji vrh planote je Suhi vrh (1.313 m) čudovit razgled v smeri slovenskega dela Alp ter v smeri Snežnika in Primorja na vrhu (na Pleši) se lahko okrepčate v Vojkovi koči trajanje: po položni poti 2 uri 20 min, po strmi poti 1 ura* the highest point of the plateau is Suhi Vrh (1,313 m) wonderful views towards the Slovenian Alps and towards Snežnik and the coast refreshments available in Vojko s Hut (Vojkova koča) at the summit (Pleša) duration: gentle route 2 hrs 20 mins, steep route 1 hr* Sveti Lovrenc (1.019 m) vzpon je mogoč po več različnih pešpoteh najbolj priljubljena iz Studenega na sedlu, tik pod vrhom manjša pred kratkim obnovljena cerkvica sv. Lovrenca klopi, kjer si lahko odpočijete in se okrepčate z dobrotami iz nahrbtnika čudovit razgled v smeri postojnskega in cerkniškega (Snežnik, Slivnica, Vremščica) trajanje: 1 ura* Sveti Lovrenc (1,019 m) ascent is possible by several different footpaths the most popular is the one from Studeno a little church dedicated to St Lawrence (recently renovated) stands in the saddle just below the summit benches where you can rest and refresh yourself with food and drink from your rucksack wonderful views in the Postojna and Cerknica directions (Snežnik, Slivnica, Vremščica) duration: 1 hr* Planinska gora Grmada (873 m) izhodiščna točka Planina, pri cerkvi sv. Marjete sprehod po kolovozu čez travnike in gozd idilična panoramska kamnita cesta s številnimi romarskimi znamenji ob poti stoji cerkev sv. Marije (zgrajena leta 1657) zahodno od cerkve pelje cesta do Grmade, kjer stoji kamnita miza, ki označuje vrh čudovit razgled na Javornike, Slivnico in celotno Planinsko polje (v mesecih, ko je gozd še neporaščen) trajanje: 1 ura* Planinska Gora Grmada (873 m) starting point Planina, by St Margaret s Church walk along a cart track over meadows and through forest idyllic panoramic stone road with numerous wayside shrines the route passes St Mary s Church (built 1657) west of the church a road leads up to Grmada, where a stone table stands, indicating the summit * oziroma odvisno od hitrosti vašega koraka or depending on how fast you walk a wonderful view of the Javorniki plateau, Slivnica and the entire Planinsko Polje (in the months when the forest is not yet in leaf ) duration: 1 hr* 38 39

21 Začuti legende na kolesu Legendary Bike Rides E Odkrivajte skrivnosti srednjeveških vitezov, njihovih zgodb in legend. Navdušili vas bodo mogočni in odmaknjeni gradovi ter dvorci na poti. Začutite utrip podeželja postojnske regije in uživajte v neokrnjeni naravi, na kolesu. Discover the secrets of the medieval knights, their stories and legends. Enjoy the sight of imposing castles and remote manor houses along the way. Feel the pulse of the countryside of the Postojna region and enjoy unspoilt nature, from the saddle of a bicycle. Nanos Bukovje Strmca N. Gorica 48 km Veliko Ubeljsko Strane Malo Ubeljsko Šmihel Dilce Landol Hrenovice Hrašče Predjama Zagon Belsko Studeno Sovič Lohača Pivka Jama Postojna Planina Ljubljana 45 km Razdrto Hruševje Pečna Reber Koper 41 km Senožeče Laže Sajevče Orehek Grobišče Rakitnik Stara vas Veliki Javornik Rakulik Prestranek Grajska / Castles: 57,4 km / 6 h, težavnost / difficulty: 7 10 Junior / Junior: 11,9 km / 35 min, težavnost / difficulty: 1 10 Nanos / Nanos: 58,6 km / 4 h, težavnost / difficulty: 8 10 Jamska / Caves: 39,2 km / 3 h, težavnost / difficulty: 4 10 Koče Slavina Selce Petelinsko jezero Sveta Trojica Veliki Javornik / Javornik Grande: 29,3 km / 3 h, težavnost / difficulty: 9 10 Sv. Trojica / Saint Trinity: 53,6 km / 4 h, težavnost / difficulty: 7 10 Postojna / Postojna: 76,1 km / 6 h, težavnost / difficulty: 7 10 Pivka Pivka Trnje Palško jezero Primož

22 Tradicionalne prireditve Traditional Events II./III. Pustovanje v Postojni / Carnival in Postojna F vsako leto na pustni torek pustna povorka s skoraj 50-letno tradicijo v sklopu pustovanja Pustni ples v maskah every year on Shrove Tuesday carnival procession dating back almost 50 years. costumed Carnival Ball as part of carnival celebrations VI. Mednarodno srečanje starodobnikov / International vintage and classic car rally VII. vsako leto konec junija start pred PTC Primorko v Postojni na panoramsko vožnjo po postojnski regiji se vsako leto odpravi več kot 100 čudovitih starodobnih vozil every year at the end of June starts in front of the PTC Primorka building in Postojna over 100 wonderful vintage and classic cars set off on a panoramic drive through the Postojna region every year IV. - IX. Mednarodni glasbeni festival mladih / International Youth Music Festival festival domačih in tujih mladinskih zborov in orkestrov odvija se v glavni turistični sezoni na različnih lokacijah festival of Slovene and foreign youth choirs and orchestras takes place during the tourist season in various locations Furmanski praznik / Carters' Holiday v parku Postojnske jame celodnevna etnološka prireditev prikazuje bogato dediščino tovorniških in prevozniških dejavnosti in Postojna Cave Park all-day event celebrating an element of local culture illustrates the rich heritage of transport by pack animals and carts V. DOS-RAS EXTREME Dirka okoli Slovenije / DOS-RAS EXTREME Race Around Slovenia ultramaratonski kolesarski spektakel z bogatim spremljevalnim programom se začne in konča v Postojni km, 205 slovenskih krajev, 86 slovenskih občin this ultra-marathon cycling spectacle with a rich programme of accompanying events starts and ends in Postojna 1,250 km, 205 localities around Slovenia, passes through 86 municipalities Mednarodni festival kitare Postojna / Postojna International Guitar Festival ponuja številne koncerte uveljavljenih kitaristov includes numerous concerts by well-known guitarists 42 43

23 VII., VIII. Festival Kulturni utrip poletja /»Kulturni utrip poletja«summer Cultural Festival bogat program kulturnih prireditev za vse generacije in okuse prijetno poletno vzdušje v mestu večina dogajanja se odvija na Titovem trgu v Postojni a rich programme of cultural events for all generations and tastes a pleasant summer atmosphere in the town most events take place in Postojna's central Tito Square (Titov trg) Gozdar kmet nekoč in danes / Forester Farmer Past and Present prireditev poteka vsako leto avgusta pri kozolcu Toplar v Belskem prikaz slovenske kmečke in gozdarske tradicije ter običajev this event takes place every August by the Toplar hay rack at Belsko presentation of Slovene rural and forest traditions and customs Krompirjeva noč / Potato Night VIII. Festival Zmaj ma mlade / Zmaj 'ma mlade (Dragon Has Young) Festival že vse od leta 1997 kolaž različnih kakovostnih kulturnih dogodkov festivalske prireditve so v celoti brezplačne odvijajo se na različnih prizoriščih v Postojni first held in 1997 a collage of diverse, high-quality cultural events all festival events are free of charge at various venues around Postojna prireditev s pestro kulinarično ponudbo, ki se odvija v vasici Veliko Ubeljsko gastronomic event in the little village of Veliko Ubeljsko XII. Postoj na živi ulici /»Postoj na živi ulici«street Festival enodnevni dogodek, ki se odvije v okviru festivala Zmaj 'ma mlade oživitev mestnega jedra predstavitev nevladnih organizacij in drugih ponudnikov, ki s svojo ponudbo bogatijo naš prostor one-day event forming part of the Zmaj 'ma mlade (Dragon Has Young) Festival bringing life to the town centre presentations by NGOs and other providers offering a wide range of activities in the area Žive jaslice v Postojnski jami / Living Nativity in Postojna Cave božični spektakel s skoraj 30-letno tradicijo svetopisemska zgodba o božjem rojstvu je uprizorjena v najlepših kapniških prostorih Postojnske jame a Christmas tradition dating back almost 30 years the Bible story of the birth of Christ is told by tableaux in some of the most beautiful chambers of Postojna Cave 44 45

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