Title Interuniversity 2nd and 3rd Cycle International Relations Study Programs in Macedonia

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1 1. Project ID Project ID JP Project Type CARDS 2008 Curricular Reform Target Country MK Title Interuniversity 2nd and 3rd Cycle International Relations Study Programs in Macedonia Наслов: Интеруниверзитетска студиска програма за меѓународни односи на втор и трет циклус во Македонија Objective -Establish joint 2 nd and 3 rd Cycle Study adhering to Bologna Process requirements in the field of International Relations, with specialization in Conflict Resolution, Security studies and Intercultural Communication & Diplomatic Relations at "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University, South Eastern European University and State University of Tetovo by January Establish an International relations Institute on the campus of state University of Tetovo which supports the 2 nd and 3 rd cycle degree programs by bolstering the research capacities of all Macedonian university partners. Цел на проектот: -Воспоставување на заеднички студии на втор и трет циклус, во согласност со потребите на Болоњскиот проецес, во полето на меѓународните односи, кои ќе бидат фокусирани на разрешување на конфликти, безбедносни студии и интеркултурни комуникации, и дипломатски односи на Универзитетот "Св Кирил и Методиј", Универзитетот на Југоисточна Европа и Државниот Универзитет во Тетово до Јануари Воспоставување на институт за меѓународни односи во кампусот на Државниот Универзитет во Тетово кој ќе ги поддржува студкиските програми на втор и трет циклус преку зацврстување на капацитетите на истражување на сите партнер универзитети во Македонија. Subject area 260 European Studies and International Relations Duration 36 months Tempus Grant 661,371 Co-financing Grantholder Prof. Schulz Michael, University of Gothenburg P.O. Box 700, Gothenburg, SE Phone: Fax: michael.schulz@globalstudies.gu.se Local Co-ordinator Prof. Vesel Memedi, - State University of Tetova Tetovo, Faculty of Philosophy Ilindensak n.n Tetovo, MK Phone: Fax: memediv@yahoo.com Local Co-ordinator Prof. Memet Memeti - South Eastern European University Tetovo, Public Administration Faculty Ilindensak n.n Tetovo, MK Phone Fax: m.memeti@seeu.edu.mk Local Co-ordinator Prof. Biljana Vankovska Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philosophy Blvd. "Krste Misirkov" b.b 1000 Skopje, MK Phone: Fax: biljanav@fzf.ukim.edu.mk Diplomatic Academy of Vienna - Austrian French Center, AT Alliance Française Tetovo, MK University College Dublin, IE International Institute for Peace (IIP), AT University of Limoges, FR 1

2 2. Project ID Project ID JP Project Type CARDS 2008 Curriculum Reform Target Country MK, AL, 1244 Title DEVELOPMENT OF MASTER STUDY PROGRAMMES IN EDUCATION Наслов: Развој на магистерски студиски програми во образованието Objective to establish a new vision and tradition for pedagogical higher education, making profit of the experience of participating countries in line with the most advanced and successful available experience to Western European trends. to establish a new status for teachers and the specialists of educational sciences. to contribute to a further development of professionalism in education. to provide concrete basis for the re-planning of pre-service teacher training programs. to create conditions for involving students and trainees in educational research. Цел на проектот: -Воспоставување на нова визија и традиција на високото образование за педагози, преку придонесот од искуствата на земјите учеснички со помош на најнапредните и расположливи искуства на запандоевропските трендови; -Вовспоставување нов статут на професорите и специалистите за образовни науки; -Придонес за понатамошен развој на професионализмот во образованието; -Обезбедување на солидна основа за редизајнирање на тренинг програмите за наставниците од предучилишно воспитување; -Создавање на услови за вклучување на студентите и обучените во образовното истражување. Subject area 820 Education and Teacher Training Duration 24 months Tempus Grant 926, 602 Co-financing Grantholder Prof. Vertecchi Benedetto, LPS Laboratorio di Pedagogia Sperimentale - Diped - Dipartimento di Progettazione Educativa e Didattica - Università Roma Tre Via del Castro Pretorio 20, Roma, IT Phone: Fax: b.vertecchi@uniroma3.it Local Co-ordinator Prof. Hasan Jashari - Higher Education Institution South East European University Tetovo, Faculty of Education Ilindenska n.n Tetovo, MK Phone: Fax: h.jashari@seeu.edu.mk CDELL - University of Nottingham, UK LPS-Diped Dipartimento di Progettazione Educativa e Didattica - Università Roma Tre, IT Faculty of Social Sciences, AL University of Prostine, XK 2

3 Faculty of Education, XK Graduate School, MK Danish School of Education - University of Arhus, DK Faculty of Social Sciences, AL 3. Project ID Project ID JP Project Type CARDS 2008 Curriculum Reform Target Country AL, MK, BA, RS, HR Title Example of excellence for Joint (Degree) Programme Development in South-Eastern Europe Наслов: Пример на одличност за развој на заедничка студиска програма во Југоисточна Европа Objective -Develop and establish 4 jointly developed and mutually recognized study programmes in line with all aspect of Bologna process -Train university members on the specific of curriculum development -Provide models and tools for the development of joint (degree) programmes -Create a model for the development and implementation for joint programmes -Prepare universities in the Western Balkans to the opportunities and challenges of the EU programmes -Reach a common knowledge base about the development of joint programmes as SEE universities on a multilateral basis -Encourage cross-border cooperation in South-Eastern Europe Цел на проектот: -Развој и воспоставување на 4 заеднички развиени и признаени студиски програми кои се во согласност со сите аспекти на Болоњскиот процес; -Обука на универзитетските членови за специфичноста на развојот на наставна програма; -Обезбедување на модели и алатки за развој и имплементација на заеднички програми; -Создавање на модел за развој и имплементација на заеднички програми; -Подготвување на универзитетите од Западен Балкан за можностите и предизвиците на програмите на ЕУ ; -Достигнивање на заедничка база на знаење за развој на зеднички програми на универзитетите на Југоисточна Европа на мултилатерална база. -Поттик на меѓугранична соработка во Југоисточна Европа. Subject area Multidisciplinary Studies Duration 36 months Tempus Grant 1,442,731 3

4 Co-financing Grantholder Prof. Maierhofer Roberta, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Universitätsplatz 3, Graz, AT Phone: Fax: Local Co-ordinator Prof. Gjorgje Ivanov- "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University - Skopje - Faculty of Law Bul. Krste Misirkov bb 1000 Skopje, MK Phone: Fax: gjorgjeivanov@gmail.com Local Co-ordinator Prof. Zamir Dika, South East European University-Tetovo, Communication Sciences and Technology Ilindenska b.b Tetovo, MK Phone: Fax: z.dika@seeu.edu.mk Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance (AQA), AT UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB, HR Universitat de Barcelona, ES University of Belgrade, RS University of Bologna, IT Universitatea Babes-Boyai Cluj, RO European Students' Union, BE Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (University of Groningen), NL University of Leuven, BE University of Ljubljana, SI Ludwig Maximillians Universitaet Muenchen, DE University of Novi Sad, RS Austrian National Union of Students - University of Graz (Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft an der Universität Graz - ÖH Uni Graz), AT University of Poitiers, FR University of Sarajevo, BA LJIGJ GURAKUQI UNIVERSITY SHKODRA, AL WORLD UNIVERSITY SERVICE AUSTRIAN COMMITTEE (WUS AUSTRIA), AT UNIVERSITY OF ZADAR, HR University of Bamberg, DE 4

5 4. Project ID Project ID JP Project Type CARDS 2008 Higher Education and Society Target Country AL, 1244,MK Title Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia Наслов: Пртеприемништво и локален економски развој во Албанија, Косово и Македонија Objective -Develop an academic programme in Entrepreneurship and Local Economic development to be jointly taught by universities in each partner country, focusing on entrepreneurship -Develop a training programme in Entrepreneurship for the relevant state and local government institutions focusing on the creation of a environment for entrepreneurship -Establish and consolidate the three-cycle Bologna system in partner country universities, together with quality assurance procedures and ECTS -Improve the human capacity of partner country universities by providing upgrading opportunities in EU partner institutions, focusing on the younger members of staff (assistants and teaching staff) Цел на проектот: -Развој на академска програма од областа на претприемништвото и локалниот економски развој, која ќе се изведува заеднички на универзитетите во секоја партнер земја, со посебен акцент на претприемништвото. -Развој на тренинг програма од областа на претприемништвото за релевантни државни и локални владини институции, фокусирана на создавање на подобри услови за претприемништво. Воспоставување и усогласување на три-цикличниот Болоњски систем на универзитетите во партнерските земји, земајќки ги во предвид процедурите за обезбедување на квалитет и ЕКТС. Подобрување на човечките ресурси на универзитетите во партнер земјите, преку давање на можност за надоградба во институциите од ЕУ партнер универзитетите на помладиот персонал (асистенти и наставен кадар) Subject area 841 Regional Economic Development Duration 36 months Tempus Grant 1,390,478 5

6 Co-financing Grantholder Prof. HASHI Iraj, Staffordshire University (SU) Leek Road, Stoke on Trent, UK Phone: Fax: Local Co-ordinator Prof. Abdylmenaf Bexheti, - South Eastern European University - Tetovo St.Ilindenska bb Rectorate Building Tetovo, MK Phone: Fax: a.bexheti@seeu.edu.mk Local Co-ordinator Prof. Hamit Aliu, Sate University of Tetovo Tetovo, Faculty of Economics St.Ilindenska bb 1200 Tetovo, MK Phone: Fax: hamit_aliu@yahoo.com Local Co-ordinator Prof. Slavica Rocheska, University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Bitola, Faculty of Economic - Prilep Ul. "Gorce Petro v" b.b Prilep, MK Phone: Fax: sroceska@mt.net.mk Local Co-ordinator Prof. Blazo Boev, Goce Delcev University Stip, Faculty of Economics Ul. Krste Misirkov bb, P.O.Box Stip, MK Phone: Fax: blazo.boev@ugd.edu.mk University of Tirana (UT), AL UNIVERSITY OF WOLVERHAMPTON (UW), UK Universiteti "A.Xhuvani" Elbasan (UE), AL Albinvest, AL Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana, AL Albanian Refining & Marketing of Oil Sh.a. (ARMO), AL Albpetrol Sh.a, AL Birra Tirana sh.a, AL University of Prishtina (UP), XK Riinvest University (RU), XK Ministry of Trade and Industry, XK Municipality of Prishtina, XK Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, XK Comtrade Computers, XK GALANTERIA GROUP SH.P.K, XK MUNICIPALITY OF TETOVO, MK ECONOMIC CHAMBER OF NORTH - WEST MACEDONIA, MK VEZE SHARRI, MK VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL (VUB), BE OTTO-FRIEDRICH-UNIVERSITAT BAMBERG (UB), DE UNIVERSITY OF MACEDONIA (UM), GR UNIVERSITA POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE (UPMA), IT VAXJO UNIVERSITY (VU), SE UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA (UL), SI UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND (UWE), UK Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT), AL 6

7 5. Project ID Project ID SM Project Type CARDS 2008 Higher Education and Society Target Country MK Title Designing and implementing of the NQF Naslov: Дизајнирање и имплементирање на национална рамка за квалификации Objective - To design and develop a model of National Qualifications Framework for the HE, verified by regulation at ministerial level - Practical implementation of the NQF through accepted set of levels, in which all learning achievements may be measured and related to each other in a coherent way and which defines the relationship between all education and training awards in the HE in MK Cel na proektot: -Дизајнирање и развој на модел на Национална рамка за квалификации за високото образование, верифицирана со регулатива на министерско ниво; -Практична имплементација на Националната рамка за квалификации, преку сет на прифатени нивоа, во кои сите постигнати резултати од учењето ќе бидат мерливи и меѓусебно поврзани на кохерентен начин, кој ја дефинира врската помеѓу сите образовни и тренинг сертификати во високото образование во Македонија. Subject area other Duration 36 months Tempus Grant 559,204 Co-financing Grantholder Prof. Lundquist Janerik, Linköping University IEI, Linköping, SE 7

8 Phone: +46(0) Fax: +46(0) jel@ipe.liu.se Local Co-ordinator Prof. Elizabeta Bahtovska,- "St Kliment Ohridski" University - Bitola " - Faculty of Technical Sciences Bul. 1 May, b.b 7000 Bitola, MK Phone: Fax: elizabeta.bahtovska@uklo.edu.mk Local Co-ordinator Prof. Gjorgji Martinovski, University "Ss Cyril and Methodius" Skopje, Faculty of Agriculture Blvd. Krste Misirkov b.b 1000 Skopje, MK Phone: Fax: G.Martinovski@ukim.edu.mk Local Co-ordinator Prof. Zamir Dika, South Eastern European University Tetovo, Faculty of Computer Sciences Ilindenska, b.b 1200 Tetovo, MK Phone Fax: z.dika@seeu.edu.mk Local Co-ordinator Prof. Boris Krstev, Goce Delcev University Stip, Faculty of Polytechnic, Mining and Geology Krste Misirkov, b.b Stip, MK Phone: Fax: boris.krstev@ugd.edu.mk Local Co-ordinator Qufli Osmani, State University of Tetova - Tetovo Blv. Ilindenska n.n 1200 Tetovo, MK Phone: Fax: qufo_73@yahoo.com Ministry of Education and Science, MK Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, MK Fachhochschule Osnabrück, University of Applied Sciences, DE Ghent University, BE 6. Project ID Project ID JP Project Type CARDS 2008 Curriculum Reform Target Country MK, RS, BA, ME Title Introduction and implementation of academic program in Community Youth Work (CYW) through enhancing inter-regional cooperation in the countries of Western Balkans Наслов: Воведување и имплементација на академска програма од областа на младинската добротворна работа за општеството преку зацврстување на интер-регионалата соработка на земјите во Западен Баллкан Objective -Introducing new curricula at the universities in the region; -Additional training of teaching staff and implementation of new teaching methods; -nter-regional cooperation of academic, non-academic and NGO component. Цел на проектот: -Воведување на нова наставна програма на универзитетите во регионот; -Дополнителна обука на професори и имплементација на нови методи за учење; -Интер регионална соработка на академски, неакадемски и невладини субјекти. 8

9 Subject area Multidisciplinary Studies Duration 36 months Tempus Grant 790,705 Co-financing Grantholder Prof. Ajdukovic Gordana, Faculty of Trade and Banking, BKU Palmira Toljatija 3, Belgrade, RS Phone: Fax: agoradan@ftb.uni-bk.ac.yu Local Co-ordinator Prof. Memet Memeti,- South Eastern European University Tetovo " Ilindenska bb 1200 Tetovo, MK Phone: Fax: m.memeti@seeu.edu.mk Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, RS Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Zenica, BA Faculty of Philosophy, University of Montenegro, XM School of Education and Communication, University of Jonkoping, SE Faculty of Education, University of Bologna, IT Unique Network, AT Center for Youth work (CZOR), RS Center for Youth Education (CEM), BA Center for Youth Work and Nonfromal Education (CORNO), BA Proni Center for Youth Development Brcko District (PRONI), BA Youth and Informal Education Forum (FMNE), XM Triagolnik, Macedonia, MK Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, SI 7. Project ID Project ID JP Project Type CARDS 2008 Governance Reform Target Country AL, MK, RS Title Video Conferencing Educational Services Наслов: Видео конференциски образовни услуги Objective The Project VICES main aims are: - To establish video conferencing services as a part of Distance Learning (DL) system among Universities in R. Macedonia at the already existing IP based communication infrastructure in MARNET (Macedonian Academic and Research Network). -To adapt methodology for using the videoconferencing subsystem in educational purposes in multi lingual distance learning environment in order to enhance mutual understanding between people and cultures and ease mobility of University staff and students. -To provide basis for development of common video conferencing based distance learning 9

10 environment which will enhance inter-disciplinarily and trans-disciplinarily of the training services at national and International level. -To build up the capacity of MARNET for international cooperation and for a permanent modernization process, by assisting in opening up the MARNET more to all educational institutions in the country, as well as to the civil society. This will be done by establishing business procedures and polices that will address the national priorities for continues education in one hand, and provide basis for self sustainability of the service on the other hand. -To support the process of institutional, organizational and financial reform of MARNET, thus enabling the modernization of higher education in R. Macedonia. Цел на проектот: Главните цели на проектот се: -Воспоставување на видео конференциски услуги како дел од системот за учење на далечина помеѓу Универзитетите во Р. Македонија кој ќе бидат базирани на веќепостоечката IP комуникациска инфраструктура на МАРНЕТ (Македонска академкса и истражувачка мрежа). -Прилагодување на методологијата за користење на видеоконференцискиот подсистем за образовни цели во мултилингвална сдредина на учење од далечина со цел да се зајакне меѓусебното разбирање помеѓу луѓето и културите и да се олесни мобилноста на универзитетски персонал и студенти. -Обезбедување на основа за развој на заедничка видеоконференциска средина за учење од далечина, која ќе ја зајакне интердисциплинарноста и трансдициплинарноста на тренинг услугите на национално и интернационално ниво. -Да се надогради капацитетот на МАРНЕТ за меѓунардона соработка и за постојан процес на модернизација преку пружената помош на МАРНЕТ за отварање кон образовните институции во земјата и кон општеството. Ова ќе се постигне преку воспоставување на бизнис процедури, кои што ќе се однесуваат на националните приоритети за континуирано образование од една страна, а од друга страна ќе се обезбеди самоодржливост на услугите. -Поддршка на процесот на институционална организациска и финанфиска реформа на МАРНЕТ со што ќе се овозможи модернизација на високото образование во Република Македонија. Subject area 948 Open and Distance Learning/ Life - Long Learning Activities Duration 36 months Tempus Grant 1,245,600 Co-financing Grantholder Prof. Caporali Enrica, University of Florence - UNIFI Via di S. Marta 3,Firenze, IT Phone: Fax: enrica.caporali@unifi.it Local Co-ordinator Prof. Vladimir Trajkovik, University "Ss Cyril and Methodius" Skopje,Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies Karpos 2 bb 1000 Skopje, MK Phone: Fax: trvlado@feit.ukim.edu.mk Local Co-ordinator Ass. Irena Skrceska, European University R. Macedonia- EU Skopje, Faculty of Informatics Kliment Ohridski Skopje, MK Phone : Fax: skrceska@mt.net.mk Local Co-ordinator Prof. Pece Mitrevski, "St Kliment Ohridski" University - Bitola, Faculty of Technical Sciences Ivo Lola Ribar b.b Bitola, MK Phone: Fax: pece.mitrevski@uklo.edu.mk Local Co-ordinator Prof. Boris Krstev, Goce Delcev University Stip GD, Faculty of Politechnic, Mining & Geology ul. "Krste Misirkov" bb 2000 Stip, MK Phone: Fax: boris.krstev@ugd.edu.mk Local Co-ordinator Prof. Azir Aliu, South Eastern European University Tetovo, Faculty of Contemporary Science Ilindenska bb 1200 Tetovo, MK Phone: Fax: Azir.aliu@seeu.edu.mk Local Co-ordinator Prof. Sime Arsenovski, FON University Skopje, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies Vojvodina bb 1000 Skopje, MK Phone: Fax: arsenovski@mt.net.mk NIIF Institute HU, HU Ministry of Education and Science of R.Macedonia -MON, MK University of Belgrade - Academic Network of Serbia- RS, RS Polytechnic University of Tirana, AL International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, IT 10

11 K.U.Leuven BE, BE 8. Project ID JEP Project Type CARDS 2005 Curriculum Development Target Country MK Title Integrating E-Learning across Teachers Curriculum Naslov: Integrirawe na e-u~ewe vo kurikulumot za nastavnici Objective Restructuring and developing the teachers training curricilum and establishing modern training facilities, maintained by the all four Pedagogical and Teachers Training Faculties from three Universities in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on the basis of:- Revising, reconstructing and developing new core undergraduate and post-graduate courses that will incorporate electronic learning into the teaching methodology and practice; - Establishing E-Learning environment as a curriculum support, with upgrading the technical facilities,- Professionalizing and (re)-training teacher-trainers and students in technology supported teaching/learning,- Acquiring experiences and becoming familiar with new paradigms and innovative teaching methods put into practice by the EU partners. Based on our project experience and lessons learned, to develop a general model for E-Learning integration into teaching as a strategy for sustainable development. Cel na proektot: Prestruktuirawe i razvoj na kurikulum za obrazovanie na nastavnici i vospostavuvawe na moderna poddr{ka na nastavata, odr`uvana od site ~etiri pedago{ki i fakulteti za obrazovanie na nastavnici od trite univerziteti vo porane{nata jugoslovenska Republika Makedonija, zasnovano na: -Preispituvawe, rekonstrukcija i razvoj na jadrata na kursevite za dodiplomski i poslediplomski studii, so vklu~uvawe na e-u~ewe vo nastavnata metodologija i praksa; -Vospostavuvawe na sredina za e-u~ewe kako poddr{ka na kurikulumot, po pat na nadgradba na tehni~kite uslovi; - Profesionalizacija i doobuka na nastavnite kadri i na studentite za primena na tehnolo{ki poddr`ano/a nastava/u~ewe; -Steknuvawe iskustva i usvojuvawe na novite paradigmi i inovativni nastavni metodi {to gi primenuvaat partnerite od EU. Vrz osnova na iskustvoto steknato vo ramkite na proektot, da se razvie op{t model za integrirawe na e-u~eweto vo nastavata kako strategija za odr`liv 11

12 razvoj. Subject area T820 - Education and Teacher Training Duration 3 years Tempus Grant 464, Euro Co-financing 24, Euro Grantholder Mr DEINUM JAN F. - RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN P.O. Box AV Groningen CEDEX, Netherlands Phone: +31/50/ Fax: +31/50/ j.f.deinum@rug.nl Co-ordinator Ms GRCEVA SOLZA - UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN - Leuven (BE) PRIMARY SCHOOL DIMAITAR VLAHOV - Stip (MK) PRIMARY SCHOOL GOCE DELCEV - Vinica (MK) PRIMARY SCHOOL "TOSO ARSOV" - Stip (MK) RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN - Groningen (NL) SECONDARY SCHOOL SLAVCO STOJMENSKI - Stip (MK) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (MK) UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH - Edinburgh (GB) UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OF OHRID' - Bitola (MK) Goce Delcev bb Stip, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/32/ Fax: +389/32/ s.grceva@pfst.ukim.edu.mk and solza_grceva@yahoo.c 9. Project ID JEP Project Type CARDS 2004 Curriculum Development Target Country MK Title Development of Environmental and Resources Engineering Curriculum Naslov Razvoj na kurikulum za in`enerstvo na `ivotna sredina i resursi Objective To develop a new, up-to-date, three-year undergraduate curriculum in Environmental and Resources Engineering at the University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, based on the 12

13 Cel European Credit Transfer System and in accordance with the Bologna Declaration, aimed to establish the European Higher Education Area.To fulfil the conditions necessary for offering a Joint Degree Title in Environmental and Resources Engineering which is to be implemented jointly on the basis of an agreement between the University "Sts.Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje and the University of Florence. Razvoj na nov, sovremen, trogodi{en kurikulum za dodiplomski studii za in`enerstvo na `ivotna streina i resursi na Univerzitetot Sv. Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje, zasnovan na evropskiot sistem za transfer na krediti i vo soglasnost so Bolowskata deklaracija, so cel vospostavuvawe na evropski prostor na visokoto obrazovanie. Ispolnuvawe na uslovite potrebni za dodeluvawe diploma za zaedni~ki stepeni po in`enerstvo na `ivotnata sredina i resursi, koja treba zaedni~ki da se vovede vrz osnova na spogodba pome u Univerzitetot Sv. Kiril i Metodij od Skopje i Univerzitetot na Firenca. Subject area T550 - Environmental Sciences Duration 3 years Tempus Grant 469, Euro Co-financing 24, Euro Grantholder Ms CAPORALI ENRICA - UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE Via Santa Marta Firenze, Italy Phone: +39/055/ Fax: +39/055/ caporali@dicea.unifi.it Co-ordinator Mr TUNESKI ATANASKO - UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' Karpos II bb Po Box Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/70/ Fax: +389/2/ atanas@mf.ukim.edu.mk ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI - Thessaloniki (GR) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCES - Skopje (MK) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (MK) TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WIEN - Vienna (AT) Individual expert: SCHMID GUENTHER - Bochum (DE) Individual expert: ZAHARIEVA ROUMIANA - Sofia (BG) 10. Project ID JEP Project Type CARDS 2003 Curriculum Development Duration 3 years Naslov Title Management and Business education in computer studies Obrazovanie za menaxment i biznis vo studiite za kompjuteri Objective Introducing management and business courses to innovate undergraduate and graduate curricula in computer studies; 13

14 flexilble to adapt to new technologies, trends and industry needs up to the level of EU standards and global education tendencies Celi Voveduvawe kursevi za menaxment i biznis za inovirawe na dodiplomskite i postdiplomskite studiski programi na studiite za kompjuteri; fleksibilni za prifa}awe na novi tehnologii, trendovi i potrebi na industrijata do nivo na EU standardi i globalnite streme`i vo obrazovanieto. Target Country(ies) 807 Subject area T530 - Information Technology, Computer Science and Software Engineering Total estimated grant 473, Euro from Tempus Co-financing 24, Euro Grantholder Mr. MARGARITIS KONSTANTINOS - UNIVERSITY OF MACEDONIA 156 Egnatia street PO Box Thessaloniki, Greece Phone: +30/2/ Fax: +30/2/ kmarg@uom.gr Co-ordinator Mr. GUSEV MARJAN - UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' OF SKOPJE, FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS Arhimedova Po Box Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/2/ Fax: +389/2/ marjan@ii.edu.mk SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY - London (GB) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (807) UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OF OHRID' - Bitola (807) 11. Project ID JEP Project Type CARDS 2005 University Management Target Country MK Title Workflow and Document Management Infrastructure towards Integrated University Naslov Infrastruktura za protok i menaxment na dokumenti {to vodi kon integriran univerzitet Objective The objective of the project is to establish a sustainable web based network system to be used as an interoperable environment for University workflow and document management and will lead towards implementation of "integrated University" concept and goals recommended by Bologna process. Cel Cel na proektot e vospostavuvawe na odr`liv, veb-zasnovan mre`en sistem {to }e se koristi kako interoperatbilna sredina za tokot na rabotite na Univerzitetot i za menaxment na dokumentite i }e vodi kon voveduvawe na konceptot na 14

15 integriran univerzitet i celite prepora~ani od Bolowskiot proces. Subject area T942 - University Information management systems, including financial administration systems Duration 3 years Tempus Grant 476, Euro Co-financing 25, Euro Grantholder Mr JESSE NORBERT - UNIVERSITÄT DORTMUND Otto-Hahn-Str Dortmund, Germany Phone: +49/231/ Fax: +49/231/ norbert.jesse@udo.edu Co-ordinator Mr GUSEV MARJAN - UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' Arhimedova bb PO BOX Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/2/ Fax: +389/2/ marjan@ii.edu.mk QUINSCAPE GMBH - Dortmund (DE) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (MK) TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ - Graz (AT) UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OF OHRID' - Bitola (MK) 12. Project ID JEP Project Type CARDS 2003 University Management Duration 2 years Title Integration et Structuration des Relations Internationales en ARYM Naslov Integracija i strukturirawe na me unarodnata sorabotka vo porane{nata jugoslovenska republika Makedonija Objective L' objectif général du projet consiste à soutenir le processus de mise en cohérence (structuration) des relations facultés/rectorats afin de promouvoir l' intégration des universités au sein de l' ARYM mais aussi de l' espace européen de la formation. Le projet propose comme élément fédérateur l' internationalisation/européanisation des universités.l' objectif spécifique du projet consistera à créer des services centraux des RI, coordonnés à des commissions de pilotage, dans les universités de Bitola, Skopje et Tetovo. 15

16 Cel Target Country(ies) 807 Op{ta cel na proektot e poddr{ka na procesot na vospostavuvawe koherentnost (strukturirawe) na relaciite fakulteti/rektorati, so cel promocija na integracijata univerzitetite vo ramkite na porane{nata jugoslovenska republika Makedonija, no isto taka i na evropskiot prostor na obrazovanie. Specifi~na cel na proektot }e bide sozdavawe centralni servisi za me unarodna sorabotka, koordinirani od komisii za upravuvawe pri univerzitetite vo Bitola, Skopje i Tetovo. Subject area T960 - University Services Total estimated grant 281, Euro from Tempus Co-financing 15, Euro Grantholder M. GASPERINI ERIC - UNIVERSITE DE NICE-SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Grand Chateau - 28 av. Valrose b.p Nice 2, France Phone: +33/4/ Fax: +33/4/ gasperin@unice.fr Co-ordinator Mme. PANOVSKA VIOLETA - UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OF OHRID' Boulevard du 1er May Bitola, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/97/ Fax: +389/97/ panovska@uklo.edu.mk LUND UNIVERSITY - Lund (SE) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (807) UNIVERSITEIT GENT - Gent (BE) UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' - Skopje (807) 13. Project ID JEP Project Type CARDS 2004 Training Courses for Institution Building Target Country MK Title Towards EU Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Standards Cel Naslov Kon pravoto na EU za za{tita na avtorskite prava i srodnite prava Objective Enlargement of the Centre for Industrial Property Education, by including the Copyright and Neighboring Rights, into an integral system of Intellectual property rights education centre; Increase of the knowledge of faculty staff in contemporary streams in copyright and neighboring rights in the EU; Development of knowledge and skills of the concerned parties for enforcement of the copyright and neighboring rights. Pro{iruvawe na Cantarot za obrazovanie od oblasta na industriskata sopstvenost, so vklu~uvawe na avtorskoto pravo i srodnite prava, vo ntegralen sistem na Centar za pravo na intelektualnata sopstvenost; Zgolemuvawe na znaewata na fakultetskite kadri za sovremenite strui vo oblasta na avtorskoto pravo i sosednite prava vo EU; Razvoj na znaewe i 16

17 ve{tini kaj zasegnatite strani za sproveduvawe na avtorskite i srodnite prava. Subject area T850 - Institution Building Duration 2 years Tempus Grant 277, Euro Co-financing 14, Euro Grantholder Mr VELENTZAS KONSTANTIN - UNIVERSITY OF MACEDONIA 156 Egnatia Str. P.O. BOX Thessaloniki, Greece Phone: - Fax: - vele1@uom.gr Co-ordinator Ms DABOVIC-ANASTASOVSKA JADRANKA - UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' Bul "Krste Misirkov" bb Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/2/ Fax: +389/2/ jadranka_dab@yahoo.com ASSOCIATION OF CONSUMERS OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Skopje (MK) ASSOCIATION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION REPRESENTATIVES - Skopje (MK) ASSOCIATION OF JOURNALISTS OF MACEDONIA - Skopje (MK) ASSOCIATION OF JUDGES OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Skopje (MK) ASSOCIATION OF PERFOMERS OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Skopje (MK) ASSOCIATION OF PRINTED MEDIA OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Skopje (MK) ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC PROSECUTORS - Skopje (MK) MACEDONIAN BAR ASSOCIATION - Skopje (MK) MINISTRY OF CULTURE - Skopje (MK) MINISTRY OF FINANCE - CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION - Skopje (MK) MUSIC COPYRIGHT SOCIETY - Skopje (MK) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (MK) UNIVERSITE DE STRASBOURG III ROBERT SCHUMAN - Strasbourg (FR) UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR - Maribor (SI) Individual expert: D'HOOGE BART - Antwerpen (BE) Individual expert: MULLER LOTHAR - München (DE) Individual expert: PETROV VLADIMIR - Sofia (BG) Individual expert: TRAMPUZ MIHA - Ljubljana (SI) 14. Project Number Type CARDS 2002 Training Courses for Institution Building Duration 2 years Title EU Industrial Property Law-Institution Building Naslov na proektot: Pravo na EU za za{tita na industriskata sopstvenost - Izgradba na institucii Establishing a Centre for Industrial Property Education (CIPE), training of Objective trainers and design of course modules for target groups concerned with Industrial Property Rights. Cel na proektot: Vospostavuvawe na Centar za obuka za za{tita na industriskata sopstvenost (CIPE), obuka na obu~uva~i i dizajnirawe na kursni moduli za celnite grupi koi rabotat so prvata na industriska sopstvenost. 17

18 Partner Country(ies) 807 involved Subject area T860 - Institution Building Training for public services, professional associations, social partners Maximum grant 283, Euro amount Grantholder HATZIPROKOPIOU MICHALIS UNIVERSITY OF MACEDONIA 156 Egnatia Str., P.O. BOX 1591 GR Thessaloniki Phone: +30/23/ Fax: +30/23/ hatzipro@uom.gr Coordinator POLENAK-AKIMOVSKA MIRJANA UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' OF SKOPJE Bul. Krste Misirkvov b.b Skopje Phone: +389/2/ Fax: +389/2/ mpolenak@pf.ukim.edu.mk Consortium members ASSOCIATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY PROTECTION REPRESENTATIVES - Skopje (807) ASSOCIATION OF JUDGES OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Skopje (807) ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC PROSECUTORS - Skopje (807) BUSINESS LAWYERS ASSOCIATION - Skopje (807) CONSUMERS' ORGANIZATION - Skopje (807) MACEDONIAN BAR ASSOCIATION - Skopje (807) MINISTRY OF ECONOMY - INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY PROTECTION OFFICE - Skopje (807) MINISTRY OF FINANCE - CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION - Skopje (807) SEE UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (807) UNIVERSITE DE STRASBOURG III ROBERT SCHUMAN Strasbourg (F) UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OHRID', FACULTY OF ECONOMICS - Prilep (807) 15. Project ID C023B Project Type CARDS SCM 2006 Structural Measure Target Country MK Title Instutionalisation of Int. Summer University Naslov Institucionalizirawe na Me unarodniot leten univerzitet Objective To incorporate the BAL achievements of the International Summer University into the structure of the partner country institutions. Cel Inkorporirawe na postignuvawata od Bolowa akciskite odredbi na Me unarodniot leten univerzitet vo strukturite na instituciite od partner zemjite Subject area T935 Credit transfer Systems Duration 1 year 18

19 Tempus Grant 75, Euro Co-financing 4, Euro Grantholder Mr RICHTER MICHEL R. FOUNDATION ACADEMIC TRANING ASSOCIATION Vendelstraat XX Amsterdam, Netherlands Phone: +31/20/ Fax: +31/20/ m.r.richter@academictraining.org Co-ordinator Mr RICHTER MICHEL R. FOUNDATION ACADEMIC TRANING ASSOCIATION Vendelstraat XX Amsterdam, Netherlands Phone: +31/20/ Fax: +31/20/ m.r.richter@academictraining.org Local co-ordinator ARDIT MEMETI SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY Tetovo Ilindenska bb MK 1200 Tetovo, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/44/ Fax: +389/44/ a.memeti@seeu.edu.mk LjUBICA SUTURKOVA Ss. CYRIL AND METHODIUS - Skopje Bul.Krste Misirkov bb MK 1000 Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/2/ Fax: + 389/2/ ljsuturkova@ukim.edu.mk KALIOPA STILONOVIC St. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI UNIVERSITY - Bitola Bul. 1 Maj bb MK 7000 Bitola, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/47/ Fax: + 389/47/ Kaliopa.stilinovic@uklo.edu.mk ARBURIM ISENI TETOVO STATE UNIVERSITY-Tetovo Ilindenska bb-mk-1200 Tetovo, former Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/44/ Fax: +389/44/ international@unite.edu.mk MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCEs Skopje (MK) PHILIPPS-UNIVERSITAT MARBURG-Marburg(DE) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY Tetovo (MK) STATE UNIVERSITY OF TETOVO- Tetovo (MK) UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI BOLOGNA Bologna (IT) UNIVERSITY St. KLIMENT of OHRID Bitola (MK) UNIVERSITY Ss. CYRIL AND METHODIUS Skopje (MK) 16. Project ID C039B Project Type CARDS SCM 2006 Structural Measures Target Country MK Title Developing Doctoral Studies (as third cycle) in Social Sciences in FYROM according to Bologna agreement Naslov Razvoj na doktorski studii (tret stepen) vo oblasta na op{testvenite nauki vo RM vo soglasnost so Bolowskata spogodba Objective To develop a System of Doctoral Studies in Social Sciences in FYROM, as a third cycle in higher education, in accordance with the Bologna agreement and the national legislation related to the higher education. Cel Razvoj na sistem na doktorski studii od oblasta na op{testvenite nauki vo RM, kako tro stepeni vo visokoto obrazovanie, vo soglasnost so Bolowskata spogodba i nacionalnoto zakonodavstvo povrzano so visokoto obrazovanie Subject area T924 - Other Duration 1 year Tempus Grant 92, Euro Co-financing 4, Euro Grantholder Mr KARAGIANNIS IOANNIS - UNIVERSITY OF MACEDONIA 156 Egnatia Street, PO Box Thessaloniki, Greece Phone: +30/2310/ Fax: +30/2310/ karagian@uom.gr 19

20 Co-ordinator Ms. BASHESKA GJORGJIESKA MARIKA - UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI Marksova bb Prilep, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/48/ Fax: +389/48/ marika.baseska@uklo.edu.mk, mbaseska@mt.net.mk MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCES - Skopje (MK) JAGIELLONIAN UNIVERSITY Krakow (PL) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (MK) STATE UNIVERSITY OF TETOVO - Tetovo (MK) UNIVERSItat AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA Cerdanyola (ES) UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' - Skopje (MK) 17. Project ID C016A Project Type CARDS SCM 2006 Structural Measure Target Country MK Title Quality Management at Universities in Macedonia Naslov Menaxment na kvalitet na univerzitetite vo Makedonija Objective To strengthen the management of the university rectorates through development and implementation of Quality Management Systems in all fields and processes. Cel Zajaknuvawe na menaxmentot na univerztetskite rektorati preku razvoj i implementacija na sistemi za upravuvawe na kvalitet na site poliwa i procesi Subject area T932 - Internal quality ass. systems, based on the dev.of abilities for self-ass. in the univ. at all level Duration 1 year Tempus Grant 139, Euro Co-financing 8, Euro Grantholder Mr SIHN WILFRIED - VIENNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-DANUBE UETP Theresianumgasse Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/1/ Fax: +43/1/ matyas@imw.tuwien.ac.at Co-ordinator Mr JOVANOSKI DELCO - UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' Karpos II b.b., PO Box Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/2/ Fax: +389/2/ jov@mf.edu.mk FRAUNHOFER INSTITUT FUER PRODUKTIONSTECHNIK UND AUTOMATISIERUNG, STUTTGART, GERMANY (IPA) - Stuttgart (DE) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCES - Skopje (MK) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (MK) STATE UNIVERSITY OF TETOVO - Tetovo (MK) UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OF OHRID' - Bitola (MK) 20

21 18. Project ID C037A Project Type CARDS SCM 2006 Complementary Measure Target Countries CS, MK, MN Title International Relations Policy for Regional Integration Promotion Naslov Polisa na me unarodni odnosi za promocija na regionalna integracija Objective To exchange best experiences and practices related to International Relations affairs (policy making, implementation, management and co-ordination, evaluation of services provided, communication of results) with the aim to promote regional integration, to support integrated universities and to implement the Bologna process. Cel Razmena na dobra praksa i iskustvo steknati za pra{awata za me unarodna sorabotka ( Razvojna politika, implementacija, menaxment i koordinacija, procenka na dobieni usligi, komunikacija na rezultati) so cel da se promovira regionalna integracija, poddr{ka na integriranite univerziteti i implementacija na Bolowskiot process. Subject area T920 - University Strategic Planning Duration 1 year Tempus Grant 105, Euro Co-financing 6, Euro Grantholder Mr GASPERINI ERIC - UNIVERSITE DE NICE-SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS 28 avenue Valrose Nice 2, France Phone: +33/04/ Fax: +33/04/ eric.gasperini@unice.fr Co-ordinator Ms PANOVSKA VIOLETA - UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OF OHRID' Bulevar 1 Maj bb Bitola, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/47/ Fax: +389/47/ violeta.panovska@uklo.edu.mk LUND UNIVERSITY - Lund (SE) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF MONTENEGRO - Podgorica (MN) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCES - Skopje (MK) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SPORTS - Belgrade (CS) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (MK) STATE UNIVERSITY OF TETOVO - Tetovo (MK) UNIVERSITEIT GENT - Ghent (BE) UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE - Belgrade (CS) UNIVERSITY OF KRAGUJEVAC - Kragujevac (CS) UNIVERSITY OF MONTENEGRO - Podgorica (MN) UNIVERSITY OF NIS - Nis (CS) UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD - Novi Sad (CS) UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' - Skopje (MK) 21

22 19. Project ID C009B Project Type CARDS SCM 2005 Structural Measures Target Country MK Title Sustainable Multicultural Interoperable Environment Naslov Oddr`liva multikulturna interoperativna sredina Objective To establish a sustainable web based network system to be used as an interoperable multilingual environment for all available university programs. It will enable:- equal opportunities and multilingual approach - ICT infrastructure to implement Diploma Supplement and credit transfer systems- conditions for harmonization of curricula Cel Sozdavawe na odr`liv veb baziran sistem koj }e se koristi kako interoperativna pove}ejazi~na sredina za site postoe~ki univerzitetski programi. Toj }e ovozmo`i: - ednakvi mo`nosti i pove}ejazi~en pristap-ict infrastruktura za implementacija na Dodatok na Diploma i kredit transfer sistemi-uslovi za harmonizirawe na nastavnata programa. Subject area T942 - University Information management systems, including financial administration systems Duration 1 year Tempus Grant 142, Euro Co-financing 7, Euro Grantholder Ms GEORGOULLI KATERINA - TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF ATHENS - TEI Ag.Spyridonos str Athens, Greece Phone: +30/1/ Fax: +30/1/ kgeorg@teiath.gr Co-ordinator Mr GUSEV MARJAN - UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' OF SKOPJE, FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS Arhimedova bb Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/2/ Fax: +389/2/ marjan@on.net.mk EUROPEAN UIVERSITY - Skopje (MK) SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY - London (GB) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (MK) UNIVERSITÄT BREMEN - Bremen (DE) UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OHRID', FACULTY OF ECONOMICS - Prilep (MK) 22

23 20. Project ID C011B Project Type CARDS SCM 2005 Structural Measures Target Country MK Title Quality Assurance and Accreditation System Network Naslov Mre`a za obezbeduvawe na kvalitet i akreditaciski sistem Objective To adapt and implement the recommended European standards and guidelines for external quality assurance agencies. Cel Adaptacija i implementacija na prepora~anite evropski standardi i preporaki za nadvore{ni agencii za obezbeduvawe na kvalitet. Subject area T934 - Accreditation Systems Duration 1 year Tempus Grant 141, Euro Co-financing 7, Euro Grantholder Mr MARGARITIS KONSTANTINOS - UNIVERSITY OF MACEDONIA 156 Egnatia Street, PO Box Thessaloniki, Greece Phone: +30/2/ Fax: +30/2/ kmarg@uom.gr Co-ordinator Mr ARMENSKI SLAVE - UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' OF SKOPJE, FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Karpos 2 bb Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/2/ Fax: +389/2/ armenski@ukim.edu.mk MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCES - Skopje (MK) SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY - London (GB) SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (MK) STATE UNIVERSITY OF TETOVO - Tetovo (MK) UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OHRID' FACULTY OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Bitola (MK) UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' OF SKOPJE, FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS - Skopje (MK) 23

24 21. Project ID C013B Project Type CARDS SCM 2005 Structural Measures Target Country MK Title Web Based Multimedia E-Learning for Applied Technologies Naslov Veb-bazirano mulimedijalno e-u~ewe za primeneti nauki Objective Methodology for know-how transfer of web based multimedia e-learning for applied technologies and prototype implementation through selected pilot lab-oriented courses between MK universities and members of Consortium. Cel Metodologija za transfer na znaewe za veb-bazirano e-u~ewe za primeneti nauki i implementacija na prototip preku selektirani pilot labaratoriski orientirani kursevi pome u univerzitetite vo RepublikaMakedonija i ~lenovite na konzorciumot. Subject area T948 - Open and distance learning and/or life-long learning activities Duration 1 year Tempus Grant 138, Euro Co-financing 7, Euro Grantholder Mr LOMBARDI FRANCO - POLITECNICO DI TORINO C.so Duca deglli Abruzzi 24 - I Torino, Italy Phone: +39/011/ Fax: +39/011/ franco.lombardi@polito.it Co-ordinator Ms GECEVSKA VALENTINA - UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' OF SKOPJE, FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Karpos II bb, PBOX MK Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Phone: +389/02/ Fax: +389/02/ gecevska@ukim.edu.mk SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - Tetovo (MK) STATE UNIVERSITY OF TETOVO - Tetovo (MK) UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - Maribor (SI) UNIVERSITY 'ST. KLIMENT OHRID' FACULTY OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Bitola (MK) UNIVERSITY 'STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS' OF SKOPJE, FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS - Skopje (MK) 24

25 22. Project ID C013B04 Project Type CARDS SCM 2004 Structural Measures Title Promotion of Bologna and Implementation of ECTS at the Universities of Prishtina, Tetovo and SEEU Naslov Promocija na Bolowskiot proces i voveduvawe EKTS na univerzitetite vo Pri{tina, Tetovo i Univerzitetot na Jugo- Isto~na Evropa Objective The project aims at supporting the Universities of Prishtina (UP) in Kosovo, the newly established University of Tetovo and the South East European University (SEEU) in Tetovo in Macedonia (FYROM), with the expertise and experience of the consortium partners in implementing key features of the Bologna Declaration in particular ECTS in the higher education institutions in Kosovo and Macedonia. Cel Proektot ima za cel da gi poddr`i univerzitetite od Pri{tina (UP) vo Kosovo, novo formiraniot Univerzitet vo Tetovo i Univerzitetot na Jugo-Isto~na Evropa (SEEU) od Tetovo vo Makedonija (PJRM), so ekspertiza i iskustvo na partnerite od konzorciumot, vo implementacijata na klu~nite elementi na Bolowskata deklaracija, osobeno na EKTS vo visokoobrazovnite institucii vo Kosovo i Makedonija. Partner Country(ies) 1244, MK Subject area T935 - Credit transfer Systems Maximum Grant Amount 123, Euro Legal Representative Mr PAUSCH NORBERT - HOCHSCHULREKTORENKONFERENZ (HRK) Ahrstrasse Bonn, Germany Phone: +49/228/ Fax: +49/228/ pausch@hrk.de Grantholder Mr DUDA GERHARD - HOCHSCHULREKTORENKONFERENZ (HRK) Ahrstrasse Bonn, Germany Phone: +49/228/ Fax: +49/228/ ebel@hrk.de Co-ordinator Ms QUIREZI BARDHA UNIVERSITY OF PRISTINA Rruga Nene Tereza Pristina, Kosovo Phone: +381/38/ Fax: +381/38/ rektorati@uni-pr.edu Local co-ordinators PROF. LUTFI ISTREFI-PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE STATE UNIVERSITY IN TETOVO Street 107, Pallati I Universitetit Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia Phone: Fax: lutfi_isterfi@yahoo.com PROF. ALAJDIN ABAZI, RECTOR SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY Street Ilindenska bb Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia Phone: Fax: rektorate@see.edu.mk. 25

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