Members of ti te Meld.ndez family rally m save the little whale. Photo courtesy c]" Marta Meldndez

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1 THE VIEQLIES TIMES F-153 [.speran.a Beach Vieques, Puerlo Rico WHAT S HAPPENING ON THE ISLA NENA Grounded Gram: 9us Grieves Aggregation Monte Smile tisherman Luis A. "Guichin" Mel6ndez hil the Coumry CItb beach al dawn lobcr 16. *erc hc lhmd a heached dolphin, l.ed and hleing slighlly [rom a head wound, bul still alie and bremhing. leaned that e deparlmem didn t pen Ililg AM. So he contacted reluives Joseph Anflemon d "Chigo" Meldndez and they 1 oul to see whal could I done. Someone remembered a Couslu movie and said Ihe animm l[lusl wel. They managed to launch he lillle 9-ft. whale (it didn l have the customan Iked snoul old regul hltle-nod dolphin) bul lk care kp in blowhole al Ue surlhce. e flmrapy seemed to revive lhe palien[ fley move h into dlmr waler iin release. Finally, convinced lhal it w floating frly add bmaing regularly, ey sel il hx, cir of Nier rk B ul afar a few lcdaisical ofi il e nimal mid ils grey-mascot face, h)k oond, and hded hack Io theach where volunmers galhered 1o give il comfork Shortly Ifom 9 AM DNR LL Enrique Picorelli made comil wilh aulhodlie in San lum md an official ruest for SiSIlCe Was ma. By nn, DNR biologis were commentfal killer wlmle AI 3 PM a Coasl Guard helicapter Idl on e Ich and a technician from [e UPR Cariban Stranding Network arrival to dminisler a ries of injlions prior lading the (now identilil) gray grampus, al known q Risso s dolphin, into the helicopter for shipment to 1 Parguera on Paerlo Rico s soulbe grampus wts just after 3 PM. Twelve hou lair, the grampus dil in La Parguem. Why did the grampus come shore? Why were my IPle moved? affic jam rched epic proions as Imndreds fltmked in to de dying dlphin.) We did obsee a hast y cut its face, which might have n from a profiler, but radter than sulam, let us quoin from artisl, author, Members of ti te Meld.ndez family rally m save the little whale. Photo courtesy c]" Marta Meldndez expiorcr and mammalogisl Richard Ellis (1982): "Almost all cetaceans have been known to beach them. elves individually or in groaps, and while there have been many hypothe fes, no clear explanation has yel emergedfor this puzzling phenomenon. It may be navigational breakdown,fear ofpredators, chasing ofprey, tmal cycles, illness, or even t desire to return tt) the origin of their larul-based ancestors." Aristotle was more uon-committal in 4(X) "It is" not "known lbr w!ut reason they run them.velves aground on dry land; at all events, it is said tlujt they do so at times, andfor no obvioas reason." And since we re qnoting, and since this partic,lar mammal was f a sqaid-ealing species uncommon in these waters, we ean l resist another quote, dealing wilh his hlmons ancestor, also uncommon where he lived and died. This one is from that undcrgmmut beachcomb.r s bible,..g.dv_n,naidls Gartcrbelt (1984"1: "...And the stories you hear about tuse & lightful creatures!..from ancient mythology throaghou contemporarily accredited (Cont. on p.5) >>>

2 Volume 53 Statehood candidate for governor Pedro Rosell6, giving the glad hand along Esperanza Beach. THE VIEQUES TIMES Vieques regular Richard Johnson is opening the Alabaster Nightingale Poetry Festival at Greenwich Village s "Back Fence". Richard s local fans will remember his chefs specials at Trade Winds and his intensejazz renditions on soprano sax. Festival goers will hear him read his own poetry as well as that of the legendary beat poet Harold Goldfinger, in whose honor the festival is being staged on the third Sunday of every month. Opening headliners also include Brigid Mumaghan and Irving Stettaer. Visiting readers will also be welcome to jam., (809) VIEQUES REALTY Box 606 Ray McNamara Vienues PR $ Broker oo- 5 THE VIEQUES TIMES SUBSCRIPTION BLANK 24 ISSUE SPECIAL $39 12 ISSUES $20 Name Address City State...Zip Other Foreign...(Send for Rates) Checks to: THE VIEQUES TIMES October 1991 If your I0 4 comes over more than 5 by 5, you could go down for a couple of big ones... The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has levied a $2,(0 fine against a Vieques CB radio operator. This was the first fine imposed under new rules that substantially increase legal penalties for unauthorized or improper use of radio equipment. According to the. FCC, Pedro Garcia Robles, of Monte Santo, had been warned as far back as April, 1990, that his unwarranted use of unauthorized frequencies was interfering with the reception of home entertainment equipment in Vieques. Gareia, who broadcast under the handles "Saltamonte" (Grasshopper) and "Carpintero" (Woodpecker) "... failed to bring his station into compliance or to terminate its operation." Local CB buffs claim that "Saltamonte" actually strengthened his signal during the warning period. The FCC told the Times new regulations put more teeth in the law, paving the way for " very stiffpenalties" for future violators. Page 2 [Okay, that should clear up some of the TV interference. Now ifthe experts couldget a grip on the obscenephone calls situation... Ed.] KIM S CABIN Wins dinner for two at Vieques Country Club COLMADO LAS TRES C (itresh Meat.&Sea Food Provisiones en General Carnes Frescas del Pais BARRIO PUERTO REAL La Casa del Estudiante de Mlguel A. Bonano CHOOL SUPPLIES Calle Carlos LeBrun THE VIEQUES TIMES 153 Flamboyan St. Esperanza Beach Vieques, P.R, Tel Editor Publisher: Charlie Connelly Printed by Vieques Printers The Vieques Times is an independent publication with no political, governmental or other organizational affiliations. It is supported entirely by the sale of ads and subscriptions. There are no secret backers, Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily coincide with those of the editor publisher

3 Vohme 53 T -IE VIEQUES TIMES October 1991 contimmtion of last mmth s 20/M cross-exanfinafion of Ihe debtor s rcporl. Santiago and Salazar are off to Washington in search of Federal fnnding lrsevera/ commtmily developnmnt (Cont. P, 8) >>> for COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Laurel Real Estate RESIOENTIAE ANO COMMERCIhL SALES VACATION RENTALS EXPER[ PROPERTY MANAOEMEN INVESTMENT PROPERTIES GENE S OPEN

4 Volume 53 THE VIEQUES TIMES October 1991 Vieques, Island of Prisoners and Exiles by Nana Ortiz de Castaflo The island of Vieques, with its exuberant vegetation, beautiful beaches, palm glades, brooks, hills and flowers, gave the impression ofan untouchable virgin. At a distance, her contours simulated those of a beached mermaid accepting the foaming caresses of the waves in the middle of the ocean. It is sad to remember that her beauty was opaqued when she became an island of prisons and exile. Every government employee who committed some fault, whether of a moral or political nature, was sentenced to exile ia Vieques. It once came to be known as Devil s Island. Eve so, the teachers, policemen and bureaucrats punished by exile here became spellbound by the beauty of the landscap and the hospitality of the people. Among the exiles remember the professors Fzliciam Santos and Ismaal Rodrfguez Bou. Also the policeman, Remedio L6pez. They arrived empty handed and got rich here and stayed on forever. This land of exile was the cradle of their children, who were educated here while they lay buried in the Municipal Cemetery for they never chose to return to the big islandeven when their sentence time was up. Except for Rodrguez Bou, w ho, although he almost married here, decided to continue his doctoral studies. Nevertheless he still waxes nostalgic about the happy days here, with the friends he made and his many walks along the sh-eets and eountry paths of Vieques. remember as though it were yesterday, the year when a group of fugitives from the real Devil s Island in French Guayana reached our shore. Shipwrecked, they floatedona raft into the Caribbean sea. They were rescued by fishermen from EsperanTz, half naked, their skin cracked, bearded, faint from hunger, exhausted, dehych ated. They were French and didn t speak Spanish. The police took them to the hospital for treaunent. Then they were taken to Fort Condo de Mirasol until conlact could be made with the French consulate. The people of Vieques brought them food, water, clothing and razors. They stayed several days at,he fort, It was heart-wrenching the day they",ere taken to e port on an open truck, smiling and waving in gratitude for the humai kindness and hospitality of the people here. On the way they sang La Marseillaise, the French anthem. On the big island of Puerto Rico many parents, who only with. You txhave, or we II ship you off to Vieques!, who hax had the opportunity to visit this island. fals in lt *,e, with it and wants to return to this wellspring of peace ao.i beatty, to take a deep breath ofthis salt sea air and paruke of the warmth of our people. It is -ue, hwever, that this native land is bcmg affected by the a;rivai of Cruzans and Neo-Ricans of the gangformi;g persuasion, who are mixing in with some of our misg:ied y;u;h and getting away with too much. But if the Viequenses for community groups i m confident that this stain on society can be cleaned np or made to disappear from the scene. In spite of these minor problems the island is still beautiful, receiving with open arms all who arrive on these beaches, The professor in exile Feliciano Santos was, and will be, the best Spanish teacher ever to pass through our alma mater, Vieques High School. The day of his funeral, the City Hall flag was flown at half mast and an enormous black crepe hang as a sign of mourning for that exile who won the heart of Vieques to the extent of being named adopted son of the island. His memory wi]/long live in our hearts. should point out that all the strangers who visit here depart with this farewell, "If this be exile, then give me a life sentence on charming island, so blessed by God." The most obvious proof of that is the number of visitors Page 4 who have come from all quarters and stayed long time. for a good, FARMACIA _J SAN ANTONIO Lcda. Eteldreda Acevedo Box 243 Vieques

5 Volume 53 THE VIEQIJES FIMLS October 1991 >>> Grampus (Cont. fi om p. 1) histocv the books abound in unsolicited res,eues, o.sists amt lifesaving acts peormed hy these benign cetaceans on au,ward human brethren. behatheir Some oftfiese tales are whoppers bul all seatn ha vea rew and really, who s to say All this in site c he cl that tbr centuries men haee murdered these happy harbingers q[,ood weather and good)rrune hy the tens *lhomvaads.. for meat andfer oil and, yes,for kh:ks... Most govermruml, not all have by nob, regulated the oermissible kill rates, notfir.ventimemal reglson bltt rather Car tle con, crzaion t tlw "reso urce," tt Ira less,ober an aulhority Ihun tile august govern-,menl New Zcakmd as teeentty as 19D4,granted legal intt.,rmtilyfrom haman aggression to one SpscfiL individual grampus, " ", idcmificd hy name in the legisklion fro reasons smacking gf thc This particularly scrvicial :etacean is credited wio a 24-year lerm as sezappoirtwd pil/l who greeted itlcbmirtg Ilauled in tail firsl lo receive shots TVT tile hantlttilize, t;ick ia TVT The roltus crank and the loaders hit lira deck "I VT Abogado Notario REBECCA SANTIAGO MENDEZ Counsellor at Law Ave. Mufi*z IUvera 361 Aw,. Campl Itlt:u GQ- I,I Tel Tel, P, ge 5 Custom Interior Woodworking CASEY S SHOPl l Fine Furniture Cabinetry Kitchens B ths Built-ins

6 Volume 53 THE VIEQUES TIMES October 1991 PLANNING HOW TO VOTE IN 1992 by Julio Torres Native Viequenses and norteamericano-viequenses definitely have one thing in common: They beth bellyache constantly about the lack of medical facilities and services, the abominable and expensive ferry service, the lack of police protection, the telephone service, the lack of programs for teenagers, the necessity of going to Humacao or Fajardo of San Juan for routine government services, the lack of economic developmeat, etc., etc.,... Well, the 1992 election campaign has begun in Puerto Rico just as it has in the United States. We Viequenses thus have a chance for action which comes only once every four years, and we must take advantage of it or wait until If we let it slip by us, we should never again complain. The pttq3ose ofoar action would be, of coarse, to make the government ofpuer Rico more responsive to our needs. In order to do this, it is necessary that we vote, and that we know what we are doing in order to maximize the e/feet of our vote. As we,c, onsider some r,,ealities here, it will become obvious that Viequcs Power is not just a slogan, or an illusion. The State Eleclions Commission of Puerto Rico has prepared a "Scrutiny of the 1988 Elections" which shows just how much we can do. The report tell as that there were: Registcred Votes: 2,146,681 Voters: 1,792,153. Percentvoting: 83,48 That participation rate puts mainland Americans to shame. But something more important emerges when we consider the contesls of importance to Vieques, those for the state legislature. The resulls are shown by party label, i.e., Popular Democratic Party (PPD), which is the party for the present politic el relation to the United States; the New Progressive Party (PNP), which advocates statehood, and the Independence Party (PIP). We should also know that our senatorial district is the 8th, known as the Carolina Senatorial District. Within that district falls the 361h Representative DisVict, within which Vieques and Culebra belong. Well, in the 361h, our Representative, Hon. Samuel Cepeda, won by a vote of 21,841 for him and 21,726 for his rival-- which is to say, he won for only 115 votes. And Vieques cast 5,271votes! IsViequesPowerreal,orwhat? TheCarolina Senatorial District is huge, stretehinl from Fajardo to, M....P ^ AUTO PARTS BAKERIES _.1[ /. AL r TOOLS l roi1 " eos TIRES VBo. Monte Santo near G.E. VIEQUES LAUNDROMAT &DRY CLEANING de Taro Gonz,lez 2-Day Dry Cleaning Service Laundromat open til 8 PM Soap & Bleach at righteous prices Or bring It In th, morning We ll wash and Iron it same day Lavado y Planchado el mlsmo Calla Victor 0utetl# d Trujillo Alto, but even here Vieques Power could be felt if we decide it should. Each district chooses two senators. One of them, Senator Joaqufn Perle Perle, won by 103,766 to 101,691 and the other, Senator Elsie Calder6n de Hemindez, won by 103,682 to 101,573 for her rival. Perle won by 2,075 votes and Calder6n by 2,109 votes. Vieques could have refuted hem both by changing only 2,110 of its 5,271 votes! Is Viezlues Power real, or what? The message should be the the incumbents have one year to start working on oar behalf in the legislature. There is a long list ofactions the legislature could take which would help us at last. Some I) Come np with the money for a uue hospital on Vieqaes. This has been promised tbr a decade, plans drown up, land obttined, etc., yet we get no hospital. 2) Remove Vieques from the iurisdiction of the Autoridad de Puertos, which must show a profit on Ferry Service, or vote in a subsidy for the service, and stop choking our poor people. 3) Replace five or six of those passenger and ferry boas with one or two huge ferry boats that carry both passengers and trailer trucks and can laugh at the ocean between Vieques and Fajardo. Send LAS PALANGANAS DE P,UITRAGO (Buitrago s Chamber Pots) to the junkyard. 4) Set up estateoffice Building at the old Vieques High across from City Hall, offering state government services and minimizing the number of trips we have to make to the mainland. f the incumbentsdeliuer, notjust promiseitgl!g, on any of these, we can assure that they will not only not lose in 1992, but that they will win, and keep on winning. Member National Society Of Public Accountants, Inc. RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ COLBERG CONTABILiDAD COMPUTARIZADA A.G. Mellado #322 Vieques, P.R. CARNIC]gI.A PUERTO Abraham Vlez Garcia pare Servirle Fresh Local Meats -Carne del Pas Calla A,G. Mellado Tel Jim Slarke Barrio Deslino "from c P.O Box 1496 to Gemtra/C(c" Vieques. PR Page 6

7 Volume 53 THE VIEQUES TIMES Octolr 1991 Chuito "La Bestia" Chuito Manfnez worked day and night. He worked so hard co-workers called him "The Sometimes he had jobs going )x)th here and in St. oix. Carpenter, mason, bricklayer, high scaffohfing man with the gnice of lrapeze artist. He did it all but he preferred work independemly. So now lhat an accident on the job has cost him the sight of Ix eyes he s on no one s pension plan. He has a wife and children and a house he built himself with a balcony he cain sit on and cqlect fd stamps. medical experts for options to silting in the dk all day. Now there s a chance for an openttion ti a speci surgeu cemer in the State;. Btl it will cost morn than he can afford. Neighbors am ing mllfions, but it s a pr neighlmrh. wou!d like to use his The Viues.Times space m give its. re affluent reade fle c pnunity m giye the gift of light. Send a the& Chuilo Manfnez (Eye operation) c/o qe ViuesT F-153Es Bh Viues, Pue Rico Vieques Woman Dies In Dive Accident Roberta Hawkins, a retired Lt. Colonel in the US Army Nt,rse Corps, died early this month after srfacing from a relatively shallow reef dive. According to her dive partner, husband James Hawkins, of Be. Morop6, also an ay retiree, his wife, an experienced Scuba diver, hadnm out of air at a depth of 50 feet, bul saccessfully buddybreathed with him Io the snrface, He said he helped her inflale her flotation vest before removing her heavy dive gear, which he swam Io lheir anchored heal. Bilt on returning with the boat, he said, she was floaling face down in the waier apparently dead, After a comaer s exam, the by was cremated and buried at sea. Hawkins has put lheir )al tip lbr sale. Letter to Editor Dear Charlie: First of all let me thank yell lbr keeping me Oll your mailing lisg Irxik folird i ecoiving and reading aluml many Imople bare knowl over Ihe years. Whik growing up on San Cruz believe every PR was from Vieques or Culebra>except Ihe Valises. So many lime fl like a Viequense although we are not. enjoyt dofia Nalla Orfiz de Castile s icle on "A Stroll Ihrough my Riwu". do lieve, however, Ihal the oldesl promsml church Spanish soil ws ertl in Pnnce ai I Plaza de ki Alici6n. due m e inention of Queen Victoria who wits the cousin of lll II. The chuh was prefidricaled in England and shipped in Io Pon. ey were not allow to pmlitize or to ring 01e lls. On e day die American Iffmps invade PR, Iold by old-omem lhal ae "rcpiquet" of the lls could Im heard all e way to Glnical Cnrdially, LITO VALLS [Mr. Vails writes books and new,waper columns on 14[e and language in t# Virgin Islands umler the nom.-plume Jan Page 7 Kallal. sotngfurtr We ll I surprised if Dora Nana doesn t have on the sject. Ed,I

8 Volume 53 THE VIEQUES TIMES October 1991 OPEN LETTER TO THE ADMIRAL Dear Admiral Norton, Mayor Manuela Santiago informed me that the new contract between the U.S. Navy and the compeny that gets the ieques base security contract, stipulates, among other indispensable requisites, that civilian guards must be perfeetly bi-iingual, that they must have a high school diploma, that all revolvers must be.38 calibre and that there will be a personnel reduction amounting to thirty (30) security guards and that those who do not meet the foregoing requirements will be fired immediately. Really, Mr. Norton, this is unbelievable. How can it be that guards with almost twenty years of service aboard the base, guards who defended the Navy pmsenee in Vieques, went to court for it, fought for it and even made enemies of many of our own friends and families in defending the Navy presence when even the Navy couldn t defend it could that same Navy no,a-throw us out and leave our families without their daily bread? Just to please Mayor Manuela Santiago? It is my duty to remind you that during the years of 77,78,79,80, when anti-navy protest movements were at their peak, it was we who prevented further rioting. The immense majority of the pmtestars didn t want to fight with us because we were friends or mlatives. It wasn t because of former mayor Liche Castafio and certainly not because of Manuela Santiago who, at time, sat at the right hand of former mayor Radamds Timdo. personally lost my job as accountant for the Community Services Program at City Hall when Radarnrs Timdo fired me for defending the Navy presence in Vieques. My family and had to suffer a year and three months of unemploymen t,during which the Navy made no effort on my behalf. In those days there were no high school diplona requirements, no insistence on English-speaking guards, no talk of personnel reduction, particularly on the guard force. On the contrary the Navy prornised to hire more guards and to create more jobs to eliminate, or at least reduce, Vicques unemployment. wouldn t want to think, nor would the rest of the guards, that all the promises were simply a ploy to get us to defend the Navy presence in Vieques without the least concern for us on their part. In finishing should inlbrm you that the Union was formed to end the caprices of the mayors, who took turns using us as a political tramlx)lthe, made our li,es difficult and even threatened to get us fired ifwe didn t vote for them or opposed their parties. Even in spite ofthe Union they want to climb up on our backs and the Navy knows it but doesn t do anything to remedy the situation. Admiral Lafayette Ferguson Norton, is this the democracy preached by the United States Navy? Where is the equality for all? Very cordially yours, in exfectation of your prompt reply, remain, Warren A. Casanova, Union president. [TheMayorinformedusshehaswrittentotheAdmiral behalf of the Vieques Guard Force employees. Ed.] on DE TODA CI,ASE : AI por M@or CARRUCIIO z, Pastelillos de Carrucbo y Chapin PESCADERIA JOHAN de ToUgh y Josd Pueo Mulas Antiguo Club Nautico Tdos IosD 8 AM 4M >>> Indian Tribe (Cont. from p. 3) projects, including the rehabilitation of the Lucila Franco housing project, but are expected back before the 15th. The municipality holds a $936,000 claim against Villa Esperanza. Tribal management consultant James Welsh III did not comment on his interview with Salar except to say it was very positive. He also flew out Sunday but said he would return for further investigation within two weeks. Update Manchester was granted a 60-day postponement in the Federal Bankruptcy Court proceedings. He was allowed to continue his examination of the debtor corporation s records and reorganization plan. Relations between the two competing companies seemed to have thawed to the extent that the San Juan Star suggested the possibility of a merger. We hear that a third company, Hotels Reservations Center, has dropped out and that indeed lsla Nena and Villa Esperanza are continuing to negotiate for a possible agreement. Isla Ncaa has stated from the beginning that if they acquire control of the former parador they will install an educational facility on the premises, promote exchange student programs and provide scholarship aid to Viequcs youths both here and abroad. Page 8

9 WELCOME "BIENVENtDOS" TO VIEQUES A lottrism Industry Pull-Out from TIlE VIEQUES TIMES Volume 53 October 1991 MAP ART by TERRY PRICE Courtesy of La Casa del Franc#s Supplement (C) The Vieques Times Vieqnes is a lovely Caribbean island located between Puerto Rico qd h U.S. Virgins, a haft-hour flight from San Juan. St. Croix or St. Thomas or an hour from Fajardo by ferryboal Fanned by the prevailing eastcrl),trade Winds it is blessed "m a sub-m pical climate marked by a mean em-rramre of 77c F in December and 81 F in June. It is not :_ "action spot" with casinos and glitzy highrises but rather a peace.fat place to relax and enjoy nature s bount.,,. There are dozens of secluded lyaaches. shell goands, coral reefs, ahaeological digs, horseback trails in the hills and mangrove lagoons that serve as nesting and gathering places for 23 bird species, It is not unusu to see a group of workmen ated on milk carons in the shade of a cantina discussing the shift of ornithological populations with a re.we that would do credh to Audobon societies, though using nadve nomenclature. Faro il y holidays tend to beer and Uexbeclue on the beach. Barbeque, by the way, ix an indigenous word and does not mean hot dog roast picnic menus incline more to sea snails, fish, lobster, afood fritters, johnnycakes, goat or veal fricass6 and rot pork. There are also historical monuments, concerts and rivals, but it s the 9,000 people who make it special. With a rich heritage of Taino, Spanish, Afro, Danish, French, British and U.S. bacl,:ound, the Viequense is easygoing, slow to anger, friendly and tolerant. An open smile and a relaxed atfmde will go far to cement your "Bienvenidos."

10 LISTING PHONE Bmaanas Care Mar Azul C_..n de Berm6dez Camar Guesthouse Cand s Bake Casa La Lanchita Crow s Nest De De_pakos Hotel IF-D L-D F-D E1Grin oloco F-D E1 Lechoncito F-D E1Que F-D-L WHERE TO EAT WHERE TO STAY LOCALE LISTING PHONE OFFER LOCALE LISTING PHONE Gene s Bar F-D Richard s Cafe F-D, s Curvita F-D Sea Gate Hotel F-D Taverna Espafiola F-D La Casa del Franc6s F-D-L Trade Winds La Central F-D-L Vi- ues Coun C F-D LaConcha F D L La Gran Parada New Daw a Adventures L 7 Wai Nam Chinese Oceart View 5_ Pink Patio 9_L_A Posada Vistamar Everett now presiding at... The Home of the Meatloaf of the Year Award Sidewalk Cafe MAR AZUL Cocktails where Conversation is Alive & Well And Juicy Local Gossip a living Art Form SERVING SUPER SANDWICHES and HOME-COOKED SPECIALTIES One block from ferry landing Tel Breakfast by request HAPPY HOUR Monday thru Friday 4-7 Drinks 2 for 1 (Except beer) Soft Serveie Cream Frozen Yogurt < kz.,a \ Hamburgers, Fries, Sandwiches "."o \ Mort.- Thurs. 10:30 AM- 8 PM.- q). : Fd.Sat. 10:30 AM -10 PM " /O Sundays 12:8 PM Tel /? ICE CREAM CAKES to J. order! L In Front of the Town Coliseum RANT 11 3 LUNCIt 6 11 DINNER Dinlnz Room closed Tuesday DRINKS Bm t,pen 7 days ll A.M. until closing... Chinese Restaurant Full Bar Next to Ocean View Hotel Daily Take-out orders Tel CANDY S BAKERY Fresh Bread & Pastries Full all Breakfasts & Sandwli Sandwiches AT RDAY DI T 6 9:30 P.M. Dancing 9:30 3 A.M. ER (Antiguo Hotel Carmen) 16 Air-conditioned Rooms

11 Caiej de os Berm0dez Home CookJn. in:loots or Patio Breakfast 7:10: L 11-2 II Chino 741-O175 DOWN] ()VN EI, LECHONCITO ATOSS from Mora)cs EATtN or TAKE OL TeL BBQ Chicken. Lh6n Ado Ce Fri Arroz y Habhuehs [LR ET. LIQUOR STC:E de Jimmy y Annie CaIte A (L Mellado, Vieques PRiMER EN VIEQUES Especialidades: Paella, Cazuela de Mariscos, Sangria One block from City Alonso y Rosa LA GRAN PARADA SCOS COCO Brefast 6 r Hhy byne EIecc (Cloud Sunda On the SEAFOOD, STEAKS NATIVE FOOD Lunch 11:30-2:30 Dinner 6:30-10 Sunday 6:3:3.10:30 TeL 74f-5242 R COND,q (C)NED LOUNGE. DNG Enah to To onr Road Oceanfront Guesthouse Six rooms,;,, kitchens Rental cars arranged (809) P.O. Box FOR F T obars VACATION VILLA RENTALS CONNECTIONS Jane Sabin Management, Rentals P.O. 809, Box 358 ROMERO REAL ESTATE Rentis, Sales,,nagement Bi-lingual Broker, PO Box 1519 VIEQUES VILLA RENTALS Management "Kikito" Guerra 809, , Gladiolas 94, Es:eranza DEPAKOS Hotel A fami!y operaed, quie hotel M,oderateiy--iced singles & 4btes wilh &C or an- TV Pdvte t Water o Pereira, op, TeL 741I Fresh-Air Luncheons & Dinners Huge Menu Generous Portions Dancing and Banquet Facilities Open Thursday thru Sunday MONTE SANTO BEACH

12 RIDA Guesthouse staurant (R) Bar Spacio rooms wid lihenettes SDnming Pool Gazebo Horsebackidng Arranged Ci! Dining IlandSjle Restaurant open Saturday,,,ly, Monday andtuesday from 8 AM- 11 PM for BrcaIst, Lunch & Dinner Suday Bnrch Buffet loam- 1 Private Parties SociaIHour esdays 5-7 qm D ec Hors doeues other evo6ngs CallSusan or by reserva6on Liz New Dawn Adventures & Caribbean Retreat Available for ndividuals, groups, workshols, family and friends gathering. A quiet place in tje country Room, dorm and tent.sites available. Plan your own adventure or we will lead the way. Advance reservations necessary. PO Box 1512, Vieques, PR Tel ESPERANZA Bar Restaurant en Playa Esperanza LA CONCHA Habitaciones Razonables Precios Especiales para Grupos Modesto "Mode" Aloyo Tel POSADA VISTAMAR Reasonably Priced Rooms Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner Puerto Rican Specialties For Reservations, Call: ESPERANZA S do(_. LA CASA DEL FRANCES ItOTEL BAR, RESTAURANT (809) Vieques Island, Puerto Rico M_... 0 S.unday 6-8 PM ff l Complimentary / Mini Mexican Buffet "T, Chile, etc. MEETIN PLACE PEN FR M PM- F D ER TI IDNI HT Come and meet Connie and Rick Enjoy lots of CD Sounds Freshly squeezed oranges & grapefruits for your drinks Dinner, featuring charbroiled, aged, hand-cut NY strip steaks, grilled chicken breasts, half-pound burgers, fish and other daily dinner specials. All meats are imported. Come in and enjoy Connie s frozen drink specialties. CLOSED MONDAY

13 C5: LA HUECA U 9 \. ESPERANZA ; LECIION &SDO ;:st La Hueca Bridge Futl Bar Ample Parking ReLsed Outdoor Atmosphere OPEN WEEKENDS ESPERANZA Guesthouse REASONABLE RATES Single w. Ceiling Fan $35 nightly to: Double w. A/C & Patio $55 nightly Breakfast served. LOe,tbCd/_a, THE TOPSIDE BAR Rincon Crlollo On Esperanza Beach t OverlOng the Cariban On 7 da a wk 9-9 Ons,at 5 PM Breaast 7: 10 Lh & Din R, availae: Callam 741@1 Fish & Chips Seafd Salads = : Pizza & foo & Hamburgers Rtbs o Ca BEACHFRONT HOTEL, BAR & RESTAURANT Hotel- $. nightly RESTAURAN T 3EEVI K BREAKFAST & DINNER Break,.ast from B- 10:30 Dinner from 5 9:30 Seven Days a Wk SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Wedr,esday night Cc,k.out Thursday (coming soonb Hermit Crab Races Stu,,da,, "Oldies but Goodies" Night S,: Ca,, Ladles Night {$t drink specials)" EveB, Day- 5:30 6:30 Sunl Happy Ho r z on liquor only 7-98!0 Vieq,us, FR VL,,que$ l. B Comid Cdl RES AURANT r.l QUENE TITO BLOQU GUESTHOUSE,: On-air Bar & Rtaurant m Cabafias para alquier Serving Frh Mea & Seagd Frente M Mar Mar Abreu Oo ihe Lagn Lane Ju offesran Park R GUESOUSE ;; CASEY S CHARTERS $. --T RESERVATIONS

14 LAS DEL CARIBE AIRLINES The Wings of the Caribbean FOr an enjoyable, pleasant, dependable flight, Fly the proud Wings of the Caribbean Daily flights to & from Vieques San Juan Landing at Isla Grande and International Airports Also serving Cu/ebra, Fajardo and St. Thomas Charter flights: available throughout the Caribbean For Information and reservations, call: San Juan Vieques Culebra Fajardo REMEMBER WHERE HOSPITALITY AWAITS. FLY "ALAS DEL CARIBE" DREDA & FONSIN S RENT-A-CAR ILDEFONSO GARCIA P.O. Box 243 DREDA ACEVEDO A.G. Mellado #333 Owners Vieques, P.R TRANSPO ION VIEQUES SAN JUAN Departs Vleques Departs San Juan #803 7:30 AM #805 #802 6:15 9:00AM AM # 809 # :30AM Noon # 813 # 810 1:45 4:30 PM PM #815 # 814 5:15 5:45 PM PM VIEQUES FAJARDO Departs Vieques Departs Fajardo # 301 6:50 AM # 302 7:15 AM # 307 9:15 AM # 306 9:45 AM #30 11:$0 AM #308 Off Demand # 311 2:00 PM # 310 1:00 PM # 313 3:00 PM # 312 2:30 PM # 315 3:30 PM # 314 4:00 PM # 317 5:00 PM # 316 4:30 PM # 318 5:30 PM VIEQUES ST. CROIX Departs Vieques Departs St. Crolx #901 7:45AM #902 # 905 8:30AM 2:45 PM # 906 #909 3:30 "12 Noon PM #910 #911 I:00PM 2:00 PM #912 3:00 PM Da Excep( Sunday Sunday Only Isla Grande / SL C, olx Vleques / Fajardo Office /5861 VIAS CAR RENTAL Now Renting Scooters & Jeeps Island Car Rentals, Inc. Late models Susuki s, Sedans, Compacts & Jeeps Phone: MARCOS CAR RENTALS Call Marcos Sammy s Car Rental pe Beach Best m]jty Best Sex ice 4-wheel ve CI Noemi or Smy at 741-O1 Cret Card Reqd TAXI SERVlC = Guided Tours up to 12 Passengers Chauffered Charter BusB ADALBERTO VELEZ TIRADO

15 RESERVA TIONS (PR) (US) TICKET COUNTER V EQUES / SAN JUAN ONE A RPORT ONE TERMINAL Now you can ly in the air-conditioned comfort of an 18 passenger TURBOPROP aircraft from Vieques to San Juan INTERNATIONAL airport. We arrive and depart in Terminal "A" rght ne,, to Delta, Pan Am and United Airlines, We offer connections to ALL major airlines serving San Juan, Dail,, ights to San Juan, St. Croix and Fajardo, and all flights can be sold through all travel agency computer reservations systems in the U.S. "THE COTTON SHOP" Casually Elegant Tropicwear For Ladies and Gentlemen R,, CEEB...- ESPERANZA BEACH /4f 04/",:v "" OPEN DAILY r, Pelican Gift Shop Native Handicrafts and South AmericEn Gifts On the Airport Road into Town AROUND THE ISLAND FOR SHOPPING La Copa de Or zona tropical r// \ Bags,T-shirts-Ladies ntlmates. ROPA CASUAL Y DEPORTIVA TRAJES DE BAO (" Beachwear Film untans NEOESP5RATE"N{SCOURS ESTAPADOS JIMMY Z, SPEEDO, BA Flowers, Crds, Noveifies, Perfumes VIEOUES calle 65 de Infanterla 741-7Z Con to ra su rega especial. Lo o :5<c::4:<.:,:::,:,:<:.:>>>:.<,:, aeglo floral en cualquiera ocaswn. 18 o NORTH Headquarters- for all Beach Needs T-shkrts, Hats, Sunglasses. Fi!m Snkeling Gear Rentals. Beach Umb;e!!as Esperanza Beach 9AM 4PM. 74!-8600 Gift & floral arrangements for every caon. Calle Bemtezom8, HORSEBACK RIDING with Severo Torres 2-HOUR RIDE $20 per person Reservations & hffo

16 FINANCES & CRAFTS Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crdito ROOSEVELT ROADS Credit and Savings Co-op CONVENIENT BANKING SERVICE IN VIEQUES Checking Savings. Loans Across from town coliseum at Calle Benitez Guzmin #61 Vieques, P.R (809) MUSEO de ESPERANZA PRE-COLUMBIAN EXHIBIT TAINO ARTIFACTS Vieques Conservation & Historical Trust VIEQUES SORCE-LA HUECA Gift Shop Reading Room TREES FOR SALE 138 Flamboyan St Galerfa Isabela owner Charlotte Ballard is planning a change of locale to a building at the plazajust between City Hall and City Center. The move is targcttcd ior January but meanwhile the gallery will condnue to conduct business as usual at its present location. Ballard came to Vieques from her Mountain Studio Gallery in New Paltz, NY; her partner Jaqueline Beer runs "Le Jolie Chose" a gallery in mid-town Manhattan. Futtre plans include art classes for local youths,lectures on antaque collection, films and art discussion groups. In addition to the works on this month s calendar there is a display of international antiques, iron sculptures, local pottery, island crofts and Haitian paintings. Native Viequense participants include Rafael Berrntidez, a silk screen artist displaying drawings; Aida Ester Zendn showing 3D paper constructions and de coupage; and Raymond Cruz, twisted wire figurines. THE VIEQUES TIMES SUBSCRIPTION BLANK 24 ISSUE SPECIAL $39 12 ISSUES $20... Name... Other... Address City State...Zip Foreign...(Send for Rates) Checks to: THE VIEQUES TIMES F-153 Esperanza Beach, Vieques, PR " Across JACOUELINE BEER CHARLOE BALLARO Featuring Contemporary Island Artists, Haitian Art, as well as Jugoslavian paintings and Russian/cons. Antiques from New York and Europe provide a treasury of gifts and collectable& Terry Price Jane Darrow Lynne Casson Helen Davis Carlos Lasster James Umstattd This month we are showing: Acrylic Island paintings Watercolors Watercolors Watercolors Oil on paper Haitian paintings and tapestries Open weekdays: 9:30 am. noon Weekends: 3 pm. 6 pm 2 pm- 6 pm ONE SHORT BLOCK FROM THE TELEPHONE OFFICE 229A Calle Prudencio Quifiones, Isabel II Box 1533, Vieques, Puerto Rico Bienvenldos Welcome Tel.: dormation TA NA Women s Pottery Workshop ARTESANIA NETAMENTI V EQUENS, Taller de Arte Isla Nena, Asoc. from old ESperanza pineapple factory

17 Volnme 53 THE VIEQUES TIMES October 1991 If it Itches-- Scratch E litorial We dedicated a large section in the lasl issue to the increasingly lhorny crime problem in V ieques. This may nol set well with many ofonr supporters who join us in a movement to promole a decenh low-key tonfist industry as a practical ahemalive o the is/and s economic crisis. We even tacked on a liltlc edilorial squibto dm "leer that, well, after a 11 il s just a mailer Of some non-violent sneakthievery. Nevertheless, we tdmonished, let s ptn a stop to il Ifom firings get out of hand. Not even the eaoon variety tourist wants his camera ripped off on the N:ach. Even if it s a cheap camera, it s loss leaves a bad taste. We cannot hide IhaL Nor can we stand by and dlow a btlnch of punks to dictam sio-economic 3olicy to a population that already has enough roblems. The Police Superintendent has initiated a series of citizens participation programs and The CLASSIFIEDS / SELLING IIfIUSE" OR LAND-- conciete SOLAI{ 1,3,,3L TIIi (2ITY We spec[ali;,*a in Vieques Tih. will take time out to offer free intantaneous Iranslation services tit neighborhood crime watch meetings. Once upon a time we were able to apply the back of the hand which may have dissuaded the casional perpetrator. Now we are older and the perpetrator better armed. A recent, non-fatal mugging of a senior citizen has distard everyone. We know of several clean, decent, concerned businessmen who are already scraping the cosmoline off lheir old fowling pieces. This gives gn ounds for apprehension ahhongh lhey only think in terms of self-delense. The ishmd needs a pemmnem judge, a prosetutor and a jail that s open for business. Meanwhile our besl almmative would seem to to join the official police tbrce in IIe newj citizens aweness movement. Police headquaers has infomaation. The numr is PERSONALS VACATION RENTAl. lhirnlshed 2 bedml.l THE ISLAND S ONLY Ill-LINGUAl, NLWSPAPLR Offers Confidenlial Research, Reporl/Pholoffape/Video Written Translations and On-sie Inlerpreler Service Our shop handles design, hiyollls, l laser typesetting for: flyers, cards, menus, lellerheads, poslers, bllmper stickers, and fancy puhlicallons. Page 9

18 Volume 53 THE VIEQUES TIMES E1 Delfn de Guichin Luis A. "Guichin" Mel6ndez lleg6 a la playa de Country Club al amanecer de dia 16 de octubre, donde encont un delffn varado. El animal se vefa medio aturdido y sangraba de una herida en la cara, pero estaba vivo y respimba con regularidad. Guichin trat6 de llamar a Recursos Naturales pero la oficina no abrha hasta las ocho. Entonces busc6 a sus familiares Joseph Anderson y "Chigo" Mel6ndez para ayudar a la criatura. Aguien record6 de una pelfcula de Cousteau y decidicron mantenerle mojado al mamffero de nueve pies de largo. Lograron echar "el pich6n de ballena" (pues no tenia el hocico como los delfines usuales de pot aqu0, cuidando siempre que su respiradero se mantuviera en la superficie. La terapia, al parecer, reanim6 al paciente v los muchachos 1o llevaban cada vez mils mar adentro." Fin.alrente se convencieron que el respiraba bien y flotaba por sl mlsmo asi que 1o soltaron en 1o hondo. Pero, despu6s de unos alekazos d6biles, el mamffero levant6 su caria de mlscara gris, ech6 una mirada a sus alrededores, y vir6 hasta llegar oua vez a la playa donde su reunieron los vecinos para ayudar. Un poco antes de las 9 AM, el Trite. Enrique Picorelli del DRN logr6 comunicarse con las autoridades en San Juan profesional. AI mediodfa bi61ogos del para pedir asistencia DRN comenlaban sobre una ballena varada, que bien podrfa ser de tipo piloto, pigmeo asesino o cabeza de mel6n. Un poco antes de las 3 PM un helic6ptero de la Guardia Costanera aterriz6 en laplaya y un cnico m6dico de laupr administr6 una serie de inyecciones al animal, finalmente identificarlo como un grampus gris o delffn Risso. Se prepar6 un especie de hamaca/litera y un grupo de voluntarios carg6 e! sado delffn hasta el helic6ptero para set transportado a L Parguera. A las 3:30PM el grampus sali6 de vuelo en el helic6ptero. Doce horas ms tarde, muri6 en Puerto Rico. LPor qu6 se vat6 el delffn? LPor qu6 tanta gente se afect6? (Habfa un tap6n de trfco de proporci6n gigantesco segtln llegaban los centenares tie personas para vet el mamifero moribundo.) Pudimos apreciar unas heridas en su cara que pudieron set causadas por las h61ices de alguna embarcaci6n, pero en vez de especular, vamos a citar de un experto el artista, autor, explorador y mamifer61ogo, Richard Ellis (1982): "Casi toda clase de cetdceos (familia ballena) se han visto vararse individualmente o en grupos, y aunque abundan las hip6tesis, ninguna explicaci6n clara ha podido esclarecer este intrigantefen6meno. Podrfa ser el sistema de navegaci6n descorapuesto, rrdedo de predadores, bsqueda de alimento, ciclos de mareus, enfermedad, o hasta un deseo de regresar al origen de sus antecesores terrestres." En el cuarto siglo antes de Cristo el gran pensa&r ArisaSles era menos preciso: "No se sabe porque raz6n se varan en tierra seca; sin embargo, se dice que asflo hacen de vez en cuando, y para ninguna razdn obvia." Y ya que eaamos citando, y porque este cabeza de mel6n ceceo era de an tipo qje se nutre mayormente de calmnares, siendo une e]ecie no muy comma en aguas de Vieques, no podemos resistir otra cita concemie:,te a su antecesor ms famoso que tambi6n era fuera de 1o comin October rampus griseus. Note la cara blanca, la frente fi uncida y las muchas cicatrices. donde vivi6 y muri6. Citamos de aquella biblia subterrnea del peina-playa Li a ir n (1984): "iy los cuentos que se escuchan sobre estas deleitosas criaturas! desde la mitologa antigua hasta la acreditada historia contempor6nea, los libros abundan en rescates ayudas, y actos de salvavidas voluntariamenteperpetrados por estos benvolos cet6ceos afavor de sus torpes hermanos humanos. Algunos son cuentos exagerados pero todo rnarinero cuenta el suyo y gquin sabe de verdad? Todo esto, no obstante el hecho de que a tray,s de los siglos, los hombres, han asesinado estos alegres heraldos del buen tiempo y de la buena suerte por rrdllares por carne, por aceite y/o s[, por el placer de matar. Muchos gobiernos, no todos, han reglamentado las matanzas permitidus, pero no por sentimentalismo, sino Sin embargo una soberana autoridad el augusto gobierno de Nueva Zelandia radic6 una legislaci6n en el aho 1904, protegiendo un grampus en particular, "Grampus Jack", identificado por hombre en la ley, pot razones que se podran considerar antroporazlrficas. Ete particularmente servicial cetdceo se le acredita por server como automombrado prictico de puerto en la Sonda Pelorus por un perodo de 24 afugs. "Jack" sal[a a recibir los barcos que llegaban y los diriga entre piedras y arrecifes haffa la seguridad del anclaje en el remanso interior. Las actividades de "Jack" fueron comentadaspor los mejores periodistas internacionales, incluyendo a los inmortales Mark Twain y Rudyard Kipling. Pero estas atenciones voluntarias nofueron apreciad,z universalmente. En el 1912, la cara blanca de Jack se vi6 por ltima vez cuando la tripulaci6n de un barco lo utiliz6 como blanco al tiro. Aparentemente el grampus es una espeeie que sabe perdonar, porque hasta hoy 3e continda escuchando del Page 10 TIENDA SAN JUAN alzado Pars Toda La Familia ) Calle Antonio G. Mellado Box 518, Vieques, P.R

19 Vohlme 53 THE VIEQtlES TIMES October 1991 lndios tie Oklahoma en basca de Contacto con los Tainos 121 Cacique llrncr Manatowa, m,6ximo lider de la naci6n de indios-norteamericanos Sac & Fox, intercarnbi5 rcgalt}s simb61icos con nuestra Alcaldesa Manuela Santiago Collazo el s;ibado 5 de ocltlbrc cn ga Casa (lel Fl21nc6s. Antes 0c una lujosa ccna lrmal asesores financicros de la tribu sol we las posil,ilidade del desarrollo ccorldmico de Vieques. Ic dijo el jeff: a la alcaidcsa miemr:w, ofrecfa ayuda y/o inlercambios ctliralt:s, educaciotal:s y econ6micos. negociado con el gobh:vno l; ederal duvanle lf+ afios de luchar pot stl (ahora) eslaltls de Naci6n Sorana dentro su eservacisn e los campos petroleros en Oklahoma. El proceso movi6 los Sac &. Fox desde sus tierras quc originalmeme inchdan las orillas de los lmgos (;rar*des y la milad de los bancos del Rio Missi.- sippi. Esta mdanza forzada pot poco elimind el tribu. Peru el petroleo y un plcilo gtnado 1979 resul{a ahora en u lette en el hombre de los 2,500 mielflros Iribales. Eslo ha cambiado su visi6n del ftlluro. "Antes eramos gl ill{1cs guerreros; ahol H SOllOS guerreros con su red de Bing, inversiones y ta ;ccie de crear su propi l;omeno. Segfin Mail:ilow:i, csla vigita a Vieques es una ndsi& de lnvestigaoi6n cuhural y econ6mica, tht;i mchos viajes a muchos paiscs, la;,,,uc lc inmresa en paicular de Viequc e:; su :,crc,ncia india "Anmricana-Nafi va, sea [ aino, Carib o Avawak. El.lelE Mmmto,,va axisli6 a una fiesta playcra diseflada pa vecaudav tbndos [):ira tma clrugfa en los ojos de Chuito "Bestia" Martflmz; visit6 alas al fareras en su taller; pase6cn bore a la Bahfa luminiscente; vi6 una exhibici&n de Paso Fino; esludi6 las piezas indfgenus en el Musco de Esperanza y hmgo en IH Forlfn. AII doo6 unos documentos hist6c,,; y charl6 con un gvupo de esltld antes de la l-ligh sobm las posibilidades de un intercambio est diantil entre Vieques y Oklahoma. Page 11 Celeste, gerente de La Casa dei lq ant:6s y presidcnte de la [sla }er]a I)eveloptncnt Co[ poralio,. IlHa coillplfa qtlt, quiere IOIIIItF COIltl ol dot, flue se ecucn/ra cn corte de quiebra. Isla Nena habfa solicilado una inspeccidn de la propiedad pot los consuhores l]nancicros del tribu, pcro Rotmno g6pez, presidenle devilla Esperanza (ell [)alacllto[a) rehus6 a Clida ilno ]c ensefiara Sits es[ados fiaancieros con anticipaci6n. Isla Ncna abogado Roberl Mam:hesler Ill 101efoiled deste Oklahonaa Ciiy para decir ClUe acliltid dc lpez era tin instllo. Sin embargo, cthi/ido llcg6 Manchester aminar los libms del Parador en Tribunal Federal en San Juall se logr6 posponcr el proccso de quiebra pot 60 dfas. durame Io scrie de negociaciones entre las partes. Segfin el S ;I II J lllll Star es po:;iblc q ue las dos conqafi fas so: tman en una reorganizaci6n del hotel. 2anliago y Salazu" fuertm a Washinglo K-mdos Federal:s pot ratios proye{: la c,)mtmidad, entre ellos, la rehabilitaci6a de urbanizaci6n lmcila [:ranco, El municipio es acrecdor a quien Villa Esperanza le debe casf millon de dqares. COiMAL)O PUEBLO NUEVO de Iaxts & Awllda Gonzflez al cruzar e Puente Santa Maria fi"-" "/ _ Carnes Viandas. Refrescos Cerveza bier frla y Todoparaelhogar I1

20 Volume 53 : ldalis, Nayda, Carmen, Neysa, Juan y Eric. Abajo: La Mama., Dora Juanita Trinidad de JesO,s recibe el certicado de Adrienne Adams. Las otras miembros del comit son (izq. def.) Laura Parrilla, Noemi Cabral, Castora V61ez y Migdalia De Jesus Guishard. LA PURA VERDAD por Flavio Silva Recientemente se public6 un articulo e n el peri6dico Isla Nena, escrito por la Srta. Alba Encarnaci6n sobre el futuro Escuela Intermedia, actualmente en construcci6n. La Srta Alba, la describe como un logro hist6rico y en ese aspecto, no se equivoca. Esta gesti6n ya se habha intentado por diferentes alcaldes, de diferentes partidos, el propio Superintendente de Escuelas y otros lfderes de a comunidad interesados en resolver los problemas que se tomaban en contra de una mejor educaci6n. Todas las gestiones anteriores no tuviemn 6xito. Cuando el Sr. Te6f do Bermddez asami6 la presidencia del Consejo de Padres, Maestros y Estudiantes de la Escuela Segundaria Germfin Rieckehoff, su prioridad como Pmsidente de dicho Consejo, rue el de separar los niveles intermedios del nivel superior, ya que la integraci6n en nuestra escuela esut creando unos problemas de grandes magnitudes. Hay que reconocer el empelo y dedicaci6n de aquel Departamento de comit6 constituido que se traslad6 al Educaci6n para reunirse con la Secretaria de ese cuerpo y darle forma y direcci6n al clamor del pueblo de Vieques en pro de una mejor educaci6n. Este grupo estuvo compuesto per: Sr. Te6tiloBermddez, Sra. EvaTorres, Sra. Edna V61ez, Sra. Luz Leguillou, Srta. Alba Encamaci6n, Sr. Jorge Col6n, Sr. Orlando Craz, Sin. Xenia Alvarado y el Sr. Flavio Silva. Para finalizar, quisiera, en nombre del comit6 o comisi6n agradeeer y extender un saludo a todos los padres, maestros y estudiantes que apoyaron tan heroica gesta. Saludos y gracias al.comercio por su respaldo. El 20 de septiembre de 1988 se hizo historia en Vieques y seruna fecha inolvidable en las mentes de todos aquellos que clamaban justicia para la mejor educaci6n de nuestros hijos. Vieques, ahi est tu escuela intermedia. THE VIEQUES TIMES October 1991 Carta al Almirante Dear Admiral Norton, Me inform6 la alcaldesa de Vieques Manuela Santiago que el nuevo contmto entre la Marina de los Esrados Unidos de America y la compafila que obtenga el contrato de seguridad (Guardia de Seguridad) en Vieques, entre mas cos,as establece que sea requisito indispensable, que los guardias debern set completamente bilingfle, que los guardias debern tenet cuarto eo de escolaridad (H.S.) que el revolver debeni set calibre.38 y que habr una reducci6n de personal de nts de treinta (30) guardias y qan los guardias que no cumplan con los requisitos ya sefialados senin despedidos inmediammente del wabajo. Realmente, St. Norton, esto es algo inurefble. ;Como es posible que habiendo guardias que llevan trabajando casi veinte afros en ha base de ha Marina y de haber defendido, los guardias, ha permanencia de la Marina en Vieques, el haber ido hasta la corte, p,,.ear y hasm hacernos enemigos de nuestros amigos y fn/iliaraspordefander lapermanencia de la Marina en Vieques,euando la Marina no pudo defenderla, Irate la Marina ahora de botanms y dejen a nuestras familias sin el sustento de cada dla pot complace a la Alcaldesa de Vieques Manueha Santiago. Es mi deber recordarle que durante los alios 77,78,79 y 80 cuando los movimientos en contra de ha Marina estaban en todo su apogeo fue por nosotros los gnardias que el movimiento se detuvo debido a que no querfan seguir pelelmdo con nosotros por ser la inmensa mayoria amigos y familiares de los guardias. No fue por el alcalde Lithe Castaflo y mucho menos por ha actual alcaldesa Manuela Santiago pues ella era la mano derecha del ex-alcalde Radam6s Tirado. Este mismo servidor perdi6 su trabajo de contable en Programa Servicios a la Comunidad (Alcaldia) en junio de 1988 debido a que el alcalde en aquel entonces Radams Tirado me despidi6 pot estar defendiendo la presencia de ha Marina en Vieques y tuve que soportar con mi familia unaflo tres mes desempleado sin que la Marina molestarse o preocuparse en 1oms mfnimo por mi y mi familia. En aquel entonces no hacha falta cuarto allo (H.S.) no hacia falta que los guardias supieron ingl6s, como lampoco hablaban de reducci6n de personal y mucho, pero mucho, menos de reducci6n de gnardias y por 1o contrano la Marina nos prometi6 que iban a emplearmguardias y a crear m emplco para acabar o reducir el desempleo en Vieques. No quisiera pensar, ni el resto de los guardias tampoco, que todas esas promesas se hicieron con el fin deliberado de que nosotros defendi6ramos la presencia de la Marina en V!e.q.ues y que no se preocupan por nosotros en los m Para terminar debo informarle que la Uni6n se form6 debido a que haba que acabar con los caprichos de los alcaldes en turno que quieren cogernos de trampolin politico y nos hacian la vidaimposible y hasta nos amedrentaban con hacer que nos botaran de la guardia si no votlibanos o esfftbamos en contra de su parlidopolitico y ann ms, todavfa con toda la Uni6n tratan de montarse en nuestras espaldas y el Navy sabe de ello y no hace nada por remediarlo., Almirante Lafayette Furgeson Norton, es esla la demouracia que pregona la Marina de los Estados Unidos de Norte Am6rica? LDonde est la igualdad para todos? Muy carillosamente y esperando pronta contestaci6n al respecto, queda, Warren Casanova, Pres. Page 12 Uni6n

21 Volume 53 TIlE VIEQUES TIMES Oclober 1991 SOIqANDO CON [I.A NENA Marcox FIorex Mienlras gira el planma Y ctm el vaivn de las alas qm: acarician tu cuerpo I-6nil Ya que pot ti y Ir mf el ahna de lsla Nena vive, rig, Stlfi*e y IIo1 hasla Ilegar se hgan reali&d, Pa ria Isla Nena. a la dieslra de la (;loria Preg, nt" para la Alcaldesa La honorable alcaldesa dofia Manuela Santiago Collazo. to IJt[m6 en acudir a la frase "no tonga comenmrio" t?ente alas cnaras tie lelevisi6n del Canal 28 la tumhe del de oct.hre de 1991, sin darse cuenla o sin imporrle que adems de las cfimaras del Canal 28, lambi& estaha cara a cara con tma buen;t" [rci6n del Pueblo de Vieqtms. A la pregun del Presidente del Mo%miento Lal Viequense, alegaba Imber hablado con el golmnmdor y haber esrulo cn dilerentes lugams pklicndo ayda al Gobiemo estalal sin Viequen Ilegaban a afdos sordos, tim inleenida Cwmelo F61ix Maria, Presidenm del MLV, quicn per lel6fono le pregunt6," Si usted sahe que las collividades al vicquense, y no vail a hater natk per el viequcnso, Firmado: Caelo F elix Matt Carla al editor Querklo Chalie: Primero que na( Imrmilcmc cldo aavfz de los aos. Miemras crecfa en gaflla Cctlz, creia que lode puerlorrlquefio era de Vieques o Culebm; vieqcnse mmque no Io samos. Dislml6 touche el arlfcult "l s hijos lambifn sufren den y cal]all 11 sen it I!da Nena /e:iendo elias fe de qte 1 vez a/grin dia le libren Sabiendo solo l)ios quien o quifnes tienen el der y m hablo pare que lsla Ncua brille en el p!acla Ticrra que parece r elvida ir Is e islas hennas. conslmfda ez 1 mee el La Plaza de la Abolici6n, debido a la imervenci6n de la Reim Vicloria, la que era prima tit: la Reina lbel II. La iglesia fue prelhbrlcada en Inglalerra y tes o mnar las campan. El dh pie la, l*opas americanas invadieron Pllcrlo Rico, me hart cliche los mils viejil(,s, que el repiquel tie las campanas se podia escuchar en Guinica. Cordialmentc, Lira Vails. [El St. Vall,v ex aurar de ranchos libros de las Islas Vfrgenes y su lengtge. escril en periadicos co." Jan Catlaloo" Ed.I Page 13

22 Volume 53 THE VIEQUES TIMES October 1991 VIEQUES, ISLA PRISIONERA Y DE DESTIERRO. por Nana Ortiz de Castaao La isla de Vieques con su exhuberante vegeaci6n, sus pera vet cemo sonrefan de felicidad y agitaban sus manos a/ hermosas playas, y palmeras, quebradas, montes y flutes pueblo en prueba de gratitud por la hospitalidad y el trato daba la impresi6n de una virgen intocable. Eu ha distancia, humano que recibieron de los habitantes de esta isla. En su sus contornos simulaban set una hermosa sirena varada en medio del ceano recibiendo la fresca caricia espumosa de Las olas del mar. Es bien triste recordar que su belleza se opac6 cuando ha convirtieron en isla prisionera y de destierro. Todo empleado del gobierno que comet/a urta falta ya fuera de caracter moral o polidco era condenado a set desterrado en Vieques. Hasta llegaron a lhamarlala SLA DELDIABLO. No obstante, los maestros de escuela, policlas y otros empleados de gobierrto que fueron castigados o enviados a est destierro qucdaban embelesados ante la bcllcza del paisaje y la hospitalidad de su genre. Entre los desterrados a Vieques, recuerdo alos profesores Feliciano Santos e Isrnael Rodrfgues Bou. TambiEn al policfa Remedio L6pez. Llega. run con Izs marius vacias y aquf enriquecieron y se quedaron avivir para siempre. Este destierro sirvi6 de curia a sus hijos, se educaron, mientras los viejos troncos yacen sepultados en el Cementerio Municipal, puesto que jam,4s quisieron de3ar este ambiente paradisiaco para regresar a la isla grande, una vez teminado su desderro. [smael Rodrfgues Bou por poco se nos casa aquf, peru decidio regresar a continuar estudios avanzados hacia el doctorado en su protsien. No obstacle, RedEguez Bou, ora en los dias feljces que lc toe6 vivir aquf, e las amistades que cultiv6 yen sus andanzas pot los campus y calles de este suelo viequense. Recuerdo como si fuera ayer, aquel,:,fio en que un grupo de confinados en la lsla del Diablo, alia en la G uayana Francesa, logro evadirse de esa prisien, Naufragaron en el aar, y se lanzaron a la deriva en una balsa que los trajo a este mar caribefio. Fueron recogidos pot pescaciores del barrio Esperanza, casi desnudos, sus cames rasgadas, barbudos, exhaustos de hambre, cansancio y deshidrataci6n. Eran franceses y desconocian el idioma espario. Las autoridades policiacas los trajeron al hospilal donde fueron atendidos. Luego fueron conducidos al Fortin Conde de Mirasol en 1o que pod[an comunicarse con el consulado frances en Puerto Rico. Los viequenses les llevaron ropa, comida, agua y navajas de afeitar. Permanecieron en le fortfn pot ratios dias. El dia que los trasladaron en un cami6n hasla el embarcadero para scr regresados a la prisi6n francesa, daba rula hacia el embarcadero iban cantando La Marsellesa Himno de Francia. Muchas personas residentes en la isla grande de Puerto Rico, que conoclan a Vieques solo per su hombre, cuando sus hijog se comportaban mal les amenazaban diciendoles,: "q e comportas bien o de 1o contrario te destierro a Viequcs. Todo el que haya tenido oportunidad de visitar esta isla queda enamomdo de ella y desea volver a regresar a este remanso de paz, belleza, respirar a todo pulmen el aire yodado del mar y percibir el calor de su genre. Es bien cierto que este lar nativo se esui nativo se esui maleando con los cruceos y neoyoricans acostumbrados a format gangas, que estfin mezclados con algunos jovenes descarriados de la localidad logrando hacer de las suyas. Si los viequenses se unen en grupos comunitarios estoy segura que este borren puede ser eliminado en su tolidad haciendolos desaparecer de este escetario. Pese a estos pcqueflos problemas todav/a ha isla se consera bella, extendiendo sus brazos a todo aquel que arriba a sus payas. El desterrado p,ofesor Feliciano Santos rue y seguir sicndo el maestxo de espaol m,4s brilhante que haya pasado l)r nuestra Alma Mater, ha Escuela Superior, E1 dia de su fuueral, las banderas de la Casa Alcald[a permanecieron a media asia yen enorme crespen negro se podfa ver frente a ese edificio en serial de luto por aquel, que/leg6 desterrado y se hizo acreedor del caririo de Vieques, al extremo que fue nombmdo hijo adopfi vo de esta isla. S u recuerdo permanecerf por siempre en el coraz6n de todos los viequenses. Hay que sefialar el hecho de que todos los extrmjeros que visitan esta isla nos dejan como despedida estas pahabras: "Si esto es un destierro, que me condenen a cadena perpetua mda la vida en esta isha encantadora y bendecida pot Dios." La mejor prueba de este dicho queda comprobada con las muchas personas que hart llegado de visita y se hart instalado aquf para buen taro. [La viejafowcopia es de unafoto de 1938 de la lancha en que viajaron los prisioneros de Vieques a Fajardo, acompaados por el Juez de Paz de Vieques Victor M. Rodrlguez Ed.] Page 14

23 Vdume fi2 TI If". VIEQUE TI ME Ocwdr 1991 I I.ANII, I(, ANIJ(I LA VOTACIC,N pot Julio "llrres 1.os Vicqucnscs nativo; y Io (1 orgc,n mlamricano volamos, er conlpuaci6n con ell,:)s. /"era algc, rags impof lelcf6nica p:tra cl ta l)dc dc prt)gramas para la ilvelhtd, " la aha dc 1992 ha empcad( cn,l ucrlo Ri,co lanfo cn los c<,mm Partidf Popular l)cmocrfilico (PPD). Partido NlleV(i gresisla (PNP), y Parlido (ndtq)edcnlisla Pmrtoriqtmfio (PIP). I./no lithe qlm saber lalllhigll qlle iltlcstr(i dislrilo uesm) mofiw stria ascgurar que el gohierno (le PucrU),X41 para 61 y 21,726 para el otto. ES dccir, gan6 D)r solo 15 vor)s iy Viequcs etnilid 5,271 volosl! isc ve gue "Podcr Vicqucsc" ao es }i j{:g{) ni ilusi&d Ei Dish-to hacemos, para cxprhnirle el mfixi[n de bclefici( a meslros no as ilusidn. I_a Comisidn Eslatal tie Elecci{mes ha edilado habfan: Vlamtcs nalict[/ads: 2,1,16,(;gl Volar(m: 1,792,153 Pot cicnlo qac votarurc Los Americzms LA MUEBLERIA NUEVA M UEBLE$ Y -Estufas ENCEAES E CALIDAD N Fajardr y lleganda a Tn0illo Aho, pcro rain en Vieqtense pule decklir, si asi qaisi&amos. Cada dislri[o escage dos Senadnres. Uno de ellos, el Sen. Joaqlill Ca hler& de lernfindez, gan6 con 103,682 a 01,573 Data olin. Pea gand pot 2, 0 volos y Calderdn gand pot 2,109 qug"ptier Viequensc no cs hi,bingo ili es ilusidnf Debt-.Micrthmtlas I tmil,t!.,. ;.zm. in #52?41-3 Ill MA.q ER (.:AI/II FERRETERIA VICTOF} "l.a b em!trla dol Puobk)" 7,4.1-30f,1 "i odo Ma.lerial de ( mslrc_ & j ta 2) e;mmvan a Vieque.s de la jurisdiccidn 3) Remnplaar cincu o scis de esas lanchte; y 4) Establecer un Edificio de Oficbms Estamles viia Vicques High Frenm a la Alcaldfa, y ubicar alli OUNSELLORS at LAW Abogados Notar/os F. Negates Zbala s Japhet Velzquez Qulles Muhoz Rlvara # Health Food Proclzts,,- Vitaminas Nalurales,JDtICTOS PARA ATLETAS Antigua Igte.;,a Advenllsta Page 15 so lichen quc hacer a la isla grande. silan, se les pziede asegnrar q ue no van a perdcr en el 1992 mils, que ganarfin y seguinn ganando. La Casa del Regalo Calle A. G. Mellado # LAY-AWAY PLAN,Ioyeria, I, serfs Elchitas, Icolares y (1( Oficina, CarRtras de Cuero parat lombres y M@res mucho Mas ter Card,, Idtal, American Expre x

24 Volume 53 THE VIE( UES TIMES October 1991 NADIE VENDE MAS BARATO GALLETAS BIMBO imire, Mami! Pra tricotear! CORNED BEEF CANARIO Precio Regular $1.39 ESPECIAL: de Coco, Vainilla, Chocolate, Duplex & Chips GALLETAS BIMBO MANTECADO Precio Regular $1.59 ESPECIAL: ACEITE MAIZETE Puro de Mafz Pure Corn Oil 48 Oz. Precio Regular $2.69 ESPECIAL: 12 Oz. Precio Regular $1.89 JAMONILLA CANARIO LUNCHEON MEAT Precio Regular $1.59 ESPECIAL: VINO CANARIO Para Sangria o para Coclnar 375 ML Precio Regular $1.25 ESPECIAL: 89 ACHIOTE EXTRA CANARIO 12 Oz. Regular $1.35 ESPECIAL: $1.15 GANA COMPRANDO Y JUGANDO La Loterla Electr6nica 96 Oz. Precio Regular $3.89 ESPECIAL: Page 16 SUPERMERCADO PORTELA "Nadie Vende Mils Barato" Cage Baldorioty # /8115

A TI,DIOS (You Are God) INTRO South American Dance (q = ca. 80) Dm. œ œ. œ # œ œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ œ. j J œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. ba - mos; you; All

A TI,DIOS (You Are God) INTRO South American Dance (q = ca. 80) Dm. œ œ. œ # œ œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ œ. j J œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. ba - mos; you; All TI,DIOS ( re God) INTRO South erican Dance (q = ca 80) # %? Bilingual Spanish nglish? RFRIN: 1st time: ; reafter: Soprano/Melody F lto Tenor m claim ce - claim you; mos; you; Dios, Dios, God, J J Text:

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