Magazine. Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora. Večerja. dežel lands. Dinner of. Poletje / Summer Začinjena pomlad. Intervju / Interview Dejan Zavec

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1 Magazine Poletje / Summer 2017 Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora Foto Bogomir Košir, arhiv LTO Začinjena pomlad Intervju / Interview Dejan Zavec Spicy spring TOP 5 Večerja 3 Dinner of dežel lands

2 pri /.201 0h hote 7 Ustv arja ln in p oslik e delav ave nice Crea obr tive azov wor ksho / ps, f ace Anim pain ting acij a za Ente rtai najm nme nt fo lajše r ch / ildre n Najb oljši slad The bes oled t ice v Slo crea m in ven Slov iji / enia pas Zgor njesa vski pikn ik / P icnic at l Kom zaba va z / part y wit Ham h o& Trib ute 2 Lo ve Najboljši del dneva! Best part of the day! Borovška 102 B, Kranjska Gora čna tera S on sa Sunny terrac e Uvodnik Editorial Spoštovani gostje, pred vami je poletna številka našega časopisa, v katerem smo zbrali zanimivosti z destinacije, ki jo tudi v letošnjem letu obiskujejo gostje iz vseh koncev sveta. Poletje bo ponovno v znamenju številnih športnih reprezentanc in klubov, ki se v Kranjski Gori pripravljajo na zahtevna tekmovanja. Seveda pa Kranjska Gora vsem obiskovalcem ponuja obilo možnosti za rekreacijo; pohodniki lahko izbirajo med številnimi cilji, kolesarji pa lahko letos preizkusijo novo progo za gorske kolesarje. Ljubiteljem kulinarike priporočamo sprehod po že uveljavljeni Kulinarični poti po Kranjski Gori. Z veseljem pa vas od sredine julija vabim na letošnjo novost - Večerjo treh dežel, kjer boste v spremstvu izkušenega vodnika izkusili kulinarična doživetja v Italiji, Avstriji ter seveda v Sloveniji. V Nordijskem centru Planica se lahko ob spustu po jeklenici sprehodite tudi po čisto pravem snegu, ohladite pa se lahko tudi v jezeru Jasna. Poskrbeli bomo za doživetja na področju kulture, kjer v prvi vrsti izpostavljam Filmski festival Kranjska Gora z bogatim programom. Ljubitelji folklore pa si boste lahko vsako soboto zvečer ogledali nastop lokalne skupine v lokalu Oštarija. Dragi gostje, zahvaljujem se vam za obisk in vas že sedaj vabim, da nas ponovno obiščete pozimi, ko bomo za vas ponovno pripravili novosti v ponudbi. Dear guests, In front of you is the summer issue of our newspaper, where we have gathered attractions from Kranjska Gora which is this year being visited by guests from all over the world. Again, summer will see numerous sports teams and clubs coming to Kranjska Gora to prepare for demanding competitions. Of course, Kranjska Gora offers all its visitors plenty of recreational opportunities, hikers can choose from numerous destinations, and cyclists may this year also try a new mountain biking trail. To the gourmets, we recommend a walk along the already renowned Kranjska Gora Culinary Trail. From mid-july, I m pleased to invite you with pleasure to a new addition to our offer the Dinner of the Three Lands, where, accompanied by an experienced guide, you will enjoy culinary experiences from Italy, Austria, and, of course, Slovenia. At the Planica Nordic Centre, you may, in addition to a descent along a wire rope, also walk on genuine snow, and you may also cool down in Lake Jasna. We will also provide cultural experiences, where first and foremost I highlight the Kranjska Gora Film Festival with its rich programme. Each Saturday evening, folk dance enthusiasts will be able to watch a performance of the local group at the Oštarija inn. Dear guests, I thank you for your visit and already now invite you to visit us again in winter, when we will again prepare activities and events for you in our offer. Želim vam prijeten oddih, We wish you a pleasant stay, Fedja Pobegajlo izvršni direktor Fedja Pobegajlo, Executive director Izdajatelj in besedilo: Hit Alpinea, družba za turizem, d.d., Borovška 99, 4280 Kranjska Gora Urednik: Aljoša Sodja Oblikovanje: Rosje Foto: Arhiv Hit Alpinea, Arhiv LTO Kranjska Gora, Bogomir Košir, Revija 5 zvezdic Naslovnica: Kranjska Gora, avtor Bogomir Košir Tisk: Tiskarna Medium 1 min od / from Kompas & Ramada Resort 3 min od / from Ramada Hotel & Suites Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe cen in delovnih časov. Vse pravice pridržane, 2017 REZERVACIJE IN INFORMACIJE:,

3 Zlato medaljo v artistiki je prejel Vlado Novoselec iz Pirana, ki je iz sira izdelal eksponat Pod Triglavom. Winner in culinary artistics is Vlado Novoselec! On picture: Under the Triglav made out of cheese. Sova, za katero je Blaž Habjan potreboval kar 30 dni. This owl by Blaž Habjan took 30 hours to complete. Dragan Šljivić Glavna jed Main Course by Dragan Šljivić Začinjena pomlad Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora je letos organizirala 2. Mednarodni kulinarični festival Kranjska Gora. Štiriinpetdeset tekmovalk in tekmovalcev iz šestih držav in sicer Italije, Ukrajine, Srbije, Bosne in Hercegovine, Makedonije in Slovenije, se je v dveh tekmovalnih dneh pomerilo v štirih kategorijah. Med vsemi kuharji se je po oceni strokovne žirije festivala najbolje izkazal Dragan Šljivić iz Bosne in Hercegovine. Organizatorji že napovedujejo tretjo izvedbo festivala v maju 2018 s še večjo udeležbo kuharjev iz tujine! O tekmovanju Tekmovalci so morali v petih minutah pripraviti prostor za delo, v 40 minutah pripraviti jedi in v zadnjih petih minutah pospraviti prostor. Posamezeni tekmovalni izziv je trajal 50 minut, nastopili pa so po štirje tekmovalci hkrati. Najboljših pet kuharjev iz skupin A1 in A2 se je uvrstilo v finale, ki je potekal po sistemu magic box (priprava tople predjedi in glavne jedi iz skritih sestavin). V veliki finale so se uvrstili Zoran Andonov Makedonija, Dragan Šlivić Bosna in Hercegovina, Štefan Sraka Slovenija, Aldin Skenderović in Jernej Rac, oba Hotel Korona Kranjska Gora, na koncu pa je slavil glavni kuhar priznane restavracije Monogram, Dragan Šljivić. Predstavnik Hit Alpinee Ivica Aleksov je v svoji kategoriji dobil srebrno priznanje. Na tekmovanju v artistiki z razstavnimi eksponati je tekmovalo deset tekmovalcev z izdelki iz čokolade, testa, sira, sadja in zelenjave. Zlato medaljo so osvojili Vlado Novoselec iz Pirana, ki je za izdelek prejel 100 točk (skupni zmagovalec) ter Blaž Habjan iz Celja, Nikola Grigorijević, Aleksa Petrović, Tatyana Afanasieva in Klavdija Simler. V kategoriji izdelave tort, kjer sta se ocenjevala videz in okus, je slavila dijakinja Barbara Šubelj. Dragan Šljivić, Štefan Sraka in Zoran Andonov, prvi trije na festivalu v drużbi vodje dogodka Boštjana Kovačiča in Iztoka Legata Dragan Šljivić, Štefan Sraka and Zoran Andonov, the first three on the event in the company of Boštjan Kovačič and Iztok Legat. Spicy spring Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora organized the second International Culinary festival in May. In over two days of competition, fifty-four competitors from six countries, i.e. Italy, Ukraine, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Slovenia competed in four categories. In the A1 category, the competitors prepared a contemporary interpretation of a national dish of the country they represented, followed by the preparation of a dish with a modern twist in the A2 category. The festival s expert panel decided that Dragan Šljivić from Bosnia and Herzegovina performed best among all of the chefs. The organizers are already forecasting the third festival in May 2018, with the participation of even more cooks from abroad! About the Competition The competitors had five minutes to prepare their work station, 40 minutes to prepare their dishes, and a final five minutes to clean down afterwards. Four competitors battled against each other in each 50 minute long challenge. The best five cooks from the A1 and A2 categories made it to Wednesday s final, which consisted of a magic box challenge (preparation of a warm starter and a main course from surprise ingredients). Zoran Andonov (Macedonia), Dragan Šljivić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Štefan Sraka (Slovenia), Aldin Skenderović and Jernej Rac (both from the Kranjska Gora Korona Hotel) made it to the Grand Final of the 2nd Culinary Festival in Kranjska Gora. The representative of Hit Alpinea, Ivica Aleksov, won a silver award in his category. The competition in the food art category for exhibition pieces was fought by ten competitors with chocolate, pastry, fruit, cheese and vegetable products. The gold medals were won by Vlado Novoselec from Piran who received 100 points (the overall winner) and Blaž Habjan from Celje, Nikola Grigorijević, Aleksa Petrović, Tatyana Afanasieva, and Klavdija Simler. Barbara Šubelj won the main award among the cakes, where the jury evaluated the look and the taste. Sodniška ekipa na zabavi ob koncu tekmovanja Judges at the closing party Festival začinila tudi žlička Vegete Pisani sodniški zasedbi, ki prihaja iz osmih držav, se je pridružil tudi prvi obraz znane blagovne znamke Vegeta, Stevo Karapandža. Najpopularnejši kuhar bivše Jugoslavije je bil v anketi, izvedeni leta 2003 v tedniku Nacional, izglasovan kot deseti največji Hrvat na lestvici, katero začenjata Josip Broz Tito in Nikola Tesla. Širši javnosti je postal poznan v oddaji»male skrivnosti velikih kuhinjskih mojstrov«pod pokroviteljstvom Podravke in njene Vegete. Stevo je zase dejal, da so ga v Podravki izbrali kot promotorja ikonične začimbe zato, ker je imel med desetimi kandidati najboljši smisel za izražanje in najbolj urejene nohte... V sklopu 2. Mednarodnega kulinaričnega festivala Kranjska Gora je v razprodani restavraciji Napoli v hotelu Ramada Hotel & Suites potekala Večerja s TOP3 šefi. Premajhna pa ni bila samo restavracija ampak tudi kuhinja hotela, kjer se je trem šefom pridružil še četrti, Italjan Luca Gioiello, ki je doživetje odpeljal čez našo zahodno mejo. Ples okusov je začel prav on, s polenovko in hrustljavim jabolkom Ankuro na piškotku iz riža, pozdrav iz kuhinje je spremljala Erzetičeva suha penina Sentio. Potem je zadišalo po Mediteranu. Na Mediteranski plošči na krajinski način Dragana Šljivića (Bosna in Hercegovina) se je bohotila tuna, brancin in vognole s kaviarjem ter pomarančo in limono v spremstvu suhe Rebule. Makedonec Nikola Mishkovski je večer začinil s kombinacijo zajca in natrgane račke v obliki pite, z dodanimi jurčki ter bučno omako in omako iz tartufov, priznani slovenski vinar Erzetič je jedi dodal Belo Amforo. V Zgornjesavsko dolino nas je vrnil Robert Kristan, domačin, zaposlen v Hit Alpinei. Z njegovo Kekčevo poletno mal co smo videli, kaj si naš literarni junak privošči ob nedeljah lahkotno belo polento v kokosovem mleku z belo čokolado, sveže gozdne jagode z jagodnim pirejem in meto ter ledeniški sorbet iz jabolk, bezga in sirupa smrekovih vršičkov. Dogodku sta se pridružila tudi lastnik vinske kleti Aleksij Erzetič z družino, ki je pred vsako jedjo predstavil vinsko spremljavo in Alma Rekić, ki na festivalu opravlja vlogo sodnice. V ocenjevanje jedi se tokrat v sproščenem vzdušju dogodka seveda ni spuščala, izrazila pa je navdušenje nad pisano mednarodno druščino kuharjev, ki so pečat svojih dežel pustili na krožnikih. Fist face of Vegeta joins the festival The diverse cast of judges, who hailed from eight countries, was also joined by the face of the wellknown brand Vegeta, Stevo Karapandža. In a poll carried out in 2003 in the Nacional weekly, the most popular cook of the former Yugoslavia was voted the tenth greatest Croat on a list headed by Josip Broz Tito and Nikola Tesla. He became known to the wider public through the television show Little Secrets of Great Chefs, sponsored by Podravka and its Vegeta brand. Stevo has said about himself that at Podravka he was selected to promote the iconic spice blend because among the ten candidates he was the most eloquent and had the best-manicured fingernails. As a part of the 2nd International Kranjska Gora Culinary Festival, the Dinner with the Top3 Chefs took place in the sold-out Napoli Restaurant at the Ramada Hotel & Suites. It wasn t just the restaurant that was too small but also the kitchen of the hotel because the three chefs joined the fourth, the Italian Luca Gioiello, taking the experience across our western border. He started the dance of flavours, with a dish of cod and crunchy Akero apple on a rice biscuit; this greeting from the kitchen was accompanied by Erzetič s Sentio sparkling dry wine. Then the aroma of the Mediterranean wafted in. On the Landscape-Style Mediterranean Plate by Dragan Šljivić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), tuna and sea bass sitting on vongola shells proudly took centre stage, accompanied by caviar, orange and lemon and complemented by a dry Rebula. The Macedonian Nikola Mishkovski spiced up the evening with a combination of hare and shredded duck in a pie, with added porcini, a pumpkin sauce, and a truffle sauce, with which the renowned Slovenian wine-maker Erzetič paired Amfora White. Hit Alpinea s Robert Kristan, who comes from the area, took us back to the Upper Sava Valley. With his Kekec Summer Snack we saw how our literary hero treats himself with on Sundays light white polenta in coconut milk with white chocolate, fresh forest strawberries with strawberry puree and mint, and an apple, elderflower, and spruce tip syrup iced sherbet. The owner of the wine cellar, Aleksij Erzetič, with his family, presented the wine accompaniment before each course. Alma Rekić, who had been a judge at the festival, was also in attendance. Of course, this time, in the more relaxed atmosphere of the event, she did not delve into assessing the dishes, but she expressed her fascination for the varied international company of chefs who left the mark of their countries on the plates. Stevo Karapandža Nikola Mishkovski na večerji s TOP3 šefi Nikola Mishkovski at dinner with TOP3 chefs Alma Rekić na večerji s TOP3 šefi Alma Rekić on the dinner with TOP3 chefs

4 Večerja Dinner of Bodite del povezovanja treh dežel, njihovih kultur in predvsem kulinarike. 3 Program dežel lands Slovenija: Ramada Hotel & Suites Kranjska Gora Aperitiv ob Ob odhod v Trbiž Italija: Sreda Wednesday V štirih urah vas popeljemo na edinstveno popotovanje, kjer vam predstavimo kulinarične značilnosti dežel, ki si delijo mejo, hkrati pa tudi okuse in načine priprave jedi Aperitiv Aperitif 2 Experience the connection between three different regions, their cultures and most of all their culinary styles in this exclusive event. In four hours you will be taken on a unique journey, introduced to region s specific culinary characteristics, which share not just the border, but flavours and ways of preparing dishes Trbiški Tris Omlete s šparglji ali gobami ali radičem Zvitek z jajčevci, svežo ricotto in parmezanom Krompirjevi njoki s stopljenim maslom in prekajeno ricotto The Trbiž Tris Asparagus, mushroom or radicchio omelette Roll with aubergines, fresh ricotta and parmesan Potato gnocchi with melted butter and smoked ricotta 3 Čebulna bržola s praženo čebulo, fižolom s slanino in pečenim krompirjem ali File zlatovčice in maslen krompir Onion braciola with fried onion, beans with bacon and baked potatoes or Fillet of char and Buttered potatoes 1 Orehova potička v vanilijevi župci Walnut cake in vanilla soup Kulinarična pot Culinary journey Cena menija je: 30 EUR / osebo 20 EUR / otroka (do 12 leta) Do 3. leta brezplačno Prijave zbiramo do srede na hotelski recepciji ali na telefonski številki Število mest je omejeno. The price is: 30 EUR / per person 20 EUR / children (younger than 12 years old) Till the age of 3 / Free of charge Applications are collected until each Wednesday at the hotel reception or at the following phone number: The number of available places is limited Najslajša pot v mestu The sweetest route in town Gostom kulinarična pot prinaša edinstveno doživetje. Pet ponudnikov smo povezali v zaokroženo celoto in skozi gostinsko ponudbo gostom približali slovensko kulinariko. Pot je namenjena vsem, ki bi želeli preživeti prijeten večer ob dobri hrani in pijači. Poleg spoznavanja tradicionalne kuhinje pa boste na najslajši poti v mestu spoznali tudi lepote in znamenitosti kraja, saj se boste od ene do druge lokacije premikali peš, v spremstvu izkušenega vodnika, ki vam bo povedal marsikatero zanimivost in lokalno skrivnost. The culinary trail gives a special culinary experience of Kranjska Gora to its guests. We have connected five venues into an integral whole, and made Slovene cuisine more familiar to the guests through catering. The trail is designed for anyone who wants to spend a pleasant evening with good food and drink. In addition to discovering the traditional cuisine, you will be able to discover the beauties of the town and its sites of interest while walking the sweetest route, as you will travel by foot from one location to another, accompanied by an experienced guide who will tell you many interesting facts and local secrets. Alte Hütte Trbiž Topla predjed ob Ob odhod v Podklošter Avstrija: Wallnerwirt Restaurant Podklošter Glavna jed ob Ob odhod v Kranjsko Goro Slovenija: Ramada Hotel & Suites Kranjska Gora Sladica ob ProgramME Slovenia: Ramada Hotel & Suites Kranjska Gora Aperitif at Departure to Tarvisio at Italy: Alte Hütte Tarvisio Warm starter at Departure to Arnoldstein at Austria: Wallnerwirt Restaurant Arnoldstein Main course at Departure to Kranjska Gora at Slovenia: Ramada Hotel & Suites Kranjska Gora Dessert at Info & reservations: T: E: W: Kulinarična pot poteka vsak četrtek ob 18. uri in vključuje 5-hodni meni s pijačo. The culinary journey takes place every Thursday at 6 PM and comprises a fivecourse menu with drinks.

5 PLANICA... v številkah... in numbers Konec marca je bila Planica ponovno v znamenju zaključnih tekmovanj svetovnega pokala. V štirih dneh je dolino pod Poncami obiskalo obiskovalcev, ki so tudi letos dokazali, da planiški vikend spada v sam vrh slovenskih športnih prireditev. Družba Hit Alpinea je tudi tokrat poskrbela za dobro počutje obiskovalcev, tekmovalcev, zaposlenih na sami prireditvi ter gostov v dveh VIP šotorih. V letošnjem letu pa je bil prvič na voljo najvišji nivo pogostitve, Crystal Globe Lounge. Prostor v drugem nadstropju Nordijskega centra je bil posebej opremljen za spremljanje tekmovanja, gostinske storitve ter počitek. Gostje so na prizorišče pripotovali s helikopterskim prevozom ter se tako izognili prometu. Za gostinske storitve je poskrbela kuharska ekipa HIT-a pod vodstvom člana nacionalne kuharske ekipe, g. Marina Furlana, ponudba pa je temeljila na slovenskih jedeh, pripravljenih na moderni način. Čeprav je v Planici najpomembnejša merska enota dolžina, vam tokrat predstavljamo Planico v znamenju številk iz perspektive Hit Alpinee. g postreženih piv g malic za dijake in učence g malic za planiške delavce g hot - dogov, pleskavic g VIP gostov in VIP catering na skupni kvadraturi 1600m 2 g kav g kuhanih vin g zadovoljnih gostov v polno zasedenih hotelih v Kranjski Gori in Gozd Martuljku Ponosni smo, da smo del uspešne zgodbe! Catering Though in Planica the most important unit of measurement is length, this time we present to you Planica marked by numbers, from the perspective of Hit Alpinea g beers served, g snacks for high school and elementary school children, g snacks for Planica workers, g hot dogs, burgers, etc., g VIP guests and VIP catering on a total area of 1,600 m 2, g coffees, g mulled wines, g content guests in fully booked hotels in Kranjska Gora and Gozd Martuljek. We are proud to be a part of a success story! Od poslovnih dogodkov in obletnic do porok in piknikov. Na lokaciji po vaši izbiri profesionalno postrežemo do oseb. Spoznajmo se, z veseljem prisluhnemo vašim željam. info: T: At the end of March, Planica was once again marked by the final World Cup competitions. Over four days, the valley below the Ponce Mountains drew 75,000 visitors, who proved this year too that the Planica weekend ranks at the very top of Slovenian sport events. Hit Alpinea again took care of the well being of visitors, competitors, employees at the actual event, and guests in two VIP tents. This year, the highest level of hospitality, the Crystal Globe Lounge, was available for the first time. On the second floor of the Nordic Centre, premises were again fitted out for watching the competition, catering, and having a rest. The guests arrived at the venue by helicopter and thus avoided the traffic. HIT s team of chefs led by a member of the national chef team, Mr Marin Furlan, took care of catering, and the menu was based on Slovene dishes prepared with a modern twist Intervju Slovenija je moje igrišče Strah in trepet v ringu, mr. Simpaticus izven njega. Patriot in borec iz Trdobojcev. Naš navečji (ali celo edini?) pravi boksarski šampion. Dejan Zavec nas je z družino obiskal konec februarja, ko je v hotelu Ramada Hotel & Suites preživel nekaj dni z družino. Za začetek - prihajate iz Trdobojcev. Zelo primerno ime vaš za domači kraj, glede na to da ste se za svoje uspehe nedvomno trdo borili. Tako je, to je majhen kraj pod Halozami, kjer je življenje še danes pestro. Pokrajina je zelo hribovita, mislim, da ne obstaja stroj, ki bi lahko obdeloval to pokrajino, če pa že obstaja je pa verjetno peklensko drag. Trdobojci mislim da štejejo okoli 40 ljudi. Gre za težko dostopno območje, ime pa je več kot primerno tako za kraj kot tudi zame TRDO BOJCI! Najljubši spomin iz kariere? Dva najljubša: Južna Afrika, tam kjer sem začinil svojo kariero s krono (v Johannesburgu je premagal Isaaca Hlatshwayja in postal svetovni prvak op. p.) in pa potem polne Stožice, tam se je naredil premik, kjer je bil boks v Sloveniji na nivoju podtalnice, potem pa je na dogodek prišlo ljudi. V Mariboru pa se je vse skupaj začelo in tudi končalo. Sedaj ste v športnem pokoju. Občutki? Še manj sem doma kot prej (smeh). Po pričevanju drugih športnikov sem mislil, da bo hujše. Pripravljam projekte za naprej in urejam zadeve za nazaj, tako da mi vseeno ostane bolj malo časa. Kaj je za vas na počitnicah najpomembnejše? Predvsem to, da se počutimo dobro. Da ne rabimo skrbeti za nič, imamo blizu smučišče, da nam ni treba uporabljati avtomobila. Komfort otrok, bližina bazena, igral, smučišč... Otroci so v vašem hotelu ravno opazili sobo z biljardom in namiznim tenisom, tako da upam, da jim ne bo zmanjkalo časa za smučanje (smeh). Da smo tudi starši lahko na dopustu in da nismo vedno v skrbeh, kaj počnejo otroci. In pa tisto, da se vedno počutimo varne. Pa seveda najpomembnejša stvar, ambient. Super je, da na tako nizki nadmorski višini obstajajo tako vrhunska smučušča. Če bi v Dubaju vedeli kaj imamo, bi bila verjetno arabska Kranjska Gora. Očitno je, da imate radi Slovenijo in vse, kar je slovenskega. Pa vseeno, videli ste kar nekaj sveta. Če bi morali izbrati samo eno tujo destinaicjo, katera bi bila? Jaz bi še vedno izbral Slovenijo. Veliko krajev je na meni pustilo dober vtis. Amerika mi je pustila nek posebej prijazen vtis ljudi, dobiš občutek, da si človek, ne glede na to od kje si. Tudi če si iz dela sveta, ki ga oni načeloma ne odobravajo. Vsakemu dajo občutek, da si pomemben. Tudi v New Yorku, ki ima nekaj miljonov ljudi, te obravnavajo kot nekaj posebnega. Poleg Amerike bi izpostavil še Južno Afriko, taka nasprotujoča si razmerja in zelo raznolika država. Ampak kjerkoli sem bil sem bil odlično sprejet in sem se dobro počutil, toda nikoli nisem mogel reči, da je bil to moj dom, ali pa da bi sploh razmišljal v to smer. Za mene je samo en dom in to je Slovenija. Oz. če sem še bolj ekstremen, če bi imel zlato palčko ne bi pustil da se delimo na Štajerce, Ljubljančane... ne bi dovolil, ker je Slovenija tako majhna in čudovita, govorimo isti jezik z drugimi narečji ampak to ni razlog, da se med seboj ne bi razumeli. Moje igrišče je Slovenija in ne bi je zamenjal za nič drugega. Interview Slovenia is My Playground Fear and horror in the Ring, Mr Sympathicus outside of it. A patriot and a fighter from Trdobojci. Our greatest (or even the only?) true boxing champion. Dejan Zavec visited us again at the end of February, when, with his family, he spent a few days at the Ramada Hotel & Suites. To begin you come from Trdobojci. This is a very apt name [note: it roughly translates as Hard Fighters ] for your home place, considering that you undoubtedly fought very hard for your successes. That s true, this is a small place below the Haloze Hills where life is diverse even today. The landscape is very hilly; I don t think there is a machine that would be able to cultivate it, but if it does exist, it must be as pricey as hell. I believe Trdobojci numbers 40 people. The area is difficult to access, and the name is more than appropriate for the place as well as for me TRDO BOJCI, HARD FIGHTERS! What is your favourite career memory? Two most favourite: South Africa, where I capped my career with a crown (writer s note: in Johannesburg he defeated Isaac Hlatshwayo and became world champion) and then the packed Stožice, where the breakthrough happened; by then, boxing in Slovenia had been at groundwater level, and then 15,000 people arrived at the event. However, everything started and also ended in Maribor. You are a sportsman in retirement now. Feelings? I am home even less than before (laughter). From the testimony of other sportspeople, I thought it would be worse. I prepare projects for the future and put in order past matters, so I m nevertheless left with little time. On holiday, what s most important to you? Particularly, that we feel well. That we have nothing to care about, we have a ski slope nearby, we don t have to use a car. The comfort of the children, the proximity of a swimming pool, play area, ski slopes, etc. At your hotel, my children have just spotted a room with a pool and table tennis, so I hope they won t run out of time for skiing (laughter). That also we as parents can have a break and not always worry about what the children are doing. And that we always feel safe. And, of course, the most important thing, the ambience. It is great that there are such top ski centres at such a low elevation. If in Dubai they knew what we have, Kranjska Gora would probably be Arabic. It is evident that you like Slovenia and everything Slovene. Nonetheless, you have seen quite a lot of the world. If you had to choose only one foreign destination, what would it be? I would still choose Slovenia. A lot of places have left a good impression with me. America has left me a certain very kind impression of people; one gets the feeling that you are a human, no matter where you come from. Even if you are from a part of the world that they do not approve of in principle. They make everyone feel significant. Even in New York with several million people, they treat you as something special. Besides America, I would highlight South Africa with such diametric relations and it is a very diverse country. However, wherever I was I was excellently received and I felt good, but I was never able to say that was my home or even think in that direction. Only one place is my home and it is Slovenia. Or, to be even more extreme, if I had a magic wand I would not allow us to divide ourselves up as Styrians, Ljubljana residents,...i would not allow that because Slovenia is so small and wonderful, we speak the same language in various dialects, but that is not a good enough reason not to get along. Slovenia is my playground and I would not replace it with anything.

6 Vodja wellnessa svetuje Skupaj proti stresu Krmarjenje skozi življenje nas vedno znova postavlja pred različne izzive. Plovba po mirnem morju dogodkov se lahko v trenutku spremeni v razburkano morje težav, sami pa smo odgovorni za to, da varno priplujemo mimo vseh zagat, ki nam jih na pot postavijo zunanje okoliščine. Stres nastaja zato, ker se ljudje na zunanje okoliščine in sitaucije odzovemo tako, da blokiramo pretok energije po telesu. Antistres masaža z zeliščnim oljem se osredotoča na stopala, glavo, vrat, ramenski obroč in dlani ter deluje blagodejno na nekatere simptome stresa kot je zakrčenje mičic vratu, ramenskega obroča, pomaga pri pravilni drži... Masaža obraza pa krepi tonus kože obraza. The Head of Wellness advises Together Against Stress Navigating through life presents us with various challenges. Sailing on a calm sea of events can change at any moment into a stormy sea of troubles, and it is our responsibility to sail safely past all predicaments set on our path by external circumstances. Stress arises because people respond to external circumstances and situations by blocking the flow of energy through our bodies. Anti-stress massage with olive oil focuses on the feet, the head, the neck, the shoulder girdle, and the hands, and alleviates some symptoms of stress, such as cramping of the muscles of the neck and the shoulder girdle, it helps with proper posture, etc. Massage of the face strengthens the tone of the facial skin. Novo / NEW Del največje družine na svetu Leta 2013 je hotelska veriga Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora dva izmed svojih hotelov priključila blagovni znamki Ramada, ki je del skupine Wyndham. Ramadina zgodba se je pričela leta 1953 v Texasu, prvi hotel pa je odprla leto kasneje ob znameniti»route 66«, do danes pa se je razširila po celem svetu. Ime izvira iz španskega izraza»ramadas«, kar v angleščini pomeni»branch«- veja, iz katerih so včasih sestavljali preprosta počivališča. Kot del Ramadine družine sledimo visokim hotelskim standardom, s tem pa gostom zagotavljamo najvišjo kvaliteto storitev. Od leta 2006 pa je Ramada del največjega hotelskega združenja na svetu Wyndham group. Z osemnajstimi blagovnimi znamkami, več kot hoteli, preko sobami v 77 državah celega sveta predstavlajo vodilno silo na področju hotelirstva. V Ameriki si lastijo 9 % vseh prenočitvenih kapacitet. V njihov program zvestobe, ki v zameno za zbrane točke nudi popuste ali brezplačne nočitve po celem svetu, pa je vključenih vrtoglavih 49 miljonov uporabnikov. Sprostite se z nami / Relax with us Ob nakupu 50 minutne antistres masaže / With every purchase of a 50 minute anti stress massage vam podarimo 10 minutno masažo obraza / we give you a 10 minute facial massage free of charge 45 Part of the Largest Family in the World In 2013, the Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora chain transferred two of its hotels to the Ramada brand, which is a part of the Wyndham Hotel Group. The story of Ramada began in 1953 in Texas, a year later it opened the first hotel next to the famous Route 66, and has to this day spread all across the world. Its name stems from the Spanish word ramadas, which in English means»branch«a branch that once was used to put together simple resting places. As part of the Ramada family, we follow high hotel standards, thus providing our guests with the highest quality of services. Since 2006, Ramada has been a part of the largest hotel company in the world the Wyndham Hotel Group. With eighteen brands, more than 8,000 hotels, over 697,600 rooms in 77 countries of the whole world, they constitute the leading force in the hotel sector. In America, they own 9% of all overnight stay capacity. Their loyalty programme that allows guests to exchange points collected to get discounts or free overnight stays across the whole world has a staggering 49 million users. YOU DO YOUR THING. LEAVE THE REST TO US. Čas je za jogo! Dobimo se vsako soboto ob uri na terasi hotela Ramada Resort. Vinyasa Flow vadba je primerna za vse stopnje. Rezervacije sprejemamo na recepciji Wellnessa Larix - 04/ Za joga blazine, odeje in zidake je poskrbljeno. It s Joga time! You are welcome to join us on the terrace of Ramada Resort hotel every Saturday at 5:30 pm. Classes will be suitable for all levels. Yoga mats, block and blankets will already be on the location. You can book the class at reception of Wellness Larix +386 (0)

7 ... v Zgornjesavski dolini Če nas obiščete za cel teden ali samo čez vikend, s prijatelji ali družino, če sije sonce ali pada dež prepričani smo, da v nobenem primeru ne smete izpustiti naslednjih pet destinacij. TOP 5... of the Upper Sava Valley If you visit us for a whole week or only over a weekend, with friends or family, whether the sun is shining or rain is falling we are sure that in no case you should leave out the following five destinations. Martuljški slapovi Martuljek Falls Nad dolino Gozd Martuljka vas pričakujeta dva slapova, lahko dostopna vsem pohodnikom. Še posebej mogočen je drugi slap, ki je v štirih stopnjah visok okoli 100 metrov. Na poti priporočamo postanek v brunarici pri Ingotu in ogled oglarske kope. There are two waterfalls above the Gozd Martuljek valley, easily accessible to all hikers. Particularly majestic is the second waterfall, which over four steps has a height of 100 metres. We recommend to stop at the log cabin At Ingo and to see the charcoal pile. Nordijski center Planica Planica Nordic Centre Po izkušnje na Festival čokolade To the Festival of Chocolate to Gather Experience Na Festivalu čokolade v Radovljici se je v šotoru Čokolandija predstavila tudi Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora. Dijakinja Nina Macun in izkušeni kuhar Tadej Lombar, sicer vodja kuhinje kranjskogorskega hotela Kompas, sta skupaj pripravila polento z belo čokolado in jagodnim sorbetom. Poleg samega sodelovanja na festivalu ima dogodek pomembno izobraževalno noto. Za mlado Nino, ki trenutno opravlja prakso, so nastopi pred publiko in priprava hrane»v živo«pomembna izkušnja. Tadej Lombar je po dogodku dejal:»veseli me, ko lahko znanje predam nekomu, ki si ga zares želi. Najbolj to pride do izraza pri praktičnem delu, če pa je zraven prisoten še element treme se vse skupaj še bolje prime.«da je kuhala med nastopi slavnih tekmovalcev iz znanega televizijskega šova, Peško in Elvisom, pa je bila zanjo še posebna čast. Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora also presented itself at the Čokolandija [Chocolate Land] tent at the Festival of Chocolate in Radovljica. Nina Macun, a high school student, and Tadej Lombar, an experienced chef, otherwise the head of the kitchen of the Kompas Hotel in Kranjska Gora, prepared polenta with white chocolate and strawberry sorbet. Besides participation in the festival, the event also has an important educational note. For young Nina who is currently on placement, appearances in front of an audience and the preparation of food live are an important experience. After the event, Tadej Lombar said: It is a pleasure for me to pass down knowledge to someone who really desires it. This is most expressed in practical work, and if there is an element of stage fright, everything sticks even better. And it was a special honour for her to cook among famous competitors from the well known TV show, Peška [Kernel] and Elvis. Kdo ne bi vsaj za trenutek zakorakal po stopinjah Petra Prevca? V Planici vas pričakuje obnovljeni Nordijski center z muzejem in vetrovnikom ter sedem novih skakalnic, med katerimi izstopa velikanka. Povzpnite se na vrh in se z nje spustite z Zip Lineom, ki spada med najbolj strme na svetu. Na osvežilno pijačo in domačo jed pa vas vabimo na sončno teraso Kavke, ki se nahaja tik pod velikanko. Who would not, if only for a moment, stand in the footprints of Peter Prevc? In Planica, the renovated Nordic Centre with a museum, wind tunnel and seven new jumping hills among which the giant steps out, are awaiting you. Ascend to its top and descend from it by a zip line, which ranks among the steepest in the world. We invite you to Kavka (below the ski jump) for a refreshing drink afterwards. Nogometaši Hit Alpinee Maja se je nogometna ekipa Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora pomerila na Korona Champions Cup turnirju na Jesenicah. Po dobrih rezultatih v skupinskem delu tekmovanja, kjer so zabeležili tri zmage in remi, so v četrtfinalu klonili proti ekipi Optike, katere član je tudi Matjaž Nemec, sicer podpredsednik državnega zbora. Nogometni turnir je na sporedu vsako leto v režiji družbe HIT. Zelenci Zelenci Springs Talni izvir Save Dolinke je od leta 1992 razglašen kot naravni rezervat. Tu iz tal pride na plano smaragdno zelena voda, ki ne zamrzne niti pozimi, saj ohranja temperaturo okoli 6 C. Zelenci nudijo zavetje mnogim rastlinskim in živalskim vrstam, vi pa si jih lahko ogledate z urejene lesene brvi. Since 1992, the ground source of the Sava Dolinka has been protected as a natural reserve. Here, emerald green water emerges; it does not freeze, even in winter, as it maintains a temperature of approx. 6 C. The Zelenci Springs offers refuge to numerous plant and animal species, which you can take a look at from a specially built wooden footbridge. Jezero Jasna Lake Jasna Če iščete kraj za poletno osvežitev in sprostitev, ali pa samo kraj kjer lahko ustvarite čudovito fotografijo, potem je Jasna z njeno okolico idealna lokacija. Dve medsebojno povezani umetni jezeri ob sotočju potokov Velike in Male Pišnice vas pričakujeta ob vznožju Vršiča. Lahko se povzpnete na razgledni stolp in sprehodite po Kneippovi poti, v poletnih večerih pa so na jezeru organizirani tudi koncerti. If you re looking for a spot for summer refreshment and relaxation or only a place where you can create a wonderful photograph, Jasna with its surroundings is an ideal location. Two interlinked artificial lakes at the confluence of Big and Small Pišnicas await you at the foothills of the Vršič Pass. You can climb the viewing tower and take a walk along Kneipp s Trail, while on summer evenings, concerts are also held on the lake. Slovenski planinski muzej Slovene Alpine Museum Gore (me) kličejo Slovenski planinski muzej v Mojstrani predstavlja edinstveno planinsko in gorniško središče v Sloveniji. Stalna razstava»pot je zgodba, zgodba je pot«vas vodi od klica gora prek priprave na pot, planinskih koč do osvojitve vrhov. The mountains are calling (me)... The Slovene Alpine Museum in Mojstrana is a unique hiking and mountaineering centre in Slovenia. The permanent exhibition A Path is a Story, a Story is a Path takes you from the call of the mountains past the preparation for a path, mountain lodges to the conquest of peaks. Hit Alpinea Football Team In May, the Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora football team competed in the Korona Champions Cup tournament in Jesenice. Following good results in the group part of the tournament, where they recorded three wins and a draw, they went down against Optika, member of which is also Matjaž Nemec, otherwise the vice president of the National Assembly. The football tournament is held on an annual basis, under the management of HIT. V družbi prvakov Letos v hotelu Kompas: NK Rijeka državni prvak v nogometu na Hrvaškem RK Vardar Zmagovalci rokometne lige prvakov In the company of Champions This year in hotel Kompas: NK Rijeka Croatian football champions RK Vardar European handball champions

8 Mi slimo na z imo! Thinking of Winter! Božični paket / Christmas package Smučarski paket / Ski package Vključuje bogato božično večerjo (24.12.), vstopnico za ogled»živih jaslic«in brezplačno kopanje. Includes Christmas dinner (24.12.), tickets to the unique performance Live Christmas Crib in Ice, free entrance to the water park. Vključuje smučarske karte ali vrednostne bone za tiste, ki ne smučajo, vstop na drsališče, v bazen in savno. Includes ski tickets or gift vouchers for nonskiers, free entrance to ice rink, water park and saunas. 3 x polpenzion v hotelu **** že od 3 x halfboard in hotel **** from x polpenzion v hotelu **** že od x halfboard in hotel **** from (Slovenija) (rest of the world) 10% popust za goste hotelov HIT Alpinee izposoja koles (mountain&trekking) for HIT Alpinea guests Rent a bike - električna kolesa/ electric bike - kolesarski izleti/ bike trips Want to join the fun, but not sure you can handle it? Not a problem anymore! Join us on our top electric mountainbike guided tours and have a lifetime experiance just for yourself or invite a friend and share the fun! Apply on our reception desk! 10% discount (mountain&trekking) ŠPORT BERNIK D.O.O. Borovška 88a, Kranjska Gora tel: +386 (0) GSM: +386 (0)

9 ZABAVA ZA VSE! FUN FOR EVERYONE! Nordijski center Planica Planica Nordic Centre T: E: W: Nordijski center Planica, +386 (0) Več informacij na recepciji hotela! More information on the reception desk! Osvežitev v Kavki ob obisku Planice. Tik pod velikanko! Refresh yourself at the bottom of the big sky flying hill in Planica Sadna pravljica Fruit Fairy Tale Osvežilna vitaminska bomba Refreshing vitamin bomb Ledena kava Ice coffee Bezgov sok Elder juice Rateče / Planica 167 T: +386 (0) Več informacij in delovni čas dobite na hotelskih recepcijah. More informations and working hours on hotel reception.

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