Statistical Information Manitoba Municipalities 2016 Information statistique Municipalités du Manitoba

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1 MANITOBA MUNICIPAL RELATIONS RELATIONS AVEC LES MUNICIPALITÉS MANITOBA Statistical Information Manitoba Municipalities 2016 Information statistique Municipalités du Manitoba

2 FOREWORD The 2016 Statistical Information for Municipalities in the Province of Manitoba provides highlights and statistical information compiled from the consolidated audited financial statements of Manitoba s municipalities. Manitoba municipal financial statements conform to Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) financial reporting standards. The statements are consolidated for the municipality and its owned or controlled organizations, providing a comprehensive picture of the municipality s financial position. The information presented in the 2016 Statistical Information for Municipalities in the Province of Manitoba provides support to a municipality s program review and serves as a reference for municipal officials exploring opportunities to enhance effectiveness and efficiency. The Executive Summary summarizes key municipal financial information including expenditures on services, as a percent of total expenditures, and the composition of tangible capital assets. The Financial Statistics section groups municipalities by population size to facilitate comparisons between similar municipalities. A detailed breakdown of consolidated revenues, expenditures, utilities operations, and other data such as taxable assessment, capital assets, and reserve funds is provided. A total of 12 municipalities did not submit their 2016 statements by the time of publication. As a result, this publication uses 2015 financial data for nine (9) of these municipalities and excludes the remaining three (3) where 2015 data was also unavailable. For those municipalities where financial statements were available, and on a consolidated basis: Municipalities reported $9.83 billion in reserve fund balances and accumulated surplus. Approximately 95% of these funds were held in the form of tangible capital assets. Municipalities reported net financial debt in total of $381 million. Net debt measures the difference of between municipalities total financial liabilities ($2.31 billion) and total financial assets ($1.93 billion). Municipalities held $938 million in total cash and temporary investments at the end of Long-term debt held by municipalities totalled $1.39 billion in Overall, debt charges as a percentage of revenue equalled 3%. Trends in consolidated expenditures of municipalities and their owned and controlled organizations include: 82% of municipalities with populations of 5,000 or less spent over 20% of their budgets on transportation services. Municipalities with populations of over 5,000 spent most of their budgets on transportation (37%) and water and sewer (15%). Cities (excluding Winnipeg) spent the most on protective services at 23% of budget, followed by water and sewer at 22%. Municipalities spent more than $894 million on capital projects, including $429 million on infrastructure projects. The total value of municipalities net tangible capital assets as of December 31, 2016 was $9.34 billion. Municipal Relations Provincial-Municipal Support December 2018 AVANT-PROPOS Le document 2016 Information statistique Municipalités de la province du Manitoba contient des points saillants et de l information statistique compilés à partir des états financiers consolidés et vérifiés des municipalités du Manitoba. Les états financiers des municipalités du Manitoba sont conformes aux normes d information financière du Conseil sur la comptabilité dans le secteur public. Les états financiers sont consolidés pour inclure chaque municipalité et les organismes qu elle possède ou qu elle dirige, fournissant un tableau détaillé de la situation financière de la municipalité. Les renseignements contenus dans le document «2016 Information statistique Municipalités de la province du Manitoba» sont utiles aux municipalités pour l examen de leurs programmes et constituent une référence pour les responsables municipaux cherchant de nouveaux moyens d améliorer efficacité et efficience. Le résumé présente des renseignements municipaux clés, notamment les dépenses en services, en tant que pourcentage des dépenses totales, ainsi que la composition des immobilisations corporelles. La partie consacrée aux données statistiques financières regroupe les municipalités par taille de population, afin de faciliter les comparaisons entre les municipalités similaires. Une ventilation détaillée des données consolidées concernant les recettes, les dépenses et les services publics, et d autres données comme l évaluation foncière, les immobilisations, et les fonds de réserve est fournie. Un total de 12 municipalités n avaient pas fourni leurs états financiers de 2016 au moment de la publication du présent document. Par conséquent, la présente publication utilise les données financières de 2015 pour neuf de ces municipalités. Les trois autres municipalités pour lesquelles il n existe pas de données pour 2015 sont exclues. En ce qui concerne les données consolidées des municipalités dont les états financiers étaient disponibles : les soldes de fonds de réserve et d excédent accumulé se sont élevés à 9,83 milliards de dollars, dont environ 95 % étaient détenus sous forme d immobilisations corporelles; le total de la dette financière nette des municipalités s est élevé à 381 millions de dollars; la dette nette mesure la différence entre le total des passifs financiers des municipalités (2,31 milliards de dollars) et le total de leurs actifs financiers (1,93 milliard de dollars); les municipalités détenaient un total de 938 millions de dollars en espèces et en placements temporaires à la fin de 2016; au total, le passif à long terme des municipalités s élevait à 1,39 milliard de dollars en 2016; en tout, les frais de dette publique, exprimés en pourcentage des recettes, s élevaient à 3 %. Les tendances des dépenses consolidées des municipalités et des organismes qu elles possèdent ou qu elles dirigent comprennent : 82 % des municipalités ayant une population de personnes ou moins ont consacré plus de 20 % de leur budget aux services de transport. les municipalités ayant une population de plus de personnes ont consacré la majeure partie de leur budget au transport (37 %) et à l eau et aux égouts (15 %); les villes (à l exception de Winnipeg) ont consacré le plus aux services de protection, soit 23 % de leur budget, suivi de l eau et des égouts, soit 22. Les municipalités ont dépensé plus de 894 millions de dollars en projets d immobilisations, dont 429 millions de dollars pour des projets d infrastructure. Au 31 décembre 2016, la valeur totale des actifs corporels nets des municipalités était de 9,34 milliards de dollars. Relations avec les municipalités Division du soutien provincial-municipal Décembre 2018 i

3 Financial statistics for the following 3 municipalities have been excluded for Audited financial statements for 2015 and 2016 were not available at the time of publication: 1. Armstrong, RM 2. Kelsey, RM 3. Powerview-Pine Falls, Town Financial statistics for the following 9 municipalities reflect data for Audited financial statements for 2016 were not available at the time of publication: 1. Cartwright-Roblin, M 2. De Salaberry, RM 3. Gilbert Plains, RM 4. Grand Rapids, Town 5. Grassland, M 6. Lynn Lake, Town 7. Pinawa, LGD 8. Reynolds, RM 9. Rossburn, M ii

4 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Executive Summary 1. Changes in Municipal Population ( ) 1 2. Number of Residents Represented by Municipal Council 2 3. Comparison of 2017 to 2016 Budgeted Municipal Expenditure Consolidated Municipal Expenditures by Major Service Municipal Expenditures on General Government Consolidated Municipal Revenue by Major Source Municipal Property Tax Changes Taxable Assessment Municipal Taxes Levied (Excluding Education) Composition of Consolidated Tangible Capital Assets by Municipal Type Comparative Tangible Capital Asset Expenditures by Municipal Type 12 B. Financial Statistics 1. Population and Assessments Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Consolidated Statement of Operations Consolidated Statement of Operations by Program Consolidated Statement of Operations Revenue Consolidated Statement of Operations Expenses Consolidated Details and Reconciliation to Core Government Results Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows General Operating Fund Expenses Municipality Only Financial Position of Utilities Utility Operations Revenue and Expenses Analysis of Funded Reserves Tangible Capital Assets Consolidated Net Book Value Consolidated Schedule of Amortization Expense iv

5 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL POPULATION Population Change over 5 Years to 2016 Census Percent Change in Population (Excludes the City of Winnipeg and the LGD of Mystery Lake) Increased 0-5% 47 municipalities 29 municipalities Increased 5-10% 25 municipalities Decreased 0-5% 11 municipalities 20 municipalities 3 municipalities Increased 10% + Decreased 5-10% Decreased 10% + Population increased in 96 or 71% of municipalities 49 or 36% of municipalities increased more than 5% Municipalities with more than 5,000 residents had the largest increases Of the 20 municipalities that increased more than 10%, 6 have more than 5,000 residents Population decreased in 39 or 29% of municipalities 14 or 10% of municipalities decreased more than 5%, including 3 or 2% that decreased over 10% Municipalities with 5,000 or less residents had the largest decreases Of the 36 municipalities that decreased, 23 or 17% decreased up to 5% Number of Municipalities with Changes in Population Ranging from Decreases Greater than 10% to Increases Greater than 10% Pop. Decrease Pop. Increase Municipalities # 10%+ 5-10% 0-5% 0-5% 5-10% 10%+ Populations 5,000 and under Populations over 5, Cities (excluding Winnipeg) % of % 2% 8% 19% 35% 21% 15% Excluding the LGD of Mystery Lake and the City of Winnipeg

6 2 NUMBER OF RESIDENTS REPRESENTED BY MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Residents Per Elected Official (Excludes the City of Winnipeg and the LGD of Mystery Lake) Number of Municipalities ( 135) Residents Residents Residents Residents > Residents Per Elected Official Municipalities # < >600 Populations 5,000 and under Populations over 5, Cities (excluding Winnipeg) % of 100% 24% 39% 11% 27% 84 or 62% of municipalities have 400 or less residents per elected official 32 or 24% have 200 or less residents per elected official

7 3 COMPARISON OF 2017 TO 2016 BUDGETED MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURES (Includes Expenditures by the Municipality Only) Change in Budgeted Municipal Expenditures Number of Municipalities (Excludes the City of Winnipeg & the LGD of Mystery Lake) municipal budgets increased over 2016 in 91 or 67% of municipalities: Number of Municipalities Decrease % >2%-5% >5%-10% Increase >10% 11 or 8% of municipalities had increased expenditures less than 2% 36 or 27% of municipalities had increased expenditures between 2% and 10% 44 or 33% of municipalities had increased expenditures more than 10% municipal budgets decreased over 2016 in 44 or 33% of municipalities % Change in Municipal Expenditures # Decrease Increase 0-2% Increase >2% - 5% Increase >5% - 10% Increase >10% Municipalities Populations 5,000 and under Populations over 5, Cities (excluding Winnipeg) % of % 8% 11% 15% 33% Municipal Expenditures - Per Capita Change 2017 to 2016 Number of Municipalities (Excludes the City of Winnipeg and the LGD of Mystery Lake) Number of Municipalities Decrease $50 >$50 - $100 >$100 Increase Per Capita Change to municipal expenditures increased by more than $50 per resident in 73 or 54% of municipalities 63 or 47% had increases in 2017 municipal expenditures of more than $100 per resident For information on the expenditures of a specific municipality, please contact the municipal office

8 2016 CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURES BY MAJOR SERVICE 4 (Includes Expenditures by the Municipality and its Owned or Controlled Organizations) Municipalities Populations 5,000 and under Water & Sewer 14% 4% General Government 17% Service Per Capita ($) General Government 326 Resource Cons & Industrial Dev 4% Env Health 6% Transportation 670 Protection 168 Recreation and Cultural 244 Environmental Health 108 Resource Conservation & Industrial Development 74 Rec & Cultural 12% Transportation 34% Water and Sewer ,950 Protection 9% Resource Cons & Industrial Dev 3% Env Health 7% Rec & Cultural 10% Water & Sewer 15% Municipalities Populations over 5,000 Protection 10% 3% General Government 15% Transportation 37% Service Per Capita ($) General Government 170 Transportation 414 Protection 116 Recreation and Cultural 114 Environmental Health 76 Resource Conservation & Industrial Development 40 Water and Sewer ,135 Cities (excluding Winnipeg) Water & Sewer 22% 3% General Government 10% Transportation 18% Service Per Capita ($) General Government 205 Transportation 368 Resource Cons & Industrial Dev 2% Env Health 6% Rec & Cultural 16% Protection 23% Protection 463 Recreation and Cultural 328 Environmental Health 115 Resource Conservation & Industrial Development 39 Water and Sewer ,004 Note: Reflects expenditures for 134 of 137 municipalities where 2016 or 2015 audited financial information is available

9 2016 CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURES BY MAJOR SERVICE 5 (Includes Expenditures by the Municipality and its Owned or Controlled Organizations) Water & Sewer 11% Resource Cons & Industrial Dev 2% Env Health 2% Rec & Cultural 9% City of Winnipeg 4% General Government 8% Transportation 37% Service Per Capita ($) General Government 171 Transportation (incl. transit) 819 Protection 607 Recreation and Cultural 198 Environmental Health 48 Resource Conservation & Industrial Development 47 Water and Sewer ,229 Protection 27% Comparative Expenditure Per Capita ($) Per Capita ($) Population 5,000 and less Population over 5,000 Cities (excluding Winnipeg) Winnipeg Municipalities Note: Reflects expenditures for 134 of 137 municipalities where 2016 or 2015 audited financial information is available

10 6 MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURES ON GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES (Includes Expenditures by the Municipality Only) General Government as a Percent of Expenditures (Excludes the City of Winnipeg and the LGD of Mystery Lake) 50 Number of Municipalities ( 121) Administrative costs comprise a large share of total expenditures in many municipalities. 35 or 27% of 132 municipalities spend more than 25% of their budget on administration. 18 or 14% of municipalities spend more than 30% of their budget on administration <10% >10-15% >15-20% >20-25% >25-30% >30% General Government as a % of Expenditures Number of Municipalities with General Government Expenditures (Ranging from Less than 10% to More than 30% of Expenditures) Municipalities Populations 5,000 and under Populations over 5,000 Cities (excluding Winnipeg) % of # <10% >10-15% >15-20% >20-25% >25-30% >30% % 1% 15% 32% 26% 13% 14% General Government Expenditures Per Capita (Excludes the LGD of Mystery Lake and the City of Winnipeg) Number of Municipalities <$200 >$200-$300 >$300-$400 >$400 - $500 >$500 - $600 >$600 General Government Expenditures - Per Capita Note: Reflects expenditures for 132 of 135 municipalities where 2016 or 2015 audited financial information is available

11 2016 CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL REVENUE BY MAJOR SOURCE 7 (Includes Revenues of the Municipality and its Owned or Controlled Organizations) Municipalities Populations 5,000 and under Water & Sewer 16% User Fees 8% Grants 5% 7% Municipal Taxes 47% Source Per Capita ($) Municipal Taxes 1,115 Grant in Lieu of Taxes 104 Grants Province 322 Grants 118 User Fees 194 Water & Sewer 369 (incl. business taxes) 157 2,379 Grants Province 13% GIL 4% Water & Sewer 15% User Fees 11% Municipalities Populations over 5,000 8% Municipal Taxes 48% Source Per Capita ($) Municipal Taxes 727 Grant in Lieu of Taxes 19 Grants Province 152 Grants 97 User Fees 160 Water & Sewer 232 (incl. business taxes) 116 1,503 Grants 7% Grants Province GIL 10% 1% Cities (excluding Winnipeg) Water & Sewer 18% User Fees 14% 7% Municipal Taxes 37% Source Per Capita ($) Municipal Taxes 845 Grant in Lieu of Taxes 111 Grants Province 348 Grants 90 User Fees 320 Water & Sewer 422 (incl. business taxes) 161 2,297 Grants 4% Grants Province 15% GIL 5% Note: Relects revenue for 134 of 137 municipalities where 2016 or 2015 audited financial information is available

12 2016 CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL REVENUE BY MAJOR SOURCE (Includes Revenues of the Municipality and its Owned or Controlled Organizations) 8 Water & Sewer 15% 13% User Fees 13% City of Winnipeg Business Taxes 3% Grants 4% Grants Province 16% Municipal Taxes 35% GIL 1% Source Per Capita ($) Municipal Taxes 865 Grant in Lieu of Taxes 34 Grants Province 385 Grants 88 User Fees 320 Water & Sewer Business Taxes 81 2, Comparative Revenue Per Capita ($) 2500 Per Capita ($) Populations 5,000 and under Populations over 5,000 Cities (excluding Winnipeg) Winnipeg Municipalities Note: Relects revenue for 134 of 137 municipalities where 2016 or 2015 audited financial information is available

13 9 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY TAX CHANGES Percentage Change in Municipal Taxes Number of Municipalities (Excludes the City of Winnipeg and the LGD of Mystery Lake) Municipal Taxes increased in 114 of 135 or 84% of municipalities: Number of Municipalities 20 0 Decrease % >2%-5% >5%-10% 10 >10% 25 or 19% of municipalities had 2% or less Municipal Tax increases 79 or 58% of municipalities had Municipal Tax increases between 2% and 10% 10 or 7% of municipalities had Municipal Tax increases over 10% Increase 21 or 16% of municipalities had Municipal Tax decreases -40 % Change in Municipal Tax Levy to 2017 Municipalities Populations 5,000 and under Populations over 5,000 Cities (excluding Winnipeg) % of # Decrease Increase 0-2% Increase >2% - 5% Increase >5%-10% Increase 10% % 19% 39% 19% 7% Municipal Taxes - Per Capita Change 2016 to 2017 (Excludes the City of Winnipeg and the LGD of Mystery Lake) Number of Municipalities Decrease $50 >$50 - $100 $100+ Increase Per Capita Change to municipal taxes increased by more than $50 per resident in 35 or 26% of municipalities 12 or 9% had increases in 2017 municipal taxes of more than $100 per resident For information on the property taxes of a specific municipality, please contact the municipal office

14 10 TOTAL TAXABLE ASSESSMENT INCREASE (DECREASE) $ % Municipalities (excluding Cities): Populations 5,000 and under 12,041,687,740 15,834,027,970 3,792,340, Populations over 5,000 8,474,376,830 9,999,901,840 1,525,525, Sub-total 20,516,064,570 25,833,929,810 5,317,865, Cities: Cities (excluding Winnipeg) 5,696,313,560 6,450,982, ,668, City of Winnipeg 36,856,291,067 40,912,386,708 4,056,095, TOTAL 63,068,669,197 73,197,298,928 10,128,629, * Reflects total taxable assessment for all 137 municipalities. Excludes Business Assessment was a Reassessment year. All property values were updated to reflect April 1, 2014 market values. TOTAL MUNICIPAL TAXES LEVIED (EXCLUDING EDUCATION) INCREASE (DECREASE) $ % Municipalities (excluding Cities): Populations 5,000 and under 234,456, ,085,809 7,629, Populations over 5, ,937, ,345,738 4,407, Sub-total 337,393, ,431,547 12,037, Cities: Cities (excluding Winnipeg) 112,048, ,573,057 3,525, City of Winnipeg 602,587, ,674,483 34,087, TOTAL 1,052,028,954 1,101,679,087 49,650, *Reflects total municipal taxes levied for 136 municipalities. Excudes LGD of Mystery Lake. Based on budgeted municipal taxes.

15 2016 COMPOSITION OF CONSOLIDATED TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS BY MUNICIPAL TYPE (Includes TCA of the Municipality and its Owned or Controlled Organizations) 11 Municipalities (excluding Cities) Bldgs & Leasehold Improvements 15% Land & Improvements 8% 8% Water & Sewer 39% Tangible Capital Assets Millions ($) Water & Sewer 766 Roads, Streets & Bridges 390 Vehicles & Equipment 187 Building & Leasehold Improvements 302 Land & Improvements ,958 Vehicles & Equipment 10% Roads, Streets & Bridges 20% Cities (excluding Winnipeg) Bldgs & Leasehold Improvements 21% Land & Improvements 9% 4% Water & Sewer 37% Tangible Capital Assets Millions ($) Water & Sewer 361 Roads, Streets & Bridges 232 Vehicles & Equipment 52 Building & Leasehold Improvements 198 Land & Improvements Vehicles & Equipment 5% Roads, Streets & Bridges 24% Bldgs & Leasehold Improvements 13% Vehicles & Equipment 7% Land & Improvements 4% City of Winnipeg 4% Water & Sewer 42% Tangible Capital Assets Millions ($) Water & Sewer 2,663 Roads, Streets & Bridges 1,949 Vehicles & Equipment 441 Building & Leasehold Improvements 825 Land & Improvements ,420 Roads, Streets & Bridges 30% Note: Reflects TCA net book value for 134 of 137 municipalities where 2016 or 2015 audited financial information is available

16 COMPARATIVE TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSET EXPENDITURES BY MUNICIPAL TYPE ($) 12 (Includes Expenditures by the Municipality and its Owned or Controlled Organizations) $60 Municipalities (excluding Cities) $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 Water & Sewer Roads, Streets & Bridges Vehicles & Equipment Building & Leasehold Land & Improvements (incl. under construction) Cities (excluding Winnipeg) $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 Water & Sewer Road, Streets & Bridges Vehicles & Equipment Building & Leasehold Land & Improvements (incl. under construction) City of Winnipeg $240 $200 $160 $120 $80 $40 $0 Water & Sewer Road, Streets & Bridges Vehicles & Equipment Building & Leasehold Land & Improvements (incl. under construction) Note: Reflects TCA expenditures for 134 of 137 municipalities where 2016 or 2015 audited financial information is available


18 14 POPULATION AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2016 # Municipalities Type Populations 5,000 and under Population 2016 Census 1 Area (Square Kilometres) 1 Land Buildings Personal Property Assessment Subject to Grant Taxable & Grant Business Exempt 1 Alexander RM 3,333 1, ,245, ,984,580-20,143, ,373,790-21,735,030 2 Alonsa RM 1,247 2, ,840,340 21,267,080 1,300 12,746,000 54,854,720-3,105,870 3 Altona T 4, ,563, ,488,770 1,578,790 2,348, ,979,330 7,059,000 23,268,810 4 Arborg T 1, ,534,190 34,577, ,850 3,356,180 47,655,680-9,072,660 5 Argyle RM 1, ,693,570 34,857, ,540 92,730,660-2,703,240 6 Armstrong RM 1,792 1, ,060,860 46,759,130-5,557,540 73,377,530-4,520,290 7 Beausejour T 3, ,019, ,267, ,210 6,432, ,358,070-25,478,030 8 Bifrost-Riverton M 3,378 1, ,544,790 86,426, ,890 4,033, ,630,580-11,901,040 9 Boissevain-Morton M 2,353 1, ,003,390 74,927,620 5,167,340 3,512, ,610,800 2,587,200 11,121, Brenda-Waskada M ,695,750 31,519, ,036, , ,617,580-2,577, Carberry T 1, ,376,580 52,935, ,940 1,457,770 65,212,230-12,386, Carman T 3, ,839,150 99,172, ,170 2,936, ,719,170-16,466, Cartier RM 3, ,918, ,211,310 1,536,940 2,157, ,824,230-12,344, Cartwright-Roblin M 1, ,093,470 24,736, ,690 71,316,450-3,878, Churchill T ,223,170 20,307, ,200 15,367,140 38,095,820-14,813, Clanwilliam-Erickson M ,728,790 31,048,880-1,410,800 56,188,470-4,287, Coldwell RM 1, ,849,960 31,796,380-4,098,640 51,744,980-4,687, Cornwallis RM 4, ,476, ,245, ,950 30,956, ,645,070-6,292, Dauphin RM 2,388 1, ,816,550 76,485,890 99,130 3,544, ,945,990-3,926, De Salaberry RM 3, ,469, ,862,440 1,412,470 1,241, ,986,510-14,831, Deloraine-Winchester M 1, ,299,150 56,523,120 4,149,440 2,006, ,977, ,600 7,823, Dufferin RM 2, ,382,190 87,654, ,820 2,252, ,748,450-4,639, Dunnottar V ,906,210 49,344, ,400 43,150 79,662,930-1,847, Ellice-Archie RM 887 1, ,027,730 65,651,540 17,723,570 3,004, ,407,290-2,062, Elton RM 1, ,814,320 83,910, ,520 8,556, ,223,740-4,423, Emerson-Franklin M 2, ,511,420 85,709, ,870 8,233, ,037,700-8,293, Ethelbert M 607 1, ,748,490 9,521,360-1,238,170 22,508,020-6,122, Fisher RM 1,708 1, ,946,780 35,054,160-6,811,310 79,812,250-5,450, Gilbert Plains M 1,470 1, ,577,290 39,507, ,310 3,057,860 98,646,210-4,625, Gillam T 1,265 1, ,062,430 6,230,590 70,800 1,663,220 9,027, ,370, Glenboro-South Cypress M 1,565 1, ,191,300 70,639,550 92,630 28,137, ,060,810-8,688, Glenella-Lansdowne M 1,181 1, ,304,280 29,250, ,580 82,354,700-2,137, Grahamdale RM 1,359 2, ,951,250 28,956,660 5,421,200 10,556,600 60,885,710-6,344, Grand Rapids T ,510 2,232,750-10,461,840 12,870, ,363, Grandview M 1,482 1, ,621,020 36,977, ,110 4,380,270 97,278,420-12,210, Grassland M 1,561 1, ,062,090 40,090,870 1,493,960 2,682, ,328,970-5,526, Grey RM 2, ,534,730 94,157,720 1,048,270 3,171, ,912,210-9,423, Hamiota M 1, ,919,900 71,060, , , ,441, ,500 4,791, Harrison Park M 1, ,919, ,210,730-3,034, ,165,060-5,167, Headingley RM 3, ,787, ,025,130 1,148,230 40,547, ,508,190-14,293, Kelsey RM 2, ,542,690 62,738, ,980 6,670,680 93,074,550-10,317, Killarney-Turtle Mountain M 3, ,690, ,507,300 1,160,070 2,976, ,334,200-21,215, Lac du Bonnet RM 3,121 1, ,167, ,653,870-36,919, ,740,680-20,368, Lac du Bonnet T 1, ,655,620 42,970,390-4,697,690 62,323,700-8,058, Lakeshore RM 1,363 1, ,015,670 38,446,750-3,006,950 77,469,370-5,267, Leaf Rapids T 582 1, ,040 2,731,330-1,660,230 4,552,600-2,490, Lorne M 3, ,298, ,437, , ,549,850-14,643, Louise M 1, ,250,000 45,675,400-1,151, ,076,990-6,317, Lynn Lake T ,910 3,906,520-1,019,200 5,241,630-3,909, McCreary M ,314,210 19,602,110-1,446,810 39,363,130-3,702, Melita T 1, ,894,270 46,025, , ,910 54,819,800-5,612, Minitonas-Bowsman M 1,653 1, ,005,540 50,599, ,930 2,579, ,551,870-8,756, Minnedosa T 2, ,158, ,114,440 1,253,470 3,027, ,554,420-16,499, Minto-Odanah RM 1, ,101,610 55,801, ,560 1,630, ,993,490-1,217, Montcalm RM 1, ,742,530 72,918,770 1,042,940 2,331, ,035,640 6,174,900 6,893, Morris RM 3,047 1, ,623, ,618, ,900 1,065, ,112,610-10,206, Morris T 1, ,781,290 59,961,740 1,010,560 2,619,570 74,373,160-12,059, Mossey River M 1,145 1, ,201,990 17,068,460-4,256,450 38,526,900-5,464, Mountain RM 978 2, ,939,250 12,633,150-4,466,160 38,038, ,300 9,988, Mystery Lake LGD - 3, ,331,700 8,686,890-3,192,460 15,211,050 1,075,800 5,010, Neepawa T 4, ,611, ,256, ,330 3,895, ,698,960-19,219, Niverville T 4, ,440, ,279, ,770 1,547, ,064,330-24,811, Norfolk Treherne M 1, ,919,160 54,652, , , ,457,640-5,421, North Cypress-Langford M 2,745 1, ,114, ,059,660 1,322,710 94,811, ,308,370-7,516, North Norfolk M 3,853 1, ,152, ,422,370 2,242,180 1,999, ,816,700-13,004, Oakland-Wawanesa M 1, ,561,450 89,207, ,650 1,461, ,636, ,100 4,803, Oakview RM 1,626 1, ,523, ,470, , , ,734,770-3,577, Pembina M 2,347 1, ,760,820 99,945,520-1,765, ,471,560-6,469, Pinawa LGD 1, ,564,210 51,468, ,430 69,423,720-17,769, Piney RM 1,726 2, ,456,660 64,231,170 18,980 3,554,270 83,261,080-24,407, Pipestone RM 1,458 1, ,393, ,962, ,000,140 1,619, ,975,810 3,467,600 6,263, Powerview-Pine Falls T 1, ,322,540 27,085,720-1,527,920 31,936,180-10,191, Prairie Lakes RM 1,453 1, ,692,060 53,024, , ,680,800-2,943, Prairie View M 2,088 1, ,496, ,159,420 7,761,360 2,965, ,381,790-7,223, Reynolds RM 1,338 3, ,129, ,132,610 96,920 11,570, ,929, ,457, Riding Mountain West RM 1,420 1, ,222,730 55,373, ,990 5,315, ,161,650-3,708, Riverdale M 2, ,510,040 65,732, ,050 1,824, ,570,180-9,342, Roblin M 3,214 1, ,669, ,706, ,940 4,311, ,453,630-13,261, Roland RM 1, ,921,270 33,740, ,560 1,489, ,259,890-1,512,180

19 15 POPULATION AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2016 Assessment # Municipalities Type Population 2016 Census 1 Area (Square Kilometres) 1 Land Buildings Personal Property Subject to Grant Taxable & Grant Business Exempt 80 Rosedale RM 1, ,126,640 43,183, ,520 4,177,780 91,605,680-2,562, Rossburn M ,401,880 24,530,490-1,553,120 55,485,490-4,036, Rosser RM 1, ,681, ,884,170 1,689,750 18,855, ,110,100-5,333, Russell-Binscarth M 2, ,224,580 90,361,460 1,808,260 4,098, ,492,650 4,097,200 15,523, Sifton RM 1, ,969,730 76,584,780 6,435,630 4,081, ,071,600-3,281, Snow Lake T 899 1, ,502,180 35,975,540 22,040 2,136,450 42,636,210-5,733, Souris-Glenwood M 2, ,993, ,599,540 1,195,810 3,381, ,170,420-13,349, St. François Xavier RM 1, ,794,010 50,742, , , ,547,020-4,742, St. Laurent RM 1, ,636,420 39,667,350-2,858,310 64,162,080-7,050, St. Pierre-Jolys V 1, ,175,330 32,252, ,900 1,339,230 39,940,000-9,459, Ste. Anne T 2, ,645,670 59,494, ,380 1,514,240 77,944,180-13,259, Ste. Rose M 1, ,443,580 37,148,490-2,297,820 62,889,890-9,582, Stonewall T 4, ,166, ,959, ,150 1,917, ,941,960-29,078, Stuartburn RM 1,648 1, ,396,210 35,701, ,929,720 57,027,620-10,389, Swan River T 4, ,831, ,351, ,030 8,429, ,326,670 5,375,500 37,144, Swan Valley West M 2,829 1, ,902,180 86,590, ,700 3,286, ,433,230-12,983, Teulon T 1, ,264,180 40,998, , ,090 49,176,970-9,269, Thompson RM 1, ,015,090 27,664,660 43, , ,893,100-4,109, Two Borders M 1,175 2, ,068,440 55,838, ,792,990 3,276, ,976,660-2,077, Victoria RM 1, ,378,400 31,067,660-1,992,540 79,438,600-6,122, Victoria Beach RM ,497,760 69,710, , ,577,940-7,672, Virden T 3, ,400, ,393,740 1,291,300 5,248, ,334,520-35,107, Wallace-Woodworth RM 2,948 1, ,764, ,497, ,942,130 8,355, ,559,040-8,483, West Interlake RM 2,162 1, ,964,800 53,342,150-5,703,270 80,010,220-8,910, Westlake-Gladstone M 3,154 1, ,758,190 72,441,470 2,289,250 2,477, ,966,050-15,028, Whitehead RM 1, ,217,760 70,196, ,160 3,723, ,610,160-1,312, Whitemouth RM 1, ,181,960 47,664,840-6,881,120 72,727,920-17,032, Winnipeg Beach T 1, ,828,540 64,663, , ,140 98,663,040-9,767, Woodlands RM 3,416 1, ,501, ,253, ,380 3,268, ,459,260-12,153, Yellowhead RM 1,948 1, ,784,750 68,492, ,060 1,763, ,957,200-9,342,720 Population over 5, Brokenhead RM 5, ,551, ,196,180 1,320,410 2,653, ,722,280-6,923, East St. Paul RM 9, ,169, ,749,630 3,303,630 7,124, ,347,650 3,335,200 28,965, Gimli RM 6, ,487, ,763,090 2,312,640 5,493, ,057,560 8,736,000 41,079, Hanover RM 15, ,625, ,971,240 7,900,180 4,075, ,572,380-40,541, La Broquerie RM 6, ,944, ,064,670 3,282,760 2,623, ,915,360-14,509, MacDonald RM 7,162 1, ,526, ,089,060 3,096,180 6,974, ,686,300-19,844, Portage la Prairie RM 6,975 1, ,037, ,788,170 3,590,500 9,531, ,947,560-34,108, Rhineland M 5, ,320, ,053, ,420 2,912, ,131,590 4,491,500 16,398, Ritchot RM 6, ,545, ,966,730 2,518,190 4,623, ,653,550-25,603, Rockwood RM 7,823 1, ,859, ,667,980 1,683,960 34,977, ,189,490-16,401, Springfield RM 15,342 1, ,554, ,767,890 2,586,500 39,966,060 1,239,875,000 17,552, ,423, St. Andrews RM 11, ,108, ,218,440 4,733,050 9,684, ,743,860-22,477, St. Clements RM 10, ,758, ,615,910 4,019,890 18,476, ,871,260-26,936, Ste. Anne RM 5, ,867, ,979, ,860 3,078, ,612,570-5,248, Stanley RM 9, ,289, ,243,060 1,313,410 3,930, ,776,470-51,273, Taché RM 11, ,548, ,325,190 2,890,640 3,819, ,583,970-32,838, The Pas T 5, ,249, ,706, ,670 26,051, ,876,450-25,367, West St. Paul RM 5, ,592, ,529,110 1,662,250 4,555, ,338,540 4,370,700 11,315,520 Cities 128 Brandon C 48, ,005,250 1,826,144,860 12,110, ,264,240 2,604,525, ,429, Dauphin C 8, ,191, ,945,530 1,891,510 16,516, ,544,820-59,536, Flin Flon C 4, ,818, ,073,270 48,690 4,915, ,855,270 3,598,500 26,807, Morden C 8, ,677, ,691,150 1,694,290 13,007, ,071,060-32,268, Portage la Prairie C 13, ,748, ,874,370 3,682,250 37,355, ,660,730-56,752, Selkirk C 10, ,395, ,996,170 2,699,660 56,231, ,322,800 11,483,400 68,827, Steinbach C 15, ,315, ,701,820 2,965,500 9,923, ,905,690 25,249, ,257, Thompson C 13, ,260, ,373,240 1,081,150 33,419, ,134,590 10,590,200 63,462, Winkler C 12, ,317, ,247,720 2,240,950 5,155, ,962,360 20,566,400 80,836, Winnipeg C 705, n/a 2 n/a 2 n/a 2 1,462,970,496 40,912,386,708 1,185,849,085 3,469,466, Census of Canada - Statistics Canada 2 Land/Building and Personal property Information is not Available Summary Sum of sq_km Municipalities (excluding Cities) Populations 5,000 and under 210,736 98, ,581,907,330 7,980,849, ,144, ,126,460 15,834,027,970 31,755,700 1,545,809,670 Populations over 5, ,545 12, ,681,038,550 6,079,696,660 48,614, ,552,490 9,999,901,840 38,485, ,257,060 Sub-total 362, , ,262,945,880 14,060,545, ,758, ,678,950 25,833,929,810 70,241,500 2,106,066,730 Cities (excluding Winnipeg) 136, ,529,731,120 4,589,048,130 28,414, ,788,420 6,450,982,410 71,487, ,178,750 City of Winnipeg 705, n/a 2 n/a 2 n/a 2 1,462,970,496 40,912,386,708 1,185,849,085 3,469,466,831 1,204, , ,792,677,000 18,649,594, ,173,730 2,556,437,866 73,197,298,928 1,327,578,185 6,364,712,311

20 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (ACCUMULATED SURPLUS/DEFICIT) AS AT DECEMBER 31, Financial Assets # Municipalities Type Cash & Temporary Investments Amounts Receivable Portfolio Investments Loans & Real Estate Properties Inventories for Advances Held for Sale Sale Assets Financial Assets Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities Populations 5,000 and under 1 Alexander RM 4,778,523 1,178, ,956,839 (710,543) 2 Alonsa RM 1,800, , , ,638,997 (214,363) 3 Altona T 4,192,256 1,535, ,623 1,986-5,904,855 (779,245) 4 Arborg T 855, , ,583-1,601,672 (790,276) 5 Argyle RM 1,831, , , ,150,557 (133,645) 6 Armstrong RM Beausejour T 3,372, , , ,087,554 (307,727) 8 Bifrost-Riverton M 1,320, , ,313,879 (827,221) 9 Boissevain-Morton M - 1,058,310-11, ,121 9,324-1,608,180 (724,795) 10 Brenda-Waskada M 6,487, ,255 13,152-60, ,170,101 (736,970) 11 Carberry T 1,625, , ,273,874 (561,108) 12 Carman T 2,246, ,634 41, ,558 2,922,346 (1,228,416) 13 Cartier RM 4,177,980 1,623,398 54, ,856,166 (1,651,844) 14 Cartwright-Roblin M 576, , , ,336,164 (213,531) 15 Churchill T - 2,002,451 3,976, ,979,273 (836,305) 16 Clanwilliam-Erickson M 1,163, , , ,785,166 (179,052) 17 Coldwell RM 1,933, , ,458,416 (271,862) 18 Cornwallis RM 4,840, ,891 80, ,587,868 (177,769) 19 Dauphin RM 4,434,995 4,644, ,293 9,853 82, ,392,277 (4,331,573) 20 De Salaberry RM 3,056,682 1,332,115 32, ,421,554 (657,688) 21 Deloraine-Winchester M 4,157,827 1,134,282 4, ,296,873 (336,707) 22 Dufferin RM 1,942, ,363 98, ,673 2,646,739 (457,642) 23 Dunnottar V 1,198, , ,379,367 (165,914) 24 Ellice-Archie RM 3,386, , ,823 2,570-3,709,978 (356,337) 25 Elton RM 2,973,031 2,843,107-1,330,503 85, ,232,141 (3,075,645) 26 Emerson-Franklin M 2,155,707 1,260,027 93, ,509,275 (917,411) 27 Ethelbert M 972, , ,626-2, ,923,530 (474,718) 28 Fisher RM 2,043, , , ,974,671 (173,018) 29 Gilbert Plains M 2,006,916 1,866, ,893-7, ,212,795 (409,387) 30 Gillam T 847,751 2,049, ,897,243 (1,315,623) 31 Glenboro-South Cypress M 1,665, ,278-13, ,947,750 (442,289) 32 Glenella-Lansdowne M 1,205, ,831-36,003 14,991-28,549 1,878,840 (227,331) 33 Grahamdale RM 2,891, , ,280 12, ,464,064 (39,794) 34 Grand Rapids T 805, , ,398 (770,816) 35 Grandview M 2,070, ,756 8, ,661-1,243 2,745,948 (456,558) 36 Grassland M 810,709 1,312, , ,160,944 (293,822) 37 Grey RM 4,354,671 1,274, ,629,014 (619,474) 38 Hamiota M 801, , , ,658,665 (572,380) 39 Harrison Park M 5,293,702 1,929, , ,247,480 (620,203) 40 Headingley RM 7,075,359 1,761, ,837,215 (790,431) 41 Kelsey RM Killarney-Turtle Mountain M 1,474,965 1,110,847-28, ,080 8,571-3,194,022 (1,259,802) 43 Lac du Bonnet RM 6,238,799 1,002, ,240,892 (733,404) 44 Lac du Bonnet T 2,882, , ,377,197 (250,987) 45 Lakeshore RM 1,321, , ,650,303 (225,956) 46 Leaf Rapids T 305,684 1,844, ,493 2,540,301 (456,170) 47 Lorne M 2,653,362 1,044, , ,333,556 (393,732) 48 Louise M 5,339, , ,335 26,785 28, ,094,653 (1,493,016) 49 Lynn Lake T 1,425, , ,146,898 (664,654) 50 McCreary M 1,740, , ,815-9,774 8,050-2,180,250 (143,978) 51 Melita T 759,554 1,147, ,906,691 (583,450) 52 Minitonas-Bowsman M 368,475 2,089, , ,496,967 (1,530,375) 53 Minnedosa T 4,786, ,030-1, , ,692,790 (825,202) 54 Minto-Odanah RM 3,734, , , ,883,744 (72,769) 55 Montcalm RM 2,180, , ,957-21,072 2,743,663 (338,392) 56 Morris RM 3,314, , , ,562,977 (551,242) 57 Morris T 1,764, ,406 48, ,005-3,279 2,882,786 (589,578) 58 Mossey River M 1,147, , ,185-32, ,679,806 (206,081) 59 Mountain RM 2,910, , , ,456,748 (156,826) 60 Mystery Lake LGD 1,353,730 6, ,360,226 (1,013,848) 61 Neepawa T 8,490,756 2,791, , , ,925,299 (1,161,129) 62 Niverville T 5,349,311 2,474, ,578-7,858,778 (716,138) 63 Norfolk Treherne M 2,528, , , ,457,762 (492,356) 64 North Cypress-Langford M 4,841,055 1,300,319-37,488 9,071 3,480-6,191,413 (767,879) 65 North Norfolk M 6,656,445 1,162, ,452-55, ,802,426 (756,222) 66 Oakland-Wawanesa M 1,794, , ,981-15,477 2,202,786 (1,870,862) 67 Oakview RM 4,572, ,930-66, ,764 5,985-5,233,856 (678,530) 68 Pembina M 4,128, , ,701,293 (411,554) 69 Pinawa LGD 1,060, , ,000 1,558,587 (1,235,204) 70 Piney RM 2,312, , ,377-1,022 2,959,729 (221,283) 71 Pipestone RM 11,062, ,193 4,790, ,020 10, ,485,227 (1,918,935) 72 Powerview-Pine Falls T Prairie Lakes RM 1,551, , , ,895,223 (758,042) 74 Prairie View M 8,424,904 1,714, , ,212,088 (712,682) 75 Reynolds RM 4,208, , ,515,634 (733,808) 76 Riding Mountain West RM 2,588,188 1,750, , ,455,372 (1,078,200) 77 Riverdale M 1,929, ,486 41,381 2,874 87, ,525,075 (1,491,655) 78 Roblin M 2,797,764 3,233, , ,052,833 (1,209,465) 79 Roland RM 2,089, ,779 41, ,365,064 (290,159)

21 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (ACCUMULATED SURPLUS/DEFICIT) AS AT DECEMBER 31, Severance & Vested Sick Leave Payable Deferred Revenue Financial Liabilities Landfill Closure & Post Closure Liabilities Long-Term Debt Liabilities Financial Liabilities Net Financial Assets (Net Debt) Tangible Capital Assets Non-Financial Assets Inventories for Use Prepaid Expenses Non-Financial Assets Accumulated Surplus (Deficit) # - - (26,234) (298,786) - (1,035,563) 4,921,276 8,298, ,535 15,030 8,430,922 13,352, (260,978) (73,940) - - (549,281) 2,089,716 1,888,486 18,288 9,131 1,915,905 4,005, (109,942) (4,194,158) - (5,083,345) 821,510 31,862,219 70,516 49,777 31,982,512 32,804, (125,139) (20,772) (1,618,379) - (2,554,566) (952,894) 9,314,963-23,864 9,338,827 8,385, (5,385) (139,030) 2,011,527 5,075,172 14,416 19,691 5,109,279 7,120, (420,345) (42,265) - (3,754,893) - (4,525,230) (437,676) 20,941, ,132 3,352 21,071,381 20,633, (36,624) (1,126,899) (126,259) (2,117,003) 196,876 10,900, ,166 58,945 11,133,493 11,330,369 8 (42,905) (37,006) (6,953) (2,397,234) (502,063) (3,710,956) (2,102,776) 12,638, ,041 47,001 13,062,514 10,959,738 9 (27,528) (49,358) (6,246) (541,593) - (1,361,695) 5,808,406 10,033, ,458 90,669 10,434,011 16,242, (78,446) (2,535) (368,278) - (1,010,367) 1,263,507 4,715,424-29,540 4,744,964 6,008, (271,537) - (3,346,572) - (4,846,525) (1,924,179) 15,429,004 55,828 78,346 15,563,178 13,638, (3,096,206) - (4,748,050) 1,108,116 20,511,421 8,531 47,499 20,567,451 21,675, (106,349) (18,723) - (210,562) - (549,165) 786,999 6,212,083 76,748 85,658 6,374,489 7,161, (15,603) - - (1,705,359) (2,557,267) 3,422,006 11,085,148 67,116 39,072 11,191,336 14,613, (33,329) (188,540) - (400,921) 1,384,245 3,582,977 22,166 11,143 3,616,286 5,000, (4,981) - (276,843) 2,181,573 1,833,676 26,331 34,859 1,894,866 4,076, (23,202) - (76,931) - (277,902) 5,309,966 2,870,551 2,830 14,070 2,887,451 8,197, (18,853) (133,664) (3,782) (347,309) - (4,835,181) 4,557,096 17,129, ,669 28,751 17,366,277 21,923, (1,907,237) - (2,564,925) 1,856,629 7,877, ,000 12,502 8,054,190 9,910, (40,877) (41,445) (23,519) (4,019,922) - (4,462,470) 834,403 14,646,296 46, ,215 14,816,417 15,650, (95,803) - (3,539,339) - (4,092,784) (1,446,045) 30,898,224 94,510 43,001 31,035,735 29,589, (5,929) - (42,216) (103,242) - (317,301) 1,062,066 3,117,187 2,364 15,341 3,134,892 4,196, (3,461) - (110,100) - (469,898) 3,240,080 4,595, ,289 13,339 4,744,898 7,984, (2,212) (1,342,597) - (4,420,454) 2,811,687 12,901,269 54,658 22,647 12,978,574 15,790, (20,153) - (2,937,128) - (3,874,692) (365,417) 12,813,061 17,496 36,678 12,867,235 12,501, (2,849) (26,689) (192,297) - (696,553) 1,226,977 3,240, ,083 30,040 3,374,413 4,601, (163,528) (71,588) (110,439) - (518,573) 2,456,098 2,720,526 21,327-2,741,853 5,197, (36,092) (30,640) (1,648,604) (152,118) (2,276,841) 1,935,954 13,784, ,792 35,441 13,955,720 15,891, (252,869) (1,568,492) 1,328,751 22,937,381-67,030 23,004,411 24,333, (27,146) (4,785) - (109,944) - (584,164) 1,363,586 2,788, ,896 13,987 2,980,523 4,344, (20,713) (392,795) - (640,839) 1,238,001 6,590,653 59,433 23,344 6,673,430 7,911, (530,857) (24,112) - - (594,763) 2,869,301 2,309,960-9,166 2,319,126 5,188, (61,335) - (164,520) - (996,671) (14,273) 16,215, ,799 16,262,621 16,248, (13,670) (8,817) (1,009,311) - (1,488,356) 1,257,592 11,434, , ,515 11,671,820 12,929, (1,250) - (425,964) - (721,036) 1,439,908 5,848, ,240 36,065 6,099,273 7,539, (12,733) (4,315,476) - (4,947,683) 681,331 26,945,126 27,719 20,535 26,993,380 27,674, (18,666) - (357,499) - (948,545) 710,120 4,918,498 96,369 31,125 5,045,992 5,756, (81,619) (2,300) (6,862) (1,535,079) - (2,246,063) 5,001,417 10,411,820 8,629 15,930 10,436,379 15,437, (61,791) - (9,820,769) (594,767) (11,267,758) (2,430,543) 47,605,579 2,160 56,041 47,663,780 45,233, (33,082) (53,304) (7,396,372) - (8,742,560) (5,548,538) 29,602, ,911 59,136 29,992,613 24,444, (733,404) 6,507,488 8,261, ,669 24,583 8,443,872 14,951, (1,928,105) - (2,179,092) 1,198,105 7,467,184-8,203 7,475,387 8,673, (23,520) (9,401) (199,704) - (458,581) 1,191,722 5,069,754 29,004 16,997 5,115,755 6,307, (196,044) (126,383) (778,597) 1,761,704 1,101, ,101,792 2,863, (1,431,213) - (1,816,724) - (3,641,669) 691,887 15,852,537 7,401 53,842 15,913,780 16,605, (23,020) (1,126) (982,744) (76,892) (2,576,798) 3,517,855 13,780,884 21, ,736 13,930,391 17,448, (4,957) (118,627) - (788,238) 1,358,660 4,965,837 1,975 28,646 4,996,458 6,355, (28,406) (135,255) - (307,639) 1,872,611 1,826,646 75,454 19,650 1,921,750 3,794, (6,534) (26,520) (804,712) (1,691,313) (3,112,529) (1,205,838) 14,480,138 32,231 16,574 14,528,943 13,323, (15,253) (144,462) (443,717) - (2,133,807) 363,160 8,730, ,247 36,874 9,073,315 9,436, (116,844) (4,065) (1,393,317) - (2,339,428) 3,353,362 12,134,456-44,472 12,178,928 15,532, (18,173) (1,992) (10,889) - (103,823) 3,779,921 4,403,489 35,006 12,320 4,450,815 8,230, (22,950) - (1,040,443) - (1,401,785) 1,341,878 9,273, ,509 9,807 9,412,565 10,754, (57,105) - (2,907,412) - (3,515,759) 1,047,218 29,812,329 24,003 43,655 29,879,987 30,927, (4,332) - (1,843,082) - (2,436,992) 445,794 15,397,233 28,741 43,672 15,469,646 15,915, (400) (14,549) - - (221,030) 2,458,776 6,166,353 45,108 18,746 6,230,207 8,688, (30,953) (15,077) (84,651) (399,642) - (687,149) 2,769,599 3,440,550 10,785 23,599 3,474,934 6,244, (1,013,848) 346, , (613,657) (729,923) (4,039,427) (55,794) (6,599,930) 5,325,369 32,200,894-79,510 32,280,404 37,605, (957,572) - (1,673,710) 6,185,068 28,948,287 1,673 41,966 28,991,926 35,176, (106,312) - (36,299) - (634,967) 2,822,795 6,651,692 39,871 23,443 6,715,006 9,537, (66,336) (4,419) (161,140) - (999,774) 5,191,639 10,971, ,712 57,941 11,303,529 16,495, (82,552) - (902,052) - (1,740,826) 7,061,600 16,095, ,942 40,938 16,396,699 23,458, (21,362) - (85,246) - (1,977,470) 225,316 6,864, ,615 9,461 6,982,486 7,207, (46,848) - (16,000) (484,564) - (1,225,942) 4,007,914 6,927, ,373 22,199 7,271,950 11,279, (290,074) - (701,628) 3,999,665 7,805,429 56,390 36,532 7,898,351 11,898, (8,040) (61,600) (1,216,212) - (2,521,056) (962,469) 6,590,052 8,830 35,942 6,634,824 5,672, (20,000) (241,283) 2,718,446 2,195,600 80,815 13,980 2,290,395 5,008, (71,103) - (1,571,685) - (3,561,723) 12,923,504 30,604, ,347 55,970 30,902,185 43,825, (75,799) (509,646) - (1,343,487) 551,736 7,653, ,477 17,058 7,881,908 8,433, (12,614) (143,661) (540,320) - (1,409,277) 8,802,811 11,393, ,738 34,281 11,608,869 20,411, (442,881) (568) - - (1,177,257) 3,338,377 1,157,402-4,170 1,161,572 4,499, (4,585) (121,515) (167,971) - (1,372,271) 3,083,101 7,072,634 32,673 17,931 7,123,238 10,206, (28,150) (23,454) - (1,829,712) (662,211) (4,035,182) (1,510,107) 14,127,195 62,214 24,557 14,213,966 12,703, (59,611) (18,333) (7,785) (2,069,879) - (3,365,073) 2,687,760 17,107, ,321 52,946 17,306,412 19,994, (308,880) - (599,039) 1,766,025 6,185,101 36,644 14,032 6,235,777 8,001,802 79


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