1.mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije

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1 1.mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije International Grand Chapitre de Slovénie Portorož 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

2 slovenia FORYOU Come and take a closer look: Lake Cerknica mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

3 Dragi člani združenja Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, dragi prijatelji! Ponosen sem, da vas lahko povabim na 1. slovenski Grand Chapitre (veliki kapitelj), srečanje tako domačih kot tudi članov iz vsega sveta, ki bo potekalo na slovenski obali, v Portorožu. V štirih dneh velikega kapitlja bomo obiskali nekaj slovenskih znamenitosti in prestolnico Ljubljano, vsak zase in vsi skupaj uživali v okušanju mojstrovin nekaterih naših mojstrov kuharjev in mojstric kuharic. V svoje vrste bomo sprejeli nove ljubiteljske in profesionalne člane. Na svečani večerji pa se bomo razvajali ob sodobnih pestrostih slovenske gastronomske palete. Večer bo še posebej zanimiv, saj ga bodo skupaj ustvarili naši odlični mojstri kuharji in mojstrice kuharice, ki so člani Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. In seveda, ob jedeh bomo okušali najboljša slovenska vina! V septembru je vreme na slovenski obali še zelo toplo in morje primerno za osvežitev. Verjamem, da si boste lahko našli čas tudi za tako vrsto sprostitve in počitka. Veselim se srečanja z vami, prvič na velikem kapitlju v Sloveniji. Naj živi Chaîne! Vive La Chaîne! Dear members of the society Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, dear friends! am proud to invite you to the 1st Slovenian Grand I Chapitre, a meeting of our local as well as international members from all over the world, which will take place in the town of Portorož on the Slovenian coast. During the four days of the Grand Chapitre we will be visiting the sights of Slovenia and its capital Ljubljana, each of us and together savouring the masterpieces prepared by some of our master chefs. We will also accept new amateur and professional members into our ranks. At the gala dinner, we will delight in the colourful contemporary palette of Slovenian gastronomy. The evening festivities promise to be particularly interesting as they will be prepared by the joint efforts of our excellent male and female master chefs, members of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. Naturally, the dishes will be accompanied by premium Slovenian wines! In September, the weather on the Slovenian coast is still warm and the sea offers pleasant refreshment. You will likely find ample time to enjoy this kind of rest and relaxation as well. I am looking forward to meeting with you, for the first time at the Grand Chapitre in Slovenia. Long live the Chaîne! Vive La Chaîne! Tomaž Ravnikar Bailli Délégué de Slovénie 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 Slovénie st International Grand Charitre de Slovenie Portorož

4 DEUTSCHLAND München 536 km (4,5h) Wien 517 km (4,5h) ÖSTERREICH 465 km (3,5h) Milano Venezia 208 km (1,5h) Trieste Klagenfurt S L O V E N I J A Brnik Ljubljana Zagreb Koper HRVATSKA ITALIA Človek jè, kar jé Homo est quid eist! Ta stara modrost je eno od pomembnih vodil druženja in povezovanja ob jedeh, njihovih zgodbah, vsakdanjikih in praznikih, ki jih sooblikujejo. V letošnjem letu vključujemo v verigo našega skupnega raženjskega svetovnega povezovanja prvič nov člen z velikim mednarodnim kapitljem v Sloveniji. Člani Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Slovenija in Organizacijski odbor tega pomembnega srečanja smo se odločili, da vas povabimo v Portorož in z izleti v še nekatere kraje Slovenije, države na stičišču evropskih Alp, Mediterana in Panonske nižine. Veselilo nas bo, če se nam boste pridružili! Člani Organizacijskega odbora Man Is What He Eats Homo Est Quid Eist! These ancient words of wisdom are an important guiding principle behind the camaraderie and pleasures of the table, its stories and the ordinary and festive days that help shape them. This year, we introduce a brand new link into the chain of the brotherhood of roasters with its first International Grand Chapitre in Slovenia. Members of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Slovenia and the Organization Committee of this important meeting have decided to invite you to Portorož and on trips to selected destinations in Slovenia, a country at the convergence of the European Alps, the Mediterranean and the Pannonian Plain. Your company will bring us great pleasure! Members of the Organization Committee. Vse vodijo v Portorož! Za vožnjo do Portoroža z avtomobilom vam je na voljo avtocesta najprej do Kopra in nato še 15 km vožnje po magistralni cesti. Do Portoroža je iz Ljubljane 130 km, Trsta 35 km, Benetk 208 km, Milana 465 km, Dunaja 517 km, Münchna 536 km, Budimpešte 592 km in iz Zagreba 271 km. Do Kopra je tudi železniška povezava iz Ljubljane, iz Kopra do Portoroža pa vozi lokalni avtobus. Avtobusne povezave so tudi iz Ljubljane. Če potujete z letalom so vam na voljo letališča Ljubljana na Brniku (155 km), v Trstu (Ronchi) (45 km), Benetkah (200 km), Celovcu (215 km) in Zagrebu (271 km). Na vseh letališčih je na voljo tudi rent-a-car ponudba. Želimo vam prijetno potovanje! All the Roads Lead to Portorož! To get to Portorož by car, you can take the motorway to Koper and then drive 15 km along the main road to your destination. The distance from Portorož to Ljubljana is 130 km, to Trieste 35 km, to Venice 208 km, to Milan 465 km, to Vienna 517 km, to Munich 536 km, to Budapest 592 km and to Zagreb 271 km. From Ljubljana, you can also reach Koper by train, while a local bus line will take you from Koper to Portorož. Direct bus lines are available from Ljubljana as well. If you travel by plane, the closest airports are Ljubljana (155 km), Ronchi in Trieste (45 km), and the airports in Venice (200 km), Klagenfurt (215 km) and Zagreb (217). All these airports offer rent-a-car service. We wish you a pleasant trip! mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

5 Portorož in slovenska Istra Portorož and the Slovenian Istria Istra je polotok na severnem delu Jadranskega morja med Reškim in Tržaškim zalivom. Skrajni severni in severozahodni del Istre leži v Republiki Sloveniji, preostali pa je v sosednji Hrvaški. V tem svetu z značilnim mediteranskim podnebjem so se razvila stara obmorska mesta Koper, Izola in Piran, v zaledju pa številne slikovite vasi z značilno kamnito mediteransko arhitekturo, ki pričajo o tisočletni prisotnosti človeka in oblikah njegovega gospodarskega prizadevanja s kmetijstvom in vinogradništvom. V prehrani prebivalstva so številne, lokalnim razmeram prilagojene in interpretirane sestavine širše mediteranske kuhinje. Prebivalci Istre govorijo posebno istrsko narečje, ki ima dva govora: rižanskega in šavrinskega. Ena od pomembnih gospodarskih panog v slovenski Istri je prav gotovo turizem, ki pa se je začel razvijati šele v drugi polovici 19. in na prehodu v 20. stoletje. V solinah v bližini današnjega Portoroža so si ljudje zdravili revmatizem v solinarskem blatu in slanici, ki je ostajala po kristalizaciji soli. Ker je prihajalo v Piran vedno več gostov, so leta 1890 ustanovili delniško družbo, ki je leta 1894 zgradila v Portorožu zdravilišče. Število gostov je naraščalo in med leti 1908 ter 1912 so zgradili odličen Hotel Palace s termalnim kopališčem, ki je veljal za najbolj luksuzni hotel na tem delu Jadrana. Do 1. svetovne vojne so zgradili še nekaj hotelov in luksuznih vil, leta 1913 so odprli prvo igralnico»casino des Etrangers«. Vzporedno z bliskovitim razvojem Portoroža se je razvijal tudi Piran, vendar za manj zahtevne goste, v Izoli je nastalo letoviško središče za uslužbence avstrijskih železničarjev in v Valdoltri na Miljskem polotoku okre- vališče za avstrijske mornariške oficirje. Med obema vojnama, ko je ta del slo- venskega ozemlja po rapalski pogodbi pripadel Italiji, je razvoj turizma naza- doval. Novo obdobje razvoja turizma je nastopilo po koncu druge svetovne vojne. V tem obdobju se celotno območje slovenske Istre razvije v razpo- znavno turistično destinacijo. Zlasti od šestdesetih let 20. stoletja so v Porto- rožu in drugih turističnih krajih zgradili številne hotele in turistična naselja, leta 1973 se je iz hotela Palace v Portorožu preselila v novi Hotel Metropol tudi portoroška igralnica. Istria is a peninsula in the northern Adriatic Sea, between Rijeka Bay and the Gulf of Trieste. The northernmost and far north-western parts of Istria are located in the Republic of Slov- enia, while the rest lies in neighbouring Croatia. In these surroundings and with the characteristic Mediterranean climate, the old coastal towns of Ko- per, Izola and Piran developed. The hinterlands are home to numerous pic- turesque villages with a distinctive style of Mediterranean stone architecture a testament to the thousand years of human presence in these parts and the continuing forms of economic activity based on agriculture and grape- growing. The cuisine of the population includes many locally adapted and interpreted ingredients of broader Mediterranean cuisine. The inhabitants speak a special Istrian dialect that consists of two sub-dialects: rižansko and šavrinsko. One of the most important economic activities in the Slovenian Is- tria is certainly tourism, even though it only began developing in the latter half of the 19th century and the early 20th century. In the salt-pans near present- day Portorož, people have long been treating rheumatism with baths in the healing salt-pan mud and brine. To meet the demands of the increasing numbers of guests visiting Piran, a public limited company was established there in This company built a proper health resort in Portorož in The number of guests continued to increase and the excellent Hotel Palace with its thermal spa was built between 1908 and 1912; at the time, it was considered the most luxurious hotel in this part of the Adriatic Sea. Until the First World War, several additional hotels and luxury villas were built along with the first casino, the Casino des Etrangers, which opened in The town of Piran developed parallel to the rapid development of Portorož, although as a destination for less-demanding guests. A resort for employees of the Austrian railroads was built in Izola, while Valdoltra on the Milje peninsula became a popular rest home for Austrian naval officers. Between the two wars, when this part of Slovenian territory was granted to Italy under Treaty of Rapallo, the development of tourism regressed. A new era for tourism dawned in the wake of the Second World War, when the entire area of the Slovenian Istria gradually developed into a well-known tourist destination. Especially from the 1960s onward, numerous hotels and resorts were built in Portorož and other tourist towns. In 1973, the Portorož Casino was relocated into the new Hotel Metropol from its old location, the Palace. 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovenie Portorož

6 Program / Programme Četrtek/Thursday, Prihod gostov v Portorož Arrival of guests to Portorož 18:00 Odhod z avtobusom v Šmarje pri Kopru, obisk posestva Santomas Bus departure to Šmarje near Koper, visit of the Santomas estate Ogled kleti Santomas Tour of the Santomas wine cellar Večerja na posestvu Santomas Dinner at the Santomas estate Po večerji vrnitev z avtobusom v Portorož Return trip to Portorož upon the conclusion of the dinner A Izlet excursion Petek/Friday, Odhod avtobusa iz Portoroža proti Ljubljani Bus departure from Portorož towards Ljubljana Ogled mesta: staro mestno jedro, tržnica, dela arhitekta Plečnika, Ljubljanski grad Sightseeing tour: old town centre, the marketplace, works of the architect Plečnik, Ljubljana Castle Kosilo Lunch Odhod iz Ljubljane Departure from Ljubljana Obisk svetovno znane Postojnske jame Visit of the Postojna cave Večerja v restavraciji»gostilna pri Lojzetu«, Dvorec Zemono pri Vipavi Dinner in the restaurant»gostilna pri Lojzetu«, castle Zemono at Vipava Po večerji vrnitev z avtobusom v Portorož Return trip to Portorož upon the conclusion of the dinner B Izlet excursion 9.00 Odhod avtobusa iz Portoroža proti Ljubljani Bus departure from Portorož towards Ljubljana Ogled mesta: staro mestno jedro, tržnica, dela arhitekta Plečnika, Ljubljanski grad Sightseeing tour: old town centre, the marketplace, works of the architect Plečnik, Ljubljana Castle Kosilo Lunch Odhod iz Ljubljane Departure from Ljubljana Obisk kobilarne Lipica in ogled programa Visit of the Lipica stud farm and its programme Večerja v restavraciji Apolonia Dinner in the restaurant Apolonia Po večerji vrnitev z avtobusom v Portorož Return trip to Portorož upon the conclusion of the dinner mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

7 Sobota/Saturday, do največ / till at the latest Vožnja z ladjo po slovenskem morju, ogled gojišča piranskih brancinov»fonda«. Kosilo na ladji Boat ride on the Slovenian sea, visit of the Fonda Fish Farm in Piran. Lunch on the boat Intronizacija, Hotel Kempinski Palace Portorož Induction ceremony, Hotel Kempinski Palace Portorož Svečana večerja na temo»okusiti Slovenijo«, ki jo pod vodstvom Janeza Bratovža kuhajo člani in članice Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Slovenija in Hotela Kempinski Palace Portorož. Med večerjo kulturni program. Festive dinner on the theme Taste Slovenia, prepared by chefs, members of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Slovenija and Hotel Kempinski Palace Portorož, under the leaderhip of Janez Bratovž. Cultural programme during the dinner. Nedelja/Sunday, Ogled Sečoveljskih solin ali Pirana Sightseeing tour of the Sečovlje salt-pans or Piran V dneh prireditve bo v prostorih Hotela Kempinski Palace Portorož razstava kulinaričnih mojstrovin Janeza Bratovža in vrhunskega kulinaričnega fotografa Janeza Pukšiča»Slovenija s kuhalnico in fotoaparatom«. Gostom bosta na ogled tudi razstavi gastronomske in kulinarične literature Slovenije ter znamk Pošte Slovenje s kulinaričnimi motivi. For the duration of the event, the chambers of the Hotel Kempinski Palace Portorož will host an exhibition of culinary masterpieces by Janez Bratovž and the renowned culinary photographer Janez Pukšič entitled Slovenia Through the Ladle and the Camera. Guests may also visit the exhibition of culinary and gastronomic literature of Slovenia, and the exhibition of postage stamps of the Post of Slovenia with culinary motifs. Rok za prijave in plačilo je 25. junij Prijave za nočitev v hotelu Kempinski Palace Portorož neposredno na recepciji hotela Kempinski Palace Portorož. Po tem datumu odpoved prijave in vračilo vplačil ni možno. Registration and payment deadline for the event is June 25 th,2010. Hotel reservation is to be done directly with the Kempinski Palace Portoroz Reservation department. No cancellation and reinbursement of payment is possible after this date. 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

8 Okusiti Slovenijo Taste Slovenia Na stičišču Alp, Mediterana in Panonske nižine Za gastronomijo Slovenije je značilna velika pestrost in raznolikost. Že stoletja ju sooblikujejo ustvarjalnosti na stičišču Alp, Mediterana in Panonske nižine, po prvi in drugi svetovni vojni tudi nekateri vplivi balkanskih kuhinj. Močno so prisotni predvsem tudi vplivi podonavske kuhinje, kar je posledica stoletnega sobivanja v tem delu srednje Evrope. Današnjo gastronomijo Slovenje predstavlja 24 različnih gastronomskih regij. Severovzhodne gastronomske regije so se razvile v okolju žitnih kultur z močnatimi jedmi, pogačami in mesnimi jedmi, temelječimi na številnih izdelkih ob zakolu prašiča ali kolinah. Vrhunsko kakovost predstavlja v celotnem slovenskem in mednarodnem okolju kranjska klobasa, ki pomeni z drugimi poltrajnimi in trajnimi mesninami veliko zakladnico regionalnih znanj in kulinaričnih tehnologij. Pomembno vlogo v prehrani imajo tudi kislo zelje, repa, stročnice, krompir in paleta najrazličnejših zelenjavnih in mesnih enolončnic. Med močnatimi jedmi so najbolj razširjeni štruklji, slani ali sladki, kuhani ali pečeni in z različnimi nadevi. Podobno velja tudi za najbolj razširjeno sladko ali slano praznično pogačo»potico«. Med vsemi vrstami potic, ki jih je čez 120 različnih, je najbolj značilna pehtranova, sledijo ji še medena, ocvirkovka, orehova, drobnjakova in druge. Potice pečejo za božične in velikonočne praznike ter za razne druge praznične priložnosti. Mediteranski del Slovenije ponuja v gostilnah in restavracijah vabljivo in kakovostno hrano, ki temelji na bogatih izročilih gastronomske dediščine s kraškim pršutom, oljkami in oljčnim oljem, ovčjim in kozjim sirom, jajčnimi omletami z zelišči, mesno zelenjavnimi enolončnicami in bogastvi iz Jadranskega morja. Pa»dober tek!«ali»bog žegnaj!«- kakor za koga! Gastronomske regije Slovenije Slovenian Gastronomic regions 18 Kranjska Gora Tolmin Nova Gorica 22 Koper Capodistria Sežana Idrija Vipava 23 Ilirska Bistrica 16 Škofja Loka 2 Postojna Ljubljana 1 14 Ljubno Ravne na 13 Koroškem Trbovlje 15 Celje Novo mesto 4 Črnomelj 6 Maribor 5 Brežice 7 Gornja Radgona Murska Sobota 10 8 Ljutomer Ptuj 9 At the Convergence of the Alps, the Mediterranean and the Pannonian Plain Slovenian gastronomy is characteristic for its great variety and diversity. For centuries, these traits have been shaped by the creative currents at the convergence of the Alps, the Mediterranean and the Pannonian Plain. Since the First and Second World War, certain influences of the Balkan cuisine may be felt, as well as those of the Danube region, which may be attributed to a century of coexistence in this part of Central Europe. Today, the gastronomy of Slovenia is represented by 24 gastronomic regions. North-eastern gastronomic regions developed in the environment of cereal cultures with farinaceous foods, flat cakes and meat foods based on pork and sausage and the various products obtained from pig slaughter. Throughout Slovenia as well as internationally, the Carniolan sausage (Kranjska klobasa) stands for topmost quality, representing together with other semi-preserved and preserved meats the great wealth of regional knowledge and culinary technologies. An important role in local cuisine is also played by sauerkraut, turnip, legumes, potatoes and a wide palette of diverse vegetable and meat stews. The most common farinaceous foods include štruklji dumplings which are sweet or salty, cooked or baked and prepared with various fillings. Something similar can be said in regard to the most widespread Slovenian sweet or salty festive cake named potica. From among all its kinds, over 120 in number, the most common is potica made with tarragon, followed by those made with honey, cracklings, walnuts, chive, as well as many other fillings. Potica cake is baked during Easter, Christmas and other times of festivity. In its inns and restaurants the Mediterranean part of Slovenia offers enticing quality foods that rest on the rich tradition of the local gastronomic heritage founded on Karst prosciutto, olives and olive oil, sheep and goat cheese, egg omelettes with various herbs, meat and vegetable stews and riches from the Adriatic Sea. And Enjoy your meal! or God bless! whichever you may prefer! mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

9 Taste Slovenia

10 Nazdraviti v Sloveniji Make a Toast in Slovenia Maribor Murska Sobota P o d r a v j e Bled Velenje Ptuj Kranj Ljubljana Trbovlje Celje S L O V E N I J A Nova Gorica P r i m o r s k a Vrhnika Postojna Sevnica P o s a v j e Novo Mesto Krško 0 Rogaška Slatina 30 km Piran Portorož Izola Koper Ilirska Bistrica Kočevje Vinski zemljevid Slovenije Wine regions of Slovenia Slovenija, podobno kot Francija, Italija, Avstrija, sodi med tradicionalne evropske pridelovalke vina. Vino je za prebivalca Slovenije nekaj najbolj vsakdanjega in hkrati imenitnega. Zato ne čudi, da smo edina država, ki ima za himno napitnico in da sodimo med najboljše potrošnike vina na svetu. Smo mlada država, a če sodimo po zapisih, ki so jih objavili Wine Specator, Decanter, Robert Parker, Wines and Spirits... naš sloves vztrajno narašča. Na obisku Slovenije leta 2007 je Jancis Robinson dejala, da naša vina sodijo med najbolj individualna na svetu. Medtem, ko se del slovenskih vinarjev spogleduje z mednarodnimi slogi, kjer poudarjajo regionalne značilnosti, drugi del vinarjev razvija izrazito nišne sloge, kot so bela vina z večdnevno maceracijo. Obisk je zato najboljši način, da doživite pestrost vinorodne Slovenije. Pri nas vam vrata v klet še vedno odpre gospodar. Z veseljem bo z vami podelil svojo zgodbo in strast. Odkrijte rebulo, šipon malvazijo, zelen, pinelo. Verjamemo, da boste uživali. Like France, Italy and Austria, Slovenia is also one of the traditional European winemaking countries. For Slovenian people, wine is something quite ordinary yet at the same time something very special. Considering this, one is not surprised to find that we are the only country that chose a poem titled A Toast for its national anthem, and that Slovenia is one of the best wine consuming countries in the world. Slovenia is a state with a short history, yet our reputation is growing steadily, if we look at the publications of Wine Spectator, Decanter, Robert Parker, Wines and Spirits Upon visiting Slovenia in 2007, Jancis Robinson said that our wines have some of the most diverse and distinct characters in the world. While some Slovenian winemakers are flirting with international styles of winemaking with emphasized regional characteristics, others are developing distinctive niche styles, such as white wines with several days of maceration. Paying a visit is thus the best way to experience the richness of Slovenia as a wine country. Here, the doors to our cellars are still opened by the landlord. He'll gladly share his story and passion with you. Discover Rebula (Ribolla Gialla), Šipon (known in Hungary as Furmint), Malvasia, Zelen, and Pinela. We believe that you ll enjoy it! mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

11 Vrhunsko doživetje Ujeti pogledi, popolni trenutki in opojni požirki, kot čarobni delci mozaika sreče. Dveri-Pax, d.o.o., PoliËki vrh 1, 2221 Jarenina T: , F: office@dveri-pax.com, Minister za zdravje opozarja: prekomerno pitje alkohola škoduje zdravju. Vrata v svet vrhunskih vin. 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

12 Ljubljana glavno mesto Slovenije Ljubljana the Capital of Slovenia Ljubljana, mesto, ki se je skozi stoletja razvijalo in širilo od reke Ljubljanice pod grajskim hribom je danes politično, upravno, gospodarsko, kulturno, izobraževalno in še kakšno središče Republike Slovenije. V mestu živi blizu prebivalcev. Med najstarejše ohranjene sledove naselitve sodijo ohranjena pričevanja koliščarskih naselij na ljubljanskem Barju in naselbina Emona iz časa rimskega imperija. Srednjeveška Ljubljana se je začela razvijati pod grajskim hribom in ji je bila reka Ljubljanica pomembna naravna zaščita. Vsa dolga stoletja kulturnega in gospodarskega razvoja je bila Ljubljana pomembno prometno in trgovsko središče med srednjo Evropo in Mediteranom. V mestu so se tako soočale ustvarjalnosti severa in juga, o čemer še danes pričajo številni spomeniki umetnostne in stavbne dediščine. Tako pogosto govorimo o baročni in secesijski Ljubljani, saj sta ti dve umetnostni obdobji pustili v mestu največ ohranjenih sledi. Tretjo podobo mestne razpoznavnosti je ustvaril znameniti arhitekt Jože Plečnik (Ljubljana, ), ki je svojo ustvarjalno pot raz- vil na Dunaju in v Pragi, potem pa se je vrnil v rodno Ljubljano in ustvaril pojem, ki mu danes pravimo»plečnikova Ljubljana«. Uredil je posamezne stavbe, korito reke Ljubljanice z nabrežji in mostovi, tržnico in parkovne površine, cerkve, poslovne stavbe, stadion, uni- verzitetno knjižnico, poskrbel je za številne opreme in naredil na- črte za umetnostno obrtne izdelke. Plečnikova dela so danes ohra- njena in predstavljajo enega glavnih motivov za turistični obisk Lju- bljane. Posebnost Ljubljane je tudi njen neposreden prehod v ze- leno okolje s travniki, gozdovi, griči in ljubljanskim Barjem. Vsa ta okolja nudijo prebivalcem in obiskovalcem mesta vse tisto, kar da- nes v svetu povezujemo s pojmoma trajnostno in sonaravno. Ljubljana, developing and ex- panding around the Ljubljanica River under the Castle Hill for many centuries, is today the political, administrative, economic, cul- tural and educational centre of the Republic of Slovenia. The city has 262,000 inhabitants. The oldest preserved traces of human presence include relics of the Crannog lake-dwelling culture from the wetlands of the Ljubljana Marsh, and the settlement of Emona dating back to the Roman Empire. Medieval Ljubljana began flour- ishing under the Castle Hill, owing greatly to the natural protec- tion and sustenance provided by the Ljubljanica River. Throughout the centuries of its cultural and economic development, Ljubljana was an important transport and trade hub connecting Central Europe and the Mediterranean. Within the city, the creative currents of the north and the south met, which can be seen in numerous monu- ments of artistic and architectural heritage. One will also frequent- ly encounter the terms Baroque or Secession Ljubljana since these two periods left the strongest mark on the city. The third distinctive facet of the city was created by the renowned architect Jože Plečnik (Ljubljana ) whose skills were honed in Vienna and Prague. Having returned to his birthplace Ljubljana, he created what we today refer to as Plečnik s Ljubljana. He designed numerous buildings, the water channel of the Ljubljanica River with its banks and bridges, the central marketplace and several parks, churches, the grand stadium as well as the University Library, while also having created interior designs and plans for various arts and crafts. The prolific works of Plečnik remain well preserved and represent one of the best reasons for visiting Ljubljana. Another distinctive trait of the city is its direct transition into the lush surrounding natural environment with its many meadows, forests, green hills and the Ljubljana Marshes. All these places offer the inhabitants of Ljubljana and its visitors everything that is today encompassed by the notions environmentally friendly and sustainable mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

13 Otočec Čarobnost minulega za popoln užitek sedanjega edinstveni hotel v čarobnem ambientu vrhunski kulinarični užitki poroke in romantične počitnice sprejemi golf The magic of the past - the pleasure of the present unique castle hotel on a magical river island excellent cuisine weddings and romantic holidays receptions golf Hotel Grad Otočec*****, tel.: , booking.otocec@terme-krka.si, 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

14 Jedi skozi objektiv Vrhunska kulinarična fotografija Janeza Pukšiča Dishes Through the Lens Masterful Culinary Photography by Janez Pukšič Med spremljajočimi prireditvami na prvem velikem mednarodnem kapitlju Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Slovenije v Portorožu je tudi razstava vrhunskega fotografskega mojstra, leta 1945 v Ljubljani rojenega Janeza Pukšiča. Že v osnovni šoli se je začel ukvarjati s fotografijo in nadaljeval tudi med študijem arhitekture v Ljubljani. Najprej je deloval kot fotoreporter, od leta 1984 deluje kot samostojni umetnik fotograf, mednarodno priznan in nagrajevan avtor, zlasti specialist za kulinarično fotografijo in fotografiranje»sveta«predmetov. Izjemne tehnološke in še zlasti likovno fotografske učinke je dosegel tudi na področju uporabe polaroida (Image transfer in Emulsion transfer). Svoja dela je razstavljal na številnih razstavah v Sloveniji in tujini, s fotografijami pa sodeloval pri zasnovi, oblikovanju in izvedbi številnih, še zlasti kulinaričnih knjig, monografij ter na področju oglaševanja. Je prejemnik uglednih nagrad v Sloveniji, ponaša se tudi s fotografijami v nekajkrat nagrajenih najlepših slovenskih knjigah. Med številnimi tujimi nagradami je trikratni zmagovalec festivala Cresta Creative Standard Awards v New Yorku, večkrat nagrajen tudi z Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in dvakratni prejemnik zlatih medalj Creativity v New Yorku. Med slednjima je tudi medalja za knjigo odličnega slovenskega chefa Janeza Bratovža,»Zemlja morje; Okusi iz Slovenije«, s katerim sta pripravila tudi razstavo ob mednarodnem kapitlju Chaîne des Rôtisseurs»Dvanajst mesecev na krožnikih Slovenije«. Razstava bo po končanem kapitlju potovala po številnih evropskih in svetovnih središčih. One of the events accompanying the first international Grand Chapitre of the Chaîne des Rôtis- seurs Slovenia in Portorož is the ex- hibition of works by our esteemed mas- ter of photography Janez Pukšič, born in Ljubljana in His involvement in photography began in primary school and continued during his studies of archi- tecture in Ljubljana. He started his ca- reer in photography as a photo reporter. From 1984 onward, he has been work- ing as an independent artist and quickly achieved international acclaim and recog- nition as a specialist for culinary photog- raphy and the still-life photography. He also succeeded in creating ground- breaking technological and fine art ef- fects in photography, particularly in the field of Polaroid use (image transfer and emulsion transfer). His works have been exhibited at numerous exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad, and his photographs are part of the concept, design and final form of many publications, particularly culinary books, monographs and marketing literature. A recipient of a number of national awards, his photography also adorns some of the most beautiful award-winning Slovenian books. His numerous foreign accolades include three wins at the Cresta festival (Creative Standard Awards) in New York, several Gourmand World Cookbook Awards and two gold Creativity medals in New York. One of these was awarded to a book by the outstanding Slovenian chef Janez Bratovž entitled Earth Sea, Flavours of Slovenia. Mr. Bratovž also collaborated on the preparation of the exhibition that will be staged during the international Grand Chapitre of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs entitled Twelve Months on the Plates of Slovenia. Following the conclusion of the Chapitre, the exhibition will tour many European and global capitals mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

15 2010 KPMG Slovenija, d.o.o., slovenska družba z omejeno odgovornostjo in članica KPMG mreže neodvisnih družb članic, ki so povezane s švicarskim združenjem KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ). Vse pravice pridržane. Znanje spreminjamo v vrednost za svoje stranke, zaposlene in okolje. KPMG v Sloveniji KPMG in Slovenia KPMG je svetovna mreža podjetij, ki nudijo visoko specializirane storitve na področjih revizije, davkov in svetovanja. Poslujemo v 146 državah, v družbah članicah imamo na voljo preko strokovnih sodelavcev po vsem svetu. Povezujejo nas naše vrednote, enotna metodologija in tehnologija dela. Združujemo se regionalno, strokovno in panožno, s ciljem zagotavljanja storitev na najvišjem kvalitetnem nivoju. V kolikor bi želeli prejeti več informacij o teh storitvah, se, prosimo, obrnite na navedene kontaktne številke. KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We have 140,000 outstanding professionals working together to deliver value in 146 countries worldwide. KPMG firms, like KPMG in Slovenia, are connected by our values, a unified methodology and tools which help us to provide services of exceptional quality. If you would like to obtain more information concerning these services, please contact us. We turn knowledge into value for the benefit of our clients, our people and the capital markets Revizijske storitve / Audit Services KPMG Slovenija, d.o.o. Železna cesta 8a, SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel./Phone No.: Faks/fax: kpmg.lj@kpmg.si Storitve davčnega, pravnega*, finančnega in poslovnega svetovanja/ Tax, Legal*, Financial & Business Advisory Services KPMG poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o. Železna cesta 8a, SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel./Phone No.: Faks/fax: poslovno.svetovanje@kpmg.si *Pravne storitve se ne izvajajo za revizijske stranke, vpisane pri Securities and Exchange Commission v ZDA in v primerih, kjer zakon tega ne dopušča. *Legal services may not be offered to SEC registrant audit clients or where otherwise prohibited by law. 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

16 Profesionalni člani Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Sovenija Profesional Members of Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Sovenia Restavracija JB / JB Restaurant, Miklošičeva ulica 17, 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: , restavracija.jb@siol.net, Sinteza sezonske igrivosti in dinamičnosti mediteranske ter umirjene elegance francoske kuhinje, nadgrajene s pestrostmi in različnostmi gastronomije Slovenije. Vrhunske omake, upoštevanje nekaterih zakonitosti molekularne kuhinje in spoštovanje počasnega kuhanja jedi. A synthesis of the seasonal playfulness and dynamic character of the Mediterranean and the calm elegance of French cuisine, expanded with Slovenia s colourful and diverse gastronomy. Exquisite sauces, adherence to some of the laws of molecular cuisine and respect for slow cooking. Hiša kulinarike Manna / Manna Culinary House, Eipprova 1A, 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: , info@kulinarika-manna.com, Sezonske ljubljanske, slovenske, mediteranske in evropske jedi, sodobna interpretacija kulinarične dediščine Slovenije. Seasonal dishes of Ljubljana, Slovenia, the Mediterranean and Europe. A contemporary interpretation of Slovenian culinary heritage. Restavracija Cubo / Cubo Restaurant, Šmartinska cesta 55, 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: , info@cubo-ljubljana.com, Sveža, naravna, mediteranska in predvsem tudi sezonska kuhinja. Jedi in jedilnike spreminjajo vsakih 10 do 14 dni. Sveže morske ribe, testenine, rižote, zelenjavne jedi in sladice. Fresh, natural, Mediterranean and essentially seasonal cuisine. Dishes and menus are changed every 10 to 14 days. Fresh sea fish, pasta, risottos, vegetable dishes and desserts. Gostilna Čubr / Tavern Čubr, Križ 53, 1218 Komenda Tel.: , info@gostilna-cubr.com, Sezonske jedi, postrežene v smiselnih povezavah, temelječih na zakonitostih Slow Food gibanja. V zimskem času tudi izjemne koline, sicer pa skrbno izbrane sestavine najvišje kakovosti. Seasonal dishes served in thoughtful combinations based on the laws of the Slow Food movement, using carefully selected top-quality ingredients. In winter, excellent pork and sausage. Penzion Raduha / Raduha Boarding House, Luče 67, 3334 Luče Tel.: , info@raduha.com, Kuhinja temelji na izrazitih avtohtonih naravnih sezonskih surovinah in pridelkih, ki jih plemenitijo in nadgrajujejo z lastnimi idejami. Bogata družinska tradicija, nadgrajena v novih ustvarjalnih smereh. Cuisine based on indigenous natural seasonal ingredients and produce, enriched and refined with original ideas. Long standing family tradition bolstered by a fresh, creative approach. Restavracija Hotel grad Otočec / Hotel Castle Otočec Restaurant, Grajska cesta 2, 8222 Otočec, Tel.: , booking.otocec@terme-krka.si, otocec/grad Ponudba regionalnih dolenjskih, slovenskih in evropskih jedi iz naravnih lokalnih sestavin, v urejenem ambientu starega gradu sredi reke Krke na Dolenjskem. Člani verige Relais&Chateau. An offer of regional Dolenjska, Slovenian and European dishes made from natural local ingredients, served in the tidy ambient of the old island castle on the Krka River in Dolenjska. Members of the chain Relais&Chateau. 16 Restavracija Rožmarin / Rožmarin Restaurant, Gosposka ulica 8, 2000 Maribor Tel.: , rozmarin@rozmarin.si, Izjemna restavracija z mednarodno in mediteransko kuhinjo v drugem največjem slovenskem mestu Mariboru. Poleg izjemnega ambienta slovi tudi po odlični vinoteki s slovensko in mednarodno vinsko ponudbo. An extraordinary restaurant offering international and Mediterranean cuisine, located in Slovenia s second largest city Maribor. In addition to the exclusive ambient, it is renowned for its outstanding wine shop with a broad selection of Slovenian and international wines. 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

17 Gostilna Rajh / Rajh Inn, Soboška ulica 32, Bakovci, 9000 Murska Sobota Tel.: , rajh.n1@siol.net, Temeljna značilnost Rajhove kuhinje so na sodoben način interpretirane odlične jedi Prekmurja. Pri tem uporabljajo najboljša lokalna in naravna živila. Posebna presenečenja so dnevne jedi. The fundamental characteristic of Rajh cuisine is the contemporary interpretation of Prekmurje s best traditional dishes made using prime natural local foods. Daily specialties provide pleasant surprises. Gostilna Pri Lojzetu / Pri Lojzetu Inn, Dvorec Zemono, 5271 Vipava Tel.: , zemono@zemono.si, Vrhunska raziskovalna in inovativna gastronomija, ki temelji na kulturi Vipavske doline, torej na stičišču Mediterana z Alpami. S kombinacijami jedi in vin odkrivajo nove okuse. Ponudbo spreminjajo dnevno. Top-level experimental and innovative gastronomy based on the culture of the Vipava Valley at the convergence of the Mediterranean and the Alps. New flavours explored through the combining of various dishes and wines. The offer is changed on a daily basis. Restavracija Pikol / Pikol Restaurant, Vipavska cesta 94, Rožna dolina, 5000 Nova Gorica Tel.: , , info@pikol.si, Izrazito sveže morske ribe in morski sadeži iz Jadranskega morja so izhodišče za odkrivanje vedno novih okusov, ki odražajo štiri letne čase in težnje v svetovni gastronomiji. Restavracija ob slikovitem jezeru ima tudi vina»silveri«iz lastnih vinogradov. Particularly fresh sea fish and fruit of the Adriatic Sea are the starting point for the discovery of brand new flavours that reflect the seasons and current tendencies in gastronomy. The restaurant by the picturesque lake also offers Silveri wines from its own vineyards. Hiša/Casa Franko, Staro selo 1, 5222 Kobarid Tel.: , info@hisafranko.com, Doživetje najrazličnejših degustacijskih menijev, temelječih na kreativni kuhinji in na značilnostih letnih časov. Temeljne sestavine izvirajo iz lokalnega dolinskega in planinskega okolja. Diverse tasting menus based on creative cuisine and the characteristics of the seasons. All fundamental ingredients originate in the nearby hills and valleys. Gostilna Apolonia / Apolonia Inn, Šmarje pri Sežani 79, 6210 Sežana Tel.: , gostilna.apolonia@siol.net, Temelj ponudbe je v lahki, inovativni kuhinji štirih letnih časov, ki spoštuje kraško gastronomsko dediščino, naravne sestavine in upošteva tako rekoč dnevne spremembe. Izjemno sveže, divje morske ribe, zelenjava s hišnega vrta in še kaj. Light, innovative cuisine of the four seasons that respects the gastronomic heritage of the Karst, uses natural ingredients and introduces changes practically on a daily basis. Exceedingly fresh wild sea fish, vegetables from the house garden and much more. Hotel Kempinski Palace Portorož, Obala 45, 6320 Portorož Tel.: , reservations.portoroz@kempinski.com, Hotelska restavracija z vrhunsko mednarodno kuhinjo vključuje v svoje menije in posamezne jedi vrsto naravnih lokalnih sestavin in živil, ki imajo svoje poreklo v slovenski Istri. To velja tudi za bogato ponudbo vin Hotel restaurant offering premium international cuisine that includes in its menus and dishes a wide range of natural local ingredients and foods from the Slovenian Istria. 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovenie Portorož

18 KER IZBRANE STVARI S ČASOM POSTANEJO DRAGOCENOST. Kdor vino zares pozna, mu zagotovi prave pogoje življenja, zorenja, staranja. Stalna, nespremenljiva lega steklenic, ravno prava temperatura in stopnja vlage, zaščitenost pred svetlobo in drugimi vplivi omogočajo vinu ohranjanje plemenitosti. Vinske vitrine Monarque poznavalcem omogočajo, da svoji kolekciji vina zagotovijo prave življenjske pogoje kjerkoli. VALUE OF SELECTED THINGS INCREASES WITH TIME A true connoisseur of wine will provide the right conditions for its life, maturing, and ageing. Constant, not changing position of bottles, the right temperature, level of humidity, protection against light and other influences allow the wine to live its rich life from the youth to ageing, from breathing to luxurious taste. A product from Gorenje named Monarque, now allows real life conditions for the collections of wine anywhere. G O U R M A N D A W A R D B e s t C o o k b o o k P r i n t e r i n t h e W o r l d Mirka Vadnova 6, 4000 Kranj, Slovenija Phone: +386 (0) , Fax: +386 (0) info@go-tisk.si, Web page: GORENJSKI TISK NAJBOLJŠI NA SVETU Grafično podjetje Gorenjski tisk d.d. je v Parizu osvojilo prestižno mednarodno nagrado za najboljšo tiskarno kuharskih knjig na svetu»gourmand AWARD Best Cookbook Printer in the World«. V dneh od 12. do 15. februarja 2010 je v Parizu potekal prvi mednarodni sejem kuharskih knjig»paris Cookbook Fair«. Na predvečer otvoritve sejma se je že petnajstič zapored odvijala slovesnost ob podelitvi nagrad za najboljše dosežke na področju kuharskih knjig v letu Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, ki jih podeljuje združenje Gourmand International. V različnih kategorijah so se za prestižno nagrado najboljšega na svetu potegovali kandidati iz kar 136 držav. V kategoriji najboljša tiskarna kuharskih knjig je prvo nagrado in čudovit steklen kipec, ki ga je oblikovalo podjetje Swarowski, prejelo slovensko grafično podjetje Gorenjski tisk iz Kranja. Gorenjski tisk je nagrado prejel za vrhunski tisk in vezavo kuharske knjige znane in priljubljene ljubljanske restavracije CUBO. Naslov nagrajene knjige je CUBO DOMA, urednik je Matevž Kmet, fotografije je prispeval Janez Pukšič, oblikovanje Žare Kerin iz Future DDB, pripravo za tisk pa HiFi ColorStudio. Gorenjski tisk je grafično podjetje z več kot 100-letno tradicijo, bogatimi izkušnjami, usposobljenimi strokovnjaki ter moderno grafično opremo in tehnologijo. Zelo aktivno in uspešno je na področju tiska in vezave visoko kakovostnih kuharskih knjig in knjig o vinu, ki predstavljajo izredno pomemben delež v strukturi tiskovin. Podjetje sodeluje z renomiranimi založniškimi hišami iz celotne Evrope, od Velike Britanije na zahodu pa vse do Rusije na vzhodu. GORENJSKI TISK - THE BEST IN THE WORLD The printing company Gorenjski tisk d.d. has won the prestigious international award GOURMAND AWARD Best Cookbook Printer in the World. From 12 to 15 February 2010, the first international cookbook fair called the Paris Cookbook Fair was held in Paris. On the eve of the opening, a award ceremony for the best achievements in cookbooks in 2009, the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards presented by Gourmand International, took place. Candidates from as many as 136 countries competed in different categories for the title of the best in the world. In the best cookbook printer category, the first prize and a beautiful glass statuette designed by Swarowski was presented to the Slovenian printing company Gorenjski tisk from Kranj. Gorenjski tisk received the award for the excellent printing and binding of a cookbook of a well-known and popular Ljubljana restaurant CUBO. The title is CUBO HOME. The editor was Matevž Kmet, with photographs by Janez Pukšič; it was designed by Žare Kerin from Futura DDB, while the colour separation was done by HiFi ColorStudio. Gorenjski tisk is a printing company which has existed for over 100 years of tradition and boasts rich experience, well-qualified experts, and advanced equipment and technology. It has been actively and successfully focused on printing and binding high-quality cook- and wine books, which have a very significant share in overall printing. The company works with renowned publishing houses from all over Europe, from the UK in the west to Russia in the east. Pri svojem poslovanju, ki je v celoti organizirano»pod eno streho«(priprava tiskovne forme, tisk in vezava), se zavzemamo za nenehno izboljševanje kakovosti in zniževanje okoljskih vplivov, kar dokazujemo s standardi ISO 9001 in ISO ter certifikatom FSC COC. 18 All the work is organised according to the one stop shop principle (which includes prepress production, printing and binding). We strive to continuously improve the quality of our services and reduce effects on the environment, which has been recognised by obtaining ISO 9001 and ISO standards and FSC COC certificate. 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovenie Portorož

19 1. mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovenie Portorož

20 Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Bailliage de Slovénie Dunajska c. 56, 1000 Ljubljana T F info@chaine.si mednarodni veliki kapitelj Slovenije 1 st International Grand Charitre de Slovénie Portorož

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