Strategic Review of Retail Planning Policy

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1 Prepared on behalf of City and County of Swansea August 2013 DTZ, a UGL company One Curzon Street London W1J 5HD

2 Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Out-of-Centre Retailing 3 3 Qualitative Assessment of Retail Hierarchy 21 4 Foodstore Development 39 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 45 Appendices 1 Swansea Enterprise Park: Key Planning History 52 2 Parc Tawe: Key Planning History 57 3 Fforestfach Retail Park: Key Planning History 59 4 Parc Cwmdu: Key Planning History 62 5 Morfa Retail Park: Key Planning History 64 6 Pontardulais Road Retail Park: Key Planning History 68 7 Map of Existing Foodstore Operators 71 8 Existing Foodstore 15 Minute Catchment Drive Time Maps 72 1

3 1 Introduction 1.1 DTZ has been appointed by The City and County of Swansea Council (the Council) to provide a review of their current retail planning policy and strategy and to provide recommendations for retail planning for the administrative area going forward. This includes an assessment of the retail hierarchy, the impact of out of centre retailing and the importance of prioritising suitable locations for future retail investment. 1.2 This report follows work previously undertaken by DTZ for the Council, including a Property Analysis and Development Strategy that underpins the adopted Swansea City Centre Strategic Framework (SCCSF) Supplementary Planning Guidance (2007). Since publication of the SCCSF, DTZ has been an advisor to the Council on the changes to the retail and property markets, which have both been subject to significant fluctuation in recent years. In the retail context, this advice has been clear that the impact of out-of-town retailing will collectively continue to erode the in-town offer and that it is only where the quality and quantity of the latter, and associated issues (other uses, accessibility, parking, environment and the like) are strong, will this not be the case. 1.3 This report has been prepared by DTZ who were commissioned by the Council as part of a consultant team to review its retail strategy, which also includes retail specialists FSP and consumer insight specialists Emotional Logic. The analysis provides a detailed evidence base to underpin the Swansea City Centre regeneration agenda and future policy development. In this respect, one of the main priorities for the City and County of Swansea is to focus investment in retail and leisure development in the most sequentially preferable locations. This is in order to significantly improve the vitality and viability of the City Centre, and to support the complementary regeneration of district centres. The Council recognise the importance of strengthening their planning policy position to facilitate major City Centre development, and deterring further out-of-centre retail development and the erosion of the City Centre and district centre retailing. 1.4 This report reviews the impact of out-of-centre retailing in the City and County of Swansea, the role and purpose of the identified retail centres and the strategy for managing foodstore planning applications. In the context of the Council s adopted planning policy framework and previous decisions on retail planning applications, the purpose of this analysis is to identify the key issues in the retail locations across the administrative area and the impact of out-of-centre retailing upon the Council s priority to regenerate and strengthen the City Centre as its retail core. 2

4 2 Out-of-Centre Retailing Introduction 2.1 This Chapter considers the impact of retailing at locations outside of the City Centre and the designated district centres within the City and County of Swansea. 2.2 The Chapter comprises a review of the existing planning policy framework for retailing within the administrative area of Swansea, a review of the available planning history information for out-ofcentre retail parks and consideration of the lawful use of retail premises at Swansea Enterprise Park. 2.3 Conclusions are drawn upon the extent to which out-of-centre retailing is controlled in the current planning policy context to ensure the prevention of harm to retailing in the City Centre and district centre locations. 2.4 The extent to which historic planning permissions restrict and set precedents for retail development at out-of-centre retail parks is also identified. This is in order to understand the context for development control decisions for such applications in these locations. Conclusions are drawn upon the extent to which previous planning permissions impact upon the amount and type of out-ofcentre retail park development in the City and County of Swansea. Context 2.5 Planning policy for retail development in the City and County of Swansea comprises policy at the national and local level. 2.6 Wales ( PPW )(Edition 5, 2012) contains national planning policies which set the framework for land use planning across Wales. It is supplemented by Technical Advice Notes (TANs) including TAN 4: Retailing and Town Centres (1996) which sets out the detailed national planning policy for retail development in Wales. 2.7 Strategic planning policies and proposals for the unitary authority area are contained in the adopted City and County of Swansea Unitary Development Plan (UDP) (2008). 3

5 2.8 Relevant adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) is contained within pre-udp SPGs, published prior to the adoption of the UDP, and post-udp SPGs, published after the adoption of the UDP. The UDP takes precedence over the former, which include the Swansea Enterprise Park Planning Policies SPG (1996). The latter include the District Centres, Local Centres and Community Facilities SPG (2010) and the Swansea City Centre Strategic Framework SPG (2007), which was formally adopted as SPG in In terms of emerging planning policy, the Council are at the initial stages in the preparation of the City and County of Swansea Local Development Plan ( LDP ), which will replace the UDP when adopted The Council consulted on the LDP Strategic Options Consultation Draft (2012) and LDP Vision and Objectives Consultation Draft (2012) documents from July to October These documents respectively comprise potential strategic development options upon which the LDP could focus and potential overarching aims of the LDP to underpin the strategic options The Draft LDP has not yet been published for consultation by the Council. The forthcoming stages of the LDP will include the publication of the LDP Preferred Strategy in 2013, followed by the LDP Deposit Plan. The Preferred Strategy will identify the Council s proposed way forward in strategic planning terms by identifying the proposed scale of population and household growth and key drivers for the plan, including aspirations for economic growth. It will set out the overall spatial development strategy for Swansea, the key strategic development areas and the broad strategic policies The LDP Deposit Plan will identify the Council s proposed land allocations and build upon the strategic policies of the LDP Preferred Strategy to set out detailed policies and proposals for the future development and protection of land within Swansea. The Deposit Plan is not anticipated to be published until This report reviews adopted planning policy and makes recommendations for which elements need to be changed to ensure an appropriate and sustainable balance of retail development across the City and County of Swansea in locations outside of the City Centre. This is in order to ensure the establishment of a successful retail hierarchy in Swansea, which cascades down from the City Centre as the priority location for high street A1 retailing. These recommendations feed into the suggested new planning policies for inclusion in the LDP to form a new retail strategy for the City and County of Swansea set out in Chapter 5 of this report. National 2.14 Chapter 10 of Wales ( PPW ) contains national planning policy for retailing and town centres. 4

6 2.15 Key objectives of PPW are to promote established town and district centres as the most appropriate locations for retail, leisure and complimentary uses, including enhancing their vitality, attractiveness and viability. In this respect, PPW promotes the restoration of redundant buildings and public realm improvements in existing town and district centres (para ) The accessibility of town and district centres by public transport, walking and cycling is a central and essential objective of PPW (para and ). It further states that access by car and shortterm parking can also help centres to compete with existing out-of-centre locations, but they should be managed to minimise congestion, pollution and parking problems which would otherwise reduce the convenience, attractiveness or competitiveness of these centres (para ) PPW seeks for development plans to identify changing pressures and opportunities and devise appropriate responses to them and to identify measures to reinvigorate centres, or to manage decline in the relative importance of a centre as other centres expand (para ) With regard to the allocation of sites for retail development, PPW seeks for retail and leisure uses which need to be accessible to a large number of people to be located in town centres and for smaller scale retail provision, including appropriately sized supermarkets, [and] leisure facilities to be located in district and town centres (para ) A key consideration in the allocation of sites for retail development is whether there is a need for additional provision. Quantitative need should be given precedence before qualitative need is considered, and where the current provision appears to be adequate in quantity, the need for further allocations must be fully justified in the plan. Such justification could include where: the proposal supports the strategy and objectives of PPW and the LDP; the site is in a highly accessible location which would contribute to a reduction in car journeys; the proposal would contribute to the colocation of facilities in and vitality of existing town and district centres; and where the scheme would alleviate a lack of convenience provision in a disadvantaged area (para ) Where there is an identifiable need for new retail development, local planning authorities are required to adopt a sequential approach, with a preference for town centre locations, then edge-ofcentre sites, then district centre sites and only then out-of-centre sites which are accessible by a range of transport choices Floorspace, convenience, attractiveness, quality and traffic should all be taken into account when allocating sites for retail development (para ). 5

7 2.22 With regard to planning applications for retail and leisure schemes best located in a town centre, PPW seeks that the following matters are taken into account: compatibility with the up to date development plan strategy; need for the scheme (unless the application is in relation to a site in a defined centre or site allocation); the sequential approach; impact upon existing centres; net gains in floorspace where redevelopment is involved, and whether or not it is like-for-like in terms of comparison or convenience ; the take-up rate of allocated sites; accessibility by a range of transport modes; impact upon travel patterns; and the best use of land close to any transport hub, in terms of density and mixed use (para ) Where need is a consideration for planning applications for retail development, PPW requires precedence to be accorded to establishing quantitative need. It further states that the decision maker must justify the weight given to any qualitative assessment. Moreover, regeneration and additional employment benefits are not considered qualitative need factors in retail policy terms, though they may be a material consideration in making a decision on a planning application (para ) PPW requires that local planning authorities retain an adequate level of food shopping provision in existing town and district centres and states that out-of-centre food supermarkets is not permissible if this would lead to the loss of general food retailing in the centre of smaller towns (para ) Where appropriate edge-of-centre or out-of-centre retail developments are approved, local planning authorities are required to place conditions on the initial permission and on any subsequent variation allowed. This is to control any future aspirations that retailers might have to change the range of goods they sell or the nature of the sales area, for example by subdivision to a mix of smaller units, or to a single department store or to redevelop, extend or add mezzanine floors to the retail unit. Furthermore, applications to remove or vary such conditions should be considered in accordance with (para ) Where suitable sites for bulky goods retail uses are not available in town centres, PPW seeks for these to be located at edge-of-centre sites, or where these are not available, at locations accessible by a range of transport modes. Retail parks are only considered to be appropriate where they are accessible to public and private transport (para ) With regard to applications to renew planning permission for retail, leisure and other uses best located in town centres, PPW seeks that these are determined in accordance with the up-to-date development plan, PPW and the sequential approach (para ). 6

8 2.28 TAN4 reflects the need for a sequential approach and requires that all applications for retail developments of over 2,500 sq m are accompanied by a Retail Impact Assessment. It also requires car parking standards to achieve an adequate level of town centre parking to reflect the range of town centre uses the range and level of public transport alternatives. Unitary Development Plan 2.29 Adopted UDP planning policy defines locations outside the City Centre as being those set out in the first three columns of Table 2.1 below: Traditional District Centre Clydach Gorseinon Killay Morriston Mumbles Pontarddulais Sketty Uplands Modern District Centre Parc Fforestfach Employment Location with a Retail Zone Swansea Enterprise Park Other Retail Locations Not Identified in Planning Policy* Parc Cwmdu Parc Morfa Pontardulais Road Retail Park Table 2.1: Retail Locations outside the City Centre Identified in Adopted (Source: Swansea UDP (2008) and the Swansea City Centre Strategic Framework SPG (2007)) * Whilst retailing also occurs at other out-of-centre locations other than those listed in column 4 of Table 2.1, only the above locations are considered to have sufficient critical mass and cohesiveness to warrant classification as specific retail destinations going forward In addition, retailing in the City and County of Swansea takes place at Parc Tawe, which is defined within adopted planning policy as forming part of the City Centre, however in practice this acts as an edge-of-centre retail park. These locations are reviewed in detail in Chapter The UDP Spatial Strategy promotes as its primary focus the reinvigoration of the City Centre and waterfront, and also seeks to ensure appropriate levels of growth at urban settlements across the County to stimulate the regeneration of old industrial communities. A core element of this strategy is to develop a modern, attractive and vibrant waterfront area integrated with a revitalised City Centre. Delivering a significant enhancement to retail facilities that reinforces Swansea s role as a regional centre will be central to the City Centre revitalisation Key objectives of the UDP which are relevant to this study are: Objective 2.d: to reinforce and improve the City Centre as a vibrant regional focus for business and administration, shopping, culture and leisure; 7

9 Objective 2.e: to improve the range, choice and quality of shopping opportunities accessible for all sections of the community and visitors to the area; and Objective 2.f: to resist further out of centre/town retail development Strategic Policy SP6 states that the City Centre will be the primary focus for new retail development and that the improvement and enhancement of District Shopping Centres will be supported. These are considered to be the best locations for new retail development and such development will not generally be supported at out-of-centre sites. Additional edge-of-centre shopping will only be permissible where it would not prejudice established shopping centres Improving accessibility across the Swansea administrative area is a key strand running through the UDP. Strategic Policy SP14 favours the location of new development in areas that are highly accessible by public transport, walking and cycling and which will minimise dependency on the private car. Sympathetically designed proposals which facilitate sustainable travel choices and promote accessibility by a range of transport modes are encouraged Need and accessibility are key requirements for new retail development set out in Policy EC4. This policy states that all new retail development proposals will be assessed against the need for development and will only be permitted where the site is the most sequentially preferable option. There would be no material adverse impact upon the attractiveness, vitality and viability of the City Centre and other established shopping centres, the proposal is compatible with the function, scale and character of the centre within or adjacent to which the site is located. The site is required to be in a location which is accessible by foot, bicycle, public transport and car and the scheme must satisfactorily address design, environmental and highway considerations The UDP designates two types of district centres, Traditional and Modern. Traditional District Centres comprise Clydach, Gorseinon, Killay, Morriston, Mumbles, Pontarddulais, Sketty and Uplands. Parc Fforestfach Retail Park is designated as a modern superstore-based district shopping centre that caters primarily for car borne shoppers. In practice, it operates as an out-of-centre retail park which is distinct from and has different characteristics to the other district centres in the Swansea administrative area With regard to designated district centres, Policy EC5 seeks for development to be of an appropriate type and scale to maintain or improve the range and quality of shopping facilities within the district centres, along with improvements to the physical environment and accessibility of such centres for public transport users, cyclists and pedestrians Policy EC6 seeks for appropriate small-scale local shopping and neighbourhood facilities to be encouraged in areas of acknowledged deficiency to meet local need. 8

10 2.39 The UDP Strategy Map designates Swansea Enterprise Park as an Employment Location. Within this, the UDP Proposals Map designates an area as the Enterprise Park Retail Zone. In the Enterprise Park Retail Zone, Policy EC7 states that retail development is sought to be restricted to the sale of bulky goods items that do not pose a threat to the vitality, attractiveness and viability of the City Centre and surrounding town [and] district... centres. It further states that proposals for new retail development outside the retail zone will not be permitted. Therefore, at the Enterprise Park, only bulky goods retailing is permissible within the designated Retail Zone and no retailing is to be allowed outside of the Retail Zone The UDP seeks for retail warehouses (i.e. bulky goods) to be directed to suitable locations within existing retail centres first, then to the edge of existing retail centres. Only where such sites are not available, suitable locations at established retail parks will be considered (Policy EC8) Policy EC9 resists retail development in out-of-centre locations, with the exception of: small scale local shopping facilities required to meet local needs, retail warehouses engaged in the sale of bulky goods that do not pose a threat to the vitality, attractiveness and viability of the City Centre and surrounding town and district shopping centres, units requiring large showrooms and factory outlets in connection with manufacturing centres on industrial estates Policy CC2 places the highest priority upon enhancing shopping facilities through the refurbishment and redevelopment of the City Centre retail core. It resists proposals for retail development which would be detrimental to objectives for the enhancement of this retail core Policy CC3 defines the St. David s/ Quadrant area as the highest priority for redevelopment in the City Centre. Proposals that would put its comprehensive retail-led regeneration at risk, or which would adversely affect the enhancement and redevelopment of shopping facilities elsewhere in the retail core, will not be supported Parc Tawe comprises two phases, Parc Tawe Phase 1 which lies to the south of the Parc Tawe Link Road and Parc Tawe Phase 2 which lies to the north of the Parc Tawe Link Road. A wide range of uses are considered to be appropriate in Parc Tawe Phase 1 by Policy CC4, including retail (A1 and A3), leisure (D2), hotel (C1), residential (C3), education (D1), office (A2 and B1) and car parking. The amount of retail (A1 and A3) and leisure (D2) must not exceed 19,000 sq m combined (gross), however this threshold has already been reached. Opportunities to promote the wider integration of Parc Tawe with the City Centre are sought. The supporting text to this Policy states that Parc Tawe Phase 1 is a very important gateway to the City Centre. It further states that development and physical improvements will specifically be sought on the Strand/ Quay Parade Frontages whilst respecting the regeneration initiatives arising from the rest of the City Centre. This will help generate the activity and viability between Parc Tawe (Phase 1) and the rest of the City Centre. 9

11 2.45 Policy CC4 refers to Parc Tawe Phase 1 only, however the text supporting this policy recognises that proposals could come forward for the Parc Tawe Phase 2 site in the longer term and states that such proposals will be considered on their planning merits in accordance with the UDP and Swansea City Centre Framework principles (see below). Any scheme at Parc Tawe Phase 2 is required to be compatible with the proposed comprehensive development for Parc Tawe Phase 1 set out in Policy CC4 in the short to medium term Improvements to the accessibility of the City Centre are sought by Policy CC6, through: Completion of the strategic road network around the City Centre; Introduction of further park and ride facilities; Improved public transport and bus and rail interchange; Improved facilities for taxis; Redevelopment of the Quadrant Bus Station; Introduction of bus priority measures; Introduction of City Centre circular bus route; Broadly maintaining the existing level of car parking to serve the City Centre, whilst promoting the better management of both on-street and off-street car parking ; Improved pedestrian routes through the City Centre and connections with the waterfront; and Provision of facilities to encourage cycling In addition, improvements to car parking provision serving the city centre are sought by Policy CC7. Supplementary Planning Guidance 2.48 The Swansea City Centre Strategic Framework SPG (2007) shows that the boundary of the City Centre extends along the River Tawe to the east, Swansea Rail Station marks the northernmost point, Alexandra Road forms the north western boundary, West Way and County Hall mark its western edge and Swansea Bay forms the southern boundary. The SPG promotes the creation of a vibrant mixed-use heart to the City Centre including the St. David s/ Quadrant area, the Oxford Street/Castle Square area, Oxford Street West/ West Way area and the Wind Street/ Salubrious Place/ Lower Princess Way area. In the rest of the City Centre, the SPG promotes the creation of a high quality European Boulevard along Oystermouth Road, Victoria Road and Quay Parade. A key objective is to connect the City to the waterfront via Paxton Street, the Sailbridge and the Maritime Quarter. The SPG also promotes developing the identities and complementary roles of all districts including the Mansel Street/ Alexandra Road area, Kingsway/ Orchard Street area, the High Street and Parc Tawe. Parc Tawe is identified as a more recently developed bulky goods retail and leisure area. 10

12 2.49 The District Centres, Local Centres and Community Facilities SPG (2010) identifies eight district centres in the City and County of Swansea, including Clydach, Gorseinon, Killay, Morriston, Mumbles, Pontarddulais, Sketty and Uplands The SPG identifies the primary frontages of core retail activity and secondary frontages of more mixed commercial character in each District Centre. It promotes the safeguarding of A1 shop units to ensure that retailing underpins District Centres and promotes sufficient vehicle parking provision. Where appropriate, A3 food and drink, A2 financial professional services and a complementary mix of non-retail uses, including B1 offices and D2 leisure facilities are also permitted Significantly, whilst the UDP designates Parc Fforestfach as a modern district centre, this SPG states that this area comprises only 15 units in mainly large format, warehouse style buildings that are typical of out-of-centre retail parks, together with a large foodstore. It is also supported by a large area of adjacent free car parking that caters to the needs of the car borne shopper. In view of the markedly different character and form of Parc Fforestfach as compared to the traditional district centres identified above, this area has been excluded from the scope of this document The Swansea Enterprise Park Planning Policies SPG (1996) was prepared prior to the UDP but remains adopted. The SPG states that Swansea Enterprise Park was originally set up as an Enterprise Zone in 1981 to restore private sector activity to the Lower Swansea Valley by introducing tax benefits and relaxing or speeding up a number of statutory planning controls. This was to establish an area for businesses to develop and to create jobs. The Enterprise Zone status came to an end in 1991, leaving most of the area subject to normal planning control. Planning History Swansea Enterprise Park 2.53 On 28 December 1978 planning permission was granted for the development of an industrial park on land to the south of the A48 (ref. 2/1/78/1464/03) On 21 May 1979, outline planning permission was granted to build industry and ancillary distribution and warehousing (Use Class III, IV, X) on land north of A48, Llansamlet, Swansea (ref. 2/1/79/0000/11). For clarification, under the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1973, Use Class III related to light industrial uses (now Class B1(c)), Use Class IV related to general industrial use (now Class B2) and Use Class X related to storage and distribution (now Class B8). It is not clear whether planning conditions are attached to this permission to restrict the type of Class B1(c), B2 or B8 development on the site. 11

13 2.55 Swansea Enterprise Park was set up as an Enterprise Zone where relaxed planning controls applied from 1981 to The available planning history does not provide clarity on what, if any, restrictions are placed upon retail warehouse buildings constructed at Swansea Enterprise Park from 1981 to As the retail units were built as part of the Enterprise Zone, planning permission was not required and therefore no planning conditions were imposed. As these units have therefore been established for more than 10 years, we consider that they constitute unrestricted lawful retail (A1) units, where any type of retailer falling within the A1 use class could occupy these buildings without applying for planning permission (and thus without consulting the adopted development plan), should there be no physical alteration of the building occupied Many of the retail warehouses in Swansea Enterprise Park are reaching the end of their operational life. Planning permission would be required for the construction of a replacement building of the same or different size and for any alteration to or the extension of the existing building The UDP promotes bulky goods retail in part of the Enterprise Park and resists high street retail at this location. However if an application were to be submitted to demolish a retail warehouse on the Enterprise Park and replace it with a new building of the same size to accommodate a high street retail use, there will need to be a detailed appraisal of the specifics of the application to ascertain whether it is appropriate for the Council to refuse it on land use terms. Any refusal would need to be carefully considered due to the lawful unrestricted retail (A1) use on the site. The Council would be able to consider the application on material grounds such as in design terms, however the extent to which a redevelopment proposal could be considered entirely afresh would be largely dependent upon what could be argued is a reasonable fall back position for use of the existing building for the same proposed use. This could vary depending on the nature, siting and location of the building or buildings in question. Developers are likely to argue that it is indeed unreasonable to refuse an application on land use grounds when that use is already established and no increase in floorspace is being proposed The above analysis also applies to proposals for external alterations to (such as to re-clad) an existing retail unit on the Enterprise Park. 12

14 2.59 If a planning application were to be submitted to replace a retail warehouse on the Enterprise Park with a building with a larger retail sales area, the issues raised above would again apply for the area covered by the existing building, however in this situation it is more clear that the Council would need to assess the retail impact of the additional sales floorspace and must carefully consider this element of the application in land use terms. The applicant s submission of a retail impact assessment is likely to be necessary to assess the impact of the additional element proposed in comparison to the existing building, although planning policy may only require this if the proposal exceeds 2,500 sq m. The same applies for an application to extend an existing retail warehouse on the Enterprise Park. However, the Council s refusal of any such application on land use grounds is again problematic for the reasons identified above relating to the long established lawful use covering the existing retail building. Notwithstanding these problems there are considered to be very good planning reasons to prevent proliferation of unrestricted A1 retail space as this location in units that could become attractive to high street occupiers, as described below Due to the former Enterprise Zone status of the area, no planning history exists in the period between 1981 and A summary of the planning history relating to retail uses in the Enterprise Park since 1991 is provided at Appendix The extent of unrestricted retail floorspace developed within the former Enterprise Zone and the implications of this going forward is an important factor in formulating a robust new retail investment and planning strategy that prioritises the City Centre. The particular area of concern is the potential for the unregulated occupation of lawful retail units by high street (i.e. non-bulky) retailers at the Enterprise Park, which is contrary to the prioritisation of the City Centre for such uses in the UDP The Council own the freehold of the Enterprise Park and therefore as a landowner, have a degree of control over who they let their retail buildings to. Parc Tawe 2.63 On 9 June 1987 planning permission was granted for leisure and retail development: multiplex cinema, public toilets and fast food units at North Dock, now known as Parc Tawe Phase 1 (ref. 2/1/87/0656/03). Condition (g) states that the permission now granted for the retail units... shall only be used for Class I activity as defined by the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1972 and notwithstanding the contents of that Order specifically excludes food and DIY retailing from the scheme. Under this Order Class I refers to Class A1, therefore this translates as a Class A1 use excluding DIY and food retail use (under the current Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) in use today) at Parc Tawe Phase 1. 13

15 2.64 In 1996 planning permission was granted for the development of 12,586 sq m of retail (A1) and restaurant (A3) use plus associated car parking and landscaping at Parc Tawe Phase 2 (ref. 95/1363). On 4 October 1996, planning permission was granted for the development of 12,513 sq m of retail (class A1) plus associated car parking and servicing (amendment to planning permission 95/1363 approved 17 May 1996) at Parc Tawe Phase 2 (ref. 96/0764). The planning conditions attached to this consent do not include restrictions to the type of Class A1 retail development on the site. Planning permission 95/1363 was however granted subject to a Section 106 Agreement which included a floorspace restriction. Clause 3 of the Third Schedule reads: No unit of accommodation for use falling within Class A1 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 forming part of the development shall have or be subdivided such that it has a gross floorspace which is less than 700 sqm (7,500 sq ft) without the specific consent of the Council The A1 planning permission (excluding food and DIY) at Parc Tawe Phase 1 and the unrestricted A1 planning permission for Parc Tawe Phase 2 have the same implications as outlined above in relation to the Retail Zone within the Enterprise Park. In this respect, there are similar concerns with regard to the risk of high street (i.e. non-bulky) A1 retailers locating at Parc Tawe without the need for planning consent. This is contrary to the aims of the adopted UDP for Parc Tawe, which although in the City Centre boundary is sought to be a bulky goods location, with high street retail to be focussed in the City Centre Retail Core. There is however some control that can be imposed through the Section 106 agreement at Parc Tawe Phase Key elements of the planning history for Parc Tawe are summarised at Appendix The Council own the freehold of Parc Tawe Phase 1 and have a degree of control over leasehold issues. Out-of-Centre Retail Parks 2.68 To understand the potential impact of retail parks upon the success of high street A1 retailing in Swansea City Centre, the key elements of available planning history in relation to key out of centre retail locations both within and outside the administrative area of the City and County of Swansea have been reviewed. Summary schedules are attached at Appendices 3-6. Modern District Centre Parc Fforestfach Other Retail Locations Not Identified in Parc Morfa Pontardulais Road Retail Park Parc Cwmdu Table 2.2: Out-of-Centre Retail Parks in the City and County of Swansea (Source: Swansea Unitary Development Plan (2008)) 14

16 2.69 Whilst in practice the following retail locations subject to this planning history review have the characteristics of out-of-centre retail parks (that is, they are located on out-of-centre sites with large retail warehouse units with a largely A1 retail offer), they are not specifically defined as being such within current adopted planning policy. As Table 2.2 shows, the UDP identifies Parc Fforestfach as a Modern District Centre and the other four locations are not specifically identified as retail locations in the UDP At Parc Fforestfach, the available planning history shows that on 22 March 1995 outline planning permission was granted for the erection of retail park, petrol filling station and fast food outlet (ref. 94/1331). On 2 August 2000 planning permission was granted for the redevelopment of existing district shopping centre comprising new Tesco superstore (10,000 square metres gross floor space), petrol filling station and 8 no linked retail units (11,670 square metres gross floor space), petrol filling station and 8 service yards and staff car parking areas, alterations to existing access off Pontardulais Road, closure of existing access off Carmarthen Road, construction of two new accesses of Ffordd Cynore, off site highway works to Ffordd Cynore and the Pontardulais Road Junction, provision of 1,275 space customer car park, site landscaping and accommodation works (subject to S106 agreement) (ref. A00/0366) No conditions are attached to either of these decision notices to restrict the type of retail development. This has the same potential implications as the Retail Zone within the Enterprise Park, the A1 planning permission (excluding food and DIY) at Parc Tawe Phase 1 and the unrestricted A1 planning permissions for Parc Tawe Phase A number of planning applications for new retail units, the extension of retail units, sub-division of retail units and construction of mezzanine levels within retail units have since been approved. This regular flow of planning permissions from 2001 to present is summarised in Appendix 3 and indicates that the expansion of retailing and restaurant/leisure uses at Parc Fforestfach continues to be a threat to the City Centre, largely due to its designation in the UDP as a Modern District Centre. 15

17 2.73 At Parc Cwmdu, the available planning history shows that planning permission was granted in 1989 for mixed industrial (B1, B2, B8) and retail floorspace, with a limit placed on net retail floorspace of 70,000sq ft (6,500 sq m) (ref 89/0053). Subsequently a proposal for a 23,000 sq ft (2,100 sq m) retail unit was granted permission and occupied by a low cost foodstore (ref 92/1037). On 22 June 1994 permission was granted for general and light industry (Class B1 and B2) warehousing (Class B8) and retailing (Class A1 retail floorspace limited to a maximum of 47,000 sq ft) (ref. 94/0177). Permission was granted for the renewal of this planning permission on appeal in 1998 (ref. 98/0042) (see Appendix 4). The appeal allowed a variation in the outline planning permission by deleting Condition 11, which stated the retail element of the scheme shall be limited to a maximum of 47,000 sq ft gross retail floorspace. Any A3 uses developed on the site under this or any other permission shall count against this 47,000 sq ft allocation. This was substituted with the following wording for Condition 11: the retail element of the scheme shall be limited to a maximum of square metres [47,000 sq ft] gross retail floorspace (appeal ref. JWKD/DMW/98/088). Individual planning permissions for additional retail units followed in 2000 for floorspace of 40,000 sq ft (A00/0377), 10,000 sq ft (A00/1439) and 11,250 (A00/1578) Since the original outline permission for the Cwmdu estate, subsequent planning permissions have granted in excess of 80,000 sq ft (7,400 sq m) of retail floorspace. The conditions attached to the various decision notices vary in their ability to restrict the type of retail development. Again, depending on the conditions attached to each consent, there are potentially similar implications in relation to the existing units as those within the Enterprise Park Retail Zone, the A1 planning permission (excluding food and DIY) at Parc Tawe Phase 1 and the unrestricted A1 planning permissions for Parc Tawe Phase 2 and Parc Fforestfach. It is significant however that the retail floorspace permitted by the original consent for the site has now been exceeded by subsequent permissions, which provides the opportunity to restrict any further additional A1 retail floorspace The planning history indicates that there are likely to be further applications to try and further expand retailing and restaurant/leisure uses at Parc Cwmdu. New retail floorspace at this location would be a potential threat to the vitality and viability of the City Centre, which is recognised in the site s recent planning history records which include a dismissed appeal for a proposed Class A1 retail unit on a vacant site within the estate. The inspector found that the proposal would be at variance with national policies and the Council s policy framework that resists out of centre retailing where this would compromise efforts to regenerate the city centre. 16

18 2.76 At Parc Morfa, the available planning history shows that planning permission was granted on 28 June 2002 for the construction of sports stadium, leisure facilities (including health club, multi-screen cinema, ten pin bowling centre, alterations to existing tennis centre, hotel and restaurants) and provision of enabling retail development, petrol filling station and necessary infrastructure (ref. A00/1410) A number of planning conditions are attached to this permission to restrict the type of retailing at the buildings permitted at Parc Morfa in order to minimise any adverse impact upon surrounding shopping centres. These are: Condition 17, which restricts the following items from being sold at the permitted DIY/ garden centre premises: items of clothing, food and drink, audio and video goods/ equipment, computers, mobile telecommunications equipment, furniture other than selfassembly, flat-pack or garden furniture, sports goods and keep fit equipment; Condition 18, which states that the use of Unit 2 (sport retail) is restricted solely to the sale of sports equipment, sports clothing and footwear, and other sports related goods, and for the provision of ancillary sports training accommodation. The premises are to be used for no other retail purpose than that specified (including any other purpose in Class A1 of the Schedule of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987) ; Condition 19, which states that the use of the non-food retail building will be restricted to the sale of the following bulky goods: carpets and floor coverings, furniture and ancillary soft furnishings; gas and electrical goods; DIY/hardware and garden products items; motor accessories; office furniture; and the sale of goods ancillary thereto. The premises are to be used for no other retail purpose (including any other purpose in Class A1 of the Schedule of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 ; and Condition 20, which states that none of the non-food retail units shall be subdivided so that the gross retail floorspace of a single user is less than 1,000 sq m In terms of restrictions upon leisure uses, Condition 21 states that the proposed health and fitness premises shall be used as a health and fitness club and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Class D2 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order without the prior approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority A number of planning applications for new Use Class A3 restaurant units, the extension of retail units, subdivision of retail units and relaxation of planning conditions to increase the permissible floorspace of retail units have been approved since the initial planning permission for Parc Morfa (ref. A00/1410). This regular flow of approvals from 2002 to present is summarised in Appendix 5 and indicates that the expansion of retailing and restaurant/ leisure uses at Parc Morfa continues to be a threat to the City Centre. 17

19 2.80 The permitted multi-screen cinema and ten pin bowling centre have not been implemented at Parc Morfa and the permitted timescale for their delivery under planning permission ref. A00/1410 has lapsed. There is the risk that this might be viewed as setting a precedent for the development of leisure uses in this location, however this would pose a threat to the Council s aspirations for the City Centre to be the focus for retail and leisure uses. This includes A3 leisure uses that would serve to significantly enhance the location s appeal for destination dining in preference to the City Centre. Current levels of A3 appear largely incidental to the retail use but, similar to concerns at other retail park locations in Swansea, future development that would deliver a greater critical mass of dining experiences at the retail park could threaten the viability of the City Centre going forward Parc Morfa is not identified as a retail location with the UDP. Any retail application that comes forward at Parc Morfa in the context of adopted planning policy will therefore be considered against the general planning policies which resist retail development outside defined retail centres. Any such application will also be subject to the sequential test and will largely be considered on the basis of retail need. This is in accordance with national planning policy contained in Wales ( PPW )(2012) and Technical Advice Note 4 ( TAN4 ) The available planning history for Pontardulais Road Retail Park shows that a number of planning applications have been approved for the construction of mezzanine floors and to increase the range of goods sold at retail units at Pontardulais Road Retail Park. These are summarised in Appendix 6 and indicate that the expansion of certain forms of retailing at this location continues to be a threat to the City Centre There are other out of centre locations across Swansea where a retail presence has been established but they do not necessarily take the form of an established retail park. This includes industrial locations such as at Garngoch where the further proliferation of retailing could have an adverse effect on efforts to direct retail investment into the City Centre Parc Trostre and Parc Pemberton are large out-of-centre retail parks, which lie on the edge of Llanelli, which comprise a mix of non-bulky and bulky A1 and A3 units. These are located outside of the administrative area of the City and County of Swansea and fall within the remit of Carmarthenshire County Council, however their catchment extends into the former. Parc Trostre and Parc Pemberton have experienced significant expansion, including alterations and enhancements to the retail units in recent years. Continued expansion of these retail parks is a key threat to the vitality and viability of Swansea City Centre, particularly as they lie outside of the control of the City and County of Swansea as a local planning authority. 18

20 Reflection 2.85 This section provides a reflection upon the above analysis of adopted planning policy and previous planning decisions In terms of national planning policy and adopted local planning policy, overall it is clear that the overarching goal is to prioritise the City Centre, particularly the Retail Core, as the focus for retail development, followed by district centres then out-of-centre locations. Complementary City Centre District within City Centre Parc Tawe Traditional District Centre Clydach Gorseinon Killay Morriston Mumbles Pontarddulais Sketty Uplands Modern District Centre Parc Fforestfach Employment Location with a Retail Zone Swansea Enterprise Park Other Retail Locations Not Identified in Parc Cwmdu Parc Morfa Pontardulais Road Retail Park Table 2.3: Current Definitions of Retail Locations in the City and County of Swansea (Source: Swansea Unitary Development Plan (2008) and the Swansea City Centre Strategic Framework Supplementary Planning Guidance (2007)) 2.87 Aside from the Retail Core, the classification of retail locations within adopted planning policy (shown in the first four columns of Table 2.3) is unclear, particularly terms such as Traditional District Centres and Modern District Centres' Moreover, three established retail locations (shown in the fifth column of Table 2.3) are not identified within planning policy. Planning applications in these locations are therefore judged upon their own merits on the basis of general retail planning policies set out in the UDP, rather than more stringent location-specific policies The current retail hierarchy in the City and County of Swansea is therefore unclear, making the interpretation and implementation of the overarching policy goals for retailing set out in PPW and the UDP more difficult. Chapter 5 makes recommendations to redefine the shopping locations in the administrative area in order to clarify the retail hierarchy and to ensure the achievement of these goals. 19

21 2.90 Further proliferation of unrestricted A1 retail space at the out of centre locations described above (including Parc Fforestfach) poses a threat to the future vitality, viability and attractiveness of Swansea City Centre. The emergence of significant new leisure floorspace (including A3) at these locations would pose a further threat through the creation of multi-use leisure and dining destinations which would be more appropriately delivered in the City Centre The existing retail units at Swansea Enterprise Park, Parc Tawe Phase 2, and Parc Fforestfach pose a particular high risk to the Council s prioritisation for A1 high street retailers to locate in the City Centre Retail Core. These sites do not appear to be restricted to bulky goods by means of extant planning permissions and are considered attractive locations for high street retailers going forward. This is a difficult issue for the emerging LDP to address due to the limits of influence for new policies having regard to permitted development rights The available planning history information for out-of-centre retail parks is a concern as it indicates planning applications for the expansion of retailing at these locations have continued to be approved from the date of the original planning permissions to the present date. This includes at Parc Fforestfach, Pontardulais Road Retail Park, Parc Morfa and Parc Cwmdu. This is therefore a key threat to retailing (and leisure uses due to those at Parc Morfa) in the City Centre It is clear that all possible measures need to be taken to address these issues at Swansea Enterprise Park, Parc Tawe and the out-of-centre retail parks to ensure that emphasis is placed upon the strengthening of retailing in the City Centre supported by the remainder of the (redefined) retail hierarchy within the administrative area The City and County of Swansea have no planning powers over the out-of-centre retail parks at Parc Trostre and Parc Pemberton, which fall within the administrative area of Carmarthenshire County Council. It would be beneficial for the Council to explore avenues of collaborative working and cross partnership agreements with Carmarthenshire County Council in conjunction with the Welsh Assembly, particularly in view of Swansea s proposed role as the driver for the City Region. 20

22 3 Qualitative Assessment of Retail Hierarchy Introduction 3.1 This section of the report considers Swansea s retail hierarchy and assesses the role and specific retail functions of locations outside the City Centre Retail Core. The assessment covers the retail locations identified in Table 3.1. Complementary City Centre District within City Centre Parc Tawe Traditional District Centre Clydach Gorseinon Killay Morriston Mumbles Pontarddulais Sketty Uplands Modern District Centre Parc Fforestfach Employment Location with a Retail Zone Swansea Enterprise Park Other Retail Locations Not Identified in Parc Cwmdu Parc Morfa Pontardulais Road Retail Park Table 3.1: Current Definitions of Retail Locations in the City and County of Swansea (Source: Swansea Unitary Development Plan (2008) and the Swansea City Centre Strategic Framework Supplementary Planning Guidance (2007)) 3.2 In addition to the above locations, retailing within the administrative area of Swansea experiences significant competition from Parc Trostre Retail Park and Parc Pemberton Retail Park in Llanelli, which lie outside of the administrative boundary within the remit of Carmarthenshire County Council. This is a strong pull for shoppers residing in western Swansea. The retail function of Parc Trostre Retail Park and Parc Pemberton Retail Park is therefore included in this analysis. 3.3 First, the position of the centres within the NSLSP 2011 UK retail location rank is reviewed. Second, a high level qualitative assessment of the role and purpose of the retail locations is provided in proforma format, identifying the mix of retail uses in each location and areas of visible deficiency in convenience goods retail provision and deficiency. This is informed by desk research and a number of site visits. 3.4 This section concludes by identifying the key issues in each of the identified retail centres and recommendations to improve retailing at each. 21

23 UK Retail Centre Ranking 3.5 The National Survey of Local Shopping Patterns (NSLSP) is the largest continuous household survey of consumer shopping destination preferences undertaken in Great Britain. Established in 1995, the survey has compiled almost 20m responses, creating the largest single database of consumer shopping destination preferences in the industry, with a further 3m records added annually. The survey provides a detailed, robust insight into resident and shopping catchments across Great Britain and allows individual locations to be ranked in a like for like manner. 3.6 By way of a regional comparison, the following table shows that Swansea City Centre is ranked 45. This compares to Cardiff, Bristol, Carmarthen, Newport and Llanelli city/ town centres, which are ranked 9, 12, 142, 144 and 237. In this context, Swansea City Centre is therefore a relatively strong performer at present, though its drop in the rankings show that it is being overtaken by other cities elsewhere within Great Britain. Cardiff and Bristol, having both experienced significant retail development in the last 5 years, possess robust positions at the top of the retail rankings. Whilst providing a strong attraction to their catchment residents, Newport, Carmarthen and Llanelli town centres do not pose as great a threat to retailing in Swansea City Centre. Development in Carmarthen has improved its ranking by just 16 places whilst Newport and Llanelli continue to be overtaken in the retail rankings. City Centre Rank 2009 Rank 2011 Cardiff 9 9 Bristol Swansea Carmarthen Newport Llanelli Table 3.2: Regional Comparison of Retail Rankings (Source: NSLSP 2009 and 2011) 3.7 In terms of the retail locations outside of the City Centre in the Swansea administrative area and at Parc Trostre Retail Park in Llanelli, they are ranked as follows: 22

24 Retail Location Rank 2009 Rank 2011 Parc Trostre Parc Fforestfach Parc Morfa Morriston 824 No data Parc Tawe 1,545 1,243 Gorseinon 1,609 1,715 Parc Cwmdu 1,787 1,868 Table 3.3: Local Comparison of Retail Rankings (Source: NSLSP 2009 and 2011) 3.8 The data indicates that locally, Swansea City Centre s main competitors are the three large out-ofcentre retail parks; Trostre (which improved from 371 to 261 in the period), Parc Fforestfach, defined as a Modern District Centre in the UDP (which increased from 531 to 509 in the period) and Parc Morfa (which increased from 729 to 667 between 2009 and 2011). Whilst Parc Tawe currently presents less of a threat this is subject to redevelopment proposals for the site and restricting high street A1 retail becoming further established at the park. As the NSLSP historically underweights the role of out-of-centre retail parks generally, the threat these centres pose to retailing across the City and County of Swansea should not be underestimated. In addition, as Parc Trostre is located within the administrative area of Carmarthenshire County Council, the amount of control available to Swansea City Council is likely to be reduced. 3.9 Smaller out-of-centre retail locations and other smaller district centres achieve very low rankings due to the size of their shopping populations. Site Appraisals 3.10 The following tables provide a standardised, high level appraisal of the role, function and performance of each retail location and highlight the key issues pertinent to each. Parc Tawe Description of Location Parc Tawe (Phase 1 & 2) is defined as falling within the City Centre in current planning policy, in practice it acts as an edge-of-centre retail park located immediately east of Swansea City Centre. Comprises a surface car park surrounded by large retail units, Plantasia (indoor visitor destination, displaying tropical plants) and a restaurant unit. Parc Tawe Phase 1 largely acts as an indoor through route for shoppers who park their cars at Parc Tawe s public car park and walk to the City Centre 23

25 UDP Spatial Strategy Map Shopping location UDP Written Statement/ Proposals Map Relevant Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Sainsbury s supermarket is located to the east Highly prominent location at a gateway location Located within the urban waterfront area Located within the City Centre Located to the east of the designated Retail Core The Swansea City Centre Strategic Framework SPG (2007) designates Parc Tawe as being located within the wider City Centre boundary but as a Complimentary City Centre District where bulky goods retail and mixed use development would be appropriate. It states that high street retailing should not be supported at this location. Currently no convenience goods retailing at Parc Tawe (although Sainsbury s is to the east). Key multiple retailers typically found at retail park locations: Staples, Mothercare World, Harveys, Toys R Us. Retail units are spread out, with long walking distances between each. Limited take-away units including Joes Ice Cream and Fresh Donuts. Fast food restaurant contained within Ten Pin bowling venue Odeon Cinema Vacancies Some Ten Pin Bowling Alley Both are very tired venues, but are popular leisure destinations Accessibility and Car Parking Large public car park Conclusions Declining, ageing and tired retail location acting as a retail park on the edge of the City Centre. Would benefit from investment and regeneration to improve the gateway approach to Swansea City Centre Planning policy seeks bulky goods retailing only at this location to avoid negative impacts upon the City Centre Retail Core. Clydach Description of Location District centre Located in north east Swansea Small retail parade surrounded by residential uses 24

26 UDP Spatial Strategy Map N/A Tired looking retail parade Would benefit from regeneration UDP Written Statement/ Proposals Map Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Designated Traditional District Centre Key multiple retailers: Co-operative (1,026 sqm/ 11,048 sq ft) and Spar (floorspace data unavailable) Essential retailing provided by independent retailers. Independent take-away retailers. Local library. Vacancies Some. Accessibility and Car Parking On street. Conclusions Would benefit from investment to enhance local retail provision to benefit the local community and deliver regeneration benefits. Gorseinon Description of Location District centre Located in north west Swansea It comprises a small retail parade surrounded by residential uses UDP Spatial Strategy Map Regeneration initiatives promoted Shopping location UDP Proposals Map Designated District Shopping Centre Convenience Retail Shopping Key multiple retailers: Asda (5,734 sqm/ 61,723 sq ft), Farm Foods (572 sqm/ 6,157 sq ft) and Sainsbury s (880 sqm/ 9,400 sq ft) A small Spar is also located in the middle of the High Street. Substantial proportion of the convenience retail offer is attributed to butchers, green grocers, bakers and newsagents, mainly comprising independent retailers, and one national brand (Greggs), which serve to complement the area s comparison retail offer. 25

27 Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Range of independent retailers providing essential services. Key multiple retailers: Greggs. None Vacancies A number of vacant units were evident during the site visit on 5 December Accessibility and Car Parking Vacant units comprise a mix of small ground floor retail units and the large former Somerfield supermarket. Given the small and peripheral nature of retailing in Gorseinon, and its very local catchment, the current proportion of vacant units is not surprising, particularly given the relatively close proximity and road and bus links to Parc Fforestfach Retail Park. Limited off street car parking On-street Conclusions Would benefit from investment to enhance local retail provision to benefit the local community and deliver regeneration benefits. Killay Description of Location District Centre Located in west Swansea Small retail parade surrounded by residential uses Tired looking retail parade. Would benefit from regeneration. UDP Spatial Strategy Map N/A UDP Written Statement Designated Traditional District Centre Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Key multiple retailers: Co-operative (652 sqm/ 7,027 sq ft) and Cooperative (450 sqm/ 4,800 sq ft) Essential independent retailers. Independent take-away retailers 26

28 Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities None. Vacancies Some. Accessibility and Car Parking On street and car park to rear of Centre. Conclusions Would benefit from investment to enhance local retail provision to benefit the local community and deliver regeneration benefits. Morriston Description of Location District Centre Located in north Swansea UDP Spatial Strategy Map Shopping location Retail parade of essential local services with poor fascias surrounded by declining residential area UDP Proposals Map Designated District Shopping Centre Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Partially falls within Morriston Conservation Area Key multiple retailers: Asda (9,720 sqm/ 105,000 sq ft), Iceland (1,627 sqm/ 17,517 sq ft) and Lidl (1,119 sqm/ 12,045 sq ft) Substantial proportion of the convenience retail offer is attributed to butchers, green grocers, bakers and newsagents, mainly comprising independent retailers, and one national brand (Greggs), which serve to complement the area s comparison retail offer. Key multiple retailer: New Look, Boots, Shoe Zone, Peacocks, Poundstretcher and Wilkinson. A number of independent comparison goods retailers Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Key multiple retailer: Dominos Pizza A number of independent take-away units and restaurants None Vacancies High proportion of vacancies The current proportion of vacant units is not surprising, given the relatively close proximity and road and bus links to Swansea Enterprise Park. 27

29 Accessibility and Car Parking Served by a number of bus routes On-street parking available Three public car parks Conclusions Would benefit from investment to enhance local retail provision to benefit the local community and deliver regeneration benefits. Mumbles Description of Location District Centre Located in west Swansea UDP Spatial Strategy Map Shopping location Retail parade surrounded by residential uses occupied by affluent local community UDP Proposals Map Mumbles Conservation Area Convenience Retail Shopping East Mumbles falls within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Tennis courts, children s play area and paddling pool are designated recreation areas Key multiple retailers: Co-operative (766 sqm/ 8,254 sq ft) and Cooperative 486 sqm/ 5,234 sq ft) Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Key multiple retailers: Boots A number of retail boutiques. Key multiple retailers: Costa A number of boutique comparison retail units Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Vacancies Some. Accessibility and Car Parking Independendent amusement arcade. Served by a number of bus routes On-street parking available A number of public car parks Conclusions Popular and successful retail location benefiting from tourism. Would benefit from small scale investment to further enhance the vibrancy and vitality of retailing. 28

30 Pontarddulais Description of Location District Centre Located in north Swansea UDP Spatial Strategy Map Shopping location UDP Written Statement/ Proposals Map Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Small retail parade surrounded by residential uses Employment centre New housing sites promoted Designated Traditional District Centre Key multiple retailers: Co-operative (640 sqm/ 6,889 sq ft) and Tesco (4,433 sqm/ 47,725 sq ft) Essential retailing provided by independent retailers. Independent take-away retailers Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities None Vacancies Some Accessibility and Car Parking On street Conclusions Would benefit from investment to enhance local retail provision to benefit the local community and deliver regeneration benefits. Sketty Description of Location District Centre Located in west Swansea Small retail parade surrounded by residential uses UDP Spatial Strategy Map Shopping location UDP Proposals Map Designated District Shopping Centre Convenience Retail Shopping Key multiple retailers: Sainsbury s (285 sqm/ 3,077 sq ft) and Tesco (635 sqm/ 6,835 sq ft). 29

31 Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Range of essential services provided by independent retailers. Some local restaurants and takeaways. None Vacancies Some vacant units Accessibility and Car Parking On a number of bus routes Public car park On-street car parking Conclusions Would benefit from investment to enhance local retail provision to benefit the local community and deliver regeneration benefits. Uplands Description of Location District Centre Located in west Swansea UDP Spatial Strategy Map Shopping location Small retail parade surrounded by residential uses UDP Proposals Map Designated District Shopping Centre Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Key multiple retailers: Sainsbury s (593 sqm/ 6,387 sq ft) and Tesco Express (285 sqm/ 4,152 sq ft). Key multiple retailers: Boots. A number of independent comparison retailers. Range of local independent cafes None Vacancies Some vacant units Accessibility and Car Parking On a number of bus routes Limited parking available On-street car parking Conclusions Would benefit from investment to enhance local retail provision to benefit the local community and deliver regeneration benefits. 30

32 Parc Cwmdu (Retail Park) Description of Location Out-of-centre retail park UDP Spatial Strategy Map N/A Located in east Swansea UDP Proposals Map No designation Retail warehouses next to a dual carriageway surrounded by residential uses Total retail floorspace: 16,440 sqm (source: Goad) Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Key multiple retailers: Aldi (1,400 sqm/ 15,065 sq ft) Key multiple retailers include: Home Bargains, Matalan, Pound Stretcher Extra, Wickes Extra, B&Q, McDonalds Mecca Bingo Vacancies Unknown Accessibility and Car Parking Free public car parks outside individual stores. Conclusions Tired and aging retail warehouses. Further investment could create a more attractive retail location which could be a threat to the future success of the City Centre and district centres. Parc Fforestfach (Retail Park) Description of Location Out-of-centre retail park Located in north west Swansea Retail warehouse units and large supermarket with large public car park Total retail floorspace: 33,680 sq m (source: Goad) Surrounded by residential uses Located on a dual carriageway 31

33 UDP Spatial Strategy Map Shopping location UDP Proposals Map Designated Modern District Shopping Centre Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Key multiple retailers: Tesco Extra (11,866 sqm/ 128,000 sq ft) Key multiple retailers: Marks & Spencer, Next, Home Sense, Mamas & Papas, Outfit, River Island, Costa, Clarks, Carphone Warehouse, H&M, Thompson, New Look and Boots. Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Pizza Hut None Risk/ threat to Swansea City Centre if leisure uses (such as a cinema) locate at Parc Fforestfach Retail Park Vacancies None Accessibility and Car Parking Public car park Conclusions Successful and vibrant retail park. Character is of an out of centre retail park not a district centre as currently designated Further investment could create an even more attractive retail location which could be a threat to the future success of the City Centre and district centres. Parc Morfa (Retail Park) Description of Location Out-of-centre retail park Located in east Swansea Retail warehouse units and large supermarket with large public car park Total retail floorspace: 37,280 sqm (source: Goad) Adjacent to the Liberty Football and Rugby Stadium and residential uses Located on a dual carriageway UDP Spatial Strategy Map Sport/ leisure location UDP Proposals Map No designation 32

34 Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Key multiple retailers: Morrisons (4,600 sqm/ 49,514 sq ft) Key multiple retailers: B&Q, TK Maxx, Next, Boots, Argos, Outfit, Brantano Shoes, Bensons Beds, New Look, Sports Direct, Game, Carphone Warehouse. Risk/ threat to Swansea City Centre if comparison retailing at Parc Morfa expands further. Fast food restaurants: Frankie & Bennies, KFC and Pizza Hut Coffee shops: Starbucks None Risk/ threat to Swansea City Centre if leisure uses (such as a cinema) locate at Parc Morfa Vacancies None. Accessibility and Car Parking Free public car park Conclusions Successful and vibrant retail park. Further investment could create an even more attractive retail location which could be a threat to the future success of the City Centre and district centres. Pontardulais Road Retail Park Description of Location Out-of-centre retail park Located in north west Swansea Retail warehouse units and large supermarket with large public car park Surrounded by residential uses Located on a dual carriageway UDP Spatial Strategy Map Shopping location UDP Proposals Map No designation Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Marks & Spencer Simply Food (1,115 sq m/ 12,000 sq ft) Key multiple retailers: Currys, Argos, Laura Ashley, Hooby Craft, Pound Land, Pets at Home, Carpet Right, Dreams. 33

35 Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities None. Risk/ threat to Swansea City Centre if food and drink uses locate at Pontardulais Road Retail Park. None. Risk/ threat to Swansea City Centre if leisure uses (such as a cinema) locate at Pontardulais Road Retail Park Vacancies None. Accessibility and Car Parking Free public car park Conclusions Successful and vibrant retail park. Further investment could create an even more attractive retail location which could be a threat to the future success of the City Centre and district centres. Swansea Enterprise Park Description of Location Out-of-centre Enterprise Park Located in east Swansea Mix of employment and retail warehouse uses UDP Spatial Strategy Map Employment location Floorspace in Enterprise Park Retail Zone: 50,000 sqm (gross) (source: RTM, 2005) Residential uses located immediately north at LLansamlet UDP Proposals Map Partially designated as Enterprise Park Retail Zone Convenience Retail Shopping Key multiple retailers: Tesco Extra (10,340 sqm/ 111,300 sq ft), Farm Foods (486 sqm/5,231 sq ft) and Iceland (552 sqm/ 5,945 sq ft). Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Key multiple retailers include SCS, Home Bargains, Pound World, Iceland, Farmfoods, Smyths (toy store), Maplin. None Risk/ threat to Swansea City Centre if food and drink uses (such as a cinema) locate at Swansea Enterprise Park Simply Gym Risk/ threat to Swansea City Centre if leisure uses (such as a cinema) locate at Swansea Enterprise Park Vacancies A number of large vacant retail warehouses reaching the end or their operational use. 34

36 Accessibility and Car Parking Their redevelopment for new retail uses is a risk/ threat to the City Centre. Individual free public car parks associated with each retail unit. Some bus links. Conclusions Tired and aging retail warehouses. Further investment could create a more attractive retail location which could be a threat to the future success of the City Centre and district centres. Parc Trostre (Retail Park) Description of Location Out-of-centre Retail Park Mostly high street brands Acting like a town centre high street lots of small units in a row Located in east Llanelli within the administrative area of Carmarthenshire County Council Retail warehouse uses with fascias of good quality and 10,789 sqm supermarket with poor fascia Total retail floorspace: 43,110 sqm (source: Goad) Located adjacent to Parc Pemberton Retail Park and Parc y Scarlets Football and Rugby Stadium UDP Spatial Strategy Map N/A located outside of the Swansea administrative area UDP Proposals Map N/A located outside of the Swansea administrative area Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Key multiple retailers: Tesco Extra (10,789 sqm/ 116,132 sq ft) Key multiple retailers include: Clarks, New Look, Lakeland, Dreams, Pets at Home, Outfit, Asda Living, Quicksilver, Debenhams, BHS, Next, Animal, TK Maxx, Boots, Accessorize, Poundworld, WH Smith, River Island, Laura Ashley, Poundstretcher, Monsoon, Marks & Spencer (including a mezzanine), B&Q. Risk/ threat to Swansea City Centre if comparison retailing at Parc Trostre expands further Range of fast food restaurants, including: KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonalds Cafe: inside Tesco Extra Coffee shops: Starbucks and Marks & Spencer coffee shop. No leisure provision Risk/ threat to Swansea City Centre if leisure uses (such as a cinema) locate at Parc Trostre 35

37 Vacancies Unknown Accessibility and Car Parking Free public car park Conclusions Successful retail park. Some dated and tired units. Further investment could create an even more attractive retail location which could be a threat to the future success of the City Centre and district centres. Parc Pemberton Description of Location Out-of-centre Retail Park Located in east Llanelli within the administrative area of Carmarthenshire County Council Retail warehouse uses and supermarket Located adjacent to Parc Trostre Retail Park and Parc y Scarlets Football and Rugby Stadium UDP Spatial Strategy Map N/A located outside of the Swansea administrative area UDP Proposals Map N/A located outside of the Swansea administrative area Convenience Retail Shopping Comparison Retail Shopping Food and Drink Entertainment, Leisure and Community Facilities Key multiple retailers: Morrisons (tired fascia) (7,440 sqm/ 80,083 sq ft) Key multiple retailers: Halfords, Dunelm Mill, Homebase, Bensons Beds. Risk/ threat to Swansea City Centre if comparison retailing at Parc Pemberton expands further None. None. Vacancies Former Allied Carpets and former Comet units are vacant. Accessibility and Car Parking Individual public car parks associated with each retail unit. Some bus links. Conclusions Successful retail park. Some dated and tired units. Further investment could create an even more attractive retail location which could be a threat to the future success of the City Centre and district centres. 36

38 Reflection 3.11 This section reflects upon the above analysis to identify the key issues in retailing outside of the City Centre Retail Core across the City and County of Swansea and beyond Whilst currently falling within the designated City Centre, the character and function of Parc Tawe is more like an edge-of-centre retail park than a City Centre non-bulky retail location. Despite these characteristics, in sequential testing terms it is therefore at the top of the retail hierarchy in the context of current planning policy. Parc Tawe is currently experiencing significant decline and has largely reached the end of its operational life in its current form. This is therefore a prime site for redevelopment. The unrestricted A1 (except food and DIY) lawful use at Parc Tawe Phase 1 and the unrestricted A1 lawful use at Phase 2 indicates that there is significant scope for non-bulky retail to locate at Parc Tawe at present, which is a key risk to the Council s aspirations to prioritise investment in the City Centre Retail Core. All possible measures to address this concern should be pursued, including planning and legal avenues available In terms of the designated Traditional District Centres, Clydach, Gorseinon, Killay, Morriston and Pontarddulais all appear visually tired to varying extents and would benefit from investment to enhance their attractiveness as retail locations. High vacancies were particularly evident at Morriston and Gorseinon where the public realm shop facades were in the greatest need of enhancement. All of these locations have some car parking (although some a better served than others), are generally well served by bus and within walking distance of their respective local resident population. These Traditional District Centres are therefore highly accessible to non-car owning, less affluent shoppers, which is indicative of less spending power, which is reflected in the decline of these centres, particularly given competition from out-of-centre retail parks. These locations would all benefit from investment and regeneration. Mumbles has a more affluent catchment, greater car parking provision and benefits from tourism trade, it is therefore less in need of regeneration. Sketty and Uplands are small centres with limited car parking and serve a particularly localised catchment With regard to out-of-centre retail parks, although designated within the UDP as a Modern District Centre, Parc Fforestfach acts very differently to the other Traditional District Centres in the City and County of Swansea. Parc Fforestfach, Parc Morfa, Parc Cwmdu, Pontardulais Road Retail Park and Swansea Enterprise Park Retail Zone all play a similar role within the hierarchy, however the Enterprise Park is a much less cohesive retail destination, comprising a sprawl of retail on a industrial and business park layout. 37

39 3.15 Whilst not currently designated in this respect, all of these retail locations act as out-of-centre retail parks and operate with a format of large scale retail warehouses selling high street (i.e. non-bulky) A1 goods (at Parc Fforestfach and Parc Morfa) and/ or bulky or household retail goods (at Parc Morfa, Parc Cwmdu, Pontardulais Road Retail Park and Swansea Enterprise Park Retail Core ). They are all predominantly car dependent with large free car parks, thus mainly attracting more affluent, car owning shoppers with greater spending power. Parc Trostre and Parc Pemberton, located in the administrative boundary of Carmarthenshire County Council, perform the same role Whilst public transport links from Traditional District Centres to Swansea City Centre are good, bus journeys to the retail parks are generally less straightforward, meaning that they are less accessible to less affluent, non-car owning shoppers with less spending power Objective 2.e of the UDP, which seeks to improve the range, choice and quality of shopping opportunities accessible for all sections of the community and visitors to the area, is therefore not being met at present The extent of competition to the Traditional District Centres and the City Centre from retail park format retailing is significantly high Parc Fforestfach, Pontardulais Road Retail Park, Parc Morfa and Parc Trostre appear to be performing particularly well. The public realm and shop facades at Parc Cwmdu are looking more tired and in need of upgrading however they still appear to be performing well Swansea Enterprise Park has significant vacancy rates, with a number of empty large retail warehouse units which appear to be at the end of their operational life. Given that many of the retail units were built when the area was designated as an Enterprise Zone (and therefore planning permission was not required), there is the risk that these may become attractive redevelopment sites for high street (i.e. non-bulky) A1 retailers, posing a significant threat to the health and success of retailing in the City Centre, nearby Morriston District Centre and Parc Morfa In terms of other out of centre retail locations, Garngoch Retail Area is experiencing significant physical decline with the retail warehouse units appearing to be reaching the end of their operational life. They could therefore be attractive redevelopment sites for retailers. 38

40 4 Foodstore Development Existing Provision 4.1 Map 1 shows the location and size of existing foodstores within the City and County of Swansea above a minimum floorspace threshold (280 sq m/ 3,000 sq ft gross). Also shown are selected foodstores outside of the administrative boundary that have catchments within it. This information and the floorspace data for each store is summarised in Tables 4.1 and 4.2 and the corresponding foodstore operators are mapped at Appendix Existing foodstore provision within the City and County of Swansea, including some of the largest foodstores, is concentrated in the north eastern part of the urban area to the south of the M4 motorway, where household incomes are lower. 4.3 A number of foodstores are also located in the City Centre. One large foodstore lies to the south west of the St. David s/ Quadrant site and forms part of the City Centre Retail Core where high street retail uses are promoted within planning policy. 4.4 There is currently no foodstore provision west of Dunvant in what is a predominantly rural area of the City and County of Swansea, which includes the Gower Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which is characterised by a lower population. 4.5 In the south western part of the urban area, beyond the City Centre, foodstore provision is lower, comprising smaller, local stores, and no large foodstores. This part of the City and County of Swansea is populated by the more affluent sector of the population. There is significant competition among foodstore retailers to gain a presence in south west Swansea. 4.6 Maps showing the catchment drive times of the above foodstores are provided at Appendix 8. These show basket and trolley-based foodstores with respective 5 and 10 minute catchment drive times, reflecting the time and distance that shoppers realistically spend travelling to each. To aid visual analysis, the administrative area is broken down into four sub-area maps (Swansea Central and East, West, Greater North West and Greater North East). 39

41 Map 1: Existing Foodstore Provision Within and Outside the City and County of Swansea with Catchments within the Administrative Area (Source: MapInfo/ Bartholomew 2013) Planning Policy 40

42 Operator Location Net sq m Gross sq m Net sq ft Gross sq ft Aldi Parc Cwmdu No data 1,400 No data 15,065 Asda Morriston 5,850 9,720 63, ,000 Asda Gorseinon 5,408 5,734 58,208 61,723 Co-Op Brynhyfryd ,875 5,310 Co-Op City Centre ,123 10,646 Co-Op City Centre ,966 4,385 Co-Op Clydach No data 1,026 No data 11,048 Co-Op Killay ,103 7,027 Co-Op Mumbles ,947 8,254 Co-Op Pontarddulais ,757 6,889 Co-Op Killay ,400 4,800 Co-Op Mumbles ,043 5,234 Enterprise Farm Foods Park No data 486 No data 5,231 Farm Foods Gorseinon ,004 6,157 Iceland City Centre ,446 8,082 Enterprise Iceland Park No data 552 No data 5,945 Iceland Morriston 839 1,627 9,036 17,517 Julians Garngoch 1,115 1,700 12,000 18,300 Lidl City Centre No data 932 No data 10,032 Lidl Garngoch ,900 9,600 Lidl Morriston No data 1,119 No data 12,045 Pentregethin Lidl Road ,600 10,200 Lidl Trallwn 1,068 1,115 11,496 12,002 Marks & Spencer City Centre No data 8,572 No data 92,268 Marks & Spencer Parc Fforestfach 712 1,115 7,700 12,000 Morrison's Morfa 3,000 4,600 32,292 49,514 Sainsbury's City Centre 3,720 5,830 40,000 62,800 Sainsbury's Gorseinon ,400 9,400 Sainsbury's Uplands ,265 6,387 Sainsbury's Sketty ,942 3,077 Tesco City Centre 3,620 6,040 39,000 65,000

43 Tesco Express City Centre - De la Beche Street No data 395 No data 4,252 Tesco Express Gowerton ,153 3,154 Tesco Express Sketty No data 635 No data 6,835 St Helen's Tesco Express Road ,038 3,894 Tesco Express SA1 No data 450 No data 4,851 Tesco Express Uplands No data 285 No data 4,152 Enterprise Tesco Extra Park 6,700 10,340 72, ,300 Tesco Extra Parc Fforestfach 8,844 11,866 95, ,000 Tesco Superstore Pontarddulais 4,169 4,433 44,879 47,725 Table 4.1: Foodstores within the Administrative Boundary of the City and County of Swansea (Source: City and County of Swansea) Operator Location Net m2 Gross m2 Net ft2 Gross ft2 Tesco Parc Trostre Adsa Morrison's Parc Trostre 9,832 10, , ,132 Llanelli City Centre Pemberton Retail Park 5,968 7,952 64,239 85,595 6,611 7,440 71,160 80,083 Tesco Ammanford 5,301 5,833 57,059 62,786 Tesco Pontardawe No data 4,449 No data 47,889 Lidl Pontardawe No data 1,646 No data 17,717 Morrison's Neath No data 4,833 No data 52,022 Tesco Neath No data 5,175 No data 55,703 Lidl Neath No data 1,644 No data 17,696 Table 4.2: Foodstores Outside the Administrative Boundary but with Catchments within the City and County of Swansea (Source: City and County of Swansea) Page 42

44 4.7 The maps at Appendix 8 show that a mix of trolley and basket-based stores are located in the Central and East sub-area and in the West sub-area. Swansea Greater North West and Greater North East are characterised by largely trolley based stores only, which have catchments extending beyond the administrative boundary into the Carmarthenshire County Council area and the Neath and Port Talbot County Borough Council area. 4.8 The City Centre and all locations within the City and County of Swansea to the east of Dunvant fall within the catchment of a number of foodstores. The areas immediately west of Dunvant have less choice, only falling within the catchment of one or two stores. Only the rural areas surrounding Craig-Cefn-Parc in the north and at the Gower to the west do not fall within the catchment of a foodstore. 4.9 Smaller, basket-based foodstores are clustered within and just outside the City Centre and in nearby District Centres to the west, in Uplands, Sketty and Killay. These have overlapping 5 minute catchment drive times, which span to the west towards Dunvant and Upper Killay The maps show significant potential leakage of convenience goods spending to the nine foodstores outside of the administrative area. The 10 minute catchment drive times of a number of trolley based foodstores outside of the City and County of Swansea area span into, and compete with, foodstores within the north east and north west of the administrative area. These are located in Parc Trostre, Parc Pemberton, Llanelli and Ammanford in the Carmarthenshire County Council area and at Pontardawe and Neath in the Neath and Port Talbot County Borough Council area. As these stores are outside of the remit of planning policy prepared by Swansea Council, the Council has no control over their impact upon grocery retailing in the Swansea administrative area, although they may be a consultee on applications in neighbouring local authority areas Overall, drive time data does not indicate that there is a significant deficiency in foodstore provision in the City and County of Swansea. We recommend that this analysis is supported by an additional quantitative assessment of foodstore provision and deficiency in the Swansea administrative area at the appropriate time to inform LDP policy and/or guide decision making on individual planning applications. Page 43

45 Recommendations 4.12 This Chapter has demonstrated that there is significant existing provision of foodstore development in the Swansea administrative area, as well as provision outside of this boundary that have catchments which reach into it Despite the extent of existing provision, there is scope for small scale local foodstores, which meet local needs, to be commercially attractive and appropriate windfall planning sites. This could be in declining residential areas that would benefit from the regenerative effects that foodstores can bring, or in large scale mixed use development areas where the facility would serve the new development areas proposed. Foodstore developments that gives rise to major regeneration benefits that accord with Council development strategies should be considered on their merits but must clearly demonstrate they will not have any adverse impact upon the City Centre or nearby district centres It is recommended that the emerging LDP stipulates that windfall planning applications (i.e. non allocated sites) for foodstore development are accompanied by a Retail Assessment, in line with national guidance. Such Assessments will also be necessary to support foodstore proposals that come forward in advance of LDP adoption. This assessment should justify the proposal against national and local planning policy. It should be required to demonstrate that the proposal will not impact on the vitality and viability of the City Centre, meets the requirements of the sequential test, meets a quantitative and qualitative need and will positively contribute to the Council s regeneration plans for the St. David s/ Quadrant area. We also recommend that the LDP requires the applicant to make a financial contribution to cover costs incurred by the local planning authority in undertaking the necessary audit or analysis of any such Retail Assessment. Page 44

46 5 Conclusions and Recommendations Introduction 5.1 This report has identified that existing planning policy is clear in prioritising the City Centre for significant retail investment and that the St. David s/ Quadrant area is the key site for a retail-led scheme. Current retail planning policy also serves to preclude certain forms of out-of-centre retail development. However existing policy and strategy needs to be further refined to direct all forms of new retail development to suitable sites within centres and in particular retail core areas. There is also the risk of greater impacts from changing occupiers at unrestricted lawful A1 units in out-ofcentre locations, which could undermine the Council s City Centre first priorities. 5.2 This Chapter draws upon the conclusions of Chapters 2, 3 and 4 to provide guidance on formulating an up-to-date retail strategy for the emerging Swansea LDP, which will be key to securing the Council s strategic regeneration aims. Recommendations A New Retail Hierarchy 5.3 Chapters 3 and 4 highlighted that the terminology and classification of the City and County of Swansea s retail locations in adopted local planning policy needs revision and some clarification in order to best meet the overall aims of national policy and the UDP with regard to retailing strategy. 5.4 The available planning history information reviewed in Chapter 3 shows that at present it is problematic for the Council to successfully meet Objective 2 (f) of the UDP, which seeks to resist further out-of-centre retail development, or furthermore to meet UDP Strategic Policy SP6 for the City Centre to be the primary focus for new retail development and to support improvement and enhancement of District Centres. Page 45

47 5.5 To address these issues and to ensure clarity when undertaking the sequential approach to prioritise the City Centre, followed by District Centres, then out-of-centre retailing in accordance with PPW, we recommend retail centres are redefined across the administrative area. We recommend that the City and County of Swansea s retail locations therefore fall into four categories: City Centre, District Centres, edge-of-centre (Parc Tawe), and finally out of centre retail parks. Any other retail location would fall under the category of out of centre retail where further development should be restricted to very small scale provision that would serve local communities where these are shown to have an unmet need. 5.6 We also recommend that the City Centre Retail Core is redefined as the City Centre Retail and Leisure Core which will be the priority location for high street A1 and A3 retail and D2 leisure, which should include a cinema as well as a wide range of dining opportunities that complement the leisure experience. Delivering these complementary uses, and resisting proposals that would prejudice their delivery, is critical to ensure that Swansea City Centre becomes a regional shopping and leisure destination. 5.7 We advise that a new planning policy is formulated to clarify the roles of the key areas within the City Centre that complement the City Centre Retail and Leisure Core. 5.8 A revised retail hierarchy will overcome the issue of Parc Fforestfach being classed as a (albeit Modern ) District Centre, despite having very different characteristics to the other ( Traditional ) District Centres in the administrative area and being akin to a retail park. Removing Parc Fforestfach from the District Centre definition will ensure that it is considered as an out-of-centre retail park in the same way as Parc Morfa, Swansea Enterprise Park Retail Zone, Parc Cwmdu and Pontardulais Road Retail Park. This will ensure that all of these locations are subject to the sequential approach as per the retail hierarchy outlined in PPW and TAN4. This will place greater restrictions upon retailing in these locations to better ensure that the City Centre is the priority for high street retailing. 5.9 In turn, we recommend that the Traditional District Centres in the UDP are redefined as District Centres in the LDP. This will serve to better ensure the regeneration of the City Centre and declining district centres. Page 46

48 5.10 The UDP currently defines Parc Tawe as being part of the City Centre, despite its characteristics and function as an edge-of-centre retail park in practice. We therefore recommend that Parc Tawe is redefined in the LDP as an Edge-of-Centre location where only bulky goods retailing and leisure uses, which would complement those prioritised in the City Centre Retail and Leisure Core, are permissible. As part of this, we recommend that the existing cinema use may be better located in the City Centre Retail and Leisure Core. This policy approach is consistent with the SCCSF and will help ensure that Parc Tawe serves to support, rather than compete with the City Centre There will be a certain amount of market demand for bulky goods retailing in out/edge-of-centre locations, and we recommend the above approach is taken in order to focus such investment at the most sequentially preferable location, particularly given the existence of empty units at Parc Tawe at present, and the need to bring forward development that would complement traditional high street retailing within the City Centre retail and leisure core. Class A1 Retail at Out-of-Centre Locations 5.12 The Council s priority moving forwards is for a City Centre first approach in accordance with national planning policy set out in PPW. Further proliferation of unrestricted A1 retail space at out of centre and edge of centre retail locations should be resisted as it poses a threat to the future vitality, viability and attractiveness of Swansea City Centre. This includes at Parc Fforestfach, Pontarddulais Road Retail Park, Parc Morfa, Parc Cwmdu, the Enterprise Park, and also Parc Tawe which is erroneously currently identified as being in-centre in the existing UDP. This threat applies to more than just proposed new buildings for new retail space and includes proposed change of use of existing floorspace, subdivision of premises to create smaller high street scale units, variation of planning conditions/legal agreements and proposed additional floorspace by means of mezzanine floors. This is already emphasised in UDP policy and can be strengthened even further in LDP policy. However, this report has identified that a key threat to this aim, which cannot be addressed through revised planning policy alone, is the proliferation of unrestricted lawful A1 consents at the Enterprise Park, Parc Tawe Phase 1 (excluding food and DIY) and Phase 2, Parc Cwmdu and Parc Fforestfach We recommend that, in addition to revised planning policy, the Council seeks further advice regarding how best it can negate the risks posed to the vitality of the District Centres and City Centre by the existing unrestricted lawful retail units at Swansea Enterprise Park and the retail parks referred to in this report Bulky Goods Retailing 5.14 PPW and TAN4 seek to prioritise bulky goods retailing at sites within centres and at edge-of-centre locations. In this context, proposals for new bulky goods retailing within the County should be Page 47

49 directed in the first instance to in-centre locations, followed by appropriate edge of centre sites. This may require developers to be flexible in their proposals for this form of retailing. Only in instances where an applicant can demonstrate a clear need for further bulky goods floorspace, and where no viable units or development sites are available at in-centre or edge-of-centre locations for bulky goods investment, should the Council consider units or sites within out-of-centre retail locations (as per the locations identified in Table 3.1). Where demand can be shown for further bulky goods retailing, and where no sites are available at in centre or edge of centre locations, developers should be directed towards existing premises at retail park locations in the interests of prioritising the re-use and/or redevelopment of existing units. Foodstore Development 5.15 With regard to foodstore retailing, PPW seeks to provide an adequate level of provision in existing town and district centres and states that out-of-centre food supermarkets are not permissible if they would lead to a loss of food retailing in the centre of smaller towns. This further highlights the importance of introducing the redefined retail hierarchy in the LDP as outlined above. Maintaining the Vitality, Viability and Attractiveness of Centres 5.16 Alongside efforts to prioritise the City Centre and District Centres as the most suitable locations for appropriate new retail and leisure development, and resisting inappropriate out of centre proposals, there is a need to ensure these destinations benefit from ongoing initiatives to maintain their vitality, viability and attractiveness. Such initiatives are needed to ensure these locations provide for the communities they serve and are best placed to receive future investment Safeguarding an appropriate percentage of A1 retail at ground floor level will be critical to ensuring the future health and vitality of Centres. The Council has produced Supplementary Planning Guidance that relates to non-retail uses within District Centres and the City Centre, as identified in Chapter 2. These documents remain valid going forward and provide a framework for preventing the unacceptable dilution of retail frontages. Page 48

50 5.18 Some uses on the high street are perceived as having a detrimental effect on vitality and attractiveness, particularly non A1 uses. The City and County of Swansea set up a Task and Finish Group led by elected Members on pay day loan uses. The group has identified what it regards as an increasing dominance of payday loan companies on district and City Centre high streets, contributing to a perceived degradation of the health of the poorer sections of the communities in which they locate. It highlights that in some instances they are able to move into established A1 units in prime retail areas by arguing that they are predominantly a retail unit, operating for example as a jeweller or pawnbroker shop, which would not require planning permission. Alternatively they are able to persuade the Planning Inspectorate on appeal, of the economic benefits of allowing a financial use in a retail unit on the grounds that it has the appearance of a shop and brings economic and visual benefits to the town centre. Businesses operating solely as payday loan companies are considered to be financial services and thus treated as an A2 (financial and professional services) use, which are not currently distinguished from other A2 uses under the Town & Country Planning Use Classes Order. The Council has limited opportunities for intervention other than refusing planning applications where permission is required to change the use of the premises. In this respect, these are A2 (financial and professional services) uses, which are not currently distinguished from other A2 uses under the Town & Country Planning Use Classes Order. Whilst not ideal, payday loan companies do however serve the purpose of occupying retail units in declining district centres, which might otherwise lie vacant, and a balance clearly has to be struck between issues of long term vacancy and resisting non-a1 uses The Welsh Assembly s New Regeneration Framework, entitled Vibrant and Viable Places, was launched in March 2013, which makes clear that regeneration investment should be targeted at town centres as priority locations. This reinforces the need to prioritise Swansea City Centre, and where appropriate the larger District Centres in the County, as the sequentially preferable sites for significant new retail development. In terms of long term vacancy issues, so called meanwhile uses are identified within the New Regeneration Framework as a potential mechanism to address this problem. The Framework states that the Welsh Government: have international evidence of the success of meanwhile uses in reversing town centre decline by facilitating diversification of the town centre offer and bringing vibrancy to previously empty properties. The most successful programmes have developed long-term and permanent uses from initial temporary occupation of retail and office premises and have performed a critical business incubation role. This should be explored as an opportunity, alongside other initiatives, to prevent long term vacancy having a negative impact on the high street. Page 49

51 5.20 Finally, also considered important as part of a package of measures in maintaining vitality, viability and attractiveness is ensuring that Centres benefit from environmental improvements wherever possible, including building improvements, refurbishments and hard and soft landscaping enhancements. Interim Period 5.21 Whilst existing planning policy is fairly clear in prioritising the City Centre for significant retail investment and precluding most forms of out of centre retailing, this report has demonstrated some weaknesses in current adopted planning policy and has highlighted the associated risks to the Council s aspiration to deliver a strengthened retail hierarchy. The Council faces a minimum two year period up to the anticipated adoption of the LDP, therefore in the interim period our advice to the Council is as follows: 5.22 In terms of the Council s strategy for managing future planning applications for retail development prior to the adoption of the emerging LDP, these should be assessed on the basis of adopted planning policy and the material considerations provided by this and similar up to date evidence. In this respect, they must demonstrate that they are appropriate in sequential testing terms, that they will meet a quantitative and qualitative need, that they are located on an accessible site, and would not give rise to an unacceptable adverse impact on an existing centre We also recommend that the Council considers the preparation of interim planning guidance which could take the form of Supplementary Planning Guidance. This could be prepared in a shorter timeframe to the LDP and could seek to establish greater planning controls over retail and leisure development than is currently provided by the UDP. Significantly however, any new Supplementary Planning Guidance cannot contradict policies set out in the UDP It will be important that such interim planning guidance directs large Class A3 food and drink developments to the City Centre and where such sites are unavailable to alternative sequentially preferable sites. Large A3 uses have a critical role in supporting the retail and leisure led regeneration of the City Centre, particularly the St. David s and Quadrant site. Any mixed use destinations, including large A3 uses, at out-of-centre locations would be a threat to the success of the City Centre and should be resisted. Page 50


53 1 Swansea Enterprise Park: Key Planning History Ref. No. Address Description Decision Decision Date 2/1/78/146 4/03 2/1/79/000 0/11 Land to the south of the A48. Land north of A48, Llansamlet, Swansea 93/0798 Unit 1 Park Pavilions (Paramount) Valley Way, Swansea Enterprise Park 93/1097 Unit 1 (Eric Ashmole), Mona Close, Swansea Enterprise Park 93/1501 Makro, Beaufort Reach, Swansea Enterprise Park 94/0163 Unit 2/3 Cynon Close, Swansea Enterprise Park 94/0738 Unit 1 Phoenix Centre, Phoenix Way, Swansea Enterprise Park 95/0510 Asda Store, Upper Fforest Way, Swansea Enterprise Industrial Park Approved Build industry and ancillary distribution and warehousing (Use Class III, IV, X 1 ). Change of use of existing units (use classes B1, B2 and B8)2 to motor vehicle dealerships (2 no. comprising car showrooms, sales and repairs). Erection of new car showroom and valeting bay. Erection of single storey building (9630 square metres gross), car parking, service areas and outbuildings for use as a cash and carry warehouse and/or uses under class B8 (storage or distribution). Change of use from foodstores (class B8) to general industry (class B2). Change of use from warehouse and offices to retail (class A1). Erection of retail park comprising: retail superstore (class A1) with Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Refused Classes III, IV and X are now known as Class B1(c), B2 and B8.

54 Park 96/0383 Unit 4-7 (M&P Motorcycle Accessories), Castell Close, Swansea Enterprise Park 96/0530 Asda Store, Upper Fforest Way, Swansea Enterprise Park 97/1715 Unit 1 (Eddershaws), Castell Close, Swansea Enterprise Park 97/1717 Unit K27, Ashmount Business Park, Upper Fforest Way, Swansea Enterprise Park 97/1658 Imperial Centre, Unit 2, Lion Way, Swansea Enterprise Park 98/0153 Asda Store, Upper Fforest Way, Swansea Enterprise Park petrol filling station, car wash and approximately 700 car parking spaces; seven non-food retail units and ancillary car parking; two detached. Extension to existing warehouse/showroom to provide 3,045 sq metres of additional showroom, warehousing and offices. Erection of retail superstore (class A1) with petrol filling station and car wash, 2 detached restaurant buildings approximately 700 car parking spaces and a new traffic signal controlled junction on Upper Fforest Way. Extension to coffee shop with sales area over, extension to provide new entry and sales area together with additional office accommodation. Use of unit as a warehouse for the storage and sale by distribution of catering equipment (amounting to 557 sq m of the total floorspace) with ancillary retail showroom (amounting to 93 sq m of the total. Change of use from retail shop (class A1) to children s play facility with ancillary nursery facilities (class D2) or retail (class A1). Variation of condition 14 of planning permission 96/0530 granted on 1st August 1997 to allow for the increase in food retail floorspace from 8,892 sq metres to 9,112 sq metre. Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved 1998 Page 53

55 98/0411 Gasworks Cottages, Valley Way, Swansea Enterprise Park 98/0917 Units 6/7 Castell Close, Swansea Enterprise Park 98/0810 Asda Store, Upper Fforest Way, Swansea Enterprise Park 98/1469 Site P10, Camffrwd Way, Swansea Enterprise Park 99/1703 Site of Units 2 and 2 Nantyffin North, Swansea Enterprise Park 2002/1641 Phase 2 site off Nantyffin Road, Swansea Enterprise Park 2003/2418 Tesco Stores Ltd, Nantyffin Road, Swansea Enterprise Park Demolition of existing cottages and construction of single storey building for use as a dry cleaners with associated landscaping and car parking (class A1). Erection of single storey retail/wholesale warehouse. Erection of retail superstore (class A1) with petrol filling station, car wash and 750 space car park (reserved matters submission pursuant to condition 01 of planning permission 96/0530 granted on 1st August Erection of 83,500 sq ft cash and carry warehouse (class B8) with associated office accommodation and car parking (amendment to planning permission 98/1151 granted on 28th September 1998). Redevelopment of site to provide 5 no. retail units (class A1) with access roundabout, service yards and associated car parking. Construction of 2 retail units (class A1) with associated car parking and service yards. Demolition of existing Tesco superstore, MFI retail warehouse and plumb centre and redevelopment of site to provide new tesco extra hypermarket (10,340 square metres gross floor space), replacement petrol filling station, car parking for 765 vehicles, revised access arrangements and Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Page 54

56 2003/ Mannesman Close, Swansea Enterprise Park 2005/0132 F C Eddershaw & Son Ltd, Phoenix Way, Swansea Enterprise Park 2005/1238 Units 1 & 2 Valley Way, Swansea Enterprise Park 2006/0736 Eddershaws, Phoenix Way, Swansea Enterprise Park landscaping. Change of use from UPVC window manufacturer (class B2) to use classes A1, A2, B1, B8 and car showroom (sui generis). Two storey side extension to provide 755 sq. metres of retail floor space, single storey extension on south elevation to provide coffee shop and takeaway (class A3), two single storey extensions to provide office accommodation, single storey link extension to provide 162 sq. metres of retail floor space, new highway access with associated landscaping works and car parking and use of the former leather leaders building for associated warehousing (B8). Continuation of use as a retail carpet sales outlet (application for a certificate of lawfulness). Two storey side extension to provide 755 sq. metres of retail floor space, single storey extension on south elevation to provide coffee shop and takeaway (class A3), two single storey extensions to provide office accommodation, single storey link extension to provide 162 sq metres of retail floor space, new highway access with associated landscaping works and car parking and use of the former leather Approved Approved Lawful Approved Page 55

57 2006/ Samlet Road, Swansea Enterprise Park 2009/0472 Land at Phoenix Way Retail Park, Swansea Enterprise Park 2010/1873 Unit 7 St David s Road, Swansea Enterprise Park 2011/0959 Unit 6B, Lion Way Retail Park, Swansea Enterprise Park leaders building for associated warehousing (B8) (alterations to roof and fenestration details, amendment to planning permission 2005/0132 granted on 12th September 2005). Change of use of ground floor from residential (class C3) to hairdressers (class A1) with associated external alterations and new access ramp. Reconfiguration of existing retail park with demolition of existing single detached retail unit and part demolition of further retail unit, construction of 3 no. attached retail units (class A1) - 2,787 sq m gross floorspace, (resulting in 7 retail units overall), freestanding food and drink unit (class A3) sq m gross floorspace together with new vehicular access onto Fendrod Way, car parking (299 spaces overall), infrastructure and landscaping works. Change of use from former tool hire shop (class A1) to sports and leisure facility (class D2), and replace existing roller shutter door with double door. Creation of new retail unit entrance within existing roller shutter aperture to facilitate future subdivision of single unit into two separate units. Approved Refused Approved Approved Page 56

58 2 Parc Tawe: Key Planning History Ref. No. Address Description Decision Decision Date 2/1/87/0656 /03 2/1/88/0834 /03 2/1/89/1251 /03 North Dock, Swansea (now known as Parc Tawe Phase 1) Unit 8, Parc Tawe Phase 1 Land at Parc Tawe Phase 1 2/1/89/1369 Land at Parc Tawe Phase 1 2/1/89/1335 /03 2/1/90/0318 /01 2/1/90/0919 /01 Former Builda Center, New Cut Road, Swansea (now known as Parc Tawe Phase 1) Land at Parc Tawe Phase 1, Swansea Land at Parc Tawe Phase 1, Swansea 93/0089 Unit 7 (Staples Ltd), Parc Tawe Phase 1 93/0484 The Piazza Parc Tawe Phase 1, Swansea Leisure and retail development: multiplex cinema, public toilets and fast food units. Change of use to a freezer centre for the retail sale of frozen food, non-frozen food, freezers, fridges, dishwashers, microwaves etc. High class food restaurant with take away and drive through facilities with incorporated car park/ landscape alterations. Fast food restaurant with take away and drive through facilities with incorporated car park/ landscape alterations. Superstore for the sale of vehicle goods. High class fast food restaurant with drive through facilities and associated car parking High class fast food restaurant with drive through facilities and associated car parking Retention of new goods delivery access on rear elevation to serve new subdivided retail unit. Removal of existing kiosk units, provision of new, including change of use of part of circulation space to retail space, and alterations to Approved Refused Refused Refused Refused Refused Refused Approved Approved Page 57

59 entrance. 94/0160 The Piazza (Unit 2) Parc Tawe Phase 1 94/0174 Unit 8 (land north of) Parc Tawe Phase 1 96/4063/S Land north of Unit 8, Parc Tawe Phase 1 95/1018 Parc Tawe Complex (Phase 2) 95/1363 Parc Tawe Complex (Phase 2) 96/4063/S Unit 8 (land north of) Parc Tawe Phase 1 96/0764 Parc Tawe complex (phase 2) 2003/ The Piazza, Parc Tawe Phase /0122 N/K, Parc Tawe Phase /1483 Unit 1 The Piazza, Parc Tawe Phase /0587 N/K, Parc Tawe Phase 1 Change of use from retail (class A1) to sale of hot food and drinks (class A3). Erection of fast food restaurant and video hire shop (outline). Retail unit with car parking and service area Development of 4 linked buildings accommodating up to 14,698 sq. metres of nonfood retail (class a1) floorspace, together with a garden centre; nightclub (class d2); cafe/restaurant (class a3); associated car parking. Development of 12,586 sq metres of retail (class A1) and restaurant (class A3) use plus associated car parking and landscaping. Erection of 1049 sq m. retail unit with car parking and service area. Development of 12,513 sq metres of retail (class A1) plus associated car parking and servicing. (amendment to planning permission 95/1363 approved 17 May 1996) Change of use from retail unit (Class A1) to an amusement arcade (Sui generis). Approved Approved Approved Withdrawn Withdrawn on Approved Approved Approved Refused Side/rear extension Approved Change of use from retail (Class A1) to take-away patisserie (Class A3). Change of use from retail (Class A1) to fish tank pedicure. Approved Approved Page 58

60 3 Parc Fforestfach (Retail Park): Key Planning History Ref. No. Address Description Decision Decision Date 94/1331 Fforest Park Estate, Ffordd Cynore, Fforestfach, Swansea A00/0366 Fforestfach Shoppeing Centre, Pontardulais Road, Swansea 2001/1985 Fforestfach District Centre 2001/1848 Fforestfach District Centre Erection of retail park, petrol filling station and fast food outlet. Redevelopment of existing district shopping centre comprising new Tesco superstore (10,000 square metres gross floor space), petrol filling station and 8 no linked retail units (11,670 square metres gross floor space), petrol filling station and 8 service yards and staff car parking areas, alterations to existing access off Pontardulais Road, closure of existing access off Carmarthen Road, construction of two new accesses of Fordd Cynore, off site highway works to Ffordd Cynore and the Pontardulais Road Junction, provision of 1,275 space customer car park, site landscaping and accommodation works (subject to S106 agreement). Erection of three linked nonfood retail units comprising of 2,900 sq m of floor space and associated service area (amendment to A00/0366 approved on 2 nd August 2000 for a single retail unit with a floor space of 3,692 sq m). Single storey extension to retail Unit A to provide an additional sq m of A3 (food and drink) floorspace Approved Approved Approved Approved Page 59

61 2001/1264 Phase 2 Fforestfach District Centre, Pontardulais Road, Fforestfach Swansea 2001/1268 Phase 2 Fforestfach District Centre, Pontardulais Road, Fforestfach Swansea 2002/0374 Unit J Fforestfach District Centre, Pontardulais Road, Cadle, Swansea 2003/0095 Tesco Stores Ltd, Fforestfach District Shopping Centre, Cadle, Swansea 2003/2119 Tesco Stores Ltd, Pontardulais Road, Cadle, Swansea 2004/0567 Tesco Stores Ltd, Pontardulais Road, Cadle, Swansea 2006/0108 Tesco Stores Ltd, Pontardulais Road, Cadle, Swansea 2008/0932 Unit 12 Parc Fforestfach, Cadle, Swansea (amendment to planning permission A00/0366 granted on 2 August 2000) Erection of single storey 189 sq m detached retail unit (amendment to Phase 2 of A00/0366 granted 2 nd August 2000) Erection of alternative retail unit to approved Unit G2 (increase from 929 sq m to 1,208 sq m gross floorspace, amendment to A00/0366 approved 2 nd August 2000) Erection of a single storey 355 sq m detached Class A3 (food and drink) retail unit (amendment to Phase 2 of A00/0366 granted 2 nd August 2000) Installation of mezzanine floor comprising of 1,394 sq m storage space and providing internal links between floors (application for a Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development). Single storey rear extension with canopy, a section of 4.5 metre high fencing and provision of 3 home delivery bays. Installation of mezzanine floor comprising of 1,394 sq m sales area, 372 sq m storage space and providing internal links between floors (application for a certificate of proposed lawful development). Single storey front extension, alterations to existing shop front and associated external works. Division of existing retail unit into one retail unit (Class A1) and one coffee shop. Approved Approved Approved Approved Refused Approved Refused Approved Page 60

62 2010/1356 Tesco Swansea Extra, Pontardulais Road, Cadle, Swansea 2010/1123 Tesco, Parc Fforestfach, Cadle, Swansea 2013/0066 Pizza Hut, Fforestfach Retail Park, Cadle, Swansea Bulk store extension with mezzanine floor Approved One single storey retail pod Refused External alterations to enable subdivision of existing Pizza Hut (Class A3) to create three new units (Class A1/A2/A3) with new refuse and recycle stores both sides. Approved Page 61

63 4 Parc Cwmdu: Key Planning History Ref. No. Address Description Decision Decision Date 94/0177 Land between Cwmdu Industrial Estate and Cave Street, Carmarthen Road, Cwmdu, Swansea 98/0042 Land between Cwmdu Industrial Estate and Cave Street, Carmarthen Road, Cwmdu, Swansea JWKD/DM W/98/088 Land between Cwmdu Industrial Estate and Cave Street, Carmarthen Road, Cwmdu, Swansea General and light industry (Class B1 and B2) warehousing (Class B8) and retailing (Class A1 retail floorspace limited to a maximum of 47,000 sq ft). General and light industry (Class B1 and B2) warehousing (Class B8) and retailing (Class A1 retail floorspace limited to a maximum of 47,000 sq ft) (renewal of planning permission 94/0177 granted on 22 nd June 1994). Appeal to vary the outline planning permission no. 98/0042 for General and Light Industry (Class B1 and B2), warehousing (Class B8) and retail (Class A1 retail floorspace limited to a maximum of 47,000sq ft) (renewal of planning permission 94/0177 granted on 22 nd June 1994) on land between the Cwmdu Industrial Estate and Cave Street, Carmarthen Road, Cwmdu granted on 16 March 1998 by the City and County of Swansea Council by deleting condition No. 11 ( the retail element of the scheme shall be limited to a maximum of 47,000 sq ft gross retail floorspace. Any A3 uses developed on the Approved 22/06/1994 Approved 16/03/1998 Appeal allowed 13/11/1998 Page 62

64 site under this or any other permission shall count against this 47,000 sq ft allocation ) and substituting therefore the following condition:- 11. The retail element of the scheme shall be limited to a maximum of square metres [47,000 sq ft] gross retail floorspace. Page 63

65 5 Parc Morfa: Key Planning History Ref. No. Address Description Decision Decision Date 98/0919 Morfa Stadium and land to the west, south and east, Upper Bank, Landore 98/0918 Land between Cross Valley Link and Nantong Way, Upper Bank, Landore, Swansea. A00/1410 Morfa Stadium and land to the west, south and east, Upper Bank, Swansea Redevelopment of Morfa Stadium to provide new multi-purpose community stadium with complementary facilities, associated car and coach parking spaces and new roundabout access and junction improvement works. A mixed use development comprising redevelopment of Morfa Stadium to provide a new multi-purpose community stadium with complementary facilities, a leisure and retail centre including a fast foodstore, a multi screen cinema, nightclub, commercial leisure facilities, restaurant, petrol filling station and drive-thru fast food outlet, a hotel, health and fitness centre and restaurant, and associated car parking, servicing and access (outline). Construction of sports stadium, leisure facilities (including health club, multiscreen cinema, ten pin bowling centre, alterations to existing tennis centre, hotel and restaurants) and provision of enabling retail development, petrol filling station and necessary Undetermined and superseded by A00/1410 Resolution to grant but superseded by A00/1410 Undetermined and superseded by A00/1410 Resolution to grant but superseded by A00/1410 Approved Page 64

66 2002/1192 Land at Morfa Fields, Landore, Swansea 2002/1140 Morfa Stadium and land to the west, Upper Bank, Landore, Swansea 2003/0296 Morfa Stadium and to the west, Upper Bank, Landore, Swansea infrastructure. Construction of two detached restaurants (Class A3) with associated car parking and landscaping (outline). Variation of Conditions 18,19 and 20 of planning permission A00/ 1410 for construction of sports stadium, leisure facilities (including health club, multi screen cinema, ten pin bowling centre, alterations to existing tennis centre, hotel and restaurants) and provision of enabling retail development, petrol filling station and necessary infrastructure (outline) to allow non-food retailing and alternative unit subdivision. (Section 106 agreement). Application under Section 73 of the Act to carry out development permitted by the outline planning permissiona00/1410 without complying with the following conditions: Condition 4 (siting to accord with the parameters plan), 13 (external finishes to the cinema building), 14 (external finishes to the sports retail building), 17 (restriction of DIY goods to be sold), 22 (storage of goods in the open), 23, 24 & 25 (off-site highway works), 31 (car parking management), 39 & 41 (ecology),(construction of sports stadium, leisure facilities (including health Approved Approved Approved Page 65

67 2004/1038 Unit 3 Morfa Retail Park 2004/2405 Unit 19, Morfa Retail Park, Swansea 2004/1768 Unit 4 Morfa Retail Park, Swansea 2004/0772 Site 17, Morfa Retail Park, Landore, Swansea 2005/1655 The Pod, Morfa Retail Park, Morfa, Swansea 2005/1403 Unit 14 Morfa Retail Park, Swansea club, multi screen cinema, ten pin bowling centre, alterations to existing tennis centre, hotel and restaurants) and provision of enabling retail development, petrol filling station and necessary infrastructure (section 106 agreement)). Relaxation of Condition 20 of planning permission 2003/0296 granted on 10 th April 2003 (which restricts the minimum floor area of any retail unit to 929 sq m) in respect of Unit 3 to allow a single retail unit of 465 metres. Construction of 2 restaurant units (Class A3) Relaxation of Condition 20 of outline planning permission 2003/0296 granted on 1oth April 2003 to allow 5,000 sq ft retail in Unit 4 Erection of two fast food outlets, incorporating drive through facility. Construction of two storey building to accommodate 4 no. ground floor retail units (Class A1) with first floor management office (Class B1), coffee shop (Class A3) and public toilets. Relaxation of Condition 20 of outline planning permission 2003/0296 granted on 10 th April 2003 (which restricts the minimum floor area of any retail unit to 929 sq m) to allow the subdivision of the existing unit into two Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Page 66

68 2005/2637 The Pod, Morfa Retail Park, Swansea 2007/0204 Units 18A and 18B Morfa Retail Park, Landore, Swansea 2008/1694 Units 18A & 18B Morfa Retail Park, Landore, Swansea separate units together with external alterations. Construction of two storey building to accommodate 3/ 4 no. ground floor retail units (Class A1) with first floor management office (Class B1), coffee shop (Class A3) and public toilets (reserved matters approval pursuant to outline planning permission A00/1410 (as varied by Section 73 application 2003/0296) (amended to reserved matters approval 2005/1655 granted on 1 st November 2005). Construction of two detached restaurants (Class A3) with associated car parking and landscaping (outline) variation of Condition 02 of planning permission 2002/1192 to all for the submission of reserved matters until 29 th August Construction of two detached restaurants (Class A3) with associated car parking and landscaping (outline) Variation of Condition 02 of planning permission 2002/1192 to allow for the submission of reserved matters until 29 th August /1284 N/K Single storey detached building to be used within Use Classes A1 (retail) and/or Class A3 (food and drink) Approved Approved Approved Pending Pending Page 67

69 6 Pontardulais Road Retail Park: Key Planning History Ref. No. Address Description Decision Decision Date 2/1/84/137 0/03 2/1/85/151 5/03 MFI Pontardulais Road, Dunvant, Swansea. W.H.Smith Do It All, Pontardulais Road, Fforestfach, Swansea Texas Homecare Ltd, Pontardulais Road Retail Park, Fforestfach PA98/0002 MFI/ Do It All, Pontardulais Road, Fforestfach, Swansea 2003/0754 MFI & Dunelm Furnishings, Pontardulais Road, Cadle, Swansea 2003/1665 MFI & Dunelm Furnishings, Pontardulais Road, Cadle, Swansea A single storey retail storage unit, for the sale of MFI products and DIY products together with new service road. (Section 52 agreement). Retail warehouse (subject to Section 52 agreement). Modification of Section 52 Agreement to planning permission 84/1370 dated 29/11/84 (varied 09/12/87) to allow wider range of goods to be sold from the premises (resolved that modification be agreed). Refurbishment of existing retail units to create 6 smaller units, including recladding, installation of canopies and partial raising of roof. Removal of Condition 2 of planning permission 2003/0754 granted on 27 th June 2003 to allow the floor area of each of the two central retail units, currently forming the eastern section of the MFI store, to be extended through the introduction of internal mezzanine floors. Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Page 68

70 2004/2176 Unit 6, Pontardulais Road Retail Park, Fforestfach, Swansea 2005/1876 Units 6, 7 & 8 Pontardulais Road Retail Park, Fforestfach 2006/1015 Unit 6, Pontardulais Road Retail Park, Fforestfach 2007/0415 Pontardulais Road Retail Park, Fforestfach 2007/2819 Pontardulais Road Retail Park, Fforestfach 2010/0153 Currys, Unit 8, Pontardulais Road Retail Park, Fforestfach Refurbishment of existing retail unit to create three separate units, including installation of new entrance canopies and alterations to car park layout to provide access to each unit. Refurbishment of existing retail unit to create three separate units, including installation of new entrance canopies and alterations to car park layout to provide access to each unit (amendment to planning permission 2004/2176 dated 16 th December 2004). Installation of internal steelwork to facilitate mezzanine floor (application for a Certificate of Existing Lawful Development) Modification of Section 52 Agreements attached to planning permission 84/1370 granted on 29 th November 1984 and 85/1515 granted on 19 th December 1985 to allow sales of fashion accessories and jewellery from a single unit. Modification of Section 52 Agreement attached to planning permission 84/1370 granted on 29 th November 1984 and 85/1515 granted on 19 th December 1985 to allow ancillary sales of fashion clothing from a single unit. Mezzanine floor (application for a Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development) Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Page 69

71 2010/0257 Unit 5, Pontardulais Road Retail Park, Fforestfach Subdivision of Unit 5 into two separate retail units (Class A1) with associated external alterations. Approved Page 70

72 Page 71

73 7 Map of Existing Foodstore Operators Existing Foodstore Provision (Within and Outside the City and County of Swansea with Catchments within the Administrative Area (Source: CACI)

74 8 Catchment Drive Time Maps: Existing Foodstores

75 Page 74

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