Vetur / Winter Saga Shop Collection. Tollfrjáls verslun Tax & Duty-free

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1 Vetur / Winter 2016 Saga Shop Collection Tollfrjáls verslun Tax & Duty-free

2 ÍSLENSKA SIA.IS ICE /15 ENJOY USING YOUR SAGA POINTS ON THIS FLIGHT VELKOMIN UM BORÐ Njóttu þess að versla tollfrjálst í Saga Shop Collection. Við bjóðum vandaða vöru sem hentar jafnt til eigin nota og gjafa. Hér er að finna snyrtivörur fyrir dömur og herra, skartgripi, úr, skrautmuni, hluti sem gleðja yngstu kynslóðina og ýmislegt fleira. Eins og jafnan áður er verðið í Saga Shop Collection mjög hagstætt og lögð er áhersla á að hafa eingöngu á boðstólum vöru sem uppfyllir kröfur vandlátra kaupenda. Find these brands and more at KEF airport 19,38% off Gefðu þér góðan tíma til að skoða úrvalið. Við erum viss um að þú finnur eitthvað til að gleðja sjálfa(n) þig eða aðra þegar þú kemur á áfangastað. Ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar um vörur í bæklingnum er starfslið okkar um borð reiðubúið að liðsinna þér og gefa nánari upplýsingar. SAGA SHOP COLLECTION ER TOLLFRJÁLS VERSLUN WELCOME ABOARD Please enjoy having a look around the Saga Shop Collection. We offer an excellent range of quality products, suitable for personal use and as gifts. Here you will find cosmetic products for both men and women, jewellery, watches, decorative design, items for the younger generation and much, much more. The prices in Saga Shop Collection are tax and duty free. Emphasis is placed on only offering products which meet the requirements of discerning shoppers. 1. Inform cabin crew you wish to use Saga Points 2. Hand your Saga Card and credit card to cabin crew 3. Enjoy your Saga Points purchase Make sure you give yourself time to visit and explore. Share the experience #wheninkef because good times are to be shared. THREE SIMPLE STEPS TO USE YOUR SAGA POINTS ON BOARD Allow yourself plenty of time to examine our range of products. We are certain that you will find something to please yourself or to please someone else when you arrive at your destination. Our staff is on hand to provide further information if you have any questions concerning the products in the catalogue. TAX & DUTY FREE PRE-ORDER SERVICE HVÍTA HÚSIÐ / SÍA 2 Saga Shop Collection P KAP.indd 2 4 mm :30

3 EFNISYFIRLIT CONTENT PANTAÐU Á NETINU VIÐ AFHENDUM UM BORÐ 1. Farðu á í síðasta lagi 72 klukkustundum fyrir brottför 2. Veldu það sem þú ætlar að kaupa 3. Skrifaðu nafn þitt, brottfarardag, áfangastað og flugnúmer 4. Við afhendum pöntun þína í sætið þitt um borð ORDER ONLINE WE DELIVER ON BOARD 1. Go to at least 72 hours before departure 2. Choose your item(s) 3. Fill out your name, date of departure, destination and the flight number 4. Your order will be delivered to your seat on your flight Fyrir heimilið 6 For the home Herrailmur 9 Fragrances for men Dömuilmur 9 Fragrances for women Snyrtivörur 10 Beauty products Sælgæti 33 Sweets Úr 34 Watches Skartgripir 40 Jewellery Nytsamlegir hlutir 53 Useful items Börn 69 Kids VILDARPUNKTAR ICELANDAIR Félagar í Icelandair Saga Club safna Vildarpunktum þegar þeir versla í Saga Shop Collection og Saga Shop Kitchen. Framvísa þarf Sagakorti Icelandair við kaup. Vinsamlegast geymið kvittanir. ICELANDAIR SAGA POINTS Members of the Icelandair Saga Club earn Saga Points when purchasing items from the Saga Shop Collection and Saga Shop Kitchen. Members need to present their Icelandair Saga Club Card at the time of pur chase. Please keep your receipts. Félagar í Icelandair Saga Club safna samkvæmt eftirfarandi töflu í Saga Shop Collection og Saga Shop Kitchen*: Members earn Saga Points for all purchases on board according to the following table*: ISK = ISK = ISK = ISK = ISK = ISK = ISK = ISK = ISK = 6000 Eins árs ábyrgð er á vörum Saga Shop Collection. Gegn framvísun greiðslukvittunar er hægt að skipta vöru á aðalskrifstofum Icelandair alla virka daga kl. 13:00 16:00. All Saga Shop Collection goods have a one-year guarantee. Please keep your receipts. Purchases can be exchanged at the Icelandair Head Office upon presentation of receipts Monday to Friday between 13:00 and 16:00. *Félagar í Icelandair Saga Club safna ekki Vildarpunktum þegar greitt er fyrir vörur með Vildarpunktum. *Icelandair Saga Club members do not earn Saga Points when paying with Saga Points. PANTA OG FÁ AFHENT Í SÆTIÐ Við biðjumst velvirðingar ef auglýst vara er ekki til um borð, en bendum jafnframt á vefsíðu okkar: Hægt er að panta vörur úr Saga Shop Collection með að minnsta kosti 72 klst. fyrirvara, fá þær afhentar í sætið og greiða um borð. Hægt er að greiða með öllum helstu kredit kortum en þó ekki síhringikortum eða fyrirframgreiddum kreditkortum. ORDER ONLINE AND GET ITEMS DELIVERED TO YOUR SEAT You can place a special order on our homepage and get it delivered to your seat on board Icelandair. Please accept our apologies if the item requested is not available on your flight. We accept all major credit cards except online-only and prepaid cards. ÍSLENSKA/SIA.IS/ICE / PRENTUN/PRINTING: ODDI Saga Shop Collection 3

4 VILDARENGILL SPECIAL ANGEL BUKOWSKI VILDARENGILL / SPECIAL ANGEL Strákur eða stelpa, ungur eða gamall. Það skiptir ekki máli því allir verðskulda sinn Vildarengil. Bangsarnir frá Bukowski hafa veitt börnum jafnt sem fullorðnum ómælda ánægju í yfir 20 ár. Bukowski merkið er leiðandi í töfraheimi tuskudýranna um alla Evrópu. Gefðu ást og umhyggju með þínum Vildarengli. Þegar þú kaupir Vildarengil rennur allur ágóði sölunnar til Vildarbarna Icelandair. Everyone deserves their own Special Angel. A loving gift for him and for her, young and old. For over 20 years, the Bukowski teddy bears have provided pleasure and comfort to children and adults. In Europe, Bukowski Design is a leading brand in the magical world of stuffed animals. Give someone your love with the Special Angel. When you buy the Special Angel, all proceeds go to the Icelandair Special Children Travel Fund. ISK Approx.* EUR 19 POINTS STYÐJUM VEIK BÖRN OG FJÖLSKYLDUR ÞEIRRA THE ICELANDAIR SPECIAL CHILDREN TRAVEL FUND Vildarbörn Icelandair er ferðasjóður fyrir langveik börn og börn sem búa við sérstakar aðstæður. Þú getur lagt þitt af mörkum til Vildarbarna með því að kaupa sérmerktar vörur í Saga Shop. Birgjar með þessar vörur gefa hluta af kaupverðinu til Vildarbarna. Með þínu framlagi getur þú látið drauma þeirra rætast. Verndari sjóðsins er frú Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, fyrrverandi forseti Íslands. 4 Saga Shop Collection The Icelandair Special Children Travel Fund enables children with long-term illnesses and victimised children, as well as their families, to travel. Help us take them under our wing and give them memories to treasure. You can support the fund by purchasing specially marked products in Saga Shop. Suppliers of these products donate a proportion of the purchase price to the fund. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, the former President of Iceland, is the fund s guardian.

5 Icelandair Saga Points OFFER // ICELANDAIR / FLUGMÓDEL ICELANDAIR / ICELANDAIR S AIRCRAFT Glæsileg flugmódel fyrir safnarann. A real collector's item. Hekla Aurora ISK Approx.* EUR 34 POINTS Original ISK Approx.* EUR 13 POINTS Real volcan ic ash from Eyjaf jallajökull EYJAFJALLAJÖKULL PÓSTKORT MEÐ ÖSKU / POSTCARD WITH REAL ASH Póstkort með örlitlu sýnishorni af ösku frá eldsumbrotunum í Eyjafjallajökli og fallegri mynd frá gosinu vorið Sendu þínum nánustu eða bestu vinum þínum brot af Íslandi. Afhendið áhöfninni kortið og hún sér um að koma því í póst. A postcard with a tiny sample of real volcanic ash from Eyjafjallajökull and a great picture of the 2010 eruption. Send your loved ones or your friends a piece of Iceland. The Icelandair crew will take care of posting it for you. ISK 700 Approx.* EUR 5 POINTS *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas. (ISK) SPIL / ICELANDAIR'S HIT PLAYING CARDS Spil sem slá í gegn. Sérhönnuð spil fyrir Icelandair með myndum af norrænum goðum á mannspilunum. Icelandair s specially designed playing cards featuring the Norse gods on the court cards. ISK 600 Approx.* EUR 4 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 5

6 Fyrir heimilið For The Home Saga Points OFFER // NEW MAGISSO MAGISSO KÖKUÞJÓNNINN / MAGISSO CAKE SERVER Nýi kökuþjónninn frá Finnlandi er einfalt og flott áhald til að skera fullkomnar kökusneiðar og færa þær yfir á disk. Magisso kökuþjónninn er gerður úr hágæða ryðfríu eðalstáli og er hægt að nota til þess að skera svo til hvaða köku sem er. Glæsileg gjafavara sem kemur í fallegri gjafapakkningu. With the awarded Magisso Cake Server you can cut and serve a piece of cake with one simple motion. The Magisso Cake Server is designed in Finland by Maria Kivijärvi. It is made of mirrored, high-quality stainless steel and is suitable for every kind of cake. Functional innovation. Scandinavian design. ISK Approx. EUR 44 Points MAGISSO MAGISSO TUSKUSLÁ / MAGISSO KITCHEN CLOTH HOLDER Fæstir hafa nokkurn tímann leitt hugann að því hvar eldhústuskan sé best geymd. Sumir hengja hana yfir kranann og aðrir leggja hana í eða ofan á eldhúsvaskinn. Með nýju tuskuslánni er þetta mál leyst. Eldhústuskan á vísan stað í eldhúsvaskinum, vel falin og þar sem loftar vel um tuskuna. Algerlega borðleggjandi. Ryðfrítt eðalstál. Skandinavísk hönnun. Is your dirty dish cloth hanging over the tap? Not very hygienic, really. Now there is a way to store it out of sight but within easy reach! With our patented fitting, the Magnetic Cloth Holder is easy to install to your sink without any tools. All you have to do is place the holder part on the desired spot and the counter magnet on the corresponding side of the sink. Stainless Steel. Scandinavian design. ISK Approx.* EUR 62 POINTS Saga Shop Collection Þjónustuaðili: HVÍTLAUKSTVISTIÐ / GARLIC TWIST Frábær hönnun og virkni. Hvítlaukstvistið er margverðlaunað eldhúsáhald sem leysir af hólmi hefðbundnar hvítlaukspressur. Á einfaldan og fljótlegan hátt má pressa heila hvítlauksgeira, engifer, chili, hnetur og fleira. Ekkert fer til spillis. Engin hvítlaukslykt af fingrum og mjög auðvelt að þrífa. Don t press the garlic - twist it! The Garlic Twist is an award-winning kitchen tool designed to replace the common garlic press. Place the garlic inside and with a few twists, the patented crosscutting mincing teeth will mince the garlic into perfection with easy cleanup. The multifunctional Garlic Twist is also handy for mincing ginger, olives, chilli pepper, nuts and more. ISK Approx.* EUR 22 POINTS 5.300

7 Fyrir heimilið For The Home BILITY BLÁBERJALYNG KERTASTJAKI FYRIR SPRITTKERTI / BILBERRY TEALIGHT CANDLEHOLDER Íslensk hönnun eftir Guðrúnu Lilju og Rúnu Thors hjá Studiobility. Innblásturinn er sóttur í íslenska náttúru og þrá eftir björtum íslenskum sumarnóttum. Ryðfrítt stál, 125 x 125 mm. Icelandic design by Guðrún Lilja and Rúna Thors at Studiobility. Inspiration: The longing for the midnight sun and Icelandic summer nights. Material: Stainless steel. Dimensions: 125 x 125 mm. ISK Approx.* EUR 22 POINTS Saga Points OFFER // IITTALA Blue / Grey KERTASTJAKI / TEALIGHT CANDLEHOLDER MOOMIN Pink / Blue RETRO MÚMÍNÁLFABOLLAR / RETRO MOOMIN MUGS Kastehelmi kertastjakarnir eru einstaklega falleg hönnun frá Iittala sem nota má á marga vegu, t.d. sem lítinn vasa eða skál. Útlit stjakanna minnir óneitanlega á dögg í íslenskri náttúru en finnska orðið kastehelmi þýðir einmitt daggardropar. Litur: grár og túrkís. Múmínálfabollarnir frá Muurla í Finnlandi eru bæði skemmtilegir og endingargóðir. Þeir eru gerðir úr emaleruðu stáli og eru því léttir, sterkir og nánast óbrjótanlegir. Þeir henta vel fyrir yngsta fólkið, eða í útilegur og lautarferðir. Fáanlegir í tveimur útgáfum: Múmínsnáðinn (blár) og Snorkstelpan (bleik). Stærð: 2,5 dl. The Kastehelmi votive is a unique design from Iittala. It can be used in many different ways, for example as a vase or a little bowl. The design of the votive undeniably reminds one of morning dew in the Icelandic nature. In fact, kastehelmi means dew drop in Finnish. Designer: Oiva Toikka, Colour: grey and turquoise. Beautiful retro mugs with designs from the charming Moominvalley world. The mugs are a handmade enamel production, and therefore each item is unique. Enamel mugs are known for durability and light weight. Available in two colours, pink (Snorkmaiden) and blue (Moomintroll). Design from Finland. Size: 2.5 dl. ISK Approx.* EUR 14 POINTS EACH ISK Approx.* EUR 17 POINTS EACH Saga Shop Collection 7

8 Fyrir heimilið For The Home GEORG JENSEN UPPTAKARI, ØLLEPHANT / BOTTLE OPENER ELEPHANT Møller hannaði fílaupptakarann, Øllephant, árið 1987 og fékk til þess svolitla hjálp hjá afabarninu sínu. Efni: Spegilfægt ryðfrítt stál. H: 45 mm; B 60 mm; L 15 mm. In 1987, Møller designed the elephant bottle opener The Øllephant with a little help from his grandson. Materials: Mirror-polished stainless steel. H: 45 mm, W: 60 mm, D: 15 mm ISK Approx.* EUR 31 POINTS Saga Points OFFER // RFECT THE PE R HIM O GIF T F REVLON VARALITIR / COLORBURST LIP BUTTER 3 PACK Ríkulegir og nærandi varalitir í fallegum og glansandi litum. Varirnar verða dúnmjúkar og geisla af heilbrigði. 94% kvenna voru þeirrar skoðunar að varir þeirra væru bæði mýkri og sléttari eftir að hafa notað varalitina, auk þess sem þeim fundust varirnar betur nærðar um leið. 64 REYKJAVÍK DISTILLERY LANDI EAU DE PARFUM 50 ML LANDI er rakspíri hannaður af 64 Reykjavík Distillery sem hlotið hefur alþjóðlegar viðurkenningar fyrir hönnun. LANDI er framúrskarandi herrailmur sem inniheldur úrval íslenskra jurta eins og einiber, bláber, blóðberg og holtasóley. Buttery balm with beautiful shiny colour to give you baby-soft, healthy glowing lips. 94% of women felt lips were softer, smoother and instantly hydrated. LANDI from 64 Reykjavík Distillery contains the finest selection of essential oils from Icelandic botanicals. This unique masculine fragrance is not only derived from the national flower of Iceland, the mountain avens, but also juniper berries, caraway, blueberries and Icelandic thyme. ISK Approx.* EUR 22 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 63 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

9 Ilmir Fragrances Saga Points OFFER // CALVIN KLEIN ETERNITY NOW DÖMUILMUR / FOR HER ETERNITY NOW Nýr, glæsilegur dömuilmur frá Calvin Klein. Eau de Parfum, 50 ml. Romantic. Timeless. Feminine. ETERNITY was inspired by the ideal of lasting love and intimacy. ETERNITY is a classic floral fragrance you could wear now and forever it's timeless. Eau de Parfum, 50 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 69 POINTS CALVIN KLEIN ETERNITY NOW HERRAILMUR / FOR HIM ETERNITY NOW Nýr Eternity-ilmur frá Calvin Klein fyrir herra. Eau de Toilette, 50 ml Calvin Klein ETERNITY for Men. A perfect reflection of the romantic man dedicated to basic values family, work, health and happiness. Eau de Toilette, 50 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 57 POINTS JOIN OUR FREQUENT FLYER PROGRAMME, ICELANDAIR SAGA CLUB Start earning Icelandair Saga Points today Earn Saga Points for all Icelandair flights and your on-board purchases Use your Saga Points for flights with Icelandair, on-board purchases or hotels around the world Our most frequent flyers enjoy Saga Silver and Saga Gold benefits like upgrades* + Sign up in our in-flight magazine or online on Individuals 12 years and older are eligible for membership * To the next cabin when space available. *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas. (ISK). Saga Shop Collection 9

10 Fyrir heimilið For The Home fight aging where it starts LA PRAIRIE INC. La Prairie s Anti-Aging Collection is specifically formulated to put time on hold, it goes directly to the heart of skin aging to protect and prevent, repair and maintain, rebuild and rehabilitate your skin at every age. Experience the complete, multi-faceted system that can help you intercept skin aging where it starts. 10 Saga Shop Collection

11 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products Saga Points OFFER // LA PRAIRIE STUNDA KREM / ANTI-AGING STRESS CREAM Þetta krem hefur verið kallað mótefni streitunnar. Það er einstaklega rakagefandi og hentar þeim sem vilja hægja á þeim áhrifum sem öldrun og streita hafa á húðina. Fínar línur og hrukkur verða minna áberandi. Kremið inniheldur meðal annars ástaraldin, jojoba olíu og fleira úr náttúrunni sem vinnur á streitumerkjum. Húðin fær heilbrigt yfirbrað og þú slakar á. 50 ml. The antidote to stress. This luxuriously moisturizing Anti-Aging Stress Cream targets the effects of stress on your skin. Fine lines and wrinkles relax. It s formulated with nature s de-stressors, valerian root, passion fruit, jojoba seed oil and more. Skin is restored and healthy. Your skin will relax and so will you. 50 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 159 POINTS LA PRAIRIE FARÐI / ANTI-AGING FOUNDATION SPF 15 Þessi farði er sem æskuljómi. Farðinn er bæði rakagefandi og þéttur í sér og vinnur á ummerkjum ellinnar, auk þess að veita vörn gegn UV geislum sólarinnar. Farðinn er hannaður til þess að þekja húðina vel og dugar allan daginn. Litur: ml. LA PRAIRIE PÚÐURFARÐI (NATURAL BEIGE) / CELLULAR TREATMENT FOUNDATION POWDER FINISH (NATURAL BEIGE) Þessi fjölbreytti púðurfarði þekur vel og á sama tíma ljómar húðin án þess að glansa. Þú getur notað farðann bæði á raka og þurra húð, allt eftir aðstæðum og æskilegri útkomu. Farðann er hægt að nota bæði sem grunn og til viðhalds yfir daginn. Framsækin formúlan inniheldur ríkulegt magn af plöntuolíum og andoxunarefnum og efnasamsetning sem dregur í sig olíu gerir það að verkum að fínar línur verða minna áberandi. High-performance, instantly-perfecting anti-aging makeup. Anti-Aging Foundation a Cellular Emulsion SPF 15 creates a flawless complexion, concealing imperfections in texture and tone, while nourishing, hydrating and providing UV protection to skin. Formulated to provide full coverage and all-day wear, it offers a silky smooth application. It s the future of sheer anti-aging beauty, for ageless beauty now. Shade: ml ISK Approx.* EUR 78 POINTS This versatile dual-finish treatment combines the creamy coverage of a foundation with the ultra-fine feel of powder for a flawless, light-reflective matte finish. Its advanced formula, rich in plant extracts, anti-oxidants and an oil-absorbing complex, minimizes the appearance of lines. Apply it to the t-zone, lightly press the product in with the accompanying sponge applicator. ISK Approx.* EUR 62 POINTS *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas. (ISK). Saga Shop Collection 11

12 Fyrir heimilið For The Home Kate Upton for Bobbi Brown CONFIDENT BEAUTY Introducing Smokey in Seconds, beauty expert Bobbi Brown s hand-picked essentials to create the smokey eye with confidence whether you re at home or on the go. 12 Saga Shop Collection

13 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products Experience Bobbi Brown BOBBI BROWN SANDY NUDES EYE PALETTE Þessi vandlega samsetta palletta, inniheldur 8 augnskugga fyrir náttúrulega augnförðun.pallettan er með grunnliti, eyeliner liti og liti til að blanda. Auðvelt er að breyta förðuninni úr dagförðun í kvöldförðun á augabragði. Litir: Augnskuggar í Cream, Ash, Nude og Rich Caviar; Sparkle augnskuggar í Ciffon og Caramel; Shimmer Wash augnskuggi í Champagne; Metallic augnskuggi í Ash. This carefully edited mix of eight shadows is the perfect palette for a neutral eye look. Includes base, lid and liner colours in a mix of textures matte, shimmery, sparkly and metallic to take eyes from day to night effortlessly. Features: Eye Shadow in Cream, Ash, Nude and Rich Caviar; Sparkle Eye Shadow in Chiffon and Caramel; Shimmer Wash Eye Shadow in Champagne; Metallic Eye Shadow in Ash. ISK APPROX.* EUR 57 POINTS Saga Points OFFER // BOBBI BROWN Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner Duo Byltingarkenndur eyeliner á gelformi. Settið inniheldur tvo liti, Black Ink og Sepia Ink, ásamt hárfínum eyeliner bursta. Innovative eyeliner that offers up the drama of liquid liner in a fuss-free gel base. The set includes two shades Black Ink and Sepia Ink and a mini Ultra-Fine Eye Liner Brush. ISK APPROX.* EUR 38 POINTS BOBBI BROWN SMOKEY IN SECONDS Samkvæmt Bobbi er þetta það eina sem þú þarft til að gera smokey eye fljótt og auðveldlega. Pakkinn inniheldur Long-Wear Cream Shadow Stick augnskugga, Smokey Eye svartan augnblýant og Smokey Eye maskara. Að auki færðu augnfarðahreinsi í ferðapakkningu í kaupauka. Bobbi s hand-picked essentials for a smokey eye that s quick and easy whether you re at home or on-the-go. Features best-selling Long-Wear Cream Shadow Stick in Shadow, Smokey Eye Kajal Liner in Noir and Smokey Eye Mascara. Plus, a complimentary travel-sized Instant Long-Wear Makeup Remover. ISK APPROX.* EUR 60 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 13

14 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products CLINIQUE CLINIQUE SUPERBALM, MOISTURIZING Prófaðu Clinique Superbalm, nærandi varasalva sem hjálpar þurrum vörum og gerir þær skínandi mjúkar. Varasalvinn dregur úr þurrki og ver varirnar með andoxunarefnum. 5 glæsilegir litir saman í pakka. Superbalm Moisturizing Gloss: Meet Clinique Superbalm lip balms with a colourful twist. Gorgeous colours treat your most undermoisturised skin to helpings of soothing shine. Instantly relieve dryness, protect with antioxidants and more. Dip in. Contains 5 colours. ISK Approx.* EUR 35 POINTS CLINIQUE CLINIQUE MOISTURE SURGE EXTENDED THIRST Létt og þægilegt krem/gel sem fyllir húðina raka í allt að 24 tíma. Fínar línur, þurrkur og þurrkublettir hverfa og í staðinn verður húðin stinn og full vellíðan jafnvel þótt rakastigið úti breytist. Um leið og þú vökvar húðina virðist hún heilbrigðari og frísklegri. 75 ml Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief 75 ml: Light, comfortable cream/ gel plumps skin with hydration for a full 24 hours. Fine lines, flakiness and tightness are washed away. In their place a sense of supple, firm, vibrant well-being, even through shifts in humidity. One 'drink' and skin looks and feels happier, healthier. 75 ml ISK Approx.* EUR 60 POINTS It has never been easier to spend your Icelandair Saga Points. All products on board are available for Saga Points. SILK TREFJAMASKARI / SILK FIBRE LASH EXTENSIONS KIT Náttúruleg augnháralenging þegar þér hentar. Fullkomin blanda af geli og trefjum lengir, þykkir og sveigir augnhárin. Varan inniheldur náttúruleg efni eins og candelilla- og carnaubavax (bólgueyðandi og nærandi), auk þess sem hreinni, lífrænt vottaðri arganolíu hefur verið bætt við. Varan er ekki ertandi. Næst auðveldlega af með volgu vatni. Settið inniheldur gelmaskara og trefjamaskara. Leiðbeiningar fylgja. Natural eyelash lengthening, whenever you want. The perfect combination of mascara gel and fibres instantly lengthen and give you the most beautiful, long and naturally curved lashes. Contains natural ingredients such as candelilla and carnauba wax (anti-inflammatory and nourishing), infused with pure organic argan oil, suitable for sensitive eyes. Easy to remove, simply use warm water. The kit includes a mascara gel wand and a fibre lash wand instructions inside. ISK Approx.* EUR 55 POINTS SILK HÚÐ- OG HÁRMEÐFERÐASERUM (SERMI/OLÍA) / OIL OF MOROCCO HAIR & SKIN TREATMENT Einstök blanda sem smýgur inn í húðina svo hún verður samstundis mjúk, gljáandi og heilbrigð og áhrifin endast lengi. Gæði lífrænu kaldpressuðu Argan olíunnar veita húð og hári næringu með silkimjúkri áferð. Inniheldur fjölda vítamína og fitusýra sem hafa frábær áhrif. (Létt í sér, verður ekki fitug.) 60 ml. Silk Oil of Morocco Hair & Skin Treatment serum provides hair and skin with immediate moisture infusion, creating a lustrous finish and superior hydration over a long period. The key active ingredient, Organic Cold Pressed Argan Oil, provides hydration and silkiness to the hair and skin. Rich in Vitamins F, A, C, E and fatty acids that have amazing properties. (It is non-greasy and light.) 60 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 38 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

15 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products ST. TROPEZ ST. TROPEZ ST. TROPEZ ANDLITSKREM / SELF TAN BRONZING FACE LOTION Self Tan Bronzing kremið er sérhannað fyrir andlit og inniheldur alla kosti St.Tropez húðvaranna. Þessi létta formúla gefur þér góðan raka og hraustlegan lit án þess að stífla húðina. 50 ml. SELF TAN BRONZING MOUSSE Með St.Tropez brúnkufroðunni færðu fallegan gylltan lit sem endist í nokkra daga. Þessi margverðlaunaða vara er auðveld í notkun; engar rákir, engin lykt. Berðu froðuna á með Applicator Mitt hanskanaum frá toppi til táar í löngum strokum til að ná fullkominni áferð. 120 ml. Specially designed for the delicate skin on your face, this lotion cleverly combines St.Tropez Self Tan with skin care benefits. This light and easily absorbed lotion delivers intense hydration and a beautiful sun-kissed colour without blocking pores. 50 ml. Self Tan Bronzing Mousse is our multi-award winning best-selling product. It gives you the ultimate sun-kissed glow. This lightweight and tinted formula glides on for a natural looking streak-free all-over tan that lasts for days. Apply from top-to-toe in sweeping motions using an Applicator Mitt for the perfect finish. 120 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 27 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 33 POINTS YVES SAINT LAURENT BABY DOLL MASKARI / YSL BABY DOLL MASCARA Maskarinn greiðir vel í gegnum augnhárin án þess að klessast og augnhárin virðast þykkari. Burstinn er grófur og þéttur sem þekur augnhárin í maskara svo þau virki þétt. A vastly spread look that captures all the light. A micro-faceted brush that creates volume lash by lash: lashes are multiplied, precisely defined, magnified. ISK Approx.* EUR 26 POINTS *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas (ISK). YVES SAINT LAURENT TOUCHE ÉCLAT Gullpenninn máir út öll þreytumerki, t.d. við augu. Notist með og án farða. Hentar öllum húðgerðum. Nr. 2. A travel pen-brush to add a touch of radiance to your skin any time of the day. No. 2. ISK Approx.* EUR 32 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 15

16 Fyrir heimilið For The Home PROBABLY THE WORLD S SMALLEST WATCH MANUFACTURER Our Master Watchmaker never loses his concentration With his legendary concentration and 45 years of experience our Master Watchmaker and renowned craftsman, Gilbert O. Gudjonsson, inspects every single timepiece before it leaves our workshop. All the watches are designed and assembled by hand in Iceland. Only highest quality movements and materials are used to produce the watches and every single detail has been given the time needed for perfection Saga Shop Collection

17 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products Saga Points OFFER // ILSE JACOBSEN ILSE JACOBSEN FRÍSKANDI ANDLITSÚÐI / REFRESHING FACIAL MIST DEKURPAKKI FYRIR FÆTUR / FEET PAMPERING GIFT BAG Frískandi og kælandi andlitsúði. Hreinsar húðina og veitir ljómandi og hraustlegt útlit. Fjöldi næringarefna mýkir húðina og gefur raka og virka efnið úr grænu tei eyðir örverum. Frábært orkuskot fyrir andlitið sem virkar vel yfir andlitsfarðann, styrkir hann og bætir endinguna. Piparmyntusalt fyrir fætur og rósmarín- og sheasmjörsfótakrem ásamt dúnmjúkum bambussokkum. Sannkölluð veisla fyrir lúna fætur. Piparmyntuolía örvar og endurnærir og Sheahnetusmjör tryggir mjúka, teygjanlega og ilmandi húð. Saman í fallegum gjafapoka. 200 ml og 50 ml Peppermint Foot Salts and Rosemary Shea Butter Foot Cream along with soft bamboo fiber socks for deep hydration provide an exclusive treatment for tired feet. Peppermint oil stimulates and refreshes and shea butter ensures soft, supple and fragrant skin. In a lovely gift bag. 200 ml and 50 ml ISK Approx.* EUR 46 POINTS Cooling and refreshing facial mist, which effectively cleans your skin and leaves it with a beautiful glow. Full of minerals and a unique anti-bacterial effect, while it moisturises the skin. It s perfect to give your face an energy boost and works great on top of make up, since it leaves the make up more firm and longer lasting. ISK Approx.* EUR 24 POINTS R ILSE by ILSE JACOBSEN offers a luxurious spa experience for body and soul, giving you the opportunity to take the spa experience into the comfort of your home. Saga Shop Collection 17

18 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products CELLULAR PERFORMANCE Why Double Moisturising? Also available in trial sizes (60 ml/50ml) To PRIME clean skin and ENRICH your complexion. SENSAI s Double Moisturising ritual is designed to fully replenish the skin, first by hydrating and priming, then by adding enriching nourishment for a revitalised complexion. A total anti-ageing skincare formula enriched with Koishimaru Silk EX, new CELLULAR PERFORMANCE tackles the signs of skin ageing to nurture silky skin. 18 Saga Shop Collection Skin enriched with the moisture of Silk

19 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products Saga Points OFFER // NEW SENSAI SENSAI CELLULAR PERFORMANCE DOUBLE MOISTURISING SET SENSAI Cellular Performance Double Moisturising Set inniheldur fjóra hluti. Fyrst er 60 ml næringarríkt rakavatn sem undirbýr húðina og vinnur á þann veg að vörurnar sem á eftir koma gera sem best gagn. Næst er 50 ml uppbyggjandi rakakrem sem hægir á öldrun. Með fylgir mánaðarskammtur af hreinsiolíunni Cleansing Oil 30 ml og 30 ml af Creamy Soap sápunni. SENSAI Cellular Performance Double Moisturising Set contains: Lotion 60 ml, to prime the skin and maximise the effect of moisturising products that follow, a total anti-ageing Emulsion 50 ml and Charm size of Cleansing Oil 30 ml and Creamy Soap 30 ml. ISK Approx. EUR 69 Points SENSAI SÓLARGEL / INSTANT TANNING Frískandi litað gel sem gefur frábæran raka. Sveipar húðina glæsilegri bronslitri hulu með silkimjúkri áferð og raka sem helst allan daginn. Litur: ml. Tinted gel with 70% water and a supremely refreshing texture. Hydrates and protects while veiling the skin in sheer bronze colour with a silky-smooth finish. Colour: ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 35 POINTS SENSAI SENSAI MASCARA VOLUMISING Stórfengleg áhrif. 38 C Volumising maskarinn frá Sensai gerir augnhárin þykkari, þéttari og dekkri. Þolir tár, svita og vatn en hreinsast auðveldlega af með 38 heitu vatni. The 38 C Volumising Mascara from Sensai thickens each individual lash for a striking look. Mascara 38 C is the world s first smudge-proof mascara that can be rinsed away effortlessly with warm water. ISK Approx.* EUR 26 POINTS *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas (ISK). SENSAI SENSAI TRIPLE TOUCH COMPACT Þrjár vörur í einni öskju. Allt sem þú þarft í veskið þitt. Askjan inniheldur litlaust rakagefandi farðaundirlag sem mildar hrukkur og misfellur, kremhyljara sem hylur bauga og silkimjúkt púður sem sveipar húðina fallegri áferð sem endist vel og lengi. Áferð húðarinnar verður lýtalaus og þökk sé silkinu ljómar húðin daglangt. Litur: TC02 (Medium). A treatment concealer trio for flawless, hydrating coverage. It visibly smooths fine lines and pores while effectively camouflaging dark circles and discolouration. Provides a silky-soft finishing powder for a lasting, comfortable veil. Colour: TC02 (Medium). ISK Approx.* EUR 39 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 19

20 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products You earn Icelandair Saga Points for your flight and for all of your purchases on board. BENEFIT WATT'S UP ÁHERSLUFARÐI / WATT'S UP Láttu fegurðina njóta sín! Fínlegur áherslufarði með daufum kampavínslit sem ljær andlitinu unaðslegan gljáa. Berðu farðann á kinnar og undir augabrúnir og lagaðu hann til með mjúkum pensli. Það geislar af þér sem aldrei fyrr. Fyrir allan húðlit. Turn on watt ya got! Our delicate champagne sheer highlighter smoothes on a gorgeous glow. Glide on cheek and brow bones... then sculpt with the soft-glow blender for the perfect gleam. With a cream-to-powder finish... it s a switch on wow for all complexions. ISK Approx.* EUR 24 POINTS BENEFIT BENEFIT THEY RE REAL MASKARI / THEY RE REAL MASCARA EYELINER / THEY RE REAL PUSH UP LINER Þessi endingargóði, kolsvarti og gljáandi maskari töfrar fram augnhár sem þú vissir ekki að þú hefðir. Sikksakk hönnun burstans nær næstum alveg upp að rót og lengir þannig augnhárin og gerir þau meira áberandi. Þú þarft ekki að hafa áhyggjur lengur af of stuttum augnhárum. Fyrsti gel-eyelinerinn sem komið var fyrir í penna! Mattur og svartur eyeliner sem kámast ekki, fer ekki af og þornar ekki upp. Mjúkur oddur pennans kemst að rótum augnháranna alla leið frá augnkrók að gagnauga. Því nær sem línan er rótunum, því stærra virðist augað! This long-wearing, jet-black, glossy formula reveals lashes you never knew you had. Staggered bristles on the specially designed brush grab lashes close to the root, boosting length and volume, aiming to please even your tiniest lashes. It s the FIRST EVER lash-hugging gel liner in a pen! This matte black gel formula won t smudge, budge or dry out, and the innovative soft AccuFlex Tip hugs your lashline from corner to corner. The closer the line, the bigger the eye! ISK Approx.* EUR 19 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 20 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

21 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products SMASHBOX AUGABRÚNASETT / BROW TECH TO GO BRUNETTE Fáðu fullkomnar augabrúnir á ferðinni. Brow Tech settið hentar vel á ferðalögum. Það inniheldur skorinn vatnsheldan bursta til að fylla inn í og forma, ásamt bursta með geli sem heldur augabrúnunum á sínum stað. Inniheldur c-vítamín, e-vítamín og jojoba. Get perfectly polished brows on the go. Our iconic Brow Tech is now in a portable, travel-friendly version. The double-ended component includes an angled waterproof pencil for precise filling and defining, as well as a softhold gel with a brow brush applicator to groom brows perfectly into place. Also with vitamin C & E and jojoba for added healthy-skin benefits. ISK Approx.* EUR 20 POINTS SMASHBOX STEP BY STEP CONTOUR KIT Dragðu fram kinnbeinin, fullkomnaðu nefið og mótaðu kjálkalínuna með þessum púðrum sem hægt er að blanda saman. Púðrin eru í algengum litum sem henta langflestum húðgerðum. SMASHBOX WHY YOU LL LOVE IT PHOTO FINISH Define your cheekbones, perfect your nose and sculpt your jawline with this palette of blendable powders in universal shades to match your skin tone. JUST THE FACTS: Includes: 3 powders to contour, bronze and highlight Angled contour brush SHAPEMATTERS insert with how-to s for your face shape ISK Approx.* EUR 45 POINTS Vinsæll grunnfarði frá Smashbox, með flauelsmjúku yfirborði sem hylur fíngerðar hrukkur og misfellur á húðinni. Bæði er hægt að nota blönduna eina og sér og undir farða svo að hann endist lengur. 30 ml. Create a perfect base for foundation application with this silky, lightweight blend of vitamins A and E, grape seed extract and green tea. Worn alone or under foundation to increase its longevity, this best-selling primer helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and pores for flawless skin with a velvety-smooth finish. Oil-free. 30 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 28 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 21

22 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products Saga Points OFFER // EYESLICES SÁPUSMIÐJAN AUGNPÚÐAR / EYESLICES ÍSLENSKA SÁPUTRÍÓIÐ / THE ICELANDIC SOAP TRIO Klínískar rannsóknir sýna að eyeslices vinnur m.a. á þrota, baugum, fínum línum og ummerkjum þreytu í kringum augun á aðeins 5 mínútum. Augnpúðana má nota allt að 10 sinnum innan 2ja vikna. Öflug suður-afrísk jurt, Aloe Ferox, er uppistaðan í virkum efnum augnpúðanna sem eru ofnæmisprófaðir. Kærkominn ferðafélagi sem býður ferskleika og fegurð án fyrirhafnar. You only need 5 minutes to use eyeslices in order to see and feel the difference. The re-usable eye gels target puffiness and dark circles, tiredness and redness as well as premature ageing. Aloe Ferox, nature s bestkept secret, is a key ingredient that unlocks the soothing, calming and restorative properties. relax restore revive Þrjár handgerðar sápur saman í kassa sem eiga það sameiginlegt að í hverri þeirri er ögn af íslenskri náttúru. Birkisápa ilmar eins og íslenskt birkilauf og inniheldur auk þess shea-smjör, makadamíuhnetuolíu og hampfræjaolíu. Sápan er með mildum skrúbbeiginleikum sem hentar öllum. Eldfjallasápa er einstök sápa sem inniheldur fíngerða ösku úr Eyjafjallajökli og shea-smjör. Góð skrúbbsápa með mýkjandi áhrifum. Jöklasápa er búin til úr ísvatni úr Snæfellsjökli og inniheldur auk þess m.a. kókosolíu, ólífuolíu og shea-smjör. A gift box with three handcrafted soap bars, each soap containing a little bit of Icelandic nature for your enjoyment and well-being. The Birch Soap has the fragrance of Icelandic birch leaves and birch oil and is also made from both shea butter and several high-quality pure oils. The Volcano Soap is full of ash from Eyjafjallajökull, which makes this soap a scrubby one. Thanks to the shea butter, the skin will be smooth and nourished after the removal of dead skin cells. The Glacier Soap is made with pure glacial water from the famous Snæfellsjökull, coconut oil, olive oil, sheabutter and palm oil, and has the scent of a fresh lime breeze. The perfect souvenir from Iceland the perfect gift to a dear friend. ISK Approx.* EUR 17 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 21 POINTS HANDMADE NATURAL SOAPS WITH A LITTLE BIT OF ICELAND IN EACH OF THEM At Sápusmiðjan, a small soap workshop in Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland, all soaps are handmade in small batches from pure oils of the highest quality from around the world. They also use rich butters and other rich oils to enhance the moisturizing capabilities of the soaps, natural herbs and safe fragrance oils. The soaps are allowed to air-cure naturally for three to five weeks. During the first two weeks of curing, the saponification process is completed, and as the soaps continue to cure, most of the water used in the recipes evaporates. The curing process ensures a milder, harder, longer-lasting bar, with rich lather. 22 Saga Shop Collection

23 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products Saga Points OFFER // CRABTREE & EVELYN HAND TRIO HANDÁBURÐIR / HAND THERAPY Þrír frábærir handáburðir í HAND TRIO frá Crabtree & Evelyn: La Source, Tarocco Orange og Avocado. Handáburðirnir innihalda shea smjör og macadamia-hnetuolíu sem veitir höndunum einstaka næringu og raka og silkimjúka áferð, ásamt myrru sem styrkir neglur og naglabönd. Ómissandi í handtöskuna. Án litarefna og parabena. 3 x 25 g. Crabtree & Evelyn s HAND TRIO features luxurious Hand Therapy creams in three beautiful fragrances: La Source, Tarocco Orange and Avocado. These intensive conditioning creams are formulated with shea butter and macadamia nut oil to moisturise and soften hands, along with myrrh to help condition cuticles and nails. They melt instantly into dehydrated skin and will leave hands feeling softer with each use. Formulated without colour, parabens, mineral oil and propylene glycol. 3 x 25 g. ISK Approx.* EUR 16 POINTS CRABTREE & EVELYN ELIZABETH ARDEN GREEN TEA HONEY DROPS BODY CREAM Gæðakrem fyrir líkamann með rakagefandi, gullnum hunangsdropum sem mýkja þurra húð. Inniheldur einnig grænt te og hunang. 250 ml. A luxurious super-emollient cream for the body, with ultra-moisturising, golden honey drops that soften and condition dry skin. Infused with green tea and real honey. 250 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 24 POINTS CLARINS AVOCADO, OLIVE & BASIL HANDÁBURÐUR / HAND THERAPY GLOSS / INSTANT LIGHT NATURAL LIP PERFECTOR Avocado handáburðurinn með ólívum og basil er verðlaunahandáburður frá Crabtree & Evelyn. Handáburðurinn inniheldur einstaklega nærandi og rakagefandi efni fyrir hendur, enda er avocado ávöxturinn þekktur fyrir að vera ríkur af næringarefnum. Sérstök blanda c- og e-vítamína og myrru hjálpar til við að styrkja neglur og naglabönd. Avocado með ólívum og basil veitir höndum þínum raka, næringu og silkimjúka áferð. Án litarefna og parabena. 100 g. Gullfallegt, glæsilegt og gefandi gloss frá Clarins. Gefur vörunum samstundis meiri fyllingu og gerir þær náttúrulega fallegar og gljáandi. 12 ml. Litur 01. Discover our award-winning Avocado, Olive & Basil Hand Therapy. It is packed with ultra-moisturising ingredients to keep your hands smooth and silky. Specially formulated with a blend of vitamins C and E along with myrrh extract to help condition nails and cuticles. This will leave your hands wonderfully soft and supple. Formulated without colour, parabens, mineral oil, and propylene glycol. 100 g. A softly textured lip gel with a deliciously sweet scent. Lips are left looking soft, smooth, shiny and plump. Sheer, but has enough colour to wear alone or to complement your favourite lip shade. 12 ml. Shade 01. ISK Approx.* EUR 15 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 16 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 23

24 Fyrir heimilið For The Home Significantly reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles Increased skin thickness* Increased skin density* BEFORE Based on 10 years of biotechnology research in Iceland Stimulates and accelerates skin cell renewal Contains EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), a Nobel prize winning skin protein, made in barley AFTER USING BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM FOR 30 DAYS *According to an independent, scientific half-face study 24 Saga Shop Collection

25 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products Saga Points OFFER // BIOEFFECT EGF BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM Byltingakenndir húðdropar sem bæta áferð húðarinnar og gefa henni ljóma. BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM inniheldur EGF frumuvaka sem stuðlar að endurnýjun húðfrumna og hægir á náttúrulegu ferli öldrunar. BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM vinnur gegn hrukkum og fínum línum og endurnýjar náttúrulegan ljóma húðarinnar. Án ilm-, litar- og rotvarnarefna og annarra þekktra ofnæmisvaka. Hentar ölllum húðgerðum. Íslensk framleiðsla. 15 ml / 0.5 oz Internationally acclaimed BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM is a ground-breaking anti-ageing serum that delivers visible, dramatic improvements to the skin. BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM utilises the proven anti-ageing power of EGF to restore the skin's youthful radiance, rejuvenate its complexion, and minimise signs of ageing. Suitable for all skin types and contains no oils, fragrance or preservatives. Made in Iceland 15 ml / 0.5 oz ISK Approx.* EUR 79 POINTS THESE ITEMS ARE BEST-SELLERS Saga Points OFFER // Saga Points OFFER // BIOEFFECT EGF BIOEFFECT EGF DAY SERUM Háþróuð íslensk húðvara sem gerir húðina unglegri og heilbrigðari útlits. Sérstaklega þróað til notkunar á morgnana, viðheldur réttu rakajafnvægi húðarinnar, hefur mjúka og þægilega áferð og hentar vel undir farða. BIOEFFECT EGF DAY SERUM inniheldur EGF frumuvaka, prótein sem er náttúrulegt húðinni og vinnur gegn áhrifum öldrunar. Hentar öllum húðgerðum. 30 ml Advanced anti-ageing serum, which delivers multiple anti-ageing benefits during daytime use. It improves skin tone and texture, restores the skin's moisture balance and provides a smooth finish, perfect for applying under make-up. BIOEFFECT EGF DAY SERUM contains EGF, a cellular activator natural to human skin. Suitable for all skin types. Made in Iceland. 30 ml ISK Approx.* EUR 72 POINTS BIOEFFECT EGF BIOEFFECT EGF EYE SERUM Endurnærandi gel sem er sérstaklega þróað fyrir húðina í kringum augun. Það inniheldur EGF frumuvaka, prótein sem er náttúrulegt húðinni og vinnur gegn áhrifum öldrunar. Það dregur úr þrota og fínum línum og nærir húðina á augnsvæðinu. Án olíu, parabena og ilmefna. Ofnæmisprófað af augnlæknum og hentar öllum húðgerðum. Íslensk framleiðsla. 6 ml Powerful, revitalizing anti-ageing eye serum, specifically developed to target the delicate eye area. It reduces puffiness under the eyes, the appearance of fine lines and provides radiance and firmness. BIOEFFECT EGF EYE SERUM contains EGF, a cellular activator natural to human skin. Contains no oils, fragrances or parabens. Clinically tested by opthalmologists and suitable for all skin types. Made in Iceland. 6 ml ISK Approx.* EUR 46 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 25

26 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products ICELANDIC PRODUCT Saga Points OFFER // DR BRAGI DR BRAGI RAKAKREM / DR BRAGI MOISTURISER FROM ICELAND Dr Bragi rakakremið inniheldur ofurvirk sjávarensím sem styðja við endurnýjun og hreinsun húðarinnar innan frá. Kremið kemur jafnvægi á rakastig húðarinnar, er græðandi og vinnur gegn öldrun hennar. Húðin verður mýkri, bjartari og stinnari. Dr Bragi er án rotvarnarefna, ilmefna, fitu og olíu. Kremið virkar sem serum, dag-, nætur- og augnkrem allt í senn. 15 ml. Dr Bragi s formula contains his unique super active marine enzymes with the added hydrating and plumping abilities of hyaluronic acid. This versatile facial moisturiser helps to reduce the signs of ageing by fighting the effects of environmental stress, preventing the breakdown of collagen and supporting optimal cell function. This exceptional oil-free moisturiser instantly nourishes the skin, whilst marine enzymes continuously smooth, exfoliate and cleanse from deep within the skin. 15 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 39 POINTS ICELANDIC PRODUCT MY FAVORITE PRODUCTS Margrét Bryngeirsdóttir Cabin Crew since 2007 MAKING THE MOST OF ON-BOARD DUTY-FREE I always travel with a good moisturiser and face mask. I like the masks from Dr. Bragi, and they re very travel-friendly. Good hand creams, lip balms, foot gels or other creams to freshen up tired feet are also musthaves. Lastly, and one of the most important things for me when I travel, is a travel speaker. To be able to listen to my favorite music, turn up the volume a bit is a great way to start the day and a absolute must when I'm in my hotel room getting ready for a flight. The JAM Platinum Bluetooth speaker is fantastic and easy to travel with, it s small with good sound, and it s super easy to connect it to any phone or tablet via Blue-tooth. I think it s great that you can order all the products from Saga Shop online and have them delivered on your flight. That way, you can guarantee that the thing you want is available, and the site also features more products than the on-board catalogue, plus some great onlineonly offers. If I wanted to spoil my boyfriend with gifts from Saga Shop, these would be at the top of my list: 26 Saga Shop Collection a beautiful watch (I think the black Boss one would be perfect); something warm, like JÖR socks or the cap and gloves from 66 North; and on the tech side, I think the photo lens system for the smartphone or tablet would do the trick! DR BRAGI The last thing I bought from Saga Shop was the JAM Platinum Bluetooth speaker and I absolutely love it! For my next buy, I have my eyes on the new face mist from Ilse Jacobsen, which I think is a great way to moisturise during a flight. I also want the Oil of Morocco hair and skin treatment it s great to add a little oil moisture during cold winter months. Lastly, I d pick the leather bracelet from Sif Jakobs. I think it s the perfect balance of cool and bling. DR BRAGI ANDLITSMASKI / DR BRAGI MASK FROM ICELAND My favourite city is Seattle. I just love the West Coast vibe: alternative and a bit more chilled, mixed with health food, grungy rock and tattoos. One of my favourite things to do is to walk around at Pike Place Public Market and buy fruit, flowers and fresh pasta. One of my favourite shops is also in Seattle, KuKuRuZa Gourmet Popcorn. I love popcorn, and it has over 15 different variations. I always stop there on my way back from the market and pick up a couple of bags! This innovative professional-strength marine enzyme mask is designed to rapidly target redness, dehydration, loss of firmness and signs of premature ageing. Experience a Dr Bragi treatment from home with this fabric mask, ensuring outstanding results in an instant. The skin appears plumper, smoother and brighter. Particularly recommended for stressed, fragile or sensitive skin types. Ideal for a pre-party rejuvenating boost. Includes 3 masks. Dr Bragi INTENSIVE TREATMENT MASK býður upp á hámarks styrkleika sjávarensíma í einum maska sem er afar virkur og tryggir sýnilegan árangur. Maskinn dregur úr roða, fínum línum, þrota og þurrki. Mýkir húðina og gefur henni bjartara og fallegra yfirbragð. Tilvalinn kvöldið áður en mikið liggur við og í ferðalagið. Jafnast á við 15 mínútna andlitsbað. 3 stk. saman í pakka. ISK Approx.* EUR 33 POINTS 8.000

27 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products ORGANIQUE NATURAL SVITAKRISTALL / NATURAL CRYSTAL DEODORANT Natural svitakristallinn er lyktarlaus, 100% náttúrulegur svitalyktareyðir sem hentar öllum húðgerðum. Hann drepur bakteríurnar sem valda lyktarmynduninni og hentar mjög viðkvæmri húð og húð með ofnæmi þar sem hann inniheldur engin rotvarnarefni, ónáttúruleg litarefni eða alkóhól. The natural crystal deodorant is a fragrance-free, 100% natural deodorant designed for all skin types. Eliminates the bacteria responsible for odour formation, is hypoallergenic, and contains no preservatives, artificial colours or alcohol safe for very sensitive and/or allergic skin ISK Approx.* EUR 13 POINTS ORGANIQUE HAND CREAM FROM ORGANIQUE Organique handáburðurinn. Nærandi, styrkjandi og rakagefandi. Gerir húðina flauelsmjúka og ilmandi af ferskum trönuberjum. Ætlaður til daglegra nota. Handáburðurinn er án allra aukaefna. 100 ml. Organique hand cream. Regenerates, nourishes and moisturizes. Leaves the skin with a velvety finish and the scent of fresh cranberries. Recommended for daily use. 100 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 16 POINTS ORGANIQUE FÓTAGEL / FOOT & LEG GEL Raki, mýkt og frískleiki. Frískir fætur allan daginn með fótagelinu frá Organique. Fótagelið dregur úr þreytu og pirringi í fótum og mýkir húðina. Fótagelið er án allra aukaefna. 100 ml. Hydrates, soothes and refreshes. A soothing gel for foot care. Especially recommended for tired, aching legs that tend to get swollen. 100 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 17 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 27

28 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products ICELANDIC: NATURALLY PURE SKIN CARE Made with hand-picked wild Icelandic herbs The woman behind Sóley Organics is Icelandic actress Sóley Elíasdóttir. Now she has left the stage to embrace a family tradition that goes back generations: harnessing the healing properties of herbs. From the integrity of our ingredients to the expertise we pass on to our customers, at Sóley Organics we are passionate about healthy skin and dedicated to keeping the environment pure. All our products are made in Iceland, with renewable energy. The water in our products is pure Icelandic spring water from a mountain called Kaldbakur. Due to the short Icelandic summers, the wild herbs must absorb vast amounts of energy and nutrients in a short period of time so they can survive the harsh, dark winter. Found in Iceland's vast landscapes, the powerful herbs are renowned for being strong and effective. SÓLEY products are made with hand-picked wild Icelandic herbs, carefully selected for powerful results. These special blends are environmentally friendly and preservative-free. Take care of your skin and your environment. Saga Points OFFER // SÓLEY SÓLEY EYGLÓ ORGANICS PURE MOISTURE WITH WILD ICELANDIC HERBS GRÆÐIR ORGANICS HEALING CREAM WITH WILD ICELANDIC HERBS Nærir og dregur fram náttúrulegan ljóma húðarinnar. Andlitskremið er ríkt af andoxunarefnum sem næra þurra og þreytta húð, endurbyggja húðfrumur og auka teygjanleika húðarinnar. eygló inniheldur kvöldvorrósarolíu og villtar íslenskar jurtir. 60 ml. Náttúrulegt alhliða krem án nokkurra aukaefna. Þessi einstaka blanda hefur margsannað virkni sína gegn ýmisskonar exemum, sóríasis, ertingu í húð, brunasárum, sveppasýkingu, bleyjuútbrotum, þurrkblettum og minni sárum. GRÆÐIR er unninn úr handtíndum villtum íslenskum lækningajurtum. 30 ml. eygló (which means forever young in Icelandic) nourishes and renews your skin s natural GLOW. This concentrated moisturizer is rich in radiancegiving antioxidants that revitalize dry and dull complexions, improve skin elasticity and promote longevity of the skin. eygló contains evening primrose and hand-picked wild Icelandic herbs. 60 ml. GRÆÐIR (which means healer in Icelandic) is an all-purpose organic healing cream free of any additives. This powerful ointment has consistently proved effective on various forms of eczema, psoriasis, skin irritation, burn wounds, yeast infections, diaper rash, dry skin and minor wounds. GRÆÐIR contains hand-picked wild Icelandic healing herbs. 30 ml. ISK Approx.* EUR 40 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 21 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

29 Snyrtivörur Beauty Products USING THE POWER AND CHARMS OF NATURE TO HEAL AND BEAUTIFY Villimey, the organic herbal company, offers a wide range of 100 per cent organic Icelandic salves. Choose from products that treat everything from baby rash to sore joints and itchy feet, as well as those that beautify skin and heal wounds. The charm behind the products are the ingredients Icelandic herbs that are hand-picked from the pure, untainted environment of the West Fjords, with clean water and unpolluted air. Alla Thorsteinsdottir, the founder of Villimey, and her team take great care to gather only the healthiest herbs in peak condition. 1 2 The knowledge of using herbs for medicinal purposes comes from age-old traditions and Icelandic wisdom, passed on by word-of-mouth from generation to generation over hundreds of years. Villimey started out as a hobby at the kitchen table over 20 years ago and is a thriving cottage industry today. Their passion for purity has been recognised with an international organic certification. Villimey products contain no preservatives and no added fragrances or colour. 3 VILLIMEY GJAFA/FERÐA-SETT FRÁ VILLIMEY / GIFT/TRAVEL SET FROM VILLIMEY 1. Lífrænn VÖÐVA OG LIÐA GALDUR reynist sérstaklega vel fyrir hverskonar bólgur eða verki. Smyrsl fyrir vöðvabólgu, beinhimnubólgu, liðverki, sinaskeiðabólgu, vaxtaverki, höfuðverk, íþróttameiðsl, þreytta fætur og skordýrabit. 2. Lífrænn SÁRA GALDUR er öflugt græðismyrsl sem hefur reynst einstaklega vel á brunasár, legusár, fótasár, sóríasis, sólbruna, gyllinæð, sár og skrámur. 3. VARA GALDUR er sérstaklega græðandi og mýkjandi á varaþurrk, sprungnar varir og frunsur. Gefur fallegan gljáa og hentugur undir eða yfir varalit. 1. Organic MUSCLE & JOINT CHARM is known to relieve swelling and pain. Use this balm for muscle pain or tension in back and shoulders, sports injury, headaches, joint pain, tired feet or even insect bites. Apply directly to clean, dry skin, rubbing gently. VILLIMEY VÖÐVA OG LIÐA GALDUR / MUSCLE & JOINT CHARM Lífrænn VÖÐVA OG LIÐA GALDUR er áhirfaríkt smyrsl sem hefur reynst sérstaklega vel gegn vöðvabólgu, beinhimnubólgu, liðverkjum, sinaskeiðabólgu, vaxtaverkjum og íþróttameiðslum, reynist þreyttum, bólgnum fótum vel. Gott er að nudda smyrslinu vel á aum svæði. Rannsóknir staðfesta að Vöðva og liða galdur er bólgueyðandi og stuðlar að minni bólgumyndun í vöðvum og liðum. Berið á fætur, bak, axlir, enni, liði og jafnvel skordýrabit. Smyrslið er unnið úr íslenskum jurtum, sérvöldum og handtíndum í hreinni náttúru Vestfjarða þegar virkni þeirra er hvað mest. Án allra rotvarnar-, ilm- og litarefna. ph 7, ml. 3. The LIP CHARM is a soothing and healing salve for dry lips. The balm is recommended for use as a base coat or top layer for lipstick. Lip Charm has shown to be effective for cold sores. The organic MUSCLE & JOINT CHARM contains a special blend of herbs that have been carefully selected to relieve swelling and pain. The salve has proven particularly beneficial for muscle tension and pain, shin splints, joint pain, tenosynovitis, growing pains, sports injury and tired or swollen feet. Use this balm for feet, back, shoulders, the forehead and joints, as well as on insect bites. Research confirms the Muscle & Joint Charm reduces inflammation and swelling in muscles and joints. Organic handpicked herbs. No preservatives and no added fragrance or colour. Apply directly on clean, dry skin, rubbing gently. ph ml / 1.6 oz ISK Approx.* EUR 27 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 24 POINTS Organic WOUND CHARM is a powerful salve known to be effective for minor cuts, skin abrasions, sunburn, herpes simplex, psoriasis, leg ulcers, mild bedsores and hemorrhoids. *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas (ISK). Saga Shop Collection 29

30 Fyrir heimilið For The Home Straight from the box or straight from the freezer, these wonders of Blue Lagoon skin care enable the complete cycle of healthy, radiant skin: nourish, deep cleanse, rejuvenate. NOURISH DEEP CLEANSE REJUVENATE Lava Scrub Ice Cube Silica Mud Mask Ice Cube Algae Mask Ice Cube Composed of lava from the fields surrounding the Blue Lagoon, this dark scrub strengthens the skin s barrier function while also renewing and balancing the skin. An iconic element of the Blue Lagoon, the natural silica mud mask deep cleanses, strengthens, and balances the skin. This natural algae mask gives the skin a radiant glow and diminishes the lines and wrinkles of time and age. 30 Saga Shop Collection

31 Special Children Travel Fund WHEN YOU PURCHASE THE SILICA MUD MASK YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE VILDARBÖRN, ICELANDAIR S SPECIAL CHILDREN TRAVEL FUND. Snyrtivörur Beauty Products BLUE LAGOON GJAFIR NÁTTÚRUNNAR / GIFTS OF NATURE Njóttu náttúrulegra efna Bláa Lónsins í fallegri gjafaöskju sem inniheldur Lava Scrub, Silica Mud Mask og Algae Mask í handhægum einnota kubbum sem má frysta. Hægt er að nota hvern skammt ófrosinn eða beint úr frystinum þegar skjótrar hressingar er þörf eða eitthvað sérstakt stendur til. Hver vara getur verið notuð ein og sér eða saman í eftirfarandi röð: Lava Scrub, Silica Mud Mask og Algae Mask. Enjoy our natural elements in a gift box containing the best of Blue Lagoon: Lava Scrub, Silica Mud Mask, and Algae Mask, in handy ice cube monodoses. Each dose provides a quick boost and can be applied straight from the box or straight from the freezer. Use the doses separately or together in the following order: Lava Scrub, Silica Mud Mask, Algae Mask. Perfect for special occasions and unexpected adventures! 8 x 7 ml / 8 x 0,23 fl.oz ISK Approx. EUR 28 Points Saga Points OFFER // BLUE LAGOON RICH REJUVENATING CREAM Nærandi andlitskremið vinnur með húð þinni til að auka ljóma húðarinnar og stuðlar að því að viðhalda kollagenforða hennar. Hjálpar til við að draga úr sýnileika á fínum línum og hrukkum Hentar bæði venjulegri og þurri húð. Berið á andlit og háls kvölds og morgna eftir hreinsun. The Rich Rejuvenating Cream helps you maintain a timeless glow and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Suitable for normal to dry skin. Apply to face and neck after cleansing. Use day and night and enjoy nature s touch. 50 ml. ISK Approx. EUR 78 Points BLUE LAGOON BLUE LAGOON KÍSILL / SILICA MUD MASK ICE CUBE Hvíti kísilmaskinn, sem er náttúrulegur og auðkennandi fyrir Bláa Lónið, djúphreinsar, styrkir og jafnar áferð húðarinnar. Dregur einnig úr sýnileika húðhola. Hægt er að nota hvern skammt ófrosinn eða beint úr frystinum þegar skjótrar hressingar er þörf eða eitthvað sérstakt stendur til. Berið maskann á hreina húð og forðist augnsvæðið. Látið bíða í 5 10 mínútur og skolið af með ylvolgu vatni. Notið síðan uppáhalds Blue Lagoon andlitskremið ykkar. The white Silica Mud Mask is an all-natural Blue Lagoon product that deep-cleanses and strengthens your skin while reducing the visibility of pores. Each dose can be applied unfrozen or straight from the freezer when you really need an energy boost. Perfect for that special occasion! Apply the mask to face and neck, avoiding the eye area, and leave on for 5 10 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Finish by applying your favorite Blue Lagoon face cream and let nature embrace you 8 x 7 ml / 8 x 0,23 fl.oz ISK Approx. EUR 50 Points Saga Shop Collection 31

32 Sætindi Sweets OMNOM CHOCOLATE OMNOM CHOCOLATE Omnom er íslensk súkkulaðigerð sem framleiðir súkkulaði úr lífrænt ræktuðum kakóbaunum. Sérinnpakkað súkkulaði fyrir Icelandair. Madagascar 66% Omnom Chocolate is a bean-to-bar chocolate maker based in Iceland. Our Icelandair Selection comes in a special 3 pack. Lakkrís + Sea Salt ISK Approx.* EUR 20 POINTS Saga Shop Collection Sea-Salted Almonds + Milk 45%

33 Sætindi / Minjagripir GIF RFECT THE PE D N RIE FOR A F Sweets / Souvenirs T NEW Save 300 ISK when you buy this tour on-board! SPECIAL TOURS / HVALASKOÐUN / WHALE WATCHING Komdu og heimsæktu stærstu dýr landsins með okkur úti á hinum fallega Faxaflóa og lærðu allt um hvali, sjófugla og það sem fyrir augu ber! Join us on the biggest whale watching boat in Iceland! Fantastic inside and outside areas with plenty of space for everyone and a café & souvenir shop on board! This tour has an educational & interactive focus! Fullorðnir ISK Approx. EUR 60 Points Börn ISK Approx. EUR 29 Points JOHAN BÜLOW LAKKRÍS / LAKRIDS BY JOHAN BÜLOW Lakrids eftir Johan Bülow er hin fullkomna gjöf sem þú vilt örugglega halda út af fyrir þig. Með hina íslensku hefð að vopni þar sem lakkrís og súkkulaði eru pöruð saman hefur Lakrids eftir Johan Bülow búið til vöru sem sniðin er að þeim sem elska sætindi og gera kröfu um gæði. A-lakkrísinn er með miðju úr sætum lakkrís sem er hjúpaður rjómasúkkulaði og lakkrísdufti. Hann er í miklu uppáhaldi hjá okkur og vonandi verður hann það einnig hjá þér. 172 g. From LAKRIDS by Johan Bülow the perfect gift you will not want to share. By borrowing an old Icelandic tradition of pairing liquorice and chocolate, LAKRIDS by Johan Bülow has created liquorice that caters to the quality-minded as well as the lover of sweets. With a sweet liquorice centre, covered in creamy milk chocolate, drizzled in liquorice powder, the A-liquorice is a true favourite of ours and hopefully yours too. 172 g. ISK Approx. EUR 8 Points NEW Save 300 ISK when you buy this tour on-board! SPECIAL TOURS / NORÐURLJÓSAFERÐ / NORTHERN LIGHTS Frábær leið til að njóta norðurljósa Íslands með einstakt umhverfi og borgarljósin fögru í bakgrunni. An amazing way to hunt for the northern lights. A once-in-a-lifetime experience as you learn about the myths and scientific phenomena of the famous aurora borealis! Fullorðnir ISK Approx. EUR 60 Points Börn ISK Approx. EUR 29 Points *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas (ISK). Saga Shop Collection 33

34 Fyrir heimilið For The Home This stunning timepiece is brought to you from the Seksy ntense ollection. 34 Saga Shop Collection eaturing a rose gold plated two tone bracelet and a ne crystal be el set with 2 S S TS. The look is completed with a salmon pink coloured dial and is ideal for both daytime and e ening wear. Guaranteed for 2 years.

35 Úr Watches THE PERFECT GIFT FOR HER Saga Points OFFER // SEKONDA ÚR / WATCH Þjónustuaðili: Helgi Sigurðsson Skólavörðustíg Þetta glæsilega dömuúr kemur úr Seksy Intense tískulínunni frá SEKONDA. Sérkenni þess er tvílit rósgullin keðjan og fallegur kassinn settur 132 ekta SWAROVSKI steinum. Fullkomið útlit sem hentar bæði til daglegra nota og við hátíðleg tækifæri. Tveggja ára ábyrgð. This stunning timepiece is brought to you from the Seksy Intense Collection. Featuring a rose gold plated two-tone bracelet, a fine crystal bezel set with 132 SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS. The look is completed with a salmon pink coloured dial and is ideal for both daytime and evening wear. Guaranteed for 2 years. ISK Approx.* EUR 131 POINTS SEKONDA Þjónustuaðili: Helgi Sigurðsson Skólavörðustíg ÚR / WATCH SEKONDA dömuarmbandsúr. Fallega löguð hvít skífa er alsett glitrandi steinum og úr ekta perlumóðurskel. Armbandið fellur sérstaklega vel að hendinni og úrið er vatnsþolið að 50 metrum. Úrið er með tveggja ára ábyrgð. Sekonda ladies watch. This stunning ladies watch features a white mother-of-pearl dial and stone-set case. The elegant inlay bracelet and 50 metre water resistant function make this watch ideal for both daytime and evening wear. Guaranteed for 2 years. ISK Approx.* EUR 70 POINTS This stunning ladies watch features a white mother of pearl dial and stone set case. The elegant inlay bracelet and 50 metre water resistancy function make this watch ideal for both daytime and e ening wear. Two-year guarantee. Saga Shop Collection 35

36 Úr Watches SEKONDA ÚR / WATCH SEKONDA Chronograph sportúr fyrir herra hentar íþróttamanninum. Skífan og armbandið mynda glæsilega heild þökk sé fallegri notkun á svörtum lit og fyrir vikið sker úrið sig úr. Sýnir einnig 24 tíma tímamælingu. Tvöföld öryggissylgja á armbandi. Úrið er vatnsþolið allt að 50 metrum og er með tveggja ára ábyrgð. SEKONDA Gents Sports Chronograph Watch. A watch for the active sportsman. The fusion of black throughout the watch head and bracelet makes this watch stand out from the crowd. Features include a one-second chronograph, 24-hour readout, date, a double lock safety clasp and swim proof to 50 metres. Guaranteed for 2 years. ISK Approx.* EUR 105 POINTS Þjónustuaðili: Helgi Sigurðsson, Skólavörðustíg watch for the acti e sportsman. The fusion of black throughout the watch head and bracelet makes this watch stand out from the crowd. eatures include a one second chronograph 2 hour readout date a double lock safety clasp and swimproof to 50 metres. Two-year guarantee. 36 Saga Shop Collection *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas (ISK).

37 Úr Watches Þjónustuaðili: Helgi Sigurðsson Skólavörðustíg SEKSY ÚR / WATCH SEKSY armbandsúr frá SEKONDA fyrir nútímakonuna. Sett Swarovskikristöllum og með skífu úr ekta svartri perlumóðurskel. Einfalt að stytta armbandið að vild. Úrið er vatnsþolið að 30 metrum. Tveggja ára ábyrgð. Með úrinu fylgir fallegt hálsmen með Swarovski-kristal. SEKSY wrist wear by Sekonda. Ladies fashion watch. Black mother-of-pearl dial made with SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS. This watch features a self-adjusting bracelet which can be easily shortened. Water resistant to 30 metres (splash proof). Guaranteed for 2 years. This watch is offered with a free matching pendant, made with SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS. ISK Approx.* EUR 78 POINTS T G T ade with S S TS Saga Shop Collection 37

38 Úr Watches THIS ITEM IS A BEST-SELLER SEKONDA SEKONDA HERRAÚR / SEKONDA WATCH Gullfallegt og gullhúðað herraúr með silfurgljáandi skífu. Úrið er með dagatali, sekúnduvísi, skeiðklukku og brúnni ól úr mjúku, upphleyptu leðri. Úrið er vatnsþolið að 50 metrum. Úrið er með tveggja ára ábyrgð. SEKONDA gents Chronograph watch. Rose gold plated case. Sunray silver dial with date and a one-second chronograph and 24-hour readout. Brown leather padded strap. Water resistant to 50 metres. Guaranteed for 2 years. ISK Approx.* EUR 90 POINTS Þjónustuaðili: Helgi Sigurðsson, Skólavörðustíg This smart and sophisticated watch combines the ageless elegance of classic timekeeping with outstanding design. This Sekonda chronograph watch features a rose gold plated case with a beautiful brown leather strap and is water resistant to 50 metres. Guaranteed for 2 years 38 Saga Shop Collection

39 Úr Watches Saga Points OFFER // LAMBRETTA R / S LAMBRETTA WATCH RÓSAGULL / SILFUR Glæsilegt og stílhreint dömuúr frá Lambretta. Fallegur og eigulegur hátískufylgihlutur fyrir öll tilefni. Auðvelt að stilla ólina. Tveggja ára ábyrgð. Tveir litir í boði: silfur og rósagull. This refined retro watch, clearly inspired by the 60's and the glorious days of the Lambretta scooters, has a rose gold or silver plating. Glamorous, elegant and affordable, a smart fashion accessory for any occasion. Let Cielo Mesh be the final fashion touch to your outfit! Stainless steel caseback. Stainless steel mesh bracelet. A two-year international warranty. The bracelet is easy to adjust and ready to wear. Rosegold ISK Approx.* EUR 104 POINTS / Silver ISK Approx.* EUR 73 POINTS alian d It efine o r t e R R Saga Shop Collection 39

40 Skartgripir l Jewellery Þjónustuaðili: Úr og Gull í Firðinum Þjónustuaðili: Úr og Gull í Firðinum THESE ITEMS ARE BEST-SELLERS Saga Points OFFER // DANIEL WELLINGTON ST MAWES Classic St Mawes með ljósbrúnni ekta leðuról. Þetta úr er 36 mm og er lagt rósagulli. Úrið er sýnt með Oxford aukaól sem fylgir með og auðvelt er að skipta yfir. Stílhreint úr sem hentar við öll tækifæri. Classic St Mawes with genuine brown leather strap. Watch case 36 mm, rose-gold plated. Here presented as a set with classic Oxford nato strap. With this interchangeable strap there is a watch to complete every outfit. ISK Approx.* EUR 153 POINTS DANIEL WELLINGTON SHEFFIELD Classic Sheffield með svartri leðuról. Þetta klassíska úr er stærsta úrið frá Daniel Wellington með 40 mm stálhúsi. Stílhreint úr sem hentar við öll tækifæri. Classic Sheffield 40 mm stainless steel watch with a black leather strap. Pure design that works for all occasions. ISK Approx.* EUR 166 POINTS Þjónustuaðili: Úr og Gull í Firðinum Saga Points OFFER // HUGO BOSS HERRAÚR / GENTS WATCH Glæsilegt Hugo Boss herraúr með svartri stílhreinni skífu, dagatali og svartri leðuról. Tveggja ára ábyrgð. Hugo Boss gents watch with black index dial and date function. This timeless piece is copleted with black leather strap and domed crystal. Stanless steel case, water resistant to 30 m. ISK Approx.* EUR 194 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

41 Skartgripir l Jewellery MISAKI MISAKI MUST-HAVE PENDANTS Taktu glæsileikanum og þokkanum fagnandi með þessu fallega Misaki Tease hálsmeni og eyrnalokkum. Hálsmenið er með silkihúðaðri, bleikri, 8 mm handgerðri perlu sem situr fallega í tvöföldum hring, settum glitrandi kristöllum. Eyrnalokkarnir eru í stíl, með 8 mm handgerðum perlum. Lengd hálskeðjunnar er 42 47cm. Kemur í fallegri skartgripaöskju. Embrace elegance and charm with this exclusive Misaki Tease Violetta rhodium-plated pendant and earrings set. A silky pink 8 mm Handmade X-Treme Lustre pearl is finely nestled on a dual ring adorned with sparkling crystals, evoking the perfect balance of senses. Comes with matching 8mm Handmade X-Treme Lustre pearl earrings. Pendant length: 42 47cm. Presented in a luxurious windowed jewellery box. ISK Approx.* EUR 83 POINTS ICELANDAIR SAGA CLUB MEMBERS EARN SAGA POINTS ON BOARD Earn Saga Points with every purchase. All you have to do is hand your Saga Card to the cabin crew when making your transaction. + Sign up to join the Icelandair Saga Club in our in-flight magazine or online at Individuals 12 years and older can join the Icelandair Saga Club. Saga Shop Collection 41

42 Skartgripir Jewellery Remember to present your Saga Card to earn Saga Points. NEW SILFURHRINGUR / SILVER RING Þjónustuaðili: Úr og Gull í Firðinum Ice-Glam. Glæsilegur silfurhringur skreyttur glitrandi sirkonsteinum. Stærðir um borð: 56 og 58. Hægt að fá stærðir hjá þjónustuaðila. An elegant silver ring set with cubic zirkonia stones. Sizes on board 56/16 and 58/18. Sizes available at the service centre stated on your ring box. ISK Approx. EUR 90 Points Þjónustuaðili: Úr & Gull, Firðinum SILFUREYRNALOKKAR / SILVER EARRINGS Fallegir silfureyrnalokkar alsettir sirkonsteinum að framan og aftan. Beautiful sterling silver earrings set with cubic zirconia stones on both sides. ISK Approx.* EUR 59 POINTS ENJOY YOUR SAGA POINTS ON THIS FLIGHT THREE SIMPLE STEPS TO AN EASY PURCHASE 1. Inform cabin crew you wish to use your Saga Points 2. Hand your Saga Card and credit card to cabin crew 3. Enjoy your Saga Points purchase In case your Saga Points status is not sufficient the payment will be deducted from your credit card. Keep in mind that refunds or change of payment method after the flight is not possible. IKÏ HRINGUR / RING Stílhreinn og tímalaus hringur, lagður rósagulli og skreyttur með sirkonsteinum sem heillar hvaða skartgripaunnanda sem er. Hægt er að stilla stærðina af til að henta hverri konu. Nikkel-, blý- og kadmíumfrír. This elegant and timeless ring in 0.5 micron rose gold-plating is adorned with sparkling cubic zirconia. Totally adjustable, this ring will seduce and fit every woman. Free from nickel, lead and cadmium. ISK Approx.* EUR 35 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

43 Skartgripir Jewellery Smáralind I Kringlan PANDORA NIGHT SKY KÚLA FRÁ PANDORA / CHARM FROM PANDORA Stórglæsileg kúla sem táknar stjörnubjartan næturhiminn. Kúlan er handgerð úr silfri, gulli og sirkonsteinum. Einkar glæsileg ein og sér en passar einnig með öðrum Pandora kúlum á Pandora armbönd eða hálsmen. Wear the essence of a night sky with a star-studded PANDORA Night Sky silver charm with blue enamel stars and glittering zirconia accents. ISK Approx.* EUR 78 POINTS NEW Saga Points OFFER // PANDORA PANDORA SILFURARMBAND FRÁ PANDORA / SILVER BRACELET FROM PANDORA NÝJA SNJÓKÚLAN / ICELANDIC SNOWFLAKE Veldu þína eigin samsetningu af Pandora kúlum og búðu til Pandora silfurarmband sem endurspeglar þinn persónulega stíl. Þú getur skipt armbandinu í Pandora Smáralind eða Kringlunni. 19 cm. Nýja snjókúlan er glæsileg á hvaða Pandora armband eða hálsmen sem er. Falleg ein og sér eða með öðrum kúlum. Þú getur skipt henni í Pandora Smáralind eða Kringlunni ef þú kýst frekar einhverja aðra kúlu. Combine your personal choice of Pandora charms and wear them on a Pandora silver bracelet to create and express the unique you. 19 cm. Take a reminder of Iceland with you home. The snowflake is elegant on all of Pandora s bracelets or necklaces. Metal: Silver oxidized - Stones: Cubic zirconia ISK Approx.* EUR 72 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 62 POINTS Smáralind I Kringlan Saga Shop Collection 43

44 Saga Points OFFER // EXPLORE THE WORLD WITH YOUR SAGA POINTS NEW SWAROVSKI SWAROVSKI STARDUST DELUXE BRACELET Glitrandi og glæsilegt Swarovski armband. Eitt af því sem einkennir armbandið er net fyllt með Swarovski kristöllum. Fallegt armband sem sómir sér eitt og sér eða með öðrum armböndum. Þægileg og falleg smella. 38 cm að lengd. Stardust Deluxe Bracelet For an instant outfit boost, slip on this deluxe version of Swarovski s bestselling Stardust Bracelet. Featuring a fishnet tube filled with sparkling clear crystals, this eye-catching design can be worn as a double wrap bracelet or a choker. The stainless steel magnetic closure is easy to use and comfortable to wear. 38 cm. ISK Approx. EUR 83 Points You can earn Icelandair Saga Points for every purchase on this flight, and then use your earned points to explore the world. NEW SWAROVSKI / ARMBÖND FRÁ SWAROVSKI / SLAKE GRAY/NUDE BRACELETS Use your Saga Points for an Icelandair flight, for products on-board, for a hotel stay or even to hire a car. You can enjoy your Saga Points in a number of ways. + Sign up to join the Icelandair Saga Club in our in-flight magazine or online at Þú verður að eignast þessi armbönd sem lífga upp á tilveruna hverju sem þú klæðist. Þau hringa sig utan um úlnliðinn og falla þægilega að. Glitrandi augnayndi með tærum, smágerðum kristöllum á rúskinnslíki. Á armböndunum eru tvær kristalssmellur til að loka þeim svo að þú getur ráðið því sjálf hversu þétt þau falla að úlnliðnum. Add sparkle to your outfit with these must-have bracelets! Very comfortable to wear, they feature a variety of crystal colours on nude or gray Alcantara. Combine it with other Slake creations for a trendy look. This bracelet can be adjusted using the two snap buttons on the closure. Length 36/38 cm ISK Approx.* EUR 61 POINTS Each 44 Saga Shop Collection Individuals 12 years and older can join the Icelandair Saga Club.

45 Skartgripir Íslensk hönnun Jewellery Icelandic Design The Icelandic entrepreneur Hendrikka Waage is an internationally known jewellery designer, philanthropist and best-selling children s books author. She has worked and lived in several countries, including Japan, Russia, India, the USA and the UK. Elegant, striking and exquisitely crafted, her jewellery has graced the pages of international fashion magazines such as Vogue, Harper s Bazaar, Marie Claire and Elle, amongst others. HENDRIKKA WAAGE HÁLSMEN Glæsilegt og kvenlegt tvöfalt hálsmen með kristal og svörtum jaðiperlum. Lengd: 97 cm. A beautiful and feminine double bead necklace with crystal and black jade stone beads. Length: 97 cm. ISK Approx.* EUR 101 POINTS RFECT THE PE R H ER GIF T FO NEW HENDRIKKA WAAGE KLÚTUR / SCARF HENDRIKKA WAAGE ARMBAND Glæsilegur og litríkur silkiklútur frá Hendrikku Waage. Þessi glæsilegi klútur er framleiddur á Ítalíu og er einstaklega mjúkur viðkomu. 70% Modal and 30% wool. Stærð: 130 cm x 170 cm A beautiful bracelet with crystal and black jade stone beads. A beautiful and colourful 100% silk scarf by Hendrikka Waage. This delicate scarf is made in Italy and has a luxuriously lightweight feel. Fabric: 70% Modal and 30% wool. Size: 130 cm x 170 cm ISK Approx.* EUR 35 POINTS ISK Approx. *EUR 111 POINTS Fallegt armband með kristal og svörtum jaðiperlum. Saga Shop Collection 45

46 Skartgripir Íslensk hönnun l Jewellery Icelandic Design Gullsmiðurinn og hönnuðurinn Guðbjörg Ingvarsdóttir stofnaði Aurum árið Það sem einkennir hönnun Guðbjargar er hreyfanleiki, fínleg smáatriði og jafnvægi. Náttúruleg mynstur og form öðlast nýja merkingu í þrívíddarhönnun hennar sem er bæði kvenleg og flókin í senn. Skartgripaverslun Aurum er við Bankastræti 4 í Reykjavík. Guðbjörg Ingvarsdóttir is the designer behind Aurum, an Icelandic jewellery brand established by her in Guðbjörg s designs are characterised by movement, finesse and balance. Natural patterns and shapes take on new meaning in her threedimensional designs that are at once feminine and complex. Aurum s jewellery store is situated in the heart of Reykjavík at Bankastræti 4. AURUM Design by Guðbjörg Ingvarsdóttir FOLD HÁLSMEN / FOLD NECKLACE Hálsmen úr silfri og hrauni með 45 cm silfurkeðju. Stærð mens: 13 x 9 mm. Í þessu formi greinum við bæði lögun hnattarins og efni jarðarinnar. Hraunið og mosinn fléttast saman og leiða hugann að ólgunni sem kraumar í iðrum jarðar. A necklace made of silver and lava with a 45-cm silver chain. Pendant size: 13 x 9 mm. We see the shape of the earth and the materials of which it is made. Lava and moss weave together and kindle images of the smouldering core of the earth. ISK Approx.* EUR 41 POINTS AURUM Design by Guðbjörg Ingvarsdóttir VERNDARENGILL / GUARDIAN ANGEL Fallegur verndarengill úr ródíumhúðuðu silfri og ferskvatnsperlu með 45 cm silfurkeðju. Stærð mens: 9 x 12 mm. Heldur verndarhendi yfir þér og þínum. A guardian angel made of rhodium-plated silver and a freshwater pearl with a 45-cm silver chain. Pendant size: 19 x 12 mm. To protect and care for you and your loved ones. ISK Approx.* EUR 34 POINTS ÞRÍKROSSINN TRINITY CROSS Þríkrossinn er fallegur skartgripur með táknræna merkingu. Hann er tákn hinnar heilögu þrenningar og hefur verið blessaður af páfanum. Margir líta á Þríkrossinn sem sérstakan verndargrip. Það var Ásgeir heitinn Gunnarsson forstjóri sem hannaði þennan sérstaka skartgrip sem byggist á tengingu þriggja krossa sem tákna heilaga þrenningu. The Trinity Cross is a graceful jewel with a symbolic meaning. It signifies the Holy Trinity and has been consecrated by the Pope. Many consider the Trinity Cross to be a magic amulet. It was designed by the late Ásgeir Gunnarsson, CEO. Three crosses are joined together to symbolise the Holy Trinity. Saga Points OFFER // ÞRÍKROSSINN / THE GOLDEN TRINITY Handunninn kross úr þrílitu 14 kt. gulli, með 45 cm gullhúðaðri keðju. Stærð 3 (næstminnsta stærð). Þríkrossinn er tákn heilagrar þrenningar og er seldur til styrktar blindum. Jóhannes páfi II og biskup Íslands hafa blessað Þríkrossinn. ISK Approx.* EUR 167 POINTS Handmade in three shades of 14 ct. gold, with a 45-cm gold-plated chain. The Golden Trinity is a symbol signifying the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and is sold to benefit the blind. His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, and the Bishop of Iceland have blessed the Golden Trinity. 46 Saga Shop Collection

47 Skartgripir Íslensk hönnun NEW SIF JAKOBS JEWELLERY HÁLSMEN / NECKLACE Jewellery Icelandic Design NEW SIF JAKOBS JEWELLERY SILVER Glæsilegt silfurhálsmen eftir Sif Jakobs, sett sirkonsteinum með ródíumhúð. Menið er á 45 cm silfurkeðju. EYRNALOKKAR / EARRINGS An attractive and fashionable pendant by Sif Jakobs Jewellery. The pendant is rhodium-plated 925 silver and set with white cubic zirconia stones. Length 45 cm. Attractive and fashionable earrings by Sif Jakobs Jewellery. The earrings are plated with rhodium made from 925 silver and set with white cubic zirconia stones. ISK Approx.* EUR 69 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 69 POINTS Glæsilegir silfureyrnalokkar eftir Sif Jakobs, settir sirkonsteinum, með ródíumhúð. Saga Points OFFER // Saga Shop Collection is proud to present attractive jewellery by the Icelandic goldsmith Sif Jakobs. Educated in Sweden, specialising in fine jewellery, Sif has designed the elegant Savona Collection with a sparkling, minimalistic and luxurious feeling. The design has made its way into the hearts and wardrobes of many passionate women with a love for fashion and jewellery, allowing them to dress up in affordable luxury. SIF JAKOBS JEWELLERY SILVER EYRNALOKKAR / EARRINGS SIF JAKOBS JEWELLERY HRINGUR / RING Glæsilegir silfureyrnalokkar eftir Sif Jakobs, settir sirkonsteinum, með ródíumhúð. Glæsilegur silfurhringur eftir Sif Jakobs, settur sirkonsteinum með ródíumhúð. Stærðir 54 og 56. Rétt hringastærð fæst við skipti hjá þjónustuaðila. Attractive and fashionable earrings by Sif Jakobs Jewellery. The earrings are plated with rhodium made from 925 silver and set with white cubic zirconia stones. An attractive and fashionable ring by Sif Jakobs Jewellery. The ring is rhodium-plated 925 silver and set with white cubic zirconia stones. Sizes 54 and 56. Right size available at service centre. ISK Approx.* EUR 69 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 76 POINTS SIF JAKOBS JEWELLERY LEÐURARMBAND / LEATHER BRACELET Glæsilegt leðurarmband í svörtum lit, sett sirkonsteinum að hætti Sif Jakobs Jewellery sem lætur persónuleikann geisla. Sif Jakobs takes black leather, and with her usual attention to detail, decorates it with sterling silver 925 and shiny zirconia with a magnetic effect. ISK Approx.* EUR 83 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 47

48 Fyrir heimilið l For The Home Special Children Travel Fund SIGN LÍFSTRÉ / TREE OF LIFE Armbandið Lífstré endurspeglar ýmsa grunnþætti í lífi mannsins. Það samanstendur af sjö hlekkjum þar sem hver hlekkur vitnar um mikilvæga þætti lífsins: Vegferð: Lífið sjálft og ástina sem viðheldur því. Þroskann sem vex út lífið. Hugann sem leitar uppi það háleita. Fegurðina og margbreytileika hennar. Ástríðuna sem flytur fjöll. Friðinn, forsendu gleðinnar. Dögun lífsins og eilífð þess sem marka upphaf jarðvistarinnar allt að nýju upphafi. Armbandið er hannað af Inga í Sign. Allur ágóði af sölu þess rennur til styrktar Vildarbarna Icelandair. Silfurarmband, ródíumhúðað. Exclusively made and sold for SAGA SHOP COLLECTION The bracelet Tree of Life reflects various basic factors in human existence. It consists of seven links, each representing important factors in the journey of life: The life itself and the love that maintains it. The maturity that improves throughout life. The mind seeking the ultimate. The beauty and its many varieties. The passion that can move mountains. The peace, basis for happiness. The dawn of life and eternity that marks the beginning of earthly existence to a new beginning. The bracelet is designed by Ingi at Sign. All profits goe to the foundation Icelandair Special Children Travel Fund. Silver bracelet, rhodium-plated. ISK Approx.* EUR 389 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

49 Skartgripir Íslensk hönnun l Jewellery Icelandic Design Special Children Travel Fund WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY OF THE SIGN PRODUCTS YOU ARE SUPPORT- ING THE VILDARBÖRN, ICELANDAIR S SPECIAL CHILDREN TRAVEL FUND. ÍSLENSKT LEIFTRANDI SKART A GLIMPSE OF ICELANDIC NATURE AND MYSTERY Here the Icelandic designer and goldsmith Ingi at SIGN introduces examples of his work. The jewellery from SIGN reflects Icelandic nature and mystery through form, colours and texture. SIGN gallery is located at Fornubúðir 12 at the beautiful harbour of Hafnarfjörður. SIGN Ring / Necklace DRANGAJÖKULL Lögun og form skartgripanna í þessari línu eru bein skírskotun til Drangajökuls, sem er nyrsti jökull Íslands, og þeirrar stórbrotnu náttúru Vestfjarða sem umlykur hann. Bæði hringurinn og hálsmenið eru hluti af Eldur/Ís skartgripalínu SIGN. Silfurgripir með sirkonsteini. Ródíumhúðaðir. Stærðir hrings: 54 og 56. The shape of these items is a direct reference to the glacier Drangajökull, the northern-most glacier in Iceland, and the surrounding spectacular nature of the West Fjords. Both the ring and the necklace are a part of the Fire & Ice jewellery line by SIGN. Silver with a zirconia stone. Rhodium-plated. Ring sizes available: 54 and 56. Ring ISK Approx.* EUR 83 POINTS Necklace ISK Approx.* EUR 80 POINTS Hálsmenið og eyrnalokkarnir í skartgripalínunni Straumi vitna um vegferð vatnsins sem og straumanna á þeirri leið, jafnt í hringiðum ánna, öldum hafsins og lífi jöklanna. The necklace and earrings from the collection Flow from Sign reflect the journey of water and the currents, the turbulance of the rivers, the waves of the ocean and the glaciers. SUPER DEAL! LOCAL PRICE EUR 195 OUR PRICE EUR 130 SIGN Ring / Necklace STRAUMUR Hægt er að fá bæði eyrnalokkana og hálsmenið úr línunni Straumur. Gripirnir eru úr silfri, með sirkon-steini og ródíumhúðaðir. Earrings ISK Approx.* EUR 44 POINTS Necklace ISK Approx.* EUR 67 POINTS *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas (ISK). The Straumur collection features earrings and a necklace made with silver and adorned with a zorcona stone. Rhodium-plated. SIGN VATNAJÖKULL Steinninn er bein skírskotun til Vatnajökuls sem rís fjalla hæst á Íslandi, og lögun hringsins vísar til kraftanna sem togast á þar sem flekaskil jarðskorpunnar liggja um landið. Silfurhringur með sirkonsteini. Ródíumhúðaður. Stærðir: 54 og 56. The stone is a direct reference to Vatnajökull glacier, the highest mountain in Iceland, and the shape of the ring symbolises the contending forces where the tectonic plates meet in Iceland. A silver-zirconia ring, rhodium-plated. Sizes: 54 and 56. ISK Approx.* EUR 138 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 49

50 Skartgripir Íslensk hönnun Jewellery Icelandic Design Special Children Travel Fund WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY OF THE SIGN PRODUCTS YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE VILDARBÖRN, ICELANDAIR S SPECIAL CHILDREN TRAVEL FUND. Saga Points OFFER // VERA DESIGN Íslenska / English HRINGUR MEÐ ÆÐRULEYSISBÆN FRÁ VERU DESIGN / SERENITY PRAYER SILVER RING Þessi glæsilegi hringur er stækkanlegur og hentar jafnt dömum sem herrum. Í hann er grafin bæn sem á við svo margt í lífi okkar. Tímalaus hönnun efir Írisi sem á eftir að standast alla tískustrauma. Í boði með íslenskri eða enskri áletrun. This beautiful silver ring is adjustable in size and suits both men and women. Engraved with the serenity prayer, it reminds us of all the beautiful things in life. Timeless design by Íris that is never going out of style. Available both with Icelandic and English engrave. ISK Approx.* EUR 83 POINTS SIGN PIECE OF ICELAND Kvika og bergbrot ultu glóandi niður hlíðar Eyjafjallajökuls. Hér hefur Ingi komið hraunmola úr jöklinum fyrir í silfurhálsmeni með 45 cm langri keðju. Molinn er tákn fyrir íslenska náttúrufegurð; hrjúfur en fagur. Taktu brot af Íslandi með þér til minningar. Magma and glowing hot fragments of rock rolled down the slopes of Eyjafjallajökull. Here, Ingi has attached a piece of lava from the glacier to a silver necklace with a 45-cm-long chain. This piece of lava symbolises the magnificent Icelandic nature; it is rugged but beautiful. Take a piece of Iceland as a souvenir. ISK Approx.* EUR 83 POINTS VERA DESIGN BARNASILFURMEN FRÁ VERA DESIGN Þetta glæsilega barnasilfurmen er rhodiumhúðað og er hannað af Írisi. Það skartar kristnum trúartáknum og kemur með 36 cm langri silfurkeðju. Þetta er men sem vex með barninu. The Infinity children s necklace is both beautiful and a timeless design, and is made with 925 silver-rhodium. It comes with a 36-cm-long silver chain. This is the perfect gift for children at any age. ISK Approx.* EUR 41 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

51 Skartgripir Íslensk hönnun l Jewellery Icelandic Design ÍRIS BJÖRK TANYA JÓNSDÓTTIR CEO / Founder of Vera Design. Guðbjartur Þorleifsson, born 1931 began training as a goldsmith at the age of 16, and has worked in that field since He has designed many unique works of art in his long successful career. Íris is now the new head of design at Vera Design, her goal is to design timeless jewelry that will pass on to new generations. TAKE A PIECE OF THE ICEANDIC SAGA HOME WITH YOU VERA DESIGN VÍRAVIRKIÐ / FILIGREE SILVER BRACELET Guðbjartur Þorleifsson, gullsmiður til síðustu 60 ára, hannaði þetta þjóðlega 925 silfur/rhodium víravirkisarmband sem á rætur sínar að rekja aftur í miðaldir. Hér er glæsilegt armband sem erfist á milli kynslóða og fer aldrei úr tísku. The filigree tradition was preserved trough medieval times and still remains a jewellery standard in many countries. This is an elegant bracelet with a history. ISK Approx.* EUR 156 POINTS VERA DESIGN / INFINITY SILFURHÁLSMEN / INFINITY SILVER NECKLACE Glæsilegt hálsmen hannað af Írisi sem fæst annað hvort rhodiumhúðað eða með 18 karata rósagullshúð. Menið skartar kristnum trúartáknum og tvær keðjur fylgja hvorri útgáfu, 45 cm löng leðuról og silfur-/rósagullskeðja. Æðruleysisbænin er grafin í öðrum megin og menið má nota á fjóra vegu. Tímalaus hönnun sem hentar bæði dömum og herrum. Einnig fáanlegt með 18 karata rósagullhúð The Infinity necklace s beautiful, timeless design comes in two versions and is made with either 925 silver-rhodium or rose-gold-plated 925 sterling silver. Each version comes with two 45-cm-long chains, leather and silver / rose gold, and can be worn in four ways. The serenity prayer engraved on the back and it suits both men and women. Also available with gold-plated 18 carat rose gold. Silver ISK Approx.* EUR 124 POINTS Rosa gold ISK Approx.* EUR 156 POINTS Saga Points OFFER // VERA DESIGN INFINITY SILFUR-OXITERAÐ ARMBAND / INFINITY SILVER- OXIDIZED BRACELET Þetta sívinsæla armband skartar kristnum trúartáknum og er hannað af hinum 84 ára gamla gullsmið og listamanni Guðbjarti Þorleifssyni. Glæsileg tímalaus hönnun sem hentar jafnt dömum sem herrum. Einnig fáanlegt gullog rósagullhúðað á This bracelet is a unique piece of jewellery and is suitable for both men and women. Adorned with Christian symbols, it is the perfect accessory for any occasion. Available both gold and rose gold plated at ISK Approx.* EUR 313 POINTS Þjónustuaðili fyrir Vera Design: GÞ Skartgripir & úr Bankastræti Saga Shop Collection 51

52 Skartgripir Íslensk hönnun Jewellery Icelandic Design Made from pure, rhodium-plated silver, Alrún Bindrunes are based on the legacy of ancient Nordic culture. The Vikings believed that bindrunes possessed great power and could lead you towards your goals. Our bindrunes are created by overlapping each Runic letter in one of twelve inspirational words. Distinctly personal and beautifully unique, Alrún has a symbol for everyone. Alrún s concept consists of twelve intriguing Runic symbols. To choose a symbol other than Love or Luck, you can exchange an Alrún pendant bought onboard for any of the other ten Alrún symbols at Hotel Natura or the Reykjavík Hilton Nordica. ALRÚN GÆFA / LUCK ALRÚN Gæfa táknar hamingju og gott gengi í lífinu. Með þessa bandrún um hálsinn eru þér allir vegir færir. Silfurkeðjan er 45 cm löng. ÁST / LOVE With this bindrune you welcome good fortune and success into your life. Alrún pendants at Saga Shop Collection come with a 45-cm box chain. This symbol represents heartfelt devotion, truly to be shared with someone special. Alrún pendants at Saga Shop Collection come with a 45-cm box chain. ISK Approx.* EUR 49 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 49 POINTS Tákn fyrir einlæga tryggð. Fyrir þann sem þér þykir vænst um. Silfurkeðjan er 45 cm löng. DESIGN BY JÓN BJARNI BALDURSSON DESIGN BY JÓN BJARNI BALDURSSON Hlín Reykdal s passion for fine art and design inspired her to launch her now renowned accessories brand. Hlín Reykdal graduated from the Iceland Academy of Arts, majoring in fashion design, in Each bead is hand-painted and threaded with great attention to detail. HLÍN REYKDAL / MIDNIGHT NECKLACE AND BRACELET Midnight-línan er innblásin af næturbirtunni á Íslandi og er sérstaklega hönnuð fyrir Saga Shop Collection. Bæði festin og armbandið eru úr fallegum handmáluðum tréperlum ásamt málmkúlum og glerkristöllum. Festina má bera á fjölbreytilegan máta, einfalda eða tvöfalda, og armbandið setur punktinn yfir i-ið. Sígildir skartgripir sem henta við öll tækifæri. Línan er hönnuð og framleidd á Íslandi. Exclusively made and sold for SAGA SHOP COLLECTION Inspired by the radiant colours of Icelandic nights, the Midnight line has been designed exclusively for the Saga Shop Collection. Both the necklace and bracelet consist of beautiful hand-painted wooden beads along with metal beads and crystals. The necklace can be worn in different ways, as a single or as a double necklace, and the bracelet perfects the look. The ideal pieces for any occasion. The Midnight line is designed and made in Iceland. Necklace ISK Approx.* EUR 138 POINTS Bracelet ISK Approx.* EUR 62 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

53 Nytsamlegir hlutir Useful Items It has never been easier to spend your Icelandair Saga Points. All products on board are available for Saga Points. SÍMINN VERTU Í GÓÐU SAMBANDI Startpakki fyrir farsíma sem inniheldur GSM-númer frá Símanum og kr. inneign sem hægt er að nota bæði til að hringja og fara á netið. SIM kortið er bæði Dual SIM sem eru algengust og Nano SIM sem þarf m.a. fyrir nýrri gerðir af iphone. Kauptu pakkann um borð og njóttu þjónustu Símans um leið og þú lendir. STAY CONNECTED IN ICELAND The prepaid start pack includes a mobile phone number and an ISK 2,000 voucher, which can be used both for phone calls and data. Available with Dual SIM and Nano SIM for the latest iphone types and other brands. Buy the prepaid start pack on board and enjoy the Síminn mobile service as soon as you land. ISK Approx.* EUR 14 POINTS Pay less with Síminn Prepaid Cut your mobile cost while in Iceland with Síminn Prepaid. Buy the starter pack which includes a mobile number and an ISK 2000 voucher on board your flight or at various retailers around the country. Síminn Prepaid Starter Pack Stay in touch and share your adventures on any mobile device. ISK 2000 Feel like sharing? SIM card ISK 2000 initial credit Top-up as you go Síminn your connection to home ENNEMM / NM62907 We got you covered Saga Shop Collection 53

54 Fyrir heimilið l For The Home 54 Saga Shop Collection

55 Nytsamlegir hlutir Useful Items THIS ITEM IS A BEST-SELLER Saga Points OFFER // NEW COLOUR FARMERS MARKET SKRIÐA SJAL / SKRIÐA SHAWL Gullfallegt sjal frá Farmers Market úr 100% silki. Ein stærð. Fáanlegt í svörtu og ryðrauðu. A beautiful shawl by the Icelandic brand Farmers Market. 100% silk. One size. Available in black and rust-read. ISK Approx.* EUR 51 POINTS THE PERFECT GIFT FOR HIM Farmers Market is an Icelandic design company and clothing brand, founded in 2005 by designer Bergþóra Guðnadóttir and musician Jóel Pálsson. With a strong focus on natural fibres, the Farmers Market design concept and inspiration draw from the Icelandic roots, combining classic Nordic design elements with chic modernity. We place ourselves at a junction. A place where heritage meets modernity, the national meets the international, and the countryside meets the city. We find this an exciting area to explore. FARMERS MARKET GARÐAR TREFILL / SCARF Hlýr og mjúkur trefill fyrir bæði kyn. Ofinn úr 50% merino-ull og 50% endurunninni bómull. A warm and soft woven scarf for everyone. Made of 50% merino wool and 50% recycled cotton. ISK Approx.* EUR 48 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 55

56 Úlfur Wolf Verð: Selur Annað: Seal Price hlutir Nytsamlegir Other Useful Items BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS FROM PRIME QUALITY FUR Feldur Workshop is a family business which specialises in the design and production of accessories made from genuine high-quality fur. Feldur Workshop also provides mending services for fur coats and other fur articles. The business is owned by furrier Heiðar Sigurðsson and his wife Kristín Birgisdóttir, who work together on designs and production. The main ambition of the business is to produce beautiful designs from prime quality fur that are classic and modern all at once. Feldur Workshop designs have been very well received, as women all over have discovered that a uniquely designed fur collar from Feldur Workshop is like rare gold, a signature accessory that lasts you a lifetime. Saga Points OFFER // FELDUR VERKSTÆÐI / ANDVARI LITAÐUR HRINGKRAGI ÚR ÚLFSSKINNI / RACCOON RING COLLAR COLOURED FINN RACCOON Einstaklega fallegur fylgihlutur úr fyrsta flokks skinni. Hægt er að nota hann sem kraga með því að vefja tvisvar eða jafnvel þrisvar um háls og festa saman með krækju á enda eða einfaldlega nota sem trefil. Fæst í dökkgráu og svarbrúnum lit. A beautiful and modern accessory made of the best quality finn raccoon fur. It has a hook on the end so you can fasten the scarf together at the end and use as ring collar. Available in two colours: dark grey and black/natural brown. ISK Approx.* EUR 126 POINTS NEW FELDUR BÁRA, LEÐUR- OG RÚSSKINNSHANSKAR FYRIR DÖMUR / LEATHER AND SUEDE LADIES GLOVES Hanskar úr gæða lambaskinni sem virka á snertiskjái. Hanskarnir koma í fallegri gjafaöskju. Stærðir 7 og 8. Hægt að skipta hönskunum hjá Feldi Verkstæði Snorrabraut 56. High-quality lambskin gloves with touchscreen capability. The gloves come in nice gift boxes. Available in sizes 7 and 8. ISK Approx.* EUR 38 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

57 Nytsamlegir hlutir Useful Items NEW AndreA is a Icelandic designer label created by the fashion designer Andrea. Established in 2008 the label has found its place in the world of women's fashion. Located in the capital area of Iceland this small design company is composed of a skilled and dynamic team that all serve the aim to bring joy to your everyday routine with clothing that reflects diversity and class. Andrea Strandgata 19, Hafnarfjörður. ANDREA PLAID KLÚTUR / PLAID SCARF Fallegur klútur frá AndreA. Tímalaus, hlýr og mjúkur klútur, hinn fullkomni fylgihlutur við hvaða tækifæri sem er. Efni Modal & Cashmere. Stærð 140 x 140 cm A beautiful square scarf from the Icelandic brand AndreA. This timelessly elegant soft and warm scarf is ideal for everyday use. An essential accessory for winter warmth and style. Fabric Modal & Cashmere. Size 140 x 140 cm. Icelandic Design ISK Approx.* EUR 88 POINTS SAGA POINT OFFERS LAMBRETTA I page 39 POINTS POINTS OFFER BOSS I page 40 POINTS POINTS OFFER EXCLUSIVE SAGA POINTS OFFERS Available in January, February and March We offer Saga Club members exclusve offers on selected items when making a purchase from the Saga Shop Collection using Saga Points. Items on offer are specifically marked in the magazine with a yellow triangle. SENSAI I page 19 POINTS POINTS OFFER Sign up at or through our application form in this magazine *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas (ISK). Saga Shop Collection 57

58 Nytsamlegir hlutir l Useful Items Keeping Iceland warm since NORTH was founded in 1926 in Iceland with the purpose of making protective clothing for Icelandic fishermen braving the North Atlantic elements. Today 66 NORTH continue to make functional clothing without compromise for all kinds of outdoor activity. 66 NORTH SURTSEY HÚFA / SURTSEY CAP Hlý og góð húfa úr 100% akrýl með klassísku sniði. Vindþétt filma í þeim hluta húfunnar sem fer yfir eyrun svo það blæs ekkert í gegnum hana. Fáanleg í svörtu og rauðu. A warm and cosy 100% acrylic hat with an inner wind-stop headband. Available in two colours, black and red. ISK Approx.* EUR 28 POINTS NORTH / VÍK VETTLINGAR / VÍK GLOVES Þægilegir vettlingar gerðir úr Polartec Power Stretch efni sem teygist á fjóra vegu og þornar einstaklega fljótt. Vettlingarnir henta vel við ólíkar aðstæður. Fást í stærðum M og L. Comfortable gloves that give lightweight warmth fabricated in Polartec Power Stretch that is an extremely quick-drying four-way stretch material. The gloves are versatile and can be used in a variety of different circumstances. Sizes M and L. ISK Approx.* EUR 37 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

59 Fyrir heimilið l For The Home Keeping Iceland warm since 1926 Shop at Saga Shop Collection 59

60 Nytsamlegir hlutir l Useful Items HUGO BOSS SVART KVENSEÐLAVESKI FRÁ BOSS / BOSS BLACK WOMENSWEAR WALLET Svart veski úr mjúku kálfsleðri með 10 greiðslukortahólfum, 2 opnum vösum og smápeningahólfi með rennilás. Black wallet made of soft touch calf leather with 10 card slots, 1 insert, 2 open compartments and 1 zipped coin compartment. ISK Approx.* EUR 102 POINTS You earn Icelandair Saga Points for your flight and for all of your purchases on board. Saga Points OFFER // THE PERFECT GIFT FOR HIM HUGO BOSS LEÐURBELTI / BOSS BLACK MENSWEAR BELT Herrabelti úr vönduðu nautsleðri. Tímalaus hönnun sem hentar við öll tækifæri. Tvær sylgjur fylgja með. Lengd 110 cm. BOSS Menswear Belt. Elegant belt crafted from finest cow skin. The timeless design of the belt is suitable for any occasion thanks to its two distinctive buckles. Length 110 cm (44 inch). ISK Approx.* EUR 94 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

61 Nytsamlegir hlutir Useful Items JÖR by GUÐMUNDUR JÖRUNDSSON is an Icelandic fashion label by the young and immensely talented fashion designer Guðmundur Jörundsson. In a short time, JÖR has become a leading label on the Icelandic fashion scene. Mr Jörundsson s work has received widespread attention and was appraised by critics and the media after he showcased JÖR s 2013 autumn/ winter collection at Reykjavík Fashion Festival in March, The collection, which also included Mr Jörundsson first womenswear collection, has been described as a breakthrough in Icelandic fashion, and consequently Mr Jörundsson has been lavished with praise by Icelandic and foreign media, and even been named a fashion genius. JÖR has a grand 220 m2 flagship store on Laugavegur 89, on Reykjavík s main shopping street. JÖR BY GUÐMUNDUR JÖRUNDSSON SOKKAR ÚR GÆÐA BAMBUS / LUXURY BAMBOO SOCKS Þeir mýkstu sem þú munt prófa. Sokkana er hægt að fá í ljósbrúnu eða svörtu með tíglamynstri. Ein stærð: Luxury bamboo socks the softest socks you will wear. Available in beige or black with a diamond pattern. One size: ISK Approx.* EUR 13 POINTS LAUGAVEGUR 89 Reykjavik / Iceland Frábært kort fyrir fólk á ferðinni Korthöfum MasterCard World Elite býðst Concierge þjónusta sem sér um að panta miða á eftirsótta viðburði og bóka borð á vinsælum veitingastöðum erlendis. Auk þess fá korthafar: Vildarpunkta af allri veltu Vinamiða Icelandair, að uppfylltum ákveðnum skilyrðum Saga Class innritun í Keflavík í öll flug Icelandair Frían aðgang að Saga Lounge í flugstöðinni Aðgang að erlendum fríðindaklúbbum Víðtækar ferðatryggingar Afslátt af árgjaldi Icelandair Golfers Saga Club Kortastig Icelandair árlega Viðskiptavinir Arion banka sem greiða fyrir kaup um borð með World Elite fá tvöfalda Vildarpunkta til áramóta. Saga Shop Collection 61

62 Nytsamlegir hlutir l Useful Items RHYTHM VEKJARAKLUKKA / RHYTHM ALARM CLOCK Rhythm vekjaraklukka með ljósi, endurvakningu og líðandi vísi. Hljóðlát klukka með endurskini á vísum. Rhythm alarm clock with light, snooze and silky silent move. Luminous hands. ISK Approx.* EUR 14 POINTS TRAVEL EASY USB SHAVER. Fullkomin ferðarakvél fyrir alla ferðalanga. Rakvélin er hlaðin með USB kapli og hægt er að stinga henni í samband við hvaða USB tengi sem er. Meðfærileg og þráðlaus svo þú getir rakað þig hvar sem er. The perfect travel shaver for any frequent traveller. This USB shaver can be simply charged via any USB port. Compact, portable and cordless so you can shave anywhere! ISK Approx.* EUR 21 POINTS SKROSS WORLD TRAVEL ADAPTOR Hægt er að nota World Adaptor MUV USB millistykkið til þess að hlaða tvö tæki með USB snúru samtímis og eins er hægt að hlaða tæki með tveggja punkta kló á sama tíma. With the World Adaptor MUV USB, travellers from all over the world can charge two USB devices and connect one unearthed 2-poleplug simultaneously in more than 150 countries. Designed in Switzer land to the highest standard. Compatible with USA/Japan, Australia/China, UK, Euro. Comes with a GWP audio jack worth ISK Approx.* EUR 38 POINTS VIGT FYRIR TÖSKUR / LUGGAGE SCALE Stafræn vigt fyrir ferðatöskuna frá Travel Easy. Skýr LCD skjár. Vigtar allt að 50 kílóum. Kvarðaskipting 50 g. Hitamælir. Gátljós fyrir rafhlöðu og of mikið hlass. Ein CR2032 rafhlaða fylgir með. TXCS011- Travel Easy Elite Digital Luggage Scales. Clear LCD display. Capacity 50 kg / 110 lbs. Graduation 50 g / 0.1 lb. Room temperature indicator. Low battery / overload indication. Powered by 1 x CR2032 battery (supplied). ISK Approx.* EUR 20 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

63 Nytsamlegir hlutir Useful Items GIF T RFECT THE PE D RIEN FOR A F RAY-BAN SÓLGLERAUGU / AVIATOR Ray-Ban Aviator, hin einu sönnu pilot sólgleraugu. Klassísk, tímalaus hönnun síðan Fyrsta flokks tískugleragu fyrir konur og karla. Ábyrgðar- og þjónustuaðili: Optical Studio An icon of style and design, the model that signalled the birth of a timeless legend Ray-Ban Aviator has since its launch in 1937 earned its place as an essential fashion accessory for men and women. ISK Approx.* EUR 133 POINTS NANNINI , +1,5 I , +2,5 LESGLERAUGU FRÁ NANNINI / NANNINI READING GLASSES Fyrirferðarlítil lesgleraugu frá Ítalíu, þunn og þægileg. Spangirnar eru á sérhönnuðum lömum svo að hægt er að leggja gleraugun saman á annan hátt en vant er og geyma þau í aðeins 10 mm þykkri öskju úr glæru plastefni. Tilvalin í ferðalagið. Fást í styrkleikum +1,5 og +2,5. Compact reading glasses with PFT (Pivoting Folding Temples), a patented mechanism enabling a double temples movement allowing the glasses to be kept in an ultra-thin 10 mm thick polypropylene clear case. Perfect for travelling or whilst on the move. These glasses are available in and dioptrics with black temples. Made in Italy. ISK Approx.* EUR 20 POINTS NEW KAREN MILLEN SÓLGLERAUGU / SUNGLASSES Þjónustuaðili: Úr og Gull í Firðinum Glæsileg dömusólgleraugu frá Karen Millen. Svört umgjörð með rósagyllingu á örmum. Brún gler. Round glamor sunglasses in black from Karen Millen. Nude interior and rose gold trim. Graduated brown lens. ISK Approx. EUR 69 Points Saga Shop Collection 63

64 Nytsamlegir hlutir Useful Items SUPERIOR SOUND 2 active drivers and 2 passive radiators deliver enhanced bass. PREMIUM STYLE anodized brushed metal body JAM PLATINUM WIRELESS POCKET SPEAKER Sleek and svelte, the JAM Platinum is a pocket-sized powerhouse. At full volume, it kicks out clear, crisp sound and deep bass that can fill multiple rooms. The chic aluminum exterior complements any style, and speakers on both sides provide optimal sound distribution. #1 Bluetooth speakers in the US & UK 64 Saga Shop Collection

65 Nytsamlegir hlutir Useful Items NEW LIFETRONS PHOTO ESSENTIALS TRAVEL LENS SET HLEÐSLURAFHLAÐA FYRIR GSM / PORTABLE CELL PHONE CHARGER Framúrskarandi myndir með símanum eða spjaldtölvunni með linskukerfinu frá Lifetrons. Litlar linsur í hulstri sem fer vel í vasa. Linsukerfið inniheldur fisheye, macro og gleiðlinsu. Festu linsuna beint á snjallltækið þitt, yfir innbyggðu myndavélalinsuna. Taska og klútur fylgja. Alþjóðleg ábyrgð. Hægt að hlaða tvo síma samtímis. Hægt að hlaða rafhlöðuna með því að tengja við tölvuna eða með innbyggðu sólarrafhlöðunni. Amazing photos with your smartphone or tablet using the photo lens system. The system includes a fisheye, macro and wide-angle lens. Small lenses in a small box that fits easily in your pocket. Attach the universal clip directly over the built-in camera lens on your smart phone/tablet. Cleaning cloth and storage case included. International warranty. ISK Approx.* EUR 45 POINTS Vatnsheld, rykheld og höggheld 5000mAh Li-polymer rafhlaða Sólarhleðsla 5V/200 mah Hleðslutími 6 klst. Mega 5000 mah, this solar powered charger can charge several devices simultaneously. Solar-powered charger Weatherproof, dustproof and shockproof 5000 mah Li-Polymer battery Solar Charging: 5V/200 mah Charging time: 6 hours ISK Approx.* EUR 45 POINTS JAM PLATINUM JAM PLATINUM HÁTALARI / JAM PLATINUM SPEAKER - POCKET-SIZED POWERHOUSE ÍSLENSK HOLLUSTA ÍSLENSKT FLÖGUSALT - KRYDDSALT / ICELANDIC SALT FLAKES Íslenskt jarðsalt með fjórum mismunandi bragðtegundum. Aðalbláber passar við villibráð og lambakjöt. Marinkjarni og fjörugrös, marinerað í soja og eplaediki, passar við sjávarrétti. Reyniber, beiskt bragð. Berjalyng og ber fyrir villibráð, kjöt og meðlæti. Náttúruleg íslensk vara án allra aukaefna. Icelandic geothermal salt infused with four different flavours. Pure blueberry juice, for game and lamb. Winged kelp and Irish moss, marinated in soy and apple cider, for seafood. Rowan berries give a pleasant bitter flavour. Wild herbs and berries suit lamb, game and garnish. Pure Icelandic. No additives. ISK Approx.* EUR 24 POINTS *Vinsamlegast athugið að ef greitt er með erlendu kreditkorti er kortið skuldfært í íslenskum krónum. *Please note that if you pay with a non-icelandic credit card it will be charged in Icelandic kronas (ISK). Stílhreinn og örþunnur með frábærum hljómgæðum. Tveir hágæðahátalarar að framan og tvær bassakeilur að aftan Allt að 8 tíma rafhlaða kemur hlaðinn, tilbúinn til notkunar Bluetooth tenging Hljóðnemi fyrir símtöl AUX tengi Jam mest seldu bluetooth hátalarar í Bandaríkjunum og Bretlandi. At full volume, it kicks out clear, crisp sound and deep bass. Superior sound - 2 active drivers, 2 passive radiators for enhanced bass Rechargeable - up to 8 hours of play time Bluetooth Speakerphone - move from music to calls Pre-charged Aux-in ISK Approx.* EUR 87 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 65

66 Nytsamlegir hlutir Useful Items TRAVALO TANGLE TEEZER FERÐAHÁRBURSTI / TANGLE TEEZER COMPACT STYLER TRAVALO EXCEL ÁFYLLANLEGUR ILMVATNSÚÐARI / REFILLABLE PERFUME SPRAY Vertu með greiðsluna í fullkomnu lagi hvenær sem er og hvar sem er. Tangle Teezer ferðahárburstinn er með sérhönnuðum hárum sem svigna hæfilega og greiða úr flækjum, mýkja og gefa hárinu glans. Dregur úr hársliti. Má nota hvort sem er á blautt eða þurrt hár. Fyrir allar hárgerðir. Með því að nota þennan nýja ilmvatnsúðara sem auðvelt er að fylla á getur þú haft uppáhaldsilmvatnið með þér hvert sem þú ferð og hvar sem þú ert. Þú tekur einfaldlega tappann af ilmvatnsglasinu, setur Travalo í stútinn og dælir upp í úðarann. Úðarinn rúmar allt að 65 skammta. Má nota með öllum ilmvatnsglösum sem hægt er að losa úðaratappann af. Keep your hair style strand-perfect anytime, anywhere with this must-have beauty tool. The Tangle Teezer tackles any holiday hair dramas. Its secret lies in the specially-designed bristles which flex just the right amount to detangle, smooth and add shine to the hair s cuticle; reducing hair breakage, splitting and damage. Use on wet or dry hair, suitable for any hair type. Loved by celebrities and professional hairstylists and perfect for on-the-go styling don t leave home without it! This innovative atomiser allows you to make your favourite fragrance portable with its easy-to-use refill pump action. Simply remove the lid from any fragrance, place Travalo on top and pump! No messy funnels, no spills. Holds over 65 sprays. A travel essential for all women and men convenient, simple and safe for taking your fragrance wherever you go. Works with almost any fragrance with a removable nozzle and carries a lifetime guarantee. Includes a FREE protective carry case. ISK Approx.* EUR 13 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 13 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

67 Nytsamlegir hlutir l Useful Items Saga Points OFFER // Þjónustuaðili: SECRID MINIWALLET Glæsileg korta- og seðlaveski úr áli og ekta leðri. Margverðlaunuð hönnun og allur frágangur hinn vandaðasti. Hvert veski tekur 5 6 kort í álhólkinn og 3 4 til viðbótar í vasa inni í veskinu. Kortin (eða kortið) renna ekki úr veskinu þótt því sé snúið á hvolf og engar líkur eru á því að kortin beyglist. Einnig er hægt að koma seðlum og nafnspjöldum fyrir í sérstökum vasa. Þau gerast vart nettari og stílhreinni. Fæst í svörtu og brúnu. ISK Approx.* EUR 69 POINTS The Secrid miniwallet is a highly compact and safe wallet. There s no need to have a bigger wallet. As well as providing enough room for up to six cards in the aluminium card protector, the innovative interior also has space for a few extra cards, banknotes, receipts, business cards and possibly a few coins. Yet, the miniwallet is still very compact, meaning it fits easily into your pocket or bag. Available in black and brown vintage. Þjónustuaðili: EXENTRI KORTAVESKI / CARD HOLDER Líklega minnsta kortaveski sem er fáanlegt, sem tekur sjö kort ásamt því að hafa góðan vasa fyrir heila seðla. Þú kemst í þau kort sem þú notar mest alveg án þess að opna EXENTRI veskið. Stærð: 10 x 70 x 90 mm. Þyngd: 50 g. Ekta leður. Fáanlegt í svörtu. Ryðfrítt stál. Skandinavísk hönnun. Umboðsaðili á Íslandi er Probably the smallest card holder, which can hold a minimum of seven credit cards and has a separate pocket for bills that you don t have to fold first. With the EXENTRI wallet you can access your two most frequently used cards without even opening the card holder! Dimensions: 10 x 70 x 90 mm. Weight: 50 g. Genuine leather. Available in black. Stainless steel. Scandinavian design. ISK Approx.* EUR 55 POINTS TINTAMAR VASI SEM VIT ER Í / TINTAMAR VERY INTELLIGENTE POCKET Finnur þú ekkert í töskunni þinni? Hérna er frumgerðin af lausninni sem gerir lífið einfaldara. Sérstök innri taska úr fallegu, mjúku efni sem rúmar allt sem þú þarft á að halda og má færa úr einni handtösku yfir í aðra. Níu hólf og ekkert mál að finna hlutina. The original handbag organiser which will make your life easier! A separate handbag interior that contains all you need and that can be transferred from one bag to another. 9 compartments to find everything easily in a smart, soft material. Dimensions: 22 x 15 x 6 cm. ISK Approx.* EUR 34 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 67

68 Nytsamlegir hlutir Useful Items ÍSLENSKIR EFTIRLÆTISSTAÐIR / ICELAND S FAVOURITE PLACES Vandaður DVD-diskur með myndböndum af yfir 100 áhugaverðum stöðum af öllu landinu. Tónlistin er sérsamin. Talsetning er á sjö tungumálum: Ensku, frönsku, þýsku, dönsku, japönsku, kínversku og íslensku. Lengd: 145 mínútur HOT SPRING GUNNUHVER: SAFNDISKUR MEÐ ÍSLENSKRI TÓNLIST / A COLLECTION OF ICELANDIC MUSIC Hot Spring Gunnuhver is in the air! Icelandair has released the CD Hot Spring Gunnuhver, containing the music of Icelandic musicians. The CD is available here in the Saga Shop Collection and in major record stores in Iceland. A unique DVD with short films of over 100 Icelandic locations renowned for their natural beauty and cultural interest. Narration is in seven languages: English, French, German, Danish, Japanese, Chinese and Icelandic. The beautiful images you will enjoy on this DVD were filmed in high-definition and the music was especially composed. Total running time: 145 minutes. ISK Approx.* EUR 15 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 24 POINTS Icelandair hefur gefið út geisladiskinn Hot Spring Gunnuhver, sem inniheldur tónlist íslenskra tónlistarmanna. Diskinn er hægt að fá hér hjá Saga Shop Collection og í helstu hljómplötuverslunum á Íslandi. MY FAVORITE PRODUCTS Tómas Þór Ellertsson has worked for Icelandair since 1995 and as a flight attendant since TRAVELLING IN STYLE When travelling, both personally and for work, I always carry my Ray-Ban sunglasses. They were a gift from my wife at the beginning of summer. I always carry the Travel Easy USB shaver and the Anti-Fatigue Cooling Eye Gel from Clarins in my toiletry bag. These items are very convenient on both long and short trips. What I find most convenient when using Saga Shop is the pre-order option on www. That way, I can always be sure that the items I need are readily available and will be delivered on-board my flight. I also like to use my Saga Points as payment from time to time. This summer, I decided to splurge a little and give my wife the silver bracelet from Sign for her birthday. She was extremely happy with it, to say the least, and wears it almost every day. The best thing about the bracelet is that it works both casually and also when dressing up and going out. The last thing I bought in Saga Shop was the Secrid wallet, which has proven extremely useful. It is so convenient to have your cards in one place in such a small wallet. I also recently purchased the Hekla Aurora model of the Icelandair airplane, and as a collectible it is quite the work of art, just like the plane itself. If I were supposed to wish for something from the Saga Shop Collection, I would definitely choose the Daniel Wellington watch with the Sheffield leather strap. The Sennheiser headphones would also be handy as I like to listen to music a lot, especially when getting to and from work and while travelling. As they are noise cancelling, they would work out great. HEYR HEYR English edition ÍSLENSKAR ÞJÓÐSÖGUR / ICELANDIC FOLKTALES Lastly, it would be nice to have the Charging Battery for mobile phones as I frequently run out of juice on my phone. Þessi diskur inniheldur 13 íslenskar þjóðsögur á ensku, tengdar við ákveðna staði á Íslandi. Sögurnar lifna við með hjálp leikara, umhverfishljóða og tónlistar. Þeir sem ferðast um landið geta því hlustað á þjóðsögurnar þar sem þær gerast og upplifað sögurnar og landið á nýjan hátt. Hægt er að fá Íslenskar þjóðsögur á íslensku fyrir Vildarpunkta. My favourite city at the moment is Stockholm. It s a great place to visit and has a lot to offer with great people and loads of fun bars and fresh restaurants all over the city. If I had to recommend a restaurant, I would without hesitation choose SMAK. As the name suggests, it serves various dishes that tickle your taste buds all through the dining experience, each in their own unique way. Iceland s eerie landscape and long, dark winters have resulted in a rich heritage of folklore. This CD is a collection of 13 local legends, designed to accompany the traveller around Iceland. The stories themselves are retold in English by a narrator, and enriched by actors and music. Trolls, elves, ghosts and a host of other mysterious beings come to life when you listen to the CD and experience the myths of Iceland. ISK 900 Approx.* EUR 6 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

69 Börn Kids BANG & OLUFSEN EARSET 3I FYRIR IPHONE EÐA IPOD / EARSET 3I, THE PERFECT COMPANION TO YOUR IPHONE OR IPOD EarSet 3i eru heyrnatól með innbyggðum hljóðnema og góðu tengi. Hljóðgæðin eru mikil og heyrnatólin passa vel í eyra þökk sé góðri hönnun. EarSet 3i heyrnatólin eru hönnuð með nýjustu kynslóð ipod og iphone í huga og notagildi heyrnatólanna er mikið. Auk þess er miðlægur stýrihnappur með innbyggðum hljóðnema svo þú getir stýrt tónlistinni eða hljóðstyrknum á einfaldan og hagkvæman hátt. iphone, ipad and ipod Shuffle, Nano, Classic and Touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. EarSet 3i a wired, stereo headset with a built-in microphone and a 4-pole mini jack that, besides providing the highest sound quality, is designed to fit the individual ear comfortably, without compromise. Developed with the newest generation of ipods and iphones in mind, EarSet 3i gives you a huge range of convenient functions, and a control button with an integrated microphone allows you to do what you want with just one touch. ISK Approx.* EUR 154 POINTS Saga Points OFFER NEW // SENNHEISER HEYRNATÓL FRÁ SENNHEISER ICELAND AURORA DVD Lokuð samanbrjótanleg ferðaheyrnartól sem útiloka utanaðkomandi hávaða henta mjög vel í flugvélum eða þar sem hávaði er mikill. Rafhlaða dugar í allt að 50 klst. Iceland Aurora skartar norðurljósunum og íslensku landslagi í sinni fegurstu mynd. Myndin inniheldur myndskeið sem eru samsett úr tugum þúsunda ljósmynda teknum á yfir 50 stöðum á landinu, sem saman mynda hina fullkomnu viku að vetrarlagi í íslenskri náttúru. In this non-narrative time-lapse film the brilliant Aurora Borealis and the unique scenery of Iceland are captured in a mesmerising way. Shot in more than 50 locations, the northern lights serve as a guide through an ideal winter week. Highly portable travel mini-headphones with NoiseGard active noise cancellation technology. They also come with a closed, supra-aural design which provides excellent passive attenuation of ambient noise. Adding to this, the newly-improved battery pack requires only a single AAA alkaline battery; it lasts up to 50 hours, more than enough for your return flight from Tokyo to New York! ISK Approx. EUR 17 Points ISK Approx.* EUR 140 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 69

70 Börn Kids Saga Points Saga Points OFFER OFFER // // DISNEY DISNEY DISNEY CARS BARNAÚR / CHEERFUL DISNEY CARS WATCH DISNEY FROZEN BARNAÚR / CHEERFUL DISNEY FROZEN WATCH Fallegt barnaúr með mynd úr frægu Cars Disney bíómyndinni sem allir krakkar þekkja. 30 mm skífa, vatnshelt og ofnæmisfrí ól. Flott sem fyrsta úrið. Kemur í fallegu Disney Cars boxi. Fallegt Frozen barnaúr með mynd af Önnu og Elsu. 30 mm skífa, vatnshelt og ofnæmisfrí ól. Flott sem fyrsta úrið. Kemur í fallegu Disney Frozen boxi. This hypoallergenic Disney watch is inspired by the Disney movie Cars and is a must have for every young Disney fan. Labelled minute and hours hands on the 30 mm watch face make this a perfect first watch. Comes in a beautiful Disney Cars collectable tin including time to tell time booklet. 3 atm water-resistant. One year warranty. This lovely hypoallergenic Frozen watch featuring the popular Anna & Elsa on the dial with a sizeable Velcro strap and is a true must have for every Frozen fan. Labelled minute and hour hands on the 30 mm watch face makes this a perfect first watch. Comes in a beautiful Disney Frozen collectable tin including time to tell time booklet. 3 atm water resistant. One year warranty. ISK Approx.* EUR 31 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 31 POINTS RORY S STORY CUBES / VOYAGES LIP SMACKERS LIP BALM DISNEY FROZEN Ómissandi gjafasett handa öllum sem elska varasalva. Frábært safn úr Disneymyndinni Frozen sem allir krakkar elska. Kemur í flottu og eigulegu boxi. Margverðlaunaðir Söguteningar Rorys eru frábærlega einföld og áhrifarík leið til að örva sköpunargáfuna og þjálfa sig í að leysa gátur. Þú kastar teningunum, skoðar myndirnar á hliðunum sem snúa upp og notar myndirnar til þess að búa til sögu sem byrjar á orðunum: einu sinni var This collectable gift set is a must for all those who love lip balms. A great gift set presenting the popular caracters from Disney's Frozen. Comes in a beautiful collectable tin. The award-winning Rory s Story Cubes are a remarkably simple and effective way to inspire creative thinking and problem-solving in all of us. Simply toss all the dice, examine each of the nine face-up images and let them guide your imagination through a story that begins with Once upon a time. ISK Approx.* EUR 13 POINTS ISK Approx.* EUR 13 POINTS Saga Shop Collection

71 Börn RFECT THE PE E KIDS FOR T H Kids GIF T VERTU ÞINN EIGIN FLUGMAÐUR / BE YOUR OWN PILOT Stuttermabolir flugstjóra / Pilot T-shirt Flottir stuttermabolir fyrir káta krakka sem vilja vera flugmenn. Great T-shirts for kids who want to be pilots Flugstjórabolur stærð 2 4 ára Pilot shirt, 2 4 yrs Flugstjórabolur stærð 5 7 ára Pilot shirt, 5 7 yrs ISK Approx.* EUR 13 POINTS FLUGSTJÓRAHATTUR / PILOT HAT Hattur fyrir litla flugstjóra. Flottur með flugstjórabolnum. Fæst í einni stærð. Pilot hat for kids. One size. ISK Approx.* EUR 13 POINTS PÚSL MEÐ UPPTREKKTRI FLUGVÉL / WIND-UP FUN PLANE PUZZLE SET Í þessu setti er upptrekkt flugvél, flugbraut og tvö merki. Þegar búið er að raða flugbrautinni saman er litla flugvélin trekkt upp og síðan er hægt að horfa á hana bruna um brautina. Góð gjöf. Þarf ekki rafhlöður. Eins árs ábyrgð. WANT TO LEARN ICELANDIC? This set consists of a wind-up fun plane, track and two signs. Once you have assembled your track, wind up your mini fun plane and watch it zoom round! A great value gift! No batteries required, comes with a 1 year international guarantee. ISK Approx.* EUR 8 POINTS SPECIAL ICELANDAIR OFFER LÆRUM OG LEIKUM MEÐ HLJÓÐIN DVD / LEARNING AND PLAYING WITH SOUNDS DVD Íslensku málhljóðin eru kennd á skemmtilegan hátt í sömu röð og íslensk börn læra hljóðin í máltökunni. Vandað verðlaunaefni fyrir allar barnafjölskyldur. This DVD is for all children and adults who want to learn how to pronounce and practice the Icelandic sounds in a fun and engaging way. Award-winning material. / ISK Approx.* EUR 14 POINTS Saga Shop Collection 71

72 Kynnisferðir Reykjavík Excursions Flybus to and from Keflavik International Airport The Flybus stops at most major hotels and guesthouses in Reykjavík. Best price guaranteed*. Flybus BUY YOUR FLYBUS & DAY TOURS TICKETS ON THIS FLIGHT! The Flybus airport shuttle will take you from Keflavík International Airport to the BSÍ Bus Terminal in Reykjavík city and vice versa. The Flybus is connected to all arriving and departing flights at Keflavík International Airport. Seats are always guaranteed. Adults (16 years+) ISK I EUR 12 I Points 3.100, one way Flybus + Transfer from Keflavík International Airport to most hotels and guesthouses in Reykjavík or vice versa. Fast, frequent and on schedule. Adults (16 years+) ISK I EUR 16 I POINTS 4.000, one way ISK I EUR 29 I POINTS 7.200, return ISK I EUR 22 I Points 5.500, return Children (12 15 years) ISK I EUR 8 I POINTS 2.000, one way Children (12 15 years) ISK 925 I EUR 6 I POINTS 1.500, one way ISK I EUR 14 I 3.600, return ISK I EUR 11 I POINTS 2.800, return Children (0 11 years) Free of charge Children (0 11 years) Free of charge Flybus+ pick-up is available from these hotels/guesthouses in Reykjavík OUR LOCATION Baggage Claim & Duty Free Arrival hall entry Exit for buses 22 Hill Hotel 101 Hotel 101 Skuggi Guesthouse 4th Floor Hotel Alba Guesthouse Alda Hotel Reykjavík Alfred s Apartments Alfred s Studio Apartments Ambassade Apartments Apartment K Apotek Hotel AR Central Apartments AR Guesthouse Arctic Comfort Hotel Bed and Books Best Western Hotel Reykjavík Black Pearl Hotel Black Tower Bus Hostel Cabin Hotel Castle House Luxury Apartments Centerhotel Arnarhvoll Centerhotel Klöpp Centerhotel Miðgarður Centerhotel Plaza Centerhotel Skjaldbreið Centerhotel Þingholt Centric Guesthouse City Center Hotel Domus Guesthouse Downtown Reykjavík Apartments Embassy Luxury Apartments Eric The Red Guesthouse Flying Viking Guesthouse Forsæla Apartmenthouse Fosshotel Barón Fosshotel Lind Fosshotel Reykjavík Grand Hotel Reykjavík Gray Tower Grettisborg Apartments Guest Inn Guesthouse 101 Guesthouse Anna Guesthouse Aurora Guesthouse Baldursbrá Guesthouse Borgartún Guesthouse Galtafell Guesthouse Helga Guesthouse Lena Guesthouse Óðinn Guesthouse Pávi Guesthouse Snorri Guesthouse Summerday Heiða's Home Hilton Reykjavík Nordica Hlemmur Apartments Hlemmur Square Hostel B47 Hotel 66 Hotel Borg Hotel Frón Hotel Hafnarfjörður Hotel Hilda Hotel Holt Hotel Ísland Hotel Klettur Hotel Leifur Eiríksson Hotel Lotus Hotel Metropolitan Hotel Óðinsvé Hotel Reykjavík Centrum Hotel Viking Hotel Örkin Icelandair Hotel Reykjavík Marina Icelandair Hotel Reykjavík Natura Inga s New Guest Apartments Ísland Apartments Kerno Apartments KEX Hostel Kvosin Downtown Hotel Laugabjarg Guesthouse Lighthouse Apartments Loft Hostel Luna Hotel Apartments Lækjargata Street Mengi Apartments Mosi Guesthouse Norðurstjarnan Guesthouse Northern Comfort Apartments Northern Lights Apartments Ocean Comfort Apartments OK Hotel Old Charm Reykjavík Apartments Our House Planet Apartments Radisson Blu Hotel 1919 Radisson Blu Hotel Saga REKinn REY Apartments Reykjavík4you Apartment Reykjavík City Hostel Reykjavík Domestic Airport Reykjavík Downtown Hostel Reykjavík Hostel Village Reykjavík Lights Reykjavík Residence Hotel Reykjavík Residence Suites Room With a View Salvation Army Guesthouse Skuggi Hotel Stay Apartments Bolholt Stay Apartments Einholt Stay Apartments Grettisgata Stay Apartments Laugavegur Stay Brilliant Apartments Storm Hotel Sunna Guesthouse The Capital Inn Town House Villa Guesthouse Welcome Apartments *If you find these Reykjavik Excursions products elsewhere at a lower price, they will refund you the difference. 72 Saga Shop Collection

73 Kynnisferðir l Reykjavík Excursions The Golden Circle (RE 04) On this tour you can walk around the world-famous Geysir area, a geothermal field where hot springs are in abundance, geysers spout and pools of mud bubble. You also stop by the magnificent Gullfoss waterfall, at Friðheimar cultivation centre and visit Þingvellir National Park I Adults (16 years+) ISK I EUR 62 I POINTS I Children (12 15 years) ISK I EUR 31 I POINTS Children (0 11 years) Free of charge Gullfoss, Geysir & Langjökull Snowmobiling (SRE 44) This tour puts you in touch with some of Iceland s most famous and exciting natural phenomena. We stop at Þingvellir National Park, known for its exceptional beauty, and by the world-renowned hot spring Geysir, and Gullfoss the queen of Icelandic waterfalls. Then we head for an exhilarating one-hour snowmobiling tour across the endless white snowfields of Langjökull. A valid driver s licence is required. Due to sudden and unexpected weather changes the snowmobile ride might be cancelled after tour s departure from Reykjavík I Adults (13 years+) ISK I EUR 176 I POINTS I Children (6 12 years) ISK I EUR 88 I POINTS Children 5 years and younger are not permitted on this tour. South Shore Adventure (RE 15) This tour is ideal for all nature lovers. You have the opportunity to stand behind the plummeting Seljalandsfoss waterfall, walk up to the Skógafoss waterfall and gaze at Mýrdalsjökull glacier and the impressive rock formations Reynisdrangar I Adults (16 years+) ISK I EUR 85 I POINTS I Children: (12 15 years) ISK I EUR 42 I POINTS Buy the tickets on this flight Best price guarantee** Children (0 11 years) Free of charge **If you find these Reykjavik Excursions products elsewhere at a lower price, they will refund you the difference. Saga Shop Collection 73

74 SAGA SHOP COLLECTION INSIDER Flip over this magazine and you ll discover our exclusive Saga Shop Collection of on-board, duty-free products. OUR TOP SELLING ITEMS INCLUDE... SENSAI Moisturising Set I page 19 Daniel Wellington watch I page 40 Hand cream from Organique I page 27 Daniel Wellington watch 40 mm I page 40 THIS SEASON, WE RE PROUD TO SHOWCASE... Silica Mud Mask Ice Cube I page 31 Swarovski Bracelet I page 44 FEATURED PRODUCT: INSPIRED BY NATURE Organique is Poland s pioneer in natural cosmetics. Tomasz Czarski, now president of Organique, created the range by himself, beginning with a series of glycerine soaps in The firm gradually expanded, as did the range produced. Fifteen years later Organique produces natural, healthy and environmentally friendly cosmetics for body, hair and face care. The products are sold around the world and have been awarded for the best product line in various magazines. The cosmetics are free of strong and aggressive preservatives that may cause skin irritations, dryness and hypersensitivity. All products are based on natural extracts that are safe and mild. We are passionate about creating products inspired by nature and acting on the senses, says Czarski. Organique s Dermo Expert line emphasises protection and hydration of the skin. All items in the line are made according to Organique s Safe Formula, and are free of parabens, PEGs, SLS, paraffin, vaseline, silicones, formaldehyde, and ethanolamines. An integral part of this line is the delicately scented hydrating hand cream, available in the Saga Shop Collection. The cream protects against aging, soothes and prevents irritation. 46 / Icelandair Stopover


76 WE MAKE A POINT OF REWARDING CUSTOMERS FOR LOYALTY Did you know that members of Icelandair Saga Club earn Saga Points for all scheduled Icelandair flights, for their purchases on board and with our partners around the world? These little points pack a lot of punch. By joining Icelandair Saga Club you can: Book flights with your Saga Points, either a round trip or a one-way ticket to all Icelandair destinations. + 4 / xxxxxxxxx Easily buy food and drink on board with your points. Earn Saga Silver or Saga Gold status by flying regularly with Icelandair.

77 Joining is easy. Just fill out the application form and send to Icelandair or hand it to our staff on board. After your first flight activity appears on your Icelandair Saga Club account, you will receive a permanent card. We look forward to seeing you on board Icelandair again soon. Donate your Saga Points to Icelandair s Special Children Travel Fund. Join us Use your Saga Points with our partners around the world, including Hilton Worldwide, Hertz, Finnair, Radisson Blu and many more. Redeem your points on, or at selected hotels around the world. Icelandair Stopover / 5

78 6 / xxxxxxxxx Visit our stores: Skólavörðustígur 7 & 16, 101 Reykjavík, Akureyri and Geysir, Haukadal. DCU

79 AQUARACER CALIBRE 5 Cristiano Ronaldo is born to break all the records. His motivation is to win at every occasion to challenge the human statistics. Like TAG Heuer, Ronaldo surpasses the limits of his field and never cracks under pressure. Laugavegur 15 & -Kringlan - Reykjavík - Tel Laugavegur 15 & Kringlan Reykjavík - Tel DCUP_Ronaldo_Ball_Aquaracer_WAY2110BA0910_mag_SPcoop - Michelsen 230x275.indd 1 Icelandair Stopover /

80 IN THIS ISSUE Winter in Iceland Photographer s Paradise Design in Iceland Books My Town At The Cliff s Edge Beer Day Eastern Adventure Unique Reykjanes Icelandair on Instagram Iceland s Strongest #MyStopover Stopover Mix n Match Flying High Route Network In-Flight Entertainment Services on Board Customs Forms Icelander Abroad Icelandair is a sponsor of DesignMarch, which takes place from March. For ideas on what to check out, see page 18. PUBLISHED BY ICELANDAIR EDITOR: Eliza Reid COVER IMAGE: Axel Sigurðarson (photographer) and Klara Karlsdóttir (stylist) COPY EDITOR: Edda Kentish and Sarah Dearne CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Elliott Brandsma, Michaela Cavallaro, Jenna Gottlieb, Ragnar Jónasson, Edda Kentish, Larissa Kyzer, Roger Norum, Marie-Laure Parsy Szikola CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Aaron Flacke, Roman Gerasymenko, Þórarinn Hannesson, Roger Norum, Marie-Laure Parsy Szikola, Siggi Anton, Jonathan Tucker ADVERTISING: DESIGN: Klara Karlsdóttir / Icelandic Ad Agency PRINTING: Oddi PHOTO: DESIGNMARCH 8 / Table of Contents

81 ICELAND 101 SIGLUFJÖRÐUR ÁRSKÓSSANDUR AKUREYRI EGILSSTAÐIR SNÆFELLSJÖKULL HOFSJÖKULL LANGJÖKULL This is Highway 1. We call it the Ring Road because, as you can see, it is shaped like a ring around the whole island. Many people like to follow this route when they want to see a lot of the country, but don t forget to venture off on other roads so you REYKJAVÍK can explore areas like the West Fjords, Snæfellsnes peninsula, and Reykjanes. KEFLAVÍK VATNAJÖKULL HÖFN MÝRDALSJÖKULL EYJAFJALLAJÖKULL Welcome to Iceland! Looking for the basics on Iceland before your Icelandair Stopover? Here are a few essentials about our North Atlantic paradise The national language is Icelandic, and while you ll have no problem getting by using English, we re grateful anytime a visitor tries to use góðan daginn (good day) or takk (thank you). You are going to land at Keflavík Airport. When you first step outside, take a deep breath and inhale our wonderful clean air. Welcome to the North Atlantic. Thanks to the Gulf Stream, winter temperatures are milder here than you ll find in New York or Toronto. When the thermometer creeps above 20 C (68 F) in summer, Icelanders bask in the sun at cafés and beaches. You probably already know that Iceland is a volcanic land. We also have many glaciers and countless other natural wonders. There s no need to buy bottled water when you re here. What comes out of the tap is pure, clean, tasty and free. You may notice the hot water has a slightly sulphurous smell, but it s plentiful; we even use it to heat our homes! It does not get as cold in winter as you might think, but nevertheless our weather can be quite unpredictable. Bring lots of clothes to wear in layers even in summer and a good quality, windproof jacket. Most importantly, don t forget your bathing suit! Visiting our thermal pools is a highlight of most trips (though you can always rent a suit if you forgot yours). There aren t a lot of trees in Iceland. It can be windy here. Remember to hold your car door when you open it. Trust us; your rental company will thank you. Electricity in Iceland is 220 volts, the same as in Europe. If you bring electronics from the US or Canada, you ll need an adapter for both plugs and current. Iceland is a wired society, and you ll find Internet hot spots almost everywhere. Many of you will be visiting our country to enjoy our unique nature, of which we are very proud. Please remember, though, that Iceland s delicate landscapes can take decades, or even centuries, to recover from misuse: Please don t collect stones, tread on or pick up sensitive moss, or drive off road even in what may appear to be barren, sandy territory. In case you re wondering, this is our currency, the króna. The coins feature beautiful sea creatures. Don t worry if you don t have any though; we accept credit and debit cards virtually everywhere. The name of Iceland s capital, Reykjavík, means smoky bay. About two-thirds of our population of 320,000 live in the capital region. Photographers love Iceland for its incredible, ever-changing light. It never gets fully dark between about mid-may and early August, while in December a muted light shines over the island for a few short hours each day. Icelandair Stopover / 9

82 FROM OUR CEO A new year, with new routes BIRKIR HÓLM GUÐNASON Icelandair CEO Dear Customer, Thank you for choosing Icelandair. A special welcome to those of you visiting my country today on an Icelandair Stopover. For those of you who don t know, a Stopover is a break in Iceland of up to seven nights at no extra airfare while you cross the Atlantic effectively giving you two holidays for the price of one! If you re not sure yet how you d like to spend your Stopover, we have some inspiration for you in this issue: We travel to Egilsstaðir on the country s East Coast, just a short flight from the capital with our sister airline, Air Iceland (page 38). We also have a special supplement on the Reykjanes Peninsula, full of suggestions for how to spend your time, Stopover or not, in this beautiful and rugged area. And check out our mix and match infographic on page 66 for some ideas on what to do, whether you re an adrenalin junkie, culture vulture, or book worm. If you re still looking for ideas, the world wide web is at your fingertips. Our fleet is now equipped with Wi-Fi access, so you can plan your trip from the sky. Not joining us on a Stopover during this flight? I hope our unique Icelandic travel experience might encourage you to consider this for a future trip. Finally, I mentioned new routes in the title of this letter. Later this spring, we ll be launching some of our new routes for 2016 to Chicago, Montreal, and Aberdeen. I hope you enjoy your flight with us today and that we ll have the pleasure of serving you again soon, perhaps on a special Stopover. Góða ferð! Have a nice trip. MEET THE BEAUTIFUL HEKLA AURORA Just over a year ago, we flew our Boeing 757 aircraft Hekla to Norwich to get re-dressed in northern lights livery. This special costume highlights Iceland's aurora borealis and the plane is now a great ambassador for our global #MyStopover campaign, with the new name Hekla Aurora. There is even a special Northern Lights show inside the aircraft! Living on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, modern Icelanders have two means of travel: by sea and by air. Regarding this geographical position as a strength rather than a weakness, Icelandair has built up a network connecting Europe and North America. By combining our aircraft passengers visiting Iceland, passengers departing from Iceland and passengers travelling across the Atlantic via Iceland, we have been able steadily to expand our network over the past decades. This hub-and-spoke network is therefore a central element of our Stopover product. Hekla Aurora will continue to fly with us, and we hope you will get to fly with her on your very own Icelandair Stopover. ABOUT ICELANDIC LETTERS The articles in this magazine use Icelandic letters and accents. In Icelandic, you can use accents on all the vowels á, é, í, ó, ö, ý. Each accent makes the pronunciation of the vowel different. We also have an additional three letters: æ (sometimes written as ae) is pronounced like the i in tide. ð (sometimes written as d) is pronounced like the th in there. þ (sometimes written as th) is pronounced like the th in think. Thank you for reading! Kærar þakkir fyrir að lesa blaðið! 10 / CEO

83 HVÍTA HÚSIÐ / SÍA THE KIDS LIKE IT WHEN I PRE-ORDER ONLINE THEN ALL I HAVE TO DO IS PICK UP MY ORDER Save both time and effort by using the Duty Free Express service. Discounts are available regardless of what passport you may hold or which country you are flying to or from. Order online and pick up at the Duty Free Store. Icelandair Stopover / 11

84 Ísafjörður HEREANDTHERE Akureyri Here s what happening on the hippest island in the North Atlantic this winter. COMPILED BY: EDDA KENTISH Reykjavík N REYKJAVÍK ICELAND REYKJAVÍK January 10 February March Visit Laugardalur, the Valley of Sport, in Reykjavík and follow an exciting 10-day competition in various disciplines including athletics, swimming, gymnastics, fencing, table tennis, cycling, bowling, and much more. Whet your competitive appetite and bring out your Iceland supporter! Ash Wednesday, known in Iceland as öskudagur, is the distant Icelandic relative of Hallowe en and is, as you might have guessed, the first day of Lent. Children dress up in costumes and sing for sweets, for the pleasure of shopkeepers around the country. They might also try to hang little bags of ash onto the back of your coat. Icelandic designers, foreign journalists, local bloggers, and design enthusiasts from all over gather in Reykjavík for a weekend that celebrates Icelandic design. DesignMarch has long since established itself as an important venue for designers and all lovers of pretty, useful and interesting objects. DesignMarch-Logo.pdf ICELAND 8 February Call it what you like just another Monday, Shrove Monday or Bun Day, this last Monday before Lent is know in Iceland as bolludagur. Icelandic children and adults alike get their fill of buns with chocolate, jam and whipped cream, and Icelandic bakeries make hundreds of thousands of buns for lovers of this feast. But just in case they run out, you might want to head out to the bakery nearest to you before noon. Or even before the day itself ICELAND 9 February Shrove Tuesday, known in Iceland as sprengidagur, is the last Tuesday before Lent and is dedicated to the consumption of salted meat and pea soup. Here s a good phrase to know for the day: Saltkjöt og baunir, túkall! [Salted meat and peas, tuppence!] If you re in Iceland on this day, we recommend stretchy trousers and that you cancel all plans after dinner. 12 / Events 1 11/09/15 08:53 ÍSAFJÖRÐUR March REYKJAVÍK 2 6 March Food and Fun The culinary feast Food & Fun will be held for the 15th time this coming March. International chefs and culinary masters pair with local restaurants and serve specially designed menus using local ingredients for the duration of the festival. Keep an eye on their website to get the latest updates on chefs and restaurants, and make sure to show up with a healthy appetite! The I never went south music festival is now one of Iceland s most anticipated musical events and set out to celebrate true, hearty folk music. Initiated by local music legend Mugison and his father, it s not to be missed. Also, we hear that winter in Ísafjörður is one of a kind. AKUREYRI 24 March 3 April The town Akureyri celebrates winter sports and activities during a four-day festival dedicated to fun in the snow. Pack your parka and head up north to see how we do winter in Iceland!

85 Snowmobiling Tours Price from: ISK Northern Lights Super-Jeep Tours Price from: ISK Go home with a story worth telling! Arctic Adventures Your one stop provider of activities & adventure tours in Iceland Downtown Sales Office Laugavegur 11 Open every day from 08:00-22:00 Snorkeling & Diving in Silfra Fissure Price from: ISK Glacier Hiking Day Tours Price from: ISK #arcticadventures Downtown Reykjavík Sales Office at Laugavegur 11 Rafting Ice Climbing Snorkeling Diving Glacier Hike Canoeing Hiking Kayaking Cycling Surfing Boat Ride Hot Spring Swimming Climbing Icelandair Stopover / 13 Super-Jeep Caving Horse Riding Sightseeing Snowmobile Whale Watching ATV Incentive Skiing Mountain Hut Camping Combo Trips

86 A LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER S PARADISE I ve never met a landscape photographer who has not been or does not want to go to Iceland, says Yukon, Canadabased photographer Jonathan Tucker. The photographic opportunities are endless, and the ever-changing weather conditions will test anyone s skills too. Jonathan captured this image of the Vestrahorn mountain in southeast Iceland, near the village of Höfn, on his first visit to the country last July. Some of the country s first Norse settlers had farms near here over a thousand years ago, and during the Second World War this area was a British army base and later a US radar station. I spent half a day at this location looking for interesting compositions and waiting for the sunset. I knew it would take a little extra to add to the atmosphere of the area, so I added a 10-stop neutral density filter to my lens, giving me the ability to shoot a long exposure image to try to get a moment in the clouds. Jonathan plans to return to Iceland one winter soon to capture the northern lights. He may even revisit Vestrahorn. It s always special because you can go at any time of year and still have a good opportunity to capture an amazing image. PHOTO: JONATHAN TUCKER 14 / Landscape

87 Icelandair Stopover / 15

88 geysir_auglysingar_icelandair_prod.pdf STOPOVER DOESN T MEAN YOU NEED TO STAY PUT. Visit for great car rental offers. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 16 / Icelandair Stopover

89 Icelandair Stopover / 17

90 THINK OUTSIDE THE GALLERY DesignMarch is Iceland s premier design festival, a multimedia, open-access event that invites everyone, from industry professionals to design neophytes, to experience design as an integral and dynamic part of their surroundings. Our idea is that design is not just another chair, but rather something that actually impacts our daily lives, says Festival Director Sara Jónsdóttir. The festival seeks to move beyond the confines of art galleries and into public spaces. Take, for example, last year s program Overlap (pictured here), which transformed Sundhöll, Reykjavík s beloved indoor swimming pool, into a cross-disciplinary installation uniting product design, graphic art, fashion, and music. During the event, colourful geometric images drawn by Siggi Eggertsson, one of Iceland s most celebrated contemporary illustrators, were projected on the pool walls, rotating in time with a soothing, ambient soundtrack. All the while, bathers wearing swimsuits by local fashion designer Eygló and polyethylene therapeutic flotation caps developed by Unnur Valdís Kristjánsdóttir serenely bobbed and buoyed in the warm water. Think hot bath meets lava lamp. So come March, design events will pop up in the most unexpected of places. Don t let the weather discourage you: get out there and explore! Icelandair is a sponsor of DesignMarch, which takes place from March. Nearly all the events are free and open to the public. Text: Larissa Kyzer PHOTO: ALV PÉERZ/DESIGN MARCH 18 / Design

91 Icelandair Stopover / 19

92 PIPAR\TBWA SÍA There is something about... the Northern Lights. Handcrafted, each exquisite pendant is unique. This latest design of the ICECOLD line is made from silver and titanium and inspired by the magical Northern Lights. Available in Jón & Óskar stores, Laugavegur 61, Kringlan mall, Smáralind mall. Tel // Northern lights IN SMARALIND ICELAND S LARGEST SHOPPING CENTER TGI FRIDAYS - HAGASMÁRA KÓPAVOGI - TEL: FRIDAYS@FRIDAYS.IS - FRIDAYS ON FACEBOOK 20 / Icelandair Stopover

93 the maritime museum the art museum Choose a card that suits your stay: 24, 48 or 72 hours thermal pools #reykjavikloves Icelandair Stopover / 21

94 READ ALL ABOUT IT WORDS FOR THE WINTER MONTHS These four books by Icelandic authors will give you a perfect excuse to stay indoors and curl up with a cosy blanket and a warm cup of coffee. Compiled by Elliott Brandsma CHILDREN IN REINDEER WOODS by Kristín Ómarsdóttir A celebrated novelist, poet, and dramatist, Kristín Ómarsdóttir currently stands as one of Iceland s most lauded and versatile literary figures. Her mastery of narration shines through in her first novel to be translated into English, Children in Reindeer Woods a tale about a young girl named Billie who has been inexplicably sent to a short-term residence for children located in the middle of a battlefield. A brutal commentary on the depravity of military conflict, Children in Reindeer Woods is a stellar, memorable book that brilliantly contrasts the hardships of war with the innocence of childhood. Place of the Heart Place of the Heart STEINUNN SIGURDARDÓTTIR PLACE OF THE HEART by Steinunn Sigurðardóttir Winner of the 1995 Icelandic Literature Prize, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir s cherished road novel Place of the Heart tells the story of single mother Harpa, a woman whose unusually short stature and tan complexion alienates her from the rest of Icelandic society. When the best friend of her troubled daughter, Edda, passes away, Harpa decides to distance her from the destructive influences of the city and embark on a restorative trip together through the Icelandic countryside. The perils they face along the way ultimately bring them closer together and provide Harpa with insight and clarity into her past. Philip Roughton s translation of this great Icelandic writer s work is both eloquent and masterful. INSIDE VOICES, OUTSIDE LIGHT by Sigurður Pálsson Sigurður Pálsson is one of Iceland s foremost contemporary poets, winner of the 2007 Icelandic Literature Prize and a nominee for the 1994 Nordic Council Literature Prize. In Inside Voices, Outside Light, University of Iceland professor Martin Regal has compiled and translated into English a captivating collection of poems from the author s prolific career, which spans almost three decades. This anthology, which includes an illuminating introduction as well as the poems original Icelandic texts, contains profound meditations on the natural and man-made world, articulated through spirited and soothing verse. THE BLUE BLOOD by Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir Perennial Björk lyricist and Icelandic Literature Prizenominee Oddný Eir Ævarsdóttir makes her English-language debut in this stirring short story about one woman s desire to conceive a child. When she and her boyfriend realise that they cannot conceive, the narrator of this intimate tale embarks on a relentless quest to find a sperm donor who closely resembles her partner a quest that eventually turns into a mournful obsession. A brisk read that is rife with emotions and Oddný Eir s signature layers of poetic prose, The Blue Blood is a spectacular introduction to the work of one of Iceland s most promising emerging writers. 22 / Books

95 Nothing to declare In our 15 branches in nine locations all around Iceland, you will find Icelandic literature both past and present, Icelandic films and music, travel books, a variety of souvenirs, and Icelandic design. Stop by and enjoy a cup of coffee. Akranes Akureyri Hafnarfjörður Ísafjörður Keflavík International Airport Kópavogur Reykjanesbær Reykjavík Vestmannaeyjar Icelandair Stopover / 23

96 SIGLUFJÖRÐUR 24 / My Town

97 A PICTURE-PERFECT SMALL VILLAGE In each issue of Icelandair Stopover, we ask an Icelandic author to write about his or her hometown. This winter, crime fiction novelist Ragnar Jónasson introduces Siglufjörður, the northernmost town in Iceland. My father grew up in Siglufjörður and my grandparents lived there, so the community feels like my second hometown, although I live in Reykjavík. I have been visiting the town for as long as I can remember. The town used to be the centre of herring fisheries in Iceland during the middle of the last century, and at that time the number of inhabitants was much higher than it is today. The heritage of this era can still be felt, though, most notably in the award-winning Herring Museum. The town is only accessible via mountain tunnels (or a mountain pass, which is mostly impassable) so each entrance to the community is quite grand, whether in summer or winter. The small town gradually appears, sheltered by the high mountains and the sea; a pictureperfect small village that greats visitors with the wonderful scent of the sea and the pure mountain air. Siglufjörður in summer is a warm and sunny place, often quite warmer than the capital Reykjavík, and the days are even longer than in the southern part of the country; it s almost as if night-time never arrives. The town is filled with visitors, many of whom have summer houses there. My favourite activity on a warm summer night is to go down to the shore and watch the late, late sunset above the vast expanse of the ocean. Quite unforgettable. In winter, the days are much shorter, and in mid-november the sun actually disappears completely for two and a half months. The mountains are so high and the sun so low in the sky that it doesn t manage to shine its light on the town. In the night, the moon is high in the sky and sends its magical light over the white winter lands my grandfather, Þ. Ragnar Jónasson, wrote in one of his books on the history of Siglufjörður, describing this time of year. And of course, the first day of sunshine, in late January, is celebrated with so-called sun coffee, where townspeople share pancakes and good company. Winter is also a charming time of year in Siglufjörður, and when the snow starts to fall the town is again filled with visitors, this time those who are keen on skiing. The slopes in the Siglufjörður mountains are PHOTO: SIGGI ANTON very popular and locals refer to them as the Siglufjörður Alps. It snows a lot in Siglufjörður, and the bright snow certainly makes up for the winter darkness. And in the dead of winter, the town more or less assumes the look of a Christmas postcard. As I hardly ski at all, my favourite thing to do in winter, in addition to simply enjoying the snow, is to go to neighbouring fjord Héðinsfjörður, which is only a short PHOTO: ÞÓRARINN HANNESSON Icelandair Stopover / 25

98 PHOTO: BJÖRGVIN BJÖRGVINSSON In the night, the moon is high in the sky and sends its magical light over the white winter lands tunnel away. Héðinsfjörður is uninhabited, one of Iceland s deserted fjords and previously, before the tunnel arrived, one of the most inaccessible places in Iceland. Even though the tunnel has made access to the fjord much easier, no additional lighting was put up, so going there on a clear winter s evening is pure magic. Almost total darkness engulfs you, and the stars in the sky seem endless. If you re lucky, you will see the most amazing northern lights dancing across the sky, quite a common occurrence this far north. Siglufjörður is going through somewhat of a transformation now, as considerable investment has been put into the downtown area, new restaurants and a new hotel by the marina. These investments bring about and more jobs, so the locals are optimistic about the future. (Speaking of the marina, it s is a must-see place when visiting Siglufjörður.) The town, even though it is only home to about 1,300 people, is filled with culture. In addition to the Herring Museum, there is a lovely Folk Music Museum there as well as Iceland s first Poetry Museum and a Photography Museum. Another must-visit place is the local fishmonger, selling fresh and delicious fish (and some dried fish, which has the perfect taste) and the local bakery, where you should ask for hnútar a local delicacy that won t disappoint! When I started writing crime fiction, Siglufjörður was really the obvious setting. It is wonderfully peaceful, and therefore, it s fitting to use it as the backdrop for some fictional crimes! Also, when the first book in my series is set, a few years ago, there was only one tunnel into town, which meant that I could close off the town with a fictional avalanche, turning the place into a sort of setting for a locked-room mystery in the snow and darkness. I have since used Siglufjörður as the centre point of my crime fiction series, set in the north of Iceland, but always taking care not to kill off too many people in this lovely community! Ragnar Jónasson s Dark Iceland crime series is set in Siglufjörður. The first two two books in the series, Snowblind and Nightblind, are available in English from Orenda Books. 26 / My Town

99 WE CARE ABOUT YOU PIPAR \ TBWA SÍA DROP BY AT OLÍS, REFUEL AND ENJOY OUR SERVICE Driving in Iceland can be tricky. With our long and winding roads, narrow bridges, sudden weather changes and long distances between service stations. Be sure that you have enough fuel and drop by at the next Olís service station, where you can also get a cup of coffee, grab a bite to eat, and access free Wi-Fi to research your next destination. Have a safe trip in Iceland! FREE WIFI your friend by the road Olis in Iceland Unpredictable weather The weather can change fast. Do not drive into the highlands unequipped. Speed limit Narrow road The roads are often narrow, and many of them are gravel, not paved. Livestock Farm animals like sheep can wander into your path. Nice but dangerous. Speed limit on paved roads is 90 km p/h, lower than in many other countries. Road edge The paved roads are often very narrow and might not have shoulders you can trust. Icelandair Stopover / 27

100 ON THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF Iceland is an ideal location to film a crime series. The landscape, while beautiful, can be dark and haunting, with vast lava fields, towering mountains and looming glaciers. Trouble can lurk just about anywhere. Hraunið (The Cliff) is an Icelandic series that follows detectives trying to solve suspicious cases that grip small, close-knit communities throughout the country. Jenna Gottlieb spoke about Hraunið with Icelandic actress and star of the series Heida Reed, born Heiða Rún Sigurðardóttir. Can you tell me a little about Hraunið? It s a fantastic Scandinavian crime series. It s focused on a Reykjavík detective (Helgi Marvin Rúnarsson) who is sent to a small town in Iceland to help a local policewoman investigate a complicated case. I appear in the second series as Gréta, Helgi s new colleague, called in to help investigate a suicide case in West Iceland that quickly becomes suspicious. There are a lot of twists and turns in the story that will keep viewers guessing. You play a strong, complex character in Hraunið. Tell me about her. I play a brand new detective to the series and she is quite headstrong and combative with Helgi at times. Their relationship is really interesting because their personalities are so different, but their goals are the same to solve the case. Gréta is a lot of fun to play because while she can be difficult there s also a silly side to her. Where did you get the inspiration to play Gréta? I think there are so many great Scandinavian noir series and in some way, actresses in Danish and Swedish shows like The Bridge and The Killing inspired my character. I m inspired by their strength and grit. It s not always about looking good or being the stereotypical female character. Is there something that viewers might be surprised to learn about your character? Actually, she was written for a man, but the writers changed it during the casting process. Because of that, I had the idea to play Gréta as a strong, somewhat butch character. I didn t want to feminise her too much. I wanted her to be forceful and commanding. 28 / Film

101 PHOTOS: PEGASUS FILMS Many people will recognise you from your role as Elizabeth in the wildly popular British period drama Poldark. For those unfamiliar, can you tell me about the series? Poldark is a period drama that takes place in Cornwall in the 18th century and is based on Winston Graham's historical novels. I play the role of Elizabeth Chynoweth, who gets engaged to her fiancé's cousin when her fiancé is believed to have died in the American Civil War. When her fiancé returns alive, Elizabeth finds herself in love with two men. Playing Elizabeth is challenging because of the status of women at that time in history. There were a lot of rules, regulations and conformities. But, I love the challenge. Playing Elizabeth is not like playing a modern character that can put her elbows on the table. Back to Hraunið some might think it s cliché to say that the location plays a character in the series, but does this really apply in Hraunið? That Iceland plays a character in itself I ve been really fortunate to work on projects like that, where the location is a character. I think that s very true for Hraunið, from scenes in Reykjavík to those around the countryside. Iceland, in a way, demands that kind of attention, with the landscape being so unique and beautiful. Most of the work you have done has been in Britain. What was it like to film on location in Iceland? It was amazing. As you said, most of my career has been in Britain, and it was so nice to be in my home country and film a fantastic series. I can t say why, but it s different working in Iceland I was very proud to be back and shoot in places I haven t been to in years. The landscape is so unique and so gritty, so it s perfect for a crime series. Do you have a favourite scene in Hraunið? There are quite a few, but I have to say the shots around Snæfellsjökull are really special. We filmed quite a lot on the west coast of Iceland and integrated a local hotel into the plotline. I haven t been there since I was a child and I forgot how intense the landscape in the region is the rocky landscape, the looming glacier. I actually wept because of the beauty and memories of the area. What can fans expect to see you in next? We are hard at work on the second series of Poldark, which is going to be fantastic when completed. Hraunið is being shown with English subtitles on the in-flight entertainment system. Icelandair Stopover / 29

102 Welcome to we proudly serve a so we m Juicy e w & slo lo moked w s HOMEMADE MAde with SMOKED IN OUR REAL ICELANDIC RIBS OWN OVEN OUR HOMEMADE 100% FRIES quality BEEF potatoes From real SNORRABRAUT 56 TEL DRIVING IN ICELAND CAN BE DANGEROUS Learn how to drive safely on Icelandic roads with Elfis in our Inflight entertainment Dazzling cocktails Seafood and steaks Restaurant, bar & lounge TV d3.indd 1 30 / Icelandair Stopover - Hverfisgata :45:47 GENRE PROMOS SAFE DRIVING VIDEOS

103 E N N E M M / S Í A / N M Spectacular Whale Exhibition UR SK I RÐ REYKJAVÍK HARBOUR FI GR AN HARPA NA US T MÝRARG ATA ÁN A Have a whale of a time! OK, whales are big. We all know that, but to find out just how big is a revelation. This place has life sized models of many different breeds, and several skeletons too. There s also a lot of info, and you soon learn that whales are pretty special creatures. SL ÓÐ Come and see full-scale models of the 23 whale species that have been found off Iceland s coastal waters. Walk amongst life-size models, check out the interactive media and explore these majestic creatures in our family-friendly exhibition. DA GA Walk Amongst the Giants We are here WELCOME TO OUR CAFÉ SHOP FOR SOUVENIRS BOOK A WHALE WATCHING TOUR A UNIQUE VENUE FOR YOUR EVENT Fiskislóð Reykjavík Tel Open every day 10 am 5 pm Stopover / 31

104 AN OBSESSION WITH PERFECTION As the nation prepares to celebrate the 26th anniversary of Beer Day, Eliza Reid examines the ongoing Renaissance of Icelandic beer. Wednesday 1 March The day was partly cloudy, the temperature a few degrees below freezing. Iceland s population hovered around 250,000. And during this one 24-hour period, 340,000 bottles and cans of beer were sold from the state liquor stores, well over one drink for every man, woman, and child on the island not to mention all the brew consumed in restaurants and pubs. On the first of the month Beer Day, as it would informally come to be known in Iceland this golden, hop-enriched beverage was made legal for anyone over the age of 20. Prior to that, as a remnant from Iceland s prohibition legislation, any lager or ale that contained more than 2.25 percent alcohol content was illegal both to sell and purchase in the country. Beer Day may have ushered in a new era of beer consumption (though clearly not, as critics had claimed, a dawn of debauchery and increased alcoholism), but it would be many years before the craft beer industry arrived at these shores. In the past decade, however, numerous small breweries have opened their doors, while Iceland s larger beverage producers have launched their own small labels, and pubs specialising in local beer have sprouted up around the capital in record numbers. In the beginning The nation s first real microbrewery is Bruggsmiðjan Kaldi, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Headquartered in a nondescript building in a landscape of fertile farmland, steep mountains, and the deep Eyjafjörður fjord, the brewery was founded by Agnes Anna Sigurðardóttir and Ólafur Þröstur Ólafsson. The couple famously embarked on their entrepreneurial endeavour after watching a television programme on the popularity of Danish microbreweries and deciding that Iceland was ready to follow suit. The selection of beer that was available in Iceland at the PHOTO: SIGGI ANTON 32 / Refreshments

105 Icelandair Stopover / 33

106 PHOTOS: ROMAN GERASYMENKO Many also feature local flavours, such as the angelica that grows wild on nearby Hrísey Island time was pretty limited, says Sigurður Bragi Ólafsson, Kaldi s 24-year-old brewmaster and second of the founders five children. There didn t seem to be any reason to change the beer market for all those years, and I think that s because of the young beer culture in Iceland. One of the reasons my parents went into this was because they thought we could make better beer. One trip to Denmark, two trips to the Czech Republic, and 16 months after watching the fateful television programme, the new company began brewing its first beer, a golden, Czech-style lager simply called Kaldi. The gamble paid off. From an initial production of 160,000 litres of Kaldi, the company was producing 300,000 litres in just a year. It now employs 12 people, more impressively recorded as 10 percent of the entire village. It was one of only a handful of similar companies to survive the 2008 financial collapse with both reputation and bank account intact. At any given time, the company now brews 650,000 litres of five bottled beers plus a seasonal beer, all made with Iceland s famous mountain spring water. Many also feature local flavours, such as the angelica that grows wild on nearby Hrísey Island, adding a delicate liquorice aftertaste to the brewery s Stinnings Kaldi. Siggi (as he s known) is not in any way immune to the growing importance of tourism to the success of his endeavour. Although it s not yet possible to buy Kaldi beer abroad, they offer tours of the brewery, and, intriguingly, are hoping to open the country s first beer spa this autumn. (Imagine soaking in an Icelandic hot pot, but replace the geothermal water with beer. It s all the rage in Plzen.) There are endless possibilities, says Siggi enthusiastically. I have passion for it. It s a family business and I want to see it succeed. Stepping up the game According to historian Stefán Pálsson, author of a bestselling guide to beer and instructor at Ölgerðin s Beer School, it was Kaldi s success with Czech-style lagers that gave other companies the confidence to create their own craft beers and the incentive for the largest companies to step up their game. There are now numerous breweries dotted throughout the country, while the larger breweries have also launched 34 / Refreshments

107 their own higher-quality brands (Vífilfell with Einstök and Ölgerðin with Borg). The far-flung locations of the breweries from Gæðingur in Skagafjörður to Steðji in West Iceland may seem a bit odd, says Stefán, because the bulk of sales is in Reykjavík with the bars, but it seems that some access to local patriotism was necessary to start. So the local in Eyjafjörður would prefer Kaldi. Indeed, customers who might have been inclined to buy the cheapest beer still wanted to support a local product. Stefán also sees a new trend in this field craft beer paired with restaurant meals and in brew pubs in Reykjavík. (See sidebar for further suggestions.) At the Beer Garden, on the ground floor of the towering ( towering by Reykjavík standards) new Foss Hotel in the capital s Borgartún financial district, business has been brisk since the restaurant opened last June. We see ourselves as an inviting place for many, not an exclusive place for few, says general manager Loftur Loftsson, describing the philosophy behind his pubstyle dining area. If you want a lager, then have a lager. However, Loftur is quick to point out that the Beer Garden Snorri or Skaði? Present this flavourful winter pâté topped with mushrooms and crispy bacon. Serve it with sourdough rye bread and a bottle of Snorri (Borg brewery) or Skaði Saison (Ölvisholt brewery). Morgunblaðið, 9 December, 2005 Reindeer Pâté Serves g chicken livers 300 g mushrooms 2 white onions 1 tsp thyme 2 tsp ground juniper berries freshly ground pepper to taste 2 tsp salt 75 ml Ruby Port 450 g ground reindeer meat 3 eggs 300 ml crème fraîche 50 ml full fat milk 2 tbsp flour In a bowl, mince liver and chop mushrooms and onions. Mix the herbs together with the Ruby Port. Put the ground reindeer in a blender and mix well. Add egg, flour and crème fraîche. Combine well and add to the bowl with the liver and mushrooms the outcome should feel like a smooth dough. Grease two one-litre baking dishes. Add the pâté and cover with aluminium foil. Place in a large ovenproof dish with water in the base and bake at 175 C for 70 minutes. Remove the foil 10 minutes before completion. When finished, drain excess water and let cool. Icelandair Stopover / 35

108 PHOTO: SIGGI ANTON offers the country s largest selection of draft beers, from a Kaldi Black IPA to Einstök s white ale. The Beer Garden also offers a popular beer-and-food pairing menu, which matches various beers with their food, such as an English-style ale with Icelandic fish and chips, or a strong Icelandic IPA with local beanto-bar chocolate makers Omnom. The staff even gives patrons a quick primer in beer tasting, complete with a tasting notes card. As to why Icelandic beer is experiencing a Renaissance, Loftur is quick to credit the country s water, but also adds that it s the Icelandic obsession with perfection that encourages lager-minded entrepreneurs to create new flavours. For connoisseurs, or just the amateur, it s a development that is very welcome. The author flew to Akureyri courtesy of Air Iceland. You are gods and I am your Ægir According to legend, the foam frothing atop sea waves is an indication of the merriment taking place below the surface when the Norse king of the sea, Ægir, is entertaining various other deities. The more froth along the waves, the more beer is being consumed. This legend is the first of several tales splendidly recounted by energetic duo Ólafur S.K. Þorvaldz and Jóel Ingi Sæmundsson at the Ægisgarður beer hall in Reykjavík s trendy Grandi neighbourhood. Opened only last autumn, Ólafur and Jóel offer entertaining and informative evenings on Icelandic beer history and group tastings. At the beginning of each evening, Ólafur announces: You are gods and I am your Ægir. Not in a group? Some of the most popular Reykjavík bars that offer a wide selection of local beers include: Ægisgarður beer hall, Kaldi Bar, Laugavegur 20b Mikkeller & Friends, Hverfisgata 12 Skúli Craft Bar, Aðalstræti Frederiksen Ale House, Hafnarstræti 5 Micro Bar, Austurstræti 6 36 / Refreshments

109 GEOTHERMAL BATHS - NATURAL STEAM BATHS CAFÉ AND KITCHEN - GEOTHERMAL BAKERY OPEN DAILY YEAR ROUND Akranes 1 Þingvellir Geysir 35 Gullfoss Our natural hot springs, natural pools await you. Laugarvatn Fontana is a place where you come to relax and get an authentic Icelandic experience of a life time. Reykjavík 1 36 Mosfellsbær Kerið Flúðir 31 Skálholt Our popular geothermal bakery is available at 11:30am and 2:30pm every day Hveragerði 30 Selfoss 1 1 We re only one hour from Reykjavik and in the middle of the Golden Circle, make sure to upgrade your excursion to invclude a visit to us. Geothermal Baths TEL: Icelandair 1400 Stopover / 37

110 38 / Travel

111 EASTERN PROMISES Roger Norum discovers some hidden secrets on Iceland s east coast Helga was helming our vehicle, and what a vehicle it was. Was it a jeep? An ATV? A monster truck? Standing some three feet off the ground with massive bubbly tires and gargantuan doors, it looked like something the child of a giant might have been gifted for his sixth birthday. As Helga drove our Big Wheels up a crested hillside of switchbacks and hairpin turns, we caught sight of a rainbow in the distance. She pulled over to the side of the road for us to take some photographs. It s growing, I commented to my guide, Magga, who was busy taking a rainbow selfie. The three of us stood there in the middle of the asphalt, lightly doused with a recent shower, and watched as the rainbow grew into a full 180º arc and began to edge its way slowly towards us. Snapping another selfie, Magga looked over at me and smiled. As it moved, the rainbow began to change colours, growing its indigo and violet bands. Within a few minutes, the entire arc was hovering right above us. I wanted to phone my entire family and tell them what was happening. Instead, I just stared up at the rainbow in amazement, silent. Somewhere behind me, I heard Magga whipping out her selfie stick for another shot. Iceland s East, known either as Austurland or Austfirðir in Icelandic, is a breathtaking, lunar part of the country. Only about 15,000 people live in this region, and legend has it that the country s first settlers, Norse nobleman Ingólfur Arnarson and his brother Hjörleifur Hróðmarsson, wintered in this part of the country on their first expedition to Iceland. The region prospered in the 19th century thanks to the booming herring fishing and whaling industries for a period, the world s largest whaling station was based here but it is now a laconic land with manor farms, undulating moors, hot springs and a beguiling National Park. I had ventured to the East it s a mere hour flight from Reykjavík to experience Iceland s raw landscape in all its glory. Helga recounted to me how when snow falls here, it doesn't usually stay for more than a day or so; the earth remains warm on account of all the rumbling Mother Nature is doing under the surface. The region offers some brilliant hiking some friends raved about their walks to Neskaupstaður and Seyðisfjörður but as I only had two days, I wanted some local experts to shepherd me around and show me as much of the countryside as possible. My two companions for my day out, Helga and Margrét, who insisted I call her Magga, had collected me early one foggy autumn morning at my hotel in Egilsstaðir. Egilsstaðir is the region s largest town, but until the 1940s it was little Photo: The beguiling Hafrahvammagljúfur canyon stretches further than the eye can see, and at times looks to be slicing Eastern Iceland right off from the rest of the country. Icelandair Stopover / 39

112 The studded monster tires on Helga s truck ensure that no weather gets in her way. Helga and Magga taking a break on the shores of the Lagarfljót lake before heading off on an overland adventure. PHOTOS: ROGER NORUM One amazing thing I discovered about Icelanders is that almost no one ever has just one job. Doctors are published authors. Politicians are mechanics. Journalists are rock stars. Professors are tour guides. more than a flatlining farming settlement. Magga, blonde and in her late 20s, spent a few years as an au pair in Seattle, so she speaks English like a native. Helga, a tad older, quieter, and clearly a seasoned outdoorswoman, works as an EMT and ambulance driver, and owns a car mechanic s workshop when she is not driving visitors around the ethereal landscape that is her backyard. Indeed, one amazing thing I discovered about Icelanders is that almost no one ever has just one job. Doctors are published authors. Politicians are mechanics. Journalists are rock stars. Professors are tour guides. From my hotel, we headed southwest, pausing first on a pebbly beach of the Lagarfljót lake to check the tires and map out our route. Helga had fixed the truck with huge tires for navigating the rippled and pock-marked roads often found in much of Iceland s eastern stretches; she can inflate and deflate them at the touch of a button, should we encounter snow on the road. Though it looked like it could be fun to traverse Iceland s tundral stretches, off-road driving in Iceland is highly illegal and heavily fined and with good reason. As Helga explained, the tracks from vehicles can take form swiftly in Iceland's volcanic soils. In areas where there is no or little vegetation, these vehicular footprints can often become permanent and even cause soil erosion. An Icelandic delicacy in Egilsstaðir While the reindeer s primary habitat is the deserted expanses near Snæfell, reindeer can be found every evening on the plates of fine restaurants all over Iceland. Seasonal hunting permits ensure that the 6,000-strong animals do not damage the fragile highlands or take food away from the revered Icelandic sheep sturdy, fluffy beasts that freely roam the highlands in summer. The Icelandair Hotel Hérað in Egilsstaðir serves a delicate grilled reindeer with Hasselback potatoes, beetroot purée and haricots verts wrapped in bacon. Before driving further inland, we stopped to check in at the Snæfellsstofa Visitor Centre, set at the southern end of the Vatnajökull National Park. The Centre is a good place to understand all the volcanic and glacial activity going on in this part of the country, and to make sense of the many confusing (but ultimately very logical) names one sees on local maps: Eyjabakkajökull; Brúarjökull, and Kverkfjöll, a huge volcano with two calderas. The dominant geological presence in this region is the Snæfell ( Snow Mountain ), one of the highest peaks in the country, which rises some 1,833 m over the surrounding plateau. Snæfell was formed eight thousand years ago during the ice age 40 / Travel

113 There was magic, if not quite a pot of gold, at the end of the author s first Icelandic rainbow. when a volcano erupted directly underneath the glacial ice, causing explosions and chaotic flooding. Today, the mountain has glacial tongues extending down the slopes and a small ice cap that sits right at the top. In certain places, the landscape in this part of the country feels properly uncanny. A textbook of geographic phenomena, as a close friend once described Iceland, describing to me its stubby peninsulas, intricate coastlines, chiselled fjords and tiny islands bespeckling the coast. Out here in the East, glacier-cut lowlands give to ridges and cliffs along the coast. This part of the country retains odd vestiges of an uncharacteristically multicultural past. In some of the coastal villages along the East Coast, the influence of North European neighbours is immediately evident: the French left an imprint in Fáskrúðsfjörður, where road signs are still in both French and Icelandic. The influence of Norwegians is easily detected in the colourful, boxy wooden houses of Seyðisfjörður and Eskifjörður, as it is in the 6,000 reindeer that roam the Highlands in this part of the country (they are all descended from 35 lonesome reindeer who arrived by boat from Northern Norway in 1787). Dam vs nature While Iceland is certainly a country where one can stand on the side of the road almost anywhere and be completely consumed by nature s beauty, it is also increasingly a place to marvel at and reflect upon what we humans do to nature. Standing some 193 m tall and 730 m long, the Kárahnjúkastífla Dam is all that s visible of the country s largest hydroelectric power plant. Built in 2009, the dam diverts the Jökulsá á Dal and Jökulsá í Fljótsdal rivers through some 73 km of water tunnels into an underground power station. The dam powers the aluminium smelter in Reyðarfjörður, about 75 km east, producing material for everything from airplanes to power cables to freight ships. Still, it hasn t escaped environmental criticism. The dam was built within the second largest unspoiled wilderness in Europe about 1,000 square kilometres and the rivers that supply water to the project flow from Europe's largest glacier, Vatnajökull. Magga tells me the story of one man s summer cabin that was flooded and now rests at the bottom of the lake. If there has been damage to the ecology, however, this has not in any way diminished the striking beauty of the Hafrahvammagljúfur Canyon that runs just north of the dam. The 10km-long canyon, with its umber cliff walls and cascading waterfalls, is so unfathomably deep and vast that it feels as though it might well have sliced off a chunk Icelandair Stopover / 41

114 Magga taking a dip in 40ºC hot spring water. Medieval church ruins, such as these just outside Egilsstaðir, are a testament to the power of religion in early Norse society. Iceland s Loch Ness Monster Egilsstaðir lies smack on the banks of the Lagarfljót lake. Since Saga times, tales have been passed down of a wormshaped monster living in the depths of the water. Known as the Lagarfljótsormur, the Icelandic Nessie is dark grey, with a narrow head, wide ears and a broad back like that of a horse. The monster was first seen in 1345 by some local farmers who noticed a row of bumps moving along the water, and it has been spotted every few centuries since: In 1639, the denizens of Arnheiðarstaðir saw the beast, and thought it to be an omen for the harsh winter and loss of sheep that year. In 1861, two travellers spotted the bumps moving slowly along the north length of the lake. In 1965, employees at the Hallormsstaður forestry station observed a dark figure at the shore. I never caught glimpse of her while I was in Iceland, but this didn t stop Helga and Magga from talking giddily about the monster as we chatted by the lakeside. of eastern Iceland from the rest of the country. Magga and I climbed precariously close to the Jökulsárgljúfur s edge, looking into the dark depths below and listening for many minutes just to the wind whispering. At one point, we both looked down at our phones, which had lost 3G signal. I was hoping this might mean that she wouldn t think to get out her selfie stick. Just a dip Just north of Snæfell, off the unpaved road leading from the dam, is the Laugarfell Highland Hostel, a large pine structure with room for two dozen or so guests. As we peeked around the rooms, we were greeted by the manager, Palli. Over the years, a collection of cabins has sprouted up inside Vatnajökull National Park, ranging from large, staffed properties to diminutive log cabins with a few simple beds and a stove. There are a handful of hiking paths that lead out from the settlement, but most visitors come to dip into one of two naturally heated circular rock pools out back. What for me is so magical is to feel yourself so small in the land, in the wilderness, Palli told me, smiling and looking out towards the clouds closing in. Magga, eavesdropping from the other side of the door where she was changing into her bikini, chimed in, Totally! There's just you, nature and, you know, silence. As Helga went to tend to the tires a light snow had just begun to fall Magga and I stripped to our skivvies and dipped ourselves into Palli s pools. At 40ºC, the water scalded slightly at first but then soothed our bones, weary from our canyon walk. Old wives tales tell that this water has special restorative powers. There, we sat together in silence, as the midnight blue sky darkened, the lights from the settlements around us fired up, and a breeze began moving the fog around. When we boarded our vehicle an hour later, the evening fog was so thick that we actually could not see two metres in front of us. Halfway through a reindeer filet back at the Icelandair Hotel Hérað, my waitress asked if I wanted a beer. The suggestion seemed sacrilegious to me surely rare game deserves a bottle of fine Bordeaux, no? I think the rules are the way you want them to be written," she countered, pouring me a bottle of Snorri Nr.10, a hazy golden ale brewed in the outskirts of Reykjavík. Outside, while the fog had cleared, the wind was beginning to whip up and a light rain began to fall. The author travelled with Air Iceland s Eastern Landscapes day tour offered by Travel East. It is available year-round. He stayed at the Icelandair Hotel Hérað in Egilsstaðir / Travel

115 BUY A TOUR WE LL TAKE YOU THERE! on this flight Why not buy a tour with us on board this flight? just ask the cabin crew. ALL THE MOST EXCITING PLACES IN ICELAND EXPERIENCE A GREAT DAY WITH US! RE-04 BUY ON BOARD SRE-44 BUY ON BOARD RE-15 BUY ON BOARD More information on our tours in our brochure located in the seat pocket in front of you. Free WiFi BSÍ Bus Terminal Reykjavík City Keflavík International Airport FAST, FREQUENT & ON SCHEDULE EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! Your seat is always guaranteed For further information on our tours and services please consult our brochure located in the seat pocket in front of you. Free WiFi on all our buses In connection with all arriving & departing flights at KEF Int. Airport Trip duration approximately 45 minutes OR Icelandair Stopover / 43 BSÍ Bus Terminal 101 Reykjavík

116 Daily tours all year round ICELANDIC GOURMET MENU Freshly caught seafood and free range lamb with a modern twist DINNER 6 COURSE MENU STARTS WITH A REFRESHING SHOT OF THE NATIONAL SNAPS BRENNIVÍN FOLLOWED BY A BITE-SIZED TASTE OF PUFFIN ICELANDIC OCEAN PERCH Slow cooked ocean perch, beetroot purée, spicy butter, serrano ham, beetroot e golden circ h T le ICELANDIC MINKE WHALE Shallot vinaigrette, crispy Jerusalem artichokes a on ICELANDIC SEA TROUT Yuzu mayo, truffle mayo, crispy quinoa, apple super truc k ICELANDIC PLAICE Samphire, green asparagus, blood orange, lime beurre blanc RACK OF FREE RANGE ICELANDIC LAMB Lamb fillet, leeks, pickled onions, browned celeriac, baked carrots, spinach and dill cream Dessert by pastry chef Axel Þ. CHOCOLATE ROSE Chocolate mousse, raspberry gel, Sacher layer Austurstræti Reykjavík Tel: nowmobilin ds g an Come ride with us For over 30 years Íshestar has given people an opportunity to experience the Icelandic horse on long and short trips. Horses are our passion. Come ride with us in the beautiful surroundings of our Íshestar Riding Centre. You get free transport from all major hotels and guesthouses in the capital area. Tel. (+354) Your Ticket to Adventure 44 / Icelandair Stopover For further information check out our website call or be our friend on Facebook.

117 Vodafone 4G Choose Vodafone Iceland With Vodafone, you gain access to an extensive 4G network in Iceland with excellent 3G/4G roaming connectivity, no matter whether you re on sea or land. Share your memories by using Vodafone s prepaid mobile starter kit with voice and data. Vodafone Power to you PHOTO Buy your prepaid SIM card at Keflavik Airport, BSI bus terminal, Vodafone stores, N1 fuel stations all around Iceland, and at our network of resellers. Icelandair Stopover / 45

118 SAGA SHOP COLLECTION INSIDER Flip over this magazine and you ll discover our exclusive Saga Shop Collection of on-board, duty-free products. OUR TOP SELLING ITEMS INCLUDE... SENSAI Moisturising Set I page 19 Daniel Wellington watch I page 40 Hand cream from Organique I page 27 Daniel Wellington watch 40 mm I page 40 THIS SEASON, WE RE PROUD TO SHOWCASE... Silica Mud Mask Ice Cube I page 31 Swarovski Bracelet I page 44 FEATURED PRODUCT: INSPIRED BY NATURE Organique is Poland s pioneer in natural cosmetics. Tomasz Czarski, now president of Organique, created the range by himself, beginning with a series of glycerine soaps in The firm gradually expanded, as did the range produced. Fifteen years later Organique produces natural, healthy and environmentally friendly cosmetics for body, hair and face care. The products are sold around the world and have been awarded for the best product line in various magazines. The cosmetics are free of strong and aggressive preservatives that may cause skin irritations, dryness and hypersensitivity. All products are based on natural extracts that are safe and mild. We are passionate about creating products inspired by nature and acting on the senses, says Czarski. Organique s Dermo Expert line emphasises protection and hydration of the skin. All items in the line are made according to Organique s Safe Formula, and are free of parabens, PEGs, SLS, paraffin, vaseline, silicones, formaldehyde, and ethanolamines. An integral part of this line is the delicately scented hydrating hand cream, available in the Saga Shop Collection. The cream protects against aging, soothes and prevents irritation. 46 / Icelandair Stopover

119 HELICOPTER TOURS I ve been flying before but completely nothing can be compared to flying in Iceland. The views you see it just made me speechless, my heart was racing, a big smile on my face as if I was in love! reykjavík summit geothermal tour fire & ice LAND ON A GLACIER AND BY A SECLUDED GEOTHERMAL AREA reykjavik domestic airport Icelandair Stopover / 47

120 I I SI One of the coolest shops in town with an Icelandic designer of classical utilitarian clothes. eautiful and unique design. Our design is also sold as second hand. Sustainable fashion, the pieces will last you a lifetime. Spaksmannsspjarir Bankastræti 11 t Open Monday-Friday and Saturdays / Icelandair Stopover

121 Icelandair Stopover / 49

122 SPECIAL PROMOTION UNIQUE ICELAND: REYKJANES In Reykjanes, you can see where tectonic plates drift apart by as much as two centimetres each year. The area s history is equally split between two worlds, but town Keflavík, close to Keflavík International Airport, is famous for both excellent pop music and resilient fishermen. This area was also heavily dependent on the US Naval Air Station when it was active. When the base was shut down, many awaited the future with trepidation, as unemployment skyrocketed. However, the resilient Reykjanes people have found new paths for their considerable talents, and the area is now ripe with interesting museums and exhibitions, various must-see areas, clever tour operators, and more that all underline the fact that something good can grow out of dreaded changes. The Reykjanes peninsula is a geologically diverse area and is recognised as a geopark. Reykjanes Geopark is the 66th geopark in the European Geoparks Network. ACTIVITIES IN NATURE Gunnuhver This highly active geothermal area is also an area of mystique. According to legend, ghost Gunna terrorised the community some four hundred years ago, until a local minister tricked her to become trapped in a hot spring. With ghostly mist and unearthly colours, it s not hard to understand how such a legend would come about. Blue Lagoon The Blue Lagoon is a rich and diverse place of tranquillity and refreshing experiences. Scientists quickly noticed the beneficial attributes of the lagoon s geothermal seawater, rich in minerals, algae and silica, and have studied this natural source for decades. The area in and around Blue Lagoon is stunningly beautiful and the lukewarm water is the perfect dress to don during a day of relaxation. The Bridge between Continents If you want to jump between continents, this is the place to go! The bridge crosses an actual gap between two tectonic plates that drift apart by a few centimetres every year, and is one of only a handful of places worldwide where you can see the actual divides in the earth s crust. The Lighthouse Trail Hire a car to go explore the many lighthouses in the area an excellent idea and a wonderful, if a little windy, outing. Iceland s first lighthouse was built in Reykjanes, where the current Reykjanesviti now stands. Add to that the elegant Garðaskagaviti and the colourful Gerðistangaviti, an excellent structure to photograph during sunset, and you have a full photographic day ahead of you. ACTIVITIES IN TOWNS Kvikan house of culture Grindavík Kvikan house of culture in town Grindavík houses three exhibitions on what the local nature provides to the community, namely the Saltfisksetrið Exhibition that covers Iceland s tradition of producing quality salted cod; Earth Energy, where you can learn all you ever wanted to know about geothermal energy and the area s geological features; and Guðbergur s Exhibition, which covers the raw, natural talent of author Guðbergur Bergsson, a much-loved public figure who grew up in town. The Icelandic Museum of Rock & Roll Reykjanesbær This relatively new museum celebrates Iceland s crème de la crème of musical talent, with exhibitions on artists like local pop legend Paul Oscar, world-renowned Björk, ethereal Sigur Rós and more. The location of this interactive and interesting museum is no accident, as one of Iceland s first popular groups, Hljómar, came from Keflavík. Often referred to as The Beatles of Iceland, their legacy is important to the people of Reykjanesbær. The Viking World Reykjanesbær If you ve ever wanted to know what lured the Vikings of the 900s to remote Iceland, head to the Viking World museum that features five different exhibitions about Vikings in Iceland. One of the museum s main features is the full-size Viking Ship The Icelander, a reconstruction of an actual ship excavated in Norway and dated back to 870. It was actually sailed to New York in the year / Unique Iceland

123 Airport transfer to Reykjavík ffer ial o c e p S 20o% ff Terminal to Terminal Price one way 2,100 ISK 1,680 ISK Door to Door Price one way 2,700 ISK 2,160 ISK Tickets: Arrival Hall Special offer for Icelandair passengers only at our sales office at Keflavik Int. Airport *Present your boarding pass and get 20% discount Valid until 31 March 2016 Icelandair Stopover / 51

124 A THOUSAND WORDS Thanks to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, you can share your travel experience with the world. Check out this selection of recent images from our passengers who tagged their pictures with the #MyStopover tag. Pretty great, right? In the upcoming issues, we will feature the best pics by users that include the #MyStopover tag. Happy snapping! Rainbow I Natalia Grebesheva Photography Aurora Borealis in Reykjavik. Tag the people you would take there. Have a nice Sunday everyone photoadams I Iceland Reykjavik Photography One small step for a man... #thatonetimeiniceland #mystopover missing Iceland... filmandvinyl I Matthew B. Harrison, Esq The flirting horses #mystopover bjorndori We're here! #icelandair #airplane #mystopover #aerial thejetsetjulie I Julie The best kind of Saturdays are those spent at Icelandic spas with the best of friends #SASholes #bluelagoon #iceland #wheninkef #MyStopover jennabbeyy I Jenn Abbey Land of Fire and Ice. quillanruf I Q U i L L A N R U F The Maine #bornpacific #icelandbootclub #iceland bornpacific I Milad Sadegi { Solheimajokull, Iceland : May, 2014 } #DarlingExplorer heyitsmonika I monika markovinovic What an amazing unforgettable Scandinavian adventure! Back home now, and ready to be Iceland's unofficial tourism ambassador! Travel to Iceland, everyone! #iceland #mystopover thestoryofv I Vi.vienne Just another shot of my feet #Iceland #dennisiniceland denfrandsen I Dennis Frandsen 54 / Instagram

125 First on our #mystopover trip in Iceland #vscocam #vsco bgfrancey I Blair I see a little bit of you in everything / Blowing up like jerusalem in me / How I'm in love with everything / The girl with the golden back Cassino bornpacific I Milad Sadegi #tbt finding hot baths nestled in the mountains and not another soul in sight. #iceland #mystopover rchoidmd I Ryan Choi The colors here are amazing #Iceland #travel #mystopover #everydayiceland #tlpicks #skaftafell erincrpdx I Erin Crum Life is a DREAM - realize it. fashionpostcard I Ana & Danijela Got trapped by a troll today. Not again. #trollstew#mystopover hannahruwe Love this place #letmeshowyouiceland #mystopover helenagodborg I Helena T. Godborg Yes it's a pink house in #Reykjavik! // #Iceland smallcrazy I yishyene Strókur linafridman I Lina Fridman Back in the land of the midnight sun. #iceland #reykjavik #mystopover #wanderlust #travel #vsco #icelandairinfo eexii I Edwin Edillon #laugavegur #reykjavik #iceland #mystopover #streetart vmnykanen I Vesa Nykänen Little purple lupine as far as the eye can see. #iceland #film #kychelletravels himichellewhite I Hi Michelle White We're not just on Instagram. Find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. We look forward to hearing from you and thanks for submitting your images. Gone are the days of glorious sandwiches made in the back of our van, running to get out of the pouring rain, sleeping in four layers of clothes. So long Iceland, till we meet again. #mystopover thisradlove I S A R A H W I L L I A M S My favorite customers & dear friends over has published my photo in the latest Icelandair Stopover Magazine! My excitement cannot be contained #InflightEntertainment #MyStopover stephcast_ I Stephanie Castor #sykur #livemusicphotography #music #icelandairwaves #icelandairwaves2015 #iceland #reykjavik #livemusic #live #band #singer #singing #2015 #mystopover #icelandair rabbit_hearts I viv Please note that by using the #MyStopover hashtag, you are giving us permission to use the image in our magazine or as a cover photo on our Facebook page. Icelandair Stopover / 55

126 56 / Fitness

127 STRONG MINDS THINK ALIKE Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson and Katrín Tanja Davíðsdóttir may be only 27 and 22, but they are two of the fittest people on the planet, and both of them are Icelandic. Hafþór Júlíus, a.k.a The Mountain, was crowned Europe s Strongest Man in 2015, for the second year running, while Katrín Tanja was named The Fittest Woman on Earth in So is there an Icelandic secret to their success in all things strength-related? Is there a motivation to lift, punch and throw like their famous ancestors from the Sagas? Edda Kentish caught up with them at their local Reykjavík gym to talk Game of Thrones, future goals, and their proudest moments. Edda Kentish: I d like to dive straight in and ask you what you think strength is. Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson: It s such a big word, but I d say the mind. For me, it s being able to keep focused and concentrated. I m usually all over the place, but not when it comes to my sport. Katrín Tanja Davíðsdóttir: I can t define strength as just one thing, but I think confidence qualifies as strength. And what I ve really learnt this year [2015] is how powerful the mind is. I m sure I do 5 10% better when I m competing because of the adrenaline surge. I m in the mind-set that I m ready and focusing on the moment. Bodily strength is one thing, but something entirely different happens when I m competing. Hafþór: I ve entered every competition in the mind frame that I can win. If you don t believe you can, you ve already lost. Katrín, you famously won the CrossFit Games last summer and Iceland s national competition in November, and Hafþór, you placed in the world s strongest man competition earlier this year, just to name some of your more recent triumphs. What s the secret to your success? Katrín: Everyone s always looking for that one secret. But the truth is, it s hard work. Often, people are looking for an answer that will let them off the hook and skip a few steps, but nothing s like that. But we just really love what we do so it doesn t feel like work. We also have some great role models. This guy [looks at Hafþór] is among the world s strongest. And Annie [Mist Þórisdóttir] won the games the first time in She really paved the way for us. And this success is so close to us. You see it can be done. So it s not an impossible leap to make to be the best in the world. You just see what has to be done, put in the work, and get there. You ve both had a turn at acting. Hafþór, you famously took part in Game of Thrones and more recently in an ad for Jaguar and Caterpillar, for example, and Katrín Tanja, you ve done ads for Hleðsla, a protein sports drink. Do you think you might do more of that in the future and does it help your careers at all? How does it blend with your sports? Hafþór: It s a lot of work. Being on set, waking up at 5 am to have makeup and wardrobe, then waiting around for hours and then film until 6 or 7 in the evening leaves you drained. And you might have five days like that. Focusing on diet and training on those days is hard, so it s a challenge for professional athletes. But I think I ve managed very well and who could say no to Game of Thrones! That being said, my main goal is to win the World s Strongest Man title next year. But I ve had a lot of opportunities all over the world, many exciting opportunities! Of course, I m limited because of my profession, but I m 100% sure that I ll do more acting in the future. Katrín: It doesn t help me get better at my sport. You travel, have to adapt to a different sleeping routine and try to fit in training sessions here and there instead of focusing on your form and training like you otherwise would. But I always try to work around acting opportunities and when I do take them, I make it clear that I m an athlete and require time to train. It s exciting and fun, and you only live once. The spotlight s on us now and we re living the dream, so I wouldn t want to look back and realise I let some opportunities slide. You seem to lead busy lives where you get to experience a lot of different things. But I wonder what a typical day is like for you? Katrín: I get out of bed at around 7:30 and just take things slow. Then I go to my first training session that starts at 9, 9:30. I start with a long warm-up. Training ends PHOTOS: SIGGI ANTON Icelandair Stopover / 57

128 at about 12, 12:30 and then I have lunch. I might get back to the gym at around 2 for my second session of the day. I spend a little less time on warming up and then go on until about 4, 4:30. Then I go to the hot and cold tubs, recover mentally, see a physiotherapist and things like that. That sounds like your normal 9 5 job, almost. Katrín: Exactly. I m only 22, but my body s been under a lot of stress lately. That s why I focus so much on warming up properly. Then I always have a good dinner and relax in the evenings. I try to be in bed no later than 11 and I need my eight hours. But I often try to use my lunch break to see friends and family. People always assume I can t meet up because I m so busy, but I m quick to point out that I have lunch every day! Hafþór: I also get up early and have a good breakfast. My breakfast is really large so I don t really have the option of rushing [both laugh]. It takes a long time to drink this stuff; it s like two litres! I m constantly eating something I snack, and then have my proper meals every two or three hours. I don t have two training sessions every day, but I start at 2 in the afternoon and go on for sometimes three hours. I also try to go to the hot and cold tubs as much as I can. But if my training s very intensive I might split it in two. You know, go on for an hour and a half maybe, have something to eat, and then resume my session. Training takes a little longer when you re moving heavy stuff around all the time. Katrín Tanja Davíðsdóttir Age: 22 Height: 169 cm (5 6.5 ) Weight: 69 kg (152 lbs) Gym: CrossFit Reykjavík in Iceland or CrossFit New England in Boston. How many calories do you eat a day? I try to eat to feel good. I always have three eggs, half an avocado, fruit and veg, plus coffee with cream for breakfast, and a lot of greens with my lunch and dinner. After working out I have a protein drink or fruit, depending on what I ve been doing. You seem to have your training and your daily lives down to a science. But what are you most proud of? Katrín: Conquering myself. In 2014, I was in fantastic shape, but my head wasn t in place and I didn t qualify for the CrossFit games. But in 2015 I bounced back and won. I didn t start the games thinking I wanted to place, or win, but to do all the best I could do in every single event, so I could leave saying I did everything I was capable of. Everyone at the games is in great shape the question is, who can keep it together mentally? Hafþór: Last year, I broke a 1000-year-old world record set by Ormur Stórólfsson. [Ed: About 1000 years ago, Ormur carried a large tree trunk for 3 feet, 58 / Fitness

129 and Hafþór carried a 650 kg. trunk for 5 ft.] I ve also placed consistently at the last World s Strongest Man competitions and am among those who have won Europe s Strongest Man twice in a row. What would you want to be if not athletes? Katrín: An actress! Hafþór: I d say actor, since I m already taking steps in that direction. Katrín: Wow, we re just one and the same [looks at Hafþór]. Hafþór: I was just thinking that. Our answers match up. Over and over! Katrín: I ve always wanted to act and always liked being in front of the camera. You know, I like acting, and I like talking. But when I was younger, I thought I d go in a much more practical direction and be a lawyer or an engineer. But I ve figured out that I just really don t like sitting! I like being active, being around people, talking to people. But this last year, I ve been reading a lot of sports psychology and I could see myself doing that. That s grown out of my sport. I also really like learning about the body so being a doctor is a fascinating option. So there s a lot to do in the future? Katrín: (laughs) Yes! Going back to school, getting my acting career off the ground... Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson Age: 27 Height: 205 cm (6 9 ) Weight: 175 kg (386 lbs) Gym: Jakaból and World Class Laugar, Iceland. How many calories do you eat a day? I don t specifically count calories but I think I m somewhere between 8,000 and 10,000 calories a day. I eat almost everything a health drink in the morning, good fats, almonds, peanut butter, coconut oil, and more like that. I also like super foods such as spinach, broccoli, oats, and avocados. It s varied and I include a lot of fish, sweet potatoes and greens along with chicken and meat. I try to focus on how I feel and what I get out of my meals. Hafþór: I can t say that I ve always planned on acting, actually. I ve never been to acting school or anything like that. Katrín: You re just a natural then! Hafþór: It s just sort of come into my life and if my sports career slows down I m pretty sure I ll aim for acting. And my type isn t that common. I m 175 kg (386 lbs) and not many people in similar shape to me are this heavy. Icelandair Stopover / 59

130 SPECIAL PROMOTION BISTRO & BAR Bistro & Bar with artisan cooking and hand-crafted cocktails Uno, a cosy yet vibrant bistro and bar in the heart of downtown Reykjavík, has become a favourite among local foodies. Best known for its original appetizers and inviting atmosphere, this trendy bistro takes no shortcuts when it comes to quality. Everything is made from scratch; broth, sauces and fresh bread is baked on the premises every morning. Uno is located in a charming old building known as The Falcon House on Ingólfstorgsquare. With its rustic interior design and lovely window view, the restaurant itself makes for an excellent setting for some taste bud tickling. Uno s ambitious artisan kitchen has attracted 60 / xxxxxxxxx some of the best young chefs in town and acquired a following of loyal patrons, including an eclectic mix of writers, actors and politicians. The menu has a modern take on traditional favourites and prices are moderate by Icelandic standards. Frequented by locals on the weekends, the atmosphere is vibrant and the bar is busy. The lively lounge at UNO offers a refreshing range of cocktails, mixed by international master bartenders with UNO s signature twist. Homemade syrups are blended with fine ingredients from the kitchen; fruits and berries, herbs and chillies. The Espresso Martini is a great choice when the ample portions of food have left no room for the UNO Ice cream or Amaretto Chocolate Brownie. Every day there is Happy Hour from 4 6 p.m. with wine and beer 50% off regular prices. Friday and Saturday the kitchen stays open until midnight, other days until 11 p.m., which makes UNO a perfect stop after a concert at the nearby Harpa Concert Hall, or an indulgent afternoon at the Blue Lagoon. A tip from a regular: If you don't want a big meal, choose from a selection of appetizers, like baked cheese, the renowned Carpaccio or the Flanini with Parma ham, which you won t find anywhere else.

131 BJÖRN ÓLAFS is an extra long parka, warmed with duck down. It s water repellent with taped seams. The perfect companion for the cold winter. Icelandair Stopover / 61 Bankastræti 7 Austurhraun 3 Smáralind Kringlan

132 Iceland's strong knitting tradition begins with the unique Icelandic sheep, a breed that essentially hasn't changed since the Viking era, and culminates in an array of yarns for machine and hand knitting. PHOTOS: AARON FLACKE FROM SHEEP TO SWEATER Untangling Iceland s knitting tradition on an Icelandair Stopover By Michaela Cavallaro In Christmas 2014, I knit my boyfriend, Aaron, a hat with sleek, smooth American-made wool, while he presented me with a traditional Icelandic lopapeysa sweater he d bought on a work trip a few months earlier. The sweater was hand-knit with big, chunky stitches, impossibly light, incredibly warm and just the tiniest bit scratchy. Though I d been mildly interested in Iceland s knitting traditions beforehand, with that sweater in hand my curiosity was piqued. Just eight months later, Aaron and I walked off an Icelandair flight to Keflavík International Airport. Our plan: to learn as much as we could about Iceland s wool industry while also sneaking in as much relaxation as we could manage on a Stopover. Our initial home base was an apartment we d rented in a Reykjavík suburb a cosy spot with a hot tub and a small flap in the door that accommodated lengthy visits from Prince, a chubby black cat who purred constantly and banged on the cabinet door with his front paws when he was ready for dinner. Aaron, a photographer, had arranged a visit to Ístex, the 62 / #MyStopover

133 An Istex employee takes samples of carded, unspun wool. The Ístex plant in Mosfellsbær processes most of the wool produced by Iceland's sheep. Reykjavík designer Hélène Magnússon has created a unique line of high-end Icelandic yarn. company that processes the vast majority of the wool produced by Iceland s distinct breed of sheep. Ístex makes the colourful rainbow of yarns you see stocked in Icelandic supermarkets, and its products are what knitters around the world think of when they contemplate Icelandic yarn. Located in Mosfellsbær, a 15-minute drive from Reykjavík, Ístex is run by Guðjón Kristinsson, who helped rejuvenate the company after its predecessor firm ran into financial trouble in the early 1990s. Today, Ístex is owned by Guðjón and a few business partners, as well as the 2,000 sheep farmers across Iceland who sell their wool to the company. Guðjón, a small, serious man in khakis and a flannel shirt, guided us through the plant, past noisy machines sorting wool, and described the process the wool goes through from shearing to packaging. Each year, the company buys about 1,000 tonnes of wool when sheep are shorn in March and November, then processes it into two different kinds of yarn. Industrial yarn is sold to manufacturers that produce items ranging from machine-knit clothing to wool rugs while hand-knitting yarn is sold to shops in Iceland and around the world. Iceland s knitting tradition is long and proud: Álafoss, the company that preceded Ístex, was founded in 1896 while stories of knitting appear as far back as the medieval Icelandic sagas. But that doesn t mean the yarn business has always been a profitable one. Still, Guðjón said, We ve been quite successful since We ve paid most of our debts, and I think the future is quite bright. It s not a coincidence, we learned, that 2009 marked a Lopapeysa 101 Though it s become Iceland s iconic outerwear, the lopapeysa sweater traces its history just to the 1950s. Even then its precise origins are unclear though the sweaters became well known for the eye-catching patterns around the neck and their warmth, thanks to their construction with light yet insulating lopi wool. The lopapeysa s popularity skyrocketed after the 2008 financial crisis, as Icelanders banded together in a show of national pride. turning point for Ístex. As we chatted with knitters across Iceland, nearly everyone mentioned the impact of the financial crisis on knitting. You go back to your roots to calm yourself down, explained Hélène Magnússon, who shares her work at All over the world, knitting came back after the crisis. Just a few hours after our visit to Ístex, Aaron and I were sitting on the floor in Hélène s airy Reykjavík home studio, next to a rustic trunk filled with high-end yarn she designed. At home in the US, I d fallen in love with Hélène s Instagram account, where she often posts colourful pictures of the knitting and hiking tours she leads knitters on the side of glaciers, knitters in hot pots (Iceland s outdoor geothermally heated hot tubs), Hélène and her yarn next to the landscapes that inspired their creation. A lively and vivacious host, Hélène explained the winding path that led her from law school to a stint as a mountain guide to designing a series of yarns that, so far, has Icelandair Stopover / 63

134 Guðrún Bjarnadóttir, with her dog Tryggur, dyes Ístex yarn using local plants and lichens. Love Story, one of Hélène Magnússon's yarns, showcases the colours found in Iceland's natural environment. culminated in Gilitrutt, a fine lambswool named after a troll from local folklore. To make it, she spent hours at Ístex s washing plant in Blönduós, carefully picking through bags of raw wool to separate soft, fine lambswool from the coarser adult wool. Then she sent her selections to Italy, where they were spun into a soft and strong yarn suitable for everything from delicate baby sweaters to sturdy mittens. (Ístex doesn t have the capability to spin a yarn fine enough for more delicate items.) Now, she s figuring out how and where to sell Gilitrutt and her other yarns. In colours inspired by the Icelandic landscape, they are finer and more expensive than Ístex yarns. Hélène pairs them with her own designs for example, a stunning fitted lopapeysa with feminine details like a nipped-in waist and a scooped neckline that update the Icelandic traditions she studied at the Iceland Academy of Arts. While the idea of updating traditional designs might sound shocking to some, Hélène is convinced that it s necessary. The lopi sweater is a working sweater, even though it was created in the 1950s for tourists to buy. Now there are people like me who like a more refined fit, she said, tracing the curves of a woman s body in the air with her hands. I m really not afraid of doing something different with the traditions they have to continue to evolve in order to stay alive. That night, Prince the cat batted softly at a skein of yarn Aaron had brought me the year before as I began to knit it into a hat, thinking all the while of the conversations we d had with Guðjón and Hélène. The yarn, it turns out, was A Shopper s Guide to Ístex Yarn Ístex yarn is widely available in stores and online in Europe and North America and, of course, in Iceland. Here are a few places you can find it: A4, (Iceland) Álafoss Wool Store, (Iceland) Debondt, (Europe) Deramores, (UK) Fancy Tiger Crafts, (US) Hagkaup supermarkets, (Iceland) Schoolhouse Press, (US) WEBS, (US) made at Ístex, in shades of dark purple and soft magenta. The next morning, we met Guðrún Bjarnadóttir, a trained botanist who dyes yarn using age-old Icelandic materials, in her studio near Borgarnes, an hour north of Reykjavík. Guðrún dyes Ístex yarn using plants and lichens that are in season, which sometimes means her stock of a particular colour is limited. I like telling people, no, this colour won t be available until spring, she said, noting that she can only dye five skeins of yarn per pot, and just a few pots at a time. A few days after our visit with Guðrún, our Stopover ended on a gray, windy morning, perfect weather for my lopapeysa and the brand-new hat I d knit in Iceland, with Ístex yarn. Michaela Cavallaro is a writer and knitter based in Portland, Maine. 64 / #MyStopover

135 BE WARM BE WELL ICEWEAR offers an extensive collection of clothing for the outdoor enthusiast, ranging from high-tech down jackets to unique wool products made in Iceland. We strive to offer colors and cuts in line with the latest trends, quality materials and competitive prices. icelandic design since 1972 Icelandair Stopover / 65

136 STOPOVER ICELAND MIX AND MATCH You d be amazed how many memories you can cram into a short stopover in Iceland. Pick and choose from these suggestions to create your own unique itinerary. Sample a local microbrew. Take a trip to sea and catch your own fish, then cook and enjoy. Stock up for home: gifts such as volcanic salt, skyr, homemade jams and jellies, and local herbs like angelica make great souvenirs. FOOD FANATIC Visit the community of Sólheimar and sample their local products. Order a restaurant s tasting menu and let our chefs introduce you to sustainable, homegrown delicacies: think free-range lamb with red currant jelly, creamy barley risotto, or tender langoustines fried in Icelandic butter. Swim in a geothermal swimming pool. Eat an Icelandic hot dog. PLAIN VANILLA Window shop along Laugavegur and Skólavörðustígur streets in Reykjavík. Tick the boxes of Iceland s most visited attractions, like the Golden Circle and the Blue Lagoon. Self drive or travel early to avoid crowds. Watch the sun set by a walk along the sea. Enjoy spring skiing in Akureyri, North Iceland, where the bright evenings allow extra hours on the piste. Glaciers: Hike them, ski on them, or take a vehicle. Visit the site of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption. Test your mettle on a white water rafting course on the East Glacial River in North Iceland or the Hvítá River in South Iceland. ADRENALINE JUNKIE Trek through the interior during the summer (make sure you re equipped for all weather). 66 Icelandair / xxxxxxxxx is the only airline to offer a Stopover in Iceland for up to seven nights at no additional airfare when you travel from Europe to North America or vice versa.

137 Learn about some of Iceland s great writers and the nature that inspired them at places like Gljúfrasteinn (Nobel Prize winner Halldór Laxness s home near Reykjavík), Þórbergssetrið (a museum in the Southeast dedicated to local author Þórbergur Þórðarson), and the Skriðuklaustur Centre of Culture and History near Egilsstaðir. Follow in the footsteps of the Icelandic Sagas at sites throughout the country. BOOKWORM Buy a book! It s the most popular Christmas present and an increasing number of local books are being translated into English and numerous other languages. Write and read in a cosy café. You ll find one in almost every town. Scan the QR codes in the capital: Reykjavík is a UNESCO City of Literature and you ll find plaques and QR codes on benches, statues and walls throughout the city to teach you a little more about literary heritage. Attend a performance at the Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre in Reykjavík. Buy some local artwork. Time your visit with a festival like Iceland Airwaves, Aldrei fór ég suður, or Design March. Learn about Iceland s history through visits to the National Museum in Reykjavík, the Settlement Centre in Borgarnes, or the East Iceland Heritage Museum in Egilsstaðir. CULTURE VULTURE Visit a countryside museum. Many may have limited off-season hours, but if you drop them a line before you plan to visit, they ll likely open their doors for you, and you ll have the place to yourself! There s something to suit all tastes, like the Museum of Sorcery and Witchcraft in the Westfjords, the Sverrir Hermannsson Museum of Small Things near Akureyri, and the Exploration Museum in Húsavík. Hire a car and travel the 1,300-km Ring Road circling the country. Don t forget to check weather forecasts first! COUNTRY BUMPKIN Tour the country and stay at local farms and homestays. Download a northern lights app, and seek out the elusive aurora on clear winter nights. Visit during the autumn and lend a hand at the réttir, the annual sheep round-up. Visit the new Eldheimar volcano museum in the Westman Islands, and take a dip in the kid-friendly local geothermal swimming pool while you re at it. If we were to list everything you could do in a stopover, this piece would be longer than all the Icelandic Sagas combined. We encourage you to ask people you meet (or just ask your seatmate if s/he is a local) for their tips too. This Icelandair is just Stopover a tiny taster. / 67 PHOTO: MARINO THORLACIUS // INFOGRAPHIC: KLARA

138 WANT TO GO SKIING IN ICELAND? Iceland s largest skiing and snowboarding area is just outside Reykjavík. Only 25 minutes drive from the city. Scheduled bus tours on opening days. Open weekdays 14 21, weekends Day pass only ISK (adults) Ski rental package ISK For more information go to 68 / Icelandair Stopover

139 Organic bistro Creating a tradition Tryggvagata 11 - Volcano house Tel: Mon-Sun 11:30-21:00 Icelandair Stopover / 69

140 FLYING THE 66TH PARALLEL A student pilot s view of Iceland Words and images by Marie-Laure Parsy Szikola Crimson skies and glacial mist, seas of obsidian rolling into schist, the hungry throats of unpredictable Titans roaring the earth's crust to life I moved to the North with those dreams in my head, swapping the mild climate of the British isles for the hectic squalls of high latitudes, all with the ambition of surfing Iceland's adventitious mood swings in a light aircraft and, in two short years, becoming a fully-qualified commercial pilot. Iceland provides student pilots with the opportunity to sharpen their skills to unrivalled accuracy at every flight. There is perhaps nowhere else on Earth as challenging for aspiring pilots as Iceland nor as replete with picture-perfect images as we soar past the country s rough, rugged, yet ravishing territory, from the vast volcanic plains of Reykjanesbær to coastlines lined with shallow fjords. No great flight experience in Iceland comes across as simple; we learn from Day One to simultaneously handle international air traffic and fast-changing skies at airfields scattered along a craggy coastline often ruffled in gales. And the weather is infamous indeed, making the island probably the only place where our meteorology classes bluster to life from the very first step into the cockpit. As pilots, safety is our first priority, as is the dampening of our passionate eagerness by the difficulties we might face in the air should we disregard a meteorological warning. Within days of training, one comes to realise the implications of operating from a flight school that is located in the country's main hub for international transport. I feel a rush of pride to share training grounds and immediate airspace with internationally recognised airliners and military aircrafts. Helping to boost both our proficiency and our professionalism, the step into the world of commercial aviation is immediate. It s entirely possible that on one my first solo flights I will find myself taking off behind an Icelandair flight to Heathrow or landing just ahead of the flight returning from Portland. The journey so far has never failed to impress, and my passion for aviation is rekindled with every glide upwards. Fly the Icelandic streams, and the rest of the world will waft in the breeze. Marie-Laure Parsy Szikola is currently the only foreign female student enrolled into the Integrated Professional Pilot Programme at Keilir Aviation Academy. 70 / Aviation

141 Towards Vík í Myrdal Our training is often punctuated by moments of natural magic. Along the South coast, sky, land and water combine to offer a most rewarding office view. Icelandair Stopover / 71

142 Iceland's south coast is one of the main destinations for cross-country flights because it offers an unparalleled opportunity to admire the landscape with a bird s eye view, alongside many training opportunities within easy reach of Keflavík airport. Northbound from Reykjavík on our journey towards Ísafjörður. FIRST SOLO FLIGHT In November 2015, I embarked on my first solo flight from Keflavík International Airport. Lining up in a westerly wind for landing, I listened carefully to the tower's clearance and transmissions: Kilo Foxtrot X-Ray, runway 20, cleared to land. IceAir, you are number two behind a Diamond on short final. A blissful smile crept up my face as I led the landing gear onto the tarmac. Back at the flight centre, my fellow students welcomed me home with three buckets of cold water, despite the bone-chilling Icelandic drizzle. Turning around, I watched Icelandair touch down after a short-haul flight back from Continental Europe, feeling more thrilled and accomplished than ever. Holding short of 20 at S-1 intersection At Keflavík International Airport, busy traffic is expected. Keilir's students earn their experience as future commercial pilots in direct contact with the world of professional aviation, and with a great view from their seats! The calm before the storm Keflavík International Airport before rush hour. 72 / Aviation

143 am urora is an educational and entertaining film about the northern lights. Our unique live horse show, combined with a large scale multimedia, creates a magical evening. Your chance to meet the Icelandic horse in a guided behind-thescene tour, where you can pat the horses, ask questions and take pictures. Our gift store offers Icelandic and Scandinavian designer products, along with home-made handicrafts and hand knitted Icelandic woollen sweaters. Our restaurant s rustic design creates a warm and cosy atmosphere, and features an impressive menu. tel Icelandair Stopover / 73

144 THE ICELANDAIR ROUTE NETWORK AND AIRCRAFT FLEET Iceland s uniquely central location between Europe and North America is the key to Icelandair s hub-and-spoke network, which our efficient, economical fleet of Boeing 757 aircraft is perfectly suited to serve. THE NAMES OF OUR AIRCRAFT ASKJA TF-FIR ASK-ya Askja is the name of a volcano in the highlands of North Iceland. The last eruption was in BLÁFJALL TF-FIK BLAU-fyatl Bláfjall, Blue Mountain, is a table mountain in North Iceland. From its flat top it offers climbers an astounding view over one of the most beautiful creations of Mother Nature, Lake Mývatn. BÚRFELL TF-FIW BOOR-fetl Búrfell is the name of a table volcano located close to the scenic Þjórsárdalur valley. One of the biggest hydroelectric power stations of Iceland was built at the foot of this mountain. EIRÍKSJÖKULL TF-ISZ AY-reeks-yuh-kutl According to legend, an outlaw named Eiríkur escaped from his pursuers by cartwheeling to the top of the highest mountain in West Iceland. This volcano, formed by subglacial activity, was later named in his honour. ELDBORG TF-FIN ELD-borg Eldborg is the name of an extinct volcanic crater in the west of Iceland, one of the country s most beautifully formed. Each of our aricraft is named after an Icelandic volcano. Passengers boarding the plane can see a sign with an illustration of the volcano in question, explaining its name and giving some basic information about it. GRÍMSVÖTN TF-FIS GREEMZ-vutn Grímsvötn is the name of a volcano and a series of sub-glacial lakes in South East Iceland on the Vatnajökull glacier. Grímsvötn has one of the highest eruption frequencies in Iceland; the last was in May, HEKLA AURORA TF-FIU HEK-la au-ro-ra Hekla is the name of Iceland's most famous volcano, which last erupted in The aircraft was renamed Hekla Aurora in 2014 and repainted in northern lights livery for our #MyStopover campaign. HELGAFELL TF-FIT HEL-gah-fetl Helgafell is the name of a dormant cone volcano on the outskirts of an important fishing town in the Westman Islands. Its neighbour, Eldfell, was formed in an eruption in HENGILL TF-FIX HEN-gitl Hengill is the name of a volcanic system not far from Reykjavík. The most recent eruption has been radiocarbon-dated to about 1,900 years ago. Hellisheiði Geothermal Plant is situated at Hengill. The estimated production capacity for the completed Hellisheiði plant is 300 MW of electricity and 400 MW of thermal energy. ELDFELL TF-ISK ELD-fetl Eldfell, on Heimaey, one of the Westman Islands, is a volcanic cone formed during a surprise 1973 eruption not far from the centre of one of the most important fishing villages in Iceland. No one was hurt. HERÐUBREIÐ TF-FIA HARE-theu-braith Herðubreið is the name of an extinct volcano in the highlands of North Iceland. It is a tuya, a volcano formed under a glacier. Many Icelanders consider Herðubreið to be the most beautiful mountain in Iceland. EYJAFJALLAJÖKULL TF-FII AY-ya-fyat-la-yeu-kutl (good luck!) Eyjafjallajökull glacier is a relatively small ice cap in South Iceland, just west of the much larger Mýrdalsjökull glacier. Eyjafjallajökull covers the caldera of a volcano with a summit elevation of 1,666 metres (5,466 ft). The most recent eruption in Eyjafjallajökull was in April KATLA TF-FIV KAT-la Katla is the name of a volcano beneath the icesheet of the South Iceland glacier Mýrdalsjökull. The last eruption of Katla was in GRÁBRÓK TF-FIY GRAU-broke Grábrók is the name of a crater that was formed in a fissure eruption in West Iceland less than 3,000 years ago. Children love running up to the top of this friendly volcano, which stands just a few metres from the road. 74 / xxxxxxxxx KEILIR TF-FIZ KAY-leer Keilir is a cone-shaped volcano which was created subglacially and is located on the Reykjanes Peninsula to the south of Reykjavík, from where it can be viewed as a well-known landmark. It rises to 379 m and consists primarily of hyaloclastite and pillow lavas. KRAFLA TF-FIO KRAB-la Krafla is a caldera about 10 km in diameter and is in a 90-km-long fissure zone, in the north of Iceland in the Mývatn region. Krafla s highest peak reaches 818 m. There have been 29 reported eruptions in recorded history, the last of which occurred between 1975 and 1984.

145 ANCHORAGE HELSINKI VANCOUVER STOCKHOLM TRONDHEIM EDMONTON SEATTLE PORTLAND ICELAND OSLO GOTHENBURG COPENHAGEN BERGEN STAVANGER BILLUND HAMBURG FRANKFURT MUNICH ABERDEEN AMSTERDAM GLASGOW BRUSSELS ZURICH MANCHESTER MILAN BIRMINGHAM LONDON PARIS GENEVA HEATHROW & GATWICK DENVER BARCELONA MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL MADRID CHICAGO TORONTO MONTREAL WASHINGTON D.C. BOSTON NEW YORK HALIFAX JFK & NEWARK ORLANDO LAKI TF-ISF LAH-kih Laki is the name of a volcanic fissure and mountain in southern Iceland. The largest lava eruption in recorded history began here on 8 June, SURTSEY TF-FIJ SEURT-say Surtsey, off the coast of South Iceland, is a young island which grew up from the ocean floor during a volcanic eruption in MAGNI TF-FIC MAG-nih Magni is the name of one of the two craters that were tailor-made for tourists in the first stage of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in March TORFAJÖKULL TF-ISY TOR-va-yuh-kutl Torfajökull volcano is in the highlands of South Iceland and is named after Torfi, an Icelandic historical figure. During the plague in 1493, he is said to have found shelter there with his family. SKJALDBREIÐUR TF-LLX SKYALD-bray-ther Skjaldbreiður is the name of an extinct shield volcano in the vicinity of Þingvellir, the South Iceland site of the old Icelandic parliament, or Alþing. Skjaldbreiður is estimated to be around 9,000 years old. SNÆFELL TF-FIP SNEYE-fetl Snæfell is the name of an extinct volcano north-east of Vatnajökull glacier. It has been dormant for at least 10,000 years. ÖRÆFAJÖKULL TF-ISL EU-rye-va-yeu-kutl Öræfajökull is the largest active volcano in Iceland, and on its north-western side is Hvannadalshnjúkur, the highest peak in the country. It has not erupted since the 18th century. (In case you're wondering, the last letter of the Icelandic alphabet is Ö, which is why this entry appears last on our list.) SNÆFELLSJÖKULL TF-ISD SNEYE-fetls-yuh-kutl Snæfellsjökull is an extinct stratovolcano in western Iceland. The entrance to the centre of the Earth is to be found at its top. Some even believe it is a landing site for extra terrestrials. BOEING Number of seats Length Wing span Cruising speed Maximum range Maximum take-off weight Engine (two) BOEING m m km/h 544 mph 5,100 km 3,200 mi 123,800 kg 273,000 lbs RB E4-B Number of seats 183 Length 47.3 m Wing span 38.1 m 125 Cruising speed 876 km/h 544 mph Maximum range 6,300 km 3,900 mi Maximum take-off weight 113,400 kg 250,000 lbs Engine (two) RB E4 Maximum range based on full passenger load. Icelandair Stopover / 75

146 WE ARE ADDING TO OUR FLEET IN 2016 WE WILL ADD BOEING 767S AND WET LEASE Q400 BOMBARDIER AIRCRAFT FROM OUR SISTER COMPANY AIR ICELAND. We will use these new aircraft to increase efficiency to our most popular destinations like Copenhagen, London Heathrow and Boston. In that way, more passengers will be able to fly at Boeing each time. Moreover, the 767s are ideally suited for longhaul flights and will therefore also be used to reach our most distant destinations. The Q400 Bombardier aircraft will serve our Aberdeen route in close collaboration with our sister company Air Iceland. By adding these aircraft to our fleet, short-haul flights to various European destinations become a very real possibility. Boeing Boeing Boeing Boeing BOEING BOEING Number of seats: 183 Number of seats: 222 Seating arrangement: 3-3 in Economy Class and Economy Comfort, and 2-2 in Saga Class. Seating arrangement: 3-3 in Economy Class and Economy Boeing Comfort, and 2-2 in Saga Class. Length: 47.3 m Length: 54.4 m Wingspan: 38.1 m 125 Wingspan: 38.1 m 125 Cruising speed: 876 km/h 544 mph Cruising speed: 876 km/h 544 mph Maximum range: 6,300 km 3,900 mi Maximum range: 5,100 km 3,200 mi Maximum take-off weight: 113,400 kg 250,000 lbs Maximum take-off weight: 123,800 kg 273,000 lbs Engine: (two) RB E4 Engine: (two) RB E4-B Maximum range based on full passenger load. Boeing BOEING 767 Q400 BOMBARDIER Number of seats: 262 Number of seats: 72 Seating arrangement: in Economy Class and Economy Boeing Comfort, and in Saga Class Seating arrangement: 2-2, Economy Class and Economy Comfort Length: 54,9 m / 180 ft. 3 in Length: 32.8 m / Wingspan: 47,6 m / 156 ft. 1 in Wingspan: 28.4 m / 93 3 Cruising speed: 851 km/h 530 mph Cruising speed: 630 km/h; 395 mph Maximum range: 7,890 km / 4,900 mi Maximum range: 2,400 km / 1,500 mi Maximum take-off weight: 158,760 kg / 350,000 lbs. Maximum take-off weight: 29,574 kg / 65,200 lbs. Engine: (two) turboprops: 2 x GE CF6-80C2B6 Engine: (two) turboprops: PW 150A Boeing Join us 76 / Our fleet

147 Icelandair Stopover / 77

148 WELCOME WI-FI! We reached a milestone this winter when we completed Wi-Fi installation across our fleet, so now you can enjoy surfing the web at 35,000 feet. (We think this rhymes nicely, too, so if you want to snap a shot of this page, it might be a fun addition to your photo feed!) We re also working on implementing upgrades to the service and are excited about what 2016 can bring in wireless aviation communication. SPECIAL CHILDREN S TRAVEL FUND The Special Children Travel Fund was founded in 2003, and the fund s main goal is to make the dream of a worry-free vacation come true for chronically ill children and children with special needs. The fund s goal is to give children in Iceland and nearby countries an opportunity to travel with their families. Icelandair established the fund on the First Day of Summer, On the first day of winter, 24 October 2015, we awarded 22 children and their families the Special Children Travel Fund travel grant. Twice a year, on the first day of summer and the first day of winter, children and their families find out they re about to go on their dream vacation. We feel very lucky to be able to support children and their families in this way and look forward to the first day of summer and making a few more families happy and excited. If you want to make a contribution, look for the envelope in the seat pocket in front of you. JET BLUE AND ICELANDAIR PARTNERS AGAIN Yes it s true. Last October, Icelandair and Jet Blue (there s that rhyme again) signed a codeshare agreement, which means travellers gain easy connections between both airlines networks. The service will be focused around Boston, New York and Iceland. The two airlines have worked well together in the past, and this beautiful partnership was wonderfully articulated by our CEO: Our like-minded business models and customer amenities will offer uniformed service throughout our networks. Very elegantly put, and we couldn t agree more. 78 / Icelandair@work Chicago THREE NEW DESTINATIONS IN 2016 This year, we ll start regular service to three new cities: Chicago, Montreal and Aberdeen. What s more, we ll increase flights between Glasgow and Reykjavík from March, and between Portland and Reykjavík from May. We re extremely happy to be able to offer updates and increased flights and are always looking at new ways to improve our services. We hope to see you aboard an Icelandair flight soon, and in the meantime, drop us a line on Twitter and suggest the next Icelandair destination!

149 BENEFITS OF BEING AN ICELANDAIR SAGA CLUB MEMBER DO YOU FLY REGULARLY WITH ICELANDAIR? Our Frequent Flyer Programme, Icelandair Saga Club, has multiple benefits for all members as well as special offers and benefits for our most frequent flyers who have acquired Saga Silver and Saga Gold status. Members can earn from 1,500 to 11,700 Tier Points for each leg with Icelandair and need 40,000 Tier Points to become a Saga Silver member and 80,000 Tier Points to become a Saga Gold member. SAGA GOLD AND SAGA SILVER BENEFITS: SAGA SILVER SAGA GOLD One upgrade a year Upgrade every time you fly* Business Class Check In Business Class Check In Lounge Access Lounge Access Excess Baggage Excess Baggage Spouse Card Available Free Spouse Card Limousine Service Limousine Service Priority on waiting lists Priority on waiting lists Free Parking at Keflavik Airport Free Wi-fi on board Free Icelandair Golfers membership *To the next cabin when space available Join us Icelandair Stopover / 79

150 KNOW YOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER IN ICELAND / EUROPE IN USA AND CANADA IN UK / Emergency calls are free to make from mobile phones. But if you re on the other side of the Atlantic, or in Iceland from North America, don t forget to check on arrival if yours is working. Some phones operate on a different bandwidth and will not work in foreign countries. ICELANDIC SEARCH & RESCUE: OUR COUNTRY S BRAVE VOLUNTEERS If you get lost on a mountain, can t find your way at sea, or encounter virtually any other difficulty in Iceland s outdoors, the Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue (ICE-SAR) is there to help. In a country with no military, and only a few coast guard vessels and helicopters, ICE-SAR s 3000 highly trained volunteers command deserved respect from both locals and visitors. Their teams deal with thousands of calls annually and are available 24 hours a day, on land or at sea. So while the vast majority of trips to Iceland will be without incident, you can rest easy that, should the need arise, the nation s most experienced people will be prepared to save lives and prevent accidents under even the harshest conditions. Remember too that rescue operations are expensive to launch: advanced equipment is used and volunteers take time off from their jobs to take part. ICE-SAR relies entirely on donations to finance itself; you can contribute via their website. SAFETY FIRST Iceland s vast nature is spectacular, unique and unpredictable. Sunny and calm periods can transform into windstorms, blizzards and plummeting temperatures in a matter of hours. If you are planning to travel to a more isolated area, please leave a copy of your itinerary with the Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue at and, for all excursions, observe these tips: When driving, keep your full attention on the road, especially on areas where tarmac turns to gravel. Blind hills should be approached with caution. It is illegal to operate a vehicle after consuming alcohol. On single-lane bridges, the car closer to the bridge has the right of way, but it is always wise to stop and assess the situation. Only take highland roads if you have a 4x4 jeep, and make sure you have the experience necessary to operate these vehicles in tough conditions. Roads can be quite slippery during winter, especially after frost in the early morning. All highland roads are closed during winter. Off-road driving is illegal. When you are hiking, be prepared for sudden weather changes, stick to your travel plan, and dress appropriately, with water- and wind-resistant clothing, gloves and hats. Do not get too close to cliff edges or hot springs. When waves are big, stay far ahead from the sea; be especially vigilant along the south coast, which is open to the Atlantic Ocean. If you get lost, call 112, the emergency service line. Stay where you are and wait for rescue services to find you. The search and rescues association also offers a free emergency app, downloadable from their website. Your coordinates will be sent to the emergency response crews should you use the app. There is more information on safe travel in Iceland on our in-flight entertainment system. Visit for equipment lists, travel plans, and the latest travelling conditions. 80 / Icelandair Stopover

151 Two Icelandic themed villages HLIÐ ÁLFTANESI The Viking Village is a unique place and it is the only Viking theme Hotel and restaurant in Iceland. We have step by step been developing our facilities over the last 24 years and will hopefully continue to do so in the future. We offer Hotel accommodation and Viking houses. Good for families and groups. 15 minutes drive to the city centre The Fisherman s village, our newest accommodation is Hlið in Álftanes only few minutes drive from the Viking Village. Like a country home by the seaside. Such an idyllic place to visit. The restaurant is open for groups in the evenings. Close to the president s residence. Viking feasts - Souvenirs Live entertainment most nights Booking: Restaurant & Lodging Icelandair Stopover / 81

152 OUR IN-FLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT Dear passenger, On this flight you have access to a personal in-flight entertainment system, and these pages offer a sneak peak into our selection. Since we always aim to offer interesting and relevant material on board our flights, we update our selection regularly. Have a browse through the content on the screen in front of you to see all we offer this time around. The selection is quite varied, and we try to offer the latest Hollywood blockbusters of the season. We ve also dedicated a category to All-time Classics, where some of the carefully selected films are available for a whole year, allowing you to revisit some of your favourites each time you fly with us. When it comes to TV programmes, we want to offer you both American and Icelandic series. We also have a good selection of Icelandic films. All Icelandic programmes and films are subtitled, so you can expand your entertainment horizons! We would especially like to point out our Unique Iceland series, where you can learn about each area in Iceland before you embark on your own Stopover. Also, don t miss our shorts and docs, where you can find informative material on Iceland, so you can land in Iceland full of insights into local culture. All children who fly with us receive complimentary headphones and can enjoy a selection of subtitled or dubbed children s programmes and films. We hope you enjoy your flight with us today! DON'T MISS THIS ICELANDIC DOCU- MENTARY UNIQUE ICELAND a holiday destination of extremes. An entertaining and informative series about Iceland, both city and country, so you can feel prepared for your Stopover. TV PROGRAMMES Sherlock s1 e1-3 I 14 I Crime I 88 min. Undateable s1 e1-6 I PG14 I Comedy I 22 min It s Always Sunny in Philadelphia s9 e1-3 I TV-MA I Comedy I 22 min. The Flash s1 e7-12 I TV PG I Drama I 43 min. ALL-TIME CLASSICS Lethal Weapon R I Action I 110 min. 2001: A Space Odyssey G I Sci-Fi I 141 min. When Harry Met Sally R I Romance I 96 min. The Last King of Scotland R I Drama I 123 min. 82 / In-flight Entertainment

153 SHORTS & DOCS D D Refurinn / The Arctic Fox Documentary I 33 min. S S S Eyjafjallajökull Documentary I 25 min. 'T MIS ON THIS ICELANDIC DOCUMENTARY D 'T MIS ON THIS ICELANDIC DOCUMENTARY 'T MIS ON THIS ICELANDIC DOCUMENTARY Did you forget your headphones? We sell quality headphones in a nice case that you can use on this flight and anywhere else. Finndið / Translating Funny Documentary I 58:25 min. ICELANDIC TV PROGRAMMES D ICELANDIC TV SERIES Ástríður s2 e1-10 I Comedy/Drama I 25 min. Málarinn / En Maler Short film/drama I 30 min. ON ON T ICELANDIC MOVIE THIS ICELANDIC MOVIE Albatross L I Comedy I 100 min. ICELANDIC MOVIE 'T M ON ON T D DON'T MISS OUT ON T HE N Blóðberg L I Comedy I 100 min. I S S OU I S S OU 'T M I S ON DO N 'T M 'T M ICELANDIC TV SERIES Hraunið / The Cliff-Depth of Darkness e1-4 I Drama I 46 min. FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT WE'VE SELECTED THE BEST OF ICELANDIC MUSIC! CHILDREN'S FILMS IN ICELANDIC ICELANDIC MOVIE DO ICELANDIC MOVIE ICELANDIC MUSIC! T S 'T M I S ON THIS S D ICELANDIC FILMS I S S OU ICELANDIC MOVIE N N 'T M FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT WE'VE SELECTED THE BEST OF DO DO ICELANDIC MOVIE 'T M I S ON THIS S D S Sjóndeildarhringur / Horizon Documentary I 80 min. 'T M I S ON THIS S 'T MIS ON THIS ICELANDIC DOCUMENTARY D SHORTS & DOCS I S S OU T Language: Icelandic/English DON'T Language: Icelandic/English MISS OUT ON T HE ICELANDIC MOVIE Happy Feet PG I Animation I 108 min. Harry Potter 1: The Sorcerers' Stone PG I Adventure I 152 min. Please note that you have many more films and TV programmes to choose from on the in-flight entertainment system. The films and TV programmes listed here are only a small selection. CHILDREN S PROGRAMMES ALSO AVAILABLE IN ICELANDIC Language: Icelandic/English TMNT Ninja Turtles / Skjaldbökurnar 4 episodes I Animation/Kids I 30 min. Language: Icelandic/English Dora the Explorer / Dóra landkönnuður 4 episodes I Animation/Kids I 30 min. Language: Icelandic/English Spongebob Squarepants / Svampur Sveinsson 4 episodes I Kids I 30 min. Teletubbies / Stubbarnir 4 episodes I Kids I 30 min. Icelandair Stopover / 83

154 SAGA SHOP KITCHEN Food for Thought CHICKEN SALAD Also available as a vegan option From Gló Iceland's most popular health food restaurant. You are what you eat, they say. Who doesn't want to be a colourful salad? All non-alcoholic beverages are complimentary on all classes. Our meals are served in environmentally-friendly packaging that feature interesting information about Icelandic nature. The children's box also has some activities printed on it. In our Economy Class, we do our best to serve quick and fresh food for everyone. Children between 2 and 11 years of age receive a complimentary meal box on all flights. We offer a selection of Icelandic delicacies, including hjónabandssæla, a jam-filled oatmeal cake known as "wedded bliss". Economy Comfort and Saga Class passengers enjoy complimentary wine and beer. Passengers in Economy Comfort and Saga Class enjoy complimentary meals and have a variety to choose from. Economy Comfort passengers choose from the Economy Class menu, free of charge. Please see the menu in the seat pocket in front of you for a complete selection of what is available on this flight. We welcome your feedback on the dining experience on board. Please drop us a line at with any comments. Verði þér að góðu! Bon appétit! 84 / In-flight experience

155 SAFETY ON BOARD EARN SAGA POINTS FOR EVERY HOTEL RESERVATION Saga Club members earn Saga Points when booking a hotel on For every euro you pay for a hotel you earn two Saga Points. Please follow all instructions provided in our in-flight video carefully and read the information on the safety card in your seat pocket. Our cabin crew puts your safety above all else, so we kindly recommend that you follow their guidance or suggestions during the flight. The use of mobile phones is prohibited during take-off, in flight and while landing. Please see page 86 for information on the use of portable electronic devices. The use of heart pacemakers, hearing aids and other devices required for medical reasons is of course unrestricted. We recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened throughout the flight. Cabin baggage should be stored in the overhead compartments or placed under the seat in front of you. Please be careful when you open the compartments, as luggage may have shifted during the flight. When space is limited, we might need to store part of the cabin baggage in the luggage compartments. Smoking is prohibited on all Icelandair flights. HOTELS, APARTMENTS, GUESTHOUSES AND MORE! + Powered by Icelandair Stopover / 85

156 PASSENGER GUIDE PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES Always Permitted Hearing Aid Pacemaker Permitted at gate and above 10,000 feet* NOTE: *Larger PEDs (more than 1 kg) such as laptops must be securely stowed in overhead compartments or under the seat before take-off and landing. DVD player Laptop / Tablet Always Permitted* Tablet E-reader Smartphone (in Flight Mode) Camera (digital, film,video) Noise-Cancelling Headphones (power ON) CD player Media player Handheld game NOTE: *Small lightweight Portable Electronic Devices, or PEDs 1 kg or less (iphone, ipad, ipad mini, Samsung Galaxy phones & tablets, Nokia, Microsoft Surface, Kindle e-reader, digital cameras etc.) are permitted as long as they are secured during take-off and landing. Passenger must either hold their PED or securely place it in the seat pocket. Lightweight PEDs may not be unsecured on the seat beside them. PED cords or accessories are not to impede emergency egress. We ask passengers to remove their headphones and pay attention to the safety briefing. Power outlets are located in all seats on Saga Class and Economy Comfort. USB outlets provide power to charge small personal electronic devices, such as mobile phones, cameras or ipods. NOTE: PEDs must be disconnected from any in-seat electrical power supply during taxiing, take-off, approach, landing and during abnormal or emergency conditions. Plug USB Aircraft B I Aircraft B Rows 1 14 All rows WHAT ELECTRONIC DEVICES CAN I USE ON-BOARD THE AIRCRAFT? Handheld devices with flight mode Handheld devices, such as tablets, e-readers and mobile phones may be used during all phases of the flight, provided that flight mode is enabled before departure. Devices must be safely secured in the customer s hand or pocket during taxi, take-off and landing. Devices without flight mode Any device that transmits or receives radio signals but does not have flight mode must be switched off for the duration of the flight. Laptops and other larger devices These devices may be used during boarding but not for taxi, take-off and landing. They may be used in-flight. They shall be stowed away safely during taxi, take-off and landing. Other devices without connectivity This includes items such as DVD players, electronic games and music players. Only small, handheld devices may be used during taxi, take-off and landing. Larger devices must be switched off and stowed away safely during take-off and landing. Are there times when I can t use my handheld devices? Flight or cabin crew may ask you at any time to switch off all electronic devices should interference be detected. Can I connect to Wi-Fi (if provided in-flight) even if flight mode is enabled? Yes. Cellular services must be turned off (Flight mode) at all times but other wireless services, such as Wi-Fi, may be used above 10,000 feet if a connection service is installed in the aircraft. It is possible to re-enable Wi-Fi and connect to a Wi-Fi network while flight mode is enabled. 86 / Portable Electronic Devices & Wi-Fi

157 WIRELESS INTERNET ON BOARD ICELANDAIR SEE OUR WI-FI PORTAL FOR PRICING INFORMATION How do I connect to the Wi-Fi network? 1. Make sure your mobile device is set to flight mode during all phases of the flight. Then activate Wi-Fi on you device once the aircraft reaches 10,000ft. Do I need to set my smartphone or tablet to flight mode? All smartphones and tablets may be switched on at all times, but in flight mode only. Wi-Fi is available when cruising above 10,000 ft. You might have to activate Wi-Fi separately when your device is set to flight mode. Your device must be safely secured in your hand or pocket during taxi, take-off and landing. 2. Choose the Icelandair Internet Access network. 3. Open your browser of choice and then press Get Wi-Fi if using a laptop. In your phone choose either Wi-Fi or Complimentary option. What you can expect The connection speed is similar to 3G. Keep in mind that the on-board Wi-Fi is therefore not as fast as home connections. The number of users can affect the speed of the connection and it is only active when flying above 10,000 ft. What can I do when connected? You can check your . You can browse the web. You can use social media and other communication platforms. What kind of device can I use? You can use a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone to connect. The connection will be activated on the same device you use to purchase or validate Internet access. When can I start using the Wi-Fi access? You will be able to connect once the aircraft reaches 10,000 ft and the connection will be active until we begin our descent to your destination. If you are having trouble connecting, please send an to the next time you are connected to the Internet. More questions can be found in the Wi-Fi portal. Icelandair Saga Gold members and booked Saga Class passengers get complimentary Wi-Fi access for two devices. ANCHORAGE HELSINKI VANCOUVER SEATTLE STOCKHOLM TRONDHEIM EDMONTON PORTLAND ICELAND OSLO GOTHENBURG COPENHAGEN BERGEN STAVANGER BILLUND HAMBURG FRANKFURT MUNICH ABERDEEN AMSTERDAM GLASGOW BRUSSELS ZURICH MANCHESTER MILAN BIRMINGHAM LONDON PARIS GENEVA HEATHROW & GATWICK DENVER BARCELONA MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL MADRID CHICAGO TORONTO MONTREAL The pink colour indicates network coverage on Icelandair routes. WASHINGTON D.C. BOSTON NEW YORK HALIFAX JFK & NEWARK ORLANDO Join Us Icelandair Stopover / 87

158 SERVICES ON BOARD Economy Class Quality Leisure travellers Services for children Our Economy Class service is for those passengers looking for quality at an affordable price. Online check-in is available at almost every gateway. Economy Class passengers may check in 1 bag weighing up to 23 kg within Europe and 2 x 23 kg to and from North America. During the flight, you'll receive complimentary non-alcoholic beverages and complimentary access to a personal in-flight entertainment system in the seat in front of you. A good selection of food and drinks is for sale (with a complimentary meal for children), all with the superior customer service that Icelandair is known for. n 6-abreast seating n Check in two bags of up to 23 kg (50 lbs) each on flights to/from North America, and flights across the Atlantic on one ticket, including an Icelandair Stopover n Check in one bag of up to 23 kg (50 lbs) on flights to/from Europe n Good legroom, 32 / 81 cm n In-flight entertainment system n Headphones for sale n Blankets and pillows in every seat on North American routes and available on all other routes upon request n Soft drinks, coffee and tea are complimentary n Wine, beer, champagne and spirits are for sale n A selection of light refreshments is for sale from the in-flight menu n Children's box with a meal n Children's entertainment in the in-flight entertainment system n Headphones n Activity bag Space and Comfort Travellers looking for comfort and short working sessions on laptops or other devices. Economy Comfort is an upgrade of our Economy Class product. We recommend Economy Comfort when you want all the benefits of Economy Class with some extra comfort. At the start of your journey, you have access to priority check-in and lounge access, while in-flight you'll be seated closer to the front of the aircraft with more legroom. Food and drink are complimentary, as is access to the personal in-flight entertainment system. n Business check-in and lounge access n Check in two bags of up to 23 kg (50 lbs) each on all flights n Early boarding and deboarding n 6-abreast Economy seats with the middle seat blocked for your comfort n More legroom, 33 / 84 cm n In-flight entertainment system n Complimentary headphones n Universal electric outlet n Blankets and pillows in every seat on North American routes and available on all other routes upon request n Complimentary meal on all routes n Complimentary beverages, excluding champagne n You get more Saga Club points by flying in Economy Comfort n Travel kit North America only An electric outlet for a laptop or mobile device is below the seat. 88 / Icelandair Stopover

159 Saga Class Luxurious and top-quality services Customers should choose Saga Class for the ultimate flexibility and travel experience with luxurious comfort and top quality services. On North American routes For an indulgent experience in an exclusive, quiet cabin at the front of the aircraft, choose Saga Class. Your Saga Class experience begins at the airport with priority check-in and lounge access, and continues on board with a pre-flight drink, hot towels, and a duvet cover for overnight journeys. During the flight you can expect superior service from your dedicated cabin crew, a selection of fine wines and gourmet meals, and an amenity kit on North American routes. With 4-abreast wide seating and plenty of legroom, you'll be able to feel comfortable working or have space to stretch out and rest up for your destination. n Saga Class check-in and lounge access n Check in two bags of up to 32 kg (70 lbs) each on all flights n Luxurious business class seats n More legroom, 40 / 101 cm n 4-abreast seating n Maximum of 22 seats per aircraft n In-flight entertainment system n Noise-cancelling headphones n Universal electric outlet n Big and comfortable pillows n Newspapers n Hot towels n All meals/beverages complimentary n Large and soft duvet cover n Complimentary WiFi access for two devices n Choice of two main courses n Pre-flight drink n Amenity kit Welcoming, refreshing and relaxing For passengers travelling in Saga or Economy Comfort classes, Icelandair Saga Gold and Silver members and certain credit card holders. Saga Lounge is for passengers travelling in Saga or Economy Comfort classes, Icelandair Saga Gold and Silver members and certain credit card holders. Whether you want to catch up on work before you travel, enjoy a snack and a pre-flight drink, or simply unwind in a quiet place, the newly renovated Icelandair Saga Lounge is the perfect place to get away from the busy airport environment. Wireless internet access helps you stay connected, whether you use your own laptop or one of our ipads. Enjoy being in a comfortable and welcoming Icelandic environment where you are surrounded by natural light and decor, with a focus on Icelandic design. Enjoy a selection of international and Icelandic snacks and beverages before your flight, upon arrival, or while waiting for a connection. The Icelandair Saga Lounge is the perfect place to spend some comfortable, relaxing time before or between flights. n Complimentary wireless internet access n Complimentary use of ipads n Complimentary snacks and various refreshments n Shower facilities n A selection of international newspapers and magazines n Desks and electrical outlets for working n Sofas and Icelandic-designed chairs for relaxation n For Saga Class and Economy Comfort passengers n For Icelandair's Saga Gold and Saga Silver members n For holders of certain Icelandair-related credit cards and members of some other frequent flyer clubs There is an output for headphones and an electrical outlet for a laptop or mobile device between the seats. Icelandair Stopover / 89

160 SAMNINGUR UM UNDANÞÁGU FRÁ VEGABRÉFSÁRITUN TIL BANDARÍKJANNA (VISA WAIVER PROGRAM VWP) Samningur um undanþágu frá vegabréfsáritun til Bandaríkjanna (Visa Waiver Program) gerir ríkisborgurum tiltekinna landa kleift að ferðast til Bandaríkjanna í skemmti- eða viðskiptaferð í allt að 90 sólarhringa án þess að sækja um og fá sérstaka vegabréfsáritun. Ferðamönnum, sem þessi samningur tekur til, er eftir sem áður heimilt að sækja um vegabréfsáritun ef þeir kjósa svo. Aðeins tiltekinn fjöldi ríkja eru aðilar að þessum samningi (VWP) og ekki er öllum ferðamönnum frá ríkjum, sem eru aðilar að samningnum, heimilt að nýta sér undanþáguna. Öllum ferðamönnum frá löndum, sem eru aðilar að VWP, er skylt að sækja um rafræna ferðaheimild á vef bandarískra innflytjendayfirvalda (Electronic System for Travel Authorization ESTA). Þegar komið er til Bandaríkjanna verður starfsmaður innflytjendayfirvalda á flugvellinum að staðfesta að viðkomandi ferðamaður hafi undanþágu skv. VWP og ferðamaðurinn er þá skráður í US-VISIT kerfið. countries participate in the VWP, and not all travellers from VWP countries are eligible to use the program. VWP travellers are required to apply for Authorisation through the Electronic System for Travel Authorisa- VISA WAIVER PROGRAM The Visa Waiver Programme (VWP) enables nationals of certain countries to to travel to the U.S. for business or pleasure and stay for up to 90 days without obtaining a visa. WVP-eligible travellers may apply for a visa, if they prefer to do so. Not all tion (ESTA), are screened at their port of entry into the United States and are enrolled in the US-VISIT programme. Visit esta to learn more. Countries participating in the Visa Waiver Programme I Lönd sem eru aðilar að samningnum um undanþágu frá vegabréfsáritun til Bandaríkjanna: Andorra Australia Austria Belgium Brunei Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Monaco The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal San Marino Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom US CUSTOMS DECLARATION FORM ENGLISH ÍSLENSKA DEUTSCH FRANÇAIS Before arriving in the US, each traveller or head of family is required to fill this form out and present to US Customs. Hver komufarþegi eða forráðamaður í fjölskyldu skal gefa eftirfarandi upplýsingar (fyrir hverja fjölskyldu dugar aðeins EIN yfirlýsing) Vor der Einreise in den U.S.A müssen Sie eine Zollerklärung ausfüllen. Ein Formular pro Familie ist erfordert. Avant d arriver aux États-Unis, il vous sera demandé de remplir un formulaire de déclaration en douane. Un formulaire par famille suffit Eftirnafn, skírnarnafn, miðnafn Fæðingardagur dagur/mánuður/ár Fjöldi fjölskyldumeðlima sem ferðast saman a) Heimilisfang í Bandaríkjunum (nafn hótels/áfangastaðar) b) Borg c) Fylki Útgáfustaður vegabréfs (land) Númer vegabréfs Land búsetu Lönd sem var farið til í þessari ferð, fyrir lendingu í Bandaríkjunum Flugfélag/Númer flugs eða heiti flugvélar Markmið þessarar ferðar er viðskiptalegs eðlis JÁ/NEI Ég hef (við höfum) meðferðis: a) ávexti, jurtir, mat, skordýr: b) kjöt, dýr, dýraafurðir c) smitefni, frumuræktir, snigla d) mold eða hef/höfum dvalist á bónda bæ/ mjólkurbúi/beitilandi JÁ/NEI Ég hef (við höfum) verið í snertingu eða meðhöndlað lifandi dýr JÁ/NEI Ég hef (við höfum) meðferðis peninga/gjaldmiðil eða aðra fjármuni að jafngildi hærri upphæð en USD (sjá skilgreiningu á fjármun-um á bakhlið seðilsins) JÁ/NEI Ég hef (við höfum) meðferðis varning (til sölu eða sem ég hef (við höfum) keypt eða fengið erlendis, sem ekki teljast til persónulegra eigna) JÁ/NEI Búsettir í Bandaríkjunum andvirði varnings sem ég hef (við höfum) keypt eða fengið erlendis (einnig gjafir fyrir aðra) er: Ekki búsettir í Bandaríkjunum andvirði alls varnings sem verður eftir í Bandaríkjunum: / Icelandair Stopover Familienname,Vorname, Zweiter Vorname Geburtsdatum/Tag/Monat/Jahr Anzahl der mit Ihnen reisenden Familienmitglieder (a) Adresse/genaue Anschrift in den USA (Name des Hotels/Reiseziel) (b) Stadt (c) Staat Pass ausgestellt von (Land) Passnummer Ständiger Wohnsitz (Land) Auf dieser Reise besuchte Länder vor Ihrer Ankunft in den USA Fluggesellschaft/Flugnummer oder Name des Schiffes Der Hauptanlass dieser Reise ist geschäftlich. Ja/nein Ich (wir) führen folgende Waren ein: (a) Früchte, Pflanzen, Lebensmittel, Insekten. (b) Fleisch, Tiere, Tier- oder Wildprodukte. (c) Krankheitserreger, Zellkulturen, Schnecken. (d) Erde, oder waren Sie auf einem Bauernhof/ einer Ranch/Weide. Ja/nein Ich war (wir waren) in unmittelbarer Nähe von Vieh/Nutztieren (z.b. Anfassen oder Umgang damit). Ja/nein Ich führe (wir führen) mehr als $US 10,000 in Bargeld oder Zahlungsmitteln oder den Gegenwert in anderen ausländischen Währungen mit. (Siehe die Definition von Zahlungsmitteln auf der Rückseite). Ja/nein Ich führe (wir führen) kommerzielle Waren mit. (Verkaufsware, Muster zur Werbung von Aufträgen oder Artikel, die nicht als Gegenstände zum persönlichen Gebrauch gelten) Ja/nein Ansässige der Gesamtwert aller Waren, einschliesslich der kommerziellern Waren, die ich (wir) im Ausland gekauft oder erworben habe(n) - (einschließlich Geschenke an Dritte, jedoch ausschließlich Gegenstände, die per Post in die USA gesendet wurden) und in die USA einführe(n). Besucher der Gesamtwert aller Waren, die in den USA verbleiben werden, einschließlich der kommerziellen Waren, beträgt Nom, Prénom, Initiale du deuxième prénom. Date de naissance Jour/Mois/Année. Nombre de personnes voyageant avec vous. Adresse aux États-Unis a) Destination ou nom de l hôtel. b) Ville. c) Etat. Lieu de délivrance du passeport (nom du pays). Numéro de passeport. Pays de résidence. Pays visités pendant ce voyage avant l arrivée aux Etats-Unis. Ligne aérienne / et nwwuméro du vol / Nom de vaisseau. Vous voyagez pour raison d affaires. OUI/NON Je suis / nous sommes porteurs de a) fruits, plantes, produits alimentaires, insectes. b) viandes, animaux, produits provenant d animaux ou d animaux sauvages c) agents pouvant causer des maladies, cultures cellulaires, escargots d) terre. J ai /Nous avons visité une exploitation agricole en dehors des Etats-Unis, OUI/NON J ai / nous avons touché ou traité du bétail. OUI/ NON Je suis / nous sommes porteurs d espèces ou d instruments monétaires d une valeur équivalente en monnaie des États Unis ou de tout autre pays (Voir définition d instru ments monétaire au verso) à plus de $ US. OUI/NON Je suis / nous sommes en possession de marchandises commerciales (articles des tinés à la vente, échantillon de démonstra tion ou tout autre article autresque des effets personnels). OUI/ NON Résidents : La valeur totale de tous les arti cles (y compris les marchandises commer ciales) que j ai / nous avons acheté ou acquis à l étranger et que j apporte/ nous apportons (y compris cadeaux, mais qui excluent les effets affranchis vers les États-Unis) aux États-Unis. Visiteurs : : La valeur totale de tous les articles qui resteront aux États-Unis (y compris les marchan dises commerciales).

161 CANADA CUSTOMS DECLARATION FORM Before arriving in Canada, each traveller or head of family is required to fill this form out and present to Customs. Part A All travellers (living at the same address) 1) Last name, first name and initials Date of birth Citizenship 2) Home Address Number, street, apartment No. City/Town Prov./State Country Postal/Zip code 3) Arriving by: Air Rail Marine Highway Airline/flight no., train no. or vessel name 4) Purpose of trip: Study Personal Business 5) Arriving from: U.S. only Other country direct Other country via U.S. 6) I am/we are bringing into Canada: Firearms or other weapons (e.g. switchblades, Mace or pepper spray). Currency/or monetary instruments of a value totalling CAN$10,000 or more per person. I/we have shipped goods that are not accompanying me/us. I/we have visited a farm and will be going to a a farm in Canada Part B Visitors to Canada Amazing 7 course menu A unique Icelandic Feast Duration of stay in Canada Do you or any person listed above exceed the duty-free allowances per person? (see instructions on the left) Part C Residents of Canada Do you or any person listed above exceed the exemptions per person? (See instructions on the left) Complete in the same order as Part A Date left Canada YY-MM-DD Value of goods-can$. Purchased or received abroad (including gifts, alcohol & tobacco) Part D Signatures (age 16 and older): I certify that my declaration is true and complete. Why passengers coming from non-eea or Schengen countries require security screening upon arrival in Iceland Aviation security regulations in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA), including Canada, do not comply with those in EEA countries, including Iceland. Passengers from non-eea countries must therefore go through security screening at Keflavik International Airport before joining other passengers in the terminal. The same rules apply to the quantity of liquids in carry-on baggage. AN AD FROM YOU COULD BE HERE. CONTACT US AT: ADVERTISE@ICELANDAIR.IS Starts with a shot of the Icelandic national spirit Brennivín Smoked puffin Blueberries, croutons, goat cheese, beet root Minke whale Date purée, wakame, teriaky Torched arctic charr Artichoke purée, fennel, dill mayo Lobster cigar Chorizo, dates, chili jam Reindeer slider Blue cheese, portobello, steamed bun Free range icelandic lamb Coriander, pickled red cabbage, fennel, butternut squash purée, chimichurri And to end on a high note... Icelandic Skyr Skyr infused with birch, berries, white chocolate crumble, and sorrel granite kr. Our kitchen is open sun. thu fri. sat. Sushi Samba Þingholtsstræti Reykjavík Tel Icelandair Stopover / 91

162 Three Icelands a Day Gunnar Karl Gíslason has a lot to look forward to when he moves from Reykjavík to New York City this January. The chef has garnered a loyal following since he co-founded the wildly popular Dill Restaurant seven years ago, while his bestselling cookbook, North, has introduced North American audiences to his farm-to-plate philosophy on cooking using locally-sourced ingredients and traditional Icelandic preparation methods. Now Big Apple residents and visitors are about to experience Gunnar s vision for themselves. He s been recruited by Claus Meyer (one of the founders of Noma, the Copenhagen sensation) to head up the latter s new restaurant, (unnamed when this magazine went to press), which opens in Grand Central Station in mid-march. I ll be doing the same thing I ve done at Dill but with a new playground of ingredients from the state of New York, explains Gunnar Karl of the restaurant s culinary approach. But we ll also have a focus on Nordic traditions, using preservation, pickling, smoking, and drying. I m busy experimenting; it s a melting pot in my head right now. Gunnar Karl is looking forward to the New York area s somewhat longer growing season by comparison with his sub-arctic homeland. I m excited about fruits, vegetables, herbs. It will be heaven on earth to have mushrooms available for a good length of time. With no time to really think about the challenges and adventures of moving with his wife and two children across the Atlantic, Gunnar Karl is excited about his restaurant s location at one of the world s busiest rail terminals. On an average day 780,000 people travel through the terminal, and on holidays that goes up to 1 million. That s like the population of three Icelands each day. It s such a historical building, so just being able to run a restaurant there, it s amazing and a great honour. Icelandair flies up to seven times per week to JFK and up to five times per week to Newark. 92 / Icelander Abroad

163 CONNECT TO THE INTERNET The connection is active above 10,000 ft. To connect, follow these steps: Keep your device in airplane mode and then activate your Wi-Fi Select Icelandair Internet Access Open your browser and follow the instructions Check out our Wi-Fi portal for information about Unique Iceland TV shows, the Icelandair Stopover, destination information and more. + Join us Icelandair Stopover / 93

164 ÍSLENSKA SIA.IS ICE /15 ENJOY USING YOUR SAGA POINTS ON THIS FLIGHT Find these brands and more at KEF airport 19,38% off VELKOMIN UM BORÐ Njóttu þess að versla tollfrjálst í Saga Shop Collection. Við bjóðum vandaða vöru sem hentar jafnt til eigin nota og gjafa. Hér er að finna snyrtivörur fyrir dömur og herra, skartgripi, úr, skrautmuni, hluti sem gleðja yngstu kynslóðina og ýmislegt fleira. Eins og jafnan áður er verðið í Saga Shop Collection mjög hagstætt og lögð er áhersla á að hafa eingöngu á boðstólum vöru sem uppfyllir kröfur vandlátra kaupenda. Gefðu þér góðan tíma til að skoða úrvalið. Við erum viss um að þú finnur eitthvað til að gleðja sjálfa(n) þig eða aðra þegar þú kemur á áfangastað. Ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar um vörur í bæklingnum er starfslið okkar um borð reiðubúið að liðsinna þér og gefa nánari upplýsingar. SAGA SHOP COLLECTION ER TOLLFRJÁLS VERSLUN WELCOME ABOARD Please enjoy having a look around the Saga Shop Collection. We offer an excellent range of quality products, suitable for personal use and as gifts. Here you will find cosmetic products for both men and women, jewellery, watches, decorative design, items for the younger generation and much, much more. The prices in Saga Shop Collection are tax and duty free. Emphasis is placed on only offering products which meet the requirements of discerning shoppers. THREE SIMPLE STEPS TO USE YOUR SAGA POINTS ON BOARD 1. Inform cabin crew you wish to use Saga Points 2. Hand your Saga Card and credit card to cabin crew 3. Enjoy your Saga Points purchase Allow yourself plenty of time to examine our range of products. We are certain that you will find something to please yourself or to please someone else when you arrive at your destination. Make sure you give yourself time to visit and explore. Share the experience #wheninkef because good times are to be shared. Our staff is on hand to provide further information if you have any questions concerning the products in the catalogue. TAX & DUTY FREE PRE-ORDER SERVICE HVÍTA HÚSIÐ / SÍA 2 Saga Shop Collection P KAP.indd :30 4 mm

165 Find these brands and more at KEF airport 19,38% off Icelandair Stopover / 3


Vetur / Winter Tollfrjáls verslun Tax & Duty-free TAKE A PIECE OF THE ICELANDIC SAGA HOME WITH YOU VERADESIGN.IS


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