Panis Angelicus. INTRO Peacefully (q = ca. 72) B b œ. j œ F/A. œ œ. œ œ œ. œ œ œ

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2 ommissioned for the installation of His Excellency the Most Reverend Michael Burbidge ourth Bisho of Arlington by the Director of Music Ministries of St Thomas More athedral Dr Richard Gibala anis Angelicus Based on the hymn by St Thomas Aquinas Sacris Solemniis and Matthe 26:26 28; adatation by hristoher Walker Sanish adatation by lare Balfour RSJ Mary Straub Ana Victoria Demezas and Estela García-Lóez Keyboard % RERAIN Descant % % INTRO eacefully (q = ca 72) SAMLE Œ /A Œ n hristoher Walker a - nis an - gé - li - cus fit a - nis hó - mi-num Sorano/Assembly a - nis an - gé - li - cus fit a - nis hó - mi-num Alto Tenor Bass J a - nis an - gé - li - cus fit a - nis hó - mi-num a - nis an - gé - li - cus fit a - nis hó - mi-num J a - nis an - gé - li - cus fit a - nis hó - mi-num /A Œ n n Œ n Text and music 2016 2017 hristoher Walker ublished by O 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213 All rights reserved Translation: The Bread of Angels becomes bread for humankind A miraculous thing! The servant of God eats of the Lord arts for String Quartet (30139500) are available online Visit ocorg Edition 30138741

E b n J - r - bi - lis - r - bi - lis Ser - - r - bi - lis - r - bi - lis n SAMLE - r - bi - lis - r - bi - lis - r - bi - lis - r - bi - lis - r - bi - lis - r - bi - lis n 7 n n n n n J vus Œ n Ser ma7 vus n De - i man - dú - cat Dó - mi - num man - dú - cat Dó - mi - num De - i man - dú - cat Dó - mi - num man - dú - cat Dó - mi - n / Am/ n n n / A /A 7 m7 A J - num 3 ine ine ine anis Angelicus

4 ENGLISH VERSES antor anis Angelicus 1 At this our sacred feast 2 To you O saving God 3 No ancient rites are gone; 4 O holy God e ray 1 and from each grateful 2 enrich us by this 3 Insire us ith your 4 in everlasting antor/hoir n n SAMLE /E n heart our gift the grace O light e /A songs of Bread of God in see you let holy oy a - e come to you in for us all things are that hen our days are raise Life all ith / re e e your 1-4 hrist com-mands us Take and eat my Bod - y giv - en u for n n n n /A n J sound share do Son bound rayer; ne done Am/ n a temo (q = ca 72) - n # a temo ΠA n you Take and

n n n 5 DS 1-4 drink this chal SANISH VERSES antor - ice of my Blood ne cov - e - nant oured out for n SAMLE G Am n n n n 1 Que es este banquete sa - grado abunde la sante ale - 2 A ti Dios de Salva - ción damos alabanza gloria y ho - 3 Ritos antiguos han a - sado; todo lo hiciste 4 Oh Dios Trino tus hios o - ramos: que al final de nuestros /E n 1 y de cada corazón agrade-cido broten cantos de a - la - ban - za 2 on tu Admirable Don nos ali - men-tas Se - ñor 3 on tu gracia y amor di - vino das luz a nues-tro ca - mi - no 4 tu rostro contem - lemos con tu Hio en el aís de la vi - da /A / you # D # gría nor: nuevo días Am/ n a temo (q = ca 72) Œ Œ A n # a temo n DS anis Angelicus

6 antor/hoir n n n 1-4 ris - to di - o: To-men co - man; es - to es mi cuer - o To-men n n n SAMLE n /A n J 1-4 de es - te c - liz es mi san - gre de - rra - ma - da or us - te - n n G n n Am n n n des # D # DS DS anis Angelicus

omoser Notes 7 anis Angelicus is a ommunion iece for assembly cantor(s) and/or unison/satb choir The refrain and verses are adated from Sacris Solemniis a orus hristi hymn by Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225 1274) SAMLE This rint edition includes English and Sanish verses lus and B-flat instrument arts and art for cello heck ocorg for availability of additional languages A manuscrit score for string quartet is available online at ocorg edition 30139500 The refrain is sung by everyone and the chanted verses are sung in seech rhythm by the cantor(s) or unison choir The bridge to the refrain is sung by either cantor(s) or unison/satb choir Sing the refrain in harmony ith the descant after the eole are secure singing their art Sing anis Angelicus at any Mass during the ommunion rocession It has secial significance hen sung on Holy Thursday and the Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of hrist (orus hristi) It is also fitting for ordinations solemn rofessions rites of initiation other times of commitment or funeral Masses anis Angelicus as ritten in 2016 for the atholic Diocese of Arlington Virginia and the installation of His Excellency the Most Reverend Michael Burbidge ourth Bisho of Arlington; commissioned by Dr Richard Gibala of St Thomas More athedral Director of Music Ministries hose insiration and kindness has sustained liturgical musicians for many years hristoher Walker anis Angelicus

8 ommissioned for the installation of His Excellency the Most Reverend Michael Burbidge ourth Bisho of Arlington by the Director of Music Ministries of St Thomas More athedral Dr Richard Gibala anis Angelicus (Guitar/Vocal) Based on the hymn by St Thomas Aquinas Sacris Solemniis and Matthe 26:26 28; adatation by hristoher Walker Sanish adatation by lare Balfour RSJ Mary Straub Ana Victoria Demezas and Estela García-Lóez % RERAIN INTRO eacefully (q = ca 72) ao 3: & bb (Kbd) a - nis an - (Bm) r - bi - lis (D/ # ) /A (Em7) 7 (D/A) ( # m/a) (Bm) / Am/ SAMLE gé - li - cus dú - cat Dó - mi - - ENGLISH VERSES (A/ # ) /E & bb 1 At this our sacred 2 To you O saving 3 No ancient rites are 4 O holy God e (D/ # ) /A (Em) (Em) n fit r - bi - lis n num man - feast God gone; ray (A/G) / (Bm) Œ a - nis (a7) ma7 (D/ # ) /A hó - mi-num Œ Ser - vus (Em7) 7 (Am7) m7 hristoher Walker () E b dú - cat Dó - mi - let holy oy e come to you in for us all things are that hen our days are - De - i man - num ( # m/a) Am/ a - bound rayer; ne done ine Text and music 2016 2017 hristoher Walker ublished by O 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213 All rights reserved Translation: The Bread of Angels becomes bread for humankind A miraculous thing! The servant of God eats of the Lord # #

9 & bb 1 and from each grateful 2 enrich us by this 3 Insire us ith your 4 in everlasting (Bm) & bb 1-4 hrist com-mands 1-4 drink this chal - ice SANISH VERSES us (D/ # ) /A SAMLE (Em) n Take and eat my (E) ( # m) G Am n 1 Que es este banquete sa - 2 A ti Dios de Salva - 3 Ritos antiguos han a - 4 Oh Dios Trino tus hios o - heart our gift the grace O light e of my Blood ne (A/ # ) /E grado ción sado; ramos: songs of Bread of God in see you (D/ # ) /A n Bod - y giv - en u for (Bm) (Em/G) / raise Life all ith re - e e your n cov - e - nant oured out for you abunde la sante ale - damos alabanza gloria y ho - todo lo hiciste que al final de nuestros a temo (q = ca 72) ( # ) A (B) D you ( # m/a) Am/ gría nor: nuevo días Take and a temo (q q = ca 72) ( # ) A # (Em/G) # 1 y de cada corazón agrade - 2 on tu Admirable 3 on tu gracia y amor di - 4 tu rostro contem - (Bm) & bb 1-4 ris - to di - o: (D/ # ) /A cido Don vino lemos (Em) broten cantos de nos ali - das luz a con tu Hio en el aís n To - men co - man; / a - men - tas nues - tro de la - Se - ca - la (D/ # ) /A n es - to es mi cuer - sound share do Son Œ Œ ban - za ñor mi - no vi - da o Œ To - men DS 1-4 de es - te c - liz (E) ( # m) G Am n es mi san - gre n de - rra - ma - da or us - (B) D te - des DS anis Angelicus

10 SOLO INSTRUMENT in anis Angelicus hristoher Walker INTRO eacefully (q = ca 72) 4 Πn VERSES 1-4 antor % RERAIN ΠΠSAMLE n n A Π2016 2017 hristoher Walker ublished by O 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213 All rights reserved SOLO INSTRUMENT in B INTRO eacefully (q = ca 72) & 4 & Π# VERSES 1-4 antor (q = ca 72) a temo ΠΠΠn n anis Angelicus % RERAIN ΠΠine DS hristoher Walker # # N & (q = ca 72) a temo Πine & ΠΠΠ# # DS 2016 2017 hristoher Walker ublished by O 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213 All rights reserved

ELLO anis Angelicus 11 hristoher Walker INTRO b eacefully (q = ca 72) 4 b Πn VERSES 1-4 antor % RERAIN ΠΠSAMLE n n A b ΠΠine (q = ca 72) a temo ΠB Πn n 2016 2017 hristoher Walker ublished by O 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213 All rights reserved DS

12 Assembly Edition ANIS ANGELIUS Refrain & bb SAMLE hristoher Walker a - nis an - gé - li - cus fit a-nis hó-mi-num & bb & bb - r - bi - lis - r - bi - lis Ser-vus Text: Based on the hymn by St Thomas Aquinas Sacris Solemniis and Matthe 26:26 28; adatation by hristoher Walker; Sanish adatation by lare Balfour RSJ Mary Straub Ana Victoria Demezas and Estela García-Lóez Text and music 2016 2017 hristoher Walker ublished by O 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213 All rights reserved or rerint ermissions lease visit OneLicensenet or contact us at 1-800-663-1501 n Œ De - i man -dú-cat Dó - mi - num man -dú-cat Dó - mi - num English Verses 1 At this our sacred feast let holy oy abound and from each grateful heart our songs of raise resound hrist commands us Take and eat my Body given u for you Take and drink this chalice of my Blood ne covenant oured out for you 2 To you O saving God e come to you in rayer; enrich us by this gift the Bread of Life e share hrist commands us Take and eat my Body given u for you Take and drink this chalice of my Blood ne covenant oured out for you 3 No ancient rites are gone; for us all things are ne Insire us ith your grace O God in all e do hrist commands us Take and eat my Body given u for you Take and drink this chalice of my Blood ne covenant oured out for you 4 O holy God e ray that hen our days are done in everlasting light e see you ith your Son hrist commands us Take and eat my Body given u for you Take and drink this chalice of my Blood ne covenant oured out for you n Sanish Verses 1 Que es este banquete sagrado abunde la sante alegría y de cada corazón agradecido broten cantos de alabanza risto dio: Tomen coman; esto es mi cuero Tomen de este cliz es mi sangre derramada or ustedes 2 A ti Dios de Salvación damos alabanza gloria y honor: on tu Admirable Don nos alimentas Señor risto dio: Tomen coman; esto es mi cuero Tomen de este cliz es mi sangre derramada or ustedes 3 Ritos antiguos han asado; todo lo hiciste nuevo on tu gracia y amor divino das luz a nuestro camino risto dio: Tomen coman; esto es mi cuero Tomen de este cliz es mi sangre derramada or ustedes 4 Oh Dios Trino tus hios oramos: que al final de nuestros días tu rostro contemlemos con tu Hio en el aís de la vida risto dio: Tomen coman; esto es mi cuero Tomen de este cliz es mi sangre derramada or ustedes