The Cran berry Report

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GMC CASCADERS NEWS October 2005 The Cran berry Report Once again Cascaders enjoyed a great rally thanks to our hosts Tony and Sandy Lammi. Tony per son ally sup plied chilled light cran berry juice, both red and white each day. It was en joyed by all. Sandy put to gether the goodie bags with informative and interest - ing sur prises. We all LIKED the Cranraisin pack ets. Rally par tic i pants en joyed the fine meals pre pared by ca ter ers that Tony and San dra had ar ranged. Sat - ur day some Cascaders trav eled by car or by the bus Tony had ar - ranged, to Westport for the an nual carv ing con test. The log carv ing was in full swing with hour and half con - tests. The work is re ally re mark able and the skill level high. Bears and ea gles are pop u lar choices but some of the larger carv ings were truly amaz ing. Vir ginia Paradis had her eye on a beau ti ful bench; don t know if she was able to con vince Lawrie that their coach had the power to haul it home. con tin ued on page 2 Cascaders doing what they do best!

GMC CASCADERS NEWS President Bill Guise 23704 94th Ave South Kent, WA 98031 253-854-2296 Vice President/Historian Larry Calhoun P.O. Box 289 Osborn, ID 83849-0289 360-929-0234 Secretary (New member packets) Barbie Eberhart 233 NW Olive Sheridan OR 97378-1125 503-843-2347 Trea surer Helen Hove P.O. Box 274 Seahurst, WA 98062 206-241-9191 Wagon Mas ter Terry Mor ris 1825 SW 170th St. Seattle, WA 98166 206-243-8035 FMCA Na tional Di rec tor Ken Wil son 360-293-0283 FMCA Na tional Di rec tor, Al ter nate Walt Ovens 206-286-9048 De sign/lay out, Cascader News Jim Bisakowski 250-478-5111 Victoria, BC News let ter Ed i tor (Tem po rary) Bill Guise 253-854-2296 GMC In ter na tional Rep re sen ta tive Carol Baxter 206-463-9045 Western State Representative Cass Jones: OR Carol Baxter: WA True to the Cascader tra di tion most found a res tau rant for lunch, though due to the crowds some of the ser vice was s-l-o-w as Jo anne Boyd laugh ingly as sured us. When we re turned, we learned the Park had an ice cream so cial, va nilla, chocolate and strawberry, one scoop each or your pref er ence, felt like we were at International! We were all pleased to learn Norma (Pearl) Westphal and War ren Newlyweds, Warren & Nora Steinman with Betty Hubler Steinman are now Mr. & Mrs. Our congratulations and best wishes to you both. War ren has moved to Idaho and we will see them at fu - ture ral lies as War ren is also the proud owner of a GMC coach. Some of us met War ren at the Land Yachts Har bor rally ear lier this year in Olym pia, WA. Guest re porter: Ken Wil son GMC motor home own ers from the fol - low ing states and prov inces are el i gi ble to join GMC Cascaders: Alaska, Al berta, Brit ish Co lum bia, Idaho, Montana, Or e - gon, Wash ing ton and Yukon Ter ri tory. Contact any officer for information. 2 Where are the big bowls? This soup looks great! Fine Dining at Grayland

Just Keep Shov ing. It Will Come Through! That s what the driv ers said as they received a warm wel - come from our Caldwell host team led by Mack & Linda Kreizenbech. The rally team mem bers ac quired a large Idaho logo bag and with the help of Bill & Betty Hubler and War - ren and Nora Steinman, col lected at least 30 items, in clud ing a nice spe - cial gift by the Steinmans in the form of a solar cal cu la tor, an aid to help us Cascaders fig ure our miles per gal lon! The agenda was chock full of ac tiv i ties, start ing with a de - light ful and thrill ing show at dusk in the clear blue, warm eve ning sky above Caldwell Idaho. The call went out to as sem ble at the west side of the Am bas sa dor RV Re sort where our eyes were trained to the north ern sky, where with great fan fare and blaz ing flood lights we got to see a Tur bine pow ered Dromader LLC dive from the sky and swoop to within a few feet of the field in the dark where the pilot, Gary Hubler, made the first of many passes fly ing the cus tom 750 horsepower turbine machine, de - signed and built by our own cre - ative in ven tor, Bill Hubler. This cus tom crop dust ing, Pol ish-built spe cialty plane is use to the night time hours, as that is when most crop dust ing is done. If you visit Caldwell, you re en ter - ing Hubler coun try, and will drive down Hubler Street and visit Hubler Field. The thrill for me was to get to see and meet the fam ily of Bill & Betty Hubler in their na tive set ting! Lit tle did we know that our Sat ur - day morn ing trip to the Hubler air - port would find Cascaders gath ered around Mariah! No, it s not a song, but a sleek, high speed For - mula One plane you nor mally get to see if you at tend the Reno Air Show, or watch TV cov er age of the Reno Air Races. Gary Hubler, Bill s son, has won the past four years of the For mula One Reno com pe ti tion. Picture of goodie bag doesn t do it justice! He an swered our many ques tions over the ex cite ment gen er ated by Mariah. Sat ur day morn ing had a busy sched ule with Denny Allen chair ing Gary Hubler, ace pilot, sharing the Formula One lore. the GMC Tech ni cal ses sion, and the group got to re view an other Bill Hubler front end de sign, that brings the wheels of a GMC in line with the back wheels. 3

Cascaders know how to enjoy their food! George Baxter with Gary, just lusting to get in and go! Jefferson should have taken the picture, Dave! 4 Mariah, beauty in design & performance

Denny Allen thinking I m getting one of these Fran! We were also pleased to get to know Alan Tolle who ar rived with the lat est up date for the GMC, an aluminum radiator available through Motorhome Enhancements. Alan is the new Pres i dent of the West ern State club and both Alan and his wife Diana joined our rally and en - joyed a spe cial trip out to Hubler air port on Sunday. Seems that Alan and Bill both sell air plane kits all over the world! The book ex change, and craft event for the la dies found them work ing on striped cat tails and some innovative knitting tricks to help you keep your clothes from fall - ing off! (When they are on a hanger) Now I know this is not a good de - scrip tion of what the la dies were up to, and I am de pend ing on some one to help me do a better job de scrib - ing just what you gals do in there! Saturday afternoon found the group split ting up and head ing to the Warhawk Mu seum and oth ers took a tour of the St. Chapelle Win - ery. Not on the agenda was the group who, frankly, got lost but made the best of it by driv ing all over the coun try side be fore fi nally get ting to the Win ery. Usu ally those things hap pen after you leave the win ery, not be fore! The driver of the car I am told was TB. All of the ca tered meals, Fri day eve ning s Sir loin and Roast Tur key, and Sat ur day eve ning s Prime Rib or BBQ Chicken were first class meals, en joyed by all who at tended. Saturday after dinner, the Cascaders had their busi ness meet - ing. The first item on the agenda was a re port by the nom i na tion committee chairperson Bob Dunlap. I am happy to re port that Barbie Eberhart, who hails from Sheridan OR, is the new Cascader secretary, replacing Cass Jones, who has served our group with dis - tinc tion for these many years. This rally in cluded 10 coaches that had been away for about a month, trav - eled thou sands of miles at tend ing the GMC In ter na tional Rally in Iowa, then mov ing on to the West - ern State rally and fi nally, after some vis ited Mt. Rushmore, end ing up at our Cascader rally in Caldwell Idaho. Who said these GMC s are not reliable and tough! Our next rally is a Wil son af fair at Anacortes, WA. We ex pect to see many of our Ca na dian friends for our Christ mas rally to be held De - cem ber 2-4. Those com ing south have an in vi ta tion from Dwayne Ja - cob son to stop by the Roadhouse Eat ery and Bak ery 1763 King George High way, White Rock, BC. Ask for Dwayne or tell them you are a GMC r and you ll get a 2 for 1. Great selection Mack & Linda. Thanks for the memories A Must Do Now! East Anglican Ambulance Service has launched a na tional "in case of emer gency (ICE)" cam paign with the sup port of Falklands war hero Simon Weston and in as so ci a tion with Vodafone's an nual life sav ers award. Theidea is that you store the word "ICE" in your mo bile phone ad - dress book, and against it enter the num ber of the per son you would want to be con tacted In Case of Emer gency. In an emer gency sit u a - tion ambulance and hospital staff will then be able to quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to con tact them. It's so sim ple - ev ery one can do it. Please do. Please will you also for ward this to ev ery body in your ad dress book; it won't take too many for wards be - fore ev ery body will know about this. It re ally could save your life and cre ate peace of mind for your loved ones. For our Ca na dian chums ' mo bile ' is 'cell phone' in North Amer i can 'Eng lish'. And this mes - sage is now ap par ently going around the world so your Emer - gency Ser vices should look for and recognize ICE too. Sent to Ken & Jean Wilson by their niece Sheryl Crossland who lives in Rotherham, York shire, Eng land July 29th, 2005: Gary Gibbs Has Left Us To our dear friends and Fam ily: Gary passed away this morn ing. I think all of you know that we have been stay ing with Diane, Gary s sis - ter and her hus band in San Diego since the be gin ning of May. What an amaz ing gift for them to ask us to spend Gary s last days in their home. No body could have dreamed that we would be here three months. Most of his fam ily and friends are in the area and we got to spend much pre cious time with them. Gary s bat tle with can cer was a crazy roller coaster, but in the end, he was at peace. Thank you to all of you for your cards, thoughts, prayers and sup port over the last year and a half. Love to you all, Glo ria 5

Notes from the Great Wil son Minds Visiting "Old Colony Museum" at Au rora, OR, a few miles down the road from Canby was an en light en - ing ex pe ri ence. They have a col lec - tion of old brass mu si cal instruments, other town memorabilia, a few quilts (most on dis play else where) and an in ter est ing video of the town's or i gin. The town founder who ar rived by wagon train with his fol low ers had prom ised his son he would be in the first wagon leading the way. Unfortunately his A bit of Canby, OR History son aged 19 died of ma laria a few days be fore de par ture. The fa ther want ing to keep his prom ise had a cas ket con structed with a sealed metal liner. His son's body was placed in there and im mersed in whis key; yes, whis key! Em balm ing had yet to be dis cov ered. Pic tures show the wagon train's ar rival with the cas ket in the lead wagon. The son was bur ied in Au rora but ac - cord ing to local lore the whis key was drained and sup pos edly drunk and hence the term rot gut whis - key????? Guest re porter, Ken Wil son 6 Minutes: 8/6/2005 Kenanna RV Park, Grayland, WA President s Message - Vice Pres i - dent, Larry Calhoun called the meet - ing to order at 5:50 pm in the com mu nity room of the Kenanna RV Park, Grayland, WA on Sat ur day, August 6, 2005. Larry thanked our hosts, Tony & Sandi Lammi for a great rally. Larry wel comed new mem bers attend ing their first rally, Michael Cumming & Troy Priest and our new ly weds Warren & Nora Pearl Steinman. Guests: Joanne Knutsen with Laurie & Vir ginia Paradis, Eberhart s granddaughter Chenell, Doug Falck s son Rob & girl friend Dennise and the Wenzek s son Mike and his wife. Rally atten dees: Denny & Fran Allen, George & Carol Baxter, Terry & Joanne Boyd, Larry & Gaynor Calhoun, Michael Cumming, Bob & Christiane Dunlap, DJ & Barbie Eberhart, Eldon & Joyce Evans, Doug Falk, Chuck & Jane Field, Don & Mary Gibson, Ray & Bev Groth, Ernie Hastie, Carl & Helen Hove, Bill & Betty Hubler, Si & Nancy John son, Tim & Cass Jones, Tony & Sandi Lammi, Fred & Ruth Leitch, Tom & Lela McBee, Terry & Gloria Morris, Walt Ovens, Lawrie & Vir ginia Paradis, Mike & Nancy Pellegrino, Don & Luana Perry, Rod & Maurrie Price, Troy Priest, Gene & Dixie Snow, Warren & Nora Steinman, Tom & Margie Thomp - son, George & Sallee Wenzek, Ken & Jean Wilson Secretary s Report - Sec re tary Cass Jones asked for cor rec tions or addi - tions to the min utes of the May 1, 2005 & June 11, 2005 meet ings pub lished in the July 2005 news let - ter. Motion to approve the min utes as pub lished made by George Baxter (M) and sec onded by Fred Leitch (S), motion passed (P). Reminder: renewal notices will be coming in the mail. If you need to con tact Cass on Cascader busi ness please use the e-mail address: Treasurer s Report - Trea surer Helen Hove reported a club bal ance of $6,743.29. Cur rent mem ber ship is 167 paid mem bers. First Vice Pres i dent s Report - Vice Pres i dent Larry Calhoun reported on cards sent. Get well to: Jerry Eerkes for col lar bone, Pam Eerkes for knee sur gery, Elaine Fry, Maurrie Price. Sym pa thy cards to: Gloria Gibbs on the pass ing of Gary on July 29th and to Bill Rowland on the pass ing of his Mother at 102. Please let Larry know if a card needs to be sent. Vice Pres i dent (Wagonmaster) See Morris Report ON-GOING BUSINESS: Website: News let ter sent in color to all e-mail hold ers. You can print in either color or B/W. West ern States - Fall 2005: Sept. 21-26 Estes Park, CO Spring 2006: April 25-30 Hollister, CA Fall 2006: Sept 24-29 Mariposa, CA Jerry Work is the new WS tech ni cal rep re sen ta tive, respon si ble for get - ting sem i nars for the WS ral lies. GMC Inter na tional - fall 2005: Sept. 11-17 Rapid City, SD Spring 2006: Mar 5-11 Mont gom ery, TX Fall 2006: Sept 24-30 Mary land Springs, MI Spring 2007: Rain, LA Fall 2007: Amana Colonies FMCA - National Direc tor Ken Wilson reported the next FMCA rally will be in Minot, ND. Asked if anyone was going - no. Ken and Alter nate FMCA Direc tor, Walt Ovens will be going to the plan ning meet ing for the next NW rally three days before Caldwell rally. Mer chan dise - Maurrie Price has hats ($15), club jack ets ($28) decals ($5) flags ($20) club sweatshirts $22 and club front zip pered sweat shirt jack ets $23. Denny Allen has GMC rubber stamps $5. Newsletter: Did not have a date. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Com mit tee of Past Pres i dents com pleted an audit on the Trea sur er s books. It was rec om mended that as a safe policy all amounts of over $500 should have a second on the autho ri za tion. Ken Wilson reported he has sold two vacuum pumps through the Internet, one to Idaho and the other to a person in Aus tra lia. DJ Eberhart was driv ing his Kingsley that he has for sale. Adjourn ment (M/S/P) Barbie Eberhart/Tim Jones Meet ing adjourned at 6:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Cassandra Jones, Secretary.

Minutes: Caldwell, ID Sept. 30, Oct.1 & 2 Call to order Pres i dent, Bill Guise called the meet - ing to order at 7:04 pm on Octo ber 2nd, 2005 Hosts\Helpers: Mack and Linda Kreizenbeck and grand chil dren. Warren and Nora Steinman. Bill and Betty Hubler and daugh ter-in-law and grandchildren. New Mem bers: Cory and Mary Ritetan, Bob and Car o lyn Shuey, Nick and Pete Nealis, Bud and Char - lotte Lindsey. Vis i tors: Allan and Diana Tolle, Pres - i dent of GMC West ern States Approval of min utes from last meet - ing NA Open issues We are still work ing on amend ing the Stand ing Rules. They will be pub lished on the web site and in the newsletter when finished. We will make revi sions to the cur - rent Rally guide and Helen Hove has pre pared help ful expense sheets for rally hosts to fill out. Trea sur ers Report Helen Hove: There are 162 Mem bers. $5,269.56 in the trea sury and $1,000 out for Rally depos its. Second Vice Pres i dent Larry Calhoun: There were no known ill - nesses Wagon Master Terry Morris: Next Rally Dec. 2-3-4 Christ mas Rally Anacortes, WA. West ern State Report: Alan Tolle, Pres i dent of West ern State, spoke on how WS and the dif fer ent clubs are coming together to plan ral lies so that all can attend. Inter na tional GMC Report: Pres i - dent George Baxter noted the Rapid City Rally had 25 can cel la tions due to the gas prices but they still fin - ished in the black. There were many sem i nars, you only had to choose. Grayland WA & Caldwell ID pho - tos were pro vided by Rod & Maurrie Price, Ken & Jean Wil son, and Bill & Peggy Guise. Re mem ber to se lect the higher qual ity 1280 x 950 set - ting on your dig i tal cam era and Pic ture Cred its: We raf fled off an exhaust system and a trans mis sion among other things. We will try to time all con - ven tions so we don t com pete with other clubs. We want to aug ment each other. The next two con ven - tions will be in the east. FMCA Report: Ken Wilson: We are work ing on By-laws and Stan dard Rules and are attempt ing to work with FMCA regard ing park ing together. New busi ness: We need to form Com mit tees for the 2007 West ern States\Cascader Rally Adjourn ment Bill Guise thanked the rally hosts and was appre cia tive of the night fly-over by Gary Hubler. Meet ing adjourned. Respect fully sub mit ted, by Barbie Eberhart Rally Atten dees Denny & Fran Allen, Bill & Betty Hubler, Armstrongs, Dave & Linda Ire land, Buck & Roses Barrie, Knapps, George & Carol Baxter, Bud & Char lotte Lindsey, Chuck Bland ford & Lynn Mack & Linda Kreizenbeck, Alan & Mar ga ret Bovee, Fred & Ruth Leitch, Terry and Joanne Boyd, Terry & Gloria Morris, Larry and Gaynor Calhoun, Nick & Pete Nealis, Robert & Christiane Dunlap, Walt Ovens, Keith & Joyce Ebbert, Lawrie & Vir - ginia Paradis, DJ & Barbie Eberhart, Michael & Nancy Pellegrino, Loren & Rebecca Fleet, Rod & Maurrie Price, Ted & Jackie Freemire, Gene & Carol Randsom, Donald & Mary Gibson, Cory & Mary Ritetan, John & Vera Lou Gruenewald, Bob & Car - o lyn Shuey, Bill & Peggy Guise, Warren & Norma Steinman, Carol & Helen Hove, Ken & Jean Wilson when send ing the photos via email, it s best not to choose to re duce the size of the photo. Send your pho tos to Bill Guise at Your pho tos are very much ap pre ci ated. Nominees Dear Bill, Listed below were the nom i nees for the 2005-2006 Cascader term. President Bill Guise 2nd Vice Pres i dent Larry Calhoun Secretary Barbie Eberhart Trea surer Helen Hove Wagon Master Terry Morris FMCA National Direc tor Ken Wilson FMCA National Direc tor, Alternate Walt Ovens Bob Dunlap, Chairman, Nominating Com mit tee, August 2005 This year s nomination commit - tee mem bers were Bob Dunlap, Carol Baxter & Linda Ire land. Bob Dunlap has com pleted two years on this com mit tee and will now relax. Carol Baxter vol un teered to serve this past year and has elected to re - sign. The Board will be look ing for two vol un teers to serve with Linda. Thank you to the en tire team for a chal leng ing task, your vol un teer time is ap pre ci ated by all Cascaders. By ac claim, Barbie Eberhart was elected to serve as our new sec re - tary. Fol low up on the GMC Barn Sale at Fry s Dear Bill: I am re ally re miss at not writ ing sooner to the Cascaders thank ing all who came here for the sale on May 1. It was great - such a good turn out. Bob would have been amazed and pleased to see so many GMCs in our drive way; how ever, he prob a bly would n't have sold one sin gle thing! Ha! I have an in ven tory of items still for sale, but not sure what to do with it. I am sure there are some things peo ple would still have use for. Any sug ges tions? Is it too lengthy to list on our web site? Elaine Ed i tor s Note: There are over 100 GMC items listed on the WEB site for sale that did not go at the barn sale. Check it out! 7

GMC Cascaders Barbie Eberhart 233 NW Olive Sheridan OR 97378-1125 1977 Kingsley $29,500 Mil wau kee, OR Gerry Seitz (503-659-8824) 1975 Palm Beach $24,000 Van cou ver, WA Lance Von Prum (360-910-5179) 1977 Kingsley $19,900 Sheridan OR, DJ Eberhart (503.843.3247) 1975 Eleganza $25,000 Cove OR, Loren and Rebecca Fleet (541-568-4000) GMC Classics For Sale: North west 1978 Palm Beach $19,900 Van cou ver WA Steve Kyle (360 573-9709) 1978 Royal, $39,900 Sequim WA: Al & Janet Kruebbe (360-681-0768) 1978 Royal $39,950 Eugene OR: Karl Cunningham (541-463-0637) 1977 Kingsley 28 $30,000, West Linn, OR. Ted Debauw (503-656-9946) 1976 Eleganza II $22,000, Clarkston WA Jean Gwynn (509-758-2880) 1975 Eleganza $25,000, Cove OR Loren Fleet (541-568-4000) 1978 Royal $17,000 Camas, WA (360-907-9624) Dave Frentress Com plete list ing, along with pic tures and detailed infor ma tion is avail able on the Cascaders WEB site: Dates Location/Site Hosts Dec. 2-4 05 Anacortes, WA, Fidalgo Bay RV Ken & Jean Wil son Feb. 10-12 06 Jansen Beach Port land, OR Ray & Beverley Groth, Rod & Maurrie Price April 27-29 06 Eagle Tree RV Park, Poulsbo, WA Don & Mary Gib son, Ted & Jackie Freemire July 11-16 06 Roll ing Rally: Olym pic Penninsula Mi chael & Nancy Pellegrino Aug. 24-26 06 Wallowa Lake, OR Fred & Ruth Leitch Oct 6-9 06 Wallace Idaho Larry & Gaynor Calhoun, Bob & Christiane Dunlap Dec. 06 Can non Beach, OR Lawrie & Vir ginia Paradis June 07 Roll ing Rally: Van cou ver Is land, BC Denny & Fran Allen Sep. 07 West ern State/Cascader Rally Team ef fort by Cascaders Mt. Hood, Welch s OR Team Coordinator: Terry Morris See fur ther up dates by vis it ing the Cascader WEB site at 8 Mor ris Rally Re port Event Cal en dar as of 10/08/05