Who is this Man? (Solo) H H r HH HHÜH HHH H H G F H. H H r HH H. 1. Who. this G Ú G H G H H HH. H r sight H G

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ð 80 2 6 = 8 ð 88 10 12 = Who is this Man? (Solo) 1. Who is this winds Je - sus whose voice o - bey? Sally Deod What 1 16 18 man ne of man is this? Who with a wod - = can 20 22 2 calm an gy seas, And still tem pest in my beast? - - = 26 28 0 = Who is this Man who o sight - pens - less eyes, gives my - ing spi - Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com long it 1

2 6 light? At whose com m mul ti tude is fed? Who - - - = 8 0 2 = fills me with bead of 6 8 calls me by my name, And beas me in is ams like a lamb? = 50 52 leaves is flock seek me though I wan de fa a stay, Who is this Man? - - = 5 56 58 life? Who is this Shep - hed who Who 2 = Who is this Man?

ð 88 Women unison 2 6 = = 8 10 12 = I tem - ble know = Piano = fused 1 16 18 at gace I St All Amazed (SATB/instumental) I st all a Music Text by Chales. abiel Aanged by Sally Deod - mazed at love Je - sus of - fes Men unison that so ful - ly e pof - fes me, me, Con me e was fied, cu - ci - That fo me, a sin - ne, e suf - feed, e that fo bled - = Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com

a tempo 20 died. tacet 22 = ð 80 = a tempo 26 28 0 å = 2 (omit optional notes if using flute) 2 6 = 8 0 2 = 6 8 50 a tempo =

52 = 5 56 58 60 62 = 6 a tempo 66 Softly, a bit slowe, aboutð 75 68 70 won - de - ful that e should fo e - nough fo = mol it. Bass To die fo me, Œ Œ = 72 Sopano Oh it is Al e 7 76 Oh, it is won - de ful, Won de ful me. = - - - caed cae fo me me e - nough Teno To die die die fo fo me me. me = mol 5

I St All Amazed-- Intelude --I Come im = ð "Who is this Jesus, whose voice winds obey?... 2 6 8...came among m as a teache, a heale, a mavel among men. = 10 12 1 They watched him pefom miacles, wondeed,... 16 18 20 = 22 2 Ø 26 28 = As y saw his mighty woks, a new hope aose... = ØØ 0 2 ø ø 6 Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com

ð 80 2 I Come im (SATB) Sopano/Al Unison ¹ 6 Sally Deod ¹ = ¹ á They They came sought 8 10 12 flict Je - sus eal - e, = They In al - i - lee Seek - ing Mas - te, lean bought i lame, Blind in - fim, i af - - 1 (div.) 16 18 ed at is feet, maimed, = á heat me ow They kind cied is 20 teach - ings, ow gen - tle is voice, And in is wod ev - Je - sus, in so - ow loss, "Thou Son of Da - vid, piu mosso 22 2 may e - joice, o bles - sed, e said, ae hum - - cy on us!" They eached out im in i suff - ble 'ing Teno/Bass = () piu mosso = () meek, gief, 'y have Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com 7

26 28 0 All Tust y - ing who is moun, pow', who y come sought im un - me, o y shall find com - in faith, And thus wee y healed = = fot by is Unison 2 6 (div.) = peace, gace, I I come come im im like like mul blind - ti - tude, lame, ed Seek - by ing is is = á ( ) = = wis me 8 0 - dom, my spi - it e - newed, Tust - ing his wod led - cy qui - et my pain, o as he blessed is chil - by den his of 8

2 = = light, old, Know - ing I tust in is is law pow' will lead suc - me co my 6 life, soul, I come as y came, with faith in is name, I come = 1. im. 8 2. 50 Ømeno mosso 52 ú ¹ ¹ im, (I come im,) Ø ú I come as y ¹ ú ø = ¹ ø ø á Ù meno mosso ú a tempo 5 56 ØØ 58 = = came, with faith in is name, I come im. Ù Ù Ø ø a tempo Ù á æ 9

I Come im-- Intelude (SATB) --osanna ð 68 2 = (Naation begins unaccompanied. Stat music at "Then, nea end of his ministy, he went up feast of Passove...") "osanna Blessed is King of Isael." 6 8 10 = "... snes 12 1 would immediately cy out." ø ø = 10 Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com

ð 10 Sopano 2 = = Al Teno Bass osanna (SATB) Sally Deod o - san - na, o - san - na in high - est, o - san o - san - na, o - - na, o - san - na in high - est, o - o na, o Piano = - - san - - san - na in high est, o - o - san - na, o - san - na in high - est, o - 6 8 10 san na, o san na Son of Da vid, o san na, = = = - - - - - - o - san san - na, o - - na, o - san - Son of Da - o - - na, o - san san o na vid, san - na, o - san - na, - san - na Son of Da - vid, o - san - na, o - - na, o - san - na, o - san - na Son of Da - vid. o - san - na, o- Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com 11

12 1 16 san na in high est, o san na, o san na Son of Da = = = san - na, o - san - na in high - est, o - - na, - - na, o - o san o san san - na - san - na in high est, o - san - na, o - san - na, - san - na san o - - - - - - - o o sanna - na, - san-na in high - est, o - san - na, - san - na, o - san - na vid, Son Son of Son of of 18 20 22 ê = = = Da vid, Da Da Bles - sed is he that com - - Bles - sed is he that com - is - vid, Bles - sed he that com - eth eth in - vid. Bles - sed is he that com - eth in in eth in name name name name of of of of Lod, Lod Lod Lod, -, that -, that 12

2 26 28 ê () Bles sed is he that = = = com ë com in - eth, that com - eth name of Lod, Bles - - com - eth - eth, that com - eth in name of Lod, Bles - Bles sed sed is he, - sed is he that - is he, com in eth in 0 2 = = = name name name name of of of of Lod. Lod, Lod, Lod that that com com eth in eth in name name of of - - Lod. Lod. Oh a capella 1

(SATB a capella) 6 8 Oh daugh lem, - te of Je - u - sa - O daugh - te of Je - u - sa - e - lem = te daugh - of Je - u - sa - e - joice, O - of Je - u - sa - = lem, O daugh te daugh te - of Je - u - sa - lem, O daugh - daugh te O lem, te, - of Je - u - sa - lem, O O Oh 0 2 joice, Be - hold thy King com - eth of = daugh - te Je - u - sa - lem, Lo, thy King com - eth daugh - te of Je - u - sa - lem, Lo, thy King com - eth = daugh of - te Je - u - sa - lem, Lo, thy King com - eth 6 un - e! Thy King com - eth un - = un - e! Thy King com - eth -, com - eth un - = un - e! Thy King - com - eth un - un - e! Come - eth un - 1

8 50 52 e! o san na, o san na in high est, o san na, o - - - - - - - - e! o - san - na, o - san na, o san na in high est, o san na, o = - - - - - - e! o - - san - na, o - san-na in high est, o - san - na, o - = = Piano e! o o - san - na, - san-na in high - est, o - san - na, - o 5 56 58 san - na Son of Da - vid, Daugh - te of Zi - on lift = = = san na piu - na, o - san - Son of Da - vid, Daugh - te of Zi - o san - na, - san-na Son of Da - vid, Daugh - te of Zi - san-na, o - san - na Son of Da - vid. Daugh - te of Zi - on lift on lift on lift up thy up thy up thy up thy 15

60 62 6 voice, Re joice in his pai ses shout! ail him ti = = = voice, voice, Re - - - umph - voice, Re Re - joice in his pai - ses shout! ail him ti - umph - his - joice in pai - ses shout! ail him - umph - ti - joice in his pai - ses shout! ail him ti - umph - ant ant ant ant 66 68 70 hold not thy peace, lest eath's ve - y snes, lest eath's ve - y = = = hold hold hold not thy not thy not thy peace peace lest eath's peace lest lest eath's eath's ve () snes should - y snes, lest eath's ve - y snes o - ve - y snes, lest eath's ve - ve y - y snes, lest eath's ve - y () cy snes should cy snes should cy 16

72 7 76 out! o san na in high est, o san na, o = = = - - - - - - san - na san san - na, o - - na, o - san - na in high - est, o - - na, - - na, o - out, out, o na, o san o san Son - san - - san - na in high est, o - san - na, o - san - na, - o o of o - san - na, - san-na in high - est, o - san - na, - san-na, o - o 78 80 = = = Da is - vid, Bles - sed he that com - na san - Son of Da - vid, Bles - sed he that com - is bles san - na Son of Da - vid Bles - sed, - sed com - san that - na Son of Da - vid. Bles - sed is he that com - eth in eth in eth in eth in 17

piu (name of Lod,) 82 8 86 = = = name, name, name, name of na, o - san - na, o - san-na, o - san o-san-na, Bles - sed is he that com - o - san - na, o-sa-na, o - sanna, o san - o - san - na, e that com - o - san- na, o - sa - na, o - san-na, o - sanna, o - san - na, - sed com - Lod, Bles Bles that - sed is he that com - eth in eth in eth in eth in 18 88 90 92 = = = name name name, name of o of Lod, san na, o - san - na, o -san - na, That com - eth na o - - o - san - na, o - san - o - - That - - san - na, o - sa - na, o - san - na, o-san - na, That com - eth Lod, san na, san na, That com eth eth o - - com - in in in in name name name name ª of Lod! of Lod! of Lod! of Lod!

osanna-- Intelude --The eatest Among Us ð 6 2 6 = "And when he was come in Jeusalem, all city was moved, 8 10 12 = In i envy y ok counsel ge, put him death. 1 16 = ê ê ë ë á e spoke plainly of his death sepaation fom m... 20 ð 72 On day of feast,... = 22 18 2... ye say well; fo so I am. 26 28 0 2 = Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com 19

Solo w/satb choi ð 82 2 = 6 ¹ = ¹ ¹ The eatest Among Us Solo (o Sop. section) 8 10 Sally Deod 18 20 22 la - boed un - ceas - ing - ly, know - ing ou need, And e calls us fol - low in suf - fe - e nev - e be - seeched im in vain, May I fol - low Mas - te in 1&2 Oo -, Oo, 1. And he calls us 2. May I fol low fol - low in - Mas - te in = = e The came geat as a - est a - se mong vant, us 12 1 16 King a - mong men, To lift heal by pow' in is h, e nou - -ished weak, Bought hope hope - less joy meek, The = Sopano/Al Teno/Bass - this 20 Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com

2 26 28 (no beath) spi - it deed, 1&2 The geat est a mong us taught us love, kind ness un feigned, - - - - = = 0 2 seve one an oth e as e wil ling ly seved, And if I would fol low - - - - - seve one an - oth - e as e wil - ling - ly seved, Oo = = 6 8 (no beath) 0 = = spi kind - it deed, 1&2 The geat - est a - mong us taught - ness un - feigned, such is my call, such is my call, o geat () o geat us us a - est - mong was se - love, To To vant - est a - mong us was - vant se of of all. all. im, 21

2 ¹ = ¹ 6 8 50 = 52 5 = 56 22 = = Je 58 60 - sus, whom all do - min - ion is giv'n, um - bled im - Je - sus, whom all do - min - ion is giv'n, um - bled im - self self in in

62 = se se 6 66 iten. - vice of man, And e calls though a - ges, "Come, fol - - vice of man, And e calls though a - ges, "Come, fol - low low Πme," a tempo I will Πme," I Πwill = Πiten. a tempo Π68 = = 7 = = fol fol Mas Mas te - low - te whee e may lead, The geat - est a - mong us - low - whee e'e e may lead, The geat - est a - mong us taught us 70 72 e'e love, To taught us love, To 76 78 seve seve one one an an - oth - e as he wil - ling - ly - oth - e as he wil - ling - ly (no beath) seved, seved, And 2

2 80 86 = = 82 8 ú se vant of all. o geat est ú se vant of all. = ú = = Oo if I would fol - low im, such is my call, o geat - est a - such is my call, o mong us geat - est a - mong us (no beath) slowly 88 90 ú - - a - mong us was se - Ø Ø - was se - ú slowly Ø Ø Ù was was 92 a tempo 9 96 vant of all. vant of all. = a tempo

The eatest Among Us-- Intelude --Oh Stengn Me ð 80 2 = 6 8 10 12 1 Duing se last hous ge, Jesus taught his disciples... =...he waned m of tials y must endue 16 18 20 22 in coming days yeas... = Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com 25

ð 62 gently 2 Unison A = Oh, Stengn Me (TTBB) all 6 Sally Deod a - of man - kind, Au - tho of good-ness 8 A 10 12 () = me - cy, ate - ful in spi - it I of - fe e, All that I have, All () that I am, And 1 16 A if I must pass though tial, Bea - ing a bu den of gief, Stay thou nea my side in my - = 18 A ten. 20 22 = hou of need, ten. Stength - en me, stength - en me, oh stength - en Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com me. 26

2 A = = = A 0 2 26 28 = = =, Oo Bass (Section o solo) Teno I & II Baine e A 6 8 ten., Oo, a -, in I live, Blessed sus - tained by thy Oo kind - ness, iv - e of all, I e - tun e all I can give, All I pos - sess, Stength- en my - y () () wea = = = Oo, Oo, ten. hs, ant me en - du - ance seve e, My spi - it is will - ing, My flesh is weak, Stength - en ten.,,, 27

0A 2 28 () = = =() a capella Teno I&II 6 A = A = 56 A = A = = Oo, me, Thou at my Baine/Bass Stength Oo, stength - en me, stength - my 8 50 52 5 58 60 = song, en me. () Thou hast be - come my sal - va - tion, Tune thou my heat thy pu - pose, Thee will I paise, To e I sing, And - cup be bit - te, Thy will, not me, me, O mine, be done, Un () will though so ow's (Stength - en me,) - til be - yond teas I shall dwell with e, Stength - en me, Stength - en - en me,) stength - en me, Stength - en me, Stength - en me, Stength - en Stength - en me, Stength - en (Stength 62 6 66 Ø a tempo (Stength me. Ø me,) - en

Oh Stengn Me-- Intelude --ethsemane Slow sustained R.. 2 5 L.. = 5 5 sempe L.. R.. "And when y had sung an hymn, y went out in mount of Olives. 5 6 8 10 Sit ye hee, while I go pay yonde. "... watch with me." = ê ë ë And he was withdawn fom m about a sne's cast, 12 1 16 Repeat measues 1-15 if necessay. = Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com 29

ð 52 2 = espessivo ethsemane (Solo) Sally Deod eth - ("This) 6 = 8 ¹ sem a ne lay still dak, bit te cup wilt thou e move? ¹ ¹ not - - Ce - a - tion watched in si - lent awe, As - - Yet my will, but thine be done." Be - ( ) 10 = 12 Je hold love Chist - sus suf - feed his a - 's will, To sat - is - fy un - yield - his an - guish weep a - new fo of sin - ing less law, one. piu mosso e piu mosso 1 16 = in ea his wounds knelt With piu mosso healed, ev - nest paye a - lone, is fiends, o'e - come with so - ow, slept, Be - my own ae My - 'y pain o'e - come in his, My ( ) 0 Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com

18 = 22 = 26 20 neath shame, my bu weak - den of gief he goaned, Be - neath ness, my gief un ld find som his of sin he - - - pice - less a tempo 2 blood a tempo so fee - ly spent, e bought my an in weight soul, wept, gift. e paid my debt, Œ And with his (2.o) What wok of 28 1. love was wought fo me, In still - ness of eth - sem - a - ne! = 0 2 2. ¹ This sem a ne! - - ¹ = ¹ Ø 6 8 ë Œ Œ ú In still - ness of eth sem a ne. Œ Œ Ø - - - = Ù 1

ethsemane-- Intelude --The Pice of Mecy "And when he ose up fom paye, was come his disciples, he found m sleeping fo soow." And he said un m, "Rise up, let us go; lo, he that betayeth me is at h." (Music begins) ð Ø Even as he spoke, a multitude appoached. 52 2 = sempe 6 8 10 = Though Pilate found no fault in him... = 12 1 = Pilate bought Jesus foth, said multitude, "Behold man!" 16 () () 18 () 20 = "is blood be on us, on ou childen." 22 2 2 Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com

ð 58 2 = = = = = = The Pice of Mecy (SATB) Sopano/Al Teno/Bass 6 8 10 12 tayed, With cown 1 16 18 Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com The of Son Man fo sil ve sold, And with a Sally Deod - kiss be - of thons pu - ple obe, In mock - e - y a - ayed, The guilt - less by guil - ty judged, To shame death con - signed, ow geat pice of me - cy paid fo me man - fo

20 kind. 22 = = Men Unison ea - vy, hea - vy 2 was cost, To = = = = an 26 28 0 2 6 would - som fal - len man, o none but e could e - com - pense what jus - tice de - m, pue sin - less sac - i - fice, Who fo ou sins would die, ow geat pice of me - cy A paid fo = me, fo 8 man - kind. 0 = () () 2

Unison 6 8 = ea - vy, hea - vy was coss, weight of all wold, The suf - fe - ing of = 50 52 5 (div.) = na - tions, The an - guish of eath, And this e boe Cal - va - y, who e was cu - ci - = 56 58 60 fied, ow geat pice of me cy paid fo me fo man kind. ow geat pice of = (div.) - - = Sop. div. Ø (sop. divide) 62 6 66 ú me - cy paid fo me, fo man - kind. = -. -. ú ú Ø = Ù 5

I Think of is s (Intelude) (Solo/SATB) Sally Deod Ø 2 5 = 5 á 6 A ð 0 Solo Ø = * I ð 60 8 10 12 think of his hs, pieced me bleed - ing pay my debt, Such - cy, such love de - A 1 16 18 vo no! - tion, can I fo - get? No, I will paise a - doe at me - cy seat, Un - = til at 20A 22 2 6 glo - i - fied thone I kneel at his feet. = Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com

Sopano/Al 26 28 0 Oo, Teno/Bass = = On eve of sabbath, his weay disciples emoved his body fom coss... Oo All that emained was complete anointing of body accoding i cusm. 6 8 Ø Ø Ø. Oo = Ù Ø Ø ú ð 110 = Ù æ æ 2 0 58 = æ æ æ On fist day of week, May Magdalene, os with he, 50 52 5 56 ea not ye fo I know that ye seek Jesus = (Ÿ) æ 60 62 6...tell his disciples that he is isen fom dead... = æ æ But y saw that sne had been olled away; 2 6 8 (Ÿ) attacca 7

2 ¹ = ¹ æ 8 10 12 = ë 1 20 ð 118 16 18 = loco è Sopano 22 2 26 ë Come see, come see, come wit - ness won - de, 'Tis a po - mise Al of glo - ies = wept, still, Whee Whee sha sne Come See Unison (SSA) 1. In (2. Nea ) Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com ¹ mb place in whee we 6 ga - den whee late - laid him, yet si - div. Sally Deod ly we lent simile - dows of dak - ness held sway, Thee an an - gel has sealed him up un - death, We have seen him ti - spo - ken se ti - dings of joy, And ta - ken ou so - ow a - umph - ant in glo - y might, Re - s - ing ou souls un - ë way. faith. 8

28 0 2 i be, o Je - sus is sen, gave bust a sun de, Come see, come - - - = 1. 6 see, Come see. 8 0 = 9 2 å ¹ ¹ = ¹ 2. Nea ¹ 2. see, come see, come see! å (Come 6 see, Come Come see! Come, see, come come

8 ê Come see, come see! Come, come see! 50 52 5 see, come see, come see! Come see, Come see, come see, come see, Come, see! Come see, Come see what = 56 58 60 see, come see! Come be is de - hold how ou dak - ness past, (come see) And be - hold how = 62 = an - gels - clae, Come be - hold how ou dak-ness mb ly ing see, is 6 66 68 past, - emp - ty at dawn po - claims him vic - Come see, Po come see, - claim him vic - at at last. last. Come Come 0

= see, Come come see, come 70 72 7 see, Come wit come see, - ness won - de,) come see, see, 'Tis a po Come, - mise of glo - oh come ies be, see, 76 ë o 78 80 82 i Je - sus is - sen, gave bust a - sun - de, Come = ê see, come see, come see! see! see! 8 86 88 Come Come Come see! Ø see, Come see, Come see, Come, come see! Ø = see, æ Come see, simile Come see, Come see, Come see! Ø Ù 1

The Resuection Life (SATB) Sally Deod ð 112 = 2 6 8Sopano/Al = In Teno/Bass 10 12 ga-den all is bight, Mon - ing beaks in glo - ious light, And = = = 1 16 18 is migh - ty an - gels obed in white po - claim Chist a - The en, The sne shall no moe (The sne ba shall no doo, moe The Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com 2

= emp ba emp - mb hath wit - ness bone of vic - 20 22 doo, hath wit - ness bone of vic - - y in ou Lod, po - claim - ing Chist a - - ty mb hath wit - ness bone of vic - t'y in ou liv - ing Lod, po - claim - ing Chist a - t'y in ou Lod,) = 2 26 28 by = = is is - - en, en, e lives, he lives, no moe die, And his pow' all men shall ise, Death is o - ve - 0 2 come in Chist, Res - u- ec-tion life, eat - e ti - dings none can = () () () = () (Sopano Ah, ) tell, e has loosed

6 8 0 chains of hell, lift up you voice oh Is - a - el, Po - claim Chist a is en, = - 2 = 6 = = = = 8 50 div. 52 5 ti - umph - ant ev - e moe, od hath giv'n him all pow' in heav'n eath, And fom this hou po - Sing 56 58 claim Chist a is en. e lives, he lives no moe die, And by his pow' all = - -

60 62 6 = men shall ise, Death is = o - ve - come in Chist, Res - u-ec-tion Life (Sopano Ah ) 66 68 70 Sing ti umph ant ev e moe, od hath giv'n him all pow' in heav'n eath, And fom this = - - - hou po - = 72 7 76 = = claim Chist, Chist a - is - en! 5

The Resuection Life-- Intelude --The Shephed of My Soul 2 6 = ð 88 Jesus was isen. e showed himself fist May Magdalene in gaden... 8 10 = Thei witness echoes though ages, ð 72 12 e who was lifted up... 1 16 = Ø 18 20 e is ou Savio Redeeme, Messiah, Shephed of ou souls. 22 ø ø = ø ø Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com 6

The Shephed of My Soul Sally Deod 2 6 8 = accel. 10 12 1 ¹ = ð 82 ¹ 1. Who 2. Who is is this this Je Je ¹ set - sus whose voice winds o - bey? What man - ne - sus wold has at naught? This eal - e of whose Man pow' is I this? know? 16 18 20 22 = ë Who with At whose wod m a com up can calm an - gy seas, And still tem - pest - lame ise walk? Whose might - y has h in made my me 2 26 28 = beast? whole? Who Who Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com is is this this Man Man who who when o - pens sight-less seeks me I eyes, stay? Who 7

= 6 8 0 = 2 6 8 0 2 gives heas ev my my long - ing spi - it light? At whose com - m mul - ti - tude - 'y an - guished cy? Who beas my gief, Who suf - fes fed? pain? Who And e fills me with bead - tuns me un - meas - of ued life? joy? all Shep - hed, e calls me by my name, bids me est safe with - in his fold, e is is my my = 50 52 5 ª 1. I will st as wit - ness of his ev e last ing love, My Lod, my od, Shep hed of my soul. - - - - = ª And 56 58 8 ê ¹ ¹ = ¹ soul. 60 62

The Shephed of My Soul-- Intelude --I St All Amazed (inale) Who is this Jesus, whose voice winds obey? 2 = ð 68 ( ) In answe we may offe titles that he beas... 6 8 10 = Like his disciples of old, we bea witness that Jesus is Chist... 12 1 Ø Ø = 16 = Oh, it is wondeful, that e should cae fo me......wondeful me." 18 20 Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com 9

I St All Amazed (inale) SATB Aangement additional lyics by Sally Deod Music Text by Chales. abiel Slowly, uba 2 6 = a bit faste, in time Women unison 8 10 12 I st all a - mazed at love Je - sus of - me, fes = Men unison = Con - 1 16 = = fused at gace that so ful - ly e pof - fes me, I 18 tem - ble know that fo Copyight 1999 by Sally Deod Making copies fo non-commecial use is pemitted. This o Deod sheet music may be downloaded fee at http//www.defodmusic.com 50

20 = = 26 = Div. 22 2 me he was cu fied, div. - ci - That fo me, a sin - ne, he suf - feed, a tempo 28 0 died. Sopano Oh it is won ful e should me = - de - that cae fo me e - Al e caed fo e - he bled Teno To nough nough die die die fo fo fo Bass To 51 2 me, = me die fo = me, Oh it is won - de - ful, Won - de - ful me

6 8 ê ë = ê ë = = 0 2 6 8 = 50 52 5 Oo, = Women unison Men unison div. 56 58 I ma Oo, - vel that e would de - send fom is thonedi-vine, fo me,) = div. = Oo,. es Oo, - cue a soul so e - bel - lious poud as mine, That e should ex - love un Oo, tend is geat - such as I, Suf - fi - cient own e - deem jus - ti - fy, = Oh it is won - de - ful that e should cae fo me e - nough die fo ( me. die 52

60 62 = Oh it is won - de ful, Won - de - ful me. 6 = () 66 68 70 72 uba, slowly = = I think of is hs, pieced a cappella 7 76 78 bleed - ing pay debt, Such me - cy, such love de - vo - tion, can I fo-get? No, no, I will = 80 5 82 8 86 Ø ú paise a - doe at me - cy seat, Un - til at glo - i - fied thone I kneel at is feet. = ú Ù

88 Unison 90 92 I st = all a - mazed at love Je - sus of - fes me, Se - = 9 96 98 cue in po - mise of life in his vic - - y, So an - somed fom death I will live = = my Div 100 102 10 Sav-io's paise, And sing of his good - ness me - cy though end - = Div = less days. 5

106 108 110 Oh it is won - de - ful that e should cae fo me e - nough die fo me, = (Bass To die fo me,) = 112 Oh = it is won - de - ful, It is won - de - ful 11 116 me, (won ( - de - ful = Œ me,) me,) Oh, it is 55 Ø 118 120 won - de ful, won - de - ful = Ù Ø ø = ø ø me. 122 12