glo - joy Christ, ry on a - the ture œ œ be - for - less fore ev - throne ter - Spir - with

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3 A Be O 3 3 hymn no our ris - en HYMNS A Hymn Glory Let Us Sg 00 glo - oy Christ, ry on as - n let us earth, O cend - ed n AGINCOURT LM sg, Lord, Lord, Ne All hymns e praise through - our out fu - you ture let orld great earth shall re - ac - rg; ard cord, Christ Then Who n y throned are, a ith hile road you end - e - for - less fore ev - un - er, ges trod e run, As - Shall With cends praise F un - your r name e - ith throne ter - Spir - Bede Venerale, 673 735 Tr y Elizaeth Rundle Charles, 1828 1896, alt, Benam We, 1819 1885 nal - it, n God! ly One English allad melody

01 A Message Came a Maiden Young ANNUNCIATION Irregular A No He mes - great - came, some - sage er God s times came nes Word trum - could pets a a from maid - mes - sen - orld Si - on en ger here rg young, rg; e - lo; out, The For an - tas round tramp - gel from him g sod that re comes, e - young did side moth - gath - drum - her er er mg; In sh - He came, A Thy kg - g roes, ho alked ho found dom come, on that so ith this e gold - earth teach - cry; en as er a y ngue kg, kno shout, He Was It ld yet e en comes! hat as should all kno still e - men s tis tide ro - F com - her: r: r: g

The His He Far, maid truth healed far as has lost spread sick head, like ho on - le sought der; ven; him, us, Her Till orld mar - For - gave Yet ith as ry us, rn earth foes nay ho ith - sun - heav - fought n der; en, him; us; Ah! ho Till all Be - side Till all could shall she gree sea see Christ s In Of That moth - char - Gal - Kg er i - i - is e ty lee he, By To He The God s dell set Love most from from high sea n Gal - de - tions i - cree! sea free lee! Vs 1: Dutch, tr y Percy Dearmer Vss 2 : Percy Dearmer, 1867 1936 Text 1928, Oxford University Press Dutch folk song Nederlsch Volkliederenoek, 1896 Acc y David McK Williams, 1887 1978 Acc 193, Church Pension Fund

02 Aide ith Me EVENTIDE 10 10 10 10 5 A - Sift I I Hold ide need fear thou ith its no me: close pres - foe, cross fast es ence ith e - falls out ev - e fore life s ry at my e - lit - pass - h clos - ven - tle g g tide; day, hour; less; eyes; n 5 The Earth s What Ills She dark - oys ut have through ness gro no deep - dim, grace eight, gloom, ens; its can Lord, glo - foil tears pot ith ries no me me pass tempt- it - er s ter - ide: ay, poer ness skies; n 5 When Change oth - er de - help cay - Who like - self Where is death s stg Heav n s morn- g reaks, ers my here, fail all guide grave, earth s va com - round stay vic - shad - forts I can - os flee, see; e ry flee: 5 Help O Through I In thou ho cloud tri - umph life, help - less, chang - est sun - she, still, if death, O O not, Lord, thou Lord, ide ide ide ide ide ith ith ith ith ith me me me me me Henry Francis Lyte, 1793 187 William H Monk, 1823 1889

03 Áranse Los Cielos 2 2 2 LET THE HEAVENS OPEN Á - ran - se Oh Sol del Un yer- mo es los O - la cie - rien - tie - los, te, rra, llue - van cl ro zar - zas al Me - más que el só - lo sí - dí - ro - as a; tan que es nues - tro la El no - che vi - vir con - sue - lo, som - rí - a es gue - rra nues - tro ce - da al de la hu - Re - res - m den - r plan - dor ni - dad Œ Œ n n Cl Hu - Bro - man yan ten los las ya co - ti - las ll dos: nie - las flo - res Ven de en n n ya, Sal - muer - te y nues - tra he - v ho - re - n dor; rror; dad; N los a ce - se - fun - dan dien - dir los A s las ri - pr dos: nie - las go - res Lle - ga, ven - ga de la ad - Re - tu ver - den - ful - si - r, gor; dad,

y el e - que el de - y la rial s sier - es tie - rra rí - lar - rí - o go a pi - de ya el ro - y el des - tie - rro vien- do el nue - vo cí - mar - dí - o go a Á - Oh Un ran - se Sol del yer-mo es los O - la cie - rien - tie - los, te, rra, llue - van cl ro zar - zas al Me - más que el só - lo sí - dí - ro - as a; tan que es nues - tro la El no - che vi - vir con - sue - lo, som - rí - a es gue - rra nues - tro ce - da al de la hu - Re - res - m den - r plan - dor ni - dad Œ Œ Is 5:8 Traditional Acc y David Kraehenuehl, 1923 1997 Acc 1987, WLP

0 Adiós, O Virgen de Guadalupe FAREWELL, O VIRGIN OF GUADALUPE A-diós, A-diós, A-diós, A-diós, O O O O Ó Vir - Vir - Vir - M gen gen, gen dre, de Gua-da que - ri - lu ma-drde Gua-dmás - lu - - - la m pe, da, pe, le; diós, oh diós re - diós, oh quí te M fu - M de - dre gio dre o del del del mi Sal - pe - Re - co - ni - can - tro - Vir - ño, no gen v c den - r nom-rae - res mi - te siem - pre se - com - p n dor dor r zón Des - de que E - res mi en - An - te tu A - diós, oh Œ U su - vi - gru - r pe: da, pe le; e - res mi dul-c - do tu es - pe - d me, Se - U u

U vi - ran - pue - ño - da, za, lo, ra, e - res mi dul-c es-pe - - do d me, tu Se - U u U vi - ran - pue - ño - da, za lo, ra, U mi so - lo mor en mi do - lor lle - no de mor tu en - di - ción U u U Traditional Acc y Peter M Kolar Acc 1998, WLP

05 Adiós, Rea del Cielo QUEEN OF HEAVEN ESTRIBILLO 8 6 8 6 A - 8 6 n diós, Rei-na del n cie - lo, M dre del Sal - v dor N A - N diós, oh M dre mí - a A - diós, diós, diós ESTROFAS 5 6 7 De A - De A A - A - A - tu diós, tu de - diós, diós, diós, n di - Rei - di - vi - na vi - ar-teoh M dre Vir - oh M rí - Hi - a del P del cie-lo en- can - no del no n ros - cie - ros - tro lo, tro a, dre; gen,, me le - M dre o del la e - lle - mi de - con Sal - za al pe - v de - no cier-tpu - ra que el co - r M dre del Hi - o, más la li - cia y mi mor, sar; dor, ar, zón: diós luz:

5 6 7 N per - dul - per - te Del N mí - te - me ce prente mí - - lo en- Es - más, diós, oh da me que vuel - do - r que vuel - mí - va da va ra,, des a, tre - go, Se - ño - pí - ri - tu San - más me ol- vi - M dre tus plan-tami s - ce - ro mor a e - sar de tus plan-tame tu en - di - ción a e - sar d oh cas-tlan - te de e - sús Es-po-sa, diós de - diós, diós, diós Al Estriillo Al Estriillo Traditional Acc y Steven R anco Acc 1998, WLP

06 Adoramus Te Dome OSTINATO A B (hum) A - do - ra-mus te Do-mi - ne VERSES Canr Ó Œ A Œ B Ó Œ With an-gels arch - an-gels: With A Œ B Ó Œ p tri - archs proph-ets: With A Vir - g Mar - y moth-er God: B Ó With A - A B Ó Œ pos - tles e - van-gel-ists: 5 With A 3 5 all mar- tyrs Christ: B Ó 6 With all ho A 6 it-ness Gos-pel Lord: B Ó 7 With all your A B 2 7 peo- ple Church through-out orld: We adore you, Lord acques Berthier, 1923 199 Music 1979, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Pulications, Inc, excl North American agent

07 Adoremus Aeternum ANTIPHON VERSES Ad - o - ré - mus ae - tér - num Lau-dá- te Dó-mi-num om-nes gen-tes: sanc-tís - si - mum S cra-mén-tum lau-dá - te e - um om-nes pó-pu - li Quó-ni - am con - fir - má - ta est su - per nos mi - se - re - cór - di - a e - us: á á et vé - ri - tas Dó - mi - ni m net ae - tér- num To Antiphon

Gló - ri - a P tri et Fí - li - o, et Spi - rí - tu - i Sanc- Si - cut e - rat pr - cí - pi - o, et nunc, et sem - per: et saé - cu - la sae - cu - ló - rum A - men To Antiphon Chant, Mode V Acc from Parish Book Chant Let us orship forever most holy Sacrament O praise Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people For his mercy is confirmed upon us: truth Lord remaeth for ever Glory Far, Son, Holy Spirit: as it as egng, is no, ever shall e, orld ithout end Amen

08 Adoro Te Devote 5 6 7 ADORO TE DEVOTE 65 65 D } Ad - ó - ro Vi - sus, In cru - Pl O Pi - e - gas, me - e su, te de - t ctus, ce l sic - mo - pel - quem ut ri - li - ve - vó - gu - té - Tho - á - cá - lá - te, stus at mas, le ne, tum } l tens te so - la non - mor - tis e - su nunc Dé - fál - Dé - tú - Dó - Dó - spí - i - li - i - e - mi - mi - ci - tas, tur, tas, or: ni, ne, o, Quae Sed At 5 6 7 De - P Me O - su au - hic um nis im - ro, his dí - l t vi - mún - fi - fi - tu tet men vus, dum at gú - so - si - me - vi - mun - il - ris lo mul um tam da lud ve - tu - et te prae - tu - quod re hu - con - stans o tam lá - cré - má - fí - hó - sán - sí - ti - di - ni - te - mi - gui - ti - tas: tur: tas: or: ni, ne o:

Ti - i Cre - do Am - o 5 6 7 Fac Prae - Cu - Ut, me sta us te se quid - t ti - me - u - re - cor quid men i ae na ve - me - di - cre - sem - men - stil - lá - um xit dens per ti la ta - tum De - i at - que m gis de te sal - vum cer - nens sú - Fí - cón - cré - ví - fá - fá - i - li - fi - de - ve - ce - ci - cit, us: tens, re, re, re e, Qui - a te con - tém - plans - tum dé - fi - cit Nil hoc ver - o ve - ri - tá - tis vé - ri - us Pe - quod pe - tí - vit l tro paé - ni-tensge - re In te spem h é - re, te di - lí - 5 Et te il - li sem - per dul - ce sá - pe - re 6 To- tum mun-dusim e - á - tus tu - ae gló - ri - quit a o - mni scé - le - re 7 Vi - su ae A - men Thomas Aquas, 1225 127 Chant, Mode V Acc y Chrysogonus Waddell, 1930 2008 Acc 1962, WLP For English versions, see Godhead Here Hidg, 51 52, Humly We Adore Thee, 570

09 Ah, Holy esus HERZLIEBSTER ESU 11 11 11 5 5 Ah, Who Lo, For There - ho - as me, fore, ly good kd kd e - sus, guilt - y Shep - herd e - sus, e - sus, ho Who for as sce hast rought the I thou this sheep In - can - - up - is car - not fend - on - n pay ed, e fered; tion, e, n 5 That A - The Thy I man las, slave mor - do my hath tal n udge tre s - sor - dore e son, ned, ro, e, hath e - sus, ill hate hath Son life s ev - pre - un - hath o - er tend - done suf - l pray ed e fered; tion; e, By Tas For Thy 5 Thk foes I, man s death on de - Lord rid - e - ne - an - pi - ed, sus, ment, guish ty y I hile the it he on as noth - it - love re - de - g ter un - 5 ect - nied heed - Pas - serv - ed, e: eth, sion, g, n O I God For Not most cru - - my my af - ci - ter - sal - de - flict - fied ceed - v serv - n ed e eth tion g ohann Heermann, 1585 167 Tr y Roert S Bridges, 18 1930 ohann Crüger, 1598 1662

10 All Creatures Our God Kg 2 3 5 6 7 2 3 2 3 5 6 7 5 6 7 LASST UNS ERFREUEN 88 8 88 ith Refra All Thou Thou Dear Let cre tures rush - g flo - g moth - er all ye thou, most all thgs d earth, ho men kd ir our that ter, cre - God art pure so day y ten - der gen - tle r up your voice clouds that sail mu - sic for fold - est less- gs giv - g oth - ers, g hush our or - ship him ith us heav n Lord on our take lat - your est hum - le - Al - le - Al - le - Al - le - Al - le - Al - le - Al - le - Al - le - lu - lu - lu - lu - lu - lu - lu - V ia! Thou ia! Thou ia! Thou ia! The ia! Ye ia! Thou ia! Praise, V N v Kg, strong, clear, day heart, death, less, sg: long, hear, ay, part, reath, ness, Lift Ye Make Un - For - Wait - ẇ Al - O Al - O O O O urn - ris - fire flo rs fruits that ho long pa lead - est home praise g g so le - lu - praise le - lu - gold - praise sun ith morn, mas - ter - ful praise sg praise praise en re - F r, praise N eam, oice, right, e gro, sor - ro ear, child God, Son, ia! him! ia, him! ye, him! him!

5 6 7 Thou Ye Thou Let Praise sil - lights giv - m God Christ praise ver est his our moon eve - man glo - on Lord Spir - ith ng, oth ry him it, st - fd armth al - cast ay Three - er a so your hath - gleam: voice: light: sho: care: trod: One: O praise him, O praise him, Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia! N Based on Francis Assisi, 1182 1226 Tr y William H Draper, 1855 1933 Geistliche Kirchengesänge, Cologne, 1623 Arr y Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872 1958 For Spanish version, see Oh, Criaturas del Señor, 69

11 All Glory Be God on High 6 ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH 87 87 887 6 All O You glo - Lam on - ry ly e God, are Lord God e - Ho - on sus ly high, Christ, One, Whom Who peace God came on for earth F our from r sal - heav - en, gave us, v tion, Who God s for on - good-il orld ly you un - as are fail - sac - God s g - ly Be his ri - ficed Up - on true Son, The first - orn peo - cross ple cre - giv - save en us; tion We, You less, as on - e you ly, or - sit Christ, ship at as you, God s Lord e right e raise h, on For, A your great glo - ry e ith for udg-ment Spir - it, Nikolaus Decius, c 190 151 Tr y F Bl Tucker, 1895 198 Tr 1978, Church Pension Fund thanks praise, O God, Al - might - y F r re must st, Have mer - cy, Lord, up - on us you lone Share F r s glo - ry Nikolaus Decius, c 190 151 Harm y Michael Praerius, 1571 1621

All Glory, Laud, Honor 12 ST THEODULPH 76 76 D All glo - ry, laud, hon - or To e, Re- deem-er, Kg! To hom lips chil - dren Made seet ho - san - nas rg n n n Thou The The To 5 Thou art com - peo - e didst p ple e - ac - Kg ny fore cept ir n Is - r el, Thou an - gels Are He - res With pas - prais - sion es; They Ac - D vid s prais - g palms e - sang ir cept roy - e fore hymns prayers al on e e Son, high; ent: praise: rg, DC Who Our To 5 Who mor - praise e, Lord s tal men, prayers no high all good Name ex - de - com - all an - alt - light - est, thgs ms ed, est, The Kg Cre - ted, Be - fore e Our mel - o - Thou good Bless - make e dy gr ed re - pre - e cious One ply sent raise Kg Theodulph Orleans, c 760 821 Tr y ohn M Neale, 1818 1866, alt For Spanish version, see Honor, Loor y Gloria, 566 Melchior Teschner, 158 1635 Harm y William H Monk, 1823 1899

13 All Glory, Laud, Honor AD CHRISTUM REGEM 76 76 D All glo - ry, laud, hon - or To e, Re-deem-er, Kg! To hom lips chil - dren Made seet ho - san- nas rg n n n 5 Thou The The To Thou art com - peo - e didst p ple e - ac - Kg ny fore cept ir Is - rael, Thou Da-vid s roy - an - gels Are prais- palms e - fore g e He - res With pas - sion They sang ir hymns prais - es; Ac - cept prayers al on e e Son, high; ent: praise: rg, n 5 Who Our To Who mor - tal praise e, no all Lord s men, prayers high good Name com - est, The Kg Bless - ed all thgs Cre - ted, make re - an - ms Be - fore e e pre - ex - alt - ed, Our mel - o - dy e de - light - est, Thou good gra-cious One ply sent raise Kg DC Theodulph Orleans, c 760 821 Tr y ohn M Neale, 1818 1866, alt Richard Rice Music 2010, Richard Rice

All Hail, Adored Trity 1 OLD HUNDREDTH LM All Three O hail, Per - Tr - sons i - dor - praise ty! ed e O Tr - ev - U - i - er - ni - ty; more, ty! All One Be hail, e - on - ly pres - ent ter - God as nal our e U - hearts or - ni - ship ty; dore: e; O In God ith sure F r, mer - cy, songs that God ev - an - er gels Son, kd, sg May U - God e nite our Spir - strong hymns it, pro - ev - tec - praise er tion e one fd rg Lat, c 11th cent Tr y ohn D Chalmers, 1805 1893 Pseaumes octante trois de David, Geneva, 1551 Attr Louis Bourgeois, c1510 c 1561

15 All Hail Poer esus Name CORONATION 86 86 86 All Ye Let O hail cho - ev - that sen ry ith po r seed k - dred, yon - der e - Is - ev - s sus rael s ry cred name! race, trie, throng, Let Ye On We an - ranthis at gels somed ter - his prosfrom res - feet trate trial may fall; fall, all, fall, Brg Hail To We ll forth him him o ho all roy - saves m ev - al you es - er - di - y ty last - his as - g dem grace, crie, song, n cron cron cron cron him him him him Lord Lord Lord Lord all; all; all; all; Brg Hail To We ll forth him him o ho all roy - saves al you m es - ev - er - di - y ty last - his as - g dem grace, crie, song, cron cron cron cron him him him him Lord Lord Lord Lord all all all all Edard Perronet, 1726 1792 Alt y ohn Rippon, 1751 1836, alt Oliver Holden, 1765 18

Cer - P Dí - ca sos a de - fe - tí, Se - ñor, cier - s doy, liz ve - ré, quie - el cre - Cerca de Tí, Señor 67 ro sol yenes - se do en tar va; ti, BETHANY 6 6 666 Tu mas en gran - de y si con - que yo h tier - ti - i - no a-mor go es-ta - ré quie - no cer - ro te - ca go - mo de zar ya ti Lle - Him - Mi na nos voz mi de po - gr l re ti - ser, tud rá lim - pia mi tu le - gre san - co - r zón; can - t ré, nom-re a-llí; haz - me tu y fiel a y mi al-ma ros - ti, go - tro ver Se-ñorza - rá en siem - cer - la a- pre ca flic-ciónse - ré de ti Sarah F Adams, 1805 188 Tr y Tomás M Westrup, 1837 1909 Loell Mason, 1792 1872 For English version, see Nearer, My God, Thee, 637

68 Christ Be eside Me BUNESSAN 9 55 5 D Christ e Christ on Christ e 9 e - my side right all me, h, hearts Christ e Christ on Thk-g e - my fore left out me, h, me; Christ Christ Christ e all e e - on hd round all me, Kg me, Shield ngues Tell - g my heart strife me Christ Christ Christ e e ith - my sleep - vis - me, g, ion Christ e Christ In eyes e - my that lo sit - see me, Christ e tg, Christ me; In ears my that Attr St Patrick, 372 66 Tr y ames Qun, 1919 2010 Tr 1969, ames Qun, Selah Pulishg Co, North American Agent ove ris - hear me, g, me, Nev - er Light my Christ ev - er part life e Gaelic melody Harm y A Gregory Murray, 1905 1992 Harm Donside Aey Trustees

Christ To Grant, Laud is this e made tem-plepray, hon - or Christ is Made Sure Foundation 69 sure here all EDEN CHURCH 87 87 87 foun-de call e, Come, O Lord hosts, - - tion, Christ head cor - ner - peor, Laud hon - or ple, All grace y ask F sne; day; ga; Son Cho - sen With ont - ed What y ga from Laud hon - or Lord, lov - e pre-cious, Bd-g g-kd-nesfor - ev - er With Hear Spir - it, Ev - er n One Ho - ly Zi - full - here - af - might on s est ter Urs eata erusalem Lat, c 7th cent Tr y ohn Mason Neale, 1818 1866, alt all Church one; ser-vanted less - as y pray, re - ta, three ev - er one help for - ev - er, en - e - dic-tioglo one - ry glo - ry, Shed Ev - hile her con - all fi - its er - more ith un - end - g dence right e ar - ges lone ray reign run Dale Wood, 193 2003 Music Schmitt, Hall, McCreary Co

70 Christ is Made Sure Foundation WESTMINSTER ABBEY 87 87 87 6 6 Christ To Grant, Laud is this e made tem - pray, hon - ple, or sure here all foun - d e call peo - F tion, Christ e, Come, ple, All r, Laud O head Lord grace hon - y or cor - hosts, ask ner - - sne; day; ga; Son Cho - With What Laud sen ont - y ga hon - ed from or n Lord, lov - e pre - g - kd - for - ev - Spir - cious, ness er it, Bd - Hear With Ev - g er all ser - less - three vants ed Church as ev - y re - er one; pray, ta, one Ho - One ly here - Zi - full - af - might on s est ter help en - one for - e - ev - dic - glo - glo - er, tion ry ry, n Urs eata erusalem Lat, 7th cent Tr y ohn M Neale, 1818 1866, alt Shed Ev - hile her er - un - con - all more end - fi - its ith g dence right e ar - ges lone ray reign run Henry Purcell, 1659 1695

Christ esus Lay Death s Strong Bs 71 CHRIST LAG IN TODESBANDEN 87 87 78 7 Christ It So Then e - as let let sus a us us lay strange keep feast this death s strong s For our dread - ful strife When life ho - ly feast Where - Eas - ter Day On - fen - true death Lord read ses con - - n The The The rgs reign Sun old us that life from death as arms ick - ed n heav - end - lights leav - en; ed; us; en; oy - more doth souls ful he im - ill e, sg reigns; An emp - part feed; E - He ter - is ty nal our God form right she n A n giv - en; But no at God s right h he sts, tend - ed The vic - - ry re - maed ith life; vites us; Christ is him-sel grace hath purged oy all, heav - en; The Word ay There- fore let us Stripped po r, no By Christ his grace lone he our sunmeat thank-fulone re- mas; His - ly Loud heart; The drk - deed; Faith songs stg night lives is up- Al - lost s on le - for - is no N lu - ev - end - oth - ia! er! ed! er! Al - le - Al - le - Al - le - Al - le - lu - lu - lu - lu - ia! ia! ia! ia! N Mart Lur, 183 156 Tr y Richard Massie, 1800 1887, alt Geystliches gesangk Buchleyn, Wittenerg, 152

72 Christ, Glory Sky CULBACH 77 77 Christ, Help Pur - Faith, 5 Praise us est glo - ry no praise Light, ith - him hose name F r, praise us e sky, sg, dell, ear Son; Christ, Praise for Nev - er In our Spir - it earth this from heart lest, re - our hope turn - souls hearts e se - g de - e cure, day; part; ound; praise; 5 To On - ly Son Light life let Come, shades Hope, right-est th e - ter - nal Lat, 5th cent Tr y Roert Campell, 181 1868 God most high, morn-g rg, earth dis - pel, rch pre - pare; Three One Offry sprg Clouds Fill All ith Glo - a Maid-eless pure dark- ness flee ay pu - ri - fy heart ho - ly love e croned e through end - days Heilige Seelen-Lust, Breslau, 1657

Christ Lord is Risen Aga 73 CHRIST IST ERSTANDEN 77 77 ith Refra Christ He He ho ho Lord gave ore is for all ris n us pa ga! his life, loss Christ has ro - Who for us Com-fort - less ken en - up - ev - dured on ry cha! strife, cross, Hark! Is our Lives an - gels Pasglo - chal ry shout for Lam - no on oy, day; high, Sg - g We o Pleads for ev - sg us er - for more on oy, hears our high, say: cry: Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Michael Weisse, 180 153 Tr y Care Wkorth, 1829 1878 Geistliche Lieder, Wittenerg, 1533 Harm y Paul M Arogast Harm 1962, WLP

7 Christ Lord is Risen Today LLANFAIR 77 77 ith Alleluias Christ Lives Love s Soar Lord is ga our re - deem-g e no here ris n - glo - rious ork is Christ has day, Kg; done, led, Al - le - lu - ia! Sons men Where, O death, Fought fight, Fol-l g our is ex - an - no at - alt - gels tle ed say! stg on head; Al - le - lu - ia! n n Raise Once Death Made your he like oys died va him, our for - like tri - souls ids him umphs him e high, save, rise; rise, Al - le - lu - ia! Sg, Where Christ Ours ye has heav ns, vic - o - cross, - pened earth ry, par - grave, re - O ply, grave dise skies Al - le - lu - ia! } Charles Wesley, 1707 1788 Attr Roert Williams, 1781 1821 oseph Parry s Peroriaeth Hyfryd, 1837 Harm y ohn Roerts, 1822 1877

Christ Christ, Say, Christ, ris n - un - de - M ry, s - ners Christ Lord is Risen Today 75 day; filed, say, led, VICTIMAE PASCHALI Lord is Vic - tim O ond -rg ho once for Chris-tians, haste your Man God hath What thou s est No first-orn 77 77 D vos rec - on from on - pay; ciled; ay; dead, N Of - fer ye your When strange I e - held here Throned end - less prais - Christ might es ful had meet strife la, po r, n At Pas - Met - geth - Emp - ty m Lives reigns chal er for - Vic - death an - ev - tim s gels feet, life; ta er - more For Christ- I Hail, sheep ians, on e - held e - ter - this nal Lam hath hap - py glo - ry Hope on led, day, right high! N S - Haste Of Hail, less ith thou oy ris - Kg your en stead; pay Light; ry! N N Christ Christ Christ, Hail, my thou Lord Lord hope, Prce is is is ris n ris n ris n Life on on high; high; ga; dored! n No he No he No he Help lives, lives, lives, save s-ner s vos Lord Vic - - no no more more die die lives reign us, gra-cious Lord! Attr Wipo Burgundy, c 1000 c 1050 Tr y ane E Leeson, 1807 1881 Katholisches Gesanguch, Detroit, 1859 Revised Catholic Youth s Hymn Book, Ne York, 1871

76 Christian, Do You Hear Lord 5 6 ORIENTIS PARTIBUS 77 77 Chris - tian, I de - Can a Me You Lord, is shall it do liv - moth - an see is you ered er s un - my my hear you ten - chang - glo - chief hen der - g ry com - Lord ound, ness love, soon, plat e - For High - When That sus hen her er my speaks leed - on than ork love his g dear is gr healed child heights 5 grace 6 eak cious your gro is ord ound less ove, done; fat; Gent - Sa Though Deep - Croned Yet ly you she er ith I sounds an - may d rg, for - than splen - dor love you, Sav - set get - depths you ior s you ful e - shall call, right, e, neath, e: dore Do Turned You 5 6 Free Chris - O you your are tian, for love dark - al - faith - come grace me ness ays ful, est - dear strong fol - love as lo you all light me death me! more! William Coper, 1731 1800, alt Alt 1982, Hope Pulishg Co Pierre de Coreil, d 1222 Acc y Chrysogonus Waddell, 1930 2008 Acc 1962, WLP

Christians, Sound Name That Saved Us 77 ZEUCH MICH, ZEUCH MICH 87 87 87 n Chris- Chris- Praise tians, tians, sound sg Name Name Name Christ, that our saved us, e - sus; Sav - ior, Proud - He Name ly has that let our tri-umphemost de - n voic - serves es his our sell: fight! praise; e - All He sus ho ho Christ, march reigns e - Name neath high - all - his est ho - an - heav - ly, ner en, Name Share Leads hose ith us splen - him on - dor his ard n none can tell, on - drous might all our days; n n e - We One sus shall day Christ, shat - e ter shall Name S dell al - tan s e - might - y, dark - ness side him, Name that By oy - ful crushed Name that his gates is lov - our g hell! light! gaze! Melv L Farrell, 1930 1986 Text 1961, WLP Geistreiches Gesanguch, Darmstadt, 1698

78 Christus Vcit 2 2 Chri - stus v - cit, Chri - stus re - gnat, n Chri - stus im - pé - rat Chri - stus v - cit, Chri - stus re - gnat, Chri - stus Chri - stus im - pé - rat Christ conquers, Christ rules, Christ comms Lat, 8th cent Ancient French melody Arr y Nicola A Montani, 1880 198

2 Christus Vcit 79 2 Chri - stus v - cit, Chri - stus re - gnat, Chri - stus, Chri - stus im - pe - rat Christ conquers, Christ rules, Christ comms Lat, 8th cent Traditional chant Arr y Nicola A Montani, 1880 198 Arr 1939, St Gregory Guild, Inc

80 Christus Vcit - Canr Chri - stus All v - cit, - Chri - stus v - cit, Canr Ex - áu - di Chri-ste Canr Chri - stus re-gnat, Chri - stus re-gnat, - Ec - clé - si - ae san - ctae De - i, - fi - nes nec - tén - ti Canr Re-démp - r mun- di Canr San-cta M rí - a Canr San - cte o - seph Canr Ex - áu - di Chri-ste Canr á - ni - mas: All Ex - áu - di Chri-ste Chri-stus ím - pe - rat Chri-stus ím - pe - rat su - pra re - gnó-rum s lus per - pé - tu - a! All Tu il - lam ád - u - va All Tu il - lam ád - u - va All Tu il - lam ád - u - va All Ex - áu - di Chri-ste á - ( ), sum-mo Pon - tí - fi - ci - pó - pu - los un - um do - ctrí - na con - gre - gán - ti, c ri - tá - te: - P stó - ri grá - ti - a, gre - gi o - se - quén - ti - a Canr Sal - vá - r mun- di Canr San - cte Pe - tre All Tu il - lum ád - u - va All Tu il - lum ád - u - va

Canr San - cte Pau - le Canr Ex - áu - di Chri-ste All Tu Canr á ( ), e - pís - co - po si - i com-mís - so Canr San - cte ( ) Canr All San - cte ( ) - Chri - stus v - cit, Canr Rex re- gnum Canr Spes no - stra Canr - il - lum ád - u - va All Ex - áu - di Chri-ste pax et vir - tus, - et o - mni cle - ro plú - ri - ma mer-ces All Tu il - lum ád - u - va All Tu Chri - stus il - lum ád - u - va re-gnat, All Rex no - ster All Gló - ri - a no - stra All Chri-stus ím - pe - rat Ex - áu - di, Chri-ste Ex - áu - di, Chri-ste - Canr M gi - strá - ti - us et ó - mni - us con - cí - vi - us no - ís - cum o - rán - ti - us: vo - tó - rum ef - féc - tus cor - dis ve - ra qui - es,

Canr Au - xí - li - umchri-sti - nó - rum Canr San - cte Mí - ch el Canr All San - cte Be - ne - dí - cte - Chri - stus v - cit, Chri - stus - Canr I - psi so - li im - pé - ri - um, All Tu All Tu il - los ád - u - va il - los ád - u - va All Tu íl - los ád - u - va re-gnat, Chri-stus ím - pe - rat - laus et u - i - lá - ti - o, per - fí - ni - ta sáe- cu - la sae-cu - ló - rum Canr Tém - po - ra o - na há - e - ant! All - Tém-po - ra o - na há - e - ant Canr Fe - lí - ci - ter! Canr Pax Chri- sti vé - ni - at! All Fe - lí - ci - ter! All Re-gnum Chri - sti vé - ni - at! A - men All A - men re- dém-pti sán-gui - ne Chri-sti! Fe - lí - ci - ter! De - o grá - ti - as, Chant

Christ conquers, Christ rules, Christ comms Hear us, O Christ To holy Church God, hich os men ger aove oundaries kgdoms, e perpetual safety elfare! Redeemer orld, help your Church Holy Mary Sat oseph Help her Hear us, O Christ To, our Holy Far, unitg all peoples doctre charity, Pasr grant grace; his flock, oedience Savior orld, help him Sat Peter Sat Paul Help him Hear us, O Christ To, ishop, all his clergy, grant peace, strength, fruits ir laors Sat, help him Christ conquers, Christ rules, Christ comms Kg Kgs Our Kg Our hope Our glory Hear us, O Christ Grant peace, health, true harmony ishops aots all under ir care Help Christians Help m Sat Michael Sat Benedict Help m Christ conquers, Christ rules, Christ comms To him alone e sovereignty, praise, uilation throughout all ages Amen Aundance good thgs e ours, redeemed through Christ s lood! Sg ith oy! May peace Christ e ours! May Christ s kgdom come! Thanks e God Amen A - men Chant

81 Come, Christians o Sg MADRID 66 66 D Come, Come, Praise Chris - tians, lift your yet o hearts Lord sg: on high: ga: Al - le - lu - ia! A - men! Loud Let Life praise prais - shall es not Christ fill end our Kg: sky: stra: Al - le - lu - ia! A - men! Let He On heart voice, guide friend; oy - ful shore Be - Our His all, ith is our heav-en s fore cry he good-ness n throne ill e ll re - oice, at - tend; dore, Praise His Sg - is love g his shall for - gra-ciounev - er ev - er - choice end: more: Al - le - lu - ia! A - men! Christian H Bateman, 1813 1889, alt Anon Arr y Benam Carr, 1768 1831

Come Don, O Love Dive 82 DOWN AMPNEY 66 11 D Come don, O O let it Let ho - ly so Love di - free - ly char - i - yearn - g ve; urn, ty strong, Seek thou this Till earth - ly My out-ard With hich soul pas - vest - soul sions ure ill U me, turn e, long, To Shall vis - it it ith the on ar - dor dust ash - es its heat con - lo - li - ness e - come my - ner far out - pass po r hu - man glo - sum - cloth - tell - g g; g; g u n O True For Com-fornone can - er, let glo - lo - li - ness guess dra rious its near, light heart, grace, With - my She ev - er Which takes Till he e - heart on hum - come ap - my ler U pear, sight, part, place k - dle it, clo me round, on all pride Where - Ho - ly ho - ly flame e - hile my path il - spir - it looks ith Spir - it makes his s - g lum - g loath - g dell - g u Bianco da Siena, d 13 Tr y Richard F Littledale, 1833 1890 Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872 1958

83 Come, Holy Ghost 3 3 LAMBILLOTTE LM Come, O Praise Ho - Com - e ly fort Ghost, lest, e, Cre - F e r r e lest, cry, Son, Thou heav n - Ho - our ly ly hearts gift Spir - take it, up God Three most rest; high, one; Come Thou ith font may grace life Son on heav n - fire us ly e - aid love, s To The fill seet gifts that hearts not - from hich g thou from Spir - hast it made ove flo made ove flo Veni, Crear Spiritus Attr Raanus Maurus, c 776 856 Tr y Edard Casall, 181 1878 Louis Lamillotte, 1796 1855, alt

Come, Let Us o Our Cheerful Songs 8 GRAEFENBERG CM Œ Come, Wor - e - Let let sus all us is cre - o Lam or - our that tion cheer - ful died, y songs cry, re - ceive o one Œ With To Hon - To an - e or less gels ex - round alt - po r s ed di - cred throne; thus! ve; name Ten Wor - Of thou - less - him s gs, ho thou - Lam, more sits s our than up - Œ are lips e on ir ngues, re - ply, can give, throne, But For Be, all he Lord, ir as for - Œ oys sla ev - dore are for er one us! the Lam Isaac Watts, 167 178 ohann Crüger, 1598 1662

85 Come, Let Us o Our Cheerful Songs NATIVITY CM Come, Wor - e - Let let sus all us is cre - o Lam or - our that tion cheer - ful songs died, y cry, re - ceive o one With To Hon - To an - gels round throne: e ex - alt - ed thus! or poer di - ve: less s cred name Ten thou-san Lam, our thou-s Wor - less-gshim ho sits up more than Of - are lips e on ir ngues, But re - ply, For can give, Be, throne, all he Lord, ir oys as sla for - ev - dore are for er one us the Lam Isaac Watts, 167 178 Henry Lahee, 1826 1912

Come, Come, Come, Come, 5 Come, Lord, for for cre - make e - tar - sats all g ry still tion thgs not! ait; groans, ne, reign Come, Lord, Tarry Not 86 Brg Dai - Im - Build Of N ST BRIDE SM n ly p up ev - longas looked- for - cends ir tient this er - ru - ed last - g day! sigh; stay, earth; peace; 5 O The Worn Re - Come, hy se years Spir - it out ith se long sre our fad - ed take kg-dom ait- Bride years par - g here, These ges de - lay say, Come! Dost thou not hear cry ill, These ges de - lay dise, Cre - tion s sec - ond irth - self, Great Kg right - eous-ness! Horatius Bonar, 1808 1889 Samuel Hoard, 1710 1782 Harm attr William H Monk, 1823 1889

87 Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life 6 6 6 THE CALL 77 77 Come, Come, Come, my my my Way, Light, oy, my my my Truth, Feast, Love, my my my Life: Strength: Heart: Such Such Such a a a ay light oy as as as gives shos none us a can reath; feast; move; Such Such Such a a a truth feast love as ends as mends as none all can strife; length; part; Such Such Such a a a life as strength as heart as kill - makes oys eth his death guest love George Herert, 1593 1633 Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872 1958

3 Come, Thou Almighty Kg 88 ITALIAN HYMN 66 666 3 Come, Come, Come, To thou thou Ho - e, Al - In - ly O might - car - Com - Tr - y nate fort - i - Kg, Word, er, ty, Help Who Thy E - us for s ter - us cred nal name death it - prais - en - ness es sg, dured ear e Help Our In for - us prayer this ev - at - glad er - praise tend; hour: more! Come To Thy F r all us sov - reign glo - peo - grace m ri - ple im - es - ous, less, part; ty O er May all give rule e vic - - ord ev - glo - ri - ous, suc - cess; ry heart! ry see, Come, Fill Nev - us er reign ith from e - o - right - us ter - ver eous - de - ni - us, ness, part, ty An - Sav - Spir - Love cient ior it Days friend po r! dore! Collection Hymns, London, 1757 Felice de Giardi, 1716 1796

3 Faith Our Fars 520 ST CATHERINE 88 88 88 3 Faith Our Faith Faith f our rs, our our f chaed f f rs, rs, rs, liv - pris - M e g ons ry s ill still, dark, prayers love In Were Shall Both spite still friend all dun - heart n foe geon, tions fire, con - un - all science our sord; free; e; strife, O ho lest through preach our ould e, hearts e truth o, eat ir that as high chil - comes love ith dren s from knos oy, fate God, ho, When-e er e If e, like Man- kd shall By kd - ly hear m, n deeds that should - glo - die deed vir - rious for e tuous ord: e free life Faith our f rs, ho - ly faith! We ill e true e till death Frederick W Faer, 181 1863 Henri F Hemy, 1818 1888 Adapt y ames G Waln, 1821 1905

521 Far, We Thank Thee RENDEZ À DIEU 98 98 D F Watch r, o er e thank Church, e, O ho Lord, hast plant - mer - ed cy, Thy Save ho - it ly from name e - ith - vil, guard our it hearts still; Knol - Per - edge fect it faith life love, im - u - mor - nite tal it, e - Cleansed sus, con - Son, formed un - us im - parts ill

Thou, As Lord, gra, didst once make scat - all tered for on ple hill - sure, sides, Didst Was give man this food ro - for ken all read his made days, one, n Giv - So g from all Christ ls Bread Church e - e ter - gath - nal; er d n The In - is po r, kg - e dom the y praise Son Didache, c 110 Tr y F Bl Tucker, 1895 198 Text The Church Pension Fund La forme des prieres et chantz ecclesiastiques, Strasourg, 155 Arr y Louis Bourgeois, c 1510 1561

522 Firmly I Believe Truly NASHOTAH HOUSE 87 87 ith Refra Descant 5 A - do - r tion ay e Firm - Sim - 5 Ad - ly I ply I o - I trust hold r e - his tion lieve hope grace ven - ay tru - most full - hol - er - e giv - giv - en, ly y ly tion, en, ith through th an - God In Light For With is that Three Man - life love through hood th an - 5 gel - ic host, God earth heav - en, 5 God cru - strength him gel - is ci - e - ic One; fied; long, lone, host, Ho - To I each I ly next thought love Church God ac suas knoldeed preme - his earth edge un - ly, cre - du - rul - sole - heav - ly y ly, tion, en, Holy mighty, Holy God, from depths I eseech e, Have mercy, O my udge, spare me, O Lord

5 F r, Son, Man - Do Him 5 F hood her r, tak - death, ho - teach - Son, en as ly, gs Ho - ly - Ghost y he him as Ho - has his ly Son died strong on Ghost San-ctus for - tis, San - ctus for - tis, Mi - se - re - re Mi - se - ré - re ohn Henry Neman, 1801 1890 San - ctus De-us, San-ctus De-us, u - dex me - us, u - dex me - us, De De pro-fun - dis pro-fun-dis Par - ce mi - hi, Par - ce mi - hi, o - ro te, o - ro te, Do - mi - ne Do - mi - ne oseph A Kucharski Music 1992, oseph A Kucharski

523 For All Sats SINE NOMINE 10 10 10 ith Alleluias Π5 6 ΠFor Thou O O But From all ast may lest lo! ir sats, rock, sol - com - mun - There reaks earth s ide ounds, ho ir diers, ion, a from from for - faith - fel - yet o - ir tress, ful, lo - more cean s l true, ship glo - far - ors ir di - rious st rest, might; old, ve! day; coast, Who 5 6 e Thou, Fight We The Through n y faith e - Lord, ir cap - ta as sats ho fee - ly strug - gle, sats tri - um - phant gates pearl streams n n fore orld con - fessed, ell - fought fight; no - ly fought old, y rise glo - right count - ry she; ar - ray; less host, n Thy Yet The name, Thou, 5 6, all Kg Sg - O ith are g e - dark - m, one glo - F sus, ness ry r, e drear, vic - for - ir r s e, for pas - ses Son, ev - one cron all on Ho - er true are his ly lest light gold the ay Ghost

Al - le - lu - N ia! Al - le - lu - ia! ΠO lest com - Πmun - ion, fel - lo - ship di - ve! n We fee - ly n strug - gle, n y glo - ry she; Yet all are one e for all are the Al - n le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! William Walsham Ho, 1823 1897, alt Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872 1958

52 For Beauty Earth DIX 77 77 77 5 For For For For For eau - eau - oy ty ty Church, that - self, est hu - each man ev - er - Gift Di - earth, hour love, more ve! For Of Broth - Lift - To er, eth our glo - day sis - ho - race ry ter, ly so 5 par - hs free - ent, ly skies, night, child, ove, giv n; For Hill Friends Of - For on f rg that love vale, earth, up great, hich on great from tree friends ev - love our ry irth floer, ove; shore the, 5 O - Sun For Her Peace ver all pure on moon, gen - sac - earth tle ri - round stars thoughts fice oy us lies: light: mild: love: heav n: Lord all, e e raise This our hymn grate - ful praise Folliot S Pierpot, 1835 1917, alt For Spanish version, see Por la Excelsa Maestad, 71 Conrad Kocher, 1786 1872 Arr y William H Monk, 1823 1889

For Fruits His Creation 525 AR HYD Y NOS 8 8 88 8 For In For fruits ust re - har-vests his ard cre - tion, l or, Spir - it, Thanks God s Thanks e ill e is God done God For In For his gifts help good e e ev - give all ry our - n tion, neighher - or, it, Thanks God s Thanks e ill e is God done God For plo - g, sotask In our orld-idon - ders For that g, as- reap-g, car - g und us, lent groth hun - truths hile gry that e still Si- For For are sleep-g, de - spair-g, con-found us, Fu - In Most ture vests that Fred Pratt Green, 1903 2000 Text 1970, Hope Pulishg Co earth s e love needs harall, safe - keepshar - g, g, are has found us, Thanks God s Thanks e ill e is God done God Traditional Welsh melody

526 Forty Days Forty Nights HEINLEIN 77 77 For - Shall Then, Keep, ty not if O days e S keep tan us, for - sor - on Sav - ty ro us ior nights share press, dear, You Flesh Ev - ere from or er fast - g orld - ly spir - it con - stant n A oys at as - ild; sta, sail, side, For - ty days Fast - g ith un - Vic - r That ith e e for - ceas - il - may ty g nights, prayer, der - ness, ap - pear Tempt - Glad Grant At ed, ith e th e - e may ter - yet not nal un - suf - fat Eas - de - fer nor ter - filed pa fail! tide George H Smyttan, 1822 1870, alt Nürnergisches Gesang-Buch, Nuremerg, 1676 Attr Mart Herst, 165 1681 Harm y William H Monk, 1823 1889