FIRST NATIONAL BANK $100,000 $100,000. Capital, Surplus, M. HUGHES, Presid t. OF HAMILTON, OHIO. S. D. FITTON, Assistant Cashier.

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3 HAMILTON ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HAMILTON, OHIO. C> P El :R..A.. B "U'X L:O J::LV G. Capital, Surplus, $100,000 $100,000 M. HUGHES, Presid t. JOHN B. CORNELL, C~shier. S. D. FITTON, Assistant Cashier. JA.MES BEATTY, - J.W. SOHN, M. HUGHES, P. HUGHES" PETER MURPHY. 1. 1

4 2 HAMILTON ADVERTISEMENTS. Awarded at Cincinnat.i & S"t. Louis, &:T l''o ~\ ~)-~ ~o. "W"orks!:;oca-ted. ~ANJ ~ NG\~ 187"'3 Machine Depot IN til ~LTON, Ohio, ST. LOUIS, o. North Hamilton Station. '1:1.7 North Second Stt'eet. CINCINNATI ENQUIRER. Orders for LOCALS and.advertisements Solicited. RATES FOR DAILY ENQUIRER: Arlvertioements, displayed or solid, for each insertion, per square, Cuts, for each InRertioll, per square, - Double Column AdvPrti;:ements, per square, Reading Notices, per lille, - - PI eferred Specialf', per II lle, - BusmE'SS or IJoca~ NotIces, per lilla, _ JliIalTia.gE'R, Delltb~, $ Re\igi(~llS and Society NotlCeR, Wants, Booardinll, For Rent., For Sale, JJost lind Found, per line, _ 10 ~hei6ht wo'rds: mal,e O,lle Ime. Eight Ag.ate lines one square. Fourteen lines Agate one 1nc RATES FOR WEEKLY ENQUIRER: Advertisements, dlsplayed or solid, for each insertion, pel' square, - - $6 00 lor 71) Cents per Agate Line. Business or LOCA I :NotWf'S, per line, RE'Hding Notice~, per lme; _ 1 50 ~ Cuts subject ~o spf'cial rat~s, according to size. Transient adverti"ements payable in advance. All bnsiness III relation to the above Will be promptly attended to and forwarded by JOE ljic1jiaken, (jorrespondent. Branoh Office, S.outh-west Corner of Third and High s.treets, Se'cond Floor, :.E3:A:D4:ILTON,O..



7 ~ ~~~- ~ PREFAOE. IN collecting and compiling the information contained in the present issue of the HAMILTON CITY DIRECTORY, we have exercised the greatest care and diligence to avoid errors and to prevent the omission of the name of any inhabitant of the CITY, and sincerely hope that our Work will prove that this labor has not been expended in vain. The knowledge acquired of the Institutions, Names, Business Pursuits and Localities of Citizens, from the preparation of our preceding volumes, I has, we trust, enabled us to make the present issue an improvement upon any that has preceded it; and we confidently believe that our patrons will find our "Hamilton City Directory for " a correct and reliable " GUIDE" to the Residences and Business Locations of all the inhabitants 'of the City. The Work embraces a General Directory, giving a full List of the Names, Business Pursuits and Locations of the inhabitants of the City of Hamilton; also, a complete Business Directory, containing the Na~e of each Person and Firm engaged in Business in the City, with a City Guide, giving the Names and Locations of all Churches, Societies, Banks, and other Institutions and Public Places, &c., together with a new United States Post Office Directory, containing the Name and Location of all the Post Offices in the United States and Territories. The information contained in our DIRECTORY was mainly collected by our Assistant Compiler, H. THORNTON BENNETT, }~sq., to whom the public are indebted for its accuracy and completeness. We return our thanks to the merchants and business men of HAMIL TON for the liberal patronage extended to our DIRECTORY, and to the Press of the City for the many flattering notices given our publications, and renew our promise to our patrons to make each succeeding issue of the Directory more worthy of their approval and patronage. WIJ.JLIAMS & CO., Proprietors.

8 6 CINCINNATI ADVERTISEMENT. JOliN 1I0LLAND'S CELEBRATED GOLD FENS Are the Best and. Oheapest Writing Instruments. ~ A No.6 Pen, which is sold for onlv Two Dollars, will, In addition to its superior writing qualities, out-wear over fifty gross 'of the best steel pens. For sale in Hamilton at the leading Book and Jewelry Stores. Manufactory, No. 19 West Fourth Street, tjintjinn A. TI, o.

9 INDEX TO ADVERTISE~IENTS. Becker Peter d., General Insurance Agent, 30 Markt Dr. C., Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Beckett, Laurie & CI). Paper Manufacturers, 26 Fancy Goods; &c., - 24 Beckett PRper Comvany, - - ::12 Miami Paper Mill Bender J. F. & BI OS., Builders, Contractors Morgentllaler & Schm idt, Tanners and Curand PIRlllllg MlII rlers, Benninghofen & Co., Hubs, Spokes and Bent.i:l!orthrup Lot D., LIme, Oement, Fire Brick, MateriRI, - 26 Feed, Hay, Corn, &c Bradford Jas. & Co., Mill Stones, Corn and Owens, I,ane & Dyer Machine Co., Steam Flour Mills, Engines, Saw MIlls, Threshing MI).- Bradford & Sharp, Leather BeItmg, Hose, chines. &c.,. 2 &c., Fhlllips House, Campbell & Co., Insurance Agency, 22 Phcanlx Billiard Saloon and Restaurant', 28 Cincinnati Enquirer, Potter & Campbell, Spice Mills and Manu- Deinzer, Stephan & Co., Hubs, Spokes and facturers of Bakfng Powder, - 32 Bending FaC'tory, Potter E. & Co., Marble, Granite and Free- Eger Henry, Maltster and Brewer, 32 stone Works, 32 Eisel M. F. tson, Carpent.ers, Contractors Potter Ezra, Lumber, Lath and Shingles; and Biliiders; also, PIRning Mill, - 28 also. Coal and Wood, 36 Farmers, Merchants and ManufRcturers In- Reedy H. J., HOIstlllg Machines, 7 sumnce Company, Reutti Herman, Billiard Saloon and Restan- First National Bank of RRmiHon, 1 rrnt, , Fitton & Bro., Clothing, Dress Goods, La- SRfe Deposit. Company of Cincinnati,.8 dies' and Gents' Underweal', Notions, Schlosser Jacob, Galvalllzed Iron Cornice, &c., - Top hnes through book. 'l'in and Slate Roofing, Furnaces, Stoves, Franldin and Fai I' Grove Paper Mills, - ::10 &c, - 38 Hafertepen B., Manufacturer of and Dealer Schwarz & SC'hwenn, Carpenters, Conin Boots and Shoes, 34 tractors & Buildel'R; also, Planing Mill, 28 Hamilton Fuel CompRny, :H Seybold & Bonner, FUl'lliture Dealers and Hamilton National Zeltung, - 34 Underf.aker"" Ham IHon Plow Company, Plows, Hay and Shepherd & McGriff, General Fire Insur-, Grain Rake"" anee Agency, _. SO Hamilton Spice MIlls, 32 Snider LOUIS & Sons, Paper Manufacturers, 30 Rllm ilton Telegraph, 24 Sohn John Wm., Tanner, Leather and Find- Holland John, Gold Pens, 6 ings; also, l'iianllfrcturel' of Malt and Jacobs Peter, Drugs, Medicines, Books, Grower of Native Wines, - 38 Toys, &c., - 26 Sollngen Louis, Maltster, Grain and Com- McMake'n Joe, Correspondent Cincmnati mission Merchant, - 28 Enquirer, - 2 Straub & Co., Coal and Wood, 34, Miami Hub, Spoke arid Bending Factory, 24 Straub House, 24 II. J. REEDY, MANUFACTURER OF Reedy's Patent Hand, Steam and Hydraulic Powel' HOISTING MACHINES OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY: No. 128 Eas't Eigb.:tb. St., CINCINNATI., 0_ llfir Steam Roisters-Steam, Hand and Hydraulic Power combined; Fast and Slow Sling Hoisters, Dumb Waiters. All kinds of LIfting Machines Built and Repaired. Ropes, ~ld and new, always on hand. Send for Illustrated Circular. Orders through P. O. promptly filled.

10 8 CINCINNATI ADVERTISEMENTS. JAMES BRADFORD & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF FRENCH BUHR M~LL STONES, PORTA.BLE Corn and Flonr MILLS, Smut ll1achiu"lls, &c., &c. And Importers of the Genuine Dutch Anchor Brand BOLTING CLOTHS. Office, No. 57 Walnut Street, Corner of Second, CINCINNATI, O. BRADFORD & SHARP!t MANUFACTURERS OF LEATHER BELTI G, And Sharp's Patent Spiral Steam Fire Engine Hose, Dealers in GUM BELTING, HOSE PACKING and LACE LEATHER, NOI 57 Walnut Street, Corner of Second, CINCINNATI, o. THE Saf~ D~'QJ~it CQm,aD1 ~ OF OINOINNATI. No. 20 "VV"es"t Third. S-tree1i. Established to meet a want in all lai'ge Cities, and under the Most Careful Regnlations. Merchants and Manufact.urers, in view of destruction by fire, or mi"placement of envelopes of Insurance Polices, Deeds, IJeases, Contract.s or other valuable papers, would find their anxiety of mind l'elie:'ved by rentmg a box In t,he Company's Vallits. TrUl'ltees, GLHIJ'dians, SuretIes, Attorneys at Law, or, in fact, Treasurers for CorporatIOns by making their principals pay for rent of a box, can avoid much personal risk and protect their bondsmen in case of death or accident. BanKs and Bankers may relieve their employes, officers and stockholders of An uncertain but. fit times, large re:'sp.onsibi1hy, by requiring parties to secure a small cost. ' H<!lders of Gold, Silverware, Jewelry, or other valuables, can obtfljn receipts at fixed valuations, at same rates as charged III New York anci London by similar institutions. DIRECTORS: LEWIS WORTHINGTON, H.HANNA, C. P. CASSILL Y I ALFRED GAITHER. S. P. BISHOP, SBGrBtary. HI PEACHEY, PrBsidBnt.

11 ::a:: ~ :hl[ I L TON""" 'OITY GUIDE. CITY GOVERNMENT. Municipal Election, First Monday in April. City Council meets every l't:ionday evening. Council Chamber, west side of Third street! near Dayton street. Term ex- MAYOR: ::E..ON_ JY.I:_ N JY.I:AGINNIS_ Office, west side of Front street, opposite Public Square. pires April, MARSHAL: David T. Riley. Office, at Ma,~or's Office. Term expires April, CLERK: H. H. Jones. Office, Public Square. Term expires April, COUNCIL: 1st Ward-Henry Eger, one year; S. L. Beeler, two years. 2d W ard-j ohn W m. Sohri, one year; A. Benninghofen, two years. 3d Ward-W m. Pfau, one year; Robt. AIls tatter, two years. 4th W ard-f. A. Schliep, one year; 1. J. Gra.ham, two years. SOLICITOR-M. S. Hamilton. Office, 218 Basin, between 2d and 3d. Term expires April, TREASURER-David Yeakle. Office, on Public Square. Term expires September, ENGINEER-John C. Weaver. Office, on Public Sqllare. Term expires April, CHIEF ENGINEER OF FIRE DEP ARTMENT-Mandes Shuler. Term expires April, MARKET MASTER-Thomas Reed. Term expires April, STREET CO:\lMISSIONER-J. W Myers. Term expires April, ASSESSORS: 1st 'Vard-J. N. Strode. 2d Ward-J. P. Bruck. Term expires April, Term expires April, d Ward-A. Davidson. Term expires April, th Ward-Thomas Reed. Term expires April,

12 10 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. BOARD OF HEALTH: Office, at Mayor's Oeice. M. N. Maginnis, President; M. C. McMaken, Glerk and Health Officer; W. H. Scobey, M. D., C. Markt, 1.\'1. D., W W Caldwell, M. D., Joshua Delaplane and W m. Murray _--- BOUNDARIES OF WARDS. FIRST WARD-Comprises all that part of the city lying west of the Miami River. SECOND WARD-Comprises all that part of the city lying south of High street and west of Third street to Cincinnati Pike, and then west of Cincinnati Pike to Corporation Line. THIRD WARD-.Comprises all that part of the city lying north of High street. FOURTH WARD-Comprises all that part of the city lying east of Third street to Cincinnati Pike, and then east of Cincinnati Pike to Corporation Line and south of High street...-~. FIRE DEPARTMENT. MANDES SHULER, Chief Engineer. First Ward Steam Fire Company-House, west side of Front street between Main and Ross. Second Ward Steam Fire Company-House, west side of Third street between Ludlow and Svcamore. Third Ward Steam Fire Company-House, west side of Third street near Dayton. Hook and' IAadder Company-House, west side of Third street between Ludlow and Sycllmore... e.~ NEWSP APERS. Hamilton Telegraph (WeekJy)-Office, north side of HiO'h street opposite the Court House. Fred. Egry, Publisher and Propri~tor. F. H. Scobey, Editor. Butler County Democrat and Guidon (Weekly)-Office, I,lorth-west corner of 3d and Basin streets. R. N. Andrews & Co., Publishers and' Proprietors. Hamilton National Zeitung (German Weekly)-Office, south side of B~sin opposite the Court House. L. B. De la Court, Editor and ProprIetor. Tri-Weekly Courier-Office, Beckett's Block, north side of High st~eet between 2d and 3d. Watkins & Beauchamp, Publishers and ProprIetors.

13 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. 11 EDUCATIONAL. BOARD OF EDUCATION: J acqb Matthias, President; L. B. De la Court, Secretary; Dr. C. Markt, Treasurer; 1st Ward, Jacob Matthias, J. Geo. WelIer; 2d Ward, Dr. C. Markt, Jos. Straub j 3d Ward, J. W. Bennillghofen, J. T. Imlay; 4th Ward, L. B. De la Oourt, J. W Meckley. STANDING COMMITTEES: ON LAWS-J. W. Meckley, J. T. Imlay, J. G. Weller and C. Markt. ON FUEL AND CLEANING-Jacob Matthias, O. Markt, L. B. De la Court and J. W. Bennin~hofcn. ON STUDIES AND TEXT BOOKS-J. T. Imlay, J. G. Weller: Jos. Straub and J. W. Meckley. ON BUILDING AND REP AIRING-J os. Straub, J. W Benninghofen, J. W. Meckley and Jacob Matthias. ON TEACHERS AND SALARIES-L. B. De la Oourt, J. T. Imlay, C. Markt and J. G. Weller. ON FINANCE-John W. Benninghofen, L. B. De Ia Court, Joseph Straub and Jacob Matthias. ON CLAIMS-J. G. Weller, J. W. Benninghofen, J. W Meckley and Joseph Straub. BOARD OF CITY EXAMINERS-, A. Ellis, L. B. De Ia Oourt and R. B. Davidson. Superintendent, A. Ellis; Teacher of High School, Miss H. H. Ringwood; Principal of German High School, Ml s. F. Soehner. LOCATION OF SOHOUIJ BUILDINGS: High School 'Buildin~, north-.east corner of Second and Ross streets, First Ward. J as. B. Berry, Principal. Second Ward School Building, east side of Front street between Sycamore and Ludlow. F. Soehner, Pl'incipal.. Third Ward School Building, north side of Dayton street between Third and Fourth. Jas. W. Overpeck, Principal. Fourth Ward School Building, east side of Eighth street between Rigdon and Chestnut. J. W- Be rgstl esser. Principal. Colored School Building, west side of Water street between Sycamore and Ludlow. _ o4do... CHURCH DIRECTORY. BAPTIST: Fir~t Baptist Church, south side of Basin between Front and' Second. Rev. Thos. Hanford, Pastor. Baptit,t Church, south-east corner of Fr?nt and,south. Fir~t W ~rd. First Baptist Church (German), north SIde of Canal Opposlte EIghth. DISCIPLE3 OF CHRIST: Christian Church, west side of Second between Main and Ross, First Wara.

14 12 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. JEWISH: Kelle Kadesh Benai Geshoren Congregation (Jewish), worships northeast corner of Tbird and Basin. Rev. Berman Pflaum, Rabbi. LUTHERAN: German Lutheran Zion Church, north-east corner of Front and Ludlow. Rev. G. H. Trebel, Pastor. :METHODIST EPISCOPAL: Methodist Episcopal Church, south side of Ludlow between Second and Third. Rev. T. J. Harris, Pastor. Metbodist Episcopal Clmrch (German), east side of Second between Main. and Boudinot, First Ward. O. Helwi~, Pastor. M etbodist Episcopal Payne Chapel (Colored), north-west corner of. Ludlow and Water. Rev. Geo. Tolliver, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN: Presbyterian Cburch, west side of Front between High and Basin. Rev. S. McC. Anderson, Pastor. United Presbyterian Church, south-east corner of Basin and Water. Rev. A. W. Clokey, Pastor. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL: Christ Church, west side of Third between Stable and Dayton. ROMAN CATHOLIC: St. Stephen's Church, north side of -Dayton between Second and Third. Rev. Hieronymus Kilgenstein, Pastor and Rev. Daniel Hill, Assistant Pastor. T St. Mary's Church, south-west corner of BaJ3in and Front. Rev. Chas. Francis Hone, Pastor. St. Joseph's Catholic Church, west side of Second between Washing' ton and Hanover. Rev. J ose'ph Resch, Pastor. REFORMED CHURCH: First Reformed Church, south-east corner of Third and Ross. G. Z. Mechling, Pastor. UNITED (GERMAN) PROTESTANT: St. John's Church, south-east corner of Front and Sycamore. UNIVERSALIST: Rev. First Universalist Church, south-west corner of High and Front. : Rev. Chas. H. Dutton, Pastor BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. MASONIC: MaSODlC Hall, south-west corner of Third and Dayton. Washington Lodge No. 17.-Instituted September first Monday in each and every month.,. Meets

15 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. 13 Hamilton Lodge No Institutcd Meets fourth Monday in each and every month. Hamilton Chapter No rganized January 20, Stated meetings second Monday in each and every month. Hamilton Council No rganized May 8, Meets third Monday in each and every month. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWH: Halls. south-west cornel' of Th\1'd and High, south-east corner of BaSin and Second, and south-east corner of Main and Front, First Ward. Harmony Lodge No. 14.-Instituted May 22, Meets every Tuesday evening. Hamilton Lodge No. 17.-Instituted February 3, Meets every Thursday evening. Frederick Lodge No. 207 (G-erman).-Institute-d February 16, Meets every Wednesday evening. Butler Encampment No. 7.-Instituted April 27, Meets second and fourth Fridays in each month.. Frederick Encampment No. 89 (German).-Iustituted Meets first and third Fridays in each month. 'TEMPERANC:BJ : Templars' Hall, in City BUIlding, Third Street near Dayton. HamIlton Tem,ple of Honor No. 17, of the Order of T. of H. and T.-Organized September, Meets every Frida.y evening. Hamilton Social Temple of Honor No.4, of the Order of T. of If. and T.-Organized, Meets second and fourth Mondays in each month.,knights OF PYTHIAS: Lone Star Lodge No rganized December 6, Meets every Friday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall, south-west corner of Third and High. HARUGARI: Deutsche Eicher Lodge.-Meets every Thursday eveniug at Hall southeast corner of Second and Basin. PATRIOTIC ORDER SONS OF AMERICA: Camp N o. 12.-~eets every Tuesday evening in Y. M. C. A. Hall, High street opposite the Post Odice. Camp No. 13.-,Meets every Wednesday evening in Old Fellow.:;' Hall, corner of Third and High INSURANCE. HO~1E CO')IP ANY: Farmers, Merchants and Manufacturers' Insurance Company of Hamilton.-Office, north.west corner of Second and High streets. Oapital and Assets, $18-1:, Samuel Davidson, President; W m. Pfau, Secretary; Geo. B. Watson, Assistant Secretary; J oho W eiden bomer, Treasurer. John Weidenborner, Ohas. Borger, J 00 E. Owens, Samuel Davidson, Stephen Crane, W m. Pfau, Chas. Barnitz, John O. Holbrock: and J. B. Owsley, Directors.

16 14 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. AGENCIES: Ohio Farmers' Insurance Co. of J.JeRoy, Ohio. Ohio Insu~ance Co. of Dayton, Ohio. Amazon Insurance Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio. Union Insurance Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio. Watertown Insurance Co. of Watertown, New York. ~ Kenton Insurance Co. of Covington, Ky. SHEPHERD & MCGRIFF, Agents, Beckett's Block. Farmers, Merchants & Manufacturers' Insurance Co. of Hamilton, O. Firemen's Insurance Co. of Dayton, O. Oooper Insurance Co. of Dayton, O. Franklin Insurance Co. of Columbus, O. Mercantile Insurance Co. of Cleveland, O. Citizens' Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J. Lycoming Insurance Co. of Pennsylvania. Aurora Insurance Co. of Cincinnati, O. Jefferson Insurance Co. of Steubenville, O. Franklin Insurance Co. of 'Wheeling, W. Va. Old Dominion Insurance Co. of Richmond, Va. Rochester German Insurance Go. of Rochester, N. Y. Milwaukee Mechanics' Insurance 00. of Milwaukee, Wis. CAMPBELL & Co., Agents, north-west cor. 2d and High. Miami Valley Insurance 00. of Dayton, O. Buffalo German Insurance Co. of Buffalo, N. Y. Teutonia Fire Insurance Co. of Dayton, O. PETER O. BECKER, Agent, south side of Main nr. 2d, 1st Ward PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &c. Hamilton House Building~ north-west corner of Second and High. Miami Block and Hall, north-east corner of Second and Basin. Templars' Hall, in Oity Building. Davis Building, south-west corner of Third and High. Beckett's Block, north-east cornel' of Second and High. J acobs l Hall, east side of Third between Basin and High. Oouncil Chamber, west, side of Third between High and Da.yton. Masonic Hall. south-west corner of ~rhird and Dayt.on. Odd Fellows' Buildings, south-east corner of Main and Front, First Ward, and south-west corner of Third and High. ' Court House, south side of High between Second aud Front. Rumple's Building, north-west corner of Front and Main, First Ward. Opera House, south side of High between Second and Third. Oity Building, west side of Third between High and Dayton.

17 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. 15 ~BANKS. First National Bank of Hamilton, Ohio.-Opera House Buildin.~, south side of High between Second and Third. Capital, $100,000. M. Hughes, President; Jas. Beatty, Vice President j J. B. Cornell, Cashier; S. D. Fitton, Assistant Cashier; J as. Beatty, M. Hughes, John W. Sohn, Peter Murphy and Philip Hughes, Directors. Second National Bank of Hamilton, Ohio.-N orth side of High between Second and Third. Organized April 1, Capital, $100,000. Wm. E. Brown, President; Wm. Anderson, Vice President; H. Waltner, Cashier; W m. Armstrong, Assistant Cashier; W m. E. Brown, Wm. Anderson, Louis Snider, Job.E. Owens, Robt. Allstatter, A.. F. Hume and John G. Long, Directors.j UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Robt. Joyce, Deputy Collector U. S., Internal Revenue. M. C. McMaken, Deputy U. S. Marshal. Joe McMaken, United States Commissioner. John McKee, Postmaster.j BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. Hamilton Building and Savings Association.-Organized March 23, Capital, $400,000. Meets every Tuesday evening at Beckett's Hall. John M. Long, President; W m. Pfau, Secretary j August Benninghofen, Treasurer. Hamilton Building and Savings Association No. 2.-0rganized April 18, Capital, $500,000. Meets every Friday evening at Beckett's Hall. J ohn Weidenborner, President j 'John Deinzer, Secretary; Robt. Allstatter, Treasurer. Home Loan and Building Association.-Ol'ganized April, Capital, $1,000,000. Meets every Thursday evening at Beckett's Hall. John M. Long, President j O. V Parrish, Secretary; H. T. Belden, Treasurer.

18 16 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. West Hamilton Loan and Building Association.~Organized April 10, Capital, $300,000. Meets every Monday evening at Rumple'f! Hall. Jonathan Henninger, President; Fred. Horssnyder, Treasurer; E. F. Blum, Secretary.. Butler Building and Savings Association.-Or.ganized July ~, Capital, $500,000. Meets every Thursday eveding at Beckett s ~Iall. John M. Long, President; Simon Fischer, Treasurer; Chas. S. Hames, Secretary. Hamilton Permanent Building Association.-Organized February 27, Capital, $1,000,000. Meets every Thursday evening at Rumple's Hail. Samuel L. Beeler, President; C. Rothenbush, Vice President; P. O. Becker, Secretary; John Sortman, Treasurer. COUNTY OFFICERS. Court House, on Publio Square. JUDGE COURT COMMON PLEAS-Alex. F. Hume. Residence, Hamilton, Ohio. Term expires February, PROBATE JUDGE-Wm. R. Cochran. Term expires February, Office, on Public Square. CLERK COURT COMMON PIJEAS-Jervis Hargitt. Office, on Public Square. Term expires February, S. W. Caldwell and J as. Hannagen, Deputies. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY-J. L. Vallandigham. Public Square. Term expires February, Office, on SHERIFF- W. H. Allen. Office, in Court House. Term expires January, ] 876. Timothy Lavin and Marcellus Thomas, Deputies. TREASURER-David Yeakle.. expires September, Office, on Public Square. Term AUDITOR-H. H. Wallace. pires November, Office, on Public Square. Term ex RECORDER-Peter Bender. pires January, Office, on Public Square. Term ex COMMISSIONERS-Office, on Public Square. David Sample Term expires November, Samuel Long- Term expires November, \V VV. Oaldwell-Term expires November, CORONEB:-Wm. Spencer. January, Office, in Court House. Term expires SUlt VEYOR-J ohn C. Weaver. expires October, Office, on Public Square. Term INFIRMARY DIHECTORS-George Vinnedge-Term expires October, Peter Shaffer-Term expires October, Matthias-Term expires October, Jacob SUPERINTENDENT COUNTY INFIRMARY-Samuel Deneen. PHYSICIAN COUNTY INFIR)1ARY-John R. Brown.

19 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. 17 OFFICIAL LIST of JUSTICES of THE PEACE-BUTLER CO. NAME. J obn S. Garver. W B. Hedding, R. D. Booth, Samuel DeArmond, J ames Middleton, J. W. Frazee, Z. W. Selby, Silas Williamson, James Crawford, Samuel 1\1. Dickey, John V\T. Owens, Isaack Morris,. M. P. Alston, Edward B. Shields, Jacob Sorter, Benjamin Lyle, George W. Welliver, R. B. Davidson, Benjamin DeBolt, Edw. Thomas, Ed ward Kimball, A. H. Cone, Ezekiel Samuels, Oded Spencer, Patrick Gordon, Henry Keller, W B. Davis, TOWNSHIP. St. Clair, I.lemon, J.lemon, Morgan, Union, Riley, Union, Liberty, Oxford, Madison, Riley, Fairfiel d, Fairfield, Milford, Hamilton, Morgan, Riley, St. Clair, Madison, Ross, Lemon, Ross, Wayne, Wayne, Ha~ilton, Hanover, Hanover, TERM EXPIRES. June 2, 1877 April 15, 1876 April 15, 1876 April 15, 1876 November 5, 1876 April 10, 1877 January 24, 1877 April 10, 1877 April 25, 1877 April 10, 1877 April 8, 1878 April 15, 1876 April 15, 1876 April 15, 1876 December 23, 1877 April 15, 1876 October 12, 1875 November 5, 1876 August 15, 1876 April 10, 1877 April 15, 1877 April 10, 1877 December December :-5; 1877 December 27, 1877 April 10, 1878 April 15~ ~~ MISCELLANEOUS. The Board of Trade of the City of Hamilton.-Organized ~farcb, John M. Long, President; E. G. Dyer, August Benninghofen, vvm. Pfau, Wm. Anderson, H. Schlosser, Wm. R. Carr, Vice Presidents; Joe McMaken, Secretary; Israel Williams, Treasurer. Butler County Medical Society.-Organized December 26, Meets quarterly at the Secretary's Office. J. S. M cn eeley, P~esid~nt ; F. W. Major, Vice President; Wm. Huber, Treasurer and LIbrarIan; S. L. Beeler, Secretary; H, Beauchamp, A. Landis and A. Hancock, Censors.. Butler County Agricultural Society.-J ames Giffen, President; Peter Murphy, Vice President; Wm. Pfau, Treasurer; James T. ~mlay, Secretary.

20 18 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. Beckett Paper Company.-Incorporated January, Mills at Woodsdale, five miles north-east of Hamilton. Post Office,Woodsdale, Butler 00. Wm. Woods, President; D. W McClung, Secret.ary and Manager; Wm. Woods, W m. Beckett and Samuel Angsperger, Dlrect~rs. Gennan U nterstuetzungs-verein for Butler County.-Meets at FInzel's Hall, fourth Saturdav in each month. Hamilton Liederkranz.--Meets weekly at Rooms in Hamilton House Building. Julius Hamann, President; J. E. Lohman, Recording Secretary; Chdst. Pabst, Financial Secretary; L. A. Boli, Treasurer..Pro Rata Silver Miming Company.-Capital Stock, $1~0,000. Offie.e,. in Beckett's Block. Israel Williams, Secretary. MInes located III South-east Nevada. Young 31en'8 Christian Association.-Re-organized September 1, Rooms, north side of High street opposite the Post Office. J. P. McKinney, President; E. G. Dyer, Vice President; Samuel Davidson, Treasurer; Jas. F. Watkins, Secretary; Rev. J. O. Hervey, General Secretary; J acksonhenninger, Superintendent. Trustees of Building Fund-Samuel Davidson, W m. L. Spivey and John S. Reeder. Butler County Bible Society.-Depositary at Lawder & Co's Book Store, High street. R. C. Stewart, President; Thos. Fitton, Vice President; P. C. Conklin, Secretary; John McKee, Treasurer; Wm. E. Brown, L. M. Griffis, Evan Evans, Hev. J. Geiger and Theo. Marston, Directors. St. Anthony Orphan Society of St. Stephen's Church. Hamilton Gas Light and Ooke Company.- Works, south side of High l:etween Fifth and Sixth. Organized Capital, $60,000. J. P.. Tweed, President; D. H. 'Hensley, Secretary; Ohalmers Scott, Engineer; 'V. H. Campbell, Job E. Owens, J. P. Tweed and Jas. Andrews, Directors. Cope and Maxwell Manufacturing Company.-Works, west side of 'rhird north of Mill. John C. Morris, President; James R. Maxwell, Vice President; James R. Paddack, Secretary; Ezra Cope, Su perintendent. Turuer Verein, Forward.-Meets every Monday evening at Millikin's Hall. Vereinigte Deutsche Gesellschaft CU nited German Society).-Divided into six sections, as follows: Turners, Schutzen, Singing, Music, Literary and Dramatic. Meets every evening at Hall, south side of High street between Front and Water. John W m. Sohn, President; Carl Amman, Recording Secretary; P. H. Gerhard, Financial Secretary; John F. Bender, Treasurer. St: Paul's Relief Society of St. Stephen's Church.-J ohn 1\:1. Long, PresIdent; A. Winter, Vice President; Peter C. Schneider, First Secretary; Henry Dum, Second Secretary; Peter Schneider, Cashier. Miallli Va~ley Medical Association.-Organized January, J as. Anton, PresIdent; J. W Blasdall, First Vice President W. Brown Second Vice President; O. E. Tillson, Secretary; O..Markt, Treasurer ~ VV. M. Ingalls, O. E: Tillson and W. Brown, Censors. Meets annually at Hamilton. Niles Tool Works.-Ineorporated January, James W. Gaff Presid.ent; G. A. Gray, jr., 'l'r~asuror ; Alex. Gordon, Secret.ary ; J as: M. WIse and Jas. D. Parker, Dll'ectors. Works, north-east corner of Third and Mill streets.

21 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. 19 Lane Free Library.-. East side of Third street between Buckeye and Heaton. Trustees-J os. 'l'raber, Job E. Owens and Dr. C. Markt. Job ~. Owens, President; Dr. C. Markt, Secretary; Laura Skinner, Libranan. Variety Iron Works.-East side of Seventh south of Hanover. Incorporated H. A. Moore, Pl'esident and Superintendent; W. H. Beardsley, Secretary and Treasurer; Israel Williams, W H. Beardsley, W B. Falconer, J as. Line, Geo. Harlan, John L. Riter and H. A. Moore, Directors. McKinney Manufacturing Company.-Corner of Seventh and Hanover. Incorporated November, W S. McKinney, President; J. P. McKinney, Secretary and Treasurer; Wm. Beckett, H. L. Morey, Wm. S. McKinney, J. P. McKinney and Robt. Harper, Directors. Miami Distillery Oompany of Hamilton.-Cincinnati below Hanover. J. C. Schnell, Fresident; H. Drexelius, Vice President; T. E. Runt, ~ecretary and Treasurer; H. F. Schultze, Superintendent; J. C.. Schnell, T. E. Hunt, H. Drexelius, Henry J acobb and M. D. Schnell, Directors. Hamilton Plow Company.-Works, Railroad Track south of Passenger Depot. Incorporated July, Major Geo. W. Rue, President; R. B. Millikin, Secretary; Geo. W Hue, W m. Beckett, 1'hos. Millikin, Alex. F. Rume, Geo. W Dick, James 1\1. Stokes and Isaac K. Morris, Directors. Harmonia Singing Society.-Geo. Reis, President; J. A. Snyder, Vice President; W m. G. Schuler, Financial Secretary; Chas. Grebner, Corresponding Secretary; Peter O. Becker, Oashier; Theodore Meyder, Director. Meets every Tuesday evening at Rumple'S Hall, First Ward. Young M rennerchor Singing Society.-Meets every Monday evening at Deinzer's Hall, High street between Water and Front. F. W. Fredericks, President; Charles F. Eisel, Financial Secretary; J. Scheike. Recording Secretary; Geo. Dilg, Treasurer. City Cornet Band.-Meeting Room, at No. 226 High street, neal' Second. Geo. Schweinefest, Leader. Apollo Cornet Band.-Meeting Hoom, north side of High street between Front and Water. Ernst F. Blum, Leader. Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Cornpany.-Incorporated October 17, Works, corner of Fourth and Heaton streets. Officers-J. E. Owens, President; E. G. Dyer, Vice President; M. L. Seward, Secretary and Treasurer; W m. Ritchie, Superintendent; Job E. Owens, Olark Lane, E. G. Dyer, Joe M. Kennedy, Wm. Richie, M. L. Seward and Wm. S. Robert, jr., Directors. Wm. S. RobertI Manager of the Branch House at St. Louis ~~.~~.~ STREET DIRECTORY. Alston, from Cincinnati to Third, next south of Sycamore. Ba~in, from Hiver to Basin, south of High. Beckett, east from Frqnt to St. Joseph, next south of Hanover. Boudinot, west from:' HiveI' to Corporation Line, next north of Main, First Ward. Buckeye, east from Hydraulio, north of Dayton. Burnett, from Water to Front, next south of Stephens.,\-.,

22 20 HAMILTON OITY GUIDE. Butler, east from Fifth, north of High., Caldwell, east from Fourth, south of Canal. California, west from Front, next south of Burnett.. Canal, from Third to Corporation Line, sout.h of BasIn. Center, from High to Butler, next east of FIfth. Charles, from Fourth to Fifth, next south of Henry. Chestnut, from River east, next south of Woods. Cincinnati, south-east from Second and Woods. Dayton, east from River to Fourth, north of High. East Avenue, continuation of Tenth from East Ludlow. East Dayton, east from Fourth, north 'of High. East Heaton, east from Fourth, north of East Dayton. Eighth: from Ludlow to North Oorporation Line, between Seventh and Ninth. Eleyenth, from Ludlow to North Corporation Line, between Tenth and Twelfth. Fifth, north from Cincinnati to Reservoir, next east of.fourth.. Fifth, from Boudinot to Ross, next west of Fourth, First Ward. Fourth, north ft'om Cincinnati to Mill, between Third and Fifth. Fourth, from Boudinot to South, next west of Third, First W ard~ Frankfort, south from Washington to Hanover, next west ofcincinnati. Franklin, from River to Fourth, between Ross and South, First Ward. Front, from Corporation Line south, between Water and Second, First Ward. Front, from Oorporation Line to Vine, between Water and Second. Greenwood Avenue, north-east from East Heaton. Hanover, from Front east, next sonth of Washington. Heaton, east from Hydraulic, north of Buckeye. Henry, from Fourth to Fifth, next south of Sycamore. High, east from River to Corporation Line, south of Dayton. Hueston, from Ross to South, between Third and Fourth, First Ward. Hydraulic, east from Water to Fifth, north of High. John, from Water to Front, next south of California. Lane, south-east from Hanover, next east of Second. Long, from Second to Cincinnati, south of Owen. Lowell, north from J:j]ast Heaton, between Fourth and Fifth. Ludlow, from River to Oorporation Line, south of Basin. Main, west from River, between Ross and Boudinot, First Ward., Miami, from Greenwood Avenue north, next east of Ninth. Mill, east from Hydraulic, north of Vine. }1illikin, from River to Millville Road, next south of South, First \Vard. Minster, from Second to Lane, south of Hanover. Ninth, from Ludlow to Heservoir, between Eighth and 'renth. North, from River to Third, next north of Boudinot, First Ward. North Fourth, from Boudinot north, next west of Oak, First vvard. Oak, north from Park, between Third and North Fourth, First Ward. Owen, from Second to Cincinnati, south of Minster. Park, from North Fourth to Third, next north of Boudinot, First Ward. I

23 HAMILTON CITY GUIDE. Rigdon, from Sixth to Seventh, next south of Sycamore. Reservoir, east from Schmidtman, next north of Vine.. Ross, from River to Millville Road, next south of Main, First Ward. St. Joseph, south from Hanover, next east of Front. Schmidtman, north from East Heaton, next east af Sixth. -Second, north from Corporation Line to Mill, between Front and Third. Second, south from Smith to Corporation Line, between Front and Third, First Ward. Seventh, from Basin to Chestnut, between Sixth and Eighth. Shillito, east from Seventh, next north of Dayton. Short, west from Cincinnati to Lane, next north of South Avenue. Sixth, from Ludlow south, between Fifth and Seventh. Smith, east from Third, next north of North, First Ward. South, from River to Millville Road, next south of.franklin, First Ward. South Avenue, east from Front, Southern Boundary of the City. Stable, east from Water to Fifth, north of High. Stephens, from Water to Front, next south of Sycamore. Sycamore, from River east, next south of Ludlow. Tenth, from Ludlow to East Heaton, between Ninth and Eleventh. Third,. north from Woods to M.ill, between Second and Fourth. Third, north from Corporation Line, between Second and Fourth, First Ward. Thirteenth, from Ludlow to -Canal, next east of Twelfth.. Twelfth, from Ludlow to Canal, between Eleventh and Thirteenth. Vjne, east from Hydraulic, north of Heaton. Wallace, from Owen to Long, next east of Second. Walnut, from Front east, next south of Chestnut. Walnut, from Front to Second, between South and Millikin, First Ward. Washington, from River east, next south of Walnut. Water, from Dayton to Corporation Line, next west of Front. Water, south from North Corporation Line, next east of Front, ~irst Ward;. William, from Third to Fourth, next south of Sycamore. Wilson, from Front to Second, next south of Sycamore. Woods, from Front to Fourth, south of Sycamore. 21

24 22 HAMILTON ADVERTISEMENTS. CAMPBELL tc CO.'S ID~UrI1D~~ AgQD~1~ Nos. 1, 2J 3 and 4 HAMILTON HOUSE BUILDlNG, UP STAIRS).OORNER SECOND AND HIGH STREETS, HAMILTON! ehio. Polices Issued and Losses Promptly Adjusted in the Following Pirst-Class Companies l Cooper Insurance Co., of Dflyton, O. Firemen's Itlsurflnce Co., of Dayton. O. Auronl in~ul"flnce Compflny. of Cincinnati, O. Jefferson Insurance Company, of St.eubenville,.ohio. FranklIn Insllrflnce Company, 0fWheelin,g-, West Virgitlla. Milwaukee Mechanic~' Insurflnce Compnny, of Milwaukee, WIS. Farmers, :Merchants and Manufacturers' In!<urance Co., of H:~m Illon, O. Old Dominion Insurance Company, of Richmond, VirgInia. Rochester German Insuranc'e Co. of Roehester, New York. Franklin Insurance Company, of Columbus, OhIO. Mercantile Insurance Co., of Cleveland, Ohio. IJycoming Insurflnce Co" of Penn!<Y,lvania. CitIzens' Ins. Co. of Newark, N. J. MORGENTHALER & SCHMIDT, TANK _~S fjv_ R!ERS~ Dealers in FRENCH, GERMAN and AMERICAN Leather and Findings, North-west Corner Basin and Front Sts., :::a::.a1w::j:lton, 0. to" Highest Marliet Price Paid Cor (:JOITNTRY LEATHER. J. F. BENDER & BROS., General Builders and Oontractors,, MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FRAMES, Lorenz & Bender's Patent Refrigerators, Beer Coolers, &0. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO STAIR BUILDING. &c. Corner of Dayton and Lowell Streets!, HAMILTON, OHIO.

25 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. WILLIAMS' HAMILTON DIREOTORY FOR A EE RE V IATIO N.S./ av stands for avenue mer... merchant b... between n stands for... north bds... boards nr , near c or cor... c?r,?-er opp... opposite com... commlsslon R. R... railroad confec... confeotioner prop'r... proprietor corp... corporation res residence dray... drayman s... south or side e... east tp... township h... honse w... 1 II' 11.1 west manuf... manufaotory or manufaoturer wks...:... works [ALL1 ABBOTT J. N., Clerk, Straub House, 1st Ward Abrams Delilah, res n e c 3d and High Abrams Hannah, res n.e c 3d and High Abrams Hannah, dress maker, bds Straub House, 1st Ward Abrams J..jida, dress maker, bd.s Straub 'House, 1st "Vard Abt Barbara, widow, res e s :Front b Sycamore and Wilson Abt Lorenz, carpet weaver, bds Fred. Reiff's Adams Mrs. A. J. widow, res Daniel Fryborger's, 1st Ward Adams Henry, engineer, res e s Front b Hanover and Beckptt Adams John, plasterer, res w s East Av. s of Ohes"tnut ""',,,,' Adams W m. machinist, wks Niles Tool Works. -::"" Adelsperger Catherine, widow, res w B Water b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Adelsperger David, broom maker, res Catherine Adelsperger, 1st Ward Adelsperger John H. laborer, res n s ROBS b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Adick H. helper, wks Niles Tool Works Ahlers Elizabeth, widow, res e s 2d b Minster and Hanover Alexander Albert, clerk, bds Butler House, 1st Ward AI~ander Alexander, laborer, res e slane b Owens and Minster Alexander J 08. laborer, res s 8 Woods b 2d and Cincinnati Alexander Wm. grain buyer, bds Hamilton Exchange Allen Abram C. carriagesmith, rel,s Wm. H. Allen's ALLEN WILLIAM H., Sheriff Butler Co., Office, at Court House; Residence, at Butler Co. Jail, s s Basin b Front and 2d Allentharp Matthias, conductor, bds Martha McMains' ALLGEMEINER BROBACHTER, (German Weekly), A. & E. A. Uttrich, Publishers and Proprietors, n s High opp Court House ALLGEYER MATHAUS, Dealer in Family Groceri'es, Provisions, Produce, &c.; also, Wine and Lager Beer Saloon, junction 5th and Cincinnati

26 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. 24 HAMILTON ADVERTISEMENTS ' DR. C.. ItIARKT, DEALER IN Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, WINDOW GLASS, LOOKING GLASS PLATES, SOHOOL BOOKS, Stationery, Fancy Goods and Pure Liquors, No. 13 Third Street, near Basin, HAMIL TON~ OHIO. West End Suspension Bridge, HA.MILTON, o. Mrs. FELIX STRA DB., Proprietress, J. N. ABBOTT, Clerk. LARGE AND COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR. L. DEINZER. J. H. S'l'EPHA~. GEO. W. FRECHTLING. DEINZER, STEPHAN & CO., MIAMI HUB,' spon AND B(NDING factory, LOWER HYDRA ULIC!I HAMILTON, O. ~All kinds of Turning and Sawing Done to Order. THE HAMILTON TELEGRAPH, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNINC. The Only Newspaper Making I,.ocal Matters a Specialty Published in Butler County. Of all all kinds done neatly and promptly.?ffice, High Street, opposite Auditor's Office.

27 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON & BRO., A~en.ts. HAMILTON [ARE] DIRECTORY. 25 Allstatter Anna M. widow, res e s Front b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Allstatter John, machinist, res Robt. Allstatter's Allstatter Katie, milliner, res Anna M. Allstatter's, 1st Ward Allstatter Maggie, res Anna M. Allstatter's, bt Ward ALLSTATTER N., Dealer in Stoves, Hollow-Ware, Mantels, Grates, Lightning Rods, &c.; Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Tin Roofing, and Agent for Scott's Patent Iron Roofing, n s High b Front and Water; Residence, e s 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Allstatter Hobt. (Long, A. & Co.) res w s 2d one door s of Heaton Altenhoefer Fred. laborer, res n s South Av. w of Cincinnati AMAZON INSURANCE CO. OF CINCINNATI, Shepherd & MeG-riff, Agents, Beckett's Block Ambrust l\1atthias,buteher, res e s CintJinnati b 3d and Alston AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., Office, s s Basin b 2d and 3d; VV rr. Soward, Agent Amman Chas. teacher, res n s William b 3d and 4th Anderson Alfred J. shaving rooms, s s Basin 4th door e of 2d, res w s Water b Basin and Ludlow Anderson Byron, laborer, res s s Stephens b Front and Water Anderson Ed. H. barbel', res Alfred J. Anderson's Anderson Elmore T. money drawers, res s s Sycamore b 8th and 9th Anderson John.B1. hay dealer, res s s Walnut b 5th and 6th Anderson Luella V teacher, res Alfred J. Anderson's Anderson Mary E. widow, res n s South b Front and 2d, ht Ward Anderson Rev. S. MeC. res 33 Ross b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward ANDERSON W- & CO., (Wm. A., David Gray, \Vm. Shaffer & Pierce Carle) Proprietors Hamilton Mills; Manufacturers of Flour, wswater opp Dayton Anderson Wm. CW. A. & Co.) res n w c Ross and 4th, 1st Ward A.nderson W m. brakeman, bds Dora Keck's Anderst John, laborer, res e s 4th b Buckeye and Heaton ANDRE WlVI. W., Proprietor Cincinnati Exchange, Saloon and Boarding House, see 3d and Basin Andrew W m. 'carpenter, res n s Ross b 3d and 4th, 1st W urd ANDREWS R. N. & CO., Publishers Butler County Democrat and Guidon; also, Book and Job Printers, Office, n w e 3d and Basin Andrew5 Robt. N. (R. N. A. & Co.) res s s Ludlo'w b 3d and 4th Ansorge August, carpenter, res s s Chestnut b Front and 2d Antrim Oyrus, res e s 4th b Charles and Woods Apollo Oornet Band, meeting room, n s High b Front and Water; Ernst B. Blum, leader App Lorenz, ca. pet weaver, bds Fred. Reiff's ARBOR ::SALOON AND BILLIARD ROOM. Stahl & Dtevens, Proprietors, e s.front b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Arehart Andrew, shoe maker, res John Arehart's, 1st Ward Arehart Andrew, pump maker, e s ]'ront b South and Millikin, 1st Vvard. Arehart John, maltster, res w s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Arehart J os. hostler, res n salley b Main and Boudinot and Front and 2d, 1st Ward Arent Matthias, jr. res Matthias Arent's, sr., 1st Ward Arent Matthias, sr. carpenter shop, s s Main b 2d and 3d, res w s 2d n of North, 1st \Vard 3

28 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 26 HAMILTON ADVERTISEMENTS. PETER JACOBS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Looking-Glass Plates, Dye Stuffs, &c. PROPRIETOR OF JACOBS' CREAT REMEDY FOR DEAFNESS. Also keeps a general variety of BOOKS, STATIONERY, TOYS, PICTURES, &c. Chromos Mounted and Pictures Framed to Order. Nos. 129 and 131 High St., HAMILTON, O. BECKETT~ LAURIE & CO., North-east Corner of Buckeye and Lowell streets, ::a:: A:DI.I:ILTC> N, C) :a::io. MANUFACTURERS OF SIZED, CALENDERED FINE BOOK PAPER J Tinted Book, Poster and Glazed OoverPaper of all shades and qualities, -CANDLE, STAR-CH AND TOBA-C-CO PAPERS. LOT D. NORTHRUP, DEALER IN LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, FIRE BRICK] CLAY, CHIMNEY TOPS J Feed, Hay, Corn, Oats, &c., East Side of FQurth Street, (C., H. & D. R. R.) between Basin and Canal, HAMILTON, OHIO. B ENNINGHOFEN & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Hubs, Spokes and all kinds of Bent Material FOR CARRIAGES AND "W" AGONS, LOWER HYDRAULIC, HAMILTON, O.

29 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON [BAL] DIREOTORY. 27 Arion Bartholomew, cooper, res n s E. Ludlow b 7th and 8th Armstrong Mary A. res Shadrack Harrison's 1st vvard Armstrong Mary N. servant, Straub House, 1st Ward Armstrong W m. assistant cashier 2d National Bank, bds Mrs. Eliza Blackburn's Ashbrook Annie, res J os. Ashbrook's Ashbrook J os. rope walk, w s 2d s of Hanover Ashbrook Louisa, res J os. Ashbl'ook's ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TELEGRAPH CO., n w c Front and High; Louis P. Hurm, Manager Auer Geo. marble cuttel', res n s E. Lu.dlow b 5th and 7th Auraden J os. machinist, res 114 Buckeye b Front and 2d AURORA INSURANCE CO. OF CINCINNATI, 0., Campbell & Co., Agents, n w c 2d and High Ausman Annie, ho~se keeper, Job E. Owens' Ayers Alonzo, lamp lighter, res n s Main b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Ayers Geo. (A. & Reynolds) res n w c 2d and Heaton AYERS & REYNOLDS, (Geo. A. & Wm. M.. R.) Proprietors Opera Billiard Room, Opera House Building, s s High b 2d and 3d Ayres Alfred B. farmer, res 8. D. Ayres', 1st Ward Ayres J. Alonzo, clerk, res S. D. Ayres', 1st Ward Ayres S. D. grocer, n s Main b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Ayres Wm. L. clerk, S. D. Ayres', 1st Ward B Baaden W m. paper maker, res R w c 2d and Vine Babcock S. bds n e c Main and 2d, 1st Ward Bachelor W m. T. traveling agent, res n s Ro'Ss w of 5th, 1st Ward Baden John, shoe maker, res W m. Baden's Baden John A. shoe maker, res W m. Baden'S Baden Mary, machinist, res \Vm. Baden's. Baden Wm. engineer, res s w c 2d and Vine Bader August, (B. & Schwarz) res w s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore BADER & SCHWARZ (August B. & John S.) Boston Bakery and Ice Cream Rooms; M~nufacturers of Bread, Crackers, Cakes, &c., n e c 2d and Basin Baer Frank, sawyer, res Wm. Starbach's Bahle Rosa, servant, Mrs. Delia McKinney'S.Baierle Chas. jr, butcher, res w s Water b Sycamore and Burnett Baierle Chas. sr. bds Chas. Baierle's, jr Baker Henry, wagon maker, res w s 2d b Boudinot and North, 1st Ward Baker John A. machinist, res sec Vine and 2d Baker John A. machinist; res n s Ross b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Baker Julius laborer, res n soak b Park and 3d, ht Ward Baker Valentine,, hostler, Jacob H. L ong ' s.baldwin W m. R. laborer, res W m. S. Trisler!s Ball Rebecca teacher, res s s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Ball Susan A. teacher, res Rebecca Ball's, 1st Ward Ballard Isaac A. fireman, res s s Sycamore b 7th and 8th Bl;lllet Fred. foreman C. B. Thompson & Son's, res e s Front b Franklin. and South, 1st Ward

30 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Oorner Third and High. 28 HAMILTON ADVERTISEMENTS. C. SCHWARZ. PH. SCHWENN. SCHWARZ & SCHWENN, Oarpenters, Contraotors and Builders, - MANUFACTURERS OF- SASH, DOORS l BLINDS] MOULDINGS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, &0., Factory 011 Basin Street, near Giffen's Lumber Yard, HA.MILTON, OHIO. LOUIS SOHNCEN, MUUHO, GR"" & COMMISSION MlRCHANT, Franklin Street,~between Second and Third stslj First Ward, HAMILTON,.oHIO. PJB:(E:~I~ Billiard 8 a loon and Restaurant, I-IAMILTON HOUSE BUILDING, HA.MILTON, OHIO. UI Meals at all hours. All the delicacies of the season prepared in the best styles. Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors a specialty. HERMAN REUTTI. M. F. EISEL. C. EISEL. M. F. EISEL & SON, COHTR!CTORS, URP[HHRS UO BUIlOlRS, MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Blinds, Doors, Window and Door Franles, :M:OULDING AND BRACKETS. Bee Hives and Glazed Sasb ()onstantly on Hand. COR. DAYTON and WATER STS" HAMILTON, O. SURFACE PLANING AND SAWING<DPNE TO ORDER AT SHORT NOTICE,

31 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At FITTON & BRO.'S. HAMILTON [BEA] DIRECTORY. Balle John V (Sohn, Rentschler & B.) bds St. Julien Hotel Ballinger Isaac, blacksmith, res Ner. Ballinger's, 1st Ward Ballinger Ncr. clerk, res s s Ross b 5th and" 6th, 1st Ward Banahan John, laborer, res s s Walnut b 4th and 5th Bandtel John G. brewer, res n s Sycamore b 4th and 5th Banks Archie L. laborer, res s s Alston b 3d add Oincinnati Banks Geo. whitewasher, res s s Stable b 3d and 4th Baptist Ohurch, s w c Water and South, 1st Wal'd Bar Frank, laborer, res W m. Staubach's Barden Ja~. carpenter, res s s Greenwood Av. b 8th and 9th Barden Mary E. res J as. L. Barden's Barkalow Hannah, res Mrs. Mary Barkalow'~ Barkalo~ Mary, widow, res e s Front b Basin add Ludlow Barley Chas. meats, W S 3d opp Oanal, res w s Water cor Sycamore Barley Chas. sr. bds Chas. Barley's, jr Barnickel Jacob, laborer, res s s Oincinnati b South Av. and Ludlow Av Barrett Michael, res sec Ross and 6th, 1st ",Vard Barret~ Mrs. S. C. music teacher, bds Phillips Hom:;e Bartels Chas. la borer, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d Barth Alwin, weaver, bds Peter C. Schneider's, 1st ",Vard Barth Alwein, weaver, res J oho Hoffman's, 1st Ward Barth Bertha, tailoress, res J oho Barth's Barth Emma, res John Barth's Barth J ohd, tailor, res w s Water b Basin and Ludlow Bast Geo. tinder, bds Philip Held's Bastian Julius, tailor, res n s Main 2d house w of ~d, 1st Ward Batchelder Geo. paper maker, wks Fair Gr.ove Paper Mills Bauer Agnes, widow, res s s Sycamore b Front an,l Water Bauer Barbara, res John Bauer's Bauer Jacob, laborer, res Agnes Bauer's Bauer John, weaver, res e s Front b Wilson and Sycamore Baueries Jacob, paper maker, res e s 2d b Vine and Mill Bauerle John, cooper, res e s Front b Walnut and Chestnut Bauerle Louisa, res John Bauerle's Bauerle Mary, dress maker, res John Bauerle's Bauerle Rosa, res John Bauerle's Bauerman Michael, horse trader, res w s Front n of North, 1st Ward Bauersachs W m. (Schlosser & Co.) res n e IC 4th and Henry Baumann Frank, currier, res w s 2d h Boudinot and North, 1st Ward Baumeister Louis, miller, res sec Walnut and Cincinnati Baumeister Mena, servant, Augustus J. Ohmer's Baundietz Chas. painter, res s w c Hanovel' and St. Joseph Bauschke Frank, carpet weaver, res Barbara Aht's Bayless Emma B. res John Q. Bayless' Bay less Jackson H. painter, res John Q. Bayle~s' Bay less John Q. deputy marshal, re8 n s Ludlow b 3d alld 4th Beal Daniel F. clerk J. & J. Rossman's, re:-; John T. Beal's, 1st \Vard Beal John T. res junction. Main and Millville Pike, 1st Ward Beard Benj. F. laborer, res s R Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Beardsley Edward 1\1. clerk 220 High b 2d and 3d, res Henry Beards,,: ley's BEARDSLEY HENRY, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hats, Oaps, Furs, Straw Goods, &c., :320 High b 2d and 3d; ll,esidence, e s 2d b Basin and Ludlow 29

32 30 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &c., South-west Corner Third and High. HAMILTON ADVERTISEMENTS. J. G. SHEPHERD. GUY W. McGRIFF. SHEPHERD & McGRIFF, General Fire Insurance Agency, REPRESENT THE FOLLOWING FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES: OHIO FARMERS; OHIO~ of Dayton; AMAZON, of Cincinnati; UNION~ of Cincinnati; WATERTOWN, of New York; ~~~'JC'ClII~, of Covington. OFFICE, Beckett's Block, North-east Oorner of Second and High Streets, HAMILTON, OHIO. AOOIDENT TIOKETS FOR SALE~ Franklin and Fair Grove Paper Mills, ::E3:.A.1\1[ILTC> N" 9 <>::E3:I 0; LOUIS SNIDER & SONS, Proprietors, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE SIZED AND CALENDERED -W-AREROOJY-[S: No. 121 Walnut St., CINCINNATI, D. & No. 103 N. Second St., ST. LOUIS, MO. PETER Co BECKER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING STANDARD COMPANIES: TEUTONIA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Dayton, O. MIAMI VALLEY FIRE INSURANCE CO' l of Dayton, D. BuFFALO HERMAN INSURANCE CO., of Buffalo, N. Y. OFFIOE: South Side of Main Street, 2d door East of Second St.,.. HANIILTON! Ol-IIO.

33 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, S'outh-west Corner Third and High. HAMILTON [BECl DIRECTORY. 31 Beardsley Abbey, res Henry Beardsleis BEARDSLEY WILLIAM H., Secretary and Treasurer Variety Iron Works, cor 7th and Hanover; Residence, Henry Beardsley's Beauchamp H. physician, res e s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Beauchamp Lou J. (Watkins & B.) res Dr. H. Beauchamp's Beauchamp Sallie, res Dr. H. Beauchamp's Beaver Oat.harine, widow, res sec 3d and Bou.dinot, 1st Ward Beaver Dan. P. painter, res Catharine Beaver's, 1st Ward Beaver Gideon, carpenter, res w s 3d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Beaver Lydia, res Gideon Beaver's, 1st Ward Bechmann John, res Robert Bechmann's Bechmann John, notion dealer, bds Hamilton Exchange Bechmann Robert, machinist, res alley b Front and 2d and Stable and Dayton Beck Charles, hinge maker, wks McKinney Manuf. Co Beck Cbarles, jr, (B. & Tabler) res 13 Main b Front and Water, 1st Ward Beck Charles, sr. res s s Ross b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Beck Henry E. furniture car, res n s E. Ludlow b 5th and 7th Beck & Tabler, (Chas. B. jr. & Henry T.) dry goods, 13 Main b Front, and Water, 1st Ward Becker Abbott, fireman, res Wm. Bec.ker's Beckel' Adam, maltster, res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Becker Annie, res Valentine Becker's, 1st Ward Becker Oonrad, piano maker, bds Philip Schmidt's Beckel' Elizabeth, widow, res Geo. H. Schrichte's Becker Franz, foundryman, res 211 2d b Daxton and Buckeye Becker Henry, wagon maker, res w s 2d b Boudinot and North, 1st Ward Becker John, bar tender, Peter C. SchnEfider's, 1st Ward Becker John, clerk, res Valentine Becker's, 1st Ward BECKER JOHN, Dealer in Family Grocerie.s, Provisions, Queensw~re, Notions, &c.; also, "Wine and Lapel' Beer Saloon, n w cor 3d and Main; Residence, n s Ross b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Becker John, laborer, res w s Front b South and Millikin, ht Ward Becker Lena, res Valentine Becker's, 1st vvard Becker Louis A. clerk n w c 3d and Basin, res Peter Becker's Becker P. Joseph, turner, res Peter Becker's, 1st Ward Becker Peter, res e s 2d b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Becker Peter, jr., St. Joe Saloon, s s Main 2d door e of 2d, res Peter Becker's, 1st Ward. BECKER PETER C., General Insurance Agent, Office, s s Main 2d door e of 2d, 2d floor; Residence, s s Ross b 5th and 6th, 1st 'Nard Becker Philip, wagon maker, res n S E. Ludlow b 7th and 8th Becker Theo. saloon, e s 4th b Buckeye and Heaton Becker Valentine; res e s 2d b South and Franklin, 1st Ward Becker Valentine, hostler, Jacob H. Long's Becker W m. road master, res w s 5th b Woods and Chestnut Beckett's Block, nee 2d and High Beckett Edward E. paper finisher, res Mrs. James Beckett's Beckett Frank R. paper manufacturer, res Wm. Beckett's Beckett Mrs. James, res s wee. Heaton and 2d Beckett James P. clerk, res Mrs. James Beckett's Beckett John. blacksmith Hamilton Plow Co. res W m. Beckett's Beckett Robe~t, with Abram Miller, res e s 5th b High and Dayton

34 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & B"RO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. 32 HAMILTON ADVERTISEMENTS. E. M. POTTER. L. D. CAMPBELL, JR. HAMILTON SPIOE MILLS. POTTER & CAMPBELL, MANUFACTURERS OF ~'TOWN TALK" BAKING POWDER, Grinders of Spioes, Coffee, Mustard, &0. MILLS, HIGH STREET, BETWEEN THIRD AND F01JRTH, ~.A.l\ff:ILTON'. 0. E. POTTER F. P. STEWART. MARBLE, GRANITE and FREESTONE WORKS. E. POTTER & CO., (Successors to A. POTTER.) IMPORTERS OF ~I SCOTCH GRANITE MONUMENTS, N. "7. Cor. High &nd 'Vater Sts. t East of Suspe~sion Bridge, HA;.l\'IILTON, O. low'" We are prepared to furni>'h Monuments and Grave Stones (Jut of the besthalian Marble, and of t.he cholcef't varieties of GranitE>, at as low prices as can be had anywhere else. Please call and see us before purchasing elsewhere. THE BECKETT PAPER COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine and Sup.erfine Book Papers, -W::a::ITE AND 9 BLOTTIN"G- PA.PER.. Mills at Woodsdale, Five Miles North-east of Hamilton. D. W. Mc(JLlTNG, Secretary and Manager. HENRY EGER,. lbait~t~r add Br~w~r ~ SECOND STREET 1 BETWEEN MILLIKIN and SOUTH STS., WEST HAMILTON, OG ~OA8H PAID FOR BARLEY.~

35 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTO N & BRO.., Agen"ts. HAMILTON [BENJ DIRECTORY. 33 BECKETT, LAURIE & CO., (Wm. B., Adam L. & Adam S. Laurie) Miami Paper Mill; Manufacturer" of Fine Sized Super Oalendered Book, Tinted Book, Poster and Glazed Oover Paper, also, Oandle, Starch and Tobacco Paper, n e c Lowell and Buckeye BECKETT PAPER CO. Manufacturers of Fine and Superfine Book Paper, White and Tinted; also, Blotting Paper, Mills at 'tv oodsdale, five miles north-east of Hamilton; D. W McOI un.g, Secretary and Manager Beckett Robert, house furnishing, res n e c 5th and Butler Beckett Wm. (B., Laurie & 00.) res n e c 5th and E.. Dayton Beckett Wm. R. printer Jacob H. Long's, res Mrs. James Beckett's Beckley Ernst, butcher, wks Jacob Rupp's. 1st Ward Beeler Dr. & Bro. (8. L. B. & J. L. B.) druggists, n w c Main and Front, 1st Ward Beeler Daniel, res e s 2d b Oincinn.ati and Woods Beeler Elizabeth O. res Daniel Beeler's Beeler Fred. S. farmer, res Daniel Beeler's Beeler George, blacksmith, res Daniel Beeler's Beeler J. L. (Beeler & Bro.) res S. L. Beeler's, 1st Ward Beeler Lydia A. widow, res w s 6th b High and Butler Beeler May, widow, res Samuel L. Beeler's, 1st Ward Beeler S. L. (B. & Bro.) res n 'w c 4th and Franklin, lilt \Vard Behm Mary, servant, Jacob Rupp's, 1st Ward Beiersdorfer Frank, butcher, bds David Oonner's, jr Beil Jacob, laborer, res Fred. Earhardt's Beil Philip, carpenter, res Fred. Earhardt's B6il Pius, carpenter, res John Reigel's Beiser Valeutine, harness maker, res Robert Geyer's Beistoefi'er Frank, butcher, res David Oonner's, jr Belden Edgar A. clerk, res Samuel C. Belden's Belden H. fr. teller 1st National Bank, res Samuel O. Belden's Belden J-ames F. clerk Fitton & Bro's, res s s Heaton b 7th and 8th Belden Samuel C. broom dealer, res sse. Heaton b 7th and 8th Belden W C. clerk 1st National Bank, res Samuel O. Belden's Bell Mrs. widow, res n e c 6th and E. Vine Bell Caroline, widow, res Nathan Harrell's Bell Daniel, machinist, wks Niles Tool Works Bell Frank, clerk, bds Butler House, 1st Ward Bell Geo. P. res e s 3d b High and Stable Bellangee John G. student, res W m. P. Bellangee's Bellangee Wm. P. music teacher, res e s 2d b Ludlow and Sycamore Beltz J. carpenter, wks Niles Tool Works Bender Antoine, produce, res Geo. Bender's Bender Oatharine, res Oatharine Bender's Bender Oatharine, widow, res n w c E. Ludlow and 9th Bender Conrad.,carpenter, res s s.k Ludlow b 4th and 5th Bender Ocmra.:d F. res Herman Helwig's BENDER 'E. & CO. (Ernst F W. B. & Peter Bender) Manufacturers of Bone Dus't Fertilizers, on Railroad Track, near Niles Tool WOlks Bender Ernestina, res Herman Helwig's Bender Ernestina O. res Oatharipe Bender's Bender Ernst. F. W (J. F. Bender & Bros.) res n w c 9th and E. Ludlow

36 FITTON & BRO.,. Keep a Large Stook of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 34 HAMILTON ADVERTISEMENTS. Manufaoturer and Dealer in all kinds of Men'sJ Women's & Chiloren's Boats ~ Shees And AgencY.imd Manufacturer of KILSHEIMER'S Exoelsior GAI~ERS, No. 220 Basfn Street, HAMILTON, O. HA ~L TlOM FUIEL COIMPANY c. STRAUB & CO., Dealers in all kinds of COAL:WOOll OOT' Bole Agents for HRm Ilion for the celebrated INDIANA CANNEL COAL. Agents for Butler CQunty for PIEDMONT COAL, superior to all other Coal for Blacksmiths' use. oroce and Yard J N. W. Cor. Basin and Fourth Streets, C., H. & D. R. R., HAMILTON, OHIO. HAMILTON NATIONAL ZEITUNG NEWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE. L. B. DE LA COURT, Proprietor. l The NATIONAL ZEITUNG is the only well established,german paper in the Oounty, with the Largest Ciroulation. ENGLISH AND GERMAN JOB WORK Done at Low Rates and in the Best Style. OFFI(JE, South Side of' Bas~n street, Opposite (Jourt Ilouse.

37 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON &, BRO. HAMILTON [BEN] DIRECTORY. 3u Bender Ernst, carpenter, res Catharine Bender IS f Bender F. Wm. (.J. F. Bender & Bros.) res e s 7th b E. Dayton and Shillito Bender Fred. W. carpenter, res e s 7th b E. Dayton and Shillito Bender Fred. W carpenter, res Conrad Bender's Bender Fred. W. H. carpenter, res Catharine Bender's Bender Geo. painter, res w s 7th b Rigdon and Chestnut Bender Henry F. W. (J. F. Bender & Bros.) res n w c 9th and E. Ludlow. BENDER J. F. & BROS., (John F., F. Wm., Ernst F. W. & Henry F W.) Carpenters, (Jontractors and Builders; Planing and Flooring Mill, Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, &c.; also, Lorenz & Bender's Patent Refrigerators and Beer Coolers, nee E. Dayton and Lowell. Bender Jacob, boatman, res Geo. Bender's BENDER JACO.B, Manufacturer and D~aler in Hats, Caps, Furs, Straw Goods, Gloves, Umbrellas, &c., "Sign of the Big Red Hat," n s High opp. Public Square; Residence, n w c 9th and E. Ludlow Bender John, book-keeper J. F. Bender & Bros'. res e s 7th b E. Day-. ton and Shillito Bender John F. (J. F. Bender & Bros.) res n s Sycamore b 5th and 6th BENDER PETER, Recorder Butler Co., Office on Public Square; : Residence, n w c 9th and E. Ludlow Bendfelt Zachariah, carpenter, wks J. F. Bender & Bros' Bennett Edward A. fireman, res Geo. M. Bennett's Bennett G. M. engineer, res sec 7th and Sycamore Bennett Isaac, laborer, res s s Boudinot b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Bennett J. VV job printer, n s High opp. Court House, res s s Boudinot. b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Bennett Mrs. L. widow, res 416 2d b Heaton and Vine Bennett N. C. with S. O. Bennett, res n s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Bennett S. C. grocer, s W c High and Riley, res n s Main b 2d and 3d,. 1st Ward." Benninghofen August, (B. & Co.) res w s Water b Basin and Lud'Iow Benninghofen Christian, book-keeper Shuler& Benninghofen's, res John VV Benninghofen's BENNINGHOFEN & CO., (Augu:5t B. & Michael Wuechner). Manufacturers of Hubs, Spokes, and all kinds of Bent Material for Carriages and Wagons, wsw ater b High and Dayton, Lower Hydraulic Benninghofcn Herman, laborer, res e s 4th n of Park, 1st Ward Benninghofen John W (Shuler & B.) res w s 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Bennin~'hofen Mrs. R. res w s 6th b.l!i. Vine and E. Heaton Bensin; John, tool maker, res e s 5th b High and. Butler Bentel Fred. (B., Margedant & Co.) res s w c BaSIn and Water BENTEL, lvlarg EDANT & CO., (Fred. B., W m. C. 1\'1. & John \V m. Sohn) Manufacturers of the Universal Wood Worker~ and Wood Working Machinery, Office and Works, e s 4th b High and Dayton BenzinO' Edwllrd res n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward o, BENZING JOHN, Wine and Beer Saloon, n wee. Dayton and 11th Benzing John M. carriagesmith, res John Benzing's Benzing Losina, seamstress, res.bldward Benzing's, 1st Ward

38 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and High. 36 HAMILTON ADVERTISEMENTS. EZRA POTTER, DE."-LER IN ALL KINDS OF L10, Dressed. a:n.d. U:n.dressed., FENCING, POSTS, BILL STUFF, TIMBER, LATH & SHINGLES, OOAL AND WOOD~ Office and Yard, S. E. Cor. Fourth and E. Dayton Sts., JB:A.l\I.I:XLTON". 0. PHILLIPS HOUSE, North-west Corner of Front and High Streets, opposite Post Office, HAJJ.lILTON ~ OHIO. Major A. A. PHILLIPS~ Proprietor. ~ Table and Rooms First-Class. ~ GEO. W. RUE, President. R. B. MILLIKIN, Secretary. THE HAMILTON PLOW OOMPANY MANumruam ~r ClST-STHl H!Ro[N(o PlOWS, ~~N ovelty'"' Hay and G,rain Rakes, fi:lightning" STRAW AND FODDER CUTTER, FARM WAGONS, OFFICE AND WORKS: Corner of Seventh and Walnut Streets, HAMILTON, OHIO.

39 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &c., A-t FITTON & 13&0.'8. HAMILTON [BLAJ DIRECTORY. Bergedick Katie, res Theodore Bergedick's Bergedick Lizzie, res Theodore Bergedick's Bergedick rrheodore, laborer, res n s Heaton b 3d and 4th Berger Peter, carrier, res s s 'h alnut b Front and 2d Berger Peter, cigar maker, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d Bergmann' Nicholas, carpentel', res w s 8th b Walnut and Hanover Berleman Rev. Fred. W res Chas. Borger's, 1st Ward Berndt Chus. shoe maker, res s s Walnut nr Cincinnati Bernfeldt Zacharias, carpenter, res s s Chestnut b 2d and Cincinnati Bernhard John, laborer, res s s Burnett b Front and Water Berry J as. B. teacher, res w s Front b Basin and Ludlow Berry Matilda, servant, W m. Beckett's Berry Matilda, widow, res John Gibbons' Berry Philip, blacksmith, nee Basin and Riley, res 214 Front b Basin and Ludlow Berry Robt. res n e c Burnett and Water Besold Conrad, butcher, bds Louis Hahn's Besser Henry, teamster, res n s Burnett b Front and Water Besser Katie, res Henry Besser's Betel John M. machinist, wks Bentel, Margedant & Co's Betz Adam, drayman, res Barbara Abt's Betz Jane, widow, res n s Buckeye b 2d and 3d Betz Martin, clerk.g. M. Flenner's, res w s Water b High and Basin Bevins V\T m. gas fitter, bds Phillips House Bevins Wm. H. cigar maker, bds Phillips House Bevis Alex. packer Brant & Crane's, res Mary Bevis' Bevis Mary, widow, res w s 5th b Walnut and Cincinnati Beyer Chas. cooper, res sec Front and Walnut Beyer Chas. marble cutter, wks F. Horssnyder's Beyers Washington, laborer, res Henry Mensch's Bickett David~ 37 teamster People'S Mills, res sec Greenwood Av. and Miami Biedinger Fred. laborer, bds Peter C. Schneider's, 1st Ward Bicdinger Mary, servant, L. Dreher's, 1st Ward Biedinger Wm. cigar ma.ker, res Henry Kraus', 1st Ward Biegert David, teamster, res sec Greenwood Av. and Miami bilder Geo. cupola tendtlr, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Bilger John, machinist, wks Bentel, Margedant & Co's Bilger John G. grocer, s s Henry b 4th and 5th Bilger John G. jr. cigar maker, res John G. Bilger'S Bilter Catherine, felt joiner, wks Shuler & Btlnni~ghofen's Birch Oicero, chair maker, res n s Reservoir opp 11th Birch Elias, res n s Sycamore b 2d and 3d Birch Jeff. machinist, bds Cincinnati Exchange Birch Margaret E. res Mrs. J as. Cox's BISDORF GEORGE, Wine and Beer Saloon. The Best Bowling Alleys in the City are here, w s 2d b 1::lycamure and Wilson Bisdorf Mary, widow, res Geo. Bisdorf's.. Bisdorff Henry, laborer, res e s 3d b Woods and WIlham Black Barney, cloth finisher, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's. BLACK & SCHRODER, (Frank B. & John L. S.) ProprIetors Liberty Iron Works; Manufacturers and.gri~ders o~ Soft and Chilled Calender Rolls, Rag Cutters and Tnmmmg Kmves, Paper Mill Engine Bars and Plates, n e c Water and Stable

40 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &c., South-west Corner Third and High. 38 HAMlLTON ADVERTISEMENTS. SEYBOLD ~~ BONNER, fuhnitur ( 0 (A LfRS UNDERTAKERS, Basin Street, between Second and rrhird, I-J:AMILTON, OHIO. Farmers', Merchants' and Manufacturers' INSURANCE COMPANY, 01 Ha:rnilton, Ohio. Office, North-west Corner Second and High Streets. JA.PIT AL A.ND SURPLUS, $184, SAM'L DAVIDSON, Pres'tj WM. PFAU, S,flC'Yj GEO. B. WATSON, Ass't Sec'y; JOHN WEIDENBORNER, Treasurer. DIREC.l'ORS-John Weidenborner, OhaR. Borger, Joh E. Owens, Samuel Davidson, Stephen Crane, Wm. Pfau, Chas. Barnit2i; John C. Holhrook, J. B. Owsley. JACOB SCHLOSSER, MANUFACTURER OF Galvanized Iron Cornices, Tin and Slate Roofing, AND DEALER IN HOT AIR FURNACES, STOVES, TIN AND BRITANNIA WARE, No. 44 Basi:n. S"tree"t, HANIILTON, OHIO. JOHN WM. SOHN, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF Oak Tanned Leather, - AND DEALER IN- Lea"ther a:n.d., Also, MANUFACTURER of MALT and GROWER of NATIVE WINES, South-east Oorner of High and Water Sts., _ HAMILTON, O.

41 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. HAMILTON [BOO] DIRECTORY. 39 Black Bernard, laborer, res e s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Buckeye Black 1-< rank, (B. & Schroder) res Philip Hurm's Black Peter P. res s s Dayton b 2d and 3d Blackburn Eliza, boarding house, e s 3d b Stable and Dayton Blackburn Kate, res Eliza Blackburn'S Blackburn Mary, widow, res alley b Front and 2d and Stable and Dayton Blair Joshua D. book-keeper, res Joshua Delaplane's, 1st Ward Blair Sophia D. res.ioshua Delaplane'S, 1st Ward Blair W H. res 208 Front b Dayton and Buckeye Blair W. H. jr. paper finisher, res 208 Front b Dayton and Buckeye,Blair 'W m. L. telegraph operator, res 208 Front b Dayton and Buckeye Blechley John, teamster, res e S Front b Hanover and South Av Blevens Thos. watchman, res s w c Front and Sycamore Bliss Jus. S. blacksmith, res w s 11th b E. Dayton and E. Heaton Bliss Sallie, milliner, res J os. S. Bliss' Blivins Thos. night watchman, Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Blulll.b1rnst F (80rtman & B.) res w s 2d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Blum John, res nee 8th and Greenwood Av Blum.John, jr. res nee 8th and Greenwood Av Blum Hichard, carder, res nee 8th and Greenwood Av Board Edward, brick molder, res e S 5th b High and Butler Board Edward, laborer, res n w c Oaldwell and. 5th Boatman Harriet O. res W m. Pugh's, 1st Ward Bobinmyer Harry, carpenter, res e s 2d n of Rorth, 1st 'Ward Bock Uhas. brewer, bd::; Jacob Kurz's Bock Ohas'. cabinet maker, res n s Boudinot nr 4th, 1st Ward Bock Geo. machinist, wks Bentel, Margedant & Co's Bode Christian, res Peter.Farber's Bode Jacob, engineer, bds n w c Front and Boudinot, 1st Ward Bodenbender Annie, picker, res John Bodenbender's Bodenbender Helena, res John Bodenbender's Bodenbender John, laborer, res n s Hanover b 2d and Front Boettinger llt boots and shoes, 6 Main b Water and Front, 1st Ward Boettinger Edward, shoe maker, res E. Boettinger's, 1st VYard Boettinger John, clerk, res E. Boettinger's, 1st Ward Boggs W m. paper maker, wks Fair Grove Paper Mills Bok Chas. cabinet maker, res w s 4th b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Holi J ncob, jr. res Jacob Boli's, sr., 1st Ward Boli Jacob, sr. grocery, e s Front b Hoss and Franklin, 1st Ward BOLl L. A., Watch Maker, Jeweler and Optician; Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, &c., 117 High opp Court House; Residence, n s Basin b l1'ront and Water Ronacker Chas. gardener, e s Springdale Pike nr Toll Gate Bond ~ber W. lumber, res n S Ohestnut b 4th and 5th Bonnell Mrs. Frank, res S. R. Bonnell's, 1st Ward Bonnell S. R. res s s Ross b 5th and 6th, 1st Wal'd Bonner Anna, felt joiner, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Bonner Geo. jl'. machinist, res Geo. Bonner's, sr. Bonner Geo. sr. res sse. Heaton b 5th and 6~h Bonner John, laborer, res Geo. Bonner's, sr Bonner Nicholas, (Seybold & B.) res s s Viae b 7th and 8th Boose John, painter, res n w c 2d and Soutn, lst Ward Booth Abraham, laborer, res W m. Booth's

42 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High HAMILTON [BRA] DIRECTORY. Booth Edward, laborer, res sec E. Ludlow and 5th Booth Edward S. ice d~aler, res sec 5th and,e. Ludlow Booth John L. stone mason, res vv m. Booth's Booth John L. bricklayer, res e s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye Booth Margaret, clerk, Wm. Booth's Booth Rachel, tailoress, res Edward S. Booth's Booth Thornton, boiler maker, res W m. Booth's Booth Wm. grocer, junction E. Heaton and Greenwood Av Borger Chas. res n w c 5th and HO~8, 1st Ward Bosaw Mary, res s w c 4th and Dayton Bosch Chas. cigar maker, res Fred. Bosch's BOSCH FRED., Wine and Lager Beer Saloon, 216 Basin b 2d and 3d Bosley J as. E. book-keeper Campbell & Co's, res e s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Boswell Eliza, widow, res s s Chestnut b Front and 2d Bothen Frank, bricklayer, bds Louis Schlotterbeck's Boughan Thos. foreman, Cope &,M.axwell Manuf."Co Bourne Hannah, res Dr. S. H. Potter's Bov Magdalena, widow, res w s Water b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Bowden George, brakeman, bds Dora Keck's Bowerman George, horse trader, res David Yeakle's, 1st Ward Bowerman Michael, horse trader, w s Front n of North, 1st Ward Bowers John, shoe maker, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Bowers John, spinner, res n s E. Heaton b 8th and 9th Bowers John, sr. laborer, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Bowers J os. farmer, res John Bowers', sr., 1st Ward BOWERS S. D., Manufacturer and Dealer in Ladies', Gents' and Children's Boots and Shoes, 105 High opp. Public Square; Residence, w s' 7th b High and Dayton Bowers Wm. vv. teamster, res w s Front n of North, 1st Ward Bowman Belle, teacher, res Harriet Miller's Boyd Thomas, laborer~ res w s 7th b Sycamo~e and Rigdon Boyle Mary, widow, res Mrs. Dr. Gale's Brach Gustave, paper maker, res w s 11 th b E. Ludlow and Canal Bra«~en W. W. engineer, res n s Chestnut b 5th and R. R Brackley Wm. blacksmith, wks Hamilton Plow Co Bradbury Mary E. milliner, bds Ellen Larsh's Bradley Ambrose, laborer, res s s Buckeye b Front and 2d Bradley Mary, clerk, nee 2d and Higu Brady Christian, res w s 4th b Ludlow and Sycamore Brady John, laborer, res Michael Brady's Brady Michael, laborer, res w S 4th b Woods and William Brady Thos. brakeman, res Michael Brady's,Brady Thos. laborer, res w s Smith n of Hanover Brakeman L. Chas. marble cutter, bds Railroad House Brandeu Adam::;on, bds Philip Berry's Brandoff Herman, core maker, res 121 2d cor Buckeye Brannan Dan'l, laborer, res Roger Brannan's, 1st Ward Brannan James, paper maker, wks Beckett, Laurie & Co's Brannan Roger, laborer, res s s Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Brannan VV m. saw maker, res Roger Brannan's, 1st. Ward Brannen Daniel S. fireman, res W m. Brannen's Brannen Mary, res W'm. Brannen's

43 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON & BRO., A~ents. HAMILTON [BRO] DIRECTORY. 41 Brannen W m. clerk Oounty Clerk's Office, res w s 5th b Henry and Charles Brant Byron Brant & Crane's, res Mrs. D. W. Brant's Brant & Grane, (:B~state of David W B. & Stephen 0.) flour, nee High and Miami River Brant Mrs. David W widow, res e s 3d b Dayton and Buckeye Brant Edgar, res Mrs. David W Brnnt's, Brant Ella. student, res Mrs. David W. Brant's Brant Emma, res Mrs. David 'V. Br;ant's Brant Mrs. Eugene, res John W. Erwin's Brant James, machinist, res n s Heaton b 3d and 4th Brant Oliver, supt. Brant & Crane's Flour Mill, bds Phillips House Brant Otto Jj'. operator W U. Telegraph 00. res l\1rs. David vv. Brant's Brasel' Cletus, res W m. L. Spivey's, 1st Ward Braun George, cooper, res W s Cincinnati opp. Distillery Braun Henry, gardener, e s East Av. near,t ohn Braun John, laborer, res s s Stable b 3d and 4th Braun Joseph A. carpenter, res w s 2d b Woods and Chestnut Braun Xavier, cigar manuf. res n s Hanover b 2d and Uincinnati Brearton Michael, laborer, res n s Ross w of 5th, 1st Ward Breche George, laborer, res s w c Canal and 11th Brecht Louis, painter, res John Lichte's Brede George, grocer, sec Main and 3d, 1st Ward Brede Henry, gardener, res s s Millikin b 3d and 6th, 1st Ward Breidenstein Levi, bar-keeper Philhps Hou'le, res n W c 7th and Canal Breitenbach Auguiltus, res s s Main b Front and 2d Breraton Lizzie, res Wm. Breraton's, 1st 'Yard Breraton Mollie J. res "Vm. Breraton's, 1st Ward Breraton W m. teamster, res e s, 4th b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward 'Brereton Josephine, servant, Stephen Hughes' Brereto~ Lizzie, servant, John M. Davidson's, 1 st Ward Brereton Mary, servant, Thos. Moore's, 1st Ward Brewer Huldah, dress maker, n s High b 2d and 3d Brewer Wesley, engineer, res s s Hanover b Cincinnati and Lane Brickt John, res n W c Park and Oak, 1st Ward Bridge John, brakeman, bds 'V m. J'. Brannen's Bridge John, grocer, bds Conrad Reuter's Bridge Katie, widow, res s s Burnett b Front and Water Brido'es James, carriage painter, bds Hamilton Exchange Briede Henry, shoe maker, res n e c 5th and E. Ludlow Brighton Elizabeth, widow, res n s Boudinot b 5th and Eaton Pike, 1st Ward Brilmayer Ferd. (Scbellen bach & B.) res e s Water b Basin and Ludlow Brinker Henry, (F. Dilg & Co.) res alley b Buckeye and Heaton and 2d and 3d Brinker Herman, carpenter, res Mary Mueller's Brinkman Henry, saloon, s w c Cincinnati and South Av Brinkman Louis, horse shoer, bds Galt House Brinkman W m. boots and shoes, n s,e. Heaton b 5th and 6th Bristley John, res n w c Frank,lin and II uston, 1st Ward Britton Mrs. M. M. res n S E. Davtonb 5th and 7th Broadbent Wm. machinist, res w ; 8th b Greenwood Av. and E. Vine Broadshaffield John, boiler maker, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co 4

44 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stook of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 42 HAMILTON [BRD] DIRECTORY. r BROCK S. W., Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c., s s High, two doors w of Post Office; Residence: w s 4th b Ludlow and Sycamore Brockman John B. clerk, res n s Ross b 4th and 5th, lst Wartl Brod"enbender John, cupola tender, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Brodt John A. boots and shoes, s s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Brodt Louis W shoe maker, res John A. Brodt's, 1st Ward Brooks James, tinner, res w s 5th b Franklin and South, 1st Ward Brooks John, carpenter, res s w c Stephens and Front Brooks.J ohn D. tailor, res w s Front b Basin and Ludlow Brooks Mary E. Tes Geo. M. Shott's Brose Louisa, servant, Herman Reutti's Brose Tillie, servant, Frank Martindell's Brosey Oarrie, res Stephen Orane's, 1st Ward Brosse Charles, farmer, res John Brosse's Brosse John, res n e s Oincinnati s of South Av Brossman Chas. res n s Vine b Front and 2d Brossman John, machinist, res Chas. Brossman's Brown Albert A. machinist, res n e c 4th and Ross, 1st \Vard Brown Alfred, painter, res w s 2d b Boudinot and North, 1st Ward Brown Anna, res J ames Torbett's Brown Benj. M. painter, res n s Sycamore b 3d and. 4th.Brown Chas. J. cooper, res sec 2d and South, 1st Ward.Brown Elizabeth: res Thos. Moore's, 1st Ward Brown Geo. cooper, res n w c South Av. and Oincinnati.Brown Henry; gardener, res e s East Av. near John Brown Mrs. J. H. widow, res w s Front b Main and Houdinot, 1st Ward.Brown J. R.physician, 20 Main b. Front and "Vater, res 6 Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st vvard Brown Jane, widow, res n s Sycamore b 3d and 4th Brown Jerome, teamster, res Daniel Galloway's, 1st Ward Brown Lloyd G. medical student J. L. Kirpatrick's, bds Straub House, lot Ward Brown Robert E. baker Carr & Sons, res W m. E. Brown's Brown Wm. laborer, res n s Ross b 5th and 6th, 1st Ward Brown W m. B. carpenter, res e s 2d b Lane and Hanover Brown Wm. C. tinner, bds Magdalena Schuler's BROWN WILLIAM E., Attorney at Law, and President Second.N ational Bank, n s High b 2d and 3d; Residence, sec 5th and E. Davton Bruehl; W m. blacksmith, res e S 4th b Ohestnut and Woods Bruck Carrie, tailoress, res John P. Bruck's Bruck Oatharine, widow, res w s Water b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Bruck Catharine B. widow, res Henry Frey's Bruck Uonrad, shoe maker, res w s Front b Stephens and Burnett Bruck Elizabeth, res Jacob Bruck's Bruck Emrich, la.borer, res e s 5th one door n of Sycamore Bruck Erasmus, carriage trimmer, res Philip Morgenthaler's, 1st -Ward Bruck Jacob, grocer, s w c Chestnut and Cincinnati. Bruck John, laborer, wks I;'ranklin Paper Mills BRUCK JOHN, JR., Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions. Wines, Liquors, &c., n w c Front and Ludlow ; Bruck J obn F. bender, res Lizzie Bruck's

45 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON [BUR] DIRECTORY BRUCK JOHN, SR., Agent Oincinnati olksblatt; Residence, w s Front b Basin and Ludlow Bruck J oho P. tailor, res w s Front b Basin and Ludlow Bruck Kate, tailoress rcs John P. Bruck's Bruck Lizzie: servant, Geo. Dey's Bruck Louis, res Catharine Bruck's, Is~ Ward Bruck Mary, res Catharine Bruck's, 1st Ward Bruck Peter, brewer, bds Fred. Reiff's Bruck Peter, sawyer, res e s Water b Stephens and Burnett Bruck Peter, shoe maker, res J'acob Bruck's. Bruck Rheinhard, carpenter, res w s 6th b High and Butler Bruck W m. city fireman, res w s Front b Burnett and dalifornia Bruck "V m. printer National Zeitung Office, res w s Front b But'Dett and California Bruner Andy, laborer, res n s Stephens b Front and Water BRUNNER FA UL, Carpenter, Contractor and Builder, Shop s s Basin b 3d and 4th nr C., H. & D. n. R.; Residence, s s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Bruns Geo. stone mason, res 108 Woods b Front and 2d Brusch Aug. laborer, wks Beckett, Laurie & Oo's. Bryant Ellen J. teacher, res w s Oilk n of Park, 1st Ward Bubenheim Henry, boots and shoes, n w c High and 4th, res e S 5th b High and Butler. Buch Catharine, servant, Elizabeth A. Hunter's BUCKEL JACOB. Wine and Lager Beer Saloon, s s High b Front and Water Buckel Mary, res Jacob Buckel's Buckner Mary A. res e s Schmidtman b. E. Vine and E. Heaton Buechner John, stone mason, res s s Ross w of 6th, 1st \Vard Buehl Mary,H. widow, res w s 3d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Buehling John, cloth finisher, res John G. Ruehling's, 1st Ward Buehling John G. wagon maker, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Buerley May, milliner. w ks Chas. H. Zwick's BUFFALO GERMAN INSURANCE CO. OF BUF :FALO, N. Y., Peter C. Becker, Agent, s s Main 2d door e of 2d, 1st Ward Buling J ohn1 cloth finisher, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Bunting Josiah, farmer, res Cincinnati Pike, one mile s of Corp. Line Burg Chas. blacksmith, bds Cincinnati Exchange Burg J ose"ph, laborer, res e s Schmidtmann b E. Vine and Reservoir Burgedick -E. weaver, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Burk Patrick, cook, Phillip:; House Burk Peter, brewer, wks n w c Front and Sycamore Burkart Oarrie, servant, 409 2d b Heaton and Vine Burke Jennie, servant, Dr. L. M. Griffis' Burke John, laborer, res n w c Caldwell and 5th Burkey John, traveling age'at Hooven & Sons', r~s country Burkhardt Gottlieb, baker, wks Bader & Schwarz'S Burkhardt Joseph, carriagesmith, bds Phillips House Burkstresser John W. teacher, rooms e s Front b Stable and Dayton Burky John, machine hand, wks J. F. Bender & Bro's Burner Goo. machinist, wks Long, Allstatter & CO"8 Burner Henry, shaving rooms and hair tonic, s s High b Front and~ Water i 43

46 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and High. 44 HAMILTON [CAI.Jl DIRECTORY. ~urner Martin P. barber, res Henry Burner's. Burns Andrew, servant, Po-llock Wilson's, 1st Ward Burns Catharine, widow, res Patrick Burns~ Burns Eliza, res Mary Burns' Burns Ella, res Mary Burns' Burns James, laborer, res Peter Burns' Burns John, broom maker, res sec 3d and Woods Burns J O}lllDY, farmer, res Mary Burns' Burns Marv, widow, res n s Walnut b 4th and 5th B'URNS ~P. & CO., (Patrick B. & txohn Conbl)Y) :Manufacturers of Cast Steel Plows and 'Vagons, e s Water b Staple and Dayton Burns Patrick, (P. Burns & Co.) res n s Ludlow b 3d and 4th Burns Peter, laborer, res nee 3d and Woods Bul'PS 'Ym. boiler maker, res Marv Burns' Burridge Mrs. G. W widow, res; w c Front and Franklin, 1st, Ward Burrid~e Henry, painter, res s w c Walnut and 5th Busch Fred. carpenter, wks Variety Iron,r orks Bussnlan Annie M. wido'y, res n s Washington b 2d and Cincinnati Bussman Henry, turner, res n s Wa6hington b Cincinnati and 2d BUTLER COUNTY LEMOCRAT AND GUIDON, R.N. Andrews & Co., Publishers; Thomas M iller) Business Manager and Local Editor; Office, n w c Basin and 3d Butler County Jail, s s Basin b Front and 2d Butler House, s w c Main and Front, 1st Ward Butler Thos. H. machinist, res sec Front and Heaton Butler W m. laborer, res s R Minster b Lane and 2d Butz A. laborer, wks Niles Tool Works Byers Annie, res Margaret Ecker's, 1st Ward. Byers Kate, waiter, Straub House, 1st Ward Byers Sarah, widow, res s s Butler b 10th and Oanal. Byrne Ella, res Micbael Reddington's c Cadwell H. machinist, wks Niles Tool Works Cafferty Levi, broom manufacturer, res e s 7th b Sycamore and Ludlow Cahill John, foreman, res n s,,\\t ashington b 2d and Cincinnati Cain Asa H. res e s 4th be. Ludlow and Sycamore Cain George, painter, bds J as. McGovern's Cain Susie, res Asa H. Cain's " Caldwell Belle, res Dr. W W. Caldwell's Cal dwell Geo. R. farmer, res s w c Front and Boudinot, 1st Ward Caldwell H. M. teacher, bds Straub House, 1st Ward Caldwell Ida L. res Dr. W. W Caldwell's Caldwell J. C. tailor, bds Tbos. Moore's, 1st Ward Caldwell J as. res Thos. Moore's, 1st Ward Caldwell Jas. P. attorney, res Dr. W. W. Caldwell's Caldwell J os. H. clerk, res Dr. W W Caldwell's Caldwell Katie, res Rebecca Caldwell's Caldwell Rebecca, widow, res w s 3d b Basin and Ludlow Caldwell S. W deputy clerk Court of Common Pleas, res Dr. W. W. Caldwell's

47 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &c., At FITTON &, BHO.'S. " HAMILTON [CAS] DIRECTORY. 45 CALDWELL W W., Physician and Surgeon, Office and Residence, s s Dayton b Front and 2d Oale Jacob B. hostler, Straub House, 1st Ward Cameron ea'ssius M. C. res J as. E. Cameron"s, 1st Ward Cameron J as. E. brick maker, res w s Front n of North, 1st Ward Cameron John O. brick maker, bds J as. E. Cameron's, 1st Ward Cameron W m. A. brick maker, res J as. E. Cameron's, 1st Ward uampbell Brazier, res W m. Andrew's, 1st Ward CAMPBELL & CO., General Fire Inf'urance Age~ts, Office, n w c 2d and High, Hamilton House Building Campbell Harry E. student, res Mary A. Campbell's CAMPBELL JAMES E., Attorney at Law and Notary Public, Office, n w c 2d and High, Hamilton House Building; Residence, s w c 4th and Ludlow ' Campbell Lewis D. farmer, res sec 2d a'1d fti~h Campbell Lewis D. jr. (Potter & C.) res Mrs. Mary A... Campbell's Campbell Mary A. widow, res sse. Dayton b 5th and 7th Oampbell S. A. book-keeper J ~hn Weidenborner's, res n s Dayton b 2d and Front Campbell Samuel E. bds Phillips House Campbell W m. farmer res n w s Greenwood Av. e of Cemetery Carle Abraham, millwright, res n R Greenwood Av. b 7th and 8th. Carle Hezekiah, book-keeper Miami Canal Mills, res s s Lu.dlow b 3d and 4th Carle Pierce, (W AnderRon & Co.) res e s 5th b Buckeye and Heat.o n CA RN AHAN WILLIAM E., Homreopathic Physician and Surgeon, Office, n s High h 2d and 3d, Second National Bank Building Carney :\1ary, Phillips HOllS~ Carney Michael, saw maker, res Winnie Carnets Carney Thomas, blacksmith, res Winnie Oarneis Carney Winnie, widow, res s s Charles b 4th and 5th Carpenter John, (Strea,ty & C.) res n s Burnett b Front and 'Vater. CARR & FISHER, (Thomas J. C. & Isaac L. F.) Grain Commission Merchants and Dealers in Flour, Feed, Wood, Coal, &c., n e c Main and 5th, 1st Ward CARR J. W & SON, (J onn W & W m. B.) Proprietors People's Mills; Manufacturers of Flour, n w c 5th and E. Dayton Carr James F. farmer, res s e s E. Vine b 9th and i"iiami Carr John, carriage trimmer, bels Mrs. E. Kinsinger's Carr John S. miller, res n e c 3d and Ross, 1st Wat'd Carr John W (.J. W C & Son and C. & Son) res sec Greenwood Av. and 9th Carr & Son, (John W & Wm. B.) cra.cker bakers, n we 5th and.k Dayton Carl' Thos J. (C. & Fisher) res nee 3d and Ross, 1st Ward Carr Wm. B. (J. W Carl' & Son and Carl' & Son) res e s 5th b Butler and Dayt,on Carroll N. laborer, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer :lhachine Co Carrol ton Patrick, laborer, bds John Strohm's Carson C. bris Henry Street House Carton Patrick, laborer, wks N ilea Tool 'Yorks Cartwright 'rhos. ~ardener, res n s Reservoir opp 11th Casey Anna, servant, W m. Tweeddale's Casey Nora, res 'rhos. Fitton's

48 FITTON &.BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &0., South-west Corner Third and High ~ 46 HAMILTON [CIT] DIRECTORY. Oastator Catharine, widow, res w s 2d b Franklin and South, 1st Ward Castator Chas. E. boiler maker, res Susan Castator's 1st Ward Castator Clark, boiler maker, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Castator Clark l jr. boiler maker, res n s E. Dayton b 8th and 9th Casta tor Daniel, cabinet maker, res w s Front b South and 1\1 illikin, 1st "Vard Castator David, laborer, res Catharine Casta tor's, 1st Ward Castator Edward, boiler maker, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Castator H attie, res Catharine Castntor's CASTATOR & LEWIS. nvm. C. & John B. L.) House, Sign and Ornamental Painters, Grainers and Paper Hangers, Shop, w s Front b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Casfator Samuel, painter, re<; Catharine Castator's, 1st Ward Castator Susan, widow, res w s 2d b Ross and Franklin, hit Ward Castator W m. (C. & Lewis) res w s 4th b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Catterlin David, Inborer, res s s High beyond Corp. Line Catterlin Horace, driver, res John Uatterlin's Catterlin John, watchman, res s s 'Voods b 4th and 5th Uatterlin Rachel, widow, res Jesse M. Haven's Catterlin Thos. painter, res n s Sycamore b 5th aud 6tl1 Cavanagh Melissa, widow, res n w s Greenwood Av. b 8th and 9th Cavene J as. brakeman, bds Dora Keck's Chadwick Nettie, res J as. E. Moray's Oham bel' Edward, pattern maker, wks Niles Tool 'Yorks Chambers H. machinist, wks Niles Tool Works Ctambers Robert, pattern maker, res e s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir Ohance Franklin, machinist, res s s Ludlow b 2d and 3d Chapman Anua L. widow, res s s Ross b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Chapman Lydia, res Anna L. Chapman's, 1st Ward Checkett Frank, saw maker, res e s Scbmidtman b E. Vine and Reservoir Children's Home of Butler County, w s 2d b Boudinot and North, 1st Ward; Elizabeth Scott, matron Chippendale Caroline, widow, res n s North b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Chippendale Harry, farmer, res Caroline Ohippendale's, 1st Ward Ohisick Frank, gardener, res sse. Heaton 0PP Cemetery Ohristman Susan, res Philip Berry's CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, Branch Office, s w c 3d and High; J 00 :M cmaken, Correl;pondent CINCINNATI EXCHANGE, Wm.,V. Andre, Proprietor, sec 3d and Basin CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & DAYTON RAILROAD FRJ IGHT DEPOT, J. H. Hyland, Local ~'reight _ Agent, sec 4th and Canal CINCINNATI ICE COMPANY, s s High b 10th and 11th; B. J. Myers, Agent Cisle M 1'8. A. sale:::lady Fitton &, res e s 5th b Woods and Chestnut Oisle Augustus H. foreman, res e s 5th b W'oods and Ohestnut Oisle Chas. F. pattern maker, res Mcrcy Uisle's Cisle 1\1 ercy, widow, res ssw oods b 4th and 5th CITIZENS' INSURANCE CO. OF NEWARK, N J Oampbell & Uo., Agents, n w c 2d and High 0, CITY LIVERY, SALE AND BOARDING STABLE Schneider & Bro., Propl'ietorl;, sec 2d and Stable Oity Park, bounded by Sycamore, 3d and 4th '

49 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. HAMILTON [OOE] DIRECTORY. 4 7 City Ma:shal's Office, at Mayor's Office, w s Front b High and Basin; Dand T. Riley, marshal City Solicitor's Office, 218 Basin b 2d and 3d, 2d floor Clapp G. N. machinist, bds Nicholas U. Mott's Clark Oaleb, (0. & 00.) res Samuel Crudden's, 1st Ward Clark Calvin S. hostler W m. Pugh's, res Mary Clark's Clark & Co. (Caleb C., Ohas. E. Giffen & Jacob Shaffer) saw mill, e s Front n of North, 1st Ward Clark E. A. clerk Fitton & Bro.'s, res n S E. Ludlow b 4th and 5th Clark Eliza E. butter dealer, res Jonathan Clark's. 1st Ward Clark Frank, pla~terer, res w s ~'ront b S.outh and'millikin, 1st Ward Clark Hannah, wir1ow, res Samuel W Brock's Clark J as. laborer, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Clark Jonathan, cooper, res n s Main b 4th and 5 th, 1st Ward Olark Sqsan, res Jonathan Clark's, 1st Ward Clark VV m. M. brick mason, res n s.m. Heaton b 6th and Schmidtman Clayton Mrs. M.. A. widow, res 420 ::;d b Heaton and Vine Olear Peter, brass molder, wks Oope & Maxwell Manuf. CO CLEGG JAMES F., Reporter Cincinnati Gazette and Volksblatt; Boards Straub House, 1st Ward. Clements John vv clerk Oounty Auditor's Office, res w s 3d b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Clemens W m. baggage master, res n s Rigdon b 6th and 7th Clerk Court of Oommon Pleas, office on Public Square, Jervis Hargitt, clerk Olifford Alfred J. piano maker, res n s Walnut b Front and 2d Olifford Mrs. Sydney, widow, res Andrew J. Evans' Cline Anthony, laborer, res s s Chestnut b 4th and 5th Cline Owney, laborer, res Anthony Cline's CLOREY REV. A. W., Pastor United Presbyterian Church; Residence, s s Basin b Front and Water Clyne Catherine, widow, res n s Oharles b 4th and 5th Clyne J os. machinist, res s s Heaton b Front and 2d Clyoe Katie, res M. W. Clyne's Clyne M. W. carpenter, res n s Heaton b Front and 2d Clyne Peter, laborer, res Oatherine Clyne's Ooakly Jerry, res Thos. Ooakly's Coakly John, fireman, res 'rhos. Ooakly's Coakly Thos. laborer, res e s 3d b Sycamore and Oincinnati Ooakly Wm. fireman, l'e~ Thos. Ooakly's Oobaugh A. foreman, res w s Front b Main and H.oss, 1st Ward Oobaugh Frank, carpenter, res A. Cobaugh's, 1st Ward Oobaugh Mary, re3 A. Cobaugh's, 1st Ward Coburn Willard S. engineer, re:; e s 3d b Wood:; and William Oochran Jane A. seamstress, res s s Mai n b 4th and 5th, 1st 'Vard Oochran Thos. farmer, res e s 6th b High and Butler COCHRAN WM. R., Probate Judge Butler Oounty, Office on Pu blie Square; Rebicieoce, s s Ross 2d door w of 2d, 1st Ward Cody John, brewer, wks n w c Front and Sycamore Oody John F. horse shoer, bds Galt House Cody Mary, housekeeper; Rev. O. F. Hone's Oody Mary, notions, sec Ludlow and. 2d Oody Mary, widow, res sec Ludlow and 2d Ooedy John, hostler, Peter Schwab's

50 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BUO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High , 48 HAMILTON [OON] DIRECTORY. Ooey Vincent D. res Rebecca J. Spragg's, 1st Ward Oole Benj. laborer, wks Andrew Dingfelder's Oole Benj. 11' machine hand, res Richard Oole's. COLE, GEHRMAN & HENNINGER, (Richard. 0., Wm. G. & Jonathan H.) Hamilton Hydraulic Sash, Door and Blmd Factory; Planing Mill and Manufacturers of Sash, DoorR, Blinds, Fra~les, Patent Bee Hives. &0., w s 'Water near Dayton, Lower Hydrauhc Oole Lizzie A. student, res Richard Cole's Oole Richard, (0., Gehrman & Henninger) res n s Ludlow b Front and Water Oole Sarah, res W. W Bracken's Goleman John, bricklayer, bds Oincinnati Exchange Ooleman Patrick, laborer, res now alnut b 4th and 5th CoIl Mrs. K. millinery, sec Ludlow and 2d, res e s Water b Basin and Ludlow Oolligan Maggie, servant, James Fitton's Colligan Mary, servant, W m. E. Brown's Colligan Michael, molder, res Michael Kelly's, 1st Ward Oollins Ira A. teacher, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d Colored School Building, w s Water b Sycamore and Ludlow Combs Catherine, widow, res Elizabeth McClellan's Oomer Rosa, widow, res e s Schmidtman b E. Vine and Reservoir Commins John, clerk, Henry O. Stahler's Oommins John G. res Henry Gardner's Commins W m. tanner, res w s Front s of Hanover COMPTON A. & CO., Dealers in all kinds of Lumber, Lath and Shingles; Special Attention to Long Timbers, &c., s w c 3d and Sycamore Compton Alfred, CA. C & 00.) res s s Sycamore b 6t,h and 7th Compton Freeman, carpenter, res e s 5th b E. Buckeye and E. Heaton Conboy John, (P, Burns & 00.) res n s T..Judlow b 3d and 4th Ooncannon John, laborer, res e s 2d b Wal nut and Chestnut' Cone Isaac D. teams(;er, res e s l\1. Canal b Dayton and E. Heaton Cone Martha, widuw, res w s 20 b South and Millikin, 1st \Vard Oone Stephen D. foreman job office Butler County Democrat, res s s Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st vvard Ooney John, helper, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine 00 Conklin Harry, wheel maker, res Josephine Conklints Oonklin Ida, res Josephine Conklin's Conklin Josephine, widow, res n s Sycamore b 4th and 5th CONKLIN P. C., Attorney at Law and Notary Public, Offi'ce n e c 2d and 11 igh, Beckett's Bloc~; Residence, s s Ross b F:r:ont and 2d, 1st Ward Oonlan J as. striker, res e s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Conlan Lavina, widow, res J as. Oonlan's Conley J as. finisher, bds Miami Valley House Conley Peter, finisaer, bds Miami Valley House Oonnaughton Alex. horse shoer, res Ann Prendergast's Connaughton Oatherine, widow, l\es nee 3d and Sycamore Oonnaughton CatherinA, widow, res n s Sycamore b 3d and 4th Connaughton John, boiier rr..aker, res Catherine Oonnaughton's Connaughton John, laborer, bds Catherine Oox's Oonnaughton John S. molder, res Ann Prendergast's Connaughton J os. brakeman, res Ann Prendergast's I._--

51 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON & B1~O~!l Agents. HAMILTON [COOl DiRECTORY. 49 Connaughton Lizzie, res Margaret Connaughton's Connaughton ]Jizzie, widow, res n s Rigdon b 6th and 7Lh Oonnaughton Maggie, res Catherine Oonnaughton's Connaughton Malachi, laborer, res Oatherine Connaughton's Connaughton Malachi, laborer, res Margaret Connaughton's Connaughton Margaret, housekeeper, res Margaret Connaughton's Connaughton Margaret, widow, res n s Chestnut b 6th and 7th Connaughton Mary, servant, Samuel C. Belden's Connaughton Mary A. widow, res e s 2d b Oincinnati and Woods Connaughton Michael, laborer, res e s Cincinnat.i b 3d and Alston Connaughton Patrick, laborer, res s s Hanover b 2d and CincinJ;lati Connaughton Thos. switchman, res Marg'lret Connaughton'S Connelley Daniel, laborer, res w s East Av. S of Chestnut Conner David, jr. meats, n w c 3d and Stable, res n s E. Heaton b Schmidt man and 7th Connolly J as. laborer, res e s 4th b Woods, and William Connor Agnes, res 'rho,s. Higgins' Con 1101' Chas. laborer, res ssw oods b '5th and Railroad Connor David, 'res Thos. V Howell's Connor John, cooper shop, s s Sycamore b 7th and ~th, res e s 4th b Henry and Sycamore Connor J obn B. machini8t, res John Oonnor's Connor Peter, cooper, res n s Woods b 4th and 5th Conover D. D. book-keeper, res n w s Greenwood Av. b 9th and Miami Conover Frank, res D. D. Conover's Conover Lizzie, res D. D. Conover's Oonrad Geo. laborer, res s s Chestnut w' of Front Conroy J as. blacksn;iith. wks L'.)ng, Allstatter & 00's Conroy John, laborer, res w s Cincinnati s of Lane Conroy John, tailor, res Michael Conroy's Conroy Michael, tailor, res w s Cincinnati s of 5th Oonroy Michael, tailor, res w s Cincinnati s of Hanover Uonroy Thos. clerk Jackson & Co's, res John Oonroy's Cooch Chastiue O. assistant baggage agent Union Passenger Depot, res W P. Uooch's Cooch Katie E. res "itv P. Cooch's Oooch 'N. P. station baggage agent C., H. & D., D. & M., C., R. & C., C., H. & 1. and A. & G. "Y. Railroads, office at UnionPas~enger Depot, res 'n e c 4th and Sycamore Cook Uhas. clerk, res Eli Oook's Cook Eli, grain, res s s High b 4th and 5th Oook ]-'rank, brewer, res John Deilller's ' Cook Herman T. manuf. of chairs, n s Washington b 2d and Cincinnati Cook Jacob, res W m. Cook's Cook Rosina, res Magdalena Klingling's, 1st Ward Oook W m. farmer, res Eli Oook's Cook Wm. painter, res w s 2d b Heaton and Vine Cook "V ill is, biuber, bds s w c Water and Ludlow Cooney John, helper, res e s 6th b High and Butler COOPER Il~:sURANCE CO. OF DAYTON, 0., Campbell & 00., Agents, n w c ~d and High Cooper Jas. T. clerk T. V- Howell & Son's, bds Phillips House Cooper Jennie, res Sophia Oooper's Oooper Sophia, widow, res e s 3d b,dayton and Buckeye

52 FITTON & BRO, Keep a Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. [10 HAMILTON [COWJ DIRECTORY. COPE EZRA, Superintendent Cope & Maxwell nlanufacturing Co. ; Residence, n s Dayton b 3d and 4th COPE & MAXWELL MANUFACTURING COM- PANY, Contractors for 'Vater Works Machinery and l\1anuf,lcturers of Steam Pumps and Boiler Feeders; J. C. Morris, President; J. R. Maxwell, Vice President; J. It. Paddack, Secretary; Ezra Cope, Superintendent i Office and "Vorks, cor 3d add Hydraulic; Office and Salesroom, 131 W. 2d, Cincinnati, 0.; also, 3-1 and 36 S. CanaL Chicago, III Coppage Henry P druggist, res John Coppage's ~.. Coppage John, carpenter, res sse. Ludlow b 6th and 7th Coppers Geo. sexton, res::; s E. Heaton opp Cemetery Coppers John, carpenter, wks Long, AILstatter & Co's. Corcoran Agnes 1\1.,I:es John Corcoran's. Corcoran Alice C. saleslady J ack~on & Co's, res John Corcoran's Corcoran Daniel, teacher, res John Corcorao's Oorcoran l~llen, seamstress, res John Oorcoran's Corcoran John, res e s 3d b Woods and William Corcoran John, jr. printer, res John Corcoran's Corcoran Mary, printer, bds Caroline Stroh's Oornelius David, laborer, res e s 2d b Hanover aod South Av Cornell Eliza, teacher, res Dr. Aaron Myers' CORNELL JOHN B" Ca'shier First National Bank, Opera Build'ing, ~U High b ~J and 3d; Rel:liclence,. e s ~d b Stable and Dayton Corner's Office, in Court House; W m. Spencer, coroner Currelle HlCkey, servant, Hamilton House Corson John, porter D. M. Kennedy & Co's, res s s Caldwell b 5th & 7th Corwin Erin A. teacher, res Jane H. Oorwin's, 1st Ward Corwin.J ane H. widow, res e s l!'ront b Hoss and Franklin, 1st Ward Corwin Jennie, :::cs Jane H. Oorwin's, 1st Waed Cory Chas. F. driver U. S. Expeess Co. res Sarah Cory's Oory N ellie, res W m. Coris Cory Reeder H. carriagesmith, res Sarah Cory's Cory S. P. telegraph operator, res Sarah Oory's Cory Sarah, widow, re~ sse. Heaton b 6th and 7th Oory W m. res s s B. Heaton b 7th and 8th CORY WILLIAM H., Manager Western Union Telegraph 0.0., Office, s w c 3d and High, 2d floor; Residence, n s Ludlow b 2d and 3d Costello Oatherine) widow, res e s 3d b )lain and Ross. 1st \Vard Costello Francis, shoe maker, res Catherine Co;;tello's, '1st VVard Oostello Frank, res Catherine Co~tello's, be Wal'll Costello MicJlael, painter, res Catherine Oostello's, 1st "Vard COUNCIL CHAMBER, over 3d W al'd Engine House, w s 3d nr Dayton '. COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE, on Public Square; II: H. Vvallace, County Auditor County Clerk's Office, on Public Square i Jervis Hargitt, clerk COUNTY1COM~ISSIONERS' OFF~C~,on Public Square; W 'IV Oaldwell, Samuel M. Long and DavId >::sample, Commissioners COURIER, (Tl'i-Weekly), Watkins & Beauchamp, Publishers Office Beckett's Block ', Cowan Timothy, steward, St. Julien Hotel

53 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON [CUR] DIRECTORY. Cox Annie, res Catherine Oox's Oox Oatherine, boarding house, s s Henry b 4th and 5th Cox Mrs. J as. widow, res w s 5th b Sycamore and Henry Cox J as. J. res Mrs. J as. Cox's Cox J as. M. teamster J. & J. S. Giffenis, res s s Oanal b 3d and 4th Oox Patrick, painter, bds Cincinnati- Exchange Coyle O. H. boatman, bds Ellen Zimmer's Craft Annie, servant, Ezra Cope's Craine Clarence 1\1. packer, res John B. McKnight's Orane Agnes)aundress, St. Julien Hotel CRANE STEPHEN, Attorney at Law, Office, n e c 2d aod Hio'h, Beckett's Block; Re::;idence, s w c Hoss and 2d, 1st Ward 0 Orawford J:Dlizabeth, widow, res \V m. E. Brown's Crawford J obn, deputy postmaster, s w c Front and High, res e s 3d b Canal and Ludlow Orawford Sallie, res John Orawford's Crawford W m. W res J oho Orawford's Orews Mrs. A. B. widow, res s s Ludlow b 3d and 4th Crews Alice, res Mrs. A. B. Orews' Crews Florence J. milliner, res Mrs. A. B. Crews' Orews Laura, res Mrs. A. B. Orews' Orews W m. E. res Mrs. A. B. Crews' Crockett W m. B. pattern maker, res nee High and 8th Orofton Patrick, machinist, res w s Oi-nciunati b 2d and Vir"T oods Oross Katie, servant, 'Vm, H. Allen's Cross Mattie, servant, Wm. H. Allen's Oross 'Vm. A. machiuist, res nee 6th and E. Vine Crow Oliver, painter, res e s Schmidtman b E. Vine and Reservoir Orowley Clara A. res Jonathan Crowley's Orowley Elenora P. res Jonathan Orowley's Orowley Geo. T. clerk n s Basin 3d door w of 3d, res Jonathan Orowley's CROWLE~' JONATHAN, Undertaker and Dealer in Ooffins, Ca~es, Oaskets, &c., Office and Wareroom, n s Basin 3d door w of 3d; Residence, 65 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Orowley Laura A. res J oll"athan Crowley's Orowley Marietta, res.lonathan Orowley's Crudden Samuel, machinist, res w s.front n of North, 1st Ward Cruzen :Mary, widow, res Prosbary Cruzen's Cruzen Matt. teamster, res w s Miami b l31. Heaton and Greenwood Av Oruzen Prosbary, teamster, res w s Miami b E. Heaton and Greenwood Avenue Oruzen Roderick, teamster, res Prosbary Oruzen's Oummins Absalom, res n s Vine b 2d and 3d Cummins Anna S. saleslady T. V Howell & Son s, bds J as. Welch's Oummins Bl;idget, res Hichard Cummins' Oummins BridO'et, res Geo. A. Gray's, sr,) 1st "Vard 1:' Cummins Mary, res Jtichar d C umrlllns., Cummins Mary, servant, David Yeakle's, 1st Ward Oummins Richard, res w s 6th b E, Ludlow and Sy_camore Oummins W m. molder, res Richard Oummins' Ourry Emma, res John Ourry's Uurry John, laborer, res s w c 10th and Oa nal Our tis Alphonso D. assistant cashier Shepherd, Curtis & Williams', res Jos. Uurtis', 1st Ward 51

54 FITTON & BRO.! Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Oorner Third and High. HAMILTON [DAV] DIRECTORY. Curtis Cyrus R. clerk, S. C. Bennett's Curtis J. B. telegraph operator, res e s Front b Basin and Ludlow CurtiR J os. (Shepherd, C. & Williams) res s w c 3d and Franklin, 1st Ward Curtis Mary J. res Rebecca Curtis', 1st Ward. Curtis N. G. office with Shepherd, Ourtis & Williams, Beckett's Block, res n w c 8th and E. Dayton Custis Rebecca, res s s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Curtis Rees, cook, Straub House, 1st Ward D Dalton Geo. VV carriage painter, les e sloth b.e. Dayton and..ill. Heaton Dalton J osepb, helper, res Geo. VV. Dalton's Damrv. Chas. tailor,res w s Front b California and Ohestnut Damm Elizabeth, res Ohas. Damm's Darby G. W. flewing machine agent, res 17 3d b High and Basin Darling Louisa A. milliner, res w s Cincinnati b Wood5 and Chestnut Dal'tnell vvm. B. book-keeper Niles Tool Works, res nee 5th and Walnut Daugherty James, res sse. Ludlow b 5th and 6th Daugherty Jennie, milliner, res James Daugherty's Daugherty Lissa, teacher, res James Daugherty's Davidson Archibald, boiler maker, res e s 4th b Da.yton and Buckeye Davidson Cassandra, widow, res n s Stevens b Front and Water DAVIDSON & DAVIDSON, (Robert B. & John M.) Attorneys at Law, Office, Heckett's Block, n s High near 2d Davidson Hazzard vv. res Cassandra Davidson's Davidson John M. (D. & Davidson) res n s Ross b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Davidson Mary A. res Hobert B. Davidson's, ht Ward Davidson Melissa, res Cassandra Davidson's DAVIDSON R. H., Attorney at Law and Justice of the Peace; Oollections receive pompt Attention, Office, 24: Main, b Water and Front, up stairs; l~esidence, n w c 2d and Ross, 1st Ward Davidson Samuel, (D. & Schliep) res s w c 3d and Vine DAVIDSON & SCHLIEP, (Samuel D. & Fred. A. S.) Dealers in Hardware, Outlery, Mantels, Grates, Agricultural Implements &c., n s High 2d door w of 2d ' Davidson Rev. W m. res Robert B. Davidson'S, 1st Ward Davies Hannah, widow, res nee 3d and H.oss, lst vvard Davis Alfred, marble polisher, wks B. H. vvellinghoff's Davis Alonzo, laborer, res w s Water b South and Millikin, 1 st Ward Davis O. A. traveling agent G. M. jj'lenner's, bds Phillip" House Davis & Co. (J oseph 1\1. Front and 2d, 1st Ward Davis Ella, res J. P. Davis' Davis Eve, widow, res sec 7th and Shillito Davis Ezra, carpenter, res sec 6th and B,O':;8, 1st Ward Davis Hazzard, servant, Dr. L. M. Griffis' Davis J. P. r0s sec Batlin and Front Davis J. W res e s 3d n of North, bt vvard Davis James R. blacksmith, res e s 3d b Sycamore and Ludlow D. & Milton M. D.wi::;) grocers, n s L'lain b

55 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At FITTON & BI~O.~S. HAMILTON fdelj DIRECTORY. Davis John H. foreman molder, res n s Buckeve b 2d and 3d Davis John W machinist, res s s Greenwood Av. b 8th and 9th Davis Joseph, carpenter, res Elizabeth Knox's Davis Joseph M. (D. & Co.) res e s 3d nr North, 1st Ward Davis Lizzie, res w s 3d b Basin and Ludlow Davis'~1ilton M. (Davis & 00.) res Jos. M. Davis', 1st Ward Davis N annie, res w s 3d b Basin and Ludlow Davis Samuel, res s s Oanal b 5th and 7th Davis Wm. machiuist, bds Henry Street House Davison Alex. assessor, res 48 2d b Dayt.on and Buckeye Davison Kate, res 48 2d b Dayton and Buckeye Davison Robert, (Reed & D.) res e s 2d b Dayton and Buckeye Davitt Martin, bl'akem'an, bds Martha McMaius' Day Emma, res Jacob Day's Day Jacob, shoe makei', res n s Sycamore b 3d and 4th Deans Hugh, paper maker, res J os. Deans' Deans J as. paper maker, res J os. Deans' Deans John, boiler maker, res J os. Deans' Deans J os. res w s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir Deans J os. jr. paper maker, res J os Deans' DeArmond Lizzie, res J os. Watkins' Debusk Sallie, res Phebe 'Vhittlesey's, 1st Ward DECHER JOHN, Manufacturer and Dealer in Oustom-Made Boots and Shoes, e s 3d b High and Stable; Residence, e s 4th b High and Dayton Decker Lizzie) widow, res n e c 4th and Chestnut Degging-er Fanny, res Simon Degginger's Degginger J os. saloon, n w c Oincinnati and Walnut Degginger Simon, liquors, n w c Cincinnati and 'Valnut Degnan.M ichael, laborer, res e s Cincinnati b 3d and Alston Deie Henry, student, res n e c 3d and Dayton Deimer August, cooper, res John, Deimer's Deime,l' Henry, cabinet. maker, res John Dt-imer's Deimer John, laborer, res n S E. Ludlow b 5th and 7t.h Deininger J os. stone mason, res S s Williams b 3d and 4th Deinzel' Annie, res LeGnard Deinzees Deinzer Erhardt, molder, res alley b Front and 2d and Stable and Dayton Deinzer Ernst, molder, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine 00 DEINZER JOHN, Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, &c.; also, Wine and Beer Saloon, old no. 13 High b Front and Water Deinzer Leonard, (D., Stephan & Co.) res e s 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Deinzer Phebe, tailoress, res Leonard DeiLlzer's DEINZER STEPHAN & CO., (Leonard D., John H. S. & George W. Frechtling) Miami Spoke, Hub and B~nding Factory; Manufacturers of Spokes, Hubs and all kinds of Bent 'Work for Oarriages and Wagons, w s Water b Stable and Dayton, Lower Hydraulic Deiters Geo. carpenter, res s s Minster b Lane and 2d De la COURrr L.. B. Editor, Proprietor and Publisher National i Zeitung (German W~ekly); also, Book and Job Printing, English and German; Office, s s Hasin opp Court,House; Residence, w s 4th b Ludlow and Sycamore u3

56 FITTON & BRO., Dry Good~, Notions, &0., South-west Corner Third and High. 54 HAMILTON [DILJ DIRECTORY =-~~ De Ia Court Ohas. A. W. clerk, res L. B. De la Oourt's De Ia Oourt Louisa, res L. B. De Ia Oourt's De la COUl't W m. O. A. clerk National Zeitung Office, res L. B. De 181 Court's Delaplane Joshua, res s w c 3d and Main, 1st Ward... Delay Henry, machinist, res e s 3d b Sycamore and OIllclD-natI, Delay Mollie, res Henry Delay's Dellman George, driver, res sec 3d and Mill. Dellmann Anton, 'carpenter, res e s Front b Walnut and Washlllgton Dellmann.Anton, jr. finisher, re8 Anton Dellmann's, sr Dellmann Mary, widow, res e s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Denzler Leonard, laborer, res e s Front b Wilson and Woods De Paul Bro. Vincent, teacher St. Stephens School, res n e c 2d and Dayton, Depp Katie, res Daniel Galloway'S, 1st "Vard, Derby Eliza, widow, res Robert Whitehead's, Derrer Casper, teamster, res n s E. Ludlow b 5th and 7th De,ner Fred. res Oasper Derrer's, Dersch Adolph, tanner, res n e soak n of Park, 1st Ward Descombes David, farmer, res w s 3d b ~lain and Ross, 1st Ward Desnoyers Jerome B. foreman John W eiden borner's, res n s Heaton b '8th and 9th. DEUSCHER H. P. & CO., (Henry P. L. & Israel 'Villiams) Washington Malt House, n e c Front and Woods Deuscl1er Henry P. (H. P. D. & 00.) res Madison Township Devou Mary, widow, res Thos. Nizer's : Devou Samuel R. carpenter, res e s 2d b Heaton and Vine : Devou '1'h08. F. taw maker, res Samuel R. Devou's, Devou W m. J. saw maker, res Samuel R. Devou's Dewey J. E. photographer, 22 High b 2d and 3d, res n w c Charles and 5th Dewey Lillie M. res Julius E. Dewey's, De Wolf Theodore, machinist, res e s 4th b Walnut and Chestnut Dick D. F. f~rmer, res w s Baton Pike n of Boudinot, 1st 'Yard Dick David K. res Anton Mever's Dick ~lis8 E. music teacher, {es W m. W m. Yeakle's, 1st Ward Dick Eddie, farmer, res Anton Meyer's Dick Jane, res n w c Water and ROl:ls, 1st Ward Dickel C. Fred. brick maker, res Christina Dickel's Dickel Christina, widow, res w s Front b California and Chestnut Dickson Je::-se, laborer, res s,s Walnut b Front and 2d DIEFENBACH GEORGE, Wine and Beer Saloon, s w c Henry and 5th, oppo::lite PU::lsenger ljepot, Diefenbach Henry, maltster, res Geo. Diefenbach's Diefenbach W m. upholsterer, res Geo. Diefenbach's Diehl Jacob, carpenter, res n e c 7th and Sycamore! Di.eters John, carpenter, wks Long, Al\statter & Oo.'s, ljilg Alex. clerk, res 509.Front b Wilson and Woods, DILG F. & CO., (Fred. J). &.Henry Brinker) Manufacturers of Cigars and Dealers in CHewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c., n s High opposite Oourt House Dilg Fred. (F. D. & 00.) res n s Walnut b Front and 2d DILG GEOR~E, Pro~rietor Gray Eagle Livery, Sale and Boarding, Stable, n w c ~d and ~tablej Re:31dence, s s Dayton b 2d and Front

57 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Oorner Third and High, HAMILTO~ [DOOJ DIRECTORY. F5 DILG H. A., Real Estate and Gf'neral Insurance Agent; also, Notary Public, Office, n e c 2d and Basin, 2d floor; ReRidence, e s Front b Woods and Wilson DilgHenry, groceries, n s High opp Court House Dilg Louisa F. res Henry Dilg's Dill B, F grocery, s W c 5th and Ohestnut Dill Rebecca, teacher, res F. B. Puthoff's, 1st Ward Dillman John, city fireman, res n s 3d b Heaton and Vine Dillon John, tile factory, e s Eaton Pike b Main and Boudinot, res s w c 3d and Ross, 1st Ward Dillon Rov. Samuel Pres Chas. Richter's Di-ngfelder Andrew, lumber, sec 2d and Sycamore, res n w c 2d and Woods Dingfclder Barbara, widow, res w s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir Dingfelder John, carriagesmith, res w s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir Dingfelder John George, res Barbara Dingfelder's Dingfelder W m. 1\1. clerk, Andrew Dingfeldcr's Dinkel John, laborer, res s s North b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Dirk Anthony, laborer, res e s 2d b South and.millikin~ 1st Ward Dirk J ohd, constable, res w s 2d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Dirksen Annie, res Henry Dirksen's Dirksen Henry, carpenter, res n s Washington b Front and 2d Dirksen Louisa, res Henry Dirksen's Dixon Ohristina, servant Ohildren's Home, 1st Ward Dixon Henry, plow stocker, wks Hamilton Plow 00 Dixon Jesse, laborer, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d Dixo,n's Opera House, s s High b 2Li and 3d Dodd Patrick, lab.oref, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Dodson Samuel P. paint~r, res e s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Dodsworth Ann, widow, res R. J. McMakin's Dodsworth Jolin, canal-boat captain, res june Oincinnati and East Av Doeller August, clerk Jackson & Co.'s, res s s Buckeye b 3d and 4th Doeller Godfrey, clerk Peter Jacobs', res s s Buckeye b 3d and 4th Doeller Louisa, res Mary Doeller's Doeller Mary, widow, res s s Buckeye b 3d and 4th Doellmun Frank, boiler maker, wks Owens, Lane,~ Dyer Machine Co Doellman John, dyer, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Doellmann Anton, machinist, wks Bentel, Margedant & Oo.'s Doellmann Oatherine, res Oatherine Doellmann's Doellmann Catherine, widow, res e s 3d b Heaton and Vine Doellmunn Ohristina, res Catherine Doellmann's Doellmann John, finisher, res Catherine Doellmann 1 s Doellmann John, laborer, res w s 6th be. Vine and Reservoir Doll Louisa, servant, s W c Dayton and 2d Donges Elizabeth, widow, res Henry Amberger's Dono'es Geo. machinist, res 116 Woods b Front and 2d Don~es Geo. city fireman, res ssw oods b Front and 2d Donges Henry, saloon and garden, s w c Front and Chestnut Don.o'es J ohn, (John D. & 00.) res nee i'ront and Sycamore DONG ES JOHN & CO., (John D. & Henry Niederauer) Hamilton Hub 1 Spoke and Bending,Factory; Manufacturers of Hubs, Spokes and Bent Work, w s C., H. & D. R. R. Track s of Walnut Donges Mary, res John Donges' Dooley Den'nis, laborer, bds Catherine Cox's

58 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. 56 HAMILTON [DUN] DIRECTORY. Doolman J oln, wool washer, res w s 6th b.e. Vine and Reservoir Dorris Ada L. fancy goods, 213 High b 2d and 3d, res s s Campbell Av. b 7th and 8th Dorris C. W. 213 High b 2d and 3d, res s s Catl.lpbell Av. b 7th and 8th Doty J as. laborer, bds CatherIne Oox's Doty W m. H. laborer, res w s 2d n of Mill Doud Ella, servant, Robert B. Millikin's Dougherty Annie, servant, Geo. A. Gray's Dougherty Jennie, res Patrick Dougherty~s Dougherty Kate, servant, Thos. B. Shaffer's Dougherty Patrick, constable, res e s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Dougherty Patrick, laborer, res n end Oak, ht Ward Dove Henry, l~bortr, res n w c 6th and E. Buckeye Dowd Barnard, brakeman, res John Dowd's Dowd John, laborer, res u s Woods b 4th and Chestnut Dowd Maggie, dress maker, res John Dowd's Dowd Patrick, laborer, res n s Walnut b 4th and 5th Dowrey Wm. T. macbinist, res e s Schmidtman b E. Heaton and E. Vine Dowty Ann, widow, res e s 2d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Dowty Wm. O. tinner, res Mrs. Ann D:>wty's, 1st Ward Dowty Wilson, tinner, res Mrs. Ann Dowty's, 1st Ward Drayer \" m. E. res e s.front b Basin and Ludlow ' Dreher Geo. R. cigar maker, res n s Ludlow b Front and TiN ater Dreher Henry, cigar mak13r, res s s Main b Front and Water Dreher L. cigars, &c. s s Main b Front and Water, 1st Ward Dreifus Solomon, clerk, res w s Front b Basin and Ludlow DrumE. M. carriage maker, bds w s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Drum Edgar M. carriage maker, res w s 4th b Sycamore and IJudlow Dryfoos Henry, cattle dealer, res e s Qincinnati b 4th and 5th DucH8e IPrank, shoe maker, res 215 Buckeye b 2d and 3d Du Oois John, shoe maker, res n s Buckeye b 2d and 3d Ducro Michael, laborer, bds Fred. Roedel's Duellmann Bernard, clerk, J os. J>uellmann's Duellmann Henry, marble polisher, res Joseph Duellmann's Duellmann J os. ~roceries, w s li'ront b Walnut and Washington Duellmann J.os. Jr. cu~ter, res w s Front b Walnut and Washington Duerr FranCIS, groceries and saloon, sec Front and Wilson Duerr J os. carriage painter, res Francis Duerr's Duersch Adolph, tanner, res e soak n of' Park, 1st Ward Dufficy Cormack, laborer, res ssw oods b 2d and Cincinna.ti Dufficy Maggie, saleslady rr. V Howell & Son's, res Cormack Dufficy's Duffield Letetia, Widow, res e s 3d b Main and Ross, 1st "Vard Duffner Prank, shoe maker, bds Mrs. E. Kinsinger's Dulle Bernard, carriage maker, res John Dulle's Dulle J ohu, res s s Heaton b 3d and 4th Dulle John, night watchman, res sec Front and Walnut Dulle Rosa, saleslady Bader & Schwarz-'s, res John Dulle's Dum Henry, carpet weaver, s s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Dum John, carpenter, res Henry Dum's, 1st Ward Dunkle &.Fye, (Theodore F. D~ & J as. W F.) groceries, n w c 3d and High Dunkle T-heo. F. (D. & Fye) res n w c 3d and High Dunlap Mary, servant, Oliver Traber's, 1 st Ward Dunnahue vym. painter, bds Galt House

59 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON & BRO., A~en-ts. HAMILTON [EAS] DIRECTORY. 57 Dunnwoody Daniel, carpenter, res w s Cincinnati b Woods and Chestnut Dunwoody Jane, re,s n w c Water and Ross, 1st Ward Dunwoody L. R. teamster Chas. E. Giffen's, res Isaac L. Fisher's, 1st Ward Durbey Eliza, widow, res Robert Whitehead's Durbin J os. res alley b 3d and 4th and Stable and Dayton Durk Michael, butcher, res n s Ludlow b Front and Water Durst Ohas. with Chas. E. Durst, res e s Front b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Durst Chas. E. watches, 9 Main b Water and Front, res w s 2d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Durst Henry S. watch maker Chas. E. Durst's, res Chas. Durst's, 1st Ward Dutton Rev. C. H. res w s 7th b E. Buckeye and E. Heaton Dutton Geo. S. book publisher, res Rev. C. H. Dutton's, Dutton J as. miller, res w s VV-ater b Basin and Ludlow Dwyer John, superintendent, res n s E. Heaton b 9th and 10th Dye G. W. clerk J. B. Hughcd', res sec 4th and 1~. Ludlow Dye Juliette, widow, bds Ruth McLain's. DYER ELBRIDGE G., Vice-President Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine 00., s e c 4th and E. Heaton; Residence, w s 3d s of Millikin, 1st Ward Dyer Wm. H. machinist, res Elbridge G. Dyer's, 1st Ward Dyson Jennie, servant, Dr. J. M. Parks' E Eades Ann, res Wm. B. Dartne11's Ealy John P tailor, res w s Water b Basin and Ludlow Earhardt Fred. teamster, res n s Washington b 2d and Cincinnati Earhardt John, maltster, res w s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward EARHEART GEO. T., Station Ticket Agent 0., H. & D., O. R. & 0., O. H. & 1., D. & M. and A. & G. W. Railroads, Office at Union Passenger Depot; Residence, Henry S. Earheart's. Earheart Henry S. civil engineer, res s w c Front and Dayton Earheart Sarah S. music teacher, res s w c Front and Dayton Easter Adam, miller Brant & Orane's, res w s 2d b Main and Ross, 1st VVard. Easter Daniel, miller, res Julius E. Dewey's Easter Frank, well driver, res Adam Easter's, 1st Ward Easter Geo. bender, res Adam Easter's, 1st Ward Easter Geo. W bei\der, res Adam Easter's, 1st Ward Easter Jonathan, miller, res Adam Easter's, 1st Ward Easter Samuel, res Adam JiJaster's, 1st Ward Easterbrook Edgar H. engineer, res w s 5th b 'Valnut and Washington Eastham David W painter, res Robt. S. Eastham's, sr Eastham Robt. S. jr. painter, res Robt. S. Eastham's, sr Eastham Robt. S. sr. shoe manuf. e s 3d b Sycamore and Cincinnati Eastham Thos. W~ harness maker, res Robt. S. Eastham's, sr Easton Jennie, res Stephen Easton's Easton John, city fireman, res e s 2d b Dayton and Stable Easton John, painter, r~s w s Heaton b Front and 2d 5

60 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 58 HAMILTON [ElS] DIRECTORY. Easton Mary, widow, res John Goodma.n's Easton Stephen, res e s 2d b Stable and Dayton Easton Volley, painter, res Stephen Easton's Eaton L. R. (Hicks & E.) bds Butler House, 1st Ward Eberhardt Ohristina, millinery, n s High opp Court House, bds J acoh Lorenz's Eberhardt Henry, maltster, bds Geo. Diefenbach's Eberle August, machinist, res w s 5th b Walnut and Washington Eberling Ohrist. L. machinif)t, res e s 2d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Ebler.Mary, servant, Daniel Shafer's, Jst Ward Ecker Margaret, widow, res n s Ross b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Eckert Ohas. cigar maker,bds Hamilton Exchange Eckmann Henry, laborer, res n s Walnut b 2d and Cincinnati ECLIPSE LIVERY, SALE AND BOARDING STABLE, Wm. Pugh, Proprietor, e s Front b Main and Ross, 1st Ward ECLIPSE MACHINE WORKS, Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine 00., s e ~ 4th and E. Heaton Beret Addie, dress maker, res s s Main b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Ecret Hattie, res s s Main b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Eder Valentine, steward, n e c 2d and Dayton Egan Bridget, servant, Mrs. E. C. Russell's Egan Mary, servant, Guy W- McGriff's Egbert' John W. mail agent, roopls Mrs. Mary Barkalow's Eger Elizabeth, res Henl'y Eger's, 1st Ward EGER HENRY, Proprietor West Hamilton Brew~ry and Malt House, w s 2d b South and Millikin; Residence, e s 3d b South and Millikin, 1st 'tvard Eger Henry, jr. foreman West Hamilton Brewery, res Henry Eger's, 1st Ward Eger Lena, res Henry Eger's, 1st Ward Eggebrecht Ohas. teamster, res w s Oincinnati b Hanover and South Av EG RY FRED., Publisher and Proprietor Hamilton Telegr~ph, and Book and Job Printer, Office, n s High opp Court House; Residence, w s 2d b Sycamore and Wilson EHRNSCHWEN DER MICHAEL, Bread and Cake Bakery and J ating Saloon, s s Iiigh b Front and Water Eiber W. R. foreman cutter, res e s N. 4th n of Park, 1st Ward Eichelberger Chas. hostler, res 'tvm. Eichelberger's Eichelberger Lizzie, res Michael Eichel berger's. Eichelberger Michael, laborer, res e s 5th b Walnut and Hanover Eichelberger W m. carpenter, res sec 8th and Shillito Eichelbe,rger Wm. H. city fireman, res sec 7th and Buckeye.Einsfeld Geo. carpenter, res s s.ohestnut b :Front and 2d Einsfel.d Katie, rei:) Geo. Einsfeld's dress maker, res Geo. Einsfeld's Einsfeld ~lheresa,.eisel Chas. (M. F. Eisel & Son) res n s Dayton b Front and 2d Eisel Chas. carpenter, res n R Day ton b Front and 2d Eisel John, carpenter, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co EISEL lvi. F. & SON, (Michael F. & Charles) Contractors Carpenters and Builders i :Planing Mill; Manufacturers of Sash Doors Moldings, Bee Hives, &c., wsw ater near Dayton ', Eisel Michael.Il'. (M. F. E. & Son) res Chas. Eisel's.Eisele Catherine, widow, res e s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye

61 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON [EVAJ DIRECTORY. \ Eisele Jacob, res Catherine Eisele's Eisele John W. carpenter, res sse. Heaton b 5th and 6th Eisele Lena, felt joiner, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Eisele Martin A. clerk Dr. A. Myers & Co's, res Dr. Aaron Myers' Eiseman Edward, laborer, res Michael Eichelberger's Eible Sigmund, clerk Post Office, res sse. Heaton b 10th and 11 th Elerick Mrs. A. E. widow, res e s 3d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward J1Jlfers John, laborer, res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Eliason W m. laborer, wks Fair Grove Paper Mills Elliott Miles W. carpenter, res n w c Main and 4th, 1st Ward Elliott Wm. C. laborer, res w s Schmidtman b E. Vine and Iteservoir ELLIS ALSTON, Superintendent of City Schools, Office, in High School Building, 1st Ward; Itesidence, n s Ross 2d door w of' 3d, 1st Ward Ellis Edwin, machinist, res n e c4th and Buckeye. Ellis Henry, molder, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Elrick Ann M. widow, res J os. L. Elrick's Elrick J as. R. carpenter, n s H.igdon b 6th and 7th, res n s Chestnut b 5th and Railroad Elrick J os. L. carpenter, res s W c E:1st Av. and Sycamore Elser~ Ferdinand, blacksmith, res 114 Dayton b Front and 2d Ely John P. tailor, res w s Water b Basin and Ludlow Emerson \V m. laborer, res w s Front b Dayton and Buckeye Emmert John, brewer, wks n w c Front and Sycamore Emmert John, cooper, res e s Front b Woods and Wilson Emmert L. bakery, w s 4th b Stable and Dayton Emmert Margaret, servant, John W m. Sohn's EMPIRE BREWERY, Peter Schwab & Co., Proprietors, Maltsters and Brewers, Ill'. c Sycamore and Front Endress Annie M. res J oh11 M..:Endress' Endress John M. res s s Heaton b 3d and 4th.~ndress Mary L. res John M. Endress' Engelhardt Richard, machinist, res e ~ 3d b Sycamore and Cincinnati Engelhardt Wm. res Richard Engelhardt"'; Engerer John, blacksmith, res n s William b 3d and 4th Engle Martha, gro<;jcry, w S 4th b Ludlow and Sycamore Engle Robt. R. res w s 4th b Ludlow and Sycamore Epps Cyrus F. painter, res e s 4th b Main alld Boudinot, 1st Ward Epps W m. painter, res 0 yrus F. Epp8', 1st Ward ErtJ Catherine, widow, res w s 4th b Stable and Dayton Erb Qonrad, tinner, res n s Heaton b 3d and 4th Erb John, 8aloon,.s s Basin b 2d and 3d Erb Philip, tinner, res Catherine Erb's Erwin John W civil engineer, res e s 3d b Dayton and Buckeye Ester Henry, laborer, res w s East Av. s of John Eueler John P. carriage painter, res w soak n of Boudiilot, 1st Ward Euler Peter, shoe maker, res n w c Water and Basin Evans Andrew J. bill poster, res n s Stevens b Front and Water Evans Edward, blacksmith, res. w s 2d b Stable and Dayton JjJvans Elizabeth, widow, res w s 2d\ b Stable and Dayton Evans John W barber, rooms J as. Stewart's Evans Mary, res Elizabeth Evans'.Evans R. R. clerk Daniel Shafer's, bds sec 2d and Ross, 1st Ward Evans Thos. blacksmith, res w s 2d b Stabl~ and Dayton 59

62 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and High. ~ ~- '60 HAMILTON [FAT] DIRECTORY. Evers Gerhard, wooden shoe maker, res n w s Vine b 9th and 10th Evers Herman, laborer, res Gerhard Evers' Evers Mary, servant, Robt. Allstatter's,Ewing Mary, res Margaret Mayhew's Eyre Ephraim, shoe maker, res Fred. D. Louthan's Eyre Frank H. machinist, res Fred. D. Louthan's F Fager Josie, res John Wagner's Fahey J as. stone mason, res nee 4th and Franklin, 1st Ward Fahrlander Anna, res Mary Fahrlander's, 1st Ward Fahrlander Henry, machinist, res Mary Fahrlander's, 1st Ward Fahrlander Louisa, res Mary Fahrlander's, 1st Ward Fahrlander Mary, res Mary Fahrlande!"s, 1st Ward Fahrlander Mary, widow, res w s,2d b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward FAIR GROVE PAPER MILLS, Louis SIlider & Sons, Proprietors, Office, s w c Front and Buckeye FALCONER CYRUS, Physician and Surgeon, Officealld 'Residence, n s High adjoining Beckett's Block ' Falconer Cyrus, jr. res Dr. Cyrus Falconer's Falconer Helen, res Dr. Cyrus Falconer's Falconer Will. B. book-keeper Variety Iron Works: res Dr. -Cyrus Falconer's Falert Herman, maltster, bds Fred. Reiff's F::dert Mattie, res Chas. Barley's Faiert Mena, res Ohas. Barley's Faller Anton, laborer, res n s Walnut b Front and 2d {1"aller Dena, dress maker, res Anton Faller's Faller Maggie, res Anton Faller's Faller Mena, res Anton Faller's Fallert Albert, laborer, res e s Water b Stephens and Burnett Fallert Ohas. cattle dealer, res w s Oillcinnati b Woods and Chestnut Fallert J. porter, Niles Tool Works Fallert John, laborer, wks Niles Tool Works Farber Peter, molder, res n s E. Vine b bth and 6th FARMERS HOTEL, F Aloys Pfuelb, Proprietor, s w c Main and Water, 1st Ward FARMERS MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS' INSURANOE CO. OF HAMILTON, OHIO, Office, n w c.2d and High; Samuel Davidson, President; Wm. Pfau, Secretary' GeorO'e B. Watson, Assistant Secretary, I:) FARMERS, MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE ()O~ Agents, n w c 2d and High Farns Michael, carriagesmith, bds Galt House Farr John, tailor) res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Farran Frank, molder, wks Variety Iron Works Farringer Reuben, miller, res s s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward. OF HAMILTON, OHIO, Campbell & Co., Fath Mi's~.!. widow, res n w c 2d and Walnut Fath'Geo. brewer, res e s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Fath Jacob, cigar maker, res s s Chestnut b 2d and Cincinnati

63 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At; FITTON & BHO.'S. HAMILTON [FIRl DIRECTORY. Fath John, marble cutter, res n w c 2d and Walnut Fay Michael, shoe maker, bds John E. Winter's Fehring Herman, tool maker, wks F. J. Fischer's Feldman J os. laborer, res s s Hanover b Front and 2d F'elix Harry, painter, res w s 5th b Walnut and Cincinnati Felker Adam, stone mason, res s s Walnut b Fronb and 2d F'elker Frances, dress maker, res Adam Felker's Felker Geo. stone mason, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d Felkle J os. hostler, bds Louis Schlotterbeck's Fels Andrew, brick mason, res e s 3d b Woods and William Felsenthal Henry, commission merchant, res Jacob Felsenthal's Fel8enthal Jacob, produce dealer, res s s Chestnut b 2d and Cincinnati Felsenthal Samael, printer, res Jacob Felsenthal's Feltman J os. laborer, wks Oope & Max.well Manufacturing Co Fenton John, traveling agent Hooven & Sons', res Oxford Ferber Mrs. Margaret: res w s 2<1 b Stable and Dayton Ferber Michael, paper maker, res alley b Buckeye and Heaton and 2d and 3d Ferber Peter, engineer, res s s Heaton b 2d and 3d Ferber Peter A. wagon maker, s s High b 3d and 4th, res sse. Ludlow b 8th and 9th Ferber Simon, carriage painter, {'es Peter A. Ferber's B'erguson J as. paper maker, res e s Front b Heaton and Vine Ferrie Louia V eating saloon, s s High b Front and \Vater Fetzer Annie, res Christina Fetzer's Hetzer Christina, widow, res e s 5th b E. Buckeve and E. Heaton Fetzer Henry, farmer, res Chri8tina Fetzer's. Fetzer W m. clerk, res Christina Fetzer's Feuhrman Annie, res w s.. Water b South and Millikin 1st "Ward Feuhrman J Ohll S. cabinet maker, res w s Front s of Millikin, 1st W llrd Fields John, boots and shoes, s s Basin.. b Front and 2d Fields Lucretia, house-keeper, Isaac Robertson's, 1st vval'd Fierman Annie, res wsw ater b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Fierman John, carpenter, res w s Water b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Filburn Patrick, molder, wks Variety Iron Work Filburn T. molder, wks Variety Iron Works FillBn Patrick, molder. bds St. Julien Hotel Fillen Tobias, molder, bds St. Julien Hotel Filler John, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d Fillmore F. August, grocer, n w c 6th and E. Heaton Finch Lgis, res Clarissa Lister's, 1st 'Ward Fink John, maltster, res n s William b 3d and 4th Finley W m. carpenter, res Joseph Alexander's Finn J os. wagon maker anll blacksmith, w s Springdale Pike b South Av. and Ludlow Av Finnegan Catharine, widow, res e s Canal b E. Dayton and E. Heaton Finnegan W m. engineer, res Catharine Finnegan's Finnegan Wm. paper maker, wks J. O. Skinner & Co's Finzel Christ. spice grinder Potter & Campbell's, res Geo. Finzell's Finzel Geo. saloon, n s High b 3d and 4th FIRST NATLON,AL BANK OF HAMILTON, 214 High b 2d and 3d, Opera Building; Micajah Hughes,.President; James Beatty, Vice Pre::;ident; John B. C01'0011, Cashier; Samuel D. Fitton, Assistant Cashier 61

64 62 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &c., South-west Corner Third and High. HAMILTON [FLAl DIRECTORY. FIREMEN'S INSURANCE CO. OF DAYTON, 0., Campbell & Co., Agents, n w c 2d and High First Reformed Church, sec 3d and Ross, 1st Ward First ReO'ular BapHst (German) CllUrch, n s Canal opposite 8th FIRST~ WARD STEAM FIRE CO. NO.1, Engine House, ws Front b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Fischer Caroline, seamstress, res Mary Fischer's Fischer Caroline, servant, nee Front and Buckeye Fischer Elizabeth, widow, res John Redegeld's Fischer Emma, servant, Louis Snider'S Pischel' Ernst, farmer, res n w s Vine opposite Cemetery Fis'cher F. J. edge tools, s s High b 7th and 8th Pischel' Francis X. driver, res n s Walnut b Front and 2d Fischer Fred. laborer, res n s Washington b Fron,t and 2d Pischel' Gertrude, res F. J. Fischer's Pischer John, blacksmith, res s s Dayton b 2d and 3d Pischel' John, carpenter, res n w c 6th and Sycamore Piscller John, clerk, res Simon Fischer's Fischer John, cooper, res n s Walnut b Front and 2d Fischer John N. book-keeper H. P. Deuscher & Co's, res s w c Sycamore and 2d Fischer Joseph, molder, bds. David Hoover's Fischer Joseph, tailor, res n e c South and Front, 1st Ward :B'ischer Joseph B. tool maker, res F. J. Fischer's Fischer Kate, seamstress, res Mary Fischer's Fischer Lizzie, servant, John Deinzer's Fischer Louis, cooper, res s s 'Walnut b 4th and 5th Fischer Mary, res Simon Fischer's Fischer Mary, widow, res e s 2d b Chestnut and "Woods FISCHER SIMON, Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, Staple and li'ancy Dry Goods, &c., n s High near 2d, Beckett's Block; Residence, s s Buckeye b 2d and 3d Pischel' Wm. cabinet maker, res Simon Fischer's Fishel' Charles, laborer, bds IT acob KIHZ'S Fisher Isaac L. (Carr & F.) res n s Ross b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Pisher John, book-keeper, bds Mrs. E. Kinsinger:s Pisher Louis, brewer, wks n w c Front and Sycamore Fisher Tillie, servant, Dr. Joseph S. McNeeley's FITTON & BBO., (D. Webster & James) Dealers in Staple and Fine Dry Goods and Notions; also, Merchant Tailors, and Agents for Domestic Fashions, s w c 3d and High _ Fitton D. Webster, (F. & Bro.) res w s 3d b Dayton ll,nd Buckeye Fitton J as. (F. & Bro.) res w s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Fitton Hachel A. res w s 3d b Dayton and Buckeye FITTON SAMUEL D., Assistant Cashier First National Bank, 214 High b 2<1 and 3d; Hesidence, w s 3d b Dayton and Buckeye FITTON THOMAS, Dealer in Hats~ Cap.~, Furs, Gloves, Straw Goods, &c., 11 S. 3d b High and Basin; Residence, e s 3d b Blickeye and Heaton Fitzpatrick Mary, widow, res e s Schmidtman b E. Vine and Reservoir Flack Geo. turner res n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st.Ward Flaherty Hugh, res s s Willi;.tm b 3d and 4th Flanders John, helper, wks Owens~ Lane & Dyer Machine Co Flannegan AnDie, servant, Jacob Walter's

65 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Oorner Third and High. HAMILTON rl1're J DIRECTORY. 63 Flately Biddy, Phillips House Flately Bridget, Phillips House Flately Margaret, Phillips House Flatley Bridget, dl'ess maker, res Mal'y Flatley Flatley Maggie, dress maker, res Mary Flatley's Flatley Mary, widow, res e s 4th b Woods and Chestnut Fleck George, turner, res n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Fleming Samuel teamster, res Elizabeth Knox's FLENN ER G. M., Dealer in Hardware, Outlery, Mantels, Grates, Agricultural Implements, &c., 15 and 17 3d. b High and Basin; Residence, w ::; 3d b Sycamore and Alston. Flenner Geo. B. sash maker, res n W c Front and Ohestnut Flickinger J. L. attorney, n w c 2d and High, res s W c 8th and Heaton Floyd W m. laborer, res s salley b 3d and 4th and Heaton and Buckeye Flum John, res n e c 8th and Greenwood. A v Flum John, jr. res n e c 8th and Greenwood Av Flum Richard, carder, res n e c 8th and Greenwood Av Flynn John, laborer, res n s Alston b 3d and Cincinnati Fogel John, laborer, res n s E. Ludlow b 7t,h and 8th Fogel John, jr. cl1rpenter, res John Fogel's Follard Albert, city fireman, res e s Water b Stephens and Burnett Follart Albert, laborer, wks Long, Allstater & Co's FolIaI'd J os. city firema.n, res e s Front b Burnett and Oalifornia Follard J os. painter, res w s Front b Burnett and California Ford W m. molder, bds St. Julien Hotel Foreman Anna, chambermaid, Straub House, 1st Ward Forn Ernest, bakery, n s Henry b 4th and 5th Forster C. physician, res e s Front b Stable and Dayton Foster Belle, servant, Samuel W I)rock's Foster Harriet, widow, res s s South b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Foster Katie, res Harriet Foster's, 1st Ward Fourth Ward School Building, e s 8th b Rigdon and Chestnut Fox Casper, machinist, res n s South b 2d and Front, 1st Ward Fox Chas. miller People's Mills, res n s Shillito b 7th and 8th Fox W m. E. machinist, res n s Shillito b 7th and 8th Fracey J as. machinist, wks Niles Tool Works Frampton John, paper maker, wks Fair Grove Paper Mills Francisco Henry W. ef. & Mikesell) res e s 2d b Millikin and South, 1st Ward Francisco & Mikesell, (Henry W F. & Squire T. M.).iron railing, n w c Front and Stable Frank Henry, saloon, nee 6th and E. Heaton Frank J obn, hostler, n w c 2d and Stable FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF COLUMBUS, 0., Campbell & Co., Agents, n w c 2d and High FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF WHEELING, WEST VA., Campbell & Co., Agents, n w c2d and High FRANKLIN PAPER MILLS, Louis Snider & Sons, Proprietors, Office, s w c Front and Buckeye Frazer Scott, tile maker, res Amanda Moore's, 1st Ward Frazey Emma, res Nalley Trownsell's Frechtling Carrie M. re.:l 307 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Frechtling Geo. W. (Deinzer, Stephan & Co.) res Henry Frecbtling's Frechtling John, clerk nee 2d and High, res Henry Frechtling's, sr

66 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High, 64 HAMILTON [GAD] DIRECTORY. FRECHTLING H. & W. & CO., (Henry F. sr., v\"'m. F. & Henry Frechtling, jr.) Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Queensware, Liquors, &c., n e c 2d and High Frechtling Henry, jr. (R. & W Frechtling & Co.) res Henry Frech t lino"s b, sr Frechtling Henry, sr. (H. & W. F. & Co.) res w s 2d b Buckeye and Heaton - Frechtling 'Vm. (R. & W. F. & Co.) res e fl 2d b Stable and Dayton Frechtling 'Vm. F. pump maker, res 307 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Frederick Fred. W. street commissioner, res sse. Ludlow b 5th and 6th Freeman Michael, res s :; Minster b Lane and 2d Freeman Sophia, dress maker, res Mrs. Mary J. Owens' Freidman Rufina, res January Getz's. Friedmann Jacob, cooper People's Mills, res s s Canal b 11th and 12th Freis Fred. clerk, Ignatz Klare's Fremgen Frank, tailor, res e s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Fremgen Michael, tailor, res e s 2d b South and Franklin, 1st Ward French Chas. W. tinware, res s s Canal b 5th and 7th French M. farmer, res s s Cincinnati b South Av. and Ludlow Av Frey Annie, widow, res n s E. Ludlow b 5th and 7th Frey Henry, city fireman, res n s Sycamore b Front and 2d Frey J os. cigar maker, res w s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Frey Katie, res Geo. M. Bennett's Frey Mary, widow, res Caroline Stroh's Frey Michael, groceries and notions, s s Ross b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Fridell.ill. T. machinist, wks Cope & Maxwell Manuf. 00 Friedmann Jacob, miller, res s s Canal b lith and 12th Fritz August, draughtsrnan, res e s Schmidtman b E. Vine & :E. Heaton Fritz Herman, clerk A. Winter's, bds n w c 2d and Franklin, 1st Ward Fromm John, butcher, res J os. Fromm's, 1st Ward' Jj"romm J os. butcher, res w s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Fry J os. cigar maker, res w s Front b Burnett and California Frybarger Daniel, carpenter, res s s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Fl'ybarger Wm. A. carpenter, res Daniel Frybarger's, 1st Ward Fuchs Albert, paper maker, wks Fair Grove Paper Mills Fuchs Michael, laborer, w ks Fair Grove Paper Mills Fuhrmann Michael, laborer, res s s North b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward FULMER R. D., Dealer in Ladies, Gents, Misses and Children~s Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, n s Main b Front and 2d, llumple's Building; Residence, sec 3d and South, 1st Ward Furlough Margaret, servant, Jervis Hargitt's Fye Albert R. clerk I. P. Strauss & Bro's, res Jas. W. Fye's Fye J as. W. (Dunkle & F.) res w s 2d b Ludlow and Syeamore Fye Walter J. clerk 2d National Bank, res J as. W :b~ye's G Gabel Henry M. machinist, res n s Shillito b 7th and 8th Gabel Peter, iron finisher, res n s E. Vine b 5th and 6th Gable John, hostler, bds Galt House Gable John, hostler, bdf> Louis Schlotterbeck's Gadbaw Jos. H. shoe cutter, res s e s Greenwood Av. b 8th and 9th

67 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON & BRO., Agents. HAMILTON [GER] DIRECTORY. Gaff J as. VV T president Niles Tool Works 1 res Cincinnati Gagel Catherine, widow, res s s Sycamore b Front and Water Gagel Martha, res Catherine Gagel's. Galbreth Elizabeth, widow, res W R 7th b E. Dayton and Butler Gale Mrs. Dr. millinery, res p s 2d b Ludlow and Sycamore Gale Anna, servant, loa. A. Boli's Gale Mrs. K. E. millinery and notions, e s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Galloway Daniel, cooper shop, s s High b 5th and 6th, res n w cross and Front, 1st Ward Galloway Lizzie, res Mrs. L. John's Galloway Sarah, widow, res w s Front b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Galloway W m. cooper, res Sarah Galloway's, 1st Ward Galt House, s w c 4th and Canal Garber C. machinist, wks Long, Allstatter & Co's, Garber Jacob J. tinner, res n s Ross b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward,Garber Jennie, res nee Water and Basin GARD S. Z., Attorney at Law, Office, sec Basin and 2d, second floor; Residence, e s Front b Ludlow and Sycamore Gardner Bridget, res Fred. W. Porter's Gardner Henry, laborer, res n s South Av. w of Cincinnati Gardner John T. machinist, res s w c Reservoir and 6th Gardner Peter, machinist, res John T. Gardner's Garland Edward, painter, res s s High e of Canal Garner John, laborer, res sse. Heaton b 10th and 11th Garsper Herman, carpenter, res s w c 6th and E. Ludlow. Garver Amanda, teacher, res n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1 st Ward Garver Oatherine, widow, res e s 3d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Garver J. H. tinner, res s s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Garver Jacob, blacksmith, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Garver jacob, tinner, res n s Ross b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Garver J Ilcob, tool dresser, res w s Fr.ont b South and Franklin, 1st Ward Garver J as. carpenter, res sec 2d and Franklin, 1st Ward GARVER JOHN S., Justice of the Peace j also, Physician and Surgeon, Office, s s Main 2d door w of :Front; Residence, n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Garver Martha J. res Oatherine Garver's, 1st Ward Garver Samuel, carpenter, res e s 3d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Garver Samuel T. carpenter, res w s Water b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Garver W m. H. horse trainer, res J. H. Garver's, 1st Ward Gary John D. traveling agent, res w s 2d b Chestnut and Walnut Gates John vy. molder, wks Variety Iron Works Gear Horace W - farmer, res s s Sycamore b 5th and 6th Gebhart W m. molder, res s s Heaton b 2d and 3d Gebs Robt. engineer, res n s Chestnut b Front and 2d Gehl Adam, laborer, res s s High b 5th and 6th Gehring J os. painter, res n s Hanover b 2d and C}ncinI.lati Gehrman W m. (Coie, G. & Henninger) res sec i5d ~nd Main, 1st Ward Geiler David, dray man, res w s 4th b Heaton and VlUe G<simer Lizzie, servan(, Henry Kreis' Geiss John, paper maker, res n s Vine b 2d and 3d Geist Julia, widow, res Henry Bisdorff's Gendar Andrew, laborer, res e s Bchmidtman b E. Vine and Reservoir Gerard Marshall, saloon and bowling alley, n s Basin b 3d and 4th 65

68 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 66 HAMILTON [GIL] DIRECTORY. Gerber Ferdinand, tailor, bds Mrs. E. Kinsinger's Gerber Louisa, res Matthias Gerber's, 1st Ward Gerber Matthias, boots and shoes, w s Front b Basin and Ludlow, res w s 2d b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Gerber Vim. tailor, res e s 4th b Henry and Sycamore Gerhard P. H. book-keeper Bentel, Ml:).rgedant & Co.'~, res e s 2d b Cincinnati and Woods Gersbach Herman, carpenter, res S w c 6th and E. Ludlow Getz Adam, gardener, res n s Reservoir opp Greenwood Cemetery Getz Alex. clerk John Zettler's, res n s Franklin b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Getz Catherine, res Conrad Getz's Getz Conrad, saloon, sec 7th and E. Heato.n Getz Geo. laborer, res n e c Front and Boudinot, 1st Ward Getz Geo. slone measurer, res e s 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Getz January, (G. & Miller) res n w c 2d and Wilson GETZ JOHN C., Merchant Tailor, Clothier and Dealer in Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Oaps, &c., n s High b 3d and 4th Getz K unigunda, widow, res s s Stable b 3d and 4th Getz Louisa, res January Getz's Getz Loui:m, servant, Robert Beckett's Getz Mary, res Oonrad Getz's Getz Mary, servant, J as. T. Imlay'S Getz & Miller, (January G. & John M.) dry goods, grocerier, &c. n w c 2d and Wilson Getz Nicholas, farm~r, bds Fred. Reiff's Getz Robert, pump maker, res n s Vine b Front and 2d Getz 1::iimon, stone mason, res Adam Metzler's Geyer Edward B. cigar maker, bds Phillips House Geyer N. bds Phillips House Geyer Nicholas, boots and shoes, n w c 2d and Ludlow Gever Robert, saddles, &c. s s B~sin b 2d and 3d, res w s Cincinnati 1st,.' ~ house s of 2d Gfroerer Chas. shoe maker, res alley b 3d and 4th and Ludlow and Sycamore Gibbons Edward, laborer, res ssw oods b 2d and Cincinnati Gibbons J. B. sewing machines, res n S l!j. Dayton b 8th and 9th GIBBONS J. R., Agent Weed Sewing Machine, Office Beckett's' Block, n s High nr 2d; Residence, n s E. Dayton b 8th and 9th Gibbons John, plasterer, res e s Oincinpati b 4th and 5th Gibson John W marble works, s w c 11th and E. Heaton Giffen Ohas. E. lumber, &c. n w c Front and North, res s w c 4th and Ross, 1st 'Ward, Giffen E. 0: book-keeper Chas. E. Giffen's, res Rachel S. GiffcnJs GIFFEN J. & J. S., (James & James S.) Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, &c., Yard and Office, s s Basin b 3d and 4th, near C., H. &D. R.R Giffen J as. (J. & J. S. G.) res nee 2d and Buckeye Giffen Jas. S. (,l. & J. S. G.) res n W c 2d and Buckeye Giffen Rachel S. widow, res e s 2d b Buckeye and. Heaton Griffen Wm. S. book-keeper J. & J. S. Giffen's, res Rachel S. Giffen's Gilbert P H. (P H. G. & Co.) res sec Front and Boudinot 1 st Ward Gilbert P~ H. & Co. undertakers, n s High b 3d and 4th ' Gilbert W m. H. carpenter, res P. H. Gilbert's, 1st Ward Gillardon Fred. carriagesmith, res John Gillardon's

69 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON (GRA] DIREOTORY. G~llardon John, stone mason, res e s Front b Sycamore and 'Vilson Glllal'don J o11n A. clerk Kreis & Herrmann's res John Gillardon's G~llardon John, jr. clerk, res.j ohn Gillardon'~, sr GIlson Samuel, conductor, res s W c 7th and Rip:don Gissler Martin, cupola tender, bds John Strohm's Glins August, finisher, res Henrv Glins' Gl~ns Oaroline, weaver, res Henry Glins' Ghns Caroline, felt joiner, wks Shuler & BennioO'hofen's G lins Ohristine, weaver, res Henry Glins' 0 Glins Henry, carpenter, res n s Heaton b 3d and 4th Gloeckler Henry, machinist, res e s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir Gloom John, wagon maker, e s N. 4th n of Park, lrt 'Yard Gl~hm John, wap:on maker, res e s N. 4th n of Park, 1st Ward Goddard Ohas. helper, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine 00 Goddard \Vm. molder, res e s 11th b E. D9yton and E. Heaton Goepfert Christ. farmer, res Mathias Goepfert's, 1st Ward Goepfert Emeline, res Gotfried Phillips', 1st Ward, Goepfert Mathias, cooper, res wsw ater b Sou th and Millikin, 1st Ward Goesler Martin, laborer, wks Oope & Maxwell Manuf. 00 Goesz John, paper maker, res n 8 Vine b 3d and '4th Goetze Robert, foreman molder, wks Oope & Maxwell Manuf. 00 Golden J as. res Oatherine 'frimble's GOLDRICK EDWARD, Horse Shoeing Shop, e s Front b Main and R08s; Residence, 8 s Boudillot b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Goldrick Eliza, teacher, re8. Edward Goldrick's, 1st Ward Goldrick Mary, res Edward Goldrick's, 1st Ward Goldrick 'rhos. horae 8hoer, res Edward Goldrick's, 1st Ward GollaI' Matthew, laborer, res 8 8 High b 9th and 10th Goodall Matthew, laborer, res 8 s Boudinot b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Goodman Adam, night watchman, Beckett, Laurie & Oo.'s Goodman John, machinist, res w 84th b Dayton and Buckeye Goodman John A. jr. book-keeper, res John A. Goodman's, sr Goodman.T ohn A. sr. watchman, res s 8 Buckeye~ b 2d and 3d Goodman Mary, clerk nee 2d and High, res John A. Goodman's, sr Goppel David, cattle dealer, res e s Oincinnati 8 of Hanover Gordon Alex. sec'y Niles Tool Works. cor 3d and Hydraulic, rooms n e c 3~ and High Gordon Bernard, machinist, res n s Sycamore b 2d and 3d Gordon Oatherine, widow, res B 8 Oharles b 4th and 5th Gordon J as. car repairer, res n S Walnut b 4th and 5th GORDON PATRICK, Attorney at Law,N otary Public and Justice of the Peace, Office, n e c 2d and Basin, 2d floor; Re;:;idence, n s Ludlow b 2d and 3d Gormley Jane, res John Oonnor's Gormly Ed. M. boiler maker, res John Gormly's Gormly John, laborer. res w s 2d b Ohestnut and Walnut Goshorn Andrew J. sup't Greenwood Oemetery, res opp Oemetery Goshorn Wm. C. clerk, res Andorew J. Goshorn's Gossett Mary J. res Martha Oone's, 1 st Ward Gotter Cha8. laborer, res e s 5th b Walnut and Hanover Grab Elizabeth, widow, res w s 2d b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Grab There8a, shoe binder, res Elizabeth Grab's, 1st Ward Grabenheimer Jacob, cattle dealer, res e s Oincinnati s of Hanover Grace John, teamster Ezra Potter's, res 8 s.e. Vine b 8th and 9th 67

70 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and High. 68 HAMILTON [GREJ DIRECTORY. Gradolph John, saloon, s s Basin b 2d and 3d Graff Andrew, shoe maker, bds Miami Valley House Graham Geo. brakeman, res Griselda Graham's Graham Griselda, res e s 5th b Walnut and Hanover Graham Isaac J. book-keeper Long, Allstatter & Oo.'s, res n w c Chestnut and 4th Graham Wm. G. clerk, res Griselda Graham's Gramer Chas. traveling agent E. Potter & Co.'s, res n s Heaton b 2d and 3d Grathwohl Bernard, machinist, res Matthias Grathwohl's Grathwohl Matthias, laborer, res s w c Vine and 4th Grathwohl Rudolph, machinist, res n s Vine b 6th and Schmidtman Grau August, machinist, res w s 8th b Shillito and E. Heaton Grau Jacob, tanner, res w 8 Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Grau Fred. laborer, res e s 7th b Dayton and Butler Grave Bernard, (Kettmann & G.) res e s Front b Crawford's Run and South Av Grave Chas. machinist, wks Bentel, Margedant & Co.'s Graves Ellen, servant, W m. Frechtling's Graw August, machinist,.wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Gray Anna R. (G. & Wilson) res Eaton, 0 Gray David, miller, res s w c Ross and Huston, 1st Ward GRAY DAVID & CO., CDn.vid G., Wm. Shaffer, Wm. Anderson & P. Oarle & Son) Miami Canal Mills; Manufacturers of Flour, e s 1\1. Canal n of E. Dayton GRAY EAGLE LIVERY, SALE AND BOARDING STABLE, n w c 2d and Stable; George Dilg, Proprietor GRAY G EO. A.! JR, Treasurer Niles r:l'ool Works, cor 3d and Hydraulic; Residence, sec 3d and Heaton Gray Geo. A. sr. res s s Hoss b 3d and 4th, bt Ward Gray Henry C. agent, res nee Boudinot and Eaton Pike, 1st Ward Gray Jennie, res w s 3d b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Gray Mary, res David Gray's, 1st vvard Gray "i;v N. ass't sup't Niles Tool Works, res Geo. A. Gray's, sr., 1st VVard Gray & Wilson, (Anna R. G. & Carrie W.) milliners, nee 3d and High Great Western Bran Duster Co., bran dusters, w s vvater opp Stable Grebe Geo. carpenter, res n s 'Walnut b 2d and Cincinnati Grebe Henry, blacksmith, res Geo. Grebe's Grebe Lizzie, dress maker, res Geo. Grebe's Grebner Oha8. clerk Clemens Holbrock's, bds D. Haung's Grebner Luui8a, res Dennis Haung's Green Reinhardt, laborer, res n s Butler b 8th and 9th Greenwood Cemetery, n s E. Heaton nr Miami Canal Greenwood J oh n H. broom maker, res n s Butler b 6th and 7th Greenwood Michael, pattern maker, res sec 8th and E. Vin~ Gregg A. machinist, wks Niles Tool Works -Gregg C. machinist, wks Niles Tool Works Gregory J os. laborer, res sse. Heaton opp Cemetery Greischer John, laborer, res n s Oaldwell b 5th and 7th Greisel Mary, widow, res s s Stable b 3d and 4th Greiser H. saddles, &c. n s High: opp Oourt House, res sec Front and Franklin, 1st Ward Gremer W m. tanner, res n s Boudinot b 4t,h and 5th, 1st Ward Greser Marcus, machine hand, res s s Caldwell b 4th and 5th

71 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At FITTON & BRO.'S. HAMILTON [HAFJ DIREOTORY. 69 Gressle Andrew, blacksmith, res n w c Water and Ross 1st Ward Gressle Gottlieb, machinist, res n s Main b 5th and Eat;n Pike, 1st Ward Gressle John F. carpets, n w c Ross and Water, 1 st Ward Gressle John F. pattern maker, res w s ~.d b Stable and Dayton Greve Ohus. laborer. res s s Minster b Lane and 2d Greve Geo. carpenter, wks Owens. Lane & Dyer Machine 00 Greve Henry, res n 8 E. J.Judlow b 12th and 13th Greve Henry, blacksmith, res n s 'Valnut b 2d and Cincinnati Grice Alfred, laborer, res s s Woods b 4th and 5th. Griffis L. M. dentist, 224 High b 2d and 3d, res 320 Ludlow b 3d and 4ili Grimmer Ernst, marble cutter, res O~therine Erb's Grin R. labd'i'er, wks Benninghofen & Oo's Griswold Geo. W manager 0., H. & D. R. R. Telegraph, office, at Passenger Depot, res e s 3d b Oanal and Ludlow. Gromer Stephen, shoe maker, res s s Vine b 2d and 3d Grosch Gideon, cooper, res n w c 4th and Ludlow Grosch Wm. cooper, res n W c 4th and Ludlow Grosser Oatherine, widow, res 'J ohn Hoffmann's, 1st Ward Grosser John, laborer, res n s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Groth Henry J. clerk Weidenborner & Son's, bds Henry Waltner's Grothwohl Barney, machinist, wks Oope & Maxwell Manuf. 00 Grothwohl Leo, blacksmith, wks Nicholas J anser's Grothwohl M. laborer, wks Niles Tool Works. Grothwohl Richard, machinist, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Grupe Ferdinand, gardener, res e s Oincinnati s of 5th Guilfoy Ie Bridget, res John Guilfoyle's, 1st Ward Guilfoyle John, laborer, res e s 4th b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Guilfoyle Katie, servant, David Gray's, 1st Ward Guilfoyle Michael, laborer, res John Guilfoyle's, 1st Ward GUNDRUM W. C., Proprietor St. Julien Hotel, s w c 3d and Basin Gwaltney Samuel, stable, s w c Front and Stable, res w s Front b Basin and Ludlow H Haag Jacob, engineer H. P. Deuscher & Oo's, bds s w c 2d and Sycamore HaaD' Margaret, widow, res e s 4th b Sycamore and Ludlow Haak Jacob, bds Mrs. E. Kinsinger's --, Haak John teamster W Anderson & Co's, res n spark b 3d and Oak r 1st Ward Haake Ohristian, carpenter, res e s Oincinnati near East Av.. Haas F. daily market, n s Main near Front, res n W c Front and MIllIkin, 1st Ward HABERBOSCH M., Manufacturer of and Dealer in ~merican and Italian Marble Monuments, Tombstones, &c., s s HIgh b 2d and Riley; Boards Galt House HAFERTEPEN A., Manufacturer of and D~aler in Lad~es, Gents and Children's Boots and Shoes, 12 w s 3d b HIgh and BaslU; Residence, sec 2d and Cincinnati

72 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &0., South-west Corner Third and High. 70 HAMILTON [HAM] DIRECTORY. HAFERTEPEN B., Manufacturer of and Dealer in Ladies, Gents and Children's Boots and Shoes, 220 Basin b 2d and 3d; Residence, s s Chestnut b 5th and 6th Hafertepen Carrie, res B. Hafertepen's Hafertepen Geo. carpenter, res s s Wilson b Front and 2d Hagan Alex. telegraph repairer, res sse. Ludlow b 8th and 9th Hagan Sarah A. servant, Robt. Harper's, 1st Ward Hagans Henry, train checker, bds Miami Valley House Hahn Henry, cooper, res s s Hanover b 2d and Cincinnati HAHN J. & L., (John & Louis) Daily Meat Market, Pork Packers and Ham Curers,s s High b Front and Water j Slaughter House, w s vvater b Ludlow and Sycamore Hahn John, (J. & L. H.) res s s High b J.j~ront and Water Hahn Louis, (J. & L. H.) res w s Water b Ludlow and Sycamore Haid.1acob F. jr. (Jacob F. Haid & Son) res New Orleans, La "Haid Jacob F. sr. (Jacob ]'. H. & Son) res s s Vine b 2d and 3d Haid Jacob F. & Son, (Jacob F. sr. & Jacob F. jr.) groceries, s s Vine b 2d and 3d. Haid John, baker, res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Haid John, saloon and bakery, e s F font b Sycamure and Wilson Haigh Samuel, machinist, wks Oope & Maxwell Manuf. Co Hailman Ernestine, teacher, bds L'hillips House Haines C. S. insurance agent, with Morey & Morey, res e s Front b Main and Boudlnot, 1st Ward Haizmann Jos. shoe maker, res w s N. 4th n of Park, 1st Ward Halbretter John, brewer, res n s Stephens b Front and \Yater Hald John, laborer, res ssw ashingt6n b 2d and Cilllcinnati Hald Katie, house-keeper, re5 John Hald's Hall Albert C. carpenter, res Fred. Friedrich's Hall Alex. M. brick maker, res n s High b 10th and Oanal Hall Henry, carriage painter, res w s 2q. b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Hall J oho, boatman, res W m. P Miller's Haller Christ. carpenter, wks Owens, I.Jane & Dyer Machine 00 Haller Christ. grocery, n s E. Ludlow b 5th and 7th Haller John, carpenter. res Christ Haller's Haller Martin, carpenter, res w s 4th b Stable and Dayton Haller Mary, res Christ. Haller's Haller Paul, shoe maker, bds Andrew Kappeller's, 1st Ward Haller W m. clerk Albert Kennedy's, res Martin Haller's HAMANN JULIUS, Manufacturer of Cigars and Dealer in Cigars, To bacco and Pipes, Smokers' Articles, &c., 222 Basin Hamill Mary, boarding house, w s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye Hamill W m. machini::;t, res Mary Hamill's HAMILTON ELEVATOR, Weller & Straub, Proprietors, s w c 4th and High HAMILTON EXCHANGE, John F. Schwenn, Proprietor, s s High b Front and Water, HAlVIILT.ON FUEL CO., Straub & Co., Proprietors, n w c 4th r and BasIll HAIVtILTON GAS LIGHT & COKE CO., Office and Works, s s High b 5th and 6th; J. P. Tweed, President; D. H. Hensley, Secretary Hamilto~ Hotel, e s 5th b Sycamore and Henry, Hamilton House Building, n w c 2d and High

73 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. HAMILTON [HAU] DIRECTORY. 71 Hamilton Hydraulic Mills, n e c High and Miami River Hamilt.on.J ames, laborer, res n w c 5th and Boudinot, ht Ward Hamilton Liederkranz, rooms Hamilton House Building, n w c 2d and _ High Hamilton Mason S. attorney and city solicitor, 218 Basin b 2d and 3d, res s w c 2d and Woods Hamilton M. E. Ohurch, s s Ludlow b 2d and 3d; Rev. Thos. J. Harris, pastor HAMILTON MILLS, W Anderson & Co., Proprietors, w s Water opp Dayton Ha~ilton Peter, laborer, res s e s Vine b 8th and 9th HAMILTON PLOW CO., Manufacturers of Plows, Hay and Grain Rakes, Straw and Fodder Out.ters, Farm Wagons, &c., Office and Works, corner of 7th and Walnut; George VV Rue, President; R. B. Millikin, Secretary HAMILTON SPICE MILLS, Potter & Oampbell,.i:'roprietors, s s High second door w of 4th HAMILTON TELEGRAPH, Office, n s High opposite Court House; Fred. Egl'Y, Publisher and Proprietor; J.j-'. H. Scobey, Editor HAMMERLE FRANK, Locksmith, Gunsmith, Saw l1'iler and Dealer in Sporting Apparatus, s w c 2d and Maiu; Residence, s s.main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward' Hammill W m. lamp-lighter, res w s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye Hammond John, molder, res s s High b 10th and Oanal Hamseit Barney, laborer, wks Niles Tool vvorks Hancock J as. E. brooms, s s Basin b 4th and 5th, res n s Buckeye b 2d and 3d Hanford Hev. Thos. res s w c Water and Ross, 1st Wal'd Hankins Alfred J real estate, res n s Oanal b 8th and 9th Hanley Ellen, res Margaret Connaughton's Hanley John, horse shoer, res n s Sycamo~e b 3d and 4th Hanley Mary, res Michael Hanley'S Hanley Michael, laborer, res e s 6th b High and Butler Hannaford Mrs. M. J. res John Coppage's Hannagen J as. deputy clerk Court of Common Pleas, bds. Mrs. E. Kinsinger's Hannigan.J as. clerk County Clerk's Office, bds. Mrs. E. Kinsinger's Hansbrough Annie, widow, res Elizabeth Lewis' Hanser Alois, tanner, res n s E.Buckeye b 6th and 7th Hanser Louis, laborer, res n s Buckeye b 6th and 7th Harbron Belle, dress maker, res Geo. Harbron's, S1' Harbron Geo. jr. machini.:lt, res e ~ 4th b Dayton and Buckeye Harbron Geo. sr. gas fitter, res e s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye Harbron Isabella, dress.maker, res Geo. HarbJ:On's, s1' Harbron Thos. gas fitter, res Geo. Harbron'~, sr Hargett Annie, res Ohristian Brady's Hargitt Dora, res Jervis Hargitt's HARGITT JERVIS, Clerk Court of Common Pleas Butler Co" Office on Public Square; Residence, s s Canal b 3d and 4th Harlow Mollie, servant, Dr. Daniel Millikin's Harper David, laborer, res Susan Harper's Harper Elizabeth, widow, res W m. H. Harper's Harper J as. clerk, res Stephen Myers', 1st Ward Harper Robel-t, farmer, res n w c 3d and Franklin, 1st Ward

74 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-w:est Corner Third and High. 72 HAMILTON [HAV] DIRECTORY. Harper Susan, widow, res s s vvalnut b 2d and 3d HARPER WILLIAM H.,-I.Jivery, Sale and Boarding Stable, s s Canal b 3d and 4th; Residence, e s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore HarpwoQd Geo. W fireman, res s s Sycamore b 5th and 6th Harr John, brewer, bds. Peter C. Schneider's, 1st Ward Harrell Nathan, laborer, res s s Shillito b 7th and 8th Harrington Ella, servant, Thos. Millikin's Han'is Celia B. res Thomas Harris', 1st Ward Harris John, laborer, bds Phrebe Whittlesey's, 1st Ward Barris Thos. baker Carr & Son's, res Rev. T. J. Harris' Harris ':I.'hos. bricklayer, res nee Oak and Park, 1st Ward Harris Rev. Thos. J. res s s Ludlow b 2d and 3d - Harrison Alex. broom maker, w ks J as. E. Hancock's, res High w of Oanal Harrison Albert J. carriage trimmer, res s s Buckeye b Front and 2d Harrison David, brick molder, res w sloth b.e. Dayton and E. Heaton Harrison J as. S. conductor, res sse,. Ludlow b 4th and 5th Harrison Jennie, res Albert J. Harrison's Harrison Mary, "Widow, res sse. Ludlow b 5th and 6th Harrison Shadracb, laborer, res sec 4th and Boudinot, 1st Ward Hart Eliza\ res Charlotte McGuire's Jlart Elizabeth, res Charlotte McGuire's Hart Maggie, saleslady Fitton & Bro.'s Hart Margaret, res Charlotte McGuire's Hartel Albert, engineer, res s s California w of Front Harting C. machinist, wks Niles Tool Works Hartleb W m. basket maker, res e s Front b Hanover and South A v Hartman Jacob, sickle maker, res w s Front b Hoss and Franklin, 1st Ward Hartmann Mary, res 'Philipp Hartmann's, 1st Ward Hartmann Philipp, (Ph. H. & Co.) res sec 3d and Jj'ranklin, 1st Ward HARTMANN PHILIPP & CO., (Philipp H. & Philip Held) Dealers in Stoves, Hollow Ware and Lightning Rods; Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice, Window Caps, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware; also, Tin Roofers, 9 3d b High and Basin Hatter W m. hostler, wks W m. H. Harper's Hauenstein Fred. painter, res ssw oods b Front and 2d Hauenstein John, carpenter, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Hauenstein Lizzie, servant, Henry Schlosser's Hauling Anton, carpet weaver, res n w c 2d and Washington Hauling Lizzie, res Anton Hauling'S Huungs Anna M. servant, Theo. Reutti's Haungs Ohas. clerk, res Kate Haungs' Haungs Chas. janitor 2d Ward Pubiic School, res n s Wilson b Front and 2d Haungs Dennis, clerk J. & L. Hahn's, res n ~ Sycamore b 4th and 5th Haungs Frank, conductor, res Kate Haungs' Haungs Kate, widow, res n s Sycamore b 3d and 4th I-hungs W m. hostler, bdh Theo. Reutti's Hauser Annie, servant, Elbringe G. Dyer's, 1st Ward Hauser Christ. laborer, res e s Oincinnati Ill' East A v Hautzenreiber David, brewer, bds Fred. Reiff's Havens Chas. F. clerk, res Jesse M. Havens' Havens J as. L. hostler, res Jesse M. Havens' Havens Jesse M. mail messenger, res s s Ohestnut b 5th and 6th

75 The Celebrated Domestic Pa.per Fashions, FITT'ON &, BRO., A~ents. HAMILTON [HEI] DIRECTORY. Havens Mary E. res Jesse M. Havens'. Haverbeck A. carpenter, wks Long, Allstatter & OO.'s Hawk Benj. clerk Hooven & Sons', res country Hawkins l"iargaret, servant Straub Hoase, 1st Ward Hawkins Margaret, widow, res s s Stephens h Front and W tlter Hawley Ohas. W. fireman, res Jane Hawley's Hawley Ohauncey, brakeman, res Jane Hawley's ~ Hawley Ephraim, l'es Jane Hawley's.. Hawley Jane, res e s 5th b Ohe::.tnut and 'Valnllt Hawthorn ThGs. W. rr..achini5t, res n s Sycamore h Front and 2d Hawthorne Alfa, teacher, res l\ E. Hawthorne's Hawthorne Mrs. 1\. E. dress maker, res 15 :-3d b High and Basin Hay Ida, bds Susanrrhompson's, 1St Ward Hayden Patrick, laborer, res w s 7t.h b Higdon and Ohe.stnut Hay thorn rrhos. W machil1ist, wks Bentel, Marged.ant & Co.'s Hays Patrick, fireman, bds Will. J. Brannen's Hays 'N m. yard master, res n w c 4th and Woods Hazzard LOl'enzo W laborer, res n w c Front and Burnett Heagney Mary, res n e c 'Vatel' and Basin Hearting Chas. mac,hinist, res w s 4th b Dayton and Bllckeye Heatter Adam, laborer, res e s Oincinnati or East Av Hebbe Henry, brewel', res n s William b 3d and 4th I Hebe Henry, brewer, wks n w c Front and Sycamore Heck Peter, carriages, n s High b 3J and 4th, res w s 2d b Heaton and Vine Heck Valentine, bl'ewer, res w s Front b Oalifornia and Chestnut Heck W m. A. carriage painter, res Peter Heck's Heckel Henry, laborel', res n w c 2d and Sycamore, Heckman Henry, tuilol', res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Heckroth Henry, shoe maker, re$ s s Washington b Front and 2d Heqges Harvey, res Ruth Hedges' Hedg:e8 Hasting, brakeman, res Ruth Hedges' I Hedges Nathaniel, brakeman, res Ruth Hedges' Hedges Ruth, widow, res sw c Sy('alllore and Hailroad Heet Henry, boiler maker, wks Owens, J... ane & Dyer Machine Co Heet John, machinist, wks Hamilton Plow 00 i. Heim,' Henry, grocer, nee 3d and Buckeye : Heile Hev. Daniel, assista,nt pastor St. Stephen's Roman Catholi~ Church,: res n s Dayton b 2d and 3d Heilmer Fred. spoke maker, res n s Stephens b Front and Water Heilmer Louis, clerk, re8 Fred. Reilmer's Heine Annie, servant, Fred. Heiff's Heine Fred. clerk n w c Front nnd Basin, res Fred. Heiff's HEINLEIN & CO. (John H. & Henry H. Lippelman) Dealers in Grain, Wood, Coal and Coke) Office and Yard, head of,basin b 4th and 5th Heinlein John, eh. & 00.) res n s Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Heintz Edward, saloon, n s High 0PP Court House Heiser Chas. E. clerk 2d National Bank, res John Heiser's liei;:,er Henry, re8 John Heiser's HEISER JOHN, Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions, Queens. ware, r... iquors, &c., nee High and Water Heiser J oho.hl. book-keeper W - Anderson & Co's, res s s Dayton b 3d.. and 4th 6 73

76 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Lal:ge Stook of Ladies' and' Gents' Underwear. 74 HAMILTON [HEN] DIRECTORY. Heiser Julius A. clerk 220 High b 2d and 3d, res John Heiser's Heiser 110uisa, res John Heiser's Heissner Florence, dress maker, res John JJine's Helbe John, grinder, wks Hamilton Plow Co Held.J acob, bar tender, bds Jacob Lorenz's Held John, laborer, s s \Va::;hington b 2d and Cincinnati Held Katie, res J obn Held1s Held Philip, (Philipp Hartmann & Co.) res e s.5th b High and Butler Held Stephen, drayman, res sse. Ludlow b 8th and 9th Helle John, carpenter, res n s E. Ludlow b 12th and 13th Hellman Mary, servant, Meyer Strauss' Helmer Anna E. res J os. Watkins' Helmer W H. painter, res s s BaRin b Front and 2d Helt Catherine, Rervant, Cincinnati Exchange Helvey Geo. machini::;t, res w s 2d b Heaton and Vine Helvey Geo. machinist, res Herman Helvey's Helvey Herman, machinist, res s s Heaton b 2d and 3d Helvey John, machinist, res Hel'ID<,:n Helvey's Helvey J Os. machinist, wks Niles Tool Works Helvy John, machinist, res sse. Heaton b 5th and 6th Helvy Katie, servant, d b Buckeye and Heaton Helwig Rev. Chas: res w s 3d b.main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Helwig Herman, res s s Vine b Front and 2d Helwig Mary, res Rev. Chas. Helwig's, 1st Ward Heman Eberhardt, carpenter, wks J.:F. Bender & Bro's Hemann Eberhardt, grocery and saloon, n s Walnut b 2d and Cincinnati Hemann Edward, tailor, re::; n s Main b 2d and.3d, 1st Ward Hemseet Bernard, laborer, res n s Walnut b 2d and Cincinnati Henes Elizabeth, widow, res w s Water b ':'\lain and Ross, 1st Ward Henes Loui::;, carriage trimmer, res Elizabeth Henes', 1st Ward HENGSTLER JOSEPH, Clerk, J\;iami Valley House HENKEL AUGUST, Pharmacist; Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery,.Paints, Oils, &c;, n s High b.front and Water!Ienn Adam, Cli. & Marr) res sec Water and Ludlow Henn Josephine, widow, res J os. Holbrock's HENN & lviarr, (Adam H. & Geo. M.) Manufacturers of and Dealers in Ladies, Gent" and Ohildren's Boots, and Shoes, w s Fl'ont adjoining Post Office -';r;'f,:, Henneke J os. shoe maker, n s "\VaHhington b Front and 2d Hen ning Fred. machinist, w ks Long, Allstatter & CO''i Henninger Cora, milliner, res Jonathan Henninger's, 1st Ward Henninger l phraim, carpenter, res e s Schmidtman b l. Vine and E. Heaton Henninger Jonathan, (Cole, Gehrman & H.) res n s Ross w of 5th,. ht Ward Henninger Lizzie A. res Ephraim Henninger's Heuring Bernard, shoe maker, res ssw alnut b 2d and ~'ront Henring Henry, shoe maker, res s s Walnut b!1'ront and 2d Henry Ann, res P. Henry's, 1st Ward.. Henry Geo. laborer, res e s ScLmidtman b E. Vine and Resel'voir Henry Michael, carpenter, bds Jacob Kurz's HENRY P., Dealer in Family Groceries, Pl'ovisions Liquors, &0., sec Main and ~d, lst Wal'd ' Queenswal'e,

77 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON [HICl DIREOTORY. 7rJ, HENRY STREET HOUSE, J oho Steinmiller, Proprietor, n s Henry b 4th and 5th I HENSLEY D. H., Secretary Hamilton Gas Light and Coke Co. ; Residence, w s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye HERBST MRS. C., Proprietress Miami Valley House, w s 5th b Sycamore and Henry Herfel Sophia, res [teo. Flack's, 1st Ward Herman Louis D. blacksmith, res e s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Hermann John S. carpets, e sfront b Sycamol'e and Wilson Herner John, teamster, res n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Herold John, cooper, res w s Cincinnati b 2d and Woods Herold Lizzie, servant, D. Webster Fitton's Herold Sebastian, res n s Vine b 2d and 3d Herr Chas. carriagesmith, bds Cincinnati Exchange Herrmann Adam, tailor, res s 8 St~phens b Front and Water Herrmann Geo. jr. clerk, res Geo. Herrmann's, 81' Herrmann Geo. sr. grocer, e s Cincinnati b 2d and 3d Herrmann Jacob, (Kreis & H.) res III High, opp Court House Herrmann IJouis, helper, wks Ha:milton Plow Co Herrold John, brewer, wks n w c Front and Sycamore Herrold Lizzie, res Catherine Snyder's, 1st Wal'd Herrold Sebastian, res Stephen J(romer's Herzberg Leopold, clerk 1. P. Strauss & Bro's, bds Straub House, 1st. Wud.. Herzog Andrew, cooper, res w s 11th 9 E. Ludlow and Canal Herzog Annie, res Andrew Herzog's Herzog Daniel, laborer, res Andrew Herzog's Herzog John, molder, res Andrew Herzog's Hesenecker Fred. tailor, bds Fred. Weickert's Hess Geo. brakeman, res Frank Stricker's Hess Jacob, laborer, res Philip Hess' Hess Nathan, grocer, n w c 4th and Dayton Hess Philip, laborer, res e s 8th b E. Ludlow and Canal Hess Sebastian, porter, St. Julien Hotel Hessler Levin, baker, bds V Seifert's Hethrich J. marble polisher, wks F. Horssnyder's Hetterich Elizabeth, widow, res e s 2d b Walnut and Chestnut Hettrich John, paper maker, res Valentine Zollner's Hettrich Julia, widow, res Valentine Zollner's Hettrick Hemy, paper maker, wks J. C. Skinner & Co's Heyler Chas. hatter Jacob Bender's, res n e c 4th and E. Dayton Hey lei' Ohrist. res n e c 4th and E. Dayton Heyler John, clerk J. F. Bender & Bros', res n e c Dayton and Lowell Hibbert Alice, res Joshua hlibbert's Hibbert Joshua, peddler, re:'; e s 5th b High ~nd Butler Hibbert W m. H. machinist, res Joshua Hibbert's, Hibner John N. carpenter, w s 6th b E. Heaton and ill. Vine Hicks Chas. H. (H. & Eaton) res s s Main b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Hicks & Eaton, (Chas. H. H. & L. R. E.) saloon, s s.main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Hicks Elizabeth, widow, res s s Main.b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Hicks Erastus A. brick maker, res Elizabeth Hick's, 1st Ward Hicks J as. brick molder, res w s 3d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward

78 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and High r 76 HAMILTON [HOO] DIRECTORY. H"iggins~Thos. laborer, res s s Sycamore b 5th and 6th H i~rh School Building, n e c 2d and. Ross, 1st Ward Hilbinger Adam J. laborer, res s s Oanal b 8th and 9t'lil. Hileman J as. K. saloon, n s Main b 4th and 5th, bds Phoebe WhIttlesey's, 1st Ward. Hilker Ohas. F. with Hilker & Son, res Herman H. Hilker's Hilker' Herman H. (R. & Son) res w s 3d b Basin and ~udlow Hilker John W. (Hilker & Son) res Herman H. Hilker's HILKER & SON, (Herman H. &.J ohn Yv ) Dealers in Drugs,' Medicin~, Ohemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oil~, School Books, StatIOnery, Pictures, Oord, &c., w s 3d b Basin and Ludlow Hill Chas. res Mrs. J ediah Hill's Hill Cyrus, molder, res n s Heaton b Front and 2d Hill Edmund, machinist, res Mrs. J ediah Hill's Hill F. E. machinist, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Hill Fanny, res James S. Hatri~on's Hill Florence, milliner, res Mrs. Jediah Hill's Hill Miss J. A. toll-gate keeper, Hamilton and New London Pike near Corp. Line, 1st Ward. Hill Mrs. J ediah, widow, res n s E. Ludlow b 5th and 7th Hill Julia A. widow, res Miss J'. A. Hill's, 1st Ward Hill Nellie, teacher, res 1\1.r8. Jediah Hill's Hill 'Wm. H. H. barler shop, w s 5th b Henry and Oharles Hillmer Fred. spoke turner, res n s Stephens b and Front Hilmer lienry, clerk Jos. Holbrock's, res s s Stephens b Front and Water Hilmer Louis, clerk, Clemens Holbrock's! Hilz Frank, saloon, s w c Water and Dayton Hilz Franz, sj)oke finisher, res e s Water cor Dayton Himmelhan Daniel, machinist, res J os. Himmelhan's, 1st Ward Himmelhan J os. machinist,.res s s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Hirumelhan Philip, laborer, res J os. Himmelhan's, 1st Ward Hine Augustus, grocer, w s :th. Oanal b E. Heaton and E. Dayton Hinken John A. engineer, wks Miami Distillery llinkle Adam, plasterer, res w s 2d n of North, 1st Ward Hirne.r John, grocer, n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Hirsch Jonas, clothing, e s 3d b High and Basin Hir.sch Leopold, res Jacob Maas' Hirsch Sarah, res Jonas Hirsch's Hirschauer Nicholas, watchman, res w s 4th b Heaton and Buckeye HIvely Mrs. S. J. hair work, n e c 3d and Basin: res near new River Bridge Hoadley John, res e s Schmidtman be. Heaton and E. Vine Hoadley W m. E. brass finisher, res John Hoadley's Hoar Ella, res J as. Hoar's Hoar J as. clerk, res n W c 5th and Chestnut Hoar 'J ohn, saw maker, res James Hoar's Hoar Mary, res J as. Hoar's Hobaug.h Maggie, servant, Dr. "'tv, H. Scobey'o, 1st Ward Hochheimer Adam, (R. & Son) res w s 3d b Alston and Woods Hochheimer John, (Hochheimer & Son) res Adam Hochheimer's Ho'chheimer Julia, res Adam Hochheimer's H09~HEIMER & SON, (Adam & John) Carriage,. Buggy and Sprmg,Wagon Manufacturers; also, General Blacksmitrl!s and Horse Shoers, n s Basin b 3d and 4th,II <

79 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols! Umbrellas, &c., At; FITTON & BRO.'S. HAMILTON [HOL] DIRECTORY. Hochheir'ncr Mena, res Adam Hochheimer's Hock Ohristian, res n spark, b 4th and Oak, 1st Ward Hock M ym, servant, Martin L. Seward's Hodapp A ndrew, shoe maker, res n s Chestnut b 2d and Front Hodden -Martin, laborer, res w s 2d b Chestnut and Walnut Hodder Thos. H. res n s Buckeve b 3d and 4th Hoebbe John,' laborer res n s Walnut b 2d and Cincinnati Hoeffer M.ary, widow, res Mary A. Buckner's Hoeft John, laborer, res w s Front s of Hanover Hoeft Katie, res John Hoeft's Hoeft Sophia, dress maker, res John Hoeft's Hoel Wei:;!ey, carpenter, res w s 11th b E. Heaton and E. Dayton Hoel W m,.k carpenter, res Wesley Hoel's HoeB.8tein 'Rosina, widow, res s s California w of FI'ont Hoepelsteiner Samuel, farmer, res rear of Toll-gate No.4, Cincinnati Av Hofele Therese, widow, res e s 2d b South and Millikin, 1st \Vard Hoff' Anthony, barber, bds Adam Weber's Hoffer Michael, brewer, res w s Front b Stephep.s and Burp.ett Hoffman Albcrt,cal'penter, res n e s Cincinnati s of South Av. near Railroad Hoffman John, hoisery man~facturer; s s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Hoffman John 'F. watch maker S. \V. Brock's, rei) n w c Water and Millikill, 1st Ward Hoffman John L. wool cleaner, res w s Water b Basin and Ludlow Hoffman Kate, res John Hoffman's, 1st Ward Ho'ff'man Mary, twister, wks Shuler &. Benni~ghofen)s HOFFMANN JACOB H., Dealer in Family Groceries, Provision'S, Fruits, &c., w s 3d b Basin and Ludlow Hoffmann John, temperer, res s s North b 2d and 3d, 1st 'Vard Hoffmann Lida, millirter, res Dora Keck's Hofmeister Frank, butcher, res Christ. Stillwaugu's, 1st Ward Hoft Anna, servant, Philip Hurm's Hoft John, laborer, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Hohl Albert, carpenter, res Fred. W. Fl'ederick's Hohl Ohas. laborer, res sec 7th and E. Ludlow Holbrock Bernard H. butcher, res w s 2d b Sycamore and "Wilson Holbrock Bernard H. daily market, w s 2d b Sycamore and \Vilson HOLBROCK CLEMENS, Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, Dry Goods,.N otions, &c., w s 2d b Sycamore and Wilson Holbrock Henry, laborer, res s, w c Canal and 5th Holbrock Henrv, stone cutter, res sec 2d and Hanover Holbrock JohnolB, clerk n e c 3d and Ludlow, res Joh,u C. Holbrock's HOI brock John O. (H. & Schl'ichte) res s w c 3d a'nd Ludlow Holbrock John H. boots and shoes, e s 3d b Basin and Canal Holbrock J os. grocer, w s Front b Sycamore and Wili)on, res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson.Holbrock ~1ary, res John H. Holbrock's _, :OLBROCK & SCHRICH'TE, (John C. H. & John G. S.)..,...-Dealers in Family Groceries, Provisions, Produce, Liquors,,Dry ',' Goods, Notions,.. Boots, Shoes, &c., n e c 3d and Ludlow Holdefer Geo. blacksmith, n w c 2d and Main, res e s 2d b Ross and Franklin, 1st "Y~rd Holden W lll. stone curter, wks B. H. Wellinghoff'':! 77

80 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, N otians, &C., South-west Corner Third and High. 78 HAMILTON [HOWl DIRECTORY. Holland Thos. K. shoe maker, res s s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Holley Matilda, widow, res s s Hanover b Cincinnati and Lane Holly John, patent rights, bds John Heinlein's, 1st Ward Holly Wm. cntter Jackson & Co's. res w s 3d b Heaton and Vine Holmes John, laborer, res e slane b Owens and Minster Holscher Henry, florist, S'eedsman and gardener, e s East Av opp John Holtman B. blacksmit,h, wks F. Horssnyder's Holzer Hosie, res David Goppel's Holzperger Anna, servant, servant, Dr. C. Forster's Hone Rev. C. F. res"s s Basin b Front and Water Hooper John, hostler, res w s Front b Basin and Ludlow " Hoots Mary, servant, Dr. Joseph S. McNeeley's Hooven E. P. lh. & Sons) res :Xenia, 0 Hooven J. C. (Hooven & Sons) bds Straub House, 1st Ward HOOVEN & SONS, (Enoch p, & J. Clint.) Dealers in all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Heapers, Mowers, Hay Rakes, &c. n s Main b Front and 2d, 1st 'Vard Hoover David, plasterer, res n s E. Ludlow b 7th and 8th Hoo~er John, brewer, bdh.j 3cob Kurz's,Horn Andreas, carriage painter, res Leonard Horn's Horn Leonard, cooper, res II s Washington b 2d and Cincinnati Hornady L. D. clerk Jackson & Co's, bds Phillips House Hornecker Albert O. porter, Herman Reutti's Horner Oatharine, paper sorter, res Jacob Horner's Horner J aeob: laborer, re~ n s E. Ludlow b 8th and 9th Hortler Valentine, butcher, res e s 8th b Walnut and Hanover Hornerger Anna, servant, "Hamilton. Exchange Horning Michael, butcher, res nee 2d and Walnut HORSSNYDER F., Marble and Freestone Works; "Manufacturer of and Dealer in Italian and American Marble and Granite Monumellts, Mantels, Oabinet and Counter Slabs, &c., n w c Front and Dayton; Boards Phillipti House Hortber Lizzie, servant, Louis Sohngen's, ht "Ward HOSSFELD Off ARLES, Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, sec 2d and BasiLJ; Residence, e s Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Houenstein Fred, painter, res s s 'Voods b Front and 2d Houling Herman,_,grinder, wks Hamilton Plow ao Houser Annie, res John Houser's, sr Housel' Egli, farmer, res J oh n Houser's. sr Houser Jacob, carpenter, res n s Reiss b 2d and 3d, 1st Watu Houser Jacob, farmer, res J oho Houser's, sr Houser John, jr. blacksmith, res J obn Housel';s, sr Houser J obn, sr. res n w s Vine b 8th and 9th Houser Maggie, res John Houser's, sr Houts Mrs. Jas. res John Hooper's H outzenroeder D. brewer, WkR n w c l,'ront and Sycamore Howalt Minnie, servant, 105 Dayton b Front and 2d Howard Olark T. res Hobert A. Howard's, 1st Ward Howard Ed. E. farmer, res Robert A. Howard'~, 1st 'Yard Howard John H. painter, res Robert A. Howard's, 1st Ward Howard Hobert A. res w s 2d b Maill and Boudinot, 1st Ward Howard Thos. laborer, rcs e s Water b Stephens and Burnett Howe Sewing Machine, 216 High, Opera House

81 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west OorJ?er Third and High. HAMILTO~ [HUG] DIRECTORY. 79 Howell David 1.1. CT. V Howell & Son) res Thos. V. Howell's Howell Harry M. helper, res Mary A. Howell's Howell Joseph, molder, res Chas. Krebs' Howell Joseph C. teamster, res Mary A. Howell's Howell Kate, res Thos. V. Howell's Howell LewisW - machinist, res Mary A. Howell's Howell Mary A. widow, res s w c Reservoir and Schmidtman HOWELL T. V & SON, (Thos. V & David L.) Dealers in Staple. and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' Suits, &c., sec 3d and High Howell Thos. V (T. V H. & Son) 'res e s 3d b High and Dayton. HOWELLS H. C., Surgeon Dentist, Office, n s High opp Court House; Residence, nee Buckeye and Front Howells H. U. jr. dentist, with H. O. Howelhl, res nee Front and Buckeye Huber Andrew, carpenter, res e s Front b South and Millikin, 1st 'Yard Huber Anthony, carpenter, res Gabriel Huber's Huber Clara B. res Dr. Wm. Huber's Huber Felix, shoe maker, res Gabriel Huber's Huber Gabriel, carpenter, res n e c Ludlow and Water Huber John, brewer, bds Jacob Kurz'.s Huber Josie, res Gabriel Huber's Huber Lizzie, res Gabriel Huber's Huber Lizzie, servant, Rev. A. W. Clokev'''J Huber Mamie B. res Dr. 'Vm. Huber's ~ Huber Michael, machi n ist, res e s 2d b W al nut and Washington Huber Valentine, carpenter, res Gabriel Huber's Huber W m. blacksmith, bds Galt House Huber Wm. dye house, n s High b 3d and 4th Huber VV m. physician, res 117 Front b Stable and Dayton H uey Catqerine, widow, res e s 4th b Ross and Franklia, 1st Ward Huffman Chas. clerk, res s s Sycamore b Front and 'Vater Huffman Geo. laborer, res n W c Cincinnati and W oods H uffmall W m. engineer, res s s Sycamore b 4th and 5th Huffman WIll. hinge mak:er, ros Chas. Huffman's. Hufnagel Conrad, brewer, res n s Burnett b Fro!lt and Water. Hufnagel Conl'Jd, maltster, res e s 2d b Walnut and Chestnut Hufnagel J ohn1 shoe. maker, res. w s Front b Stephens and Burnett Hufnagle John, laborel', wks Benninghofen & Oo.'s H uo'h Patrick, res n e c Hanover and Smith Hughes Albert, traveling agent John Weidenbornet"'s, res Micajah Hughes' Hughes Chas. W. res Stephen Hughes', 1st vvard Huo-hes Claude, driver Steam Fire 00. No.3, res John P Hughes' Hughes J. J1Jd. book-keeper, res John P. Hughes' Hughes john P blacbmith, n s High b Water' and the River, res s s Dayton b 2d and 6d HUG RES JOSEPH B., Dealer in Carpets, Oil Clot.hs, 'Vindow Shades, Curtain Goods, Paper Hangiugs, &c., e s 3d b High and Basin; Residence, w s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton HUG HES lviicaj AH,.President First National Bank, 214 High b 2d and 3d; Residence, Liberty Township Hughes Stephen, p~es't Great Western BraQ.Dustcr Co. res w s Front b Hoss and Frauklin,lst Ward Hughes Stephen & Co. bran dusters, w s Water opp Stable

82 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BUD.'S!! South-west Corner Third and High. 80- HAMILTON [HUR] DIRECTO~Y. Hughes Thos. laborer, res e s 3d b Boudinot and North, 1st W (wi Hull Albert, clerk, res Isaac L. Fisher's, 1st Ward Huil hlluc, farmer, res w s 3d b Ross and Franklin, 1st "Vard Hull J. ohn B. toll gate keeprr, res Springdale Pike nr junction CincinD:uti and EaRt Av Hulings Chus. bricklayer; bds Harrison Hulings' Rulin~s Clara, res Harrison Hulings' II ulings Etta, milliner, res Harrison Hulings' Hulings Ettie, student, res Harrison Hulings' Hulings Harrison, cooper, res 60 3d b Ludbw and Sycamore Hulings Lizzie, res Harrison Hulings' Rumbach Caroline E. res Fred. K Humbach's- Humbach Elizabeth, res Fred. E. Humbach's Hum bach Fred. E. blacksmith,. res Peter Rumbach's HUMBACH FRED. E, Proprietor "Unser {i'l'itz" 'Vine and J.Jager Beer Saloon, ~.s High 2d door e of Water Humbach Jacob, saloou, n s Busin b 3d and 4th Hum bach Jacob, tinner, res.fred. E. Rumbach's Humbach Mary, res Fred. E. Humbach's H umbach Peter, saloon, s s Basin b 2d and 3d Humbert Aggie, weaver, res Mary Humbert's Humbert Auna, warper, wks Shuler & Benninghofeu's H UIll bert Benj. stone cujter, res Mary H umbel es Humbert Mary, widow, res s s Beck~tt b Front and 8t. Joseph Humbert Richurd, stone cutter, res Mary Humbert's HUMBOLDT HALL, Philip Kraft, Proprietor, n s High b Front and Water' Hume Alex. F.j udge Court of Common Pleas r res w s 2d b Ludlow and Sycamore Hurne Harry C. f'tudent, l'e~ Alex. F. H ume's R uncilman Miss A. l'eo W m. A. J~. Kirk's Hundrop Anthony, blacksmith, res w s 7th b High.and ~utler Hundl'up Anton, blacksmith, res n s High b 6th and 7th Hunker Geo. miller, res s w c 8th and 8hillito Hunker Mary, res Geo. Hunker's Hunker Mary! servant,m.ary A. Oampbell's H.unsaker Ohas. res Uriah Hunsaker's Hunsaker Edward, telegraph operator, r~s Uriuh Hunsaker's Hunsaker Uriah, U. S. store keeper, res w s 4th b Sycamore and William Hunt Logan, clerk Beeler & Bl O.'S, bds S. L. Beeler's, 1st 'tv urd Hunter Mrs. Anna. res O. E Macbeth's Hunter Cha::;. A. n;achiniilt, res Elizabeth A. Hunter's Hunter Elizabeth A. widow, res s s Heaton b Front and 2d Hunter J as. machinist, res 108 Buckeye b Front and 2d Hunter Jennie, res 108 Buckeye b Fl'ont and 2d Hunter Mana, widow, res 108 Buckeye b Frout and 2d Hunter Mattie, res 108 Buckeye b.i!'ront and 2d Huutcr Thos. R. res w s Cincinnati b 2d and 'Voods Hunter Wm. N. luborer, res s s Stable b 3d aud 4th Hunter \\ m. N. jl'. helper, wks Owens, Laue & Dyer Maohille 00 H ur John, driver, bds Peter U. Schneider's, 1st Ward Hurm August, blacksmith, res n s Ohestnut b Front and 2d HURlVI CHAS. A., Telegraph Operator A. & P. Tele()'raph 00.; Resider.:ce, Philip H urill's 0

83 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON &, B1~O., Agents. HAMILTON [IWIJ DIRECTORY. H urm Engelbert., f'lpoke maker, res n s Chestnut b Front anti 2<1 I-hum J obn P (John P. H. & Co.) res Philip H urm's H urm John P. & 00. dry goo:is, n e c High and I-i"ront HURM LOUI8 P., Manager Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co., Office, n w c Front and High; Hesidence, Philip Hurm's Hurm Philip, res w s Front 2d door s of Dayton H urm W m. H. machinist, res e s Water b Stable and Dayton Hursch Martha J. widow, res w s, Front n of North, 1st Ward Hurst Conrad, tailor, res s s North b 2d an d 3d,' 1 st Ward Huston Edward, brakeman, bds Dora Keck's Huston Robert, carpenter, res n ~ Woods b 2d and Oincinnati II utchinson 1\1 1'8. A. J. widow, res n s Daytol~ b 3d and 4th Hutchinson Geo. Tes A. J. Hutchinson's HUTCHINSON F. R., Livery, Sale and. Boarding Stable, n s Stable b 2d and 3d; Hesidence, w s 3d' 2d door n of Ludlow Huth August, gardener, res w s East Av. n of John H utzelm'ann August, grain dealer, res n -~ ffigh b 5th and 6th HYLAND J. H., Local Freight Agent 0., H. & D. R. R., Office and Depot, sec 4th and Canal; H.esidence, w s 7t.h b Heaton and Buckeye I Iddings J os. F. mtlchinist, res s w c 4th and Dayton Iddings Will. B. carriagesmith, res s w c Dayton and 4th Iddings Wilmer L. painter, res s w c 4th and Dayton Igleheart Richard, machinist, w ks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Imlay Anna E. res J as. T. Imlay's Imlay J-iJ. Scott, clerk Weller & Straub's, res James T. Imlay~s Imlay Geo. 'Y asst. ticket agent Union Passenger Depot, res J as. T. Imlay'S Imlay Helen R. widow, res J as. T. Imlay's Imlay J as. T. book-keeper J. \Y - Carr & Sons', res s s Duyton b 3d and 4th Imlay Lewis O. i'es Jas. T. Imlay's In~alls Mary, widow, res Dr. '-tv M. Ingalls' INGALLS W- M., Physician and Surgeon, Office and Residence, e s 2d b Basin and Ludlow Ingles Maggie: servant, Wm. Anderson'~, ht Ward Inloes Alnheus, cooper, res s s Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Inloel) Elizabeth, res Alpheu:- Inloes', 1st Ward Inloes John, cooper, rei' w slane b Minster and Owens Inman Josiah, tailor, res Nancy Perrine's, lst 'Yard Inman Nancy, widow, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Iuzenhoefer Zachariah, laborer, res w s Front b Chestnut and California Il'ber 'V m. shoe cutter, res e s N. 4th n of Park, 1st Ward Isseman Albert, machinist, wks Niles 'rool VYorks Isseman Jos. machinist, wks Niles Tool Works \ Iwig John, carpenter, res e s 3d next house s of City Park 81

84 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stook of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 82 HAMILTON [JAN] DIRECTORY. J Jackson Alice, res Sarah J I:!.ckson's Jackson Arthur, machinist, res $aral'i J ackson'r JACKSON & CO., Dealers in Staple a~d Fancy Dry GOOdR, No. tions, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Clothing, &c., 222 and 224 High b 2d and 3d ' Jackson Dolly, dress maker, res J ohn Jackson's, 1st Ward, Jackson Emma, dr,ess maker, res J ohn Jackson's. 1st Ward Jackson G. W clerk H. A. Dilg's, res s s Chestnut b Front and 2d Jackson George W. res Lucy A. J'nckson's Jackson Jacob, ebgineer 1st. Ward Steam Fire Co. rei) w s Front b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Jackson James, (J. & Co.) ress e c 3d and Dayton Jackson James A. city fireman, res n s William b 3d and 4th Jackson John. laborer, res e s 2d b South and Franklin, 1st 'Ward Jackson Lucy, dress maker, res John Jackson's, 1st Ward J nckson Luey A. widow, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d Jackson Mary E. res Sarah Jackson's Jackson Sarah, widow, res e s Front b Chestnut and Woods Jacobs Conrad, dealer in freestone, res w s 2d b Sycamore and Wilson Jacobs Fred. ros n w c 4th and Dayton Jacobs Henry" clerk, res J os. Jacobs' Jacobs Henry, laborer, res Elizabeth Hetterich's J acols Henry, marble polisher, wks F. Hor~snydel"s' Jacobs John, gardener, res s s Burnett b Front and Water Jacobs John, machinist, bds Geo. Dellmann's Jacobs John, machinist, res J os,eph Jacobs' JACOBS JOHN C., Wagon Maker, General Blacksmith and Horse Dhoer, n w c Stephens and Front; Residence, n s Sycamor~ b Front and 2d JACOBS JOSEFlI, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions" Notions, Wines and Liquors, n s.k Dayton b 5th and 7th. Jacobs Katie. res Joseph Jacobs' Jacobs Lida, res James W. Frv's J AeDBS PETER, Whofesale and Retail Dealer in DruO's, Medi ci~es, Che~icals, Paints, Oils, Dye S~uffs, Glass, BookS, Dtationery, PICtures, PIcture Frames, Toys, MUSICal Instruments, &c., 129 and 131 High, opp Court House; Residence, n s Davton b Front and 2d Jacobs W m. n. clerk 129 High b Front and 2d, res v Peter Jacobs' JakIe Geo. carpenter, res n s Uhestn ut b 2d and 3d JAMES B. S., Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Toilet Uoods, Books, Stationery, &c., s w c Front aud.maiu; Residence n s Ross 2d door w of 3d. 1st Ward ) James Chas. A. clerk s w c Main and Front, res B. S. James,' 1st Ward James' 'rhos. machjnist, res e s Schmi<1tmann b E. Vine and Reservoir J anser Jacob, cigar maker, res J os. J anser's, lst vvard J anser Jacob, hostler, wks Schneider & Bro's J anser Joseph, blacksmith, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward J anser Kate, res J os. J anser's, 1st Ward J anser Mattie, res J os. J anser's, 1st Ward

85 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON &:, BRO..,' HAJ,\HLTON fjusj DIRECTORY. 83 J anser Mena, res J os. J anser's, 1st Ward J anser Michael, carriages, also blacksmith, s s High b 3d and 4th J anser Nicholas, carriages, also blacksmith, s s High b 3d and 4th, res n s Basin b 3d and 4th JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO.,OF STEUBENVILLE, OHIO, Campbell & Co., Agents, n w c 2d and High Jellison W m. G. city omnibus line, bds Phillips House Jenkins Alice, servant, John S. Whitten's Jennewein, John, cigar maker, res Peter Jennewein's Jennewein Joseph, machini:'lt, res e s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Jennewein J.Jena, paper packer, res Peter Jennewein's. Jennewein Peter, laborer, res s s Canal b 8th and 9th Jennewein Peter, jr. cigar maker, res Peter Jennewein's Jennings Eliza, widow, res John Helvy's Jennings Sallie, servant, David Conner's, jr John Horace, res s s Basin b 3d and 4th [Basin b 3d and 4th John Mrs. L. notions; also dress making, n e c 3d and Basin, res s s Johnson Erastus,laborer, res e s 2d s of Hanover [6th and 7th Johnson John, pump maker, s s High b 5t.h and 6th, res n s Rigdon b J 04nson John; jr. pump maker, res s s High b 5th and 6th Johnson J os. pump maker, res s s 6th b Sycamore and Rigdon J ohn80n Laura F. res John Johnson's J ohn80n Louisa, milliner, wks Mrs. M. V Long's, 1st Ward Johnson Louisa, widow, res n S Stable b 2d aod 3d Johnson Mrs. Nancy, widow, res Wm. J.Jetfar's JOHNSON SAMUEL, Clerk, F hillips House Johnson Samuel, engineer, res Chas. Toggart's Job nson Warren,, res Louisa Johnson's J ohn80n W m. wood chopper, res e slane b Owens and Minster Johnson Wm. H. foreman John Zettler'S, res s s High b 7th and 8th Johnston Ellen, res Thos. Moore's, 1st Ward \ J ones Alex.. laborer, res s s Boudinot b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward J ones"ularence C. pattern maker, res H. H. Jones' Jones E. R. bds Galt House Jones Fr&.nk, (J. & F. J.) res e s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore JONES H~ H., Deputy Coun~y Treasurer and City Clerk, Office on Public. Square, Residence, n w s Greenwood Av. b 8th ad:d 9th Jones Imogene, 'res R. H. Jones' Jones J. & F. (Jeff. & Frank) insurance,'n s High opp Oourt House Jones Jane, widow, res Benj. F. Beard's, 1st Ward Jones Jeff. (.T. & F. J.) re.~ Cincinnati Jones S. O. pattern maker, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co.J ones 'V m. wagon maker, wks Hamilton Plow 00 Jordon Henry, stone cutter, res e s 4th b.tienry and Sycamore J oycc Ella, res Mary Joyce's, 1st Ward J oyce H,mnah, widow, res n e s Cincinnati s of South Av Joyce John, laborer, res e s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Joyce Maggie, serv~wt, David Kennedy's, 1 st Ward Joyce Mary, widow! res e s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Joyce Richard, driver, res ssw alnut b 4th and 5th. Joyce Mujor Robert,.deputy collector U. S. Revenue, under 2d Notional Bank, bds Straub House, 1st Ward Judge James, laborer, res w s Huston b Ross and Franklin, ht Ward Justus Jacob, farmer, res e s Front b Franklin and South, 1st Ward

86 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and High. 84 HAMILTON (KEH] DIRECTORY. K Kabale Barney, laborer, wks Cope & Maxwell Manufacturing Co Kaefer Agnes, widow, res n wee. Vine and Schmidtman Kaefer & Bro. (Martin & Christ.) barbers, s s Main nr Front, 1st Ward Kaefer Christ. (" K. & Bro.) res Agnes Kaefer's Kaefer Geo. carpenter, res' Agnes Kaefer's Kaefer John, fiuisher, res Agne5 Kaefer's Kaefer Martin, (K. & Bro.) res Agnes Kaefer's Kaofer Mary, felt joiner, wks Shuler & Benllinghofen's Kaefer Rosa, twister, wks Shuler & Benningbofen'il Kaefer Ursula, weaver, res Agnes Kaefer's Kalbfleisch Conrad, cloth fini::;her, res e s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Buckeye Kalt Jacob, spoke turner, ros s s Buckeye b 5th and 6th [\amerer :Fred. jr. res Fred. Kamerer's, sr., 1st "Ward Kamerer Fred. sr. cooper, res W S 5th b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Kamerer Louisa, re8 }.1'red. Kamerel"fol, sr., 1st Ward Kane Ellen, servant, n w c 3d and Dayton Kane Geo. painter, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Kane Peter, shoe mal,er, bds St. Julien Hotel Kapp Katie, clerk, res 304 Front b Ludlow and Sycamot'e Kappeler Audl'ew, peddler, re8 s s Main w of 5th, 1st 'Yard Kapperfl Mena, servant, 112 Buckeye b Front and 2d Karch Barbara, res Michael Zimmer's Kasberg Wm.!polder, wks Variety Iron Works Kaup Henry, shoe maker, res Henry Holbrock's Kaup Herman, laborer, res s s ]Jayton b 2d and' 3d Kaup Louis, shoe maker, res s w c 5th and Canal Kaup Mary, res Herman Kaup's Kause Annie, res Geo. Kause's Kause Annie, servant, vv m. Murphy's, 1st \Vard Kause Callie, res Geo. Kause's Kause Geo. laborer, res w s Front b Stephens and Burnett Kearney Houora, widow, re8 e s 3d b 'Yoods and \Villiam Kearney Thos. hinge m~lker, res Honora Kerney's Kearns Bridget, widow, res w s 3d bludlow and Sycan~ore Kearns John, laborer, res s s Owens b JJane and Oiucinnati Kearn8 Owen, laborer, res Bridget Kearns' Keck Dora, boarding house. n s Heury b 4th and 5th Keck John, res s s Wa) nut b 5th and 6th Keeley ]J11a, res W 1l1. P. Keeley~s Keeley Kate, res 'Vm. P. Keeley's Keeley Wm. B. cutter G. W McAdams', res w s 4th b vvoods and Chestnut Keeley Wm. P. cutter, res n s Chestnut b 4th and 5th Keen Jas. teamster, re8 n s Ross b ~d anll 3d, 1st Ward Keen J olin, carriage trimmer, res usb. Ludlow b 5th and 7th Keene David, laborer, res s w c Hauover aud Cincinnati Keene Horace L. clerk, res n e c 6th and Ludlow Kehm J. vy carriage maker, bds l?rank Wack's

87 Kid Gloves, L~dies' Ties., Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At; FITr-..uON & BI~O.'S HAMILTON [KEPl DIRECTORY. 85 Keifer Goo. carpenter, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Keiser Chus. painter, res s s Canal b 8th and 9th Keiser Conrad, brick maker, res n s High b 10th and Canal Keiser Fred. A. saloon, e s 5th b High and Butler Keiser Lon, laborer. res s S Canal b 12th and 13th Keizer Carey: tollgate keeper, s w s Cincinnati Pike s of South Av Keller Chas. shoe maker, res n s Ohestnut b 2d and 3d Keller Ohas. C. tinner, res Ohas. Keller's Keller Frank, machinist, res Mary Keller's, 1st Ward Keller Fred. currier, bds n w c Front and Boudinot, 1st,",Yard Keller Henry, laborer, wks Cope & Maxwell Manuf. 00 Keller Henry, molder, res e s Front b Hanover and South Av Keller J os. laborer, wks Long, Allstatter & Co's Kellei' Katie, res Chas. Keller's KelJerMary, widow, res e s 2d b Boudinot and North, 1st \Vard Keller Paul, carpenter, res e s Cincinnati b Walnut and Chestnut Kellermann Aggie, res J os. Kellermann's Kellermann J os. labore.r, res w s 2d s of Hanover Kelly Bridget, res Robt. Kelly's, 1st 'Yard Kelly Martin, machinist, res e s Cincinnati b 3d and Alston Kelly Michael, res n s.boudinot b 5th and Eaton Pike, 1st 'Yard Kelly Robt. paper maker, res e s 11th b.ill. Heaton and E. Dayton Kelly Robt. stone mason, res n s Boudinot w of 5th, 1st 'Ward Kelly Thos. fireman, res w s 11th b E. Dayton and E. Heaton Kelly Thos. laborer, wks Fair Grove Paper Mills Kelly W m. laborer, res Mary Resch's Kemlein Louis, book-keepel'n w c Front and Basi.n, res' e s 4th b Main and Boudinot, 1 st Ward Kempel Samuel A. carpenter, res s e s Vine b 9th and Miami Kendrick Martha, widow, res N up. B. Tubbs' Kenev H. B. res s s Stable b 3d and 4th KENNEDY ALBERT, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, Provisions, Produce, &c., w s 3d neal' High; He8idence, n S High 2d house w of 3d Kennedy Chas. R. paper.agent, res n s Main b 2d and 3d, 1 st Ward Kennedy Olarence, machinist, res John H. Garver's, lst Ward Kennedy D. M. & Co. (Daniel M. K., TiLlS. B. Shaffer & John S. Sloan) grain, head of Canal Basin, Kennedy Daniel M. (D. M. K. & Co.) res w s 2d b Dayton and Buckeye Kennedy David, (K. & McMeen) res e s Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward. Kennedy Esther, widow, res Albert Kennedy's Kennedy Lizzie E. res Albert Kennedy'S KENNEDY & McMEEN, (David K. & John McM.) Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Queensware, Cigars, Tobacco, Liquors, &c., sec Main and Front, 1st Wal:d Kennedy S. B., Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co. sec 4th and E. Hea-. ton, res country Kennedy S. P. clerk, bds Straub House, 1st Ward KENTON INSURANCE CO. OF COVINGTON, KY.,. Shepherd & McGriff, Agents, Beckett's Block Kenyon 'l'hos. machinist, res w s Schmidtman b E. Vine and Reservoir Keppcler Andrew, peddler, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Keppler Louis, laborer, res Annie M. Bussman's

88 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &0., South-west Corner Third and High. 86 HAMILTON [KIM] DIRECTORY. Keppler Matthias,. harness maker, res w s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Kerbel Frank, sickle maker, res s s Stable b 3d and 4th. \ Kerbel John, shoe maker, res s w c 4th and Chest,nut Kerber Fred. clerk n e c 2d and High, bds "V m. Frechtling's Kerr Aaron, tombstone agent, bds BU,tler House, 1st Ward Kessler Matthias, l~borer, bds Fred. Reiff's Kettman Bernard, (T(. & Grave) res w s Front b Crawford's Run and South Av Kettman & Grave, (Bernard K. & Bernard G.) chairs and furniture, s s Basin b 2d and 3d Kettman J ohn, sho~ maker, res Bernard Keltman's Kettman J os. chair,maker, reg Bernard Kettman's Kevser Alice, servant, Thos. Bleven's Keyser John, paper maker, res Henry Schneider's Keyser Philip, laborer, res Catherine Byers' Kidd H. R. boots and shoes, 26 Main b Front and Water, 1st Ward, bds Phillips House' Kiefer Edward, fireman, res David Geiler's Kiefer Helena, clerk Ed. B. Rogers'. res John Kiefer's KIEFER JOHN, Manufacturer of Church and Parlor Organs, and Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments; also, Piano Tuning and Repairing, s s High b 3d and 4th; Residence, e s 5th b High and Butler Kiefer John, jr. wagon maker, res John Kiefer's, sr Kiefer Lena, book-keeper, res John Kiefer's, sr Kieffer Edward, fireman, bds Anna Mueller's Kieser Chas. painter, wks Long, Allstatter & Co's Kieser Christ. drayman, res n W s Vine b 8th and 9th Kieser Geo. G. res Christ. Kieser's. Kilday Thos. laborer, res n s Rigdon b 6th and 7th Kilfour Katie, servant, David Gray's, 1st Ward Kilfoyle Maggie, servant, H. P. K. Peck's, 1st Ward KILGENSTEIN REV. HIERONYMUS, Pastor St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church; Residence, n s Dayton,b 2d and 3d Killay Katie, Phillips House Killay Lizzie, Phillips House l~illay Mary, servant)" sec 3d and Dayton Killian Leonhardt, laborer, res w s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir Killin Helen, widow, res s s Dayton b 2d and 3d Kilty Annie, servant, Adam Laurie's Kimbal John, farmer, res w s 2d b Heaton and Vine Kimball Geo. machiui::;t, wk8 Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Kimball Hiram, plasterer, res n s Chestnut b 5th and tith Kimble Elizabeth, widow, res e s Front b Ross _and J1-'l'anklin, 1st Ward Kimble Ellen, seamstre8s, res Elizabeth Kimble's, 1st "Vard Kim ble Geo. W machinist, res s s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Kimble Ha-rrison, plasterer, res sec Ross and Huston, 1st 'Yard Kimble Harvey, plasterer, res Elizabeth Kimble's, 1st Ward Kimble Isaac, cooper, res w s Front b South and Franklin, 1st Ward Kimble J as. M. plasterer, res e s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Kim ble Jerome, plasterer, res e s 2d b Ross and..b-'ranklin, 1st \Va.l'd Kimble John, plasterer, res Jerome Kimble's, 1st Ward Kimble Noel, plasterer, res w s 'Vater b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Kimble W m. cooper, res n s Ross w of 5th, 1st Ward

89 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South~west Corner Third and High. HA,MILTON [KLI] DIRECTORY. 87 Kimmons Henry, laborer, res sec 5th and E. Buckeye Kincaid John, farmer, res w s Cincinnati b 2d and Woods Kinch Eliza, widow, res sec 5th and Main, 1st Ward Kinch Geo. T. driver, res Eliza Kinch'l:I, 1st Ward Kinch Robt. B. farmer, res Eliza Kinch's, 1st Ward Kinder Harry R. law student, with J as. E. Oampbell, res Mrs. Wm. R. Kinder'::; Kinder Stephen L. II. student, res Mrs. IWm. R. Kinder's Kinder WalterH. student, res Mrs. Wm. R. Kinder's Kinder Wm. R. clerk, res Mrs. Wm. R. Kinder's Kin.der Mrs. Wm. R. widow, res n s E. Dayton b 5th and 7th King Chas. L. machinist, res Ferdinand Brilmayer's King John M. tea agent, res w s 5th b Walnut and Washington King J os. teamster, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st vvard King L. machinist, wks Niles rrool Works Kinley Geo. H. cook, res n s Burnett b Front and Water Kinneer Wm. A. attorney, res ss Sycamore b 5th and 6th Kinsinger Anna, res Mrs. E. Kinsinger's Kinsinger Mrs. E. boarding house, w s 3d b Stable and Dayton. Kirchhof Jacob, shoe maker, bds n w c 2d and Boudinot, 1st Ward Kirk Ida M. res W m. A.L. Kirk's Kirk J ohn, horse shoer, bds Galt House Kirk Polly, widow, res Henry Glins' Kirk W m. A. L. res w s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Kirkpatrick tt. J... physician, n s High opp Court House, bds Straub House, 1st Ward Kirn J os. butcher, res e s 2d. 1st house n of Millikin, 1st Ward Kira Paulina, res Theresa Hofele's, 1st Ward Kirschner Xavier, polisher, bds Galt House Kittel John, shoe maker, bds Magdalena Schuler's Klages Chas. shoe maker, res 13 Main b.j.1~ront and Water, ht Ward KIaI' Ignatz, grocer, w s 3d b Basin and Ludlow KIaI' John, machinist, wks Long, Allstatter & Oo.'s Klar J os. machinist, res n w c (Jincinnati and Woods KIaI' Mary, felt joiner, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Klaus Frances, res Ignatz Klal"s Kleiber John, paper maker, wks Fair Grove Paper Mill Klein Anthony, laborer, res s s Chestnut b 4th and 5th Klein Ohas.. res s s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st vv 8rd Klein Conrad, res e s 2d b South and Franklin, 1st Ward Klein Henry, machinist, res Mrs. Kate Klein's Klein Mrs. Isabella, res Wm. E. Drayer's Klein Jacob, carpenter, res Conrad Klein's, 1st Ward Klein John, machinist, res Mrs. Kate Klein's Klein Kate, widow, res w s 4th b Stable and Dayton Klein Lizzie, tailoress, res Conrad Klein's, 1st Ward Klein Mena, res Mrs. Kate Klein's Klein Mena, res n w s Vineb 8th and 9tli Klein Owney, laborer, res Anthony Klein's Klein Philip, tailor, res s s Hanover 'b Lane and Cincinnati Klein Hose, res Mena Klein's Klick Chas. laborer, res e s 3d b Boudinot and North, 1st Ward Kligehoeffer K. laborer, wks F. Horssnyder's Kline Moses, res w s Cincinnati nr Hanover

90 La ces, Embroideries & Ho.:;iery at FITTON & BRD.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. 88 HAMILTON [KOUJ DIRECTORY. Klingelhuefer Dora, res Bernard Hafertepen's Klingel' Lottie, milliner, res Geo. 'tv. Wilson's... KlinO'ler.Muo-dulena, widow, res w s Front b South and Mtlhkm, 1st Ward Klin::ler Si~on, l:' cio-ar maker, res w s Front b Millikin and South, lsf b 'Yard Klingling Simon, cigar maker, res l\'fagdalena Klingling's, 1st Ward Klinkel Goo. gardener, e s East Av. s of John I Kloepfer Acmilian, driver Theo. Reutti's, res s s Stable b 3d and 4th Klug Martin, saloon, w s 4th b Heaton and Vine Knauer Henry I-t. teacher, res n s Butler b 6th and 7th Knauer W m. J. painter, res Henry R. Knauer's Knight H. machinist, wks Nile.:; Tool Works KN OX E., JR. & CO., (Enoch K. jr. & W m. 'V. Stevenson) Dealers in Youg-hiogheny, Oaunel and Ohio Ooal, and Wood, s s Boudinot b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Knox Enoch, jr. (E. K. jr. & Co.) res nee Front and Millikin, 1st Ward Knox Elizabeth, widow, res s s Oanal b 3d and 4th Knox Oeo. city fireman, res w s Front b Franklin and South, 1st Ward Knox J a~. M. clerk, res Geo. Knox's, 1st Ward Knox John, barber, bds Straub House, 1st Ward Knox J obn G. tra'veling agent Hooven & Sons', res Oountry Knox John V teamster, res s s South w of 6th, 1st 'Yard Knox Rachel A. res Elizabeth Knox's Knox W m. teamster, res Elizabeth Knox's Koch John, maltster, bds M. Horning's, w s2d b Ches tnut and Walnut"" Koch Louis, drayman, res w s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Buckeye Koch Rosina, res Magdalena Klingling's,ht 'Nard Koehler Adam, stone mason, res W s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward KOEHLER ADAM, JR., Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Bhoes, s s High b 2d and!tiley; Residence, n s Buckeye b 2d and 3d Kvehler John, barber, 12t ~!ain b Water and Front, 1st Vvard Koehler John, saloon, w s Front b Busin and Ludlow. Ko~hler Lizzie, widow, res w s Front b Sou,th and Millikin, 1st Ward Koehler J... ouis, cigar maker, res Adam Koehler's, sr., 1st Ward Ko~hler Matthias, maltster, res n. s Franklin b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Koehler Peter, barber, res w s Water b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Koehler 'in m. carriugesmith, res e s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Koenig Daniel, labor~r, res w s 2d next to Hydraulic Koenig Louis, machinist, wks Bentel, Margedant & Co.'s Koenig Louis, molder, res Daniel Koenig's Koeppendoerfer Margaret, res Michael \tv uechner's Koerber Fred. clerk H. & W. Frechtling & Co.'s, res 'V m. Frechtling's KOHLER JACOB, Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Familv Groceries, Provisions,. Orockery, Liquors, &c..., 318 e s 4th b B"uckeje and Heaton Kohler Matthew, maltster, res n s Franklin b Front and 2d, 1 st Ward Kolb J obn, machine hand, wks.j. F. Bender & Bros' K~lb John, painter, res w s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Kolebe August. laborer, res real' Bernard H. Holbrock's Konnecker Geo. barber, bds Adam Weber's Koppendorfer Anna, servant, Jacob Herrmann's Kothe Eugene, piano tuner, res 209 Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Kouth F. laborer, wks Beckett, Laurie & Co.'s

91 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON & BRO., A~ellts. HAMILTON [KDR1 DIREOTORY. 89 KRAFT PHI LIP, Proprietor Humboldt Hall, Saloon and Restaurant, n s High b Front and Water KRAHN CHAS., Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions, &0.; also, Wine and Beer Saloon, s w 0 Main and 5th, 1st Ward Krahn J..Aouisa, res Chas. Krahn's, 1st Ward Krake Richard, shoe cutter, bds Henry 'Vessel's Kramer Anthony, oarver, res n w 0 7th and Rigdon Kramer C. grocery, sec 3d and Canal Kramer Cha8. tombstones, res n s Heaton b 2d and 3d Kramer Henry, res s e 0 3d and Canal Kramer Joseph, grinder, res e s Oincinnati b 3d and Sycamore Kramer Maria J. res. Chas. Kramer's Kramer Mary, grocery, n w c 7th and Rigdon Kramer Mary E. res Chas. Kramer"s Kramer Wm. res n s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Kraus Geo. (K. & Miller) res s s :3ycamore b 6th and 7th Kraus Henry, grocery, e s Front b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Kraus & Miller, (Geo. K. & John A. M.) barbers, w s 2d b High and Stable Krause Catharine, widow, res w s Front b Burnett and California Krebs Chas. grinder, res e s 6th b E. Vine and Heservoir Krebs Frank, sickle cutter, res e s 3d b Vine and Mill Kreigenhofer M. night watchman, Niles Tool Works Kreis Henry, CK. & Herrmann) res n s Buckeye b 2d and 3d Kreis & Herrmann, (Henry K. & Jacob H.) tailors, 111 High b Front and 2d KREUSCHER JOHN A., Manufacturer of Custom-Made Boots, and Shoes, n s Sycamore b 4th and 5th; Boards Railroad House Kreuzberger Marcellian, cigars, &c. s s High b 2d and Riley Kriegenhoefer Andrew, drayman, res n we 3d and Vine Kriegenhoefer Annie, machinist, res n w c 2d and Vine Kriegenhoefer John, carpenter, res John P. Kriegenhoefer's Kriegenhoefer John, saddler, res n w c 2d and Vine K riegenhoefer John M. watchman, res w s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Buckeye Kreigenhoefer John P. carpenter, res n s Walnut h 2d and Cincinnati Kreigenhoefer Maggie, res John P. Kreigenhoefer's Kriegenhoefer Mary, machinist, res n w c 2d and Vine Kriegenhoefer Peter, carpenter, res John p, Kriegenhoefer's Kr.ieger Bernard H. res sec 4th and Sycamore Krieger Chas. broom maker, res Andrew Fels' Krieger Edward, clerk, res Bernard H. Krieger's Krieger Edward, clerk Beck & Tabler:s) 13 Main b Front and Witt er, 1st Water Krieger Henry, brick mason, res Andrew Fels' Krieger Marv, res Andrew Fels' Kroeker Geo. blacksmith, res Geo. Holdefer's, 1st 'Vard Kromer Stephen, shoe maker, res s s Vine b 2d and 3d Kromphardt Geo. cabinet maker, bds Rhinehard Bruck's Krone Henry, carriage painter, res Mary Krone's, 1st 'Yard Krone Mary, widow, res e s Front b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Krouse Henry, blacksmith, wks Long, Allstatter & Co's Kuentzle Wm. laborer, bds Theo. Reutti's ' 'Kuhl Annie, res Herman Kuhl's 7

92 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stook of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 90 HAMILTON [LAN] DIRECTORY. Kuhl Herman, bricklayer, res n s Washington b Front and 2d Kuhl John, cigar maker, res Herman KuhI's Kuhlmann Henry, carpenter, bds Hamilton Exchange Kuhn John, bill, res Michael Kuhn's Kuhn Michael, stone mason, res alley b Front and 2d and Stable and Dayton Kuhn Peter, cooper, res w s 8th b E. Ludlow and Canal {{uhr J obn, laborer, res n S Main b 5th and 6th, 1st Ward Kullmann Lizzie, res Philip Kullmann's {{ullmann Philip, saloon, w s 2d b Stable and Dayton Kullmann Rosa, res Philip Kullmann's Kllllmann Sebastian, saloon, w s 4th b Stable and Dayton Kulp John, butcher, wks n w c Millikin and Front, 1st Ward Kumler Abraham O. (K.& Co. and Shafter, Murphy & K.) res n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward KUMLER & CO., (Abraham C. K., Wm. Murphy & Jacob Shaffer) Wholesale and Retail Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, &c., n e c.main and Front, 1st Ward Kunkel John G. laborer, res e s 2d b Vine and :\,Iill Kunkel Louis, machinist, res John G. Kunkel's Kunkel Henry, laborer, wks Long, Allstatter & Oo's Kuntz Allen W. traveling agent, res Philip Berry's Kupper Jacob, shoe maker, res e s Front b Millikin and South, 1st Wal'd Kurz Jacob, saloon alld boarding house, n w c 3d and Sycamore Kurz John G. teamster, res e s 3d n of North, 1st Ward Kuth Stephen, paper finisher, res e sloth b Dayton and Heaton Kuth W m. machine tender, res Stephen Kuth's Kyle Anna, widow, res & s Ross b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Kyl~ James R. (Martin, K. & Co.) res near Bethany, 0 Kyle Samuel, machinist, wks Oope & Maxwell Manuf. 00 L Labor Barney, machinist, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine 00 Lanke Fred. bricklayer, res n S Hanover b Front and 2d Lampe Mary, servant, John Lodder's Landers Oatharine, widow, res Catharine Costello's, 1st Ward LANDIS F. B., General Insurance Agent; also, Agent for Macneale, & Urban's Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Office, Beckett's Block; n s High near 2d; Residence, s s Ohestnut b 2d and Oincinnati LANDIS H. C., Agent Hartford Accident Insurance Co., Beckett's Block, n s High near 2d; Residence, F. B. Landis'.Landis Katie, res E\ B. Landis'. Landis Mary J. res F. B. Landis' Lane Clark, Uwens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co. res w s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton.Lane :Free Library, e s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton; Laura Skinner, libra:- rian :% Lane Geo. wagon maker, res e s 7th b E. Ludlow and Sycamore Lane Harry, res Clark Lane's Lane Isaac N. machinist, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co.Lane..J ohn, machinist, wks Owens, Lane.& Dyer Machine Co

93 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON rla V\T J DIRECTORY. 91 J.Jane John B. shoe maker, res n S Stable b 2d and 3d Lane Kate, servant, Rev. Thos. J. Harris' Lane May, student, res Clark Lane's Lane Mollie, res Geo. Lane's Langelier Chas. shoe maker, bds n s Ludlow b,front and 2d Langemeyer Bernard H. laborer. res n W s Greenwood Av. opp Cemetery Larew Franklin, timber, res n S Caldwell b 5th and 7th Larew Geo. A. painter, res Franklin Larew'd Larsh Elenor W. widow, l'es w s 2d b Dayton and Buckeye Larsh Lawrence N. res Elenor W. Larsh's Lashhorn Belle, res Mrs. D. B. Lashhorn's Lashhorn Mrs. D. B. dress maker, e s 3d b High and Basin Lasbhorn Ellen, res Jane Lashhorn's Lashhorn Harry, machinist, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Lashhorn Jane, widow, res e s 3d b Canal and Ludlow Lashhorn John H. machinist, res Jane Lashhorn's Lashhorn John R. carpenter, res s s Ludlow b 2d and 3d Lashhorn Marietta, res Jane Lashborn's Lan Frank, plow stocker, wks Hamilton Plow Co LAUBACH C., }\'lanufacturer and Dealer in Custom-Made Boots and Shoes, 24 Main b Front and Water; Residence, e s 4th b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Lauber Josephine, res sec 11 th and Canal Laudeman Jacob, drayman, res s s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward I.Jaudeman John, drayman. res Jacob Laudeman's, 1st Ward Laughlin John, foreman molder, wks Variety Iron Works Lauk Anton, piano maker, res s s Hanover b Front and 2d Laurie Adam, (Beckett, L. & Co.) res s s Buckeye b 3d and 4th Laurie Adam S. (Beckett, Laurie & Co.) res e s 7th b Buckeye and Heaton.. Laurie Archibald, p:\per maker, res w s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Vine Laurie John T. machinist, res Adam Laurie's Laurie Violet, widow, res W m. Tweeddale's Lauphauer Gottfried, laborer, res e s 3d b Vine and Mill Lavin Alice, res Catharine Lavin's Lavin Bernard, laborer, res n s Woods b 4th and 5th Lavin Catharine, widow, res e s 4th b Charles and Henry Lavin John, laborer, bds Catharine Cox's Lavin Kate, res Patrick Gordon's Lavin Timothy, deputy sheriff, res e s 4th b Henry and Charles Law Frank, plow maker, bds Mart.ha McMain's Lawder C. H. c]eik Lawder & Co's, res n s Heaton b 3d and 4th Lawder & Co. booksellers, 216 High b 2d and 3d Lawder Frederick, m.achinist, res John B. Lawder's Lawder Ida, res John B. Lawdcr's Lawder J. B. insurance agent, 216 High b 2d -and 3d, res sec 3d and Buckeye Lawder S. O. clerk: Lawder & Co's, res C. H. Lawder's 'Lawder Rev. W. H. (L. & Co.) res sec 3d and ~uckeye LAWSON AARON, Contracting Bricklayer, Office and Residence, sec 4th and Henry Lawson Anna E. res Aaron Lawson's Lawson Katie E. res Aaron Lawson'ti Lawson Katie M. res Aaron Lawson's

94 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and High. 92 HAMILTON LLEN] DIRECTORY. Leach John K. carpenter, res e s 4th b High and Dayton Leakheart Edward, bds' Mrs. E. Kinsinger's Leaman Jennie. teacher. res Dr. C. Markt's Lechart Edward, fireman, bds Mrs. E. Kinsinger's Lechte Christ. engineer! wks Cope & Maxwell lvlanuf. Co Lederman Kaufman, cattle dealer, res w s Cincinnati b 2d and Woods Ledman Lizzie, res Geo. C. Smith's Ledwell Alice, res W m. Thompson's Lee Anna, res Elizabeth Walton's Lee Eliza, res e s 4th b E. Ludlow and Sycamore Lee Eliza, widow, res Asa H. Cain's Leflar }i'. M. (L. & Ross) res n s High b 8th and 9th Leflar Leander, paper finisher, res e s Front b Heaton and Vine Leflar r... evi, city fireman, res s s Heaton b 2d and 3d Leflar Marion, saloon, res n s High b 8th and 9th Leflar Mary, widow, res Martin Wick's LEFLAR & ROSS, (F. M. L. & Nathan R.) Billiard Room and Saloon, Opera House Building, s s High b 2d and 3d, 2d floor Leilar W m. clerk U. S. Express Co. res e s 4th b High and Dayton Lehans Adam, laborer, bds David Biegert's Lehants Adam, laborer, wks J. C. Skinner & Co's Lehe Jacob, res John Koehler's Lehe Jacob, laborer, res w s Front b Basin and Ludlow Lehe J apob, jr. spoke maker, res J obn Koehler's. Lehe Nicholas, maltster, res w s 2d b Franklin and South, 1st Ward Lehmkuble Anthony, saloon, sec 2d and Dayton J.Jebmkuhle Anthony, jr. molder, res sec 2d and Dayton Lehmkuble J. B. clerk n w c 2-d and High, res sec.2d and Dayton L'HOMMEDIEU SAMUEL, General Insurance Agent, Office, n s High opp Court House; Residence, s s Dayton b 3d and 4th Leigers Bernard, laborer, res n s Reservoir opp 10th Leigers Herman; laborer, w ks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Leigers J os. molder, res s w s E. Vine b 10th and 10th Leigers Lizzie, res Mary Leigers' Leigers Mary, widow, res n w c 8th and Greenwood Av LEIKHARDT JOHN A., Proprietor Railroad House t W S C., H. & D. R. R. b Henry and Sycamore Leisner' Bernard, bds Fred. Reiff's Leitch Hannah, widow, res Ferd. VanDerveer's, 1st Ward Leitch Julia, res Ferd. VanDerveer's, 1st Ward Lemman Erwin, machinist,.res M. R. Lemman's Lemman 1\1. R. machinist, res s s Heaton b 3d and 4th Lenahan Katie, servant, Thos. V. Howell's Lendwell Lewis, laborer, res n s Rigdon b 6th and 7th Lenehan J as. warehouseman, res s s Chestnut b 4th and 5th I.Jeneban John, laborer, bds Henry Braun's Lenhart Adam, maltster, res s s Woods b 2d and' Cincinnati Lennehan Elizabeth, widow, res e s 2d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Lennehan J as. laborer, res e s 4th b Woods and William Lennehan J as. molder, res Elizabeth Lennehan's, 1st Ward Lennehan Katie T. res Jas. JJennehan's Lennehan Maggie, dress maker, res Elizabeth Lennehan's, 1st Ward Lennemann Mrs. widow, res s w c 2d and Walnut Lenz Philip, farmer, res n w s Greenwood Av. e of Cemetery

95 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At FITTON & BHO.'S. HAMILTON [LIN] DIRECTORY. Leonard Edward, fireman, res Chas. F. Storm's Leonhardt Katie, servant, Rev. G. H. TrebePs Lesher Mary E. res Samuel Lesher's, 1st Ward Lesher Samuel, carpenter, res n s Boudinot b 2<1 and 3d, 1st Ward Leugers Herman, laborer, res e s 2d n of Mill Levi Samuel, clothing, res n s' Sycamore b 7th and 8th Levinson S. notions and fancy goods, s s High b Front and Water, res s s Ludlow b Front and 2d Levline Fred. blacksmith, res n s Ross w of,5th, 1st Ward Levline Geo. blacksmith, res w s Front b South and Franklin, 1st Wart} Levline Philip, res n s Ross w of 5th, 1st "Vard Levy Henry, tailor, s s Basin b 2d and 3d Levy Lossy, (S. Levy & Son) res Samuel Levy's Levy S. & Son, (Samuel & I~ossy) clothing, 16 3d b High and Basin Levy Samuel, (S. L. & Son) res n w c 8th and Sycamore Lewellen W m. laborer, res e s M. Oanal b Dayton and E. Heaton Lewis Mrs. E. hair dresser, res w s Cincinnati b Walnut and Washington. Lewis Elizabeth, hair dressel', res w s Cincinnati b Walnut and Washington Lewis Geo. D. laborer, res Henry Lewis' I~ewis Geo. W. carpenter, bds Hamilton Exchange Lewis Henry, laborer, res 229 Stephens b Front and Water Lewis Henry J. whitewasher, res 222 Stephens b FI;ont and Water Lewis Jane, widow, res Byron Andetson's. Lewis John B. (Uastator & L.) res w s 4th b Main and Boudi!lot, 1st Ward Lewis Maria, widow, res s w c Front and Main, 1st Ward Lewis Rebecca J. res Henry Lewis' Lewis Sarah, res Byron Anderson's p Leyman Jennie, select school, sec 2d and Basin LIBERTY IRON WORKS, Schroder & Black, Proprietors, n e c Water and Stable Lichte Geo. paper carrier, res John Lichte's I.Jichte John, laborer, res n s Walnut b Front and 2d LIEKHARDT JOHN, Proprietor Railroad House, w s 5th b Sycamore and Henry Liggin J as. T. barber, bds s w c 'Vater and Ludlow Limberger Ohrist. bds Butler House, 1st Ward Liming M. bds Straub House, 1st "... ard Linden Thos. boots hnd shoes, s s High b Front and 'Vater, res s s Hanover b 2.1 and Oincinnati LINDENWALD HOUSE, Adam Schwab Proprietor, n s Springdale Pike opp Tollgate ~ o. 1 Linderman Philip, laborer, res e soak n of Park, 1st Ward Lindley J as. K. clerk 115 High opp Public Square, res John O. Lindley'S, 1st Ward LINDLEY JOHN C., Agent, Merchant Tailor; Dealer in Ready Made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods, 115 High 0PP Public Square; Residence, e s Front b Main and Boudlnot, 1st Ward Lindley John M. farmel', res :Mary.E. Lindley's, 1st Ward I.Jindley Mary E. widow, re') s s Millikin w of 6th, 1st Ward. Lindley W m~ J. printer Jacob H. Long's, lies Mary E..Lindley's, 1st I Ward Lindwell Louis, maltster, wks Schlosser & Co's 93

96 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &0., South-west Corner Third and High. 94 HAMILTON [LON] DIRECTORY. Line Daniel, telegraph operator, res e s 2d b Dayton and Buckeye Line J as. clerk, res Perry Line's Line John, res n s E. Buckeye b 6th and 7th Line Perry, res e s 2d b Dayton and Buckeye Linebur~ John, engineer, bds Miami Valley House Lingler Oatherine, widow, res W til. H. Lingler's Lingler David, molder, res Wm. H. Lingler's Lingler Katie, servant, John Gradolph's LINGLER WILLIAM H., Wine and Lager Beer Saloon, s s Basin b 2d and 3d Linhardt Adam, maltster, res s sw odds b 2d and 3d Lining Milford,transfer clerk U. S. Express Co. bds Straub House, 1st Ward Link Mich:Hsl, shoe maker, res n soak b Park and 3d, 1st Ward Linn Sophia, res Thos. James' Linnehan J obn, foreman, res s s Woods b 2d and Oincinnati Linnehan Richard: laborer, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d Lippelman Henry H. (Heinlein & 00.) res Glendale Lipphardt Chas. H. butcher, rooms w s 3d b Basin and Ludlow List A. carpenter, wks Long, ABstatter & Oo's List Adolph, laborer, res w s Front b Hanover and Beckett Lister Clarissa, widow, res w s Front b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Little Elizabeth, servant, Samuel Crudden's, 1st Ward Locbemeyer Amelia, res Gustave Locbemeyer's Lochemeyer Anna, res Gustave Lochemeyer's Locbemeyer Gustave, carpenter, res n s Wilson b }j'ront and 2d Lochemeyer W m. laborer, res Gustave Locbemeyer's Lodder John, res s s Beckett b St. Joseph and Front Lodder John, gardener, s s Beckett b Front and St. J oreph Lobman J. E. carriage matter, res Margaret Lohman's Lohman Margaret, widow, res w s Front b High and Basin Lohr J obn, shoe maker, res 106 Buckeye b Front and 2d Lohring Annie, widow, res Geo. Bonner's, Sl' Lombard Chas. res Lewis D. Campbell's LONG, ALLSTATTER & CO., (John M. L., Robert A., Charles E. Macbeth & Herman B. Snider) Hydraulic Iron Works; Manufacturers of Reapers, Mowers, Sulky Hay.Rakes, Corn Drills, Straw Cutters, Power Punching and Shearing Machines, Power Hammers, Reversible Drag Saws, Machine Sickles, Knives, Sections, &c., n e c 4th and High, C., H. & D. R. R Long Ellen, servant, J os. Curtis', 1st Ward Long Henry, machinist, res 112 Dayton b Front and 2d Long J. E. traveling agent Hooven & Sons', res Oountry l-"ong Jacob, res n s Main b Front and 2d, 1st Ward LONG JACOB H., Merchants' Excelsior Steam English and German Job Printing Works, Office and Residence, w s 2d b High and Dayton Long Jennie, teacher, res Henry Long's Long John M. (L., Allstatter & Co.) res s w e 2d and Heaton Long John W. C. farmer, res junction Springdale Pike and East Av LONG JOSEPH, Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, Dry Goods, Notions, &c., n w c 2d and Dayton Long J os. D. machinist, n w c 2d and Da.yton Long J os. H. clerk Long, Allstatter & Oo.'s, res John M. Long's tong Louis A. pattern maker, res John M. Lo~g's

97 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. HAMILTON [MeCl DIRECTORY. 9[) Long Mrs. M. V millinery, n s Main b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Long Michael J. printer Jacob R. Long's, res s w c 2d and Vine Long Valentine, grinder, res e s 2d b Vine and Mill Long Wm. M. machinst, res John M. Long's Longemeyer Lizzie, widow, res n e c 3d and Buckeye Longfellow Gerry, driver, res John G. J...Iongfellow's, 1st Ward Longfellow J. G. constable, s s Main nr Front, res s w c Front and Franklin Longfellow J as. farmer, res John Longfellow's, 1st Ward Longfellow John, carpenter, res Wm. Longfellow'S, 1st Ward Longfellow John, sr. res w s 3d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Longfellow Levi M. clerk res John Longfellow'S, 1st Ward Longfellow Vim. laborer, res s s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Longfellow W m. laborer, res w s 3d b Main and Ross, 1st \Vard LORENZ JACOB, Oyster and Refreshment Saloon, Beckett's Block, n s High nr 3d; Resi1encc, w s 2d b Ludlow and Sycamore Lorei Philip, maltster, res w s 5th b Caldwell and Oanal Los J os. shoe maker, res sec vvater and Sycamore Lotz Henry, molder, res e s Front b Sycamor.e and Wilson Lotz W m. wagon maker, res w s 7th b High and Bntler Lounsbury Thos. W. laborer, res s w c Hanover and Cincinnati Louthan }j'red. D. clel'k, res s s Chestnut b 5th and 6th Louthan Henry, livery, res s s Ludlow b 2d and 3d.Louthan W. H. livery stable, e s 2d b Basin and Ludlow, res s s Ludlow b 2d and 3d Lovett Lizzie, dress maker, n s Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Lowe Geo. S. machinist; wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Lowrey Frank, machinist, wks Niles Tool Works Ludeke A. H. carpenter, res n e c Vine and 2d Ludeke Louis, carpen~er, res. nee Vine and 2d Ludkamp B~rnard, laborer, res n s Hanover b Front and 2d Lutkehaus Bernard, laborer, res s s Hanover b Front and 2d Lutz Herman, farmer, res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson.Lutz Wm. laborer, res Herman Lutz's LYCOMING INSURANCE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA, Campbell & 00., Agents, n w c 2d and High Lyon Alex. K. carpenter, res e s 4th b Walnut and Cincinnati Lyon J as. M. machinist, wks Owens, Lane &; Dyer Machine Co McADAMS G. W., Merchant Tailor and Dealer in Gents' Furnishing Goods, w s 3d 2d door n of Basin; Residence, e s Front b Basin and Ludlow McAdams Geo. M. with G. W. McAdams, res sec Basin and Front McAdams John M. res W m. Thompson's McAnally Mary, widow, res Thos. McHale's McBeth Chas. E. (Long, Allstatter & 00.) res n s "Ludlow b Front and 2d McBride Mrs. M. A. widow, res w s Front n of North, 1st Ward McOallay Emma, res Dr. Wm. Huber's McCardle Nancy, ;:;ervant, Israel Williams' McCarl Patrick, laborer, res e s 2d b South and Millikin, 1st W.ard

98 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BUO.'S. South-west Oorner Third and High. 196 HAMILTON [McGl DIRECTORY. McCarl Patrick, jr. 110stler ".,. m. Pu,!?:h's, res Patrick McCarl's, 1st Ward McCarroll Patrick, tes e s 2d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward McCarten Catherine, widow, res w s 4th b Sycamore and Ludlow McCarten Geo. laborer, res Mary McCarten's McOarten Mary. widow, res e s Cincinnati b Alston and 2d McCarten Mollie A. res Catherine McCarten's McCarten Sallie, saleslady T. V. Howell & Son's, res Catherine McCarten's McCarten Thos. res Mary Mc"Carten's, McClellan Edward, cook, res w s 4th b Stable and Dayton McClellan Elizabeth, widow, res w s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye McOlellan John, attorney and notary, sec 2d and Basin, res Middletown McClellan Newton, U. S. store keeper, res s s Sycamore b 6th and 7th McOlellan Thos. C. res sec 4th and Main, 1st Ward McClelland Edward, cook, Phillips House McClelland Kate, res John Vanderveer's McClelland Mary, res John Vanderveer's McCormick Kate, seamstress, res Nancy McCormick's McCormick Nancy, widow, res n s E. Ludlow b 10th and 11th McOormick Patrick, jr. res Patrick McCormick's, S1' McOormick Patrick, sr. laborer, res e s 2d b Cincinnati and Woods McCoy J as. blacksmith, wkslong, Allstatter & Oo.'s, McCoy J as. machinist, w ks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co McCoy Nancy, widow, res Newton 'N. Smith's McCoy Robert, carriage painter, res nee Front and Heaton McOune Jas. paper maker, wks J. O. Skinner & OO.'s McDermott John T. blacksmith, res,mary McDermott's McDermott Thos. laborer, res e s 3d b.main and Ross, 1st Ward McDonald Green, laborer, res e slane b Owens and Minster M:cDonald Laughlin, laborer, res s w s N. 5th n of Boudinot, ht Ward McDo[lald Michael, laborer, res n s Rigdon b 6th and 7th McDonough Michael, warehouseman C., H., & D. R. R. res n!i Woods b 6th and 7th McDowell ;; asper, telegraph repairer, res s s Rigdon b 6th and 7th McElwaine L. J. traveling agent B. H. Wellinghoff 's, res w s Front n of North, 1st Ward McElwee John, job printer, n w c Main and :Hront, res e s N. 4th n of Park, 1st Ward McGarey Andrew, switchman, bds Martha McMains' McGarey John, brakeman, bds Martha McMains' McGehan Johnson, depot watchman, res n w c 3d and Ludlow McGehean Courtland, saloon, res Oonrad Keiser's McGehl3an Lottie, res Mrs. Thos. McGehean's McGehean Mrs. Thos. widow, res n S Canal b 12th and 13th ~1cGlynn Barney, brakeman, res Mary McGlynn'H McGlynn Bridget, res Mary McGlynn's McGlynn Daniel, brakeman, res Mary McGlynn's McGlynn Mary, widow, res e s 4th b Chestnut and Woods McGlynn Peter, laborer, res Mary McGlynn's McGovern Jas. machinist, res n e c Front and Heaton McGovem J as. P. blacksmith, res J as. McGovern's McGovern Ropert M. carriage painter, res J as. McGovern's McGreabey Thos. blacksmith, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co McGreevy Oonrad, drayman, res s s William b 3d and 4th

99 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON & BRO., Agents. HAMILTON [MeN] DIRECTORY. 97 McGreevy Thos. laborer, res Oonrad McGreevy's McGreevy W m. laborer, res Conrad McGreevy's McGrew F. A. res n s Main b Front and 2d, 1st Ward McGriff Guy 'W (Shepherd & MeG.) res e s 2d b Heaton and Vine McGuire Charlotte, widow, res s s Buckeye b 3d and 4th McGuire Frank, currier, res s s Bouninot b 5th and Eaton Pike, 1st Ward McHale John, broom manuf. s w c Woods and Cincinnati McHale Th08. gardener, res s w c Woods and Oincinnati McHugh Frank, laborer, res Patrick McHughls McHugh J as. paper maker, res e s t:::lmith n of Hanover McHugh John, brakeman, res Patrick McHugh's McHugh Michael, laborer, res Patrick McHugh's,McHugh Patrick, res n s Hanover b 5th and 6th McKEE JOHN, Postmaster, Office, s w c Front and High; Residence, n w c E. Dayton and 7th ~lckeon Kate, servant, John P. P. Peckls McKinney Mrs. Delia, widow, res e s 2d b Sycamore and Cincinnati Mcl~inney J as. P. sec'y and treasurer McKinney Manuf. Co. res Mrs. Mary J. McKinney'S McKinney Manuf. Co. hinges, n " e 7th and Hanover McKinney Mary, widow, res n e c 4th and Walnut McKinney Mary J. res Mary McKinney'S McKinney RobertC. book-keeper Cope & Maxwell Manuf. Co. res n e c 4th and Walnut McKinney W S. pres't McKinney Manuf. Co. res Robert Harper's, 1st Ward McKinstry Rosa, servant, Dr. W W. Caldwell's McKitrick Chas. pattern maker, res Robert Ohambers' McKnight Geo. B. miller, res w s Front n of North, 1st 'Vard McKnight John B. miller, res e S 11 th near E. Heaton McKnight Joseph B. milier, res e s M. Canal b Dayton and E. Heaton MctJain Bertha, res Ruth McLain's.McLain Ruth, widow, res n s E. Heaton b Schmidtman and Greenwood Av McLean J. A. car agent, res e s 7th b E. Ludlow and Sycamore McMains Lou A. milliner, res Martha McMains' McMains Martba, widow, res n W c Sycamore and 4th McMains Willie G. conductor, res Martha McMains' McMAKEN JOE, Correspondent Oincinnati..tDnquirer, Branch Office, s w c 3d and High, 2d!i@6r; Residence, n s Ludlow b 3d and 4th McMAKEN M. C., U. S. Deputy Marshal, s w c 3d and High, 2d floor; Residence, Joe McMaken's McMakin 'J ohanna, servant, Henry L. M.orey's Me~Iakin R. J. res s s Canal b 3d and 4th McMeen John, (Kennedy & McM.).bds Straub House, 1st vvard McMillan John, laborer, n w s Greenwood Av. opp Oeml3tery McMullins Charles, laborer, bds Catha{'ine Oox's McNEELEY JOSEPH S., Physician and Surgeon, Office and Hesidence, 118 e s Front b Stable and Dayton McN evin John, auctioneer, res n e c Water and Basin MeN evin Rosa, res nee Water and Basin McNevin Thos. auctioneer res n e c Water and Basin '

100 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 98 HAMILTON [MAR] Maas Henry, res Jac'ob Maas' Maas Isidor, clerk, res John Maas' M DIRECTORY. Maas Jacob, res n e c Chestnut and Cincinnati Maas Jacob & Son. (Jacob & Henry) office Opera House Building lviaas JOHN. Inventor of Natural Uterine Supporters, Beckett's Block MAAS JOHN, Merchamt Tailor, Clothier a-nd Dealer in Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks. Valises, &c., n s High near 2d, Beckett's Block; Residence, n s High b 3d and 4th Maas Lizzie, res John Maas' Maas Max, cigar maker, res Jacob Maas' Mabusch Conrad, shoe maker, res w s Cincinnati s of Lane Mabusch John, trimmer, res n s Wilson b Front and 2d Mac1)eth Chas. E. (Long, Alb,tatter & Co.) res n s Ludlow b Front and 2d. Mack Louisa, widow, res James Stewart's Mack Wm. R. harber, res James Stewart's Maddaford Isaac, teamster, res e s 3d, s of Millikin, 1st Ward Madden Wm. clerk n e c 3d and Ludlow, res John C. Holbrock's MAGINNIS M. N., Attorney at Law and Mayor, Office, w s Front opp Public Square; Eooms w s 2d b Basin and Ludlow Maguire Frank, currier, res s s Boudinot w of 5th, 1st Ward Mahler Chas. foreman B. Hafertepen's, res s s William b 3d and 4th Mahr Edward; cigar maker, res e s 5th one door n of Sycamore Mahr Geo. shoe maker. res e s 4th b Buckeye and Heaton Mahr Henry E. cigar maker, res n e c 5th and Sycamore Mabr John, carpenter, res e s 4th b BU<ilkeye and Heaton Mahr Rosa, widow, res e s 4th b Buckeye and Heaton Maier J os. book-keeper Empire Brewery, res Wolfgang Moerner's MAJOR F. W., M.- D., Physician and Surgeon, Office and Residenice, s w c 2d and Ludlow Major Wm. F. res Dr. F. W. Major's Mallerfeld Bernai-d, tailor, res n s California w of Front Mallory H. physician, n s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Malone Daniel, molder, res Mary Malone's Malone Mary, widow, res n s Buckeye b 3d and 4th Malone Michael, machinist, res Mary Malone's Maltas R. T. photographer, Beckett's Block, n s High near 2d, res s s Basin b 3d and 4th Mann Bridget, Phillips House Mann Bridget, res s s Charles b 4th and 5th Manning Edward, boiler maker, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Manning John, laborer, res e s 5th b Walnut and Hanover Manning Maggie, servant, 411 2d b Heaton and Vine Manning Patrick, laborer, res John Manning's Manning l'atrick, laborer, res n s Hanover b 5th and 6th Manning Peter, laborer, wks J. C. Skinner & Co's Manning Richard, fireman, wks J. O. Skinner & Co's March Mary, widow, res s s Heaton b 2d and 3d

101 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON [MAT] DIRECTORY. 99 March Nicholas, boiler maker, res Mary March's Margedant Wm. C. (Bentel, M. & 00.) res w s 'Vater b High and Basin Marker Daniel, farmer, res s s Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Marker Mollie, res Daniel Marker's, 1st Ward l\.1arker Sallie, res Daniel Marker's, 1st Ward MARKT DR. C., Physician and Surgeon; Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Ohemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, School Books, Stationery, Pictures, Picture Frames, Fancy Goods, &c., 13 3d b High and Basin; Residence, e s 2d b Basin and Ludlow Marley Patrick, brakeman, bds Martha McMains' Marl' Geo. (Henn & M.) res e s 4th b Buckeye and Heaton Mars Emma, res Samuel Mars', 1st Ward Mars Samuel, tinner, res e s Front b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Mars Samuel B. machinist, res Samuel Mars', 1st Ward Marshall Clay, hostler, Thos. Millikin's Marshall 'tv m. laborer, res s schestnut b Front and 2d Martin Alex. C. (M., Kyle & 00.) res 4ll 2d b Heaton and Vine Martin Barbara, milliner, res Galt House Martin Chas. res Nicholas Martin's Martin Edwin C. attorney at law, res n w c 3d and Dayton Martin Emil; res Thekla Martin's, 1st Ward.M artin Emml:!., res Galt House Martin Emma, res Thekla Martin's, 1st Ward M~rtin F. (F. M. & Son) res e s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Martin F B., Galt House,s w c 4th and Canal MarLin F. & Son, (F. M. & John N. M.) painters, e s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Martin John N. (F. ~fartin & Son) res e s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Martin John N. painter, res e s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir Martin Joseph C. bds Railroad House Martin, Kyle &; Co. (Alex. C. M. & James R. K.) saw works, sec Lowell and E. Vine :Martin J.Jevi, bds Railroad House Martin Martha, widow, res Mary E. Anderson's, 1st Ward Martin Nicholas, clerk Martin & Trayser's, res n e c 2d and Alston Martin R. A. piano maker, res Galt House Martin Thekla, saloon and boarding house, n w c Boudinot and Front, 1st Ward Martin Tillie, milliner, wks Chas. H. Zwick's Martin & Trayser, (Francis B. M. & Geo. T.) pianos, s w c 4th and Canal Martin W m. gas maker, res w s 4th b Heaton and Buckeye Martindale Henry N. blacksmith, res e s 7th b Sycamore and JUgdon.Martindell Frank, drugs, n w c 2d and High, res e s 2d b Basin and Ludlow Martz Clara, widow, res w s 3d b High and Stable Martz Nicholas, boiler maker, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Mason Martin, res s s Basin b 2d and 3d Mason Martin, jr. clerk C., H. & D. R. R. res s s Basin b 2d and 3d Mather Mrs. Jane, cook, Dr. Cyrus :Falconer's Mathers Jennie, saleslady Fitton & Bro's. res Sarah Mathers' Mathers Sarah, widow, res w s 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Matthias Barbara, widow, res n s E. Ludlow b 12th and 13th Matthias Catharine, res Barbara Matthias' Matthias Isaac, (I & J. M.) res e.s 2d b Main and RQss, 1st Ward

102 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Gorner Third and High. 100 HAMILTON [MEN] DIRECTORY. Matthias I. & J. (Isaac & Jacob) stoves and tinware, 21 Main b Front and Water. 1st Ward Matthias.J acob; (1. & J. M.) res s s Ross b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Matthias John, paper maker, rei! Barbara Matthias' Matthias Maggie, weaver, res Barbara Matthias' Mattox Eugene, grocer, n W c 3d and Ross, 1st Ward Mattox S..E. insurance, res John B. Lawder's Mauch Mary B. widow, res s s Shillito b7th and 8th MAXWELL J. R., Vice President Cope & Maxwell Manufacturin~ 00.; Residence, n w c 4th and Buckeye May Anna, widow, res e S 4th b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Mayder Theodore, music teacher, res s s WilRon b Front and 2d Mayer Anton, saloon, s s Washington b 2d and Cincinnati Mayer Joseph, molder, bds Fred. Roedel's Mayhew Ohas. shoe maker, bds Frank Morrow's Mayhew Margaret, res s s Sycamore b 5th and 6th Mayhew Rosaline, :res Mar~aret Mayhew's Mayo Chas. shoe maker, bds Frank Moreau's MAYOR'S OFFICE, w s Front opp Public Square; M. N. Maginnis, Mayor \ Mechling Rev. G. Z. res sec 3d and South, 1st Ward ~ Meckley John W- attorney, 220 Basin b 2d and 3d, res n w c 4th and William Meeker Ellen, servant, Hiram Kimball's Mefford Isaac O. carpenter, res w s Schmidtman b E. Vine and Reservoir Mehne John, blacksmith, res Michael J anser's Meierhoefer J acoh, laborer, res n S Washington b 2d and Cincinnati Meiers Jos. beer driver, res n s Ross b 5th and 6th, 1st Ward Meister Anton, machinist, res s s High b 5th and 6th Meister E. carpenter, wks Long, Allstatter & Co's Meister M. machinist, wks Long, Allstatter & Oo's Meley J. F. lime, cement, &c. s w c 4th and Basin, res e s 3d b Heaton and Vine Menche Wm. I&borer, bds n w c Front and Boudinot, 1st Ward Menchen Chas. paper maker, res s s Heaton h 2d and 3d Menchen Geo. saloon, e s 8th b Walnut and Hanover. Menchen Lizzie, res Geo. Menchen's Menchen Philip, helper, res Geo. Menchen's M eng Adam, watchman, res e s 2d b Cincinnati and Woods. Menges Valentine, cigar maker, res nee 5th and Sycamore Menke Bernard, paid tel', res e S 2d b,""alnut and Washinoton Menke Eli;abeth, widow, res Bernard Menke's 0 Menke J as. painter, res Bernard Menke's Menke Ro~a, servant, Granville M. Flenner's Menninger Philip, teamster Heinlein & Co's, res w s Front n of North, 1st Ward Mensch David, boatman, res Henry Mensch's Mensch Geo. boatman, res Henry lvlensch's Mensch Henry, res s s High b Canal and Corp. Line Mensch Ida, res Mary B. Mensch's Mensch Jacob, boatman, res Henry Mensch's Mensch Libbie, res Mary B. Mensch's Mensch Lillie, res Mary B. Mensch's Mensch Lydia, res Mary B. Mensch's

103 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At FITTON & BRO.'S. HAMILTON [MEY] DIREOTORY. Mensch Mary B. widow, res s s Shillito b 7th and 8th Mensch Philla, res Mary B. Mensch's Mensch Samuel, boatman, res Henry Mensch's Mensch W m. boatman, res Henry Mensch's Menser Martin, painter, wks Long, Allstatter & Co~s Menzche W m. teamster, bds n w c Boudinot and Fr~>Dt, 1st Ward Menzer Anna F. res Martin Menzer's, 1st Ward Menzer Martin, paintet, res w s 2d b Franklin and South, 1st Ward 101 Menzer Martin 11'. blacksmith, res Martin Menzer's, 1st Ward MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO. OF CLEVELAND, OHIO, Oampbell & 00., Agents, n w C 2d and High MERCHANTS' EXCELSIOR STEAM ENGLISH AND GE~MAN JOB PRINTING WORKS, Jacob R. Long, Proprietor, w s 2d b High and Dayton. Merker Alpert F. (Fred. Merker & So~) res Fred. Merker's, 1st Ward Merker Fred. (Fred. M. & Son) res w soak -n of Park, 1st Ward MERKER FRED. & SON, (Fred. & Albert F.) Merchant Tailors and Dealers in Gents' Furnishing Goods, n s High opp Court House Methodist Episcopal (German) Ohurch, e s 2d b Front and Boudinot, _ 1st Ward; Rev. O. Helwig, pastor Metsch Ph. helper, wks Hamilton Plow 00 Metz Geo. laborer, res n e c Ohestnut and 4th Metzger Ohrist. laborer, res s s Oanal b 12th and 13th Metzger Louisa, seamstress, res s s Oanal b 12th and 13th Metzler Agatha, res J'ulius Hamann's Metzler Andrew, tailor, res e s 8th b Ludlow and Sycamore Metzler Anton, tailor, res e s 9th b Oanal ~ldd E. Ludlow Metzler Valentine, foreman Julius Hamann's: res w s 2d l? Wilson and "'.,. oods \ Mey Anna, widow, res e s 4th b :Main and.ross, 1st Ward Meyenn Anthony, tobacconist, res e sfront b Dayton and Buckeye Meyenn Clara, clerk n ec 2d and High, res Anthony Meyenn's Meyenn Ida, res Anthony Meyenn's Meyer Anthony, machinist,_ res n s Ha.nover b 2d and Cincinnati Meyer Anton, saloon, ssw ashington b 2d and Oincinnati Meyer Chas. blacksmith, s s Springdale Pike b South Av. and Ludlow Av Meyer Ohristian, machinist, res e s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Vine Meyer Jacob, butcher, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Meyer J ohu, machinist, res Anthony Meyer's Meyer J os. stone mason, res w s' 2d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Meyer J os. (W m. Meyer & Son) res W m. Meyer's Meyer Mary, res Magdalena Oestreichtel"l:i Meye.r Wm. laborer, res s s Ross w of 6th, 1st Ward Meyer Wm. (Wm. M. & Son) res w s 2d b Sycamore and Wilson Meyer W m. & Son, (W m. & J os.) malt, s w cfront and Ludlow Meyerhoefer Jacob, paper maker, res n s Washington b 2d & Oincinnati Meyers Andrew, machinist, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Meyers Ohrist. assistant foreman machinist, Owens, L.ane & Dyer Machine 00 Meyers Edward, machinist, res J os. W. J.\1;eyers'. Meyers Jac.ob' butcher, res junction Main and M.illville Pike, 1st Ward Meyers J os. laborer, res s s High b 11th and Oanal Meyers J os. W. carpenter, res n w c 7th and Butler J

104 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &c., South-west Oorner Third and High. 102 HAMILTON [MIL] DIRECTORY. Meyers Lena, widow, res Mary A. Buckner's MI~.M:I CANAL MILLS, David Gray & Co., Proprietors, e s 1\1:. Canal n of E. Dayton MIAMI DISTILLING CO., Distillers, w s Cincinnati opp South Av.; H. F. Schultze, Superintendent MIAMI PAPER MILL, Beckett, Laurie & Co., Proprietors, n e c Lowell and Buckeye MIAMI SPOKE, HUB AND.BENDING FACTORY, Deiozer, Stephan & 00., Proprietors, wsw ater b Stable and Dayton MIAMI VALLEY HOUSE, Mrs. C. Herb8t, Proprietress, w s 5th b Sycamore and Henry MIAMI VALLEY INSURANCE CO. OF DA:YTON, OHIO, Peter O. Becker, Agent, s s Main 2d door e of 2d, 1st Ward Mick John, laborer, res n w c 5th and Sycamore Mick J os. cigar maker, res n s Stephens b Front and \Vater Miersch Herman, molder, res e s 9th b E. Ludlow and Canal Miersch Wilhelmina, widow, res s s Callal b 8th and 9th. Mikesell Squire T. (Francisco & M.) bds Nelson Thompson's, 1st Ward Mild Ohristian, cooper, res e s Cincinnati near East Av Mild \V m. laborer, res Christian!Hild's Miller Abram, carpets, queens ware, &c. Beckett's Block, res e s 2d two doors s of Ludlow Miller Adam, barber, res s s Sycamore b 6th and 7th Miller Adam, corn, oats, &c. n s Basin b 3d and 4th, res 50 w s 3d b Basin and Ludlow Miller Albert, stencil cutter, res Anton J. Miller's Miller Amaziah H. machinist, res John A. Miller's Miller Anton J. watchman, res n w S Vine b 8th and 9th Miller 0 has. F. miller, res e s 'Vater b Ludlow and Sy"camore Miller Cornelius.F'. gas fitter, res John A. Miller's Miller Eliza, res Matthias Miller's Miller Fred. teamster Brant & Crane's, res sec Ludlow and Water Miller Fredricka, widow, res sec ~~ronl and Buckeye Miller Geo. dray man, res e s 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Miller Gottlieb, res Adam Miller's Miller Harriet, res Thos. Miller>s Miller Jacob, res n e c Front and Ross, 1st Ward Miller Jacob, foreman Clemmens Holbrock's, res Cincinnati Pike and Railroad Miller Jacob, gardener, e s East Av. near Corp. Line Miller Jacob, peddler, res n s Washington b 2d and Cincinnati Miller Jacob, jr. butcher, res Jacob Miller's Miller Jas. P. miller W. Anderson & Co's~ res e s Front b Heaton and Vine Miller John, grocer, s s Henry b 4th and 5th M.iller John, (Getz & M.) res n w c 2d and Wilson l\hl1~r John, painter, res sec 3d and Boudinot, 1st Ward M.iller John, jr. clerk, res John Miller's Miller John A. (Kraus & M.) res s s Sycamore b 6th and 7th l\uller John A. machinist, res w s 4th b Stable and Dayton Miller John D. res Jacob Sheley'S Miller John D. superintendent, res e s 3d b Canal and Ludlow Miller John J. cooper, res e s Cincinnati near East Av Miller Julius, cigar maker, res e s4th b Dayton and Buckeye

105 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. HAMILTON [MIN] DIRECTORY Miller Lewis A. teamster, res John A. Miller's M iller Lizzie, dress maker, res John Miller's 103 Miller Mrs. M. A. widow, res 9 ~"ront b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward M iller Mary, widow, res e soak n of Park, 1st Ward - Miller Mary A. widow, res John West's Miller Matthias. fruit trees, res n w c 4th )'nd Ludlow Miller Michael, laborer, res e s 9th s of Walnut Miller Nettie, res Abram Miller's // Miller Otto, brewer, res e s Wa tel' b Ludlow and Sycamore Miller Phcebe, res sec Front and Buckeye Miller Mrs. R. W. widow, res s s Dayton b 3d and 4th Miller Rosanna, cigar factory, e s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye Miller Sarah, res John A. Miller's MILLER THOS., Business Manager and Local Editor Butler County Democrat and Guidon, n w c 3d and Basin; Residence, 20 N. 3d b Stable and Dayton Miller Walter, bds Cincinnati Exchange Miller W m. C. druggist, res sec Front and Buckeye Miller W m. P. painter, res w s 11th b E. Heaton and E. Dayton Miller W m. W. plasterer, res sec 7th and E. Ludlow Millikin Agnes, res John Millikin's, 1st Ward MILLIKIN DANIEL, Physician and Surgeon, Office and Residence, 120 e s 3d b Stable and Dayton Millikin Daniel B. sup't dry goods Jackson & Co.'s, res n s Buckeye b 2d and 3d Millikin Ella, res John Millikin's, 1st Ward Millikin Ellen, widow, res w s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye Millikin Fanny K. res 207 Buckeye b 2d and 3d Millikin H eury, machinist, wks Bentel, Margedant & Co. 's Millikin Ira S. res Thos. Millikin's Millikin J as. B. attorney and notary, nee 2d and Basin, res w s 2d b Dayton and Buckeye / Millikin J as. O. messenger W. U. Telegraph Co. res J as. B. Millikin's Millikin J ohu, correspondent Long, Allstatter & CO.'8, nee 4th and High, res S 8 Ross b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Millikin Mrs. Josephine C. res see 2d and High Millikin Julia, res 1'hos. Millikin's MILLIKIN ROBERT B., Secretary Hamilton Plow 00., cor 7th and Walnut; Residence, w 8 2d b Ludlow and Sycamore Millikin Mrs. S. J. widow, res 207 Buckeye b 2d and 3d Millikin. Samuel B. book-keeper, res Ellen Millikin's Millikin Theophilus M. res ueo. W. St. Clair's, 1st Ward Millikin Thos. attorney, nee 2d and Basin, res w s 2d b Basin and Ludlow Millikin W m. B. notary, with Thos. Millikin, res n s Chestnut b Front and 2d Millikin W m. H. engineer, res e s 8th s of Walnut Mills Frank, laborer, wks Hamilton Plow Co Mills Wm. laborer, wks Hamilton Plow Co Millspaugh Joe D. CW. C. M. & Son) n s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Millspaugh W. C. & Son, (Wheeler C. M. & Joe D. M.) tinware, n s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Millspaugh Wheoler O. (W. O. M. & Son) n s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Minagh Patrick, blacksmith, bds Galt HouRe

106 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Oorner Third.and High. 104 HA.MILTON [MOR] DIRECTORY. MILWAUKEE MECHANICS' INSURANCE CO. OF MILW A UKEE, WIS., Campbell & Co., Agents, n w c 2d and High Minch Chas. machine hand, res s s Heaton b 2d and 3d Miner George, laborer, bds Oatherine Cox's Miner Mrs. Kate C. widow, res sec 2d and High Miner Patrick, plow maker,bds Galt House Minninger Philip, teamster, res w s Front n of N ortb, 1st Ward Mintz Uhas. clothink and notions, e s 3d b Canal and Basin Mires Dick, hostler, res w s Cincinnati nr Miami Distillery Co Mirsch Henry, molder, wks Cope & Maxwell Manuf. Co Mitchell Miss S. res Mrs. M. A. Clayton's Mittendorfi' John, rope maker, res w s Front opp Beckett Mixer A. grocer, n w c 4th and Ludlow, bds Galt House Mixer Alfred A. machinist, res w s 2d n of North, 1st Ward Mixer's Block, s s High b 3d and 4th Modestus Brother, teacher St. Stephen's School, res n e c 2d and Dayton MOE BUS JOHN, Dealer in Parlor and Oooking Stoves, Hollow Ware, &c.; Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware; also, Tin Roofer, e s 2d 3d door n of Basin, opp Public Square; Residence, n s Wilson b Front and 4d Monke Mena, servant, O. V. Parrish's Monsch George, laborer, res e s Front b Chestnut and Woods Moore Albert, engineer, bds Miami Valley House Moore Albert W. engineer, bds Horace W. Gear's Moore Amanda, widow, res s s Main b 5th and Millville Road, 1st Ward Moore Edward E. (Moorp & M.) res Thos. Moore's, 1st Ward MOORE H. A., President Variety Iron Works, cor 7th and Hanover; Residence, Country Moore J as. laborer, res e s 4th b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Moore J as. W. (Moore & M.) res Thos. Moore's, 1st Ward MOORE & MOORE, (Thomas, James W & Edward E.) Attorneys at Law, Office, n s High opp Oourt House Moore Thos. (1\.1. & Moore) res e s 3d b Franklin and Junction R. R., 1st Ward Moore Thos. jr. res Thos. Moore's, 1st Ward Moore W. H. clerk, res J. F. Meley's Moore W. P. clerk Post Office, res Thos. Moore's, 1st Ward.M oran Margaret, widow, res s s North b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Moran Rebecca, servant, H. H. Wallace's Moreau Chas. A. W. shoe maker, res Frank Moreau's Moreau Frank, shoe maker, res s s Dayton b Front and Water. Morey Henry L. (M. & Morey) res w s 3d b High and Dayton Morey J as. ]1], lmorey & M.) res e s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton MOREY & MOREY, (Henry L. & James E.) Attorneys at Law, Notaries Public, General Insurance Agents and Brokers, Office, n e c 2d and High, Beckett's Block Morgan John, molder, bds St. Julien Hotel Morgenroth Bernard, dealer in stone, res w s Front b Hanover and Beckett Morgenroth Henry, laborer, res e s Front b Hanover and South Av Morgenroth Henry, jr. saloon, n s Washington b Front and 2d Morgenthaler Anna ~. res s w c Dayton and 2d Morgenthaler Christian;' carriages, sec Front and Stable, res s w c Dayton and 2d if;;

107 The Celebrated Domestic Pa.per Fashio:l.s, FITTON & BRO., A~ents. HAMILTON [MUE] DIRECTORY. log Morgenthaler Henry W~ (Schmidt, Kemlein & M.) bds Phillips House Morgenthaler John, sup't Christian :Morgenthaler's, res s w c Dayton and ~d MORGENTHALER PHILIP, Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods, &c., n w c 2d and Boudinot, 1st 'vvard MORGENTHALER & SCHMIDT, (Uhri:.;tian M. & Adolph S.) Tanner~ and Curriers, and Dealers in HideH, Oils, &c., Tannery, n w c Water and Boudinot, bt Ward; Office, 11 w c Front and Basin Mormann Ernst, res e s lj'ront b Wilson and Sycamore Morner Albert M. molder, res Catherine Morner's, 1st Ward Morner Amelia, widow, res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Morner Carrie, res John Morner's Morner Catherine, widow, res w s Wator b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Morner George, book-keeper, res 'VO'lf?!:ang Morner's Morner Geo. D. tinner, res Amelia Momer's Morner J. E. turner, res Amelia Morner's Morner Jacob, cigar maker. res Catherine 1\lorner's, 1st Ward Morner John, molder, res e s 2d b Da) ton and Buckeye Morner John, jr. tinner, res John Morner's, sr Morner John Fred. cigar maker, res Catherine Morner's, 1st Ward Morner John H. cigar maker, res Catherine Morner's, 1st Ward Morner J.lhn 'Vm. molder, res Catherine Morner's, bt Ward Morner, res Wolfgang Morner's Morner Lizzie, res Wolfgang Morner's Morner Wolfgang, stone mason, res e s Front b Buckeye and Heaton Morris J. C. pre~'t CO'pe & Maxwell Manllf. Co. res Uia'cinnati Morris J os. A. clerk Peter Jacobs', res e s 2d b Ludlow and Sycamore MO'rrison J as. A. machinist, res n e c 2d and Heaton Morrison John R. traveling agent Carr & Son's, bu::! W m. B. Carr's Morrison Robert, bds John C. We Iver's Morrow lj'rank, shoe maker, res s s Dayton b Water and Front Morton Flora, res Sarah A. Morton's Morton Sarah A. widow, res s w s Vine b 10th and 11 th Morton "V m. molder, res Sarah A. Morton'::! Mott Nicholas U. wood worker, res n s Ludlow b 3d and 4th Mott Sarah M. res Nicholas U. Mott's M ott Virginia J. res Nicholas U. Mott's Motz W m. teacher, res n s Washington 2d door e O'f 2d MO'tzer Gottlieb C. butcher, res s s ~pringdale Pike nr Ludlow Av Mueller Mrs. widow, res sec AlstO'n and Cincinnati Mueller Adolph, harnes!:'\ maker, res Frekericka Mueller's Mueller Anna, saloon and boarding ho'use. n w c 4th and Heaton Mueller Chas. clerk sec 2d and Basin, bds Chas. Horsfeld's, 1st Ward MUELLER MRS. E., Manufacturer and Dealer in Human Hair, Hair J 0well'Y,.clair Flowers, ~witches, Curls. Braids, &c., 12 Main b Water and Front, 1st Ward MUELLER ERNST, Musician; Residence, 12 Main b Water and lj'ront, 1st Ward. Mueller Fredericka, widow, res s s Vine b Front and 2d Mueller Fredericka, widow, res s e c FrO'nt and Buckeye Mueller Jacob, laborer, res w s Water b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Mueller Katie,-servant, Mrs. AarO'n Potter's, 1st Ward Mueller Leonard, ice shipper, res Anna Mueller's Mueller Maggie, servant, n e c Front and Heaton 8

108 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 106 HAMILTON [MYEJ DIRECTORY. Mueller Mary, widow, res e s 3d b Heaton and Vine Mueller Phebe, servant, 60 Front b Dayton and Buckeye M ueiler W m. C. druggist, res sec Front and Buckeye Muhle Katie, servant, J. L. Schroder's )1 ulders R.atie, res Margaret Mulders' Mulders Lizzie, house-keeper, res Margaret Mulders 7 Mulders Mal'garet, widow, res n s Ludlow b Front and Water Muller Anton, brewer, wks n w c Front and Sycamore 1\'1 uller John, boiler maker, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Mullin I. W gun and locksmith, w s 2d nr High, res e s.front b Dayton and Buckeye Muncey Will. grocer, n s E. Heaton b 5th and 6th Muncey Wm. jr. machinist, res Wm. Muncey's Munford Wm. blacksmith, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer-Machine Co Munsch Peter, hostler, Hamilton Exchange Murphy John, molder, bds St.. Julien Hotel Murphy Martin, laborer, res e s Front b Buckeye and Heaton Murphy Mary, widow, res w s Cincinnati b Hanover and South Av Murphy Wm. (Kumler & Co. and Shaffer, M. &, Kumler) res sec 2d and North, 1st Ward Murray Wm. res s s Buckeye b Front and 2d Musch John, cooper, res w s Front b Burnett and California Musch Louisa, servant, John Seward's. Mush John, city fireman, res w s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Muskoph Susan, res D. B. Sanders' Mustard Ros~na, house-keeper, Geo. W White's Myer Henry, laborer, res Alex. K. Lyons' MYERS DR. A. & CO., Dealers in Drugs~ Medicines, Paints, Oils, VarniiShes, Books, Stationery, &c.; also, Proprietors Circulating Library, 218 High, Opera House Building Mye~s Dr. Aaron, (Dr. A. M. & 00.) res e s 3d three doors n of Dayton MYERS B. J., Agcnt Cincinnati Ice Co.; Residence, s s High b 10th and 11th Myers Benjamin, res J os. Myers', 1st Ward Myers Bernard, laborer, wks Cincinnati Ice Co. res Fairfiled Tp Myers Charles E.carriage painter, res Jacob Myers' l\lyel's Edward, machinist, wks Niles Tool Works Myers Geo. laborer, res j.unction Cincinnati and East Av Myers Isaac, farmer, res Joseph Myers', 1st Ward. l\'lyers Jacob, butcher, res e s Front b Buckeye and Heaton Myers Jacob, carpenter, res John 8. Myers' Myel'S John, l'es Joseph Myel's', 1st Ward Myers John S. carpenter, res c s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir Myers John S. carpenter, res s s Ross b 5th and 6th, 1st Ward Myers Joseph, drayman, res s s Main b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Myers Joseph, molder, wks Variety Iron Works Myers Joseph, straw dealer, res n s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Myers J os. W. city fil'eman, res n w c 7th and Butler Myers Kate, res J aeob Myers' Myers Mary, res Joseph Myers', 1st "\Vard L\lyers Qbediah, res Joseph Myers', bt Ward Myers Sitephen, Jaborer, res s s Franklin b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Myers W m; boatman, res s s Canal b 8th and 9th Myers W m,. laborcr, res s w c 2d and Houdinot, 1st Ward

109 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By' FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON [NIXl DIRECTORY. 107 N Naas Frank, laborer, res w s 2d b Vine and Mill Nary Patrick, laborer, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d NATIONAL ZEITUNG, (German Weekly) L. B. De la Court, Editor, Publisher and Propl'ietor, Office, s s.basin opp Oourt House Nau Bernhardt, hostler, n w c 2d and Stable Neal James A. coal and wood, n e c' Sycamore and 2d, res sec 2d and.buckeye Neal James E. (N. & Sharts) res sec 2d and Buckeye NEAL & SHARTS, ('ames E. N. & Joseph W S) Attorneys at Law, Office, Beckett's Block, n ~ High n~ar 2d Nealon Thos. machinist, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Neff Christian M. iron Railing mflker, bds Nelson Thompson's, 1st Ward Neff' John, laborer, e s 3d b Bqudinot and Main, 1st Ward Neff Mrs. M. res s s North b 2'd and 3d, 1st Ward Negele Valentine, stone cutter, wks F. IIorssnyder's Neibrander J. marble polisher, wks F. Horssnyder's Neilan Ella, book-keeper, res Sarah M. Neilan's Neilan Henry, foreman, res w s 5th b Walnut and Washington NEILAN JOHN F., Attorney at Law, Notary Fublic and General Collector, Office, Beckett's Block, n e c 2d and High; Resi. dence, w s Front 3-d door s of Ross, 1st Ward Neilan Nellie A. book-keeper Jackson & Oo's, res Sarah M. Neilan's Neilan Sarah M. dress maker, res Sarah M. Neilau's Neilan Sarah l~. widow, res e s 5th b Walnut and Hanover Nesser Adam, painter, res s s Boudinot b 3d and 4th, 1st Yvard Netz Wm. carpenter, res Catharine Weber's N eubrander Martin, shoe maker, res n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Newbrander Martin, shoe maker, res n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward N ewdick Ellen, res Fred. N ewdick 1 s Newdick Fred. miller, People's Mills, res s s Butler b 6th and 7th NICHOLS W. A., Principal Ohio Commercial College, 15 and 17 3d b High and Basin; Residence, w s Front b High and Basin Nicklas, Henry, hostler, Farmers' Hotel, 1st Ward Nickum Daniel L. baker Carr & Son's, res w s 3d b Heaton and Vine Niebrander Jacob; stone finisher, res n e c Water and Stephens Niederauer Henry, (John Donges & Co.) res w s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Niedermanu Jacob, traveling agent, res w s Front b Oalifornia and Chestnut Niedermann John L. grocery and saloon, s w c Canal and 9th Nieters Herman, tailor, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d Nieters John, stone cutter, res w s Front opp Beckett NILES TOOL WORKS, Manufacturers of Machine Tools and every description of Iron Working Machinery, cor 3d and Hydraulic; James W. Gaff, President; George A. Gray, jr' J Treasurer; Alex Gordon, Secretary Nimberger F. molder, wks Niles Tool Works Nixon Elizabeth, widow, res Edward Garland's

110 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and. High. 108 HAMILTON [Ol~T] DIRECTORY. Nixon 8quire, laborer, res Edward (hrland's NIxon Wm. farmer, res Edward Garland's Nizer Thos. blacksmith, res nee 7th and Rigdon Nolan Andrew, boiler mal{er, res Bridget Nolan's N olan Be~sie, servant, John W. Erwin's Nolan Bridget, res M 1'8. Bridget.Nolan's Nolan Bridget, widow. res sec 2d and Clw"tnut N ordholdt Herman, stone cutter, re~ sec 6t.h and E. Vine N orriholdt John W m.carriage maker, bds Herman N ordholdt's Norman Wm. H. foreman, res w s.s Lane b Minster and Owens Norris John, janitor, rer w s Front b Boudinot and North, 1st. 'Yard Norris Josie. res John Norris', 1st Ward N orris Martin 1,). shoe maker, res J ohn Norris', 1st Ward Northholt Herm~n, stone cutter, wks B. H. Wel1inghoff's NORTHRUP LOT li., Dealer in Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Clay, Feed, &c., e s 4th b Basin and Canal; Residence, August Benningbofen's Norton John, helper, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer N achine Co N udd Orrin, machinist, res e S 3d b High and Stable N unberger Henry, laborer, res s s Canal b 7th and 8th o : Oakes Erastus, blachmith, res s s Canal b 4th and 5th Oberrecht Miss E. finil:lher, res Ferdinand Oberrecht's Oberrecht Ferdinand, laborer, res n s Vine b 2d and 3d Oberrecht John, finisher, res Ferdinand Oberrecht's O'Brian Camelia, res Leonard W. O'Brian's, sr : O'Brian David B. (W m. O'Brian & Sons) res W m. O'Brian's O'Bi"ian Edwin H. (Wm. O'Brian & Sons) res Wm. O'Brianis O'Brian John R. (Wm. O'Brian & Sons) res Wm. O'Brian's O'Brian Leonard W.jr. twm. O'Brian & Sons) res Wm. O'Brian's O'Brian Leonard W. H carriage maker, res w s 3d b Heaton and Vine O'Brian Wm. (Wm. O'B. & Sons) res e s li'ront b Buckeye and Heaton O'Brian:\Vm. A. (Wm. O'Brian & Sons) res Wm. O'Brian's O'BRIAN WILLIAM & SONS, (William, John R., David B., Leonard W. jr.,.jjjdwin H. & William A.) Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies and Spring Wagons, nee Front and Stable 0' Brien Ann, res nee SChmidtman and ~j. Vine O'Brien Martin, res e s Schmidtman b.jjj. Vine and Reservoir O'Oallaghan Monica, house-keeper, res Mrs. K. CoIl's O'Connell.Patrick, currier, res nee Front and Boudinot, 1st \V ~rd Odd Fellows' Building, sec Main and Front, 1st Ward Odd Fellows' Hall, s w c 3d and High O'Dowd Bridget, servant, C. E. Macbeth's Oelmer John, laborer, res s s Main w 5th, 1st Ward : 'Oestreichter MagdaJe.. a, widow, res s s Dayton b 2d and 3d, OETTERER AUGUST, Bread and Cake Bakel'y, Confectionery and. he Oream Hooms, 3 w s Front b Main and Ross, 1st Ward OETTERER MRS. PHILIP, Confectionery and Bread and Cake Bakery; also, Wine and Beer Saloon, 22 Main b Front and Water, 1st Ward.

111 Kid. Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At,FITTON & SHO.'S.., HAMILTON [PAR] DIRECTORY. Oestreichter Rosa, music t.eacher, res s s Dayton b 2d and 3d O'Hara John, painter, res s w c 4t,h a.nd Ohestnut 109 OHIO COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 15 and 17 3d b High and Basin; W A. Nichols, Principal OHIO FARMERS' INSURA.NCE CO. OF LE ROY, MEDIN A 00., 0, Shepherd & McGriff, A2'ents, Beckett's Block OHIO INSURANCE CO. OF DAYTON, Shepherd & McGriff, Agents, Beckett's Block Ohmer A. J. restaurant, U nion Pctssen~er Depot, re~ sec 5th & W'llnut OLD DOMINION INSURANCE CO. OF RICHMOND, VA., Oalllpbell & 00., Agents, n w c 2d and High Olt J oho, laborer, res n S Burnett b Front and Water, OPERA BILLIARD ROOM, Opera House Building, s s High b 2d and 3d; Ayers & Reynolds, Proprietors Opera House, 8 s High b 2d aud 3d Oppen heirner Adele, widow, res Newton "J colelian's Ort John L. E. baker Carr & Son'8, bds Mrs. ~bry A. Oampbell's Orme Nathaniel, dyer and renovator, s s BaEin 2d door w of 2d Orme Sallie, teacher of wax work, res s s Basin 2d door w of 2d Orr Hannah, cook, Butler House, 1st Ward Ostermann Kate, midwife, res n s Alston b 3d and Cincinnati Ostermann Lawrenc"e, brick maker, res n s Alston b 3d and Cincinnati Ott Rudolph, molder, res n s Buckeye b 3d and 4th Otter Wm. E. machinist, res e s 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Otto John H. machinist, res e s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Overmyer Rebecca S. widow, res n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Overpeck Bros. (Lucian C. & J as.'y.) photographers, 129 High opp Conrt HOllse Overpeck Jas. 'rv. (0. Bros.) res country Overpeck I.. ucian C. (0. Bros.) res country Owens J as. laborer, bds Catherine Oox's OWENS JOB E., President Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co., s e c 4th and E. Heaton; Residence, w s 2.1 b Dayton and Buckeye Owens John, tailor, res Michael Conroy's OWENS, LANE & DYER MACHINE COMPANX"! Manufacturers of Poratable and Stationary Steam Engines, TractIOn Engines, Eclipse Circular Saw Mills, Steam and Horse Puwer TbresLi[}O' o Machines, Mill GearinO' 0 and Machinery, sec 4th and Heaton ; Job E. Owens, PL'esident; Martin L.Seward, Secretary and Treasurer; E. G. Dyer, Vice President; W m. Ritchie, Su perintendent Owens 1\1 ary J. widow, res n s \V oods b Cincinnati and 2d Oy lei' Peter, ~hoe maker, res VI s Water b High and Basin Pabst Ohas. brewer, res J acobpabst's, 1st Ward Pabst Ohrist. printer Jacob H. Long's, re., J a.cob Pabst's Pabst Daniel carriage trimmer, res s s Stable b 3J and 4th p PABST JACOB, Manufacturer of Oider and Cider Vinegar; Residence, s s Ross b 6th and Millville Road: 1st Ward. 'Vill Remove April 1st, 1876, to w s Cincinnat,i b Woods and Ohestnut. 2d Ward

112 FITTON &.BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &c., South-west Corner Third and High. 110 HAMILTON [PEC] DIRECTORY. Pabst Jacob, jr. clerk Jacob Rupp's, res Jacob Pabst's, lst Ward Pabst Philopena, res Jacob Pabst's, 1st Ward Paco Lizzie, servant, Dr. S. M. Schell's Paddack C. E. dentist, n s High b 2d and 3d, res C. H. Paddack's Paddack Chas. H. machinist, res 107 Buckeye b Front and 2d Paddack J. R. secretary Cope & Maxwell Manuf. Co. res Chicag-o, III Paddack T. B. treasurer Cope & Maxwell Manuf. Co. res Lockland, 0 Pahlman John, brick maker, res s s Vine b Front and 2d Parcels Daniel C. engineer, res e s 5th b E. Jjudlow and Sycamore Parent Caleb: (Geo. P Tangeman & Co.) res Rockdale Parker Edward, brakeman, bds Mart.ha M cmains~ Parks Dr. J. M. res e s 2d b Basin and Ludlow Parks Maggie.E. res Dr. J. M. Parks' Parr 'Vm. res w s 5th b E. Ludlow and. Sycamore Parrish Alice, sale~lady Singer Manufacturing 00. res O. V Parrish's PARRISH O. V., Agent Singer Manufacturing Co., Office, n s High b 2d ana 3d; Residence, w s 3d b Sycamore and Alston Partsschefeld Anna, res Ernst Partsl"chefeld's.Partsschefeld Ernst, res n s Basin b Front and Water Pater Bernard H. boots and shoes, w s 2d b Sycamore and 'Wilson Pater Bridget, servant, Rev. Cbas. H. Dutton's Pater Geo. tanner, res J. Henry Pater's Pater J. Henry, tanner, w s Front b Crawford's Run and South Av Pater J. Henry, jr. tanner, res J. Henry Pater's Pater J os. student, res Mary Pater's Pater Mary, widow, res w S Fl'ont s of Hanover Pater Minnie, servant, Rev. C. H. Dutton's Patterson Amelia, res Samuel Patterson's Patterson Edward, laborer, res n s Canal b 9th and 10th Patterson Harriet, res s s Chestnut b 4th and Cincinnati Patter~on Ida, res Edward Patterson's Patterson J as. cook, res Samuel Patterson's Patterson J as. E. laborer, res Edward Patterson's Patterson Samuel, laborer, res 308 Chestnut b 4th and Cincinnati Patton Edward, res s s Oanal b 4th and 5th Patton J os. painter, res w s Schmidtman b E. Vine and Reservoir Paul August, barber, bds Adam Weber's Paul August, boots and shoes, s s Basin b 2d and 3u, res s s Washington b 2d and Cincinnati Paul August, jr. barber, res August Paul's Paul Emma, res August Paul's Paul Nicholas, laborer, w k~ Jacob Miller's PAULIN WILLIAM H., Livery, ~ale Stable b 2d ami ad; n.e::;idence, n w c 3d and Stable Pauly Henry, maehinist, wks Cope & Maxwell Manuf. Co Pay Hester A. widow, res w s 2d n of Mill Pay Nathan T. res Hester A. Pay's Pay Sarah, res Hester A. Pay's Payne--African M. E. Chapel, n w c 'Yater and Ludlow Payne Isaac N. servant, WwIn. H. Allen's Peacock O. Ellen, re:::; Isaac Peacock's Peacock Isaac, civil engineer, res e s 5th b E. Ludlow and Sycamore Peck Alice J. res John P P. Peck's Peck Delia E. res J obn P. P.PQck's and Boarding Stable, n s

113 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Oorner Third and High. HAMILTON [PHIl DIRECTORY. Ill! Peck H. P. K. patent attorney, Beckett's Block, res e s 3d b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward PECK JOHN P. P., Vice President Union Central Life Insurance Co. of Cincinnati; Residence, w s 3d b Heaton and Vine Peck Mary, res John P. P. Peck's Peck Sarah, res H. P. K.. Peck's, 1st Ward Peeling Geo. miller, res 'V m. Vaughan'S, 1st Ward Peiper Herman, cigar maker, bds Hamilton Exchange Pender Chas. B. conductor, bds Edgar M. Dl'Um's Pen del' John, laborer, res e H 4th b Buckeye and Heaton Pender Lizzie, res John Pellder's Penny Mrs. widow, res Helena Ruder's PEOPLE'S MILLS, J. W. 0111'1' & Son, Proprietors, n w c 5th and E. Dayton Perrine Nancy, widow, res s s Main w of 5th. 1st Ward, PetefiiSh Laura, printer, res Philip Berry's Peters Andrew, laborer, res 11-1: Bllckeye b Front and 2d, Peters Andrew, marble polisher, wks B. H. Wellinghoff's Peters Andrew, shoe maker, res s s Vine b Front and ~d Peters Denie, res 114 Buckeye b Front and 2d Peters Henry J. stone cutter, res e s Front b Dayton and Buckeye Peterson haae H. carpenter, res 109 Buckeye b Front and 2d Peterson J ohll W. cigars aud stencils, 109 High opp Court House, res 109 Buckeye b Front and 2d Peterson Katie, servant, Wm. Trapp's Peterson Rachel L. dress maker, res s s Canal bath and 7th. Petrie John, stone mason, res e s 2d b Walnut and Uhestnut Pfaeffiin Fanny, teacher, res sec 2d and Oincinnati Pike Pfaeffiill Louisa, widow, res P. Henry Gerhard's Pfaeffiin W m. pattern maker, res P. Henry Gerhard's Pfaff Hellry, shoe maker, res e s eront b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Pfau Geo. painter, bds Henry Street House Pfau W m. (Louis Snider & Sons) res 112 Buckeye b Front and 2d Pfeiffer J os. spoke finisher, res e s 2d b Ohestnut and Walnut Pfeil Valelltine, shoe maker, res w s Front b Millikin and South, ht Ward Pfenning Matt. plasterer, res w s 3d opp Canal PfLwzcr John C. stone mason, res Felix Planter's Pflanzer Jolin C. stone mason, res Archibald Davi.dson's Pflaum Frederica, res Rev. Herman Pfl,LUm's Pflaum Rev. Herman, rcs e s 2d b Ciucinnati and Woods Pflaum Jennie, saleslady T. V Howell & Son's, res Rev. Her.B,lan Pflaum'iS Pflaum Martin, teacher, ref Rev. Herman Pflaum'S Pflum John, res nee ~tuand Greenwood Av Pflum John, jr. res nee Greenwood Av. and 8th Pflum Richard, carder, res n e c Greenwood Av. and 8th PFUELB F. ALO YS,.Proprietor Farmers' Hotel, s w c Main and Water, 1st Ward Philips Fred.' carpenter, l'es n w c 2d and Sycamore Phillipp Gotfried, I:!aloon, W s 2d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward" Phillipp Gottlieb, driver, bds Valent.ine Webel"s, 1st Ward PHILLIPS MAJOR ALFRED A., Proprietor Phillips Hous~, n w C,Front and High Phillips Alice, res Phillips House

114 Laces, EmbroideriEs & Hosiery at FITTON & BUO.'S, South-west Oorner Third and High. 112 HAMILTON [POT] DIRECTORY. Phillips G~o. H. ('Valker & P.) res w s Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward PHILLIPS HOUSE. Major Alfred A. Phillips, Proprietor, n w c Front and High Phillips Nellie, res Phiilips House Phipps Sarah, widow, res M )'8. O. S. Quire's, l~t Ward PH<ENIX BILLARD ROOM AND RESTAURANT, Herman Heutti, Proprietor, n w c 2d and l:1igb Pieper Geo. renderer, res s w c Burnett and Front Pieper Herman, cig-ar maker, bds Hamilton Exchange Pieper Lam bert, peddler, res e s 2d b Hanover and Minster Pinneas 'Vm. helper, wks Hamilton Plow Co Pieppert Oatherine, widow, res w s Front b Sycamore and Stephens Pieppert Henry, laborer, res Oatherine Pieppert's Pierce Robert, cooper, res s w c 4th and Boudinot, 1st Ward Pippert Henry, jr. laborer, res Henry Pippert's Pippert Henry, laborer, res s s Sycamore b Front and Water PlaceW m. brakeman, bds Martha McMains' Planett Adam, currier, bds n w c Front and Boudinot, 1st Ward Planter Felix, machiljist, res s s Heaton b 2d and 3d Platz Ohristian, grocery and saloon, n s E. J.Judlow b 8th and 9th Pochard Albert, express mes~enger. res Peter Pochard's Pochard Alfred, depot clerk U. S. Express 00. res s s Woods b 4th and 5th Pochard Louis T. laborer, res Peter Pochard's Pochard Peter, cooper, res ssw I)ods b 4th and 5th Pochard W m. E. laborer, res Peter Pochard's Pohl lvl ary, res Dena Shurfi'anz's Pohlman J 08. H. laborer, res n s 'Washington b 2d and Oincinnati Poindexter Henry, laborer, res n s Stephens b Front and Water Poindexter Walter, laborer, res n s Stephens b Front and Water Poppe I Agnes, servant, Louis' B. De la Oourt's Poppel J os. farmer, res n S Hanover b 2d and Oincinnati Porter.Fred. W. carpenter, res s w c 6th and Reservoir Post Augu~t, night watchman, wks Variety Iron Works POST OFFIUE. s.w c Front and Hi h; John McKee, Postmaster Pottenger Mary, milliner, res Elenor W Marsh's PolLer Mrs. Aaron, res n s Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Potter Anna E. res n w c 3d and Dayton POTTER & CaM.PBELL, (Ellis M. P. & Lewis D. C. jr.) Hamil ton Spice Mills; Manutacturers of "Town Talk" Baking Powder, Grinders of Spices, Ooffee, Mustard, &c., s s High 2d door w of 4th POTTER E. & CO, (Mrs. Emeline P. & Frank P. Stewart) Importers of Scotch Granite; Manufacturers of Native Granite and Italian Marble Monuments, &c., n w c High and Water, east end Suspension Bridge Potter Eliza, teacher, ras n s LUGlow b 2d and 3d Potter Ellis M. (P & Campbell) res n w c 3d and Dayton Potter Mrs. Emeline, (E. P. & Co.) res w s Front b.main and Boudinot, ht Ward POTTER EZRA, Real Estate Agent, Office, n s High b 2d and 3d, under Second National Bank; al!'o, Dealer in Rough and Dres~ed Lum bel', Lath, Shingles, Coal and Wood, Yard and Office, sec 4th and E. Dayton; Hesidence, n w c 3d and Dayton

115 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON &, BRO.!) Agents. HAMILTON [HAD] DIRECTORY. 113 Potter Rus~ell, res e R Front b H l~h and Stable POTTER S. H., M. D., Physician and Surgeon) Office and Residence. sec Chestnut and 4th Pottin?;er Mary, milliner, res Ellen Larsh's Powell Edella, res John M. Powell's Powell Flora E. res John M. Powell'!! Powell John M. res e s 3d b Stable and Dayton Powell Lavina, widow, res n s E. Vine opp 8th Powell Lavina A. dress maker, wks Lizzie Lovett's, 1st Ward Powell Marietta, res Lavina Powell's Powell Mattie, res Lavina Powell's Powell W m. S. A. res John 1\1. Powell's Powers Nancy, servant, Dr. F. W. Major's Prendergast Ann, widow, res n S Sycamore b 3d and 4th Prendergast Hugh, laborer, res w s 5th b Chestnut and Walnut :Prendergast Maggie, res Richard Prendergast's Prendergast Mark, laborer, res Ann Prendergast's Prendergast Mary, res Hugh Prendergast's Prendergast Richard, baker, res w s 4th b Woods and Chestnut Presbyterian Church, w s Front b Hi~'h and Basin Price Fergus, saw maker, res Rachel Price's, bt "Yard Price Rachel, widow, res w s N. 4th n of.park, 1st Ward Prickett Samuel, farmer, res n e s Cincinnati s of South Av Priesman Henry, baker, bds Fred. Weislogel's, 1st Ward Priugle Gaylord L. res Mrs. Delia McKinney's PROBATE JUDGE'S OFFICE. on Public Square; 'Ym. R. Cochran, Probate Judge Prosecuting Attorney's Office, on Public Square; J. L. Vallandigham, prosecuting attorney Pugh Chas. E clerk, res W m. Pu~h's, 1st ""Vard. Pugh & 'l'hompson, (Wm. P. & Newton T.) coufectionery, s 8 Main b Water and Front, 1st Ward PUGH WlVl., Proprietor Eclipse Livery, Sale and Boarding Stable, e s Front b Main and Ross; Residence, s s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Puthoff F. B. huts and caps, 9t Main b 'Vater and Front, 1st W' ard Puthoff Frank H. druggist, re:; e s Front b Ross and Fran klin, 1st 'Yard Quinlan W m. fireman, res w s 11th b E. Dayton and E. Heaton Quinlioe Heury, fireman, WKS Beckett, Laurie & Co.'s Quire.M 1'8. C. S. widow, res n s Main b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Quire Chas. H. carriage painter, res Mrs. C. S. Quire's, 1st Ward Quire J :)s. S~ telegraph operator, res Mrs. C. S. Quire's, lst Ward Q R Raab Diederich, tailor, rcs w s Front. b Ludlo~ and Sycamore Haab Martin, laborer, res Diederich Raab's Radisch Frank, cooper, res n e s Cincinnati s of South Av

116 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 114 HAMILTON [RIE] DIRECTORY. Raeder John, wool sorter, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Raeder Wm. pattern maker, res s w c Wilson and 2d, Rai Jacob. laborer, res n S Boudinot b Front and 2d, 1st Ward RAILROAD HOUSE, John Leikhardt, Proprietor, w s C., H. & D. R. R. b Henry and Sycamore RaIl Heuben, laborer, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Ranke Christ laborer, res c s 7th b Dayton and Butler Ranke Frank, carpenter, res W B 7th b E. Heaton and E. Buckeye Rankin David O. conductor, bds Martha McMains' Rapp Jacob, carpenter, rer n s Ohestnut b Front and 2d Rathgens John, paper carrier, res s s Shillito b 8th and 9th Ratliff J as. D. CRothenbush & R.) res n s Main b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Raymond John, brewer: res w s Front b Franklin and South, 1st Ward Reagan Thos. laborer, res w s 5th b Walnut and Cincinnati. Rebstock Fidele, carpenter, res ssw ashington b 2d and Cincinnati Rebstoc~ J os. grinder, res w s 2d b Chestnut and Walnut RECORDER'S OFFICE OF BUTLER COUNTY, on Public Square; Peter Bender, County Recorder Redden Mi( hael, plasterer, res sec 3d and Boudinot, ht Ward Reddington Michael, engineer, res e s 4th b Sycamore and Ludlow Redegeld John, laborer, res sec Schmidtman and E. Vine Reed A. C. driver American Expt'ess 00. res 209 Ludlow b 3d and 4th Reed Ohas. barber, res Mary Reed's Reed & Davison, (Joseph R. & Robert D.) feed, sec 6th and Sycamore Reed Ed. O. clerk G. M. Flenner's, res Mrs. Delia McKinney's Reed Henry, laborer, res Mary Heed's Reed Henry, porter, Phillips House Reed John, sawyer, res w s Front n of North, 1st Ward Reed J os. CR. & Davison) res s s Canal b 6th and 7th Reed Mary, widow, res w s Front b Califurnia and Ohesntlt Reed Mary B. widow, res Dr. F. W. Major's Reed Mrs. S. res Mrs. Delia McKinney'::; H.eed Thos. market master, res s s Ludlow b 3d and 4th REEDER JOHN S., General Agent Oineinnati Enquirer, Rooms n e c Front and High Reeder Oapt. N atnaniel, rooms nee Front and High Reegan Miss I. teacher, res Abraham Uumple's, 1st Ward Rees Emeline, widow, res s w c Front and Main, 1st Vf ard Rees Moritz, carpet weaver, bds n w c Front and Boudinot, 1st Ward Reeves Oollill, omnibus driver, rooms 218 Basin b 2d and 3d Regan Mary, dress maker, res Peter Regan"s Regan Michael, molder, res Peter Regan's Regan Peter, foreman, res e s 4th b 0 haries and Woods Regan Thos. M. yard master, res n s Woods b 4th and 5th Regan Wm. brakem,an, bds Wm. J. Brannen's Regg Andrew, cooper, res W s Cincinnati b Hanover and South Av Regling J os. hostler, wks Schneider & Bro's Rcice Peter, laborer, res Geo. J. \Villinghoff's Reichel Lena, servant, James E. Campbell'::! H.eichrodAdam, laborer, res s s Franklin b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Reichrod Geol'gietta, res Adam Reichrod's, lst Wal'd Reichrod John, broom maker, res Adam Reichrod's, 1st Ward Reidenbaugh Wm. brakeman, bds Dora Keck's Reiff Albert, molder, res John Reiff's

117 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAM [LTON rreyj DIRECTORY. 115 Reiff Chas. A. broom maker, res ssw oods b 3d and 4th Reiff Frederick, molder, res S A Burnett b Front and Water Reiff Fred. saloon and boarding house, s w c 2d and Sycamore Reiff.J olm, res Fred. Reiff's Reiff John, stone mason, res s s Burnett b Front and Water Reiff John, tailor, res s s Burnett b Front and Water Reiff John M. stone mason, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d Reiff Minnie, res John M. Reiff's Reiff 'V m. wagon maker and blacksmith, e s 3d b Woods and William, res e s Front b Stephens and Wilson Reifrod Lizzie, res w 8 3d b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Reigart Christian, miller, res s s High b 8th and 9th Reigart Kate, dresl:! ma,ker, res Christian Reigart's Reigel Henry, baker, res John Reigel's '-', Reigel John, carpenter, res sec 5th and Caldwell Reigert Christophel', miller, res s s High b 8th and 9th Reigert Katie, dress maker, res Christophel' Reigert's Reigert Harry, shoe maker, res Christophel' Reigert's Rein Adam, gunsmith, res sse. Heaton b 5th and 6th Rein Minnie, res Adam Rein's Reinecke Henry, laborer, res w sfront opp Beckett Reinecke John, res Henry Reinecke's Reinecke Mary, res Henry Reinecke's. Reinke John, marble polisher, reschas. Wolf's Reis Moritz, carpenter, bds n w c Boudinot and Front, 1st Ward Reisbeck Rosa, servant Philip Hurm's Reisbeck 'rheresa, waiter, Phillips House Reil:!s Geo. T. draughtsman, wks Cope & M.axwell Manuf Co Reiss Peter, labore!', wks Cope & Maxwell Manuf. 00 REISTER J AeOB, 'Vholesale and Retail Dealer in Coal and and Wood, n w c 5th and Oanal; Residence, n w c 4th and Walnut Rempis Fredericka, res Mena Klein's Hemy N. T. machinist, wks Long, Allstatter & Co's Henke Chas. cooper, res n s E. Ludlow b 9th and 10th Rentchlel' Rosa. servant, 207 2d b Dayton and Buckeye Rentschler Adam, foreman, bds St. Julien Hotel Hent:-3chler Geo. butcher, res e s Water b Ludlow and Sycamore Rentschler Geo. A. (Sohn, R. & Balle) bds St. Julien Hotel Rentschler Rosa, res Geo. Rentschler's He~ch Rev. Jos. 'res n w c 2d an'd Hanover Resch J os. gardener, e s East Av. neal' COl'p. Line Resch Mary, widow, res n s Springdale Pike b South Av. and Ludlow A v Resch Mary B. house-keeper, Rev. Joseph Rei:)ch's Resch Valentine. res Mary Resch's Neuber John, painter, bds Hamilton E::rchange Iteuniger Joseph,?ostler, bds Magdalena. Schuler's REU'rER eon RAD, General BLwk:-;mith, Horse Shoer and 'Vag on Manufacturer, e s Front n of North, 1st Ward; Residenee, e s lfront b 8table and Dayton Reuther Conrad, brewer, res w s 5th b Woods and Chestnut REUTTI HERMAN, Proprietor Phcenix Billiard Hoom and Restaurant, n w c :::ld and High, Hamiltou House.Building Heutti Lillie, res Herman Reutti'8 Reynolds Alice, res Geo. W Hcynolds', 1st Ward

118 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and High. 116 I!AMILTON [RILJ DIRECTORY. REUTTI THEODORE, Manufacturer of Mineral and Selters 'Vaters, Pure Cide!", and Cider Vinegar; also, Dealer in Bottled Ale and Lager Beer, n s Stable b 3d and 4th Reynolds Amasa R. peddler, res w s Front n of N ort h, 1st W urd Reynolds ID. L. traveling agent, res s s Dayton b Water and Front Reynolds Geo. Vv. res w s Front n of North, ht Ward Reynolds Wm. M. (Ayres & R.) res n w c Sycamore and 7th Rhea Ellen, widow, res n end of 3d, 1st \Vard Rhea Fanny. res n end of 3d, 1st Ward Rhea J obu, farmer, res n eud of 3d, 1st Ward Rib~r John, harness maker, res s s Oanal b 3d and 4th Ribu'r Margaret, res J ohu Ribar's Rice David, teamstel', res Elizabeth Knox's Rice Goo. T. draughtsman, bds Elizabeth A. Hunter's Rich Amy A. teacher, res s e s Greenwood Av. b Heaton and 8th Rich Elbridge K. machinist, res Mrs. M. S. Rich's Rich Howard r.. machinist, res Mrs. M. S. Rich's Rich Mrs. j\1. S. widow, res s s Greenwood b 8th and 9th Rich Walter H. carpenter, res e s 6th b K Vine and E. Heaton RIchards.BJlizabeth, widow, res Geo. W. Wilson's Richards Israel, bds Magdalena Schuler's Hichardson A. P., Butler House, s w c Muin and Front, 1st Ward Richardson.Eliza, widow, res Efizabeth Bri~hton's, Ward Richardson H. Eugeqe, grinder, res n s High b 5th and 6th Hichard;:;on If uniet E res Butler House, 1st W urd Richey W m. superintendent, res 40H 2d b Heaton and Vine Hichmond M. F. labore)', res Martha P Hichmond's, ht Ward Richmond Martha P. widow, res w s Frout b Hoss and Franklin, 1st Ward RICHTER CHARLES, Proprietor City Horse Shoeing Shop, e s ~d b ~table and High; Re::;idence, w s 2d b Heaton and Vine Richter Emanuel, teacher, res w soak n of Park, lst 'Yard Hichter Henry, finisher, res s s Dayton b 2d and 3d Richter Mary, milliner, res Robert Richter's. Richter Miunie, servant, Dr. C. Markt's Hichter Hobert, painter, res n w c California and Front Hiedel Kate, servant~ J os. ij.olbrock's Riedel Michael, Hhoe cutter, res w s Front opp Woods Hiefe Albert C. broom maker, res John W. Riefe's Riefe Elizabeth, widow, res John W- Riefe's Riefe Geo. C. plow stocker, reo John W. Riefe's Ricfe John W blacksmith, res s s Woods b 4th and Cincinnati Rife Geo. plow stocker, wks Hamilton Plow Co Rife J ohu, blacksmith, wks Hamilton Plow Co Rife Louis P. blacksmith" res w s Front b South and l{'ranklin, 1st Ward Rife Nora, servant, James Giffen's Higby Charles E. cigar maker, res e s 5th b Hi~h and Butler Riley Agnes, res Lewis D. Campbell's luley Annie A res Jackson Riley's RILE ~ DA V ID T., City Marshal, Office, at. Mayor'S Office, w s Front b High and Bal:!in j Rel:!idence, w s Front b Franklin and South, ht Ward Riley Hattie A. L. res Jackson Riley's

119 ~ Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., 4-~ FITTON &, :8HO.'S. HAMILTON [ROLJ DIRECTORY. Riley I. L. clerk, rer John O. Lindley's, 1st 'tv ard Riley Jackson, commission merchant, res e R 3d b Heaton and Vine Riley John T. laborer, res n e cloth apd E. Ludlow Riley Laura D. rer.j ackson Rileis. Riley Phoobe, widow, res Mary H. Buehl':;;, 1st Ward Rinck Henry, laborer, res e s Front b "roods and Wilson Rinck Henry, jr. brick maker, res Henry Rinck's, sr Rinck Louis, molder, res Henry Rinck's, H 117 Rinearson Abram V laborer, res n w s Greenwood Av. b 8th and 9th Rinearson Jacob S. telegraph operator, res Abram V Rinearson'tl Rinearson Robt. laborer, res Abram V Rinearsou's Rinehart Abigail, widow, res sec Vine and Front. Ringwood Miss H. H. teacher, bds Phillips House Risch Frank, cooper, res e s Springdale Pike s of Tollgate Rischer Ohristian, maltster, res n s Alston b 3d and Cincinnati RITCHIE WILLIAM, Superintendent Owens, Lane & Dyer Machiue 00., sec 4th and Eo Heaton j Residence, w s 2d b Heaton and Vine Ritter Geo. brush maker; res alley b Front aed 2d and Stable and Dayton Roach \V m. 'tv peddler, res s s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st \YaM Robb Fred. hin~e muker, wks McKinney Manuf. 00 Roberts Edgar A. printer, res Ellen Roberts' Roberts Ellen, widow, re:; 49 2d b Ludlow and Sycamore Roberts Harry O. foreman news room Butler County Democrat, bd~ Phillips House Roberts Henry, printer, res Ellen Roberts' Roberts Wm. H. printer~, res Ellen Robe!ts' Robertson I,aac, attorney, sec 2d and Basin, res w s 3d b Franklin and Junction Railroad, 1st Ward Robill~on Jack, servant, Ferd. VanDerveer's, 1st Ward Robinson Maggie, res John D. Gary's Robinson Mary, widow, res 8 s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Rochelle W m. carpenter, res n s l"ij. Heaton b 6th and Schmidtmau ROCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE CO., Schmidt, Kemlein & Morgenth~ler, Agents f n w c Front and Basin ROUHESTER G E R MAN INSURANCE CO. OF ROOHESTER, N. Y., Campbell & Co., Agents, n w c 2d and High Rockdale, situatej six and one-half miles north-east of Hamilton ROCKDALE P At'ER MILLS, Geo. P. T.angeman & CQ., Proprietors, Office, Opera House Rockhold John, waiter, St. Julien Hotel Rockley Jacob, laborer, bds John Benzing's Rodefer J os., Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine 00. res n s Buckeye b 3d and 4th Rodenberg Chas. E. conductor, res s s Sycamore b 4th and 5th Roedel Fred. boarding house, e s 5th b High and Butler Roetker Henry, laborer, res Henry Brede's, 1st Ward ROG ERS ED. B., Photographic E,.,tablishment, s s High two doors east of Dixon's Opera House j Residence, s s Oanal b 5th and 6th Rohmann ~ary, widow, res Mrs. A. Schrunde-r's,. 1st Ward Rolfs Henry, cupola tender, wks Variety Ir.on Works Roll Reuben, helper, res w s 4th b Heaton and Buck~ye.Rollins Jonathan, laborer, res w s Front b Boudinot and North, 1st t Ward

120 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &0., South-west Corner Third and High. 118 HAMILTON [RUB] DIRECTORY. Rollins John S. res w s Huston b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Rollins Samuel, deputy city marshal, res e s 2d b Dayton and Buckeye Ronan Larry, conductor, bds St.. Julien Hotel Rooke Geo. laborer, res John Rooke's Rool,e Geo. A. res Jas. H. Rooke's Rooke Jas. laborer, re~ John Rooke's Rooke J as. H. laborer~ res w s M. Canal b E. Dayton and E. Heaton llooke John, laborer, res e s Oanal b E. Dayton and E. Heaton Ropli Hemy, laborer, 'W ks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Rosa Wm. family mediciner, res w s ~'ront n of North, 1st Ward Rose Hettie, teacher, bds Eliza Blackburn's Roseboom Alphonso, machinist, res Daniel P. Roseboom:s Roseboom Daniel 1-. machinist, re.3 n s E. Heaton opp 7th Rosell Ohas. engineer, wks Niles Tool Works Rosen John, carpenter, bds Jacob Kurz's Rosenbush Geo. city fireman, res n s Syc!lmore b 2d and 3d Rosenfeld Caroline, res John W m. Sohn's Rosier W m. barber, wks Alfred J. Anderson's Ross Annie, weaver, res Geo. Ross' Ross Geo. wool sorter, res s s Vine b Front and 2d Ross Nathan, (Leflar & R.) Opera House Building Ross Oliver, laborer, wks Fair Grove Paper Mills Rossman J. & J. (Jas. & John) dry goods, 7 Main b Water and Froni, 1st Ward Rossman J as. (J. & J. R.) res s s l\iain b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Rossman John, (J. & J. It) b(~s Straub House Roth Isaac, res Roht. Zimmerman's Roth J uhn, laborer, bds Fred. Reiff's Roth Meyer, cattle dealer, res s s Chestnut b Cincinnati and 4th Roth Philip, watch maker, res e s 2d b H allover and South Av ituthenbush C. clerk B. S. James', res n s Main b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Rothenbush Catherine, widow, res s s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Hothenbush Geo. city fireman, ros n s Sycamore b 2d and 3d. Rothenbush Philip, CR. & Ratliff) res n s Main b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Rothenbush & Ratliff, (Philip it. & J as. D. 'R.) confectioneries, s w (il Front and High. Roup Conrad, laborer, res n s Reservoir-'oPP 10th Rozell Ohas. laborer, res e s Front b Heaton and Vine Ruby Mary, widow, res s w c 6th and Vine Ruch John W blacksmith, res n s Boudinot b 5th and.eaton Pike, 1st Ward.Ruckman Henry, painter, bds Cincinnati Exchange Ruder Ernst, clerk Dr. C. Markt's, res Helena Ruder's Ruder Helena, widow, res e s 2d b Chestnut and Walnut RUE MAJOR GEORGE W., President Hamilton Plow Co., cor 7th and Walnut ; Residence, rairfield Township Ruf Rudolph, painter, res e s Water b Stable and Dayton Huff Louis, res Geo. B. Inenner's Huffin Ubas. C. watchman, res w s Schmidtman b E. Vine and Ruffing Uhristopher, laborer, res e s 4th b Buckeye and Heaton R ugge W m. butcher, res n s William b 3d and 4th H.uhi Cornelius, paper maker, wks Heckett, LaUl ie & Co's Huhi Goodheart, boots and shoes, n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Ruhl John, butcher, res e s 2d near Millikin, 1st Ward

121 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Oorner Third and High. HAMILTON [SAC] DIRECTORY. 119 Ruhl Mary, servant, Alex F. Hume's Ruhl Reinhard, blacksmith, res e Ii Front b South and Millikin, bt Ward Ruhl Tracie, servant, Edward Scheurer's Ruhle Tracie, servant, Frederick Bentel's Rulfs John, cupola tender, re~ w s East Av. s of John Rump Jacob, blacksmith, res n s Sycamore b Front and 2d Rump Katie, res J acob ~ump's [lst Ward ~ Rumple Abraham, tfavehng agent, res w s Front b South and Franklin, I RumpleI' Max, carpenter, res n w c Cincinnati and Woods Ruoff Barbara, res Chs. H. Zwick's Ruoff l.lizzie, res Geo. A. Weber's, 1st Ward Rupp Geo. (Jacob Rupp & Son) res Jacob Rupp's, 1st Ward Rupp Jacob, pork packer, wsw uter s of Millikin, 1st "Vard Rupp Jacob, (Jacob R. & Son) res w S Water s of' Millikin, 1st Wart), RUPP JACOB & SON, (Jacob & Geor,ge) Daily Meat Market; Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, s s High adjoining Post Office Russell C. E. res s s J...Iudlow b 2d and 3d Russell Chas. O. machinist, res w s 6th b E. Vine and Resel'voir Russell Mrs. E. C. widow, res s s Dayton b 3d and 4th Russell Lucy, res Mrs. E. C. RusselJ's Russell W m. res n s Ludlow b 3d and 4th Russell W m. H. H. plasterer, res n w c High and 8th Rutter Anna, res M. R. Lemman's Rutter Anna, servant, J. L. Flickinger's Rutter Isabella, widow, res w s 8th b-shillito and E. Heaton Ruttinger Gottleib, tailor, res s s Washington b 2d and Cincinnati Ruve Frank, paper maker, res Mary Ruve's Ruve Mary, widow, res s s Heaton b 3d and 4th Ruwe Frank, marble polisher, res ]'red. Ruwe's Ruwe Frank, paper maker, wks J. C. Skinner & Co.'s Ruwe Fred. stone cutter, res e s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Vine Ruwe Mary, weaver, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Ryan Ann, res nee Schmidtman and E. Vine Ryan Bridget, widow, res Thos. Ryan's Ryan Hugh, clerk A. J. Ohmer's, res e s 5th b Walnut and Cincinnati. Ryan John, watchman, res w s East Av. s of Chestnut Ryan John T. paper maker, wks Fair Grove Paper Mills Ryan Maggie T. tailoress, res John Ryan's Ryan Mary, dress ma.ker, res Thos. Ryan's Ryan Mary, servant, J os. Traber's, 1st Ward.Ryan Mary, waiter, Phillips House Ryan Mary E. tailoress, res J oh!l Ryan'S Ryan Thos. broom maker, res s s Sycamore b 6th and 7th Ryan Thos. laborer, res e s 5th b Walnut and Hanover s I Sachs Gustav, machinist, res Henry Sachs' Sachs Henl'V saloon, e s 'Vater b High and Stable Sackett J ohd H. res n s Stable b 2d and 3d

122 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner'Third and High. 120 HAMILTON [SCHl DIRECTORY. St. Olair Geo. W. horse trader, bj.s Straub House, list Ward St. Clair Geo. W sale stables, alley b 2d and 3d and Main and Boudinot, res n s Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward St. Clair TownRhip Trustees' Office, s s Main 2d do~r w of 2d, 1st Ward St. John's U oited Protestant Ohurch, (Germau) sec Front and Sycamore St. Jo~eph's Roman Catholic Ohurch, (German) n w c 2d and Hanover St. Joseph's Roman Catholic School, n w c 2d and Hanover; W m. Motz, principal ST. JULIEN HOTEL, W. C. Gundrum, Proprietor, s w c 3d and Batiiu St. :Mary's Boys and Girls School, Sister Mary, principal, s w c Basin and Front St. Mary's English Roman Catholic Church, s w c Basin and '2d St. Stephen's Parochial School, Brother V De Paul, principal, e s 2<1 b Dayton and Buckeye, St.. Stephen's Roman Catholic ChuI'ch, n e c 2d and Dayton; Rev: Hieronymus Kelgeir~tein, 'pastor; Rev. Daniel Heile, ass't pastor St. Stepheu's School for Girls, Sister Augustina, principal, e s 2tl b Dayton and Buckeye Sallee Caroline, widow, res n s Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Sallee Daniel, laborer, res sec 2d and Boudinot, 1st Ward Sallee J 1;)S. P. res n e c Park and N. 4th, 1st Ward Sallee J as. P photograph printer, wks W. R. Whitehead's, 1st Ward Sallee John, bridge watchman, res n e c Park and N. 4th, 1st 'Yard Sample Callie, res Henry O. GJ'ay's,~bt Ward ; Sample Mary J. res Henry C. Gray's,~ 1st Ward, Sampson Douglass, laborer, res N aney Sampson's Salllp~on Georgietta, res Harriet Sampson's Samption Harriet, widow, res w s Water b Ludlow and Sycamore Sampson tj ulia, res Harriet Sampson's Sampson N aney, widow, res s s Chestnut b Front and 2d Sampson Samuel, cook, St. Julien Hotel Sampson Samuel, laborer, res N aney Sampson's Samps()ll Wm. driver, res e s Water b Ludlow and Sycamore SANDERS D. B., Confectioner and Dealer in Oysters, Cigars, Tobacco, &0., 14 3d b High and Basin, Sanderson.Mrs. John, res w s 7th b E. Heaton and E. Buckeye, Sandmann Mary, weaver, wks Shuler & Benninghofen'l3 Sann Henry, res Geo. Menchen's Sauer A. peddler, res s s Basin b 2d and 3d Sauer Catherine, res Michael 'ritmeyel"s Sauer lvl. cloth finisher, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's SAUER MORITZ.. Dealer in all kinds of Second-Hand Goods; the highest cash price paid for Rags, Iron, Copper, Brass, &c., n s Basin b 2d and 3d Sauer Moses, shoe maker, res nee 7th and E. Ludlow Sauerbier Geo. W maltster, res w s 2d b Long and Hanover Sauers Mary, widow, res n s Ross b 4th and 5th, lst Ward Sauers Matthias, weaver, res n e c' 5th and Ross, 1st Ward Sault Mrs. dress maker, res rear Bernard H. Holbrock's Sayre Sarah E. res Wm. Murray's Scahill Arabella, res Harriet Foster's, 1st Ward Scarborrough Sedgwick, carpenter, res s s Vine b Front and 2d Schaeffer Andrew, pattern maker, wks Cope & Maxwell Manuf. Co '~"-""'-.'-'-"-,".-"~ ".

123 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions,. FITTON & BRO., A2,"en1;;s. HAMILTON (SOH] DIRECTORY. 121 Schable Ohas. T. watch maker L. A. Boli's, res n s Ross b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Schafer Helena, dresl! maker, res Maria Schafer's Schafer J acoh, watchman, res s s Wilson b Front and 2d Schafer John, cooper, res n s Oaldwell b 6th and 7th Schafer Maria, widow, res n s Heaton b 2d and 3d SchafferOonrad, cooper, res n S Oaldwell b 6th and 7th Schaffer Elizabeth, widow, res s s Heaton b Front and 2d Schaffer Frank, painter, res Elizabeth Schaffer's Schaffer John H. teamster, res n S Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Schaffer Joseph, painter, res Elizabeth Sehaffer's Schaffer Kate, res John H. Schaffer's, 1st Ward Schaffer Mary, felt joiner, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Schalk John, rea n e c 2d and South, 1st "Van} Schaller Mary, res Farmers' Hotel, ht Ward Schasberger John, molder, bds St. Julien Hotel. Schatt Jos. gardener, res w s East Av. s of John Schatz Nicholas, carpenter, res n s Owens b Lane and Cincinnati Schaub Andrew, cooper, res s W c 7th and Oanal Schauble Louis, tailor, res e s 4th b Dayton anll Buckeye Schauers Samuel, carpenter. res W s 3d b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Schaup Andrew, cooper, res s w c 7th and Oanal Schawe Herman, teamster, res n w s Greenwood Av. near Main Scheible Elizaheth, widow, res w s 2d b Stable and Dayton Schelhorn Peter, cooper, res e s Eallt Av. s of John SCHELL S. lvi., Homreopathic Physician and Surgeon, Office and Residence, s w c 3d and Stable' Schell W m. laborer, res s s Main b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Schellenbach & Bilmayer, (Michael S. & Ferdinand B.) grocers, n w c 3d and Basin Schellenbach Michael; (8. & Bilmayer) res e s Front b Dayton and Buckeye Schellenback Peter, machinist, res w s 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Schellhaus Joseph, helper, wks Hamilton Plow 00 Schelly Barbara, res John Schelly's Schelly John, malt house, n s Canal b 5th and 7th, res opposite Schelly Kate, res John Schelly's Schelly Mary, res John Schelly's Schenck Inorence, res Ellen A. Smith's Schenk John, paper maker, res n S E. Ludlow b 12th and 13th Scherer Jacob, bds Hamilton Exchange Scherer Michael, tanner, res n s South b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Schertz Elizabeth, res Solomo~ Schertz's Schertz Henrietta, rooms n W c Front and ~lain, 1st Ward Schertz Solomon, res e s 2d b Buckeye and Heaton Schertz Wilhelmena, widow, res 8010mon Schertz's Scheuble Louis H. tailor, res e s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye SCHEURER ED WARD, Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions. and Crockery; also, Dry Goods, &c., n e c 9th and Greenwood Av Scheurer Emma, saleslady Jackson & Oo's, res W m. Trfl.pp's Schicke Julius, shoe maker, res s w c 7th and Butler Schildwachter Andrew, carpenter, res w s 3d b Heaton and Vine Schindler Geo. laborer, res Rosa Schindler'S, 1st Ward Schindler ROSIl, widow, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward,. -~.. 9

124 FITTON &.BRO., Keep a "Large Stock of Ladies' and' Gents' Underwear. 122 HAMILTON [SCHl DIRECTORY. Schirger :Frank, machinist, res n s Heaton b 3d and 4th Schlarb.J acob, sr. carriage manufactory, n e c 3d and Main, res w s 2d b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Schleather Jacob, sickle maker, wks LODg, Allstatter & Co~s Schlenker Christian, grocer, w s 6th b E. Heaton and E: Buckeye Schleter Jacob, machinist, res w s 2d b Stable and Dayton Schliep Florence, res Fred. A. Schliep'S Schliep Fred. A. (Davidson & S.) res n s Woods b 3d and 4th Schliesman Cha~. blacksmith, wks Hamilton Plow Co Schliesman Peter, grinder, res see Chestnut and Cincinnati SCHLOSSER L& CO., (Henry S. & Wm. Bauersachs) Commission Merchants and Manufactnrers of Malt, sec 4th and High Schlosser Geo. C. clerk, res Henry Schlosser's Schlosser Henry, (S. & Co.) res w s 3d b Sycamore and Woods SCHLOSSER JACOB, Manufacturer of Galvaniz.ed Iron Cornice, Window Caps, &c.; also, Tin, Copper and S11eet Iron Ware, Tin Roofer and Dealer in Stoves, Hollow-'V are, &c., 44 Basin near 2d; Residence, n s Buckeye b 6th and 7th Schlosser Kate, l'es Henry Schlosser's i Schlosser Wm. O. book-keeper Schlosser & Co's, res Henry Schlosser's : SCHLOTTERBECK LOUIS. Wine and Beer Saloon and, Boarding House, sec Caldwell and 4th, Schlottermiller Christ. carpenter, res John Scl110ttermiller's Scblottermiller John, carpenter, res s s Canal b 9th and 10th Schlottermiller Mary, res John Schlottermiller's Schmaedecke Anna, res Mary Schmaedecke's Schmaedecke Mary, widow, re8 s s Ludlow b Fl'Ont and 2d Schrnaedecke Otto P. printer, bds Butler House, 1st Ward Adolph, (Morgenthaler & S) res n B Woods b 3d and 4th Schmidt Anton, pattern maker, res u s Sycamore b 5th and 6th,Schmidt August W teachel', res e s Cincinnati b 4th and 5th. Schmidt Conrad, grocer, s s High b 4th and 5th ; Schmidt Ernst, book-keeper n e c 2d and High, res s s Wilson b 2d and Front Schmidt George, weaver, res e s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Dayton Schmidt Jacob, gardener, res e s Water b Burnett and 8tephen& Schmidt John, finisher, res Mary Schmidt's Schmidt John, laborer, res Lorenz Schmidt's Schmidt Joseph, finisher, res Mary Schmidt's SCHMIDT, KEMLEIN & MORGENTHALER, (Adolph S., Louis K. & Henry W M.) Genel'al Insurance Agents, Office, n w c Front and Basin Schmidt Lizzie M. res Conrad Schmidt's Schmidt Lorel.lz, laborer, res w s 4th b Stable and Dayton Schmidt Margaret, res Louis Sohngen's, 1st. Ward Schmidt Margaret, widow, res w s 4th b Stable and Dayton Schmidt Mary, widow, res sec 2d and Heaton Schmidt Max, (Morgenthaler & S.) re-a n w c Basin and Front Schmidt Michael, laborer, res e sloth b E. Ludlow and Canal Schmidt Peter, laborer, res n s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Schmidt Peter, maltster, res s s High 2d door c of 4th Schmidt.l:'bilip, cabinet maker, res n s.high b 3d and 4th Schmidt W m. H. teacher, res Cincinnati b 4th and 5th Schmuck John, 'baker, res s s Burnett b Front and Water

125 Clothing for Men ahd B Jys Mlde to Ord9r By FITTON & BRO. HA.MILTON [ SCH1 DIRECTORY. Schneider Adam, la.borer, res e s 5th b Hi!!'h and Butler 123 Schneider :U rs. B: res sec 4th and Buckeye Schnpider Belle, weaver, wks Shuler & Benninghofen" s SCHNEIDER & BRO., (Peter and estate of Valentine, deceased) P~oprietors City Livery, Sale and Boarding Stable, sec 2d and Stable Schneider Catharine, widow, res Peter Tisinger's, 1st Ward Schneider Charlotte, widow, res w s 2d b Woods and Chestnut, Schneider Clemens, boots and shoes, e s 3d b Basin and Canal Schneider Elizabeth, res Magdalena Schuler's ; Schneider Elizabeth, widow, res John W eiden borner's Schneider Fred. printer, res e s Front b Ludlow and Sycamore Schneider Henry, qllarryman, res w s Front b Hanover and Beckett Schneider Henry, varnisher, res n s Main b Bd and 4th, 1st 'Vard, Schneider John, laborer, res Adam Schneider's Schneider John, paper maker, wks Beckett, Laurie & Co's Schneider John A. molder, res w s Schmidtman be. Vine and Reservoir Schneider John O. cigar maker, res s s Canal b 6th and 7th. Schneider John R. laborer, res w s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir SCHEIDER JOSEPH, Winc and Lager Beer Saloon, n s High b 3d and 4th : Schneider Katie, res Peter C. Schneider's, 1st Ward Schneider Katie, paper counter, res sec 4th and Bllckeye Schneider Leo, stone mason, res n g Heaton b 2d and 3d Schlleider Lizzie, weaver, res sec 4th and Buckeye Schneider Lorenz, machinist, res Philip Schneider's, 1st Ward Schneider Margaret, res 210 Dayton b 2d and 3d Schneider Margaret, widow, res J obn Sippel's Schneider Peter, marble polisher, wks F. Horssnyder's, Schneider Peter, (S. & Bro.) bds Magdalena Schuler's SCHNEIDER PETER C., 'Vine and Lager Beer Saloon and Boarding HOllse, n s Main b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Schneider Philip, res e s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Schneider Philip, foreman Benninghofen & Co's, res s s Stephens b Front and Water Schneider Rufina, widow, res Baldwin Stau~ach's Schneider Valentine, brewer, bds Peter C. Schneid.'s, 1st Ward Schneider Veronica, widow, res Daniel Zimmerman's Schneider Victor, re,;; Henry Mi~rsch's _ Schnell M. D. book keeper ~liami Distillery Co. res Cincinnati Schnipper Aldegonde, widow, res -n w s Vine b 8th and 9th Schober Caroline, res Tracie Schober's Schober John, res g s E. Ludlow b 5th and 6th Schober Rosa, shoe stitcher, res Tracie Schober's Schober Tracie, res sse. Ludlow b 5th and 6th Schock Christ. spinner, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Schohl Ida, widow, res w s Front b Basin and Ludlow Schomaker Henry, laborer, res w s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir Schoock Jacob, polisher, res s s California w of l~rout Schorr Uaspar, res nee Heaton and 3d Schorr Ohas. mlchinist, res Caspar Schorr's Schorr Fred. res Caspar Schorr's. Schorr J. & Bro. (John & W m.) grocers, n s HIgh b Front and Water Schorr John, (J. S. & Bro.) res n s High b Front and Water.

126 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, S'outh-west,Oorner Third and High , 124 HAMILTON [SOH] DIRECT01;tY. Schorr Mary, res Casper Schorr's Schorr Wm. (J. Schorr & Bro.) res w s Front b t:;tep11ens and Burnett Schotts Geo. E. machinist, wks Owens, Lane &; Dyer Machine Co Schram John, driver, res s s North b 2d and 3d, bt 'Yard Schreiber Jacob, packer John Weidenborner's,. res e s Water b Stable and Dayton Schreiber Jacob, shoe maker, res e s Water b, Stable anil Dayton Schrichte Bernarq, res Frunz Becker's SCHRICHTE GEORGE H., Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, Notions, &c.; also, Saloon, n w c3d and Heaton, Schrichte J ohh G. (Holbrock & S.) res nee 3d and Ludlow Schriner Hem'y, laborer, res s s Hanover b 2d and Cincinnati Schroder John L. (Black & S~) res Peter P. Black's Schroeder Barney, engineer, res e s Schmidtman b E. Vine and Reservoir Schroeder Benj. clerk, res Clemens Holbrock's Schrunder Mrs. A. millinery, 121 s s :Main b Front and 2d, lst'vard, Schubert Chas. barber, res John H. Schubert's Schubert Chas. shoe maker, res;; ohn H. $chuberfs Schubert J. F. jr. harness maker, res John F. Schubert's Schubert John F.laborer, res s s Walnut b Front and 2d, Schubert John H. barber, n e c 2d and High, res n s Stephe~s b,front and Water - Schubert Margaret, widow, res n s High b Front and Water Schuck Jacob, marble polisher, rp.s s s,califo-rnia b Front and Water Schufi'ner Herman, tanne,r, bds n w c ]j'ront and Boudinot, 1st Ward Schuler Anna, servant, Wm. Meyer's Schuler Frank, boots and shoes, n s Wilson b 2d and Front SCHULER G. W., Bakery, Confectionery, Restaurant, Wine and IJager Beer Saloon, 10M nin b Water and Front, 1st Ward Schuler John P marble cutter, res Frank X. Schuler's Schuler Lena, hosiery, n s 'VlIson b 2d and Front 8chuler Louis H. bender, bds Galt House Schuler Magdalena, widow, res n w c 2d and North, 1st War-d Schuler Mandes, carpenter, res n s Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Schuler Mary L. res Philip Hurm's Schuler Vellie, milliner, wks Mrs. M. V. Long's, 1st Ward Schulte Henry, car im'pector, res n w c Cincinnati arid Chestnut Schulte Henry, dri~er Steam Fire Co. No.3, bds Herman Schulte's Schulte Herman, laborer, res e s Front b Heaton and Vine, Schulte W m. grinder, res s s', Vine b 3d, and 4th Schultheis ()hr~st. miller, res Cincinnati.opp Miami Distilling Qo Schultz Jacob, teamster, res Jos. l\jyers',.1st Ward Schultz JOlSie, res Jos. Myers', lst 'Yard ~chultz Nicholas, carpenter, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine 00 SCHULTZE H. F., Superintendent,Miami Distilling Co.; Resi. dence, w s 4th b Woods and Chestnut Schumacher Henry, laborer, wks Long, Allstatter & Oo..'s Schumacher John A. hub turner, res e s 6th b Buckeye and Heaton Schumacher.J os. tanner, wks J. Henry Pater's Schumaker J os. res Henry Morgenroth's, jr ~chumaker Lizzie, widow, res w s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Buckeve 8chuman Fred. baker, res e s,4th b Woods and Chestqut.. SCHUMM CHRIST., Wine ~nd Lager Beel' Saloon, n w c 4th and Stable

127 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At FITTON Sri BRO.'S. HAMILTON rsch ] DIRECTORY. Schllnk Gottlieb, bakery, s w c 4th and Chestnut Schunk JOhn, foreman, Beckett, Laurie & Co.'s Schunk John, printer, res Gottlieb Schunk's Schllrger Fra.nk, machinist, wks Bentel, Margedant & Co.'s 125 Schuster Lorenz, tanner, res e s Front b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward Schutz Gerhardt, tinner, res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson SCHWAB ADAM, Proprietor Lindenwald House, n s Springdale Pike onp Toll Gate No. 1 Schwab Da~iel, brewer) wks n w c Front and Sycamore Sohwab Daniel, cooper) res s s Canal b 5th and 7th' Schwab Daniel, Jr. brewer, wks n w c Front and Sycamore Schwab Fred. laborer, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Schwab Heo. carpenter, res s.s Vine b 2d and 3d. Schwab Heory, plow maker, res facob Schwab's Schwab Jacob, pattern maker, w~s Long, Allstatter & Co.~s Schwab J acoll, tailor', res e s 5th b Chestnut and Wa.lnut Schwab John J., rl!js Geo. Schwab's Schwab Louis, fireman, res n s Sycamore b 5th aull 6th Schwab Maggie, res Geo. Schwab's Schwab Peter, (P. S. & Co.) res w s2d b Ba.ilia and Ludlow Schwab Peter, Jr. brewer, res DaJ?iel Schwab's SCHWAB PETER & CO., Proprietors Empire Brewery; Brewers dod Maltsters, n w c Front and Sycamore Schwager Elizabeth, widow, res n e c 2d and Dayton Schwartz Lorenz, cheese dealer, s s Basin b!!d and 3<1. Schwarz Anna, res J. P. Schwarz's Schwarz Conrad, (S. & Schwenn) res s s Dayton h 2d and 3d SCHWARZ J. P., Bread and Cake Bakery; also, 'Wine and Beer Saloon, 226 High b 2d and 3d Schwarz John, (Bader & S.) res.r ohn ~tiiiwallgh's Schwarz John, clerk Dr.'C: Markt's, res J. P. Sehwarz' s Schwarz M. watches, e s 3d b Basin and Canal. Schwarz Margaret, res J. P. Schwarz's Schwarz Mary, res J. P. Schwarz's SCHWARZ & SCHWENN, (Conrad S. &; Philip S.) Carpenters, Contractors and Builders; Planing Mill, l\ianufact.arers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, l\iouldingel, &c., s s Basin b 3d and 4th Schwarzkopf Eliza, dress maket, res John Schwarzkopf's Schwarzkopf J oiln, tailor, res s s Vine b 2d and 3d Schwarzkopf Louisa, weaver, res John Schwarzkopf's Schwedes Barbara, res Ferdinand Grupe's Schwedes J os. I!ardener, res Ferdinand Grupe's Schwedes Sophia, res ~erdilland Grupe's, Schwegler,Philip, stone mason, res e s Watel' b Sycamore and Stephens Schweiuefest Geo. foreman Morgenthaler & Schmidt's, res s " Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st,Vard Schweitzer Henrietta, servant, Gmnville ~l. Flenner's Schweitzer Rosa, servant,!1'el d. Vanderveer's, 1st Ward Schweizer Jeremiah, hlacksmith, res e s.front h Sycamore and Wilson Schweizer John, cal'l'ia()'c 0 maker, res.j cremhh SchweizeL"s Schwemberger John, pianos and organs, 20;) ~.l h Dayton and Bu keye SCHWENN JOHN F. Proprietor Hamilton Exchange, Saloon and Boarding Hou~e, s s'high h B'ront. and Wetter Schwenn.Philip, (Schwar~. & S.) res e s 5th b E. Ludlow and Sycamore

128 FITTON &.BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &0., South-west Corner Third and High. 126 HAMILTON rsel] DIRECTORY. Schwink Geo. boots and shoes, s s Woods b 2d and Cincinnati Scobey Chas. H. printer, res Dr. W: H. Scobey's, lst Ward SCOBEY F. H., Editor Hamilton Telegraph, Office, n s High opp Court House; Residence, DJ'. W H. SCObeyTs, 1st \Vard SCOBEY W. H., Physician and Surgeon, Office and Residence, w s Front b Main and ROf:s, 1st Ward Scott Andrew J. res 414 Zd b Heaton and Vine Scott Chalmers, engineer Hamilton Gas Light and Coke Co. res s s High b 5th and 6th Scott.J:i~lizabeth, matron Children's Home, 1st 'Yard SCOTT J. B., M. D., Physio-lUedical Physician and Surgeon, Office, s s High near 3d, 2d floor. Mixer's Block; Boards Asa Shuler~s Scott '1'hos. machinist, rooms s w c 3d and Hi,Q'h Scott Wilson L. medical student, bds Straub House, ls~ Ward Scudder Ann, widow, res w s 7th b E. Dayton and Butler Sebring Edith, dress n1aker, res I.ydia A. Beeler's Sebring Lizzie, res Lydia A. Beeler':s Sebring Sallie, dress maker, res Lydia A. Beeler's SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF HAMI,LTON, n s High' b 2d and.3d; W m. E. Brown, I>resident; W m. Anderson, Vice President; Henry )Va'ltner, Cashier; Wm. Armstrong, Assistant Cashier Second Ward Public Hcbool, e s Front b Ludlow and Sycamore SECOND WARD STEAM FIRE COMPANY NO.2, w s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore See J as. draughtsman, bds Eliza Blackburn's Seegmueller Chas. carpenter, res Sebastian Seegmueller's Seegmueller Frank, hub turner, res n e c 6th and E. Heaton Seegmueller Louis, 11Ub maker, res Sebastian Seegmueller's Seegmueller Sebastian, carpenter, res n e c 6th and E. Heaton Seegmueller Xavier, carpenter, res Sebastian Seegmueller's Seemann J obn, pattern maker, res w s Front n of North, 1st 'Ward Seevers Henry, cigar maker, res n s Millikin b Front and Water,1st 'Yard Segers Henry B. cigar lllaker, res s w c 2d and Buckeye f'egers J os. clerk T. V Howell & Son's, res s w c 2d and Buckeye Segers Mary, widow, res s w c 2d and Buckeye Seibold J oim, cooper, res e s 7th b Canal and E. Ludlow Seidenfaden Chus. ::>aloon; also, barber, junction 21 and Cincinnati Seider Balser, laborer, res n s Hi~h b 5th and 6th. Seiferlein Dorothy, les John G. Kurz.'s, 1st Ward Seifert Adam, res n e c 9th and J,udlow Seifert Inora, student, res Valentine Seifert's Seifert Josie, res Martin Seifert's Seifert J os. baker, res V Seifert's Seifert Lizzie, saleslady, rcs V Seifert's Seifert l... ouis, host]er, res Valentine Seifert~s Seifert Louisa, res Martin Seifert's Seifert. Martin, wagon maker, n w c 2d and Chestnut Seifert Mary, res Valentine Seifert's Seifert V baker and confectioner, n s High adjoining Hamilton House Building, res w s Front b Basin and Ludlow 8eigler Anthony, shoe maker, res w s Cincinnati b Washington and Hanover

129 Black and Colnred Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Oorner Third and High. HAMILTON [SHE] DIRECTORY. 127 Seifert Valentine, plow maker, res nee Front and Washington Selhorn Peter, cooper, res New Av. near 001. Brown's Semler John, miller W Anderson & Oo's, res e s 7th b Dayton and Campbell Av Semler Ratie, res John Semler's Seward Geo. cutter Fitton & Bro's, res n s Ludlow b 2d and 3d SEWARD JOHN, Owens, Lane & Dyer Ma.chine 00.; Residence, n s Ludlow b 3d and 4th Seward Leppy J. res Geo. Seward's Seward Miss M. res Augustus H. Cisle's Seward Martin, wood worker, re8 S s Buckeye b 2d and 3d SEWARD MARTIN L., Secretary and Treasurer Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co., sec 4th and E. Heaton i Residence, w s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Seward Mary, res John P. Shipley's Seybold Andrew, spinner, res e s 5th b E. Buckeye and E. Heaton SEYBOLD &.BONNER, (Jacob S. & Nicholas B.) Manufacturers of and Dealers in Furniture, Ohairs, &c.; also, Undertakers, Office and Wareroom, n s Basin b 2d and 3d Seybold Jacob, (S. & Bonner) res w s 6th Buckeye and E. Heaton Shade Eva G. res Geo. P. Bell's Shade Reuben A. (Watkins & S.) res Geo. P. Bell's Shafer Daniel, hardware, 11 Main b Front and Water, res sec Ross and 2d, 1st Ward Shafer Geo. K. res 'V m. Anderson's, list Ward Shafer Mrs. 1\'1. widow, res w s Front b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward 8hafer Myra, dress maker, res Mrs. M. Shafer's, 1st Ward SHAFER T. H., House and Sign Painter, Grainer and Paper Hanger, Shop, n s Basin b 3d and 4th; Residence, W S 3d b Vine and Mill Shafer Thos. broom maker, res Mrs. M. Shafer'S, 1st Ward Shaffer Edwin L. clerk Kumler & Oo's, res Samuel Shaffer's 8haffer J. H. clerk Kumler & Oo's, res Jacob Shaffer's Shaffer Jacob, (Kumler & 00. and S., Murphy &; Kumler) res country Shaffer J as. E. book-keeper n e c Front and North, res Jacob Shaffer's SHAFFER, MURPHY & KUMLER, (Jacob S., Wm. M. & Abraham O. K.) West Hamilton Mills j Manufacturers of Flour and Mill Feed, n e c Front and North, 1st Ward Shaffer Samuel, res n s Ross b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Shaffer Thos. B. (D. M. Kennedy & Co.) res n W c 3d and. Buckeye Shaffer W m. (W Anderson & 00.) res Oincinnati Shank Catherine, widow, res J as. Fitton's Shank W. O. clerk T. V. Howell & Son's, res n e c 3d and Dayton Shannon J'. B. carriage trimmer, bds Phillips House Sharer Mary E. res Wm. H. Sharer's, sr Sharer W m. H. jr. machinist, res W m. H. Sharer's, sr Sharer W m. R. sr. stone mason, res s s Shillito b 7t,h and 8t.h Sharkey.J ohn, stone cutter, res John Tabler's Sharkey M.ichael, laborer, res w s Smith n of Hanover Sharts J os. w. en eal & S.) res w s 4th b Ludlow and Sycamore Shaw Laney, res John M. Powell's Shearer J.Ol'. machinist, wks Niles Tool Works Sheeley Mrs. res w s Front near Iv.l.ain, 1st Ward 8hehan Eliza, widow, res w s 11th b E. Dayton and E. Heaton

130 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BUO.'S. South-west Corner Third and High. 128 HAMILTON [SIl~] DIRECTORY. Sheley Benj. M. laborer, res sec Greenwood Av. and Miami Shel~y Jacob, teamster, res n w c Schmidtman and E. Heaton Shell house Daniel, laborer, res e s Front b Ross and :Franklin, 'ht Ward Shellbouse Jacob, laborer, res W S Front b South and Franklin, 1st Ward Shellhouse J os. plafltel'er, res Daniel Shellhou~e's, 1st Ward Shellhouse Lu'cinda, res Daniel Shellhouse's, 1st 'Yard Shellhouse W m. stone masod, res Daniel Sheilhouse's, 1st Ward SHEPHERD, CURTIS & WILLIAMS, (Peter y..t. S., Jos. C. & Israel W.),Bankers, n s High near 2d, Beckett's Block, 2d floor Shepherd Mrs. E. A. widow, res Theodore DeWolf's Shepherd Jas. G. (S. & McGriff) bds Newton Thompson's, 1st Ward SHEPHERD & McGRIFF, (Jas. G. S. & Guy W. MeG.) General Fire Insurance Agency, Office, Beckett's Block, n e c 2d and High Shepherd Peter W (S., Curtis & Williams) res Liberty Township Sheridan Bernard, molder, bds St. Julien' Hotel, SHERIFF'S OFFICE, in Court House; W m. H. Allen, Sheriff Shettley Frank, peddler,res e s 5th b Main and Boudinot, 1st \Vard Shields J. Wilson, clerk 8 Main b Front and Water, bds D. J. T. Smyers', 1st \Vard. Shipley J'ohn P., Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co. res n s Ludlow b 3d and 4th Shipley Melinda, res John P. Shipleis Shipley W m. time keeper Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co. res J oho P. Shipley's ' Shock Christ. L. spinner,,res s w c 4th and Heaton Shollenfarger Mary C. dress maker, bds Mrs. L. John's Shotts G. Edward, machinist, res Geo. M. Shotts' Shotts Geo. M. carpenter, res s s Ludlow b Front and 2d Shotts Harry, student, rps Geo. M. Shotts' Shotts Robt. N. law I:ltudent, res Geo. M. Sllotts' Shoup Hannab, widow, res Henry Shoup's Shoup Henry, laborer 1 res e slane b Owens and Minster Shroub Julia, servant, Jacob Lorenz's SHUEY MRS. C. A., Music Teacher, Residence 1 w s Front b,.main and Houdinot, 1st "Ward Shuey Emma C. res Mrs. Aaron Potter's, 1st, Ward Shuffner Herman, tanner, bds n w c.boudinot and Front, 1st Ward Shuler Angie, res Asa Shuler's Shuler Asa, \S. &.Benuinghofen) res w s 3d b Stable and Dayton SHULER & BENNINGHOFEN, (Asa So & John \V. B.).Manufacturers of all kinus of Paper Mill Felts 1 n e c N. Heaton and Lowell :::;HULER MANDES, Carpenter, Contra~'tor and BUllder; also, Manufacturer of Grain Oradles 1 Shop, e s Front n of North;.Hesidence, w s Front b Main and Boudillot, 1st 'Yard Shull Maria, widow, res s s Boudinot b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Shultz Abraham, carpenter, res s s.main w of 5th, 1st Ward Shultz Geo. H. t}umel', res A braham ~hultz's, 1st Ward 8hultzJ acob W farmer, res A braham Shultz's, hit vyard Shurfi'anz Dena, widow, res w s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Buckeye Sider Balser, machinist, wks Lo~g, Allstatter & 00'13 Siefert Valentine, plow stockel', wks Hamilton Plow Co

131 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions; FITTON &. BRO., Agents. HAMILTON [8MI] DIRECTORY. 129 Siegrist Theo. H. miller, res e s M. Canal b Dayton and E. Heaton Silver Geo. farmer, res e s M. Canal b Duyton and E. Heaton Simmons Albert, striker, res w s 11 th b E. Heaton and E. Dayton SINGER MANUFA,CTURING CO., Sewing Machines, O. V Parri~h, Agent, n s High b 2d and 3d Sinnard Thos. W. farmer, res J os. W. Myers" Sippel Catherine, widow, res Frederick Schneider's Sippel John, blacksmith, res s s Ludlow b Front and Water Sisters of Notre Dame, Sister :M:ary Susanna, Superior, Convent, n w c 2d and Hanover Sites.Chas. brick mason, res Josiah Sites', 1st Ward Sites Henry, carpenter, res Josiah Sites', 1 st Ward Sites J. R. attorney and notary, n s High opp Oourt House, res e soak n of Park, 1st Ward Sites John, carpenter, res Josiah Sites', 1st Ward Sites Josiah, sewing machines, res s w c 3d and Millikin, 1st Ward Sites Mary C. res Josiah Sites', 1st Ward Skalley Katie, res Thos. Skalley's Skalley Thos. laborer, Jes s s Walnut b 4th and 5th Skillman J as. C. omnibus agent, res e s 4th b Oharles and Woods Skinner A. N. book-keeper T. V. Howell & Son's, res John O. Skinner's Skinner Ohas. paper maker, l;es Eliza Skinner's Skinner Eliza, widow, res e s 5th b E. Buckeye and E. Dayton Skinner Geo. C. medical student, res John C. Skinner's SKINNER J. C. & CO., (John O. S. & Wm. rrweeddale) Manufacturers of Oloth, Ham, Market, Bogus Manilla and Wrapping Papers, sec Buckeye and Lowell Skinner John C. (J. O. S. & 00.) res w s 3d b Dayton and Buckeye Skinner Laura, librarian Lane Free Library, res e s 5th b Buckeye and Heaton Skinner Thos. paper finisher, res Eliza Skinner's Slater Adam, traveling agent, bds A. Oobaugh's, 1st Ward Slattery Ellen, widow, res John Adams' Slattery Michael, carpenter, res w s Front b Boudinot and North, 1st Ward Slayton Geo. A. machinist, res e s 7th b Shillito and E. Heaton Sloan Cooper, brakeman, bds Dora Keck's Sloan John S. (D. M. Kennedy & Uo.) res Oincinnati 81utz John, traveling sgt. F., M. and M. Insurance 00. n w c 2d and High, res Dayton, 0 Smidt John, finisher, res Mary Sm-idt's Smidt Joseph, finisher: res Mary Smidt's 8midt Mary, widow, res sec ~d and Heaton Smith Mrs. A. widow, res Mrs. L. Bennett's SMITH A. & SON, Dealers in Ro,~e Fluid, Oils, Lamp Stock, Fancy Groceries, Fish, &c., s s High, three doors below Post Office Smith Aaron A. photographer, res n e c 2d and Chestnut 8mith Ada, servant, Augustus J. Ohmer's Smith Adolph, stone cutter, wks B. H. Wellinghoff's 8mith Alanson, CA. S. & Son) res e ~ Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st Wald Smith Albert p, res Dr. Alanson Smith's, 1st 'Ward Smith Anna, widow, res n s ~'ranklin b ~'ront and 2d, 1st Ward Smith Annie E. res Aaron A. Smith's

132 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 130 HAMILTON [SNYJ DIRECTORY. Smith Clarissa, widow, res w s vvater b Smith and )lillikin, 1st Ward Smith Culla J. attorney, res n e c Front and High Smith Daniel V. blacksmith, res e s N. 4th n of Park, 1st Ward Smith ~:dward A. clerk, res Dr. Alonson Smith's, 1st Ward Smith Ellen A. res Ellen A. Smith's Smith Ellen A. widow. res e s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Smith Eunice, widow! res. Reuben RoWs Smith Geo. carpenter, wks 0 wens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Smith Geo. engineer, bds St. Julien Hotel Smith Geo. C. clerk C., H. & D. R. R, bds Straub House, 1st Ward Smith Geo. C. millinery, res 310 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Smith Harry Z. machinist, res John H. Smith's Smith Henry, sickle maker, WkR Long, Allstatter & Co's. Smith Isaac, farmer, res Ii s Boudinot b 5th and Eaton Pike,' 1st Ward Smith Jas. F. photographer Ed. B. Rogers', r~s n e c 2d and Chestnut Smith J as. H. patt.ern maker, res n s Heaton b 2d and 3d Smith John, machinist, wks ljong, Allslatter & Co's ~lilith John H. carpenter, res s s Heaton b.front and 2d Smith Joseph, machinist, res e s 2d b Walnut and Chestnut Smith Julian G. advertising agent, res Dr. Alanson Smith's, 1st Ward Smith Lewis H. machinist, res John H. Smith's 8mith Margaret, res Louis Sohngen's, 1st Ward Smith Newton W. foreman carder, res w s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye Smith O. D. telegraph ope.rator, res sec E. Vine and 9th Smith Robert, res Chas. E. Giffen's, 1st Ward Smith Theodore, maltster, res n s Basin b 4th and 5th Smith Thos. G. butcher, res s w c ~"ront and Millikin, 1st Ward Smith 'V m. laborer, res s w c Hanover and Cincinnati Smith W m. A, butcher, res w s Water b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Smith vvm. B. D. machinist, res w s 2d b Heaton and Vine ::Smoyer Henry, blacksmith, res s w c 4th and Dayton, Smoyer Rebecca, wido~, res s s Boudinot b 3d an.! 4th, 1st Ward Smye'rs D. J. T. hardware, 8 Main b Water and Front, res sec 4th and Ross, 1st Ward t3nider Hd. J. (Louis Snider & Sons) res Louis Snider's Snider Henry J. (Loui8 ~nider & Sons) res Cincinnati Snid~r Herman B. (Long, Allstatter & Co.) rooms Opera House Buildmg.~ Snider Louis, (Louis S. & Sons) res n s Dayton b Front and 2d Snider Louis P. (Louis Snider & Sons) res Cincinnati SNIDER LOUIS & SONS, (Louis S., Louis P. S., Henry J. S., Ed. J. S. & W m. Pfau) Proprietors Franklin and Fair G rove Paper Mills; Manufacturers of Book and News Paper, Office, s w c Front and Buckeye Snider Hobert P clerk F., M. and M. Insurance Co. n w c 2d and HiO'h, res Louis Snider's C! t3nider Rufina, widow, res Baltium Staubach's Snider Fremont, book-keeper, re:3.louis Snider's Snyder Catharine, widow~ res n s Main b ~d and 3d, 1st Ward Snyder Catharine, widow, res Peter 'l'isingel"s, 1st Wa.rd SNYDER J. A., Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Notions, &c.; also, Merchant Tailor and Clothier, 19 Main b Front ~nd Water, ht Ward Snydei' J"ohn A. molder, res w s Schmidtman b E. Vine and Reservoir

133 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON [SPEl DIRECTORY. 131 Snyder Mary, servant, Henry Beardsley's Snyder 'Vm. (Tisinger & S.) bds Straub House, 1st Ward Soehner August,' saddles, 9 E. 2d b Basin and High, res s s Canal b 3d and 4th Soelmer Ferdinand. teacher, res e s Front b Woods and Wilson Soehner Ferdinand, jr. printer, res Ferdinand Sohner's Soehner Fred. carriage painter, res Ferdinand Soehner's. Soeh ner Gustave, printer, res Ferdinand Soehner's Soehner Mary, res Ferdinand Soehner's Solm Adelhaide, res John Wm. 80hn's Sohn Chas. E. book-keeper John Wm. Sohn's, res sec High and Water Sohn Christian J. res J ohn Wm. Sohn's & Co. (Shuler & Benninghofen and Jaeob Rupp) pork packers, office sec Water and High Sohn Henry, (S., Rentsc4ler & Balle) res Jacob Rupp's, 1 st Ward SOHN JOHN WM., Manufacturer of all kinds of Oak Tanned Leather~ and Dealer in Leather, Hides, Findings, &c.; also, Manufacturer of Malt and Grower of Nat.ive Wines; Tannery, n e c 2d and Boudinot,lst Ward; Office and Residence, sec High and Water Sohn, Rentschler & Balle, (Henry S., Geo.... t\... R. & John V- B.) iron founders, n e c C., R. & D. R. H.. and Vine Sohn W m. G. tanner, res n soak b Park and 3d, 1st Ward Sohngen Chas. E. clerk, res Louis Sohngen's, 1st Ward Sohngen Chas. L. malts tel', res n s Franklin b 2d and Front, 1st Ward ::;ohngen Gustav, book-keeper Louis Sohngen's, res w s 2d b Franklin and South, 1st Ward SOHNG EN LOUIS, Manufacturer of Malt; also, Commission Merchant and Dealer in all kinds of Grain, s w c 2d and Franklin T Residence, n e c 3d and Franklin, 1st Ward- Soltan Peter, res s s ~lain w of 5th, 1st W""rd Sorber Chas. res w s 4th b Stable and Dayton Sorber Jacob P. plasterer, res s W c 7th and E. Ludlow Sorber Reuben, millwright, res n W s Greenwood Av. b 8th and 9th Sorber r:rhos. watch maker, res Chas. Sorber's Sortman Benjamin, cabinet maker, res J as. Garver's, 1st Ward SORTMAN & BLUM, (David W. S. & Ernst F. B.) Manufacturers and Dealers in ~-'urniture, Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron,V are; also, Undertakers, 219 Main b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward; Factory, w s Water b High and Stable Sortman Daniel, res sec 5th and Sycamore Bortman David W. (S. & Blum) res John H. Garver's, 1st Ward Sortman J. & W (J ohn & W m.) stable, n s Main b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Sortman John, (J. & \V S.) res s w c 5th and Ross, 1st 'Yard Sartman Wm. (J. & W Sortman) res s W (J Ross and Front, 1st Ward SORTOR JACOB, Justice of the Peace, Office, 218 Basin b 2d and 3d, ~d floor; Hoards Cincinnati Exchange SOWARD W. T., Agent American Express 00., Office, s s Basin b 2d and 3d; Boards.Phillips Hous~ Spanenbarger Philip, res e s Smith n of Hanover Spangler Daniel, cabinet maker, bds Galt House Spargo John, machinist, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Speke Joseph, gardener, wks J oha 'Lodder's Spence H. blacksmith, wks Niles Tool Works

134 FITTON & BRO., Make a Spe.cialty of Dress Goods, South-west Oorner Third and High. 132 HAMILTON [S'l'EJ DIRECTORY. Spencer John C. fireman, res e s 5th b E. Ludlow and Sycamore Spencer Thos. P. brick mason. res sec 5tb and Chestnut Spencer Wm. coroner of But.ler Co. and township trustee, office, Court House, feel n s E. I.. udlow b 4th and 5th Spencer vv m. W- baker, res s s Canal b 5th and 7th Spindler John, t.ailor, res w s 6th b )ij. Vine and Reservoir Spinner Virginia, widow, res s s Stable b 3d and 4th Spivey John, carpenter, res Isaac Kimble)s, 1st Ward Spivey J obn R. painter, res Mary A. Spivey's, 1st Ward Spivey M al'y A. widow, res e soak n of Park, 1st Ward Spivey Vinnedge, res rear Gideon Beaver's, 1st Ward Spivey W m. L. painter, res e soak n of Park, 1st Ward ~poerl Fred. carpet manufacturer, sec Front and Ludlow Spoerl W m. pattern maker, res Fred. Spoerl's Sponenbarger Henry, laborer, res Aldegonde Schnipper's Sponenbarger Philip, brakeman, res e s Smith nof Hanover. Sponenbargel' Wm. H. conductor, res w s 8th b ltigdon and ChestilUt Sponenberger Peter, conductor, res n s Chestnut b 4th and 5th Spragg Rebecca J. widow, res n s Main b 4th and 5th. 1st Ward Springman Chas. stone mason, res n s Basiu b Front and Water Sprong Alex. M. ruachinbt, res Henry Sprong's Sprong Henry, res e s 6th b E. Heaton and E. Vine Sprussky Fredel'icka. teacher, res Henry Sprussky's Sprussky Henry, carpenter, res w s Front b Burnett and California Staab Andrew, butcher, res e s 2d b Hanover and South Av Stace Clara May, rtls Geo. W Stace's Stace Geo. W. sewing machines, 216 High, Opera House, res sec 3d and Ludlow Stafford Catherine, widow, rcs e sloth b High and Butler Stafford John, brick maker, res Catherine Stafford's Stage Benj. F. contractor, res n s Heaton b 7th and 8th Stahl Annie, res Jacob Stahl's, 1st Ward StahlJ acob, (S. & Stevens) res e s 2d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward St.ahl Katie, res J acob Stahl~s, 1st Wal'd Stahl Mal'gat'et, widow, res John Weber's STAHL & STEVENS, (Jacob S. & Milton B. S.) Proprietors Arbor 81:1.100n and Billiard Room, e s Front b Main and Ross, 1st Ward STAHLER HENRY C., Dealer in Family Groceries, Provisions, Queensware and Notions, junction 3d and Oincinnati Stapf Leonard, res e s Cincinnati s of 5th Star Cracker Co. (Carr & Son & Wm. E. Brown) cracker bakers, n w c 5th and E. Dayton Stark Frank, shoe maker. res w s Water b Basin and Lu.How Stark J. D. C. traveling freight agent, res s w c Front and Boudinot, 1st Ward Staubach B. J. shoe maker, res Benj. Staubach's Staubach Baltuim, shoe maker, res S s Hem'y b 4th and 5th Staubach Benjamin, res e s 6th bee. Heaton and E. Buckeye Staubach Concordia, widow, res Benj. Staubach's Staubach Jos. shoe maker, res Benj. Staubach's Staubach Wm. cooper, res s s Canal b 11 th and 12t!h Staudecker John, laborer, res w sloth b E. Ludlow and Canal Ste~<i Jas. dyer, res n s E. Heaton b 5th and 6th i

135 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &c., At FITTON & BRO.'S., HAMILTON [STEl DIRECTORY. 133 Stead Mary, weaver, wks Shuler & Benninghofen~s Stead Sydney, res J as. Stead's Stech Catherine, widow, res Philip A. Stech's Stech Geo. P. bar keeper, Philip A. Stech's Stech Philip A. saloon, n w c Henry and 5th Steever Louisa, widow, res Henry Tabke's Steffe Agatha" widow, res w s Front b Ludlow and Sycamore Steffe Paulina, teacher, res Agatha Steffe's Stegmann,Theodore, cigar maker, res w s Front b Basin and Ludlow Stehl Diederich, cooper, res s s Oanal b 10th and 11 th Steiber Adolph, gardener, wks John Lodder's Steiger Andrew, helper, res nee.k Heaton and Schmidtman Steiger August, carpenter, res w s Schmidtman b.,k Vine and Reservoir Steiger Christina, felt joiner, wks Shuler '& Benninghofen's Steiger l\lollie O. res Andrew Steiger's. Steiger Philip, driver, res Henry Schneider's Stein Henry, painter, res e s 3d b Vine and Mill Steinbrecher (Jarrie, res Henry Steinbrecher's Steinbrecher Ohas. clerk,res Henry Steinbrecher's Steinbrecher Conrad, drayman, res s s Oaldwell b 4th and 5th Steinbrecher Henry, cooper, res sec Front and Chestnut Stein bregger Ohrist. res John Schenk's Steinbrigge Henry, cooper, res e s Front b Walnut and Chestnut Stein brook Fred. res John Hammond's Stein brook Peter, boatman, res John Hammond's Steiner Andrew, helper, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Steinhouer Michael, paper hanger, res junction 3d and Uincinnati STEINMILLER JOHN, Proprietor Henry Street House, n s Henry b 4th and 5th Stempfly Louis, cigar maker, res s w c 2d and Walnut Stengel August, carpenter, bds Fred. Reiff's Stengel & Bros. (Lib or, Charles & John) furniture, factory and salesroom, 41!\lain b Front and 2d, 1st Ward; also, salesroom, s w c 2d and Basin Stengel Cass, furniture, e s 3d second door s of Canal, res w s 4th b Ludlow and Sycamore Stengel Mrs. Catherine, widow, res w' sfront bross and Franklin, 1st Ward Stengel Ohas. (S. & Bros.) res Catherine Htengel's, 1st Ward Stengel Frank, upholsterer, res Catherine Stengel's, l.,t Ward Stengel John, (S. & Bros) res Oatherine Stengel's, 1st Wal'd Stengel Libor, (S. & Bros.) res Oatherine Stengel's, 1st Ward Stengel Veronica, Eervant, Peter O. Becker's, 1st Ward SteDhan Bernard, laborer, res n s E. Ludlow b 8th and 9th Stephan Emma O. seamstress, res John H. Stephan's Stephan Jacob, cooper, res n s E. Ludlow b 9th and 10th Stephan John H. (ljeinzer, S. & 00.) res e s 2d secund house s of Woods Stephan Mary L. res John H. Stephan's. Stephens John H. butcher, res W m. Stephens', 1st Ward Stephens Wm. butcher, res e s Front b Main and Roudinot, 1st Ward 8tephensonAndrew O. attorney, res e s 3d b Alston and Woods Sterrett Thos. res sec South and Front, 1st Ward ' St~vens Milton B. (Stahl & S.) res w s 2d b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward

136 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &c., South-west Oorner Third and High. 134 HAMILTON [STRJ DIRECTORY. Stevenson Anna, servant, n w c 3d and Dayton Stevenson John W. blacksmith, res Mrs. K. Stevenson's, 1st Ward Stevenson.Mrs. K. widow, res n s Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st "T ard Stevenson Mary, res Mrs. Mary A. Tron's, 1st Ward Stevenson W m. carpenter, res sse. Vine b 10th and 11th Stevenson 'Vm. 'V. (It Knox, jr. & 00.) res n s Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward STEWART A., Dealer in'boots and Shoes, 11 S. 3d b High and Basin; Reside~lCe, e s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Stewart Frank P. (E. Potter & 00.) res w s Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Stewart Mrs. J. B. bds Straub House, 1st Ward Stewart J as. res e s Front b Woods and Wilson, STEWART JAMES M., Agent United States Express Co., i Office, n s High adjoining Phillips House; Boards Straub House, 18t Ward Stewart Waliace H. res A. Stewart's Stewart VV'In. laborer, res w s Front b Sycamore and Stephens Stiilwaugh Albert, tiliner, bds Galt House Stillwaugh Albert, tinner, res John Stillwaugh's Stillwaugh Oarrie, res J ohnstillwaugh's. 1 STILLWAUGH CHRIST_, Daily Meat Market; Dealer in all, kinds ot' Jj're::;h and Salt Meats; s s Main b.front and 2d; Residence, s s Franklin b Front and 2d, 1st 'Yard ; Stillwaugh Jacob, brick maker, res n s ~ain b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward : Still waugh John, res s s Dayton b 2d and 3d Still waugh John, painter, res s s Buckeye b Front and 2d.' Stillwaugh Lucy, res John Stillwaugh's.. Slillwaugh Philip, brick maker, res J acob Stillwaugh:s~ 1st Ward I; Stillwaugh W m. clerk, res Christ. Stillwaugh's, 1st Ward Stilzer Amelia, house keeper, Jas. S. Giffen's Stitghner ~'red. laborer, res e s 3d b Boudinot and North, 1st Ward Stoge Benj. F. contractor, res n s E. Heaton b 7th and 8th, Stomps Jj'. J. tinner, res w s Front b Burnett and California, Stone Katie, res J as. Giffen's Jos. molder, wks Variety Iron Works, Storck Frank, clerk T. V. Howell & Son's, res n s High b Front and Water i Storck :Frank, shoe maker, re~ w s Water bbasin and Ludlow Storm Chas. F.. engineer, res n s Charles b 4th and 5th Story Ira C. macfiit.i3t, res w s Front n of North, 1st Ward Stotz W m. piano maker, res n s 'Valnut b Front and 2d ~lout Eliza, res.mary ~tout's Stout J as. paper hanger, res Mary Stout's Stout MaI'Y, res Mrs. Mary Stout's Stout Mary, widow, res sec 4th and Woods Stout W. A. clerk County Auditols Office, res sec 4th and Woods Strader Geo. W. laborer, res Thos. W. Lounsbury's Stratger Barney, cooper, res s s Hanover b.2d and Cincinnati dtraub & CO., (Joseph S. & J. Geo. Weller) Dealers in all kinds of Hard and Soft Voul and Wood, Office and Yard~ n w c Basin and 4th STRA UB MRS. FELIX, Proprietress Straub House, n w c Main and Water, 1st Ward

137 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Oorner Third and High. HAMILTON [SYM] DIRECTORY. 13G Straub Eva, res Straub House, 1st Ward STRAUB HOUSE, Mrs. Felix Straub, Proprietress, n w c MaIn and Water, 1st Ward Straub J os. (S. & Co. and Weller & S.) res w s Front b Ludlow and' Sycamore Straub Pauline, res Straub Hom;e, 1st Ward Straub Valentine, driver Straub & Oo.'s, res sse. Ludlow b 5th and 6th, Strauss I. P. & Bro. clothing, 211 High b 2d and 3d; Meyer Strauss, manager Strauss Meyer, manager I. P. Strauss & Bro.'s, 211 High b 2d and 3d, res w s 7th b High and Dayton [Square Streaty & Carpenter, (J as. S. & John C.) barbers, w s Front opp Public Streaty J as. (S. & Carpenter) res e s Cincinnati b Woods and Chestnut Streher Peter, barkeeper, Geo. Bisdorf's Stricker Cecelia, res Fred. Stricker's Stricker Frank, fireman, res s s Chestnut b 4th and 5th Stricker Fred. carpenter, res s s Sycamore b 5th and 6th Stricker Margaret, wi low, res n w c 2d and Dayton Stricker Peter P. printer Hamilton Telegraph, res Fred. Stricker's Strode Mrs. J. C. teacher, res e s 3d b ~'-ranklin and South, 1st Ward Strode John N. res e s 3d b Franklin and South, lst Wllrd Strode Nellie, res John N. Strode's, 1st Ward Stroh Oaroline, widow, res n s Buckeye b 3d and 4th Stroh Conrad, res e s 4th b High and Dayton, Stroh Louis.a, res Conrad Stroh's Stroh W m. res Caroline Stroh's Strohm Ohas. machinist, res John Strohm's. Strohm Fred. \V. bar tender, re8 John Strohm's. Stroh III John, saloon and boarding house, e s 3d n of Mill Stroth Geo. res Herman Kuhl's. Strunks Callie, widow, res J os. Meyer's, 1st Ward Stucky Michael, paper maker, res n soak b Park and 3d, 1st Ward Sullivan Lettie, res n w C Owens and Lane Sullivan Samuel, plast.erer, res w slane opp Owens Sutherland Jane, res Dr. J os. S. McNeeley's Sutter Elizabeth, felt joiner, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Sutter Katie, res Michael Sutter's Sutter Lena, weaver, res Michael Sutter's Sutter Lizzie, weaver, res Michael Sutter's Sutter M. twister, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Sutter Mary, res Michael Sutter's Sutter Michael, lahorer, res nee Front and Chestnut Sutter SallIe, student, res Michael Sutter's Suttner Conrad, laborer, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Swayne.Geo. res Joshua Swayne's Swayne Joshua, cooper, res s s Canal b 7th and 8th : Sweet Emma V. teacher, 'res John S. Sweet's Sweet John S. machinist, res 415 3d b Heaton and Vine Sweet Lizzie R. res John S. Sweet's Sweet Paul, machinist, res John S. Sweet's Sweifelhoefer Bernard, laborer, res n s Minster b J.Jane and 2d, Swope,) Fred. laborer, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward : Swope Mary, milliner, wks Chs. H. Zwick's Symmes C. Scott, (Vanderveer & S.) bds Phillips House

138 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. 136 HAMILTON [THO] DIRECTORY. T Tabke Olemens, grocery, s s Hanover b 2d and Oincinnati Tabke Henry F. wagon maker, bds Clemens Tabke's Tabler August, machine hand, res s s Heaton b 2d and 3d fabler Henry, (Beck & T.) res n s Buckeye b 3d and 4th Tabler Henry B. stone cutter, res John Tabler's Tabler John, stone cutter, res n s Heaton b 2J and 3d Tabler J ohu, stone cutter, re~ e s 3db Vine,'and Mill Tabler 'Rosa, res John Tabler's Tabler Theodore H. stone cutter, res s s Heaton b 3d and 4th faggart Ohas. drayman, res sec 10th and E. Heaton,Talbott Nat. painter, res sec 8th and Oampbell Av Talbott Nathan, sign painter, rei" nee Front and Heaton Tangeman Geo. P. (Geo. P., T. & Co.) bds Straub House, 1st Ward TANGEMAN GEO. P. & CO., (Geo. PT., John H. Tangeman & Oaleb Parent) Rockdale Paper Mills; Manufacturers of Vlrapping, Roofing, Ham and Cloth Paper, Office, Opera House Building, s s High b 2d and 3d Tangeman John H. (Geo. P. Tangeman & 00.) res Wyoming, 0 Taylor Hugh, spinner, res s s Heaton b 3d and 4th 'ray lor J as. A. cook, res Lydia A. Beeler's 'fay lor.phrebe, res John W. Olement's, 1st Ward Taylor Robert, blacksmith, res e s Front b Ross and Franklin, 1st Ward 'reis Minnie, servant, Louis Sohngen's, 1st Ward fenneson Theodore, carpenter. res n s Wil::;on b Front and 2d TEUTONIA INSURANCE CO. OF DAYTON, OHIO, Peter C. Becker, Age.Q.t, s s Main 2d door e of 2d, 1st Ward Theiprer Martin, currier, res w s N. 4th w of Park, 1st Ward Theis Jacob, laborer, res e s 6th b.k Vine and Reservoir Theiss Seibert, res e s Water b Ludlow and Sycamore Theobald Elizabeth, widow, res e s Cincinnati b 2d and Alston THEOBALD FRAN'K, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Ji'urniture; also, Undertaker, n s Basin b 2d and Riley; Residence, sswalnut b 2d and Oincinnati Theuer Anna, servant, Straub House, 1st Ward Theurer John, laborer, res e s Waterb Basin. and Ludlow fheurer John, jr. molder, re::; John Theurer's, s1' Theurer Martin, tanner, res w s N. 4th nr Boudinot, 1st Ward THIRD WARD STEAM FIRE COMPANY, Engine House, w s ad nr Dayton Third Ward School Building, n s Dayton b 3d and 4th fhomas --, bds Mrs" E. Kinsinger's Thomas Alfred O. commission merchaut, res s s Ludlow b Front and Water Thomas B. F. attorney and notary, n s High 0PP Oourt House, res Trenton, 0 Thomas J. B. draughtsman, bds Straub House, 1st Ward Thomas J. B. tailor, res n s Ludlow b 2d and Front rl'homas Marcellus, deputy sheriff, res s s Basin b Front and 2d Thomas Nathan, drayman, res w s.l(:r.ont n of N ort4, 1st Ward

139 Tb.e Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON & BRO., A~en"ts. HAMILTON [TRAl DIRECTORY. 137 Thomas Sophie, res Alfred C. Thomas' 'Thompson Albert H. (C. B. Thompson & Son) res Caleb B. Thompson's Thompson Burton, clerk, res C. B. Thompson's \ 'rhompson C. B. &, Son, stable, s w c 2d and Stable Thompson Caleb B. (0. B. T. & Son) res b Davton and Buckeye Thompson Jos. F. with John W. Peterson, res 109 Bllckeye b Front and 2<1, Thompson Nelson S. traveling agent, res Susan Thompson's, 1st Ward Thompson Newton, (Pugh & rr.) re~ 0 s Maio b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Thompson Susan, boarding house, n e c Main and 2d, 1st Ward, Thompson W m. lumbet, res n s E. Dayton b 7th and 8th Thornbury W m. brakeman: res n s Sycamore b 3d and 4th Thorne Edith, widow, res Mrs. L. Bennett's Tice Chas. F. teacher, bds Peter Heck's, rfiemeyer Annie M. clerk Clemens Holbrock's, res Edward Tiemeyer's Tiemeyer Bernard, carpenter, res Edward Tiemeyer's Tiemeyer Edward, carpenter, res n s Woods b iid and 4th Tiemeyer J oho, carpenter, res Edward Tierr...eyer's Tiemeyer Lizzie, res Edward Tiemeyer's Tiemeyer Mary, res Fred. Weislogel's, 1st Ward Tiemeyet Mary, clerk, res Edward Tiemeyer's Tisinger Peter, (T. & Snyder) res s s Ross b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward, TISINGER & SNYDER, (Peter T. & Wlll. S.) ~.lanufacturers and Dealers in Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Fly Nets; Trunks, Valises, &c.: 16 Main b Water and Front, 1st Ward Titmcyer Michael, lahorer, res e s Cincinnati nr East Av Titmeyer Raymond, laborer, res Michael Titmeyer's Tobey Chas. L. res David Gray's, 1st Ward Tobias Isaac F. cement pavements, res 410 2d b Heaton and Vide I, Tolbert S. dentist, n e c High and Front. bds Phillips House Tolliver Rev. Geo. pastor Payne A. M. E. Church, res n s Burnett b Water and Front Toney Daniel, teamster, Robert Harper's, 1st Ward TOOKER D. M., Manufa.cturer and Dealer in an kinds of Boots and Shoes, w s 3d b High and Basin; Residence, w s 4th b Ludlow. and Sycamore Tooker Elizabeth, res Daniel M. Tooker's Tooker Reuben G. shoe maker, res Daniel M. Tooker's Topkey Louisa, servant, Clal'k Lane's Torbett Henry, boatman, res James Torbett's Torbett J ames, brick maker, res s s High e of Canal Totten Gasper, res Wickham G. Totten's Totten Wickham G. labore~, res n s High b 10th and 11th Township rrrustee's Office, in COllrt House; W m. Spence, trustee Traber Mrs. widow, res w s 2d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward 'rraber Anna.. res e s 4th 2d door s of Buckeye Traber Elizabeth, res e s 4th 2d door s of' Buckeye Traber Elizabeth, widow, res n w c 2d and Ross, 1st Ward Traber Henry, janitor County Buildings, res s w c.5th and Ches.tnut Traber J osepb" (0. & J. T.) res e s Front b MalO and BoudlOot, 1st Ward Traber Laura, res e s 4th 2d door s of Buckeye Traber O. & J. (Oliver & Joseph) dry goods, 23 Main near Front, lst Ward,. 19

140 FITTON & BRO., K~ep a Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 138 HAMILTON [TUR] ])IRECTORY. Traber Martlla, res n w c 2d and ROSF, 1st Ward Traber Oliv~r, (0. & J. T.) res e s Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Traber Wm. H. res e s 4th 2d door s of Buckeye. Tracey James, machinist, res n w s Greenwood Av. b 9th and Miami Trapp Lizette, res Wm. Trapp's Trapp Wm. supt. clothier Jackson & Co's, res s s Heaton b 2d and 3d Travers Bl"idget, widow, res s e. c North and 3d, 1st Ward Travers Thos. machinist, res s s North b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Travis Amos, res s s Chestnutb 5th and 6th Travis Nancy A. dress maker, rer Amos Travis' Travis Nannie, dress maker, res A.mos Travis' Travis Perry DeK. clerk, res Amos Travis'.. ~.': =:?' Travis Thos. machinist, wks Ow.ens, Lan~ & Dyer Machine Co Trayser Emma, bds Galt House Tray~er Geo. (Martin & T.) bds Galt House TREASURER'S OFFICE, Butler Co., on Public Square; David Yeakle, Treasurer, Trebel Rev. G; H. res nee Front and Ludlow Trich Margaret, widow, l'es Wm. Martin's Triebel Chas. carpenter, l'es s s.e. Ludlow b 8th 3nd 9th Triebel Emma, res Chas. Triebel's Triebel Emma; servant, Isaac Matthias', 1st Ward Trimble Catharine, widow, res w s 7th b Sycamore and Rigdon Trimble John, cooper, res w s 7th b Sycamore and Rigdon Trimble Wm. M. carpenter, res s 5 Walnut b 4th and 5th Trine Sallie, widow, res n. e c 8th and E. Heaton Trisler Wm. S. machinist, res w s Miami b E. Heaton and Greenwood A., Tron.Fred. res 20 Main b Watcr and Front, 18t Ward TRON MRS. MARY A., Dealer in FaRhionable Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Flowers, Trimmings, &c; also, Dress Making, 20 Main b Water and Front, 1st Ward ')'ross Henrv, laborer, res w s 2d b Vine and :Mill Troutman E. A. clerk St. Julien Hotel Troutman Edwll;rd, clerk, res Jacob Troutman's, 1st Ward Troutman Jacob, grain dealer, res s w c Front and South; 1st Ward Trownsell Nancy, widow, res e s Front b Stable and Dayton Tubbs Mary A. widow, res Nap. P. Tubb's Tubbs Nap. B. sewing machines, res n s E. Dayton b 10th and 11th Tucker Chas. E. res Squire Tucker's Tucker Hester, widow, res W s 2d b Franklin and South, 1st Ward ~rucker Richard S. money drawers, res n s Ludlow b 3d and 4th Tucker Sallie M. res Rev. Wm. Tucker's. Tucker Squire, res s s Greenwood A V. b 8th and 9th Tucker Rev. Wm. rcs e s 5th b E. Buckeye and E. Dayton Tucker 'tv m. A. painter, res Hester T,ucker's, ls,t Ward Tuley J as. brick maker, res n s.e. Ludlow b 12th and 13th Tulley Bridget, res e s 6th b E. Vine and Reservoir l'ulley J as. laborer, res Bridget Tulley's Turner Ellen, dress maker, res sec 3d and Stable Turner Fritz, maltster, res Leonard Turner's, ht Ward Turner Geo.. maltster, res n s Franklin b Front. and 2d., 1st Ward 'rul'ner Mrs. L. dress maker, res Cyrus Hill's 1

141 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO.,HAMILTON [VANl DIRECTORY. 139 Turner Leonard, foreman f.. ouis Sohngen's, res n e c 3d and Boudinot, 1st Ward Turner Pauline, dress maker, res sec 3d and Stable Tuyerer John, laborer, bds Fred Reiff's,,Tweeddale Catharine, widow, res Adam Laurie's :Tweeddale Wm. (J. C. Skinner & Co.) res see Lowell and Buckeye Tyler Ett E. teacher, res Marcus Tyler's. Tyler Marcus, paper maker, res nee Front and Dayton Tyler Marcus, sr. paper maker, res e s Front b Dayton and Bllckeye u Ulm Geo. laborer, res 'n s E. Ludlow b 5th and 7th U msneider R. laborer, res w s 4th b Vine and Heaton UNION INSURANCE CO. OF CINCINNATI, Shepherd & McGriff, Agents, Beckett's Block " United Presbyterian Church, sec 'Vater and Basin; Rev. A. W. Clokey,. pastor UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, s w c 3d and High, 2d floor; Joe McMaken, U. S. Commissioner UNITED STATES EXPRESS CO., Office, n s High, adjoining Phillips House; James 'M. Stewart, Agent United States Internal Revenue Office, under 2d National Bank Universalist Church, s w c Front and High "UNZER FRITZ," Fred. E. Humbach, Proprietor, s s High 2d door e of Water. Urmston J as. D. clerk County Recorder's Office, bds Sam.uel Davis' UTTRICH A. & E. A., (Adam & Edward A.) P~blishers and Proprietors Allgemeiner.Brobachter (German Weekly), OJJice, n s High opp Court House Uttrich Adam, CA. & E. A. U.) res n s St. Joseph b. FroD,t and 2d U ttrich Adam, printer, res n s Beckett b llront and, St. Joseph Uttrich Edward A. CA'. & E. A. U.) res Louis tlttrich"s Uttrich Louis, teacher, res n S Beckett b Front and St. Joseph Utz Peter, saddles, e s 2d two doors n of Basin, res e s 2d b Hanover and Minster Utz W. A. bar tender Herman Reu,tti's, res n W 0 2d and Dayton Utz Willis, driver, res w s Water b Basin and Ludlow Utz Willis, servant, Wm. Anderson's, 1st Ward v V ALLAN DIG HAM J. L., Attorney at Law, and Prosecuting Attorney Butler Co., Office, on Publio Square; Boards Phillips House Vance Mrs. E. widow, res James A. Bosley's Vance K,ate, servant, Robert B. ~illikin's Vance W m: blacksmith, res n sheaton b 2d and 3d Vandegriff Geo. trunk maker. wks Variety Iron Works Vandegriff Rebecca, fes J os. S. M.Webster's VanDerveer Ferd. (V~nD~ & Symmes) res s w,0 3d and South, 1st Ward

142 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and High. 140 HAMILTON I.WAC] DIRECTORY. VanDerveer Mrs. H. E. res ThoEJ. Millikin's VanDerveer Harry P. civil engineer, res Ferd. VanDerveer's, 1st Ward VanDerveer Jack, hostler, Ferd. Vanderveer's, 1st Ward VanDerveer John, res e s 2d b Ludlow and Sycamore VANDERVEER & SYM.MES, (Ferd'. VanD. & C. Scott S.) Attorneys at Law, Office, Opera House Building, s s High b 2d and 3d ' VanDyke Emily, widow, res e s 2d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward VanDyke Jennie, res Emily VanDyke's, 1st Ward VanHook Fannie, res Mrs. Wm. B. VanHook's VanHook Mrs. Wm. B. widow, res n s Ludlow b Front and 2d Vannetta David, cooper, res John Line's VanPool Ella, milliner, res Henry Schomaker's VanPool J as. farmer, res Henry Schomaker's VanPool Mary, widow, res Henry Schomaker's VanSchaick Jas. laborer, res sse. Heaton opp Cemetery VARIETY IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Shelf Hardware, Stoves, Hollow-Ware, School and Church Furniture; H. A. Moore, [President; W. H. Beardsley, Secretary and Treasurer; Office and Works. cor 7th and Hanover, Vaugb3ln Geo. teamster, res W m. Vaughan1a, 1st Ward Vaughan,J. R. carpenter, res n s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Vaughan Wm. t.eams.ter, res s s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1 st Ward Vaughn Wm. teamster, res n e c Boudinot and 5th, 1st Ward Vinan Wm. watchman,c., fl.& I. R. R. res e s 3d b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Vines Adaline, widow, res n e c Park and N. 4th, 1st Ward Vinnedge J. R. clerk sec Main and Front, res s w c North and 2d, 1st Ward Voelkle J os. brewer, wks n w c Front and Sycamore V oelpel Gottfried, maltster, res s s 'Canal b 5th and 7th Vogel Conrad, saloon, n e s Cincinnati s of South Av Vogel John, jr. carpenter, res John Vogel's, ilr Vogel John, sr. laborer, res n s E. Ludlow b 7th and 8th Vogel J os. machinist, res e s 5th b High and Butler Vogel Xavier, res e s 5th b High and Butler Vogelman Jos. piano maker, bds Galt House Vogelmann Timothy, carpenter, res w s 3d b Heaton and Vine Vogenstahl Henry, machinist, res sec Front and Wilson VonBurg Rosina, widow, res Ida Schohl's Vonderhaar Frank, machinist, res Henry Vonderhaar's Vonderhaar Henry, molder, res s s Buckeye b 2d and 3d VonPloren Henry, wooden sloe maker, res s s Wilson b Front and 2d Vorhes Chas. D. painter, res s s Woods b 4th and Cincinnati Vorndran Andrew, stone mason, res n s Boudinot b 4th and 5th, 1st Ward Yor.wald Henry, grocer, s s Heaton b 2d and 3d w Wagenschwanz Fred. wool sorter, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Wachter Andrew., saloon, n w c 2d arid Walnut

143 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At FITTON & BRO.'S. H_A_M_IL_T_O_N -=(~.W_A_R =:...] D_IR_E_C_T_O_R_Y_. 141l Wack Chas. machinist, res Frank Wack's Wack Frank, machinist, res w s 6th b High and Butler Wager Gustave, carpenter, res Margaret Haag's Wagner Adam, laborer, res s w c 8th and Sycamore Wagner Conrad, laborer, res w s Cincinnati b Hanover and South Av Wagner Ferdinand,.butcher, res w s Front b Hanover and Beckett Wagner Henry, laborer, res n s Washington b Front and 2d Wagner Henry, jr. cigar maker, res Henry Wagner's, sr Wagner.J ohn, shoe maker, res w s 2d b Chestnut and Woods Waitmann John, wagon maker, res ssw ashington b 2d and Cincinnati I Waldrick W m. shoe maker, res Andrew Keppler's, 1st Ward. Walker Carrie, servant, Dan L. Nickum's Walker John L. (Vl. & Phillips) res w s 3d b Hil!h and Stable Walker LOllis, blacksmith, res n s E. Ludlow b 6th and 7th WALKER & PHILLIPS, (John L. W & Geo. H. P.) Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; Dealers in Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Pipe, Pumps, &c., nee High and Front WALLACE H. H., Auditor Butler County, Office, on Public Square j Residence, 0 e c 2d aod Ludlow Waller Annie, paper counter, res Kate Waller's Waller J os. B. marble cutter, res Kate Waller's Waller Kate, widow, res e s Front b Heaton and Vine Walter Barbara, res Jacob Walter's Walter Christopher, farmer, res Jacob Walter's Walter Jacob, book-keeper, res w s 4th b Ludlow and Sycamore Walter Jacob, gardener, res s w s Cincinnnti s of South Av Walter John, cooper, res w s.9th b Canal and E. Ludlow Walter Maggie, res Jacob "Valter's Walter Mary, res Jacob Walter's Walter Mary H. dress maker, bds Samuel f-tarver's, 1st Ward, Walters Mary, res Samuel T. Garver's, 1st Ward, Walthaus 1\1 artin, laborer, res e s East Av. s of J ohu Walthers Alex. hostler, John W m.'s Wa1,tner Emma, res Henry Waltne.r's Waltner F. A. pattern maker, wks Owoos, J.Aane & D:v-er Machine Co Waltner Frank L. pattern maker, res Henry Waltner's WALTNER HENRY, Cashier Second National Bank,. n s.high b 2d and 3d; RJ)sidence, e s 7th. b Buckeye a.nd E. Heaton Waltner Mary, res Henry Waltner's Walton Elizabeth, wido.w, res e s 5th b Woods and Chestnut Walton Sue M. millinery, n s Hig~ b 2d and 3d, res e s 5th b Woods and Chestnut Walz Christ. painter, res w s Front b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Warble Chas. plow stocker, wks Hamilt.on Plow Co Warble John, plow stocker, wks Hamilton Plow Co Ward John, laborer, res e B 3d b Woods and William Wardendorff Bernard, stone cutter, res w s Front b Walnut and Washington Ware Krastus, laborer, res Peter Ware's Ware Eugenia, res Peter Ware's Ware Melissa, res Peter Ware's Ware Peter, laborer, res e slane b Owens and Hanover Ware Susan L. widow, res J as. B. Millikin's Warndorf B. marble polisher, wks F. Horssnyder's

144 FITTON &.BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &0., South-west Corner Third and High. 142 HAMILTON [WEBl DIRECTORY ~~--~ Wartmann John, wagon maker, s s High b 3d and 4th, res n s Washington b 2d and 3d Warwick 1. M., Hamilton Hotel, e s 5th b Sycamore and Henry Warwick Is~ac M. (W. & 'Warwick) res Overpeck's Station Warwick Jennie, res Hamilton Hotel Warwick Natllan E. attorney, res ns Boudinot b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Warwick & Warwick, (Isaac M. W. & Nathan E. W,.) attorneys, 11 Main b Water and Front, lst Ward Waterhouse Fannie, saleslady, res Joshua Waterhouse's Waterhouse Jennie, res Joshua Waterhouse's Waterhouse Joshua: carpenter, res n s Chestnut b 2d and Cincinnati Waterhouse Nellie, milliner, res Joshua Waterhouse's Waterhouse Sarah, res Joshua Waterhouse's Waterman Alex. C. engineer, res n s Chestnut b Front and 2d WATERTOWN INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK,,Shepherd & McGriff, Agents, Beckett's Block WATKINS & BEAUCHAMP, (James F. W. & Lou J. B.) Publ~shers and Proprietors Tri-Weekly Courier; also, Job Printers, Office, Beckett's Block, n s High near 2d Watkins Jas. F. (W. & Beauchamp) res n w c Front and Main, 1st Ward Watkins John W. (W & Shade) res J os. Watkins' Watkins J os. res e s 3d b Stable and Dayton Watkins & Shade, (John W W. & Reuben A. S.) boots and shoes, sec 3d and Stable. Watson G. W. barber, res n s Vine b 8th and 9th Watson Geo. B. assistant secretary F., M. and M. Ins. Co. of Hamilton, n w c 2d and High, res n s Ludlow b 3d and 4th Weaver John C. county surveyor, office, on Public Square, res w s 7th b.buckeve and E. Heaton Webb Edw~rd, boatman, res Edward Garland's vvebb Elizabeth, widow, res Edward Garland's Webb Foster, drayman, res w s Miami opp Cemetery Webb Marcella S. widow. res Ellen A. Smith's WEBER ADAM, Shaving and Hair Dressing Rooms; also, Bath House, Cupping and I.. eeching, and Agent Dixon's Opera House, 218 High b 2d and 3d, Opera House;.Residence, s s Oanal b 5th and 6th Weber Alfred, laborer, res Geo. Weber's Weber August, molder, res w s Cincinnati b Hanover and South Av Weber Catherine, widow, res w s Water b Ludlow and Sycamore 'Veber Chas. W farmer, res Geo. Weber's Weber Frederick, carpenter, res s s Stephens b Front and Water Weber Geo. blackrmith, res nee Sycamore and 6th Weber Geo. A. laborer, res w s 2d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward : Weber Henry, machinist, res e s Front b Hanover and Beckett Weier Jacob, planer, res w s Water b South and Millikin, 1st Ward. Weber John, carpenter, res e s Water b Basin and Ludlow Weber John, carriage trimmer, res Louis Weber's Weber John, driver, wks n w c Front and Sycamore Weber John, laborer, res e s 2d b Cincinnati and \Voods Weber Katie, res Adam Weber's Weber Levi, broom maker, res Geo. Weber's Weber Louis, cooper, res e sloth b E. Dayton and E. Heaton Weber Mary, res John Weber':s

145 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Oorner Third a.nd High. HAMILTON [WEI] DIRECTORY. 143 Weber Valentine, saloon, e s Front b South a'nd Millikin, 1st Ward Webring Lizzie, res Robt. N. Andrews' Webring Mary E. saleslady Fitton & Bro's, res R. N. Andrews' Webster Charlotte, widow, res Lorenzo W. Hazzard's Webster Dennis, blacksmith, rese a 5th b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Webster Edward, helper, wks Hamilton Plow Co Webater Eqwin, core maker, wka Cope & Max.well Manuf. Co Webster Eugene, core maker, res e s 7th b Dayton and Butler Webster Geo. W. machinist, bds Robt. R. Engle's Webster J os. S. M. res n s High b 2d and 3d Webster Lydia, res J os. S. M. Webster's Webster Mary E. res J os. S. M. Webster's Webster W m. machinist, ~ds Eugene's Weckenman Adolph, stone cutter, res Anna Mey's, 1st 'Vard Weckenman Boniface, stone cutter, rei; Anna Mey's, 1st Ward.. "vveckerle Ben. carpet weaver, res e s Eut9n Pikeb Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward WEED SEWING MACHINE, Office, Beckett's Block, n s High near 2d; J. R. Gibbons, Agent \Vegman Simon, res s s High b 5th and 6th Wehr Andrew, laborer, res w s Cincinnati b Hanover and South Av Wehr Mary M. widow, res Mrs. M. A. Miller's, 1st Ward Wehrhan August, boiler maker, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Wehrhan Fred. shoe maker, res n s Sycamore b 3d and 4th Weichhorn Eberhardt, boiler maker, res J ulianna Weichhorn's \Veichhorn Julianna, widow, res s,s Vine b 3d and 4th Weickert Mrs. A. saloon, n s E. Heaton b 5th and 6th WEIDENBORNER JOHN, Wholesale Manufacturer of Boot~ and Shoes, n s High opp Court House; Residence, 118 2d b Stable and Dayton Weidenborner J oho B. (\Veidenboruer & Son) res John Weidenborner's WEIDENBORNER & SON, (John & John B.) Dealers in Boots and Shoes, n s High opp Court House Weidig John, painter. res e s 6th b E Heaton and E, Vine Weidner Amos, millwright, res w s 3d b Heaton and Vine Weidner J os. stone maron, res w s Fl'ont s of L"Iillikin, 1st Ward Weigart Frank, tailor, rooms Opera Hou'le Building WEIGEL JACOB, Dealer in Family (:lroceries, Provision~"Produce, Queensware, Dry Goods &c., sec 5th and g. Heaton Weigel John A. res sec 5th and.e. Heaton Weiler Henry H. foreman n e c 2d aud Boudinot, res w soak n of Park Weiler John J. saddler, res w s Cincinnati -b Washington and Hanover Weiler Mrs. Josephine, res Stl'aub HOllse, 1st Ward Weimann G-ottlieb, laborer, res sec Chestuut and Cincinn~tti Weinman, John, lahorer, res e s 3d b Sycamore and Cio.cinnati \Veinmann Peter, helper" wks Bentel, Margedant & Oo.'s Weis Ghrist. molder, wks Variety Iron Works W'eii; Constant, shoe maker, bds Maglhlena Sohuler's Weis Ferdinand. foundryman, res n s Heaton b 2J auj 3d Weis Fred. turner, wks Lon.~, All'itattel' & 00.'8 Weise Michael, wks H. P. Deuschet' & Co.'s V\T eiser Catherine, widow, re" n w c E. D,tyton and 9th Weiser Nathan, machinist, res Catherine W oiser's Weiser Wm. H. res Cathel'ine Weiser's

146 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BUO.'S. South-west Oorner Third and High. 144: HAMILTON [WESJ DIRECTORY~ Weislogel David, butcher, wks Jacob Rupp's, 1st Ward Weislogel Fred. bakery, s s Main b Front and 2d, 1st Ward Weisman J 0hn, finisher, res Feter Ut:t's Weisman Peter, stone cutter, wks B. H. W c-llingho:ff's Weisman rrheodorc, blacksmith, res sec Schmidtman and :Reservoir Weiss Christ. W res w s 5th b \Yalnllt and WashiDgt0>n Weiss Constantine, shoe maker, hds Mrs. E. Kinsinger's Weitzel, laborer, bds Fred. Roedel's Welch Anna, widow, res w s 7th. b Sycamore and Rigdon Welch Mary, servant, '1'hos. Millikit;l's Welch Michael, laborer~ res e s Cincinnati b 4th and 5th Welch Thos. pressman Jacob H. Long's, res Peter Welch's Welford J os. laborer, res D s Vine neat to Hydraulic Weller J. Geo. (W. & Straub and Straub &. Co.) l'es sec Ross and Front, 1st. Ward. WELLER & STRAUB, (J. G. W- &. Jos. S.) Forwarding and. -CommIssion Merchants and Proprietors Hamilton Elevat~r, s w c High and 4th.. ; WELLIl'lGHOFF B. H., Steam :Marble Works; Manufacturer and i: Dealer in Marble and Granite Monuments, Grave Stones, &c.; also, Dealer in Building Stone, s s High h 3d aad 4th; Residence, n w c 2d and Vine Wellinghoff Geo. J. res s s HeatoD h 3d and 4th )Vellinghoff Henry, molder, res s w (} 3d add HeaioD Wellinghoff J oho, paper maker, res Henry WellinghofPs Welliver J. E. medical student~ bds Nelson Thompson's, 1st Ward Wellner John, laborer, res n s E. Ludlow b 9th and 10th VV ehnel" Louisa, servant, Wm. C. Margedanfs ~W elsh J as. jr. laborer, res Jas. Wel::;h's, sr Welsh Jas. sr. laborer, res n s Hanover h 2d and Cincinnati,Welsh John, clerk, Louis V Ferries Welsh Mary, res Richard Welsh's 1Velsh Patrick, painter, res w s 9th b E. Ludlow and Canal Welsh Richard, laborer, res e s Smith n of Hanover Wentz Louis, machine tender, l'es Peter Wentz.'s iwentz Peter, e_~gineer, res s w c 6th and E.. Heaton. VVeornley Theo. machinist, w ks McKinney Manuf Co Werbel Chas. wood wotker, res John We rbelts.vverbel John, night watchman, res n s Washington b Front ulild 2d :Werneke Millie, res Ernst Mormann's.,,7 erner Theodore, machinis.t, res n W c E. Ludlow and 8th ;Werst Peter, wagon maker, res John Wartmann's Wertz Andrew, drayman. res s s Canal b 5th and 7th 'Vertz Andrew, ir~ drayman, res Andrew Wertz.'s : Wertz Helena, res Andrew Wertz's Wertz Magdalena, widow, res e s Canal b High and Dayton.WESCO AARON, Attorney at Law and Notary Public, Office, High. street north of Uourt House Square, 1 door w of Hamilton House Building; Boards Straub House, 1st Ward WeslingJ ohn, res e s Water b Ludlow and Sycamore : Wessel Bernard, stone mason, res e s 4th b Sycamore and E. Ludlow Wessel Caroline, res Bernard Wessel'R VV e~sel Henry, laborer, res e s 4111 b Chestnut and 'Voods! Wes3el John, finisher, res Bernard \Vessel's, J,

147 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON &; BRO., Agent.s. HAMILTON DIRECTORY. 145 WEST HAMILTON BREWERY AND MALT HOUSE, Henry Eger, Proprietor, w s 2d b South and Millikin, lst Ward WEST HAMILTON MILLS, Shaffer, Murphy & Kumler, Proprietors, n e c Front and North, 1st Ward West John, farmer, res e s Water b Sycamore and S~ephens West Josephine, res John West's West Lydia, res J ohn West's West Nathaniel, barber, res sec 2d and Alst on W est Samuel, barber, res e s Cincinnati b 2d and Alst()n Westbrook John, machinist, wks Long, Allstatter & Westbrook Mary, res Theo. Westbrook's Westbrook Theo. lahorer, res e s 2d b Vine and Mill WESTERN UNJON TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Office, s w e 3d and High, 2d floor; Wm. H. Cory, Manager Weston John W. laborer, res n e c Front and Wilson Weston J os. cigar maker, res John W. V'leston's 'Wetzel Moses J. carpenter, res s s Ross b 5th and 6th, 1st Ward Wetzel Susanah, widow, res n e c 3d and Stable Wheaton Alfred, laborer, res e s 4th b Dayton and Buckeye Wheelwright Jesse, brick molder, res w s' Oanal nr Dayton Whelan Annie, servant, Wm. A. L. Kirk's Whipple Jackson, laborer, res w s'3d b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Whitaker Albert W. a~ent, res 310 Ross b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Whitaker Jennie, res John T. Whitaker's WQitaker John A. upholsterer, rei) 310 Hoss b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward. Whitaker John T. machinist, res sec 8th and Ohestnut Whitaker Mary, widow, res 310 Ross b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward. White G. W portrait painter, nee 2d and High, res e s 3d b Stable and Daytou White Nancy, widow, res s B Walnut b Front and 2d Whitehead John, city fireman, res e s 3d n of Mill Whitehead John, pattern maker, res n s E. Vine b 5th and 6th Whitehead Robert, res n s E. Heaton opp 7th WHITEHEAD WM. R., Whitehead's Copying Gallery; all kinds. of Picture Work done Neatly and Satisfactorily, n w c Main and Front Whitehill JolIn A. res n s High b 10th and Canal Whittaker W m. machinist, res e s 3d n of Mill Whitten John S. grocer, S s High b 3d and 4th, res e s 3d b High and Stable Whitten Shelton J. clerk, res John S. Whitten's Whittlesey Phrebe, widow, res s s Main w of 5th, 1st Ward Whit.tle~ey Stephen, book-keeper, res e s 3d b Ludlow and Sycamore Wick Lizzie, servant, O. V, Parrish's Wick Martin, clerk Ezra Potter's, res e s 4th b High and Dayton WICK VEIT, General Blacksmith, Horse Hhoeing and Wagon Making Establishment, nee 3d and Canal; Residence, n s E. Lud-. low b 6th 'and 7th Widman Emil, clerk, res w s 2d b Chestnut and W Qods "Tiegand Engelbert, grocery and saloon, nee 2d and Washington Wiegand S. weaver, wks Shuler & Benninghofen's Wiegand W m. blacksmith, res Mrs. Wiegand's Wilde Annie, seamstress, res Fred. Wild~'s Wilde Fred. shoe maker, res s 8 Shillito b 8th and 9th

148 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stock ot Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 146 HAMILTON [WIN] DIRECTORY. Wilde Helena, res Fred. Wilde's Wilde Oscar, shoe maker, res Fred. Wilde's Wiles Thos. A. painter, bds A. Cobaugh~s, 1st Ward Wiley Anna, widow, res w s 3d n of Mill Wiley Jas. T. operator W. U. Tele~raph Co. res w s 3d nr N. Corp. Line Wiley Richard, laborer, res Ann Wiley's Wilkins Hettie, widow, res Chas. D. Vorhes' Will Philip, tinner, res Philip Hartmann's, 1st Ward Willert Geo. cooper, res n w c 7th and E. Ludlow Willett Barbara, ehambel'maid, St. Julien Hotel Williams Amy 1. res Mrs. M. A~ Williams", 1st Ward Williams Evan, brass finisher, res n 8 E. Vine b 5th and 6th Williams R. Clay, foreman, bds Marth'l. McMains' WILLIAMS ISRAEL, Attorney at Law, Office, Beckett's Block, n s High nr 2d; Residence, w s 3d b High and Dayton, Williams Jas. E. res Mrs. M. A. Williams', 1st Ward Williams Kate C. res Mrs. M. A. Williams', 1st Ward WILLIAMS MRS. M. A., Dealer in Fashionable Millinery, Fancy Goods, Trimmings, &c.; alf'o, Stamping and Pinking, 18 Main b Water and Front, 1st, Wal'd Williams Morris, carpenter, res w s Front b South and Franklin, 1st Ward,Williams Nelson, notary. res Israel Williams' Williams Richard R. res Mrs. M. A. Williams', 1st Ward Willi8 Edward, blacksmith, res n s Charles b 4th and 5th Wilmer Eliza, grocer, 418 Front b StephenR and Burnett Wilmer Gustav, clerk Fitton & Bro's, res Eliza Wilmer's Wilmer J. H. carpenter, res Eliza Wilmer's Wilson Carrie, (Gray & W.)res n's Willidm b 3d and 4th Wilson Edward, carpenter, bds Butler House, 1st Ward Wilson Geo. W., U. S. gauger, under 2d National Bank, res n s William b 3d and 4th Wilson Mrs. H. widow, res w s Front b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Wilson Henry, sewing machines, res n e c -!'1ain and Eaton Pike, 1st Ward Wilson Mrs. J. W widow, res on hill w s of the Rivernr Lower Bridge, 1st Ward ' \Vilson J'ames S'. res e B 2d b Ludlow and Sycamore Wilson James S. clerk, res Wm P. Bellangee's Wilson John K. farmer, res n w c 5th and Main, 1st Ward Wilson John W brick mason, res e s Front b Heaton and Vine Wilson Mary A. res Wrn. B. Wilson's Wilson Pollock, merchant, res on hill w s 3d s of C., H. & 1. R. R., 1st Ward Wilson Riley, farmer, res Henry Wilson's, 1st Ward Wilson \\' m. B. 'res s s Ludlow b 2d and 3d Wilstach J obn, laborer, wks Beckett, Laurie & Ob's \Vilszick Amelia, paper sorter, res John W ilszick's WilszickJ ohn, laborer, res w s 4th b Heaton and Vine \Vilszick Mary, paper sorter, res John WilRzick's Wing S. C. conductor, bds Martha McMains' Winkelhaus Philip, tinner, res e s 2d b CinQinnati and Woods Winkler Annie, weaver, res Elizabeth Winkle'?s' Winkler ElIzabeth, widow, res w s 2d b Heaton and Vine Winter Jacob C. clerk A. 'Vinter's, res n W c 2d and ~"rank1in, 1st Ward

149 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON [WRI] DIRECTORY..147 WINTER A., Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c.; also, Merchant Tailor and Clothier r 17 Main b Water and Frontj Residence, n w c 2d 'and Franklin, 1st Ward Winter Joseph, clerk A. Winter's, res s w c 2d and Boudinot, 1st Ward Wintermantel Adam, brewer, res w s Front b California and Chestnut Wintermantel Josie, student, res Adam Wintermantel's Winters John..E. shoe maker, res n s Stable b 2d and 3d Winters Joseph, res s w c 2d and Boudinot, 1st Ward Wintersteen Samuel S. engineer, res w s 9th b E. Heaton and Greenwood Av Wise Henry, laborer, res n e c 5th and E. Buckeye Wiseman Joseph, engineer Steam Fire Co. No.3, res e s 4th b Buckeye and Heaton Wiseman Peter, helper, res e s 4th b Buckeye and, Heaton 'Viseman Theo. blacksmith, wks Long, Allstatter & Co's Wismeyer A. blacksmith, wks Long, Allstatter & Co's Wismeyer Andrew, laborer, res s s Ludlow b Front and Water Wismeyer Annie, widow, res Andrew Wismeyer's Wi~meyer Annie, widow, res Henry Niederauer's Wismeyer Emma, res Henry 'Vismeyer's, 1st Ward Wismeyer Henry. ma,ltster, res sec Main and 4th, 1st Ward Wisser Jacob, laborer, res e s 4th b HeDl'y and Sycamore '\Vissmeyer Henry, miller, res Mary R. Wissmeyer's, 1st Ward Wissmeyer Mary, saleslady Jackson & Co's, res sec 4th and Main, 1st ~~.. Wissmeyer Mary R. res sec Main and 4th, 1st \Vard Wittman Conrad, watchman, res ssw oods b 2d and CincinnaLi Wittman Elizabeth, widow, resj ohn Wittman's Wittman John, teamster, res sec Water and Stephens Wittmann.Emil, clerk, res w s 2d b Woods and Chestnut Wittmann Otto, foreman molder, Niles Tool Works Wittmann Otto, saloon,e s 3d n of Mill. W oesten John W labo rer. res nee Front and \Vilson W oe:;ten J os. cigar maker; res nee Front and Wilson W ogenstahl Henry, machinist, wks Long, Allstatter & Co's Wolf Chas. polisher, res w s Front b Burnett and California WOLF E., Book Binder and Picture Frame Manufacturer; Dealer, in Pictures, Fancy Goods, &c., w s Front opp Public Squaro Wolf Nicholas, farmer, res s w s Oincinnati s of Ludlow Av Wolf Wm. carpet manuf. s we Front and Burnett Wollenweber Augustus, carpenter, res e s Front b Ludlow and Sycamore Wollenweber Mary, dress muker, res Amelia Morner's Wood Ann, widow, res J as. R. Davis' \Vood Nathan S. night watchman, res n S K Ludlow b 5th and 7th Wood Wm. Henry, boat builder, res w s 5th b Main and Boudinot, 1st Ward Woodard Geo. E. paper maker, res n s Ross b 5th and 6th, ht Ward Woolley John, laborer, wks Fair Grove Paper Mills \Voolley Josiah, broom maker, res Middletown Pike east of Canal Works Chas. barber, res s s Walnut b 2d and Cincinnati Works Sadie, servant, Mrs. A. B. Grews' Wright Franklin, carpenter, res nee 4th and Main, 1st Ward Wright Mollie, widow, res nee 5th and Sycamore

150 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Oorner Third and High. 148, HAMILTON [YUN] DIRECTORY. Wright Tabitha, dress maker, res se c 3d and Stable Wuechner Mary, res Michael Wuechner's Wuechner Michael, tbenninghofen & 00.) res e s Front b Stable and Dayton Wuest J aco b, tanner, res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Wunder John, laborer, res Fred. Reiff's Wurst J aoob, tanner, res e s Front b Sycamore and Wilson Wyatt Mary F. res Martha Cone's, 1st Ward Wyatt Mary F. hat trimmer Henry Beardsley's, bds w s 2d third house n of South, 1st Ward Wyman Mary P re~ n w c 3d and Dayton y Yager Geo. trader, res s w c 5th and Woods Yakle Geo. carpenter, res n s Chestnut b 2d and Cincinnati Yakle Mary, shoe fitter, res Geo. Yakle's Yakle Mary, widow, res Geo. Yakle's Yauch Carrie, res Philip Yauch's Yauch Philip, spoke finisher, res n s Walnut b 4th and 5th Yeager Mary, servant, Dr. IT. R. Brown's, 1st Ward YEAKLE DAVID, Treasurer Butler County, Office, on Public' Square; Residence, e s Front b Main and Ross, 1st Ward Yeakle Mary, res Wm. Yeakle's, 1st Ward Yeakle Pauline, milliner, res Mrs. Mary A. Tron'"s, 1st Ward Yeakle W m. treasurer Great Western Bran Duster Co. w s Water opp Stable, res s s Main b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Yeats Reddick, bar tender, Cincinnati Exchange Youch Philip, spoke finisher, res n s Walnut b 4th and 5th Youmans Ellen, servant, Ferd. VanDerveer's, 1st Ward Youmans Mary,.servant, Theo. H. Siegrist's Young Albert, laborer, res e s Cincinnati b 3d and Alston Young Andrew, lamp lighter, res e s 3d b Hydraulic and Dayton Young Andrew J. shoe maker, res n e c 3d and Stable Young Chas. brewer, res Peter Schwab's Young Charlotte, widow, res Eliza Sheehan'S Young Doroetha, res Peter Schwab's Young Jacob, helper, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Young Men's Christian Association Rooms, n s High opp Post Office j. Jackson Henninger, superintendent Young Peter, laborer, res e s 2d b Chestnut and Woods Young Peter, jr. bar keeper, res e s 2d b Chestnut and Woods Young Philip, brewer, wks n w c Front and Sycamore Young Philip, machinist, n s South Av. w of Cincinnati Young Mrs. W. P. teacher, res s s Ross b 3d and 4th, 1st Ward Yung Jacob, blacksmith, res sse. Heaton b 5th and 6th Yung Katie, res Jacob Yung's Yung Peter, bar tender Philip Kraft's, res c s 2d b Woods and Chestnut

151 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., At FITTON & 13&0.'8. HAMILTON [ZWI] DIRECTORY. 149 z Zeger Balthaser, res 14 Ludlqw b Front and Water Zeigler Jacob, grocer, 304 Front b Ludlow and Sycamore Zellner Valentine, res n W c 10th Ludlow Zettler Jacob, tailor, res e s 6th b South and Millikin, 1st Ward ZETTLER JOHN, Dealer in Coal, Coke, Wood and Salt, s a High b 4th and 5th; Residence, n s Woods b ~'ront and 2d Zettler J ohu, jr. traveling agent, res John ZettleL"s, sr Zettler Katie J. res John Zettler's Zettler Valentine, clerk, res John Zettler's Zier John, laborer, res s s Woods b Cincinnati and 4th ZilioxJ acob, cutter, res n s Ross b 2d and 3d, 1st Ward Zimmer David, broom maker, res s s Woods b 3d and 4th Zimmer David F. broom maker, res Michael Zimmer's Zimmer Mary, res Michael Zimmer's Zimmer Michael, laborer, res s s Woods b 4th and Cincinnati Zimmer Michael, jr. carpenter, rea Michael Zimmer's Zimmerman Daniel, laborer, res sse. I-Ieaton b 5th and 6th Zimmerman Mary, servant, 109 Dayton b Front and 2d Zimmerman Robert, laborer, res n s Chestnut b 2d and Cincinnati Zimmers Daniel, laborer, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co Zimulers Ellen, widow, res w s Miami b E. Heaton and Greenwood Av Zimmers John, boatman, res Ellen Zimmers' Zimmers Lizzie, res Ellen Zimmers' Zimmers Sarah, res Ellen Zimmers' Zinner;:; Barbara, widow, res n s Walnut b 2d and Cincinnati Zinners John, wagon maker, res Barbara Zinners' Zinnsmeister Philip, currier, res e s 2d b Ludlow and Sycamore Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Parochial School, n e c Front and Ludlow " Zoellner Valentine, helper, wks Bentel, Margedant & Co's Zoller Levi, carpenter, res Michael Zoeller's, 1st Ward Zoller Micha.el, butcher, res e s 2d b South and Millikin, 1st Ward Zollner Henry, cooper shop, nee 7th and E. Ludlow Zollner J. Henrv, shoe maker, res nee Sycamore and 9th Zwefalhafer John, helper, wks Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co ZWICK CHARLES H., Dealer in Fashionable Millinery, Fancy Goods, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Laces, Ladies' Underwear and Furnishing Goot!s; also, Agent for E. Butterick & Co's Patterns, n s High opp Court House

152 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &0., South-west O~rner Third and High. 150 CINCINNATI ADVERTISEMENT. WILLIA.MS & CO., Diro,tQJl1 Pllhli~hOJl~~ OFFICE; MERCHANTS' EICHA.NGE BUILDING,24: W. FOUnTH ST., CINCINNATI, OHIO. PRIOES-Cincinnati Directory, $5.00; Ohio State Directory, $6.00; Dayton Directory, $3.00; Hamilton. Directory, $2.50; Covington, Ky., Directory, $3.00; Evansville, Ind., Directory, $3.00, eto., eto. t

153 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South~we8t Oorner Third and High. HAMILTON BUSINESS'DIREOTORY. Agricultural Implements. Neilan Jobn F. n e c 2d and High Davidson & Schliep, n s High 2d Robertson Isaac, sec 2d and Basin door w of, 2d. Sites J. H. n s High opp Court Flenner G. M. 15 3d b High and House Basin" Smith Culla J. n e c Fl'ont and High Hamilton Plow Co. cor 7th and Thomas B. F. n s High opp Court Walnut House Hooven & Sons, n B Main b Front Vallandigham J. f.j" Public Square and 2d. VanDerveer& Symmes,Op~ra House Long, Allstatter & Co. n e c. 4th and Warwick & Warwick, 11 Main b High ~ ater and Front Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co. s Wesco Aaron, Ii s High adjoining e c 4th and Heaton Hamilton House Williams Israel, Beckett's Block Ale and Beer Bottler. Bakeries. Reutti Theodore, n s Stable b 3d and 4th Bader & Schwarz, n e c 2d and Basin Attorneys at Law. Ehrnschwender Michael, s s High b Brown W m. E. at 2d National Bank Front and Water Oampbell Jas. E. n w c 2d and High Emmert L. w s 4th b Stable and Conklin P. C. n e c 2d and High Dayton Crane Stephen, Beckett's Block Forn Ernst, n s Henry b 4th and Davidson & Davidson, Beckett's 5th Block Baid John, e s Front b Sycamore Davidson R. B. 24 Main b Water and Wilson. and Front Oetterer August, 3 w s Front b Flickinger J. L. n w, c 2d and High Main and Uoss Gard S. Z. sec 2d and Basin Oetterer Mrs. Philip, 22 Main b Wa- Gordon Patrick, n e c 2d and Basin ter and Front Hamilton Mason S. 218 Basin b 2d Schuler G. W 10 Main b Water and and 3d Front McClellan John, sec 2d and Basin Schunk Gottlieb, s w c 4th and Maginnis M. N. W Ii 2d bbasin and Chestnut J.udlow Schwarz J. P. 226 High b 2d and Meckley J. W- 220 Basin b 2d and. 3d 3d" Seifert V. n s High near 2d Millikin J. B. n e c 2d and Basill Weislogel Fred. s s Main b Front Millikin Thos. n e c 2d and.basin and 2d M~~:! M~orQ,u s High op,pcourt Baking Powder. M.orey & Morey, Dec. 2d and High Potter & Campbell,s s High. 2d door Neal & Sharts,.Becketfs Block w of 4th

154 Laces, Embroideries &; Hosiery at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Oorner Third and High. 152 HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Banks and Ba.nkers. Berry Philip nee Basin and Riley First N ationa} Bank, 214 High b 2d Hochheimer & Son, n s Basin b 3d and 3d and 4th. Second NIl,tional Bank, n s High b Holdefer Geo. n e c Main and 2d 2d and 3d Hughes John P. n s High b Water Shepherd) Curtis & Williams, Beck- and the River ett's Block Jacobs John C. n w c Stephens and Front B arber SopS. h J anser Michael s s High b 3d and 'Anderson Alfred J. s s Basin 4th 4th ' door e of 2d J anser Nicholas s s HiO'h b 3d and Burner Henry, s s High b Front 4th '. I:) and Water Reiff W m. c s 3d b Woods and Wil- Hill Wm. H. H. w's 5th b Henry Ham. and Charles. Reuter Conrad e s Front n of North Kaefer & Bro. s s Main near Front Wick Veit n e' c 3d and Canal Koehler John, 12-1 Main b Water'... and Front Boarding Houses. Kraus & Miller, w s 2d b High and Andre Wm. W s e 0 3d and Basin Stable Blackburn Eliza, e s 3d b Stable Schubert John H. nee 2d and High and Dayton Seidenfaden Ohas. junction 2d and Cox Catharine, s s Henry b 4th and Cincinnati 5th Streaty & Carpenter, w s Front opp Keok Dora, n s Henry b 4th and Public Square 5th Weber Adam, 218 High, Opera Kinsinger Mrs. E. w s 3d b Stable House and Dayton Bath House. Martin Thekla, n w 0 Boudinot and Weber Adam, 218 High, Opera Front House 1\'1 ueller Anna, n w c Heaton and Bee Hives. ~th Cole, Gehrman & Henninger, w s ReIff Fred. s w c 2d and S~camore Water near Dayton Roedel Fred. e s 5th b HIgh and Eisel M. F. & Son, w s Water near Butler. Dayton Schlotterbeck Louis, sec Caldwell Ft' and 4th B en d Ing ac orles. Schneider Peter C. n s Main b Ji"ront. Benninghofen & Co. wsw ater band 2d High and Dayton Schwenn J obn F. s s High b Front Deinzer, Stephan & Co. w s Water and Water b Stable and Dayton Strohm John, e s 3d n of Mill Donges John & Co. w s C., II. & D. Thompson Susan, n e c Main and R. R. s of Walnut 2d Billiard Rooms. Boiler Feeders. Ayers & Reynolds, Opera House Cope & Maxwell Manuf. Co. cor 3d Bliilding. and Hyp-raulic Kullmann Philip, w s 2d b Stable B 1 M k and Dayton 01 er a ers. Leflar & Ros,s, Opera House Owen~, Lane.& Dyer Machine Co. 8 Reutti Herman, n w c 2d and High e c 4th. and Heaton Blacksmith Shops. Bone Dust Fertilizers. Finn Joseph, Springdal~ Pike, opp E. & Co., R. R. Track near Toll Gate No. 1 Niles TOGI 'Yorks.

155 The Celebrated Domestic Paper Fashions, FITTON & BRO., A~ent;s. HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 103 Book Binder. Wolf E. w s Front opp Public Square Books and Stationery. Kidd H. R. 26 Main b Front and Water Koehler Adam, s s High b 2d and Riley EHlker & Son, w s 3d b Basin and Kreuscher John A. n s Sycamore b Ludlow 4th and 5th Laubach C. 24 Main b Water and Jacobs Peter, 129 High opp Court Front House James B. S. s w c Main and Front r~inden Thos. s s High b Front and Water Lawder & 00., Opera House P?:-. ~1arkt Dr. O. 13 3d b High and a~~ib. H. w S ",d b Sycamore and Basin ISDn. Paul August. s s BasID b 2d and 3d M yers D r. A. & C 0., Opera House R U hi G 00 dh' ear, t n s M' b 3d d.i. am an Boots and Shoes.. 4th Beck & Tabler, 13 Main b Water Schneider Clemens, e s 3d b Basin aud Front and Canal Boettillger E. 6 Main b Front and Schaler Frank, n s Wilson b 2d and Water. Front Bowers S. D. 105 HiO'h near Front Schwink Geo. s s Woods b 2d and Brinkman 'V m. n s E~ Heaton b 5th. Cincinnati. and 6th Stewart A. 11 S. 3d b High and I Brodt John A. s s Main b 2d and Basin 3d. Tooker D. M. w s 3d b High and Bubenheim Henry~ n w c High and Basin. 4th Watkins & Shade, s e 0 3d and Decher John, e s 3d b HiO'h and: Stable Stable b. Weidenborner John, n s High opp. Eastham Robert S. sr. e s 3d b Syca- C.ourt House. more an.d CIncinnati WeIdenborner & Son, n s HIgh opp Fields John, s s Basin b Front and Court House, 2d. Bowling Alleys. F~lmer R. D. n s Mam b Front and Bisdorf Geo. w s 2d b Sycamore 2d.. and Wilson Gerber MatthIas, w s Front b RasID Brinkman Henry, s w c Cincinnati and Lu~low. and South Av : Getz & WIlson, n W 0 2d and WIlson Gerard Marshall n s Basin b 3d and, GeJer & Ni<;holas, n w 0 2d and 4th ' Ludlow Hafertepeo A. 12 3d b High and Basin Hafertepen B. 220 Basin b 2d and 3d Heier Henry, n e 0 3d and Dayton Henn & Marr, w s Front adjoining Post Office Henneke Joseph, n s Washington b Front and 2d Holbrock John H. es 3d b Basin and Canal Holbrock & Schriobte, n e 0 3d and Ludlow Hufnagel J no. w s Front b Stephens and Burnett ' 11 Bran Dusters. Great Western Bran Duster Co. w s Water opp Stable Breweries. Eger Henry, w s 2d bsouth and Millikin Schwab Peter & Co. n w 0 Front and Sycamore Bricklayer, Contracting. J..Jawson Aaron, s e 0 4th and Henry Broom Manufs. Hanoook J as. E. s s Basin b 4th and 5th [Cincinnati MoHale John, s w 0 '\Voods and.

156 FITTON & BRO., Keep a Large Stock of Lidies' and Gents' Underwear. 154 HAMILTON :BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cabinet and Counter Slabs.: Cement Pavements., Horssnydel' F. n w c Front and D3Y- Tobias Isaac F d b Heatou ton and Vine Calender Roll GriD ders Chair Manufs. and Manufs. Kettman & Grave, w s Front b I.. iberty Iron "'.,. orks, n e c Water Beckett and South A v. and s s- and Stable Basin b 2d and 3d Carpenter Shops. Stengel & Bros. 41 Main b Front and 2d and 8 W c 2d and Basin Arent Matthias, s s Main b 2d and 3d Cheese Dealer. Bender J. F. & Bros. n e c E. Day- Schwartz Lorenz, s s, Basin b 2d ton and Lowell and 3d Brunner Paul, s s Basin b 3d and Children's Carriages. 4th Dilg Henry, n s High opp Court Eisel M. F. & Son, w s Water nr House Dayton '. Elrick J as. R. n s Rigdon b 6th and ChIna, Glass & Queensware 7th Becker John, n w c 3d and Main Henninger Jonathan, n s Ross b 5th Deinzer John, 13 High b Front and and 6th Water I Hibner J obn N. w s 6th b E. Hea- Fillmore F. August, n w c 6~h and' ton and E. Vine E. Heaton Schwarz & Schwenn, s s Basin b 3d Frechtling H. & W. & Co. nee 2d 4th and High Shuler Mandes, e s Front n of North Heiser John, nee High and Water Carpet Weavers. Holbrook Clemens, w s 2d b. Sycamore and Wilson Dum Henry, s s Main b 3d and 4th Kennedy & McMeen, sec Front and Gressle John F. n w c W'ater and Main ROBs Kohler J acoh, 31S 4th b Buckeye:,I Sp:>erl Fred. sec Front and Ludlow and Heaton 'W oli W m. s w c Front and Burnett Kumler & Co. nee Main and Front, Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c. Mattox Eugene, n w c 3d and Ross Hermann J~s. e s Front b Sycamore Scborr J. & Bro. n s High b Front and WilsOn and Water " \ Hughes J os. B. e s 3d b High and Scbrichte Geo. H. n w c 3d and Basin Heaton Miller Abram, Beckett's Block. Stahler Henry C. junction 3d and Hosbman J. & J. 7 Main b Front and Cincinnati Water Weigel Jacob, sec 5th and E. ; Carriage Manufs. Heaton Heck Peter, n s High b 3d and 4th Zeigler Jacob, 304 Front b Ludlow Hochbeimer & Son, n s Basin b 3d and Sycamore and 4th Cider Manufs.. J anser Michael, s s High b 3d and Pabst Jacob, s s Ross b 6th and, 4th Millville,Road. After 1st April, 1 J anser Nicholas, s s High b 3d and 1876, w s Cincinnati b Woods and: 4th Cbestnut : Morgenthaler Christian, sec Front Reutti Theo. n s Stable b 3d and 4th I. ands~~kle, Cigars and Tobacco. i O'Brian Wm. & Sons, nee Front,Braun Xavier, n s Hanover b 2d i and Stable and Cincinnati I Schlarb Jacob, sr. n e c 3d and Main Davis & Co. n s Main b }j'ront and 2d I:

157 Clothing for Men and BJYs Made to Order By FITTON &, BRO. HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 155 De~ginger Jos. n w c Cincinnati and Straub & Co. n w c Basin and 4th Walnut Zettler J oho, s s High b 4th and Dil~ F. & Co. n s High opp COlut 5th Boase Coffee, Spice and Mustard Dreher L. s s liain b Water and Mills. Front Hamann Julius, 222 Basin b 2d and Potter & Campbell, s s High 2d 3d door w of 4th Kreuzberger Maroollian, s s High b Collecting Agents. 2d and Riley Davidson R. B. 24 Main b Watel:' Miller Rosanna, e s 4th b Dayton' and Front and Buckeye Dilg H. A. nee 2d and Basin Peter-son John W- 109 High opp Neilan John F. nee 2d and High COllrt Hoase Commercial College. Sanders D. B. 14 3d b High and Basin Ohio Commercial College, 15 3d b High and Basin Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Commission Merchants. Earheart Henry S. s w c Front and Carr & Fisher, n e c Main and 5th Dayton Schlosser & Co. sec 4th and High Traber Henry, on Public Square Sohno'en LOllis, s w c 2d and Frank- Weaver John C. on Public Square' lin~ 1st Ward Clothing. Weller & Straub, s W c 4th and Getz J ahn C. n s High b 3d.and 4th High Hirsch Jonas, e s 3d b High and: CQnfectioneries. Basin Muncey 'V m. n s E. Heaton b 5th Jackson & Co. 222 High b 2d and and 6th. 3d Oetterer August, 3 w s Front b Kreis & Herrmann,111 High 0PP Main and Ross Court House Oetterer Mrs. Ph. 22 Main b 'Vater JJevy So & Son, 16 3d b High and and Front Basin Pugh & Thompson, s s "lain near Lindley John C. agent, 115 High Water opp Pu.blic Square Rothenbush & Ratliff ' s w c Front M?af! J o~n, Becket~'s Block. and High 4/' Mmtz Cha.s. e s 3d b Basm and Sandel's n. B. 14 3d b High and Cand Barin Snyder J. A. 19 l\iain b Water and, Schuler G. W. 10 Main b Water b'ront and Front Strauss I. P. & Bro. 211 High b 2d Seifert V- n s High near 2d and 3d Winter A. 17 Main b Water and' Contractors. Front Bender J. F. & Bros. n e c E. Day- Coal Dealers. ton and Lowell Carr & Fisher, n e c Main and 5th Brunner Paul, s s Basin b 3d and Heinlein & Co. head of Basin b 4th 4th and 5th Eisel M. F. & Son, w s Water near Knox E. jr. & Co. s s Boudinot b Dayton. :Front and 2d ' Schwarz & Schwenn, s s BaslU b 3d Neal J as. A. nee Sycamore and 2d and 4th Potter Ezra, sec 4th and E. Day- Shuler Mandes, e s Front n of North ton Stage B. F. n s E. Heaton b 7th Reister J acoh, n w c 5 th and Canal and 8th

158 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Corner Third and High. 156 HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cooper Shops. Hawthorne Mrs. M. E. 15 3d b Connor J oho, s s Sycamore b 7th High and Basin and 8th Lashhorn Mrs. D. B. e s 3d b High Galloway Daniel, n w c Front and and Basin Ross P-eterson Rachel L. s s Canal b 5th Galloway Daniel, s s High b 5th and 7th and 6th Tron :Mrs. Mary A. 20 Main b Wa- H olbrock Clemens, n s Canal b 9th tel' and Front and 10th Waterhouse Sarah, n s Chestnut b Risch Frank, e s Springdale Pike s 2d and Cinciunati of Tollgate Wright Tabitha, sec 3d and Stable Zollner Henry, n e c 7th and E. Dress Trimmings. Ludlow Zwick Chas. H. n s High opp Court House Cracker Man ufs. Carr & Son, n w c 5th and E. Day" Druggists & Apothecaries. ton Beeler & Bro. n w c Main and Front Cupper and Leecher. Henkel August, n s High b Front Weber Adam, 218 High, Opera and Water House Hilker & Son, w s 3d b Basin and Daily Markets. Ludlow Barley Chas. w s 3d opp Canal Jacobs Peter, 129 High 0PP Court House Conncr David, jr. n w c 3d and James B. S. s w c Front and Mal"nand Stable Haas Ii'. n s Main near Front Markt Dr. C. 13 3d b High and.basin Hahn J. L. s s High b Front and Water luartindell Frank, n w c 2d and HiO'h Holbrock Bernard H. w s 2d b Syc- 0 amore and Wilson Myers Dr. A. & Co., Opera Rouse Rupp-Jacob & Son, s s High ad- Dry Goods. joining the Post Office Ayres S. D. n s Main b 4th and 5th Still waugh Christ. s s Main b 2d Beck & Tabler, 13 Main b 'tv ater and Front and :B'ront Dentists. Booth W m. junction E. Heaton and Griffis L. M. 224 High b 2d and 3d Greenwood Av Howells H. C. n s High opp Court Fischer Simon, Beckett's Block House Fitton & Bro. s w c 3d and High Paddack C. E. 2d National Bank Frechtling 1I. & W & Co. n e c 2d Building and High Tolbert S. nee High and Front Getz & Miller, n w c 2d and Wilson Holbrock Clemens, w s 2d b Sycamore aud Wilson Distillers. Miami Distilling Co. w s Cincinnati Holbrock & Schrichte, nee 3d and opp South Av Ludlow Drain Tile. Howell '1'. V & Co. sec 3d and Dillon John, e s Eaton Pike b Main High and Boudinot Hurm John P. & Co. nee High and Front Dress Makers. Jackson & Co. 222 High b 2d and Brewer Huldah, n s High b 2d and 3d 3d Rohler Jacob, 318 4th b Buckeye Ecret Addie, s s Main b Front and and Heaton 2d Morgenthaler Ph. n w c 2d and John Mrs. L. nee 3d and Basin Boudinot

159 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &0., A:t FITTON &; :RHO.'S. HAMILTON BUSINESS DIREOTORY. 157 Long J 08. n w c 2d and Dayton Sortman J. & W. D S Main b Front Rossman J. & J. 7 l\iain b Water and 2d and Front Felt Manufs. Scheu.rer Edward, nee 9th and Sh I & B.' h f E Gr~enwood Av 11. er ending 0 en, nee Snyder J. A. 19 Maio. b Water and Heaton and Lowell Front Fire Brick, Clay~ &0. Traber O. & J. 23 Main near Front Northrup Lot D. e s 4th b Basin Vorwald Hellry, s s Heaton b 2d and Oanal and 3d Fire and Burglar Proof Weigel Jacob, sec 5th and E. Safes. Heaton Winter A. 17 l\>iain b Water and Landis F. B. agent, Beckett's Block Front Dyers and Renovators., Huber W m. n s High b 3d and 4th, Orme Nathaniel, s s Basin 2d door wof 2d Eating Saloons. Ehrnschwender Michael, 8 S High b Front and Water Ferrie Louis V s s High b Front and 'Vater - Edge Tools. Fischer F. J. s s High b 8th Florist. Holscher Henry, e s East Av. opp John Flour and Feed. Carr & Fisher, nee Main and 5th Flour Mill MachinerY5 Great Western Bmu. Duster Co. w s Water opp Stable Flour Mills. Anderson W- & Co. w s '\Vater opp 7th and Dayton Brant & Crane, nee Bigll and Miami River Engraver. Carr J. W & Son, n w e 5th and E. Peterson John W t 09 High 0PP Dayton ()ourt House Gray David & Co. e s M. Canal n of Express Companies. E. Darton American Express Co. s s Basin b Shaffer, "Murphy & Kumler, nee 2d and 3d Front and North United States Express Co. n s Higb Fruitse adjoining Phillips House Davis & Co. n s Main b Front and Fancy Goods. 2d Dorris Ada L. 213 High b 2d and Hoffmann Jacob H. w s 3d b Basin 3d and Ludlow Markt Dr. C. 13 3d b High and Rothenbush & Ratliff, s w c Front Basin and Higll Tron Mary A. 20 Ivlain b Water Whitten J oho S. s s High b 3d and and Front 4th Williams }irs. M. A. 18 Main b Furniture. Water and Front Cook Herman T. n s Washington b Zwick Chas. H. n s High 0PP Court 2d and Cincinnati House Kettman & Grave, w s Front b Feed Stores. Beckett and South Av. and s s Miller Adam, n s Basinb 3d and Basin b 2d and 3d 4th Seybold & llonner, n s Basin b 2d Northrup Lot D. e s 4th b Basin and 3d [and 3d and Canal Sortman & Blum, 219 Main b 2d Reed & Davi8on, sec 6th and Sye- Stengel & Bros. 4 L Main b Front amore and 2d and s w c 2d and Basin

160 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &c., South-west Corner Third and High. 158 HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Grocers. Stengel Cass, e s 3d second door s of CanalA1Jgeyer Matthias, junction 5th and Theobald Frank, II s Basin b 2d Cincinnati and Riley Ayres S. D. n s Main b 4th and 5th Galvanized Iron Work. Becker John, n w c 2d and Main Hartmann Ph. &; Co. 9' 3d b High "Bennett S: O. s w c High add Riley and Basin Bilger J obn, s s Henry b 4th and Schlosser Jacob, 44 Basin near 2d 5th Booth Wm. junction E. Heaton and Gas Company. Greenwood Av Hamiltoll Gas Light a~d Coke Co. Brede Geo. sec 3d and Main s s High b bth and 6th Bruck Jacob, s w c Chestnut and Gas Fixtures and Fitters.. Cincinnati Bruck John, jr. n W c Front and. Ludlow Davis & 00. n s Main b Front and 2d Deinzer John, 13 High b Front and Water Dilg Henry, n s High opp Court House Dill B. F. s w c Chestnut and 5th Duellmann Jos. w s :Front b Walnut and Washington Duerr Frank, sec :Front and Wilson Dunkle & FYEl, n w c 3d and High : Walker & Phillips, nee High and Front Gents' Furnishers. Getz John C. n s Hig-h b 3d and 4th Jackson & Co. 222 High b 2d and 3d :Kreis & Herrmann, III High opp. Court Honse Levy S. & Son, 16 3d b High and Bastn. 'Lindley John O. agent., 115 High opp Court House McAdams G. IN. W s 3d second door n of Basin M aas John, Beckett'.5 Block Merker Fred. & Son, n s High opp Court HouEe Puthoff F. B. 9~ Main b Water and }j'ront Winter A. 17 Main b 'Water and Front Grai n Dealers. Carr & Fisller, nee Main and 5th Heinlein & Co. head of Basin b 4th and 5th Kennedy D. M. & Co. head of Ca Lal Basin Longfellow J. G. s w c Frvnt and Main Sohngen Louis, s w c 2d and Franklin, ht Ward Weller & Imlay, s w c 4th and High Grain Cradles. Evgle Martlla, w ~ 4th b Ludlow and Sycamore :F'illmore F. August, n w c 6th and E. Heaton - Fi~cller Simon, Beckett's Block Frechtling H. & W. & Co. n e c 2d and High Frey Michael, s s Ross b Front and 2d Getz & Miller, n w c 2d and 'Vilson Haid Jacob F. & Son, s s Vine b 2d and 3d Haller Christ. n s E. Ludlow b 5th and 7th Heier Henry, n e c 3d and Buckeye Hei8er John, n e c High and W utei' Hemann Eberhardt, n s Walnut b 2d and Cincinnati Hem'V P. sec Main and 2d Herrman Geo. e s Cincinnati b 2d and 3d Shuler Mandes, e s Front n of Hess Nathan, n w c 4th and Dayton NOl'th ' Hine Augustus, w s M. Canal b E. Heaton and E. Dayton Grain Elevators. Hirner John, n s ~lain b 3d and 4th Weller & Straub, s w c 4th and Hoffmann Jacob H. W 8 3d b Basin High and Ludlow

161 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO/S, South-west Oorner Third and High. HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 159 nut Long, Allstatter & Co. nee 4th and High

162 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BUO.'S, South-west Oorner Third and High. 160 HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hides and Oil. Morgenthaler & Schmidt, n w c Water and Boudinot Sohn John Wm. sec High and Water Hinge Man ufs. McKinney ManufactUl'ing Co. n w c 7th and Hanover HOisery. Hoffman J oho, s s Main b 3d and 4th Horse Shoers. Ice Dealers. Cincinnati Ice Co. s s High b 10th.and 11th Stahler C. H. junction 3d and Cincinnati Insurance Agents. Becker Peter C. s s Main 2d do&r w ' of 2d Campbell &; Co. n w c 2d add High Deinzer John, 13 High b Front and Water Dilg H. A. nee 2d and Basin Hamilton Mason S. 218 Basin b 2d Goldrir-k Edward, e s Front b MaiD and 3d and Ross J ones Fl'ank~ n s High op-p Court Hochheimer & Sons, n s Basin b 3d House and 4th.J ones J. & F. n s High opp Court, Hughes John P. n s High b Water House and the River Landis F. E., Bookett's Blo~k Jacobs John C. D W c Stephens and Landis H. C., Beckett~s Block Front.Lawder J. B., Opera House J anser Nicholas, s s High b 3d and I/Hommedieu Samuel, s s Bigll opp 4th Court House Reuter Conrad, e s Front n of North Morey & Morey, Dec 2d and High: Richter Chas. e s ~d b High and, Schmidt, Kemlein & Morgenthaler, Stable n w c Front and BaisD Wick Veit, Dee 3d and Canal ~hepherd & McGriff, Beckett's: Hotels. Block Butler House, s w c Main and Front, Insurance Company. Farmers Hotel, s w c Main and i Farmers, Merchants and Manufac- Water turers' Insurance Co. n w c 2d Galt' House, s we 4th and Canal and High Hamilton Hotel, e s 5th b Syea- Iron Founders. more and Henry H St t H I.Jong, Allstattel' & Co. nee 4th enry ree ouse, n s II cory b d H' h 4th and 5th an 19 L' d Id II S. d 1 Owens. Lane & Dyer Machme Co. s lpn 'k enwa 0l use, Jl S pl'ldg a eeoc Heaton and 4th 1 e opp Tol gate No.1 "1'. V 11 H C '1 & Sohn, Hentschler & BaHe, Dec C., JJ laml a ey ouse, W s., J: H & R R d V' D R R T k b S d" '. an me H~nry. rac ycamore an. Vanety Iron Works, cool' 7th and Phillips House, n w c Front and anover High 'Iron Railing, Fences, &c. Railroad House, w s C., H. & D. Francisco & Mikesell, n w c Front R. R. Track b Sycamore and and Stable Henry Iron Roofing, (Scott's Patent.) St. Julien, s w c 3d and Basin All N H' h b F d \,;J h J h F H' h b F statter. D s Ig ront an uc wenn 0 n. S S 10' 1 ront W t and Water 1:'1 a er Straub House, n w c Main and Wa- Iron, Steel, &0. ter ~ I, Shafer Daniel, 11 Main b Water Hubs and Spokes. and Front [and Front (See Spokes, Hubs, &c.) Smyers D. J. T. 8 Main b Water

163 The Celebrated Do.mestic Paper Fashions, FITTON & BRO., Agen"ts. HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 161 Justices of the Peace. Davidson R. B. 24 Main b Water and Front Garver John S. s s Main 2d door w of Front Gordon Patrick, n e c 2d and Basin Sortor Jacob, 218 Basin b 2d and 3d Ladies' SuUs. Howell T. V: & Son, sec 3d and HiO'h ~ Lamps and Lamp Stock. Smith A. & Son, s s High three doors below Post Office Walker & Phillips, n e c High and F1'9nt Lawn Mowers. Ohmer A. J. n c c 7th and Hanove'r Leather and Findings. Morgenthaler & Schmidt, n w Front and Basin Sohn John Wm. sec High and Water Library, Circulating. Myers Dr. A. & Co., Opera House Lightning Rods. Hartmann Ph. & Co. 9 3d b High and Basin Lime, Cement and Plaster. Meley J. F. s w c 4th and Basin Northrup Lot D. e s 4th b Basin and Canal Livery Stables. Dilg Geo. n w c 2d and Stable Gwaltney Samuel, s w c Front and Stable Harper W m. H. s s Canal b 3d and 4th Hutchison F. R. n s Stable b 2d and 3d Louthan W H. e s 2d b Basin and Ludlow Paulin.'Vm. H. n s Stable b 2d and 3d Pugh "Vm. e s Front b Main and Hoss Schneider & Bro. sec 3d and Stable Sortman J. & W. n s Main b Front and 2d Thompson C. B. & Son, s w c Stable and 2d c Locksmi ths. Hammerle Frank, s w c Main and 2d Mullin I. W. w s 2d b High and Stable Lumber Dealers. Compton A. & Co. s w c 3d and Sycamore Dingfelder Andrew, sec 2d and Sycamore Giffen Oharles E. n w c Front and North Giffen J. & J. S. s s Basin b 3d and 4th Potter Ezra, sec 4th and E. Dayton Machinists. Cope & Maxwell Manuf. Co. cor 3d and Hydraulic Liberty Iron Works, n e c Water and Stable Long, Allstatter & Co. nee 4th and High Niles'Tool Works, cor 3d and Hydraulic Owens, L~1Ue & Dyer Machine C'o. s c c 4th and Heaton Machinists' Tools. Long, Allstatter & Co. n e c 4th and High Niles Tool Works, cor 3d and Hydraulic Malt Houses. Deuscher H. P. & Co. n e c Front and Woods Eger Henry, w s 2d b South and Millikin Meyer W m. & Son, s w c Front and LUdlow 8chlosser & 'Co. sec 4th and High Schwab Peter & Co. n w c Front and Sycamore Sohn John \V m. sec High and Water Sohngen Louis, s'w c 2d and Franklin Mantels and Grates. Allstatter N. n s High b Front and "Vater Davidson & Schliep, n s High 2d door w of 2d Flenner G. M. 15 3d b High and Basin

164 FITTON & BRO.,. '162 Keep a Large Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. r Marble Works. Shuey Mrs. O. A. w s Front b Main Gibson John Wsw c 11 th and E. and Boudinot Heaton Newspapers. Ha berhosch M. s s High b 2d and Allgemeiner Brobachter~ n s High Riley opp Oourt H ou~e HorssnyderF. n w c Front and Day- Butler 00. Democrat and Guidon, n ton w c 3d and Basin Potter E. & 00. n w c High and Tl'i-Weekly Oouriel',Beckett's Block Water H amilt.on Telegraph, n s High opp Wellinghoff B. H. s 8 High b 3d Court House and 4th National Zeitung, s s Basin opp Medi0ines. Court House Rosa W m. w s Front n of North Notaries Public. Mill Machinery. Bo~ley J as., E. n w c 2d and High Owens, }.. ane & Dyer l\1aehine Co. Oampbell J as. E. n w c 2d and High sec 4th and Heaton Conklin P. C. n e c 2d and High Davidson John M. Beckett's I)lock Millinery. Dilg H. A. nee 2d and Basin Coll MrR. K. sec Ludlow and 2d Gordon Patrick, n e c 2d and Basin Eberhardt. Christina, n s High opp McClellan John, sec 2d and Basiu Court House Millikin J. B. n e c '2d and Ba:;in Ga Ie M 1'8. K. E, e s 3d b Ludlow Millikiri "Y m. B. n e c 2d a nd Basin and Sycamore Moore Edw~rd E. n s High opp Gray & Wilson, nee 3d and High Court Hou::;e Long Mrs. M. V. n s Main b Front Moore Jas. YV. n s High opp Court and 2d House Schrunder Mrs. A. 121 Main b Morey &. Morey, 'n e c 2d and High Front and 2d Neilan John F. n e c 2d and High Tron Mrs. Mary, 20 Main b Water S ites J. 1) R' h C \i. n S 19 opp ourt and l<~ront House Walton Sue l\l n s High b 2d and Symmes C. S" Opera House 3d Thomas B. F. n s High opp Court Williams Mrs. M. A. 18 Main b Wa- House ter and Front Warwick N. E. 11 l\1ain b Front Zwiek Chas. H', n s High opp Pub- and Water lic Square Watson Geo. B. n w c 2d and High Mineral and Soda Water. Wesco Aaron, 1;1 s High adjoining Reutti Theo. n s Stable b 3d and Hamilton House 4th Williams Nels~n, Beckett's Block Music Bands,, Notions. Apollo Cornet Band, n s High b Becker John, n w c 3d and Main.Front and "Vater Bruck Jacob, s w c Che:,tllut and Musical Instruments. Cincinnati J b P t 129 H' h C t Oody Mary, sec Ludlow and 2d afclo seer,,lg opp our Duellmann J os. w s Front b Washouse. K h' mgton and Walnut lefer Jo n, 'S s Hurh b 3d and 4th ElM 'h 4th b L dl OJ ng e art a w s u ow Music Teachers. and Sycam~l'e Barrett Mrs. S. 0., Phillips House Fitton & Bro. s w c 3d and High Earheart Sarah S. s w 0 Front and Frey Michael, s s Ross b Front and Dayton 2d' Oestreich tel' Rosa, s s Dayton b 2d Holbrock Clemens H. w s 2d b Sycand 3d amore and Wilson

165 Clothing for Men and Boys Made to Order By FITTON & BRO. HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 163 Getz & Miller, n w c 2d and Wilson Howell T. V & 00. sec 8d and High HrirmJohnP.& 00. ne c Hig-h and Front.. J ackson & High b 2d and 3d J ohn ~lrs. L. nee 3d and Basin Levinson S. s s High b Front and Water Schricbte George H. n w c 3d and Heaton Schunder Mrs. A. 121 Main b Front and 2d Snyder J. A. 19 Main b Water and Front Stahler Henry O. junction 3d and Oincinnati Walton Sue M. n s High b 2d and 3d Winter A. 17 Main b and Front OpticihnS. Boli L. A. 117 High opp Oourt House Brock S. W - s s High 2 doors w of Post Office Durst Ohus. E. 9 Main b "Vater and Front Organ Builder. Kiefer John, s s High b 3d and 4th Oy ster Depots. Lorenz Jacob, Beckett's Block Sanders D. B. 14 3d b High and Basin Pain tars, House and Sign. Oastator & Lewis w s Front b lvlain and Ross Martin F. & Son, e s 3d b Buckeye and Heaton Shafer T. H. n s Basin b 3d and 4th Tal bott Nat. sec 8th and Campbell Av -Paints, Oils, &C. Hen kel August, n s High b Front and Water Hilker & SOIl, w s 3d b Basin and Ludlow Jacobs Peter, 129 High opp Oourt II ouse Jl-.lmes B. S. s w c Main and Front Markt Dr. O. 13 3d b High and Basin Myers Dr. A. & 00., Opera House Paper Hangers. Oastator & Lewis, w s Front b Main and Ross Shafer T. H. n s Basio b 3d and 4th Paper Hangin~s. Hughes J os. B. e s 3d b Basin and High Traber O. & J. 23 Main Dr Front Paper Mill Felts. Shuler & Benninghofcn, n e' C E. Heaton and Lowell Paper Mill Machinerv. Liberty Iron "V orb, n e c \Vater' and Stable Paper Mills Beckett, J.Jaurle & 00. n e c Lowell and Buckeye Beckett Paper Co. at Woorlsdale, 5 miles north-east of Hamilton Skinner J. O. & 00. s ec Buckeye, and Lowell Snider Louis & Sons, s w c Front and Buc~eye Tangeman Geo. P. & 00. office Opera House Patent Atrorney. Peck H. P. K., Beckett's Block Pattern Agents. Fitton & Bro. s w c 3d and High Zwick Chas. H. n s High opp Uourt Bouse Photograph Galleries. Dewey J. K2211 High b 2d and 3J Maltas R. G., Beckett's Block Overpeck Bros. 129 High opp Oourt House Rogers Ed. B. & s High two doors e of 0. pera House Whitehead W- R. n w c Main and Front PhysiCians and Surgeons. Brown J. R.:W Main b.front and Watel' Oaldwell VV W s s Dayton b ~'ront und 2d Carnahan W m. E. 2d National Bank Building Falconer Cyrus, n s High adjoining Beckett's Block Forster O. e s Front b Stable and Dayton Garver John S. s s Main 2d door w of Front [Dayton Huber VV m. 117 Front b Stable and,

166 FITTON & BRO., Make a Specialty of Dress Goods, South-west Oorner Third and High HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ingalls W. M. e s 2d b Basin and Ludlow Kirkpatrick J. L. n s High opp Court House MeN eely J os. S. 118 Front b Stable and Dayton ~iajor F. W. s w c 2d ana Ludlow Mallony H. n s Main b 2d and 3d Markt O. 13 3d b High and Basin Millikin Daniel, 120 e s 3d b Stable and Dayton Potter 8. H. sec 4th and Chestnut Schell S. M. s w c 3d and Stable Scobey W H. w s Front b Main and Ross Scott J. B. s s High nr 3d, Mixer's Block Smith A. e s Front b Main and Bouctinot Pianos, Organs, &c. Lawder & Co., Opera House Martin &; Trayser, s w c 4th and Oanal Schwemberger John, 205 2d b Dayton and Buckeye Stace G. W., Opera House Building Piano Tuners and Repairers. Kiefer John, s s High b 3d and 4th Kothe Eugene, 209.Main b 2d and 3d Pictures and Frames. Hilker & Son, w s 3d b Basin and Ludlow Jacobs Peter 129 High opp Court House Mal'kt Dr. C. 13 3d b High and Basin Wo1.K w s Front opp Public Square Pla.ning Mills. Bender J. F. & Bros. nee E. Dayton and Lowell Cole, Gehrman & Henninger, w s Water near Da vton w s Water near Eisel M. F. & So~, Dayton Schwarz & Schwenn, s s Basin b 3d and 4th Plow Manufs. Burns P. & Co. e s Water b Stable and Dayton Hamilton Plow Co.cor 7th and Walnut Plumbers. 'Valker & Phillips, nee High and Front Pork Pa.ckers. Habt;l J. & L. s s High b Front and Water Solm & Co. see 'rvater and High Portrait Painter. White G. W. n e c 2d and High Power Hammers. Long, Allstatter & Co. n e c 4th and High Power Punches & Shears. Long, Allstatter & 00. n e c 4th and High Printers, Book and Job. Andrews R. N. & Co. n w c Basin and 3d Bennett J. W. n s High opp Court House De la Court L. B. s s Basin opp Court House Egry Fred. n s High opp Court House Long J aeob H. w s 2d b High and Dayton Me Elwee John, n w c Main and Front Watkins & Beauchamp, Beckett's Block Pumps. Arebart Andrew, e s Front b South and Millikin Johnson John, s s High b 5th and 6th Walker & Phillips, nee High and Front Pumps, Steam. Cope & Maxwell Manuf. CO. COl' 3d and Hydraulic Rags, Old Iron, &c. Sauer Moritz, u s Basin b 2J. and 3d Real Estate Agents. Dilg H. A. n e c 2d and Ba~in Potter Ezra, under 2d National Bank Reapers and Mo wers. Hooven & Sons, n s Main b.front and 2d [and Higlt Long, Allstatter & Co. nee 4th Reaper Sickles and Mower Knives. Long, Allstatter & 00. nee 4th and High

167 Kid Gloves, Ladies' Ties, Parasols, Umbrellas, &c., At FITTON & 13&0.'8. HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 165 Deinzer John, 13 High b Front and Water Diefenbach Geo. s w c Henry and 5th Donges Henry, s w c Front and Chestnut Duellmann J os. w s Front b Walnut and 'Vashington Duerr l!'rancis, I:l e c Front and Wilson El'b John, s s Basin b 2d and 3d Finzel Geo. n s High b 3d and 4th Frank -Henry, nee 6th and E. Heaton Gerard Marshall, n s Basin b 3d and 4th Getz Conrad, sec 7 th and E. Heaton Refrigerators and Beer Coolers. Bender J. F. & Bros. nee E. Dayton and Lowell Restaurants. Heintz Edward, n s High opp Court House Kraft Philip, n s High b Front and Water Lorenz Jacob, Beckett's Block Ohmer,A. J.: Union Passenger Depot Reutti Herman, n w c 2d and High Schuler G. W. 10 Main b Water and Front Rope Manuf. Ashbrook J os. w s 2d s of Hanovel' Rose Fluid. Gradolph John, s s Basin b 2d and Smith A. & Son, s s High 3 doors 3d below Post Office Baid Jacob F. &- Son, s s Vine b'2d Saddles and Harness. and 3d Geyer Robt. s s Basin b 2d and 3d Haid John, e s Front b Sycamore Greiser H. n s High opp Court and W'ilson House Heintz Edward, n s High opp Court Soehner August, 9 2d b Basin and House High. Hemann Eberhardt, n s Walnut b Tisinger & Snyder, 16 Main. b Wa- 2d and Cincinnati ter and Front Hicks & Eaton, s s Main b 2d and U tz Peter, e s 2d two doors n of 3d Basin Hileman J as. K. n s Main b 4th and Saloons. 5th Allgeyer Matthias, junction 5th and Hilz Frank, s w c Water and Dayton Cincinnati Hirner John, n s Main b 3d and 4th Andre Wm. W sec 3d and Basin Holbrock Clemens, w s 2d b Syca- Ayers & Reynolds, Opera House more and Wilson Building Holbrock e.tos. w s Fr(}nt b Syca- Becker John, n w c 3d and Main more and Wilson, Becker Peter, jr. s s Main 2d door e Humbach' Fred. E. s s High two of 2d doors e of Water Becker Theo. e s 4th b Buckeye Humbach Jacob, n s Basin b 3d and Heaton and 4th Benzing John, n w c E. Dayton Humbach Peter, s s Basin b 2d and and 11th 3d Bisdorf Geo. w s 2d b Sycamore Keiser Fred. A. es 5th b High and and Wilson Butler Bosch Fred. 216 Basin b -2d and 3d Klug Martin, e s 4th b Heaton and Brinkman Henry, s w c Cincinnati Vine and South Av Koehler John, w s Front b Basin Bruck Jacob, s w c Chestnut and and Ludlow L Water Cincinnati Kraft, Philip, n s High b Front and Buckel Jacob, s s High b Front and Krahn Chas. s w c Main and 5th Water [Walnut Kullmann Philip, w s 2d b Stable Degginger J os. n w c Cincinnati and and Dayton

168 166 FITTON & BRO., Dry Goods, Notions, &0., South-west Oorner Third and High. HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Kullmann Sebastian, w s 4th b Sta- Seidenfaden Chas. junction 2d and ble and Dayton Oincinnati Kurz Jacob, n w c 3d and Syca- Stahl & Stevens, e s :Front b Main more and Ross Leflar & Ross,Opera House Stecb Ph. A. n w c Henry and 5tb Lehmkuhle Anthony, sec 2d and Strobm J obn, e s 3d n of l\1.ill Dayton Vogel Oonrad, n e s Cincinnati s of Liekhardt Jacob, w so., H. & D. South Av R. R. b Henry and Sycamore Wachter Andreas, n w c 2d and LingleI' \V m. H. s s Ba~in b 2d and Walnut 3d Weber Valentine, e s Front b South Lorenz Jacob, Beckett's Block and Millikin Martin Thekla, n w c Boudinot and Wiegand Engelbert, n e c2d and Front Washinton Menchen Geo. e s 8th b Walnut and Wittmann Otto, e s 3d n of Mill Hanover Salt Dealer. Meyer Anton, s s '\Vashington b 2d Zettler John, s s High b 4th and and Oincinnati 5th Morgenroth Henry, jr. n 8 Wash- Sash, Doors, &c. ington b,front and 2d Bender J. F. & Bros. n e c Dayton Niederman J'ohn L. s s Oanal b 8th and Lowell and 9th Cole, Gehrman & Henninger, w s Oetterer Mrs. Philip, 22 Main b Water near Dayton Water and Front Eisel M. F. & Son, w s Water near Pfuelb F. Aloys, s w c Main and Dayton Water Giffen Ohas. E. n w c Fr.ont and Phillipp Gotfried, w s 2d b South North and Millikin Schwarz & Schwenn, s s Basin b 3d Platz Ohristian, n s F1. Ludlow b and 4th 8th and 9th Saw Filer. Reiff Fred.s w c 2d and Sycamore Hammerle Frank,s w c Main and 2d.H.eutti Herman, n w c 2d and High Saw Manufs. Sachs Henry, e s Water b High and Martin, Kyle & Oo.s e c Lowell and I Stable E. Vine Scheurer Edward, n e c 9th and Saw Mill. Greenwood Av Clark & 00. e s Front n of North Schlotterbook Louis, sec Caldwell Saw Mill Manufs. and 4th Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine 00. s, Schneider Joseph, n s High b 3d e c 4th and Heaton and 4th SChool and Church Furni- Schneider Peter C. n s Main b Front ture. and 2d Variety Iron Works, cor 7th and Schrichte Geo. H. n w c 3d and Hanover Heaton Second-Hand Store. Schuler H. W 10.'.Main b Water Sauer Moritz,n s Basin b ~d and 3d and Front Beedsman. Schumm Ghrist. n w c 4th and Sta- Holscher 'Henry, e s East Av." opp ble John Schwaab Adam, n s Springdale Pike Select School. opp Tollgate No. 1 Leyman Jennie, sec 2d and Basin Schwarz J. P. 2~6 High b 2d and Sewing'lVlachines. 3d Darby G. W.17 3d b High & Basin S.chwenn John F. s s High b Front Gibbons J. R., (Weed) Beckett's and Water Block

169 Black and Colored Silks Cheap at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Oorner Third and High. HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 167 Tailors, Merchant.,Parrish O. V., (Singer's) n s High b 2d and 3d Fitton & Bro. s w c 3d and I-Iiah Stace G. W., (Howe) Opera House Getz John O. n s High b 3d & 4th Building Jackson & HIgh b 2d & 3d Shooting Gallery. Kreis & Herrmann, 111 High 0PP Heintz Edward, n s High 0PP Court Court House House Levy Henry, s s Basin b 2d and 3d Silver and Plated Ware. Lindley John O. agent, 115 High Boli L. A. 117 High opp Court opp Public Square House McAdams G. W w s 3d 2ddoor n Brock S. W s s High 2 doors w of of Basin Post Office Maas John, Beckett's Block Durst Chas. E. 9 Main b Water and Merker.Fred & Son, n s High opp Front Court House Spokes, Hubs, &c. Snyder J; A. 19 Main b W f).ter and Benninghofen & 00. w s Water b Front Stable and Dayton Winter A. 17 Main b Front & Water Deinzer, Stephan & Co. w s Water Tanners. b High and Dayton Morgenthaler & Schmidt, n w c Donges John & 00. w so., H. & D. Water and Boudinot R. R. s of Walnut Pater J. H. w s Front nr South Av Stair Builders. Sohn J.ohn Wm. office sec 4th and Bendel' J. f;~. & Bros. nee E.Day- High. ton and Lowell Tel,egraph Companies. Steam Engines. Atlantic & Paciffc Telegraph 00. n Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co. s w c Front and High e c 4th and Heaton Western Union, s w c 3d and High Stencil Cutter.. Peterson John W Oourt House Stone Yards. Threshing Machines. 109 High opp Owens, Lane. & Dyer Machine Co. s e 0 4th and Heaton Tin Roofers. Horssnyder F.n w c Front & Dayton Allstatter N. n s High b Front and Potter E. & Co. n w, 0 High and Water Water Hartmann Ph. & d b High Wellinghoff B. H. s s High b 3d and Basin and 4"h Mlltthias 1. & J. 21 Mainb Front Stoves and Hollow-Ware.. and "Vater All:,;tatter N. n s High b Front and Moebus John, e s 2d third door n Water of Basin. Hartmann Philipp & Co. 9 S. 3d b Sch10&8er Jacob, 44 Basin near 2d H 19h and Basin Tin, Copper, &c. Matthias1.&J. 21 MainbWater Allstatter Nicholas, n s High b and Front Front and Water M oebus John, e s 2d 3d door n of Hartmann Ph. & Co. 9 3d b High Basin and Basin Schlosser Jacob, 44 Basin nr 2d Matthias 1. & J. 21 Main b Water Sortman & Blum,219 Main b 2d & 3d and Front Variety Iron Works,C'Or 7th and Millspaugh W. C. & 8"on, n s Main Hanover b 2dand 3d Straw Goods. Moebus John, e s 2d third door n Beardsley Henry, 220 High b 2d of Basin and 3d Schlosser,Jacob,44 Basin near 2d Bender Jacob, n s High opp Public Sortman & Blum, 219 Main b 2d Sq uare and 3d

170 Laces, Embroideries & Hosiery at FITTON & BRO.'S, South-west Corner Third and High. 168 HAMILTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Toys, &0. Watche~, &c Jacobs Peter, 1~9 High opp Court Boll L. A. 117 HIgh 0PP Court House House Traction Engines : Brock S. W. s 8 High two doors w Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Co. s of P~st Offi~ce. [Front e c 4th and Heaton Durst Chas. E. 9 Mam b Water and Trunks and Valises Schwarz M. e s 3d b Basin & Canal MaasJohn, Beckett's Block Water Works machinery Soehner AuO'ust, 9 2d b Basin and Cope & Maxwell Manul'. 00. cor 3d High 0. and Hydraulic Tisinger & Snyder, 16 Main b Front Wigs and Water Mueller Mrs. :.K l~ Main b Water Utz Peter e 8 2d two door8 n of and Front Basin ' Wines and Liquors Bisdorf George, w s 2d b Sycamore Turners Wood Deinzer, Stephan &, Co. w s Water and Wilson. L Ludlow b Stable and Dayton Undertakers Crowley Jonathan, n s Basin third door w of 3d Gil bert.p. H. & Co. n s High b 3d and 4th Seybold & Bonner, n and 3d Theobald Frank, n and Riley Bruck John, Jr. n w c 'Front and Degginger Simon, n w c ljincinuati and Walnut Duellmann J os.w 8 Front b Walnut and Washington Frechtling H. & W. & Co. n e c 2d 8 Basin b 2d and High Heiser John, n e c High and Water s Basin b 2d Henry P. sec Main and 2d Holbrock & Schrichte, n e c 3d and LUIUOW U. S. Commissioner Hossfeld Chas. sec 2d and Basin McMaken Joe, s w c 3d and High Uterine Supporters Maas John, Beckett's Block Jacobs J os. n s E. Dayton b 5th and 7th Kennedy & McMeen, sec Main Vinegar Manuf and.front Wines, Native Pabst Jacob, s s Ross b 6th and Sobn J ohu W m.s e c Water & High Millville l{oati. After April 1st, Wood and Willow-Ware 1876, w s Cincinnati b Woods Dilg Henry, n s High opp Court and Chestnut House Wagon Manufs Wood-Working Machinery Burns P. & 00. e s Water b Stable Bentel, Margedant & Co. e s 4tll b and Dayton High and Dayton Ferber Peter A. s s High b 3d and Wood Yards 4th Carr & Fisher, nee Main and 5th Finn Joseph, Springdale Pike opp Heinlein & Co. head of Basin b 4th Tollgate No. 1 and 5th Hamilton Plow Co. c 7th & Walnut Knox N. jr. & Co. s s Boudinot b Holdefer Geo. n e c Main and 2d Front and 2d Jacobs John C. n w c ~tephens and Neal J as. A. n e. c Sycamore and 2d Front Potter Ezra, sec 4th & ~. Dayton Reiff W m. e s 3d b Woods and.h.ei::;ter Jacob, n w c 5th and Canal William Straub & Co. n w c Basin and 4th Reuter Conrad, e s Front n of North Zettler John, s s High b 4th & 5th Wartmann John, s s High b 3d and Woolen Mills 4th Shuler &.Benninghofen, nee E. Wick Veit, nee 3d and Canal Heaton and Lowell

171 LIST OF U. S. POST OFFICES, AltRANG ED ALPHABETICALLY BY STATES AND TERRITORIES P Ollt Office, County. P08t Office. Oounty. POllt Office. Oounty> Bladen Sj,rings Choctaw Chisenhall Mills Jackson Eastonville Saint Clair Blake's erry Randolph Choctaw Corner Clark Echo Dalot POllt Office. Oounty. Blount Springs Blount Chulalinnee Cleburne Eden Saint Clai~ Blountsville Blount Chunenuggee Macon Ed wardn ille Cleburne Abbeville Henry Blue Liok Franklin Churubusco Franklin Elba Coffea Aberfoil Bullock Bluff Spl."ing Clay Citronelle Mobile Eldridge. Walker Abernethy Cleburne Boligee Greene Claiborne Monroe Elizabeth Col1"ee Aaron Hale \jolling Butler Clanton Baker Elkmont Limestone' AddIson Tusca.loosa Boyd's Switch Jackson Clay Hill Marengo J<Jlmore Elmore Affonee Bibb Bradford Coosa Clayton Barbour Ely ton Jefferson, Air Mount Clark Braggs Lowndes Clear Creek Fa.l1a Winston Emuck!aw Tallapoosa Albertville Marshall Branchville St. Clair Clement Depot Tuscaloosa Enon Bullook. Alexandria. Calhoun Brandon DeKalb Clifton Wilcox Equality Coosa., Allen's Fa.otory Marion Brannen Ooffee Clinton Greene Estill's Fork Jackson. Allenton Wilcox Bl'ewtowu Escambia Clintonville Coffee *Eufa.ula Barber A.llsborough Colbert Briarfield Bibb Clio Barbour *Eutaw Greena Almond Randolph Bridgeport Jackson Clopton Dale Evansville Escambia, AJpine Talladega Bridgeville Pickens Clough's Store Macon Evergreen Coneouh Audalusia Covi~ton B'rock's Gap Jeffersou Coal fire Pickens Fackler JacKson, Annawaika. De alb Broken Arrow St. Clair Coatopa. Sumter Fairliehl Covingtoll> Antiooh, Pickens Brooklyn Conecuh Coffeeville Clark Farmersville Lowndes. Apple Grove Morgan Brooksville Blount Cokerville Monroe Fa.tama.,W il COlli. Arbacoochee Uleburne Broomtown Oherokee Coleta Cia v Faunsdale Marengo, Arbor Vitlll Bullock BrownSboro' Madison Collier Creek Winston Fayette C. H. Fayetta Aroadia. Montgomery Brownsville Cla.y Collinsville Etowah Fernland Mobile Argo Jefferson Bruceville Bulloclc Coloma. Cherokee Fernvale TU8ca.looBIIt. Argus Crensha.w BrushCl'eek Perry Columbia Henry Ferryville Saint Arkadelphia. Walker Bu~na Vista Monroe Columbiana Shelby Fitzpatrick Bullock Asbury Fa.yette Bulfalo Ohambers Colvin's Store Greene Five Mile Hale Ashland Clay Bnford Ba.rbour Commerce Conecuh Flat Rock Clay Ashville St. Clair Bullock Crenshaw Concord Lawrence Flint 'Factory Madison A.talla. Etowah Burleson Franklin Coosada. Station Elmore "Florence La.uderda.le -Athens Limestone Burnsville Dallas Corn Grove Calhoun Flower Dale Barbour Auburn Lee Burnt Oorn Monroe Corn House Randolph Folkville Morgan Auta.ugaville Autauga Bunon Hill Greene Corrick's Mill Jackson Fort Browder Barboul'l Auro Sanford Butler Choctaw Cottle's Mill Covington Fort De posi t Lowndes t'i'oca. Lawrence Butler Springe Butler Cottonville Marshall Fort Mitchell Russell akerville ReDry Cahaba Dalla.s Courtland Lawrence Fort Payne DeKalb Baloh's Milla Madison Cainland Calhoun Cove Creek Calhoun Forts Dalla.s Balm Blount Calera. Shelby Cowili:ee Barbour Fosters Tusca.loosa Bangor Bl'lunt Ca.lhoun Lowndes Cowles Station Malcon Frankfort Fl'anklin Barnes' ~ Roada Da.le Cambridge Dallas Cowpens Tallapoosa Franklin Henry Barnesville Marion "Camden Wilcox Crawford Rnssell Fredonia Chamber., Barton Oolbert Camp Hill T a.lla poosa Cropwell St. Clair Garlsden Etowah. Bartonville Wa,lker Spring Lawrence Cross Plains Calhoun Gainestown Clark Ba.shams' Ga.p MorgfLn Cane Creek Ca.lhoun Crossville DeKalb Gainesville Sumter Station Jaokson Oarlowsville Dalla.s Cure nton' B Uridge Henry Gap W,alker.Bay Minette BaldWin Carrollton Pickens Ousseta. Chambers Garla.ncl Butle~ La.batre Mobile Carter's Store R'andolph *Dadevi:lle Tallapoosa Garrison Pbid, WalkeX' Bay Spring Henry Carthage Hale Daleville Dale Gaston Sumter Bea.ver Creek Dale Castl~berry ()onecuh Danville,Morgan Gaylesville Cherokee- Bea.verton Sanford Ca.veSpri? Fayette Davis ~ Roads Oherokee Geneva 'Geneva, Bea.ver Va.lle,. St. Cedar Blu Oherokec Daviston Talla~osa., Ba'tler Bed ford Sanford Cedar Grove Jefferson Day's Mill ibb Gibsonville Clay. Bellefonte Jackson Cedar Plains Morga.n Dayton Marengo GUbel.'tsborongh Oonecuh Central Institute Elmore Dead Level Clark Gilmer Lowndes, Belleview Dallas 'Center Oherokee "Decatur' Morgan, Glenville BarbOur. Bell Faotory Madison Center Hill Limestone Deer Park. Wa.shington Gold Hill Lea Bell's Landing Monroe Center Star Lauderda.le Deetsville Elmore Gold Mine Marion Bell's Mill Cleburne Cen terville Bibb Deltal.' Cla.y.Goldville Tallapoosa Benton Lowndes Chalk Blutr Marion *Demopolill Ma.rengo Goodwater COilSa Berkley Madison *Cha.mbers O. H. Oha.mbers De Soto'fille Choctaw Gordo Pickens. Beulah Lee Cha.nahatchee Elmore Detroit Salifo.rd Gordon Hen~ Bexa.r Ma.rion Ullattasofka. Ta.Uapo,sa Dickson Colbert Gosport Cla.r Bibb Mill Sta.tioll Bibb Chepultepeo Blount Dixon'S Milll liarengo Grand Bal Mobile Bibbville Bibb Cherokee Colbert Dodsonville Jackson Grantley Cleburne Big Creek Geneva' Chestllut Creek Baker Dothalll Benry Gravelly Spring l-auderdale Big Coon Ja.ckson Chester Jefferson Dry (Jove Ja.okson Gray Cbapel,Jackson Big Pond Sa.nford 'Chic.ikasabogue Mobile Dry Oreek Lawrence Gray vell a Oonecuh :Irlllinghalll Jefferson Ohickasaw Franklin Dublin Fayette Greenbrier Limeatono lack Oak De Ohlldersburg Dudle)svllle 'liallapoosa, Gneli GrOTa Ma.diaon BU.ok Water W albrchina GroTO Pi e Easta. oga 'huadega' Gi'8eJl HUl Lauderdale A -Xo»01 O'der om.

172 2 POST OFFICES-ALABAMA. P08t OfficI!. County. P08t Office. (Jounty. Post Office. County. POBt Office. County. Green Pond Bibb Little Oak Pike Ozark Dale South Florenoe Colbert Greensport St.OIair Little River Oherokee Paint Rock Jacl,(son Sparta Conecuh "Greens boro' Hllie Littlesville Winston Palmetto Pickens Spring Garden Cheroke& "Greenville O. H. Butler Little Warrior Blount Palo Marion Springville St. Olair Greenwood Etowah Livingston Sumter Park's Store Jackson Statesville Autaulla Grove C::ttage Perry "'Loachapoka Lee Peak's Hill Calhoun Steel's Depot St. Claa Grove Hill Clark Long Island Jackson Perote Bullock Stevenson Jackson Guerrltown Bullock Louina Raudolph Perry's Mill Montgomery Stewart Station Hale Gum pring Blount Louisville Barbour Perryville Perry Stockton Baldwin Guntersville Marshall Lower Peach Tree Wilcox Pickensville Pickens Strata Montgomer Gurleyville Madison Lowndesborough 'Lowndes Pigeon Creek Butler Suggsville Clar Hackneyville Tallapoosa McConnell's Tuscaloosa Pike Road Mont\Im~ry Summerfield Dallas Haden's Nadison Macon's Hale Pikeville arion Summitt Bloun, Hailsville }Iont~m~ry McKinley Marengo Pinckneyville Clay Sumterville Sumter Haley's arion Madison ~ Road Madison Pine Apple Wilcox Suspension Bullock Hallsville Pike Madison Station Madison Pine Grove Blount Stke's Mill Elmore Hanby's Mill Walker Manack Lowndes Pine Hill Wilcox " alladega Talladega Handy Fayette Manningham Butler Pine Level Montgomery Tannehill Tuscaloosa Hanceville Blount Maplesville Baker Pintlala Montgomery Ten Islands Calhoun Hanover Coosa Marble Valley Coosa Plantersville Dalla~ Tensaw Baldwin Hardy Dallas Marion Perry Pleasant Gap Cherokee 'fhacker'screek Blounl Harmoniu8 Jackson Mathews Montgomery Pleasant Grove Pickens Thomas Station BullOCk Hartrell Wayne Maynard Cove 1lckson Pleasant Hill Dallas Thorn Hill Marion Hatchechubbee Russell Maeville adison Pleasant Mount Baker Three Notch Bullook Havanna Hale Me low Yalley Clay Pleasant Ridge Greene 'fionus Bibb Haw Ridge Dale Melton Mills Tallapoosa PleaSant Site Franklin Town Creek LaW.renCi Haye's Store Madison Meltonsville l!arshall Pollard Escambia Traveller's Rest Coosa Hayneville J~owndes Memphis Pickens Porterville DeKalb 'l'renton Jackson Haywood Randolph Meridianville Madison Portland Dallas 1'riana. Madison HsysviUe Greene l'ilidwa.y Bullock Prairie Bluff Wilcox Trinity Station Morgan Hazle Green Madison lilill port Sanford Pratt Jefferson "Troy Pike Headland Henry Millry Washington Prattville.Autauga Trqss Jefferson Helena Shelby Milltown Chambers Pride Station Colbert "'l'uscaloosa Tuscaloosa Helicon Crenshaw Milner Randolph Princeton Jackson "Tuscumbia CQlberi. Henderson Pike Milo Pike Propell Shelbv "Tuskegee Macon!lenrysville Marshall "Mobile Mobile Providence Pickens Uchee Russel! Henson Springs Sa nford 1I10nroe Tuscaloosa. Pushmataha Choctaw Union Greene Hernando Macon Monroeville Monroe Rabbittown Ca.lhoun "Union Springs Bullook Hickman Tuscaloosa Montevallo Shelby Radfordsville Perry Uniontown Perry Hick0}1; Flat Chambers "Montgomery Montgomery Raif Branch Montgomery Valhermose Springs Morgan High a.11s Geneva. l'i100re's Bridge 'l'uscaloosa Ramer llon~mery Valley Head De Kalb High Shoals Randolph Mooresville Limestone R:lmsey ~umter Verbena. Baker HiIla.bee Clay Morga.n's Springs Perry Randolph Bibb Vernon Sanford Hillian'B Store Marshall Morris Jefferson Read Level Oovington Victoria Coffee Hilliardsville Henry Morrisville Calhoun Red Hill Marshall Village Spring Bloun, Hillsborough Shelby Morrowville Dallas Red Ridge Tallapoosa Vilula. Russell Holly Grove 'Valker Moscow Sanford Reeltown Tallapoosa Violy Blounl Honeycomb Marsha.ll Moulton Lawrence Reese's Mills Etowah Waccoochee Lea Houston Winston Mountain Home Lawrenc~ Reform Pickens Waco Franklin Howard Conway Mount.Andrew Barbour Rehoboth Wilcox Waldo Talladega Bowel Store Elmore Mt. Carmel Montgomery Richardsville DeKalb Walnut Grove Etowah Howell's ~ Roads Oherokee: Mount Hebron Greene Richmond Dallas Walnut Hill Tallapoosa "Huntsville liadison Mount Hilliard Bullock Ringgold Cherokee Warrentor.. Marshall Hurt ville Russell MonntHope Lawrence Roanoke Randolph Warrior Station Jefferson Indian Hill Perry Mount Ida. Crenshaw Rock Creek Colbert Waterloo Lauderdall Ireland Hill Marion Mount Jefferson Lee Rockdale Randolph Watson Chapel Elmor. Irondale Jefi:erson Mount Meigs llontgomery Rockford Coosa Waveland Lauderdale Ironville Perry Mount Niles St. OllLir Rock Mills 'Ra.ndolph Waverly Cha.mbers Jackson Clark Mount Olive Coosa. Rock Shoals Chamhers Weaver Station C!llh~un Jackson's Store Conecuh Mount Pinson Jefferson Rogersvill8 Lauderdale Webbsville Coosa "J ac ksonville Calhoun Mount Pleasant Monroe Rome Oovington Weedowee Randolph Jasper Wa.lker Mount Sterling Ohoctaw Romulus Tuscaloosa Wehoga Cleburne.Jayville Conecuh Mount Yernon Washington Rose Hill Oovington Weogufka Coosa.lena. TusclLlooslL Mulberry.AutlLuga Rosewood Cleburne Wesobulga Clill Johnson's lfill' Marion Mullins Baker Russell v ill. Franklin Westville Dale Jones' Bluff Sumter Munford Talladega Rutledge Crenshaw "WetumpklL Elmor., Jones Chll.pel Winston Murphree's Valley Blount RYlLn Creek Winston Wheeler Station Lawrenci.J oues ~ ROlLds Tallapoosa Na.nafa1ia Marengo St. Elmo Mobile White llluff Dallas Jonesborough Jefferson Nelsonville Frauklin St. Store Colbert White Pond Barbour Kansas Walker Newbern Ha.le Salcm Lee >Vhistler MobilQ Kelly's Oreek St. Clair Newburg Franklin ::\801 Soda Crenshaw Whitesburg Madison Kemp's Creek Cleburne New Hope Madison Sand Rock Cherokee IVhite Water Pike Kennamer Oove Marshall New Lexington Tusca.loosa SlLnta. Jackson Wbiting Escambia Kennedale Tuscaloosa New Market Ma.dison Sand Tuok Elmore Wilhites Morgan Kimulgu. Talladega New Moon Oherokee Saville Crensha.w Williams' Escambia Kings Barbour New Provi<!ence Pike SlLwyerville Hale Wilsonville Shelby Kingston Autauga New River,Fayette Scottsborough Jackson Wiseville Morgan Kirk's Grove Cherokee New Site Ta.lla.poosa Scottsville Bibb Wolf Branch Coffel Knoxville Greene Newton C. H. Dale Seale'S Station Russell Woodstock TuscaloosD Lacey's Spring Morgan NewtonVille Fayette "Selma Da.lla.s Wood Sta.tion Jefferson Ladiga Calhoun Newtopia Barbour Sheffield Fayette Woodville Jackson Lamar Ra.ndolph Newton.Academy Monroe Shelby Iron Works S.lielby Wynnville llloun~ Landersville Lawrence Nioholson's Store Choctaw Shelby Springs Shelby Yongesborough Lee Langston's Baker NixbU~ Coqsa Shiloh Marengo York Walker Larissa. Winston North ort Tuscaloosa Shirle~ Oovington York Station Sumter Larkin'S Fork Jackson NonhRiver ~scaloosa Shoal ord Limestone Youngsville TallapoOia Larkinsville Jackson NotaSUlga,. ~. Macon Shorter's Depoe Macon La.wrenoeville Henry Oa.k.Level Oleburne Sidney Marshall Lea.nder Randolph Oa.kley Montgomery. Siluria Shelby Lebanon DeKalb Oak Ridge Jefferson Silver Run Talladega Leesburg Oherokee Oakville La.wr~nce Simmon's Store Madison Leighton Colbert Oluste Creek Pike Sipsey MillB Pickens Leled Lane Tuscaloosa "Opelika Lee Sipsey Turnpike Tuscaloosa Leon Crenshaw Oregon Jefferson Skipperville Dale Letohatohee Lowndes Orion Pike Smallwood Tuscaloosa Lewis Station Eseambia Orrville Dallas Smith Station Lee ~xington Lauderdale Osa.nippu. Chambers Snowdown llo nt'wmery i.iberty Hill Da.llas Otho Henry 'snow Hill ileox Lincoln Tallllldega Oto Talla.d~glL Society Hill Macon Linden MlLrengo Owen's M RoMi lla.dison Somerville llorgan Lineville Clay Owisohee Russell Souih Butler Butler LUiwood Pike O;dord Oa.lhoun Southern Hushall. el[olley Order omoe. k

173 P Ollt Office. Fort Tongass Fort Wra.ngel Kodia.k Sitka Pod Office. POST OFFICES-ALASKA-ARIZONA-ARKANSAS. 3 Alaska. P08t OQiCtl" County. P 08t Office. County. Pa,e O/Jioe. County. Arizona. Apaohll Apache Pass "AriZOtla. City Hualll.pai Cerbat Date Creek Phrenix Ehrenberg Florence. Gila Bend Grant Hardyville Ha.yden Ferry Kirkland Valley La Paz McDowell Maricopa Wells Mineral Para: Mohave City Parker Phoenix Pima Villsge *Prllscott Sacaton Saint Joseph Saint Th~ma8 Sa.nford San Pedro S.. sabi Flat Tubac "Tucson Wickenburgh Wilson Yuma. Arkansas. P08t Office. Aberdeen Adamsburgh A.damsville Albia Alcandra. Alder Brook Alma Alpine Amitr AntolDe Aplin Argenta "Arkadelphia. Arkansas City Arkansas Post Ash Flat Ashley Mills Ashley's Point.Askew Atlallta. Aultusta Auburn A.ustill A.voca. Barfield Barkada Bartholomew Ba.rtlett Batesville Baxter Bayou Mateo Bear Cr.eek Bee B1'Il.nch Van Buren Oonway Conwa1 Harrisburg Poinsett County. Beebe Sta.tion White Cooper Hill Izard Harrison Boone Beech Creek Ashley Cooper's La.nding Arkansas Ha.zle GrovII Lawrence Beech Woods Newton Cotton Pla.nt Woodruff *HeleDa. Philip. Belfas.t Grant Council Bend Crittenden Hermita.gll Bra.dley Bellefonte Oa.rroll Cove Polk Herndon Greenll Bell's Store Neva.da Cra.wfordsville Crittenden Hickory Pra.irie Belmont Crawford Creswell Bradley Hickory Ridge Monroe Ben Lomond Sevier Crockersville Woodrnff Hickory Va.lley Independenoe Bennett's River Fulton Crockett's Bluff Arkansas Hico Bentoll Benton Saline Cross Hollow Benton High Spring Olark "Bentonville Benton Crowle'y Greene HillsbofQugh Union Bernard Chicot OummIns Lincoln Hillton Sharp Berryville Carroll Curia. Independence Hindsville Madison Big Bend Polk Cut-Off Drew Hodgc's l'ra.irie Sebastiall County. Big Bottom tndependence Oypress Monroe Holly Grove Monrqe Big Creek Greene Cypress Creek Desha Holly Point Ashley Yavapai Big Fork Polk Dallas Polk Holly Springs Dallal Pima Big North Forll. Fulton Dalton Randolph Hopefield Crittenden Yumn Big Pond Marion Banville Yell "Hot Springs H,'t Springs Yavapai Billingsley Washington *Darda.nel111 Yell Hud It STon Pike Mohave Blaekfish Orittenden Dardenville Van BUI'en Huntsville Ma.disOD Yavapai Black Jack Scott Darysaw Grunt Hun-jeane Saline Ma.ricopa Blaok Springs Montgomery Delaware Yell [ndian Bay Monroe Yuma Bledsoe'sLanding Crittenden Denmark White Jackson Randolph Pima Blocker Sarber De Rochey Olark "Jacksonport Jackson Pima Bloomer Sebastian Des Arc Prairie Jacksonville Pulaski Pima Bloomington Benton DeView Woodruff James' Fork Sebastian Mohave Blue Mountain Izard I)e Wit~ Arkan3as Jamestown Grant. Maricopa Bluffton Yell Dickson Benton Jasper Newton Ya.vapa.i Bob Saline Dobbsville :Marion Jayne's Store Randolp~ Yum"a Boeuf River Chicot Dora. Pike Jenning's Falls Yell Maricopa Boles Scott Dorcheate Oolumbia Jenkin~s' Ferry Grant Pima Bolesville Pope Double Spring Benton JohnsvIlle 'Bradley' Mohave Boone Boone Double Wells Jefferson Jonesborough Cra.igheaCl Mohave Boonsboro' Washington Dover Pope Judson White Yuma Booneville Sarber Downey's Spring Randolph Judsonia. White Maricopa Boston Newton Drake's Creek Mlldison Jupiter Madison Yavap,\i Bowen's Ridge Jackson Due West Monroe Kensett White Yavapa.i Bradley Lincoln Dutch Mills W&shington Kenyon Jackson Yuma Bright Star Lafa.yctte Dutche'! Creek Yell Kinderhook Va.n Buren Pnh Ute Brinkley Monroe "Duvall's Blulf Prairie Kingston Madison Pah Ute Brocton Pike Eagle Oreek Bradley Klingelhoeffer Landillg Perry Pim,l Brook~ Grant Ea!!:le Hill Polk Knowlton's Landing Desha Pima Buchanan Wachita Ea.;le Landing Pull\ski Laconia. Desha Pima Buck Horn Independence E'"<len Columbia La Crosse Izard Pima Bu.rkeville Hempstead Edge Hill Polk Lacy Drew Pima Burlington Boone Edmondson Orittenden La Grangll Philips Yavapai Butlerville Pulaski' Eglantine Van Buren La Grue A rk:l.ns as Yavapai Cadron Conway El Dorado Union Lake Chicot Yuma Calamine Sharp Elgin Jackson Lamartine Columbia Ca.ledol\ia Union Ellsworth Sarber Lanark Bradley Calf Creek Searcy Elm Springs Washington L' Anguene St. Franc!1l Calhonn Oolumbia Elm Store Rannolph La Rue Benton Calvert St. Francis Elm Wood BooDe Lalil"atown La.wrence "Camden Washita Elon Ashley Lawrenceville Monroll Campbell Pulaski El White Lead Hill MarMn Campbellsvilill Woodruff Enterprise Sebastian Lee's Ferry D"l1a9 Cane Creek Conway Eudora Chicot Lee's Creek Crawford Caney Nevada Eureka Cross Lehi Jefferson Can ton Lawrence Evansville Washington "Lewisburg Conway Carlisle Prairie Evening Sha.dll. Sharp Lewisville Lafayette OltrroUtoll Oarroll Fair View Dallas Liberty Washita Carson Jeffersou Falc()n Nevada Liberty Springs Van Buren Perry Farmington Wa.shington Lick )fountain Oonway Cassville Newton Farribaville Sevier Liddesdale Columbia Cllulksville Sal"ber "Fayetteville Washington Linden St. Francis- Cave Creek Newton Fitzhugh's 1Iills Grant T.isbon Union County. Cedar Hill Yell Florence Drew "Little Rock Pulaski Cedarville Crawford Forest Oity St. Francis Little River Little River Monroe Center Hill White Fort Gibson Cherokee Little Spring Ma.disOJl J ell"8rson Cellter Pra.irie Sarber "Fort Smith Sebasfl'lli Lockshurgh Sevier Bradley Center Point Sevier Hill Jlshley Locust Bayou Calhoun Washington Centerville Montgomery Fourche Perry Locust Cottage Jeffersoll Lincoln Cerro Gordo Little River Franklill Fulton Loncoke Pra.irie Independence Chambersv ille Calhoun Freco Washita Lone Poplar Pope Crawford Champagnolle Union Fredonia Prairie Long View Ashley Clark Charleston Franklin Gaines'La.nding Chicot Luda. Washita Clark Cherokee City Benton Gainesville Greene Luna Landing Chieot Cla.rk Cherry Grove Grant Ga.llowal Pulaski Lyman Pope Perry Oherry VaHey Cross Game HIll Franklin McNeely's Ridge C1l!-rk Polaski Chester Desha Garner's Station White "Madisoll St. Franeis Olark Chicot Chieot Garretson's Landing Jeff~rson Magazine Sarbe" Chieot "Chismville Sarber Gillen'S Landing Philips "Magnolia Columbia Arkallsas Chocoville Sebastian Glass Village Pope Maguire's Store Washington Sharp Cincinnati Washington Graddy Landing D.-sha Malonel's Storll Jaokson Pulask-i Clarendon Monroe Graham Independence Marble Madison Ph ill ips "Clarksvillll Johnoon Grand Glaize " Jackson Marianna. Philipe Philips Clayton Hempstead Grand Lake Chicot Marion Crittende:Q Columbia. Clear Creek Marion Gra.vel Ridge Bradley Marsha.l Searcy Woodruff Clear Spring Clark Gray's Sta,tiom Randolph Marshal Pra.irie NewtO:Q Lincoln Cleburnll Oross Greenback Jefferson Mars Hill Lafa.yette Pulaski Olifty Madison Greenbrier Oonway Marvinville Yell Benten Clinton Van" Buren Green Forest Carroll Maumelle Pulaski Xississippi Olover Bend La.wrence Green Mount Lincoln Maxville Sharp Drew Cold Water Cross Green Ridge scotti Haysville Benton Drew Cold Well White Greensborough Cra.ighea.d Merritt Saline Pulaski Oollegevillll Saline Greenwood Sebastian M'd Independence Oolumbus Hempstead Griffin Greene 1 way Hot Springs Johnson Comersville Lincoln "Hamburg AShleYI Mill Brook St. Fr&nollJ Pulaski Oomo Dallas Hampton Oalhoun Mill Oreek!zaN Sea.r~.1 Convenience Independence Harold liontgomery MiloI' 8thut_ e)l'.'7 Orcler Oil...

174 4: POST OFFICE8-ARKAN'SAS-CALlFORNIAo Post Ofjiu. county., Pilat 01/ie,. Count1l. Pod OjiCtl. OounW. Post Offictl. Oount1/. 'Mine Creek Hempstead Randolph Lafayette Warren Bradley Black Diamond Oon~ra Costa liiaeral Springs Hempstead Red Bluff Jefierson *Washington Hempstead Black Point Ml\rin Minneola Little River, Red Fork Desha Water Creek Searey BIO'omfield 50noma "Monticello Drew Red Land '. Pike Water Valley Ra.ndO'lph Blue Canyon Placer Monton,ga Drew Reed's Or.. \ Sharp Wellborn Arkansas Boca Nenda MOl'eland Pope Reed's Lan. 'ns Pulaski Wesle..! Wa~hington Bolinas Marin Moro Monroe Reform Jefferson West Fork Wa hiiigton Boulder Creek Santo. Crus M.oJlO Bay Bradley Relf's Bluff Lincoln West Point White Bridgeport MonO' Morris(>D Bluff Sarber Revilee Sarber Wheatley :Monroe Brighton Sacramento Morton Franklin Rhea's Mills Washington White Woodruff Brooklyn Alameda.Mound City Crittenden Richmond Little Ri ver White Hall Poinsett Brown's Valley Yuba Mount Arkansas RiggsviUe Iza.rd White Oa.k Jefferson Brownvsville Yuba Moun.tain Home Ma.rion Rives Landing Arka.nsa.s White River Desha Brush Creek Butte Mountain Spring Ca.rroll Rob Roy Jefferson Whiteville Ma.rioll Buckeye Yolo Mount Elba Linooln Rock Or~ek CJark Whittington Hot SJ?rings Bucks' Ranoh Plumaa Mount H()lly Union Rock Port Hot Springs Widema.n Ful-ton Buena. Vista Ama.dor luount Ida Montgomory Rocky Comfort Little River Wiley's Cove Searoy Bullard's Bar. Yuba Mount Judea. Newton Rondo Lafa.l'ette Willamette Arka.nsas Burgettville Shasta )fount Mocia.h Nevada Rose Bud White Wilmington Union Burnett Santa Clara Mount Olivll Izard Rosema.ry Desha Wilton Pike Burriey Valley ShlLStll Mount Parthenon Newton Roseville Franklin W ittsburgh Cross Burnt Ra.noh Trinit, Mount Pisga.h Wllite Rosston Nevada. Witt's Spring S'earoy Burwood SaIl Joaquin Mouth of Stlawberry Round Point Unioll Wolf Independenoe Butcher Ranch Placer Independence Rover Yell Wolf Creek Pike Cache Creek Yolo )Iurfreesooro' Pike Royston Pike Woodlawn Washita Cahto Mendocino 'Napoleon Desha Russellville Pope Yellville Marion Calistoga Napa Nashville Hempstead Charles Arkansas Yorkville Sevier Ca.llahan's Ranche Siskiyou Natu1'l\1 Dam (Jrnwford John Lincoln Calpella Mendooino Negro Hill White Saint Pa.ul Madison Oamancha Calaveras NeltaBoc Sevier S,\lem Union Cambria San Luis Obiano ~ewbul'j;h Izard Saline ]l1i11a Polk Grant Humboldt New Gascony Jeffers()n Sandy Springs Grant Campo San Diego New Hope Fulton Sarussil Lincoln Ca.mpo Seco Calaveraa Norristown Pope Soottsville Lawrence "Camptonville Yuba North Creek Philips *Searcy White Cana. Butte NOlI'th P()int Sel ma Drew Yolo Norwoodville Sevier Seminary Washita Capell Napa Oak Grove Can-oll Sharps burgh Cross Capistr.ano Los Angeles Oakville Jefferson Sha.rp's i>< Roads Independence Carpenteria Santa Harb~ra Oil Troogh Independ9njre Sheridan Grant Oa.stroville Monterey Oldha.m {lrittenden Shiloh Vanfluren Cedarville Siski,ou Old Hiokory "onwny Shoal Creek Sarber Central Houso B~tte Oldtown PhIlips Smithville Lawrence Centerville Alamoda Oli() Scott Moydcr Ashley Ceres StaniJlaus Olney liarion Spl\dra Johnson Cerro Gordo Inyo Omega Yell Spo()nville Clark Cherokee Butte Onyx Yell South Bend Lincoln "'Chico Butt.e Oppelo Perry Spavina.w Benton Chinese Camp Tuolumne Opposition La.wrence Spring Creek Phillips l1 al l -r"ornle a. Ch-.:alar Monterey Osage Mills Benton Sprilngda.le Washington \J Churntown Shasta Ollce()la Mississippi Springfield Conway Cisc() Placer Owensvillo.Saline Spring Hill Hempstead Pos' Office. Oounty. Clairville Sonoma Ozan Hempstead SpringtOWn Benton Cla.rksville ElDorado Oza.rk Franklin Stnr Washita Aoampo San Joaquin Clayton Contra Costa Pa.gilville Gra.nt Star City Linc()ln Aidenville Siskiy()u Clipper Gap Placer Pal arid Pul~ki of the West Pike Alameda Ala.meda Clipper Mills Butte Palestine Randolph State Line Oolumbia Alamo Oontra. Oosta Cloverdale Sonoma Paraclifta Sevier Stevens' Creek White Albion Mendocmo Coast Ridge Colusa Pa.rks Scott Stover Dallas Alleghany Sierra Cold Spring El Dorado Pll.Storia.Jefferson Stranger's Home Lawrence Alta. Placer Coleville Monroe Pate's Spring Pike Strawberry Lawrence Alta.mont Alameda Colfax Plaoer Pat.terson's Bluff Sarber Sub Rosa. Fra.nklin Ala.meda Collegeville San Joaquin Pen. Ridge Benton Sugar Creek Benton Alviso Santo. Clara Collinsville Soillno Pecan Point Misaissippi Sugar Grove Sarber Ama.dor City Amador Oolloma EI Dora~ Pendleton Lincoln Sugar Loa.f Seba.stian American Ranche Shasta *Columbia Tuolumne Perry Statio-n Pope Sulphur Rock Independence Anahaim Los Angelos "Colusa. Colusa Perryville Perry Summerville Calhoun Anderson Mendocino Compton Los Angeles.Peti~e Jea.n Yell Sumpter Bradley Angel's Oamp Ca.laveras Concord Oontra OOlta Peytousville Little River Sunnyside Chi cot Antelope Yolo C.opper.o'pol!l Calaveras 'Phillips' Bayou Phillips Swan Lake Arka.nsas Anthony's House Nevada Copper Vale Lassen Pickett's Station Jack~on Sweot Home Sevier "'Antioch Contra Costa Oordelia Solano Pige()n Hill UnionSylamore Izard Aptos S;l.nta. Oruz Oosumne Sacrameneo "Pine Bluff Jefferson Sylarsville Monroe Arca.ta. Humboldt Cottonwood Sha9ta Pine Hill Ashley Ta.ble Rock Izard Arroyo Grande Coulterville Mariposa Pineville Iza.rd Ta.rrytown Crawfol'd San Luis ObispO" Courtland Sacramento Pitman Bandolph Ta.ylor's Creek St. Fra.ncis Atlanta San Joaquin Covelo- Mendooino I'ittsburg Johnson Ten-Mile Fulton "Auburn Placer Ores cent City Del Nort8 Plantel'9 Philips The Narrows Crawford Bakersfield Ker~ Crescent Mills Plumas Pleasa.nt Hill Franklin Thompsonville Carroll BaHena San Diego Crow's Landing Stanislaus Pleasant Plainll Independence Three Creeks Union Bangor Butte Crystal Creek. Siskiyou Pleasant Ridge Linooln Tomlinson Scott Banta. SAn Joaquin Cuca.monga. San BernardiM Plum Ba.yoo Jelferson Toronto Jefferson Batavia Solollo Cutrey's Cove Mendoohl,O Pocahonta.s R:mdolph Trent()n Philips Bath }>laoer Danville Contra. Oosta.Point Cedar Clark Tror Drew Battle Cre9k Tehama Davisville Yolo,P oint DeLuce Arkansas T\lhp Dallas Bea.r Valley Mariposa Da.yton LM~e.n Point Peter Sea.rcy Turin Grant Beckwith Plumas Denverton no P<>int Remove Oonway Tyronza Cross Belmont San Mateo Diamond Spring ElDor~o cpoke BIloY()u Independence Ultima Thul~ Sevier "Benicia. 801&no Dixon SolllDo p,().plar Bluffs Ashley *Van Buren Crll.wford Bentolll Mono Dorris Bridge Siskiyou Poplar Grove Philips Victor~a Jefferson Berkeley Alameda Dougher.tY'a Stati()n Ala-meda Portland Asbley Viney Grove Washington San Diego Douglas(lity Trini*l. Poughkeepsie Sharp Viola Fulton Berryvale Siskiyou Dover Merceil 'Powha.tan. Lawrence Waldrom Scott Bidwell's Bar Butte *Downieville Sierra Prairie Landing Desha Walker'S Columbia Big Dry Creek Fresno Dry Town AmlldGr prairie Center Prairie Wa.Ilaceburgh Hempstead Bigg'_s Sta.tion Butte Dunoa.n's Milll S<.noma Prairie Grove WasbingtOll Wa.lnut GrOove Independenee Big Meadows Plumas Durha.m Butte PrAttsville Grant Walnut Hill Lafayette Big Oa.k Flat Tuolumne *Dutch Fla' Plaoor Princeton Dalills Walnut Pia.iDIi Pra.irie Big Pine 1nyo EaglevillQ Si,ki;yoU 'Providence Searcy Walnut Ridge Lawrenoe Big Trees Calaveras Eden Abmed.,Qu.itman VanBuren Walnut Tree Yell Bingltampto-n Solano Edgwood Siskiyou ~g!j.ll'y Hill Boone Wampoo Pulaski Bishop Oteek liono Eel River Humbold &a.n41101i Jeffu80n WillI' Eagle Ma.dison Black Bear Klaaa~h EI Donde Bl Dora.dlJ.)1.,.. Orller- OiJi.CQ.

175 Elk Oreek ' Elk Grove Elliot Ellis }i)ma.ton Emigrant Gap Etna. ~I ills "Eureka. Everp:reen Pla.y Fa.lse Farmersville Farmington Felton Fernda.le Fiddletown Fir Ca.p Firebaugh Fisherma.n's Bay Fish Rook Fish Springs Fisk's 1I1ill Florin "Folsom Oity Forbestown Forest City "Forest Rill Forest Home Forestvil' e Forks of Sa.lmon "Fort Bidwell Fort Jones Fourth Crossing Franklin Freeport Freestone French Corral French Gulch Fresno City Ga.blian Galt Garden Va.lley Ga.rrote Ga.s.Tet Gazelle "Georgetown "Gibson ville "Gilroys Glenhrook Glen Ellen Glenville Gold Run Goodyea.r's Bar Grafton Grand Island Gran iteville " Va.lley Gra.ysonville Green Va.Uey Gree.nville Green Wood Gridley Grizzly Fla.t Uuenoc Guerneville Gwin 1I1ine Half Moon Ba.y Happy Camp Harrisburgh Havilah Ha.yden Hay Fork Haywood "Healdsburg Henly Hermitage Hicksvillfl High Valley Hill,s Ferrv Hollister Honcut Hoop~ Valley Hopeton Hornitas Horr's Ranch Horsetown Hot Spring HlInsa.pdr Hydesville "Independence India.n Gulch Inskip "lone Valley Iowa Oity Ja.cinto "Jackson lamestown Ja.nesville Jenny Lind lolon JUlian POST OFFICES-CALIFORNIA. 5 County. Pent ODIc CouRty. Post Office. County. Post Office. County. Colusa Junction City Trinity Navarro Ridge Mendocino "SanBernardiMSanBernardint Saoramento Junction House La~sen Nelson Point Plumas "Sa.n l3uenav8u.tun Ventur" San Joaquin Colusa *Nevada.City Neva.da Sa.ncelito Marin San Joaquin Kernville Kern New Ca.stle t-\ Placer "Sa.n Diego San Diego Sacramento King's River Fresno New Idi'ia. Fresno ami Mendocino Placer Kingston Fresno New Republic,,,;:;., onte,rey ~n Felippe Santa Clara Sisk iyou Knoxville Lake Newtown.,,' EI Dorado SQ,~ Ferna.ndo Los Angeles Humboldt Knight'li Ferry Stanislaus Newville Colusa "San Francisco SAn Fra.llcisco Sa.nta. CIQ,ra La.fa.yette Contra. Costa. Nicasio Marin San Gabriel LOB Angel08 El Dorado La Graciosa Sa.nta Ba.rbara. :N Sutter SAil Gregorio San Ml!'te~ Humboldt La Grange Nord Butte San Jadnto San Diego Tu\ Lake.City Siskiyou Nortb BloomflClld Nevada "San Jose Sa.nta Cla.ra San Joaquin Lakeport Lake North Columbia. Neva.da San Juan Monterey Santa Cruz Lake Valley EI l"orth San Diego San Diego San'L.llandlro Alameda. Humboldt Lakoville Sonoma "North San JUD,n Neva.da Sa.n IJ'tIrenzoAlameda Asi~~! t!:c~~~lanq, f;:~~~ ~~~a.le i\.lj::i~!~~ "Sa,~is O\trn.Llds Obispo Fresno "La Porte Plumas Oak Grove!San Diego nis Ranch Mercer Sonoma Las Cruces Santa Barbara. " Lu is Rey San Diego Mendocino Latbrop Sa.n Joaquin Oakville Napa San Ma.rc<ls San Luis Obispo Inyo Latrobe EI Dorado Ocean View Sonoma S&I. Ma.teo San Mateo Sonoma. Leitcb Ferry Stanislaus Olllllcha. Inyo Sa.n Pablo Contra Costa. Sa.cramento Lewiston Trinity Old Creek SQ,n Luis Obispo San Qilelltin Marin Sacra.mento Lexington Santn.C\ara Olema Marin "Sa.n'Rafael. Marin Butte Liberty San Joa.quin Olimpo.Colusa. Santa. Anna. Los Angele. SierrIL "Lincoln Placer Omega Nevada "Sa.nta. Barbara Santa Ba.rba.ra Pln.cer Linden Sa.n Joa.'luin OphirviUe Placer "Santa Clara. Santa ma.ra Amador Linn's Valley Kern Otego'n House Yulla "SantaCruz Sa.nta Cru. Sonoma Little Mendocino Orleans Klamath Sa.nta Margarita. Little River Mendoci no Oro City Pla.cer San Luis Obispo Siskiyou Little York Ncvada. Oro Fino Siskiyou "Santa Rasa Sonoma Siskiyou Livermore Aiamecla "Oroville Butte San Ysidro Sa.nta. Cla.ra Livingston Merced "Pacheco Oontra Costa Saratoga. Santa Clara. Sacrltmento Lockeford San Joaquin Pa.jaro..)ionterey Sawpit Plumas Sa.cramento Lone Pine Inyo Pa.lo Blanoo Fre8J16 Sa.wyer's B~r Kla1p-ath Sonoma Long Va.lley Lassen Panoche F-resno Scales Diggings Sierra Neva.da. Longville " Plumas Parkville Shasta School-House Station Sha.sta "Los Angelos li6s 'Angelos Pa.skenta Sa.n Mateo Fresno Los Gatos Santa Clara. Paso Robles San Luis Obispo Scott's River Siskiyou 1I10nterey Los Nietos Los Angeles Pa.tchin Santa. Cla.ra. Sea.rsville Sa.n Ma.teo Sa.cramento Lovelock Butte Paterson Neva.da Sebastopol Sonoma. El Dorado Lower Lake Lake Pa.ulinville Yuba Seiad's Valley Siskiyon Tuolnmne I.oyalton Sierra Peaoh Tree Monterey Sha.dy Run Placer Humboldt Mad River Humboldt Pel).tz Butte *Sba.sta. Shasta Siskiyou li1aine Pra.irie Solano Pescadero Sa.n Mateo Sbaw's Fla.t Tuolumne El Dorado Magalia. Butte "Peta.luma. Sonoma SheldQn Sacra.mento Sierra Manchester Mendocino Peters San Joaquin Sherida.n Pla.cer Santa Clara "Mariposa. Mariposa. Petersburgh Sherma.n Santll.Cla.ra.. Lake *MarkleeviUe AI pine Petrolia Humboldt Sberwood Va.Iley Mendocine Sonoma Mark West Sonoma Picacho Monterey Sbingle Springs EI Dorado Kern Ma.rshall Marin Pilot Hill El Sierra. City Sierra Pla.cer "Ma.rtinez Contra. Costa Pine Grove Ama.dor Sierra Va.lley Slerr.. Sierra. Martin's Ferry Pino Pla.cer Silver,Al'pine Yolo "Ma.l'ysville Yuba *Placerville EI Slippery Ford EI DoJ'ltdo Colusi Ma.yfield Sa.nta. Clara. Pla.insberg Merced Sma.rtville Yuba Neva.da. Maybew's Sta.tion Sacramento Plano Smith's Ra.nche Sonomo. Nevada Mea.dow Va.lley Plumas Plea.santon Ala.meda. Smith's River Del Norte Sta.nislaus "Mendocino Mendocino Plea.sant Grove Oreek Sutter Snelling'S Ranche li1erced EI Dorado Mendon EI Pleasa.nt Valley Soledad Monterey Pluma.s Menlo Pa.rk San Mateo Plum Valley Sierra Somersville Contra. Cost.. EI Dorado MPrced Merccd Plymou th Amador Sonoma Sonoma Butte Merced Fa.lls Merceu Point New Year San Ma.teo *Sonora Tuolumne El Dorado Meridan Sutter Point of Timber Contra Costa. Soquel Santa. CrUll Mendocino Michigan Bar Sacramento Pomo Mendocino Soscol Michigan Bluff Placer Pope Va.lley Napa. Soutb Butte Sutter SQnoma. Middleton Lake Porter.sville TulRl'e Spadra Los Angeleu Calaveras Midwlty Alameda. Portuguee Sbasta. Spanish Ra.nch Plumaa Sa.n :Mateo Milbra.e San Mateo Port WiDe Sierra Spenceville Nevad.. Del Norte Millerton Fresno Potter Valley Mendocino Spring Valley Colusa Alameda Millford I.assen Poway San Diego Stillwater Shasta. Kern Millville Sha.sta Pow~llton Butte "Stoekton San Joa.quin Lassen Mill)ita.s Sa.nta. Clara Pra.irie Yolo Stony Point 8ol1Om" Trinity Milquatay San Diego Princeton Colu.i Stra.wberrY Valley Yuba Ala.meda. Milt<>n Cala.veras Punta. Arenas Mendocino Suey San Luis Obispo Sonoma Mission San Jose Ala.meda. San Mateo Sligar Pine Tuolumne Siskiyou Modesto Stanislaus Quincy P1uma.s "Suisun City SolallO Mendocino Mohawk Valley Pluma.s il:a.ilroad Flat Cala.veras Summit Plumas Sa.cra.mento Mokelumne San Joaquin "Red Bluff Tehama Summit VaHey Nevada Lake "Mokelumne Hill Ca.laveras Redding Sbasta Sunolglen Alameda. Stanislaus Monitor Alpine Redwood City San Ma.teo "Susanville Lasse. MonterAY Monte Los Angelos Richland Sa.cra.meJito Sutter's Creek Ama.dor Yuba "Monterey Monterey Rincon San Bernardino Sutter Station Sutter Klamath Montezuma. Tuolumne Rio Seco Butte Sweetla.nd Neva.da. Merced Moon's Ra.ncho Tehama Rio Vista Solano Sycamore Colusa. Ma.riposa. Monticello ' Napa. Ri\"el'side San Berna.rdino Ta.ble Bluff Hl1mbold~ Sta.nislaus Moore's Fla.t Neva.da. Rocklin Pla.cer Ta.ble Rook Sierra Shasta lloore's Station Butte Roseville Placer Ta.hoe Place~ Siskiyou Morano Sa.n Joaquin Rough and Rea.dy Neva.da. Ta.ylorsville PlUmas Tulare Morma.n's Island> Sacramento Round lilo Sbasta. Tebama Humboldt,Morro San Luis Obispo Round Va.lley Pluma.s Tehiebipa Kern Inyo Ranche Calavera.& Rutberford Napa. Telegraph City Cala.verac lia.riposa Mountain View Santa.Cla.ra Sa.cramentoCity Sacramento Temeeula. Sa.n Diego Butte Mount Bullion Mariposa Saint Helena Napa Tennant Santa. Cla.ra. Ama.dor Mount Eden Al&med& Jobn Colusa TimberCove Sonoma Placer Mount Fairview San Diego Saint Lawrenceburgh Timbuetoo Y1, Colusi Mount Shasta Siskiyou El D.orndo 'l'odd'b Valley Pla.cei Ama~or Murphr.'8 Ca.llwcras 8&int Louls Sierra. Tomalles Ma.rln Tuolumne MllSqUlt.o Oalaveras *SaJina.s llonterey Tomkiah lfendocino I,assen "N&p& City Napa Salmon Fa-lIs El Tres Pinoll Monterey Cal&ver&s Nasbville El Dorado *Sa.n Andreas Oala.veras Trinidad Kla.math Munterq National City San Diego San Antoaio Monterey Trinity Trinity San Diego Nativida.d Monterey San Benito Monterey tttrueke. NevAloda II MaDey Order OffiCBS,

176 6 POST OFFICES-CALIFORNIA-COLORA DO-CONNECTICUT. Po.t O/Jice. CountJ/. Posf Office. County. Post Office. County. P oat Office. County_ Tuillre Tulare Coal Creek Boulder "Trinidad Las Animas East Berlin Hartford Turlock Stanislaus Colfax Fremont U1a Fremont East Canaan Litchfield Tustin City Los Angeles Colorado Springs EIPaso Underhill Costilla East Oornwall Litchfield Twenty-six Mile House Colorado City EI Paso Valmont Boulder Eastford, Windham Stanislaus Conejos., Conejos Villa Grove Saguache East Glasteubury Hartford Two Rook Sonoma Creswell '~ Jefferson Walsenburgh Huerfano East Granby Hartford "Ukiah Mendocino Cristonie... Saguache Ward Distriotj Boulder East Haudam Middlel'8x Uncle Sam I,ake Cucharas Huerfano White River Summit East Hampton Middlesex Union Merced Ourrant Oreek Fremont East Hartford Hartford Union House Saoramento Deer Valley Park East Haven New Haven Upper Clear Lake Lal..e Delaware Oity Summit East Kent Litchfield Upper Mattole Humboldt D"INorte (lonejos East Killingly Windham Vaca Solano. "Denver City Arapahoe EMt Litchfield Litchfield "Vaoaville Solano Dudley Park East I,yme New Loudon Yalley Springs Oalaveras Easton ElPaso Ehston Fairfield Yallicita (hlaveras Edlj?rton i' EIPaso East ['utnam " indham "Vallejo S~o I!H. aso El Paso East River New Haven Vina Tell a Empire City Clear Creek East Thompson Windham "Visalia. TullL'e Erie.. Weld East Wallingford New Haven Volcano Amador Evans Weld East Windsor Hartford Walnut Oreek Oontra Costa "Fair Play Park East Windsor Hill Hartford Walnut Grove Sacramento Fleming's Ranohe Weld COllliecticut. East Woodstock Windham Warner's Ranch San Diego Florissant Park Ekonk Windham Washington Nevada Fort Collins Larimer Post Office. County. Ellington Tolland Washington Oorners Alameda Fort Harland Costilla. Ellsworth Litchfield 'Waterford Stanislaus Fort Lupton Weld Abington Windham Enfiel1 Hartford Waterloo San Joaquin "Fo rt Lyon Bent Andover Tolland "Essex Middlescx "Watsonville Santa Cruz F01't Reynolds Pueblo "Ansonia New Haven "J!'o.lrfield Fairfield "Weaverville Trinity Fort Sedgwiok Wcld Ashford Windham.!!' Have'n New Haven Weldon Ket'n Fountain Avon Hartford *Fo.ll~ Village Litchfield West Butte SUttH Franktown Douglas Bakersville Litchfield Farmers' Village Hartford West Oakland Alameda Gardner Huerfano Balls' Pond Fairfield Farmington Hartford WestPoint Calaveras *Georp:etown Clear Creek Bo.ltic New London Forestville Hartford Wheatland Yuba Glen Grove Douglas Banksville Fairfield Franklin New London Willow Ranch Siskiyou "Golden City Jefferson B.\ntam Falls Litchfield Gales' Ferry New LondoD "Wilmingt,on LOll Angelos Gomer Mills Douglas Barkhamstead Litchfield Gaylordsville Litchfield Windsor Sonoma Granite L,\ke Beacon Falls New Haven Georgetown Fairfield Woodbridge San Joaquin Grant I'ark Berlin Hartford Gildersleeve'S Landing "\Voodland Yolo "Greeley Weld Bethany New Haven Middles~x Woodford's Alpine Green City Weld Bethel Fairfield Gilead Tolland Woodside San Mateo Gree!),horn Huerfano Bethlehem Litchfield Wasgow New London 'Woodville Tulare Greeuwood Fremont Black Rock Fairfield Glastenbnry Hartfcrd Wynema Ventura Hamtlton l'ark Bloomfield Hartford Glenville Fairfield Yagerville Humboldt Helena Lake Bolton Tolland Goshen' Litchfield Yankee Hill Butte Higbee Bent Bozrah New London Granby Hartford Yankee JiIQ's Placer Hillsboro' Weld Bozrahville New Londou Grantville Litchfield Yolo Yolo Hllerfano Pueblo Brantord New Haven Greenfield Hill Fairfield Yorkville Mendocino Hughes Arapahoe 'Br.idgeport Fairfield Greenville New London Yocumville Klamath Hugo Douglas Bridgewater Litchfield Greenwich Fairfield Yosemite Mariposa Hutchinson Jefferson "Bristol Hartford Gri~\Vold New London You Bet Nevada Id,\ho Clear Creek Broad Brook H,\rtford Grosvenor Dale Windham Yountville Napa Island Station Arapahoe Brookfield Fairfield Groton New London "Yreka Siskiyou Jamestown Boulder Brookfield "enter Fairfield "Guilford New Haven Yuba City Sutter Jefferson Jefferson llrooklyn Windham Gurleyville Tolland Zem Zem Lake Juniata Pueblo Brook's Vale New Haven Haddam Middlesell: Kiowa Douglas BUCkingham Hartford Haddam Neck Middlesex "K it (l'hson Greenwood Buckland Hartford Hadlyme New London La Porte Larimer Bnrlington Hartford Hamburg New London Larkspur Douglas Burnside Hartford Hamden New Haven Las Animas Bent Burrville Litchfield Hampton Windham Left Hand Boulder Campbell's Mills Windham Hanover New London Lincoln Oity Summit Campville Litchfield 'Hartford Hartford Littleton Arapahoe Canaan Litchfield Hartland Hartford Livermore Larimer Canaan Valley Litchfield Harwinton Litchfield Los Pin03 Saguache Cannon's Station F'lirfield Hawleyville Fairfield Maine Ranch Bent O.mterbury Wind hall' H,~z a rd 'i'iue Hartford ~bnitou EIPaso Oanton Hartford Hebron Tolland l\{ iddle Boulder Boulder Canton Center Ha.rtford Higganum Middlesex Mill City Clear Creek Central Villago Windham High Ridge Fairfield Monte7.uma i::iummit Center Brook Middlesex Hockanum Hartford Colorado. Monument Ell:'aso Center Groton New London Hotchkissville Litchfield Mountain City Uilpin Center Hill Hartlord Huntington Fairfield Post Office. County. Mount Vernon Jefferson Ohalvbes Lit"hfield Huntsville Litchfield Muddy Creek Pneblo Chapinville Litchfield Jewett City New London American Ranche Weld Namj;}ua Larimer Ch~plin Windh,un Kensington Hartford Apishpa Las Anima; New emphis Douglas Chatham Middlesex Kent Litchfield Arvada Jefferson Oro City Lake 'Cheshire New Haven Killingly Windham Badllo Huerfano Pelh Boulder Chester Middlesex s: illingworth Middlesex Bald Mountain Gilpin Pine Grove Douglas Ohesterfield New London L"keville Litchfield Ilear Canon Douglas "Pueblo Pueblo Clark's Falls New London I I\llesville Litchfield Beaver Oreek Fre~ont Rita Alto Saguache 'Clinton Middlesex Lebanon New London Bent Canyon Los An mas Riverside Lake Clintonville New Haven Ledyard New London JJent's Fort Bent Roclt Butte Douglas Cobalt Middlesex l,eesville Middlesex Big Thompson Larimer Rock Ridge DOII~las 'Colchester New London Liberty Hill New London Bijou Basin ElPaso Rocky 1<'o)'d Bent Cold Spring I<'airfield Lime Rock Litohfield Bismarck Saguache Rollinsville Gilpin Oolebrook Litohfield "Litchfield Litchfield Blaekhawk Point Gilpin Running Creek Douglas Colebrook River Litchfield Hill Fairfield Boonville Pueblo S:lguache Sap:naohe Collinsville Hartford Long Ridge Fairfield * BOllI del' City Boulder Saint Charles Pueblo Columhia Tolland Lyme New London.B reckenri dge Summit Saint Weld Copper Hill Ha.rtford )Iadison New Haven Ilrownsville Clear Creek San Isabel Sa.guache Cornwall Litchfield Manchester Hartford *Burlington Boulder San Luis Costilla Cornwall Bridge Litchfield l\1a.nsfield Tolland Butte Valley Huerfano Sedalia Douglas Oornwall Hollow Litchfield Mansfield Center Tolland Canon City Fremont South Arkansas Lake Coventry Tolland Mansfield Depot. Tolland Caribou Bpuldel' South Side Bent "Cromwell Middlesex Marble Dale Litchfield Oarnero Saguache South Water EIPaso "Danbury Fairfield Marion Hartford Carr Weld Spanish Ba.r Clear Creek Darien.F..JI.irfield Marlborough Hartforil (Jarson Huerfano Spanish Pel\ks Huerfano Deep River Middlesex Mashapaug Tolland Castle RQok Douglas Spring Valley Dougla. Derby New Haven Meriden New Haven "Oentral City Gilpin Sugar Loaf BOllld~r Onrham Middlesex Merrow Station Tolland Centreville Texas Creek Io'remont Durham Center Middlesex litianus Fairfield Oherr1 Creek Arapahoe Texas Ra.nch Bent Eagleville ToUl\lI.d Middl~bury 'NewHaveD *MollQl Ordu Otlicea.

177 POST OFFICES-CONNECTICUT---DAKOTA-DELAW ARE. 7 County. Poet O(JU:tJ. County. lfiddlefield Middlesex Rockfall Middlesex Middle Haddam Middlesex "Rockville ' Tolland "Middletown Middlesex Rocky Hill Hartford "Milford New Haven Romford Station Litchfield liill Brook Litchfield Round Hill Fairfield Milldale Hartford Itowayton Fai rfiel d Mill Plain Ii'airfield Roxbury Litchfield Milton Litchfield Salem New London Minortown Litohfi~ld Salisbury Litchfield Monroe Fairfield S,mdy Hook Fairfield Montowese New Haven Saugatuck Fairfield Montville New London Saybrook Middlesex Moodus Middlesex Scitioo Hartford Moose Mea.dow Tolland Sootland Windham Moosop Windham "Sevmour New H,wen Morris Litchfield Sharon Litchfield Mount Oarmel New Haven Sharon Valley Litchfield Mount Hope 'rolland Sherman Fairfield Mvstio New London Simsbury Hartford 4Mystio Bridge New London Smith's Ridge Fairfield Mystic River New London Sl)mers Tolland Naubuc Hartford Somersville Tolland Naugatuok New Haven South Britain New Haven Nepaug Litchfield Southbury New Haveu New Boston Windham South Oanaan Litchfield "New Britain Hartford South Canterbury Windham New Oanaan l!'airfield South Coventry ToUan.d New Fairfield Fairfield Southford New Haven New Hartford Litchfield South Glastenbury Hartford "New Haven New Haven South Haven New Haven Newington Hartford "SQuthington Hartford NewingtonJunction Hartford South Kent Litohfield "New London New London South Killingly Windham "New Milford Litchfield South Lyme New London New Preston Litchfield *South Manchester Hartford New Saybrook Middlesex South Meriden New lim'en Newtown Fairfield South Norfolk Litchfield Niantic New London South Norwalk Fairfield Noank New London Souihport Fairfield Norfolk Litchfield Southville Litchfield 'North Ashford Windham SouthWindham Windham North Branford New Haven South Windsor Hartford North Oanton Hartford :;outh Woodstock Wmdham North Oolebrook Litchfield Springdale Fal rfield North Oornwall Litchfield Square Pond Tolland Northfield Litchfield Stafford Tolland Northford New Haven "Stafford'Springl Tolland North Granby Hartford Staffordvillo Tolland North Grosvenor Dale "Stamford Fairfield Windham Stan wich Fairfield North Guilford New Haven Stepney Fairfield North Haven New Haven Stepney Depot Fairfield North Lyme New London Sterling Windham North Madison New Haven Sterling Hill Windham Pose Office. 'lowest Killingly "'West Meridcn West Morris W cstminster West Norfolk West Norwalk Weston Westport West Redding West Stafford West Stratford West Suffield West'l'hompson Westville West Willington *West Winstead West Woodstock Wethersfield "Willimantio Willington \"" ilson v ilie Wilton Winchester Oenter Windemere Windham Windsor "'Windsor Locks Windsorville *Winnipauk *Winstead Winthrop Wolcott "Wolcottville Woodbury Woodstock Woodstock Valley Woodville YaleSVille Yantio North Manchester Hartford S tony Creek New Haven North Stamford Fairfield Stonington New London pose Office. North Sterling Windham "Stratford Fairfield County. Windham New Haven Litchfield Windham Litchfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Tolland Fairfielcl Hartford Windham New Haven Tolland Litchfield Windham Hartford Windham Tolland Windham Fairfield Litchfield Tolland Windham Hartford Hartford Hartford Fairfield Litchfield Middlesex New Haven Litchfield Litchfield Windham Windham Litchfield New Haven :New London Dakota, North Stonington New London Suffield Hartford Adeleseat Northville Litchfield Taftville New London American Creek North Wilton Fairfield TalcottTille Tolland Bergen North Windham Windham Tariffville Hartford Big Sioux North Woodstock Windham Terrysville Litchfield Blair "Norwalk Fairfield "Thomeston Litchfield Bloomingdale "Norwich New London Thompson Windham Bonhomme Norwichtown New London "Thompsonville Hartford Boreman Oakville New Haven Tolland Tollallll Canton Oneco Windham Torringford Litchfield Cen,terville,Orange New Havcn Torrington Litchfield Cheyenue Valley Ore Hill Litchfield Trumbull Fail-field Childs town Oxford New Haven Turnersville Tolland Choteau Oreek Park Lane Litchfield "Tylervi1le. Middlesex Crow Oreek 'Parkville Hartford Uncasville New London Dell Pendleton Hill Windham Union Tolland Eden Pequabuck Litchfield "Unionville Hartford '"Elk Point Phrenixville Windham VernOn Tolland Emanuel Pine Meadow Litchfield Vernon Depot Tolland Fairview Plainfield Windham Versailles New London Fargo "Plainville Hartford Voluntown Windham Finley Plantsville Hartford *Wallingford New Haven Fir~steel 'Plattsville Fairfield Wapping Hartford Flandreau Pleasa.nt Valley Litchfield Warehouse Point Hartford *Fort Abercrombie Plymouth Litchfield Warren Litchfield I.'ort Buford Pomfret Windham WashingtoJl Litchfield Fort Lara.mie Pomfret Landing Windham *Waterbury New H,wen "Fort Randall Poqnetanuck New Lor.don Waterford New London Fort Sully Poquonoo Hartford Watertown Litchfield Furt Totten 'Poquonoo Bridge New London Waterville New Haven Fort Wadsworth Portland Middlesex Wauregan Windham Frog Point Preston New London "'eato"que Hartford Goose River Prospect New Havtln West Ashford Windham Grand Forks ~Putnam Windham West Avon Hartford Grand River Quarryville Tolland Westbrook Middlesex Grant Rainbow Hartford West Cheshire New Haven Greenfield Redding Fairfield West Chester New London Greeuwood ltedding Ridge Fairfield West Oornwall Litchfield HarrisbUl'g RidgebUrl Fairfield West Darien }4'ai rfi~ld Hawleyjek Ridgefiel Fairfield Westford Windham Jamestown ltidgefield Station Fairfield West Goshen Litchfield r,ake Oity Riverside New Haven West Granby Hartford Lakeport Riversido Statiiln Fairfield West Hartford Hartford Leroy Riverton Litchfield West Hartland Hartford Liberty Bobertsvillo Litchfield West Haven New Haven Lincoln "" ey Order om... Coun/y. Post 03iee. T"odi Murindal Ma.rshton Maxwell Medarr. li'iedicme Oreek 111 ill town Mineral Springs Ohio Owego "'Pembina Platte Creek Ponka Agency Red Earth Repnblican Richland Richville Riverside Rockport Rose Point Saint Olf Saybrook S'cotland Silk Oreek Sioux Falls Sioux Valloy Sissiton Agency Spink ~plit Rock S potted Tail Springfield Swan Lake 'rabor Texas Turner Utica Valley Springs Vermillion Virginia Walhalla Walshtowll Washington West Bend Weston White SwaJl "'YanktOn Ziskov Union Buffalo Yankton Union Union Clay Bonhomme Post Ojfice. Yankton Lincoln Adamsville Turner Angola Todrl Ashland Turner Beaver Valley Bod Homme Black Water Buffulo Brenford liinneha.ha Bridgeville Lincoln Camden Un ion Canterbury Bonhomme Centerville Lincoln Chippewa Pembina Christiana. County_ Clay, Yankton Bon Homme Hutchinson Brookings Butfale Hutchi 11Son Bon Homme Turner Shyenn. PembiJla Charles Mix Todd Hutchi n80n Minnehaba. Ul!iom Pembina ClaT Hanson Pembina. Minnelll"ha ClaT Bon Homme Minneha.ha Minnehaha Unioll Pembina Union liinnehaho. Bon Homme Turner Bon Homme Uniom Turner Yankton Minnehaha ClaT UnioD. Pembina Yunkton Yankton. BrookingS Yankton Oharles Mix Yankton Yanktoll Delaware. Turne! "'Olaymont Hanson Clayton Brookings Concord Shyenne Cooch's Bridge Buffalo Cool Spring Og'llala Dagsborough Todd Deakyneville Buffa.lo " City Pembina Delmar Pembina Dock Oreek Pembina *Dover Pembina Draw Bridge Pembina Ellendale Bulfalo Farmington Un ion Faulkland Clay Felton Statioll Cbarles 111 ix Fieldsborough Lincoln Forest Bon Homme Frankford Pembina Frederica Mi nnehaha *Georgetown Yankton Glasgow Union Hreenwood Union Green Spring Clay Greellville Co'Un/lI. Ken~ Sussex New Castl. New Castle Sussex Kent Sussex Kenli!rens New Castl4lO New Castle New Castle New Castle Kent Sussex New Oastle Sussex Sussex New Castle New Castle Sussex Ken' Kent Su~sex Sussex Kenli New Oastle Kent; New Castle New Castle Sqssex Kent Susselt New Oastle Sussex New Oastle New Oasn

178 8' POST OFFICES-DELAWARE-DIST. COLUMBIA-FLORIDA-GEORGIA. Pod Office. Oounty. Florida. POle Office. Oounty. Georgia. Gumborough Sussex Mary Est~er Santa. Rosa Harbeson Sussex MalJPort Duval HarJ's Corners New Castle Post Office. County. Me lonville Orange P08t Office. 00uILI1I- Harrington Kent Micanopy Alachua Hazlettville Kent Abe Spring Calhoun Miccosukee Leon Abbeville W1IOQll HenryOiay Factory NewCastle Abrahamtown Sumter Middleburgh Clay Aoworth Cobb Hockessin New Castle Adamsville Sumter Mikes ville Columbia Adairsville Bartow Hollyville Sussex Alafia Hillsborough Millview Escambia Air Line Han Houston Station Kent Ancrum Hamilton Milton Santa Rosa "Albany Dau~ert1 Kenton Kent Apalachi cola. Franklin Molino Escambia Allandale ano Kirkwood New Castlo Apoka Orange "Monticello Jefferson Allapaha Berrien "Laurel Sussex Archer Alachua Morrison'S liills Alachua AHatoona Ba.rtoll Leb3inon Kent Bail&y's Mill Leon Mount Pleasant Gadsden Allen's Richmolld Leipsic Kent Baldwin Duval N e wnansville Alachua Allen's Mills Carroll "Lewis Sussex Barrsvillo Columbia New Smyrna Volusia Alpharetta MiltOll Lincoln Sussex Bafi Port Hernando New Troy La.fayette Alpine Chatooga. Little Creek Landing Kent Be leville Hamilton Oak Bluff Ora.nge Amandaville Hart Lowe's ~ Roads Sussex Benton Columbia Ockolockonee Wakulla "Americus Sumptel llcclellandsville New Castle Biscayne Dade Ochesee Calhoun Ammy's Creek Habersham McDono1rlgh New Castle Btack Creek Wakulla *Ocola }Iarion Andersonville Sumtel Magnolia Kent Blount's Ferry Columbia Okahumpka Sumter Antioch Troup Mermaid New Oastle Blountstown Calhoun Oldtown Lafayette Anvil Block Henry Hiddleford Sussex Rlue Springs Volusia. Olustee Baker Appling Columbia "'Middletown NewCastle Bluff Spring Escambia Orange Grove Volusia Arcadia Hall M il ford Kent Bristol Liberty Orange Hill Washington Arlington Early Hillsborough Sussex Bronson Levy Orange Mills St Johns Armuchee Floyd Hilton Sussex Brooksville Hernando Orange Springs Marion "Athens Ollll1'k Hoorton Kent Buffalo Bluff Put.nam Orlando Orange 'OAtlanta. Fulton Mount Moriah Kent Cabbage Bluff Vol usia Otter Creek Levy Auburn Gwinnet' Mount Pleasant N6w Castle Cal1ahans Nassau Pawtuxett Wakulla "Augusta. Richmond "Newark New Castle Campbellton Jackson Peace Creek Polk Auroria Lum~kin "New Castle New Castle Oamp Izard Marion *Pensacola Escambia IJaconton Mitc ell Newport New Castle Oed.. r Keys Levy Picol&ta St Johns Bniley's Mills Camden Oak Grove Sussex Cerro Gordo Holmes *Pilatka Putnam "Bainbridge Decatur Ocean View Sussex Chaire's Leon Pine Lovel Menatee Bairdstown Ogletho~ Odessa New Castle Chalk Spring Santa Rosa Pittsburgh Baldwin Banlrsville Ba Pearson's Corner Kent Charlotte Harbor Manatee Ponce De Leon Holmes Barber's Creek Jacksoa Pleasant Hill New Castle Chattahoochee Gadsden Port Orange Volusia Barnesville Pike Fort Penn New Castle Circle Hill Jackson Punta Rassa Monroe Rarretsville Dawson Redden Susscx City Point Brevard ~uincy Gl\dsden Bartow Jefferson Red Lion New Oastle ClearWaterHarbor Hillsboro' Rickoe's Bluff LIberty Bay Creek GwinneU Rehoboth Sussex Oocoanut Grove Darle Rose Head Taylor Bear Creek Henry Rockland New Castle Coe's Mills Liberty St. Andrew'sBay Washington Belair Richmond Roxana Sussex Concord Gadsden 'OSt. Augustine St. Johns Belleville Talbo~ Saint George's New Castle Cork Hillsborough Saint Lucie Brevard Berne Camden ";Seaford Sussex Cotton Plant Marion Saint Nicholas Duval Herzelia.Columbia Selbyville Sussex Crawfordville Wakulla St. Mark's Wakulla Bethany Jefferson Slaughter Kent Creswell Leon Sanderson Baker Big Creek Forsyth "Smyrna Kent Darbyville Baker Sandy Ford Madison Big Savanna Daws.on Stanton New Castle Da.ytona Volusia San I Point Volusia Black CreeK Scriven Summit Bridge New Castle Driggersville Orange Santa Fe Bradford B1 ac k Shear Pierce Taylor's Bridge New Casth, Dunn's Lake Volusia Shady Grove Tavlor Blairsville Unioll Townsend'sStation NewCastle Eau Gallie Brevard Silver Bowl Orange Blakely Early Vandyke New Castle Econfina Washington Silver Spring Marion Blue Ridge Fannin Vernon Kent Ellaville Columbia ~mith Creek Wakulla Blue Spring Gordon Willow Grove Rent Empire Sumter Sopchoppy Wakulla Bold Spring Franklin -Wilmington New Castle Enterprise Volusia Starke Bradford Boltonville Oobb Wood Dale New Castle Eucheana Walton Sumterville Sumter Bonesville McDuffie Woodside Kent Fayetteville l.~fayette Suwannee Suwannee Boscobel Jackson Wyoming Kent Federal Poini St; Johns Suwannee Shoals Columbia Bostick Jeffer.on "Fernandina. Nassau "Tallahassee Leou Boston Thomas Flemington Marion *Tampa Hillsborough Bowdon Oarroll Fort l)ade Hernando Tiger Nassau Bowensville Oarroll Fort George Duval Titusville Volus!a Bowersville Hart Fort Mason Orange Tocoi St. Johns Boxley A plidi Fort 'Mead Polk Trail Ridge Clay Box Spring albo' Fort Taylor Hernando Vernon Wilshington Branohville M-itchell Freeport, Walton Volusia Volnsill Brentwood Appling Dist. Columbia. *Gainesville Alachua Waldo Alachua Brinson ville.surko Georgetown < Putnam "Wa.rrington Escambia Brooks Station Fa~ett.e Green Cove Springs Clay Waukeenah Jefferson Brownsville Fau dinlli (~reenwood Jackson "Teelaunee Jefferson "Brunswick GllsDn Hart's Road Nassau Wekiva Orange Buchanan Hare. SOD Hatch's Bend Lafayette Welaka Putnam Buck Head MorgaD Hawkinsville Orange Wellborn Suwannee Buena. Vista. Marioll Hibernia Clay White Springs Hamilton Buford Gwinnet' Hogarth's Llmding St. Johns Williamsburgh J~fferdon Bullard's TwiggJ. Houston Suwannee Woodland Putn"m Butler Ta:ylor lola Calhoun YellGw Bluff Duval Buzzard's Roost. TWiggS *J acksonvillo Duval Yellow River Santa Rosa Dyronville Dooly lamonia. Leon BY1'on Houston Ja.sper Hamilton Cabaniss J\Ionro~ Jennings Hamilton Cains Gwinnett Johnsonville Baker Cairo Thomlli 'Key West Monroe Calhoun Gordon King's Ferry Nassau Ca.lvary Deoatur Knox Hill Walton Cameron Scriven. POltt Office. Oounty. Lake Butler Bradford Oa.m ill a Mitchell *LlIokeCity Columbia Campbellton Campbell.Anacosta Washington Lake Eustice Orange Camp Mills Gwinnett Brightwood Washington Lake Griffin Sumter Oane Creek Walker ~Georgetown Washington Lake Martland Oran~e Oanoochee Emanuel onnt Pleasant Washington Lakeview Vo}usla Canton Cherokee 'l'ennallytown WashingtoL Leesburgh Sumter Carnesville FrankI1n Washington City Washington [,ive Qak Suwa.nnee Oarrollton OaTroll Lotus Jackson "'Ca.rtersville Barton McKinnon Washington Cassandra. Walker M~dison 0 H Ma.dison Cass Station Bartow MlIognoUa Olay Cataula Harrie Mallatee Manatee "'Cave Spring Floyd Mandarin, Duval Ceda.r GrOove Walker Mariana. Jackson Cedar Whitfield -.lionel Orlier 01li~.

179 POST Ol!'FICES-GlWRG TA. '9 P03t O(fW,. Oounty. Post dffir.e. Oounty. POlt Office. Oounty. P OBt Office. OOUtity.. Ceda.r Spring Earl k Franklin Springs Franklin Lilly Pond Gordon Penfield Greene Cedartown Pol '[<'rederica Glynn T.incolnton Lincoln, Perry Houston ~nter Village Oharlton Freemansville Milton Lisbon Wilkes Pine Grove Appling }:l vbeatesprings Meri wethaf Frick's Gap Walke}' Lithonia DeKalb Pine Log BartoW' o pel Hill DougIns Fryer's Pond Bnrke Livingston Floyd Pineville 1\1o.rion Ohattoogaville Ohattooga Gl\ddistown Union Locnst Grove Henry Plains of Dura. Sumter Ohanncey Dodge Gainesville Hall Lodi Ooweta Plainville Gordon Oherokee Mills Oherokee Gayden Valley Macon I,ombardv McDnffie Pleasant Hill Talbo. Oherry Log Gilmer Geneva Talbot Lost Mountain Oobb Pleasant Retreat White Ohinkapin Grove Gwinnett Georgetown Quitman LOlldsville White Point Peter Oglethorpe Olarksville Habersham Gillsville Hall Louisville Jefferson Polksville Hall Olay Hill Lincoln \'Hrard Bnrke,.oyal Oarroll Pond S~ring Walker Clayton Ra.bun lhcnalta Marion Lovejoy's Sta.tion Clatton Poplar 'Srings Hall Cleveland White Gl~nmore Ware Ludville Pic ens Powder prings Oob"\l Olinton Jones Gordan, Wilkinson Lulaton Wayne Powel\ville Oowota Cloverdale Dade ~oshen Lincoln Lnmber City Telfair Powers Terrell Forsyth Graham A~pling Lumpkin Stewart Powersville Houston Cobbville Telfair Gr:mtville owetu Luther Warren Prat~burg Talbol Oochran Pulaski Gray's Mills Panld ing Lu thersville Meriwether Preston Webster Oolaparchee Monroe Graysville Oatoosa Me Been Depot Itfchmond Prior's Station Polk Coleman's Depot Randolph GreenHill St~wart!llcDonald Thoma~ Quitman Brook. Oolquitt Miller Greenbush Walker McDonough Henry Red Olay Whitfield Columbus Muscogee Green Cut Burke McIntosh Liberty Red Oak ]fayetl7e Ooncord Pike Greenfield Oolquitt McNutt Clarke Reedy Creek Hari Oonkers Rockdale Greensborough Green~ McRae's Store Telfair Reeves Station Gordon Coo sville Hetlrd Greenville.,Meriwether McVille Tel fair Reidsville. '.6. atnajl Coosa Floyd "Griffin ~paulding "Macon Bibb Resaca Mdon Copeland Dodge Gris wold ville.. Jones "Madison Morgan ReJ-nolds Taylor QottageMill I Oha.ttahoochee Grooverville Brooks Madison S:prings Madison Riceborough Liberty Cove City W'hitfield Gully' Branch Ool1'ee Magnolia Pulaski Richlo.nd Stewari Covington Newton Gnnn's Mills Warren Marcus Jackson "Ringgold Oaboosa. Orawford Oglethorpe Gnm Oreek Dooly 'Marietta Oobb Rio Coweta Crawfordsville Taliaferro Guyton Effingham Marshallsville Macon Rising Fawn Dade Oreswell Spalding Ha.ddock Station Jones Matlock' Tatnall Rock Creek Muscogee Oromer's Franklin Halcyondale Scriven Maxey Oglethorpe Rock Mart, Polk Cross Keys De Kalb Hall's :Mill Bartow My field Hancock Rock S~ring 'Walker Culloden Monroe Hamilton Harris Me ville Ohattoo~a Rocky ord Scriven Culverton Hannahatchie Stewart Middle River FranklIn Rocky Mount Meri wether Oumming Forsyth Harmony Grove Jack$(>n Midville Bnrke "Rome Floyd Ourrohoe Habersham Harrell Decatur Milford Baker Roswell " Oobb Cussetta Chattahoochee Hartwell Hart.. Milledgeville Baldwin Roxanna P'a_~lding -Outhbert Randolph Haslum.A ppling Millen Burke Ruckerville J lberi Dahlonega Lumpkin Hatcher's Station qpitman Millsburgh Fannin Russellville Monroll Dallas Paulding Hawkinsville. ulaski Mill Ray Bullock Rutledge Morgan -Dalton Whitfield Hazlehurst Appling Mill Town Berrien Saint Mary'S Oamden Damascus Early Head of Tennessee. '""'Rabun Milner Pike Salt St:ring Douglas Danbnrg Wilkes Heardmont Elbert Missionary Station Floyd "Sandersville Washington Danielsville Madison Hebron. Was)lington Mobley'Pond Scriven Sand Hill Elarroll Darien McIntosh Herndon ' "Burke Moccasin. Rabun Sandy Oross.Oglethorpe Dark Oorner Douglas Hiawa~~ee Towns Monroe W:>.lton Sandy Ridge Henri) Davisborough Washington Hickory,l<'lat Oherokee Monteith Ohatham San valda Mitche -Dawson Terrell Hickory Grove Crawford *Montezuma Macon "Savannah Chatham Da.wsonville Dawson High Point Walker Monticello Jasper Saw Dust Oolumbia Decatur De Kalb High Tower Forsyth 1I1oody's Mill Paulding Scarboro' Scriven Deerland Worth Hogansville Troup Morgan Oalhoun Screven Appling Dirt Town Chattooga Hog Mountain Hall Morganton O. H. Fannin Senoia Ooweta Dixon Daw~on Holcombe Burke Morganville Dade Seward Mont~mery Doctor Town W~ne Hollingsworth Banks Morris Station Quitman Shady Dale asper Doraville De alb Hollowville Pike Morrow's Station Clayton Sharpsburgh Cowe~ Double Wells Warnn Holmesville Appling Morven- Brooks Sharon Taliaferro Douglass Colfee Homer Banks Moultrie Colqnitt S heltonville Forsyth Dove's Oreek Elbert Homerville OlinGh l\fountain Hill Harris Siloam Greene Dl;lblin Laurens House Creek 'Wilcox Mountain Scene Towns Smarr's Station, J49nroe Dubois Dodge Houston Heard Mount Eolia 'Towns Smith.. Dada Duck Oreek Walker Howard Ta?;lor Mount Pleasant Wayne Smithville Lee Duluth. Gwinnett Huckleberr{ Ec ols Mount Vernon Montgomery Smyrna Cobb Eagle Cliff Walker Hughesburg Habersham Mountville Troup Snapping Shoals Newton Eagle Grove Hart Huntsville Paulding Mulberry Jackson Snow Hill Oatoosa Elutmon Pulaski Indian Springs Ilu tts Mulberry Grove Harris *Social Circle Walton East Point Fulton Jrbysville Fulton Nacoochee White South Newport -McIntosh Eatonton Putnam Irwin's ~ Roads 'W ashin~ton Nail's Oreek Banks Sparta Hancock Eden Effine:ham Jrwinsville Irwin l"annie Floyd Springfield Effingham ~Pt Effingham Irwinton Wilkinson Naomi WalKer Spring Plaoe Mnrray erton Elbert ISlj.bella Worth Nashville Berrien Stark BuU. Ellaville Schley Ivy Log Uni<Jn Naylor Lowndcs Starkville Lea Ellerslie Harris Jackson Butts New Bridge Lumpkin Starrsville Newton Ellijay Gilmer Jacksonville Telfair New Market Monroe State Line Heard EnonGrove Heard,ramaica Flynn Newnan Ooweta Statenville Echola Enterprise Lee Jamestown Oha.ttahoochee Newton Baker Sta.tesborough Bullock Erastus Bo,nks Jasper Pickens Newton Factory Newton Stegall's Depot Bartow Erin Meriwether Jett'erson Jackson Nochway Randolph Stella ville Jefferson Ethel Hall Jeffersonville Twiggs Norcross Gwinnett Stephens Oglethorpe Euharlei{ Bartow J'essup Wayne Oak Bower Hart Stephen's Pottery 'BaldWin Eureka ills Elbert Johnson's Station McIntosh Oak Hill Newton Stephensville Wilkinson Fairburn Campbell Jonesborough Clayton Oohlochnee Thomas Stiles borough Bartow Fairmount Gordon Jones' Mills Meriwether Ocopilco Brooks Stockbridge. Henrt Fairview Franklin Jug Tavern Walton Oconee Washington Stockton Cline Fannile Coffec Kedron Ooweta Ogeechee,Scriven Stone Mountain De Kalb Fayettville Fayette Kenesaw Cobb Oglethorpe Macon Sugar Hill Hall Field's Cross Roads Milton Kingston Bartow Oliver Scriven Sugar Valley Gordon Flat ~hoals Meriwether Knoxville Orawford Ophir Cherokee Snmmerville Ohattooga Fleming Liberty Laflfrette W"lker Orange CherOkee 8nmterville Lee Vlcrence Stewart La range Troup Onsly Lowndes Sun Hill Washington Flowery Branch Hall Lanren's Hill ' Laurens Owen's Ferry Oamden Sunnyside Spalding Ford's Store Hart Lawrenceville Gwinnett Oxford Oampbell Snrrency.Appling Forest Station Clayton Lawton Clinch Palmetto Oampbell Suwanee Gwinnetll Fors:!'th Monroe Lawtonville Burke P:>.namorc Hill Scriven Swainsboro' Emannel Fort Buffington Cherokee Leathersville J"incoln Parker's Store Hart Sweet Water Gwinnet.t Fort Gaines Clay Leo White Patterson Pierce Sylvania ScriveJl It'ort Lamar Madison Lester's District Burke Peaks Henry Talbottom Talbol Fort Valley Honston "Lexington Oglethorpe Pearson Coll'ee Talking Rook Pickena,Fl'lIoDklin Heard Liberty Hill Pike Pendarvis Wa.yn Talla.poosa. Ha.ra.lsOll.. liolley Order Ofiioe

180 10 POST OFFICES-GEO}tGIA-IDAHO-ILLINOIS. Post OjJice. Countl/. P08t ODic.. COUnty. Post Office. County. Pod Olftu. County. '1' ll.11ocus Brooks Olifton Onedia Argo Oarroll Bloom Oook 'l' allula.h Habersha.-m Da.le Oncdia Arg{le Winnebago Bloominll:dale Du Page T aylor's Oreek Liberty Rock Onedia. *Ar ington Burea.u "BloomIngton MClJean '{' aylorsyille Bartow Elk City Nez Perces Armington Ta.zewell Blue Gl'ass Vermillion T ebea.nville Ware Emmettsville Ada. Arrowsmith McLean Blue Isla.nd Cook T eloga. Springs Oha.ttooga ~'a.irview Owyhee Arthur Moultrie Hlue Mound Macon T empera.nce I!'alk's Store Adn Asbury La. Sn.lle Blulf City Schuyler T ennille Wa.shington Florlmce City Idaho Ash Grove Iroquois Bluff Dale Greene T he Rock Upson Fort Lemhi Lemhi Ashkum Iroquois Bluffs Scot, T homa.ston Upson Georgetown O',eida. Ashla.nd cass Blulf Springs Cas. T homa.sville ThomaH Horse Shoe Bend Boise 'Ashley Washington Bondville Cha.mpaign T homson McDuffie "Idaho City Ida.ho Ashmore Coles Bone Gap Edward; T if ton Berrien John Day's Creek Idaho Ash Ridge Ma.ssa.c Bono Douglas T ilton Whitfield La.pwa.i Nez Perces Ashton Lee Bonus Boone T oombsborough Wilkinson Leesburg Lemhi " Assum ptiod Ohrlstian Boody Macon T own Creek Gilmer "Lewiston Nez Perces Astoria Fulton Boone Jasper T owns Telfair Loon Oreek Lemhi Athens Mena.rd Boot Richland T ra.der's Hill Charlton Cower Boise Ada A thensville Greene Bourbon Dougl8ol Trenton Dade lifalade City Oneida Atkinson Henry Bourbonnais Grove Kankakee Trion Factory Ohattooga Market Lnke Oneida Atla.nta Loga.n "Bowensburgh Hancook Tunnel Hill Whitfield M a.l tinsville Ada Atlas Pike Bowlesville ~allatin Turkey Creek Dooley 111 iddleton Ada A tterberry Station Mcna.rd Bowling Green :I!'ayette Turin Coweta. liiount Idll,ho Nez Perce Attilla Willia.mson Boynton Tazewell Twigl!;sville Twiggs N ew-som Creek Nez Perces -'Auburn Sangamon Hrace,-ille Grundy 'tl~ Tye Worth Oxford Oneida Augusta Hancock Bradford Stark nlon Stewa.rt Payette Store Ada *Aurora. Bra.dley Ja.ckson Union Point Greene P'I'"etteville Ada Austin Cook "Braidwood Will Unionville Monroc Pierce City Shoshone Ava Ja.ckson Breese Greene Upa.tole Mu&cogee Pine Grove Althurns Avery Jo Da.viess Bremen Randolph Va.ldosta Lowndes Pioneersville Boise.Aviston Clinton Brewerville Randolph Va.nza.ndt's Store Fa.nnin Placerville B'Jise Avon Fulton Briar Bluff Henry Va.rnell' s S ta.tion Whitfield Rocky Bar Altura.. B,tden Baden Bond "Bridgeport LawrencII Vernon Troup Ross ~'ork Oneida Bader's Sohuyler "Brighton Ma.CoupIn Vickery'S Creek Forsyth Silimon City Lemhi Baileyville Ogle "Brimfield Peori Vienna Doolv Salubria. Ada. Bainbridge Williamson Bristol Kendal a 1 Walker "S it ver City Owyhee Baldwinville Edgar Bristol Sta.tion Kendal 1 Villa Rica. Carroll Slute Creek I,hlho Bankston Saline Broadwell Loga n Vine's Mills Worth South Mountain Owyhee Bnrdolph McDonough Brooklyn SChu&le r Vinine; Sta.tion Cobb Soda. Springs Oneida. Barclal. Sa.nga.mon Brookville gl Wa.hoo Lumpkin Squa.w Creek Boise Barnhill Wa.yne Brownin~ Schuyle r Walnut Grove Walton Stenm Spring Oneida. Barreville McHenry Brown'S tat ion Whi til Walthourville Liberty Wa.shington Idaho Bn.rrington Station Cook Brownstown Walton's Ford Habersham Weiser Ra.nch A'ia Barrow Gr~ene Brownsville FiI: e err ett Wa.resborough Ware White Bird Idaho Barr's Store Macoupin Bruceville La Sal ~ Wa.rm Springs Meriwether Barry Pike Brunswick Peori B. Warnerville Meriwether Bnsco Hnncock Brushy Fork Dougl 118 Wa.rrenton Warren "Batavia. Kun~ Bryant Fulto n Wa.rthen's Store WaShington Ba.tes San~mon BuckHorn 'Brow D Watwick Worth Bath ' ason Ruokinn Madiso D Wa.rWomen Ra.bun Bay City Pope Buckley Iroquoi "Wa!thington Wilkes Beacon Ogle Buda. Burea n Wntkinsville Clark, "Beardstown Cas~ Buenna Vista Stephenso D Waverly Ha.ll Harris Beau coup Washington Buffa.lo Sangamo n Wnyna.nville Upson Beaver Creek Bond Buffalo Pra.irie Rock Islan d Wa.ynesboro' Burke Benverville Iroquois Buford Mapoupl n Wa.ynesville Wayne Beck's Creek Shelby Buncombe Johnso n Way's Station Brya.n Illinois. Bedfol'd Pike "Bunker Hill Macoupi n Webster Place Elbert Bee Creek Pike Bureau Junction Burea n "West Point Troup Beeoher Will Burkeville Monr at White Oak Columbia Post Office. (Jaunty. Beecher Oity Effingh"m Burlington Kan e White Plains Greene Bell Air Ora.wford Burns Henr White Sulphur Springs "Abingdon Knox Belle Flower McLea.n Burnside Hancoc k Meriwether Adams Belle Prnirie Ha.milton Burnt Prairie Whi t9 Whitesburgh Adair McDonough Oa.rroll Belle River Jefferson Burritt Winneba go Whitesville Addieville Ha.rris Washington "Belleville St. Burton Ada m. Whittle Addison Washington Du Page Bell Plnin Marshall <Bushnell McDonoug h Winfield Adeline Columbia Ogle Bell view Calhoun Butler Winterville Oglethorpe Adrian Montaomer Hancock 1 "Belvidere Boone Buxton linto n Wisdom'S Store Akin Ha.rris Fra.nklin *Bement Pil\tt Bvron Og 1. Wolfskin Akron Oglethorpe Peoria Bennington Edwurds Cabery Knnkak ~ Woodbury Albany Meriwether Whitesides Bently Station Hancock Cahokia. St. OIa ir "Albion ~oodstook Cherokee Edwa.rds "Benton Frnnl[lin "Cairo Alexaud or oodville Alden Greene McHenry Berdan Greene Caledonia. Pula.s ki Wootten "Aledo Lee Mercer Berlin Sanjamon Ca.ledonia Sta.tion Boo ne Worthville Alexa.nder Butts Morgan Bcrna.dotte uhon Ca.lhoun Richla nd 'Wrightsville C. H. AleAis Johnson Warren Berry Sanga.mon Yellow River Algonquin C'llumet 000 k Gwinnett MCHenry Berryton Cass ( Dougl 118 Young Union Alhambra Ma.dison Berwick Warren *Cambridge Hen r., Allenda.le Zebulon Pike Bethalto Madison Ca.mden Schuyl er Ailen's Springs Pope Bethel Morgan Camden Mills Rock Isla nd Allenvillll Logan Bever~ Ca.meron Warr en Alma Marion Bible rove Sta.tion Cluy Alpha C'lmpbell Col ea Henry R i ~ Foot Prairie McHenry Camp Grove Sta rir. AIs.ey Scott Big\iville Henderson."Camp Point Ada l1li Altamont Effingha.m Uig uddy Fra.nklin Campton Ka ne "AHon Ma.dison Big Neok "Canton Fult on Alton Junction Madison Big Rock Kane Capron Boo n. "Altona. Knox Big Spring Shelby Carbon Cliff Rock Isla nd Alvin Vermillion Bird's Bridge Wi! I "Carbondale Jacks on I "Amboy Lee Birkner St. Cla.i Ancona r Carel Station MeHe nry Livingston Birmingha.m Sohuyle r "Car in ville Macou pia Anda.lusia Rock Isla.nd Bishop Hill Heur y "Carlyle Clin ton Andover Hanry Idaho. Bishop's Station n Carman Hender son *Anna Union Bismarck Vermillion Carmi Wh ite Annapolis Onwford Bla.ckberry ){nn e Ca.rpentersville K 1100 Post ODice. County. "Annawan Henry 'Blackberry Sta.tiOll Kan e "Ca.rroll ton Gree ne Antioch Lake Blackstone Livingsto ttla.nta City Alturas Appanoose n *Oarthnga oc" Hancock Black Walnut Ogl ioomington a Oarterv ilie William SOli Onedia. Apple River Jo Dayiess Blair Ra.ndolp h (Jasey 01 afk.boise City Ada Aroa.dia liiorga.n Blairsville Willia.mso n Caseyville St.O!air 8interville Boise "'Arcola. Dou!(la,q *Bla.ndinsville MoDonoug h Cass Du P C rwa.ter Nez Poroes Arennillt Cass Bliven's Mill MoHellr y Oastleton S ~ 'lionel:0rder Olfto...

181 POST OFFICES-ILLINOIS. 11 Post Office. County. Poat Office. County. P08t Office. County. Post Office. County_ OAtlin Vermillion "Creston Ogle *Earlville La Salle Fithian Vermillion Franklin Crescent City Iro~uois East Burlington Kane Fitts Hill Franklin Oave in Rock Hardin Creswell St. luir r~astern Franklin Fitz Henry Ogle Oll.yuga Livin ston Crete Will Eust Lynn IrO}!OiS Flag Stll.tion Ogle Oll.ze.novill. Woo ford Crittenden Franklin East Bend ord Flat Rock Crawford Oedarville Stephenson Cross Roads Johnson East Fork Montgomc'ry Flint Pike Oentral City Marion Orossville White East Northfield Oook *Flora. (JIal Centralia. Marion Oruger Woodford East Paw Paw DeKalb Floraville St. Clair Oenter SOh~ler Crystal Lake McHenry *East Saint Louis St. Clair Florence Pike Oenter Point no>. Cuba Fulton East Wheatland Will Florence Station Stephenson O~ntertown Grundy Curran Sangamon Eaton Crawford Florid Putnam Centerville Piatt Cushman Moultrie Eberle Effingham Fondnlao Tazewell Oenterville Station St. Clair Outl~r Station Perry Eddyville Pope Forest City :Mason Cerro Gordo ' Piatt Cyprcss Creek Johnson Eden Iroquois Forest Station Livingston Oesna W~ne Cypre'ss Hill Williamson Edgar Edgar 'Foreston Ogle Ohambersburg ike Dahlgreen Hamilton Edgewood Effingham Forman Johnson Champaign Ohampaign Dakota SteJlhenson Ed~ington Rock Island Forsythe Macon Ohana Ogle *Dallas City an cock Edinburgh Christian Fort Hill ',Lake Ohandlerville Ca.~o Dalson Clark Edwards' Station Peoria Fosterbur~ Madison CJhannahon Will Dalton CitfJ Moultrie "'Edwardsville Madison Fountain luff Jackson Ohapin!lorgan Oamiansvi Ie Clinton "'Effingham Effingbam I"ountain Oreek Stephenson "Oharleston Coles Damascus S te1)henson Ela Lake Fountaindale Winnebago Chatham Sangamon Danby u Page Elba Gallatin Fountain Green Hancock "Chatsworth LiVingston Danforth Station Iroluois Elbridge Edgar Four-Mile Prairie Perry Ohattan Adams Danvers Mc ean I'll Dara. Pike Fowler's Station Adams Chebanse Iroquois "'I)anvllle Vermillion El Dena Lee Fox Lake Lake Ohemung McHenry Danway La Salle E! Dorado Saline FoxviUe Marion "Chenoa McLean Darien Clark Eldredgeville Ford Frankfort Franklin Oherry Grove Carroll Darmstadt St. Clair b:leroy, Stephenson Frankfort Sta.tion Will Oherry Point City Edgar Darwin Clark "'Elgin Kane Franklin Morgan Oherry Valley Winnebago *Da,vis Stephenson Elida Winnebago Franklin Crossing "Ohester Randolph DJ.wson Sangamon Eliza 1\[crcer Rock Island Ohesterfield Macoupin Days ville Ogle Elizabeth JoDaviess *Franklin Grove Lea "Chicago Oook D.lyton La Salle Elizabethtown Hardin Franzonia Richland Chili Hancock Dean's Oorners Lake Elk Grove Cook Freder'icksviUe Schuyler "Ohillicothe Peoria ~Decatur Macon "'Elkhart Oity - L6&an Fredonia Williamson Ohinkapin Hill Sangamon DeerOreek Tazewell Elkhorn Washington Freeburg St. Clair Chola Adams Doer Grove Whitesides Elkhorn Grove Carroll Freedom La Salle Chrisman Ed~ar Deerfield Lake Elk Prairie Jefferson Freedom Centre La Salle Oircle Vel'million Deerfield Prairie DeKalb Elkville Jackson Freeland. DeKalb Circleville Tazewe.ll Deer Park La Salle Elliott Ford Freemanton Effingham Civer Fulton Deer Plain Calhoun Elliottstown Effingham "'Freeport Stephenson Claremont Richard ~DeKalb Center DeKalb Ellis Grove Randolph Fremont Oenter Lake Clarltsdale Christian Ddafield Hamilton Ellison Warren It'rench Grove Peoria Olark Oenter OlaIk "Delavan Tazewell Ellisville Fulton French Village St. Clair Olay Oity Clay D~lhi Jersey Ellsworth~ McLean Friend Grove Wabash Clay's Prairie Edgar Del Rey Iroquois Nlmhurst Du Page Friendsv ille "Clayton Adams Delta McLean Elm Grove Adams Fullersburg Du Pa.g~ Olear o reek Landing Alexander Denmark Perry Elmore Pcoria Fuller's POint... poles Olement Clinton Dennison Clark Elmira Stark Fullerton DeWitil Olermont Richland Denny Warren Elm Point Bond "Fulton Whitesides Oleveland Henry,oepue Bureau "Elm Wood Peoria Gage's Lake Lake Olifton ' Ir0'\V0is )enver Hancock "'El Paso Woodford "Galena Jo Daviess Clinton De itt uerinda. Jo Daviess Elsah Jersey "'Galesburg KnOll: Clintonville Kane Dorinda Center Jo Daviess Elvaston Hancock Gallatin Saline Coal Valley Rook Island Deselm Kankakee I'll vira Johnson Galloway La Sallll Coalville Livingston Detroit Pike Elwin IlbcJn Galt Whitesides Coatsburg Adams De Soto Jackson Elwood Will Galum Perry Oobb Randolph Des Plaines Cook Emden Logan "Galva Henry Colchester McDonough De Witt De Witt Emmett Lake GaD Grove Lee Cold Sprin~ Shelby Diamond Grundy Endor Will Garden Plain Whitesides Cole's StatIOn Moultrie Diamond Cross Randolpl Enfield White *Garden Prairie Boone Ooleta Whitesides Diamond Lake Lake I~nglewood Cook "Gardner Grund Colfax Warren Dillon Tazewell English Prairie McHenry Gard's Poiut Wabas h Oollins Livin~ston Diona Ooles Enterprise Wayne Garfield LaSalle "Collinsville 1Ifa. isou Disco Hancock l.!101a. Du Page Garner Oasa Colmar McDonough Dix J elferson Equality Gallatin Gartsides St. Clair Colona Station Henry "Dixon Lee Erie Whitesides *Geneva Kane "Oolumbia Monroe Dolten's Station Cook Erwin SOh(Ller *Genesee Henrr ColumbuB Adams Doddsville Schuyler Emil. )Ies Genoa De Kal~ Oolusa Hancock Dongola Union Elbanks Adams Georgetown Verm illion Como Whitesides Donnellson Montgomery Eureka Woodford Germantown Olinton Compromise Champai~n Donovan IroqUOIs Eugene Knox Gessie Verm ill ion Ooncord Morgan Dorchester Macoupin "Evanston Cook Gibson City, Ford Conlogue Edgar Dorset DeKalb Evansville Randolph Gil bert's Kane Oookseyville SaliM Dorsey Station Madison Ewing Franklin Gil birds port Bl'own Oook's Mills Ooles Douglas Knox Nxcelsior Mills Jo.Dav iess Gilead Calhoun 0001 Hank Pike Dover Bureau Exeter Scott *Gilespie Macoupin Ooon Creek Jersey IJowdall ville Peoria Factoryville Oook "Gilman Irolu~ Cooperstown Brown Downer's Grove Du Page *Fairbury" Livingston Gilmer Copper Creek ~ock Island Drury Rock Island "Fairfield Wayne Gilmore Effin~ham Coral McHenry Dry Hill Jackson Fairhaven Carroll Gilson Knox "Oordova Rock Island Dubois Washington *Fairmont Vermillion Girard Macoupin Corinth W illiamso n Duck Creek Warren "Fairview Fulton Glasford Peoria Cornell LiVingston Dndley Edgar Fall Creek Adams Glil.sgow Soott Oornland Logan DudleyviUe 'Bond Fair Weather Adams Glendale Po,pIt Oornton Di!Kalb Duncan Stark Fandon MoDonough Glencoe Cook Oornville La Salle Duncan's Mills Fulton Farina Fayette *Godfrel Madison Oorrieville Wabash Dundas Richland "Farmer City De Witt "Golcon a PoP.1! Oottage Home Williamson Dundee Kane "Farmington Fnlton Goodenow Wlll Ootton Hill Sangamon Dunlap Peoria Farm Ridge La Salle Good Hope MoDonou~h Oottonwood Gallatin Dunleith Jo Daviess }t'ayette Greene Gooding's Grove Wlll Qotton wood Grove Bond Dunn Moultrie Fa.yetteville St.Olair Goose Island Alexander Oouitersville Randolph flnnton Cook F~nton Whitesides Goreville Johnsoll Oouncil Hill Jo Daviess Dupage Will Fenton Oenter Whitesides Gossett White Council Hill Station "Duquoin Perry Ferdinand Mercer Gower Du Page Oour~land Station De~alb *Durand Station Winnebago Ferris Hanco~k Grafton. Jersey Oourtright Mills 1r01"OiS Dllrham Hancook Fiatt Fulton Gramont Livingstoll <lovell Mc ean Datch Hill St. Clair Fidelity Jersey Grand Ohain Pulaski Oowden Shelby "Dwight Livingston Fieldon Jersey Grand Orossing Coole &ab Orchard Williamson Eagle Lake Will Fillmore Montgumery Grand Detour Ogl_. II. wfordsville Ora.wford Eagle Poid Ogle, Fish Hook Pike Grando GladQ Oraw1ill4 ~ -lionet Qrd~r)OfficOi.

182 12 POST OFFICES-ILLINOIS. P08t Offi,c.e. County. P08t Office. County. POll! OjJice. Coulatlf POllt OJ]f,c,. Countll., Grand View Edga.r Hoodville Hamilton Lake View Oook McDowell LiviIt:toa Grand Tower Jackson Hooperston Vermillion Lakewood Shelby McHenry Me enr{ Grant Vermillion Hope Vermillion Lake Zurich Lake McKeen Clar Grant Fork Madison Hopedale Ta.zewell Lamo\lle Bureau McLean McLean Grantsburgh Johnson Hopper's Mills Henderson *Lanark Oarroll "McLeansboro' Hamilton Granville Putllu.m Horace Edgar I.ancaster Cass Me f:>herson Coles "Grayville White Hord O1ay Langdon Peoria Macedonia Ha.miltoo GrfLY Willow Kane H~rnsby Macoupin Lansing Cook "Mackinaw Tazewell Greenbush Warren Houghton Jo Daviess La Prairie Adams "Macomb McDonougl;l Greenfield Greene Houstonville Ohampaign Larkinsburg O1al! "Macon Macon Green Garden Will Howardsville Jo Oaviess La Rose Marsh... I Macoupin Station Macoupin Greenland Fu,ette Howlet Sangamon "La. Sa.lle La. Salle Mackville Piat~ Green River enry Hovleton Washington Latham Logan Madison Richland Greenup Oumberbtnd Hu"dson McLean Laur Jefferson Madonna Ville Monroo Green vale Jo Daviess Huffmansville Ed~ar La.wndale Logan Magnolia Putnam Green Valley Ta.zewell Hugo Doug as Lawn Ridge Marshall "Mahomet Ohampaign Greenview Menard Hull Pike Lawrence McHenry Mainville. Oook Greenville Bond Hullen's Alexander "Lawrenceville Lawrenoe Majority Point Oumberland Greenwood McHenrv Hunter Boone "Lebanon St. Clair "Makanda Jackson "Greggville Pike "Huntle GroTe McHenry Lee Lee l\falden Bureau Gridley McLean Huntsvi ll Ie Schuyler Lee. Center Lee "Malta De KaJb Griswold Hamilton Hurricane Montgomery L'Erable Ir luois Malugin GroTe Lee Grouse Kane Hutson ville Crawford "Leland La aile Manchester Scot, Grove City Ohristian Hutton Coles Lementoll St.Olair "Manito Mason Groveland Tazewell HIlde fark Oook *Lemont Cook Manlius Burellu GUilford J~ Daviess II iop<ili~.station Saniamon "Lena Stephenson Mansfield Piatt Gurney City Douglas Illinois City' Rock sland Lenox Kane "Manteno Kankakee Hadley Will IJ/,dianola Vermillion Lenox S tatioll Warren Maple Grove Edward. Hadley's Station Lawrelice Industry McDonough Lenzburg St. Clair Maple'S Mill Fulton HagarstoWll Fayette. ngraham Prairie Clay Leon Whitesides Mapleton Peoria. Hagloey Oass Ion ;a Warres. Leroy McLean Maplewood Oook Hainesville L4I.lfil Ip~va. Fulton Lester Marion Maquon Knox Haldane Ogle Iroquols 'Iroquois "Lewistown Fulton Marbletown Fulton Hale Ogle Trvjng Montgomer, Lexington McLean Marceline Adami Hale's Mills Peoria Irving-J?.a.rk 000 L.eyden Oook "Marengo McHenry HaHDay L,l1J,re Irvington Washin~ton Leyden Center Cook Marietta. Fulton Hallock PCQ~ia [gaoel E p:ar Liberty Adams "Marine Madison Ha\lstown Sa.line Iuka Marion Liberty Prairie Madison "Marion Williamson Hallsville D'eWitt Ive)!dale OhamplLign Libertyville I,ake Marissa. St. Cllliii Hamburg Calhoun "Jacksonville Morgan Li~k Oreek Union "Maroa liiacon Hamel Madison Jamestown Clinton Lilly Tazewell Marrowbone Moultrie * HamiltOIl Hancock Jefferson Cook Lima Adams "Marseilles LaSlIlle Hamlet Mercer Jefferson Corners Whitesides Limerick Bureau "Marshall Clark Hamlin McLean J etrersonville Wayne "Lincoln C H Logan Marskall's Ferry Whit, Hamshire Kane Jericho Kane [, i ncoln Green Johnson Martinsburg Pib Hampton Rock. Island "Jerseyville Jersey Lindenwood Ogle Martin's Store Hamilton Hanover Jo Daviess Jewett Cumberland Linder Jas.r,er Martinsville O1ark Hardin Calhoun job's Madison Lisbon 'Ken all "Mascoutah St.Olair Hardinsville Crawford Joetta Hancock Lisle Station Du Page *)f.ason EffinJ!;ham Harker's Corners Peoria Johans1;rurgh Washington "Litchfield Montgomery Mason City Mason Harlem Winnebago Jolip.son's Creek Carroll Liter Morgan Mattison Oook Harmon Lee Johnsburgh McHenry Little Indian Oass "Mattoon Cnle. Harmony McHenry Johp.sontown Cumberland Little Rock Kendall Mayestown. Monroe "Harrisburg Saline. Johnsonville Ww: ne Littleton Schuyler M aynardsville Oalhoun Harris Grove Jefferson "Joliet ill Little York Warren Mayview Ohampaigtl Harrison Winnebago Jonesboro' Union Lively Grove Washington I1bywood Cook' Harrison ville MO'nroe Jordan Vermillion Liverpool Fulton Mazon Grundy Harristown Macon Jordan's Grove Randolph Livingston O1ark Meadows McLean Hartsburgh Logan Joslyn Rock Island Livonia La Salle Mechanicsburg Sangamon *Harvard McHenry.Junction Pulaski Loami Sangamon Medora Macollpin Harvel Montgomery Kampvilla Oalhoun ~Lockport Will Melrose Clark Hasting'S Landing Calhoun Kane Green~ Locust Grove Williamson Melvin Ford *Havana Ma.son Kaneville Kane Lodi Station Kane 1\lendon Adam. Havelock Cook "Kankakee Depot Kankakee Logan Edgar "Mendota La SaJle HazelDeU Cumberland "Kansas Edgar Logansburgh Wabash Meredosia Morgan liawthorn White Kappa Woodford Logansport Hamilton Meriden LaSalle HO:zlett Rock Island Kaskaskia Ran;lolph Logansville Jefferson Merrimac Point Monroe Hazlewood Alexa.nder Keenville Wayne Lomax Henderson Merritt Scot, Heaton Lee "Keithsburg Mercer Lombard Du Page "Metamora. Woodford Hebron McHenry Kemper Jersoy Lom bard ville Stark "Metropolis City Massac Hecker Monroe Kendall KendaH London City Fayette Middle Creek Hancock Henderson Knox Kenney DeWitt Lone Tree Bureau Middle Grove Fulton "Hennepin Putnam Kensington Oook Long Vermillion Middleport Iroquoi. "Henry Marshall Kent Stephenson T,ong Branoh Mason Middlesworth Shelby Hermon Knox Kentuck~ Vermillion Long Grove Lake!If iddletown Logan Herrin's Pra.irie Williamson Keokuk unctioil Adams Long Lake Madison Midway Fulton Hersman's Brown *Kewaunee Henry Long Point Livingston ~fier Wabash Hey\forth McLean Keysport Clinton Long Prairie Wayne Milan Rock Island' Hickory Lake Kickapoo Peoria. Loraine Adams Miles' Sta.tion MacouliD Hickory Creek Fayette Kilbourn Mason Loran Stephenson Millbrook Keu 'all Hickorv Hill Marion Killbuck Ogle "Lostant La Salle Millersburg Mercer Hickory Ridge Hancock Kinderhook Pike Louden City Fayette Millersville Ohristian Hicks' Mills De Kalb Kingsbury Whitesides "Louisville Clay Millford IroquoiJ Hidalgo Jasper Kingston De Kalb Lovejoy Bureau Millbl'rn Lake Hi~giusville Vermillion Kingston Mines Peoria Lovington Moultrie. Milledgeville Carron "Highland Madison "Kinmundy Marion Lovilla Hamilton Millington KcndaJI *Hiu;hland Park Lake Kishwaukee Winnebago f,owder Sangamon Mill Shoals White fllghlaudtown Grundy Knight's Prairie Hamilton Low Point Woodford Mills' Prairie Edward. High Point Mercer "Knoxville Knhx Loxa Coles Millstadt St. Clair Highwood Lake Kyte River Ogle Luda. Ogle Milmine Pillott -Hillsboro' Montgomery Lacey De Kalb Ludlow Champaign Milo Bureau Hillsdale Rock Island La O1air De Kalb Lula Montgomery Milroy Knox Hilton Tazewell "Lacon Marshall Lusk Pope Milton Pike Hinckley DeKalb Lit ChIde Fayette Lynohburg Jefferson Milton Statioll Oolel Hinsdale Du Page La Crosse Hancook I Lyndon Whitesides Miner La Salle Holder ],JcLoan Laena Winne\'ago Lynn Oentre Renry Mineral Bureau HoUq,nd Shelby Lafl~yetts Stark Lynnville Morgan Minier Tazewell Hollida.y Fayette Lafox Kane I,yons Cook 'Minonk Woodford Hollowayville Bureau *La Harpe Hancook Lvonsville Oook Minooka. Grundy Bome Wayne La Hogue Iro'quois McCall Hancock MitohelsvUle SaUne -Homer Ohampaign Lake Oreek WilliamSOn McConnoll!! Grove Mitchie Monroe' B~ewOQd Cook Lq,lte Forre9~ Lake StephensoIl Mocoasin EffiDgh~ 41 )fouf-1 O,'tJ omasli.

183 POST OFFICES-ILLINOIS. 13 POllt Office. Oountll. Pod Office. Collntl/. Pod Office. OouJaty. POWIO/IiOd. County. Mode Sholby Nixon DeWitt Pawnee Sangamon "Richview Washington Modena Stark "Noble Riohland P!l.W Paw Gron Lee Ridge Farm Vermillion Mokena Will "Nokomia Montt;'mery *Paxton Ford Ridgefield McHenry Moline Rock Island Nora Jo aviess Payson Adams Ridge Prairie St. OJ~ir "Momence Kankakee "Normal McLean Pearl Pike Ridgeville Iroquoi. "Monee Will Norris Fulton " Peoatonioa Winneba~o Ridgway Gallatin Monica Peoria Norris Oity White "Pekin T!l.zewe I Ridott Stephenson "Monmouth Warren North Aurora Kane Pellonia Massae Riggaton Scott Monroe Center. Ogle North Branch Oook Pellsville Vermillion Riley l.'rlchenry Monroe City Monroe North Evanston Oonk Pennington Point McDonough Rinard Wayn. Monterey Calhoun North Hampton Peoria "Peoria Peoria Ringwood McHen17 Montezuma Pike North Kingston De I\.! Peotone Will Rinosa Kankakee Montgomery Kane North Plato Kane Perry Pike Rio Knox "Monticello Piatt Northville LaSalle Perry Springe Pike Ripley Brown Montrose Effingham Norton Kankakee 'Peru La Salle Risdon St. OJair Moonshine Clark Norway La Salle Pesotum Champaign Riverside Cook Moore's Prairie Jefferson Norwood Mercer Petersburg Menard Road Houee St&tion Greene Moro Mac\ison Norwood Park Cook Peytons Adams Roanoke Woodford Morrel Johnson Nunda Station McHenry Phillipstown. White Roberts Ford }{orris Grundy Oak Pope Philo Ohampaign Robin's Ne&~ Peoria "Morrison Whitesides Oak Dale Washington Phamix Douglas Robinson Crawford Morrisonville Christian Oakford Menard Piasa Macoupin "Rochelle Ogle Morristown Henrv Oak Grove MoLean Pickwick Jas-W er Rochester Saw amoll Morton Tazewetl Oak Hill Williamson Pierce ill Rochester Mille abash Moscow Union Oakland CoIl'S Pierceville DeKalb Rock Pop. Mossville Peoria Oakley Macon Pierrou Madison Rookbridge Greene 4)10und City Pulaski Oak Ridge Menard Pigeon Jefferson Rock Creek O!l.1"roll Hound S tatioll Brown Oak Park Cook Pilot Oenter Kankakee Rock Falls Whitesides Mount Auburn Ohristian O!\k Point Clark Pinckneyville Perry "Rockford Winnebago 4Mount Carmel Wabash Oak Valley Schuyler Piueville Pike Rock GroTe S te phensoll -Mount Carroll Carroll Oakwood Vermillion Ping'ree GrOTe Kane "Rock Island Rock Island Mount Olive Macoupin "Oakula Iroquois Pink Prairie Henry Rockland Lake }fount Erie Wayne Oblong Crawford Pin Oak Wayne Rockport PikG Mount Morris Ogle Oconee St&tiOD Shelby Piper City Ford Rock Run Stephenson Mount Palatine Putnam Ocoya LiVingston Pisgah Morgan "Rockton Winnebago )fount Pleasant Union "Odell Livingston PitcheIVille Jo Daviess Rockville Kankakee "Mount Pulaski Logan "Odin Marion "Pittsfield Pike Rookwood Ranuolph "Mount Sterling Brown O'Fa;llon Depot St. Clair Plainfield Will Roland White "Mount Vernon Jefferson Ogden Champaign Plain Viell' Macoupin Home Peoria Mount Zion Macon Oglesby La 8alle "Plano Kendall Rook's Oreek Livingston Moweaqua Shelby Ohio Bureau Plato Iroquois "Roscoe Winnebago Mud Creek St. Clair Okawville Washington Plattville Kendall Rose Bud Pope Mulberry Grove Bond Old Farm Lawrence Pleasant GrOTe Wayne Rosefield Peoria Mule Creek Oumberland Old Ripley Bond Ple!l.sant Green Stark Rose Hill Jasper Mulkeytown Franklin Olena Henderson Pleasant Hill Pike Rosemond OhrisUan Munster La Salle Olive Lawrence Pleasant Mound Bond Rosencrans Lake "liurphysborough Jackson "Olney Richland Pleasant Plains Sangamon "Roseville Warren Murrysville M0J:!ln Omaha Gallatin Pleasant Prairie Bond Rosiclare Hardin Nachusa ee Omega Marion Pleasant Ridge Rock Island Hoss Grove DeKalb Naperville Du Page Omph Ghent Madison Pleasant Valley Jo Daviess Rossville Vermillion Naples Scott "Onargo Iroquois Pleasant View Schuyler Round Grove Whitesides "Nashville Washington Oneco Stephenson Plum Hill Washington Rowe Livingston Natrona Mason 'Oneida Knox Plum River Jo Daivess Rozetta Henderson Nauvoa Hancock Ontario Knox Plymouth Hancock Ruma R!l.ndolph Nebo Piko Opdyke Jefferson Pocahontas Bond Rural Rock Island Neeley-ville Morgan Opheim Henry Point Pleasant Ohampaign Rural Rebea' Colea Nekoma. Henry o 'Plain Lake "Polo Ogl~ Rush Jo Daviess Nelson Lee "Oquawka Henderson Pol's GrOTe Oarroll "Rushville Schuyler "Neoga Cumberland Ora Jackson "Pontiac LiVingston Russellville Lawrence Neponset Bureau Orange Clark Pontoosac Hancock Sacramento White Nevada Livin8'ton "OrangeYille 8 t; ephenson Poplar GrOTe Boone Sada Stephenson "New Athena St. 'lair Orchard Mine Peoria Port Byron Rock Island Sag Bridge Cook liew Ark Kendall "Oregon Ogle Potomao Vermillion Sagone Du Pago New Baden Clinton Orion Henry Potosi LiTin~ston Sagetown Henderson New Bedford Bureau Orland Cook.Prairie Oenter La alie Saidora Mason New Berlin Sangaman Orleans Morgan Prairie City McDonough Sailor's Milll Wayne Newbern Jersey Usage Franklin Prairie Du Rocher Randolph St. Anne Kankakee New Boston Mercer Osborn Rook Island Prairie Hall juacon St. Augustine U.nos New Bremen Oook Osceola Stark Prairie Home Shelby "St. Charles Kane Newburgh :1IIacon Osoo Henry Prairie Town Madison Saint David Fulton New Burnside Johnson Oskaloosa Clay Pratt Whitesides Saint Elmo Fayette' New Canton Pike Os.tend McHenry Preemption Mercer St. F-rancisville Lawrence New Columbia Massac Otter La 8alle Prentice Mor~an Saint Francis XaTier Newcomb Cha.mpaign Ottville Bnreau Preston Rando ph Hamilton New Douglass Madison "Oswego Kendall "Princeton Bureau Saint George Kankakee l!rew Franklin Wayne 'Ottawa La Salle ~Princevill. Peoria St. Jacob Madison New Gennessee Whitesides Otto Fulton Prophetstown Whitesides St. John Perry New Harmonl Sangamon Otter Oreek Jersey Prosperity Franklin S.t. Joseph Cham~aign New Hartfor Pike Owaneoo Ohristian Pr01l'idenoe Bureau St.1Iarie as per N ew Haven Gallatin Oxbow Pntnam Proviso Cook Saint Morgan l\ia.dison New Hebron Orawford Oxford Henry Pulaski Pulaski Saint Omer Ooles New Hope Wabash Paddock's Oroye 'Madison,Pully's Mills Williamson Sain.t Rose Olinton Ne-w Lebanon De Kalb Paine'S Poin~ Ogle "Quincy.Adams.SlIkeville Randolph W.o w Lennox Will Palatine Cook Racoon Marion "'Salem Marion.New Liberty Pope Palermo Edgar Raleigh Saline,Salina. Kankakee "N ell' lij emphis o linton "Palestine ' Crawford Ramsel Fartte Saline Mines Gallabin Newman Douglass Palmer Christian Rando ph Mc ean Salisbury Sangamon New Milford Winnebago Palmyra Maooupin "'Rantoul Ohamlsaign Samsville Edwards lirew Minden Washington Paloma Adams Rapids Cit,. Rock sland Sa nburn Johnson New Philadel phia Mcl)onough Palos Cook Raritan Henderson Sand Lake Lake New Pittsburgh St. Clair "Pano. Christian Ravenll'ood Cook Sandoval Marion Ii awpor, Lake Panola Statioll Woodford Raymond Ohampaign Sand Rid~ Jackson.New Rutland La. Sa.lle Papineau Iro~;"ois Rectorville Hamilton. "Sanllwic DeKalb News Calhoun P!l.radise oles "Red Bud Randolph Sangamon St&t:ioll Macon New Salem Pike *Paris Edgar Redmon, Edgar.Sa. njose liaqon Newton Jasper Parkersburg Riohland Renault Monroe Sannemin Livingston "'New Windsor Mercer Parkinsoll'. Landin, Ha.rdin Reutcher St. Clair Santa Fe Alexander Ney De Kalb Park Ridge Cook Reynoldsburc Johnson't"ille WiUillimsoll If.iantio Macon Park's Corners Boone Richfield AdamI!. Savanna Carroll Niles Cook Parrish Franklin Richland Sangamon Savoy Oha.~aign ~ile8 Oenter Cook Patoka Marion Richland Gron Mel-oer Saxon elll,ry BUwood liaooupin PaTiUioQ Kendall Richmond McHenll "Saybrook MoLIIa. Jl.ae1 Ordor om

184 14 POST OFFICES-ILLINOIS-INDIANA. Post 0ffir8. Oountll Pwt Office. Oounty. POIIt Office. Oounty. P 08t OjJiec. flaunty. II 0 ales Mound Jo Da.viess l'iummit Ono\>' Walnut Hill Ma.rion *Yorkville Kendall 8chool White Summum Fulton Wo.lnut Grove McDonough *YoungAmerioa Warren Scioto. McDonough gumner La.wrence Wo.lshville Montgomery Youngstown Warren Scotland Edgar Sumter Moultrie Wo.pella De Witt Zanesville Mont~omery Soottsbu rgh McDonough Sunbeam Mercer "Wa.rren Jo Da.viess Zif rayn~ "Scottville Macoupin Sunbug, Livingston Warrensburgh Mocon Secor Woodford Swan reek Warren 'Warrensville Du Page 8eehorn Adams SwaD.wick Perry "Warsaw Hancock Selma McLeo.n Swedonll Mercer Washburn Woodford 8eneca. La. Sa.Jle Sweet Wa.ter Mena.rd "Washington Tazewell 8t-rena,La Sa.lle *Syca,more De Kalb Washington Heights Cook 8evill., Fulton Table Grove Fulton Wataga Knox Seymour Cha.mpaie:n Tallula. Men:\rd "Waterloo Monroe Shabbona's Grove "Tamaroa I'ern Wo.terman's Mills Shabonier Fa{.ette Tampico Whitesides Stephenson ShandiIVille ope Tamorack Will Wat~rman Station DeKal b "Shannon Carroll Taylor O~le Watertown Rock Isl&nd Sharon Henry To.ylor Hill Fro.nklin "Watseka Iroqnois Sharp~burgh Christian "Ta.ylorsville Christia.n Watsoll Effingham Shaumburg Cook 'rennessee McDonough Watts Sangamon "Shawnl3etown Gallatin Terre Haute Henderson Wauconda "Sheffield Bureau Teutopolis Effingham *Waukegan Lak'l "Shelbyville Shelby rexas City Saline Waverly' Morgan Sheldon IroqUOIs 'l'hackerl Hamilton Wayland 8ch~ler Sheldon's Grove Schuyler Thawvil e Iroquois Wayne Du age Sher burn ville Kankakee Thebes Alexander Wayne Oity In(liana. WWlle Sheridan La Salle The Gl'ove Cook Wayn~sville De itt Sherman Bangamon Thomasboro' Champaign Weaver Cit.r Vermillion Post Office. Count,l. Shermansville Will Thomson Oarroll Webb's PraIrie Franklin Shiloh St. Clair Thornton Cook Webster Hancock Aaron Swiherland Shiloh Hill Randolph Tilden Orange Wedron La. Salle Aberdeen Ohi1l Shipman liacoupin Time Pike Wellington Iroquois Abington Wail ne Shirland Winnebago Tiptown MO-Iroe '"Wenona Station Marshall Aboite Aen Shirley McLean Tiskilwa Bureau West Bellev ille St. Acton Marion Shoal Crll'ek Station Clinton Todd's Point Shelby West Brooklyn Lee Adamsburgh Olll!i. Sidney Champaign TolerancQ Effingham Western Sa.ratoga Union Adams Deoatur ~i1el Shelby *Tolono Ohampa.ign "Westfield Clark Adeyville Perry i ver Glen Kane *Tonica La Sa.lle Hallock Peoria Afton BeoU Morgan Topeka 1IIason West Jersey Stark Akron Fulton Six-Mile Wa.yne *Toulon Stark West Lyons Cook Alamo Montgomery Smith borough Bond Towanda McLea.n Weston MoLean Alaska. Morgan Smithdale Livingston Tower Hill Shel\>; West Northfield Cook Albany Debwan Smithfield Fulton Tremont Tazewe 1 West Point Hancock '"Albion Nobk! Smithton St, *Trenton Clinton We~t Salem Edwards Alert Decatur SmithviUe Peoria Trivoli Peoria Wetaug Pulaski Alexa.nder Olay 8nackwine Putnam Triumph La Salle Wethersfield Henry Alexandria Madison 8nicarte Mason *Troy li&dison Wetwea.ther Jt\lIper AHont Madison Sodorus Champaign Troy Grove La Salle Wheatfield Alfordsvillo DaVies Solon Mills McHenry Truro Knox *Wheaton Dn Allen :Miami Somerset Saline TruxtoD. Bureau WheE-ling Cook Allentown Knox Somonauk DeKalb Tullamore Tazewell White Hall Greene Alma. Whitley Sonora Han~ock Turner Du Page White Heath Alpha Sco~' S~uth America Saline ~Tuscol& Douglas White Oak Montt'mery Alpine Fayette Southampton Peoria Tyler Winnebago White Oale Springs rown Alquina Fayette South Chieago Cook Udina. Kane White!tock Ogle Alto Howard South G~ove DeKalb Ulah Henry White Willow KOlldall Alton Crawford South Holland Cook Ullin Pulaski Whitley'S Point Moultrie Alvarado Steuben South Hume Whitesides Union McHenry Whittier Lake Amboy Miami South Northfield Cook Union Oenter Cumberland Wilamette Cook America. Wabash "South Pass Union Union Grove Whitesides Wilborn Madison Americus Tipjecanoe South Port Peoria Union Hill Ka.nkakee Willard's Landing Union Amity ohnson South Prairie Henderson Union Paint Union Willi!Y Station Ohristian Amo Hendricks South Willow Creek Lee nion Ridge Brown Williamsville Sangamon Amsterdam 01lStl Spark's Hill Hardin Uniontown Knox Willow J 0 Daviess *Anderson Madison Sparland Ma.rshall Unionville Mas3ae Willow Oreek Lee Anderson ville Franklin "Sparta Randolph Unity,Alexander Willow Hill Jasper "Angola Steuben Spencer Wlll Upper Alton liadison Willow Springs Cook Annapolis Parke Spoon River Knox "Urbana Champaign "Wilmington Will Anoka Spring Bay Woodford Ursa Wilsonburgh Richard Anthony Delaware Spring Bluff Lake Utah Warren '"Winchester Scott Antioch Huntington Sjringerton White Utica La Salle *Windsor Shelby Arba Randolph.. pringfield Sangamon Van Buren De Kalb Winfield Du Page Arcadla. Hamilton Spring Gardell J elrerson Vancil's Point Maooupin "Winnebago Depot Winnebago Areana Granl Spring Grove Warren *Va.ndalia. Fayette Winnetka. Cook Arcol~ Allen Spring Hill Whitesides Van Orin liur~au Winslow Stephenson ~.Argos Marshall Stanford McLean Varna Marshall Winterrowd Kflinghnm Ari Noble "Staunton Ma.coupin Ven.. d, Wa.shington Witt Montgomery Armiesburg Parke Steele's Mills Randolph Veni Effingham Woburn Bond Armstrong Vanderburgh "Sterling Whitesides Veniee Madison Wolf Or~k Williamson Arney Owen Stewart Pike Vera. Fayette Wolrab ills Hardin Aroma Hamilton 8tifiesville Crawford Vergennes Jackson Woodburn Macoupin Ascension Sullivan Stillwell Hancock Vermillion Edgar *W o~dhull Henry Ashborough Olay Stirrup Grove Macoupin Vermillion ville La. Salle Woo.!lla,wn J'efI'erson Asherton Parke Stockton Jo Daviess Vermont Fulton Woodside Sangamon Ash Grove Tippecanoe Stone Fort Saline "Versailles Brown Woodson Morgan Ashley's Mills Montgomery 8tone's Prairie Adams Victor Centre DeKalb "Woodstock McHenry Ashland Henry Stonington Christian Victoria Knox W oodviue Adams Atkinson ville Owen Stout's Pove 'Vienna Johnson Wool Pope "Attica Fountain "Streator La Sal e Villa Ridge Pnlas1d Woosung Ogle Atwood KosoiuslDJ Stringtown Riohland Viola Mercer Worden Madison "Auburn De Kalb,Stubblefield Bond "Virden "'lic0<ein Wrightaville Greene Augusta. Station Marioa Sublette Lee "Virginia ass "f/ant Bureau "Aurora. Dearborn Suez Mercer Volo Lake" yoming Stark Austin Scott f1ugar Grove Kane Wabash Wayne Xenia Clay Avilla Noble Sugar Loaf, Ford Waddam's Oentor Hend~r30n Yale Jasper Avooa Lawrence ':"'Sullivan Moultrie Wady Petra Stark Yankee Hollow Jo Daviess Avon Helldrick. 'Bulli van Center Livingston Wakefield Riohland Yates Oity Knox Aydeloii Belltoll Sulphur Springs Williamson Waldron Kankakee Yellow Creek Stl!phenson Azalia Bartholomew Summerfield St. Clair Wales Ogle Yellow Head Grove K~akee "Bainbridge putnam Summer <Jentre Kankakee Walkenille Greene York Clark Balbeo Jay 8ummerHill Pike Wallingford Will York Neclk Adam. Ballsto'tl'll RlI!i~ - hmmervillo Peoria Wall1u~ Bnreau Y orktoll'n Bureau Uarber's HiUt KOlle:r Order om

185 POST OFFlCES-:rNnIANA. 15 POlt Office. County. Post Office. County. Post Office. County. P08t 0ffictJ. County. Barbersville Jefferson Bryant's Creek 1IIonroe *Columbus Bartholomew Elkinsvillo Brown Bargersville Johnson Buckskin Gibson Commiskey Jennings Elliottsville Monroe Barren Ht1.rrison Buffaloville SEencer Conlogue J IIcksOIl Ellsworth Vigo Bartonia Randolph Bunker Hill Iiami *Uonnersville Fayette Elmay Granl Uatehnm Sullivan Burdick Porter Conn's Creek Shelby Elrod Ripley Batesville Ripley Burget's Corner~ Clinton Cookerly Vigo Elwood Madison Battle Ground Tippecanoe Burlington Carroll Cope Morgan Ely "-arriok Benn Blossom Brown Blirnett Vigo Cortland Jackson Eminenoe Morgan Bear Branch Ohio Burnett's Creek White Corunna DeKalb Emison Sta.tlon KnOll Bear Creek Jay Burnside Clinton Cory Clay l!:nglish Crawford Beaver City Newton Burnsville Bartholomew "Corydon?;arrison mnglish Lake Stark Beaver Dam Kosciusko Burrows Cano 11 Corymbo a Porte EnoohsllUrg Franlllin Beaver Timber Newton "Butler DeKalb Oottage Grovo Union Entel'prise Spencer Beck's Grove Brown butlerville Jennings County Line Tippecanoe Epsom Daviesa Beck's Mills Washington llyrneville Harrison Courter Miami Erie Lawrence "Bedford La.wrellce Cadiz Henry "Covington Fountair. Ervin Howard Beech Grove Rush Cairo Putnam Cowan Delaware EtnaGroen Kosciusko Beechy Min Union Calcutta Clay Cox's Mill Wayne Eugene Vermillioll Belden Wabash Callao Lapon Craig Switzerland Eureka Spencer Belle Union Putnam 'Cambridge City Wayne 'Crawfordsville Montgomery E\,ans' Landing Harrison Bellmore Parke Camden Carroll Creswell J oll'erson "Evansville Vanderburgh Bellville Hendricks Cam p bells burg Washington Crisman Porter Everton Fayette Benham's Store Ripley Cana Jennings Crisp's ~ Roa.ds Hanison Ewing Jackson Bennett's Switoh liiiami Canaan Jell'erson Crittenden Cass Ewington Decatur Bennettsville Clark Canal 'Warwick Cromwell Noble Fairfield Franklin Bennington Switzerland Cannelton Perry Crooked Creek Steuben Fairfield Center DeKalb Benton Elkhart Canoper Adams Cross Plains Ripley "Fairland Shelby Bentonville Fayette Canton Washington Crothersville Jackson Fairmont Grani Benville Jennings Carbon Clay 'Crown Point Lake Fair~ay Vanderburgh Berlin Clinton 'Ctulisle Sullivan Crowville Warrick Fair iew Randolph Berne Adams Carmel Hamilton Cuba Owen Falmouth Rush Bethany Parke Carpentersville Putnam Culver's Station Tippecanoe Farabee'S Station Washington Bethel Wayne Carroll Carroll Cumberland Marion Farmers' Institute 'l'ippecanlxl Bethlehem Clark Carrollton HlIncoclr" Curtisville Ti~ton Farmers' Retreat Dearbol'B. Bicknell Knox Cartersburg Hendricks Curveton Cass Farmers' Station Owen Big Indian Cass Carthage Rush Cutler Carroll Farmersville Poset Billingsville Union Cassella Lake Cynthiana Posey Farmland Randolp Bingen Adams Cassville Howard Dale Spencer Fayetteville Lawr"nce Bird's Eye Dubois Castle Randolph Daleville Delaware Fenn's Sh,lby Birmingbam 1Iiiami Castleton Marion Dalton Wayne Ferdinand Dubois Black Oak Ridge Daviess,Cataract Owen *Danville Hendricks Ferguson's Station Allen Bla.irsville Posey Catlin Pal'ke Darlington Mont 0mery Fidelity Pike "Bloomfield Greene Cedar Creek DeKalb Darwin 6anoll Fillmore Putn:ul'l Bloomingburg Fulton Cedar Grove Franklin Dayton Tippecanoe Fish Creek Steuben Bloomingdale Parke Cedar Lake Lake *Decatur Adams Fishersburg Madison Blooming Grove Franklin Cedarville Allen Decker's Station Knox Fisher's Switch Hamilton Bloomingsport Randolph Cedar Wood Harrison Deedsville Miami Fish Lake Elkhar~ '"Bloomington Monroe Celestine Dubois Deem Owen Flat Rock Shelby Blountsville Henry Celina Perry Deep River Lake Flint Steuben Blue Creek Franklin Center Howara Deer Creek Canoll Florence Switzerland Blue Grass Fulton Center Point Clay Deerfield RandOlph Florida Madison Blue Lick Clark Centerton Morgan Delaney's Creek Washington Flowerville White Blue Ridge Shelby Center Square Switzerland Delaware Ripley Flo) d Knobs Floyd Blue ltiver Harrison Center Valley Hendricks Delectable Hill Pike Folsonville Warrick Bluff Creek Johnson 'Centerville Wayne "Delphi Carroll Forest Hill Decatnl Bluff Point Jay Cerro Gordo l~andolph Delta Parke "Fort Branoh Gibson "Bluffton Wells Chalmers White Deming Hamiltou Fort Ritner Lawren~ Bogard's Forlt Crawford Cham berbin Allen Denver Miami }j'ort'dlle Hanoock Boggstown Shelby Cbam'bersburg Orange Deputy Jefferson "Fort Waine Allen Bono Lawrence "Charle~town Clark Derby Perl'" Foster's idge Perry Boon Grove Porter Charlottesvill.. Hancock Dexter Perry, Fount&.in Fountain Boonville Warrick Chauncey T1ppecanol' Dills borough Dearborn l~ountaintown Shelby Boston Wayne "Chesterton Porter Ditney Hill Dubois Fountain Station Vig-o Boston Store Montfmery Ohestnut Hill Washington Donaldson Marshall Fowler Benton Boswell enton Chester Wayne Don Juan Perry Fox Wells Boundary Jay Chesterfield Madison Doolittle's Mills Perry Francesville Pulaski "Bourbon Marshall "Chili Miami Door Village Laporte Francisco Gibson BouseI' Blacktord Christy's Prairie Clay Dora Wabash "Frankfort Clinton Bovine Gibson Churubusco Whitley Dover Hill Martin "Franklin Johnson "Bowling Green Clay Cicer... Hamilton Dow Cass Frankton Madison Boxley Hamilt.on Glarke Randolph Down Hill Crawford Fredericksburg Washington Boydston's Mills Kosciusko Clarke Station Lake Drewersl.Jurg Franklin Fredonia Crawford Bracken Huntington Clarksburg Decatur "Dublin W-a.yne Freedom Owen Bradford Harrison Clark's Hill Tippecanoe Dudley town Jaokson Freelandville Knox "Brazil Clay Clark's Prairie Daviess Duft' Dubois Freeport Shelby Bremen Marshall Clarksville Hamilton Dunkirk Jay Freetown Jackson Bretzville Dubois Claysville Washington Dunlapsville Union Fremont Steuben Brewersville Jennings Clayton Hendricks Dllnreith Henry French Lick Orange Bridgeport Marion Jlear Creek Monroe Dupont Jefferson Friendship Ripley Bridgeton Parke Cleona Brown Dye Martin Friendswood Hendricks Bright Dearborn Clermont Marion Dyer Lake Fnlda Sieneer Brighton La Grange Cleveland Hancock Eaglesiield Clay }j'ulton ulton Brimfield Noble Clifford Bs.rtholomew Eagletown Hami~ton Fu rnessville Porter Hringhunt Carroll Clifton Union Earle Vanderburgh Galen Adams Bristol Elkhart Clifty Decatur Earl Park Benton Galena. Floyd Broad Ripple Marion Clinton Vermillion East Enterprise Switzerland Gallaudet Marion Brook Newton Cloverdale Putnam East Germantown Wayne Galveston Oass Brookfield Shelby Cloverland Clay Eaton Delaware Gaynorville Deoatur Brooklyn MorgaJ;l Clowser's Mills Montgomery Economy Wayne Geetingsville Clin~on Brookston White Coatesville Hendricks Eden Hancock 'Jenev& Adams "Brookville Franklin Coburn'S Corners DeKalb Eden Mills La Grange Gentryville Spencer Brownsburg Hendricks Coesse Whitley "Edinburg Johnsoll Georgetown Floyd Brown'S Corners Huntin~on Coffee Clay Edna1lfills Clinton Georgia Lawrenoe "Brownstown Jac on Oolburn Tippeoanoe Edwardsport Knox Geppville Jay Brown's Valley Montgomery Colfax Clinton Edwardsville Floyd Gibson Station Lab Brownsville Union CollaBler Whitley Eel River Allen Gilead ~liami Bruce's Lake Fnlton llo11ett Jay Egypt Oa.rroll mendale Davies! Bruceville Knox Collins Wliitley Elberfeld Warriok Glen Hall TIP)!oaI,lOB Brunswick Lake Cologne Delaware Elizabeth Harrison Glenn's Valley ar10n Brushy Prilirio La Grange Coloma Parke Elizabethtown Bartholomew Goodland Newton Brvant Jay Columbia Fayette Elizaville Boone Goodwin" Corner Union, Ik'yantnille LawreJl~e "Columbia City Whitley "Elkhart Elkhart "Goakill Elkha-Ili -Melley Order Om-eel.

186 16 POST OFFICES-INDIANA. Post O.DiCIl. County. Post OJi,CIJ. (Jounty. Post OUi-ce. County. Post Office. County. Gosport g Owen Indian Village Noble Linton Greene Monmouth Adallll raham Jefferson Inglefield Vanderburgh Liabon Noble Monon Whiie rand Rapids Crossing Noble Ino C,uroll Little Giant Howard Monroe Adallll rand View Spencer Inwood Marshall Little Y(jrk Washington Monroe Mills Monroe Grantshurg Crawford Ireland Dubois Livonia Washington "Monroeville.Allen Granville Delaware Isola Martin r,ocke Elkhart Monrovia Morgan Gra.ysville Sullivan Jacksonburg Wayne Lockport Carroll Monterey Pulllllki Q.reen Brier Orange Jackson Center Porter Lock Spring Ripley Montez Oass.Green Castle Putnam.Jackson Station Tipton Logtm Dearborn 'Montezuma PlIl'ke Green Center Noble Jadden Gr.1ll t * Loganspors Cass Montgomery's Station DavieSi Greene Jay Jalapa Grant London Shelby "Monticello WhHe.Greenfield Hancock James' Switch Marion T,onll;wood Fayette Montmorency Tippecanoe Green Oa.k ' Fulton Jamestown Boone "Loogootee Martin Montpelier Blackford Greensborough Henry Jasonville Greene Lorane Whitley Moonev Jackson "Greensburg Dec3tur Jasper Dubois Losantville.Randolph Moorefield Switzerland iq-reen's Fork Wayne Jefferson Clinton Lotus Union *Moore's Hill Dearborn reentowu Howard "Jeffersonville Clark Lovely Dale Knox *Mooresville Morian reenville Floyd Jerome Howard [,ovett Jennings Moore's Vineyard. reenwood Johnson Jessup's Station Parke Lowell Lake Bartholomew Griswold Knox "Jonesborough Grant Lowell Mills Bartholomew Moral Shelby GroomsviUe Tipton Jones' Station Dearborn Ludlow Dubois l\foran Clinton Groveland Putnam Jonesville Bartholomew Luray Henry "Morgantown Morglln Grovertown Stark Johnstown GreeM Lusk's Springs Parke Morocco Newton Groves Fayette Jordan Jay Lynn Randol ph Morris Ripley Guilford Dearborn Jordan Village Owen Lynnville Warrick Morristown ~helby" Guionsville Dearborn Jordanville Knox Lyons Greene Morton Putnam Gundrum Pulaski Judson Parke Lyon'd Station ~'ayette J\lortonsville Clinton Guthrie Lawrence Julietta Marion McCameron Martin Moscow Rush Hackl~man Grant Kasson Va.nderburgh McCordsville Hancock Mountain Springs Martin "Hagerstown Wayne Keck's Church Martin McCoy's StatioD Decatur Mount Auburn Shelby Hall Morgan Kelso Dearborl\ McCutchanville Vanderburgh Mount Carmel Franklin Hall's Oorners Allen Kellerville Dubois McGrawsville Miami Mount Comfort Hancock Hamburgh Franklin "Kendallville Noble Mace Montgomery MountEtna Huntington Hamilton Steuben Kt'nt J effersori "Madison Jefferson Mount Healthy Bartholomew Hamlet Stark "Kentland NewtoB Magnolia Crawford Mount Hope De Kalb Hamrick's Station Putnam Kewanna Fulton Mahalasvillll l\10rgan Mount Libertr Brown Hancock Harrison Keystone Wells Majenica Hu.ntington l\iomnt MeridIan Putnam Haney's Oorner Ripley Killmore Clinton Manchester Dearborn Mount Moriah Brown Hannah Station Laporte Kingsbury Laporte Manhattan Putnam Mount Pisgah LaG1'IlDge Hanover Jefferson Kingston Decatur :lfanilla Rush Mount Pleasant Pel1I Hardinsburg Washington Kin~'s Oave Harrison Malta Putnam Mount Prospect Crawforil Harlan' 'Allen King's Station Gibsl)n Mansfield Parke lifount Sterling Switzerland Harmony Clay Kirk's ~ Roads Olin ton Manville Jefierson MountSummit Henry Harrisburg Fayette Knightstown Henry Maples Allen "Mount Vernon Posey Harrison Delaware Knightsville Clay Marco Greene Muddy Fork Clark Harrmann's Station Dearborn Knox Starke Marcy La Grange Mud Lick Jefferson Harl'istown Washington "Kokomo Howard Marengo Crawford Mulberry OlintoD Harrisville Randolph Kossuth Washington Mariah Hill Spencer "Muncie Delaware Harrodsburg. Monroe Kout's Station Porter Marietta Shelby Murray Weill Hartford Ohio Laconia Harrison "Marion Grant Napoleon Ripley.Hartford City Blackford La Crosse La Porte Markle Huntington Nash Depo' Vanderburgh Hartsville Ba.rtholomew "Ladoga. Montgomery Markleville Madison "Nashv:ille Brown HarveJ[sburg Fountain "La Fayette Tipllecanoe. Marmont Marshall Nebraska Jennings Haskel1 Laporte La Fontaine Wabash lllarshfield Warren Needham'S Station Johnson Haubstadt Glbson "La Grange La Grange Martinsburg Washington Needmore Brown H:msertown Owen "La Gro Wabash "Martinsville Morgan Neff Randolph Hawkins Jay Lake Station Lake Martz. Clay N,,j l' s Creok Jefferson Haymond Franklin Lake S_pencer Marysville Clarke N~lsoli Vigo Haysville Dubois Laketon Wabash Mauckport Harrison Nettle Creek Wayne Hazleton Gibson Lakeville St. Joseph Maxinkuckee Marshall Nevada Tipton -Hebron Porter Lancaster J etferson Mechanicsburg Henry "New Albany Floyd Hecla Whitley Landersdale Morgan Mechanicsville Vanderburgh New Alsace Dearborn Hector Jay Lane Montgomery Medarysville Pulaski New Amsterdam Harrison Heffron Washington Lanesville Harrison Medora Jackson Newark Gree/l& Heller's Oorners Allen "Laporte Laporte Memphis Clark New.Bellsville Brown Heltonville Lawrence Larwill Whitley Mercury Madison Newbern Bartholomew Hendricks Crawford Laud Whitley "Merom Sullivan Newberry Greene Henrvville Clarke Laurel Franklin Merrian Noble New Britton Hamilton Repton Kosciusko Laurence Marion Merrillville "NIlwburg Warrick Hermann Ripley "Lawrenceburg Dearborn Metamora Franklin New Burlington DelaWlI're Hrcko!-'y Branch Pos~y Lawrenceville Dearborn Metea Cass "New Carlisle St. Joseph Hiliham DubOIS Leamon Corner Hancook l\letz Steu ben "New Oastle Henry tiillsboro' F.ountain "Leavenworth Orawford Mexico Miami New Center Wayne Hjllsdale Vermillion "Lebanon Boone ~liami Miami New Corner DelawaTe Hillsend Carroll Lee Warrick "Miohigan City Laporte New Corydon Jay Hitchcook Stat'n Washington Leesburg Kosoiusko Michigantown Clinton New Cumberland GrlHl. Hoagland Allen Leesville Lawrence M;iddlebury Elkhart New Eliaabeth Hendricu Hobart Lake Leipsio Orange Middle Fork Clinton New Era DeKILIb Hobbieville Greene Leiter's Ford Fulton Middletowu Henry New Garden Wazne Holland Dubois Lena Clay Midway Spencer New Goshen Vigo Holman Dearborn Leo Allen Mier Grant "New Harmony POlleY Holman Station SCOGt Leopold Perry l\liftlin Orawford New Harrisburgh Wabash Holmes Boone,Leoti Pike Milan Ripley '''New Haven AUen Holton Ripley Le ;Roy Lake Milford Kosoiullko New Holla.nd Wabash Home Jefferson Lett's Corner Deoatur IIHllersburg Elkhart New Lanoaster Tipton Homer Rush Lettsville Daviess Miller's Station Lake New Lebanon Sulh an Honey Oreek Henry Lewis Vigo Millgrove Blackford New Lisbon HenrI Hope Bartl!.olomew Lewis Creek Shelby Millhousen Deol\tur New London Howar4 Houston ' Jackson. L'ewisville Henry Millport Washington New Madison Wabasla Hooversburgh Miami "Lexington Scott Milltown Crawford New Marion Ripley Howard PlI.rke Liber Jay Millville Henry New Market Montgomery Howesville Clay "Li berty Union Mimosa Hendricks New Maysville putnam Huntertown Allen Libel'ty Mills Wabash Milroy Rush New Middletown Harrison Huntiniburg Dubois Liber~yvi1le Vigo Mills' Corner Jay New Mount Pleasant Jay Huntington Huntin~ton Liok Creek Ora.nge "Milton Wayne New Paris. Elkhar. Huntsville MadIson Ligonier Noble Millwood Kosciu"ko New Philadelphia Washingtoll Huron Lawrence Lilly Dale Perry Milner's Cornell Hancock New Pittsburg Randolph Huth Franklin Lima La Grange "Mishawaka. St. Joseph New Point Deoatur Hyndsdale Morgan Lincoln Oass "Mitchell Lawrence "N.ewport Vermillioll Idaville White Lincolnville Wabash Mixersvllle Franklin New Providence C16rk Indopenden,Varren Linden Montgomery Mon~oquinong La Grange New Richmond MontgoDlery <tiadlana.pou. liarion Linn GroTe Adams Monltor Tippecanoo Nell' RON Jilon$golllflT,. 1[0'7 Ordn Oll... ~

187 POST OFFlCES-INDlANA. 17 P061 O/jit:e. County> POdt Office. County. Clolunty, Po,IOt!ice. County. New Salem Rush Perrysville Vermillion 'Rochester Fulton Slate Cut Clark New Salisbury Harrison Perll Miami Rockfield Carrol! Smithland Shelby Ncwt<ln's Retrea.t Tipl'ecanue "Peter.burg Pike Rockford Jackson Smith's Valley JoiJn$oll Newton Stewart Urange Petti t Tippecanoe Hock 1,land Perry Smithville J\fonroe Newtonville Spencer Philadelphia Hancock "Rockllort Spenc~r Snoddy's Mills Fountain. Newtown FOlmtaiu Picka!."d's ~fill. Clinton ~Rocl>vme P'lrke Snow Hill Randolph New Tl'Cr..toD. Franklin 'Pierceton Kosci-usko ltogersviije H~nry Solitude Posey Newville /' De K"lb PiercevirIe Ripley Rolling Prairi'!l Laporte Solsberr,y Green.8 New Wa~hingto!ll Clark Plke'~ P;.>II.K Browli Rome Perry Som'crset Wabasb New Waverly Cil.SS I'ikevilte Pike Rome City Nuble Somerville Gibsoll New Winchester Hendrick~ Pilot Grove Newton Romn,ey TiPI ecanoe "South Bend S~, J osopb Niconza lfi,\mi Pilot Knob Crawford ROllO Perry South Betheny Bartholomew Nine Mile..Allen Piniellto Vigo Root Allen Souttl Clenveland Whi_tIe,}' Nineveh Johnson t~im ViIla.g'e W lll'fen Hoseburgb Grant South Gate FrankTi.n Noah Shelby Pittsboro' Hendricks I Roscdale Parke South Martin MartIn "Noblesville Hamilton Pittsburg c,\rronj Rose Hill K'OSciusko South Milford La GranB'. N orll. Marion,' Plainfield I1~ndricks RoseviUe Parl(e' Southport MariQD Normanda Tipton I Plainville Daviess Rosewood Harrison South-West Elkhnrl Northern Depot Boone i Pleasant Switzerland ROSH Lake South Whitley WhitLey Northfield Doone: Pleasant Groye Jasper ItossviUe Clinton Spade's Depot Ripley N urth Grove :M iam i Pleasant Hill Montgoll1.ery Royal Center CU8S Spauhlingvllle K.n_ North Hogae. Ripley Pleasant Lake Steul'~ll Royn!ton Boone Spnrksvillfl.raeklUlD North Judson Stlu'k Pleasant Mills Adams Roverton Delaware Sparta Dearborn North Liberty S.t, Joseph I'leasantvlle 8ulliv:l n Rusli Crtek Valley Spartanburg Randolpb North llb.dison J efierson '*Plym:<luth Marshall W-a.shingoon S I'ellrsville Brown "North l.hncheeter ['0 Allen *RushviUe itush' *Spentler Owen North Salem Hendricks PoiRt Isabel Grant Russell's Mills Park SpencerviJIoe De Kalb N ol'th Union Montgomery P"land Clay Russellville Putnam Spiceland He nl,., "North Vernol! Jenning' P"lk Run Clarke RUssi3,ville Howard Springfield 'Franklin North'sLanding Switzerlalld Polk Patch Warrick!{yn1Jnr F"untain SpringHill. Decatur -Notre Dame St,,Joseph Pond Creek Mm. Knox S"bilH' Marion Springp('Jrt Hel).Q' Nottin!,(ham Wells i:>oolesvil\e Warren Sai.llt Berni-ce V~rl\lillioD Springville Lawrence -Null's Jllilll Fayette Poplllr Grove Howl\rd Saint HenJrY Duboi8; Spllrgeon Pike NyesviUe i>arke Porter's\>< Road. p"rter ~"lilltjohn Lake Stamper'6Creek Orange Oak Pulaski Porter Stati'3u Purter S,\int J os",.h Vanderbnrgb, Stanford MO'llr06 O,Lkalla. Pntna.m P"rttrsviUe Duboi8 Saint Joseph's Hill Clark<e Star Rush Oakdale Jennings I' Portland JaJ Saint Leon Dead)orn Stnr City Pulaski OlWtdam ~a.nderlhll'llh Portland Mille Parke S,~irH Louis Crossilllg *State Line 'V a rreo. Oak i"arm Brown P03cyville Posey - BlI.l'tholomew S~unt()n 'Ch...,. Oakford Howaru Poston Ripley g"int MagdaleD.e Ri pley Steam Corner Fountain Oak FOl'l:'es\ Franklin Potato Creek )!:ontgo,m~ry Sa!IlL Mary'S Ste~le8 Rusb O.,klaud.. Spelll.cer Powers Jay S,un, J\laurice Deelltni' Vigol Stewartsville Posey O"l~land City Gib~on Prairie (Jre1!k Vigo Saint MeiL\l'ad Spencer Stilesville Hendricb Oaklalldolll 1.14I.1'iol) Prairie Edge Montgomery Saint Orner Dec&tutr Stinesville Monr~ Oaktown KIl')x Prairieton Yigo 'Saint Paul D~catull' Stip's Hill Franklin Oceola St. J\lil~pll Prlltt (Jl;l) Saine Peter's Fl'aJlklin Stockdale 1.Iiami Octagoa 'TippeelLnoc Pre$oott Shelb,- Philip POSel{ Stockton Ow eo Odell Tippecan oe Priam Bh!.~kfor(1 Saint WendeP.., Posey "Stockwell Tlppevanoe O"den Benry PriceY ilie I/untingtol' Sulamonia Ja.v Stone Blu'lfs l,'otlntain Oil CI'e~k 'feny *Prin-eeto!'> Gibson *Slllelll Washin gton Stolley Point Jefferson Oldenbulg Franklin Prince William Carroll Sakm Cellt-ell" Steuben Straughn's Statl~>n Henry Olean R.ipley Pro<pect }ladisozl Salina, Hit'gott Strnwtown Hamiltoll Olive HiU Wayne Prosperity }ladison Suline City ~ Clay Sturl!:eon Fulton Omega HamIlton Pul"ski Pul9.Ski SalL Crcok PorteT Sugar Branch Switzerland Ontario La Grange Purcell's Knox Saltillol'ille Wushington SugarCreek Hancock Onward Cass Putnamville Putnam Saluda J elrerson Sugar Grove Tippecali~ Orange Fayette Pyrmont Uarroll S&ll1ari.a.Johnson *Sullivan Sullivan OramgevUl'6 Orange Q,uak('r Hill Vermillion SlIudborn Knox Sulphur Hill Shelby Orchard Gro".. I.ake (luakertowd Union San1iford,Vig.. Sulphur Springs Oregon Clark QneeoSYille "'enning~ San JacilO.OO Jenning,' Summit De KlL1b Organ Spring WMhiugton ~tlereus Gro'l'e Swi1.zer'land San Piers Sta.rk Summit Gro~.e Vermillillll Orion KoscIusk'l uincy Owen SantaCiau8 SpeGce~ SummitvilI-e l.1adisob "Orland Steuben aglesviue - D:tvieFs Santa Fe Miami Sumner Rusb,*Orleans Orange Ra.instowl! Helldrick~ Saratoga Randolph Suml'tion Prairie St, Josepb Ol,til liontgomery Rainsville Warreta Sardinia Decatur Sunman Ripley.Os~od lti plev Raleigh Rilsh Saturn \~ hitley Suul'Y Side l.farion OSSl&n "ells Randolph R:l.ndoiph SebererviUe [,nke Swan NoLle Oswego Kosciusko Ranger Perry Schnellville D.uboiio Swanville Jefferson Otis L&porte Raub Benton SCfpio Jennings Swit's City Greelle _ Otisco Clarke Ray Steuben Scotland Greene Sweetser's Grnu~ Otterbele. Benton Ray's Crossing S hel by Scott Lagrange Sylvania Park'll Otto Clark Raysville Henry Scot,sd!l Flovd S.Yracuse Kosciusko Otwell Pike Red Bruso WarriCk ~eafield White Tampico.Jackson OyJd.M~disou Red H'ouse 1.lorgal' Sedalia Clin ton Tal'keb Decatur \ wenaburg Green,' Redkey Jay Sedan DeKalb T~ssinong Gl'ove Porterputnam Seel,yvill<l Vigo TayloTsYille Bartholomew Owensville Gibson Reelsville Owl Prairio Daviess Reese's AIiU Boone Sellersburg Cla.rk "Tell City Perry Oxfor<! Benton Rego Orange Selma Delaware Terre Coupee St. Joseph Padiria Crawford Rei Ripley Sev&stopol KClscillsko "Terre Haute Vigo l'alestine Kosciusko ReiffsbuTg Wells *Seymour Jao~80n Tetersburg 'ripton ) almyra. Harrison *Remmingtoo Jusper SbadeBYille Gr!lont "Thorntown Doone *l'aoh Orange Reno Hendricks Sha.nghai Howaa-d Tiosa ~'ulton l aragolll Morgan "Reusse.Iael!' Jasper ShalUl.ondale Montgomery Tippeeanoe TOWill 11arshllil Paris Jennings. Reserve Miami Sharon "Tipton Ti pton I'ark Greellel ~etreat Ja.cks'On Sharp's Mills H,ll"l'i80D Titusville Ripley Parker Randolph Hexville.Hi piey Sharps ville "Tipton Tollerstou L"ke Parkersburg. Montgomery *Reyu~ld1!l.White Shit.wnee Mound Tippecaliloe Toronto Vermillioll Parker's Settlement Posey RichardsoD St. Joseph Sh~lburn. SU,llivan 1'oto Starke Parkville Parke Richland Rush "Sl!elb,yvIUe :Shelby I Trader's Poimt 1.1arioll Patoka Gibson "Riohmond Wayne Sheldon Allen Trafalgar Johnson Patricksbllrg.owen Rich Valley Wab!lsh Shells De~alb Tra.nsitville Tippeean-oe Patriot Swltzerla&d Richwoods Delaware Sheridam Hamllt.on Trask Gran, Pa.w Paw Miami RidgeviUe Ra.ndolph Shidler Dels Trentcln. Randolph Paxton's Sull ivan Rigdon }Iadison Shields Jackson Trinity Spring. l.f,ntlja Pecl(sburg. HendrickS Riley Vigo Shielorille Hamilton Troy Perl'Y Pekin Washington Ringg.old La'lran/l:e "Sho~J8 Ma. ill Tunnelton Lawrenoe.Pendleto.. Madison *Risin~ Sua. Ohiol Silver Lab Kosciusko Turkey'C'reek Steuben Pennvillo Jay River'lde Fountain &ilvervule L, TlIrman'sCreek Sullivaa. Peoria Frankli n &i ver Vale Lawrence I Sitka Marti.n Turner's Clav Pepperto",.. Franklin! R.oann Wabash Six Mile J-ennings X.wolve Mile cwi. Perkinsville Madison I Roanoke Huntington Slash G~ant "'lj"l!-er City liarsh.l~n Perrysburg Miami, Rob Roy Fountain: Slate Jennings 1Jmon Plk41 B.1Ione,Y Order- Oftie-es"

188 18 POST OFFICES-INDIANA-INDIAN TERRITO RY---IOWA. -POllt OffictJ. Coul'tty. I Po~t Office.. County_ Iowa. I PORt Ollie Count,.. Union "ity Bandolph, Wi~tenowd Shelby Big Rock Seo.t\ Union Mills Laporte' Winte-rsviDe Decatur -'Birmill~ham Van Buren Unionville l'llom'oe Wirt Jefferson POllt Office. OUlmtt!. Biven's rove luarshall Upland Grall>t W ode12>othe Henry B I adens burgh Wapello trrbana Wahash 'WoJe&tt White Abhc-tt Hardin lhairshurgh Hl>m il ton Urmeyville Johnson Wolcottv ille I..a. G:rangc Ahinp;dl!ltn.;I efle rson,. Blair,town Benton Utiea. mark Wolt Creek Marshan 'Ackley Hardin B:akesburllh Wapello Vateene Orange Wolf Lake, Nobte Ackworth "'arren Dlllkeville- Black Hllwk ;alentine 11,11 GrNnge Woodhlll!lt luari()n Adair Aclllir Blencoe Monona alley Ci~ Hauis()J) Woodburn Allen Addi.on 11 It Ul holdt "'Bloomfield Dllvis lauey Mi 1I1ariog Woodbul'Y Hallcock "Adel Dallas Blue' Grass Scott Valonia.Jael!;son Woodland St. Josetb Adelphi Polk Blulfton Winnishiek Val paraillo Y()rter Wowtell'.HiO~Ci,U8 0,Advance Guthrie Boltwville Iowa Van Burell> Gra.nt lv oostert(}wd Scott "'Afton Uniou Bon Accord Johnson Vandalia Owen Worthington Greene "Agency City Wapello "Bonaparte Van Buren Vedersburgh lp'ountahll Wright Greene Aijricola Mahaska Boone ~oona Vel'aCl'UZ WcUis Wright's tiol:l1iell'd Dearborn *Aimworth Washington "Boonesboro' Rooue Vernon Jennings Wynn ' Franklin Albany Davis Boon Spring Clir.toll ~VersailleB Rip}e~ Xenia Miami '''Albia Monrof Bllrder Plains: 'Webster * Vevay Swiher],a1ilG Yankeetown Warrick AlbiO'D Mars.ball *Botavia Jefferson Vie_- Scott Y&rk Centor Steuben AlhrigM Des Moines Bovina Tama ~Vincennes Knox Y07ktown Delaware "Alden Hardin Bowel:'s Prairi~ Jones Vine's SplI!ingm Ripley Y ()rk ville D'earborn "Algona Kossuth Boyl~ston Henry V"istula Etk~art Y()ung's Creek Orange Algo,nquillll Butler Boy11n's GrovlI Butler V()lga JeiferS()D Youngstown Vigo Alibe Grundv Braddyville Page "Wabash Wabash Yountsville Mootgomery Allemakee Allema,kee Bradford CbickWlaw Wadesvil:k 1"osey Zanesville Wells Allen's Grove Scott Brandon Buchanan's Statioo Miami Zenas Jennings Allerton Wayne Bridgeport J ack~oll Wailsbol'o' Bartholomew Zlmsbur~ ],[adiso'll Allison DuBuque Sri dge water Clay ~ka.rusa Elkhar'. ZiollsvU II Moone Almont Statio-!) Clinton "B~ightoll Washington Mkel1tolll Si~ Joseph Almoral Delaware Bristol. Worth Wa~lace Fountain Alta Bnena Vista Hr~ken Kettle Plymouth Walnut 1I1arshall Altamont. Shelbv *Urooklyn Pow6shiek Walnut G~ove Warren A1t()n Dalhis Bro~ks Adams Walnut Hill Blarshnll Altoona P&lk Brookville Jefferson Waltoo 'Cass Amboy Jasper Browninf, C,~rroll Wa.lta Wabash "Ames Story Brown'S tation Clinton Wnna,tab l.ap&rte Amish Johnson Browllsvillu M itohell Warren Huntington Amity Scott Brush Creek Fayette Wanington Hancock Amityville Des Moines tlryant Clinton "WMsaW K()3ciusko. "Anamosa J()nes Duck Creek Bremer, Washington Davies! *Andl"ew Jackson Buck Hurn ~lah.ska Washiagton eentejr Whitley Anita Cass "'Buckingham T80ma W!l8hington EJ'rosslng Wells Annieville Clay Bucyrus LUCM Waterfo~d Mills Elkl>art Aplingt()n Butler Buena Vista Clinton "Waterloo lity DeKaib Arbor Hill Acl.ah BulIalo Scott Waterman Varke Arcadia Carroll Buffalo Fork Kossuth Wa.tson Clllrke Arcola ~folljon.\ Buffalo Grole Buchanan Wa:vela~d.ntfmery Argo Lucas Buncombe Dubuque Waverly oorgan Armstrong's Grove Emmett Burgess Clinton Wlllwaka Noble Ashawa ' Polk Burk Benton Waw-pe-eong Miami Ash Gr()ve Davis "Burlington Des Moiues WaymansviL}e Ba.rtbolomew Ashland Wapello Burr Oak Winne~hiek WaynesbUll'g Decatur Atalissa Muscatine Busti Howard VI~aynetown )luutgo.ery Atlanta. Bueluman Butler K~okuk Waynesville &:rth~lomew "Atlantic CI\SS Butler Center Butler Wea, ' 'fippecanoe Attica Marion Butlerville Tama Webster Wayne Auburn Mahaska nyron Rumbold; Weisbu!'g DearbOorn Augusta Jl)es lifo in es Cairo LouisB WeSle~ Montg()mery Indian Terr'y. Aurelia Cher()kee Crued<>nig, Ringgold West aden Orange, Aurora Keokuk Cal.iwelJ Appanoosa West Buena Via-til> GibBOn Avery Monroe Calhoun Harrisoa Westchester Jay POllt Office. Nat4on. "'Avoca lp'ott~watami~ Calliope Sioux west Creek Lake Atoka Avon Polk "Calmar Winneshiek Westfield Hamilton Choctaw Nation Bach Grove W~ight Calmus Clinton West F()rk rawford Bogy Dep()~ Choctaw Nation Badger Hill 1'amtl. C'aloma Marion West Fl:anklil! Posey Brushey Choctaw Nation Baker Jefferson Camackvill!l Lee Wes-t Kinderholl>k Tipton' Caddo Chocta.w Nation Baldwin Jackson *CaDlllonche Clinton Westland BMlICook Chuetaw Agency Ballyclougb Dubuque Cambria Wayne ~West Leballoll Wanen Choc~aw Nation Bantor Marshall Cambridge StOfY. West Li berty.howard Ch()teau Cherokee Nation B,ln ston Dubuque Cllmpt()n Delaware West Newton Marioll D.. aksville Choctaw Nation BM'clay Black Hawk Cantril Van Buren West Point 'I\' i ppecanoe Fliut Cherokee Nation Barryvilh 'Delaware Canton Jacksoll West}l&'l't Decatur Fort Arbuckle Bartleti Fremont Cardilf Mitch~ll West S h06l! Martill Chickasaw Nation Bassett Vhiakasaw Carl Adams "West'lfille Lapol'te Fort Gibson Chel'okee N.. tion Baxter Jasper Carlisle Warren Whootland Knox. Fort Sill Choutaw Nation Beacon Mahaska Carr()iton Carroll Wheeler Porter Fort Washita Bear Gr()Tt Guthrie Carpenter Mitchell Wheeling Delaware Chickasaw Nation "BedfOord,Taylor "Carroll Oity Carroll Whitcomb :Franklin Gibson StatioB Creek Nation Beetuce Appanoose "Cascade DubUque White Creek Jackson Lukfata Washington Belfast Lee *Casey Guthrie White Hall Owen "liceo Creek Nation Belknap Davis Cassady'_s C()rnel!' Boonl White Land Joh~son MU8cogee Creek N'ltion Belinda Luca~ Cass Centre Cas. White Lick' Boone Oa.k Lodge Ohoctaw Nat ion Belle Air J.ohnson Castalia Winneshiek Whitestown Boone Okmulkee Oreek NatioD Belle J<'ountlr.illl 'ltj.~'liiskli Castalia Monona Whitesville Kont'{Vmery Pleasant Point *Belle Plail!. Benton Castle Grove Jouo. Wh.ite Water ayne Cherokee Nation "'Bellevue Jackson C'I~tle v ille Buchanan Whiti~g L.' Paul's Vall~ B~lmond Wright Cedar Blull' Cedar Wicklille Cll'awford hickasaw Nation Beloit Lyon "Cedar Falls Black Hawk Wild Cat Carrol Prairie Vity Oherokee-Nation Belvidere '&10 Ilona Cedar l'ojines Monroe Williamsburg Wayne Red Oak Ohoctaw Nation Ben50n Grove Winnebago 'Cedar Rapids Lina ~Wi1liamspor' WaneD 8pl'iug Bluff Choctaw 1'ia~ion BeBton Mills Cedar Valley 'BlackHawk Williamstown Decatur Tahlequah CherOokee Nation Benton's POl" Van Buren Cedarvill e rocahontll4 Willow :Brallio~ Han~ock Tisk'OmiD2"o Chickasll.w Nation Berlin Hardin Central lity - Lillll. WiLmington DearbOorn Toboxby - Choctaw Nation Bergen Allamakee Center Page Wilmot.Noble Vinita Oherokee Nation Bertram Linn Centerdale Cedar Winchester Randolph Webber's Falls Bethel Fayette Center JunctioD 10n'01 Windfall Tipton Cherokee Nation BethlehilID Wayne Center Point LinD Windsor R.. ndol~b We-wo-ka Seminole Nation Beulah malton "Centerville APSanoose Winfield La e Wheelook Uhoctaw Nation Bevington Ma. ison Ceros. la,)"toa -WinnamN Pul!l8ki Big Grove Pottawatomie Ohandalhr Keokuk Willllloll' I'ilr.e Big 1IIound' _Lee,.,hlltpi~ FlIIllklia ".HoUl Order Ofti...

189 POST O~'FICES-IOWA. 19 POlt Office. County. POlt OjiC(!. County. Pos/ Office. County. Post Office. County. Ohariton C. H. Luca.s Delmar Clinton Filmore Dubuque Ho.le Village Charles City Jonei' Floyd Ddoit Orawford Fisk.Adair Ha.lfway Prairie Monr~ Charleston "Dennison Cra.wford Flemingville Linn Ho.ll Creek Charlotte Monona Olinton "Deumark Lee Flint Mahaska "Hamburgh Chase Johnson }o'remon' Dennis APBanoose 'Florence Benton Hamilton Ohatham Buohanan Mario" Denver remer Floren'leville Howard Hamlin Grove Ohelsea.Auduboll Tamil. D~rb{ Lucas Floris Davis Hammondsburg Ohester Warn... Boward "Des foh,es Polk Floyd Floyd "Hampton Franklin ghequist Davis "De Soto Dallas Flushiul1; herqkee Ringaold HapS,Y Hollow Wapello Oherokee "DeWitt Clinton "Fonto.nelle.A air Ho.r ID hiokaso.w Clayton Chickasaw "'Dexter Dallas Foote lowo. Hardin OIty C.b.ilicothe Hardin Wapello Discord Woodbury FOl"rest City Winnebago Bulan OIncinnati Appanoose Divide Shelb, Keokuk Forest Home Poweshiek Harper Keoku Clanton Madison Dixon Scott Forestville Delawa're Ho.l'pora Ferry ChI.rinda.AlIemakee Pag~ Dodge Guthrie Fort Atkinson Winneshiek Harris Grove Harrisoll Olarion Wri~ht DodgeviHo Des Moines 'Fort Dodge Webster Hartford Wo.rrllJl. Olarence Oe o.r Donahue Scott "Fort Madison Lee Hartland Worth Olarksville Butler Dunelan Dubuque Fonr Corners Jeffersou Harvey'S Mill. O1ay JelrHson Wa.shington Donnellson Lee Frankfort Montgomery Hastings Clay's Grove Lee loon Mil~ L~on Franklin Decatur HatCh Kossllt Olay:Mills Jones Doran Mite ell Franklin Centre Lee Haven 'l'ama Cla.yforJ. Jones Dorchesl,r Allomakee!<'rankl i n Grove Pl\ge Hawkeye Fayette Olayton Clayton Doud StaUorl Viln Buren Fr,\nklin Mills Des Moines Hawleysville Page OleIn Creek Allemakee Douglas Fayette Frank Piere~ Johnson Hawthorn Clear City Cerro Gordo Montlomer, Dou~la8 Center Clay Frankville Winneshiek Hayesville eoku 4Clermont Fayette Dover Lee Frederica Bremer Hazard Cherokee Olim'and Wapello Downey Oedar Frederioksburg Chickaso.w HazIll Green Delawaro ffiift(ln Louisa Duwville Crawford Fredonia Louisa Hazelton Buchanan ~linton Olinton Dra.kesville Davis Freedom Lucas Hebron Adair Olio Wayne Dry Lake Wrighl Fredric Monroe Helena. 'l'ama Olide J a.sper Dryden 'rama Freeman Clay Hesper Winneshiek Creek Keokuk "Dubuque JJubuque Freeport Winneshiek Hesperian Webster Ooalfield Monroe Dl\dley Wapello Fremont Mo.haska Hibbsville Appanoose Ooalton Monroe Duke Dubuque French Creek Allenakee HiCkory Van Buren Coburgh Montgomery Dnncombe -Webster Fryeburg Wright Higginport Jackson, Oolbyville Story "Dunls..p Harrison Fulton Jackson High Creek Fremon' Cold ville Tama Dltrango Dubuque Funk's lhlls Decatur Highland Clayton Ooldw;l.ter Franklin '. Durant Cedar Gale Woodbury Highland denter Wapello Oolesbur!; Delawar" Dutch Oreek Washington Galesburg Jasper Highland Grove Jones Culfax Jasper " Dyersville Dubuque Garden Grove Decatur Highlandville Winneshiek. c.lllege Spring Page Dysart T&mll Garden Prairie Boone High Point Deelotu.. C<Jlo Story ~Jagle Grove Wright Garibaldi KeOkuk Hillsdale Mills. Columbia Marion "Earlham Madison "Garnaville Clayton Hillsborough Henry Columbus City Louisa "Earlville Garner Hancock Hinsdale LeB Columbus Junction Louise East Melrose Monroe Garry Owen Jackson Hinton Plymouth, Commerce 1I1ills Polk East N odowa.y Adams Gem Clayton Holl!!da,JI's Adair. Oommunia Clayton Eastport Fremont Geueva Franklin liolt Taylor ()Qmpetine Wapello Edenville Ma.rshall Genoa Wayne Home Van Buren, Oomstock Wapello "Eddyville Wapello Genoa Blnlf Iowa.Homer Hamilton, Ooncord Hancock Eden F'1. ette Georgetown Monroe 'Homestead Iowa, Oonesville Muscatine Il:dinburg ones German ville Jefferson Honey Creek Pottawatamie Oonfidence 'Vayne Elba Carroll Girard Clal.ton Hook's Point; Hamilton.. (}Qngress Franklin Eldon Wapello Gilbert cott Hopeville Clark. C.tlnnel! Tamil. "Eldora. Hardin Gilbertville BlackHawk Hopewell Mahask:.. Oonwa Tayior El Dorado Falette Gillett's Grove Clay "Hopkinton Delaware. 0(0)1 Rapids Carroll flldridge cott Gilman Marshall Horn Jaspe.. (}Qopersvill e Wapello Elgin Fayette Glidden Oarroll Horton Breme~ Copper Springs Marion Elizalleth Grundy Givona Mahaska Hosper Sioux.. OorOl.lviUe Johnson Elk Decatur Glasgow Jefferson HowlLrd Center Howard Corning. Adams "Elkader Clapton Glendale Jefferson Hudson Black Hawk Correctionville Woodbury Elkhart olk "Glen Roy Howard Hull Boone. Oorydon 'Vayne Elk Horn Shelby "Glenwood Mills Humeston Wayno Oott\lo!!:e Hardin Elkport Olayton Godfrey Wapello Huron Des Moines (Jottage Hill Dubuque Ellington Hancock Golden Prairie Delaware 1conium Appanoose Cotton Grove Henry Ellsworth Madison. Goldfield Wright Ida Ida (}etton ville Jackson Elan Allemakee Goose Lake Clinton l1iinoi8 Grove Marshall. '(louncil Bluffs Pottawatomie Elvira Clinton Gophel' Osceola Illyria Fayet~ Co)Jnoil Hill Clayton EI wood Clinton Goshen Ringgold :*Independence C H Buohanan Ooullover Winneshiek Ely. Linn Gosport Ma.rion "Indianola 0 H WarreD;. C"x Oreek Clayton Emerson Mills Gower's Ferry Oedar Indiana;polis Mahaska Orabb's Mills Jaokson Emme~ Emmet Gowrie Webster IIlI~art's Grove Ringgold Ora wt'ordsville Wa.shington Ji:mm.ettsburgh Palo.Uto 'Grand Junction Greene Illgham Franl!.liA>. Orescent Oity Potta.watomie Empire Wright Grand Mound Clinton Inland Cedar 'Oresco Howard English Settlement?obrion Grand View Louisa I oks.. Keo\{uk; Creston Union Enterprise Black Hawk Grandville Mahasb lola Mari'on 6reswell Ke9kuk Epworth Dubuque Grant Monigomery Ion.AllemlLkee: Crom.well Union ErlOest I;1r0n Grant Oenter Monona lonin Qhickilsllo1r Qroton Lee E8sex ng/l Grant City Sac Iowa Center Story Orystal Estherville O. H. Emmet Gravity Taylo.r *IowaCity Johnson Ory. tal Lake Hancock Eugene Ringgold Grea.t Oak Falo Alto Iowa Falls Hardin, Dahlonega Wapello Eveland Grove Maha.ska Greeley Delaware Iowa Lako Emm(ltc Dairy Washington Evergre"n Tama Green Butle,r Ir.ene Sioux. Dakota. Humbolt Exira Au du'bti Ji GreAm Oastle JasPQr Iron Hill. Ja>ilkliOn Dalb)'.All amakee Fairbank Buchanan Greene Bay Clarke Irvington Dale Oity Gl1thrie Fairfax Linn Greenfield Adai.r Ir win Audubon Da.llas. Marion "'Fairfield Jefferson Green Mountain Marshall Jackson.Ad~ir Dallas Center Dalla.s Fairha'Yen Tamil. Greenside Webster Jacksonville Chicka.saw D.,llI\anutha. Guthrie Fairport,vale Dallas "Jaynesvillil Bremer Dan Taylor Fa.irview Jones Green Valley Decatur 'J ell'erson Greene Dr.nforth Johnson "Farley Dubuque.Green ville Clay. Jerome ~ppanooae Danville Des Moines J<'armers Sioux Greenwood Polk *Jessup Buc\la!IM. Duien Kossuth Farmersbnrg Ola.~ton Greenwood Genter Crocker KasJlon Madisoll -Da.venport Scott Farmer', Oreek Jac son Gritlinsvillo A.ppauo3se Kellogg Jl\sper Davis City Decatur "Farmington Van Buren "Grinnell Poweshi~k."Keokuk. Lee Dayton Farragut Frembnb Grove Creek Jones *Keo81uqua Van Bure. Deoatur Decatur Faulkner Franklin Groy-eHill Bremer Keota Keokuk Deoorah Wlnneshiek *Fayette Fayette' Groveland Adair Ki.r Buchanaa.. Del!~ River Poweshick Fern Valley Palo Alto Grundy Cellter G.rundy Kilbou1'Il "an Burea. DeBr Creek Fremont Ferrr Maba.ska Guthrie Guthrie King Dubuque Deerfield Ohiok;a.sllow Festllla Winneshie) *Guthrie\Jenter Guthr-ie Kingston Des Moil/.e. Delaware Del!,war.8 Fift:een-llilo Grove Tama *Gutenb.1.1rli Olaytoll KirkB1'i1la Wapel&.. Delb,i D81&"JIor,e li'illcbford Black Haw) Hale. Kounili Kirkwood AppIUlO.OM *liodey Oroer Om-oo,'.

190 20 POST OFFICES-IOWA. P08e Offj<le. County. Post Office. County. Pod Offju. County. P08t Office. County. Kiron Crawford Manti Fremont Nevinville Adams Patriot Decatur Kniffen Wayne Manteno ShelbJ New Alb,~ Winneshiek Patterson Madison ~Knoxville :Marion,\laple Landing Mononn New Albin Alnmakee Paul Benton Kossuth Des Moines Mapleton Monona Newark 1tl:1.rion Pearl Rook ChickllslIW Kossuth Center Kossuth "Maquoketa Jackson Newbern 1tlarion Pedee Cedar Koszta Iowa Marble Rock Floyd New Buda Decatur Pella Marion Lacelle Clark lilarcus Cherokee Newell Buena Vista 'Penora Guthrio Lacona Warren 'Marengo Jowu New Hampton Chickasaw Peoria :Mahaska Ladora I()wa Marietta Marshall New Hanford Butler Peoria Ci ty Polk Lafayette Linn Marino n:nr old New Liberty Scott Peo~ta Dubuque La Grange Lucas "Marion Inn "New London Henry Percival Fremonl Lake Washington liiarshall Henry Newlon's Grove Oas::J Perlel Jefferson Lake City Calhoun <lilarshalltown Marshall 'New Oregon Howard Plll'ry DIIIl,Lake Mills Wino'lbago Martelle. Jone8 Newport Johnson Peru Madison 'Lakeview Palo Alto Martinsburg Keokuk New Pr<>vidence Hardin PeteF~on Clay Lakeville Dickinson ;vi Il.l'ysville Marion New Sharon Mahaska Pierceville VllnBurea 'Lakin's Grove Hamilton ;'Mason C,ty Oerro Gordo 'Newton Ja~per l',lot Grove Lee Lamoille :bl arshall Masonville Dela~'are " ewtonville Uuclllinan Pilot Mound BoonD LaMotte Jackson Mas~illion Cedar New Vienna Dubuque Pilot Rock Cbel'ok~. Lancaster Keokuk Mauch Chunk Mahaska New Virginia Warren Pin Oak Dubuque Langworthy Jones Maudville Uutler New York Wayne Pine Mills Muscatine, Lansing Allemakee Maysv ille FrankliI Nicol Station Muscatine Pittsburg Van Buren Laporte City Black Hawk Mechani1l8v ill' Cedar Niles Van Buren,Plainfield Bl'emen l.archwood Lyon IIIederville Clayton Nobleton Pulk Plainview Scotl Last Chance Lucns ~'ediapolis Des1tloines Nodaway Mills Pa~e Plattville Tayl(}r Lattner's Dubuqne Medora Warren NorA Springs Floyd Pleasant Grove Des liloine! I,atty Des Moines Melleray Dubuque Nordh'k Dlillas Pleasllnt Hill Cedar Laurel Marshall IIfelpine Muscatine Nort. Buena Vista. Cbron Pleasant Pain J elierson La Vega Des Moines Melrose Glundy ~ orth Engli&h owa Pleasant Valley Scotl Lawler Chickasaw ~Iemory Tf1'lor Northfield Des'Moines Pleasantview Madison Lawrenceburg Warren Menote Buena ista North Liberty Johnson Pleasantville Marion Lebanon, V~n Buren }lentor Bremer North McGregor mar;ton Plellsonton Decl\I.ur "Le Claire Scott Menzie Franklin, ;II 0 rth ~l ills ag~ Plum Hollow }'remonl,le Grand Marshall Meroa?tiitehell North River Dallas Plymouth Cerro Gordo 'Le'i~hton Mahaska M"rrimac Jeffersun N orthvill~ Greene Plymouth Center Plymouth Lemn.r9 Plymouth 111 i ddlebu n:h Washington Nortonville Clarke Plymouth Rock Winneshiek Lenox '1'aylor lfiddlefiel d Buchanllll North Washington Chickasaw Pocahontas Center Pocahouta@ Leon Decatur Middle River Madison Northwood Worth Point Pleasant Hardin,I.eroy Bremer Middletown D~8 Moines Norwalk 'Varren Polk City Polk Leroyvil1,. Audubon Midland Hardin Norwood Lucas Pomeroy Calhoun Lestt"r Black Hawk }fid Prairie Louisa Nugent's Grove Linn Ponolla Plymouth Let~s Louisa Milan L'le'ls ~lllna. Appanoose P"plar Grove Palo Alto() Lewis C'lSS ~liles Jaek.on Oak.Marioll Port Allen L(}uis& Lewisburg Wayne :\1 ilford Dickinson Oakfield Audubon Porlland Clerro Gordo Lexington Washington llill Faye"tte Oakland Valley Frank.lin Portlandville Plymuuth Liberty. Clark Milledge\'ille App.. noose Oak PUlDt Van Buren Port Louisa Louis~ Li berty. C~nter Wanen lli1lersburg low.. Oak Spring Davis Port Richmond Wapello Li berty ville Jefferson Miller's Creek Black H:\wk Oakwood S,ation Polk Postville Allemllkee Lima Fayette ~lil17ille Claytou Oasis Johnson Prairieburgh Linn Lime Spring Howard ~lilton Van Buren O,~hi~n OBrien 'Prairie City Jasper Lincoln Polk Minburn Dallas ()~den Boom' Prairie Grove ~lnjk Lincoln Center Grundy Mineral Ridge Boone Ilhio Madison Prairie Hill Bo ne I.inedlle Wayne l1inerva Marshall Okoboji Dickinson Pnscott Adam. Linton Des :Moines '1\1 issouri Valley Ha.rrison Lucas Pr~ston JacIcion "Lisbon Linn 'Mitchell Mit hell Old Mission Winneshiek Primrose LeG Liscomb Marshall 'M i tchell ville Polk Olin Jones *Pl"inceton Sootl List.onvil\e Woodbury Modail Harrison Olivet Union Promise City Wayno Little Cedar Mitchel; lloffitt's Grove Guthrie 'Onaway City Monona. Prospect Cia, Littleport Clayton 'l\1oingona Boone Ollslow Jones Pulaski Dav... Little Sioux Harrison Mona )litel.el) Ontario Story Putnam Fllyette Livingston A,tpanoose Mondamin Harrison Oran Fayette Quatry 11arshaH Lockridge efferson lionmouth Jackson Orange Clinton Quasqueton Buchanan Locust Lane Winneshiek Monona Clayton Orange OJ ty Sioux Queen City AdamI Logan Harrison "Monroe Jasper Orchard Mitchell "Quincr Allam I Lone Tree Johnson llonterey Davis Orford TamIl Randal Hamilton Long Oreek Decatur "Montezuma Poweshiek Orleans Appanoose Raymond Black Hawk Grove Scott "Montizellu Jones Orient Adair Itead ClaY~Qn Losh's Mills Pottawatom ie Montrose Lee Ormanville Wapello Redding Ringgold Lost 13land P.,lo.Alto Mooreville Tama Osage M t~hell Redfield Vullu Lost Nation Clinton \/oorhellod Monona O.ce'.lla Clarke lted Oak Cedar Lothrop \Varrcn Moravia Appanoose O<hkosh S'oux ltedoak JunctionMontgomery Lott's Oreek Humbold, Moriah Iowa. "03kaloosa Mahask,\ Red Rock Marion Louisville Audubon Mormantown Taylor "'):!8ian W"inneshiek Reeder's Milia Harrison 'Loveland Pottawatom ie MorningSuD Louisa Oswego Warren Ueinbeck Grundfi Lovilia Monroe!\Iorse Johnson Otbo Webster Riceville liitche I Lowden Cedar ~foscow!luscatine Otisville Franklin Richfield Fayettt Lowell Henry MoultoA APj"noose Otley Marion "Richland Keokuk Low MOOI Clinton ;\loun t Algor acksod Otranto Mitchell ItlChardsville DubuqUI Luana Clayton \fount Auburn Benton Otsego Fa.&ette Richmond Washin~toD Lucas Lucas.\lount Ayr Rin!!"gold Ottawa lark Ridgedale olk Luoerne Benton Mount Carmel Carroll Otter Oreek JRck~on Kidgeway Winnesheik LulUow Allamakee M.unt Etna Otterville Buchanan Riggs Clinton Lun! Wright.\-ft. Hope Delaware,Otto WOOdbury' Ringgold Ringgold J,ycurgul AUemakee Mount Joy Scott *Ottumwa Wa.pello Rippey GroeDo L.lnnville ' Jasper Mount Norris Hanison Ovid Taylor Rising Sun Polk " yons Clinton Mt. Pleasant Henry Oxford Johnson l~i verton Fremo!ll ~~tle City IOWll MOlfnt Pisgah Harrison Oxford JUDction JOlles Riverview Lyon *, cgregol',clayto-n Mt. 8.teriing Va.n Buren Oxford Mills Jones Robin Benton He Knight's Point Humboldt 'Mt. Vernon Linn Ozark Jackson Rochester Cedar McPaul Fremont Mount Zion Van Buren Pllci/lo JunctloR Mills Rock Oerro Gorda Ma.cedonia Pota.wattomie Moville Woodbury Pacific Oity Mills ltock Branch woodbuyi MacKs Carroll 1I111ntenille Wapello Page Oity Paxe l~ock Creek Mitcbe I Madison Jones Murray Clarke Palermo. Grun y Rockdale DubuqUI Magnolia Harrison 'li[uscatlnq Muscatine Palestine Johnson Uock Flilla Oerro Gordo Hakes Allemakee l~ron.allaldake~ Palmer Polk Rockford Floyd Maloom Poweshiek I18bua Chickasaw P~lmJ'ra Warren Rock Rapid. LyoD lfahme Clinton Nashville Jackson Palo Linn Rockwell Oerro Gordo Malton Plymouth ~ationa\ Clayton Palo Alto LOl&Isa Rome Hen,y Ma.lvern Mills ~li.utri1l. Black Ha.wk Paris Linn Roland Storr Manche.ter Delaware NavB.u Winneshiek Parkersbul1 Butler Rolfe Pocahonh' Manhattan.. Keokuk ~eola, PottawatalIl'1e Park Groye Humboldt [~osbach Plymoutb MaD80u Calhoun 'Nevada Story }'&rri1!~. Vila lioinol!' ROB' Gron Hawi[\oa }loney Ordu' Omen.

191 POST OFFICES-,-IOWA-KANSAS. 21 P08t OgiC#!. County. Post O(!ics. County. Post Office. County. Rose ]\found Wn.rren *St ~amboat Rook Hardin Waltham.Tama Rossville Allemltkee Stelapolis Iowa *wasello Louisa Round Grove Soott Sterling Jnckson War ena Fayette Ro;)'al Ridge Siou~ lil tiles Davis Ward's CQrners Buchanan Rudd Flol d Stillwat~r Mitohell Warren L,,. Rural Linn Stllckton Musca.tine \\' arren Center Lucas Russell Lucas Storm Lake Buena Vista nrarsaw Wayne Russelt's Grove Hamiltou Story Oity Story 'Washington Washinl'Cton Rutland Humboldt Strawbc.rry Poin~ macon Washington Prairie. *Sa1n,la Jaokson Stuart Gut rie Winneshiek SaoOity Sac Summers Benton Washta Oherokee Saint Ansgar MitcheU Summel'set Warren Wassonville W 8.Shington Saint Charll'ls Madison Summitville Lee 'Waterloo Black Hawk Kansas. Saint Clair Monona Sumner Bremer \\' aterman Wright Saint Donatus Jackson Sunny Side Bnohanan Watertown Floyd Post Office. County. Gilman Osceola Swanton Butler Waterville Allem"kee Saint. John Barrisen 8wca. Kossuth Waubeck Linn *Abilene Dickinsoa Saint Paul Lee S wedesburgh Henry Waucoma Fayette Ada. Ottawa Saint Sebald Cl;;.;ton Sweede Point Boone Waukee Station D,tllas Adams Peak. Pottawatomi8 Salem eury Sweetland Center Muscatine' W'~llpat(tn DuBuque Allnes City L,VOII Salina Jefferson 'Tabor Fremont "'Vauko\, Allcmakee Ailanthus Ottawa Sand Spring Delaware 'J'allahoma r.ucas Waveland Pottawatom;c Albion Republle flanduskv Lee T.tll ey rand Keokuk 'WUoverly Bremel Alhany Nemaha SandysvfUo Warren Tamil. Ci&y Tama Wayne Henr Alert Hile, Saratoga Howard Tarkis Page Webster Keokn k Alida /IaV1' Savannllh Davis 'r.~yl()rsviue Fayette 'Webster City Hamilton Allen Lyo. SaLlorsvillo P'llk Teed's Urov~ Clinton Weller Monroe Alma W'abaunsell 8c loharie! Tene Hau to Decatur Wdls Madison AI men!!> Nurton SChonberg "Tarren ThaYllr Union Wellsburgh Page Alton Sumner Sciola Montgomery Thorn PSOIl Andubon Well's :Mills Appanoose Altoona Wilsoll Scotch Grove Jone~ Ticonic Monona Welton Clinton alum Creek Ellsworth Scott Centre Fayette Tiffin Johnson Wentworth Mitchell Alva Cloud Scranton Statiol\ Greene Tilton. l:-oweshiek \\' esley Center Kossuth America City Nemaha Sears borougb Poweshiek Timber Oreek Marshall West Albany Fayette AmeriCUS Lyoll Seaton Fayette Uuion West Bend Palo Alto Amity Jewell Sedg6wick Decatur!:'ig!~~ Cedllr West Branch Cedar Antelope J.larioll Selma Wayne Ti pton Grove Hardin West Chester Washington App:moose Franklill Seneca Cro)ker Tivoli Dubuque West Dayton Weustel' A ppleten Boul'bon Sergeant muffs Woudbury 'Toledo 'i'ama West Fork Monona Arcadia. Crawford Seventy-Six Center Toolsborough Louisa Western College Linn Arington Atchisoa Washington 'l'orontcl Clinton Westerville DecatUl' Arispie Potta.watomie ~eventy-eight.tohnson '{'ower Hill Dulaware West Grove Davil. *Arkansaa City CowIe". Seymollr Wayne Tranquility Appanoose West Irving '{'am a Aroma Dicki nso. Sharon Warren Tl'enton HenrI' -"West Libertr; Musca.tine Arvonia 03a~e Sheffield Story 'rri poll Bremer West Mitche 1 Mitchell Asherville 11[ i to he l Shlliby Shelby 'froy D:~vis West Pilot Iowa 'Atchison.Atchisom Sheldon O'Brien Troy Mills J.inn "West Point Lee Athelstano Clay Shell Rock l/.utler TurkeL River Clayton West Prairie Linn Athens Jewell ashellsbur1 ent on 'I'win akes Calhoun Westside Crawford Atlanta liontgomer1 Shenaudoa' Page Twin Spring W inneshiek -Vest Troy Iowa Aubrey Johnsoll Sheridan Van Buren Tyro poweshiek 'West Unioa Fayette Auburn Shawnee Sherman Poweshiek Tyson's Mills Webstel' Wever Lee "Augusta Butler Sherrill's Moun~ Dubuque Tyrone MOllrot What Cheer Keol(Ul! Aurora. Jewell Shiloah Ceriar (118&er Flor "Wheatland Olinton Avoca Jacksoll Shobe's Grove Franklin Umon Har m Wheeler's Gl'ove Avon CoIIe. Shoo Fly Johnson Unionburgb Harrison Pottawatomie Axtell l'ilar~hllu Shueyville J<0hnson Union Cen~er Jackson Wheeling :Marion Bala Riley Siam T:lylor Union City Union White IIonroe "Baldwin City Douglu Siblev O.ceola Union Grove Pal',e White Breast Lllea. Ballard Sm itll Sidney Fremont Union Hill Ringgold White Cloud lil,ilb Ballard's Falla IV ashi nll'toll Sigel Clayton Union Mills Mahaska White Oak Mahaska Bangor (1offe8 '''Sigourney Keokuk Ullion Ridge Butler White Pigeon Keokuk Banner Jacksoll Sioux City Woodbury Uniontown De\a,ware IVhitnevville Cass!Jarnard Lina Silver Lake Worth Unionville.Appanoose Wicklift'e Jackson Barnesville Bourbon Sioux Rapids Bueno. Vista Unity Johnson Willets Van Buren Barrett Marsha.U Sloan Woodbury Upper Grove Hancock Williams Ham ilton Bllrtleson.Tohn$oa,Smithland Woodbury Upton Van Buren Williamstown Chickasaw *BlIxter Spring. Cbcrukee Smyrna Clark l:rbanlla ' Benton Willida Lyon Bazaar. Chlilie Snow Hill Page Urbanna City lifonro~ WIlloughby Butlel Beattie MarShall Snader Dalla. Utica Van Bnren WIllow Creek ()Iay Betlval' Osborne So a Bar Palo Alto Vail Crawford \\' illuw Dale hill. Beaver Creek Cloud Soldier Monona Valley Wltsbington Willow Q.rove Story Beekman Wt:shingtoll!'Soldier Vltlloy Harrison Valley Junction Polk Wilson Montll'omer> belknap Ho ard SOlon Johnson Van Buren. Jackson Wilson's Grove Fayette lielleltarde PottaWatomie 80uth English Keokuk Van Metre Dallas Wilsonville Van Buren Belle Plain Sumner South Flint Des Moines Vllndalia Jasper 'W ilton Junction Muscatine Belleville Republio Suuth O'Brien 0' Brien Vaugban Fremont Winchester Van Buren Belmont Woodsolll Specht's Fel'ry Dubuque Vega J efi'el'son ~Vindham Johnson "Beloit :Mitchell Spencer OI",y Venus Madison Windsor Fayette Belvoir Douglaa Spencer Grove Benton Vernon Van Buren Wintlel'" Henry Helvuo Pottawatomie Sperry Des 1II0ines Vuona Poweshiek Winona Henr> B~nnington Ottowa Spillville Winncshiek '"Victor Iowa 'Winterse~ Madison llentun Butler 8pinneville Scott Viele r~ee Winthrop BuchanMI Bel'lin Rile, Spirit Lake Dickinson Vienna. Marshal! Wiota Cass B~ro Oherokee 8pra.gueville Jackson Village Oreek Allemakee Wu}cot Scott l3ethany Osborne Spring Brook Jackson Vincennes Lee WolfCreek Tama Bethel Marioll String Creek 'rama Vineyard Tama Wolf Dale Woodb)lry Big Bend Jewell.. prin" Dale Cedar "Vinton Benton Woodbin.e Harrison BioS Springs Douglas S pringfteld Keokuk Viola Linn Woodville Winneshiek Big 'l'i mber Rile1 S pring Grove Linn Volga City Clayton Woolstock Wright Bismarck Wabaullsee Spring Hill Warren Viona Humboldt Wooster Jefferson BlackJack Douglas "l:ipringvale Humboldt "Volliske Mont.gomery Worthington Dubuque Blanchville Mardhall Spring Valley Decatur ""luey Allemakee 'Wyonling Jones Bloomfield Howard Springville Linn Von Humboldt Xenia Dallas Blooming Grove Lin. S pri ngw'lter Winneshiek \\Tacouflta Humboldt Yankee Settlement Clayton Blu" Hill Mitchell S taceyv ille Mitchell Wadaloup Grundy Yatton Wa.shin~ton HlueMounda Lina!Stauford liiarshall Wagner Clfcton Yazoo Harrlson "Biue Ra.pids Marsh&ll Stanton Montgomery Wales '\ orth York Delaware BlulHoll Ottawl' "Stall wood Oedar Wallace Soott York Center Iowa Bosland Ellswort' gtaptetan Ohickasaw Walnut Oity Appanoose York Prairie Oedar,Boston Howa'rd tar Marion Walnllt Oreek Station wingle DuLuque Boyle Jetrel'soll 66taUl Centro liilrshall Pottawatomie llrilotdletto Woodsolll * llonej' Order Ofticel.

192 22 POST OFFICES-KANSAS. Poat OjJiCtJ. County. Post OjJice. C'o'mty. Post Office. County, Post Office. County. Brantford Wa.shington Dexter Cowley Grafton Howard Lane Franklhl Brenner Doniphan Di,lmon-d Springs Monis Granlld,a Nemaha La Paz Howard Uritton Butler Dillon Dickinson Grand Prairie Brown'land Green\\ood Brookdale Rice Dimon Leavenworth Graham Gru.hlun Lappin Nema~ Brookville Saline Dodge Oity Ford Grant Wab!\un,ee Larkin Atchi8~11 Brownlow Butler 'Donipha.n Doniphan Grantville Jefferson Larned Pawn~e Brush Creek Cherokee Dora Labette Gr,'s8hoPp8r Atchison -Lawrenoe Douglw Bryaut Butler Douglas Butler "Grasshopper Falls Jeft'er~on Lawren'oeburgh Cloud Buck Grove Jackson Dover Shawnee Great Bend Barton Lazette Cowle Bull's City Osborne Dresden Smith Groeley Anderson 'Leavenw'thCity Leavenwort Bnff,llo Wilson Pottawatomie Green Elm Crawford Lebo Creek CowIe, Bunker Hill Russell Eagle Oreek Lyon Greenfield Hownrd Lecompton Dougllll Burlingame Ossnge Enrleton Neusho Greenville Jewell Leghorn Pottawatom. If Burlington Coffee East N1rwl,l.Y Doniphan (lreystone Wilson LeljLnd liforr4! Burnt Creek Greenwood ~]u.ston Leavenworth Grove Cit, Jefferson Lenape Leavenw(\rth }JUTr Oak Jewell East Wolt Russell Grover Ott;tW:l Lena Valley Greenwood Butler 'Vashington Eden AtC)hison Guelph Sumner L~nexa Johnson Byron " Woodson I<;dgerton J ohuson Guilford Wilson -I:e Uoy Coffee Cabin Valley Cowley gdwll.rdsville Wyandotte Guiltard's Sta.tion Marshal!" Legterv ille Salina Cady Linn Effingham Atchison Gu thde Dickinson Liberty Montgomery Caldwell Sumner *EI Dorado Butler Gyp,um Creek McPherson LimtL CIa] Oalmar McPherson Eldridge Sedgwicl< Haddem 'Vashington Lincoln Oenter Lincoln Canola Howard I<Jlgin Howard Hamilt.on Crawford Lincolnville liiarion Capioma Nemaha Elinor Chase Hamlin Brown Lindsberg McPherson Carc,)' Uoward Elizllbethtown Anderson liuno,-er Washington "'Lindsey Ottall',. Carbondale Osage Elk City lfontgom.. l'y Hll,I'risonville Montgomery Line Lyon Carlton Dickinson J<jlk Falls Howaru Hartford Lyon Lisbon Howard Carlyle Allen Ellinwood Barton Hart's Mills Howard Little Dutch Cowlq Carson Brown Ellis Ellis Hnrveyville Wabaunsee Littleton Sumner Cllst1etoli Reno 'Ellsworth Ellsworth Havana Montgomery Little Walnut lln tier Cato Crawford Elma Repn blic Hays Ci.ty Ellis Locu~t Grove Atchison Cawker City Mitchell Elmdille Chase HeilslyvIlle Marshall Lodiana Rico Oedar Poin~ Chase Elm Grove Washington Hehron Saline London Snmner Cedar Valo Howard Elmira M itobell Hepler Crawford Long Island Ph iilip8 (leda nine Smith EI Paso Sed.wick Hesper Douglas Lon ton Howard Cedron Lincoln I!:lsinore Allen Hessville Sumner I.orain Nemaha Center HOWRrd Elston Lobette Hi!!,ttville Bourbon Lorena Ilutler Center Ridge Woodson Elwood Doniphan "Hiawatha Brown Lostine Chorokee Centerville Linn Emerald Andel'sbn *HiJhland Doniphan Louisburgh Miami Central City Anderson :tj:mley Osborne Highland Station Doniphlln LOUisville Potta.watomie Centralia Nemaha Empire McPherson Hillsdale liiami I.owe Howard Centropolia Franklin "'Emporia Lyon Hillside Farm Harvey Lowell Chel'okee Chapman Dickinson Enterprise Dickinson Hill Spring Morris Lura R'lssell Checo Cherokee "Erie Neosho Ho,e;e Leaven wor'.h Lyndon Osul(1!I Chelsea Butler Eskridge Wabaunsee Holdell Butler Lynn Creek Shall"lltle Oherokee Crawford Eudora Douglas Holland Dickinson Lyona Dickin;on Cherry Creek Woodson "Eureka Greenwood Hollenberg 'Washington 1\1 cpherson :McP herdon Cherry Vale Montgomery I<Jxetcr Ol"y Hollinl!: Douglas 111 ace' Russell 'Ohester Jefl:'erson Fairfax Osage Holmwood Jewell liiadison Greenwood "'Chetopah Labette Fairmount Leavenworth' "Holton Jaokson *Manhattan Riley Ohik~spa Sumner Fairview Brown Honck Saline Mannville llrown Ch illieothe Phillips Fall River Greenwood Hope Dickinson Mansfield Linn Christiana Greenwootl Falun Saline Hopefield Crawford ~laple City CowIe,!, Ohurchill Ottawa Fame. Greenwood Hopper Washington l\iaple Hill 'Vabaunsee 'Oircleville Jackson Fancy Creek Clay Howard Hownrd Mapleton Bourbon Clnrion Segdwick Fannie Cloud Hoyt Jackson lif ILralt Hrown ~Olay Center Clay Fanning Doniphan *Humboldt Allen Marion!)ouglw Claytonville Brown Farland MoPherson Huron Atohison "'.Marion Centor Marion Clen.r Creek Nemaha Farlingt.on Crawford Hutchinson Rello lii:umaton Bourbon 'C1ear Water Sedgwick Fllrlinville Linn Th:ITer Chase!llnrsh Valley Jewell Clifton Washington Farmersburgh Howard Crawford Martindale Coffea Olinton Douglas Farm ington. Atchison "Independence Montgomery *)1arysville :Marshall 'Vloverdale Boward l!'ar West Morris *1010. Allen lijatalizas Howard 'Clyde. Cloud Fawn Creek Montgomery Ionia Jewell li'httfield Green Chasu Coal Creek Ottawa ~ergllson Frllnklill. Iowa City Crawford. ayday Riluy Coalfield Cherokee Flat Rock Neosho Iowa Point Doniphan 1Iiayton Washington Coffeeville Montgomery Floral Co 1\ ley *Irving l\1arilhn.ll Mayview Jewell Colfax Howard Florence Mllrio" Island Neosho Maywuod W1tlldotte Colli ns Greenwood Fontnnia Miami Ivy Lyon Medicine Lodge arbour Coloma Woodson Forest Home Franklin JAcksonville Neosho.'Iedina J effer~on. 'Colony Anderson "Fort Ha.rkor Ellsworth James' Orossing Jackson Melvern, O~nge Oolorado Lincoln Fort Larned Pawnee Janesville Greenwood Meredith Cloud Cohlmbu9 Cherolte~ Ft. Leavenworth Leavenworth.Jarbnlo Leavenworth Michigun Valley Osagp Concordia Cloud Fort Lincoln BourLon Jay Eu Republic Midland Butler 'Connor's Station Wyandotte,Fort Riley Davis Jeddo.Allen Midwny Ora.wford Oora. Smith *Fort Scott Bourbon Jewell Jewell Milford Riley Corinth Osborne Fort Wallaoe Walluce,f ewell Center Jewell M ill Creek Bourbon Corning Nemah". F(ix Creek Chase Johnson Pottawatomie Millersbll rgb Cherokee Corona Coffee "'Frankfort Marshall Johnsonville Jewell Miller's Grove Woodson "Cottonwood Falls Chase Fredonia Wilson,Jov Creek Washington 1II ill wood Le'aven worth Council Grove Morris Free Will Osborlle "'Junction City Davis Milo Lincoln Covillgton Smith Fremont Lyon Jurelt Wilson Milton Marion Oowskin Sedgwick Fulda Hownrd Kalida Woodson Mimosa Republlo Coyvi lie Wilson Galesb~rgh Neosho Kedron Osnge Mineral Point Auderson 'Oransdale Cloud '}arden Ci ty H,wre Keelville Cherokee Mi n neapolis Ott:Lwa Orawfordsville Crawford Gardener Johnston Kennekuk Atchison Monmouth Crawford 'Cremona Neosho "(~arnett Anderson Kenton Greenwood Monroe Lincol~ Crooked Creek McPherson Gatesville Clay Kickapoo City Leavenworth Monrovia Atchison Ouba Republic Gllylord Smith Kildare Ph illips Montano. Ltlb~ttt Darien Cowle1;' Ge ry Doniphan Kill Creek Osborne Monticello J ohnstoll D,\rre11 Smit Geneya Allen Kimeo Washington Morgan ville Clal Dayton Bourbon Hermantown Smith King City llcphersoll Morrill Brown 'Deep Creek C!.ly *Girard Crawforu Kirwin Philli ps Mos. Springs Davie Deevers ville Phillips GI1I8CO Cloud Labette Labette *Mound City Linn 'Delano Sedgwiok Glendale- Bourbon *LuOygne Linn Mound Valley Labelle Dehwan Clay Glen Elder Mitchell Ladore Neosho Mount Carmel Crtlwford.. Delaware Citl Lea.venworth Glenn Johnson Sibley Clond Mou nt Cenis Diokinson Delphos Ottawl1 (Henwood Johnson Lakeview McPberson Mount Florenoe Jefferson Delta Jew... l1 Godfrey Bourbon T."kin Sedgwick Mount Pleasant.Atchison Denmark Lincoln Gomeria Republic Lamar Ot.taw" Mount Roy Brown DeSoto JohnSOn Goud Inten~ AtchisolJ Lt\ 1\Jont's Hill Osage Mount Vernon Howard -Detl'oi' Diokinson Goodrich Linn LauolUter Atchison" Mulberry SaliD' -1I0Rlll Order omcel. b

193 POST OFFICES:"'-'KANSAS---KENTUCKY. 23 P08C Office. Oounty Post Office. County. Po«t OtfiOfJ. Oounty. Pod Office. Oountl/. Mulberry Grove C'rawrord P,r,lirie Cen tel' Jobns()n Spring River Falls Chnokee Whi~ Post Montgomery Munci~ Wyalldotte Prairie City Douglu.s Sprillgsid~ Pot ta.watolll ie White.Rock Republie :to~ rdock llutler Prairie Grove R"puhlic 8pl'illl,( Valley McPherson Whiting JacksoD ", Tuscotah Atcllison Pmirig Home Repuhlic Spl'ingville Washington "'V, ichita Sed~wick :tojyer's Valley PottawMomi~ I'rairie Plllip Hepublic Stl(nley Johnson Wild Cat Riley N"ncy Pot.tawatomie.Prllirieview Jett'Cl';on Stant,on Mittmi Williamsburg Fr&nklin. Nenrmnn \Vyunolotte Prescott Linll Stanwood Leavenworth Willi;l.mstown Jefferson *~eod"sha. Wilson Prinoeton Franklin S ternertcn Montgomery Willow't':rings Dougln. "Neosho F,~lls Woodson l'rinet'ville Cloud Stevenswwn Crawfurd Willow alley Gt'eenwood Neosho Rapids Lyon Queen City Coffee Stone liiound Smith W ilm illgtoll W.abaunsee Netuwllka J Rckson Qllenemo Osage Stockdale Riley Winchester Jefferson Neutro.l City Cherokee Quincy Greenwood Stocktoll Rooks Windso r Ottawllo New Alba.ny Wilson ~llindaro Wyaudotte Stone Corrd Rice *Winfield Cowley New Arcadil O~borne,nito Butler Stranger Leavenworth Wirtonia Cherokee Newbern Dickinson ndical City Montgomery Strawberry Washington Woodbine Dickinson Newbury \V.. b'.tunsee Ra.ndolph. Riley Strawn Colfee Woodhu'll Ohase Newch,ttel Nem"ho. Rl\ntoul Fl'anklin Summit Leavenworth Woodstock Jefferson "New Chicago Neo:;ho R:l.ymonu Rice Summer Sumner *Wyo,adotw W)jndot~ NelV Cincinnati klce. Reading Lyon Sumn(lrvme Ottawa Wyoming arshall New Eureku. Jackson Rebekah' Monis Snnnvside }lontgomery Xellia Bonrbon New Go~tland McPherson Redfield Bourbon Sunset Repn\)lic Yo nllgsto Vi Il J.' 1>h.rion New Lancaster Miami Rp.d Stolle Cloud Sweada.1 McPherson Zarah lrarwll. Newln,\n Jelt'el'son Reit. r W:\shington Syoamore Hownrd New ~alem Cowley Remanto Sum ncr Sycamore Springs But.ler New Sc,ludinavia R,'pllhlic Reno Leavenworth Syl vl/on Grove Lincoln N~wton Harvey Republiean City Clay Tally Springi Montgomery Nickerson Reno Itich Andel'i!on Tecumseh Shawnee Ninllescuh Cowley Richard"oll Osage Ten Mile Cloud NOl'manville Doniphan Richlall.d Shawnee *Thayer Neo8ho Nortb Oed!!.r Jacllson Rich"nond I!'r fill k lin TllOma.sviUe Cowley Nortb Lllwrenee Dou!!!.ls R!dgeway Osage 'l'hompsol1 Smit'h "N orth Topeka. Sba,,=-nee Rlloy Center Riley Tihlow Wya.ndotte Northw!lrd GreenWO(Il\ Ripon La.bette Tilden Os\)ornc,Norton Norton Riverdl\le Cl:l.y Timber Creek Riley Norway Republic Itobinson Brown Timber Hill Oak Hill,Clay R()chester Neosho Tioga Neosho O.. klnnd Jewell Rock Cowley Tisdat. Oowley O,lk llills Atchison Rock Oreek.T,fferson Toledo Chose Oakwood Linll I{ockfol'.j Bourbon *Tonga.noxie Leavenw(lrth Ocheltree John son Rocky Hill Llnculn 'ron tz ville Miami Odense.Allen Rockville Miami "Topcka. Shawnee.0 c:d!.:n Riley Rooks Center Rooks Toronto Woodson "Ohthe Johnston Rosnlia. B'utler 'rowandllo Butler Kentucky. Olivet Os,'ge Rooe Woodson T renton Labette Omni:J. C,?wley Roseda.le Wyandotte "'Troy Doniphan P 08t Office. Oounll/. Ontario Jackson Rose Vale 01lty Truesdell Phi.lips Oriolll Smith R.ossvillo Shawnee Trust Osage Aaron's Run Montgomery' O lr!!:u. Bourbon Rotterdam Russell Turkey Creek Bourbon Aberdeen Bnj;ter Osage City Os"ge Roxbury' McPher;on Turner's J.Ilerson Adairsville Logan *Osage Miss ion Neosho Itubens Jewell Twin Creek O.borlle Adams' Mills Pulaski *OSu,\\'s,tomie Miami Rural Jefferson Twin FRUS Greenwood Albany Clinton Osburne Oshorne Russell Russell Twill.lIfound Doug1a.s Alexalldria Campbell -lhks,looss. J etferson Sahetlla. Nemaha 'Twin Sprillgs Linn Alicetol1 Boy!. -Osswego Lalltltte ::!alford Chase Tyler's Brown Allendale Greene *Otwwa Franklin Sain t Bridget lilnrshall UniQn Spdngs AHen Otter Creek Clay S'tint George Potta watomie Union Center Rowarll Allenvme Todd Otter Lake Pottawatomie. S,tint :Mllry's Mission.. Union Valley R~I ublic Altolla Marshall Otto Cow ley S,al nt Nichola. Atchison UptOIl Miami Anchol'9ge J effersoll Ottumw:Il Colfee Saint Paul Howard Urbana. ' Neosho Antioch Washington Oxford Sumner Salem Jewell VaJley Greenwood Antioch )fills Harris()n Ozark.A nderson 'Sal no. Saline Valley Cellter Sedgwick Ashbysburg Hopkins Ozawkie Jefferson Salt Sprillgs Greellwood Valley Brook Osage Ash Pike P",doria Brown Sargent (At State L:ne) "'Verdi ""ilson "Ashland Boyd P,Llermo Doniphan S,t\'a.nnah putta.watomle V e.rdigri s Fa.lls Greenwood Aspen Gre'76 Pendleton P,tle;tine Humner Sawqua Shawnee Vermillion Marshall Athens Fayette "Paola Miami Scipio Anderson Vesper Lincoln "'Augusta Brackell Pardee Atchison Scotch Plain Republic Vicksburg Jewell *Aubul'n Log;an Par:111el JtUey :oiexz,ltun OSllg~ Vienmt Potta.wRttomie Auroru. Ma.rshall Pa.rk City Sedgwick,seal'o Repnblic Viul:md Dougl&s Bacon Creek Hart *P!Hker liiuntgomery ~eda.n Howard Vinton Rihy Bagdad Shelby Parkersville Morris Sedgwick Harvey Violet Springs Rice Bailey's Store Shelby Parsons Labet!e *Seneea Nema.ha Virgil Greenwood Bainbridge Christian Paul ina Shnwnec Severance Doniphan Waballnsee ~"abaunsee BaRgoI' Morgan Pa.vilion 'Va'buunsce. Sharp's i.jl"eek McPherson 'Waconoa Mitchell 8.tnk Lick Kenton Pawnee Rock Barton: Shawn~ Johnston Wa.kartua Sha.wnee *Ba.rboursvil1e Knox PalVnee Station Bourbon Sheldon Harvey Wakefield Clay "Bardstown Nelson Paw P:..w Howard Sherman Kinjl;man Wallace Wallace Bardstown Junctioll Bullitt l'eabody Marion Sherman City Cherokee Wall Street Linn Bark Camp lulls Whitley Peace Rice Shirloy Cloud Wa.lnu.t Biltier Batchelor'S Rest Pendleton Pench Creek Washington Sigel Douglas ""alnut Hill BOlll'bon Baugh's Statioll Loga.n Pellch Grove. Cluy Silver Creek Cilase Walton liarion Beard's Station Oldb:l.m Pen-iell B,ltlp.r Silver Da.le Cowley 'W'tmego Potta,watomie Beattyville Lee Peoria Franklin Silver Lake Sha.wnee Ward Wilson Beaver Dam Ohio Perry Jell'erso)} Silver Spring Nemaha Wa.l'ren Cl~md Bedford Trimbl..e Peru HOWo.l'd Skiddy Morris "'Wa~hingtoll Washington Beech Fork W ashingtoll Petersburgh Lea.venworth smith Center Smith Wa.terloo Lyon Beechland Washington Phillipsburgh Phillips Smith ISm ith *Watervi lje Marshall Bee Lick Lincoln Pleasant Grove Greenwood ~m ithfield Butler *Wa,thena Doni han Bee Spring Edmonson " Pleasant.on Linn 8mithland Jack501l Wanshara. yon Belmont Bullitt Pleasant Ridge Lea.venworth Smoky Hill MePhcrson Waveland Sl.Iawnee BeBe View Christian Pleasant Run Pottawatom ie Sol dier Republic Wellington Sunlner BennettstowJl. Christian Plellsant View Cherokee Solomon Rapids MItchell Wellsville Fra.llklin Rensone, H. Franklin Pliny Saline "Solomon'S City SatiRe West Asher Mitchell Benton Marshall Plow.boy Shawnee Somerse~ Miami West Creek Republic Bent Branch Pike Plum Grove Butler Sother Nemaha Western Park Howard Berea. Madison Plymouth Lyon SOllth Cedar Jackson Westmoreland Pottawatomie Herlin Bracken 1,>oheta S.l1ine South Ha.ven Sumner West Paradise Osborne Berrv's Lick Butler Pomeroy Wiandotte South Mound Neosho Nemaha. Berry's Station Harrison Pomona ranklin Spring Creek Howa.rd White City Morris Berryville Wayne Porter's Rnn~h Smith Spring Dale Leavenworth White Church Wya.Rdotte Bethel Bath Pot! ersburgh Lincoln Springfield Linn "'White Cloud Doniphan Bethelhem Henry Powellsburgh Olay Spring Hill Johllston White Monnd Jewell.Beverly Christil!.D *Honey Or"cl:' 0j!i.1le.l.

194 24 POST OFFICES-KENTUCKY. P08t OUieo. Coumy. I Pust O.J}UM. Cl>unty. Post Olf~e. Cou,nt1/. P{Jst Office. County. Bewleyville Breckenridge Cec il hon Hardin Dycusburg Crittenden Gray Hawk Jackson Big Clifty Grl.tysou, C~nt"'r Metcalfe gagle Hill Owen Gravoon Carter Big Cl'eek Clay: C",nterpoilllt Monroe Wagle Station C~noll Grayson Springs G ray.on Big Hill Madison' C"'lltervill", Bourhon I!lu.rle's biuhlenburg Gnly.oll Springs Station Big Reudy Edmonson: Ccnt"rtown Ohi() Earlingt()n Hopkins Grllyson Big I~, nox Cumberland: 00ral\'0 Ohi\) gast Fork Metcal1 Great Crossings Scot' Big Spring Breckenridge: C,;rulean S~ring8 S"rigg East, Point Johnson Green CasUe Warren BirdsviHe Livingston i Chalybeate i::\-prings Daviess E~st View H:.rdin Green H,\l1 J acksull Bi rk's City Daviess: Chapel Hill Allen Eddyville Lyou G"een Hill Warren Birmingham Marshall i Chaplin Nelson 15denton l\iadison 'Greensburg Greeno Bitter Water BulIitt: Chatb.\m Bracken Edm(}nton Metcalf 'Greenup C. H. Greenup Blaok Hawk Nicholas! Cherokee Lawrence 1<:1 izabethtown Hardin 'Greenville l\fublenburg Black Water Morgan: Chestnut GTOV~ Rhelby Elizabethvilla Pendleton Grider Cum berl,iud Blaine Lawrence i Cllestnut Hill L~urd Elizaville Fleming Gdnstead's Mills Hal" Blandville C H. Balb.rd ChestDllt Stati()n McCr"cken Elk Creek Spencer Gris<om's L!Ul41ing D,\Vie8~ Bloomfield Nelson Chicago Ml.trion "JlJlkton C. H. 'todd Gum Sulrbur Rockcastlu Blue Hank Rowan Chilesburgh li'uyettc Ellisto.n Grant Uu thrie 'l'odd Blue Lick Springs Nicholas Chillkapin Roof JI1"kSOIl I<:lm Hill Montg()mery Hadensville Todd Bluff City nenders()n Christiansburg Shelby I!:lm j,ick Ohi" Hudley Wanen Roaz Graves,Churcll Hill Chl"istian l!:llw()od Hopkins H'lle,Y's Mill Christian Bohan Mercer, Clark 's Cl'e~k Grant, Eminence Henry Hall's Gap Station Lincoln Rult's Fork Bo) d i Cl.\y Webstcl' ~~mpire Iron Works 'l'rigt; H:tlllby Station Hopkills Boone Boone i C I..ypool \,"arron E..tell Flats Ca.'ter Hamilton Boone Boone Furnacli Carter Clay's Village Shdb) l ;ur~k.\ Lyon Hammonville Hart Booneville Owsley i Cll.tysville Harrison ~xcha:jge lifarshall Hanly Jessamille Bordley Unio,n i Clear Pond lilarshl\il F.. ir Dealing?tIarshnll H,mson Hop'kins Boston Nelson i Clear Spring Graves F.. irfield Nelson Hardensburg Breckenridge Boston Statio:u Pendleton C1eavelund Fayette Fail'mount J eff~rson Hardyville Hllrl "Bowling Green Wancnl Clilton's Mills Breckenridge l~'airview ChristIan Harbn Hllrlan Boxville Union Clifty 'i'odd Falls of Rough Grayson Harmony Owen Boyd's iltatioxl Hanison Cliuton Hickma'n "Falmouth Pendletoll llaqwr's F,'rry H,'nrv Boydsvme Graves Clintonville Buurbon F.. ncy Farm Grtl.vcs H:1l"r:\lI's l\lills Poweil Bradford Br,\cken Clio Wayne Farlllda.le Fr.. nk 1 in Harreld ville Butler Brad fords ville Marion I Clover Bott()m Jackson Farmer's Rown,ll B:lrrisburl(h Calluway Bramlette Gallatinl Clo\'er I<'"rk Harlan Farmel'sville Cl\ldwcll H.u'l isbllrgh AcadelLY Owen Brandanburg Mead C!overpon Breckenridge Fll.rlU i ngton Grave, Hanis()nville Shr.lby Bratton's Mills Robertson: Uloyd's Landing CumbcrlunJ ~'ergllson's Station Logn,lI "H:lrrodsburg Meroer Breedings Adairl Coal Run Pike Fern Creek J elierson "Hartford Ohio Bremen Muhlenburg Coalton Boyd Fel'n Leaf lilasoll H av ilandsville Harrison,Brewer's Mills M1U"sl\ull! Colu ~l2ring Campbell Fillmore LO..raH Hawesville Hancook Bridgeport Franklin void Water Callaway Fisherville Jeifersoll Hi!ynesville Ohio Briensburg Mar3hall Cold well's Store Anderson Fish Point Rockca:Hle Hny's Ford Warren Bristo.w Station Warren Col",mansville Harrison Fitchburgh Wdt ill Hazard Perry Broauhead Rockcastle Columbia O. H. Adair Flagg Spring Campbell Hazle Green Wolfe Broadwell Harrison Oolumbus Hickman "'1M Lick Kno)' Hotze! Patch La"rel Brooklyn Bntler Cummercial Point Uuion Flat Rock Bourbon H~ad of Coburn P,ke Broo.ksville Bracken Concord Lewis *Flemingsburg Fleming Head Q.uarters Nicholas Browningsville BrackelJ Connernille Harrison Flippin Monrol' Hebb'1l'dsville Henderson Brown'S Oross Roads Clinton Cons'tance Boone Flin t Island Mead Hebron Boone Browllsborough Oldham Cool Spring Ohio "'Iorenee Boonl' Helena Mason Brownhille Edmonson Ooral Hill Barren Flor~nee Station l\fccracken 'Helllierson C. H. Henderson 8ruin Elliott CorLlova GranL Flower Creek Pendleton Beuder"on's Mill Marshall Brumfield Station Boyle Corinth Grotnt,Floyd's Fork Jell'erson Henrvsville Logan Bryantville GerrarLl Cornish ville Mcrcel' Ford's Ferry Orittenden Herriugton GMral'd Bnchanan Lawrence Corydon Henderson Fordsville Ohio 'I-lickman FuHon Buckeye Gerrard Cost,igon B,\th Forks of Elkhorn Franklin Hickory Flat Simpson Buckhorn Ohie. "'Co.vintiton Kenton Foster Bracken Hickory Hl'Ove Graves Buckner'S Station Oldham Co\\'n.n Flemin,_ Fountain Run :Monroe Hico Callaway Buffalo LaRlle Oox's Creek Nelsun Frankfort Franklin High Grove Nelson Buford 01lio Crab Orchard Lincoln 'Franklin Simpson Highl:tnd Liucoln Bull ittsville Boone Crank's Creek H,uLtu Franklin ><l Roads Hardin Hill Grove l\[co,d Bnrgess Boyd Creels burg Russell Franklinton Henry ~I ill's Owen Burkesville Cumberland Creswell C,\ltl well Fredericktown \\" ashingivll Hillsboro' Fleming Burl11lgton Boone Crittenden Grant Fredonil\ C"ldwell Hi Usdale Bracken Bush's Store Laurel Critte)lden Springs Orittenden Freedom Barr'm [Jill Spring Henry Butlersville Allen Orofton Cll1:istian Fnnchbnrgh M~nifee Hill View Bulliti Butler Pendleton Cromwell Ohio Friendship Caldwell H ink leville R'llard Qabin C:Nlek LeWIS Cropper's DePllt Shelby Fulton Station Fl1lton H iseorv\l1e Barren Cacey's Station }I'nlton Crossland CllUaway Gamaliel Monr,'e H itesville U'ion Cadil Trigg Cro83 PI.dns l\letcalfe Garden Cottage Pltlask, Hodgens ville La RU8 Cain's Store Puillski l1umberland City Clin 011 GIll'dnersviile Pendleton Hogg's 1<' Ohio Oairo H~ndenon Curdsville Daviess Garnettsville Mead Hood's Fork Johnson Calhoun McLean Currv's Hun Hl\rrison O-arrettsburg Christian llooktow 11 Nicholas California Campbell Clltshin Perry G"rrett l\" 'Hopkinsville Christian Clilvert City Marshall -Oynthiana Harrison Geneva Henderso" Horn's Store Gl'ad',on Oalla)Vay Josh. Bell Dale Campbell George's Creek Lall'rencl Horse BI'aneh hio Cam pbell shu rg Henry Dallman'S Creek Logan 'Georgetown Scott Horse Shoe Bottom Russell (l,\m pbellsville Taylor Dallas Pulaski Germantown Masoll H ouse'~ Store Clay Q.\lnp Knox Green "Danville Boyle Gethscm,\ne ~elson Houston Bour, un Spring Cam~bell Dawson Hopkins Ghent Oarroll Howard's )fills Montgomery (lampton Wolfe D,lysviUe Todd Oilbert's Creek Station Howe's Valley Hardin Oane ~ring Depot Bull itt D;l,yton Campbell J,inc'oln Hudsonville Breokenridge Calle alley Adair Dell tsvina Nelson Gill's Mills Rowau Hueysville Floyd Oaneyville Grayson Dl'K"v,'n Union 'Glasgow Barren Hunter's Depot Ncbon Cannon Josh. Bell Dalawarc D.wiess Glasgow Junotion Barren H"llrricnne Crittenden Oannonsbull'g Boyd Demo~sville P6ndleton Ulen'clle Gallatin Hustinville Lineoln <lanton ' Trigg Deposit J eiferdon Glendale Hardin Hlltchison's Bourbon Carlisle Nioholas Dividing Itidge Pendleton Olen's Fork Ad.. h Hyattsville Garrard "Oarroll ton 011,1'1'011 Dixon C. H. Webstor Glover'" Cr~ek M~tcalfe Independence Kenton C,arrs Lewis Dorret's Run Hardin Golden Pond Tdgg lndian Spring Campbell Cnrr3\"ille Livingston Dover Mason (}ouchlalld Rock~astle lrvine Estill Carthage Campbell Downingsville Grant Gordon ville Logan lsland City Owslty Casey Creek Adair Drllke'd Grovo Union Goshen Oldham J ltckson BreathiU Caseyville Union Ihy Fork Barren Gou e's Grant Jacksonville Shelby Oa,;k(S Station Christian Dry Ridge Grant Gra 3lvme Adldr Jamestown Russell C,ata pa Grove Greene [)u blin Graves Grae anburg Shelby J elt"ersontown Jeiferson Oatawba Pen(\leton I D'lCker's Woodford Grund View Hardin.Jeffersonville Montgom6ry "Catlettsburg Boyd, DII dley Lewis Grant Boone Jericho Henry Oato Pulaski I Dligans v i lle Mercer Grant's Llok Campbell Jessamine Jessamine Oaverna Hart, Dulaney Caldwell Grantsburgh Grayson Jett's Creek Breathi:~ Oave City Ii' Barreni Duncan Mercer Gratz Owen Joe's Lick Madison O~ve Spring Station Loganl Dilull's LandinI Greenup Gravel Switoh Marion Johnsoll Junction Fleminll 't MQnel Order Ollic".

195 POST O~'FlCES-KENTUCKY. 25 Post OfficII. County, Pod Office. County. Post O./Jice. Oounty, Post Office, Oount'Jlo Johnson's Christian *llnyfield Graves Olive Hill Carter River Grange MonrQll Johnsou'3 Forks Mao;oftin :liayo Park Grav,oll Ohnsteafl Lo~al\ Ri vcr View Jeft'ersQn Jordall Sta.tion Fiilton May's Lick Mason Olympian Sprlng~ Bath Roaring Spring Trigg JUdio CumbP.l'lnnd 'Maysville Masoll Omegl\ Hart Hot,ard's Station Henderson Kano Camphcll JIIeadow Creek Whitley Oran~e Flelllin!( Robersonville Hardin Kansas Gl'an's "cmphis Junction Warrcil Orangeburg Mason Robertson's Station Harrison Keene Jes~nmine Jllcr,hon's Cross Roads I.aurel Orell Jefferson Robinson's Creek Pike K<:lI.Y Christian Middleburg 01lgey "0 wensboro' Davicss Rochester Butler Kenton Renton Middle Fork Jackson 0 wensborough J unction Rock Bridge Monroo Kentolltown Robertson 1Iliddletown Jell'erson liluhlcnburg Rock Creek \YnvllO Keysburg Logau "'lid way 'VoodflJril Owenton OWOII Roclt Dale Owen Kiddville Clark!\lilburn Ball:ud Owingsville Bath Rockfield 'VaTren Kingston bl.\dison Mil ford Brackcu Oxford Scott I Roclthold's Whitley Kirkm,msville To<ld Milledgeville r.incolll Pace's MetcaL'e Rockhtnd :Mills IIIetcalfo Ki,kse,' Cal1.l\\,ay ~Ii1lersbl1rg Bourbon "l'uduc!lh M('Cracken Rock Lick Breckenl'idge Kirksv'iIIe Madison :\liller's Creelr I~Hili Pngeville B",uoren ROf)kport Ohio Ii: nob Lick Metcalfe \lillerdville Hns,ell Paint Lick Gllrrard Rusedtlle Letcher Knottsville Daviess :Ifill Spring Wayne Paintsville Johnson I~ough Oreek Breckinridge Knoxville Pendleton lifilton Trimble Palma Marshall Ru.h Branch 1I1arion Kuetawa Lyon Milltown Adair P,ll'adise Muhlenburg Russe'll Gleenup Lacona Jefferson Mill ville Woodford "Paris Bourbon Rock HaYen Mead L.l Fayette Christian ~Iillwood Grn,soll Padsh Mills EdmnndSOll Rocky Hill Station Edmouson 1'1\ Fontaine Josh, Bell Min"rvll Madon Purk Barren Rose Hill Mercer L",Gl'angeC.H, Oldham lifillorstown Scott Pal'ksville Boyle Roseville Barren 1.air's :,)tation Harrison Mintonville C:18ey Parmlcysville Wayne Rough and Reo.dy Anderson L'lU'easter C. H. Gurrard )lit.,hellsburg Bn:vl~ Pllrtridge T.etcher Rowlett's Depot Hart Lanesville Floyo ~Iixville B..: la.r,1 Patesville Ha.nrocl, Royalton RnsseU LILtonia Springs Kenton Montaview Muntgllmery Paxton Harrison Ruckersville Clark Laura Furnace Trigg liionterey Owen Payneville Melldc Rnddle's Mills Bourbon L!Lurel Bluff Muhlenburg Montgomery 'I'rig2 p.\yne's D0pO~ ~cott n,nmsey l\olclano La.urel Bridge Laurel Monticello W.\yn, Peeled Ouk B,lth 'Russoll"ille Logan L'Lurel Creek Clav liiontpelier AtIa,r i.>ekin Jessamine Rutlllnd JIo.rrison Lawrenceburg Andersoil :\Ioot.lyville Green Pellville Ha'lcock :')ucramento 111 c Lea" ~LeJ)anon Marion 1I10orefieid Njchola~ Pcnrlleton I-Ielll'y l'laint :lhary'8 1I1"arion Lebanon Junc~ion Bull itt Morrill Jackson Pellick M.tTion Saint 1I1at~hew's JetIerson Leesburg Harrison Morehcad C. H, I(owan [)embroke Christian Salem Livingston Leonard H'Lrlau :\forll;an Pendleton Peru Oldham Saloma 'l'uylor J.evee Montgomery Morl!anfield t:nion Perryville Boyle SIIltLick Valley Lewis Level Green Rockca8tle li1o~g!1.ntown Butlel' Peters"urg Boone S!~h'isa li1ercer Levingood Pendleton ~Iorning View Kenton Pewee Valley Oldham SalYHsvi lie 111 "!l0m 11 Lewisport Hancock MOl'ton'~ Gap Hopkins Pe,Vt(\lIshnrgh Oumherland So.muel's Depot N e150n *Lexington Fayette Mortonsville Wooufor,l PI'ilpo t D,wiels Santi Blulr J acksoll I.iberty C'lsey ~105COW HiCkman Pi'eon Roost Ohio S;lnrl Hill Lewis t.lncolnvilje Pulaski MOllnt Aerial Allen Piketon Pike Sandifer's Store Carrol) Lindsay's Mills Trigg M6untCarmei Fleming Pilot Knob Todd S.lndy Hook Elliott Lin~ Creek Pulaski 1I10unt Eden Spencer Pine Bluff Callaway Sardis Mason L, nn Grove Callawav Mount Gilead Mason Pille Grove Clark SCllt,t Kenton Linton Triug Mount Olivet Robertson Pille Hill Rockcn.stle 800ttsburgh Caldwell {.itchfield Gra.vs~n :\IOllllt Hor Bruck \l,'ille Springs Ruwal\ S,'ott's Station Shc'lby Little Creek Pih Mount Sherman LaRue Pineville Josh Bell ScottSVIlle Allen Little Eagle Scott l\jountsavage Carter Pitt's Point Bullitt Scuftletown Ilend~r50n Little Flat Bath ',Mount Sterling Montgomery Planter's H:l.ll Breckinridge Sebree W clrster Little Hickman Jessamine Mount Vernon Roclcc>lstl.. Plato Pulashi Sevellty six Clinton Little!\Iount Spencer Mount Vitio Bull'tt Pleasant Hill Mercer Sexton's Creek Clo.y Little Prairie Hopkins :\Iount 'Washington Bullitt Pleas,mt Home Owen Seymour Hal', Livermore McLean Mud Lick Monroe l)leasant Ridge Daviess Shackleford Lee Livia M"Leall ~[unfordville Hart Pleasant VieW' Whitley Shady Grove Crittenden L()ckport Henn 'Murray Callnway Pleasureville Henry Sharon Grove 'fodd Locust Grove Callawuy Mnrphysville Muson PI ummer's Landing Flem i n,~ Sharpsburg Bath Locnst Mills Bracken l\iouth of Launl Lewis Plummer's Mill Fleming Shurpsville \\'ashillgton Logansport Dutler Mouth of Pond Pik Poilct Pleasant Ohio Shawhan Bourbon London Laurel "yersdlle Sif'holas l)ols!rrov"5 Store Frnnkltn Shelt.y City Bovl~ Long Fans Creek Me Lean Napoleon Gallatin Pond Creek Campbell "Shelbyville Sheiby Long Run Jefferson NIll'rows Livinu;.ton I)uol~'s Mill Webdtel' Shepherdsville Bulliti Long Violv Christian Neatsville' Poor Forie Harlan Sherburn 1I1i11s Fleming Loretto Marion Ncbo Hopkin, Poplar Flat Lewis Shermanville G'lsey Lost Creek Breathitt Nelson Muhlenhurgli Poplar Grove Owen Shiloh Callaway Lost Run Breckenridge Nelson Furnace Nelson Poplar Hill C,\sey ~h(\rvilje Pulaski Lot Whipey Nevada Mercer Pop1!Lr Plains Fleming Short Creek Grayson I.ouiso. Lawrence Newhurgh JeH'erson I'oplar Spring Metcalfe Side View lion tgomery -Louisv ille Jefferson New Cnstle Henry Port Royal Henry S" ver Cree k 1I1,tIiison LoveJ.\ceville n,\liard New I~agle 1\[ills Gr:lnt Power~' Stora Ca,sl'Y Simpsonville Shelby 1.0w.,11 Garrard New Columbus Owen ()rjwell's Mills Pike Sinking Fork Chr;stian Lowes OrlH'es Newfoundland Elliott Powersville Bracken Slack 1\1ason Lowmansville Lawr~nce New Ho.ven Nelson Prestonburg Floyd Siaughtersville Wel,star Ludlow Kenton New Hope Nelson Prince <lr Wales Breckinri go Sl.ickaway F!\,' etto J.usby's!lIills Owen 'New Liberty OweL 'Princeton Caldwell Slick Rock Barren Lynn Greenur New Market Mo.rion Prootor Lee Smiley town Spencer Lynn Camp Knox "Newport Cam.pbell Prosperity Lawrence Sm'thfield He1).ry I.yndon Jefferson New Roe ' Allen Providence Webster "Smithland Livingston Lvnnville Gr'lves Ncwstead Christian Pryorsburg Graves Smltl'ville Harlall &10 Afee Mercer Newtown Scott Quality Valley nutlcr!sl11ilhsonville Hanisoll aregee Jackson 'Nicholasville Jessamine Quincy Lewis Smith's Grove Wjlrrell McLean's Retreo.t Daviess Nobob Barren Quarry Switch Smith's Mills Henderson )lo.cedol,ia Grant Nolen Hardin Racooll Laurel Somerset Pulaski McLeod's Sto.tion Log.ln Sorth Benson Shelry Rabbittsville BUllittl Logan Sonora Hardin Mackville Washington North Fork lihson RlIleigh Union I Sorghotown Davie" -Madisonville Hopkins North Middletown Bourbon R.andolph Metcalf South Ballard B.lIlard Magnolia La Rue North Savern Owen Raywiek Marion South Carrollton Muhlenburg "Mammoth Edmonson N(\rton's Blulf' liiccr'lcken RHudyviIle Butlerl South Oovington Kenton Mane hester Clay Nortonsville Hopkins Red Hill Hardin Soulh Elkhorn F,(yette Manns,villo Taylor Oak Grove Christian Red Onk Gmyson SDuth Fork Owslel Marine Lewis Oak land Mar.hall Red River Iron Works Estill South Union Logan Marion Crittenden Oakland Mills Nicholo.s Red River liiills Logllnl Spartn Station Gnllllti 11 'Marrowbone Cumberland Oakl:md Sto.tion Warren Render Coal Mines Ohio Spears Jessomine Marsh Creek Whitley Oak Woods Fleming Richardsville \\rurren Speedwell l\tl\dison )1&rshall's Bath 0' Bannon Jefferson Riohb\nd H.\rrison Spottsville Henderson Mo.rtinsburg Monroe Oceola Greell "Richmond Madison Sprin;rdale li1asoll Mason Creek MoLean Oddville Harrison Rioh Pond Grove Warren Spr.ingfield Wasbingtoll Masonville Do.viess Ogden's Landing Ballard l'tilcy'a Station Murion Spring Fork Gmysoll Mo.ssack, McCracken Old Landing Lee Rio Hart Spring Hill Hickmall W.u;on'il Alill. )1 ~ Oraoken Olive Marshall RipyviIlo Andenoll SprinS; Hill Depo~ UelllJ' ]doney Ord\ll OlliCt

196 26, POST OFFICES-KENTUCKY-LOUISIANA. Post OUice. (Jounty. Spring Lick. Gravsoll Springport Ilenry Spring Station Woodford Squ i resv ill~ 0 \\'e n Stamping Ground Scott Stanford Lincoln Stanton Powell Star I.ime Works T.yon State Line Flllton Stephensburg Ifardin Stephensport Breckenridge Steubcnvi1\e W11yne 8tew:l.rtsville Grant Stoner Clark Stl)new[~ll Scott Stony Point Bourbon Straight Fork Scott Sublimity Pulaski Sngar Oreek G,~lll1tin Sugar Grove Bntler Bnl phur Fork Ifenry Sui phur Lick MOllro'e Sulphur Springs Ohio Summerville Greene Summit Jefferson BW111I Pond Kuox ayh'all Dell Harrison Taylor's Station Jefferson 'faylorsville Spencer Temper,\nce Mount Simpson Temple Hill Barren Ten lilile Campbell Terrell's Lallding Ballard Texas \Vashin"ton Th9m psonville Pul~ski Thomson Olarke Three Springs Ifll.rp Tibbn,tt's ~ Roads Campbell Tietzville Bracken T!lton Fleming Tlpp~canoe' Ohio Todd's Point Shelby Tolesborough Lewis Tom pkinsville :M onroe Townsville Bntlel' Tracy Barren Traveler's Rest Olvsley Trenton 'i'oda Trigg Furnace Trig~ 'froy Woodford Turkey Foot Scott UnderlVood Hopkins Union Boon~ pni?n Star nreckcnridg~.uniontown Union Upper Blue Licks Upp~r TY'i'Lrt C~rte~ ltptollviue Hardin Utic,\ Davies~ V,.l1ey Oak Pu lask i Vanceburg Lp.wis Vanderburgh Webster Van Dyke's Mill Spencer Verona Boone Versailles 'Woodford V\enn'~ Clark Vlne Grove Hard;n Vinewood Cbrke Viob Station Gr,wes Visalia Kenton Waco Madison Wadesboro' Callaw:t.y Wade's 1\1 ill Clarke Wallin's Creek Harlan Walnut Grove Caldwell Walnut Hill Fayette Walnut Lick Galll1.tin W a.lloni:t. Trig~ Walton Boon~ W:t.rfield Lawrence 'Warsaw Gallatin Washington Mason,Vatclf,)rd Spencer Waterloo Pulaski Water Valley Graves Waynesboro' Lincoln '''ebb's Green Webster Breckenridge Webbville Lawrenoe Welch's Oreek Butler Wesley Hickman West Bend Po\\'ell West Fork Christian West Liberty Morgan West Louisville D,tViess West Point Hardin Westport Oldham West UnioJ1, Owen Weston Nicholas We~tonburg Crittenden Whlppoorwill Lll.urel White Hall Madison Post Office. White Lilly Wh ite JII ills Whit~ O;\k GlLp White PIn ins White SuI pbur Whitcsburg Whitesville Whitley C. H. Wickliffe Wild Cat Williams IVillhlDls'Store 'Williamgtown WiIlisl)urg, Willow Shade Wilsonville 'Winchester Wingo's Station Winona Winston Wolf Or~ek Woodbllrn Woodbury \\"oodlawn Woodruff Woodson ville Wootlville Wortltin!!:t<ln Worthville \Vyomin.~ Yellow Creek Yelvington Young's Creek 7, ion Zion Station (Jounty. Laurel IJ,Hdi 11 Pulask i Chriscinn Scott Letcher Da.viess Whitley Nelson Whitley Christian Oasey Gra.nt Washington lif e (ca.l fe Spencer Clark Gnwes Trimbl E... till Jl[ \V,\rren Butler Morgan Hopkins H:l.rt MoCracken J effersoll Carroll Bath Josh. Bell Da.viess Whitler Henderson Graut Post OjJiu. Parish. Post Office. Brid~eport Carl do J ena Catahoula Brookline Jackson Jesuits' Bend Plaquemine Rruly Landing Keatchie De So!.() West Ba.ton Ruuge Kenner JefferSon Buck Iforn Webster Kent's Storl' East Feliciana Buck Ridgo Terrebonne Kingston Dtl So!.() B~llitt's Bayou Concordia Kirk's Ferry O"tahoull1o Burl1.sSettlement Plaquemine Knox Point Bossier Cl1.ledonia Cl1.rrol\ Knoxville Claihorne Cameron Camer"n Kyishe Winn Cl1.mpti Natchitoches Labadieville Assumption Ca.neRidge Claiborne Lafayette City Lafayette Oarenco LaFayette LaFourche Crossing! C<1rrollton J eft'erson LaFourcbo Carrville Madison 'Lake Arthur Calcasien C<1ssandra Avoy~lles r~ake Charles.. Centerville St, Mary's r~ake Providence Ca.rroll ChacahoulaStation Terrebonne Leonville St. Landry Ohclleyville Rapides Liberty Hill Bienville Cheniere Ouachita Lind Grove liioreh ous<l 'Clinton East Feliciana Line Clio J~i vingston Lisbon Claiborne Clolltiersville Natchitoches Little Praire C>l.t>l.hou1i~ Oodk Livington Live Oak ' Terrebonne Ooleman C1aiburne Live Oak Store Livingston Ooleville Bossier r~ivonia Point Ooupe. 001 fax Grant.Lobdell s Store Oollinsburg Bossier West Baton RouJ('e Oolumbia. Caldwell Locharbor Ouachitn Convent St, James Logansport De Sow Oopenhagen Caldwell LoO'Town Ouachita Ootee Gelee Lafayette r~oggy,bayou Red Ri\'er Cotile Rapides Lone Well Union Cotton Port Avoyelles Longwood Caddo OJttOll Vallev Webstel' Long Street De Soto Oouslmtta. Chute Red River Lon~view St. Jam~8 Oovington St. 'fammany [,"llllsville Winn Ouba Ouachita ~flldisonville St, Tammany Oypre-mort St. Marys Magllolia. Springs Ihrli~ton St, HellllL East Batoll Roul9I DeGallion Morehuuse Manchac Delhi Riehlllnd Mandeville St, Tammanv Delta Madison )fanny Sabill<' ijennis' Mills St. Helena Mansfield De SolO DeSair Station 2\1,lllsura Avoyel~e, St. John Baptist Marion Ulllon Dickson'S Cross Itoads BOSSler Ma.rthaviUe Natchitoches Dillonsville Sabine Marksville Avoyel\es '< Oixie Bussier Meridian Union "Don!tldsonville Ascension Mermenton St, Landry DOllglass Jackson Midway Rtchiand Qownsville Union Milliken'S Bend JI[a.dison Drew's Station Richlanu Mill Ifaven O,lt\chita Louisiana. Dllck Port Madison kl\[in,len Webster Edgard St. John B!tptist "Monroe Wachita Post Office. Parish. Enterprise ClLtahoulu Montoalm Bienvi11~ Evergreen Avoyelles Montgomery Grant Abbeville Vermillion Fairmount Grant,)Ionticello Oarroll Adams Cad(ln Fa.irview Concordia )fooringsport Oaddo Aimwell Oatahoula I 'armersville Union Moreauville Avoycl\ea Albanv Ca.ddr.!<'illmore Bossier Morga.nzia Point Oonpee Alhemarle Assumption Flat Creek Winn Mound lifadi~on *Alexandria R,~pideE Floyd C<1rroll 1I10unt Lebanon Bienville Algiers Orleans Forksville Wachita Mount Pleasant Caldwell Allemand's St. Oharle' Fort Jessup Sabine "Natchitoches Natchitoches Alpha Ca.ldwell ~'urt Pike Orlean& :"lew Carthage :Madison Alto ltichland J:o'ranklin St, Mary'> *~ew ;berir. luerill Amite CHy Tangipahoa Franldinton Washington 'New Orlealls Orlean! Arcadia Bienville French Settlement Livingston Newp~rt Wiun Arcola St. Helena J:o'rogmore Concordia ~ ow River Ascension Al'doyne Terrebonne Funnv Louis Catahoula Oak Gl'ove Carroll Arizona Claiborne Girard Richland Oakley Franklin Arnandville St. J~andry Gordon ClaibOl'ne "'Opelousas St. Landry Ashton CarNlI Grand Chenier Vcrmilli6n Old Field Livingston AssumDtion Assumption Grand Coteau St. Landry Omega Madison Atlanta. Winn Grand Prairie Plaquemine Ouachita City Union Athens Claiborne Gmnsville Winn Paincourtville Assumption Baldwi!l ~t, Marys Greensburg St. Ifelena Palestine Washington Bastrop Morehouse Greonsborough Jackson Parl",ms Catnhouill. 'Baton Rouge E. Ba.tonRouge Green's Creek OMalioula Pattersonsville St. Mary's B",you B:t.rbary Livingston Greenwood Ol1ddo Pine Bluff Caldwell Bayou Boeuf St. Landry Gretna Jefferson Pine Grove SL Helen~ Bayou Cbicot.. Hamilton Wachita Pine Ridge Winn B!\yOll La Ohuto Oaddo H11mmond Tangipahoa I'inevill~ Rapidee Bayol! Goula Iberville Hard Times Landing TenSlLS Plnnt~r's Landing 13ayou Tunica West Harrisonburg Oatahollia Natchitochet Ilear Creek Biell ville Haynesville Claiborne Plantersville Morehonse Be<\usejour Plaquemlnps Hermitage Point COil pee 'Plaquemine Ihervillt Bcliavue Bossier Hiokory J:o'lo.i ClLloasiell PlaquemineBrnlee St,LandrY' Benton Bossier Hog Branoh St. Helena Pleasant Grove De Soto!lenton's Ferry Livingston HolmeSVille Avovelles Pleasant Hill De So to Berwick St. Mary's Home Place Plaquemines Point Coupee Point Cou~ Big Bend Avoyelles Ifomer Claiborne Point a 180 Hache Plo.qllcmmi Big Oane St. Landry Houma Terre Bonne Point Jeft'erson Morehouse Big Creek Rapides 'Illawara. qa.rroll Point Michael Plaquemine Black Hawk Point Ooncordia.Ind~pendence Tanglpahoa Ponchatoula Tangipo.h~a Bluff Oreek East Feliciana India. Carroll Port Hudson East Felicianl10 Bonner J'llo(lkson Indian Village Wachita Quantico Rapide«Bonnet Carre St. John Baptist Jackson East Feliciana H.a.celand Lafourcha BOoltte St. Charles Jatt Gra,!t Rayville Richland Brashear St. Mary's Jeaneretts Iberm Red River Landing Breaux's Bridge St. Martin's Jefferson Jefferson Point Coupe<! "Money Order Officea.

197 POST OFFICES-LOUISIANA-MAINE. 27 Po., Offioe. Pu.t Office. County. Post Office. (Jounty. PORt Office. County. RudMouth Richland Alton Penol1scot ~Oherryfidd WasldnlZton EMt Sullivan Hancock Ringgold Bienville Alna Lincoln Chester P~nobscot. East Sumner Oxford Roberts Washington Alva Aroostook Ohesterville Franklin I!lnst Surry, Hancock.Rochester J acks(jll Alleu 's Corners Cum \ er laud Ohlna Kennebec East Thorndike Waldo ROCkl Mount Bossier Amherst Hancoc~, Clifton Penobscot gast'l'roy Waldo Rose ale Iberville Amity Aroostook Olinton Kenuebec East Turner Androscog~in Rosefi~ld Oat"houla Andover OXfOl'd Columbia Washington El\st Vassalborough Kenne e~ St. Charles Court House Anson Somerset Concord SoulI)l'set I!last Wulcs Androscoggin St. Charles Appleton Knox Conway Aroostook East Wilton Fl' Bernard St. Bornard Argyle Penobscot Cooper Washingt,on Bl\st Winn Penobscot 8t. Francisville W. Feliciann Aroostook Aroostook 000 per Mills Lincoln East Winthrol' Kennebeu St. Gabriel Ibervillc Al'rowsic Sagaunhoc Oorinna Penobscot I!lclen Hancock Saint James St, James Ashland Aroo~took Coriillla Center Penobscot Edflinlton Penobscoi St, Joseph Tensas Athens Somerset Oorinth Penobscot Edes' 'all~ Cumberland St, Martinsville St. Martin's Atkinson Piscataquis Oornish York Edgecomb Lincoln St. Maurice Winn *A.uburn Androscoggin Cornville Somerset Elliot York Patrick's St, James *Augusta Kennebec Oranberry Isles Hancock [~IJingwood'B Oorner 'Vllldx> Saint Peter's St, Landrv Aurora Hancock Crawford Washington *gllsworth Hancock 8&int Sophia Pla'13emincs Avon Franklin O,"ooked Brook 'Vllshill~ton gmbden Somerse. Saline ienville Baileyville Washington Oross Hill Kennebec Embden Oenter Somerset 8cottsville Claiborne ll,ddwiu Cumherland Oumherland Cumberland Emery's Mills York Shady Grove Washington ''*Bangor Penol,scol O"mberland Oenter Enfield Penobscot Shamrock Concordia Bancroft Aroostook Ourtis' Oorner Androscltgin l~tna Penobsco. Shiloh Union Baring, Washin ton 9 Oushing nox Etna Center Penobscot "Shreveport Oaddo Bar Mills York Outter" Washington Eustis Fr'lnklin. S icily Island Catnhoula B:\rllard Piscat:lqu is Damariscotta Mills Lincoln Bxeter Penobscoi Simmsport Avoyelles *Bath Sagad'lhoc Dan forth 'Yashinlltoll mxeter Mills Penobscoi South Bend Concordhl Beau's Corners Franklin Danville '. Androscoggin *Fairfield Somerset Southwest Pass Plaquemine Beddington Washington Deblois Washington I?atrfield Center Somerse. Sparta Bienville "Belfast Waldo Dead River Somerset Fairfiel d Oorners Somerse. Spears'Store Union Belgrade Kennebec Dedham Hancock Falmouth Cumberland Spring Creek R9.pidcs Belgrade Mills Kennebec Deer Isle Hanoock "Farmington Franklin Springfield Livingston Belmont Waldo Denmark Oxford Farmington Falls }<'ranklin Spring Ridge Caddo Benton Kennebct Dennysville Washington Fayetto Kennebeo Stony Point East Baton Rouge Berry's Milia Franklin Detroit Somerset Fayette Ridge Kennebeo Summerfield Claiborne Berwick York 'Dexter Penobscot Ferry Vi IInge Cumberland Sunnv Hill St. Helena 'Bethel Oxford Dickeyville Aroostool{ Flagstaff Somer~e, 'I'alluiah 1I1,ldisun 'Biddeford York Dirigo Kennebec *Fort Fairfield Aroostook Tangapaho Tangapaho Ilitldeford Pool York Dixfield Oxford Fort Kent Aroostook Terrebonne T~rrebonne Bingham Somerset Dixfield Center Oxford *Foxcroft Piscataquis *"hibodeaux Lafourche Blanchard Piscataquis Dixmont Penobscot Fr'lnkfort Mills WaldI> 'l'ickfnw Tangipahoa Blue Hill Hancock Dixmont Center Penobscot Fl"anklin Hancock Tigerville Terre Bonne Blue Hill Falls Hancock Dover Piscataquis Freedom Walcm Tooley's!:':oncordia Bolster's.Mills Cum l1erland Dover South Mills Piscataqu is Freeman Franklin Transyl vania. Carroll Bonny Eagle Cumberland Dresden Lincoln Freeport Cumberland Trenton Wachit" <Booth Bay Lincoln ~resden Mills Lincoln Friendship Knox Trinity CatlLhoula Bowdoin Sagadahoc Drv Hills Cumberl nd *Fryeburg Oxford Union ~ Roads Union Bowdoin Center Sagadahoc Du"rham Androscoggin Fryeburg Oenter Oxford VermillionTille Lafayette Bowdoinham Sagadahoc Dyer Brook A l'oostook <Gardiner Kenneboo Vernon Jackson Boyd I.aka PisCat'lquis I5nst Auburn Androscoggin Garland Penobscot Vidali.a Concordia Bradford Penol1scot East Bl\ldwin C'lmbcrland Georgetown SagadahoD Vienna Jackson *Brewer Penobscot l~<lst B.\ngor Penobscot Gilead Oxford Villa Platte St Landry Brewer Yillage Penobscot East Benton Kenncbec Glenburn Penobscoi Vista Ridge Carroll *Bridgeton Cumberland K.sI Blue Hill Hancock GI~llwnod Aroostook Wahaw Franklin Bridgewater Aroostook!':,tst Bowdoinham Sagadahoc Goodale's Corners Penobscot W ash ington St, Landry Brighton Somer,et gast Bradford Penobscot Goodwin's Mills York Waterloo Point Coupee Bristol Lincolu East Brownfield Oxford *Gorhum Cumberland Water Proof Tensns Brockway'S Mills Piscataqui& East Ruckport Hanr.ocl, Gouldsborough Hancock Waverly Cald well Brooklin Hancock illnst Corinth Penobscot Grafton Oxfor.d Welche's Bridge T:lngi p'lho:l Brooks Waldo l':'lst Deering Cuml1erland Grund Lake Stream '\\Yclcome St, James Brooksville Hancock I~ast Dixfield Oxford Washingtml West Baton Rouge Brownfield Oxford East Dixmont Penobscot Grant Isle Aroostook West Baton Rouge Brownsville Piscataquis!':ast Do\'er PiscataquIs Gray Cumberland Wellswclod Rapides *Brunswick Cumberlanc East Eddington Penobscot Groat Falls Cumberland White Sulphur Springs Bryant's Pond, Oxford East Eden Hancock Great Pond Hancock Catahoulll *Buckfield Oxford East Exeter Penobscot Great Works Penobscot Wild Wood "Catahoula Buck's Mills Hancock EMt Fryeburg Oxford Green Bush Penol'scoi Williamsport Point Coupeb 'Bucksport Hancock ltast Hampden Penobscot Green Vale Franklin Winfield Winn Bllcksport Center Hancocl{ E 1st Harpswell Oumberland Greene Androscoggin Winsborough Fra.uklin Burlington Penobscot East He bl"on OXfOl"d Grcen's Corner Androscoggin Woodland Feliciana Burnham Village Waldo East J el'i'er80n Lincoln Gl"eenfield Penobscol Woodville Jackson Buxton York ~~ast Knox Waldo Green's Landing Hancock YoUnl:('8 Station Buxton Center York East Lamoine Hancock Greenville East Fel i cinna Ba;ron Oxford ~Jast T,imington York Greenwood Oxford Youngsville LaFavette < alnis Washington l';"st LiJ.coln Penobscot Guilfol'd Piscataqui. YeJ.loW Bluff l<'ranjdin Onmbridge Somerset I~'lst I,i vermorc A ndroscoggill Hallowell Kennebeo 'Camden Knox East Li vermore 1Il ills Hampden Penobscot Canaan Somerset Androscoggin Hampden Corner Penobscol Clm'lda Road Somerset East Lowell Penobscot Hancock Hancook Oanton Oxford *East Machias Washington Hanover Oxford Oanton Mills Oxford East Madison Somerset H,trmony Somerse, Cape Elizabeth Depot East Monmouth Kellnehec Harpswell Oentre Cnmbel'land Cumberland Bast Montville Waldo Harrington Washington Oape Neddick York Enst Newport Penobscot Harrison Cumberland Cape Porpoise Yurk East New fortland Somerset Hartford Oxford Oaribou Aroostook!<last New Sharon Franklin H,utland Somerse. Oarmel Penobscot East New Vineyard Franklin H,tynesville Aroostook e Carroll Penobscot East Northpol t Waldo Hebron Oxford C,uritunk Somerset E, N. YfI,rmouth Cumberland Hermon Penobscot Maine. Carver's Harbor Knox Euston Aroostook Hermon Center J>enob~co' Casco Oumberland East Orrington Penobsoot Hermon Pond Penobscoll 'Castine Hancock East Otisfield Androsco~fin Hig;hlllnd Somerse' Po.i Office. County. Oastle Hill Aroostook East Palermo Wa dq Hiram Oxford Center Guilford Piscata<;uis I<:ast Parsonfield York Hodgdon Aroostook Abbott Piscataquis Center Lebanon York E:lst PerIl Oxford Hodgdon's Mills Lincoln Abbott Village Pisoatflquis Oenter Lincolnville Waldo East Pittston Kennebec Holden PenobSCot Acton York Cen ter Lovell Oxford East Poland Andros~oggin Hollis York Addison POInt Washington Center Montville Waldo *I!lastport Washin,;ton Hollis' Center York Albany Oxford Center Sidney Kennebeo I!last l~aymond Cumberland Holt's Mills Penobsco'.Albion Kennebec Charlestown Penobscot E'lst Rumford Oxford Hope Knox I;lexander WashinlZton Charlotte W ash'ington East Sangerville Piscataquis *HouHon Aroostook Alfred York Chcbcange Isbnd Cnmberland East Stoneham Oxford Howllmd Penobt>OO' Money Order Officei.

198 Post Office. 'Hndson Penobscot Indian River 'Va~hin!!:ton In<l.ustry Frauklin I~land Falls A l'oostook Isle An Hallt Hancock Jackson 'Waldo Jackson Brook Washington Jay Franklin J",lferson "Lincoln Jonesborough 'Vashington J"onesport Washington Katahdin Iron Works Kendall'B Milld Somerset Kellduskea~ P~uohscot Kennebunk York Kennebunk Depot York Kennebunk Landing York Kennebn nkport,york Kent's Hill Kezar F(l.lls Kennebec,York Kingm.m Pen"bs"ot Kin~sbury King~field Pis~,\tll-'luis Franklin Kittery York Kittery Depot York Kittery Point York Knox ""1\1 do Kn')x Station 'Yaldo Kossllth W.lsh ington I,a Gr(l.uge Penobscot Lnmoine Hancock Larone Somerset Lebanon York Lee Penobscot Leeds Androsco.~gin I.eeds' Junction Androscoggin Levant Penobscot Lewiston Androsco;:gin Lexington Somerset Liberty Waldo Limerick York Limestone Aroo"tool, Limington York Lincolil Penobscot Lincoln Oenter Penobscot Lincolnyille Waldo Linneus Aroo3took Lisbou Andro,coggin Lisbon Falls AnLiroscog1!;in Litchfield Keml! bec Litchfield Corners Kennel)ec Litchfield Plains Kennehec Littleton Aroo3took Li vermore Androscoggin I"vermore Center Androscoggin Livermore j<'aus Androscogglll Locke's Mills Oxford Loven Oxford Lowell Penohscot "Lubec 'Yashine:ton Lymn.n York r,ynaon Aro03tQo.k ~Ma.chias Wn.shington Mach'iasport Washington Madawaska Aroostoolr Madison Somerset MadiJon Center Somerset Mildrid Franklin ManChester Kennebec Maple Grove Aro03took Marion Washington Mars Hill Aroostook Masa.rdis Aroostook Matinicus Knox MattawI\mkeag Penobscot Maxfield Penobscot l\f.\vsyille Aroostook "'Mechanic'sFa.llsAndroscoggin Medford Piscataquis Medford C~ntre Piscllt!Lqui, Med way Penobscot Medybemps Wnshingtoll Mercer Somerset Mexico Oxford Milford Penobscot Milluridge Washington Milltown Washington Milo Piscataquis Milton Plantation Oxford Minot Androsco~gin Moln roostook Monmouth Kcnnebec Monson Piscataquis Monroe Waldo Monroe Center 'V:l.ldo Montlcello Aroostook Montville Waldo Moose River Somerset :Moro Aroostook Morrill Waldo IlQUDt Desert Hancook POST OFFICES-MAINE. Post OOice. County. Post Office. County. County. Mount Killeo Pi~catnquis NorthV:l.ssalborongh Kennebec SeaIO,,,'e Hancock Mount Yernon Kennebec North Vienna Kennebec Scnr"mont Wald6 Naples Cumbel'land ~orth Waldoborough Lincoln "Searsport Waldo Nason's Milia Yurk ;\'orth Warren Knox SeblLgo Cumberland N.\tional Military Asylum Novth Washington Knox Sebu~o Lake Cumberlanci, Kennehec North Waterborongh Y"rk Sebec Piscataqnil Ncaley'sCorners Penohscot ;"orth Waterford Oxford Sedgwick Hancock Newburg Penobscot :-.'"orth 'Wayne Kennebec Shnpleigh York Newburg Center Penobscot North Whitefield Lincoln Sheepscott Bridge Lincoln New Casco Cumberland North'Vindham Cumberland Sherman Aroostook New Castle Lincoln North Winterport 'Val(\o Sherman liills Aroostook Newfield York Xorth Woodstock Oxford Shirley PiscataquiS New Gloucester Cumberland ;\'orth Woodville Penobscot Shirley Mills Piscataqui. :-lew Limerick Aroostook North Y'trmonth Cnmberland Sidney Kennebeo "Newport Penobscot "Norway Oxford Simpson's Corners Penobscot New Portland Somerset Oaklielcl Aroostook Six Mile Falls Penobscot Newry Oxford Oak Hill Cumberland "Skowhegan Somerset "Ncw Sharon Franklin Oceanyille Hancock Small Point Sagadahoo New Sweden J\roostook Ogunquit York Smithfield Somerset New Yineyard Franklin Olamon Penobscot Smyrna Aroostook Noblesborough Lincoln Old Town Penobscot Smyrna Mills Aroostook Norridgewock Somerset Orient Aroostook HnO'w Falls Oxford North Acton York Orland Hancock "Solon Somerset North Amity Aroostook Orneville Piscataquis Somerville Lincoln North Anson Somer3et Orono.Penobscot Somerset liiills Somerset ~o!'th Appleton Knox Orrington Penobscot South Acton 'York North Auburn Androscoggin Orr's I,land Cumberland South Albion Kenncbee :-I'orth Baldwin Cumberland Odsipee.Mils York South Ando'ver Oxford :-I'orth B:mgor Penobscot OLis Hancock HouthAtkinson Piscataquil ;\' orth R~lgrade I{ennebee Otisfield Cumberh\nd Sou t h A u burn Androscog/tin North Berwick York Oxford Oxford Sout,h Bancroft Aroostook North Bethel Oxford Palermo,y,tldo South Beddington Wnshington North Bille Hill H,lllcock' Pal,rmo Center 'Valdo South Bel mont Walde North Boothba.y Lincoln P"lmvra' Somerset South Ber,,"ick York North Bradford Penobscot 'Paris Oxford "South Berwick Junction York North Bridgeton Cumberiand P,\rker's Head Sagadahoc South Bridgeton Cumberland :-I' orth Brooklin Hancock P"rkman Pi~ataquis South Bristol Lincoln North Brooksville Hancock Pal'sonfield York South Brooks '''aide North Buckfield Oxford P,\ssadumkeag Penobscot South Brooksyille Hancock North Bucksport Hancocl, PllttagllUlpus Pellobscct South C~rthage Franklin \'orth Carmel Penobscot Patten Penobscot Sonth Casco Cumberland North Castine ll:lncocl, Penco"e Penobsc,)t South Chesterville Franklin North Chesterville J<'ranklin Peak'. Island Cumherl,,,.d South China Kennebec North Cornville Somerset P~maquid Lin :oln South Corinth Penobscot ~orth Cutler Washington "Pembroke W.\shington South,Deer Isle Hancock North DJor Isle Hancock Penobscot Hancock South Dover Piscataquis North Dixmont Penobscot Perry Washintrton South Durha.m Androsco~g\n :-I'orth East Harllor I,incoln Peru Oxford Sonth 1;<;11iott York North Edgecomb I,incoln 'Phillips Franklin South Exeter Penobscot North Ellsworth Hancock Phipsburg Sagadahoc South Fayette K.. nneheo North Fllyette Kennebec, Pishon's Ferry Kennebec South Freeport Cumberland ~orth Fairfield Somerset Pittsfield Someroet Sout.h Gardiner Kennebet Northti~ld Washington Pittston Kennebec Sou\h Hancock Ha.ncock North Fryeburg,Oxford Plantation No. 14 Washington South Hope Knox North Gorham Cumherlnnd Plymouth Penobscot South.Tefferson Lincoln North Gray Oumberll1nd Polflnd Androscoggin Suuth LaGrange PenobscoG :\'orth Hnrpswcll CUUlberl:lnd l'uor'smills W,\ldo South L~eds Androscoggin North Haven Knox Porter Oxford South Levant Penobscot North Hancock Hancocl, 'Portland Cumherland South Lewiston Androscoggin :-I'orth Hermann Penobscot Pownal Cumberland South Liberty Waldo North Islesborough 'V allio, Prentiss Penohscot South I,itnington York :-I'orth Jay, Franklin "Presque Isle Aroostooll South Lit.chfield Kennebeo North Kennebunkport York Pretty Marsh lliln.)ock South LiYermore Androscoggin North Lamoine Hancocl, [)rinceton Washington South Moluncus Aroostook North I,ebanon York Prospect Wald" South Monmouth Kennebet North I,ee Penol'scot l'rospect Ferry Waldo Sontl' Montville Waldo North Leeds Androsco~gin Prospect Harbor Hancock South Newburg Penobsco. North Limington Yorl, Rangeley Franklin South Norridgewock SomerseO North Linneus Aroostook \t'tymond Cumberll1nd South Orrington Penobsoo. N<)rthLivel'more Androscoggin Iteadfield Kennebec South Paris Oxford N'trrth Lovell Oxford ReIl.dfield Depot Kennebec South Parsonfield York North Lubec W(l.shillg'ton Red '\Vashin.. ton South Penobscot Hanoock Nurth Madison SOlller~et 'Richmond Sagnd~hoc Suuth Poland Androscog~in North liillriavilll' lbncock Richmond Corner Sagadahoc Southport Lincoln Nurth Milford PenolJscot Ripley Somerset South Robinson Washinllton North Monroe 'Val do Riverdide K':lIl1obcc South St. George KnOll: North Monmouth Kenneb~e Robbinston 'Va.!thington South Sanford York North Newcastle Lincoln Rockabema Aroostook South Sangerville Piscataqu~ N urth New hurgh P~no bscot * Rockland Knox South Scbec Piscataquis North Newfield York Rockport Knox SOllth Smithfield Somerset North Newport Penobsoot Rockville. Knox South Solon Somersot North New Portla.nd Somer.el [{ome Kennebec Houth Thomaston KnOll: North Newry Oxforu [{oss Corner York South VnssalboroughKennebeo North Norway Oxford Round Pund Lincoln South Waterfonl Oxford North Palermo Waldo Roxbury Oxford South 'Yest Harbor HanCOCK North Paris Oxford nulllford Oxford, South Weston Aroostook ~orth P:1rsonfield York RClmtord Center Oxford South Windham Cumberland North Penobscot Hancock Rumford Point Oxford South Windsor Kennebeo North Perry Washington Sabatus Androscoggin Springfield Penobscot :-I'orth Pittston Kemh:bec S'lcc,uappa Cumberland ' Springvale York Northport Waldo 'Saco York Squirrel bland Lincoln North Pownal Oumberland St Albans Somersct Standish Cumberland NOl th R,tymond Cumberland Saint Frnneil Aroostook Stark Somerse' North Rumford Oxford ~h George Knox Steep Falls Cumberland North Searsmont Waldo Salem Franklin Stetson Penobsco. ~orth Searsport Waldo Salisburv Cove Hancock Steuben WashInl!;ton North Sedgwick Hancock Salmon Brook Aroostook Stevens' Plains Cumberland!'Iorth Sidney Kennebec Sandy Point Waldo "Stockton Waldl) North Sharpleigh York Sanford York Stow Oxforo N ortb l'urner Androscoggin Sl\llgerville Piscataquis S trickln.nd Ferry North Turner Bridge" I Sargentville Hancock Andr(\s:t~\: North Union Knox I Scarborough Oumberland Strong Fr'.. Money Order Ofiloea.

199 POST OFFlCES-MAINE---MARYLAND. 29 l'ost Ot!ice. County. Post Office. Cou.nty. Post Office. CouTlly. P08t Olji('~. County. Sullivan Hancocl{ West Pownal Cum~el'land Bolivar Frederick Dllwnsville Washingtlm Sumner Oxford 'Westport Lincoln "Boonsborough Washington Drawbridge Dorohester Surry Hancock West Sidney Kennebec Boothby Hill Harruld Dublin fbi' ford Swan's Island Hancock West Sumner Oxford Brady's Mills Alloghany Duffield Charlus Swan ville Waldo West Trenton Hancock Brnnch ville Prince Geurge's ])ughill Canol! Sweden Oxford 'tvust Troy Waldo Br,mdywine Prince George's Dulaney's Valley Briltimortl Temple Mills Fraukl\u West Washington Knox U)'elll.hec\sville Washingtun Dundee 'f,dlo, Tenant's Harbor Knox West Watel'ville Kennebec Brick Meeting House Cecil Dlmkirk' Calvert The Forks Somel'set West Winterport Waldo Bridgeport Frede,rick I~agle'~' liiuls Washiu!I;ton Thomaston I{nox Whitefield Lincoln Brldgetown C<1roline garleton C~cil Thorndike Wnldo White Rock Cumberl"nd Brighton Montgf)mery Enst N ow Market Dorc host,!, 'I'horndike Station " aid" White'. Corner Waldo Bristol Anne Arundel -lthla.ston 'f!\lbol 'I'Uden Hanoock Whitneyville Washington Broad Creek Queen Anile Euesville Ken' Topsiield Washington Whiting 'tyu.shin~ ton B1'Oad Creek Nock 'I','lbut I~tlgewood Harford Topsham Salmd,\hoc Williamsburg Piscataquis Bro.\d Itll n Frederick Elk,Ridge J,anding Howard t'remont Hancock Wilson's Mills OXl'ord Brookll\ndV'ille Baltimore *Elkton Cecil,Troy Wa,ldo "Wilton lfrnnklin Dro"I,lyn Anne Arlllldel Ellengowo.n B"ltimoT'a Troy Center Wnldo W,indh(\m Cumberland Brookville Montgomerv Ellur.lie AllcgllllllY Turner AndroscIf:gin Windsor Kennebec Bro,", nsville Wnshin!!toi. Ell erton Frederick Union nox I Winn Penobscot Bryantown Chitle~ *Ellioott Oity Howltl'l! "Unity 'Valdo Winneganeo Sagadahoe Buckeyetown Frederick ~Emmittsburg Frederick Upper Gloucester Cumberl,md Win~lo,,' Kennebec Budd's Creek St Marys Emmorton Harford Upper Mlldawaskll. Aroosto(lk Winter Harbor H,mcock Buen" Vista Prince Geor"o's Ennall's Spring Dorchester Upper Still water Penobscot "Willterpol't W,lIdo Burkittsville Frederick F,drfinld St. :MarYi Upton Oxford *Winthrop Kennebec Burnettsville Somerset Fair Hill C~cil Vallcebol'ough Washilll!;ton "'tv isc abse t Lincoln Bnrrsville O"r?line F:drlcu Kena Van Buren Aroostook Woodfnrd's Cumberlllnd Burt()nsville Montgomery 1 'lilrmonnt Somers')' V ass"l borough Kennebec Woodstock Oxfllrd Bntler Bal~imor" 1<'a ir Piny WashiugtoD Veazie Penobscot Woodville Penobscot C.\lvHton Mills l~'\drviljw Wl1shington Vienna Kennebec 'Woolwich Sagadahoc "C,\m bridge Dorchester Fallston Uurfol'd Wl\ite Washington *Ynrmouth Cumberland C'\l'foll lllll~imor~ li"l\rmin ll t-on Cecil Waldo Waldo York YOI'll C"rrollton C,u roll Feuerat"Hill Harl'ord "Waldoborongh Lincoln Castleton HlIr/'ol'd Fedemlsburg CllroliD'I'l Wales Androscoggin Catoct.oll Furnnce Frecierick Finksburg C.. rroll Wa.lthnm Haucock Catonsville Baltimorc Fishing Oreek Dorch,,~tey Warren Knox C,wetown Washington Flintstone Alleghany Washington Knox COarfoRS II oishi ngto" Florence llowl\l'd Waterborough York Cecilton Cecil Forest Hill H,\rford Watcrborough Center York "Ccntenille Queen Anne Forest O,\k Montgomery Waterford Oxford Challeyvillo C,\I vert Forestville Prince Geol'ge'& "W IIterville Kennebec Chaptico St. ~bry's Fork Meeting Housc Baltimore Watne Kennebec Oh,ulestown Cecil Forktown Wiconlloo Wc b's Mills Cumllcl'land CIl<lrlotte Hall St. lfary's Fort Fuote Prince Georg~'JI "'ebstcr Androscoggin Chase Baltimure Fort Washington Week's Mills Kennebec Cherry Hill Cecil Prince George''!! Welchville Oxford 'Chesapeake City Fountain Green Harford Weld Frnnklin *Chestertown Kcnt Fowling Creek ClLroline Wellington P i5c lttaq uis Ohesterville Foxy'ille Frederick Wells York Ohestnut Hill H,rford Franklinvillt C"rrvll Wells' Depot York lliaryland. Chewsville Washington 'Frederick Frederick Wesley Washindon Chrome Hill Harford Freedom Carroll West Appleton Knox P08t Office. County. ChUl'ch Creck Dorchedt~r Freeland Baltimon "'est A~hens Somerset Church Hill Queen Anne Friendship Anne Al'und~J West Auburn Androscoggin Aberdeen Harfol'd Churchville Harford Fri7.ellburg Carroll West B,tldwin Cnmberland Abingdon Harford Clarksburg Montgomery *Frostburg Alleghany vr est Bethel Oxford Accident Alloghllny Clarksville Howard Funkstown WaShinIft61l West Bowdoin Sagadahoc Accokeek Prince George's Clayton Harford Galena en' West Bridgeton Cllmberland Ad,tmstown Frederick Clear Sprinll: Washingtoh Galestown Dorchcst-e,. West Brooksville Hancock Agricultural College Chrmont Mills Harford Gallant Green Ohade. West Buxton York Prince Georl':e's Clifton B.Iltilllore Gard,oll Baltimuro,,-est O,tmden Knox Airpys Dorchester "CJckeysville Baltimore Gilpin's Point Carol in.. West Ch,uleston Penobscot Alberton Howard Colesville. Mont~omery Girdletree Hill '" orcester West Corinna Penobscot Allen's Fresn Charles CollegcofSt.JamesWashin:;ton Glenelg Howard West Corinth Penob,;co~ Altamont Alleghany Collington Prince George's Glencoe Baltimore West Corn ville Somerset American Corners Curol illc 001,,1''' Cecil Glenville Harford West Cumberland Cumberland Andersontown C"rolil)~ Conococheague Wa.~hington Glymont Charles. 'Ye"t D"cr Isle H"ncock.. Aunt\polis Anne Arundel OIHlcoru Caroline Go}den Hill Dorchest<;,. _ West Dover Piscataquis Annapolis Junction.. Oonowingo Cecil OoldshorouJ1;h Oarolin... West Durham Androscoggin Aquasco Prince George's Cuutee's Station G()O<l Luck Prince O~org,,'" West Dresden. Lincoln Arnold's Store Anne Arundel I'd ceo George's GOl'stlck'. Mills Baltimora West Eden Hancock Ashhmd Ba.ltimorc Oooksville Howard Goshen Montgomery West Ellsworth Hancock Bachman's Mills C<1rroli Coo el'town Hll.rford GO,\'anstown Bnltimon '. West Embdcn Somerset Bakersville Washington Cor. ova Talbot Grllceham" FrederiCK West l<;nfield Penobscot B,\ldwin Baltimore Cornersville Dorchester Grants v ill e Alleghany WestF"lmouth Oumberland "Baltimore Baltimore Corriganville Alleghllny Grave Run Mills BaltimoTIJ WestFarmingdale Kennebec Barnesville Montgomery Oosten Somerset Grell.t Mills St.!lJarr'8 Westfield Aroostook Barrail ville Alleghany uotocton Furnace Frederick Greenfield Mills FrederIck. West Fremont Hancock Barren Creek Spring Cove Point Calvert Green HIll Wicomim West Freeman Franklin 'Wycomico Cox's Station Oharles ~Greensboro' Oaroli\l;4 West Gardiner Kennebec Barry Frederick Creagerstown Frederick Green Spring Furnace West Garland Penobscot Barton Alleghany Cres\Hll Harful'd Washing«n> West Gloucester Cumberland Bay Hundred Talbot Crisfield Somerset Greenwood B:lltimon. West Gorham Oumberland B'1Y View Cecil Croom Prince George's "'Hagerstown Washingtoll West Gouldsborough Hancock Beantown Ohades Cross Ronds Charles Hampstea.d CarroU Wost Great Works' Penobscot Beallsville Montgomery Crotcher's Ferry Dorchester "Hancock Washingtou. West Hampden Penobscot Beaver Creek 'Yashington Crownsville Anno Arundel H!\nesville Ken' West Harpwell Oumberland Beckleysville Bnl timore Crllmpton Queen Anne Hanover Howard West Le banon York *Bel Air Harford Cub Hill B"ltimore H n Ilsollvllle Frederic\( -West Leeds And roscoggi n Belfast Baltimore 'Cum bcrl!\nd Alleghany IJnrford Fu rnaoe Harford Wese Levant Penobscot Beltsville Prince George's Damascus Montgomery Harney Carr,lU West Lubec Washington Beneyola Washington Dnme's Qnarter :)omerset Hll.rri~ Lot Chll.rl~ West'i1 Mills Franklin Bentley'd Springs Baitilllo,,~ Da.rlington Harford Harrison Dorchester West Minot Androscoggin * Berlin Worcester Darnestown liontgomery Ha.rrison v ille Baitimon 'Vest Mount VernoD Kennel'ec B~thesda Montgomery Davidsonville Anne Arundel 'Haver de Grace Hartford West Newburgh POlnobscot Bethlehem Caroline Dawsonville 1I1(lntgomcry IJead of Sassafras Ken. West Newfield York Bird Hill Carroll D:\yton Howard Henderson Oarolin~ Weston Aroostook 'Bishop's Head Dorchester Deal'.g Isla.nd Somerset Hereford Baltimorw West Paris Oxford Bishopville Worcester Deer P"rk Alleghany Hickory Ta.vern Harford West Pembroke Washington Horse Harford "O.!nton Ol\roline Hioksburgh Dorcheskr West Peru Oxford Black Rock Ba.ltimore DOllnings Carroll Hillaboro' Carotin. > West Pitt.field Somerset Bladel~sburg FrlDce Georgl"s Doncaster Oharles Hill's Point Dorol> 'WettPoland Androscoggin I Bloomington Allegheny Double Pipe'Oreek Ca.rroll Hollywood St. 1I1arY1l ")lodey Order 01&0111.

200 ao POST OFFlCES-}IARYLA~D---MASSACHUSETTS. Post Office. County. Po.,t Office. County. P08t Offi,Cd. County. POlt Office. Count:,. Hood's Mills' Carroll liiount Vernon Somerset Sabillasville Frederick Wilna Harford. Hookstown Baltimore.Mount Washington BI1ltimore Saint Augustine Cecil Winfield Oarrotl Hoopcrvi\le Dorches~er Mu irk i rk Prince Ge"r~e's St. Clement's Bay St. M,uy's Wittman Talbot Hooversville Howard Myersville Frederick Sa,int Dennis- Baltimore Wolfsville Frederick Hopewell Somerset N anj emoy Charles Sa,int Inegoes St. Mary's Woodbury Baltimo1'8 Hopewclll>1 Roads Harford Nllnticoke Wicomico SnintJames Baltimore Woodbine Ca;rroll Horsehead Prince George's Newark Worcester Saint [,eonard's Calvert Woodensburg Baltimol'll Houcksville Carroll N ewburg Ch:l.rl~. S&intMargarot's Anne Arundel Woodland Talbot Hughesville Ohllrles New Hope Cl1orol'ine Saint Martin'S Worcester Woodland Town Doroilestel Hunting Hill!liontgoID<;lry New London Frederick Saint Michael's Talbot Wood Lawn Cecil Huntington City New Market Salem Dorchester Woodsborough Frederick Prince George's New IIJidwILY Frederick *Salisbury Wicomico Woodstock Howard Huntingtown Calvert Newport Charles Sam's Oreek Carroll Wood vale Frederlok Hurlock Derohester Newtown Worcester "Sandv Spring Montgomery Worton. Ken_ Hutton's Switch All~ghany New Windsor Carroll g'lppiilgton Anne Ai'Undel Wye Mills TalbG' Hyattstown Montgomery NIchols Montgomery Sass"fl'as Kent York Road Carroll Hyattsville Prince George's Norbeck Montgomery Savage Howard Zion Cecil Ij amsville Frederick N orrisville Harford Selbysport Alleghany Zoucksvillo BaitiDiGlO n~hester Mills Howard N ort h Branch Baltimore Seneca Montgomery Indian Springs 'Vashington *N ortheast Cec ii Shad~ Mills Alleghany ln~leside Queeu Anne Nottingham Prince George's Shane Baltimore J nco bsv ilia Anne Aru ndel Oak Grove Pl'ince George's 'Sharpsburg Washington J nrrettsville Harford "Oakland Alleghany Sharpstown Wicomico J efforson Frederick Oakland Mills Howllrd Shnwan Baltimore Jerusalem Mills Harford Oak Orchard Frederick Shepherd's Store 1 ohnson's Store Anne Arundel Oakville St. Mary's Anne Arund el Johnstown Alleghany Oakweod. Cecil Sheppardsville Wicomic') Johnsville Fred.erick Ocean. Alleghany Silver Run Carroll Keedysville Washingtou Odenton Anne Arundel Simpsonville Howllrd K.ep Tryst Washington Olfut'.>< Roa.ds Montgomery Sq ver l. ill Prince George's Kemptown Frederick Olney Montgomery Skipton Talbot Kennedyville Kellt Orangeville Bal ti more Sligo Montgomery Kingston Somerset Orlellns Alleghany Smithsburg Washington Knoxville Frederick Owing's lhlls Baltimore Smithville Caroline Ladiesburg Frederick Oxen Hill Pr~nce Geer"e'. 'Snow Hill Worcester l,ake Roland B,dtimore Oxford Tal bot Solomon's Isla.nd Oal vert Lakesville Dorchester Paper Mills Baltimore South River Anne Arundel ~Iassach uset1s. Lannam Prince George's Plll'k Mills FrederIck Spencerville Montgomery Lander Frederiok Par~onburg \Yicomic'J Stablersville Baltimore PO&t Office. Lapidum Harford Parkton nahimore Stevenson Station Ba,ltimore Lauraville Baltimore Patuxent Anne Arundel SWl~d Knt Abington.Plymouth ~L~ureIFactory PrineeGeorge Perrymansville Harford Stockton Worcester Acton Middlesex La.rtonsville Montgomery Perryville Cecil Stonersville Carroll Acushnet Bristol Leltersburg Washington Petersville Frederick Sudlersville Queen Anne Adams Berkshire Leonardstown St. Alary's Phrenix Baltimore Sudley Anne Arundel Adamsville ~'rankhn Lewistown Frederiok Philo polis Suitsville Prince George's Agawam Hampden [,iberty Gron Cecil Pikesville Baltimore Sllnderlandville Calvert Alford Berkshire Libertytown Frederick Piney Creek C~rl'oll Sunshine Montgomery Alls ton IIIi ddles6:l Li cksvi lle Frederick Piney Point St.\1arys Swanton Alleghany Amesburg Essex Lime Kiln Froderick Piscataway Priuce George's Sweet Air Baltimore "Amherst Hampshire Lindseyville 'Vorcester Pisgah Charles Sykesville Curroll "Andover Essex Linganortl Frederick Pittsville 'Vicomico Taneytown Annisquam Essex Li n It wood Dorchester Plane No... Frederick '1':l.ylor. Harford Arl ington ~fiddlesex Linwood Catroll Pleasantville Harford Taylor's Island Dorchester Ashburnham Worcester Lisbon Howard Point Lookout St. Mary's T. B. Prince George's Ashburnham Depot Worcester Little Gunpowder B:l.itimore Point of n.ocka Frederick Templeville Queeu Anne Ashby Middlesex Locust Grove Kent Pomonkey Charles Thomas' Run Harford Ashfield Franklin *Lonaconing Alleghany Poolsville llontgomery Tobacco Stick Dorchester Ashland Middlesex Long Corner Hurford Popla.l," Springs Ho.ward "Towsontown Baltimore Ashlev's Falls Berkshil'll Long GreenAcadem. y Baltimore "Port Deposit Oecil Tracy's Landing Anne Arundel Ashleyville' Hampden Long Marsh Queen Anne Porter's Carroll Trappe Talbot Athol Wareestel Longwoods TI~1 bot Port Republic Oal vert Trenton Baltimore "Athol Depot Worcester Louisville Carroll Port Tobacco Charles Triadelphia. Montgomery Attleborongh Bristol Lower Marlboro' C:l.lvert Potter's Lauding Caroline Tyaskin Wicomico Attleborough Falls Bristol Lutherville Baltimore Powellville Wicom ico Union Bridge Carroll Auburn Worcester McKinstry's Mills Carroll Powhatan Baltimore Union Meeting House Auburn Dale Middlesex Magnolia Harford Presten Caroline Baltimore "Ayres Middlesex Manchester Carroll Price's Station Queen Anile Union Mills Carroll Ay~r's Village Essex Mantua Mills Baltimore Prince FrederiCktown Cal vert Uniontown Bald winsville Worcester liarriottsville Howard "Princess Anne Somerset Unionville Frederick Ballard Vale Essex Marly. Anne Arllndel Principio Cecil Upperco Baltimore Bancroft Berkshire Maryland LiM Baltimore Principio Furnace Cecil U pper ~ Roacla Harford Hardwell's Ferry Franklin Marshull Hall Charles Prospect Harford Upper Falls Baltimore "Barnstable Barnstable Marydell Oaroline Pylesville Harford Upper Marlboro' "Barre Woroester Massey's ~ Roads Kent Qnantico Wicomico Prince George's Harre Plains Worcester Matthews' Store Howard Queenstown Queen Anne Upper Trappe Somerset Bayview Essex Mayberry O:1rroll I~andallstown Baltimore Urbana Frederick Beckett Berkshire Mechanicstown Frederick Rawling's Station Alleghany Uticalllilla Frederick Becket Center Berkshire Mechanics Valley Oeoil Rayville Baltimore Vienna Dorchester Bedford Middlescll Mechauicsville St. Marys Redland lilontgomcry Wakefield Oarroll Belchertowll Hampshire Mellwood Prince,George" ReisterstoWll Baltimore Walkersville Frederick Bellingham Norfolk Michaelsville Harford )~ider Baltimore W"rfieldburg Carroll Belmont Middles~x 'Middlebrook.)!ontgomery Ridge St. Mar.r.'~ \Vanen Baltimore Berkley Bri'~ liiddleburg.' Carroll Ridgely Carolllle Warwick Cecil Berkshire Berkshire *liiddletown Frederick Ringgold Washington Waterbury Anno Arundd Berlin Worcester Milestown St. IIln.ry'8 "Rising SUll Ceci,l WatersviUe Carroll HernardstoWI1 Fra.nklin Mill Oreek. Calvl'rt Riverside Charles Waverly Baltimore Heverly Essex Millersville Anne Arundel Riverton Wicomioo Weisesburg Baltimore Beverly Farms E~ell Mill Green. Harford Robeystown Prince George's Western.llort Alleghany Billerica Middlesell Millington Kent Rockdale Baltimore West Friend_hip Howard Iilaokinton Berkllhi~ Millstone Point Washington Rock Hall Kent. 'Westminster Car;roll Blackstone Worces'er Mitchell ville Prince George's Rocky Ridge Frederick Westover Somerset Bla.nford HampdeD Monie Somerset Rook Springs Ceoil West River Anne Arundol Bolton Worcester Honkton Mills Baltimore *Rockville Montgomery Wetheredl'iUe Baltimore Bond's Village Hampden Honocacy lilontgomery Roosville Queen Anue Weverton Washinltton *Boston Suffolk Monrovia Frederick Rohrersville Washington Whaleysville Worcester Boxfcrd Essu Montrose Montg~mery Rosar.r.ville Prinoe George's Wheaton Montgomery Boylston Worceater Morganza. St. Marys RossvIlle Baltimore Whitleyaburg Oaroline Boylston Oenter Worcester Mount Airy Oarroll Rowlandsville Cecil White Hall Baltimore Boylston Statioll Norfolk )fount Ca.rmel Baltimore Roxbury Mills Howard White HaYen Wicomico. Bradford Essell kount Pleasan~ Frederick Roya.IOak Talbot Williamsburg Dorohester Bra~gville Mlddlesell "'-nt Savage Allelha!ll Rutland Anne Arundel "WilliamspoI' n"ashingtou. Brfolntreo Norfollt MOlley Order 08ioOl.

201 POST OFFICES-MASSACHUSETTS. 31 Post Office. County, Post Office. Counly. Post Office. (Jountll. POll' Office. COUll!!!. 8rewster Barnstable' East Middleborough Plvmouth Hull Plymouth North Attleborough Bristol Bridtewnter Plymouth East 111 iltoll Norfolk H untingtoll Hampshire North Bl'Jlinyham Norfolk -Brig ton MIddlesex Easton ~ri'stol Hyannis ]3al'llstable North Hever y Essex -Brimfield Hampden East Orleans Barnstable Hyde Park Norfolk Nort h Billerica Jlliddlese:& Brookfield 1Vorcestcr I~.\st Pembr"ko 'Plymouth Indian Orchard Hnmpden Nonh Blanford Hampden Brookline Norfolk East Pepperell Middlesex [pswich Euex Nortbl'orough Worcester flroollville Norfolk East Pl'lnceton Worcester b'eland Hampden Northbridge )Vol'cester Buckland Fran~lin East St\!isbury E3sex J "maica Plains Norfolk North qri d~e Center W orccster Burlington Middlesex East Sand wich Barnstnble Kingston Plymouth "~orth Bridgewater Plyn outh Bu rr.lgeville 'Vorcester East Sharon Norfolk r.. akeville Plymouth "North Brookfield Worcester Byfield ES8ex gast SheffIeld Berkshire Lancaster Worcester Korth Oambridge Middlesex Cl\mbridge Middlesex East Shdburne Franklill r.. anesborollgh Berkshire North Oarver Plymoutb Oambridgeport Middlesex East Somerville Middlesex LallesviUe Essex :s orth Chatham Barnstable Ollml'el1.o Plymouth Ea3t St,oughton Norfolk 'Lawrence Essex North Chelmsford III iddlese:l ClI.nt,on Norfolk East Taunton Bristol "Lee BeTkshire North Chester Hampden Carlisle Middlesex gast Templeton Worcester Leeda Hampshire North Cohasset Norfolk Oarver Plymouth East Walpole Norfolk L'eieester '''orceater NOl'th Danl\ Worc~ster Caryville N orr01l; East War ham PI~mOuth Lenox B,'rkshire North Dartmouth Bristol Centerville Barnstable East Weymouth l'orfolk Lenox Furnace Berkshire North Dighton Bristol Oentral Village Bristol East Whately Franklin [,eominster Worcester North Easton Bl'istO'I Charlemont Fmnklin East Windsor Berkshire Leverett Franklin North Eastham llllrnstable Charles River Village Norfolk East Woburn Middlesex r.exington' Middlesex North Egremont Berkshire "Charlestown Middlesex *Edgartown Dukes Leyden Franklin North Falmouth Barnstabl~ Charlton 'Vorcestel' Elm Grove Franklin Lincoln Middlesex Northfidd :Frllnklin Charlton City '\\' oreester Elmwood Plym(luth Littleton Middlesex N(\rthfield Farms Franklin Oharlton Depot Worcester ~nfield Hampshire Lock's Village Franklin North Hadley Hampshire Chathn,m Barnstable Eh'ving Franklin Long li'leadow Hampden North Harwiuk Barnstable Ohath,\m Port Barnstable ~lssex Esse>. [,ong Plain Bristol Nurth Hatfield Hampshire Ohelmsford Middlesex Everett lin (1 d I esex "Lowell :Middlesex North Leominster Worcester 'Chelsea Sutlolk Factory Vlilage Fr"nklin Ludlow Hampdell North Leverett l<'rankli'n Oherry Valle,. Worcester Fairhaven Bristol Lunenburg Worcester North li'larshfield Plymouth Cheshire Berkshire "Fall River Bristol 'Lynn Essex N, liiiddleborough Plymouth Ohester Hampden Falmouth' Barnstabh Lynnfield Esse~ Norili New Salem J!'ranklin Chester Centre Hampden Farnumsville 'Vorcester Lvnnfield Center Essex North Orange Franklin Chesterfield Hampshire Fayville Worcester Malden Middlesex North Oxford Worcester Ohestnut Hill l\ilddlesex Feod Ing Hills Hampden :'Ilanchaug 1VorcestH North Pemuroke Plymouth 'Chicopee Hampden Fiskedale 1Vorceste;r Manc hester Essex North Plymton Plymouth 'Chi copee Falls Hampden 'I!'itcllburg "r ore ester Mans,ficld Bristol )IT orth Prescott Hampshire Chilmark Dukes Florence Hampshire Maplewood Middlesex North Raynham Br i~tol Ol\\ltonville Plymouth Florida Berkshire "Marblehead Essex North Heading Middlesex Cli ftond ale Essex Forge Villafe Middlesex "Marbleborougb Middlesex North Rehoboth Bristol "'Clinton Worcester "Foxboroug Nor foil, Marion Plymouth North Rutland 'Vorccster S::chesett Plymouth Framingham Middl~8ex Marshfield Plymouth North Sandwich Barnstable ohituate liiiddlesex *Fr<\nklin NOl'foll, Mar8toll'S Mms Barnstable North Scituate Plymouth Cohassett Norfolk Franklin City Norfolk Mattapan Norfolk N tlrth Somerville MHldlescs Ooldbrook Springs Worcester I!'reetown Bristol Mattapoisett Plymouth North Stoughton Norfolk Oolerain Franklin Uardner Worc~stel' Mavnal'd Middlesex North Sudbury ~liddlese:l Oolloge Hill Middlesex Georgetown Essex Medfield Norfolk North Swansea Bristol ColliJls' De pot llampden Gil bqrtville Worcester Medford Middlesex North Tisbury Dukes Concord Middlesex Gill Franklin "'Medway Norfolk North Truro Barnstable Conway Franklin Glendale Berkshire Melrose Middlesex North Uxbridge Wo~cester Cooley "iile Franklin Globe Village Worce~tel' 'Mendon ". orcester N urth Westport Bristol Oordaville Worcester "Gloucester Ess~x 1I1ethuen Essex,.North Weymouth Norfolk Cotuitport Barnstable Goshen Hampshih Middleborough Plymouth North Wilmington IIIiddlesell ~unnington Hampshire Grafton Worcester Middlefield Hampshire North Woodburn Middlese:& Ounnington West Village Granby HampsQire Middlesex Village Middlesex Norton Bristol Hampshire Graniteville Middlesex Middleton Essex Norwich Hampshire <>J;trtinsville Berkshire Grantville Norfolk *Milford Worcester Norwolld Norfolk Uantl. Worcester Granville Corners Hampden Millbjlry Worcester Oakdale Worcester Dalton Berkshire "'Great Barrington Berkshire Miller's Falle Fl':lnkli n Oakham Worcester Danvers Essex "'Greenfield Franklin Millington Franklin "'Orange Franklin D~nvers Oenter Essex Greenwich Hampshire Mill River Berkshire "Orlcans Bal'nstablo Vanvcl'sport Esse" Greenwich Village Hampshire Millyille Worcester Osterville Barnstable Dartmouth Bristol Greenwood Middlesex Milton Norfolk Otis Berkshire "Dedham Norfolk Griswoldville Franklin Mitteneague Hampden Otter River 'Yore ester Deerfield Franklill Groton 11iddlesex Monroe Franklin Oxford Worcester Dt)nnis Barnstable Groveland Essex "'Monson Hampden "'Palmer Hl\mpden Dennis Port Barnstable Hadley Hampshire JUontap:ue Frankliu Paxton Worcester Dighton Bristol Halifax Plymouth Montague Oity J!'ranklin Peabo,ly Essex Dorchester Norfolk Hamilton Essex Monterey Berkshire Pelham Hampshire Douglas~ Worcester Hancock Berkshire Montgomery Hampden Pembroke Plymouth Dover Norfolk Hanover Plymouth Montville Berkshire Pepperill lib d dl es6;& Dracut Middlesex Hanson Plymouth Monument Barnstable Peru Berkshin Dudley Worcester Hardwick Worcester Mount Auburn Middlesex Petersham WOI'cester Dunstable lliddlesex Harrison Square. Norfolk Myrickville Bristol Phillipston Worces~er Duxbury Plymouth Hartsville Berkshire Nahant Essex Pigeon COTe Esse:& East Abingtc;n Plymouth Harvard,,' orcester "Nantucke~ Nantucket "'Pittsfield Berkshire East Bla ckstone Worcester "Harwieh Barnstable "'Natick Middlesex Plainfield Hampshir8 East Brewster Barnstable Harwichporl Barnstable "'Needham Norfolk Plainville Norfolk East Bridgewater Plymouth HOl.tchvillo Barnstable Neponset Village Norfolk "Plymouth East Brinfield Hampden Hatfield Hain~hire New. Ashford Berkshire Plympton Station Plymouth 'East Brookfield Worcester 'IOHOl.verhill ssex 'ION ew Bedford Bristol Plympton Plymouth East Cambridge Middlesex Hawley Franklin New Boston Berkshire Pocassett l\ardstable East Charlemont Franklin Hayden Row Middlesex New BraJJltree Worcester Prlltt's Junction Worcester Eas t Dennis Barnstable Ha.ydenville Hampshire "Newburyport Essex Prescott Hampshire -El!.8t Douglass Worcester Heath FI;a.nklin NewEngla».dVillage Worcester Princeton 'Vorcester East Falmouth Barnstable Hebronville Bristol New Lenox Berkshire "'Provinoetown Barnstable East Foxborough Norfolk Highlandville Norfolk New 1I11l.rlborough Berkshire "'Qnincy Norfolk East Freetown Bristol Hingham Plymouth New Salem Franklin ~uincy Poin' Norfolk East Granville Hamlden Hingham Center Plymouth ~Newton Middlesex andolph Norfolk East Gloucester ssex Hinsdale Berkshire Newton Oenter Middlesex Raynham Bristol Eastham Barnstable Holbrook Norfolk Newton Highlands Middlesex Reading Middlesex.~ast Haml?ton Hampshire Holden Worcester Newton Lower Falls Middlesex Readville Sta.tion Norfolk East HarWIck Barnstable Holland Hampden Newton U~per F!llls Middlesex RehoboYl Bristol GlUt Haverhill Essex "Holliston Middlesex N ewtonvil e Middlesex Revere SuffQlk East Holliston Middlesex "Holyoke Hampden Norfolk Norfolk Richmond Berkshire East Lee nerkshire Hoosac,Tullnel Berkshire North Abington Plymouth Ringville Hampshire East L exinlioll Middlesex Hopedale Worcester "'North Adams Berkshire Riverside FrankliJl East Long eadow Hampden "HopkintO'n liiddlesex North Amherst Hampshire Rochdale Worcestl!l East Marshfield Plymouth Housatonio Berkshire "Northampton HaPl~hire Rochester Plymoutb Bast Medford Middlesex Hubbard,tOD,,'orcester North Andover sse:& Rock Plymoulih. "'$ Mod way Norfolk "'Hucboa Middlese.s. North 4ndClierDepo~ ~x Rock Bottom Middlell6li KQIl~l'O,dor Oftic.tII.

202 82 I'OST OFFICES-MASSACHUSET:S-MICmGAN. 1'0st Office. County. Post Office. County. POll! Office. (Jounty. Post Office. COllnt:". Rock Dl1.le :Mills Derksh ir~ Still River Worcester West Stockbridge Berkshire Assyria. Darry Rackport Essex Stockbridge Berkshire West Stockbridge Center Atlo.s Genesee Rocl{Ville - N!ll':'olk Stoneham Middlesex Berkshire Athp.ns Calhoun Roslindale Norfolk Stoughton Norfolk West Sutton 'Vorcester Athlone ~Ionrot Rowe Frankli" Stow Mid<llescx West Tisbury Dukes Attica. L:lpeer Rowley Essex Sturbridge \\' orccster West Townsend Middlesex Atwood Antrim tl.oy,~lston Worcestel' Sudburr; Middlesex \ Upton "'orcester Au Gres hay Rllssell Hampdell Sunder a.nd F-ra.nklin Weshale l\1idtll<>sex Augusta Kalamazoo Rutla.nd Worcester Sutton Worcester West Wa.teham Plymouth Aurelius Inih-am "Sa.lem )~ssex Swampscott l!lssex W~st Warren ',,"ore ester "'Ausabie osco Sa.lislmry Essex Swa.nsea. Bristol West \Yorthington H9mpshire,Aust~rlitz Kent S,mtlisfield Berkshire Sw,ft giver Hampshire W "st "~renthal\l Norfolk AustIn Oakland "Sll.ndwich Barllst:l.ble '1':1 r I ey v i 11. El.ex "rust Yarm.outh Ba.l,'nstabl~ Averill's Sta.tion Midland Saugus Essex 'T:l.unton Bristol Weymouth Norfolk Avery Berrien Saugus Center Ed~~X Templeton Worcester,"'ha.tely Franklin Bad Axe Huron SlI.undersville Worcester Tewkesbury Middlesex W hi tinsville Worcester Bad River Gratiot Savoy Berkshire 'rhorndike Hampden Wilbra.ham Hampden B,dl"y Muskegon SaxonviHe Middlesex Three Rivers Hampden Wilkinsonville Worcester Bainliridge Berrien Scituate Plymouth Tulland H.lmpden 'Williamsburgh Ha.mpshire U"l<lwin City Lakt ScituMe Center Plymouth Topsfield ll:s.;;ex "Williamatown Berkshire Baldwin's Mills Jaekso.n Scotland Plymonth Townsend Middle.ex WJ1liamsviJ1e V"-orcester B,tltimore Barry Seekonk Bris,,,1 Town.end Ha.rbor Middlesex Willimansett Hampden Bangor Van BllreD Sh:non Norfolk 'i'rul'o Barnstable Wilminl!:ton Middlesex Ba.nkers Hillsdale Shattuckville Fra.nklin THrner's Fa.lls Franklin "Winchendom 'Vorcester Ba.nks Bay SheffIeld Berkshire Tyngsborough l\1 iddlesex Winchester Middlesex Houghton Shelburne Fmnklin 'l)ringham Berkshire Wiudsor Berkshire Barnard Charlevoix *Shelburne Fa.lls l!'ru.nklin l,\,ton Worc~ster Winthrop Sul\'olk RnrryviJIe Barry ShelUonville Norfolk -'Uxbridge Worcester "yoburn Middlesex Base Lalto Wa.shtenaw Sherborn Middlesex Van Deusenville berkshire WolLlston Norfolk Ba.tavia Branoh Shirley Middlesex V Illeyard Groves Dak.s Wood's Hole Barnstable Bath Clinton Shirley Middlesex *Viiieyard Haven Dukes Woodville Middlesex 'Battle Creek Calhoun Shrewsbnry,"Y ore ester Wachuset,t V Worcester "Worcester \Vorcester 'lla.y City Bay Shute8bury Franklin Wakefield. Middlesex Worthington H~mpshire B'IY port Huron Siasconset Nantul'ket Wales Hampden Wrentham Norfolk Bcar La.ko 1\10 nistl~ Sleep Brook Bristol Walpole Norfolk Yarmouth Barns to. bl e Benl' 1IJ ills VauBuren Smithville Worcester 'Waltham Middlesex 'la.rmouth Point Barnstal,le Bear River Emme' Somerset Bristol Waquoit Barnstable Z"'U Franklin Beaver Newayg~ Som<>rville Middlesex "Ware Hampshire Deaver Creek GmtlO\ South Acton Middlesex Wareha.m Plymouth Beech "'livdv South Abington Plymouth 'Varren 'Vorcester Bedford Calhoun Son~h Amesbury ~d~ex Warwick Franklin Belden W"Ylle South Amherst Hamll~hire Washington Berkshire Be!ding l"ni& bouthampton Hampshire Wa.tertown Middlesex Belle River St. Clair South AShfield f'rllnkl i" \V,werly liiiddlesex Belmont Kent South Athol 'Vorcester Wa.ylu.nd Middlesex B~lleville WavDe South Attleborough Bristol "IV ebster WOI"c~ster " Bellevue Eaton Sou th borough Worcester Wellesley Norfolll Bengal Clinton South Braintree Norfolk 'Welltleet Ba.rnstablt Bennington Shia.w",ss~ South Brewster Barnstllb Ie Wendell Fnmklin Benona Oceana "Sollth bridge \Vorcester Wendell Depot.'ra.l1klin Benton Washten.,.- South C"'l'ver Plymouth Wenham Illssex 'Benton Harbor BerrieD ltlichigan. Bouth ChMhllm Barnstllb!~ West Acton Middlesex Benzonia llen~i-e S Jllth Ohelmsford!II id,l]esex West Amesburl. Easex Berlin Ottawa South Dartmouth Bristol Weat Barnsta.b e Barnstable P08t 0.91"'11. County. Uerrien Center BerrieD South Deertidd Franklill WestBeck~t Bel'kshire 'Berrien Spring SUllth Dennis Barustable W"st Ber! i n WOl"cestel.-\ bronia All ega. 11 Bertrand South Dnxbllry Plymouth *Westl!orough "\Yorcester Abscota Calhoun Berville St, ClaIr South Easton Bristol 'Vest Boxford Essex Acme Grand Trilverse Bethel Br,\neb Ihuth E"remont Berkshire W~st Boyleston 'Vorc~ster Ada Kent Big Beaver Oa.kl"nd SJuthfield Berkshire West Brewster Barnstable Adamsv ille CMS Big Prairie Newayg" South Fra.mingha,~ Middlesex West Bridgewa.ter Plymouth Addition Lenawee ~Dig Rapids Mecosta South Franklin Norfolk West Brookfield Worcester "AdriaD Bi~Spring Ottawa "8outh Gardner Worcester West Chll.tham Barnstable Adva.n~1l Charlevoix Birch Run Saginaw Sonth Grovela.nd Essex West Chelmsford Middlesex.Et-n~ Newaygu Bird Oceanu....south Hadley Hampshir~ West Ohesterfield Ha.mpshire Akron Tuscola Birmingham Ollklo.nd South Hadley Fa.lls Hampshire West Dllnyer~ Essex Alabaster.Ioskh Bismarck Ea, on South l-hllover Plymouth \V e8~ Dedha.m NQrfolk Kalama.zoo Ulllckberry Ridge Ocellna South Hanson Plymouth West Dennis Ba.rnstablt Ala~ka Kent Lak~ Muske.~on South Harwich Barnstable West D>ldley \Y urcester Albion Ca.lhouD Blair Berry South Hingham Plymouth WeMt Duxbury Plymouth Alcolla Alcona Blendon Otta.W8 South Lancaster 'Vorcester West Falmouth Bllrnstable AIga.nsee Bra.ncl, -<Blissfield!,euolwee South Lee Berkshire "Westfield Ha.mpdcll AllPuen I,'ni" Bloomer Center Montcalm South Lincoln l\i iddlesex West_Fite.h_bur~h Worcester All?ona.c St. Bloonllngda.le Van lluren South I\{iddleboro" Plyni(mth Westford Middlesex " hcu Oceu.lla Blull'ton.Muskegon South Milford \Yorcester \Vest Foxboro' Norfolk Allegan Allegan Illumfield Saginaw South Natick Middlesex West Ghmcester Essex Allell Hillsdale Blullltield Junction Saginu.w South Orleans B,>rnstable West Gra.nville Hampden Allen Cr~ek Ocea.nn Burd's 1\1 ills Wtxford South Plymouth Plymouth West Groton Middlesex Allendale OttaWll Bostwick Kent South Rovalston Woroester West Ha.mpton Hampshire Alma Gra.tiot Bowen Kent South Sa.ndwioh Ba.rnsta.ble West Hanover Plymouth Almena Van Buren Bowen's Mills Bu.rry South Sandisfield Berksllil'e West Ibrwich Ba.rnsta.ble Almira Benzie Bowen's 8tation K.D' - gouth Scitua.te PIYl;Il(Hlth West Ha.wley Franklin Alm~nt Lapeer Hoyue CharleVOIX -South Seekon~ Bristol West llansfield Bristol "'Alpena AllCen3 Bradley Alleg~'D South Sudbury Miadlesex West Medford Mid;hesex Alpine ent Brandon Oakland South Walpole Norfolk Wes.tlledwa.y Norfolk Alto Kent- Bra.vo Allegan South.Wareham Plymollth West Millbury Worcester Alton *Breedville Va.n Buren South Wellfleet Ba.rllstable Westminster Wei-easter Altona Mecosta Bridgepol't Ceuter Saginl\w South Westport Bristo1 \Vestmillster Depot Woreest\'r AlvertoD Ingham Bridgeton Newaygo South Wek'mouth Norfolk West Newbury Essex AmadON Sa.nilac llr.idgev ilie GI'utio' Southwic Hamr>den West Newton 1Iliddiesex Ambu Mason Bridgewater Washtenaw South \Vilbraham Ha.m~en West Northfield Franklin Ambov HiIlsQale "'Brighton LivinlZston South Willia.mstownBerks ire Weston Middlesex Amsdell llontcalm Bristol Isabella South Worthington. West Otis Berkshire '*.Ann Arbor Waahtenaw Brockway Centre St. Clair Ha.mpshire Weat Pittsfield Berkshire Antrim 0lt1 Antrim Brockway St. Clair South Wrentha.m Norfolk Westport Bristol Arbela Tnscola 8'romfield Isabella South Yarmouth Ba.rnstable Westport Point Bristol Arenao Ba.," Bronson's Pra.irie Brllncll -Spencer Wor~ester West RoXbU7 Norfolk Argentino Genese-e Brookfield EatOD -Springfield Hampden West Rutlan Worcester Arland.Jaokson "Brooklyn JacksoD ~prini~ill Ba.rnsta.ble West Sandwich Barnsta.ble *Armada lia.comb Brown Maniste. tate Ine Berkshire West Scituate Plymouth Ashland Newa.go Brownnille CQIII Itee D Broek Bristol West Springfield Hampden..Ashley Kent "Buohanan BerrieD ter lilg WOl'ce&ter West Sterling Worcester Ashioll Oee801l\ Buena Vista SllgilUUI 'MeDe, Ordn om-.

203 POST OFFICES-MICHIGAN. 3a Post Office. (Jounty. Post Office. (Jounty. Post Office. (Jollnty. Post Office. (Jounty. Bunker Hill Ingham Cooper Kalamazoo Fairfield Lenawee "Grass Lake Jaokson. Buroh's Kent Coopersville Ottawa Fair Grove 'l'usoola Grattan Kent Burdickville Leelenaw Copper Falls Mine Keweenaw Fair Haven St. Clair Gravel Run firashtenaw Burling;ton Calhoun Copper Harbor.. l~air Plains Montcalm Greenbush Alcona Burnip's Corner Allegan Coral Montcalm I<'air View Mason Greenfield Wavnll Burns Shiawassee COl'ey Oass Fullusburg Kent Greenland Ontonagon Burnside Lapeer Coriuth Kent Falmouth Missaukee Green Oak Liv ingstoll Burr Oak St. Joseph's Oortland Oenter Kent!1"armer's Sanilao Green Ollk Station Living~ton Bushnell Oenter Montoalm Oorunna Shiawassee Farmer's Creek Lapeer "Greenville Montcalm Butler Branch Covert VanBuren I<'armington Oakland Greenwood O,ll;emaw.*Byr)U Shiawassee Cracow Huron Farwell Cl,lre (}reen woodfurnaoe Marquett8 Byron Center Kent Crapo Osceola {<'awn River St. Joseph's Grindstone City Huron Oady Macomb Crawford Isabella Fn~ette Delta Grosse Point Wayne Oaledonia Kent Cr!~wford's Quarry Po ts IUfham Grove Meoosta Caledonia Station Kent Presque Isle Fennsville Alogan Groveland Oakland California Branch Creswell Antrim "Fentonville Genesee Gull J,ake Barry Calumet Houghton o ross Village Emm"ett Ferris Montcalm Gun Marsh Allegan Calvin Oass 'Croton Newaygo Ferry Ooeana Hadley Lapeer Cambria Uill Hillsdale Orystal Montoalm Ferrhsburg Ottawa Hagar Berrien Cambridge Lenawee Crystal Valley Oceana Fitc burg Ingham Hamburg Livingston Camden Hillsdale Oulver Bay Fillmore Barry l:limilton Allegan Campbell Ionia Dailey Oass Fisher's Station Kent ~amlin MonroQ Oan Huron D,\lton Uuskegon Five Lakes Lapeer ammond Kent o&nandaigua Lenawee Dalton's Corners Wayne Flat Rock Wayne Hancock Houghton Oannons bu rg Kent Danby Ionia Fleming Livingston Hanley Ottawa Canton Wa~ne Dansville Ingham "Flint Genesee Hanover Jackson Capac St. C air Davisburg Oakland.Florenoe St. Joseph's Hansen Oceana Carli~le Eaton Davison Genesee Flower Creek Oceana Hllring Wexford Caro Tusoola Davison Station Genesee Flowerfield St. Joseph's Harris Creek Ken~ Carson Oity Montcalm Davisville Sanilac Flltshing Genesee '*Harrisville Alcona Oarrollton :Saginaw Dayton Berrien Ford River Delta "Hart Oceana Cascade Kent Dean's Mills Montcalm Forest Bay Sanilac Hartland LiVingston Casoo St. Olair Dearbo:mville Wayne Forest City Musketron "Hartford Van Buren Oaseville Huron "DeojLtur Van.Buren Forest Hill Gratiot Hartwellsville Shiawassee Oasnovia Kent Deckerville Sanilac FOl'estville Sanilao Harve, Marquette Oass Hillsdale Deep River. Bay I<'ork Mecosta "HastIngs.Barry. Cass Citij Tuscola Deer Oreek Livingston Forrester Sanila~ Hazel Green Sbiawasee6 Cassapo is Oass Deerfield Lenawee Fort Gratiot St. Clair Hazel Grove Oceana, Cus Bridge Saginaw Delhi Mills Washtenaw Four Towers Oakland Hazleton Shiawasse.,. Montcalm Delta El\ton Fowler Clinton Hemlock City Saginaw Catville Wayne Delroy Wayne ~'owlersville Livingston Henrietta. Jackso:'(' Cedar Creek Barry Denmark Tuscola Franciscov ill e Jackson "Hersey Osceola Cedar Dale Sanilac Dennison Ottawa Prankenlust Sag~~aw Hesperia Newaygo, Cedar Fork Menomonee Denton Wayne Frankenmuth Hickory Oorners Barry Cedar Run Grand Traverse Denver Newaygo Franklin Oakland Hitrhland Oakland Oedar Springs Kent Detour OhW-Pewa Frankfort Benzie Hilliard's Allegan Center Eaton "Detroit ayne Frazer Macomb "Hillsdale Hillsdale Centerville St. Joseph's "De Witt Clinton Fredonia Washteuaw "Holland Ottawa Central City Keweenaw "Dexter Washtenaw Fremont Centre Newaygo "Holly Mills Oakland Central LakJl Antrim Diamond Springs Allegan Free Soil Mason Holt Ingham Ceresco Calhoun Dimondale Eaton Fremont Shiawassee Holton uskegon Chadwiok Ionin Disco Macomb Fronti~r Hillsdale Home Newaygo Champion Marquette "Dowagiao Cass Fluitland Muskegon Homer CalhouJl. Charleston Sanilac Dorr Allegan Fruitport 1I1uskegon Homestead Benzie Charlevoix Oharlevoix Douglas Allegan Fulton Kalamazoo Hooker Van Buren Charlotte Eaton Drayton Plains Oakland Fyfe Lake Grand Tr/l.verse Hope Midland Chase Lake Dryden Lapeer Gagetown Tuscola Hopkins Allegan Oheboygan Cheboygan Dundee Monroe Gaines' Sta.tion Genesee Hopkins Station Allegan Che1eea Washtenaw Dunningville Allegan Gainesville Kent "Houghton Houghton. Ohesaning Saginaw Duplain Clinton "Galesburg Kalamazoo Howard Muskegon, Cheshire Allegan Eagle Clinton Galion Berrien Howard Oi\y' Montcalm Chester - Eaton Eagle Harbor Keweenaw Gau es Allegan Howardsville St. Joseph'~ 8 Ohiokaming Berrien Eagle River.. Gur en Ddta "Howell LivlDftoJl. Ohina St. Olair East Dalton Tuscola Garlick OntonagC'n "Hub bardstowd. 'bnia Ohippewa Lake Mecosta East Gi ead.brancr Gates Tusoola "Hudson Lenawee' Ohurch's Corner Hillsdale Eastmansville Ottawa Geary Olinton Hudsonville Ott.awa Olam Lake Wexford East Milan Monroe Gena Delta Hughesville Saginaw Clare Clare "East Saginaw Saginaw Genesee Village Genesee Humboldt Marquette Olarendon Calhoun East Tawas losoo Geneva Lenawee Hunter's Oreek Lapeer CJlarksburg Marquette East Traverse Bay Genoa Livingston Huron City Huron, "Clarkston Oakland Grand Traverse Georgetown Ottawa Ida Monroe Clay Banks Ooeana Eaton Rapid8 Eaton Gibraltar Wayne Imlay Ilapeer Clay Hill Wexford Bau Claire Berrien Gilead Branch Iml!).;)" IJity Lapeer "Clayton Lenawce Ecorse Wayne Gilford Tuscola Indian Creek Kent Clear Water Antrim Eden Ingham Gilmore Benzie Inuian Town Mason Cleon Manistee I'JdenvilIe Midland Girard Branch Inkster Wayne Clitl'ord Lapeer Edgerton Kent Glass Creek Barry Inland Benzie Clifton Keweenaw Edwardsburg Cass Glass River Shiawassee "fonia Ionia Climax Prairie Kalamazoo Elba. Lapeer Glen Arbor Leelanau Irving Barry. "Clinton Lenawee Elk Saginaw Glendale VanBuren Ishpeming Marquette Olinton Junction Eaton Elkland Tuscola Glen Haven Leelenaw.. Jthioa Grati05 Olio Genesee Elk Rapids Antrim Gobleville VanBnren "Jackson Jackson Cl~de Oakland Ellington Tuscola Goldinrs Oceana Jamestown Ottawa Co -moo-sa Ooeana Ellsworth Lake Goodel s S.; Clair Jay Saginaw Cohootah Livingston Elm Wayne Good Harbor Leelenaw Jeddo St, CIaiX' *Ol>ld Water Branch Elmira Eaton Goodison Oakland Jefferson Hillildale Coleman Midland Elm Hall Gratiot Goodland L\l.peer Jetl'ersonville Oa.u Collins Ionia 1l1lmwood Tuscola Goodrich 6'enesee JenisonviU. Otta.wa Collinsvillll Elsie Clinton Gowen Montcalm Jeromo Hillsdale Colon St. Joseph's Elva Tusooia Graafsaha.p Allegan Jersey Oakland. Coloma Berrien Emmett St. Clair Grafton. Monroe Johnstown Barr,. Columbia Jaokson Empire Leelenaw Grahamsville Kent Johnsonville Ottawa Oolumbia.ville L(fIeer Englishville Kent Grand Blana Genesee "Jonesville Hil1edale Oolumbus St. lair Ensley Newaygo "Grand Haven Ottawa Josco Livingston' Commerce Oakland Enterprise Shiawassee Gra.nd J.unction Van.Buren J~field Bensill Comstook Kalamazoo Erie.. Monroe 'Grand Ledge Eaton '* abmalioo Kalama~1). Conoord Jackson "Esconawba Delta Gra!ld Traverse Kalamo Ratoa Oonger Montcalm Essex Olinton Gra.nd '!!raverse K;;asson Leelena.. Oonner's Oreek Wayne Essex ville Bay *G'ra.nd Rapids :K;.ent Ka.wkawlin Bar Oonvis Center Ca.lhoun Eureka Olinton Grandville.. KeelerST iu VanBurea Oonstan.tine St. Jose)f's Eva.rt Osceola Grant Kent Keene Ionia 0001'11 Statiol& New ay Euhr 1I0nroe Granton Bay Kelly', (lornorl Lona." C ")10.1' Older 011",.:

204 34 POST OFFICES-MICHIGAN. P 08t Office. County. P OBt Office. County. Post Office. CQunty. P08t Office. County. ' Kendall VanBuren Michigamme Marquette Okemos Ingham Ravenna Muskegon Kenochee St. Michigan Center Jackson Old Mission Grand Traverse Rawsonville Wayne Kensingtoll Oakland Middletown InJfham Olive Clinton Ray Center Macomb Kibbie VanBuren "Middleville 'arry "Olivet Eaton "Reading Hillsdale Kiddville Ionia "Midland Midland Omard Sanih.e Redan Sainaw Kinderhook Branch Milan Wachtenaw Omena Leenanau Redford ayne Kingston Tuscola Millbrook Mecosta Onekema Manistee Reed City Osceola Lafayette Gratiot Mill Creek Kent Onondaga Ingham Reeder Missaukea La Grange Cass Milo Barry Ontonagon Ontonagon Richfield Genesee Laingsburgh Shiawassee "Milford Oakland Onota Schoolcraft Richland Kalamazoo Lake Newaygo Millsburg Berrien Orange Ionia Richmond Macomb Lake City Ionia Millington Tuscola Orangeville Branch Richmondville Sanilac Lake Harbor Muskegon Mill Point Ottawa Orangeville Mills Barry Richville Tuscola Lake Linden Houghton Milton Macomb Orion Oakland Ridgeville Gladwin Lake Port St. Clair. Minden Sanilac Orleans Ionia Ridgeway Lenawea Lake Ridge Lenawee Mitchell Antrim Ortonville Oakland Rienza Mecosta Laketon Berrien Model City Cass Oshtemo Kalamazoo Riga Lenawee Lakeview Montcalm Moline Allegan Osseo Hillsda.le Riley Clinton Lakeville Oakland "Monroe Monroe Ossineke Alpena Riley Centar St. Clair Lambertsville Monro~ Monroe Center Grand Traverse Otisco Ionia River Ben Clinton Lamont Ottawa "Montague Muskegon Otisville Genesee River Raisin Washtenaw Lamotte Sanilac Monteith Allegan "Otsego Allegan Riverside Berrien L'Ance Il'oughton' Monterey Allegan Ottawa Monroe Riverton Mason La.ngston Montcalm Montgomery Hillsdale Ottawa Sta.tion Ottawa Rives Junction Ja.ckson "Lansing Ingham Montrose Genesee Otter Creek Jackson Roberts' Landing St. Clair "La~eer La.peer Moorepa.rk St. Joseph Overisel Allegan Robinson Otta.wa J;.a alle Monroe "Morenci Lenawee "Ovid Clinton Rochester Oakland "Lawrence Van Buren Morgan Marquette "Owasso Shiawassee Rock Falls Huron ~Lawton Morley Mecosta Oxford Oakland "Rockford Ked Leesville Wayne Moscow Hillsda.le Pack's Mills Sanilac Rockland Ontonagon Lela.nd Leelenau Mosherville Paint Creek Wa.shtenaw Rockwood Wayne Leoni Ja.ckson Mottville St. Joseph's Pa-Pa-Me Oceana. Rogers City Presque Isle Leonida.s St. Joseph's "Mount Clemens Macomb Palo Ionia Rollins Lenawee LeRoy Osceola. "Mount Morris Genesee Palmyra Lenawee Rome.. Leslie Ingham "Mount Pleasant Isabella Paris Mecosta "Romeo Macomb "Lexington Sanilac Mount Vernon Macomb Park St. J?~eph's Romulus Wayne Liberty Ja.ckson l\fuir Ionia Parkville Rootville Antrim Lima Washtenaw li-lundy Genesee "Parma Jackson Roscommon Roscommon Lincoln Mason Munising Schoolcra.ft Parshallville 'Livingston Rose Oa.kla.nd Linden Genesee 1I1ungersville Shiawa.ssee Partello Calhoun Roseville Macpmb Lisbon Ottawa "Muskegon Muskegon.Patterson's Mills Ionia Ross Ken; "Litchfield Hillsdale Nahma Delta Pavillion Kalamazoo Round Lake Branch Little Prairie Ronde Cass Nankin Wayne "Paw Paw Van Buren Rowena Bay Little Traverse Emmet Napoleon Jackson Peck Sanila.c Rowland Isabella Livonia Center. Wa.yn'e "Na.shville Ba.rrv Penn Cass Roxana Eaton Locke Ingham *Negaunee Marquette Penn Mine Keweenaw Royal Oak Oakland Lockwood Kent, Nelson Kent "Pent Water Oceana Ruby St. London Monroe Nelson ville Charlevoix Perrinsville 'Wayne Rural Vale Lapeer Longwood :Isa.bella Nero Isabella Perry Shiawassee "Saginaw I Sa.g~~aw Loomis Isabella Newark Gratiot "Petersburgh Monroe St. Charles Lowell Kent "Newaygo Newaygo Pettysville Livingston "St. St. Clair... Lullington Mason "N ew Ba.ltimore Macomb "Pewamo Ionia St. Ja.mes Ma.nitou "r..yons Ionia. New Boston Wayne Phoonix Keweenaw "St. John's Clinton Lyon's Mill Clinton "New Buffalo Berrien Pierpont Manistee "St. Joseph's Berrien nn St. Clair NeWburgh Cass Pierson Montcalm "St. Lewis Gratioi klcdonald VanBuren New Oasco Allegan Pinckney Livingston Sa.lem Washtena.lI' "Maokinaw Mackinaw New Era..Oceana Pinconning Bay "Saline.. Mackinaw City Cheboygan New Groningen Ottawa Pine Creek Ca.lhoun Salt River Isabella Macomb Macomb New Haven Macomb. Pine Grove Mills Van Buren Salzburg Bay Ma.con Lena,wee New Haven Centre Gratiot Pine Hill Sanilac Sand Beach l:iuron Madison Livingston' New.Holland Ottawa,Pine Run Genesee Sandford Midland Manchester Washtenaw New Hudson Oakland Pine River Lake Sand Lake Ken; "Manistee Manistee Newport Monroe Pinnebog Huron Sandstone Ja.ckson Manton Wexford New.Richmond Allegan Pipestone Berrien Saranac Ionia Maple Ionia New~alem Allegan Pittsbur5 'Shiawassee Satterlee's Mills Mecosta Maple Grove Ba.rry Newton Ca.lhoun Pittsfor Hillsdale "Sa.ugatuck Allegan Maple Hill Montcalm New Troy Berrien Plainfield Livingston Sault St. Ma.rie Chippewa *Maple Rapids Clinton "'Niles Berrien Plainwell Allegan 'Sawyer Berrien Mapleton Grand Traverse Noble Center Branch Plank Road Wa.yne Schoolcraft Kalamazoo Maple Valley Montcalm North Hillsdale Pla.tte Benzie Scio Wa.shtenaw Ma.rathon Lapeer North Branch Lapeer Pleasant Kent Scotts Ka.lama.zoo Marcellus Cass North'Burns Huron Pleasanton Manistee Sears Osoeola Ma.rengo Calhoun North Byron Kent. Pleasant Valley BerrieD Sebewa Ion:ia Marilla Ma.nistee. North Clinton 'Plymouth Wc;ne Sebewaing Huron "l,\1arine City St. Clair North Farmington Oakla.nd Pokagon Secilia. Calhoun Ma.rion Livingston North Irving Barrv Pompei Gratiot Seneoa Lenawee Marlette Sa.nilac North Newburgh Shiawassee "Pontiac Oakland Shelby Oceana "Marquette Ma.rquette "Northport Leelanau Pool. La.pear Shelbyville Allegan "Marshall Calhoun North la.ins Ionia Port Austin Huron Shepardsville Clinton Marshville O,ceana North Raisinville Monroe Portase Kala.mazoo Sherida.n Montoa.lm Ma.rtin allegan North Star Gratiot Port res cent Huron Sherman Wexford Martinsville Wayne North Unity Leelanau Porter Midland Sherman City Isa.bella Marysville St. Clair "Northville Wayne Port Hope Huron Sherwood Bra.ilch Mason Inf>ham Norton ville Ottawa *Port Huron St. Clair Sidney Montcalm Masonville elta Norvell JaoksoJl. Portla.nd Ionia Sitka Newa.ygo Matherton Ionia Norwalk Ma.nistee. Port Sanilac Sanilac Silver Creek Allegan Ill:t~a.wan VanBuren Norwood Charlevoix 'Portsmouth Bay Six Corners Ottawa -a.ttison Branoh Wo~taw'a St. Joseph Pottamie. Ottawa Skinner Bay May Tuscola ~ovi Oakla.nd Potterville Eaton Slocum'S Grove Muskegon Mayfield Grand Traverse Nunica. Ottawa Prairieville Barry Smithville Midland Meade Macomb Oak Wayne Prattville Hillsdale Smith's Oornera Oceana }Jea.d'sMil1s Wayne Oakford Lenawee Prospect Lake Van Buren Smith's Creek St. Clair Meadville Barry Oa.kfi'eld Kent Provemont Leelenaw Smyrna Ionia' Meanwataka. Wexford Oak Grove Livingston Pulaski Jackson Sodus Berrien Mecosta. Mecosta Oak Hill Oakland, Quimby BarrI; Solon Leelenaw Medina Lenawee Oakle n S;inaw "'Quincy Branc Somerset Hillsdale *Memphil Ma.comb Oakvi Ie onroe ~uinn Macomb Somerset Center Hillsdalo )tenden St. Joseph's Oakwood ' Oakland Lenawee South Blendon Ottawa Menomonee Menomonee Oceola Center Livingston Randall Sa~inaw South Boston Ionia M-eridian Jngham Ogden Oenter Lllnawee Rans~m Hil sdale South Butler Branbh Jlcirrillsvil1e St. 'ogemaw. losoo Rapid.Rinr Kalcaska South Camden Billsda.l. )Ie_mora Lapeer Ogeplll.w Spring Ogemaw Ra.,nold Montoalm South Csaa toni.. *Mon~ pjl4erotliel\&o

205 POST OFFICES-MICIDGAN... MINNESOTA. 35 P08t 0tfictJ. OOUfltf!' P OBt 0 ffloe. Oo'unty. P 03t Office. Oounty. P 08t Office. Oounty, South Climax Kalamazoo Watertown Southfield Tusoola Amber Martin Ohengwa.t&n30 Pine, Oakland Watervliet Barrien Amherst. South Frankfort Fillmore Cherry Grove Fillmore 'Benzie Wa.trouBvil\e Tuscola Anawauk Le Sueur Ohp.ster Olmsted "South Haven Va.n Buren Waverly Van Buren South Jackson Anderson Pope Ohippewa FaU. Pop. Jaokson "Wayland Allegan "Anoka Anoka Chisago Oity Ohisag~ South Lyon Oakland "Wayne Wayn<l Antrim Wa.tonwan Ohisa.go Lake Ohisa.g<r South Ripley Clinton Wel~re Oceana Arendahl Fillmore Dl1.kota South Sagina.w Saginaw Webberville Ingha.m Argo Winona Claremont. Dodge South Wright Hillsdale Webster Washtenl1,W Arlic;ton Siblek Olarksfield Swift; Sparta Center Kent Wellville Lenawee Ash reek Roc Olark's Grove Freeborll Speaker Sanilac *Wenona Bav Aspelund Goodhue Clayton Fairbault Spencer Oreek Antrim West Campbell Ionia. Atwa.ter Kandiyohi Olear Lake Sherburne Spencer's Mills Kent West O.~seo Allegan Audubon Beoker ClearWa.ter WrigM Spring Arbor Ja.ckson West Geneva Va.n Buren Otter Clevela.nd Le Sueur Spr' Brook Gra.tiot West Hll.ven Shiawa.ssee Aurora Oenter Steele Springfield Clinton Fall. Steele Oa.kland West Leroy Oalhoun "Austin Mower Clitherall Otter Tl1,iI "Spring Lake Ottawa West Milan Monroe Ayr Goodhue Cobb River Waseka Spring Mills Oakland West Novi Oakland Balmoral Otter Tail Springport Cold Spring City Stearn! Jackson West Ogden Lenawee Banorof; Freeborn Oollins McLeod S~ringville Lenawee West Olive Ottawa Banks Faribl1,ult Collinwood Meeker " tanton Montealm Weston Lenawee Barber Fariba.ult Concord Dodge Stanwood Mecosta Westpha.lia Clinton BlLl'nl1,dotte Nicollet Cook's VlLlIey S e b bins ville Wabasha'" Oceana West Sebewa. Ionia Barnum Carlton Cooleysville Steele Stella. Gratiot West Summit Wexford BlLss Lake Faribault Coon Creek AlI.oka Stephens Lapeer Westville Montcalm Battle Lake Otter Corcoran Hcnnepill Sterling Bay West Windsor Eaton Bear Valley Cordova. Le Seuer Stevensville Berrien Wexford Wexford Beauford Blue Earth Cornish Sibley Stockbridge Ingham Wheatland Wexford Beaver WinonlL Corinna. Wrign& Stony Creek Washtenaw Wheatland Center Hillsdale Beaver Bay Lake Cosmos Meeke~ Stony Point Jackson Wheeler Gratiot BCl1,ver Falls Renville Cottage Grove W:1.shingtoll Stony Run Oakland White Hillsdale Becker Sherburne Cottonwood Browll Strait's Lake Oaklt\nd W'hiteford Monroe Bellefontaine Scott Courtland Nicollei Strickland Isabella Whitehall Muskegon Belle Creek Goodhue Crooked Oi'eek Houstoll Stronach Manistee White Lake Oakland Belmont Jackson Crookston Polk "Sturgis St. Josegh's White'Oak Ingham "Bell Plain Scott Crow Lake Stearns SU,mmersville ass White Pigeon St. Joseph's Bell Praire Morrison Crow River Meeker Summerton Gratiot White River Muskegon Bellville Fillmore Crow Wing Crow Wing Summit Wa.shtenaw White Rock Huron Ben Fla.nklin Murra.;;; Crystal Lake Hennepill Summitville Lake Whitesburg Genesee Benson Swi t Culdrum Morrisoll Sumner Gratiot White's Station Calhoun Benton Carver Dahlgren Carvel' Sunfield Flaton White Swan Kent Bergen :McLeod Darwin Meeker 'Sutton's Bay Leelenaw Whitmore Lake Washtenaw Berlin Steele Dassel Meeker Swartz Creek Genesee Williams Bay Berne Dodge Dayton Helme pill Sylvan Washtenaw Williamsburg Grand Traverse Bethel Anoka Dean Wright Sylvester Mecosta Williamstown Ingham Bigelow 'Noble Decoria Blue Earth Tallmad~e Ottawa Williamsville Cass Big Bend Cottonwood Deerfield Steele Tamarack Montcalm Wilson Al:trim Big Lake Sherburne Delano Wright Tawas Oity losco Windsor Eaton Big Sprint Filmore Delavan Station FaribauU Ta.ylor Oentre Wayne Winfield Ingham Bingham ake Cottonwood Detroit Oity Becker Taymouth Saginaw Winn Isabella Birchdale Todd Dewald Noblt "Tecumseh Lenawe6 Wisner Tuscola Birch Cooley Renville Dodge Center Dod~. Tekawsha Calhoun Wixom Oakland Blaek Hammer Houston Dodge City Ste. e Terry Station Bay Wood Lake Montcalm Blakeley, Scott Dover Olmsted Thetford Genesee Woodland Barry Blooming Grove W'aseca Dresbach Winona Thornton St. Clair Wood's Corners Ionia Blooming Prairie Steele Dressel ville LeSueur Thornville Lapeer Worth Tuscola Bloomington Hennepin Dryden Sibley "Three Oaks Berrien Wright's Bridge Midland "Blue El1,rth City Faribault Duelin Bento. "Three Rivers St. Joseph'~ Wyandott Wayne Bongard Carver "Duluth St. Louie Tipton Lenawee Yankee Springs Barry Bonniwell's Mills McLeod Dundas Rice Tompkins Jackson Yew Wayne Brainerd Orow Wine; Dunnell lfartia Toreh Lake Antrim York Washtenaw Brandon Douglas Eagle City Sibley "Traverse City Gra.ndTraverse Yorkville Kalamazoo Brantford Sherburne East Cas,tl1l Rock. Dakota T,rent Muskegon "Ypsilanti Washtenaw Brassburg Fill more E,ut Chain Lake Martia Trenton Wayne Yuba Grand Traverse Breckinridge Wilkin East Claremont Dodge Trostville Sa.ginaw,Zealand Ottawa Bremen Wabasha East HutehinsoD. McLeo~ Troy Oakland Zilwaukie Saginaw Bristol Centre Fillmore East Meriden Steel Trufa.nt Montcalm Brockway Stearns East Prairieville Rice Tustin Osceola Br90klyn HenJ1,epin Mast Richland Rice Tyre Sanilac Brownsdale Mower Eden Lake Stearne ~rone Livi.l!gston Brown's Vltlley Traverse Eden Prairie Hennepia nadilla "B rownsville Houston Eitzen Houstoll Union Cass Brunswick Kanabeck Elba Winona Union City Branch Brush Prairie McLeod El Wabashaw 'Union House Clinton Buffalo Wright EI 1ingtoll. Dodge Union Pier Berrien Burbank Kand ohi Elliotta Fillmore Unionville Tuscola Burnhamsville odd Eliza\lethtowll Otter Tail "Utica Macomb Butternut Valley Blue Earth Elk River Sherburne Vandalia Cass Bd;ron Olmsted Elmo Otter Tail "Vassar Tuscola " aledonia Houston ~amore Faribanlt VErona Mills Huron Cambridge!sante Elnora Jack so. Ventura Ottawa Campbell Wilkin Elysian Le Sueur Vermontville Eaton Canfield Fillmore Empire Oity Dakota Vernon Shiawassee Cannon City Rice Enterprise Winona Vickeryville Montcalm "Cannon"Ri ver Falls Goodhue Etna Fillmore Vicksburg Kalamazoo Carimona Fillmore Etter Dakota Victor Clinton Oarrollsville Olmsted Evansville Douglas Victory Mason "Carver Carver Ewald Faribanh Vincent St. Clair Cascade Olmsted Excelsior Hennepl. Minnesota. Volinia Cass Cassell Wright "M:rota Olmsted Vriesland Ottawa Castle GlI.rdelil Blue Iilarth Fur Havell Steal'Dlll Wacousta Clinton P08t Qffioe. Oounty. Oastle Rock Dakota Fairmount Marti. Tuscola Ceda.r Lake Scott Fair Point Goodhue Wakeshma Kalamazoo Adams Mower Cedar Mills Meeker "Farmington Dalto... Wak~lee Cass Afton Washington Cedarville Ma.rtin "Faribault RiC41 Wa.ldell,burg Macomb Aiken Aiken Center Qreek Martin Farm" Hill O1mste4 Wa.les St.Olair Alba Fillmore Centerville Anoka Faxon Siblet Wa.llaceville Wayne Albany Stea.rns Ceresco McPhail Fergus Falli Otter Tall Wa.lled Lake On;kland "Albert Lea Freeborn Chain Lake Center Martin Fillmore Fillmore Warren 1tIacomb Albion Wright Champlain Hennepin Fond du Lae St, Loui. Washington Macomb 'Alden Freeborn "Chaska Carver "Forest City Meekie" Waterford Oakla.nd Alexandria Douglas "Chatfield Fillmore Forest Washingto~ Wa.terloo Jacksoa AlmaOi~J' Waseca Chath,am Wright Forest Mound Wabulla:w.J(-!I»'t1' Orli,~r Olliee

206 36 POST OFFICES-MINNESOTA. Post Office. (Jounty. Post Offic~. (Jaunty. Post Office. (Jaunty. Post Office. (Jaunty. Forestville Fillmore,,'Kason Dodge Mendota Dakota "Plainview Wabashaw "FO'rt Ridgeley NicO'llet Kasota Le Sueur "MHidin Steele PlatO' McLeod FO'rt Ripley MO'rrison Kedron Fillmore l\'terriuid ScO'tt Pleasant Grove Olmstead Fort Snelling JIennepin Kellogg ~abasha Merton Steele Pleasant Mound Blue Earth Fountain Fillmore KelsO' Sibley luiddle Lake Nicollet Pleasant Pruirie Martin Fowlersville Rice Kenv)n GO'Odhu~ Milford Brown PO'mme'de Terre Gran' FrancO'nia ChisagO' Kerkhover Swift MifIersl>urg Rice PO'int Douglass Washington Frankfort MO'wer Kettle River Station Pine Millen ille Douglas Potsdam Olmsted Frank Hm Winona Koniska McLeod Millville Wabasha Praha Scott Franklin Renville Koronis Meeker *Minneltpolis Hennepin "Preston Fillmore Freeborn Freeborn Kilkenny Le Sueur Minneska Wabashaw Princeton Mille Lacs Freeburg Houst()n Kingston Meeker Minnes()ta City Winona Prior'S' Lake Seot' Fremont Freeborn Lac-qui-Parle McPhail Minnesota {lrossing Renville Prosper Fillmoro Free Soil Fillm()re LaCrescen t Houston Minnesota Falls ~uincy Olmst.ead French Lake Wright Lafuyette Nicolet YellO'w Medicine aven Stream Scot~ Frontenac GO'odhue Lake Addie MeLeod Minnesota Lake Faribault Raymond Stearnl Garden City Blue. Earth "Iiake City Wabashaw Minnet()nka Hennepin 'ORed Wing GQ()dhu8 (tarden Pra.irie Blue Earth Luke Crystal Blue Earth Minnetrista Hennepin "Redwood Falls Redwood Geneva Freeborn Lake Elizabeth Kandiyol.i ]If oe ' Douglas Reed's Landing Wabasha" Genou Olmsted Lake Fremont Sherburne MontevideO' Ohippewa Reeson Chippewa Ge()rgetown Clay Lake Harrold Meeker 1I10ney Creek Houst()n Reno Pope GeorgevilIe Kand~()hi Lake Johanna P()pe MO'ntgomery LeSueur Riceford Houston Gilchrist ope Lake Land Washington *MO'nticell() Wright Rice Lake Dodge Glascow Wabashaw Lake Lillian Kandiyohi lu()ntrose Wright Richfield Hennepin "Glencoe McLeod Lake Shetllk Murray Mooer's Prairio Wrifht Richmond Winona Glenwood Pope Lakeside Renville Moorhead o ay Rich Valley Dakota Glynd()n (Jlay Lake Tokna Grand Traverse Moose Lake Carlton Ridgewood Becker Golden Gate Brown LakeTown Carver Morris Stevens Ridgeway Winona Goodhue Center Goodhue Lt\keville Dakota Morristown Rice River Point Steele Go()d Thunder's Ford Lake Was-hington Le Sueur Moscow FreebO'rn "Rochester Olmsted Blue Earth 'Lanesborough Fillmore Mound Prairie Houst()n Rock Dell Gordonsville Freeborn Lamoille WiMnu Mountain Lake Cottonwood Rockford WrigM 8rahamLake Noble Langdo'n WMhingt()n MO'untville Sibley Rocky Run. McLe!Jd ranby Nicolet Langhei Pope Mumre Lund KandiyO'hi Rockville Stearns Grand Meadow Mower Lasheen ScO'tt Murray Center Murray Rolling Fork Pope Gran~er Fillmore Lang()la Benton Nashville Oenter Martin Rolling Stone Winona Granltc Falb Chippewa Lansing 1I10wer Nevada M()wer Root River liower Grant Faribault Leaf Valley Douglas New Auburn Sibley Roscoe Goodhue Grapeland Faribault Leavenworth Brown Newburg Fillmore Roscoe Cen tre Goodhue Green Isle Sibley Leech Lake Cuss New Hartford Win()na Rose Oreek Mower Green Lake Kandiyohi LeedstO'n Stearns New Lisb()n Renville Rose Lai>e Martin Greenleaf lifeekel' Leighton Hennepin New L()ndon Kandiy()hi Rosemount Dakota. Green Prairie Morrison Leme d Steele New Market SC()tt R()senda.le Meeker Greenwood HennepIn Lenora Fillm()re New Munich Stearns Roseville Kandiyohi Grove Lake Pope Lenz Hennepin Newport Washington Round Grove McLeod Guilford Freeborn "'Le Roy ll()wer New Prairie P()pe R()und Lake Jackso~ Hader GoO'dhue Lester Rice New Richland Waseca Round Prairie Todd Hagan Chippewa 'OLe Sueur City Le Sueur New Trier Dakota Rudolgh LeSueu~ Hale McLeod Lewiston Winona *New VIm Brown Rush ity Chisage Hamilton Fillmore Lexingt()n Le Sueur Nicolet NicO'let 'O:Rushford Fillmore Hamilton Station Scott Liberti Scott Nicollet Station Nic()Uet Push Lake Otter Tail Hampton Dakota Lime ake Murray Nile Br()wn Rush River Sibley Hancock Stevens Linc()ln Wabashaw Nininger Dak()ta Rutland Martin Harmony Fillmore Linden Brown Norseland Nicollet 'OSt. Anthony's Falls Hennepin Harrison Kandiyohi Linw()od Anoka 'ON ()rthfield Rice St. Augusta Stearllll Hartford T()dd "'Litchfield Meeker North Branch Isanti St. Bonnefacius Hennepin Hartland Freeborn Little Canada Ramsey North Branch Station Isanti 'OSt Charles Winona Hassan Hennepin Little Fulls Morrison North Fork Stearns "St. Cloud Stearns "Hustlngs Dakota Little Sank T()dd North Prairie Morrison St. Francis Anoka Havana Steele, Little Yalley Olmsted NOl'way Goodhue Saint George McLeod Hawley Clay Livonia Sherburne Norway Lake Kandiyohi Saint Henry LeSueur Hayward }'reeborn Lohmansville WashingtC:}ll Norwegian Watonwan Saint Hubertus LeSueur Hazlewood Rice Lone Cedar Martin Nunda Freeborn SaintJames Watonwan Hebron Nicolet L()ne Tree LakfJ Brown Oakdale Washington Saint John's Kandiyohi Heidelberg LeSueur Long Hill Stearns Oak Grove On()kn Saint Joseph Stel\rns Helena Scott Long Lake Hennepin Oak Lake Becker St. Lawrence Scott Henderson Sibley Long Pra.irie Todd OakRidge Winona St. Mary's Waseks Herman Grant I,ori ng Becker Oak Sprin~s Anoka Suint Michael's Wright Heron Lake Jacks()n Lower Si()ux Agency Redwood Oberlie's orners Caryer Saint Oloif Otter Tail 'Hersey N()ble Luxemburg, Stearns Okaman Waseka "St. Paul Ramsey Herzh()rn Renville Luverne Rock Oneota Saint L(luis "'St. Peter Nicolet Hibbard Noble Lydia Scott Orlando Sherburne Saint Thomas LeSueur High Forresi Olmstead Lyle Mower Oron() Sherburne Salem, Olmstead Highland Fillmore Lynd McPhail Or()noco Olmstead "Sand Creek Scott Binckley Pine Lv()n Wabashaw Osakis Douglas Sand Lake Kandiyohi Ho,bart Otte.r Tail Me Cauleyville Wilkin Oshuwa Nic()Uet Santia.g() Sherburne Ho.luloh Houston "Madelia Wat()nwan Osse() Hennepin Sarato~a Winona H()lden Go()dhue Madison Mower Othello Olmsted "Sauk enter Stearns Holding"s F()rd S,tearns Maine Prairie Stearns Otisco Waseka S,\uk Rapids Ben~oD Holmes (Jity Douglas Manomin An()ka Ot~eg() Wright Scambler Otter Tail loly Cross Clay l\1ananuh Meeker Qttawa Le Sueur *Shak()pee Scott ome Brown 'O'Mankato Blue Earth Ottor Tail City Otter Tail Sharon LeSueur Homer Winona Mansfield Freeborn Ott() Pop" Shelbyville Blue Earth lop)tins Hennepin "l\inn~()nville Dodge *Owatanna Ste~le Sheldon Houston Ortc()n Martin Maple Glen Scott Oxf()rc:l Isanti Shell Rock Freeb()rn!,Housten H()ust()n Maple Grove Hennepin Parker's Lake Hennepin Sherman Blue Earth Howard Wrigbt Maple Lake Wtight Parker's Prairie Otter Tail Shiddsville Rico Hudson Douglas M9.ple PIl\in Hennepin Palinesville Stearn8 Sibley SibleI Hutchinson McLeoo Maple Ridge Isanti Pe ican Rapids Otter Tail Silliard's Redwood Byde'l'ark Wabashaw Mapleton Blue Earth Perch Lake Blue Earth Silver Creek Wrivht Iberia. Brown Marine Mills Washingt()n Perham Otter Tai'l Silver Lake }lcleod Irving. Kandiyohi Mari()n Olmsted Petersburg Jackson Six Oaks Olmsted lsanti Isanti Marshall McPhail. Peters()D., Fillmore Sleepy Eye BrO'wn Isinoure Fillmore Marshfield Ly()n l'ickwick Winona Smithfield 'Wabasha" Itasoa An()ka Marysburg Le Sueur Pierz Morris()D South Bend Blue Ea.rth Jackfon Jacks()n Marystown Scott Pigeon RiTeI' Lake South Troy Wabashaw JaD.esviUe Waseka May Martin Pike Rapids Morrison Speier Blue Earth J eannettnill8 Renville Maywood Bent()n Pil()t Gron Faribault Spencer Brook Isanti Jordan SC()tt Mazeppa Wabashaw Pilot MO\lnd Fillm()re S pring Creek Goodhue Junction Oarlton Medford Steele Pine Cit,. Pine Spring Gron Houston Judson Blue Earth Medo Blue Earth,Pine Bend Dakota Spring Hill Stea.rns Kandiyohi S~~Uon Kandiyohi Melrose Stearns Pine Island Goodhue SpringTaIl Isanti» 01 Order om...

207 POST OFFICES-MINNESOTA----MISSISSIPPI. 37 Pod Office. County. Po~t Office. County. Post Office. County. POllt Office. Cvunty. "Spring Valley Fillmore Witoka. Winona *Oa.rollton Spruoe Hill Carroll Flint Creek HarrisoD Douglas Woodburl Stanchffeld Washinttclll Carson's Landing Bolivar Florcyville Bolivar Isanti Woodlan Wabas aw Cartersvllle Stanton Tishemingo Flower's PlacB Smith Goodhue Worth Winona Carth~e Leake FordsvUle Marion 8tark Chisago Worthington Noble Oaseynlle Lincoln Forest Scott State Line Freeborn Wren 0w,.pewa Caswell Lafayette Fort Adams Wilkinson Stavan~er McPhail Wyattville UlOna Cato Rankin Fort Ste8hen'D Kemper Steele enter Steele Wykoff Fillmore Cayuga Hinds French amp Choctaw Sterling BIlle Earth Wyomi~ Ohisago Oedar Bluff Oolfax Friar's Point Ooahoma. Stew3.rtville Olmstead Yellow edioine Redwood Oenter Point Tallahatch ie Fuiton [tawamba "Stillwater Washington Young America Oarver Central Academy Panola Gainsville Hancock Stockton Winoqa Yucatan Houston Center Attala Gallman Ooahoma Sumter McLeod Zions Stearns Centerville Amite Garlandville Jasper Sunburg Kandiyohi Zumbrota. Goodhue Chapel Hill Hinds Garner's Station Yalabusha Sunrise City Ohisa.go Charleston Tallahatchee Garvin'S Ferry Sun Flower Swan Rivers!-Iorrlson Ohawata., Pike GeorgetGwn Ooahoma Swansey, Renville Oherry Creek Pontotoc Gholson Noxubee Swede Grove Meeker Oherry Hill Calhoun Glencoe Bolivar Swede's Forest Redwood Chesterville Lee Glenville Panola Swift Lak" Meej{er China Grove' Pike Good Hope Lake Sylvan Hill Meeker Ohoctaw Agency Oolfax Goodmall Holme! Taylor's Falls Chisago Chulahoma. Marshall Goshen Springs Rallkill Tenhassen Martin Ohunkey's Station Newton Gralld Gulf (llaib~l."ne Thierse Stearns Ohunkeyville Lauderdale Graysport,Grenada Thomson Oarlton dhurch Hill Jefferson Greenwood Lel<'lore Tillia Polk Claiborne Jasver "Grenada. Grenada TiVoli Blue Earth Claysville Umon Greensborollgll Ohoctaw Torah Stearns Clinton Hinds "'Greenville Washingtoll Tordenskj old Otter Tail Cockrum De Soto I}untown Lee Transit Sibley Oolfadeliah Nesho-ba Hamilton Monroe Traverse des Sloltx Nicolet Ooffeeville Yalabusha. I-Iandsboro' HarrisoB Trenton Freeborn Cold ~ring Wilkinson Hardy Station Grenada Troy Winona Oold ater De Soto Harpersville Scott Two Rivers Morrison Coleman Marshall Harrison Station Tallahatchie Tyson'sGrove YellowMedicine ~Iississippi. Columbia. Marion Harrisville Simpsoll Unadilla Chippewa "'Oolumbus Lowndes Hashuqua Noxubee Union Houston Post Office. OO1Lnty. Como Depot Panola "'Hazlehurst Copia.1l Union Centre Le Sueur Conerly's PIke' Herbert Neshoba UnIon La.kes Rice Abbeville Lafa.yette Comer's Blu/{ Tippah Hernalldo De Sot;o Union Spring Dodge "'Aberdeen Monroe Oonway Leake Hickory NewtoB Utica Winona Ada Choctaw COoksville Noxubee Hickory Flat Bentoll Goodhue Adamsville Greene Ooonewa1' Lee H!gh Hill Leake Vernon Dodge Air Mount Yalabusha Coopwood Winston Hlghhmd Tisheming~ Yernon Centre Blue Earth Alexis Tunica Cornersville Benton Hillsboro' Scott Vicksburg Renville Allen's Store Tishomingo "'Oorinth Alcorn HollOllli nden Chickasaw Vivian Wa.seka Americus Jackson Corona Pontotoc Holland'S Issaquena "Wa.basha.w Antioch Alcorn.Cotton Gin Port Monroe "Holly Springs Marsha.ll Waconia. Carver Artesia Lowndes Ootton Plant Tappah Holmesville Pike Wall Lake Otter Tail Ash Creek Oktibbeha Ootton Valley Calhoun Homewood Scott Wa.lnut Grove liiartin Ashland Benton Courtland Panola Hopewell Oalhoull Walnut Lake Faribault Athens Monroe Cr>\WfOl'dsville Lowllde~ Hopkins Tippa.h Waltham Mower Attalaville Attala Crevi Ta.llahatchic Horn Lake De Soto Wa.namingll Goodhue Auburn Hinds Cross Roads Greene Houlka Ohickasaw Warsaw Rice Augusta Perry 'Crystal Springs Copiah Houston.. Waseata. Otter Tail Austin Court House Tunica Cumberland Choctaw Hudsonville Marshall "Waseca Waseca Australia Bolivar Cummingsvill~ Hulberton Coahoma Washington Fillmore Bahala Copiah Cushtusa Neshoba Huntsville Montgomery Wasioja Dodge BaldwYll Prent-iss Daleville Lauderdale Hurricane Warren Waste do Goodhue Bankston.Ohoctaw Damascus Scott Inqependence DeSotG Watah Benton Banner Calhoun Danville Alcorn Ingomar Issaquen~ Waterford Dakota Barnes' Store Tishemingo Da.vis Mills Benton Iuka. Tishemingo Watertown Carver Batesville Panola Davisvllle Jasper Jacinto Aloorn Waterville Le Sueur Bar; Spring! Tishemingo Deason ville Yazoo *Ja.ckson Hinds Watonwan Blue Earth Be Ie fontaine Choctaw Decatur Newton J aynesville OovingtoJl Watson Creek Fillmore Benela Calhoun De KaJb Kemper Johnson's Station Pike Waverly Martin Benton Yazoo Denmark LaFayette Johnsonville Sunflower Waverly Mills Wright Betlehem B(mton De 80&0 Clark Jonesboro' Tippall Wayzayta Hennepin Beulah Union De Soto Front De Soto Jonestown Coa.hom~ Weaver Wabaslla Higby Fork Itawamba Dido Choctaw Kellis' Store Kemper Wegdal Chippewa Biloxie Harrison Dixon Neshoba Kewanee Lauderdale Weldon Redwood Birmingham Pont()toc Double Slrings Oktibbeha Kibbeville Franklin "Wells Faribault Big Springs Colfax Dowd's I\nding Coahoma Kienstra's Store Adams West Albany Wabashaw Black Creek Perry Dry Grove Hinds Kingston Adams \V es tchester Wabasha BlackHawk Ca.rroll Dry Run Prentiss Kirkwood. MadisoD Western Wilkin Bogue Chitto Lincoln Duck Hill Montw mery Knoxville Franklin Westfield Pope Bolands Itawamba Dumas lpp"h Kosciusko Attala Westford Ma.rtin Bolivar Bolivar Durant H.olmes Kossuth Alcorll West Lake Kandiyohi BoltoJ,l's Depot Hinds Early Grove Marshall Lafayette Springs Lafayette West Newton. Nicolet "'Boonevi lie Prentiss Eastport Tishemingo LaGmnge Choctaw West St. Augustine Stea,rns Border Springs Lowndes Edinburg Leake Lake I Scott "West Saint Paul Dakota Bovina Warren Edward's Depot Hinds [,ake Creswell Panola West Union Todd 'OBrandon Ranki& Eggs Point Washington Lamar :Marshall Whalan Fillmore Bridgeport Simpson Egypt Ohickasaw Lauderdale Station Lauderdale Wheatland Ri~e 'Brook Haven Lincoin Elliott Grenada Laurel Hill Neshoba Whceling Rice Brookville Noxubee Elliott's Mills Panola Lawrence Newton White Bear Center Pope Brunswick Warren Ellisto\vn Union Leakesville Greene White Bear Lake R!l.msey Bueathnna Wayne Ellisville Jones Leigh's Sunfl'ower White Earth Becker Buck Oreek Green Flnergy Clark' Leota Landing Washingtoll 'Vhite Rock Goodhue Buena. Vista Chickasaw Ennis' Store Oktibbeha Lewisburg. DeSoto White Water Falls Winona Burnsville Tishemingo Enoch's liilb Rankin Lexington C. H. Holme, Willmar Kandiyohi Bu ttahatchie Monroe Enon Perry Liberty Amite Willow Creek Blue Earth Bvhalia. Marshall Enterprise Clark Lille Creek Oktibbeha Wilmington HOllston Byram Hinds Erato. Jones Loch Lcvin Adame Wilson Winona Caderata Montgomery Brin Oalhoun Lodi Montgomery "Wilton Waseka Caledonia. Lowndes Espa.ranza. Pontotoc Longiown Panola Windom Cottonwood Calhoun Madison Eudora. De Soto LooJ{ahoma. De Soto Winnebago Agency Blue Earth Ca.mden Madison Eureka Lee Louisville Winstoll ~Winlle.b.\go.City Faribault Ca.mpbell Switch Alcorn F!l.lkner Tippah Love'S Station DeSotG Winnebago Valley Houston Oa.naan Benton Fame Ohoctaw Ludlow Scott "Winona. Winon~ 03.nton Madison Fanuin Rankin McCall's Creek Franklin Winsted :McLeod Oardsville Itawamba ~Fayette Jefferson McOomb Pike Wiscoy Winona Oarolinllo Issaquena. Fearn's Springs Winston }lcgeh~e La.nding Bl>livar 01< MOlle), Ordllr Offices.

208 38 POST OFFICES---MISSISSIPPl----MISSOURI. Poae Office. (Jounty. Pust Office. (Jounty. Post Office. (Jounty. P08t Office. (Jounty. McLeod's Greene R~ Kempu "Winona Montgomery Bancroft Davoies, MeNu tt Le Flore Ripley Tippah "WOOdville Wilkinson Bandyville Oregon *Macon Noxubee Hi verside Wilkinson "Yazoo City Yazoo Barnard Nodaway Madisqn Station Madison Robertsonville Coahoma Yocony Itawamba Barnumton Oamden Magnolia Pike Robson's Landing Ooahoma Zion Seminary Oovington Barret's Station St. Louis Maple Springs Lafayette Rockport Copiah Barry Olay Marietta Prentiss Rodney Jefferson Barryville Macon Marion Station Laud~rdale Rolling Fork Issaquena Barton Barton Martinsville Copiah Rose Hill Amite Batesville Oarroll Mayerville Issaquena Rome Winston Bauff Taney Mayhew's Station Lowndes Ruckersville Tippah Bay Gasconade Meadville Franklin Rushing's Store Lauderdale Bear Creek Cedar *Meridian Lauderdale Salem Benton Bear Branch Linn Midway Hinds Saltillo Lee Beaver Donglas Millville Madison "Sardis Panola Beaufort Franklin :M:ississippi Oity Harrison Sarepta Calhoun Beckville St. Louis Molino Union Satartia Yazoo Bedford Livingston M()nroe Perry Scooba Kemper Bee Ridge Knox Mont Alban Warren ~cott Stati()n Harrison Belew's Creek Jefferson Monterey Rankin Senatahoba De Soto Belgrade Washington. Mcmte Vish. Choctaw Sbady Grove Jasper Bell Air Cooper Monticello Lawrence Shannon Lee Bellefont,aine St. LouiS Montpelier Colfax Sharon Madison Bellefonte Pulaski Montrose Jasper Shell ]found La Flore Belle View Iron 1100rville Lee "Shieldsboro' Hancock Belmont Mississippi :Morgan's Forlt ji'ranklin Shoobota Clark Belton Cass Morton Scott Shuqualak Noxubee Missouri. Benbow Marion Moscow Kemper Sidon Le Flore Benjamin Lewis Moss Point Jackson Siloam Oktibbeha Post Office. (Jounty. Benton Scott Mount Carmel Oovington Silver Creek Lawrence Benton City Audrain Mount Pleasant Mal'shall Silver Springs Alcorn Aberdeen Pike Berger Franklin Mount Zi()n Simpson 'Skip'with's Landing Isaquena Abernathy Perry Bessville Bollinger MuldAn Monroe Smithdale Amite Acasto Clarke "Bethany O. H. Harrison *Natchez Adams Smith's Station Hinds Ada Ray Bethel Shelby.Neblett's Landing Bolivar Smithsville Monroe Agency, Buchanan Bethpage McDonald Nesbit's Station DeSoto Sonora Chickasaw Akron Harrison Beverley Macon New Albany Pontotoc Sparta Chickasaw Alamode Reynolds Beverley Station Platte New Barden Tippah Spring Dale Lafayette Alanthus Grove Gentry Bevier 'Macon New Hope Yalabusba Spring Hill Benton Alba Jasper Bible Grove Scotland Newport Attala Springport Panola.. Albany Gentry Biehle P~rry New Prospect Winston Star Place Panola Albina Howell Bigbee Callaway Newton Newton Starkville Oktibbeha Alexandria' Clarke Big Cre~k Texas Newtown Landing Warren State Line Station Wayne Alice Cedar Bigelow Holt Oakland Yalabusha Station Creek Covington Allendale Worth Big River Mills St. Francis Ocean Springs Jackson Steen's Creek Rankin Allenton St. Louis Big Spring Montgomery Of ahoma Leake Stonewall Harrison Allenville Oape Girardeau Billings Christian *Okolona Ohickasaw Strayhorn DeSoto Alma Webster Blllingsville Oooper Olive Branch De Soto Sucarnochce Kemper Almartha Ozark Birch Tree Shannon O'Neal's Amitd Sulphur Springs Madison Alpha Grundy Bismarck St. Francois Orizaba Tippah "Summit Pike Alta Vista Di1vies Black Jack St. Louis Osyka Pike Tacaleeche Tacal~eche Aletnburg Perry Black Oak Caldwell Othello Tunica 'rallulah Issaquena Altona Bates Black Oak Point Hickory "Oxford Lafayette Tamola Station Kemper Alton C. H. Oregon Blaok well' s Station Palestine DeSoto 'fampico Oktibbeha Amazonia..Andrew St. Francis Palmetto Home Yazoo 'r,tylor's Depot Lafayette Americus ]fontgomery Bliss Miller Palo Alto Colfax Temperance Hill Monroe Amity DeKalb Blodgett Scott Panola Panola Terrene Bolivar Anderson Olinton Bloomfield Stoddard Parmit()hie Alcorn Terry Hinds Andover Harrison Blooming Rose Phelps Pascag()ula Jackson Thomastown Leake Annapolis Iron Bloomington Macon Pass Christian Harrison Tibby Station Lowndes Anson Clarke Bloomsdale St. Genevievo Paulding O. H Jasper Tillatoba Yalabusha Anthonie's Mill Crawford Blu'e Eagle Clay Peach Oreek Panola Toccopola Pontotoc Appleton Cape Girardeau Blue Eye Stone Pea Ridge Kemper Ton~aloo Madlson Appleton City St. Clair Blue Mill Jackson Pearlington Hancoclt Toomsuba Lauderdale Arbela Scotland Blue Mound Livingston Peden Kemper Torrance Grenada Arcadia Iron Blue Ridge Harrison Pelabatchee Depot Rankin 'rremont Itawam ba Argo Crawford Blue Spring Jackson Pensacola Choctaw Trenton Smith Arica DcKalb Bluffton Montgomery Perkinsville Winstou Tupelo Lee Arlington Phelps Boeger's Store O.~e Perth Jefferson Turner's Franklin Arno Douglas Breuf Creek Fr,ankhn Philapelphia Neshoba Turnersville Jasper Arnoldsville Buchanan Bo.ard Henry Pickens' Station Holmes Tuscola Leake Arrow Rock Saline Rogard's Mound Carroll Pine Bluff Oolfax Tyro Marshall Ashburn Pike Bois D' Arc Greene Pine Grove Benton Union Newton Asherville Stoddard Bolckow Andrew Pine Vaney Yalabusha Union Church Jefferson Ash Grove Greene Boles Franld in Pineville Smith Union Mills Tippah Ashland Boone "Bolivar Polk Pinnellville Jones Utica Hinds Ashley Pike Bolton Harrison Pittsb()]'ough Oalhoun Vaiden Carroll Ashton Olarke Bond's Mines :Morgan Plattsburg Winston Vltughan Yazoo Asper Livingston Bonfil's Station St. Louis Pleasant Hill De Soto Vernal Green Asperville Daviess Bonhomme St. Louis Pleasant Grove Panola Vernon Madison Astoria Wright Bontear St. Francois J;>leasant Mount,Panola Verona Lee Athens 'Clarke Boonesboro Howard Pleasanton Itawamba "Vicksbu11t Warren Atlanta Macon *Booneville Cooper Polkvill~ Smith Wallersville Pontotoc Auburn Lincoln: Bourbon Crawford ~Pontotoc Pontotoc Nall Hill Marshall Augusta S,t. Charles Bower's Mills Lawrence Pope's Depot Panola Walnut Grove Leake Aullville LaFayette Bower's Store Uentry Poplar Creek Montgomerv Walton LaFayette Aurora Law'rence Bowling Green Pike *Port Gibs()n Claiborne Warrenton Warren Austin Cass Boxford DeKalb Post Oak Yalabusha Washington Adams Ava Douglas Boyler's Mill Motgan Prairie Station Monroe Waterford Marshall Avalon Livingston Bradleyville Taney Prentiss Bolivar "Water Valley Yalabushn Avilla Jasper BranchVIlle Linn Providence Yalabusha Watson Marshall Avoca Jefferson Brazito CoJe '~UinCy ]fonroe Waynesboro' Wayne A\'ola Vernon Breckenridge Caldwell, uitman Clark Webster Winston Avon St. Genevieve Bri dge Creek Oar roll aleigh Smith Wells AttaIn Ayersville Putnam Bridgeport Warren Ra.ndall's Bluff Winston Wl'sson Copil1h Baden St. Louis Bridgeton St. Louis Randolph Pontotoc "West Point. Oolfax Bailey's.Creek Osage Bridgewater Nodaway Rawsonville Laud'e;rdale Westville Simpson B:tinbridge Clinton Brighton Polk Raymond Hinds Whitefield Oktibbeh.\ Bail'dstown Sullivan "Brookfield LinD Red Banks Marshall White Sand Lawrence Baker St. Olair Brookline Station Greene Red Land Pontotoc tvhj' Not Laudet"dale Baker's Grove Barton Brooklyn Harrison Republicl\ll Choctaw Willlamsburg Oovington Baladan McDonald Brosley CaSi Rien:r.i Al corn Winchester Wayne Baldwin St. Lo.uis Brotherton St. Loui. fi Money Order Offioes.

209 POST OFFICES-MISSOURI. '39 Post QUice. County. Post Office. County. Post Of!ice. County. Post OO!ce. Oounty. Browning Linn Oity Bluff Nodaway "Des Peres St. Louis Floyd's Oreek Adai.r Brownsville Saline Oity Point Platte De Soto Jefferson "Forest City Holt Brumley Miller Oivil Bend Daviess "De Witt Oarroll Foristell St. Ohal:ler Bmnot Wa,Yne Clapper Mouroe Dexter Oity Stoddard Forkuer's Hill Webster Brunswiok Oharlton Olaremont Nodaway Diamond City Jasper Forsyth Tanet Brush Oreek Laolede "Olarence Shelby Diamond Grove Jasper Fort Henry Randolp Buchanan Bollin~er Clarke Oity Clarke Dick LaFayette FOl\t Lyon Benton "Buoklin LlDn Olarksburg Monitea\l Diok's Oreek Dallas Fourche a Renault Washington Buffalo Dallas Olarksville Pike Diehlstadt Scott Four Mile Dunklhi. Buhlsville Gentry Olarkton Dunklin Dittmer's Store Je!lerson Fox Ray Bull Mills Ohristian Olarysv illa Perry Dixon Pulaski Fox Oreek St. Loula Bunceton Oooper Clay Olarke Dolle's Mills BOllin~er Frankford Pike Buncombe Pettis OlaysviUe Boone Doniyhan O. H. Rip ey Franklin Howard' Bunker Webster Clayton Vernon Doug ass Gentry Fl'IlDkville Howard Bunker Hill Lewis Olaytonville Olay Dover Lafayette Frazer Buohanan Burbois Gasoonade Olear Oreek Oooper Doylesport Barton Fredie Butler Burdett Bates Olear View Sullivan Doyleston St. Olair Frederioksburg Osage Burfordville Oape Girardeau Olearwater Wayne Drake Gasconade 'Fredericktown Madison Burlington Boone Cleopatra Mercer Dresden Pettis Freedom La.fayette Burr Oak Harrison Clifton Schuyler Dry Oreek Orawford Freeland Oarter Bushber~ Jefferson Olifton Hill Randolph Dry Branoh Franklin Freeman Oass. Butler. H. Bates Olifty Dale MaVles Dry Wood Vernon Frenoh Villa,ge St. Francis Buttsville Grundy "Olinton Henry Duncan Webstcl' Frisco Benton Bynumville Ohariton Clinton City o allaway Duncan Oreek Vernon Frohna. Perry Byron Osage Clinton's Mills Orawford Dundas Pulaski Frumet Jefferson Cadet Washington Clintonville Oedar Dundee Franklin Fulton Oallaway Oahoka Clarke.Cloverdale Benton Dunkle's Store Lawrence Gad's Hill Wayne Oainesville Harrison Clover Bottom Franklin Durgan's Oreek Lewis Gaines' Farm Henry Cairo Randolph Ooatsville Schuyler Durham Lewis Gainesville O. H. Ozark Oaledonia Wa.shington OOffeJWburg Daviess Duroc Benton Galbraith's Store Henry Oalhoun Henry Cold ater Wayne Dutch Town Oape Girardeau Galena Stone. "Oalifornia. Moniteau Oole Oamp Benton, Dutzow Warren Galesburg Jasper Callao Macou Colemanville -Carter Dykes Texas "'Gallatin Davless Oalumet Pike Ooleville Bates Eagle Harrison GallawaQ: Station Osage Oalvy Frankliu Colfax Sullivan East Lynue Cass Garden rove Ralls Cambridge Saline Oollege Mound Macon Easton BuchansD ljarrettsbu(f Buchana.1I Oamden Ray Colman St. Louis Ebenezer Greene Gasconade ity Gasconal\e Oamden Point Platte Coloma Oarroll Economy Macon Ferry Gasconade "Oa.meron Olinton Oolony Knox gdgar Springs Phelps Gates Newton Campbelton Franklin *Oolumbia Boone Edge Hill Re~nolds Gatewood Ripley Canaan Gascomtde Oolumbus Johnson Edgerton latte Gayoso Pemisco't Oane Hill Cedar "Oommerce Scott *Edina Knoll' Gentryville Gentry Oanton Lewis Competition Laclede Edinburg Grundy Georgeville Ra,r Cap Au Gris Lincoln Oonception Nodaway Egypt Mills Cape Girardeau Georgetow.n Pettls OapeGirardeauCapeGirardeal1 Ooncord Oallaway JJ:I Dorado Clarke Georgia Oity Jasper "Caplinger's Mills Oedar Ooncordia LaFayette Elk Oreek Texas *Germantown Henry Cappelen St. Oharles Oonner's Mills Oooper Elk Head Christian Gibsonville Ne\vton Capp's Oreek Newton Consville Henry Elkland Webster Gilead Lewis Caput Barton Convers Clinton Elk Mills McDonald Gi vensville McDonald Carbon Hill Johnson fjonwac: Lae1ede Elkton Hickory "'Glasgow Howard Oarpenter's Store Olinton "Coon reek Jasper Elleard St. Louis GI.aze Oity Oamden Oarondelet St. Louis Oooper's Hill Osage Ellenorah Gentry Glen Allen BOllinger Oarrington Oallaway Oornelia Johnson Ellisville St. Louis Glencoe St. Louis *Carrollton Oarroll Co rnersville Hickory Ellsworth Texas Glendale.lS'odaway' Oarrsville. Henry Oorning Holt Elm Grove Holt "Glenwood Sohuyler "Oarthage Jasper Oornwall Madison Elm Tree Orawford GoffOreek Stone Caruthersville Pemiscot Corsicana Newton Elmwood Saline Golden Oity Barton Oasco Dunklin Oote Brilliant St. Louis El Paso Barry Gooch's Mill Oooper Case Laclede Cote Sans Dessien Oallaway Elston StatiolJ. Oole Goodland Knox (lassville Barry Oottleville St. Charles Eltall Franklin Good Water 11'011 Castle.Andrew Ootton Hill Dunkl n Embry Grundy Goose Neck Rickor), Oastle Rock Osage Oottonwood Mercer EmersoR Marion Gordon ville L i vingsto11 Oastor Bollinger Cotton wood P.>int Pemiscot Mminence O. H. Shanuo) Goshen Mercer Catawba. Oaldwell Oove Creek Bates Elm~ire Prairie Andre Gower Buchanan Oatawissa Franklin Orab Orchard Ray gng eman's Mills Dade Graham Nodaway Cave Pump Oamden Onig Holt ~n.terprise McDonald * Granby Newton Cave Spring Green Cream Ridge Livingston brie Granby City Newton Cedar Bluff Texas Cres cent Hill Bates I1tna Scotland Grant Holt Cedar Oity Oallaway Creve Crenr St. Louis E ttieville Gentry *Grant's Oity Worth Cedar Creek Tane~ Crigler's Mills Ralls mudora Nodaway Grantsville Linll Cedar Fork Franklin Orittenden Daviess Eugene Oity Oarroll Granville Monroe Cedar Hill Jefferson Orocker Pulaski EUl'eka St. I.ouis Gravel Point Texa. Cedarville Dade Oross Timbers Hickory Evansville Monroe Gravelton Wayne Oelina Dent Orystal City Jefferson Evaline Buchanan Graves' Mills Morgan Center Ralls Ouba Crawford B'lverett Oass Gravois Mines St. Louis Oenter Orel'k Jasper Ouivre Lincoln Excello Macon Graysonville Olinton Center Town Cole Ounningham Ohariton Excelsior Morg'tn Gray's Point Lawrence Oenter View Johnson Curran Stone Fairfield Henton Gray's Summit Franklin Centerville Reynolds Currant River Shannon Fair GrOVe Greene Green Castle Sullivan Central St. Louis Ourryville Pike Fairmont Clarke "'Greenfield Dade Central Oity putnam Dadesville Dade Fair Play Polk Greenleaf DeKalh Oentralia Boone Dalhoff St. Oharles Fairport DeKalb Green Ridge Pettill Chain of Rocks Lincoln Dallas Webster Fairview St. Louis Greensburg Knox Ohalk Level St. Clair Dalton Ohariton Falling Spring Douglas Green's Ferry Girardea.u. Chalybeate Johnson Oanville Montgomel'I: Farber Audrain Greenton Lafayette Chalybeate Springs Lawroce Darksville Randolp Farley Platte Green Top Schuyler Ohambersburg Olarke Dauphine Osa~e Farmersville Livingston Greenville Wayne Chamois Osage Davenport Dade *Farmington St. Francis Greenwood JackSOn Chantilly Lincoln Daviess Daviess *Favette Howard Gregory Landing Clarke' Ohapel Howell Dawn Livingston Fayetteville Johnson Grinnell GrundI Chapel Grove Greene Da{ton Cass Femme Osage St. Oharles Grove Spring Wrigh Ohapel Hill Lafayette De ruin Pulaski Fenton St. Louis Grubbtowll. Grundy Charleston Mississippi Decaturvillu Oamden Ferguson St. Louis Grubville Fra.nklin Cheltenham St.,Lonis Deerfield Vernon Fillmore Andrew Guilford Nodawa.T Cherry Box Shelby Deer Ridge Lewis Fire Prairie Jackson Gun City Oas! Oherry Grove Sohuyler DeKalb Buchanan Flag Springll Andrew Gunter's Big Spring Camden Cherryville Ora,wford De Lassus St. Francois Flat River St. Francois Ha~er'B GroVQ Shelby Ohesapeake Lawrence Delawa,re Shannon Flat Woods Phelps Hamesville Olin ton Ohestnut Grove Bates DellLware Town Ohristian Flint Hill St. Oharles Half Rock Mercer Ohestnut Ridge St. Genevieve. Dell Delight Benton Florence Morgan Halfway Polk Ohilhowee Johnson Denver Worth Florida Monroe Halleck Buohana.1l.Chillicothe Livingston Des Arc Iron Florisant St. Louis Hallsels Ferry NodawaJ.1I01ley Order Otlices.

210 40 POST OFFICES-MISSOURI. Post OQU:e. Oounty. Post OQice. Oounty. Post OQice. Ooullty. Poat OQice. County. Hallsville Boone Jacksonville Randolph Little Beaver Douglas Millersbur~ Callaway Hamburg St. Charles.J ake' s Prairie Crawford Little Bergen Gasconade Millersville Cape Girardeau Hamilton Caldwell James's Bayou Mississippi Little Black Ripley Mill Port Knox Ham's Prairie Callaway Jameson Daviess :i.ittle Blue Jackson Mill Sring St. Loui8 Hancock Pulaski Jamesport Davies~ Little Compton Carroll Millvil e Ray *Hannibal Marion Jamestown Moniteau Little lifarriack Franklin Millwood Lincoln Hanover Jefferson Jasper Jasper Little Osage Vernon Mincy Taney! Happy Valley Harrison "Jefferson Barracks St. :(.ouis Livonia Putnam Minden Lawrence Hardin Ray *J elierson City Cole Lock S~ing Daviess Mine La Motte :Madisott Harlem Clav J effriesburg Franklin Locust ill. Knox Mineral Point Washington! Ha.rmony Washington Jenkins' Creek Jasper r.ocust II'Lound Miller Minersville Christian Harrisburg Boone Jericho Laclede Lodi Newton Mingsville WrigM: Harrison Harrison Jewett Madison Logan Lawrence Mint fell Osage Harrison's Mills Crawford Jobe Oregon Logan's Creek Reynolds Mirabile Caldwell *H arrisonville. Cass John's Branch Audrain London Atchison Missouri City Clay, Hartford Putnam Johnson City St. Clair Lone Cedar Crawford Missouriton St. Charles. Hartville Wright Johnstown Bates Lone Elm Cooper 1I1itchellville Harrison Hassard Ralls Jones borough St. Louis Lone Jack Jackson Miteomall Webster Havana Gentry Jonesburg Montgomery Lone Oak Hates "Moberly Randolph Havens Lawrence Jones' Tanyard Callaway Lane Dallas Modena. Meroer Haw Creek Bentoll Jonesville Cass Branch Monroe Mokeville St. Louis Hawk Point Lincoln Joplin City Jasper Lonlr's Mills Stone *Monroe City Monroe.Hazel Barrens Barry Jordan Scotland Longwood Pettis Montauk Dent Hazel Green Laclede Judson S.. Uivan Loose Creek Os~e Montevallo Vernon Hazel Run Mills St. Francis *Kansas City Jackson Lost Camp Howe I llionticello Lewis Hazlewood Webster Kaolin Iron Lost Branch Lincoln 'MontgomeryCity Montgomery Heaton Lawrence Kaseyville Macon Lost Spring Reynolds Montrose Henry Hematite Jefferson Kearney Clay Lotta Nodaway' Montserrat Johnson Henderson Webster Kendall Clay Lough borough St. Francois Mooresville Livingston Henry Ray Kennett O. H. Dunkirk 'Louisiana Pil{e Morley Scott Herdsville Barry Kent Newton Louisburg Dallas Mornington Webster "Hermann Gasconade Kenton Christian Louisville Lincoln Morrison Gasconade Hermitage Hickory *Keytesville Chariton Loutre Island Montgomery Morrisville Polk' Herndon Saline Kidder Caldwell Love Lake City Macon Morse's Mill Jefferson H,ester Marion Kiddville Sullivan Lowell St. Louis Moselle Franklin Hickman Mills Jackson Kimmswick Jefferson Lowndes Wayne Mound City Holi Hickory Barren Greeno King City Gentry Lowry Oity St. Clair Mounds Vernon Hickory Creek Audrain King's Point Dade Low Wassie Oregon Mountain Cove Barry Hickory Hill Cole * Kingston Caldwell Lucas Henry Mount Airv Randolph Hickory Ridge Cape Girardeau KingstonFurnace Washington Lu tesville Bollinger Mount Enterprise Cedar Hickory Spring Texas Kirbyville Tan1ly Luther Franklin Mount Hope Lafayette Hicks City Jackson Kirksville Adair Lutzton Noddaway.Mount Moriah Harrison Higginsville LaFayette Kirkwood St. Louis Luzerne St. Clair Mount Pleasant Gentry High Blue Cass Knob Lick St. Francois Mabry's Ferry Stone Mount Vernon Lawrenoe High Grove Marie8 Knob Noster Johnson McDowell Barry Mount View Benton "High Hill Montgomery Knob View Crawford McClurg Johnson Muddy Lake Livingston Highlandville Christian Knoxville Ray Mack's Creek Camden Muirton Grundy High Point Moniteau Koeltnown Osage McCredie Callaway ~[ulberry Bates High Prairie Webster Konoko Holt 'Macon City Macon Munger's Mill Reynold. High Ridge Jefferson Krakow Franklin Madison Monroe Murphysburg Jasper Hilt Scothtnd Kl'eisel's Mill Benton Madisonville Rails Muscle Fork Ohariton "Hillsborough Jefferson Labaddie Franklin Magnolia Moniteau Myers Howard Hiwassie Oregon La Belle Lewis I Malta Bend Saline Myrtle QKnox HOlran Mountain Iron "Laclede Linn Manchester St. Louis Napoleon City Lafayette "Holden Johnson Lacon Mavies Mandeville Carroll Narrows Creek Macon Holman'S Store Warren Laddona. Audrain Manton Maries Nashville Barton Holstein Warren LaDue Henry :llaramac Phelps Nebo Laclede Holt Clav Laflin Bollingel' Marble Mill Bolling!:r Neely's Landing Holt's Summit Callaway "La Grange Lewis Marion Cole Oape Girardeau -Homer Atchison Lake St. I,ouis "Marionville Lawrence Nelsonville Marion Honey Mercer Lake Creek Benton Marquand.Madison Neola Grundy Hopewell Academy Warren Lakenan Shelby "Marshall Saline "Neosho Newton Hopewell Furnace Washington Lake Spring.Dent "Marshfield Webster Nettleton Caldwell Hopkins Nodaway Lakeville Stoddard Marthasville Wa.rren 'Nevada Vernon Horine Station Jefferson "Lamar Barton Martinsburg Audrain Newark Knox HorFe Creek Barton Lamar's Station Nodaway Martinstown Putnam New Bloomfield Callaway House's Springs Jefl'erson La Mine Cooper Martinsville Harrison New Boston Linn Houston O. H. Texas Lamonte Petti> Marvel Bates Newburg Macon Houstonia Pettis "Lancaster Schuyler Aiarvin. ' Henry ~New Cambria Macon Howard's Mills St. Clair Lane's Prairie lifaries "Maryville Nodaway New Oastle Gentr1 Howe's Mill Dent *LaPlata Macon Maune's Store Franklin New Farmington Davieu Hudson Bates Lathrop Clinton Mayview LaFaktte New Florence Montgomery Hughes Nodaway Lawson Washington 'MaYSVille C. H. De alb r\"ew Frankfort Saline Hughesville Pettis Lawson Station Ray Maywood Lewis New Garden Ray Hugginsville Gentry Laynesvillo St. LOUis 111 cad ville Linn New Harmony Pike Humansville Polk Lcad Center Miller :lfechanicsville St. Charles New Hartford Pike Hunnewell Shelby Leasburg CraWford Medicine Sullivan New Haven Franklin Huntingdale Hem'y 'Lebanon Laclede Medoc Jasper Home Batel "Huntsville Randolph Lebeck Cedar Medora Osage NewHope Lincoln HU1'dland Knox "Lee's Summit Jackson Melissa Ozarlt New London Ralls Hurricane Carroll Leesville Henry Melrose St. Louis "New Madrid New Madrid Hutton Valley Howell LeRoy Barton Melville Wright New Market Platte Iatan Platte Lesterville Reynolds "Memphis Scotland New Melle St. Charles Iberia Miller Levick's Mill Randolph Mendon Chariton New Offenburg St. Genevieve lconium St. Clair Lewis Station Henry Mendota Putnam New Palestine Cooper "Independence Jackson Lewiston Lewis IIIeramec Station St. Louis New Santa Fe Jackson Indian Creek Monroe "Lexington Lafayette MercyviUe Macon 'Newtonia Newton Indian Ford Stoddard "Liberty Clay Metz Vcrnon Newtown Putnam Iona Oape Giral'dcl\.u Liberty Landing Clay "Mexico Audrain New Wells Cape Girar<leau.Ionl\. Oity Pettis Libertyville St Francis Miami Saline Niangua \V ebster Irish Grove Atchison Licking Texas Miami Station Ca\,l'oll Nineveh Adair "Irondale Washington Lick Valley Ozark!II icklen Jackson Nishnabotna Atchison Iron Fork Ozark Lincoln Benton Middlebur Mercer Nodaway Andrew Iron Mountain St. Francis Lindersville Adair Middle Fa b ies Scotland Norborne Carroll Iron Ridge Crawford Lindley Grundy Middle Grove Monroe Norma Webster "Ironton C. H. Iron Linn Osage 111 iddle. Ridge Harrison Normank St. Loui. Isabella Ozark "Linn Oreek Camden Middletown Montgomery Norris' ork Henry Isadora Worth Linn's Mills Lincoln Midway Boone Northcutt Linn Island. City Gentry "Linneus Linn "Milan Sullivan North Branch Nodaway Jackson' Cape Girardeau Linnwood Osage Miles Point Carroll North River Marion Jackson's Oorners Sullivan Lisbon Howard Milford Barton North Salem Linn.ratkson Station Daviess Lisbon,.ille Ray Millard Adair I North Springfield Grecla Moner Order Qfti,.cea.

211 POST OFFICES----MISSOURI. 41 Post Office. County. Post OfficII. County. Post Office. County. Post Office. CoulIty, North Star Atchison Pond St Louis "St. Catherine Linn "Stewartsville De Kalb Novelty Knox I;'oplar Bluff Butler "St. Charles St. Chllrles Sticklerville Sullivan Nursery Hill Dellt Poplar Hill McDonald Saint Cloud Scott Stockland Montgomery Oakfield Franklin Porohe'S Prairie Chariton St. Olair Franklin "Stockton Cedar Oa Grove Jackson Portage Des Sioux St. Charles S t, l?rancisvill c Clarke Stokes Mound Carroll Oak Hill Gasconade Port Hudson Franklin St. Genevieve C. H. Stone House Morgan Oa.kland Laclede POl'tl!Lnd Callaway St. Genevieve Stoney Hill Gasconade Oak Ridge Cape Girardeau "Potosi Washington St. James Phelos Stono St. E'rancia O'Fallon St. Charles Pottersville Howell St. J'ohn Putnam Stony Point Jackson Old Alexandria Lincoln Powell McDonald *St. Joseph Buchanan Stoutland Camden Old Ditch Jefferson Prairie Bird Adair St. Leger Ozark Stoutsville Monro. Old Mines WashingtQn Prairie City Bates *S.t. Louis St. Loui~ StralIord Greeno Old Monroe Lincoln Prairie Hill Chariton Saint Martin's Morgan Strasburg Cass Omaha Putn~.m. PI'airie Home Cool?cr St. Mary'S St. Genevieve Stringtown Cole -(i)regon Holt Prairieville Pike St. Paul WeIJster Stroderville Girard'eau Orleans Polk Preston Jasper St. Peters St. Charles "Sturgeon. Boone Orrville St. Louis Price's Branch Montgomery St. Thomas Cole Sublett Adair OSll.;l:e Crawford Price's Landing Scott Salem Dent Sue City Macon Osage Bluff Cole 'Prinoeton MerCel' SaUne Mercer Sullivan Franklin Osage City Proctorville Caldwell Salisbury Chariton Sulphur Springs ORage Fork La'clede Prospect Grove Scotland Salt Road Douglas [Landing.Tefferson Osage Iron Works Camden Prospect Hill Clay Sampsell Station Livingston Sumac Bollinger o born De Kalb Providence Boone Sampson Creek Harrison Summersville Texas "Odoeola St. Clair Pryor's Store Douglas San Antonio Buchanan Sunnyside Wright Osterville Caldwell Punjaub St. Genevieve Sand Hill Sootland Suu's Creek Dade Otter Creek Wayne QU!tp!tW Newton Sand Springs Webster Suy Mills Jackson Otterville Cooper Quarry town St. Genevieve Sandstone Vernon Swanwick Ray Overton Cooper Queen City Schuyler Santa Fee Monroe Sweet Home Nodaway Owasco Sullivan Quinoy Hickory Santa Rosa Daviess Switzler Monroe Owen6ville Gasconade Quitman Nodaway Sappin~ton St. Louis Sylvania Dade Owl Cree~ Knox ltacine Newton SarCOXle Jasper "Syracuse Mor~an Oxford Worth Rainey Creek Camden Sarvis Point Webster Taberville St. C air Ozark Christian l~amey Johnson 'Savannah C. H. Andrew 'I'abo Lafayette Ozark Mills Iron Randolph,Randolph Saverton Ralls Taitsville Ray Pacific Franklin Ravenna Mercer Saxton. Buchanan Taos Col(l P~e Cit~ LaFavette Ray m ond ville Texas Schell City Vernon Ten Mile Maoon Pame's rairie 'Polk Raymore Cass Schluersburg St. Charles Terre Haute Putnam Palmyra Marion Raytown Jackson Schuyler Cass Thomas Harrison Papinsville Bates R!tyville Hay Scottville Sullivan 'rhomasville Oregon, Paradise Clay Reading Pike Sebago Linn Tindell Grundy "Paris Monroe Readsville Callaway Sebrce Howard Tinney's Grove Ray Parker Andrew Reed's Springs StOlle "'Sedalia Pettis Thompson Station AudraiIi Park's Grove St. Clair Reeves' Station Butler Seneca Newton Thornleigh Pettie Parkville Platte Reform Callaway Sentinel Prairie Polk *'ripton Moniteau Paton Bollinger Regency Gentry' Shady Grove Dallas Toennia Schuyler Patterson Wayne Relfe Phelps Shamrock Callaway ToloDa.Lewi. Pattonsburg Davless J~ensselaer Halls S harps burg Marion *Trenton Grundy Paul ville Adair Republic Greene Shawnee Mound Henry Tribulation McDonald Pay Down Ma.vies H.hineland Montgomery Shawneetown Cape Girardeau Troy Lincoln Paynesville Pike Rich Fountain Osage *Shelbina Shelbv 'I'roy Mills Adair Peachland Osage Rich Hill Bates "S beibyville.. Truxton Lincoln Peakesville Clarke Richland Pulaski Shell Knob Barry Tuckersville Morgan Peeulbr CagS "Richmond Ray Sheridan Maeon TUfne Warren. Pen:dleton Warren Richville Texas Sherman St. Louis Tu Ivania Macon Pennville Sullivan Richwoods Washington Shibley'S Point Adail Turnback Dade Perry Ralls Ridge Carroll Shiloh Butler Tur'ney's Station Clinton *Perryville Perry Ridgely Platte Shivelton Platte Tuscumbia Miller Petra Salinc Ridge Prairie Saline Shoal Creek Livingston Twane Ded Pevely Jefferson Ridge View Pettis Shoalsburg Newton Ulman's Ridge Miller Phelps Lawrence Ring's Point Adair Shoemaker's Store St. Charles Union Franklin Phelps' City Atchi&on ltitehey Newton Sl1oneytown Putnam Union Grove Gentry Philadelphia Marion IUtter Scotland,~hootman Carroll Union Ridge Sullivan Philander Gentry RiverAuxVases St. Genevieve Short Bend Dent Union Star DeKalb PhillipsIJurlt Laclede "Roanoke Howard,Shotwell Franklin Uniontown Perry Pickering Nodaway Roaring River Bany Sibley Jackson Union Valley Nodaway. Piedmont Wayne Robertson's Mill Sttne Sidney Ralls Unionville Putnam Pierce Callaway Robertsville Franklin Sigel Pettis Urbana Dallas Pierce City Lawrence Rocheport Boone Sikeston Scott Urich Henry Piketon Stoddard Rochester ' Andrew Silver Creek Oedal "Utica Livingston Piland's Store Ozark Rock Bridge Ozark Silver Lake Perry Valparaiso Sullivan Pilot Grove Cooper Itockford Lincoln Sink in Shannon Van Buren Carter "Pilot Knob Iron Rock Hill St. Louis Sloan's Point Adair Vandalia. Audrain Pinckney Warren Rock House Prairie Buchanan Smithfield Jasper VanHorn Carroll Pine Creek Laclede "Rockport Atchis()n Smitht()ll Pettis Vanncg's Mill Pike Pine Hill Shannon. Rock Prairie Dade Smithvil"e Clay Vera ruz Douglas Pineville McDonald Rock Spring Washilll(ton Snibar Lafayette Vermont Cooper Pink Hill. Jackson Rockville Bates Somerset Monroe Verona Lawrence Pinkley ville Oregon Rocky Comfort Newton Sonora Atchison "Versailles Morgan Pin Oak Warren f'ocky Glade Iron South Grove Saline Vibbard Ray PIsgah Cooper Rocky lilount ]( ijlel' South Point Franklin Victoria Station Jefferson Pitts Warren "Rolla Phelps Southwest City McDonald Vienna Mavies Pittsburg Hickory Jtolling Home Randolph Spcncer Lawrence Vineland Jefferson Pittsville Johnson Ronda. l'vlk S peneera burg Pike Vinton Bates' Plato Texas Roney Hickory S pickards ville Grundy Virgil City Cedar Platte City Platte Roscoe St. Clair Spring Ja'sper Virginia ~ Bates Platte River Buchanan Rose Hill Johnson S pring Bluff Franklin Virginia Mills Franklin Plattin Jefferson Rosendale Andrew Spring Creek PHelps Wadesburg Cas, flattsburg Clinton Roth ville Chariton *S pringfield Greene Waldo Webst(\1' leasant Farm Miller Roubidoux Texas S pring Grove Dallas Waldron Platte Pleasant Gap Bates Round Grove La.wrence Spring Hill Livingston Walker Vernon "Pleasant Hill Cass Round Prairie Vernon S pring Hollow Laclede Walnut Creek Bates Pleasant Home Putnam Rowletta Petti~ Stanard DeKalb W!llnut Grove Greene Plensant Hope Polk Rural Dale Grundy Stanford Texas Walnut Shade l'aney Pleasant Mount Miller Rush TC1wer Jefferson Stanton Copper Mines Walton Mills Washington Pleasant Park Carroll Rushville Buchanan Franklin Warm Fork Oregon Pleasant Retreat Scotland Russell's Hill Shannon State Line Cass Warren Marion Pleasant Valley Wright Itussell's Mills Il'on S teelsville Crawford "\V arrens burg Johnson Pleasant View Ray H.ussel ville Cole Steffel's v ilie J,ewis "'Warrenton Warren Plum Valley Texas Ituth Texas Stein's Prairie Mavies Warrenville LacledO Pocahontas Ca); Girardeau Sacramento Wright Stephens Boone "'Warsaw Benton Point Pleasant ew Madrid Saint Annie Pulaski Stephens' Store Callaway Washburn Prairie Barry Polo Caldwell Saint Aubert Callaway Stewart Pemisoot "'Wa.shington Franklill -Money Order Office

212 42 POST OFFICES-MISSOURI-MONTANA-NEBRASKA. Post OffICe. Oounty. Post Office. County. Post Office. Oounty. P08t Office. Oounty. Waterloo Clarke Emigrant Gallatin Beaver Orossing Seward "Fontanelle Washington 'Vatson Atchison Emmettsburgh Deer Lodge Bell Creek Washing'ton Forest Oity Sarpy "Waverly Lafayette Etna Missoula Belle Prairie Fillmore Fort Oalhoun Washington "'Waynesville Pulaski Fish Oreek Jefferson Bellevue Sfl.rpy "Fort Kearnel Kearney Webster Oregon Forest City Mi~soull!- Belmont Cass Frankfort 'Eau ~i Cour. Webster Station St. Louis Fort Benton Chouteau Bennet Station Lancaster Franklin ranklin Weldon Maries Fort Shaw Lewis &; Clarke Benton Saunders *l<'remont Dodge Wellington Lafayette!<'renoh Bar Lewis &; Clarke Big Sandy Thayer Frenchtown Ante!ope Wellsburg St. Charles French Gulch Deer Lodge Bismarck Cuming Friendville Saline Wellsville Montgomery Frenchtown Missoula "'BllIir Washington Galena Dodge Wentzville St. Charles Gaffney Madison Blue Island Saline Genoa Platte West Ely Marion Gallatin Gallatin Blue Springs Gage Gibbon Buffalo Western Saline German Gulch Deer Lodge Blue Valley York Gillespie Antelope West Fork Reynolds Greenhorn Lewis &; Clarke Bono Washington Gilmore Sarpy West Hartford Ralls Greenwood Deer Lodge Boone Boone Gilson Adams West LIberty Putnam Gwendale Deer Lodge Bower Jefferson Glencoe Dojge "Weston Platte Hfl.milton Gallatin Bow Valley Cedar Glendale Cass Westphalia Osage Harrisburgh Deer Lodge Bratton Nemaha Glengary Fillmore West Plains Howell Harrison Madison Brooklyn Franklin Glen Rock Nehama West Point Ba tea "Helena Lewis &; Clarke "Brownsville Nemaha Grafton Fillmore "Westport Jackson Helmville Deer Lodge Bryant Jefferson "Grand Island Oity Hal West Pmirie' Dunklin Horse Plains M issouja Buckau Cuming Grant Nem.. ha West Quincy Marion J effer~on City J etferson Buffalo Webster Green Island Cedar West Springfield Shelby Jefferson Island Madison Burlingame Merrick Greenwood Cass West Union Col,SS Junotion Mfl.dison Burr Oak Ot,oe Griffin Westville Chariton Ouminf Junction Ranch Beaver Head Burton's Bend Arapahoe Groveland Sewar Wet Glaze Camden Keatingville Jefferson Butler Center Butler Guide Rock Webster :Wheatland Hickory Lincoln Deer Lodge Calla Pawnee Hammond Boone Wheeling Livingston McClellan Gulch Deer Lodge Camden Seward Hartman Seward Whetstone Wright M,'adow Creek :li1adison Canton Stanton Harvard Clay Whig Valley Holt "Missoula Missoula Cedar Bluffs Saunders Hastings Adams White Oak Grove Greene Nevada City Madison Cedar Creek Cass Hawkeye Dixon Whitesville Andrew New Chicago Deer Lodge Center Bow Cedar Headland Saunders Williamsburg Oallaway Oliver Beaver Head Cen treville Lancaster Hebron Jefferson Williamstown Lewis Philipsburgh Deer Lodge Ceresco Saunders Helena Johnston Williamsville Wa~ne Pike's Peak Deer Lodge ')hapman Merrick Hendricks Otoo Willmathsville A air Pioneer Deer Lodge Cherry Hill Platte Henrietta Nuokolls Willow Springs Howell Point of Rocks Beaver Head Cincinnati P/l.wnee Herman Washington Wilson Adair ~uartz City Missoula Clarion Madison Hickman Lancaster Winchester Clarke adersburgh Jefferson Clarksville Merrick Hillsdale Nemaha Windsor Henry RedMountainCity Deer Lodge Clear Creek Saunders Homestead BurG Winemuller's Mills Worth Rochester Madison Clifton Nemaha Hooker Gage Winigan DeKalb Saint Ignatius Missoula Clinton Stanton Hooper Dodge Winslow DeKalb Saint Louis Jefferson Colan Saunders Howard Nemaha Winston Dent Scribner Missoula "Columbus Platte Humboldt Richardson Winstonville Daviess Sheridan Madison Concord Cass Humphrey Platt~ Wintersville Sullivan Silver Bow Deer LodJre Cotesfield 'Howard Inland Adams Winthrop Buchanan Silver City Lewis &; Clarke Cottonwood Butler lola Otoe Withers Mills Marion Silver Star 'Madison 'Cottonwood Springs Lincoln Ionia Dixoll Wittenburg Perry Skalkaho Missoula Covington Dakota Ithaca Saunders WolfCreek Wright Springville Jefferson Crab rchard Johnson Jackson Dakotah Wolf Island Mississippi Sterling Madison Creighton L'eau qui Court Jamestown Dodge Woodhill Dallas Stevt'nsville Missoula "Crete Saline Jefferson Jefferson Woodland Marion Summit Madison Cropsey Gage Junction ville Hall Woodland ville Boone Sun River Lewis &; Clarke Crowell Dodge Juniata Adams Woodlawn Monroe Superior Missoula Crowellton Buffalo J llstice Dixon Woods fork Wright Trout Oreek Meagher "'Dakota Dakota Kearney Station Buffilio Woodville Macon Twin Bridges Ma.dison Danville Saline Kenesaw Adams Woolam Gasconade Unionville Lewis &; Clarke Dawson's Mills Richardson Kingston Adams Worth Worth "'Virginia City Madison "Decatur Burt Lander Douglas Wright City Warren Warm Springs Deel' Lodge Deer Creek Madison Laona Gage Wyaconda Scotland Washington Gulch Deer Lodge De Soto Washington LaPlatte Sarpy Yancey Phelps Watson Beaver Head DeWitt Saline 'LaPorte Wayne Yankee Ridge Harrison Whitehall Jefferson Donnebrog Howard Latrobe Johnson Younger's Boone Willow Creek Madison Donop Stanton Leslie Wayne Young's Creek Audrian Yreka DeerLodge Dorchester Saline Liberty' Pawnee Yount's Store Perry Douglas Dou~hs Liberty Farm Clay Zig Adair Dry Creek Madison "Linooln Lancaster Dryden Jefferson Lineoln Valley Hamilton Eagle Cass Linwood Bntler Eden Fillmore Lisbon Sarpy Montana. Nebraska. Edgar Clay Little Sandy Jefferson Eight Mile Grove Cass Lodi Dakota Post Office Oounty. Ela Otoe Logan Dodge P08t Office. Oounty. Eldred Saunders London Nemaha Abington. Colfax Elk Creek Johnson "Lone Tree Merrick Agency Missoula Adams Gal!'c Elk Horn City Douglas Lone Star Butler Argenta Beaver Head Advance Washington Elkton Nuckolls Lone Valley Saunders ltbanul\c k City Beaver Head A Ida Hall Elk Valley Dakota Louisville Cass Beartown Deer Lodge Alexandria Thayer Ellli Creek Buffalo Lowell Kearney Beaver Creek 'J efferso'n Alexis Butler Elm Grove.Tefferson Lucieville Saline Blackfoot City Deer Lodge Alma City Harlan Elmore Richardson Lyons Burt Boulder Valley Jefferson Amherst Washington Elmwood Case McFadden York ~ "Bozeman Gallatin Antelope Antelope Em'!Tson Otoe McPherson Lincoln Butte City Deer Lodge *Arago Rich~rdson Itimpire Fillmore Macon Franklin Oamp Baker, Meagher Arapahoe Arapahoe ~:nterprise Lancaster Mad'ison Madison Canton Meagher Arizona Burt Esteina Saunders Maple Creek Dodge Canyon Creek Lewis &; Clarke Ash Bluff Saunders Exeter Fillmore Mapleville Dodge Canyon Ferry Meagher "Ashland Saunders Factoryville C,ISS Martinsville Adams Central Park Gallatin Aspinwall Nemaha Fairbury Jefferson MaLville Lanoaster Centerville Meagher Athens Richardson Fairmount Fillmore Me rose Harlan Oicero Madison Atlanta Saline Fairview Saline Menominee Cedar Olagett Jefferson Aurora Hamilton "Falls City: Richardson Meridian Jefferson Olanoey J efferbon Avoca Oass Farmer's Valley Hamilton Middleburg Riohardson Cold Spring Jefferson Baden Gage FarraH Platte Midland Colfax Corvallis Missoula Barry Madison Ffl.rris York Milton Saunders Craw ford Madison B!\tin Webster Febing Nemaha *)lilford Seward Darlint Beaver Head Battle Creek Madison Fillmore Fillmore Mission Oreek Paw~ee "Deer odse City Deer Lodge "Beatrioe Gage Firth Lanoaster Monroe Platte Diamond ity Meagher Beaver Boone Florence Douglas Mount Pleasant Cas!! Eut Gallatin Gallatin Bea-ver Oity James Flowerdah,, Morian Oolfu. -Money Order Office

213 POST OFFICES-NEBRASKA----NEVADA----NEW HAMPSHIRE. 43 Post Offic~. County. Post Office. County. Post Office. County, Post Office. Count1J. Naponee Franklin S pring Ranch Clay Hilto Lincoln Ohandlerville Merrimack Nasby Sarpy Spring Valley Mn.dison Hot Oreek Nye "Charlestown Sullivan *Nebraska Oity Otoe Stanton Stanton Humboldt Oity Humboldt Ohatham Carroll Negunda Webster Stearn's Prairie Platte lone Oity Nyc Ohoster Rockingham Nemaha Oity Nemaha Steele Oity Jefferson Lamoille Elko Ohesterfield Oheshire Nero WaShington 8terlihg Johnson Mason Valley Esmeralda Chesterfield Factory Cheshire New Oastle Dixon Stromsburg Poll! Mill City Hnmboldt Ohichester Merrimack New Era James Summit Butler Mineral Oity White Pine 'Olaremont Sullivan Newton Saunders Supel"ior Nuckolls Mineral Hill Elko Clarksville Coos Niobl'ara L'Eau Qui Oourt Sutton Olay Montezuma Nye "Cole brook Coos Nohart Richn.rdson Swaburg Dod\lie Morey Nke Columbia COOIl *Norfolk Madison Swan Oity Salhie Mountain City EI 0 "Oonoord Merrimaok North Bend Dodge Swanville Saline Oreana Humboldt Connecticut Lake Cnos North Blue Adams SyraC}lse Otoe Pali~ade Lanut'r Oontoocook Village Merrimack North Branch Otoe Tabor Saline Panaca Lincoln Conway Carroll *North Platte Lincoln Table Rock Pawnee Paradise Valley Humboldt Coos Ooos Ol\kdale Antelope Taffe Wayne Pine Grove Esmeralda Oornish Flat Sullivan On.k Groves Seward *Tecumseh Johnston Pioche Lincoln Oram's Oorner Carroll Oakland Burt "Tekamah Burt Reno Washoe Crawford's House COOII Ol/:den Antelope 'fhayer York Reveille Nye Oroyden Sullivan Ohiowa Fillmore Three Grove Oass Ruby Valley Elko Croyden Flats Sullivan Olive Branch Timberville Dodge Rockland Esmeralda Dalton Coos Ollie Butler Tip's Branch Pawnee Rve Pa.toh Humboldt Danbury Grafton Omadi Dakotn Tipton Lancaster Saint Thomas Llncoln Danville Rockingham Omaha Agency Black Bird Turkey Oreek Fillmore Schellbourne White Pine Deerfield Rockingham "Omaha City Douglas Ulysses Butler Sh~ridan Douglas Deerfield Oenter Rockingham Orion Stanton Unadilla Otoe Silver City Lyon Deering Hillsboro' Orton Seward Union Cass Silver Peak Esmeralda Derry Rockingham Orrville Hamilton Union Valley Madison Silver Zone Elko Derry Depot Rockingham Osage Otoe Urban Butler Spruce Mount Elko DOl'chester Grafton Osceola Polk Valley Douglas Sutro Lvon "Dover Strafford Otoe Agency Gage Valparaiso Saunders Sweet Water Esmerald01 Downing's Mills Strafford Palmyra Otoe Vesta Johnston Toana Elko Drewsville Cheshire Palo York Wahoo Saunders Treasury City White Pine Dublin Cheshire Panama Lancaster Walnut Creek Fillmore Twin RIver Nye Dunbarton Mel'rima'ck Pappillon Sarpy 'Varren Madison Unionville Humboldt Durham Straft'ord Park Lancaster Washington Washington Vanderbilt Lander East Ackworth Sullivan *Pawnee City Pawnee Waterloo Douglas Verdi Washoe East Andover Merrimack Pebble Oreek Dodge Watson Harlan "Virginia City Story Ellst Canaan GI'afton "Peru Nemaha Wantiska Saunders Wadsworth Washoe East Concord Merrimack Peterson Cuming Waverly Lancaster Walker River Douglas East Deering Hillsborough Pieroe Pierce Webster Dodo:e Washoe City Washoe East Derry Rockingham Pioneer Thayer "Weeping Water Cass WeIls Elko East Hampstead Rockingham Plainfield York Wells Webster Winnemucca Humboldt East Haverhill Grafton East Jaffrey Cheshire "Platte's Mouth Cass Wells' Mills Riohardson Platteville East Kingston Rockingham Saunders West Blue Fillmore East Landaff Grafton Plattford Sarpy West Branch Pawnee East Lebanon Grafton (lensant Hill Sanne Westfiel d York New Hampshire East Lempster Sullivan leasant Dale Seward "West Point Cumin~ East Madison Carroll Pleasant Home Polk West's Mills Sewar Post Office. County, mast Northwuod Rockingham Pleasant Valley Dodge White Elm Clay East Pembrolto Merrimack 'Plum Creek Dawson Wickliffe York Acworth Sullivan East Plainfield Sullivan Plum Grove Madison Williams port Hamilton Alexandria Grafton East Rindge Cheshire Plum Valley Cuming Williamsville Richardson Allenstown Merrimack East Rochester Strafford Plymouth JeffelSon Willow Creek Saunders Alstead Cheshire East Springfield Sullivan "Ponca Dixon Wilson Otoe Alstea.d Center Cheshire East Sullivan Oheshire Prairie Home Lancaster Winnebago Dakota Alton Belknap Ellst Tilton Belknap Purple Cane Dodge Wisner Cuming Alton Bay Belknap East Unity Sullivan Randolph Dakota Wood River Ha1\ Amherst Hillsboro' East Wakefield Os.rroll Red Cloud Webster Wood River Center Hall Amoskeag Hillsboro' East Washington Sullivan Red Willow Red Willow Wyoming ('toe Anciover Merrimack I~ast Weare Hillsboro' Reidsville L'eau qui Court Xenia Sarpy Antrim Hillsboro' East Westmoreland Cheshire Republican City Harlan York York "Ashland Grafton Eaton Center Carroll Riceville Saline Ashuelot Cheshire Effingham Carroll Richland Colfax Atkinson Rockingham Effingham Falls Carroll Richmond James Atkinson Depot Rockingham Enfield Grafton Ridgeley Dodge Auburn Rockingham "b1nfield Center Grafton RiTerton Franklin Barnstead Belknap Epping Rocki~gham Rock Bluffs Cass Nevada. B:\rrington Strll.fford Epsom Mernmack Rock Creek Lanoaster Bartlett Carroll Erroll Coos Rope rvlle Gaae Post Office. County, Bath Grulton "Exeter Rockingham Rose Creek Jeffers;n Bear Camp Carroll Fabian House Coos Rossville Pierce Argenta Leander Bedford Hillsboro' "Farmington Str?-fford " Rulo Richardsol! "Aurura Esmeralda Belmont Belknap "Fishersville Merrimack Saint Charles Cuming "Austin La.nder Bennington Hillsboro' Fitzwilliam Cheshire Saint Deroin Nemaha Belmont Nye Benton Grafton l!'itzwilliam Depot Cheshire Saint Frederick.Nemaha Buel Elko Berlin Falls Coos Francistown Hillsboro' Saint Helena Cedar Bullion Elko Bethlehem Grafton Franconia Grafton Saint James Cedar Clamp Halleok Elko Bethlehem Hollow Grafton 'Franklin Merrimack Saint Paul Howard Camp McDermitt Humboldt Boscawen Merrimack Freedom OB ~~ol1 "Salem Richardson CarHn Elko Bow Merrimack Fremont Rockingnam SaltiJIo Lancaster "Carson City Ormsby "Bradford Merrimack George's Mills Sullinn Sand Creek Saunders Clover Valley Elko Brentwood Rockingham Gilford Village Belknap BanteeA1ency L'EauQuiCourt Columbus Esmeralda Bridgewater Grafton Gilmanton Belknap Savanna Butler Dayton Lyon "Bristol Gmfton GilmantonIronWorksBelknap Saxon Saline Duck Creek White Pine Brookfield Carroll Gilsum Oheshire "Schllyler Colfax Duckwater ' Nye Brookline Hillsboro' Goff's Falls Hillsborough *Seward Seward Dun Glen Humboldt Campton Grafton Goffstown Hillsboro' Sheridan Nemaha Eberhardt White Pine Campton Village Grafton Goffstown Oenter Hillsboro' Sherman Nemaha Egan Canyon White Pine Canaan Grafton Gonie Strafford Sidney Cheyenne *Elko Elko Candia Rockmgham *Gorham Coos Sil ver Creek Burt Ellsworth Nye Oandia Village Rockingham Goshen Sullivan Silver Glen Merrick Empire City Ormsbv Canterbury Merrimack Grafton Grafton Slavonia Saunders Eureka Lander Carroll Coos Grafton Center Grafton Smithland Cedar Franktown Washoe Center Barnstead Belknap Grantham Sullivan Sod Hill Lancaster Glllena Humboldt Oenter Conway Carroll "Great Falls Strafford Solon Otoe Genoa Dougla~ Center Effingham Carroll Greenfield Hillsboro' South Bend Cass Glenbrook Douglas Oenter Harbor Belknll,p Greenland Rookinghnm South Creek Dixon Golconda Humboldt Center Ossipee Carroll Greenland Depot Rockingham Spring Creek Johnson Gold Hill Story Center Sand wich Oarro11 Groton Gufton Springdale Valley "Hamilton Whita Pine Center Strafford Strafford Groveton OOI)i '*llonel Order omoes.

214 44: POST OFFICES-NEW HAMPSHIRE-NEW JERSEY. Post Office. County. Post Office. County. Post Office. County. Post Office. County. JIampstead Rockingham North Lisbon Grafton Twin Mountain Coos Beesley's Point Oape Ma{ Hampton Rockingham North Littleton Grafton Tuftonborough Carroll Belle Plain Cumberliln Ham pton Falls Rockingham N. Londonderry Rockingham Union Oarroll Belleville Essex Hancock Hillsboro' N, Lyndeborough Hillsboro' UnIty Sullivan "'Belvidere Warren "'Hanover Grafton North Monroe Grafton Wadley's Falls Strafford Bennett's Mills Ocean Hanovcr Center Grafton North Richmond Cheshire Wakefield Carroll Bergen Hudson Harrisville Cheshire North SlIlem Rockingham WlIlpole Cheshire Bergen Point Hudson "'Haverhill Grafton North Sanbornton Belknap Warner Merrimack Berkshire Valley Monia Hebron Grafton North Sandwich Carroll Warren Grafton Berlin Camden Henniker Merrimack North Strafford Strafford Warren Summit Grafton Bernardsville Somerset Hill Grafton North Sutton Merrimack Washington Sullivan Bethlehem Hunterdon Hillsboro' Hillsboro' Northumberland Coos Water Village Carroll Bevan'S SUSSIll: Hillsboro' Bridge Hillsboro' North Wakefield Carroll Weare Hillsboro' "Beverly Burlington Hillsboro' Center Hillsboro' North Wellre Hillsboro' Webster Merrimack Birmingham Burlington "'Hinsdale Cheshire North Wolfborough Carroll Weir's Bridge Belknap Black's Mills Monmouth Hollis Hillsboro' N Ol:th wood Center Rockingham Wentworth Grafton Blll.ckwell's Mill Somerset Hookset Merrimack Northwood Narrows Wentworth's Loca.tion Coos Blackwoodstown Camden Hopkinton Rockingham West.Alton Belknap Blairstown Warren Horn's Mills Carroll North Woodstock Graften West.Andover Merrimack Blawanburg Somerset Hudson Hillsboro' Nottingham Rockingha)D West Campton Grafton "Bloomfield Essex JlIckson Carroll o il Mill Village Hillsboro' West Canaan Grafton Bloomingdale Passaio Jaffrey Cheshire Orford Grafton W <lst Chesterfield Cheshire Bloomsburg Hunterdon Jefferson Coos o rfol'd ville Grafton West Clarcmont Sullivau "Boonton Morris "Keene Cheshire Ossippee Carroll West Concord Merrimack "Bordentown Burlington Kensington Rockingham Pelham dillsboro' West Deering Hillsborough Boundbrook Somerset Kingston Rockingham Pembroke Merrimack West Enfield Grafton Brainard's Warren "'Laconia Belknap "Peterborough Hillsboro' West Epping Rockingham Branch StOle Monmouth Lake Village Belknap Piermont Graft,n West Hampstead Rockingham Branchville Sussex "'Lancaster Coos Pittsburg Coos West Henniker Merrimack Bricksburgh Ocean Landaff Grafton Pittsfield Merrimack West IIoDkinton Merrimack Bridgeboro Burlington Langdon Sullivan Plainfield Sullivan "West Lebanon Grafton Bridgeport Gloucester "Lebanon Grafton Plaistow.Rockingham West Milan Coos "Bridgeton Cumberland Lee Strafford."Plymouth Grafton West Milton Strafford Bridgeville Warren Leighton's Corners Carroll "Portsmouth Rockingham Westmoreland Cheshirc Broadway Lempster Sullivan Potter Place Merrimaek Westmoreland Depot Cheshire Brookside Mtlrris "Lisbon Grafton Pottersville Cheshire West NottinghamRockili~ham Brook Valley Morris "Littleton Grafton Profile Houso GI'afton West Ossi pee Carroll Brotzman ville Warren London Merrimack Raymond Rockingham West Peterborough Brown's Mills Burline:ton London Ccnter Merrimack Reed's Ferry Hillsboro' Hillsborough Budd's Lake Mo-rri8 Londonderry Rockingham Richland Cheshire West Plymouth Grafton Buddtown Burlington London Ridge Merrimack Rindge Cheshire Westport Cheshire Buena Vista.Atlantio Lower Bartlett Carroll Roby's Corner Merrimack West Rindge Cheshire "Burlington Burlington Lower Gilmanton Belknap "Rochester Strafford West Rumney Grafton Caldwell Essex Llman Grafton "Rumney Grafton West Salisbury Merrimack Calno Warren.. yme Grafton Rumney Depot Gru,fton West Springfield Sullivan "Camden Camden Lyme Center Grafton Rye Rockingham West Stewartson Coos Canton Salem Llandeborough Hillsboro' Salem Rockingham West Swanzey Cheshire "Cape liay Cape May ~ ackerel Corners Carroll Salem Depot Rockingham West Thornton Grafton Cape May O. H. Cape liiay Madbury Straff,'rd SaUsburl Merrilnack West Wilton Hillsboro' Oarlstadt Bergen Madison Carroll Salmon ails Strafford West Windham Rockingham Ca.rpentersville Warren "Manchester Hillsboro' Sanborn's Mills Carroll Whitefield Coos Cassville Ocean Marlborough Cheshire Sanbornton Bridge Belknap Willey Carroll Cedar Creck Ocean MlIrlborough Depot Cheshire Sandown Rockingham Wilmot Merrimack Cedar Lake Atlantie Marlow Cheshire Sandwich Carroll Wilmot Flats Merrimack Cedarville Cumberland Mason Hillsboro' Scytheville Merrimack Wilson'sCrossingRockingham Centerton Salem "Mason Village Hillsboro' Seabrook Rockingham "'Wilton Hillsboro' Centerville Hunterdon Mast Yard Merrimack Shaker Village Merrimack Winche:1ter Cheshire Changewater Warren Melvin Village Carroll Shelburn Coos Windham Rockingham Ohapel Hill Monmouth Meredith Center Belknap Short Palls Merrimack Windham Depot Rockingham Charlotte burgh Passaio "Meredith Village Belknap South Acworth Sullivan "Wolfboroull:h Carroll Chatham Morris "Mllriden Sullivan South Barnstead Belknap Wolfborough Center Carroll Cherryville Hunterdon :Merrimack Hillsborough South Charlestown Sullivan Woodstock Grafton Chester liiorris Middleton Strafford South Columbia Coos Woodsville Grafton Chew's Landing Camden Milan Coos South Danburv Grafton Cinnaminson Burlington *Milford Hillsboro' South Deerfield Rockingham Clarksboro' Glouoester Mill Village Sullivan South Effingham Carroll Clarksburg Monmouth Milton Strafford South Hampton Rockingham Clayton Gloucester Milton Mills Strafford ::south Lancaster Coos Clifton Passaio Monroe Grafton South Lyndeborough Hillsboro' Ne" Jersey. Clinton Hunterdon Moulton boro' Carroll South Merrimack Hillsboro Closter Bergen!IoultonvilJe Carroll South Milton Strafford Post Office. County, Clove Sussex Mount Crawford Carroll South Newbury Merrimack Clover Hill Hunterdon Moun t Vernon Hillsboro' S, New Market Rockingham ".Absecon.Atlantic Coburgh Monmouth lfunson ville Cheshire South Stoddard Cheshire Allamuchy Warren Cohansey Cumberland "'Nashua Hillsboro' South Sunapee Sullil'an Allendale Bergen Cold Spring Calle May Nelson Cheshire South Sutton Allentown Monmouth Colesville Sussex New Alstead Cheshire South Tamworth Carroll Allowaystown Salem (Jollier's Mill Ocean New Boston Hillsboro' South Weare Hillsboro' Almonesson Gloucester Colt's Neck Monmouth Newbury Merrimack South Wolfborough Carroll.AI pine Bergen Columbia.Warren New Castle Rockingham Springfield Sullivan Ancora Camden Columbus Burlington New Hampton Belknap Stark Coos.Andover Sussex Cookstown Burlington Newington Rockingham Stewartstown Coos Annandale Hunterdon Copper Hill Hunterdon "'New Ipswich Hillsboro' Stoddard Cheshire Anthony Hunterdon Crllnberry Middlesex *New London Merrimack Strafford Strafford Arcola Bergen Cranford Union New Market Rockingham Strafford Blue Hill Strall"ord Asbury Warren Cresskill Bergen *Newport Sullivan S trall'ord Corner Strafford Atco Camden Cross Keys Camden Newtou Rockingh:1m Stratford Coos "Atlantic City.Atll1ntic Cross Wick Burlington Newton Depot Rockingha"m Stratham Rockingham Atlanticvi 11e Monmouth Croton Hunterdon North Barrington Stl'all"ord Sugar Hill Grafton Atsion Burlington Danville Warren North Barnstead Belknap Sullivan Cheshire Auburn Salem Daretown S:1lem North Branch Hillsboro' Sunapee Sullivan Augusta Sussex Dayton Middlesex North Boscowen Merrim:1ck *Suncook Merrimack Austin Cumberland D~:1l Monmouth North Charleston Sulliva.n Surry Chpshire Baptistown Hunterdon Deans liiddlesex North Chichester Merrimack Sutton Merrimack Bargaintown.Atlantic "'Deckertown Sussex *North Conway Carroll Swanzey Cheshire Barnegat Ocean Decosta.Atlantio North Dorchester Grafton Tamworth Carroll llarns boroug h Gloucester Deerfield Street Cumberland North Dunbarton :liferrimack Tamworth Iron Works Carroll )jasking Ridge Somerset Delanco Burlington Northfield Depot Merrim,1.cll Temple Hillsborol Bayonne Hudson Delaware Station W'trren North Gl'antham Sullivan Thornton Grafton Bayville Ocean Demurest Be],fen North Groton Grafton 'rhornton's Ferry Hillsboro' Beatystown Warren Dennisville Cape a., North Hampton Rockingham "Tilton Belknu.p Beaver Run Sussex Denville MorriS North Havel'hill Grafton Troy Cheshire Beemerville Sussex Dias Creek Cape Mllol., Mouey Order Offices.

215 POST OFFICES-NEW JERSEY. 45 Post Office. (Jounty. Post Offtce. (Jounty. Post Office. (Jounty. Post Office. (Jounty. Dividing Oreek Oumberland Hudson Hudson Monmouth Beaoh Monmouth Pleasant Valley Sussex -Dover Morris Hunt's Mills Sussex Monmouth Junc~ion?rIiddlesex Pluckemine Somersefl Dra.kestown Huntsville Sussex Monroe Sussex Point Pleasant Ocean Drakesville HurdtowB. l\:1.orri~ Monroevillu Salcm Pointville Durlingt()n Dundee Lako ljergen HurffvilJe Oamden Montague Sussex Polkville Warren Dunellen Middlesex Imlaystown Monmouth Montana Warren Pompton PassaiG Dutch Neok Mercer Ironia. Morris Montvale Bergen Pompton Plains Morris I Oreek Oape Ma Irvington Essex Montville Morris Port Oolden Warrpn h East Long Branch Monmout Jackson's Mills Ocean *Moorestown Burlington Port Elizabeth Oumberland East Orange Essox Jacksonville Burlington Morganvillo Monmouth Port Monmouth MonlLoutb Eatontown Monmouth Jacobstown OJ *Morristown Monis Port Monis Oumberland Edinburg Mercer Jamesburg Middlesex MOllntain View Passaic Port Murry '''' arren -Egg Harbor City Atlantic Jefferson Glollcester M onntain ville Hunterdon Port Oram :Morris -Elizabeth Union "Jersey City Hudson Mount Clair Essex Port Republic AtlantiG Elizabetbpori Jobstown Burlington ~Iount Ephraim Oamden Pottersville Hunterdon ElJendor Uniou Johnsonburg Warren Mount Freedom Morris *Princeton Mercer Ellisburg Oamden Juliustown Burlington "Mount Holly Burli1l6ton Prineeton Junction Mercer Ellisdale Ocean Junction Hunterdon Mount Hope Morris Prospect Plains Middlesex Ellwood Atlantic Karrsville Warron Mount Laurel Bnl'li:gto,n O.uakertown Hunterdon Elmer Salem "'Keyport Monmouth Mount Olive orris ~ninton Salem Englewood Bergen Kill Mills Warren Mount Pleasant Hunterdon "'Rahway Union English Oreek Atlantic Kinderkamack Bergen Mount Salem Sussex Ramsey's Bergen Englishtf,.vn Monmoutb Kingsland Bergen Mullico Hill Gloucester Rancllcas Burlington Estelville Atlantic Kingston Somel'set Musconetconf!: Warren l~aritan Somerse~ Everittstown Hunterdon Kingwood Hunterdon N aughrightvllle Morris Raven'S Rook HunterdoD Ewan's Mills Glouc.ester Kirkwood OJ1mden Navasink Monmouth Readington Ewing's Neck Oumberland Knowlton Warren N eighborsville Morris Reaville Ewingsville Mercer Lafayette Sussex Neshanio Somerset Recklastown Burlington Fairmount Hunterdon Lakeview Passaic "Newark Essex "Redbank Monmouth Fairton Oumberland "Lambertville HUllterdon New Bedford Monmoutb Ridgewood Bergen Fa.irview Bergen Lamington Somerset :S-ew Branch Monmouth Ringoe's Hunterdon Farmingdale Monmouth I,andis Oumberland New Bridge Bergen Ringwood Furnace Passaic Fellowship Burlington Lawrence Station Mercer *N ew Brunswick Middlesex Rio Gra.nde Ollpe May Fillmore Monmouth La.wrenceville Mercer New Durham Hudson River Edge Bergell 1!'inderne Somerset Layton Sussex "New Egypt Ocean Riverside Burlington Finley. Station Oumberland Lebanon Hunterdon Newfield Gloucester Riverton Burlington Fishing Oreek Oape May Leed's Point Atlantic Newfoundland Morris River Vale Berged Five Points Gloucester Leedsville Monmouth New Germantown Hunterdon Roadstown Oumberlanr Flaggtown Somerset Leesburg Oumberland New Gretna Burlington Ro b binsville Mercen Flanders MorriN Leonardsville Monmouth New Hampton Huuterdon Rochelle Station Bergen Flatbrookville Sussex Leonia Bergen New IJisbon Barlington Rocksburg Warrell "Flemington Hunterdon Lesser ~ Roads Somerset New Market Middlesex Rockaway Morris Florence Burlington Lewistown Burlingtowu New Monmouth Monmonth Rocky Hill Somerset Forest Grove Gloucester Liberty Oorners Somerset Newport Oumberland Roselle union Forlfed River Ocean Libertyville Sussex New Providence Union Rosenhayn Oumberland Fort Lee Bergen Lincoln Sussex New Sharon Monmouth Rowla.nd Mills Hunterdoll Fra.nklin Essex Lincoln Park Morris "Newton Sussex Roysfield Somerset Franklin Furnace Suss~x Linden Union New Vernon Morris Rutherford Park Bergen' Franklin Park Somerset Little Falls Passaic New Village Warren Saddle River Bergen Franklinville Glouces~er Littleton Morris North Branch Somerset "Salem Salem Freedom Sussex Little York Hunterdon North BI'anch Depot Somerset Salina Gloucestrs -Freehold Monmouth Livingston Essex Nortb Vineland Oumberland Saltersville Hndsoe -Frenchtown Hunterdon Locktown Hunterdon Norwood Bergen Sand Brook Hunterdon Georgetown Burlington Lodi Bergen Oakdale Hunterdon Sayreville Middlesen German Valley Morris "Long Branch Monmouth Oak Grove.. Schooley's Mountain Morrix Gillette Morris Long Hill Morris Oakland. Bergen Schroalenburg Bergel1 Glassboro' Gloucester Lower Bank Burlington Ocean Grove Monmouth Scotch Plains Uniun Glen Gardner Hunterdon Lower Macopin Passaic Oceanic Monmouth Sea Bright Monmouth Glenwood Sussex Lower Squankum Monmouth Ocean Pori Monmouth Seaville Oape May' Gloucester City Oo.mden Lower Valley Hunterdon Ocean View Oape May Sergeantsville Runterdon Godwinville Bergen Lumberton Burlington Ogdensburg Sussex. Shamong Burlington Goshen Oape May Lyons Somerset Old Bridge Middlesex Shark River Monmouth Green Bank Burlington ~ons Farms Union Oradell Berlren Sbarptown Salem Green Oreek OaK; May cafee VaHey Sussex "Orange Essex Shiloh 'Oumberland Greensbu'!"g ercer McOainsville Morris Orange Valley Essex Shrewsbury Monmouth Green Villaga Morris Madison Morris.Oxford Furnace Warren Silverton Ocean Greenville Hudson Mahwah Bergen Pahaquarry "{arren Sidney Hunterdoll Greenwich Oumberland Maine Avenue Cumberlund Palatine Salem Smith's Landing Atlantic Griggstown Somerset Malaga Gloucester Palermo Oape May Smith's Mills Passaic Groveville,Mercer Manahawkin Ocean Palmyra Burlington Smithville Burlington. -Hackensack Bergen Manalapan Monmouth Papakating Sussex Somer's PoiBt Atlanti'o -Hackettstown Warren Manamuskin (Jumberland Park Ridge Berlren "Somerville Somerset Haddonfield Oamden 1Ilanchest&r Ocelln Parsippany Morris "South Amboy Middlesex Hainesburg Warren Mantua Glouoester Paskack Bergen South Brancl!i Somerse,t Hainesville Sussex Marksboro' Warren "Passaifll Passaic South Orange Essex Hamburg Mussex :Marlboro' Monmouth Patt,enburg Hunterdon South River Mitldlesex Ha.milton Square Mercer Marlton Burlington "Paterson P&ssaic SOll't.h Seaville Jape May -Hammonton Atlantic Martinsville Somerset Paulina Warren South Vineland Cumberland Ha.ncock's Bridge Salem Masonville Burlington Paulsboro' Gloucester Sparta Sussex Hanover MorrIS Mataw&n Monmouth Peapaok Somerset Spotswood Middlesex Hanover Mills Burlington Mauricetown Oumberland Pedricktown Salem Springfiehl Unioll Hardwick Warren May's Landing Atlantic PcmbeIton Burlington Springtown Warren Harlingen Somerset Maywood Bergen "Pennin~ton Mercer Spring Valley BergeD Harmony Warren Medford Burlington Penn's rove Salem Squam Village Monmouth Ha.,rrison ville Gloucester Mendham Morris Pennsville Salem St&ffordville Ooean Hartford Burlington Menlo Park Middlesex Pentonville Salem Stanhope Sussex Hawthorne PasslI.ic aferchantville Camden Pequanao Morris Stanley Morri. -Hibernia Morris Metedeconk Ocean Perrineville Monmouth Stanton HunterdoD High Bridge Hunterdon Metucben Middlesex Perryville Hunterdon Stephensburg Morris Highlands Monmouth Middlebush Somerset "Perth Amboy Middlesex Sterling Morria *Hightstown Mercer Middletown Monmouth Petersburg (Ja~ May Stetton J,Uddlesex Hillsdale Bergen Middle Valley Morris "Philipsburg arran Stewartsville WarreD Hoboken Hudson Middleville Sussex Pine Brook Morri 8 Still V l1o11ey.. Hohokus Bergen Milford Hunterdon Pitman Grove Glouceste r Still water Sussell; Holland Hunterdon Millbrook Warren Pitt's Grove Sl1.lem Stockholm Sussex Holmdel Monmouth Millburn Essex Pittstown Hunterdon Stockton Hunterdon Homestead Hudson Millington. Morris "Plainfield Union Suckasnnn,. MorTIS Hopatcong Morris Millstone Somerset Plainsborough Middlesex Summit Union Hope Wa.rren Milltown Middlesex Plainville Somerse t Sussex Mills Sussex Hopewell Mercer "Millville Oumberland Pleasant Grove. Morl,"is SwartswoQd Sussex HornerstoWIl Ocea.n Milton. Morris Pleasant Mills Atlantlo Sweedsborough Glouoester Howard. ~W.. rred 'Mine Hill llorris Plea.sl1oni Run BUIl'erdon Sykenille Burlingto.,MIlAt,. Order om...

216 45 POST OFFIOES... NEW JERSEY~.. --NEW MEXICO.. - NEW YORK. Post Office. (Joun~y. Tena.fil" Bergen Three Bridges Hunterdon Tinton Falls Monmouth Titusville Mercer Tom's River Ocean Townsbury Warren Townsend's Inlet Oape May Tranquility Sussex "Trenton Mercer Tuckahoe Oape May Tuckerton Burlington Tumble Hunterdon Turkey ~onmouth Turnerville Oamden Tuttle's Oorner Sussex Union, Union Unionville Gloucester Upper Macopin Passaic Van Hiseville Ocean "Yernon Sussex V erona Essex Vienna Warren Vincentown Burlington "'Vineland Cumberland Voorhees Station Somerset Wading River Cumberland Walnford Monmouth Walnut Valley Warren 'Wallpack Center Sussex Wanaque Passaic Warrenville Somerset "'Washington Warren Waterford Works Camden Waterloo Sussex Wawayanda Sussex Weehawken Hudson Wenonah Gloucester Werts ville Hunterdon West Oreek Ocean Westfield Union West Freehold Monmouth 'Vest Hoboken Hudson West Milford Passa.ic Weston Somerset Westville Glou cester Westwood Bergen Weymouth Atlantio Wheatland Ocean 'Whippany Morris White Hall 'Moni; White House Hunterdon White House Station Hunterdon Whiting Ocean Williamstown Camden Willow Grove Cumberland Windsor Mercer Winslow Oamden Wiretown Ucean Woodbridge Middlesex Woodbury Gloucester 'Woodmansie Burlingt 9u Wood Ridge Bergen Woodstown Salem Woodville Mercer Wortendyke Bergen Wlightstown Burlington Wyckoff Bergen 'Wykertown Sussex Yardville Mercer Yorktown Salem P08t Office. La Joya. La Junta Lns Oolonias LasCruzees *Las Vegas Leasbul'gh Lorna Pardo Los Luceros Los LUnas Mesilla Mora Ocate OJ 0 Caliente Paraje Peralta Pinos Altos Pojua.que Rio Mimbres San Antonio San Jose San.luan *Santa Fe Silver Oity Socorro Tiera Amarilla Ute Creek (Jaunty. Socorro Mora San Miguel Dona Anna San Miguel Dona Anna Mora Rio Arriba Valencia Dona Ana Mora Mora Rio Arriba SOCOi ro Valencia Grant SanbFe Grant Socarro San Miguel Rio Arriba. Santa Fe Grant Socorro Rio Arriba Colfax New York. (Jaunt". Armonk Westchester Bingham's Mills Tioga Arthursburg Dutchess Birdsall Allegan;y Ashford Cattaraugus Bish~p Street J efi'erson Ashland Greene Black Brook Olinton Astoria. Queens Black Oreek.Aliegan;y Athens Greene Black River Jefferson Athol Warren Blauveltville Rockland AtlanticviUe Suffolk Bleeker Fulton "'Attica. Wyoming Blockville Chautauqua Attlebury Dutchess Blodget Mills Oortland "Auburn Cayuga Blood's Depot Steuben Augusta Oneida Bloomingburg Sullivan Aurelius Oayuga Bloomingdale Essex Aurelius Station Cayuga Blooming Grove Orange Auriesville Montgomery Bloomville Delaware Aurora Cayuga Blossom Erie '" Ausable Fork. Essex Blossvale Oneida Austerlitz Columbia Blue Point Suffolk Ava Oneida Blue Stores Oolumbia. Avoca Steuben Bluff' Point Yates "Avon Livingston Boiceville Ulster Babcock Hill Oneida Bolivar Allegany Babylon Suffolk Bolton Warren Bacon Hill Saratoga Bombay Franklin Bainbridge Chenango "Booneville Oneida Baiting Hollow Suffolk Borodino Onondaga. Baldwin Queeus Boscobel Westchester "Baldwinsville Onondaga Boston Etie "Ballston Saratoga Boston Oorners Columbia Ballston Center Saratoga Bouckville Madison Bangall Dutchess Boutonville Westchester Hangor Franklin Bovina Delaware Barbourville Delaware Bovina Valley Delaware Post Office. (JOUIt'Y. Barkersville Saratoga Bowen'S Corners Oswego Abbott's Oorners Erie Barnes' Oorners Lewis Bowmansville Erie Academy Ontario Barnerville Schoharie Boylston Oswego Accord Ulster Barre Center Orleans Bradford Steuben Acra Greene Barrington Yates Brainard Rensselaer * Adams Jefferson Barrytown Dutchess Braman'sCorners Schenectady Adams' Basin Monroe Barrvville Sullivan Branchport Yates *Adams' Oenter Jefferson Bar~fett Oneida Brant Erie Adam's Station Albany Barton Tioga Brantingham Lewis Adamsville Washington,*Batavia Genesee "Brasher Falls St. Lawrence Addison Steuben Batchellerville Saratoga Brasher Iron Works Addison Hill Steuben 'Bath Steuben St. Lawrence Adirllndack warrell Battenville Washington Breakabeen Schoharie Adrian Steuben Bay POl't. Sull'olk Breesport Chemung Adriance Dlltchess Bay Ridge Kings Brentwood Suffolk Afton Chenadgo Bay Shore Suffolk Breslau Suffolk Aiden Lair Essex Bay Side Queens Brewerton Onondaga Akron Erie Beach Ridge Niagara Brewster's Station Putnam Alabama Genesee I3earsville Ulster Bridgehampton Suffolk "'Albany Albany Beaver Brook Sullivan Bridgeport Madison "Albion Orleans Beaver Dams Schuyler Bridgeville Sullivan Alden Erie Beaver Falls Lewis Bridgewater Oneida Alden Center Erie Beaver Kill Sullivan Brier Hill St. Lawrence Alder Brook Franklin Beaver Meadow Chenango Brighton Monroe Alder Creek Oneida Bedford Westchester Brinckerhoffville Dutchess Alexander Genesee Bedford Station Westchester Brisben Ohenango Alexandria Jefferson Beech Wood Sullivan Briscoe Sullivan Alfree Allegany Beekman Dutchess Bristol Ontario "Alfred Oenter Allegany Beekmant«1wn Clinton Bristol Oenter Ontario Allard's Corners Orange Belcher Washington Broadalbin Fulton Allegany Cattaraugus Belden Broome Brockett's Bridge Fulton Allen Allegany Belfast Allegany "Brockport Monroe Alleu Oenter Allegany Belle Isle Onondaga Brocton Chautauqua Allen's Hill Ontario Belleville Jefferson Broken Straw Ohautauqua Allen's Station Steuben Bellona Yates Bronxville Westchester Alma Allegany Bellport. Suffolk Brookfield Madison Almond Allegany Bellvale Orange Brook Haven Suffolk Alpine Schuyler Belmont Allegany "Brooklyn Kings Alps Rensselaer Belvidere Allegany Brook's Grove Livingston Altay Schuyler Bemus Heights Saratoga Broom Center Schoharie Alton Wayne Bemus' Point Ohautauqua Brown's Station Ulster Altona Clinton Bennettsburg Schu,yler "'Brown ville Jefferson Amagansett Suffolk Bennet's Corners MadIson Brushland Delaware New Mexico. Amber Onondaga Bennett's Creek Steuben Brush's Mills Franklin Amboy Oenter Oswego Bennettsville Ohenango Bruynswick Ulster "Amenia Dutchess Bennington Wyoming Buel ' Montgomery Post Office. Oounty. Amenia Union Dutchess Benson Hamilton Buena Vista' Steuben Ames Montgomery Benson Oenter Hamilton "Buffalo Erie A'biqui Rio Arriba Amity Orange Benton Center Yates Buffalo Plnl'nS Erl'" Albuquerque Bernalillo A l'tyv'll S ff lk -B w.aleman Socorro m t, ~ 1 e u 0 ~ ergen Genesee Bull's Head Dutchess t Oh' S M "'Ams erdam Montgomery Bergholb Nia!rara Bullvl'lle Oronge oan on 1e8 an iguel A did t h R ~ Hf:rnalillo Bernalillo' nan a e u cess Berkshire 'flog.. Bundy's C,rossing Oswego (Jimarron Oolfax' Ancram Columbia "Berlin Rensselaer Burdett 'Schuyler Clifton Oolfax Al?-Cdram Lead Mine Columbia Berne Albany Burke Franklin Oostilla Taos An es Delaware Berneville Albany Burke Oenter Franklin Dona Anna Dona Anna *Andover Allegany Bernhard's Bay Oswego Burlingham Sullivan "'Elizabethtown Oolfu Angelica AUega»:y Bethany Mill. Genesee Burlington Otsego EI Rito Rio Arriba Angola Erle Bethel Sullivan Burlington Flats Otsego Fell'na.ndez de Taos Taos ",Antwerp Jefferson BethelCorners Cayug9 Burns Allegany Al'alachinTioga Bethel Station Dutchess Burnsl'des Orange F ort.", B ayar ' d SUI G rant Ap l'a 0 non d aga B ethlehem Center Alban, Burnt H.'lls Snr-togo F ort'v'l'a1g ocorro '" Aroade W' B' B ~ w Fort (Jumminga Grant Arcadia. yomlllg 19 rllek Oneida Burr's Mills Jefferson Fort Selden Dona Anna Wayne Big Creek Steuben Burtonsville Mon.t;mllry ArgosviUe Schoharie Big Flats Chemun' Blishnell's B l'n onro Fort Stanton Linooln Argyle W h' t B' H 11 " -.. A Fort Sumner San Miguel &S lng on 19 0 ow Greene Bushnellsville Green.!Fort Union Mora Arkport Steuben Big Indbn Ulster Bushville Sulli'l'&n La Questa San Miguel :4.rkviUe Delaware Big Tree Cornera D Erie Buskirk'. Bridge Washington La Cc-ev.a, Mora Arkwr~g,ht Summit Billings utchess Busti Ohantauque Oha.n \a,uque "BinghamptoD. Bl'ooxqe I ButterlJr QsweS,o * lion..,. Ol'der O~ct

217 POST OFFICES-NEW YORK. 47 I Post Office. Oou.nty. Post Office. Oounty. P08t Office. OOtt'llty. P 08t Office. Oounty. Buttel,'nut Otsego Chll.rleston Montgomery Collinsville Lewis DeKalbJunction St.Lawrene. Butternu t Grove Delaware Charleston 4, Oorners Collinwood Onondaga *Delhi Delaware Byersville Livingston Charlotte Monroe Colman Station Dutchess Delphi Ononda~a Byron Genesee Charlotte Center Ohautauqua Colosso Oaweg(, Delta Onei to Cabin Hill Delaware Charlotteville Schoharie *Oolton St. Lawrence DeMott Seneca C,,,diz Oattaraugus Charlton Saratoga Columbia Herkimer Denmark Lewi6 Cadosia Vallpv Delaware Chase's Mills St. Lawrence Columbus Chenango lienison Herkimer Cadyville Clinton Chaseville Otsego Commack Suffolk Denning Ulster CarlO Greene Chateaugay Franklin Comstock's Landi~ Depauville Jefferson "Caledonia Livingston Chateaugay Lake Franklin ashington Depeyster St. Lawrence Callanan'S Oorners Albany Chatham Columbia Conesus Livingston *DeloSit Broome Oallicoon Sullivan Chatham Center Columbia Conesus Oenter Livin~ston Dc uyter Madison Callicoon Depot Sullivan Chatham 4 Corners Columbia Oonesville Scho arie De Witt Onondaga Calverton Suffol,k Olu"umont Jefferson Co»ewanso Oattaraugus DeWitt Center Onondaga Cambria Niagara Chazy Clinton Oonklin enter Broome De Wittville Ohautauque "Cambridge Washington Oheektowaga Erie Conklin Station Broome Dexter Jell'erson Camden Oneida Chemung Ohemung Conkli n ville Saratoga Dey's Landing Senecll- Oameron St.ollben Chemung Center Ohemung Conquest Cayuga Diana Lewis Oameron Mills Stmlben Chenango Bridge Broome *Constablcville Lewis Dickersonvillo Niagara Oattlillus Chenango Forks Broome Constantia Oswego Dickinson Franklin Oampbell Hall Orange Cheningo Portland Constantia Center Oswego Dickinson Center Franklin Oa.mpbelltown Steuben Oherry Oreek Ohautauque Cooksburg Albany Dobb's Ferry West chester Campville Tioaa Oherr:y Valley Otsego Cook's Oorners Franklin Doraville Broome Camroden Onei a CheshIre OntariO Coomer Niagara Dormansville Albany Canaan Columbia, Oheshireville Ohenango Cooper's Plains Steuben Doty's Oorner Steuben Oa.naan Oenter Columbia Chester Orange 'Cooperstown Otsego Dover Dutches. Oanaan FourOorners Oolumbia Ohestertown Warren Ooopersville Clinton Dover Plains Dutchess Ollnadice Ontario Chestnut Ridge Dutchess Oopake Columbia Downsville Delaware Oanajoharie Mont~omery Chili Monroe Copake Iron Works Columbia ~Dresden Yates "Canandaigua ntario Ohittenango Madison 'Copenhagen Lewis Dresserville O~J1uga Canarsie Kings Chittenango Falls Madison Ooram Suffolk Drowned Lands later Oanaseraga Allefany Chittenango Station Madison Corbettsville Broome Dry lsrook Ulster Canastota Ma ison Choconut Center Broome *Corfu Genesee Dryden TompkinB Canawangus Livingston Churchtown Oolumbia Corinth Saratoga Duane Franklin Oandor Tioga Churchville Monroe 'Corning Steuber. Duanesburg Schenectady Oaneadea Allegany Cfiurubusco Olinton Cornwall Orange Dugway OswegQ Canisteo Steuben Cicero Onondaga Cornwall Landing Orange Dundee Yates Oannonsville Delaware Cigarville OnondlLga Oorn wall ville <h'eene 'Dunkirk Ohautauq.ue Oanoga Seneca Cincinnatus Cortland Corona Queens Dunn Brook OneIda "Canton dt. Lawrence Oircleville Orange 'Cortland Village Cortland Dunnsvnte Albany "Oape Viicent Jefferson City Dutch~ss Cottage Oattaraugus Durham Greene Cardiff Onondaga City Island Westchester Cotton's Madison Durhamville Oneida Carlisle Schoharie Clarence Erie. County Line Niagara Dwaar's Kill Ulster Carlisle Oenter Schohaire Clarep.ce Center Erie Ooventry Ohenango Dykeman's Putnam Carlton Orleans Clarendon Orleans Ooventryville Chenango Eagle Wyoming "Carmel Putnam Clarksboro St. Lawrence Covert Seneca Eagle Bridge Rensselaer Oaroline Tompklns Olarksburg. Erie Coveville Saratoga Eagle Harbor Orleans Caroline Oenter Tompkins Clark's Factory Delaware Oovington Wyoming Eagle Mills Rensselaer Oaroline Dcpot Tompkins Clark's Mills Oneida ctwlesville Wyoming Eagle Village Wyoming Oarpenter's Eddy Delaware Clarkson Monroe Ooxsackie Greene ljjarlville Madison Oarrollton Oattaraugus Clarkstown Rockland Craigsville Orange East Amherst Erie "Oarthage Jefferson Clarksville Albany Cranberry Creek Fulton East Arcade Wyoming Oarthage Landing Dutcbess Claryville Sullivan Crandell Oorners Washington East Ashford Oattaraugus Cascade Valley Broome Claverack Columbia Cranesville Montgomery East Aurora Erie Cassadaga Chautauque Clay Onondaga Crary's Mills St. Lawrence East Avon Livingston Oassville Oneida Clay burgh Clinton Crarvville Columbia East Beekmantown Clinton Oastle Wyoming *Olayton Jefferson Creek. Center Warren East Berkshire Tioga Castle Oreek Broo:rne Clayton Oenter Jefferson Creek Locks Ulster East Berne Albany Ol1stleton Rensselaer Clayville Oneida Crescent Saratoga East Bethany Genesee Castleton Corners Richmond Clear Oreek Chautauque Crittenden Erie *East Bloomfield Ontari9 Oastorland Lewis Clermont Columbia Croghan Lewis East Boston Madison Catatonk 'l'ioga Cleveland Oswego CroPs1{ville Rensselaer East Branch Delaware Catharine Schuyler Clifton 'Monroe Cross iver Westchester East Oarlton Orlean. Catlin Chemung Clifton Park Saratoga Oroton Delaware East Chatham Columbia Cato Cayuga "Clifton Springs Ontario Croton Falls Westchester East Ohester Weste hester Caton Steuben *Clinton Oneida Croton Landing Westchester East Clarence Erie "Catskill Greene Clinton Corners Dutchess Orouse's Store Dutchess 1l:ast Cobleskill Sohoharie Oatskill Station Oolumbui<l Olintondale Ulster Crown Point Essex East Coldenham Orange Cattaraugus Oattaraugus Clinton' Hollow Dutchess Crown Point Centre Essex East Concord Erie Caughdenoy Oswego Clinton Mills Clinton Crumb Hill Madison East Constable Franklin Cllulkin's Milla Jefferson Olinton Point Dutchess Crum Oreek Fulton East Creek Herkimer Cayuga Cayuga Clintonville Olinton Crum Elbow Dutchess East DeKalb St. Lawrence Cayuta Schuyler Clockville Madison Cruso Seneca East Dickinson. Franklin' Cayuta ville Schuyler Clove Dutchess Crystal Spring Yates East Durham Greene "Oazenovia Madison Clove Branch Junction "Cuba Allegany East Eden Erie Vedar Hill Albany Dutchess Cuddehckville Orange East Elba Ge!1esee OedarLake Herkimer Clovesville Delaware Cullen Herkimer East Elma Erie Cedar Vale Onondaga Clyde Wayne Cutchogue Suffolk East Elmira Chemung Cedarville Herkimer Clymer Ohautauque Ouyler Oortland East Evans Erie Center Berlin Rensselaer Cobleskill Schoharie CU~lerville Livingston East Fishkill Dutchess Center Brunswick Rensselaer Oochec ton Sullivan Da e Wyoming East Florence Oneida Center Cambridge WaShington Cochecton Oenter Sullivan Dairyland Vlster East Freetown Cortland Center Oanisteo Steuben Ooeyman's Albany Danby Tompkins East Gaines Orlean. Center Lisle Broome Coeyman's Hollow Albany *Dannemora Chnton East Gainesville Wyoming Center Moriches Suffolk Coffin's Summit Dutchess Danube HerkImer East Galway Saratoga Centerport Suffolk Cohocton Steuben "Dansville Livingston East Genoa Cayuga Center Valley Otsego *Cohoe8 Albany Darien Genesee East German Chenango Center Village Broome Coila Washington Darien Center Genesee East Glenville Schenectady Oenterville Allegany Colchester Delaware Dartmouth Warren East Granger Allegany Centerville Station Sullivan Oold Brook Herkimer Davenport Delaware East Greenbush Rensselaer Oeres Allegany Oolden Erie Davenport Oenter Delaware East Greenwich Washington Oen~al Bridge Schoha.rie Coldenham Orange Day Saratoga East Grove Chemung Cen al Park Queens "Oold Spring Putnam Day svill e Oswego East Gro"Veland Livingston Central Square Oswego Cold ~ring Harbor Suffolk Dayton CattaTaugu8 East Guilford Ohenango Central Valley Orange Cold ater Monroe Dean's Corners Sara.toali East Hamburg Erie Center White Creek Cole's :&tuis Putnam Deansville Onei a East ton Madillon Washington Oolesville Broome De Bruce Sullivan East Hampton Suffolk Chadwick's Mills Oneida. Collamer Onondaga Decatur Otseao East Hom"r Codtand Champion Jefferson College Point 'bueens Deerfield Onoi a East Houndsfield Jefferson Cli~ton Oolliersvillo tse~o Deer River Lewis East Java. Wyominc Ohapinville Ontario Oollins ErIe Defriestville Rensselaer East JeW\!tt Greene (Jlla.p'p~ua W e~~c1!.lliitqr I Collins Oen.ter Erie DeKalb St. Lawrenoo Eaat KelldtJl erleau )10.', OrdF 01fioet.

218 48 POST OFFICES-NEW YORK. Post Office. Oounty. Post Office. Oounty. Post Office. Oounty. Post Office. Oounty. East Lansing Tompkins "Evans' Mills Jefferson Fulmer Valley.Allegany Guilderland Albany 'El1st I,eon Oattl1raugus Evansviile Ulster "Fulton Oswego Guilderland Oenter Albany East Line Saratoga Exeter Otsego Fultonham Schoharie Guilford Chenango McDonough Fa.bius Onondaga Fultonville Mont~ornery Guilford Center Chenango EMt Maine Broome Factoryville Tioga Gaines rleans Gulf Summit Broome Marion Suffolk Fair Dale Oswego Ga.inenille Wyoming Guyma.rd Ora.nge Masonville Delaware " Fairfield Herkimer Galesville Wa.shington Gypsum Ontariu East Meredith Delaware Haven Cayuga Galesville Mills Ulster Hadley Saratoga East liioriches Suffolk Mount Onondaga Gallatinville Columbia Hagaman's Mills Montgomery East Nassau Rensselaer Fair Oaks Orange Gallupville Schoharie Hagedom's Mills Saratoga East Newfield Toml~ins Fairport Monroe Galway Saratoga Hal!\ue Warren East New York lugs Falr View Cattaraugus Gang Mills Herkimer HaJlesborough St. Lawrence Nichols ' Tioga Fairville Wayne Gansevoort Saratoga Halcott Centre Greene East Norwich queens Fallsburg Sullivan Gardenvillo Erie Hal cottsville Debware Easton Wa.shlUgton )i'aus IlIills Sullivan Gardiner Ulster Hale's Eddy Delaware East Orange Schuyler Farmer Seneca Garoga Fulton Half Moon Saratoga East Orangeville Wyoming Farmer's Mills Putnam Garrattsville Otsego Half-Way Onondaga East Otto Cattaraugus Farmersville Cattaraugus Garrison's Putnam Hall Center Wayne Palermo Oswego Farmingdale Queens Gaskill's Corners Tioga Hallock's Mills Westchester East Palmyra Wayne Farmington Ontario Gasport Niagara Hall's Corners Ontario East Pembroke Genesee Farnham Erie Gates Monroe Hallsport Allegany Pennfield Monroe Fayette Seneca Gayhead Greene Hallsville Montgomery Pharsalia Ohenango Fayetteville Onondaga Geddes Onondaga Halsey Valley Tio~1I East Pike Wyoming Felt's Mills Jefferson *Gene'seo Livingston Hamburg Erle Pitcairn St Lawrence Fenner Madison "Geneva Ontario Hamden Delaware Poestenkill Rensselaer Fentonville Ohautauque Genoa Caluga "Hamilton Madison Eastport Suffolk Ferguson's Corners Yates Georgetown Ma ison Hamlet Cbautauque Randolph Cattaraugus Fergusonville Delaware German Chenango Hamlin Monroe River Cortland Ferrona Clinton Germantown Oolumbia Hammond St. Lawrence East Rockaway ~ueens Fillmore Allegany Gerry Ohautauque "Hammondsport Steuben East Rodman Je 'erson Fmdley's Lake Chautauqua ~etzville Erie Hampton Washington East Rushford Allegany Fine St. Lawrence Ghent Columbill "Hancock Delaware East Salem Washington Fire Island Suffolk Gibson Steuben Hanford's Landing Monroe East Schodack Rensselaer Fish Creek Oneida Gibsonville Livingston Hankins Sullivan East Schuyler Herkimer Fisher's Ontario Gil bert's Mills Oswego Hannibal OswegO East Scott Cortland Fishkill Dutchess Gilboa Schoharie Hannibal Center Oswegl) East Setauket Suffolk Fish~ill on the Hudson Gilman's Depot Sullivan Hardensburgh Uistel' East Shelby Orleans Dutchess Glasco Ulster Harford Cortland East Springfield Otsego Fishkill Plains Dutchess Wen Aubrey Broome Harford Mills Cortland East Steuben Oneida Five Corners Cayuga Glen Ca.stle Broome Harlemville Columbia Trenton dortland Flackville St. Lawrence Glenco Mills Columbia Harmony Chautauque East Troupsburg Steuben Flanders Suffolk Glen Cove Queens Harpersfield Delaware East Varick Seneca l"latbrook Columbia Glenham Dutchess Harpersville Broome East Venice Cayuga Flatbush Kings Glen Haven Cortland Harrisburl!\ Lewis East Virgil Cortland Flat Creek Montgomery Glenmore Oneida Harris' Hlll Erie East Wilson Niagara Flat Lands Kings Glenn Moutgomery Harrison Westchester East Watertown Jefferson Fleming Ca~uga "Glenn's Falla Warren Harrisonville Lewis Windham Greene Flemingsville Tiog Glenora Yates Hartfield Chautauqua East Woodhull Rteuben Flint CI'eek Ontario Glensdale Lewis Hartford Washington Worcester Otsego Florel!-ce Oneida Glenville Sohenectady Hartland Niagara Eaton Madison Florida Orange Glenwild Sullivan Hart LO,t Onondaga. Eatonsville Herkimer Floyd Oneida Glpnwood 'Erie Hartsdale Westchester Ebenezer Erie "Flushing Queens Gloversville Fulton Ha.rt's Falls Rensselaer Eddystown Yates Fluvanna Ohautauque Goff's Mills Steuben Hartwick Otsego Eddyville Cattaraugus Fly Creek Otsego Golden's Bridge Westchester Hartwick Seminary Otsego Eden Erie Fly Mountain Ulster Good Ground Suffolk Hartwood Sullivan Edenton St. Lawrence Fly Summit Washington Gorham Ontario Harvard Delaware Eden Valley Erie Foisomdale Wyoming "Goshen Orange Hasbrouck Sullivan Edenville Orange "Fonda Montgomery "Gouverneur St. Lawrence Haskall Flats Cattaraugus Edinburg Saratoga Fordham Westohester "Gowanda Oattaraugus Haskinville Steuben Edmeston Otsego Forest Clinton Graefenburgh Herkimer Hastings Oswego Edwards St. Lawrence Forestburg Sullivan Grafton Rensselaer Hastings Center Oswego Ed wardsville St. Lawrenee Forest City Tompkins Grahamsville Sullivan Hastings-upon-Hudson Eggertsville Erie Forest Port Oneida Granby Center Oswego W Elstchester Egypt Monroe Forestville Chautauque Granger Allegany Hauppaugue Suffolk Elba Genesee Fort Ann Washington Grant Herkimer "Havanna SchULler Elbrl'l~e Onondaga Fort COVington Franklin IJrant's Mills Delaware Haverstraw Rock and' Elgin Oattaraugus 'Fort Edward Washington *Granvilh Washington Havilland Hollow Putnam Elizabethtown Egsex Fort Hamilton Kings Grapeville Greene Hawkinsville Oneida Elizaville Columbia Fort Hunter Montgomery Grassy Point Rockland Hawley ton Broome Elk Creek Otsego Fut Miller Washington Gravesend Kings Haynesville Rensselaer Ellenburg Clinton Fort Montgomery Orange Gravesville Herkimer Hebron Washington Ellenburg Center Clinton "Fort Plain Montgomery Gray Herkimer Heola Works Onlida Ellenburg Depot Clinton Fortsville Saratoga Great Bend Jefferson Heotor Sohu ler "Ellenville Ulster Fosterdale Sullivan Great Neck Queens Hedgesville Steuben Ellery Center Chautauque Fostervillo Cayuga Great Valley Ca,ttaraugus Helena St. Lawrenoe Ellioott Erie Fowler St. Lawrence Greece Monroe Hemlook Lake Livingston "Ellicottsville Cattaraugus Fowlerville Livingston Greene Ohenango "Hempstead Queens Ellington Chautauque 'Frankfort Herkimer Greenfield Ulster Henderson Jefferson Ellisburg Jefferson Frankfort Hill Herkimer Greenfield Center Saratoga Hendr Creek Ohemung EJlsworth St. Lawrenoe Franklin Delaware Green Haven Dutchess HenrIetta Monroe Elma' Erie Franklin Falls Franklin Green Island Alban Hensonville Greene Elmira Chemung Franklin Iron Works Oneida Green Lawn ' Suffol k "Herkimer Herkimer Elton Oattaraugus Franklinton Schoharie "Green Point Kings Hermitago Wyoming Elwood Suffolk Fra.nklinville Cattaraugus "Greenlort Suffolk "Hermen St. Lawrence Eminenoe Schoharie "Fredonia Chautauque Green iver Oolumbia Herrington'sCorners Chemung Emmonsburg Herkimer Freedom Plain Dutchess Greenvale glleens Hess Road Niagara Enfield Tompkins Freehold Greene Greenville reene Heuvelton St. Lawrence Enfield Center Tompkins Fre,eport Queens 'Greenwich Washington Hibernia Dutohesl Ephratah Fulton Freetown Corners Cortland Greenwood Steuben Hiokory Corners Niagara Erieville Madison Freeville Tompkins Greenwood Work. Orange Hicks Ohemung Erin Chemung Fremont Center Sullivan Greig Lewis Hicksville sueens Erwin Shuben French Creek Chautauqua GreMsVille Livingston Higginsville neida Erwin Centre Steuben Frenoh Mountain Warren Gri n's Oorners Delaware High Bridge Westuhester Esopus Ulster Fresh Pond Suffolk Griffin's Mills Erie High Falls UlsteJ Esperance Sohoharie Frewsburg Ohautauquc Griswold's Mms Washington Hiu;hland UlsteJ "Essex Essex Frey's Bush Montgomery Groom's Corner Saratoga Hie:hland Falls Ora.nge Etna Tomll:kins "FrIendship Allegany Groton Tompkins Highland Mill» Orange 'EubaDam 8S8X Frontier Olint,on *Groton City Tompkins High Woods Ulster E,uclid Onondaga Fuller's Station Albany Groveland Livingston Hillsdale Oolumbha Eureka Sullivan FullorSTillo Iron Works Gronrnor's Corners Schoharie Himrod'. Yatee Bvallll Eri. St. Lawrence G,ailderlan~ StaSio. AJ.bany HiDdalnarc Orlolill KOIlOl Ordor Otlioll.

219 POST OFFICES-NEW YORK. 49 Post Office. COlm!g. I Po,,! 9f,ice. COlillty. POll! OlJice. COU1Ity. I Post Office. County. liinmansville Oswego.Johnsonsllllrg 'Wy?min~ Lenox Ma(lison Malta. Saratoga. Hinsdale C,lttnmugns Johnson's Creck I Nlaga.rn Loon Cattarangus Maltaville Saratoga. Hoag's Curner Rensselaer Johnsonville Rensselaer Leon,~rdsvillo Madison Mamaroneok Westchester Hobart DclttwM'e *.Tulmstown Fulton Lo R,~ysville Jefferson Manohester Ontario Hoifmn.n's Ferry Schen"ctn.dy Johnsville Dutchess 'LeRoy Genesee Manchester Center Ontario Hogl\nsburJ Franklin Jonesville S,'mtogu Levanna Cavul1a Manchester Bridge Dutohess H"lbrouk Sutl'olk *Jordl~n Onondagn [.ewis Essex Mandana Onondaga Holland Erie,r ordanville Herkimor Lewishorongh Westchester Manhasset ' Queens Holland Patent Oneida Joy'.Vayna Luwiswn Niagara Manlius Onondaga Holley Orlean~ J "nctioll R"ns~el:ler T.uxingt(}11 Gl'een~ Manlius Center Onondaga. Hollowville OolnmbiaJunius Senecn I.oyden Lewis Manlius Station Onondaga. Holmesville Chenanl!;u Kanolla Steuben Liherty Sullivan "Mannsville Jeffersoll Holtsville Sllffolk I(asollg Oswego LiL!lrty Fn.lls Sullivan Manorkill Schoharie "Homer Cortland Katonah Westchester Libcrtyyil\c Ulster Manorville Suffolk l!omowack Ulster KMtleville Bro<>m" Lima Livingston Mansfield Dutohess Honeoye Ont'lrio Keck's Center Flllton Limeriok Jefferson Maple Grove Otsego Honeoy'e Falls Monro~ Keefer's Corners Allllmy I,imestone Cattaraugus Maple Hill Oswego Hooper Broome Keene Essex [,il1coln Wayne Maple Street Niagara. Hooper's Valley Tiogu Keene Flats I~s~ex Liildpn Genesee Marathon Cortland Hoosick Rensselaer Keeney's Settlement Cortland Lindleytowll Steuben Marbletown Ulster "'Hoosick Falls Rensselaer *Keesevill~ Essex Linkinsol1 Franklin Marcellus Onondaga, H"pe Falls Ullmiiton Kelloggsville Cayuga Linklean Chenango Marcellus F"lla Ononda.l!"a Hopewell Ontario Kendall Orleans LinlitJlgo Culumbia Marcy Oneida Hopewcll Center Olltario Kendall Mills Orleans Lisbon St, Lawrence Marengo Wayn~ Hopewell Junotion Dn tchess K~ndia Seneca Lisbon Cetit<lr St. La\\'rcnoe JI1ar~arettville Delawat"l Hopkintoll St. Ln.wrence Kennedy Challta.u'llie Lish~'s Kill Albany Marlaville Schenec~ady Hor con ''''llrren Kon~ico 'Vestchestl,r ':Lisle Broome Marietta Onondaga Hornby S,euben Kent Putllam L,tohfield Herkim~r M:lrilla. Erie ~Hol'll~llsville Steuben KenyoRvi\l~ Orleans Lithgow [)lltchcss Marin~r9' Harbor Richmond "'1'lor.ehearis Chemllllg Kerhonkson Ulster :I.itth, F'llls Herkimer Marion Wayne liollghton Creek Allegany Ketcham',s Corners Saratngll Little Genesee Allegany Marlsborongh Ulster Housedlle Lewis Ketchumsville Tioga Little Neck Queens Marshall Oneida. ITo ward Steuben Kialltone Chautauqne I,ittle Re"t. Dutohess Marshfield Erie H"well's Del'ot O1'an;;o Kidder'8 Forry S~necu Little Utica, Onondaga Marshll\nd Richmond Ho" e's C,we Schoilaire Killbuck Cattar",ugu~ Little Valley Clltt~,1'I\Ugu9 Marshville Montgomery Howlett Hill Onondaga Killawag Uroome r,ittle York Cortland Martindale Depot' Columbia Hubbardsville Madison "Kinderhook Columbia r,iverponl. Onondaga *Martinsburg Lewis "Hndson Columbia Kingsboro' 'Fulton Livillgston Columbia. Mttrtinsville Niaga.ra Hughsonville [)lltchess Kingsbury Washington LiviugstollyHle Schoharie Martville Cayuga. Huguenot Or,mge Kin~sbridgE' Westchester r~h"onil\ Livingston Marvin Chauta.nque Rulburton Orleans King~ Ftlrry Cayuga Livonia Station Livingston JI'la.ryland Otsego Hull's ~Iills Dutchess King'l Settlement C11el1ano'.0 Lock Berlin Wayne Masonville Delawn.l'e Rume Allegany "Kingston Ulster Loch Sheldrake Sullivan Maspeth Queens Humphrey C...t,taraugus KinneY'sFuurCorners Oswego Looke CaYllga "Massena, St. Lawrence Humphreyville. Colnmbia Kirkland Ouaidll 'Lockrort Nia.gara Massena Center St, Lawrence Hunter Green" Kirkville Onondaga r,oc'.st Gro\'e Lewis *l\latteawan Dntchess Huntcr'sLand Schoharie Kirkwood Broome Locust Valley Seune:cn! Mat.tituck Suffolk <>IIlmtington Suffolk Kirkwood Centre Broome Lodi '" ~ ~ Mayfield Fulton Hunt's Corner.s Cortland KnowerSville Albany Lodi Center Seneca "Mayvtlle Chautauque Hunt's Hollow Livin.~ston Knowlesville Orlean" Lo:;an Schu';rler Mead'. Creek Stenben Hurley Ulster Knox Albanv Loug EJdy Sullivan Mechanicsville Saratoga Htil'leyville Sulli van Knoxborough Oueidit Long Island City Queens Mecklenburg Schuyler Huron W:~yne Kortright Delaware Long Hamilton *Medina. Orleans Huste.Fs Dutcness Kripple Bush Ulster L-ooneyville Erie Medusa Albany Hyde Park Dutchess Kllckville Orlozlns I.oJ'dville Delaware Medwa.y Greene Hyndsville Schohl1.rie Kyserike Ulster Lorraine Jefferson Mellenville Colnmbia *Ilion Herkimcr Ulster [.ntville Fnlton Memphis Onondaga,.n,(ependence Allegany *La.conill Oswego I.oudehville Albany Mendon Monroe Illdependence River Lewis Ladentown Rockland Louisville St, Lawrence Mendon Center Monroe Indian Falls GeQ.esee"L:lf,tr6eville Jefferson Louisville Landing M~rchantviLle Ste1:\beB Iadian Fields Albany!.:lf9.y~tte Onondaga St. Lawrence Meredith Delaware ladian La,ke liamliton Lafayetteville Dutchess Lowell Oneida "Meridian Cayuga. 'Indian River Lewis La. Grange 'Wyoming Low Hampton Washington Merrick Queens In~alls Crossing Oswego La G;ra;u,geville Deltch.ess r.owman Chemnng Merrillville Franklin In~ham's Mills Herkimer Lairdsville OneH1a "Lowville Lewis MessengerviUe Cortland Ingraham Clinton Lake' 'Vasllington T,oyd Ulster 'Mexioo Oswego Iona. Ioland Rockland *Lake Gcorge Warren Lndingtonville Putnam "Middleburg Schoharie Ira Oaynga Lake Gro:ve Sllffolk!.udlowville Tompkins Middlefield Otsego Ira Station Cayuga r, Hill UI~ter Lumberland Sullivan lifiddlefield Centpr Otsego Ire\and's lilius ChenanJto Lakeport li{a(hsoll Lumberville Delaware *Jl.fiddle Granville Washington Irona Clinton r~ake Ridge Tompkins LummisviHe Wa.yne Middle Grove Saratoga,,"ondale Dutohess Lake Road Niagara Luzerne Warren Middle Hope Ora.nge Irving Cha.ut&uqlle Lakesid.e Way~e Lyndonville Orleans Middle Island Suffolk Irvingtoll Westohilster I,ake V,ew Erie *Lyons Wayne "Middleport Niagara, h-ohu:a Gv,ttara.ugus Lakeville Livingston Lyonsda;le Lewis Midd\e~ex Yates hlip Suffolk Lamb's \Jorners Broome Lyon's Falls Lewis Middlesprite Fulton Italy Hill Yates Lamsons Ononda.i1a Lys.. nder Onondaga "Middletown Orange Italy Hollow Yates Lancaster Erie McClellan Franklin Middleville Herkimer *[thaca Tompkins Lanesville Greene McClure SeUleme,nt Broome Midway Erie Jackson Corners Dlltchess Langford Erie vrcconnellsville. Oneida :Milan Dutchess Ja.cksonville Tompkins Oswego McDoL.ough Chenango Mile Strip :JI.fu.dison Jack's Reef OnondaO'a "Lansingburgh Rensselaer McGrawville ()ortlandt Milford Otse~o "Jamaica Q.uee~ls Lansingville Tompkins McIntyre Dutchess Millbrook Dutehes~ Jam'esport S"uffolk' Laona Chautauqll~ McKownsville Albanv Millen's Bay Jefferson "'Ja,mestowm Ch9.ubuque Lapeer Co~tlan~ McLean Tompkilis Miller's Corners Ontario Jamesville Onondaga La Salle Nlaga.ra Mabbettsville Dutchess Miller's Mills Herkimer Jasper Steuben Lassellsville Fult!)n.'faoedon Wayne Miller's Rl1l.ce Suffolk Java Wyoming Laura.nce Soh~yler Maoedon Center Wayne Millerton Dutchess WyoI!ling Laurens, Ot.ego Machias Oattarangns Mill Grove Erie Ja.y Essex, Lawrenceville St. Lawrence Macomb St. Lawrence Mill Port Chemung Jeddo Orleans Lawton, Oran~e Ma.rlalin Dutches~ Mills' Corners Fnlton Jefferson SChoharie Lawyersville Schoh~rle Madison Madison Mills'Mills Allegany Jeffersonville Sullivan Leball.O!}. Jlfad,lson 'Madrid St. Lawrenoe Millville Orleans Jefferson Valley Westchester Lebanon Lak~ Sulhvll;n Madrid Springs St. Lawrence Milo Center Yates Jonksville Tioga Lehanon SprlllSs ColumbIa Magus Corners Seneca MUton Ulster Jericho Queens Ledyard Cay~ga Mahopac Putnam Mina Chauta.u'llle Jerome Westcbester Lee 0 One~da Mahopao Falls Putna.m Minaville Montgomery Jerusalem Albany Lee.,Center OneIda Maine Broome Minden Montgomery Jewett' Greene Leeds' Greene Malden Ulster Milton Center Saratoga.,Tewett Center Greene Leedsyille Dutohe~s Malden Bridge Columbia Mine Kill Falls Schoha.ire Johnsburg Warren LeeSVille Schohane!lfallory O.iwego Mineral Springll Sohoharie J"hnsom's Oramge L~FcverFalll Ulster "'Malone FUllklim Mineola Qnee:as D 4t Money Order Officel.

220 50 POST OFFICES-NEW YORK. Post OjJictJ. Minerva Minetto *Mineville M inisink Mitchellsville )fodena *Mohawk Mohawk Hill J\Ioira~ Molino llombaocus l{ongaup Monga.up Valley Monroe Monroe Works Monsev :M.onta~ue Montezuma Hontgomery "'Monticello li<>ntrooe lloodna. ~toons Moores Moores' Forks Moore's Mill liooae River "'Moravia. Morehouseville More18.l:td liol'esvihe M0~a.nville llerlah Moriah Center. HOl;iches )forley Morris ~Morrisania Morrison viii e "~Iorristown Morr.isville Morseton Motseville Morton Corners :Moscow Moses Kill }ipsherville Mott Haven 1Iiott's Corn"rs Mottville Mountainville Mount HOlle Mount Kisko lfoun t LehILn m,"'mount Morris :Aloud PleILsa.nt Mount Reed Mount Riga. Moun t Ross Mount Sinai lfount Upton ~fount Vernon Mount Vision Mumford Munsville :Mu.rra.v Na.nn~tt Sa.panock Na.ples Napoli NarrowslHlrg Nashville Nassa.u Natural Bridge Na.llmbnrg Na.varino Neil's Oreek Nelson Neperan Neversink New Albion "'Newark "'Newa.rk Valley New Baltimore New Berlin County. Post Offi~e. (Jounty. Pust O/Jice. County, I PORt Offi~(J. County. Essex New Hud.on Allegany '~orth Reading Schuyler Oxford Depot Orang<3 Oswego New Hurley Ulster North Ridge Niagara' Oyster B'lY Queens Essex New Hyde Park Queen" North Ridg~w,~y Orleans! P,~ine's Hollow Herkimer Orange New Kiu"ston Delaw,,"re North Itiver Warren p,tint"d Post $tellnen Steuben NewldrK l\lills J<'ulton North Ro~e 'Wayne: Palatine Bridge Montgomer,Y Ulster New L"IJanon Columbia North [tush Monroe I Paleuville 6reono Herkimer Now LebanonOenter Columbia North Rllssell St. Lawrence Palermo, Oswego I.awis New Lisbon Otsego North ~:\Iem Westchester Palisa.des Rockland Frllonklin New I.oudon Oneid~ North Sanford Broome 'Palmyra Wayne O~wego New Milford Orauge North Scri~,a OSl'l'ego P,\lD"JiaFourOorners Jotl'erson Ulster New Ohio Broome North Sparta Livingston Panama Chautauque Sullivan New Oregon Erie ~o"th Spencer 'I'ioga Paris OneIda Sullivan New Paltz Ulstor N.orth.Stcl'heutown Rengsclaer Parish Oswego Orange 'Ne'wport Herkimer North Sterlmg (1,~vugll Parishville St. La'l'l'enoQ Orange *NewRoohelle 'Vtlstchester NorthStockholmSt.La" rence P,u.ishville C~ntre ' Rockland New Russia E,s~ex North Tarryto\\n Wedtchedter St. Lawrence Lewis New Salem Albany Northllmberland Saratoga P,uksville S~llivan Oayuga New Scotland Albllny North urbana steubenl PMkvilJe 'Kings Orange New Springville Ricilmon(\ North Victory Oayu!!a ParmlL Monl'ue Sullivan Newton's Oorners Hamilton Northville Fulton P'trma Center Monroe Westchester Newtonville Albany ~orth Volney Oswego, Partl'i~lgl: Ishnd D, laware Orange Newtown Queen'. ~orth Walton Delaware Patohin El':e Ohautlluqua New Utrecht King's North W~stern Oneida "Patchogue Suffolk. Olinton Newville Her.kimer North Wilna Jofferson Patten's Mills Washington OlintoD New Woodstock :\Iadison North Winfield Herkimer Pat-terson Putnam Dutchess "New York 'New York Xortoll Hill Greclle Pllvii';on trenesee Lewisl'''New York ~nlls Oneidll Norway HllTkim.r Pavilion Center Geneste Oayuga "Niagara Falls Nittgara NorWich Chenango Pawling. Du tches$ Hamilton I Nichols Tiogll Nunda Livingston Pearl' Creek Wyoming, S'chuyler Nicholville St. J.awrenc, Nunda Station Lil'ingston Pe,ul River R"ckland Defawart Nile AIl\lg,my Nyaek Rockland PeashvilJe Clint'>n Gtlnesee Niles Cayngu Nyack Turnvika Rockland Peconic Suffolk Essex Nin<lvah BrooUl~ Oak.taJ~ ::;tation Suffolk "Peekskill We8tohe~ter E~s,'x NisklLynne. Schen<;ctlLdy Oakfield G"lH,~et Pekin Niagara Sull'olk Niverville Columbia Oak Hill Greene P Iham Westchester St. Lawrence "Norfolk St. L'HHen(lt Oil.kl,tnci I,hingston Pelham Station Westchester Otseg;o Sorman's Kill Albany Oakland Valley Oswego Pembroke Genesee Westchester North Almond Allegany Oak Orchlll'd Orleans Pendleton Niagara Clinton Northampton Fulton O"k'; Oorners Ontario Pendl~ton Center St. Lllowrence North Argyle Washinsto;; O:tksville Otsego Penfield 2'<Ionr"6 :i\ladison North BlLngor }'ranklin Odessa Schuyl"r Pennellville Oswego Sullivl~n North Barton Tioga Ogden.Monroe 'Penn Yuu Yat~~ Schoharie North nay Oneida *Ogd nsbursh St. Lawrence Peoria Wyoming Erie North Bergen Genese,' OhiO Herkimer Pepacton Delaware Livin'gstoll North Blenheim Sehohllri Ohioville UI~ter Perch River JeH'er:lon Wu.shington North Dloomfi"ld Ontlloriv ()J \lott Ni&gllru P~rkill8ville Steub". Saratoga North Hulton Walren Old WesthnTY Qu~ens Perry Wyoming Wes.tohester North Boston Erie Olean Cattar,mgu8 Perr~' Oenter 'Vyoming Tompkin8 NQl'.th B~3,nch Sullivan OJive Ulster Pell'Y City Schnyler Onondaga Nortb BridgcWllter 'Oneid!1 Olive Bridge Gister Perr., sburg Catta'rlLugue Orange' North Broll.dalbin Fulton OlmsteJ.ville Essex Perry's ;II ills Clinton Orange :>Iorth B1'oukfield Madison Om:lr Jefferson P"rryville Ma.lisnn Westchester North Cameron Steuben 'Oneida ]\I",dison Persia Oattlllr,\Ugll~ C,)lumbia North Oastle ""est chaster Oneida C,\stle Oneida 'P~rth Fulton Livingston North Chatham Oc>iLlmbia Oneida :\Tadison Peril Clinton O.wego North CheOlllllg Ohemung Oneida Valley M""Usoll Peru ville Tompkins Monroe N'orth Chili )lon1'o" 'Oneonta Otsego Peterboro' Madison' Dllt"hcss North Clarkson Monro, Onondaga Onondaga Petersburg Rensselaer 'Dutohes~ North Clol'e Dutchess Ol1oudagll C'l~tlc Onon[lll.gll. Pharsalia Chenango Suffolk N'orth Clvmer Chautau'lull Onondaga,""'lley O.JOndaga "Phelps Ontar;o Ohenango N ort-ii Oohocton Steuben Onoville C'tttaru.l1gtts PhilJ del phi a.l effersol) 1Vestohester North Colesville B"oome Ontario Wllyne Philipsport Sullivan Otsego North Oreek Warren OppenJleim Fnltou Phillip's Creek Allegany Monroe North Hllst Ocnter Dntchesp Or'~mel Allegany Philmont Columbia Madison North Haston Washington Oran Ononuagu Phrenicia Ulster OrlHltllS North EI ha E,~ex Or,mge Sohll) Jer / Phrenix Oswego Rockland North Evans Eri. Omngeport ~iag"'r'l Phreuix ~Iills Ots~!1o Ulst"r North Fenton Rrooll1(' Orangeville Wyoming I Piermont. Rockland, Onbario North Franklin Delaware Oregon Chautauqne Pierpont St.-Lawrence OattarauguM North Gage Oneida Orient Sutfoll; Pierrepont lianor J etferson Sullivan ~orlb Gal way Saratogll Ori!kany On"ida Pift'ard Livingston Chautauque North. Granville 'VasbingtoD 'Orisk,tllY Falls Oneitla'Piktl Wyomin~ Rensselaer North Greece Monro. Orleans Ontario Pike Pond Sulliv,n Jefferson North Greenfield Sllratoga Orleans Four Corners Jefferson Pillar Poiut Jeff.rson Lewis North Greenwiab Wnshingtou Orwell Oswego Pinckney Lewis Onondaga North Hamden DellLwan Osborn's Bridf(6 }'ulton Pine's Bridge Westchester Steuben Nort.h Hllomlin Muuroe Osborne Hollow Bl'oom~ Pine Bush Orange Mll.dison North Hammon St. Lawrenee Osceola Lewis Pine Creek Schuylet' Westchester North Hannibal Oswego Ossian Livingston Pine Gru\'e Schuyler Sullivan North Harpersfield Delaware 'Oswego Oswego Pine Hill Ulster Cattaraugus North Hartland Niagara Osw8l?;o Center Oswego Pine Island Orange Wayne North Hebron Wa..~hington Oswego Falls Oswego Pine Lake Fulton Tioga North Hector SclJ.uyler Oswego nllage Dutohess Pine Plains Dutchess Greene North Hoosick Rensselaer Ot~go Otsego Pine YaUey Chemung Chenango North Hudson Essr x 'OtiSCO Onondaga Pine ',,"oods Madison Chenango North Huron Wayne Otisco Valley Onondaga Pitcairn St. Lawrence Lewis North Jasper SteUben Otisville Orang~ Pitcher Chenango Richmond North Java Wyoming Obsdawa Otsego Pitcher Springs Chenango New Berlin Oenter New Bremen New.Brighton "'Newburg Orang~ North Kortright Delaware Otse!!,o Lllke Otsego Pitts:field Otsego New OlLstle New Oenterville Newcomb New Ooncord New Dorp Newfane Newfield New HILcltensack Now Ha.mburg New H!tmpton New Hartford New H!tVen Nllw Ho.pi> Westchester North Lansing Tompkins Otselic Ch6nango Pittsford Monroe Oswego *NorthLawrence St.LILwrence Otselic Oenter Chenango Pittstown Rensselaer I!:ssex North Litchfield Herkimer Otto Cattaraugus Plainville OnondaJ!1l, Colu m bia North Manlius Onondaga Ouaqu ago. Broome Plank Road Onondaga Richmond North Nassau Rensselaer Onleout Delaw'lLre Plattekil~ Ulster Niagara North Norwich Chenango Ovid Seneoa "Plattsburg Olinton Tom pkins North Oak field Genesee Ovid Center Seneca Pleasant Brook Otsego Dutohess North Parma. Monroe 0",a8co Oayuga Pleasant Plains Dutohess Dutchess North Pembroke Genesee Owasco Lllke Cayuga Plellsant Ridge Dutchess Orange North PetersbuTgh RPllsselaer "Owego Tioga Pleasant Valley Dutchess oneida/ North Pharsalia Ohenango Owen's?trills Chemung.Pleasantville Westchester Oswego North Piteher Oxbow.Tefferson Plesis Jefferson Cayuga Northpor' Suffolk Oxford Ohenall:go Plymouth Chenang9 "Money Order Offices.

221 POST OFFICES-NEW YORK. S1 Po,.r OjJl~e. County. Pust Office. County. Po~t Office. County. Post Office. County. Pl)cstink ill Rensselaer Rexville Steuben "Saratoga Springs Point Saratoga Smithville P~ninsula J'etrerson Jetrerson lteynale's Basin Niagara Sardinia Poland Brie Smithville South Hetkimer Queens RehMldsville SOhuhler Saugerties Poland Oenter Ulster Smithville Flats Ohautauquc Ohenango' "R inel16ck Duto ess Sauquoit Pompey Oneida Smyrna Onondaga Ohenango Rhine Oliff Dutchess Savannah Wayne Sodus Pom pog Oenter Onondagn Wayne' Richbur5 Allegany Saville Pond duy Orange Sodus Oenter Sullivan Wayne Richfiel Otsego Savona Steuben Ponel Hullow Sodus Point W'ayue Tomrkin, Richfield Springs Otsego Sayville Pont,lao Suffolk Solon Erie Oortland Richford Tioga ScarlJorough Poolville Westohester Solsville Madison Madison Richland Station Oswego Scarsdale Westchester Pope's Sottlers Westchester ~fills St. Lawrence :Richmond Riohmond 'S ohenectady Schenectady Poplar Ridge Somers Oenter Oayuga Westchester Richmond Hill Queen_ Schene,'uij O~sego Somerset PortaftcYille Wyoming Niagara Richmond Mills Ontario Schodack Oeuter Port 'yron Rensselaer Somerville St. LaWl'enee C,~yu~a Richmondville Schoharie Schodack Depot Rouss,'laer Sonora Steuben P"rt Ohester W estc h~ster Richville St. Lawrence Schodack Landing Rensselaer Port Orane South Addison Broome Steuben Ritler's Mills Oolumbia "Schoharie Schoharie Porter's Oorners South Genesee 'S'lratoga Rider's M ills Station Schroon Lake Essex' South Albion Port DickiusOll Broome Oswego Columbia Schroon Ri ver Essex South America Port Ewen Dutchess Ulstl'r Ridge Livingston ~chllltzsville Dutchess Port Gibson SOllthll.mpton Sutrolk Ontario Ridgebury Orange SchuYler's Falls Olinton South Apalll.chim Tioga. "Port Henry Essex Ridge Mills Oneidll Schuyler's Lake Otsego South Argyle Washington POrt J <tckson Mont~omcry R d,!;e Rond Niagarn ::!chuylersville Saratoga South Avon Livingston Port Jefferson utl'olk RIdgeway Orleans Scio AllI gany South Balston Saratoga. "Port Jervis Or'lngc Ridgewood <tleen8 Sciota Olinton Port Kent South Barre Orleans Essex i:{ift.()n Glen ister Scipio Oayugn South Bay Portland Chauta.uque Riga Wa9hin~to" Monroe iscipiovi11e Cayuga South Berlin Portlandville Rensse aer Otsego Riker's Hollow Steuben Scotch Bush Monttomery South Berne "Port I,eyden Albany Lewis Ripley Ohautauque ::!cotchtown range South Bolivar Port Outario Allegany Oswe~o R!singvil.le Steubeu,Scotia Schenectady South Bombay Franklin Port RichlI!-0nu Richmond Rlv~rdale Westchester Scott Oortland South Bradford Portville Steuben Cattaro.u'gds *RiV'er Head 'Sutl'olk Scottsburg Livingston South Bristol Ontario Port W.~shington Queen~ Riverside Broom.. Scottsville Monroe South Brookfield Madison P"st Creek Ohemung Robertson vill 0 Sullivan Scriba Oswego South Butler Potsdam Wayne St. La\\'renc~ 'Rochester l\fonroe Sea Cliff Grove ~neens South Byron Genesee "Potosdam Junction ROCkaway, QueenR Seaford ~Ieens South Oairo Greene St, Lawrence Rock Oity Dutchess Sears l'lug ~chuyler Sonth Oambridge Washington Potter Yates Rock Oity Fall~ S:u atogn Seaside Richmond South Oameron Steuben Potter's Hill Rensselaer ROl'kdale Ohenango Searsville Orange South Ohampion Jefferson Potter's Hollow Albany Rockl.tnd Sullivan Seely Creek Chemung- Sou th Oolton St. Lawrence Pottersville W'a.rren Rockbnd Lake Rockland Sdden Suffolk South Columbia Herkimer *POUthkeepsie Dutchess Rock Rift D"lawar. Sempronius Cayuga South Oorinth Saratoga Poug quag Dutehes~ Ro k Stream Yates Seneca Schuyler South Cortland Oortland,Pound-ridge 'Vestchester Rockville Oenter Seneca Oastl e Ontario South Ouyler Oortland *Prattsburg Steuben Rockwood ~~:i:~: "Seneca Falls Seneca South Danby Tompkins Pratts' Hollow Madison Rocky Poiut Suffolk Sennet Oayufa South Dansville Steuben Prattsville 'Gre'ene Rodman Jeff'erSOH Setauket Sutro k' South Dayton Cattaraugus Pt'eble Cortland *Rome Oneida Seward, Schoharie South Dover,Dutchess P'reston Chenangc Romulus Senecu Seymour Allegany South Durham Greene P'Tl'ston Hollow Albany Romulus Oenter Seneca Shakers Albany South Easton WlI8hington Prince's B.ty Richmond Rondout l:lster Shnndaken 'Ulster South Edmeston,OtsegG Prospect Oneida Ronkonkoma. SlIll'olk Sharon Schoharie South, Ed wards St.' Lawrence P!'ospect Stlltion O',autauqua Root Montgomery Sharon Oenter Schoharie South Galway Sa~atoga Protection Erit' Rose 'Wayne Sharon Springs Schoharie South Gilboa Schoharie P,rovidence Sarato,.!:/, Roseboom Ot~ego $haron Station Dutchess South Glenn's Fulls Saratoga pjllaski Oswego Rosendule L"lster Shavertown Delaware South Granbr. Os,vego Pultney Steuben Roslyn Queen>.';;hu.wangung Ulster South GranVille Washington Pultneyville Wayne Rossie St. La wrenc, Shawnee NiaJ1ara ~outh Greece Monroe Purchase West(,he3ter Rossvill e l~ichmond Shed's Corners Ma ison South Hamilton Madison Purdy Oreek Steuben Round Lake /:laratoga Sheen wat,er Eril' Sonth Hannibal.oswego P'urd~'s Station W estc hester *Rouse's Point Clinton Shekomeko Dutchess Routh Hartford Washington PurvIs Sullivan Roxbury D. laware Shelby Orlen,no South Hartwick Otsego Piltnam Washington Royalton Niagarn Shel by Basin Orleans South Huven Suffolk ~~lacenkill Re.nsselaer Rural Grove l\fllntgomer,y 'Iheldon Wyoming South Howard Steuben Illl!Ler Hill Dutchess Rural Hi,ll Jetl'ersoll Sheldr.tke Seneca South J eh'erson Sch"harie uaker Springs SfI:rato"a R'ISh 1\1onro,' S hel tel" Island' SUff'olk,South Kortright Delawa,re 8uaker Street Schenectady RU3hford Allegany Shenandoah Du tchess South Lansing 'fompkins tlal'ryville Ulster *Rushville Y.ate~ 'S herbu rne Ohellltngo Sonth Lima Livingston Queens -$ueens Rl.lssell St. Lawrenct :,lherburnc Four Corners South Livonia Livingsh'll ~ueensbury arren RURsia Herkimer South ~ ew Berl in Chenll.k 0 uogue Suffolk Rutland Jeff'crson Sneridan Chautauque South Newstead I', e Itcket River St. Lawrence Rye Westchester Sherman Ohl~utauque Sou,thold SIlt,..] k R~mapo Works Rockland Rynex's CorDers Schenectady Sherwood'9 Oayuga South Onondaga OuonL"'~a. Randall )II ntgomery "Sackett's Harbor Jell'erson Shin Oreek Sullivan South Otsel ic Ch~II"""O Randallsville Madison Sa.gevil~e Hamilton Shingle Creek St. Lawrence South Owego '1' :. a. "'Randolph Oattaraugus "Sag H,~rbor Sutfolk Shil'ley Erie South Oxford Ch'!nu J, 0 Randolph Center Broome Saint Andrews Orange Shokan Ulster South Plattsburg (Hin, Ul~ Ransomville Niagara Saint James Suffolk Shongo Allegany South Plymouth Chenungo Rllopids Niagara St. Johnsville Montl5omery 'Shortsville Ontario Southport Chemung Rath boneville Steuben St. Johnsburg Niaga.ra Short Tract Allegany South PlIltney SteulJen Ravenswood Queens S~. Lawrence Jefferson Shrub Oak ",r estchester South Richland Os,,,'el?O Rawson Oattaraugus Salamanca Ol1.ttaraugus' 8h'lllpike Columbia S.outh Rutland J effer,ooil Raymertown Rensselaer "Salem Washington Shushan Washington South Salem W~stchester Raymond vill e St. Lawrence Salem Oenter 'Westchester Shutter's Corners Schoharie South Sand Lake Rensselaer Reading' SchuJ lei' Salisbury Herkimer Sidney Delaware South Schodack Rensselaer Reading Oenter Schuvler S~lisbury Oenter Herkimer Sidney Oenter Delaware SOll th Schroon Essex Rl!d Bri~k Sullivan Salisbnl~ Mills Orange "Sidney Plains Dillaware South Scriba Oswego Red Oreek Wayne Salmon iver Oswego Siloam Madison South Sodus Wayne Red Falls Greene Salt Point Dutchess Silver Oreek Chautauque South Somerset Niagara Redfield Oswego Sllmmonsville Pulton Silver,Lake Olinton South Stockton Ohautauque Redford Olinton 'Samson ville Ulster Sinclairsville Chll.utanqua South Trenton Oneida Red Hook Dutchess Sand Bank Oswego "Sing Sing Westehester South Troupsburg Steubc1i Red HOllse Oattaraugus Sanborn 1'.iagara *Skaneateles Onondaga South Valley Otsego Red Jacket Erie Sandburgh Sullivan, Slate Hill Orange Southville St. Lawrence Red Rock Oolumbia Sand Lake Rensselaer Slaterville Tompkins :;;outh Wales Erie "Redwood Jefferson Sandusky Oattaraugus Sloansville Schoharie South Westerlo, Albany Reed's Corners Ontario SandIOreek Oswego Sloatsburg Rockland Southwest Oswego Oswego Reidsville Albany "San y Hill Washington Smith's Basin "'"li8hington South Wilson ' Niagara -Remsen Oneidll Sanford I Broome Smithsboro' Tioga South Wilton Saratoga R,ensseber F:J.lls St.Lawrence Sanford's Oorners Jefferson Smith's liills Chautauque South 'Worcester Otsego Rensselaerville Albany Sangerfield Oneida Smithtown Suffolk Sou Yea Livingston' 'Reserve' Erie Saranac Clinton 8mithtown Branch Sutrolk Spafford Onondaga Rexford Flats Saratoga Saranac Lakll Franklin Smith's yalley Schuyler Sparkill R90k~l\lId MOlley Order Otlieee.

222 52 POST OFFICES-NEW YORK. P08t OUice. (Jounty. Po,~t Office. COllnty. Post Office. County. 1 Post O~e. (Jounty. Sparrow Bush Orange The Glen "rarren Victory 1I1ills Saratoga I West Day Sarat<>gs Speadville Tom~~ins Theresa Jefferson Vienlla Oneida I West Dresden Yates Spencer loga 'l'he Square O,\yuga Villanova Chautauque I West Dryden Tompkins Spenoerport Monroe Thompson Ridge Orange Vine Valley Y 'tes : West B>J.ton liiadison Spencertown Oolumbia Thompsonville Sullivan Virgil Cortland I West Eumeston Otsego Speonk SUlfolk Thorn Hill Onondag'l Vischer's Ferry Saratoga! Wasterlo Alb>J.ny Spooner's Oorners Otsego Three }Iile Bay Jefferson Vista Westchester I Westerliville Oneida Spraker's Basin Montgomery Throopsville Cayuga VOllk Yates, "'-est Exeter Otsego Spring Brook Erie Thurman 'Yarren Voluey 03wegolWest Falls Erie Springfield Otsego "Ticonderoga Essex Volusia Chautauque I West Fallsburg Sullh-an Springfield Centre Otsego Tioga Center Tioga " ourheesville Albany i West F'lrmington Ontario Springfield Stol'e Quecns Tivoli Dutchess Waduington Ht. Lawrence I 'West F>J.rms "'estchester Spring Mills Allegan Toddsville Otsego W>J.uh:lm's Mills E~~ex I West Fayette Seneca Springs Suffol k Tomhannock Rensselaer Wading Ri v~r S.tlfolk "Westfield, Chautauque Spring Valley Rockland 'fompkins' Cove Rockland Wu.lden Orange Westford Otsego Springville Erie Tompkinsville Richmond W,ales' Erie West'Fort Ann Washington Springwater Livingston "Tonawanda Erie Wales Center Eric..,Vest Fulton Schoharie Sprout Brook Montgomery Tottonsville Richmonll Wales ville Oneida 'Vest Galway Fulton S prout Creek Dutchess Towlesville Steuben W>J.lker's Val:ey Ulster West Gran ville Corners 8 puyten Duyvil Westchester Towners Putnam Wallace Steuben Washington Staatsburg Dutchess Town Line Erie Walton Ddaware West Greece Monroe Stafford Genesee 'l'ownsenu Schuyler W>J.lworth Wayne West Greenfield Sl\ratoga Stamford Delaware Townsendville Senecn Wa,mpsville Madi.on West Green wood Steuben 'S tanard' s Oorners Allegany l'racy Creek Broome Wappinger's Falls Dutchess West Groten Tompkins Stamfordville Dutchess Tremont \\'estche~ter \Varncrs Ouon!aga W~st H'lmburg F;rie Stanley Oorners Ontario Trenton Oneida Warnerville Schoharie West Hampton Suffolk Stanwix, Oneida Trenton Falls Oneida \Varren HOI'kimer West Hebron Washington "Stapleton Richmond l'riangle BroomL 'Warrensburg "'''arren "'Yest Henrietta IIIonroe Starkey Yates Tribes Hill liontgomerj \\-arren's Corners Niagara West Hoosick Rensselaer Starkville Herkimer Troupsbury Steuben 'Warsaw 'Wyoming West Hurley Fister 3ta'te Bridge On~ida Tront Creek Ddaware' Warwick Orange West.Junius Seneca' State Road Ohemung 'frout River Franklh, Washington Dutcheas West K, ndall Orle>J.ns Steamburg C'lttara\lgus *Troy R~nssclael' W,lShington Hollow Dutchess West Kill Greene Stedman Chautauque Trum,\nsburg Tumpkin,< W>J.shington Mills Oneida West Kortright Dolaware Stephens' Mills Steuben Tr,unlansburg Landil : Senee,t Wassaic Dutchess 'Vest Laurens Otsego Stephentown Rensselaer Trumbull Corners ompkiil- "-ater bn!'v ' l'ompkins West (.eballon Columbia Sterling Cayuga "Truxton. Cortland W>J.terford Saratoga Wt'St Leyden Lewis Sterling Bush Lewis Tucltahoe '" estchesttlr W"terloo C. H. Sentlca *\Ves t 1I1'aceuon Wayn\! Sterling Valley Cayuga "Tully Onondagn W>J.tcrloo lilills Or>" West librtinsburg Lewi~ Sterlingville Jefferson Tully Valley OUl)ndaga W>J.ter Mill Sull'olk West :Meredith Ddlaware Steuben Oneida "Turin Lewis W,\terport Orleans W es t liiilto n Saratoga Stevensville Sullivan Turner's Ol'nngl:' 'Watertown Jeffers@n West 1I10nroe Oswego "Still water Saratoga Tlll'u\\'ood Ui.",r Watervalrl Onondaga Westmoreland Oneida S tissing Dutchess Tuscarora Li vingston Water V'lllcy Erie Wcst Newark Tioga Stittville Oneida Tuthill l;lsta 'Waterville Oneida We.t New Brighton Richmond Stockbridge Madison TJre Seneca Watervliet Center Alb,my Weston Schuyler Stockholm St. Lawrence T)'rone Shuyler Watkins Schuyler West Oneonto Otsego Stockholm Center Ulster Park UI.t l' Watson Lewis W estoll's l\1ills Oattaraugus St. Lawrence Ulstervilill Ulster Wate's Flats Chautauqua West Perth Fulton StockholmDepot St. Lawrence Unadilla Otsego Waverly Tiog:l West Plattsburg Clinton Stockport,Columbia Unadilla Center Otseg(, \\r n w~\rsi ng Vlster "West Point Orange Stoel<port Station Delaware Unadilla Forks Otse~o Waylllnd Depot Steub~n 'Yestport ESSl'X Stockton Chaut:\uque Union Broome W,lyne Steube, West Potsdam St. Lawrence Stokes Oneida Union Center Broome Wavne C~ntre Wayne West ProTidence Saratoga Stone Arabia Montgomery Union Church Albany Wayne Foul' Corners Steuben WestRichmonu, ille Scholll.rHl Stone Church Genesee Union :Falls Clinton Webb's Mills Chemung West River Yates Stone Mills JeJferson Unioll Grove Delaw>J.l'c Wellster lil0nroe West Rush Monroe Stone Ridge Ulster Union Hill Monroe Webster's Corners BrIe West :-alamanca Cattarllugus Stony Brook Sull'olk Union Mills Fulton Webster'S Crossing Livingston West Sand Lake Rensselaer Stony Point Rockland Union Society Greene 'Weedsport C>J.yuga West Schuyler Herkimer Stormville Dutchess "Union Springs Cayuga Wegatchie St. Lawrence West S~neca Erie St<>ttville Columbia Union Square O.wego Wells Hamilton West Seneca Center Erie Stowell's Corners Jefferson Union Valley Cortll\nti Wells Bridge Otsego West Shelby Orleans Strait's Cornen Tioga Unionville Orang!> Wellsburg Chemung West Somers Westchester Stratford Fulton Upper Aquebogue Suffolk Wells' Corner Or~nge West Somerset Niagara. Stratton Tompkins Upper Jay Essex,:iWellsville Allegany West Stephentown Rensselaer Stratton's Falls Delalvare Upper I.isle Broome Weltonville ',rioga West Stockholm St.Lawrence Strykersville Wyoming UJPer Red Hook D'ltches., West.Addison Steube West Taghanick Oolumbil\ Stuyvesant Columbia < tica Oneida West AlballY Albany West Town Orange Stuyvesant Falls Columbia Vail"s Gate Orange West, Alden Erie West Township Albany Styles Station Ononda!ra Vail's Mills Fulton West Almond Allegany West Troy Albany Success Suffolk *Valatie Oolumbia West Amboy Oswego West Unitm Steuben IS ufferns Rockland Valhalla Westchester West Rlngor Franklin West Valley Cattaraugus Suffolk Suffolk "alley Falla Rensselaer We~t Barre Orleans West Vienna Oneida Sugar Hill Schuyler Valley l\1 ills :Mlldison We~t B>J.tavia Genesee Westville Otsego Sugar Loaf Orange V>J.lley Streams Quetns West Bergen Genesee Westville Center F,an''\in Sugartown Oar,taraugus Vall(,nia Springs Broome West Berne Aloany West W III worth Wayne Sullivan ville Chemung "an Buren Onondaga West Bethany Genesee West Webster 1I10nroe Summer Dale Chautauqua Vandalia Cattaraugus 'West Bloomfield Ontario West'Vindsor Broome Summer Hill Cllyuga Van Etten Ohemung West Brauch Oneida *West Winfield Herkimer Summit Schohaire Van Ettenville Chemung West Brighton :luonroe Westwood Erie ~ummit Station Onondaga Van Hornesville H~rkimel' West Brook Delaware West Yorkshire Oattaraugus Summitville Sullivan Van Vechten Schenectady West Brook ville Sulli van Wethersfield Wyoming "Suspension Bridge Niagara Van Wagner D"tchess West Burlington Otsego Wethersfield Springs W ~ominl!' Swams Allegany Varick Senoca Westburg Cayuga Weverto'\'\n, arren Swale Steuben Varna Tompkins West Butler Wayne Whallonsburg Essex Sweden Monroe Varysburg Wyoming West Cam bridge Washington Wheatville Genesee Sylvan Lake Dutchess Venice Oayuga West Camden Oneida Wheeler Steuben S.r.osset Queens Venice Center Cayuga West Camp Ulster White Oreek Washington Ryracuse Onondaga Verbank Dutchess West Candor Tioga *Whitehall Washin~t~n 'l'aberg Oneida Vermillion Oswego West Carlton Orleans White Haven ne 'l'aghkanick Oolumbia Vermont Chautauque West Charlton Saratoga White Lake Sullivan Tallman Rockland Vernon Oneida West Chazy Clinton "White Plains Westohester Tannersville Greene Vernon Ceuter Oneida West Chenango Broome Whiteport Erie Tappantown Rockland Verona Oneida Westchester Westchester White's Store Ohenango "TI\1. rytown Westchester Verplanck Westchester West Clarksville Allegany White Stone Sueens Taylor Oortland Versailles Oattaraugus West Colesville Bloome Whitestown neida Taylor Oenter Cortland Vesper Onondaga West Conosville Schoharie Whitesville Allegany Texas Oswego Vestal Broome West Coustable Franklin Whitney's Orossing' Allegany Texas Valley Oortland VestalOenter Broome West Copake Columbia "Whitney's Point Broome 'i'hayer's Corners Franklin "Victor Ontario West Danby Tompkins Wilbur, Ulster The Coner Ulster Victory Cayuga West Dnenport Delaware Wileysville Steuben lioney Order Offices.

223 POST OFFICES-NEW YORK-NORTH CAROLINA. 53 Poat Office. County. Post Ojfice. Coullly. Post Otfu:e. Coullty. Post Ojfice. County. Willard S('neca Bay River Craven Willet Oharleston Swain Fairview Buncomb () Oortland Bear Bay Robeson "Williamsburg "Oharlotte Mecklenburp: Faison's Depot Kings Bear Branch Du~li n Richmond Cherryfiel,l Williamson Transy \ vania I~,\lkland it t Wayne Bear Wallow Henderson Cherry L:111e Williamstown AllegallY Fllllin'k0reek Lenol r Oswello Beattie's Ford Lincoln Cherryvi Ile Will iamsville Gaston Fancy ill Iredel I Erie Beaufort C,trtel','t Willink Chcsnut Ridge Yadkin Fllrmington Davi e Erie Beaumont Chath,tm Williston China Grove Rowan Farmville Pit t Erie Boaver Dam Union Chocowinity Beaufort 'Fayetteville Willow Brook Onmberlan d Dnte hess Belew Creek Milt FOl'SI'th Chronicle C,\tawb,\ Fentriss Willowemoo Guilfor d Slillivan Bellevoir Ohatham Olark's Mills Moore Fields Lenoi r Willsboro' E~sex Bel videre Per'lu i In,I n~ Clayton Johnson First Broad Rutherfor d Willsborough Point Essex Berea Granville Clear Creek Meck\.enburp Fish Dam Wak Willseyville e Tioga Hernard Brunswicl< Cl inosville 'Cab\wba Flat River Orang Wilmington e l<jssex Berry Hill Rockingham CI inton Sampson Flat Rock Henderso n Wilna Jefferson Bethania Forsyth Clover Orchard A!.\mll.nce Flat Shoal Surr y Wilson's Nia,c;ar. n~thany Church 1r-d01l Cobton Cra.ven Flemill~ton Columbu 8 Wilson's Creek Tioga Bethel Pitt Coburn's Store Union Flinty ranch Yance Wilton S'tratoga Beverly Y Anson Coddle Creek C,tbarrl\S Fanta Flora. Burke Wincl~elJs Dn tehess Rig F'llls Alamance Coinjock Currituck Footville Yadkin Windham Center Greene /Jig Laurel M.tdisoll Cnlerain Bertie Forestville _ Wak \V"iudsor e Broome Big Liok 8t'lnly CJI e' s Mills R:mdol. h Fork Mountain Mitchel 1 Winfield Herkim9r Big 8prin!!;s Jackson Colesville Stokes Forks of Pigeon Hay woo d Winfield Junction 'Quet'u" Big Swamp Oolumbus Colfax Gl1ilfol'd Fork Swamp Beaufor t Wing's Station Dlltchess Black Creek Wilson Colletsville Caldwell Fort Montgomery Cheroke e Wins pear El"il' macktn,m'~ Mills Sampson Columbia Tyrrell Fountain Hill Green e Winterton Sllllivan Black Ri ver Chapel Columbus Polk Foust's Mills Randolp h Wirt Center Alle;>:any New H.lnov('!'.company's Shops Alamance Fra.ncisco Stoke 8 Wiscoy Allegany Blad nboro Bl:lden --Concord Cab arras Franklin Macon *Wolcott Wayne Blakeley Stokes Cuol Spring Iredell Fran1!:linton Frankl' ill \VoloottRville Niagara Blociter's Oumberltmll Cottage Home Lincoln l~rankli n ville Randolp h Wolf H'll A\1)any Blount's Creek Beaufor( Couuty Line Davie Freeman's Mills Gu ilford Woorl~rd Onondaga Blowing Rock \V'lt'\UP;:l Covington Richmond!<'remont Wayne Woodbourne Sullivall Blue Ridge HI~nd.n\'"$Of' Cowan's Ford Mecklenburg French Broad Buncombe Woodbury Q.ueens Blue Wing Granvill~ Cox ville Pitt French Creek Church Blade n Woo,l Haven Q'lecns Bogue Culumbus Crab Tree Haywood Friedburgh Forsyth Woodhull Steuben Boilston Henderson Crain's Creek Moore l"riendshi Guilfor Woodland Ulster Bolton Br:m~wick C anberry Forge Mitchell l~ull wood S tore Mecklenbur d g Woodlawn Westchester Bone C<\mp Madison Oreagheaii 1tlecklenburg Fulton Davie \Vood's Falls Clinton Boone Wa.tauga Cred well Washington Gap Civil Alleghany Woodside Q'leens Boone Hill Johnson Crooked Creek Stokes Gap Creek Ashe Woodstock Ulster Booneville Yadkin Cross Roads Madison Gardner'S Ford Cleveland Woodville Jelfer~on Bostick's Mills Richmond Crossville G"tes Garysburg Northampto n W'oollward's Hollow Erie Bost's Mills C,\harras Crowder's liiountain Gaston Gatesville Gates \Vorcester Otsego Branch's Store Duplin Cnba Rutherford Germanton Stoke 9 Wf)ritsbllrgh ChautaU'l'la Rrasstown Cherokee CllDningham's Store Person Gibbs Cross Roads Cumberland Worth Oenter Jeffer80n Hrevard Transylvania Curries ville Moore Gibsonville Guilford Worthville J elf<)rson Brick Church Guilford Cclrritlick C. H. Currituck Gilmer's Store.. Wright's Corners Niagara Bridgewater B,rke Curtis' Mills Alamance Glade Creek Ashe Wurtsboro' Sullivan Brindleton Bnrke Dallas Gaston Gladsburg Randolp h Wvnantskill Rensselaer Br.inkley ville Halifax D,titon Bladen Globe Caldwell "~ryoming Wyomim: Brittain Rutherford Danbury Stokes Gold Hill Rowan Yaphank S'lffolk Broolliin Robeson Davidson College Mecklenburg *Goldsboro' Wayne Yates Orleans Brookston ~rarren D,lvidson's River Goose Creek Island Beaufor t "Yonkers Westchester Brookville Granville Transyl vania Gr:lham Ala.mance York Livingston Brower's Mills Randolph Day Book Yancey Granite Hill Iredell Yorkshire Cattaraugus Brown's Sl\mmit Guilford Dayton Wak~ Grantsborough Craven Yorkshire Center Ca.ttaraugns 'Brownsville Granville D~ep Creek Anson Grantville Buncombe Yorktown Westchester /Juch'lnan Granville Deep River Guilford Grassy Creek Yancey Younl'J' Onnnda"u, Buckland Gates Dellaplane Wilkes Grassy Knob Ru therford. Young'Hickory Steub~n Buena Vista Dtlplin Democrat Buncombe Gray Eagle Buncombe "Youngstown Niagara nulfal~ Ford Randolph Di:1.molld Hill Anson Green Hill Rutherford Yonngsville Sullivan Bllffalo Paper ~fill C eyelanc\ Dismal Sampson *Greensborough Guilford Bunn's Level Harnett Dobson Surry Greenville Pitt Burgaw Depot New H.wen DOf\kery Wilkes Grist's Station Columbus Burgess Mill Hyd, Double Clev~land Grove Chatham Burnsville Yancey D,uglas Rockingham Gum Branch, Onslow Burnt Chimney Rntherford Dover Craven Gum Neck Tyire) North Uarolina. Burney's Mills Randolph D.. y Ponds Catawba Hadley's Mills Chatham Busbee Bnn~ombe Dudley 'Vayne Hale Wood Ma.dison Po~t Ojfice. County, Bush Hill Randolph Duncan's Creek Rutherford Halifax Halifax B,(shy Fork Person Dundarrack Robeson Hallsville Duplin A bbotsburgh Bladen Calahaln DtLvle Dunn's Rock Transyl van ill Hamilton Martin A bbott'screek D.:lvids.:Jn C:l.ler's Hill Jackson Durant's Neck Perquimons ITn.m ptonville Yadkin Albemarle Stauly Calhoun Transylvnnia Durham's Orange Hannersville Da.vidson A I hertson 's Duplin California Currituck Dutchville Granville Happy Home Burke Allemanp,e Guil, or.l Camden C,lmden Oysortvi\le McDowell [brnett Harnett Allensville Perdon C,Lmera New Hanover Eagle Mills Iredell Harper's Cross Roads Ohatham Amity Hill Iredell Camp Call Cleveland EI\gle Rock Wake Harrell's Store New Hanover Anderson's Store Oaswell Cane Creek Chatham Ea.rpsborongb Johnson H arrelsville Hertford Angola New Hanover C I,pell' s Mills Richmond E,tst Bend Yadkin Harrington Harnett.AnsoI\ville Anson C. rpenter's Store Rutherford East Laporte Jackson Harris Depot Cabarras Antioch Robeson Cai'ter's Mills Moore Eden Randolph Harrison'S Creek Bla.den Apex Wake Cary Wake *Edenton Chowan Hartshorn Alamance Aquone Macon Cll,rthage Moore Edinboro' Montgomery Hatteras Hj;de Arcadia. Davidson Oash"r's Va.lley Jackson Edneyville Henderson Haw Branch Ons ow Argyle Cumberlnnd Castalia Nash gdwards Mills BeaufoI:t Hawlet:s Store Sampson A~heborollgh Ra,ndolph Oastan i a Grove Lincoln Edwardsville Surrey Hawk ine Mitchell * A.~heville Buncomb~ CMtie New H",nover Efird's Mills Stanley H,\w River Alamanoe A~pin Grove Rocki,..gham Clltawbll :Station C,ttawba E!!ypt Depot Chatham Havesville Clay Atlanta Sampoon Catll,wba V,\le McDowell Elhuville Davie Hays Store Wa;ke Auburn 'Wake O,\tharine Lake On"low *Elizabeth City Pasquotank Haywood Chatham Auman's Hill 1t ontgomery Caudle Mills AnSOll Elizabethtown Bladen Healing Springs Davidson A'irora Beaufort C1edar Creek Cum"~rhllld Elk ~Roads Ashe Heath ville Halifax A I'crvsboro' H:l.rnctt Cedar Grove Orange Elkin ' Surry Helton Ashe Avery's Creek Buncombe Cedar Hill Anson Elk ShO'I!s Iredell Henderson Granville Ayers ville Stokes Cedar 1Ivulltain Wilkes Hendersonville Henderson B:lk e l's v ill e Mitchell Cedu r Valley Caldwell *Enfield Halifax Herringville Sampson raid Creek Yancey C 'nter Guilford Erwillsville Cleveland Hertford Perquimons B'lllks Wake Center Grove Person Fair Blnff ColnTll h~,,«hester's Store Person Barclaysville Harnett Cerro Gordo Columbus F.drfield Hyde *HiCko~ Tavern Catawba B tth Beallt'ort Chalk r,evel Harnett }<'air Grove Davidson "High oint Guilford "B..Ittleborou~h E d g ec ij m ba *Ghane! Hill Oran g e Fair p ort Granville Hi g h Shoaill GastolA.. Yoney Order Offices.

224 5J. pest C,FFICES-NORTH CAROLINA. Po8t Office. County. Post Office. County. P08/ Office. County, Hillillrdston Nash Low Gap Surrey Olll Fort.III cdowell "Hillsboro' Oru.nge Lumberton Rubeson Old Furnace Gu.stOll Hillsdale Guilfor.d?IcBride's Mill Watauga Old Town Forsyth Hill's Store 'Randolph McCray's Store Olin Iredell Hinnaut's Mills Johnston McLeansvill~ Guilford Olive Bran('h Union Hollow Poplu.r Mitchell Mu.cedonia Montgomery Onslow C, H. Ollslow Hookerstown Greene Macon Depot Warrren Orange Factory OrangE Hoover Hill Ru.ndolph Madison Rockingham Ore Hill Chatham Hopewell liiecklenburg liiagnolia Duplin Otter Creek Rutherford Horse Cove Macon Manche~ter Cnmberland Outlaws' Bridge Duplin Horse Creek Ashe I Mangum Richmond Oxford. Granville Hunsucker'sStoreMontgomery Manson Warren Pacific Fra,nklll. Hun~in~ Creek Wilkes Manteo Dare Pactolus Pitt HuntSVIlle Yadkin Maple'Springs Wilkes Palmvra Halifax Hurdle's Mills Person Ma,r~aretsvil1e Northampton Palo Alto. Onslow Inl1ian Ridge Currituck MarlOn'.II{cDowell Panther Creek Yadkin Indian Trail Uni9n 1I'Iai:lboro' Pitt Pantegal Beaufort Invernets Cumberland, Marshall lifaliison Paris Ansoll Irene Mecklenburg I Mar. Hill College,Patter~on Caldwell Iron Station Lincoln I Martin's Limekiln Stokes 'Patterson's Store Alamance I"y lifadison Mebanesville Alamance Patten's Hume R thcr:ord Ivy Hill Haywood i Melrose Robeson Peacock' Store Culumbus Jackson Northampton i Merry Oa,ks Chatham Pea,Ridg-e CMwell Jackson's Creek Randolph I Middletown Hyde Pedlar!s Hill Chatham Jackson Hill Davi,dson I Midway Davidsoll Pekin Montgomery Jackson Springs Jackson I Milledgeville liil)ntgomery Peletier's 1I1ills C"rteret Jacob's'F.ork Catawba Miller's Mill Davids<)\l Pelham Ca~well Jamestown Guilford i Mill Hill Cllbarms Perkillsville BUl'ke Jamesville Martin I Mill River Henderson Peter's Creek Stokes Jarvisburgh Currituck Mills Spring Polk Petty's Shore Hertford Jefferson Ashe "Milton Caswell Pigeon River Haywood Jennings Mills Iredell Mint Hill :Mecklenburg Pigeon Valley Haywood. rericho Wayne Mocksville Davie Pikeville Wayne J ersusalem Davie Moffi t's Mills RILlldolph Pilot Muuntain Stokes Johnson's Mills Pitt Monroe Union Pine Grove Montgomery Jonas Ridge B.uke lilonroeton Rockingham Pine Level Johnson Jonathan's Creek Haywood Montgomery :l\1ontgomery Pin6yille Mecklenburg Jonesboro Moore Monticello Guilford Pillk Hill Lenoir Jonesville Yadkin Mooresborougb Cleveland Pioneer l\iills Caharras Joyner's Depot Wilson Moore's Creek New Hanover Pireway Ferry Columbus JUdesville Surre,' Mooresville Iredell Pitch Landing Hcrtrord "Kenansville Duplin Mooshannee Moore 'Pittsboro' Chatham Kendall An,oll Moretz Mill. Wataug/l Pleasant Grove Alamanc~./(ondall's Store Stanley Morehead City Cart,eret Pleasallt Hill Northampton Kernersville Forsyth Morgan's Mills Union Plummerville Robeson Killian's Mills Lincoln *MOl;gantown Burke *Plymouth Washington Kimbolton Ohatham Morristown Moore Polioeksyille Jones Kingsboro Edgecombe Morrisville Wake Point Caswell New Hanover King's Mountain Gaston Morrosenean Robeson Pool Rowan "Kinston Lenoir Morton's Store Alamance Poplar Branch Currituck Kittrell Granville Morven Ansoll Poplar Hill Anson Knap of Reeds Granville Mountain Creek Catawba Portsmouth Ca.l'teret Knob Creek Cleveland Mount Airy Surry Potecasi Northampton La Grange Lenoir Mount Gilead Montgomery Powellton Richmond Lake Oomfort Hyde Monnt Mourne Iredell Powhatltn Richmond Lake Landing.. Mount Nebo Yadkin Price's Store Rockinp;ham Lauesborough Allson Mount Olive Waynl' Prospect Han Bladen Lane's Creek Union Mount Pisgah Alexander Prospect Hill Caswell L,assHer's Mills Randolph Mount Pleasant C:\barras Prosp,'rity Moore Latham Beau fort I Monnt Tabor l<'orsyth Pn ngo Creek Beaufort La,urel F1'llnklin Mount Tirza Person Purlear's Creek ~rilkes Laurel Fork Buncombe Mount rna Rowan Qu',lllltown Jackson Laurel Hill Richmolld MountVernon Rowan <J,uery's Mecklenburg Laurenburg Richmond I Muudy Fork Cleveland "~aleigh W akc Laurel Spring Ashe Mud tick Chatham Ramsey town Yancey Lawsonville. Rockingham Mulberry \Yilkes Ransom's Bridge Nash Leaksville Rockingham Mull Grove Catawbn Raywood Ullion Leasburg Caswell, Murfreesboro' Hertford Red Bunks Roheson Ledger Mitchell Murphey Cherokee Reddic's River Wilkes Leechville Beaufort Myatt's Mills Wake Red Hill Mitchell Leesville Robeson Nashville Nash Red Monntain Orange Leicester Buncombe Nealsville McDowell Red Plains Yadkin Lenoir Institute Lenoir *Newb~rn Cr,wen Red Shoals Stokes Lenoir Caldwell New Castle Wilkes Reed Creek Randolph Lenox Oastle Rockingham New Forestville Anson Reed, Creek Dal'i<lson Leo Stanley New Garden Gnilf.rd Reeni'~ Creek BllUcombe Leon Sampson New Graniteville Anson Reidsvilltl Rockingham Lewiston Bertie New Hill Wake ~csacn Dllplin I.ewisville Forsyth New Hope Iredell Reynoldson Gates Lexington Davidson New Hope Academy Randolph' Rialto Cha'ham Liberty. Hill Iredell New HopeJ)Iills Granville Richlands Onslow Lilesvllle Anson New Liu:ht ''V'ake Richland Yalley Rafwood Lqlington New Hanover New Market R:\ndolplo Richmond Hill 'Yadkill "Llncolnton Lincolll Newport Carteret RiC'h Northampton I,i.awood Davison New Salem R:mdolph Ridllioksville Hertford Little River Alexander N ew Ste~ling Iredell Ridge's Creek Muntgomery LitUe River Academy Newton Catawbn Ridge Spring Pitt Ollmberland Newton Groye Sampson RidO'eway Warren Little's liiills Richmolld Nicholsonville Cleveland Riggshee's Store ChMI'arr. J.lttleton Halifax North Brook Lincoln Ringwood Halliax Little Sugar Loaf Bladen North Cove liicdowel1 Ri \'er~ide BuncoJll be Little Yadkin Stokes North Fork Ashe Roaring Gap Wilke~ Lockville Ohatham Norval Ihrnett Robeson Brunswick I.o('ust Hill Caswell Norwood Stanly Rock Creek Alamance Locust Level Stanly Oak Grove Union Rock Cnt Iredell Logan's Stor~ Rutherford Oak Hill Granville Rock Fish Duplin,'s Mills Randolph I Oak Ridge Guilford Rockford SUfl'Y :Long Pine Allson Oaks Orange Rockingham RicbmoLd Long Ridge Washington Oak' Spring Rutherford Rock Spring 01'l\n,\,e "Louisburg Franklin I Oakville Warren Rockwell Rowan Lovelady Caldwe I ;)cona Lufty I'I.wain Rocky liiount Edgecom 11 Loveland.Bladen Ocracoke Hyde Rocky Poin t New Hanonr.Money Order Offices. Post Office, Rolesyille Rose Bay Rosedale Rose Hill Rosindale Roslin Roxborough Roxobel Ruffin Rllsk 'Rll ther rordton Saint John Saint LI\wrence Saint Paul. ' Salem Salem Church Salem Chapel "Salisbury Sanderd' Hill Sanders Store Sandy Creek Salldy Grove Sandy Mush.:lanlord S,,,reclft, Sassafras Fork Saxapahaw Sawyers ville Science Hill County, Wake Hyde Pasqllotllon,k Duplin Bl.ldlUl Cumberland Person Bertie Rockin~h"m Surry Rlltherford Hertford Chatham Robeson l<'or.yth Randolph Fordyth Rowan 1I1ontgomery Carteret Randolph Chatham Buncombe liioore Duplin Granville Alamance Ra~~olph Scotland Neck Halifax Scottsville Ashe Scuppernong Washington Seabord Nonhampton Sedges Garden l<'orsyth 8elJll a Johnston Shady Springs Asbe Shallotte Brunswick Shalls l\lills Wataaga Sharp.burg Na~h Sha w 's 1I1ills Guilford 'Shelby Clevdand Sherrill's }o'ord Catawba Shiloah Camden Shoe Heel Robeson 8hu fordville Hellderson Siegel's Store Lincoln Six S"mpson Sladesville Hyde Smit,hfield Johnson Smith Grove Davie Smith'. Ford CabHrus Smithvill e Brunswick Snead's F~rry Onslow Snipe's Store Chatham Snow Camp Alamanoe Snow Creek Iredell Snow Hill Greene Solemn Grove ~Ioore Solitude A.ho Solo D,widson South Creek Beaufort South Fork Ashe South Gaston Halifax South Lowell Orange South Mills Camden South Point Gaston.:louth Washington N~w Hanover Sparta Edgecombe Speight's Bridge Greene S,'outSprings Ha1'llett Spring Creek Madison Spring Grove ROII'!ln Staggs Cre.k Ashe Stagville Orang9 Stanhope Nash 8tallle,"s Creek Gaston State Road Surry "Statl'sville-' Iredell S terlill" 's Mills Robeson Stice's ShoILI Cleveland :itocksville Buncombe StOlle Mountain McDowell 8 toneville Rock ingham Stony l<'ork Watauga Stony Point Alexander Sugar Grove \Vl\taugn Rug'lr Hill McDowell Sulphur ~t rings l\'1olltgomuc,)' S'lmlIli}rfil'lli Guilford Stlll1n ~nille Harnett SUllbury Gates Supply BrnDdwiok Swangstown Cle\,el.lIld S wannano B,lllcom I.e Swan Quarter Hyde Swansboro' Onslow :-\wllnn's Station M"ore Sweet Home Iredell Swift Creek llridge CraveD Swift Island l\'iontgomery Tally Ho Granville

225 POST OFFICES-NORTH CAROLINA-OHIO. 55 Post Office, County, P~R! O./!ice, County, Post Office. County, "Tarbol'ough Ohio. Edgeoombe 'l'arhecl Basil Bladen Fairfield BradrickviUe Lawrenre Po~t Office, COUII/Y, "aylor'8 Bri(lge Btl8lh\n Sampson lieigs Bradyville AdMlls BataYin. T,\ylor~ville Alexander Clermont. Brandt A bbea,ville l\i~dinu Batt'"ville ~ami Guernsc)' Brandon nlll( 'l'eachey's Du~lin Abel' een Brown Bath Summit Bremen Fairfield 'Thomasville Davi son Auhor ColumLillnn ntl.'llrd Columbiana Bricksvillo Cuyahoga Thomp"onvillo ROOkin~ham' Ada. Hltrdin 'Il~zpt.t!l; Truth-bull *Bridgellort Belmont Tom's Oreek urry Adams Senecu Bca<:h City Stark Bridgeville,Muskingum Townesville Granville AclamH'MillH 1I1uHkingnm Beallsdl\e Monrot Bridtewater Williams 'rown Creek Brun"wiclt Adam"' Ridge D.. fianc Beam"ville Darke Bl'ig ton Trapp Hill Wilkes Adam~ville MI1~kin... nlll Bear Creek Scioto Brimfield Port~e Trenton Jones Adniro Richlnn<! nen~ley's Fork AdalUs Brinier's Sta.tion Preb e "'rrin i ty Oollege Rl~ndolph Addison Galli" Belwer Pikt Bristo Morgan 1~rou blesome Rockingham Adelphi Hos~ Beaver Dam Allen Bristol ville Trumbull 'l'rou tman' 8 Iredell Adena J "11'er8011 H,'ek',Mll& Ilolmes Broadway Union 'l'roy liiontgomer~ o\drian SOll(\Cll Bodford Cuyahoga Brook -Darke Troy's Store R,uldolp Afton J,\pkso. B(!ech Lickinl! Broken Sword Crawford Trr on Polk O\i Fulton Hel f"st C'lermont Brookfield Trumbull "!'u in C"hal'l'lls Aid 1.1\"-reIH;~ Bell Highland Brooklyn Cuyabog/L Turnersburg Iredell A:r Hill }lollcj1omen "'Bell A;r Belmont Brookl;rll Village Cuyahoga Turnpike Buncombe <Akron!Summit Bell Brook Green(' Brookville Montgomery Tusquiteo Clay TuscarawlI, Bell Center LOp,all Brownhelm Lorain 'i'u_qu itee Vnle Clny Albion ' Ashbnd 'Bellefont"ine Bruwn's Mills Washington Tuttle's ~ Roads Caldwell.o\:c"n.1' MiHmi Belle Vernon Wyandott Brown's Station Preble t;nion Grove Iredell Alert Butl,,), "Belleville Richlant: Brownsville Licking Valle Crusis Watallga A I ex lin d ers v i II ~ Montgomery Rellevue Huroll Brunersburg Defianoo Yalley Town Ch~rokee Alexandria ("iekinl! Belle Point Delaware Brunswi~k Medina. V,illl ev 8,,1' ings Rutherford Alfred }Jei~, Bell'" Valley Noble Brush Creek lfu.kingum Yandemere CraVen Alp;onqllin (',HI"II Belmont Relmont 'Bryan Williams Vienna Forsyth Aliens )Ii:tllli Belmore Putnam Buchanan Perry Wadesboro' Anson Allentown Allen 1I.loit Mahoning Buckeye Cottage Perry Wakefield Wake Allensville Yintoll Belpre Washinaton Buck's Columbiana ". alkerstown Forsyth * Alliance Stark. Bennett's Corner :Me 'ina Buck Run Adams \Valkersville Union Alma R s Bennington Morrow ~Bucyrus o raw ford W.allace Duplin Alpha Greent Benton Holmes Buena Van Wert Walntlt Cove Stokes Alton Franklin Bentonville Adnms Buena Vista. Tuscarawas Walnut Hill Ashe Alum Creek Dcluware B~nton Itidge Hancock Buffa.lo Guernse',r Walnut Run Madison Amanda Fairfield -kberea. Ouyahoga Buford HifJtland "raln11t Shade Ga.stoD Amboy Ashtabula Rtlrkey Lucas Burbank ayn& Ward"il!e Chowa.n Amelia Clermont Berkshire Delaware Burgh Hill Trumbull \Varm SpTings :Madison Amesville Athens Berlin Holmes Burlingham Meigs W t\rren Plains Warren Amherst Lorain Berlin Oenter MahoniDg Burlington LlLwrence "Wa.rrenton Warren Amsterdam Jell:'ersoll Berlin ~ Rot\ds Ja.c ksqn "BuTton Geauga Warri'or Creek Wilkes Amw.n Wayne Berlin Hights Erie 'V,lrsaw Duplin Burton Citfi Wa.yne Anderson Ros; Berlin ville Bush"s Mi Is "WashiD;gton Beaufort Andover Ashtabula Berne Nollie Bus i ness burgh Belmont Gallia. Watauga Falls Watauga Anglu.ize Allen Berrysville Highlah'l But1~r W",yne, ville H,t.Ywood Richland Andrews Morrow Berwi6k enecn Butlerville Webb's Warren ~'ord Ituthllrford Anna Shelby Beta. Fnl-on Byer's Sta.tion Webster.Tacksoll Jackson Annapolis Jefferson Betha.ny Butler Byersville "'Weldon Halifa.x Guernsey Ansonia Darke Bothel Clermont Byhalia Wentworth Rookingham Uniol1 Antioch Mon roe Bethesda Belmont By~ngton West Brook Bladen Pike Antrim Guernsey Bettsville Seneca Byron Green~ Westfield Stokes "'Antwerp Pa.niding Revis Tavern Hamilton Cable \Yestminster Champaigll Guilford Apple Creek Wayne "Beverly Washington "Ca.diz Harrison Whit",kers Edgecombe Apple Grove :Meigs Big Plain Madison Cadwallader Tuscarawas 'Vhite Cross Ora.nge Appleton T,ickin, BigPmirie Wayne C,\iro White H,\l1 Stark Bl>lden Ar"hia. LA.wrent', Big Rnn Athen" Cnlais Monroe White Hous~ Randolph Arcaclia. Hllncock Hie: Springs Logan Calcutta. Columbillna. White On.k Hall Pulk Arcanum Dark" Bird's Rnn Guerns()\' 'Cal'dwell Noble White Pla.ins Clevelancl Archbul'l Fulton BirmiI,~ham Erie Caledonia Ma.rion White Road Forsyth Archer Harrisol\ Bismarck Hllron o a.lifornia. Hamiltol1 White Rock Madison Arlington Hancock Bishopville Morgan Ca.lnmet Jeffersol1 White's Creek Bladell Armstrong Allen Bigsell's Geauga ljalvary Morgan White's Store Anson Armstrong's )Jills Belmont Black Creek Holmes Camba. Jacksol1 'Whiteville Columbus Arnheim Brown Black Jack Hocking *Cambridge Guernsey Wickles Store Macon 'Ashland Ashland Black Lick Franklin Camden Pre bill *Wilkesborough "'ilkes Asohley Delawar,' Blacklitsville Wayne Cameron Monroe Wilbar Ash Ridge Brown Black inr Lorain Campbellsport Portage Will iamsbnrg Iredell * Ashta.bula. Ashtabula Black Swnmp Sandusky Campbelltown Preble *Williamston Martin Atha.lia Lawr,-nce Blad('nslmrg Knox Camp Run Crawford "'Wilmington New Hanover Atlan.a PickRway 'Blanchester Clinton Canaan Wayne 'Wilson Wilsoll Athens Athens Blendon FralJklin Cana.anville Athens Wibon's lilillq Johnston Atlas Belmont Bloom Wood *Canal Dover Tuscarawa.s "rilson's S&ore Stokes * Attica Seneca Bloom Center Logan "' Fulton Stark Wilton Granville Atwater Port.a~e Bloomfield :Morrow Cana.l Lewi~ville Coshocton WInchester IT nion A'twater Center P11rtage Bloomingburg Fa.ycttE "'Canal Winchester Fra.nklil1 Winfa.ll Perquimons Auburn Genuga Bloomingdale Jefferson 'Canfield liiahoning Windsor Bertie Anglai~e Vtln "'crt Bloomington Clinton Oanonsburfr Ha.ncock 'Vinolla Pitt Augusta Carroll Bloomingville. Eri~ Cannon' ~ ill Winston Forsyth Aurora Portage Bloomyille Seneca 'Canton Stark Winton H"rtford Austinburg A~htabulll Bloom Switch Scioto C,\ptin>\ Belmont Wittenburg Alexander Austintowl\.lIfahoning Blue Ball Butler "Cardington Morrow Wolf Creek Cheroket, A,'a Noble Blne Creek.Adams.Care~ Wwndott Wolfsville Union Avon Lorain Blue Lick Allen Carlis e Station arren Woodland Northam pton Avon Lake Lorain Blue Rock Muskingum Carmel Highland 'Voodla,wn Gt\ston A,yersvil)e Defiance *Bluft'ton AIMI Carroll. Fairfield \\T oodsd:~le. P~l'son Bachman Montgomery Boardman llahoning Cllrrol1 Station Montgomery ",. ood v ill e Perqllimons Bacon Coshocton Bodley Lucas *CIHrollton Ca.rro11 Ya.dkin Institute D,widson Bailey's Mills Belmont Boke's Creek Union (~arry~ll Pa.ulding Yadkinville Yadldn 'Bainbridge Ros; Bolivar Tuscarawas Carson Huron Y anccyviij e C'~J well Ba.kersville C()~ho(~t.on Bonn Washington Carthagena. Mercer Y ark Culleg~ Institu I.e Baltimore Fairfield Boston Summit Hamilton Alexander Bantam Clermont Boswell Ma.hon ing Carysville Champaign Yorkville Elatien Barlow Wa~hington Bourneville Ross, C:lsltaid Plttnam Young's Mills Guilford Barnes' RichlOlncl Bowerston Harrison Casstown Miami Young's ~ R0ads Granville. Barue,;v ill e B"lmont Bowersville Greene Cassville Harrison Zimmel'lll:l.1l \Yilkes Barry Cuyahogn *Bowlin~ Green 'Wood Casta.lia Erie Z~OIl YlIdkin Barryville Stark Bowl11'\'Ille Clark Castine Darke Bartramville Lawrence Boyd's Mills Coshocton Catawba Olark Ba.rtlett Wa.shington Braceville T:l'Umbull Catuwba Island Ottawa Ba.scom Senec a Bra.dford Miami Oaywood W I\Shi.llgtOIl lionel Order Officei,

226 56 POST OFFICES~ OIIIO. Post Ojfice. County. P08t Office." County. Post Office. County. Pe8t Ojfice. Countl/. Cecil Paulding Conotton Harrison Dnpont Pntn"m Fletcher Miami Cedar Hill Fairfield Conover Miami Durbin's Corners Williams Flint Franklin Cedar Mills Adams Conroy Van Wert Dyson's Guernsey Flint's Mills Washington 'Cedar Run Muskingum Constantia Deh~ware Eagle Mills Vinton Floodwood Athens Cedar Valley Wayne Constitution Wa~hington Magleville Ashtabula Florence Erie "Cedarville Greene Contreras Butlel End ville Portage Florida Henry Cedron Clermont Cool V ill II,A-then East Carmel Columbian" Flushing Belmont ~Celina Jllercer Copley Summit East Claridon Geauga Fontana. Butler Central College Franklin Copopa LorH,ih East Cl arksfield Huron Ford Geau~a Center Montgomery CorH, Gallia East Cleveland Cuyahoga Forest HardlD Oenter Belpre Washington Cork A~htabul:. East Fail-field Colum "bua Forest DaT e Lawl ence Oenter Bend Morgan Cursica l\lorro" East Greenville 8tal"k Fort Ancient \.y arren Centerburg Knox.: Coshocton CoShoctOh I~ast. Gleenwood lifuskiugum Fort Jennings Putnam Centerfield Hi~lland Cottage Hill JlJuskingurr, East Lewistown }bhonlng 'Fort Recovery Mercer Center l'oint rown Coved"le H,IlD i I ton b:dst Liberty LogH,n Port Seneca Seneca Centerton Huron Covingt~n 'East Liverpool Columbiana J!'oster's Crossings Warren Center View.1Ilonroo Cow Run Washington EH,St :M onroe Bighhlnd Fostoria Seneca Center Village Delaware Cozzllddale Warren 8ast Norw"lk Huron Four Corners Huron Centerville liiontgomery Crabtree's Mills Jackson fljastoll "Wayne Fowler Trumbull Oe.Vlon Erie Cranberry AllelJ East Orange Dulnware Fowler'S Mills Geauga "Chagrin Falls Cuyahoga Cmnberry Prairi~ Mereel East Palestine Columbianu Frampton Lawrence Chambersburg Montgomery Crandall Lomin E"st Plymouth AshtH,lJlIla F\'ank Seneca. Cilundiersville 1I1uskingum Creighton Guernsey East Itichland Belmont Frankfort Ress Chapel Hill Perry Crestline Crawford East Rmggold Plckuw!.), Fr'lIlklin Warren Chapman's :Mills Gallia Cl'eswell Jelfersoll East Rochester Colnmbh\nll Fr.tnklin Furnace Scioto "Chardon Geauga o ridersville Au~aize East Rockport Cuyahoga Fr.wkiin Square Charlestown Crooked Trllil _'obit I!hst S pringheld Jefierson l<'ranklin Station Coshocton Charloe Paulding Crooksville Perry East Ccamore Hamilton Fra:&ey~bllrg liiuskingllnl Cha~field Crawford Cross Roads ~Iadisoll Blast oledo Lucas 1"rederIck Mahoning Cbatham Licking Croton Lkking I~ast Towl)::;end Huron Fredericksburg Wayne Chatham Center liiedina Crown City Galli.. East Trumbull Ashtabula *Fredericktow n Knox Chauncejf 'Athens Croxton J efi'~rson East linion W:tyne Fredonia Licking Cherry ork Adams Cuba Clinton ffiast W iiliamsfield AshtabulH, Freeburg Stark Cherry Grove Hamilton Cumberland Guernse) "Eaton Preble l<'reedom Portage Cherry Valley Ashtabula Cummiusv,lIe gbene:.:er Preble I'reeuom Mills Hcnl"Y Cheshire Gallia "CuyallOga Falls Summit Eckl<"y C"rl'oll Freedom Station Purtllc'e Chester 1I1eig~ Custar Wood Eckman~v ilie A"dams Freeman Licki~g Chester ~ Roads Geaugtl Cutler Washington Edenton" Clermont, Freeport JJ:.rrisou "Cilester Hill Morgan Cynthiana Pike 'gdgel'lon WillillUh Freestone Scioto "'Cilesterville l\iorrow D"l1 as Highlan(, I'ldinburg Portage Fremont San1luskv Chestnut Grove Gallia 'Dalton Wayn~ I'ldon Williams FriendslJip Scioto Cheviot Hamilton Dalzell Washington Edwardsville Warren Friendsville Medina Chili Coshocton Damascoville Oolumbian>l Mdwill3. Monroe Fryburg Anglalze "Chilicothll R@ss Danford Guernsey ffilba Washington Fultonham li[u.kilgum Ohilo Clermont Danville Knox!TIl Dorado Prtlble Gahannah J<'rankliu,Chippewa WH,yne Darbyville Pickaway Eleanor Clermont Galena Delaware Ohristiansburg Ohampaign Darke DH,l"ke Elida Allen Galigher Guernsey,Ohurch Hill 'l'1''(mbulj Darlington Richland El iz!\ bethtown Hamilton 'G,~lion Crawford.Cicero Defiance Darrtown Bntler Elkton Columbiana Gallia Furnace GaHia "Cincinnati Hamilton Dawn DH,rke Elliott's ~ Roads Morgan *Gallipolis "Circleville Pickaway Dawkin's Mills Jackson Elliston Ottawa "Gambier Knox Claridon Geauga *Dayton Montf1mery Ellsworth Mahoning Hanges Richland. Clarington Monroe Deavertown organ Elm Orove Pike Galm Knox Clark's Coshocton Decatur Brown "'Elmore Ottawa Gano Butler Clarksburg Ross Decaturville Washington Elmil'a Fulton Garden Athen!,C\l),rk's Corners Ashtabula Deer Creek Pick,~way *Elyrh\ Lorain GH,rficld liiahoning Clarksfield Huron Deep ClIt Meru"r Emery Fulton *GanettsTllle Portag6,Clarkson Deerfield Purtage Emer>lld Adams Gates' Mills Cuyahoga "Clal!~svillo Clinton Deer Lick Williams Emmett Paulding Gavel's Columbiana.Olay Jackson Deersville Harrison ffinoch Noble Geneva Ashtabul:J. CIH,y Lick Licking "Defiance, Ddiance Enon Clark Genoa Ottawa Olayton Montgomery *De Graff Logan Enterprise Hocking Georgesville FrH,nklin Clayto~ Noble DeKalb Crawfor,1 Ervin's Mill:t Jap.kson '~Georgetown 'Brown Olaysville Guernstl) 'Delaware Delaware Etna I.icking German Darke Clear Port Fairfieltl Delhi Hamilton Euclid Cuyahoga Gtll'manO Harrison Olear Creek De Lisle Darke Euphemia Preble *Germ'~ntown Montgomery *Oleveland,Ouyahoga 'Delphos Van Wer, ffiureka Gallia Gettysburg Darke Cleves Hamilton *Delta Fulton gvansburg Coshocton Ghent Summit Olifton Greene Demos Bdmont Evansport Defiance Gibesonville Honking Clinton Summit D~mocracy Knox Ewinl\'g Corners Hancock 'Gibson Pij{e Olinton Station Clinton Denmark Ashtabula Ewint?;ton n.~,!li:l Gibsonburl!:h Sandusky Clinton Valley,clinton Dennison Tuscarawll.s Fairfax Hi~hland Gibson's Station Guernsey Clintonville Franklin Dent Hilmilton F~irfield -}l'eene Gilhert's Mills Paulding CIipp&r Mills Gallis. Deshler Henry Fair Haven Preble Gilboa Putnam "Clyde 8andusk Dexter JlIeigs Fair Play Jell:"~l'Son Gilespieville Ross Coalburgh Trumbu n 1 Dexter City Noble Fairview Guernsey Gilmorc Tuscarawas Coal Gro've Lawrence Diulton OIark FaHsburg Licking (}lnghamsburgh Miami Coal Run Washington' Dille's Bottom Belmont Fal'UICr Defiance Girard Trumbull Cochranton ' Marion Dinsmore Shelby J!'ul'mer's Station Clinton Glasgow Columbiana Coe Ridge CUI;ahoga Dixon Van Welt F,umerstown Holmes Glencoe Belmont Coitsville lila oning Dodson v ill e Highland "Farmersville Mont,gomery '<Glendale Hamilton Cold Water Mercer Dog Creek Putnam Farmington Trnmlmll G1.. nford Perry Ooltlbrook Ashtabula: Donnelsville Clark Farnham Wood (ljenviile Cuyahoga Colerain Belmont, Dorset Ashtabula F.tyette Fulton (}lllidenhutt~n Tuscarawas Colfax Fairfield Dover Ouyahoga F"yetteville Brown Goes Station Greene Collamer CU'13ahoga Downington Meigs Fearing Washington Golden Corner Wayne COllege Corner utler ' Dr~sden l\fuskingum F"derH,lton Athens Gomber Guernsey College Hill Hamilton Dry Ridge H.. miltou Feed Spl'ing Harrison Good Hope Fayette Collius Huron Dublin Franklin Feesburg Brown Gomer.Mlen Collinsville Butler Dudley Noble "Felicity Clermont Gordon Darke Colton Henry Oumontville Fairfield Ftlnton Wood Gore Hocking Columbia Hamilton Dunllar W~hinl!;ton Fidelity 1Ifi:lmi Gorham Fulton Columbia Oentre Lieking Dunbarton Adams Fifteen Washington Goshen Clermont "Columbiana Columbiana Dun.can's Falls Jlfuskingl\m FiIlmor~ Washiugton Grafton Lorain Oolumbia Station Lorain Dundas Vinton Fincastle Bl"OWn Grahamsville Jackson ~Columbus _Franklin Dundee TuscarawH,s ' Finley Hancock 'Grand Rapids Wood 'Columbus Grove Putnam Duntan.on Columbiana Fitchville Huron (hand Valley Hamilton Commercial Point Pickaway Dun am Washington Five :!IIile Brown Grand View Washinton Ooncord Lake Dunkinsville Adams }<'ivl" Points PickawM Granger liie ina Condit Ddla.wart:' "Dunkirlt Hardin FI"t Pik'e Grant Hardin Oongre~s Wayne DlInlap Hamilton Flat Rock Seneca *Gran ville Lioking ConnQaut Ashtabula Danlevy Warren Flemillg Wa~llillgtoD. Grape GrQve Green~ 'lloney Order Office~.

227 POST OFFJCES-OHIO. 57 POBt Office. County. Post Office. Count!/. Post Office. County. Post Office. County. Gra.tiot Licking "Hiram Porta~e Keystone Jackson Locust Ridge DrO'wn Gra.tis Preble Rtramsburg Nob e Kilgore Carroll Lodi :lifedina Graysville Monroe Hooking Athens Kill bourne Delaware *Logan Hocking Greasy Ridge Lawrence Hockingport Athcns Killbuck Holmes Loganville Logan Great Bend Meigs Hoe; Creek Allen Kimbolton Guernsey Log Cabin Morgan Green Licking Holla.nd Lucas Kinderhook Pickaway Lom burdville Scioto Groen Brier liionroe Hollowtown Highland King'::t Athens *London liiadison Green Camp :r.fa~ion Holmes Mill Jefferson Kingsbury Meigs Londonderry Guernsey Green Castle Fairfield Holmesville Holmes Kingston Ross Long Bottom M... igs "Gt'eanfield Highl,md Holt Wood Kingston Canter Delaware Long Run Liolting Gre~nford Mahoning Homer Lieking ~ Kingsville Ashtabula Loramie's Shelby, Green Hill Colum\lianll Homerville Medina Kinsey Mills Belmont Lordsto,wn Trumbull Greenland Rbss Homeworth Columbiun!, "Kiusman Trumbull Lottridge Athens Greensburg Trumbull Hookcr's Station J!'airfield Kq,Jtun Lorain "Loudonville Ashland Greensburg ~ Roads Sandusky Hooppole Ross Kirby Wlu,ndott Louisville Stark Green Spring Seneca Hope Franklin Kirkersville icking "'Loveland Clel'mont Greentown Stark Hope Furnace Vinton Kirkland Lak, Lovelaud Station Mahoning "Greenville D"rke Hopedale llllrrisoll Kirkwooll. Shelhy Lovett's Adams "Greenwich Station lim'on Hopewell 1\luskillgl.m Knoxville Jefferson Lovett's Grove 'Wood Greersville Knox Hopkinsville Warreu Koch's WlI,ync Lowell Washin/l.ton Grigg's Corners Ashtahula Horatio Da.rke Kossuth Au"laizc 'Lowellville Mahoning Groesbeck Hamilton Horr's Olul.mpaign Kyger {}a.llia Lower Newport Wu.~h!?gton Groton Center Erie Hoskinsville Nuble Laceyville Harrition Lower Salem G.ove GClLlIga Houcktown H"ncock Lit Fayette Madison Loyal Oak Sl\mmi~ Grove City Fmnklin Houston Shell,y La Grange LOl'ain Loydsville Belmont Grove Hiil Crall' ford Howard Knox Laing's Monroe Lucas Richlnn.I Grove Port 'Frankl i n Hoyt's Corners Wood [,nke Stltl'k Luc'asv ille Scioto Guilford Merlina Hozaddale 'Varren Lak~ Fork Ashland Lucerne Knox Gustavus Trumbull 'Hubbard Tl'ulubull Lamartine Onrroll Ludlow Grove Hamilton Guysville Athens "Hudson 8l1IDUlit uamira llolmont Lumberton Clinton Ha'1ltne :r.iorglm HufIm:m's Aforgan "Lancaster Fairfield Lynchburg Highland HlLle's o rcek Scioto Hughes Station Butler Langsville Meigs Lyn(\on Station RoS<l Hall's VILlley )forgan Hull's At'lcns La Porte LOI'ILin Lyons Fulton Hqllsville Ross Hull Prairie WO'Jd "Larue M,uion Lyra Sciot<l Hamer Paulding Humphrey's Villa. Holmes Latchie Wood *li1cai'thur Vinton "Hamilton Blltler Hunter Belmont,Latham Pike McCluney Perry Hamersville Brown Huntel'sville Hardin Lnttas Ross McCleary Noble H'lmmondsville Jelrerson Huntington Lorain Latta~burgh l\' a{lne McComb Hanc!lck Hampilen Geanga Huntsbllrg Geauga Landeck 1\ len 'McConnells ville Morgan HandS' Flllton Hunt's Station Knox Laura Miami :McCoy's S&ation Jefferson Hanging Rock Lawrenc. Huntsville Lo~r"n Laurel Clermont McCuneville Perry Hannibal 1I10nro,' Hnron Erie Lawrence Was~!ngton McCu tchen ville Wyandott Hanover Licking Iberia Morrow Layman McDaniels Gallia Hanoverton Columbianu Idaho Pike Leavitt Oarroll McDonald Hardin Hardill Shelby Independence Cnyahog:l Lea v i ttsburg Trumbull McDonaldsville Stark Harlem Delaware Indian Oamp Guernsey 'r,ebanon 'Varren McGonigle's Station Butler Harlem Spring Carroll Inland Summit Lecompton Monroe McK:lY Ashland H~mar Washington Inverness Columbiana "Lee Athens MoZena Ashl:l.nd Ha per Logan Irish Ridge Mouroe Leesburg Highla,nd Mabee's Jackson Harpersfield Ashtabula Irond>lle J ellersoll Lee's Creek Clinton Macedon Mercer Harper's Stution Ross Iron Furnace Soioto Leesville Carroll Macedonia Depot Summit Harris Gallia tl'on Point Perry Leesville ~ Roads Crawford Madeira Ha)ll ilton Harrietsville Noble 'Ironton Lawrence ~L"etonia Colu mbiana "]fadison Lake "Harrison Hamil,on [ronvllle Lucas Leipsic Putnam Madisonburg Wayna Harrisburg Franklin Irwin Fniou Lei.tville Pickaway :'I1.. di~on Mills Fayett-c H,m'ison Mills, Sciotu Island Creek Jefferson I.enox Ashtabula M.. disou ville Humilt(Jn Harrisonville Meigs Islesboro' Hocking Leon," Magnolia Stark Harrisville Harrison Ithaca Darke Leon.. rdsburg Delaware Mainville Warren Hardhasv ille Adams *Jackson C. H. Jackson 'Le Roy Medina Malaga Monroe Harshmansville Montgomery Jackson Center Shelby Leslie Van Wert Mallet Creek Medina Hartford Trumbull Jacksonboroudl BlItler Letart Falls Meigs *Malta Morgan Hu.rtland Huron Jacksonto\vn Licking Levanna Brown Malvern Carroll Hartleyville Athens J :1cobsburgh BdmonL Level 'Yarren Manchester Adams Hartsburg Putnam "'Jamestown Greene Levering Knox *l\fansfield Richland Ha,rt's Grove Ashtabula.Jasper Pike Lewisburg Preble Mantua Po~~a.g..e Hartville Stark Jasper Mills Fr;ette Lewis Oenter Delaware "'Mantua Station Harveysburg Warren ncas Lewistown Logan Maple Brown Hartwell HlLmilton Jaysville Darke Lewisville Monroe Mapleton Stark H,tsclton Mahoning Jeddo J "11',,r&on "Lexington Richland Marathon Clermont Haskins Wood 'J ell'erson C. H. Adhtabllia r,ibertl' Mont-go'mery :Marble Furnace AdaDls Hassan Hancock Jeffersonville Fayette Liberty Center Henry ~Ial'ble'head Ottawa. Hastings Richl.. nd Jelloway Knox Liberty Co~ner Crawford Marcy'field Hav~na Huron Jerome Union' Licking Valley Muskingum MlLrenlfo Murrow Havel'hi1l Scioto J eroml'svill e Ashland Lick Run Athens!I[,Il'ia Stein Merc~,r Haydenville Ho.. killg JtrlyCity Wood Likens Crawford 'Marietta Washington "Haysville Ashland Jersey Licking Lilly Scioto 'Marion Marion Hebbardsville Athens Jerusalem 1\lollroe 'Lima Anen.:Ilal'its ~Iorrow Hebron Licking Jewett Harrison Limadlle Starlt Marlborough Stark Helmick Ooshucton Jimes J ack;on [,incoln Gal11u Marseilles \i/;;andott Hemlock Perry Johnsonville Trumlmll Lindale Clermont Marshall ighland HemlOCk: Grove Meigs Johnson's Corners Summit Linden ville Ashtabula Mari!hallsv ilie 'Vayno Hentlrysburg llelmont Johnstown Lickh,tl T,indsbY Sandusky 1\1 ars ldi"eld Athens Henning's llillb Clermont Johnsville Mont :"mery Linnville Licking Martin Ottawa Henrietta LoralD Jolly Ionroe Linton J~ffel'son Martinsbu ; Knox Herring Allen Jones Corners Holmes Linton Mills Ooshocton *Martin's 'erry,belmont / H"tslersville D,uke Jones' Station Butler Linwood Hamilton Mltrtinsville Clinton Hibbetts Carroll Joy Mol', an Litchfield Medin" "'lifarysvill.~ Union liickor,r. Lucas Junction Paulding Lithopo!is F>Lirfield!\Iason Warren HickSVIlle Defiance.Tunction City Perry Little Sandusky Wyandott ' ~iassillon Stark Hiett, Brown K.. lida Putnam LittleHockhockin!/ Washington Mastllrton Monroe Higginsport Brown Keene Cushoctoa Little YOl'k :r.iontjomery I "Maumee City Lucas High Bridge Muskingum Kansas Seneca Liverpool fedina Maximo Stark High Hill Muskingum Keifer liiuskingllm Lock. Knox Maxville Perry Highl.. nd, Highlllnrl Keiths Noble Lockbourne Frauklin Mayfield Cuyahoga Hill Grove, D'lrke 'Kelley's Island Erie. Lockington Shelby May Hill Adaillii Hillhouse Lake Kelley's Mills Lawrence Lockland Station HI,milton ~raysville Columbiana Hilliard's Franklin KelloggsviUe Ashtabulll Lockport Williams Meadow Branch Jackson Hills Wushiugt.on Kennard Ch,unpllign.ocl' Seventeen Tuscarawas Means H.. rris'jn, Hillsboro' Highland Kennon lle mont Lockville Fairfield Mecca Trumbull Hill's Fork Adams Kennonsburg NoLie Locust Corner Clermont >Mechanicsburg Ch.. mpaign Hill's Station Clermont ~Kent Portlt"" I.ocust Grove Adams, Mechanicstown C,<1'roll llinckll:y,medina ~K\'\nton Hardin Locust Point Ottawa: l1cchanicsville Ashtabula ~ Monoy Order Offices.

228 :58 POST OFFICES-OHIO. Post Of}ite. County. Post Office. Ooullty. Po,,e Office. Oounty. Post Office. OOUl1(Y. ~Medina Medina Mount Ephraim Noble New Portage Summit Ostrander Delaware M"dway Clark "Mount Gilead Morrow New Richland Logan Otsego Muskingum Meigs' Creek MO,r,gan Mount Healthy Hamilton *New Richmond Clermont "Ottawa Putnam lleigsville Mount Heron Darke N ow Rochester Wood Ottokee C. H. Fulton :&1 elburn Williams Mount Holly Clermont New Rumley Harrison Otway Scioto Mehilore Seneca Mount Hope Holmes New Salem Fairfield Outville Lickinp;!'tlemphis Clinton MountJoy Sc ioto New Somerset Jefferson Overp~ck's Sta.tion Butler Mendon Mercer Mount Lookout Hamilton New Springfield Mahoning Ovid Franklin Mentor Lake Mount Liberty Knox New Straitsville Perry Owensville Clermont 111 ercer Mercer Mount Olive Clermont N ewton Jo',~lls Trumbull "Oxford Butl~r )Ioroerville Gallia Mount Orab Brown Newtonville Clermont Ozark Monroe Mesopotamia Trumbull Mount Perry Perry Newtown Hamilton Pa~k,\rd Vinton Metamora Fulton Mount Pisgah Clermont "New Vienna Clinton Pl\ddy" Run Bu.tler Mexico Wyandott "Mount Pleasant Jeff'erson!Ii ewville Richland Pagetown!'tlorrow Miami Hamilton Mount Hepo~e Clermont. New Washington Crawford Pa.inesville Lake ":\Iiamiburg Montgomery Mount St~rling Madison New Waterford Columbiana Paint HiAhland Miamiville Clermont. liiount Union Sta:rk ~ew Way Licking P»int Valley olmea l1icldle Bass Ottawa *Mount Verllon.'{nox!liew W~stvill~ Prebl~ P:lointer Creek' Dnrke \fiddle Branch Stark Mount Victory Hardjn :-ley Defiance P",intersville Greene Middlebourn Guernsey l\fonnt Washington Hamilton Nicholsville Clermont PaleruJo C"rroll Middleburg Cuyahoga M 0 wrysto Wll Highland *:-liles Trumbull P:lolestine Pickaway Middlebury Summit Mulberry Clermont ~imisila Summit Palladium Holmes Middle Creek Noble ~I nl berry Corners (jennga No blenillt Noble Palmyra Portage.Middle Fork Hocking Mungen WooJ "Iorristown Carroll Palo Alto Seneca Middle Field Geaug:. Munnsville C03hocto'n "North Amherst Lorain Pancoastburg F~'ette Middle Poillt Yan Wert Murdock Warrell ~orth B"ss Islaud Ottawa Paris tark 'tmiddlepol't Meigs 1I1ntuai Champaign North Bend Hamilton P',risville Portage "Middletown Butler Nairn Sciot() North Benton Mahbning Parkman Geau~a Midway Guernser Nankin Ashland North Berne Fairfield P:lork's Mills Franklin )[jfflin Ashland "Napoleon Henry "Iorth Bloomfield Trumbull Parma Cuyahoga Mifflinville Frankl in Nashport Muskingum North Bristol Trumbull P"tnskala Licking Milan Erie Nashville Holmes Clayton Miami Patriot GaI1ia "Milford Clermont 'Nat. Mil. As'm Montgomery North Dover OUfaJiol?a Patmos Mahonll,g '"Milford Center Union *Navarre. Stark North EMon.loraIn Patten's Mill Washiugtoll :Ai ilfordton Knox Neapolis Luca. North Fairfield Huron Patterson Hardin Millbrook Wayne Nebraska Pickaway Northfield Summit 'Paulding Pau}?ing Millbury Wood N eelysville J\forgan NorthGeorgetown Oolumbiana Payne ljillers Lawrence Nelson Pormge North Greenfield J.. o;;an Pavne's Corners Trumbull "Millersburg Holmes 'Nelson ville Athens North Hampton Clark Pee Pee Pike 1\1 iliers port Fairfield!II eptune Mercer North Industry Stark Pemberton Shelliy }I iller's Statiun Harrison Nettle Lake Williams North Jackson Mahoning Pem berv ille Woo l l\f ill ers to w n Champaign 'Nevada Wvandott North Kingsville Ashtabul,\ Pendleton Putnam Millfield Athens Neville Clermont North Lawrence Stark Penfield Lorain Mill Grove Morgan Nevin Highland "North Lewisburg Champaign Peninsula Sllirtmit Mill port Columbian" New Albanv Mahoning North Liberty Knox Pennsville Morga.n Mill ville Butler!Ii ew Alexmider Columbi ana North Lima Mahoning Peoli Tu.;".ll:U was Millwood Knox New Alexandria Jefferson North Madison Lake Peoria l'nion Milnersville Guernsey Ncw Antioch Clinton North Newbury Geallga Perin's Mills C,cllnout l\jilo Defiance 'Newark Licking North Richmond Ashtabula Perry Lake Milton Mahoning New Athens Harriso~ NOl'th Ridgeville LONin "Perrysburg Wood l\liltcln Centre Wood New Baltimore Stark North H.obinson Crawford Perryton Lickin~ Miltonsburg Monroe New Bavaria Henry North Royalton Cuyahoga "Perryville Ashlan Milton Station \\rayne New B~dford Coshocton ~orth Salem Guernsey Peru Huron Mineral Athens New Berlin Stark North Sheffield Ashtabuhl P~tersburg Mahoning }[ineral Point Tllsca::a.wa. :-< ew Bloomington :Marion North Sololl. Cuyahoga P~ttisvill\l Fulto.n "Mineral Ridge J\f,\lloning 'New Bremen Auglaize North S pringfiohl Summit Plmlanx Trumbull Mineral Springs Adams "Newllurf Cl'd'ahogn North Stl~r Darke Pharisburg Union Minersville Meigs New Bnr ington li n ton North Uniontown Highland Philanthropy Butler "Minerva Stark N ew C,~li fornia. ltnion Northup Galli" Philipsburg Jefferson ~lingo Champll.ign 'New C,'rl i.;le Clark N or,h Washington Hardiu Philo J\fuskingum Mingo Junction Jefferson New Castle Coshocton!liorthwest Williams Phoenix Ashtabula Minster AUl!;laize NewChambersbtirgColumbiana Northwood Logan Pickerington Fairfield Jlfitchell's S lnvorksjeff'erson *New CuUlerstown T'lscarawas Norton Delaware Pickerel town Logan Mo~"dore Summit New Concord Muskingum Norton C"-uter Summit Pierce Stark Mohawk Village Cosh(lcton New Corwin Highland "Norwalk Hllron. Pierpont As~tabula Mohican.Ashland New Cnmberland 'J'uscara "'as Norwich Muskingum Piketon Pike l'tlonclova Lucas :-<ew Dover Union Norwood Hamilton Pike Station Wayne Monroe Blltler New ElJ61and Athens Nottingham Cllyahoga Pi kesd 110 Darke Monroe Oente r Ashtaliula!liewl'll's Riln Washill~toll Nova Ashland Pilcher Behrion~!'tlo'uroe Furnace Jackson X evo' Fl'ankli n Stark Oakdale Putnam Pine Grove Gallia "ilion roe v ille Huron New Garden Oolumbian" Oakfield l>erry Pioneer Williams Monterey Clermont New Guilford Coshocton Oak II lrbor Ottaw" P'peJville Knox Montezuma Mercer!liew Hagerstown Carroll 'Ol\k Hill J,\ckson 'Piqua Miami Jllont:!:omcry Hamilton New Hampshire Allglaize Oakland Clinton Pisgah Butler Montpelier Williams New H"rmony Brnwn Oakland Mills Guernsey Pittsfield J,orain Montra Shelby New Harrisburg C,'l'l'oll Oakle.y Hamilton Plain WaYM Montrose Summit New Haven Huron Oak Hidge Hancock Plain ()i~ Madison.Montville Geauga New Hollnnd PickMyay O"kwood Patllding Plainticl Coshocton Moons Fayette New Hope Brown 'Oberlin Lorain Plainville Hamilton Moore's Salt Works Jefferson New Hope Station Preble Oceola Crawford Plant'. Meigs ~fooreland Wayne New.Jasper Greene O~den Clinton Pl:mtsviVe Morgan Moorefield Harrison New Knoxville Auglaize OhI's Town Trumbul! "Plato Lorain «]\forgan Ashtabula New Lehanon Montgomery Oil Diggings Plattsburg Clark l'ti'l'gantown Pike *New Luxington P rry Okeana Butlel' Plattsville Shelby Morganville Morl'-'an 'New Lisbon Columbiana Okolona Henry Pleas,\nt Cornel'S }<'mnklin Morning Sun Preble 'NeVI' London Huron Old Hickory W'\'j'Il. Pleasant GIOV~ Belmont 1't10rningView Belmout New Lyme Asht,~hula Olena HUrOI) Pleasant Hill Miami "Morrist,own Belm()nt New liiadison Darke Olive Bmnch Clermont Pleasant Plain Warr~n Morrisville Clinton NeVI' Market Highland Olive Green Nohl~ Pleasant Ridge Hamilton Morrow W:lorl'CU :-< ew Mart.insburg Folyettc Olivctlburg Richland Pleasltnt Hun Hamilton Morton Monroe New Metamora Washington Olmsted Cuyuhogo Pleasanton AtheM Moscow Clermont!liew Middletown lbhoning Omega Pik,' Pleasantville F,drfield Moscow Mills '\forgall New Milford Portage Oneida Mills Oarrol Plimpton Holmes Moss Run Washin~ton New Moorefield Ciltrk Richland "Plymouth Richlllnd ]\[oul trie Columbu\na New Moscow Coshocton Ora.nge S ta.tion Delaware 'fow n Butle! M.ouHon Auglaize New Palestine CIHmont Orangeville Trllmbull Poe Medina Mount Airy HamiltolJ 'New Paris Preble Oregon W,.rren Point!Rahel Clermont Mount Blanchard Hancock New PetersburJl: Highland 'Orrville WaYIl Point Pleasant ]\fount lll:1nco Meigs 'New Philadel phintuscarawas "'Orwell Ashtabul" "Poland Ma.honing Mount Carmel Clermont Now Pittsburg Wayne "'Osborn Greene Polk Ashland Mount Carrick J\fonro~ "'New Plymouth Vinton Osman'. Adam< 'Pomeroy Meigs :Mount Eaton Wayne Newport Washing tun Osnaburg Stark Pond Run Scioto.. Money Order Offices.

229 POST OFFICES-OHIO. 59 Pod O./fiu. County. Post Office. Countll. P Ollt Office. County. Post 9ffice. ('ountll. Pl)ntiao Hnron Rockport Ouya.hoga Sheffield Lorain Swa.nton FI!1t~n Popla:( Orawford Rocky Fork Licking Sheffield Lorain Sweet Wine HamIlton Poplar Grove Pikt Rooky Hill Jaokson *Shelby Richla.nd SS'ca.more Wyandott Poplar Ridge Darke Rodney GaUiu Shepherdstown Belmont * ylvanio. Luoas Portage Wood Rogersville Tusoo.rawas Sheridan Putnam Symmes Hamilton Portage Oenter Hancock Rokeby Morgan SheridanColl.lWorks Law renee Symmes' Oorner Butler Port Clinton Otto.WIl Rollersville So.nduijky Sherman Summit Symmes Oreek Muski ngltljl Portersville Perry Rome Ashto.bula Sherodsville Oll.rroll Syracuse ' Meigs Port Homer J elt'erson Rootstown Portage Shields' Belmont 'l'udmer llontgomerv Portlan,d Meigs Rosooe Ooshooton Shiloh Richlo.nd Tallmadge Snmmft Portland Station Jefferson Rosedale Madison Shoemo.kt'r Butler 'f<l.mpico Darl,e Portsmon th Scioto Rose Hill Dl\rke Short Creek H,urbon 'fank Town Deillware Port Union B'ltler Roseville Muskingum 'Shreve Wayne Tappan Harrison Port Washington Tusoarawa,; Ross Butler Sicily Hi hland Tarlton Pickaw!\y Pl)l'~ Willia.m Olin ton l~osseau Morgan Sidney helby 'ra.wawa Shelby Potsdam Miam i ll.ossvillo DMke Silver Oreek H.lrdin Tavlor's Oreek Hamilton Putter Woo.. Round Bottom Monroe Sinking Spring Hi~I!land Ta>'lor's Station Franklin P"t,l1er~burgh :u nion Round Head Hardin Siverly III ton Taylorsville!llont~mery Po\i'~ll Deiaw,\re Rowland Morgan Sixteen ;\lila Stand Hamilton Tedrow.. ulton 1'0 w~llsville Scioto Row~ Ashland Skeel's l><i Roads Mercer Teegardin Oolumbiana l',)\\'hatan Point B~lmoni ROl'abdl Ros$ Sloan's 8tution Jefferson Tam peranceville Belmont Pr~irie Depot Wood ROXbU~' Morgan 'Smithfield J offer.on Terre Haute OhamJ.aign Pratt 8helby Royal "It Puulding Smith Road Medina Texas enr10 Pmtt's Fork Athells Royalton Pairlield Smith's Landing Clerm one Thivener Gall a l>r~~ton Hamilton Rl\ggle~ Ashlallli "Smlthville Waynt Thomastown Summit 1'1' ee!l1p.rcer Ruml D:tle MuskinguDl smithville Station Wayne Thompson Oeauga ('ricetown Highland Rush Oreek l'nion Smyrna Harrison Thorn ville Perry Primrose Williams Rush Tuscarawas Solon Cuyahoga 'rhree LocuBts Ma.rion Pro.ipect Marion Rush Run Jett'ers)n Somerset Perrv Thurma.n Gallia 1'1'011 t's Stat'on Erie Rushville Fairfield Somerton Belmont "'Tiftin Seneca Providence Odnter Lucas Rus hsfil vllnia Logan Somervill'e Butler Timberville Pauldil\g Pugh Belmont Russe 1 Geaugll Sonor!, l\fuskingum Ti ppecanoe Hllrrison Pulaski Williams Russell's Place Lawrenoe South Arlington Montgomery *Tippeounoe Oily Miami Pulaskiville Morl'Ow Russell ville Brown South Bloomfield Pickaway Tiro Crawford "Put-in Ba.y Ottllwa RlIssell's Stlltion HiShland South Bloomingville Hocking Tobosco I,ioking Putnam Muskingllm Rllssia helb) *Sou'th Oharl.ston Clark.Todd's Morgan Pyrmont :Montgomery Rutland Meigs Southin~ton Trumbull *'1'oledo Lucas (luaker Bottom L".wrence Su,bina Olinton South Kirkland Lake *Tontogany Wood 4naker Oity Guernsey Sago, Mnskingum South Lebanon Wnrreu Torch Athens Q,lincy Log,\n Saint Oharles ButJ~r I South Newbllry Genuga Town Fork Jefferson l~,wine Meigs Saint Clair Oolumhianu South Olive Noble Townsend Sandnsky R,\([nor Delaware 'Sain t Olairsville,301 mont South Pendleton Hamilton Trail Run Monroe R.\lDsho, o' Highland S; Henry's Mercer South Perry Hocking Trud~rsville :l\1adisod R,.ndall C,lyahoga Saint John's A ul(,laize South Plrmouth l<'ay tte Tranquility Adl\ms Randolph Port;.\ge Saint Joseph College crry South POlllt I,awrence Trunsit Hamilton RlI.nge Mallison Saint Louisville Licking South Ridge Ashtabula Tremont Clark R;J.pi,ds Saint Ma.rtin's Browll South Salem Ross Trenton Butler Rllorden Scioto M,rr'~ Auglaize South Sulon Madison Triadelphia rtjorgan Rassel Oreek Andaize Parts Ohampaign Sou ththom pson Trimble Athens '~Ra'venna Saint, Paul's Pickaw!lY South Warsaw Allen Trotwood Mont~,!,ery' R'lwson H,lllcock "Salem Oolumbianll Sparta Morrow 'Troy lam) Ra wson ville Lor,\in Sal e:n Oen ter Meigs Spencer Medina Trumbo Seneca RlI.ymonds l:nioll Salesville Guernsey Spencer Stntion Guernsey Trumbull Ashtabula Rays J,~ckson Salina Athe "s Spencerville Allen Tully Van Wert Re!\ding H,lmilton 'Sal ineville Columbian~ Sprague Monroe Tltnnell Washington Red I;luw A"hlilnd Salt Oreek Holme. Springllorough Warren Tuppcr's Plains Meigs Red Lion Warren Sal tillo H"lmes Spring DllJe Hamilton Tuscara.wa~ Tuscarawas Red Oak Brown Sa.' tpetre Washington 'S pringfield Clark Twenty Mile Stand "Tarren Reed's :Mills Vinton Salt Run Noble S pring Hills Champaign Twinsburg Summit Reedsburg \Y ayne Samantha Highl:l.nd SpringLake Williams Tymochtee Wyandott Reedtown Seueca Sallison ville Jackson SI.ring Jll>lls Richland Tyrone Oo~hocton Reedsvi lie l\ieig" Sand Fork Ga.lIia Spring Jlfountain Coshocton *Ultricksville Tuscarawas Reesville Clinton Sand Hollow Jl1 "lf~n Spring Valley Hreene Union I Montgomery Regneir's Mills 'Washington 'Sandusky fie Springville Wayne union Plain Brown R~hoboth PHry San(lyville TII~caraw,," Sprinkle's Mills Galli a Union Port Jefferson Reid's Pmlhlin;r Sarahsville Noble Spruce Vale Columbiana Union Station Licking R~lley Butler Sardinia Brown Stafford MOllroc Union Town Belmont l~einersvme!\lorgan Sardis Monroe St!\nley Putnam Unionville Lake Remington Hnmilcon Su,undersvi:le GallLI Station Fifteen Harrison Unionville Oenter Union Remson's Corners Medina ''''Savannall Ashlt\Ild Staunton F',yette Uniopolis Auglaize R~nrock Noble Saw Mill Seneca Steamburg Ashtll.bula Unity Oolumbian.a "Republic Seneca Saxon l\1eigs St('am Cornera.Morrow Utrdegraff's Jefferson R"publican D<l.rke Saybrook Ashtabula Stelvideo Darke '" pper Sandusky Wyandot\ Res6l'vo'ir Mercer Schooley's Station Ross Steuben Huron UJshur' Preble Revnoldsburg J<'l'ankli u... Scio Harrison "Steuben Tille'erson " rbana Oh:>mpaJp;n Richfield Summit Scioto Sciollo Stockport Morgan 'Utica Licldng Rich 'Bill Knox ';cit,to Furnace Scioto Stone Creek Tuscarawas V"lIey Columbiana Rich and Vin on Sciotoville Scioto Stone Lick Olermont Valley JUllotion Hamilton 'Richmond J effer<oll ';cotch, Ridge Wood Stony Ridge Wood Valley Ford Meigs Richmolld Oenter AshtablllH Scott Adam, ;'!touts Adams Vanatta Lickinf Richmond DlLle R"s~ "cutt Town Lawrence ;'! toutsville Fairfield Van Buren Hanco" Riohville Stark :';(;rogg~field Oarroll Strasburg' Tusoarawas Vandalia Montgomer{ 4Riohwood Union ~eal Wyandott Streetsborough Portage Vanlue Hancoc Ridge Noble Sedan Scioto String Town Pickaway Van's Valley Delaware Ridgeland H~nr" ~ego I Peny Strongsville Ouyahoga "Van Wert Van Wert Ridgeville Warr~n Selma Clark S'ruther'~ Station lihhonin!( Vaughnsville Putnam Ridgeville Oorners Henry Senecaville Guernsey 'Stryker Williams Venedocia Yan Wert R;dgewOlY Hardin Seven Mile Butler Suffield Portllfe Venice Erie Hinard's Mills Mouroe SewelJsviUe Bolmont Sugar Grove Fairfie d Vern Oruz Brown RingJold Morgan Athens "ligar Tree Guernsey Vermillion Erie R:o ra.nde G,dliu Shadeville Franklin Sugar Tree Ridge Highland Vernon Trumbull ~ Ri pley Brown Shalersville Portage Sullivl\ll Ashland Vlto Washington RI pleyville Hllron Shaler's Mills Knox Sui phur Spring Cl'I\wford Versailles Darke River Styx Mellin" Shanandoah Richland Summerfield Noble ~rienna Trumbull Rives Richl,\nd,.;' s Cros.~illg l\[(-rcer Summerford Madison Vienna?< Roads ClarIce Rix's Mills Muskin~um Shanesville TllscariLW><S Summit Summit Vigo Ross l~l)lichton Wood Sharon Noble Summit Station Licking Vincent Washington Robertsville Stnrk Sharon Center Medina Summitville OolnmbianR Vineyard Hill A,dams R"chester Depot Lor,\in Sharonville ~- Hamilton Runbury Delaware Vinton G,\llia Rockbridge Hooking S harl'shurg Hamilton S,van Hocking Vinpon Station Vinton Rock La.wrence Shaucks Morrow Swan Creek Gallit\ Wad Washington ltuck HOUde Hocking Sbawnee Perry SWllnder"s Crossing Sh\1ny *Wa d s\\'orth Medina "Monoy Order Offioes.

230 60 POST OF;FICES-OHIO----OREGON----PENNSYLV ANIA. Post Office. County. Post Office. CountlJ. Post Office. County. Post Office. County. Waggoner's Ripple Adams Whigville Noble Oamp Oreek Lane N ewellsville :Mari'on ""agr'tm Licking Whipple Washington Oamp Watson Grant Newport Benton Wakatonika Ooshocton White Oottaga Muskingum Oa.nby Claclmmas Newton Denton "Wakeman Huron White ~e's Plains Ooshocton *Oanyon Oity Grant North Dend Ooos Walbridge Wood White ouse Lucas Cartwright Lane North Canyonville DouaRs Waldo Marion White Sulphur Delaware Oayuse Umatilla X orth Ya.m Hill Yam ill Wales (j-,ttlia Whittlesey Medina Oentral Point Jackson Norton Clackamas Walhonding Ooshocton Wickliffe Lake Oenterville \VaShingtonloakland Donglas 'Waller Ross Wiley'S Station Darlte Chetco Curry Orodell Union Walnut Oreek Holmes Wilford Helll'v Clackamas Clackamas "Oregon Oity Clackama3 Walnut Rnn lbdison Wilkesville Vinton Olarksville Baker Oswego "ramsley's Adams Wilkin's Run Licking Olatskanie Oolumbia Ott Ooos "\Vapakoneta. Auglaize W illettsvill e Highland Olear O"eek Clackamas Pendleton Umatilla. Warner Washington Williamsburg Clermont Columbia City Columbia Phenix Jackson Wntnock Belmont Williams' Oenter Ooquille Coos Peoria Linn "Wan'en Trumbull Williamsfield Ashtabula Cornelius Washington P('rryrlale POlk \Varrensville Ouyahoga. Williamsport pickawai;" Corvalhs llenton Ph,lomath Benton Warrenton Jefferson Williamstown Hnncllc C,)ttage Grove Lane Pilot ROllk Umatilla 'Warsaw Coshocton *W ilioughby Lake Cove UniC'lI Pine Linn "Washington Guernsey Willow Wood Lawrence Orawfordsville Linn Pl~asant Hill Lane "Washington O. H, Fayette \\',lis' Cre~k Coshoctnll Ores well Lane 'Portla.nd Multnomah Washingtonville Mahoning *Wilmington Clinton 'Dall as Polk Port Orford Cll rry Waterford WMhington Wilmot St",rk D:l.mascus Clacka.mM Prairie City GrnlLt ~Vaterloo Lawrellce Wi Isey\'ilIe Defi'mce Davyville Grant Prichard Baka \\"atertown Washington Wil~hire V",n Wert Dayton Yam Hill Prineville \r asco 'V aterville Lucas W\l;on Ad",ms Deschutes WIISCO H,ainier Oolumbia Watkins Union Wilson's Mills Cllyahoga Eagle Creek Olackamas Randolph Coos Watson's Station Seneca Fulton Eagle Point Jackson Rattlesnake Lane WattSVille C 11.1' roll \Vinchester Guernsey lhst Portland Multnom.1h Rickreall Polk "\Vauseon Fulton Windham P~l:tage El Hltker Rock Creek Was, o "raverly Pike Windham Station Eik Horn Polk Rockpoint.'.\ckson ""ayne Wayne Windsor Ashtabula Elkton Douglas Roseburg Do,'gli1s Waynesbnr,f Stark Winesburg Holmes Ellenberg Curry Rye Yall, y Bahr Waynesfiel A~laize Windfield Tusca.r,1 was Empire Oity Coos St. Helen Oolumbia Wa.ynesville arren Winoua Ooluml.iana Enchanted Pra:rie 0<>0" Jos~ph Yam Hill Wea.ver'B Corners Hnron Winter's Station Sandusky Eola Polk Si1int Louis ~Ial'ion 'Veavor's S~ation 'Darke Will ters v ill e Jell'orson "Eugene City Lanb "'Salem Marion Weber Jackson Winton Place Hamilton Express R:mch Baker Sau vie's MllltnOm.1h Webe.towll Highland Withamsville Clormont F"'irtield 1I1arioll Scapoose Oolumbia Webster D(l,rke Wittens Monroe Fair Ground Mar;oll Scholl's Ferry Washington Wegee Belmont Woo(~bury Wood 'Forest Grovo Washington Scio.Linn We lersville Crawford WoodingtoJll Darke Fnnklin L,me Scott W!tsco "Wellington Lorain Wood Grove liiorgan G,~I~vi1le Douglas Scottsburg Dougla.:! "Wellsville Oolumbiana Woodland Union G.trdiner DoughL~ Shedd's Linn Wlllshfield Geauga Woodsdale Butler Ga~'ibaldi. Tillamook Sheridan Yam Hill Weshy Washington *Woodsfield 1Il0nroe Gervais M,trioll Siuslaw Lane West Alexandria Preble Wood's Station Butler Glad Tidings Clackamas Silverton M,uion West Andover Ashtabula Woodstock Champaign Glencoe Washill.!!ton Sldpanon Oh1tsop West Austintown lifahoning Wood view Morrow Grand Ronde Polk Slate Creek Josephine 'Yest R'ltimore Montgomery Woodville Sandusky Gmut Grant Sp,tllisb Hollow Wasco West Heaver Columbiana Wood Yard Athens Grant~s Pass Jackson Sparta Union West Bedford Coshocton 'Wooster Wayne Gt een \'ilj e Washingtol1[ S pringtield Lane Westboro' Clinton Worthlllgton Franklin Halsey Linn Springville liultnomah West Brookfield St ark WJnant Shelby Harrisburo: I'inll[ Starr's Point Benton West Buffalo Williams 'Xenia Greene HermallsviUe Coos Stayton Marion West Oairo Allen Y'tnkee Ridge Coshocton Highland Olackama.s Sublimity Marion West Canaan Madison 1: ellow Bud Ross Hillsboro' ". ashi ngton Summer House Clatsop West Carlisle Ooshocton "'Yellow Springs Greene Hood River Wasco Summerville Union West O"nollton Montgomery Yelverton Hardin Hot Springs Jackson Summit Denton "rest Charleston Miami York Union H bba.rd li1a.riou Table Rock Jackson West Chester Butler Young Hickory 'Muskingum Humboldt Basin B,~kl'r Ta.n1!ent Linn West Elktou Preble "'Youngstown l\1ahoning Independence Pulk T~n Mile Douglas Western Star Summit Youngsville Adams Iowa Slough OliOS The Dalles WIloSCO "Westerville Franklin Zaleski Vinton Isthmus Coo; Tillamook Tillam"ok "West Farmington Truml,ull Zanesfield Logan 'J ackson vill~.tal!k3on T"l<'c\o Benton Westfield Morrow "'Zanesville :Mnskingum Jefferson.Marion Tllalitin Washington West Florence Preble Zeno liuskiugum J ordall, Valley Baller Turner Marion 'Vest Hn.yden Franklin Zimmerma.n Grecne Junction City Lane 'Umatilla Um",tillllo W est Independence Hancock Zoar Tusca.rawa." Kellogg Dou"ias Union Uniun "'Vest Jell'erson Madison Zoar S tl\tion Kilehis Ti1la.';ouk Upper Ochoco Wasco West Lafayette Ooshocton Kirby Josephin(' Vernon :Marion 'Vest I,ancaster ~ette 'King's' VIlUey Benton Wapatoo Washington West Lebanon ayue Kl",math Jackson Waldo Josephine "West Liberty Logan Knappa Clatsop West Cheshalem Yam Hill West Lodi Seneca Oregon. Lackamute Polk Westpurt Clatsop Welt Manohester Preble Lafayette Yam Hill Weston Umntilla West Mansfield Logan Post OjJic~. County. L, Gl'(l,llde Uuion Wheatland Yam Hill West Middleburg Logan La.ngdell's VlIlley Jackson Doup,lIL. West Mill Grove Wood 'Albany Linn Leb,mon Linn Williamette Forks LanG West Milton Miami Alsea Benton I,elan,l Josephine Willoughhy Waseo Westminster Allen Amity Yam Hill Lewisville Polk Willow Forks Umat.llilo West Newton Allen Applegate Jackson Lincoln Pulk WIllow Springs Jllckson Weston Wood "'Ashhmd Jackson Linkville Jackson Wingville Baker West Point Oolumbiana "'Astoria Clatsop Long Tom Lane 'Voodbnrn Mar'on West Richfield Summit Auburn Baker Looll i ng-glass Douglas Yoncalla DOllglas West Rushville Fairfield Aumsville Marion McMinnville Yam liill Yainax Yakimll West Sonora Preble Aurora Mills Marion Marion ~brion Zen a Polk '"West Salem Wayne "'Baker City Baker Marshfield Ooos -, West Union Ad",ms B,ulow Clackamas Meadowville Umatilla "West Unity Williams Bellevue Yam Hill Middleton Washington West View Cllyahoga Bethel Polk Milwaukie Olackamas Westville Ohampaign Bridge Oreek Wasco Mohawk Lane Pennsylvania. West Williamsfield Ashtabula Bridgeport Polk 1.1olnl1a Cbckam.1s P OBt Office. Coullty. West W.indsor Richla.nd Brooks li:l,~rion Monitor lvin.rion West Woodville Clermont Brownsville Linn '(on mouth Polk Aa.ronsburg Oenter West Zanesville Muskingllm Buena Vista Polk Mountain House Yam Hill Abbottstown Ad!l.m II Wetmore I' lite Butler Douglas ~I onnt Hood "VMCO Abington l'rion~omery Weymouth lifedina Butte Creek Marion Myrtle Oreek Dougla.s Academia uniata Whartonshurg WY!l.ndott B'ltte Disappointment Lane N eedr. Olack!l.mas Auker Perry Wheat Ridge Adams Bll tter Creuk \\' ascii Neha em Tillamook Ackermanv ille Xorthampton Wheelersburg Scioto BII ttevi1le Marion N estocton Tillamook Auums Arm8Ll'on~ Whetstone Morrow Camas Va.lley Douglas Newberg Yam liiil, A<.Idomsburg Westmorelan.. }foney Order Office

231 POST OFFICES-PENNSYLVANIA. P08t O./lire. Cownty. Countv PORt OjJictJ. Coullty. ~ Post ODice. 61 County. Adams Tavern Berks B,unos Warren Bloody Run Bodford Burn's Mills Bedford A,lam~town Lancll~tel' Barn~ston Chester Bloomfield Orawford Burnt Oabins Fulton Allumsville Orawford Bllrnesville Schuylkill Bloomingdale Luzerne Burrell Westmoreland Addison Somllrset B>Lrnhart's Mills Blltler Blooming Grove Pike Bursonville Bucks Adrian Arm~trong Bar l\>liftlin Bloomington Ole>Lrtield Durtville Potter Advance Indh\na B'\1're Forge Huntingdon Bloming Yalley Crawford Bnshkill Pike Agnew's Mills Veaango Barren Hill liiontgomery "Bloomsburg Oolumbia Busl{KilnOenter Northampton Agricultuml Oollege Oenter Barl'isvillu BelLver "Blosslmrg Tioga Bushville Br'Ldford Airville York Bltl'l'Y Schuylkill B1oservil\e Ollmberland 'Butler Butler Airy Dnle Huntingdon B,ut I.uncastor Blue B"n LltnCaSler Buttcmwood Lycoming Akersville Fulton BtLrtonsville Monroe Blue Bell ; Alontgomery Bntztown North>Lmpton Akron Lancaster RlU tville Lancaster Bille Kno... BIa\ir Buje\'stown I.!l.ncadter AlI>a Bradford Bastross Lycoming Bille MouutlLin Northampton CI\binet Montgomery Albany Burk~ Northampton Blue Rock Ohester C:J.)ns Lancaster "Alhion Erie"'ton Washington Boalsbur~ Oonter f).iro Union Albrightsville Oarbon Baum;town Berks Bodincsville Lycoming C:l.ledonia. Elk Alburtis Lehigh Beach Haven Luzerne Boiling Spring Oumberland C:l.lifol'nia Washington Aldenville W,lyne Beach Pond Wayn~ Bolivar W~stmoreland Oallensburg Clarion Aleppo Greene Beallsville WlIshin~ton Donnie Brook Hutler Ollln Ohester Alexandria Huntingdon Belin's Cove Bedford Booneville Clinton Oalvin Huntingdon.\.\leghll11Y AlIeghtLny Bcar GI\P Northumbel"iand Booth Corner Delaware Culvin's Corners Craw ford Alleglhmy Bridge McKean Hear Lake Warren Bo~sardsville Monroe Oamargo Lancaster Alltlman's Clearfield BJ!l.rtown Lancaster Boston Allegheny Oambra Luzerne Allen Cmnberl!,nd "Beatty 'Yest,m"rel!l.lId Bower Clearfield C'Llnbria Cambria. Allenport 'VIL~hington Belwer Oenter O... wford Bower Hill Wa:lhington C mbria Station Ohester Allentown Lehigh "'Beaver C. H. Beaver liower's Station Berk. Caml>ridge Lancaster Allensville Miftiin *B,,,wer F"lls n".wel' Bowman's Oreek Wyoming C.. mbridgeboro Orawford Allis Hollow Brad ord Buaver Mt>adows C'Lrholl Bowman.ville L,'nc~ster lj"m~ron OHmeron Alpine YOrl!, Beaver Springs Suyder Boyerstown Berks C,unpbellstown Lebanon Als>Lce Burks Bc,wertown ~nyder Brackney SlIs'lueh~nn~h C.lmpbellville Snllivan Alton McKean Beaver Yalley C... lumbia Braddock's Field AlleghlLllY Camp Hlll Cumberland "Altoona Blairl BechtelsYille Berks Bmdenville 'Vcstmoreland C,lmptuwn Bradford Alum Ba.nk Bedford B0ck 's Mills "\Va3hiu!(ton Bradford 1IlcKean CanlLt\n 'Vs,>ne A!u.m Rock Clarion Boekersville B~rks Brady Indialla Canadensis ]\[onroe Arvlra Unio'n *Bedl"ord. Bedford Brady's Bend Armstrong Callal Venango Amberson's Valley Franklin BeMord Springs Bedford Branch D"le Schuylkill ()~ndor Washington Ambrose Indiltna Bedminster BlIcks Bmnch.lunctionWestmoreland Cannelton Beaver Amity,,'ashington Beech Creek Clmtoll Brand O"mp Elk Cannoll.bnrg Wll,Shington Anll.lomink Monroe Be~ch Wood Cameron Brandonville Schuylkill Calloe Camp Tio~8t.Anandale Bntler BclH's Allegheny Brandywine Mlmor Ohester C,moe Cre~k Blair Andalusia Bucks Belbcnd Lu~erll" BrandYWine Snmm i Delaware ClI.llOe Ridge Jell'erson Andcrsonburg Perry B~lfast Nurthampton Brattuuville Armstrong CtLllton Bradford Annin Oreek McKean Belknap Armstrong Breakneck Butler (J,lrbon O",rbon "Annyille Lebanon Bella Sylva 'Vyoming Bredinsburg VelH\ngo 'Carbondale LuzerIHl Ansonia TiOga ~Bellel onte Conter Breinigsville Lehigh Cardville Washington Ansonville Clearfield Bellemonte Lancaster Brickerville Lancaster 'Carlisle Cumberland Antes Oenter Bdle Valley Erie Bridgeport Montgomery Carlisle Springs eumberland Antes Fort Lycoming ilelle Vernon Fayette ~ridge Ya.lloy Buoks Oarmichael's Greene AntE.stown Blair Belluview L"hauon Bridgewater Buel{s Cal'penter Lycoming Antrim Tioga Belleville l\iitllin Briggsville Luzerne Oarrick Alleglmny.A;pollo Arm.trong Flell's Mills' J ell'orson Brinkerton Clarion Carrick Furnaoe l<'ranklin Applebacksville BlIcks Bmder~ville Adams Brinton Allegheny C.. rroll Clinton AquaShicola Oarbon Benezette Elk *Bri.tol Bucks Carrolltown Cambria Ararat Susquehannah Benford's Store Somerset Bristoria Greene C:Hter Hill Erie Archbald Lu-zerne Bennett Allegheny Broad Axe Montp;omery Carversville Bucks Arch Spring Blair Bennington Furnace Blair Broad Ford Fayette Carverton Luzerne Arden Washington Ben,<alem Bucks Broadhead Alleghany Cashtown Adams Arendtsville Adams Bentley Oreek Bra.dford Bro,td Mountain Schuylk.ill Oass Venango Ariel Wayne Bentleyville 'Yashington Broad Top Huntingdon Casselman Somerset Arlington 'Vayne Benton OolumlJia Brockwa.yville Jell'erson C"sRville Huntingdon Armaugh Indiana Benvenue Dauphin 1.Irollbeck's York Castle Fin York Arnot 'fiogl. Berkley's Somerset Brodheadville }Ionroe 'Catasauqua Lehigh Arroyo Blk Berlin Brookdale Susquehannah Cata.wissa Oolumbia "Ashland Schuylkill Berlinsville Northa.mpton Brookfield Tioga Catfish Furnace Cla.rion Ashley. Luzerne Bermudian Adams Brookland Potter Cavettsville Westmoreland Aspinwall Bradford Bernice Sullivan Brooklyn Susquelmnnah Cecil Washington Asylnm Bradford Bernville Berks 'Brookville Jelt"erson Ceda.r Run Lycoming Atohison Washington Berrysburg Da.uphin Broomllll Ddaware Cedar Springs Clinton Athcns Bradford Berwick Oolumbia Brower Berks Center Perry Atkinson's Mills Miftlin Bethany Wayne Brown Hill Or"u'ford Oenter Bridge Bucks Atlil.ntic Orawford Bethel Berks Brownsburg Bucks Oenter Hall Oenter Attleborough Bucks "Bethlehem No:tthampton.Brownsdale Blltler Center Hill Oenter Atwood Armstrong Bethesda 1;.andaster Brown's Mills Frankliu Center Mills Center Auburn Schuylkill Big Bend Venango Browntown Bradford CenterMorebnd Wyoming Auburn flenter Susquehannah Big Cove Tannery Fulton *Brownsville Fayette Oenterport Berks Aubnrn Fallr Oorncrs Bigler Adams Bruin Butler OenterRouteStatlon Orawford Audenried Oarbon Big Pond Bradford Brl1mfieldvillll Berks Center Square.lIlontgomery Aughwick 1IIill3 Huntingdon Big Run J elfarson Brnnnerville Lancaster Centertown 1IIeroer Augusta Northumberland Big Spring Oumllerland Brush Oreek Beaver Center Valley Lehigh <\ustinville Bradford Big Tree Greene Brush Valley Indiana Centerville Orawford Avon Lebanon Bingen Northampt<ln Bryansville York Oentral Oolumbia Avonia Erie Bingham Potter Hryn Mawr Montgomery Centralia. Columbia.Avondale Ohester Binkley's Bridge Lancaster Buchanan Alleghany Oeylon Greene Ayer's Hill Potter Birchardsville Susquehannah Buck Lancaster Chadd's Ford Delaware Bachmanville Dauphin Birch Run Yille Ohester Buck Horn OolumJ>ia *Ohambersburg Franklin Baden Beaver Bird-in-Hand Lancaster Buckingham Bucks -Ohambersville Indiana Bainbridge Ln.ncaster Birdsboro' Berks Buekmanville Bucks Chanoeford York Bakerstown Alleghany Birmingham Huntingdon Buck Mountain Oarbon O~andleI:'s'Valley Warlen Bakersville Somerset Birney Bradford Buckstown Somerset' Ohaneyville Bedford Bald Eagle York Bismarck Lebanon Bucksville Bucks Chapinville Orawford Bald Hill Olearfield Black Ash Orawford Buck Valley Fulton Ohapman Snyder' Bald Mount Lnzerne Black's Gap Franklin Buddville Oenter Chapman Quarries Baldwin Butler Black Hawk Beaver Bnena Vista Alleghany. Northampton Ballibay Bradford Black Horse Ohester Buffalo Washington Charleston Tioga Balm l\iercer Black Lick Mills Indiana Buffalo Mills Bedford Charlesville Bedford Banll:or NQrthampton Black Walnut Wyoming Buffalo Oross Roads Union Chartier Allegheny Banner;ville Snyder Bla~n Pel:"ry Buffalo Run Oenter Ohase's Mills Tioga. Ba.rbour's Mills Lycoming Blau's Corners Ola.rlOn Bulger Washington Ohatham Ohester Barclay Bradford "'Blairsville Indiana Bunker Hill Lebanon Ohatham Run Clinton Bareville Lancaster Blanchard Oenter Burgettstown Washington Chatham Valley Tioga B:ukeyville Venango Blandon Berks Burlington Bradford 10heisea Delaware Barnard's Armstrong Blanket Hill Armstrong Burnside Clearfield Cheltenham Montgomery * MOlley Order Offices.

232 POlft Offire. Chenango Cherry Flats Cherry Hill Cherry Ridge Cherry Tree C.herry Vl\lley Cherryville Chest' *Ohester Chester Springs Chester Valley Chestervi He, County. Chestnut Grove Lrcoming Chestnut Hill :Somerset Chest.nut L"vel Lancaster Chest Springs C!l.rhbria Cheyney De!t\wu.r,e Chickies Lancaster ChillisquaqueX orthum berland Choconut Susquehannah Christiana Lanca~ter Chrome Chester Chulasky Northumberland Cllurchto\\'n Lll.ncaster Churchville Bucks Clara Potter Cbtrington For,est "'Clarion ClarIon Clark M<lrc~r C!tlrk'8 Mills Mercer Cla.rksburg Indil\na Cla.rk's Green Luzernt Clarksville Greene Claussville Lehigh Cli:I.y Lio.>k Franklin Cln.ysville Washington Clltyton Berks "'Clearfield Clearfield Clearfield Bridge Clear Ridge Fulton Clea.r Spring York Clearville Bedford Clermontville McKea.n Clilforil Sasfluehannab Clifton Luzerne Clinton Alleghany Clinton Corner Wyoming Clintonville Venango Clokev Washington Clonmell Lan.ca3~er Clover Crcek BIILir City Venu.n"o Coa.lda.le Schuylkll Cou.lmont Huntingdon Bluff \V ashington Cou.l Valley Alleghany COll.tesville Chester Cobham Warren Cocalico Lani)ltster Cochra.n's Mills Armstrong Cochra.nsville Ohester Cochra.nton Crawford C,.colamlls Juniata Codurus York Coffee Run Huntln~don Cogan House Lyc?ming Cogan Station Cokeville Cold Oreek Cold Spring C3lebrook Colebrookdale Colegrove Colcmansville Colerain. Colerain Forge 1J0iesburg,Ooie's Creek Colfax Collu.mer Col~egeville Colley Oollomavillo Colma.r Colorado "Columbia Columbilt ~ Roads Oolumbia Farm Crlumbus Oometts,burg Comly Concord Concord Stlttion Ooncordville Conemaugh Conestoga. Cunfluence Oongruity "Oonneau tville Connellsville Oonoquenesshig Oonirhohoekell POST OFFICES-PENNSYLVANIA. Post O./fice. County. POllt O/JiCtl. County. Pust OJire. Counti/. Lawrence Constitution York Dickinson Cumberland Eau Claire Butler Tioga Conyngham Luzern~ Dicksonburg Cr,\wford ~J benezer Indi IIna ~Jrie C)okshur!( Forest,Dillingersville Lehigh <ffibeusburg C!lmbria Wayne Cook's Mills Bedford Dillsb'lrg York ~Jbervale Lu zerne Venango Coolbaughs Monroe Oil worthtown Chester l'herly~s Mill Oumberland Washington Cool Spring Jefferson Dimock Susquehannah ~Jcho Armstrdng Northampton Coon Island Wa~hington Dingman's Ferry Pik" Eckley Luzerne CleH,rfie 1 d Coon's Corners Crawford Dinsmore WashinJ!;ton Eoo!lOmy Beaver Del,tware Cnoperdale Cum brill, D viding Ridge Somerset Eddington Bncks Ch~~ter Coopersburg r.ehigh Dixmont Alleghany I!)ddyville Armstrong Cooperstown Venango Dixon ""yuming I!) ti en McKean (1oplev "< r.ehigh Dixonville Jndiltn:l Eden viii e Erie Curnplanter W,.rren Doe Run Chester E 'gemont Delaware CornpropMt's :lfill~ H,mtingdon Dolington Bucks ffidgewo!ld Bucks Corn w,~11 Lobl\non Donailison Schuylkill Ed~nhorough Erie "Corry Wrie Douation Hlmtingdon I!)dinburg Lawr.cnce Corsica Jefferson Donegal VI' estmorcland Edsllllville Bradford Corydon 'W,Lrren Donley Washington Effort ~I<)nroe eottage Huntingdon Donnally's :If'lls Perry Egypt Lehigh Coultersville Blltler I Dorlltn's Mills Chester E!l;,vpt l'tf,il\s Pike Count.y Lille Sorlhumberland Dornsife Northumbvrlltnn Elam Delu.wltre Cove Statiou H,mtingdon Dorrance Luzcrn, ~Jlbinsvill e Bedford Covingt,on Tioga Durseyville AlI"ghanJ ]<)lfler'" Ridge Covode IlIdi!ma Douglass Muntgomery!~ldertoJI Armstrong Cowan Union Douglassville B"rks 1-:1 Dora 0 Blair CO" anesqne Valley Ti0 6 a Dover,. York ]<)Idr,d Wayne Cowallsville Arm~trong Downmgton Chester l'j1 dredsvill e Sulliv,m Cowdersport Potter Doylesburc; }<'ranklin ffileven )1 ile Potter Coylev iiie B"tler Doyle'. Mills Juniata EI iusport Lycoming Crab Tree Westmoreland "Doylestown Bucks Eliza:beth Alleghany' Craigville Armstl'ong Drake's 1Ifill~ Cl'awford Elizabethtown Lu.nc3.:!ter Cranbern \reuango Dravosburg Alleghell} Elizaheth \'ill e Dau ph ~n Crawford"Coner! Venango D,'e\ler~ville S~huylki1l Elk Creek ' Ene Creekside Indiltnll I Driftwood Cameron 1<:1 k Dal e Chest,er Crescent Pike Drum's Luzerne ~}lk La e Susquehann<i.h (Jresson Cambrin Dry Ridge Bedford 1!llktand Tioga Cressona Schuylkill Dry Run Franklin Elk Li"k Some,sct Creswell Lancaster Dryville Berks Elk Mills Chester Cribb's \VestUioreland Dublin BlIcks 1<]1 k Rim Tioga' Crooked Creek Tioga D'.IbUu liills Fulton Elk View Chester Crooked Hill lfontgomery Dlidley lin ntingdon Ellendale Forge Dan "hin CrossCreekVillage WashinJl;ton Dtlnbnr Fllyette Ell isburg Potter Cross Cut Lawrence D"ncan Allel!heny mlliottaburg Perry Cross Forks Clinton Duncannon Perry Ell m F,\yette Crossingville Crawford Duncansville Blair EI well Bradford Cross Kill Mills Berks DllUdaff Susquehannah Elwoofl Schuylkill CI'OSS Roads York Dlrnkud Greene Elyshurg Northumberland Orow's Mills Greene D.lnmore Luzerne Eml\US Lehigh Cumherland Valley B",lford Dunnings Emllre\lville Che8ter Cumra Berk~ Dillluingsville Washington Emerickyille J elferson Cunningham Clari01l D.msfort Wa.hin,.;ton Emigsville 'y ork Cupola. Chester Durell Bru.dford 1!lmilie Bucks Clulsville Clarion Durham Bucks '\<~mlenton Venanll:o C,lrtin Dauphin Dllrlaek Lancaster Emmaville Fultoll C lrwinsville Clearficld "Dushore Sullivan <Emporium Cameron Cush Dlltch Hm Ora wforo Emsworth Allegheny Custards Crawford Dyherry Wayne Enders Dauphin Daggett's llills Tioga Eagle Warren Engli"h Center 'Lycoming Dale Berks Eagle Foundry Huntingdon Engli.h Mills Lycomillt; Dltleville Luzerne Eagle Point Berks EJlllisville Huntingdon Dallas Eagle Rock Enon Valley Lawrenee Dallastown York Eaglesmere 8ulli van Enterline Dauphin Du.lmlttia X orthum berland Eagle,"ille Montgomery Ephrata LIl.RoastH Dalton Luz"rn~ Eakin Alleghany Equinunk Wayne D>\Inascus Wayne garley l<jlk Ercildown Chester Danborough Bucks ffiu.rlville Berks 'Erie Erie Danielsville Northa.mpton East Benton Luzerne Erwinna. Bucks Weotmorelu.nd 'Da.n ville Montour EI\st Berlin Adams ~hc~ P~ry Bradford D,~rby Delaware East Bethlehem Washington Espy Columbia Wayne lhrlington Belwer East Bridgewater Edpyville' Cru.wford Lebanon Da.uphin Dauphin Susquehannah Etna AlleghaDY Berks David~burg York Eastbrook Lawrence Etters York McKean Davidson Sullivan East Canton Bl'adford Eureku. Montgomery Lancaster Davidson'S Ferry Fa.yette East CIl'arleston Tioga Evu.nsburg Crawford Davidsville Somerset East Chatham Tioga \<jvansville Columnia Huntingdon Davis Grove Montgomery Coventry Chester Evendale Juniaba Potter Davistown Greene East Dimock Susauehannah Evergreen Bradford Columbia Du.visville Bucks East Finley Washington Ewing'S Mills Alleghany Huntingdon Dawson Fayette East Freedom Bla.i1 Excelsior Northumberland Chester Dayton Armstrong Enst Green Erie Exchange Montour Montgomery Decatur Milllin El1st Hanover 1.eba.non Exeter Luzerne Sullivan Deckard Crawford East Hebron Potter Exeter Station BerkS Lycoming Decker's Point Indiana East Uempfield Ls.ncaster l<jxperiment Mills Monroe Montgomery Deep Valley Greene East HiCkory Forest Ex ton Chesoter Schuylkill D'eG(>lier McKean East Homer Potter Eyer's Grove Columbia Lancaster Schuylkill East Leman Wyominl!' Factoryville Wyoming Bradford Delaware Pike East Liberty Fayette FagleysviUe Montgomery Venango Delaware Grove Mercer East libuch Chunk Carbon Fagundus Warren Warren Delaware Water Gap Monroe 'Easton Northampton Fairdale Susquehu.nnah Beaver Delight Greene East Ridge Olearfield Fairfield,Adams Montour DeUville P<rry East Rush Susquehannah Fairfield Center L_yooming' Franklin Delmont Westmorelit,nd East Salem Juniata Fairhope Somerset Erie' Delpsburg Northampton East Saudy Venango Fltirmont Springs Luzerne Delawltre Delta York East Sharon Potter 'Fairview Erie Cambria Dempsey town Venango Smithfield Bru.dford Fairview Village Montgomery Lancaster Denny Butler East Springfield Erie Fairville Ohester Somerset Dent Greene East Springhill Bradford Fall Brook Tioga. Westmoreland Dent's Run Elk East Stroudsburg liionroe Fallen Timber Oambria Crawford Derry Ohurch Dauphin East Texas Lehigh Falling Spring Perry Fayette Derry Station Westmoreland East Troy Bradford Falls W~oming Butler Dewu.rt Northumberland East WaterfOrd.Tuniata Falls City.I!'~ette Montsomery Dia.mond Eaton Wyoming Fallsington Buck~ }Joncy Order Offices.

233 POST, OFFICES-PENNSYLVANIA. 63 P 08t Office. Oounty. I Post Office. COllnty. Post OUiet. County. I Post OQlce. COU71t b Fl\lls Run City Luzerne I Ga.psvillo Fulton Greenwood Columbia Hickory Corners J<'almouth Lanca.ster Gurd.en ville Bucks Greenwood Furnl1~~' Northumberland Fl\nn~ttsburg Franklin GlLrland W:uren Huntingdon Hickory Grove Su;quehannah Fm"mers' Valley McKean Garman's ~Iill8 Cambria Greshvillo Berks Hickory Hill Chesttr F.. rmersville L! (hl'rett SOln erset (liricr's Point Perry Hickory Run Carbon Farmington ' Fat'~t~e G:~rrettfOl'd Delaware Ories,emersville Berks Hickory town Montgomery Farmington Center loga Gatc3ellville YOl'k Gl'imvillc Berks Hiester's Mill Berks Farm ington Hill Tioga Gearv Westmoreland Groft's Store Lancaster High I.ake 'Vn~'no Farrandgyille C'inton Gebliarts Somerset Gulf :Mills liiont 6 0mery Highland Brad ord Fa.sett Bradford Goiger's Mills BHlls Gum Tl'ee hester Hjghland Lake BrlLdford FlHI'n Grove York Geistown C:~mbri>l Gu thrievill e i-tigh SEire Dauphin Fayette Ci ty Fayette General Wa~ne Montgomery (hlth's Station Lehigh HiyhVi Ie LaneILster Fl\yette Spl'ings Fayette G enebl'e For s ' Potter GnY'sMills Crawford Hi 1 1If <'reer Filyettevill e Franklin Georl!.e's Station G\\J'nned Montgomery Hill Church D~rkB Feasterville Bucks ". eatm oreland Ha ley Merce,' HilIe~ass lifontgomery FernwooJ. Ddaware Georgetown Beaver Hag~rHYil1e Buoks Hills ale Indiana Fertigs Venango Germ:l;nia Potter Hair'~ Vall~y Huntingdon Hill's Gro\"o Sullivau Fcrtilit~ Lancaster Gel'many "'llrt!"li HIll;' Moon Oenter H illaida l\r ostmoreland Felhero ffsville Berks Gery's Bucks Halifax Dauphin Hill's Yiew F'd" Ben<l Pike 'Gettysburg Ad,\ms Hall York HiIl.iville Lawren<!<l l<',llmore Oenter Ghent Bradford Hl~mburg Bllrk~ Hilltown Bucks Finle 1r villa WMhington Hib80n Sus'lllehunnl\h Hamilton Jefferson Hill Valley Huntingdon First ork Cameron Gibsonburg foluzurn", Hi1mlin Lebanon Hiner's Run Clinton Fisher Clarion Gilbert Munree Hamlinton \\'nyne Hinkletown Lancaster' }'isher's Fcrr~ Gilberton Sehn) lkill Hammersley's Fork Clinton Hobbie Luzerne.'orthumberland Gilbertsville llontl!omery Hammond l'ioga Hogeslown Cumberland Fishersville D:1Uphin Gilpin Indian" H:tmmond's Creek Tioga Hokenuallqua Lehigh Fishing Creek C"lnmbin Gill H.\\J AlIeglll\llY H"mortotl Choster Holbrook Greene Fitz' Henry Westmoroland Ginger Hill Washini\:to,4 H"mpton Adams Holland J<',ltzwatel'town lioni\1omery '''Girard Bucke i rle Ihueyville T... yconling Flatwoods "lyette "'Hollidaysburg Girard Manor Blair Schuylkill H:lnlin ~tation l\'l\~hi~ton!<'leet\'ille L llzern" Hollisterville Girards ville Wayne S,)hnylkill 'Hanover Ji'\eetwood ork Holt Berks Gl:tde BeaHl' Somerset H,movel' Jnnction Fleming Home Center Gli1de lililla Indiana Butlel' H'~l\overYille Flemington Northam pton Homet's Ferry Clinton Glatfelters Bradford York Harbor Creek Flora Dale Erie Homewood Adams Glen Carbon Beave? Schuylkill Harding Luze,l'ne Florence "Honesdale Washington Glen City Wayne Columbia Har~'ord Susquehannah Honey Rrol)k Chestl'J ~toul'town MO,ntgomcry Gl.mdalc Cambria Hou'leigh Luzerne Honey Grove ii' gelsville Lehigh Glen Hall J "niata Chester Harlensburg Lawrence Fontana Hooker Butler Lebanon Glell Hope Clearfield Hal'\cysv iile Montgomery Hoollstown Foot of Plano Bradford Beaver Glen Mills Delaware Harmarville Alleghany Fordyce Hop Bottom Susquphannah Grcene Glenn McKean Harmansburg Crawford Forest llope Church Alleghany Clearfield Glenoch Chester Harmon's Creek Washington Forest Hill Hopewell Bedford Union Gleu Riddle D~laware Harmony Butler Hopewell Center York Foreet House Potter 'Glen Rock York H,Lrmony Center Forest Lake HopewellCottonWorks Chester Susqueh:umah Glen Ro~ ('hester Susquehannah Hopkins ~Iill Greene For&lt Lake Center' Glen rmon Clinton Harnedsville Somerset Hoppenyille Montgomery 8usquehannah Glcnwo,)d Susquehnnnah "'Harrisburg Daufhin Hornbrook Bradford Forestville Butler Glyndon Crawford Ha.rri~oll City Wcstmore and Horsham Forks J\{ontgomery Colnmbia (}ol\len Hill Wyoming Harrison Yalley Potter Horton's Forlt"s Station Indiana Monroe Gohccl1ville Armstl'on~ Harrisonville Fulton Hosensack Forkston Lehigh Wyoming Good Hope Cumberllui Harrisville Butler Host Forksville Berks Sullivan Good Intent Washington Hnrshaville Beaver Honserville Center Fort Littleton Fulton Goodville Lanca.stcr H8.\'thegig Mercer Houston Alleghany Foster's Mills Armstrong Gordon Schuylkill Hartleton Lnion Houstonville Washington Fostorb 'Blair Gordonsville Lancaster Hartley York Houtzdale Clearfield Foundryville Columbia Goshen Hartstown Crawford Howard Centor FOil ntal 1I Schuylkill Goshenville Chester Hartsville Bncka Howell ville Delaware Fountain D!~lo Adams Go\\~lerSYille Berk" Harvey's Greene H u belsville Huntingdon Fonntain Mills Fayette Gou dsborough Luzern, Harveysvi!le Luzerne Hublersburg Center Fo..: ntain ville Bucks Gowen Luzerne Hatboro' Moutgomery Hlldson J eft'erson Fowlersville Colllmbia Grafensburg Adams Hatch Hollow 1<~rie Hudsondale Carboll Foxburg Clarion Grahamton Clearfield H:Ltfield l\f on tgom ery Hughesville I.ycoming Frampton Clarion Graham ville York Haverford Delaware Hulmesville BUCks Frankfort Springs Beaver Grampinn Hills Clearfield Hlwerford Oollege Montgomery Hulton All~ghany ~Franklin Venango Grand Tunnel Luzerne Hawley Wayne Hummell's Wharf Snyder Franklin Corner Erie (}ranite Hill Adams Haycock Run Bucks Hummel's Store Berks' l<'ranklindale Bradforrl Grant In,liana Hayesville Chester Hummelstown Dauphin Franklin Forks S squehannah Grantville DI~upl'in Hayfield Crawford Hum phreysville Luzerne Franklin Mills F'llton Granville l[,:fh; n Hi1z1erlell I.awrence Hunlock breek Franklintown York Granville Center Br"d;'ord *Hazleton Luzerne Hunter's Run Oumberland Franklinville Huntingdon Granville Summit Bradforu Hebron Potter Hunterstuwn Adam!!' FrlLnkstown Blair Grapeville 'Westmoreland Hecktown Northampton Huntersville Lycoming Frazer Chester Grater's Ford :Montgomery Hegarty's Cross Roarls ~anntingdon HuntingdOL Frederick Montgomery Gratz Dauphin Clearfield Huntingdon Valle)r Fredericksburg Lobu.non Gray's Landing Greene Hegins Sohuylkill ontgomery' Freaericksvillo Berks Graysville Huntingdon' Heidleraburg Adams Huntsvill~ Luzerne Fredericktown Washington Grea-son Cumberland Heilman's Dale Lebanon HUl'd Olearfield Fredonia Mercer Great Bend Susqll.ehannah Heistersburg Fa~ette Hustontown Fulton Freebur,; Snyder Great Bend Village Hellam ork Hyde Park Luzerne Freedom 'Beaver Susquehannah Hellen Elk Hyrem ansville Lehigh Freehold Warren Greble Lebanon Hellen Furnace Olarion ' Ickesburg Perry Freemansburg Northampton Greece City Butler Hellertown Northampton rdaville Adams' Fremont Chester Greenda.le Arml!trong Hemlock Oambria Imlertown Bedford "Freeport Armstrong Greene I.ancaster Hemlock Hollow ' W'a)ne ludependence Washing,ton' French Creek Mercer Green Bank Lo.ncaster Hempfield LanoOl,Ster "Indiana Indiana,., Frenchtown Crltwford Greenbrier Northumbel'hmd Henderson ;Me\rcer Iudian Creek Fayette' Frenohvilie Clearfield "Green Castle Franklin Hendricks Montgomery Indian Run Mercer Friedens Somerset Greenfield Erie Henrietta BllLir Industry Beaver Friedensburg Schuylkill Green Garden Beaver Henr;rsville Monroe Intercl''.lrse Lancaster "Friedensv.il1e Lohigh Green Grove L\uerne Hensmgersville Lehi~h lola Columbia' Friendsville Susquehannah Greenland Lancaster Hepler SIlhu1ik111 Irish Ripple Lawrence Fritz town Berks Green Lane Montgomery Hereford erk~ Irishtown Mercer Frostbnrj/; Jefferson Green Mount Adams Herndon Northumberland Ironton Lehigh Frost Station Fayette Green Park Penv Hermita;ge Mercer Irvine Warren Frvburg ClaRon Green Point Bedford Herrick Bradford Irwin's Station Weetmoreland FIl1ton Westmore and Greensboro' Greene Herrick Center Susquehannah Isabella. Chester Fulton House Lancaster "Greensbnrg Westmoreland Herrickville Bradford Island Clinton Gaines Tioga Green Spring Cumberland Herriottsville Alleghany Ivy Mills Delaware Gallitzin Cambria Green Tree Alleghany Heshhon Indiana Jackson Busqueha.nna.h Gamble's Alleghany Green Yillage F'ran,klin Hetricks York J acllson Corners Monroe Gap Lancaster "Greenville Mercer Hickory Washington Jacks~n:Ha.ll Fre.nlclia, " M~DeY 0. rder om cas.

234 G4 POST OFFICES-PENNSYLVANIA. Post Office. County. County. Pus I Office. COU1I/lI, Post Offic~. County. Jl\ckson Ynlley Susqueha.nnah Kratz~rvil1e Sn:r.del' I,ickin)(ville Clarion McAlevy's Ford Huntinjtdon Jaoksonville Lehigh Kre'Lmer L 'ght Street Columbia McCall's Ferry 1:\ck80nwu,hl B~rks Kreidersville Northa.mpton Ligonier 'Yestmoreland McCandless Butler J acksvill6 Blltler Kresgeville Monroe Lima Dd>1.wu,re McClancy Beaver Jacob's Creek Westmoreltmd Krick's Mill Bel'ks Lime Hill Bradford McClellandtown F"y~tte James' Creek. Huntingdon Kulpsville Montgomery Lime Kiln Berks.MclJ\intockYilie Venango Jamestown.Mercer Kunckle Luzerne Limeport Le"igh McClllre Snydtr Jilorrettown Montgomery Kunkletown Monroe Lime Ridge COlumbia/ JIlcConnellsburg Fulton Jea.nsville Luzerne Kutztown Serlts L merick :Montgomery McConnellstown Huntingdon Jeddo Luzerne Kylerstown Clearfield Limerick Bridge " AicCoysville Juniata Jefl'erson Greene LiIoceyville Wyoming Llmestone Cl&rion lilcculloch'e Mills Juniata Jefferson Line Clearfield L&ck&wanna Luzerne Liuiestoncville Montour IlIfcDonald Wasllington Jefferson Station York Lackaw&xen Plke [.:ncoln Lancaster McElhattan Cl1nton Jetl'ersonville Montgomery Laddsburg Bradford Lincoln F&lJs Sllilivan McEwensvilleNorthumberland Jeffries Clearfield L,a Grange Wyoming Linholu University Chester l\'cga.rvey's Clearfield Jenkins }f"ntgomery Lahaska Backs Lincolnville Cra,wford ~Iclutyrtl Lycoming Jenkintown Montgomery Lairdsville Lycoming Linden Lycoming McKean Ihie,lenner's ~ ROl1.ds Somerset f,ake Luzerne Linden Hull Center McKeansburg Schuylkill Jennerstown S,)merset Lake Como Way,!e Lindly's Mills W&shington McKean'S 'Old Stand Jennersville Chester Lake Pleasant Erle Line's Hollow Cr&wford 'Westmoreland Jenningsville Wyoming Lamar CI,i,nlon Line Lexington Montgomery /l\fck;ee,s Gap Blair Jersey Mill~ Lycoming Lamar Mills Chnton Line lfountain ~rck'ee's lblf Falls SnydH "J~rsey Shore,. Lamartine Clt\rion Northumberland *lilckeesptlrt Alleghany Jersey town Columbia Lamb's Lineville Venango lilcknightstown Adams.Joann!l.J:o'urnace Berks Lamb's Creek 'fiog;l I,inevllleStation Crawford/McKune's Depot,,'yoming Johnsburg Somerset LiIompcter Lancaster Linglestown D,mphin McLane Erie Johnsonville Northampton Lanark Lehigh Linwood S~allion Ddaw,ue lilelellan's Cornel's Erill "Johnstown Cambria 'Lancaster Lancaster Lionville Chester McLaughlin" ::ltore. Joliett SchUYlkill LandenLJurg Chester I,i~bnrn Cumberland Westmoreland Jolly town Greene L,\nrier Warren Litchtield Bradford Mellfichael's St~re 111 on roe Jones'lIIilIs Westmoreland Landingsville Schuylkill 'Litiz Lancaster McSherry town - Adamd "Jonestown Lebanon Landisburg Perr) Little Britain L ancllster :McVeytown Miffiiu Jordan Lehigh Landis' Store Berks Little Cooley Crawford ~fc Viii Armstrong Jtllh\ll Furnace Ceuter Landis Valley La.ncaster Little Gap Oarbon McWilliamstown Chester Junction Lanc,\ster. Landisville Lanc&ster Little )bl'sh Tioga lii!l.bel Schuylkill Juniat& Perry Landsdale )fontgomery I,ittle Me,Ldows Susquehannah I Macedonia Bl'iIodford Kahle'S Cl&rion Lanesboro' Sus'luehannah L;ttle Oley Berk. Macungie Lehigh Kane McKean L&nsing Tioga. l,ittle '['oby Clearfield Maddenville Huntingdoll K"ne City V~nango Laporte Sulliyan Littlestown Adams Madera Cle:(rtield Kantz Snyder L&pD's Lancaster Litzenberg Lehigh lilallison Westmor~land "Kaolin Ohester Lari'mer's Station Livermortl "'estmoreland Madisonburg Center Karthous Cle&rfield 'Vestmoreland I,iverpool Perry Madhonville Luzerne Kasson McKean Larry's Creek Lycoming Llewellyn Schuylkill Mahanoy N orthumberjaud Kearsarge Erie Lathrop Susquehannall Lloyd Tioga. 'Mahanoy Ci ty ::lchuylkill Keating Me KeaD. Latimore Adam. I,nag Chester Mahanoy PlI\ne Schuylkill KeelersburJ; 'Wyoming ~r,atrobe Westmoreland Lobachsville" Berks Maharg nutler Keeneyville Tioga Laughlintown Westmoreland r,qcrdd Union li!.\honin'" Indiana Ke... pville Erie I,a.urelton l'niou 'Locllhaven Clifton lifa.iden Creek Berks K!JIl~rsburg Arm.trolljt Laurelville 'Vcstmoreland Lock No. ~ Wl1Shington lilu,inesburg Tioga. KellersvHle Monrol- Laury'S Station Lehigh Lockport Station.Maineville Culumbla Kelleysville Delu,ware Layansville Somerset \'I"estmoreland lilanada Hill Dauphin Kell,lmrg Lycoming L"wrenc~ \"&shington Locust 'G,~p Northumberland Manatawny, Berks Kelll' Point Union L,uvrenceburg Armstrong Locust Grove Fulton. Manchester YOl'k KelLy'S Station Armstrong L!l.lnenceville Tioga Locust Bill Washington libnheim Lancaster Keltou Che3ter Luz'aretto Station Delaware Locust Lune InuimH\ libnn's'choice Bedford Kemblesville Chester Lawsville Center Locust Valley Lehigh lilannsville Perl'Y Kendall Beaver Susqu hannah Logan Mills Clinton Manor Lancaster Kennard Mercer Layton's Station Fayette f.oganville York Manor Dale Westmoreland Kennerdell Venango Leacock Lancaster London Mercer lilanorhili Huntingdon ~Kennett's Square Chester Leaman Place Londonderry Ohester Manor Station '\Yestmorelund Kent Indiana LeasureviJIe Butler London Grove..II1,mors\'ille Armstrong Kerr'sStatioll Washington Leatherlyood Clarion Lone Pine WashIngton Mansfield Tioga. Kerr's Store Clarion *Lebanon ' Leb&non Lone Tree Greene Mansfield Valley Alieghen.1l' Kerrsville Cumberland Leb&non Chnrch Allegheny Long Run Armstronl;? Maple Grove Fayette Kursey's Elk Lebreuf ErIe Long's Stand Crilowforu.\IIaple Hill Lycoming Kessler'S Nvrthampton Leck Hill Northumberh\nd Long Swamp Berks Maple Ridge Tioga Ketcham Luzerne Leconte's Mills Clearfiel'd Lord's Vu,lley.Phe Mapleton Depot Huntingdon Kettle Creek Potter LederlLchsvilie Montgrmery Loretto C:1mbria ~bpletown Greene Keys York Ledge Dtile Wayne Lo~he 's R,tn Perry M&rchand Indiana Keystone Perry Leechburg Armstrong Lottsvillc Warren Marga.retta Furna.ce York Kil!'i0re Ven&ngo Leech's Corners lilercer I,oudo,}.Franhlin... Marietta L&nc&ster Kilhnger Dauphin Leesburg Mercer Louella Delaw&re Marion Franklin Kimberton Chester Lec's ~ Ro&ds Cumberland Lovell's Station Erie Marionville Forest Kimmel Indiana Leesport Berks Lovelton Wyoming Markelsville Perry King of Prussia Montgomery Leetsdale Allegheny Loveville Center JIlarkley.burg!<'ayette Kingsdale Adams Lehigh Gap Carbon Lower Bern Berks ~lt\rlboro' Chester Kingston Luzerne 'Lehigh Tannery Carbon Lower Heidelberg Berk" Marple Delaware Kingsville Clarion I,ehman Luzerne Lower Merion Montgomery Marr Luzerne Kingwood Somerset Leidy Clinton Lower Providence Montgomery )farron Clearfield Kintnersville Bucks Leighton C&rbon Lower Su,ucon Northampton Marsh Ohester Kinzers J,..einbaok Berks Lowhill Lehigh Marshall's Creek Monre8 Kinzull. Warren Lemon Wyoming Lowville Erie Marshallton Chester Kirby Greene Lemont Oenter Loyalsock Lycoming Marshfield Tioga Kirbyville Berks Lenape Chester Loysville Perry JIlarshvilie Bradford Kirk's )fills Lancaster Lenilortsville Berks Lucesco Westmorel&nd ~lartha Furnanoe Center Kirkwood Lenni Mills Delaware Lucinda Furnace Clarion Martickville Lancastel' Kishacoquill&s Mifflin L6{,na Bradford Ludlow McKean Martinsburg Blair Kiskiminit(lS A.rm~~ron g Leonardville Greene Lumber City Clearfield lilartin's Corner Chester *Kittaning Lenoxville Susti'ltehannah Lumberville Bucks Martin's Creek Northampton Kittanning Point Blair Leopa.rd Chedter Lundy'~ Lane Erie Ma.rtinsville Lancaster Klecknersville Northampton La Raysville Bradford,Luthersburl\: Clearfield Marysville, Perry Kleinfeltersville f.eb&non Le Roy Luther's 1Iltlls Bradford Mason and Dixon Franklin Kline'sGroveNorthumberland Lewisberry York Luzerne Luzerne MasoIttown Fayette Klinesville Berks *Lowisburg 'Union Lycippus westmoreland,' libsthope Pike KlingerstoWD Schuylkill Lewis Run.McKean Lykens Dilouphin M&stersonville Lanc&ster Knauer's Berks "Lewistown Mifflin Lyles Lancaster Matamoras Pike Knob Beaver Lewisville Chester Lynnport Lehigh Mattawan Mifflin Knobsville Fulton Libby Union Lynn Susquehannah "Mauch Chunk Carbon Knox Clarion Liberty Tioga Lynnville Lehigh Maxatawney Berks Knox D&le Jefferson Liberty Corners Bradford Lyon Valley.. May L&nc&ster Knoxville Tioga Liberty Square Lanca.ster ~yon's Station Berks Maytown Lanoaster Kooauth Clarion Library Alleghany McAllisterville Juniata Meadow Gap Huntingdoll MOlley 0 I'd, r Oflicell.

235 POST OFFICES-PENNSYLVANIA. 65 County. P oat Office. County. Po~t Office. County. Pod Office. Head Corners Orawford Mont~omeryStation'Lycoming New Bedford Lawrence North Pine GroTO 'Mlladville MontIcello Armstrong New Berlin Union North Rome "Mechanicsburg Oumberland 'Montrose Susquehannah Newberry Lycoming North Sandy Meohn.nics' Grovo Lancaster.Montrose Depot Susquehannah Newberry town York North's Mills Meohanicsville Rucks Monturesville Lyooming New Bethlehem Clarion North Sewickly Meekvllle Bel'\"S Moon Allp,ghany "New Bloomfield Perry North Shenango -Media Dela.ware Mooresburg Montour New Bridge Franklin North Smithtleld Mehoopany. Wyoming ~Ioorestown Northampton New Bridgeville York North Springfield Melissadale Butler Moorhead Allegheny New Bridgeport Bedford North Star Meloy Washington Moorheadville Erie "Now Brighton Beaver North Towanda j't '., \ (Jountll. Clarioll Bradford, Mercer Mercer Beavez Orawford Bradford Erie Allegheny Bradford Menallen Adams Moosehead Luzerne New Britain Bucks 'Northumberland Mendon Westmoreland Moosic Luzerne New Buena Vista. Bedford Northumberland Menno Mitllin Moravia. I.awrence N.,w B:.tfalo Perry Northville ErIe -Mercer Mercer Mordansvillo Columbia :t;ewhurg Cumbcrland North Wales Montgomerl -Mercer. burg Franklin Moreland Lycoming "New Castle Lawrence North Wa,shhlgton Jlllrcur Dradfbrd Morgantown Berks N clw Centerville Chester Westmoreland Meredith Venango Morrell Huntingdon New Ohester' Adams North Wharton Potter Merion Montgomery Morris Tiogl\ _" ew Columbia, Uniot)!\forth Whiteha,ll Lehigh Merritstown l!'ayette l\{orris Cross Roads Fayette New Culumbus Luzerne Norway Che.ter MerrynU Bradford Morrison Luzerne New Camberla.nd Cumberlaud!\forwich McKean Mertztown Berks Morrisonvillo Washington New Da,nville Lanco..~ter Norwood Chedter Merwinsburg Monroe Morris Run Tioga New Derry Westmoreland!\f ossville Huntillgdoll Mesh:\nnon Center llorrisville Bucks ~ew Enterprise Bedford Nottingha,m Chester Meshoppin Wloming }lorton Dela.w,\re ~ew Era Bradford Numida Columbia Mexico uniata ~fortonville Chester New Florence Westmoreland Oakdale Delaware Meyer's Dale Somerset M.oscow Luzerne Newfoundland Wayne Oakdale Station Allegheny lieyer's Mills Somerset Moselem Berks New Freedom York Oakford Buck. emeyerdtown Lebanon Moserville Lehigh New Fleeport Greeno Oa,k Forest Greene Middaghs Northampton M03iertown Crawford New Galilee Beaver Oak Hill Lancaster Middlebu'rg Snyder )Iotley Lanco...ter New Garden Che.ter O,\klllnd Armstrong Middleburg Center Tiogu Mount.Etna Berks New Geneva Fayette Oakland ~ Roads Middle Oreek Snyder Mountain Berks New Germantown Perry Westmoreland Middle Lanoaster Butler Mountain Creek Cumberland New Grenada Fulton Oakla.nd Mills Juniatta Middleport Sohuylkill Mountain Eagle Center New Hamburg :Mercer Oaklel Susquehanna,h. Middle Spt;:ing Oumberland )fountain Home Monroe New Hanover Montgomery Oaks Montgomery -Middletown Dauphin Mountain Lake Bradford Newhn.rt's Northampton Oak Sha,de Lancastu' ruddletown Center Mountain Top Luzerne New Holland Lancaster Oakville Cumberland' Susquehannah )Iollntain Valley Luzerne New Hope Bucks Octoraro Lanoaster' Middle Valley 'Wayne ~Iollnt Airy Washington. New Jerusalem Berka Ogdensburg Tiog'".Hid way Washington Mount Bethel Northampton New Kingston Cumberland Oglo Butler Mifflin SchuJ'lkill MountCarmelNorthumberland New Lebanon Mercer Ohioville Beaver' Mitllinburg Union Monnt Ohestnut BuUer New Lexington Somerset 'Oil City Venango "Mitllintown Juniata ~Iollnt Healthy Somerset New LOlldon Chester Oil Creek Jrawford Mitllinville Columbia Mount Holly Springs New 1IIahoning Carbon Old Forgo Luzerne' Milan Bradford Oumberland Newmansville Clarion Old Line Lanc"ster Milanville Wayne Mount Hope Lancaster New Milford Susqnehannah Oleopolia Venango, Milesburg Center Mount.Iackson Lawrence New Millport Clearfield Oley Berk. Milos Grove Erie 'llount Joy Lancaster New Oxford Adams Oliveburg Jefferson. *Milford Pike Mount Lebanon All~ghallY S'ew Paris Bedford Olivet Armstrong Milford Mills Chester Mount Morris Greene New Park York Olivia Blair' Milford Square Bucks 'fount Nebo Lancaster New Petersburg Jefferson OIYllha,nt Luzerntt Milford Sta.tion Someriet 'follnt Parnel Franklin New Pleasa.nt Grove Onberg Indiana Millbach Lebanon Mount Pleasant Westmoreland Huntingdon Ono Lebanon, Millbrook Mercer Mount Pleasant Mills Snyder "Newport Perry Jrange Luzerne Mill City Wyoming lifount Rock Oumberland Newportville Bu'cks Oraugeville Columbia Mill Creek Huntingdon Mount Roval York New Providence Lancaster Orbisonia Huntingdon Milledgeville. Mercer.\lount Top York New Richmond Crawford Orcutt Creek Bradford emillersburg Dauphin 'fount Union Huntingdon New Ringgold Schuylkill Orefield Lehigb Miller's Station Crawford Mount Vernon Chester Newr;y Blair Oregon Lancaster Millerstown Perry Mountville Lancaster New Salem Fayette Oregon Hill Lycoming Millerstown Sta.tion Perry Mount Washington Allegheny New Scottsville Beaver Oriental Juniata "Millersville Lancaster Mount Wolf York New Sheffield.. Oriole Lycoming. Mill Hall Clinton Mount Zion Lebanon New Stanton Westmoreland Ormsby Allegheny Millheim Center Mowersville Franklin New Texas Alleghany Orrstown Franklill. Mill Hollow Luzerne ;\Iowry's Mills Bedford Newton-Hamilton Mifflin Orrsvillo Armstrong; Millport Potter Moyer's Store Bucks "Newtown Bucks Orwell Bradford! Il.ill Run Fayette!lluddy Creek Lancaster Newtown Mills Forest OrwigsburS Schuylkill; Millsboro' Washington Muddv Creek Forks York Newtown Square Deb.ware Orwin Schuylk.ilU Forest Muhlenburg Luzerne New Tl"ipoU Lehigh O~oar Armstrong. Milltown Chester Mulberry York New Vernon Mercer Osceola Tioga, Hillview Sullivan Mummasburg Adams "Newville Oumberland Osceola Mills Cleartletit )fill Villa,ge Erie "Mnncy Lycoming New Washington -Clearfield Ostend Clearfield) Millville Oolumbia Muncy Bottom Sullivan. "New Wilmington Lawrence Oswayo Potter Millville Dapo' Pike Munoy Station Lycoming Nicholson Wyoming Otter Creek Mercer" Millway Lancaster Munntown Washington Nickleville Venango Otter Run. Lycoming Millwood Westmoreland Munster Cambria Nicktown Oambria Ottavillo Buck.. Milroy Mitllin Muhlocksville Washington Niles Valley Tioga Overbrol1k Montgomers.Milton Northumberland lifurrinsville Butler Nine Poin~ Lancaster Qverton.. Bradford Milwaukie Luzerne Murrysville Westmoreland Nineveh Greene *Oxford Chester Mineral Point Cambria l'olycrsburg Bradford Nippenose Lycoming Oxford V"Ucy Bu.,ok" -Minersville SchuylkUl Nanticoke Luzerne Nisbet Lycoming Packer Jeifer~on Minnequa Bradford Nasby Clinton Nittany Center Painter'~ Bridge Chester Minta Indiana Natrona Allegheny Niven Busquehannah Painteraville llitllin Mitchell's Creek Tioga NallVOO Tioga Noble's Mills Washington Pallas Snyde~ Mitohell's Mi'lls Indiana ''ia.zareth Northampton Noblestowl). Alleghany Palm Montgomery llixtown Tioga. Neath l>radford Nolo In<\iana Palmersvillo Allegheny Mohontongo Junia,ta N ebro..~ka Forest Nora Berks Palmyra Lebanon Mohn's Store Berks Needmore Fulton *Norristown Montgomery Palo Alto S1:huylkill. Mobrsville '1erts Lehigh Norrisville Crawford Panther Rock Forest Molltown Neif's Mills Huntingdon Norritollville Montgomery Paoli ehester Monocacy Berks Neffsville La.ncaster Northbrook Chester Paradise :L.a,nca&ter Monooaoy Jun~tion Berks Nekoda Perry North Buffalo Armstrong Para,dise Valloy Moo,rt>e emondngahelaoity Washington S'elson Tioga North Coventry Ohester Paris Washington' Monroe town Bradford Nescopeck Luzerne "North East Erie Parker'. Landing, Armstrong onroeville Allegha.ny Neshaminv Bucks North Fork Potter *Parksburg Cheste!" M.ont Alto Franklin N eshannoek Mercer North Heidelberg Berks' Park's Oreek Bradford. Montandon Northumberland Neshannock Fall. Lawrence North Hope Butler Parkersvillo Chestell liontorey Berks Nesquehoning Oar bon NorthJackson Susquehllnnah Parkwood Indiana Vonterey Springs Franklin New Albany Bradford North Liberty Mercer Pa,rnassus Westmoreland I l1ontgomery's Ferry Perry New Alexa,ndriaWestmoreland North Oakland Butl"r Parrysvilla Carboll' MODigomery Square New Athens Cla.rion North Orwell Bradford Parllons Luerntl MOlltgomery New BalUmore Somerset North PeUll Schuylkill PI'tcbilUviUo 0loameW B K01l61 0,40r OmCet.

236 66 POST OFFICES-PENNSYLVANIA. p()",office. County. P08t Offic~. County. P08t Office. County. POBt Office. Count!1o Patterson Juniata PlymouthMeetingMontgomery Richland Center Bucks Saint Petersburg Clarion Patterson's Mills Washington Pocahl)ntas Somerset Richland Station Lebanon Saint Thomas Franklin Pattonville Bedford Pocono Monroe Richlandtown Bucks Salem Snyder Paulton Westmoreland Poe Beaver Richmond Northampton Salfordville Montgomery Paupac Pike Point Pleasant Bucks Richmond Furnace Franklin Salina Westmoreland Pavia Bedford Polk Venango Richmond Hill Susquehannah Salisbury Lancaster Pawling Chester Pollock Clarion ltidd,le's I><l Roads Butler Salladayeburg Lycoming Paxinos Northumberland Pomeroy Chester Riddlesburg Bedford Salona CJ inton Paxton Dauphin Poplar Run mair Ridgebury Bradford Saltillo Huntingdon Paxtonville Snyder Portage Cam brill Ridgeview Westmoreland Salt Lick Olearfie)d Peach Bottom York Portage Creek llckean "'Ridgeway Elk "'Saltsburg Indiana Peachville Butler Port Alleghany McKean Ridley Park Delaware Salunga Lancaster Pearson Lebanon Port Blanchard Luzerne Riegelsville Bucks Sand Cut Wayne Peckville Luzerne Port Carbon Schuylkill Rileysville 1Vayn~ S,ind Patch Tunnel Somerset Penfield Clearfield Port Clinton.. Rimer Armstrong Sandt's Eddy Northampton Penllyn Montgomery Porter Jefferson Rimersburg Clarion Sandy Hill Perry Penn Lancaster Porterfield Venango Ringgold Jefferson Sandy Lake l'tiercer Penn Hall Center Porter's Seidling York Ringtown Schuylkill SanJy Valley Jefferson P,enn Haven Carbon Porterville Butler Rittersville Lehigh Sarah Blair Penn Line Crawford Port Kennedy Montgomery Riverside Northumberland Sardis Westmoreland Penningtonville Chester *PorUand Northampton Riverton Northampton Sargent 1\1cKe:~n Penn Run Indiana Port Matilda Center Roaring Branch Lycoming Sarversville Butler Pennsburg Montgomery Port Perry Alleghany Roaring Creek Columbia Sartwell l'tjckean Penn's Creek Snyder Port Providence Montgomery Roaring Spring Blair Satterfield Mercer Penn's P'trk Bucks Port Royal Juniata Robello. Allegheny Saulsburg Huntingdon Penn's Station Westmoreland Port Treverton Snyder Robeson Berks Saxenburg Butler Penn's Square Montgomery Potter's Corners Crawford Rohesonia Furnaces Berks Saxton Bedford Pennsville Fayette Potter's Mills Center Robisonville Bedford Saylorsburg Monroe Penn Valley Bucks Potterville Bradford "Rochester Beaver Scalp Level Cambria Pequea Lancaster Pott's Grove Northumberland Rochester Mills Indiana Scarlet's 1Uill Berka Perkasie Bucks *Pottstoll'n Montgomery Rock Schuylkill Scenerv Hill Washington Perkiomenville Montgomery "Pottsville Schuylkill Rockdale Lehigh Sc hellsburg Bedford Perrine Mercer Powell Bradford Rockdale Mills Jefferson Schenley Station Armstrong Perry Foster Powel's Creek Da.uphin Rockhill Elk Schlichter Bucks Perryopolis Fayette Powelton Center Rock Lake Wayne Schnecksville Lehigh Perrysville Alleghany Powl's Valley Dauphm Rockland Venango Schreneck Lancaster Peru Mills Juniata Prentiss Vale McKean Rock Point Beaver Schoffner's Corners J efterson Peter's Creek Lancaster President Furnace Venango Rockport Carbon Schultz ville Luzerne Petersville Northampton Preston Wayne Rock Spring Center Schuylkill Ch~ster "'Petroleum Centre Venango Prestonville Cameron Rockton Clearfield Schuylkill Haven Schuylkill Petrolia Bu tier Pricetown Berks Rockville Chester Schwenck's Store Montgomery 'Pettis Crawford Princeton Lawrence ROl!~rsville Green~ Sciota l'tlonroe Pfout's Valley Perry Progress Dauphin Rohrsburg Colum,bia Srofield Warren "'Philadelphia Philadelphia Prompton Wayne Roland Center Scotch Hill Clal'ion '.Philipsbllrg Center Prospect nutler Rome Bradford Scotland Franklin Philip's Mills Indiana Prospectvillo Montgomery Roscommon Monroe Scott Luzerne Pbilipston Clarion Prosperity Wa~hington Rosecrans Clinton Scottsville Wyoming "Phrenixville Chester Providence Luzerne Rosedale Greene *Scranton Luzerne Phrenix Armstrong Pugh town Chester Rosenwich Chester Seal'.ights Fayette Plck~ring Chester Pulaski Lawrence Rose Point Lawrence ~econd Fork Cameron Picture Rocks Lycoming *Punxutawny Jefferson Rose's Valley J.ycoming Seiberlingsville Lehigh -Pierce Armstrong Purcell Bedford Rossland Monroe Seidersville Northampton Pierceville Wyoming Purchase Line Indiana 'Rosston Armstrong Seigfried's Bridge.., ' Pike Mills Potter Putneyville Armstrong Rossville York Seisholtsville Berka Pike Run WaShington "'Quakertown Bucks Rostraver Westmoreland "'Selin's Grove Snyder Pikeville Berks Quarryville Lancaster Rothsville Lancaster Seller's Tavern Bucks Pillow 'Dauphin Quincy Franklin Rough and Ready Schuylkill Sell's Station Adams Pine Creek Furnace Armstrong Raccoon Washington Roulette Potter Seneca Venango Pine Flats Indiana Radnor Delaware Round Hill Adams Sereno Columbia Pine Glen Center Railroad York Round Island Clinton Service Beaver Pine Grove Schuylkill Rainsburg Bedford Round '1'01) Tioga Setzler'S Store Chester Pine Grove Mills Center Ralston Lycoming "Rouseville Venango Seventy-Six Beaver Pine Hill York Randolph Crawford Rowland Pike Seven Stars Adams Pine Iron Works Berks Ransom Luzerne Row ersville Franklin Seven Valleys York Pine Station Clinton Rauch's Gap Clinton Roxbury Franklin Sewicklyville Alleghany Pine ~ummit Columbia Raught's Mills Forest Royalton Crawford Shade Furnace Somerset Pine Township Armstrong Raven Cre~k Oumberland Royer's It'ord Montgomery Shade Gap Huntingdon Pineville Bucks Raven Run, Schuylkill Rucksville Lehigh Shade Valley Juniata Piney Creek Bedford Rawlinsville Lancaster Ruff Creek GJ:eene Shady Grove Franklin Piny Clarion Raymilton Venango Rummersfield Creek Bradford Shady Plain Arlilstrong Pioneer Venango Raymonds Potter Rundell's Crawford Shaeiterstoll'n Lebanon Pipersville Bucks Ray'8 Hill Bedford Rupert Columbia Shaff's Bridge Somersei "'Pithole City Venango "Reading Berks Rural Ridge Alleghany "Shamburg Venango Pitmltn Schuylkill Reamstown Lancaster Rural Valley Armstrong "'Shamokin Northumberland "'Pittsburgh Alleghany Rebersburg Center Rush S)lsquehannah Shamokin Dam Snyder Pittsfield Warren Rebucks Northumberland Rush Four Corners Shanesville Berk. "Pittston Luzerne Red Hill Montgomery Susquehannah Shanksville SomersU Pittsville,Venango Red Bank Furnaoe Clarion Rushtown Northumberland Shannondale Clarion Plainfield Cumberland Redclyffe I<'orest Rushville Susquehnnnnh Shannonsville Montgomery Plains Luzerne Redington Northam pton 'Russellsburg Warren "'Sharon l'tfercer Plane Grove Lawrence Red Land Adams Russell Hill Wyoming Sharon Center Pot er Plains ville Luzerne Red. Rock Luzerne R)lssellville Chester Sharon Hill Delaware Plank Road York Red Run Lanoaster Rutan Greene Sharpsburg Alleghany Platea Erie Red Stone Fayette Rutland Tioga Sharpsville Mercer Plattville Oambria Reed'~ Gap Juniata Ryerson's Sta;ioll Gr~ene Shartlesville Berks Pleasant Mercer Reedsville Mifliin Sabbath Rest Blair Sll'aver's Creek Huntingdon 'Pleasant Corners Carbon Reeseville Chester Sabinsville Tioga Shawnee Monroe Pleasant Gap Center Rehrersburg Berks Sabula Clearfield Shaw's Landing Crawford Pleasant Grove Lancaster Reidenbach's Store Lancaster Sacramento Schuylkill Shawsville Clearfield Pleasant Hall Franklin Reidsburg Clarion Sadsburyville Chestt'r Sheakleysville Mercer 'Pleasant Mount Wayne Reinhold'~ Station La.ncaster Saegerstown Crawford Shearer's ~ Roads Pleasant Run Montgomery Reinholdsvillu Lancaster Saegersville Lehigh Westmoreland Pleasant Unity Westmoreland Remington.Alleghany Safe Harbor Lancaster Sheffield Warren Pleasant Valley Bucks Reno Venango Saint Augustine's Cambria Sheldon Susquebannan Pleasant View Juniatn "'Renovo Olin ton Saint Bonifacius Cambria Shelocta Indiana "Pleasantville Reynolds Schuylkill ~Saint Clair Schuylkill ~Shenandoab Schuylkill Plum Venango Reynoldsville Jefferson Saint Clairsville Bedford Shepherds:oWIl Cumberland Plumer Venango Rice's Landing Greene Saint Joseph's Susqu,ehannah Sheridan Lebanon Plumsteadville Bucks Riceville Crawford Saint Lall're'nce Cambria Sherman Wayne Plumville Indiana RichardlTille Jeffers~ Saint Mary's "~lk Sherma.n's Dale Perry Plunkett Sullivan Riohborougb Buoks Saint Nicholll8 -Schuylkill Sher-rett Armstrong Plymouth Luerne Riehfi<:ld.Ju;u.iata, S,aint Peter'. Ohester Shickshillnr Luurae elloll" Order om_.

237 POST OFFICES-PENNSYLVANIA. 67 PO&t Office. Oounty. Post Office. Oounty. Post Office. OountJ/. Pod Offlce. Oounty. Shimerville Lehigh Springfield Bra.dford Sutersville Westmorela.nd Tylers Clea.rfield Shinbone FI~yette Springfield Furna.ce Blo\ir Sutton's Oorners Cra.wford Tylersburg Ola.rion Shisheguin Bra.dford Spring For~e York Swan Station Erie Tylersport Mont~omery Shingle House Potter Spring Ga.r en Lancaster Swarthmore Delaware Tylersville linton Shippensburg Oumberland Spring Grove Lancaster SwartHille Lancaster "'I'Yl'one Blair Shippensville Clarion Spring Hill Braclford Swa.tara Schuvlkill Uhlerstown Bucks Shippingport Be.wer Spring Hill Furnaoe Fayette Swataru. Station Dauphin Uhl eraville Northampton Shiremantown Cumberland Spring Hope Bedford S lvedeland Montgomery Ulster Bradford Shirland Alleghany Spring House Mont~,mery Sweden Potter.ffiysses Potter S h,rleysburg Huntingdon Spring Me'lc\ow sdford Sweet Valley Luzerne Union } ork Shoam Akers Monroe Spring Mil15 Center Sybertsville 'Union City Erie Shoemakerstown }[ontgomery Spring Run Franklin SJ llima.n Schuylkill UnionOorner Northumberland S,hoemakerviliq Berks Springtown Buuks Sylvan Fra.nklin U"ion Dale Susquehannah S 110enersville Lehigh Springville Susqueha.nnah Sylvania Bradford Union Deposit Dauphia Shohola Pike ilprnce [ndia\ul Table Rock Adams Union Forge Lebanon, Short Mountain Dauphin Spruce Oreek Huntingdon Ta.fton Pikes Union Station Lancaster Shoustown Alleghany Spruoe Hill Juniata T.lbotville Ohester *Uniontown Fayette Shrewsbury York Square Oorner Adams Talley Oovey Alleghany Unionville Ohester Shunk. Sullivan Stahlstown Westmoreland 'Tamaqua Schuylkill Unityville Lycoming Sideling Hill It'ulton Standing Stone Bradford Tamarao Crawford Uplands Delaware Sidne, Venango Stanton Jefferson Tanner's Falls Wayne Upper Hern Eerks Sidonsburg York Star Warren 'l'annersville Monroe Upper Eddy Bucks Sigel J effersoll Starucea Wayne Tannery Indiana Upper Darby Delaware Biglerville Mifil ill State Line Franklin Tarentum Alleghany Upper Dublin Montgomery Silver Oreek Schuylkill State Line Mills McKean *T,.rr Farm Venango Upper I.ehigh Luzerne Silver L"'ke Susquehannah Stauffer Westmoreland Tate$ville Bedford UpperMahttntango Schuylkill Sil ver Spring Lancaster Staunton's :\lills Somerset Taylor's Stand Orawford Upper Middleton Fayette Simpson's Store Washington Steambnff Crawford Taylorstown ". ashington Upper Providence Delaware SinkIng ~ring Berks Steam Va ley Wycoming Ta~lorsville Bucks Upper St. Clair Alleghany Sinkine- alley Blai~ Steeleville Chester Te ford Bucks Upper Strasburg Franklin Sinniamahoning Cameron ::;teel Works Dauphin Temperanceville Alle~hRny Upsonville Susquehann'ah Sipe's Mills Fulton Steinsburg, Bucks Tem~e erks Upton Fraaklill_ Sipestown Lehigh Stembersville C.lrbon Ten ile Washington U rhan Northum berland Sipesville Som~rset Stemton Northampton Ten liile Bottom Venango Ursina Somerset Six Mile Run 3edford Sterling Wa.yne Terre Hill Lancaster Utah Indiana. Six Points BlItler Sterling Run Oamerou Terrytown llra<lford Ut&hviUe Clea.rfield 'Six Roads Bedford S terretania Erie Texas Lycoming Utica Skinner's Eddy Wyomin~ ';terrett's Gap Perry Thomasville York Uwchland Chester Skippack Montgomery Stevens Lancaster Thompsoo. Susquehannah Valley Clarioll Slack \Vater Lancaster Stevenson's Mills Wayne 'l'hompsontown Juniata Valley Forge Chester Slate Ford Northam/ton Steuben Crawford Thompsonville Washington Valley View Seh llylkill Slate Hill ork Stevensville Bradford Thom's Rnn Greene Van Bllrea Washingtoll Slate Lick ArmstronJ!; Stewart Erie Thorndale {Nil Works (Jhest"l' Van Camp Columbia. "Slatington Lehigb Stewarton Fayette Thornbury Vancefart Allegheny Sligo Clarion Stewart's Run Venango Thornhill.Allegheny Vanceville Washington Slipperl Rock Butler Stewartstown York Thornton Delaware Van Wert Juniata.,Smicks urg In iltewartsville Westmoreland Three Rnns Clearfield Venango Crawford Smiley Susquehannah Still w(.. ter Columbia 1'hree Springs Huntiagdon Venice Washington Smithfield Falette Stinesville Lehigh Three Tons Montgomery VeraCrul Lehigh Smithfield Summit Bra ford Stockertown Northampton Thurlow Delaware Vernon Wyoming Smithport McKean Stockton Luzerne "Tidionte Warren Verona Westmoreland Smith's Ferry Bea.ver S toddartsville Tinker Run Westmoreland Vic';sburg Union Smith's Mills Olearfield Stoneboro Mercer 'rioga Tioga V ill&ge GreeD Delaware Smith's Station Xork Stone Church Northumerland Tioga Valley Bradford Vinoent Chester Smithville Lancaster Stoneham Warren "Tionesta, 'F<.orest Virginsville Berks Smitten :'\ to II ersto,wn Bedford Tippecanoe Fafiette VogltnsviUe Lancaster - Smyrna. Lancaster Stonersville BI',rks Tipton I.air 'Volant Lawrence SnedekerviUe Bradford Stony Oreek Somerset "Titusville Crawford Vosburg Wyoming Snow Shoe Oenter Stony Fork Tioga Tivoli Lycoming Wagner Mifilin Snydertown Northumberland Stony Point Crawford Tobyha,nna liills lfonroe Wagontowll Chester Sny(lersville Monroe Stony Run Berks Todd Huntingdon Wakefield La.ncaster Somerfield Somerset Stormville Monroe Tohickon Huclts Wa.lker Center "Somerset Somerset Stouohburg Berk» Tomb's Run Lrcoming Wa.lker's Mills Alleghany Somerset Fnrna.ce Somerset Stoughstown Oumberland Tompkinsville Luzerne Wallace Chester Sonestown Sullivan Stouts Northampton Topt6n Berks Wallaceton Clearfield Soradville Mifilin Stoyestown Somerset Tough Kenamon Chc-~ter Wallaceville Venango Sorrel Horse Montgomery Strabane Washington 'Towanda Br:tdfol'd Wallis Run Lycoming SouderSburg Lancaster Strasburg Lano,aater Tower City Schuylkill W'll1 Rose Beaver Bouder's Station Montgomery Stratton ville Cla.rion Town Hill Lu~erne Wallsville Luzerne Southampton Somerset Stra.ustown Berk~ Town Line Walnut Juniata. South Auburn Susquehannah Street Road Chester Townville Crawford Walnut Bottom Oumberland Smth Benu Armstrong Strickersville Chester Transfer Mer"er Walts' Mills. Westmoreland "South Bethlehem Strinestown York 'l'ra.ppe Montgo!Jlery Wampum Lawrence Northampton Strode's Mills Tremont Schu-ylkill Wanamie Luzerne South Rra.nch Bradford Strongstown Indiana. Treskow O,~rbon Wa\H\,allopell Luzerne South Creek Bradford "Stroudsburg Monroe Trevorton Northumberland Warfordsburg Fultoll South Easton NClrthampton Stuckevsville Bedford Trexlertowm Lehigh \V arminster Bucks South Eatoa Wyoming Sugar Creek Trontona Chester 'Warren C. H. Warrell Evansville Berks Sugar Grove Wnrren 'rrol1t Run Lycoming W-Jl.rren Center Bradford South Gibson Susquehannah Orawford Troutvlile Clearfield Warrenham.. South Lancaster Snga.r Notch Luzerne Troxel ville Snyder W arrensvill e Lycoming South Hill Bradford Sugar Run Bradford *Troy Bradf()rd ' Warren Tavero. Chester South Litchfield Bradford Sugartown Chester Troy C,mte,r Crawford "Warrington Bucks 8(mth Oil City Vellango Sugar Valley Olinton Trucksville Luzerne Warrior's )lark Huntingdon South Sterling Walone Sullivan Tioga Trumbau~svill<e Bucks Warwick Chester South Warr~n Brad ord Summer Hill Cambria Tru nkel'vi'llle Forest Warsa.w Jefferson South West Warren Summersville Jefferson Tryonvllle Orawford "Washington Washington South Whiteb.aU Lehigh Summit Oambria Tuckerton Berks W ashi(f,ton ville Montour Sp(J,ngsvi\le Berks Summit Hill Carbon Tullytown Bucks Wa,ter ure Beaver Blarta. Washington Summit Mills Somerset Tulpehoccan Berks 'Waterford Er~ partansburg Summit Station Schuylk'ill Tunkhanllock Wloming Wa.terloo Juniatr. Spinnerstown Bncks sumne;rtown Montgomery Tunnelton ndiana Wa.terside Bedford Sporting Hill Lancaster "Snnbllr1 Northumberland Turbotville Northumberland Water Street Huntingdoa Spraggs Greelle Suncliff Indiana. Turk.eJ Foot Somerset Waterville Lycominl Bpra.nkle's Mills Jefferson Sunderlin ville Potter Turner's Store 'WatsontownNorthnmberlan Spread Eagle Ohester Sunnyside Allegheny Turner.ville (jrawford Watt Indiana Spring Crawford Sun ville Venango Turtle Oreek Alleghany Wattsburg Erie Spring Brook Luzerne Suplee Ohester Turtle Point McKean, Waverly Luzerne Spring Ohurch Armstroilg Surgeon's Hall Alleghany Tuscarora Schuylkill Waverly Heights Montgomery Spring City Cbester Susq'lehannah Dauphin Tuscarorl!o Valley Bradford Waymart W,1J'l,"e 8 pring Orcek Warren *Susqueha.nnah D~pot Two Liok Indiana Wayne r'i.. 'Spriag Dale Alleghany.,, Susquehannah Two Tavern. 4dams. \Vayne Center Orawfl!). ){oney O~~e~ QlliceB.

238 68 POST OFFICES-PENNSYLVANIA-RHODE ISLAND----SOUTH CAROLINA. Pod Office. County. POllt Office County. POIIt Office. County. Post Qffiets. County. Waynesboro' Franklin Wiley Greene Charlestown WashIngton Allison Creck York.Waynesburg Greene "Wilkesl!arre Luzerne Chepachet ProTidence Alston FairReld Weatherly Oarbon Wilkinsburg Allegheny Coventrv Kent "AndeTS~n C. H. Anderson Weaversville Nonhampton Willet lndiana Coventry Center Kent Anderson's?tHUs pickenll Weavcr's Old Stand William Penn Montgomery Cranston Priilot Works Aniioch York Westmoreland Williamsburg lnair Providence AntreviJIe Edgefield Webster Westmoreland Williams' Grove Oleartield CumberlaJJ.dHill Providence Appleton Barnwell Webster's Mills Fulton Williamsan Franklin Davisville Washington Arnold's Mills Pickens. Weedville Elk "Williamsport Lycoming Diamond Hill Providence Ashton Sumt~r Wei"dasville Lehigh Williams Store Westmareland "East Greenwich Kent Bachelor'S Retreat Oconee Weisenburg Lehil?h Williamstown Dauphin East Providence Providence Hamberg Barnwell Weishampie Sohuylklll Williamsville 'Elk E~coheag Kent Barleywood Spnrtanbul'g Weisport Carbon Williston Poter Exeter Washington Barnwell C H. Barnwell Wellersburg Somerset Willistawn I'nn Ohester Fis)teville Providence Batesville Spa.rtanburg Wells Brad:ard Willowdale Chester Fost~r Providence Bath Aiken "Wellsbaro' Tioga Willow Grove Montgomery Foster Center Providence *Beaufort C. H. :Beaufor~ Wells' Tannery Fulton Willow Springs Columbia Georgiaville Providellce Beaver Pond Lexington Wel1svilltl York Willow Street Lanca~ter Greene Kent Belair Lancaster Welsh Rnn Franklin Willow Tree Greene Greenville Pr!>vidence Beiton Anderson Wenks Adams Willow Vale Columbia Harmony Providence Bennettsville Marlborough Wernersville Berks Wilmarth Elk Hill's Grove Kent Bethany York Wescosville Lehigh Wilmore Cambria Hope Providence Bethel York Wesley Venango Wilmot Bradford Hope Valley Washington Bethlehem Clarendon Wesleyville Eric WiIso»'~ :Mills Venango Hopkinton Washington Big Creek Edgefield West Alexander Washington Wind Gap Northam pton Jamestown Newport Bishopville Snmter West Auburn Susquehannah Windham Bradford Kingston Washington Black Mingo Williamsburg West Bangor York Windham Center Bradford Lafayette Washington BlackStocks Chester West Bingha.m Potter Windham Summit Bradford I,lme Rock Provid~nce Blackville Barnwell WestBrownsville Washington Wind Ridge Greene Little CMDpton Newport Blairsville York West Burlington Bradford Windsor York 'Lonsdale Providence Bluffton Beaufor~ "'Yestchester Chester Windsor Castle Herks Manton Providence Bonnea.u's Depot Charleston West Covington Tioga Winfield Union Manville Providence Boston New berr l West Damascus Wayne Winterstown York Mapleville Providence Bouknight's Ferry Edgelield West Dacatur Clearfield Wintersville Berks l\1iddletown Newport Bounty La.nd Oconee West Dublin Fnlton Wismer Bucks Mohegan Providence Bradley Barnwell West Earl Lancaster W istar Clinton M oosu Jl' Valley Providence Branch ville Orange burg West Elizabeth Alleghany Witherllp's Venango Nanagansett Washington Brewerton Laurens West End. Bedford Wittenburg Somerset Narragansett Pier Washington BrigMan Beuufori West Fairfield Westmoreland WolfshuFg Bedford Natick Kent Britton'S Neck Marion West Fairview Cumberland Wolf Creek Mercer Nayatt Point Bristof Brown'S Store Union Westfield Tioga Wolf R\ln Lycoming "Newport Newport Browllsville Marlborough \Vest Finley Washington Wolf's Store Center New Shoreman Newport BrnDson Beaufl>ri West Franklin Bradford "Womelsdorf Berks Niantic Washington Brushy Creek Anderson West Freedom OlarIon Woodbury Bedford Nooseneck Hill Kent Buckhead Fairfield West Greene Er,ie Woodcock Crawford North Scituate Providence B.o.cksville Horry West Greenwood Orawford Woodland Clearfield Oak Lawn Providence Bu'ena Vista Greenville West Grove Chester Woodrow Washington Ol'neyville Providence Buford's Bridge :Barnwell West Hanover 'Dauphin Woodville Alleghany Pascoag Providence Bull Creek Georgetown West Hickory Forest WQodward Center "Pawtucket Providence Bullock Creek York West Lebanon Indiana Worcester Montgomery Pawtuxet Kent Calhoun'S Mills AbbeviUB West Leesport Berll;s Worth Mercer Pearce Dale Washingtou "Camden Kershaw 'Vest l,enox Susquehannah Worthinl(ton Armstrang Perrysville Washington Campbell's BrIdge Marion West Liberty, Bntler Worthvitle Jen'erson Phenix Kent Camp(}bella Spartanburg West Middlesex Mercer Wrightstown Bucks Pine Hill Washington Camp Ridge Williamsburg West Middletown Washingto.n Wurtemburg Lawrence Pontiac Kent Carolina Marion West M~ll Creek E.rle Wyalusing Bradford Portsmouth. Newport. Cartersville Darlington West MIlton UDlon Wyoming Luzerne Porter's Hill Washin/lton Cedar Falls Greenville West li"lonterey Clarion Wysox Bradford "Providence Providence Cedar Grove Laurenlt West Nanticoke Luzerne Xenia York Quonochontaug' Washington Cedar Shoal Chester West Newton Westmoreland Yagertown MURin Hichmond Switch Washington Jedar Sprin[tS Spartanburg Westover's Clearfield Yardley ville Bucks River Point Kent C~"tenary Laurens 'l'"est Overton Westmoreland Yellow Oreek Bedford Rockland Providencl: CenterVille Lauren. West Penn Schuylkill Yellow House Berks Rockville Washington Chappell's Bridge Newllerrl West Pike Potter Yellow Spring Billir Rocky Brook Washington 'Charleston Charleston West Pikela.nd Ohester Yocumtown York Shamrock Mills Washington "Cheraw Chesterfield Westport Clinton Yoho~any Westmoreland Slatel'Ville Providenc~, *Chester C. II. ' Chester 'West Salem 1\Iercer 'York York Slocllmville Washington Chesterfield C. II. Chesterfield West,Spring Creek Warren York Furnace South Foster Providence Chestnut Grove Chester West Springfield Ede York Sulphur Sprin,gs Adams South Portsmouth Newport 'Chick's Springs Greenville West Valley Armstrong Yortysville 'Washington 'South Scituate Providence Clark's Fork York West V}ew Allegheny Youngstow;u Westmoreiand Summit Kent Clark's Mills Lexington West Vmcent Chester YoungsyiUe Warren Tiverton Newport Clear SpJ'ing Greenville West Warren Bradford Young Womanstown Clinton TivertonFonrOornersNewport Clinton Lllourens,West W~iteland Chestar Zelienople Butler Usquebaugh Washington -Clio Marlboro~gh West Wmdham Bradford Zi~glersville Montgomery Valley Falls l'rovidencc (Jokeabury AbbeVille Wexford Alleghany Zion Center "Wahfield 'Wll.8hin~ton Cold Spring Edgefield Wharton Potter Zion Hill Buck~' *Wa.rren Bnstol Cold Weli ljn~on Wheatland Mercer Zion's Grove Schuylkill Warwick Kent Colerain UDlon. Wheatland Mills Lancaster Zollersville WashingtoD Warwick Neck Kent "Columbia Richland Wheeler l\jel'ce'r Watchemoket Providence Conway's Borough Horrt Whetham Clinton Watch Hill Washington Cool Spring Horry White Ash Alleghany "Westerley Washington Countsville Lexington White Chvroh Krie West Gloucester Providence Cowpens Spartanburg 'White Co~tage. Greene - Rhode,Island. W~~t Greenwich Center Kent Craigsville Lancaster White Deer Mills ' Union *Wickford Washington Crosbyville Chester \Vhite Hall Montour Woodville Washington Cros8 Anohor Spartanburg Whitehallvillo Bucks POll! Office. (Jaunty. "Woonsocket Falls Providence Cross Hill La.urena 'Vhite Haven Luzerne Adamsville Newport Wyoming Washington CroBs Keys Union 'White Horse Chester Albion Providence Cureton's Store Lancaster White House Oumberland AlleRton Washington Dacu8ville Plckent Whiteley Greene Anthony Kent Damascus Spartanburg White Marsh Montgomery Arcadia Washington South "aroll-na. "Darlington O. H. Darlington White Mills Wayne Ashawl'Y Washington \J Deep Or.8ek Ohesterlield White Oaks Lancaster Ashton Providence Doko Fairfield White Pino Lycoming Barrington Bristol POll! Office. County. DonaldllviUe Abbevillo Whitesburg Armstrong Barrington Centor Bristol Dorn's Gold Mines White's Corners Potter *Bristol Bristol "Abbeville C. H. Abbeville Dorn's Mills Edgefield Whitestown BuUer Burrillville Providence Acton. Richland Dove'S Depot Darlington White's Valle,.. Wayne Carl>lina Mill. Washl..ngt~n Adam's Run Colle ton Dra.ytonsville Unioll WicQniaca Dauphin Oenterdale Providenoe Aiken Aiken Dry Creek Lancaster 'Wilcox 'Elk Centerville Kent Algood Sparta.nburg- Dry Grove Abbeville Wildbrier Ohellter *C~ntral Falls Providence Allendale Barllwell Due Weat Oomer AbbevW. Money Order Oftio

239 POST OFFICES-SOUTH CAROLlNA -.. TENNESSEE. 69 Post OQie". County. Pod OQiee. Count!!. Poet Office. Countl/. Dunbarton Barnwell Leesville Lexington Ridgeway Fairfield Dunklin Ell.rlesviUe Greenville Level Land Spartanbur~ Lexington C. H. Abbeville Rish's Store Lexington Roadville Lexington Charleston Bu.staloe Ebenezer Pickens Liberty Hall Darlington Lima Newberry Robertsville Greenville Rock Hill BeaUfort York Eden Laurens LimeitoneSprings Spa.rtanburg Rock Mills Anderson -Edgefield Edgefield Lime Creek Laurens Rocky Well Lexington Edisto Islaud Colle ton Little Mountain Newherry's Colletoll Effingham Station M,uioll Little River Horry Rossville Ohester Bigh~een Miles Pickens Little Roek Marion Rowe's Pump Orangeburg Elko Barnwell Longmire's Store Ed~efield Rllmphtown Colletoll Elloree Spartanburg Lorena Lexmgton Russell's Place Kershaw Enterpriso Charleston Lowndesville Abbevill~ Saddler's Creek Anderson Equality Anderson Lylesford Fairfield St. George's (1olletoll Eiwington Barnwell Lydia Da.rlington St. Matthew.'s Orangeburg Fair Forest Union Lynchburg Sumter St, Stephen's Depot ~'air Play Oconee Lynch's Creek l.brion Charleston Fairview Greenville Lynchwood Kershaw' Salter's Depot Williamsburg Fall Creek Oconee ~lcclellanville Charleston Salubrity Pickens Feasterville Fairfield ~IcConnellsville York g,\luda Oldtown Newberry Ferebeeville Beaufort Mallchester Sumtet' Sanders Barnwell Fish D,lm Union Manning Clarendon Sandy Fla.t Greenville Flint Ridge Lancaster lihnnville Sumter Sand Hill licaufort Florence D:l.rlington ~fapleton Abbyville Sallnder's Ford Sumter Forestville 1.Iarion M.lrengo La.ul'ens Sautuck Union Fori, Shoals Fort Hill Greenville i\h,riett8o Oeonee Marion 0, H. Greenville Scufiletown Marion Selkirk Laurens Marion Fort Mill Fort Mottee York Mars Bluif Orangeburg lihrtin's Depot Shallowford Laurens Sheldon Anderson Beau fort Fount8oin Inn Frog Level Greenville Maysville Newberry Mechaniosville Sumter Shelton Sumter Shiloh Fairfield Sumter Fulton Clarendou l\feetingstreet Edgefield Silver Street Newberry Gadsden Richland ~Icrritt's Bridge Aik,en Simpson's Mills Laurens Galivant's Ferry Ho~ry Middle Saluda Greenville Sineath's Ch&1'leston George's Creek Pickens Midway Barnwell Ilkull Shods Union Georgetown Georgetown Millville Sp80rtanburg Smith's Ford Union Germanville Gillisonville Edgefield Mile Creek Beaufort ;\1 ine Creek Pickens Smith's Turnout Edgefield.snow Creek Yo~k. Pickens Glenn's Springs Sparta.nburg Moifettsville AudersolJ Society Hill Darlington Golden Springs Goodgious Factory Auderson Monticello Laurens Montmorenci Fairfield 'S{lartanburg Aiken Spring Grove S\lartanburg Laurens Goshen Hill Gourdin's Station Union Mott's Bridge Mount Croghan Clarendon S pring Hill Chesterfield State burg Sumter Sumter Willi80msbnrg Mount Eb"l A iken Steedman's Lexington Gowansville Greenvill, Mount Gall80her Lauren" Stoke's Bridge Darlington Gowdeyville Uniou ~Iount Holly Charleston Stony Point Anderson Graham's Turnout Barnwell ~ronntjoy Uniolr Storeville AlIdel'son Grahamville Beaufort Mount Juliet Wildon Strother Fairfield Graniteville Aiken lifount Pleasant Laurens Summerville Oharlestou Grassy Pond Spartan~urg Mountville Lauren. Summit Point Lexin~ton Greenll1,nd Aiken ~lount Willing Edgefield 'Sumter Sumter Green Pond ColletoD Mullin's Depot Marioll Sunny Dale Pickens Greenvale!tJreenville C. H. 'Wilson llush Creek Greenville ~I.verdville Greenville Table Monntain Williamsbul'o' 'l'aylor's Piekens Sumter Greenwood Abbeville "Newberry C. H. Newberr" Taxahan Lancaster Grove Station Grovewood Greenville!"elV~ll Richland :"lew House.Andersou Temple of Health York 'riller's Ferry Abbeville Kershaw GLlthriesville York New Prospect Spartanburg 'rimber ltidge Union Haisellville Ohester "ew Zion Clarendon "immollsville H,\mbnrg Aiken :"lichols Marion Town,ville Darlington Anderson Hammond Aiken Nine Times Pick~ns Hardeeville Beaufort Ninety Six Abbevill~ 1'ravelel's Rest Tucker's Gap Greenville Wilson Harmony Hartsville York O"k Grove DarlingtoL Oakland ' Marion TumblingShoals Clarendon Tylersville Lauren$ Laurens Havirdsville Edgefield O.\ldey D~pot Charleston Unionville Union Hazlewood Hebron Chester Oak \\'ay Spartan burl( Old Score Oconee Valley Falls Chesterfield Vance's Ferry Spartanburg OrangebUrg Hickory Grove Highland Grove York 'Orangeburg C. H. Oran:;,ebnrg Varnville Greenville 0 \'0 Che,tertielu Wahalla Beaufort Oconee Highland Home Laurens Packsville Clarendon Walker's Mills Barnwell Hill's FL\ctory Hilton Head Spartanburg Pacific Landing Ile,\ufort Paoolett D~pot Beallforl Walterborough Spartanburg Watonee Colleton Richland Hobbysville Spartanburg P,\lmetto Darlington Waterloo Laurens Hodges Abbeville l'ark's Store Edgefield Wedg~field Sumter Holland's Stor. Hollow (1reek Anderson Parnassns Lexington 'Pendleton 1>fa.rlborollgh Whilden's Factory Greenvillp Anderson White HlLU Colleton Holly Hill ChMledton Pendletoll Factory Ander.'on White Horse Greenville Honey Path Anderson Phrenix Ahbeville White PllLins Ch'~terfield Hoover's B~allfol't Pickens C, H, Pickens \Vhitmires N livbcrry Hopewell YorJ.' Pickensville Pickens Wideman'S.. nbeville Hopkins' Turnout Richland ('iercetown Ander;on Wild Cat Lancaster Htmtersville Greenville Pine HOI1~e Depot Edgefield Williamst.n Anderson Indi80n Towll Irvington 'Vmil~msburg Pine Ridge Che.,tertield Pine Tree Lexington Willington Chestertield W.I1i~ton Abbeville Bal'llwell J8ocksonboro'Depot Colleton Plain Green\'iIle Wind,'or Aiken Jacksonham L,\ncaster Pleasant Hill Lnncaster Winnsboro' Fairfield Jedburg Colleton Pleasant l.iound Lat\reno Witti Mills Orangeburg Jeifer30n Chest~rfield Plea'iant Valley Lancaster Woodlawn Edgefield Jeffrey's Creek M,~rion Plinv Greenville Woodruff'S Spartanbnrg John"ton's Depot Edgefield Pomaria Newberry Wright'S Bluff C1areuden Johnsonville Williams\;)urg I'ort Royal neaufort Yemassee Beaufon Jonesville Uniou Powers Shop I,allrens ongnesville Fairfield Kelley's Store Gre.nville Puokett'sFerry Larirens *Yorkville YOt',1t: Keowee Oconee Rllntowel's Colleton Young's Store L80urens Kinnard's Turnout Newberry Reedy Creek King3tree Williamsburg Reevesville Marion Zeno Colleton York Tennessee. Pod Office. Adams' Station Adamsville Alamo Alantltu~ Hill Alexandria Altamont Alto Alton Hill Alnm Well Anderson AndrewCha.pel Antioch Appleton Arcadia. Arrington Ashland City Ashland Ashport Ashwood Aspen Hill 'Athens Atwood Auburn Austin Austin'S Mills Bagdad Baggettsville Bailev Baker's Cross ROMls Baker's Gap Ball Camp BII-II Pla.y Barnardsville Barren Plain Barren Sprillgs Bartlett Barton Crpek Basin Spring Bast i 11 vi lie Battle Creek Mines Bean's StatiOn Beardstown Beaver Creek Beaver Ridge Bedford. Beech Grove Bee Creek Bell Buckle Belleview 'Bell's Depot Bell town Bellwood Belmont Bel vi<lere Benton Bentou Station Berlin Bershe b80 Springs Bethel Springs Bethel Bethesda Big Bottom Big Creek Big Hill Hi/!: Sandy Big Spring Birch Wood Black Jack Black's Blain's ~ Roads Blanche Bloomin/!:ton Blountsville Bluff' Point Boatlu.nd Bodenham '.Bolivar BOll A '1" a. B01\ 1'8 Station Bone Cave Boonedll" Boon's Ore~ k Boonshill Booth's Point Boyd's Creek Boyd's Lallding Braden's Knobs Braden Station Bradshaw.Bradyville Brentwood Brick Church Brick Mill Bridgeport Kin~sville Richhmd Itehoboth Edgefield Kitching's Mills Orangeburg Reidsville Spartanburg *Bristol Lallcaster C. H, Lancaster Ri"cltardsonville Edgetield L8ondsford Chester Rich Hill ~ Roa.ds Chester Langley.Laurens C. H. Aikenj Ridge Laurell$ Ridgevillll Edgefield Culleton It 11 olley Order OffiCII, Britt's Landing IIri ttsville Brodic's La.ndlng Brownsborough Count1/. RobertsoD. McNairl Crocke,tt Hancock DeKalb Grundy. Franklin Macon Hll.wkine Fmnklin Madison Gibson Lawrence Sullivan Williltmson Cheatham Wayne Lauderdale Maury Gilel! McMinn C"r1'oll Can noll Wilsollo Hawkln8 Smitb Robet'tson Shelby White Johnson KnoJl Monroe Hoane Robertson Fentress Shelby, Dickson Williamsoa Hiekmallo Marion Grainger Perry Jell'ersoa KnoJl Bedford Coffee Bledsoe nedford Davidson Haywood Monroe Wilson Coffee Franklin Polk Benton Marshall Grundy, ' McNairY' Giles Williamson Humphrey" Cocke McNairy Benton Meigs James Robertson Lawrenoe Grainger Lincoln Tipton Sullivan Hickman Fentress Giles Hardeman Hickman Shelby Van Buren Lincoln Washin!l;ton Lincoln Dyer Sevier Hardill Jlledsoe Favette Giles. Cannon Williamson GilEi& BlouDi Cocke Sull ivan Perry ]lleig8 Decatur Washingtoll

240 70 POST OFFICES-TENNESSEE. P03t Office. County. Post Office. County, P 031 Ojjice. Count'J/, Post Office. Countfl Brownsport Furnace Decatur CtHlchvilIe Davidson Fronklin College Davidson Indian Creek Washingtoll "Brownsville H(f;;wood 'Covington Ti~ton Friendship Dyer Indian Mound Stewarl; Buena Vista arroll Cowan Fran lin Friendsville Blount Iron Johnson Buffalo Humphreys Coy tee Loudon Fullen's Greene Irving College Warren Buffalo Ridge Washington Craggie Hope Cheatham Fulton Lauderdale Ivy l\1ills Hickman Buffalo Valley Putnam Craig's.J! ord Campbell Gadsden Madison Jacksborough Campbell Buford's Station Giles CTrooked Fork Morgan Gainesborough Jackson "Jackson Madison Bull Run Knox Cross Anchor Greene "Gallatin Sumner Jalappa Monroe Bull's Gap H:nvkins Cross Plains Roberson Galway Fa[;;ette Jamestown Fentress BlInker's Hill Giles Crossville Cumberland,Gamble's Store B ount J!\Sper Marion Burem's Store Hawkins Cuba Shelby Gap Creek Knox Jellerson Rut.herford Burns' ::itation Dickson Culla Landina; Humphrey. Gap Run ('arter Johnson City Washington Butler Johnson Culleoka Maury Garber's Mills Washington Johnson's Grove Haywood Butler's Landing Clay Oumberland City Houston Gardner's Station Weakley' J oh!lsonville Humphreys Byrne Putnam Cnmberland Furnace Dick.on Garland Tipton "Jonesborough Washington Oactus Davidson Cumberland Gap Claiborne Garrett Overton Jones' Station H!lywood Oade's Cove Blount Oypress Perry Gatlinburg Sevier Jordan's Store Williamson Cainsville Wilson Cyrnston Lincoln George's Store Lincoln Jordan's ~rings Montgomel:l Calf Killer Putnam Dallas Hamilton Georgetown James Jordan's alley Rutherford Oamargo Lincoln Dancyville Haywood Germantown Shelby Juno Henderson Oamden Benton 'Dandridge Jefferson Gibbs' I>< Roads 1tJacon Kansas Jelj'erson Oampbell's Station Knox Dallielsvi1le Dickson Gillem's Station Dickson Kendrick's Creck Sull ivan Cam pbellsville I Giles Danville Benton Glade Creek Bledsoe Kelso Lincoln Camp Creek Greene Darkey Springs White Glades :Morgan Kenton Obion Oaney Branch Greene Dead Level Morgan Gladeville Wilson King's Creek Roane ganey Spring Marshal! Decatur Meigs' Gleeson Station Weakley Kingsport Sullivan aunon's Store Sevier Decaturville Decatur Glimpvillo Lauderdale "'Kingston Roane Oantrell's I>< Roads l\lcminn Decherd Franklin Goodfield Meigs "'Knox'dUe Knox Capl~villo Shelby Denmark MItI\ison GoodletsviIle Davidson Kyle's Ford Hancock Oarroll Madison Demon's Landing Perry Good Spring Gile, Lafayette Macon parrville Washington Dickson Dickson Gordonsvill e Smith <J.aGrange Bell garter's Creek Maury Difficult Smith G,,~ham's D~pot Cocke Laguardo Wilson arter's Depot Carter Dixon's Springs Treu.dale Gourley'S Bridge Greene Laurel Gap Greene Carter's Furnace Carter Donelson Davidson Goshen Lincoln Laurel Hill DeKalb Carthage Smith Double Bridges Lauderdale Grand Junction Bell Lawrenceburg Lawrence gal'yville Campbell Double Springs Putnam Grant Smith La Vergne Rutherford assville White Dover Stewl\rt Grantville Mon~omery Lead Vale Jefferson Oastalian Springs Sumner!lresden 'Weakle\, Granville ackson 'Lebanon Wilsoll. Catlen 's Mills DeKalb Dry Hill Lauderda!'e Grassy Cove Cumberland Leesburg Washington Cave White Duck River Hickman Graveston Knox Lee Valley Hawkins Cave Spring. Carter "Ducktown Polk Graysburg -Greene Lenoir's Loudon Cedar Chapel Hardeman Dugger's Ferry Carter Gray's Hill Roane.r.eoni Cannon Cjldar Creek Greene Dukedom Weakl~y Green Brier Rf)bertson Lester's GIles Cedar Creek Landing Perry Dunlap Sequateh ie Green Hill Wilson Letsinger Roane Oedar Fork Union Durhamville Lauderdale "Greeneville Greene Lewisburg Marshall Cedar Hill Robertson DJer's Station Gibson Greenwood Shelby Lexington Henderson Oedar Lane Greene yersburg Dyer "Grnetl i Grundy Liberg: DeKalb Celina Clay Eaide Furnace Roane Hale'S Mills Fentress Lick reek Hickman Centerville Hickman Eagle Tannery "'ayne Hnle's Point Lauderdale Lillard's Mills 1I:[arshull Cerro Gordo Hardin Eagle v,ill e Rutherford Halev's Station Bedford Limestone Washington Ohapel Hill Marshall Eaton Gibson H,tlt' Moon Ioland Roane Limestone Cove Carter Oharleston Bradley gaton's Cross Roads Loudon Hall's Hill Rutlrerford Limestone Springs Greene Oharlotte Dickson Ebenezer Knox Hamburg Hardin Lime Works Davidson Ohatata Bradley Echo Treusdale Hampshire. Maury Lincoln Lincoln Chattanooga Hamilton Economy Hardin Hampton Carter Linden Perry Oherry Grove Washinp,ton Eden's Ridge Sullivan HapJ'Y Valley Carter Linwood Bradley Chestnut Bluffs Dyer Edgefield Jllnction D!l.vidson Har ison's Mills 1tlaury Little Chucky Greeno Ohestnut Hill Jefferson I~dgeworth Sullivan Harrison -,Tames Little Crab Fentress Chestnut Mound Smith El izabethton Cartel Harrison ' s Store Shelby Little Doe Johnson Che.tnut Ridge Lincoln Elkton Gile. Harris Station Obion Little Lot Hickman Chickamauga Hamilton Ellejoy Blount "Hartsville Crousda Ie Live Oak Henry OhickamaugaStation Hamil toil Elm Tree Weakley Hathawav Lake Livingston Overton Chilhowee Blount "]Jora Lincol" Haw's I>< 'Roads Washington Lobelville Perry Ohristiana Williamson Enon College Treusdale Hawthorne Bedford Locust Grove Weakley ~hnrch Grove Knox Enterprise Maury Haynes Union Locust Mount Washington hirfield Claihornc Erie I,oudon Head of Barren Claiborne Lo('ust Spring Greene Clarksburg Canoll Erin Houston Heatl of Laurel Johuson Lodi Clay '01 arks ville Montgomeny Estill's Springs Franklin He llbetsburgh Cumberland Lone Elm Henderson Olarktown White Euchee 1If eigs Helham Overton Longmire Washington 81ay 'Brook l\fadiso,. Eureka McMinn Henderson'S Spring Sevier Long Savannah J,'Ules lear Branch Washington Ii'ulia Macon Henderson Station Madison Lookout Mountain Hamilton Olear Creek Green~ Eve Mills Loudon Henderson ville Sumner Looncr;'B Creek Marion Cl~al'mont Warren Fairfield Bedford Henry's Station Henry Lost reek Union Clear SprinK GraingeJ Fair Garden Sevier Henry's I>< Roads Sevier Loudon Loudon C1ementsville Clay F,lirtllount Hamilton Henryville Lawrence LouiHille Blount "Cleveland Bradley Fairview Anderson Hester l\1i1ls Meigs Lynchburg Lincoln Clifton 'W ayne Fall Creek Bedford Hickory Valley Hardo)ma;n i(;nnville Giles Clinton Anderson Fallin!!; Spring Cumberland High Health, Johns'lIl, callister's I>< Roads Olover Bottom Sullivan Falls Branch Washingtoll Highland Jackson Montgomery Clovel' Hill Blount Farmer's Valley Perrv Hillsboro' Coffee McEwen'sStation Hum phreys Cloyd's Creek Farmington Marshafl Hilton's Sullivan McKenzie Carroll Creek Oampbell I"armville Henderson Hinds Creek Anderson McLemoresville Carroll Ooalfield Morgan Fayette Corners Fayette Ho\1ow Rock Carroll Mcl\Ii1lan Knox Ooffee Landing Hardin.. Fayettville Lincoln Holston Valley Sullivan "McMinnville Warren Cog Hill McMinn Fincastle Campbell Holt's Corn en Marshall Mc)oiair)' ::itation Mc!'i' airy Coker Creek Monroe Flag Pond Washington Home Greene Macon Fayette Oold Spring Bled,oe Flat Oreek..Bedford Hood's Landing Roane Madison Davidson Oolliersville Shelby Flat Gap Jeffer"oll Hopewell Springs l!oul'oe Madisonville Monroe Oollege Grove Williamson Flat Woods 'Vayne Horse Creek Greene Manohester Ooffee "Columbia Maurv Flintville Lincoln Horse Shoe Bend Scott Manlyvillo Henry Commerce Wilson Florence Station Rutherford ouksville Seyier luaple Creek Carroll Oomo Henry }t'lynn's Lick Jackson Howard Springs Ollmberland Marbuts Giles Concord Knox Fordtown Sullivan HlIhl,rtville Robertson l\br~el1a {o'al1s Lawrenc. Oonyersvill e Henry Forkv"le Camphell *HumboU Gibson Mal'lborough Carroll Oookville Putnam Forti Station Robertson Huntington Oarroll Marris Landing Lake Ooopertown Robertson Foster's ~ Roads Bledsoe Hunt's Station Franklin Marshall's Ferry Graing~r O)rbandale Montgomery l<'osterville Rutherford Huntsville Scott *Marysvillo Blount Oornersville Giles Fountain Creek Mau~y Hurricane Switoh Maury 1\1a_on Tipton Oosby Cooke Fountain Head Sumner Hurt's ~ Roads Maury luaxville Dyer Oottage Gron Henry Four Mile Branoh Monroe [gou 's Ferry Hamilton Maynardville Union Ootton Port Meigs Fowler'S J.~nding Humphreys Incr~ase Warren l\1uy Spring Grainger County Lino LinQoln "Franklin Williamson Independent Hill Rutherford Mea-dlnyiUo Maaoll Mouer Ordor OSlicel.

241 POST OFFICES-TENNESSEE. 71 P08e OJ!ktl. Courlty. P03e OjJice. CountJ/ po. t Office. Oounty. Pod OjJictJ. Oounty. Medon Madison Palmetto Bedford Round Top Wilson Tracy City Marion Meigsville Jaokson P.mdora Johnson Rover Bedford rfr(\d~ Johnson,Memphis Shelby Panther Creek Hancock Rural Hill Wilson'ville Fentrell3 Middleburg Ha.rdemo.n Panther Springs Ham\>len Russellville Hamblen "TreAton Gibson Middleton Sta.tion Hardeman *Paris Henry ltu therford's Depot Gibson Trezevant Carroll Midway Greene Paris Landing Henry Rutledge Grainger Trion Jefferson Miftlin Henderson Parker's ~ Roads Henderson Sail Creek Hamilton 'friune Williamson *Milan Depot Gibson Parker's Store Giles Suilor's Rest Montgomery Troy Obion Mill Bend Hawkins Pl~rksville Polk Saint Bethlehem Mont~omery Troy Station Obion Mill Brook ""ashinltton PUl'Ottsville Cocke Saltillo Jardin Trundle'S ~ Roads Sevior Millbnrnton Greene Paw Paw Ford Roane Salt Lick Macon TlI~ktlr's ~ Roads Wilson Mill Point Sullivan Peach Grove Greene Sandy Hill Henry Tuckaleechee Con Blount Mill Spring J etierson Puacher's Mills Montgomery Santa Fe Maury "Tulh\homa Coll'eo Millville Lincoln Pea Ridge Sardis Fayette Turnbull Dickson Mill Wood Washington Pegram's Station Oheatham Saulsbury Bell Turnersville Robcrtsoli Milton Rutherford Pekin Putnam Saundersville Sumner Twinville Knox Minnowford Giles I>elham Grundy Savannah Hardin 'l'yneraville Hamilton Minor Hill Giles Perryville Decatur Sawbers'Mills Benton U.uet Bell Miser's Station Blount Persia Huwkin~ Scar oroufh And~rson Unaka Greene Mitchellsville Station Sumner Petersburg Lincoln Scott's Hi 1 Henderson Union Maury Mockeson Lawrence Peters' Landing Perry Sevierville Sevier *Union Oit., OlJioll Moffat Station Marion Peytonsville Williamson Sewanee Franklin Union Depot Sullivan Molino Lincoln Philadelphia Loudon Sewee Me gs Union Grove Perry Monroe Overton Pickettville Gil,son Shady Johnson Unionville Bedford Monterey McNairy Pierce Station Wel\kley Shady Hill Henderson Unitia Loudon Moutezuma.,. Pip;eon Forge SI\Vi~r Shapparrt Haywood Vale Mills Giles M,ntgomery Morgan Pikeville Bledsoe Sharp's Chalel Union Vandergriff's Knox Montrose Smith Pilot Hill Wa.shington Shawn's!>1 oads Johnson Van Hill Hawkins Montvale Sprin$ Blount Pilot Knob Greene 'Shelbyville Bedford Vernon Hickman M >ores burgh Hawkins Pine Bluff Wanen Shiloh Montgomery Verona II ar$ hall Moore's Store Clay Pine Knot Campbell Shop SJring Wilson Versailles Rutherford Moores ville Marshall Pine Mountain Cil.mpbell Short ountain Oannon Viola Warrell Morell's Mill Sulliva.n Pine Wood Hickman Silver Spring Wilson Walden'S Creek Sevier Morgantown Loudon Piney Flats Sullivan Simmons' Bluff Wilson W"les Station Giles Morrison Warren Pinhook Landing Meigs Bim paon 's Mills White Walker'S Landin~ Decatur *Morristown Hamblen Pinson MadisOl1 Sinking Springs Sevier Wallace's ~ Roll. S Andersoll Morrowville Camrbell Pisgah Giles Smartt's Station Warren Walnut Grove Hardin Moscow Bell Pitts ~ Roads Bledsoe Smith's ~ Roads Hhea Walnut Hill Sequatchie llos~eim Greene Pitt~burg Landing Hardin Smithville De Kalb W ainu t Valley Sequatchie Mossy Oreek Jefferson Pleasapt Claiborne Smyrna Rutherford Walter Hill Rutherford Mountain Creek Warren Pleasant Grove Bedford Sneedsville Hancock War Gnp Hawkins Mount Airy Bleds6e L'leasant Hill Cumberlamd Snow Creek Smith War Ridge Hancock Mount Carmel Wilson Pleasant llound Montgomery Soddy Hamilton Ward's Forge Johnson Mount Horeb Jefferson Pleasant View Cheatham Solon White Warrensburg Gree&e )fount Pisgah Clay Pleasantville Hickman 'Somerville Fayette IV artrace Depot Bedford Mount Pleasant Maury Pocahontas Bell *Sparta White Wnrwick's~ Roads Uuioa Monnt Vernon Monroe Pomona Oumberlar,d Speedwell Claiborne Washington Rhello Mount Zion Tipton Ponville Wilson Spencer Van Buren Washington Collcge Wash'gton Mouse Creek McMinn Poor Valley Hawkirh Spring Oreek Madison Watertown Wilson Mouse Tail Pelry Poplar Spring Henderoon Spring Dale Claiborne Wauhatchie Hamilton 'Mouth of Wolf Clay Portersville Tipton Springfield Robertson Waverly HumphreYIL Muddy Creek London POl'ter Station Henry Spring Hill Maury Wayland's Springs Lawrenoe Mulberry Lincoln Port Royal Montgomery S pring Hill Academy Henry Waynesborough Wayni Mulberry Gap Hancock Post Oak Springs Roane Spring House Grainger Wayne Furnace Wayne Mulloy's Robertson Powder Spring Gap Grainger Springville Henry Wear's Cove Sevier *}Iurfreesborough Rutherford Powell's Station Knox stanton Depot Hac.:wood Weau Humphreys "Nashville Davidson Pr~stonville Rhea Stapleton } organ Webster Roane Nave Hill Union Prospect Depot Giles Statesville Wilson Well Spring Campbell Nebraska Jefferson 'Pulaski Giles S tee gall 's Landing Roane Well wood Haywood Nelson Hardin Purdy McNairy Stephen's Chapel Bledsoe West Fork Overton Netherland Overton Pyburn's Bluff Hardin ~ tewart Stewart West Point Lawrence Nettle Carrier Overton Quarrysville Hawkins Stockton Loudou Wetumpka Bedford Newark White ~uincv Gibson Stony Bluff JEfferson White Bluffs Dickson Newbern Dyer aecoan Valley Union Stony Creek Carter White Haven Shelby New Bostoll Henry Raleigh Shelby S'tony Pqint Hawkins WhiteHorn Hawkins Newburg Lewi"s l~ally Hill lilau ry StraIght Fork Scott White Pine Jefferson New Centon Hawkins R~lston'8 Sta.tion Weakley Strawberry Plains Jefferson White Plains Putnam New Oastlo Hardeman Ramer,McNairy Stringtown Wilson \\' hite's Bend Davidson New Flat Creek Union R,'lndolph Tipton Stump Knob Johnson Whitesburg Hamblen New Market Jeffer~,on Rankin'S Depot Cock,' Sulphur Springs Hhea Whiteside Marion New Middleton Smith Re'.\dj{ville Rutherford Sulphur Well Shelby White's Statioll Shelby Newport Oocke Red oiling Springs Macon Summittville Coffee White's Store Sullivan New Providence Montgomery Red Mound Henderson Sunny Slope Lawrence Whiteville Hardeman N I>W Prospect Union Rheatown Greene Surgoinsville Hawkins Whitleyville Jackson New River Seott Riceville McMinn Swallow Bluff Decatur Whitfield Hickman Nicojack Marion Rich Creek Marshall Sweet Water Monroe Williams' Mill Roane N t>lensville Williamson Richland Station Sumner S wingleville Washington Williamsport Maury Normandy Bedford Richmond Beqford Sycamore Cheatham Willis' Station Fayette Norris Creek Lill"uln ltidge Post Davidson Tabel'naclQ Tipton Wilson's Anderaon North Fork Henry "-inggold Montgomery Tabor Roane Wilton Springs Cock'. North Springs Jackson Ripley Lauderdale 'ral bott's Mill. Jefferson *Winchester Franklill Oak Grove Jefferson River Hill White Tan p'co Grainger Winfield Scott Oak Hill Overton River Side Cocke Taylor'S White Witt ~ Foundry Hamblen Oakland Fayette River Station Maury Taylorsville Johnson WolfCreek Scott Oakley Overton Roan Oarter Tazewell Cla.iborn~ Woodburl Can noll Oak Point Wilson Rob Camp Claiborne Teag\1e's Mills Hardeman Woodfor Montgomery Oakville Shelby Ro\>ert~on's Anderson Tellico Plains Monroe Wootlland Mills Obion Oakwood Montgomery Ito \lertsville Anderson Tem~rance Hall De Kalb Wood Lawn Montgomery Ogdensville Cocke Roberson's ~ Roa.ds Bledsoe Ten ile Stand Meig~ Wooll's Valley Dickson Okolono Carter Rockford Blount 1'ennessee Rillge Houston Woodville Haywood 81<\ Cotton GrOTe Mallison Rock Island White Terry C'Hroll Worley Furnace Dicksoll ld Town Claiborne Rockwood Roane Thatcher's Landing James Wosham Sumner Olive Hill Hardin" Rocky River Warren Thomasville Cheatham Wythe Depot Shelby Oliver's Anderson " Roger~ville Hawkins Thompson'sStation Will'mson Yellow Creek DIckson Olympus Overton Rome Smith Thorn Grove Knox Yellow Springs Hancock Ooltewah James Romeo Greene Thorn Hill Grainger Yellow Store Hawkin. Oregon L.incoln Roseberry Knox Timber Ridge Greene Yorkville Gibsoll Qrme's Ston Bledsoe Rosedale Davidson Tiptonville Lake OSII.g'e Overton Rossville Bell Tobacco Port Stewart Paint Rock Roane, Rotherwood Hawkins Toone's Statioll Hardeman Pa.leiltino Lewis Rough and Ready Furnace Totty's Bend Hickman P&.Il lb.ll Fentresa ' Stewart Trace ('reek Olay ehonel Ordor 0&08

242 72 POST OFFICES-TEXAS. Post OffictJ. County. po.t Offiee. County. po.t Office. Count,_ Texas. Camp Stockton 'Pecos Edom Vanzandt Hopkinsville Gonzale!t Post O.ffice. County. Caney Matngord" Eight Mile Creek Harrison H orton ville Red Rivel Canton Vanzant Elizabeth Denton "Houston Harril At'ton Hood Carolina Falls Elliotts )bta~ord:1 Howard Bell Alabama Houston Carrollton' Upshur Elm Creek Bell Howth Station Austin. Albade Oaldwell Carter3viIle Parker Elm Mot~ McLennan Hunter's Retreat Montwmery Albuquerque Wilson. Carthage C. H. Panola EI Paso EI Paso HuntiVille \ alker Alleyton Colorado Castell Llano EI Sauz Hidalgo Hutchins DaHILl Allisonville Tyler. Castroville Medina Elwood Fannin Independence VVashingtoJl Alto Oherokee Cat Spring Austin Elysian Fields Harri~on "Indianola Calhoun Alum Creek Bastrop Cedar Fayette Emory Rains Inrlian Siring Polk.Alvarado Johnson Cedar Creck Bastrop Englewood Robertson Industr, Austin Anahuac Ohamb~rs Cl'dar Bayoa H:uris Ennis E1li, lola Grimel Anaqua Victoria Cedar Grove... ' Kaufman gtna Smith loni Anderson Anderson Grimes Ce~ar Hill Dallas gureka. Navarro Iredell Bosqult Annona Red River Cedar Mills Gravson I~u rek a 1I1illB Harris Iron Mountains Rusk Antioch Lavacca Cedar Valley IIay" Fairfield Freestone Ironwood Libert~ Aransas Bee Center Shelby l.i'airvie\v 'ViI_OD 'J II cksborough Jac Arcola Fort Bend (len ter Point Kerr Farmersville Collin.Tacksonville Cherokee Arneckeville DeWitt Centerville Leon Farmington Gravson.J amestown Smith Ashby Houston Chamber's Creek Ellis Fayetteville Fa ette Jasper Jasper Ashland Hunt Chapel Hill VVashington Fincastle Henderson <Jefferson,Marion Ashton San Angustine Charleston Delta 1"I:~g Pond Bosque.Jcna Falla Atl~scosa Bexar Chatfiel d Navarro Flanllgan Mills Rusk Jewett Leon Athens Henderson Oheesland Angelina It'latonia Favette Johnson's Point Kaufman Atlanta Davi, Cherino Nacogdoches Florence Williamson Johnson'S Station 'rarran' Augusta Houston Cheroke" San Saba Floresville WihoD Johnstonville 11 pshur "Austin ',l'ravis Cherry SprlDgs Gillespie Forest Hill Hell Jones' Mills Coryell Bacchus Hopkins Circleville VVilliltmson FOl'estville DeWitt Jonesville BarnsoJl Bagdad VVilliamson Cistern Fayette I"ort Clark Kinney' Kaufman Kaufman Bandera Bandera 'Clarksville Red River Fort Concho Bexar Ketchie Leon Banquete Nueccs Clay Hill 'l'itu8 I?ort Davis Presidio Kempcr City Victoria Bal'nard's Mill Hood Cleburne Johnson FCl't Bwell LaSalle Ktnner Matagorda Barton Anderson Clcveland Fort Bend Fort Griffin Shackelford Kentucky town Grayson' Bastr()p BastroI" Clifton BOWJue l?ort l\fekaveu Menard Kerrsville Ken Beaumont Jefferson Clinton De itt Fort $uitman ElPaso Kickapoo Anderson Beaver Anderson Coffeeville UpShlll I"<)rt \ orth Tananl Kimball Bosqu. Be~kvine Panola Col bert's Ferry Grayson Fosterville Anderson Kiomatil\, Red Rivel' Badin8 Grimes Cold Spring San Jacinto Frekericksburg Gillespi~ KnoKville Cherokee Bee Caves Tr.a"is f'olfax Van Zandt Frelsburg Colorado Kosse Limestone Beeville Bee Coli to. Polk Friendship Harrison Krohne Bll.rlesol) Bell II ranc h Atascosa' Oollege lifound Kaufman I"rio Town Frio Ladonia Fannin Belleview Rusk Collinsville Grayson Fulton Ll\fayette Upshu)' Bellville Austin Colthorp Houston Gainesville Cooke La Grange Fayett(l Belmont Gonzales ColumbIa Brazoria '(}Rlveston Galveston Lake Robertson Belton Bell "ljoiumbus Colorado Garden Valla v Smith Lamar RefngiQ Ben Franklin Delta Comanche Comanchl Garzas Crossing Bexar Lampasas Lamp.aslla Berryville Hendl'rson Comanche Springs McLenuan Gatesville Coryell Lancaster DDUILI B~thel Anderson Comfort Kerl Gay Hill Washington Laredo Webr. Big' Hill Gonzales Concreto DeWitt Georgetown Williamson Larissa Chero,kee Bird$dale Bell Content Col~rado Gillding~ Washin~ton Lavernil\, Wilson Biraswn Navarro Cooper DeJth Gilmer C. H. Upshur Lebanon Collin Birr.hright Hopkins COl'Llova lifclennan Gh'nfawn Rusk Ledbetter [Washingto!l Blackberry Plains Fanni,n Corn Hill Williamson Goliad Goliad Leon Springs Bexar Blaek Jack Springs Fayette. Corpus flhristi Nueces Golinda Falls Lewis' Ferry Jasper Black Oaks Hopkim Corsi canna... Navano 'Gonzales Gonzales Lewisville Denton Black's Store Freestone Cdttnge Hill Hexal Goshen Henderson Lexington Burleson Blanco Blan~o Cotton Gin Freeston~ Granbury Hood Liberty Liberty Blcakwood Newtoll Courtney Grime. Grand Bluft' Panola Liberty Hill Williamson Bloomin'f, Grove Navarro Covington Hill Grand Cave Liberty Lind~n Davil Blossom rairie Lamal C mne' s Mill Coma! Gray Rock Titus Linn Flat Naeogdoch'ea Bluff. Falette Crawford McLennan Graytown Bexar Little Mineral Grapson Bluft't()n.,lann Cr"swell Houston Green Hill Titus Livingstone ork Boerne Kenda.11 'Crockett Houston Greenville Hunt Llano Ll:Lm Bolel Spring McLennan Cross Timbers Ellis Groesbeck Limestone Lockhart Caldw~ Bolivar Denton Cro~sville Bell Gussettsville Live Oak London Ru~ Bonner's Ferry Cherokee Cummingsville Goliad Guy's Storo Leon Lone Oak Hunt "Bonham Fannin Cummin's Creck Elli8 Hackberry Lavaca Lone Star TitlU Boonesborough Uvalde Cunningham's Bastror IlalesLorough Red Rinr Lone Tree Collin Boon's Ferry l'yi \' Curry'd Cr~ek Kendall H aljettsvillll Lavaeca Long Pr~irie Fayet~ Boston Bowi, Cuthand Red Rh'er Ha IsviJIe Harrison Longstreet 1d()nt~omery Bovine Lavaca Cypress Top Hal'ri~ Hamilton Shel\Jy Longview ( pshur. Bowling Leon C)r!1s ll08que Hammond Robertsun Loveladv Houston BoyLl's Mill Wise DaiJeyville Kurne" Hampton Hamilton Loyal V"alley Mason Brazoria Brazoria D.ingerfield Titus Hardeman Matagorda Lynchburg Harri. Brazos Santiago Cameron 'Dallas Dall,\, Hardin Hardin Lyons, Fayetta: Breckinridge Dallas Dan;son's Prairie Kaufmall Harmony Hill Rusk McDade llastrop Bremond Robertson Danville Montgomery Harrisburg Harris "McKinney Collin "Brenham Washinp;toll Davilla lfilam Harrisville Hell McMillen BeH Bristol Ellis Decatur Wise Haught's Storo DallaN Macksville Harrison Brookeland Sa1Jine D'Hanis Medina Haw Creek F'lyette Macomb Grayson Brooklyn Shelby De Kalb Bowie. Hazle Dell Comllnche Madisonvil1e Madison Brown's Bluft' Rusk Dela\\ are Bend Cooke Head of Elm Montague M~gnolia Spring J a.sper Brownsborough Henderson Del Rio Kinney Headsville Robertson Mahomet Burnett "Brownsville Cameron Deming's Bridge Matagorda Honrne Robertson Malakoff Henderson Brownwood Brown Denison City Grnyson Hedwig's Hill l\fa~on Manor Travis Bry~n Brazos ' D('nton Denton Helcna Karnes Mansfield Tarrant Bryant's Station Milam Dode;e Station Walker Hemphill O. H. Sabine 1I1antua Colli. Bug Eye Dallas Dog'Town ' lfcmullen Hempstead A.ustin Maple Spring. Red Rive~ Bunn's Bluff Orange Vonelton Hunt Henderson Rusk Marianna. Polk Burke'lille Newton Double Horn Burnett Hickory Hill Davis Marion An!?F Burnett C. H. Burnett Doullle Springs Tarrant Hico Hamilton Marlin lim allt 'lsurton Washington Dougluss Nacogdoohes High Hill F(?;ette Marquez Leon Butler Freestone Douglassville D:wi. Highland ohin Marshall ITarrison Oroddo Grove Johnson Dresden Navarro Hifhland Station Galveston Mal tlnsville N acogdoohe. Oiir() Jasper Dripping Springs Hays Hi lsboro' Hills Marysville Cook. Caldwell Burl~ll.on DuHau Erath Hoohheim DeWitt lifason Mason Caledonia Rusk Eagle J.ake Colorado HoCkleg, Harris Masters ville McLennan Calloway Upshur I<~agle Pass Maverick Holly prings Jasper Matagorda Matap;()rd.. Oalv,ert Robertson J,i:~le Springs Cory~ll Homer A~ehnn I\f n validd Milam Oameron Milam Eoho Live Oak Hooey Grove annin'medo Rell (Jrun p Colors do Colema.u Kdillburgh Hidalgo Hope Lavaca.. Melrose Nacogdoobet " Money Order Otlie...

243 POST OFFICES-TEXAS-UTAH. 73 Post Office. County. POdt Office. County. PC!st Office. Countl/. Post Offics. Counl1l- Jlenl\rd v lllo l-iennrd Pond Spring Williamson Stewnrd's Mills Freestone B,ear River Oity Box Eld~ Meridian Bosque Port },a Vacca Onlhoun ~toekdale Guadnlupe Beaver Beaver )[errill town Travis Port Sullivan Milam Stric)!.linge Burnett' Bellevue WRshinton!lexia Limestone Post Oak Grove Lf1.V!\ca ~I'rington Hal's Bin(!'haUl Oanyon Salt,ak' MeyersviUo DeWitt Pm,irie Lea. Oaldwell Sugar Hill Pa.nola Rrigha.m City Box Jt:Jder Middleton Leon Prairie Plains Grimes SUfar Land Fort Bend Enllion Pi Utll Midway Madisun Prairie Valley Hill Su Iivan'A Blull' Houston Ceda.r City Iroil Milan Sa.bine Prairieville Kaufman Sulphur muff H. pkins Cedar Valley Uta.h Milford Ellis Price's Creek De Witt Sulphur Springs Hopkins Centerville Davis Mill Oreek Bowie ~uitman Wood Sumpter C, H. Trinity Ohicl,en Creek Juab Miller Grove Hopkins ["dney's Creek Coryell Sutherland Springs 'Vilsoll Clarkston Cache Millheim.Austin Itaneho Gon~ales S wartwont Sa.n Jacinto Clover Valloy Wa.shington Millican Brazos Reavfsville Gravson sweet Home Lava~a COllI ville Summit Millville Rusk Red Oak 'Ellis Tarkington Pra.irie Liberty "Co'rinne Box EI<!er Millwood Coli in R~d Rock Bastrop Taylor Red River Oove Creek Millard Mim's Store Marion r~efugio Refugio Tehuacana Limestone CloydC)n 1I1orgaD. lfinden Husk Reily Springs Hopkins Terryville newitt Deseret 1I1illftrg Mission Va.l1ey Victoria Retreat Grim~s TeXltnna Jackson Diamond Jua Moffa.t Bi ll Rice Navarro l'hom )sonville Gonzales Dr:tpEr Great Salt T.r.Jai Monro) Rusk!tice's Crossing Williamson 'riger lill Burnet Ounc'a.II's Retreat Kanlt Montague Montague Ric hardoville Wood Toddville Uli hur [~cho Oity. Montgomery Mon1.0mery Richmond FOl,'t Bend Summi* Tomaha Red iver Eden Weber Morales De Lavacca ackson Riddleville Karnes Towash Hill Ephraim San P :tll Morgau ville Polk Rio Grande City, Starr Town Blull' Tyler Eureka JUMJ Morman's Mills Burnett Ripley Tltu> Travis Austin F~irfie\d lftah Moscow Polk Roan's Prairie Grime; Trinity Trinity Fllir View San Petil Moss Blull' Libertv Robbinsville Mills Red River Trinity J,lills Dallas Farmington DR ris Mott Angelie'a Roek Dam Falls Troupe Smith Fay'~tte SlIn Petit Mottomosa A tnso( 8 L Rockhouse Fayette I'ucker's Mills Limestone Fillmore City Milhrd Moulton Lavaca. Rockport RefUgio Tllm('y's Store Travis Fish Hllven n,ich City Hays Rockwall Kaufman 1'urner's Poin; Kaufman Fort Hamblin Washington Mount Calm Limestone Rocky Erath 'rurtle Bayou Liberty Fountain Gre~n San F ~tll Mount Carmel Smith Uoma Starr 'l'win Sisters Rlanee Franklin ('lie he Mount Enterprise Rusk Rose Hill Harris 'Tyler Smith Glendale Kanll Mount Gaynor Hays Round Lake Gonzl,\les Union Grovo Kaufman Glenwood Sevie't Mount Olivet McLennan Itound Mountain Blanco Union Hill Kaufman Hoshen Utah Mount Pleasant Titus Round Rock Williamson Uvalde Uvalde Gra.fton KaDII MuJe Creek Gonzales R.. und 'rop Fayette,ralley Guadaloupe Granite City Salt Lake Natches Houston Itoxton I~amar Valley Mills Bosque Grantsville Tooel. Nacogdoches Nacog,doches Rural Shade Navarro \ralley View Coo', e Oreenville ]leaver Navasota Grimef Rusk Cherokee Valverde Denton Gunnison S:,n Petll NlI\vitlad Jackson It\! tersville Fayette Velasco Bra.zorin Hampton Box Elder N echesville Anderson Sabinal Uvalde k Victoria Victoria HUl'risburgh Washingtoll Neese's Store Fayette lsabinepass Jefferson Virginia Dallas Harrisville Wcbey Nelson ville Austin Sabine Town Sabine Volo Bcll Heher Wasateh "N ew Bra.unfels Comal Saint Elmo Free,tone,\" aco Village McLennan' Hebron Washington Now Dum'ille Husk Saint Mary'S Refugio Wndeville Navarro Herriman Great Salt Lake New Fountain Medina Salado Bell Wallace Prairie GrimH Hillsdale Kano Newport Wa.lker Salem Newton Wallisville Chambers Holden Millard New Salem Rusk Sal tillo Hopkins Walnut Hill Panola Homansville Utah Newton Newton Suluria Oalhoun Warren Fannin Hooper Webel' New DIm Austin San Anders Milam Washington Washington Hunts>illa "Weber New Wavet;ly 'Valker 'San Antonio Bexar Wa.kom Station' Harrison Byde Park OacM Nockenut Gaudaloupe San.Augustine San Augustine Waterville Wharton Hyrum Cnchll Nopal' McMullin San Ilartolo Zapata Waverly Wa.lker lnvcrary Sevier Nueees Nueces ~an Diego Nuece, Waxahatchie Ellis Iron City Iron Oak Hill Travis San Domingo Bee Weathersford 'Parker Jacob City Tooelll Oakland Colorado Sandy Blanco Wehbervillo 'l'ravis Johnson Kallll Q,akville Live Oak Sand~ Point Brazorill Weesatch Goliad Knmas Summit O.ak,, ood Leon San Blizaria El Pa.~CI Wdcome Austin Kanab Kant Oat J,lcnl Burnett San Felipe Austill Wcloon Houston K annrra. ville KanQ Oenaville Bell San Gabriel Milum Wellborn,Brazos Kanos/l?I iilard Omega U/:shu,r San Marcos H'H" Wesley Austin Kaysville Davie Onion Creek rav1s San Patricio San Patrie'io Westbrook Blanco Kelton Box BideI' Orange Orange San Pedro H.mstoll West Falls F,t\ls Lake Point Tooela Oran!(cville Fannin San Satla San Sab" Weston Collin Laketown Rich Orvilla. Ellis Sattler'S Comal We~t Point Fayette Leeds Washillyton OBO Fayette Savanna.h Red River Wharton Wharton Lehigh City '( tah Palestine Anderson Scott~ville Harrison Wheatville Titus Levan JUflb PaloHto Hell Scyene Dalla. Wheelock Robel tson Lewiston Tooela Palo 1 into Palo Pinto *Seguin Gaudaloupe White Oak Hopkins Liberty Rich Ptpalota. ' Bee Selma. Bexa.r White Rock Hunt Logan Cache aris Lamar ScmproniuB Austin Whitesboro' Grayson r.ylllle Weber Parkerton Lamar Serlin Bastrop Wiess' Bluff Jasper liiu,nti San Peta Patroon Shelby Shackelford Henderson Willis Montgomery Marysvale Pi Ute Patton ville Lamar 'Sh('lby Austin Willow Grove Sht lby Meadow 111 i1lard Peach Tree Ja..per S hel byville Shelby Willow Hole liiadison Mendon Caoh\) Pecan Deltn 'Sherman Grayson Will's point Van ZIIu'dt Midway 'Wnsatch" Pendleton Sabine ~hiloh Hunl Wilton Ellis lir ill Creek Salt Lakll l>eoria. HilJ Shovel MOllDt Burnet Winchester Fayette lirillville Cache Perrv McLennan Simpsonville Upshur Winton Gouzales M i nerov ille B.ave't Perry's Landing BrlLzoria.~istcrdale Kendall ""onders Na.cogdoches Mona Juab Persley Navarro Sivel!'s Bend Cook W.oosls Panola 1I10nroe Sevi~.:r Person ville Limestone Smithson's Valley Coma] Woodbury Hill Morgan 1110 gin Petersburg Lavacca Smithwick Mills Du rnet Woo<!,'ille C, H. Tyler Moroni San Pete Phelps Walker Snake Prairie Bastrop Gonzales il'iountoarmel Kane ~~;~~;~~:rough Pilot Grove Grayson Snow Hill Titus De Witt Mount l'leasant San Pe~ Pilot Point D~nton Somel"s~t'tn YOllIIgsport Bell New Harmouy Washiu!\ton Pine Creek Lamal" Sour Lake Hardin Zionsville Washington Newton Cac~ Pine Grove Henderson Sour S8ring Caldwell North Ogden Webu Pine Hill Rusk South osque. McLennan "Ogden City Pinetown Cherokee Sou th Gabriel Burnet Ophir Tooe~ Pine Tree Upshur S peake ville Lavaca Ovid Ric~ Pin Oak Fayette S pring Branch Coma.l Utah. Panguitoh IroD. Pittsburg Urshur Springfield Limestone Pa I',ulise CilChll Pittsville Fort B"nd Spring Hill Navarro Post Office, County. Parn.~onah Iron Collin Stallord's Point Fort Dend Parley's Park Summii Pla.ntei'sville Grimes Stnrk esville Lamar Adllmsville Ben"er Parowan ll'on Pleas'anton.A.ta.scosa Sta.rl'ville Smith Alma. Weber Paris Rioh Plentjtude Anderson Steele's Grove Tyler Alpine City Ulnh Payson Uta.h PlumCrellk Caldwell 'Itephen"r"rg RedRi, er Alta Salt Lake Puollo Sllmmit Piil.J).t babel Oameron Stephensvlll. Erdh; American Fork Utah Peterson MOlgan -MOl '7 Orcer Offices.

244 74 POST OFFICES-UTAB-VERMONT..f P08t Office. Oounty. Pod Of/ic Oounty. Po"t Office. Oounty. Post Office. Oountl/. Pine Valley WashiQgton, Bristol Addison Fletcher Franklin North Clarendon Rutland. Pinto Iron Brookfield Orange Forres t Dale Rutland North Oraftsbury Orlean. Plain Oity Weber Brooksville Addison 'Franklin Fr!l.nklin North Danville OILledonia PleasILnt Grove Ut3.h Brownington Orleans Gazett's Station Windsor Sorth Derby Orleans Portage Box Eld~r Brownsville Windsor Gaysville Windsor North Dorset Bennington Provo City Utah Brunswick ~~ssex Georgia Franklin North Duxbury Washington Providence Cache Buck Hollow Franklin Georgia Plain Franklin North Enosburg Franklin Randolph Rich BlIrke Oal,edonia Glover Orleans ~ orth Fairfax Franklin Richli.eld Sevier *B~rlinl!;ton Ohittenden Goshen Addison North Fayston Washin~ton Richmond Cache C; Washingtun GOlll dsville Washington S orth Fenisburg AddISon Rocl[port Summit Cady's Falls Lamoille Grafton Windham *Northtield Washington Rockville KILne Calais Washingtoll Granby Essex North Greensboro' Orleans Saint Oharles Rich 'Cambridge Lamoille Grand Isle Grand Isle North Hartland Windsor lsllint George Washington C3.mbridgep.rt. Windham Granville Addison North Hero Grand Isle Saint John Tooele C'lnaan Essex Green River Windham North Hyde Park Lamoille ialem Utah *Oastleton Rutland Groens borough Orleans North Montpelier Washin~ton Salina Sevier Oavendish Windsor (lroton Oaledonia North Orwell AddIson "Salt Lake OityGreatSaltLILke Center Rutland Rutland Guildhall Essex North Pomfret W'ndsor Sand& Salt Lake Ch,ulotte Ohittenden Guilford Windham Xorth Pownal Bennington S',alt reek Joab "Chelsea Orancrc Gu ilford Center Windham :"<orth Randolph Orange Santaquin Utah "'Chester Winds~r Halifax Windham ~orth Sheldon Franklin Soipio 11 ill ard Chimney Point Addison Hancock Addison North Sherburne Rutland Shonesburg Kane Ohipman's Point Addison "'Hardwick Oaledonia North Shrewsbury Rutland Silver City Juab Chittenden Rutland Hartford Windsor North S pringtield Windso:r Slatersville Weber Clarendon Rutland Hnrtland Windsor North Thetford Orange Smithfield C'lche Clarendon Springs Rutland Hartland's Four Corners North Troy Orlean8 S,outh Cottonwood SaH Lake Colchester Ohittenden Windsor North Tunbridge Orange Spanish Fork Utah Concord Essex Hartwellville Benningt1ln North Underhill Ohittenden Spring City San Pete Copperas Hill Orange Healdville Rutland North Walden Caledonia. Springdale Kane Corinth Orange Highgate Franklin North Williston Ohittende4 Spring Lab Ut3.h Cornton Windham Highgate Oenter Franklin North Windham Windham S,pring;ville Utah Cornwall Addison Highgate Springs Franklin North Wolcott Lamoille S,tar Oity Beaver Ooventry Orleans Hinesburg Ohittenden N erton.mills Essex ti,tockton Tooele Oraftsbury Orleans Holland Orleans :"<orwich Windsor Stoker Davis Outtingsville Rutland Horton'ville Rutland Olmsted Falls Franklin Summit Iron Danby Ruthlnd Houghtonville Windham Orange Orange Terrace Box Elder Danby' Four Corners Rutland Hubbardton Rutland Orwell Addison Tooele Tood" Dllnvllle Oaledon ia Huntiugton Ohittenden Panton Addison' Toquerville Kane "'Derby Orleans Huntington Center Ohittenden P,lssumsick Caledonia Uintah "rebel' "'Derby Line 'Orleans Hyde Park Lamoille 'Pawlet Rutland Union Great Salt Lake Dorset Bennington H y,levilia Rn tland "Peaoham Oaledonia. Virgin City Kane Dover Windham l~ Rutland ~Perkinsville Windso:r Wales 'San Pete Dllmmerstown " indham Irasburg Orleans Peru, Bennington Wallsburg Wasatch East Albany Orle,ans Isle LaMott Grand Isle Pittsfield Rutland Wanship Sum III it East Alburgh Grand Isle "'Island Pond E,sex 'Pittsford Rutland Washington Washington l!last Arlim:ton Bennington Jacksonville Windham Pittsford Quarry Rutland Wellsville Cache East Barnard Windsor Jamaioa Windham Plainfield Washington West Jordan Great S:Ilt L,)ke East Berkshire Franklin Jay Orleans Pleasant Valley Chittenden Weston Cache East Bethel Windsor Jeffersonville Lamoille Plymouth Windsor Williard Box Elder East Brighton Essex Jericho Chittenden Pomfret Windsor Windsor Kane Ea,t Brookfield. Orange Jericho Center Ohittendou Pom panoosuo Windsor Woodrnff Rich East Burke Oaledonia 'J ohnson Lamoille Pos t Mill Village Orange Woods Cross Da.vis East Oabot Washington Jonesville Ohittenden Poultney Rutland East Oalais Washington Ked~r's Bay Grand Isle Pownal Bennington e:- East Oambridge Lamoille' LaGrange Grand Isle Proctorsville Windsor East Charleston Orleans L3.nd Grove Bennington P-utne{ Windham East Clarendon Rutbnd I.arrabee's Point Addison ~ueeo y Windsor 'Vermont. P08t Office. East Corinth Orange [,eicester Addison an dolph Orange East Ooventry Orleans l,eicester Junction Addison Reading Windsor Oounty. East Craftsbury Orleans Lemington Essex Readsborough Bennington East Dorset Benningtou Lincoln Addison 'Richford Franklill Addison Addison I<Jast Oover Windham Londonderry Windham Richmond Chittenden' Albany Orleans East Elmore Lamoille Lowell Orleans Richville. addison Alb'lny Oenter Orleans East Fairfield Franklin Lower Cabot Washington Ripton Addison.Alburg Grand Isle East Franklin Franklin Lower Waterford Oaledonia Rochester Windso:r Alburgh Center Grand lsi!: lllast Georgia Franklin *Ludlow Windsor Rockingham Windham Alburg Springs Grand Isle, East Granville Addison *Lunenburg Essex Roxbury Wp,shington Andover Windsor East Greensborough ' Orleans Lyndon Oaledonia Royalton Windsor Arlington Bennington East Hardwick Oaledonia Lyndonville Caledonia 'Rupert Bennington Athens Windht\m East Haven Essex Lyndon Center Caledonia *Rlltland Rutland ASCII tneyville Windsor East Highgate Franklin "McIndoe's Falls Caledonia Ryegate Caledonia Baker's Field Franklin East Hubbardtown Rlltland 'Man chester Bennington Sadawga Wmdham.{\arnl!.1'd Windsor East Middlebury Addison Marlborough Windham 'Saint Albans Franklin Barnet Oaledonia East Montpelier Washington Marshfield Washington Saint Albans Bay Franklin Barnumville Bennington East Newark Oaledon iu Mechanicsville Rutland George OhittendeI\ "Barre Washington East Orange Orange Mendon Rutland 'Saint Johnsbury Calcdonin -Barton Orleans East Poul tuey Rutland Mid<;llebury Addison Saint Johnsbury Oenter ljarton's Landing Orleans gast Randolph Orange Middlesex Washington CaledonIa ljartonsville Windham East Riohford Fmnklin "l\fiddletown Rutland St, Johnsbury East Oaledonia Beebe Plain Orleans East Roxbury Washington ~! iles Pond Essex Salisbury Addison "Bellows Falls Windham East Rupert Benningtou ;\! il ton Ohittenden Sandgate Bennington Belvidel'e Lamoille East Sheldon Franklin Monkton Addison Saxton's River Windham Bel videre Corners Lamoille East Shoreham Addison ~lollkton Ridge Addison Searsburg Bennington Bennington Bennington East Thetford Orange Montgomery FrILnklin Shaftsbury Bennington BenningtonCenter Bennington Ihst Wallingford Rutland Montgomery Center Franklin Sharon Windsor Benson Rutland East Warren Wp,shington 'Montpelier Washington Sheffield' Caledonia ~enson's LILnding Rutland Eden Lamoille Moretown Washington 3helburn Ohittenden 'Berkshire Franklin Eden Mills Lamoille Morgan Orlenns "Sheldon Franklin Berlin Washington Elmore Lamoille Morristown Lamoille Sherburne Rutland Bethel Windsor Ely Oran(J'1' Morrisvi 11e Lamoille Shoreham Addison 'Bloomfield Essex Enosburg Franklin Mount Holly Itutland Shrewsbury Rutland Bolton Ohittenden "'Enosburg Falls Franklin Newark Oaledonin Simonsville Windsor B,oltonville Orange Essex Ohittenden *Newbury OrILnge Somerset WindhAm Bondville Bennington Essex Junotion Ohittenden Newbury Center Orange South Albany Orlel\Da,Qordoville Franklin Factory Point Bennington New Havon Addison' South Barton Orleans "Bradford' Orange Fairfax Franklin New Haven Mills Addison South Barre Washington Bradford Center Orange Fairfield Franklin *Newport Orleans South Cabot Washington Braintree Orange. *Fairhaven Rutland Newport Center Orle,ms South Danville Oaledonia. -Brandon Rutland F,~irlee Orange N ornsville Caledonia South Dorset Bennington "BratUe borough Windham Fayettevill e Windham N orth Bennin~ton Bennington South Fairlee Oranp ~ridgewater Win!isor *Felohville Windsor North Oambri gil LILmoille South Glover Orleani Uc~dpor~ Addison Ferrlsburg Addison North Cheater Windsor South Halifax W indha.l». -MODel Ofder Ot!io08.

245 POST OFFICES-VERMONT-VIRGINlA. 75 PO!t Office. County. (Jaunty. County. County. =~~~~ «~~~sburgh CGIlrI atntednid~!ne West Pawlet Rutland Bellfair Mills Stafford Callaway'S Franklin S ~ "West Randolph Orange Belle Haven Accomack Oump Oreek Floyd outh Londonderry Windhanl West Rochester Windsor Bellevue Bedford Oampbell 0 H Oampbell South Newberry Orange West Rupert Bennington Bell's Oross Roads Louisa Caney Hollow Lea South Peacham Oaledonia West Rutland Rutland Bell's Yalley Rockbridg~ O,\peville Northampton South Pomfret Windsor West Salisbury Addison Rent Creek Appomattox Oapon Road Depot Shenandoah Soutb Reading Windsor West Topsham Orange Bentivoglio Albemarle Oappahosic Gloucester South Royalton Windsor West Townshend Wind hum Rent Mountai!1 Roanoke Ourrsville Isle of WigM South Ryegate Oaledonia West Wardsboro' Windham Bentonville Warren Oarter's Bridge Albemarle ~outh Shaftsbury Bennin~ton West Waterford Oaledonia Berger's Store Pittsylvania Oal t~rsburg Pitt8vlvania outh Starksboro' AddIson Wetmore Orleans Berp;e's Gap Wise Oarters Mills Patrick South Strafford Orange Weybridge Lower Fall. Berli,n Southampton Cartersville Cumberland South Tunbridge Orange Addison Berryville Cl.ark Casanova Fauquier South 'Walden Caledonia Wheelock Caledonia Bestland Essex Cascade Pittsyl vania South Wallingford Rutland "WhiteRiverJunctionWindsor Bethel Academy Fa\lquier Oastle Craig Campbell South W ardsboro' 'Windham Whiting Addison Beulah Prince William Castlemau's Ferry Clark Sou th Wheelock Caledonia Whiting Station Add isoll Beulahville King Will iam Oastleton Oulpeper South Windham 'Vindham Whittingham Windham Bickley's Mills Russe)1 Catawba Roun<>ke South WOOdbury WMhington Williamstown Orange Big Branch Scott Catlett Fauquier ~out~ Woodstock Windsor Williamsville Windham Big Island Bedforll Oave Spring Roanoke SprIngfield Windsor Williston Chittenden 'Blg Lick Roanoke Oedar Bluff Tazewell Stamford Bennington 'Yilmington Windham Big RO('k Buchanan Cedar Creek Frederick Stanard Caledonia Windham Windham Big Spring Depot Montgomery Cedar Fork Caroliue Starkshoro' Addison "Windsor Windsol' Rig Stone Gap Wi!e Cedar Grove Mills Rockbridge Stockbridge Windsor Winooski Falls Ohittenden Black Heth Ohesterfield Cedar Point Page "Stowe La::loille Winhall [Bennington Blacks and Whites Nottoway Cedar Run Fauquier Strafford,Orange Wolcott Lamoille Blacksbllrg Montgomery Cedar Yiew Sussex Stratton 'Windham Woodbury Washington Black Walnut Halitax Oentenary Buckingham Sudbury Rutland Woodford Bennington Blnir's Wharf Prince George Oentral Plains Fluvauna Sunderland Bennington "Woodstock Windsor fhand Bland Centr"l Point Oarolin.e Sutherland Falls Rutland Worcester Washington Bloomfield Loudoun Center Cross Essex Sutton Caledonia Blue Ridge Botetourt Center Mills Montgomel'Y "Swanton Franklin BIlle Stone Tazewell Centerville li'airfall. Swanton Junction Franklin Boliugton Loudoun Chalk Level Pittsyl vania Swanton Center Franklin Vl-rgl-nlea. Bolling's Landing Buckingham Chamber's Valley Oarroll Taftsville Windsor Bombrook Franklin Chamblissburg Bedford Thetford Orange Bonsack's Roanoke Chancel1or,~Vllle Spottsyll'ania Thetford Center Orange Post Office. (Jaunty. Boone's Mills Franklin Chantilly Fairfax Tinmouth Rutland Booneville Albemarle Cballel Hill Fluvanna Topsham Orn.nge Abb's Valley Tazewell Boston Culpeper Charlemont Bedford Townshend Windham "Abingdon Washington Boswell!s Fluvanna Oharles City 0 H Charles City Troy Orleans Abbyville Meck lenburgh Botetourt Springs Roanoke Charlie Hope Brunswick Tunbridge Orange Accomack 0 H Accomack Bowensville Fuuquier ~"Ohurlotte C H Charlotte ~ysun Furnace Windsor Accokeck Staft'ord Bowling Green Oaroline "Oharlottesville Albemarle trnderhill Chittenden Accotink Fairfax Bowman's Mills Rockingham Chuthum Hill Smyth Underhill Oenter Chittenden Acorn Hill Frederick Boyd's Tavern Albemarle Cherry Grove Rockingham Unio!). Yillage Orange Afton Nelson Boydton Mecklenburg Cherrystone Northampton Upper Falls Windsor Aldie Loudoun Boykin's Depot Southampton Chestnut Fork Bedford "Vergennes Addison "Alexandria Alexandria Branchville Chester Ohesterfield Vernon Windham AlieghenySprings Montgomery Brandon Prince George Ohildress's Store Montgomery Vershire Orange Allegheny Station Allpgheny BrandonChnrch PrinceGeorge Ohilesburg C:uolino Victory Essex Allen's Creek Amherst Brandy Station Culpeper Chincoteague Accomack Waitsfield Washington Allisonia Pnlaski Bremo Bluff Fluvann 'Ohristianburg Montgomerv Wait's River Orange Alma Page Brentsvillo Prince William Christiansville Mecklenburg Walden Caledonia Alollzaville Shenandoa~l Brickland Lunenburg Chuckatuck NanselJlond Wallingford Rutland Alpha Halifax Brick Store LeeOhula Depot Amelia Wardsboro' Windham Alum Springs ROCkbridge Bridgewater Rockingham Churchland Norfolk Warren Washington Alum Wells Washington Bridle Oreek Grayson Ohurch Road Dinwiddie Washington Orange Amelia C H Amelia BTistersburg Fauquier Church Yiew.Middlesex Waterbury Washingtol' Amherst C H Amherst Bristoe Station PrinceWilliam Churchville Au~usta Waterbury Center Washi'ngton Amissville Ra.ppabannock Broadford. Smyth Oircle"ille Loudoun Waterford Caledonia. Amsterdam Botetourt Broad Run Station Fauquier City Point Prince George Waterville Lamoille Andrews Spottsylvania Broadway Depot ROCkingham Olnremont Wharf Surry 'Yeathersfield 'Vindsor Antioch Fluvanna Brockenburg Spottsylvania Clark's Gap Loudoun Weathersfield Oenter Windsor Apple Grove Louisa Brooklyn - Halifax Clarksville :Mecklenburg Wells Rutland Appomattox C H Appomattox Brook Neal Campbell Cle,\r Brallch Washingtol\ Wells River Orange Ararat Patrick Browne Hill Wythe Clear Fork Bland West Addison Addison Arbor Hill Augusta Brownsburg Rockbridge Clcek's Mills West Arlington Bennington Arcola Loudoun BroWn's Church Cumberland Cleveland Orullge 'Yest Barnet Caledonia Arlington Alexandria Brown's Oove Albemarle Clifton Forge AUeghan, West Berkshire Frankhn Arnoldton Campbell Brown Store Northumberland Clifton Station Fairfax West Bolton Chittenden Arrington Nelson Bruin~ton King and Queen Cline's Mills Augus~1\ West Braintree Orange Ashland Hanover liuchanan Botetonrt Clover'Creek Highland West BrattleboroughWindham Aspen Grove Pittsyl'Vania Buckhorn Nandemond Cloverdale Botetourt 'Yest Bridgewater Winrlsor Aspen Wall Oharlotte BUCkingham OH BUCkingham Clovel'Depot Halifax West Burke Caledonia AS3,lmoosick Southampton Buckland Prince William Clover Green Spottsylvani.a 'Yest Oastleton Rutlund Atkin's Tank Smyth Buckner'S Station Louisa Oobb's Creek Matthews West Charleston Orleans Atlantic Accomack Buckshoal H,\lifax Cobham Albemarie West Charlotte Chittenden Atlee's Stl\tion Hanover Buckton Warren Oole's Ferry Oharlotte "West Concord Essex Auburn Montgomery Buffalo Forge Rockbridge Cold Harbor Hanover West Oornwall Addison AVI\ Bucha.nan Buffalo Gap Augusta Collerstown Rockbridge West Corinth Orange Aylett's King William Buffalo Mills Rockbridge Collingwood Fairfax West Danville Caledonia B<l.chelor's Hall Pittsylvania Buffalo Pond Washington Oollinsville Frederick West Derby Orleans Back Oreek Yalley Frederick Buffalo Ridge Patrick Columbia. Fluvanna West Dover Windham Bacon's Castle S"rry Ruford's Bedford OolumbiaFurnace Sbenandoah West Dummerston Windham Balcony Falls Rockbridge BuIll. Goochland Oolumbia Grove Lunenbnrg West Enosburg Franklin Ballsville Powbatan Bumpa~s Louisa Coman's Well Susse:!' West Fairlee Orange Baptist Valley Tazewell Bunker Hill Be<lford Oomorn King George Westfield Orleans Barhamsville New Kent Burgcss Dinwiddie Ooncord Depot Campbell Westford Chittenden Barkesdale Halifax Burgess' Store Northumberland 0001 Well Amher8~ West Georgia Franklin Barnesville Charlotte. Burke'S Garden Tazewell Coop~rs F'ranl.lin West Glover Orleans Bates' Mill Lee Burke's Mills Augllsta OO'ltes' Store Rockinp;ham West Halifax Windham Bll.tesville.Albemarle Burke's Station Fairfax Copper Hill Floyd West Hartford Windsor Bath Alum Bath Burkesville Nottoway Oopper Va.lley " West Haven Rutland Rath Court House Burnt Ordinary James City County Line ~ Roads Charlotte West :M:arlborough Windham Baynesville Westmoreland Oabbage Farm Mecklenburg Cove Creek Tazewell West Milton Chittenden Bay View Northampton Oabin Point Surry Oovesville Albemarl& Westminster Windham Bealeton Fanquier Cady's Tunnel BMh Oovington Alleghany Westminster West Windham' Beaver Dam Depot Hanover Oa 11'0. Cumbl'rland Orab Orcbard Lee West NeWbury Orange Beokettsville Oharlotte Caledonil\ Goochland Craig's Oreek Craig West Newport Orleans Beecb Springs Lee Oallaghan'. Allegany Craig's Mills Washington Wellton Windsor Belfast Mills Russell Callands Pittsylvania Oraigsvillo Augul~ )fonel Order OffiCQi.

246 '16 POST OFFICES-VmGINIA_ Post Offic-e. County. P08t Office. County. Po~t Office. County. Countll. ranberry Plains Carroll FoneswC)od Richmond Hartwood Sta.fford Langley Fairfas Sres well : Russell Ford's Depot Harvey's Store Charlotte Lantz'; Mills Shenandoah Criglesville Madison Forest Depot Bedford H at Creek Campbell Laurel Fork Carrl/.ll Crofts v ill e Tazewell Forelt Station Shenandoah I Hawkinstown Shenandoah Laurel Grove Pittsylvanla Cross Keys Rockingha.m Forestville Shenandoah Ha,,'kinsville Sussex Lallrellllills Rappahannooll, (lllckooville Louisa Fork Dale Botetourt Hayes' Store Gloucester "Lawrenceville Brunswi\lJr. "Culpeper C. H. Culpeper Forkland Nottoyt'tty Hayfiel'd Frederick Leaksville Page Cumberland C. H. Cumberland Forks of Buffalo Amherst Hay Market Prince William Leatherwood's Store Henry <lurdsvillo Buchingham Forksville Mecklenburg Head Waters Lebanon Russ~ll Curl's Wharf Henrief) Fork Union Fluvanna Healing Springs Bath Lebanon Church Shenandoah Dagger'b Springs Botetourt Fort Blackimore Scott. Heathsville C. H. ~Leesburg Loudon Dale Enterprise Rockingham Franklin Depot Southampton Northumherland Leesville Cll.mpbeU '"D,m ville Pittsylvania Frankto\\ n Northampto,. Hendrick's Store Bedford (,eo'n Madison Darlington Hights 'Fredericksburg Spottsyivani:l Hetiry Sussex Leroy Rockingham Pl'ince Edward Frederickshall Louisa Hermitage Augusta Letcher Bath Darvill's Dinwiddie Freeshade Middlesex!:Ierndon FlIirtax Lewinsville Fairfax Davis' Mills Bedford Free Union Albemll.rle Hewlett's Hauover Lewis's Store Spottsylvania DawsonvIlle Greene Frcilch Hay H,mover Hickory Fork Glouc~stpr [,ewisville King Ge~rge Vaysville Loudoun Friendshipville King George Hicksford Greenville 'Lexington Rockbridge Dttyton Rockingham Fnlit Northumberland Hicks' Wharf lijatthcws 'Liberty.. Bedford Deatollsvil1e Arne iu 'Front ltoyal Warrcn Hightown Highln.nd Liherty Furnn.ce Shenandoah Deertield August" 1~ulker80n Scott High View Frederick Liberty Mills Orange Deisher's Mill Botetourt Gainesboro' Frederick Hill Grove Pittsylvania Lincoln Loudoun Diana Mills BUCkingham Gains X Roads Rappn.hanllock Hillsborough Loudoun Lincolnia. Filii-fax Dickmson's Franklin Gainesville Prince William Uillsville Carroll Linden Warren Dickcnsonville Russell Galt's Mills Amherst Hobbs Brunswick Linnville Rockingham Dillard's Wharf. Surry Garrisonville Stllll'or.! Hoblls' Ferry Giles Linwood Rockingham Dinwiddie C. H. Dinwiddie Gary's Store Buckingham Hog Island Surry Lisbon Bedford Displltch New Kent Gur),sville Prince George Holcombe's Rock Bedford LittlePlvmouth King&Queen Disputanta. Prince George Gen'ito Powh/lotlln Holly Creek Wise Littleton Sussex Doe Hill Highb.IlQ I}holi;onville Brunswick Holly Neck Nansemond r,ittle River Fl.oyd DOll ble Bridge Lunenburg Gibson's Station Le.e Holston Washington Little'Vhim Sto,fford Dover Mills Goochland Hi hsonville Russell Holston Bridge Scott Litwalton Lanc~ste:r ))ovesville' Rockingham Gilmore's Mills ROCkbridge Homeland CulpepeJ J.ively OakS Lancaste:r Drake's Branch Charlotte Uishe's Mills Roauoke Hope Mills Page Llovds Essex Dranesville Fairfax Glade Hill Franklin Horeb Bedford I.ockleven I,unenburg Draper's Valley Pulaski Uladesboro' Carroll Horntown Accomack I.och Lomond Goochland Dr:.persville Meeklenberg GladeSpringDcpot Washington Horseley's Landing Nelson Locust Bottom Botetourt Dr.e II ry 's Bluff Chesterfield Glady 'Fork Henry Horse Pasture Henry Locust Creek Louisa Dr) Fork Wise Glen Allen Henrico Hot Springs Bath Locust Grove Orange "Dnblin Pulaski Glendower Albemarle Howardsville Albemarle Locust Hill Middlesex Dng S'pur Carroll Glenmore Bncl{jngham I Hnghesville Loudoun Locust Level Halifax Dumfries Prince William Glenn's Gloucester Hundley~s Mills Augusta Locust Mount Accomack Duncan's Mills Scott Gloucester C. H. Gloucester Hllnter's Gap Lee Locustville Dunn's Store Caroline Go;;ginsville Franklin Hunter's Lodge Fluvanna Lodi Washing~ Dunnsville Essex Gold Hill Buckingham HUnter's Mill Fairfax Lodora Ameba Dupree's Old Store Charlotte Goochland C. H. Goochland Hurt's Store Pittsylvania 'Lombardy Grove Mecklenburg Dyer's 'Store Henry Goodall's Hanover Hycn Halifax London Bridge Princ.essA!lna Earleysville Albemarle Good's Mills Rockingham Idaho King William Lone Pine Bedford East Liberty Pllge Good View Bedford (ndependence Grayson Long Branch Franklin "E,\8tville Northam pton Good wynsville Din widdie Ilidependent Hill Lci~ Dale Allegheny Edenb"rg Shenandoah 'Gordo,lsville Ornnge Prince William Long Glade Al'.gusta Edge Hill King George Goresville Loudolln Indian Valley Floyd Long Hollow Smyth E'dith Shenandoah Goshen Bridge Rockbridge Indian Rock Botetourt Longwood Rockbridge Edna Mills Charles City Grafton Yor/{ Jona Jo'airfux Lordsville Nansernond Edom Rockingham Granite Chesterfield Irishburg H~nr~ Loretto FJssex Edwards Patrick Grant Gmyson Isle of Wight Isle of WIght Lottsburg Northumberland Eggleston Springs Giles Gr.lvel Hill Buckingham (ssequeane Goochhmu Loudoun Loudoun Elam,\'ille Patrick Gravel Spring l.'red~rick Ivor Southampton Lonisa C H Louisa EldumLio Culpeper Grave's 1I1ill Madison Ivy Depot Albemarle r.ovely Mount Montgomery Elizabeth Furnace Augnsta Gmysville Floyd Jackson ' Louis~ Love's Mills 'Vashington Elk Creele Graysou Greasy Creck Floyd J,\ckson's Ferry Wythe Lovettsville Loudoun Elk Garden ~ussell Grettt Bridge Norfolk.Iacob's Churoh Shenan\loall Loving Creek Bedford Elk Hill l1ills Goochland Green U"y Prince Ed ward J :lmnic&. Middlesex [,ovingston N dsol1 Elk Itun Fanquier Greenfield Nelsoll J,\rr,\tt's Sussex Lowry Bedford Ellisville Louisa Green Hill Campbell Jell'erson Powhattan Lunenburg C H Lunenburg Elmington Nelson Green Mount, Rockingham Jellersonton Culpeper Luray Page Eltho,m Westmorsland Green Alhemurle Jejl'ress' S'tore Nottoway 'Lynchburg Campbell Emllus ' Bedford Grecn Plain Southampton J.. nkin's Bridge Accomack McClure Bu~hanan Emrnerton Richmond Green Valley Bath Jennings' Ordinary Nottoway lfcdonald's1l1ills Moutgomery JlJmory Washington Greenville Augusta,Jerusalem Southampton McDowell Highlanil Enfield King William Greenway 1\ elson J esse's Mills Russell liicel waine's Green ville Erin Shn.des Henrico Greenwich Prince William Jeter ville Amelia ~rcfarland's Lunenburg Estill ville Scott Greenwood Depot Albemarl~ Johnson's Spring Goochland licgahey,sville Rockingham Etna liulls King William Grove Hill Page Joh,nsontown Northampton lilckenny's Mill Rockbridgt Ever,;reen Appomattox Grundy Buchanan Jonesborough Brnnswick Maberry Creek Parrick Yabcr's Mills Nelson Guest's Station Wythe Jop.esville Lee lihcbodao Westmoreland Yair fax Court Honse Fairrax Guilford Accomack J ones Wharf 'Surry ~(adi'son C H Madison Fairfield Rockbridge Guiney's Caroline J unction Hanover lladison Mills Falls Church li'''irfax Hadensville Goochland Kasey's Bedford Madison Run Station Orange Yall's liiills Tazewell Hadlock Northampton Keezletown Rockin'l,h,\m lfaiden Spring Tazewe~l!<'almouth Stalford Hague Westmoreland Kempsville Princess Anlu' M",llory's Ford, ~rll;ngt Fancy Gap Carroll l1ale's Ford }<'r,\nklin Kennedv's Brunswick *~rana"sns Prlllce WIlliam Faney Grove Bedforu Haleysburg Luncllburv;h Kent's )iills. Wythe lfanchester Chesterfield Fancy Hill Rockbridge *ll<llifax C. II. H,~lifax Kc~wick's Depot Albcmllrl~ Mll.ngohick King William Farmer's Fork Richmond Hnllsborough Chesterfield KeysvUle Charlotte ~Ianuborough Amelia Farmer's Grove Southll.mpton Hambaugh's Warren Kilmarnock Lancaster lilanquin King William "Fa.rm ville Prince Edward Ihmburg Shenandoah Kiug and Quecn C. H.'. Mll.nsfield Louisa FArm well Loudoun Hamilton Loudoun King and Queen * llarion Smyth Fal'l1hnm Richmond Hampden Sidney College King George King George Markham Station Fauquier Farnham ixlrol1.ds Richmond Prince Edward King William C. H. Marksville Page Forry Point Norfolk Hampstead King George Kin'" William Jlartinsville Henr} Yife. Goochland "Ha.mpton Elizabeth City King's liiill \Vashillgton Martin'S Station Pulaliki "Fincastle Botetourt Hanover C. H. Hanover Kinsale Westmoreland Marysville Campbell Finu Creok Mills Powhatall Hansonville Russell Knob Tl1.zewell ~fason's Depot Amhers~ Fishursville Augusta Hllrd\\'icksville Nelson Lacy Spring Rockingham Massanutton Page Yish Hllul King William Harmony Halil'llx La l?ayette Montgomery Massie's Mills Nelson Ylilt Rook Powhatan Hnrmony Village MIddlesex LalteDrummond Norfolk Matoaca Ch~sterfield Flint Hill RQPpahannock Harper's Home Brunswick Lambsburg OJ.rroll llatoax Amelia Flippo's Oll.roline Harris Louisa r,ltncaster O. H. La.ncaster ~tatthew's C. H. lifatthew. Floyd a II 1o'}oyd Harris Creek Amherst r,and of PromisePrincoss Anne Maurertown Shenandoah Fluke's Bototourt "Harrisonburg Rockingham Lanes.ville King William llax Meadows WltJJ... Mouoy Order Offices.

247 POST Ol!'FICES-VIRGINIA. 77 P08t Office. county.! Posj Offict!. Couflty. Post Office. County. Po,e 0ffz'ce. County. 'Hay 0 Halifax New Lontlon (JamplJell Pleasant Shade Greenville Saini Stephen's (Jhurch M'l.yoForge Patl'iclt New Market Shenandoah Pleasant Valley :Fairfl\x Kingand Quoem Meadow (Jreek Grayson New Plymouth Lunenburg Poage's Mill Roanoke Snint Tammany l1ecklcnbuq Mefl.dow Dale Highllind Newport Giles l'oinuexter's Store Louisa "Salem Roanoke Meadow Mills Frederick New Prospeot King & Queen PointEastQrn Cnroline Salem Fauquier Fauquier Meadows of Dan Patrick New River Depot 'Pulaski Point Hope Grayson Salt Creek Amherd Meadville Halifax!S"ows Ferry Halifax Point Truth Scott SaltPeter Cave Ilotetoul't Mochani~sbu,rg Dlfl.nd Newsom's Depot Southampton Pond Gap Augusta Saltville Washington Meahum srlver Albemarle New Store Buckingham P')plar Hill Giles S1\luda Middleselll Meherrin Prinoe Edward Newtown King and Queen Popla.r.Mount Green\'\l1e.Sandidge's Amherllt Melrose Rockingham Newtown Stephensburg Port Con way Ki!lg G~orge Sandy Bottom Middl~se:l Mdton's Louisa Frederick Port Haywood Matthews' Sandy Hook Rappahnnuock Merrill's Store Caroline New Upton Glouoester Port RepuLlio Rockinghnm Sandy Level Pittsvlvanill Massongo Accomack Nineveh Wllrren Port Royal (Jllroline Sandy Plnins Patl'ic\l; Meyerhoeffer'S Store Nokesville Prince William *Portsmouth Norfolk Sangerville Augusta Rookingham Nominy Grove Westmoreland Potomac Prince William San Murino DinWlddie Middlebrook Augusta Non-Internnt.ion Lunonburg POlln!\ Wise Saumsvil\e Shenandonh Middleburg Lo\\doun *Norfolk Norfolk Powell's Fort Shenandoah Soottsbur~ Halifn Middletown FrederiCk North Uarden Alhemarl<:l Powellton Brunswick Scott's ~ Roads lifecklenljurgb Midlothian Chesterfield NOl,th Landing Norfolk Powhattan C H Powhatan 'Scottsville Albemarle Milford Cnroline Northside Goochland Prilliman's It'ral).kliD Seaside Accomack Millboro"Springs Bath Northview Mecklenburgh Prince George C H Selma Alleghany Milldale Warren Nortonsville Albemarle Prince Georg. Serena Stallord Miller's Tavern Essex NOI\wood -Nelson Princess Anne (1 H Seven Fouutains Shenandoah Mill Gap Highlfl.nd Nottoway C H Nottoway Princess Ann~ ::leven Islands Fluvanna Millington Atbemarle Nottoway Mills Southampton Proctor's Creek Chesterfield Seville Madison :31 ill ville Westmorelanu Nuckollsville Grayson -Prospect Prince Edward ::leven Mile Ford Smyth Millwood Clark Nurneysville Nansemond Prosl?ect Hill Fu.irfnJl Shack~lford's King and Queen )Iilll.esvillo August'" Oakdale -Rockbridge \'r.!vldence Cam, bell Shack's Mills BuchanaB Mint Spring Augusta Oak Grove Westmoreh\nd Providence Forge New Kent Shadwell Albemarle Mitchell's StMion Oulpeper Oak Level Henry Prunty's Henry Shady Grove Franklin Mock's Mills Washington Ol\kley Mecklenbul'g Pungoteague Accomack Shannon Hill Goochland Modest Town Accomack Oak Park lhad5son Purcellville Loudoun Sharon Hialld Moffatt's Creek Augusta Oakville AppomnttoJl Raccoon Ford Culpeper Shawsville Montgomery Monmouth Rockbridge Oatlands " Loudoun Radford Furnace Pulaski Shawver's Mills Taz.ewell Montague Essex Occoquan Prince William Randolph Charlotk Shennndoah Iron Works Page Monterey Highland Old Church Hanover Rapid Ann Stntion Cui peper Shern.ndo Augusta )iontgomery Washington Oldenplace Dinwiddie Rappahannock Acndemy Shiloh King George Montgomery Spri~gs Oldham's ~ Roads Carolin.e Shockeysville Frederick Montgomery Westmoreland Rayen's Clift Wythe Shumansville Caroline Montpelier Hanover Old Hickory Botetourt Raven's Nest Washllll\ton Simmonsville ()r~ig Montreal Nelson "Old Point Comfort Rawley Springs Rockingham Simpson's Floyd Montross Westmoreland Elizabeth I)ity Reams Station DinWiddie Singer's Glen Rockingham )Ioore's Store Shenandoah Omegll. Halit'u.x Rectortown Station Fauquiel Smking Creek (h'aig Moreman's River Albemarle OI~lI.ncock Accomac.k Red B.-nk Halih\JI Skinquarter Chestcrtield Morris Hanover Oral Oaks Lunenburgh Red Hill Albemarle Sh\te Mills Rappll.hannoek Morris Hill Alleghany Orange C H Orange Red House Charlotte "Smithtield Isle of Wight Morris Church Campbell Ore Banks Buckingham I~ed Oalt Grove Charlotte gmith's Creek Washingtoa Mi>.rrisville Fauquier Orkney Springs Shenauuo.-h Reed Creek Henry Smith 's><l Roads Mecklenburgh Morven Amelia Orlean Fauquier Heed hland Wythf Smoky Ordinary Brnllswi'lk Moscow Augusta Oronoco Amherst Rehoboth Lnnenburg 3nickersville Loudoun MQssingford Charlotte 03born's Gfl.P 'Vise.l~ehoboth Ohurch 3now Creek Franklin Mossy Creek Augusta Osborn's Ford Scott Northumberland Snow BtU Surty Mountain Falls Frederick O.ceola Washington Republican Grove Halifax Suowville Pulaski Mountain Grovel Bath Otter Hill Bedtord Retre,\t Franklin 30m~rvil1e Fauquier Mountain Lake Giles Otterville Bedford Rice Depot Prince Edw,\rd South Bangor. Buckingham M()untain Road Halifax Ottobine Rookingh,\m Riceville PittsylvanL South Bos.ton Denot HalifalL Mountain View Staffortl Overton Albemarle Richardsville Culpeper South Hill "Mecklenburg 110u nt Ai ry Pittsylvan ia Owl Run It'auquicr Richland Ta~ewel1 South Quay Nansemo'nd Mount Athos Campbell Paddy' :Mills Shenandoah Richland Mills Stafford Sparta CarGlino Mount Bethel H~nry P.ainesville AmelL "Richmond Henrico Speedwell. Wytho Mount Carmel Halifax Palmer'sSprings Meoklenhurg Rich Patch Alleghany Sp"er's Ferry Scot, Mount Clifton Shenandoah Palmyra Fluvanna Rich V(I,lley Smyth Spencer's Store HenTY Mount Clinton Rookl,'n, gham Pamplin's Depot Appomattox Riugeway Henry Sperryville Rappahannock Mount:Crawford Parham's Storo Sussex Ringgold Pittsylvllnia Spottaylvallia C. H.. Mount Gilead Loudon Pal'is Fauquier Ripley's Mills Craig Spottsylvanla. Mount Jackson Shenandoah Parnassus Augusta R,tchieville Din wi.,die Spout Spring Appomattox Hount Landing Essex Partlow's S~()tt3ylvania RiversvilleAmher~t Spring Creek Rockingham Mount Laurel Halifu.x Passpatansy King George Rivenon Warren Spring Garden Pittsylvanii. Mount Meridia.n Augusta Patrick C H Patrick Itives Prince George Sprilllg Grovo, Surry Mou'/lt Olive S'henandoah Patrick Springs Rixeyville Culpeper Spring Hill Mecklenburg Mount Pleasant Spottsylvanill Pattonsvilie Scott \{oadside Rockingham Spring :Mills Appomattox Mount Sidney Augusta Peaksville Bedford Hoaring Run Botetourt Spring Vale Fairf80lt Mount Solon Augusta Pearisburg Giles l~oehelle Madison Spring Valley Grays!>n Mount Vernon Tannery Pedlar's Mills Amherst Itockbridge Baths Rockbridge Sppingville TazeweU Frederick Pemberton Goochland Rock Castle Patrick SPI'UCJl liill Highland Mountville Loudoun Pembroke' Giles Rock Enon Sprillgs Frederick Stafford C. H. Stalt'ord Mount Vinco Buckingham Penhook Franklin Rock Farm Russell Sta/!'ord's Store Mount Zi()n Campbell Penn's Store Patrick Rock Fish Depot :IS ehon.stallll'ing Hurches Goochland Mouth ot East River Giles Penola Caroline Rockford Washington Stanapdsville Greenfl Mouth of Wilson Grayson Peola Milb ~Iadison Rock House Rnssell Stapleton Mills A,mherst Museville Pittsylvania Perkinsville O'oochland Rock Mills Rappahanock Star Tannery Fr,ederick :NittI's Franklin *Pctersburgh Dinwiddieltock Spring Patrick Starry Cl,'eek Franklin Na~ural Bridge Rockbridge Peter's Creek Patrick,Rocky Gap Bland '*Staunton Augus.t~ Nel1<hsco Mills Prince William Pcy~onsburg Pittayl vanin Roeky Moud Funklin Steele's Tavern Augusta. Nebra.ska Appomattox Phillips' Store Surry ltocky Station, Lee Stepl,ens' Grove ulpep.. Needmore Bucnanan Philomont Loudoun Kolling Hill Oharlotte Stephenson's Depot Frederiok ]i' eersville Loudoun Piedmont Station Fauquier Roney's Store BpottsIIYania Steveusburg Culpeper Negro Foot Hanover Pierce's Goochland Rosedale Russell Stevens Creek Graysoll Nelly's Ford Nelson l>igeon Run Campbell Rose Hill Lee Stevensville King and Queeu Nettle Ridge Patrick Pig River Fra.nkl in ltough Creek Oharlotte Sti.ckleysville Lee New Baltimore Fauquier Pilot Montgomery Round Hill '. Loudoun Stone Mountain Carroll Ntlwburn Pulaski Pine View Fauquier Round Oa.k Caroline Stony Creek Warehouse Sussex New Brighton Fauquier Piney Fork Pittsylvania Ruckersville Greene Stony Cross Mecklenburg New Ca.nton Buckingbam Piper'S Gap Carroll Rutal Retreat Wythe Stony Man Page New Castle (Jraig "PittsylvaniaCH Pittsvivania Rushvill~ :Rockingbam Stony Point Albemarle New Church Accomaok Plain View King and Queen Ruther Glen Oaroline Stony Point Mills Cumberlllln<l New Garden Bussell Plnntersville' Lunenbnrg Rye.Oove Scott Straightstone :rittsylvaftia New Hampden Highland Pha3ant Gap Pittsylvl\nin Ryd Valley Smyth 'Strait Creek Highland liew Hope Augustll Pl~asant Grove Lunel1-b~rg Ryland's Depot Greenville Strnsburg Shenandoah Jiew Kent 0 H New Kent Pleasant Oaks Brunswiok Sabbot Island Goochland Stribling Springs Augusta liewlal1dbichlalld Plea.sant Ridge Prinoess Anne Saint Olair's Bottom Smyth S~v."r"a Dun AugWl_ )loncr Or4er OftiCOI.

248 78 F03T OFFlCES-VIRGINtA-WASIDNGTON TERRITORY:' WEST VIRGINIA. Post Office. County. PfMt OJlke. -Countl/. PO!t Ol1iee. County. PO!t Office, County. '8 turgeonville Brunswiok *Waynesborough Augusta Gleneden Lewis Andy Monongait a S ublett's Tavern powhatan Wealersville Fauquier Golden Dale Klikitat Angerona JacKso-n 8 udleysprings PrinceWilliam Wellsville Henry Grand Mound Thurston Apple Grove Maso n Sulfolk Nansemond Welltown Freder;ck Grand Prairie Lewis Arbuckle Maso n S ummeiofield Grayson Wellville No&taway Gray's Ri rer Pacific Arnettsville Monongali a S ummer's Rockbridge Well Water Buckingham Hoquiam Chehalis Arnoldsburg Calhou Jl S unlly Side Cumberland West Fork Furnace Floyd Kachu King Asbury Greellbrie r S unrise Batt,Westham Locks Henrico Kalama Clarke Ash L.lck Randolp h S urry C. H. Surry West Point King William Kentuck Whitman Auston Presto n S uesex C. H. Susse,x Wheatland Loudoun Kittitass Yakima Baker's Run Hard y S utherland Dinwiddie White Gate Giles Klikitat Klikitat Bald Knob Boon e 8 wansonville Pittsylvania White Hall Frederick Kll!tppton Pacific Barracksville Ma rio II S weet Chalybeate Alleghany White House Mecklenburg Konewoek Yakima Burrettsville Hampshi l"e 8 weet Hall. King William White Oak Springs Lee LaConner Whatcam Basn.ettsville Mario n 8 woope's Depot. Augusta White Plains Brunswick Lowell Snohomish Batten's Mills Gilme r S word's Creek Russell White Fost Clark -'Iartin's Bluff Clark flenll's Mills Gilme r S ydnorsville Franklin White Rock Bedford Montesano Chehalis Bear Branch Wyomrn g ackett's Mill Stalford White's Oaroline Monticello Cowlitz Beath's Mills Mario n T alcott 'Charlotte Whitesville Halifax Mount Coffin Cowlitz Beec Hill Maso n T anner's Store Mecklenburg Whitlock Halifax Mukiltt'o Snohomish Beeler'S Station llarshal 1 T appahannock C. H. Essex Whitwell Pitts{.lvania Nanum Y&kim~ Belington Barbou r T aylor's Store Franklin Whittle's 1IIills :Meck enburg' Newaukum Lewis Belleville ~-oo d aylorstown Loudoun Wicomico Ohurch New I>ungeness Ohallam Bellton Marshal 1 T aylorsville Hanover Northum berland Nooksach Whatcom Benton's Ferry Mario.. Taze.,ell C. H.' Tazewell Wilcox Wharf Charles City Oakiand :Mason Benwood Marshal n 1 T emperanceville Accomack Wilderness Spottsyl vania Oak Point Oowelitz Berea Ritchi e T empleton Princl' George "Williamsburg James Oitv "Olympia Thurston Berkeley Springs Morga n T enth Legion Rockingharr. Williamsville Bath Oysterville Pacific "Bethany Brook T haxton's Bedford Willow Sprin~s Russell Pataha Walla Walla Bethel Meroe r 'l' he Grove Caroline Willis' Ridge Floyd Pekin Cowlitz Beverly Randolp h T he Hollow Patrick Wilmington Fluvanna Pine Grove Stevens Big Buffalo Harrison T heological Seminary Fairfax Wilson's Depot Dinwiddie Pioneer ()larke Big Bend Oalhou n T he Plains Fauquier Wilson's Lauding Cha;les City Pleasant Grove Yakima Big Olear Creek Greenbrie r T hompson's ~ Roads Louisa Wilsonville Highland Port Angele~ Challam Big Skin Creek Lewis T horn Hill Orange "'Vinchester Froderick Port Disc<,very Jeffer~oll Big Springs Calhou n T hornburg Spottsylvania Windsor Station Isle of Wight Port Gamble Kitsap Big Sycamore CIa y I fhorought"are Prince William Winterpock Ohesterfielll Port Ludlow Jefferson Birch River Nichola I Thruston Buckingllam Wise C. H. Wise Port Madison Kitsap Black Fork Tucke r T imber Ridge Rockbridge Wiseville Accomack "Port Tow.nsend Jelt'erson Blacksville Monongali a T imberville Rockingham Wolf Glade Carroll Pumphrey's Landing Cowlitz Blair Ho.ncoc II. T inker Knob Botet.ourt Wolf Trap Halifax Ri verside Pa cific Bloomery Hampshi Tolersville Louisa Woodlawn Oarroll Rock Creek Stevens Blue Sulphur Greenbrie " r T om's Brook Shenandoah Woodridge Rosalia. Stevens Board Tree Marshal I Tower Hill Appomattox Wood's ;.q Roads Gloucester Samish Whatcom Bone Creek Ritchi Trt\ylorsville Henry 'Woodstock Shel:landoah Satsop Chehalis Booker's Mills Tyle r Trevillian's Depot Lousla Woodville Rappahannock Saunders' Prairie Lewis Boothsville Mario n Trou tsvill e Botetourt Woolfolk Orange Seabeck Kitsap Boreman Woo d Tuggle's Gap Patrick Worsha.m Prince Edwa'rd Sea.tco Thurston Brandon ville Presto n Tunstall's New Kent ~.J'llieSbUrg Charlotte "Seattle. King Braxton C H Braxto Turbevil:e Hil.lifo1X "V ytheville Wythe S('home Wha.tcom Bridgeport Harriso n Turkey Cove Lee Yatesville Lunenburg Selah Yakima Brisc?e Run Woo d Turtle Rock Goochland Yellow Branch Cil.mpbell Semiahmoo Wha.tcom Brown's Creek Harrison Two Mile Branch Smyth Y <lllowsul.springs Montgom' y Sharon Chehalis Bruceton Mills Presto n Twyman'sStore Spottsyl vania Yokum Station Lee Sl(amc.kawa. Wahkiakum Brushy Run Pendleto n ~e River Depot Nelson Yorktown York Skagit Whotcom "Buckhannon Upshu r nion Furnace Patrick Young's Store Franklin Skocomish Mason Buckhorn Pendleto n Union Hall Franklin Zion's Mills Lee Skookumchuck Thurston Buffalo Putnam Union Mills Fluvanna Zuni Station Islo of Wight Slaughter King Buffalo Shoats Unionville Orange Snohomish Snohomish Bull Creek \\V~ e d Unison Loudoun.-. Snoqualmie King Bulltown Braxte n Univesrity of Virginia. Spokan Bridge Stevens Bunger's Mills Greenbri e, Albemarle \Vashillgton Spokan Falls Stevens Bunner's Mario n 'Upperville Fauquier :lqua.k. King Burlington Minera I Urbanna Middlesex TERRITORY. "SL<lilacoom City Pierce Burllersville Barbou r Van Buren Furnace T,lcomll Pierce *Burning Spring Wir, Shenandoah Post O/Ji~. County. Tanalquot Thurston Burwn Wetz~ Variety Mills Nelson Verdierville Orange Arkada Taneum Yakima Bush's Mills Lew I 18 Mason Verdon Hanover At&anam Tu\tannon Walln Walla Cabell C H Cabel I Yakima Tulalip Snohomish Cacapon Depot Mor~a n Yernon Hill Halifa.:x Battle Ground Clarke Tumwater Thurstou Cairo Ritc i Vernon Mills Fauquier Beaver Thurston Union City lfason Calhoun Barhou r Vicar Russell tilack River King Vicar's Switch Montgomery Blakeley Kitsap Union Flat Stevens Oalifornia House Wir Union Ridge Vicksville Southampton Block Houso Clark Cameron Marshal t I Klikitat Unity Pacific Call.p Elkwater Vienna Fal rfllx Boistfort Lewis Randoll:. h Ut.sllladdy Islllnd Cannelton Kanaw a. Villa Green lianover Bruceport Pacific Vue de l'eau Norfolk -Vancouver Clark Cantou M:lrio n Brush Pra.irie Clarke Wade's Bedford Waitsburg Walla Walla Capon Bridge Caaca.dcs Skamaaia Hamrr re "Walla Walla. Walla Walla Ca.pon Iron Works ard i y Walden's Rappahannock Ca.stle Rock Cowelitz Wadesville Clark Ca&hlemct Wallula Walla Walla Capon Springs Hampshi l"e Wa.ukiakum White Ril'er Wakefield Station Sussex Oedarville Ki.g Carbon vale Kanawh a Chehalis Wh i te Salmon Klikitat C,~rrick's Ford Tucke r 'Walker's ChUl'ch Appoma.ttox O~ntervllle Snohomish 'Whitman Walker's Ford Amher~t Cha-we-lah Stevens Walla Walla Cassville Monongali a Woodard's Landing ~Talkerton King and Queen Chehalis Point Chehalis Centra.l Station Doddridg e Chehl\li~ Walla.ce's Switch Wa.shington Ohinook Ya.kima Pacific Yakima Cjlnter MonongaH a Yelm Walnut Hill Lee Claquato Lewis Thurston Ceredo Wa.yn Ohapmansville Log Wa.lton Brunswick Coal Ba.nk Thurston Warminster Nelson "Charlestown Colfax Jefferso n Whitman Oheat Randolp Warren Albemarle Columbus h Klikitat West Virginia. Cherry Camp Warrenton Fauquier Coupville Harriso Jl I~la.nd Warsaw Richmond Oherrv Grove Ooveland Pendleto n Island P08t 'OUice. County. WarwickCourtHouse Warwick Cowlitz Lewis Oherry Run DeBot Morga -Cla.rksburg C I Washington R& Duyton Walla Walla Harris Il O'D Academy Poea.hontas Clay Waskey's Mills Botetollrt Eagle Cliff Wahkiakum Cia. Adaline Ma.rshall Claysville.Waterford Loudoun Elhi Pierce Miner a1 Ada.msville Harrison Waler Liok Warren Elmo. Olear.creek Chehalis Adkinsville Raleit Wayne Clendenin Waterloo Fauquier Fall Oitv King Kanaw. b a AlbrigU Preston Clifton Wattsborough Lunenburg Fidalgo Wha.tcom MIloS Al derson' S Wa.verlie Roekingham, Fort Col ville Steveus Alkire',s Hilla Monroe \ Clifty Fayet 011. tal Lewis Clinton Waverly StatioD Sussex Fort Simcoe Yakima Oh' 10 Alpine Depot Morgan Clint_on Furnace Wayland, Soott Franklin Pierce, Alum Hill a Tllc~er Clintonville W lands bur Oo1~r. F'rellpon Oowlitl Greenbri er Abon G ne Doddr.10p

249 P08t Office, POST OFFICES-WEST VIMINIA. County, P08t Office, County, Post Office, County. P08t Office, Ooaiburg Kana.wha Grape Island Pleasants Lead Mine Tucker New Haven Ooal River Marshes Raleigh Grassland Harrison Loadsville Randolph.New Hope Cold-stream Hampshire' Grassy Meadows Greenbl'ier Leetown Jetl'erson New Interest Oold Water Doddridge Gray's FIll.t Marion Leroy Jackson New Martinsville OoJogne Mason Green Bank PocahontM Lesage's Oabell New Milton Oonaway Tyler Green Bottom Oabell Letart Milson New Richmond Oon!lord Ohuroh Mercer Green brier Bridge Greenbrier Letter Gap Gilmer New Salem COl'lllth, Barbour Greenland. Grant Level'i!~ Roads Hampshire Newton Oornwal~ls Ritchie Green Spring Run Hampshire *Lewisburg Gre.enbriel' New Washington Oottagevl.11e Jackson Green Sulphur Springs' Limestone Marshall Nicholas 0 H Ootton HIll Fayette Greenbrier Linside Monroe North Mountain Ooveton Bll.l'bour Greenwood Doddrid@:eLittle Georgetown Berkeley North RIver Mills Oranesville Preston Greggsville Ohio Little Ottar Braxton Nuzum Orany Wyoming Griffithsville Lineoln Little Sowell Mountain Oal, Flat Orook' Boone Grim's Store Upshur Greonl)rier Oal, Hill Ou nningham's Mills Ritchie Guyandotte Oabell Little's Mills Tyler Oakland DIIllas Marshall Hacker'S Oreek Lewis Little Wild Oat Lewis Oak Run Davisville Wood Hacker's Valley Webster Lizemore's Clay Oc.eUlllt ~rkesville Berkeley Hain~sville Berkeley Lockhart's Jacks.. n Oil Rock Day's Mills Randolph (,lrlltown Jetl'erson Lockhnrt's Run Wood Okonok" Deer Lick Mason Hamlin Line'oln (,ogan 0 H Logan Orchard View Deer Walk 1 '0od Hanging Rock,Hampshire Lone Oedar Jackson O,rlean3 ~ Roads DeKalb. GIlmer Hanging Rocl{ Mills Hardy Lone Tree Tylel' Osborne's Mills Villon's Run Hampshir~ Hannahsvllle Tucker Long H.each 'l'yler Ousliors Gap Duck.Oreek Braxton Harbour'S Mills Putnam Long Run Station Doddridge Overhill Duffield's Jefferson Harmony 1\1'\son Lookout Fayette Oxford Dunleith Wayne *Harper's Ferry Jefferson Loop Creek Fayette Pllck's Ferry Dunmore Pocahontas Harper's Mills Pendleton Lorllntz's Store Upshm' Paint Creek Easton, Monongalia Harris' Ferry WOOl! Lost Creek Harrison Painter's Mill East River :Mercer Harrisville Ritchie Lost River Hardy Palestine Edray Pocahontas Hartford City Mason Lubeck Wood Palatine Egypt Monroe H.utmonsville Mineral Lumberport Harrison P'ln H,\ndle Elk PocahontQ.s Hawl{'s Nest Fayette Luney's Creek Grant 'Parkersburg ElkOity Barbollr Headsville Mineral Lynn Oamp Marshall Parker's Mills Elkhorn McDowell Hebron PleltSants Mcl!:lroy Doddridge Patterson's Dapoi Elk River Clay' Hedgesville Berkeley l\lachirville Mason Paw Paw Ellenborough Ritchie Helvetia Rat. dolph Macksville Pendleton Peck's Run Elm Gr(\ve Ohio Henry's Fork Roane Madison Boone Peel Tree Evansville Preston Hereford J,wkson Magnolia Morgan Pennsborough Fabius Hardy Hessville Harrison Maidsville Monongalia Pentress Fair Hill Marshall HigginSVille Hampshire Mannington Marion Perkins' Mills FairmountO H Marion Highland Ritchie ]I1nplc Lawn Monroe Peru Fairview Ha.ncock Hinkle's Mills Upshur *Ma~tinsburg Berkeley P~terstown Pall!ng Spring Greenbrier H!llkleville Upshur "Mason Mason Peytona FallIng'Waters Berkeley Hlllton Summers Mllttill ' Roane Phillippa Falls Mills Lincoln Holbrook Rit.chie Matville Raleigh "Piedmont Fanlight Wetzel,Holliday's Oove Hancouk Meadow.Bluff Greenbrier Pine Oreek Farmington Marion Holly Meadows 'rucker Men.dowville.Barbour Pine Grove Fayetteville FI~yette Holly River Braxton Mercer's Bottom Mason Pipo Stem Fellonsville Preston Hoodsville Mononp:alia Mercer's Salt Works Summers Pleasant Creek Fetterman,Taylor Hookersville Nicholas l\1iddlebourne Tyler Pleasantdale Fillmore Randolph Hopeville Grant Middle Fork Rn.ndolph Pleasant Hill Fink's Creek Lewis Horse Shoe Run Preston Middleport Webster Pleasant Retrt:at Fisher'S Point Jackson Howard's Lick Hardy Mic;ldleway Jefferson PleMant Run Flat Fork Roane Howesville Pnston Mill Oreek Berl{eley Pleasant Valley FrM Rock Mason HublJardstown, Wayne Miller's Oamp Branch Raleiu:h Pleasant View FlatTop Mercer Huntprsville Pocahontas Mill Falls Marion Pocotaligo Flat Woods Braxton "Huntington Oabell Mill Point Pocahontas Point Mountain FlemingtOIl Taylor Huntsville Jackson Mill Run P reston Point Pleasant Florence Randolph Hurricane Bridge Putnam Milo Wetzel Porter's Falls Forest Hill Monroe Huttonsville Randolph Mineral Wells Wood Por~land Forksburg li-i.arion Indian OreckMonroe Miracle Run Monongalia Potomac Forks of Capon Ham pshire Inkermann Hardy Mingo Flat Randolph Preston Tannery Fort Gay Wayne (reland LeWls Minnora Oalhoun Princeton Fort Spring Depot Greenbl'icr (8aac's Oamp, Doddridge Molehill Ritchie Proctor Foscoro Kewaunee Jackson O. H. Jackson Monolova Morgan Prospect Valley Fountain Spring. Wood JacksonVllle Le,w,is Monroe Draft Greenbrier Pruntytown Fowler's Brooke Jake's Run Monongalta *l\1oorefield H~rdy P.urgittsville Fowler'S Knob Nicholas Janelew. Lewis Moore's Tylel' Pursley Frame's Mills Braxton Jarrett's Ford Kanawha Moore's Mills Up~hul Quiet Dell Frankford Greenbrier,Jerry'sRun Wood Mooresville Monongalia l~accoon Frankfort Mineral Jobe Mononp:alia Morgan'sGlade Prest<>n Raleigh C H Franklin Pend'letol, Johnson's ~ Roads Monroe Morgan Valley Wyoming Randall Frazier's Bottom Putnam Johnstown Harrison,"Morgantown Monongalia Raven's Eye Freeman's Landing Hancock Jones' Springs.Berkeley Moses Fork Wayne "Ravenswood French Creek Upshur Jord... n's Chapel Mercer Moundsville Marshall Raymond City Frenchton Upshur Jo's Branch Wyoming Mountain Oove F'ayette Red Creek Frenohville Mercer Joseph's Mills Tyler 1II0untain Home Hardy Red House Shoal. Friar's Hill Greenbrier Jumping Branch Mercer Mount Freedom Pendleton,Red Oak Ridge Frost P<lcahontas K",bletown J efl'erson Mount Murphy Pocahontas Red Sulphur Springs 'Pu'dgy's Oreek Oabell *Kanawha 0, H. Kanawha Mount Olive Mason Reedsville Gap Mills Monroe Kanawha Falls Fayette M'Ount Pleasant Webster Reedy Claston Lewis Kanawha Head Upshul' liiount Storm Grant Reedy' Ripple Gauley Bridge Fayette Kanawha Saline Kanawha Mouse's Grant Readyville' Gerardstown Berkeley Kanawha Station. Wood Mouth of Indian Monroe Ronick's Valley German Braxton Kasson Barbour Mouth of Scary Putnam Reynold's Store German Settlement Preston Kendalia Kanawha Mouth of Seneca Pendleton Rich Oreek Gillespieville Kanawha Kerneysville 'J~ffcrson Mouth of Short Oroek Beone Ridgeville Ginnes Creek Wayne Kesler's ~ Lanes... lcholo.s. Mud 13ridg~ O... bell Ripley's Glade Farms Preston Kidwell Tyler Muddy Oreek Preston I(il,ley Landing Gladesville PrestolJ Kincheloe HarrIson Murphy's Mill Wood Rippon Glen E8.'Ibon Marshall "Kingwood Preston Murravsville Jackson Ritcllie Mine Glengary Berkeley Knob Fork WetzeJ Muse Bottom Jackson Rivesville Glenville Gilmer Knott's Mills Preston Nestorville Barbour Roaring Oreek Glover's Gap Marion Knottsville Taylor.Newark Wirt Rock Camp Goff's Ritohie Knoxville Marshall Newburg Preston Rockcastle Goose Oreek Ritchie LaForme's Store.Braxton New Creek Miner",l, Rock Cave *Graftoa Taylor Laurel Creek Lincoln New Oumberland Hancock Rockford Graham Sta.tion 'Mason LIIourellronWork8 Monongalia New Dale Wetzel Rock Lick Grant o. H.,Grant Laurel Junction Wo~d New I!:ngland "Wood Rockpori Grantsvillo Oalhoun.L~ur-e1 Poid. )lononp:aha I Now Flat Rook Olay Rockvicw GraIlTillo 14ollonga.!.ia Leachtown.,_.,W'?O? )~. ew ~~e'pjlva. Jack80n Rockl HUl lie.ey Ord"er Ome.. 79 County, MasOJl Mercer Randolph Wetzel Doddridgo Summen Harrison Roane Mar~hall Nicholas Berkeley Hampsh~ra Manon Pendleton Fayette Morgan Hancock Wyoming Wirt Hampshire Fayette Morgan Kanawha CRbell Barbour Doddridge Monro* Kanawh& Preston Greenbrier Marion Brooke Wood Ritchie Minera.!. Morgan Upshur Barbour Ritchie Monongalia.Braxton Hardy Monro'O Boone Barbour :111 ineral Oalhoun Wetzel Barbou}' Hampshire Preston ct;.., Tucker Monongalia. JacksoJl. Kanawha Randolph Mason Wetzel Preston Ol,io Preston.Meroer,Wetzel Harrison Taylor Hampshire TrIer Harl'lson Preston Ralei~h Monong,aha Fayette Jackson Putnam Tucker Putnam Mercer MOnl'09 Prestlln Jaokson Wir' Roane Greenbrier Kanawha Logan lifineral Tyler,Jackson Jefferson Rit('hie Marion Ran dolp Ia Monr01t MasoD. l1plthul' HorrisoJl. Marshall Wood Wl.0plinS 'Fa~t't

250 80 POST OFFICES-WEST VIRGINIA----WISCONSIN.. Post Office. County. Po., OQice. County. P08t Office. County. Post Office. CountJl. Rogers Rit-chie Valley Fork Clay Ashford Fond du Lac Buffalo Buffalt Rollingsburg!l'Jonroe Valley Furnace Barbour Ashippua Dodge,Bunker's Hill Grani Romiue's 11illa Harrison Valley Grove Ohio A.hhmd, ' Ashland ~Burlington Racine "'Romney Hampshire Valley Head Randolpll A~hRidge Richland Burnett Dodge Ronceverte qreenbrier Vall ey 1\1 ills Wood A.hton Dane Burnett's Station DodS' Roney's Point Ohio \Tnllcv Point Preston Askeaton Brown BllrnS La Orssse Round Bottom \Vayne Van Camp Wetzel Athol Jackson, Burnside Bu 1110 Round Knob PutDllm Vall Clevesville Berkeley Attica Greene Burr Y~rnon Rowlesburg Preston 'Volcano Wood 'Augusta Eau Clair" Burr Oak La Crosse Ro,lby's l~ock - Marshall Wadestown Monongalia Aurora Washington Bnrton Gran. Roxalana Roane Wa,JesviUe Wood Auroraville Waush!ua Busseyville Jefferson Rural Dale Upshur Walker Wood Avalllnce YelllOn Butl~r Milwaukie Uu s8eil y ille Fayette Walkersville Lewis Avoca. Iowa Butte de liorts Winnebagl> Sago Upshur Will ton A von Venter Hock Byron Fond du La. Saint Albans Kanawha Wurdensville Hardy Avondale Polk Cadiz Greene Saint Clara Colony Doddrid~e W'~Lne Court House Wayne Aztalan Jeffer.on Cainville t Rock Saint Clond MonongalIa We b's Mills Ritchie Badger Portl\.g~ Calamine Lafayette Saint Veorg~ Tucker Webster 'l'aj lor Bailey's Ha.rbor D or Caldwell's Prairie Ra;~il$ Saint Mary's Pleasants lvel,ster C. H. Webst,el' Baldwin St. George Caledonia. Salt Lick Bridge Braxton Welch Glade 'Vebst('r Bald win's liilla ' Calumet Fond du LSD Salt Sulphur Springs Monroe *Wtllsburg Brooke Balsam Polk Call'ary Fond du LIM! Sand Fork Gihntr West Wetzel *B'lngor L1. Crosse *Cambria Columbia Sand Itun Upshur West Columbia Mason Banner Fond du Lac Cambridge Da" Sandy Ja.ckson West Liberty Ohio' 'Baraboo, Sauk Carlton Kewaun~ Sardis Harrison West Milford Harrison Barbcr 'Iowa Casco Kewaun~ Scott's Depot Putnam *Weston Lowi8 Barnum Adams Cascade Sheboygan Second Creek Greenbrier West Union Doddridge Barre 'Mills LaCrosse,Cassell Pra.irie,~auk Sedan Haltipshir~ "Wheeling Ohio 8,uron 0, H. BM'ron Cassvillo Gran', Selbyville Upshur White Day Monongalia BartOn ' Washin.. ton Oastle Rock Seymoursvillo Gra.nt White {)a.k Ritchie Bassett's Sta.tion Kenosha Cataract Monrou Shady Springs &.\leigh White Pine C,~lhotln Basswood Uichland lfanitowo. Sham bullg's Mills Roane White's Creek Wayne Bay Ci1 Pierce Ca.zenovia. Richland Shanghai Berkeley White's Mills ' Logan Bayfiel Bayfield C~darburg Ozauktlll "Shepardstown Je1ferson *Whi~e Sulphur Springs Bay Hill Walworth Cedar Creek Washington Sherrard Marshall Green brie,r Bayport Ashland Cedar Falls 'Dllnn Shinnston Harrison Wick Tyler Bay Settlemen' Brown Cedar Grove Sheboygan Sbil'~ey Tyler Willey Preston B!~yview liilwaukee Cedar Lake Watlshara Short Creek Brooke Wil iiamsburg Greenbrier Bear ltichland Uentraha- Wood Shrawsbury Kana" ha Williamsport ; Grant BearCreek Waupaca Oenter nock ~ilver Hill Wetzel WilHam<wwn WOl)d nellr Valley Richland CharJesburg Calumea impson's Creek Taylor Willow Grove Jackson lleaver Creek Jackson Uharlestown Oalume' Sinks' Grove Monroe Willow Isla.nd Pleasants 'Beaver Da.m Dodge Vilaseburg Yernon Sinnett's Mills Ritchie Willow Tree Mason Beechwood Sheboygan Chester I:Itation Dodgu Sir John's Ru~ Morgan Wilmoth's Barbour Beetown Grant 'Chilton Calumet Sissonvil!e Kamw;ha Wil<ollburg Harrison Heiden ville Pierce Chimney Rock Trempealean Sistersville 'fyler Windficld C H Putnam Belgium Ozaukee Chippewa City, Ohip,pewa Creek Bridge Morga.n Wirt C. H. Wirt Bell Center Crawford ;:Chippc,ra Falls Slanesville Ha.mpshire Wolf Creek Monroe' Bellefontaine Columb~a Christiana Dane Smith's Gap HamDshire Wolf Summit Harl'ison Belle Plain Shawnno Clam Falls Polk Smitht<)n Dl)dc-Iri\ Woodland's Marshall Bell ville Dan. Clark's Jliills Manitowo'O Snake Root McDowell \Vorthiugton Marioll Uehnont La.Fay:ette Clarno Green SnowhiU Nicl;tolas' Yel,tn'. Mills Doddridge "Beloit Rock Clay Banks Door 80uthBranchDepotHampshire Yellow Spring Hampshire Bem Greene Olear Lake Polk Spanishburg' Jliercer Zackville Wirt Benton Lafayette ClemansviUe Winnebago Spencer Rl) *Berlin Green Lllke Cli fton MilIa J>iercil Springfield Hampshire Big Bend Wa.ukesha Clifton Monroe 8pruce lutchie Big Flats Adams 'Clinton Rock Spurlockville Lincoln Big Patch Grant Clintonville Wallp~ca Statler's Run Monongalia Wisconsin. Big Spring Adams Clontarf Dane Steer Creek Gilmer Bingham ptoa Outa.gllmie Clyman Dodp stewartstown l'tlonongalia Post Office. County. Black Bt:ook Polk Oubb Iowa stout's Mills Gilmer Black Creek Outaga.mie 001 burn Columbia stra.nge Creek Br~xtou Ableman Sauk Black Earth Dane Colby Clark Sugar Grove Pendleton Acken-ilIo Wa.shington Black Hawk Sauk Cold 8pring Jefferaon Summit Point Jelferson Ada Sheboygan *Black River Falla Ja.ckson Colfax Dunn Sun Hill Wyoming Adams Walworth Blanchli.rdsyiUe Lafayette Ooloma. Wausha.ra Sunset Pocahonta, Adams Oenter Adams Bloomfield Wa.lworth 'Columbus Columbia Swamp Run Upshur Ad~msville Iowa l:lloomingda.l& Vernon Concord Jefferson sweedlin Hill Pendleton Adell Sheboygan *Bloom ington Graut Cook's Va.lley ChiP~wa Sweet S pri ngs Monroe Addison Washington Blue Mound Dane Cooksville oell Sycamore Dale Harrison Afton Rock Hiue River Gra.nt Coon Prairie Vernon Table Rock Raleigh 'Ahnepee Kewaunee 'l1oardma.n St, Croix Ooon y.\liey Yern,on Ta.l!?ott's Barbour Aken ~Ricbland Boaz Richland Cooperstown ManitowOll Ta.nner'8 Gilmor 'Ala.bama. Polk Bohemia LaOrosse Corat City 'l'rempealeau Tate Creek Bra.xton Alaska. lcewaunee Bolto~lYillo Washington Cottage Grove Dane 'l'en M;le Lincoln Alba.n Portage Bonchea St. Croix Cousins EauClair. 'texas Tucker Albanvill. Monroe Bonduel Sha.w~no Cross Buffalo 'the Rock Mercer "Albany Greene "Boscobel Grant Cl'OSS Plai III Dan. t'horndike Oa.bell Albion Dane Rradtville Gra.nt Crystlll Wanpaoca Thornton Taylor Aldon Polk Bradv', Richland Cu~hing Polk Tick Ridge Wa.yne Alden'8 Corners Dane Branch Manitowoc Cylon St. Croix 'tomahawk Springs Berkeley Alderly Dodge. Bt'a.lldoll Fond du La" Oypress KonOllhll 'l'opin's Grove Jackson Alhambra Trem pealeau B'rant Oalnmet ljauada Sheboygan Townchestel' Kana.wha Alleu's Grove Walworth Brereton D! Dakota Wausbara TownSend's Mills Gilmer 'Alloa Columbia. Bridgeport Orawford Dane 'Dane Traveler's Repose Poca.hontas ~Alma. Buft'alo Bri~svi1le Marquette Danville Dodge Triadelphia. Ohio Alma.nd Portage Brig lton Kenosha Darien Walworth Trout Run Hardy Amherst Portage Brillion C,a.IUmet 'Darlington Lafa,etto Troy Gilmer Anchorago HuffaJo Brinkman Yernon DartfoJ,'d C H Green Lall;. Tucker's Creek Wit't Anderson Burnett Bristol Kenosha D!l.vis' Corner Adam. 'I'ur; River MO,Dowell Angelica Shawano British Hollow Grant Dayton Greene Tunnellton Preston Anna.ton Gra.nt *Brodhea.d Greene Dija.nsville DaM Twelve Pole Wayne " Appleton Outa.gamie Brookfield Oenter Waukesha Debello VernoD. Twiggs Ple:uantB Arcadia Trempeleau Brooklyn Green Decora Prairie Tum pea.ltall Twistvill" Braxton Arena. Iowa. Brookside Oconto Deerfield Dau. Unger's Store Morgan Argyle Lafv;ot~e Brookville St. Croix DeForest DaDO Union Monroe Arkansaw ' eplu BrothertowB Oalumet D' Heinsville Washington Uniou Milla l' Arkdo.lo Brushville' Wausha.ra Do Korra Oolumbi.. Upland Mason Arlington Oolumbia Brussels Door Delafield Waukesh. ;PEer Tract Pendleton Armenia Juneau Buck Creek Riehland "Delavan Walwor*h a ley Hend Randolph 'Armatrong,.Oornet's., 8uokhorn Adam~,DIIUona Baal alleyf&lla Madon Fond du La.c' Buena Yina Dull Prairio Adalu -.uoa" Order om""

251 POST OFFICES---WISCONSIN. 81 Post Office. Oounty. Post Ojfice. Oounty. Post Offict!.. Oounty. Post Ojfiu. Oounty. Delton Sauk FavettevnIe Walworth Holy Oross Ozaukee Lime Rock Outagamie Denmark Brown Feilllimore Grant Home TremlMaleau Lincoln Kewaunee "Dcpere Brown Ferryville Orawford Homewood onroe Lmcoln Oenter Polk' De Soto Vernon FUlmore Washington Honey Oreek Walworth Lind Waupaca Diamond Bluff Pierce Fish Oreek Door Hooker Trempealeau Linden Iowa Dickeysville Grant Fisk's Oorners Winnebago "Horicon Dodge Little Ohute Outo~amie 'Dixon Oolumbia Fitchburg Dane Horton ville Outogamie Little Grant ' rant DOd e Corners Waukesho Five Islands Burnett Howard's Grove Sheboygan Little Lake Adams '''Do geville Iowa Five Mile House Milwaukee Howe Brown Little Prairie Walworth Door Oreek Dane Flambeau Ohippewa Howe'S Corners Waushara Little Sturgeon Door idorsett,monroe Flintville Brown Hubbleton Jefferson Little Suamico Oconta idotyville Fonddu Lac "Fond du Lao Fond du Lac 'Hudson St. Croix Little Wolf Waupaoa Douglas Oenter Marquette I 'ontenov Brown Humburd Olark "Lodi Columbia. Dousman Waukesha Footville,Rock Hurlbut's Oorners Orawford Loganville Sauk Dover Iowa Forest Richland Hurricane Grove Grant Lomira Dodge Downsville Dunn ForestviiIe Door Hustisford Dodge Lone Pine Portage Doyle Oolumbia "Fort Atkinson Jefferson Hyde's Mills Iowa Lone Rock Riohland. Duohateau Door "Fort Howard Brown Hyer's Oorners Dane Louisville Dunn Dundas Calumet Forward D,me Jda Pepin Lowell Dodge Dundee Fond du Lac Foster Fond du Lac Indian Ford Rock Lower Lynxville Crawford Dunkirk Dane "Fountain City Buffalo lola Waupaca Lowville Oolumbia Dunville Dnnn "Fox Lake Dodge Iron Ridge Dodge Loyal Clark Duplai-nville WMlkesha FOll River Kenosha Ironton Sauk Loyd Richland Dupont Waupaca l~rancis Oreek Manitowoc Irving Jackson LUCRS Dunn. "Durand Pepin Frankfort Pepin Ithica Riohlanu Luck Polk DurnamHill Waukesha Franklin Shebggan. lves' Grove Racine Lumberman Clark Dyckesville Kewaunee Frankville lark Ixonia Jefferson Lynn. Olark "Ea~le Waukesha Freedom Outogam 'e Jackson Washington ~ons Walworth Eag iforners Richland Fredonia Ozaukee Jacksonport Door cfarland Dane East elavan Walworth Freeman Orawford Jamestown Grant Mackville Outagamie East Fn.rmington Polk Fremont Waupaca "Janesville Rock Madely' Portage East Gibson Manitowoc French ville Trempealeau Janney's Richland *MadisoD. Dane Eastma.n Orawford Friendship Adams Jeddo Mar~uette Magnolia Rock East Middleton Dane F riestadt Ozaukee 'JefIerson Je erson M.aiden Rook Pierce East Oasis Waushara Fulton R'lck Jennieton Iowa Maine Marathon East.on Adams Fussville Waukeslla Jenny 'Marathon Manchester Green Lake East Pepin Pepin "Galesville Trempeal,e:1n Jewett Mills St. Croix "Manitowoc Manitowoc "East Troy Walworth Genesee, Waukesha Johnson's Oreek Jefferson Manitowoc Rapids.. East Wrightstown Brown Genesee Depot Johnsonville Shebofignn Maple Grove.. Eaton Manitowoc Geneva Walworth Johnstown ~ock Mapleton Waukesha "Eau Claire Eau Claire Genoa Vernon Johnstown Oenter Maple Mrings Dunn leau Galle Dunn Georgetown I Grant Jordan Greene Maple orks Olark Eau Pleine Portage Germania Marquette Juda Marathon Oity Marathon Eden Fond du Lac Gp,rmantown Juneau ".Juneau Dodge Marble "Vau8aca "Edgerton Rock Gibbsville Sheboygan Kansasville Racine Marble Ridgo auk Edson Ohippewa Gillett Oconto Kasson Manitowoc l\farcellon Oolumbia Edwards Sheboygan Gilmanton Buffalu Kaukauna Outagamie Marcy Waukesha. Egg Harbor Door Glenbeulah Sheboygan Keene Portage Marengo Jackson Elberton Waupaca Glencoe Buffalo Kekoskee Dodge,Marietta Orawford El Dorado Fond du Lac Glendale Monroe Kellnersville Manitowoc "Markesan Green Lake Eldorado Mills Fond du Lac Glen Haven Grant "Kenosha Kenosha Marinetta Oconte Elk Manitowoc Golden Lake Waultesha Keshena Shawano Marquette Green.Lake Elk Oreek Trempealeau Good Hope Milwaukie Kewaskum Washington Marshall Dane Elk Grove Lafayet~e Goole Vernon "Kewannee Kewannee Martell Pierce Elkheart Lake Sheboygan Grafton Ozaukee Kickapoo Vernon Martin Green "Elk Horn Walworth Grand Marsh Adams Kiel Manitowoc Martin ville Grant Ella Pepin Grand Prairie Green Lake "Kilbourn Oity Oolumbia Mary town Fonddu Lac Ellenbol'b' Grant "Grand Rapids Wood Kildare Juneau "Mauston Jnneau Ellis Portage Grant, Portage,{jng's Bridge Manitowoc Maxville Buffalo Ellisville Kewaunee Grantsburgh O. H Burnett Kingston Green Lake "Mayville' Dodge Ellsworth Pierce Granville Milwaukie Kinnick Kinnick St. Croix "Mazo Manie Dane Elm Grove Waukesha Gratiot. J.afayette Kirchain Washington Medina Outogamie Elmore Fond du.lac Gravesville Oalumet Kloten Oalumet Meeker Washington El<> Winnebago "Green Bab. Brown Knapp Dunn Meeker's Grove Lafayette EI Paso Pierce Green Bus Sheboygan Knapp's Oreek Orawford Meeme Manitowoo Elroy Juneau Greenfteld Milwaukie Knowlton Marathon Melrose Jackson EI Salem Polk Green Lake Green Lake Kohlsville Washington Melvina Monroe Elston Richland Greenville Outa~amie Koro Winnebago "Menasha Winnebago Elton Walworth Greenwood lark Koskonong Rock Menekana Oconte Embarrass Waupaca Grove Wallworth Kroghville Jefferson "Menominee DunlO Emerald St. Croix Hale Trempea.leau "La Orosse La Oros&a Menominee Falls Waukesha Emerald Grove Rock Hale's Corners Milwaukee Ladoga Fond du Lac Mequon River Ozaukee Emery Monroe HalfWay Ore~ LaCrosse Lafarge Vernon MerriHo.n Jackson Empire Fond du Lac Hamlin Trempealeau Laf:rrette Chippewa Merrimac Sauk Enoma Vernon Hammond St. Croix La range Walworth Merton Waukesha Enterprise Vernon Hancock Waushara Lake Five Washington Metomen Fond du Lac Ephraim Door Hanerville Dane Lake Maria. Green Lake Middlebury Iowa Erfurt Jefferson Hanover Rock *Lake MillB Jefferson Middleton Dane Erin St.. CroIx Harmony Vprnon Lake View Midland Oolnmbia Esdalie PIerce Harrelson Grant Lamartine Fond du Lac Midway LaCrosse Esofia Vernon Harrisville Marquette La.mberton Racine Mifllin Iowa Etna Layfayette Hartford Washmgton "Lancaster Grant Milford Jefferson Ettrick Trempealeau Hartland Waukesha Laney Sh3.wano Milhomme 'Manitowoe Eureka Winnebago Hartman Oolumbia Lannon Springs Waukesha Millard Walwortl. "'Evansville Rock Hazel Green Grant LaPointe Ashland Mill Creek Riohland Evanswood Waupaca Hebron Jefferson Larabee. Manitowoc Mills Jackson Excelsior Richland Hegg Trempealeau Lavalle Sauk Mills Center Brown Exeter Greene Helena Iowa Lawrence Marquette Milltown Polk Fairohild l!jau Claire Hellenville Jefferson Leeds OolumbiS\. Millville Grant Fairfield Rock Helvetia Waupaca Lceds Center Oolumbia "Milton Rock Fairplay Grant Henrietta. Richland Lemonweir Juneau Milton Junction Rock Fairview.Grant Herman Dodge Leon Monroe *Milwaukie Milwaukie Fairwater Fond du Lac Hersey ville Monroe Leopolis Shawano "Mineral Point Iowa Fan Oity Dunn Hewettsville Clark Leroy Dodge Mindoro La Crosse Fall River Columbia Highland Iowa Leroy Station Monr~e M!nne~ota Junotion Dodge l<'ancy Creek Richland Hika Manitowoc Lewiston OOlumbIa Mlschlcot Manitowco Farmer's Grove Greene,"Hillsborough Vernoll Leyden Rock:. Mishamokwa. Buffalo Farmer's Valley Monroe Hinesburg Fond du Lac Liberty Vernon Modena. Buffalo Farmersville Dodge Hingham Sheboygan Liberty Pole Vernon Monches Waukesha Farmington Jefferson Hixton Jackson Liberty Ridge Gra!lt Mondovia. Buffa.lo FarIQ.ington Oenter Polk Hobart's Mill Sheboygall Lima Center Rock "Monroe Greene- Fayette Lafayette Holland Brown Lime Ridge Sauk *Montello 'Marquette, F "Money Order Offices.

252 82 POST OFFICES----WISCONSIN Post Office. Oounty. Post Office. Oounty. Post Office. aounty. postofflce. Oounty. Monterey Waukesha Okee Columbia Reese's Mills Iowa Somerset St.Oroi& Montfort Grant Olin Adams Reeseville Dodge South Bend Trempealeau Monticello Grenee Olivet Pierce Rest Vernon South Germantown Montpelier Kewaunee "Omro Winnebago Retreat Vern)n Washington. Moore's Creek Monroe Onalaska La Crosse Rhine Sheboygan South Osborne Outagamie Morrison Brown Oneida Brown Rice Lake Barron "Sparta Monroe- Morrison vill e Dane Onion River Sheborgan Riche"s 'Corners Sauk Spafford Lafayette Moscow Iowa Ono P,erce Richfield Washington Spring Creek A(lamso Mosel ShelJoygan Ontario Vernon Richford Waushara Spring Bluff :Adams Mosinee Marathon Orange Juneau "Richland Center Richland Spring Dale Dane Mound Springs.Tackson Om, Oak Grant R,lChland City Springfield Walworth :Moundville Marquette Ordino Marquette Richmond Walworth' S pringfteld Corners Dane- Mountain Monroe "Oregon Dane Richwood Dodge Spring Greeri Sauk: Mount Hope Grant Orfordville Rock Ridgeville Monroe "pring Lake Waushara Mount Horeb. Dane Orihula Winnebago Ridgeway Iowa Spring Prairie, Walworth Mount Ida Grant Orion Richland Ring,Winnebago Spring Valley Pierce- Mount Morris Waushara Osceola Mills Polk Columbia Springville Vernon Mount Pisgah Monroe Oshaukuta: Columbia "Ripon Fond du Lac SpringWater Waushara l'iount Sterling Crawford "Oshkosh Winnebago Rising Sun Crawfora Standfold Barron Mount Tabor Vernon Oslo Manitowoc River Dane Star Vernon Mount Vernon Dane Osseo Trempealeau ""River Falls Pierce Star Prairie St. Croix Mount Zion Juneau Ost.burg Sheboygan Riverhead Jackson Stephensville Outagamie- Mukwanago Waukesha Otsego Columbia Roartng'Oreek Jackson Stet tin Marathon. "Muscoda Gran,t Ottawa Wallitesha Robinson Brown ""Stevens' Point Portage- Muskego Center Waukesha Otter Creek Eau Claire ""ltochestet Racine Stevenstown' La Crosse Myra Washington Our Town Sheboygan Roche-a-Cri Adams Ste'~rart Green. Namur Door Owego Shawano Rockbridge Richland Stile~. Ocont~ Nanaupa Fond du Lac Oxford Marquette Rock Elm Pierce Stinson Outagamie Nason ville Wood "Ozaukee Ozaukee Ro~k Elm Center Pierce "Stockbridge Calumet Nashotah Mission Waukesha Pacific Columbia Rock Falls Dunn Stockholm Pepin. Naugart Marathon Pakwaukee Marquette Rockland LaCrosse Stockton Portage "Necedah Juneau *I>almyra Jefferson Rock Prairie Roqk Stoddard Vernon. "Neenah Winnebago Paoli Dane Rockton Vernon Stone Bank Waukesha. "'N e'ilsvlll,e, Clarke Pardeeville Collimuia Rockville Grant Stoner's Prairie Dane )Tekama Winnebago Paris Kenosha Rocky Run Columbia "Stoughton Nelson Buffalo Patch "Grove ", Grant "Rolling Prairie Dodge Strang's Prairie Adams, Nelsonville Portage Pavmsville MilwMlkee Romance Veriloll "Sturgeon Bay Door Nenno Washington Peaee Greene Rome Jefferson Suamico Browlll Neosho Dodge Pella Shawane Root Creek Milwaukie Sugar Grove Vernon Nepeuskun Wjnnebago Pensaukie Oconto Rosecrans Manitowoc Sullivan Jefferson, Neptune Richland Pepin Pepin Rosendale Fond,duLae Summit Waukesh~ Nero. Manitowoc Perry Dane Rosiere Kewaunee "Sun Prairie Dane i Neshkoro Marquette Perry's Mill Waupaca Rowes. Crawford "Superior Douglas New Amste-rdam La Crosse Peru Dunn Roxbury Dane Surrey '- Portage New Berlin Waukesha "Peshtigo Oconto Royalton Waupaca Sussex Waukesha Newburg Washington Petersville ' Oconto Rubicon Dodge Syene Dane New California Grant Petroleum Vernon Rudd's Mills ])1:onroe Sylvan Richland' New Cassel Fond du Lac Pewaukee Waukesha Ruraf Waupaca Sylvania Racine- New Centerville St. Croix Pheasant Branch Dane Ru'sk St. Croix Sylvan Spring Barron New Chester Adams Pilot Knob Adams Rutland Dane Sylvester Greene New' Diggins Lafayette Pine Blut[ Dane Ryan Kewaunee SyItico Waupaca Newfare Fond du Lac Pine Grove Brown Sagole Outagami'e Tabor Racine New Franken Brown Pine Hill Jaokson Saint Anna Calumet TIlm&rak Trem~ealeau New Glarus Greene Pine Knob Iowa Saint Cloud Fond du Lac Taycheeda Fond u Lao New Haven Adams Pine River Waushara Saint Croix Falls Polk Ten Mile House Milwaukie New Holstein Calumet Pipersville Jefferson Saint Francis Station Tess Corn ers Waukesha. New Hope Portage Plain Sauk Milwaukee Theresa. Dodge New Keoln Milwaukee Plainville Adams 'Saint John Calumet Thompson Washington ")Tew Lisbon Juneau Plainfield Waushara Saint Lawrence Washington Thompsonville Racine- "'New LQndon Waupaco "Platteville Grant Saint Martin's MHwaukee Tiffany Rock New Prospect Fond du Lac Pleasant Hill Crawford Saint Mary's Monroe Tirade Walworth New RichmQnd St. Croix Pleasant Prairie Kenosha S,jtint Nazianz Manitowoo Token Creek Dane- New Rome Adams Pleasant Ridge Clark Saint Ro~e Grant Toland's Prairie Washington Newry Vernon Pleasant Valley St Croix Salem Kenosha "Tomah Monroe Newton Vernon Plover Portage Sand Creek Dunn Tornado Door Newtonburg Manitowoc Plum City Pierce.sandusky Sauk Towervillc Crawford Newville Vernon Plymouth Shebolgan "Sauk City Sauk Trade Lake Burnett Niles Manitowoc Point Bluff A ams Saukville Ozaukee Trapp'. Marathon Nora Dane Pole Grove Jackson Saxeville Waushara "Trempealeau Trempealeau North Bay Door "Portage City Columbia Scandinavia Waupaca Trenton Pieroe North Bend Jackson Port Andrew Richland Schiller Brown Trim Belle Pierce North Branch ' Jackson Port Edwards Wood Schlessingerville Washington Trippville Vernon North Cape " Racine,Porter's Mills Bau Claire Scotia Trempealeau ~roy- Walworth North Clayton Crawford Port Hope Oolumbia Scott Sheboygan Troy Center Northeim Manitowoc Potosi Grant Sechlersville Jackson Tunnel City Monroe- North Freedom Sauk Potter's Mills Calumet Seneca Crawford Tustin Waushara Northern Junction Mil waukee Poygan Winnebago Sentinel Juneau Twin Grove Green North LaCrosse LaCrosse Poynett Columbia Sextonville Richland Two Rivers Manitowoc North Lake Waukesha Poysippi Waushara sehmour Outagamie Union Rook North Leeds Columbia ""Prairie du Chien Crawtord.. s aron Walworth Union Center Juneau Northport Waupaoa Prairie du Sac Sauk Shawano Shawano Union Church Waukesha North Prairie Station Prairie Farm Barron Shaw Hill Crawford "Union Grove Racine- Waujresh& "Prescott Pierce "Sheboygan She??ygan Union Mills Iowa North Star Crawford Primr,ose Dane Sheboygan Falls Utica Dane- NorthTaycheedah Fond du Lac "Prinoeton Green Lake Shelby LaCrosse Valley Vernon Norway Grove Dane Pros:(>ect Hill Waukesha Sheridan Waupaca Valton Sauk Oak Center 90nd du Lac PulcIfer Shawano Sherman Marathon Van Dyne Fond du Lac Oak Creek Milwaukee Purdy Vernon Sherwood. Calumet Vanville OhiEpewa. Oakfield Fond du Lac Quincy Adams Shetek Barron Velp rown Oak Grove Dodge ~inney Calumet Shiocton Outagami~ Vernon Waukesha Oak Hill- Jefferson.. aoine Racine Shiocton Station Outagamie Verona Dane Oakland "Randolph Dodge Shopiere 'Rock Victory Vernon Oakl~y Greene Ritndolph Center Columbia Shuey's Mills Greene Vienna Walworth Oaks Sauk Random Lake Sheboygar. Shullsburg LaFayette Vinland Winnebag() 0asis Waushara Rathbun Sheboy&an Sierra Vernon Viola Richland Ooeola Fond du Lao :Raymond Raclllil Sil ver Oreek Sheb(lgan "Viroqua VernGD. *Oconomowock Waukesha Readfield Waupaoa Sinsinawa Moand rant Wagon Landing Polk "Oconto Oconto Readstown Vernon Skinner Greene Wakefield' Outagamie Oconto Falls Oconto Red Mound Vernon SladesburfJ Orawford Waldwiok Iowa Odanah Ashland Red River Kewaunee Snidersvi Ie Ontagamie Walhain Kewaunee Odin Vernon" Reedsburg Sauk SoldieJ:s Grove Orawford Walworth Walworth Ogdensb\lrg Waupaca Reedsville Manito woe Somers Kenosha Waneka DUDn.. Money Order Offices.

253 POST OFFIOES---WISOONSIN---WYOMING TERRITORY. 83 Post Office. County. P08t Offioe. Oounty. P o,t Office. County Post o.tfice. Oounty. Warner's Landing Yernon "West Eau Olaire Eau Clah'e Wonewoc Juneau Hi tter Creek Oarbon Warren St. Oroix West Farmington PGlk Wood Wood *Bryan Swlietwater Warren Mills Monroe "Westfield M!Ulluette Woodland Dodge Sta.mbaugh Sweetwater Warren's Oorners Door West Gr:ulTille Milwaukie Woodhull Fond du Lao OarbQn Oal'bon Washburn Grant West Green Lake Green Lalte Woodman Gra.nt *O\teyenne Oity Laramie Washington Harbor Door West Lima Riohland Woodside St, Oroix Ohug Water Laramie Wa.terford Raoine West Magnolia Rook Woodstook Riohland *Evanston Uintah "Waterloo Jefferson West Middleton Dane Woodworth Kenosha "Fort Bridger Uintah "W s,tertown" West Pl)ns!l.ukie Ooonto Wright's Ferry Orawf@r~ Fort Fettermlm Albany Waterville Waukesha West Point Columbia Wrightstown Brown Fort Fred Ste~le O!lorboll. Waubeok.,Petn West Port Dane Wri~h tsville Jackson Fort Halleok ' Oarbon W:l.uoonsta Fond du West Prairie Vernon Wya using Gl'8,nt Fort LaraD).ie Laramie Waukan Winnebago West Rosendale Fond du Lao Wyooena Oolumbia Granger Uintah Waukecheon Sh.awl1>lI.o "West Salem La Orosse Wyoming Iowa Granite Oanyon Laramie "Waukesha Waukesha West Sweden Polk Yankee'1'own Crawford Green ltiver Olty Sweetwater Waumandee Buffalo "Weyauwega Waupaca Yellow Stone Lafatr~e Iron Mountain Laramie Waunakee Dane Wheatland Kenosha York ane Latham Albany *Waupao>\ Waupaca Wheatville Crawford ~orkville Raoine "Laramie Oity Albany "Waupun. Fond du Lac White Oreek Adams Young Amerioa Washington Medioine Bow' Oarbon "Wausau Marathon White Oak Springs Lafa~ette Young Hiokory Washington Miners Delight Sweetwater' Wausemon Green White Mound auk I Ynba Richlan<i Percy Oarbon "Wautoma Waushara "White Water Walworth Zoar Winnebago Piedmont. Uintah Wauwatsa' Milwaukie Willett Greene RlLwling's Spring Oarbon Wauzeka Orawford Williamsburg Trem pealeau 11m 'I11III Red Buttes Albany Wayne Washingtou Wilmot Kenosha Rock Springs Sweetwater Wayside Brol'n WilSOll Dunn Seminole Oarbon Weelaunee Winnebago ""ilton Monroe Wyoming', 'Sherman Albany Weister Vernon Winchester Win.nebago So.uth Pass Oity Sweetwater Wequinock Brown Windsor Dane WYoming Laramie Werner Juneau Winneconne Winnebago I Post Office. Oounty. "West Bend Washinf,ton Winooska Sheboygan.. W'est Branoh Rich and Wiota Lafayette I A.lmy Uintah West Blue MOllnd Iowa Wolf Oreek folk' "Atlantic City Sweet Water " liloney Order Offioes.


PLEASE NOTE ABOUT THE WALKING TOUR PLEASE NOTE ABOUT THE WALKING TOUR The tour is self-guided. There are interpretive signs at each house. Information about the Prohibition-Era residents was derived mostly from the 1920 and 1930 U.S. censuses.

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