Canal Trust Limited THE TROW. Tha Ofpehl for MamBslsmd F&& Number 56 Spring 1987

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1 6 CQtroudwatcr, Thames &3 Seveh' - - Canal Trust Limited THE TROW Tha Ofpehl for MamBslsmd F&& Number 56 Spring 1987

2 = copy mtes 10th February 10th May A,- 10th August Winter 10th November THE VIEWS & OPINIONS IN THIS MAGAZINE W NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THOSE OFSTROUDWATER THAMES a SEVERN CANAL TRUST LTD.. Contents Secretazy'~ Report 2 Thames End Branch 3 Western Branch 4 Sponsored Walk 6 Boats on the Cut 7 ~~r~~~a$'="='o 12 8 Membershp Matters 16 Letters to the Editor 17 Grand Draw 18 Sales 19 Mary Dates 20 - fl 1 f Published by the Stmudwater Thames & Severn Canal Trust Ltd., a Uegistered Charity, at 1 Riveredge, Fremilode, Glos. Printed by Earle & Ludlow, 77 Victoria Road, Cirenoester, Glos. \ Editorial Now, more than ever, is a time for looking fonoard with news of the latest breakthrough in the Secretary's Re ort. It is an exiting time for all involved with the Trust andc! look forward to including reports on future developments. However, I make no apologies for devoting a large part of this TROW to a victoral record of the develavments under the railwav viaduct close- to Stmd centre. It is sad to see part of our canil disappearing under the new mad but we are secure in the finowledge that the thmzh route is ~rotected bv our omoosed diversion and marina for &Eh we have &line pl&ng phnnlssion. A fascinating article has been written by Frank Edgeworth, a resident of Stroud ho spent mch of his wth close to the canal at Bowbridge. He has pmvided some excellent pkotograpb and I Q hope they reproduce well in the fini~hed magazine. I also hope to coax more tales from Frank for future issues! Please do keep the articles, old and new photographs, etc., rclling in. I am especially kern to receive letters for publication. I believe that the TBDW should be used by the members to air their views and should became a medium for canoent and discussion. DAVID JOWETT PWNT COVER: Work begins on the new Stmud Bypass. Don't worry - we have another way -d!

3 Secretary's Report In the first three mnths of this year we ap ear to be achieving one of our aajor goals, to receive sensible fkcal Authority vrt for our restoration scheme. Stmud District Council's canal working party have continwed to meet and examine the emenity and recreational prospects of the canals in their area. This has led to a reconnnendation for a sensible grant towards our work. Additionally, the Campany of Proprietors have indicated that they will match the proposed Council's input. Ihe snag7 We have to raise a td artate m, so fund raising is our major task for the imediate &we. %is breakthrough is based on a detailed engineering auruey of necessary mrks to restore the canals to natrigation from Westfield Lock, Eastington to Hope Will Lock, Thrupp a distance of mix and a balf miles. It would appear that the canal works could be carried out by a 50 man M.6.C. C.P. schwe over a period of flve years if sufficient finance was available. It is vital. therefore. that we have the full arpport of our members if we are7to put this proposal into practice. Stroud residents will be aware that the construction of the East/ West Bypass has started, and we as a Trust mst now seriously concern ourselves wirh the pm osed canal diversion and marina ro maintain the through route. &at I am really saying m all the Rust members, you, reading this report, is that we are nowmoving into a different ballgame. We have achieved credibility Ln the rleht nlaces. eow we all have to work to maintain it. We bave to p&c& positive logical results. What we cannot do is nm out of steam and miss the oppormnity that is with our gasp. lhis will involve more active participation fmm within the mdership, and we don't mean merely to dig nsld or lay bricks. Uhat we need are skills and advice to aid our present d 1 dedicated band of activists. We need advice and assistance to ehsure that onr work is carried out for the benefit and future enjoyment of the msrlmum der of eople. Ror utample, how can the oanals be developed for the m& benefst of Local schwls, -hrs. walkers. otnitholonists. local residents? What are the ---- key historic sit&? Is the;e a need for parking and access? If so, where7 etc. etc. Your Counoel needs advice on these matters so that they can incorporate it into their fukure policy. TF -- we et thla -- off the nrrnmd we need some vem ~ood Dublioists to s read the wrd. ltrs time we pooled our i-e~ourcis for the benekt of the canals and the district. Don't contact just me, contact your local Trust Council tcembers, their -S and telephone numbers are at the fmnt of the TROW.

4 Thames End Branch In soite of cold snells and other distractions. our various activitie are 'continuing to *mke progress. mere has be& a welcome in!ilug of new and enthusiastic hands, and irmaluable help mm our Mends fmm the Waterways %emery Group and Bristol University. Gne of our Branch meetings had to be cancelled on a night when cars were freezing on thair car parks, but attendance at these has also been imorovinn. We know that Conantttee meetinns have a bad name. but theie is ;tomething to be said for sorting &t what we are going to do next before the tmops gsthes for the actual work part A bonus is that thw are held in the convivial ahmsvhere of & Ked Lion in ~ricklnde; so perhaps some of our absent -%fends will join US at the next one. In response to enqairies from sane of our faittrful WO* csmp supporters, the Branch has decided to re eat the event this year. Ihe dates are from the 14th to the 24th $Igust, and it d d be ood for mrale if some of our local members could contrive to come afong, hgwever briefly. Installin lock ates and paddle gear are emong the intended activities, an! shouli merit a bit of attention from Preee andlor T.V. Please note the dates in a conspicuous plaoe and allow yourself a day off. %re are still various public events this year at &ch we would like to have tbe %ernes End sales stand, but Norman Tarnsend has had to warn us that he is likely to be a bit short of spare time during the Slmrmer. Offers please from previous helpers or anyone who muld Lfb a pleasant day out meeting peaple and keeping the flag flying.

5 Western Branch With all the a of the festive season behind us and a hint of Spri% in the a% the heranch CormnFttee are settling down to planning for t e coming year. The official policy from the hust C-cil is that the voluntary effort is to concentrate prharily on fund raising and publicity, not that the volunteer navvies d11 be hanging up their wellies just yet? mere is plenty to do in advance of the professionals and for sometime et we oan welcome such atales as the Francis Turner G- and alx volunteers with physical inclinations. At last, the Stmud Bypaes is under way and we are watching developaents with great interest! Ihe immediate effect of the contractors dmaine off the canal each side of the viadmct was that the pouncl below to-wallbridge Wck dropped and a rapid rescue %eration was larmehed by the Severn-Trent Water krthority to m e e fish else*ere. It amears that the contractors did not appreciate the volme of veter condng down mm Bowbridge but are now well aware of the fact. It is to be hoped that they dll give their urgent attention to restoring a through flow. The upmar the local anglers did NM go unreported by the neras media. z," 2om little interest in the caael previ(~~sly, let US hope that they can now give more active support to the Trust in the future, beinn the first beneficiaries of our wrk. and that thev will apprecinte the need for closer co-operation in the fu&-e. British shipbuilding may be in decline, but not in Stmud! With a whip round of Cornnittee members for lows at the February meetin a boat buiidi fund was started, a enerous discount on the &er by Messre. Mi8ington 8 Remstedt of 81Ducester ven, and the Wdtng of tw triplwork punts is now well in i%nd at the back of the "Bell". The new boats dll be 16' X 5', wider than last year's model, to give more passenger s ace and improved stability. Given -er finance and materials &ree more are lamed and rse -d welcome cash, materials or sponsesship to achqeve this. As stated in opening paragraph we are now cdtted to more fund raising and p%icity. There are an infinite number of projects that we can uudertake to achieve these aims given more help. We need people to run boat trips, car boat sales, social events, the Trwt and Braneh sales stands. the raft race. (orovfsionallv 19th July), punt racing etc., but kmot cover thh &l1 potentid scope of these activities with the dedioated few bodies m b e at present. Not to labour the point we ask ozlly that you consider whether you cdd spare perhaps one day a month even, to help spread the load. The more money rre raise and the better we pblicise our cause, the sooner we will achieve a working canal. Since the last TROW wrk has proceeded at a better rate than expected a r d Bowbridge. With both raork punts and the weedcutter mow on Bovbrldne P d. bv kind oedssion of Mrs. MFeks ure hawe -. a - secure mooringuby her &dock an; adjacent storage fir toois. we had a wsekend blitz with the Francis lbrner G- before Christms ach gave us a head start and a few hardy souls continued steady ~ronress thmunh Christmas. Even *en the reed mat wss frozen it huttup beautif;lly and exercise and Fnfusions of coffee kept us warm.

6 With a little more clearance at the tail of Griffin Mill Lock and cutting back the reeds the pouud should be ready in plenty of time for the trip boat season. Below Bapbridge kck we are clearin the last budred yards or so of spite of &e hiatus of the mad cmasing it wan felt that we ahould flmish sitat we stad the year before last. It is important we complete this wmk as far as possible before the bfrds start nesting. A velwme new &er of w worklng force, Roger Plenty, appears to have adopted Griffin as his pet pmject and is h amund the head of the 'Lock clearing, repointing and relaying bri&rk The impmement is already marked and there is a nmrrur we lkght have a pair of top gates in the near future. we are considering moving our punt onto Griffins Pound to &??~IY clear a c-l alonp: the towoath side. With the toma'cb relaying-proceeding at a stead? rate, the l4.s.c. gang are IIOW dbwn to brun8els Millpond, it would be nice to achieve at least a work punt channel up to Thrupp as soon as possible. The weather is improving, the days - and evenings - are le thenins, spring is in the air, and a host of golden daffodils are n%ling bv Bowbridee Lock (Let's how the vandals leave them alone tbis vear). T; all of you emerging into* the great outdoors, please come and iee wbat's happening to your canal, perbaps even you ~arr help wake it happen, You dll be very rrelcome! - " mu- Work contimes on Tomy Jones' new improved puots.

7 Sponsored Walk l 1 Ihe Trust Anrmal Sponsored Walk is considered to be both a worthwhile fuodraising and social event, it being a time when members cm meet on the canal, see the progress, and talk to the workers. This year it will be held on Sunday 28th June, and will be wer the section that the Trust16 current efforts are concentrated, from Westfield Lock, Eastington, to Brimscornbe and back. Whilst we are aware of the attractions of the Stmud to Daneway route, it is felt that for this year walkers will be able to see the significant changes and advanfes that have taken place recently. me walk is approximately the same length. All m&rs are reminded that this year Stroud District Council and the Pmpfietora of the Stmudwater Navigation are likely to match us pound for pound, so can lease make this a bumper effort, as eve?. pmmd you earn cdd wed be worth three pounds to the rust. Walk booklets are available from the Canal m g t Office et 1 Everedge, Framilode, 010s. GL2 7LE - please state the mnnber required. Pleasenote that they are not bei circulated with the Tmw this year, in order to save costs and totave an edvance indication of the -bet af walkers on the day. l l

8 Boats on the Cut It wae pleasing last year to report on the euccess of the tri boatrr which aperated on the Wallbridge pound during the S-er mntl. Unforhmatelv. due to contruction work on the new bypass, it will be impossibl&~to repeat this year. Zhe good newt for 1987 however is that we plan to operate mm two points on the canals, at Bowbridge and Ryeford. The first de arture point will be above Bowbridge Lack and passengers will be abfe to travel along the recently cleared section towards Griffin Lock and back. The second stretch of canal,will be at Ryeford on the section which has been dre ed by the M.S.C. tean. Mps c o e on Easter Sunday and $11 m every Sunday throughout the surmner and into the mtumo. We are keen to involve as many peo le as possible this year with the runnlng of our boats, both memfers and non members. Crews can expect a pleasant gunday afternoon with the added bonus of giving pleasure to the people of S t d (d beyond). And now more than ever the trip boats can provide a valuable source of income. Why not contact one of the organisers to offer your help? They will be pleased to give further details to potential crew members as well as future customersl RYEFOAD SECTION: Bichard Attwaod. (Brimscornhe ) BOWBR~CE SECTION: Ton Jones (Stmud 29157

9 Road Works The objective of our hust is to restore navigation between the River Thames and Rtver Severn, utllislng where possible the historic routes of the Strondwarer Navigation and the Thames & Severn Canal. Unfornmately there is one small section of the lhemes & Severn Canal which "L11 not be utilised - it is heing infilled es part of the new Stmud Bypass scheme. Although not all had (we do have ontline planning permission for the diversion of the canal to incorporate a marina). it is still sad to see this Dart of the historic mute For those who cannot watch developments for themselves, and in order ta record the changes for posterity, the next few pages featme photographs taken in March amund the infilled section. The plans below show the location and the osition from which each photograph was taken. Zhe first photograpg is reprinted from the last Tmw and was taken from the trip boat which was o erating during the avmner of The canal will eventually Ee diverted a m d the other side of the viaduct. The new road will use the same arch as the canal through the structure.




13 Bowbridge Days I was born at Bread Street in January Living at Bowbridge mm the age of seven, a stone's thmw away from the canal, it was, naturally a source of great interest ad entertairnwnt to me. In those days, cf course, it was still a canal which was being used 01 the purpose for which it was consttucted - supplyin the men adjacent dlla vlth coal and comdiries. It was &refare sfn etrt qrdte wad order to warrant an easy passege for the barges. meant it was also in gwd order for various aquatic plrrsc&ts, such as sdnmtng, diving, fishing, punting ad canwing, and 6x1 rare occasiolts, skat%ng. Prom the age of about fifteen, five pf us boys who kmd gmm np together, We, Berber, Mck, JLm and I, were lucky enough to be a w d to use an area of a field et the end of Oralid & Peer's builders yard, halfway between Bowbridge and the railway viaduct. Whis area sloped qrdte steeply down to the canal. It was at a point wheze the canal rounded a bend and the water was extra deep. Here r*e built a diving board, and kept a punt and canoe moored &+ the willows. This was, of om'fse, on the private side of the canal. One of the party came up with the idea of saving for a bell tent. -eh was dulv acconmlisbed. and was the irst of f a acdred during thesperiod. We =&pad wt there every weekend frm April until well into September for about eight years.

14 On Sunday mornings we had great fun oooking Our m breakfast on a c* fire. bcording to the season, some roarnings we rose early, and collected fmm knam fields, lovely fresh mush-s. Eddie's car was necessary for this ventllre. Sometimes the m t wlleoted was so lar e that Were able to supply our girlfriende' families with emu& for their breakfasts as well. ThLs was not always taken in ood B irit, as it meant weklng them up in the very early hours. &er A & delive round, it was back to the bell tent, wltb all hands preparlngtreekfest of bacon, eggs, saus es and wu;hrooms, washed down with large drinks of tea. I shaz always r d e r those breakfasts - delicious! 'aa~ancing' Jim and Frank, June At this oint I must mention Toby, the black and a t e wire halred terrier gelonging to Eddie. He always turned up at the tent at the ammoriate time on Sundavs. but onlv Sundevs. for breakfast. This v-& the more rsnaxkable a: hie home &as ab&t.crrr, dies away. Toby was an expert water rat catcher. It was intriguirrg to take him on ratting expeditions. Ihe method emplayed was to wpl% with him along the towpath side of and foliow a few paces behind him. The rats were quite ~ rous, and we did wt have to go far before Toby literally 'ti toed' and & fed the air. Havfng decided on a certain spot in the tank near the water's edge, be -1d make

15 a detadned pounce. It took only seconds for him to decide if the rat had gone to g r d or taken to the water. If the latter, Toby d d come back on to the towoath and scan the water at that ~oint. He knew from experience that &o rat could swim the complete addth to the opposite bank under water, the most successful of them breaking water snw three or four feet from the opposite bank. Toby was by then well back on the towpath and ready to take a rumi frvnp into the water, and swim flat out until he passed the rat, Compyetely ignoring it. men he mid hlrn to face it, so that the rat swam ltter.11~ straight into his jaws - end of rat. h e S~mday mornings, ward got round of a water polo game in the full pound at Bowbrfdge Lock. We always managed enough swlmera for two teams. me ates of the lock acted as the goals, and I remember this being great fun, especially as we were watched by a considerable cmwd of locals. Havine the canal so near meant that we mre nearlv all seers in vaqiiig degrees of ability, Berber and EddLe beink members of the Stroud SwllnnLng Club rvho held thalr galas at the Wallhridge section of the canal. Thev wrm several cuos. Eddie was a builder's e m and in contact wlth many foremen of his father's business on varicus building sites. lhese men were quite generous in giving himbottles of verv Dotent and various home made wines. lhese dulv arrived at the t&tt and were mixed in the swldng cups, then pasied rovnd for copioua draughts with the obvious results - gaiety at night and thick heads in the marning. There waa also another pursuit, not solely connected with the canal, but in which it played its part. Ihis wk pear sc-ing. The method entailed early rising by the five of us, and using the punt which came in useful for this venture. This was because the farm house, our destination, was at Bagpath, a short distance away from the canal. The method of obtaining the pears mm the tree, which near to a window of the farnhouse, was for three of us to climb vex t e tree and ick a very 'shakeable' position in it, the other tw, ready underneatr with bags. We then awaited the arrival of a heaw eoods train UD the G.W.R. towards Chalford. which is a SteeD grde& and necessitated the use of two e It was well knbm in those days of stem that the effort by e engines of pulling the

16 heavy load sounded something like 'W and bother Chalford Bottom" repeated contiwly. It urn be imagined that this loud noise, when o osite the farmhouse, was ideal for the shaking of the branches. 8 s conti-d ahilst the noise lasted. The tm members of the party left vnder the tree imnediately started to ill the bags with delicioue pears and the three up the tree scuttled down as quickly as possible to join in. I have often thought since, how puzeled the farmer must have been at the disappearance of his pears year after yeer. Left: Burb with his Swimming Cups. Frank on the right. Right: mank and Jim, This very enj able routine oontirmed until, one after another, we succumbed to ge charm of the opposite sex and marriage. It can he said, fairly, that the card in those days was the main artery of this vezy enjoyable part of our lives. In old age, I do occasionall walk +e section of anal frmn Walzrid e to Bowbridge, and I And it very pleasing and c-ed1e that efforts are being made for its reclemation.

17 Membership Matters We are pleased to welcome the following new memberer- Brim G. Arthur Cricklada, Wilts. Mr. N. Bird Cirencester, Glos. Mr. 8 Mrs. L. V. Burley Kidliq%on, Oxon. Mr. T. J. Ede Chip ing Sodbury, Awn. Mr. & Mrs. H. Greepslade ~t. Eeonards, meter. Mr. D. V. Grf s Stwford-Ze-Hope, Essex. M=. D. H. ~oo%mp westbury-on-hgm, ~ristol. Mr. R. B. Halliday Marlbomugh, Wilts. Mr. P. D. Hingley Faversham, Kent. Mr. C. J. Jones Tumley, Bath, Avon. Mrs. J. C. Lavender-Preddy Cricklade, Wilts. Uiss & Mdy Cheltenham, Glos. Mr. R. Plenty Strnud, Glos. =SF B. M. Pullen MeophBn, Gravesend, Kent. Ms. D. Salisbury Kings Stanley, Glos. Miss L. A. Semders Ashton K Swindon, Wilts. Ms. J. L. Shaw ~eilawort~~ios. Mr. M. K. Smith Stroud, Glos. Mr. S. A. Weston Stroud, Glos. &. V. Wlli~ns Stmud, Glos. Mr. & Mrs. T. C. Williamson IXusley, Glos. \ I I I REWARD STOLEN FROM THE TRUST in December from EaaUne3on Threa Chain saws: Piooeer Model PSIS X 28" Engloc No Romr MDdel P285 X 16" Englne No Frontier khdel Ft135VIP r 16" Engloe No. 123A 12th February fmm Rveford Two Chain saws: -arm Model 1938s Englne No. 91W3 mnarm Model 186 Mark 3 x 16" Engine No. 187M HBve you been offered s m n d hand chain rawl I I I A reward rill be paid for info&w Information W the Secretary. Gloocester leading m the recovery of the above Items sad oonviction of the thief or thieves. I I

18 Letters to the Editor Dear Sir, ny interest in the Trust's work was born mm a recent loration of the restored portal of the Sapperton -1 wbilst o8oliday in the Cotswolds. For some time I have had a keen interest in canals, mt only those still in use but also ehanddned 9nd those Currently being restored. Following a recent enquiry to find mt if 'guided taus' of the S.T. & S. towpaths were possible, mainly to flnd out mdre af the on-slte hi~tory of the d, I was infomed that toursfautings hpd beeh condrtetad in 1195 but nothing of the L%ke had oadlred in Perhaps I could possibxy stir some Fnterest for Althgh I Live some distance away - in Kent - I would welcome the opporhmity of being involved in an 'active weekend in the wuntry'. I wonder F mwbers and friends of the Tmst wuld be interested! BRENDA RlLLZN Gravesend, Kent. Mr. B. Kimer, a Trust member from Wolverh con has dram our attention to a Letter which was written tote "C.T.C. Gazettew which is the Journal of the Cyclists Touring Club. The letter was written in March 1951 and is repmduced below. Dear Sir, Abaut a quarter of a century ago the h e 1 House at Caates was a C.T.C. appointment, My wife and I found it I recollect, after a goodly search, by negotiating a tangle of muddy footpaths, the only person encountered being a pogtman. But it was well worth the effort. Bed and Breakfast cost 5s for the hwo of us - and what a breakfast: Tea at 9d a head was laid out ou a table in a walled garden ablaze with flowers, and everything was homa promtcad: honey, slab of butter, home-made bread, salads both green and fruit, strawberry jam, and dainty cakes to fill in any odd corners. me ion was kept by two chamng middle-aged sisters *ho regaled us with tales of the weed-mered canal and tunnel. I believe they mentioned that the original canal was constructed by the Romans. The abposphere and homeliness of Tuanel House made it one of our besc-remembered appointments emong the hvndreds we have sampled during our thirty-three years of wheeling J. W. DAWSOlV Greys, Essex.

19 Grand Draw As a further step towards more public involvement in the Tntst's activities, this year the Grand Draw was made by the Chairman of Shoud District Council, Councillor Roy P. Nicholas, in the Ballmw of the Stroud Subscription Rooms. The large audience had been drawn (excuse the pun) to listen to our Secretaxyhnmger give one of his illustrated talks on the uu1nls -this time their "Past and hrcure" in the Stmud area. In his u d style David traaed the history, past ortance to the district, and place in the future of cur project, 3% slides of old stcerds and photographs from his extensive collection. -1st suppging facts and figures he also adwed the audience with his many anecdotes. Margaret Boakes and Oelia Taylor used their charms to extract donations and sell draw tickets until the moment den Councillor Nicholas spun the drum to extract the winners' tickets. Richard Attwood bmught his sales stand, BNce Hall produced a photographic display, and Bill Evill revealed his catering talent* with the refreshments. 'Ehe prizewinners listed below indicate the national interest in the Xmject and an even spread between mmbers and friends of the ht. highly successful evening for all concerned, and the Draw produced a profit of 1850 towards our restoration progranme. ' 254 Davfd Folland, Bratton, Wilts. TICKET NO % H. Everett, Cheltenham, Glos PRIZE WINNERS R. Jefferies, Wottsn-Urder-Edge. Glos. Willip Spanjer & Co. Ltd., London NW2. J. Netherton, Parr, Cornwall. J. Gocknell, Downend, Horsley, Nailsworth, Glos. A. Walkley, Cashes Green, Strrd. Andcea Kingswtt, Hardwicke, Glos. R. B. Frost, Hatley St. George, Sandy, Beds. M. Scuffam, Durkar, Wakefield, W. Yorks. R. S. Northfield, Etltcheldean, Glos. A. Porter, Southend on Sea, Essex.

20 Sales The foilowlng items are available by post from our Sales Manager, Riohard Atmod, 7 Hidcote Close,, Stroud, Glos., GL6 7EF \Please add 40 per order to cover posta e and packing for any value Wder 810. ~geques and Postal Drdezs Aould be made payable to "S. T & S. C. T. Ltd" Tmst Notelets (Pack of 8 with envelopes) Local canal views W.60 A Canal Walk Through S t d E1.25 Trust Tea Towels (show several views of canals) El. 85 Rust Key Fobs e0. M Trust comb in case e0.30 Wst Keyring with penknife or scissors or clippers e0.75 Trust Bookmarks e0.30 The Flo- of Gloster CB. Temple Thmmtonl E11.95 Renawick and Boundabaut (Rrelyn Pollard) E5. 95 'Village Heritage (Miss Pirmell and the children of Sapperton Sehwl) E10.95 Road Travel & Transport in Gloucestershire E5.95 lbdor Gloucestershire E5.95 Cotmold Churches e4. M The Aeronauts (L.T.C. Rolt) Birds of Gloucestershire (C.M. Suaioe) Gloucester Docks ( h Cooway-Jones) e4. 95 British Canals (Cb2e.s Hadfield) And Last but definarel not least, The Stroudwatar, Themss & Severn Canale ~owpatz Guide (Handford (I viwr) rnii3g SALE In addition to the ueusl Sales items, the following books are on special offer, subject to availability. British Canals (Charles Hadfield) World Canals (Charles Hadfield). Bread on Zhe Waters (David Bl-e) A FlillTalled Bredon (gred Archer) The Changing BFver (Anthany Burtan) Derizes In Old Pichve postcards Obsemers Bwk of Canals A Guide to the Industrial Archaeology of Hampshire & I.O.W. E1.00

21 Dates for your Diary APRIL 1987 Sun 5th Western Branch Work party Non 6th Western Branch Meeting Sun 12th Western Branch Work party 'hes 14th Thames End Meeting Thur 16th Western Branch Noggin & Natter Sun 19th Western Branch Work party Sat 25th Thames End Work party Sun 26th Tlurmes End Work party Sun 26th Western Branch Work party 4m 3rd Western Rrench Work party Non 4th Western Branch Heeting Sun 10th Western Branch Work oertv 'hes 12th Thames End Meeting ' * Sun 17th Western Branch Work party RRlr 21st Wastern Branch No in & Natter (hopefilly to incgde Magic Lantern Show - rlng Clint Taylor for details) Sun 26th Western Branch Work party Sat 30th Thames End Work party Sun 31st Thames End Work party Sun 31st Western Branch Work party JONE 1987 Mon 111t Western Branch &etina Sun 7th Western Branch Work pky lbes 9th Thames End Meeting Sun 14th Western Branch Work party Tnur 18th Western Branch Noggin & Natter 9M 21st Western Branch Work party Sat 27th Thames End WO& party Sun 28th Thames End Work party SW 28th Western Branch Work party WESlZBN BRANCH MEETINGS are held on the first Nonday of each month from 7.00pm in the lounge bar of The Bell at Wallbridge in Stmud., Any members and friends are welcome. WESTERN BRAnCR 'NOGGIN & NATPER' SOCIAL EVENINGS also at The Bell on the third 2hursday of each month from 7.30~ A free buffet is rovided and once again a11 members and friends are welcome. Past bcial M n g s have included Slide Shows, Boat hips and Barbecues. ZHAMeS END BRANCH MEETINGS are held on the second Tuesday of each wnth from 8.00pm at Tne Red Lion at Cricklade. Any members and Mends are most welcome - oone and find out wbat rre are doing. W S END WORK PARTY is centered on Cerney Wick Lock. Wew mrkers are always welcome on the last weekend of every month. Once again please dng for details. WESTEW BRANCH WORR PARTY meets every Sunday. In order to remain flexible there is no published timetable. Please dng for up to date details. BACK COVER: Ryeford Double Lock, October (Photo: Peter Chadwick)

22 DEPARTMENTAL ARCHIVIST DAVID J VINER B.A. A.M.A. 8 Tower St., Cirencester, Glos., GL7 1EF MEMBERSHIP DAvI~ JORDAN. 6 Hazelton Road, Marlbmok, Bmmsgrwt SECRETARY Worcs., B61 OJE ASSISTANT GEOFF GARRAWAY. 29 Mill Farm Drive, Paganhill, mx3ership Stmud, Glos., GL5 4JZ PRESS 8 PUBLICITI BRUCE HALL. Springers, Watled e, Nailsworth, Glos., f~ailsworth 2384) SALES MANAGER RICHARD ATIWQD. 7 Hidcote Close, Eastcornbe, Stroud Glos., GL6 7EF (Brimscornbe ) THAWES END BRANCH --p CHAIRMAN ROBIN P TWINING. 285 The Culleros, Highworth, Swindon, Wilts., (Swindon ) SECRETARY DERYCK WAIKINSON. 12 Hampton Grwe, Meysey Hampton, Cirencester, Glos., GL7 5JN (Poultan 661) TREASLTRER NICHOLAS MELCHIOR. 28 Gmve Hill Highworth, Swindon, Wilts., SN6 7JN {Swindon ) CHAIRMAN VfGE-CHAIRMAIU SECRETARY TREASURER WESTERN BRANCH -- TONY JONES. 7 Stringers Close, Rodbomu h, Stroud, Glos., GL5 3P.B (Stroud g915) NUG BLAKE. 19 Strattan Road, Gloucester, (Gloucester CLINT TAYLOR. 43 Regent Street, Stonehouse, Glos., GLIO ZAA (Stonehouse 3485) ALEC WHITEHOUSE. 37 Cotswold Green, Stonehouse, Glos., GLlO, 2ET (Stonehouse 2284) WORKING PARTIES -- CO-ORDINATOR CLINT TAWR. 43 Regent Street, Stonehouse, Glos., GLlO 2AA (Stonehouse 3485) EASTING'TON DOuG BLAKE. 19 Stretton Road, Gloucester, (BLUNDER LOCK) (Glaucester ) ALTERNATIVE TONY JONES. 7 Stringers Close, Rodborough, Stmud, WOFXPARTY Glos., GL5 3RB (Stroud 2915) THAMES END NICHOLAS MELCHIOR. 28 Grove Hill, Highworth, Swindon, Wilts., Sh6 7JN (Swindon ) THE TROW TPAM --F --p EDl'TOR DAVID JOWETT. 1 Dxford Terrace, Springfield Rd., Uplands, Stroud, GL5 1IW (Stroud 1-832) PHIL GRIFFITHS. 10 Wthe House, The Waterloo, DISTRIBUTION Cirencester, Glos., GL7 2QR. (Ciren. 4160) TEAM DES PINNOCK. 7 Vicarage Close, Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2NE (Churchdom )


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