SAMPLE. Table of Contents. Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Keyboard Edition Mauricio Centeno and José Córdova

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1 Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Keyboard Edition Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova 2014, OCP 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR (503) ocporg ocpenespanolorg Spanish text from Misal Romano 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved e US agent: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 3211 Fourth Street NE, Washington, C ; usccborg Used with permission Excerpts from English translation of The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English in Liturgy Corporation (ICEL), 1100 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 710, Washington, C All rights reserved Used with permission The English translation of Alleluia Verses, ospel Verses, and Lenten ospel Acclamation from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL All rights reserved Used with permission Some Spanish gospel verses and Spanish Lenten ospel Acclamation 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española de Liturgia, Añastro, 1, Madrid, España All rights reserved Used with permission Some Spanish gospel verses 1972, SOBICAIN, Protasio ómez, 15, Madrid, España All rights reserved Used with permission Some English gospel verses from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses of United States 1970, 1997, 1998, Confraternity of Christian octrine, Inc (CC), 3211 Fourth Street NE, Washington, C All rights reserved Used with permission No portion of this text may be reproduced without permission in writing from copyright holder Published with approval of Committee on ivine Worship, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops None of pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from publisher Table of Contents Señor, Ten Piedad/Lord, Have Mercy 3 loria a ios/lory to od 5 Aleluya/Alleluia 13 Alabanza a Ti, Oh Cristo/Praise to You, Lord esus Christ 20 Aclamaciones Eucarísticas/Eucharistic Acclamations Santo/Holy 27 Anunciamos Tu Muerte/We Proclaim Your eath 30 Cada Vez que Comemos/When We Eat This Bread 32 Por Tu Cruz/Save Us, Savior 34 Amén/Amen 36 Padrenuestro/Our Far 37 Cordero de ios/lamb of od 43 Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Keyboard/Vocal Edition ed uitar/choral Edition ed PL (igital Play List) ed Assembly Editions Visit LicenSingOnlineorg Edition Edition

2 Señor, Ten Piedad/Lord, Have Mercy Teclado/ Keyboard b b b b b b m m m m Se Lord, INTRO Huayno (q = ca 85 ) m m b b 4 4 Se Lord, Cantor/Todos/All - ñor, ten pie - have mer - 1 m m - ñor, ten pie - dad have mer - cy w 1 La m Am m m w dad cy 2 m m w dad cy La m Am Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved e US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used with permission Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, and osé Córdova, b 1963, 1999, 2012, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved Edition

3 SEÑOR, TEN PIEA/LOR, HAVE MERCY, cont (2) b b b b b b b b m o7 m C7 Cantor/Todos/All Cris Christ, 2 m m w dad cy 2 - to, ten pie - have mer - 1 m m w dad cy 1 Fa F m m dad cy Cantor/Todos/All Se Lord, La m Am o o Mi 7 E 7 Cris Christ, - ñor, ten pie - dad have mer - cy Final m m w dad cy Final m m w 1 m m w - to, ten pie - dad have mer - cy w 1 m m Se Lord, have ñor, mer ten pie- - Ó Ó b Ó 4 Edition

4 loria a ios/lory to od Teclado/ Keyboard o C INTRO Huayno (q = ca 90) % ESTRIBILLO/REFRAIN % lo lo o C - ria a ios en el cie - lo, - ry to od in high - est, o C Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved e US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used with permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used with permission Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, and osé Córdova, b 1963, 2001, 2009, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved 7 7 y en and la tie on - rra paz earth Edition

5 LORIA A IOS/LORY TO O, cont (2) o C a peace los to 2 ñor will 2 ESTROFA/VERSE 1 1 Por praise hom peo tu in - - bres ple, que to /Fa /F a las Estrofas/to Verses 1 We a las Estrofas/to Verses > > > > 7 7 a peo ñor will - - ma ple el of Se good Final Final - men - sa glo - ria te a - la - ba - you, we bless mos, you, - 1 ñor will > > > > Fin/Fine Fin/Fine 6 Edition

6 LORIA A IOS/LORY TO O, cont (3) o C te ben - de - ci - mos, te a - do Ó we a - te we o C ñor glo - glo ios, for ri - fi - - ri - ca fy - ra - dore mos, you, > 7 7 N > - mos, te da - mos gra - cias, Se - you, we give you thanks y your ce - les - great tial glo - ry 7 7 Si m Bm N al % /S al % /S Edition

7 LORIA A IOS/LORY TO O, cont (4) ESTROFA/VERSE ios Lord o C Pa - dre to - od, heav ñor, od, Hi - o al do - - po - en - de ly ro - so Se - King, O ú - ni - co, e - su - cris - - might - y Fa - to, r 2 Se - ñor ios, Cor - de - ro Lord e - sus Christ, On - ly Be - got - de ten Si m Bm ios, Son, > 7 7 N > Lord Edition

8 LORIA A IOS/LORY TO O, cont (5) o C 7 7 al % /S 2 Hi - o del Pa - od, Lamb of od, Son of Fa - ESTROFA/VERSE 3 dre r 3 Tú que qui - tas el pe - ca - do del mun - do, You take a - way sins of 3 o C ten pie have - dad mer - de cy no on - so - tros; us; world, al % /S Edition

9 LORIA A IOS/LORY TO O, cont (6) 3 tú que qui - tas el pe - ca - do del mun - do, a - you take a - way sins of world, 3 o C tien - de re - nues ceive - tra sú - pli - ca; our prayer; you > 3 tú que es - tás sen - ta - do a la de - re - cha del Pa - dre, seat - ed at right hand of Fa - r, have Si m Bm 7 7 > are Edition

10 LORIA A IOS/LORY TO O, cont (7) 3 o C ten mer - ESTROFA/VERSE 4 cy pie - dad de no - so - on us tros 4 Por - que só - lo tú e -res San - to, só - lo For you a - lone are o C 4 só you - lo tú Al - a - 3 tú Ho tí - si - mo, e - su - cris - lone are Lord, 3 - Se ly to, ñor, One, al % /S al % /S 7 7 you n > > a - 11 Edition

11 LORIA A IOS/LORY TO O, cont (8) 4 lone con are o C el Most High Es - pí - e 4 en la glo - ria de ios Pa - Ho - ly Spir - it, in glo - ry of od Fa - 3 ri - dre r - tu San - to sus Christ, with Si m Bm 7 7 al % /S al % /S Edition

12 Teclado/ Keyboard % ESTRIBILLO/REFRAIN Huayno (q = ca 98) 4 2 % A - le, a - le - lu - a - le - ya lu - ya, Aleluya/Alleluia a - le - lu - ya, a - le - lu - A - le, ya a - le - 1, Final ( U) 1, Final ( U) lu - ya, a - le - ( U) al % / S (Fin/Fine) al % / S (Fin/Fine) lu - ya, 2 2 a la Estrofa/ to Verse a la Estrofa/ to Verse Nota: Las estrofas en inglés empiezan en la página 5 de este canto Note: English verses begin on page 5 of this song Text: English verses 1 3, , 1997, 1998, Confraternity of Christian octrine, Inc (CC) All rights reserved Used with permission English verses , 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in Liturgy Corporation (ICEL) All rights reserved Used with permission Spanish verses 1, 3, 4, SOBICAIN All rights reserved Used with permission Spanish verse , Comisión Episcopal Española de Liturgia (CEEL) All rights reserved Used with permission Spanish verses 2, 5, 6, Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, 2001, 2003, Mauricio Centeno Published by OCP All rights reserved Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova, b 1963, 2001, 2003, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved Edition

13 ALELUYA/ALLELUIA, cont (2) ESTROFAS 3 8 Adviento 1 Pre - pa - ren Navidad He-mos Pascua 4 Ha Pentecostés Tiempo Ordinario 6 i - cho - sos Tiempo Ordinario 7 Yo Tiempo Ordinario e-mos 2 Ven - go Epifanía vis - to si - do soy el Ca - gra - cias R el ca - mi - no, a co - mu - ni - car - les su es - 5 Ven, Es - pí - ri - tu in - mo - la - da los que mi-no, la Ver - dad y la al Se - tre - lla, San - to, tie - nen ñor R el ca - mi - no la la es - Vi - da, un por-que es bue - na nue - tre - lla nues - tra víc - lle - na co - ra - zón e - so bue - no y R 14 Edition

14 ALELUYA/ALLELUIA, cont (3) 2-4 del Se - va del Se - ñor: 3 en el O - rien - te, - ti - ma pas -cual: 5 nues - tros co - ra - zo - nes 6 no-ble y ge - ne - ro - so, 7 di - ce el Se - ñor; 8 mi - se - ri - cor - dio - so 1 ñor, en - de - Hoy na - ció y ve - ni - mos y en - cién - de - los na - die va al No he de mo - con - ser - van re - cen Cris - to Pa - dre rir, sus ca - el Sal - va - a a - do - Ce - le - con la la pa - si - vi - vi - R R 15 Edition

15 ALELUYA/ALLELUIA, cont (4) 1 mi - nos; lle- ga - Mi7 E7 rá la sal - va - ción de ios al % 2 dor 3 rar, 4 bre - mos, 5 lla - ma, 6 la - bra 7 no por mí, 8 ré que es y pro - pa - ra con - Mi7 E7 Cris - to, Mi7 E7 a - do - Mi7 E7 Mi7 E7 con Mi7 E7 la du - cen Mi7 E7 a - le - Mi7 E7 tar las ha - Cris - to nues-tro rar al Se - pues, la lla - ma de tu a - mu-cho lu - ya, a - le - lu - za - ñas del Se - ios ñor pas - cua mor fru - to ya ñor al % al % al % al % al % al % al % al % R R 16 Edition

16 ALELUYA/ALLELUIA, cont (5) VERSES Advent 1 Pre - pare way of Lord, make Christmas Epiphany 3 We Easter Pentecost Ordinary Time Ordinary Time 7 I 2 I pro - claim saw 4 Christ, 5 Come, 6 Blessed are y am way, to his our Ho - ly who have kept word you star pas - chal Spi - rit, lamb, trutḥ good at and news its fill with life, a R R R 17 Edition

17 ALELUYA/ALLELUIA, cont (6) straight his of great 4 has been 5 hearts of your 7 6 gen - er - ous says paths: oy: ris - ing sac - ri - ficed; faith - ful heart Lord; all to - day and and flesh let us n a kin - dle in yield no one comes Sav-ior and feast m shall is have with a to R R 18 Edition

18 ALELUYA/ALLELUIA, cont (7) 1 see 2 born for us, 3 come 4 oy 5 fire 6 har - vest 7 Fa - r, R to ex - Mi7 E7 sal - Mi7 E7 Christ Mi7 E7 do Mi7 E7 Mi7 E7 of Mi7 E7 through Mi7 E7 cept R va - tion of him hom - in your per - se - through od Lord age Lord love ver - ance me S S S S S S S S Edition

19 Alabanza a Ti, Oh Cristo/ Praise to You, Lord esus Christ Teclado/ Keyboard % ESTRIBILLO/REFRAIN Huayno (q = ca 95) Mi La E A % 4 2 Español Biling English sus4 sus4 A - Praise A - la - la - to ban - ban - you, glo - glo - glo - La A rey de e - King of King of m m za a za a ti, ti, Lord oh oh e - sus o m C m Cris - Cris - Christ, to, to, La A sus4 E ( U) ria ria ry Fa m F m ter - end - end - na less less Mi E A - Praise Praise sus4 glo - glo - glo - la - to to La A ban - you, you, Mi ria ry ry rey rey King m m Fa m F m de e - de e - of ter - ter - end - na na less C m za a 1, Final al %/S (Fin/Fine) % 1, Final al %/S (Fin/Fine) ( U) ( U) ti, Lord Lord oh e - sus e - sus o m Cris - to, Christ, Christ, 2 2 a la Estrofa/ to Verse a la Estrofa/ to Verse Nota: Las estrofas en inglés empiezan en la página 5 de este canto Note: English verses begin on page 5 of this song Text: Matw 4:46; Luke 9:35; Matw 4:17; Luke 15:18; oel 2, 12 13; Philippians 2:8 9; ohn 13:34 Spanish refrain 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española de Liturgia All rights reserved Used with permission Spanish verses 1972, SOBICAIN All rights reserved Used with permission English refrain and some verses 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL All rights reserved Used with permission Some English verses 1970, 1997, 1998, CC All rights reserved Used with permission Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, and osé Córdova, b 1963, 1995, 2002, 2003, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved Edition

20 ALABANZA A TI, OH CRISTO/PRAISE TO YOU, LOR ESUS CHRIST, cont (2) ESTROFAS o m Cuaresma 1 ABC C m El Cuaresma 2 ABC Cuaresma 3 C Cuaresma 4 C Cuaresma 5 C A - omingo de Ramos/Viernes Santo 6 Cris - to ueves Santo Les hom - bre o m C m En el es - plen - o m C m Cam-bien o m C m su Vol - ve - o m C m ho - ra, o m C m por no - so - tros o m C m doy es - te no dor de la vi - da y su ré a mi di - ce el Se - se hi - zo o - be - man - da - mien - to vi - ve nu - be co - ra - pa - dre ñor, dien - te has - ta la nue - vo, zón, so - la - men - te se o - vuel-van a muer-te y Mi E Mi E yó Mi E la di - ce Mi E y Mi E mí Mi E de muer - te en Mi E di - ce Edition

21 ALABANZA A TI, OH CRISTO/PRAISE TO YOU, LOR ESUS CHRIST, cont (3) 1 de pan, o m C m si - no de to - da pa - 2 voz del 3 el Se - 4 le di - 5 to - do co - ra - zón, 6 u - na 7 el Se - Pa - dre: ñor; ré: cruz ñor, Por o m C m És - te es mi o m C m por - que es - tá o m C m Pa - dre, pe - o m C m por - que o m C m e - so o m C m que se a - men Hi - o, cer - ca mi el qué con - tra soy bon - da - ios lo en - gran - de - u - nos a 22 Edition

22 ALABANZA A TI, OH CRISTO/PRAISE TO YOU, LOR ESUS CHRIST, cont (4) La A m m Fa m7 F m7 al % 1 la - bra que sa - le de la bo - ca de ios 2 E - le - 3 i-no, 4 ios 5 do - so 6 ció 7 o - tros gi - do; el y le con - ce - dió el Nom-bre - so - bre - to - do - La m Fa m7 A m F m7 La A es - La A i - no de los La m A y La A y La A co - mo yo los m m m m m m m m m Fa m7 F m7 cú - chen - Fa m7 F m7 Cie - Fa m7 F m7 con - tra Fa m7 F m7 com - pa - Fa m7 F m7 he a - lo los ti si - vo nom - bre ma - do al % al % al % al % al % al % al % 23 Edition

23 ALABANZA A TI, OH CRISTO/PRAISE TO YOU, LOR ESUS CHRIST, cont (5) VERSES Lent 1 ABC o m C m 1 One does not live on Mi E bread Lent 2 ABC Lent 3 C Lent 4 C 4 I Lent 5 C 5 E - ven Passion Sunday/ood Friday Holy Thursday 7 I 2 o m C m From o m C m o m C m will get up and o m C m now, o m C m says 6 Christ be - came o - o m C m give you shin - ing 3 - go to my Lord, re - be - dient to a new com - mand - ment, cloud pent, Fa - r turn point to of me death, Mi E Fa - r s Mi E says Mi E and Mi E with Mi E shall e - ven Mi E says 24 Edition

24 ALABANZA A TI, OH CRISTO/PRAISE TO YOU, LOR ESUS CHRIST, cont (6) 1 a - lone, but o m C m on ev - ry word that comes 2 voice is 3 4 say to 5 your whole 6 death on a 7 heard: Lord; him: heart; cross Lord: for Be-cause of o m C m This is my be - o m C m o m C m Fa - r, o m C m I o m C m this, od great - ly ex - o m C m love lov - ed for I am have alt - ed him and be one an - 25 Edition

25 ALABANZA A TI, OH CRISTO/PRAISE TO YOU, LOR ESUS CHRIST, cont (7) La A m m Fa m7 F m7 S 1 forth from mouth of od 2 Son, 3 king - dom 4 sinned 6 stowed 5 gra - cious 7 a- gainst heav - en on oth - er him of as La A La A heav - en La m A and a - La A La A and name which is a - bove ev - ry La m A m Fa m7 F m7 I m m m m m m m m m have Fa m7 F m7 hear Fa m7 F m7 is Fa m7 F m7 gainst Fa m7 F m7 at mer - ci - Fa m7 F m7 loved him hand you ful name you S S S S S S S 26 Edition

26 Santo/Holy Teclado/ Keyboard Español Biling English INTRO Huayno (q = ca 90) San - Ho - Ho - ios Ho - Ho - del ly ly to, ly, ly, U - Lord Lord San - to, ni - La m Am San - to es el Se - Ho - Ho - n /La /A ver - od od of of ñor, ly, ly, n so hosts hosts Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved e US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used with permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used with permission Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, and osé Córdova, b 1963, 1999, 2009, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved Edition

27 SANTO/HOLY, cont (2) Si m Bm tie - tie - full san - san - san - Lle - nos es - Lle - nos es - Heav - rra rra na, na, na, tán tán en el el and Mi7/ E7/ de de of tu tu your cie - cie - earth /La /A ho - san - ho - san - ho - san - na en el na in na in lo lo glo - glo - glo - Si m Bm cie - high - high - lo est est ria ria ry y y are la la Ho - Ho - Ho - Ben - Edition

28 SANTO/HOLY, cont (3) Mi7/ E7/ A La di - Bless d Bless d to is is san - san - san - san - san - san - el he he que who who na, na, na, na, na, na, vie - comes comes ne in in en nom - name name ho - san - ho - san - ho - san - na en na en na el el in Mi7/ E7/ ho -san - na en el ho-san - na in ho-san - na in cie - high - high - bre Si m Bm del of of Se - cie - cie - high - lo est est lo lo est ñor Lord Lord Ho - Ho - Ho - Ho - Ho - Ho - > > > > > > 29 Edition

29 Anunciamos Tu Muerte/ We Proclaim Your eath Teclado/ Keyboard INTRO Huayno (q = ca 90) o m o m Sib 7 Bb A - We pro - claim 3 Sib Bb nun - cia - your eath, Mib Eb 3 Sib Bb mos O tu o m muer - te, Lord, o m ma - mos tu re - su - rrec - ción Ven, Se - fess your s - ur - rec - tion un - til you Fa m7 Fm7 Lab Ab Sib Bb pro - cla - and pro - Sib Bb ñor! come, un - Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved e US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used with permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used with permission Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, and osé Córdova, b 1963, 1999, 2009, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved Edition

30 ANUNCIAMOS TU MUERTE/WE PROCLAIM YOUR EATH, cont (2) Mib Eb Ven, til Se - you o m ñor! Ven, come, un - til Final o m w sús! gain Final Fa m7/ Lab Fm7/Ab Se - ñor you come w 7 7 n e - a - 1 o m w sús! gain 1 Ó Ó Ó Edition

31 Cada Vez que Comemos/When We Eat This Bread Teclado/ Keyboard INTRO Huayno (q = ca 90) 1 o m Sib o m Bb o m Sib Bb Lab Ab vez eat this que Bread co and Sib Bb - me - mos de es - te drink this y we pro - claim be your Sib Bb o m w pan Cup, 2 o m 2 Ó Sib Bb Ca - da When we - be - mos de es - te cá - liz, a - nun - eath, O Lord un - Mib Eb Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved e US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used with permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used with permission Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, and osé Córdova, b 1963, 2001, 2012, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved Edition

32 CAA VEZ QUE COMEMOS/WHEN WE EAT THIS BREA, cont (2) Fa m7 Fm7 Sib Bb Mib Eb w o m cia til Fa m7/ Lab Fm7/Ab Ó Final o m - mos tu muer - te, Se - you come a - w vuel gain Final - vas 7 7 has - ta come que a n w - ñor, gain, 1 o m vuel gain - vas Ca - When 1 Ó Ó Ó da we 33 Edition

33 Por Tu Cruz/Save Us, Savior Teclado/ Keyboard INTRO Huayno (q = ca 90) 1 om Sib om Bb om Sib Bb cruz Save us, y Sib Bb - su - rrec - ior of Lab Sib 7 Ab re Sav - om w ción, world, nos has sal - va - do, Se - ñor, for by your Cross and s - ur - rec - Bb 7 Mib Eb w tion 2 om 2 Ó Sib Bb Por tu Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved e US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used with permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used with permission Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, and osé Córdova, b 1963, 2001, 2012, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved Edition

34 POR TU CRUZ/SAVE US, SAVIOR, cont (2) Fam7/Lab Fm7/Ab nos has you sal - va - do, Se - have set us n Final om w ñor free Final 7 7 w 1 om ñor free 1 Por Ó Ó Ó tu 35 Edition

35 Amén/Amen Huayno (q = ca 90) o m 4 Lab Ab Sib 7 Mib Bb 7 Eb 3 3 o m7 7 Teclado/ Keyboard Fa m7 Fm7 A - A Sib Bb mén, men, 1 o m w ñor Lord 1 Final o C w ñor Lord Final n Eb Mib A - A - mén, men, te a - praise 3 la - to a - a - mén, men, n o m w n Fa m7/ Lab Fm7/Ab ba - you, te a - praise mos, O 3 Se - ñor Lord la - to 7 7 ba - you, n mos, O Se - n Ó Ó n Ó Text and music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, and osé Córdova, b 1963, 1999, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved Edition

36 Padrenuestro/Our Far Teclado/ Keyboard INTRO Huayno (q = ca 85) san - ti - fi - hal - lowed 3 ad libitum Español English 3 Pa-dre Our ca - do sea tu be thy 3 37 U U nues - tro, que es - tás en el Fa - r, who Nom - bre; name; art in a tempo cie - lo, heav-en, La m Am ven - ga a no - La m Am thy so - tros tu king - dom Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved e US Agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used with permission English bolism 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used with permission Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, and osé Córdova, b 1963, 2001, 2009, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved Edition

37 PARENUESTRO/OUR FATHER, cont (2) rei - no; há - ga - se tu vo - lun - tad en la come, La m Am tie - rra La m Am earth co - mo en el as it is in thy cie - lo heav - en will be done on b b b > > > Mib E b Mib E b b > 38 Edition

38 PARENUESTRO/OUR FATHER, cont (3) a - nos ive hoy nues - tro us per - and for - this do - na give us pan day de ca - da nues - tras o - our dai - ly our tres - pass-es, fen-sas, dí - bread, a; co -mo tam - bién as we for - give 39 Edition

39 PARENUESTRO/OUR FATHER, cont (4) no - La m Am fen - den; La m Am gainst us; Mi7 E7 so - tros Mi7 E7 those per - do - who tres - no nos and lead us na - mos pass a de - es ca - not in - to temp - ta - tion, er los que nos o - en a - la ten - ta - but de - 40 Edition

40 PARENUESTRO/OUR FATHER, cont (5) ción, liv - er us y lí - bra - nos del from mal e - vil Sacerdote: Líbranos de todos y concédenos la paz para que, ayudados vivamos siempre los males, Señor, en nuestros días, por tu misericordia, libres de pecado Priest: eliver us, Lord, graciously grant that, by help we may be always we pray, from every evil, peace in our days, of your mercy, free from sin La m Am (Violín) liberamente y protegidos de toda perturbación, mientras esperamos la gloriosa venida de nuestro Salvador esucristo and safe from all distress, as we await blessed hope and coming of our Savior, esus Christ La m Am Mi7 E7 Edition

41 PARENUESTRO/OUR FATHER, cont (6) Mi7 E7 Mi7 E7 (con ritmo/with rhythm) a tempo glo - ria, yours por La m Am Tu - yo es el La m Am For siem - pre, Se - now and for ñor ev - er rei - no, king-dom, tu - yo el po - pow - er and der y la glo - ry are Edition

42 Cordero de ios/lamb of od Teclado/ Keyboard INTRO Huayno (q = ca 85) de - ro Lamb of de ios que od, you de - ro de ios que Lamb of od, you qui - tas take a-way qui - tas take a-way La m6 Am6 el sins La m6 Am6 el sins pe - ca - of do del pe - ca - of do del Cor - mun - world, mun - world, do, Cantor Todos/All Cor - do, Cantor have Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved e US Agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used with permission Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana; Mauricio Centeno, b 1957, and osé Córdova, b 1963, 1998, Mauricio Centeno and osé Córdova Published by OCP All rights reserved Edition

43 CORERO E IOS/LAMB OF O, cont (2) La m6 Am6 ten pie - dad mer - cy, La m6 Am6 de no - have ten pie-dad mer - cy, de - Lamb ro of de ios que od, you so - tros, mer - cy, have de no - so - tros, have mer - cy, have qui - tas take a - way La m6 Am6 el sins ten mer - cy pie - on ten mer - cy pie - on pe - ca - of do del dad, us, dad us mun - do, world, Todos/All have Cantor Cor - Todos/All Cor - 44 Edition

44 CORERO E IOS/LAMB OF O, cont (3) de - ro Lamb of La m6 Am6 Cantor de ios que od, you da - grant paz, peace, nos la us qui - tas take a -way paz, peace, da - grant nos La m6 Am6 el sins da - nos grant pe - ca - of do del la us la us Mi E paz peace paz, peace, mun - world, do, La m6 Am6 Todos/All da - grant nos la us Edition

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