Greek History Study Packet

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1 I Greek History Study Pcket 6 Divisions of Greek History:. Bronze Age (Minos nd Mycene)/ Archic / Hellenic (includes Athenin Golden Age or Clssicl Greek / Hellenistic (After Alexnder's Deth to the lst independent ruling remnnt of his successive ruling empires: Cleoptrnd the Ptolemies in Egypt). Mountins hve lrge impct upon the development of Greece - Crete shrp divisions between communities - Politiclly Frgmented. Dependence upon the Se - Trde, resources, etc'. Greece not Ntion but CULTURAL IDENTITY (lnguge, customs, religious spects, shred interntionl festivls. Independent peoples politiclly THE TWO CIVILIZATIONS OF TIIE BRONZE AGE. First Greek Spekers - MYCENAEANS (fell BC). MINOANS not Greek spekers (fell circ 370 BC) MTNOANS on Crete ( BC). Plce culture nd the HUB of n Economic System hevy with trde. Mythicl origins of MINOS nd the Lbyrinthos - compre with the excvted plces t Knossos. Highly Civilized nd sophisticted culture - much unerthed on Crete by Authur Evns. Cult of the BULL - Refined Frescos of crobtics (Agin the source nd cognte of m)'rh). Liner A nd Liner B - sets of tblets with writing of Minons - Both lists detiling ecgnomic inventory (Liner A older nd not Greek) (Liner B discovered type of Greek in 952 by young brillint linguist nmed Michel Ventris disiniertion of Minon Pice Societies by exct unknown ctstrophes MYCENAEANS - On the PeloPonnese. Wrrior King Culture l'homeric. Discovered by Heinrich Schliemnn in 870's fter discovered Troy. Homer nd Archeology combine to revel Mycenen culture. Shft grves on site hve yielded extensive informtion nd rtifcts (i.e' Msk of Agmemnon) r lnternl disputes of sttes within Mycenen Civiliztion nd outside Invsions (Atlributed by Lter Greeks s the Dorins - people from the north who cme to the peloponnese nd the forerunners of the Sprtns who spoke the Doric Dilect of Greek) As these civiliztions fll, Greece Enters the DARK AGES Decline in popuition nd economic resources -generl decline of Civiliztion

2 7 ARCHATC AGE (7s0-500 BC) r Development of the City stte (POLIS) I ' Popultion Explosion nd beginning of Coloniztion (S. Itly, Sicily, Asi Minor (Antoli) ' Rise of the Common Mn - Ide of Citizenship nd requirement of Politicl Prticiption. Revolution of the Hoplite nd Phlnx Wrfre over the Homeric style wrfre I Fermetion of Slvery s Greek Institution (Aristotle clled them living possessions) Minly non Greeks nd plentiful but not the huge popultions for single owners like Americn South or Rome. Fmily Structure nd the role of Women brely bove slves - pss from fther gurdinship to husbnd. SYNOECISM - Formtion of communities into the Citv Stte structure OLIGARCHY, TYRRANY, AND DEMOCRACY. City sttes differed in size nd resources but shred:. Citizenship, Slvery, Politicl Exclusion of Women, Predominnce of the Welthy elite clsses r Monrchy hd died out with Mycene. Sprt nd other spots OLIGARCIIY (rule by select few) develop. Other plces sole rule seize power unconstitutionlly (TYRANT). Others erly proto forms of Democrcy SPARTA (Rise to Pre-eminence) - in Peloponnese (Lconi). Legendry lwgiver LYCURGUS (Sprt's version of Athens'Theseus). Oligrchy - politicl bse for militry rediness nd discipline to stte. Descendnts of the Dorins. Oligrchy - originlly hd dul kings (problems with tht s militry nd nobility feuds between fmilies nd fctions cuse strife) t hed of oligrchic system. 28 men ll over 60 yers old nd the 2 kings hed the GEROUSIA. 5 elected overseers clled EPIIORS counterblnce the Gerousi uthoritv I0 - Sprt invde Messin l2ndwr with Messin Becme, iunong others, HELOTS, essentilly serfs to the stte who worked the lnd (owned by the community not individuls)

3 l; SPARTAN WAY OF LIFE. Boys t home tlll7 - off to brrcks to be rised nd trined by government until 30. Sprtn women reltively free - husbnds gone until 30. Childbirth t premium for Sprt to hve the true blue Sprtn populce. Alwys hd problem with slipping popultion RISE OF THE TYRANTS 3/ 'rt First fmous tyrnny in 657 BC t Corinth Corinth hd been dominted by the Bcchids - but the oligrchic fctions ruled violently nd ws overthrown by CYPSELUS who died in 625 nd succeeded by perinder his son (thus tyrnny becomes hereditry) - he grew violent s well nd overthrown Greek Tyrnny not with the bd corurottions we come to think of Usurped power unlike kings but did estblish fmily dynsty Usutty Socilly elite who won support of the common people (promises nd grnts of more rights like citizenship) Power with commoners - militry power bse /^ ATHENS. Legendry/Ivlythicl fther of the city-tiieseus (hd been estblished by Erectheus nd AUTOCHTHONOS personge: born from the erth - ultimtely ntive). Unlike others not ctstrophic fll t end of the Bronze. Explosion of free pesnt pop. in 700's led to chllenge of Oligrchs. Bf600 BC ll mle citizens ttend the ECCLESIA (council) which elected 9 ARCHONS - positions dominted by elites). CyLON in 632 foiled in coup (resulted from qurrels mong the elites nd the rise to power of the conunon Politicin?. DRACO in 62 estblish CODE of LAWS promote stbility nd equity. Hrsh nd did opposite of intended - pitted rich elite vs. common poor. Economic crises with pesntry nd smll lnd owners. 594 SOLON given specil powers by Athens to reform lws. provide blnce between preservtion of welthy nd cll by the pesntry for redistribution of the lnd. His "SHAKING OFF OF OBLIGATIONS" provide relief w/o redistribution. Mde 4 clsses of Society. 500 mesure men Higher clss eligible for higher offrce 2. Horsemen 3. Yoked men 4. Lborers of ll clsses

4 ^l ' Also crete the COUNCIL OF 400 (BOULE) - to prepre topics of debte for the Assembly (Ecclesi). Boule chosen by lot from top 3 clsses ( rdicl ide). Strife continued with Olierchic fctions FIRST ATHENIA}I TYRANT.PISISTRATOS (he codified Homer) ' Won coup on 3rd ttempt (with violent help from welthy friends nd the poor) r Brought help to frmers nd the poor ' Levy txes on griculture to help frmers with lons nd construction projects. HIPPIAS his son succeed him in 527 BC. Overthrown by rivls (ALCHMAEONIDS) with sought help from Sprt CLEISTHENES filled the power vcuum - fought off Isgors the Alchmeonid with help of people. Isgors hs sought the Sprtn help -seeds of Athenin nd Sprtn distrust sown. CLEISTHENES instlled the democrtic system for which Athens is fmous. Creted DEMES (0 tribes). Split up the originl tribes which hd previously been contingent - now ll spred out nd broke prt the oligrchic inlluence of elections. Mde governmentl service Widespred with reforms. NEW COUNCIL of 500 (replcing Solon's 400). 0 men s STRATEGOI (generls) represented the 0 tribes (Demes) preside over council. Estblish greter democrtic nd politicl stbility by destroying existing politicl dominnces PERSIAN WARS TO THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE (The Clssicl Age BC) (Recorded by Herodotus in his History - Fther of History). 507 BC -Athenins send to Drius I of Persi for help ginst Sprtns in conflict r Persin empire hd been creted by Cyrus the Gret, predecessor to Drius within 2 genertions. During mbssdoril trip Athenins unfmilir with Persin customs nd expecttions indicted through llince with Persins they were subservient to Persin empire - Athens not think so - Miscommuniction Ionin Greek Colonies on cost of Asi Minor (ssisted by Athens, but not Sprt) Greek Revolters crushed by Persi Drius invdes Greece to punish Athenin insolence o Bttle of Mrthon in which the Athenins under MILITIADES bsiclly stnd lone ginst Persi - hd sent for help through the runner Pheidippides to Sprt who hd to finish religious obligtion before could join _. I I

5 Finest dy ever fbr every Athenin who fought tht dy - routed the Persins with sr.tdden chrge nd then quickiy secured the city - Persi forced to with drw bck to Asi </ 'Lf 483 'fhe Lurin silver mines were discovered in south Attic nd the Athenin leder THEMISTOCLES hd foresight to push gend of using the new finncil resources to build NAVY Athens hd the PAIREUS connected to the city lter by the Long wlls, llowing Athens to be untouchble s lons s controlled the ses BC - Xerxes, new emperor of Persi nd son of Drius, decides to punish the Greeks nd oretes n invsion force of over,000,000lmmortls Crosses Hellespont over Pontoon bridge (Herodotus records it hd been destroyed by storm nd in his HUBRIS he whipped the se for its disobedience Athenins knew they could not withstnd this rmy Withdrew forces to city leving smll bnd of Sprtns under Leonids ll t THERMOPYLAE to give the Greek forces time to decide wht to do ' Clonsulted orcle - sid seek houses of wood - Two interprettions of this ) Hold up on the cropolis in the wooden buildings nd wit for Athen's id 2) Abndon the city in the mssive fleet Themistocles hd proposed be built (He support this pln) r Menwhile the Sprtns were betryed by Greek nmed Ephiltes who reveled pss round the Mts. nd the 300 Sprtns ll fell - Now n epigrph is still there to commemorte the brvery (written by Simonides) Persins stormed city nd burned it to the ground Athenins tke ll sl-rips to Islnd SALAMIS where they set trp for Persins ln bttle, Athenins destroyed the Persin fleet nd Xerxes withdrew to Asi Left behind generl MARDONIUS to be defeted t the bttle of PLATAEA in 479 in Boeti end then Persin Nvy ws finished offt MYCLAE off Asi Minor (Antoli) 477 Atbens took the Greek Led in forming n ssocition to defend ginst ny f-uture Persin invsions (ARISTADES led Athenins) clled the DELIAN LEAGUE which ws centrlized with tresury t scred isle of DELOS Sprtns llow this in estern prt of Greece but still held own "Peloponnesin Legue" fter its leder PAUSANIAS hd been corrupted by trvels in the est (Persi) Those in Delin Legue (Greek version of NATO) were expected to provide ships (most though did not hve resources to do so, so they simply contributed money Soon Athens begn to flex its ledership d muscle nd grdully begn to turn the [,egue of Allinces into n empire (forcing the llinces in 470's nd 460's) Menwhile in Sprt in 465 the HELOTS revolted fter n erthquke destbilized things Thsos revolted ffom Athenin empire "Delin legue" 462 Athens under CIMON sought help from Sprt - ws rejected

6 I 6. Finest dy ever for every Athenin who fought tht dy - routed the Persins with sudden chrge nd then quickly secured the city - Persi forced to with drw bck to Asi. 483 The Lurin silver mines were discovered in south Affic nd the Athenin leder THEMISTOCLES hd foresight to push gend of using the new finncil resources to build NAVY. Athens hd the PAIREUS connected to the city lter by the Long wlls, llowing Athens to be untouchble s lons s controlled the ses. 480 BC - Xerxes, new emperor of Persi nd son of Drius, decides to punish the Greeks nd cretes n invsion force of over,000,000immortls e Crosses Hellespont over Pontoon bridge (Herodotus records it hd been destroyed by storm nd in his HUBRIS he whipped the se for its disobedience. Athenins knew they could not withstnd this rmy. Withdrew forces to city leving smll bnd of Sprtns under Leonids II t THERMOPYLAE to give the Greek forces time to decide wht to do. Consulted orcle - sid seek houses of wood - Two interprettions of this ) Hold up on the cropolis in the wooden buildings nd wit for Athen's id 2) Abndon the city in the mssive fleet Themistocles hd proposed be built (He support this pln). Menwhile the Sprtns were betryed by Greek nmed Ephiltes who reveled pss round the Mts. nd the 300 Sprtns ll fell - Now n epigrph is still there to commemorte the brvery (written by Simonides). Persins stormed city nd burned it to the ground. Athenins tke ll ships to Islnd SALAMIS where they set trp for Persins. In bttle, Athenins destroyed the Persin fleet nd Xerxes withdrew to Asi. Left behind generl MARDONIUS to be defeted t the bttle of PLATAEA in 479 in Boeti nd then Persin Nw ws finished offt MYCLAE off Asi Minor (Antoli). 477 Athens took the Greek Led in forming n ssocition to defend ginst ny future Persin invsions (ARISTADES led Athenins) clled the DELIAN LEAGUE which ws centrlized with tresury t scred isle of DELOS. Sprtns llow this in estern prt of Greece but still held own "Peloponnesin Legue" fter its leder PAUSANIAS hd been comrpted by trvels in the est (Persi). Those in Delin Legue (Greek version of NATO) were expected to provide ships (most though did not hve resources to do so, so they simply contributed money r Soon Athens begn to flex its ledership d muscle nd grdully begn to turn the Legue of Allinces into n empire (forcing the llinces in 470's nd 460's). Menwhile in Sprtin465 the HELOTS revolted fter n erthquke destbilized things Thsos revolted frorn Athenin empire "Delin legue". 462 Athens under CIMON sought help from Sprt - ws rejected

7 '7/ Finest dy ever for every Athenin who fought tht dy - routed the Persins with sudden chrge nd then quickly secrned the city - Persi forced to with drw bck to Asi The Lurin silver mines were discovered in south Attic nd the Atheniiur leder THEMISTOCLES hd foresight to push gend of using the new finncil resotuces to build NAVY Athens hd the PAIREUS connected to the city lter by the Long wlls, llowing Athens to be untouchble s long s controlled the ses 480 BC - Xerxes, new emperor of Persi nd son of Drius, decides to punish the Greeks nd cretes n invsion force of over l,000,000immortls Crosses Hellespont over Pontoon bridge (Herodotus records it hd been destroyed by srorm nd in his HUBRIS he whipped the se for its disobedience Athenins knew they could not withstnd this rmy Withdrew fbrces to city leving smll bnd of Sprtns under Leonids II t THERMOPYLAE to give the Greek forces time to decide wht to do. Consulted orcle - sid seek houses of wood - Two interprettions of this ) Hold up on the cropolis in the wooden buildings nd wit for Athen's id 2) Abzurdon the city in the mssive fleet Themistocles hd proposed be built (He support this pln). Menwhile the Sprtns were betryed by Greek nmed Ephiltes who reveled pss round the Mts. nd the 300 Sprtns ll fell - Now n epigrph is still there to commemorte the brvery (written by Simonides) Persins stormed city nd burned it to the ground Athenins tke ll ships to Islnd SALAMIS where they set trp for Persins In bttle, Athenins destroyed the Persin fleet nd Xerxes withdrew to Asi Left behind generl MARDONIUS to be defeted t the bttle of PLATAEA in 479 in Boeti;urd then PersinNvy ws finished offt MYCLAE off Asi Minor (Antoli) 477 Athens took the Greek Led in forming n ssocition to defend ginst ny future persin invsions (ARISTADES led Athenins) clled the DELIAN LEAGUE which ws centriized with tresury t scred isle of DELOS Sprtns llow this in estem prt of Greece but still held own "Peloponnesin Legue" fter its leder PAUSANIAS hd been comrpted by trvels in the est (Persi) Those in Delin Legue (Greek version ofnato) were expected to provide ships (most though did not hve resources to do so, so they simply contributed money Soon Athens begn to flex its ledership d muscle nd grdully begn to turn the Legue of Allinces into n empire (forcing the llinces in 470's nd 460's) Menwhile in Sprt in 465 the HELOTS revolted fter n erthquke destbilized things Thsos revolted from Athenin empire "Delin legue" 462 Athens under CIMON sought help from Sprt - ws rejected

8 ' 46rejection of CIMON llowed EPHIALTES to seek power in Athens nd instituted rdicl reforms to the democrcy, Prticulrly: mde juries rndomly selected now nd introduced the OSTRACA (piece of pottery in which every yer the Athenins would hve vote on pottery shrds nd whoever got most shrds ws Osticized (exiled) PERICLES A]\[D ATHENS. Pericles live Ascend to power in 450's nd led Athens to its GOLDEN AGE of the 5th century. Now hd enhnced community identity combined with unprlleled mteril welth nd confidence ws brimming - Culturl flourishing unequlled in history Pericles reform govt. in severl respects: l) Offered the ide of remunertion for public service (now people would not begrudge prticiption in govt. if they compensted This ws essentil for true democrcy. Otherwise only those who could fford politics would be involved Pericles ws immensely populr with lower clsses but he ws ristocrt 2) Mde only children of TWO Athenin citizens citizen. No more just the dd nd Athenin nd thus less men went looking for rich foreigners nd mde the Athenin womn's vlue to society sky'rocket Now strong sense of privilege for Citizenship. 454 Athens moved the tresury to Athens itself. 450's showed tension growing between Sprt nd Athens 446^445- mde 30 yer llince with Sprt nd llowed Pericles to concentrte on rivls within Athens - 5 stright yers elected STRATEGOS (one of the ten generls) By mid 430's, wr with Sprt imminent despite pece of Athens hd continued to meddle too much with Sprtn llies, esp. Corinthin colonies Corcyr nd Potide PELOPONNESIAN WAR 43I.404. best record from historin THUCIDYDES who ws ctully prticipnt. 27 yer wr would wrek hvoc on Athenin prosperity: Socil nd Politicl Hrmony, Spped economy, decimted popultion, nd left Athens without ny confidence, the gods hd tken ll wy. After genertion of building conflict, Megr mde decree which disllowed trde in Athenin hrbors. Athens reject this rejection nd Sprt reject this Athenin rejection. Periclen strtegy: Two pronged l) Avoid nd set bttles with greter lnd foe Sprt 2) Control the ses nd ttck Sprtn territory by se -\

9 & Sprt mrched into Attic s ll Athenins from countryside held up in city nd wtched Sprt destroy everything - Pericles hd to use ll of his chrism to prevent distrught Athenins to mrch out nd confront this horror I yer into wr Athens struck by horrible PLAUGE - Beginnings of Athenin despir zurd Pericles himself died Athenin Victories t Nupctus in 429 nd 428 crushing of rebellion t Mytilene (cpitl of Lesbos) led by briilint Athenin generl PHORIVfIO viled none s wr slipped to stlemte. 425 off cost of PYLOS t isle of SPHACTERI Athens under the generl CLEON cptured 20 Sprtn equls nd 70 llied troops - devstting blow to Sprt Forced Sprt to sue for pece, Athens shouldd'tken it but CLEON urged to keep pressing on ginst Sprt with ide could win even more Sprt found new energy with young commnder BRASIDAS (cpture N. Greece Athenin lly Amphipolis 423 both side eger fbr pece, esp. Athenin NICIAS but gin CLEON rejected it Thus in 422 rn bttle Athenin CLEON nd Sprtn BRASIDAS killed nd ech side without their most energetic leder hd to go for pece in 42 clled: PEACE OF NICIAS which lsted from42l-44 - t Menwhile one of the most colorful chrcters in Athenin history ws t work nti- the new pce. Nme ws ALCIBIADES (hd been rised in house of Pericles nd ws wild) Mde for new llince ginst Sprt with Argos nd some other Pelop. sttes In 48 Sprt defbt new colition t MANTINEA Wr bck on but in theory Pece of Nicis still in effect Now crrzy Alcitrides hd crzy ide to invde Sicily in 45 BC opposed by Nicis nd the MANY enemies of Alcibides he ws ccused of vndlizing HERMS (religious phllic symbols throughout the city) on eve of the expedition which he ws to led ws reclled fter set sil through his enemies' concocted set up Thus ALCIBIADBS PROPTLY DEFECTED TO SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! With Sprt being helped nd Advised by ALCIBIADBS, Athenins suffered losses in Sicily nd Nicis ws killed in Sprt estblished bse in Attic nd Athens hd 20,000 silver mine slves defect to Sprt [n crisis then replced the Council of 500 with specil "Bord of 0" Persi cme bck in the mix with id to Sprt, egged on by Alcibides which ws relly wnting to retum to Athens nd tke over Sprt wry of Alcibides delings with Persi - rightfully so Alcibides lso egged on coup which replced the Democrcy in Athens for n OLIGARCHY

10 (o \. 4 Athens turn ll power over to group of 400 men to choose 5000 men to decide l ffirs for the city (The 400 relly just fought mong selves but did vote to RECALL ALCIBIADES!!!. 4lA Alcibides led force to defet Sprt t CYZICUS in Blck Se re. Agin like fter Pylos in 425 Sprt offer pece negotitions nd Athens rejected them. Sprtn commnder LYSANDER rebuilt the Sprtn fleet nd doomed Athens. 4A6 LYSANDER defet Athens NOION on cost of Antoli. Alcibides ws responsible for disster nd ws exiled for finl time. LYSANDER then defeted Athens in 405 t Aegospotmi nd blockded Athens. Athens surrender in 404. Corinth ws hrshest in wnting to punish Athens, but Sprt not r Plced so clled 30 TYRANTS to rule city in n 8 month reign of terror. Finlly, Coup reestblish democrcy, but Athens ws WORN OUT militrily nd economiclly FROM PELOPONNESIAN WAR TO ALEXAI\DAR THE GREAT. All Greece wom out for wr. Could not hrdly rule selves, let lone dominte others like hd once done. Interntionl power vcuum would be filled by corse, hrsh little rock no nme kingdom in the North fueled by the utter politicl nd MILITARY GENIUS of one mn: PHILLP II Of MACEDONIA. 40 Persin strp Cyrus tried to unset the Persin king Artxerxes II. Greeks ided nd Xenophon wrote his Anbsis which records the fte of the Greek remnnts fter the coup filure. The king Artxerxes II llied with Athens, Thebes, Corinth, nd Argos ginst Sprt in so clled "CORINTHIAN WAR" The "KINGS PEACE" of 386 settled mtters nd required Greek colonies in Antoli to be subservient l' previous ffngement to 470. Thebes begn its own rise under militry leder EPAMINODAS. 37BC defeted the Sprtns t LEUCTRA which ended centuries of Sprtn invincibility in the field. 362 Sprt nd Athens lly together to fce Thebes t MANTINEA. Thebes won bttle, but lost Epminods nd the wr r fu Epmindos'retinue ws young Philtip II who returned to Mcedoni nd t ge 22 took over Mcedonin rule. Reorgnized nd innovted the Phlnx to become fine tuned professionl killing mchine equipped with 4 foot pikes clled srisss nd new more effective cvlry clled the "Compnion cvlry" which ws led by extremely gifted son Alexnder (mom ws Olympis- weirdo who climed Zeus ws ctully Alex.'s fther. Phillip cjoled nd bullied N. Greece into submission but by 330's Athens nd Thebes llied ginst new thret - egged on by the most fmous ortor Demosthenes who issued series of extremely vitriolic speeches clled PHILIPICS t

11 ' 338 Philip fced llied Greece t CHAERONEA in which Phillip showed militry genius in concert with his son heding the cvlry utterly crushed them. Greece would never gin be independently fiee ' Philip ssssinted in 336 nd Alexnder took over commnd ' Most mbitious - though he ws Achilles reincrnte nd plnned mssive invsion of Asi to punish once nd for ll the Persins (Philip hd plnned this lso) ' 335 I{e destroyed Thebes s exmple of his might nd punishment to the rebellious city. 334 Begn invsion of Asi Bttle #l GRANICUS RIVER (cvlry won the dy s the mighty Persins first tsted the Mcedonin militry might ' Alexnder visited Gordion, home of the Gordion knot nd slshed it open Bttle # Alexnder def-et king DARIUS il personlly t ISSUS ' cvlry outflnked the King's flnk nd Drius fled, leving the women whom Alexnder treted well - lsting impression upon Asins ' 332 besieged the seemingly unbesiegble city of TYRE offplestinin cost - new messge, no one cn be sfe from Alexnder's might ' conquered Egypt where he mde the most fmous visit to the orcle of AMMON - equivlent to Zeus so AMMON ZEUS where he received the news he ws the new ruler of Asi nd son of Zeus himself - founded Alexndri - one of scores of eponymous cities he would found Bttle #3 ' 33 t GAUGAMELA he defeted once nd for ll the rmy of Drius nd proclimed self the king of Asi - thus god in Asin eyes - Alexnder himself begn to believe ' 329 mrch into BACTRIA (Afghnistn) but ws unble to conquer the people nrj their guerill wrfre. Mrried ROXANE, Bctrin princess in32l. Mrched into Indi but the men finlly refused to go ny frther ' Alexnder hd intentions of glory beyond nything comprehensible nd mrches through Chin, but t Hyphssis river men would go no f-rther. Split rmy into three prts nd begn the mrch home Prt ) Through the hrsh Gerousi desert Prt 2) esier but bit longer route Prt 3) Siled westwrd looking for fvorbie settlement sites h, Alexnder ws prt of the desert mrchers but pressed on nd reched Persi in324 Now dropped ny pretense of ruling Greece s nything but king nd god Hd experienced the customs of reverence in the est nd cme to view self s son of Zeus C

12 (7 ' June I0,323 BC he died of fever nd hevy drinking - hd been depressed since deth of boyfriend Hephestion ' For the reminder of history to both ncients nd moderns ws the symbol ofthe wrrior hero. Empire ws split upon his deth to his min generls who begn dynsties l) Antigonus nd son Demetrius begn Antigonid dynsty in Mcedoni nd Greece 2) Seleucus begn Seleucid line in Syri nd Persi 3) Ptolemy begn dynsty in Egypt which would end with the deth of Cleoptr in 30 BC - Thus ending the HELLENISTIC PERIOD fter Alexnder's deth. Hd brought Greek culture, lnguge, civiliztion et l. to the ner est nd these influences would shpe the next few centuries,tu

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