Pyetjet e testit ekstern-gjuhë angleze

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1 Cila nga fjalët në vijim ka kuptimin e njësisë për kohën? Pyetjet e testit ekstern-gjuhë angleze Cila nga fjalët në vijim tregon vështirësi shëndetësore? Cila nga fjalët në vijim tregon dekorim për festë? Kur më dhemb barku them: Kur ora është tetë e pesëmbëdhjetë minuta, themi: Cila nga shenjat matematikore në vijim është shenjë e shumëzimit? Cila nga fjalët në vijim karakterizon fshatin? Cila nga fjalët në vijim është simbol feste? Cila nga fjalët në vijim është term që lidhet me komunikacionin? Përfundo fjalinë në vijim: Ben is winning the race, he is place. Përfundo fjalinë në vijim: Big cities usually have problem with. Përfundo fjalinë: I am sending her a on February 14th. Përfundo fjalinë: I love sunbathing in. Përfundo fjalinë: I can t hear you, I have. Cila nga fjalët në vijim është ndajfolje kohe? Cila nga fjalët në vijim është mbiemër përshkrues? Cila nga fjalët në vijim është emër i numërueshëm? Cila nga fjalët në vijim është numër kryesor (natyror)? Gjeje fjalën që tregon ndajfolje kohe? Cilën fjali do ta përdorësh për të treguar se dëshiron të lexosh libra? Me cilën shprehje do ta kishe filluar pyetjen: Sa miell të fus në tortë? Cilën fjali do ta përdorësh për të thënë se këtë mbrëmje do të shkruash detyrat e shtëpisë? Përgjigju pyetjes: Ku ndodhet posta?

2 Gjeje fjalën që tregon numër rendor. Cilën fjali do ta përdorësh për të thënë se do të bëhesh avokat? Me cilën shprehje do ta kishe filluar pyetjen: Sa libra ka në tavolinë? Pyetjes: Kur do të shkosh në pushim? I përgjigjeni me: Si do të pyesësh: Çka do të bësh këtë uikend? Si do të kishe dhënë urdhër? Si do të thuash se nesër shkon në kinema? Si do të thuash se mësimi është argëtues? Pyetjes: Ku është libri? Do t i përgjigjesh me: 1. Cila nga fjalitë në vijim ndërlidhet me kënaqësinë festive? Cila nga fjalët në vijim nënkupton njësi për kohën? Cila nga fjalët në vijim nënkupton ndotje? Përfundo fjalinë: I can t speak, I have a. Plotëso fjalinë: My dad keeps his in the bank. Përfundo fjalinë: I love skiing in the. Plotëso fjalinë: My friends and I are going to the to see the movie. Cila nga fjalët në vijim është emër i panumërueshëm? Për pyetjen: Ku ndodhet vetëshërbimi? Vijon përgjigja: Cilën fjali do ta përdorësh për të treguar se ke plane në mbrëmje? Me cilën shprehje do ta parashtroje pyetjen: Sa sanduiçë të marr për në piknik? Cila nga fjalët në vijim është ndajfolje vendi? Pyetjes: What are you doing tomorrow? Do t'i përgjigjesh me: Si do të pyesësh dikë a dëshiron një gotë me çaj? Pyetjes: Where is his house? Do t'i përgjigjesh me:

3 Pyetjes: What are you doing at the moment? Do t i përgjigjesh me: Si do t i përgjigjej pyetjes: What is your sister studying for? Pyetjes: What are you doing next weekend? do t i përgjigjesh me: Kur dëshirojmë të kërkojmë informatë për drejtim apo kahje, themi: Kur kërkojmë falje, themi: Cilën pyetje do ta parashtrojmë nëse dëshirojmë të kërkojmë numër telefoni? Kur dëshirojmë të falënderohemi, themi: Cila shprehje tregon ofertë? Kur huazojmë diçka me mirësjellje, themi: Si do ta pyesim dikë sa është ora? Kur dëshirojmë ta përshkruajmë qytetin në të cilin jetojmë, themi: Si do ta pyesësh shokun se si ndjehet? Kur dëshirojmë të ftojmë dikë në ditëlindje, themi: Kur dëshirojmë të shprehim kënaqësi për atë se kemi parë dikë, themi: Kur dëshirojmë të kemi informata për kohën e festës, pyesim: Kur dëshirojmë të pyesim dikë se si ndjehet, themi: Me cilën nga shprehjet në vijim mund të pyesësh: Ku është libri yt? Si do i kishe ofruar shokut tënd sanduiç? Si do të pyesësh ku ndodhet muzeu? Si do t i dëshirojmë dikujt pushim të këndshëm? Me cilën shprehje në vijim mund të pyesësh: Pse je kaq i mërzitur? Si do t i dëshirojmë dikujt uikend të këndshëm? Si do të kishe huazuar pallto me mirësjellje? Si do të thuash se vendi yt i preferuar është Mavrova?

4 Si do ta pyesësh shokun "Si vjen në shkollë"? Si do të jepje informatë për vendndodhjen e hotelit? Me cilën shprehje mund të pyesësh si bëhet torta? Me cilën fjali mund të pyesësh ku do të shkosh këtë uikend? Si do u kishe ofruar me mirësjellje mysafirëve kafe dhe ëmbëlsirë? Me cilën nga fjalët e mëposhtme do të thuash se nuk ndjehesh mirë? Me cilat nga pyetjet në vijim do të pyesësh cila është lënda jote e preferuar? Si do të pyesësh se ku ndodhet plazhi? Si do të thuash se në qytetin tënd ka reshje shiu në vjeshtë? Cila prej fjalive ka kuptimin e shprehisë në shtëpi? Si do t i përgjigjesh pyetjes How about going to the cinema tonight? Si do t i përgjigjesh pyetjes: How many hours a day do you watch TV? Si do t i përgjigjesh pyetjes: What would you like to drink? Si do t i përgjigjesh pyetjes: Where do you do your homework? Si do t i përgjigjesh pyetjes: What is your favorite sport? Si do t i përgjigjesh pyetjes: When is your birthday? Si do t i përgjigjesh pyetjes: How do you go to school? Përfundo fjalinë: Lucciano Pavaroti is a great singer,? Si do të thuash se ora është 7 e 30 minuta? Si do t i përgjigjesh pyetjes: Who are you waiting for? Plotëso fjalinë: What do this weekend? Si do t i përgjigjesh fjalisë: What are you going to do on your summer holiday? Plotëso fjalinë me shprehjen adekuate: Sarah doesn t know. Përfundo fjalinë: The Lakers are a great basketball team,?

5 Si do t i përgjigjesh pyetjes: What are you? physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Çka blejnë fëmijët kur dëshirojnë zëmër (meze të lehtë) përderisa ndodhen në shkollë? physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Çfarë ushqimi blejnë fëmijët përderisa ndodhen në shkollë? fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Çka i pëlqen autorit të tekstit? Sarah isn t feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup, hoping she feels better. Sarah still isn t feeling well. Then she starts feeling headache. Her mother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature. Sarah s mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentine s. Sarah s friends from school are bringing her many Valentine s Cards after school. Kush nuk ndjehet mirë? Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad andcupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I don t have to goto school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I don t get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. Çka mbajnë veshur njerëzit për Natën e shtrigave? Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I don t have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I don t get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. Çka shpreson autori të fitojë për këtë Krishtlindje? Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad andcupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I don t have to goto school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I don t get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. Çka bën gjyshja për Pashkët? Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad andcupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear mask-costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I don t have to goto school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I don t get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too. Për cilën festë autori nuk shkon në shkollë?

6 Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoil s fortress, one of Ohrid s cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There aren t any tourists. Ku ndodhet qyteti i Ohrit? Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoil s fortress, one of Ohrid s cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There aren t any tourists. Ku jetojnë një numër i vogël i njerëzve? Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoil s fortress, one of Ohrid s cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There aren t any tourists. Kush vjen për ta vizituar qytetin gjatë verës? Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoil s fortress, one of Ohrid s cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There aren t any tourists. Cilin monument kulturor më së shumti e vizitojnë turistët në Ohër? Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoil s fortress, one of Ohrid s cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There aren t any tourists. Ku gjendet Kalaja e Samoilit në Ohër? Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoil s fortress, one of Ohrid s cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There aren t any tourists. Si duket Ohri në dimër? physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Si ndikon ushqimi jo i shëndetshëm te fëmijët? physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!

7 Çka do të ishte më së miri të hanë fëmijët në vend të ushqimit jo të shëndetshëm? physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Çka është më së miri të pihet në vend të coca-colës? physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Për çka nuk janë të përgatitur fëmijët nëse konsumojnë ushqim jo të shëndetshëm? physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it would be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Çfarë sanduiçi dëshiron më së shumti autori i tekstit? My friend Burim lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area. He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always having a cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city is polluted. That is why Burim is visiting us in the village every weekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves running and playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, and we both love basketball and at the same time we both dislike math at school. Burim loves when it s time for breakfast. He loves the scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is very happy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. This weekend is special. Burim s parents are taking me to the city to see the animals in the Zoo. Burim is a great friend. Si duket Burimi? My friend Burim lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area. He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always having a cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city is polluted. That is why Burim is visiting us in the village every weekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves running and playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, and we both love basketball and at the same time we both dislike math at school. Burim loves when it s time for breakfast. He loves the scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is very happy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. This weekend is special. Burim s parents are taking me to the city to see the animals in the Zoo. Burim is a great friend. Çka thotë nëna e autorit për shkakun se Burimi vazhdimisht është i sëmurë? My friend Burim lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area. He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always having a cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city is polluted. That is why Burim is visiting us in the village every weekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves running and playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, and we both love basketball and at the same time we both dislike math at school. Burimloves when it s time for breakfast. He loves the scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is very happy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. This weekend is special. Burim s parents are taking me to the city to see the animals in the Zoo. Burim is a great friend. Cili është ushqimi i preferuar i Burimit kur vjen në fshat? Usually, I wake up at 6 o clock to exercise. My sister thinks I am crazy because she wakes up at 10 o clock. I don t understand her. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time in front of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. I like playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong, and I have energy to study more. My sister is always complaining how she doesn t have time to exercise. That is not true. She doesn t have time to exercise because she speaks on the phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decided to take her phone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer for more than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then she joined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy, athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looks better and more fit now than before. Si e kalon kohën motra e autorit? Usually, I wake up at 6 o clock to exercise. My sister thinks I am crazy because she wakes up at 10 o clock. I don t understand her. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time in front of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. I like playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong, and I have energy to study more. My sister is always complaining how she doesn t have time to exercise. That is not true. She doesn t have time to exercise because she speaks on the phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decided to take her phone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer for more than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then she joined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy, athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looks better and more fit now than before. Çka kanë vendosur të bëjnë prindërit?

8 Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoil s fortress, one of Ohrid s cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There aren t any tourists. Si duhet vepruar turistët për të arritur te Kalaja e Samoilit? Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoil s fortress, one of Ohrid s cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There aren t any tourists. Çka bën familja e autorit për çdo dimër? Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It is a city by the lake Ohrid. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoil s fortress, one of Ohrid s cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There aren t any tourists. Pse autori i tekstit për çdo dimër shkon në Ohër? Cila nga fjalët në vijim lidhet me fshatin? Cila nga fjalët në vijim është emër i numërueshëm? Gjeje fjalën që tregon ndajfolje vendi. Cilën fjali do ta përdorësh për të thënë se të pëlqen të luash basketboll? Me cilën shprehje do ta kishe filluar fjalinë: Sa lapsa ke në çantën tënde të shkollës? Si do të përgjigjesh në pyetjen vijuese. What are you doing this Friday? Kur dëshirojmë të pyesim sa është ora, themi: Kur dëshirojmë uikend të këndshëm, themi: Me cilën shprehje nga të përmendurat më poshtë mund të pyesësh: Cilat janë xhinset e tij? Si do i kishe ofruar shoqes tënde sanduiç? Me cilën nga shprehjet e përmendura më poshtë, mund të pyesësh: Cila është kënga jote e preferuar? Si do të thuash se ora është 9?

9 Si do ta pyetësh shoqen tënde pse është e mërzitur? Si do ta kishe pyetur shokun se cili është numri i telefonit të tij? My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Kush është shumë i zënë për festën e Pashkëve? My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Cila është festa e Elizabetës? My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Me çka është e mbushur shporta? Artan`s father is a very healthy man. He eats healthy food every day. His favorite food are vegetables. He likes carrots very much. Babai i Artanit pëlqen: My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Kush dëshiron vezë të gjelbra për festën e pashkëve? My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Çfarë vezësh dëshiron nëna e Elizabetës? My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Çka ka në shportë? Artan lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, Çka ndodhet afër lumit Vardar? Cila prej këtyre fjalëve nënkupton mëngjes? Cila prej këtyre fjalëve është emër i numërueshëm? Cila prej këtyre fjalëve NUK është ndajfolje vendi? Cili prej këtyre emrave është në shumës? Karaktersitikë e muzeut është: Cila prej këtyre fjalëve është karakteristikë e qytetit? Cila prej këtyre fjalëve është shenjë matematikore? Cila prej këtyre fjalëve nënkupton shenjë komunikacioni? Kur më dhemb koka themi:

10 Kur ora është shtatë e pesëmbëdhjetë minuta themi: Cila prej këtyre shenjave të theksuara matematikore është shenjë për barabarësi? Cila prej këtyre fjalëve është pjesë e ditës? Karakteristikë e qytetit është: Kur dëshirojmë të dërgojmë letër, ne shkojmë në... Shprehja dhjetë e katërdhjetë e pesë është: Çka vijon në përgjigjen vijuese: For Christmas we usually buy.. Cila prej këtyre fjalëve është emër i panumërueshëm? Cila prej këtyre fjalëve është ndajfolje vendi? Cila prej këtyre fjalëve është ndajfolje kohe? Gjeje fjalën që nënkupton ndajfolje kohe. Cilën fjali do ta përdorësh që të tregosh se mundesh të luash futboll? Me cilën shprehje do ta kishe filluar pyetjen: Sa qumësht të fus në gotë? Cilën fjali do ta përdorësh që të tregosh se do të luash lojë këtë mbrëmje? Cili prej këtyre emrave është emër i panumërueshëm? Në pyetjen: Ku ulet shoqja yte Belinda?, vijon përgjigja: Cilën fjali do ta përdorësh që të tregosh se do të bëhesh polic? Në pyetjen: What are you going to be? do të përgjigjesh me: Si do të përgjigjesh në pyetjen vijuese: What are you doing this Sunday?

11 Në pyetjen: What are you doing next weekend? do të përgjigjesh me: Si do të përgjigjesh në pyetjen vijuese: Would you like to go to the zoo? Në pyetjen: What are you doing at the moment? do të përgjigjesh me: Si do të përgjigjesh në pyetjen vijuese: What are you doing this evening? Kur dëshirojmë të kërkojmë informata për drejtimin themi: Kur kërkojmë falje themi: Cila pyetje është pyetje për numër telefonik? Kur dëshirojmë të falënderojmë themi: Cila pyetje tregon ofertë? Me cilën shprehje mund të pyesësh: Cila është fletorja jote? Si do i kishe ofruar shokut tënd lëng? Me cilën prej këtyre shprehjeve mund të pyesësh: Cili është libri yt i preferuar? Si do të pyesësh se ku është banka? Si do t'i dëshirojmë dikujt pushim të këndshëm? Me cilën shprehje mund të pyesësh: Pse je aq i pikëlluar? Si do të lutesh me mençuri të kërkosh gomën? Si do të thuash se ke orë për muzikë secilën të martë? Si do ta pyesësh shokun tënd se pse është shumë i gëzuar? Si do të shprehësh kokëdhembjen?

12 Si do ta përshkruash qytetin? Si do t'i përgjigjesh pyetjes prej nga je? Si do ta pyesësh shokun tënd se kur shkon në shkollë? My sister Monica likes Christmas very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Christmas with the Christmas cake. I like Christmas cake. My sister Monica likes the chocolates. My mother likes Christmas chocolates, too. We have a table with cakes, chocolates and meat. Kush i pëlqen shumë Krishtlindjet? Arta lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, Ku jeton Ana? Arta lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, Cili lum rrjedh në mes të Shkupit? Jill lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets. She takes a bus to school every day. There are two traffic lights on her way to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a traffic policeman on the crossroad. Ku jeton Xhilli? Jill lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets. She takes a bus to school every day. There are two traffic lights on her way to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a traffic policeman on the crossroad. Sa semaforë ka rrugës për në shkollë? My sister Monica likes Christmas very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Christmas with the Christmas cake. I like Christmas cake. My sister Monica likes the chocolates. My mother likes Christmas chocolates, too. We have a table with cakes, chocolates and meat. Kush dëshiron çokollatë? My sister Monica likes Christmas very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Christmas with the Christmas cake. I like Christmas cake. My sister Monica likes the chocolates. My mother likes Christmas chocolates, too. We have a table with cakes, chocolates and meat. Cila është festa e preferuar e Monikës? My sister Monica likes Christmas very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Christmas with the Christmas cake. I like Christmas cake. My sister Monica likes the chocolates. My mother likes Christmas chocolates, too. We have a table with cakes, chocolates and meat. Me çka është e mbushur tavolina? Arta lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, Çka është: noisy city? Arta lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, Sa kopshte zoologjike ka në Shkup? Arta lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, Sa lloje të kafshëve shtëpiake ka në kopshtin zoologjik? Arta lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, Ku është kopshti zoologjik? Jill lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets. She takes a bus to school every day. There are two traffic lights on her way to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a traffic policeman on the crossroad. Si shkon Xhill në shkollë?

13 Adam`s mother is a very healthy woman. She eats healthy food every day. Her favorite food are vegetables. She likes potatoes very much. Çka nënkupton: healthy woman? Adam`s mother is a very healthy woman. She eats healthy food every day. Her favorite food are vegetables. She likes potatoes very much. Nëna e Adamit pëlqen: Julie isn t feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup, hoping she feels better. Julie still isn t feeling well. Then she gets a stomachache. Her mother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Julie has high temperature. Julie s mother insists she sees a doctor. Julie thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentine s. Five friends from school are bringing her Valentine s Cards after school. Çka ka zbuluar nëna e Xhulit pasi që e ka matur temperaturën? Julie isn t feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup, hoping she feels better. Julie still isn t feeling well. Then she gets a stomachache. Her mother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Julie has high temperature. Julie s mother insists she sees a doctor. Julie thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentine s. Five friends from school are bringing her Valentine s Cards after school. Çka i ka dhënë nëna e Xhulit që të ndjehet më mirë Xhuli? Përfundo fjalinë vijuese: There is a lot of money... Julie isn t feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup, hoping she feels better. Julie still isn t feeling well. Then she gets a stomachache. Her mother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Julie has high temperature. Julie s mother insists she sees a doctor. Julie thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentine s. Five friends from school are bringing her Valentine s Cards after school. Çka ka filluar të ndodhë kur është ngritur ajo? Jill lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets. She takes a bus to school every day. There are two traffic lights on her way to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a traffic policeman on the crossroad. Kur ka polic komunikacioni në udhëkryq? My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. Kush dëshiron vezë të kuqe për Pashkët? Kur është gjashtë e tridhjetë minuta, themi: Cila nga fjalët e dhëna simbolizon (është shenjë e) qytetin?

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