Walking along the Avenue summer Airport City Belgrade newsletter

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1 01 Walking along the Avenue summer 2013 I ask myself what is that magical ingredient or little special something that makes our Avenue so very different from other places in our surroundings. Beautiful landscapes, tidiness, meticulously selected details and the maintenance of our park and exterior, our flowers or something else? All of that, but even more importantly is the good energy and positive attitude of you guys who spend your working days here and enrich this space. This place is characterized by sophisticated and courteous communication, by smiles seen everywhere and the appealing, hectic and successful business atmosphere plus that little something special we endeavour to add to your summer: a touch of music and a few interesting pictures. Because of that we placed our summer activities for this year under a special protective umbrella that ensures the best mood for you, partly inspired by the rainy weather that summer began with, but more because we are convinced that our good energy and efforts are the best protection against all bad influences and provide that little something that will inspire you to smile. Pitam se šta je to ono nešto ili magični dodatak koji čini našu Aveniju tako različitom od okoline? Uredjenost, lepota okoline, pažnja s kojom su birani detalji ili održavanje celokupnog ambijenta i eksterijera; naše cveće ili..? Sve to, ali još važnije od toga, dobra energija i raspoloženje ljudi koji ovde provode svoj radni dan. Atmosfera pristojne i ljubazne komunikacije, osmesi koje jako lako možete videti, privlačna užurbanost zaposlenog sveta... i ono nešto malo što se trudimo da dodamo letu: malo muzike i poneka zanimljiva slika. Zbog toga smo ovogodišnje letnje aktivnosti smestili pod kišobran koji vam obezbedjuje najbolje raspoloženje, malo inspirisani kišom kojom je leto započelo ali još više ubedjeni da naša dobra energija i trud jesu najbolja zaštita od svih loših uticaja i obezbeđuju baš ono nešto malo što će izmamiti vaš osmeh.

2 02 03 > SERBIA IN STATISTICS According to the last census, the number of people without any education in Serbia has practically halved compared to the previous 2002 census and totals 164,884 citizens, or 2.68 per cent of the population, as announced at a recent press conference by the Director of the Statistical Office (RSO), Dragan Vukmirović, while presenting part of the 2011 census that relates to school education, literacy and computer education. Analysis shows that there is still a high percentage of the population without completed primary education, which is 11 per cent among the population aged 15 and over, or citizens, but that s a better result than 2002, when over a million citizens were registered as having not completed primary education (16.18 per cent). The percentage of people with higher education is similar to the percentage of the population without complete primary school, because the highly educated participated with per cent of the Serbian population aged over 15. Some 5.65 per cent of the population of Serbia has completed higher education, while secondary school education among the population accounted for just over Editor s word Considering your very positive feedback on our music break programme that we organized last year, we have decided to do it again. Enjoy music on the Avenue during your lunch break and if you happen to have any idea on how to contribute to BMP/best mood provider and organize some activity, please don t hesitate to contact me your initiative would be more than welcome! We have also created space for you to organize exhibitions on subjects of interest, regarding your CSR programmes or other activities you might want to share with others as well. The pages of What s up are also available to you, so if there is an activity you would like to share, please invite us and we will gladly compile a report or write about your thinking on the subjects we have covered so far or new ones I am very open to all of your suggestions. Wishing you a beautiful summer ahead, wonderful weather and that you may have that special BMP which improves our atmosphere here in all other spheres of your life as well! Sincerely yours Marina Deleon Communication Advisor deleonm@eunet.rs Education in Serbia: where are we according to current statistics? three million people, or per cent. The percentage of highly educated reached a double-digit figure after decades of stagnation in just the last ten years, when a lot of private high schools, colleges and universities opened, of which, unfortunately, only a few have credibility, which raises the question of the validity of such diplomas, which is again a matter for deeper analysis, announced Vukmirović. The fact remains, however, that with its 6.5 per cent of college-educated citizens according to the 2002 census and more than 90 per cent of people registered with the Employment Bureau having no college education, Serbia was until recently not only the worst in Europe, but rather because of the lack of educational policy and missed opportunities for reform was a long way from meeting European standards and is at the bottom of the list in the region. Region In Slovenia more than 22 per cent have completed higher education, in Croatia there is at least 15 percent and in Macedonia 7.3%. Statistics for Bosnia & Herzegovina V Rec urednika Imajući u vidu vaše veoma povoljne reakcije na muzički program koji smo organizovali prošle godine rešili smo da to nastavimo i ovog leta. Dakle, uživajte uz muziku u pauzi za ručak i ukoliko imate neku ideju kako da se uključite ili organizujete nešto što bi moglo da se uklopi u BMP (best mood provider) slobodno se javite. Otvorili smo prostor takođe i za vaše eventualne inicijative da organizujete izložbu na teme koje su vama interesantne, o vašim SRP ili drugim aktivnostima za koje verujete da je vredno da ih podelite s drugima. What s up-ove stranice vam takođe stoje na raspolaganju: ukoliko biste želeli da dođemo kod vas i zabeležimo vaše pozitivne aktivnosti ili možda neko drugačije razmišljanje na teme koje smo do sada pratili - svi vaši predlozi su dobrodošli. Želim vam jedno lepo leto, divno vreme i da se ovaj naš BMP koji čini atmosferu u ACB-u posebnom prenese i na sve druge prostore u vašim životima... Iskreno vaša Marina Deleon Communication Advisor deleonm@eunet.rs are not precise, but experts say that they are also at the bottom of the European list. Europe The list of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) from 2007, fortunately, does not include Serbia. The worst ranked in terms of higher education is Turkey with 10.8 per cent, while the best are in the Scandinavian and Benelux countries, where the average ranges from 30 to 36.4 per cent. In Serbia, however, according to the 2002 census, around 4.5 per cent of the population have completed two years of higher school or the first year of university. They are considered highly educated in our country, but according to European standards do not fall into that group. European Union By 2020 all EU countries will have to have at least 40 per cent of their population classed as highly educated. OECD statistics record that the average percentage of college educated citizens in the EU in 2007 amounted to about 25 per cent, while it is considered normal that a developed country should have at least 20 per cent of university graduates. At the same time, as many as 85 per cent of highly educated EU citizens who are aged under 40 are employed, while that rate reaches up to 91 per cent in Romania, Slovenia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Norway. In addition to that, the unemployment rate is typically drastically lower in the group of highly educated citizens than in other groups. World: Top ten At the end of 2012 the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) compiled its latest list of the most educated nations in which Canada excels as the only country in the world where 51 per cent of adults have a university degree, which is the result of OECD research. In second place is Israel with 46 per cent of its population highly educated, followed by Japan with 45 per cent, the U.S. has 42 per cent, New Zealand 41 per cent, South Korea 40 per cent and the seventh, eighth and ninth positions are occupied by three countries with 38 per cent of highly educated: the UK, Finland and Australia, while in tenth place is Ireland, with 37 per cent of its population having graduated from university. The surprise on this list is Finland, which is only ranked eighth place, but is surprising by the fact that in this country as many as 97.6 per cent of students are educated at the public s expense. In terms of the number of university graduates, the fastest annual progress is shown by Ireland, while Australia has the most foreign students (21.2 per cent) and in the UK the number of those who are educated by private institutions has increased dramatically (from 14 to 31.2 per cent). Analysis shows a very high correlation between investments in education and the percentage of highly educated people, which is why Canada is investing 6.1 per cent of its gross domestic product (GDP) in education, Israel 7.2 per cent, Japan 6.8 per cent, the U.S. 9.9 per cent, South Korea 8 per cent and Finland 6.7 per cent, while no information about state investments in this area is available for the other countries on the list. Serbia and the world Where does Serbia appear in these figures? While the EU average for education sees investments of more than six per cent of GDP, in Serbia it is just over three per cent, with the aim of reaching the magic figure of developed countries in Europe by The percentage of highly educated in the general population is low, at 10.5 per cent, while we have additional remarks in public, i.e. why do we need such a large number of college-educated people? It is true that this percentage must be higher, but also that they must be able to secure employment. We must have jobs that require a higher education. But even if there aren t such jobs, it is good for the country for the percentage of university graduates to still be as high as possible, as they carry political pressure not only on the government, but also on society as a whole, creating pressure for the development of democracy and the overall success of the state. Otherwise Serbia would remain on the periphery of Europe, with weak competitiveness, low attractiveness for investment, subject to further outward migration of talented and creative individuals, considers one of the creators of Serbia s Strategy for the Development of Education, Professor Vlastimir Matejić. Strategy for the development of education This strategy envisages the allocation of six per cent of GDP for higher education in order to achieve a level of 38.5 per cent of the population being highly educated young people aged 30 to 34 by the year According to the authors assessments, it is valid and enforceable and whether or not it will be implemented is all a matter of political will, not only of the Parliament, but also of society. They state that Serbia s percentages by 2020 would fit into the projection of the European Union, which designated that by then 40 per cent of young people aged 30 to 34 should have higher education qualifications. The strategy plans for primary school to have been completed by at least 93 per cent of each generation and that at least 95 per cent of those who have completed primary school be enrolled in some secondary school and that high school be completed by a minimum of 95 per cent of those enrolled, while at least 50 per cent of each generation should enrol in higher education institutions. It is also proposed that 10 per cent of students who graduate master studies continue with their studies at Ph.D. level and that at least 200 doctoral students per year per million citizens complete their studies within the set deadline. Prema poslednjem popisu stanovništva obrađen broj osoba bez školske spreme u Srbiji se praktično prepolovio u odnosu na prethodni popis iz godine, i iznosi građana ili 2,68 odsto stanovništva, naveo je na nedavnoj konferenciji za novinare direktor Republičkog zavoda za statistiku (RZS) Dragan Vukmirović predstavljajući deo popisa iz koji se odnosi na školsku spremu, pismenost i kompjutersku spremu. Analize pokazuju da je i dalje visok procenat stanovništva sa nepotpunim osnovnim obrazovanjem kojih je 11 odsto među stanovništvom starim 15 i više godina, odnosno građana, što je bolji rezultat nego godine kada je registrovano preko milion stanovnika sa nepotpunim osnovnim obrazovanjem (16,18 odsto). Procenat osoba sa visokim obrazovanjem je sličan procentu stanovništva bez kompletne osnovne škole jer visokoobrazovani učestvuju sa 10,59 u stanovništvu Srbije starijem od 15 godina. Završeno više obrazovanje ima 5,65 odsto stanovnika Srbije, a srednjoškolsko obrazovanje populacija koju čini nešto preko tri miliona stanovnika ili 48,93 odsto. Procenat visokoobrazovanih stigao je do dvocifrenog broja posle više decenija stagnacije tek u poslednjih deset godina kada se otvorilo mnogo privatnih visokih škola, fakulteta i univerziteta od kojih nažalost malo ima kredibilitet, pa se postavlja pitanje validnosti takvih diploma, što je opet pitanje za dublju analizu, naveo je Vukmirović. Činjenica je međutim da je Srbija sa svojih 6,5 odsto fakultetski obrazovanih građana prema popisu stanovništva iz godine i više od 90 procenata ljudi na Birou za zapošljavanje koji nemaju fakultet, do skoro bila ne samo najgora u Evropi, već je zbog loše obrazovne politike i propuštenih šansi za reforme, veoma daleko od ispunjenja evropskog standarda, a i u regionu je na dnu liste. Region U Sloveniji ima više od 22 odsto visokoobrazovanih, u Hrvatskoj ih je najmanje 15 odsto, u Makedoniji 7,3%. Podaci za BiH nisu precizni, ali stručnjaci napominju da se i oni nalaze na evropskom dnu. Evropa Na listi Organizacije za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (OECD) iz 2007 sva sreća nema Srbije. Najlošije se po visokom obrazovanju kotira Turska sa 10,8 procenata, a najbolje je u skandinavskim i zemljama Beneluksa, gde se prosek kreće od 30 do 36,4 odsto. U Srbiji, doduše prema popisu iz 2002, postoji i još oko 4,5 odsto građana koji su završili dvogodišnje više škole ili prvu godinu fakulteta. Oni se u našoj zemlji smatraju visokoobrazovanima, ali po evropskim standardima ne spadaju u tu grupu. Evropska Unija Do godine sve zemlje EU moraće da imaju najmanje 40 odsto visokoobrazovanog stanovništva. Podaci OECD-a beleže da je prosečan procenat fakultetskih obrazovanih u EU iznosio oko 25 odsto, a smatra se da normalno razvijena zemlja treba da ima najmanje 20 odsto visokoobrazovanih. U isto vreme čak 85 odsto visokoobrazovanih stanovnika EU koji su ispod 40 godina starosti je zaposleno, a stopa ide i do 91 odsto u Rumuniji, Sloveniji, Litvaniji, Holandiji, Norveškoj. Uz to, stopa nezaposlenosti je po pravilu drastično manja u grupi visokoobrazovanih nego u drugim grupama. Svet: Top deset Organizacije za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (OECD) je krajem godine sastavila je najnoviju listu najobrazovanijih nacija na kojoj prednjači Kanada kao jedina zemlja na svetu u kojoj 51 odsto odraslih ima univerzitetsku diplomu, rezultat je istarživanja OECD. Na drugom mestu je Izrael sa 46 odsto visokobrazovanih građana, zatim Japan sa 45 odsto, SAD imaju 42 odsto, Novi Zeland 41 odsto Južna Koreja 40 odsto, a sedmo, osmo i deveto mesto zauzimaju tri države sa po 38 odsto visokoobrazovanih: Velika Britanija, Finska i Australija, dok je na desetom mestu Irska sa 37 procenata fakultetskih diploma. Iznenađenje na ovoj listi je Finska, koja je tek na osmom mestu, ali je iznenađujući i podatak da se u ovoj zemlji čak 97,6 odsto studenata školuje o trošku države. Po broju fakultetski obrazovanih, najbrži godišnji napredak pokazuje Irska, Australija ima najviše stranih studenata (21,2 odsto), a u Velikoj Britaniji je dramatično porastao broj onih koji se školuju u privatnoj režiji (sa 14 na 31,2 odsto). Analize pokazuju veoma visoku korelaciju između ulaganja u obrazovanje i procenta visokoobrazovanih ljudi, pa tako Kanada u obrazovanje ulaže 6,1 odsto bruto društvenog proizvoda (BDP), Izrael 7,2 odsto, Japan 6,8 odsto, SAD 9,9 odsto, Južna Koreja 8 odsto, a Finska 6,7 odsto, dok za ostale zemlje na listi nema podataka o ulaganjima države u ovu oblast. Srbija i svet Gde je u ovim brojkama Srbija? Dok zemlje EU u proseku u obrazovanje ulažu više od šest odsto BDP-a, u Srbiji je to tek nešto više od tri odsto, sa ciljem da se do dostigne magična cifra razvijenih zemalja Evrope. Učešće visokoobrazovanih u opštoj populaciji je nisko, 10,5 odsto, a i pored toga imamo primedbe u javnosti šta će nam tako veliki broj fakultetski obrazovanih. Tačno je da taj procenat mora da bude viši, ali i da se oni mogu zaposliti, moramo imati radna mesta koja traže visoko obrazovanje. Ali i u slučaju da ih nemate, za jednu državu je dobro da procenat fakultetski obrazovanih ipak bude što viši, jer oni nose politički pritisak ne samo na vladu nego i na društvo u celini, pritisak za razvoj demokratije, opšti uspeh države. U suprotnom, Srbija bi ostala na evropskoj periferiji, slabo konkurentna, malo privlačna za investiranje, izložena daljoj emigraciji talentovanih i kreativnih smatra jedan od kreatora Strategije razvoja obrazovanja Srbije, profesor Vlastimir Matejić. Strategija razvoja obrazovanja Ova strategija predviđa izdvajanje šest odsto BDP-a za visokoškolstvo kako bi se dostiglo 38,5 odsto visokoobrazovanih u populaciji mladih od 30 do 34 godine do godine ona je kako ocenjuju autori valjana i sprovodljiva i a da li će biti realizovana je sve stvar političke volje ne samo parlamenta već i društva. i navode da se Srbija u svojim procenama do godine uklopila u projekciju Evropske unije, koja je odredila da do tada 40 odsto mladih od 30 do 34 godine ima visoko obrazovanje. Strategijom se planira da osnovnu školu završava najmanje 93 odsto generacije, a da minimalno 95 odsto onih koji su završili osnovnu školu, upisuje neku od srednjih škola; zatim da gimnazije završava minimalno 95 odsto upisanih, a da institucije visokog obrazovanja upisuje najmanje 50 odsto generacije. Predlog je i da najmanje 10 odsto studenata koji završe master akademske studije, nastavi studiranje na doktorskim studijama i da godišnje najmanje 200 doktoranata na milion stanovnika završi studije u predviđenom roku. Ljiljana Lukić > SRBIJA U SVETLU STATISTIKE

3 04 05 > PEOPLE TALK Airport City big classrooms for big companies Vera Uskoković, Telenor I believe in state universities I believe in the quality of state universities in Serbia and I support the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade, which provided me with a decent education so I could begin building my career. Companies select people with a certain education, knowledge and skills. I don t think it is crucial for a person to have a university degree, but they must have some knowledge. Knowledge of foreign languages is now a necessary prerequisite, for example, communication within Telenor is in English, not exclusively, but part of everyday communication is in English. Through university a person also learns how to learn. And then you also learn the job and succeed in the same way as you learned in college. Formal education is important in this sense, but not in the sense that it is necessary to have a certain level of education in order to advance. For advancement it is most important to be very good at your job and for you to be interested in other things - to be versatile. Within Telenor we have a development plan, there are various courses and ways to advance, but that is mostly an effort that everyone does for themselves. A person should learn every day. That s also how our profession is. Information technology advances every day and you have to keep up to date. Acquiring a master s or a Ph.D. is certainly good and is a form of progress and development, but I don t think it s crucial. Otherwise in this company everyone at work is completely equal at the starting position: there are no benefits or limitations. If you have the appropriate knowledge and skills for the right position you will be accepted. Of course, when you successfully pass the system checks of what you know and are capable of. Vera Uskoković, Telenor Verujem u državne fakultete Ja verujem u kvalitet državnih fakulteta u Srbiji i podržavam Matematički fakultet u Beogradu koji mi je dao pristojno obrazovanje da mogu da počnem da gradim svoju karijeru. Kompanije biraju ljude sa određenim obrazovanjem, znanjem i veštinama. Mislim da nije presudno da čovek ima završen fakultet, ali mora da ima određeno znanje. Znanje stranih jezika je danas neophodan uslov; npr komunikacija u Telenoru je na engleskom, ne isključivo, ali je deo komunikacije na engleskom. Kroz fakultet čovek nauči i da uči. I onda i posao učite i osvajate na sličan način kao što ste učili na fakultetu. U tom smislu je formalno obrazovanje značajno. Ali nije u onom smislu da je neophodno da imate neki odredjeni stepen obrazovanja da biste napredovali. Za napredak je najvažnije da budete veoma dobri u svom poslu ali i da vas interesuju i neke druge stvari da budete svestrani. U okviru Telenora imamo razvojni plan, postoje raznorazni kursevi i načini da napredujete, ali je to napor koji svako čini prvenstveno za sebe. Čovek treba svakodnevno da uči. Takva nam je i profesija. Informacione tehnologije svakodnevno napreduju i morate da budete u toku. Steći master ili doktorirati je svakako dobro i to je jedan vid napretka i usavršavanja ali mislim da nije presudan. Inače u ovoj kompaniji su svi u poslu potpuno ravnopravni u startnoj poziciji: nema ni beneficija niti ograničenja. Ako imate odgovarajuće znanje i veštine za odgovarajuću poziciju bićete primljeni. Naravno kada uspešno prođete sistem provere onoga što znate i umete. Branko Bajić, Telenor Knowledge to the heavens I m an industrial manager. In the world of globalization we deal with projects of industrialization. I graduated from the University of Belgrade s Electro-technical Faculty and have an MBA in business from Ecole Central in Paris. That is one of the most prestigious schools in France and is actually a state university. The work I do is researching possible ways to unify costs and utilise experiences from other operations in a way that enables a large volume of business costs to be lowered and thereby improve the actual business process. I spent a year studying in France and, in addition to English, I also speak French well. When it comes to the importance of education, an Australian once told me that every day 400 people gain their Ph.Ds worldwide at public and private universities. So higher education is very important, it will be ever harder to secure a job and the scale, as you can see, has been raised to a very high level. And if you look at what is happening in the world of globalization you will see that a very large number of high quality people are coming from the East and from Asia. And they are conquering the world. In the countries of Western Europe and America there are growing numbers of Indians, Pakistanis and others who come from the Asian region as highly educated and highly motivated workers. Quite simply, we are unable to follow that human potential which they have in terms of education and experience. Education in this country is still based on an old theoretical basis and that s why the role of improving education, in terms of practical work and work with students on projects that bring some sort of value, should be very important to the future profiling of those staff members. The nature of my job means that I have to learn every day. And change myself. This is because, as the saying goes, the only constant in life is change. At least that s the case in this industry, which is rapidly changing and where it is necessary to learn every day and keep up to date with all innovations. As for the role of new technology, I am still a traditionalist: I like to read a good book. It is essential to build up basic communication with people and learn to recognize some things. I would say that through education we get part of the necessary skills, but some things are learned through experience. Interaction with people, which is essential in any business, really is something acquired through general education. You can select the best expert, but if he is unable to communicate with five other people then he s not even able to be a good team member, to advance and to really use his expertise. Branko Bajić, Telenor Znanjem do neba Ja sam industrijski menadžer. U svetu globalizacije mi se bavimo projektima industrijalizacije. Završio sam Elektrotehnički fakultet u Beogradu i imam MBA iz biznisa na Ecole Central u Parizu. To je jedna od najprestižnijih škola u Francuskoj, i inače to je državni fakultet. Posao koji radim je istraživanje na koji način je moguće unificirati troškove i koristiti se iskustvima iz drugih operacija tako da se velikim obimom poslovanja spuste troškovi i time unapredi sam poslovni proces. U Francuskoj sam proveo na školovanju godinu dana i pored engleskog govorim dobro francuski jezik. Što se tiče značaja obrazovanja jedan Australijanac mi je jednom rekao da svakog dana u svetu doktorira 400 ljudi na državnim i privatnim fakultetima. Tako da je visoko obrazovanje jako bitno, sve će teže biti doći do posla, a lestvica je kao što vidite podignuta na vrlo visok nivo. I ako pogledate šta se događa u svetu globalizacije videćete da jako veliki broj kvalitetnih ljudi dolazi sa Istoka i iz Azije. I oni osvajaju svet. U zemljama Zapadne Evrope i u Americi sve je veći broj Indijaca, Pakistanaca i ostalih koji dolaze sa azijskog područja kao vrlo visoko obrazovani i veoma motivisani. Jednostavno taj ljudski potencijal koji oni imaju mi nismo u stanju da ispratimo u pogledu obrazovanja i iskustva. Obrazovanje u ovoj zemlji je i dalje zasnovano na starim teorijskim osnovama i zato bi uloga unapređenja obrazovanja u smislu praktičnog rada i rada sa studentima na projektima koji donose neku vrednost trebalo da bude vrlo bitna u budućem profilisanju tih kadrova. Priroda mog posla je da moram da učim svaki dan. I da se menjam. Jer kako se kaže: jedina konstanta u životu je promena. Bar u ovoj industriji koja se jako brzo menja potrebno je da učite svakog dana i da budete u toku sa svim novinama. Što se tiče uloge novih tehnologija ja sam i dalje tradicionalista: volim da čitam dobru knjigu. Neophodno je izgraditi osnovnu komunikaciju sa ljudima i naučiti da prepoznaš neke stvari. Ja bih rekao da obrazovanjem dobijamo deo neophodnih veština, ali nešto se uči i iskustveno. Odnos prema ljudima koji je ključan u svakom poslu zapravo je nešto što se stiče opštim obrazovanjem.možete izabrati najboljeg stručnjaka ako nije u stanju da komunicira sa pet drugih ljudi onda nije u stanju ni da bude dobar u timu, da napreduje i da zaista iskoristi svoju stručnost. Bojan Mijatović, Sajka kredit (Agency for enforced payments) Master English first I am still a student, on a work placement. I am studying at the Higher Business School. From what I have seen and learned here it is necessary to have knowledge, or an education, but also skills. Language skills in the first place. At the company we don t communicate only in English, but without a good knowledge of English one cannot succeed. I m thinking to continue my education and go further. Some of our universities are really at the highest level in terms of the knowledge and skills they provide their students and the opportunities they open up for them to find work and advance career wise. In that respect I would single out the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON). Companies seek discipline at work, certain behaviour and constant progress, but also expertise - which is true even for those of us who are on student placements. Bojan Mijatović, Sajka kredit ( Agencija za prinudnu naplatu) (Na)učiti prvo engleski Ja sam još uvek student i ovde sam na praksi. Studiram Visoku poslovnu školu. Iz ovoga što sam ovde video i naučio potrebno je i znanje, odnosno obrazovanje ali i veštine. Jezici na prvom mestu. Ne komunicira se u kompaniji samo na engleskom, ali bez dobrog znanja engleskog se ne može. Mislim da nastavim obrazovanje i da idem dalje. Neki naši fakulteti su zaista na najvišem nivou po znanju i veštinama koje pružaju svojim studentima i po šansama koje im otvaraju za pronalaženje posla i napredak u karijeri.u tom smislu izdvojio bih Fakultet organizacionih nauka (FON). Ozbiljne Kompanije traže disciplinu u radu, ponašanju i stalnom napredovanju, ali i stručnost - što važi čak i za nas koji smo na praksi. Dušan Tripković, CBRD Strong universities and good conditions Today education is extremely necessary, because without it there is no advancement. At the company we generally employ highly educated personnel. I am a graduate manager. In my field of business the education that is gained in Serbia is a good foundation. As far as language is concerned, English is expected, while every additional language is welcome. At Airport City the average education level of the people who are hired and those who are already working here is a lot higher than normal. But an important factor is also the fact that the conditions are good here, or rather much better than at other places. Most companies that operate here place great emphasis on constant training, because education is a continuous process. At our company we constantly have courses and seminars for employees, care is taken of every aspect of the job. For each newly hired employee special training is organized and appropriate programmes are made. Today the situation with regard to employment and job creation is generally difficult, so it just seems that here there are many highly educated people, but in fact that is a consequence of the great lack of quality jobs. Dušan Tripković, CBRD Jaki fakulteti i dobri uslovi Danas je izuzetno potrebno kvalitetno obrazovanje jer bez toga nema napretka. U kompaniji zapošljavamo uglavnom visokoobrazovane kadrove. Ja sam diplomirani menadžer. U mojoj oblasti posla obrazovanje koje se dobije u Srbiji je dobra osnova. Što se jezika tiče engleski se podrazumeva, a svaki dodatni je dobrodošao. U Airport City-ju je prosek obrazovanja ljudi koji se zapošljavaju i onih koji već rade mnogo viši od prosečnog. Ali je važan faktor i to što su uslovi mnogo bolji, odnosno mnogo bolji nego na drugim mestima. Kompanije koje ovde rade većinom mnogo polažu na stalno usavršavanje jer je obrazovanje kontinuirani proces. U našoj kompaniji stalno imamo kurseve i seminare za zaposlene, vodi se računa o svakom segmentu posla. Za svakog novozaposlenog se organizuje posebna obuka i pravi odgovarajući program. Danas je situacija što se tiče zapošljavanja i otvaranja novih radnih mesta generalno teška, pa se samo čini da kod nas ima mnogo visokoobrazovanih kadrova, ali u stvari je to posledica velikog manjka kvalitetnih radnih mesta. Nataša Đurica, World Wild Trayal The tougher the school, the more interesting the job I work at an American company that deals with organizing clinical trials and I am veterinarian by profession. This is a very interesting job. It is versatile, dynamic and challenging. There are always some new problems and ideas of how to solve them. You are constantly running on adrenaline as you chase deadlines. The company has people who have only graduated high school, but there are many more with university degrees. Our company is specific because most jobs require some kind of university education, such as medical, pharmaceutical, chemical or biological, while it s only in the administration that it s possible to work with only a high school diploma. It seems to me that during the time of my studies the schools were much better. Today I see the programme that my child has and her teachers, and I could only single out a few of them as professionals. The rest are merely muddling their job. Our company provides all the conditions for further improvement. For example, I asked and received training that was outside the company. A lot depends on the management, on the budget, of course, but also on the moment when something happens. The crisis is everywhere and therefore budgets for such things are limited and all parameters need to be considered. It also isn t easy for employers to decide whether to send someone out for training or not. Otherwise, when it comes to the criteria for employment there is not a lot of change, some rely on their CV, but then it turns out that someone with a weaker CV works better and contributes more to the firm. That is really difficult to judge. Of course, there is an interview that is very important, because you can learn a lot about someone as a person and their knowledge just by talking. I am not a supporter of those standard American interviews that don t prove much - don t delve very deep. Then it is only when someone comes to work that you see if the job suits them or not. Nataša Đurica World Wild Trayal Teža škola zanimljiviji posao Radim u američkoj kompaniji koja se bavi organizacijom kliničkih istraživanja, a ja sam po struci veterinar.ovo je veoma interesantan posao. Svestran je, dinamičan i izazovan. Uvek ima nekih novih problema i ideja kako da se reše.stalno ste pod adrenalinom jer vas rokovi jure. U kompaniji ima ljudi i sa srednjom školom, ali mnogo ih je više sa fakultetom. Naša kompanija je specifična jer većina poslova zahteva neki fakultet kao medicinski, farmaceutski, hemijski ili biološki, a samo u administraciji je moguće raditi sa srednjom školom. Čini mi se da su u vreme mog školovanja škole bile mnogo bolje. Gledam danas program koji ima moje dete, njene učitelje i samo par njih mogu da svrstam u profesionalne. Ostalo je puko otaljavanje posla. Naša kompanija pruža sve uslove za dalje usavršavanje. Ja sam npr tražila i dobila jedan trening koji je bio van kompanije. Puno zavisi od menadžmenta, od budžeta naravno ali i u kom trenutku se nešto dešava. Kriza je svuda pa su samim tim i budžeti za edukaciju ograničeni i treba sve parametre uzeti u obzir. Nije lako ni poslodavcima da donesu odluku da li nekog da pošalju na trening ili ne. Inače što se kriterijuma za zapošljavanje tiče nije se tu mnogo promenilo, neki se oslanjaju na CV, a onda se pokaže da neko ko ima slabiji CV mnogo bolje radi i mnogo više doprinosi firmi. To je zaista teško oceniti. Naravno postoji i razgovor -intervju koji je jako značajan jer možete mnogo saznati o nekome kao čoveku i o njegovom znanju samo kroz razgovor. Ja nisam pristalica onih standardnih američkih intervjua koji ne dokazuju mnogo ne udubljuju se mnogo. Tek kad neko počne da radi onda se vidi da li mu taj posao leži ili ne. Danka Blagojević, PriceWaterhouseCoopers And what s the aim? I finished the IT college in Cyprus at the state university which works according to the UK education system. Today here our education does not matter at all. Some other things are important, but generally whoever wants to can stand out. Anyone who has a degree, strength and will can quickly progress. Foreign companies have developed criteria and make the selection, but even that doesn t need to mean much. For advancement skills are necessary - but which, that s the question. I think that the college I graduated from in Cyprus gave better preparation for work. Here at universities you learn to run a sprint, then when you start working you have to learn how to walk - in terms of the applicability of your knowledge. Overseas they insist on much more applicable knowledge. Danka Blagojević Price Waterhouse A šta je cilj? Završila sam IT fakultet na Kipru, na državnom univerzitetu koji radi po sistemu UK obrazovanja. U današnje vreme kod nas obrazovanje uopšte nije bitno, bitne su neke druge stvari, ali generalno ko hoće može da se istakne. Ko ima fakultet, snagu i volju može brzo da napreduje. Strane kompanije imaju razvijene kriterijume i vrše selekciju, ali ni to ne mora mnogo da znači. Za napredovanje su neophodne veštine - ali koje, to je pitanje. Mislim da mi je fakultet koji sam završila na Kipru dao bolju pripremu za posao. Ovde na fakultetima učite da trčite sprint, a onda kad se zaposlite morate da naučite da hodate-u smislu primenljivosti svog znanja. U inostranstvu se insistira na mnogo primenljivijem znanju. Marko Abramović, Banca Intesa Knowledge as authority I am an economist by profession. Education is important, especially in an experiential sense. To get through that time in life, to get to know professors, to learn how to work and function with some greater authority and, as far as knowledge is concerned, to somewhere gauge how strong you are intellectually, which is important for self-esteem. Education is also guidance for some professional and public appearances, for presentations. The material itself and the subject isn t of such importance. Here in this environment it is obvious that there is a higher average of educated people, and this is especially evident through the higher level of education among people in some of the lower positions. But that is circumstantial. Unfortunately, the labour market is big and unemployment is high, so companies can choose. Today a job requires general awareness, general knowledge, knowledge of the relevant information from the industrial branch, but everyone needs to know the basic economic facts and IT, no matter what they do. Marko Abramović, Banka Inteza Znanje kao autoritet Po struci sam diplomirani ekonomista. Obrazovanje jeste bitno, a posebno u nekom iskustvenom smislu. Da se prođe taj period u životu, da se upoznaju profesori, da se nauči kako raditi i funkcionisati sa nekim višim autoritetima a što se znanja tiče da se negde odmerite koliko ste intelektualno jaki, što je važno za samopozdanje. Obrazovanje je i smernica za neke stručne i javne nastupe, za prezentacije. Sama materija i gradivo nije od tolikog značaja. Ovde u ovom okruženju je očigledno veći prosek obrazovanih ljudi, a to se posebno vidi po višem stepenu obrazovanja ljudi i na nekim nižim pozicijama. Ali to je sticaj okolnosti. Na žalost veliko je tržište radne snage, nezaposlenost je velika tako da kompanije mogu da biraju. Danas je za posao neophodna opšta informisanost, opšta kultura, poznavanje relevantnih informacija iz branše, ali svi moraju da poznaju bazne ekonomske činjenice i IT, bez obzira čime se bave. > LJUDI GOVORE

4 06 Everything was simply music... sve bilo je muzika... m Slađana Pešiković, visitor I came to enjoy myself I came to Airport City because I heard there is a good atmosphere and that you can even enjoy live music. I live in one of the blocks next to the Sava, but when music is played here it is much more fun than on the quayside beside the river. I love the choice of music, because I love evergreen and ex-yu rock, as well as the singer who is really great. I especially like the scene with umbrellas and here I feel like I m in Rome or New York. I m here with a friend, we re strolling and enjoying and now we ve sat on a bench next to the music. You don t have to be sitting in a restaurant, as there are benches everywhere. There are also the flowers and fountains here. Sometimes we come just to get a cup of coffee and look at the window displays. Everything is great here. Slađana Pešiković, posetilac Došla sam da uživam Došla sam u Airport City jer sam čula da je ovde atmosfera dobra i da može čak da se uživa u živoj muzici. Stanujem u blokovima pored Save, ali kada se svira ovde je mnogo zabavnije nego na keju pored reke.oduševljena sam kako izborom muzike jer volim evergrin i ex-yu rok, tako i pevačicom koja je stvarno sjajna. Posebno mi se sviđa scena sa kišobrančićima pa se ovde osećam kao u Rimu ili Njujorku. Tu sam sa prijateljicom, šetamo i uživamo, a sada smo sele na klupu pored muzike. Ne mora da se sedi u restoranu, ovde su klupe na svakom koraku. Tu je i cveće i fontana. Ponekad dođemo samo da popijemo kafu i pogledamo izloge. Ovde je sve super. 07 Aleksandar Đurica, Smokvica restaurant With music it s nicer I am a waiter at Smokvica restaurant, where the music can best be heard. There are always more guests when it s playing and people look to stay a moment longer than the usual break time - we noticed that the moment of relaxation during the working day is important for everyone. Nice weather also entices people onto the street and into the gardens of Airport City. There are always more guests when the sun is shining. And even more when they hear some beautiful sounds... Aleksandar Đurica, restoran Smokvica S muzikom je lepše Ja sam kelner u restoranu Smokvica, gde se muzika najbolje čuje. Uvek je više gostiju kad zasvira i ljudi gledaju da ostanu neki minut duže od uobičajenog vremena za pauzu primetili smo da je taj momenat opuštanja u toku radnog dana svima važan.lepo veme takođe mami ljude i na ulicu i u bašte Airport City-ja. Uvek je više gostiju kad sija sunce. A još i kad se začuju neki lepi zvuci... Vei Jian Chun, aftersales manager ZTE Company We don t even have this in China My office is very nice and comfortable. I ve only been here a month and am staying for another two months. My job is to work on specific projects and to do that in different countries, so I often change my place of residence. Company ZTE has branches all over the world and that enables me to travel and get to know new parts of the planet. I ve never been to Serbia before and for me this is a really special experience. The country and the people and this work area are specific in relation to everything else I ve seen. It s the first time I ve seen and heard live music during working hours and this kind of modern workspace that simultaneously provides for relaxation during breaks. Although I mostly listen to Chinese music, I really enjoy it here. Vei Jian Chun, aftersales manager ZTE Company Ovoga nema ni u Kini Moja kancelarija je veoma lepa i udobna. Ja sam ovde tek mesec dana i ostajem još dva meseca. Moj posao je da radim na određenim projektima i to u različitim zemljama pa često menjam mesto boravka. Kompanija ZTE ima ogranke širom sveta i to mi omogućava da putujem i upoznajem nove delove planete. Nikada pre nisam bio u Srbiji i ovo je za mene zaista posebno iskustvo. I zemlja i ljudi i ovaj radni prostor su specifični u odnosu na sve ono što sam do sada video. Prvi put vidim i čujem i živu muziku u radno vreme i ovakav moderan radni prostor koji istovremeno omogućava opuštanje u pauzama. Iako najviše slušam kinesku muziku, ovde baš uživam.

5 08 09 > KORACI NA AVENIJI > ACB NEWS > STEPS ALONG THE AVENUE Exhibition at Airport City: OUR BELGRADE ALREADY 5 YEARS OF VOLUNTEERING HAS MADE US BETTER In June we opened the Avenue to a guest exhibition about volunteering employees entitled Our Belgrade already 5 years of volunteering makes us better, organized by the Business Leaders Forum and SMart Collective. By so doing we wanted to support this genuinely worthy project in which some of our clients are involved. We also wanted to ensure as many of you as possible saw the display that you may have missed in the city centre due to the hellish tempo of your work obligations. A volunteer is a person who, without charge and of their own free will, makes their own time available for the benefit of other people and the community. In the context of corporate volunteering, volunteers support their employer, whether that be by volunteering during working hours or their leisure time. From the press material of SMart Kolektiv: The exhibition was originally displayed on Knez Mihailova Street as a way of announcing the fifth voluntary activity Our Belgrade. On that day around three hundred employees from 12 companies voluntarily arranged Kalemegdan and hung out with children lacking parental care and persons living with disabilities. In the past four years the Our Belgrade campaign has included the participation of more than 1,500 volunteers whose voluntary work improved the living conditions of more than 7000 users of different social institutions and organizations. The feeling I have after the completion of the action... That I did something with my own hands, that I didn t just talk about how I love my city, how I was born here and how that means a lot to me... but rather that I rolled up my sleeves and did something about it. That s priceless, said one of the volunteers in the Our Belgrade campaign. Volunteering is simultaneously the simplest and the best way to engage as individuals and for us to help society or those sections of it where help is most needed. Employee volunteering is a great way for companies to demonstrate their social responsibility and support the communities in which they operate. We want this exhibition to proudly present the results so far, but even more importantly to motivate other companies, citizens, institutions and society as a whole to engage, in this simple and effective way, to do something beneficial for themselves and their city, in order to work together to create from it a better and more beautiful place to live. Neven Marinović, coordinator of the Business Leaders Forum and director of SMart Kolektiv. Volunteering is a way to show our love for the city and the people with whom we live through our deeds, and not just through words. People generally work for their pay and rest on weekends, but there is another satisfaction: HELPING OTHERS! That feeling cannot be replaced by any holiday or any sort of payment My Belgrade 2012 volunteer U junu smo otvorili Aveniju za gostovanje izložbe o volontiranju zaposlenih pod naslovom Naš Beograd - već 5 godina volontiranje nas čini boljim u organizaciji Foruma poslovnih lidera i Smart kolektiva. Želeli smo time da podržimo ovaj zaista vredan projekat u kome učestvuju i neki od naših klijenata. Želeli smo takodje da što veći broj vas vidi postavku koju ste možda zauzeti paklenim poslovnim tempom propustili u centru Beograda. Volonter/ka je osoba koja besplatno i dobrovoljno stavlja na raspolaganje svoje vreme za dobrobit drugih ljudi i zajednice. U kontekstu korporativnog volontiranja, volontere/ke podržava njihov poslodavac, bilo da volontiraju tokom radnog ili slobodnog vremena. Iz pres materijala Smart kolektiva: Izložba je prvobitno bila postavljena u Knez Mihailovoj ulici, kao najava pete volonterske akcije Naš Beograd. Tog dana je oko tri stotine zaposlenih iz 12 kompanija uređivalo Kalemegdan i družilo se sa decom bez roditeljske brige i osobama sa smetnjama u razvoju. U prethodne četiri godine, u akciji Naš Beograd učestvovalo je preko 1500 volontera, koji su svojim volonterskim radom unapredili uslove života za preko 7000 korisnika različitih socijalnih ustanova i organizacija. Osećaj koji imam nakon završene akcije... da sam nešto svojim rukama uradio, da nisam samo pričao kako volim svoj grad, kako sam rođen tu i kako to meni puno znači...već da sam zasukao rukave i nešto uradio po tom pitanju. To je neprocenjivo, rekao je jedan od volontera na akciji Naš Beograd. Volontiranje je istovremeno najjednostavniji, ali i najbolji način da se kao pojedinci uključimo i pomognemo društvu ili onim njegovim kategorijama kojima je ta pomoć najpotrebnija. Volontiranje zaposlenih je odličan način za kompanije da demonstriraju svoju društvenu odgovornost i podršku zajednicama u kojima posluju. Želimo da ova izložba sa ponosom predstavi dosadašnje rezultate, ali što je još važnije da motiviše druge kompanije, građane, institucije, i društvo u celini da na ovaj jednostavan i delotvoran način urade nešto korisno za sebe i za svoj grad, kako bi zajedno od njega stvarali bolje i lepše mesto za život. Neven Marinović, koordinator Foruma poslovnih lidera i direktor Smart kolektiva. Volontiranje je način da ljubav prema svom gradu i ljudima sa kojima živimo pokažemo delima, a ne samo rečima. Ljudi generalno rade za platu, vikendom se odmaraju, ali postoji još jedno zadovoljstvo: pomoći drugima! Taj osećaj ne može da zameni nikakav odmor, nikakva plata volonter Moj Beograd 2012.

6 Ivana Manić, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Volunteering for the soul: gerontology Jasna Đurović, Branch Manager of Societe Generale Srbija at Airport City Week of solidarity SG worldwide Professional and innovative teams Corporate social responsibility and volunteering are based on responsible and ethical relations of the company towards all of the things which its opperations can impact on. In particular, Societe Generale Bank in that way takes care of the natural and social environment in which it operates, in both the local community and the environment, as well as the market and its employees. The CSR Strategy of Societe Generale Bank Srbija is deeply rooted in the corporate values of the group, which are professionalism, team spirit and innovation, said Đurović. Profesionalni i inovativni timovi PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) is a company that focuses on education. Important aspects for us are a healthy life and protection of the environment, but our main business and our operations are such that we are not polluters. We are engaged in consulting services, which entails knowledge. We realized that we can draw upon this knowledge from our core business, place it on the market and transfer it further. Under the auspices of our company there is the existing PWC Academy, which provides our clients with educational services for management skills. We, in cooperation with the Junior Achievement association, which focuses on the education of children and youth, made available our office space and trainers to run seminars on entrepreneurship, finances and other areas of business. Last year I also personally gave a few lectures on business ethics and morals, which is my specialist area and my department in the company, where I am ethical officer and am also in charge of corporate responsibility, which kind of naturally suits people who deal with ethics. We place an emphasis on education and less on philanthropy, in terms of donating money, although in the last six months we had three campaigns for fund-raising among employees: for little Tijana and sending talented children to world championships. We try to cover all aspects of social responsibility. GREEN ASPECT: We have joined forced with the other three companies that comprise the so-called Big Four and it is unique, certainly in Central and Eastern Europe and perhaps even at the global level, for four fierce competitors to team up. These include: KPMG, Ernst & Young, Deloitte Touche and PWC. We organized the Green Foursome just for this purpose and over the last four years, always in the same period, between April and June, we have staged large volunteering actions. Last year and this we donated some funds to the Gerontology Centre at Bežanijska kosa, but more importantly we also volunteered there. This year we renovated the bathroom on the ward where severely ill and immobile patients are accommodated, we took care of the yard, planted plants, cleaned and painted the benches and also collected funds for bedding, towels and some other necessities. This gerontology centre, headed by its director, is very much committed to ensuring it all functions and providing the best care to people who are their customers, while we contribute with the aim of doing as much as we can. This year was for the bathroom, while last year we were painting, cleaning and digging. Many seedlings of trees were planted after being selected by horticultural engineers. The centre has a divine garden and there is always singing and a small cultural and artistic programme. VOLUNTEERING IN FOUR HANDS: Last year I was declared the best volunteer. The action functions according to the principle of determining working days, because when a company donates its volunteers then it should also donate working hours and not end up with working activities on Saturdays and Sundays. The action normally takes place on a Friday, as that is a working day. In our case the action is limited to a hundred volunteers, 25 from each of the four companies, and we performed tasks that were planned in conjunction with the Gerontology Centre. In the previous two years, 2010 and 2011, we worked on the foresting of Ada Huja. One part of the park displays our tablets that were placed as a sign that we planted some thuja plants and vines from which we made a green fence between the Kartonka Ada factory and the landscaped part of the promenade. We also worked at Ada Huja in 2011, in conjunction with a green organization, and in 2010 with City Greenery, with the support of Palilula Municipality. We will certainly continue these activities. We always reach agreement on what specifically we will do at the beginning of the calendar year. Next year, 2014, will mark a minor milestone: five years of volunteering and donating. In the meantime, some new needs always arise, new organizations appear and with that we are given new ideas. PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) je kompanija koja se fokusira na edukaciju. Bitan aspekti su nam i zdrav život i zaštita životne okoline, ali naš glavni biznis i naše poslovanje je takvo da mi nismo zagađivači. Bavimo se konsultanstkim uslugama što podrazumeva znanje. Shvatili smo da iz našeg kor-biznisa možemo da izvučemo to znanje, da ga plasiramo i prenesemo dalje. U okviru naše kompanije postoji PWC Akademija koja našim klijentima pruža usluge obrazovanja za veštine upravljanja. Mi smo u saradnji sa nevladinom organizacijom Dostignuća mladih koja se bavi edukacijom dece i omladine ustupili naš prostor i predavače za skraćene seminare o preduzetništvu, finasijama i drugim oblastima biznisa. Prošle godine i ja sam održala nekoliko predavanja na temu poslovna etika i moral što je moja uža specijalnost i moja oblast u kompaniji gde sam etički oficir, a zadužena sam i za korporativnu odgovornost što je nekako prirodno pripalo osobi koja se bavi etikom. Stavljamo akcenat na obrazovanje, a manje na filantropiju u smislu doniranja novca, mada smo u poslednjih šest meseci imali tri akcije prikupljanja sredstava među zaposlenima: za malu Tijanu i za odlazak talentovane dece na svetska takmičenja. Trudimo se da pokrijemo sve aspekte društvene odgovornosti. ZELENI ASPEKT: Udružili smo se sa ostale tri kompanije velike četvorke i to je jedinstven slučaj u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi sigurno, a možda i na svetskom nivou da su se četiri ljuta konkurenta udružila. To su: KPMG, Ernst & Young, Deloitte Touche i PWC. Organizovali smo udruženje Zelena četvorka samo za tu svrhu i poslednje četiri godine smo imali uvek u istom periodu, između aprila i juna velike volonterske akcije.prošle i ove godine Gerontološkom centru na Bežanijskoj kosi donirali smo neka sredstva ali i što je još važnije volontirali smo tamo. Ove godine smo obnovili kupatila na odeljenju gde su smešteni teški i nepokretni bolesnici, sredili smo dvorišta, sadili biljke, čistili i farbali klupe, a prikupili smo i sredstva za posteljinu, peškire i neke druge neophodne stvari. Tim Gerontološkog centra na čelu sa njihovom direktorkom jako se mnogo trudi da sve to funkcioniše i da se pruži najbolja nega ljudima koji su njihovi korisnici, a mi sa strane se trudimo da doprinesemo koliko možemo. Ove godine je bilo za kupatilo, prošle godine smo krečili, čistili, okopavali. Posađeno je više sadnica drveća koje su predložili njihovi inženjeri hortikulture. Imaju božanstvenu baštu i uvek nas dočekaju s pesmom i malim kulturno-umetničkim programom. VOLONTIRANJE U ČETIRI RUKE: Prošle godine ja sam proglašena za najboljeg volontera. Akcija funkcioniše po principu da se odredi radni dan zato što kad firma donira svoje volontere onda treba da donira i radne sate, a ne da bude radna akcija subotom i nedeljom. Uobičajeno je da je akcija petkom, jer je to radni dan. U našem slučaju akcija je ograničena na sto volontera, po 25 iz svake od četiri kompanije i mi smo izvršavali zadatke koje smo planirali u saradnji sa Gerontološkim centrom. Pre dve godine smo radili na pošumljavanju Ade Huje. U jednom delu tog parka postoji naša ploča kao znak da smo zasadili tuje i neke puzavice od kojih smo napravili zelenu ogradu između fabrike Kartonka Ada i uređenog dela šetališta. Na Ada Huji smo radili i u saradnji sa jednom organizacijom zelenih, a sa Gradskim zelenilom uz podršku opštine Palilula. Izvesno je da ćemo ovu akciju nastaviti. Šta ćemo konkretno raditi dogovaramo se uvek početkom kalendarske godine. Iduće, biće mali jubilej: pet godina volontiranja i doniranja. U međuvremenu iskrsnu uvek neke nove potrebe, javljaju nam se nove organizacije i samim tim rađaju se nove ideje. Korporativna društvena odgovornost i volontiranje baziraju se na odgovornom i etičkom odnosu kompanije prema svemu onom na šta njeno poslovanje može da utiče. Konkretno, Societe Generale banka na taj način vodi računa o prirodnom i društvenom okruženju u kojem posluje, kako o lokalnoj zajednici, životnoj sredini, tržištu, tako i o svojim zaposlenima. Strategija društveno odgovornog poslovanja Societe Generale banke Srbija duboko je ukorenjena u korporativne vrednosti grupe, a to su profesionalizam, timski duh i inovativnost, navela je Đurovićeva. Corporate Volunteer Day of the Business Leaders Forum Serbia Our Belgrade campaign celebrated its fifth birthday and showed that there is something of value that cannot be expressed in figures - a feeling of satisfaction when we do something good for others as a company, without asking what someone can do for us, and all of us who participated in that action have reason to be proud, because in just a single day of volunteering a lot was done, said branch manager of Societe Generale at Airport City, Jasna Đurović, speaking for What s Up. She explained that the volunteers of Societe Generale Bank gave their contribution with the painting of benches in Kalemegdan park, in the Upper Town and on the pedestrian walkway. Behind all of us - volunteers in this year s campaign we left rebuilt playgrounds and painted park furniture at Kalemegdan, but that s not all. In cooperation with the Food Bank, we collected 195 kilos of food and in cooperation with the Association We live together some 500 kilos of clothing was collected for people with disabilities of all ages, said Đurović. The branch manager of SG at ACB explained that there is also a week of solidarity within the Societe Generale Group dedicated to raising additional awareness, but also volunteer activities during which employees support humanitarian organizations and their projects in large numbers, and that all branches of the Societe Generale group around the world are involved. In this way SG Bank promotes socially responsible practices and innovative ways in which business can support the local community and get involved in solving its specific problems. Again this year, in cooperation with the Junior Achievement organization, we supported the work of the programme Student Company, which aims to provide students with insight into the modern way of doing business and motivate them to think proactively and put their ideas into practice. In that way we supported and connected young people living across the whole of Serbia and showed them the importance of raising awareness of the necessity of joint actions. We are proud that, as a company that supports education projects and professional integration, we recognized the importance of this initiative and have become a major corporate partner of the Junior Achievement organization. We are also pleased that our employees are actively involved in the programme as business mentors of student companies and members of the jury in both this and other competitions, noted Đurović. For us at Societe Generale people represent the greatest value. Not for a single moment do we lose sight that we live and work in the local community and the well-being of the people who surround us is our top priority. We ve Always been ready to support every action that could help them or ease and beautify their life, she said. Through corporate social responsibility and, in line with that, team and volunteer activities, staff at SG, as the company s commitment to contribute to the sustainability of economic development, work in conjunction with employees, local communities and society in general, in order to contribute to improving their quality of life. That also means taking a responsible attitude and defining company policy above and beyond the obligations imposed by law, noted Đurović. Korporativni volonterski dan Foruma poslovnih lidera Srbije akcija Naš Beograd proslavila je peti rođendan i pokazala da postoji nešto vredno, što se ne može izraziti brojevima - osećaj zadovoljstva kada kao kompanija uradimo nešto dobro za druge, ne pitajući šta neko može da uradi za nas, a svi mi koji smo učestvovali u toj akciji imamo razloga da budemo ponosni jer je za samo jedan dan volontiranja uradjeno mnogo toga, izjavila je za What s up direktorka filijale banke Societe Generale u Airport City-ju, Jasna Đurović. Ona je navela da su volonteri Societe Generale banke dali svoj doprinos farbanjem klupa na Velikom Kalemegdanu, u Gornjem gradu i na pešačkoj stazi. Iza svih nas volontera u ovogodišnjoj kampanji ostala su obnovljena igrališta, ofarban mobilijar na Kalemegdanu, ali to nije sve. U saradnji sa Bankom hrane prikupili smo 195 kilograma hrane, a u saradnji sa Udruženjem Živimo zajedno, prikupljeno je 500 kilograma odeće za osobe sa smetnjama u razvoju svih uzrasta, kazala je Đurovićeva. Direktorka filijale SG u ACB-ju objasnila je da postoji i nedelja solidarnosti u okviru Societe Generale grupe, posvećena dodatnom podizanju svesti, ali i volonterskim akcijama, tokom kojih zaposleni podržavaju u velikoj meri humanitarne organizacije i njihove projekte, a u njoj učestvuju sve filijale Societe Generale grupe širom sveta. SG banka promoviše na taj način društveno odgovorne prakse i inovativne načine na koje biznis može da podrži lokalnu zajednicu i uključi se u rešavanje njenih specifičnih problema. I ove godine, u saradnji sa organizacijom Dostignuća mladih podržali smo rad Programa učeničkih kompanija, koji ima za cilj da učenicima pruži uvid u savremeni način poslovanja i motiviše ih da razmišljaju proaktivno i svoje ideje sprovedu u delo. Na taj način podržali smo i povezali mlade ljude koji žive na teritoriji cele Srbije i ukazali im na važnost podizanja svesti o neophodnosti zajedničkog delovanja. Ponosni smo što smo, kao kompanija koja podržava projekte edukacije i profesionalne integracije, prepoznali značaj ove inicijative i postali glavni korporativni partner organizacije Dostignuća mladih. Drago nam je i što su naši zaposleni aktivno uključeni u program kao biznis mentori učeničkih kompanija i članovi žirija kako na ovom, tako i na drugim takmičenjima, istakla je Đurovićeva. Nama u Societe Generalu ljudi predstavljaju najveću vrednost. Nijednog trenutka ne gubimo iz vida da živimo i radimo u lokalnoj zajednici, a dobrobit ljudi koji nas okružuju nam je na prvom mestu. Uvek smo bili spremni da podržimo svaku akciju koja može da im pomogne, ili im olakša i ulepša život, poručila je ona. Korporativnu društvenu odgovornost, a u skladu sa tim i volonterske akcije, zaposleni u SG kao posvećenost kompanije da doprinose održivosti privrednog razvoja sarađujući sa zaposlenima, lokalnom zajednicom i društvom uopšte, da bi doprineli poboljšanju kvaliteta njihovog života. To znači i preuzimanje odgovornog stava i definisanje politike kompanije iznad zakonom propisanih obaveza, naglasila je Đurovićeva. Ljiljana Lukić

7 012 Novinari saradnici/journalist contribution: Ljiljana Lukić / Mark Pullen Prevod/Translation: Mark Pullen Foto/Photo:Miodrag Trajković / Predrag Todorović Dizajn/Design: Avantguarde

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