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1 ^Franklin NEWS-RECORD rise to them Mayor, deputy remain same Tfaraday,Jury8,1982 Vol. 30. No. 27 Ji 30 cents dstor b came 9b no surprise to Philip Beachem and Nancy Henry as they were ic-cfccted mayor and deputy mayor respectively of Franklin Township for second tenrn. during Frankltn Township Council** reorganisation last Thursday - Traditionally in Franklin, the title ol mayor n rotated among members of the majority party. Under that system. Ms. Heocy would have become mayor, but a vote abstention hy fellow Democratic Councilwoman Joan Boticber cost Ms.. Heavy the mayoral title. Ms Henry received the other four Democratic votes m the first balk* (or mayor after Mr Bcachcni oocntnated her. - The three Republican council memben present nuousaied Andre* Schaatdeputy mayor, following a nomination by Mr. Beachem and a unanimous vote of acceptance, including Republican support. A bouquet of flowers from supporters who knew she wasn't going to become mayor lay on the table for Ms. Henry as "a nice way to make me feel better." Ms. Henry said. Regarding possible party disunity. Mr. Beachem said after the meeting that relations between Ms. Henry and Mrs. Bottcher were "strained, but whether reparable. I don't know yet. "I hope we can repair whatever internal problems that exist. "My primary goal now is to finish the master plan and resolve whatever. financial difficulties the town may face." the mayor said. He commended Ms. Henry for not Making a splash Franklin Township Recreation Department instructor Marie Scarba helps John Wells stroke across the Franklin Greens pool. Lessons for children of all ages are held at the pool. More photos by Rich Pipeling inside. i. _ T't Finalists narrowed from //.-. I Nancy <ienry and Pft*p Beachem. here shown in a 1981 campaign vciory photograph by Andrea Kane, again are Franklin deputy mayor ami mayor respectively km ««**«>* MOJ Rj*cfl McnJcr for The fourth, CooKitnxan Vhs Bcjwhcro jx%$ Mt lfenr> knew r te*l»» wotemioo o4 tm \U Hear*, they VMJ "I Becitfttr wwvt&ila't *«jpe««henry MnS I thtttk X*m\ l«r» wa." Mr Besthem %mi jf&n the rewfpaujfien %c*vrji timrnvtl rrncmnrrv who ctwrnc ho* tkteutn WMmmnni* tiki thu \U SkmtiKt dhpxtcii t*> M* Henry"* paea ««>My tctikunl Mil itus n why -the failed K» wppmcf her bml f«w mayor M* Booster rcferkoi to ownratm on On J MX*imi talk*. Mv Henry nkmsmutof Me Bcjkhcm ftw mayor, and M ihv DnKKratt «w«tu in agreement lib BTJKBCTB declined u* ftw * amoral HC«B> then left the nun to calm.me %k act «w whit walked oat after the *fiftf ** <** She rctunwj to accept the title of accepting Republican support in exchange for prued appointments to the Franklin Planning Board: "It shows the character Nancy has " However. Republican Municipal Chairman and council member Andrew Schnaucr detucd thai the Republicans had offered Ms. Henry support in exchange (or bturdappotntmenu "Nancy never contacted me and I never had any comcnatkmn with her concerning this." he vud "Our game plan was to hopefully tic up the vote." be satd But Councilman letqcn was out of town, leaving only three Republicans on council casting votes last Thurvliy THE DEMOCRATS gained a 7-2 mafonty on the Planning Board as taacob Jones was appointed to replace Republican Ham Vojc Councilman John Clyde. Bruce Hamilton and Harry Sec MAYOR, page 12A The field of more than 300 candidates for openings on the Franklin Township police force has been narrowed to 12 to 14 persons who have successfully completed the testing phases thus far. according to Chief James Brown.. The chief said he hopes to hire three to six new officers, depending on how many the township council approves. There arc 65 officicrs on the force. The minimum of three vacancies occurred after two took extended sick leaves and one resigned. Chief Brown said he had intended to focus on hiring minorities. There are now five blacks on the police force and no women police officers.. Some 130 candidates qualified for and took the written test designed by the Educational Testing Service. Approximately eight blacks and two women were included in the approximately 50 candidates who successfully made it to the physical agility portion of testing for the jobs. The physical agility test determines the strength and stamina of prospective police officers. "They (applicants) must be able to run one mile, carry an oxygen tank and drag a dummy that resembles and weighs about as much as a human body," the chief said. They also have to walk on a balance beam, "which is similar to walking up a narrow creek," he said. Two women managed to qualify for the physical test, however, they were unable to continue, the chief explained. "Any female should'be able to pass it:" One of the women was injured during the testing and the other failed. Chief 7 Brown indicated. The physical test, which can be completed in one evening, is designed to look at the duties officers must perform, according to Chief Brown. "It's a fair, competitve exam," Mr. Lovcll said. "I don't see how it could be any fairer right now." Questioned whether he has the power to hold off on hiring until a woman successfully completes the testing, Mr. Lovell responded, "I'm. not willing to delay hiring recruits for another six months. "Township Council didn't intend to fill the slots for the sake of hiring women." he said J Rather they wanted to fill the slots "for the safety of the town." he said. \ It is unknown whether, any minority members' successfufly made it through the agility test sin* the police chief and towmhip-manager have not met the candidates; they only have a list of their names. The department conducted an. elaborate recruiting-program in hopes of getting more minorities on the force, the chief said. "I am not anti-black or anti-woman. I am anti-unqualified persons. I want people who qualify." Chief Brown said. Group and individual psychological tests follow, and an in-depth background investigation is conducted as part of the screening process. It may take several more weeks before all tests are completed, allowing time to schedule doctors for the psychological tests, and confirm testing locations. Hiring will be postponed until arbitration with {the Policemen's Benevolent Association is settled; township Manager John Lovcll said. Prior to issuing the first written exams, the chief said he discussed a SI5,000 starting salary with former township Manager Harry Gcrkin. The average first year salary in area communities.is between S and $ 16,000,j}ic chief pointed out. However, at this point "no one knows what the salary will be." he said. The present starting salary under the old contract for police officers is $11,000. "We're cognizant that that figure needs to be amended." Mr. Lovcll said. Newly-selected recruits must successfully complete courses at a certified police training school. Several patrol- men in the past have attended the New Jersey Training Academy in-sea Girt to fulfill the requirement. Index \.; '. i business guide... 6A classified. B learning... AA letters... K)A obituaries... 6A police blotter...3a \ sports.:...,. 13A. i town forum ^ ;. 10A f weekly recipe... 11A WE Off In this week's issue: Griggstown photographer. Harry fiubel. captured a New Jersey boardwalk scene (co 1 - er photo), which inspired Time OfTs Pigging Out experts to discuss the merits of frozen custard. See page 3 for a taste of frozen custard and pages for look at the life and works of the. Franklin Township photographer. Probe of police shooting on Henry Street continues pony and rwy ridm tfw FranMn municipal oomptex for a July 4 notwr pholo by JoMph Epatain on page 12A. I 1 by Sandra Lowicfa Managing Editor A probe into the June 24 incident in which a Franklin patrolman fired a shot into a New Brunswick neighborhood is continuing by the Middlesex County Prosecutor's office and the New Brunswick Mice Department. Franklin Township Police Chief James Brown kaid Tuesday he is awaiting completion of their investigations before taking any action. He said a report by the two agencies might be received by the heginniag of next week. The Middlesex Cowry Prosecutor is ci^cclcd, to determine whether the case warrants a probe by die grand jury..the prosecutor and assistant prosecutor could not be ft achedfoe comment yesterday. Two Franklin officers on June 24 had pursued a man into New Brunswick. They recognized the man, Franks Peoples, as being wanted in connection with several violations in New and East Brunswick, according to a police account. The officers did not notify -'New Brunswick police when they crossed the township line into bordering New Brunswick. : Two additional Franklin officers arrived on the 1 scene in a backup patrol car. When a rock shattered the rear window of their vehicle, one officer. Patrolman Steve Perrine, mistakenly believing that his fellow officer who ducked' under the dashboard had been shot,fired his gun in the area of Henry Street in New Brunswick.. The shot.apparently struck the side o f a Henry Street dwelling. Neighbors and community members and Natidhal Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) representatives were inflamed by the action.. A march to Franklin police headquarters calling-for disciplinary action against the officer who fired the shot was postponed indefinitely so feelings could cool off. NAACP official David Harris additionally called for a probe into the incident by the state attorney general. The attorney general's office, however, rejected therequest,saying that it was satisfied with the proceeding county investigation. President of the New Brunswick chapter of the NAACP and Franklin resident Richard Barber is expected to meet with Police Chief Brown this week to discuss the matter.

2 2 A lhorrank.ttn NEWS RECORD Thnrsday, July 8, 1982 quick takes Third Ward forum planned Hart WjaaJ Cmmnimm him CHtle»iU be conducting hn second "Tluni WartCnmao FomaT on TuenfaA.SaK 13 «8 30 p m a ite Bbraiy of tfec Comotf Road Scfleei, Titac pi'mvji tofnc of ike mcctiftf»u1 be Ac dc^clopnett of a plan to toed, tainc caemi acetk Htmoer. rrudeno «U] be able to dwewu am NMnaf Frjailas To»miup AB tcvdeait of Frxakiai are mckome to Squirrel causes power outage A **wml jumped «o m ctrctmat capiacnar Jnt> I awl tamed a JO-numitt power owtafc a* wmttafnarre FraaAiin Tcmmhip &rr*k*»«warmpkd» about c«aomen of Pw6Uc Ser\»c«Ekctnc IMXIGMCO M ) p at»bra OK wfturrcl canned om te capacmor Acconfcaf' HEfcG tsnftctpmm «mic*»** rrwared a bitf BOW later Tt* vfianti dhcut The Ukimate in Princeton living V kvnwi KMW V CmWMOMSKW H A M I L T O N J E W E L E R S It's Elementary Above. Jan Havatkoski leads a group of older children through exercises before going into the water. Some 400 residents are enrolled in this swim instruction program, provided by the Franklin Township Department of Parks and Recreation. Use of the Franklin Greens Apartment Complex pools has been provided to the township courtesy of Segal realty. At right, 6-year-old Theresa Salina gets a little support from instructor Marie Scarba during an earty Tuesday lesson. ' (Rich Pipeling photos) DENTAL HINTS A dbmmomdfrom HamHton Jewtkrs says it ell m Rowt* l amf Texas Avenue Trenton and Palm BkMCtt ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSHES Electric toothbrushes arc the 20lh century'* answer to "toothbnisbcrs elbow," But you can do just as well manually. Their main advantage is that all you have to do is apply the brush to your teeth and the brush docs all the work. Another advantage of the elcctnc toothbrush is its novelty value. It is a mechanical device and children arc more likely to develop regular brushing habits because of their fascination with a brush that "does the work". If an electric toothbrush encourage* the habit of brushing teeth on a regular schedule, it is well worth the investment. The electric toothbrush is definitely a boon to handicapped persons who cannot brush their teeth easily with a regular hand brush. The late president. Lyndon Johnson was sold on electric toothbrushes. He used to present them (engraved with the presidential seal) as gifts. "I give these toothbrushes to friends". LBJ told his biographer. Doris Kcarns. "then I know they will think of me every morning, and every night." This is a public senrice to promote better dental health from the offices of Stewart A. tarine, D.M.D Joseph Caruso'. D.D.S *32* Extend yourself with a Cordless Phone or p to 600 fact or PERSONAL PORTABILITY pool or Job off EstaaaVA-Pbonc cord...in fact.. the Extend-A-Phooe lets you eye examinations contact tenses prescription eyeware saturday/evening hours OPTOMETRIST William J. Priiuket, o.d. u.s. 2Qp & new amwel! rd. hillsboroogh JLoLs, offers 100% Beauty Uplift with Personal Services designed with you in mind. Stylized Haircuts Dazzling Cellophanes Air ondizing permanent Waves Luxurious Facials < Professional Makeup Applications Manicures & Pedicures Sculptured Nails Bikini Line Waxing Leg & Underarm Waxing Sunstreaking & Highlighting Beard & Mustache trims SEE WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU Tuea.-Sat tm 5 Hafr asmn Center* Turn. & Thura. «8 Rd. t HnsbofouQh (Acroaa from Larry's Lawnmower) NORTHOVER DAY CAMP Registration Now Open Program of Spofts - Nature-Swim Instruction-Arts/Crafts-Wojadshop-Photography -Garden Club. Swimming (2 swimming pools). New thl» Summer-ask about ourcomputer classes. 9TAcre*site-Boys & Girls Ages 6-14 July weeks $210 Aug weeks $210 FullI Summer July 6-Aug. 27 $400 Rates inc. lunch & transportation. For information & brochure phone or write Northover Camp Box 671, Bound Brook, N.J Recycle this newspaper T COUPONI SAM: FIMi DOLLARS While Dining with: a Friend (,'tmtl Mtitiilayx mill TIIVSIIIIVS Srlrrl fnnii Slrak Srarmtd Prime- Rib- Srtrnlrm VfMJlinnal SHr< lion-. * Cocktail I^Hin^e I rirndh KfTirirnl SrniiT I nlid far Dinner Only. Ihir 11 in 1 mn /MT mini I ilium/: itm/ilr GOOD-TIME CHARLEYS W \lain Si. MV.vroV \J M0

3 Jwfrl.HO Ihcrrankfin NEWS RECORD 3-A poice blotter A towgftarf awl ttcfl oonncdl cr«*w O I 4 * f» asai jcwc&rf *» Wafca. { Sweet»r»«taaw «w JMK 29. smfccr ISHI. Entry mm gnrnctl Mrnwig* A C new 6we» mme t»j««and mmiry * WilCm, petae NWifc A 1* fem-«m ftsaautaa Tcraarttup wam saufim ««lane 29 by Pxwst FtotwSxawn ««e wsanrj $tt at. n»»y«siar**c. <*. to«tj«*j<*. «t*ich tape. BJinftj*, amil fjsnrfwf canto, ««cbaftxal 11?.HI.. po6««r **»!. Co ft* fjnc 2S> fin: at 631 S.'m«ri-w«Si., ptttatuc %m& A holt of l f tfonanl tone,, jmj pmrganihmm» thr iiitf*-^»<* Mttt s t e w aactm. tgwuag the fire J«itt)ftlw«tf tk» pefatv if.t» defws ttwkxtay op fectowr Hte< gf» wait *ftu«elf. pwliee fhu' l*>u*kbn^» WKKHfunf by S o u HIT UP Iltar am. A 1969 Mac Vofcmatn. stoka from 171 PWBfK Rd. oa May 2S. ws fecawend a* My > by Ac New York Gey Pofaoc Deportment IOth Preanct. A Pnacdoo wornmi was cturged widi +opbtmt $21 75of neat. taoa. cat food and oil bunshaorite market in ium^iaon on July 3* police Siaid* donv pfamat» were to be> gned. they said. A harfte) * Bd <h cfi occurred at Booker Street resideace oa Jury 2. police Md Entry n g«aed la the daytirac by kjduag us the rear bmtcaxnt window. pdbce MMJ It ibwfcmuuncd wbxt» «ao4ea. * A borgiary and theft occurred at Tcmpae Beta B oa Anrwcll Road on Jury 4. police report Eatry *«s gamed by a wde meadow and a silver cup. typewriter, amplifier sad p vahxd at S3.150 were tw> One SBSK* Macnwar twk. uwlca. police u*d.. t»mmurt»ir? ^a touyftt the Jack Field i> ited at Ac frmklm Park. ICeadaO Park lire coca- KOMMB Park Hm Aid mnl about 6:15 A 1980 Olduaobiie *ah»ed at SI3.500 ttoka from me Scnncnet Marhon pariuag lot oa Jsjy 4. police *ud Tne owner n (ram Saten litaad. police»jn tsjtbwyoj In Aa BAMKKCVUU] jocniptod burglary ro IW name occarrcd at aa Ellen Street residence on a^ueitrv *e«c re- My - police md. A tercets was npped MMS * wiadow brolea in aa attempt to thur Ac tenmm tif Oc iswa eatry. police taid, bat a Urjte Shtpncrd iaside the home away tfae nttudcr, according to police. \ A borglary aad rheft occurred at a Hower Road residence on July C police said. Eatry was yitrtfv through the rear door and cash, foreign coins and silver were stolen, police said. A burglary and theft occurred at a North Lawrence Avenue residence on Jury 4. police said. Entry was gained through a basement window between 6:30 p.m. aad midnight and jewelry, a 35mm camera, stereo rcce:v<r. turntable, tape deck and speakers vilucd at S9.8OO were stolen, police said; Roosevelt Harris. 43. was walking home on Phillips Road on July 4 at 5:30 p.m. when two men years old approached him. asked him for a cigarette aad then robbed him using physical force, police said. Mr. Harris fought back, hitting one of the men with a knife, police said, and the men ran away. The incident is being investigated by police. sen /or citizens notes by Ed Knbiak The Franklin Township Senior C<tuea*s Club raffle drawing was held on June 22. There were four winners: 1st prue S250. Jack Perry. 13 Larson Rd. Somenct.. 2nd prize SI50, Betty Poblich. 31 Cooper Avc.. Somerset. 3rd prize $150. J.M. Dalton. 9A River Rd.. Belle Mead. 4th prize S75. P. Bcnkaso. 35-K. Franklin Greens. Somerset. The club thanks all participants and supporters. 7/16 Rock Oak Lodge Restaurant. Sparta. Luncheon and floor show. Russ and Mary Pfeiffer chairing. Margaret L. Paptyi, 24. of KossUth Street, was charged with assault on a police officer, interfering, and criminal mischief on July 1 after she allegedly rammed her ex-boyfriend's truck with her car. police said. According to police, officers were dispatched to Kossuth Street after receiving a report of someone breaking a window. Upon their arrival, a group of people pointed to a car being driven away from the scene. Ptls. Sudo and Bonneli turned their car around to pursue the motor vehicle. In the meantime. Lt. Spangenberg had stopped the motor vehicle because of sparks and smoke, coming from it. Police said that they discovered that moments earlier Ms. Paptyi had pulled into the driveway of 111 Kussoth St. and proceeded to ram a black panel truck. Ms. Paptyi resisted arrest by kicking and swinging wildly, police said. She continued kicking and swinging on the way to headquarters and at headquarters, police said. Police said that it was learned that the truck^belonged to Ms. Paptyi's ex-boyfriend. 7/23 Penn. Amish Country Tour. Anderson's Pretzel Factory, Amish bake shop. Farmer's Market. Wax Museum. Sarrnland and Amish dinner. Jim and Rose D'Aria chairing. Coming Events: All persons, residents of Somerset County 65 years to 70_ycars of age are eligible for a fresh water fishing license for S5 and 50 issuance fee. LET'S GO FISHING! Over 70 years of age license is free. Fish is better for you than meats and fatty foods. All sporting goods stores are aware of this new fee. : Franklin resident wins 'Week of the People' in seniors' art contest events^ are scheduled p mi Aw Ifcmwrmt Comtf Sewn* <firw«n».,4ms CuntKit iem ten Vhu ttiijftifti' jttimuj; pared JT«tfcttr Siomemt Cnuncx Of ta«r.vmscrtet C«wMt> r-ttt*tta*fc«mm facfcj flunu S» m Star %ymoet t C*xme* Lj*rjr». f Hr tttanarte.. <u«<&ktas t* sumyamttm tt ttuftrwhai-.,v» krtc> Scmor Anniu** httotd Ait VoeacM. mm tmm Sochum ftwwr^ mi thorn K i f pe be oo d»- m tb toooty library. Voft Dnve. ht*i 22.. The ffthi. wemd and third pjjee «n«iaer% m the professional and «o«- mlemmttti cuefoncs «nll compete aa the WHC nhjtmtxm foe teak* tcudems on A«f 6 aad mil be CM dtipuy in the S Jcncy Stmc Mwcmn the month of f The state exiabm is tpociored O«c Sir* Jcney Stale Divmoe oa pf DcfwtmeM of Corranuntty Affm%, m cooperationrnnththe New Jcncy State Mwcum A rtccytioo miu be held booonng the 10 foulnn from the tthe exhibition. hone»oet»»ll be exlabned from October to November at Drumthwacket. reudence of the governor. The Week of the People, sponsored by the Somenct Community Action Program, and Franklin Township citizens is ict to run from Aug. 14 to 22. This year's chairperson is Charline Foendoe who ts an active community resident and «^ involved in many civic activities throughout Somerset County. The Week of the People has been in distance for 11 yean and is a week during which the roles of poor and wtxktng people are celebrated. Scheduled events during the week include a parade, community festival day/block party, battle of the bands, tennis tournament, youth beauty pageant! mini-marathon race, all-day youth conference, reunion of social service worketvcook-out. senior citizens luncheon, variety show/youth showcase., theatrical productions, double dutch tournament, gospel concert, children's dedication/slumber party, bus ride to Kool Jaz Festival in Newport. Rhode Island, and many more activities.. The Week of the People committee is looking for interested persons from the Central Jersey area to assist them in making this week a success. For those who have suggestions, have an interest in working with the committee or need further information, call Linda Rudrow at Got an idea for a photo? Call us now. Italian Festival needs volunteers "Jerry's Kids" need help. The Italian Festival, a Franklin fundraiser for "Jerry's Kids," is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 28, with a raindatc set for Aug. 29. The event will take place at the municipal complex on De- Mott Lane from 1 to 10 p.m. Games of chance, pony rides, clowns, balloons, musical entertainment, picnicking and other festivities will be the big attraction. Also, since the Italian Festival is scheduled exactly one week before Jerry Lewis' nationally televised Muscular Distrophy telethon, plans are in the works for celebrities to appear at the festival. Sponsored by the New Jersey Trade Waste Association, the fundraiser is chaired locally by Sal Falgiano of Falgi Carting. ' Volunteers individuals or clubs 'are needed to staff booths, cook, tap beer, build and make electrical connections. Mike Blishak. district director for MDA, says the efforts of the Trade Waste Association are "inspiring.. It's wonderful to see concerned individuals HRIKEN DAIRY FARMS helping children and adults with ML)." He notes that he has asked Bill Grippo. director of Franklin Adult/Community Education, to coordinate the event, based on Grippo's success with "Camelot." a community-and county-wide fundraiser during the 1981 International Year- of Disabled Persons, s..! '. All the proceeds of the Italian Festival will goto MDA and will be used locally for research and services, according to Mr.,Blishak5. The funds will helpmpa maintain clinics at JFK Medical Center in Edison and Monmouth Medical Center* in L6ng Bmch. along 'with, a - summer camp in Oakhurst for children and adults with MD and neuro-rpuscular diseases. The funds will support research at Rutgers and Princeton universities, too.. Volunteers, whether for cooking or for helping youngsters with MD feel at home at the Italian Festival, arc asked to call Mr. Grippo at (201) by July 20 with a definite commitment to assist^. For further information about the Muscular Distrophy Association, call Mr. Blishak. at (20U The Fast Food Family Restaurant \Velsh Farms Ice Cream BURGERS STfcAKS SEAFOOD The Best Soft Ice Cream Served Here- Welsh Farms If You Want Quality, Service and Cleanliness... TRY US! If You Havent..you dont know what you're missing!. i Burgers - Steaks - Hot Dogs - Seafood Extended hours thru Labor Day. Sunday: Noon till 10 P.M. Mon. - Sat. 11-9:15 Rt. 206 BolleMead, NJ GOOD QUALITY USEb RECORDS & TAPES AT AFFORDABLE PRICES!., Complete inventory of Rock, jazz, country, show tunes, buttons, posters, etc. Special orders on new releases and imports. TWO GREAT LOCATIONS 901 W. Camptain Road Packard's Farmers Auction ManvSe and Rea Market MOn si^io^0 :^0mPm We*Lday 3 i"2?m 1 % r^ep.m. ^2iL 12^ Frktays 12 p.m.-9:30 p.m. CtOMdSunctays BWg. # 5-nw the Pennsylvania Phone Dutch Ice Cream Stand LARGE SELECTION OF NEW/USED RELEASES! Bring this ad for ONE FREE IMPORT SINGLE vour choice with purchase -Limit: One per customer : FIRST UNHID METHODIST CHURCH i MASON THE CHIP OF THE BO'* 0EAMIY YET "FAM OUT" I KM nmm DEUMKXS OAF ABBA OT Mi. Foothill Playhouse 35th ANNIVERSARY ;!VI tm WMJ** «>XM(ini (. HIM SIDEWALK SALE THURS.-FRI.-SAT. JULY 8, 9,10 TERRY DRESSES SHORTSETS Itf ATHC IntriMliicinK *^ffi^me S> "MUSMCIIU" fnnti lkhvurut...tli«r <?> Y'%. cn-stul of kin^s. M<Hith>l>km-n uncl luml-cxit. Its (unity und hrcuihiukinji brulluikv arc non iurvil. loivukc Imitcs yoti to sec u full selection of llucvurut crvstul. SHIRTS-BLOUSE! 20% TO 50 /cqoff SKIRTS-SLACKS $10 -$15 MANY MORE UNADVERTISED SWIM WEAR REDUCED 20-30% TOPS-SHORTS $3-$4-! SPECIALS -8M.4-9PJI. J»w*Hrs and Stivnmtttis Sine* 1877 S4 N M I M t«ra«t. PttafUM, N«w Mftmy 0*940 («M) Tlwndn and Friday Evenings UntH :» PM. MAtifK C*«O VOA ACC»>tO ' L*VAK CATALOGUE AVAILABLE S2 7S. Mon.-Fri. 10a.m.-9p.m. Sat.-10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun. 11a.m.-4p.m. RUTGERS PLAZA EASTON AVE. SOMERSET

4 4-A Ihr franklin NEWS RECORD Thuredajr, Jaly 8,1982 Nanry appointed Rutgers acting associate provost Dr Owfe* %mr$ of Km$ Kami. Seawm* hm tmm appwatcil xtmif»w«k«lr pm3n«mi &» MwiemK. *ttur\ far *enc*«tc^puf*«d RiJ**«v«he Stile Uamrwry of New Jervry Carrendy the dctn oi lpaf%«rut> CoUcfc-Ncwvk. he»tll amame bit new responsibilities on huh I Franklin High junior attends Boys State BrtKC Lrwnu wan ol I*** JOXS Ajrleae- LOUJ «f 16 finnan Dime., J* one «>< ** V5 hn«tnmn tikmqglteitf! %r» Jcnc? tfce beyetf mutlnex o«*i* Sear M R*fc* Cellryr xt fawn.vane 3»-2fc <fflnus* Jtane> Stater fl»c Vuw ttw MUteac *ihnj tin JPMMJ < rniwt jetruc jmj wac&gyflc swmsrw at Ac rthr acritbrgv* Mil etwfwutwnlkbr* *>** ' Xfchtk jr RK&V IVttcipr. the men Icaran! ot the (uaciiom of the lcfitl«ii«c. ciccattvc and judicial tvaaebe* at pnvmman. conducted tjtbfmpa nod ckcitcmh. sad leaned how mt fo'cnuuom operates through «fc««i fwrtanfunoa us the democratic Tin* f«ar"% *$calm included Ne» Jem* Secretary <rf State Jane Bvrfto. sccubwc awo»«k> the feacnl. DnaaM C McCabc. «*M?n»t»«n officer for the NJ T Cwl Scn»cc. and Wilham tl WrfU. Jtncwti* (or the vthix>l erf Lm laf««rmi(«an Alw» m*ittj to attend *** iimtma* TlmmM H Kcan WJCV telntcj tn the Franklin *.v»h> on the hs%n o( ci>jir»«lcr. tili/cnvhip. icadenltip Franklin book available ^v>-»cr3recnf tfte Wuctc jrc f»«si j «ncftied tn adklttion The bowi nu\ he incful (or thai ret uirc The N»* «ctk for SI 25 and»ill he.m.*il.>hf «t di*cuunt rjic\ when rvt»hjncu»a \jspc qiun!il> It can be.#ttmc\l at the Ovimhcr i>i Commerce «4r*cr. I *20 Haroltwn St. Somenet ftm lurthcr infnmxumn. call Janet Or. Nonnan Samuek. who becomes actmg Newark provott on July 1. said. "Dr. Nanry is one of our ablest admuustraton in the university and has compiled an extraordinary record of accomplishment over the last few years. I am delighted that he is joining me in the provost's office." Or. Nanry has been dean of the evening, undergraduate, college for the past year and served as its vice-dean since A sociologist with a Ph.D. from Rutgers, he joined the University College faculty in 1967 and became chair of the college's sociology department in He ajso is a member of the graduate faculty in sociology. A scholar on the sociology of ja/z. Dr. Nanry b the author of "The Jazz Text" and "American Music: From Sloryvillc to Woodstock" and is co-editor of the Annual Review of Jazz Studies. His ankle. "Jazz and Modernism." appears in the Jrccntly-rcleased 1982 volume. He also is the author of numerous article*, chapters and reviews on occupational sociology and gerontology. Dr. Nanry now i\ working on an introductory-level tent in sociology with Irving L Horowitz, the State University's Hannah Arendt Professor of Political Science and Sociology In conjunction with the 1982 Kool Ja/7 Festival. Dr. Nanry presented a 1 lecture on "Free Jazz and the Mainvtieam" at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. Thai lecture will be published in a new book based on a senc* of Jazz Festival lectures. The scnes of free lectures was ctxmiinatcd by the Institute of Jazz Studies, located on the Rutgcrs-Ncwark campus. Dr. Nanry was the institute's first director. A member of the Rutgers University Senate since IV75. Dr. Nanry also serves on the Academic Council of the Thomas A Ed:son College of New Jersey. In he served on the Non-Traditional Task Force for the Department ol Higher Education during its development of a nutter plan. Dr. Charles Nanry Small graduates Nyerere Teresa Small, a transfer from Franklin High School, recently graduated Nyercre Institute in New Brunswick. The school is for black youths from ages 3 to 18. Commencement Dr. Nanry and his wife, the former three-member class were held at the Jacqueline Mashioff. arc the parents of Rutgers two daughters. Victoria and Abigail. Student Center. This was Recycle thb newspaper Nyererc's first graduating class since its founding in Teresa, along with the other two graduates, plans to attend Faycttcvillc exercises for thestate University in North Carolina in the fall. She plans to pursue a nursing program. - : Astrin and Katz graduate Drew U. Evan M. Astrin and Laurence Katz of Somerset were among some 600 candidates who received academic degrees at Drew University's 114th commencement on May 22 in Madison. Mr. Astrin was awarded a bachelor of arts degree and Mr. Katz, who also received his bachelor of arts degree, graduated Magna Cum Laude with honors in chemistry. Berry gets ft Princeton degree Jonathon Berry of Franklin was one of the graduates at Princeton University's recent 235th commencement. Retired tennis star Arthur Ashe and Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Paul A. Volcker received honorary degrees at the hour-long ceremony. University President William G. j Bowen delivered the closing remarks.. Holmes on dean's list Lauri Holmes of Somerset achieved a term average of 3.60 or higher for the spring semester at Manhattanville College, Purchase, New York, placing h r on the dean's list. She is a full-time undergraduate student. -%, Punter graduates Marine 2nd Lt. Kenneth J. Punter, son of Comelis. and Dora Punter of Coppermine Road, Griggstown. was commissioned in his presenj rank upon graduation from Qfficer Candidate 'School.. \ Punter will now attend the 21-week officer's Basic School, also at Quantico. ' County college graduates named Franklin Township residents who.re-- cently graduated Middlesex County Col - lege are: Beverly Jean Boekhout, Maryann Theresa Weachock, David Lewis Klein, Stephanie Rose Kucserka. Peter Piwtoratsky. Debra Ann Selenko. John Harry Selenko. William Ralph Selenko, Alexander Rose Straus and Clara Collatos Tredinnick.. HOW TO BORROW $54X000. if?w«e been thnfoztg td t»>t rowing ihtfd manes. ftxa ncffl one of 8 wo shrtgv a melt ucc&c or >u«r «n htxnrjcid unkxiuroteh. nth unt&r* huwr a w:ry<» brm m yiyat mm home, > Wvr prd>- M brew te trutat. Mmt hurar pevr* barv I And m Rswjr ttm tatgjbrf. j soorce at money,, Tht qparstxn». iuar do ytw get jwshmutm Bsmssg; to *< }«mr Farss figure mt p h away wtkrf few *M yewa iewir ami pawf «4f foor mart b l l«rar angml duwm pu^mrnf. my pcwkipal fvm'tv {WMJ alt ami lar MB&am %ma has mcreased n value. So the mare your home's gone up m value, the mofe equity you have. Just «nte down an e$~ tvnke ofhow much you could jgef toe your hometfyou sold a today. Check newspaper real esthe ads or tak neighbors «hat ssnatar homes m the Mti harve sold tor. Then subtract the acncksft erf maaef you *ub o»e on your home. You can get th» viornation from your list, mortgsge statement. The amount you have left <w*r»jroujr equity. And chances are. A"s a pretty ampre*»>ve figure. Thtt ts where we come an With an HFC Equity * Loan, you could borrow as morn a* $30,000," depending on foot equtfy. At competi- We cal it Equity txvaoskr you grt the use ol your money pfca «l the founail expertae HPC has bu* op lor over WO years. Ask your HFC manager. Ycxill get as the information you need in a friendly, straight-forward manner. How much you could borrow. (This, of course, depends on an appraisal of your home.) What the monthly costs would be. And what the actual total cost of the loan wouldbe. You see. every' HFC manager goes through special Equity + training and knows all about real estate lending. When you walk through the door, well be prepared. Giva us a com. if you would Bee to discuss an Equity + Loan give us a cao or stop mat any of our offices. Please look si The Yeiow Pages to locate the office most convenient for you. Unlike a rich unde, we're there when you need us. Jr. bcmi aborts2.s00 art tnwuury mm*tgtgl loams. Call or see an Allstate Agent now. IN HILLSBOROUGH Foodtown Shopping Center Route 206. South Phone: Larry Bogart George Fricdlandcr Joseph Paris Jr. Mon.-Fri. 9-6 P.M. Sat. 9:30 - Noon /instate You're in good hands. LOOSE WEIGHT AT DIET, CENTER NOW! "Super Summertime Special!" \ Let Diet Center make this the most exciting / summer of your life. Just bring this ad to Diet Center and ask about our Summer fun Residents of the Franklin Convalescent Center including Thomas Cawley and Helen Larsen on June 26 took part in a beginning of summer picnic held on the facility's grounds. Families, employees and community volunteers also were on hand to enjoy food, games and surprises. Anyone interested in sharing their time and talents with the nursing home residents this summer, may contact Patricia Heisen registered therapist, at , ext. r l 9.. Catholic Iberia Fatima FtUKC LoatoWa Andorra Sa«ia PortMal T*o Glorious Weeks You'll Never ForgeU tradw, ttn spmlwl inrtctlin if Faiher Nicholas I. FULL SERVICE SALON HAIRSTYLISTS RT. 206 HILLSBOROUGH A * P SHOPPING CENTER ^1 Know someone who'j a feature? Write ifce editor. _\ ' 'Super Summertime Special!'' Do it today offer expires soon.'' NO SHOTS* NO MUGS FORAFKI CO(«U.TATIOfif OVU IJM locaikxs DIET CENTER- Princeton Shopping Center North Harrison Street Mon.-Fri. 7-5 Princeton. N.J. Saturday 8-11 '1699 Sept 3" BrwsMts Parta Uwiin ' LMirdn Bmwli iudwra Usbon ataha Fatlaia Send iwt cooaoa todiy ior row dajr-bj-djjr itinerary brochaic i Fkwwtfiwnciwfn B^B^BB^ -^(^^B^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ :^B»»^'» -^^r ^ -» -» - ^ ARE YOU CONCERNED? If you are feeling -uncomfortable about persona! relationships or career problems, professional j counseling can prove helpful. See how you may resolve your concerns by taking realistic, positive and effective action. Appropriate testing is used as needed. For information, free brochure or an appointment. call ($09) Michael L Rosenthal, M.S.W., Ed.D. Personal Problem, Cveer and Educational Counseling Penninjton Professional Center A South Main Stieet, Pennintton, Hew Jersej 08534

5 ! he Franklin NEWS RECORD,5-A Racquet swingers Getting into the swing of things with the Franklin Township Department of Parks and Recreation. Sandy Lagana instructs Glen Garses, Lynette Ray and Chriss Kelley in the proper forehand technique while Brad Berger points out proper grip of the racquet to Simone Cila and Renoka Gripta. These classes are open to youth' ages Classes are still open and registration is accepted over the phone at the recreation office EDWARD J. CHAYA, manager of Quail Brook Golf Course, presents the Somerset County Park Commission Hole-in-One Award to Pete Murat of Manville. ' Mism Scartta pool. ns Sumttra C t o s fomi as s-*w drves into the (Reft Pipefang photo) 'Summer Fun' lor pre-schoolers like frno&lta fkpuetnent»>l f»»fju. j»tj I»w* tlhtkbtn't Thcjrfn: will prevcru h»n" tvpanin; *! Itt» 4 m County hole-in-one award won at Quail Brook course Pete Murat of Manville recently won the Somerset County Park Commission Hole-in-One Award. Mr. Murat made the first hole-in-one at the new Quail Brook Golf Course.in Franklin Township on the 128-yard 15th hole using a 6 iron. Playing with Mr. Murat on that day were 1 Steve Palahach. John Kulina and George Mindos. Mime's the word?% mtrnw ***** fo* (iwk&ntbt jau *&*&% VilUjr* Flt/a AdirnvMOO t* S2 50 For»»jli ISc 1 luia July 8 S,* Tp> m u IMU "* J- J?-»Vt tnf,<rr^;j.:-o. call SALE ON SNAPPER fhiemstalxatiom IS FORIMPOR Savings from $49. to $106. SAVE on any SNAPPER In stock. NEW EVENING HOURS. Thurs & Fri. OPEN 8:30 am -8:30 p.m. Tues & Wed. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sat. 8:30 am -5 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. SOMERSET LUMBXR * HARDWARE LADIES SKIRTS ft SLACKS ' Regularly to LAMES BLOUSES $ Regularly to LAMES SHORT ALLS $Q00 Regularly «JR. BOYS SLEEPWEAR $500 Regularly 6.99 ORLS TWILL JEEANS 8 $Q00 Regulariy MEITS KNIT ft TERRY SHIRTS $ Regularly to ' LADIES i SHIRTS MO-13 Regularly to LAMES TEE TOPS '5-6-7 Regularly to 8.99 GIRLS KNIT TOPS '3-4-5 Regularly to 6.99 BOYS KNIT ft TERRY SHIRTS '3-4-5 Regularly to 6.99 MEN'S OUTERWEAR M Regularly to MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS '678 Regularly to LY MDOLESEX IMAMVELE «XT.. c raafaioa ROUTE 2t (Union A»*.>I RUSTIC MAU. OMX*M*O0

6 * Thursday, July 8, 1982 obituaries Writer Kogut ~ Water fcojp*. 66. of N«** IMMk A«e. < cd ftwtey at Dc- Mean an! Loaf HutfMtkt «in PtalMfffc. he lad Irwnd n lee cte patf 43 yew* He» as electrician for Gap., retina* M 1974 He «a»* asemtxr ef she " Quane-Ccneirj Oufe Mr,. K«fiH wa» * fanner f tvmotmm md Nans* of batch era tufa:* ** It a* Amay mderm a* WtxfcS d» a avatar «ad pni et *C Mjawid&t VFW AMI * pum ifctwwi «e«b«tt«dta «f d»c VfW ami * trnnokt tit % Mamllc Amtmm Lepm ftm 0-Pft He» a *c Mmwittt Sawn Gtoro* i m4 pmmta* e* (ft* Ftofclfc fmtwwil A&MCC 4* M» ARBOR ARTS * Gym Seta *D«fvery ffpg Canter Dapftry Jury 10 l D trifle. Loot 2*52 Htmn of ChriM tf* Km Qmcfa. «KS> WOK, fvmocs f Anodic. N.C. Edward of Deep Gap. NLC. and John at bone; two daugttcn, AtoLxefcof MdfordaadDiaaeScbuta of Se»iao. a bewber. Wtfliara of Orlando. R». two mam. Veronica Torgna»oa of North Plamfkld and Adefc Greca of Mow* Jacksoa. V«. and five CbacnhMMCH may be made to the Dcbonfa HcnfMtl A faacral «*s held Wednesday from the Focdb afld Wairca Fuacral Home. Sim*» held at 9am at Sacral Heart Cteardtt Banal» at Sacred Heart Cemetery. Htlhboroajfc Edna Mytych Sotaenet MedkaJ Center in SotncrviOe. Bon is Ptymooth, Pa... the had bees an area resideat for die past 20 years. twrwr tottt* wfwmcx of She was a ««*Ti*» r of the Manvilk MANVIU-E Edna R Mytych. 76. of SoMk Etgbdt A«C«K. died Friday at Classified advertising doeswf cost. ft pays*' Scaior Cnixeas and was a communicant of Sacred Heart Church. Surviving are two sons, Castmir Mytych of Rochester. N.Y.. and Joseph Mytych of Masville, and nine grandchildren. A funeral from FuciUo and Warren Funeral Home was held Tuesday. A 9 am mass was held at Sacred Heart Church. Burial followed at Sacred Heart Cemetery. HUlsborough. THe Iffiga MANVILLE Tillie Miga. 80. of 242 ^fo^h Fifth Ave. died Thursday. Jury I. at Somerset Medical Center in Somerville. Born in New Brunswick, she was a former resident of Trenton and had lived in Marmlle for three years. Her husband. John Miga. died in 1979 Surviving arc two daughters. Natalie" Miga of Manville and Lillian Yang of' Martiomllc; two sons. Theodore of Pompano Beach. Fla.. and Henry of St. Petersburg. Fla.; two sisters. Mamie' Rotsa of Trenton and Helen Kroupa of Sooth Hampton. NY., and four grandchildren. Arrangements were by Cusick Funeral Home in Somerville. Mary Chupak MANV1LLE Mary Chupak. 87. of 324 West Freeh Ave.. died Tuesday at Somerset Medical Center. Somerville. Born in Poland, she lived in Manville for tile past two years. She was formerly of Mahanoy City. Pa. Her husband. Lesko Chupak. died in r955 She belonged to St. Mary*s Byzantine Church in Pennsylvania, Surviving are a son. Michael of Trenton. Pa.; a daughter. Helen Gcnovcse with whom she lived in Manville; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Local arrangement* are under the direction of the Fucillo and Warren Funeral Home. Viewing will be held at the Louis Truskowsky Funeral Home, 300 West Center St.. Mahanoy City, Pa., tonight from 6 to 9 p.m. A funeral from the funeral home at 8:30 a.m. Friday wilt be followed by a 9 a.m. mass at St. Mary's Byzantine Catholic Church. Burial will be in St. Mary's Byzantine Cemetery. Mahanoy City, Pa. Victor Manella MANVILLE Victor R. Manella, 63. of IS9 East Camplain Road, died Thursday, July I. at Somerset Medical Center in Somerville. Bom in West Virginia, he had been a Manville resident most of his life. He was employed by RCA Corp. in Bridgewater as a technician. He was a World War II Army veteran and was a member of Manville Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #2290 and the Manville American Legion post. He was a communicant of Sacred Heart Church in Manville. Surviving are his wife. Helen Fetzko Manella; a son, Robert of Wcstfield;a daughter, Linda Beganc of Clifton; his mother, Alvera Manella of Manville; a brother. John of Remington, and two Sisters. Anne Chalanda of Franklin Township and Kate Loyko of Manville. Arrangements were by Fucillo and Warren Funeral Home.., Thaddeus Palko ^ HILLSBOROUGH - Thaddeus Palka. S3. of 8 Lindstrom Drive, died Thursday (July*I. 1982) at the Veterans Administration Hospital t'n East Orange after a long illness. He lived in Hillsborough for IS years,, having moved there from South Brunswick: A Wold War II veteran, he was a self-employed sheet metal fabrication workapin Newark, retiring in Surviving are his wife, Phyllis; * a : daughter. Gail Kadi of Bricktown; two sons. Dennis of Remington and Donald of Hillsborough, and a brother, William of Deal. Arrangements were by Hillsborough Funeral Home. James Allegro FRANKLIN Services were held for James Joseph Allegro, SS, of Charles Street who died Tuesday, June 29, at St. Peter's Medical Center, New Brunswick, after a brief illness. Services were Friday from the Gleason Funeral Home, 1360 Hamilton St., Somerset, followed by a 9:30 a.m. Mas of Christian Burial at St. Mathias R.C. Church, Somerset. Burial was in St. Peter's Cemetery, New Brunswick.. Bom in New Brunswick, he was a lifelong area resident. He was a material handling^supervisor for the Ford Motor Co., Edison, for the. past 25 years. His wife, Maura T. Allegro, died June 6. ' Surviving are three sons, Daniel, James and John, all at home; a daughter, Cathleen at home; a brother. Carmen of South River; and three sisters,- Tina Dzelak of\east Brunswick, and Frances Hack and^nadeline Onorati, both of Rorida. \. F ' Graduation cer held for 6 technology students Six students graduated recently from Somerset Medical Center's Medicai Technology Program. They were presented with medical technology pins and diplomas at a graduation ceremony and reception held in their honor. A medical technologist performs la- boratory determinations and analyses used in diagnosis and treatment of dis-' ease and the maintenance of health. The 12-month program at the medical center consists of classroom and clinical training in all aspects of medical technology, including hematology, microbiology, clinical chemistry, blood banking, serology. immunology, and laboratory management and supervision. The students receive a bachelor of-~ttcnter; science degree after completing three years of college and one year in Somerset's medical technology program.^ which is accredited by the Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation. The students then are eligible to take the examination for certification by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists. -, The new graduates include: / Janet Brown of Roselle Park, graduate of the University of Scran ton, who will, be working at Alexian Brothers Hospital. Elizabeth;: : Lauren Havrilak of Scranton.'graduate of the University of Scranton, who will be working at Carbondale General Hospital, Carbondale, Pa.; Jeff Mericle of Lebanon, N-J-- graduate of Mansfield State College, Mansfield. Pa., who will be working at Somerset Medical Center;, Arlene Mortensen of Piscataway. graduate, of Kean College, Union, who will be working at Somerst Medical Diane Ryan of West Nyack, N.Y. graduated of Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry; N.Y., who will "be working at Hackensack Medical Center; and Stephanie Silvanagc of West Milford. graduate of Douglass College, New Bmnswick, who will be wdrking at Muhlenberg Hospital. Plainfield. Classified ads reach 30,000 families weekly. > i FuciUo & Warren Funeral Home lm U MARAZO. atr*cr nax emu? urn scorer, PMKCTN. U Bapttf UM. Smfcts SHL HMO «I *X p.m.. Son. SdMt iftjo a*u NW. EN Mtttnt 415 p m. R«*dui R». I7t Nauai 2.10) Mm-Sit ENUMia BAPTIST CHURCH (Evangelical Baptist) Washington & S. 3rd Ave.. Manville. Sunday School Morning Worship 1100-AM. Evening Bible Hr. 7:00 P.M. James Westervelt. Pastor. Phone For FREE TRANSPORTATION to Sunday School call To be lifted in this Directory of Religious Sennce and Events contact Pat Undnwtn 609/ & P RL dttorngys 312 Route 206 Hillsborough Township Somerville. NJ (201) Steven R. Lane Ronald L.Perl M T W T r S] S k 7 t»10 lit 12 u14 is it i uit»»aa August S M T W T F S S 6 7, BUILDERS INC MONSE WED fc ra room. «MU> «K> SHED. AMMM. t&b WC AtSO CMWY WATIH SO^ TIMW S*4.TS IAWM tr GAMXH summs. snots. K»TS.MOOTS 6 GLOVES. 8 L1 MEAD rxrmers' COOP LMfROAO tuemfao BOROWIHES tuqoors asmun 111 ThurwJay. Juty» Frar*Sn Two Counc* - 8 P m Wteoma Wagon of HHaboro-Montgomery 8 pm. imateno Hgh SchoolUbrary. Oniiiawn Anonymous to 2 p.m. - Hart- M n ffef. Church, cor OulcNown Rd. Mo. 3&-1061 or ",. Siory«mt at btdbm* - 7^0 p m. - pre-school & fcudwyarian. I fitxxo Pubic Ubrary. RM>y.JiaY9 Omwf Mm - -Huaty &»» Fatoon" - 2 p m. - IMatiuiu rtgh School - notea.cmdran undw 6 must tm accompanad Of an acwl Sundf.Mf 11 Sorrwrwc Vatoy YMCA Smm Maralhon - Spja^i lor Catf> aponaorad by LMCtara Chib of YMCA. AQM ForMocH Man** Counc* 8 pm. Tuawlay, JiaV 13 So Co-Prw«o dob pm. - So. Co. Ubrary. Sartof Catam a n watcomad to use Communttv Room in ManvtOa Public Library -10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Assn. to Improve Benefits tor Retired Disabled Workers & Tneir Dependents 1 p.m. - Walts Inn, 337 No. Main St. Manville. HiBsboro Rescue Squad - 8 p.m. - Sqd. Bldg.. Amwefl Road. Hillsboro. So. Bound Brook Council - 8 p.m. Hflsboro Committee 8 p.m. "Music " recital by Maryiann Gombeda - piano. Andrea Waverka-flute. 7 p.m. - Manville Public Library. Refreshments. Wedneeday, July 14 Blood Pressure Screenings-American Heart Assn.. Bridoewater-5 to 8 p.m.-also Fri. 11 a.m. to 2 pm - InfoT cafl Manville Bd. of Adj. - 7:30 p.m. - Manville Public Ubrary. i ManviBe Senior Citizens Business Meeting - 1 p.m. - Christ the King Church Auditorium. Thursday, Jury 15 Franklin Twp. council 8 p.m. HiRsboro PI. Bd. - 8 p.m. * La Leche League of Hillsboro 8 p.m. - Info, call E. Wadyka 874$073. P^i»' Dave's Men's & Boys' Shop 41S.M«nSL Manville Formal Wear For Hire Policemen Mailmen THE ONE STOP HARDWARE HOME CENTER i.s. AMERMAN CO. NeahanJc Station, N.J. "Everything for Building" Residential-Farm -Commercial Phone (201) lor 4202 TaifttartQrsmf rvf JET OFFSET Printing & Typesetting 200 S. Main SL, Manville RITE-AWAYINSTANf PRINTING CENTER Copies 50 eo. 1 Lowest Price In County "Vie Print Everyttwng" 1 Open Saturdays 422 Rt. 206 South Hillsborough, NJ. (Professional Center) DOTTM GUUSHIUI SCHOOLS OUT! To Rent This Space Call ATLANTIC CITY Daily Bus $14.00 receive $10. in quarters in Atlantic Oty T-J-H Travel Agency 722~55oo

7 7-A clover correspondence T.B. ly+li cmmm mm Couactt. My- I. JWj 12 Mom Uadtan. I } f j tefeos Cmp. 5«*c* hmvu TJtat *-H *sfcw»«t Ckfc awn* *** «MHii, to nub foul {AM* few an. aw to X*. L#*ew«c«O!»«tey, N<r». Vert.»! die fan Ai ifec wul fctttni 18M? vim 4 I leys to w Utf inancr. They lots of fan lobe wkfa arc kxalu&f forwwd to «c left off a year ago. ExdtMtge weta- &y arc gong to crow PWCJBJMI and W a i Vftpata»ho are cwnmf io New On MIIHMIIU OCM o( the»<eek n going lo he * p*$ ramt m the TertKsie fann in totnethutf new tad <bf-- Miller named director of hospital pharmacy i K Sister wi ts» CaCafaw Dme,. fern famas «fcr %t»w d Sotat* \p«$ l>itift«4i Cease* *t Jarviwr of the X+' tftiscctk* «# Os* p6ttr»k>. Ntf Miite«wttt tor evtp.»ir«m to AK 'dte «<ci Hr *tiltt*«cnev AK»> me tenikir*' t» tft< ttimxwt Cent* "Very- te» ttui» us pmynom h» Ac «fefmefl&ms«e»«t»ei lk» fh«ccmct't He» a (MM tiuocc erf the New Jene> AMOCIMIOQ and a pmi <>( the Sotncnct-HuntcnJoo C<narM> fturmaceiiticai Asaociauon. He fejsi *cr»c«j the Somerset County Unii of the Amcfitjn Cancer Society»* vwcfwrudmi. ihc Somerrille File Dejnj ttac Sooienet Counr>aim wtah sfsanfcwk-* 4a effect*, of S.ierwr»>Uc. Vtr f SCJMSJI jad Ruifcn CoMefc of Pfeamaac* la ihc rmd-istov. he vrrved jpi * pturmjcm ai Sotoenci Hospital (*% it mjn, tmntn UDcoji, and later.«aiclrod y Fkauoyloo.»nd Sun Ray j*, Bndfcwatcr He was propnetor o* Ebe Brjftchbwy Phannacy from 1971 %* 1^76 Ms Miller'* mmi nxral *v«fnme«i «crc < *}» the New lcne> Department of * ictuot pturraaccutkal field lot iti Health Facilities la thai capacity, be *bnmt e%«tj> bmpoai ptutrnucy Ctidenil) complcunj a term at tknr^asyh t»uj*;»lmjo m Sotnenritie. Mr. Millet ciubl» Kd Utc Vnde m Sornek» recruited ' m bcjuiif»cal»oo MilkT jchj hn *ifc Mijonc. a arc the p*m»li of IK. and Robin. 14 Fenwick, Noble slated to testify fereat for our 4-Hen at well as the vuiiors. Cooicmg a whole pig over an open fire takes tune, to we will have fames and activities to keep everyone busy and build iq> appetites to do justice to the succulent center attraction. It pi onuses to be a memorable event. Anyone mtetraed in taking part, contact Mrs. Laura Tcrhune at the 4-H Center Our 4-H Senior Council made up of older members from 4-H clubs all over the county is planning to hold a picnic at the Skillman Training School on July 10. The word is that youngsters there are really looking forward to it. THERE IS a 4-H club at the school made up of boys interested in working on model airplanes. Abner Mathews, club leader, reports they are a real pleasure to work with, very appreciative of someone's taking time to share and help them. This kind of attitude promises to make holding a picnic for them very rewarding for all concerned. ' Somerset County has good reason to be proud of the 4-H members who represented us at Rutgers last week in the Pharmacy Topics '"MstMt"' aratas Sut an attxm Mtte HSK aartacas at a* taaft aal ml State Presentation program. We had 24 participating this year, and evory one of them did a conunendabie job. It is only naural for us to think our 4-H members ire pretty special young people. We watch them grow and develop their potential, becoming more proflcent and accomplished year by year. But when we see them in action alongside others from all over New Jersey, we know it is not just our own enthusiasm which makes them look good to us. Our 4-Hers compare very favorably with the best the rest of the state has to its credit. THREE OF OUR 4-H members came home from Rutgers with special awards for outstanding presentations. They were Cindy Connor, Amy Sutphin and Valerie Spierling. Others taking part from Somerset County were Betsy Blum. Lynda Brode. Arlene Collins. Jennifer Crowe. Can Dietzman, Jennine Elashewich, Kim Gardner, Denise Hann. John Krom. Chris Morris. Jeff Porter, Kendra Rodgers, Gloria Salus. Annette Schmidt. Heidi Schoenfeld. Darlene Southard, Jim Stamets, Peggy Trionfo, Penni Trionfo, Bryan Wengryn, Edward! Wcngryn. ' * Our 4-H Bowling Club held an awards program at the 4-H Center to culminate its year of activities. Leader Marion Kupper put this club together in response to popular demand when 4-Hers found themselves having a good time* on a bowling outing, and it has turned in to a lively league as 4-Hers have steadily improved their games. Bowling will resume in September when the club will be' accepting new members. No need to know* how i to bowl, learners are welcome. Watch for announcements of fall startup, or call the 4-H Office and ask to be notified. Fair, lawn sale benefit planned A fair and lawn sale will be held on Saturday, July 24. to raise funds Ifor the Resource Center for Women, an orgrnization helping hundreds of battered women in Somerset and surrounding counties.. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 1798 West Circle Drive. Martinsville (opposite the Martinsville Inn). It will feature items gathered from almost 100 homes,! including antiques, books, toys, furniture, household and garden tools. - A picnic area will offer refreshments and musical entertainment. Mel Robin of Bridge water, chairman, said donated items can be accepted for sale and a tax-deductible receipt will be provided. Contributions of baked or canned goods also will be accepted. The rain date is Sunday, July 25. Funds raised from the fair and lawn sale will be used to support the Resource Center's shelter and counseling programs for battered women and their families. The Resource Center also conducts support groups and special programs for women. It is located at 80 East High Street. rsomerville. Look what $6.67 buys when you deposit $50 at Somerset Savings. I I 9 plum C«*atftic time tern ilmvrm O.C «n. i».tth. $1.00 off per Ib. MEDIUM SHRIMP THE LOBSTER DOCK f rcpucc- MMJ ttnram rralipsmcnb. j pr»«c«twie jfjuml a 50O \CJT flood I *M!1 acker forfd «hc g >< \*p*a. 197) Sit peupic»crc j«d RMIIIOM ctf dottan»onh of The flooxi probarc not j J(S.»S«tai, and I am dobcatcii to l^sscmf thu pevfeet off the drtwutf hoard ami n»i«e «>< twvjkktatic emanf ktneta." Vtr* PttOfW torduraclean Ftewf-frwh Fumftur* d«*niog? «cam! 9*n avahnt-im m RflLLSttftO PHARMACY Dt Casts Ctflttr 81 7 K at Aanmfl R l Recycle this newspaper Your choice of a 3 piece place setting of Meadow Stoneware or Lace Bouquet China,.,' there's still plenty of time to complete your set. Here at Somerset Savinss we started sivins out beautiful dinnerware last January. Though, as they say, all good' things must come to an end, so too must our dinnerware program - but, there's still plenty of time for you to make purchases of all the pieces you want, at fantastically low prices, because we're soir»3 to offer the dinnerware until August 5, So hurry in and take advantage of this once-in-alifetime opportunity to acquire elegant affordable dinnerware, while you stack up your savings. Remember- deposits of $50 or more to a new or existing Savinss Account or Individual Retirement Account let you select the place setting or any of the attractive accessory pieces at our special depositor prices (as indicated in chart). Deposit $10,000 or more to any new Savings Certificate and purchase the full set at a greatly reduced price. The Meadow Stoneware 24 pc. setservice for 4 - is only $3333. And the Meadow Stoneware 53 pc. set or the Lace Bouquet China 61 pc. set both service for S - can be purchased for only $ Come into any of our offices today and see all of thle dinnerware piecei"onctis"pray- and get the orfes you want. At Somerset Sayings you'll always get high-yielding rates on all of our insured savings plans, but you only have until August 5th to get beautiful dinnerware, too! ; NOTICE Nassau Interior's 206 Contemporary Furniture Must Vacate by July 29th. EVERYTHING MUST GO i Drastic Reductions Come in Early and Save! ALL SALES FINAL Hours: Mon.-Thurs M Sat Nassau Interior's 206 Contemporary Furniture IIKVniBMIllV Rl 206 Rocky WHIi Get the complete set immediately Deposit $1,000 or more to any Savings Certificate or IRA plan and Vou can purchase the Meadow Stoneware 24 pc. set - service for 4 - for only $ The Meadow Stoneware 53 pc. set or Lace Bouquet China 61 pc. set - both service for 8 - can be purchased for only $ or... BOUND BROOK Union Ave FLEMINGTON Broad St Complete yourdinnerware at low depositor prices. Meadow Stoneware PRICE" 3 pc Place Setting i 6.67 Addon-Setting 6.43 Four Luncheon/Dessert i Plates 7.62 Vegetable Bowl 6.43 Creamer & Covered Sugar 9.52 Large Platter 8.35 Covered Casserole SOmERSET SAVINGS flndloflnflssoqfltion MANVILLE Rustic Mall MIDDLESEX Bound Brook Rd " Lace Bouquet Fina China PRICE" 3 pc. Place Setting " t 6.67 Addon-Setting Vegetable Bowl 6.43 Creamer & Covered' ' Sugar : Large Platter Covered Casserole Gravy Boat Extra Large Platter V ( ) Plus N«w Jeney Sales Tax tone initial FREE sift per family)....- EXTRA BONUS: When you have collected 8 bonus coupons from the Add-on-Settins you may purchase the overvproof ', Covered Casserole for only $ RARITAN Somerset St SOMERVILLE West End Ave Savings insured up to $100,000 - by Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. WHITEHOUSE U.S. Hwy

8 * ^.. S-A Thursday, July 8,1982 ' Mrs. Jacks named assistant coordinator of mobile unit Marfaaa Jack*. KJNU of Gator's OR UM (MICU). am J Mcaaagic. e* : Mrv Jacks mfl work dwcttj mot D&aaa Holey. R.N... MICH The MICU» a tpccxaliy oadancd K t e k wfakb transport* the MJCUI directry to the sceae of an tlioetb or iajory. It will wtfi ares rescue p MICU *io be to/fed by a team of registered nancs a&d a volume ex driver r the dsecimo of a physician ia Che N.J. Cancer Society warns about summer sun dangers NORTH BRUNSWICK A ray of timnliffei (Bcusrc* degrees fmtakm w6c» * team *t t 4 pssracj. ffctffn mmti ban. ntftrwwj ttxitct tm «na coaohm danaf ~ Ttm m way m iftc adncm of aocxacr tcwcm Ac Amrrxaa Gaaocr * N<r» Jeney Dt%«iam anjes M l&c wi" wfeca The* pnxaaf*ni acted m ttttfifwmm ml tie tawce, kale*. att or anm. fe* fact. * cw mannam;- tacrcroe dth^fmciif tw Wjtfdns off ensrfid tonburs or. wane.»&aa cancer (fee BMHI CHmnKai (one el *B CMKCA, «weicrf. «u<i Or. Mtvum A RmcaMaa erf Atlanta: City. Ettmtfrar Cogamanc Cfeurcrsia Pelican. of the ACS New Jcney Oivnioo. "sunphf annt*e% weartaf protective ckxhtng tort a» tut and loog Jccvc*. applytng * «aa-bkkluag louan and limitittg the iwnc ot expo/urn:, particularly around imddt) when the um'% ny\ are stronge«. Aa citbbafeed cavo of skin ctckop cadi year. Dr. Rosem*dk.. "Fortutattly." he adds, are cored through early detection :ahd promt* treatment Scvcnhcfeu. there will he wtmc dcadn from Una cancer m the Umtcd Stales th» year from mattgnam mcimoma. a pjrikdlift) pcnactoin cancer By en- EAST MILLSTONE Somerset County Park.Commission, celebrating "25 yean in the Green." is sponsoring us llth Annual Tennis Tournament at Colonial Park Tennis Center off Elizabeth Avenue in Franklin Township. Due to the resurfacing renovation of Green Knol! Tennis Courts this summer, RndcntMM.»c hope to rc- ctxmfatf dace thn tali comwfcrably." A tree pansphlct on sliiii cancer. o*mffiimag ad^xe oa dctectmg it u)d metm. ot trcauag a. n avaitabie at all local ACS Unit* OVERSTOCKED POOL SALE Special Louge Sale 20 foq*1 *m suftstcs SOCAH COVERS MM J4~. mm as- - icw ss- Department otitizug radio Samenet's MICU wio (ooa the road Jury 26 aad win operate oa a 24-bour. sevea-day-a-week basis. It win serve HuaiefdoB and Middlesex Cowwiici. The task is part of a oomortbm along with Middlesex General Hospital and St. Peter's Medical Center. Mrs. Jacks' new responsibilities include the daily management functions of the MICU. developing an orientation tmugiam for the staff, and conducting cottinuing ftiitriiia programs for the staff, volunteers, rescue squads, and other, community groups. Mrs.Jacks earned an associate degree in nursing at Somerset County College, and a bachelor of science degree in nursing at Cedar Crest College, Allentown, Pa. She previously worked at Allentown A Sacred Heart Hospital Center as an emergency room nurse and as staff person on Life Flight, a helicop-,ter transport service for the hospital's trauma center. She also has served on an MICU in Lancaster. Pa., and as a phlebotomist at Somerset Medical Center while attending Somerset County College. She is a licensed private pilot. 11th annual tennis tourney planned for Colonial Park 4**1S*0*C*i Picket Fa A*OV* OJKXMO aa- the tournament is moved to Colonial Park. Registration cut-off for men and Other categories and registration cut-off dates include Mixed Dobles Open. July 3. Men & Women Doubles, Aug. 7; and Senior Men, ae 35 and over, Sept. 7. Entry fees are $4 per person plus a can of new U.S.L.T.A. approve*} balls. Doubles fee is $6 plus the can of balls. Colonial Park Tennis Center also will be the site for the annual tennis clinic to be held weekly, Monday - Friday, July.12 to August 13. Each morning clinic women open singles is July 3. The will be held from 8:30 a.m. to noon for tournament will be played the weekends adults and youth.adult evening programs will be held at convenient times. of July There will be a Men's A & B night. The clinic fee is $25. All entrants must be amateurs. Entrants whose primary occupation is the tennis center or by calling the park Registration forms can be obtained at teaching teams are not eligible. ortue. Twin-W. Taxi Announces EXECUTIVE LIMOUSINE SERVICE To Newark and Philadelphia Airport Early AM and PM Schedules Monday thru Friday Call 60^ Ask about the Executive Service Schedules, and the special rates * Advanced Reservations Necessary HOWTG Mr. & Mrs. Brian Groner Single-Groner wed Dcbra Lynn Single, daughter of Sandra (and A. David Single of Meridan, Connecticut, was married to r Brian 'vgroner, son of William and * Carol Groner of 25 Continental Rd., Somerset, cm June 19.. The ceremony took place at Yale Inn, Meridan, CT. Honor attendants were Martha Anton of Meridan, CT, and Michael A. Blair of Stamford, CT. The bride is a graduate of Malonej^7 High School. Meridan. CTJ-and Bay Path College, with an associate degree. She is employed by Kidder Pejabody and Co. Inc.. Springfield, Maine.^ Her husband is a graduate of Franklin High School and Western New England College with a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering. He is employed by Combustion Engineering, Windsor Locks, CT. '. The couple will- reside in Windsor, CT. Arlene Knarr is engaged to marry David S. Zabawa Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Knarr of 205 East. Freeh Ave. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Arlene, to David S. Zabawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zabawa of 325 Boesel Ave. The bride-elect is a graduate of Manville High School and is employed by Somerset Trust Company rn the Rustic Mall. I Her fiance is also a Manvillc High School graduate and is employed by the Township of Montgomery. A Spring 1984 wedding is planned. Know someont who's a whim? Write lha riitor. Arlene Knarr SALE DAYS T, POT YOOR HONE WITHOUT TYING UP YOURMONEY 7-30 DAYS DAYS' DAYS ABOVE THE Enhance The Beauty And Value Of Your Home WHh Professional Landscaping From Doerier. Tearnttorm your tome *m m natural standout w*h a Doerier cuv % ci«c8m«*y *domg otcsv slwutn, and other plant rnatcnafe. you can trtmkt the boauty of your home whie stgnilcantjy ncreasng «*aiue And cajrcmy ptanned landscape oflers natural energy wmgst..fcecfang your home warmer m»w n and cooler n SMTrwraw..-. The pralemiorahk at Oocrtet Landscape* «AI carefulv guide you even/ step of die way After oajuanng your property, thesr staff of qraduaat landscape archtcu wil deagry dewriop and mplement oneof*mnd landscapng program taiored to your personal needtt and budget Thw wde range of scrmces nctude Sdfccten and painting of Bee*, shrub* and ground covers HydtaMKdkng, soddhng and la*n care Deign and»malaauu of iwaluk patio* and decks Swrwrrang poofcv fountank wcwttoii areas., and much more : Is e*ay Just cat one of our landscape acraiecto *> dkty for are*. no«c«gaoon vwtand < PMyo«r anaac abew* ttoe nsac Ca* (609) today. Landsscapes, 9 Gordon Avenue (60^ \tn S200O io» morel 15.60% 14.30% Life is getting a little confusing home on the financial range Complicated investment funds that lock up yow money Stampeding interest rates that are here today and gone tomorrow, So how do you lasso the big interest without tying up your investment? With a Security Savings Repurchase Agreement. A Security Repurchase Agreement gives you a guaranteed rate for the entire period of your agreement And there's no penalty for early withdrawal. So you can gef to every penny of your original investment if you need your money before maturity Mm investment S<?utji) (Or tm>rt'i, 15.02% effective 13.80% yield if reinvested lof 363 days pet year Mm investment lor morel 14.44% effective yield il reinvested lor 365 days at 13.30% There are no fees or commissions, either. That well-earned interest is all yours. (Our only requirement is that you open a savings or checking account to facilitate payment of your interest.) \1 Stop by your nearest Security Saving^ office. And rope some big interest for yourself. SOME POINTS TO REMEMBER This obligation is not a savings account or deposit and is thus not insured by the FederaI j Savings and Loan y. ; Insurance Corporation. Your Repurchase Agreement cannot be automatically 'renewed and no notice of maturity will be given! Secufitu»Koaaoaain&«iO-*ia3^rtanp«wr<iaytawfto»»iO*n» ^^ What will they think of next?" M&UtttFSLIC. V *.

9 Quick candlelight suppers for two Shrimp salad canapes a refreshing taste of Copenhagen feed me toy MM &p_lflc I O fnor ** fcwd p ID afl of Ac *JWML far m * ta» tftaf I M I T>wff itan tanft to all of '"Sn»p«c«caaKa».**i«Mdl Aid the «*&«cwiiiyc'i ** (wrmte of SUK, fcmmmdkag OK of «Iiftic c*fc I o»cc ficq«c*ied is C*urgKtm>* toci cofed Ae Trwait... THK W% csaiwafmi am at *» nan M Cfco* < IJBtWf 4 yaw daa'i aaf aa ksmd MK{ duavi ewe to far a, jam M M * rro«n die Stem? C**Hf«s» Tr»cb Soap OCMCMMMCH 1/4 put*** fresh, uaatl ifcraap pumpokk-ci o* tbrfc i>e bread I teat - t ttup 2 to * pmxx* Ckcrry tietraf aam StiftCMP CASAftS TtVOU Tnc DtMct arc Umowt lot thca ofv» &Knl smd«cta». wtod. CM make. m sptnkbal noil m AamdNcs and aa c*ca> wore iplcadid appetizer e$f smstf MKC wtfb * bay ft*** of iced AiftWMt. &M*. ocac Ufce * e Raruua* «teuakvistfta.m»»demm! Facamfm torn tw«. bwj ymmcit 14 patad snao. bnfai «hfunf> PIIMWJK ttcn vnto bnifced Mrffenf water, hod 2 OSMMK» Rcwnt ftom waacr. natw wwti <xm mwn. Place n. fttmt «l ter, nfi nwnc ««ttw. <ctcr> aed aad» Mhr feiwei. «finc 4 you and * tern CltaB; iw«nrfewr «tr«ittf. mat *e cram. tow «r durl fcrr** Sfmsid fte ui*d Gatmtib * t <H»«y cat can Sf icncd warm. ««AI o> it room U «w ptw» tfvd ike {MR of taw «ndk JMCMC agentd*. the t'4 I'? t- : 2 14 ted wtdem ow utaeyar OUhULl'WI.X HMO Wall pm9ccs\, ntet i «MRwtfNa jad add the cfcwefcca ( m* aad «nc. Bnof to a hod. ntdaerkeat. SWMKS to ii Mn. of waoi teatdrf,. Add reawmiag iayrcdieau; «food prkkmorcr Mt Mrader. m bmdm, Senc warn or cold. w«a dm «prtf» rf yoo tanc OHCKIN dousttanse?* Yew «n«laoai»aea carry powkr» p. aad * ahem does m Sofl» if Ana 'tcoqdor in km dkoa 20 ecu IwtKi aiibtit sp jot sosfte doam (Ml I isalesaooa caopped asaago W.sAAcdactca HMac* pal dry I m. wefl b>o*iiitd 12 SBMMn removedtbe i bow feeikidei SpnaUc tn the aad cook owcr medium C. swhaf coooently. Add btodt Md bnag to a boil. Stm m the tamato sauce, whipdattaty. pineapple slices nd pnn>i'>. Bnaj to bod. Return dadtca to(he tfcbet Stunner, cowered. 10 ID 12 BMMCS or onuj rhtdtcu part of daefcea ndoor Nice with panleyed potatoes. BREAD AND APPLE PUDDING Bondepige mcdslor. or Veiled Country Lass, is the name the Danes give this humble and delicious country dessert. A few drops of Cherry Heering add nobility to its blood. 2 cups fine pumpernickel or rye bread crumbs* \Vs tablespoons butter I tablespoon sugar I cup thick applesauce 2 tablespoons raspberry sauce or Cherry Heering (optional) Sweetened whipped cream To make the crumbs, place 4 to 6 slices dark bread on a baking sheet; heat in 400 F oven, 15 minutes. Puree in food processor or blender. Combine bread crumbs, butter^ and sugar in a heavy, 10-inch skillet. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until bread crumbs are crisp. Cool the mixture. Place alternate layers of bread crumbs and applesauce in a small serving dish. Only at ending with the bread crumbs. Sprinkle with the raspberry syrup or Cherry Heering. Chill. Serve with the whipped cream.. BATTLE PLAN Divide shopping duties as practical, sending one of you off for the fresh shrimp and a fine head of cauliflower while the other picks up the supermarket staples and the wine, Aqvavit and Cherry Heering, if you are planning a boozy night. r Cook the shrimp first and set it to UNION WHEN YOU SEE THE DOT, YOU SAVE A LOT! If s ook-out Time And we've cooked up some sizzling good values for your picnicor barbecue. Check our Red Dot Specials this week and skve! 9-A chill. Then make the cauliflower soup; the chicken and the pudding. When all this is done, put the soup, the chicken and the pudding in the fridge. : Now'prepare the shrimp salad and 'spread it on the bread. Sit down and 1 relax. Have a sip and a snack. Light the candles all you have to do is serve the soup.' heat up the chicken and whip cream for the pudding. Finish the evening with a rich, home-brewed coffee and a few thimblefulls of Cherry Heering BUTCHER BLOCK BUTCHER BLOCK BUTCHER BLOCK I SUPER COUPONS Holly Farms! Chicken Parts Lb. 55 C Cornish Hens Breakfast Links 139 fc^^k^^h Mft^^^L^^^^ I L ^ ^ ^^A ^^^^^Jl >k^j.^^ifc-^fc^. av^^a^ flak^ki lajpajajv WWIaaiaaw fr Ta 1^1 W aaa^^ wib'^a^wa^aj 9-aja/ ^^^p BeeTFrinks *yjg» ^ _ SAVIM'A flf ' U.S.O.A. OioicaKaaf First Cut _ Chuck Steaf Son* Lb. 29 U.S.D.A. Choice - Boneless'Beef Shoulder for London Broil Short Kits Cubed Steak U10A I Chuck for Stew 199 Top Chuck Steak 249 Roast 49* UtOA Oaw lnililll««ic«aii Ik U $ DA. ChoK* Bonalau Baal lb. utdlo>u>.b U.S.O.A. Choica Baal Canlar Cut Bloda Bon, lb. Shoulder for Stew219# Top Chuck Steak 199 p UltA Chuck Fillet 2'9 U.S.D.A. CMoica-Bonala»i Baal Slaok lb. Short RibeofBeef219# Shoulder Roast 1*9 Shoulder Steak 199 UlOAOwuMWH»k» lb USD A. O w n Bonatan Baal or Chuck *ooat lb. u s O A Chok* Bonalni Baal Chicken Franks89' 19' Wieners 139 Pork Loin for BBQl?98) *«««.<»« 11*««««k Ft* Oxa. «,.«I Ik f* FradiWauamWnolalKbEnd lb. CORNER DELI Turkey Franks 99 s Pork Loin for BBQ189* Bartecued Chicken 1*19 r 11 in * * * Short Rite Shrimp 499 PollaclTFillets Fried Fish Sticks 179 Codfish Steak Motfs Apple Juice --69 e «Tomatoes 119 Saaa C»« 1W W*» 21k lat Ca» Puree 85* Ik!}«C*> tomato Sauce 3^79' Planter's Nuts 319 *> * C Noodles To Go Ken-L-Ration 179 #» Pork Loin Roast 239 hwl! Wa»fm - lon.l.n Kib faxj lb: Sauerkraut ~ Oond Union (Xlb. Pkg Sf) CwMOft* Cwt»# * > Chop* and' or Rotnt* 39* lib Pkg. Potato Salad 59 e «MooaWithHallmonn'inViyonnaita lb. Cooked Ham 199 FruHad t takad Praporad In Stora lb Holllb Dutch Loaf 99* Hall Lb. Mermaid Salad 189 Our Own R«cip* ', Lb. GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES lit i«scottissue Bath Tissues ton 39 Molasses C *! 13 oi Ja> Upton TeaBags 119«Accent Tea Bags 10 al Cant 119 # PV ( ol4«spoghatlm Franco American Baking Soda 1S9# AmlHomiMf - Lb Tasters Choice «aamo».fra»«a0fiadcohaa «o«. Jor Miracle Whip ft9 Kmh KhStodD 1-Ql. Jor Wine Vinegar 9 9* H t v J )*m Raw Honey 139 Grand Union Soda 3 9* <«>bll 14k Jar A.wfdflovy.and»«"»»» ' '< 17-ot. Btl Cyde Dog Food 8"* Or, n n ^ l l. I at O»g>4a»taa<»U Baf Toss n'soft Purex Bleach 85* 8) far l«unorr lool Cool Friskies Purex Detergent 309 >»«* tmhmt»! < lawavfliqwd HaNCai.Cont. HEALTH & BEAUTY I DATE-LINE DAIRY I THE BIG FREEZER Listerine Mouthwash IXrt Sealtest Sour Cream Cant 99 e «Now Doiry Ctmommr Perx or Poly Perx Aiwrtad Flovon Sharbat or Sealtest Ice Cream Half. Gat. Com. f89 Pringles Chips 129 Hagulor or Kipplad (t-oi.) 9-oi.fkg. _ Almonds Mw* Oiomond R«g. or -Wkitr oz. Pkg. Mip. rgr.*«d UNION! SupiTGRTMD UNION ( Burrys Euphrates 109 # Regular or with Onion : M 8%-oz. Pkg. Graham Crackers 129 # Nobisco Regulor^ cinnomoo 1 Lb. Pkg. Gr,anola-Cookies 119 # Moriatto * ' Uor. Pkg. Greggs Cremes 89 C Assortad Varietiai. llb..3oi.pkg. Sauerkraut 3 Fo, 100 Giond Union - or Slicw) Baati lib. Con's Pickles Black; Pepper 119~ Mn. Fonninoi-Braodf Bottar U-oi Jar Basics - Ground 8-oz. Coot. Marshmallows 49 e Baking Chips 89 e Compfir* 10-ot. Pkg. ^ ^. o r l Crorx) Union -or Cut GraanBaont llh.con» Spray n' Vac 2 79 Otomorana lib Boi Coni BrilIoSoapPads99 e for Scouring Pkg.oll8 Basics - Chocolate Flavored No Pest Strip 2*' Shall Eoch Indoor! Fogger 359 flo.d B ol. Con! Patio & Garden 6*9 r4opa>tbugkinar Holl Col. Corn. FRUITS & VEGETABLES Fresh Bing Cherries _ 99 e * From Locol Form* Fresh Green Beans Un»on_aeepAids299«Ai nsices Krino < styropita2699 Chicoryor--jcaro]e49 c Kiwi Fruit 69* ** Or 1» on ah - op 11* 13-M. «i9 Frafh locoby Grown lb. >- lorga Sita «' * Each DeaJtmOintinent H 9# Fleischmann's 99* Yellow Cup Cakes 179 Pineapple 2998) Leaf Lettuce 6 9* """ -- >-- ^ Hlg - i#\v_..... Fr Jk iniln i p.! «_<{!» CwK Eoch" * - C* h Frath-Graan. r_r «It -loroassua Bic Lighter 79 Orange Juice f_9 Potato Pancakes 129# RomaineLettuce49 c lb. «Radishes P _» * *»»«*' ikawa OM Ma>O«l Ca- CoUan IJHM Pkg. " Frath From loco! fonin Lb. Critpdad Schick Super D BaTampie Pickles 139 Orepes t*0ug*o*i-otia* hh A Coupon J^OP^MDUNWW Coupon 60Off 25Off '«BB >»Wa_aj»»_ai * aaabb^bbjaj «_P~at_aV. Upton Instant Iced Tea Mix *nnajhk»l--«_ fl_ «.0 p«ii i wiii i-.ru, M tiiipanimnot! Oa»t<_,l»a»-C A H».a.»)1 IIBQH. Presweetened Hawaiian Punch Mix 1 Off C»»>o»l na'pmld Ot W>aif»i» >->H»^a ffca.-«iialilailalckm»»iuin General Mills Wheaties Cereal Ca»M Cw4 Mr 4 #m> Mr 10 U O C C 119 Fresh Limes 9 Pkg Rondo loroa itn Coupon j Coupon Assorted Flavors Royal Regular or Instant Pudding 1 Spanish Onions 39 e U.S. No. 1 - Maol lor Slicing Lb. Clean, Fresh and Good ( upon Good Mr 4 tttrw My 10.Ml Ona Coupon Par CuMomar CcemdHMoM Mara* in Naw Janay. tochtond and Oranga Countias. in at&t to auura a auffidant quantity of tola itams lor all our customers w* retarva-. waawiaw ol^«n«h»iiul«j.nc«r<»pom»blalort >(MVU il>>colartor». For tioraifrformotioo coll our offlca in Poromus (201) tun. S«L 10 pjrci Sun. 8 am -10 pjn. «Worth nuimmih.k, 510 MWloiwi Rd, Open continuously Sun. 8 am. - Sat JWdrJght ; AM* 20S. SonwsM Stepping Caniw. O^>m

10 town forum 10* FaafcJJn New> Record Thursday, July 8,1982 editorial Have your cake and eat it, too Go% Thcwnxv K<un\ stand cm 1-95 had been anxiously awaited by %tmc and local officials Although on the surface he appear* to be opposed to building the 23-mile missing link, the %me Department of Transportation (DOT) has been instructed to go ahewi with the preparattom for the highway just in one the governor hxv no tucces* in getting the 1-95 money withdrawn for other, more important projects. We can hardly agree with this logic. 'The chances of New Jerwcy getting the yo- called de-designated funds from the feds a*c virtually zero Gene, Byrne knew this Why doesn't Gov. Keasr* grab the money for the highway and run. It wil^crcate ut Frjftklm and Hitbborough and keep workers in Si:jrncfsci County imtead of having them travel 20 miles the «ay io <vmtc corporate center on Route 287. It s* harii t*» agfoe with Hopcwell Township Mayor James Fmb thai the* plan *acim like convoluted logic.** The state DOT tm* jeokod thai the mad be withdrawn in favor of projects itacfo i** wttjeatng Route 2t)6. building Route 92 and widening Howie t All these project* would greatly benefit the Princeton am* and alleviate MMDC problems but the idea of halting the peioject will mat guarantee that S275 million will come to this ate*. The money»» designated for an interstate highway. It twt ptacttj in a super'fund for opponents to dip their hands a* they pieaac RwaMefat* in the \talchome mmi stop wallowing in the nuvbelief thai if they don't want they can take the «tw«ey ami «*c it to buikf other roads which they claim arc in etwee need of' the money-. Whctsr ii»,x% ihai lea%c Kiilsborough. Manvillc and Franklin ** thc*c cummunttio. Muck with Route 206, rely on I-9S for fittest Vufurc HilWbwrwugh especially needs the highway as it hncmnwr* rooic and more choked each year because of the lack wl a good highway... Ftinkhn. with Route 2$7 running through it. could open up a»ht>te new area for ratablcs. will benefit from the availability of nearby jobs. Jerucy needs the money, granted, but we may end up without a dime tf Trenton gets greedy let's build that road Uncle Sam takes it all out from under us. Hie SOUNDS OF SUMMER The Franklin NEWS RECORD V} PMMMnl twm U.»» l«m»am reporters notebook by bob feiner In Washington on the Fourth, everyone celebrates WASHINGTON DC. July 4 It was the place to be. sitting in front of the Capitol. listening to the Washington Symphony Orchestra play for the anxious crowd Behind the symphony, draped in white Ught. stood the Washington Monument, soon to be bathed in the multi-colored lights from the massive fireworks show. The whole day was full of activities, rock concerts and parades, but my girlfriend. Meryl, who's working in Washington, and I didn't feel like battling more crowds then we had to. We saved our energy to contend with the masses at the fireworks display, where all tourists and many area residents would be. It amazed both of us. however, that the people on the Mall were very civil and courteous no one climbing over people to get a better view of the orchestra or the fireworks show, spilling beer on us in the process unlike the time wrf and half a million other people attended the Simon and Garfunkel Central Park concert in New- York City this past winter. The fireworks started just as the orchestra began praying "Three Cheers for the Red. White and Blue." a perfect the state we're in introduction to the light show. After the musicians finished their concert, all you could hear was the explosion of fireworks and the intermittent "ooohs" and "aaahs" of the crowd watching the the shells explode in an array of blue, red, green and white around the Washington Monument. * The finale, a resounding burst of White lights and rockets around the monument, left the audience in a state of euphoria, and after the 45-minute extravaganza people's comments showed their excitement. "Wasn't that beautiful?" a blond woman in her 30s asked the Oriental boy and girl, both no more than 5 years old. who were with her and her husband. Both children were wearing blue vests, with two big white stars and red and white stripes in the middle. They looked wide-eyed and breathless. "What a mob." remarked a young boy. wearing an Uncle Sam-type hat, as he was leaving the festivities. The exit from the Mall area was orderly, according to the next day's newspaper accounts. In addition to the professional showmen shooting off the large fireworks. amateur showpeople also were celebrat-,ing our nation's 206th birthday by lighting sparklers. A middle-aged nun in a white habit lit a sparkler for her friend, then lit her own. "I think I lit the wrong end." she exclaimed, then both walked off. twirling the thin sticks spewing white sparks.. Everyone was celebrating in different ways. A group of college students, summer interns working on Capifol Hill, mostly from Williams College in Massachusetts and Princeton University; observed the Fourth with a party, complete ' with beer, popcorn and rock music, the way college students usually celebrate good times. ' We saw many of those people from the fireworks display on the Metro, the Washington subway, crowding into the cars. Those not getting seats relaxed on the train's floor, hanging on poles, or on friends''laps. It was a little cramped, but to all at the show on the Mall, it was an event which could not be missed on our nation's birthday. Robert Feiner, a Rutgers College studenfj is a summer intern at The Princeton Packet. by david moor& The recycling movement could be capped At my last count, there were eight to-called "bottle bills" awaiting action in the New Jersey Legislature. This reflects growing public interest in legislation to require nickel or dime deposits on cans and bottles used for beverages. The ideas are to reduce litter and increase recycling. Both surely arc laudable. 1 understand that eight states already have such laws on their books, and recently Gov. Carey of New York signed a similar measure, which brings the actxftt right to one of our borders. The important thing to bear in mind is that mere adoption of a deposit law will not magically end our litter problem, nor will it successfully launch recycling. It may well be an important first step, but inert has got to be unity between the public f industries and various levels of government to make it work. Right now we have a decidedly polarized situation regarding bottle laws. A big segment of the public, including those who are environmental activists, for them. Industries of various, however, miss few opto put them down. THE GLASS container industry is worried about losses due to lowered producooo should returnable bottles become the order of the day. Supermarkets ma a one-way system from source to f^ff*t. and have no way of reversing * that flow easuy or cheaply. Labor unions that make bottles want to make more, not fewer. O'wtaiims made from competitive materials, such as paper and plastics, can be made more cheaply than glass and may even replace both one-way AND returnable. Refutable containers, which can really be made only of glass, may lose out altogether in the process. The Sierra Club's New Jersey Chapter recently issued a fact sheet which states, among other things, that Michigan's bottle law deposit system created 4,500 new jobs, mostly in urban areas. It says, too, that voters in Maine rejected a move to repeal that state's bottle law by a whopping 7-1 ratio. Recycling is something just about everybody favors, but it is saddled with some fundamental problems which must. be systematically resolved before mere laws will make it work. I'm thinking here of New Jersey's emphasis on recycling and resource recovery in connection with the new recycling plan and tax. IF RECYCLING is to be a success, there must be a guaranteed constant source of recyclable* (which may well be enhanced. by bottle bills), and a constant market for the materials which are recycled. The second point is toughest, because while some things such as aluminum are easy to deal with, glass and paper can pile up in alarming.quantities. But the market for a material remains the key to its success. Public awareness is a necessary ingredient. For example, why do people throw things out me car window? An outfit called Keep America Beautiful. Inc., is working on the motivational aspect of this problem. It's backed by the folks who make die very containers we most frequently notice scattered all over city and countryside. The group has established a program called the Clean Community System, involving community group training and enlisting political leadership to change behavioral patterns.. That's all very well for middle-class types, but jwhat about the disenfranchised? If you don't know where your next meal is coming from, do you care what happens to the remains of the last one? It's not likely that one program alone will do the job. Short of being endowed with a more mature society overnight,-* the best solution is probably a combination of programs recycling, motivational and some kind of deposit legislation. ~" In any event.-these are the kinds of problems which will have to be addressed this summer at three legislative hearings on the eight bottle bills up for consideration in this state we're in. I urge anyone with ideas to make himself or herself heard. The first hearing will be on July 14 at 10 a.m. in Whippany Park High School, 165 Whippany Road, Whippany, and the second, will be Aug. 25 at 11 a.m. in the City Council* Chambers, Seventh and Wood Streets. Vineland. The third hearing will be in September at the State House in Trenton. Call Algis Matioska at if you want to testify, i David Moore is executive director of the New Jersey Conservation Foundation. / - letters to the editor Levine: want no diversion of 1-95 funds To the editor: i ' -. It has come to pass that Governor Tom Kean went to Washington to see Secretary of Transportation, Drew Lewis. '. ''.'., He has suggested and is trying to get the secretary to play switch with the funds that were allocated for the comple- - tiori of Gov. Kean wants to divert > those funds for an all-out roads and i bridges overhaul. \ The original law passed by Congress t set aside those funds for and now < Gov. Kean wants to negate that law. It, will take an act of Congress to do so. if they bow to his request to divert the, allocated funds from the original plan to ' Gov. Kean's overhaul plan. ' Evidently Gov. Kean is unaware of the tremendous office and Industrial growth that is occuring in Frank(!rf Township and in other Somerset County towns. Diverting of funds in lieu of 1-95 could cut the flow of blue-chip-business that is creating jobs and bringing in tax revenues. It is too bad that Gov. Kean has not been better informed. The way the politicians have been tossing this incomplete piece of shows the lack of '. foresight. I trust that; Sec: Lewis tells Gov. Kean; diversion, no. Either these allocated funds are used for its original purpose or else back into the treasury it goes. Morris Levine j Franklin Greens! Senior citizens: need a center more than ever To the editor: ; Both of us, at the invitation of Vernon Nobel, director,. Somerset Board of Chosen Freeholders, attended the open house at Nutrition Site No^ 2, Quail Park, Franklin Township, on Wednesday. June 2. Nutrition Site No. 2; which was located in the Somerset" Presbyterian Church, on JFK Boulevard, for the past few years, moved to its new quarters the beginning of June and started serving hot lunches to senior citizens participants on June 11. The new facilities are very nice, well, arranged,'set in very pleasant surroundings,* uniquely suitable for the nutrition program and the social and other activities it. generates. It is under the control of the Somerset County Office, on Aging. We are delighted it is here and look forward to it fulfilling its purpose for many years to come. However, we want the residents of Franklin Township to know that this is not a senior citizens' center available for our club or the other two senior citizens's clubs in the township to use for meetings or any other purpose. In fact, even if it were, our club, which has 600 members and averages 220 to 250 at a meeting each Tuesday, could never fit into the facility as it only holds 96. We are now more than ever i ~-v sorely in need of a suitable combination senior citizen community center here in Franklin Township. A start has been made by our Town Council when it placed $75,000 in the capitol budget as seed money for this purpose. We are looking forward to the council moving this project along to its completion as soon as possible. Anne Livingston, president, John F. Geoghan, first vice president Franklin Township Senior Citizens Club, Inc. Bottcher: open letter of thanks To the editor To Franklin Towjnship department heads and employes: ' This is an open letter of thanks to all the department heads and employees of the municipal government in their help and expertise in helping me finish a smooth but comfortable year in dealing. in* facts and foresight in the future of Franklin Township. \..... The core of people within this municipal complex are really the guts of our community. I find that all our citizens ' \ should be encouraged to use these employees and I guarantee that all will come away knowing they are being well taken care of. Sometimes the answers are not what you want to hear, tut they are honest answers and concerns and can be analyzed and dealt with. Again, thanks to all and I will continue to seek your help in helping me to continue in a good council/government relationship on my part. ; Joan Bottcher Council woman, 2nd Ward ^

11 I he Franklin NEWS RECORD 11-A Youth job column returns This new again offering its annual, free listing of area young people woo we seeking summer employment. The column is designed to help yrwgiaui find part-time jobs in their neighborhoods, providing such services M batoyuaiug. light charring, lawn care and general home maintenance. AH local young people 18 and under are eligible for the free listing, as are ail students 21 and under. The column will run through the. second week of August, and names will remain on the list until this newspaper is notified in writing to dtscontmoe them. Lisaags win aot be accepted over the telephone. Students who do not supply compklc information will not be listed. The signature of a parent or guardian n required for mote under 18. The deadline for additions, deletions aod changes is 5 p.m. Fridays. After the second week the column will not be offered unless 10 listings have been received. To be listed, fill out the form below or put the required information on a postcard and bring or mail to South Somerset News, 240 So. Main St.. Manvilfc. NJ , marked "Summer Job Column." Surreal Cofcn. a 14-year-old Franklin High School freshman, seeks babysitting work. She lives in Somerset and can be called at Paul Cefewkh, a 14-year-old M&nville High School freshman, seeks' yard work. He has experience in lawn cutting and trimming. A Manville resident, he can be reached at ', Daryl DeCohen, a Franklin High School junior, is seeking lawn care work. He has experience in grass cutting. A Somerset resident, he may be reached at r Name- Special Hometown Phone Parent's signature- Age SUMMER JOB COLUMN Irving Ttm, 4 monti oft) tmtaa wmer t% avarfawe for adoption tram the Franklin IBM AND XEROX GET recipe of the week The fobomimg» moodier in our reputedly "tried and true** fatorite recipes prepared for the Nci*s~Record by tmam French of the Cedar Wood Woman's Club. We will print tbem im m six* convenient for dipping and sating. HegretfoOjr. Ammeter, we cannot take responsibility for their success. Easy Apple Crunch Cake In an M-irtch square baking dish, shec apples to fill I 4-inch ffocn top. Over the apple* spnnk.k 4 T sugar i! cinnamon juke til M lemon Sift into bowl! cup fkwr I cup *ugar I 1 baiting po^tier Add «MQC beaten egg to Miffed mivtutc and mi\ into crumbly tetlurc Sprinkle over applet. Meli I 2 cup butter over crumbs and bake at 350 degree* UH 45 mirtuicv IHTgRUT. AMHL Together with your cfec» oopwr and typewriter Kror wmenraj Kim* ordinary paper wort tnio irripminre prsletucinai ipoimvj pnnvd moienaii Q-uick!y and ineipansively How'!u t tuns the trv»oai*c»she dwired teller and pre*«kroy GETS THEM READ. 7 :fm print tsursso Pf#l rjs«i»pe!ro«r. i>» backintj pofchon )h< -e*a«nrii^ or, an cof^inal and you re r»!«ac3y!c rr.»k» ropw* Th» sope will dttoppvor withru'» ff»,-» or»h«*jw Ail you II ww en your c::f,t«t it cwar. r»a( proieuu^na! Settenng Yc«a car. u*e Kroy Irttenng to rnhor.c*.:* >»?i at Tftm,-* tarrnot an-i repora,-h v,t h i ' ut truuai cairnmur.ic-aft.jrs T.t.. 1 PK>«. 1, C»t«r ' Ht,~, C.-y It even works on original artwork lor slides and overhead transparencies With Kroy lettering, anyone can print in 20 - diiierent typestyles quickly, easily and inexpensively For more information or a rwe demonstration in your oflice :< (609) )... _..., 2.p * K: :v i*'*t'.rir.q niiic K.,,^.. n, KROY» «** IHIU^I IMPORTED QUALITY Best Buy J5 Litre Family Size 80 Pfoof. Prod6ced and bottled by Reitman Industries, Lawrenceville N.J. PRINCETON ACADEMY A COMTKCMCKUVC fhocr AM f O* SniOENTS WHO HAVE MOT ACMltVlO TMEIR ACADEMIC Coeducational Grades 1-12 TW T0UICP1QPUIH M^lkJIlk,., 1 t i 1 i» fl MCWCNXOCXtMC «* MM. Frwcrtoa. S J MM oatm m*t t MN8P9 ' Contact 2f^5«Pl>HJ*8i>a^at GRAND RECOnRY GROUP 7727 THEMBNEY STORE* HOHEOWRERS I1V1TE0 TO CAil FOR LOAM WFQRMATtOH SIUIIiT *>«>« Inc. Continental MotzeJer TIRE SALE 10% Discount Mounting Available HELMETS: Aral FUU L«E OF MOTOR CYCLE ACCESSORIES Rt mi. Norti o( Dv^on Ford Monmoulh Jet. (201) Bathing Suits Terry Cover-Ups & Skirts 30% - 60% OFF Girdles & Brassiers 20% OFF Except strapless & Bali EDITH'S 30 Nassau Street Moo -Sat. 9:30-5:30 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EVERYTHING HAS BEEN * NOTHING HELD DRASTIC REDUCTIONS Junior & Misses Better Quality Sportswear HUNDREDS OF FAMOUS MAKERS Pants Tops * I Jeans * Shorts Coordinates ^ EVERY S 10 Jules Lane New Brunswick, NJ Take Route 1 to -Jersey An North, to 10 Jules Lane. {Save$$$oq wnmer Famous Maker Summerfashions! Clearance Sate Continues. This is the Save BIGGEST SALE of the Season! 85% Previous reductions have been taken. Ji] JHE. SATURDAY FRCTORY js±: T OI V-/r\t Junior & Misses Sportswear

12 Tlw RamfeMnfl « Day Camp & School of GYMNASTICS is Offering a Conctntrstad Program in GYMNASTICS DREAMY I hr I rnnklin NEWS RECORD Thursday, July 8,1982 LUSTER OEMING handled franks, hot off the grill, as almost 6,000 people came to watch the fireworks at Franklin's municipal complex. (Joseph Epstein photo) Mayor (Continued from page 1 A) Weber were reappointed to the board. In other reappointroents, Stanley Cutler was retained as township attorney, Louis Hasner as public defender and John Shamy as prosecutor. Donald Parkins and Herschel Cartwright were appointed to four-year terms on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. William Driscoll was named to the township Rent Leveling Board and Debby Sherwin was appointed an alternate member. William Puskas was reappointed attorney for the rent board. Councilman Mettler was appointed liaison to the Industrial Committee and Bruce Davidson, Alan Leonard; Stanley Komblum and Marilyn Watterson were appointed regular members. Henry Indyk was reappointed to the Environmental Commission and Granville Quack enbush was tentatively reappointed commission chairman. Ms. Henry was named liaison to the advisory Board of' Health and Carrie Pern and Hissa Friedberg were named members. ; Council woman Frieda Warner was appointed liaison to the Human Relations Commission. Elaine Parkins, Roslyn Gerken, Barbara Inman and Lawrence Klein were named members. Ms. Henry, Mr. Beachem and Councilman Joseph Martino were named to the Water Policy Committee. Mr. Schnatter, Mr. Clyde and Mrs. Bottcher were appointed to the Real Estate Committee and Mrs. Warner, Mr. Mettler and Mr. Beachem were named to the Roads and Highways Committee. Mr. Beachem also will serve on the Tri-Community Planning Committee Und on the Library Board. Dr. Guilliermo Garcia was appointed physician for hypertension, dermatology and immunization clinics; Dr. Hansa b'deshi physician for the family planning and Pap tests clinics; and Dr. Anna Lin physician for the child health clinics for the Health Department. Dr. George A. Paterson was reappointed township physician. Flanagan, O'Connell and Jacobs was named labor attorney for the township.. Ben Walenczyk, Henrietta Napier and John Lovell were appointed to the Insurance Commission. Andrew Small and Forrest Campbell were named to the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee and a council liaison yet has to be named. Princeton Packet know-how: Sophisticated production systems for your quality printing needs Join in "A Princeton Tradition" Vtm P conwrxfcmt prawng <* crt Pacfcac to» guamy per*- a* cut so SUM ot 9m w\ aiactroncs and offset press Mdnotogy, we ve developed a r«gmy specsakzad manufacturing process to Mi your individual printing needs We have the people with the know-how to turn out a top-notch product for you at a competitive pnee. SPRING AND SUMMER SPORTSWEAR Degins Thursday July 1st LANDAU'S ^ / PRICE 72 SALE DISCOUNTINUED ICELANDIC WOOLEN^ Degins Thursdoy. July 22ad PARTI IN PROGRESS! PART II STARTS THURSDAY. JULY 22nd The Packet now has press bme available to* your printing needs Call us today...lex lop quafcty offset reproduction on newsprmt or 50 t> white stock Press capacity is up to 32 standard or 64 tabloid pages. Negatives or cameraready mechanicals are required - however, we can help arrange composition, layout and artwork. For paces and additional tnkxmabon. please call Doris Dragert or Jack Brink at or cfcp and mal tfts Wtofmatofi request! YES Im interested m The Packet know-how! I O Caa me Cor an appointment I Name I Company Type of print job desired. Packet Publications P.O. Box 350, 300 Will >ei spoon Street, Princeton, N.J V2 Price Sale on all remaining Women's Natural Fiber SPRING & SUMMER SPORTSWEAR INCLUDING A LARGE SELECTION OF LIBERTY OF LONDON. V2 Price Sale on Discontinued Styles ICELANDIC WOOLENS FOR MEN AND WOMEN Special Evening Hours f Thursdoy July o m-8p <TV. Fndoy July o m -6p rin ' Then Mon Sot. 9 30o m -5 30p m Refreshments July 1st.and July 22nd Compliments of Cafe Au Lait 114 Nassau Street Princeton. NJ. Across from the University LANDAU % "Jj PRINCETON, N.J. \? OJ' I' 62 CotioQ merchondne also ovoiobk- ot regukar pnee Ho phon* ordenon tot* rrwfchondb* From jobs to jump ropes, find it in the Classifieds. Packet 8-Way Classifieds

13 13A Jim Lawson pitches Post 12 past Franklin mmm BHAJCM - u\ * G*MV fafcn item *. Am$ mm* at fee sane* vuukltar* us tttc 3*mciict Cma*> what ctttne ftrjjm n;«ni&4 db < «*» if fikfcnwf**. eaeemmtfeiwi "w«ser»»tte fnonl B2. itm fou* win! tisjetmy pusfcen. a* It** teft>fcoftnml»b«kw*<tai md Rath Sdtaftw.. fcx* Mmmm a*! km fantt Sanuw&r?, f-wacnew garwe fa» farw tkkmy jn,«yasam«of ttta: He laappml truaklta on low tain.,* S»n«cr«ti& wwnl tana u» «&f*?ttan ffmmevmm»# fms pber with * IV V < *} JC Ac.Stwecncf Cmtmt C«fltejsr «*** Witfe *c mm.. SomantXk af/fcit ** I * Unite ttmt&hnfcmto *-2 ' gamr. wftit*»** p&*?<nj m «ur.*r>. ** cattcti jdttt fi%e t» *it the Icj.' I<tti8 ifr«i» Hkc <&l.» waapo jofe ' Hit* jpciftnt *t>«i fe«cwnaw* He fl»ic bull tfamn M*1 rarely putt «*.* pmuttuo where walk* wtll hurt kw» ' ap vacft*, JB ebe (km tkeve nmitmtf ate** jn noticed u* e»r ibwtt* Mr jpjmc up a ttr*i oit un^lc l*> Ice i fts to (h«i urn im WilR 1*1),»Ut. summer* widitj tar dentc tstittmc t>» Ktll S.jtjstrfjttfe fin»«-je> *fo, b««is in Fraaklia tor ihc (mhnua icam «Fmafcha Ht l>. he nxalkd "Coach Koenci»ortx«l «Hb me and showed roe ta tihttm * COOCIMJI ti took me a *o Ian the pudi " FroJ Kxfmd n the tmiiy hncball cmkh M Frs«ft.lia Htfh Thn icasoa. he n *Ita cmchxbg the Fraoklta Amehcan LcfKM learn Li»ioa hat been lough on Kcunclcoachcd tcann dm tcaton in aalmnft lo ihc kfioa win. he pitched Soaxniile Hijth to * 3-0 *ia over fnmum ut the vetoed round of the Somenct Conat> TounumeM game. "Jon n B food puchcr who has really tcmne tmo hn own." vwd Kcimcl. who *pte% with Fcdenco"* avvcvimctu "He k«tpt the bill down and donn*i walk too There n. howotf. a ttcfm&x aspect M> hj-»raj a deep pnchmg ttaff in the SomeTKi Lcfion League. Each leant orah pii>i two games a»eck Thus. Fcdcnco (acn the problem of keeping tun iaat pikherv game-sharp. Lwwo hadn't ptlchcd for Somerviile to three weeks. His tast outing was a rwo-uwtaf tiint is a scrimmage against Hotacrdoa back on Saturday. June 13. When s&ked if he»» surprised at how edectnv Lawion was considering the unt lapse between assignments." hojcrxo fepiacd "I'm more happ>' than piexwd I knew all along that he had fund control He went five innings and 'wmatned himself well " V*nrr*tHc. in defeating Franklin for Hx ictnfltl lime in two meetings, hacked LjrarMCtti wdh 4 15 hjl JlUck The \2ct\ fumped on fruikltn starter *a«j imcr Pml Fischbach (0-11 for all the men the> ncaictl in the hociom of the i'tim SAC*<C Jxumli sttned the rally with j ««af«.iu* unfie Then Ftschhach hit B«!h V f»k/efcn with an cmn fastball B>*!5 txttmgxi xhaacrd on a throwing vrsm J*j Ailegra. the Franklin catcher. jesj *«rij iwi * JnuWc h) Gary 1 Attct tk* f Storm flicd out lo nght..msa.v>.<1 utaflrd hu«nc DfCwnatmi ah the Uiaftl run R«ch Salerno foliowed w*& j «ieflc to nght. Scon, who was running on the pitch, scored when rightficlder Steve Berezansky misplayed the ball. v Somerviile baaed around in both the third and fourth innings, scoring four and five runs respectively. John Bonni had the big hit in the third, a two-run single. Mark Gantner also had an RBI single. In the fourth. Jasinskr highlighted the rally with a two-run single. Morris had an RBI triple and Scon an RBI single. "I was surprised and very satisfied with thv offensive show we put on." said Federico." LEGION NOTES Jasinski. who was in left, and Gantner. who caught, were both nuking their first start of the season. They both went 2-for-3..Robkheau went 2-for-3. both singles, for Franklin...Somerviile beat Franklin in the first meeting...federico says the 12ers arc playing an exhibition doublcheader against South Brunswick, the defending Middlesex County League champs, this Saturday at Somerset County College. The first game begins at I p.m...the coaches met last night to pick a league all-star team. Bridgrwater 5, Somerviile 2 BRIDGEWATER Bh^gcwatcr moved into first place in the Somerset County Legion League with tnhrwin over Somerviile Post 12. The game was played this past Tuesday at Somerset Vo-Tech. Bndgcwater (4-1) now leads Somemile (*-2) by '/: game. Both Somerviile losses have been to Bridgewater. Winning pitcher Ken Strykcr (2-1) stopped the I2ers on four hits. Bndgcwater only managed five basehits. but got all the offense it needed in the first inning. Tom Capctta reached on an infield error. Then, losing pitcher John Malinowski gave up a single to Todd Adams and a three-run home run to Chns Stark Bridgewater. however, wasn't through Rob Mulvihill singled ROB MULVIHILL of Bridgewater rounds second base in the first inning of this past Tuesday's American League game. Somerviile pitcher John Malinowski tried to pick off Mulvihill at second, but the throw went into center field. Bill Venizelos, the second baseman, is on the way down after leaping in vain for the throw. Bridgewater won, 5-2. (Rich Pipeling photo) and eventually scored on a single by Scott Trochim to pad the lead to 4-0. Bridgewater added its final run in the third. Meanwhile. Strykcr. who struck out seven batters, finally lost his shutout in the seventh. With runners on first and second ond one out. Doug D'Onofrio drove in the first run with a single. The second scored when Stark, the Bridgewater shortstop, misplayed a grounder hit by Rob Newman. John Borini accounted for half of Somerville's offense with two singles in three at-bats. He also stole a base and scored a run. Joel Johnson pitched well in relief of Malinowski. Somerville plays Hunterdon (3-2). which has won its last two games, at Clinton Community Park tonight. Game time is 6 p.m. Hunterdon 9, Franklin 5 SOMERSET Hunterdon (3-2) won its second straight game while handing Franklin (3-3) its second straight loss. The.game was played this past Tuesday at Franklin High. Franklin hosts Warren Post 293 tonight.. Hillsborough teams prepare for District 17 tournaments Ckctfer»! t, Ui ~ TW fiittt«*cgt» Link U*p* ha» entered team* in rt»ws«- wrpwrjftc <»cwfc*r<loii» j$r gftrap nawnwwicm* ran by -the Wtlhaonpon. Pfe ftiewtl licrar ix'jtfw Hxtefetttt,. laic!w MUltlfcMHtig* Xmmmti Mt^ot Icxptc E2 >c-tfou All Star learn. frj«ft KtadU,. %e «oar of 13 tcsoxt cakred ta Ac State District tm Ihir H*&tO)im**$tt fiaetjtaetj taad n the «Snu«ct behind Bawkmg Ridfe. f Sea** Lcxfwe IJ-yra*-**! AO-Surv. coached by Joe 4«a Ri«itwtS Rjtt JM»1 BnJyrwaaer arc the oah lesms entered in the 87 T Bra%rwaKr. *-Z. m a one-game playoff Aa*I «c««mto Jefc* Bccvnwoal and South Tom** _,..._._,.., is *rjr-c*j Ait-Star team, coached by Don - mi (v* for-ww*enoomj as (he Su*e Dntnct 17 Tournament nnancwc«]i^pi< *rjm»fc»**ca tr*&t*mt c4 pft*?iay wmkhof tournament baseball l#ib VMTP nun. 14 p t r x n B V fnnarr la fwu year*, cadi team earned 12 players and two alternates. The following are individual team previews. Dutka. who coached the Cheyenne during the regular season, says his team has "as good a shot as anybody" at winning the district for two reasons. The Nats have a deep pitching staff, a must in a tournament of this type, and a surplus of players who are versatile enough to play several positions. If there ts a drawback to the mound corps, it is the fact that all the pitchers are' nght-handcrs. On offense, the Nats have good blend of singles and power hitters. Scott Hough and Jay Butler, arc the top starting pitchers. Dutka's bullpen consists of Gary Yagicllo. Mike Moore and Terry Martin. Steve Jones, who played for the Cheyenne during the regular season, is the catcher. Yagiello. Chris Valuntas and Greg Montalto can also catch if necessary., Around the infield. Elliot Enyedy is at first base. Lucicn Foranocc and Moataho are in the picture at second. Who plays shortstop depends on who is pitching. Moore and Martin, when they aren't pitching, are at third base. Dutka will 'choose from among Alike Gromlich. Bill Jackson. Mike Manville tops Raritan; stays in a tie for first CleMtr BRANCH h* *t»il c*»> Tfer > Vift6u L e q w tcwcwi cw't o c a half &* t Yet,. IfaniiOr «w»th Ton ZJCBCWJ W* r»m fame» cnkml far hci tarn»crs m M figta tat Itra place and tar gwh Sm't»w ** f«t*cm." be %ms aftmr waftcfetny ^tamubc^iaiap Rantia 5-1. ttun pmt fnto* <rt«mf at North ttr *ML MamtBe fc» 5-1 ma rrm «il m * oc to ik Kf ${nf «idi B>OMHS Brook... The km* mm KjMan"* fifth m ita oatmp,. ""torn *w m»«r» mtqmtam game ta*»." mm& 2m*» "So- Ac nmm$ off mfimta»after km mmfft «? dbcmw* m tk*%iwa«cr East totehmlmm US. Tic tig i l> of *r M'I fat ttt w &! win o*cf bat «cdk. tot Bndgcwater East's only iervi Ounces are the regular season pentum race will «ta> a threc-icam affair the tea at the way Zambo. who coached Mas* illc lo a iccoad place fttush a year. \*y* h» learn ha* the talent to come «** on lop "Bndftwatcr knks good and Bound Brooi. t* always tough." he said. "But l*«v got a team (hat can take it all." be wd "B> the middle of July. I should have everybody back.." Mou-nccabie among the musing are pow«-tutua* first bateman Heidi AJJes mi Dtanc Zarecki. a solid all-around ttoitsaop They are piayng woh thebees solid. '. AO-Aaencam. a fast-pmca team based at Ha Has Towmhip. Mercer CoMKy. Baranowski. who bat filled the M starmop. is wrfw* atiw of ibe KoKssky and Bill Tulpinsky) drilled then hard and long on defense. I keep lean 7ambi> bas bees fictdingi yoonf icjltbg them that if they play good asd h^aly -<oiiyi utwe. Baranowiki w-iq ' OTIC ay. me ntning ww come. be a fnatam at UmniOe Htgb das Seiflenfccr. TltffflatyfrrWriiH..?iw^HTTiyT.. *f**"* the team ban'i duklopui a killer in- «art. Sony aboncthe dkdbt. "They haven't learned how to put a team away yet." he sakj.j "They'll get a jump on the other team and then slack off- Friday. Manville used six hits and four Raritan errors to score all five of its runs HI the first three innings. In contrast. Manville had only two baseninncn ovc*r the final four innings. After being retired in order in die fourth and fifth. Baranowski had a one-out single in the top of the sixth and Sharon Demeter reached on an infield error leading off in (he seventh. Zambo. however, isn't toying with the panic buoon because the defense has "i stress defense." he said. "Before the season, we (Zambo and coaches Ken MaaviUe look ne early lead, scoring three mm in its half of the second. The first rua was the stun of three Raritan errors. KeOy Maduew drove in the secosd with a sacrifice fly torightand»<:aning pitcher Rene Fetchko (3-0) the third with an inticld ground out. Manville added its final two runs in the third. Sherri Lynn started the rally with a onc-out single off losing pitcher Sue Casino (II) After Donna Hughes flicd out to center. Betty Clifford and Baranowski hit back-to-back singles to load the bases. Then. Kathy Demsky and Janet Tomaszfski each singled home a run. Raritan scored its run in the sixth. With the bases loaded and one out. Dawn Sweet hit a grounder back to the mound. Fetchko elected to make the play at first. Then, she got out of the inning by retiring Casino on an infield pop. GAME NOTES Clifford and Baranowski led the offense with two singles apiece...fetchko pitched a six-hitter...manville was in action last night against Somerville while Raritan met Bridgewater East. Reinhardt, Roger Van House and Valuntas to fill the outfield spots., "This is the first time I"ve coached the all-star team." said Dutka. "I'm looking forward to it and I'm confident that we'll do well." The long-ball threats include Butler. Enyedy. Moore and Hough. Dutka says the rest of the players are good contact hitters. The Nats travel to Lambertville. Hunterdon County! for their opening game. South Hunterdon provides the opposition this Wednesday. Game time is 6 p.m. - ' Joe Urbaniak. who coached the Royals to a second-place finish, is equally as confident about his 13-year-olds. * "The kids have looked good enough in practice." he said. "And we have enough talent for the kid>to gell quickly." I. Urbaniak says the team is built around Ron Chess and Steve Ughetta. "They are both outstanding players," he said. [ Chess and Ughetta are the two top pitchers. Both rel^ on power to get opposing batters out. j Paul Anderson, a lefty control pitcher, complements th?m nicely, v Larry Bronhard and Chris Maas arc the catchers. 'I Anderson will be at first base when he isn't pitching. Fraiik Dutka. Jr. is also at first. Ken Schmidt and Mark Brownlie are the second basemen. When he's hot pitching. Ughetta will be at shortstop. Jeff -Madretcke provides depth at the position. Chess, when he's not pitching, and Louis Slaff arc the third basemen. ' Dennis Urbaniak is the team's most experienced outfielder. He'll be in center. John Warmke, the lone player from the Astros on the team, Paul Panzera and Tom Cellilli are also outfielders.. The 13-year-olds are playing a best-of-three series with Bridgewater for the district title. Game 1 is scheduled for Saturday, July 17. at Bridgewater East. Game time is 10 a.m. Game 2 is on Monday, the 19th, at the same field. Game time is 5:30 p.m. If necessary, the decisive third game is scheduled for Bridgewater West on Wednesday, the 21st, at 5:30 p.m. Both 14 and; 15-year olds are eligible to play on the 15-year old all-star team. More than half the players on the roster played on Richie HorvauVs 13-year-old all-star team last summer. Team coach Don Valicenti was unavailable for comment at press time. Here is the team roster. Four members of the league champion Cubs, Jim Chorniewy (lb), Mark Knitowski (3b), Jeff Olivo (p-of) and Tom Partick (c). are on the team. The Astros and Phillies are represented by three players apiece. Chris Krochmalny (of). Craig Nangel (2b) and Brian Baber (lb) played for the Phillies. Rich Proehl (of), Kevin Ryan (p-3b) and Dave Burke (c-ofj played for the Astros. Tom Ramsey (of) represents the Pirates^ Mark Staudt (ss) the Royals, Dan Masakowski (p-ss) the Yankees and John Gilmartin (p-lb) the Mets.» The 15-year olds drew a bye in the first round and open this Saturday. The opponent was not determined by press time., / In order to make it to the world championship finals, a team must win three titles: its district, its state and its region. The 12-year-old world championship finals will be held in Williamsport from August The 13-year-old finals will be held in Taylor, Michigan from August And the 15-year-old finals will be held in Gary* Indiana also from August

14 U-A Thursday, July 8, 1982 Rooster's Coop tops Perhach's for 10th straight victory ftotmot C<**> M -am UK «*> wkvatcrf team left n the MJJBYIUC Men* Rtdk m JWK JQL Coop, wfatc* lead* ifcrj* T V bv ZVt games a the ** ICtti fame m *» nsawy oooaft owx g pcdfcn DMW> Pkrtcmilu g«* pleat; pf rapport Romict't Coop bwmgnf CM I* fact Ow tmetfcy- led (he crftmtc *id» a tnplc «*i J»o unglct «few «6*m AJCP «. CamdT s 3 Afao on JO. Aetna Pttach (S-li fot pmi Gw*«ir» Roofing (2-5) tfce cart) lent, icoraf tworamin dietopof the Tint Wafc ooc oat. Owwe Kmtefftnictt doumcd and wenttoourd on a wnglc by Tom C»*cB. Johft Sao** uajrlcd home Knttopmidi and Qn»tll scored on a t>? fvtc K Action Key Punch tied the gimc in its half of the thini. Dave Palochko. the lead off batter, reached on an error and scored on a triple to left center by Larry Ycncfaik. Yenchik scored on the play as the relay throw from Hamemik. CBWCO'S left center fielder, missed the cutoff man. CasweU's regained the lead back with a run in the fourth. Joe Prach, who reached on a fielder's choice, scored on an error by AKP shortstop Ken Villano. Key Punch came right back with the decisive rally in the bottom of the fourth. Singles by Tony Bernardo. Pete Nieradka (RBI). John Cooper.* Don Jones (RBI) and VilUno (RBI) and two Caswell errors added op to four runs. Don Jones (5-0) was the winning pitcher. Tom Caswell took the loss. Nieradka led the AKP attack with two singles in three at-bats. Key Punch is in first place in the National Division. Walt's 19, Starch 11 This past Tuesday. Walt's Inn (4-4) got back to.500 with this win over National Starch. Starch (2-7) scored two runs in the top of the first, but Walt's came back with nine in the bottom and never looked back. Brian Stack and winning pitcher Dan Hajdamacha highlighted the rally with a three-run triple and a three-run double respectively. Overall, Walt's had 23 hits.. Chet Owsik contributed two singles ana two RBI and Denny Hajdamacha went 2-for-3. both singles, with one RBI. / AKP 21 NJ Bell 7 Also this past Tuesday. Action Key Punch (9-1) used a 20-hit attack to power past New Jersey Bell. Don Jones (6-0) was the winning pitcher. Larry Yenchik hit a home run for AKP. - County Une League all-star team wins exhibition slo-pitch contest T i e County Lme Softball League league coache* and oflktak in an AJf-Stan ifcitancd» torn composed of etaibitaoa game on Jul> 4. Benefit off New Jersey Press Association Scholarship Fund Giants -Steelers Saturday, August 21 The starters for the coaches included vice president David Gwin at first base. Dak Anfitch (Kane's) at second. Hillthorough coach Glenn Villano at shortstopjim Artfnch (Sunworks) at third, Ed Wilkin (Competition) in left field. Dave Carmen (Lost Valley Express) in center. Mark Fisher (Danny's Dozen) in right and president Greg Matejck on the mound. The All-Sun had Jim Miller (Rusty Nail) at fmt. Wayne Coughlin (Interiors Unlimited)»t Second. Ron Corstanzo (HiHsboroughK^t shortstop. Mark Opel I (Lost Valley/ Express) at third. Bob Clifford (Kane's) in left. Bob Rshcr (Danny's Dozen) in center. Norm Fcnucob (Kane's) in right«and Tom Milcwski (Competition) on the mound. The coaches scored first, pushing ITS NOT TOO LATE... Aa p>o(>l<w opm lo bolh bur* d «k S In 1«Tenrtn Soccer Lactotte Field Hockey Running A*-Around Pre-Camper (4-7) PRINCETON DAY SPORTS CAMP across a run in the top of the first. Wilkin singled, went to second on Jim Artfitch's fly out and scored on a single by Gwin. The stars came right back with four runs in the bottom of the inning on basehits by Miller. Corstanzo. Opel). Clifford and Fisher. The coaches scored a pair of runs in the second to close the gap to 4-3. Wilkin tripled and Gwin promptly droverhim home with another single. Mark) Fisher singled in the other run. / The stars broke the game open by scoring five runs in their half of the third and two more in the fourth. In the third, singles by Femicola. Milcwski. Miller, a double by Coughlin and a sacrificeflyby Corstanzo added up to three of the runs. Then in the fourth, Clifford singled and scored on a triple by 1982 SESSIONS MOD. un Fri. un. 25 Mon. Jun Fri Jul 2 Mon. ul. 5 - Fri. ul. 9 Mon ul Fri. ul. 16 for information ami brim'hcirf- <M Bob krur r Jl «H 9M-17S7 y Bob Fisher. He eventually scored on an error. The coaches scratched out a run in the fifth. Wilkin. who finished 3-for-5. drove home Dale Artfitch. who had singled. The stars scored two more runs in the fifth to up the lead to Clifford and Femicola each "drove in a run with a sacrifice fly., The coaches rallied for three runs in the seventh." Villa.no reached on an infield error, advanced to third on a single by Jim Artfitch and scored on Gwin's third RBI single of the game. He finished a perfect 3-for-3. Jim Artfitch scored on a sacrifice fly to left by. Carmen and Gwin scored on a single by Dale Artfitch. GAME NOTES Combined, the Team Bridgcwater Somerville Post 12 Hunterdon Franklin Warren Post 293 Ridge Bridgewater 6, Warren 2 Hunterdon'13, Ridge 3 Somerville 13. Franklin 3 Somerset Legion League Standings W teams banged out 30 hits...corstanzo (3-for-4. 2 RBI) and Opell (3-for-5. 2 RBI) were the big hitters for the stars. Hillsborough Presbyterian wein' "its South Somerset. Church League game this past Monday without stepping onto the field as only five players \from Liberty Tabernacle showed up for the game. The forfeit win ups Hillsborough's-record to 4-6. This Monday. Presbyterian will be trying to extend its four-game winning streak at home. Blawenburg Reformed, the first place team, provides the opposi L tion. Game time is 7 p.m at Hillsborough IBlawenburg moved into sole possession of first place with a 9-2 win over Griggstown this past Monday. LGB 1, 2 / 2 I 3 1'/: Results Thursday,'! July 1 Saturday, July 3 GmrntsrtxmtS* turnmn 1 l«att»ac-3cason APPLICATION ATOUMTSSTAOUM. 1 GAMES 1 Awjjt A iptaseurs;^ StMm ft*** JtU Sat Mint NO SEATS SEAT PHJCE...».a HI 00 POSTAGE t HAMOUNG, TOTAL! out MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO RY. FOOTBALL GIANTS. MC. EXTENSION 50 JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE - Wheeling Discounts Jaguar XJ6L Sedans many in stock, (or sale or lease, ptus leasing companies or individual leasmg welcome Jaguar XJS Cpe 1982 Jaguar XJ6L Sedan, fully equipped. Fact hst on wmdow $29,820. Us«d. 324 miles. For sale $25,999 Stock # W* accept traces & finance REEDMAN AUTOMOBILES INO. US Rt. 1. Langhorne. PA (215) ORDER BY PHONE SL-matlc Power Attic Ventilator VISIT OUR SHOWROOM (609) RL 1. t«wf novlllt) Tuesday, July 6 Bridgewater 5, Somerville 2 Warren 9. Ridge 6 Hunterdon 9. Franklin 5 Schedule Thursday, July 8 Bridgewater vs. Ridge at Ridge High Somerville vs. Hunterdon at Clinton Community Park Warren vs. Franklin at Franklin High Tuesday, July 13 Hunterdon vs. Bridgewater at Somerset Vo-Tech Ridge vs. Franklin at Franklin High Somervitte vs. Warren at Watchung Hills High Wednesday, July 14 Bridgewater vs. Franklin at Franklin High Hunterdon vs. Warren at Watchung Hills High. Rfdgc vs. Somerville at Somerset CC i ~ AH other games begin at 6 p.m. 21 art jb wwuiirts * * n UHSUjJf S ***» 25 MINUTES AWAY 15 MINUTES AWAY 30 MINUTES AWAY FLASH! SHOT SWAN LEASW6 HEAOOUAHTHIS ISM Iffif CAtS «TMICU AMEMCAN IMrORTS REV0LVIN6 INVENTORY PRIVATE: INDIVIDUAL. 'BUSINESS 91,, -Wtt. TBk«$. AM CaKMTWKS ON LEASmfi. DlfFW FROM OUR RETAIL CUSTOMER SALES." TWOCS. * A POynOM OF OUR USED CAR * TRUCK INVENTORY - H U W M M OF CAMS ft TRUCKS TRADED WCEKLY-21»-7S7-«M1 * STARRING * no cwnui» «<»» ISM MO Hekaf. Va«. SatarMM. nuir. 0 Can) WtUM, TCI CMS. M M DtocaMMa M 01IM. U*l rrte*. UnnlficMiCx. Ulill LktMc* itijtm Uat*i«ea kamtllm tto MfW CCMtOOSAS tmo* MEtOMAM CHEW MO UITMMOU ftxtmt OfAUR SALES SERVICE 12.5% A.P.R. leauutt n CHCVMUT CAM LUUl TMU sate TO ouujnn wnkains TMW.HH.TI1 TRUCK HEADQUARTERS 21 TBUCK HEAD0UA1ITEIIS - - QR1 *?ia-^s/-«iol IMJiftiwalMorti AMOW WCKU^S «to»«m.sfc «>? S MIRC COVOAA XRf IOCH Sad oy UMuthlN Motor* Ol J<p»n WHEEUN6 DISCOUNTS 1M2 Suburban C*rry*H 1««W O««Of M...I Engln** 1*U Own S-10 Ptekup* g a Short ^^^ ^ S6599 MIMC MARK V»VCCI. > Lt-. BuyDirect from Factory OVERHEAD DOORS EASY TO INSTALL Pamted/Unpamted Aluminum* Fiberglass Wood-Solid No Finger Joints Raised & Curved Panels Plywood panels ' Radio Controls SEE THEM MADE GET HIGHER QUALITY AT BARGAIN PRICES CALL TOLL FREE CALL* WRITE* VISIT New Road, Monmouth Junction New Jersey Open 9 til 5 -Sat. til 12 Quality for Tax Credits! Harm SYSTEM 3 m SUNROOM AND '- J> FASSIVE SOLAR GREENHOUSE OVTDOOI UVmtniMMS! A beautiful >.. sullied (lass addition l«solar collection hot full endosuit and Sun-lime activities Brorue linkh modular design provides a nde ra»(e ot. lues. Fiilarfd In- The 1982 World's Fair. Knoiville. Tennessee Con Edison Conservation Home. Bnarclitl Manor. HI. j ' :. US Dept.of Enerjy. Brookhayen House. Uplon NY : Kotiler Demotistralion House. Kohler. Wisconsin VISIT OUR SHOWROOM (609) RL 1.! ancawta < Call» «to IMHUHIIH) CM Ol H*i. UM MM.» ltd MtW TOMCN f OH Ol Ml*. Utl Me* 7% It «7% on oi mtg- ui 1/1 Ton C to. 1M Ten C JO. ITonC-30 2 WM. 4 4 WhL. OriTC C JAGUAR SALES «SERVICE WhMting CMKOUM* 1MIJ4CUU UtL ItOAIIJ Many In Slock M3 jtsiua m-2*1 en INI JAfiUU XJil JfOAII Fuay Equippad. Fact U* On Wktdoa U* J20. Utad. S24 Mi**. For Sat* M M. Slock Win Accapt Trad* AndFlnanca. JAPANESE IMPORTS UUB MTtUW. TOYOTA HOWD* l IS. 1M. «1 Ton HotfMa cincw x» cm ltd i«i SM» Van* 1WM.KWMMX KAS1 On O) *M(. UW MOmriTw ifl{swimlku>lw Maintenance King will clean your sofa one side chair and one average size, room of carpeting, all for tna one low price., '. r Offer expires July so call today. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL CLEANINC For your local dealer call: ortoii Free: MAINTENANCE KING H iracaai «u m «*

15 The spirit of Marlboro in a low tar cigarette V! LOWERED TAR & NICOTINE Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined That ftgaene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 100's: 10 mg "tar'.' 0.7 mg nicotine Kings: 11 mg "tar'.' 0.7 mg nicotine av. per cigarene. FTC Report Dec!81

16 I*.* I hr Franklin NEWS RECORD Thursday, July 8,1982 ^ wb % I " # fcbl«h%i^ fcb%^%*2^^^^^ Arts and crafts will be featured in the Bakely, shelledframes andmmirrors; ^* ^^^^^ Third THirH Annual Kingston Iftnirctnn Festival, NActitral to t*\ KA be Walter U/alt*M> Mihalak, \4ihf»lalr paintings *««&?*» «**«in I» A«oils and held on Saturday, July 10 (raindate July acrylics; Agnes Lindgren and Karen flat Major** catch to ead the ran on a bunt by Kevin Jajuga. Rubin ft Sons 2-12 Reed, calico specialties; The Woodshed, fatal Barood awl kept a uun Video Connection 2-12 hand crafted'wood pieces (desks, tables, E»oar 9-1. Ma Rackfeafanaacky w* %tm Barney *ihii*o lb» - 7«w> feme* r w e Duraett GarmcMi e«tf 12 trumn m «* aaaafi for t a enc* Barraod Real E*- Kcjn wa» 3far3 WHB w»e> Awfcte* aad a *aagfc. Cka Gwfcoe tea» kmt-att acwacrantm Barrood* t» pwar raw. OKA It beat PBA *-7. IMDH Cakmm and Sean BaMcy torn banal krttk»«kc*» Kelly opeacd GaMn.'** ttwribg byfertnaga doumc «*n t*«tc» feudal Hm Westmoreland *» 2 Be*.1 at bat and madr * great pj*> at (herd bwte SJLNKMt LEACtS ACTION began <Md& J.ft. T«*» Trttcicsf hcttmg Laitamtm louwfcw at mac mmgji by Ac <K»r el * * Wjfflum GoottwHi patched P f t&e i w TCXH Otrtiac «CM 3 for *«fe (tecv dtateic* Mtcfeati Daw To fama oat the regular season Pacncfc Coyac threw 13 strike outs at Acbon Rcatah beat O'Connor's Family ftatmmm 12-6 Huong for Aetna was led by Seth Sajder. PBII Get* and Marc McMorm wilst two IttCi cscli- D» PLAY-OfT GAME one. Country Chevrolet beat Lattasxm Lumber Tim Parker struck out *u. giving up two tact to get me»» Steven Hollander scored (our rum and Marti Robinson three Mdtc Sf«zer. Scon McCail and Much Garbow sparked me defense for Camay, la fame r*o Faigi Caning came back m the icventh to take a 9-8 ra over Kochler Opticians.. Calvin Fitter aad Danny KUne combined to ne win. In Game three Country Chevrolet beat F*»p Canmg 3-0 Marti Robinson gave up two hsa and struck out 13 for the «aat-oat. Steven HoOeadcr had an RBI tmgk and Scon McCaU an RBI double. Robutoa bad a double and a walk. Gerard Hall walked and scored the game Classifieds looutm to CCmMteanl Crcm oaar 20S) tooasatfy Too Late tockwtdfy SMMU HOUSE PfMacy f StALVHAM TERROR i m wrnuwnt Hnp*a«a imata. 9 mo. CM. AKC, houaam BUM Cawa/» **» att» JUy s* *»"* * S22&. fttaonsmmtt}. tanthar turn, Ww0*m 4 Da- rjj-3809 VHW* RIVERS To**v <pat as «af tm T*m wn*w me SUMMCIR $\m in «comnou **- «* trtm, Aanctiar. or MMuinyia»«, <Mliu itqr 2-5 yaar r *^t eanj.aar. ana m. arasnaa MOO -»?» r SMC *J.. smftsw»i t» Seneam, Ser Ml S*fi. - Sax * -» TEACMCR KJ OtMati TENTT age, ft 20t. feyyour 2QOO, also ft. r «ae*a» * 1290ta> M M pack As a result of an Arbitration decision to settte a recent dispute URGENT PUBLIC AUCTION NASSAU INN Palmar Sq. SI 600 <«B0989 THURS. JULY 8, 8 PM. Exhibition 7 PM Otftaa»amaraJ coiwracmd order A#w«y m # nckidaa trum. TWO BEDROOM ba#\ apaftdhriq comwy Houaa on qum pnvata 2 aoraa o* Sonwnad puttv 2 car tor. or km houaa lor nawiy mar- Iran* (Pnncaaon Jet) * uha. Escaplior larga ratngaratoriraaxar in ft oapoa* 60B WOMAN W *par. and rat. 1 poaaon as houae- Cafiywoar or oompanon CaC VALUABLE PERSIAN RUGS ma a^** c *5» rt * (ram Pa*«t«n, tncta. Turkay. etc. O'sSarajc in!90ttorcontracted dflfevwy E»T«WBO Ovc 1961 tvough US evokars Importers «or tawonaj sates mttms Knftt m Iran, an* bates ot Persian rugs could not be eracsac oatas and «*ara tnaty air trwgtitad lo Europe to * trani ifucatmrn lo US any tos«h «at be shared equaty IN MAJOR SOFTBALL play-off action firet National Stale Bank defeated Brown St Gtynn construction behind the dutch pitching of Debbie Gorman. Hitting for Bank was led by Lynn Weintraub's two home runs and game winning double. in senior softball. Kathy Rogen pitched a win for Cindy J over UFO. D I M McDevin pitched a victory for Amwell Utilities over Pat's Figure Salon. This is Amwell's second win in the play-off series. Winning runs were scored by McDevin and Judy Hams. Pat's Figure Salon came back to edge out Cindy J Paula Indri. Patti Sas and Karen Pepper corn combined to pitch the win. Tammy Hanman and Kathy Peppercorn led the hitting, going 4 for 4 at the plate FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP LITTLE LEAGUE (Regular Season) Minor Baseball H-K Tire Company Dolan Plumbing Mike's Sub Shop Venus Jeweler's Franklin Bike Moose Lodge "Walk with the animals, Talk with the animals" PEHING ZOO Major Baseball Eagles 13-3 Oasis II 11-5 PBA 10-6 Barrood Real Estate. 8-8 Franklin State Bank 8-8 Rutgers Service Center 8-8 Bubrows TV & Appliances 6-10 Saverite Supermarket 5-11 Eastern Hair Lines 3-13 Senior Baseball Country Chevrolet 13-3 Kochler Opticians 13-3 Falgi Carting 10-6 Lattanzio Lumber J.R. Toto Trucking 9-7 Action Rentals 8-8 Boylan Funeral Home 7-9 O'Connor's Family Restaurant 3-13 Igal Studios 0-16 Regular Season Co-Champions Major Softball Mr. Anthony's Cleaners 10-4 First National State Bank 9-5 Brown &. Glynn Construction 8-6 Jerry Toto & Sons, 7-7' Daniel Cleaning & Hauling 1-13 Senior Softball Amwell Utilities 11-3 Pat's Figure Salon 8-6 Cindy J 7-7 UFO Hair Compaay 2-12 Boys and Girls Ages 9-16 COMPUTER SUMMER Learn Hardware. Software. Firmwear, Programming, Games and Graphics in our unique "Hands-on" Learning Center. Morning or afternoon' naif day classes two. three or five'days a week. Enroll now for se&; sions beginning July 19 and August 9. : Small groups, limited enrollment. Call today to reserve a place for your child the Princeton fncro-axnputer earning center Princaton Shopping Center 11) on the Main Street, Route 27 of Kingston from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Kingston Festival will feature sculptors, toy [makers, children's dressmakers, jewelers, artists, doll makers, wood crafters, knotters and many more craftspeople. < "We are expecting to see our streets full of visitors and exhibitors just as in previous years," said Pat Heins of Franklin State Bank, president of the Kingston Business and Professional Association (KPBA), sponsor of the Kingston Festival. - Among the many exhibitors showing their crafts will be the following: Carol etc.); Diane Sobota, weaving; Jan Maxwell, decorative light switches.. i Food will be available throughout the day, with hamburgers and hot dogs being prepared by members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Kingston Fire Department. In addition, members of the KBPA will be selling popcorn and snow cones. The Kingston Festival will run all day. An open invitation is extended to everyone to attend. For further information, please call Jerrie Lodatol at FINAL CLEARANCE and LINGERIE Starts Moil., July 12 up to Y 50% off Summer sportswear and lingerie All Sales Final Open Monday, July 12, until T p.m. Thursdays and Fridays until S:30 p.m. Up to 50% off BuhnerSquare. Princeton. 1VJ during our * Summer Sale Do You Have Expertise In The Areas Of : PEftSONTOfCRSOft MTERACTION CAJ1KH 0CVELOPMENT CL F»CAL WORK UBfURVSOENCE CRAFTS SPORTS HO*mCULTURE xpenence 1&%jetrm*+c*mmcf\ HI in» coupon and r»9um»c>rn«r FdundJOon f> phone: + $20t J &A. 316 Part Tana) rut Tim* PRINCETON SHOPPING CENTER Wed. July 14 thru Sun. July All Sale Items Cash, Check Visa or Mastercard ALL SALES FINAL Open Friday 'till 8:30 «Recycle this newspaper Open Fridays 'till 8:30 32 Nassau Street Princeton Free Parking in Rear

17 Packet 8-Way Classifieds :\ I PRINCETON PACKET LAWRENCE LEDGER CENTRAL'POST WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD -t- fj H1LLSBOROUGH BEACON MANVILLE NEWS FRANKLIN NEWS-RECORD CRANBURY PRESSJJ IB Week of July 7-9, 1982 TOO LATE TO 3*S AstMsHae to 9 M 310 ROOM* For ReM For Rent For REAL STATE 3B0-4apjL _ For * «4 Land For Ram 400 -land For Sale 435 Cirri m Real Esfaat For Sale 43* 1 L i Monday & HH * fiay met* p«0*r*r Hifr Wintid *» mtp Wanted *» Http Waited 100 Help Wanted AcnvmEs S20&40 TO UUMO pan or fct- ftamy.gom- mi Hap! to: V U, P.O Bat CATS -cmrt OTISSe need JO^HflQ OBie Sept. Feb.. Myoi* horn* W* pay. ACCOUNT»«Q>ffNAMCS QpQMrfft If* M S Nt to BOB#O4621. Co Accouwrwq CLERK spot»16v17v Ms Nwm 0OM9S P. RDMOmPnoml. 13* Rd ACCOUNTMO CtERK PWWM pwmmw tioura a week, weekdays be- M m l t l Apptcantnusi nave owner's scenes at running enwds is a large part of Good job tor mcfcjdt Mng. 0 typing and wrang up caah recaipts I Expdwnos 0011 but QOOd hawatfavrtatiq it < Cat pm. ACCOUHT EXECUTIVE A naw and eneiueiaspc Ad Agsncy «seetong an indtadual *» can much our watt knowledge ot copy. art. pfoducson* creeine ideas and deem CH or write J & O Aov, 3S4S Kannady Rd. So ACCOUNT CLERK I - Townanto Rnanca OSor. gd. > for craasvs. _, pc person. Sand reply lo Perk* way Muring Horn* Partawey Ava, Tranton* MJ 0WO8 ACTORS^TUOENTS Tha MoCanar Thaato Company wparlanoad salaa staff to promoat rs aacmng «Q9 saason. "^on con>mit»loo. Contact Martin HftHn. 1-flpm. Cal 60» A0MMSTRATIVE Assisttnt wmm ooqat producinq %ui nssds fi ofptnlxsd p«v9on to hslp of typing maalings. and malntsln wmi ctams. Must b» w«ng to Ham word procasaing aqupmanl Sand rasuma to Box #04829 cte Prinoaton Packat. SALES. >~ (a> * Esfabsshed respected ami looking lor sales rap who Is exacting In detafts, good wen people end service. Must taka personal pride m ai endeavors. Salary, bonus, generous benefits. knmedme opening. Please send resume to Mrs. Routene. The Trentonian. 800 Parry St. Trenton. NJ ALARM SALES Ml and pan erne raps needed by expanomg local company. Exes- IDQ inoofnt potevwsi. TrsiniOQ providad «703. ARCHITECTURAL/STRUC- TURAL. P E. $35 10 S45K. H you want to relocate this may be the chance you have i been wanting. Experience architectural aluminum constructor industries, benettts end definite growth, paid rekxason cost S3S-45K. Getty PersonneC 1527 Rrv negen's Ln, at Rt 27, Bank Bklg., North Brunswick O. ARE YOU Between Jobs das.m«ary<8153psr yr, laid off or looking lor adov OaVaVHHL, SaWO foasuvfla) I k> or aonal Incoma? troffl Vie JJOU pan-ame extra of Twp. Adrniru Murwipai BUo,. Man. Jet. NJ appt *52 Sou** Brunewlck is an ACCOUNTANT Saner G«OMng Pnwston CPA fcw. comorwaon audt and tax aspananca) raojuiract RapiyBaa # CO Pnncilon ACCOUNTANT part ama to NNp wan noorna t u praparaaon 60S-4«(H)732. ACCOUNTANT Entry Laval for Prmowon CPA Inn Raply Boa # c o ACCOUNTANT Coat & EOf> armknrnant Top Mum * taw*** To 32SK-Caf M» CotMMi 609-8M-1183 P Robart Oam Parsomat. 134 Ff»r*JnCm Rd yrr-sale&flawi FORI >~- Oecoraeng. business mlndad ATTENTION PROFESSION- ALS Sand your rasuma to tsadrg arnptoymant agsnctas^a>acuava saarch firms in NY. KJ. * PA. who offar ptacamants In al Bakts & ranging from SI J150^00. Ust provmad traa ot charga. C*l Raaumas Urwmajad 60»44»070i. BABYSfTTMG for infant My Somaraat horns. Sapt to Juna pm ABYSfTTER Mama tor 10 man okl rtatarancai rsgmrad 6CVTI- 609ht43-4B34 aftar BABYSfTTER Must be mature, experienced, respondapendabie. Ages 10 & 4. Moa-Fri. 7am-5pm BABYSITTER for 7 & 8 yr. old QMS. nd$tmcm ft must. 809 « anytime. BABYSITTER for 13 IDOnwi OK] QBI in t. VWiQSOf ATM* MUSI DO VXpOnvnCOG ft dapandabla. M-F, 7-5. Cal bet 7-9pm weekdays. BE YOUR OWN BOSS No Imtt to SS you can asm. Cal aft 5pm. BJUNOUAL SECRETARY Spanish. Exacutfva laval position. Good stano and typing. Dtctaphooa, talax hatoful. Too good to pass this ona by! Faa paid. Stan from S15.5K. Getty Parsomal, 1527 Rnnagant La, at Rt 27. Bank BWg.. North Brunt BOOK DESIGNER wttti savaral yaars axparianca. To handw al phases ot book design including jackets. Sand resume to: J. lily, Princeton University Press, 41 WWam St. Princeton,N J BOOKKEEPER ful charge. Part-time. Permanent Princeton location. LOR BOOKKEEPER experienced. Take charge. Permanent part time. Flexible hours. Accounts payable & receivable. Al taxes. Payroll. Invoicing statements & collection. Maintaining all files. Bank ststament reconciliation. Budget/sales projec- Cash flow projections. Sue or Dawn pm only. CABLE TV Underground construction. Entry level positions as laborers. We will train. No experience nee- essary. Good salary & benefits. Must be wihing to travel. Aggressrve mdmduats with a desire to learn need only apply , Monday- Friday CAFETERIA POSITION There Is a need tot an indrvklusi to work in the ManvHe Hkjh School Cafeteria tor 3 nrs. par day, five days per week. Interested parties should appry by contacting: Manvtte Board of Education, 1100 Brooks Blvd.. ManviUe. NJ or cal tor an application. Closing Data Jury Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. CAREER win train selectrve person for exceptional career opportunity in sales. This opportunity win be available Aug.i year salary plan + Incentive increases as earned. Send resume to: Career, P.O. Box 5012, Trenton. NJ EOE. M/F. GETTY PERSONNEL BSEE (Digital design, to interface with minis) to S38K Electronic Technician (RF test equipment) to S20K Programmers (COBOL, Database, NCR experience to$23k Engineers (weapon avionics/ aeronautics) to $40'sK BSME (electronic Instrument) to $30K Secretaries- Legal w/steno $ open Medical $200/wk. Executive Bl-linguaV Spanish S15.5K Word Processor/ legal. $ open Bookkeeper/part time $ negotiable Clerk Typist $ open Inventory Control Clerk S13K/up Billing Supervisor/ Hospital $12-$13K Medical Receptionist/ part time $4.56/hr. Inside Sales/Warehouse Assistant $6.50/hr. GETTY PERSONNEL Rt 130, HuJiUtown CAREER JOB Search & Educational Counseling. Testing & Resume included. Or. Michael L Rosenthal CAREER in sales & management with major company due to expansion. Sales experience helpful but not essential. Substantial starting salary wtth incentive increases as earned. After a training period in sales, an opportunity for career in management is available. For particulars call Mr. Adkins at EOE. CASHIER WANTED 2 nights a week, over 18. Apply in person Cafe Au Lart. 66 Wrtherspoon St. Princeton, CHILD CARE Mature loving nanny wanted to care for 7-month old infant in my home in Hightstown area. Must be English speaking & non-smoker & have own transportation. Housekeeping responsibilities optional. Hours 8:15-5:30. M-F. Call aft. 6pm. or anytime on weekends. CHILD CARE & Housekeeping 5 days a week. 2 yr old & newborn. Own car required. Room & board + salary. Please call days or nights. 10 Help Wanted CHILD CARE & Housekeeping Ideal situation. Professional couple seeks dependable woman M - F mornings in W. Princeton area. Care for 5 yr old daughter, manage lovely home. Begin Sept CLEANERS NEEDED in Hiltsboro, part time nights, must be responsible & experienced with reliable transportatlon. Call , clerical TYPtSTS 55WPMPLUS i Earn Top $$$ Bonus & Vacations Too Cal Maureen Today ROTATOR TEMPS CLERICAL NO FEE JOIN SELECTIVE* TEMPS * Cal Nancy or Beth Princeton PBce LawTencevMe, N.J. CLERICAL Chance Ito grow with respected insurance firm. Client contact, no fee, Ms. Neuman , P. Robert Dann Personnel, 134 Franklin Cnr.-Rd. CLERK Busy, nonprofit organization needs full-time person to be responsible for record retention in Hightstown office. Typing helpful. Excellent benefits. Start salary $7,500. Call CLERK For convenient food store. Days only, approx. 35 hrs/ wk., Mon. - Fri. Must be 18 or over. For appointment, call Joe Farina, Quickcheck Food Stores betw. 930AM-4:30PM. 10 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted CLERK Front Office. 5pm Monmouth Jet location. Call to 11pm, 5 nights,-steady employment Pleasing P 01 '' sociality. Enjoys contaqt with public. References necessary. Call Town House Motel for appointment. 10am to 4pm CLERK TYPIST interesting position with diversified duties. Requires typing skills of SOwpm and 2 years experience. Full time, 8:46am to 5pm, located on James Forrestal campus, Princeton. Excellent salary and benefits. Call Karen at EOE CLERK/TYPIST full time position wtth small publishing firm in Princeton. Excellent typing with some previous office experience desired. Send resume in confidence to C.S.P.. CN5245, Princeton, NJ COMPANION Assist ah elderly person. Nonsmoker. Includes light cooking. Princeton location COMPANIAN-HELPER - for elderly woman. Enjoy summer in Catskills. Roqrn and board. Salary COMPUTER OPERATOR/ Prog. To S14K. Dynamic, fast growing communications corp requires some exper. in Sys. 34 operations. Lite RPG II exper. or acad. training des. Duties inci. computer operations, admin, & programming. Unlimited growth. Oppty to iearn Telecommunications. Local. F/pd Place Mart EDP, 3530 Hwy 27, Kendall Park COOK to prepare lunch and snacks for preschool program. Hrs: 8 am-1pm, 5 days DYNAMIC SALESMEN to per week. Background in sell advertising space in new nutrition desireable. Call University-NOW Day Nursery in Princeton COUNSELOR For Math & Science Teachers Small non-profit Princeton placement service seeks caring, highly organized, energetic & dedicated person to interview, counsel & place Math & Science teachers in independent EDUCATIONAL Institution schools throughout the U.S. has an opening for Maintenance Mechanic with a strong Special opportunity to play significant role in improving electrical background. Please. the quality of Science/Math call EOE.- ^ instruction in independent ELECTRONIC TECH Immediate opening for sharp schools & to encourage & assist new. & experienced person to repair RF Test teachers in finding productive equipment. Must have some & rewarding teaching positions. College degree/ teach- Fee paid. Getty Personnel, experience. Start from- S17K. ing or counseling experience 1527 Finnegan's Ln., at Rt. highly desirable. Heavy work 27. Bank Bldg., North Bruns-. load but job satisfaction. wick Typing & steel-trap memory ENGLISH TUTOR WTD. to required. Prefer background help H.S. student prepare or knowledge of data systems SAT in writing. Exp. English &. use of computer. Year teacher pref round postion beginning in aft. 5:30pm. September. Good salary & benefits. Send resume to Box #04626 c/o Princeton Packet. DELIVERY PERSON full time position. Full benefits for local delivery from pleasant DENTAL ASSISTANT For specialty practice. Exc^alary, benefits, working conditions. Experienced only DIRECTOR of Christian Education; ; part time, 25 to 30 hours peri week, 42 weeks per yean yieeded by Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church (5 miles SE of (Princeton). Position description on request. Call bet. 9-2 or evjas. DRIVER Wholesale route. Excellent paid company benefits. ' Apply Cream-O- Land Dairyj 680 Somerset St., New Brunswick. DONT REPLY! Unless... You have a proven track record in sales - e Are extremely highly motivated - e Are willing to work long hours. e Want to be rewarded for your own Indhridual effort. We offer an outstanding growth opportunity to a person with the above qualifications to become A PRO- FESSIONAL RECRUITER. We're the nation's largest and most prestigious search and recruit firm. Our Account Executives serve Fortunes finest companies through a network of over 300 offices. Management Recruiters Of Princeton publication. Commission only. Please send resume to P.O. Box Princeton, NJ * - EARN A GOOD Income While you train for' a professional career in Sales. Calf Mr. Cohen E.O.E.m/f... ENVIRONMENTAL/CONSU- MER Activists Citizen Outreach Canvass. Mon-Fri, 2-10pm. Start S150/wk. NJ Public Interest Research Group EXCELLENT OPPORTUN- ITY To earn extra money. Must have a nice personality arid be at home most of the time, able to take messages. Call EXECUTIVE SAlES Earn up to $ st yr. salary + commission. Career oppty. Prudential provides profes-. sional training in lall product lines incl. Life, Health, Group, Pension, Equities, Auto & Homeowners. Attractive ben-' efits package. Management potential. Call Ed Ede or Jerry Yaros.CLU Dev.Mgr.at or EXERCISE TEACHER for t ladies. Private class. Teacher must be trained. Slant board. technique preferred. DRIVER pf our 2nd car to Blacksburg/Boanoke Va area sought for 1st week Aug. Call EXPERIENCED PIANO or teacher wanted , NURSES, RN's S-Way Classified Money saver Coupon ' ri ui JLL-J : I' I 4IJWMES-1 3 c% fin*- r r*" 1 * --, i, i I 1 I «7OO SltOO mi tk e e permanent FT position in rural PrmaMon archtfactwraj firm for experienced bookkeeper wtth comnatoout to 20-parand p ing Vaned dutas inckjde bookkeeping through Ot_ good typng. Ob coat analysts, insurance claims, telephone back-up Excellent requirements_to8o«# co P 8ANKM0 FORECLOSURE CLERK tmxm Jam uaf We curteney IMPVV A pstft Ssiw poimon ****** In our Loan 8#fiNCaffH) OttpttltRlofVl. nu rfvevv m VRXM hours. IndMduals appv- Ing should have 1-2 pariance wah snap] vwwantly located off kt now* For art r I. _ caf Ms. P ML 33 CUT FUNDS FIZZLED OUT AFTER THE FOURTH? Reftfl the till at TOWN TEMPS.Bnng your office skills to TOWN, be it SECRETARIAL. TYPING, or WORD PROCESSING. Register and be a temporary with TOWN'S best cfcents. A "FIRECRACKER" way to earn extra dollars! Come in today. You'll like the company (s) we keep. Ibwn lenhps owtsow o* TOW* nisonwi ACINCV I WMCCION Phncstos Forrcstal Center 101 CoOtfe M Eist WMM Management Opportunity I We ere mid-sized growth-oriented company headquartered in Chicago. Our most recent expansion to modem faculties just Northeast of Princeton, New Jersey, has created a need for Mure Managers. Our Management Devetopmenl Program offers a "hands-on" fast-tracked approach to training. HtaNy competitive. saw-starting, degreed inwvfoumsi new CMMn sucoassful in tnis pfoorsm. The ideal canduate should along wlh a minimum of 1-3 years experience. Supervisory experience a proai sharing and tuhon ^.. " «resunie IrKiurJng sajary raoutrwrnants to: Food Service Unit Supervisor With One of Princeton's. Most Progressive Employers. The Educational Testing Service is a highly professional organization, recognized nationally for its research and evaluation capabilities. Working for one of the area's most desirable employers, you will plan, assign, and supervise the operation of a Food Service Unit, including ensuring an efficient quality/oriented and cost-effective operation. Reporting to the Manager of Food Service, major duties consist of planning and monitoring the work of a support staff, establishing work priorities, reviewing empoyee performance, and coordinating menu planning, set-ups, and service for all special functions. The documentation of all inventory, including food, supplies, and equipment will also be central to your duties. At least 5 years of progressively responsible food service background, plus supervisory experience is essential. A high school diploma or Its equivalent in experience and education is also required. ETS offers an attractive starting salary based on experience and an excellent benefits package. Working conditions are seoond-to-none in a fully management supportive environment To apply please send-a resume or detailed letter including salary requirements to: Ms. Sandy DeAngeto EDUCATIONAL TESTMG SBWICE ROSEDALEROAO Princeton, iu A«Equtf Opporunty Employe WF Biff ft wi S«l«n nitt twldy it tlit CLASSIFIED PA6ES ISbuVe changed, so have we... and both for the better! T Great things are happening in the field of Nursing. Your life experience and previous Nursing training can make you an important part of this exciting progress. You've had the personal satisfaction of raising your family and now you can; utilize the same caring skills in helping patients through their emotional difficulties. -. Carrier's UNIQUE ORIENTATION program is tailored to fit the special needs of those interested in returning to their profession. We have a rare non-institutional open atmosphere, and we welcome applicants'lo stop by arty time and tour our warm and cheerfully decorated facilities, WE OFFER:. Competitive salaries that are adjusted for prior HOSPITAL nursing experience lor a maximum of 4. : years. a No rotation of shifts (unless desired) ei Full and Part-Time openings Flexible hours feanbe arranged B H e Lovely campus-like setting e Free parking in well-lighted area I ' e Security on grounds If you are interested in working for a hospital that cares about its employees as much as ' it cares about its patients... why not give our Personnel Department a call today at (201) or stop in and see us for a tour.. ' : ' Carrier Foundation Bette Mead. New Jersey Equal Opportunity Employe M/F

18 P(3ffCI1O. WO<Ei!»lAWRSNCE LEDGER ' 3 ACC*i«M&JWltlt NEWS* L POST«W*OSOP M-GHTS HERALD* * NEWS J?tC.O!?D«CPAN3Uf?v PRESS Classifieds ASM IlJtllVX at kaaai > a* if*. P. Sac- IWII TAX mamm T0 31E a# 3 tmn puttie m eor~ firm Cmm Jmm* C»* Cunt r.h.jli tanacn. MO FEE PDQ TEMPS W t Mai St Wa Opening exists»«- wkkttaialy io» ^Social ist lor a private ftfcfik fcejpnai in 1 fear or AWMptltaprt. MB <mt Oe vjn t9mf d^gjmaaj. B a M w «M e eavomgi a good tatan/ V todw\ W IPaW av* mm «da atnpnm dernnx iwwnm. fl i Wanted tar t. c*j girl i I ajher. Mon-Th«fs I aot-4m-2«m Rats, re- MUD HOOCEY OFFICIALS mm^ MMCHHt fot rfli ttmmqrv BUNSMBT WMRQ pfqmdmd» K &vy* OovMKt Cw9y eoa-a»a.7isv FLORAL DESIGWER M or part Swie^. Experience neceeeery. Ftoaw Lady FB6E ROOM* Board pfas vma MMvy In wcninoc ior vats tor 2. te on Nassau St t needed Cat 609- FULL4V PART Tame Pceatone w*ak*nft*~ Md to late Aug. 1 Week of July 7-9, He» Wanted 10 Help Wanted *«> He» Wanted FULL TNE Help Wanted HEAD TEACHER & MVESTMENT SALES expedience necessary, nachsr amefari lop m l Vatley YMCA altar school pro- and woman for hid time/part 90 year old linn seeks men ^ food deft eecaon. KnowtedQe o4 cheeses. Good cjram. Pervwigion fdowtnp, $16,000 + $4000 Bonus tor Maufcw aducafcmal * enrichment aotmaes tor K-3. CaR or write S $10,000 Bonus First year earning potential FULL me Butting daanart 3 rights par week, 6pm to YMCA. Box 64. Hopawal, NJ Second year earning potential 230am. Cranbury area. Expenance A car necessary. HEBREW 8UNOAY 8chooi 08825, , Cat am- H OPfOHTUMTTY secret of Stdn Myt* jg and «w Total Sueoaaaptan. Cal: 1898 Trenton days. or eott eves. H0MEMAKER8. TEACH- ERS ft Art lovers wnatad tor art sales. P/t. M. W«train. Cal Sherry, weekdays bet e Advancement to Management with Superior Earnings Potential a 2 Years Minimum College a No Experience Necessary e we Will Train You Thoroughly For an appointment call 201»78f>2980 OROUP HOME Manager HOMEMAKERS. TEACH- ERS ft Art lovers wnatad INVOICE TYPIST good taoejy lor 7 meraaty retarded tor art sales. P/tM-WK train. typing sk«s required. Will tor staff Cal Sharry. weekdays bat train. FuBtkne. Apply BMI. supervision, program development ft incrementation. HORSE FARM Assistant Hay Press Rd. Dayton. NJ dent training, adherence to Responsible individual to IV THERAPIST Needed government regulations, general house operation ft misc. breedang quanerhorses. Must tients preferred. 2 days per work pert dme with show/ experience with oncology pa- administrative duties. be over 18 ft experienced. week. 930am-530pm. Send Bachelor's or equivalent experience in training of learn Princeton Psckot. MHmum wage tojfart Cal resume to Box # c/o ing dasabtsd csentsftmanegemeni reouveo. thereon HORSE PERSON strong JANITORIAL and Lawncutttng Fun time days. Mon. - wan stong organttaaon ft rider ebie to school and care tor horse on part time basis. saeonakfls d. Fit Call Unlmtted rtdartg In exchange Send resume by Juty 16 to LAB ANIMAL Maintenance Bor #04627 &o Princeton part Ume position with flexible Packet HARD WORKMG Executive Sauetary No glamour but no boredom. Top industrial psychological testing firm needs mdvidual whh top dams I houeewtves. Ptokup secrelarial/admknistrative an appidtton at The Qrsn- kills, intelligence, strong Bay Martial. 57 R Mam Si. ahorthand ft typing. Good op- tor capable, ver- Oantwy. MJ or cat 609-porunity SSS-4321 tor tunner inter- RJUL TME Part ima Lkv uaual upponwty to earn 8W pRV«30pnv COmFlED HOUE HEAITHAJOES Work, in your area. Re*- Vm hours. t«00 an hour etna travel reimbursement. Musi have a car. Can Princeton Home Hearth Aide Service LOft tf)4> MOllCT MCt tkmommu msoob. aas. mv rat SECRETARY Po on»%wthm tor a secretary weft 3-6 years experience. 55 wpm typing and 80 wpm steno is required. Word Processing experience on eatter Wang or Vydec apkjs. We oftsr a 35 hour work weak. Ufaeral company inauranoa and an educattonal aeaiaiance plan- SMsry ia$z33-$250 per Interested applicants, pkwes aand leaume in oomofcme confkdenoa to: MARKEnNGrSALCS AOMMSTRATION A grawtti ofwntod ctodrorac toistfunwfilition msfiutoctutvr is 96ttopQ A ssk^noflwsibd, cnttmsf&bstic indmdubj to coordiants all dom«stic and foreign marketing jctmwiei, Poiilioo reports to the Oirector ol mq, m& acjmnjatrasve support of our product Ine and wortdwide field offices. ofiercoirp.aiiove starting satanes and an excelent tangs* benefit satie mcmdual Cal Herb Gopelen HEAD CUSTOOtAN/Supervisor of buidng ft grounds. neiponawetoreupervising a maintenance ft custodial staff an a suburban pubic school system (K-12). Black Seal coder Icense requred. Expertence m plumbing, electrical ft mechanical repairs necessary Minimum 2 yrs. tor occasional care. Posstxe employment References required aft. 7p.m. HOUSEKEEPER ft child care. Uve in. References ft transportation required IBM COMPOSER Operator wwn good rypmg SKMS, artistic talent lor layout, pasteup ft design in small print shop INVENTORY ControtOerk Wanted Immediately to maintain and allocate inventory of upervttory experience in election*, parts. We need a 1-2 years legal experience building rnarterjance or re-sellated ftokl Salary negotiable. taoed work. Previous related starter who enjoys de-with excellent shorthand &' Send resume to Montgomery experience a must Starting Twp. Board of Education. Box position with good growth 147B. Shaman. NJ Ann: JL- Riehman, Secretary. DeedVie to submit appacaaon Juty SEOtfTMT OFFICE MMUSEK Use your excellent RMsiratve axpenence in rumng and y g challenging diversified Pnnceion proles*ional office. Typing 65 wpm, steno a plus, word processing. A + arithmetic; scheduling and purchasing. Company benefits and parking J13KtoS16.5K. Office 53 State Rd. NJ (609) KAl ESTATE SALES Are you quawlsd and experienced in real estate sales or an eager, beginner? Knowledgeable of t«s area? Looking tor a commission schedule which rewards extra production? Are you looktigtora hatplut and conpenalise* law.compewnt managers, ongoing VsaTring? AfMaaOun wmn oneor atie largest leleiial tystsma and marketing tools second to none? Then do tte.-xai Dick Plumeri at , Carol Johnson at or Bob Plumeri at < endndeoflerir mngsl WUKS INTERVIEWERS NEEDED oft tor central telephone fealty. Day. evening ft wknd. hrs. available. Flexible scheduing. Pleasant atmosphere. WM tram HS grad. Cal Total Research potential. Excelent company paid benefits. Cal Personnel Dept at toset up an appointment Programmed Control Corp.. 2 East Broad St. Hopewett. NJ CAREER GROWTH Prafcuaoul Excoicrrt Stin ilk Mtnafcncm oppoftymem (or Prvrfcaiul, one of tw Urfm fiaaanal nmanow m At voru. Camprck«Ksivc training, liberal brarfio, uiarr + comnuimob. CoBno Jttm. plu. CaO >ny Yaraa, CLU, or Ed EJ«. Dr.. M n. at *0»-4>2-l900 or MI-74V90O4. WORD PROCESSOR Position available for a Word Processor with 1-2 years experience. Knowledge of Wang ft Vydec experience is helpful- Individual must be detail-oriented. Salary is $13,000 per year. We offer an excellent fringe benefits package and a 35 hour work week - 9to5. Interested applicants, please cajtora convenient appointment. ($M)4S2-20M Ext. 211$ *n Equtf Opportaray Employ* TYPISTS SECRETARIES '.VORD PROCESSORS CLERKS RECEPTIONISTS HIGHEST RATES BONUSES.-NO FEES, EDITOR - MEDICAL Small publishing firm ajnagmgg Etftor tor 2 tnonwy numafa. Medical editing expenence required. Must have afy to scheduw. wti wejn praaaastonal Editorial Board and to Journal pub- 'Send reanne HBmZti u. CMX T0OMI PURCELL TEMPtMtttES hours, can become full time by Fan. Princeton area company cequires experienced small animal care person for labratory. Duties include care & feeding, preparation of bedding, operation of cage washing equipment phis routine lab maintenance. Apply Cytogen Corp, 201 College Rd. East Princeton, N.J LAUDER LINE salary plus commission, full time. M. Epstein, for inter- LEGAL SECRETARY Send applications showing training, experience & salary desired to Box # c/o Princeton Packet. LEGAL SECRETARY typing. Good location, good benefits. To S EVERETT KELLEY- Assodates *\ 2490 Brunswick Pfce Lawrancevae, NJ Exdusively an employer fee paid personnel service. LIKE PLANTS? Need Money? Sales people needed for new plant company. No experience. Car necessary. Can UVE IN HELPER wanted, college student to assist in housesitting evenings. LOOKING FOR AN Opportuntty? We have a career opportunity in our management trainee program. WUHngness to work hard, imagination and initiative are the main requirements. Start $15,000-$20,000. An equal opportunity employer. Call Mr. Thomas LPNS Several openings exist at our skilled nursing facility: 11-7am every other weekend, 4-8pm every other weekend. 2 openings for 7-3:30pm every other weekend. We offer a weekend rate of $6.90 per hour. Call Pamela Carter LUNCHTIME Supervisors 1 % hrs per day: $3.75 per hr. Can Cranbury School MAG CARD Beautiful law firm. Growth spot, top benefits. $200 up. Call Ms. Mffler P. Robert Dam Personnel, 134 Franklin Onr. Rd. MAINTENANCE SUPERVIS- OR Cable TV Plant Maintenance Supervisor with minimum 3 yrs experience, knowledge of Head End electronics and TVRO necessary. Send resume to: ComVkleo Systems. P.O. Box 577, Belle Mead NJ MANAGER TRAINEE Top junior" shops. Full charge. Fantastic growth, benefits, profit sharing. $11-13K. Call Ms. Cohen , P. Robert Dann Personnel, 134 Franklin Cnr. Rd. MANAGERS NEEDED wvng to train. Fast food business expanding. Must be 18 or older. Can AUon's, between 10am- 5pm. Mon.-Frl. MANAGER/Salesperson for smal' cheese & gourmet shop in Bucks County area. Cal after 7pm MANAGER ASSISTANT MANAGER HUSH PUPPIES SHOES is opening soon in the Quakerbrtdge Mai and we're look- Ingtorcareer minded people. Good salary, medical benefits and paid vacations for the ngnt people. HUSH PUPPCS SHOES MANAGEMENT TRAINING CxceastW Income supplement Up to $20,000 part time. $50,000 ful time. Work out of home or office. Cal noon. 1(» Help Wanted MANAGEMENT Opportunities with McDonalds. Previous fast food experience not necessary but helpful. For appointment call EOE/MF. MANAGEMENT 10 Help Wanted Part Time Positions Dementary School Starling Sept 1982 CJerk/Typist 6 hours per school day. KRchen, Cafeteria & Playground Worker* 2-5 hours per school day. slonal advancement in fi- H!* t!* ft "5!r?T«i^. S^^Sf nance. Top benefits. $800 - ~" - nou -? p9r^0ek> & 2, mo. Ms. Miller P. Robert Dann Personnel, 134 FrankHn Cnr. Rd. MATURE WOMAN ex- pertenced cooking, serving application, East Amwell f wp". lunch, Hght housework, own School, Rlngoes, N.J transportation,«hrs., 5 days ( ). 1Q0 Help Wanted PROGRAMMER minimum 3 years experience using FORTRAN. Must be knowledgeable with Prime 550 mini-computer. Benefits, good growth firm. Salary in tho $20's. fee paid. Call Princeton Employment Agen- PROGRAMMER ANALYST, $25K lo $30K. Fantastic company looking for excep- ij Bruns., tion of previous experience, PROGRAMMER - S20-25K. reply Box #04613 c^oprirx^^ i I r^ag;"_^" a B n '^ Experience in COBOL and i M D.^,.. '0-5. zzs batzmer Avenue, MnD _»_ P i.-,! ton Packet. NCR criterian series. c«. Excellent opportunity. Fee paid. Jamesburg. PART TIME evening Getty Personnel, 1527 Finnegans Ln., at Rt. 27, Bank care Hion available for reliable center. Please call mature individual 18yrs +. Bldg., North Brbns Excellent listening & writing MC DONALD'S Assistant skills are a must. If interested PROOFREADER/WRITER manager trainee. No ex- contact Cheryl at The Gallup perience required. Call for in- Organisation Part time, 30 hrs. per week, teryiew or apply in person 142 ext 351 between 9am-3pm. Proof wide variety of college Somennlle part ^(^g _ Dictaphone publications; occasional writpart T Mf Dictaphone p ; typist, Mondays only, per- in 9 assignments. Experience MEDICAL SECRETARY manent posrjon. Must be fast in proofreading preferred. Acfor busy Internists' office. Ex- (60wpm) and Accurate. Call curacy, attention to detail, and perience necessary ' < ability to meet deadlines re , 9 ^ M PERMANENT : 3 0 FULL-T.ME. S ^ X S ^ ^ MOVE UP! - Solid, estab-retail Sales - Rocky Hill lished company. Customer area. Working knowledge of service & telephone sales, books required Stt $150 hasa^- + Tall M I ert 134? ERS0N ^ITH ~ know1 ' ' EOE/AA - rnr R^ a.r.^» w.^.^.^. Cnr. Rd...«,^w J 3 -- photography - skills to aug- - PURCHASING CLERK NEED VACATION MONEY ment/assemble educational E R Squibb & Sons Inc a P/t from your home. No slide show. Temporary/ flex- leader in the pharmaceutical E^f^^1" 359 " 7659 * ible Part^me- Call 609- field, is currently seeking a from 9 to 5. tourchasino clerk to work 6 NEW RESTAURANT PERSON TO CARE for in- hours per day at our world Plainsboro. Waitresses/wait- valid man. Live in. Prepare headquarters in Princeton, ers, salad & sandwich prepj meals and give peisonal care. NJ. '... chef or experienced kitchen or '" Tfee individual we seek will g HMIWOOO CN550, Trenton. NJ help. Call evenings 609- PERSONNEL/SALES a variety of duties Articulate person required fof responding to requisitioners 1 NURSE/COMPANION -interesting personnel office, needs as required. Responsi-; Exp.. mature, live-in. July. Extensive training! with ex. bilit.es will include: August, waterfront Jerse'y ceiient income poiential. Call JSE Shore. Call 609r655-28J8, John Kelsall 609^ cnan 9es pnee, delivery. e v e s. B a i l e y Employment Service ^f NURSE FOR Private Duty 1101 E State Road, Prince- following-up on overdue orders Licensed, own car. In homes/ ton, NJ resolving problems such as hospitals within E.Windsor- PERSONNEL damages or invoice discrepancies Hightstown-Cranbury- Princeton Area. Prefers 1ipm-7am typing purchase orders, PROFESSIONAL shirt. Experienced; 11 yrs Tired of commuting? Expand screening and answering inhospital, nursing homes, ing full service agency looking coming telephone calls, openmed-surg, private duty. My for EXRERIENCED place- ing departmental mail and filschedule fluctuates, call earty ment counselors per- ing. Mondays between 7-10am & manent or temporary. Call Qualified candidates should 4-6pm. Need work & will ap- nowi askforlee. be a high school graduate or predate consideration equivalent with approximately Rotator 1-2 years general office ex- Personnel Division OFFICE OR RETAIL Shop Space in small shopping center by Princeton Poos and perience, preferably in a purchasing departmetffnarrti: 9h volume of work / ouv<!ir»i pniiratinn ling a h ' Patio Shop at 306 Alexander PHYSICAL EDUCATION, flow and jncomin g telephone St. Princeton. 600 sqft avail- Teacher A vacancy exists able now + a possible for a ful y cerwied physical position offers an exstarting 200sqft. Come and see us or education teacher at the _ salary and g f _ call elementary level in the Man- benefits package. Interested nppirp r\ pnirai HPI P e ^UDllc Schools. Some candidates are requested to /~... «. e«_^~. e^..-, t «_. oackgrouna in gymnasucs send resurnes including saldance aance desired aesirea but DUI noi notarv rboniremfint<5 ~ -,, Service ^ceretar y- ana Duties include handling cus- essential. Interested parties S. re <I ulrements in contomer inqu.nes, processing should ^ ^ by comacing; E. R. Squibb & Of-' duties. Princeton mele & Maloy OLD LIBRARY LADDER oak, 1 left, mint cond. needs refinishing. 16ft. $ i0am-5pm. ORGANIST for Protestant church, Edison area. 1 service, 1 rehearsal. Call '- sume & salary requirements to 1st Presbyterian Church, Box 23, Plainsboro, NJ PAINTERS & Painter Helpers needed. Inquire at after 5p.m. ing toys & gifts July to Dec. No $ investment - Free kit - Free training. Women/men needed throughout central June PART TIME _ rrods helcf Princeton. NJ , EOE/ Newark Avenue, Manville. NJ MFVH 0^,35 nr r, a. ppj.33^8548. Closing Date - July Equal Opportunity/Affirmative' A Element f[y?p\ Action Employer., ref- & valid drivers lie. _ required ^ PRINCETON Consulting Firm - Needs women out 0. the worworce tor at least it1 years Real Estate Salespeople Wanted Don't be fooled by canned PICTURE training programs. If you're in Tues thru Sat real estate and want training, POSITION OPEN at Ap-wpiegarth Serv. Center, Rte. personal assistance instead are always on hand to give of mass classroom instruction. Call Linda for a confidential interview. Princeton Crossroads Realty. Inc creased business we are enjoying in the residential and commercial areas. Ex- for taking a paper and pencil perience PART TIME Toy Demos/Sales Reps. Homerange an appointment. test. Call to arbased business lets you set Will train for Sales We attention of M. Ryan, Dental Audrey Short, Inc PART TIME - secty.. H.S. Learning Systems, P.O. Box student acceptable. 3: , Princeton.N.J :30pm, flexible hrs. Some typing. Apply 45 Pine Knoll Drive; or call TIUC Cap Farms, PART TIME Responsible poopk) noodod for office cleaning. 2<A hours per night Mon-Fri in Neshanic 'Station between 3-,6pm. Ask for Loti. PART-TIME Men/women. New telephone program. Earn $ weekly. Call eve.; PART TIME Management position. Excellent income for quasfied persons. Experience prefrred skills also needed. Proofreading skills a plus; opportunity for advancement. Salary $10,000 to $13,000. Send resume to the PROGRAMMERS We are seeking 3 individuals for our applications programming dept Programming is done in the 'C programming language under the UNIX opmi on a DEC would be a plus, but knowledge of similar languages such as PASCAL or PL1 will be considered. Recent graduates with degrees in computer science will also be considered. e Comprehensive company benefit program commensurate with resume with salary requirements to: Howard P. Weiss, Vice President Data Services, New Jersey State Medical Underwriters, 2 Princess Rd., LawrencevUle, N J helpful but not necessary. J.T: Boyer Realty, Realtor REAL ESTATE SALES Energetic, licensed sales person to work with Sales Manager or single family homes in Princeton area. Extensive experience not required. Opportunity for career growth. REAL ESTATE SALES A few positions available for real.estate sales people. Call REAL ESTATE The Remington office of Weichert Co. Realtors, NJ.'s largest & most successful real estate firm, is looking for an experienced sales representative from the Hopewell- Pennington area. Call Pete computer. Exin UNIX and 'CManager, for a. Spencer, Flemington Office confidential at or a resume to P.O. Box 267. Remington, NJ WEICHERT RECEPTIONIST/OFHCE" ASSISTANT Part time(24 hrs per week). Duties include switchboard operator, receptionist! typing, filing, assistance in report preparation. Technical typing experience helpful. Can or send resume to: Mrs Lillian Birch, AeroChem Research Labs, PO Box 12, Princeton NJ EOE.

19 E 4 PAOSI«lAWPEfaC.EDG6&* CENTRAL POST W-NOSOR H'GHTS HERALD* BEACON MUVV/tLt N WSe> c RAIs»QjN ^WS f^ord CRANBURV > * *.; * {... 1 : Classifieds J-B Week of July 7-9, 1982 SALESPERSON UM and SECRETARY part erne, v approl 16 twin*. Varied dual tea. fbmme hrs. Aaktor O- itacar*. cotameywfaiwapaahdtocal lea Manager **"* *"**??? *aw awaa.^ Payee iw y * < SECRETARY pan ame tor S_*^*?j*,,^Sr' W **" SSa r_ : Sa p< * p * > Jaytsl* Center Religious «fc»j(^ 6w»_^i,Piw«eaaar\ wccmesa&jooopte. Contact Pat at 201 «tt-9060 lion. Ti Thunv SALES' PERSON "Htp»?30 to 630pm. Sun. 830am to Sa* teat of»»30pm and oo» Aug. 1. ft***. em re 0aw«JOti WtTWtf *<3t Aw ajty offers* 1MB* He*. Sa$WWWWW f««n««:s«4tisu»»earirai;pm»* H3>t mm m tw Baa* Judan a Ra\ PmdpaL The Jaaaan Caraar. 4$7 aofwarywaararaytpanaa St. Pmoaton NJ 064*0 lonpavtafus ncaman., OsntsL {poup Ha. BO. 000 a etna to SALESPERSON fat 'oo Help Wanted "» Heap Wawited ^ Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted "» Resumes P ' SECRETARY NOFEE JOM SELECTIVE* TEMPS * Cat KJ. S CREt/WV Haiaoad to * ' wm wtm. Bow 0 0*476 co P*** 1 * o*»et»«ad duaes tor a eynatnc * tah paced Mar- *etr«g Oepsnmem Raaporv pramosonal leeraprooafehng orders & >ic ««_. - "9 a tvge vofcvne o«us. sea* ftivm amjt Tjp-g 4,,-TO WE NEED YOU! AMDWEtLPAYI TOP RATES Bonus t, Vacaoon *. Secretaries, typists, word prooaaaors. atat typists. Many lead to permanent piaot- ROTATOR TEMPS 6O0424-1O22 SERVICE STATION Attend <* se*vnoaveied. Appty Ol cw Amoco. 66 Wahjrspoon SL Pnnceton Jobs Wanted *» Aiwouncements TEAOflNQ STAFF Needed WELCOME WAGON Your RESUMES AND/OR Career MALE COLLEGE Student tor group horn* progr Inactive determines what you Guidance from an internationally known executive work, odd jobs, cleaning. seeks summer employ. Yard Auttstic i i and d developmentally diaabled nieeang people. Car needed, recruiter whose front One ex- License, own transportation. earn In a flexwe hours career eooteacents and adufes. FuMtraining provided. Cal 609- pertise wh gtva you that extra , ano pan ame raejoanasi ano or write: 29 Am SL, something needed to stand aft. 7pm.. Bernardsville. NJ out In today'sdiminishing job QUALITY CHILD CARE Compe ye sajary and tulopenings in S. Brunswick, market If you dont need Ratable & experienced mother wishes to give your child benehs. Immedtete and eerty PlaJnsboro. Monroe, Lawrence, Hamilton, Ewing and philosophy about the world of nurturing care in a crs&tive academic theory or social Fal openings. Send resume to Mr. Spencer Kantor, Assistant Director. Eden Acres. 26 fessional help from a busi- Washington Twpshs. EOE. work, but you do need pro- play environment. Belle Mead Nassau SL Princeton NJ WORD PROCESSORS SUMMER WORK wanted Our CienU An> DamanoTng TECHNICAL WRITER Larter. Xerox & Wang Operators. processing PREMftJM RATES PAD Famay Development Center. You must salary requirements techoward are reojwred m wef as ac- 101 Oakland St. Trenton. P. Weiss. Vice President e Be able to organize, com- SA1ES famcm-e aem- asacy 4 aaeneon to Oeta** & NJ Data Services. New Jersey pose, and edit sales related smssarv a»a rtf- good interpersonal sfcitts. MCCCCO - nw 'SPEECH THERAPIST Medical Underwriters. 2 Prin- Rd. LawrenceviBe. NJ. writing assignments. iftaw to r^sar*av Hhgh school "educason or pen-ame. CCC or CFY re-cess after ; ; <3»e*. n aooor-* ^_^^^^^_ of e Be familiar with com- V sawng WXSJCSS eojup*samt and 2*3 years o^qurad puterized business systems and (unctions, (i.e. wwwiwiii m pyb*c COIMWN) and cor- e«per»ence are reouireo, 6pm. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS satcwngs Pfa** **! Pleas* sand resume toper- evening work only, Panama* he***, but aonne* Dapt. AMF Heed order processing, inventory control, accounting, etc.) mm Kmm turn O»vition. Bom CN to PnnoNon. NJ 08S40 our computer systems. This person must also be able to SEWfNQ KNOWLEDGE use the documentation in pan ame helper needed tor SECRETARY needed to TELEPHONE CALLING us FROM HOME mwtrn Provide samples of your md le typmce and re- Open charge accounts for mum mm wmtft act* Sand YES. ing con etponrienc SUBSTITUTE Bus Drivers major department stores. Mr. aiianim, t>oba*2m,hoa**jal\hl ports, handing of needed starting in Sept B PROPHET 21 MC. matte's, accounting and WB tan. Class being tormed Aa**. SALES REP Fortune 500 pnone cats Swno s reqtared Bir» summer. Regular posttuns Hed fromour substitute Required it you want to TOP SECRETARIAL Skills 2 East Broad St s_ir. feffl am* pastaar* m oorporaaon. Susaneas as- as «et at accuracy 4 anerv Hopewel, NJ p*efl_jic emat f>- gm» Supers twang ft com- ton to data**. Good <raersranw-jd 1. Connef pantaflon pacft. StSK up parsonh sfcafe reouwed. * ( ) tor apples- basis. Ideal tor anyone who XEROX 860 WANG tot Cal East Amwel School work on a temporary on-cal i_* 3aW,. Artjmo-, KJ. coramaajcm Ife. Newman celient benefit package ton can not be obligated to a ful NOFEE Wil"l'TO' i time position. Send resume to ' p8kj *^ "VOOHPHI ^^MMMMI MMno ftmue*naj lo MfeSS DarwPer*orw*. >34Ffar**n Jaarma Woolen. Barctayv Box #04566 Co Princeton O» RC Ajm«fK«n Business Credit. WORK Packet Large local firm now inter- SA4JES REP Cuefari <000 Ha»omown Rd. Pmceton TRAVEL AGENT Travel up through management Un from 4-6pm. SOCIAL SERVICE Supervcaor company newsletter. Ex tortrenton protective pertise & experience In writ- service tamay onented pro-tegram. & oral communication a M.SW. plus 3 years must experience in dvect practtce. Suparvtsory experience vveterratie. Salary $17,000 to $16,000 annuaty. Sand reaume to The M_ Hal Chid & a Comprehensive company benefit program * Salary commensurate with experience Please send resume wbh START YOUR Own Career In a tasl growing business. Sates experience or treirang not necessary. For appointment cal Mr Rusaei training people to use the sytsms. hi addition he/she wiu from our office in Hightstown, Cafl Lawn Doctor viewing coaege students. HS grads & school teachers. Staring rates $5-650 Can anan part ama in Fa» Must Imited opportunity, management experience. S11-13K. ; Many assignments start immediatety, long and short term. Esm vacation $ <and bounus $ too. Cal Maureen Now ROTATOR TEMPS WRITER To develop promotional Mterature and port for the PROPHET 21 Business System. Be able to interface with designers. SECRETARY - HaaOorough Cal Nancy or Beth SM.CS No lee. Ms. Cohen S6-H83 P son. Mqtt School Gudanca 60* * 18 & have use ol car. Cal P. Robert Dam Personnel. 134 Franklin Cnr. Rd. ^P, Rooart Omm PmiarmK 134 Qmcm Typng ikas raqwred Princeton Pica 3-7pm to arrange interview. Cw Rd Lawrencavfto, N.J MMWO) SALES TEMPORAWCS tan mpta TRAVEL AGENT Enjoy SUPfERaVTENOENT large oarden apartment ( for professional environment. Exceptional opportunity, pre- 105 <_.-««_«tie_ Bo-Irtl Secretary and School plex in HarnMon Township. vious management. Top CAREER JOB Search & aa» w w w -or» mm* -» BuBma»» K*rwntumot. HaV Must have experience. Biacksaal Icanse required. AbWy Testing & Resume included. benefits. S11-13K. No tee, Educational Counseling Cdll arc ottaoa offlcft. EOucaeon PO Bn 427. to supervise on site crew P. Robert Dann Per-Drsonnet, 134 Franklin Cnr. Rd Michael L. Rosehthal, Beae Mead. NJ or i Itiow -«temp i*mno» Good worker ww> hands on r*. pnone 2Ot-87*-3iOO or 874- experience in plumbing, heatng and general repairs re- position with flexible hours. THE PLAIN TRUTH About TYPESETTER part time REAL ESTATE & M 3101 aa»»or tae quired. Salary, apartment Experience with ITEK equipment desired. Repry in con-ing Associates Is there a Resumes by Princeton Writ-._, ROTATOR TEMPORARCS tmem banents. Mon - Fn mdm * mam» aw Swoaam "**" S96. fidence to C.S.P.. CN5245. "State-of-the-Art" in m Wmthmt O K Re- 2O1-23aV2iOi U S«LfS a zaii J&m SCXXX CUSTODIAN B» dtwmor*. 5*1 np SAttS CaMi R». Reqav at POOK T««* & Sot f U«l ttantwieft *<». l»*+ ion, ma c*i m SECRETARY chabengwq HM ae Scftodw. Germnt Custo- ocganued secretary with StifM^i'a *ckaf* good iwdfts. fypng 45wpm, of ana ju«y 23. ime. OooorOimtr AMirw*B^ Ac J?_ SCRUBS WOMEN Hmemt J0> 72V8444 tor MOrmaeon one> a** 1 m Mesa.. «rtt dunng marrtrq hounv Eoual S3.50 OppoWwy SCC«ETA«Y SECRETARY - 2 to3 years iw. ******* Dtvtn smat *3cw. KCC SFWK* w grw» ncaarc Pwrcaajn UgN lypng, gerveemvfttt. EOE. St0-I1K No em oflc* work, (aaasant S*llES IM* Uf Grant80»«f».iHO n»oneparnawaity tmrmm - f«ssu*. r«y Pteeaacai Sentf fewwrn* w **O Q P Rcoert Oam Pwrwrml aoths83-i6w am tot Umia ami sam* SUPERVISOR CUSTODIAL intor expert- TEACHERS part tme proieaor* needed two days par week to teach meteo* t&oqf or pnyncw KMOCS b*gnr«ng m S^pfmrbm. Day ew3 #WnlnQ tiaa HHM «tvehl aom MiaHi^i d»grm in a TYPESETTER Graphic-Artist Immediate openin JOIN SELECTIVE* * TEMPS * is long gone. A fl* exp rking riancod to wortt with AM saw ol organize, i auper- Varityper. COMP.'EdiL Salary, *se & toaow up C»colent seneflt package. Express sui net ee- C*t Pel 2O»-62«-5050 EOEaeneta. Send resume only to =>ress. Hightstown OF (3 to 4 hours of intensive Aim: Dv. of Physical Plant SECRETARY ASSISTANT TYPING AT HOME Advertising material, want expert on sign, it requires a specialist interviewing) & custom de- Brooks naadea teim ame poaoon dictating machine, pay onwith professional skills in writ- lay-out,. Interviewing, EOE piecework basis, pick up anding, mmttf 50-pm IndrMdual TALENTED PEOPLE Needed by 'Any Occasion Type repry. P.O. Box 246. other areas. A "real" resume detver. LawrencevWe area. counseling, data research, & must ba enpnmo. wm*-<3*- Spscufcsa.* Do you have a Princeton. NJ can take a specialist up to rtsng wm people. Cat talent or hobby: cake decorating, magoan. dancer, etc.? ary JCOS avaaaoie rrmceion, result in our case is a stand*, TYPISTS Exciting tempor hours to complete. The Earn extra money, cal 609- Hightstown, Dayton, Cranbury, Lawrenceville. Top ing instrument that draws be- out State-bf-the-Art market- rales. Register today. Aim tween 15-30% response with One Quakarbridge Rd SCCACTAfftr» tw*9w penance *qu«*(l 6O9~*52- eet» M» fa*., ca* MM. ««O* Stoaa Jk Pwnanew, Hi 0BM0 9» CCC mm C«a tt TO set afitfer IB «o* f> _ a"_bb_k _aa_*aaa^naaa_* SfCHETARY., SALES» to»* to suppers Sanas Dae*. Dote* indue* as fow mm timcaasiinn of SECRETARY-RESEARCH Sa*ary ttuooo» S1X50O GETTY TEMPS «n your sato' We have long toat * ciamparaai ***** ~** Cai OETTY TBaPSI 1S37 Ffanagan's Una 201-a31<67S0 wa»i good pay and oene-_ m ** MU Cal Traraon State Coaage. TEACHER POSmONS UrMeraty NOW Day Nursery vi Princeton has 8ie toaowmg Typing speed SO-pm or batfar Mag aw» ft Wang asa daenae pfut. Tarnground in E C E Morrang ft Afternoon Aide. Cal tor ap- «_ «a> _«_b*_ _> * C^_Z PftCeVBOn e& norlfeshkjfv. C v t- TEACHER Oarman. ha7- ame. poaaion avaaatote. September at Montgomery High School Must have NJ Teacher ol German cert- Dr. Matcobn D. Evans. SuperjaTettndatni i*9i Schootft, Box SUknan. New Jersey Phone tor appacaaon. An Equal Opportunty Dnptoyar. M/F. TEACHER Co-op nursery n,aumi to: PCNS. c /o Hart. 326 Buro. Penrangton NJ. /TEACHER. ASSCTANT tor Jaaeah Center Nursery cteas, Monto Frifcorn 9am to ITTOI NO. Fee JOIN SELECTIVE* TEMPS * Cat Nancy or Both Prtnceeon Pice,NJ. InQ pubhansiq ooftap fiy In Lawrenoevfle Is seeking a fumme typist ft clerical parson, experienced, organized, accurate typist with a minimun ot 60wpm a must Hrs. 9-5 in a congenial office atmosphere. Salary $ Cal Mrs. Neeff between 9-11am washdays. UNIQUE OPPORTUNTTY ior person experienced m sates to the ratal Industry. Background in advertising or promooon o^evaoie. MODvated. success-oriented people only need apply. Contact Mr. Bemath, fooled by firms that are little more than glorified typing services who promise to have the resume done the same day or next day, or more absurd, offer todo the resume over the phone or through the mails. Let us help you with your job search by providing you with one of the best resumes you can obtain anywhere in the Nation. More, we WANTED Sewing machine operator. 32 hours per week. Weds, to Sat AI straight sawwill answer ail your questions & show samples of 1 fee or CAREER AND Educational CounseSng. Resumes m<tvidual testing., career plarv ning. cobege;acmsementcall 20 Nassau St., Princeton COPIES resumes, invttattons, business cards, rubber stamps, complete typesetting, composition & printing service. 7 days a week at Sears Quick Copy Center, Quaker RESUMES UNLIMITED Complete one stop service weekend appointments available. "Q Jobs Wanted WANTED Babysitting job. $2.75 per hour YEAR OLD looking tor WEU- KNOWN and reodd jobs. Lawnmowing. wash lia ble mother wishes to cars, wax cars, wash win- * *} }* _ d.«_y L W8e. kly -: dows, etc. in Hightstown, E. Windsor area only _» ^461. Ask for Art. School. 60» ART DIRECTOR/MANAGER 115 Announcements Corporate. Award-winning PARENTS Interested in enhancing your child's creativity this summer? Two innovative college students will help children (4-8 yrs) to express themselves thru art or 6Q PHOTO WORKSHOP 1 * Courses in photography. Beginners, advanced & professional. Day, evening & weekend classes. For information call f'" 2 Z? by college-bound female high I. evening a aehool school ami. grad RESTORER OF PAMTMGS RIDE WANTED Amwell Rd. near High School to Med. Center daily & 3. Willing to ex- penses. Call Evelyn samples. Box 199. c/o Central AIRPLANE RIDES e per Post Kend. Pk. pound. Sundays 12pm-4pm BABYSITTING - TLCtor **2 i S l l i K E S S West Windsor home after 3pm. BABYSITTING i BABYSITTING in my 609-1f? AIRPORT TAXI SERVICE Transportation to all airports. Tel AMERICA'S LOVEUEST NUDIST RESORT On 35 wooded acres. Large heated pool, hot tub, sports. E.W. Call Dee, ^ Cottages & rooms available Families, couples, some BABYSITTING/Child Care. singles. Sky Farm. Box 17-P, My home. Ref.; exp., Irg. Basking Rkkje, NJ All Media Extensive museum & Studio experience. Now working privately Between 1-4pm RUB A DUB-DUB Let me scrub your tub Too busy to dean? Cal me to the scene! Apt. &. house cleaning. Resume 8k exc. ref. Ask for Frederick at: SHIATSU (Japanese) Massage Very relaxing & therapeutic. Great for stress sym-. ptoms - headaches, backaches, anxiety & for a, general feeling of well-being. Lynn for appointment. Women ohlyii BASEBALL CARD Show 7/25. Holiday Inn, Rt 206 & SUN SONG A unique BABYSITTER woman who NJ Turnpike exit 7, Bordentown, 9am-5pm. Admission loves children, w/own transportation. pre-school program for children 3-5 years. In a secure In your home. $1. Hourly door prizes. home environment, children will learn about themselves BABYSITTER in my home. The Center For Stress Condays. $100/wk trol offers programs for theingful, unpressured way. Mu- and their world in a mean treatment of headaches, high sic, dance, art, dramatic play, CHILD CARE - Service Wood, pressure, insomnia, nature awareness, noncompetitive games, natural foods. digestive disorders and more. Call 609- fesslonal mother/daughter team offers responsible daily child care service to the children of working parents, transportation avail for local FAMILYBORN Offers total residence. Please call Mrs. prenatal, labor & delivery care Tranl at given by certified nurse- midwives, in a family-centered birth center. Routine gyn care CHILD CARE s-amy home any age. Lunch/snack. Incl. Part/full time CHILD CARE my home any- ago. Lunch; -enacts included. Part or full time. Piease call DEPRESSED? If sotcontact Dr. Ellen Fink for short-term psychotherapy CHILD CARE in my home. Fun or part time. Experienced. References _... service, aft. school & summer CHILD CARE in my home, programs. Call , large yd., ho traffic summer months CHILD/INFANT Care Full & summer time, M-F. in Twin Rivers. Reas. rates. Refs Lunches. EXPERIENCED TYPIST Correctable Setectric for free lance assignments. Have been employed in medical publishing & legal fields. Call after 6pm, TARY position in Princeton area GARDEN PLOTS starting a co-op, preferring Mother Earth type organic gardeners: 15 acre farm for individual plots & community crops with joint decisions. Interested? Bob Berg INCREASE YOUR EFFEC- or business needs TIVENESS in work & per-amwelsonal relationships. Learn to Rd., Belle Mead. NJ. use the positive aspects of your personality more productively. Weekly 120 Personals interaction meeting in a pleasant constructive group atmosphere. Certified group leader. Offices in Princeton &. Kendall Park. Contact B. Blank, LOOK, LOOK, LOOK, at THE LAKESIDE Montessori Center of Princeton Is accepting applications for Ser> ternber. Half or full day programs available plus day care. For information, call degree & background in research, writing, publicity, for by the sales, administration, and public & client contract both as an employee & as head of own company, seeks position that will be mutually bane- MEET PEOPLE If you're fidal. Reply to Box #04620 over 40 or 50 or 60 years old c/o Princeton Packet and you don't care for the FREELANCE SECRETARY/ Typist seeks temporary assignments in Princeton or surrounding areas on public transportation routes. Daily/weekly. Call Carol: after 5. HIGHLY EXPERIENCED Mother win give loving care to your infant or child in her home at very reasonable rates. Can for Information or HOUSECLEANING Cranbury/Hightstown area. Can between 2 & HOUSECLEANING Complete home and office cleaning. Daily-weekly-monthly. Ratable service. Cal HUSBAND & WIFE desire work at night Office & other. References I'M INTERESTED In babysitting in Princeton, in my home, any day, anytime people on sober terms - try the Hightstown Country Club Ballroom. We feature the THE PRESBYTERIAN Co;, - pelvic & breast exam, pap operative Nursery School, family planning Princeton wishes to advise parents of openings for girls in north of Pnnceton. the four year old class for thiscoming Fall semester. For en- FIRST ENCOUNTER Day rollment information, please call the Registrar, TWIN COUNTY Country Day School. Kend. Pk. full & '/ 2 day creative nursery. Hrs. 7:30-5:30. Children's ages 2Vi-5. After school program ' avail. Call or after 6. TYPING WPR Secretarial Service. Resumes, term papers, repetitive letters us-. ing Xerox system for personal ACCIDENT Witness Sought - occurred at No. Bridge and Williams St., Somerville on 5/28, 12:39pm. Please call aft ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. ALL SINGLES! Meet Someone Special At INTROLENS VIDEO DATING STUDIO Thousands of video tapes to choose from. VIDEO DATING A Sight Advantage DATING Big'Band""sound. Come SERVICE'%- Call for free alone or come with someone, brochure toll free There's plenty of free parking. 30B3. And. remember, there's no ARE YOU LONESOME? liquor served. We're open SMGLE-SEPARATED Wednesdays (FREE dance DIVORCED-WIDOWED lessons from 830-9:00 P.M. Hurry - Join our Friends included with admission) and Include your ad in our AI new Saturdays from 9:00 P.M. to International Magazine at Vi midnight Dress is casual to the cost $10 for 25 words fancy (jackets-for men) and plus :50 for each additional admission is $4.00. We're word. Next issue July 30th. conveniently located off Exit I/Ve forward your mail to your 8, New Jersey y Turnpike p be-"address. Act now!! Jojon j Inc. peppermill Res^y P.O. Box 551 taurantso.comeoutdantang Pasadena, MD a» the Hightstown "Country ARE YOU Afraid To Speak Club Ballroom. See you this ^? j _ * ~ ^^ave trouble We have the best dance floor In the East MONTESSORI Family School of Mercer County, LawronceviHe. Openings for the fal Wl train right parson wmh Students avalabje forodd NASSAU AIRPORT TAXI _ -..- ^P"^> W»aa oonttct JudHh awns saving experience. jwn*ed. Cover letters & jobs and moving. Cal Jbn or Courteous. SECURITY QUARDS Par- B. Rt\ PrlndpaL The Jewish appfctions typed. Typesetting Cal : Dependable. Economical. asanant 4 part tna. Mduaj Caraar. 457 Nassau SL. WORD PROCESSER - Service to ah Airports. LADY seeks position as as> county. Crantwy y areas. Princeton. NJ PnYcston lew arm needs opsrator for IBM Dt*p»aywrt enced, references. Cal yrs old, 9-12am. Mon-Fri, companion. Hve in. Experi- NURSERY SCHOOL 3Ur For appi eat Experience or trajrang required. Primary reaponsi- Your persona-ted ft eftao- op) 609^ RESUMES BY GENE RYAN Prino6ton Co op(&i8o non-oo 2O At TEENAGERS - Do you need eadra Income? you are bfaaaa induct* records managsment and productton ot rang apuuattwants avslabla. av» tob marketing tool Eve- PART TIME Sr.dtz. seeks 16 years okt or older, amnsrgsfc and entoy OQO JODBf mdwatiq, *_B8H0ny _u4_d Lr»e-> MM «aaa_rfbwi COLOR Anal- SEE WHAT ary Kay Coai do tar you Cat reports. Repty PO Box 645. Dayton. NJ , to people, cal 609-8UfV0yDr f Q6NV6ti66* Cl6nC8it "II. Princeton NJ aft 3pm. Stock, etc you i feel? A.course in assertiveness training may help you overcome these problems. Evening classes are now being formed for early July thru mid-aug. For details call eves. ATTORNEY HOUSE CALLS Wills (from $40), Una Self-Divorces & Name ($120-Sener. $265-Buyf ^ p y ( ) corporations ($100). Add C08ts where a W Bcat * e - E DeMarftw, HHI- _?!i!\ (answerphone).

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21 OfMCCTCN PAOertlAWRBCE lhx38?«cs^trat POST«W!r^SO? HGHTS HERALD* MUSBOeaUGH BEACON* MANVULE NEV««FRAM<L*4 Classifieds 5-B Week of July 7-9, Pt«& Artnwto 175 & Animals a4 instructions Instructions 245 Entertainment POCKET WATCHES OOtTlKESWWflED- isafk MBaeS) Aoouaac _ TaBtem tsmiavw* WS ^«*! «**» 8w*. vs* «3SfMSE cowl «a» cm ta»«mb«er US ML* J"J - «to*a». am» S3S55^eras* ft www aetai ocar*- Hawaiian', any «* Mwaw eewao Oaa> MtMaaw PWMOS ft GROANS Corny, tin Bnjne- CM am TO 6MV. Sew sato was*. «e** num.» " p-»..».».,»». ^...»... I,, «c *ottonw fc**wofc e "*"* l 8 caam uooo oy* ' auarnmc w p» dlaoft t1» 60»T37-fflW srmi of e*a S MaH» Maw* cemtton tnau* ft om S6S0 MUf OaWS, C*» S T E I M W A V ORAHOS g er% on SK Co;. No** Vartav am chwwg vm» amm dwat - «m earn and - torn tmtm <** cm BsuMtsmi cmmcans* peat^ami! ft nwnrw* * wa MB*- T mofle ewnm 30».JBI qu* fttmmmt Qw* «enttw jminam, CM' f mm 08 Kawaa., pn ^aaiami cat! <K$?! "29*^ ataawwnawai emit & PaMai sento 6>ow», NJ h3*v mm to m. me s mwesl»#i«i*i ess* B*t saoaa aw-asevttsji ASS QNUMI cmmwl&.. njaaanf m»e(»i» a* Siemway. ac * OMan PIANO Y*. M»ft wdancfk E»- «*-<t2i f INOER twin 100 WATT Exc tarn, sane vm- J1«T OUVTAAft. J47S m-asr. SHEHEO ECMPMfNT TRUMPET OWa. *12SO Cat H5O. won?* para»*5. Yamatwgi aael Send *22JS to Cdtecabtes. 315 Oafclan*. 0682Q 1SS AttEMTOWM ANTIOUE - 7 ow» st HANKIN8 AnUqwae, 169 Ma* buy ft Mi turn***. cnina. gam, )MM*T. kwety twigs, Con* In and owes. Open 11 to «o Tsaa to Sot or HAMLANO CHMA M 0M AKTKXJES 40 MafciSi., Wngaton. W Vtatorten ft Daeo Mnaw» ft raaof 2SK Unton9L Aft Olaaa. Silver, Brats. - 1 St, New Hope owya luge* mnt. by applk or 20i-aa»CT» tea. HUTCH OAOAM Sold WORNMQ COND. Beef otter. Ever*- WVEH HOUSE Buy ft aal ft fttoof AdL in iabmaona Boto. I Via new IMatone Center next door. TREASURES UNLMTTEO - EMe* Sale. fit. Ju*r 9 ft Sat. July 10, Water BUaxO Eatale, aom Hwy. 31 mm at i«jn (San OargheKtarwartc Center, one block IO UatntenQ nx) IgM; lum tot. Pdao«i atona to Y inroad; of V. An anttque Mi ol Maraaang aame «toana> caj wood easy chair, many wood cham. tain beds, double. Duoan Phyla too Caen Only NunOera BTAT1 ft TAO SAUl NJ WMTTIHOUSE Manor Open 7 day*. iganvspm. JtfT 10 ft to 530, 93 ANNUAL ELUSON Road ft shopping mall. 2 entire Set, July 10, 9 to 4pm. oroe Ooni EVGRYTHMQ MUST OOf * Sat JuV 9 * Savage Rd. Kant ixrang room GARAGE SALE 7/10*11. io-4.6oaafcranetird.cranbury Mtanof # bflby lun\ toys* JULY t ft 101»6. OM CM elect ft port typewriters, near new 6hp 36" ftfng mower, i near. I1"x32* wood asm toys. _ Morai 20 V«wi Wycfc Of«Prtnoiion JCL JUNE HaWMon Rd (OR WaaMngion Ad to Walinqtord) 930 to 3. Toy«. bciofci. ptarta hum pvi graaohouta. housahold Itamanpv UWQ. roroso > MOVING WEST Must aei M tengtt fur ooat, Bee new. atte 7-ft; maple oocfcte* table: ItlfllCMnQ did tflabiem* Cttal UOVMQ SALE - Sat July M I Fabvtew Ave., Bound Brook. NJ. Rain date Sun. July iiti. Traah ft fqcmmfon priom, tfquae (double bad aoed map* head, toot KJKjOaWQv* W"<O S CnD), homajhow^lcttc^'wwsr ftnd feanr* loo noto fflflnhon. Ditto* RL 200 North to SofTa#- Ode. 22 East to Ave. ext. Go thru second Ian onto W. High Si. ank right onto Fair- <tom. Look tor t>a ctotter. MOVMQ SALE Huaware pottery tor eight: art poster*. woodcuts, African aitwai.li. jeweey: geraan cms. seanng ware, ahopping cart; VWRabbl door window. Advance aato (a»aiatila 8/4): mm condaton OE 11A cu. fl ramgermet. 2 Whktoool 8000 BTU air conaaonara. Caah only. Saturday. July 10. 9AM to 1P1ML NO Mfty batds pimm. 120 PiOayd [corrm Murray MULT1 FAWLY Yard Ju»y 10 A am to 5 pm. 212 IMar Rd. S. Brunawicfc. oil FriendaNp Rd. Houeehold Mama, bootti. aometfano for SAT. JULY 10 Two family. Furnaura. sofabed. bicycles, stereo equip, chadren & adu«clothing, books, games. & toys. Some antiques. 9am- Spm. 13 ft 16 Berkshire Dr. Pftnctlon Jet- RaVati or staino! Wo early birda. ' WASHMGTON RO. Grig Sat. 7/10. rain or shine. NorsevOe PaVon. YARO SALE Sat. Jury 10.»30anv5:00pm. 31 Lake Dr.. Rooaevea. oil Rte toaow stone- Snap On automotive toots, wrenches, ratchets, etc Or* baa, Chanel toe. piers ol a sorts, toolbox on wheels. twee drawer carry box. tap ft battery testers, air attachments, leather toolb *s, hand took. McCultoch chain saw. cement pans. IL akjm. eat, 20 ft wood. 6 ft. wood, 10 R. combo, 5 ft. painters ptenfc. eun ol armor, knck knacks, 2 draesars. uuawiu> BOOKS. Barnes. " * R maoahnes. natal racfc wflfi YARD SALE- July 10.10am unai T abyctotm. books. lumture. towajry. maw. 7 yjuany o*-. rnnoaajn. YARO SALE at The Princelow DtpaMt O w e n off P w Meca. July 10th Irom 9 ajn. 281 Waahtngton Rd. at tie Conaoteta Wage Rummage Sato. Rl 27. Somerset Open even/ Sat Ctotang. anena, houeawaraa. to^lj. records, atampa. Super apectot every week 1 baglul ctotang $2. Beneft Conaoteta laaafciriarisi CERTIFIED AUCTIONEER Appraisals. Personal, commercial larm. estate. 931-O yr. OM $80. 6O8-O21-O355 days; ALASKAN MALAMUTE Pupa AKC. aom.fjtlsw TiaMng. 60O S. ' ABM. i Private pat mining at your residence designed eapadaay around the needs of you and your fam#y Special tocua on your ch»- dran*a fappofi wah ttwr pet Loving and gentle handeng tor Conetetont and Accurate ofmmavh oootrol, rsqavdtom GaT UaBBa^^BCDQa^S * ivnanapltivaiiiap and correction* toaowingobedtence class Trauma. Exceaarva Dominance and SubmlnK'anasi. Don't wam! Your animal ia never too young nor too okl to learn. No problem to too dkrcult to remedy. A.B.R. has tie aotueon: Success tvough Knowledge. For the Performance. Precision and Perfection of a Seeing Eye dog. cal Jeffrey J. Ley. Animal BehavtoraasL Naturallet. Reeeercher and Former Instructor at tie Seeing Eye. Inc. at Serving el ol Central Jersey. AQUARIUM TANK complete set excelent condition, large tropical fish. BeuQRtANTERVUREN PUPPIES Whatoad 4/1&782 Champion sire & dam. Home bred - show quatty. mtehgent A loyal companions. Great OXWOO0 ARABIAN Farm Arabian breedng & show stock for sale. P. Weidel BOYKIN SPANIEL Puppies purebred. 11 wks okt $ anytime. CHAROLAIS Angus Cow 4 yrs. old. $700. Can before 7pm CHESAPEAKE BAY Retrievers AKC. Champion stock, whelped 5/19/82. eyes dear. «fl shots, excelent lemperment & health CUTE KITTENS Choose yours now. Pick up after your vacation. Calico mother DOBERMAN PUPS ch. sired, great temperament, reputable breeder, pet and Show feeds and Grains For ab animals at MLLS 274 Alexander St Princeton FENCMQ For HofTM or Hors#9 Spat Ral - 3 hole $14.95 per ia section. 100 sections at $13 95 ee. 2 hole. $11.15 per 10' section. Board Fence - 1x6x16 Oak Boards. $4 50 ea. bundles of 96 at $3.50 ea. Sawn Locust Posts. Keystone 2x4 woven wire fence. Also 12' round Cedar show jump rails. $1050 ea. 20 or more $8.50 each.. Caen * Cany Prices TopQuaaty Any Quantity For inter. & Dai. Chgs.. B L King FREE KITTENS a* colors, sixes. A ages. CaH FREE KITTENS 9 weeks, gray/white. Week/tan, mm trained, used to kids/dogs. pert Manx FREE KITTENS 7 weeks Available mv meduaery. Utter trained. GOLDEN RETRIEVER Puppies AKC. GokJ-Rush ana. champion aired, exc temperamorn, wormta a snots, ow GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUP"- PIES AKC. Champion anas. Asking $ GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS My seven Wer-matos & I kw aoownq tof I10W holum. My Champion Dad is Be^ans Gold Rush Bandtt. Personaay we're afl adorable, healthy, & Ikjffy & we are AKC reg. Can Den GREAT DANE Puppies"^ large black, needy to go. Sire pointed. Top champion ines HANDSOME CHESTNUT QeUng 16K OH 11 yrs. old. Has evented, shown. ELWOOO a HELLER ft Son. toe. Aut- Appraiser. Estate Liquidator*, Conatonmants Accepted. 152 Ma*i St. Lebanon. NJ OUce or Audone ry Monday Irom 8am to 4pm. Sates Sl Include I l d and used fumture. and houeehold Robert E. Heaar. Aucg hunterpecea. Nice an around horse. Very quiet Great first horse. Owner to coasge. $ HORSE BOARD Huntland Farm boarding gives you and your horse the Individual attention you deserve. We have large box stsbs, Hutiled riding ring, outside course, and miles of trabs and rural roads for your driving and riding pleasure. Grooming included. $170 per month ' KITTENS Free to a good home. CaH after 5pm KITTENS free to loving home. Orange/white males & females. Utter trained KITTENS 7 weeks old. shades of gray, green eyes. Two remaining , days, Free with 1 mo. supply of cat food. KITTEN 1 an white male kitten. 6 wks. old. Call LAB/DALMATIAN neutered male, housebroken, good disposition, professionally trained, good home need only apply LAB/DANE MIX 2yr. male, strong, handsome Frisbee dog, gd. watchdog,. gd. w/ other animals, loyal, affectionate to masters & friends, not good w/cniklren. Free to adult home. Country or farm home ideal. CaH Paul or Steph LABRADOR Retriever Pups AKC. outstanding breeding, champion blood lines. Good companions. Excellent with children LABRADOR Retriever Pups AKC registered. Excellent for field or pet LIGHT YELLOW Labrador Retriever Pups AKC. Ch ; bloodlines, exc. disposition: $ PUPPIES English Cocker Spaniels. Black, $150. Call QUARTER HORSES Bought and sold. Cedar' Brook Farm RTVERVEW STABLES ' BELLE MEAD, N. J. Indoor I Boardbig ft Training Instruction SAMOYED Puppies AKC reg., $300. Take your pick now. Ready Aug SHELTIES (resemble small collies) Sparkling dean, adorable AKC puppies with Champion parents.' Home raised with children for outstanding personalities. Priced fairly. Soon in Princeton for a few days. To arrange appt. call If no answer call SIAMESE KITTENS for 2637 or SMALL STABLE In So. Brunswick has box stalls SNAKES, BOA 4 ft., $125; yellow rat snake, 5 ft., $40; Asian red tailed rat snake, 5 ft., $75; Malayan earth snake, 3 ft.. $100. All tame STANDARD POODLE Puppies AKC. Champion stock, home bred, beautiful dispositions. Light champagne or light apricot. Vacatton is corning and the price has gone down. $200-$ ^ 180 TASHAMA FARMS N. J. Jndoor/Outdoor Rkiya Boarang Instruction ft Training Lost & Found BRACLET 14K gold, very fine chain. Reward COCKATIEL LOST Yellow head & Comb, body gray, white ft yebow, bright orange spots on his cheeks. West Windsor area."lenny" has ID band on one leg. $50 Reward HOEAWAY FARM offers LOST EARRINGS in visn~tty of The Nat State Bank on the tnaat Moor-outdoor facaataa tor boanihg yourhorse Princeton Pke, Halo Farms, or pony. Instruction & training the Fanners Market ab in In ridaig t drmnospadaited Lawrence, or the Pemlngton rates. Open nights. Inquiries Market In bkie case, they are Inviad tor pierced ears, and are the HORSES BOARDED Lush only y remawmg p nal items 809- orweek- MTEUJQENT RPWQ hv atucaon Eojutaaon. Huntafa* + JunpafB. Coaching at show*. FacMea Avaaabto or I «come to you. Andrew H. PHMcfc. day* ; IS I have left of my (amay. RewanlWrito to Box #04603 c/o Princeton Packet LOST TOtty" tabby, no tajl Vicinity Cranbury Manor Reward LOST M. puppy. White/ black spots, atubby tel 'BandT. Vic. Neahantc Sta. Reward-name R ATTENTION: For a complete and in depth workout come to the agttty workshop. Basic warmups, dance movements, excerdsea & Individ-. ual attention. For details BACHELOR OF Music in Piano Performance from Indiana University now accepting serious students interested in piano lessons. Guaranteed lowest rates in town Leave message. BASS & GUITAR Lessons by Dan Sky. Pro teacher & recording artist All styles, beginners to advanced. Low rates, will travel. Princeton area or 609- BEGINNING PIANO instruction lor children. Comprehensive program, Westminster Choir College train- Ing. Your home or mine. Becky BIOFEEDBACK The: Center For Stress Control offers programs for the treatment of headaches, high blood pressure, Insomnia, digestive disorders and more. Free consultation.call CELLO LESSONS All levels. Grad Asst. Rutgers, former student Orlando Cole. Call eves ENGLISH AS A. Second Language with exp'd teacher for children & adults. All levels: conversation, reading & writing. Individuals, families, small groups. Princeton. Free consultation. Call "EXPERIENCE in COLOR" new pre-school arts & crafts program. Children 3-6. In depth study of color. Indulge your child in a colorful experience. For details EXPERIENCED TEACHER will tutor in your home all Krakowski EXPERIENCED certified Reading Specialist will tutor students 1-12 in reading and language arts, your home or mine. 609^ after 5pm. ' FRENCH LESSONS Beginner, intermediate, advanced. Grammar. Conversation practice. Reading. Short summer terms. Native teacher " GUITAR Lessons all levels, all styles, taught by Berkeley College of Music graduate. Call Ed Cedar GUITAR LESSONS Jazz. Classical, Folk, Pop. Experienced teacher of beginning & advanced students GUITAR LESSONS: All levels. Vocal coaching, tape facilities avail. Bob Korman GUITAR LESSONS Experienced teacher has open- Ings. Introductory lesson free. No obligation INDIVIDUAL TUTORING Reading, Math, Perceptual Sen. tchr., an areas, A UNIQUE Approach to language learning & languages. Native teachers and translators. Instruction for children and adults. All levels. Brush-up, conversational and literary classes. Intensive courses for travelers and business people. Tutoring. PRIVATE PILOT Ground School Weekly 7pm-10pm starting Wed., July 14. Cost: $200 includes materials. For more info., call Raritan Valley Flying School PRIVATE FRENCH Lessons Effective methods. Call Clement M- F 3-11pm. a READING 1 SPECIALIST tutoring in remedial reading, all ages. MA degree. Exp'd. Reas. rates "READING SPECIALIST Learning Disabilities/Teacher Consultant, Masters +, Experienced : working with students reading below grade, level - all ages, offers tutoring. For Appointment REMEDIAL READING Writing & Arthimetic. Warm, caring & experienced teacher. Work tailored - for students specific needs. Children & adults. Princeton. Call SAXOPHONE/Flute Lessons Technique, music theory, jazz improvisation. Call J. STAINED GLASS summer session begins in July. Complete selection of supplies. Visit our unique gift shop & studio Stained Glass Emporium, Somerville. SWIMMING & DIVING Lessons at Leatherman's private pool in Lawrence Township. 18 years exteacher TENNIS ANYONE? Private lessons for children given on a. private court. 2 Instructors avail. Call Heather Maylander References, avail, on request. THE FOURTH WAY a method of work-tin oneself, is a synthesis of Eastern and Western methods based on the work of G.I.Gurdjieff. It's aim is to help us recognize, study, and eventually eliminate false personality while developing essence and true personality. Akhaldan II is a school in the Fourth Way led by an experienced teacher.. Weekly meetings, private consultation, modest fee I898. TUTOR College Senior puter programming. Call , i TUTOR Experienced elementary teacher now accepting students for summmer remedial or enrichment MATH TUTORING - able for long or short term Hourly rates. Call Instructlon. Programs da- 449s. signed to suit individual DISC JOCKEY For Hire Weddings, Parties, Dances. Live Band Sound. For low cost any type music - Disco, 50's, Pop, Elvis, etc. Barry Davison, or , EXOTIGRAM A special message for any occasion delivered personally with a kick EXPERIENCED string musicians for hire. Add a pleasant touch to your party or special occasion from classical to popular music at your'request. Call or J & J MUSIC disc jockeys for all'occasions. Complete entertainment package ' including all types of music, lights, & contests to keep your guests entertained. After you've called the other dj's call us. John or Jamie ^4521. JONJIE THE MAGIC CLOWN Magic comedy & balloon animals. Available for school, shows, birthday parties, grand openings and fund raisings. For further information call LARK STRING Quartet for all notable occasions weddings, parties, receptions, openings classical to light: (201) , , ; (609) LOCO-MOTION Mobile Disc Jockey Scott Neuman has entertained thousands of people at parties & social events. Let him entertain you & your party. The latest to the greatest in disco, rock & beach music. Reasonable rate's. Don't call the rest, call the best, Scott Neuman MAKE YOUR Next Party complete with entertainment from WPST disc jockeys, Steve Trevelise, Dave Hoeffel, Tom Cunningham and Tim Downs, equipped with sound and lights. Any type of music for any type of occasion. Call MICKEY STARR Disc Jockey Music for all occasions. The befet in portable sound. Go with the Pro _. MUSIC BY TOUCH" the area's favorite dance band. Weddings/Parties MUSIC FOR Weddings and private parties. Solos, duos, groups of any size, All styles of music PIANIST AVAILABLE for wedding receptions & private parties. Light jazz & cocktail music. Trio or quartet also available. Call Dan Fuhrmann at or PIA PUPPETEERS. Boo\Cings for children's parties and other happy occassions ' = V '. PM SOUNDS Disc Jockies. All occasions. Exceptional sound and lights , aft 6pm. TREAT YOUR Eardrums to a Parties Unlimited Disc Jockey. Diversified or specialized programs, light shows & professional sound equipment , Avail- tuioring. Halnsboro location.' 280 Catering S Columbia,mS» Univ. univ TUTORING - English. SAT. & ^ ^ BA n Eng ish wjth prof, writing experience. Will MATH TUTORING By help with reports, essays, col- Ph.D., High School & College lege applications, grammar, level. SAT & all college board prose style & SAT verbal exams, remedial enrichment skills. Call Karin 609- programs. custom, individual Instruction TUTORING Certified spe- MUSIC LESSONS Guitar, dal education, master's pro- Drums, Bass. Piano. Taught gram. To tutor in your home, by professionals. Lane Music, reading, math, language. 312 Rt 130. East Windsor TUTORING MUSIC LESSONS Professional guitarist w/music Al ages and abwjes degree & 10 yrs. teaching individual or group instrucexp. seeks serious-minded tion. Basic arithmetic skills, all students. Prefer students w/ high school through college interest in jazz, fusion or rock. Math subjects, preparation Jack for S.A.T., G.R.E., and G.E.D. PIANO INSTRUCTION And exams. Extended class of- Song Writing Recording to«!p9a ai computer proartist will teach rock & roll gnsmtnlng, chmren/adults. technique to intermediate students & will also teach beginners. Very patient w/children. frsl r_»n imjiumu Call T^io^Z' Foreign Lanugages. Art Ed: children/adults. PIANO LESSONS - Rock. MERCER COUNTY ^, a Sr'^r B 5 MATHEMATKS CB^ER Adv P.O. BOX 990 Hghtatown, NJ. PIANO LESSONS Top levels, ad ages. CaB 5060 PIANO LESSONS biter, ft adv. Flute lessons, beg. ft WRITING SKILLS Tutoring - ^ P H S teacher. Joar Goodman Any age. r Entertainment performer. Offering private & group lessons. CaB now for BIRTHDAY Promotion, Assembty Clown - NIMBO! For Werview/audrbon for summer/taj lessons. Bete Mead. that Special Occasion, : PRE-SCHOOL Movement excereisee. play 4 creative movement Children *6. For datafla CLOWNS FOR HIRE Jitterbug & LoWpop: parties, greetings, promotions BABCI'S PARTIES Unlimited. We create successful parties. Don't hire a caterer, engage a complete catering service BALLOON your Bar Mitzvah, wedding, or any special occasion w/balloon Bouquets & unique & creative balloon centerpieces. Call Balloon' Fantasy, Inc EXOTIC HOR DOEUVRES + desserts. French + Oriental. Experienced full service party help -1- qualified bartender. Reasonable prices. Call Unicom' _ Party Service at after 5pm. GOURMET TEENAGER will delight your guests with her culinary talents. Call for specialties. Free delivery to Lawrenceville area or Photography / 4th YEAR PHOTOGRAPHY MAJOR seeks summer photo jobs. Call , BLACK & WHITE Photography Competently executed; reasonably, priced: Phaedrus: in 'P.M. ' -!,- 260 Piano Tuning EXPERT PIANO TUNMG $25. Umtted time offer 20 yrs experience. Tuning forks used, no electronic gadgets. Repars & players, our specialty Free estimate PIANO TUNING RegOlating & repairing. Call after 7pm, : "*

22 eoueueiupw pwsnpui SUORBIP)SU BB NOS 9S9*-6Z -l-0z iepjeuiuk>o -s # n MN WKHMX03T3 NV Q33N ujd g 01 o I ukxq IBS JO tud o l puc uxi'i ueem) -eq ABPHSOM Aue ** -609 lieo oseeid saoud (je sejnpqj ajwt osp e/v\/s)ib)ep em e wo puy oj MOU HBO iiseoud tunoosip paj IB aps * l SSOfUXId 9NIXH9IT IIBUJS io e6jbj oo) qof ON 'Jiedaj <s 6UUIM jo sad/) HV pftuepisej $ lepjaui -moo.'ibinsripui JO s 160-Z6Z-102 -SjnqsoujBr 'PU UOIABO 2f 3U SJOPBJ) -UQQ TVQI0X0313 ZS\TIVH "!liej!o "M«T IPO S8)BUJ -lisa eejj -901AJ9S sjnou, fr2-6uujm BU)snpu -UIOQ 'ibduepisau -QVUXNOO TVOIOXO313 ; eoueuedxe sjeea,02 -HJOM to S3dAX TIV o i e J8MSUB OU Z-609 6u!UBop J8) -)n6 pue 'jouapg ^ jouajui SNIXNIVd S.NOlONniVM SE-102 JB Ilia IIBO 8)BUJ!)S8 88JJ eiqe. -U0SB8JJ? 8 qbj 8J ')B8U 6 9NI03dVdTaVM mis - 'SOIUBS IPO 6ujBueuj8ded IVNOISSSdOOd 189*^ IPO 'S8)BW!)S8 88J) saoud 8 qbuosb8j )B eojajas lu8 83Xe 8S W0jd 8AA S90 -U9J9J9J B0O UJIM S BUOISSd) ojd paouausdxa 'pejns -ui Annj :HJOM JOU8)X8-JO! -J8)U B uo pezjsbqd -ws uoi)bjbdejd 8>8 dwoo ONI ONIXNIVd ES ieo JO uj r IIBO "eoueuedxe sjeea e 's8ou9j9(9y siuspnis a6ei ooaqauop g MB 99i8-8*t «869 8W -609 Houjjgao^ <g jeneu> pgjnsui )S9 gejj -pc3/ou 'Aj) -uedibq )L46n ONIXNIVd 'siuiag IIBO '410M? 1B9M -peoususdxa sjredey 9NITI3NVd 'ONIlNlVd -eh- (609) IIBO PH 262 epuep -8 9NilNIVd 2 S80Ud 8 qp"iosb8h S8)eUll)S8 99JJ ij8)x8 JOU8)U! 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IIBUJS JO Bjq oo) qof ON pfsjbuaa i euots JO H^otq ">puq 9)8J0UO0 UI "3)8'SHIBMeptS Aeuwiup 'OQBd 'ipjod B ppey jiedej 018AOUJ jnoa S8)BP0SSV ^ subaddfs ipo op 'HJOM ujojsno Auienb JOJ SBIBJ JIB) sabreup OUM 'sjaujotsro siq pus HJOM siq Aq pubjs IM OUM JOPBflUOO B 60UIU. ui.pe)saja)u! 8JB noa j) sn IIBO i.uop assetd 'qof AjJienb jood 'aafsuadxauj 'peonpojd UKJ 9 J8UB pejnsui BUOS aiuoh JOOA OMHSVMMOONUM gew «fiu»M uod^g sjno x> ouq») jnoa Appinb B ui pe)s8j8)ut ajb - ujoq js dous aajj -sjtbd "OA ) - QOSSV V SNVA31M -aj ejn)iujn) gi20-* IAU3S A03XSX)Hdn pebubjjb BupuBuij tubea " PN) 06 JO) BajB uoaouud BuiAjas -ubjbnb HJOM av 'pejnauf *l ONI *SU3Cnina -inj amit!ts» aajj ofcf mo U3HSIJ WM v ui SUJOIS 'BuiuBap MOOUM* 8W0H ONIZnVI03dS spnpojd Z08Z-66/-609 tu uinuiunib jo eui nnj & ia6ou Aipag u»o OfApV u SOIJBd DUB S O0d ButtJJUllAAS - ' 'S80B d8jij 'AjUOSBUI UJOJSTO (BUOIJippV 'BUDOOJ 'sasmeaup 'sabsj -gp^ -JBB ^uopjppb 'saujom MAN.j«A SOOXOVOXNOO 1V03N39 P!A»a 0929-e*t-609 'SPOOAA SUOftBIM S8Z/-6SZ-6O8 UONAVU-o svtonoa AauadM A)i anb pua 6u ifjompoo ujottro u <h(nminyin au U3KVfl X3NHV0 PU sanusnam Mjjjm JOJ tm V ^IMpaet 'IBAOUMJ dtuni* 'tbaomaj QNlNOBd 33HL JO 996C Ol*l-66/'6O8 *f*iiwi t ift esnog Buo(ss8jojd op UIM sajbujiws JJ IBO aaobio -«K»B ta«nom luepnis eseiioo aoueuadxs "MJOM paawajano Ajjano jo Bufuaap lajauas Bupnp 9NIX0VUXNO0 3WOH A03XS10Hdn AON3O3O «tabajao luuaujactg taq -ly-bufuaao Buuds 30IA H3S ONIMV3T0 SJkNOX - 12S- (02 ujdg J8»B too saibj etqeuosbsj 'SSIBUJ -j)sa aaj) 'HJOM peetubjbng '6ut apoujaj aujoq DUB NOIXOnoXSNOO 1VO3N3O 982Z 'saouajejsj 'aouauadxa SJA ZZ diusubuihjom pae)ubjbnc) -asbq 'ssoejja) euois l Ajjsnb 'SJUOUJ 1VQ3N30 u d a :qojod :su -)nng :s)esoio tsesbohooa luojsno tsuojw -ja«vv sjpdau Aj)u«djBO BV 9MHSMU3U M»O T««*ej uodn panddns Z86I spe^ssdio ooe uidg mi* pjaoa sapu aiqauoaaao -«UJOH ONimVH» ONIA p «BuBunoui S3OVHS dt*n iddb JOJ -UOMtMH JB D3tnui A*U* 0) 0lxn3dVa3HX O0C8-Z62-10Z -3UI 66Z-609 I^M sbop vauja JOI U BJB3 ^iff^i jg -*WQ ">A MOJ -Munw - S3MOO aiuwnnn sawnsix «M iaat 3*Pl JO tdnoib t apnpmxm ONI NOtXVOtlddV Auiano S3iU3dVUO t SMOUVU3X">V *tu : \ Wd t Otl ** «*~* SNOUVHaxiV JTaaad i8»c-trr -arm aa^-iomi oajy "nekoc -608 ' a 9O M M *> -*»mm iqmmm Tixinwu 'Amantt itbm 'atoauocaatj tsaiswwaib'vmw- fwi SNOUVH3XTV *«o 008 6M «j UJOO t * < -au T ONMOUIQNOO -dn -ftjau p ^0^>m «^>^a^f muk> mnos ozwo oci &KKP «JEW -uy «x -^Jiss «?w. 5?. 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23 CENTRA- SQST WNDSOR HsGHTS 5 i:::c?»«ma**.vut f WS«FPANKU,j NcWS-PtCORD-CRAI Classifieds 7-8 Week of July 7-9, 1982 Xt& Moving & Gardening & ftgrprameti ioa d* MQffc coal of av II VAUUEV ttstbhs f DWMA0 SntJMGMO *%m» ACMES «t 6JMBINO A ft mm* or «" *ow mm mmh'«liitiea»«*e4i«man«a&iur0 BCUC MCAO ity Ottitem Jl «aerml m«nn. p am*' KNM6L. **5» wmmmm am New/ft ftte»iir, COHBTTNUCIKJMCO #R: M ilu u 3 o» «OCP1 C*i J r wwam r ROOTS HMfX ffflaaaak aasbbau Aaaa^vVat fflat avtaaa^bbai.' Aa^ isf M9OAM0 Ah f^akskwit- MDCFtMO AMD *«.«OC*-»S*CttaNHK CrtaAar Cat HI n RLAMUER TREE SERVICE TIM Expert Ft* Land- * ATTICS. CBJLARS gar- GAR0EMN0 UN us put GOT A PtQCfrw 0 rig RW <rf frwa*. Jur*. «c C»»». attic*, garage* dmnmout Ma too «<«or no tapg* Ccmanar urna 2 7 M 7 a* * o» no joe IDS *r*»i* iscat «* tang «k«a*wa. Vary Oers «0»-390K»*0 "opening flj. HCXS AVHftLT «AVMQ of or***** s ft r *** LAWN Yard Work pambng. cleaning repair, odd fot>» by hardwortong. re- graduaie student Your owwraess appmoased Daw) met'-mm *«* * * 3«S Sow^Q Soaoai Sertor Oanra S% co ft in*r0ip*x» "oc tot to* N* wflbaw m$ tgtm tat lanong»*wlbrwi our icnaimi NOjOO isc wmwii Cftatfew* Garderangl AT UUNOSCAPE & w*rt»r4re«s*«3»-c. SO0- SUM& SHADE GARDOCSCAPCS suncroi art ^ lour g ao8-«24-g78 *«Autos Wanted I WANT Your VW. Nowl MW 4 AUTOMOWLES 911 "88AUSTIN HEALEY good" tats okay «> you) Bug. Porche. axe cond. Muat ba for parts only. $100 or bast 1 Wagon otqna, any yaar or aaanm960._w7b, oflar condmon. praaar running. Cal JAGUAR WANTED UsedXM, XJ12. or JUS by pnvaat buyer. Juat raumad JUNK CARS WANTED $30, $ *9^662. MACKETS Towing Service Now «a good tm» IO gat an your junk car. Any 63 CORVETTE 2 tops, iwiman Lawn cuong. iaratang. anang. «ic «t Juat Cal Caw WJnO rttofw «i QMtr BY RAYMOND Oavonad io Beautty LAWN CUTTING el lawn care, roaaaamg. LAWN MAINTENANCE Standard! J HO Irama damaga. W«pay good» Top Doaar PafcJ NsObla. Chevrolet Autos for Site * Autos For Sale PflMto OONCtfOA. No DMT*» FORD LTD-4 dr. good rt. Cat pondwon. 302V8. p/s, pft). -51 CHEVY ml. new tires, shocks, brakes, ex- & carburetor. $900 SpoMght. "Wrta. radto. aun-haust «4aor. Moa oondmon. $1500. nagouawa "68 HUNK OF JUNK 6 cyl, 62 FORD FALCON axctftww oondmon, no fin*. work. Bast offer ove> $150. aid. Chevy. Runs, needs $350. Cal aftar 6pm eves '68 VW CAMPER AB new '81 eng.. 23 mpg. guar. NJ «CHEVROLET HT Deluxa. 2 door xcallani condwon. Must sae. $ PONTIAC LE MANS Convert, auto. 6 cyl. $ alter 6pm. 65 CADILLAC good runrangcondmon insp., w» accept trade. $1500 firm aft. 6pm. '69 CONVERT. PLYMOUTH exc. running cond., good int. 3 spd manual trans. $ eves. '69 CORVETTE T-roof, mi. Mint cond. Serious only. $ WANTEO VW«m naador Any year. Top do«ar 65 EL CAMINO 78 engine '69 PONTIAC LE MANS lbwmof. or com-oharad aft* 6 and drive train. 6 cyl. Calgood condition, brown, auto, MUSTANG Hardtop. CARS WANTS) 289V8, auto, power steeling, ar. $ LAWN MAINTENANCE lerwtzing. LaAoy O LAWN MAJNTENANCE co*nm rtud. isftdscsptng Free esamaw* Cat MERCER LAWN Sendee Ksw* cubang ft ootipiaie prop* a«f)r <na*wjnanca. Dapen REVERC LANOSCAPMG trtea. ft trwubs ptanied. trcnmed.»amoved Lawns estabikatma. ranowatad Fanong SS6 ROBERTS LAWN Service^ Fu«MnAce lawn care Reas rates, dependable Cat eves 60^* CLEAN-UP - Lawn waed ft ctsect cones* Cai Trt«Care inc 2*H S ft S LAWN SERVICE ft oommeroa) THOMAS B GOOONOW Qi^HUI OuRSMnQ CC^faXtaV, ** ptoenced DELIVERED Screened ft shredded. Cal Windsor Sol Co TRCESCAPES Tree expert - pnjfw^q. ft fsmover Landscape deugn. wetaf ft mutt AUTTYPCS T»ee am ipr»l*so.. prwrwsg., tajrrn eamtq* meaa and daease conmx. Fwewood and wood ttttm. NJ Cersfted Tree Expen Conaumer Bureau regw tared Futymsured Freeese tod * 4 MAZDA ALLOY RMS F* RX $50 LAWN Car* «*ct«uocun VKES C21 1B&70R14 OngJ7S *.*! S30 M Jm 2O S6 Auto Rep*** pmsmk. «arw». FOREIGN CAR Repan mi ne *«**» stfa.. we F«M MQ ft TRMMPH Ra«k> *0w» UQAs A TRJ» Sal* e»9n» juy s. gan 8AVEASTIVT 6A SIHED& 67 VW completely restored, rebuilt engine, $1795. Can p $ ONE CALL DOES IT ALL. reg gas, wen maintained ' '69 VW FASTBACK economical, 4 spd. new parts," lots of character"! $750. Do call! after VW SQUAREBACK. engine excellent. Needs; some repair. $ i after 5pm. One phone call to any of the Packet Newspapers and your classified ad will appear in all 8 Packet Newspapers to reach buyers all over the Central New Jersey area. For a garage sate or a used car, one call to a Packet Newspaper will net you great results. lat Ptiacetaa racket Tat Umact leaf* Ma*m-M«MsHaiaM 609/ / foi/ (09/3954)730 The Central fort Hithboroafh Beacon Tht Metfriet Urn Tnt FraaUie. tarvftecord 201/ / / / PACKET 8-WAY CLASSIFIEDS PSSSSSST. The classified pages of the eight Packet Newspapers reach more than families PASS IT ON! Solomon Datsun FIRECRACKER EXPLOSION 1982 Datsun Truck Specials 1982 Dcrtsun- Klng Cab 4x4 T- : -> 5 Spd.. 4 Cyl.. PIS. P/B. S. "^ Ust $9214. $8340. i,, 1982 Datsun-! - Long Bed Diesel 5 Spd., 4 Cyl., Manual I Steering, P/B. Ust $7494. NOW $ DMsun- Klng Ceto Diesel 5 Spd., 4 Cyl.. A/C, Manual Steering, P/B, Body Side Molding. Ust $8724. NOW $ Dcrtsun- Short Bed Deluxe 5 Spd., 4 Cyl., Manual Steering, P/B, AM/FM Stereo, Chrome Step, Bumper Body Side Molding, Accent Stripes. List $7351. NOW $6620. Solomon Datsun Route Hightstown, N. J Hours: Mon., Tues. & Thurs. 9-8 Wed. & Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-3 HAMILTON'S JULY SPECIAL A BRAND NEW RABBIT-L NOW ONLY $5600 STEREO PREP FREIGHTS PREP. TAX TAGS 4300 TOTAL $ LESS CASH.._-_- OR TRADE A full-grown carburaled Model L Rabbit with all the good things, such as Iront-wheel drive, rack-and-pinion steering, lour-wheel independent suspension, power-assisted brakes, steel-belted radials. electronic ignition and a snappy four-speed manual transmission. Economy? EPA estimated 32 mpg. 49 highway estimate" s , 48 MONTHS = S PER MONTH JPiynwit bisefl on 48 monms. 17.6S Annual Percent Rate NEW '82 JETTA 2 Door. 5-Speed, includes Stereo Prep. Freight, Prep. Tax and Tags. : $8600 Total price delivered The All New HAMIL NEW '82 SCIROCCO 5-Speed, includes AM-FM Stereo Cassett, MetaliCr Paint. Factory Air, Rear Wiper. Alloy Wheels. Freight. Prep, Tax and Tags. $ 11,278 Total price delivered. OVER 37 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN SERVICE AND SALES Of VOLKSWAGENS 2201 RT. 33, HAMILTON SQ., NJ i* MMM Ml i ^««M HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON! HAMILTON'S SPECIAL VW \ AIR CONDITIONING ac, \ CHECK & SERVICE $ \9)V \ Check system for leaks, ** \ hose damps, pressure test system and ad freon Iff necessary. CLIP THIS S (Any additional parts extra) COUPON I Expiration Date August 15, 1982 ~ ' FOR SAVINGS! HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON*' THE PRINCETON PACKET The Lawrence. Lodger CU/NDS0R-H/GHTS HERALD THE CENTRAL POST WILLSBOROUGH TheManville News The Franklin NEWS RECORD l)c Cnrnlmrg fkess WB)^ VMM* Mffllp wnp MQCff HMVtt^ Wawff" 1 aw"awma> WP ^09B0 "OCWP^ Ma?M 001 3M» a lovino MJL NOMt IMIBBB^BBBI «A U0W Cat Oar* ft WOODS momma 609- wr imvicc t Cat 201-2S TWAWSMgSlON Sarwoa m CatWa r 2014M-2IOO. MJL JUNK CARS and wefts SIS

24 Nn?AL=06T»WifOS0RHiGHTS HERALD Classifieds PSSSSSST. Th«el«i tttied po of tii«tifftf mort than famffi** PASS IT ON! THE PRfATETOX PACKET riu'livvtlmuvlchlljlt WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERJiLD THE CENTRJfL POST millsborough BEACOt\ The Manville News Fhr Franklin NEWS Rf CORD Sl)c Crnnburn press 4+/ +± * ^ Mercedes-Benz has appointed Ray Catena Motor Car Corporation of Edison, New Jersey to sell and service its automobiles. A vtsti to our showroom is a unique experience. We will show you a selection of new and previously owned Mercedes. Here are some of our supremely conditioned pre-owned and new verudes: 0 153,005. IN* M0CCDCS WO SOL Stan: tttb* ipt, gmr brmm Sn-nOam*. meant. fmn meme rmha. mam iw,, *irema«c See* 4*23$*. * inane Sfcxn #r»* umannn*. pmr $47,551. IMS I 300 SO SlUW SteW- *e p M*FM Marco OtttMOt* $37,760. ' Ta* ft Tags Extra 19S2 300 SO Omit ma. baega hmttia* int, pwr. Stteywig. braiuas <V windows, aw cond. CVan Prn «4ect ratio, eteci»i«3ino root, automatic. SKxfe 0t*2 $38, MERCEDES 300 SO O»m Wuej. baj* em.. auto. pwr Maeimg A brafcas. ac. pwr»t> do**. WHO SK»ng root. AMFM mrao SUX* #177* $23,500. We Offer a Complete Leasing Program Ray Catena Motor Car Corporation 910 US. Highway, Route 1 Edison,New Jersey SALES: (201) PARTS: (201) SERVICE: (201) We are a full service facility, offering personalized service to our Princeton area customers. Limousine service available by appointment. Week of July 7-9, Autos For Sate 20 Autos For Sate 200 Autos For Sale **> Autos For Sate 70 MERCEDES dr Coup*. Garage kept. exc. cond. $ after 6pm. 70 PORSCHE 914 excaoent condition, new paint new transmission, rebuilt engine, stainless steel heater box. $ after 5pm. TO VOLKSWAGON Squareback $1000 or best offer by 7/ MQ Midget Recent overall, lots of new parts. Good condition SUPER BUG good condition. $ Aft. 5pm Chevrolet VOLVO 142S 4 cyl. 4 tpd, 2 door, mechanically very good, $1300 or best oiler VW Fastback Wen maintained. Exc. cond. PM/ tape deck. $ Z AC, mags, sway bars, header, custom carpets & more. 1 owner. $ TRIUMPH Spitfire Convert New top, new paint, many other new parts. Runs & drives great Asking $ anytime. 72 VOLVO WAGON Must sell" Am/fm radio. $650 or best offer CAMARO New LT VOLVO 164 Runs motor, Muncie trans., POSI, great, black, am/fm/cass. mags. Must sell. $1900. $1200 or best offer BMW green, 2002; automatic, $ CHEVY IMPALA Runs good, auto.. V8, 99,000mi. $ aft 6pm. 73 CHEVY BELAIR 4 dr. $650 or best offer after 4om. 73 CHRYSLER p/s, p/b, good tires, reg. gas, rebuilt 72 MAZDA RX7 Model S 72 VW KARMANN GHIA trans, new exhaust, battery, wht, am-fm stereo cass, a/c. Excellent running condition, starter $ before complete new front end &*73 DART SWINGER p/s. 2pm or after 11pm. brakes, no rust, am/fm a/c, auto, reg. gas, w/snows 72 OPEL QT Runs good, cassette stereo, stick, good on rims, 50,000 orig. mi. body needs work, $500. tires. $1700. Call $ '73 KARMANN QHIA 4 72 PLYMOUTH FURY III 72 VW SUPER BEETLE spd. radlals, hardtop, 32mpg cyl. P/8, p/b, a/c. radio, needs body work, front end A real gem. Must be seen I good cond. $ collision, otherwise In exc. $ cond. $ PORSCHE 914 ^spd. 73 AMC HORNET V8. 73 MAVERICK ml, am-lm, targa top. Exc. cond. auto., p/si[p/b. am, 8 track, extremely dependable, $110C $2950. Days ; snow tires, clean. $900. or best otter ev«s eves: days. With the Saab, you don't have to give up performance, economy, utility or luxury. Just a few misconceptions. Saabs offer the unique pleasure of driving in the face of conventional wisdom. Which holds, for example, that a big car on the inside has to be a big car on the outside. Or that a car with top grades in performance isdoomed to flunk gas mileage. Or that a sedan can't possibly hold as much cargo as a station wagon. The engineers at Saab take exception to all this. One test drive and you will, too. All Models in Stock ' Good Color Selection 900 Sedans, 900 S Sedans, 900 Turbo Sedans 5 Speed & Automatic Available ; Bank Financing, Custom Leasing, Overseas DeJjvery ' Sports and Specialist cars 1641 north olden avenue- rrenron. nj The ^ Over 50 Years of Selling Chevrolets, 170 Rt 33 Hamilton Square, M.J. 1,000 REGARDLESS I AAA TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE $8195 OF CONDITION ON ANY CAR LISTED BELOW! rtffljcimvwolrr Gammy I****** ~ BRBIBML ik# CtWat- SMfVaS. MtOOO MBM. $5995 urn $2595. $2595. **,*«& Tl nk»». wmwi m4 O t Lock*. 1f73 POM) LTD SCHJBC WMXN V-a. ' Mn LM Mm IO»ai 1ML $4295 $5795 1tT7 BUCK 1*9* 2-Ooor V* Aulo- wme TranwalMten. Po«p*r Slaartng. mno. Mr. 48,000 mm WUCK L^i» 4Onar V-a. Aulo. T P tocrino md Bratot% Air 4,000 IMM. LMMot $995 $ Jtertfc/iiUM IHt WamMf InbMi Ot Most bw Can i Tracks TRUCKS Store* 1900 CHEW HI Staa Plcfc-Up 8 CyL, AuUnvMc. Pomut Ste«iK ft BnkM. M& WMCjgM,000 MM. LM Prtea tiooo!. '!.. $5495 IMOOJEVROLET Lu» Red Brakaa. Ra?%p Prtoa $6795. Mowanc $ FOBD F1 50 V* All 4 8nfcaa. AWFM Rado, 19,000 IMn. LM Plto. S629S. Ataum S $ GMC 9prtm V-B, Aulo. Trans, Powar SkMrino and Braka*. Mr Cond, Italia, BueteTSaats Mas. LM $5595 TAX ft TAOS EXTRA YES! YOU CAN BUY A GOOD USED CAR TODAY! SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE AT PATTERSON AUDI tau. nt. und «tlmi. «wd.«cyl. uiuaof. MifM ttmo. illw otimlt. lt l< Mi. 12 mo. tl.ooo. miln flinty mil mki MERCEDES 300D i cyl dm* tulg tunv, powtf tlmfini ( biiltt. pw oindonn. sttno. unnol» com! C m with t w i l K T u I? mo mil! mrrimy a.100 mm. $16, AUDI FOX 4 DOOR ' 4 qrl tuto. em suenni. mm bnka. air COM. MITM miles, ' ^ $5295.^ 1978 MERCEDES U mn. bale mt, DtESO. «uto, steenni. bnha. mixtan ( r EXCLUSIVE OFFERING NEW DELOREANS $18,495 You have a rare opportunity to acquire a one-of-a -kind automobile at an extraordinary price. Now. for a limited time only, we are offering all new Oe Loreans at prices far below normal value. See the DeLorean collection how.. ^ while they last, i ' DAYTON HiDDLHU coum "I \01AM rofddealif! HWY. 130 DAYTON-SO. BRUNSWICK (7 miles below New Brunswick Circle - 8 miles north of Higtitstown) USED CARS $14, AUDI FOX Gnaa. «q4.. 4»d. at cowl.. AkVfH dene. nan. steehni ( bnkel 50.K1 Mir; $ TOYOTA SUPRA COUPE -Milt ba< i imttat jm. & cyl... Jwwd.crwu control. p«. lodi I «in4on. an cond, Him tttno. Supar duo car 4M25 miiti 12 mo nula wannty ind. $ VW SCIROCCO Datk tcttn metallic «/und mtemt 4 cyl. 4 speed. W/fM steieo. alloys man iieenn t biakes. 42.K) miltj $ AUDI 5000S 4 DOOR Brown, sand vtfcxi' int.. S cyl.. auto. pwi nndoars I door lock], pin staenni I brakes, air cond.. sunrool alloys, shetosliins. cruise control. M.342 miles. 12 mo mile warranty. $ PORSCHE 911 TARGA Brawn. beim int, 6 ql.. 5 >peed. air com), AM/M cauette. alloy w M i. nan. fleennt pwr. nsm bakat note. 12» m t e' arranly.. $16: VW BUG Graen. 4 cyl, 4 speed. HKU. man.. starini«bnhei ndes. $2695. MV fees, sales tax not included QUAKERBRIDGE PORSCHE-AUDI U. S. Route One Princeton, N, J. (609)

25 (PACKET IAWR9*C '.SDGEP* CJNIPAI. POST»WiN0SC# H>GHTS HERALD* NEwS«Ws**<liN NEWS P6COTO*'CPANBUPV PRESS Classifieds 9-B "13 MEHCURV WMtliMW WKff. flv^av* ^P4aV arn><w» a VS or 74 MtHCUWY OQMCT ft ft*mmib>.mood ing, au. loaded SiXtt VCNTUR* "W MMfTA Grayt.?«.«cAW good *adaj ncasaoo nso/21 74 PMTO iw good cows on^, of Mat, body $«.000 «r S29O eomm-zxo -Son»o»m*c if. MAMS aft Sew*»*» *»* M. ac, M0 f v*mm\ can*. KOOtt Cat* art' w.mm wrveatf 135CC m, amiim,, j oar««sbmo MM 74 PORSCHE»«I a thna Raft, Wad* we* aupar 74 SAM SOLE - *c good 74 VW «*> *«BCETLE vanr good cwdtjoft VW WA30N Good tarn* ear 30W 74 WW WMOON - 4.O0Q M, Good 75 ewot wouo 75 mi. to.000 «000 7* WW»V«HMk 9MWW', ponaaon, Am, StSOO ttth '74 i! Ooram mm,. aontf. if* CM*«2 dfc, 4 wtt» Auto* For Sato *» Autot For S*to Autos For S*te 2 Autos For Sate 200 Autos For Sale 7» BUCK CENTURY SHOO CHEVETTE 2 * Mdhdac*. tm ch* -7B OATSUN 8210 MO. *, CZjOOO maw. good cond, aompg. S2S0O or T» EL CAMNO m. good ahap* $ M a»ar 7pm. "Tt FORD Gran Torino Stt- ow WAQon ~- CJC coral staoo A«ai 7 ia eoa^as- 0>7>, "76 HONDA CIVIC Wagon graat $1750 or S09-5» «JAGUAR XJ12C loaded,. «afy flood condwon, 4 4A.O0O mr Cat alla«630pm 600- aai-aaw 78 MA2OA 606 p«on amg. at am.«m., ama vary r«ca, SaoOS Eva* 20 > 7» PONTMC AST»«-»*. 4 tpd. 4 cyi g vary good oondmaon aftar 630pm or Mar Jt^y IS 77 CAOajLAC Coupa OaVWa kapt by a noncat FIAT «iia^llbax looas good, runa good. Cat Mark any«ma 77 OLDS Oa«a 69 RoraW 'TSMONTEGO-Cac 2 d». tandau roo». VS. auw. pt, amd CA. anvkn a tr»e». ct>. i 301 gdbd oom J2J96 Cat M«MTA CPf » TOBSOMC an imlaa. Ti vw AAenrr - ar, «vy good coxdmw. S2200 I 77 POMTIAC PHOENIX 6 rjv, at. ac o*. pt>. amtm. O000 20t-S2i S21- too* 77 TOYOTA Catca OT jfloac* t ownar car. wmfen Marao. *c rtdma, 5 ipdl 26»38r*(>g. avc. runwnq S3600 or oliar For mm caa VW RabM Raaigood iftapa. adrift, asking S2.99S B254QL VOLVO aunroot. Ml poaar. cnaaa control. Sapd, naw Mchaln araa. $7500. Cat Mka days , Eva* CADtOAC SEVLLE QOO(3 condmltw 40^240 ml Loadad $ CHEVY NOVA auto. t>». p*. we, ona ownar. $ CORVETTE Stvar Anr»»anar>. A/c fv 1 *. pb, aulo. al opeona 37X100 maaa. Garaoad $ OOOGE OMNI 4 door hatch. 4 apd. SOrrpg, awng $ mv*y moa 78 FORD fjest* ~~_~** oaaam gat maaaga. urwoo', 1 ownar. good oond. $2500. Cat MUSTANG 4 cyt. 4 apd. pt, pto. amim. axe: cond. $ Good mpg. 78 PONT1AC FIREBIRD FomiUa 350. automattc, ac. l-bar root, amim'starao. 1 ownar (girl), axe. cond. $ aftar 78 TRANS AM BtacK aulo. am*n (tarao. p anlanna. alarm, t whaal. T-iopa miaa. axe cond. $6300 Cat aftar 5 30 pm n* tmtt HH» Sac* ItU MY-UASE-Htlirr 78 VW RabM L. deaal, 4 dr. aavar/falack. briatol $ PINTO PONY «xc. cond aft. 4pm. 79 CAMAAO 6 cyl. auto, 79 PLYMOUTH HORIZON a/c pt, pfc. arn/kn radw. TC3 4 spd. am-fm stereo 80 DATSUN B210 5 spd, *80 PORSCHE 924 Turbo atvar waad M mi. cass, sports pkg, 44,000 mi. am/fm cassette, new radial metallic red, mint condition, $6100. Cat Asking $ tires & battery. $3700 or best loaded CAPRI atvar. am-fm PONTIAC SUNBIRD offer. Muist sell, going overseas eves. metallic/tan leather int. 5 spd, '80 TOYOTA -^ Subra. black apd, 4 cyt, about 25mpg, axe. cond miles, a/c, hatchback. Exc. cond p/s. auto. $4500. Can 609- '80 DATSUN dr every conceivable option, mi $ or hatchback. 5 speed manual absolutely perfect, $ CHEVROLET MONZA '80 BMW 320i blue. 5 spd. shift, a/c, am radio. Exc. cond Sport, medium blue, 4 loaded, exc cond. $11,500. Best offer over $5, ^TRIUMPH TR7 ConvertiHe miles, 5 apd, a/c p/s, p/b. immaculata ; cond. $ BUICK-SKYLARK fully '80 DATSUN dr, speexi, am/fm cassette, excellent condition. $7500or 79 DATSUN 280ZX loaded. Black with beige interior. Mint condition condition must sell $4600. best offer o'r silver, am/fm stereo, excellent 5 spd. GL pkg. Air. cruise. sd extras mi. Exc. cond ^_ $ BUICK SKYLARK 4 '80 FORD Pinto ps, pb, '81 DODGE ARIES 2-dr, DATSUN 210 Exc. cyl., p/s. p/b. auto., ac. auto, am/fm tape, must sell, silver, maroon doth int. 4 cyl, mi. $5,800 or best $ p/s, p/b. auto.trans, a/c, cond. Hatchback. 2 dr.. a/c. offer cruise control, pwr. seat, tilt anvfm radto mi. Ask- Ing $ BUICK Regal Ps, pb, Recycle,u steering wheel, rear defroster. '" 28,218 mi. $6995. Excludes 79 FORD FAIRMONT StattoowaBon. 6 cyt.. p/s. p%. wagon. $1000. '66 Classic QQ&lOr, air, $ Merc station tax & thi* HitffDflbir Mv manual trans., a/c, best oher. Lincoln Continental, SI U. '73 Lincoln Continental. $ HONDA ACCORD a/c, '80 CADILLAC Sedan Divide sunroof. 5 spd, am/fm stereo, Excellent condition. $9500. exc cond. in and out $4750. Call after 6pm '80 CAMARO COUPE 79 MAZDA RX7-GS white, 48,000 mi., 6 cyl.. air, am/fm, 5 spd. original owner. Exc cass.. new brakes, exc. cond. cond or MAZDA dr., whme. sunroof, ac. stereo amtm. $ MG MIDGET Rally Sport Exc cond, anvfm. can be seen In Cranbury area. $4000. CaB KMO SPHUCE ST. TRENTON ( «} MM4M a» IJJ in « *«t**mm* afrthaxafc* W #*MPH)I Asking $4, "80 CHEVETTE Due to relocation am forced to give up my pet Chevette. Stick shift, silver hatchback w/red interior. Only mi. Best offer eves; davs MODEL CLEARANCE NOW IN PROGRESS! WE HAVE JUST LAUNCHED THE BIGGEST JULY SALE IN 65 YEARS! 80 CITATION 2dr, p/s. 4 '80 HONDA ACCORD LX cyl.. 4 spd., rear defroster, a/c, tm stereo, full package, clean mi. $3,995. low mileage. Must be seen. Autos For Sate 20 Autos For Sale HJ.slI AUTOMOTIVE CENTER OPEN ROfiD HONDA/BMW " * - '81 FIAT BRAVA 4000 miles, 5 speed, a/c, p/s, fuel injection. Best offer '81 HONDA CIVIC-1500 DX with auto, trans., 9000 miles. No longer working in Princeton. Must sell car. $5, '81 LANCIA mi. 3 yrs warrantee, p/s, p/b, a/c, leather seats, other extras. $ aft 6pm 81 OLDS CUTLASS LS am/fm cassette, pwr. seat,. many extras. 6500* miles, must sell asking $ PLYMOUTH TC3 12,000 mi, 4 cyl, blue, aulo, p/s, p/b, ate, am/fm cassette stereo, mint cond, best offer, over $ aft. "pm. Route 1. Edison. N.J. ESCORT LYNX THUNDERBIRD COUGAR FAIRMONT ZEPHYR GRANADA CAPRI TRUCK 1983 RANGER II ALL CARS ARE ON SALE AT *99" OVER DEALER COST... SOME MODELS CARRY FACTORY REBATES... PLUS YOUR SALESMAN WILL GIVE YOU UNDERCOATING NASSAU-CONOVER MOTOR CO. FORD LINCOLN MERCURY SALES-LEASING SERVICE BODY SHOP DAILY RENTALS SERVING PRINCETON FOR 65 YEARS Route 206 Princeton. N.J, Phone (609)

26 Classifieds 1O-B Week of July 7-9, 1982 For S*»»> Auto* For Sato»> Autos For Sato»» Autos For Sato ** Motorcydes m IOWJ* w*«jrr CM* now meal MO DOWN PAYMENT m, MM. mm, mm. Cat Mao Can»»-«a* ** & * "* AC mum m OCKi CKMAK LT MlfOMMJL Hat 9mm mrnam- * am T«**» user- C«««t««««M««ftl«f KSH* eat.»t% «or dnevr, wm mam yeu * to OwllriTawn- Om a. I 1000 MaOtm Awe» k» toav- MrpnoM'OotHi Vat otr fow c*oe«any «"tj liwms* NO «AT* MOTOM RAT WPtAULT 1TS1 H. MALEK CMEVWXTT S*>«morwy and dtal dracsy **«He iwm Pnoa ue «e*ye you DUy O»W 77 panonat aante*. M0NMOU1M HONDA AMC -JEEP RENAULT-BMW tomrlst Ufeewoo&ftJ NATIONAL"CREDft CORP React» aooui c Sens rut QOCMai SW «w* tmkaa toeni 10 home o«oer% to puffenase auiomobaas. pwnoam EN- Phone or Cat 771-OBS4 8J. STCWART P.O. BOX 7S1I WHY BE A WRECK WHEN YOU NEED A CAR R»iT ANEW1982 FORD MERCURY OR TRUCK ONLY PER DAY WITH 75 FREE MILES EACH DAY tlocal PKX UP AN O i*very) NASSAU-CONOVER MOTOR CO. ROUTE 206 MHNCCTON, Mtm SUBARU 1M3Fiouai33 You cm y buy awnawng tiat to to toom VMUC. dtone of people ^ho IMM'CH us now tor afffeepnce tor.mm at Specialty Letting Co.. eob-ro Renault. 4 GMIZ TRUCKS YOUR AREAS EXCLUSIVE- RENAULTAMC- JEEP DEALER S4i Hwy-27. Somerset S0 BYMRLMEY t your «n»r«q*» puddb. i- you a have to dry oft ignnon wmng you can. me dambufty cap Use a rag or a paper to««t Try to start 9m engne H a won t turn over, wan a hat hour and vy apan Woo go. you need an expert Owe* and adkjat raar and alda mh-rera every time you drtw. You* need them ki the RIGHT place «rtktn you baefc up. turn, or change lane*. Scan* tt?r*-*rt3 op may be normal wdh hardtxakmo. atso a oounong actcn. the car probaory e* tmm stwefcs. ot your car at COTTER court Rt 130 Wincteof & SURPLUS JEEPS Can and truck* available. Many ael tor under $200. Cal ext 6113 tor Information on how to pur-78 HONDA HAWK Under 5000 ml. $1200. Garage kept chate.»* Motorcycles S MOTORCYCLES MCtlint opnowon. riivaie cowecnon. Must be aaen. No Dealers. extras alter 74 YAMAHA 350 axe. 5pm. cond., tow mi.. $700. Can 201-a KAWASKI 750/4 excellent, tow mileage, must 75 KAWASAKI HI 800, 0ood anape, 4400 mi. Aaldng tell, $2200. Call Ridge at ' $ HOOAKA OVt tquirt. Low mataoe. Needs points Oviamnse exc. oono. no reasonable ofier refused. Askmg $ S HONDA 55OK-4 Many jxxns. $1300. Cal after Spm. 77 KAWASAKI Z1-900 $1650 or best otter. Excellent condition KAWASAKI KZ650-C1 Mags, triple discs, quartz haadkoht oil cooler, lug. rack, good tires. Exc cond. Must se«. $ SUZUKI GS750 Air cooled. 4 cyl. Excellent condmoo. $ '78 HONDA HAWK miles, sissy bar. crash bar. 2! helmets mpg. $1100. Cal aft. 6pm YAMAHA RD400 axceflent condition, tow miles. AsWnQ $ HONDA miles, like new. $975. Call , 79 KAWASAKI SR mi. Exc. cond. Many '80 MOPED Columbia' commuter. Excellent condttion. $ '80 SUZUKI FA miles, excellent condition. $370. Call '81 HONDA 250XL like new, less than 100 mi. $1295 or b.o. Call 7-10pm '81 KAWASAKI KD80 Dirt bike. Excellent condition. $450. Great (or beginners '81 KAWASAKI 1300cc. 120HP. Windjammer fullfairing, am/lm/tape stereo, cruise-control. Asking $3600. Peter Work '81 YAMAHA Special 650 Exc. cond. Low mileage. Must sell. Asking $1600 or best offer MG MOTOR CARS Maintenance Restoration (609) lLS.H0.1 BIG 41 HIGHTSTOWN ROAD PRINCETON )CT.. N 1 609/ R.P.M. AUTO PARTS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Motorcycles '82 SUZUKI 650E Mint condition, 4 cyl, 3,000 mi between 7-9pm only. COOPER'S CYCLE RANCH Rt.33. Hamilton Sq «354 MSURANCE & FINANCING Mon-Fri Sat.9-3 HONDA E.Z.RIDER $489. Jawa X25, $319. Jawa TT, $449. Motron, $339. General; $439.- NegrJni TT, $599. Sachs. $349. Motogazzi, $389. Safari TT, $499. Many more makes and models to choose from. Twin City Motors, 1826 W. Front St., PlainfieW HARLEY DAVISON Low Rider Showroom condition, under 1500 mi. Asking $ '80 HONDA 50cc. 3 spd trans. Excellent condition. $ after 6pm. KAWASAKI KZ , excellent condition, extras, low miles. $ KAWASAKI 550 LTD Excellent condition, only 1900" miles. Asking $1700. Call MOPED Motobecane 50V, 1979, blue. 700 miles. Excellent condition. $ YAMAHA 350 new battery, just tuned, passed NJ insp. very good cond. Asking $ Trucks '49 CHEVY flat head 6 pick up. Excellent running condition. $600 or best offer. Working end 1972 Wreckmaster utility body, 10 ton swing boom, very good cond. $2000 or best offer. Call after Ask for Don. 72 INTERNATIONAL DUMP 1015 damaged cab. As is, best offer : 77 F150 FORD Pickup 6 cyl, stick shift, p/s, p/b, good cond, $ aft 5pm. 78 FORD F250 4X4. $4200 or best offer after 9pm. 78 FORD 150 4x4, auto, p/s. p/b, stereo, 8-track, reg. gas, exc. cond, $ Trucks '80 VW SPORTRUCK loaded, black with white cap evenings. CRESI 14 foot platform dump body, excel, cond. Pri. owner. $1000. Call wkdays, 9-9, SURPLUS JEEPS Cars - Boats. Many sell for under $ For info, call , ext TRUCKS vgss&sss»i Colonial Motors US Tre 22 West North Branch (Somenrife) ; th Anniversary Sale Over 50 new trucks for this special clearance. Most models; Pick-Ups to Diesels. Sale ends July 30th. Colonial Motors U.S. Rt. 22 West North Branch (Somerville) Machinery & Equipment 500 INTL. DIESEL CRAWL- ER Loader 4 in 1 bucket, low hrs. Good cond. $6, Quakerbridge Rd., Mercerville, NJ MACHINERY repaired or made to order. Parts made for anything; welding, forging, fine machining. Leyzorek, Skillman SEARS 18hp garden tractor. 2 yrs old, 8 major attachments. $ Recreational Vehicles CAMPING TRAILER Puma 'pop-top' w/intemal frame. Own brakes, sink, icebox, gas stove. Sleeps 7 on 235 Airplanes '80 CHEVY C-10 6 cyl. foam mattresses. Hard top pick-up. 40,000 mi. Super gas w/canvas and screening on mileage. Super condition. all sides. Excellent condition. $ $800: ^ 72 HOLIDAY TRAILER 20', fully self cont. Heat, air, awning, shower. Exc. cond. Sips ACE TRAVEL TRAILER sleeps 6, self-contained, in combo with 74 Olds Cutlass. For details Recreational Vehicles MOTOR HOMES For Rent $395 per week plus 10c per mile plus $5 per day Insurance. Package rates avail: 1 week $600; 10 days $850. $250 security deposit requlred. Call Mobile Homes MONMUTH JUNCTION Custom 24x60,2tt yrs. old, 3 > bdrms., 2 baths, a/c, fm. rm. w/flreplace Q Boats 14' USER Sailboat with trailer. $ ROYAL CRAFT Bass. Boat, 50 hp Mercury, with trailer + many extras. Asking $ CLASSIC Mini-Cruiser 21 ft. Friendship sloop type. Looks like 1895 w/mdrn. o.b. & appts. Sips 2. Seeing is believing. Must sell $3500. M. Keys. 609^ / COASTAL Navigation/ Piloting New Brunswick class starts Aug 10. Contact Mereld Keys, 15 Gedney Rd. Lawrenceville * or Toll Free : "DUMPHY" 17 ft..wood, trailer, 65'hp, Mercury, caulked, painted, $850 firm HYDROPLANE mini, fibre glass on a Sealion trailer. Many accessories incl. exc cond. $ HYDROPLANE mini-fiber- glass, sealion trailer. Many acces. includ. Exc. cond. $ *. KAYAKS 2 Phoenix Appalachian, fiberglass, exc. cond. $400/each or $750/pair. Rick Curtis, , M-F. LEARN TO SAIL Basic, advanced, cruising auxilary. Teal Sailing School, Bay Head, NJ SAILBOAT 15' Dolphin Sr. Good cond. w/trailer & all equipment. Great for lakes, $ SAIL BOAT 12 ft. Lockley. Sea - Witch. Excel, cond.' Asking $ aft: 6pm. SUNFISH Alcort Sailboat. Excellent condition. $ , after 6pm. USCG Capt License Course Evenings. 40 hrs/4 wks, Sept or Toll Free ULTRA LIGHT Airplane no license needed. Like new. Call Gome To Bordentown And Save Exceptionally Low Prices Today & Tomorrow 1979 MERCURY MARQUIS YOU PAY T**%. H M K Viny* tntmim. Tintad Glass, S2.615 Mile*. $ "A BLACK BEAUTY" 2388 I NO ONE SELLS FOR LESS llttff 4 Cft. 4 fm AM/ PAY r V-8. Awtowatk Trant F»w»» C»up». Air TiMMl Qlaet. AM/fM tmdm. StyWd Wheek, WSW MUn YOL PAY 4188 W*a««t. VS. A«te«tk Tram.. *ewer Si««rin«And tv«ke«. WKH«woB Tlr*«, * Ml 1«7S WO9» MMTAMQ 3 Deer Hatchback, SmoM Vt, Automatic Trans., Pew«r Staering And RfOke*. AM/FM Radio. Stylod Wheeb, M0o*. YOU PAY 'fMIPAV VOU PAY 988 YOVFAY '2488 MERCATANTI FORD Route 1978 raket, Ak MOos. Coup«f V- ^ And, rmtod Glass, AM/ Ofoop, Vinyl Roof FORO THUNOOttMO Coupe, V8, Automatic Trans., Powor Steering And Brakes, Air Conditioned, Tinted Glass, AM/ FM Stereo, Cast Aluminum Wheels, 53,912 Miles. YOU PAY $ BWCK MGA1 Coupe, V8, Automatic Trans., Power Steering And Brakes, Air Conditioned, Tinted Glass, AM/FM Radio, Whrtewall Tires, Landau Vinyl Roof, 61,623 Miles. YOU PAY FORD F 2S0 Styleside Pickup, V-8, 4 Speed Manual Trans., Power Steering, Manual Brakes, 119,050 Miles. YOV'PAY} M.YMOUTH DUSTU Coupe, 6 Cyl., Automatic Trans., Power Steering, Manual Brakes, Radio, Heater, Whitewall Tires, 86,820 Miles. YOU PAY $ & 130 Bordentown, NJ. Call Miles'South Of The White Horse Circle Tax & Tags Not Included ' ; - L

27 Home Hunter's Guide 11-B WmN ID PK9P0atSiai.E. MATURE WANTED TO aoaaaai MaMKf (fl"> Apt/House to Share UF PROFESSIONAL afiava 2 term. 2 baft Sat naar Sunny, quid, hardwood WMMTK) SWU JUT ortoon, bay amdow SZ70 '!»Mt«t. AMI Sad v. Paul. >av mas >«e««*tnm«a«. Ca>> pa* ******** Sow* m aot-a»».*i7o' from ' ftp mtm* CMPa, taa>iip or 20? taneaurt PRMOETON noammat* wamad lor 4 M m houaa- ' t* kori Urw S200mon - OR PWNCCTON Apt «> 3 prat woman S175 *» mm or *»* as* «r for* Jot attar 53Qpm i^mafc ^MaanMhaaM athmmtmam eat*.»*- mflncm Same* Owe** «** f WOMEN IN EARLY»s MM tmaff ctaum** toimm *» S390oarno -» uamaa* 30i«r«-«4i4 «* art C art*** tana S2*S cwlt ape Owj *t-»n C» TO SHAflC Waraad n»«august i M34 - P*>wea»0* SuSMNCSSWiOMMM aitcr *waoiiwai, naaar^adi. im Gu»p QuMtf OrBaw maw mam nutmmom **mt- am aatfraom A ««> E-» A a e T S 7 S2»> 4 pnvaaa H uanaa» WANTED ~ «3 tmmonom iriw«2 DaO*QO^< troxa«qff% tanw 0G*Q tmuemrt ape 21, oeaads^ * ma* mmnrnm 9* U» IMrnv, Cent})* mmntm to mm *&& 9 fmmm Nwae mm ]3gono» 79m. ~jr naw*» #««*** Ow«QSM5K»«W&a««or*,' tftfs Coficnat outraney BWJMUCHTSI P**OparTy aw oubmodaf>o oowcataon. Nalicti caw aaaty ba iarwanaj lo wtnout VastvaOnS} rvst apatwati tt ^ ourrantty S ftwwwwriu #ia,«w par yaar inooma, plus imkaua Aflaqu* Shop, prvscnay prvsanay used by ownartv Prw*s> back yard and twat car dettcfted aaraoa - MUST BE SEEN TO APPRECIATE VAi.Ut - Currant Imam trx. WANTED - halt ums. C*t Ed flo «2 oars MOUSE TO SHARE on SIM»H _AW«NCE TWP, Houw IRCSPOKMIE FCMWU.E lot 4ji», tum-*3qtm PA -- Nav WtCS. ~mmmimmts)cm *m» HOC*, IWI icwoat 2 on trmk* Vtetmdf Pmcmex*- norm, rojm, tn*mm*u*. mmrg 5 - aea*. trm*., ooc*. N * no pa» ROOMS**** 9nm~Pan0**a»He»mttm MAtJE 33 prcftawworsa* WbWOEO TO BCIH"? «s»wnik. ciawwamos 10 RCA Soac» t&- <co**n mm m 13 North Main Street. New Jeney ( tf) 655-tl«PROFESSOR «a <30Qa aaaas ID sf*ara kamat. or tarm PROFESSIONALS * amnaat A rase M 10 mm a ixxaa naar r«t«fancas 609- «* 2800 Pay* WANTED m Somanm (not lar fcom At*?tr"s arvat 1900 riaff or «x*a PO 80a 903. Naw PTON ~ 2 br act to»hara Ou«L nansmokar Naar park. OOWi Kaap tryrq ROOUMATE WANTED» tnar» 2 bdrm 2 baan n Prrcann laaadoiiii. S33&tno -I 0* AOOUMATE WANTED modarna ram Cat 609- a*va 11 or AM» tor Franfc, HOOMMATE Maad s>4&mo 34OOMMATE NEEDED - to 4 iflar 530pm, ue*» ROOMMATE NEEDED tor 2 Mm. 2 baffi pantaty Mn apt I667 E*> 3i or Apt/House to Share 370 RoomsForRent PRMCETON Room In housa. 1 block off Nassau. SHARE HOUSE $140 Kaohan & laundry. $200 + monti uma. Naar Lawranoa Shopping Camar. Aval. UH Juiyi.Famaiapfa4anad.Cal Paula aftar 7pm TMRO FEMALE Roommata - V) WnmtQ 4 DORTi. naar MCCC $152 monti pk» uahias: aacurtty raquirad Cat K or 6O vannos.-waakand* - kaap YOUNG PROFESSIONAL wants to shara 2 br. 2 bash oondo i East Windsor, Laundry, pool, ate S275 * \<, \M MF Cm Jamay YOUNG Professional Woman sacks sama to snara 2 bdrm duplav on quiat straat naar oantar d town. Non smoatar onry. $200 mon '/i utas C Rooms for Rant BELLE MEAD room, bustnaaa paraon prafarrad. 1 targa room wtxtfi. $60wk Cal aft 5pm CRANBURY Room. Gan- Uarnan. S40 par waak. Cafl S-12S6 FURNISMEO BEDROOM Raingarator. ndudas utitt Stgf* occupancy, aacunty & JULY & AUG lamala pra«. cfiarmng Nassau St housa wgardan, S217,tno. Norv smokar KENDALL PARK roomjor rant. $50 par waak. naar bus. w batwaan 8am- ELM RIDGE PARK WEMMIHGTOM Th»»e»V 3T, tat!* Tudo «sw oert»cl home Princeton Office 609^83^)300 LAMBERTVBJLE lumohad room m fine Vtetonan home. $»SOwion LAWRENCEV1LLE larga room tor ram. couples accepted 6O MERCERVBXE Hc«y No«art*, n new home, private bam $220 par month NONSMOKER Grad student prof. Central Princeton, WcJi pnv. $250 ind utds Re** & sac WPUOmOHS BEING TMEN NOW FOR FUTURE OCCUPANCY NORTHGATE APARTME1NTS Princatuii Mtjtititown»ood («t. 571) >«0CiOV!«McG>*y» HAS East Windsor. N J 1 and 2 Bedrooms from $380 per month Features SWIMMING POOL AIR CONDITIONERS ALL APARTMENTS HAVE CROSS VENTILATION GAS HEATJinduded in rental) WASHER & DRYER FACILITIES RESIDENT SUPERINTENDENTS MASTER TV. ANTENNAS CABLE TV. AVAILABLE WTCHENS WITH WINDOW AND DINING AREA MODEL APARTMENT OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 10ajTLto5pjn. PRINCETON ROOMS NaOoty Iumi8h«)d«oosy sinql# rooffla tor raapacxadia t pro* fasaional gentleman. Rater* ancas raquirad. No cooking aft. 5pm. ROOM FOR RENT with apartment privoegas available fcnt»e>»alely. Cal am-3pm. wkands: 6«-6:45pm. wkends ROOM FOR RENT Farmhouse. Princeton Jet $140 jplus utilities. Call 609- ' ROOM & KITCHEN PRIVILEGES Cafl before 8:45am or attar 630pm ROOM & SEMI EFFICIEN- CIES at weakly rate. Princeton Manor Motel. Monmouth Jet US Hwy»1. SLEEPING ROOM in private home, gentleman pratarred. Princeton Jet Apartments ' for Rent 2 BEDROOM Apt in Victorian house w/lg yard & garden in Barkery Sq. national historic district, Trenton. $42S'mon. ret & sac req S Apts For Rent 3 ROOM second floor bachelor apt. Rt 31 north of HopeweH. Yard, off street parking, appliances included. $300 + utils. Lease, references. & security required after 6pm. ADULTS ONLY Resort living year round. Enjoy saunas, recreation room, swimmimg pool & tennis courts right at home. Our select apartments are only 20 minutes from Princeton. Easily accessable from Route 1 & I 95. Spacious, fully carpeted 1 & 2 bedroom apts from only $335 per month including heat' & hot water. Castle Club Apartments. Yardley Area, Pa ALLENTOWN ne^r Cream Ridge. 2 bdrm apt on farm. S435 + utilities V AVAIL/feLE SEPT. 1 2 bdrm.. study, din. rm.. liv. rm. Alt util. ind. Security. Garage ind. $550/mo BEAUTIFUL LUXURIOUS townhouse in a country setting & 3 bedrooms available. Rentals stkrt from $395. Call ^688. CENTER Otr>rinceton 1 bdrm apt. air\off street parking, pvt entrance. $525 inds all utils. Pets ok. Avail, immed CENTRAL NASSAU Street low rent, available immediately FARMETTE - EAST MILLSTONE Owner selling home and (tn^ck/equipment/horse storage buildings on lovely 6-acre residential/agricultural setting. Beautiful 9-room home with office attached, plus 7-bay masonry building. 1-bay masonry building, and small masonry loafing-shed on 4-acres of excellent pasture and riding paddock. Gas and diesel pumps with in-ground tanks. All buildings in mint condition. Ideal for horsemen, nurserymen, landscapes florist, etc. Asking $277,000. Reasonable financing available We found a place near Princeton that's everything; we wanted in our first home. It has the standard features we were looking for...a private terrace, Fireplace, central air-conditioning, appliances and gas heat. It's called Windsor Mill and it's the nicest condominium community, with the best prices, in the whole area. Complete with a private swim and tennis club, a great clubhouse and terrific neighbors to share all the fun. ' And with prices from $53,990 and 12% mortgage financing, it's no wonder they've sold over 250 homes at Windsor Mill in the last two years. 37S Apts For Rent CENTER OF Princeton Boro 1 bdrm aptw/iiv. rm, large eat-in kit & study. Full bath, w/w carpet, air. no pets. Inds heat, water, gas, off street parking & pvt. entrance. $575 plus elec. Avail, immed DARIEN At NEW HOPE Ltd. Village II, 1 bdrm. apts, $35O/mo + electric; 2 bdrm townhouses $550/mo + electric EAST WINDSOR Village East Apts, Twin Rivers. Lovely, spacious, bright eff., 1 & 2 bdrm apts. W/W carpet, modern conveniences, individusi a/c & neal Pool, tennis courts & Twin Rivers facilities. Apt J-23 or call EAST WINDSOR Hampton Arms. Large rooms. Lovely garden apts. w/w carpet, air conditioned, heat & hot water included EFFICIENCY APT Washington Road, 1 large room with fireplace, furnished, all utils. ind, ideal for single occupancy. Avail, now, $395. Call Mrs. Bleacher, N.T. Callaway Realty S Apts For Rent JEwingTwp. DELAWARE HEIGHTS Luxury Garden Apis. On 29 North Showplace of New Jersey overlooking Delaware River. Many with finished basements BR Apt. From $390/Mo. Indudes heat, hot water, dishwasher, tennis court. Swimming pool at nominal cost DIRECTIONS: 1-95 south to Exit 1, take Rt. 29 No. to second exit on noht. - EWING TOWNSHIP 1 Bedroom $435 Rent indudes electricity, air conditioning, heat, pool privileges. Settle into our superbly maintained building set in beautiful wooded surroundings. Woodbrook House 865 Lower Ferry Rd FLORENCE CONDO 1 bdrm., Irg. rms. and closets, track lighting,' washer/dryer r garbage disposal, carpets, shutters, pool, tennis, close to parking. $ aft. 6pm. just moments from the heart of historical Princeton The ultimate in gracious living, this prestig- IOUV new complex offers spacious 1 and 2 BR apts. and rental townhouses of up to 1300 sq. feet. Exclusive luxury features include: Optional den w/custom wet bar Private entrance Color-coordinated^itchen Private balcony Immediate O ' MODELS O pancy DAILY PHONE Princeton Ave., Montgome after 4:30 ~ Come see what the excitement's all about... while you can still live this well for this little. Just take Route 1 North or South toward Princeton to Route 571. East on Route 571 toward Hightstown to Route 535 (Old Trenton Rd.) Turn left on Route 535 to Windsor Mill. Via Route 130: North or south on Route 130 toward Princeton, west on Route 571 (Princeton-Hightstown Road) to One Mile Road. Turn right on One Mile Road at McGraw Hill, to WindsorMill. Models open 11-5 daily and weekends. Closed Thursday. (609) NEW LUXURY HOMES FROM $ ^3-YEAR MTGS. and tf^-year MTGS.* 6 MILES FROM PRINCETON 'Based on a 30-year term HOBOKEN 41 Fint SI «. Hudson Hudson Mews 50% SOLD PRE HOLIDAY SPECIALS APT. la-duplex $91, BO. LR 21x14. Kitch 8x8, BR 12x15/12x9, Rec. RM 21x18. 2 bths. Working fireplace maint. $ APT. 3E-STUDI0 $86,125. BR area 10x10, LR 24x14. Kitch 7x5, bth, working fireplace maint. $ APT. 2F-1BR, $74,175. BR 12xi1.LR 17x14, DR 8x7. Kitch 8x6, working fireplace., maint. $ All ipts. newly renovated - 2 bl PATH. OPEN SAT. & SUN Wed. 3-7 Met Taylor Ofrennf by Prospectus onty Recycle this newspaper Choose your next apartment carefully... you'll live there for many years, consider the finest... ' i Robbinsville Rural setting with acres of breathing space around lovely apartments. Extra large rooms with wall-towall carpetings. Free parking for 2 cars. Convenient to all j highways. ;! ; SHARON ARMS Sharon Rd. across from the Country Club. Just east on Rte. 130 at Rte. 33 North of 1-95 at Exit 7A. N.J. Tpke. : Mr. Sheehan <l. East Windsor In the Princet^n- Hightstown area. Luxury garden apartments in quiet, suburban settings All have private balconies, spacious, well kept grounds. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Free off-strjeet : parking. Swim Club. WYNBROOK WEST Dutch Neck Rd. Mr. & Mrs. White BROOKWOOD GARDENS Hickory Corner Rd. Mr. Ptashinski CHESTNUT, WILLOW Ootchester Dr. Mf& Mrs.-Ellis Ewing Township,-^.i'ury apartmonti with private pools. Efficiencies! to oversized 2 bedrooms. Large rooms. Beautiful landscaping. Conveniently located. Free off-street parking. For future occupancy, call our Resident Managers..- WOODBROOK HOUSE 865 Lower Ferry Rd. 4 story elevator bkjg. Mr Laaari HIGHGATE j Olden Are. at Parkway Are. i 5 story.elentor bldg. Mr. & Mrs. Van OeWeghe ' EASTGATE 1505P,arksideA»e.. 2 story garden apts. Some. with private balconies and completely carpeted IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY PARKSIDE MANOR 1465 Parkside Ave., 2 story-garden Apts..' 8? i VERSAILLES \ 220SullhrMW»v! Opposite Trenton Country Club 2 story garden apto. Mr. Penjoto Property Manafeneflt I

28 Home Hunter's Guide 12 Week of Jifly 7-9, Apts For Rent 375 Apts For Rent 375 Apta For Rent OFFICE CONDOMINIUMS The Benefits of Ownership rf*c R«cam«ry TssActaftStt The Strategic Location > O» R«etc 3M, ttctyos from S*w Tor* and PkOatfrtpfcU by ear or train. Tea miaunrs fin Jwkctioa RaJtro Less tha* a mbe &o«o PrtecctuM Airport. t Princeton WaHJag dlkaace to m u a- M O N* TG O M 1{ R Y K N O I. I. CROSSROADS N CE The Pi Professional rnenvir ironment A nailmum of 48 offices clustered around landscaped courtyard*. Architectural design by the award-winning HUlier Group. Individual offices from 1500 to MM sq.ft. A variety of floor plans plus interior design services. Association with other profci- HIM ro **»tx> HOMES OF QUALITY REALTORS UPPER FREEHOLD $100,000. Owner going south. This lovely custom ranch has 4 brs.. 2 baths, full basement, woodbuming stove. Located in the country on a quiet lane. CaH for appointment. EAST WINDSOR $95,000. Just move right in. This gorgeous colonial is tastefully decorated and immaculately dean. The outstanding features are the brick fireplace in the family room. The finished basement, the superb kitchen. If qualified, assume the low mortgage on this home. A must to see! TWtl RIVERS $77,900. Unique townhouse located on the lake. Kitchen in ceramic tile and oak with cooking island and wet bar. Takeover the mortgage on this home if you are qualified. TWIN RIVERS $65,900. Spectacular view of the lake, cathedral ceiling in the livingroom. Balconied dining room and modem kitchen are just some of the features of this lovely home. Find out how you can assume this mortgage and arrange for secondary financing if qualified. Call us today for details. WINDSOR $59,900. Fantastic starter home or retirement home located on V? acre, featuring enclosed heated front porch, living room, dining room, modem kitchen, 2 brs. and expandable attic. 219 FranklKi St. Hightstown. N.J Lake Dr. E. Windsor Classified ads... the little ads with the BIG PUNCH FURNISHED THREE Room/4 room apt/cottage/ house with wall to wall carpeting,, paneling, a/c, equip, kitchen, colored TV radio, at motel in Windsor Hightstown area no lease from $160 per week FURNISHED APARTMENT in private home. Beautiful country setting, conveniently located. 10 minutes to Princeton. 3 large rooms and bath, private entrance, all utilities included at $500. No pets. Single professional preferred. Call HI&.SBORO 1 bdrm. Ht. & LAFAYETTE HOUSE Berhpt water paid. DW, ref., air. ikeley Sq. historic district hardwood floors, batoopy, /Convenient location overnice view, exc. loc., pool avail/ looking balcony, 24 hr. door- $440/mo. Avail, immed man, ideal for professional, bet 6-9pm only. & 2 bdrm. apts. from $355. HOPEWELL BORO 3 C " for apbdrms. +. $460 + utils. Also Pomtment 2Wrms. $420. No pets. LAMBERTVILLE - 2 bdrms; after 8om. deani carpeted No pets. IMMED. Rental - 3 rm. fum. fs^j"?- *JF*Ba " utils - apt! Pvt. home. Hamilton aft 7pm. $250/ LARGE BRIGHT - apt. in mo Hihtt Hightstown, duplex dl avail, early Aug... Call ^ 6,. to 9pm. not KINGSTON 2 bdrm/1 y 2 baths second floor. Avail weekends HAMILTON TWP Woodmere Apts. Hughes Drive, 1 & heat/central air. No pets. Call Bedrm Apts & Townhouses $600 + utils; Gas. LAWRENCEVILLE 1 & 2 2 Bedrooms, some/den Mrs. Bleacher, NX Callaway subject to availability. White J Realty PineDtots ADLERMAN CLICK 15 Spring St.. Princeton * Realtors & Insurors Sine* 1927 Our competent staff can show you any house in the area. OUTSTANDING VALUE - in Easl Windsor! 4 BR's, large LR, large DR, Family Room w/firep age, eat-in kitchen, central air, basement and 2 car garage onvz acre partially wooded lot. a must see and just reduced to 84,900. WASHINGTON TWP. CUSTOM - 2 story w/5 BR's - Beautifully Decorated. Owner Finacing avail, to qualified buyer * $164,90,0. CRANBURY CLEARBROOK ADULT CONDOS - Many models available with many extras. Carefree living. ^_From $74,500. to $98,000. HIGHTSTOWN TO CLOSE ESTATE - Victorian with 6 apts. & office space on 3.4 acres in Hightstown. Exceptional Financing avail, to Qualified buyer. Substantial Price Reduction NOW $179,900. WILL BUILT TO SUIT - On approx. 1 acre overlooking Peddie Lake. Ybur plans or ours. Your Lot or ours. Call for details. EAST WINDSOR. A BEAMED AND PANELED FAMILY ROOM W/FIREPLACE - Highlights this 3 BR, 2 Bath home in East Windsor. Central Air and Garage. NOW $82,900. ROOSEVELT RANCH - with 3 B/R's, new Texture III exterior. Kitchen/Dinette combination, bath, front and rear porches and attached garage. $58,900. JUST LISTED - CHARMING HOME on V 2 acre wooded lot Completely new, kitchen, dishwasher, self-cleaning oven refrigerator, tile bath, gas heat, garage. Outstanding cond. $58,500. Each Red Carpet Office Is Independently owned and operated. k T O N CHAfVMNG PWMCETON HOME. Lovely lot with mature landscaping, living roonvdrtng room with feeptace, den. eamn Jbicnen. 2 bedrooms and enclosed breezeway to garage. Open stairway to fui basement. pama&y finished Very convenient location $100,000. HOT TUB - PRIVATE DECK. Unique Princeton ranch with contemporary feel. Magnificent view from living room/dining room picture window of.grounds and brook. Financing at a tower rate available to qualified buyer. $155,000. C*«#i<»»*«* WANTH) NEW OWNER WITH FORESIGHT. This 3 bedroom ranch is a true sleeper. Living room mbi fireplace and French doors leading to spacious deck cwertootang large back yard, fun basement, eat-in kitchen CaJ now to see for yourself Its potential Princeton. 182,000. LAND BOUVONT DRIVE 2 more lots sold* Beautiful 2 acres of wood, al utimes, off Stuart Road. from $87,500. PRINCETON'S LITTLEBROOK 1.3 acres $89,000. PfUNCOQNS WESTERN SECTION 3 * wooded $85,000. MONTGOMERY 1 acre, approved perc. actots. 11 wooded zoned R15. Vb $106, acres zoned R2, V* at lots. $105,000. THE COLONIAL TRADITION. Victorian & country living combine their assets within the 5 bedroom centrally located Princeton Borough home. Outstanding features are large spacious rooms, high ceilings, fireplace, all natural wood trim, doors and floors. French doors galore. Truly a charming family home. / $229,000. CONDOMINIUMS HARRISON ST. 2 bedrooms, large living and dining rooms, spjendtd owner financing. $82,500. MAPLE ST. 3 bedrooms, newty decorated and next to park. Garage, 2 blocks to Nassau St. $99,000. VANDEVENTER ST. Queen Anne Victorian restored to retain its character and charm, renovated to offer all modern conveniences. Three unto, from $120,000. WIGGMS ST. Gracious old colonial. Renovated with private deck, central air large rooms and owner financing. (,_ $125,000 ELEGANT PRMCETONI CONDOMINIUM W19TH CENTURY MANSION - High ceilings, decorative motdings. modem kitchen. 3 BRs. 3Mt baths. 3 fireplaces. Fantastic buy at $225,000. Comforts you can live with... only 20 minutes from Princeton We've got Ae features, From custom country kitchens, energy-saving heat pumps and efficient insulation to tile baths, wall-to-wall,carpeting and masonry fireplaces the Style, Select from four charming Colonials and two contemporary ranchers the Setting, A 16-acre private suburban enclave bounded by peaceful streams and verdant woodlands, the Location,QnJDxford Valley Rd., just off 1-95 and the Price, from $84,900 14Vz% fixed rate, 25 year mortgages. W HAVE MANY OTHER LBTMGSM ALL PRCE RANGES AND ARE OF THE MERCER COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS MULTPLE USTMQ SERVICE. WE CAN SHOW YOU ANY HOME USTEDONTHEMAfirfT.aaJLTCOAYFORANAfVOtfTMENT. 342 N Princeton Crossroads Realty, Inc. a Street 1 Comer Harrison! Princeton Park in our lot. i CAL1 ANYTIME M OPEN 7 DAYS Tike 1-95 Sooth Exit 2SE Oxford Valley Mall (Sesame Place) Lett on to (Mori Valley Rd., 1.4 miles to entrance, f Samples open daily 10-5

29 Home Hunter's Guid Winfcaf JMr 7-t. I«D 13-B *>**&* **** Apt«For Rwt Apt» For Rent 37S Apts i=br Rent "» Apts For Rent GPKAT ROAD - AHiarg* * &hmrmmq otrre on m axr*y OCCORATC0 2 PtXXPiMX- «,» M» o«uttaq* St laftwncatt» -^oowr* «K. ** imk m*m O* NWMttt Si 2 IM/m 30 iwn, «am> o _. omm *w TWM RNCRS ACTS. mr fmm 4 VMO. otooa MS' pan *ar.»>w.r»«w-«^^^ 4 tftaasiw»9s«t NY Sae«" Qdnni in- mm dm*-, a JUNCTION - i mam -us aarm ttiiw alt! ittuwmu 3R **<»> met.net NNH 4 f&m. **mionm raenhmors ooow LU3EURYAPTS WrWOSORKCaEWCV ot iti eaai PRMCETON iwg at SSOOa morak Caf Ur OmZti or LPN I lo ahata apt\»*er*or oaoan at I topawa*. NJ Separate rooms 4 bafv Cal Mr Uanro «516-7B4-232S RMGOCS *00rt kiwtweumw 2 bdrm Ywd owgt. tmumu «tt- 1» 20I-3M-1923 SHORT TEHM Fun**** 1 bedroom. 1 parson *Jt. 1 mi. from Nassau Hal m historical bousa. No acnohng A no pals, natsranos* raquirad. $45OWo. CM ^225 aft. 5pm. TmjSV*XE 3 rm apt tor baehator wfltwtr vw«$365 par mo wtwal Avatfabia Juty 1st Caieo»-737-J38i. i TWIN RIVERS RartatBuy 1 bdrm condo wttx» apptartca*. rant $420 plus ufita: buy S «xi 367 or REMOKNTIAL TWIN RIVEMS * BR. 2V; B $67,900. GttlCCSTOWN J BR. I "*. B Hll?<CfcTON 2 FJOUIV 110,000. EAST WINDStMl 4 BR. 2v.- B 110,000. CRASBURY 3 BR. 2 B 115,000. KINGSTON -«BR. 2v, B inew> ,000. COMMERCIAL OlAMBfcRSBlRG Baker) Dcii 200,000. LOTS STATE ROAD - 17 Acrci. 45,000. HKATHfeR IJVNE 15 Acres Tl^K LANK 1.6 Acre* »* HdkWBUtfcO»«xi«t>«h tt%s octuojt* call \ nun M*.i*rr»w»*»» 7W-I North Main Street Cranbury. New Jersey (609) WESTGATE APTS cur- YARDLEY Luxury 2 bdrm rantfy haa 1 & 2 badroom duplex apt, washer/dryer, air, apt*, avatabia. Heat, hot garage. $475/mo watar.cootdng gas. and pool or pm. No Pats or D, ttecycle Windsor Regency Apartments...A nice place to live! Luxurious. Spacious Aportments 1 ft 2 Bedroom* from $380. ' Cooking gas Rant Includes: Heating gas t> Hot Water. ^ Patios & oofcon/es on off aparfn^ienfs. Some with central air. Office open Mon.-Fri. 104:30; Sat Phone ^2964 or Windsor Regency Apartments Garden View Terrace, East Windsor (% mil* ett ol tt. 130circle) OPBI HOUSE-Sun. July 11th 3 to 5 PM 69 Erdman Ave., Prfnceton IMMACULATE - 4 Bedrooms - centrally located - Finished Basement $125,000. Directions: Nassau St. to North on Harrison. Take 1st right (Hamilton), then 2nd left (Stanley) to right on Erdman. {SlADLERMANCLICK 15 Spring St., Princeton IRCDCARPCT coast to coast" Realtor* ft Insurers Sine* 1927 For All Area Listings MORTGAGES EQUITY ADVANCE AVAILABLE PROGRAM! QUALIFIED BUYERSWeichertASKABOUTOUR 'When the people of New Jersey think Real Estate...they think Weicherf' f 1 SPECIAL FINANCING SOUTH BRUNSWICK rs available to the quam«d buyer ol this large, 4 bedroom home set on a beautiful copier lot Relax this summer in the irvground heated pool and on the enclosed patio. S SBO028 South Brunswick Office I OPEN EVERY SAT. 'AND SUN., 1-5 RM. MONTGOMERY TWP. Come visit Williamsburg Estates and see this 2 story, newly constructed Colonial. Home abounds with fine features such as" 2 fireplaces, family room and kitchen eating area deck in rear, 4 bedrooms, and 2% baths $167,500. PR Directions: Rt miles north of Rocky Hill, right on Platz Dr., right on Charleston Or., left on Williamsburg Ct Princeton Office t:. BROOKSIDE SQUARE HILLSBOROUGH TWP. Take the step up to an incomparable lifestyle in these high quality Townnouses in a scenic area of Hillsborough Twp. Enjoy all the benefits of home ownership without the maintenance chores! FHA and VA financing available to qualified buyers. Very reasonably priced, too. ' Hillsborough Office of HOME! TWS BEMITY SNT SKM 0EB>! Trw man who budt tw 4 OtOftJom r«om» wi W««Wrxttor was»uwy. you can Ml Jsy «tj hamaom* eztanor John ASord was Hussy about rmv O«*tt loo For tumplt: targe *>aat loy«r. loaoous tanmfy room w«h ston* (replace. dansi mokkng. bseutrtu hardwood floors, sa d doors and central ar A tantasftc bnck pabo ng «t 34 acres a a ptesiam addrbon FAR AWAY FROM IT MONTGOMERY 7WP. Prtvatefy set on 1.39 qmel rural acres, yet only 10 minutes to Princeton, this 3 bedroom Contemporary style Ranch has a lovely screened porch, large living room with raised heart h fireplace and central air for summer Ume comfort S PR Princeton Office i-l EASY CARE FRANKUN TWP. The aluminum siding of this 4 bedroom home affords low maintenance, while the lovely landscaping, wooden deck fantastic rec room, and den offer comfortable living. $89,900. S&0019. South Brunswick Office BEDROOM CONDO TWIN RIVERS Enjoy acarefree lifestyle in this highlyartraclive, tastefully decorated Condowith 2 baths, community pool, tennis, clubhouse and easy commuting to N.Y.C. Fantastic value at S PR Princeton Office un w* a ssr^t tmmmj w #* west rt FiVtdPiincAsn iwrw me m &mr**ms 7 am 5»ir*?» STMLMBSM a* i*»j»f #aae ttes laadnq «a Me Ac *rntf earbwar^ «amy 2 a*» 0000 Mar»» «HTM mm 3 owtaawm. 2-» S * 900 g M i»«epm«e t/umme as a gooc B mmm* *m 3 S**swm. 2*» Sue** 8*few* «> A HOME UKE TWS CAN BE BUB-T FOR YOU iranrwc cvawy «e*dent r> tiase tounous custom r«ma«id be butt on wooded lots m Prmceion Junction. Cat u» tor an woortrwrt to see»>e modeir and meet NT* ne bumer to dewgn your dream home together. ftnanong ******* From SI % FMANCMO F YOU WANT TO 0O TMMQS. tw mnm you see **s youl say "here s a house wars adapiabte" *s tr^ ideal buy tor anyone who can see real potent* Located m East Windsor, «has 4 bettoom*. «i beffn tormat *»ng room and dnng naom. lam*y room, eat-m Mchen. oarsge and very «l A good buy #» a gu>et hxaaon S AH QtCBOJEMT BUY a ifw m«v 3 badroom home in nawmort A Mvp* eat-vt Mohan, tormat tang and 4hnma coom. lamty room. 2 car oarage and central air netp to make «an sucatam buy NOW SSS.900. MOSETTMO where beauty surrounds you at tas deigmm 5'oedroom. 3'^ bam expanded ranch «East Wftndsor Stretch em»twi SPSCTOMS house teali,nno amnp doors In na parqum aoorvd dnra room to a lowtfy oovarad waoa sxm M «raaadhaary Wpiaca m yy tvtry von, navrty oaooraiad aai^n loicfian. carpalad^,faiiwjy ioor«. anawm toyat and much mor* S981S0O. tntm. FMMCMG to ouamad twyars from amang wongaoja homar Cai tor datat LBfT VALUE Immaculaia 4 bedroom, 2v> baft home on a quei street n West Windsor Large room. ca. 2<ar garage and now 13 3^4% owner ng lor 3 3) years w«n 30% down lo ouamsd buyers $127,900. AUOOATfS.INC DJENER REALTORS Rd Cat 1-OXM ExL O40 In the US. BELOW RATE FINANCING LAWRENCEVILLE- is available to the qualh fied buyer of this styhsh 2 bedroom Townhouse, tesstha/i 1 year old, with family room, convenient garage, comfortable central air and accessibility to tennis and pool $85,600 PR Princeton Office OLDER CHARM MANVILLE-Enjoy living the good old life in this 4 bedroom older Colonial with aluminum siding. 7 rooms in all, 1 % baths and a 1 car detached.garage are included in this conveniently located home. $55,000. H&8608. HiOsborough Office BELOW MARKET FRANKLIN TWP year financing, 3 points, is available to the qualified buyer of this beautiful custom home in the desirable Griggstown area 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a full basement complete this home. $102,500. S&0Q38. South Brannvick Office %ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE FRAN KUN TWP....with a balance of S is available td the qualified buyer ol this comfortable Cape Cod set on a landscaped lawn. Home features 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car attached garage, and more. Come see! S77,000. HB Hlllsborough Office *4% ASSUMABLE SOUTH BRUNSWICK- mortgage of approx S32.000, 1 point is available to the qualified buyer of this Dayton Square Condo featuring family room with kitchen, living room with dining quarter and closed in patio for outdoor enjoyment $67,000. PR Princeton Office )300 FAMILY AREA HILLSBOROUGH The comfortable friendly neighborhood befits this large 9 room home set on a mature treed lot In excellent condition, this home offers S bedrooms, 2% baths and a great atmosphere $105,900 H& Hillsborough Office tt% ASSUMPTION SOUTH BRUNSWICK is available to the qualified buyer of this 3/4 bedroom home, which backs up to the woods. Spacious family room, new roof, and a lovely screened porch are all beautiful features. $74,900. S&0036. South Brunswick Office WASHINGTON KNOLL at Rocky Hill Outstanding Townhouse living and excellent value are offered in this small community located on scenic property near Princeton. 2 and 3 bedroom models with fireplace in sunken living room, formal dining room and private courtyard ofl screened porch are available. From $121,900. HB Direction*: From Princeton. Rt. 206 N lo right on Rt v«mi. to right on Young Dr.. sign. Hillsborough Office % ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE MANVILLE...is available to the qualified buyer of this expanded Gape"with full basement, comfortable central air, 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Don't hesitate on this fine opportunity. Owner is; eager. $68,900. HB : I. " ' Hillsborough Office TO BE BUILT BRIDGEWATER Don't miss your opportunity to own a beautiful new Ranch featuring quality construction, 3 bedrooms, 1 car attached garage and city utilities. Builder will offer allowances. $79,900. HB Hillsborough Office Offices Open 9 a.nx-9 p.m. Weichert Realtors OFFICES THROUGHOUT MEW JERSEY All offerings are subject to errors and omissions

30 Home Hunter's Guide 14-B Week of July 7-9, 1982 Al*«w Way To Buy A Home! n Watch IMMMM H» PACKET M w HOME Huma? wb*3 S* OU1D ffjmmi Monday. Tuesday & Wednesday f2moon and Monday & Tuesday 7*0 PU on STO«f9 C ABU CHAMNB. 8 fifii1 fdfcs a W Tcxjf o* the Area's finest Barnes for Safe as guesrs o* flhe following local Peoiicxs; DeinerReal Estate Realty World. Audrey Short. Inc. Country Heritage Real Estate Richardson Real Estate. Karwtn Real Estate Weidet ReaJ Estate HAPPY TV HOME HUNTING! Classified ads reaefi 30,000 families weekly. R/CHARDSON RfALTORS TWIN RIVERS IN - AST WNDSOR TWP. Of«M HOUSE SUNDAY, JULY 11 V4*mM»t S7S AptsForFtant For Rent SPECIAL FINANCING UtWftCNCEVtU-E eafcw current rate fcuuiongu«v»itabtoto i H d b t tm* bedroom home f t on2.64 acres w«h enwice. Vm datinctfve home leetures a greenhouse. darvoom and many extras. S PRfl 111. Princeton Office ASK ABOUT OU*TMKIN/ OMIMTEED SALES flaji WEST WINDSOR Weichert Realtors 380 Houses For Rent 380 Houses For Rent 380 Houses For Rent 380 Houses For Rent YMVXEY 0UP1EX D»- mm, taqpnd toor. 2 2 bsv\ 9v rftt» <9n rm» CUNTON AREA Ww'ra EAST WMDSOR FURNITURED THREE HAMILTON SQ. lovely IMMACULATE. PRETTY laundry, gang*, wfw, air. rtd d W t I*av4ng our lovary horn* aftar 4 badroom Colonial In lovely Room/4 room apt/cottage & area, 8 rooms, 2 baths, fpl., Rental in Lawrenceville. 4 9 ym.li would ( to rani it toommunity, ajr oond, % acre. house with wall to wall carpeting. paneling, a/c. equip, deadend street. Uv rm with end. porch. Avail. 9/1. $600. bdrm., 2V4 bath Colonial on ConwanNnl lo flopping Mno would ap- $750 mo. 1 year lease. 1V4 K lha way wa do. 3mOnuiS SVCUfny. kitchen, colored TV radio., in A M i» fall $510 HIGHTSTOWN private beamed ceiling and Heatolator fireplace, separate din- a bdrm Ranch on ZS acraa w«i Windsor Hightstown area no KiHMeXMI after flpm. house with parking in yard, for vtaw. 4 car garaga, V4 mto FOR RENT By Owner 3-4 lease from $150 per week. couple. $450/mon.+ utils. ing rm, eat-in kitchen, fam rm, hom 178. Aval, around Oet 1. * Hom lor Rent bdrm. hous# In Prtncoton attached garage, full bsmt SiOOOVrno. Cal blocks from NYC bus, 2 fun gas hot water and heat. 4 BEDROOM Hal Hoot* bat* pm. bsths, wbsh6f/<ty8f, rofrig., GLENDALE SECTION-f Ewing Twp. 3 bdrm, laundry House 3 bdrm; horse bam, drapes, many extras. Lovely HILLSBOROUGH FARM Wall-to-wall carpeting, taootnon. Famlyonry. 80»- COZY 2 BORM Oupiex dtehwasher. cant air. $850/ 24 aflar torn. Aval. Jury 15 In Hopewel. mo. Principals only. Please room, finished basement, garage, basement, workshop. yard and neighborhood. Convenient to 1-295, walk to CROSSWCKS Charming $41S/month call aft. fenced yard. Very dean. $600 + util yr old 2 bdmt country tor Mo. 530pm. $525/mon + utils HOUSE 1800S( on Route 1 NY-Trenton bus. $750/mo eves or ttoma. Inctts. modern Ml* near Quakerbrkkje Mall. Suitable for professional offices or Avail. Aug EAST WWOSOfi Lg bright RDRRESTAL VILLAGE onan. pnvw yara. pooi 2 bdrm house, satin kitchen. furnished, beautiful & spac- townhouse avail, from HAMILTON SQUARE ; residence. 1 Vi acre, side with ple or family. Pool, pvt PRINCETON TWP to cou- pn»iag>i, $450 * uh. Avail. garaga. $550vmo. Cat 201-ious Aug. 1. Ca« Aug bdrms, study, den, Lovely 4 bdrm. 2V4 B Colonial parking garage and avail. grounds, $950/mo furnished tv. rm, din. rm, kit, full bsmt. with Ir. dr. fr. large kitchen sf storage bldg. $1100/ or $850 unfurn. Substantial Pool & tennis courts avail. car gar and basement on desirable dead end street. LAWRENCEVILLE Fur-lege aged daughter's room for mo^call eve. reduction if we can keep col- Rant S1150/mo. inds housekeeping but does not ind. $700/mo, avail. July 15. J.T> nished 3-bdrm townhouse, uttts. Call Terry Boyer Realty, Realtor $900/mo plus utilities. Call & leave a message Arthur, aft 6pm. Not out of the way. Just out of the ordinary. A limited number of 74V2% fixed rate 25 year mortgages now available. Most models $85,400 y Realty Engineering Company Daily U am-6pm (215) Route 1 South to Route 413 North. Left i t Route 213 South. 1 mile to entrance: holiday use and for care of 2 cats PRINCETON TWP Unfurn 4 bdrm 2 V6 baths, fam. area, near N.Y. bus. Sept-June. $800 +" PERFECT LIFESTYLE Summit Trace is the perfect place In Bucks County lor young professionals or mature couples. It's maintenance-free living with all the latest comforts and luxury amenities, including a private patio or balcony, swim club, tennis courts, and a Newtown location that's convenient to shopping and restaurants. And you're still only 45 minutes from Princeton, 5 minutes from 1-95 and the commuter train. PERFECT PLACE One-bedroom apartments from $380 Two-bedrooms from $430 Phone: (215) Hours: Mon-Fri 9 to 6PM. Sat 4 Sun It 16 6PM Directions From 1-95 exit on Rt 332. Yardley/Newtown. west on 332 into Newtown. then left on State St. to Douolewoods Rd at Newtown Bypass. Lett la Summit tmioo. Mop of for coaaaj and cajval Folio* our signs lo this lovely vy 2 twooom.? oaffi ndo d «i to* tov*y Avon g mpmq.mc*w i ioo». 5 appliances, all window IS pooai,, imna courti* rf^oott and AL $129,900. immacuala 4-badroom home m Prtncelon ivy. Tasta4u*V decorated. 14% owner nanang w«h 1/3 down. 10 year balloon.! -",. WAUC TO THE STORE Ftom *wj Outd 12«eo>oom tc«nhous«no y hrwftad emstnetw T»O oncfc paao QBDCD * i titu'a FMA mongage on NM«WUS«. ««h Pfri of $744 Sawt *«a*r»f $300 PS> montfn py#f a REAL ESTATE -t» tzatooo HOPEWELL- <ttkis»m «e*a--xima. a** earns., ice* «* 2 OMM 8MGLE FMMLY SSI ODD. *tmum»wkb Vary <* w 5^edroom. 2'^ b > how Two (MMKQOMK.? (MMfiax. Ml ctom ID Kf<ooi and nee jjniiwi'i. tnefted beaemen TOtmtX saaoo ontorr TOWAAO COSTS HAMtTOM- SS7.B00. HOT Country Oy*> «4r% 3>VfAA SALLOON AVA«U«LC to OUAUMED mnm RICHARDSON ooa.»*% pa»raad ayianor. tancad faicl Svmg foonv aafnn kaicnan. tamly *OOHV 4 bao^ooms and i^ baffiav HaaMonSquara Custom built Ranch features' 3 badppoma, 1^* baffa. bnck traptaua n stung «oom and an eei-«i knchen Oueade comptataty s u w u n Hded and a mtmooa dee* Ownar «he*) w«h MtncfccuaeomRan^ihoi Stft.900. m IIMI JH»» un^ ivdni nil m- ptaoat, dtrwu 10am. MMn UKtwri. and dan w tampy loom. 3 hm» bedroorm me 3 Mf«' Om «ho6monaaa»m BCNFORO ESTATES S114,900. Shmrwig 4-badroom colonial on parbaby wooded lot. New carpeting, newly parted ftraptace and central air. Great lor commuters HOPEWBX SCHOOLS $72,500. Vary wel kept home on tovetylot borderedbysmaa stream. Beameo ceiling in family room. 4 bedrooms. 1 % bafts 14% 3-year, balloon mortgage avaiabte lo quamad buyer. -HK3HTSTOVW- AFTOnOABLE $47,000. Ths otter Hghistown home may be w«h*» your means even in today's martiet Three bedrooms, large krichen. enclosed porch, aluminum siding, new hsasng system. EAST WINDSOR op f JXSSS AY 118 HMO EVENINGS PRINCETON JCT. HAMO.TOM SQUARE ronuvinc*i Got a gripe or a compliment? Write your editor. [ LAWRENCE TWP. 3 bedroom Cape on PA acres parklike setting. Some of the features include 2 fireplaces and garage w/workshop. Offered at (88,500 A MOST TEMPTING BUY is our 3 bedroom Ranch in East Windsor with family room, fireplace, central air and deck. Mortgage money available to qualified buyer [ at below market rate. (87,900 j PERFECT IN EVERY WAY is our 4 bedroom, 2Vz bath Plainsboro Twp. Colonial with an ideal floor plan for entertaining and family fun. This warm and inviting boasts all the modern amenities. $129,000 I WEST WINDSOR TWP. 4 bedroom. l x h bath Colonial is a commuters' delight. Located within walking distance of trains, schools & shops and loaded with special features. $139,000 CONVENIENT LOCATION AND IN IMMACULATE CON- DITION is our 4 bedroom Colonial in Welling Estates, West Windsor Twp. within walking distance of the train. Central air, fireplace and underground sprinkler are some of the special features. Priced to sell at only I $135,000 "IN-LAW SUITE" or septate living quarters is just one I of the spectacular features of this 6 + bedroom, 3V? bath home located in the heart of West Windsor. Large screened porch, central air. fireplace, and beautifully I landscaped lot are just some of the others, $184,800 IMMACULATE THREE BEDROOM DETACHED Colonial, ideally located in Twin Rivers featuring oak hardwood. floor in family room and fenced-in back yard. -' $80,000 SPACIOUS EXPANDED RANCH in Hickory Acres, East Windsor Twp. offering 5 bedrooms, 3& baths, central air, and partially finished basement. $95,000 14% FINANCING AVAILABLE, to qualified buyer (app.bal. $47,000, 4 pts,, 7 yr. bal/30 yr. payout) on our outstanding 3, bedroom, Vh bath East Windsor Townhouse. All appliances included. $71,900 See Our Listings on Cable TV 4 BEDROOM, V/t BATH HOME ON QUIET CUL-DE-SAC located in West Windsor Twp. Walk to train, schools, & shops. Owner will buy-down mortgage for qualified buyer. $110,0001 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS. Hamilton Twp. 3 bedroom Col- [ onial in mint condition with central air, full brick wall fireplace, wall to wall carpeting and many additional extras. $86,900 ELEGANT COLONIAL MOVE IN CONDITION located in Plainsboro features 4 bedrooms, Vh baths with' central air, brick fireplace in family room, tastefully decorated, all awaiting your inspection. $109,000 j ^N, ull 50 Princeton-Hightstown Road, Princeton Junction, NJ For complete dttaib, obtain a cow of the service contract from oar ERA Real Estate Off ice. Each office independently qyvned and operated., M«mb«rt t* M*rc»r and Middlesex County Multiple listing Services and Princeton Real Estate Group OPEN EVERY DAY

31 Home Hunter's Guide ma 15-B For Rant For Rsnt pmmcxttm wmmoum mmana* tan **> wcttowgcawo cca» Mmt 2' % oafta. ****. WBOdt Hliiinwi St. mm to» Duaaaa. 2 badtpomt. aw>o ikwmea. «car««r«e»um»tf r O K M, tfwcprv. MT «t> Rxm, dnng mm. dan. powltawwaomrt *-ahao» graa* ta* W<» carpattig kactwn. i baas. partaty»sat«i.ontorimo finnl»*d bamkwhit. (l«ck. V n «Mk «> yw«am»0m*am3mtimkv- good toad backyard and garm waxi * -* M» #» dapoa* Sa7S par morm ag* Anal, Au»,iSit. Cat toeamem 2 Mm «ws*. ESTABUSHED LOCATION: OFF STRKT-PARWNG om IRft #206 6 nawm, 2 fcafhsl CAC piac«. bmmtmwnt Wood cxffwtfraj c«*ng N*» jj»y (fagftfis m horn Was, many buihro PROPERTY MANAGElafMT LEAVE YOUR wtpacftat. HOME OR MVESTMENT PWOPCffTY M CAPABLE HHtflct S129O Cai HANDS. 20 YRS EXPERT mtamnr Ciita n. ENCE JT Soy«r Raa«y. «0»«rt-10SO tomhi-tbca ft - acres* MSawrt house cottage, oubuftftings, and * smart! twuse 250,000. CENTURY 21 Krol, Realtors M2-5OOC 5* SPECIAUST IN CORPORATE RELOCATION and $700 WASHIWOTOW STREET, ROCfcy HMI 4MMK3^O0fV> Cot* omil fft wvlttnq Attinct ol moopntp. wary. DUB. «K (*4»»Ca*»t OtfiC*» >!* >* aflmq, afltjmlqaal O9t Avtri no* tasomontt ummii. forrestal V1XACC - own An a S- now, S90O ^lofvn * uaaaaa a> t^o^^^f mem * {HMOi and o*****» yvit, * ftl«2 lor SlOOOnwrtft REM0AU.-COOK ft CO. Ouarr Me* yw& 2 BR and dan. L» an iracmct. OR gwaga mtt» naraq*. Ml Mtamam. to- «2 mortrt iaaa«., $790 pa* *f Welcome to a vibrant new lifestyle in Yardley in YauH fed great about living at The Village at Heacock Meadows. This refreshing community of quality-built, energy-efficient, luxury condominiums will soon be enhanced by a pool and clubhouse to continue the carefree lifestyle. Remarkable 25-year fixed rate financing! As low as 5% down! '10% 11% 12% 13% tat year 2nd year 3rd year $58,990 to $75,490 Samples open daily 12-5PM. (215) or Call collect.»iiji». VAPR IS cuh <town- remaining 22 years Yardley, PA Take 195 South to Newiuwti Exit Bear right «nd Uke 332 West to Sony Hill Rd. ('A milel«traffic bgrtfl Go Ml on Stony Hill Rd. about I mile, go past Yardley-Langhorne Rd. (traftr fc«wi lo Cardinal Drive Turn right to samples ( /< mile). ^ IG? GftftNOfl PRK HOmCXl WE1DEL [RICHARD A.I CORP. REALTORS WHEN THE QUESTION IS REAL ESTATE... THE ANSWER IS WEIDEL wo CHECK YARDLEY COMMONS NOW YOU QAN AFFORD AN EXCLUSIVE YARDLEY HOME. From the mid 40's. Active lifestyle featuring swimming pool and clubhouse. Beautiful country living amid trees and rolling hills.. 9%%* Interest with 5% down. OPEN HOUSE TODAY YARDLEY COMMONS : CONDOMINIUMS 300 South Main Street -.,.', Yardley, Pennsylvania ! j. (215) JMon.-Fri. 10-6, Sat./Sun, 12-5 From 1-95 (NowtowTi Exit), take 332 East u> Yardley. Turn right on Main Street' and watch for our signs.».'". '5% down $2, mo. prin. & int. payments of $ ea. prin. hal. of $42, due after 3 yrv sufrj. to purchaser's right to renew at then current market rate. MARC EQUITY. > AN INVESTMENT IN A LIFESTYLE. FOR SERVICE BACKED BY EXPERIENCE CALLWEIDEL amlf ttom> A if **n»i:»mii iwtn mmm t immt win wessui Itnmiii Mcnur Wnf ujmt-, f Nnisgaiw *««ni*r mra tltlmi :M-K*t 'nxmiwi* ) Imtm 7 til* Y: '.'.-, if W7JM ITTUCrm nukik otiertd to qualified buyer 1st MortntMt Hv,.\ - 2nd Mort{«(e it 10% This spacious i Brtroora. Hictory Acfts Coionul «nth 2'/, baths, family raara md full basenvtnt u one of today's Best BUYS at ' H NEW USTING-PRIMCETON ADDRESS Nestled into 3 7 acres in North Lawrence Township, this delightful 3 year old contemporary parades.9 spacious rooms. 2V? baths, including a 16x13 formal dining room, gourmet kitchen! living room 21'x36'. a great property priced to sell quickly at $225,000. LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP-TWIN PONDS ESTATES Here in this fine executive community we offer-you this landsome 8 room, Vh bath colonial with 4 bedrooms, family room with fireplace, elegant formal dining room. professionally landscaped lot. central air conditioning'. Mint edition inside and out. $132,500. j with nine rooms half baths. tasted basement two fireplaces and ouitt( with charm Mdx* h«s bamwood paneled cabinets, breakfast nook. tar bedrooms on second floor, fifth on third floor and all in ekeflect condition Realtf somethw special see it now at JJS.50P MWIK.maun «i«mr "Uwr KHMKC wr *i«w in :9mJi«witni uiir iw«'«if It A Mi til- aexgamm mam Z&mit Uot tf* MM «O»tri * ttrw jr*<* M!»» Jam* flhn ) th : S*T» K?MW<«wnit nwi mm GHrwi Mill tt «mm m m.,n * m i Ut NEW USTINB-HOPEWEU TOWNSHIP Near Western Electric and Mobil Oil on 2.76 acres. 7 rooms. 3 or 4 bedrooms, screened porch, ideal for a young family to live "The country life", and not too far out. $ 9,900. "HARMONY HOLLOW FARM" 42.5 acres in the beautiful Harbourton Hills of Hopewell Township, circa 1804 with rooms. 5'/? baths, separate in-law apartment or gardener's quarters. Includes pool, tennis court. 3 car garage, large 2 story bam with 14 box stalls, tack room and lounge, squash court, new 25 box stall barn presently housing standard breds. $535,000. jh(t )th)!«i BUI FM IMDO-MOCHTU or for the large family. located «HAydt Tenace. Washm(ton T«p This two level keaie oam be wed beautifully in either way with its five bednoas tttnt baths famrfy room and deck outside the eat«i kitchen Mcefy landscaped with wooded backyard males Win a value packed home for injml NEW USTMG-FIEUISTONE RANCH Absolutely beautiful with natural stained woodwork, Quakermaid kitchen. 2 full baths. 19'5x25'10 family room with wet bar and refrigerator, large screened patio with flagstone floor, overlooks a targe wooded area in West Amwell Township. $105,000. EAST ACRES DRIVE-HOPEWEU TOWNSHIP Near the popular "Elm Ridg^-Park". with 8 rooms. Vh baths, central vacuuming/ central air conditioning, large screened patio acres, professionally landscaped, immediate possession. $179,900. PRINCETON OFFICE CU ua«ncukim at t t nont ti»iq» IV, frnst mm wtt IwaHcr CtOaU tssmmi to qulrfied buyer Assume the VA aorttatt at HV,\ and no points Thn ten month HOT hooe teatww double own. (HCQUCC in Family Room. astral catpetmt tfwowthout and freshly painted Situated ta a preferred W «PUmbonis "Pnnceton Collection" Caa* a«d am*** valves. JUST USTEO at J1I1J81 NEW USim-MmTftM VIEW AREA Within walking distance of a great public golf course and indoor tennis center in North Ewing: with 9 rooms. 2V7 baths. 4 bedrooms, and spotless inside and out. $93,500. TWELVE OFFICES NEW JERSEY PENNSYLVANIA LAWRENCEVILLE OFFICE 2681 MM SC. UmcnccviBe, NJ. Call EAST WINDSOR OFFICE Rte Princeton Road Call PENNINGTON OFFICE No. 2 Highway 31, Pennington, N.J * (TOWN AND COUNTRY SPECIALISTS SINCE NEW USTIN6 FOR THE DEVELOPER Pennington Bora - Hopewell Township charming old Georgian Colonial Circa 1825 with 16 + rooms. Vh baths, (presently 2 family) plus tenant house with 7 room. 2 bath. ' 28 lot approved subdivision with water, sewer and" gas (Pennington sewer plant now under construction) plus 50 + acres in Hopewell Township for future development -' attractive financing for the right person. Call for details...

32 Home Hunter's Guide Ife-B Week of July 7-9, 1982 Corporate Relocation Specialists i m,m COLOHMM s en*, r. mm, fete,. * cat 9mm **t Speotf Bwr To««r"» *pee»»f smwo. CAST' WCMM U3M«^>*0««aoe»n«Se*«e.«w»^«9e»ir» HAMaVTON COLONIAL tovetf 3 Bawswacwn, wfii>paania'«oe > 'W! e#i.. 2? saa*y w*0* aura INUM*. dwwq wacm. erwesee" surt POWlJ^i. iqlffw',,. W'W} HOOW* iflmatk RWCNlCfll,. BMSaT* fftwnl! «P0 ffpwcpf iifimrii v n w a4wom»% Matoa EAST WINDSOR MEW US I MOM- ULTRA apeoat Cotoraaf * Caat VWndeor N i s i ona-d-a-und any- rfmme* Beamed uftra modern country uwo" poof aecfr' Y prwacy m rear redbvtgm- SlilOOO. lawhbcgvjule MMMRCEMT MSTOMCAL HOME Htt«(MKi'ooms and four-and-a-half UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to PRJNCCTON AREA BEMFOflD ESTATES lovaiy 4 Bedroom, it baefcyard y 2 car ' Oota lo WV. mools end shoppng. 'CM uf tor mot* data** S119,000. HAMLTON HanKeme 4 BOR Cot «*h azt ft»>o-io-«*ar LR torn* OR. oaawtvo^avmnq sin' "«. HMVI ip ano taovig Coot% to!" 17*20 oalio. finished S*t«ni Central ait & gat heat «M.500. HKSKTSTOWM JACULOTB WBX MAAXTAJNED oidar 3 badroomctitor^ <aanio««fy large dribx y room. 3ns floor ga pw.. and a baauaw Ca«tot an appo««nant LAWRENCE JUST LISTED THIS CHARMING 3 bedroom el brick Lawrence cape in excater* condfcon. Living room, large formal dnng room, modem eat-in kitchen, full basement. 1 car garage and enclosed porch for summer fun! ALL FINANCING S PENMNOTON Just fated in Penntngion, a Hunt and Augustine contemporary with 4 bedrooms, 2v» baths. l * T y ^pf*" wrtn b " clt fveplace. garden room, balcony, study* loft, pro- essionaty landscaped, brick patio, inner courtyard. A great familyhpme. $200,000. PRMCETON The Best of both worlds. PRINCETON and a Pdureeque Country setting, on 2.88 acres of woods, creek and bam. This 9 month om) Custom Georgian alt brick Rancher featuring: Famtfy room with fireplace, plus Flagstone Porch for Gracious Living. $333,000. TWM RIVERS END UNTT Townhouse in East Windsor with exceptional privacy, three bedrooms, extra large landscaped patio, upgraded carpeting. al to* and more for $09,900. Cafl today for EWMG NEW CONSTRUCTION Lovely Ewing Dutch Colonial offenng ultra kitchen family room combo, large fmng room, formal dining room. 3 specious bedrooms. 2'/r baths. laundry, foyer, mudroom and basement (Warranty wmh Homef) $69,900. ^Fox CSiFLazo REALTORS AND INSURORS EQUOI Houim Mowilton bu 1? Bnnicniov.n Houses For Rent Summer On Cleveland Leftet Princeton * Living room, dmng room, kitchen, study, five bedrooms, four baths. Available immediately untl September 1st $1200 per month plus utilities. Wneaftsneej Lane, Prince* ton Charming apartment, living room with picture window and fireplace, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, overlooking brook. No children or pets. Furnished. Available September 1st. $630 per month including utilities. teveraoe unve, r*nnceton Beautiful apartment Irving room, dining room with deck, modem kitchen, two bedrooms, two baths. No small children or pets. Furnished. Available August 1st until November 30th. $850 per month plus utilities. Province line Road, Lawrence Living room, dining area, kitchen, den. three bedrooms, three baths. Unfurnished. Available immediately until 6/30/83. $850 per month plus utilities. Stewardaon-Oougtiei ty Reel Estate 366 Nassau St. Princeton, N.J Houses For Rent RANCH 3 bedroom, Aug1, 82, $550 plus utilities. StuNs Realty Co. 37 N. Mail St. Cranbury, N.J ROCKY HILL 1 bedroom house. Can after 4pm.. SPRING LAKE. NJ 1 bdrm cottage. Walk to ocean & shops. July $1000 or $350/ wk. Minimum 2 vyks or TWIN RIVERS 3 bdrm. s/ievel, fin base, new carpet, a/c, w/d. Walk school/ groceries. NYC bus. $610/mon + utils (includes trust). Avail TWIN RIVERS 3 bdrm townhouse, $575 per month plus Utils TWIN RIVERS 2 bdrm., twnhse., cent, air., exc. cond. Aug. 1 occupancy. $550 per mo evenings. 380 Houses For Rent TWIN RIVERS 2 bdrm. spltt, finished basement best location, new carpet. $595 plus util UNIV. HGTS. Ham. Twp lovely 3 bdrm Col. Itv. rm, din. rm. fam. rm. 2-car gar, a/c, $600/mo REAL ESTATE 32 Chambers St. 380 Houses For Rent Cal Us For Your BARNEGAT LIGHT Ocean TWIN RIVERS New 3 BR Rental Needs side, 3 bdrm duplex, washer/ townhouse. Central air, dw, WANTED TO RENT with dryer. July 3-10, Aug',28- washer, dryer. LR, OR, den, option to buy. 4 bdrm., 2 carsept.4, rest of Sept; 609- swimming, tennis, fenced garage. Approx. $700/mo yard. $600/mo. Avail. Oct. 15. Within 4 mi. radius of For restal campus. Fall occupancy. Write: House, 49 Park Place, Princeton. NJ WEST WINDSOR newly built 4 bdrm 2 '/i bath colonial near high school. Gas heat/ central air. Avail 8-1. No Pets. Call Mrs. Callaway Realty WEST WINDSOR 4 bdrm, 2 '/? bath colonial, central air, w/w carpet, walk to trains & schools. $800/mon + utils. Avail Oct YARDLEY Luxury duplex, 2 bdrms /i baths, cent, air, w/w carpeting, all appliances, garage, tennis courts. No pets. $440/mo. + util. Avail. Aug Resort Properties ATLANTIC CITY Vicinity Brigantine 4rm. + deck. Weekly. $260. At beach , even'gs. BARNEGAT LIGHT new condo, bay view. 1 bdrm, sleeps 4. Weekly rental. Day ; eves ; wknd BARNEGAT LIGHT Oceanfr., contemp. 3BR, Bleacher, N.T. Aug.-Sept aft. July Leonard Van Hise Agency LOVELY CRANBURY HOME, in beautiful condition w/8 spacious rooms, including 4 bedrooms and 1 Vz baths. Country kitchen w ample cabinet and counter space. 25x15 family room w/exposed ceiling beams and brick fireplace. 4 zone heating; 2 car attached garage: large comer lot w/old shade trees. Owner willing to help finance. $13Z000. EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP: Lovely 4 bedroom split colonial. Owner offering 75% mortgage at 13%% interest to a qualified buyer. $104, APARTMENT HOUSE + COTTAGE: Nice income package. West Windsor Twp..Good condition. Income, expense and mortgage figures available. $87,000. BEACH HAVEN bayside duplex. 3 bdrm, 1 v 2 baths, dishwasher, washer. Days ; eves ; wknd "OLD YORK ESTATES" rancher offering brick fireplace, family room, surtdorch. 3 bedrooms and many custom features. Home is in immaculate, move-in condition. Large, nicely landscaped comer lot. A "must see" at only $79,900. TWIN RIVERS: Townhouse in nice location near green areas, tennis courts, and pool. 2 bedroom model. Nice condition. FHA/VA buyers welcome. $57,500. CRANBURY TOWNSHIP: Dutch Gambrel on 170x236 lot 9 spacious rooms, 3 full baths, 2 brick fireplaces. Built with only the best materials $159,000. QUAD IV TOWNHOUSE: 3 bedroom Townhouse' w/many cosmetic changes making it unique and charming. All appliances. Community pool and tennis courts. $69, Stockton St. '~*"~ Hkjhtatown, N.J. After Hours Cafl «i*!.*i:. CARNEGIE fmtots Hi *» I 6O9-92L ^ ^H ^tatlll _ a i X Is "33 OPS* HOUSE UMDAV JULT I W I 4 P M 2 tme OW Cciianat on Unar* tan ara* mmm 4ummoc ewiw m pmtmrn «m H»t» am* MUOf tw< 1m Over g w C T** *. **«F*«i* Room mitt Haom.!!*- (temd iwerr Bnck Wai Five- Ctan, Urge OKU Mouee M Simtoa MUMCCTOM * Trad«uo«ai 3 Gottmt *m Oen, Rre- ASSIST FINANCING FOR OUMUREO BUYER SSXSOO. SCS AGENCY REALTORS South Main & Mercer St. Hightstown f mth «Mr«li to4»pur>4 >rtj n n ^ mni fmttd LOVELY VXrrORUN - 3 BR. modemn eat-in K. Formal DR. Large Come* Lot ovedootang park. 2 story bavn Stone Bar-B-O. $74,900. NEW CONSTRUCTION - 3 BR Bt-ievel. spaaous (amity room jm fir«piac«' Situated on 6 acres in Millstone. REDUCED $79,900. OUEEN ANNE VCTORMN-on S Maw St 5 large iormal dirvng room. lonety taone irep>ace Fortner proleationai residence Owner Inanong aval to Ouat Buyer. $12<000. HKKORY ACRES - 4 BR Sptt. pan. finahed basement; brick patio w gas grill. Central air. AS- SUMABLE 6% on Bat. Approx. $306 rrto. to QIMII. buyer. Transferred Owner REDUCES to $85,900. VACATION AT HOME enpy the aground pool or Just relax in the breaomy of S*s 3 BR Ranch Specious LR with Brick FP. Knotty Prm lolchen. al on 1 acre n Monroe Twp. Owner invites offers $85,000. ALL mot CAPE watted dormer; 3 BR & bath up, Br.. FP in apac Mng me den or 4*i Ba Fut caairrunt waec room. 4 car heated. Piol. tandacaping. aimoat an acre witfi more avajl Monroe. $ IMlagPIATt OCCUPANCY COLONUU.-built ) >ata e peeo. Lovely in late 1800* and has been wel yard neer Pedtfe School maintained. 4 BR on 2nd floor LR. formal DR, ^ ^ " $66,500. EXECUTIVE FARMETTE smuatad high on a knol overlooking tmtffibainii horse terms. Impiaa1»a af brick. 4 BR ranch home sen. apt Juaaai in MBR 40x60 metal bent. 6 acres, party wooded. Cream RUge Area. $225,000. CTtANBURY MANOR 4 BR Spit, formal Dining Room, Inviting FatBiy Room. DawraMa lesmenaal area wilh mature landscaping. 2 BR TM. END UNTT. 13% aaaum. toquet buyer. 4 BR TM - FP - Aeeumo. toquat buyer 1 BR Condo - 5 appfl. upgraded carpet 000. S9B.9O0. REALTOR* MEMBER MERCER COUNTY MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Office: Section II Introducing our new section of 2 and 3-bedroom town homes... the most interesting, elegant, rustic-style homes in the entire Princeton area. Here, in this lush wooded setting, are a picturesque pond, a stream; and some of the best values in Central New Jersey. Even though it's just 8^ miles from Princeton and 12 miles from New Brunswick, Huntington Park is really a world apart. With its own clubhouse, two swimming pools and platform tennis courts (now being enjoyed by our residents) plus two tennis courts soon to be completed.. Prices, astonishingly, range from $83,900 to $90,900 including full basements and all major appliances. Choice lot locations are available. The purpme of dm advenuement i* lo solicit non-binding nrcrvalkmv A non-binding mervaiion n not a contract and may be cancelled by the prospective purchaser at any time without cause. Any money paid lo the developer shall be refunded in full to the prospective purchaser upon request and cancellation of the non-binding reservation Very favorable financing. --H.7 total monthly maintenance. Section! All the luxury, standard features, conveniences and fun of living at Huntington Park can be yours for $2,000 less than the prices above! You see, only a few homes remain in Section I. And since we're giving you less homes to choose from, we're also giving you 2,000 more reasons to choose one of these. Come visit today. Because values like these won't be around tomorrow. 1b reach us in Hillsborough Township, take Route 287 to Route 206 South past the light at Amwell Road. Huntingtori Park is 1/2 mile ahead on the right. From the South, take Route 206 to Hillsborough Township. Huntington Park is approximately 2 miles north of Belle Mead Road, on the left. Open daily, 10 to 5. Phone (201) BR TH. TW% Aeeump. to auat buyer. tat,». 03M <o OQM Sal ROM ID Jocnm Omm. i 4* ac BUB. Lot.,.-_ SPACE TOWN HIGHTSTOWN 4.5BRSPUT-2yr *fowkj HOMES Sutton Construction Company Improving me Quality of tour Life.

33 Home Hunter's Guide 17-B 388 Resort $360 par Attar 7pm S76. toiplb WAnto 60^ M TZriT "jir~-^.~«7~,t: T^JZ FAMLY FA**.T HE90RT HESOIfT «At- a w u vttjftawt^wi «Mt Into UMv Pfc. CIMMt IW HARVEY CcDARS Lot "WW» -^---» «AI ntj ajui *VnL DGnanng^ Pnnm^ V*' H w l noiliw. «I DBOK»«*» aaia; or aw-c^aoea ^ (-i- ^^^ ^^ tp0j > ^^^ 3 Mra^ m j,,,,^ gowmi let 4t Wi Recycle WHO** gxmiu0wh.~iuhth»-8 H W BLAND.fcC. Fut/ HILTON HEAD. S.U. * Htt-TON HEAD. S.C 3 f ^ **"******I?"* 0 " oc ** n bdmv2 baft condo. Got. Iraa lamia, pool $31M39*wV. WWwPV ^afla^at,. Sp WWvKpWL 4m Dnln^a ap^aj^«a^y ^^^^^^* * ^ *B^^» ^^^^M^ Cal ownar ^660. «and aeaat MaM»*« of bea*i at Pa* HAHVEY CEDARS Baach houba* flpnclounv til bscfc ^ ^i^ J U ^ I ^ K 4ik gut, m t^w^aab imjomt. Hmberpeg Post and Beam Homes Premier Showftng-Youf* kivttedli ifeamnglon Craning - Famnftngfon Rood and Sunday, July * and ** **«o<*»to4 Paatt *Mft trait aclivtlias lor children. 60* alt 7pm. ki 1 kianargy 0> Root 2ft 016 Wat*» Sdar few mmr «*MMP> mm turn T«*ea*pae, a*» again you «naywar«twi Cttomal warn a*teamft, cadar toot and tm beat quahy m~* «aw*mt M m >*aci at w»i tw «ia*a» graai you at tie Pennswood Village..««. «<*<.«mm ' iktr* «* KM ^fr.» Ml «UI «** » «4 pm<kri i«lmn «n fvnn<w»t«nd ISLAOEL SOL SL Pataraburg. Florida. Spactaoular ocaan (ront 2 bdrm. 2 bach condominium for rant $1200 tor 4 waaka. tamte. go>. aaltrom I Wortd. ***: " LONG BEACH IS Ocaan hont, baauwu 3 bdrm, 1% bath. Spectacular view. Waihar. dryer, dhhwaahar. Cal Especially Princeton Meadows people. Maybe it's because they have their own private clubhouse, an 18-holc golf course. 7 swimming pools. 16 tennis courts and acres of flowers and green rolling countryside. Not to mention some of the nicest apartments you've ever seen. Princeton Meadows has studio, one and two-bedroom vftaa avalabie. Two vmaa are In Saa Pinaa. #807 is in Harbour Town and #6985 is owsrloq «jgtha 2ndMrway of Iha prahgtous Harbour Town OoV Course. Both are 2 bdrm/2 bath and rant by the weak onlytor $600 each. The Wrd v»ja (#8)toon the 18th (airway of the Robert Trent Jonas Golf Course in Pajmauo Punas. WaJktogolt. tennis and baach. 2 bdnn/3 batruwith sleeper sota. Weekly rate is $575. Photos avalabie on aft three. Phone luxury models. Some apartments are even available with fireplaces, washers and dryers. And the location is one of New Jersey's most desirable minutes from Princeton and less than an hour's train ride from New York or Philadelphia! Get in on all the fun of living at Princeton Meadows. Furnished model apartments are open daily. For more information call (609) FIRST HOME? There Are Reasons Why It Should Be A Ryan THE PATRIOT" Oiw of our twtnlor) home*, featuring 3 or 4 bedroom*, baths, dinette area. family room,.living and dining room* TaMtary's the 4my tm get me+mmhued value Elrrplioful Valur. T«ro-Slory homrs *l $68,900 otbrr»t}ln *s low» 962,500. Lmrge Variety. Srren architectural tlylet to choot* from. Several Choice areat in Hamilton Ttcp. Large tgooded lot*. Sun. thru Thurs. 1 to 8 p.m Sat. I to 6 p.m. Exceptional in$ulation package.". Reputation. Since 1948 we've made over 100,000 dreams come -true'. Financing. IT, have FHA-VA and conventional mortgage* at well below market rates. ' HENDERSON, OF COURSE! fut COMFORTABLE AND ECONOMICAL This 4 bedroom, 2!/2 bath colonial split on an acre in Montgomery Township offers an established neighborhood, economical gas heat, low maintenance aluminum siding, and central air conditioning for an affordable price of. $109,000. HOMES CORPORATION Brings the magic of GeotgetownD.C. and Beacon HiU f Boston to the Princeton~Brunswick area. l'wdroqm,v/is\m TOWNHOMES FROM $76,900. A GREAT SOURLAND MOUNTAIN RETREAT 12% FINANCING A Gardener's Delight on 3 wooded acres, this converted bam is 2 bedroom charmer with brick fireplace and pegged cherrywood walls. The oversized 2 car garage has a heated bonus room and lots of storage ^pace $82,500. Four Bedroom Cape in Montgomery Twp. Screen Porch 2O'x2O\ Floor to Ceiling Fireplace in L.R. Finished Knotty Pine Basement. Workshop 18'x27' with woodburning stove. Storage shed. Oversized 2-car garage with attached I8'x8' Workshop. Heated 8'xl2' Green House. Fruit bearing trees. Two large gardens, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. : Asking I $99,900. m....t^zszms ArtM"«mdatag' taewoicsbj V^ondp- Ilia, tmrnmrnmrn crateim MCcatnt Jcnr?'* bant MfMMlfe IfHKCCM Mai Bkt BflMkBMlCn,. AM aflajoa 9m yoaw «m mm ja p Ac ttmsl loaaaoaics oftibt Mi Ike So before you consider buying anywhere else, come see the modern day Uadourfcs at W«ybridje Place. Because seeing our townhomes is behevmg... beawfog you can own your own huury home for less than you ever ftoeffcf possible. To reach Weybridge Place, take Route 206 South to New Aawdi Road (7.5 mfles from the Route 22 - Route 206 traffic circle). Turn rigfel oa New Amwefl Road (Carteret Savings & Loan), proceed V< mile to Tnaafle Road, tarn right again. ProceedV«mile to Weybridge Place on your lell Proa tbe Princetoa area; Take Route 206 north, turn left on New Anrwell Road (Carteret Savings & Loan), proceed Mi mile K> Triangle Road, turn right Md proceed * oak to Weybridge Place on your left. Sales office Phone: (201) 30-im Opes KVS ewry day. WEYBRIDGB TLACE PRICED RIGHT, and just minutes from Princeton. This S-bedroom house is available in beautiful Montgomery Township. Large living room, formal dining room, eat-in kitchen, family room with sliding glass doors to patio and lovely yard, 2'A baths, 2-car earage, central air. Open to offers.....: $io6,ooo. ^HENDERSON- REALTORS^^.. Bale Mead Route 206, Bate Mead, New Jersey Fnmtlt**. i HI Hilahonwyi Tpwuiltip.

34 ' : ~ * '. '. '. ' ' ^ Home Hunter's Guide IS-B Weekof July7-9, 1982 ( Rohill Village 0111,990 TOEE tit pctm above saon «K one of our five bond «BOSKS LMraactvMc tacn oners 4 MQIBMH, 25* fcrts. fine bad* mm. ful basement and more. Seat wtt kntlr bnck fweplaca. some with kwejy aoded wrtt o f 896*1000 to see these home. Price (Mfts torn iimjm- StlfcSM witfi \2 *% financ- Office LAWRENCEVILLE TOWN-HOUSES A distinctive community is being built in a pen* es<?ue setting of LawvrencevtUe From $74,300. Mortgages A wtotofe to Ouaffwd Buyers THE VILLAGE You* Town House features 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, large Sving room and dining room, kitchen with HogxMtt appiances. **sil-khwai carpeting. M l basement, pnrfessionaay landscaped lots plus ENERGY SAVING PACKAGC inducing heat pump, central air. Th* VUAOE id Kfcaftr tocawd in the hub of the cufturai and educational areas of the Garden Sot* Commuting «mad* «w t ^ brassy access to Rtes. IS and 206. GRAND OPENING \' BfHtyie In Ewing! "RIVERSIDE" is Mercer County's newest custom-built community designed with yon in mind. Contempomy design and tradition* materials blend to give thete 78 exclusive townbouset situated on 20 secluded acres a unique "look." A carefree lifestyle b yours with no maintenance, yardwork or snow shoveling. And "RIVERSIDE" is located within a few minutes drive to commuter bus. trains and mutilate highway!. Shopping is clow by. too. Call Roberta Canfiekl at (609) for a preview and all the marvelous details of "RIVERSIDE." Priced from $78,900 to $92,700. DIRECTIONS: Rt. 93 to Rt. 29 South. Left at Wilbimha Rd.. immediate right OHO River Rd. "Riverside" on left, n From Trenton, Rt. 29 North to Lower Ferry Rd. Left on River Rd. "Riverside" on right. CHENDERSON REALTORS^ INC Route 31 and W. Delaware Avenue, Pennington (60S) 737-SSI Make your shop known to all! Go display 8 ways 5 Bedroom raised ranch in small town approximately 20 minutes from Princeton. Ideal for large, family or in-law situation Brick fireplace in family room, central air, 2 car garage. Many extras. 12% financing available to qualified buyer.). Just listed 2 story, 3 bedroom home, 1 Vi baths, 1 car garage in small town. Gas heat, excellent condition $56, wooded residential^ zoned,2vi acre lots in Roosevelt (near Hightstown). Ideal for solar' home. South sloping. Starting at $27,900. Building lot in Millstone township. Approximately 1 acre. $15, Handyman specials in East Windsor township. Both for $37,000. CLASSIC COLONIAL IN WEST WINDSOR - Spacious wooded lot. Traffic-organizing SLATEfoyer, 4 bedrooms. 1 2vi baths. ULTRA kitchen 'With dining area, family room PLUS finished basement with rec room and office, oversized gari. CENTRAL AIR, firei, patio. Living at its in a PRIME location! $167,900! The Spirted AGENCY AL SUSSMAN Classified advertising doesn't cost, it pays! Resort, Properties LONG BEACH Island Surf City. 3 bdrrtfevbay view, still avail. June 26-July 3, Aug. 14-Sept. 4. fleas , LONG BEACH ISLAND duplex. 2 bdrms each floor. All conveniences including washer & dryer. Sleeps 5-7. Due. to cancellations, choice weeks '^still available : LONG BEACH ISLAND Oceanfront, attractively furnished duplex, 3 bdrms, sleeps 6; Aug 7-,iO, $400; Sept 11, $300 & $400; Sept 18, $250 & $350; Sept 25, $200 & $300. Oct. wknds or LONG BEACH ISLAND SHIP BOTTOM Reduced to sell! Side-by-side duplex-each unit with 4 bdrms, a spacious living area, and dose to public bathing beach. Owner financing to qualified buyer. A perfeoct3miik_ affair at $122,500. BAY SHORE AGENCY Ship Bottom Office Ext G40B MAINE VACATION Home For rent August 1-Labor Day. Large, charming 100 yr old' saltbox w/4 bdrms, 2 fireplaces, stm rm, private yard. Short walk to quaint town of Kennebunkport, Me. $3000. Contact Wiltshire Summer Rental, PO Box 1446, Kennebunkport. Me POCONO VACATION home Clean, new 3 bdbn, 2 bath, dishwasher,, washer/ dryer, lake, tennis coiirt, indoor/outdoor pool & health spa no extra charge. Call after 6 pm POCONO.Vacation Horne PvL comm. Lakes, poofe, tennis, rec. activities. $2 5/wk; $125/wkend : POCONOS Big Bas$ Lake chalet. Riverfront' location, sleeps 6, indoor/outdoor pool, fishing, tennis, golf nearby. Beautiful setting, low rates at *# TH VILLAGE owrf ofay a fetofff nm fmng nrirontifni. r» Sates Office OCMMI Doffy: ti 5:30 Weekends: 11 5:30 «r MM»!. fact* town NBMWI fwwwrwcwdot»artr» mmw*» «rd fateffl by MOW. 1 Rich lie u CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Countory Classic. e««n a. S4«rat S i Country Lane Homes at Summit perfect Mending of tracnttonaj country charm wtth contemporary versatility. These are the homes of the Wa. ImagJnatrvety designed with soaring, vaulted otilings. handcrafted miljwonx and a marvelous array of available optton»...lrv chxttng a double master bedroom, brick fireplace. spiral staircase that leads to vow very own loft. table new homes mm convenient, too. Close to shopicenem schools, the Newt own commuter line, 145 and mo**. Th*s is a GtgMotU name bu»m by people who care. With lowmatrttanance exteriors and an award-winning energy saving package. Tut* is a special home.jo* someone wno recognizes quality and appreciates luxury Come see. Fburr S61,900 OpenangSf Ssveupio it from VALUE, QUALITY, LUXURY SPACE, A HOMETOWN ENVIRONMENT GOLF COURSE VIEWS, PRICES FROM $128,900 AND 123/ 4 % 10-YEAR MORTGAGES ARE ONLY AFEWOFTHE REASONS TO SEE THE GENTRY NOW. See all the other nice things The Gentry offers for yourself this weekend. We think you'll find the homes you want, the address you'd like and the convenient location you need. The Gentry is easy to reach. Just take Route 1 north, or south '. H '::j \ -'. ; i EIjtL LaaaalaaaaaaaaM pppi ^ i ^i' / «.».--" < "^- :.. ^^^ a^b 'C'! ':v:kfe' liii c * Colonial Manors from $128,900 Rve Miles from Princeton. ^3^1 r r v r>,#* - - -' - - ^ ' _ h. 1 ITl lll*-i:ig.l!-- ^^^^^^^^^E^^^aiEaa^^Bft^kB^iBBBBi LaaaaffaaffrfJfPPI towards Princeton to Plainsboro Road. East on Plainsboro Road and follow signs to The Gentry. From N.J. Turnpike Exit 8A, turn right to Route 130 South and follow signs to The Gentry. Open every day from 10 to 5. Phone (609) » (Men tali on SJB < *«* «ttl «o ft. 4 MI Qiglotti s> THE GENTRY AT PRINCETON MEADOWS \ NPRO Hat*.- Mortij.'tiiV Program'

35 &i CENTRAL POST#\rV* SOf? HK3HTS HERALD* BEACON MAJNVUE NEWS»R?ANKLt^ NEWS-R6CORP CRANBURV PRESS] 3SESSSE Classifieds OQCOWO WOMWP MOUSE Wtafctf Jatjr7-t, 19-B ~ TOCX3MO MOUSE-tor MM QJFT. «M 9 O K SEASIDE HEIGHTS "** &, OOWBB on UAACTEH Ttow MMM near** K2 aaatft pno*k $T MAMtTEN or* tan«, 2 *»- «,. or 12 lauiieflceviile C PRINCETON, LOVES FRANCE, N.I. Mao* tad teak ibdhaewk omm% ap ttgm Tfe» teeraw (mam luwnfwmn aaatei *nn«v OBM fe mm m ««an. 8i0t!«jmi xmom m (fcotf aoi VERMONT LMtEFHOKTtorrant on tfflla long SZSMk. Due to SeptOot 743B or 201 * WATERFDOMT Lot da of Bemeoei Bay, Lanofca from Princeton 4 Bedrooms. 2% Baths O Fireotacc ~ Basement CTwoCvGaraoe O Gas Heat-Air Conditioning O Wood Windows O inrjmo^jal Customized Homes O 12 Home Designs : 13%% United Time Special Mortgage 9eaam% tmm..%f <*«A mfcec if * «*»» «* *** SZ&jOOO CASH DOWN you can OMn horn* and 2 For at 14%. Cal S ATTRACTIVE C*oa abatable to wiilet aaarch Parti aqft.s4xk) par -*j *. net net W Bi 390 Business Properties "TORRENT t etorybuid- *T Ing sq. IL. oonw toi A^J fe J fci ^carpet air condwoning, gaa of S " * Hamaion Twp^, main Yl^Z-ZZ road. Long-tarm laaaa. Cal anar /pm. o_^, <*vi MH I ROUTE 130 FT New heavy duty buadng.60 n wal to ml dear span. 400 ampa elaoidry. Wue a 2500 sqft. otter bu** v AJ on approvnaahy z aoraa Route M73S HKJHTSTOWNof new prime or* aapacaon 3900 at). It Main St. wilh ample parking. Suitable tor protaaalonal or merjcal uta. J.T. Boyar Ra LIGHT INDUSTRIAL to Squara Faat Localad 1 mle from center of CTwioavn on noma i ai Washington & Alaxandar Roadc Long or abort tarm laaaa. Princaton Business PartL or MAMVRlf tpdwo OALURY Of HOMK NIW il-livil IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - maintenance free. 9 rms., 21* baths, 1'^ car garage. Northskte. $ 9, rms.-2 full tmths,full $79,900. bsmt INVESTMBCT - 1% yr ow 2 fam. duplex. 4 rm. apt., 1'/? baths ea. fully carpeted, superb cond.. owner will finance 1st mort. \o qual. buyers. $92,000. COtONUU. CAPt COD - Older 4 bdrm, kit. Sv. rm. din. rm. full bsmt. 1 bath, owner wifl finance & will accept offers. $4t, txtrms.. Hv. rm. kit. 1 1/2 baths, partiafly fin. fufl bsmt 1 car oar. 75 x 100 parcel. $69, BufloSng lots avail, in different locations in Maov«e.Bui»d to tott onry. Bring your plans, cal for details. FRANK J BONGIORNO & ASSOC R..,' * I?,,u'" *.ii»f1 A >[)r.h'.*-' 37 So M.nn St.. Mnnwillo (201) E v«rmt>«; Hours on Tues., Thurs. <md Fri. Oar bcuhfubr bmfethed nxxfcfa art easy to reach. Just take the XJ Ibrnptt to Ea 8*. turn r$* and Wfcar signs to Route 130 Sout South on Route 130 andfcoov sips to Hainsboro. After Corner Road Turn left on Soon Comer Road and proceedtowainsboio Road Turn Hfht on ftatraboro Road and make first left on IMt Route 1 north or souditowardsprinceton to Platasboro Road. E«en«iin*oro»oadiy4yurinuieli4mtotoG«>nae D^»Ro«dTuran»i«<»Geor^DwtonRrad.thennoai. t ;- IB I m a f Opn c w t d^ 10-S Ftene (609) 79H663. Vujiuaatok mortgage finandnij. J BRITTANY Torwnhomes AT PRINCETON MEADCWS METICULOUS. Beautifully Appolntad Officas in suburban Princeton local avalable under cost-saving sublet agreement. Reception area. Private bath. Wall to wal carpeting. Central air. RjrniaheoVunfumished. Generous free parking. Call ^2923 or OFFICE SUITES Harrison St. Princeton. 2 suites of 4 rooms each, avail. Aug. 1 at $700 and $900 per month. Hkjhly viswe professional location with ample parking. J.T. Boyer Realty. Realtor OFFICES PRINCETON Vldnity Alexander Road Industrial Park. Located Vfe mi east of Route 1. From single rooms up to 2400 sq ft available immediately for short or long term lease. J.T.Boyer Realty TOP OFFICE SPACE EAST WMOSOR Very convenient location on Route 130 near Princeton Hightstown Road. Reasonably priced at only $5.95 per sq ft. Modem space of sq ft available. IndrvkJualty controlled heating & air conditioning. Abundant parking. Excellent lease terms. Immediate occupancy- CaH Jay Rkagliano at: RICHARDSON REALTORS Mammon square OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT central Nassau St Small or large avail, now,towrent. Telephone secretarial services available OFFKE SPACE GROUND LEVEL 1000 sq ft at $7 sq ft 4000 sq ft at $5 sq ft : SECOND FLOOR mctude an utils & tax. 1 room $200 mo. 2 rooms $300 mo. WARREN PLAZA CENTER Route 130. East Windsor MANVmil W«ston. large S room and bath rancti. ful basement. iaa heat. alum, siding. le wmdows. stw time to choose colors. $6f,V00. JOSEPH BIELANSKI AGENCY feoffer 212 South Main St.. MamrilW. N.J S-1*fS!» « S MEMIfR MUtTIPlE LISTING SERVICE 390 Business Properties OFFICE SPACE In prime Route 1. Princeton location. Available mid July. Call , Wednesday- Saturday. OFFICE SPACE For Rent HiUsboro. Rte ,859 sq.ft. Win subdivide Business Properties PANELED OFFICE Suites 450 sq. ft offices & larger. Ewing Twp. Modem air conditioned office building. All custodial services. Ample parking. Ideal location for professional practices. Modest rentals PENNIN6TON ROAD etc eves. OFFICE SPACE -TOO sq ft, R-A. WaWel Realtors 2 rooms, a/c. bathroom, pvt entrance. Located in South PENNINGTON Approx Gold Industrial Park, Rob- 700 sq ft professional office binavitle. NJ. Call for appt to on Main Street. $410 per see «. OFFICE SPACE 4 room office In Hightstown, located stop. $295/mo. indg heat. 14S VvTtherspoon st. De- Call Hageman Realtors 609- tirabte P«J***? l?? ationj 4 tma 448^600 avail - Jutv 1 ""^ sec y and ans. service, use of conf. OFFICE SPACE-450 sq ft. 3 rms. Rocky Hill- Montgomery area OFFICE SPACE 1280 sq ft. New ground level with private entrance. Will finish to suit $7.25 per sq ft net. Located BWg. A. Princeton-Windsor Industrial Park, Princeton Jet or eves. OFFICES FOR LEASE Princeton Address, any space requirement up to 3600 sq ft Immediate occupancy, ample parking, Rt1, rapid expansion corporate corridor, contemporary atmosphere. "For further info & appointment Susan Malatich, eves WBCHERT CO.REALTORS OFFICE FOR RENT 250 to 1200 sq. ft. avail. Modem carpeted office located on Main St. Pennington. All utilities plus a/c, included. Call owner OFFICE BUILDING for sale sq. ft. with parking on Lower Harrison St., Princeton address, just off Rt. 1. Lovely professional location. J.T. Boyer Realty, Realtor OFFICE 1,000 to 40,000 Square Feet Located 1 mile from center of Princeton on Route 1 at Washington & Alexander Roads. Princeton Business Park or PENNINGTON OFFICE Suite 700sqft, Cent air/heat, carpeted, all utilities ind. $560/mo Realtor PROFESSIONAL BUILDING for lease by owner sq ft of office building ideally, suited for professional enterareas, central a/c, pvt. entrance, waiting room, ample parking.' Psnnington. * Max Paul. RETAIL SPACES for rent in East Windsor, Princeton Jet, Princeton, Montgomery &' Hopewell. Prime shopping center locations from 1700 to 25,000 sq. ft. J.T. Boyer Realty, SUBLET 2 OFFICES with reception area. Will divide. Furnished. Services & equipment available. Large conference room. Research Park near airport TIME SHARE your office space. I need only a small corner. Hours flexible evenings. 390 Business Properties TAX SHELTER Capitol district, 5500 sq.ft. brick office building, $33,000. W.S. Borden Realtor WAREHOUSE 4,000 to 40,000 square feet Loading Docks. Located 1 mile from center of Princeton on Route 1 at Washington & Alexander Roads. Long or short term lease. Princeton Business Park or Investment Property HAMILTON TOWNSHIP -i- Investment properties. Some ideal for professional.. and comm. Call month plus utilities. DOTJS : Pessel Real Estate, Realtor. INVESTMENT TIRED OF PAYING High Office Rent? Move your firm to Ewing Township in the geographical center of Mercer County and Save! Save! Save! Up to 10,000 sqft available. Can be subdivided into 900 sqft modules. Free parking. We pay taxes. Near Mercer Airport, train station and I-95. Call immediately TWIN RIVERS CENTER. 33 best modem office and il space. 700 to 2000 sq. Profit from both community highway trade. Rents at S7.25/sq. ft. plus excellent terms. Take a look and then phone BIO OPPORTUNITY-SPECIAL FINAWCIWO TO ttual BUYER PRINCETON SHOPPING CENTER-22,000 sq. ft. 90% leased - Parking for 60 Cars NOW $850,000. LAND-OWNERS RETIRING TO FLA.- Your chance to acquire farm property at attractive terms! 60+/- acres with 5 B/R owners' home, cottage & outbuildings. Wooded & open, excellent frontage. Good income. Suitable for horses, farm, subdivision, investment -10% mortgage if qualified!! East Windsor & Millstone. $199,000. JUST LISTED - Commercial Building approx. 3,000 sq. ft. - Parking for cars - Highway frontage - New Egypt. $135,000. RESTAURANT W/UOUOR UCENSEII Seating for approx Ample parking. New addition. Modern, stainless steel Kitchen. Excellent business, good bkkj. RT. 130 area. $499,900. A MOST INTERESTING ft NEW LAND LISTING on Washington Road in Penns Neck with Princeton address. Approx. 4' acres. All utilities. Call for details. - $250,000. MUST CLOSE ESTATE! 23 industrial acres with truckers garac, all utilities. R.R. siding - Hightstown area - Big Reduction! EXCELLENT INVESTMENT Acres in East Windsor Twp. 530 foot frontage on Rt Zoned Industrial/Office. $85,000. JUST LISTED - Coin-Operated car wash - needs repairs. Approx.! acre in New Egypt area. $22,500. CLARKSVILUE ROAD 20 Acres Zoned ROM-4, suitable for offices or industrial park. Also acres across road from above, zoned R-1. Avail, at $i5,000/ac. & $i0,000/ac. RENTALS PRIME OFFICE space in center of Hightstown. Close to NJ. Tnpk. and Rtes. 130 & 33. Warehouse space, shop area and dock available. Very reasonable rait. STORE AND FIRST FLOOR office space available in Hightstown. Excellent terms! 10,000 SCt FT. of newly refurbished office space on Rte. 130 in Washington Township - will subdivide. ladlermanclick 5 tjr 15 SpringSt, Princeton Realtors A Insuron Since 1927 For All Area Listing* PROPERTY 2 family apartment house, 6 rooms each, full cellar, on 1 acre. $95,000. Principals only aft 6pm. 400 Business Opportunities ADVERTISING PARTNER for active advertising rep business in local area. Modest investment. Objective is to take over upon retirement of owner within a year. Experience in advertising.helpful. Corbett Co., or P.O. 10, Cranbury, NJ AFFORDABLE SPACE FOR RENT Start your own small Retail Business. Our establishment with fine following has room for one more shop. Elec, heat air cond included, Anytime ATTENTION INVESTORS! Marketing firm, serving'the pharmaceutical'and technological industries needs you for continued. grdwth. We have no liabilities. For further information, call after 7pm. BIKE SHOP at Twin Rivers Mall. 1 yr. old business with excellent growth potential and good tax shelter. J.T. Boyer Realty, Realtor ". FORIERN INVESTORS Looking' for the following: Bank, golf course, hotel, motel; night club, bar, restuarant, liquor store, working farms, super market, service station, apartment - house,, laundry, or any other type of business opportunity. Gloria Nilson Realtors, Commercial Dept., Ask for Peter or Danny HARDWARE BUSINESS For sale, located in a busy town near Princeton. Attractive price for an active business, includes fixtures & inventory. Owner-seller wilt lease or sell building. Some owner financing available. Reason for selling: owner wishes to step down from the demands of the business. Waiter B. Howe, Inc. Realtors HEATING & COOLING Firm Sought To work with large retail energy store. Must know latest technology in gas, oil & heat pumps. References required. Call LADIES CLOTHING Store Danskin outlet & lingerie in prime business location, Somerville, $27,000. Call am-5pm. MERCER COUNTY Liquor store in prime business location with broad C license, good clientele and excellent terms to a qualified buyer. JOHN SIMONE REALTY REALTOR LIQUOR STORE Adja to McGuire Air Base in New Hanover Twp. Excellent location, good volume, air conditioned, glass front walk-in beer cooler, wine cooler, cold storage, shelving, and many extras necessary to conduct business. Owner retiring. Asking $190,000 plus inventgory. An excellent buy! Central Jersey Realty, Ethelyn O. Maginnis, N.J. Licensed Real Estate Broker, Rt 526, Allentown, NJ MINI MALL Retail Space Montgomery Shopping Center, Princeton address, $250/mo. Floor space with sales help provided, ideal for absentee owner. J.T. Boyer Realty.Realtor NATIONAL CREDIT CORP makes loans to home owners to purchase businesses. Phone or PARTNER Service Business. High yield. Low investment Will train right person. M.D. Lyons, STATIONERY BUSINESS for sale with or without building. Gross $400,000, whh substantial potential for increase^ in* developing suburban "location. J.T. Boyer, Realty, Realtor,

36 9sjC LEDGEP* CSN'PAl =OST WINDSOR -MGHTS HERALD -PECO?D CRANBURv PPESSa Classifieds 20-B Week of July 7-9, 1982 wmumm %t% mumcma * yew torn ow hana* ft** b*m. «ao- **; cam. m**m.. ffmoe ExaOer* any Witei SVaaMft*" SBrtSaori Ail or* '-«acne*, Wtnenccen $ f>o I n «wa# ton «*r2> 8*x»» ken i». Bewrtr*} Queer* Swoer, tmm «we» sect * am mutts. Ca* today * doni meat out o» fcfm* M* MEHCf flmuje - Xe% we* * cv *» Stt*ag» ant jp S1 «*0f SPACE WE Ml ~ * Land for Salt air«««r aw*"* tegatf Read* to se 90S Vmamim an* CtCtAWAJRC T\ejB» EUK *MQO WMRK S& 3Ot- mm *m SU.300 ft *. Ce* m muet toseeane EAST BRUNSWICK bum horn*. 2 H m out By $120, EAST BflUMSWCX Cotoraal Oaks AMM Eaac home. 4 2% tv r«v drv mv.igkn.ig den laundry rm. cm. y> acre lot 2-car gar. many extras only $t(& EAST WM0SOR Windsor Ua Condo, 2 bdrm. 2 ba>\ or. oaavabie ewo ar. comer condmhon. convener* to McQraw H* RCA new units»»o0q 609-7»-1273 EAST WMD9OR Perfect ssane* * > room tar grow* aeuaie* or* -» acre of rnafcre *eee and he» a t car garage reaxw 2 barms. 1 bam. enclosed fcont porcn and C Setter. Way 16. i to 3pm Located >»nprees*»e Twm lower's waft swvn and tenritf ebbs, Many custom extras $73900 Take roust 33 to Prcoesco Rd ngnion BoNon to396.cenajry2i. Extender, n on tndeciendertft owned * operand «f S*7S on fw COOP' Convenient lo gate end dubhouee Drapes and carpesng woughoui Cal BCTTER TH*M NEW t. W) Wfbnaor tfti K Come tq«m CM. We*., c* & mm MK Mow Sumiim «sue> By o-ner. M»«00 C*» S0»- SHAftMG Look- #>g tor * young fespons&e Isrnfy «tio MW snare equ*y <n super itopewe* Two Conlemparary umamo Seoara» tmng Quarter* tor each rttktf wveatrnent $600 irrying cost starts you towards ownatir*p o< a JlJOfc II foam house wtfii pool tfw^ecuiete After 8pm HOPCWOJL 3 bedroom, 2 batft Rajxn on dead and emet near ETS. Lovely seting. (Replace. Waned basementdec** patjo low intkwmt wnnncinq, J.T. Boyer ReaHy. Reefcx 609- MMACULATE 3 bdrm.. T* bat) Toonhouee in Twin r*m%. New cot el appl. $50,000 nv>% aaaumatho. Pod. tennis. 1 btock to NY bus. $71,900 Principals only, Cat MPOSSSSLE M Penringion? no. but here's a super Teethie trancing plantor the io% bracket buyer. No money down. 2 yrs. to settle. Oekoe 9 room home any ceo would be proud to own. Designed by Water Thompson. bum by Hunt «Augustine. Freed to move, we* below $200,000 Phone for ftnancma detatfs. LAWRENCEVnxE new?.bedroom lownhouse. 2 baths, low assumable mortgage. C*t LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP by owner. 4 bdrm. spirt. fam rm.,fcv. rm., din rm., 1 ha ana 2Va baths, ac. gas heat, garage, screened porch Low 70s LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP touse to be butt, oversized Cape Cod on charming lot tn Cotorva) Lakelands tisooo aonn and S833 p*r (pmc H tta) buy«vtaine TREE FARM 72 tw 4 baovoam Warwi Par* momn Wood tumngi s*o*e iurveyed acres of woodand I hrn 3 rm & bath new Mo estrat. rottage Low taxes, as utits. «ttt eari««y knence toreasy TAKE O^R 3 Mrm wood stove. 1000' frontage t**m#l buye* I&4JK0 >o<w«iouat. kmr+i pamad. State Hwy #27. Belgrade Lks STU.TS REALTY CO ^000 batra 8% $440 area $ NEW HAMPSHIRE re- Stored cape, 2 acres. 4 E*M Wwdoor bedrooms. 2 baths, new OPEN HOUSE furnace, new wmng, 2 stove ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE hearths. $62,500. Free brochure. E&stman Raal Estate. gaga' 4 &#»* Cownaf m EJW RFQ 1. Lacort*. NH T-, baax seat lewst tmfgmmmmk. \ WUkmtmttbam*. CMnedrs* m rm«34& mm: *er<oem & camn^, 1109'aded carpeersj art mum % «mum,., otm. Cewwewanii. 22 or* 1 VAVOTATE tot mm 9MM MUS«QMf: Oat IttC MNXSTQMC A*CA X* Boo* o IVY sus. r>ii% ae- «nanon«awe* tor*. IStJOOWSBor t«00 lm*wmn CONOO - For ate by owner. 1 bdrm. wd. POOL. 6*>i% asaum mtg Ukg and ones w* cost $311 Asking $ aft 6pm TRULY MM OsarmnQhrrmidnrm. Add eeny leaiures 2 over ait 3 car garage Su*atie tor' m-iaws, «v ccme, fro*e* wyitf Screened terraoe. lovely Da»- wood gardene bordered by vees & shrubbery able, playhouse. and senong $ <V SA Ownar HARBOURTON. MJ By owner Early American 8 rm cotonea Eflctoeed porch 2 acre*. Near HH> Odemg 9% Extra acre* 2 dead and te?eec Fam#y room Financ* at 2% betow current Asttng $80,900 JT HQHTSTOWN - ntotntt reduce* ranch on qt*at $ bdnn PHENOMENAL MORT- GAGE! With ONLY $15,000 down a qualified buyer can buy this 3 bedroom. 2Vi bath town house. 13% interest M»-e$S-$S3S E*ea * iandk*- ch«n. new dishwasher. Ovnar aeang drecl 608- RANCH - By Evam Or 3 Mm, PIAMS8ORO Pnnceton CoSection Urw kne Custom center hal Cotonai 13% assumabie mortgage approx. $80,000 balance 4 bdrms. huge country tat. 2 car garage, gas heat air cond. custom tpl. prof, landscaping. wooded tot ige private patio pkn many extras This one of a bnd energy efficient home onry $119,500 mdudes an new appfcances wseh-dean oven Owner retocai- Red Estate For Sate PRJNCETON ADORESS Urge oaautful 3 yv ow 9 room colonial in sadudad woodad ara*. 2VSr car garage. Superbly landscaped 3/4 acra. Many quafity teatum ROSSMOOR VIRGINIA MOOEL 2 bedroom. 2 batfi Woodboming fireplace, enclosed enlarged patio, new carpeting, al draperies, attic stairs, mirrored closet doors, additional extras. $78, ROSSMOOR CO-OP 2 bdrm. 1 bath, Irving/dining combo, all elec near carport, tower level, exc. storage. Near clubhouse, golf, tennis, swimming and shopping ROSSMOOR RESALES Al Residents Must Be Mnknum of 48 Yrs. Old CONOOMMHJMS Maine-2 bdrm. $49,900 Maine-3bdrm. $51,500 New Hamp-2 bdrm. $55,900 Jefferson-2 bdrm. $59,500 Vt (4)-2bdrm. $59,800 + Mass-2-3bdrm, $61,900 Conn-2 bdrm. $71,900 Virginia-2 bdrm, $71,500 New York BR.S Perm-2-3 bdrm, $83,900 Gettysburg-2bdrm.$ COOPERATIVES Harrxtton-Ceftif. $43,500 Morris-CertH. $35,500 CLEARBROOK RESALES Braebum-3 Bdrm. 2 baths StuRa Realty Co. Realtor 37 N. Main St. Cranbury. N.J eves SYLVAN MOUNTAINVIEW VA approved brick ranch, living & dining rooms, fireplace in family room, screened patio, bedroom wing with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, paved drive. 2 car garage, $114,000. W.S. Borden Realtor NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 TENANTS HARBOR. Maine DvOrOOTi rwjosn LaVCA 4ownhous*. 2'/ baths. Qftrage, summer room, full cellar, 8 rooms, bath A laundry, fiatvpbacc 18 ttw\. fro*t> Pnnc9" partial view of harbour. In the ton $114, McLoughhn Agency 201- PRINCETON TWP Mt. Lucas Rd. 3 bdrm MHO story Charming 1-tamiy home or up down duplex. $132,000 Cel eves PfflNCETON TOWNHOUSE By owner. Queenston Common. 32 Cameron Court. 4 bdrm. 2'v bath, fvepiace. fiui basement, garage, den, use oi pool ft tennis court, outside maintenance provided Walk to Palmer Square $165,000 Brokers protected Cal after 6pm PRINCETON Your rert money can buy you a house, in prestigious Princeton suburb ct Piansboro. Lovety new cotorul with 20 ft ok) tastaoned front porch overlooking ojuet street. 4 bdrms inducing master sute with and 2 wood Z' Call US Home Corp., Eojuaf Housing Ooportuniry PRINCETON Townhouse For Sale near University, ideal tor pan rental Cal PRMCETON RIVERStDE By owner. 3 bedroom Ranch. 2 bath, catfwdraj ceflng IMng room, dning room, fam*y room wan flraptaoa; wt-in PRINCETON COMTEM- PORARY strfclng one year otd, 4 bedroom. Greenhouse fro heatful Lowaty safltrg. $236\000. J.T PRNCETON BORO By owner 1 Mock from Urtvers«y. 1 block fcom Nassau St bedrooms. S124^00. Cal 60M s. possible terms. For more info call or THREE BEDROOM Patio Ranch, ass. mortgage. Days evenings " THREE BEDROOM Townhouse., field view, low monthly payments, price neg TWIN RIVERS Three bedroom townhouse. Living room, dining room, appliances, 2V? baths, finished gas grills, ac, in excellent condition. 7Vj% assumable. Asking tow seventies. Principals only. Call after 5pm T*m PLACE TO LIVE and we have many homes, in different styles to show you. Most have assumable mortgages and we can help you arrange for secondary financ* aooointments. HOVES OF QUALITY REALTORS Real Estate For Sate TWIN RIVERS 2 bdrms., twnhse., excel, cond., assumable mortgage. $64, evenings. WEST WINDSOR 10V4 mortgage. 4 bdrms. split, 2Vfc baths, fireplace, garage. Exc cond, 3 mins to RR station. Magnifictent landarees. By owner. $110,000. Call after 5pm Pennsylvania Properties CARVERS RIDGE A col- ection of 12 beautiful acre + xxnesites located in historic Soiebury Twp., Bucks Co., PA. Just 25 miles from Princeton. Enjoy fine schools, lower real estate taxes, and beautiful country living in a quality built home. Priced from $119,000. For further information call John T. Hagan. Builder, NEWTOWN Townhouse (new). 3 bdrms. 2'/ 2 baths, liv. din, den. garage, swim club, tennis courts. Security & reference), required. No pets. $59S'mon. + utils YARDLEY new 3 bdrm. 2 bath, single Ranch in the Oxford Glen section of Yardle/, Bucks Co. Never occupied. Maybe purchased for $78,900 or leased for $725/month with option to buy and rental credit toward purchase. Outstanding opportunity. Call for details. Day Eves Too Late to Classify 2 FAMILY Sat. Jury 10th, 11th Stafford Rd, Monmouth Jet, (Fresh Impressions), furniture, clothing, children & adults books, collectibles, baby items, more. 5 FAMILY Garage Sale 9-3. Sat. July Bull Run Rd, Ewing exit 71B off Recliners, couch, oven, dishes, stereo, arcade bowling machine, dirt bike, TRF QO computer, humidifier, clothes,' much more. '69 FENDER & Stratocaster black w/white pick guard. Syn. tremolo w/orig. case. Exc. cond wkdays through 4pm, anytime wkends. 71 MERCEDES 280SE European model. $4500 firm after 6pm. '72 CHEVY MALIBU Good running cond. Some rust/ $ DATSUN spd., exc. running cond., good cond. in & out. mags, T/A radials. am 1m cassette, many new parts. Asking $ VOLKSWAGON Van Custom paint, custom interior, customized engine. Excellent RIVERS is THE condition. Absolutely like new TWM RIVERS OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY JULY 11th from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. 3 DENMSON DR. hasmanyextras-gasgrhi.no *«kitchen *** central ** waded carpet and more! If you put in an offer quickly. and has the home professkxiaby cleaned! Extremely ReaaonaWe...$63,900 DIRECTIONS: 33 East, right at first Twin Rivers fight* left on Denrwson Your hostess Terri Hale. Richard A. WaidaJ Corp. Bvokaca DODGE DART Swinger 2 dr. Really a 76, purchased 3/76. Engine 225/6. auto, pb, ps, am/fm stereo, vinyl steel belted radials new miles, original owner, must see. $ ! 75 PONTIAC LEMANS 64,000 mi, a/c, snows, good cond. $750 firm aft. 6pm. TWIN RIVERS Detached. 78 MONARCH GHIA V8, 3 bdrm. 2 Vt bath. 1 car4dr, full pwr pkg, am/fm/8 garage, futty fenced yard. Assume our $57, V4% digital dock, a/c, new brakes track stereo, rear defog, mortgage, plus secondary financing '79 CADILLAC SEDAN Dvn, spm MrW ownhouse. Perfect cond. & lo- $ DeVHe Mbit condition. cation. Upgraded everything. AsUng $74, SUZUKI GS750, excaaant condnton, $ pm. or TWM RIVERS 4 bdrm. townhouse. many extras, assurnabie mortgage TWM RIVERS 3 bdrm. 2^ baft) detached house. New carpeting, wood burning stove, garage, tovety wooded view. Many extras. Move in Cal e e2«0. 76 CHEVY VEGA Station Wagon 36,000 miles. Standard shift. Good condition. Asking $1400 or best offer, includes ski rack aft 7-9pm. 77 CHEVY CAMARO very good cond, auto, am-fm 8 track, p/s. p/b. 55,000 mi. $ eves. 77 T-BIRD cream puff, 41,000 orig. mi, ECO.302 eng. champagne brown combo w/tandau roof, a/c, garage kept by 1 owner. $ eves. & wkends.. 78 DATSUN B210 only 37,000 mi, 40 mpg, reg gas, superb condition. Must see , 79 MAZDA RX7 Bronze, cruise control. Clarion am/fm cassette, auto, air, sunroof, $6600. After 7pm & shocks, sbr tires, 78,000 mi, $ weekdays after 7pm. beat offer TRIUMPH SPITFIRE blue, wehtwantahed. New convertible top and hard top. $ aft. 5pm. 80 CHEVY Monza $3600. Exc. cond mi, 4 cyt, 4 spd. am-fm cass ' 2954 eves. 440 Too Late to Classify ALUMINUM WINDOWS 75" x 51, heavy aluminum frames, excellent for greenhouses and cold frames. $10 will deliver or ARE YOU Afraid To Speak Up? Do you have trouble telling people how you really feel? A course in assertiveness training may tielp you overcome these problems. Evening classes are now being formed for early July thru mid-aug. For details cah eves. ATTENTION FLEA Marketeers Brand new salesmen samples. Attache cases, portfolios, stain glass wall decor, umbrellas, clocks & many more. Unbelievable prices, call BABY SITTER 3 months old, East Windsor area, reliable person BARNEGAT LIGHT 2 bdrm, duplex, close to beach. Avail 7/24-7/31, 8/28-9/4. $350 per week. Also Sept $275 per week. Call BEACH HAVEN Oceanfront Condo, happy hour deck on dunes. 3 bedrms, 2 baths, swimming pool, Aug , Aug.29-Sept TOO Late to Classify 44 Too Late to Classify '82 HONDA Odyssey GARAGE SALE Mostly NEW HOPE, PA. in ow $1000. Call before 6, 609- furniture, no junk. Exc. quality carriage house on estate irt Aft & not outdated. 6 pc. pitown. Small artistic 1 bdrm. 90" GREEN SOFA $150; group, 2 bdrm. sets: 1 Henry Sears 10 qt. humidifier $50. Link, 1 Burlington. Peach or quilted sleeper sofa. Indian print area rug. Much more. Friday, July 9, 9-4 rain or shine. 52 S. Main St., Cran- BEACH HAVEN Cleanest apartments on Island. 1 & 2 bedrms, excellent location. Weekly rentals BEAUTIFUL 8 by 10 Persian Rug $2800. Delightful investment. Call BEDENS BROOK. Montgomery Twp. 2 + acre building lot overlooking Bedens Brook Country Club. Sewer, water, gas, electric. Homes in area priced from $350,000- $ BLUEBERRIES Available at the farm. Fresh or frozen. F.W. Bush & Sons. Blueberry Farms, Magnolia- *^d, Pemberton BOYS BMX BIKES Rampar R11XL. $115; Schwinn Scrambler. $60. Firm CARPENTRY & ROOFING Since Call Sesztak Builder CHECK THIS I Serving Mercer, Somerset, Middlesex. Hunterdon, Monmouth. Ocean & Bucks Counties. Choose from many apts & houses for rent. Just $ Locators. CHILD CARE Live in Nanny. Mon thru Fri, in our Belle Mead home! 1 Care for ^V^ yr old girl + housekeeping. Paid vacation and holidays. References. $125 week CLEANING 1 day/wk. Reliable. Ref. & trans, required. Lawrenceville area after 5:30. COMFORTABLE, PLEA- SANT Room in large, beautiful quiet home. For married male executive, 1 over 30 who needs rm. for 5 days & occasional weekends. Others need not apply. Approx. 10 miles from Princeton aft. 4pm. GARAGE SALE July 10 & 24th, 10-4, 30 Paul Ave. OAT STRAW for sale. (Bruns. Acres), Kendall Park. Bargains galore! GARAGE SALE 14 Rocky Brook Road, Cranbury Manor. 7/10 & 7/17, 10-3pm.' Furniture, children's clothes, redwood set, housewares, all reasonably priced GETTING BACK on Your Feet? Adjustable walker. Alfnost new. $ aft. 5pm. GOATS FOR SALE pure bred Nubian, 2 milkers, buck & doe kids GOLF~CLUBS excellent condition, right handed, by Northwestern HAMILTON SQUARE Cherry Knoll section. 15 min. from Princeton. 5 bdrm. colonial, 2 car garage, lot 85x200. cellar, laundry rm, den, liv. rfr.. din. rm, kitchen plus patio.v Call HAMILTON SQUARE Charming features abound in this elegant 8 rm. colonial. Super new kitchen, enclosed sun rm., panelled fam. rm., 2 full baths, basement rumpus rm., manicured fenced lot.. Owner will assist with low interest mortgage. $69,900 GLENDALE EW1NG TWPSHP Two family - custom brick and aluminum colonial featuring a beautiful 7 rm., 2 bath apt. on first floor, 4 rms. & bath on second, floor, 2 car garage. Lovely 75x120 ft. fenced lot. Look and offer. $89,900 HILTONIA TRENTON Magnificent 8 rm. all brick colonial featuring a tiled en-' trance hall, gorgeous liv. rm.. marble fire place, formal din. rm., super kitchen, loaded with extras, 4 bdrms.,: 3V2 baths, fam. rm., 2 car garage. Large matured treed lot. Owner will assist with low interest mortgage. $77,500! IIAItT t UNO (Ml) 2033 Noi.nghm» W O, (609) HERCZEG PAINTING Paperhanging, ext. & int. Free estimates HIGHTSTOWN 6,800 sq ft, building & office, used for tire sales, auto mech, auto parts. Has 4 lifts, 6 large overhead doors, for trucks & cars. For info call HORSE FOR SALE Outstanding Arabian Broodmare, 9 yr old chestnut; Raffles & Fadi breeding. Exceptional producer, 1982 foal available for review. Excellent investment at $4500. Call HOUSECLEANING Needed COMPANION FOR Elderly Belle Mead area; 201- Woman Live in, own room & bath, prefer driver, verifiable references. Salary negotiable between Coast, 20% on Shetland, $99 ' versible fan available again. DALMATIAN PUPS - AKC Van Dommelen Ceiling Fans Champion sired, home 164 Witherspoon Street raised. Lovely disposition. Next, 0 Forers pharmacy Show or pet on residential st. Pvt entr. Pets ok. $285/mo + elec., heat pd aft. KINGSTON 12% owner 6pm. financed to qualified buyer. - Charming old home. 1 bath; 2 FOR RENT w/ Option to Buy bdrms, full basement. 1 block 4-5 bdrm. twnhse. in from public transportation. Princeton. Tennis & swim- Asking $63, ming ind. $1250/mo. Call ^ S J LARQE Garage Sa 0 _ FREE TO GOOD Home 8 on Sunday July 11th, 8 a.m. - wk. old male, half pure-bred?, 30 Highway 130, next to giant schnauzer Dayton Ford. Bikes, furniture, 2436 or pair of assorted slacks and p ' at give-away PARTNERS rahintno or other vacate Investors - Wanted for boat SSS related business. Marina dub, D e boat storaae. boat sales & ffill service. Peddler's Pddl' Village LICENSED ELECTRICIAN-, Shops, sight seeing river full or part time position with boat, narrow gauge railroad, attractive benefits. Salary hotel/motel. 20 mins to Phila- negotiable. Call Lawrence delphla, 1 hr to New York Twp. Public Schools at 609- Ctty. Have aji approvals in ext 364 for an aphand. including license to op- plication. An EOBAA. erate boat dock. Call after LOST male Airdale, Ken- 1 pm ^- dall Park area, needs medica- ' tion. Reward FURNITURE Sofa $200, after 330pm. rec«ner$100.swaglarnp$25. MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS ataocsshes $25. Other items. _ AKC, 6 wks. old. Males & eves. female GARAGE SALE Sat, July MOVING SALE 152 von Nassau St Many Neumann Dr. Princeton. (IAS bargains. ^ housing) July 10 & apt. Mod. kit., liv; rm. Avail. Aug. 1 to prof, or business single, financially responsible w/good rei $325 + security dep. + elec. (heat ind.); 1 year lease. Call Miss Eagan aft. 6, or landlord Mr. Curtis Baled & to be taken off wagon. Approx ton.' Eve, aft. 8pm, PARROT LOST Small, green, about 9", with blueish head. Please call Dr. Powsner or Ph.D. PROFESSIONAL Woman 39, responsible, nonsmoker, no pets, seeks attractive, well-lighted apt. in Princeton; to $400. Write Box #04630 c/o Princeton Packet. PLUS METHOD CORPORATION Administrative assistant to the V.P. Excellent opportunity to experienced person. The position requires all round office experience together with a positive capability for office organization and control. A substantial salary and benefits package is available to the selected candidate. Call for interview POOL Filter new. Lomart. Price $ POSITIONS AVAILABLE At Princeton Meadows Country Club. Bartender, full time nights, experience necessary w/references. Short order cook, full or part time,, experience necessary. Door checker, part time. Please call for appt or apply in person between 9am-5pm PRE-SCHOOL PLAY Tues & Thurs, $3 potty trained; $5 if not. Jamesburg Princeton SmaH Animal Rescue League (SAVE) Weekdays to claim or adopt a pet call Mrs. Graves for an appointment at Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm. Sat. 8am-11am. Nights & weekends report lost, found or injured pets to. the police. Female spayed 3 yr. old Airedale/black Labrador. Looks like Airedale. Female Beagle type pup. Female tan Terrier type dog. Female spayed Airedale/Labrador type dog, 3 Vb yrs. old.. Female spayed 1 yr. old Siberian Husky dog, has papers. Female 1 % yr. old purebred sable & white Collie. Altered male, purebred Doberman, 2 Vi yrs. old. Good temperament. Altered male. Shepherd/ Sheltie type, 15 mos. old, medium size, good w/children. I(; Male young Hound dog. Male 5 yr. old small Cockapoo, all black, good w/ children. Male 4 yr. old Siberian Husky, outside dog. Male altered Alaskan Husky, 3 yrs. old, good w/children. Male 14 mos. old purebred Old English Sheepdog, papers, good w/children. Altered male 2 Vb yrs. old. Golden Retriever type, exc. w/children.. Call us. about, our female i. $ spayed, male altered cats & kittens. Also, declawed cats. PROFESSIONAL FEMALE. wanted to share room in 2 bdtm. apt. in Princeton Meadows. $150/mo. Reference's , See more classifieds on the last page of the A section

37 guide for the week of July 7,1982 USTARD \ " I Cr» * a spesuw -a*»ocw Wnosof t-*ghs+terald. Central Post. Manviiie News. Franklin News-Record. HiHsoorough Beacon and Cranbury Press:

38 BELLOC RED LETTER DAYS Crafty people exhibit at Kingston Fest The third annual Kingston Festival will be held July 10 on Main Street (Route 27) in Kingston from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A variety of craftspeople will display their original work. Exhibits will include Carol Bakely's thelkd frames and minors; Walter Mihalak's oil and acrylic paintings; Agnes Lindgren's and Karen Reed's calico specialties; The Woodshed's hand-crafted wood pieces; Diane Sobota's weaving; Jan Maxwell's decorative light switches; Rosemary Delozier's quilting; Betty Anderson's restored dolls; and Reighan Kilpatrick's silver and gem jewelry. Food will be available throughout the day, with hamburgers and hot dogs being prepared by members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Kingston Fire Department. In addition, popcorn and snow cones will be sold by members of tiic Kingston Business and Professional Association, sponsors of the event. I Special features will include Jonjie the Clown's animal balloons and skits from The Hobbit performed by Princeton Street Theatre. For more information, call 'Christmas in July' returns to Hamilton The fourth annual "Christmas in July" show will return to Hamilton Township. Sponsored by the Delaware Valley Doll Club of New'Jersey, the show will feature an array of dolls and doll artifacts. More than SO doll dealers will exhibit and sell antique and modern dolls and doll accessories. In addition, doll artists will be featured with their original creations. The exhibit will be held at the Colonial Volunteer Fire Company Hall, 801 Kuser Road, Hamilton Township on July 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call INDEX 0N1HCCOVSI Rwlogiapliar Hanv Rub«l captures a typlcol on nw iww jwwy y DOUI U WUIK. mm, BUOML who HVW In GnQostown, sold h# nnds photooiophlc b#auty In what many poopto would llnd ordtoary. for a took at tn* works and pnakmqfjny ov mv pnovograpnvr, nt poqws iz and 13. FfAIUMS AND DOABTMBI1S HooJng Out: 1h» Wpojftp <>ut typyte dtooi ovy noxon ctatfavd lh# tract most aiioclatod with AMI Mew JcaMy boaidwafc 3 On Vtovrc PNkxMMphlo it cototoicjtlno Its 300th MMoy «i on mimic way at mt f imujuwipnta MUMUR) of Ait. Wrtl#f SoRy rrt#dmon woluqtm Bw im and worts of ttw two ra*n featured at ttw ait mtimum lor ftm 'Century IV* party.4-4 On Stag*....e-9 m Concert: ChM star Jar* km mate* a com* bock vh. > oo» of N#w Jtcwy Not**: John MaynaH ploys hit music now Win* Lln«s: l«aurllli«rs talks about th» W gmnfl quamlw of fh* Iquor group catod vosj CM ww9 Of WvwBr Of»... M -. M.i# Tabto Talc: Maraw WMtamsreturns to on* of h*r tar at flt# lop of h#f On tciiwkjuwping j^ardsl 'Annto^it a iyty ana onhmiqflnhiq WB\ which tlh HWM doom#d to lo lot* roofi*y> occopcbno to flkn cttnc Tom atub* Vtaw: Captain lyjn* IMB<JIHI» PotHda londvn rani,19 ^0-23 9A Brooklyn bluegrass comes to Jersey turf Oh July 10, at 8 p.m., the Battleground Arts Center will present a bluegrass festival at Monmouth Battlefield State Park, Route 33, Manalapan. "From the Blue Ridge Mountains to Brooklyn: An Evening of Bluegrass and Traditional Musk" will feature two performers who hail from New York City and one group from Delaware. Jody Steicher, one of the original New York bluegrass pioneers, is a guitar-fiddle-banjo instrumentalist. He is a former member of the New York Ramblers and the Asphalt Jungle Mountain Boys and has performed with guitarists David Nichtem and David Bromberg. He has recorded many albums in his traditional American bluegrass style..charged Particles, a New York-based group headed by banjo player Marty Cutler, will perform its avant-garde sounds of country, blues, rock, swing and fusion jazz alternating with mountain classics. Michal Shapiro, lead vocalist of the group, has performed with Elephant Memory, a group that recorded with John Lennon and Ypko Ono. For tickets, call In case of rain, the concert will be cancelled and all monies will be refunded. Historical Society travels with Germans The New Jersey Historical Society's first traveling exhibit will be on view at the Monmouth Museum, New Springs Road, Lincroft through August 1. Entitled "The Germans of New- Jersey," the exhibit includes items related to German family life, art and culture. Some of these include a musket used by Hessian soldiers during the Revolutionary War, the devotional diary of. a German missionary and a portrait of Clara Maas, the young nurse who died following the experiment that uncovered the cause of yellow fever in In conjunction with the exhibit; the museum will host a lecture by Richard Sorrell, an associate professor of history from Brookdale Community College, on July 18 at 2:30 p.m. Professor Sorrell will discuss immigration with a special emphasis on immigration in New Jersey. The museum is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, call Letters To the editor..just a note to advise you and die staff at The Princeton Packet how pleased we are to see Jean Hollander's poetry column in your newspaper. Congratulations on your.foresight in adding this column to your excellent publication. Many readers will look forward to it with increasing pleasure in the coming months. z Freda Hepner Director, Helicon To the editor: Hats off to Mel Benarde in his article "Don't Leave Home Without It" (Time Off, June 23). It's indeed about time that someone made exactly his point. People set themselves up for constant disappointment on vacation trips. His example was mainly that foreign travel experience is not going to be identical to domestic travel, and we should not expect it to be the same thing. I for one would like to see people enjoy their much deserved vacation time and would like to see tbot really experience what they chose their particular vacation spot for. People who spend 1 their time fussing over the camera or bawling out the waitress will have that much less time to look at the Grand Canyon.. Rachel A. Hickson TIME OFT Week of July

39 * - Pigging Out Pigs are hot for frozen custard I* JIFF MEXJfcON AND»AM HERSH StTHMOt fvh at the boardwalk new* banting, HI (he un. fnmwiraj n> the *. Uccpmf <M the sand, creanag and»calpt*m. tcrcaouag o«the roller emm. Aoatoaf oa top of the world m a font *!KCJ, *gj*f*f with fnead is (be fnaaowe i seed only OBC acthniy to oa the boardwalks of Part or Atlantic City. Happiness C Wk Catting "* COttOtt CHHy * poppoctu wan nfiy. weinm. radge. i of as Ac goodwi add 10 i odlpki of the jonk WHIPS Tit owitni.il t»uj tkfflo«lac the gold I and 1/2 cups prepared French chestnuts I pint also cream /4 cup pineapple syrup Make custard of first four ingredients, strain, cool: add cream, pineapple syrup sad chestnuts; then fit< n. To prepare ehcunots. shell, cook in boiling water until soft, tod force through strainer. Line a two-quart melon mpk) with part of mixture; to remainder add one-half cup candied fruit cut into small pieces, one-quarter cup sultana raisins, and eight chestnuts broken in pieces, first soaked several hours in maraschino syrup. Fill mold, cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand for two hours. Serve with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored with maraschino syrup. Other pigging out experts are encouraged to send us suggestions concerning where we can buy frozen custard and/or how we can make frozen custard. But we still have not resolved the ultimate question is all this effort necessary, when a pig can get fake frozen custard which is actually spectacular ice cream? It is like asking a woman if she would prefer an imitation Calvin Klein dress made by Bill Blass. ^ of people mfciaf of saa tan oil 1 T^ kw J wtfjf Jency IRC uuiui m * -. - abb OOVB...a. *^ wmyi w nice olf for Che RVXBGB eggs, k was aacd for as to bettere dtat this trmcm nric BoMnfwsBc Kdar*s Pranaa Oaatard has ao eggs aad n aot tsdmacaoy a fnoca b it oxrerf a dcucioitt soft ke ; to Ehoa D. Kohr. the fouadcr of Kohr't. his ice cream is "superior*' a> other aoft ice cream, became the Kohr's ptodact contantt 14 pcktat batatr fat. whereat n M other soft ice CIURU congmm ibnm o percent butscrfaf» The trvciattan aboot Kohr's made u* anyone wianufaciuic-i i a true frozen custard. A «poi;ri-pcnon tor die lanernatioaal AMOCOOOB of Ice Cream Manufacturer* >JHJ "» die best of my knowkdye. there ape no naaarowtfufc'rii of nozen cmxard«she did not consider the frozen pudding popi aad the frozen canard desactts being tcueicwd «a the «apennarkcts as a "true" Km$. m oflkul with the Dmy Queen headquancn. %mi tikm Dmty Qwea** "toft-tcrve" tge M *cnull> ice imdx. not frozen Sec aim said that marketing of tttxreo cwgwd wonid be problctnjtic. becanc «i» more ta*ccpublc to bacteria gfowth. *a«ch means the product can not be shipped over long dhtanccs E»«a aowgh pn» noald prefer to staff ihtw tacm WIOOBI having to pupae the toed, me ontj apparent way lo ptg out <w fratea cmtard» to make M. A look a Ir* cooahooks led as to an tmty cemmy<m recipe for a of frozen cwtard called paddnig. TM raclpc it nun {Paaai Bnanv nahcnmsd m 1896, 3 cups TIME OFF

40 ON VIEW It's sammer is the dty but no ordinary summer! 1982 is the year of Philadelphia's 300th birthday, and the party bursts into full bloom with Century IV on the front burner. At nearly every Pfefladdphfa museum and institution, Century IV means unique offerings, a smorgasbord of spedal programs and projects, and a chance to celebrate the past m the present! At the Museum of Art in Phila<Ielphia, it's a double-header. Rejected native son comes home by SALLY FRIEDMAN HE WAS A NATIVE SON OF PHILADELPHIA wfeo **s *tmna nm oat oi town became once. I K dared to ctpmir brwsy. asked bodies oo bis Bade m be wm fired from hit MSHmf fcrbowbd OK M'MIK lobb MQBI B fldblc BIMMMI m BBC I X B i y W i m ncmauoy Of OK ftac AitiwbSe HWMI went is the room. Bm m 19GL TbooaB Eaktas bas reloibe Otf of Bratberty Lowe M s Itaram of An cdebmes * wodk is am twewy yon drawing hordes of visitors who seem to agree with an critics at opposite ends of the spectrum that Thomas Eakins. though rebuffed by the.city in which he worked and. who signed many of his paintings with the Latin designation for "Eakins of Philadelphia." deserves his place in the city's year-long birthday party. More than 140 of the beleaguered painter's works, from drawings to watercolors, sculptures and photographs, define the current collection at the Philadelphia Museum which is organized by themes bffhwiing with the artist's student work and earliest portraits. And as fascinating astnoae works are. to be fully appreciated, they should be studied in the context of Thomas Eakins' life. It u a life that might be the staff of sprawling novels. tt amovmftr nrasd prsmlfc padurw and omg a ram > aw. rnami E aeta«t UitBB lh«jyaawork out ot wall. 1MB atotfc >TB laypbbt BBIBCMOW BVBUDIB tnmyktatm ta Madam. W l heap you Irarm your BBlaoSon youraafl. BBBSV and IrwaraBValy. Or «ean do tor you. Ch*dren«Birthdays Carnvais, Fairs Grand Opaninns Company Picnic* Special Promotions School Evants "An Actress" by Thomas Eakins at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Hilton's Famous LADIES NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY 9 p.m. to Midnight ALL DRINKS 1.00 Umt 3 drinks per tody jmftt.tm.bml t te. The Place To Be For a parted vacation the Shoraham in Spring laics. Evtry convenience. Next to SI. Catharine's. Private beach, pool, ooefctai lounge. Brunch at new poolslde Down Under" bar. Call or write quickly lor reservations. (201) P.O. Bw 225 Spring lake. N.J (Next lo St. Catharine's) X * 1981 «GRAND Wednesday NOIV" Thete's No Place Like Hilton ^ ^ r ihchwonlnn jr Ml Tumpke Exit 8. 60»«44«-7000 U-S?* r Monmouth St. Extension. ow * * u ^^^ H»on irm J^J, Windsor. NJ TtME-OfF Week of July 7-14,198?

41 c ON VIEW Evans paints with a camera lens r Radwkfc Evans* photograph, linooh Cathadrad," at the Philadelphia MuMum of Art (purctwmd wtt) funds given by Dorothy Norman, photographed by WB Brown). ky SALLY FRIEDMAN HE WAS CONFIDANTE AND F1UEND CNF GEORGE BERNARD S8AW, wto described In London bookttafia* faftcm*:: "It w» jam fed of books. The window up WIBI lnfffn«so & > Off I I i 0 * Ttafc that the irtenor was dark. And he stood for 00 aomcme bom his customers. He told than what was good for them, not what they asked for." Frederick Henry Evans, mamr photographer whose incredible representations of the cathedrals of Europe are currently on display at Philadelphia's Moseam of Art. was more than a bookselfcr. He was a complex, sometimes \iwhn'pyfrtial man who practiced and 25% OFF Total Dinner Check (Food Only) Mon.-Fri. Expires July 19, 1982 ALL NEW OtNNES MENU priced tnm fj.95 I i*s Mcaa CfS I Opca 7 Days! OVER THE BRIDGE INN T-R arm. ss I Lounge I I preached a philosophy of purepbotography even in an era when that infant art form was struggling for recognition by the most elaborate manipulation of negative and print. But Evans, now regarded as the master architectural photographer of this century, would have none of it. His.own negatives were faithfully developed without retouching, solely by contact on platinum paper. He baffled and bothered his contemporaries who were bemused by Evans' insistence on the "...straightest of straight photography..." It was Evans himself who once explained his interest in photography to members of the Photographic Society of Great Britain back in He took it up. said the bookshop owner, because of his lifelong study of the beautiful. And he felt that in portraiture, the photographer could do even better than the painter. "I think it (photography portraiture) can give a far greater, more intimate sense of identity. What is wanted in portraiture is the portrait, and nothing more; no obvious intrusion, that is. of the personality of the producer." But it was not until 1898, at the age of 45, that Frederick Evans was able to devote himself fully to his passion. At the time, he gave up his bookstore and retired on a small annuity. At last, Evans was free to photograph whatever he pleased. And it was architecture that was to dominate Evans' photographic eye. Prior to the works of Evans, almost all photographs of the magnificent cathedrals that dotted England and France' were simply "recordings," true to the detail of those sites, but totally lacking in the sense of space, light, the upward reach of every architectural clement. Frederick Evans was to seek those elements, striving to capture, not just the buildings, not just the mortar and stone, but the incredible grace, the glory of spirit, the grandeur of scale and space that made the cathedrals almost trancendental in their beauty. It was no easy task, and Evans keenly felt the challenge. "I try for a record of emotion rather than a piece of topography," Evans once advised beginners. "I try and try again until the print...shall P.J.'s Pancake House 154 Nassau Street Princeton, NJ give not only intimate knowledge of the original, but some measure of the feeling it inspired in me." THIS WAS SOMETHING BEYOND TRADITIONAL photography, and Frederick Evans knew it. In order to capture the precise texture of stone, the exact quality of light and space in these edifices, he camped out at the great cathedrals of Europe, staying weeks at each site just to capture the subject at various times of day and at every conceivable angle. Imperfect negatives were destroyed by the driven perfectionist whp wanted to lead the spectator into the "...wonderfully lit beyond, the desired haven..." Appropriately, the Philadelphia Museum of Art's tribute to the photography ot Frederick Evans is called "The Desired Haven," and just as appropriately, it highlights the scope and grandeur of Evans' works and visions. There are Evans' views of Westminster Abbey and the cathedrals of York, Wells and Bourges, with rich, deep shadows that suggest the awesome stillness, and with flashes of the dappled sunlight that filtered through the stained glass windows of these majm&c cathedrals. Frederick Evans insisted on his own unique presentation of his photographs, mounted on backgrounds of subdued gray or tan and bordered in hisnswn hand with ink lines or pale washes of color. At the Philadelphia exhibit, many of the photographs appear just as Frederick Evans had mounted them. Ninety-One of the master's photographs appear in the current exhibit, marking the most complete Evans collection* in the United States. The exhibit has been installed on the ground floor print gallery of the Philadelphia Museum of Art where it will remain through July 18, thanks to a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. -Frederick Evans based his photographic esthetic on the static and the eternal. His own words best sum up his deeply-felt view of the art as he rendered it: "There are no more abiding memories See EVANS, page 6 CHAMPION OF BREAKFASTS You'll be.knocked out by our menu. Stop in for breakfast, day or night. Try the pancake sampler. Or peach-topped pancakes. Or strawberry-filled crepes. Or breakfast ham with eggs. Or any of the other breakfast debcacies we offer. We have a winning variety of great breakfast foods! TIME OFF

42 (Cc HIS BIOCKArBICAL DATA ni icnpc OBI -«pacroarrom tan The ffcstara KM of prowcrom UK. a 22. of fiwiriil md from his U n that fmodtpe so few aitisu Hw Irtcdmi. "if tt (be ttholwt. tamuh TrCC ID...OOHtnnl Eafcaa* ** is say: 'To draw me B M M B. it is accessary to fcaow as noch as OOHHBBK ibdomk flt«fln^om OHM* JoflnoCOBBTC 9100 JVBMB BHBiBH^ViBliBiBivBMBfBMB'^ JB»BV i0oha1^sv JB^BVB^K IOWBB^V^VVIBV^V Bcwr DBcy arc BBBOE. BOW mcy an..:. mff fwewiett w iff itwo of stb mnftcsi TW yoaaf arust poked an. looac oi* his jbwtt famous pwwfwp- "The Graa» OtocT a MMIIMUB* of the carby Tboaaas ^afcaas when he was 30. and reflects the artist's relovc of rralitm. The hifh g by y six feet wide. immortalites Samael P. Gross, a ; as operation Evans* (Coatfaacd from page 5) of peace, deep joy. and satisfaction than dx»c gjivea by a prolonged soy in a cathedral vicinity. The sense of wiradnwil. aa apart nr» from the rash of BK~..JEI worth any cflon in an lining. When one comes to be past the fatigues of ux*iuag UNjlhss ID rely on old memories. as he lectures to his students. In his own hand. Gran holds a blood-stained scalpel that tthhnarty caused art show jurors to refine 10 hang die punting. II^...-«.I by the rebuff. Thomas Eakias went on to express his own deeply-held views in his art. His subjects roamed from scenes of the city he loved, to the bucolic outdoor world of rowers on the river, to portraits that horrified their intended subjects. One young woman, it is reported, burst into lean when she saw how Eakins had painted her and begged him to make her "...just a bale more pretty..." But the man who wandered Philadelphia's streets in flannel shirts and slippers hated affectation in his appearance or his art. A highly emotional man, who wept when he listened to the musk of Brahms, Thomas Eakins nevertheless had an uncanny knack for offending the same men and women of money and influence who might have become his patrons. BUT THE ECCENTRICITIES complete wim a pet monkey named Bobby and a penchant for skating backwards did not touch Thomas Eakins' stature as an artist now recognized as one,of the brightest stars in the American firmament. "Max Schmidt in a Single Scull" a rowing scene in the present Philadelphia exhibec has been called "...a portrait of an era..." as well as of an individual. "William Rush Carving" is regarded as these visits to glorious cathedrals will be found. I think, to be among the richest of rememo "The Desired Haven" Photographs by Frederick H. Evans will be on display at the Philadelphia Museum of An. 26th Street at the Parkway. Philadelphia, through July 18. one of the finest examples of nude painting in the art world; and it is said to reflect Eakins' deep respect for people absorbed, in meaningful work. The sculptor, in t h i s\ work, is absorbed in his carving, the \ model in her posing, and the model's chaperone in her knitting project. A workman-like attitude, the painter seems to be saying, is the highest and greatest good. Also in the Philadephia exhibit are two renderings of Thomas Eakins' wife Susan and some glimpses of old age in portraiture that, suggest the grace of that chapter in human life. Already, art critics are calling the Philadelphia exhibit "the happiest artistic occasion to come our way in decades". The massive catalogue for the show, prepared by Darrel Sewell, is a comprehensive companion to the major retrospective. In conjunction with the exhibit, the Philadephia Museum of Art will offer a series of films that chronicle American life during the artist's time. "Thomas Eakins, Artist of Philadelphia" will continue at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 26th Street and the Parkway, through August 1. For information and hours, please call "Lincoln Cathedral from the Castle," a photograph by Frederick Evans, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (purchased; Director's Discretionary Fund, photographed by Eric Mitchell, 1982). LUNCH AT THE LOBSTER SHANTY? LOVE Jmk Bahar^ Lrtiam Shanty, on Tam.' Bonus 1 *: (Effective July 5) $5 in Quarters! $5 Food Coupon! $5 Special Winter Voucher!* $5 Evening Voucher! t ftnadarnabla July S-Oct 31, 1982 for $5 hi quarters. Good on your next tnp on arrivals Sunday-Thursday after 4:00 P.M.) : SUBURBAN TRANSIT CORP. (609) (201) CKavlire Uaasn PRICES AS SHOWN ARE FOR ROUND TRIP FARE MSwn. fc50s.ni. M9i.ro. Ltst Stop - TTienlKgrtts Via G Parkway M flaw m sasjict tohaffic, wu/ttm and opcntmal detayj- Sony, no oneunder 18 permitted. W*ekofiirjr7-14.r982

43 ON VIEW John Brenneman's wall sculptures will be on view at the Montgomery National Bank through July 18. dtapicyalmarcer County Cor Ait ASaodaion» Mfced August 19. for man Mor print, "Spring Meadow," is currently on r*y Colege's Hxary galery. The Princeton kivttattonaj Exhibit wtt continue through cal Architect banks on wall sculpture John Brenneman's "architectonic wall sculptures" will be on view at the Montgomery National Bank, Routes 518 and 206^ Rocky Hill, through July 18. He believes that wall sculpture is "more complex and varied than either traditional graphics or sculpture, because all the elements of both are available to the artist." Moreover, "it is an ideal medium for abstraction, since the basics of masses, voids, light and shadow, pattern and color, texture, rhythm, counterpoint and spacial interpenetration can be directly expressed in a variety of materials combined in one piece." Mr. Brenneman, an architect, is the president of BrcnJoc Corporation and is also a principal in the building firm of Brenloc Installations. His architectural background has been enhanced by his extensive involvement in other areas' of the arts. As a college professor of art, he taught classes in landscapes, portraiture, abstracts, still life, life drawing and wood sculpture. As a musician, he played the leading role in numerous 1 operas and was a tenor soloist with the Kansas State University Choir. He was an architectural writer and photographer for national publications such as Ladies Home Journal, Better Homes and Gardens, American Home, Progressive Architecture and New Homes Guide. He has obtained patents in building technology in the United States and foreign countries and his major career focus now is working [on Brenloc technology. Mr. Brenneman believes that "art, to be valid, must say something to its viewer." Different people will see different things in his wall sculptures.._ If you haven't tried it yet, ask someone who hazs. Cakes and pies tor all occasions. Itiogen-Dazs Ice Cream Shoppe of Princeton 11 WCPO«O>fT3-raCAY 4 SATURDAY UHTX 11 PM I«MM»iACIiOttTHlCMCi nltomu$t0wtt-x>i Mr UM OB-TIME 40 Main St. KINGSTON 2 miles No. of Princeton J & J Dance Party with John & Jamie D.J.'s inda Lee and. Company ampllghters 18 Piece Big Band Sound * world fall of we're still the same..'. PEACOCK INN Bricks Mortar Rock-Roll Jury 9, 10 Downstairs Lounge NOW OPBI fit A S*. Mrftt Kicks TIME. OFF J '1<

44 ON STAGE Mcfcay Mouee and two of Ms pals * perform In the new Wai Dtanty Great k» Odyaaty m the Brendan Byrne Arena between July 20 and August 1. Mickey Mouse skates into Byrne Arena Mickey Home will skate "ma (fee Byrne AICM OB July 20 and will of Wall Dtaawy** G n t f let Odyaacy, produoed by trvsi Fdd aod Kfowtrh FckL I* Act ifeow. Mickey will depart from is traditional role ac a debonair 10 DOOOKDC a OCIOIC :K> save the worfofincmbmt KHXS of evil. TAB v v imflcc «ac oppoittamiy to boo and last aa Mickey and fait Disney pals brave fire-breathing dragons aad the Evil Queen to rescue fair damsels in distress, j John Carlow a> the Prince and Jamie-Lynn Kitchiag as Cinderella will aumyiiy Mickey in this new adventure. Goofy. Donald Duck. Winnic-thc-Pooh, Ttgger. the Big Bad Wolf and the Three little Pigs will also appear on stage. Tickets will be available at the Mcadtowlads box office and at Ticketron oodets. Cbildrea under 12 will receive a diicount at Klectcd perfomances. Formore information, call a winner just for arriving at THECIARIDGE tt Mew* Wfcdrmdlii or July SUBURBAN TRANSIT CORP THE CLAWDCE HOTEL AMD CASINO DeMn Camden catches Bill Bunting when they are surprised in a hat shop by Alane Marco and Diane Wargo in a scene from Hello, Dotty! Theatre-by-the-Lake welcomes "Dolly" Theatre-by-the-Lake will stage four performances of Hello, Dolly! Show times wid be at 8:30 p.m. on July 16, aii\ 24 in Gciger-Reeves Hall oh the Peddie School, campus, South Main and Ward Streets, Hightstown. HeOo, DoOy! is based on Thornton Wilder'* play. The Matchmaker. It tells the story of matchmaker Dolly Gallagcr Levi who sets out to win the hand of. millionaire Horace Vandergelder, and, in the process, matches up several other couples as well. In addition, to the title song, the score includes "Put On Your Sunday Clothes" and "It Only Takes a Moment." Jeffrey Holcombe will direct the show and Tom Cardea will provide the musical direction and scenic design. Pam Worley of Pennington will be the choreographer. The cast will include Julia Erlichman as Dolly, Jerry Wargo as Horace, Delvin Camden as Cornelius Hack! and Alane Marco as Irene Malloy. Other members include Bill Bunting, Diane Wargo, Danny Adlerman, Mary Beth Sine and Jo Jarvis. To reserve tickets, call weekdays, between 6 and 9 p.m. Theater group holds statewide auditions The New Jersey Theatre Group (NJTG), the organization for professional non-profit theaters in the state, will hold the first statewide auditions for equity and non-equity adult actors on July, 18 and 19. The auditions will aid artistic directors from the state's professional theaters-in casting their productions. The auditions will be held at George Street Playhouse. New Brunswick and will be viewed by artistic directors from the NJTG's membership. The membership includes Crossroads Theatre and George Street Playhouse in New Brunswick, Foundation in Pemberton. Half-Penny Playhouse in JCearny, McCartcr Theatre in Princeton, N.J. Shakespeare Festival in Madison, N.J. Theatre Forum in Plainfield. Papcrmill Playhouse in Millbura, Pushcart Players in Verona, South Jersey Regional in Somers Point,' Theatre of Universal Images in Newark and Whole Theatre Company in Montclair: Bill Buckson, coordinator for the NJTG, feels mat the diversity of theaters that will be represented is extremely beneficial to the actors. The types of theaters inqlude: musical theater, children's theater, touring companies, classical based and modern oriented theaters, playing to houses which range from 100 to 1,000 seats. "To have representation from most of New Jersey professional theaters in one place, gives those auditioning a rare opportunity to be seen," he said. All actors are asked to prepare two short audition pieces, one classical and one modem. Those who wish to audition by song may do so, but they must bring their own accompanist or be prepared to sing a capella. A piano will be available. Actors will be allowed five minutes apiece. The schedule is as follows: July 18 and 19, equity actors 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; July 18 and 19, non-equity actors 2:30 to 6 p.m. * All auditions are limited to actors who are at least 18 years old and they must telephone for a time slot in advance. No one will be seen without an appointment. Call BUI Buckson at for more information. At the Site of the Battle of Mohmouth In tctitc Manatapan Township Public Dining arete* m our,d NO BOOM. TRY OMt CHEF'S UmdMOit 4 DfctMl GRACIOUS LOUNGE COMPLETE BANQUET FACILITIES THECLARIDCE HOTEL AND CASINO COUNTRY CLUB C*y.NJ TIME OFF Week of July 7-14,1982 ton For ITaaaontloni Call TIMS. - Fri. 4:30 P.M.-5:30 P.M.

45 ON STAGE FNMvn QKmi, osrn LMBVS ano jorm Dovsr portray fw Scarscrow, Dorotiy. tfw Cowanfy LJon and ths Tin Man in w Bucks County Playhouse produdton of The WbanJ of O* (photo by Jeff CadkMnL Bodes Co. Playhouse becomes Land of Oz Tic Bvcfcs Comcy Pltyhoosc bees Knttiac Matoaey. She t Che Wfaawi ef Ox taipl to make 1 WaTJnBOWWkS pfoqttctkm ICIaMHaCCM Of '. tumc Jady Garted caovie. hat OoroiBy Ms. Matoaey. "1 jaat coofctot Bw *» - *. * ~ *JO I CaaMfOB OK movr SO Ito al aft*." >*_ * M _» m.. _«_ -tv^* -* -M_^^fc^ MEaW IMMOMEy MB» «««BC IWIf 1 -Jf -* i- *,,. mm. -* - -a-.. 1 * ihoobbg \ jen, cipfcain aod video prpjec- Dons. Eileea Griffin, stars as Dorothy. The ookf featured performers are David Wanstreet as me Scarecrow and Sterling Coyne at the Wizard. Carol Stretch and Judi Man play the good and wicked witches. Toto is barked by Sam Duthie of me Yeflow Brick Toad restaurant in Lambertviuc. The score Hsdudes tffisji such as "Over the ftiiabow." "We're Off to See the Wood" aad "If 1 Only Had a Brain." The Wizard atoz will be at me Bucks County Playhouse in New Hope through July 25. Call the box office at for more information. Summerfun stages 'Bedfull of Foreigners' State CoBest «Upper Moaadwr win ttace A f Fanajaan at SJO p.m. i My 10. The ahow is a comedy duttatc plaoebaloadiaafreachvtdatcaearlhe THE MKADO i* it at tin. t? tail mum tt-sla VEST S1BE STORY See die Gallery opening* r^-we-off German bwuei. The show win be directed by Joaeph Long. The acenk aad Hghtmg design are by Guy Suabedisacn and die costumes are by Maiyann Ttombiiio. For ticket reservations, call STATE THEATBZ or i Bucks County Playhouse MX I.PAlttM The WIZARD of OZ 30h^JI25 July 28 through August 15 Penelope Reed in The Belle of Amherst 7-11 Mchael ^ a n portrays a dereoct who falls into Michael Pastryk"s secret world in TtoapaJaaers W i Be Protecuted. The drama will be presented at Rutgers University between July 6 and 18. 'Trespassers' will premiere at Rutgers An old derelict literally falls into the secret world of a 13-year-old boy in Trespassers WTO Be Prosecuted. The drama will have its East Coast premiere at Rutgers University. Australian playwright Peter Kenna's script is about a boy who has been brought up to be a competitive survivor and creates a hideout in a cave under a railroad trestle. The old man fans through me railroad ties into die boy's secret place and is unable to climb out again. The boy resists going for help became he doesn't want to reveal his hideaway. The play is a study of the conflicts between die haves and have-nots of die world. Michael Egan will portray the old man and Michael Pastryk will be the teenager. The play will be directed by William Esper, head of the acting program at the university's Mason Gross School of the Arts and; of his own acting studio in New York City. The set design is by Brian Martin. Other credits include lighting by Kevin Holman, sound by David G. Marshall and costumes by Vickie Rita McLaughlin. Performances will be given at 8 p.m. on July 7 to 11 and 13 to 18 in Levin Theater on the Douglass College campus in New Brunswick. ' For more information, call Crossroads performs at Shakespeare fest Crossroads, New Jersey's professional black theater company, will bring its production of Medal of Honor Rag by Tom Cole to the N.J. Shakespeare Festival. There will be one performance only at 8 p.m. on July 19 in Madison. Thisproduction is part of the Monday Night Special series at the festival. Lee Richardson, artistic director at tfsbackl Weekends OR RL 1; H TI WE Off has ONSTAGE Reviews every week 1 Crossroads, and Danny Spear, an actor from New York, will star in the show. Rick Kahn, executive director at Crossroads, will direct. The drama, based on a true story, concerns a young soldier's struggle to accept the Medal of Honor for what he can only view as murder of the innocent. ' Tickets should be reserved in advance. For more information, call BY-THE-LAKEI Tha Communay Theatre._ Oh Tha Pa^o^ SdiocTCampua In H^itatOMn, M. J Main & Ward - proudly presents - "HELLO, DOLLY" Tha Ctasaic Musical - Comedy Smash seven years on BroaAw^ featuring the fabulous score, coskanaa, dances and more. A treat for the entire famiy... Fri. 4 Sat, July 18 & 17 FA. & Sat, July 23 & PM-ALL SEATS RESERVATIONS EiB^SJMtPM 6O0-44S4338 WDOOR THEATRE TIME OFF ]

46 ,,""dn 8UIMOJ8 pi S.JI JI jdssae nox DUB J.OK> nox jbqj szijbai nox usqj jng,jmou SUI je 3jooq, '3pej3 qjxis sqj in jpitq s[dosd ssoqj o) Xes j.ireo nox jtqj 'sptq 08 j.ino nox jbip MOIDJ o) Suiqjiusip sq uro JI 'auis *O Sununj SBM 108 JSAS I JUSSSJCI jssq sqi,,' :jssq dn JI tuns spiom UMO JSH '3OUSJSIX3 JO UIBd pup amscs[d sqj jo sasdinifs Jspusj jsq Xq psqanoj 'sjqsisin jsq Xq pszustusui SJSM Xsqj, -33BJS joq 'ipnus B UO jno jjtsq jsq Sires sqs usqm jqsni JUSSSJ B UO JI Mstn JSASU nofig sqj JB ssustpnb sqj jng SMO Suipuodsai -ioo sqj pus 'sqsiq jssqsiq sqj SJSJJO ibip sssuisnq B ui si sqs 7.1 IB qjiuj sqj psuib3 oqm p[iqo S.XJSISOS si UBI siuef usq MOIJB jnoj nniop -oiucud pmoijbu XjiD-8t> «JO sputinsp aqj JSASUSqM 8uiJUA\ SI 3qS puy XBp B SSUIIJ ZS Ji sxb[d UOIJBJS siio aisqm 'By 'Bdurej, UI SBq JI SB JJO SSfBX?M JI 'XSJSAOJJ -U03 sqj sjidssp jeqj jnjsdoq si sqs Xipnaid 8uos jeqj SUBS pus SJBQ nofig sqj jo SSBJS sqj uo poojs UBI snref jng'.,-8uos siqj oj uouoeai sqj Xq ps;poqs ui.i 'Xspoj uoui -uio3 os are jbqj s3ux[ sqj Suuspisuc^,, J3MS1AJ3JUI UB p[oj 3qs,,'J0 B OIpBJ 3qj oj U3jsi{ 1,, :S3UIIJ psusjqsrnis sssqj ui uorj -3B3J sqj Xq pssudms jsqmsiuos si UB] 'SJBSX M3J AJSAS S3ABM oypiui oj SUI33S oqm JSSUIS 3qj oj S^JOMJSU sqj JSAO [B SMoqs )(nn UIOJJ SUOUBJIAUI psjduiaid SBq XJSUOJOU jsqj ptre 'SJ3AO uijbq jo sssmqid aqj aio dx3 jbqj saux SJI jnoqc psuiom are Xsqx 'SUOIJBJS otpei 3Uios JOJ XOBJ ooj paiapisuod si 'saxg ssapsa}} lunqre Biquin 03 jsq jo jisd pire *js3jb.stubf 'SJ3A03 sqi japuf -JSJUM sssnsnyod B JO SJIM 'OSJBS OUIX "SJW MOU 'UBI sjubf 3JiJ9d sqj punojc papojd -X3 SBq XSJ3AOJJUO3 M3U B MOU aioui U33q SBq SS33DI1S JU333J 'AJJUnOO UMO J3q ui *JBJS 3tq B si UBI 'rcdbf pus Bi EJjsnv 'adoing uj 'sssstui pire ' sjiq u»aq 3AEq aisqj 'SJBSX SUIU3/U3)UI sqj' uj '[ 3M OOJ IJB OUBUS3S sqj pai3qui3ui3j JO pooj&ispun oqm a^ire siinpb pire SJSSBUSSJ UI pioqo aaisuodsai B Supfujs 'jiq jssssiq S.UB] siubf SBM JI./"sussnb XjnBsq JOJ JUBSUI SBM" SAOI*",. jbip psoicaf oqm inonb uiojd-uoa * jo SJIJ " aqj safsroonp qsiqm *naatm**»s a f8<n s Suijunnj isq psonpojjui S9or 3qj oao/n -'a 'VI Jl^sxaq SIM. raq siuif. 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47 New Jersey Notes Mayall is poor in dollars only b> GENE KALBACHER If wcaarfrs aatf rlgfet*aiaaed F. Jabn Mayan would be one of me richest mutxum alive. Mb M*y*B its known to rock hrttoriam M "Tic Gnaaddaddy of British Btoa" IO H UUlB MM KUOMF DHBICIUB.. be t> "The Chief " And ID bodi tt known at a nwskiaa. who does ntuxx to hn name (the btoes) and to ae aaask of has iutdkatm (Sonay Boy WnlKtaaVMtfmY asaaibbjbjbm^vaaa^q ^p^^afajwr trjlai ah^ai^^r f Ju» HflfitatT p a^^^^^aj4b>4 ^ ^waavvv^p avllafvfv Waters} by doing jwwke to hit nwiiriam ' a ioag KM of tttfk nw a that wtcwdet navy of ne most sacccssful and storied aaaas ia rodl Eric Clapton. Joha McVk aad Mkk Taylor me jast a few of them. The Boosa bhatsasai mcatty toured New Jccacy. avladaag ne Capitol Theatre ia Pan air, wia a aaih billed at "The Original Joha MayatTs Btoesbreakm." ABoa, gaicarist Mkk Taylor (who joiaed ne Rofiag Stones after leaving MayaD) aad bacs«john McVie (who co-foaaded Fkctwood Mac after kaviag MayaD) is ' bat meat players were of Mayall WmmfWUm wao. QIC -4V D*» ndcofckq JO Ins pfaenbed the 4lc Httt of the Made and white. British and and rotai. atflmtfk" and etoctrk, Aad in to dowg. be has employed hotm, singers. Quartets* fwt Back record it ncartv unsurpassed in ate aaaab of Maes rock, but MayaU to take rab emit far his acbttttcsfll HE (BESHBtt BHM It vmn BK BaSi poycu. M toncd at patpaudty Tbi'tw^hom hxs cwttr. Jokai MayiB has designed hit own aftwm Iff 9HM wnqca ecffi. a camoat aot followed by most Ow ac yean Mr MayaB's bands are «id la k**c tenwd as "fiaahwa: tchoob" wcwlaj Mt tmttyio icttikwittdfic t his role id ""leader of the.furry/* md COtKM MM mkwtot * DH PC As a of Inhn MayaB's Blwc- Cnae Matlloaw. a,nrffnaaf janr tmk. breaker* in the exalted guitarist Eric Clapton it laid to have been so motivated by his mentor that he practiced until his fingers bled. Responding to the accuracy of this story. Mayall told this columnist a few years ago. "I've never beard anything to stupid ia all my life! Absolutely untrue. Eric's a laid-back chancier, be plays his feelings aad be doesn't work hard at all he's a genius." Though Mr. Mayall knows that many musicians have made more money after leaving his bands man they did while in his employ, be says that the musicians probably have much less fun* "It seems to me that we certainly have more fun within one of my bands. Most of the people you say have gone on to other things they don't seem to have as much fun with their larger success. In fact, a lot of them just hate each other, they just do it because of the money." Fun is what it is all about for Mr.' Mayall. Despite his worldwide rccoghe is not a wealthy man. And, sadly, his home in Laurel Canyon, Calif., burned down several years ago, destroying most af his worldly possessions and, perhaps more importantly, the ac- I muulmrd attwonc and itw^wh^ihy of a But John Mayall has too much fun with his musk lo be jaded or bitter. "I believe in the wntiinrnu of the things I write about, aad the tradition I represent." says the singer, songwriter, guitarist, pianist, harmonica player. "If I wasn't able to work, to go out on the road aad play for people. I'm really sure I would feel a great To ensure mat his repertoire, both origiaab and blues standards spanning mote than a half<eatury. remain fresh, Mr. MayaD constantly shuffles his live sets aad reworks the material. "Even Racai to Move his famous dbcka-chicka song" which I've played more than any other number because it's requeued so much, is played differently every night and we always have fun with it: I'm constantly thinking of new ways to play it because, after all. these tunes are just lfl«coathangers where you can put on "I could never go on stage with any musician or set of musicians and play a tune that I may have piayed 100 times, and then play it note-for-noie. That would be doing the musk an injustice." And what, asked Aristotle, is justice if not "lo give each man his own"? Waterloo offers choral, chamber concerts Throe concern wifl be presented by die Waterloo VtBagc Festival. The first win DC caaojoer wamc penonaaace ai o JU pax. oa Jafy 9 in Lcaldl Hafl. Fairkigh ijaw^rsny^ MaTattaoA. Gerard Mask School faculty in Handel** Caaccrta Graaaa Oa, 3. NaO. Hartataa's Casctrl* far Vlolla. The Aars, aad Mendeiuofaa i Octet ia mis ney Chamber of New York. New York Open Oraad ne Toroaao Syapaony. The two other concerts will be performed at Waterloo Village in Stanhope. Gerard Schwarz wih lead the Waterloo Festival Orchestra in two master choral works Verdi's Hyaan of the Nations and Beethoven's Syaajtaoay No. 9 m D aalaar on My 10, at 8J0 p.m. The guest artists will include soprano Jeanne Distell, mezzo-flopraao Marilyn Savage, tenor Erik Townsead. bass Mien Robbins and the Pro Am Chorale. On My 11. at 3 p.m.. Mark Gould will conduct the Waterloo Chamber Ensemble n a lagtiiiy concert. Visaon to Waterloo Village will be abtelo war the resaared pie-revolutionary War buildings from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tncsdays tlauuaji Sundays. For further i. call John MayaD New Brunswick gets ready for Tomorrow New Brunswick Tomorrow will sponsor its annual summer conceit series. All performances will be held on Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. in Buccleuch Park on Easton Avenue. Admission is free and participants are advised to bring lawn chain or blankets to enjoy these concerts under the stars. If it rains, the concerts will be moved indoors to the State Theater, 17 Livingston Avenue. The next performance will be a bluegrass festival on July 8 and will feature Fiddle Fever, Larry Sparks and the Lonesome Ramblers, and a clog dancing group. For additional details, call Westminster announces weekly program A variety of musical performances will be presented at Westminster Choir College, Hamilton Avenue and Walnut Lane, Princeton this week. All events are free. Mezzo-soprano Louise McClelland, accompanied by Martin Katz, will present "A Letter to Franz Schubert'' on July 7, at 8 p.m. ia BflMol Chapel. Two concerts will be held on July 8. At 7 p.m., Sharon Gorman will give an organ recital at Trinity Church in Princeton. At 8 p.m., pianist Marianne Lauffer will perform in Bristol Chapel. She will play selections by Brahms and Mozart, Albeniz's Iberia, and Battok's Piano On July 9 at 7:30 p.m., high school students ftt»iw<"»g g a vocal camp p will give a recital in the Princeton High ih School Shl auditorium. On July 10, at 10:30 a.m., also in the high school, there will be a concert performed by the 130-voice choral ensemble and conducted by Allen CroweH. On Jary 11. Mark Brombaugh will perform works by Buxtehude, Coupenn and Bach on the pedal harpsichord. He will be assisted by Sharon Gorman. The schedule for July 12 will feature an organ recital by Eugene Roan in Scbeide Hall at 6:30 p.m., followed by the third weekly Hymn Sing, conducted by Erik Routley. Margaret Harshaw, former member of the Metropolitan Opera Company, will give a master class in Bristol Chapel at 4:15 p.m. on July 13. At 8 p.m. on the same day, John Kemp, head of the department of church musk at Westminster, will condut a reading of Mendelssohn's EUjah in Bristol Chapel. The singing public may bring their scores or borrow them from the college. Two conceits are planned for July 14. Lucille ReiUy will present a program for the hammered dulcimer that will include jigs, reels, traditional folk melodies, Handel's Flute Clock Sonatas, Bach transcriptions and Reilly's Sonatina. Joan LJppmcott will give an organ recital at 8:30 p.m. at Trinity Church, Princeton on the same day. For more details about any of these concerts, call TIME OFF - tt

48 Rubel with his by A VERY CHENOWETH EARLY SUNDAY MORNING the downtown streets of New Brunswick are empty. There is no one shopping or hanging out, no one eating pizza. There's no traffic. The small city is quiet enough to resemble the back lot facades of a MGM movie set. This is when Harry Rubel takes his medium format camera and tripod to downtown New Brunswick to see what he can find and photograph. "I'm trying to work in a tradition of photography that is of what he calls "beautiful." One picture is of a bank of the Delaware Raritan canal, which flows near his house; and die picture of grass, still water and shade trees is as serene as any landscape painting. Almost beside it, is a photograph of the Trap Rock gravel quarry in Rocky Hill. Taken from a ridge overlooking the pit, it catches a view punctuated with sharp blacks of bulldozers, smoke and heavy demolition a view an environmentalist might call hellish. "They saw me with the camera," Mr. Rubel says, "and they started chasing me. They were very sensitive about people m ml (/A HME OFF Hairy Rutal pnote unmanipulated," he says. "I photograph whatever situations I can find." On one particular morning, when the light is bright but hazy, and the New Brunswick store fronts are stark enough to suggest a W.P.A. photo or Hopper painting, Harry Rubel photographs, in black and white, the blank windows and empty door frame of an abandoned warehouse. "I want to show people what I think is beautiful," he says. Mr. Rubel's private gallery of his black and white photographs in his home in Griggstown is-a collection taking picures of the works." He has'been working in photography as an artistic medium since his retirement from film editing in For twenty years he was general manager of a 16 mm film editing company in New York. Before that, in die middle '50s, he worked as a commercial photographer for five years in his New Brunswick! studio. He always has done his own dark room work and today uses three cameras the medium format, 35 mm, or 4 by 5. "I pay very close attention to the grey scale," he says. "To para- Weekof.

49 ra acts out his favorite role phrase Ansel Adams, the negative is the score and the print is the actual presentation.". Mr. Rubel didn't get into photography until he got out of the army and attended the dramatic workshop of the New School. "When I got out (of drama school). I went looking for theater work but it was very scarce. So 1 studied photogaphy. "t love doing portraits, especially of children. That's an art in itself." Several portraits of children hang in his gallery. One is of two of his three daughters: apparently taken in autumn, the girls, are wearing Players, The Woodbridge Circle Players and The Villagers. In 1963 and '64 the plays he directed took first place in the New Jersey Theater League tournament. He has acted in educational films for New Jersey Public TV, and is today working on a 16 mm film documentary of the Delaware Raritan canal. His photographs have been widely exhibited in juried shows by the Princeton Art Association, Monmouth Museum and the Rutgers Art Gallery, and will be featured in the new Public Service Electric and Gas Company headquarters in Newark. And though he still does conv mercial photography on occasion - for the Crossroads theater in New Hurry Rnbd abxxxtte AMrw Kanspnoto heavy sweaters and lying on a dock, touching a pattern of leaves floating by in me canal. They call to mind actors playing a scene. The picture was taken when the eldest of the two was eight; today she is twen- "If I can take a picture twenty yean ago and it can still evoke an emotion, then I fed Vm successful." SINCE 1954 MR. RUBEL has directed over twenty plays for a variety of theater groups, among mem. the Princeton Community Brunswick, and recently, the publicity stills for Inoesco's new play at the Colonnade Theater his commitment is to his photography.."i guess I do it because I get a chance to show other people what I dunk is beautiful in this world. It's a challenge to make an image mat's striking and that says 'hey, look at me* (such as the Trap Rock picture). It's filling that* frame with an appealing image, whether on a stage or camera view finder (such as his girls looking at the leaves) mat I find very challenging. I guess 1, basically it is something I have to do." Avay CbatowrA is m fiee-jaoce writer who live* m Priacttoa. Harry Rubal photo RMS TIME OFF 13

50 WINE LINES «* laying tfiat "day without wine a fee a day without nwfcine*" and since wine» a pleasant part of your meal, LaMmTs now can offer you your choice of over 300 Ant wine*, aft at modest cost Natural!* the food you eat should compfaqem the wine you drink so as our many 1 " y-iahkw* food a supeib." Come soon and see LAMERE'S / Eaux de Vie bring life to liquors by BEAUVILLIERS When most people think ot the vast array of after dinner drinks or liquors, the same old staples come to mind. Grand Marnier, Contreau, Cremc de Menthe, Cognac, Amaretto, Kahlua are the usual selections served on airplanes. $ A L E Wines OS The World CIA But there are several interesting, exciting liquors hiding behind the common ones. All the taster needs is a willingness to experiment, and he or she will find unexpected pleasures. FOR THOSE individuals who like Grand Marnier, a taste of Mandarine Napoleon, a tangerine flavored cognac, can be a real change of taste. Mandarine Napoleon is one of a group of so-called "new" liquors which are flooding (sic) the market. Chambord with a full rich taste of raspberries (framboise) is a marvelous liquor either served straight, on the rocks, or over fruit or ice cream. The entire group'hg of chocolate liquocs (orange-chocolate liquor from Israel, mint-chocloate from die Netherlands and a bitter-sweet chocolate liquor from Switzerland with actual chocolate chips in the liquid) and the array of milk liquors such as Venetian Creme, Bailey's, and the various "Cows" are considered too sweet by some, but are the favorite alcoholic beverages of individuals who like their liquors disguised.. My personal favorite of the "sweet liquors is a French liquor named Fraise des Bois (Wild Strawberies). Not only does this liquor have the full rich taste of fresh strawberries, the aroma is strong enough to make you believe that you are actually in the woods in Perigord where the liquor is manufactured. IN EUROPE THERE ARE any number of "white" or clear liquors which have nevery really caught on in this country. This group of "white" liquors is called Eau de Vie (water of life), which refers to highly distilled liquors made from vrious fruits which retain the aroma of the fruit, but because of the highly distilled nature, the liquors have only a hint of taste of the fruit. While Eau de Vie are too strong for some taste, they are an excellent change from other distilled products such as Cognac or Armangnac. These liquors are made out of nearly every fruit to satisfy every taste. See LIQUORS, page 20 We have one of New Jersey's largest and finest collections of Cordials and Liqueurs. over 150 varieties. 6,000 WINES LARGE SELECTION OF IMPORTED BEERS * KNOWLEDGEABLE CONSULTANTS CHEESES FROM AROUND THE WORLD GOURMET FOODS & SANDWICHES ELLSWORTH WINE & LIQUORS Princeton Hightstown Rd. left over tlie bridge from Princeton) Mon-Th 9-9 Fr& Sat 9-10 Ptontr <rf Free Parking"'

51 TABLE TALK Cafe Renni ages like a fine wine fcy DUNNE WILLIAMS 1 wiin for cbc 000 old cttys betae TaMe Taft mbca we did not have to ««M ac* iciomm cadi wcdk and coutd p* back to CMK ol oar favanm. ThM*» a mam. especially wnca the first spot 'i oaa CM and «nu the second and phmo?>, For njy dkategfaw CHvyixtn % UKW»>», COM aoi» etpenaneat- Sac watted tfen «c lacw weald be food not loo far wry andcmc»hetr she coatd drew up clarity, sophistication and a good deal of imagination. Service is more polished and professional. Cafe Rami's atmosphere is still elegant and civilized with lace tablecloths, candlelight and classical background musk. Friday evenings feature live music. A violinist and a cellist alternate each week. On one wao there is a wonderful old Mosaphone stuffed with dried baby's breath. The decor is Victorian without being chmered. It does not distract from the main focus of the restaurant which b. as it should be. on food. (avee of four COTCT itiiyitfc m narrowed oar dwwc damn to Cafe 1 n LacafcamBc. is Mat* at 1981 J reviewed fee after M had been open oaty two bcr oi cwl>c i' pou&rw vc* *icm% feoowntd mac, Stacr then it has named»larger qnartcn. «lud) I wjmed tt> fiimiiic aad iba **i the perfect can cnaafe wtea they cxw dm CHK. AC dhaafc is for the O««cr Mark Carrazza n toil m charge o* tic bteaca. aided by a acw awmant. Judy Hecaor. AJtaoofii the dining room is targer few the old oae. he has been able to at a «ery high lewd: g are expertly prepared bnawfafly pincaied. The food has THE MENU CHANGES EVERY TWO MONTHS. Some of the dishes described below will not be available since the menu has just been revised. However, the most popular items have been kept and others have been modified. A palate cleansing sorbet is always served just before the main course. New appetizen will include salmon gravtox. cold tcrrine of squab and a marinated artichoke and avacado salad. Try the crepes stuffed with creamy roqueford Tilling and lopped with asparagus sauce (3.95). a lovely complement of flavors. Smoked trout (4.25) is served with homemade herbal mayonnaise and Dimtae William is Time Off% resoumnt crvoc aao nstocot gotsmef COOK. garnished with tiny capers, minced onions and olives. The trout is spectacular. We sampled two soups: one, a cream of scallop, a flavorful blend of fish stock, leeks, celery, mushrooms, scallops, herbs and cream; the other, a strange, but delicious cold blueberry soup. Ordinarily. I am not a fan of cold fruit soups, but this one was very, very good. Homemade creme ftaiche was blended with blueberries and flavored with honey, orange juice and Grand Marnier. Seasonal fruits like strawberries and peaches will appear See CAFE, page 20 ENERGY IS PLEASED ID ANNOUNCE THE ocvaowcwrofa D VICE CALLED A HOW DOES IT LUNCH 12:00-2:30 DINNERS Since a tradition of culinary excellence along the scenic Delaware River WED. FBI. 5-9 SAT. 5-1* SUN SUNDAY BRUNCH 1-3 Oottd Hon. 4 Too WE PUT THEM IN MNTM6R00MAT EVERTTME SMGONE THEV0fMTJ0NSAflE TO El DOCS IT PflOOUCE MUCH POWER? UNITED WJU NEVER WfVE TO 215/ * INNKfVKn HVRIY rhomkon BVfl MMD, tt. 32 urm (RACK H>Oy, PfNMA. t*72l ALL TIE YOU CAN EAT LONGEST HAPPY HOUR IN THE AREA 3-9 p.m. The Black Swan's Newest Continental Specialty. - The $25 Dinner. Elegant gourmet dining has never been more delicious or more reasonable. Now, for a fixed price get your 4 appetizer, choice of entree from" our Danish Chef Specialty menus, coffee and dessert. Or choose from our continental menu entrees starting from $ Scanticon-Princeton Executive Conference Center and Hotel Princeton Fbrrestal Center, Princeton, New Jersey (609)

52 r ON SCREEN] Small cloud is over An sun I* THOMAS SMONET THERE IS CONSIDERABLE g man AaaJe will ewer turn > profit & (HCBCfaV. OM Put SDOMCBOCv K #? flkwftt COM tkxflktwwcfc OCfWfJCB SiO wiffkm and 150 tuttm to make, and flak -amok^ambtad«^^b> B^M4 abbblbba^ia*** A** B^^MO^» M^» l»ic been bad oa top of that look like OK IXBuBJOB a OHOgXl. So wfcea box-office response is Che dwkffal gnat that poncimc the fum. The movie has a lot goiag for it hs from 1924 luostmor Hamtri Gray iiarifil the : scrip Unat OfflaM AaaJc The fr«c saow oa Broadway i 2.I0O] Ptadaco Ray Starfc nlfed the film widi real pros. Albert Fiaaey plays big^'waficasd aad cwcafaady b((-hcaned OhW Warbacfcs. Aaaae't mcaer. Carol s OK booty nawii u of (be Al OK hea*. Stack pat 75-year-old and a Haooa (TW Africa* Qwco.) The ode rate «cat» the film* only acvgcoasr* I l^ycax^ld, Adcca QENAB of YanSey. rv a «m a Beat choke. She filmed. StIT ANNIE FACES SOME NEGATIVE FACTOtS, loo fim. the aiasic. Except for the mcaorable O* null n OK ClCVU DVOttBWfly BooaCS fwl dy foot 6vm itot kkodof «IMI wjioi Top 40 loffpiovy. HfeO I oht HV OK mtotf% ttcibro to catot phtsy OCCMHH* HO SoMKS Off J tct xci lodkt hdp from d-ok: media. 7aar CKTJ ABB endc. *,$5.75 Secoodly. the talents in the cast are great, but they are not your soof-aad-dance men and women. The best voice aad dancing legs belong to Ann Retaking, whose previous credits include Broadway shows and the movie All That Jan. But, as Warbucks' secretary, she is given Bide musical chance. Character actor Ftnney comes across well but has to talk through his "musical" numbers. Burnett provides continual com^edy but, again, nothing pretty to ttnento or watch. "The musical tends to be bound to the star system more closely than any other genre," scholar Thomas Schatz has written. The range of "dramatic and per* formance demands" placed on a musical star a awesome. What this means is that the absence of a Fred Astaae. a Julk Andrews or an Olivia Newtoa-Joha will hurt Aaaie. Another deficit might be that the story, timeless though it is, has no particular classic. The singing of "Tomorrow" in topicality for 1982 audiences. When you the White House (Edward Herrmann plays add in the weak returns any American Franklin D. Roosevelt as he has on musical can expect from television) reinforces as beautifully as any noa-eaglish-spealung countries and a rendition could the optimistic spirit of the possible backlash domestically from the lyrics. super-hype that opened the film, you can Optimism, after all, is what any musical come to the conclusion that Aaaie faces. is all about. A musical leads up to what as the orphans would say. "the hard-knock life." Schatz calls "a Utopian resolution" the big production number when cast and b deserves better. Huston directs with a chorus join hands and tell us everything is sure, if not daring, hand. Some have more all right than it ever is in reality. wondered if die old man really was in charge, but his influence on Ftnney, at But things just might be perfect someday. Jt is the promise of "Maybe" (a song least, is unmistakable. In his voice register aad authoritative lone, the actor sounds in title in Annie) that uplifts us and sends us many scenes exactly like John Huston, an sksflisdjf sit DiaoY SPECTACULAR LOCATION filmiag helps break the stagy look that has hamptred some musicals. Much of the «W*«M t. incidentally, took puce in New Jersey. Warbucks' Fifth Avenue borne really was Shadow LawnMiuioa, and i buiidinrarmonmouth College. The White House Rose Garden was re-created at the college, too. The bridge shown in the final chase, supposedly in Manhattan, was actually in East Newark. Bat the best scenes are the quieter ones. A face-off between Finney and Burnett when he is trying to get her to sign over the girl has the timint «nd sparkle of a On. tppyhoar w/hort an totay 4 Sptatt 6 p.m. prepaed k> Carol Burnett plays Miss Hannigan in the movie version of Annie huniming out of the theater. When Annie and friends go to Radio City Music Hall, the chorus on stage sings: "Only happy endings -I that's our recipe./ Welcome to our lovely/ m-o-v-i-e." Lovely means inspiring affection or warm admiration. It's what Annie is lovely enough to make us very glad that "the sun'll come out tomorrow." he assignment of a PC rating to Annie probably symbolizes the demise of the G category, which is where the film belongs if the system is to have any meaning for parents. A E**«IMMB fcromt Yam Op» Moa-fti. far kadi FeoW Satyricon is one of the features that will be presented this week as part of McCarter's Summer Cinema series. For tickets, call TO $2.75 COUOMAL RESTAURANT and Diner US feutoon*souaki TIME OFF AGAM CALOER DELACROIX EBGI McKMGHT NESBITT REMNGTON ROMLEY UZLEVSKY VASAREUr FRAMERS GALLERY 24 BRIDGE ST. LAMBERTVULf Nl (609) cskm smith cabinetmaker custom furniture & cabinetwork furniture repair & restoration since evenings Week of July 7-1 4,

53 * : \. ^ TubeView CBS pushes Captain overboard fej> JEFF WTJNCRAD SEWS MXKE: The Caps has been fen conamand ft* n. that n CBS has town hi-* kmg-umc pad at tsc tatrittm of chtktrcn'i profmnming No laager CM CBS pout t»ith pnde to ttwtf f» a «M ion last»cct *tth a f *S w Vjnet> trampennf the at taint ij»m>!» the Usi network let rctfcmumc dttidrat'% pro- Sunjaf Oa 4. CBS h» decided Kt «t Capum Kangaroo only oa w^y%'fiwf ttmmtumfa* wny^ Certainly not tame *'U be bata far ihc kxb thai way. Mom and Pep tboagfe. so the tthtkaag obtiawly foo. mil be better off. IMOC tone trf the Cap's'* air tone will MMT go toward braadcasaag am. Obmrawly too. the aetmxfc's wtl mm he a happac* group aito CBS few bom tasnof after the Capo* tame *k* for M couple of yean btt kept hand* off became having dae jfcow on the air was seemingly dear Madacatm of id connriinimim to quality kadh* fare So men though Captain tartmacotr nn wnacs rejo*an/ Kangaroo was a royal thorn in the side of the CBS Monakg News, he stayed afloat for all the kids, and concerned parents and TV watchdogs, to sec. But the network, faced with a widening ratings gap between its Monaaag Newa and the competition on the other two networks, finally took some action last year. After a bit of hocus pocus and mumbo jumbo Bob Kesshan. who plays die Captain, was given time on the short-lived afternoon Up to the Minute news show CBS aired briefly last season. The Captain Kaagsroo Show was moved to 6:30 a.m.. and the Morning News was expanded from one hour to two hours. The move virtually buried the Cap'n. And now. with all the new-news shows activity at all the networks. CBS. quite blatantly, wanted Kceshan out of the weekday picture entirely. News is what's hot now with viewers and Sponsors and the issue of responsibility to children's programming at this time just doesn't make it above the bottom line. CBS' plans called tor it to start up a four-hour middlc-of-thc-night news show at 2 a.m. One CBS News executive told me just two weeks ago that if not for Captain Kangaroo that news block would have been scheduled to go right through the Morning.News to 9 a.m. He told me then that he didn't think it would be long before this was somehow accomplished. Less than a week.later the network annoucned the new schedule for Captian Kangaroo, and the fact that between six and seven in the morning it will feed a half-hour news show which the affiliates can air during either half hour. As for Keeshan, who has played the Cap'n for some 27 years, I find it hard to fault him. The network made him an offer he would have been stupid to refuse. First of all, the handwriting was not just on the wall, it was stamped all over his forehead, CBS, this time around, was not to be deterred. It was really only a matter of time. CBS offered to extend his contract, give him the weekend for his shows, and let him do three or four specials a year. Considering the alternatives,, and the fact that he is no longer a young man and must be pretty tired from banging heads with CBS the last few years, Keeshan really did the only sensible thing. Of course, the kids might not look upon it the same way. Keeshan responded to the move in an Associated Press interview last week. He agreed to his new weekend status, he said, "because we have been in a ridiculous situation. I lost the daily audience when they moved me to 6:30 a.m." Speaking about network television treatment of children's programming in general, Keeshan said, "I think it is an absolute disgrace that commmercial television has not served children better on a Monday through Friday basis...you have got people looking at annual financial reports in stead of serving an audience. That is the reality of it." Keeshan said he negotiated the right from CBS to syndicate his old shows to independent television stations and cable systems. See CAPTAIN, page 20 c nvan EXOTIC INDIAN CUISINE NORTH CHINA RESTAURANT He* & Spicy Szuchuan Cuisine CTOI Ml* Tkan S-10. fa ft SH. 11J&-3 S-Il. San 130 p.«-10 p«6(» it Mr u For Fine Dining Friday A Saturday '.Jfri Momt auajejocty N«J«Reservations Required Ht 8Punf%*on Taco Grande restaurante (201) leus-uex FUVOI for KM Swtt-West ta a csssaj, rttaxml atnospbere. UNIVERSITY PLAZA Ftocfc Bd», ore* nu» P.M. MON.-THU*~ n P.M. FEI.-SAT. KM tmd OUT DML M7-4U1 Iff SZECHUAN IWtwtiHm*ff%,Bli Tht fifmtt Chrrttw food in tnm Princeton Aria - You are cordially invited to yi T TTTT' save *2.00 on any purchase VAJ-IUHJ of*10.00ormore. J2 00 t Out cvupom prr farty pleme. Ai. I«ami WmnOw*) Expires July PB< 7 DAYS : THE BLUE RAM RESTAURANT -presents- j BARBARA k and other entertainment Call (215) Washington's Crossing, Pa. - Open 7 Days - A Cozy Victorian Carriage House Sets the Atmosphere for a Pleasant Lunch with Filling, Homemade Soup and Bread with Cheese, Fresh Vegeubles tirith Dill Dip, Scrumptious Desserts and Hot or Cold Beverages. A Salad Lunch is. also Available. Lunch 11:30-2:30, Mon.-Sat. Friday Night Candlelight Dinner With Lne Mellow Musk 6:30-9:00. Reservations Advised. B.Y.O.B Souperb! Soupe du jour BlacfcweU Ave. HopewelL N.J. (Off Broad St.) "DATING Tired of looking in the wrong places for the right person? Coll or Writ* NOW! ~ INTRODUCTION, Inc 7236FRANKFORDAVL,PHIUL,PA Please send me a plain envelope information with No Obligation. Nm Addraa Otv Occupation. HonwPtim iff M? TIME OFF 17,\j * St««WwkPhone Zip PPTQ

54 DINING GUIDE ALCHEMIST «BARRBTjBR 28 With St. Princeton. Fresh seafood, choice steaks. Lunch Mon.-SaL : Dinner Mon.-Thurs Fri. & Sat (609) Sun. Brunch Dinner ANDY'S Tavern & Restaurant, 244 Alexander St. Princeton. N J. Open 7 days. Lunch. Dinner. Cocfctats. Ffi Shrimp in the Basket Special. (608} ANNEX Restaurant, 128'.* Nassau St.. Princeton Mon-Sat a.m. Luncheon. Dinner. Cocktais. Large selection of Italian & American tood & seafood at reasonable prices THE BARON Rl mie south of New H PA. Confnentai Cuisine. Outdoor patio dning.wnaiabui. Lunch. Dinner. Sunday Brunch. MWy special Rtot Mgnon dtoner Happy Hour 1-6 daiy. Piano nrtoty (215) BLUE RAM Rl 532 Washington* Croesing. Pa. Open 7 days, entertainment nightly. Sunday jazz "Jam at the Ram- 4-8 pm Cocktais. (215) CAFE AU LATT 66 VWher St. Princeton. Lunch. Brunch. Apres Theatre, rs rkncs. Fancy Teas. Glorious Home Made Open d*ry except Moor from 1130 a.m. (609) K1H&173. CHUCK'S SPRMG Slktfel CAFE 16 Spring Si. Punceton. Princeton's newest idea in a restaurant Speoatong in great food and take-out servtos. Breakfast Fufi menu 1130 m-10pm THE CLAY POT Restaurant Rt 1 & Major Road. South Brunswick. Serving luncheon. Cocktails. unfmhed salad bar. fresh seafood, and a specialty in barbequed baby back ribs. (201) C0L0MAL RESTAURANT evimner U.S. Rt 1 Souti (Across from QB Mai) LawrencevMte Open 24 Hrs. Salad Bar w/shrirnp (5*10 pm). FREE wttrvwr. Chidren's Menu iromsoe. 48entrees, seafood specialties. Under CONQUISTADOR. Hiton Inn. Monmouth St.. East Windsor. NJ. Breakfast Lunch and Dinner Served Oaiy. Elegant Continental OWng. Winner 1881 Menu of the Year Award. Cocktails Avail- (609) CRANBURY MN 21 South Main St. Cranbury. NJ. Lunch Tues.-Fri. 11:30-2:30. Dinner Tues-Thurs FrL & Sat Sun. Dinner 12-8 pom. Private parties. Cocktais. Entertainmart Fti & Sat evenings IT SPICE Man ft International CUMM. 56 Main St. Kingston. DiUclabla hors tfb luncheon and darner menu changes punches and/or (609) MATTU"S naitaurwt ft Lounge. 1 N. Main St. Altntown. NJ. Raton-America Cuisine. Din- Ing room hrs. Tues.-Thurs,. 5 p-m.-9 pjn.. Fit-Set Sun. 3-«. Sunday Brunch 11-2 pum. Cocktais (609) DRAGON Ml Highway 31 & 202. % mile south of the Fleming ton drcfe, Remington, N.J. Cantonese & Polynesian food is our specialty. Take-out service, Cocktail Lounge & bar. Open 7 days a week or The 11th FRAME ITALIAN RESTAURANT Serving homemade Italian dishes, fresh seafood, pizza, and hoi and cold sandwiches. Open till 3 A.M.. 7 Nights a Week. Dinner Music 4 Nights A Week. Route next to the Hightstown Bowling Lanes. THE FOOUSH FOX Rt. 206, 3V 2 mi. north of Princeton. Prime Ribs, Seafood. Lunch, dinner & after theatre. Mon.-Sat. 11:30-1 a.m.. Sun. 5-1 a.m. Entertainment Fri. & Sat. eves: Cocktails. (609) FORSGATE COUNTRY CLUB Exit 8A of the NJ. Turnpike. Foregate Drive, Jamesburg. N.J. Lunch and dinner served daily in country dub setting where fine food is king, cocktails available. Weddings, banquets, catering: FOUNDERS INN just off Cranbury Road, Monroe Twp/Jamesburg Charming atmosphere, soup-n-salad bar, cozy lounge, steaks, fresh seafood, gourmet spedals. happy hr. 4-7 wkdys; Lunch M-F; Dinner every night; moderate GUENOALE INN 48 New Hillcrest Ave., Trenton; NJ. International Cuisine, spedal menu daily, canapes served at cocktail hour 4:30-7:00. Entertainment Wednesdays & weekends. Closed Sundays. (609) Banquet facilities all wk. AL CHANG'S Restaurant Exotic Chinese Food & Cocktail Lounge. When he was in N.Y., CBS Radio said, "the food is unmistakable & terrific." Major Credit Cards. Closed Mon Georges Rd. (Rt. 130) North Brunswick GREENUNE 175 Nassau St., Princeton, N.J. (609) Featuring fresh, whole foods, whole grain breads, vegetarian spedals. Mon. thru Sat., Lunch 11:30-2 p.m. Tea 2-5:30 p.m. Dinner p.m. (BYOB). KIM'S KITCHEN 18 South Main St., Lambertville. N.J. Korean cuisine. Open Tuesday through Saturday for dinner KONDITOREI - Continental Cuisine, Reasonable. Gate with homemade spedalties" fike Spankapita. Tostada, Quiches & scrumptious desserts. Catering & box lunches. 48 W. Broad St (Hopewei) House Sq.) Tu-Fri p.m., S Sat / / THE KINGS WHARF at the Somerset/Marriott 110 Davidson Ave.. at 1287 & 527. Easton Ava., Somerset Breakfast. Lunch & Dinner daily; Light & Gourmet dining, Mon.-Sun. 7 a.m.-11 p.m., Sun. Brunch 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m LA BONNE AUBERGE village 2. New Hope, PA. French CuWne In a 200 year-ow farmhouse. Dine on spedalties such as Cane d'agneau, Soie Gourmet by the Fireside or in the Garden Room. Bar. Dinner onry p.m. Closed Mon. & Reaerv. (215) _ French Cuisine, 5-7 Witherspoon St, Princeton. N J. Mon.-Sat. Closed on Sunday. Wine Cellar. Lunch, Dinner, Cocktails available LA MARGARITA 61 N. Main St. (Rt. 29) Lambertvilte. Tacos, Enchiladas, Burritos, and other authentic Mexican Specialties. Dinner 6-10 p.m. Tues-Sunday. BYOB. For reservations. (609) MCATEERS RESTAURANT 1714 Easton Av-V enue, Franklin Township. American Continental Cuisine. Lunch, Dinner, Cocktail. Live entertainment. Weddings. Business Luncheons: Tues.-Sat. (Tues. Night Belly Dance) Reservations MrCHELE'S New York Style Deli Restaurant, Princeton North Shopping Center, Rt Lunch & Dinner Mon. thru Sat. Also Catering, Hors D'Oeuvres, Chafing Dishes, Party Platters. (609) MUIRHEAD for fine dining. Open Friday and Saturday only, by resetvaton. Special parties arranged. Rte Ringoes, NJ (201) NASSAU INN Palmer Sq., Princeton, N.J Three Restaurants: The Greenhouse, Yankee Doodle Tap Room & The Inrv's Dining Room. Entertainment nightly. Dancing Fri. & Sat. Eves. Breakfast, Sun. Brunch, Lunch, Dinner & Late Nite. NORTH CHINA Mandarin & Szechuan Cuisine,' 36 Witherspoon St., Princeton, N.J. Mon.-Thurs. 11: Fri. 11:30-11, Sat. 11:30-11, Sun. 1: BYOB, Carry out service, Daily Lunch' Specials 11:30-3:00. OVER THE BRIDGE INN Continental Cuisine. Applegarth Road, Monroe Township, N.J.; Lunch, Dinner, Cocktails. Open 7 days PJ.'S PANCAKE HOUSE 154 Nassau St.. Princeton. (609) Homemade specialties are features in a large menu. Breakfast is 'served all day long with food for the whole family at affordable prices. Open 7 days from early to late. PAGODA specializing in Szechuan & Hunan cooking Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N.J. (at U.S. 1 & Brunswick Circle). Mon.-Thurs p.m.; Fri. & Sat p.m., Sun. 4:30-10 p.m. (609) PEACH GARDEN International Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge, Rt. 1 Prince Theatre Shop. Center. Emmons Dr, Princeton, featuring Chinese, Szechuan. Cantonese & Hawaiian specialties. Take out available. Daily 11 til 10:15. Fri. t* 10:30, Sat. til 11. (609) PEACOCK INN 20 Bayard Lane (Route 206 near Nassau St.) Princeton, N.J. Lunch, Dinner, Cocktails Mon.-Sat. Closed Sun. Major Credit. Cards Accepted. Lodgings available (609) PEKING EXPRESS Chinese Cuisine, 31 Station Dr., Princeton Jet., NJ. Tues.-Thurs. 11:30-2, 5-9:30; Fri., Sat. 11:30-2, 5-10, Sun BYOWine Carry out service PHEASANTS LANDING 2 restaurants: me Nest, a Rathskellar for lunch, casual dining & late night sandwiches. Entertainment Thurs.. Fri. & Sat. Eve; The Pheasant Inn for cocktails and finecontinental Dining. Amwell Rd., Belle Mead. (201) mktflwt-.u,

55 THE BOARDWALK Little munchkin has a big voice fcy DAVID i. ST\TL ATLANTIC CITY The offer» already m, few Stephanie MJb mil isn't KHI fttara ID Broadway her rale in die wntirtl Tec Milh iloa decide to pound CCS WOO rcaacaaber her pnyith portrayal of Dorothy ate w for a big nrprac "Tai sexier sew." the 25-year-old laager said before dcuolvstg MMO y H** * ~*f* * «tele sew mage, I'm tfaowiaf UKJfMMtH MR of a ] perform " Pwfcv pran SMWVBBQ PC* nn> for like fractnedraf a weekend staad at Resorts imcraatioaal. The pim-uzed i win Ac gum-«acd voice has I a braad new wtfe^rm* act dm many of the wan from her aabaraajxjr' nav, n aostow tint twwdicrt her career 10 yean aft*. "The oat* rattan I'd fo bade to The Wfac b became it's an all-anterican fairy tale that"* pore singing. "I've had offers for other shows, too, but the parts just haven't been right." Because of her diminutive apparance she's only 4-foot-9 audiences still perceive her as a giggly teenager. But Mills has done a lot of growing up in the past 10 years, making the transition from Broadway star to nightclub singer and recording artist. However, there's still a void in her artistic life. "I'd love to do some serious acting, but I've never been offered a dramatic role. Everything is musicals, and I only wish someone would give me a - chance to do something serious." Ms. Mills views the past decade as a learning experience as she made the switch from a youthful actress to a mature performer. "It's been a great ten years, very exciting and somewhat painful, too. I was married and now I'm going through a divorce. I'm living on my own now, I'm growing up and I've learned to stand on my own two feet." IDOL COSSIP: Resorts International vice-presidents Steve Norton and Colin Wilson honored Frank Sinatra by present- David Spatz is a syndicated columnist who writes for the Atlantic City Press. See BOARDWALK, page 20 Wednesday Toco Feast he Tocos You Can Cat $S.9S MARGARITA FINE MEXICAN FOOD M North Main St. lofntmntvttto, N«wJ«ney For Reservations Offtt 1u*t,-S«jn f M. The Towite House COCKTAILS LUNCHEON DINNER LATE NIGHT SNACKS 10 BRIDGE STREET LAMBERTV11LE. NJ Baron Jvtc joofi oi tfv MfMute atmosphere Continental Cuisine Lunch, Dinner Sunday Champagne Brunch Special-Filet Mignon-^8.95 Outdoor Patio Garden Dining,HAPPY HOUR- 1 to 6 Everyday Pime &T Smplemp N»W> «/ S*mU, Afimmm Rt mile south of New Hope J1 DINING GUIDE Rt 1. Princeton. NUf Open 24 Hours - 7 Days a Week. Delicious Sated Bar Special Brunch for Sat. & Sun. AH cootang done on premises wuh a large selection THE WSTOfUMTE. Parting on Fel SL - Just off Princeton Ave. Trenton Luncheon & Dinner specials daty. Finest seen Cuisine In ttte area. FacJWes tor A banquets I D 200. Closed Mondays. Comedy Cabaret upstairs. Pizza & Cetzone. SCAMTICON Conference Center & Hotel. Princeton Fonestai Center. Fa. 1. NJ. 3 Bdeng ntmuwwn: The Elegant Black Swan. The Gracious Courtyard & the Charming Trvoi Gardens. Coroner** & Danish cuisine. Also IWI Century atmosphere, SergeantsvSe, NJ. Open 7 day*torfcjnch and omner and coddsis. - hetoiul. cat 609/ UPE DU JOUR Oadcwel Ave. & R* Hopswefl. NL JL Hornemede Soup, Bread. Freah Vegetebles. Dip. Desserts. Salad Lunch. Mom-Sat ; Can claha Dinner FrL , (809) SOUTHWMD Chinese-Polynesian Restaurant. 479 Ridge fid (Rt. 522) Monmouth Jet., So. Brunswick Twp. Different Special Luncheon Daily $2.88. Gourmet Chinese Cuisine prepared by seasoned chefs. BYOWine. (201) Open 7 Days. SZECHUAN GARDEN Mercer Mail. Rt. 1. LawrencevMe. N J. Fine Chinese Cuisine. Luncheon, Dinner, Take Out. Bring your own wine TIGER 14 Witherspoon'St; A new. dming experience in Princeton. Fresh salads, unique sandwiches, hearty soups, vegetarian casseroles. Relax with classical music in our new dning room. Fast take out. Open 7 days. 10 a-m.-10 p.m. Mon.-F Sun. 609/ THE TOWNE HOUSE 10 Bridge St., LarnberMse. NJ , American ConinsfltaJ Cuisine. Sweeney Todcfs Engteh Style Raflwlcater, entertainment Wed-Sat Open 7 days tor lunch, dnner and cocktote. 3 star* Trenton Times. TOWN HOUSE PJJB 2 Carnegie Rd. Oust off Rt 1) Lawrencevle. NJ. (609) Nkjhtry Spedars. Happy Hour dairy 3-9 p.m. Senior dozens' dscount Mon. & Tues. Open seven days tor drtner. weekdays for lunch. Major credrt TRIVENI Exotic Indian Cuisine. 908 Livingston Ave.. N. Brunswick, NJ. Dinner 5:30-10 P.M. BYOWine. Complete Indian menu from Pakors & Mulligatawny Soup to Lamb Vindaloo, Curries, Beef Nirgisj & Moglai Kofta. Take-out. (201) UPPER BLACK EDDY INN Since 1830, a tradition of excellence along the scenic Delaware River. Lunch noon-230. Dinner 5-9 Wed. to Fit; 5-10 Sat; 3-8; Sunday Brunch 1-3. Closed Mon. & Tues. River Rd. Rt. 32, Upper Black Eddy. PA. 215/ VAN'S FREEHOLD INN Open 7 Days a week, One mile from the Freehold Raceway, Serving Lunch, Dinner, Seasonal Menus, Early American Dinner, Sunday Brunch, and Offering Catering Facilities. Rt 79, Freehold, N.J , THE WOODEN NICKEL 644 Georges Rd., North Brunswick (% mi. off Rt. 1) Steaks. Seafood, Continental Specialties. Cocktails. Old fashioned atmosphere, Fireplaces, Stained Glass, Free Feature Rims, Stock Ticker. 201/ To Advertise Your Restaurant In TIME OFFs Dining Guide Cafl (609) or contact your Sales Representative TIME onr 19

56 ^antain 17) Iff YOCIK DUKES: Respoaden Waracr Brothers.. Tae Hollywood i a SIOO mtfaoa. give or take a fe» sai. law fait of dhtar ova m answer to *c S2S oaj&oa mia ffled by the dogmatied yoaaf kads of Tfct Data af Rastean: staff TV aeries [ > be made at.) No way. said WB. ante Date Boys (Tom Wopat and John Sdaaeider) comet warn nvy say they've flam D M afl DM M K dis* taat flats the marketplace... So-o-o-o-e. WB «i ana* Wopat and xabodet KMT nocf. conpracj 10 UDCJ H Q wnaia oi tana (tary *e luiutu > go back to watt asbj they're satisfied). AD WB it uoag for is a mere S90-SI00 - The Dates' aiiegabom. said WB. " AH fdyakm <md lo the acton. saw* WB. "aa*e tea fatty accounted for. Hazard Corny reflate*, as fttamt for the acw MMCJI was lo commence IBBC IS. iaajcttobcfau WB taoaga. and CBS ao dbator loo. IH'I atoot tojott M around aad i» a halt Tary are BOW oa a search for two acw leads to Gale o w me hee-hawing aad carsatapttf- There was an ad m The Itoffywood Reporter, a tiade paper, as* aoaaaaai aa opca exsaag cafl for me show Imt week., tt spoke of tacit, aad the show too, aad ike talent of those tempesting a act TV tea pat ti read: Boardwalk* 19) rar Mafcr W«B a mode of traasporwmqpk 10 Adaatic dry a* die aomrp aa astacauc 1925 Boardwalk aasr The aotd emcatrves surthe tiagcr m ait drcsstag room oboaacatf before at was doe oa stage. The gja was arranged m coamtnonte Mr. fiun't loora t*ifarmaacc m the SupcrsnrTataier siace ApnJ Wade ecsaedkaa Caartoc CaOas was basy waraaaf ap the aodkace for Mr. cy. who opened me saow. sat m me aanaac daw aad posed for pxtarcs. Tae wicker rohnf caair. worm around SljOOO. it m aaat caaenoa aad win be oe aottft Boanhraft lobby a brass ptsnac anting an otarc. the hotcj bad ike Isagokf "We are looking for two young men to be series regulars in the hit TV show The Dakct «f Hazard. They should be (at the very tew) 511" tall or more, blond or brand, well built, play in their early to m*d-20s aad must be extremely handsome. Acting experience is helpful, but if you fed you qualify and haven't acted professionally, bring us your 8x10 or a snapshot. Both characters should be able to do light Southern dialects." SPORTING LIFE: ABC gave the just-formulated US Football League instant credibdiry aad viability when it inked a $20 million two-year contract to telecast Sunday games. Icing on the cake came by w*y of the ESPN all-sports cable network, which also signed up the (United States Football League) for two prime-time games a week. That die ESPN signed up the league certainly was no surprise. A couple of day later it was announced that Cbet Simmons, who was top man at ESPN, had just departed to take on the role of cornmimooer for the USFL. The USFL. you'll recall, plans to play its games from March to July, a fix of sorts for those football junkies who just can't bear to be without the pigskin. So you shouldn't lose a bet over this fad. store it somewhere that ABC is planning to televise 2O7tt hours of the 1984 Summer Olympics, and 65 hours of the Winter Olympics a few months earlier. ABC will telecast the World Cup Soccer final, live. Sunday. Jury 11 at 1:30 p.m. from die old curtains that once hung in the Pennsylvania Room at the former Chalfoote-Haddon Hall. When Resorts International opened the city's first casino, die one-time ballroom was remodeled into die Superstar Theater. Meanwhile. Mr. Sinatra's split-week, eight-night engagement may be remembered as some of the crooner's finest hours since he began performing here three years ago. Tanned and rested after a 10-day vacation. OI' Blue Eyes was in fine voice and even finer spirits both on stage and off. As usual, his song selectiobs were impeccable, incorporating a tale of me old ("Night and Day") and a touch of the new ("Monday Morning Quarterback") m his dub act. Absent from his repetoire was Mr. Siaatra's own interpretation of Bob Hope's signature tune, luniks For the Msaaaftfss. which is featured on his latest Reprise Donald Thompson and his Penny Whistles will-be among the 200 craftsmen featured at the Kutztown Folk Festival, which will run through July 11. In addition to many of the old Pennsylvania Dutch customs, there wijl be Amish pageantry, quilts, music, dancing and food. Call for more information. Liquors (Continued from page 14) Certainly the most famous of this group of liquors is Poire William with a pear in the bottle (incidentally, the bottles are tied to trees with the bud from the pear in the bottle. The pear then grows in the bottle). There is a cult which surrounds the Eau de Vie in Europe with people hoarding good years just as they would fine wines. Production of Eau de Vie proceeds much like that of Cognac which is a highly Cafe (Continued from page IS) in future cold soup variations. Salads are a la carte ( ) and no doubt are worth the price if your appetite is vigorous. Ours was not. Belgian endive is currently available. An entree of sweetbreads baked in parchment (12.95) on a bed of pureed spinach has now been replaced with sweetbreads in puff pastry. Veal tenderloin is served with a lemon and thyme sauce instead of the garlic and mushrooms, seasoned with vermouth and lightened with cream. The sauce on a superbly tender strip of.pork tenderloin (10.95) was a reduction of vinegar and sugar, pork stock, orange zest and fresh orange juice. Both sauces were absolutely wonderful. White nuggets of lamb crabmeat (14.95) were quickly tossed in clarified butter and vermouth and finished with sweet butter. This dish has been so popular that it has been kept on the new menu. It is pure heaven for a crabmeat lover. Entrees are served with a delicious selection of freshly cooked vegetables:, zucchini strips flavored with fellel, red cabbage sauteed in garlic butter, carrots cut to dime-sized thinness, and sliced potatoes baked in clarified butter. distilled red wine (its caramel color is derived from agin.; in oak barrels). Inasmuch as Eau de Vie is aged in the bottle there is no color imparted to the liquid. Other countries also manufacturesimilar liquors under the various names of Kirsch-Wasser and types of schnaps. All are strong and not for the "tea room" set; but as a change from Cognac and other after dinner drinks they make a pleasant change of pace and offer a new wide array of different liquors. Bring your own wine: it will be well treated. We did not have dessert at Cafe Renni since I had baked a birthday cake for Gwyneth at home. (Actually, it was the strawberry nut torte which appeared in Table Talk two weeks ago.) Among the current offerings are: chocolate pot de creme, homemade praline ice cream and a pastry tulip, painted with chocolate, filled with white chocolate mousse and topped with a caramel cage (4.50). I never can have a dinner like this without being profoundly grateful that I am on the dining room side of the kitchen.door. In addition to everything else, I can appreciate the small details of garnishment like the carved radish made to look like a red-capped mushroom and the delicate rosette of thinly shaved tomato skin. What unending work. The chef is a perfectionist; it must be hard on him, but a pleasure for his clientele. Wednesday and Thursday nights.are a bit more relaxed that the rest of the week. Plan to spend a person. Cafe Renni 13 - IS Kline's court, Lambertville, N.J Dinner Tue - Sat, 6-10, Sun. 5-8 closed Mon. Master card and Visa accepted TIME OFF Week of July

57 NOW PLAYING Tim Off deadlines All submissions to tn«now PtsyinQ calanoarfcs&ngsmust 00 macawbd n o M t f than Thu/adwy at noon prior to the following waafc's pumcaaon. The calendar tsfcngs include only iftosa events «nl take place between the Wednesday Tima Of! is pubfsned and the fottowino, Wednesday. HOMVW. noacas may be sent m advance to be used in the A* submissions must be i/ped and double-spaced and contain ormm mormaaon on me*event where «is taking place, when, who Is sponsoring «. whether afeeor registration «s required, and a telephone number readers may cafl tor further mtormafeon To ma* suomcssons. wnte Mow Playing, c o Time Off. P.O. Box 350. Princeton, NJ. 0C540. If you have other questions, call MUSIC uvry spvn 43SjegraSS Concert, Buodeuch Park. Eaaton Avenue. Ntw Bruns- (ran * : Stale Theater. 17 Livingston Brunt***). Juy 8. 8 pm free. i Choir tavtli Ud Zappatn. Six Flags Great Adventure. Jackaon. July 8 and 9. ; Concert. Lenlsi Hal. Fair- Mgh Otottneon Untvaraty. Madaon. July pm, JuV pm; RagBme Contort, July pm; Waterloo VBage. Stanhope ttng OVonr* Broofcdal* Community College. Newman Sprtnga Road. Uncroft. JuV 13.8 pjn. 9k«Btodi'a Sacred Service, Student Cantor. County Coasge of Morris. Center Gtw Road. Dover. Juy pin The MuaJe Protect, chamber concert. Main Courtyard. Graduate Coftage. Princeton Univeraty. Prinoalon. Juty p m (ram site: Hal), cat for rer on daty of concoft, frvs., John and Ptfm. Now. Hope. Pa-, nighly. 215^ ,Oub Bane. Route 36, Morgan. July ManvMe PuMc tjbrary. 100 S. 10ti Av^, ManvBe. July pja fl pm Tony Bamatt oonoart. Garden State Arts tax Cafe Ran* «ne«ceraar. HotmW. JuV ODWil abambft, mm* Friday tarn 830 to KMOpJR Tha Candon Hatortcal Muaaum MBS. at Jacob's «M MtiQpf- VMge Mam 8u CMon. JuV 10.8 pm..ne*eau *,,*». JuV ewary Pfr, Ocean Grove Audkonum. Ocean Grove. JuV ia 8 pm ifini oonovia unpnv, Rm Unled MetwdW Church. IS SouH Broadl SL, Trenton. JuV 10.7 pm «e Meew VTM DI rnjeecweo, Thaetar Company. Levin Theater. Now wtek. July p.m Tatnofi OT fight, New Jersey Shakespeare Festival; Madbon. through Sept 5, The Mfcado, Open Air Theatre, Washington Creasing Stale ParicTJtusville, July pm Danwa at Sea, Center Stage. 33 Washington St. Mt Hoay. July 8to 17.8 p.m.. Thursdays through Saturdays; 230 p.m., July 11 and Buma, Somerset County College. SomervWe. July 9-10,16-17, at 8 p.m.. July 11 and 18 at 3 p m Poetry neadtig, New Jersey State Museum, July 11, 3 p.m., Gemini, Actors Cafe Theatre, Bloomfietd Col- Franklin and Fremont Streets, through Aug. 14, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m Wizard of Oz, Bucks County Playhouse, New Hope. Pa., through July A BedM of Foreigners, through July 10; Lunch Hour, July 13-17, Summerfun Theatre, Montclair State College. Upper Montdair, 830 p.m., Say Goodnight Grade, The New Jersey Public Theatre, 118 South Avenue East, Cranford, through July 31, Fridays and Saturdays 830 p.m., Sundays at 730 p.m., Fairweather* Friends Are Welcome At The Terrace Cafe T. noon; Die 14. noon, lawn ffwougn Aug. 21. JUV 7. 8 pm; JMy a. rm PA; JuV am; 1.8 pm; Joy 1^ 830 pm; Hyaan BUBX; taaaaar a*a> JuV is. 8 pm.; m JuV pj»; OBJM PMMam <* > '< * pm.; al Itoy WkM**ia** Cht* Cofand Wamut Lane. t-741ttori U M grompa Iroaj tie 50a MBon Inn. MonmOUaTi tsvmv CJOaVaVOn* CaVl days. 10 pm, DRAMA Cantury Theatre. 1 East Kings llgh y. Audooon. June 24to27; July 8 to 11; JuV 15to18; ThursdaytoSaturday* at 8 pm. Sundays at 3 pm The Merry Widow, Roosevelt Park Ja\MMtf)aBBi^e^BafeM Gbte^^ 4 6>MriB* C^a^a^^n ft MTapnBaTifMVWa HOUaV 1 SWUkTU COavOn, 30to JuV 10.8:40 pm Theatre i torn, Trenton, JuV Sundays 730 pm, al others 830 pm , Monmouti Coiege Summer Theatre. W. Long Branch. July 1-3 and pm Factory. Stx Flags Greet Adventure. JuV 10-Aug. 12. cal tor hours. fauatcej B t t n n X New Jersey Shakeapeare Festival. Madison. July p.m., *Openongood weather days. It's the place to meet, for lunch, for a friendly Kbation after a hard day's work, to watch the sunset at dinner. Music adds magic, Friday and Saturday evenings until midnight and Sunday afternoons. Look for the yellow umbrellas on Palmer Square. Leave your worries at the gate. NASSAU INN Palmer Square Princeton, hij l.-r ft : TIME OFF

58 fc NOW PLAYING avanoa and AngeL N J. Insttute of Campus. Technology. Van Homen Ubrary Theatre. 99.JM, 7to It. Wedna«Sey.Thursday Summa SL. Newark. July pm. antfswdeyai730pm;kuayandsabjhley ao»-«s2~aiai FILM TeCRnplogy Van HouHn KIT.MSWMlft.»1 Tfca 730 pm, el Ubrary Theatre, Some- Ltrary.Norti Bridge and Vogi OHm. BUgi au. July 8. to 1 p m, 201-S i at «oti The 15. PtMc Ubrary. 100 FOR KID C Mary Jacob* Memorial Ubrary. 64 WaaMngion St. Rocky Hill, July :30 to 11:30 a.m tree. Plac*. Langhome. Pa., open twough Labor-Day. 930 ajn. to 8 pjn i lor 7 to 12 year olde. i Theatre. 1TBO Mana Ave" Traraon. June and July ule. Seven Ravena. Captain KMd, mcmee tar achooj aged chaoan. Mary Jacoba Memorial Ubrary. 64 Washington St. Rocky H* July 8. 3to4 pm HVcbofouQtt PubBc Ubrary. Anwefl Road, Beta Mead. Jury pm Ludcy Three!!! ITS $ 15! imiamc<qa km ts tmtt mmf man uif by bm l, 19(2 Storyttme/Craft aesatoa for pre-schoolers, tims tobowtng. July 6 through Aug. 11, Tuesdays at 2 pjn., Wednesdays at 1030 am. Lawrence Branch of Mercer County Ubrary. Lawrence Shopping Center, Route 1 and Texas Ave.. Trenton , free. for pra^cnoojerai alternating with lirns. Ewing Branch of Mercer County Ubrary. 25 Scotch Road, Trenton, July 7 through Aug. 25,' Wednesdays at 11 a.m., Thursdays at 10 a.m and 11 a.m., , free. Ruaty and the Falcon, film. HUsborough Hkjh School, Hnsborough. July 9, 2 p.m., free. Mystery feature Mm, South Brunswick Pub- Ic Ubrary, Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction, Jury 10,1 p.m., program for school aged children. Jury 13, 2 pjn; A Boy and a Boa, Toothbruehing] wtti CharSe Browrj, films for pre-scnoojers. Jury 14 at 11 a.m.. Jury 15 at 10 and 11 ajn., Ewing Branch of Mercer County Ubrary, Ewing, Anaaole and Ina PtanOi fiockat Raclcet, films, Lawrence Branch of Mercer County ~ Ubrary, Lawrence Shopping Center, Route 1 and Texas Ave., Trenton, July 13 at 230 p.m.; Jury 14 at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., , V Bcploring the Outdoors, tor 9 to 12 year olds. Mary Jacobs Ubrary, 64 Washington St, Rocky HH. June 23. June 30. Jury 7, Jury 14, 10 ajn. to noon, registration required, free. NJ.State Museum aclmbaa^ all programs run through Aug. 27, Stars for Tota, Thursday. Friday at 10 ajn.; Eskimos at Play, weekdays, 10 a.m.; Dinosaur Tour, Thursday. 11 a.m.; kidan Body OmamenUlton, workshoptorchildren in grades two to six, Tuesday and Thursday, 2 p.m.; NJ. State Museum. West State Street, Trenton, free. Treasure Wandr play. Century Theatre, 1 East Kings Highway. Audubon, July 14, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., LECTURES I Rug braiding demonstration, Nelson House, River Road, Washington Crossing State Park, Titusville, July 10, noon to 4 p.m., STUDY Siddha Meditation meetings, Princeton, every Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m., for Information call or Workshops by Marte Zalt, River Center for the Arts. 156 S. Main St, New Hope, Pa., through Jury Ousting Workshop, Guild of Creative Art, 620 Broad St., Shrewsbury, July 9, Drawing classes, beginning, intermediate and advanced, Hightstown High School, Hightstown, July 10-Aug. 28, for registration and hours call or AUDITIONS]; AudrUons for Death of A Salesman, The RegibnafArts Center, 33 Washington St., Mt. Hotly, Jury 11.12,13,7 to 11 p.m.; casting for principal roles of Willie Loman, Linda Loman and Bill Loman by appointment only, call For all other roles, bring pictures and resumes. Actors should be familiar with play. ITS1W0 DREAM ttno1oatt»c»iamiucctttry en 9m bmat m our Cool M H I O M Desk on our fiat toot lady pncir at Catan pic0am* tk* jackpots. Country Comers, country style activities for school aged children, Hightstown Ubrary, Jury 14, 2 p.m Pandemonium Puppet Company, puppet theatre. Summerfun Theater, Montdair State College, Upper Montdair. Jury 14. 1:15 p.m Puppet show, Regional Arts Center, 33 Washington St., ML HoDy, July 14, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m AudrUons for West Side Story, musicians trained in horns, woodwinds, strings or percussion wanted. Backstage Breaks, MISCELLANY1 Singles dance, Ramada Inn, Route 3, Clifton, July 7, 8 p.m Uat Stop - Than Expreea via OS. Parkway it tain. FOR MORE MFORMAHON CALL SUBURBAN TRANSIT CORP. (201) / (609) <A«SAR5 ATLAH71CCITY # iu ALL MALE REVUE THURS. KINDERHOOK Mnetu Night) CASTLE BROWNE TUM. Night FREE ADMISSION FRI. July 9 The New BAND SUNDAY. JULY 11 RICOCHET (Kamakaiie) Nlght) SAT. Jury 10 FURY 22 TIME OFF Week of Jury/-14,1982

59 Week of July 7-14,1982 ART BMl and Sto0csa»artatortiaincs«0t»4S2-3it4. June to August. 11 am. to 5 pjn. Cofeie. trough Sapt 27; A Decade of Col- L VPIJflB HiSQW* f^maik Uel t; trough July 18; The Schaafer OJeaa y, trough Sept 27; Newark Airport i by Arahte Qorky. trough Sapt 27; The Newark Museum. 40 WaaNngton St. y. noonto5 pm, BYPeari HJ. Heaonal Bank ot Princeton. 194 Nassau St. Prinoaton. trough July 30; Recent 780 3ft HOBatL Prinoolon, DJf PAA- Lfcrary Oelsry. Msrcer County Com- ColSQtt. Wnt Windsor cwnpus* Aug. 19; Al ahow sponsorad by Daly 1.3:10, 520.7:40,10. Maroar Mai II: Firafox, 130.4:15. 7:15,10. Marcar Mai III: Author, Author, 1,3:10.520, 7: Quakar Bridga Mai Thaatrea ( ): Cmama I: Anraa, Frl-Thurs. 130, 4:15, 7, 9^6 Onema U: Tha Extra-Tarraatrtal, FnVThure. 12, 230, 5. 7:45,10:15. Onama III: Bambi, FiL-Thurs. 12: , 8. Onama IV: AnnJa, FrL-Thuni. 12:15, 3:15, 730. MANVjLLE Manvfla Clnama ( ): Bambi, 1:40,3.420,5:40,7,820., M0N1 Garden II: Dinar. That Obacura Obiact of Deaira, 730 p.m.; Falllnl Satyricon, 9:15 p.m.; Kresge AuoHorium, Princeton University campus, Princeton, July 7 to 11, SOMERSET Rutgers Plaza I ( ): Star Trak M, Mon.-Sun. 1,3:10.5:15.730,9:40. Rutgers Plaza II: Bade Runner, Mon.-Sun. 1:15,335,535.7:45,955. TRENTON Director's Chair I ( ): Victor/Victoria, Wed. mat I. Director's Chair II: Conan The Barbarian, Wed. mat I. Jim 20 to July 31. BMnaa. «orta by Mana CMron. Rtear ter «Attt. 1S8 & Mam St. Haw JUW»B.Mr Pitrneton , Tranton C*y Muaaum, Tranton. JKy 3 tuough Aug O9M153. CINEMA aul))act to chanqa. Montgomery Cinema ( ): Call theatre lor program Information.. PRMCETON Garden I ( ): PoltargaHt. WESTWMDSOR Prince Budco I ( ): Blade Runner, Mon.-Thurs. 7:15,930.' Prince Budcoi.ll: Daa Boot, Mon.-Thurs. 8. Prince Budco III: Monty-Python Uve at the Itotywood Bowl, Mon.-Thurs. 730, 9:15. AM Cam*. OH Stona M l Cantor, Canton EASTWMOSOR Alrooti. Rotila 20«. through July k Oantwry ga. Cranbury. Jar* ffvoatf) *0. SatodBya and Sundays. 2 IP s PJI. eoa eea «i PUia. 743 AMnandar Ro*d. Prinoaton. rrouor> Mi 10. da% SHI pjtl. eoe-«sa-2«6i Art Tan < Waawrn Baarlc Cor- Onanw I ( ): VtcaxArTctorta. Moru-Sun. 7:15. 9:45. Sun. mat 2. Ctnama I : Porto/a. Moo.-Son Sat-Swi mat 2. FREEHOLD Onama 33 ( ): Oaad Man Dont Waar PWd. Thru 7/B :45. Starts Sat July 10. Oraaaa a. m*drig«snow Fri. and Sat JuV 7/10-7/11. No Nutna. Pond Road Onama ( ): FoxMra, Oaiy :45. SaL and Sun. mat 2. MUS80H0UQH 1gqypeop r e pnncetoary Call Theatre for Showtimes Annie at, July t trough Aug. 10- HMboro Cinema C ): Pleaaacal by KaWyn Ttmwpaori Warm. Conam Net. Educator* Ta tan. Moudh JuV 30, 80B *wougr> SapL S,» M LAVmENCE Ertc I (6O ): Rocky «. Ertc I: Tha TMng. Maroar Mai I ( ): Star Trak I. 1 f M»-t21-2S(S Meetings held at Unitarian Church 8:00 P.M., CALL FOR PROGRAM NOW PUYING: Wed.-Sun. July 7-11 BUNUEL & FELLINI: Two Hbn Fantasies Weet 8t»te Street. Trenton. teik Awe. Maavtlle. tnreagh July. TneAAl Uai*er*lty. July t-aug ajmvto 4 pjii. Sun- & MOOUM. SUMI SCHEDULE OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 1 TO 4 P.M. MTE8 7^0-10^0 P.M. & Tuesday Nft Is Adut Nat Wtodnaedby IsLMMES Net FMe/hiTEENNto lay Is 9OUL twco MMIC Nat SAWHOtYNITE LATE NTTE AOUtT ROCKSCSStON 10J0 P.M. to 1 AM. CaN for Special Group PRIVATE Skating Parties & Birthday Parties. 8M0KMQ KENDALL PARK ROLLER RINK PLUS Co-FEATURE FELLINI SATYRICON Both Films Rated R/Engiish Trttes Nigtiuy. Desire 7:30/Satyrton 9:15 COMING NECT WEEK: July 14 thru 18 Francis Ford Coppola's APOCALYPSE NOW KRESGE AUDITORIUM AIR CONDITIONED FREE PARKING Information Call TIME OFF

60 Off Crossword Puzzle Ferrari ylftjm Caw ACMCWI 1 Sttcfteytturi lion t5 OttNwjtim til The Ram 20Bua.nr* 71 fe«f SAng SJtfnff 9 inttaniimmf zraudwn BOUndS» Engaged 30 ^HAVS»WcWn 33 nwqit 3 i EUawanfTt anwi* versarygift V tkmwmm SUM a (MOM see* SJwt sound 48; O" 4t Cucfcooscou- SO UWMMOUt 51 OWt0M«r 53Cap*oiHM % 56 Tuscany city 37 Tafceanomer DM "DCWS 61 nemmders 82 DwaHrtg: AM*. aawenang moot 85 Copy, tor mot Or CTMMTW*,»n ««MBT 70 Mo* unctuous 74 Ptcoda. Canary Wands 75 Edges 76 Put on 78Co««r 80 Queen 82 Joeeprtne. Spenieh style 83Conet*ned 84 To» 86 Head.* Harauft 86 " &nd*~ SSYoukw*. Latin style 90 College m Cedar Rapids 91 UMM 82 Bridge agam 96 Proles aor-» 8P- MBKofa on K» 29 Down and others 102 Canal sight 103 Oetect*es 107S.no* 108 Phrase from a Juna imitation 111 -HmM " 112 Connecticut CQfftpB DuH surface 113 ' 1 ta m ? 21 PaBl i#t thai riil m im paat Hoep. people Brit money Grimace Salamanders 00WN 1 Soho <pot< 2 Opera highrofmttmst* am country Enticed That, in Spain Puts aboard Route to the altar Heathen gods Lanka Aacandad loty Odd, in Scot land Manages Santa Actor Greene Mad oaths Singing group 23 Young O peoples gp. Mountain lakes Member of the wedding 112 Across name Buddies Trade Choir member Roman official Wise people Pianist Peter and others Mastery of languages: Suffix Handful tor the guests Anglo-Saxon letter Teachings Traveling at speed of sound (*. _.,.,. _,,. Resort near Tahoe Historical periods Lowly Sibftngs offspring June principal Luge rider Mid-Victorian Wonderment Key Lancet pie EMK 101 "1 smell " Thrust "Last Supper picture Responsibility of 54 Down Unruly kids "Come my parior..." Roof cover Church tax "Poetic" unclose Profound Dieters times? Sound from the nest Domicile Dlr. Not familiar Copycats "One of Ours" author Trackman Ticonderoga Allen Stripes partner Anoint Waste maker Verbalize Rude spectator Cereal Ball, bank or bird Camp cover God of war Times Fleming rjeagjna asa nzira aa ana u?!d3 n.5]3«aoaaan onci O33Q nasa eon uam HBLIQ naa iihmhnnaana On Bridge Answer to last weeks puzzle Players needs finesse to finesse CHARLOTTE i i PAUL DOBIN Bridge is act a simple game as most of JOB km ao doobt discovered. If il wot. Acre waald be aotfciag 10 write abaca. Maty ones, it is said, it is best to s*c«d a finesse since that only gives one a We* SJ< >765 HA 8 D4 2 CQ 653 Sees* INT We* P 30% chance of success. However, there are times when a 50% chance is better than none at all. as seen in the illustrated hand. The bidding was short and to the point, with West leading off with the spade six. Declarer won with the ace and immediately took the diamond finesse. East won Sort* S842 HK53 DAQ975 C84 SeeXfc S AK3 H D J 10 6 CAK2 South deals Net* 3NT East SQ 10 HQJ76 OK83 CJ East All Pass with his King and Declarer held up winning the spade return until the third round, while East discarded a heart. Declarer now cashed his diamonds, followed by three rounds of clubs, but found himself down one as the defenders won the rest of the tricks. Declarer did not plan his play properly. It was correct to win the first trick.since East could defeat the contract by switching to clubs. At the,sccond trick, however. Declarer should have led a heart for an Local Duplicate Club Results PRINCETON YWCA Bridge for Fun: 6722 N-S 1- Julie White. Marge Blaxill; 2 - Gloria Wilcox, Richard Mayer, 3 - Edith Peiser. Helen Smith; E-W 1 - Polly Beidler. Peg Warner, 2 - Paul Keffer, Nectar Sanders; 3 - Jackie Kimball,, Dorothy Katz. PRINCETON YM-YWCA: 6722 N-S I - John Bertrand, Marge Mazurowski; 2 - AI Pollara, Zevah Pyne; 3 - Blanche Bo wen, Polly BeidJer. 4/5 - Bill Ward, Hal Parker tied with Ken Hirtle, Jon Schafer, E-W 1 - Erich and Sue Stem; 2 - Frances Hedberg, Dot Etger. 3/4 - Peter Wright, NataJee Rosenthal tied with Abe Sherman, T. Saito; 5 - Marvin Fox, Fred Lord. immediate finesse, hoping 1 that West had the ace. If West ducks, the heart king will' win in dummy. Declarer then returns to his hand via a club and finesses diamonds.' East wins the first or second round, but Declarer has his nine tricks. In this case,'declarer had to count to nine in order to make his contract, and.without the finesse working either in hearts or diamonds, he had no chance. Whenever possible, it is wise to consider two finesses in the hopes that one will work. PRINCETON YM-YWCA: 6/23 N-S 1 - Dave Baker, Joan Roth; 2 - Charlotte Page, Bill Clevleand; 3 - Zevah Pyne, Madelyn Plattus; E-W 1 - Carl Garfing, Vivian Stem; 2 - Grace Wile, Betty Irish; 3 - Moit and Jan Scbultz. COSMOPOLITAN DUPLICATE: 6/23 N-S 1 - Marcia Teitelbaum, Al Rosenberg; 2 - Jim Dunn, Arnold Kohn; E-W 1 - Ted Waldon, Stan Schweitzer; 2 - Jane Lawler, Yvonne Panitch. MERCER COUNTY: 6723 N ; S 1- Tess Papp, Hilda Weiss; 2 - Alice Irmisch, Monica Cavano; 3 - Bert Belber, Taylor Hughes; E-W 1 - Lillian and Joe Coult; 2 - Fred Clay, Lorraine Mottley;, 3/4 - Al Tavares, Barry Engleson tied with Iggy Littman, Meyer Millcn. TIME OFF Week of July M 2

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