Contents. SECTION A READING Unseen Passages Worksheets 1 to Enrichment Activity Worksheets 23 to SECTION B WRITING & Grammar

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3 Content SECTIN A READING Uneen Paage Workheet 1 to Enrichment Activity Workheet 23 to SECTIN B WRITING & Grammar Writing a Diary Workheet 26 to Article Writing Workheet 30 to Story Writing Workheet 34 to Enrichment Activity Workheet 38 to Filling Blank with Suitable Word Workheet 46 to Editing: Detecting & Correcting Error Workheet 51 to miion: Supplying Miing Word Workheet 57 to Sentence Reordering Workheet 63 to Sentence Tranformation Workheet 68 to Enrichment Activity Workheet 71 to SECTIN C LITERATURE textbook & extended reading text Fiction How I Taught My Grandmother to Read (Sudha Murty) Workheet 83 to Enrichment Activity Workheet A Dog Named Duke (William D Elli) Workheet 91 to Enrichment Activity Workheet The Man Who Knew Too Much (Alexander Baron) Workheet 99 to Enrichment Activity Workheet keeping it from Harold (P G Wodehoue) Workheet 104 to Enrichment Activity Workheet (iii)

4 Beteller ( Henry) Workheet 109 to Enrichment Activity Workheet poetry The Brook (Alfred Lord Tennyon) Workheet 114 to Enrichment Activity Workheet The Road Not Taken (Robert Frot) Workheet 119 to Enrichment Activity Workheet The Solitary Reaper (William Wordworth) Workheet 123 to Enrichment Activity Workheet Lord Ullin Daughter (Thoma Campbell) Workheet 128 to Enrichment Activity Workheet The Seven Age (William Shakepeare) Workheet 134 to Enrichment Activity Workheet h, I Wih I d looked after Me Teeth (Pam Ayre) Workheet 140 to Enrichment Activity Workheet Song of The Rain (Khalil Gibran) Workheet 143 to Enrichment Activity Workheet drama Villa for Sale (Sacha Guitry) Workheet 146 to Enrichment Activity Workheet The Bihop Candletick (Norman Mckinnell) Workheet 152 to Enrichment Activity Workheet extended reading text Gulliver Travel (Jonathan Swift) Workheet 159 to Three Men in a Boat (Jerome K Jerome) Workheet 173 to Aement of Speaking and litening kill (iv)

5 A reading ummative aement uneen paage WRKSHEET 1 I. (a) It can diget 200 time it own weight in protein. (b) Intake of raw papaya. (c) The freh juice of raw papaya mixed with honey i applied. (d) The papaya juice can be ued to make the kin beautiful. (e) The lit of propertie that it poee. (f) Digetion, and cure kin irritation. (g) Papaya - A wholeome fruit. (h) Lack of nutrition. WRKSHEET 2 I. (a) Drinking trong coffee could harply increae choleterol level. Fat-like chemical cafetol and kahweol are reponible for thi. (b) European brewing method produce high concentration of cafetol and kahweol. The filter and percolation method almot remove the chemical. Regular, moderate drinking of coffee neither raie blood preure nor caue abnormal heart rhythm. (c) Depletion of the nerve chemical dopamine in nerve cell caue the dieae. Caffeine eemed to protect mice brain cell effectively. Caffeine protective role for human i yet to be etablihed. (d) (i) Advantage: Drinking coffee boot endurance, increae alertne and improve mood. (ii) Diadvantage: Conuming coffee may lead to retlene and leeplene; poibility of becoming addict. II. (a) iolated (b) timulant (c) buzz (d) avid WRKSHEET 3 I. (a) (i) Pocket-ized (ii) mall (iii) loyal (iv) harp (v) curiou (vi) active (b) The long coated and the mooth coated. (c) (i) The long coated one have flat or lightly wavy coat (ii) The mooth coated one are oft textured and gloy in appearance. (d) They are alway curiou to know what i going inide the houe. (e) They are popular becaue of their mall ize and they poe good harpne and alertne. (f) Inherent (g) They require little care but their long nail need clipping. (h) They poe a burglar alarm, are good with children and loyal and devoted to the family. l u t i o n 5

6 WRKSHEET 4 I. (a) Newpaper hold a key poition in dicriminating information a they are produced on a daily bai and give a wide range of information on variou ubject affecting our live. (b) By reading different newpaper one get view of o many peron that one i able to undertand true nature of a ubject. (c) It i o becaue change in a ociety are not abrupt. They take ome time to evolve. Social development are a continuou proce and we need ample time to grap the ituation. (d) Newpaper play a key role in the diemination of information. By reading newpaper one i aware of one urrounding. We are more conciou of our effort to undertand a ituation. II. (a) monopolied (b) varied (c) perpective (d) endored WRKSHEET 5 I. (a) The firt tep in ilk production i to provide quality environment and feed for the ilkworm. (b) The worm are reared in controlled environmental condition. (c) The traditional handloom ilk i the mot famou ilk. (d) A few famou South Indian ilk producing centre are Kanchipuram, Dharmavaram and Arni. (e) Almot 85% of the price of ilk in the market goe back to communitie that are engaged in ericulture and ilk indutry. (f) The aree i the traditional cotume of Indian woman. (g) The final part of ilk production i the weaving of the fabric which i conidered more of an art than an act. (h) Conumption. WRKSHEET 6 I. (a) Pateur did not view thoe who uffered from dieae jut a a cae that ha to be cured but omething much more than that. (b) The fact that Pateur never wholly forgot the imagery of hi boyhood day, when he drew the familiar cene of hi birthplace and the longing to be an artit. (c) The phrae I cannot, in context with the article, implie that, Pateur could not take the pain exhaution of being bedridden anymore and he did not want to live like that anymore. (d) Hi greatet grief wa when heer phyical exhaution made him give up hi active work. II. (a) hard work/complete dedication (b) to abandon (c) ink (d) determination WRKSHEET 7 I. (a) Sooty moke wa conidered beneficial once becaue it wa believed to counteract the effect of other kind of pollution. (b) It acted by creening the planet from the un ray. (c) Scientit think that it can woren global warming. (d) Thick haze wa oberved over Indian ocean. 6 e n g l i h c o m m u n i c a t i v e Ix

7 (e) Haze ometime act againt the general notion and cloud cover could be pare. (f) It wa found that un would heat up the cloud cover. (g) Cloud keep the earth cool by bouncing back olar radiation. (h) The haze doe not alway caue cloud to burn off becaue of weather condition.. WRKSHEET 8 I. (a) The pecial children referred here are children with diabilitie uch a pychological diorder. (b) Education i important for uch children a, without education, they become a burden on their familie a well a on the ociety. (c) Factor reponible for hindering the path of education for uch children are lack of opportunitie or facilitie in chool and apathy of the parent toward pecial children. (d) Meagre reource in the form of ome chool for pecial children cannot ameliorate the lot of thee children. There i urgent need to trike at the root of thi malaie. II. (a) egregated (b) motivation (c) dicrimination (d) mould WRKSHEET 9 I. (a) To improve inulin function one mut cut down all artificial food. (b) Butter, ghee, oil and fried food hould be avoided. (c) Poly-unaturated oil, like unflower oil, mono-unaturated oil uch a olive oil i recommended by the author. (d) Karela, methi eed, neem, jamun fruit are the herb which improve inulin repone. (e) Garlic lower blood ugar and decreae choleterol. (f) High fibre diet i the cornertone of the treatment of mot of the dieae. (g) Potaium can be found in vegetable broth and raw, prouted peanut. (h) Black channa, legume, buttermilk, turmeric and amla are low ugar/glycerin index food. WRKSHEET 10 I. (a) The ucceful completion of Garonne Bridge gave a boot to Gutave confidence and enthuiam and he embarked on difficult project in future. (b) It wa a challenge becaue it wa to be contructed over ruhing Douro river. The bridge wa to be contructed above 200 feet with a pan length of 500 feet. (c) Eiffel Tower i a materpiece a it rie 300 metre from a bae which i 101 q metre. It ha retaurant, a weather tation and alo ha pace for conducting experiment. (d) Gutave experiment in aerodynamic made it poible for future engineer to tudy the effect of air preure on building o that turdy tructure could be made poible. II. (a) properou (b) pylon (c) reentment (d) aerodynamic WRKSHEET 11 I. (a) Yoga i a comprehenive technique to cure both body and mind. (b) Yoga therapy i good for any condition. It i uperior to drug becaue of it holitic approach and healing capacity. (c) Diturbance in energy level may caue Inomnia and fatigue. (d) Aana calm you and inhibit random energy flow and meditation relaxe your mind. l u t i o n 7

8 (e) By breaking the viciou cycle of pain-agony-pain, yoga prevent pain from becoming a crippling problem. (f) Chronic pain eentially i imbalance in Prana (energy). (g) The imbalance in energie, over a long period of time, lead to chronic pain and mucle pam. (h) Headache can be a ignal of an underlying dieae becaue pain i jut a manifetation of the internal inflammation or imbalance of energie in the body. WRKSHEET 12 I. (a) The ue of variou drug and addictive ubtance ha affected innocent young live and it create many ocial ail. (b) The majority of drug edict are the young tudent, unemployed rural and urban youth. (c) The effect of prolonged ue of addictive drug everely affect the peronality of the addict. They become a nuiance to their familie and the ociety. They uccumb to the path of crime. (d) The deire to gain materialitic benefit ha led u to looe our cherihed goal. There i a complete adminitrative, moral and ocial failure. II. (a) menace (b) callou (c) degenerated (d) cam. WRKSHEET 13 I. (a) Water i vital to human health and fitne becaue it i a key nutrient a no life i poible without it. (b) It i called a key nutrient becaue we cannot live longer than a couple of day. (c) A water approximate 60% of the body weight, it i an ideal contituent of the body fluid. (d) Water diolve varried product of digetion and tranport them to variou part of the body. (e) By diipating (ditributing) the body heat efficiently, water regulate body temperature. (f) High pecific heat implie that it take a lot of heat to raie the temperature of water. (g) Water-therapy mean drinking enough water to treat body ailment. (h) Hypothalamou regulate water in our body by creating the enation of thirt and by controlling the excretion of water in the form of urine. WRKSHEET 14 I. (a) The writer believed that he wa tupid becaue he could not concentrate on her tudie. (b) The writer flinched a he aw her friend walking toward her a he wa not in the mind tate to talk to her. (c) The writer lacked interet in her tudie a he wa not able to do well in her cla. (d) The writer wa not a very confident or an aertive girl due to repeated failure. II. (a) flinch (b) muter (c) relent (d) peer WRKSHEET 15 I. (a) The young liftman wa fined becaue he had thrown a paenger out of the lift. (b) The liftman demanded a little courtey of pleae from the paenger. (c) Law can be enforced while ocial practice need to be obeyed. (d) Firt requirement of civility i that we hould acknowledge a ervice. (e) Thee are important becaue they make our live weet. (f) The author blame the war a it had napped the civility out of their live. 8 e n g l i h c o m m u n i c a t i v e Ix

9 (g) The policeman and law i neceary to keep ocial order intact. (h) Victory over oneelf count. WRKSHEET 16 I. (a) Having a ound and honet character. (b) Becaue women/girl are reponible for the upbringing of a family and their level of education i important. (c) Becaue earlier the tak wa only to fight, to wret freedom, enthue one another and carry on the work. (d) It i becaue now we are reponible for our own action and can t blame other. II. (a) merely (b) conceived (c) multiply (d) evaluation WRKSHEET 17 I. (a) Supenion bridge i built on the river Indu. (b) It look like a circu tent becaue it i covered with prayer flag of every colour. (c) According to the driver the river would get angry if there were no flag. (d) The driver pray becaue the bridge i holy to him. (e) Timele object of Ladakh are the mountain which look like tupa. (f) When the heat increae, the colour of tone change. (g) While reting on the top of mountain pa the author found a deerted hephard hut. (h) It how the deep faith of the common Ladakhi in the Buddha. WRKSHEET 18 I. (a) Cate ytem, dowry ytem, drug addiction, alcoholim, etc are ome of the ocial evil which till prevail in India. (b) Dowry i a kind of help given in the form of gift by which girl can tart their family. (c) Alcoholim i alcohol taken in exce of what a man or woman can afely conume. Alcoholic tend to quarrel and are a financial burden on their family. (d) The real remedy lie in educating people and a joint effort by all to fight thee ocial evil. II. (a) extort (b) addiction (c) lum dweller (d) eradicate WRKSHEET 19 I. (a) Louia wrote her firt novel to earn money. (b) Louia earned her livelihood by becoming chool teacher. She alo worked a a maid in a laundry. (c) Louia helped oldier by bandaging their wound; by giving them medicine and by writing letter for them. (d) Louia book are Little Women, Hower Fable, Hopital Sketche, Little Men, Jo Boy etc. (e) It how her determination to fight all odd in life. (f) Her aociation with literary people like Henry David Thoreau influenced her toward writing. (g) The family had to remain under financial train becaue her father wa a ingle minded peron with trong value. (h) Adveritie are tepping tone to ucce. l u t i o n 9

10 WRKSHEET 20 I. (a) A litener can be tempted to remember what you have aid if you think before you talk, know your meage and get to the point quickly. (b) A converation i compared to a tenni match becaue each peron have a turn to give and peak. The true art of converation i talking and litening. (c) A almot everything one ay i an attempt to peruade the other peron to accept your point of view, it i important that it hould be practiced. (d) Fear of failure, forgetting and humiliation hould be controlled, otherwie it would boomrang on you. It can be controlled by checking your negative elf talk and viualiing a poitive outlook. II. (a) formulating (b) viualie (c) patient (d) crux WRKSHEET 21 I. (a) Curive writing wa originally developed to make it eaier for children to write with a quill. By joining up the letter, it kept the quill on the parchment and minimied ink blot. (b) Reearch ugget that the proce of writing information down on paper, by hand, ha a more direct effect on the formation of memorie in the learning proce than typing. Taking note in cla i till the mot effective way to learn. It a better way to tore the kill for written language in a child brain than preing key. (c) Although we teach children the formation of letter and the appropriate joining troke, after a few year, we leave them on their own device, jut a the written workload tart to increae. That when the bad habit et in. (d) Earlier chool ued to be all about writing, whether it wa the exercie book we wrote in or the note we paed around. But not anymore. Now it all about typing. Learning your QWERTY i almot a important a learning your ABC becaue mot of the work i done on computer. (e) The author wa nonplued when hi daughter brought home her curive writing book. (f) Ye. But with the changing time children hould be taught to touch-type early on. Teacher alo feel that learning i aided by the phyical act of writing. (g) Learning to ue computer can be advantageou a the child grow and the learning workload increae. It alo help the child to keep up with advancing technology. (h) (i) Nonplued (ii) Stimulation WRKSHEET 22 I. (a) Indoor pollution affect our health a the level of carbon-dioxide i found to be higher than outide. Burning enation in the eye, drowine and tiredne are it ymptom. (b) TERI finding are that indoor pollution can be a toxic a the quality of air outide. (c) Lack of certain retriction uch a moking in office premie, which i cloed due to air conditioning, can woren the ituation for non-moker. (d) ccupational hazard mean hazard due to one profeion where uch danger lurk around. II. (a) acute (b) fatigue (c) infratructure (d) retriction 10 e n g l i h c o m m u n i c a t i v e Ix

11 Enrichment Activity WRKSHEET 23 comprehenion Word Pronunciation Meaning 1. riginated / ridzineitid/ appeared for the firt time Malaria i thought to have originated in the tropic. 2. Confirmed /k n f3:md/ hown a true or correct Hi guilty expreion confirmed my upicion. 3. Chief /t i:f/ main, mot important Their chief problem i poverty. 4. Ditant / dit nt/ far away in pace The airport wa about 20 kilometre ditant. 5. Sedimentary /edímentri/ formed from and, tone, mud etc. that ettle at the bottom of lake/ea Sedimentary rock are not a hard a granite rock. 6. Remain /rimeinz/ the part of omething that are left She fed the remain of her lunch to the dog. 7. bviouly / ª obυi li/ clearly Diet and exercie are obviouly important. 8. Crude /kru:d/ in it natural tate Crude oil i treated in refinerie. 9. Vapour / υeip r/ ma of very mall drop of liquid in air Water vapour roe high. 10. Variou / υe ri / everal, different She took the job for variou reaon. l u t i o n 11

12 Noun Verb Adjective Adverb imagination imagine imaginative imaginatively profeion profe profeional profeionally potential potentiate potential potentially direction direct directional directly 2.2 Difficult word Synonym Antonym Tremendou huge tiny Pathetic ad cheerful Talented gifted hopele Capture catch free Rampant fierce mild Reconcile accept reject WRKSHEET 24 comprehenion-2 1. (a) (iv) a little narrow-minded creature (b) (iii) to put all thing together (c) (iv) to occupy hi humble place (d) (i) it can t crack a nut (e) (ii) the quirrel 2. (a) (iv) nervou (b) (ii) a grave, calm man (c) (iii) he felt the narrator had a ecret to reveal (d) (iv) hi manner wa myteriou (e) (i) revelation WRKSHEET 25 comprehenion-3 1. (a) (iii) early riing (b) (ii) an early rier (c) (i) well done (d) (iv) before midnight (e) (iii) neceity 2. (a) (iii) education and technical progre (b) (ii) cot of advertiing i added to that of the product (c) (iv) advertiement (d) (i) a wider choice i available (e) (iv) inverting 12 e n g l i h c o m m u n i c a t i v e Ix

13 B writing & grammar ummative aement Writing a diary WRKSHEET Monday 28 Feb. 20XX Taj Mahal of Agra i the mot beautiful of all monument in India. My friend and I viited the Taj during our ummer vacation. The architectural kill tand proof for making it one among the Seven Wonder of the World. It i indeed a unique materpiece of the Mughal architecture. What a fine lay out! The white marble parkled on all ide. The luh green lawn and Cypru tree in the garden adorned it majetic beauty. The Taj Mahal wa built about three hundred and fifty year ago by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, in memory of hi beloved queen, Mumtaj. 2. Wedneday 2 March 20XX! What a horrible dream it wa! My throat wa dry and the whole body wa full of weat. I trembled with fear like a dry leaf haken by the wind. I tried to cry but felt that the dragon wa choking my neck. I felt my end wa near. So I hit my feet on the bed. I woke up with a tart. I can never forget thi terrible dream. WRKSHEET Monday 28 March 20XX What a feat for the eye the flower how wa! The organier deerve kudo for excellent arrangement. The participant preented their exhibit tatefully. The variety of flower, their colour, fragrance and ize filled my heart with wonder, excitement and joy. I wanted to have jut a fleeting glimpe, but tayed on there for an hour. What a bli it wa! 2. Sunday 6 February 20XX How elated I felt thi morning on watching a pictureque cene an old man planting a apling and hi grandchild watering it. Their ilent dedication had a far deeper meage for me than all the logan raied by environmentalit. Their action poke louder than all the word. I reolved to follow their example and try environment friendly activitie. WRKSHEET Tueday 15 Nov. 20XX How euphoric I felt on hearing my name being announced a the winner in the inter chool art fet thi afternoon. I wa thrilled and excited and wanted to jump with joy. Somehow I controlled my elf and went to the podium to receive the prize. I can never forget the affection I got from my teacher, friend and member of the family. It ha inpired me to win further laurel. l u t i o n 13

14 2. Friday 19 May 20XX What a terrible ight it wa! The flower-like innocent puppy wa run over by a carele peedy crazy monter. I carried the little pup to the nearet hopital for medical aid. A it wa not a Vet hopital, they could not do much. In pite of bet effort, I failed to ave the pup life. I cured the people reponible for the tragedy. I feel guilty. Had there been a Vet hopital in the vicinity, perhap I could have aved him. WRKSHEET Time: 8 : 15 p.m. So many people live on the margin of ociety. Some leave their ditant village hut and come to the citie to make their fortune. They land up a daily labourer, bringing in le than the bare minimum. Not being able to afford a leeping berth, let alone a room in the city, they end up on footpath. While going home I came acro many children on the road at croroad with begging bowl in their hand. Children from extreme poverty-tricken background, often ingle-parent, run away from home. They tart living a high-rik life on the treet and city footpath, often doing heavy manual labour for one inufficient meal a day. I aw old people, abandoned by their family, alo land up on the treet. Having no energy for work, they lie in treet corner, huddled up in tattered clothe, with their worldly poeion in a mall bundle, and beg. I really owner how do the live of thee different people look like? How do they really get by from day to day? What hope, if any, do they have, that motivate them each day to get up and live another day? What are the truggle of life on the footpath? How do they cope with the extreme of different eaon? There i no anwer to thee quetion and no end to thee problem. I really feel orry for it XYZ 2. Sunday For mot, May mean blooming tree and the firt natche of ummer. For me, it mean long hour, pile of preure and an impending ene of doom. I m no tranger to pre-exam butterflie or the occaional late-night panic. Having dodged the ammunition round of ix exam eaon, I feel like a veteran. Worrying about my workload only increae tre hormone and make me angry. When I m immered in the exam eaon, I can eaily feel like thing are piralling out of control. Stre in t alway a bad thing mall amount can boot my productivity. Yet, I feel cary. ARTICLE WRITING WRKSHEET 30 IMPACT F LESS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY N GRWING CHILDREN (by Riti/Raj) 1. Video game, unlike phyical game, may have bad effect on children health, including obeity, video-induced eizure, potural, mucular and keletal diorder. Too much video game playing make the child ocially iolated. Alo, he may pend le time in other activitie uch a doing homework, reading, port, and interacting with the family and friend. Children pending too much time playing video game may have aggreive behaviour and attention problem. Academic achievement may be negatively related to over-all time pent playing video game. Studie have hown that the more time a child pend playing video game, the poorer i hi performance in chool. 14 E N G L I S H C M M U N I C A T I V E IX

15 2. health hazard caued by junk food (by Shobha/Shubham) Junk food i eay food, eaily available and eay to conume. So it ha become a favourite with many. But junk food are a major health hazard. There i no nutritional value that they poe. They lead to obeity. Children of today have got hooked on to thee food and conume them very often. They have developed a tate for drink like Coke, Pepi and relih eating pizza, burger, etc. A a reult of it popularity, the number of joint offering thee food ha increaed manifold. At ome of thee place food i cooked in unhygienic condition. Setting up of a Food Control Board retricting the ale of junk food could be one olution. Alo, awarene through print and viual media need to be generated on thee being health hazard. Such tep could probably retrict a well a bring down the ale of thee food item. WRKSHEET carbon cycle (by Sonal) Carbon i an eential element found in all living being. Plant and animal get thi element from carbon dioxide preent in the atmophere. Plant take carbon dioxide from air and in the preence of water and unlight they make their food by the proce of photoynthei. Thu plant aborb carbon. Plant are conumed by other animal a food. In thi way they get compound of carbon. Energy i produced by digetion of thee carbon compound. Carnivore (fleh-eating animal) get carbon from fleh of herbivore (animal feeding on gra and plant). mnivore like man get carbon from both plant and animal. Carbon cycle how that all the animal aborb carbon dioxide during repiration or oxidation and thi carbon dioxide i again releaed into the air. Carbon dioxide i alo liberated during the decay of plant and animal and burning of fuel. Plankton exhale carbon dioxide and volcanoe alo releae it. The dead animal lying in the ea get decompoed and carbon dioxide i produced from thee dead animal a well a from the wate material of land. We alo get carbon dioxide from burning of coal, natural ga and oil. 2. polluted water in city water park (by Maha/Ved) I recall with horror my viit to the Water Park near our city lat week. We, a group of thirty boy and girl, viited the Water Park a a part of chool excurion. We had made many preparation for playing water game and wimming. ur enthuiam ebbed away on having a glimpe of the water in the Water Park. It wa not clean and had a tale mell. In fact, the mell wa o naueating that we had to tep back intantly. We were not going to take thing lying down. The cruading pirit of youth came to the forefront. We contacted the keeper of the Water Park and aked for the Viitor Book and Complaint Book. We recorded our experience, obervation and uggetion. Turning the page of the Viitor Book, I noticed the remark and complaint of the viitor in previou year. There ha been a tremendou fall in the number of viitor each ucceive year. From around 5500 in 2004, the number ha fallen to le than 3000 in the current year. I am afraid the number will fall further if no urgent remedial tep are taken to improve the quality of water in the Water Park. The authoritie mut enure the replacement of unclean and foul melling water with clean and freh water. Inecticide in recommended quantity may be ued to keep the water germ-free. Further, no eatable or wate of any type be allowed to be dumped in the Water Park. The fountain, lide and channel mut be kept clean. Dirt and filth heap in the neighbourhood mut be removed. It i hoped that thee meaure will help to keep the water clean, freh and unpolluted and attract more viitor. l u t i o n 15

16 WRKSHEET plight of child labour The evil of child labour till perit in the ociety. It ha crippled our ociety. The other day I happened to watch ome children engaged in active work. It ha diturbed me to no end. The inhuman condition in which thee children live and are made to work are deplorable. They are made to log for hr. They are hardly provided any nutrition. They are phyically tortured and exually abued. They work in home, retaurant and factorie. Thee children are underpaid and exploited. Though the government ha put in place law againt thi practice and they hould be followed trictly. The people who exploit children mut be dicouraged. There i no fear of punihment a law aren t tringently implemented. It i alo ad to note that parent of thee children, in order to upplement their income end thee children to work. They are very well aware of the condition but imply ignore it a money eem more important to them. But I feel thee children definitely deerve a better childhood. 2. waterborne dieae A threat The report publihed above i hocking. It bring to the fore the callou attitude of the adminitration. It i a total failure of the Water Board to provide a baic neceity clean, afe water to the people. The report categorically ay that thi water i unfit for human conumption. What are we going to do about thi? Are we going to get together and fight or let waterborne dieae like cholera, hepatiti and typhoid pread? Contaminated water can caue thee deadly dieae which can caue large-cale death, if not treated immediately. Thee water ample mut be hown to the Municipal Commiioner and an explanation demanded. n the one hand, we celebrate World Health Day, while on the other hand, the baic commodity, water, i impure. I m ure the concerned authoritie will look into the matter and enure clean and afe drinking water for the public. WRKSHEET THe harm of deforetation Deforetation mean clearing the foret by cutting down or burning tree in a large number. Thi i done to build home, road, bridge, etc., for the comfort and need of riing population. It ha certainly harmful effect on the environment a well a our live. In the abence of tree which breathe out oxygen, the atmophere get more polluted and hotter than before, leading to global warming. Global warming reult in freak drought, flood and torm that caue heavy damage to crop, property and life in general. Tree provide much-needed wood and medicinal material. When they are cut down, the poor people are badly hit. Tree alo check oil eroion. When there i no check on oil eroion fertile land go barren and food production i badly hit. Therefore, we mut take immediate tep to check deforetation. If we need to cut tree in ome area, we hould plant more in other. Plant around field hould be grown. People hould be encouraged not to ue wood for cooking. Alternative fuel hould be provided. Some ort of legal ban on cutting tree hould be introduced and implemented trictly. 2. verpopulation and unhealthy condition verpopulation i the major threat that the nation i facing today. If we can t put a hold on our burting population, India will overtake China within thirty year. It will become the mot populou country in the world. The population exploion ha made a mockery of all our plan, development and achievement. More and more people bring more and more poverty 16 e n g l i h c o m m u n i c a t i v e Ix

17 and mierie. The growing population i degrading the environment and the living tandard of the people. India ha croed a billion mark everal year ago. We produce an Autralia every year. More people mean more mouth to feed. How will India feed it ever increaing population? People are increaing but the arable land, foret and natural reource are hrinking fat. And what about the health ervice? The le aid the better. It will become increaingly difficult to provide ideal health ervice to o many people. Foret and green belt are diappearing. The environment and the ecology i being ytematically detroyed. Providing helter to o many people i a huge problem. Extremely unhealthy and unhygienic condition prevail in all the metro of India. The Government mut find out way and mean to control the riing population. China ha impoed the one child ytem with wonderful ucce. They have freezed the population. Why can t India? Anyone having more than one child mut be heavily taxed. Thoe who cro the limit mut be debarred from the public ervice. The family planning programme mut be implemented in it true pirit. tory writing WRKSHEET A day with an engine deiver (by Rehmi) I wa travelling in a train from Delhi to Mumbai. I met an old man in the ame coach who had retired a an Engine driver. He wa narrating an incident where he averted an accident near a level-croing. He wa on a long-ditance expre train and wa midnight when he aw from a ditance that the gate of the level-croing were open and could ee a couple vehicle croing by. He applied brake and intantly brought the train to a halt 100 metre before the level-croing gate that wa lying opened. People from the nearby hop and houe ruhed to ee what went wrong when they heard the loud creeching ound of the train. There wa a problem in their communication network due to which the tationmater could not alert the gatekeeper at the level-croing but informed the engine driver about the ituation. The timely action helped to avoid any mihap that night. 2. the blind lady and the greedy doctor nce a rich lady, who lived in a paciou manion, became blind. She called in an eye pecialit, who promied to cure her within a fortnight. She agreed to pay a hefty fee for hi ervice. The doctor operated upon her eye and bandaged them. The doctor came everyday. He gave her ome medicine, tayed there for ome time and removed ome furniture or valuable article. Thi went on for fourteen day. n the fifteenth day, the doctor removed her bandage and aid, Now, you can ee. Pleae pay my fee. The lady wa cured. Her eyeight had been retored, but he wa hocked to ee that all the piece of cotly furniture were miing. She refued to pay the fee on the plea that he could not ee her furniture in her room which meant that her eyeight had not been retored. The doctor filed a uit againt her for not paying hi fee. The court heard both the partie. n knowing the reality, the judge dimied the doctor cae. He wa charged with theft and entenced to prion for windling and tealing. WRKSHEET There wa a young girl in a mall town in Maharahtra. She ued to ell candle on the treet. ne day a rich lady aw her and topped her car. She waved at the mall girl and aked her to l u t i o n 17

18 come near. The lady wa kind and graceful. She enquired about the girl family and realized that becaue of their poverty the girl had to dicontinue her chooling and ell hand-made candle for their living. The lady met the young girl parent, offered to help them with better job o they can earn well and alo to ponor the girl education. The girl family wa happy and grateful for the kindne hown on them. That became a turning point in the young girl life and thereafter he tudied well and remained loyal to the kind lady who helped her. 2. him to take painkiller along with antibiotic after the operation. Alo he wa warned that it might get infected. Though the urgery went well, Pratap couldn t help aking himelf whether it wa worth it. He could not ee by hi left eye anyway. Not jut the urgery but the war itelf had forced him into thi life of invalidity and pain. What grudge had he with the people he had fought againt? Who had won? Had that winning brought any happine? There wa a lot of detruction on both ide. Both men and material had perihed. Smirking, he realied that the actual people who had grudge weren t even preent there themelve! So why end proxie to win their war? Why put on take o many live? Contemplating, Pratap went into a tate of oblivion, where there wa no pain, no war to win, no live to take. WRKSHEET The function wa to be held at the foret clearing. In came all the animal and bird in vibrant dree. But when they entered the clearing they were hocked to ee Booboo, the lion, lying lifele at the center of the clearing. Cheeku, the rabbit, who wa a dectative, forbade everyone to go near the body or to leave the clearing and et out to olve the mytery. Foxy, the fox, wa quetioned firt a he wa a cloe friend of the lion. Foxy had a criminal record but being the lion friend, got exenorated all the time. He wa of a duel nature but lion truted him the mot. During quetioning, foxy accepted hi many crime but pleaded that he hadn t killed the lion a it wouldn t be profitable. Cheeku aid, Now that you have told the truth, I would ak Booboo, the lion, to get up and punih you. Now Booboo got up and thanked Cheeku for opening hi eye. 2. the mytery of the haunted houe It wa a hot afternoon in June. We, a group of ten boy, were playing hockey outide the town, in the big ground. When we at down during the breather, one of u, perhap it wa Mohit, who pointed at a greyih dilapidated building toward the eat. He alo told u that it wa a haunted houe and hi uncle had told him not to go near it. All of u laughed at Mohit timidity. A keen ene of adventure and expectation of thrill inpired u to explore the mytery of the haunted houe. We decided our ignal and code word. Two of u had their mobile phone with u. We picked our tick and moved cautiouly. We found the main gate blocked by a heap of tone and buhe. Rahul noticed a man coming out of a ide gate. Thi wa our chance. We grabbed it and ruhed in. We were urpried at what we aw there. The place wa neat and clean. Work wa going on in the farthet room. A man at at a printing machine. We threw dicretion to the wind. Two of u advanced to ee what the man wa doing. We were hocked to find that he wa printing fake currency. The other group had tumbled upon narcotic and drug. We hid behind the pillar a we heard ome noie. We overheard what they aid. Then we came out. We blocked the ide gate with tone, buhe and log of wood. Then Sahil telephoned the police. Hi father, the local police Inpector came there with a police party. The people inide were taken by urprie and urrendered without any reitance. The police confirmed what we had gueed. It wa the den of anti-ocial goon. They had pread the rumour of haunted houe to hide their illegal activitie. 18 e n g l i h c o m m u n i c a t i v e Ix

19 l u t i o n WRKSHEET Vaibhav and hi friend were camping in a hilly area. ne morning he got up early and went for a walk in a nearby foret. In an open pace he aw a trange, round object emitting red and blue light. A he neared it, he aw two trange creature like robot coming out of it. He got frightened. The two creature invited him in hi own language to accompany them to their planet VX. They aured him of a good experience and afe return. Vaibhav wa baically a brave and adventurou boy. He followed the alien to their craft. Soon it hot off at a great peed in the ky. After four or five hour he wa aked to come out. He found himelf on a new land. He aw mall and big manion. Alien were engaged in everal activitie a men do on the earth. He wa taken to a laboratory where experiment were being conducted. He wa aked to lie down on a bed. He wa given a weet juice to drink and then an experiment wa done on him. When he came back to hi chamber he found himelf taller by two inche and fairer than before. After two day hi alien-friend took him back to earth. Hi friend were urpried to ee him, and o were hi parent. He narrated hi trange experience to them. Some believed him but many did not. 2. Rahim graduated and wa able to get a job a a clerk in a government office. It wa a good job. Rahim tarted hi work with complete dedication. Soon he came to know that all hi colleague were corrupt and in league with one another. Even hi officer wa no honet. ne day he called him and aid, Rahim, I know you are an honet peron. But what i the ue of honety when you are paid o low? Be practical and tactful. Don t give me any opportunity to take action againt you? He undertood, yet he could not make compromie. ne day he refued to pa a doubtful cae. The very next day he wa warned by hi officer due to a lape which wa not hi in the firt place. Advere report began to be ent againt him. ne day he wa hocked when hi officer quetioned him for taking a bribe from a buineman. He tried to defend himelf, but in vain. He wa upended after a week. He wa cret fallen. Hi mother enthued him and aked him to meet the miniter in charge of hi department. He reluctantly went to ee the miniter. He wa urpried to find a young, energetic peron in the chair. He litened to hi tale and aured him of an impartial enquiry. He came back. In about a fortnight he got a call from the miniter himelf, Rahim, join your dutie from tomorrow. Yo are acquitted of the fale charge of bribery. You have been promoted to the pot of an aitant. Hope you will continue to erve with honety throughout your life. I am proud of uch peron a you are. The country need honet peron. Enrichment activity writing article/ /tory WRKSHEET mobile culture the ethic More and more people are carrying their mobile phone with them. Thee phone help intant connectivity and make communication eaier. However, the ue of mobile phone can be dangerou at time. Young peron keep on talking on mobile phone or litening while driving. It certainly ditract attention and may caue accident. So mobile phone hould not be ued while driving. The ue of cellular phone ha been banned by the government at petrol 19

20 pump a they could ignite the flammable vapour preent in the air. Mobile phone hould be witched off inide an aircraft pecially while taking off or landing a the electromagnetic ray emitted/received by it may caue incalculable harm to the plane, a the latter might catch fire. Ethic of mobile culture impoe another retriction on u. Mobile hould be witched off when in an ICU or if one i near a heart patient or omeone who ha pacemaker. It will be in the interet of the patient. 2. We celebrate Diwali to mark the day when Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after hi exile. Diwali i celebrated on a new moon day, that i, a moonle night. In order to light hi path in the pitch dark night, the reident of Ayodhya lit diya (mall oil lamp) thu lighting up the city. Diwali, or Deepavali, literally mean row of light, and on Diwali, people decorate their home with oil lamp, flower and beautiful rangoli, make weet and hare them with friend and relative. We can ee that on Diwali, friend and family trive to recreate the pirit of togetherne, haring and to mark the victory of good over evil with light and weet. 3. For elf-attempt. Writing Short Paragraph/Article/ WRKSHEET Miue of Public Property Some people do not ue railway toilet properly. They throw garbage on the road and pit on it while walking. ther people have to uffer becaue of thi antiocial behaviour. Sometime electric, telephone and telegraph line are cut and tolen. A a reult everyone uffer a communication get dirupted. It ha alo been een that telephone booth, pot office and letter-boxe are damaged. Benche are tolen from the park and water ource contaminated, cauing numerou problem to other. We know India i a developing country and whenever uch thing occur, they low down it progre. Hence, it i foolih to detroy public property becaue one i harming oneelf a well a the progre of the country. We mut know, we have no right to detroy it or ue it recklely or teal it. It (public property) i omething we own collectively and ue jointly. 2. Impact of globalization Globalization can augment economic ucce and help achieve better tandard of living. It boot both dometic and international buine opportunitie thu creating competition in pricing of commoditie. Thi i a great chance for all end- uer to procure good at low rate. With globalization, nation get a wider worldly expoure in the form of food, movie, art, muic, clothing, culture, etc. Thi i a great way of forming firm relation with the ret of the world. All developing countrie can benefit from the already exiting technologie globally and there i no need to undertake the proce of developing any particular technology. Globalization help in bringing government of variou countrie together o that they can work together toward achieving common goal, preading global awarene and find olution for common concern and iue. 3. Meage Hi! I m overjoyed to learn of your ucce. It mut be very nice bagging the firt prize and the trophy. Heartiet congratulation to you and your team. Keep it up! Bye till we meet again. 20 e n g l i h c o m m u n i c a t i v e Ix

21 4. A HARRWING EXPERIENCE It wa around Chritma and my aunt wa arriving from Mumbai for the fetival. I went to the airport to receive her and wa waiting at the arrival lounge. A uual there wa a lot of ruh. I had picked a magazine from the media outlet and wa browing through it, when uddenly I heard a ound. It eemed a if a big and powerful cracker had burt. Crie of people and cloud of moke filled the air. Panic pread everywhere. The guard advied people to duck near the available counter. A people ran in panic, there wa a tampede. People were cruhed under the feet. Electricity had failed and phone had topped functioning. The twenty minute we pent huddled like animal eemed like two hour. The arrival of anti-bomb quad and firebrigade eaed the ituation. The police recued the people tranded inide. I felt happy that I wa one of thoe who had been recued firt. It wa a great relief to be alive and be with my family once again. 1. For elf-attempt. l u t i o n jut a minute WRKSHEET children-targeted commercial Good Morning Everybody! Mot of the TV commercial are targeted on the children of 5 to 15 year age group. Thee vary from toothpate, oap, liquid hop, pen, pencil, chocolate, chewing gum, food upplement or eatable themelve. The advertier target children knowing fully well that children are their mot propective buyer. nce omething catche their fancy, they init on buying it. They pread it popularity by word of mouth and all the children of a group vie with each other to poe the latet advertied object. Sometime parent have to yield to ome unreaonable demand of the children, who would not compromie on alternative and mut have the brand of their choice. The commercial do not commit themelve on the genuinene of the claim made in the advertiement. Some of thee prove to be mere ale gimmick. Thank you 3. For the motion: Develop thee value point Mobile phone ource of ditraction in cla miue by children: game MMS SMS divert attention from tudie/game/driving etc. expoure to electromagnetic wave: not good for brain againt the motion: For elf-attempt. interview/decription WRKSHEET Shweta : How did you get the idea of Holi without wating water? Rohni : I oberved that during Holi not jut children but older people alo tend to play with water in an uncivilized fahion. And I felt diturbed. Shweta : Wa thi ufficient motivation for you? Rohni : It tarted the ball rolling. I got a direction to move forward. Then I interacted with my neighbour and children in the treet. 21

22 Shweta Rohni Shweta Rohni Shweta Rohni Shweta Rohni Shweta Rohni Shweta Rohni Shweta : What wa the outcome of your dicuion? : We decided to have a Holi in a civilized afe manner. : Which wa the firt tep that you took? : I gave a logan: Holi i full of colour why wate water?. : How wa the repone? : The repone wa encouraging. Many more joined u. : How did you pread the meage of water-free Holi? : We tarted with banner and poter. Then we held group dicuion, eminar and declamation contet. We told people about the diadvantage of ynthetic colour and watage of water. : To what extent did you ucceed in your miion? : To a great extent, I uppoe. In ome of the chool, tudent felt o inpired that they vowed to ave water and to play a afe Holi. : Congratulation, Rohni! It i a remarkable motivation. : Thank for your compliment. : You re welcome. 2. leg lot in cracker burt I hudder a I recall the horrific incident of that fateful Diwali night. The people of our treet had aembled in the quare to watch illumination of home and to celebrate Diwali with the exploion of cracker. Young boy were quite enthuiatic. ne of them ignited the wick of 20 cm long 3 cm wide cracker. Unfortunately, the direction went wrong. Intead of riing upward, it hit the leg of the boy. The cracker burt inide hi leg. Both the bone of the leg were broken. The ankle and foot hung limp. The boy cried and fell down unconciou. A cloth wa wrapped to top bleeding, but in vain. He wa immediately ruhed to hopital. The doctor performed an emergency operation. Inpite of their bet effort they could not put the foot and leg together. The poion of gunpowder had infected the wound up to knee. The doctor had to ave a life or a limb. In order to ave life, they amputated the youngman leg jut below the knee. Thu a young man lot hi leg in cracker burt. 3. Holi i fetival of colour, a joyou celebration marking the advent of pring a eaon when tree bloom howcaing flower of different colour filling the air with fragrance. Earlier Holi wa celebrated with natural colour obtained from thee flowering plant and other natural reource. ver the year, with the gradual diappearance of thee tree and with the development of the indutrial dye indutry, natural Holi colour came to be replaced by cheaper, brighter, indutrial dye which were not developed for human ue, definitely not for ue a Holi colour. Synthetic Holi colour contain cheap, toxic ubtance which affect human health including mica, acid, alkali, piece of gla, etc. The mildet form of advere health effect include hair and kin problem like abraion, irritation, itching, rahe, allergie, eye infection, hair roughne, etc. whilt the more eriou form include poioning, impaired viion, repiratory problem and cancer. The rik increae when thee colour are mixed with water and applied to the kin. (a) (iv) other (b) (iii) by producing fruit for them converation WRKSHEET e n g l i h c o m m u n i c a t i v e Ix

23 (c) (ii) a good man (d) (i) the men of noble heart (e) (iii) benefitting mankind activity Firt option: RWA Sector 15 Gurgaon Notice 25 March 20XX improvement in community park All the elected member of RWA are requeted to attend a meeting thi Sunday. Date Time Venue : 28 March : am : Community Centre Agenda : Suggetion for Improvement in Community Park Senior reident are alo requeted to attend the meeting. Pleae come forward with your uggetion and olution. Udit Vohra Secretary RWA Second option: Secretary, RWA : Gentleman! I draw your kind attention toward the bad hape of the Community Park. Gra ha withered at many place and bald patche are viible. The plant and tree have tunted growth. A Senior Citizen : May I know who wa entruted with the reponibility of looking after the park? Cahier, RWA : Sir, a whole time gardener wa engaged during autumn. It wa not human negligence, but the vagarie of nature which are reponible for thi orry tate of affair. A member, RWA : What lead you to ay o? Cahier, RWA : Sir, we had a very hot ummer but not ufficient rain. The earth lay parched and baked. Lack of rain led to withering of gra. Plant with hort root could not get enough nourihment for growth. Chairman, RWA : Well, gentlemen. Let u dicu what tep hould be taken to pruce up thing. A Senior Citizen : Let u involve local youth, tudent and reident to upervie the relaying of gra, plantation of apling, pruning of tree, hedge, weeding out, manuring and watering etc. Chairman, RWA : Any other uggetion? A member, RWA : I upport the above uggetion, but I would like to add omething. Let u be practical and not imple idealitic. Dutie mut be fixed. If reponibilitie are properly aigned, we may get better performance. Secretary, RWA : If the houe approve it we may appoint a ubcommittee to elicit cooperation from all the uer a well a the horticulture department and municipal corporation. Thu we hall get plant, water and expert advice a well. Chairman, RWA : Any dienion? Thoe in favour may ay Aye, dienter may ay No. All : Aye. l u t i o n 23


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