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1 $ 2.00 A YEAR. THE VOL. XXXIV No. 32. ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1926, Public Issues of The Dsy Frein a Liberal Standpoint Two Great Budgets Tlie two. Eobb budgets, 1924 and 1926, need to be taken together in order that the case may be fairly presented. Together, they are estimated to give relief from taxation to the amount of $49,000,000. In 1924 the duties were reduced on agricultural implements and in 1926 on motor driven vehicles. In both cases the industries affected, in- atead of being injured, have enjoyedincreased prosperity. In 1924 the sales tax, was reduced from six to five per cent, while in- regard to materials and machinery used in basic industries, there was either a reduction to 2j per cent or an entire removal of the duty. In 1926 the automobile industry was aided in a similar way. In 1924 the normal exemption for dependent children in regard to in- come tax was increased from $.100 to $500. In 1926 further relief was given in the form Ht a substantial reduction of the tax. A person formerly paying $20 on an income of $2,.600, or $40 on an in- come of $3000 would pay nothing now. The tax on an ince of $3,.100 was reduced from $60 to $10. On $4,000 the reduction wax from $80 to $20, and on $5,000 from $126 to 040. True there were reductions also on larger incomes, but the effect was to release money formerly paid in taxes, and allow it to be spent on things supplied by our merchants, and manufacturers. The Eobb budgets will go down in history as achievements worthy to be ranked with thosé of Mr. Fielding. Ottawa Citizen. O The Blue Ruin Talkers In the last election, not a year yet passed, the Blue Ruin Criers with gramaphonc-like continuity, chanted witli slow music accompaniment, said that industry would be luiued if the Liberjils were continued in power. Factories were to be closed. Frightened industrialists expressed their in- tentions of simply walking to the nearest cemetery and stepping into the first convenient hole if Mr Meighen was not elected, Premier. Special trains weer to bring back Canadians from United Stated immediately Mr. Meigheii was made Premier. The magic wand was to be wafted and there would be work for everybody from far and near simply because peo- ple Mho shouted Protection, Protection, like the boy in the fable shouted Wolfe, had been returned to the seats of the government. Mr. Meighen was not returned. Yet the industrial cemeteries are îot filled. The country, is not in ruins. The streets are not filled with beggars. Babies are no*starving and a whole lot of Canadians have come back from United States. The facts are that industry has gone ahead, wifli long, healthy strides. In 1921 there were persons employed in Canadian factories. In June, 1926, after Mr. King had been in five years, and Mr. Meighen had been out a similar number, there were 828,483 persons employed in Canadian factories. It is also an undisputed fact that the two great industries, manufac- turers of agricultural machinery and manufacturers of automobiles upon whose products the tariff was reduced, have shown an amazing increase in production and in number of men employed. Before the tariff reduc*. tion on farm machines the factories in Canada making these products em- ployed was 5,856. In June, 1926, the number was 8,418, _ The dismal wail was meaningless. The blue ruin cry was a false pro- phesy. Tlvere will be none this election because the years have proven the prophets were wrong. This yearns bowlings will be on another tack just as false, but the years will, convince.the people of the falsity of present ac- cusations. To the intelligent electors, however, the facts speak for them- selves. Con. } / Fashionable Wedding AI Saranac Lake Pegs in Holes MacKENZIE KING S WAE. SERVICE The Herald takes the liberty of discussing a subject of a personal nature regarding the Right Honorable MacKenzie, King without that geu- tlemans permissiou. We have only one justification in this action, and wo believe we have this in four-fold measure in. the contemptible conduct of those who sink to ai?y subject of discussion, so long as party"may be served.there are ways.those of small minds, who grasp at any informa- tion rerdles.s of truth and good Sense, that some stup selfish interest may be served. We réfor to the war record of the ex-prime Minister. Mr. Kipg did not go overseas, neither did M*. Meiglien nor Mr. Pate- naude. That is not argument it does provide premises; htswever, for asking how each of these gentlemen, all of whom were of service age, oc- cupied, himself when Canada s sons were at death grips with the enemy. Mr. Meien was at the time a cabinet minister of active service ago. He doubtless believed he was giving the utmost he had to offer in admin- isterinè a department of the government. We do not deny that he had every right to occupy himself as lie did rather than enlist and go to the front. Mr. Pateuaude retained a portfolio in the Borden Administration un- til the conscriuon measure was. introduced when he resigned because of it. We do not deny that he had a perfect right to follow his personal iu cunations and to retire from service of any kind in behalf of his country s effort, Now What did Mr. King do? The Rockefeller Foundation, as an institution* was tremendously sym- pathetic to the allied caus. This Foundation believed that as long as the United States rehiaiued a neutral nation, that the helx) of that country could best reach the allies through furnishing supplies to the British, French, Italian and Belgian armies. There were several difficulties in the way of maintaining the output from the American factories. We will mention only two: 1, The extensive and devilish German propaganda, directed toward crea- ting unrest in the mills and minés-. 2; The very îiatural tendency in Labour ranks to demand excessive wages and the reaction of the owners against these demands. What did the Roekfeller Foundation do? Ex-President Elliott, of Harvard University, was asked to suggest the name of a man who had the educational training, the experience and the ability to act as a pe/mauent conciliator who would go wherever trouble arose and bring the capitalistic and labour groups to a reasonable frame of mind. Mr. jklliott. said he knew of only one man who was thoroiighlv competent and he was a Canjadiau a young man of great ability, who came under his observation during his student days at Harvard. This man was MacKenzie King of Ottawa. Mr. King was invited to undertake the task and to tlms render yeo- man service of inestimable value to thcuallied cause. He answered the call, and at once set to work. As a result of his ef- forts labor difficulties that had hitherto proved insufferable were straigbt- eiiecl out,.and an immense impetus was thei;oby given to the production of munitions and war supplies generally. So successful was his work in con- nection with the Roekfeller interests. that other great corporations on-* gaged in war production applied for his help, and he was loaned to these corporations by his original employees,.and did equally good work for them and consequently for the Allied cause. The question now arises whatrjhould Mr. King have done? Should he have gone Overseas merely for the heroics of tlie thing in a capacity for nvhich he had no special qualifications, or should he have given himself The wedding of Jean, daughter of the late Mr. John McMartin, M.P., and Of Mrs. John McMartin, 7 Redpath Crescent, Montreal, and Camp Massape- qua, Rpper Saranac Lake, N.Y., to Le Jonkheer Richjnond August van Schuy- Icnburch, attache to the Dutch Lega- tion at Rome, son of Le Jonkheer Wig- bold van Schuylenburch van Wisch and lues Baroness Buddenbrock - Het- torsdorf, of the Hague, Holland, took place on Saturday afternoou at half- past three o clock, in the private cha- pel at Camp Massapequa, Upper Sar- anac Lake, N.Y. The Eight Rev. Felix Couturier, Bishop of Alexandria, Ont., officiated, assisted by the/tev. Joseph Cradon, parish priest. During the service Mr. J, Audet, tenor, accompan- ied by Mr.. Rex. Battle, sang Ava Maria. (Saint Snens). and Agnus Dei (Bizet). The chapel was decor- ated with masses of wdiite larkspur, white asters, while roses and lilies-of- tlie-valley. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. John Bruce McMartin, was attended by her sisters,. Mrs. Venauce Lemay, as niatron-of-honor, and Miss Frances McMartin, as bridesmaid. Le Jonk- heer Ingo van Schuylenburch, of The Hague, Holland, acted as best man; for his brother, and the ushers were! Mr. Wilfred McDougald, of Montreal,; and Mr. Walter Gilhooly, of Ottawa. The bride wore a gown of ivory satin with a draped skirt and a plain waist with a bateau neck with trimmings.of point d Angleterre lace. The train of satin fell in two panels from the shoulders, and the long veil of point d Angleterre, arranged in ebronet fash- ion, fell to the hem of the train. She wore the groom s gift, a diamond and sapphire bar pin, and carried a show- er bouquet of white orchids and lilies- of-the-valley. Mrs. Lemay, as matron- of-honor. was in a Paquin model of cream lace, and wore a large picture hat of mauve organdie, and carried a bouquet of yellow autumn flowers, del- phinium, larkspur and gladioli. Miss Frances McMartin, as maid-of-honor, wore a gown of cream lace over Naples.vollow with a large picture hat of yel- low organdie, and carried a bouquet of.vellow autumn flowers, delphinium, larkspur and gladioli. The bride s gift tof the niatron-of honor was a diamond and sapphire guard ring, and to the maid-of-iionor a diamond cross pendant.! The groom s gifts to the best man and ushers were black Mor- occo leather wallets. Mrs. McMartin, the bridé s mother, was gowned in black crepe romain trimmed with French lace, and wore a large blaèk hat with lace and a corsage of orchids, Following the ceremony a reception was held, and later Le Jonkheer Rich- ard van Schuylenburch and his bride left on a motor trip through the Berio- shires and White Mountain, and will sail on August 23 from New York by the Rotterdam for Holland, to visit re- latives. The- bride travelled in a navy blue georgette frock with trimmings of white georgette, â velvet turban of the same shade and a silver fo.x fur..théy will take up their residence in Rome, where Le Jonkheer is attache at the Dutch Legation. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McDou- gald and the Misses McDougald, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith and the lllisses Smith, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Venance Lemay, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Gilhooly, Mrs. Archamban t. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McMartin, Miss Marcelle Wilson, all of Montreal; Mrs. Hilborn, and Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lee, of New Yoi:k«Maxville Conialion Schaol Lower School FORM I Jane MaeInnes (9); Archie Ross (9), Edna Guerrier (9); Lawrence Morri son (9); Neilena MacLean (9); Maud Hartrick and Martine Guerrier (9) Laura MacLeod (8); Cameron Cluff (8) ; Ewen (8) James MacKenzie (8) ; Hilda MacLeod (8); Gordon Scott (8); Don aid MacRae (8) Elmer McDermid (8); Rhoda Stew art (7) ; Eileen Demin.g (7) ; MacEwen (6): Edgar Gumming (5): dîoss MacEwen (5); Ian Johnstone (4); Isabel Dingwall and Jean MacEwen, (3); Catherine MaePhee (3); Isabel Fraser (2); Malvina Rolland (2) FORM IT Fairley MacKa.v (9) ; Jehn Aird (9) ; Mary Duperron (9); Neil MacLeod (9) ; (9): Archie Campbell (9); Violet La- groix (8) ; Pearl Lagroix (8) Hazel Presley (8) Mary MaeRae (8); Bertha MacLeod (8); Alexander MacLeod (8) Hugh Christie (8) u John Grant (7); Anna, Arkinstal 1 (7); Myrtle Zeron, (7), Evelyn McGilli- vray, (6), Isabel Lang (6), Charles Blaney (6); Catherine Mac- Innes (5); Donald Stewart (5) ; Irene MacLeod (3); Clarence MacGregor (3); Mabel Gumming (1). The names are arranged in order of merit, -the numbers in brackets indicat- ing the niimbc; of subjects in which each candidate was successful. Presentation to Father Cameron (The Freeholder, Cornwall) On Friday evening of last wcek nt Corbet Hall, Rev. Father Alex- ander L. Cameron was made the recipi- ent of a purse containing $750, a gift from the parishioners of St. Colum- ban s Parish. Father Cameron, who lias been seriously ill, is now fully recovered and due to the fact that he had been ill such a length of time, no formal presentation was made, oiil.v tlie members of the committee lieing present. D. G. McDonell, made a brief address, following which he gave Father Cameron the token of esteem from his parishioner which the revor*ul gentleman foelingl.v ack- nowledged. Mr. McDonell in his remarks ex- jiressed the hope that Father Cameron would take a holiday far at least a couple of months, and it is quite pro- bable that ho will leave shortly for a imicli needed rest. Tennis lournament The local tennis courts were the scene of a very enthusiastic gather- ing of spectators on.saturday last when a friendly tournament was played between teams representing the Vankloek Hill and Alexandria clubs. With the exception of a slight rain that halted play for about a half hour, the weather was ideal, and the keenness with which each event was contested held the crowd until ihe last game was ended. The local club be- ing organized only recently had no hope of defeating their more experienc- ed opponents but the plavers-ncverthe- less gave an excellentàecount of them- selves, and succeeded in winning two, of the day s e\*ents. After the close of play, refreshments were served in the K. of C. clubrooms which were kindl.y loaned for the occa- sion. This was the first time that the lo- cal club- had occasion to be At Home to guests, aiid the capable manner in w*hich, the day s proceedings, were handled speaks volumes for the effi- ciency of their organization, and parti- cular congratulations were handed on every side to Mrs. Duncan A. McDon- ald, Messrs. R. R. Macdonald and Clar- ence Ostrom for the manner in which they acquitted themselves of their res- pective - duties, which had so much to do with the success of the event. The visiting ub had a number of strong players, on their line-up, and the sportmaiiship displayed won the praise of all, and it is a forgone con- clusion that future ihter-club tourna- ments will be followed with keen in- terest. Alexandria Live Stock Shipping Club I shipped the following to the Unit- ed Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd., Montreal this week: 2 cars, 8 cattle,.11 calves, 80 hogs, 25 sheep and lambs. CATTLE The market wag steady with last week, some good steerg sell- ing from 7 to 7%e. Fair to good quall ty 6 to 7c. Medium 5/4 to 6c. Common 4 to 5c. Good cows 4Vlc to 5c. Medium cows 3V1» to 4c. Common 2%e to 3c. Choice butcher bulls 4 to 4%c. Bol- ogna bulls 2V to 3. Milkers and springers were, a shade easier from $65.00 to $85>00 for choice. CALVES A few choice calves sold as high as loe, with the majority of good.suckers from8m> to 9c. Common to medium suckers 7I to 8%c. Heavy drinkerà 5U» to 6c. Heavy suckers 7M.» to 8i/l>c. (îrrassers 4 to 4%c. HOGS The majority of the hogs sold at 13c fed and watered, with a few sales at 13UjC. Sows from 8U>e to 10c. according to w eight and quality. LAMBS AND SHEEP A few good lambs sold at 13VjC, but the ruling- price for real good\lanibs was 13e.! Common and ordinary îâmbs sold as low as 10c. Sheep 3 to 61Ac. j The gollowing are some of m.v sales:] One bull, 955 lbs. at 3c.; I bull, 1555 at :U/,c, 1 bijlf 1050 at 3Vtc; 1 bull, 1150 lbs. at 3Mc. 3 cows, 2440 at to the work he know- he could do; thlit Elliott said he coum do better than anyone else; that tiie Roekfeller houndation evidently thought he could do better than any otlier person they could get? The gieatest waste in the war resulted in the stupidity of Headquar- ters in Canada and England in ])utting- sfjuare pegs into round holes, in giving a man, military fashion, a joli to \\o that he knew nothing about, and making an accountant into a stretcher-bearer and a dry goods clerk into a pa.v master. Canada has enough dirty political history to lilusli over without paid Conservative orators adding this war service nonsense: to the record. Montreal Herald. Williamstown High School - Matriculation Results In the recent Matriculation exam illations the pupils of-the Williamstown High School obtained the results given below., A high average of subjects passed nameha 90%, and the large number completing their Normal En- trance and University Matrie reflects great credit on the work of the puoils and the efficiency of the aehooî. In the list below the following ab breviations are used; C- Composition L Literature, B British History, A Ancient History, Alg. Algebra, G G com, P Physics. Ch Chemistry. L. A Làt. Authors, L. C. Latin Comp. F, A. French Authors, F.C. French Comp. J Bougie,Edmond C. 20, L. 40, B. Ill, P. II. Chisholm, Eileen C., L!, B. II, G. 25. Copas Eleanor A., Alg. I, G III, Chom. III. Fraser, Gordon C, L. I., B. II, 6. IH, P. I. Edgerton, George C., L. II, B. I. G. P. Grant, Jennie A., Alg. Ill, Ch. I. Henderson, George C-, L. II. B. II, P- I. Jamieson, Wiunifred C. IT, L. II, B. III. Lagroix, Wilfred C., L. Ill, B. I, G. I., p. n. Iiauber, Harold L., P. AlcArtliur, Margaret A. Ill, Alg. II, Ch, Lat. A., Lat. C. Ill, Fr. A., Fr. C. McCuaig. Gladys 0. Ill, L. II, B. I., G. I, P II. McDermij, Helen 0., L. Ill, B. I, G. II, P. II. McDiarmid, George Fr. A., Fr. C. AleTntosh, Bessie L. B, 44, G. Ill, P. 45. McLachlan, Haldane C. 35, L. 38, Alg., Ch. I. McMiiiau, Kenneth C. Ill, L. 45, B. IT, P. McNeil, McDonald L. 33. A., Alg. II, P. 43, Ch. Lat. A. 36, Lat C. HI, Fr. A. 39. McNeil, Maney B. Ill, McRae, Malcolm, C. L. II, B. I, P HI. Munro Howard A. Ill, Alg. II, Ch. II, L. A. Ill, L. 0. IT, Fr. A. II, Fr. C Rov, Gladvs C III, B. I. St. John, Edna C. Ill, L. I, B. I, P. III. Scott Donald, Fr. A. Fr. C. Sproul, Ethel C.,40, L. B., G. Ill, P. Thompson, Greta B., A 33, Alg. Ill, P., Ch. 28. Copas, Horace C. L. I., B. II, G. I., P. I. McNaughton, Irene, C. L., G., B. 43, P. 38. McLennan, Barbara, C., Ch. II, Lat. A., Fr. A. II. Croll, Isabel, A., Alg. I, P. I, Ch. I. Chretien, Alice C. A., B. Ill, Ch. IT. Fourney, Edna, L., B., G. II, P. Urqlliart, Rena Alg. I, A. itl, Ch., Lat. A., Lat. C. ITT, Fr. A,, Fr. C. HI. Fraser, Dorothy C. Ill, L. I, B. Ill, G. IT, P. L, DemouHn, Grace A. II, Alg. I., Chom. in., McDonald, Thos. B. I, A. Il, C. Til, Lat. A., Fr. C. McDonald, Grace A. II, Alg. 1, Ch., Fr. A., Fr. C. McKillop, Neil Lat p., Lat A., His. IT Chem. I* Geom, Fr. A., Fr. C. 39. Social Gatherings During the course of the past few days a series of socials have been held. On the 11th inst. the parishioners of St. MnTgaret s Parish, Glen Nevis en- tertained and as heretofore the large iiig of fun and pleasure and enjoyed iug of fun and pleasure ad enjoyed the generous hospitality of the ladies of the parish in the dainties served at the lunch hour. The following evening, 12th inst., McCrimmon Camp S.O.S. were hosts at a social at McCrimmon. It was a real Scotch night and all are loud in their praises of the merriment provided. Tuesday evening of this week the Moonlight Social at St. Raphaels was indeed a jolly night out for nany who took ill the function. The ar- rangements were admirable and a pro- gramme of music, song dialogues, ad- dresses, etc. made the time pass quick- ly. Financially and soeialy it was a pro- nounced success. The social on Alexander Hall grouids, under the auspices of the parish of St. Finnan s, Wednesday evening, again emphasized the high quality of the en- tertainment staged on such occasions by the committee. For upwards of two hours the avdiènee were regaled with a varied programme of excep- tional merit including as it did John O, character acteo* and singer; Miss Maisic Hineson, artistic dancer, Montreal: and little Miss Helen Chish- olm of Timmins, Ont., exponent of Highland dances. They were support- ed by local talent, quartets, chonisos, fancy dances, orchestra and pipe mu- sic. MY. John McLeister proved an ideal chtirman. Taken all in all the event w-as very successful and a goodly sum netted. Rural Clergy Honor Principal Harrisnn At a social gathering of the rural ministers attending the Summer School at Macdoi ald, the sessions of which have just closed, the members of the school presented Dr. and Mrs. Harri- son with an address signed, on behalf of the whole body by Rev. F. W K. Harris, their President for the year. The address is as follows: F. C. Harrison D.Sc. F.R.S.C. Dear Dr. Harrison, We, the members of the Summer School of Rural Clergy, recognise that the inception of this school owes very much to you. We desire to bear our testimony that it has been a great boon to us, for its intellectual stimulus,.and for the cultivation of the rich treasures of abiding friendships. We know that in this matter we speak not only for ourselves but for many wlio are not" present wdth us this year, to whom the school has been a benefit. Wo have all some measure of know- ledge of your diligence in providing for our instruction and comfort at the successive gatherings;, we have heard of your prospective removal from your present office at Macdonald College to another place of distinction in the University and do not want you to break your intimate connection with us without receiving from us the best expression within our power of our sense of indebtedness to you. You have won our deepest gratitude, for the valuable tuition you have given ns yourself, and also for the opportun- ity of listening to the highly trained instructors you~ have secured for us. You have had a lengthy and honor- able connection with this college and many will express their appreciation of what you have done during the years you liave held your position in it; you will yourself have your own estimate of the value of what - you have attempted; but wc think that nothing you have done will prove of greater worth to the community and the country than the institution and continued care of this Summer School. You may be assured that no other body of students or your friends will wish for you with greater sincerity the highest success au(jenjoyment in your new academic office. We also desire to say that we have great thankfulness in our hearts to Mrs_ Harrison for the lavish generosity she has shown us in social pleasure, but even more for the way in wiiieh she has enriched our seasofts of devo- tion and our musical evenings by the profusion of her gifts of talent on the organ. May the blessing of the Lord our God be upon you both. Marriages CAMPBELL MePHEE On Monday morning, August 16th, an interesting wedding took place in St. Finnan s Cathedral, when Isabel G., daughter of James MePhee Esq., and the late Mrs. MePhee, was mar- ried to Mr. John D. Campbell, of Corn- w all, son of the late Mr. and Mrs( James Reid Campbell. Brightly colored gladioli were used profusely in the adornment of the altars d sanctuary. The bride who was given in marriage by her brother, Dr. A, A. MaePhee of Killaloe, Out., w ore a beige geor- gette gown. Her hat was also of beige georgette, and she carried a shower bouquet of Sunset roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Millie MaePhee was a pretty bridesmaid in coral. georgette and large beige hat faced with. coral. She carried pink roses and baby s breath. Mr. A. W. McMllian was bestman. ev. D. D. MacMillan of Cornwall, uicle of the bride, was the officiat- ing clergyman, Rev. J. J. Macdoucll, Rector, being present-in thesanctuary. Marie McLeister played Mendels- sohn s Weddinjr March for the entry of the bridal party and also presided at the organ during the nuptial Mass, MissMarie MaePhee and Miss K. Mac- donald singing several solos very sweetly. / Following the ceremony a reception was held at tho home of the bride s father and later Mr; and Mrs. Camp- bell left by motor for Quebec thence by boat on the Saguenay trip, the bride going away in a rosewood crepe dress with coat and small French hat 0 match. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell w ill make tlieir home at Cornwall. Among the-of-town guests here for the wedding were Rev, D. D. MacMil- lan, Cornwall Mr, and Mrs. George MacD. Casgraiu, Siimmerstown,. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. F. Eastwood,.Cornwall; Mr. J. C. Mac- Millan, Toronto, Miss E. MacGuire, Miss T. Dewan, Mis.s Angela, Mac- Donald, Ottawa and Dr. A. A. Mac- Pheo, Killaloe". Congratulations. V.P.E! Examinations Alexandria Public School, Names in order of merit TO JUNIOR- III Raymond, Douglas; MacMsater, Bet- ty; Stimson, Arthur; Connell, Della, ami MaeCuaig, Donalda. equal; Mac- Leod, Marian; MacDonald, Jessie. TO SENIOR III Rayihoud, Allan (hon.) ; MaeLennan, Edith (hon ) ; Blair, Albert (hon.) ; Macl.achlan, Alex.; Connell, Gerald; Peacock, Ethel; Campbell, Duncan. TO JUNIOR IV Hope, Gertrude (hon.); Campbell, Mariaii; MacCiiaig, Grace. To SENIOR IV MacLachlan, Sarah (hon.); Mae Lachlan, Joan (hon). ALBERTA WILLSON, GLADYS I. MACINTOSH, Teachers. Magistrate Cline Dead Alexandrians were indeed shocked when about 9 o clock, Monday nigh hews was received of the sudden pass- ing of Mr. C. H, piiae K.C., Police Magistrate of the Town of Cornwall for several years past. Mr, Cline had boon down town for the evening mail and had been talking and joking with friends in the post office before board- ing the oar for home. Nearing Cum- berland St., he pressed the button as a signal for thq/car to stop and pro- ceeded towards the exit. He was seen to lurch forward as if in a faint. The car was stopped and Mr. Cline was parried to a couch on the veran- dah of Mrs. Jas. Smyth where he ex- pired almost immediately. The funeral took place yesterday af- terncn. An extended notice will ap- pear in next issue. Cliyrci] Services Services will be held in the Uuited Church, Alexandria, on August 29th, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. At these reopening services Rev. D. L. Richie, President of the Conference of Mont- real and Ottawa will preach. A spe- cial offering will bo received. 0 Glen Robertson Church Social The fallowing telegram was received from Ottawa this week by the Glen Robertsoq. Church Social Committee re instructions for Programme to please audience: ) Don t worry. We ll put it over strong., Signed,. Mansfield Orchestra. Hogs sold at 13c. fed and watered with one sow at 9c, and two sows at 854c. 6 calves sold at.75, 4 calves at 7y>c. and one calf at 9e. My lambs sold at 9e. with two yearling sheep at $7.70, and two slieep at 5c. LAUCHIE McDC«ALD. McGiLLis MCDONALD A wedding of interest to many Glen- garrians took place in St James, Ferndale, Detroit, Michigan, on Tuesday, Aug. 10th, at 9 a.m., when the Rev. Father O Brien united in marriage Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R W. MacDonald of Dalkeith, to Mr. Finlay MacG411is, son of the late Donald and Mrs. MacGillis of Summerstown. The bride, who was given away by her cousin Mr James Orton, looked lovely in a gown of white silk chiffon over kittens ear crepe, which was trimmed with small white roses and rhinestones. Her veil was arranged in coronet effect with bands of orange blossoms ending in clusters at either side. She carried a shower bouquet of sweetheart roses and lillies of the valley, and wore a string of pearls the gift of the groom. The bridesmaid Miss Margaret Mac- Donald wore a pink chiffon frock over satin made in Victorian style, with large black picture hat and carried pink roses./ Mr. Chris. MacDonald was groomsman. Mrs. MacGiliis aunt of the bride wore a black tin and or- chid* gown with orchid colored hat and silk srf. Mrs. Orton cousin of the bride wore maize colored georgatte over taffeta silk, large leghorn hat and carried Columbia roses. Music and singing were rendered by the choir during the ceremony and nup- tial high mass which followed. A re- ception was afterwards held at the I orae of Mr. and Mrs. James Orton, 450 Pearson Ave., where a dainty buf- fet luncheon was served, while Mr. B. Millar, popular Radio entertainer, de- lighted the guests with vocal and in- strumental music. The tabic? and rooms were decorated with pink and yellow gladioli asters and ferns. The number of valuable and useful gift.s received testified to the young couple s popularity. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. MacGillis left b.y motor for Toronto, Montreal and Eastern Ontario where their hone.vmoon will be spent. The bride travelled in a champagne color- ed dress with gold trimmings, small velvet hat and shoes of the same shade, with a iiavy blue coat trimmed with mink fur. Among the friend.s from a distance were Mr. W. J. MacDonald of Toronto, brother of the bride and Miss Glad.vs Trustain of "Walkerville, Ont. FTLFE CHOLETTE At the ( hurch of the Sacred Heart, here, on Tuesday morning, 17th August, Rev. J. A. Huot officiating, Mr. H. Filfe of North Lancaster, and Miss Marie Choiette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josephus Choiette of Alexandria, were uuited in marriage, the witnesses being Mr. J. Choiette, tho bride s fa- ther, and Mr. G. Filfe, ]>rother of the groom, merchant tailor of Alexandria. Mr. and Mrs. Filfe who are enjoy- ing their hone.vmoon in the Thousand Islands, on their return will take up their residence at North Lancaster.

2 THE GLENGARRY NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 192é, PAGE TWO DOYOUKNOWAtITHRAX? Of Interest to Farmers RUINED BY PLAGUE OF LICE and maximum temperatures of 20.3 degrees Fahr. for.september, for October, for November and for December, with, mean minimum temperature of degrees,for September, for October, for November and for December. This indicates that a suitable storage temperature is possible if all possible ventilation is provided during cool nights, and the warehouse kept closed during the warm part of the day. AV. S. BLAIR,, Superintendent, Experimental Station, Kentville, N.S. o "VVitli frequent.showorx tliroughout tlie suinifier, and moderately cool weather during tlie early part of tlie season, tliere was every reason for the turnip growers of the eounties of AVellington, Oxford and AVaterloo to expect a bumper crop. This restricted section of Ontario is able, because of the special quality of its soil, to produce a high! quality table turnip, and every season hundreds of j carloads are shipped to the United States where they meet a steady deiuauclas C.aiiadian Rutaba-j gas. Most of the turnips from these counties are being marketed through the Ontario Turnip ürhw- BLUE-NOSE BACON MAY SOON APPEAR ers Co-operative, formed two years ago. Crop Eujned by Lice.. Today this valuable cash crop is ruined on Halifax, Aug. 15. It i,s estimaetd that approxihundredsof farms. Turnip lice (small yellowish bro\vn aphids) have been ivorking on the under imately 100 carloads of live hogs will be shipped sides of the leaves, causing the plants to turn yel- from Nova Scotia this year through co-operative low and die from, loss of sap which is sucked out live.stock shipping associations., Not a great by the aphids. The outbreak of this pest-is the ma,ny, perhaps, as viewed from the standpoint of worst recorded for at least twenty years, and ac- Quebec and Ontario, but it will be just 100 carcording to a despatch in Friday s Globe, a sur- I loads more than were shipped prior to 1922; and i vey of AVellington County indicated that not more behind it all there is a bit of a story. Up to 1924 Nova Scotia was not raising enthan 500 acres out of approximately 10,000 planted / to turnips "will be "worth harvesting. The lice are ough hogs for home consumption not- by 100,000 a year. In 1924 the Province imported over $2,also reported to be attacking, fields of rape., 000,000 worth of pork and pork products, with Have Natural Enemies. i Can anything be done to prevent such an ap- prices estimated on a basis. It is still falling far shrt of meeting its own requirements, palling waste? Nature takes a hand in the control ot the. but a good start has Jieen made, and, although aphids, and in a normal year the natural enemies Nova Scotia is still a comparatively heavy importer, doubtless serve to keep them under control. In it is also now exporting. some places there are numerous small worms feed- Organize Pig Clubs. This change has been brought about largely ing upon the lice. These worms are about onethird of an inch long, some are yellow, others by the Dominion Department of Agriculture fieldbrownish. There are also other enemies attacking men, who have been organizing boys and girls theiii, but it is doubtful whether these CM bring pig clubs and co-operative shipping clubs, with the them under control in time to save any field that idea of encouraging the shipping of live hogs by carload lots. There are now twenty-two of these is badly infested. big clubs. It is felt that the lack of interest in the Sprajdng Unsatisfactory. swine industry in Nova Scotia has been largely due Professor Lawson Caesar, Provincial Entomolo- to the system of marketing. Under the dressedgist, has been nuking extensive field tests \yith hog system shippers were restricted entirely to lovarious substanées, and finds that it is very diffi- cal markets. Since 1922, considerable effort has cult to secure a satisfactoiw control by spraying been made tq develop live-hog shipments, but it The only spray he has found, at all.satisfactory is found necessary for some field work to be done kerosene emulsion. This is also the cheapest spray. was in each section to encourage a little greater proit is made as follows : Dissolve one and one-half or two pounds com- duction f hogs and an improvement in quality. mon laundry soap or soap chiiys in 1% gallons Plan Central Marketing. AVhile no definite announcements have been of boiling water, preferably rain water. Pour it is knoum th plans have been laid for the this while still very hot into the spray tank, and made, organization of a hog-marketing association for add at once two gallons of kerosene. Then turn Scotia, which will serve as a general marketthe nozzle of the sprayer into the tank and pump Nova agency foi- the various co-operative shippingthe liquid back upon itself for about five minutes, ing until it is thoroughly emulsified. It will then look clubs, under arrangements similar to egg-marketlike cream or milk. Before using dilute to twenty- ing organizations operating in several of the Profive or thirty gallons with cold water. The mix- vinces..0 ture will still be white like milk if properly made.s Apply the spray to the under side of the. leaves THE BURDEN OF BEING CIVILIZED with as much pressure as the spray outfit will give. Use a short spray rod, three feet long, made of ordinary gas pipe. Bend this toward the end at which the nozzle or noz.zles are attached, so that* Man habitually hates to take the re.sponsibilithe spray may be shot up from beneath and cover ties of being civilized. In the old days, he did the under sides of the leaveig. Remember only what he wanted to so far as natural forces would aphids that are hit will be killed. Great care and let him. He killed his meat, and consumed it una liberal use of the mixture are necessary for good less a fiercer creature chased him away. He took results. the cave that suited him. He told the less able member of the tribe or family.where to get off. Recommend Dusting. Dusting is much more satisfactory than spray- The more brutal, the more ruthless, the more ing, says Professor Caesar. A 2 per cent nicotine grasping he was, the better he got along. Times have" changed, but most of us hate to dust (the rest being hydrated lime) will, if well applied, destroy all the aphids, but it must be shot up admit it. A man, a thousand miles away can write from beneath, just as in the case of the spray. Pro- his name on a piece of paper and change the course fessor Caesar has found it advisable to go up one of our lives. An argument dn a distant state may.side of the row and down the other side. This dust, mean that we shall go cold next winter. A meetand also hand-dusters to apply it, may be secured ing of a dozen men in a small room may mean that from spray companies and seed supply houses. we shall have to scrimp to get food and clothes Wherever there is a power-duster available, next year. Complications have entered into life. large acreages can be done quickly, but all power- One man on a desert island can do as he ; dusters should have a large sheet of factory cot- a thousand people on that island will die in misery top about twenty feet long and ten feet wide trail- unless they combine together to serve the interests ing behind to concentrate the dust on the plants. of all. A light frame can be made to keep the sheet in The density of our population, the complexity place.. of our bu-siness and social organizations makes the If the leaves are already turning yellow, and old human habits, once valuable, positively dangerare badly infested, it is doubtful whether it would ous. Our age-old emotions tell us that we will get pay the farmer to goto the expense of buying the along all right if we fight and grab, at somehow, dust and a duster, as these are both costly. Un- the balance will be ac!ieved. We are fooling ourfortunately, the aphids have already got many selves. A great modern state can not survive unfields into this condition, and much of the crop has less there is Conscious effort to plan the activities been hopelessly injured. of all for the benefit of all.,-0 But who is to do this planning.? Our political I government has not proved equal to the job. Most.VENTILATION OF THE APPLE WAREHOUSE ly it has not even attempted it due to the clamop of survivals from the stone age who want no interference with their grabbing. Others who recognize (Experimental Farms jnotc) the need for social control doubt if our present In order to provide the necessary ventilation political system is able to handle such economic for an apple warehouse, direct tight outlet flues tasks. from the ceiling of the room to be ventilated to the Several nations are making attempts to aphighest outside point in the roof are necessary. It proach the problem by organizing a sort of econis estimated that an apple storage omic parliament, in which representation shall be have, for each 1200 oublie feet of storage-room vol- based on economic and occupational units rather ume, one square foot of outlet. than on geographical units. Different types of The intakes are of equal importance and one farmers "would be represented, different sorts of squpe foot of air intake is necessary for each 700 skilled and unskilled labor, professional and busicubic feet of storage volume. In a warehouse mea- groups. These groups would try to work out suring 100 feet by 40 feet there are usually five to satisfactory mutual action on national problems, six doors, and if these be furnished with latticed and refer these plans to the congress for such leopenings they will provide the necessary intakes. gislative action as was needed and to their own The need for leaving doors open at night has: constituents for direct action. The difficulties in not been fully appreciated. Were larger outlets the way of effective action on such a plan are great ; provided much of the difficulty now experienced it has the advantage, OFfiver, of recognizing the in keeping apple storage-houses cool tyould bç! exis{5ne? of economic problems.and tljq geed of overcome. developing a special technique to cope with tkèïn* The outlets and intakes indicated will provide Most of our troubles are due, not to wilful illfor an air-movement equivalent to three complete will by some othêr roup, nor to the nigg-ardliness changes of air per hour.. If air is entering a room of nature, but simply to the fact that the complexat 40 degrees and leaving it at 50 degrees it is es- ity of modern life has got beyond control. If the timated that a volume of air 1000 time.s tlie volume pure waste of foolish competition and useless occuof the apples ns necessary to cool the apples from pations could be eliminated, the income of the avera temperature of 60 to that of 50 degrees. This in- age American would jump 50 per cent at once. Yet dicates the importance of placing the apples in to do this requires thought, and planning, and the storage in the cool of the morning, rather than ruthless suppression of the type of individual whose when they are warm from the day temperature. social morals are stone-age products. There is Records at the Diminion Experimental Sta- no easy remedy, but the recognition of -what our tion at Eemptville for a period of twelve years show needs are is an important first step.-avallaecs i a difference between the average daily mini mum Farmer. a Oolle DESCRIPTION OF SYMPTOMS AND CONTROL. MONTREAL ConJacted 2>y the Jetuit Fathers Mouldy Sweet Clover Hay May Be Poisonous An Understanding of irocess May Avert Ix)ss. In addition to subjects of B.A. Course, offers Pre-Medical, Pre-Law, Pre-Science Courses, with exemptions and saving of one or two years at the Universities. (Contributed by Ontario Dei>artment of Agriculture, Toronto.) Each, season a number of animals are lost througb anthrax. Such ïiojzola. 0-oUo< leases are not ordinary losses as there is always the hidden danger lurking in the pasture, waiting the coming Matriculation ofsciallyrecosnized by Association of Univeraitics of Ontario of the unsuspecting victim. Anthrax PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION fields are always a menace, the spores are thre on the grass or in the water. Infection. Infection by way of the digestive And we are here with the Ingredients. The followings are all tract through taking food and water, absolutely pure spices. has been considered the most comtumeeic POWDEE GEEEN PEPPEES mon means of the organism reaching GEOUND MACE CÜEEY POIYDEE its host. Horse flies, horn flies and CELEEY SEED WHOLE AND GEOUND CLOtTES MUSTAED SEED WHOLE AND GEOUND ALLSPICE the mosquito have been credited CAYENNE PEPPEE WHOLE AND GEOUND PEPPEE with being common carriers. A small skin wound may prove a source of "WHOLE I BED PljpPEES MIXED PICKLING SPICE infection. "WHITE WINE AND CIDEE PICKLING VINEGAES. The Nature of Anthrax. Anthrax is caused by bacillus anplums, i>eache3 and Pears are now on for Preserving. Any orthracis, it is an acute, febrile disease der left with me "will be appreciated. affecting particularly cattle, horses, and sheep-dogs and chickens seem to be immune. The disease is characterized b hemorrhagic infiltrations of sub-cutaneous tissue and engorgement of the spleen. Symptoms. Telephone 25 The worst forms are met with in cattle and sheep, in these the attacks are severe and sudden. There is a IS MADE PEOM ALL PDEB loss of appetite, breathing is rapid FOODSTUFF, NO CHEMICALS and diflicult, usually a discharge NOE PO"WDEE OF ANY KIND from the mouth and nose. Affected IN OUE INGEEDIENTS. animals tremble Violently, stagger TEY BOSS S HOME MADE and fall in convulsions, passing out BEEAD CAN T BE BEAT. in a few hours. In the less severe types swellings appear on the surface of the body, these ate œdematous at first but become doughy in texture before becoming gangrenous. _ MAXVILLE, ONT. With horses the symptoms are often I quite obscure and ar manifest only >aoooo*a*aog*po<mooo«by severe attacks of colic, and dropsical swellings, about the chest or throat. Postmortem. Be careful, more than one human being has lost his life messing with an anthrax carcass. Let the veterinarian do the post mortem, he understands the dangers and protects himself against infection. 0 UlXllJO IF YOU REQUIRE Oontrol. Treatment is not successful, owing 0 Work done well, to be a credit to yo"u as well to the rapid fatal course of the dis- f NOW IS THE TIME TO OB-. as a business getter, Consult Us. ease. In anthrax localities, as soon 4 DEE TOUS SUMMER CLOTH- C as a case of anthrax Is suspected, all IF YOU REQUIRE * remaining animals should be trans- «ING. * ferred to another pasture or stable Work produced within a specified time, with and vaccinated or treated with an- NEW SAMPLES ARE ON * gnaranteed delivery, at moderate cost, and on, thrax aggressln. These treatments g HAND. business line.s. Consult Us Can be applied by modern trained veterinarians, they are effective and CLEANING, PBESSING AND? IF YOU REQUIRE give a good measure of Immunity at EEPAIRING IN MEN S AND A small cost, L. Stevenson, Dept, of WOMEN S. CLOTHING, AT O Anything in the way of print, from a Leaflet Extension, O. A. College. Q THE BATE OF 50 CENTS PEE o to an Encyclopaedia, Poisoning of Cattle by Sweet Clover f HOUE. Hay. All sweet clover hay does not have poisonous iiropertles, as many farmconsult ers have fed It to stock for years "Without loss. The question naturally ALEXANDEIA, ONT. arises. Why Is some sweet clover hay «responsible for the disease? There 0 MILL SQUAEE; NEAR CAMP«Is much evidence that certain moulds 7 that may grow on or within the BELL S GAEAGE. sweet clover stalk are responsible for O j nag n no-oo? the formation of this poisonous prin ciple, which apparently delays the clotting time of the blood, destroys red blood cells. Injures the yltal tissues of the body to such an extent that hemorrhages result. Feeding Experiments. Feeding trials with sweet clover hay that was crédité with poisonous properties have bera conducted to determine the course of the disease. These trials Indicate that a period of SI days is the usual time that lapses between the commencement of feeding and the death of the animal. The animals remain apparently normal, showing no symptoms whatever until about the 28th day after commencement of feeding. Once symptoms are shown the course Is rapid and the victim usually passes out in from oüe to three days. Sypiptoms., Animal becomes stiff and later very lame If urged to move. Large swellings may develop œdematous in character on any part of the body. Blood frequently passed In discharges from the body. No appetite visible mucous membranes pale. Blood does not clot, and difflculty experienced In arresting hemorrhage if small vessel Is severed. Temperature remains about normal. Post Mortem. Generally shows extensive hemorrhages In the subcutaneous tissue thorasio and abdominal cavities. Blood is pale In color and does not clot readily. Muscles dark colpred and Infiltrated with blood. Hefiioi rbages are Invariably present on the eplcardium and pleurae In all catses. Prevention. Do not use mouldy sweet clorei hay. If symptoms appear follo-win* the consumption of mouldy sweet clover hay, then change feed at once and keep cattle quiet, and call the veterinarian to administer the blood EXHIBITION FEATURES CENTENARY FEATURES >1 serum treatment. Use only the fine Vyeek of Aug. 23rd \Veek of Aug. 16th green gro"wth of sweet clover for hay and handle it in such a way, that Creatore & His Band Stampéde & Rodeo moulds cannot develop. Keep It dry Immense Live Stock Exhibits Old Boy s Home Coming moulds must have moisture for Pure Food Show growlli. L,.gteyensQn. Dept, of Ha* Historical Pageant tension, Ç. A. CoUêg «aa.-.ortabrt The World s Best Vaudeville Choir oipne Thousand Pickling Senson lere Again Ross s Bread JOHN BOYLE James A. Ross If You Require s 1 ummer uitings I i [G. FILFE, Tailor Î THE GLENGARRY NEWS. CREATORE 81 HIS BAND Foremost among the Worlds Bands & a triumph at every appearance, they will be a feature diiring the week of Aug. 23 Don t feed dusiyha or illnsmelllng feeds just before milking. Don t expect the milk or cream to be cooler than the Burrouhdlnga where it is kept. Don t skim too thin cream. Don t expect to get top price foi cream unless cows, stable, utensils, Separator, and milkers are kept clean. Don t forget that there Is good money In dairying If it Is properly 4ons, Parades Championship Sports Military Tattoo Venetian Night Great New Midway Somethii Doing Every Minute for Everybody Grand Fireworks Display Horse Races Great New Midway Dog Show-Poultry Show Cat Show-Baby Show Industrial SI Educational Features ONCE IN A HUNDRED YEARS-SUCH AN EVENT

3 C PAGE THREE THE GLENHAERT NEWS, FEIDAT, AITGUST 20, 1926, Daily Fashion Hint Of Interest to Women then bring to a, more vigorous boil until the apples are cooked thoroly hut still firm enough to hold together. Crab apple preserves arc superior preserves. A wise country mother of grayed hair and -oh! in flavor to any other apple 0 so kindly way.s once said to me: Oh those things which Ihavein plenty, I serve sparingly. THE RIGHT TO PLAY And how true that simple statement is! I recall certain dishes that have gone out either We didn t like the report of the play habits temporarily or permanently in families because they of: farm boys and girls from the Institute of Sohad too much of them, or rather that they had cial and Religious Research. We still hope it them too often. It isipossible to reach the satura- isn t aeeprate. But for fear it is, let s look as it tion po-int that is the point where we just cannot for a minute. iiold any more even with favorites. No husband The report lists the recreational habits of boys however fond of his wife s apple pie he may be, is and girls from the farm and from small towns. The going to have an appetite for apple pie long if he boys listed swimming, hunting, baseball, reading, has too much of it. It is the same with anything basketball, fishing, football, tennis, athletics, dancehse I might mention. There s garden stuff. In- ing, horseback riding, camping and hiking as their stead of having it in variety frequently we have amusements. The girls listed reading, swimming, runs On one vegetable, say peas, until a dish basketball, riding, dancing, tennis, hiking, automoof peas brought to the table arouses nc thoughts bile.riding, baseball, walking, piano, music, movies, of epiexireim delight. And so on down the list volley ball and skating. which brings mo up to the subject at hand, In almo,st every case, more town boys and more I should think, and that the same thing ajiplies in town girls Reported engaging in recreation than the the preserve closet. When there are so many good country boys and -girls. Conntr boys outranked A DIFFERENT JUMPER Far above the commonplace in things to make jams and conserves and preserves the town boys onlj- in hunting and horseback riditimper frocks stands this model in out of not cook up a surplus of plum Initter and ing. Country girls outranked the town girls only dotted silk crêpe de Chine combined strawberry jam but lot s instead try some new in riding. th plain Georgette. Full gathered taste-tempters such as carrot conserve, peach jam Does this mean that country boys and girls bishop slœves, tailored revers, and a and preserved erab-aixples. high collar are distinguished details of aren t getting the chance to play that town childprom time to time I have checked recipes for the frock, which lends itself to developren are? Of course, a good many may sai that ment in any of the smart combinations good things that I have tried of this sort in books, of materials of the season. Medium gotten them from friends and put together some most children and young people plaj too much, that children on the farm get enough exercise in size requires 2J/i yards 36-inch striped silk and 2 yards Georgette for the new invention as every, woman who has to cook does, useful work and don t need games. It is quite blouse. until I have quite a varied lot of pick and choose true that in some places young people seem to be Pictorial Review Printed Pattern from. A large number of these I intend to pass on No Sizes 16 to 20 yearç and.34 to you ill this article and I m going to start with recreation.mad, but is is usually recreation of an to 44 inches bust, 45 cents. uniealthy sort, late hours, auto ride.s, dances June jam because it is delicious jam and be- stuff} halls. The boy or girl who gets hi.s or her cause too when I came in this morning I found that fun in hard, vigorous outdoor games isn t going to a good friend who knows how well I like them had he interested in such things. laid three of them on my desk. As to work on the farm giving all the exercise As I recall, it was a neighbor s gift of a pail needed, onr experience and observation prove the That s all. Twenty minutes after taking full of Red Junes.several years ago that led me to contrary. No one who, has seen a gang of young azutoo tablet your headache will be think up some lyay to preserve them wdtli their men hurry up the haying iii order to get thru by lovely rod skins. They are really a preserve in- Saturday noon to play ball all afternoon and eventhese little tablets-jsafe, reliable tead of jam as.i stated, but Rod Jvine jam has sort ing will believe it for a second.,parm work gives ftd harmless as soda will cure any of a snappy sound and it looks and,sounds good as exercise of a Sort; as a rule it doesn t give the headache in 20 minutes. Cbr, better still, taken when you feel th«a,title. muscular co-ordination, the quickness, that games headatecoming on, a ZUTOO tablet.this method which I used and have passed on give ; neither does it ordinarily provide the stimwill ward it off tdp it in the bud. to several friends with gifts of jars of the jam is ulus of competition. as follows: Wash {he Red Junes and wipe them off We like to hear about country baseball leagues, hut do not peel. If the apples are fairly good sized and country field meets. The Evergreen Sporting they are cut in lengths, if small in quartjs. For Association up in Wright county has the right idea. two cups of apiiles thus prepared, make a syrup There everybody competes; older people get just of tvo cups of sugar and three-fourths of a cup of as much fun out of games as the kids. We believe boiling water. When the sugar is well dissolved that our really successful farm communities are 1 Anybody having cream to ship info a thin syrup, add the.apples. This is contrary going to feature a community athletic field along will find that L. A., Charlebois to what many people do in making preserves of side the community hall. Give the boys and girls Gem Creamery St. Telesphore, this nature. Most people start out with a heavy a chance to play healthy games and it won t be neque., pays the highest price. You»yrup l)ut that is quite the ivrong principle, when cessary to worry about the had influence of the may ship by C.P.B. io Dalhonsie frlit is cooked in syrup, or a mixing of the fruit pool room, and the dance hall. Wallaces Parmer. Station, Qiie., or Bridge End, Ont. juice and the syrup takes place. In other words or by G.T.R. to River Beaudette, the water is drawn out of the cells of the fruit, Que. Give us a trial apd see for and the syrup being the heavier replaces it. If the THE FALL FAIR AND THE SCHOOL FAIR yourself. For further informa- syrup i.s thin when the fruit is put ihto it, the mixtion either write L. A. Charlebois, ing of the fruit jtiice and sjriip thruout tl;e cells Are you intefested in your local school fair? R.R. 1J Dalhousie Station, Que., or of ithe fruit takes plae evenly and the fruit re- If not, you ought to be, because there is no quesmains plump. If on the contrary, the syrup is tion as to its popularity with the children. call ns by phone No heavi to start with, th fruit juices are idrawn out GEM CREAMERY, Your School and the, Pall Fair is a little 48-t. L. A. Charlebois, Prop. rapidly and the cells collapse and the syrup can- booklet which has been issued by The Educational not enter the fruit rapidly enough td prevent.shri- Publishing Company, Toronto, and which teachers velling or shrinking. It, lis mueli better, then, to and others interested in this very important work HENRY S start taiits in a fairly thin syrup, and boil until the will find very,helpful. This little booklet is designsyrup is moderately heavy, or a better signal is ed to help those schools that want to have somewhen the fruit is, clear, and then reilioving the fruit thing interesting and unusual in the way of a school OTTAWA, ONTARIO to the jars where it is to be stored, cook down the exhibition. syrup to the desired thiekiiess and pour it over, I quote from the preface: There are many No school in Eastern Ontario offers the: fruit. AVith the Red June preserves, the syrup ways in which the teacher and the pupils may aid a better tratning, or ensures a more needs to bé cooked biit brief 1: as it will jell quite the fall or school fair, and these will readily occur successful future. loleads all others, solid if cooked too long. / to the teacher who understands best the needs and and ranks among employers as The Garret Conserve. Cook together 1 pint of fine- interests of his district. The thing is to decide SCHOOL OP HIGHER EFFICIENCY a fact borne out by 580 pupils ly, diced carrots, l.pint of tart apples, also diced, what you can do,blest, what will he of greatest who have, since January, 1913, left 1 cup of peaches, the juice of one lemon and three value and of most supreme intérest, then confer other Ottawa schools to come to cups of sugar. Mix the ingredients and stirring with the directors of the fair and see what arrangefairly steadily, cook at a fast simmer until the mix- ments they will make for you. Even if you are HENRYS It is not surprising then that busi- ture is clear., the only school to evince such an interest, do not ness men, in advertising for stenopeach and Apple Conserve. Use, red-skinned be discouraged. Go ahead with your plans. graphers, specifically say, Graduates apples if })ossible and do not peel. Peel peaches The contents of this little booklet include: of Henry s Shorthand School- prefer- and cut into the thin slices. Do the same with the School yells and slogans,(some of these are necesred. apples., Use equal parts of the two fruits and to sarily written for individual.schools, hut yon can Write for particulars about our two cups of apples and two cups of peaches add tivo study them and see into whiph the name of your course. and one-half cups of sugar. Cook slowly until the own school fits best. It is well to use the school p. E. HENRY, Director, 196 Sparks St. sugar is thoroly dissolved, then bring to a fairly name in a yell, if possihlp), a chapter on banners, vigorous liüil and cook until thickened. badges and costumes (some excellent suggestions Peach and Cantaloupe Conserve. To one pint are given, such as Highland costume, Indian cosof diced peaéhes add one pint of cantaloupe cut tume, fancy costume with school number, balloon similarly, three cups.sugar and two lemons juice costume, cowboy costume, Dutch costume, costume and grated rind. Cook the mixture until* the suggesting the school name, and patriotic costume, Seeders, Drills, Harrows, Disc Har- ])eaches and cantaloupe are clear if the syrup is with directions how these may be made), three new lows, Culvaters, Roller, and repairs, not sufficiently thick, remove the fruit and cook marches, march with hoops, the drill and flag drill it down slightly. Three-fourths of a cup of English with march (full directions are givcn concerning eta FEIUROSE CREAM SEPARATORS ivainnts chopped fine may be added when the con- each of those),,jix new platform exercises (planned to include the whole school), and suggestions for Renfrew Separators,. Stoves, and,serve is finished cooking. Pears and Apple Conserve. Mix together two school songs. There is also a.chapter on school disscales. Everything you need on the farm cups of diced apples, two cups of pears, the juice plays and exhibits, and plans for exhiwtion of pets is nde by the Ihtemational Harves- and rind of one, lemon, one cup of seedless raisins ami grand parade. (The Homemaker in The ter Oo. and three and a half cups sugar. Half a cup of Globe). o English walnuts may be added to this at the last. Tomato and Apple Conserve. Prepare enough j. A-MCDONALD BAKED TOMATOES solid and slightly underripe tomatoes by peeling GLEN EOY, ONT. and squeezing out the seeds to make two cups full. Phone 76 r 6 For Dmonstratioa. Take what tomatoes you desire, cut oft the To this add two cups of apples cut up fairly fine, tops, remove pulp, and mix it with bread CTumhs, one lemon,cut in small pieces and three cups of I chopped ham, parsley, onions, salt and pepper. sugar. Cook until the apples are clear, stirring Fill up the shells, put a little butter on top and frequently to prevent scorching. I hake in a moderate oven. Peach Jam. Peel and slice thinly enough! -0 peaches to weigh one pound and add two-thirds of TOMATO RELISH a pound of sugar, about halt an inch of ginger root, a peach pit and enough water or peach juice to j IS YOUR BEST FOOD Cut a small hole in top of tomato and remove moisten. Cook until the fruit is clear and syrup pulp. Mix it with chopped eueumher, onion, cahover it tliick. Eat Robertson s I i)age Or eauliflower ; refill shell and serve on a letmixed Fruit Preserves. For this.use two cups tuce leaf with mayonnaise dressing, HOME MADE BREAD each of sweet apples, quiinces, pears and peaches. I o Add six cups of.sugar and the juice of two lemons LEMON CHEESE «RAHAM BREAD FRIDAY and another lemon sliced thin. Cook the mixture ORDER YOUR PIES AND OAEEt until if is thickened. Two pounds n-anulated sngar, one-quarter Preserved Crab: Apjiles. Select perfect, well- pound butter, six eggs, beaten, juice of.six lemons. PROM colored Siberian crabs, and wash thoroly, removing Put lemon juice, sugar and butter in double boiler; the blossom ends, leaving the stems, skins and when dissolved add the beaten eggs. Let simmer seeds. Prepare a syrup of three parts sugar to for an hour, stirring- oeeasionally. Pour in jars I one part water and boil up until the sugar is dis- and.seal when cool. Thi.s. will keep for weeks. It Alexandria, Ontsolved, then add the apple. Simmer for awhile and is delicious.spread on bread. SEASONABLE JAMS, CONSERVES AND PRESERVES 20 MINUTES No Headache CREAM WANTED SHORTHAND SCHOOL McCormick-Deering BREAD Robertson s Bakery Pay what thou owest is always good advice, and.never more to the point than when it concerns Glengarry s Home Paper., During the past few weeks accounts have been mailed to subscribers of the Glengarry News in arrears. The items are not large for each individual subscriber, but when totalled the matter is quite a serious one for The Glengarry News office. May we have prompt response to the notices which have been mailed? Thank you! Ottawa Exhibition iluiust 16 to 28 Special Train Service August 25th Leave Glen Robertson 8.48 Leaves Alexandria 9.07 Leave Greenfield 9.25 Leave Maxville Returning will leave Ottawa p.m. same date. For Particulars of reduced fares apply to Ticket Agent Canadian National Railway. J. J. MORRIS, Town Agent, AlexandriaG. W. SHEPHERD, Station. J «7i»ilk».fl»«î<«torn K/ 4 -Sr 3)o flie«r lifteôurrcôôfiirîgcf R fues are more than troublesome. They come from filth to food. Get rid of them with Flit. EMEMBER, Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of disease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is clean, safe and easy to use. Kills All Household Insects Flit epray also destroys bed bura, roaches and ants. It aearches out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed, and destroys insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your gmnents. Flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes. Extensive tests showed that Flit spray did not stain the most delicate fabrics. Fiit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entomologists and chemists. It is harmless to mankind. Flit has replaced the old methods because it kills all the insects and does it quickly. Get a Flit can and sprayer today. STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) Rupture Expert Here Distributed in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow & Co., Toronto. Do you suffer from nfpture? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr, Reavely the noted rupture expert will 1)6 at DESTROYS Files Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches THE ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA, ONT. FOR ONE DAY ONLY **Tà0 gettov can with tù» hejkband Friday, August 27th and will be pleased to give free examination to any sufferer and to demonstrate Ids famous appliance. pliaiiqo. This appliance will contract the opening in 10 to 15 days and will cure cases in from three to six months. This appliance will contract cd to you* right on your own person v\ithout any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance for you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing Dont let this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date. 31-2c Un Placement PrCfitable ES volailles aident la ferme à se suffire à elle-même. Elles utilisent les déchets, sont uue source constante de revenu et j procurent une distrâction agré- I able et profitable pour l épouse du cultivateur et ses enfants. CENTRAL LIVERY CATHERINE STREET Alexandria, Ont. Phone No. 5 Demandez un exemplaire de notre Agenda; il contient des renseignements utiles pour la classe agricole. FF54J La Banque Royale du Canàda Automobile Day and Night ServiceL All Closed Cars., Truck Service for Moving, Etc. Arrangeménts fca: special trips can bo made with the proprietor at very reasonable rates. Succursale - ALEXANDRIA Gerant O. Luckhardt Branch Manager 403 aooock90bocx»sock>soek>qoc»c3ckmoe»ooeooc- BUS MEETS AlJh TEAINS OIL AND GAjSOLINB FOR SALE ArchieProprietor. McMillan Used Cars For Sale I 1920 Ford touring running order. in good 1 Chevrolet, 1918, in good running order. These cars will be sold at a bargain. Also a large quantity of BINDER TWINE 650 feet, at 18ic a lb. supply now. Get your D. A. GRAY DUNVEGAN, ONT. Agent for Massey-Harris- Farm Machinery, etc. ol3c Everytliing in Skeet Music and Music Books at McLeister s Dnigj Store- We can handle your order fox anytmng in the latest music and musical instniments See our Catalogues. 0 * COLLECTS TRIFLES Teacher Johnny, mime a collective r.cun. Johnny A vacuum cleaner Good Hardware. The Store that Saves you Money. DURING July and August we will give a discount of 20 p.c. on all lines. Farm produce taken same as cash. Isaac Simon OPPOSITE ROYAL BANK OP CANADA, ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO

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