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2 Pilot, Mechanic and Interacting to Isolate and Solve Turbine Engine Problems Before They Happen. PAR or Power Analyzer and Recorder, is the most advanced system available for monitoring the activity and health of today's high performance turbine engines. On the ground, PAR is a mechanics dream. By linking the on-board Power Analyzer and Recorder to a hand held printer or PC, data for up to 170 events can be analyzed and if indicated, inspections or repairs can be conducted. The PAR system is so advanced that it can even be linked by phone to the home base. Potential problems can be identified and corrected before the next flight. At the touch of a button on the instrument panel, vital information on engine performance is available to the pilot either prior to take-off, in the air or after landing. Information on turbine speed (N1, N2), rotor or prop speed, engine exceedences (i.e. temperature, torque, rpms), hot starts and more are automatically indicated on the pilots display as well as being stored in an on-board computer for easy retrieval. No more hand logging. With constant monitoring of engine performance, potential repairs can be diagnosed and documented. Safely save your maintenance dollars with accurate, reliable and repeatable data for trending and extending engine life. In the air or on the ground, PAR is the tool that will keep turbine engines in top condition. Make the connection with PAR. STeed on Sell 206 Long Ranger III TELEDYNE AVIONICS P.o. Box 6400, Charlottesville, VA In VA: B04f In USA outside of VA, loll-free: 800/

3 EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher Frank L. Jensen, Jr. Editor Daniel P. Warsley Associate Editor Jennifer Parker Editorial Advisory Board Ron Lombardo Eastern Reg ion Helicopter Council Frans Bokma European Helicopter Opemtors Comm/tlee Guy Uoyd Helicopter Association of Australia Lynn Clough Helicopter SaftfY Advisvry COI!lerr:nce Jack Thompson Mid-Atlantic Helicopter Association (MAlIA) Leo Galanis, Jr. National John Anderson New Et'(gland Helicopter PllofS Association VOLUME I NUMBER 2 c o N T E N T s _ FEATURES Time, Machines & Men Both the civil helicopter industry and HAl have matured together over the past 40 years, weathering the difficult early years and, today, standing at the threshold of a future bright with promise. Focus on South Florida The bustling civil helicopter activity in South florida was the impressive subject of a recent on-site operations visit by the HAl Executive Committee. Till-Rotor will tilt-rotor aircraft revolutionize the commercial passenger industry, or is it still a concept that must be proven, practically and economically? Broadcast PI Dale Buschkotter Professional Helicopter Pilots Assocladon of Ca/ffomla In addition, members if HAl, its Board if Directors, committee chainnen and HAl stqfj serve on ROlOR's Editodal Mvisvry Board ADVERTISING STAFF (703) Kathie Grucz Maljorie K. McRae ABC membership pending Here's the GAME Plan With only a one percent increase in sales, the general aviation industry would realize a $150 million annual revenue increase. But for that to happen... Hawaii-Where the Sidewalks End Close attention to detail-in maintenance, safety and passenger comfort-has been one of the proven ways in which Bogart Kealoha and his partner have built a successful helicopter operation in Kauai, Hawali. ROTOR (1SSN \X) is published quarterly by the HeUcoptcr Assodation International Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia ; (703) Copyright 1988 by the Helicopter M>ociation International. AU rights reserved. Reproduction of ROTOR in whole or in part. or its transmittal in any foon by any means. is expressly forbidden except by written pennission of the publisher. Opinions expressed herein arc nol necessarily those of the publisher. Editorial contributions are welcomed by ROTOR, but carmot be considered tu1lcss guaranteed exclusive. All editorial, art and phic coooibulioru; nul<;( be acrompanied by return and will be handled with reasonable care. H, the publisher asswnes no responsibility for the return or safety of manuscripts, artv.urk or (flotographs. 11le subscription price for residents of the u.s. and its p0sses sions is $15 per year: foreign subscriptions $25 per year. An correspondence should be addressed 10 ROTOR Magazine, HeUcoptcr AssocIation International, 1619 Duke Street. Alexandria, Virgjnia ROTOR is designed and printed by Martin Communications, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia. FosIrnaster: Please send address changes to ROTOR Magazine Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia Heliport Design: What's Next? The fms Heliport DeSign Advisory Circular is merely the framework upon which to build further improvement of heliport design and safety. _ DEPARTMENTS 4 Up front 28 Legislative Scorecard 6 feedback 31 Roundtable Report 18 Safety Review 32 PARs 20 Industry News 33 Regulatory Review 22 Committee News 37 Calendar 3

4 U P F R O N T ou did it! Many of you accepted my invitation, extended in the last paragraph of the "Up Front" column in the first issue of ROTOR, to "Please join me in welcoming ROTOR to the helicopter community: ' I would like to mention just a few of the friends who have been kind enough to write or call with "attaboys," or with other favorable comments concerning the first issue of ROTOR: Congressman Denny Smith, (R-OR); Bob Fox, Evergreen Helicopters; john Zugschwert, AHS; Cor Beek, HASA; joyce Dewitt, 'Teledyne Avionics; Bob Devin, Bell Helicopter 'Textron; john Lauber, NTSB; Ray Raffensberger, Baltimore Police and ALEA; john Yodice, Yodice Associates, and Pat Patterson, Helivia. There were many others. Thanks vety much to all of you who took the time to tell us that we are on the cortect track with this effort. And, especially, thanks to those of you who have already written articles for ROTOR, some of which are published in this issue. Vernon E. Albert, vice president and chief pilot of Petroleum Helicopters, Inc., will become HAl's chairman and chief executive officer on july I, We extend vety best wishes to our new top-elected leader. Also, on behalf of the entire association, we thank Stephen R. Sullivan, HAl's incumbent chairman, for his dedicated, selfless leadership. It is a real privilege to be a part of the ROTOR team, which includes evetyone in the civil helicopter industty. After all, ROTOR is "By the Industty, for the Industty..." On behalf of the HAl, I extend best wishes for safe and neighborly flying to all of you. [.). Frank l. Jensen Jr. Publisher L4 II Helicopter Association International 4

5 An exciting new AOPA, NATA, GAMA gram to breathe new A and HAl, have all economic life into Gen- endorsed it. And huneral Aviation is taking dreds of companies off behind this symbol. from every segment of It's a program - from the smallcalled the General operators to the Aviation Market Expansion major retailers and fuel GAME Plan, for short. refiners - committed themselves And it represents the largest, most uni- and their to the success of this farfied communications effort ever mounted reaching. by this industry to increase the public's If you'd like to join them, we invite awareness of (and access to) the many you to call (703) for more benefits of General Aviation. information. Previewed this spring before a gather- If you'd like to support them, just look ing of more than VOO industry leaders in for this General Aviation symbol wher- Santa Clara, Calitornia, the GAME Plan eve you buy aviation products, fuels an has already received a resounding show services. of support. Congressional leaders have We all stand to benefit. But we need praised it. The industry's major trade your help to make this thing fly. associations, including NBAA, AEA, So, please give it your support. THE GENERAL AVlJlflON TASKFORCE

6 F E E D B A C K - EXCELLENT! \esterday, Frank Jensen gave me a copy of tlle first edition of ROTOR magazine. I just wanted to let you know that I think it is excelent and all of you who worked on it are to be complimented. Stephen D. Hayes Vice President-Public Information Air Transport Association of America - CONGRJITULATIONS! Just a quick word of congratulations for your premier issue of ROTOR. The magazine looked great! It will be very good to have a dedicated commurtications mediluti for the helicopter industry. I look forward to seeing ROTOR each quarter. Denny Smith Member of Congress - PREMIER PUBLICATION! I just received my first copy of ROTOR. You and the group at Headquarters should be complimented on this first edition. I am sure as the idea catches on with the helicopter industry, you will be able to develop a more expanded version that should take over as the premier publication of tlle helicopter industry. Again, congratulations to you and the entire staff. Robert D. Fox Senior Vice President Evergreen Helicopters, Inc. - IMPRESSIVE! Thank you so much for letting me have a copy of the Spring, 1988 issue of ROTOR. I am very much impressed. It is an excellent publication. Congratulations. John S. Yodice Law Offices Yodice Associates Era Aviation, Inc. /:,'rn Al'/al/o" &n'i. 1'.0. [lox 6550 I Lake Charlcl, LA ]/ I Telex !1!."AX 11) I Tro;k"""k 0( D UI'O.vr HAl President Frank L. jellsen, jt: liiet earlier this 1II0nth with FoI711er Pllil1e Mlilister Yashwio Nakasone and his son, Hirofomi Nakasone, a member if the House if CouneilO/'S, when the tj.i.v Nakasones were visitlil,g Wlshill,gton, DC for a meetill,g with dent Reagall. jensen and HAl Chail711an Stephen R. SuI/ivan are scheduled to meet With the Nakasones Iii 7IJ Iii the near fotlire. 6

7 By Jennifer Par1<er 40 Years of Helicopter History from the Operators' Perspective 'W:' e knew this unique machine, the helicopter, had tremendous potential, but we had to find and develop that potential. "We tried everything! "We hauled Santa Claus to department stores. We perfomned at air shows. 'AI! made a number of rescues. We hunted coyotes. We chased bandirs. We herded cattle, elk and wild horses. We sprayed wheat in eastern 'Mlshingron. We reseeded foresrs in 'Mlshingron and Oregon. We helped map remote areas of Alaska. It was a life of constant challenges and new experiences." These are the words of james S. "Rick" Ricklefs, founder, in 1948, of Rick Helicopters and first president of what is now the Helicopter Association International (HAl). In Its Infancy In the late 1940's a new industry was in irs infancy-civil helicopter operations. The helicopters, however, were quite rudimentary, with limited capabilities in temns of altitude, speed, range, passenger capactty, payload and an even more limited IFR capability. Pilors often catried a crayon or small wax candle in their pockets. When the engine started running rough, enough to "split the needles", the pilot would land (wherever he was), take out his crayon or candle and touch each exhaust manifold with it. If the wax didn't melt, he knew the spark plug was bad and replaced it. The time between overhauls (foo) on engines, gearboxes and blades was extremely low. Even those limited TBOs were hard to achieve. Using those early-day helicopters, the first civil operators (who happened to be commercial operators) initially had to find out what exactly the helicopter could be used for. They then had to market those applications to a public that was skeptical of vertical flight. Helicopter operators, then as now, were an adventuresome group of people doing unusual things. They often went out on a limb experimenting with the possibilities of this new machine. They did trapeze acrs from the helicopter at county lilirs and picked people from step ladders to demonstrate the maneuverability of the machine. "Pete Smith Shorts" were popular as leads for the feature at the movie house. These short films often featured mny helicopter antics. 7

8 On May 24, 1952, Bell Model h'lieoplln from Rlek Helieopl..., In and Alaska H'lIcoplln fly In fonnallon al M,wlll Field, Aneh... g Alaska, prior to departing on an Anny - -.-Map Service surveying contract. " - te "'J :oot() One "short" shows a helicopter filming a surfer who is standing on a step ladder atop his surf board, surfing! The helicopter, from the very beginning, has caught the media's attention. Helicopter activities always seem to be newsworthy. But zany antics do not con vince commercial users and educate the public on useful applications of the helicopter. It is a job better suited to an organiz ed group than to individuals. "For the purpose of promoting the interests of helicopter operators, for mutual coopera Lell, to righi, Rick Helicopters Manager Ami Sumarlidason, Vice President Fred Landgraf and President James S. Ricklefs. tion and aid ", in 1948 the california Helicopter Association (CHA), HN's antecedent, was formed. Ricklefs fust President Sixteen people representing six operators and one manufacturer, attended tile first meeting. james Ricklefs of Rick Helicopters was elected CMs first President. The areas of primary concern to the fledgling association were safety, technological advances, market possibilities and federal regulation-areas stili of great importance today. Accident summaries, reports on fire suppression work and a notice of a shortage of log-hour bearings were typical of the information made available to members. Ricklefs also sent out notices to the members on contract bids, what the bids were on and who got them. In those early days, as now, "the unusual was usual" for helicopter operators. One job, Ricklefs said, was slinging a horse out of a blind canyon. A man was riding his horse along a mountain trail. The horse slipped and slid into the canyon. "There wasn't anything all that special about the horse but the guy paid about $2000 to pull him out of that canyon. We looped a strap around his belly and hoisted him up. From the expression on the horse's face, I think he kind of enjoyed it. It was probably the first tune the horse had seen the world from that perspective." Ricklefs set an example of dedication to the industly in the amount of his own time that he contributed to the association. The volwlteer leaders were totally responsible for the work of the association. There was no fulltune staff until 1959 when an administrative assistant was hired. By the early 1950s, the public and the business community were becoming increasingly aware of the helicopter and its potential use. But it took the Korean war, with its medevac missions, to make the business community clearly aware of the unique usefulness of the helicopter. The many war-trained helicopter pilots and mechanics provided a real SLUge of expertise to the civil helicopter indusny as they came back from service. Lifesaving \ehic\e The vivid Unages of wartune helicopter medical evacuation, as memorialized in the T.v. series "MASH ", gave helicopters wide recognition as lifesaving vehicles. Thousands of lives were saved with helicopters during the Korean war. By 1975, it has been estunated that helicopters had saved over one million lives. The success of the medevac program in the Korean war demonstrated the efficient and effective use of helicopters. People began to see that the unique Hight characteristics of the helicopter provided many opportunities beyond fast medical evacuation. Access into remote regions, for instance, would not be feasible in many situations without the use of a helicopter. 8

9 For this reason, operators. such as Rick Helicopters and the four small operators that were to become ERA Helicopters, lravelled to Alaska in the 1950s, in the early 1950s much of the State of Alaska had not been surveyed, Because the state was considered a perimeter defense area, geographical knowledge of the state was crucial to the national defense The United States ent set out to survey the state as quickly as possible, "Looking at a map of Alaska," says Ricklefs. "you saw blank spaces all over the place, The government didn't have time to send the surveyor out on a mule to survey the state so they hired helicopters. VI!! were able to complete in one year what would have taken 20 years to accomplish without helicopters: ' Along with the government, corporations also began to see the potential cost savings in the efficient transportation provided by helicopters to remote areas. In addition to the mapping and survey work done by operators for the Army Map Survey and the US, Coast and Geodetic Survey, oil companies worldwide began to hire helicopters to access remote regions for oil exploration, Suggs Starts pm In 1949, Roben L Suggs and Maurice M, Bayon started Petroleum Helicopters. In 1954, they sprayed bananas. esconed geophysical crews to remote areas of Colombia and flew for 1exaco and Esso, In the early 1960s. they flew for the oil companies in Bolivia and Ecuador. In the '70s they flew for the oil companies in Saudi Arabia, lbday, in Kabinda, Angola they continue a twenty-year working relationship with Chevron, Operators. including those from other countries, also took the helicopter to the far comers of the world, As the work for helicopters and the number of operators increased, the association membership also flew, By 1951, there were 17 members with fifty helicopters and two honorary members-bell and Hiller, At was working near Escalante. Utah, on a mappmg and that time the name of the association was changed to the Helicopter Association of America (HAA), In addition to the original objectives of safety and public acceptance, three other activities were added to HAA's agenda in the late 1950s and early 1960s: business ethics; recognition of particularly outstanding service; and communication through a publication, The association was being used as a forum for conflict resolution within the industry, Issues such as false claims in advertising, fraud or unfair practices were brought to the association for resolution, " I I I In 1959, HAA established the Ethics Committee, chaired by Joseph G, Seward, founder and early president of the association, and work was begun on preparation of an HAA Code of Ethics which was completed in 1962, Ethics Important The imponance of ethics in the association also provided a selfpolicing standard for the industry that has encouraged integrity, cooperation and self-policing among helicopter operators, Around the noise abatement issue, for instance, helicopter operators, today, have voluntarily set up, abided by and policed altitude and route regulations to alleviate community noise complaints, lb acknowledge at least some of the outstanding people in the industiy, HAA set up an awards program, starring with Hiller Helicopter 'S Pilot of the Year Award, HAl now sponsors thirteen annual awards acknowledging people in the industry on the basis of excellence and sincerity, HAl's fundamental raison d'etre is to facilitate the sharing of information within the industiy, cooperation on industiywide issues and working in coordination to improve the total helicopter industiy, An important element is communication, In 1959, HAA began publication of "Up Collective", a newsletter which became the "HAA Confidential News Letter." In 1961 it later ewlved into RaI'ORnews, and has now been assimilated into HAl's new quatrerly magazine, ROlOR. In 1966, HAA published its first industry directory, the "Commercial Helicopter Operators' DirectOry," The directory has been incorporated as an important part of HAl's awardwinning "Helicopter AnnuaL" During the late 19605, another war in southeast Asia, this time in Vietnam, stimulated new advances in helicopter technology and application, In addition, many more combat-trained pilots and mechanics were introduced into the civil job market. The development of gasturbine engines. more reliable and efficient gear boxes. extended manpower base and better IFR capabilities allowed for increased usage of the helicopter, and for an expansion into the corporate market. No longer did every passenger that entered a helicopter step out of it with at least one new f1ea5e mark on his clothing from a leaky gearbox, With the advancing reliability and efficiency of helicopters and the increasing professionalism of pilots and operators, the helicopter began to be used as executive transpon, (Continued on page 30) 9

10 By Stephen R. Sullivan Civil helicopter activity is bustling in South Florida, and HAl's Executive Committee recently had an opportunity for a first hand look at this promising and up-beat environment. HELICOPTER ASSOCIATIONS COOPERJITE First, to set the scene, it should be explained that HN's Executive Committee' meets four times during each year. 1b the extent possible, these meetings are held in cooperation with the leaders of HAl's affiliate members". Since HAl's Executive Committee was scheduled to meet in Miami, Florida in April 1988, that meeting was coordinated with the Helicopter Association of Florida (HAF). With their cooperation, and with the generous assistance of the Metro Dade Co. Fire Rescue's Aviation Department. and others, HAl's visit to South 10

11 Florida was most productive, and resulted in very positive views concerning the status of civil helicopter activity in that area. 'Ae would like to share that experience with you, through this article. - TWENTY-SIX CIVIL OPER!'JORS VISITED, PLUS SKYPORf DEDICxnON Dtuing our three-day stay, we visited twenty-six civil operators, took part in the dedication of the Skyport Heliport atop the main terminal blulding at Miami International Airport, and conducted a joint session with the officers of the HAF, as weu as conducting our own executive committee meeting! In the interest of brevity, the meeting(s) will not be discussed here, except to say that they were most productive. - PROFESSIONALISM AND STRONG COOPERf'JION The major factor which impressed all of us was the very high degree of professionalism of the officers of the HAF, and this same high standard was apparent on the part of persons we met throughout the entire visit. There was also a clear perception of strong cooperation among the elements of the civil helicopter community as weu as with the leaders of the local govemments. - DIRECT COMMUNICxnONS AND LOCAL OPERXIORS 'Ae reel that it is vital for HAl's elected leaders to visit and exchange views with other civil helicopter operators in various areas, and to gain first-hand knowledge of the local operating conditions, and problems. The visit to South Florida was extremely valuable from that standpoint. The operators... and others... with whom we visited would each provide material for an interesting story. However, we will just touch upon the highlights of the tour: At Opa Locka, we started om visit at Miami Helicopters, a fuu-service helicopter company which has been operating at that location for twenty-five years! 'Ae talked with Bill Riggs, the founder, and Randall Roberts, the new owner. Mr. Roberts' prior helicopter experience includes service with Helicol and Keystone. HAl'S Execullve Committee visiled twenty-sl. ope""" during lis re.ent tip 10 Sooth Florida. He... the committee met with the Metu Dade C Fire Department's Aviation Rescue Division. Stili at Opa Locka, we visited U. Bowers and some of the other key people at Dade Co. Metro Police who were in the process of moving into their new hangar. A short flight took us to 151s! St/Biscayne, where we visited Gold Coast Helicopters, and talked with owner/operator Don Bomback. Don was the first helicopter operator in Florida to earn an Air Transport rating, and has been operating at that same road-side field for seventeen years. Another short flight took us to the 79th Street causeway, where we landed on a peninsular heliport which is also the home of w.3vn Channel 7 and were greeted by Maurice johnson who pilots Channel 7's A-Star. johnson is well known to HAl, and was one of the original recipients of the 20,000 hour Safe-Pilot Awards by HAl, first made in 1983! johnson, a fonner VP and General Manager of Crescent Airways, now has more than 28,000 safe helicopter hours! w.3vn has been on the air since july 29, 1956, and has won some of the country's most coveted awards for outstanding news programming, such as the Peabody Award, etc, With its location on Biscayne Bay, it has been referred to as America's most beautiful television station, Proceeding on to North Perry Airport, we were met by Crescent Airway's David George, who is also Chairman of the Public Relations Committee of the HAF. Crescent Airways claims to be the largest full service helicopter company in the Southeastern United States, in tenns of number of aircraft, size of facilities and diversity of services. For at least the past fifteen years straight, Crescent Airways has received HAl's coveted Operator Safety Award! In addition to the very high professional standards, we were treated most hospitably by Crescent Airways' president, Dean Sheeley_ At Ft. Lauderdale Interna- 11

12 tional we visited Amerijet... which conducts operations world-wide with a fleet of seven 727's and a number of twin Cessnas. Amerijet also owns and operates a Bell Jet Ranger which is flown by lbm Gasporolo. lbm is HAF's SecretaIy-lteasurer. The next stop... Ft. Lauderdale Executive... was especially productive, since we visited four operators there: Broward Sheriff's Depanment, where we tauted with Sgt. Echert, and had an opportunity to see part of their fleet. Ft. Lauderdale Police's Jim Purdy discussed their operation, and we saw one of their R22 's, which are standing up very well under a heavy flying schedule. Heliflight's Keitll Mackey told us about the company's helicopter tours, and their other services, including air taxi, flight training, photography, video and charter. cav-air's Jerty Kruz explained that their business is servidng all types of aircraft, including helicopters. They also handle sales, flight training, rentals, leasing, charters, and fuel. Pompano was next, with Suncoast Helicopters, where we tallted with Vice President Buddy Knotts. Sun coast handles charter, photography, bank courier service, which has been one of their specialties since 1970, air ambulance, and other services. Paim Beach International was our lunch stop, and Butler Aviation's Ken Beck was our host. We also visited Aircoastal's Dan Crowe, South Florida Water Management's Mike Piccone, Corporate Air Management's Dave Dyer and Relair Inc's wayne Weisman. Still at Palm Beach International, we visited West Palm Beach Sheriff's Department helicopter section, and talked with U. Hurley, who explained that this aviation unit first started in 1970, had been the first public service EMS operation east of the Mississippi, and was started with a grant from NHTSA. We then visited the Florida Game and Fish Commission 12 before proceeding to our next stop. Thmiami International Airport was the southernmost point of our whirlwind tour. Here we visited: Aviation Collection's Tom casali, International Helicopters, Island Helicopters, Haverfield Helicopters (all too briefly, unfortunately. ) Biscayne Helicopters' Paul Barth, where our already-brief visit was interrupted by a mission. However, Biscayne Helicopters was the subject of the first "Operator Proftle," published in the premier edition of ROlOR, so you should already know something about them. Florida Power and light Co. was next, where we saw maintenance in progress. The final visit at Thmiami was Metro Dade Fire Rescue. U. Bob Apte who had already demonstrated to us very fully his skill as pilot of the Dade County's Bell 412, now gave us a tour of the facilities used by that crack fire and rescue team. The final stop of the day was the Watson island Heliport, where we had started some eight busy hours earlier. There, we visited Dade Helicopters' Bill Thrkeurst. - FEEDBACK... A VALUABLE RESOURCE Admittedly, we spent oniy a very short time with each of the operators and others with whom we visited. However, we rty to make a point of asking each person to tell us about major activities and any problems which they may be experiencing. There appeared to be a good deal of enthusiasm throughout the area... a sort of air of anticipation. Many of the operators either had new facilities, or were expanding, etc. And, as mentioned earlier, a high degree of professionalism was also quite prevalent. Concerning problems which were mentioned, there were several: High cost of operating helicopters. Here, there was also some praise for HAl's continuing efforts to reduce these costs. High cost of spare parts, and the occasional difficulty in obtaining these parts quickly. Shortage of qualified personnel was mentioned. Cost of hull and liability insurance was mentioned by several operators as a problem. In fact, one owner of three " I I. I. helicopters said that he could oniy afford to insure one of them at a time. There were several one-ship operators who said they were "operating bare." None of these were HAl members. Despite the mentioning of these and a few other problem areas, the operators did not appear to be discouraged... living up to their reputations as "rugged individuals.. " - SKYPORf DEDlCPJION A number of the local operators, both private sector and public service, donated their aircraft and pilots to provide airlift for a gala ceremony to officially dedicate Skyport, tile new heliport atop the terminal building at Miami's International Airport. This impressive new facility, completed during the latrer part of 1987 at a cost of $4.4 million, consists of an elevated structure with two landing pads each 72 feet in diameter. The helipads will accommodate helicopters up to a gross landed weight of 30,000 pounds. Below the helipad is a (Continued on page 30) I I I of the Miami International Airport consists 01 an elevated structure With two landing pads The hell pads Will accommodate helicopters up 10 a gross landed weight of 30,000 pounds.

13 BV Waller B. Comeaux Jr., M.D. Specta!,Advisor, HAl In today's world of interplanetary explorations, supersonic travel, speedoriented vehicles, and an equally fast life style, we are all exposed to human jactors. However, when one is asked to identify these very elusive human life-guidance systems they very often remain a mystery. In their order of least importance, I would like to give you my impressions as to what I consider to be a preliminary approach to but a few human factors. I. PllYsical Defects: Very few accidents are caused by a sudden catastrophic illness. Fortunately' the approved FAA flight physical which all pilots are subjected to, periodically, is still a very good screening device to isolate these illnesses and therefore alert one to seek further medical attention. II. Personal Habits: Diet, smoking, alcohol consumption and personal hygiene are just a few important catalysts which play a very definite role in a pilot's behavioral partern, III. Stress: a. Personal: (1) marital, (2) financial, (3) illness (personal andlor family), (4) possible loss of job. b. 'Mlrk: (1) duty and flight time, (2) circadian rhythm (when day and night cycles become altered) can cause problems to arise, (3) individual relationship with management. The above may then lead to the following psychological reactions: I. Lack if Motivation: a. Failure to perform properly under pressure. b. Loss of self-discipline 13

14 and security. II. Loss if Concentration: a. Improper attention to flight requirements. b. Failure to pre-flight aircraft properly. c. Mental looseness in the cockpit. d. Failure to recognize objects, e.g.: other aircraft, overhead power wires, etc. All of these factors when grouped together create a situation which, in my opinion, is the final and most dangerous: Boredom. Antidote I. Physical defects: a. Self explanatory. II. Correction a. Diet-avoid overweight. b. Personal hygiene. c. Avoid alcohol, smoking, junk foods. d. Develop a motivation for daily exercise. m. Self recognition own personal problems: a. Self-evaluation test (see box). A twelve months selfevaluation of one's marital, finandal, personto-person (work force) relationship, employer-toemployee relationship. IV. 7i11inil(g and Education: One should stress professionalism in one's job and always seek higher goals. V. On lob Activities: a. Other than T.V:s, magazines, V.C.R:s; recreational exercise machines should be provided. b. Make available materials for pilot use to advance his educational knowledge, e.g.: college correspondence courses. These few suggestions could provide a new window for a pilot to view his whole performance, thereby developing the final and most important personal atrribute which we all seek: PERFEcnONI life Change Profile Questionnaire I Score your own life-change urtits. This score is private and not reportable to anyone. It may alert you to excessive stress levels which are building in your body and mind, thereby suggesting that you should take immediate preventive. actions. Rank Happened Mean value life Event Death of Spouse 2 Divorce 3 65 Marital Separation 4 63 Jail term 5 63 Death of close family member 6 53 Personal injury 7 50 Marriage 8 47 Lost your job 9 Marital reconciliation Retirement Change in health of family member Pregnancy 13 Sex difficulties Gain of new family member Business-budgets, schedules, etc Change in financial state 37 Death of close friend Change to different line of work 19 Change in number of arguments with spouse or partner Mortgage or loan over $10, Foreclosure of mortgage or loan Change in responsibilities at work Son or daughter leaving home Trouble with in-laws or partner's family Outstanding personal achievement Spouse or partner begins or stops work You begin or end work Change in living conditions Revision of personal habits Trouble with boss or instructor 20 Change in work hours or conditions Change in residence 20 Change in school or teaching institution Change in recreational activities Change in church activities Change in social activities Mortgage or loan less than $10, Change in sleeping habits Change in number of family social events Change in eating habits 13 Vacation Christmas Minor violations of the law Total number of points for 12 months Results Reponed LCUs (life change units) that totaled between 150 and 199 points, 37 percent had associated health changes within a 2-year pertod of such life crtses. Of those between LCUs, 51 percent reponed health changes, and of those with over 300 LCUs, 79 percent had injuries or illnesses to repon. On the average, health changes followed life crtses by one year. If the score of your LCUs reflects excessive stress levels, you may want to discuss this with your safety officer or his equivalent. This may be the most important meeting in your life. I. Aeronautical DecisIon Making for Hellcopter Pllots. DOTIFMIPM 86/45 Richard Adams, Jack Thompson. 14

15 By Jim Street seat-mile cost major consideration for commercial tilt-rotor aircraft le 8e/l/Boo"" V-22 "Osprey " tl7t-rotor aircraft, which made its debut at a rollout Mqy 23 at the Bell Helicopter 7extron Flight Researrh Center, is a machine that will revolutionize the commercial passenger industry. Or it is a concept that stl71 must be proven-particularly in the arena qf the allimportant seat-ml7e cos -before it is taken senous!y. It all depends on the viewpoint qf those discussing the unique aircrqj't 's potential. - a:.... with "all those whirling parts," at 40 to 50 seats and a cruise well In excess of 200 knots, "the tilt-rotor might become attractive." BELL AND BOEING The aircraft rolled out in Arlington, 1exas signaled the first major milestone in a $1. 7 billion FUll Scale Development contract between the US. Navy and a joint venture between Bell and Boeing Helicopter Company. The contract envisions the sale of 552 aircraft to the US. Marine Corps, 350 to the Navy and 80 to the U.S. Air Force in followon contracts. The ex- 15

16 isting contract calls for six flyable aircraft among the test and development equipment. "The tilt-rotor may well be one of the crowning achievements of 85 years of manned flight," Bell President L.M. "Jack" Homer told a recent FA A symposium. "For it can do what no other aircraft can. With its rotors in the 'up' position, the tilt-rotor can takeoff, hover and land just like a helicopter. And, when its rotors are facing forward like a conventional airplane, the tilt-rotor can cruise at speeds comparable to today's fastest turboprops." "'llell and good," counters Thm Smith, president of Fairchild Aircraft Company of San Antonio, makers of the Metro and Merlin series of small commercial aircraft. "But, unless the new machine demonstrates economies that have been out of sight for most helicopters, it will not make a dent on the commuter, or regional airline market where it is likely to compete." "I'm not even thinking about it," he said when asked what the tilt -rotor will do to hi s market. "In the near or medium future, say ten to 20 years down the road, there is no way to get the thing where it will be practical or affordable. "In my business, the important thing is to make it (the product) reliable and easy to maintain," Smith said. "The more complex a machine is, the harder it is to maintain. Simplicity and low cost are the key if you want to get anywhere close to my market." " All those whirling parts scare me a bit," confessed one regional airline official who asked not to be quoted by name. But not every airline executive is scared of the concept. Jay Seaborn, president of Metto Airlines which operates the American Eagle connection at DallaslFott VlbIth and Eastern Metto Express in Atlanta and the caribbean, said even at a higher operating cost, the tiltrotor has "possibilities." "'lie have always been a shott-haul carrier and the tiltrotor holds a great deal of promise if the passenger is willing to pay what it costs to have that level of convenience," Seaborn said. "I believe the ASMs (available seat mile) will be much more expensive. A helicopter is more expeltsive and a tilt-rotor is using technology that will make it much more expensive. "But it could open up all sorts his destination," Reber said. "If the time savings is taken into consideration, and if the out-ofpocket cost is the same, then we can compete." He said the traveler must figure taxicab costs and others associated with a drive In a distant airpott compared to service from a close-in vertipott. The leomb to thb BELL BOEIN'o B ' OSPREY ROLLOUT :; of possibilities, such as from Oklahoma City or HOUSlnn to Dallas-particularly to downtown," he said. Ron Reber, Bell's manager of commercial tilt-rotor programs, said the tilt-rotor "is not going to be competitive on an airpottto-airpott basis" with conventional turboprop aircraft. "The acquisition cost is higher, the maintenance costs are higher. "'lie are hoping that with seat-mile costs 25 to 30 percent more it can compete if the flying public wants to get closer to projected seat -mile cost of the tilt-rotor at 40 passengers and a 270-knot cruise is 25 cents compared to 18 cents for a de Havilland of canada DHC-8. Reber said the 25-cent cost is not fully allocated in that it does not include crew costs but it does include amortization and other considerations. " The key is in getting a facility that is closer to where the passenger wants In go; ' Reber said. As slots become harder to get, vertical-lift aircraft will become more atttactive. Indeed, it could very well be the imposition of "slot" restrictiolts and other restraints as the world quickly runs out of available airpott capacity for conventional aircraft that will create an assured future for vertical lift aircraft. Leo Schefer, vice president for public affairs for British Aerospace, believes tilt-rotor technology is still a ways off for the commercial market place. It must first be proved as a military vehicle and the next market for it will be corporate, he said. "One thing the (tilt-rotor) technology will do is make existing airports more efficient by increasing the slot capacity since it does not need a runway to land," Schefer said. "It can use a taxiway or other concrete. All of this is strictly my opinion based on common sense rather than on specific studies. But as 16

17 SFI NETWORK LEASE CORPORATE OR SMALL BUSINESS AIRCRAFT, AVIONICS, SHOP EQUIPMENT OR HANGARS ***AERO DIVISION*** $1000 Minimum True Leases' Agreements that give BFI's lenders the tax incentives of ownership and the Customers can claim rental payments as deductions. Finance Leases: Agreements that give the Customer all the benefits of equipment ownership. Sale-Leaseback' BFl's lenders purchase equipment from the Customer at its fair market value and lease it back to the Customer as a true lease. TRAC Leases' Terminal Rental Adjustment Clause for vehicles with pre-agreed re s idual value. ***MONEY TO LOAN*** $50,000 Minimum Our lenders are interested in making loans for business start-up, venture capital, aviation, expansion, working capital, construction and development, real estate, and many other areas. We can arrange loans for any worthwhile business purpose. If you have any questions or would like to have me send the application forms, please call Dan Slama at ext ***REPAYMENT SCHEDULES ARE NEGOTIABLE*** from percentage of profit over a predetermined period of time to non-involved, silent partner with possible zero payback negotiable lease timetable negotiable first payment seasonal payments or standard monthly payments an option the technology matures, first with the militaiy and then in the corporate market, as the operating costs come down, it will have some application in the commercial market." Ron LeFleur, vice president for marketing for Bell's cross-town rival Aerospatiale Helicopter Corp., wonders if there is really a niche in the market for a new breed of vertical lift machines. Aerospatiale is doing a lot of work on improving the speed of a conventional helicopter to more than 200 miles per hour. "If we have a pure helicopter in markets of 300 to 400 miles operating economically and a turboprop operating economically in the range of 600 to 800 miles, where is the niche?" he said. "Military-wise, hands down, I agree with (tilt-rotor). The Harrier is a great machine militarily," LeFleur added. He said the military does not mind the tremendous fuel bill for the British Aerospace jet fighter with vertical-lift capability. Aerospatiale, along with MBB and Agusta, is involved in a European consortium called "Eurofar" which is studying commercial tilt-rotor applications. It is this competition from abroad that has Bell's Homer concerned. ''They have embarked on a program similar to the Airbus, but this time concentrating on tilt-rotors, using their governments' resources," Horner told the FAA symposium. "The "The tilt-rotor may well be one of the crowning same thing has happened to the commuter airplane business with all new products corning from countries other than the United States." Homer called for a comprehensive program, including tax incentives and NASA-funded research and development work, to develop a commerdal tilt-rotor market. achievements of manned flight. For it can do what no other aircraft can." -L. M. ':Jack" Horner President, Bell Helicopter! Textron, Inc. And that market may well exist. Even the skeptical airline executive afraid of the maintenance involved in "all those whirling parts" admitted tl,at at 40 to SO seats and a cruise well in excess of 200 knots, "it might become attractive: ' But he added "... if you can get your seat mile costs down:' Etlttor's Note.. T. Allan McArtOl; FM Ad Iluilistrator; recently commented that he jijlesees full cerajicaholl if a civil version qf the 1"22 alt-ldtor qy 1995 McArtor announced ajivepoint pldgram includlilg establishment qf a ''special project office" at the FM devoted exclusively to advancement of tilt-rotor development. He also called for a ''stepped-up'' schedule for the development qf vertipolls (heliports) includillg the use of microwave landlilg systems to enable precise 111- smllnent apptdaches. 17

18 S A F E T Y R E V I E W By Glenn Leister - "LIFEGUARD" CALL SIGNS USE WITH CARE! FAA Air Traffic Facilities provide priority to civilian air ambulance flights when the call Sign "LIFEGUARD" is used, followed by aircraft type!registtation, or if it is induded in a flight planfiled with FAA. The Airman's Infonnation Manual (AIM) implies priority handling is automatic but the ATC Handbook advises controllers to give priority only if requested l?y the pilot. (Military priority call signs are "Air Evac" and "Med Evac".) I'J'C also provides notifications (telephonic, etc.) to expedite growld handling of patients, vital organs. or urgently needed medical materials when requested by the pilot. ATC provides maximum assistance to search And Rescue (SAR) aircraft when requested, and some radar facilities have added hospital heliports to radar video maps which can be called up by controllers to help provide vectors direct to hospital destinations in an emergency HAi has received infonnation from FAA that the call sign "LIFEGUARD" is sometimes used with indiscretion, rather than when priority handling is desired. Operators and chief pilots are encouraged to remind crews that "LIFEGUARD" should be used oniy when necessary Pilots should advise I'J'C whether or not priority handling is needed, and the extent of special handling desired. - IMPROVING HELIPOKf SAFEfY Heliports are just as unique as the helicopter and the level of safety at any landing site can vruy dramatically based on terrain, weather and people. Ninety-five percent of U.S. heliports are private use, therefore more than 3500 helipons (20% of U.S. landing facilities) ex- ist with no public infonnation available to pilots on current status. (Off-shore and temporary landing sites are not included in the totals.) Most operators maintain a local helipon status, and a few states and regional organizations publish regional/city helipon directories to help identify the locations and minimize noise impacts. But there is rarely a means to determine the safety or status of many heliports before depanure. Operators and chief pilots routinely stress the imponance of identifying and correcting potential hazards at and arowld heliports. One reponed example of the latter: construction of a 24" parapet immediately surrounding the EMS parking pad on a rooftop helipon that was otherwise level and safe. Good intentions can lead to disastrous accidents. Experienced helicopter operators, safety managers, heliport consultants and helicopter OIganizations are available to assist in the design of safe facilities. Compromises which create unnecessary hazards must not be accepted. Accidents have occurred at elevated helipons because of obstacles as seemingly innocuous as a bolt protruding a few inches above the landing surface as well as the obvious light standards. Helicopters operate so often in confined areas and marginal conditions that we tend to become insensitive to narrow margins of safety-or worse yet-fail to take positive action to correct problems when intuition is telling us "fix it before someone gets hun! " Ask yourself these questions when assessing the need to eni1ance safety at your heliports and landing sites: V' What impact would an accident have on your operation (and reputation) at helipons you use? V' Have potential hazards been recogrlized? V' Are your landing sites and heliports as safe as reasonably possible? V' Do your heliports! helistops meet basic design recommendations or standards? V' Do your helipons meet regulatory requirements, if applicable? V' If you operate at a temporary helipon after 30 days. or more than 10 times per day, have you complied with FAR I5?? Failure to file a notice of intent to activate a helipon as required by FAR could subject the landowner to fines. Note: This notification should be on FAA Fonn , sent in triplicate to the nearest FAA Airpon District Office or FAA Regional Headquarters, Attn: Airports Division. Copies of the fonn are available from FAA, or HAi for a nominal cost for reproduction and handling. A copy is also included in the HAi Heliport Development Guide. It is also possible to telephone a notification to the FAA to meet the FA R requirement.... How would you respond to media or governmental inquiries after an accident? Successful operations actively promote programs to remind personnel to repott operatiljg hazards immediate{y. Safety concenns f]1ust be identified quickly, corrective actions taken, or warning issued. 18

19 S A F E T Y R E V I E W - RUNWAY INCURSIONS naffic continues to increase at major air carrier airporrs with mlutiple runways in use. This includes both parallel and converging runways which should be visually checked during helicopter landings and departltres. Runway incltrsions have increased from 495 in 1986 to 560 in 1987-most involving fixed wing. FAA Director of Safety William R. Hendricks has asked HAl to disseminate information about FA A:s series of safety bulletins to help prevent accidents and incidents The bulletins, including nmway incursions, are available from the FAA Safety Programs Division, ASF-300, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Wlshingron, D.C With radio frequency congestion and increased complexity of air traffic procedures, it becomes vital for pilots to prevent breakdowns in verbal and visual commurucations. Use of proper phraseology is more important than ever. Be sure to read back clearances with emphasis on questionable points that need clarification. If you, as a helicopter pilot, receive instructions to depart on a precise heading or in a direction that takes you directly over pedestrians, ter.minals or other aircraft, ask for a modified clearance along a safer route. Don't asslune or guess. Be certain-and be right-before movements begin. Safe and efficient flight procedures can be developed with the cooperation of the ATC, Flight Standards, Airport Managers, Operators and Pilots. If helicopter VFR or IFR procedures are needed at your location, help the tower and airport managers get the action underway through user coordination of procedural changes-and be sure that facilities publish special procedures in flight infor.mation products so that itinerant pilots can also operate more safely. 1echrtical assistance is also available from HAl's Flight Operations and Flight Instructors Comrruttee, and HAl staff HELICOPI'ER SAFETY SEMINARS HAl's Safety Department and Safety Committee seek to co-sponsor Safety Seminars with helicopter operators, regional associations, state agencies, the FAA and other civil aeronautical authorities worldwide. The following list includes seminars and tentative plans for safety activities in coming months. As dates become frr.m, they will also be added to the calendar of Events section of RmDR. LDcationfArea Anchorage, AK Appalachia Bristol, TN (T) Atlanta, GA Boston, Park Plaza Hotel 800/ Florida Gatlinburg, TN Greely, CO Fly n Hawaii Mid-West Helicopter Safety Seminar, DuPage Apt. New Orleans Phoenix, Al Seattle Portland Actualrrentative Date Late SepuOct October 29 (T) Fall/Lindbergh Day September 18 TBD August 3-5 September (T) Summer (T) October January 14, 1989 TBD Fall Fall CoordinatorslSponsors Alaska Avn. Satety Found.lHAI AHPAlHAI, Bill Starnes, HAl/FAA ASHBEAMSIHAI, Eileen Possi, HAF/HAI AeroMed/FAAlHAI, Dan Norman, 6t5/544-9t12 99s Beli/HELIPROPSlHHOAlHAI Illinois & Wisconsin DOTsi FAAlHAI, Gary Anderson 217nB HAl EMS ComrnlAshbeams NWHAlOperatorsiFAAlHAI NWRA, NWHA, Operators, FAA, HAl San Francisco TBD Bay Area HelL Council/HAl Texas, HOU, DFW TBD HSAC, HOT, MetrolHAI Vancouver, B.C. TBD Harbour Heliport Society/HAl If you or your organization are interested in sponsoring or panticipating in safety seminars, please contact the appropriate Coordinator or Glenn Leister, HAl Dkector of safety & flight Operations, 703/ HELIPORT NOISE AND LAND USE PLANNING Boston, Massachusetts September 26-28, 1988 A comprehensive overview of land use planning strategies and techniques for limiting heliport noise. Developed to be of special interest to community planners and hospital administrators, the course will include presentations on: Enhancing Community Compatibility Hospital Heliport Planning Heliport Safety Aircraft Noise Abatement The FAR Part 150 Heliport Noise Model Japan's Heliport Highway 600 Course fee: $375 for HAl members $400 for non-members A II Helicopter Association lnternatk>nal Sponsored by the Helicopter Association International in cooperation with Georgia Institute of Technology's Education Extension Service and the FAA. To obtain a brochure, fill out the form below and mail to the following address: Georgia Institute of Technology, Educational Extension Services, Atlanta, Georgia Attn: lnga Kennedy... (404) Brochure Form Heliport Noise and Land Use Planning September 26-28, 1988 Boston, Massachusetts Name _ Organization Address _ City St Zip Business Phone 19

20 I N D U S T R Y N E W S SLOANE HELICOPTERS ORDERS TWENTY MORE ROBINSON HELICOPTERS Sloane Helicopters limited, sole UK, and Eire distributors for Robinson Helicopter Company, has today confinned their order for an additional twenty new R22 Beta Helicopters, This follows Sloane's recent order for ten R22 helicopters placed at the HAl Convention in February, and btings their 1988 order log to a total of thiny-eight R22s so far this year. David George, Managing Director of Sloane Helicopters limited, estimates that by year-end, there will be more than 110 Robinson R22 helicopters on the UK, register, lb accommodate their large R22 customer network, Sloane plans to centralize operations in a custom-bullt facility outside london to provide the ultimate in customer support, The $1 million bullding is presently under construction, and is scheduled for completion in September, 1988, 1989 WH1RLY-GIRLS SCHOLARSHIP ANNOUNCED The Whirly-Girl scholarships available for 1989 include: THE DORIS MULIEN SCHOLARSHIP OF $4,000 The scholarship will be awarded to a deserving Whirly-Girl for use in obtaining advanced all-on or transition helicopter ratings to further her degree of professionalism as an experienced pilot in the helicopter industry, THE 10NY B1GE SCHOLARSHIP OF $4, 000 The scholarship will be awarded to a deserving woman pilot to be used toward obtaining her initial helicopter rating, Applications are available by writing to: Mrs, AJacia Lane #310 International President The Whirly-Girls Scholarship Fund, Inc, 4718 Brenton Oaks Grapevine, lexas WES MOORE RETIRES FROM MBB HELICOPTER CORPORATION CW, ('Aes) Moore officially retired from MBB Helicopter Corporation April 1, The announcement came after twenty years of association with Messerschmitt-Boelkow Blohm GmbH, parent company of the United States subsidiary, Among many other accomplishments, Moore headed up the program to market MBB's BO 105 in the United States. BOEING HELICOPTER NAMES NEW DIRECIDR OF COMMUNICATIONS Robert lbrgerson has been named Director of Communications at Boeing Helicopters, lbrgerson assumes increased responsibility for all aspects of public relations, public affuirs. advertising, trade shows and employee communications, AlRWORK APPOINTS NEW DIRECIDR IN INTERNfJ'IONAL SALES Dennis Finch has been appointed to the position of Director, International Sales, for Alrwork's Asia-Pacific region, He will also supervise the activities of Alrwork 1\Jrbine Services, Singapore, OPPORTUNITIES IN JAPAN The JAPAN HELI-NETWORK STUDY COMMITTEE has requested information from companies interested in helicopter business (helicopter, heliport, maintenance, training, consultant, etc,) in Japan, Marketing information should be addressed to: Executive Secretary, Japan Heli Network Study Committee, clo Thchnology Transfer Associates, 5F Fujimori Bldg, 12-2 Hirakawacho 2-chome, Chiyodaku, IDKYO 102 JAPAN, (Phone: (03) ; Fax: (03) ), AIR SAFETY NET HELPS HELICOPTERS LAND SAFELY The Port of Vancouver, B.c. has made night landings safer for helicopter pilots who set down on its floating heliport pad, A five-foot-wide safety net, with two strands of reflective fabric woven into the rope, surrounds the helipad, The reflective net was developed at the request of the Port of vancouver, to make night landings safer for helicopter pilots who set down on its floating heliport, MCDONNELL DOUGLAS DESIGNS THE NEXT- GENERfJ'ION LIGHT COMMERCIAL HELICOPTER McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Co, is consideting development of a new commercial helicopter called MDX for introduction into world markets in the early 1990s, The aircraft would seat up to eight passengers and crew, have ample cargo space and feature advanced flight controls and a new technology transmission and rotor system, The aircraft also would be equipped with the company's NOTAR system, (Continued on page 29) 20

21 Joins Effort to Reform rn w",,"''''' m "" United States has been decimated by dramatic increases in liability costs. Paid claims by the industry have soared from $24 million in 1977 to $210 million in Because of this, HAl has joined an ad hoc group, caued the Coalition For General Aviation Liability Reform, supporting the enactment of federal legislation that would reform liability costs. Frank L. Jensen, Jr., HAl's President, serves on the Coalition's Steering Committee, along with: John L. Baker, President, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association; Paul H. Poberezny, President, Experimental Aircraft Association; Edward W. Stimpson, President, General Aviation Aviation Liability Costs Manufacturers Association; Harold M. CoUins, Executive Director, National Agricultural Aviation Association; Clifton F. von Kann, President, National Aeronautic Association; lawrence L. Burian, President, National Air Transportation Association; and Jonathan Howe, President, National Business Aircraft Association. UNITED EffORT The Coalition, representing general aviation manufacturers, consumers and service organizations, was created as a united effort by the general aviation industry. It has launched a campalgn on Capitol Hili to generate congressional support for the passage of this legislation. The Coalition-backed legislation, introduced as H.R in the House and S. 473 in the Senate, would establish Federal court jurisdiction and standards in general aviation cases, and would limit the liability of manufacturers and suppliers to a fixed number of years. "I believe that it is absolutely vital that we enact... legislation this year: ' says Senator Nancy Kassebaum (R-KS), ranking minority member of the Aviation Subcommittee. "General aviation... is today facing a crisis of unprecedented proportions. Its very survival is threatened." MODERATE APPROACH Rep. Dan Glickman (D-KS), ranking Democrat of the Transportation, Aviation, and Materials Subcommittee, views this legislation as a moderate approach. "It does not cap damages nor does it cap attorney's fees," explains Glickman. "It is designed with the interests of both those who use and those who manufacture aircraft in mind. It is fair and balanced legislation." The two bills under consideration would also establish joint liability among manufacturers; non-manufacturers would be held liable only for their own actions. Allocation of damages would be based upon comparative responsibility, whereby each defendant pays the corresponding equivalent percentage of damage to the victim. The Senate bill has been reported out of the Commerce Committee and referred to the Judiciary Committee; the House bill was reported out of the Public \M)rks Committee and referred to the Energy and Commerce Committee. MONEfARY SAVINGS The passage of this legislation has a potential of saving the industry tremendous amounts of money. Vincent V. Colicci, President, Helicopter Services, Inc., states that "it is not unusual for maintenance facilities to pay $1,000 a week for product liability insurance. The passage of H.R protects the repair station and standardizes aviation products liability law. Thus, H.R has the potential of reducing insurance premiums." "\Ne have seen product liability costs increase sharply since Prior to 1984 annual product liability costs remained fair- 1y stable," says George PoweU, Director, Product Support, BeU Helicopter '!extron. "In 1987 and 1988 we saw a 400% increase in annual product liability costs over 1984 and prior year's annual costs. This dramatic increase comes without any Significant change in the accident rate. These sharply rising costs burden both new helicopters and spare parts." SALES PLUMMET Industry unit sales have plummeted from almost 17,817 aircraft in 1978 to only 1,085 in 1987, a fact paralleled closely by a 70% decline in employment. William McKenna, President, U.S. jet Aviation, reports that "if the passage of H.R reduces products liability costs to manufacturers, we operators should see a reduction in the cost of new helicopters as weu as spare parts" Because the federal government has regulated every aspect of general aviation, HAl takes the position that the federal gola'!mment should also standardize product liability law. HAl believes that varying state product liability laws are driving up costs and destroying the general aviation industry. If you have not already done so, contact your Representative and Senators and ask them to support and/or co-sponsor the above-referenced legislation. 21

22 C O M M I T T E E N E W S - LEGISLJmVE ADVISORY COMMITI'EE The Legislative Advisory Committee met on May 31, 1988 at HAl Headquarters. Jane Reese, Govemment Affairs Consultant for Evergreen International Aviation, was elected to chair the Committee. Committee members discussed the staws. of the Senate and House versions of general aviation product liability legislation. It was noted that HAl is participating in the Coalition For General Aviation liability Reform, an ad hoc group representing general aviation manufacturers, consumers and service organizations supporting the enactment of federal legislation that would reform liability costs. (See related article in this issue.) The Committee discussed the possible retirement of 400 UH-l and 100 OH-58 military helicopters by the u.s. Army. The result of this action would flood an already saturated used helicopter commercial market, and raise safety questions and exacerbate a repair parts problem. Some committee members suggested that a coalition of industty members petition the Department of Defense to put the helicopters in war reserve as an alternative. It was mentioned that HeliPAC, HAI'S Political Action Committee, would be mailing an "Authorization to Solicit" card to all U.S. HAl members. This wiu allow HeliPAC to raise funds to support campaigns of the helicopter industry's friends in Congress. (See related article in this issue.) HAl staff reported that two new HAIsponsored insurance programs, the Hull and Liability Insurance Policy, and the Accident \bluntary Settlement Poliey are neartng final negotiations. Representatives of Evergreen intemational, '!extron/lycoming, Aviation Insurance Center, American Helicopter Society, Helicopter Foundation International, and HAl staff attended the meeting. The next meeting of the Committee is set for July 8, 1988 at HAl Headquarters. - HELlPOKf TECHNICAL PLANNING COMMITI'EE The 1988/89 committee is taking shape Dr. John W Leverton of E.H. Industries is Chairman once again and Deborah Peisen of Systems Control '!echnology is the Secretary. A Vice-Chairman has not yet been appointed. Members have continued to make inputs following issue of the FAA Heliport Design Advisory Circular 150/ in January '88. Although most have been positive, a number of areas of concern have been highlighted such as precision and nonprecision IFR, lighting systems for IFR heliports, taxi-way requirements, hospital heliports and environmental issues, particularly heliport noise. The issues have been passed to the appropriate Wlrking Groups for consideration. [For an in-depth look at the issues see Dr. leverton's article in this edition.] Following the meeting at Anaheim in February. 88, the Wlrking Group Structure has been revamped and six new working groups have been established. These groups include: Marking and lighting, Heliport Construction/Costs, Large Heliports and Vertiports, Heliport Noise, Operational lmplications and Design Criteria Review. If you would like to join the HTPC, please contact John Leverton ( ), or Deborah Peisen ( ). Dr. Leverton was presented a certificate of commendation by T. Allan McArtor, the FAA Administrator, at the FAA/Industry Rotorcraft Impact '88 Forum held at the FAA '!echnical Center in Atlantic City. The commendation was for work the HTPC and "FAA Wlrking Group" had done to aid the FAA in completing and issuing the Heliport Design Advisory Circular. Dr. Leverton chaired the 'heliport development' session at the Forum where he presented a summary paper on behalf of the Heliport '!echnical Planning Committee. - OFPSHORE COMMITI'EE The Offshore Committee is considering the effects of international agencies policies and procedures on member offshore helicopter operations. The Committee is moving toward a stronger interface with other HAl committees to share offshore experiences with others in the industty and with international groups and agencies. Thpics under consideration for presentation within committee are: FA AlICAOIHEUOP's effect on offshore operations HSAC issues and activities in the Gulf of Mexico UKOOA issues and activities in the North Sea The impact of: new technology such as the EH 101; Bell/Boeing Tilt-Rotor; and EUROFAR's tilt-rotor consortium efforts on offshore operations. The structural life expectancy of the current offshore fleet For more detailed information contact the committee Chairman, D.L. (Dai) Williams, tel.: (England) or Ron Bunch, HAl (703) HELIPOKf PROMarJON & DEVELOPMENT COMMITI'EE HAl's newly re-structured Heliport Promotion and Development Committee (HPDC) has been developing marketing strategies and priorities since the HAl Convention in February. A Steering Committee of the HPDC has been established to provide enhanced communication and coordination within geographic regions. The goal of these individuals will be to promote heliports through more effective communication with local, state and regional contacts. Members of the HPDC Steering Committee are: Committee Chal;-: Chris Eberhard, ConununiQuest Marketing (213) NOItheast Region.' Matt Zuccaro, Damin Aviation (201) Southem Region: Stephanie Slavin, Aviation Business Consultants (813) Midwest Region.' S. Duane Moore, lilinois Div. of Aeronautics (217) Southwest Region: Thm Marlow, ERA Aviation (713) Yltstem Region: Roger Carlin, McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company (602) Northwest Region: john Helm, lfam,'v\estem Helicopters (503) Canada: Bany janyk, HELIX Aviation, Inc. (604)

23 These representatives stay in touch with the FAA, Division of Aeronautics and industry representatives within their regions. They are working to resolve heliport issues and concerns within each region, as well as surfacing concerns for HAl to work on at a national level. If you have questions or concerns please contact the steering committee member in your region. In addition, working subcommittees have been formed to address specific projects. In March, a survey was sent to committee members to prioritize target audiences and heliport promotional efforts. Based on the results of this survey, project priorities and target audiences have been established. Heliport promotion priorities are: 1. Development of a video on heliports and heliport development, to be fucilitated by Ray Syms, Raymond A. Syms & Assoc., (201) Development of slide presentations on heliports, to be fucilitated by Barry janyk. 3. Development of a booklet that provides better understanding of the need for heliports and helicopters. to be facilitated by Roger carlin. 4. Development of a fact sheet to accompany HAI's Heliport Development Guide, to be facilitated by Bob Brewster, New England Helicopter Corporation, (203) Development of a trau1ing workshop for pilots and operators on how to better interfuce with the public and public entities, to be facilitated by Chris Eberhard. 6. Development of information and material on specific benefits of heliports and helicopter usage for use at public hearings' to be facilitated by Ross Fay, at Helicopters Unlimited, (415) If you have questions or interest in any of these working groups, please contact Chairman Chris Eberhard, or the working group facilitator. Thrget audiences identified by priority are: 1) Public officials, 2) Media, 3) Community Planning Staffs, 4) Corporate Business, and 5) State Division of Aeronautics. Each working group will focus their efforts on educating these audiences. Effective distribution of each of the promotional items to the audiences listed above is the focus of a working group being facilitated by Stephanie Slavin, Aviation Business Consultants. According to Chairman Eberhard, the committee plans to have several of the projects completed by next HAl Annual Convention, and be able to implement an intensive marketing effort by Spru1g of These are but a few if HN's active committees. ROlOR invites leports all all committee activities. 1M. IIElIOPlER. DPBIATDR.. 23

24 an opportuni{y to in uence politica actions Heljt I I By Matthew D. Ubben have to help them get elected. This is today's conven tional wisdom, and with some truth. For this reason, the Helicopter Association Intemational (HN) formed a political action commit tee, HeliPAC, to demonstrate the interest on the part of helicopter owners and operators in becom ing politically active. "HeliPAC is a good way to enhance and further the con cerns of HN members and to confirm that helicopter opera tions have an imporrant stake in congressional actions," said HN President Frank L. Jensen, Jt. PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS Operating under the direction of a Board of Trustees, HeliPAC may solicit and accept volwltaiy personal contributions. With this revenue, HeliPAC voices helicopter issues before Con gress. Industry support of HeliPAC's effort will ensure a strong message to federal lawmakers concerning issues of murual interest within the civil helicopter indusn y. Contributions will be used in public awareness campaigns on behalf of candidates HeliPAC will be backing. Also, financial sup port will go directly into campaigns of the helicopter industry's liiends in Congress. HeliPAC requires involvement by all facets of the civil helicopter indusny so that helicopter issues are represented during the upcoming congressional elections. Contributions to HeliPAC are voluntary and not a condition of HAl membership. Participation in HeliPAC is also possible for corporate executives, adrninistrative personnel, stockholders, and their families, if an HAl member corporation has given permission to solicit these people. Corporate officers approving an authorization to solicit should remember that a corporation can approve only one such trade association solicitation in a calendar year. NOT DEDUCflBLE HeliPAC contributions are not deductible as a charitable contribution for the purposes of Federal Income Thx. Note a tax credit up to $50, or $100 on a joint retum, is available for onehalf of the amowlt of a contribution to HeliPAC. HeliPAC recently mailed an "Authorization to Solicit" card to all u.s. HAl members. If you have not received your authorization card, please contact me at HAl Headquarters. 24

25 n n March 9, 1988, Secretary U of Transportation jim Burnley announced the creation improving the operation and organization of the FAA to address the above-mentioned con that programs are implemented more consistently nationwide and in accordance with policy such as Air '!taffic, repon directiy to the Regional Directors. The Regional Directors in turn repon of a Thsk Force to recommend internal refonns of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). He specifically asked the Thsk Force to focus on five major areas: FAA s Regiollal StlUcture; Rulemaking Procedures; Personnel Practices; Procurement Procedures; and Budget Deficiencies. Only the first two areas will be discussed in this article. Secretary Burnley asked the Task Force to suggest ways of cerns within existing Executive Branch administrative authority, and statutory and regulatory limits. The lask Force was chaired by the FAA Administrator Allan McArtor and DOT's Assistant Secretary for Administration, jon Seymour. REGIONAL STRUCfURE The Thsk Force recommends that the existing reporting system be changed' to ensure and program objectives articulated by Headquarters officials. Operators have experienced widespread difficulties, sometimes severe, with inconsistent interpretation and uneven implementation of the FAR's by FMs local inspectors. Therefore, the new changes are viewed by operators as, hopeli.illy, a step in the right direction. Under the current system, the regional program managers, directly to the Administrator. Thus, Associate Administrators, who have responsibility for the success of major programs, have no line authority over program implementation and operations. Regional Division Managers should report to their respective division counterparts in Washington, nc. i.e., Flight Standards, Air Traffic, Airpons, who then repon through office (CollttilUed all page 43) FAA Announces New Headquarters Organization Federal Aviation Administrator Allan McArtor announced on june 16, 1988, a reorganization of tile FMs senior management structure. In making the announcement, McArtor stated that "changes were needed in order for FAA Headquaners to effectivey implement greater control over regional operations." The reorganization, which is based on recommendations by Transponation Secretary Burnley'S Thsk Force on Internal FAA Refonn, seeks to improve communications and coordination, as well as management oversight of FMs activities and modernization effons. Secretary of Transponation jim Burnley endorsed the new management structure. FA A's new streamlined Headquarters organization is expected to reduce urmecessary and cumbersome reporting relationships, and allows the Washington Headquarters Office to exercise increased authority over field operations. Under the new plan announced by Administrator McArtor, the FAA will consolidate many of the agency's activities under four Executive Directors. Secretary Burnley stated that tile changes will " provide greater policy consistency and coordination of national FAA effons." The Executive Directors were armounced as follows: Wayne j. Barlow in charge of "System Operations," Raben E. Whittington for "System Administration and Evaluation," c.r. "lex" Melugin, jr. for "Regulatory Standards and Compliance," and joseph M. Del Balw for "System Development." The Executive Director for System Operations will oversee: Air Traffic, including Operations and Procedures; Airway Facilities, including System Maintenance and facilities and Equipment InstaUati ons; and Field Divisions. The Executive Director for System Administration and Evaluation will oversee: Administration; Human Resource Management; Training; Aeronautical Center; and Regional Administrators. The Executive Director for Regulatory Standards and Compliance will oversee: Plight Standards; Aviation Security; Airpon Standards; Flight Surgeon; Flight Inspection; and Regulatory Analysis. The Executive Director for System Development will oversee: System Engineer.ing; NAS Plan; Research and Development; Management and Control; Thchnical Center; and Operations Research. The Office of the Chief of Staff will remain, along with the fouowing offices and Associate Administrators: Legal, Public Affairs, Policy and International Aviation; CivU Rights; Aviation Safety, Govemment And Industry, and Airpon Grants. The relationship between these offices and Associate Administrators, the Executives and the FAA Administrator has not been made clear by the FAA at the time of thi s printulg. These organizational changes are expected to provide for a more efficient senior management structure by reducing the number of managers under the Administrator's direct supervision from 23 to 11. Further streamlining of the FAA is expected. 25

26 NBAA (Jdd.? HAl '1.? Here ' s t e WHAT PRODUCTS CAN WE DISTRIBUTE, SO OUR CUSTOMERS WILL CONTACT US? AN ITEM OUR CLIENTS WILL KEEP... SOMETHING UNIQUE, By Vernon Albert Vice Chainnan, HAl Pan ATTRACTIVE, UTILITARIAN, CALENDARS EFFECTIVE... PHONE INDEX CARDS LAPEL PINS INK PENS CAPS BROCHURES COFFEE MUGS FOR AVIATION ADVERTISING PRODUCTS THAT GET RESULTS; learn-to-fly and air charter promotions in an effort to attract new customers. While these programs were successfijl, the manufacturers have not been in a position to field these programs during the 1980's to offset the declining customer base which has resulted in a general contraction of the industry. For instance, the General Aviation industry has not benefited WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE AND PRODUCT LINES TO KEEP YOUR BUSINESS FLYING. FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATION CALL OR WRITE: 20 /20 ENTERPRISES, INC P.O. BOX CHATTANOOGA, TN OUR BUSINESS IS AVIATION! General Aviation is a $15.02 billion industry in the United States. With a mere 1 % increase in sales, the industry would realize a $150 million annual revenue increase-and everyone would benefit! But in order for this to happen, some external force must be applied, because a 1 % increase, or any increase, in business will not happen on its own. General Aviation experienced explosive growth during the mid-1970's, but declined dramatically in the 1980's. The industry's traditional advocates, airframe manufacturers, have historically marketed to the consuming public through various from the explosive growth in business travel during this decade. According to the U.S. Travel Data Center, since 1980, business travel is up 45.2%, while the FA A reports a 19.3% decline in General Aviation fleet utilization. This dramatic comparison provides a clear marketing opportunity for the industry: Repackage General Aviation to meet growing business travel needs, and position the industry as a business travel alternative. But how did General Aviation get passed up in the first place? According to a recent national research study tl,at was commissioned among frequent business travelers, the data points to a lack of identity, or non-awareness among the consuming public. It appears that ( 26

27 General Aviation may be the best kept secret in business travel. General Aviation's fotrilative years, the years of struggling for identity and of all too slow growth, weren't that long ago. It was during that era, however, that major airframe manufacturers and others recognized that in order to grow, new customers had to be constantly introduced into the marketplace. The "Big Three:' Cessna, Piper and Beech, were heavily involved in individual learn-tofly programs that were highly Also, during this process, many external events occurred that helped change the shape of General Aviation. For example, the 1973 Middle East oil embargo that led to world-wide crisis and rapid escalation of crude oil and retail fuel prices... rampant double-digit inflation... and the firing of thousands of air traffic controllers following their illegal strike in 1981, figured in this unpredicted change. During the ensuing years, student pilot starts have faltered badly, and now are substantial- "We need for the public and, in turn, for Congress to understand that General Aviation is an integral part of our transportation system... successful. And, like many conceprual selling programs, these manufacrurer-sponsored programs were expensive and often difficult to cost-justify at the outset. However, the leam-to-fly programs were successful in building awareness of the industry, and broadening the customer base, providing the manufacrurers and their dealers with a ready outlet for their products. Although now virrually extinct, programs such as these were fimded because statistics clearly showed that sales of new production aircraft were directly linked to the number of pilotsthose on the active list and the thousands of new srudent pilots beginning their flight instruction each month. As the number of new aircraft produced and sold each year climbed steadily, (especially to corporate customers) and as the aircraft sold became more and more sophisticated, the target market became almost exclusively the Fortune 500 group. During this evolutionary process the enlly level efforts-both charter and leam-to-fly-virrually disappeared, and the steady flow of new customers began to dry up. -Congressman Bob Carr " ly below 1979 levels. And total active US Pilot cel Iljicates have fallen precipitously since New aircraft sales have plummeted from an all-time high of nearly 18,000 units in 1978 to 1,085 in Perhaps the most fundamental industry barometer, aircraft utilizallon has shown a steady decline. From about 42 million flight hours in 1980, utilization had fallen sharply to just over 30 million hours by Similarly, the inacil've aircraftpopula Ilon has shown a Significant increase in past years. Stemming from action taken by the Board of Directors of the National Air Transportation Association (NATA), a personal invitation was sent to executives of more than 300 companies to meet in st. Louis, Missouri on December 1, 1987, to detetriline two things: First, if induslly leaders were in agreement that collectively, something should be done to reverse the industrydamaging trends; and, second, to discuss ideas for mounting a major market expansion program designed to bring larger numbers of first-time buyers to the marketplace. The meeting attracted representatives from more than 170 companies-including HAIinvolved in the business of General Aviation. Everyone present agreed that something should be done to bring more users into our industry. Well-funded, sustained industry communications programs have demonstrated consistent success in reversing declining consumption trends across a broad range of product categories, from raisins to cruise lines to beef. There is every basis to believe that a similar effort could reverse the decline in General Aviation utilization by creating awareness of the category and its benefits. Nearly 100 percent of those atrending that meeting said that their companies would financially support a massive effort, if a comprehensive, well-researched plan was developed. The mandate was clear: Develop a specific marketing and communications plan... and every segment if the lilduslly would help to.fund It. Clearly, any increase in utilization will benefit virrually every segment of the industry. For example, one-hundred incremental charter customers collectively could add 1,000 incremental annual charter hours, consuming thousands of gallons of fuel, hundreds of incremental maintenance hours, consumable parts and proprietary parts. The benefits are at the retail and the wholesale levels, with implications for aircraft sales, finance, crew training, engine overhaul, aircraft refurbishing and insurance. In addition to Improving the marketplace from the standpoint of profitability, given success of the program, very positive political fallout is anticipated. According to Congressman Bob carr (D-Michigan), "we need for the public and, in rum, for Congress to understand that General Aviation is an integral part of our transportation system... this program can be enotrilously helpful to om effoots on capitol Hill. The toughest part in building Congressional support for a General Aviation issue is explaining what General Aviation is:' Civil helicopters comprise about 5% of the total general aviation fleet in the U.S. and, unlike the fixed-wing elements, have been mmiltaining total flight hours during the slump. However, helicopters will benefit, along with all of General Aviation, from a successful game plan. Therefore, HAl is pleased to give enthusiastic support to this innovative and sweeping new initiative. Simply put, a market expansion program of this narure will not only show Improvement at the bottom line, but an overall increase in new customers to the business will increase the advocacy for the business. Following several months of research and consensus building among industry leaders, the General Aviation Market Expansion Plan, or GAME plall, was officially launched on April 25 of this year during NATNs armual convention and trade show that was held in Santa Clara, california. HAl Chairman Steve Sullivan was present for the unveiling of the GAME Plan "The Game Plan deserves HAl support because it is positive and creall've. 1b continue the status quo would not be my first choice." In addition to NATA which facilitated the program, and HAl which was one of its early supporters, the GAME Plan has the full support of organizations such as the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA), the Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association (AOPA), the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), the Experimental AIrcraft Association (EAA), the National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA), and a host of others, along with the leading aviation publications, including ROlOR. The GAME Plan is truly indusily-wide both in scope and magnirude and merits the financial and evangelical support of everyone who wants to ensure 10ng-tetrIl success, and anyone who has even the slightest to gain from our industry.

28 L E G I S L A T I V E Bill Number: Bill Title: Description: Impact: HAl Position: Status: Bill Number: Bill Title: Description: Impact: HAl Position: Status: Bill Number: Bill Title: Description: Impact: HAl Position: Status: Bill Number: Bill Title: Description: H.R Aviation Safety Research Act of 1988 The bill mandates a program to develop systems and equipment to detect metal stress, delamination and corrosion; an agressive human factors research program; and research with the goal of preventing post-crash fires that have caused almost 40 percent of the fatalities in survivable air accidents. The bill also mandates that FAA use 15 percent of its research funds for long-term programs. The bill is designed to help find and correct problems before they become accidents. HAl suppons this legislation in its intent to prevent accidents thereby increasing air safety. The bill was referred to the House Science, Space and 1echnology Commitree. H.R Repeal of Authority of the Secretary of 'J'ransponation to Encourage and Foster u.s. Air Commerce The bill repeals the authority of the Secretary of Transponation to encourage and foster air commerce in the United States. The sponsor of the bill sees this legislation as a means to put an end to as he describes "an absolute contradiction" -air commerce versus air safety. HAl has not yet taken a position on this bill. The bill was referred to the House Public V\brks and Transponation Committee. S Federal Aviation Administration Independent Establishment Act of It establishes an FAA independent of the oar. Reorganization of the FAA may have substantial impact on the helicopter industry which is highly regulated and dependent upon reasonable timely action by the regulatory body. HAl strives for a consolidated position with the general aviation industry. HAl sup pons an independent FAA. Three hearings have been held by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transponation. No action has been scheduled as of this printing. H.R General Aviation Standards Act of 1987 The Act establishes federal rules for determining general aviation product liability; gives the federal couns jurisdiction over all general aviation cases; bases damages on comparative Impact: HAl Position: Status: Bill Number: Bill Title: Description: HAl Position: Status: Bill Number: Bill Title: Description: Impact: HAl Position: Status: Bill Number: Bill Title: liability (percentage basis); and limits liability of a manufacturer of aircraft or pads to 12 years. Uniformity of law and control of some liability variables should result in more predictable risk exposure and reduction of insurance premiums. Operators should benefit from less expensive helicopters and spare parts, as well as a reduction in their insurance premiums. This bill, if enacted into law, has potential savings for the entire civil helicopter industry. HAl suppons passage of the bill. The House Energy and Commerce Committee referred the bill to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and Competitiveness. The Subcommittee has completed mark up. It now awaits full committee action. The House Committee on Public V\brks and Transponation has repotted favorably on the bill. S. 473 General Aviation Accident Uability Standards Act of 1987 Same as H.R S. 473, however, establishes a twenty-year statute of repose, whereby no suit may be brought against a manufacturer for damage allegedly caused by an aircraft or pad 20 years after initial delivery or installation. Same as H.R The bill has been referred to the judiciary Committee. H.R General Product Uability Act It establishes uniform federal rules for product liability generally without being industry specific. Any bill resulting in uniform product liability laws should reduce product liability costs. However, because of the nature of general aviation, the aviation product liability bills are more protective of the industry without adversely affecting the consumer. HAl is generally suppodive of the bill. No active SUppOD because the aviation product liability bill will reach congressional attention ifh.r stalls. The House Energy and Commerce Committee completed mark-up on H.R June 14th. S Minority Business Development Program RePOD Act 28

29 S C O R E C A R 0 Description: Impact: HAl Position: Statns: Bill Number: Bill Title: Description: Impact: HAl Position: Statns: See HeliPAC article on page 24. The bill makes several changes to the minority business program, known as the Section 8(a} program, which provides sole-source government contracts to certified minority-owned and operated linns which are socially and economically disadvantaged. It creates a maximum participation term of eight years; requires that linns eligible for 8(a} contract awards show that at least 30 percent of their business comes from non-government sources or competitive 8(a} awards afrer five years; and mandates competition among 8(a} linns for contracts above $5 million. The bill also directs the Small Business Administration to establish specific niles defining economic disadvantage for the purposes of 8(a} eligibility, and requires that linns certify their continued eligibility for the program each year. This bill is viewed as reform legislation that will both strengthen the program for participating linns and insulate it from politicization. The bill has bi-partisan support and seeks to prevent fraud and mismanagement. To this end, HAl supports the passage of this bill. The Senate Small Business Committee approved the bill on May 17, S Minimum Health Benefits for All Workers Act. It establishes mandatory health benefits to all employees. The Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources adopted one modest amendment; employers of five or fewer employees will have five years to come into compliance with the law. It removes some of the areas of compensation and flexibility from employer-employee relationship. It potentially raises the cost of employee health benefits. HAl does not support this bill but supports good employer-employee relations and objects to federally mandated health arrangements. The bill has been on the Senate calendar since May 25 but has not been voted on yet. SAFE AND NEIGHBORLY January 15-17, 1989 New Orleans, Louisiana Don't miss out! The Helicopter Association International's 41 st Annual Meeting in New Orleans is only six months away. Over 750 Booths Management Clinics General Sessions Committee Meetings Networking Opportunities Annual Awards Banquet Membership Meeting EMS Safety Seminar Educational Programs Featuring: usc Safety Management CFI Revalidation SIU Maintenance Management Operator Management Georgia Tech Heliport Noise and Land Use Planning INDUSTRY NEWS (Continued.from page 20) PIWT SHORTAGE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM The British Helicopter Advisory Board has obtained Government agreement to issue work permits for pilots recnilted from overseas. Thrms of recniltment are to be contracts no longer than three years; initial appointments as second pilot, with employment and promotion preference to UK pilots. A lack of fixed wing pilots in the major UK airlines has Significantly drained pilots from other segments of the industry. This pilot shortage is expected to continue for approximately two years, until new training programs restore UK sources. AGUSTA INTRODUCES MEDIPLUS Agusta Aviation Corporation rolled out a new EMS configuration A109 helicopter May 1, Dubbed the "MediPlus," this version is capable of carrying two pilots, two patients and two medical attendants and is based upon the A109 MklI Plus Helicopter. Designed in-house, the "Mediplus" fearures two clamshell doors which allow easy access from either side of the helicopter. The litters fit in transversely, one behind the pilots' s,ats and one along the back wall. It can accommodate a six-foot six-patient. The medical attendants sit backto-back between the two litters, giving both attendants access to both patients. The right side door was designed to allow for use of a rescue hoist. "The convention and exhibits are still the showcase of the industry for the world " L. Rose Jayrow Helicopters Pty. Ltd. Call for your Registration & Reservation Kit now! (703) A II Helicopter Association International 29

30 lime, Machines & Men (Contlillled from page 9) The use of helicopters expanded into new markets and penetrated old markets further. The number of public safety helicopters, for instance, increased significantly during the late 196Os. First Public Helicopters The first public-use helicopter (a Bell 47) was purchased in 1947 for the New York Police. Since then, there has been steady growth in helicopter usage by police and fire departments and other government agencies. Public and private operators share a concern for, and commitment to, the helicopter itself. Cooperation between the two sectors has been good. HAl's leaders have stated emphatically that HAl works on behalf of all civil operatorscommercial, corporate and public service. HAl's Board of Directors includes a voting director representing public safety. The current Public Service Representative is captain Forrest "Buck" Meeks, Assistant Commander, Maryland State Police. Cooperation among all operators in the areas of safety, statistical knowledge and availability of heliports is imperative. HAl is a unique and readily accessible forum to facilitate that cooperation. As early as 1961, the association discussed whether to change the name of the association to reflect its international membership. It wasn't until 1981, by unanimous vote, that the HAA became the Helicopter Association [ntemational (HAl). Through the years, HAl, as the trade association for the civil helicopter industry, has maintained its commitment to promote the interests of the civil helicopter industry, for mutual cooperation and aid. With members in 42 countries, HAl now provides a true forum for international cooperation. Helicopters Are a Service People that get into the helicopter industry tend to stay. says HAl's Chairman, Steve Sullivan, "Everything that you do with a helicopter is a service to people. On every trip you are saving people's time, energy and frequently lives. By placing fire fighters at a fire, you save them the tremendous effort it would take to get there on foot. They are then able to use that energy to fight the fire. "At other times, you are allowing for a job to be done that could otherwise not be done, such as transporting human organs, Med Evacing accident victims to the hospital or logging in remote areas." The 1980s slump in the national economy, coupled with the drop in oil production and dramatic increases in insillance costs, led to a period of stagnation in the industry, notably in oil exploration. On the other hand, due to the resourcelulness and resilience of helicopter operators, new applications for helicopter use are flourishing. These include helicopter tours, construction, package delivery and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). "Due to technological advances in the helicopter itself and to new requirements of today's society, helicopters are performing many new types of mis- (Contlillled on page 44) FOCUS ON SOUTH FLORIDA (COntlilUed from page 12) passenger lounge complete with baggage handling facilities. Elevator access to Skyport is available from the first and second levels of the short-term parking area right across from the airport terminal. Access is also available from Skyride, the airport's system of elevated moving walkways connecting the parking garages with the terminal. In addition, two elevated walkways connect skypon with the top floors of Parking Garages 2 and 3. Skyport currently serves private, corporate and charter craft operating in downtown Miami, Miami Beach, Key Biscayne, Fort Lauderdale, the Florida Keys and Freeport, Bahamas. Efforts to develop a South Florida helicopter infrastrucrure are being spearheaded by the Dade Counry Aviation Department. The guest list for this dedication ceremony included many important local political and aviation figures, most of whom were flown in by helicopters donated for this purpose, The fly-in started shortly before dusk, and was expertly coordinated. Both helipads were kept busy, and passengers were disembarked and whisked down the stairs to join the other guests. At the very nice sitdown dinner, there were several speeches, including the keynote address by HAl President Frank L. jensen, jr., and with HAF President Don Mitchell and Dade County Director of Aviation Dick judy aiso making presentations, among others. - HAJ's aurent Executive Committee includes: Chainnan, Stephen R. Sullivan Arts HeUcopter.;, San jose, CA Vice Chainnan, "mon E. Alberr Fletroleum HeUcopteffi, Inc. At the discretion of the Chairman, also invited were, Assistant lteasurer, Matthew S. Zuccaro Damin Aviation IN SUMMARY,.. HELiCOPfERS ARE ALIVE AND WELL Time and space preclude proper mention of all the organiultions and individuals that we visited and by whom we were treated very kindly. However, it would be remiss to not mendon again the kindness and generosity of the Helicopter Association of Florida, the Metro Dade Fire and Rescue, and Crescent Airways' Dean Sheeley. Also, as a long-time operator, and speaking on behalf of the HAl Executive Committee which includes other well-experienced operators, I reel quite good about the state of the helicopter industry in South Florida. Best wishes to all of you for safe flying. '!leasurer, Fredertck A. Moore Okanagan Helicopteffi Pre dent, Frank L. jensen, Jr. (ex officio) Public Relations Advisory Committee Chairman, Roben W. Mack McDonnell Douglas Helicopteffi "HAl has some thiny-five affiliate rr<mbets These are other non piolit tions with interests and objectives similar to those of HAL The relationship between HAl and these affiliates is very imporrant to HAl, and forms the basis ror considerable ongoing and prospective cooperation.

31 R O U N D T A B L E R E P O R T BV Cor Beek Chief Exerutive Officer Helicopter Association of Southern Afiica Helicopter Association of Southern Africa (HASA) is now in its fifteenth year of existence. Although founded as an independent body, it affiliated at an early stage with the Commercial Aviation Association of Southern Africa (CAA) for which it now acts as its (semi-autonomous) helicopter division. Southern Africa is defined as "all countries and territories approximately south of and/or bordering the Zambezi river: ' - FORI'Y MEMBERS HASA currently has some forty members in the Republics of South Africa (RSA), and Transkei. All major commercial helicopter operators in the area belong to it and in one way or another approximately half of the helicopters on the South African register belong to or are operated by a HASA member. HASA's current President (Chainnan) is Peter Piwtt, managing director of Heliquip, WIth myself (founder of HASA) its Executive Officer. The CM provides administrative assistance. There are some 200 civil rotorcraft in the RSA alone, with an undisclosed number of military and police helicopters. Most of these are of US origin, with the Bell JetRanger top ping the scale. The West German Bolkow is the most popular in the multi engine category. The largest and eldest of the commercial operators is Court Helicopters, which started life in the RSA in the Sixties as Autair under led Spreadbury, not unknown in canada, the UK and other parts of the helicopter world. Court is the world's pioneer of ship servicing by helicopter, while South African helicopter operators are the leaders in game management in its various aspects, from herding to culling. The capture method of wild animals by means of plastic sheeting corrals was developed here. HASA:s role is similar to that of its sister associations in other parts of the world and so are most of its problems. At last count, the RSA boasted some fifty "approved" Ian ding sites, of which fifteen were hospital stops. There are numerous uncounted facilities. With the exemption of a few areas, most local authorities are receptive toward helicopter operations, although few like to grant permission for permanent facilities. - CODE OF CONDUer lb combat communiry resistance HASA has asked its members to abide by a Code of Conduct for helicopter pilots (based on a British Helicopter Advisory Board code) and has issued instrument panel stickers which remind the pilot to "fly neighborly." HASA has also been instrumental in getting a helicopter flying training syllabus incorporated in the RSAs air navigation regulations, and recently had a helicopter flying instructor's handbook approved by the country's Directorate of Civil Aviation. Due to its "hot 'n high" enviromnent, most operations are "high density aititude" operations, with 6,000 ft rather the norm and 8,000 ft no exception. And because the high plateau is bordered by inhospitable mountain ranges and escarpment areas, mouniain flying, too, receives much attention even duiing the ab-irtitio stage. For these reasons, the basic helicopter rating requires a minimum of 50 hours instruction ' of which 15 hours are solo flight. - SEPARI'JE LICENSE South Africa has a separate helicopter license; but fixed-wing experience may be counted to a helicopter license on the basis of two hours aeroplane one hour helicopter; except in the case of the irtitial license, and in the case of a commercial helicopter license (requirement: 200 hours) only after the first 100 hours. Instrument ratings may be renewed alternately on fixed wings and helicopters; but the first practi cal flight test must be conducted on the type of aircraft for which the instrument rating is sought. Current items on the Association's agenda are a trairting course for air traffic controllers, and the compilation of a helicopter landing facility guide for the region. The RSAs largest aircraft manufacturer, the Atlas Aircraft Corporation, has been in the world news with an expeiimental helicopter, based on a number of Aerospatiale components, and a gunship development of the Puma. The factory has extensive rework, repair and overhaul capabilities including composite rotor blades The helicopter industry in southem Amca is waiting for major developments, such as the oil and gas fields exploration projects off its coasts, and the cons liction of the Lesotho Highland Water Scheme on the flanks of the "Roof of Africa:' the Kingdom of Lesotho. 31

32 P A R S Preliminary Accident Report Statistics for First Quarter of 1988 Accident statistics in the table below are compiled from preliminary accident reports issued by the National Transportation Safety Board (N1SB) and the canadian Aviation Safety Board (CASB). Because investigations of these accidents are not yet complete, au data should be regarded as preliminary and unofficial. In addition to N1SB reports, HAl receives initial accident notification from the FAA:s Duty Desk. This information, updated daily, is made immediately accessible via HAl's Helicopter Hotline. Contact Ed Dicampli for information on accessing this important safety resource (703/ ) f1rsf FIRST CANADA FIRST FIRST QTR QTR QTR QTR ACCIDENlS '88 JAN FEB MAR TOTAL TOTAL ACCIDENTS '88 JAN FEB MAR TOTAL TOTAL Total Total Fatal Fatal DAMAGES DAMAGES Minor or None: Minor: Substantial: Substantial: Destroyed: Destroyed: unknown: Unknown: INJURIES INJURIES Minor: Serious: Serious: Fatal: Fatal: Helicopters Are Safe... and Getting Saferl Since 1970, helicopter safety statistics have improved by a factor of three, with accidents per 100,000 flight hours (in 1970) dropping to 7.19 accidents per 100,000 flight hours in These improvements have been made through emphasis on safety, training and education. HAl's Safety Committee and membership-related safety activities have been a major factor in this reduction. The Preliminary Accident Statistics on this page are one-dimensional. (No flight hours or aircraft densities are shown.) The PARs are intended to teu you how we are doing from one standpoinl only-how many accidents occurred. for more information, subscribe to HAl's monthly PAR report or consult HAl's Helicopter HOTLINE by contacting Ed DiCampH at (703) Prelimlnary. The 1987 Plcliminary data is based on Plojcctlons rrom the first six months of AVlATION INSURANCE THAT MAKES THE POSSIBLE... PRACTICAL Innovations in equipment, innovations in service. Aviation is a tough business, one that requires a commercial operator to constantly look for new ways to get the job done faster, safely, more comfortably, and with little or no increase in overhead. Yo ur insurance coverage should play a big part by giving you the latitude to change and grow to meet the challenges of competition. Call Larry Mattiello, loll free, for a lio-obligation coverage review. Alpha-designed and managed coverage programs have been proven to balance minimum risk with minimum cost for helicopter operators nationwide. As representatives of the finest domestic and international aviation insurance companies, Alpha's rotarywing specialists can provide you with a comprehensive program that covers aircraft, ground equipment, facilities, passengers and cargo. 4\,IRba It Alpha Aviation Insurance Airport 17, 377 Route 17 Hasbrouck Heights, N.J The Aviation Agency Call Toll Free: In NJ Call Collect:

33 R E G U L A T O R Y R E V I E W BV Glenn A. LeIster FAA Grants HAl MEL Exemption The Federal Aviation Administration, has granted to "... members of Helicopter Association International, and any similarly siruated Part 135 certificate holder who operates single-engine helicopters under Part 135 and that may be subject to Parts and an exemption from Parts (a)(I) and (b) of the FAR to the extent necessary to permit the operation of single-engine helicopters using an FAA approved MEL..." The exemption permits operation of single-engine helicopters with certain inoperative instruments and equipment not required for airworthiness, using an approved MEL based upon an FAA approved MMEL. Manufacturer developed MMEI:s must be used where they exist. Where they don't, a generic MMEL is available through FSOOs. The relief granted is similar to that provided multi-engine aircraft operators in FAR The FAA has established a rujemaking project to consider application of FAR provisions to all singleengine aircraft. HAl members have been provided a copy of the exemption with the June 1988 OPERATIONS UPdate. FAA Adopts New Mode C Regulations FAA announced the adoption of new Mode C requirements and briefed industry in late June. Mode C, already required at 27 airports, will be extended to 111 additional airports. Action was based on Congressional mandate that FAA act by June 30, The new rules, a modification of NPRM 88-2, went into effect on July 1, Mode C transponders will be required: Above 10,000 ' MSL, excluding at and below 2500' AGL (previously above 12,500'). Within a 30 mlle radius [from the surface upwards] of the 27 airports in the 23 TCAs regardless of altirude (or radar coverage) and regardless of whether the aircraft is flying inside the TeA. In all airspace from the ceiling of TeAs up to (and above) 10,000 feet. Effective December 30, 1990, Mode C will also be required: Within and above all 109 ARSAs. Within a five mlle radius from the surface to 10,000 feet, and within a radius of five to 10 mlles from 1200 to 10,000 feet. HAl Supports Anti-Drug Program In a letrer to FAA on NPRM 88-4, HAl President Frank L. Jensen, Jr. said "HAl firmly believes that a drug-free workplace in the aviation community is essential to safety and [HAl] strongly endorses efforts to achieve that goal, providing due regard is given to privacy rights of the individual." Many HAl members expressed strong support for pre-employment, periodic and random testing, citing their successes in achieving a drug-free workplace. HAl did not support employer-funded rehabilitation programs, leaving those decisions to individual operators. Operators said random testing was especially etrective and some recommend that FAA record test results to discourage individuals from seeking aviation employment elsewhere. F1nal Rules Establish ARSAs Airport Radar Service Areas (ARSAs) have been designated for Evansville Dress Regional Airport, IN; Lackland Air Force Base, TX; Midland Regional Airport, TX; POrtIand International Jetport, ME; and Springfield capital Airport effective June 2, Green Bay Austin Staubel Field, WI, and Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, WA, became ARSAs effective June 30. Each location is an airport at which a 1erminal Radar Service Area was previously in effect. Airspace Alert The FAA will hold informal airspace meetings in early July on modifications of the Oakland, CA, ARSA and the establishment of ARSAs at San JoselMoffett NAS and Santa Ana's John 'Mlyne Airport. Meetings on modifications to the DallaslFort Wlrth TeA and the establishment of TeAs for Phoenix, AZ; Charlotte, NC; Orlando and Thmpa, FI; and Houston's Hobby Airport are also scheduled. For details on locations and dates, contact Joe Gili, FAA, Airspace Rules and Aeronautical Information Division, (202) EMS Commirtee Responds to FAA EMS Forum HAl, through the EMS Committee and EMS Chairman Russ Spray (Rocky Mountain Helicopters. Inc.) responded to the FAA EMS Airworthiness and Operational Forum agenda items discussed at the April public hearing in Ft. Wlrth. HAl recommended that servicing of fixed and portable aircraft oxygen systems be accomplished by a properly trained individual, supervised by a certified A&l' Mechanic, and that portable systems should be left to the medical community. FAA was encouraged to provide guidance material to the industry at large on interior arrangements and standards. One problem cited by A&Ps was portable systems within hospitals which are not under their control. Operators were upset that mechanics were being called in at all hours of the day and night to comply with the latest FAA interpretation. The Pilot Crew Rest Requirements were heatedly discussed and appeals rnade to the FAA to reevaluate its interpretation of Flight and Duty Time. Some operators reported problems with 12 hour shifts and disruptive circadian life cycles at small hospitals with low flying hours Phase-in to 12 hour shifts was aiso an issue. Another concern involved flight or ground delays which could cause pilots to exceed flight/duty time limits unless the ntission was abotred. If the ntission was continued, the pilot and the operator flight/duty time limits could be violated. HAl recommended resumption of the previous FAA interpretation of HEMES Flight and Duty Time. The more than 250 meeting participants carne away with the feeling that FAA was listening. FAA Southwest Regional Director C.R. ('!ex) Melugin, present for the entire hearing, made an on-the-spot decision to issue interim guidelines to FSDOs on the incubator policy. This was spelled out in FAA Action Notice , etrective April 29, 1988 through April 29, For incubator details, contact FAA at 817/ With top-level FAA and Industry dialogue, the prospects look bright for constructive progress in the EMS arena. 1l"anscripts of the hearings are available from HAl at a nominal cost. HAl's EMS Committee also provided additional comments on FMs proposed EMS Advisory Circular to enhance its value to aviation and medical managers. Good Interchange with FAA Eastern Region The Eastern Region Helicopter Council (Continued on page 43) 33



36 told you how to hold your video camera, assured you that it was completely safe, beautiful, unimaginable was Kathy. The helicopter flies over a ridge and then, suddenly, through a pilot's rainbow, a multicolored circle hanging in the air. You turn in your seat, craning your neck to keep your eyes on the rainbow. When you turn back you find yourself in a huge green room with a white top. You are surrounded by thick, lush vegetation. Thousands of thousand-foot waterfulls cascade from the tops of the walls of the room. The ceiling is cloud. Music gets even your ears keyed into the scene and there is only the water, and the cliffs and the luxurious vegetation. The pilot tells you that Waialeale mountain has the highest elevated swamp in the world, that here it rains 300 to 600 inches per year. He tells you that you are flying at 2500 feet and that the whipped cream ceiling is at 5000 feet. He points out Rucker, Alabama, for his instrument and instructors' rating. Upon returning, Bogart flew fire and rescue missions for the, H()nOIWU Fire Department 24 hours '----,. a day, ten days a month. During the remainder of the month, he taught flight training for the National Guard, and flew helicopter tours for other companies throughout Hawail. In 1985 Bogart decided to return to Kauai and set up his own Part 135 operation. Ohana Aviation Inc, is the newest member Helicopter Association International of the (HAl). the Heiau, a Hawailan temple. You are struck by the thought that this is what it must have been like when the earth was newly created. This is flight-seeing. Bogart and his partner, joe, are the only two part-hawailan helicopter owner/pilots on the island of KauaL They bring to the tours a deep knowledge of, and appreciation for, the island. "For many pilots it is just a job," says Kathy. "Bogart and joe are showing you their heritage." Bogart Kealoha was raised by his grandparents in Hanamaulu, a small rural town on KauaL When he was a sophomore in high school, Bogart moved to Honolulu to live with his parents. He continued to live there until 1986 when he started Ohana Av iation Inc. in lihue on Kauai. Perhaps it was out of his love of the serenlty of flying, of ' 'being out there in space" coupled with a sense of responsibility to people that Bogart flew fire! rescue missions for the county fire department for seventeen years He got his first helicopter rating through the fire department's pilot training program. Because he wanted to learn to fly machines other than the fire depanment's Bell 47, he joined the National Guard and was sent to 'Millant Officer Candidate School at Fort "He gave up his security with the National Guard and the county fire department, jumped in with both feet and kept on swimming," says wife, Kathy. "He started from scratch, never knowing if his decisions and assumptions about employees or advertising or nmning operations were accurate. For instance, what at first seemed the biggest obstacle, buying his own helicopter, turned out to be the easiest:' Over the past two years Bogart, joe and Katily. have kept the company small and Ohana aviation has prospered in a tour market that has more helicopter tour operators than on any other island. They have chosen to keep the operation small so they can give an intimate, personalized service to the people who come to see the island. In Hawailan, the word "Ohana" means family, togetherness or unity. When he was designing the music tape that would play throughout the tours, Bogart spent days timing the route down to the second and picking music that contributed to the natural beauty of the wilderness. "People notice the care you take," says Kathy. "One woman came up to me after the flight and said, " You know, even the music seemed to fit with the different places: " That kind of attention to detail carries over into the maintenance and safety of the helicopter also. "Bogart is a vety private and conscientious man," says Kathy. "He tells evety employee, 'If a customer wants to know something about another company, tell them. Don't ever put another company down. just answer the question in a positive way: If he ever heard us say something like, 'Oh, you don't want to go with diat company..: he'd fire us on the spot. "Bogart is also committed to improving the relationship between the helicopter indusny and the community," she says. The basic conflict is that, "The people who come here to retire don't want to hear any noise. But the helicopter tour is, for most people, the only way to see the beauty of the island." Noise abatement rules and overflight avoidance areas have been established and are abided by. Operators attend a regular meeting open to residents to discuss any problems and a Helicopter Helpllne has been established on Kauai to open a llne of communication between the operators and local residents. The Helpllne is modelled on a system that was set up in Maui that has greatiy alleviated resident/operator animosity on that island. By cailing the Hotllne in Maui or the Helpllne in Kauai, a resident can detenmine exactly which helicopter overflew their area and what it was doing. If they wish to do so, the resident can meet directly with the operators to resolve any conflicts. Ohana Aviation is part of a dynamically growing industty that is changing the face of KauaL When Bogart was a kid the island was mostly sugar cane and pineapple plantations. Most people, including his grandparents, worked on the plantations. Kauai is now the most developed island after MauL "It retains an older charm," explains Kathy, "but it also has what they call 'Fantasy Hotels: They are bigger than life. Most of the buildings on Kauai are no more than three stories tall. When you walk into the new hotels and see the huge escalators, you feel more like you're in Las Vegas than Hawail:' Bogart is caught in the middle, hating to see the island become a tourist mecca, and yet being an agent of that change. He recalls the first time he flew over 36

37 the island saying that he was so amazed by the beauty of it. There is a lot of wilderness of Kauai. that is inaccessible by foot. The helicopter tour into those places is the highlight of the trip for most of the tourists: but according to Bogart, 98-99% of the local population has never seen the whole island. "A lot of people come from big cities. It is really moving for them to see the island, the blue ocean surrounding it, untouched by man, I just hope it can stay that way," As Kathy said, one of the values of a helicopter tour is that nothing is left behuld, You fly into an area, there is noise for a couple minutes. then you leave, You leave with a memory of the place but it has no memory of you, no litter, no well-worn hiking trails. no gravel roads cutring through the vegetation, The canyons remain pristine, available for the next person to be aesthetically moved, And people's lives are altered by the experience, ''A lot of the people are really apprehensive to begin with," She explains. "One lady was afraid to go so I asked her why she was doing it. She said that, yes, she was frightened but she really wanted to see it. She sat in the middle of the back row, as fur from the windows as possible, " But when she came back she was so happy, She did it and it was wonderful! In fuct, that lady paid and flew again the next day so she could sit in the front seat! " "One youngster wrote us to say that he was so inspired by the tour that he went home and enrolled in a helicopter flight training program," Maybe one day he will be flying you above the pristine canyons of Kauai, C A L E N D A R july 20-23, Airborne Law Enforcement Association 18th Annual Conference & Expos ition, Curtis Hixon Convention Center, Tampa, FL. Contact: Sgt, Doug Pasley, Conference Chairman, Tampa Police Aviation Squad, (813) july 21, Helicopter Safety Advisory Conference, Quality Inn, Houston Intercontinental Airport, Houston, TX, Contact: Chairman, F. L. Clough, (713) August 3-5, AeroMed Symposium, Gathersbwg, TN. Contact: Dan Nonnan (615) August 6-7, The 1st Helicopter Round Up, wawarsing Airport, Ellenville, New York, (fonnerly Ellenville L-H-j. Airport) closed to all fixed wing 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Unicorn 122.8, tel: (914) September 4-11, Famborough Air Show, Famborough, England. Contact: British Infonnation Service, 845 Third Ave., New York, NY (212) September 19-23, ASHBEAMS 9th Annual Conference, AIR MED '88, cohosted by International Society of Aeromedical Services (ISAS), Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA. Contact: Nina Merrill, Executive Director, ASHBEAMS, 35 S. Raymond Ave., #205, Pasadena, CA (818) September 24, New England Helicopter Pilot's Association, Annual Safety Seminar, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA. Contact: john Anderson, NEHPA President, (617) September 26-28, Heliport Noise and Land Use PIanning Course, administered by HAl and the Georgia Institute of 'Technology, Boston, MA. Contact: Ms. Inga Kennedy-Tucker, (404) October 12-16, Australian Bicentennial Air Show, Richmond Air Base, New South wales, Australia. Contact: The Chairman, Australian Bicentennial Air Show, P.O. Box 338, Riverstone, New South Wales 2765, Australia. (02) or October 13-15, Mid-West Helicopter Safety Seminar, Ulinois & Wisconsin D01l;, FA A and HAl, Contact: Gary Anderson (217) October 18-20, National Business Aircra ft Association (NBAA) Annual Meeting, Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX. Contact: NBAA, th St., NW, washington, D.C (202) November 3, New England Helicopter Pilots' Association, Days Inn, V\Oburn, MA. Contact NEHPA President, john Anderson, (617) November 4-6, Eastern Region Hel icopter Council (ERIK) Annual Meeting, Sands Hotel and casino, Atlantic City, Nj. Contact: George Pisa, Vice President, ERHC. (201) january 14, 1989, Safety Seminar, HAl EMS Comm!ASHBEAMS, New Orleans. LA. Contact: Russ Spray (801) january 15-17, 1989, HAl Annual Meeting and Industry Exposition, New Orleans, LA. Contact: Amanda Harrison (703) Please contact jennifer Parker at: (703) with Calendar update infonnation.

38 up the challenge to give further guidance on issues across the board ranging from dimensions for a typical heliport as a function of the number of helicopters/operations, to procedures to enhance further operational safety and set the framework for heliport design which allows for expansion of operations in the future. In addition, there are a number of technical issues which require attention and further research/development work by the FAA to li.irther aid heliport development and helicopter operations. The international scene also needs to be addressed by the HAl since no longer, at least from the major operators point of view, are they confined solely to operations in the U.S.A. and, hence, FAA mles. As far as possible a unified heliportl helicopter operations fonnat worldwide is desirable. By Dr. John W. Leverton Man r of Operations E.H. lndustlies, Inc. and Chairman, HAl's Helipon lechnical F1anning Committee - what's next? WHERE DO WE GO NOW? Now that the Heliport Design Advisory Circular 150/ has been issued by the FAA, with the support of the HAl, AHS and most of the industry, the question is, what next? The road to developing this Advisory Circular took a number of years-many times bumpy-and 12 months concentrated effort by the FAA and HAl Heliport 'Jechnical Planning Committee (HTPC). Clearly, the current A/C represents the consensus of the FAA and industry and reflects the best practice at the present time. It must not be forgotten, however, that it only reflects mirtimum standards and it is viewed by many, including the HTPC, as essentially a baseboard or "framework" for further improvement to enhance safety and encourage heliport development. Since the NC is used in its entirety by some states as a " Standard," even though this is against specific recommendations of the FAA which state that it should be "not be adopted verbatim," all such documents must always reflect only minimum standards. In addition, when complling such documents, if it is to have industry support, great care has to be taken with sections which are intended as no more than guidance or recommendations since they can easily be interpretated by a state or local jurisdiction as a standard. If any other approach were adopted, this could clearly have a major negative impact on heliport development, both private and public. As a result, industry must take JOINT COMMITIEE EFFORf Heliport design and the issues/topics being covered by HAl's Heliport 'Jechnical Planning Committee (HTPC) clearly are in themselves only one part of the effort that HAl is expending toward establishing a framework to encourage heliport development. There are other aspects which are uniquely linked to the public and political acceptance of heliports and the more wide task of promoting helicopters and heliports which have to be addressed. These are in general more related to the task of HAl's Heliport Promotion and Development Committee (HPDC) which has recently been fortunate in artracting Christine Eberhard as Chairman. Chris is well known for her successful efforts in enhancing the image and acceptability of helicopters in the Los Angeles area over the last few years following the growth of the anti-helicopters groups in that area following the Olympics. The efforts of both of these committees are well coordinated since the purely technical planning facets are only one of the ingredients to a successful heliport development program. 38

39 INDUSTRY'S TASK Ai; already indicated, industry has to take up the challenge to give further guidance with regard to a large number of topics ranging from the size of heliport, terminal areas, to general appearance, etc. In some respects, this latter aspect is often overlooked; but if public acceptance and political support are to be obtained then the overall heliport must have that professional stance and create public confidence. Communities are not willing to accept very minimal heliports within their midst and certainly a "relatively deared site with a old trailer for an office" may be acceptable as a private facility in some remote locations but certainly will not be acceptable in most communities. General aviation airports, particularly the smaller ones which tend to look like a run-down, ramshackle fa Cility with overgrown areas, have begun to suffer from this poor public image, and this is a contributing factor to the large number of closures which have occurred over recent years. The same situation can apply to heliports. This is not to imply that a private facility has to be expensive. Certainly this is not the case, and a well-prepared grass facility, with no facilities except for wind sock etc., can create the desired public confidence and professional appearance while providing the necessary safe operating environment. Industry will also need to give guidance in a number of other areas and also to consider some of the longer term implications of the international regulations and changes in the certification reqlurements of new helicopters which, over a period of time, is going to lead, at least in the larger rotorcraft, to mle category A operating standards. faa/industry REQUIREMENTS There are a munber of areas within the domain of heliport design where more focused FM research/development will be required, and where industry experience can give some guidance; but the main effort will have to depend on the FM. Equally, there are topics which need to be addressed by industry, and where fw will have to take the major lead. IfR: Precision and Non-Precision One such topic where the FM involvement is paramount is the development of lfr/mlb and all the aspects which relate to procedures and, hence, has implications on heliport design. This will not so much apply to the majority of heliports, which will tend to be private andlor small, but more so to the larger heliports envisaged for advanced technology rotorcraft induding the tilt-rotor, and major public facilities in metropolitan areas. The material in the current guide is very initial in nature, and, in some cases, dependent on fixed-wing concepts. The use of non-precision lfr and "point in space" concepts, combined with Special VFR routes to the final site, need to be assessed both from the airspace requirements and the implications on the final heliport site and routing. IFRIEnvirorunental Conflict The current view is that a 60 glideslope (or less) will be used. This resulted from flight evaluations which showed from the piloting point of view that 120 was unacceptable and that 90 was "not very desirable." As a result, 60 appears to have become a norm. This is unfortunate from an environmental consideration since 60 is often the worst (highest) noise condition; this is the main reason why it was chosen by ICAO as the reference standard to be used for noise certification. One of the major inhibitors to heliport development is noise, and it would seem pertinent if an adverse problem is not to be created when there is no need. It is appreciated that in some cases even lower angles (say, 4.50) will be required. But higher angles should be encouraged. There is very little data available on 7'h 0 either from the piloting standpoint or noise data. The noise data, however, suggest that on many helicopters there is a reduction at the higher angles and, thus, there are advantages in getting away from the 6 o. Even on helicopters where the "source noise" is not significantly reduced, the impact on the ground would be less as a restut of the increase in fly-over altitude. This is a topic which needs further study before the helicopter industry "locks in" on a maximum of 6 o. It should also be remembered that IFR will tend to be linked with metropolitan heliports where environmental issues are most critical. Uglhting Another major area is lighting. Here, the industry has already expressed major concern not only with regard to the current proposals of lighting systems for IFR heliports, but also for lighting in general. A large number of questi ons have already been raised, but it is not within the scope of this short article to discuss them; however, much of the emphasis on lighting to date appears to have been based on systems developed in otherwise clear areas. lighting is an aid to location of the heliport as well as the final landing. For downtown heliports, this will be in congested and built-up areas with many other light sources. This needs lllrther study: low level flood lighting enhanced by perimeter ligllting of a unique format may be preferable. lighting is also interrelated to the IFR issues and, in this context, it must also be remembered that helicopters can already fly VFR in special cases if the visibility is good when the ceilings are as low as 300 ft. For IFR helicopters to effectively enhance the capability at heliports it has been suggested that approach minimums at 200 ft (or below) would be desirable, if not essential, to justijy such a system. After "breaking out of the clouds" with a 200 ft. ceiling, the distance will be less than 2000 ft. Thus, one could seriously question whether an IFR heliport requires a lighting system, as suggested in the NC as a system currently under con Sideration, which stretches in the maximum case to 2400 ft. It is these sort of issues that need to be addressed. Clearances Taxi-way requirements for hover taxi, and for use with wheeled helicopters, are defined in the NC; some of these in the current guide appear appropriate while others are considered excessive. Some of the current requirements are very different from those that have been successfully used for a number of years and appear more based on "fixed wing type standards" than specifically related to helicopters. Obviously, this topic needs re-examination. The FM is actively involved in these areas at the present time and, clearly, these programs are supported. Emergency Facilities Hospital heliports will also need to be addressed and, here again, it is anticipated that the further guidance will be developed by the industry In this context, HN and a number.of its members have for some time promoted the concept of "HELlVAC 's" which are emergency facilities capable of handling large helicopters. These should be located in large metropolitan areas and those where natural disasters are likely. These facilities would be used as public heliports in normal circumstances and as an emergency center and command post in the event of disasters such as floods, fire earthquakes etc. This is one concept which 39

40 INVEST IGATIONS INCIDENTS. ACCIDENTS FRAUDS OR UNUSUAL SITUATIONS WE LOCATE: PEOPLE WITNESSES ASSETS ELECTRONIC BUGS WE SPECIALIZE IN THE DEFENS E OF FAA CERTIFICATE ACTIONS; PRODUCT LIABILITY LI TIGATION; TRIAL PREPARATION EMPLOYEE SCREENING AND 35mm/VIDEO SERVICE. Serving the aviation community in western Canada and western has not yet been exploited in the USA, but which has considerable merit. Such a helipon could be designed to provide a first class facility that could instantly respond to a local emergency. This is one area in which the HTPC may consider developing guidance during the next 12 months. Environmental Issnes General environmental issues, particular- 1y helipon noise, have continued to be high in the public's mind and, therefore, this will need to be addressed more vigorously during the next one or two years. The FAA is issuing a Helipon Noise Model (HNM) ; here the indust!)' has a number of reservations not so much with the model itself but with the data base. Many in the industiy, including the majority of the HAl Acoustics Committee, feel that the nonmal and noise abatement type of operations and procedures which are used at helipons should be capable of being handled by the HNM; currently, this is not the case and the data base is limited to noise levels assoclated with idealized ICAO noise certification procedures which l)'pically tend to be higher. linked with this issue is the topic of a Model Ordlnance. Many cities and local communities are developing ordinances which negatively impact helicopter operations and, in some cases, inhibit helipon developments. In an effon to stem this process and provide guidance to communities, a Wlrking Group under the HTPC has been specifically tasked with developing such a draft ordinance. Although it is in an initial stage, it is anticipated that general guidance material will be issued by Februa!)" Heliport COsts The HAl is also going to tum its attention to some of the more practical aspects of helipon construction and construction costs. The main aim is to highllght low cost solutions to balance the impression that helipons always cost $5 million to $10 million. Although these costs are applicable in the case of relatively large public heliports. many private and public facilities can be developed for a fraction of these values. Public Access of Private Heli{lorts The HAl, via its helipon and associated committees, is tiying to initiate a plan to assist in the implementation of the proposal to stimulate the use of private helipons as "public access" facillties by the industiy and has recommended to the FAA, via the HeliponlVeniport/ Alrpon Network Wlrking Group of the NARE Rotorcraft Subcommittee, that they take an aggressive stance to "encourage" such use of private facilities: ' This is considered a viable shon-tenm solution to the lack of helipons and complemental)' to the long-tenm thrust to establish more truly public heliports. It is well known that there are a large number of private helipons in most metropolitan areas; and if only a small number (say 20%) allowed "public access." this would dramatically change the availability of public landii)g facilities. Such helipons would be o!fered for public use on a Prior Permission Required (PPR) basis; but before this can be achieved, issues relating to insurance and heliport/airspace criteria need to be exantined. In this latter context, assistance from the FAA wlll most likely be required. U.S.A. through their attorneys and insurance carriers. FBD and association inquiries welcome. NOWAVAlLABLE - HELICOPTER We have recently expanded our comprehensive stock D " IJ I :l6rj te.vdifl)!ts. These parts are av,ohow helicopter. up:1le!:l,f1nvel)t6iryf INCOGNITO SERVICES Adrian Road Burlingame, CA (415) Office (415) Fax AVIATIOII t Services, Inc.! t_a nl'!.",_miami, Florida Fax: (305)

41 AlP Funding-Re-definition Required 1b stimulate the development of public heliports a number of changes are urgently required to the AlP funding and associated EIS requirements. Private development is effectively ruled out with the current requirements since they are complex, costly and time consuming; yet the private sector could make a positive contribution. Changes in the eligibility requirements are needed. For example, a " ten-year guarantee" is not justified in the case of a low cost heliport. Modification to allow funding of a minimum facility heliport or helistop, without having to meet the same AlP funding and EIS requirements appropriate to a large heliport, is a vital need. Many downtown locations only need drop-oftlpickup facilities-this is envisaged to be even more the case when vertiports (large helipolts) are established which handle large rotorcraftitilt-rotor since "feeder services" to the Central Business Districts etc. would be desirable. Amendments to the AlP structure to allow States and regions to obtain funding for the development of an overall system involving a combination of a munber of heliport and helistops is also warranted. This would decrease the burden associated with EIS's and other srudies and overcome the difllctuties wi th evaluating/funding many small heliports on an individual basi& Adjustments to the funding strucrure to enable financial cover for additional heliport elements, such as auto parking, is also urgently required if the desired aim is to be achieved. Under the current format, the final funding is often less than 50% instead of "quoted 90%." International Rules An aspect which has not been considered to any great depth is the rapidly changing intemational scene: the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) has an active program looking at helicopters with regard to approval for transport category operations and the implications on heliport design etc. It is proposed that the HAl will begin addressing these issues largely because of the implications to operators who have to operate in other nations around the world and to provide a fi'amework to see if action is required to ensure uniform worldwide standards. Linked with this is the difficult question of operational standards. Currently the U.S.A. has a much more flexible approach than in many nations in Europe. The FAA has already changed the certification requirements which essentially means that new rotorcrait, at least in the larger sizes above 20,000 Ibs. and with more than 10 passengers, will in the future be certificated fo r only ' 'category A:' This combined with other more direct pressures, including ICAO proposals, means the medium and the longterm implications need to be addressed. This is a thorny issue and as a prelude, it is proposed that a simple review of heliport design criteria standards, and the inherent operational standards which dictate these, will be undertaken by a V\brking Group of the HTPC. Other lbpics Another area being addressed is heliport safety. Here, the aim is to give guidance to operators and also provide material which heliport developers can use to help offset some of the public's fears which are often raised in the development stage of a heliport. Specific topics which would be lmique to large heliports or vertiports anticipated for handfing large advanced techrology rotorcralt, including the tilt-rotor, are also being covered by a specific V\brking Group. FAA Support What is Required? FAA R &D effort in tile areas of lighting, taxiway clearance and "IFR requirements" discussed previously is, of course, essential if heliport development is to move forward. A number of other related areas will also need FAA's involvement, but these are aircraft m ullil@j mostly related to operations and thus outside the scope of this article. Two other major aspects already highlighted relate to finding a way to encourage "public access" of private heliports, and re-formation of the AlP funding strucrure to stimulate more vigorously the development of public heliport facilities. The current structure is, however, adequate for large public heliports in the major metropolitan areas capable of handling large advanced technology rotorcraft such as the civil ti lt-rotor and the EH1OI. This combination should ensure by the year 1995, if efforts are fo cused, that the current unsatisfactory situation is overcome and rotorcraft is even a more vital segment of the aviation industry. Some rationalization in approach may be necessary, and further classification of facilities to ensure that the system is compatible with the needs of the modest user with small single pilot/single engine helicopters, while at the same time allowing the unique features of advanced techrology rotorcraft, including the tilt-rotor, to be exploited. A start in this direction has been made in terms of the NC issued at the beginning of the year sirlce this recognizes the different needs of private, public, VFR, non-precision and IFR heliports while ensuring adequate safety standards are maintained. BELL 222B FOR SALE_., 1986 BELL 222B #47146 SINGLE PILOT!FR, NOH, One Corporate Owner. 48 USG AUX FUEL TANK, ECU, Loran, Stonnscope, ONLY 542 Hotu' TSN with o Since Hot Section Insp. Heated WIS, Sonndpl'oofing Scavage Oil Filter, Duals, R-Brake, CoPilot Group. AIRCRAFI' MARKETING, LTD. Post Office Box 419 Clarksburg, Maryland ' USA Phone (301) Thlex AIRCIlAFT MKTG. Facsimile (301)

42 ANGELFLIGHT Aviation Offers For Immediate Sale Its 1981 Bell Model 412 Helicopter Serial Number San Antonio International Airport 557 Sandau San Antonio, Texas (512) Thlex FAX (512) TTAFIE New 109 Series Main Rotor Blades, Sperry lfr System including Dual Sperry Flight DireetOl, Coupled 3 Axis AFCS, Sperry Radar Altimeter, Primus 500 Color Radar, Dual Nav/Com, DME, ADF, Size Bottle Bar, Mapeo, Stereo with Headsets, No Damage, Never Worked, Paint and Interior less than 1 year old, Immaculate Records and Original Logs, Absolutely Gorgeous, IIIIIIIII I IIII II I I I I The Need... The Solution... BELL JETRANGER AND BELL LONGRANGER INTERIOR TRIM REPLACEMENTS I I c::-:!\' \\ "" - Plush, Executive Interior in Gray Italian Leather, Captains Chail, Full """"- Aeronautical Accessories, Inc. fabricates a complete line of fully interchangeable replacement trim for Bell JetRanger and longranger helicopters. Kits ore available to refurbish the entire helicopter interior or items can be replaced individually as needed. All replacement trim products are FAA approved for Bell 206A/B/l/L-1/L-3 helicopters,

43 R E G U L A T O R Y R E V I E W (Continued from page 33) (ERHC) conducted a unique seminar on April 12, That event brought together helicopter operators and the Federal Aviation Administration's Eastern Region, represented by Joseph M. Del Baiza, Director, Eastern Region FAA, and key members of his staff The seminar was moderated by Matthew S. Zuccaro, Vice President and General Manager, Darnin Aviation, and new Treasurer of HAl. It covered: Part 91 and Part 135 operating considerations, airspace operating procedures, aircraft and equipment requirements, pilot ttaining requirements and certification, maintenance policies and procedures, FA A operations and maintenance inspector's policies and procedures, and FA A enforcement policies and procedures. A few weeks prior to the seminar, ERHC provided the FAA a list of relevant questions. FAA personnel briefed their policies and procedures to seminar attendants, then completed the session with open discussion of the previously submitted questions. This feature of the seminar allowed clarification of many issues, as well as identification of questions that had to be researched and addressed by the FAA in Wlshington. HAl encourages similar seminars in other regions. TRIVIA OUIZ -- brought to you by Helicopter Foundation International DOT/FAA Task Force Recommends Organizational Changes (Qmtinued from page 25) heads or direct to As.sociate Administrators who will be held accountable for carrying out a program. According to the '!ask Force, the current parallel relationships between Associate Administrators and Regional Directors appears to diminish the ability of senior management in FAA to resolve conflicts or problems short of elevating all issues to the FAA Administrator. Differences among senior management are negotiated and depend heavily on the "good faith" of those involved. This action on the part of officials of equal rank involves tradeoffs, and may not be in the best interest of FAA's objectives. The '!ask Force agreed that Regional Directors should be freed of program responsibilities while continuing to serve as the Administrator's representative in each of the nine regions. In their new roles as Regional Administrators they will provide a "check and balance" in the regions to assure the quality delivery of agency setvices. RULEMAKING Currently, the Secretary's and the Administrator's suggestions, concerns and priorities are not always addressed because the staff preparing the rules may not receive or be properly advised of their views in a timely manner. Inherent in the concern about streamlining the rulemaking process, is that they must be developed with care, yet with as much speed as possible. From the operators viewpoint, rulemaking must facilitate ready and convenient input from the user, with time to respond to the NPRM's and to follow the action. At the '!ask Force's suggestion, the Secretary has directed that periodic regulatory status meetings be held with the FAA Administrator, Deputy Secretary, and other appropriate senior -level staff to disalss the substance of regulatory issues and address any problems or questions as early in the process as possible. The '!ask Force also endorsed a comprehensive review of the nuemaking process and recommended that this review be tied closely to recommended organizational changes to the Office of Aviation Standards and the Chief Counsel's Office. For a complete copy of the Report of the Secretary's '!ask Force on Internal Reforms of the FAA, please contact Legislative Manager Matthew D. Ubben at HAl Headquarters, (703) What are the two meanings of the word Fennestron? 'liflldneg S.dIE9EdsOJdV JOJ lolol nm 'MOPUlM IIEWS loj P'OM 4JUd.\:j :JaMSUV How many blades does the Dauphin Felmestron have? 'sdpelq uoqjej 1 SE4 11 :JaMSUV nle Helicop er FolUlCiauon International is a Ilon profit, publicly funded, tax-exempt organization for the preservation of helicop t er history and the promotion of public awareness of the helicop ter's imponam role in sodely. It maintains the Helicopter Archive, an expansive resource remer or doo.ullents, mrc books, helicopter models, and memombiua doclullenting dle histo!)1 and 1 or the helicopter indusuy. HFI plans to award scholarships to aid individuals seeking education and tmining in helicopter-related programs. HFI may be comacted at 1619 Duke Street, Alexandria, Vi a 22314: (703)

44 PLASTICIZER A VIA TION POLISHING The Ultimate in Ajrcra/ Au/omotive & Marine Poli.hillg" OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: TIME, MACHINES & MEN (Cona" ued.from page 30) sions. They transpon time sensitive doclu11ents, such as checks, between banks. They perform electronic news gathering. The number of new helicopter missions continues to increase steadily," says Frank L. Jensen, Jf., HAl's President, and chief operating officer since 1982 and a helicopter pilot since synergism from the very beginning. HAl's elected leaders have come from the top operating echelons of the indusoy, and have molded HAl into the form most beneficial to the entire indusoy., 'HAl's efforts on safety, helipon development and in other areas, together with the cooperative effons of other groups, have been irnportsnt to the successful growth of this industry. ''With the vitality that is apparent on the According to Jensen, "The predecessor organization of HAl was created just months after the binh of the civil helicopter indusoy pan of HAl's current elected leadership, and the vast potential which is present_within the industry. we can expect to see continued itself, and there has been a strong (Continued on page 46) 'MOBILE SERVICE 'WINDOWS POLISHED & REPAIRED 'ALUMINUM POLISHING 'INTERIOR CLEANING RCBINBC The top selling piston helicopter since 1981 'EXTERIOR CLEANING 'PAINT OVERSPRAY REMOVAL SPECIALIST / 'AIRCRAFT, AUTOMOTIVE & MARINE TRADE SHOWS 'QUICK TURN AROUND 'FREE ESTIMATES 15 Years National Experience IN DFW METRO AREA: MIKE TAEGEL P.O. BOX FT. WORTH, TEXAS / IN MIAMI METRO AREA: MPH Cruise Speed Lowest Initial Cost Lowest Operating Cost 7 to 8 Gal. Per Hour 1000 Hourl1 Year Warranty 2000 Hour Engine TBO 2000 Hour Airframe TBO Over 100 Service Centers Used in 25 countries worldwide lor Fish Spotting CaUie Herding Pipeline Patrol. Law Enforcement Security Patrol. Aerial Photography Radio TraffiC Watch Primary and IFA Training Personal and BUSiness Construction Site Support DON HILLEY S W 129th ST. SUITE 0 MJAMI, FLORIDA / IN WASHINGTON, DC. METRO AREA: BOB Gurc; 7010 OLD CHAPEL ROAD BOWIE, MARYLAND / More R22s are sold every year.han any other piston helicopter. Shouldn't you find out why? SPECIFICATIONS Max Airspeed (Vne) MPH Gross Weight ,370 LB Max Range..... over 300 Miles Empty Weigh! Equipped LB Maximum Ceiling ,000 Feet Norma! Fue! (19.2 Gallons) LB Hover Ceiling IGE.... 6,970 Feet Aux Fuel (10.5 Gallons) LB Hover Ceiling OGE ,200 Feel Pilot, Passenger & Baggage LB High Performance Best Etticiency Lowes' Cost For More Information, Gall or Wrlre: ROBINSON HELICOPTER COMPANY CRENSHAW BOULEVARD TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA U.SA TELEX R H C TRNC FAX:

45 - By Vernon E. Albert Vice Chainnan, HAl Who really has the responsibility for safety? for well over Ulree years, EMS Helicopter safety has been an issue, and evel)'one from congressmen to cab drivers have made comments as to what is good for EMS helicopters. You may have noticed that of the examples I used neither is in a position to know what is good fo r our indusny. have been forced for one reason or another to comply with the whims of others, and in tum, to defend ourselves when we did not make the decision. Why? Many operators have taken a passive approach to setting up jobs for fear of upsetting the customers. Others have just agreed to anything simply to get the job and keep up the cash fiow. By Helicopter operators exercising these methods of con ducting business, others from outside the helicopter industry were forced to take command. Operators Best Qualified It is the operators of EMS helicopters who are best qualified to govern the EMS helicopter industry, so let's get together and do it. '.I.e have the knowledge, the skill and the resources to take this leadership role. It is totally discouraging to me to sit in meetings and be outnumbered by "alphabet groups" who profess to know everything about helicopters, yet have never owned, operated or even had the responsibility of a helicopter, yet they force their views into prominence! Where do we start? First of all, look at HAl. Ol safety committee is made up of full-time aviation safety experts who give up many hours of their own time to serve on a vclunteer basis. They wclud be happy to assist the HAl EMS committee on safety issues. Between these two committees there are over 200 man-years of experience in helicopter safety. The HAl works through its full-time staff and its regulatory committees to pursue realistic and just regulations, which not only support industry needs, but also help develop new and better mles to provide a safer environment. Cope With Environment Training courses must be presented to the flight crews which deal with the real needs in the cockpit. These needs are to equip the pilot mentally to cope with the EMS environment. Judgement and decision-making must be taught as well as the standard skill drills. How many times have you heard, "1M! need IFR equipped aircraft and instmment-rated pilots?" Ye t when you look at the records of some of the worst EMS accidents, they were with IFR-equipped aircraft, and instmment-rated pilots. This is just one of those myths promoted by the unknowing to the gullible. The real problem is judgment. You don't outfiy your visibility unless you are on an IFR flight plan at altitude in a safe environment. Myth No. 2 Another area of great concem leads to myth No. 2 - the lead pilot needs more flight time than the line pilots. Why? Was he a slow learner? The lead pilot will fiy tile same ai rcraft on the same job. What the lead pilot needs is the ability to handle people, observe and correct situations which need attention, provide scheduling and coordinate the job. None of tllese relate to flight time. If the statistics we read are indeed tme, dlat the average pilot time in EMS is in the neighborhood of 5,000 hours, why do we have policies that tile line pilots have a minimum of 2,000 hours and the lead pilots 3,000 hours? This rationale leads one to believe that you want the pilots td have sufficient flight time to be safe, but if you really believed the statistics you would require over 6,000 hours! Is this decision made on sound judgement or availability? In reality, what we all want is a well-trained pilot who understands his aircraft's limitations. This is not a factor of flight time. all know pilots with 5,000 hours experience, and we also know pilots with 50 hours' experience 100 times. must look at the complete pilot, not just flight time. Silly Rules Actions Thken by HAl to Improve EMS Safety These are but a few examples of silly rules unposed on our Ul dustry by people who just do not understand aviation, yet they are directly affecting our day-to day operations. have allowed simple things like pilot's schedules to be dictated to us because of convenience. Safety is not created by always hiring the nice guy. Safety is knowledge, understanding, responsibility and, most of all, an attinrde. Let's get together, work together and establish. the helicopter industry from within and use the aircraft in EMS as a tool that can benefit many if appropriately managed. And remember, safety is not a matter of convenience, it is an attitude. HAl has conducted o EMS seminars, in early 1987 and early 1988, in conjw1ction with FM, NlSB, ASHBEAMS, NFNA and NFPA. HAl's EMS committee, with others, has developed national EMS guidelines published in July of There has been a dramatic increase in EMS safety since In 1986 there were eighteen EMS-related fatalities. In 1987 there were five. (Ed. Note) 45

46 TIME, MACHINES & MEN (COlltlilued from page 44) expansion of our collective ability to serve the populace in many exciting ways. The more we can cooperate, the sooner we will see these favorable results." As Carl Brady, HAl's second president and founder of ERA Helicopters put it, "If I were a young pilot just starting today, I would work my tail off until I could buy my own helicopter-and do it al\ over again." Incidentally, ERA Aviation is commemorating its fortieth anniversary as this article is written. Civil Fleet and HAl Data by Decade (note 1) Year 1950(3) Civil fleets 1m) 200 Iv) 635 Iv) 2,500 (v) 7,100 Ie) 8,3{)0 Hours flown 1m) 70,000 m 222,250 ( 866,800 ( 2,338,400 Ie) 2,810,000 Sources: (n FAA (v) Average of (I) & (a) (e) OOnalL'd (m) joe MaslIIT\aI1 (al AlA IJire\:t(xy of H & Heistops Accident Rate Unk. I I 13.4 Ie) 6.5 HeUports 1m) 100 la) 346 la) 2,18S la) 3,286 la) 3,760 Noles, I. There is an acknowicdgcd shortage of aa.mnt and compiele Slatistical data on the civil helicopw indusny, both historical and (U/Tem, HAl has initialed a pi"qt<lm caucd safety Through Accurate TechnIcal Statistics (STATS). A portion of lhe STATS program HAl Members/Aircraft: Total Aircraft: Members Operators Operated is now fiulded as part of an ongoing FAA 5IIXIy ef fon. This will grca!ly enhance SlatlslicaJ data bases. 2.!.ccidcnt laies prior to 1970 are IlOI avaiabk: ill!his writing. However. there is il nlafkcd imfyo\ mcnt fie nlcsc rates are exprt's!itd as auidcns per too.coo Hying houls. A more equitable Foml of comparison would be accidents per 100,000 Iligu segrnems, since helicopters l)ipicaiiy perform a l'oi.ii1ider of take oils and landlllgs ror each ho.i" or flying time, whereas a large schcdt ed ai1iner may land only ooc:e tvei)' rew hours. 3. FIet'! ilvemorics ror 1950 were cakulaled based on the nunber orfranklin air-cooled ertg\nel ptrrhas cd by Mr. 11ny Bell in [946 (500), minus Ihe inwll (01)' remalrting al le stan or Ihe Korean War (300). AdjlsmelllS for ocher manuf<jciurers did oot change the tinal estmale. 4. iany reader. panruarty fitm cotlldie5 cchcr than the USA. has records and data which wid help 10 develop historical intcmatiol1ili statistics for the civil helicopter 1ndU>Uy. please contaci HAl to discuss slmring the dma. Subscription D One year-4 issues $15.00 o In1emational-4 issues $25.00 o Two years (SAVE MORE)- S issues $27.00 o Intemalional-S issues $42.00 I have enclosedo check or money order or please charge 10 my: o MaslerCard 0 VISA Paymenl in U.S. funds only musl accompany order Card No. Exp. dale Name Tille Company Slreel Address CitylSlalelZip Counlry o Pilot 0 Owner/Operator. o Other Clip and mail to: ROTOR, Helicopter Association International 1619 Duke Streel Alexandria, VA

47 GIVE YOUR PROFITS SOME EXTRA LIFT. When it comes to aviation and aerospace insurance, look to the leaders-alexander & Alexander and Reed Stenhouse. We recognize that these coverages can be extremely complex, with catastrophic loss potentials. That's why our clients get individually designed insurance programs. We analyze your needs and develop comprehensive risk management programs including non-ownership coverage and products liability for every industry sector: Helicopters Commercial airlines Commuter airlines Private aircraft Fixed-base operators Charter services As leaders in loss protection and safety consulting, our specialists work with our worldwide network. Alexander & Alexander and Reed Stenhouse set the standards in aviation and aerospace insurance broking. In more than 158 cities in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. and more than 70 countries around the world. For more information, call one of our specialists: Joseph M, Rosenthal Robert A. Pincol! Senior Vice President Senior II.P-International Alexander & Alexander Inc. Reed Stenhouse Ltd. Aviation & Aerospace Division 2700 One Palliser Square 220 East 42nd Street Calgary, Alberta T2G OP9 New York, New Yo rk Canada (212) (403) Ian R. Flack Chairman Alexander Howden, Ltd. Aviation Division 8 Devonshire Square London EC 2M 4QR United Kingdom AV IATION & AEROSPACE DIVISION


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