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1 Mooikloof FROM THE HORSE S MOUTH I s s u e T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E M O O I K L O O F O W N E R S A S S O C I A T I O N



4 General Information Contact the MOA at: Mooikloof Eienaarsvereniging Mooikloof Owners Association 30 Flaming Rock Crescent Tel: Fax: P O Box 92035, MOOIKLOOF 0059 Contributions from residents to From the Horse s Mouth are welcomed and can be submitted to Estate Manager: Site Manager: Johan Haarhoff: Administration: Biometrics Access Control: Bookkeeper: Security: Protea Coin Group 24-hour security manager hour control room Atterbury gate entrance Garsfontein gate entrance Office hours: Monday Friday: 08h00 16h00 (Excluding Weekends and Public Holidays) Inspirational Thoughts: Verse: 2 Samuel 22:36b Your help (gentleness) has made me great! - The Lord is our Shepherd and deals with us in the most wonderful way. - He gently comes and leads us and helps us to follow Him. - As we follow His leading and receive His help, we can know the success He has for us. - With His help and guidance we can be more than we could imagine. PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You are my Good Shepherd. May I know Your guiding hand and help me in my daily life and may I thrive because of the fact that You are with me. Amen. Kind Regards, Pastor Andrew & Vanessa Roebert ALIVE TO GOD Visit our website Mooikloof Issue

5 Health Contents Uit die Perd se Bek From the Horse s Mouth fokus op Mooikloof. Die publikasie word gekoördineer en maandeliks namens die Mooikloof Eienaarsvereniging van Mooikloof deur Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd uitgegee. Die menings van medewerkers en personeel van Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd is nie noodwendig die van die Mooikloof Eienaarsvereniging nie. Uitgewer: Nico Maritz E-pos: Hoofredakteur: Kathy Thersby - E-pos: Mooikloof Redakteur: Nic Badenhorst Verkoop - en Bemarkings Bestuurder: Martin Fourie - Sel: E-pos: Verkope Gerdie Murphy - Sel: E-pos: CONTENTS 02 General Information/ Inspirational Thoughts 05 Mooipraatjies 07 Mooikloof Substasie Brand 08 Chocolate 10 Mount Fuji - Part 2 14 Ek het 'n Voëltjie Hoor Fluit 15 Hors - E - News 16 Hannah's Thoughts 20 Mooikloof Listings Produksie Koördineerder: Chris Grant E-pos: Grafiese Ontwerper: Nicola Wilson E-pos: Pretoria Kantoor: Tel: , Faks: Adres: 185 Mala-Mala Crescent, Moreleta Park, Pretoria Johannesburg Kantoor: 32 Fricker Weg, Illovo, Johannesburg Tel: , Faks Sperdatum vir adverensies en redaksionele bydraes vir uitgawe 8 van 2017 is 14 Julie. Trotse wenner van TWEE Cleaver-toekennnings in een jaar Vereer deur die SA Rooivleisbedryf vir Higiëne Gehalte Diens Waarde vir geld BOMA Vleismark Olympus: Nasionaal Platinum Olympus Village, Olympusweg Tel: BOMA Vleismark Moreletapark: Nasionaal Goud Garsfontein/Rubensteinlaan Tel: Ons verwerk wildsvleis. Besonderhede op ons werbwerf by 23 Jaar van Gehalte en Diens


7 Ons Afrikaners het maar n manier om alles en almal n bynaam te gee. Dit is wie ons is en dis deel van ons kultuur. Nêrens kry jy soveel byname soos onder ons ou boerevolkie nie. Gewoonlik is dit so beskrywend dat jy lag sonder dat jy wil. En die storie agter n bynaam beskryf die draer van die bynaam spot on! Bun Booyens het die mooi storie vertel van die ou wat saam met hom in die army was met die bynaam van Jaws. Dié het hy glo gekry omdat hy sy stel kunstande (bo- en onderkaak) dikwels uitgehaal en rondgewys het, of jy nou wou kyk of nie, voor hy dit weer in sy broeksak gebêre het. In sy mond, waar hulle hoort, het hy hulle selde gedra. Sy bynaam was dus gepas. Familie noem iemand maklik op sy of haar bynaam, maar goeie vriende sal dit eerder agteraf doen. As die draer van n bynaam nie van die naam gehou het nie, het hy dit natuurlik so gou as moontlik probeer vergeet soos wat ek onlangs uitgevind het by die boeremark. Daar loop ek toe vir Ou Haas en sy familie na baie jare raak. Ek herken hom onmiddellik aan sy ligpienk vel met die twee groot voortande met die gaping tussenin wat eintlik aan hom sy bynaam besorg het. (Iemand het eendag gesê hy sal sowaar n budgie in n hok kon doodbyt, maar dit daar gelaat.) Ek groet hartlik: Haas! Wil jy nou meer! roep ek uit. Hoe gaan dit jong? Die vrou langs hom kyk hom skewekop aan: Haas? Wie is dit, Johan? Voordat Ou Haas haar kan antwoord of sê dat hy voor my grootgeword het, sien ek die twee seuntjies langs hulle: Ewebeeld van die pa met ligpienk velletjies en groot voortande. Gelukkig het die Jeannette Malan tweetjies reeds draadjies. Dankie tog vir n goeie ortodontis, dink ek, anders was hier nog twee hasies! Ou Haas verkleur bloedrooi en trek sy bo-lip oor sy groot voortande: Ja, môre. Verskoon asseblief, maar ons is haastig, en met die stuur hy sy vrou weg met die twee hasies agterna. Ek besef toe ou Haas het nooit vir sy vrou vertel van sy bynaam nie. Maar hy moes homself voorgeneem het: Sý kinders gaan nie eendag Haas genoem word nie. Wys jou n bynaam kan n liefkosing wees of jou in jou eie tronk plaas. Wat is in ons boerebloed dat ons mense byname gee? Ek het grootgeword dat Jan Potgieter Pottie word, of n Swanepoel Swannie. Maar n bynaam soos Tjokka of Stompie wat in die doeke-dra-stadium n liefdesnaampie was kleef as volwassene nog aan iemand soos whatever aan n donskombers. Jare gelede het die ouderlinge en diakens nog in aparte banke voor in die kerk gesit. Die hoofouderling was vreeslik belangrik eintlik net onder die predikant, want as iets gebeur moes hy ingryp. Sy belangrikste taak was egter om die dominee by te staan met die katkisante. Toe word n nuwe hoofouderling gekies: Kort, oorgewig, sonder nek en heeltemal bles. Agter sy rug het die tieners hom baie vinnig Oom Roll-On begin noem. Wat n konsternasie was dit nie toe een van die seuns hom die aand van die aanneming senuweeagtig aanspreek en kliphard sê: Ja, Oom Roll-On! Gelukkig het die slotgesang tot die outjie (en Oom-Roll-On!) se redding gekom. Dit is nog altyd n gewoonte om kinders familiename te gee met die gevolg dat daar baie Piete, Janne, Kose, ens is dikwels nog met dieselfde van ook. Dan moes jy n bynaam gee om hulle uit te Mooipraatjies sonder soos Kleinpiet, Grootpiet of Dikpiet. Plaasboere met dieselfde naam en van is dikwels na hul plase vernoem, bv Piet Mooidam, Piet Brakkloof en Piet Spene. Laasgenoemde was besonder trots op sy bynaam, want hy was die grootste melkboer in die omgewing. Mens moet ook kyk na die sielkundige uitwerking wat byname op die jongeres kan hê. Kinders is wreed en as iemand beskik oor n eienskap wat anders is as die normale word dit uitgelig. Toe ek nog skool gehou het, was daar n nuwe standerd sessie: skaam en stil. Hy het n hoenderborsie gehad en het soos n onderste-bo peer gelyk. Groot bolyf met twee reguit beentjies. Met elke tree wat hy gestap het, het hy so wiegend vorentoe beweeg. Dit was nie lank nie toe hoor ek hulle noem hom Hoender. Gou is hy gekoggel met n helse gekekkel en gekraai. Voor die termyn om was, het hulle verhuis. Ek was bly vir sy part en ek het gehoop die nuwe skool se kinders sou genadiger wees. Onderwysers loop gewoonlik eerste deur met byname: Duimpie was n enorme groot man. As kleuter het hy ongelukkig sy linkerhand in n baalpers gedruk wat vier vingers afgekap het. Net die duim het oorgebly. Wanneer hy kwaad geword het wat nogal gereeld op die atletiekveld gebeur het, het hy geskree en met sy stompiehand, duim in die lug, beduie. Duimpie was dus onvermydelik. Die Engelse onderwyser weer se bynaam was Ox. Dit was eers Augsford English, oordrewe uitgespreek in Engels soos hy dit graag gedoen het. Maar soos die jaar aangestap het, het dit verwater van Oxford na Ou Ox. Die bynaam het hom nie gepas nie, want hy was eenvoudig te tengerig, maar dit was nou maar so. Finish en klaar. Ek hou natuurlik daarvan om mense met diere te assosieer. So as ek jou dalk in Mooikloof raakloop en ek noem jou Ou Skapie of Ou Perd wees verseker dit word goed bedoel. Mooikloof Issue


9 Gemeenskap Janie van Heerden Die middag van 23 Mei 2017 het Mooiklowers se krag skielik afgegaan. Ek was nie té bekommerd nie en het gedink die stadsraad het genoeg tyd voor donker om die krag te herstel. Toe ek egter later die middag wou gaan pos uithaal by die kantoor, het ek gou besef dat die probleem baie groter is as wat nog ooit in Mooikloof se geskiedenis ervaar is. Die substasie was in rook gehul! As gevolg van al die noodvoertuie in die doodloopstraat na die kantoor kon ek nie by die posbusse uitkom nie. Ek het my vriend Nic, die substasie se buurman, geskakel om te hoor of hy vir my lig op die onderwerp kon werp. Nic was op die toneel en kon eerstehands bevestig dat daar n reuse brand was wat n baie groot deel van die substasie in puin gelê het. Op daardie stadium het die stadraad se elektriese ingenieurs gereken dat dit vyf tot sewe dae sou neem om die kragtoevoer te herstel. Ek is met n swaar gemoed huis toe en het voorbereidings begin tref om vir n week sonder krag te oorleef. Ek was bekommerd oor ons bure wat met vakansie is se ys-en vrieskaste. Ek het vir oulaas warm gestort en my ma in Garsfontein gebel en gevra of my huiswerker die volgende dag by haar kan kom wasgoed was en stryk. Die volgende oggend het ek weer n draai by die kantoor gaan maak en nuus uit die binnekring ontvang dat die kragtoevoer moontlik teen 23:00 Woensdagaand herstel sou wees. Ek kon dit nie glo nie. Hoe is dit moontlik dat die ligte in Mooikloof weer kan brand in minder as 36 uur na die substasie byna in n brand verwoes is? Intussen is Mooiklowers gereeld deur die kantoor op hoogte gehou van die krag(lose) situasie. Toe die sms Woensdagaand deurkom dat alle kragvrate soos geysers, verwarmers en pompe afgeskakel moes word ten einde die groot aanskakel van die kragtoevoer te vergemaklik, het ons huis dit onmiddellik gedoen. Laat-aand is ons bed toe terwyl die donker soos n swaar kombers oor Mooikloof gehang het. In ons harte het ons regtig gehoop dat ons iewers in die nag sou wakker word as die krag aankom. Maar ons gesonde verstand het getwyfel of dit regtig moontlik kon wees om die kragtoevoer so vinnig te kan herstel. En daar beskaam die hoop toe nie! Lank voor middernag word die donker kombers oor Mooikloof gelig en daal daar weer stilte oor die dorp neer met die afskakel van die kragopwekkers. Salig! Groot dank aan die stadraad se werkers wat sonder ophou gewerk het om hierdie rekord op te stel. Daar lê nog baie werk voor om die skade aan die substasie te herstel, maar die Mooiklowers is baie dankbaar vir die krag wat weer deur Mooikloof se are vloei. Do Pilates. Do Life. Do Better Tailor made classes for flexibility, strength, relaxation, cross training & more... Pilates, Pole Art, Bootybarre, Yoga, Adult dance classes, Kids classes.» Leaders in the industry with 20 years experience.» State of the art equipment and instruction.» Small groups + Individual attention.» International BASI training facility» Ample secure parking Holding 368, Atterbury East Road, Zwavelpoort. On Atterbury after Ajax. Special Jun- Aug: SUMMER BODIES ARE MADE IN WINTER! Friends train for FREE, T s and C s apply Mooikloof Issue

10 Health Ajita Ratanjee Who can resist the feeling of that block of silky chocolate melting in your mouth as you swirl it with your tongue and indulge in the moment. Imagine the next time you eat a piece of chocolate; you may not have to feel overly guilty about it. Despite its bad reputation for causing weight gain, there are health benefits associated with this delicious treat especially Dark Chocolate. Chocolate Chocolate is made is from made from tropical tropical Theobroma Theobroma cacao cacao tree seeds tree seeds and its earliest use and dates its back earliest to the Olmec use dates back civilization to the in Olmec Mesoamerica. civilization in Mesoamerica. After the European After discovery the European of the discovery Americas, of the Americas, chocolate became chocolate very popular became in the very popular in wider the world, wider and world, its demand its demand exploded. exploded. Chocolate has since become an incredibly popular Chocolate has since become an incredibly food product popular that food millions indulge product in every that millions day, thanks indulge to its unique, in every rich day, and thanks sweet to taste. its unique, rich and sweet taste. Mooikloof Issue

11 Health If you buy quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, then it is actually quite nutritious. It contains a decent amount of soluble fibre and has minerals like iron, magnesium, copper and manganese. Ever heard of a measure called ORAC? ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It is a measure of the antioxidant activity of foods. Basically, researchers stack a bunch of free radicals (bad) against a sample of food and see how well the antioxidants in the food can disarm them. The biological relevance of this metric is questioned, because it s done in a test tube and may not have the same effect in the body. However, I think it is worth mentioning that raw, unprocessed cocoa beans are among the highest scoring foods that have been tested. Dark chocolate is loaded with organic compounds that are biologically active and function as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavanols, catechins, among others. These are all good for you! There is considerable evidence that cocoa can provide powerful health benefits, being especially protective against cardiovascular disease. Lower sugar in dark chocolate means less impact on weight and blood sugar levels. Dark chocolate is thus ideal for a diabetic and someone on a kilojoule controlled plan. It is about enjoying the 2-3 blocks as they melt in your mouth. Paired with a good cup of coffee after dinner can be a great treat! This doesn t mean you should go all out and consume lots of chocolate every day. It still has calories and is easy to overeat on. Instead, have a square or two after dinner and try to really savour them. You need to choose QUALITY stuff organic, dark chocolate with 70% or higher cocoa content. As a dietitian I strive to make healthy living easy, practical and tasty for my clients. Planning in some chocolate is definitely something I love to do. It makes life so much more fun! As you have read so many times in my blogs, it is about a lifestyle change. Feeling deprived does not help anyone feel positive about their healthy lifestyle journey. We thus help you make the better choices. Easy Health Wellness is launching a sugar-free chocolate, sweets and jellies range at the clinic. Great for adults and kids! We are having a sugar-free chocolate tasting event on 7-8 July. Tickets are available on our website: Mooikloof Issue

12 Trave l By Catherine Naude At the souvenir shop back at 5th station were wooden poles that you could purchase and get stamped at each station, for a fee of course and I took it upon myself to actively, with full will to succumb to peer pressure and buy one. I m so glad I did. It helped tremendously. I was blind and it was my aid. I would have had to see with my hands if it wasn t for my schteeeek and wet, sandy gloves just wasn t an option for me until we eventually HAD TO use all fours towards the top. The terrain started off with wide steps with loose rocks and pebbles. I was advised to stop and take a few deep breaths at each station and I would not budge until I got two bags full, before they got starved. Each station had a few benches to rest but no shelter. That sound of raindrops consistently falling on to plastic covers became the Fuji-Yama soundtrack. As I mentioned, there are mountain huts but you have to reserve way in advance as they get booked up fairly quickly. We didn t, decided we could just nap on the benches outside, which we didn t. Don t make this same mistake. Anyways, it s a long walk to freedom, and back down again. We eventually got through the clouds and thank goodness, no more rain! But now the temperature has dropped considerably. It was a catch-22 situation: If you keep climbing (no stopping) you wouldn t feel the cold but you would get quite ill and too tired. If you stop, the icy wetness of your clothes would pinch your bones and muscles. We had a few moments where the clouds had allowed us a spectacular view of the stars beneath and above us. Japan s city lights are truly magnificent. I was also advised to stop and look up. Being constantly reliant on the ring of light in front of you, you d miss it. Just stop and look up.!!! We unfortunately left a man behind at the 8th station who wasn t well-equipped for the journey, and another soldier got a serious bought of altitude sickness (difficulty breathing and vomiting), it s sad to say but to make the sunrise, you just have to go on but to make absolute sure that wounded soldiers are left, stationary, at a place to rest to avoid injury whilst climbing solo in the dark. Station 9.5: almost Hogwarts but not quite, almost the summit but not quite. A cabin/restaurant provides a place to sit and order hot foods or drink. At this stage I was about to shove my mouth under the boiling hot urn. I couldn t stomach much, so Udon (type of Japanese noodle) in veg broth it was. Defrosting the hands, Heaven! Unfortunately as soon as they had cleared away all the dishes, we had to vacate to allow for new, hungry customers, but the warmth and selfishness got the best of us with Emi pretending to still be sipping the very last drops of the cold juices from her noodle bowl to allow us a couple more minutes. Apologies for the graphic details but it just has to be said our sickly soldier got ill at the table into his dish this is quite a known occurrence as common as a nomi-ho-dai (All you can drink) with new, coming-of-age recruits. He really got a full helping of the altitude, dazed and confused, flailing around with his dinner time lucky packet, finding a suitable place to leave it. So, for the last stretch Let s do this! Mooikloof Issue

13 Travel distances you can see, the top of other mountains. The view is probably more spectacular because you've been blinded for so long. The trail is quite busy as there s only a very narrow, extremely steep path and basically just climbing rocks. Now it s a race, against the sun, and we re losing. Whatever energy you have left, every noodle you consumed needs to work for you right now. Please take this slow and carefully... not if I can help it. Eventually reach the top, cannot believe how crowded it is. Besides the sunrise, the most extraordinary sight was a man, probably about eighty-something, carrying I m presuming his grandson, who has physical and mental complications on a stretcher/chair type thing by all his might and everything he had left in him, find a good viewing spot and collapse, his back facing the edge so the child has the view. I was beyond ecstatic for the sunrise, not for any spiritual reasons but so my clothes could finally dry. I ve seen a volcano s crater prior to this in Italy Mount Vesuvius. It is quite a thing to see, especially knowing that this will some day, wipe out some of this beloved little island. Mount Fuji is a ton bigger and higher than I anticipated. The summit is just red volcanic rock, but that s not what you came to look at. The view from the top is just too good to be true. The Climbing at night carries something different. I highly recommend it over a day trip. You really get to appreciate the sun for a ton more reasons, for if you climbed during the day, you would gradually see a better view with each step. The ending wouldn t be as enchanting or surprising. OK great! Finally the sun s up. Time to start the day oh crap! We re stuck on top of a mountain didn t think about that part. To begin the next chapter: The Way Back, at least Frodo and Samwise got eagles! Where s mine?! Climbing down was half-fun when we got to the loose rocks, slipperyslidey part, like ice-skating if you get the right rhythm going. You feel so accomplished until you see those day-trippers in T-shirts giving weird looks at you dressed like an Eskimo in the blazing clearskied sun Hey, I ve worked for this sunlight! Fatigue hits you as you reach the bottom and wait for the bus. My feet! A bus seat has never been more welcoming and comforting. That extreme tiredness sets in when you can t tell if you re awake and daydreaming that you re asleep or you re fast asleep and dreaming that you re awake. Pure. Solid. Exhaustion. We barely knew each other when saying goodbye. I still had to take a 45 minute train ride home, full of mud and mountain smells but worth it. It s nice to say that I ve climbed and seen Japan from its highest point. It s a great way to test a new relationship, determine if your new squeeze will fit into your circle and to test your calm and positive mindset that you ve adopted whilst living here. Certainly an experience. I d say Once was enough, but I d be saying that on every descent. Mooikloof Issue

14 WE DO TURNKEY PROJECT FROM ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS TO THE COMPLETE PRODUCT. The Mighty Tigris is able to ensure streamlined projects through the availability of a number of services, such as in-house architectural services, an engineering service and building and garden planning. The turnkey service offering allows the home owner to take comfort in knowing that the company has everything covered. GETTING THE BASICS RIGHT The biggest challenge in the contracting industry is the miscommunication between the client and the contractor regarding the basic business principles that apply to any form of contractual agreement. Below are a few questions you should be asking when taking on a new build or renovation. 1Am I choosing the right company? Does the company you chose suit your building or renovation requirements? Does it deliver the style you are looking for? Does it offer a turnkey building package that includes architectural drawings, council approval and hand-over, or does it specialise in only one area? 2How much will it cost? One of the most important factors is to ensure that the project cost was made clear before any work commences, and that what was quoted is delivered. The biggest challenges and disagreements come to light when there are hidden costs or changes to the original cost of the project. 3Do I have to worry about site safety? While working on the project, does the company offer public liability on the site s facilities, including the health and safety of the workers on site, as well as site visitors?

15 4Who will handle quality control? Are there staff members on site available to answer the questions and address the needs of the client? Is there a designated staff member who ensures that the project meets the standards of the current building regulations? 5Will this project keep to the agreed time frames? It is important to stay within the time frames of the project, and also acknowledge the different building seasons and downtimes. 6Who will hold the builders accountable? It is important to take stock and ensure that what was quoted for is delivered, and that all certificates from the relevant parties can be provided when needed. The Mighty Tigris will be offering a series of features tackling all of your building and renovation matters, so look out for next month s edition. For questions regarding this feature, Jaco van Deventer is an expert in the field of construction, and turnkey building projects. As general manager of The Mighty Tigris, Jaco is passionate about delivering high-end services to his clients and ensuring that the vision for each project is fulfilled. For more information on The Mighty Tigris: Call us: us: Visit us:

16 Natuur Ek het n voëltjie hoor fluit... Janie van Heerden... die Bloureier Die Bloureier, van die familie Ardeidae, (Ardea cinerea; Grey Heron in Engels) is die mees algemene reier in Suider Afrika. Hierdie standvoël is inheems aan die dele van Europa en Asië met n matige klimaat, asook dele van Afrika. Baie voëls sal egter migreer tydens die winter om ys in kouer areas te vermy maar nie uit Suider Afrika nie. Die voëls kom regoor Suid-Afrika voor, alhoewel kolonies in die droër westelike dele hoofsaaklik aan die kus of langs groot riviere gekonsentreer is. Die Bloureier het in droë areas baie gebaat by die skepping van kunsmatige watermassas en die aanplanting van uitheemse bome wat hoog groei. Die Bloureier is n groot voël: cm lank met n cm vlerkspan en n gewig van 1 2 kg. Sy vere is meestal blou-grys bo-op en vuilwit aan die onderkant. Volwassenes het n wit kop met n breë wit voorkop, terwyl jong voëls n grys kop het. Die bene is wit en die oë geel. Die voël het n kragtige pienk-geel bek, wat breër is by parende volwassenes. Die Bloureier vlieg stadig, met sy lang nek in n S - vorm teruggetrek. Die Bloureier is monogaam, broei gewoonlik in kolonies of klein groepies wat soms uit verskillende spesies bestaan, in bome naby mere, die strand of ander moeraslande. Reiers sal soms hul neste in die riete in rivierbeddings bou. Die nes, van stokkies, word deur die wyfie gebou en is groot en lywig. Soms word nuwe neste bo-op ou neste gebou wat beteken dat die struktuur baie groot raak. Drie tot vyf eiers word gelê en beide ouers broei daarop vir sowat 25 dae. Die voëls is bedags aktief en slaap snags saam in kolonies in hoë bome. Die Bloureier jag in vlak water, waar dit visse of paddas vang met sy lang bek. Soms sal dit ook klein soogdiere of ander voëls vang. Die reier wag gewoonlik vir sy prooi om stil te staan voor hy dit vang, of sal dit baie stadig agtervolg. Nog n jagtegniek is om uit die lug in die water af te duik om n vis te vang. Sodra die vis gevang is manipuleer die voël die vis sodat dit kop eerste gesluk kan word. Die voël maak n lang fraaank geluid. Mooikloof Issue

17 Horse - E - News Sheleph Burger Erin Muller (of Mooikloof Equestrian Estate) and Asea Pozniakow of Riba Stables Vaulting Club in Kyalami have taken this sport in their stride and recently competed against Europe s finest in their first-ever international tournament. Muller and Pozniakow walked away with gold and silver medals respectively after competing in the Competition Vaulting International One Star tournament, which was held in Belgium in May. Now back on home soil, the pair are already twirling and twisting on horseback under the guidance of club owner, Barbie Gertenbach. Europe has been doing vaulting for the last 50 years, whereas South Africa only started in the 2000s and does not have the same expertise. For these two to go and compete against six of the best riders in Europe and beat them is excellent, Gertenbach said. Asea Pozniakow She explained that equestrian vaulting involves a vaulter, or a team of up to three members, who perform gymnastics on the back of a horse while it circles an area under the guidance of a lunger. In the tournament in Belgium, each girl had to perform a compulsory routine as well as a freestyle routine of their choosing. My routine was The Huntsman: Winter s War, said Muller. During her routine, Muller had to put her whole heart into it and stay in character even between the stunts. Pozniakow enacted The Jungle Book and said that when riders vault, they need to trust their horses completely. Even when you think they [horses] will misbehave, you must still trust them, Pozniakow said. Also supporting the girls in Belgium were Jasyn Gertenbach, their coach, and Ines Nawroth, the lunger. Erin Muller Mooikloof Issue

18 Adventure I m not sure how but perhaps as the year has flown by, you re looking for some place to unwind. To slow down. Well if that s the case then perhaps this article is not for you. Because yes, this article is about hotels. But it s about the wackiest, craziest hotels you ever did see. So, if you re keen for an adventure, looking to add ticks to that bucket list, read on! No, you didn t read wrong. It says Crane. This hotel offers you a suite in a converted crane. Perks? You have an incredible aerial view of Amsterdam. Cons? Well, if you have a fear of heights this is not going to be fun at all. This hotel is a really great idea for the history boffins out there. The 19th century San Pedro Bull Fighting ring has been refurbished to create this hotel. So, grab a room with a view of the ancient arena and when you need to wind down, why not head down to the bull-pens which have been converted into a bar. Mooikloof Issue

19 Adventure This is a floating former Dutch Detention Centre. And now you can grab a room in it and spend a few days floating up the Thames. There s a rooftop bar where you can snag a bit of sun and watch London float by. Think it would great to spend a night in a 1976 Jumbo Jet? Well, now you can. This Jumbo Jet has been converted into a hotel with the best room obviously being the cockpit room. It s close to the Stockholm Arlanda Airport in Sweden so you even have the experience of planes taking off around you as you doze off in a Jumbo Jet. Set in the Vancouver Island Rainforest are the free spirit spheres. These spheres hang in the trees and gently sway in the wind. Mooikloof Issue

20 Building 1, First Floor No.4 Graham Road, Shere, Pretoria divineskinsa divine skin and beauty Matric Farewell Packages Available Manicures / Pedicures Nelé / Gelish Nails Waxing Tinting Spraytan (Fake Bake) Lamelle Skin Treatments and Chemical Peels Dermalogica Skin Treatments Meseostetic Microblading Massages Lash Extensions Slimming Make-Up Botox / Fillers Plexr Thread Lifting IV Vitamin Drips (By Dr s. Appointment only) BEFORE R100 OFF ON YOUR 1ST TREATMENT Cut Out & Bring Along To Claim This Voucher. * Only 1 Voucher Per Person AFTER Mooikloof Issue

21 Adventure Yes, this is a building shaped like a boot. If the shoe fits Think it would be a good idea to hang off the side of a cliff overlooking the Sacred Valley in Peru? Well now you can. Grab a pod, climb into bed hanging off the side of a cliff and fall asleep watching the twinkling stars. I m not sure how much sleep I d get hanging off a cliff but the experience sounds unforgettable nonetheless. Mooikloof Issue

22 M o o i k l o o f S e r v i c e P r ov i d e r s Home Services: 1-2-Tree Felling 1-2-Tree Felling is a solely owned company with more than 16 years experience in tree felling. For all your tree, stump removal & pruning needs in Pretoria. We give the best service at the best prices! Don t bark up the wrong tree. Call us for fast, reliable service and reasonable prices. We offer free quotations and free advice. Contact JC: Cell: Tel: Artefon Roofing Roofing Solutions Call: Top Carpets Zambezi Flooring Specialist Call: Universal Roofing Roofing Solutions Call: /8. Seraph Blinds Creative Home and Office Décor. Call: Building Services: Additions, renovations and new houses; 25 years experience. Contact Carel, Cell: Sep Plumbing Construction/maintenance plumbing, rain water harvesting, storage water systems, pump systems, irrigation, paving. Contact Hardu at: or Stefan at: address: Automobile: Nissan Menlyn Call: Appliances/Electronics Power Solutions Backup Power Solutions Call: Elite Technologies Advanced Home and Entertainment Solutions Call: Qualified Electrician Maintenance/repair work, new installations, appliance repairs. Very reasonable rates. Please contact: Peet Erasmus: Health & Wellness The Twilight Fitness Zone Come join me for personal training in privacy at my studio in Cornwall. Contact me for a free assessment. Christa: Yoga Classes Week days Mornings & Evenings. Booking necessary. Contact: Lesle Lundall Annique Rooibos Health & Beauty Products Independent Consultant - Caroline, , Business Opportunity, Products and Monthly Special Offers. Personal Trainer Based at Virgin Active in Centurion. Morning & evening slots available! Contact Eleanor Muller on: , for all your health, fitness and weight loss needs! Baby/Child Sleep Training UK qualified maternity nurse helps you get your baby into a day/night routine or takes over the night time care so parents can get some sleep! All info on my website or call me Deshaine: Food: Boma Vleismark Butchery and Deli Call: Café Beyritz Reminiscent European Style Bistro. Call: Azani Caterers Events Catering and Function Venues. Call: Ouma Isie's Tea Garden We offer a variety of daily menu items as well as a range of catering menus to tantalise all taste buds ,, FTTV Services We install and setup Internet, Wi-fi, Dstv, Multimedia and Multiroom sound system for house and business environment. For brand go to: or contact Francois: / Address: 10 Shawu st, Pretorius Park x13, Pretoria East To advertise here please contact: Gerdie Murphy Mooikloof Issue Mooikloof Issue



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